
The DNA test episode 5&6

Created by Valentine Valentine in The DNA TEST 1 Aug 2020
The DNA Test Episode 5 & 6

There's nothing hidden that won't be revealed and nothing concealed that won't be disclosed; the only factor needed is 'Time'. No matter how fast a person runs, they can never run away from the harvest of what they sowed; whether good or bad. Ace felt his little secret was safe with him forever. Never in a thousand years did he ever imagine that his wife 'Belinda' would find the hidden skeletons in his cupboard. It's apparent that Ace forgot that those who live in glass houses don't throw stones. When you point one finger at someone, don't forget that the other four fingers are pointing right back at You in the face. There was serious fire on the mountain, but Ace hadn't figured yet that his marriage was headed towards a mighty fall that would damage things almost beyond repair. At this point, all we can do is keep our fingers crossed and hope that things don't go too bad for the once lovely couple.

After the DNA Test result was found by Belinda, she was raged and disappointed at the same time. Never in a thousand years did she ever imagine that her husband of six years was unsure of the paternity of his child. At that moment, it felt as though she had been living with a total stranger all along and it broke her heart to know that Ace had been looking at her all those while as a cheat and unfaithful wife.

The most annoying thing about the whole situation was the fact that Belinda has never questioned nor doubted her husband's faithfulness in their marriage. She trusted him with all her heart and have never harboured any thought of him cheating on her; that's why she was extremely hurt to find out that he never felt same way with her. Poor Woman!

As the whole atmosphere got heated, Ace was confused on what to do in order to calm down his wife's temper. He apologised a dozen times but all to no avail as Belinda still stood her ground on conducting her own DNA Test; since she felt he had enough money to spend. "Baby please I'm very sorry, I honestly don't know what came over me. I feel so ashamed of myself and don't know how to redeem myself in your sight because it's clear you are disappointed in me. My colleagues were the ones that instigated the whole thing, it was never in my mind to do a thing such as this. Babe please let go of the anger you are currently feeling and forgive me please" he soberly said.

Everything Ace was saying at that moment felt like 'Cock and Bull' story to Belinda because it still didn't justify nor clear the narrative that he didn't initially trust her. It still didn't change the fact that he perceived her as an unfaithful wife who sleeps around. It was going to take more than a half baked apology with few tears to change her mind.

"See, all this you are saying doesn't change anything at all. If you can be honest with yourself, tell me you didn't doubt my loyalty for you before this test result came out? Tell me you didn't feel like I was a cheat and an unfaithful wife to you? Tell me you didn't have in mind that Junior wasn't your son and that I probably slept with another man and got pregnant, then in turn put the pregnancy on you? There are so many things you have done in the past that questioned your loyalty to our marriage vows but I never let that change the way I felt about you. I still trusted you regardless and forgave you secretly without an actual apology from you but now all I get is a stab at my back. I am not angry with the fact that you did a DNA Test, I am rather angry because you were sneaky about it. Why didn't you communicate with me if you ever had any uncertainties so we can both do the test together? Don't you know that women could also be victims of circumstances in this issue of DNA Test? Why don't you feel like I deserve to do the test too? Anyways I'm done having this conversation with you because nothing can change my mind from doing my own test. That money you want to spend, we will spend it together because I can see there's an overflow from where it's coming from. We are going back to that hospital first thing tomorrow. I will cancel my plans because I must get tested too.. Period!" she said and stormed out of the room.

On seeing that there was nothing to be done to change his wife's mind, Ace accepted to conduct the test too for her; if that's what it would take for peace to reign. On seeing that Belinda was still raged and furious with the whole situation, he tried his best to calm her down and manage the issue before things escalates further. If only he knew that the battle had only just began.

All through that day, the whole atmosphere was tensed and filled with negative vibes. Belinda kept malice with her husband and didn't utter a single word to him all through that day. Deep down in her heart, it killed her deeply whenever she remembered the fact that Ace doubted her love and loyalty for him. It was truly heart breaking for her to digest the bitter reality that was right in front of her.

