Blue flame (Evil beauty)

Blue flame (Evil beauty)

By Sky in 15 Aug 2018 | 04:43
Sky Chinonso

Sky Chinonso

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Member since: 11 Aug 2018
Blue flame
(Evil beauty)
By: queen nikky
Love sometimes can be cruel evil and can also be
good and lovely at the same time. The blue flame
is the most beautiful flame and it is also the
hottest flame. It hurts the most when tampered
with and the wound doesn't heal quickly.
That seems to be the fate of Emilia a young
beautiful talented girl. She is the most beautiful
and the kindest girl in the village of Akunta.
Everyone worship her beauty, she was blessed with
a fair yellow skin that look like the sun's mirror,
she was given a black hair as black as the night
itself, she is not too busty or too slim her body
look more of an athlete. Her round plum face
which always brighten whenever she smiles is
enough to hypnotise a man or even make a lady a
In the eyes of people she is kind but there lies an
evil secret which will change her forever.
Episode one
Emilia: the beautiful offspring of the ancient fire
goddess who killed her lover.
Wisdom: Emilia's boyfriend or fiance, he run a
cosmetics company in Lagos .
Onyin: Emilia's childhood friend and wisdom's
Amanda: Wisdom's ex girlfriend who later unlock
the hotness of the flame.
Passion: the goddess of love Emilia's grandmother
and a friend to ancient goddess of fire.
Damilola: wisdom's secretary
Esther and tinuke: Emilia's new friends in Lagos.
Kenny: onyin's admirer.
Magnus: A fire surbodinate who was assigned to
monitor Emilia.
Emilie: Emilia's grandmother and ancient goddess
of fire.
Seline: goddess of deciet the main villain
Popcorn and kerosene is childish, abeg carry your
shisha pot and diesel come and enjoy this hot
story from that trouble maker.
15 Aug 2018 | 04:43
Link to Available Episodes Scroll down for episode 1 •Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5-6 Episode 7
15 Aug 2018 | 05:14
15 Aug 2018 | 05:33
no one invite me so i decide to ivinte myself. Bring it come i have seated with my popcorn
15 Aug 2018 | 05:43
i invited myself
15 Aug 2018 | 05:45
Since no one invited me am inviting myself
15 Aug 2018 | 07:17
Another Battle of Goddess? Seated.
15 Aug 2018 | 11:51
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode one ° Under a mango tree some men can be seen discussing and from the look on their face it seems they were friends. One of them just came back from Lagos to celebrate Christmas with his parent and the others were happy to see him before they started talking about a beautiful maidien called Emilia. “ Emilia is the most beautiful lady I've ever set my eyes on I swear she always make my heart flutter anytime I see her” wisdom the guy who just return from Lagos said and others laughed. “ what do you think? Each time she come closer and I see that beautiful big eyes I always forget my mind elsewhere ” osei another one said. “ Osei you forget your mind I always forget my body and soul, I can't count the time Abena and I fought because of Emilia but the thing is none of us can even get closer to her because we are too scared” Tutu an hardworking farmer with three kids also pour out his mind. “ here she comes ” wisdom announced sighting Emilia from afar. There she is swinging her hips that were decorated with beads, her footsteps look like those of the ancient English queen. Her small “ adire” dress flowing like no one cares in the windy footpath. The men loose their minds sighting her with her two maids carrying two baskets of banana. They are probably coming from the farm, she always wear a smile no matter what happen. She have a lot of male friends and wisdom is sure among them. It is obvious from the look on her face that her eyes always trail the young educated man but she is too shy to let anyone know of her feelings. “ hi Emilia ” wisdom called and she smiled flashing her set of teeth that define white snow perfectly. “ hi wisdom I guess you are having fun with your friends?” Emilia replied shyly. “ of course can we see for a moment?” wisdom requested. “ no not today o, mama will be angry if I come late ” Emilia rejected. “but you can wait for me under the udara tree there tomorrow morning ” she whispered in his ears then she start going swinging her hips and her beads didn't stop making noise. “ congratulations wisdom you need to take me to that dibia that do that jazz for you o” osei said jokingly. “ I don't have any dibia anywhere” wisdom said and they laughed. “ the great goddess of beauty Emilia talk to wisdom? Seriously I don't know what to say” Tutu said and they laugh again. After