
The DNA test episode 7&8

Created by Valentine Valentine in The DNA TEST 1 Aug 2020
The DNA Test Episode 7 & 8

One minute of pleasure can lead to a lifetime of problems. If only Ace knew that his 'One Night Stand' with Rita would result to an unwanted pregnancy that will in-turn cause a lifetime damage to his union with Belinda, then I guess he would have zipped up his trouser and commanded the Devil to Flee. Majority would say the 'Baby Switch' was fate, but do you think such an incident would have happened in the first place if Rita didn't give birth at that same moment Belinda did? A little twist could have prevented that switch but it's quite unfortunate that everything turned out the way it did.

It's so funny how people with the worst secrets and skeletons in their cupboard are usually the first to suspect or point accusing fingers on an innocent person. Out of the abundance of the content in a person's heart, their actions and words align. Hurting people hurt others and it's safe to say that Ace was the less loyal and unfaithful person in their union.

Immediately Ace muttered the name "Rita", Belinda was quick to pick the name and began probing him further. "Who's Rita? Ace who's Rita? You better start talking before I lose it. What is happening for crying out loud, I am just scared and don't know who or what to believe anymore. What in God's name is going on?" she furiously inquired as tears cascaded from her eyes.

On seeing that Belinda wasn't in the mood for any more lies and confusion, Ace had to come clean with the truth. "Babe I'm not sure if what I am about to say have any relation with what is currently happening but I have this feeling in my guts that it could be the genesis of what is going on. Please don't yell at me for what I am about to tell you now; it happened a long time ago but the guilt from that day still hunts me till today. There's this lady I met at the club during Mark's birthday bash. I was drunk at that moment and couldn't remember how we got talking till the extent that we went physical with each other. I remember being intimate with her that night in a hotel not far from the club. Everything happened so fast that I couldn't stop myself nor the lady from doing what we did that night. Immediately we were done, I got a call from Mark, informing me that he was about to leave with the crew. I hurriedly wore my clothes, gave the lady some money and zoomed out. That was the first and last time I ever saw her. I only got to know her name from the conversation we had in the club before heading to the hotel. Ever since that incident, I have always carried a heavy burden of guilt within. I actually got words from a friend of mine that works at the club saying the Rita came looking for me a couple of times at the club but was never opportune to see me. It's just now that the dots have began to connect and I feel she got pregnant as a result of what happened at the hotel that night. I touched her without protections and feel she might have taken in after that. Baby please forgive me, I beg you. I know you hate me now more than anything and to be honest, I also hate myself but that isn't the issue on ground now. We both know for fact that you were pregnant 6 years ago with our son, so the only explanation to the DNA faulty result could be that our baby was switched knowingly or unknowingly at the hospital after you gave birth. Remember, neither your mum nor myself wasn't present at the time you gave birth that very day, so there are chances that our baby was switched when no one was watching. I really don't know why all this is happening to us but I believe we will get to the root of all this" he nervously said.

Oh My! You need to see how completely devastated Belinda was after her husband of 6 years plus confessed to her face that he had an extra marital affair with another woman while they were very much married. The effrontery and nerve he had to break such news to her and expected her to accept it wholeheartedly and not react, was next to non. At this junction, it is safe to say that more pepper had just been added to the injury.

The infidelity revelation brought tears to belinda's eyes and left her dumbfounded. At that moment, she couldn't react nor say anything because a scene would be inevitable if she did so. The only thing the devastated lady could do was stare at her husband with pain in her eyes. Ace didn't need a seer to tell him that his marriage was heading towards a serious disaster. It would take only the grace of God for their marriage to ever go back to the way it used to be before. Quite sad!

After about an hour of talking and trying to figure things out, the doctor returned back to the office to see how far they had gone and to also help them figure out the next course of action.

The revealed secret was communicate to the doctor by Ace and it finally gave a lead in the investigation that was about to begin. "Do you know this lady or where she lives?" the doctor inquired, "No I don't, I haven't met her again since after the affair" Ace revealed. The doctor took a deep breath and continued; "We have to visit the hospital Belinda gave birth in and trace their records to the day your child was born. We will go through their records to see if any patient with the name 'Rita' gave birth on the same day your wife did. If yes, then we have a strong case to pursue but if not, then things might not look too good for our investigation".

It sounded like a good step in the right direction and the sad couple thanked the doctor for being far too kind and for also helping them get to the root of the matter they had found themselves in. After about 20 minutes later, the couple took their leave.

The walk from the doctor's office to the parking lot was one of the toughest walk of Belinda's life. Her legs were extremely heavy due to the shock she was feeling from the whole saga in her marriage. As they walked to the car, she avoided eye contacts with Ace because she wasn't sure of what she would do if she stared at him for any time longer than a second. The rage in her heart was intense but she tried her very best to curtail and manage the anger she was feeling within.

