
Trapped by love episode 4

Created by Valentine Valentine in Trapped by love 21 Mar 2020


Tessy what’s this and why are you here”? Jerold asked after she had drag him to a cool place.
“Jerold it’s not what you think “she pleaded
“Then explain it for me to understand “Jerold bark in anger and Tessy could detect it from his voice and his actions
“Jerold I’m sorry you met me at the wrong place, but that shouldn’t mean that you should judge me according to where you meet me” she said looking into his eyes.
“Can we settle this at my place please”? Teddy pleaded and Jerold was confused but she had known and trusted Tessy for a long time and knowing very well that she can’t cheat on him so he decided to let it go that way.
“Tessy you know I love you and seeing you with another guy being so close is just like that he will take you away from me and I don’t feel comfortable with it ” he said holding her two cheeks and looking into her eyes, Tessy returned the eye contact thus creating more forum for their love to flow in the air. Slowly slowly they lean to each other until their lips finally meet, Tessy lips was moistened and the pink area shown very clear, they kissed from what seems like eternity or that they will never see each other again but that was true because Jerold has loosed her.

Jerold finally broke up from the kiss looking unsatisfied but that was not the main place it should have been done.
“I gotta go Tessy I have something to attend to ” he said
“Okay dear bye ”
“I love you Tessy ”
“I love you Jerold ” she said as Jerold walked out of sight
“Stay away form that girl dude, she’s mine ” Raymond said angrily looking at Desmond who didn’t even care whether he’s talking to him or not.
“And what if I refuse to adhere to your instruction what will happen “? He asks sipping his drink
“You will have yourself to blame for it man” Raymond threatened
“Don’t you think it’s a silly thing for guys to fight over a lady? Why not allow her to make her own choice? Desmond asked standing up to look at him in the face
“I repeat myself stay away from that girl or…….
“Or what “? Desmond cut him short before he knew what was happening Raymond send out a punch but Desmond was so fast to caught his hand on the air
“Not so fast dude ” Desmond said bringing down his hand.

“It’s a silly thing for two guys to agree over an issue especially coming to girls stuff, so I’m not a fool. Enjoy your day ” Desmond said and walked away from him leaving him behind.
“Hey girl whatsup with you? You have been busy these days even to stay in the room we don’t find you again gist us ” Juliet said looking at Tessy who was lying on the bed facing the ceiling
“Babe say something na we are waiting to hear you, or did they taste you without paying you “? Evelyn added and Tessy looked at her in an angry eyes
“It has not gotten to that extent girls, stop deceiving yourself. The point is just that I’m confused “she said
“Confused about what? Tell us na we are here to help you ” Evelyn said adjusting to where Tessy was.
“Hmm okay, the situation is just complicated because two guys are after me and at the same time making things hard for me to understand ” she said looking at Evy and Julie

“You mean Desmond and Raymond “?Evy asked and she nodded
“And how did you get to know”?Tessy asked in alert
“Have you forgotten so soon that they both came here looking for you “? Evy said and Tessy remembered it.
“Oh I remember now, sorry for that, but I’m really confused they are really troubling me” she said and Evy held her on the shoulder looking at her
“But who do you love amongst the two of them “?she asked and the question caught Tessy unaware because she wasn’t expecting such question yet. Seeing that there was no response from her, Evelyn decided to let it go.
“Okay, I think you should follow your heart and let your heart decide it ” she said out loud
“Yeah you are right ” Tessy concluded
“But as for me I think I will go for Raymond cause he is damn rich and his father is the vice chancellor, he can even help us with some stuffs ” Juliet ranted out and Tessy couldn’t help than to smile at her funny attitude
“Shut up there Juliet, it’s not all about money, it’s about what you feel for each other “Evelyn said
“I know but Raymond is the best. ..” she said again
“Shut up, who told you that”? Evelyn fired

“Shut up too, who are you to command me “? Juliet said standing up and facing Evelyn as if they are about to fight an intercontinetial championship in the wrestling.
“Hey girls that’s enough, I think that’s okay, it’s my case and I will settle it not for you guys to fight over it “Tessy said and they both space from each other after exchanging deadly glare between each other.
Patricia could be seen pacing up and down with her phone on her ear, trying to reach someone but it was not going through.
“What’s this all about ? How could Raymond possibly invited me and now he is nowhere to be found? Is this how his friends go on a date with their girls? He better change oo or else ” Patricia said resting on the wall.