talking about men's things for a while they leave for their respective homes. Emilia get home that day smiling as usual but there is something different from this smile. Her parents were average people in Akunta. They are not too poor or rich but they were respected in the society. Emilia since she was little love hearing tales about the city especially the one they call Lagos, she dream of going to Benin, aba, Enugu, Lagos and the famous big city Ibadan. She long to follow her mates to Lagos especially her best friend mazi udo's daughter onyin. Onyin never fail to tell Emilia tales about the strange cities. She told Emilia about the cars the tiled road and the night's sun( lol light bulb) which serve as sun in the night for lagosians. “ so you mean there is actually a sun at night in Lagos?” Emilia asked when onyin came to visit her one day. “ of course not only one sun but many, every room in my uncle's house has its own sun and you can even control it by pressing something like plastic on the wall” Onyin said licking the udara Emilia gave her earlier. “ hmm? You can control the sun? Chai one day you will take me to Lagos one day” Emilia said smiling. “ you know in Lagos there are many types of strange things, eh? U see there is a what can I call it? Don't worry I will tell you whenever I remember the name, you can see white men on it waving at you if not I will miss you I will have stay in Lagos and finally go to school and become educated like wisdom ” onyin said and Emilia sigh. “ I want to go to school too but my parent are not rich like yours and we don't have anyone in Lagos that I can stay with you are so lucky onyin, I want to be like you but I can't ” emilia said sadly. “ you are saying that ? Well life is never unfair you know? God knows all that before he gave you your beauty maybe you will find a prince charming like wisdom who will take you to lagos” onyin said in a gossip manner. “ what? Hey my friend stop that o I don't want trouble o beside I like the village sef I just want to go to those cities to see what you are telling with my own korokoro eyes” emilia said and they both laugh. “ you will soon find your wisdom like this Lagos song, I'm looking for my johnny ” onyin said and the two friends laugh. “ which johnny are you looking for? The palmwine tapper bah? Mazi udo will kill you” Emilia asked. “ oh I wish I have your beauty” onyin said and emilia frowned. “ you know onyinye be careful about what you wish for sometimes, not all that glitters is gold” Emilia warned. To be continued Why did emilia warn her friend like that? you see I'm not going to post this thing with the way you guys are behaving for you to now like is now difficult don't worry keep it up I wee not talk
15 Aug 2018 | 13:51
Continue, nice beginning
15 Aug 2018 | 16:43
all DAT glitters aren't gold pf
15 Aug 2018 | 17:36
i invitd myslf
15 Aug 2018 | 18:24
16 Aug 2018 | 04:24
I cant wait for the story to continue
16 Aug 2018 | 13:31
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode 2 ° “ my child I want to tell you a story” Emilia's grandmother said a night after onyin visit her. “ I'm all ears grandma” Emilia said opening both her mind and ears. “ you see a long time ago in this Akunta there use to live a fire goddess, she is very beautiful but evil, she own the blue flame, hottest and prettiest of all flames. Not that she is intentionally evil but her flame made her to be. She want to live among humans concealing her nature. She fell in love with a mere mortal, there love is so beautiful that everyone in this village wish for that kind of love even my own mother but something bad later happen to the happy marriage and the fire goddess became bad to the extent of killing her husband, according to my mother her husband cheated on her with one of the ugly maidien and the goddess took it as an insult so she destroyed her husband and the maidien including herself” the grandma narrated. “ but why will she destroy herself?” Emilia asked feeling sorry for the poor goddess. “ you know blue flame is beautiful and evil, the evil in her mind grow worse and it end up consuming her whole mind then she explode into the air ” grandma explained. “ it is such a tragedy, but flames are easy to hurt humans why?” Emilia asked. “ because humans hurt the flame before , have you ever wonder why blue flame is the hottest and the most beautiful?” grandma throw another question at Emilia. “ because it is an evil beauty” Emilia replied bluntly. “ Exactly now my daughter its time to sleep, I don't want to hear you grunt when you parents are waking you up tomorrow ” ‘‘okay grandma goodnight’’ ‘‘ goodnight my daughter ’’ The next morning as promised Emilia sneak out to meet wisdom under the udara tree. She left without her nosy maids, although there are servants in the house, emilia prefer going to the farm and working tirelessly rather than sitting alone in the house. ‘‘ good morninig wisdom you wanted to see me ’’ Emilia greets. ‘‘ morning Emilia I just want to tell you something that have been keeping my heart busy ’’ wisdom reply. ‘‘ go on’’ ‘‘emilia I love you from the bottom of my heart and I want you to be my girlfriend ’’ wisdom blurt out silently thinking Emilia will react negatively but she just laugh “ wisdom is such a joker I don't know you can be interested in an ordinary village girl like me a whole Lagos boy” Emilia said shyly not sure of what she heard from wisdom earlier. “ hey I'm not joking Emilia I love you, you are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen in my life, no Lagos girl can compare with your beauty” wisdom said Emilia blushed. “ I bet Lagos girls are beautiful but nothing to compare with a village girl like me” Emilia blush again. “ I know you love me Emily please accept my heart” wisdom added. ‘‘ emily? Ok i dont know how to say this but yes ’’ Emilia couldn't take it anymore she ran away shyly. “ oh she agreed she actually agreed” wisdom smiled happily. ‘'this one you are smiling what is the matter? ’ onyin ask her friend. “ he ask me out he actually ask me out” Emilia blush as she whisper the words to onyin. “ you mean wisdom ask you out? Chim o my friend will go to Lagos o” onyin said happily and they both laugh. “ so when are you guys getting married? ” onyin and shook her head surprisingly. “ hey onyin how can you push me into marriage like that I'm still young na marriage is not something you jump into na’ Emilia hit her friend playfully. ‘‘ whatever you say ’’ Emilia keep blushing and laughing around the house and this got her parents worried because she have never laugh like this before. ' what is wrong with emilia I've seen her so happy like this before ” Emilia's mother said and her grandmother smile. ‘‘ Amarachi, when you fell in love with my son Uchena how did you feel then? ’’ grandma asked. ‘‘ so you mean Emilia is in love? But with who? So we her parent couldn't even make her laugh and smile like that but this random man came and our daughter started acting like that? Love sometimes is something ’’ Amara Emilia's mother replied. At night Emilia couldn't sleep she dreamt about the fire goddess and all sort of things. So she went to her grandmother's room to ask questions about the strange fire goddess. “ grandma what was the name of the fire goddess? ” Emilia asked and her grandmother smiled. '‘ the birth mark on your chest has it ever shone blue before? ’ grandma replied her question with another question. ‘' no but please answer my question now ’ Emilia pleaded. “ well her name is Emilie" To be continued
17 Aug 2018 | 04:21
17 Aug 2018 | 13:41
hmmm go on we dy ur bck
17 Aug 2018 | 16:05
seated nice start keep it up
17 Aug 2018 | 17:15
hmm so u are Emilie's reincarnate
17 Aug 2018 | 17:16
hope Wisdom made the right move
17 Aug 2018 | 17:16
next update..
17 Aug 2018 | 17:17
So that means she is you
17 Aug 2018 | 18:53
I finally caught up with u guys
18 Aug 2018 | 08:03
18 Aug 2018 | 18:21
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode 3 ° '‘ is it my imagination but that sounds like my name or doesn't it? ’ Emilia said and her grandma smiled. ‘‘ you know you are beautiful right ? And that beauty is what you inherit from your maternal grandmother who was the fire goddess, she didn't transfer her powers to your mother because she fears amara will become like her so none of her descendant will not make the same mistake as hers ’’ grandma smiled '‘ grandma I can't understand anything you said now you mean the fire goddess Emilie is my maternal grandmother? And I'm a descendant of the blue flame? That's why I'm too beautiful like the goddess? ’ no doubt Emilia is confused about her new found identity she can't just believe it what if she have powers just like the goddess? No that's not possible because she didn't want to hurt him in anyways. The next morning she met with wisdom under the udara tree again. '‘ my love what is the mater with you? You look so sad ’ wisdom said. True Emilia is sad but not about the fire goddess of a thing but the fact that wisdom may soon leave for Lagos. He is a business man he only came to the village to celebrate Christmas with his parents. ‘‘ I'm just worried that someday you will leave for Lagos and I will be here alone ’’ emilia replied sadly. ‘' you don't have