
She's my everything episode 6

Created by Valentine Valentine in She's my everything 22 Sep 2021
She's My Everything?
Chapter Six
“I love her,” Blue said.

The words spilled from his mouth. It wasn’t a lie, but the complete and total truth, which also shocked him. He’d never been in love before, but that was exactly how he felt.

Her father paused. “In love?”


“I’ve never seen or heard of you since yesterday. You expect me to believe that you’re in love with my daughter?”

“I know. I … I can’t explain it. I know what I feel when I’m around her. It makes no sense, I get that. On paper, with everything you know about me, you wouldn’t want me near your daughter. I’m not using her. I swear.”

Damn it, he was sweating.

He was normally so calm and collected.

Her father continued to stare at her.

He felt the assessment through to his bones.

Licking his lips, he tried to remain calm, but that was proving to be a little … difficult.

“No more cutting class. Laylah has a bright future ahead of her, and I don’t want some boy to interfere with that.”

“Yes, sir.” It was the first time he’d been considered some boy. Rather than argue, he offered a smile.

“Right, I think we’re done here.”

“We are?”

“Yes. Leave all in one piece before I change my mind.”

Blue nodded.


He stopped and saw her father held his hand out for a shake. He moved toward him and shook his hand, aware of the tightness of the hold.

“If you hurt my daughter, you better make a run for it, because teenager or not, I will come for you. Got it?”

“I got it.”


The handshake was over.

He left the office with her father close behind him.

Laylah was in the kitchen, waiting.

“You can see your boyfriend out, Laylah, then you’re grounded until I say otherwise,” her father said.

She winced.

They left through the front door and Laylah closed it behind her, following him to his waiting car. She glanced up and down the street.

“Well, I can say cutting class leaves a lot to be desired.”

He stepped up to her, kissing her. “I didn’t mean to get you grounded.”

“Another first.”

He groaned. “How about you leave your window open and I come and visit you tonight?”

“Are you serious?” she asked.

“Why not? It’ll be fun.”

“You’ll fall and break your neck.”

“You’ve got to learn to have some faith. It’s going to take more than that to get rid of me. If you want me to come to your room tonight, leave your window open. If not, and I see it closed, I’ll know you don’t want me to come.”

She laughed. “This is so … weird.”

“But it’s going to be a good weird.” He kissed her. “I better go before your dad gets a shotgun.”

“Is that what he said?”

“Your dad loves you very much.”

He stepped away, already hating the distance between them.

“I’ll see you tonight, or tomorrow.” He winked at her, climbing into his car.

He pulled away from the curb, but he didn’t want to be apart from her.

He’d sat in class that day, alone, with Mitchell yammering on about another conquest, and all he’d wanted was for Laylah to be near him, to kiss her lips.

Damn it, these feelings for her were deepening with every passing day.

He was going to have to talk to his father because this didn’t feel normal. Even now, his palms were slightly sweaty. He looked back and saw Laylah was still there. She lifted a hand to wave.

He waved back and it made him feel a little better to know he wasn’t the only one feeling it.


Laylah opened her window.

Closed it.

Opened it.

Closed it.

Did she want Blue coming to her room?

Her parents had given her the third degree and they had grounded her.

She couldn’t hang out with either Becky or John. She’d already called her friends and apologized to them.

This wasn’t supposed to be a big deal and yet, that was exactly what it had turned into.

She opened the window.

Stepped back, looked at it, and then closed it again.

“No, no. My parents will kill me if I let him in.” She shook her head.

Even as she stepped away, she wanted to see if he’d do that. If he’d try to climb into her window.

She went toward the window and opened it up, this time, stepping back and going to her bed, wearing her pajamas.

Her parents were downstairs. If she was lucky, they’d talk, watch a movie, make out, and have sex downstairs.

The one time she’d caught her parents had been lasered into her retinas from the image alone.

They were still very much in love and often acted like teenagers.

She paused. She’d read the same paragraph six times in her textbook.

Her parents acted more like teenagers than she did. She could imagine her father climbing into her mother’s bedroom window when they were younger.

Laylah glanced at the window.

Time ticked on by.

She got to her feet, intending to close the window when she heard some scuffling noise.

