
life above all episode 24&25

Created by Valentine Valentine in Life above all 30 Sep 2019

Episode 24

“It is easy to be a good parent to a good child but what makes a good parent is dealing and being there for a difficult child that is real good parenting.”


“Bitch,’ Stella exclaimed, “Have you been drinking?’ she asked
‘Shit,’ my heart slammed hard against my chest, ‘How did she know?’
‘You were drinking?’ she asked again
I kept quiet, couldn’t say a thing for a quick minute, ‘No I wasn’t,’ I finally said
‘You have been drinking, my God I wouldn’t be surprised to find out you have been having sex. You little bitch,’ she exclaimed
‘You don’t know shit about me, you hear me?’ I yelled ‘Why are you even in my business?’
‘Wait till your father gets home, I can’t wait to tell him you have been drinking,’ she said with a smirk
I frowned, ‘If it helps you sleep better at night then please tell him,’ I said
‘Pathetic old whore,’ I spat.
She angrily walked out of the kitchen followed by her stupid cousin. I quickly found a mop and cleaned my mess before heading towards my room. I was a little tipsy I just wanted to sleep.
As soon as my door shut behind me, I kicked my shoes off and flung myself on the bed. In less than a minute, a knock sounded on the door- ‘come in.’
The door opened and Ganizani entered.
‘Have you been drinking?’ he asked
‘Who told you those lies?’ I quickly responded
‘I want the truth.’
‘Leave me alone.’
‘I overheard your argument with Auntie Stella.’
‘She is just being dramatic.’
‘I want the truth Tiya.’
I kept quiet. He got a bit closer to me and dipped his head to mine then pulled away. Then he looked at me seemingly disgusted and then walked out without saying anything.
Thoko walked into the room a minute later and she sat on the other bed.
‘Hey,’ I said
‘Hey sis,’ she answered smilingly
‘How was school?’
‘Do you have homework?’ I asked
‘Yes but Ganizani has already helped me with that. Where did you go? You weren’t home when you knocked off.’
‘I went to see a friend.’


I walked out of Tiya’s room with a heavy heart. My heart was thumping hard and my hands were shaky. My mind was spinning, spiraling through a jumble of thoughts.
My little sister had started drinking? How did I not notice this? When had she started drinking? Why was she messing her life like this? Mother raised us better than this. Speaking of mother, she must be turning in her grave I have disappointed her- she left Tiya in my hands, she asked me to take care of my siblings and now this? What do I do? How do I help my sister? She is becoming more rebellious each day & father’s beatings aren’t helping at all, I think she has gotten so used to the beatings.
Desperate, I knelt down, bowed my head, joined my hands and prayed.
“Lord if there is any force using my sister I break it right now in Jesus name. Lord I am begging you, do not let my sister walk in the ways of the wicked, speak to her heart and let her know what’s right & wrong. Amen!
When I stood up, I noticed tears running down my face, I quickly wiped them. I hadn’t even realized I was crying, well that’s how much this situation hurt.
I sat on my bed and started studying, I had to study hard. My goal was to finish school find a job and move out of this house with Tiya and Thoko.


I was fast asleep when the room burst open, at first I thought I was dreaming. Then someone roughly shook me and I awoke, startled. I must have slept after that whole episode with Ganizani.
Out of nowhere he slapped me so hard across my face. I knew Stella must have told him about the little episode in the kitchen. I sat up and he slapped me again so hard that I fell to the other side of the bed.
‘You are pathetic, what do you want me to do with you? And I thought you would learn a lesson but you didn’t. How dare you drink beer in my house?’ he asked, he looked visibly angry and was clenching his fist.
He pinned me down and drove his fist into my face, my nose started to bleed.
‘Dad!’ Thoko started crying and only then did I realise she had been sleeping on the other bed.
The punch to my face really hurt but I didn’t cry as usual. I didn’t feel anything, it’s like I have become numb to the pain. I do feel the urge to cry but the tears just won’t shed. Maybe I have grown too cold to express grief.
Ganizani rushes into the room and pulls my father away, a few minutes later. We lock eyes and I can see the pain in his eyes. He quickly looked away.
‘Dad this is no way to help her,’ he said, ‘can’t you see, you are driving her away?’ he asked
‘Don’t you tell me how to be a parent to my child,’ he growled.
Then he looked at me, ‘Starting from tomorrow you will be walking to and from school. Ganizani and Thoko, I will be driving you to school.’
With that said he marched out.
Ganizani sighed in relief when he walked out.
‘See what you have brought upon yourself.’
‘Not now,’ I said as I tried to stand up. ‘This issue of father beating me was sort of becoming normal for me- story of my life.’
Ganizani helped me out and I walked towards the bathroom.
‘I want to be alone, I said slamming the door in his face.

