
The story of my young life episode 9

Created by Valentine Valentine in The story of my young life 18 Jul 2019
Sequence 9
Saturday finally came, and the morning dazzling brightly, I woke up with
excitement, so much enthusiasm.
I freshened up, and went out for my morning run, plugging an earpiece in my
ears. I was so engaged that I didn't know who bumped into someone, I
quickly unplugged my earpiece to find a girl on the floor, trying to get
herself up, from her outfit, she was also jogging too, immediately, I
helped her up hoping I didn't harm her in my carelessness.
I was, so surprise to see the girl I just knocked down. "oh my God!!, ,
Eola!, I hope I'm not hallucinationing, when did you get back from the
states?" ""wow!, Val, you look all grown up and very handsome I must say,
I'm impressed" "you still haven't answered my question" She rolled her
eyes, but she couldn't get them off me, obviously she was captivated by my
looks "I arrived three nights ago" "wow, you're not looking bad yourself,
so are you back to stay" "not read, I just concluded with high school and
Dad invited I come to Nigeria for a couple of months before going back to
college", you've grow so big, I could hardly recognize you" "and you didn't
change that much, you still have this baby face, always looking as if
you're going ocry" I said teasing her like old times. "I'm so happy to see
you all, it's been like ages" "four years actually" Do you still live
there" "off course, are you sure you can still make your way there,
everything has changed since you left" " how about I have your number so
you can direct me properly" "sure"
I called out my number while she tyed it into her iPhone, she called it for
me to get hers too." it's been wonderful meeting you again, I promise visit
soon" she gave me a hug, holding me longer than I expected, I had to break
out of the hug , "I'll have to run along now Ella, see you around" with
that I buried away.
Ella was my childhood friend and my first crush, we were so close to each
other that we freely went to each other's house, and sometimes she spent
the weekend in our house, her mother was best friends with mom explaining
the frequent weekend visit. Like me she was the only child of her parents
or so I thought, but trouble struck when her mother discovered that her
dad, had a family outside and the woman had given birth to four kids, all
I guess she couldn't bear the humiliation so she filed for a divorce and
traveled out of the country, but I learnt from my mom, that both of them
shared custody of Ella so he visited her as often I he could.
The event really affected her that she dropped in her academics as she was
always found crying, she was so fond of her Dad, we lived together through
those periods of her parents problems and it was then I grew very fond of
her, I tried my best to cheer her and we became very close that when it was
time for her to leave for the states I cried a lot and I even feel sick.
That was in my JSS2. I shurged as I thought about those moments, but now,
the only person that filled my thoughts was Leah, and I couldn't wait to
have her for lunch, and show her round the house, we might even swim too, I
know she loved swimming.
Getting back home, I found my mom already in the kitchen, preparing
something that filled the entire house with sweet aroma,
"morning mum" I greeted as I hugged her and pecked her chic "morning son,
wonder what fat you're shedding, you look thin already" "mum! Seriously?
You of all people should know that morning runs is not necessarily done to
shed body fat, its just to keep fit, you should try it sometime" she raised
her hands in protest "I'll pass darling, get rid of those sweaty clothes
breakfast would be served immediately you get down" "OK, mum" I judged
upstairs and hit the shower and changed into something else before coming
down for Breakfast.
"mom you won't believe who I bumped into today" "who" "Ella" she lifted her
face from the meal to meet mine. "you mean Ella Briggs? Yes mom, I was
shocked as he'll, she said she got back three nights ago" "eya, poor girl,
she suffered a lot when her parents divorced, she must be all grown up now"
"yes, though her face didn't change one bit" She eyed me mischievously, "
your crush back then, I thought I'd loose you the moment she left, you
became so sick" "All that is in the past now much, I can tell she's moved
on" "did she say she's back finally" "I don't really know, she said
something like going back for college" "nice, you should invite her over
you know, at least for old time sake" "she promised she'll be visiting
soon" "OK then, I guess I'll have to get some groceries so I'll prepare
lunch, time flies these days" "OK mom, I'll drive you then"
I drove mum to get the things she needed for preparing lunch, after we came
out, I went to my room to get set to go pick her up.
I put on a Jean, a designer Polo and a cap to match, then I put on my
original Nike sneakers.
I went in the Benz my mom bought recently, although I preferred the Ranger
but the Benz would be perfect for the outing, I was going to pick up my
Queen and she needed all the fancy.
When I got to her house she was already set and she looked breath taking,
the outfit I got fitted her perfectly. I was mesmerized by her beauty of
that I just stared at her as she walked down the stairs carefully like one
of those models in ovation.