She has been waiting in high class joint expecting to see Raymond who invited her there but Raymond was nowhere to be found and it was already getting late which she didn’t like it a bit just then Raymond came from behind and hold her on the waist which made her to startled in fear and after seeing that it’s Raymond her mode changed to that angry one again, probably Raymond understood why she’s like that. He doesn’t need a soothsayer to tell him why, so he went ahead in apologizing.
“Baby I’m really sorry for keeping you waiting for long, I’ve been really busy with my dad in the office ” he said and Patricia didn’t seem to buy the idea.
“Come on babe, I say I’m sorry please ” he pleaded again looking into her eyes and holding her two hands.
“Why must you always come up with excuses when it gets to me “? She asked and he was quiet for a while
“Where you not the one I saw earlier this evening in this same joint who happens to escape immediately I entered “? She asked looking at him to find the truth which instead of that Raymond frowned
“What are you trying to tell me now? That I was here earlier and after seeing you I ran away? Is that it “? He asked raising his voice a little which made Patricia adjusted backward.
“Did the person wear this type of clothe? He asked turning for her to see his clothes, after examining it Patricia noteiced that it was not the same as the other person wear so she wore an apologizing look.
“It’s obvious that you are tired of this thing cause you are full of complain ” he said angrily
“I’m sorry Raymond it has not gotten to that, I love you still as before and nothing can change that ” she said and Raymond smiled after hearing that.
“Can we go now “? He asked spreading his hands
“Sure we are good to go “she replied
“Then smile for me na” he said and Patricia let out a charming smile which made Raymond to chuckle.
“That’s my girl, let’s go ” he said and they walked hand in hand inside the joint.
The night was already dark and scary due to different sounds made by the animals both aquatic and terrestrial. Every part of the street was dark including some hostels which happened to be only candle light illuminating the room. But in a particular busy were the darkness took over, a fire was burning with the help of firewood which lighted the environment. Deep inside the bush were nobody could possibly think that people were there, Raymond could be found standing in the middle of a circle made by heavy and strong guys who sat down around the fire as if they wanted to play moonlight play in the night. All were dressed in red from head to toe which means that something is happening at that particular hour of the night.
“Dragon lords”!
“We are poisonous than poison!
“Dragon lords “! Raymond shouted again
“We are poisonous than poison! They shouted in response
“Dragon lords”!
“We are poisonous than poison! They all chorused and then exchange hands with each other and then returned to their sits again.
“I summoned this great meeting because of what’s on the ground and that it should be solved with immediate effects ” Raymond said looking at each and everyone of them.

Dragon lords was known to be the most notorious and baddest cultist gang in the campus but the secret is that nobody knew that Raymond the only son of the vice chancellor was their leader. None can ever think of it even if such a person is being told, they will not believe because Raymond is one of the cool type who doesn’t talk much nor make trouble but little did they knew that he is more dangerous than they thought.
“Capone we are ready to handle and carry out the mission ” Lighter said who happens to be one of them who had broken teeths and a skull hairstyle, he was not smiling nor laughing.
“There’s this new girl that I’m crushing on,but it seems like one rat is also crushing on her too ”
“Who be that cock to crow when the boss and Capone is on stage, Capone nothing do you, we dey your back ” arrow concurred
“So let’s be ready incase he refuses to listen to my warning so that we will strike when it’s time to do so ” he said and sat down on the ground while silence took over and sooner did they smoke began to filled the area as they began smoking like never before.
Desmond not home, his day was really bad thinking that Tessy will accept him, but due to how he see things it will not be easy for him to have her as his own. He changed into his night wear not minding to eat because he had already filled himself in the restaurant, meanwhile Desmond is an orphan who struggled to send himself to school cause his parents died while he was in jss1 in secondary school, so he had passion for education that was why he wasn’t ready for defeat, he did all via best to make sure that he makes it in life no matter how much it will cost him. He finally jumped on the bed, and cover himself with hmtge duvet while Tessy image appears into his memory again, he sighed and closed his eyes to erase the picture. He switched off the bedside lamp and drifted to a deep sleep.

