
Hospital romance episode 4

Created by Valentine Valentine in Hospital romance 15 Jun 2021


Noah ?️
I watched Anna with wide eyes.
A son!

The thought kept ringing in my head.
How did she get a son?

Or is this a sham?
So she can leave?

“I won’t repeat my self , go to your duties”I growled angrily.

“Noah , how can you do this?” Carla yelled.
I ignored her and faced my laptop.

“Go to your posts now or you loose your jobs”I said.
Anna stood there shedding tears.

She can really act.
“Go Anna , go and come to work tommorow”Theresa said and I glared at her.

Anna and Carla rushed out before I could speak.
“Theresa what was that?”I demanded.

“Just give them a break”she said and left.
“Noah , what’s wrong”Nala asked.

“Nothing , can we go out for coffee?”I asked her.
I just needed to get my mind off her.

And the son she is talking about.
Nala nodded and we went to the cafeteria.

?? Carla ??

Anna and I alighted and paid the cab man before rushing into Diego’s school opposite our apartment.

We got to the school emergency’s room.
I saw Diego lying down and paled out.

“Miss Hudgens , the reports says that he doesn’t have any bone fracture”the principal told Anna when we asked about him.

“Anna , we have to get him to the hospital , he is looking pale”I said and she nodded.

“Does he have any sickness?”the principal asked and I nodded.

Anna just sat by Diego who was asleep and caressed his hair.

“He has this sickness that comes once in a while”I said and she nodded.

“Excuse me”she said and left.

“Let’s take him downtown , there is a clinic there”Anna said and I shook my head disapprovingly.

“No! , We are nurses let’s take him to our hospital”I said and her expressions changed.

“No! , Noah can’t see him nor know about him”Anna said and wiped the tears falling.

God! , She has been through a lot.
I kissed Diego’s cheek and sighed.

“Anna he needs serious attention and he is just three years please” I said and she shook her head.

God! , She is been stubborn.
“Carla , I just can’t”she said crying.

“I understand but please”I said and she nodded.
“What if_”she tried saying and I stopped her.

“No if , he is going to get serious medical treatment there”I said and she nodded.

She carried Diego and he stirred.
We took a cab and went to the hospital.


We got to the hospital and my heart jumped.
What if he finds out.

I shook the thought and we met Theresa.
I was still carrying Diego.

“Oh my!”Theresa exclaimed shockingly.
I know! , Diego looks like Noah.

Actually a photocopy of him.
He just took my eyes.

“Theresa is doctor blake around”I asked and she shook her head.

“Come”she said and we entered a ward.

“Carla let’s get ready for blood transfusion”I said.

“Go out Anna”Theresa said and I frowned.

“No! , I can’t leave my son”I said and she smiled.

“You will panick whiles working here , go get fresh air I will go and call the other doctor and some nurses”she said and left.

I kissed Diego’s hair and cheeks and went to the cafeteria.

At least a cold juice will calm my nerves.
I took some from the refrigerator and I bumped into someone and looked up.

I started at him and looked at his soiled coat.
I poured the juice over it.
“Am sorry”I said and he scoffed.

“I taught you went home”Noah said.

“Excuse me”I said and he held my hand when I was about to leave.

“Come with me”he said and pulled me.

“Let go me”I shouted struggling.

He pulled me to the men’s dressing room and locked the door.

“I am going to ask you some questions and I need answers”he said and I scoffed.

Diego is there battling with death and what?
He wants answers.

“I won’t answer anything” I said sternly and he held my waist.

“If you give me a wrong answer I will strip you”he said and I gulped hard.

“Let go me you d*ck” I yelled and he smirked.

“What was that stunt about a son?”he asked.

Such a prick.
I really wanna hate him but I can’t.

“Leave me”I said and he ignored me and clasped his lips on mine.

I gasped shocked and he used it as an opportunity to thrust his tongue into my mouth.

