
Lemonades episode 10

Created by Valentine Valentine in Lemonades 19 Jul 2021



Dr Fahdi came to the house one Saturday to take Junior golfing. I was surprised they had arranged their outing. They came back in the evening. Junior enjoyed himself. He promised to take him again soon.

‘Maybe we will go with your mother”

“Would she like it?”

“I think so”

“Ok, she can come”

I went with them for golf and I had a wonderful time. I got to know more about Fahdi as he insisted I call him. He was a completely different person away from work. Junior liked him a lot.

One day after work, he offered to drop me off at home. I agreed. On the way, he asked that we stop by at a market so he could buy some things which he intended to cook with. I was surprised.

“I thought you were married,” I asked.

“Was. She divorced me because she said I loved my work more than her. I knew marriage wasn’t for me”

“Even with that, are you not in a relationship?”

“No. I don’t have serious relationships. I have casual encounters and platonic friendships. I am terrible at it. My friends still complain”

“You are lucky you have friends. I entered into my shell when I got pregnant for Junior. I had no friends or acquaintances. I just have my son, mother and grandmother. Bode was a welcome distraction”

“He was a terrible distraction. Whatever happened to him? Why do you call your son Junior?”

“He bears the same name as his father Emmanuel”

“Call him Emmanuel then. Why call him after someone who has proved to be unreliable. Do you understand?”

“I do. No wonder he addresses himself as Emmanuel these days; you influenced that”

“I just asked his name and told him not to be a shadow but the person. I’m happy he owned it”

“Thank you. He enjoys spending time with you. I wish I could have more role models he can look up to”

“He only needs one that will lead him aright. We are here now. Would you want to wait in the car?”

“No, I will go with you. I could also buy a few things”

We shopped together and he took me home. Before he left, he invited me to a wedding on Sunday. I wondered who weds on Sunday.

“It is a Muslim wedding. My cousin is getting married and it is a big deal. I get bored easily that is why I need company.”

“I haven’t attended a social event in forever. Ok, I will attend the marriage ceremony. What am I to wear?”

“Whatever you like. You don’t dress indecently normally, so be yourself”

I ransacked my wardrobe for what to wear but I didn’t have anything befitting for a wedding. I called my mother and told her. I told her categorically it was a Nikkah ceremony with the engagement. My mother had always been a fashionista so I had to run to her.

“Colour of the day?” she asked.

“I have no idea”

“Ask him so I know what to work with”

I had no choice but to call Dr Fahdi that night. I asked him for the colours.

“I don’t know. I am wearing white though, that’s my signature wear. I will send you the invite, it just might be there”

It was there. Purple and Gold. My mother went to work on it for me after I sent her the e-invitation.

Dr Fahdi and I hardly ever spoke at work and I appreciated that. We hardly even worked together. He dropped me off at home on the days our shifts ended at almost the same time. He did the same with other nurses and staff; it wasn’t just me in particular.

We went home together on a Wednesday. We talked about things randomly. For the first time, he mentioned his cousin was marrying a popular business tycoon. I held my breath. It was a big wedding; no, a societal wedding. I had to look good to attend. I sent a message to my mother telling her it was a big wedding.

“I know. I know the family. Your dress and accessories will be ready and delivered on Saturday. Nikkah takes place in the morning so no church. And, men and women don’t sit together. Remember that”

On Saturday evening, my dress arrived. My mother also sent me shoes and a purse. I was happy with the dress. My mother chose the right style that suited my personality and the occasion. I got a makeup artist to help me look good and tie my aso oke. I asked Fahdi what time we would be attending the wedding.

“We will attend when you come back from church. There is no hurry.”

“Won’t we miss the Nikkah? I will love to watch how it is done”

“Do you intend to marry a Muslim?”

“No, I am interested in knowing how it is done. I haven’t attended a wedding in a very long time. God will forgive me or I can go for the early morning service”

“It is supposed to start by 10 am but I know they wouldn’t begin until 11 am or 12 noon. Don’t eat too much; there is excess food”

“Thanks for the information. See you at 11 then”

That Sunday morning, we went to church. We can back at 9:30 am. We rushed back on grandma’s insistence. The makeup artist did my face. I insisted on no heavy makeup, no lashes and no glitter. I refused the contouring and only agreed to have a bronzer. She then tied my gele beautifully.

