
She's my everything episode 7

Created by Valentine Valentine in She's my everything 22 Sep 2021
She's My Everything?
Chapter Seven
After Becky dropped her off at Blue’s house, Laylah debated going inside.

She stared up at his mansion of a place and retreated a few steps before finding the courage to walk down the long driveway toward the front door.

She knew Blue was wealthy but this house, it was wow.

When she got to the front door, her nerves picked up.

The entire school had been rife with rumors.

She’d been using the bathroom when a couple of juniors had talked about his big declaration.

His team didn’t like that he was dating her. They saw her as beneath him and because of this, Blue walked away.

He walked away from one of the best teams in the county, and there was no way she couldn’t leave it alone.

Becky told her to just go home and wait until Blue was ready to talk, but she didn’t want to do that.

She had to talk to Blue. At the very least, make him see reason. The whole town would turn on her and she didn’t want that kind of attention.

Before she could talk herself out of running away, she pressed the button on the doorbell.

She waited.

Seconds passed.


Blue answered the door.

He looked … really calm.

“Oh,” she said.

“What are you doing here?”

“I … er, we need to talk.”

“I just needed some space.”

“You quit the team?”

“How did you find out?” he asked.

“It’s all anyone is talking about.” She pointed behind her. “Why did you quit the team?”

“We didn’t exactly see eye to eye.”

She looked at him and words failed her.

“Come on in,” he said.

He stepped back as she entered. She took a deep breath.

“It’s because of me, isn’t it?”

“It’s not just because of you.”

She snorted. “Please, I heard what some of the girls were saying. They don’t like you dating me.”

He reached out for her hand, pulling her close. She didn’t fight him as he kissed her.

“I don’t care what they think.”

“Then why are you not on the team? You should be at school practicing.”

“I’m not going to play with a bunch of people who can’t handle who I love.”

This made her jolt. “Love?”

“Fvck!” He pulled away, his hands going to his hair.

“You love me?”

“I didn’t want to tell you like this.”

“This isn’t exactly a bad thing.”

She didn’t know what was happening right now, and she felt like she needed some kind of a time machine to go back to the last five minutes.

“I know it’s sudden and it sounds insane, but I do. I love you, Laylah. I have for a few months now, but I’ve been trying to build up my nerve to ask you out, and well, look at how well that has gone.”

She stared at him in shock. “You really do love me?"

He laughed. “Yeah, I do.”

“I never thought anyone would, you know, quit something they love and are passionate about.”

Blue put his hand on her hip and the other, he sank into her hair.

“You’re the one person I’m passionate about. No one else.”

“I like that,” she said.


“You’ve still got to go on the team.”

“I don’t need to do that.”

“Yeah, you really do. You’re modest, but we all know you’re the reason they win games.”

His brow rose. “You’re complimenting me?”

“I don’t want you to grow a big head, but yeah, I saw your games, Blue. You’re damn good. You’re the best. We know that. Stop being an arse.”

“Do you love me?” he asked.

She licked her lips. “I’m falling.”

“I can handle falling.” He pressed her up against the wall and she moaned his name as he lifted her hands up.

They hadn’t had a single moment alone since the night he licked her pussy.

Becky and John had complained she was distracted.

For the first time in her life, she was thinking more about sex than anything else.

He held both of her hands captive above her head and with his free hand, he traced down her body.

She whimpered as he touched her breast.

“Please, tell me to stop.”

“I don’t want to,” she said.

“I can’t stop thinking about you,” he said.

“Every single night when I go to sleep. When I wake up. I’m so fvcking hard for you.” He pressed his cock against her stomach.

It was too soon, but she didn’t care.

“Fvck me, Blue.” The words spilled from her lips. She didn’t regret them.

He pulled away. “You’re sure?”

“Yes. I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but I want to. It’s crazy.”

“It’s not crazy.”

Before she could fight him, he pushed her over his shoulder and lifted her.

She released a scream, grabbing hold of his ass as she did.

“What are you doing?” she asked.

He started to walk upstairs. She cried out and immediately closed her eyes so she couldn’t see.

“Blue, please don’t drop me. Please.”

He slapped her arse and she growled.


“I can’t help it, baby.”

She opened her eyes and saw the ground was still very much moving, so she quickly closed them again.

“You know, I’ve got two feet that I’m perfectly capable of walking on.”

“And you’ll take too long and I want you in my bed right now.”

She chuckled. “This isn’t exactly what I had in mind.”

There was a sudden jerk and then she was dumped onto something soft.

“You can open your eyes.”

She kept them squeezed tight, feeling the bed beneath her hands.

“You’re on a bed.”

“I know I am.”