I didn’t know when I responded.
He kissed me. With Soo much vigor.

Even if Noah has changed his kisses hasn’t.
He broke the kiss and I panted heavily.

“Now answer me what was that_”he tried saying.
“I will not tell you sh*t” I said and tried leaving.

He stopped me and opened the zip on my uniform.
“Stop this madness Noah” I yelled and he smirked.

He pulled me to him self and kissed my neck.
“Now are you ready to talk or not”he wishpered against my neck.

“Let me go” I wanted to yell but it came out hoarsely.
“You want it the hard way”he said and started trailing wet kisses on my shoulder and neck.

I bit my lip to stop me from moaning.
But damn!
He knows my buttons and when to press them.

I moaned when we sucked on my ear lobe.
He looked at me and I couldn’t read his expressions.
Then it dawned on me!

Do I still love him?
Or does he still love me?

? Nala ?
I couldn’t find Noah so I dropped our coffee in the dust bin angrily.

What was that son stunt Anna pulled back there.
I called Damien and he asked me to meet him in his hotel room.

When I got there he was lying stark n*ked.
He thinks am here for s*x.

Horny freak!!

“Did you sleep with Anna the day we faked the cheating scandal”I asked and dropped my car keys on the coffee table.

“No! , now come here baby”Damien said and kissed me.

I pushed him and he was shocked.
“Anna has a son”I yelled and his eyes widened.

“What?”he yelled angrily
Theresa ?

I watched the cute handsome boy as he lied down.
No doubt he is Noah’s son.

But how?
Carla said he is three years.
And he is suffering from a blood sickness.

It seems sometimes he just collapses due to loss of plenty blood.
I sighed and watched Carla stroke his hair.

“He will be fine”I told Carla and she smiled a little.
“I hope so”Carla said and sighed deeply.

“And where is Anna?”I asked and she shrugged.
“I don’t know”She said and got up.

“Okay! , I have to clean up”I said and left.
I have to tell Noah.
He deserves to know.

?️ Noah ?️

I sat down in the men’s dressing room lost in thought.
After our making out she ignored me and left.

Just like that!
Do I really hate her?

Blake entered and I frowned.
“You said you were not coming”I said and he smiled.

“Theresa said there was an emergency and you were no where to be found”he said and I gasped.

“Emergency?”I asked and he nodded changing his clothes.

“A little boy was suffering from blood circulation effects “he said and I nodded.

“How is he now?”I asked and he smirked.
“Good”he said and I smiled.

“Okay I will go meet Nala now I left her stranded she must be worried”I said and left to my office.

My cell phone rang and I saw mom’s name on the screen.
Gosh! I don’t need her trauntums now.

?”Hello Mom”I said after answering.

?”Noah , you have to come home early”she said.

?”Why? , I am not done with work”I said.

?”Well work can wait” she said and I frowned.

?”What is it mom , that I have to come home early”I said to her scoffing.
She is so adamant.

?”Just come before five pm”she said and hanged up.

? Damien ?

After f*cking Nala I was damn tired.

“My parents and I are having dinner in Noah’s house today”Nala said after we collapsed on the bed.

“Okay , so what do you want me to do?”I asked and she smirked.

“Let’s find out if what Anna said about a son is true”she said and I smiled.

“Easy to do”I said and climed on top of her.

“What if it’s true”I said and thrusted into her again.
She moaned and gripped on my back.

“That’s an answer for another day”she said nearly audible.
I continued my fast pace until we both came together.

Phanting , moaning and groaning at the same time.
“I have made many mistakes in my life , but f*cking you was never one”I said and kissed her jaw.

“Enough I have to get to the hospital”she said and went to the bathroom.

? Anna?

I ignored Noah after our make out.
I left him and went to have a cold juice.

My nerves were jumping and I had to calm them.
I went to Diego’s ward later in the afternoon and met Carla feeding Diego.