Trust me when I say that no woman wouldn't be hurt if put in the shoes of Belinda. It's no denial that there are so many unfaithful spouses on earth, but that doesn't mean there aren't good and faithful ones too. It's sad when a stereotype affects people who are far from the reality of that stereotype

Despite the fact that there is a presence of Evil in the world today, we can't still deny the fact that there's a whole lot of Good too. Infidelity might be the order of the day or norm of this present generation, but that doesn't still change the fact that there are faithful and discipline Men and Woman out there who would stand their ground on a relationship and say 'No' to Cheating. Belinda was certainly among those good eggs, but we can't say same for her husband 'Ace', because so many things weren't adding up with the recent findings in their relationship. Belinda was still in the dark but not for too long anymore.

First thing in the morning the next day, the couple zoomed off to the hospital to conduct the DNA Test. To Ace, he actually wasn't too bothered about the whole thing as he felt his wife was just letting her anger get the better part of her. He couldn't wait for the test to be over so he could apologise properly and make things up to his wife. If only he knew that a bomb was about to be detonated in his home that would make peace far fetched, then I guess he would have reconsidered his thoughts.

When they arrived at the hospital, the test was conducted with haste because Ace had already informed the Doctor before hand of what was going on. The doctor understood perfectly fine and had to do it just to save their marriage and for peace to reign.

After the test, they were informed on when the results would be out before finally taking their leave. All through the ride home, Belinda faced towards the window and didn't utter any word to Ace. He knew she was still mad at him despite apologising over a hundred times but that didn't stop him from apologising further. Their marriage was going through a rough path but Ace remained positive that they would scale through sooner or later.

Immediately they got home, Belinda went to her son's room and locked the door. She was there with Junior all through and tried her best to free her mind from the drama that was happening in her marriage. Every look at Junior brought tears to her eyes and it got the little boy confused. "Mummy why are you laughing and crying?" he innocently inquired. Belinda smiled and tickled him and they both laughed. It was such a sweet moment between mother and son but how long was such moment going to last? Well, we will find out.

Days passed as they waited for the DNA Test result to be out. The couple lived like strangers in the same house and barely spoke to each other. To be honest, Belinda actually cared less about the DNA Test; she just insisted on doing the test just to get back at her husband. If only she knew that God was using her to unlock more hidden secrets. It's apparent that Fate was talking it's course even without her knowledge.

Finally, the long awaited test results were out and the couple were informed to come for it. At that time, the anger in Belinda's heart had subsided but she still needed to finished what she had started just to prove a point to her husband.

As they drove down to the hospital, Ace sudden developed cold feets for reasons unknown. His heart raced non stop and he didn't know why at all. Maybe, it was nature's way of telling the young man that there was fire on the mountain but no one was running yet. I believe his instincts were reacting to the bomb that was about to be detonated at the hospital. Too bad he couldn't see the future to know what was before him that very day.

They arrived at the hospital shortly and headed to the doctor's office. Immediately they entered inside, the countenance of the doctor was off; he looked confused than relaxed. "Good morning doctor" the couple greeted as they took their seats. It was such an awkward meeting and it wasn't long before Ace sensed that something was wrong somewhere. "We are here for the result" Ace said out of nowhere, just to break the silence in the room.

The doctor looked at Belinda and began to probe her with questions. "How long have you two been married?" he asked, "6 years plus" she replied and he nodded slightly. "When did you have your baby?" he continued, "6 years ago" she replied, "at which hospital?" he added, "Living Stream Hospital" she replied.

At that moment, Ace was beginning to get scared as he wondered why the doctor was asking his wife all those questions. He looked lost as they conversed and finally chipped in after listening for a while. "Doctor what is it? I'm getting confused now" he said.

The doctor looked at both of them and took a deep breath. He looked at Belinda afterwards and dropped a shocker; "Your test came out Negative, which means Junior isn't your son".