to worry my sunshine I will never forget and after arranging our wedding I will take you to Lagos with me okay? ’ ‘‘ sunshine? Hmm did I look like the sun that much? ’’ Emilia giggled. ‘' do you think if you are to be in a competition with the sun for brightness you won't win?" Wisdom praised and Emilia couldn't help but blush. “ the sun is more brighter and beautiful just like the eyes you used to look at me with love” Emilia replied and wisdom couldn't help but smile too. The two lovers stare at each other in a lovely manner and wisdom broke the silence with a kiss which make Emilia's stomach twist as butterflies keep flying in her heart. The kiss lasted for some minutes and when they finally break the kiss Emilia rush home shyly she couldn't picture in her mind that the almighty wisdom that is always cold to ladies will ask her out not to talk of kissing her. She have always love wisdom from afar since childhood. When wisdom left for Lagos she couldn't get rid of the one sided crush but when wisdom return to the village after so many years to celebrate Christmas with his parents.she rekindle her feelings for him and now here she is the almighty wisdom's girlfriend. What attract him to her is somethung Emilia couldn't understand or is it her beauty? For the first time she thank god for giving her such a beauty. Because if not for her beauty wisdom couldn't have locate her. Since then the love birds can be seen on every path in the village. Its like they don't care about what the villagers may say or do all that matters to them is that they are in love and they be lieve nothing can. Separate them in this life. Their love life got tongues wavering in the village anywhere you see Emilia you must see wisdom no matter how even if Emilia want to to fetch water wisdom must accompany her smiling and playing together. Onyin is the most happiest she like seeing her friend happy like this. Whenever the maidiens want to get close to wisdom she always stand in the way protectively like a paid bodyguard. Abusing the hell out of ladies that try to badmouth Emilia like calling her a witch or mermaid. She would told them if they wish to be that beautiful they should die and be born as a mermaid in the next life. Wisdom and his heartthrob were sitting under a mango tree not far from wisdom's house unknown to them Emilia's grandmother is watching them. ‘‘ Mother Rena I hope history does not repeat itself Emilia is so dear to me ’’ the grandma prayed silently. To be continued…
19 Aug 2018 | 19:19
somethins is hidden
20 Aug 2018 | 05:20
luv na wan tintin
20 Aug 2018 | 06:26
20 Aug 2018 | 07:42
next pls
20 Aug 2018 | 09:36
love in the air
20 Aug 2018 | 14:31
hmm hope she does not become evil oh like her grandmother
20 Aug 2018 | 14:32
hmm hope this una love no go die oh
20 Aug 2018 | 14:33
next update........
20 Aug 2018 | 14:34
20 Aug 2018 | 19:31
Blue flame (Evil beauty) . By: queen nikky . Episode 4 ° The grandma prayed silenly and unknown to Emilia her tiny birthmark is slowly producing light. Just a matter of time and it will shine and this is because she is getting closer to wisdom and the love she found. Day by day she is getting more beautiful as her birthmark expand. She and wisdom sat under the udara tree and the atmosphere is awkward. ‘' I'm going to Lagos tomorrow ’ wisdom finally break the silence. ‘‘ what do you just say? You are going to Lagos?’’ Emilia said emotionally. ‘' yes believe me Emily I don't want to leave you but my business is there my love I will come back for you ’ wisdom said holding Emilia's hand. ‘‘ you will come back for me? Wisdom will you? I don't even know when you are going to come back probably next Christmas but how will I live? it is even better for you to be invincible like you were before than to leave me like this it hurts wisdom ’’ Emilia said and her invisible birthmark shone a little but not that bright. ‘' Emily pl.. ’ he try to say but Emilia cut the sentence from him. ‘‘ don't call me Emily wisdom. My name is Emilia not Emily okay?! ’’ Emilia cried. ‘‘ okay Emilia I swear I'm coming back from you nothing can take me from you I will surely come for our marriage’’ wisdom assure her but she won't stop crying. ' OK I will wait for you always my love but please don't leave me alone here ’ Emilia sniffs but wisdom kiss her so she will stop crying. She stop crying and she rush home without saying goodbye. ‘‘ so she won't say goodbye? ’’ wisdom muttered under his breath. Emilia cried all night she couldn't bear not seeing wisdom for even a day not to talk of a week or even a month. Her birthmark shone so bright that her eyes turn blue her skin