
Lemonades episode 3

Created by Valentine Valentine in Lemonades 19 Jul 2021



I gave birth to my son at the beginning of the second term of SS3. When labour started, my grandmother took me to the health centre for delivery. The delivery was smooth and easy. I gave birth to a son whom I called Emmanuel after his father because he looked very much like him. My grandparents called him Ayomiku. His birth brought joy to his great grandparents but so much sorry to me, his mother.

My mother came to visit her first grandchild and me with Emmanuel and his family. Emmanuel being Yoruba, came with his family to name his son on the 8th day. He was named Emmanuel Junior Oluwasemilore Ayomiku Daniels.

I decided to remain with my grandparents until I get admission. My son was well taken care of by them. I passed WAEC and Jamb. I gained admission into the University of Ibadan to study Nursing Science as my father desired. Emmanuel gained admission into the same University of Ibadan to study Electrical and Electronics Engineering.

My mother appealed to my father to help sponsor me in the university.

“I don’t have a daughter; I have three sons only,” he replied.

“Why are you talking like this? She made a mistake and has learnt from it. Will you throw away the baby with the dirty water? Forgive her, please. You haven’t even seen your grandchild”

“Shut up woman, I have no grandchild. My mother was right, she took after you. I am not a promiscuous man and it doesn’t run in my family. Explain how a fifteen-year-old girl will be having sex with reckless abandon? She got it from somewhere”

“Papa Esther, didn’t two of your sisters have children at home? Uju was lucky to find a husband after. Where is Chi-Chi? Isn’t she in Abuja living in the house provided by her sugar daddy? All my family members are married with children from their husbands. If you could forgive Uju and Chi-Chi, you can forgive Esther”

“You dare challenge me? You are telling me what my sisters have done; are they my daughter? My daughter has disgraced me; I will never forgive her. See, I am not training her in school, that’s it”

My mother took up the responsibility of training me and taking care of my son. Emmanuel’s parents came to visit with some of the baby’s needs and money to support them. The baby didn’t lack much as my grandparents were prudent with their spending because of him.

Emmanuel and I continued our relationship. You would believe I hadn’t learnt my lesson, but that wasn’t the case. Emmanuel made promises to me which I held unto. He called me his wife to the hearing of others.

Emmanuel is very good looking and most of the girls noticed him. They flirted with him and many openly made advances at him. I witnessed some of them. I was insecure and felt the best way to keep my man was to do as he says. When he wanted sex, he would tell me how he can get it from other girls and I will foolishly succumb to his demands.

Before the end of the year, I was pregnant again. This time, immediately I missed my period, I told him and we both went to a hospital to have the abortion done. Emmanuel wanted to continue having unprotected sex with me; I refused. I was the one going through the pain alone and I wasn’t ready to abort a third time. We agreed to have sex with a condom.

Our relationship became rocky by the time we got to 300level. Emmanuel was no longer close to me. He hardly visited me or spoke to me. I was devastated when I found out he was seeing other girls. Girls fought over him publicly and he got kicks from watching them fight. I went to his apartment off-campus to have a word with him. The room door was locked. I knocked and he opened the door. It was obvious what was happening or happened in the room as their clothes and underwear were scattered on the floor.

“I’ve been a fool. My mother said I didn’t have sense and she was right; I have no sense at all. You, Emmanuel, you made me a mother, made my father disown me and I have aborted for you twice. You know what, enjoy your life. Guys are terrible humans. You made promises to me you never planned on fulfilling. I will never forgive you for this” I stormed out of the place. I expected Emmanuel to come after me but he didn’t. I cried knowing I had been stupid.

From there, my life changed. I never spoke with Emmanuel again. His family stopped sending support for Emmanuel Junior. I had to help my mother. I took up menial jobs to buy handouts and feed in school. I didn’t have nice clothes but it didn’t bother me. It was one of the things Emmanuel complained about. He said I dressed ‘native’. I had to concentrate on my studies and attain enviable heights. I looked like what I was going through. I remained focused but some nights I had to sleep on an empty tummy, I cried.

I cried because of my stupidity. How did I allow a man to deceive me not once but twice? I wondered how my mother was doing. The last time I saw her, she didn’t look well. She begged me not to relegate her suffering by getting pregnant again and I promised her I wouldn’t. I had planned on not breaking the promise.

