
Lemonades episode 6

Created by Valentine Valentine in Lemonades 19 Jul 2021



Emmanuel travelled and because he was going to be away for a whole week, I decided to exchange duties with another nurse at the National hospital so I could spend the night with Emmanuel when he gets back.

He called me from Lagos telling me he went to see my mother and she insisted he sees my father before any further discussion. “She wasn’t nice to me at all. She looked at me like she distrusted me, did you say anything to her?”

“I didn’t. Why would she distrust you?”

“She hates me. I can see it in her eyes”

“Let your father and his male family members go and see my father. Make an attempt. If he refuses I will go ahead with whatever you suggest”

He did as I said, my father cursed at Emmanuel and asked his family to leave his house. He claimed he didn’t have a daughter and he had dashed me to them. I was heartbroken. I was doing this to win my father back but now coolval Stories I was tired. I cried and decided I was done with trying.

I finished work on Tuesday afternoon and bought items to cook soup in the house. When I got home, the front door was locked. I knocked on the door and pressed the bell severally, there was no response. I dropped the things I was carrying and went to the back door to check if it was open. I saw a lady walking away through the back of the building. She couldn’t have come from upstairs as no stairs were leading upstairs at the back. My neighbours beside my flat worked and couldn’t have been home. Their back door looked locked too. I checked my back door and saw it was also locked. I came to the window to call Emmanuel, he opened the door. He claimed to be asleep but his eyes were as clear as day and the room smelt like he just used air freshener. I decided to hold my peace.

I missed my period and I was scared I was pregnant. Emmanuel was happy. He said we will have a child in America that will give us a stay if the visa lottery doesn’t work. He said we should save for tickets so we will travel to have the baby and remain there. Unfortunately for him, my period was just late. From then, I told him I would not have sex with him anymore. I didn’t want to have any more children without being legally married. He proposed to me again, this time with a ring. We went to the court to apply for a marriage certificate.

My neighbour in the flat beside me approached me one afternoon on my day off when Emmanuel wasn’t home. She claimed to see a lady enter my flat through the back door at night. She didn’t want to say anything initially but it was becoming too frequent. She advised me to pay attention to what was happening in my home. She wasn’t someone I was very close to or had told me stories before so I believed her. I had also been uneasy since I saw the girl behind the house so I asked her if they had any visitors during that period I saw the girl and she confirmed my fears, they hadn’t had any visitors.

I knew confrontation will not reveal what was happening when I was at work slaving away for a man who earned well but wouldn’t contribute. I decided to catch Emmanuel red-handed. I planned with my neighbour; I hid in her flat while Emmanuel believed I had left for work. I had bought new padlocks for the burglary gate at the back door of my flat.

Immediately the lady came and entered my flat through the back door, I waited ten minutes. The television was loud and there was no one in the kitchen when I peeped from the kitchen window. I locked the burglary gate with the new padlocks and gently closed the back door. Everything was set now. There was no way she would escape that night.

As I walked around to the front of the house, I looked through the window into our bedroom, there was no one there. I went to my front door and knocked calmly. I got a response. When Emmanuel peeped and saw me, he disappeared. I waited for him to make his move by quickly going to the back gate. He opened the door with the lady standing behind him and saw me standing outside the burglary staring at them. He noticed the gate was locked with new padlocks.

“Open my door please,” I said to him. I turned to go back to the front entrance. He opened the door and begged me to allow the girl to leave without creating a scene. “She will leave but you are leaving with her. So, pack your things and leave with her”

“We can talk about this. Let her just go.”

“She is going with you. I don’t want you in my flat. It is over”

“Esther, you are overreacting. We have plans. We are supposed to travel together. I can explain everything, just let her go”

“She is not leaving unless you leave with her. That’s what I want. I have called the vigilante to escort both of you out if you don’t agree to leave now”

“Esther, best decisions are taken when calm. Let’s discuss this rationally”

“You want to be rational? You will be now” I picked up the phone and called the vigilantes watching our estate. They came to the house. I told them to escort Emmanuel and his girlfriend out of my house. He wanted to leave without his property but I refused. I threw out his things that night. I was angry, upset, disgusted and ashamed all at the same time. My grandmother was right, I was a convenience for him. He was only interested in me and never in his son. He avoided every opportunity to see his son; he always came up with excuses. There was a reason he needed me but I didn’t know why.

He came back begging but I paid him no heed. My mind was made up. I realized he never loved me; he was using me. He travelled to Ijebu ode to talk with my grandmother; she promised to talk to me. She was worried about the impact of the betrayal on me. I hadn’t dealt with that yet. I had refused to process it.

Emmanuel came to the National hospital but I refused to see him or even talk to him. He became desperate. He met with the MD of Sure health Specialist Women’s hospital and asked him to appeal to me to forgive him. I told my boss I wasn’t interested in the relationship anymore.