I wore my beautiful dress as per I am single and searching as my mother said. I looked amazing. I wore my shoes, put the mint I had changed into my purse and carried it. I sprayed on some perfumes which my aunt sent to me. My grandmother came into the room with a box. She brought out some things from the box and opened another box inside. She gave me a necklace to wear. They were gold balls made into a necklace. It was beautiful. She gave me the earrings and wristlets. I wore them and felt like a million dollars.

“When you get back, I will take them and keep them for you. I want you to look beautiful, you will meet your future husband there”

“Grandma, how do you know?”

“God has told me he will settle you very soon. He said he will wipe away your past and allow you to start on a clean slate. Your story will be rewritten”

“Grandma, I say amen to your prayers. Thank you so much”

“I don’t have long to remain on this earth. All I asked God is for me to witness you getting married to a man who will love you and take very good care of you just like your grandfather loved me and supported me in everything I did”

“That’s my prayer too grandma. I want you to be there when I get married. And you will carry my children”

“I have carried one, to carry one more wouldn’t be asking too much” I hugged her. She was my rock; she and my mother.

Junior came into my room to call and was transfixed. “You look amazing mum. Beautiful. You should look like this often.”

I came out to the sitting room and there was Dr Fahdi. He wore a lovely white kaftan with gold embroidery and a nicely embroidered cap. He was looking at his phone when I joined him. When he looked up, he too couldn’t hide his surprise. And then he smiled. He said hello to my grandmother and then said to me, still smiling, “shall we?”

In the car, he kept glancing over at me. He didn’t compliment me; he just looked at me severally still smiling. I was becoming uncomfortable but then since he didn’t make any move or say anything I relaxed.

We got to the venue of the wedding. As we entered, the ushers asked for our invitation and gave us a tag for our seat. Fahdi held my hand and walked with me into the venue. We walked to the front where family members sat. He gave me a sit to seat beside him but on the women’s side. He sat on the men’s side. There was a little distance between us. The ceremony had begun, I don’t know for how long. My phone vibrated and I checked it. It was Fahdi.

“You look exceptionally beautiful. I can’t stop looking at you. I feel so lucky to be your date”

“I think that is too much compliment. I feel honoured to be your date”

“What happened? What changed?”

“This will be my first wedding in a very long time. I felt like going all out to make the best of it.”

“You need to do this often. I like you without makeup and all but you stunned me today. A little dressing up wouldn’t be bad. I swear, if your fellow nurses see you, they will be amazed”

“Thank you. My head is swelling”

“Nikkah is almost over. It can be very boring. I told my family I will sit with you during the engagement. You might be the only female on my table but please feel free”

“It won’t be a problem”

‘Have I told you, you looking stunning?”

“Now you are making me shy”

“I can’t stop smiling. Everyone is staring at you”

“That’s an exaggeration; there are many beautiful women here”

“But you are the only one worth looking at. I kid you not”

I just had to look his way and smile. I saw his family pulling him and making jest of him as we made eye contact.

After the Nikkah, we all left the hall for it to be reorganized for the engagement. We came out to take pictures. I saw some young adults and teenagers speaking with British and American accents to each other. One day, my son will speak like this.

Fahdi and I took pictures together as we were flooded by photographers. We also took pictures with our phones. His cousins came to drag him to take pictures with them but he insisted they take them with me too. We took pictures with his family. I met the bride and groom. I was introduced as his friend.

Back in the hall, we sat down together. I was introduced to his mother, his stepfather, his uncles and aunts, some of his cousins and other extended family members. They seemed very excited to see me. One of his aunts said to him, “At last, you have brought someone. Let me believe those rumours aren’t true”

“Aunt, I don’t know what you are talking about”

“You know”

As he said, food was surplus and so were the drinks. I ate until I couldn’t take in anything anymore. I sat with him while souvenirs were handed over to me. I didn’t need to move a muscle. When it was time for the couple’s dance, we went out together to spray. He wanted to give me money but I had the mint in my purse. It was N100 notes. He was impressed. We went back to our seats.

“Aunt Sola said you should have this grilled fish, chicken and turkey” the lady gave me a big nylon.

