
Trapped by love episode 5

Created by Valentine Valentine in Trapped by love 21 Mar 2020


The rest of the lecture was so boring to Patricia as all her thoughts were on Raymond and how he dumped her just like that without any reason after using her. The tears that was held in her eyes was bound to drop anytime soon if care is not taken.
Tessy on the other hand wondered who Patricia was trying to refer to as the person that chested on her because the name wanted to sound like that of Raymond but the lecturer distracted her from telling her the person name. Could it be the same Raymond that I know? No it couldn’t be because he told me that he hasn’t date any girl before ” Tessy said to herself and then stood up heading to the door with her books trying so hard to tell Patricia not to kill herself because of a man.
Desmond was now concentrating more on his studies and he has forgotten about Tessy so soon to the extent that even if he’s being told that he once fell in love with such a girl he couldn’t believe it. Mike his best friend was doing a good job by encouraging him to sit tight in terms of academic that one day through education he can be the man all the world will be looking for.
“Hey man you look bright today what’s the matter “?Mike asked after a handshake with Desmond who was busy doing some assignments on his notes.

“It’s nothing bro, I’m just my normal self as usual ” he replied and Mike didn’t take that as an answer
“And I guess that you are in love again with another girl ” Mike said smiling hoping to hear Desmond saying yes but he stopped writing and looked at him chuckling.
” in love? When my father has told me not to fall in love again but to rather concentrate on my studies ” he said smiling and Mike knew where he was driving to thus making him to smile along with him.
“If I may ask who is this your father “?he asked
“Who else do you think If not you ” he said aloud and they both end up laughing together.
“You are not serious and I don’t blame you silly boy ” Mike said in response as he drop his school bag and relaxed on the bed.
The taxi dropped Tessy at her father’s compound whom she lose some years ago, the environment has not changed and everything seems the same. She scanned the environment as she stepped inside the huge compound after being welcomed by the cool breeze that blows from inside the compound. She just decided to visit her mom though she didn’t inform her about it, she just wanted it to be a surprise to her which she knows that Mrs Jerald always likes surprise things.
“Hello anyone home “?she said holding the door knob and turn it down to see her mom on the cushion relaxing and watching TV.

“Hey mom ” she called walking to her and Mrs Jerald spread her hands wide to welcome her daughter who just visited her and they embrace each other feeling the family bond again.
“You didn’t inform me that you were coming dear ”
“I just wanted it to be a surprise to you mom ”
“So how’s school and everything my baby girl “? Mrs Jerald asked sipping her drink and pouring it into another glass for Tessy who didn’t hesitate to take it.
“Mom everything is going on fine and school is full of stress mom ” she replied and she nodded her head in collaboration. After discussing about random stuffs Mrs Jerald entered th3 kitchen with her daughter to prepare lunch that they both will eat, they were done after 30 minutes which was just fried rice with delicious stuffs that accompanied it.
Only the sound of spoons that was heard making noise in the dinning room where mother and daughter were eating, Mrs Jerald kept glancing at her daughter bit by bit and she finally broke the silence.

“Baby girl, when last did you guys called each other or meet “? She asked and Tessy didn’t understand
“Me and who mom “? She asked
“You and Jerold of course ” Mrs Jerald replied thus making her to face reality now and her mom noticed that from her actions and behavior that all is not going well, though Jerold complained it to her some time ago but she thought that it was resolved not knowing that the situation was still the same. Now here is her daughter Tessy being haunt by her action.
“Talk to me Tessy I’m your mom ” she said
“Mom we are fine and everything is going on fine ” she replied faking a smile but deep down she was hunt by her speech and words.
“Are you sure Tessy “? She asked and she nodded her head in a yes gesture.
“Are you sure Tessy “? A male voice said from behind them which startled the both of them and of course they knew who the voice belonged to. It’s Jerold that owns the voice, they both turned to see Jerold standing and leaning on the wall, it’s obvious he overheard everything and Tessy response to her mom question. Tessy heart began racing fast and fear enveloped her, Jerold walked down from where he stood to where they both were sitting.
“Tessy are you sure of what you just said “? Jerold asked and the house was as silent as a graveyard, teddy couldn’t find her voice neither she couldn’t withstand Jerold presence, she knew that she has betrayed his love for her and she’s not worthy to stand with him anymore.
“I’m sorry mom I gotta go ” she said and grab her bag running out of the house as fast as her legs could carry her
“Tessy! Jerold and Mrs Jerald shouted at the same time which Jerold ran after her immediately, she was out of sight but Jerold kept running until he found her on the road.