With a lot of suffering and determination, I finally graduated. It was an uphill task but I made it. I was in the top ten of my class. It made me very happy and proud. My mother was so joyful when she received the good news. My grandparents encouraged me to further my education and continue to work hard for the sake of my son.

For Youth service, I was posted to Kano. I couldn’t believe I was going to the North. I told my grandparents. They were worried about the place but I decided to go where fate leads me. My son was seven years old then. He knew I was his mother but was more attached to my grandparents. He had started school and was doing very well. He acted older than his age with so much intelligence. I believed it was the effect of living with a retired school principal and a retired school teacher.

Before I travelled to Kano, I made a final attempt at reconciliation with my father. I travelled to Lagos with my son. When I got to the house, I said a silent prayer and went inside. My mother wasn’t expecting me so everyone was shocked when I came in with my son. My father saw me and stood up angrily charging at me.

“Get out of my house with that bastard. I don’t ever want to use my two eyes to see you again. You are a disgrace to my manhood. A slut. Leave here this moment”

“Papa, I know I have offended you. It has been more than seven years papa and you can’t still forgive me and accept your grandchild? He is not a bastard, he has a father who has acknowledged him. Forgive me, papa”

“Never. It will never happen. Esther, you are dead to me. I have blotted you completely from my life”

“Papa, I beg of you, please forgive me. I have made something out of my life. I have graduated and now I am going to serve. I have a degree in Nursing just as you desired for me. I am fulfilling everything you wanted for me”

“Very good. Go and tell the man responsible for your pregnancy the good news. I am not interested in a wayward child who will have children for different men”

His words struck a chord. I didn’t want to have children with different men. I decided to have only Emmanuel Junior if it would make my father love me again. As I left the place I once called home I cried. My mother wanted to see me off but my father stopped her. I could hear my mother crying in the house as I left.

I went to Emmanuel’s house knowing he would be home preparing for NYSC. I met his parents at home; they couldn’t recognize me. I looked terrible. I had to introduce myself. They felt ashamed. Emmanuel Junior looked like his father.

They called out Emmanuel. He was also shocked to see me in his abode. He went silent when he sighted his son. Junior sat with me wondering what was happening.

“I brought your son to you. I have raised him to this age on my own. Your parents visited and helped out for just two years before they abandoned us. My mother and grandparents have tried their best, now it is your turn. I need to get my life in order before I can come back for him.”

“What are you saying, Esther?” Emmanuel asked.

“I am saying I did not have this child alone and I am tired of catering for him like he doesn’t have a father. You are his father and you are responsible for him. The money you spent on girls when on campus if you had given half to me for this child, it would have helped tremendously. I knew all your escapades. Now, it is your turn to take care of him”

“See Esther, I don’t know what you are talking about. I accept he is my son and we are going for service. Why dump him on us? Is it because I called off our relationship? You are being vengeful now”

“When did our relationship end? Three years ago. Why am I being vengeful now? You are in your parents’ house forgiven for putting a fifteen-year-old in the family way and having a son. My father has sworn never to forgive me. My mother is hurt. My grandparents are getting too old to cater for him. Let him stay here for the one year I will serve. After service, I will come back for him”

Emmanuel’s father responded. “Your son can’t stay here. My wife and I work and there is no one to watch over him before we get back. We didn’t abandon him, we were under the impression you and Emmanuel had rekindled your relationship and so we stepped back to see if it would flourish”

“You stepped back your financial support for your grandchild because I continued the relationship with Emmanuel? How does the relationship cater for the child?”

“The money went to training Emmanuel so he will be a responsible father to his son”

“Emmanuel has never asked after his son even when we were in a relationship in school. I think you should hire a nanny to take care of him. I was posted to Kano state to serve. I want to ensure he is in good hands. I am going back to Ijebu ode. Thank you” I turned to her son, “My precious son, this is your father and these are your grandparents. You will stay here with them until I come back from service. Please, be a good boy. Make mama proud, ok? You know I love you and you are my number one priority. I want to make money so you will attend the secondary school you said you want to attend. Omo mi, be a good boy”

I stood up and walked out of their house with tears in my eyes. Emmanuel came after me.