Another appeared, “Mummy Raufu said I should give you this cooler”

“Here, these are your drinks. Fahdi will not move a muscle to get you anything” his sister said as she gave me a bag.

I turned to him and asked, “how do I take all these out without appearing like a glutton?”

“I will take them to the car for you”

“Why aren’t they giving you anything? Why are they treating me like family?”

“Because you are family. You are with us and they are pleased. Very soon they will ask you to visit the house or ask for your family” I laughed.

When we got tired, actually Fahdi got tired. He called a waiter with a tray and paid him to carry all my gifts to the car. He walked behind him. When he came back, he took me around to thank everyone and let them know I was leaving.

‘Hope we see you again soon. You can come to the house for lunch” his mother offered.

“She is my friend and colleague at work. We are alike; we work long hours. Please, she can’t come to lunch and you can’t have her number. Allow me to handle things myself and my way”

We left the party at about 4 pm. We drove to a lounge so we could just relax. I couldn’t take any drinks as I was full. He took a bottle of malt and we sat down and talked.

“You have a stepdad; I didn’t know that”

“Yeah, my mother married after having me. She had me for someone else.”

“So, why didn’t she marry him?”

“Her family rejected him so she tried to change their minds with the pregnancy, it didn’t work.”

“Do you know your father?”

“I do. He trained me. We talk once in a while”


We talked about our lives. I told him about my father and his rejection of me.

“His loss. You are an amazing person; he should have been there for you”

“I know. I badly needed his forgiveness and acceptance but it didn’t happen”

“What do you need for? You have achieved so much without him and will do much more. He is not important in your equation. My stepfather didn’t want me a grow up with him thinking he would need to take up my responsibilities. I stayed back with my grandparents. My father sent me to the best schools in Nigeria; from primary to secondary. I went to India to study Medicine. When I graduated, I went to Saudi Arabia to practise with my mentor. I went back to school to specialize after two years in the United States, went back to India for further training. Then I came back here to serve. I served in Ijebu ode and I saw an opportunity. I contacted my mentor who agreed to come to Nigeria. With the help of my father, my mentor and I got investors. The rest is history”

“Interesting. I can see you are close to your mum and stepfather”

“When he saw I was not a liability but rather an asset, he adjusted. We became friends. My mother loves him, so what was I to do. I have two sisters. He had a son before they got married. It has worked out perfectly for them”

“Who will represent your father when you get married?” I asked.

“My father is a responsible man. He has been there from the very beginning. He will stand in as my father. What of you? Who will stand in as your father?”

“My son. He will stand-in for my father if my father is still adamant’

“Make it your son even if your father forgives you. He deserves it. He takes very good care of you”

“I know, right?”

We talked about other things and then he brought up his family believing he was gay because they don’t see him with women.

‘But are you?”

“What do you think?”

“I don’t know. Doctors in the hospitals most times hit on nurses but you don’t. You are single and no girl has ever come looking for you; that’s strange. Even the married ones have ladies visiting them at work”

“I told you I am not in a relationship. I have casual and platonic friends. Why should I bring my mess to the hospital? Nobody visits me at work. Not male, not female. Why does it sound strange?”

“It is strange. We spend most of our time in the hospital so we expect our social life to linger around there too”

“You also didn’t have a relationship until that guy came along. I knew he was ‘trouble’ the first time I saw him. I’m happy you got rid of him”

“At least you know me with one person. We don’t know you with anyone. Are you sure you are not gay?” I asked jokingly.

“Should I prove to you I am not?”

“How do you intend to do that?”

To my greatest surprise, Fahdi leaned closer to me and then kissed me on my lips. I was transfixed when he did that. I couldn’t move. The kiss got deeper and I found myself opening my mouth to receive his tongue. I was lost in the moment. I had never thought about Fahdi in that way, maybe I did but I never dreamt of it being a reality.

Fahdi was every lady’s crush at the hospital. Apart from being extremely good looking (I have a thing for fine guys, right) he was also hardworking and very focused. He was punctual to work and never closed earlier than when his shifts end. He took extra shifts and was always on call for emergencies. He was any lady’s dream man.

