
The story of my life episode 13

Created by Valentine Valentine in The story of my young life 18 Jul 2019
Sequence 13
Arriving at the airport in Nigeria, I was really impressed. I must say the
new government really outdid there self this time. Honestly I felt I was
still in London.
But what amazed me more was the roads , very smooth with Street lights
everywhere, I could hardly recognize my country, even the road to my own
My house was still the same cosy and sweet home, always as inviting as ever.
We arrived by midnight and I was really tired. The moment I got home I just
went to my room straight. Managed to get a warm bath and hit my bed
straight. I found myself dozing almost immediately.
I was woken up the next morning by the barking of a dog, I guess my Dad
must have purchased one while I was away.
Slowly I got out of bed, said my morning prayers and freshened up.
Normally I wasn't an early eater but this morning was quite unusual as I
was already hungry.
I quickly went downstairs to the kitchen and I found Mr Obi in the already
preparing breakfast.
"good morning Mr Obi, so good to see you again " I greeted as I helped
myself to a glass of water. Something that had become a daily routine.
" morning Miss Leah, I dey very happy to see you ooh, see as you don big
finish, come fine well well, abroad really good for your body sha" He
replied, amusing me.
Oh comon Mr Obi, I thought we've gone through this miss crap already, just
call me Leah OK"
"ahaha, you never change at all, still that same humble pickin wey I know
," He replied
"I'm so damn hungry right now, gosh I could eat a whole elephant, do we
have any cereals in this house " I asked
" which one come be cereal again? Sha I don almost finish with the food,
just go dinning go sit down, I go serve am come for there "
"OK, I'll just sit and wait for you then" I said, as I sat on the kitchen
"has daddy left for work already " I asked
" yes oh, he comot very early, that your papa dey try sha, en no dey ever
rest. So so work every day"
"yeah you're right, I always warn him that his working himself up but he
doesn't listen. And it's dangerous for his health. Anyway I'm here now,,
things definitely got to change"
In no time, he was through with the meal,and I immediately helped myself to
a bowl of steaming pasta and sauce.
The food was delicious, he was indeed a good cook, I cleared the table
afterwards and headed back upstairs to check on some things on my laptop.
And also to unpack as I hadn't done so. I would also be going out to
purchase a new sim card.
I was still unpacking when my door burst open and Anita came running
inside, knocking me down in the process.
"oh my God, look at you girl, I've missed you " she said as we hugged each
" wow, I must confess you look way better than those pictures, if we hadn't
been keeping in touch I guess I wouldn't even recognize you" I said
"forgive me hunie, I couldn't make it to the airport last night, we had an
emergency at the hospital, a lady that was abused by her husband was
brought in, and she was almost due, we had to do quickly perform an
operation to save both mother and child and It was already 4am by the time
we were able to put them in a stable condition.
"oh my God, that man would be in jail if it were to be in London, I mean,
who does that" I answered disgusted.
"we see cases like this often, I really don't know what's going on,
sometimes I even start to imagine what the future holds. Anyway I'm glad we
were able to save them "
" yeah, and that man needs to be put be hind bars if you ask me"
"I'm so glad to see you, everyone is talking about you, the young young
Nigerian Medical student that successful carried out the first heart
transplant on a baby. You made the news headlines for weeks girl and I
couldn't stop telling everyone that cared to listen that you're actually my
best friend. You've made us all proud dear " she said excited
" look at who is talking, you that came out as the best graduating student
of your school, with a whooping CGPA of 5.0, the highest in the country as
a matter of fact. You surely made your mark girl and I was really
"honestly I didn't know how I managed to pull that, I was taken totally
unaware and I had to prepare my valedictory speech a night prior to the
event " she said.
" you see, at least I didn't get to be the best graduating student in
Oxford, although I was very close, actually the second highest but a German
guy beat me to it with just a few points" I said"
"you broke world record girl, you did something more experienced doctors
have been on for years without succeeding, you even got interviewed by
international media."
" well I'm glad we were able to crave our names in the heart of many and I
thank God for that" I said.
"OK, so let's get to business, where all the things I asked you to get for
me, I don't need story ooh, everything must be complete" she said as she
started to check the bags.
I just laughed as I went to my wardrobe to bring out the box containing the
things I got for her.
She asked for clothes, shoes, hairs, bags, and a watch, which I bought. I
even got her an iPhone too, the latest one just unveiled by Apple.
She was so happy and she tried them on. One black dinner gown I bought
really fitted her and I couldn't hold back the compliment
"wow, this would be so hot for a romantic dinner date, Nick is such a
losser" the words escaped from my mouth before I could stop them.
"I'm so sorry " I said covering my mouth with my palms.