All through the ride home, Belinda kept shedding bitter tears. It killed her within whenever it dawned on her that the lovely boy she had lived with for over 6 years wasn't truly her son. Do you have an idea of how scary and devastating it is for you to nurture, love and care for a child from infancy till 6 years of age, only to be told that the child doesn't belong to you? To add to the injury, you also found out at the same time that your husband cheated on you and there is a high probability that he also has a child with the person he cheated on you with; and to finally top it up, you have been rising and living with that child for over 6 years without knowing. Now tell me, which lady wouldn't completely lose her mind? It was a whole lot to digest at one time. Poor Belinda!

When they arrived home, Belinda was about to open the car door but Ace locked it from the control lock that was at his own door end. "Babe please let's talk before we go in. There's so much happening now and I guarantee it is out to destroy our marriage" Ace soberly said and before he could talk further, Belinda hushed him. "Don't ever pretend like we are OK because we are not; I repeat, we are not OK! How can you do this to me? What did I do to deserve such back-to-back betrayal from you? My own child is somewhere out there and all the comfort I can get from you is the news that you cheated on me? What kind of husband are you? See, till I find my child and get to the root of this matter, just leave me the hell alone" she said and banged the door behind her.

On thing was clear that evening and it was the fact that peace was far from the once peaceful and admirable union. Ace was at the lowest state in his life at that moment due to the shame he was feeling. He managed to carry himself inside the house after sitting in the car for sometime.

That night was the most traumatic and emotional night of Belinda's life. She went to Junior's room and just couldn't stop staring at him. The reality that the little boy wasn't truly her child, made her shed bitter tears. Imagine how she felt when she thought of Junior belonging to someone else other than her; a child she had lived the past 6 years with. A child she loved with all her heart and could do absolutely anything just to put a smile on his face.

As Belinda stood beside her son in tears, he suddenly looked up and saw her crying. "Mummy why are you crying?" Junior asked but Belinda smiled faintly; "Mummy is fine baby, she just misses you that's all" she calmly said and they gave each other a warm hug. It was such an emotionally draining day for the devastated woman.

From that day henceforth, the investigation began. At a time, the police were also involved in the investigation and after intense probing and deep dive, they found leads to the answer the couple sought for. From the investigation, Rita's whereabouts was tracked and her address was now revealed to Ace and Belinda.

It took the couple a lot of time before finally deciding to pay Rita a visit. The struggling single mum lived in a slump area of town and was fortunately at home when they came visiting one fateful day.

There was a knock on the door that very day and a little boy opened the door to see who was knocking. Immediate Belinda saw the little boy, her heart dropped and for some strange reason, her spirit connected with him and she honestly didn't know why. "Hello little man" she warmly greeted and before she could utter another word to the little boy, Rita walked out from the house and almost dropped dead when she saw Ace standing right in front of her. She was highly flabbergasted and confused at the same time.

"What's going on here?" Rita curiously inquired and before Ace could begin to explain, Belinda immediately squat down, gave David a warm hug and gently said; "I am so sorry my son, I am very sorry my baby".

The DNA Test (episode 8)

The bond and connection between a mother and her child can not be fathomed. A woman might not be sure of anything in her life but not when it comes to her feelings for her child. Belinda needed no seer to tell her that David was her 6 year old lost son because the confirmation was vivid in her heart and spirit. Without the approval or consultation of Rita, she made her way to her son and gave him the warmest hug he had ever received since his existence. That beautiful action and sight brought tears to Ace's eyes while Rita was still confused on what was going on. It was truly about to go down that fateful day because so many secrets where about to be uncovered.

"What is going on here? What do you mean by what you just told my son? Ace what have you come to my house to do after all these years I tried to contact you but you deliberately shut me off? Don't lay a single finger on my son again because you both wouldn't like to see the other side of me" Rita flared up and forcefully dragged David from Belinda's hand.

On seeing that things were about to take a different turn, Ace figured it was time for him to step in and explain what was going on. "Rita, can we just go inside and talk? There's a lot to be said and I bet you will understand better after we are done with the conversation" he gently requested but she wasn't ready to have any conversation with either of them. "You are a big clown to think that I would care about anything you came here for. When I found out that I was pregnant, I tried to reach you severally but you ran away from me at every attempt I made to get closer to you; now here you are! Please leave my house before the neighbours will gather for us now. I said Leave!" Rita angrily said.

As the situation was headed towards a dead end, Belinda figured that she had to do something because there was no way she would let her biological son still remain in the custody of another woman. That was never going to happen; at least not for the second time.