Shocked and confused, Belinda screamed "What!". The doctor confusingly looked at her and said; "I am shocked myself".

Episode 6

Most times, the first person to get to the police station isn't always the one that wins the case. An innocent mind fears no accusation, but a guilty person is usually up on it's toes in fear. The unbelievable revelation by the doctor, as regards Belinda not being the true mother of her son of 6 years was alot to digest. Like how on earth is that even possible? How can Ace DNA Test result come out Positive while Belinda's own came out Negative? How can the dots be connected and figured out? Well, it's apparent that the truth was no longer far fetched, as every hidden secret was about to be uncovered.

Deep down in the doctor's mind, he had already figured what could have went wrong but he didn't want to attack the confused couple with questions or intense probing. The atmosphere was tensed already so the doctor figured it was best to let the couple take their time to digest the shocking revelation.

"Doctor this is a joke right? Please don't tell me you called us out here today for this clown show?" Belinda flared up in disapproval. At that moment, everything still felt like a movie to Ace, as he was still trying to connect the dots of what was happening right in front of him.

The doctor expected Belinda's reaction so he wasn't too surprised that she didn't believe the test results. Like who would believe such information? How can you tell a woman that birthed and nursed her baby right from infancy that her child wasn't hers? If you were the one, wouldn't you laugh at such information? It's clear you would because it sounds less authentic and reliable. Never in a thousand years did it ever cross Belinda's mind that her baby was switched at birth; never for once did such thought cross her mind. To her, the results were mistaken and needed to be done over again.

"I know you are confused and so am I too, but that doesn't change the reality of things now. To be fair and safe, I suggest we re-do the DNA Test for both of you again so we can clarify this confusion once and for all" The doctor politely suggested. On seeing that there was no other option of determining the truth, the couple agreed to run the test again and this time, they would do it together and at the same time.

Immediately after the couple agreed to carry out the test again, the test materials were extracted from their body and taken to the lab right away. There and then, Ace wired another money for the Test of both himself and his wife. It annoyed him slightly that he was losing a lot of money due to the new development but he let the whole thing slide just for clarity sake.

After everything was done, Ace and Belinda left the hospital more confused and scared than they initially were when they first came in. Throughout the ride home, they didn't utter a word to each other because they were both deep in thoughts. The atmosphere in the car was very awkward that they even avoided eye contacts. At this point, it was safe to say that their marriage had officially began to take a turn towards destruction and danger. The truth was still hidden, but for how long more? It was just a matter of few days before everything comes to broad day light. Quite unfortunate indeed!

When they arrived home, Belinda hurriedly opened the door and banged it behind her. At that point, she was at the verge of losing her mind so she figured it was best to isolate herself from her husband, just for things not to blow out of proportion.

Immediately Belinda alighted from the car, she hastened her steps and went inside the house. Without eating or saying "Hello" to the house helper, she entered inside her room and locked the door. Ace was still in the car trying to wrap his head around everything that was just happening so fast. It killed him deeply that he was gradually losing the relationship he once had with his wife all because of the whole DNA Test issue.

At that moment, Ace began to regret ever conducting the test in the first place because it felt like everything was just coming back to hunt him. If only he knew that there was more coming ahead, then he would have began to figure out a way to stop it before the worst happened and things goes out of his control forever. The young man didn't want to lose his wife nor family, so it bothered him that things were taking a scary turn.

After about 30 minutes of being inside the car, it dawned on Ace that Junior was still in school so he headed out to his son's school to pick him up. It was a 20 minutes drive to the school but before he got there, they had already closed and Junior was playing in the school compound with some of his friends.

A coincidence happened that fateful afternoon. It happened that Rita was contacted to clean the school classrooms and premises after school hours. That very day, she came with her son 'David' to the school so he could assist her.

As they cleaned the classrooms, Rita told David to help her throw some trash into the garbage bin outside. The little boy took the trash and headed outside to dispose them but was distracted by the fun play that was going on in the school premises. He stood and watched other kids have fun and play with each other and wanted to join them so bad. As he was about to walk away, he was stopped by the kids.