“But he is the father of your son. He is remorseful. We fall by the roadside most times and misbehave. What he has done has shown you who he is and you now know how to handle him. For the sake of your child, please do not destroy the relationship”

“We are not married. Since we rekindled our relationship, he hasn’t seen our son. He avoids visiting him in school. He has not been financially responsible to us. I forced him to give me money for our son and household expense and he gave me N20,000. You wouldn’t believe he tried to take the money back from me and I ended up giving him N2000. That’s not all, he lives in my flat; I pay the bills. He was lodging in hotels before he moved into my flat. He has saved enough money from staying in a hotel. Nothing was given to me. Does he look poor? He spent his money on women while I am left to support him. I wanted the relationship to work because I didn’t want to have children for different men but now I realise I am better off without him”

“How can you allow a man to move in with you? Can’t you see he was using you? He had access to a comfortable home, food and a body for the night all free of charge. You should have made him pay for the expenses of running the flat at least. Anyway, whatever you decide is fine. Even if you get back together with him, use your head more than your heart. Don’t allow him to use you anymore. Let him become responsible for your son; he has to be.”

This conversation was one of the pieces of advice I didn’t joke with. Even though I knew I was gullible, I decided to take steps to protect myself and my mental health. The betrayal shook me for days and I cried for more than a week. I kept asking myself, “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I be loved? Why can’t Emmanuel be loyal to me? Why can’t he support me and our son? Why do I keep disgracing myself in the name of love?”

My neighbour was also contacted by Emmanuel. He appealed to them to talk to me. He knew we had no relationship so this was him exposing my business. My neighbour told me the reason she interfered. She had overheard a conversation between Emmanuel and the girl. They were in the kitchen that day and she was outside by the tap. Emmanuel had told the lady he was with me because I was a successful nurse and I am very intelligent. He needed me to get to the US, UK or Australia because of my nursing qualification. He planned to be in charge of our finances over there. He wanted me to work and make money while he shuttles between Nigeria and the US or wherever we travel to. He said we weren’t taking our son, he will be a distraction for me. The lady asked if I would allow him to manage my money. He claimed he could control me; I was weak when it comes to sex with him. What he inferred was that he was irresistible to me. I cried that day she told. I couldn’t believe it. I sent his engagement ring to his parents’ house in Lagos and went to the court to cancel the application for a marriage certificate.

Emmanuel wasn’t done. He stalked me. He found ways to talk to me. He was persistent. He tried to shake my defences but I was adamant. I stood on my grounds. Never again.

A year after, Emmanuel came back.

There was a situation at Surehealth Specialist Women’s hospital. A woman who did IVF was brought in bloated and almost dead. Unfortunately, the doctor was not available. I stepped in and helped resuscitate the lady. When we were finally able to reach the doctor, he instructed me on what to do and I did it. I called my Matron at National Hospital and explained to her that I will be late for my shift. I stayed with the lady and her husband who was panicking until the doctor arrived.

The next day, the woman was much better. My MD praised me in their presence for using my initiative. The patient’s husband offered me money which I declined. He was impressed. Then he asked my MD what he could do for me which I would appreciate.

“She wants to further her education and she needs a sponsor. She is a hard-working woman. With a better qualification, she will attain greater heights. For her to go for the Master’s she has to be away from work for one year”

The man gave my MD a cheque to cover my tuition and other expenses. It was a handsome amount. My MD called me into his office and showed me. I was speechless. He advised me to go for the Master’s degree now and then specialize in maternal care.

I applied for study leave for eighteen months, it was granted to me. Sure health also approved my leave. Immediately I got admission to ABU Zaria. I was so excited. I paid for tuition and also got accommodation there. I moved to Kaduna where I would stay for at least one year.

Emmanuel came to ABU to look for me. He found me. I was at the tail end of my course when he found me. He appealed to me to allow me to explain everything that happened to me. I sincerely wasn’t interested but the persistence made me give in to his demands.

“Esther, you have dealt with me. Immediately we broke up, I lost everything. I lost my job and all the money I had saved. It was not ordinary in my eyes. My parents felt there was more to this. How can you break up with someone and become impoverished? I went for prayers all over the place but there was no improvement. My friend took me to see a prophet at Ife. The prophet told me I wronged you and until you forgive me wholeheartedly, there is no way I will recover. I admitted I wronged you but you had refused to forgive me. He told me until you forgive me, I will continue to face tribulations. He also mentioned something about you which he said was best he told you himself. He asked me to bring you to him. I am sorry Esther, you didn’t deserve the way I had treated you. Please forgive me. I still love you very much. If you forgive me, I will appeal to you to go with me to Ife to see the prophet”

“Emmanuel, I have forgiven you. Unfortunately, the feeling isn’t mutual, I don’t love you. You can leave now knowing I have set you free from my heart. Please don’t come here again”

“So, you won’t forgive me and take me back?”

“No, I won’t take you back. Goodbye Emmanuel”

Two weeks after his visit. Emmanuel called me with an unknown number. “Esther, you won’t believe it, I have been recalled back at work. The prophet said it. They have agreed to pay me for the period they sacked me. Can you believe that? I just told him the good news and he asked me to bring you, it is very important and a matter of life and death. Please tell me when we can go”

I couldn’t believe my ears. How did it happen so fast? I truly forgave Emmanuel and his way opened again. I was interested in meeting the prophet now. Maybe he could smoothen things between my father and me. I missed my relationship with him.