TRAPPED BY LOVE … (18+) … Part 7

Days run into weeks and things were going on smoothly, this time around Tessy had became so close to Raymond than Desmond, she has not even given Desmond time again to discuss with her talkless of having his time. At the same time Patricia was not herself she felt that Raymond is cheating on her of which she didn’t know the person that Raymond is cheating on her with.
Jerold too on the other end has been communicating with Tessy like never before which Tessy didn’t even understand.
Juliet and Evelyn has been monitoring Tessy movements to be close to Raymond than Desmond but they didn’t have anything to say since its her life let her be.
“Hey babe where are you dressing to “? Juliet asked seeing Tessy in a hurry standing before the small dressing mirror doing some make up.

“To somewhere “she replied still concentrating on her make up.
“And where could that be “? Evelyn asked
“And why do you care to know? Are you my mom”?she asked Evelyn who was now looking at her
“I think it’s Raymond you want to visit right “? She asked and Tessy was quiet as she picked her hand bag and head out of the room.
“Be careful Tessy “! Evelyn yelled from inside cause she knew how dangerous her decision might be.
Tessy boarded a cab who stopped and winded down the glass.
“Texas roadhouse ” she said and hop in relaxing on the sit nodding her head to the music that was playing inside the car which she really enjoyed it. The long drive was enjoyable to Tessy cause of the sweet and melodious tracks that was played inside the car by the driver .
“Yeah stop there I’m okay ” she said pointing to a huge gate that was right in front of her. She stepped down and paid the taxi man as he drove away, she looked at the address and looked satisfied. She walked near the gate and there was a guy relaxing on the wall with his back on the wall, he had a white cap on and his face was on the floor. His two hands were folded and Tessy walked closer to the guy.

“Hi please excuse me ” she said and they guy nod his head without looking up
“Please is this Mr Richard house “? She asked and he nodded and just then the guy lift up his face to Tessy greatest shock it was Desmond. She adjusted backwards in fear
“Desmond? what are you doing here? Are you stalking me “?she asked in fear just then the gate open and Raymond walked out wearing only a white singlet and a jean trouser his face expression showed that he was really angry seeing Desmond at his gate waiting for the same girl he was expecting.
Seeing Raymond Tessy ran to his back and stayed there looking out at Desmond who didn’t even care.
“The explanation is sure now Desmond I think so you should find your way home ” Raymond said mocking Desmond who didn’t shake nor move. A woman was nothing for Desmond it’s him that has been surviving all this while without a woman, it’s not now that he will die when a woman has rejected him but he truly loves her. Since she’s not ready for him he has no choice than to back off.