"Come and play with us" Junior playfully said from afar. David smiled and hurriedly joined the group of children to play. They did so many fun things and could hardly catch their breath. Everyone was having an awesome time but the play had to cease when Ace arrived and beckoned on Junior to get into the car. "Bye Bye!" Junior emotional said as he ran to meet up with his dad waiting inside the car. Immediately they drove off, Rita came outside in search of David whom she had been waiting for.
If only Rita knew that her biological son just left few minutes ago before she came out. Also, if only David knew that the man that just drove off in a sophisticated car was his biological dad and the little boy he just played with was taking his place in his mother's life. Small world indeed!

Since that day, Belinda still haven't gotten herself due to what happened back at the hospital. She barely spoke to anyone asides her son and always isolated herself from Ace. She hated him for putting her through everything she was presently going through. The fact that he was the one that instigated everything concerning the 'DNA Test' made her hold him accountable for the misery she was feeling.

Countless times, the scared married man tried to make peace with his wife and rekindle their love but all to no avail. Belinda kept pushing Ace away and never wanted to hear anything from him because she was dealing with a lot of emotional trauma as she anticipated the final DNA Test results. They both kept their fingers crossed till the results finally came out.

On the day the scared couple were informed to come to the hospital for their results, Belinda said a heartfelt prayer before leaving the house. She asked God to clear every doubt that surrounded the maternity and paternity of her son. It was such an emotional moment for the worried woman as they prepared to head out to the hospital.

All through the ride to the hospital that day, the couple kept thinking about one thing or the other and barely had peace of mind. For some weird reason, Belinda was scared of the outcome of their visit to the hospital; the thought of the unknown was scary and made her palms extremely sweaty. On the other hand, Ace wasn't left out as he was secretly scared too. After about 2 hours drive, they arrived at the hospital and made their way to the doctor's office.

"Hello, welcome once again, please have a seat" the doctor warmly said; just to make them feel comfortable. Immediately everyone settled down, the doctor began to counsel them first and that felt quite suspicious and also confirmed their fears that something was wrong somewhere. Coolval stories

It took the doctor over an hour of beating around the bush before he summoned enough courage to drop a shocker. "Belinda, what you are about to hear might be highly devastating but I assure you that the case isn't a hopeless one because something can be done to get to the root of it" The doctor said with a faint smile. He turned and looked at Ace afterwards and said; "You will need to be questioned after I say what I am about to say because so many things just doesn't add up".

As the doctor was done speaking in parables, he finally hit the Nail on the Head. "Belinda, your results came out Negative yet again, while your husband's own came out Positive. This only means one thing, which is the confirmation that you are not the true mother of your son but your husband is truly his father. Trust me when I say we use the best equipment and procedure for our Tests and it can't be wrong Twice. There is nothing fishy and my guesses are that you might have adopted the baby from a lady that got impregnated by your husband or your baby was switched at birth with someone that was impregnated by your husband stll. These are the only possible explanations as to the situation urgently on ground. I will give you both some privacy to try and talk things out to know if any of my guesses could be right" the doctor said and walked away.

Immediately the Doctor left, Belinda was lost in thoughts and held her chest in the process. It was at that moment that Ace was hit with a sudden 'Trans' that took him down memory lane in a flash of light. The memories from a particular night hit him and left his eyes wide open.

The look on Ace's face was a confirmation to Belinda that there were some skeletons in his cupboard. It was then that she picked interest and began the conversation that led to the reveal of more deep dirty secrets. "Is there anything you want us to talk about? What is going on? Tell me now I still have my mind and sanity intact because I swear I am about to lose it this very moment" she soberly said.

Immediately Belinda was done talking, the very night that Ace had an unprotected One Night Stand with a lady he met in a club, hit his memory so hard and left him totally dumbfounded.

Before Belinda could say something else, he shockingly muttered the name "Rita".

*(What should I do,my fellow sisters)???????‍♀️


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