“What’s the problem?” he asked.

She opened one eye, then the other, and collapsed back on the bed. “Please, don’t do that again.”

“Sorry, babe, but I liked that.” He leaned over her.

“But let me know if you’ve changed your mind.”

She lifted up on her elbows and shook her head.

“I haven’t changed my mind about anything.”

Slamming his lips down on hers, Blue’s cock hardened even more.

After all of her first times, this one was the one he was most afraid of taking. He’d never been with a virgin before and he wanted to make this the best experience of her life.

He broke from the kiss, trailing his lips down her neck.

After flicking his tongue across her pulse, he nibbled on her neck at the same time that he opened the buttons of her shirt.

Laylah helped him get her naked and as he pulled away, he stared down at her naked chest.

Full ripe tits just waiting to be sucked. He went to her neck again, sucking on her pulse before gliding down to find a plump nipple he immediately took into his mouth.

He didn’t use his teeth, even though he wanted to bite down.

Taking his sweet time, he swirled his tongue across the bud, stroking back and forth before finally sucking her in deep.

She arched up and as he distracted her with his attention on her tits, he started to work the button of her pants.

He got it open, and then the zipper. This time, he had no choice but to pull away.

He climbed off the bed, grabbed her jeans, and tugged them along with him.

Within a matter of seconds, he was also naked.

Crawling up between her spread thighs, he stared into her eyes before going to the other nipple.

She cried out his name.

He couldn’t wait another minute to taste her.

Kissing his way down her body, he went straight to her pussy, spreading her thighs.

Then he began to lick and suck at her clit.

He wanted her to come before he finally took her virginity.

He ignored his own arousal. His only focus was this woman who was threatening to shatter his soul, but he could handle it.

“Please,” she said.

He cupped her arse and pressed his face right against her pussy, tasting her, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

He glanced up her body, seeing just how close she was, but he wanted her soaking wet and ready for him.

The thought of finally owning this woman did something to him, striking him to the core with need.

He wanted to own every single part of Laylah. He craved her so damn much and now, he wanted her to feel the same.

Pressing his face against her core, he continued to suck her pussy, drawing her ever closer.

As she found that peak, he swallowed her down. Replacing his tongue with his fingers, he moved up the bed, reaching for the drawer beside his cabinet.

He grabbed the condom, tearing into it while Laylah struggled with aftershocks.
He let her go to finally roll the condom over his large cock.

Blue moved swiftly, settling between her thighs, stroking her core. He stared into her eyes as he poised at her entrance.

With one swift thrust, he filled her hard and fast, tearing through the wall of her virginity and finally claiming her for his own.

She cried out and he took possession of her lips, swallowing down her cries, knowing he was the one at fault.

He should have been more patient, but one look at her, and he just couldn’t take it anymore.

Each pulse and ripple around his dick was pure torture, but hearing her cry out, that was even worse.

He gritted his teeth and waited for the pain to subside, not once stopping in his kisses.


Blue didn’t realize just how much he actually had. Now as he felt her wriggle on his dick, he broke the kiss to look into her eyes.

The pain in them was gone.

Slowly, he pulled out, rocking in and out of her gently, letting her get accustomed to the feel of him.

She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he took it up a notch, his pace speeding up.

When she arched her pelvis against his, he couldn’t do it slowly, and he began to fuck her even harder.

He wished the condom wasn’t between them, but he wasn’t ready to be a father and he certainly wasn’t ready to share his woman with anyone else.

“Oh, fvck, baby, you have no idea how fvcking amazing you feel.”

He groaned out each word as he went deeper, harder.

Then he couldn’t hold back another second, his release taking him by surprise as he filled her up.

Afterward, he collapsed beside her, cupping her face.

“You’ve got to rejoin the team,” she said, after a few seconds.

“Ah, so that’s what all of this is about,” He ran his thumb across her bottom lip.

“They need you.”

“I want you more.”

“They’re going to hate me, but I don’t want to be the girl who took you away from what you love.”

“I don’t love sports, Laylah. I love you.”

“I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to you saying that.”

He noticed she didn’t say it back, but he understood.

Laylah hadn’t been given the time to come to terms with how he felt about her.

He’d been falling in love with her long before he finally asked her out on a date.

“If I go back, will you go out with me? Be my girlfriend?”

“I thought we were already dating.”

“We are, but it means you’ve got to come to practice as well. Watch me, wait for me. Be the devoted girlfriend.”


“Hell, yeah, I want it all.”

“And here I thought you only wanted my cherry and you’d dump my arse the moment you got it.”

He kissed her hard and deep. “Not a chance. You’re not getting rid of me that easily.”