"Hey bestie, you look good " she gave me a warm embrace as I kissed her
fore face. I bowed to her," Are we good to go your majesty "
She smiled as she nodded slipping her hands under my arm.
I led her to the car and opened the door for her.
I was stunned when I saw I saw the Benz, I then reminded myself of who's
son he was.
We chatted all through our journey to his house and I was amazed at the
heaven he lived in. The building stood magnificently with all its glory..
Clutching his arms tightly he lead me into the building and I was wowed,
His mum was seated in all her power in the sitting room and she rose
immediately she saw me, pulling me into a tight embrace.
There in her arms I felt at home, and the feeling brought tears in my eyes,
I blinked to keep them away.
"you are so beautiful Leah, I wish I had a daughter like you, your mom
would be so proud having you "
Again I blinked as the tears were now coming fast threatening to explode "
Take me as your daughter mom, I'll be so honoured" "off course honey,
nothing will make me more happier, consider yourself my daughter and
everything a mother can do for a child, by God I'll do it for you. Come
here my child"
With that she pulled me into another hug and all he'll went lose as my
tears spilled out, flowing even as my heart filled with joy.
She took my hands as she lead me to the dining table and the house keeper
began serving the meal.
Honestly I enjoyed the meal and whoever prepared it really had skill.
After the meal, we headed back to the sitting room.
"So darling, what would you like to study" "Medicine and surgery but I'll
love to specialize on pediatrics, I really have this passion for children"
"sounds nice, you'll make a good doc, you look so gentle"
"what are your plans, do you wish to study here or abroad" "Honestly mum, I
would have really love to study here but I just applied for a scholarship
to study abroad, and if I'm taken, that means I'll have to give up my hopes
of studying in the country"
"Wow, you'll make it darling, I know you will, so what University do you
have in mind" "I've not really decided mom" "I'll help you go through with
that, I have so many houses in the states, you can settle in any"
Just then my phone beeped and I discovered I just received a mail informing
me the date, time and venue of the scholarship Exam.
"Mother I just received a mail from the scholarship board, giving me the
date of the exam "
" OK, I'll be dropping you there on that day OK. " " OK mum"
One of the guards came in and wishpered something to her.
"I'm afraid kids, I just got an emergency, I'm afraid I have to leave now,
Son make sure you get her back home in time and please tell your Dad I'll
be Coming to his office on Monday, have fun. "
With that she left and I faced val
" thank God she left, you two practically ignored my presence "
" Don't tell me you're alrekady " " For what, please come jare let me show
you around, house"
He held my hands as he took me round, awewing me with different sights.
"Come with me, there is something I want to show you "
He led me through the stairs and we came to another wing, he pushed open
the door and greeting me was the most beautiful painting I've ever seen, it
was a painting of me.
I ran my hands through it then he slipped his hands around my waist
bringing me close to him.
"you like it don't you" "I love it" "Every day when I wake up, I look at
your beautiful face, thanking God for giving me such an angel, you give me
so much joy Leah"
I felt the world stop, the tension rising from within me, the fire burning
inside of me, a feeling of desire, Every inch of me wanting to hold him so
In one swift move, he turned me to face him and our eyes meet, I could see
it burning, burning with love, burning with affection, something I've never
seen in Eric, deep down my heart, I couldn't deny what I was feeling, even
if I didn't understand it yet, but I knew whatever it was was so strong.
Then he lowered his face, brushing his lips against mine, the sensation
bringing waves of desire in my stomach, wanting to pull him close and kiss
him deeply, he kissed the tip of my nose, then my fore head.
"I love you Leah, I really do, and I can't wait for that day when you'll
say these words back to me"
He carresed my arms slowly and hugged me tightly before pulling away.
"I think we should go out to swim"
I found my composure "that will be impossible, I didn't bring my swimming
pants" "" I got one for you, knowing you wouldn't resistance the idea,
common change up, I'll be waiting outside "
He opened his wardrobe and brought it out, dropping the on the bed, before
I quickly changed and headed outside to find him changed too.
We enjoyed ourselves swimming, playing catch, that he literally had to drag
me out of the pool insisting that it was getting late.
By the time I checked my phone it was already past six and I had several
missed call from my dad.
We quickly changed and he drove me home. When we got to my gate, I wanted
to come down there fearing my Dad may have returned but he insisted on
driving in so I let him.
I met my Dad, sitting outside with a very mean expression. I'm really in
for trouble, if only Valentine had listened and dropped me at the hate.