" it's OK, I know you didn't mean that, besides it wasn't his fault, I
guess fate had something else in store for us" she said, her countenance
"I must confess you're one hell of a fighter girl, I kept wondering how you
pulled through " I said reaching for her hands.
" After sobering up for days, I realized things would never changed so I
just put myself together and handed over everything to God, he knew better,
my biggest problem was actually Nick, it needed a lot Convincing from me
before he could get over me and move on, quite a number of times, he
suggested that we should just take the risk, but as a medical doctor I knew
better so I had to make him understand.
When his mother was on his neck for him to get married, she actually sought
my help and I talked him into marrying a girl she got for him. She's a nice
girl, though still very young and naive, she's nineteen actually"
"wow!, it must have really been a tough one for you two"
"you can say that again, you won't believe he actually wanted to run away
from his own wedding, he came to my house early that day, begging for us to
run away, at a point I was so moved, but I had to do what was right. So I
made him go back for the wedding.
even when they were about to take their vows, he looked at me and I nodded
in agreement before he finally said I do.
A drop of tear even escaped from his eyes and I felt so bad, I had to
excuse myself and I ran to the restroom, that was when I let my emotions
pour out as my tears flowed like a river.
Finally I got a hold of myself, thankfully I had my makeup kit in my bag,
so I quickly retouched my face and put on the best smile ever and headed
back to the occasion.
It was also on that day I meet Ryan, he introduced himself as one of Nick's
senior colleagues, and he's a SAN, quite young for his age.
We exchanged numbers and he's been so wonderful ever since, I think I'm
actually falling girl, though I want to take things easy. He has taken me
to lunch at his family house a couple of times and they are amazing people.
I and his mom got along really fast and we talk at least once a day"
"wow, so happy for you dear, you deserve nothing but the best. So how has
he been coping ever since "
" he's copping really fast, his wife is heavy and should be due in a couple
of months, he made me promise to watch over her so she's one my private
patient. And he's really happy that I got along with his boss"
"you sure do have a thing for Lawyers, I wonder what's so special about
them" I asked
"That's the perfect combination if you ask me, it's a shame Val isn't one,
just imagine, Dr Leah weds Bar. Valentine, don't you hear how sweet it
sounds "
" you're so funny, wait till Val hears that from you, to him, being an
architect is the best thing that can ever happen to a man"
"Seriously? Well I must give that to him, he's so good and I could swear
architecture was made just for him, i was so stunned when I heard he was
the one that planned that building that currently holds a world record as
the first 7 stoery building without a single pillar "
" yeah, I travelled with him to get the award, he really worked his brains
out on that project, at times he'll fall asleep on the drawing table and
I'll be the one to wake him up, to go into his room.
I'm so glad all his hard work paid off, "
" you can say that again, so tell me has he proposed yet? " she asked.
" not yet, I wonder what is keeping him, and if he doesn't purpose before
his birthday next month, I'm afraid I'll have to do it myself" I said
making a serious face.
"don't be ridiculous girl, this is Africa, for goodness sakes, things are
not done that way here. We have to keep our pride and let them do the
wooing. We might even play hard to get to make sure they Value us when we
finally accept"
"whatever, dear but I'm becoming impatient by each day,"
"calm your nerves girl and let him take his time "
After spending some time at the house together, we went out to get a sim
card and go catch some fun.
She slept over at my place and left for work the next morning.
I was to resume the next month as the Chief Medical Officer Pediatrics Ward
at the Federal Hospital, With an official Car and a duplex within the
hospital with a very huge salary and other allowances.
Val had decided to run his own firm despite various job offers from very
prestigious companies with very attractive pay.
My dad say his decision was a very good one and he saw to it that
everything went in on.
He had even overseen the building and registration of the firm before our
arrival and just some few signatures here and there and it would start
He also had plans for me to open my own hospital soon. I was very much
overwhelmed by his plans for our future, our future kids would indeed be so
very Lucky..
I had been so busy the past few weeks, trying to get my company running.
Leah's Dad has been of tremendous help so far, I couldn't have asked for a
better father.
The opening ceremony was a grand one at it attracted the big names of the
It was indeed a special day for me, not only because it was the opening of
my company, but I was finally going to propose to Leah.
Just like ever, she was so gorgeous, as I had her by my side, welcoming all
guests that attended, no one left without complimenting her and saying how
lucky I was.
The occasion was a brief one because for most successful people, time was
of an essence.
After the occasion, I asked her to follow me to somewhere important, so we
got into the car and I drove off.
On our way, we kept chatting and making fun of each other until we got to
our school gate.