“Tessy please wait ” he said walking close to her, he really loved her though she betrayed him

“Jerold I’m so sorry it’s coming late, I wanted to tell you earlier since that day we met. I didn’t plan for us to end up this way, but it’s not my fault Jerold I’m really sorry, I know you loved me and I love you too but you have not been giving me the time I needed, you have not been giving me the love I needed, you have not been showing me the care I needed. You choose your carrier over our love, Jerold I’m really sorry it’s over between us. I’ve found someone else that is less busy, so I’m sorry Jerold it’s over between us ” she said and the tears finally dropped. Jerold watched her speaking as if he was dreaming or as if she was drunk but she was not and she was telling him her heart which was so hard for him to believe. He so much loved and cherished her, she’s his first love, he knew that she was cheating on him but he accepted it that way he didn’t want it to end so soon but here is Tessy telling him that all is over. Jerold couldn’t believe his ears as he couldn’t move nor say anything, his eyes were fixed on Tessy who was now looking at the floor after telling him her heart. The pains was just unbearable for Jerold but for the sake of being a man he controlled it, his eyes were wet with tears and everything was just meaningless to him that moment. Tessy wave down q cab who stopped and she hop in telling him her destination after waving at Jerold
“Bye Jerold I need to go ” she said and they car zoom off
“Tessy “! He yelled but she was out of sight. That pain alone was so unbearable to Jerold.
Tessy was sniffing inside the taxi as the man finally dropped her in school, she paid the man and left for her hostel, getting there she greeted her roomates and jumped on the bed after they all noticed that her eyes is red and swollen without them knowing the cause but decided to let it go for now they just need to allow her get some rest.
Tessy ringing phone brought her back from her dream world and it was Raymond calling her though she was not herself but she didn’t hesitate to pick the call. It was Raymond’s birthday and it was going to be boom and wow because of his personality and who his father is really is. He always celebrate it every year and none dare to miss it because it’s always amazing, he always celebrates it in his father’s house which was just some metre away from the school.
“Hello cutie ” Raymond voice sounded on the phone
“Yeah Raymond ”
“Remember tonight “? He asked in a lovely tone
“Yeah I know about that and I can’t forget it, I will be there in no time ” she replied
“Okay take care, see you soon ” he said and hung up the call.

Tessy sat on the bed now fully awake as she walked into the bathroom to have a quick shower so as to attend her new boo to be birthday party .
“Man today is Raymond’s birthday, I hope you will be there “? Mike asked Desmond who seems uninterested
“No bro I wont be chanced ” he replied without looking at him
“Come on bro , I know it’s because of that girl stuff. Chill man and focus on life don’t allow anything to weigh you down ” Mike said and after so much arguments Desmond decided to follow him to the party when the time comes.
Cool music played in the compound of Raymond, the blue light that illuminated the area could be seen rotating at each interval. The evening breeze as cool, the loud music that blast out or the foreign speakers was so cool and mode changing. Chairs surrounded the swimming pool, the colour was blue and the high table was there even the stage do some students who can sing who will perform live was also there too. Security was so tight to enable safety, people began coming gradually especially the students and sooner the arena was filled with so many people that it couldn’t contain many people again.
Patricia though she was feeling hurt in the heart still decided to go to the party just to set her eyes on her one time love who happens to cheat on her but got the shockest news of her life. She was struggling with the security men to pass into the venue but he was not allowed to enter after being told that it’s the order of their boss Raymond that they are working on.
“I’m sorry miss Patricia, you can’t enter the venue. Our boss instructed us not to allow you in ” one of the men who were dressed in black voiced out to Patricia who felt her legs weak and she felt embarrassed already because some people’s eyes were now feeding on her as if she’s acting a movie. She couldn’t bear the pain again as she ran out of the place crying her eyes out.