"Bestie look at what you have caused now, I asked you to drop me at the
gate but you refused" I hissed as I unhooked the seat belt to step down.
"Relax bestie, we're in this together, obviously your Dad is angry but he
isn't going to bite us"
We stepped out of the Car as I muttered a silent prayer for him to be in
the best of moods. Head bowed I walked hurriedly to meet him.
"Good evening Dad, I'm so sorry I'm late, we were held by traffic, I didn't
mean to get you upset" All the while he kept staring at Val, I tried to
read his face but it held no expression. Finally he spoke "and who is this
young man with you" "this is my friend and classmate, Valentine Johnson"
"Young man you may come in"
I gave Val a mean look as we made our way into the house. The moment felt
awkward and I excused myself, I went to get juice and cups, at least to
ease the tension building in the room.
Having served everyone, I helped myself to a chair.
"Valentine, you look so much like some one I know, way back in secondary
school "
He paused for a moment as if he was trying to be sure of what he just said.
Then he nodded and continued.
"are you by any chance related to one David Johnson"
I noticed Valentine's fall and he looked as if he was fighting with
himself, then he spoke up. "Yes Sir, that's my father"
I could see my Dad relaxed and something else replaced his looks,
Sometimes in between joy, pain and guilt.
"I thought as much, you are a spitting image of David when were were your
age. Please excuse me"
He went upstairs and returned almost immediately with a picture frame and
handed it over to Val, Whatever he saw really made him shocked, I couldn't
hold myself as I walked over to him to get a glimpse. I was even more
shocked to see Val and a younger version of my dad holding hands and
smiling only that the picture was in black and white and this Val had an
"we took this picture the day we won a quiz competition organized by the
federal government then"
He brought out another one and we were more stunned, this one had my Dad to
the left, a very beautiful girl which also looked familiar to me in the
middle and Val's Dad to the right, the girls seemed to be holding them both.
"we took this one in our last sports competition, the girl in the middle is
our good friend Faith, we both loved her but she eventually picked one of
"this is my mother!! " Valentine screamed.
This is getting more interested I thought.
" yes, I heard from one of our school mates that they eventually married,
after my course in London, I came back to Nigeria but I was meet with the
unfortunate news of his death, I was deeply Pained because I wanted to tell
him i finally forgave him for taking away my faith, I wanted to tell him
how much I missed him, how lonely I was in the states, without being able
to get a friend like him. I wanted to tell him that I've finally realized
that it was him she truly loved even though I met her first. But he was
already gone, I tried to reach out to faith but I couldn't find out her
whereabouts because I learnt that your father's people threw her out
immediately after his burial. I kept searching for her and in the process I
met Amanda, Leah's mum,I feel in love with her at first sight and we did a
quick wedding, that month she got pregnant with Leah, but she died when
Leah was five due to food poisoning, hmmmmmmmm, I'm so glad to see you my
son, I know he'll be proud wherever he is that he has you, come to me son"
They pulled into an embrace even as I wiped the tear freely flowing on my
face. I could now tell why my Dad refused to get into another relationship,
having lost two women he truly loved.
When they finally pulled away, my Dad's eyes were red, I could tell he was
holding himself from crying.
"you are welcome to my house anyday son, your Dad and I were very close and
I'm sure he wouldn't have a second option putting you under my care. By the
way how is faith"
"My mother is doing well Father........... Uuhmm, sorry Sir" "It's OK, you
can call me Father" "Although she goes by her madien name NGOZI, She's the
CEO of The Jonsons" "wait a minute, the one recently labelled as the
richest black woman? Oh my God, I felt it, each time I see her in the
newspapers I wondered where I knew her, she changed so much, she was so
thin back then"
"she'll be so pleased to meet you Sir, I'll tell her of you" "Dad she asked
me to inform you that she will be coming over to your office on Monday"
"Really? Does she recognize me?, how come she knows my office" "honestly I
have no idea about that Dad, but she said so"
"OK then, I look forward to meet her"
"I should take my leave now Father, its been a pleasure meeting you "
" Common son, why not stay and have dinner, I'll have my driver accompany
you back home"
Valentine wanted to protest but with a cold stare from me, he changed his
We had dinner together, I guessed Mr Obi, thought I wouldn't be home early
so he cooked, I was great full to him though.
After we finished eating, my dad had his driver drive behind Val to ensure
he got home safely.
I was indeed stunned by all the revelations today at Leah's place. My
mother never mentioned that part to me, another thing that got me thinking
was that she asked Leah to inform her Dad she'll be going to his office,
that means she knew Leah was his daughter, could it be that's the reason
she loved her so much, well Intend to find out, she really had some
explanations to make.