I couldn’t dream. I felt I was messed up to dream. I never thought I would be in his arms and our tongues would be uniting at the moment. I knew if he asked, I would have thrown caution to the wind and given in to him. That was how gone I was from a mere kiss.

It ended. I couldn’t look at Fahdi anymore. I heard him say, “I am not gay. I had planned how I was going to cajole you to kiss you because you have been in my head all day and then the perfect opportunity reared its head. I had the best time at a wedding today. Because I was with you, I enjoyed it. I enjoy your company. I like you; I like you very much. I don’t want to play with you. Let’s see how this works. If you feel the same way and it eventually leads to love, then we will take it from there. What do you think?”

I couldn’t talk. My heart was racing. Did Fahdi just ask me out? I lowered my face. I was thirty-three and I was shy. What was wrong with me?

“You haven’t said anything. Or, am I coming on too strong?”

I gathered my composure and replied to him, “No, you are not. I am just surprised you would want to be with me knowing my background.”

“We all have a past. I told you mine. I want to spend more time with you. I want to take you out on a date. I want you to know more about me and I want to know more about you as a person, not your past. I have seen some of it without looking but I want to see more”

I was quiet. This was happening too fast. I liked Fahdi but this kiss had made me realise I more than liked him. Working with someone you are infatuated with can be difficult. I knew there would be talking at the hospital and I didn’t want that.

“Can we keep this away from the hospital? I want us to continue to relate the way we do. Once it is obvious we are having a relationship, there will be talk and I don’t want that, I have a reputation to protect”

“Deal. I won’t change anything at the hospital. But, we can hang out after work. I will love the alone time with you”

We dated. At work, we hardly related with each other. The only problem was his smile. He smiled whenever he sees me. Since he didn’t say anything to me, it was cool.

After work, he would pick me from a little walk from the hospital. We went out together. On Sundays, he took me to watch movies or play golf which I was beginning to love. Emmanuel joined us on some of the golf outings but most times, they went out on our own.

A month into the relationship, he took me to his place. He lived in a bungalow at the back of his mother’s house. He had his own private entrance which he drove in through. The sitting room was bare. He had two couches and that was all. He led me to his bedroom. It was large. Everything was there. I understood he lived like a bachelor. We sat down to talk and then we made out. We didn’t have sex; it took conviction not to do it. I knew for a fact, he wasn’t gay.

Three months into the relationship, I receive a call. I had a visitor at the reception of Emperor Hospital. I came downstairs and I saw Fahdi’s mother. She asked me if I could spare her a few minutes so we could talk. Fahdi wasn’t on duty at that time. I was worried. I went with her outside. We sat in her car.

“Esther, you will be wondering why I came to see you. It is because of Fahdi. It came to my knowledge that both of you are involved in a romantic relationship and I want to know how serious it is. So, tell me, are you in love with him?”

“Sorry, ma. I don’t know what you are talking about. I think whatever you need to know should come from Fahdi. Fahdi and I are just friends. I don’ understand”

“I am asking you because you are a woman and you understand these things. Fahdi will never come out to tell you he loves you. He won’t propose. You have to apply pressure for him to do the needful”

“Pressure? What for? Sorry ma, I am not comfortable having this conversation with you”

“Ok. We have a wedding in Lagos. Has Fahdi mentioned it to you?”

“He mentioned it”

Fahdi’s mother smiled. Her broad smile reminded me of her son. “Are you coming with him?”

“I am not sure. He just mentioned it in passing, he didn’t invite me”

“We have aso ebi. I will send yours through Fahdi. How many rooms should we book for both of you?”

“One room. I will not be staying with you; I have family in Lagos”

“But you will attend?”

“If Dr Fahdi invites me, why not”

I discussed his mother’s visit with him later that night. He didn’t say anything. I mentioned she wanted to know about our accommodation arrangement for Lagos and I told her I wasn’t sure I was going.

“I mentioned it. You are going with me”

“I am not comfortable with your mother visiting. We are still at the early stage and it is supposed to be between us. No one from my end knows, not even Emmanuel Junior”

“I will handle her. I’m just wondering how she found out. We will stay together in Lagos, I am arranging our accommodation. I am glad you told her you were staying with your family. I am sorry if she embarrassed you. I will take care of it”

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