
jilted episode 65

Created by Valentine Valentine in jilted 28 Oct 2019
Sequence 65

?Ambrose POV ?

At first, I thought it was a joke, I was trying to prove stubborn, I went through first three days without touching her, on the fourth day I tried taking her in the shower, my wife was quoting the scriptures and tagging me a "Devil".

It's a week now and the only thing I share with my wife is food. No touch, no kiss, no sex, no cuddle. Eugene left with Sammy yesterday, there's no one to play with, Haira is taking it too serious that she no longer dress hot for me, she still had her long gowns somewhere in the wardrobe. I am just going crazy with this new change in my home, I am erected and need to be eased, she doesn't expect me to use a whore when I have her.

Around 4pm in the evening, I sat in bed waiting for her, we need to talk seriously. I can't deal, it's not just going to work.

"Don't turn your back on me yet, I have had enough of this, I can't even touch your nipples, you react as if I just set you on fire, look, if it's about babies, we would have children, after all you can only get pregnant when you allow me explore you, baby let's feel the joy of marriage please" I pleaded. I dare not touch her, she placed two pillows between us, we now sleep like total strangers.

"The joy of marriage is what? Children. You have been doing it all along and nothing, so tell me what you can do even of I allow you have me?"

"The doctor said we are fine baby, it takes only one night to get pregnant remember?"

"We are fine medically, that's it, can't you see our problem is spiritual? We are under an attack and I wouldn't fold my hands and watch my husband have kids with multiple women outside my home, never!" She snapped her thumb and index finger behind her head.

I rested my back, she can't leave me like this, I need sex.
"I am your husband and I am all that matters, baby, I don't care if we have a child or not, that's not why I married you" I said turning to face her. I didn't marry her to turn her to a baby making machine, I just wanted a partner I could tell anything and everything, someone that can ease me in all directions of life.

"You married me to keep me indoor while she have babies for you right? No, it's just three months and you would wait, let me talk to my God oo" She warned before slumping into bed.

"Ok fine, what about us making out between 9-11pm? You sure would have break by 6 or7 right? Then another fasting starts 12am? Yea, I would make do with that" I said hoping that I just got the right solution to our problem.
She chuckled sitting up in bed "I am suppose to be clean for those 90days, sex in between that time especially so late at night is ............"

"Does my semen make you dirty spiritually? Am your husband remember?" I quickly cut in.

"Ambrose who are you? You are suppose to join me in this but you didn't, am not even complaining. You are there acting like an angel of darkness" She fired facing me eye ball to eye ball.

"Did you just call me a devil?" I asked smiling, I don't know why I am exchanging words with her, can't I just rape her? After all she's mine, mine legally.

"What do we call a person who's not comfortable around prayers? I think a wizard" She yelled.

I licked my lower lip remixing how best to take her. I suddenly pulled her in for a kiss, she fought me back and slip out of my grip. I jump up running towards the door before she would think of running out. I turned the key and removed it from it hole, waking up to the dressing table, I place it there.

"Ambrose, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus" She shouted as I undress. She began to act like she's seeing my nudity for the first time.

"Amen sweetie, can I have a taste of my juice? I hate forcing my way in but if this is the style you want for the next 90days or whatever days, I Iike it that way, forceful sex gives a lot of pleasure" I said walking towards her with my erected manhood. It's always erected anyways, it's the reason for my craziness, actually in another few minutes, I would be tagged a rapist.

"Come here" I grabbed her wrist pulling her into bed.

"Holy Ghost fire, Lord come to the rescue of your child" She literally began to cry.
I tried not to be moved by her tears, who starves their partner for three months all in the name of fasting? Even the pastors take their wives while fasting, it makes God listen to their cries.

She was wearing a gown so it was easy to flip it up. A week without sex is no joke.

I turned her around on the bed, she was crying seriously, Apollos came knocking, I discharged her and continue with my prayer warrior, she kept fighting me and I was having a harding time rolling her panties down, she's so strong.

My phone beeped continuously, I was getting upset now, the loud ring tone was distracting me, I rushed to the phone on the dressing table, it was Anthony. What does he want now?

"I would be leaving in ten minutes, come pick the file up now" He said. I was disappointed, why now? Anyways I have to go, Haira goes no where and I would come home to meet her.

I got dressed staring at her all through, she was thanking God for the miraculously intervention. I shook my head, I was damn erected and would stop at nothing to have her.