“What you are doing is wrong, come and take this boy home. Nobody will leave their jobs to cater for him”

“You should have thought about that when you were seducing me to have sex with you. It’s your turn and he is your son. Do with him whatever you wish” and I walked away.

My grandparents were very upset with me for dropping Emmanuel Junior with his father’s family. They told me they were ready to manage with him until I returned. I saw reason with them but I was tired. I was tired of being treated like a fool. I was tired of being used. I was tired and ashamed of myself. My father’s rejection broke me into tiny pieces. It took forever to put the pieces back together.

The next day, Emmanuel’s mother took Junior to my family to drop him. They said they were willing to continue with support but they couldn’t keep the boy. My father chased her out of his house with a cutlass. She ran for her dear life leaving the scared boy behind. My mother quickly grabbed Junior and his bag and ran out of the house. She travelled to Ijebu ode that day with my scared son. I promised myself I would never put him through that ordeal again.

My mother called me aside and spoke to me. “Omo mi, what did I do to you that made you take this boy to where he will never be loved? I have made big sacrifices for you, why do you want to spoil it now when the battle is almost won? That Emmanuel boy is an irresponsible boy. His parents are no better. Ignore them, we will pull through this together.”

“I am afraid mummy. Would I have children for two different men? Would I be wayward like daddy said? I have only known one man and that is Emmanuel, I don’t want to be with him or any other man again. Look at me, I look haggard. Look at you, you look so lean. This is what I have put us through. I promise you, mummy, I will take very good care of you. You will not lack anything in this life. Just pray for me to make it”

“My daughter, if you settle for less, it is your fault. I have given you all you need to make it, from here, you are in charge. Don’t be a plaything to any man. Work hard and pray. You are a Nurse; the rest is on you”

The service year in Kano was the best time of my life. I was posted to work with the state ministry of health. After my service year, I came to visit my son for a month and went back to Kano where I continued to work under the commissioner for health.

An Alhaji saw me and liked me. I had darkened terribly since I moved to the North and so I looked like them. In order to fit in, I tried to dress like them too. Alhaji thought I was Hausa and spoke the language to me. I could pick out some of what he said and told him I wasn’t Hausa.

“You look like one of us. Are you Muslim?”

“No Alhaji”

“You dress like us. I like that. What are you doing here?”

“I work here”

“As what? They wouldn’t pay you here. I have a connection with the Ministry of Health. I will ask the honourable Minister to give you an employment”

“Thank you, sir. I don’t know anyone in Abuja, how will I meet him and where will I stay?”

“Is that a problem? I have a hotel in Abuja you can stay in until you get to your place. The important thing is to get the job. I will tell him to post you to the National Hospital so you will be well paid. Any other opportunities, I will inform you. Here, this is my card. I will write a note behind this one for you to show him. Call me when you get to Abuja and I will send you to my Guesthouse. That one is closer to the National hospital. You can stay there as long as you want”

“Thank you, Alhaji Umar”

“I want you to marry my son. He is studying Medicine in Singapore. That one is stubborn. But there is no rush. Go and get this job. I will still mention you to the minister when I get to Abuja next week”

“Thank you”

The secretary to the Commissioner asked me to be careful. “Many corpers come here and fall prey to these alhajis. He is talking about his son but I suspect he wants you for himself. They like vulnerable girls from poor homes who they will maltreat and no one can do anything. You are calm and focused. Some of their spies must have told him you are here and he came to access you himself. Don’t listen to him”

After speaking with her, I kept the cards and disregarded the idea of going to Abuja to get a job. Alhaji was back the following week. I wasn’t in the seat when he came and he waited for me. I came back from lunch with two other young Hausa ladies who greeted him as they knew him.

“Esther, I have been waiting for you. I spoke with the minister and he said you should come and see him on Tuesday next week by 10 am. You cannot miss the appointment so I suggest you travel on Monday. They are submitting the final list for employment and I didn’t have your CV.”