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TRAPPED BY LOVE … (18+) … Part 9

The music that was playing was a cool one is Raymond’s party, sooner did Tessy arrive wearing a long white gown and a pair of gold necklace added to her earrings. She was looking extremely hot in the dress as all the male attention drifted to her wondering who she is.
Raymond too was not bad in his own dress, he had a gold earring on his left ear and he was dressed in a pair of white short and a polo that had his name stamp on it.
Drinks filled everywhere as the all drank and satisfied themselves, they pop the wines and the sound blast in the air, guys were chanting his name like never before. His father too was present and he invited some of his friends to his son birthday party who were top government officials.
Patricia got to the house her tears was like endless river that the man she loved most had dumped her and even make life more miserable for her to bear. She collapsed on the bed and drifted to a long sleep.
“Hey I need your attention everyone” the MC voice said aloud on the speaker which made everywhere to be silent as all listen to what he has to say. A special sit was decorated and located at a far area where lights of different colors were rotating and that was where Raymond was sitting. Smiles didn’t depart from his lips and camera lights were flashing at him at all interval.

Tessy who was sitting also in the crowd looking at Raymond she smiled and her heart beat increased, Raymond was smelling money all through.
After the donations being made by the invited guest which was a big amount of money, Raymond was finally called to the stage to say a word or two to thank those who honoured his invitation. People screamed his name and some snap him using their phones. Raymond was so pleased as he stepped on the podium and everywhere became calm once again to listen to what he has to say.
“Let me start by saying a very big thank you to all of you who are here to celebrate with me as I become a year older. I’m grateful, but before I say anything else I will request Tessy Jerald to come forward and stand by my side ” Raymond voiced out and Tessy couldn’t help than to smile as she walked through the crowd walking towards the podium and finally climb it standing next to Raymond who crossed his hands on his her shoulder holding the microphone with one hand. They looked much Like and they were a perfect match to each other. Mike glanced at Desmond to see him being jealous of Raymond and Tessy so he tab him on the shoulder bringing him back to reality.

“Man don’t be jealous your own turn is coming ” he Assured Desmond who didn’t bother to reply him but kept looking at the two new love birds.
“So I’m pleased to have this pretty damsel by my side and I must say that I’m lucky, I don’t have much to say than to say enjoy your stay here ” he ended his speech and he was being applauded as he stepped down with Tessy behind him holding hands together. He looked at Tessy knew the eyes and placed a soft kiss on her lips which she reciprocated to it without minding the crowd that was there.
Raymond walked around the place with Tessy who didn’t help than to smile and camera lights kept flashing on the both of them. Some ladies were even crushing on Raymond praying that he noticed it and some wished to be like Tessy who’s always by his side. Security were following her from behind just in case of any emergency. He sighed Desmond and Mike sitting at one angle though they didn’t drink anything nor eat, but seeing them there especially Desmond his nose changed instantly to an angry one as he walked to the both of them.

“Hey want are you doing here dude and who invited you here ” he said aloud to Desmond who didn’t even care to look at him so as not to look as as if he’s talking to him.
“Man I’m talking to you, what are you doing here ” he asked for the second time thus increasing his angry mode and he tightened his fist ready to react anytime.
“Calm down Raymond don’t create a scene it’s your day ” Tessy said slowly looking at him in a seductive eyes hoping he listen to her but he didn’t pay attention to it.
“Dude I told you that I’m not coming, but you forced me here now see the insult and embarrassment I’m seeing ” he said to Mike who knew that he was the cause of Desmond’s embarrassment.
“Calm down man I invited him” Mike said In a low tone
“And who are you to invite someone to my party “? He asked raising his voice and it attracted people’s attention who wondered what was happening.
“Now leave this place now “! He ordered in a deep but commanding voice
“I will go but know that you are just enjoying this for a short period of time, you are not Mr Louis son, you were just adopted because he lost his son some years back. Don’t you think that the boy will one day be found and you will be helpless “? He said and chuckled then continue.
“The funniest part is that the guy is schooling in this same school but they don’t know each other, he doesn’t know how father and his father doesn’t know him. That’s the news I heard and I hope you know it too, so don’t be too proud man ” he said and the words had effect on Raymond, it could be visibly seen as his hands tighten in a fist as if he’s in a wrestling field. That’s the third time he’s hearing that news, could it be true that’s Mr Louis is not his biological father? He was so angry at the instant for Desmond to open his mouth and say such to him, he felt like squeezing him in his palms until he does but he didn’t have such power.
“Guards get him out of here ” he commanded
“Hey stop there, none of you should come close to me or you will regret it ” Desmond said standing up
“Take it easy na” Tessy said caressing him on the chest.