We travelled to Ife to see the man. Emmanuel flew us to Lagos and we drove to Ife. I saw the prophet. He was a smallish man. He looked young to me but had a deep voice that didn’t match his look; it was quite intimidating. I greeted him and immediately he gave me some revelations. He spoke in Yoruba telling me I had to do spiritual work to avert death being planned by my mother’s family. I was surprised when he mentioned them, I had never told Emmanuel anything about them before. The prophet said it was urgent before the matter got out of hand. I agreed. They brought a calabash which had black soap, charcoal and ashes in it. There was a raffia sponge and white cloth. I was told to tie the white cloth after I have had my bath with the raffia sponge and black soap. I did as I was told. I sat down after the bath still wet while the prophet was praying.

The prophet said to me “The hatred your father had for you was caused by your mother. She wants to take charge of your life because your star is very bright. The love she is showing you is because of what she would gain. She also doesn’t want you to get married so she doesn’t lose the control.” He allowed it sink in then he added. “She has cast a spell on this young man to remove his eyes from his son and also to wander with different women. She did it so you will keep running back to her and she will be in control. She doesn’t want you to be happy. Tell her to release your father and your husband and see what happens”

It sounded strange and absurd. I didn’t believe him.

“When your grandfather died, why do you think your uncles were fighting your mother? Didn’t he leave his house to you? He was manipulated to leave the house to you. Your mother will take it from you when your grandmother dies. Watch and see”

“What of my grandmother? Is she involved too? Because my mother is close to her and takes care of her”

“They are in the same coven. They manipulated your grandfather to give you the house so she can control everything. Your father is sick, very sick. She caused it; I mean your mother. He asked after you and she struck him with sickness. Go to Lagos to confirm what I have said”

I was not aware of my father’s illness; my mother never told me. I became worried. I picked my phone and called my immediate younger brother. I asked him if my father was ill and he confirmed it. I was worried that this man knew too much. How did he know all these?

“To separate you from your mother and her control, there is something we will do.” He brought out two candles carved as female images. He asked for my mother’s name and her mother’s name. I told him. He did some prayers on the candles using our names and then tied then backing each other. He handed them over to me. “I will tell you when to use them. For now, don’t tell anybody you have reconciled with your husband. Your destiny is not here, it is abroad. You have to travel there with your husband”

“I will not marry without my family’s consent. Whatever you have to do to release my father, release him so I will be blessed by him. That’s all I desire”

“It is not that easy. Do you know what, when you get home, ask your mother to release your father so he can love and accept you back. Watch the way she would react” I was convinced to an extent.

I wanted to confront my mother as suggested by the prophet when we left Ife for the hotel in Lagos. Emmanuel discouraged me from it. He told me to continue to talk to her as though I didn’t know anything but I shouldn’t share any of our plans with her. I shouldn’t even mention him.

Emmanuel also suggested I write the qualifying examinations required for Nursing in the US, UK and Australia immediately. I don’t know where the confidence to ask him to pay for the examination came from but I asked him. He began to give excuses and then I told him I didn’t have the money to pay either so it had to wait. Emmanuel provided the money quickly and I wrote the examinations. I passed all of them. He was very excited. He asked us to apply again for our marriage certificate. I agreed but told him I had to be in Abuja to do it.

I went back to my former landlord to ask if my former flat was still available. It wasn’t but a flat upstairs was. I was glad to take it. The former occupants were bachelors and they did up the flat very well. I wanted to resume work at Surehealth first before resuming at National Hospital. I had enough money saved especially the money deducted from my salary for my Master’s degree as suggested by Alhaji. I had placed the money and every extra money I had saved in a deposit account in my son’s name.

I called Emmanuel and told him I needed to pay rent for the flat.

“Pay the rent now; why are you asking me?”

“Aren’t you my husband? I just finished school, where do I get the money for rent? Since you are saying this, I will move in with a colleague until I can save for a flat. You can’t come there to see me or stay over”

“I don’t have the kind of money you are asking for. I just resumed work, I have no money saved. Look for where to borrow money and I will pay you back”

“You look for where to borrow money and you pay the person back.” I ended the call. I refused to pay the rent and he would stay with me anytime he is in Abuja. I would rather he stays in a hotel.

I paid the rent and moved into the flat. I warned the security to tell him I wasn’t living there anymore. The first night Emmanuel came to Abuja, he asked me where I was and I told him I was at work and would spend the night there not to inconvenience my colleague as her fiancé was around. He stayed in a hotel and asked me to stay with him. I did. I enjoyed my stay and left.

After two weeks of paying hotel bills, he sent money for the rent. I told him I had to look for a place as the place I got before had been taken. I continued to stay in the hotel with him while I saved the rent which included agency, caution and legal fees.

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