"I know you are paranoid and confused as to why we are here and it's OK to feel that way because I feel same too. I have been devastated since the very day it got to my notice that my baby boy was switched at the hospital on the day I gave birth to him. It was a DNA Test that revealed this scary secret to us and after series of professional investigations, we got to know that my husband had an affair with a lady in the past; which happened to be You. The DNA Test showed that I wasn't the mother to my lovely son I had nurtured for the past 6 years, but it also showed that my husband was very much his dad. It sounded unbelievable initially but everything started to make sense when you came into the picture. It was after an intense investigation that we were able to trace you through 'Living Streams Hospital' delivery records. What I am about to say now might sound like a Big joke but your biological son is in my house as we speak, while this little boy I am staring at now is my own flesh and blood" she soberly said.

Immediately Belinda was done talking, Rita burst into uncontrollable laughter. She laughed her ribs out while the other party looked as serious as any other thing. To Rita, they looked like clowns who had come to snatch her 6 years old baby from her; everything was indeed laughable to her. After laughing for a while, she addressed the issue one last time.

"Listen, I don't know who you guys think you are to boldly come to my house to say this rubbish but let me put you straight once and for all; don't ever come here again if you don't want to see the mad side of me. So your wife is barren and you want to come and steal my child which you never knew existed before now. I laugh in Spanish because you guys look like clowns. Before I count from one to five, I want the two of you to disappear from my sight. Get Out Now!" she screamed and banged the door behind her.

After that little scene, Belinda broke into tears and gave Ace a dirty slap on his face due to the rage she was feeling at that very moment. "I hate you with all my heart, I swear I hate you. I never want to look at you again. How could you just fold your hands and watch this lady withhold my son? That is my lost son for crying out loud and you couldn't do anything. I hate you Ace, I hate you" she said as she cried bitterly. Since it was a public compound, neighbours started gathering the scene to know what was happening.

In less than five minutes, there were over 10 people present. Belinda kept crying and telling her 'baby switch' story to everyone that cared to listen. The neighbours tried to call Rita out from her room but she paid deaf ears and didn't open the door. The grieved Belinda kept crying as a child whose toy was taken from her. It took the grace of God for Ace and some concerned neighbours to be able to convince her to go home and come back more prepared to take her son another day. After a long time of persuasion, the exhausted and tired lady followed her husband back home.

As Ace drove home that very day, Belinda kept crying in the car and didn't seem like she was going to stop anytime soon. She cried her eyes out and kept stamping her feet on the car floor. Ace tried all he could to console her by telling her that they would come back more prepared in a legal way to take the child back but that wasn't enough to console her.

Do you know painful it is to see something you love and have waited long enough for but can't touch it? Belinda was close to her own biological son for the first time in 6 years but couldn't claim him nor take him home. It was highly devastating indeed. Poor Belinda!

After that day, Ace got more authorities involved in the matter and they all backed him up after every claim was confirmed. They planned when to strike and how they were going to go about it too.

Since the last visit to Rita's house, Belinda have been restless and kept day-dreaming of that first special hug she gave her son that very day they met. The desperate lady was involved in everything that pertained to bringing her son back to her. She attended all police appointments and meetings too. Rita felt she was smart but she definitely wasn't ready for the prepared couple.

However, something quite unfortunate happened on the D-day the authorities planned to reclaim David from his switched mother 'Rita'. Despite the fact that Rita was less privileged, she was one step ahead in the game. It turns out that while Ace was making arrangements to reclaim his child, Rita was packing to elope from her compound. It took her just 2 days to totally disappear from the compound to an unknown location and territory.

The day of the operation came and police officers invaded the compound with over 5 hefty men in uniform. Belinda and Ace were present and very ready to take back their son.

Just so you know, Junior was still well taken care of and Belinda still saw him as her child; nothing had changed. They actually planned on giving Rita 50/50 custody of Junior because he was still very much Ace's son. They also planned on changing her life by establishing a big business for her and also move her from the old place she was living in. If only Rita knew that these couple meant well for her too, she wouldn't have done what she did and presently still doing.

Immediately the officers invaded the compound, the went straight to Rita's door and banged on it as though they wanted to bring it down. After banging severally but no response, they opened the door and it freely opened on it's own without the need of a key.

The officers were surprised but too hyped to care. They entered inside only to meet an empty room. "No one is here" an officer said as they came out from the room. A neighbour who was present was questioned on where Rita was and he dropped a shocker; "Madam Rita has packed out with her son" the neighbour revealed.

Immediately Belinda heard that shocking revelation, she screamed and collapsed!


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