“Alhaji, so fast? Thank you, sir. I was going to travel at the end of the month after I have received my salary because I don’t have any money to travel now”

“Why didn’t you say so the last time? I forgot you just finished service.” He dipped his hand into his pocket and gave me some money. It was far more than I needed for the trip. He handed me a piece of paper. “This is his office address and this is my guest house address. Ask for Abdul when you get there. Give him this note. The minister will see you on Tuesday”

I didn’t know what to say or do. Luckily for me, the secretary wasn’t in when he gave me the money; she would have discouraged me. The other two girls spoke to Alhaji in Hausa and he replied to them. He then left after giving them some money.

“I am going to Abuja on an official assignment on Monday, you can join me. I will stay with you in the guest house to save my hotel bill” Halima said to me.

“Secretary advised me against going. She said Alhaji must have interest in me to marry me that was why he is trying to help me”

Zainab and Halima laughed at me. Zainab asked if Alhaji had made any such move on me and I told her he wanted me to marry his son.

“She is jealous. Alhaji Umar is a kindhearted man. He has placed so many people. He even tried to place the secretary but she failed a stage at the interview. He is sending you directly to the Minister. Do you know what that means? You will not need to do an interview. The job is yours. He must like you to do this for you” Zainab replied.

“But Alhaji said he was moved to help her, that is why he is doing this. It is her luck. Better start pretending to be sick on Friday so you will miss work Monday and Tuesday. We will leave by 10 am. If you can beg the commissioner to give you the week off, it will be better. Tell him someone is sick and you need to go home” Halima added.

“That is a serious lie. Who will I claim to be ill? I know what I will say. I will talk to him coolval stories on Friday”

“Make sure the secretary isn’t there when you talk to him,” Halima advised.

“I will make sure of that.”

We got to Abuja by 5 pm. We went straight to the guest house. Abdul received us very well and gave us a big room to stay in. Later, we were called to have dinner. I asked how much it would cost but Abdul told me Alhaji asked him to ensure I was very well taken care of.

The next morning, I went to see the Minister. I wore the only nice dress I had. It was a black dress that had a belt. It was handed down to me by my mother’s sister, aunt Atinuke before she travelled abroad. I kept this particular dress for interviews. It was still new and very decent. I had spent good money amending it with a professional tailor so it sat well on my body. The shoes too were given to me and so was the handbag.

Halima was impressed with my look. I had packed my full permed hair into a bun. I knew I used to look beautiful and fair but now I looked worn out and black. This job was a gateway to my success and I needed it. The only thing that troubled me was why Alhaji was being nice to me. I had heard stories about Alhajis and girls. I didn’t want to be one of those girls who would go to bed with them for money. I would never be that girl.

I was in the Minister’s office waiting to see him at 9:30 am. I couldn’t dare miss the appointment. I gave the secretary the card Alhaji Umar gave me. She asked me to wait. I sat there for close to two hours before a man came in. He wanted to see the Minister. The secretary stood up to inform the Minister when I spoke to her in Igbo (I noticed she was Igbo).

“Please let him know I am here. He gave me a 10 am appointment otherwise my name will not be on the list”

‘Which list?”

“National Hospital employment list”

“And you haven't said anything since. That’s what they are doing inside. Give me your CV.” She attached Alhaji’s card to it and wrote URGENT!!! on top of it. “Sit here and wait for me. Once they give me the list, we will crosscheck to make sure it is there.”

I sat down and waited patiently. I was very hungry but I held the hunger waiting to hear the good news. The man who wanted to see the Minister went in and came out after about an hour. Eventually, the Minister gave the list to his secretary to hand-deliver herself to the Minister of Labour and Employment. He didn’t even notice me when he was leaving.

She opened the list and we checked. My name was there, number thirty-four. How it was inserted there was a mystery to me.

“You will buy me a drink for what I did for you,” the secretary said to me. I gave her N200 from the money Alhaji gave me. “How did you know Alhaji Umar? They kept that space blank for your name to be inserted. He insisted you will be given the job. You don’t look like the girls that follow Alhajis”

“He saw me in my office and offered to help me. God sent him to me”

“He sure did”

I couldn’t believe it when Halima told me my name appeared on the employment list. It was the same number thirty-four it appeared. A week later, I received my employment letter. I was very excited and happy. I retrieved Alhaji’s card and called him from the office landline. Alhaji was not surprised. He offered me the guest house to stay as long as I wanted.

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