She closed her eyes as he brushed his lips against hers. “Deal,” she said.

“Then deal.” He was going to get back on the team.


“I was wrong about him,” Becky said a couple of days later.

After a long weekend, most of which she spent in his bed, they’d returned to school. Hand in hand.

The gossip mill once again running rife. For about an hour, she’d been one of the most hated girls in the school.

The one responsible for ruining the football team, and then of course for taking their star player away from everyone else.

Once it came to light that Blue had rejoined the team, and his complete and utter devotion to her, the glares and nasty comments had come down to a minimum.

“About Blue?” Laylah asked.

“Yeah. I’ve been watching the way he is with you. There’s not a single part of him that is acting. He does love you.” Becky patted her shoulder.

“He’s told me … a lot.”

“Wow, that crap is deep,” John said. “What did you say?”

She blew out a breath. John and Becky winced. “Don’t do that.”

“You mean this guy is literally telling you he loves you, is completely devoted to you, and I can say that for a fact. I’ve been watching him for any kind of flaw in the boyfriend stuff. And you haven’t even said that you love him?”

“Nope. I’m a horrible person, aren’t I?”

“You’re not exactly great,” Becky said.

“Don’t get me wrong. I hate all men and all that, but Blue has turned out to be a pretty decent guy.”

They stood on the stands, watching them train.

The entire team surrounded the coach as he barked orders at them.

She couldn’t make much out, but she guessed they weren’t doing a good job.

“Do you not love him?” John asked.

“I’ve never been in love before. Doesn’t it mean he’s felt this before with others?”

Becky shook her head, as did John.

“You guys are supposed to be my friends and so far, you’re making me feel like crap for not expelling my feelings. Rather than judge me, why don’t you start telling me where I went wrong? That might be a much bigger help.” She glared at each of them.

“Me first?” Becky asked.

“You go. I’ll watch.”

“Okay, when you’re around Blue, do you feel anything different or do you feel the same as when you hang out with us? Before you answer that. Do you look forward to seeing him? I mean stomach twisting, hope building, and all the other emotional crap that goes on with it? Sweaty palms, happiness, and a goofy smile.”

“What’s your point?”

“My point is, if you don’t have any serious feelings for him, none of that this would happen, and you also wouldn’t get pissed when one of the cheer girls pass him with a smile. I know for a fact you want to punch them for even looking at him.”
John chuckled.

“So, what you’re saying is that is love? It’s not just some silly crush?” she asked.

“Not everything is easily analyzed, Laylah,” John said. “You’ve got to learn to just trust. It could be a crush, but that means it could also grow into something so much more. Like me and my girl. It started out as friends at camp, and one summer, we just knew. We were in love, and the distance between us doesn’t mean shit. We’re going to be together.”

“I think it’s time we leave her to figure this one out. Tell Blue we said hi,” Becky said, giving her a hug.

Within a few seconds, she was alone and staring off at the field where Blue was playing with all of his team buddies.

He made her heart race, her pulse quicken. Blue made her feel alive.

She had thought it was just a crush. Something teenagers went through, but it was more than an immature feeling.

She didn’t look at Blue the same way she used to over an actor she adored or had a crush on. Her feelings were real.

They were getting stronger with every passing day.

Each morning when they got to school, he’d take her hand, locking their fingers together, and it would send a spike of pleasure rushing through her body.

He’d also climbed into her bedroom window a couple of times. Even with her parents downstairs, they’d made love, quietly, softly.

Waking up in his arms had been exhilarating and terrifying at the same time. She couldn’t even begin to describe it.

Now as she watched him, she knew without a doubt, and a rush of guilt flooded her.

She’d messed up in more ways than one. Blue had told her every single day that he loved her, kissing her as he did, and she hadn’t.

By the time play finished, Blue shook hands with his teammates and she ran off the stands, rushing toward him.

Normally, he went to the locker room to clean up, but this time, she didn’t give him chance.

She launched herself at him, throwing her arms around him and kissing him hard.

Blue, like so many other times, caught her, holding her close.

“What is it, baby?” he asked when she allowed him to breathe for long enough to speak.

“I love you,” she said, cupping his face and laughing. “I know you must hate me for taking so long to say it, but I do. I love you so much.”

He gripped the back of her neck, holding her close, kissing her harder than before.

“I don’t hate you. I can never hate you. Fvck, you love me?”

“Yes, I love you.” She giggled. “It feels so good to finally say that.”

He lifted her up, and she had no choice but to wrap her arms and legs around him for support.

“What are you doing?”

“Taking you home.”

“You’re not going to shower?”

“I can shower after I fvck you.”
TO be continued

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