I collapse next to her in bed, she shifted a little bit, I smiled. Laying down on my chest, I licked her wrist, she quickly withdrawal from me.

"You know my problem, I can't just do without it, I am sorry if am going to be hurting you for the next few weeks, that's the best I can do for us, our marriage, if I let you be, Just know that I am getting it elsewhere and I can't do that, I love you" I ran my tongue along her neck even though she tried pushing me away, I held her tight and kiss her left ear.

"Get it outside, Just let me be!"
I move out of bed, she's taking it too far. I went for the key and walk up to their door.

"I would remember this" I responded as I slam the door behind me.

?Hanna POV ?

"Hello, what happened now?" I spoke into the phone in my lowest voice.

Anthony is downstairs ready for his journey, he ask me to stay in the house and wait for his return, he would be away for the entire month.
Haira was on the phone with me, she said Ambrose tried raping her and she's scared he would succeded in his next attempt, she wants a solution. Anthony called Ambrose in my presence, I know he's on his way here and this is just my opportunity to strike. I inhaled rolling my eyes, stretching my neck to see if Anthony hasn't stepped into the room, I turn around when I was sure he's not in the room. Holding the washing hand basin in front of me, I whispered looking at the mirror above my head "Is there no other room in your house? Vacate the room for now, he's your husband and you know how to get him back after the fasting and prayer, you need to be strong now oo"

"Yes, I would move downstairs, there's a room downstairs, I would move in tonight" She assured.

"Please stand on your decision, no sex!" I reminded, that's the most important.

I ended the call and got ready, it's almost time, I can't wait to gist Laura about the whole shit.

I rushed downstairs, Anthony was sipping from a wine cup, he was busy selecting another wine from the bar.
I saw the documents Ambrose is coming for, I stylishly removed a single sheet from the file and hide it under two throw pillows. Ambrose would have to come back for this when Anthony must have left.

Anthony left the bar, he walk up to me and held me by the waist "Please stay healthy, no smoking for now"
He kissed me deeply, I withdraw and he gave a scornful look.

"Princess, what? Money?"
I rolled my eyes, Mtcheeew, I doubt if he has a manhood.

"Sex" I said falling into his chest.

"Not now, I can't bring myself to having sex so soon"

"So soon? I thought you said you are 31, what's so soon?" I yelled.
He pulled me off his body and sank into a couch, the same couch I hide the copy. He was about lifting one of the throw pillows up when I rush at him kissing him passionately. All I did was to distract him.

"Are you tired of me already? I would make it up to you please" He pleaded.
Anthony have been spoiling me with unnecessary gifts and money, no hot romance, no sex or smooching. Just kiss, I am getting tired.

"Have heard you o" I snapped looking in front of me.

"Please now, I would make it up to you"

"If there's a reason behind this let me know, I am no kid. Is there an issue with you down there? Am I not hot?"

"You are good, I have no issues, am just fine"

"So, how do you manage to resist me? You never attempted to take me, don't you get erected at all?"

"I do, I have self control, am sorry, I would make it up to you when I return, I promise" He promised, I smiled hoping that he make it come true, who knows? He might be good, maybe better than Ambrose.

We heard Ambrose car horn, he took the envelope and rose to his feet, I rolled Anthony's bag behind me as I followed him out of the room.

He had few talks with Ambrose, I got excited thinking about Ambrose, he would definitely come back for the sheet and I wouldn't let him leave unless we make love.

"Princess, wait for me please, don't try it out of our relationship, I know you want it, I would blow your mind when I return" He pulled me in for a hug. Ambrose car left the compound, I watch Anthony roll his box out too.

"I am suppose to wait for you abi? Who told you I love you sef? Ambrose is the man" I murmured as I watch him vanish from the compound.

I return to the sitting room and read what the sheet had on it, it seems important. I giggled at the sight of the sheet, Ambrose is coming, he definitely wouldn't go home to be eased of his erection, he's coming for the sheet and would fall into my arms like a child.

?Ambrose POV ?

I felt some absence in my matrimonial bedroom immediately I stepped in, it looks like some stuffs were moved out. It felt empty.

Haira wasn't in bed, I flung the document across the bed and ran to our private sitting room, she comes here whenever she wants to be alone. She's not there.
I had to check on Apollos, she said Haira moved downstairs.

