
The story of my young life episode 11

Created by Valentine Valentine in The story of my young life 18 Jul 2019
Sequence 11
Seeing Leah in such condition broke my heart, how did I ever let this
happen to her?, what was the next step now that she was pregnant. I was
totally confused. I just sat next to her on the floor holding her in my arms
"it's OK dear, we'll surely find a way to sort this out. Trust me, I'm with
you, I'll never leave you" I said as I cleaned the tears in her eyes.
"oh Val, what did I ever do to deserve you"
"shh....., Every thing will be just fine" I replied. Then a plan struck me.
"Leah, I will never suggest an abortion, its too risky, and I can't bear
you taking it. We'll Inform our parents that you're pregnant and I'm
responsible. I know they will be disappointed with us but they will
eventually come over it. My mom will take care of you during the pregnancy,
she can even get you a nanny. Once the child is a year or two you can go
back to school, I will have mom make sure you still make it to Oxford
University. She'll accepted, she will do anything for me."
She looked up at me, her eyes already swollen and it further broke me.
"you can't be serious Val, that only make things more complicated. How can
you possibly father a child that's not yours? And to even deceive our
families, no Val it's not right"
"No one will ever find out, trust me, I love you so much Leah, I can't bear
you going through this alone, please let me share the burden With you,
let's do this please"
"what if it's a boy and he looks so much like his father, I will hate him"
"and what if it's a girl and she's as beautiful as you, be positive Dear,
please " i said hopping she comes to term with my decision.
" Val, I don't know what to do, this is so complicated, I just wish I'll
wake up and realize all these was just a dream "
" it's OK darling, trust me, everything will be all right "
I drew her into my arms, slowly patting her back.
Love is all about sacrificing for the ones you loved, even if I dispicied
the biological father of that baby in her womb, I loved it's mum dearly,
besides the child is innocent. I know my mom will be very disappointed in
me, but I had to do this for the woman I loved.
As I drove back home, I pondered on the best way to approach my mum about
the situation, she wasn't in the country now, so was Leah's Dad, maybe I'll
inform my mom first on phone, then she can come back and we'll go see
Leah's Dad. Even if he suggests we get married, I will gladly accept. I
loved her and moreover I will be turning 18 in a couple of months. I prayed
a silent prayer hoping things we work out perfectly.
The more I thought about Val's suggestion, the more I realized I couldn't
do it. My Dad will surely hate Val the moment he hears that Val put me in
family way, I can't bear that. What if the truth finally came out in a
scandalized way, it will be worst. I can't even bear the shame to tell my
Dad the truth, and what if I die try committing abortion. Ooh, what is
happening to me, why does life had to be this cruel, mother, I thought you
were up there watching over me, why did you allow this to happen.
The more I thought about it, the more I cried, all through the night, I
couldn't sleep, I kept rolling over my bed, hitting my stomach as hard as I
By the next morning, I already had my mind made up, surely I couldn't stand
the shame, I can't bear to see my Dad hurt, its better I end things myself,
I know everyone will be hurt about my decision but they will eventually
move on without me.
I came downstairs to the store room, Mr Obi had asked permission the day
before, saying his wife was very sick and his presence was needed, so I was
alone at home. I thought about using a kitchen knife to stab myself, but I
couldn't do it, so I decided to use the rat poison I found in the store.
Without thinking, I emptied the whole content into my mouth and dropped the
bottle where I found it I quietly left the kitchen and headed for the
parlour, I brought out all my pictures, right from when I was a little
girl. I came across one I took in primary 5 when we did our career week. I
dressed as a medical doctor. Too bad I was never going to fulfill my
dreams. I was still going through the pictures when I started to feel the
pain in my stomach. The poison was beginning to act, I clutched my stomach
tightly, as blood started to come out of my mouth. And with one loud scream
I fell on the floor, totally blacked out.
I woke up that morning panting, I had a terrible nightmare, it looked so
real that I was glad it was just a dream, I had Leah on my hands, running
in the forest with her and she was bleeding profusely.
I took out my phone to call her but she wasn't picking up, I was really
having a bad feeling so I quickly got of bed, put my clothes on and hurried
out of the house,
On my way to her place I was held in an unusual traffic, a stupid trailer
man just blocked the lane because he was trying to turn. I kept trying her
line but she still wasn't picking. I cursed and prayed before the line
finally moved.