I got home to meet her absence so I just went straight to my room, had
shower and lay on my bed, drifting off to sleep almost immediately.
After Val left, my Dad informed me that we were going to visit my maternal
grand mother the next day, the old woman had been on his neck asking him to
bring me to her just to spend sometime.
My Dad wasn't really comfortable with me visiting relatives.
I wasn't really used to them but I must say my grandma was a nice woman,
although she always burst into tears at the very sight of me, she would
hold me so close to her, touching my hair, my face, checking me out
She also prepared delicious meal and baked me a cake every time I visited
since the day she observed I loved it very much.
But i already promised to bring food for Eric the next day being Sunday in
church, I really hate to disappointed him, so I made up my mind to wake up
very eary, prepare the food and deliver it to his house and quickly rush
back home.
After preparing the meal, I tried calling to inform him I'll be coming but
he didn't pick up so I hurriedly drove to his place.
I knocked at his door Lo and behold the same girl that apologized to me was
standing before me tying only a towel,
That moment I braved courage, promising myself I'll never cry over it
again, I brushed past her and went in,
"Trisha, who is at the door" he called from the bathroom
"come out here this minute " I shouted trying to put my self in order.
Immediately he rushed out of the bathroom
" My love it's not what you think, I can explain" He tried to touch me put
I pushed him away.
"Yes of course you have so many things to explain, but now enjoy your meal"
with that I dropped the food on the table and turned to walk out. He
reached out to hold me
"Baby please don't go hear me out " I sounded a big slap to his face that
made him stagger back.
" you're such a fool, for trying to lay your filty hands on me, you disgust
I marched out gracefully, without a single tear, just pain in my heart, I
convinced myself I wouldn't cry anymore for him, truly he doesn't deserve
I got into my car and tuned on my music, enjoying the beats as I drove
home, surprisingly all the pains I felt earlier started to go away.
Why would I keep hurting myself when I had someone who loved me beyond my
imagination, even if I don't love him now, I'll learn to do so and I'm
willing to give it a try.
I picked up my phone and sent Eric a text.
****it's over Eric, get a life ****
I then deleted his number and put it in blacklist.
He had become my past and that's were he will belong..
After receiving the thunderous slap from Leah, I staggered and fell on my
bed, holding the side of my face she struck.
All through the times I spent with Leah, I've never seen her so angry, yet
composed, what excuse do I make this time I wondered, I would never forgive
myself if I lose her.
As if that was not enough, my phone beeped and it was a message from Leah,
informing me it was over, what I dreaded the most had finally happened. I'm
indeed finished, where do I find someone as loving as her, she gave me
everything and yet I I continued to hurt her.
I fell back on my bed as tears began to run down my face, I never deserved
her, I'm just a jersey, a foolish guy that can't control his urge for sex..
Remembering all the sweet moments we shared only brought more tears to me,
how could I let this happen, I hit my head hard with my palm, I'm so
foolish indeed. The pain in my hear was so much that I stood up and made my
way to my mini bar to pull out a bottle of brandy, devouring it like my
life depended on it.
I sat on the floor with my hands on my head, I just succeeded in pushing my
Leah into the hands of another, and I will never get to have her, another
will be the one to eat my fruit. Never!!, not while I'm alive, Leah belongs
to me alone and I must have her back. It's me or no one else!!
With that I drowned the remaining content of the bottle, then I felt my
little man hardening.
"where is that evil slut, come to me now" I screamed, but she didn't
appear, I got up staggering, searching for her everywhere in the house but
I couldn't find her, the bitch must have sneaked without my knowing.
I fit my head hard as my erection was threatening to tear my boxers.
"aahhhhhhh!!!!!! " I screamed, unable to control the anger I was feeling,
then a knock came on the door, I staggered to the door and opened it, One
of my neighbor, stood before me, wearing a very short gown and smiling
sheepishly, she was holding a phone and a charger.
" hello, Eric, my battery is low and I'm expecting an important call please
I want to charge"
"okay, give me let me charge it" I said stretching out my hands to collect
"there Is how this my phone use to be have, let me come inside and charge
it by myself please"
I made way for her and she entered, then went to my extension wire to plug
the phone, bending to face me, revealing her very sumptuous back side, I
couldn't hold myself anymore as I went forward and grabbed her waist,
rubbing her but against my hard erection. Then she gave out a small laugh
which sounded sex to my ears.