"What?!" I exclaimed. Has it gotten to this?
I waved Apollos and ran down the stairs, taking them two at a time. I was sweating profusely, I knock the visitor's room, this is the last place I expect my wife to move in to.

She opened the door slightly trying to peep at the person, she obviously don't want to open the door for me. I took the door from her, pushing her inside, my eyes behold a well arranged room. In a very short time, she moved her wares to the room, she was still trying to arrange them in the wardrobe.

"What's this?" I pointed to the heap of clothes on the bed.

"I moved out of the room, I would return after praying don't worry" She said picking up a gown and folding it finely.

"Baby, this is not what I bargained for, what if you don't get pregnant after fasting?" I asked feeling fraustrated.

"My God doesn't forsake his own, he would definitely answer me" She said walking up to the wardrobe with the gown.

I am doomed, Haira is serious.

"Please move back, I wouldn't pester you for sex again, I would get it outside as you suggested" I said trying to see if that would make her have a rethink.
She chuckled, she walk pass me and flung the door open.

"Out!" She ordered pointing her index finger at the open space.

"This is my house remember?"

"And my house too, out man!" She came to me and pushed me out. She actually pushed me out of a guest room in my own house.

"You are pushing me, for God sake we can discuss this" I knock on the door hoping that she would give me audience.

My phone beeped, Hanna.

"Mr Ford, you forgot a sheet from your documents in my house, come for it please, I think Anthony forgot to pack it" She said immediately ending the call.
I look at the door and exhaled, I ran upstairs to confirm what she said. A sheet was really missing. I have to run back for it, Haira have to listen to me, I am so hot right now and I wouldn't mind raping her if I lay my hands on her.

?Hanna POV ?

I wore a clingy short gown, Just few inches below my buttocks. I was braless, my nipple pointing straight at the space. He bought this gown, I found it in the wardrobe, it was one of the few dresses I abandoned in the depth of my wardrobe. This gown would remind him of a lot of things, he's not going to escape it, Just this once and he remains in my trap.

I adjusted when his car drove in, I stood behind the door waiting for him to knock. He knocked twice before I open up. Immediately he saw that gown on me, he froze. I know it pass some messages, he might remember those good old days when he just want me hot and naughty. Those days he take me out every weekend and spoil me with goodies.

"The sheet?" He asked trying to get out of his thought.
I beckoned on him to come in, I locked the door and went upstairs, I took the sheet upstairs, he would come for it upstairs.
After pacing up and down the room for few minutes, I suddenly let out a very loud scream, I did it more than thrice so that he would trace my voice and come runing.
He actually came, I laid on the floor forming, he ran to me and pick me up, I pulled him in and kiss him passionately.

"Stop, am married" He yelled trying to get out of my hold.

"Don't you miss me? I am sorry for everything baby, I can't take you off my head please"

"What about Anthony? He loves you"

"We haven't made love, I would give you the best sex ever, you don't need Haira, she can't satisfy your sexual urge" I said licking his face. He seems calm, he just allowed me lick his face.

"She can, she's trying, I love her" He defended her, I gave him a scorn, Haira that has been starving him since last week.

"Fine, I am not asking for marriage, Just take me, It's obviously you want it, no one would know about this after all this isn't our first time now" I pleaded laying flat with him between my legs.

"Am sorry, I vow not to touch any other woman aside her" He said standing up weakly.

I bite my lower lip, he can't go like this I have gone too far than to lose him now.

"The sheet please, I have issues to handle at home" He said irritating me.

"What now? Is she that good? Have you done crazy things together? Ambrose look back, I ride you almost every morning, does she tweak on you? Haira everywhere! Is she better than myself? I can't cook abi? Is that it? I would learn. Fine, I have lost you to her, I deserve to feel you again, we smoke together remember? Donatus and Fiks right? I am sorry. I have gone through hell in three years, from the psychiatric home to being jilted again at the court, what about Amos? He hit me like a punching bag. All you did was Haira, Haira, Haira. You never cared about me, I would kill myself right here if you don't take me, remember the gateman saw you come in, you would be jailed and your Haira wouldn't save you"

It turned to tears and scream, I truly love him, right now I don't care, he must do it, I have to ruin his home. I don't mind being fucked by him till the end of times.

He couldn't resist me at some point, the yell, the screams, the seductions, he fell, he fell into my web and the camera was rolling unknown to him.





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