Getting to her house I kept horning but the gateman refused to open, I had
to come down and bang the gate before he opened. I drove inside and rushed
out of the car, approaching the door I heard her scream, quickly I opened
the door and went in, only to find my Leah on the floor with blood gushing
out of her mouth.
Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! I screwed.
I paced to and fro the reception of the hospital nervously, muttering words
of prayer, asking God to save my Leah, even if it was the only thing he did
for me. My eyes swollen from too much crying, my voice hoarse from wailing,
my dress bloody, my heart as cold as stone.
I kept wondering what happened, did she take anything to harm the baby? I
asked myself for the hundredth time. Oh Leah, what happened to you, please
hang in for me i said as I began another round of crying. I should never
have left her side, all these was my fault, I will never forgive myself if
anything happened to her..........
"young man, the doctor demands to see you" A nurse informed me. I quickly
followed her as she lead me to the doctor's office.
"Val have your seat," The doctor gestured for me to sit, before referring
to the nurse.
"thank you very much Ann, you may leave us now" He said and she left.
"uncle how is she now " asked, I couldn't wait any longer
" she's fine, we've managed to put her in a stable condition, you can go
see her once we are done here"
I fell back on my chair as I heaved a sigh of relief,
"Thank God " I muttered.
" So what's your relationship with her" He asked, from his voice, I could
sense something wrong.
"she's a very close friend to me, you can tell me anything" I replied
hoping it was nothing too serious.
"that means you were aware she was pregnant, six weeks to be precise"
I had a feeling that things wouldn't turn out good, but I had to accept, I
was in it already.
"yes uncle" I replied as I bowed my head.
"well, we found a very poisonous substance in her system, she was very
lucky to have been brought when she did because so many other vital organs
would have been destroyed, but I'm afraid she lost the baby"
I didn't know if I should be happy or sad that the baby was gone, we never
wanted it any way
"but there is something more" the doctor said, and I felt my heart skip a
"what is it Uncle, you can tell me anything please" I said.
He hesitated a bit before finally speaking up.
"her womb was badly injured and it will take a lot of time to heal, maybe
even years, but if it eventually heals, it will be a 3% chance if it can
actually house a baby"
I was dumbstruck, I never imagined that kind of outcome
" are you saying she will never be able to have a baby again" I asked, to
be very sure.
" So it seems, but she still have a 3% chance, she might be lucky and that
will be a miracle" He answered, sending the message clearly to me,"
Leah must never find out about this, I thought, it will break her further
and she might hurt herself I thought. Then I faced the doctor
"uncle please do me a favour, please no one should hear about this, her
especially, let it be between you and I. I will take it as a favor from you
and I will never forget your kind gesture " I said.
" it's the hospital's policy to keep things like this Confidential, however
the patient has the right to know " He answered.
"No uncle, please don't tell her, she's been through a lot already, and she
might try to harm herself if she finds out. I suggest she finds out about
it when she's more matured and in a right state of mind, then she will be
able to seek solutions, please"
"Allright, I'm only doing this because of our relationship. You can go see
her now"
"thank you so much Uncle" I said then I stood up. He led me to were she was.
When we got there, he observed her one more time, before leaving. I sat
next to her on the bed as I took one of her hands, a tear escaped from my
eyes and fell on her face. Bending slowly, I kissed away the tears.
Then she stirred, still closing her eyes.
"V..a....l....e....n.....t.....i....n....e.........." she muttered.
"I'm here now Dear, I'll never leave you again"
I felt her other close mine, and her eyes fluttered open
"were are my Val" she asked,
"you are in a hospital, I found you in a pool of blood so I rushed you here"
She looked away as tears ran down her face.
"you shouldn't have come, you should have allowed me end my miserable life"
I was shocked, so she actually wanted to kill herself if I hadn't come when
I did"
"you should never have done that, what were you thinking, why would you
want to do that to yourself, to us, I promised you we'll find a way"
I had already started to cry, to think that my Leah, actually took poison
to kill herself!!.
She raised her hands to wipe my tears.
"don't cry Val, please don't, I hate to see you like this, you're hurting
"promise me Leah, promise me, you will never to this again, whatever
happens, we'll go through it together, ok"
"I promise Val, I promise" she said, as she sobbed.
I held her as I gently patted her back. Then she looked up.
"what about the baby Val" she asked.
"we lost it dear" I answered, and she cried the more.
"ooh Val, I'm so sorry " she said still sobbing.
" it's OK Dear, everything will be fine, I here for you"
I said as I kissed her fore head.