In the next second, Blue’s head appeared and she rushed over to him, helping him fall into her room.

“You came.”

“I had to wait to make sure your window stayed open.”


“I was down there the entire time, Laylah. Open, close, open close.”

She chuckled.

The moment he stood, she grabbed his jacket and kissed him.

His hands went straight to her arse, pulling her close. Her first instinct was to push him away, but at the same time, she didn’t want to.

She wanted to know what it would feel like to be next to him. To have him touch her.

She liked how his hands cupped her arse.

Running her fingers beneath his jacket, she shoved it past his shoulders and he let her go long enough to get it off his body. As she walked back, the bed made her fall, and Blue followed her down.

His large palm cupped her cheek. She wrapped her legs around his waist.

His cock pressed against her core. Even through their clothing, she felt how hard he was.

She whimpered. He trailed his lips down to her neck, sucking on her pulse. Heat suffused her entire body. Closing her eyes, she arched up.

“Fvck, Laylah, you have no idea what you do to me."

She opened her eyes to stare into his.

Licking her lips, she reached for his hand, and slowly, hesitantly, she placed it on her breast.

For a few seconds, they didn’t do anything.

They just stared at each other. No movement.

No blinking.

Just their deep breaths.

Then, like pulling out of a trance, Blue squeezed her tit and she groaned, arching up toward him.

“Are you sure?” he asked.


He kissed her neck. “I have to say, you’ve got a sexy taste in nightwear.”

“Oh, shut up,” she said with a giggle.

He opened each button of her shirt. Her heart raced as he did this slowly.

She wasn’t wearing anything underneath.
Blue pushed her shirt past her shoulders and she nibbled on her lip, waiting for his reaction.

He groaned. “Fvck.”

“Are you going to keep saying that?”

“You have no idea how many times I’ve thought about these.”

He stroked the tips of his fingers over her tits. “And they’re even better than I could have imagined.”

“You imagined me?”

“I’ve got a very wild imagination. I’ve seen you coming to me, Laylah, begging me to fvck you.”

She whimpered. “Really?”

“Yeah, and what’s more, I’m hungry for every single morsel you’ll give me.” He leaned down and took one of her nipples into his mouth.

She arched up, crying out at the instant hit of pleasure rushing around her body.

“Do you want me to stop?” he asked.


She wasn’t ready for him to stop at all.

She pressed her thighs together in an attempt to get some kind of friction against her core.

Blue wouldn’t let her. He pressed a knee between her thighs, moving it up to rub against her core.

She whimpered his name, crying out from the pulse and beat of pleasure.

“Are you wet for me?” he asked.

She nodded her head. Just because she was a virgin didn’t mean she didn’t understand him.

Slowly, he trailed his lips down her body.
Nerves assaulted her as he got to the top of her pajama bottoms.

Excitement rushed through her even as she was nervous, but he pulled her bottoms down her body, exposing her to him. When he looked at her, she felt a confidence rush through her that she hadn’t experienced before.

He spread her thighs wide and when he moved a little closer, she closed her thighs with a frown.

“What are you doing?”

“I’m going to do something to you that you’re going to be thinking about for days to come.” He winked at her. “Trust me, Laylah. You’re going to love this.”

She doubted it, but she didn’t know why she lowered her knees.

He moved closer. She kept on watching him.

Then his tongue teased across her clit and fire shot through her body. It was intense, instant, and damn it, she’d never felt anything so amazing as his tongue teased her pussy, awakening a need within her that she didn’t think was possible.

Blue wasn’t wrong. There was no way she was going to be forgetting about this any time soon.
The following week, Blue watched his girl as she did track during the gym class.

Mitchell threw a towel at him, which hit his head.

“Will you stop looking like a damn lovesick puppy? It’s gross, dude. Chicks are going to start demanding more from us than a simple fvck.”

He threw the towel back. “Shut up.”

“I get it. You’re happy that you’ve finally got your girl, but we’ve got reps to think about.”

“I can’t help it if I’m happy.” He couldn’t resist another glance over at her.

She was bent over with John and Becky.

He hated running track, but the shirt she wore left nothing to the imagination, and he could think of a whole lot of stuff he wanted to do to her.

The taste of her pussy… He could still think of her coming on his tongue.