“Tessy !” he called stretching his hands to her but she ignored it
“I’m sorry Desmond ” she said shaking her head as Desmond left immediately.
“Welcome baby ” Raymond said leading her inside the house as the house was just superb.
“Feel at home, what can I offer you ” he asked
“I think a chill juice is okay for now “she said sitting down on the couch as Raymond left for her offer and returned soon with her offer and placed it on the table as he poured it into two glasses giving one to Tessy and took one.
“Thank you ”
“You are welcome ” she said
“Dude, forget about this girl I’ve told you already. Just calm down bro ” Mike said to Desmond who just returned from his journey. Mike is Desmond roommate who they have been staying for so many years and they all like brothers to each other.
“Bro I know but I really like that girl a lot ” Desmond said with his hands on his head in a confused state
“I know bro but you have to let it go, you don’t need to drag a girl with a guy. What If the guy is dangerous and you loose your life because of a mere girl” Mike said and Desmond find truth in what he said as he relaxed on the couch
“Take it easy bro think no more ” he said patting Desmond on the shoulder as he nodded his head in agreement
“Let’s toast for your normal self bro ” Mike said bringing out a red wine and pop it as it makes a loud sound in the air. He poured it into two glasses as they lift it to the air.
“Wow, to the best paddy man I ever have called Desmond ” Mike said lifting his cup and Desmond said same with Mike name in it as they both drink and smiled and Desmond didn’t even remember whether he was the same guy that came back home moody because Mike was really doing an great job by entertaining him with jokes as they both laughed out loud.
“Babe I’m having a strange feeling about this Tessy relationship with Raymond ” Evelyn blurted out to Juliet
“Me too but I think nothing is going to happen, she will take care of herself ” she assured her and continue with cutting her nails .

“Babe why saying that Raymond is cheating on you “? Angelina asked Patricia who was busy sniffing and tears were formed in her eyes. They were in Patricia room because she invited her over.
“He’s not picking my calls neither is he inviting me over as usual ” Patricia said in a shaky voice and Angelina can easily detect that she’s really hurt.

“Babe its okay, don’t kill yourself because of a man. Let’s just follow him slowly and see what he’s up to” Angelina said as Patricia cried on her shoulders.
Tessy was really enjoying her life with Raymond without thinking twice. Raymond’s phone vibrated and it was a call from Patricia, he ignored it for the first time and it kept on ringing disturbing him and Tessy didn’t like it.
“Pick your call now ” Tessy said trying to touch the phone but Raymond stopped her from doing so.
“It’s not important, it’s one of my friend ” he lied stroking her hair as she rested her head on his chest.
The day was becoming dark it was already 7:00pm Tessy has spent more hours than expected in Raymond’s house.
She announced her departure and Raymond walked her to the road and boarded a cab for her pecking her goodbye on the forehead.
Tessy entered the lecture hall as early as 7:45am she located her sit near Patricia but was so surprised to see that Patricia was not in a good mode even her eyes were red showing that she has been crying for love.
She settled down on her sit placing her hand across Patricia shoulder.
“Hey babe what’s wrong? Why the sad mode and red eyes “? Tessy asked
“Really my eyes are red “? She asked and Tessy nodded in a yes gesture
“Oh something flew into my eyes on my way to lecture ” she lied to her and Tessy could easily detect that she’s lying.

“I’m your sister and friend Patricia, you can count on me anytime. Now tell me what’s the problem, what’s bothering you “? She asked again and fresh tears formed in Patricia eyes again.
“Hey babe chill down na, tell me what the matter is please don’t cry “she said cleaning away her tears.
“Tessy, I’m really hurt ” she began and Tessy was listening
” The guy I trusted and loved so much, the guy that I so much cherished cheated on me ” she blurted out almost crying and resting on her shoulders. Just then reality struck Tessy that she has also treated someone like that, she has made someone to undergo heart break too which is Jerold and she regretted it.
“Oh my gosh that’s the worst of it all baby, I’m really sorry babe that’s too bad but you need to be strong for me babe “she said
“I know but I didn’t expect it so soon, after everything we shared together he decided to dump me just like that ” she cried and Tessy knew that she’s really hurt to the last extent that if care is not taken she can harm herself.
“And if I may asked who could that be? What’s his name? Tessy asked as if she will beat him for Patricia because seeing her hurt is really bad to her.
“His name is Ray……..
“Good morning class ” the rest of the words was returned to her stomach with the presence of the lecturer who just entered the class and everywhere was silent thus making the hall to be silent .

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