I was discharged from the hospital and some how I was greatful that
everything was over. I couldn't stop thanking God for giving me Val. He was
a very rare kind of guy. After everything that happened, he still stuck
with me like glue.. I made up my mind that from henceforth, I' won't give
him any other course to worry. I'll try to make him happy, I owed him my
He kept pampering me like a child, I had to move in to the Johnson mansion
and he insisted that I remained until my Dad got back.
I spent over a month there until both our parents returned, then I moved
back to my house. I really missed Anita's company, she had traveled to see
her sister, shortly after my unfortunate birthday. Although she was forced
to go by her Dad, and since then we couldn't communicate, her line was
always not reachable.
I was sitting in the parlour one evening watching a movie when I received a
text from the Scholarship board, informing me my documents were ready, and
I was to come to their office on Monday for medical check up. I was so
excited and I called Val to inform him. He was happy for me too and he
offered to drop me there.
I looked up and thanked God, finally there was a light at the tunnel, my
dreams would finally come through.
Life was indeed a puzzle I thought as I sipped the orange juice in front of
I was so glad that Leah, was finally becoming her normal self, I made a
right decision by not informing her of her condition though I often
wondered if she was going to forgive me when she finds out the truth. Well
I let that part slide for now.
Unknown to her also, I have started to make plans to study at Oxford
University too, we'll be leaving together and I planned it as a surprise.
It was going to shock her I swear,and I couldn't wait to see the look on
her face. Anyway, I promised I'll be dropping her at the scholarship board
on Monday. I just hope that things work out well.
Val is one he'll of a guy, and he kept making me laugh all through the
journey to the board. By the time we eventually got there my ribs hurt
because of too much laughing. He escorted me into the building and had to
wait at the reception, while I went to the office.
Inside the office, a man in his mid forties sat be hind a system.......
"good day sir" I greeted as I took a chair opposite him.
"good day miss Leah, congratulations once again, I hope you make us proud
over there" He said offering me a handshake which I gladly accepted.
"I'll try my best sir" I replied.
"Very well then, you'll take this envelope and take it to the General
Hospital, once you get there, you give it to any nurse you find at the
reception. We've already sent a message across and they are expecting you"
He said as he handed me a sealed brown envelope.
"Allright Sir, thank you Very much " I said as I stood to leave the office.
At the reception I found Val sitting comfortably, then I flashed him a
" we have to head to the General Hospital, it seems I'll be having the
medical examination there" I said to him as we walked outside together.
"OK, let's get going then" He replied as we got into the car and he speed
off. In no time we arrived at the hospital and I went straight to the
reception area, I found a very young nurse there so I greeted her and
handed her the envelope. Once she saw the seal on it, She directed me to
the first room in the second floor. There I met another young lady, but she
seemed like a doctor to me. She opened the envelope and and brought out the
content, removed two paper in it and attached it to two others she brought
out from a file on top her desk. Then she attached them together and lead
me to another room.
There, my blood sample was taken, and I was directed to another room, we're
my urine was also taken. Finally I was taken to do an x-ray then I was
asked to report back to the board two weeks from that day. I thanked them
then I went back to the reception were Val was waiting.
"it's time to go now, my hand hurts " I said as I rubbed the placed they
pierced to take my blood.
"eya, sorry you here, but I should have been there to watch you cry" He
said in a funny tone.
"go away joor, you're a bad person "I said as I slapped his arm.
"oya sorry you here, don't worry I'll beat the nurse that did this to you"
"it's now you're talking, come let's go joor, I want to lick ice cream,
that's the only thing that will make this pain to stop. I said as we headed
to the car.
"see your mouth, its not only ice cream, what of Bobo"
"heeeeehnnnnn, you're looking for my trouble now oh, I will cry oh" I said,
forming baby face.
"cry cry baby, are you not ashamed "
" OK, I don't want to lick again, just take me back home and I don't want
to see you again too " I said making an angry face.
" oya sorry, don't worry, I'll buy you plenty ice cream "
" lemme joor, its not only ice cream I want oh, both cake." I said still
forming my baby face.
"OK, I'll buy you plenty cake and plenty ice cream, I think you're happy
"yes" I said nodding my head. Then we both burst of in laughter.
"Leah I swear, you'll do well in acting, I wonder what you're looking for
in medicine " He said, still laughing.
" So what's that supposed to mean na," I said forming an angry face
"no oh, I'm just saying na, maybe you can change your mind " He said.