Since then, they hadn’t been alone, but he’d used the memory to work his cock each time he was in the shower.

He’d been taking a lot of showers.

“Yeah, she looks like something right now.”

Earlier that day, she’d been in a bit of a hysterics as she’d forgotten to do one piece of homework. He knew her grades were important to her.

Blue slapped his friend in the chest. “Back off.”

He headed to where the coach was yelling the state of play he wanted them to practice.

When he was in the zone, he didn’t look toward Laylah once, but it was hard. He wanted to kiss her.

After an hour of intense training, it was off to the showers.

Most of the guys were talking about the play or the girls they intended to screw at the next party.

“So, Blue, have you got into her pants yet?” Paul, one of the players, asked.

“Don’t,” Mitchell said.

Blue turned toward Paul. “Excuse me?”

“Come on, dude, this thing with Laylah can’t be serious. We’ve seen you screw the groupies. It’s got to be some kind of bet or something.”

Even though they stood in the shower, Blue’s anger surged.

“Dude, this isn’t funny,” Mitchell said.

“Back off.”

“I’m not the only one who thinks this is fvcked up. She’s a fat chick. I figured you wanted to see if you could bag even the most desperate of girls.”

Blue didn’t think about it, he reacted. Butt-arse naked, he charged forward and slammed his fist against Paul’s face.

The guy didn’t hesitate and began to hit him back.

Within a matter of minutes, he had him pinned on the ground, but Mitchell was there, pulling him off.

“What the fvck is going on here?” the coach said.

“You be careful what you fvcking say,” Blue said, spitting in Paul’s direction. “You owe me an apology.”

“I owe you fvck.”

“No. You disrespect my girl, you disrespect me.”

“Oh, please, you can do so much better. We all believe it.”

“So that’s how it’s going to be.” Blue shoved Mitchell off. “Is that what you all think?”

He looked around at the guys. Some of them shook their head. Others averted their gazes.

“Then I’m out,” Blue said.

“Blue, dude.”

“No, I’m not doing this. You think that girl is beneath me. I love her, and this, I can’t deal with. Fvck you all and fvck this game.”

He turned on his heel as they groaned.
The coach followed him. “Son, you’re making a mistake.”

“I’m not.”

“I want you to cool off, and then come back and see me afterward.”

“I can do that, but it’s not going to change the way I feel.”

He quickly pulled on his clothes. Blood ran from his cut lip and he used his towel to try to dry it up.

“There’s no way I can get on that pitch with them, knowing they don’t take me seriously.”

He grabbed his bag and left without a single look back. There was no reason to prolong this crap.

He was done.

Leaving the gym, he pushed his way through the throngs of people in his way. He looked left and right, knowing who he was searching for and not stopping until he got to her.

Everyone moved out of his way after one person stumbled into a couple of people, sending them to their knees.

He rounded the corner and there she was.
Laylah stood at John’s locker. The three friends all laughing together.

Becky nudged her and Laylah turned to look at him. Her frown followed him. He closed the distance, not caring who saw or what people would say.

He cupped her face, tilting her head back, and slammed his lips down on hers. The world faded and he didn’t care.

All he wanted, all he cared about was Laylah. She was his everything.

Breaking from the kiss, he saw her eyes were still closed. She licked her lips before finally opening them and smiled at him. “Whoa.”

“You, you’re everything,” he said. “I don’t give a fvck what other people say. Got it?”

“I got it.”

He kissed her again and pulled away. “I’ve got to get out of here. Talk to you later.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

He shook his head. “No. You stay. Your parents are already pissed at me.”

He squeezed her hand a final time before stepping away. Blue didn’t look back as he left the school grounds. The second time within a couple of weeks.

His dad was going to be informed, but he didn’t care. All that mattered were his feelings for Laylah.

His father had warned him about how they could get when they found the right woman, but with Laylah, he never even realized he could feel this way.

He threw his sports bag into the back seat and glanced back at the school.

Mitchell was just heading out the door, but he didn’t want to have a confrontation, so he climbed into his car and took off.

After Becky dropped her off at Blue’s house, Laylah debated going inside.

She stared up at his mansion of a place and retreated a few steps before finding the courage to walk down the long driveway toward the front door.
TO be continued

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