“I say now “! He commanded as they walked to Desmond trying to hold him, Desmond send a heavy blow to one of them which landed directly on his nose as blood rushed out and he landed on the floor, seeing that others retreated backwards.
Desmond stood up followed by Mike as they both left the place immediately.

The party was finally over as everyone retired to their different hostels to enjoy their sleep not after being filled with food and drinks, they left so as to prepare for their lectures the next day.
Raymond was still angry and mad at the same time, Desmond words was hunting him real hard and it was the truth though, he walked to and fro in the house without resting as he kept pondering on Desmond’s words.
Tessy seeing his mode had left to her room though Raymond didn’t plan on letting her go for the night, it was a night that Raymond planned to make it pleasurable to Tessy but Desmond showed up from nowhere and ruined everything.
He couldn’t bear it anymore as he placed a call to his partners in crime asking them to tighten their seats belt for the upcoming event.
He slept off.
**Next Day **
The day was bright as usual as everyone began their duties of the day so as to gather for themselves, so was the students preparing themselves for the lectures of the day and Tessy was not left out too, though on the other hand Jerold had been fighting with the break up, he was looking pale and unhealthy because he so muched love Tessy, he couldn’t stand to see her with another man. He was really hurt, he tried calling her for several times but her number wasn’t going through though her phone was on but Jerold call couldn’t reached her.
Mike and Desmond were on their way to the lecture hall, they were both dressed in a pair of white long sleeve and black trousers which they tucked it in as if they are working in the bank. Mike was a bit taller than Desmond but Desmond had a nice and attractive body structure, his beards made it all that he’s a handsome dude.

“Guy the way you talked to Raymond yesterday was a blast ” Mike striked a conversation
“And he deserves more than that cause he’s a bitch, just because of a lady he wants to embarrass his fellow guy ” Desmond said and continue without saying a single word again as they both walked to the lecture hall.
8:00pm same day
The house was so hot for the two guys Mike and Desmond as they were sitting outside receiving cool breeze just with their singlets on. The environment was so dark and scary but they didn’t mind cause they were guys.
” I think we should take a stroll down town na Desmond ” Mike suggested and Desmond too liked the idea as they both dressed up locking the door and head down the streets to have a nice time. Desmond was a wise guy which Mike didn’t know nor understand him but he was a devil in his own way though he doesn’t look like one. They all had fun in the streets walking and gisting about random stuffs as the street lights kept reflecting on them, Desmond checked his time and it reads 10:00pm which means they have spent two hours on the tour
“Man it’s late let’s go ” Desmond voiced out and without time wastage they both left for the house. On the way, the environment was so dark and scary they didn’t have any light with them. They were still walking when they heard people following them on the back without them knowing who they are but Desmond knew who they are which Mike didn’t know.
“Stop p there the both of you “! The voice commanded which was so deep and scary.
They didn’t mind as Desmond continued walking, Mike already was shaking in fear and Desmond noticed it and chuckle if only he knew who he is.
“I said stop there “! The voice came again and they finally stopped turning back to see ten big hefty guys all dressed in black and on their head are red beret and axe on their hands as they walks towards the two guys. Mike this time around was bound to fainting cause he was so afraid and frightened.
“How dare you speak to the dragon lords king when he speaks “? The leader said walking towards them this ttime around very close to Desmond as he kept hitting the axe in his hands.
“Today marks your end of stay on the universe ” he said .
“Get them”! He commanded just as they were speaking Desmond let out a loud laughter which startled all of them and making them wondered what was funny at that time. Desmond didn’t looked scared a bit after all what they said and all their threats he kept on laughing until he couldn’t laugh again. He stopped laughing and looked at all of them from head to toe.
They were all annoyed as they walked in annoyance towards him, just then another group of ten hefty guys too wearing red and green berets came from behind and surrounded Desmond and they were in the middle as the two groups surrounded them..

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