" why not switch from architecture to acting then, see your head" I said.
"it's this same head that you're dieing for like this oh"
"who dash you, because I'm just helping your matter, so at least they would
say you're carrying fine babe around"
"if I hear, handsome boy like me, fresh boy, chai, no lie, you they trip
for there"
" abeg, psycia come and carry your patient oh" I replied, and we both
laughed, while we headed to an eatry .
"Waiter, give me one more bottle " I screamed, I had already taken 5
bottles of beer, still nothing changed. That was how things have been ever
since I did that to Leah. My life had been miserable, I couldn't
concentrate at work anymore so I was sacked. The beer parlour had been my
second home and I drank myself to stupor.
What was I even thinking, carrying out such a grievous offence, in the name
of love. Haven't I only succeeded in pushing her father away. Who gave me
such a stupid idea. I haven't even been able to forgive myself ever since.
Please forgive me Leah, forgive me, I'm such a fool, a fool in love. I
drained the sixth bottle, moving to the seventh.
How do I begin to ask for her forgiveness now, how do I get myself out of
this mess. I see her every day in my dreams, crying and cursing me, saying
it will never be well with me. The worst is that I can't even face her. I
can't even look her in the eye.
How could I let some minutes of enjoyment ruin my life.
Having had 10 bottles, I stood up and staggered out of the chair then the
guy came to me.
"ahaha, oga, you never pay me now " He said, blocking my way"
"how much be your money" I replied.
"na 2500" I heard him say.
"OK, I no get money today, tomorrow I pay you "
" no oga, na so you talk the other time, manager sef don dey vex, eeeh say
make you pay before you go"
"oya na, make una, com force me, I say I no get money"
"you go tell that one to manager by yourself ooh, just sit down here wait
for am"
"see this one, abeg shift for road make I pass, I dey vex for here ooh, no
make me loose my anger for your body oh" I said pushing her away from the
the road.
"abeg, make una help me ooh, this man drink eeeh no gree pay money " she
said drawing attention to us. Then I lost it, and gave her a big slap.
" hey, een don slap me ooh, make una come ooh" she said screaming, next
thing someone grabbed me and heavy punches starting landing on my body, I
just passed out.
I sat nervously, at the waiting room, waiting to see the outcome of my
results. I really wished Val was here with me, but he had something
important he was doing for his mum. For some reasons I was scared, I
silently prayed to God to make things work out. Then I heard my name being
called and I went inside.
I met a lady and she motioned for me to sit. Then she handed me a big Brown
"in there, is your visa, and all other documents you'll be needing. You're
to leave in three weeks time.Congratulations once again.
I felt my eyes moist, I was short of words, finally,I'll be traveling, it
was too good to be true. After all that happened, haha THIS GOD IS TOO GOOD
*I managed to say thank you to the lady before running out in excitement,
to Val's place, he needed to hear the good news.
Getting to his house, I ran inside and met him coming down downstairs, In
my excitement I jumped on him and we both fell on the floor, thankfully the
tiles had thick rug covering it. I was on top of him, we kept staring at
each other's eyes and then our lips meet.
"uuhhhhhm," we heard his mom clear her throat and I quickly got up from
him. I bowed my head in embarrassment.
"hey mum, we didn't mean that, we're sorry " Val said, saving the situation.
" it's OK, next time, you have your room, so what's with the excitement, I
saw you running in next thing you jumped on him, its a miracle you both
weren't injured" she said smiling.
"errh, mom actually, I wanted to inform Val that I made it, I'll be leaving
for the states in three weeks!! " I screamed, no longer able to hold my
" ooooh, darling, come here, I'm so happy for you" she hugged me as I gave
in to tears.
"don't cry, you deserve it, you've worked so hard, I'm really proud of you
my child"
"thank you mum" I said
"it's your Dad aware of this" she asked.
"I haven't told him yet, I just rushed here straight "
" uuhhhhhm, so you and Val will be leaving together then"
I was confused, what was she talking about?
"He hasn't told you, he's been admitted to Oxford University too? "
I looked at Val and then back to her.
" oops, you mean he hasn't mentioned it to you, or am I spoiling anything
"yes mum, thanks for ruining my surprise for the second time, seriously
mom" He said as he went back upstairs.
"ouch, my bad, I'm sorry, I didn't know " his mum replied going outside.
" hey Val, don't you dare run away from me, I demand an explanation now" I
said as I ran upstairs to meet him.

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