The days continued, into weeks and months- two months to be precise. I had spent my 14th birthday without my mother for the first time and it really hurt. I didn’t have any huge celebration at home dad didn’t even get me anything, not even those cheap cakes from Shoprite. To say I was hurt is an understatement; mum would always get me cake and some presents every year.
I was really lonely and I felt empty, being in this house was miserable. No one could imagine the terror I had been through at the hands of Stella, everyday. Beatings and insults marked my everyday life- I couldn’t wait to write my exams so I could leave this house. I had no idea where I would go but I was definitely leaving.


“Sit,’ he barked, I looked at him crossing my arms on my chest. I wasn’t scared of this man anymore.
I pulled the chair backwards and sat down.
‘How far with our deal?’ he asked
‘99% successful, where is my money?’
‘Is that why you are frowning?’ he asked
‘Money has never been a problem.’
‘Then give me,’ I extended my hand to his.
He laughed, ‘I will give you the money but first we need to talk, I have a new plan and I think this one will be hundred percent successful if implanted correctly.’
‘All ears.’
He moved closer and whispered in my ears.
‘That can be arranged.’
‘Good,’ he extended his hand and I shook it.

Episode 25


“I will give you part of the money now and then I will give you the rest once the job is done,’ he said
‘Great,’ I responded before I took a swig of my drink.
He opened his brief case and pulled out a check book in one hand and a pen in another. Within a few minutes he filled out a check, removed it and handed it to me.
The number 30000 caught me off guard I hadn’t held that much money before.
I picked my glass and took another swig, ‘Wow!’ I exclaimed
‘As long as you comply, more money will come along. Who knows, you and I can even become business partners.’
Raising her eyebrows at that, I asked, ‘What exactly do you do?’
He kept quiet for a minute obviously trying to choose his words wisely, ‘I am a business man,’ he said
‘And what does she have to do with this?’
‘She will be good for my business,’ he grinned sheepishly.

The next thirty minutes was spent with us hammering out details of the set up. At the end, he seemed satisfied with the details.

I placed the check in my bag and stood up, ‘Thank you very much I will take my leave now.’
He stood up too, ‘I look forward to seeing you again.’
‘I am sure next time I would have successfully done my part.’
With that, I left the restaurant. The first thing I wanted to do was deposit the check, i didn’t want her husband finding out about this. I got into her car and drove straight to the bank,
Within an hour I had deposited the check and was driving back home.
When I finally arrived home, I shouldered my bag and stepped out of my car.
Entering the house, I quietly walked into my room, I kicked off my shoes and placed my bag on the table then I got into my bed and laid back. My mind instantly began to wander, I began to think about the meeting I just had with that man- he had given me a huge sum of money for the task at hand.