“Diego”I said and kissed his cheeks.
“Mama”his tiny voice said and smiled.

“You scared Mama to death”I said and he nodded.
“I am sowwy” he said and Carla laughed.
‘sowwy’ instead of sorry.

“Carla I think our shift is over”I said and she nodded.
“Theresa also said we can take him home he is better now”Carla said.

“I will go pack our things”I said and went to the dressing room to pick our bags and other things.

I was coming out and I met Theresa.
“Anna , he is fine now”she said and I smiled.

“Thanks Theresa , we will get going our shift is over”I said and she nodded.

“Bye and remember not to give him seafoods”she said and I smiled.

“I will go get his medicines”I said and left.

I met doctor Blake at the hallway and I smiled at him.

“Thanks for today”I said and he smiled.

“It’s nothing”he said and handed me Diego’s medicine.

“After a week he can stop taking them”he said and I nodded.

“Thanks”I said and placed the medicine in my bag and left.

? Blake ?

I watched her leave and sighed.
Noah has to know.

I went to his office and saw Theresa.
“Have you seen Noah”I asked and she shrugged.

“The receptionist said he just left”she said disappointedly.

“Sh*t!”I exclaimed.
“You wanted to tell him”she said and I nodded.

She smiled and patted my back.
“Tommorow is another day Blake”she said and left.

Nala came in shortly and I sighed.

“Blake have you seen Noah?”she asked and I shrugged.

“Theresa said he went home”I said.

“Noah went home?”she asked baffled.

“Yeah! , Why?”I asked and she snorted.

“Nothing , it’s just 4pm that’s why”she said and I mouthed an ‘oh’.

Theresa entered and scoffed at Nala.

“I heard you are in so I came to look for you”Theresa said to Nala.

“Why?”Nala asked.

“Where were you all day?”Theresa asked clearly anionned.

“I went to have coffee with Noah”Nala said.

“You used two hours to have coffee , ignoring your duties”Theresa said and scoffed.

“You can ask Noah”Nala said.
But Noah was in the dressing room or?

Theresa shok her head and left.
Nala also looked at me awkwardly before leaving.


?️ Noah?️
I was in my room clearly angry.
First Anna won’t get out of my head.

Second that son stunt Carla said in the morning is eating me up.
Third I came home for mom to say we are having dinner with the Roberts.

Nala’s parents and her.
Why can’t they understand that I don’t like her.

I got a message from my phone from Blake.
I opened it and it read.

‘i have something to tell you’
I sighed and got up to go meet him.

When I got downstairs the Nala and her parents were there.

Oh sh*t.
I turned to go back to my room.

“Noah , I was about to call you”Mom said and I sighed.

“Good evening Mr and Mrs Roberts”I told Nala’s parents and they smiled at me.

“How are you Noah?” her father asked.

“Good”I said and sat at the dinning table with them.
“How is work?”her mother also asked.

“Fine” I said and forced a smile.

“Nala said you asked her out”Mom said and I glanced at Nala.

She smiled and I scoffed.

“When?” I asked Nala…………..
Nala ☹️
Noah watched me awkwardly.

What I said wasn’t wrong.
“When did I ask you out?”Noah asked.

“At work”I replied eating my lasagna.

He sighed and nodded.
“Maybe I forgot”he said and I smirked.

I grinned widely.
Plans are falling into place.

“So Noah when do you plan on proposing?”Mom asked and Noah was shocked.

“Wh_what?”Noah said stuttering.

“Mom we are taking a step at a time”I said and she nodded.

“So Roland how is business?”my dad asked Noah’s dad.

The conversation was getting boring.
Dinner was good though.

I glanced at Noah and he was looking at me.
I smiled and he scoffed.

Like I care.

? Anna ?

Diego had eaten and taken a shower.
I gave him his medicines and he insisted on lying by me.

We were on my bed cuddling and he climed on top of me.

“Diego”Carla said laughing.
He was on top of me.