"Eric please take it slowly"
As if given an invitation, I dragged her to my bed, pulling of her clothes
in a frenzy, I pulled the towel I had tied around my waist and I
pernetrated into her in one hard thrust, sending me to Wonderland.
It was when I finally came down that I realized I didn't even use
protection. I immediately began to regret actions as I pulled away from her
slowly, the girl was just smiling as if she just one a jackpot.
"that was so wonderful Eric, you're so good, one would have underestimated
this your small body ohh,"
I just shook my head as I headed to the bathroom to clean myself up.
I was in my room watching soccer when one of the house keepers came to
inform me that I had a visitor down stairs.
I felt reluctant to leave my match but I was also curious to know who was
visiting. Coming downstairs I found Ella, sitting comfortably in one of the
sofa, the short gown she was putting on really reveled most of her thigh.
Seeing me she stood up and ran to meet me, wrapping her arms round me
suffocating me in the process, I had to pull her away, "Hey, easy, you're
almost strangling me" I said as I touched my neck feeling a little pain
"I'm so sorry Val I've really missed you" She gave me a quick kiss on my
lips. "That's how much I've missed you Valley, and I've been meaning to do
that for a very long time"
I just stared at her in shock, the Ella, I knew was never this forward, she
was always shy and loved to cover her face with her palms, did America
really change her this much?, I thought to myself. As if she read my mind
she spoke
"Common, Val, are you so surprised? This is a normal thing thing in LA you
She hit my arms playfully as she went back to sit on a sofa, crossing her
"So what do I offer you" I said as I went to helpmyself to a seat.
"I was thinking we'll go out together, you know, catch up with old times,
I've really missed the country you know"
"sure, let me go change then, I know of a place you'll love, give me a
I ran upstairs to put on something better
"wow!!, you've grow to a very handsome dude and I love your taste, common
let's get going"
She held my arms tightly as we went outside, I noticed a white Range Rover
parked outside with a man leaning on it.
"you came with your driver huh" I asked
"yea, Dad insisted, do you drive? "
" years I do" "OK then, have him take the car back home then we'll go in
yours" "seem like a perfect idea"
She went over and whispered something into the man's ear, then he nodded,
cast a cold stare at me before entering the car and drive email.
"that man looks mean you know" I said as I held out the door for her to
"common Val, the guy is just doing his job "
While we were driving heading to pleasure Park, she just kept staring
around, obviously she was enjoying the ride.
" You really missed home didn't you" I asked her, still focusing on the
"yeah, but I missed you more, I found it difficult to mingle with the kids
over there, when I eventually started to cope, I declined every advances
made to me, I just couldn't keep my mind of you, so when Dad asked me to
visit I immediately accepted because I knew I was going to see you again"
"wow,never knew I was that important to you"
"you are Val, so what about you, dodo you have a girlfriend now"
I turned to face her and I could sense hurt in her heart as if dreading the
answer I'm about to give her. I decided to make things easier.
"not really, though I have someone I'm really in love with, I'm yet to make
it official "
I saw a little glimpse of hope flashing in her eyes
" that girl is so lucky you know, you are one of a kind"
"Yes she is but I'm most lucky because she's an angel, so adorable "
I smiled as I imagined Leah's beautiful smile, indeed she was truly an
angel in human form.
She brought me out of my imaginations
" you must really love her, I see it in your eyes"
"yeah, I really do" "I hope she loves you as much"
"off course she does and even more "
Was I really correct with that statement, did she really love me as I said,
I shrugged, I love her unconditionally and my love will be enough for both
of us, I'll make sure I show her that at every opportunity I get.
" So where are we heading to? " she asked, bringing me out of my thoughts,
" anew recreational Park just opened by the state government, trust me,
you'll love each it"
"I trust you Val"
We drove to pleasure Park and she was amazed at what she saw.
"This is beautiful, Val" she sounded excited
"wait till you get inside" "I can't wait to"
We got down and I lead her inside, she was clutching my arms tightly all
through as if some unseen forces was trying to take her away.
"let's go take a ride in a speed boat " " really, I've never been inside aa
boat before " " today you will, come on"
I led her to the small river inside the park and so many people were there,
mostly couples.
I took her to the bank of the river, to buy us a ticket, while we stood
waiting for our turn, she just laid her head on my chest.
I wanted to push her away but I just left her, she was my friend, and
having her head placed on my chest wasn't going to harm me.
But I was wrong as as someone faced me, looking stunned.
"hey, bestie, so surprised to see you you"
As she stared from me to the girl laying her head on my chest obviously
demanding an explanation.
I had a feeling that things wouldn't turn out good.

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