"Val, do you mind telling me what we are doing at FGC, I mean, if I'm to
calculate properly, schools are on break now" she said
"come on babe, people live here you know, both academic and non academic
"i know, but I don't really get our reason for coming here in the first
place, if we were supposed to come here it should be when school is in
section, at least to say hi to our teachers "
" hunie please just do as I say ok"
"whatever " she replied.
I drove into the school compound, and I headed towards the road that leads
to the field and parked my car at a corner then I turned to her.
" OK hunie, we are almost there but I'm afraid I'll have to blindfold you
through the rest of the journey " I said
" serious baby, I'm not finding this funny any longer, just come out with
it already" she replied.
"hunie can you please stop being stubborn, just do as I say"
"fine, but this better be good" she said
I blindfolded her and I led her to the garden at the back the school field.
I already had an event planner decorate it for me and I was very impressed.
Then I positioned her in the middle, brought out the diamond from my suit
pocket and went on my knees.
"you can lose the scarf now hunie " I said
And she loosened it and open her eyes slowly to be hold the beautiful
sight, and I began
" Ten years ago, I met the most amazing person I've ever come across, I
fell in love with her that minute and I knew for sure that she was the one.
We started off as best friends and with each passing day I grew to love her
more. I discovered this beautiful place and I always came here to make
sketches of her, sketches of our future together.
Then exactly eight years ago, I brought her here,. That day I told her how
much I loved her, how much I believed in our future together. I made a
promise that I was willing to wait, no matter how long it took for her to
realize it and love me the same way too
I told her my love for her would be enough to sustain us together.
That day I never knew I was going to wait for eight years to do this.
I hope my love for you was more than enough to sustain us both
And today, I decided to bring you back here, to where it all began,
to here we had our very first kiss.
For the tress, and the flowers and the birds to bear us witness.
My love, I can never get enough of you, words cannot quantify how you make
me feel.
I want to wake up every morning with you in my arms, loving you every
single day of my life Leah.
Please make me the happiest man on earth.
Marry me my love"
She brought out her hands and I slid the diamond in her finger and it
looked perfect in it. I kissed it.
She drew me up and held me tightly. She was already in tears.
"I love you baby, I love you with every single thing in me and I'll be to
be your wife "
With that our lips meet in a very powerful and mind blowing kiss..
I held him as tight as I could, never wanting to let go. Right there in his
arms, I felt home, I felt safe, a hundred percent secured
Eight years ago, I would never have thought that this man standing before
me would one day steal my heart away, would mean the whole world to me.
"I owe you my life baby, you don't know how happy you made me, what did I
ever do to deserve you..........
He hushed me with a kiss.
"I'm the luckiest guy cause I have you hunie, so damn lucky. I'll give you
everything Leah, I'll give you my life. "
His words brought tears to my eyes. How can a human be so perfect I asked
I looked at the diamond in my finger. It must have cost a fortune. I gently
kissed it and kissed him too.
" I can't wait to share the good news baby" I said to him.
"let's get going then"
He held my hands as he led me out of the beautiful garden to the car.
Then we drove first to his place because he wanted to get something, after
which we'll go to my house for a change of dress then we'll go for a dinner
Arriving at his house, we saw his mom's personal car parked outside,
meaning she was at home.
We both went in together and found her sitting in the sitting room.
"good evening mom " we both greeted together
" evening children, ehmmmmmm, I can sense the excitement, so what's going
on " she asked staring at us suspiciously"
Then I showed her my ring as I smiled
"He finally proposed" she asked
"yes mom, and I said yes" I replied
"ohh darling, congratulations, come here" she beckoned on me for a hug and
I went forward to embrace her.
"is your Dad aware" she asked
"no mom, he just proposed and you're the first to know "
" OK, you'll inform him then, so we can start preparations. I want the
wedding to be in a month time, two at most." she said
"mother, its my wedding we are talking about here " Val said.
" So?? " she asked
" I get to call the shots" Val replied.
"listen to me young man, it took you like forever to propose, you must
consider yourself lucky that someone else didn't out smart you in that.
And I'm not going to sit and watch you take eternity to plan this wedding
so I'm stepping in, and you don't have a choice.
I'll be meeting with Leah's dad over the weekend and we'll plan on how to
do the traditional rights.
I'll also inform your uncle Doctor Pascal. I want my grandchildren running
around this mansion pretty soon and you are not going to delay it any
longer " she said as she walked majestically upstairs giving me a thumb up
sign and I replied her with a wink.
" baby I think we have no choice, I also can't wait to be Mrs Johnson you
know " I said teasingly
" it seems you women have ganged up against me, don't forget Dad still has
a say in this and he'll surely be on my side" He replied
"So how long do you intend to plan then " I asked.
" may be six months or more"
"Valentine! I screamed, "six month is too far"
"So you are really this eager to get married to me, wow!! that makes me the
hottest bachelor in town" He teased
"Hey mister, I didn't say I'm throwing myself at you, remember you were the
one that asked me to marry you, and as a matter of fact I think I've
changed my mind.