Why is he willing to pay a huge sum of money for this girl? What does she have? What did he mean when he said she would be good for business? What kind of business is he involved in? Should I ask him?
A knock on the door prevented me from getting to deep in thought I hastily stood up and went to open the door. Standing before me was my daughter. She was dressed up and was carrying a bag in her hands.
‘Come in,’ I stepped aside and allowed her to walk in. Celine walked past me and perched herself on the bed. I closed the door and took a seat on my bed.
‘Where have you been?’ Celine asked
‘I went out for lunch with a friend.’
‘Male or female.’
She hesitated, ‘Male.’
‘I see.’
‘I am heading over to dad’s house I will be spending a few days with him and his girlfriend.’
Stella shot her daughter a quizzical look, ‘And why are you going to your father’s house?’ she asked
She shrugged, ‘He is my father remember.’
‘I know but why are you suddenly going over to his house without asking if I am okay with that?’
She rolled her eyes, ‘I didn’t know I needed permission before going over to my father’s house.’
‘You know how I feel about your father and his new girlfriend. I don’t want you spending time with them,’ I said.
‘Dad’s new girlfriend is nice,’ she replied
I clicked my tongue, ’That’s bullshit.’
‘I don’t know what issues you have with dad, don’t get me involved. That man is my father and I want to spend time with him, is it a crime?’
‘We should have talked about this first.’
‘And then?’
‘I would have given you reasons why you shouldn’t go over there.’
‘I don’t know why you have an issue with dad having a girlfriend when you are the one who left him and you are the one who remarried first.’
‘Are you always gonna bring this up?’
‘You messed up our family mum, if you didn’t leave dad we would all be together.’
‘You wouldn’t understand.’
‘I understand perfectly, dad has been struggling financially for a couple of years now, you should have held down a little longer.’
I took a deep breath, ‘I loved your father, I just couldn’t continue being the one providing for the family.’
‘Things are looking up for dad, he has a new job,’ she said
‘I think you were hindering his blessings, now that he has someone who genially loves and support him, everything is moving fine with him.’
I opened my eyes wide in shock, unable to believe she had just told me that.
I opened my mouth to respond to her but quickly shut it, what could I possibly tell her? She loved her father more than she loved me & she still blamed me for walking out on him.
She stood up, ‘Can I get some money?’
‘A cab & I also need money to get myself new clothes. My friends and I are going out this weekend.’
‘Ask your father for money.’
She shook her head, ‘I don’t want to bother him you have the money give it to me.
‘What happens to your classes? I called someone and he is supposed to start coaching you on Monday.’
‘That tutor can wait.’
‘Are you gonna give me the money or not?’ she asked cutting my sentence short.
I grabbed my bag and removed some money then I handed it to her.
‘Thank you mummy,’ she smiled.
I bet the only reason my daughter likes me is because of the money I give her.
‘You are welcome.’
‘I will see you in a few days time.’
Celine walked out and closed the door behind her back.
As soon as Celine walked out, Stella allowed herself to put her head back down comfortably on the pillow and closed her eyes.
“She will be good for mu business,’ the words kept ringing in my mind. I had to find out the type of business he did, who knows maybe I could become his business partner and he would make me rich.
I grabbed my phone and texted, ‘I am really curious about what you do.’
‘Curiosity killed the cat,’ he replied.
‘But satisfaction brought it back.’
‘Don’t go ahead of yourself, one step at a time.’


The dismissal bell rang and I stood up walk out of class.
‘I didn’t dismiss you. The bell doesn’t tell you when to go, I do,’ Mrs. Kandeya said angrily
The few of us that stood up sat back down. I hate this woman a lot she loves to order and bossy us around.
‘The exam is around the corner, I hope we are all studying hard, I expect everyone to pass with flying colours because I don’t produce failures,’ she said.
Ivy cleared her throat.
‘You have anything to say?’ Mrs. Kandeya asked
‘No,’ she responded
‘Good, you are now dismissed.’
Everyone stood up and we walked towards the door.
‘Tiyamike, can I see you for a minute,’ she said before I walked out of the classroom. What could she possibly want now? Didn’t she do enough damage in front of my father?
I walked over to her desk, ’How are you?’ she asked
‘Ms. Zulu tells me you have been missing your counseling sessions with her. Is that true?’ she asked
I kept quiet.
‘Tiyamike, I am talking to you.’
‘I don’t think the counseling sessions are any of your business, you did your part, leave me alone.’
‘I am just trying to help you.’
‘I seriously don’t need your help you are not my mother your job is to teach and not to order me around.’
Her mouth slightly opened in shock.
‘If that’s all, I will take my leave now.’
I walked towards the door and opened it then walked out. When I got out, Ken was waiting outside for me.
‘Hey,’ he hugged and kissed my forehead.
He opened the door for me and i got into the car, he went round to the other side and got into the driver seat. My father had stopped giving me transport money just as he had promised and now Ken picked me up from school every day and most times he gave me money for my upkeep.
Ken and I have become very close he even got me a new phone. But Ivy and I haven’t been in good terms ever since dad embarrassed me at her house and at school.
A few minutes later, he pulled up a few houses away from mine.
‘Thank you,’ I said
‘I would do anything for you and you know that,’ he said
‘Thank you.’
‘You are welcome.’
He got some money from his wallet and handed it to me, ‘Use this for your transport tomorrow.’
‘Thank you.’
He leaned in and lightly kissed my lips, ‘I will call you later.’
I stepped out and walked home.

To be continued

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