His head on my chest and I sighed.
My baby.

“Won’t you sleep?”I asked Diego and he nodded.
“Baby , rest you are sick”Carla said and he nodded.

He closed his eyes still lying on top of me.
“Carla am scared” I said and looked at me.

“Of what?”she asked and I sighed.

“Theresa can tell Noah and Blake too”I said and kissed Diego’s hair.

“Anna , he deserves to know , he is his father”Carla said and I sighed.

“He will take him away”I said and she shook her head.

“He can’t do that”Carla said.

“Am still scared”I said and put Diego beside me.
I can’t loose him. I kissed his temple and he stirred.

“Calm down and rest it’s late” she said and I nodded.
“Tommorow is Saturday , no work for us”I said and she grinned.

“Thank God! , goodnight Anna”Carla said and I nodded.

“Goodnight Carla”I wishpered and cuddled Diego before sleeping.

?️ Noah ?️

Nala’s parents and my parents were in the hall drinking wine and talking.

Nala and I were in the balcony.
I looked at her and she was smiling at me.

I scoffed and sat down on the couch.
“Noah , you won’t stay angry at me forever”she said and I sighed.

She is right.
“Am sleepy”I said and got up.

“I will go and excort you to your room”she said I groaned angrily.


She is been too clingy.
We entered my room and she closed the door.

“You can go , we are here”I said and she chuckled.

“Are you scared of me now”she said and removed
her jacket.

“Nala go your parents are waiting for you”I said and she shook her head.

“They will go alone”she said and trailed kisses down my neck.

I pushed her and she rolled her eyes.

“Stop acting like a kid Noah , we both want this”she said and I glared at her.

“I don’t want anything , now get out”I yelled and she flinched.

“No!”she said sternly.
Before I could push her out she slammed her lips on mine.

God! , I was loosing control.
I responded and she kissed my jaw.

Noah this isn’t right.
What if she gets pregnant.

“Are you on pills?”I asked her and she smiled.
“Yes”she said and we went back to kissing.

We undressed and I took her to bed.
I flicked her nipples and she moaned.

We continued kissing and I trusted into her.
I groaned in pleasure.

“Oh….my….God”Nala moaned when I increased my pace.

It’s going to be a long night.


❤️? Carla ❤️?

I was cleaning our apartment.
Anna and Diego were still in bed.

I was doing the dishes.
“Aunt Carla”I looked up and saw Diego coming down from the stairs.

“Baby how was your night”I said wiping my hands when I was done.

“Good”he said and sat on the couch.

I poured his milk in a glass and handed it to him.

“No , I won’t drink it “his tiny voice said.

“Well drink it before your mom wakes up then we go to the park”I said and he eyes sparkled.

“Park?”he asked and I nodded.
He took it and gulped everything.

“Good boy”I said and kissed his cheeks.
He is so adorable.

“Hello family”I looked up and saw Anna coming down in a floral dress.
She looked beautiful.

“Hello mommy”Diego said and she kissed his temple.

“How are you baby?”Anna asked Diego.

“I am fine , aunt is taking me to the park”Diego said.
Oh damn! , It was a lie.

Anna glared at me and I shrugged.
The door bell rang and I got up.

“I will go get it”I said and rushed to the door.
I opened it and my eyes widened.

What is he doing here?
How did he know we are here?

? Nala ?

My eyes flickered open and I yawned.
I looked at my right and saw Noah sleeping.

His toned muscles were Soo beautiful.
This doctor might be a gym freak.

Yesterday’s event brushed throughout my mind and I smiled.

His eyes opened and he yawned.
“Good morning”I said and he turned to see me.

His eyes opened and he blinked like he was dreaming.

“What are you doing here”Noah yelled.

“Hey! , What is with the attitude huh!”I said.

He looked at himself and me and cussed loudly.

“What the f*ck are you doing in my bed naked”he roared angrily ……….

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