I'm not sure I'm really ready to go into marriage now, give me some time,
maybe a year or two to prepare myself, and you can keep the ring too incase
either of us change our mind later" I said as I began to pull the ring
"don't you dare do that, in fact if possible we are getting married in 3
weeks, just inform your Dad that I'll be coming with my family over the
weekend. I'm sure that mom will be able to handle that"
I smiled to myself as my trick did the magic, who says women don't have the
ability to turn things around to suit them.
"how can you possibly say that? I'll never survive it if you ever leave me
and you know that " He said seriously
" well, you're the one who wasn't so sure of wanting to marry me," I
replied mockingly
"We'll have the wedding as quick as possible, even today, right here and
now if it would be possible " He said pulling me into his arms.
" you're so silly you know that " I said,
" and you're in love with this silly guy that makes us both silly you know,
silly in love " He said as we kissed...............
"you've got a room son, and if it's not enough for you go get a house, no
more kissing in my palour"
His mom's voice echoed and we pulled out of the kiss laughing at our
mischievous attitude.....................
"awnnn, his so romantic, I can imagine what a lovely sight it was" nitty
said as I told her about my engagement to Val.
I had also told my Dad and he was so happy for me. Val's family were to
come on Sunday and my Dad had already sent words across to the Village.
If things went on as planned, the wedding would be coming up in a month
I was in my bedroom that evening when the house keeper came to my room
saying my Dad wanted to see me.
I quickly closed my system and went downstairs.
I was surprised to see Val's mom, sitting in the our sitting room and I
greeted her.
Her reply was unusually cold, so I just sat down, the next thing Val came
in too. I guess he was also called.
He took a seat close to me and he held my hands softly.
Then my Dad spoke. "faith, can you please repeat what you told me earlier
today on phone."
His mom cast a look from me to Val then back to me before she spoke.
" I was at my brother's hospital earlier today to inform him that Val was
getting married and his presence was required on Sunday.
He was so excited and demanded to know the person his nephew was getting
married to.
So I brought out my phone and showed him a picture of Leah.
Instantly his countenance changed and I noticed something wasn't right so I
demanded to know what was wrong.
After much persuasion, he told me that Leah was the Same patient that was
admitted in his hospital seven years ago.
According to the report, she was diagnosed of poisoning and it turned out
that she was six weeks pregnant, obviously she took the poison to kill
Fortunately she was rushed in on time by Val here but unfortunately she
lost the baby and also severely damaged her womb in the process"
I felt the whole world stop, it was as if the earth should just swallow me
But she said something about womb being destroyed, I never knew of that
I turned to Val and he had an apologetic look on, meaning he knew about it.
My father's voice rang. "Leah is that true" He asked
I couldn't find my voice so I just nodded, tears running down my face.
"and who was responsible for that pregnancy " He asked again.
There and then I knew I was in big trouble, how would I start to explain
this, why was this happening now why......
" I demand an answer now Leah, who was responsible for that pregnancy "
" I was Dad" Val answered, much to my dismay
"So you had the guts to impregnate my daughter, put her life in danger and
even keep it a secret for all these years "
" I'm so sorry Dad, we didn't mean to, it was a mistake, a......... "
" shut up and leave my house this minute" my father thundered
"I'm sorry Dad, it wasn't my....... "
" I said leave now before I commit murder" He ranged and Val stood up
immediately and rushed out of the house.
His mom also stood up and left.
I faced my dad and I went on my knees. "I'm so sorry Dad, please......."
"leave my presence now" He screamed
"Dad I'm........ "
" I said leave at once and I don't want to see your face until I say
otherwise "
I immediately stood up and ran to my room in tears.
What a life, when I thought everything was finally over then my past came
Like a debt I was owing demanding for its pay.
And to think that I was decieved by Val. How could he have kept this away
from me for so long.
I looked down at my stomach, the report said my womb was damaged, meaning I
would never sustain a life in it.
I fell on my bed as I continued to weep. Surely my whole life had come
crumbling down.
My phone began to ring and it was Val as I assigned a special ring tone to
his call.
I picked it up and his voice came through. "my love I'm so sorry, please I
can explain, I didn't want to hurt you further when I realized you tried to
kill yourself once, please baby, forgive me, let's fight for our love
"did you say fight, there is nothing to fight for Val, its over, I hate you
for not telling me the truth, how could you decieved me for all these
years. I never want to see you again Val, I hate you....
With that I threw my phone on the wall smashing it in the process.
What a life. The devil. Only comes to steal, to kill and to destroy. Will
he succeeded in his mission??

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