also turn pale blue and her hair become a little longer. She didn't notice this then her body became normal again and she became weak.The sleep that refuse to come earlier is now engulfing her whole body. She had a dream, in the dream she saw herself more beautiful with blue flames surrounding and she was burning an unknown lady smiling wickedly at wisdom who pleaded for the freedom of the lady but Emilia won't take any of his pleas. She burn the lady leaving an unforgettable scar on her face. She want to move closer to wisdom still with the rage in her eyes before she wake up suddenly. The dream terrify her so she stand up still in the blackness of night surprised to see her grandmother outside sitting in front her(Emilia's) room. ‘‘ grandma what are you doing here? ’’ she called. ‘‘ your birthmark shone right? It shone am I right? ’’ grandma asked. '‘ that… How did you know? It shone and I have a really bad dream too” Emilia replied feeling strange her hair have some strands of blue but they disappeared before she notice them. ‘‘ oh mother Rena, what have you done? You promised not to send any immortal to this place again but why? ’’ grandma exclaimed. ‘‘ grandma what did you mean? The god of immortals transfer the power of goddess of fire to me? But why ? Why me why? I don't want to hurt wisdom ’’ Emilia cried. ‘‘ I know but there is nothing you can do Emilia you look like her too much and I didn't see this coming either but if you trust wisdom you won't become a monster and you won't make the same mistake Emilie made several years ago just trust him and all will be good my daughter I will teach you some basic steps so you won't hurt people with your flames ’’ grandma explained and Emilia only nodded. Suddenly grandma change to a very beautiful young lady. ‘‘ wow ’’ Emilia exclaimed. ‘‘ for now call me passion, I'm your maternal grandmother's friend and I'm the goddess of love ’’ passion said. ( find about passion in my next story. ) Passion created a portal leading to a very beautiful place. The relief seem calm and beautiful. Emilia must admit she have never seen a place like this. To be continued…..
21 Aug 2018 | 08:49
21 Aug 2018 | 14:50
Still observing
21 Aug 2018 | 15:19
Am with you
21 Aug 2018 | 18:04
wow nice idea
21 Aug 2018 | 18:18
hmm don't hurt Wisdom oh
21 Aug 2018 | 18:19
so ur grandma can transform into a young person
21 Aug 2018 | 18:20
hmm Emilia immortal hmm hope she does not misuse this
21 Aug 2018 | 18:21
next update....
21 Aug 2018 | 18:22
22 Aug 2018 | 11:15
22 Aug 2018 | 14:44
Blue flame (Evil beauty) . By: queen nikky . Episode 5 ° ‘‘ grandma where is this place? ’’ emilia asked. ‘‘ Emilia I have to protect you and make you use your magic wisely and not to hurt anyone like Emilie did in the past magic are for helping people and not for destroying them. You have to use your beautiful blue flame to touch the lives of people before it become the hottest for you. You know its a miracle you were born the high constellation promise not to send any god or goddess to earth again after what happened to Emilie but I still don't get why they actually send you ’’ passion said placing her chin on her palm. Emilia still can't believe this is her grandmother standing before her. She is very beautiful but they look nothing alike at all because of Emilia's sun yellow skin and her black hair but passion's skin is milky and pale and her hair is brown. ‘‘ I couldn't change the future, still lost in my own form of magic I watch amarachi, Emilie's daughter and my son uchenna my son fell in love and they give birth to you I know that the mix of magic of love and flame power will cause a stir in you and if care is taken your dark side will be more stronger than that of Emilie because the other side of love is hatred. Emilie and I are princess in different world of magic and we are different from each other too. Her dark side is to burn with her fire but mine is more cruelsome because once my magic turn to hatred nothing can stop me I will destroy the world but now that you have half of my powers I'm afraid something bad may happen if you lose your trust in the person you love ’’ passion added and emilia listened with rapt attention. Who would think that her grandmother is the goddess of love? And very beautiful like this. ‘‘you mean wisdom? ’’ emilia asked. '‘ yes wisdom he is the key to unlocking your dark side, he unlock your good side and if you keep trusting him you won't need to fear about your dark side ’ ‘‘ okay I will keep trusting him but what should I do when he will soon leave me? Should I still trust him? ’’ Emilia asked and passion nodded. ‘' no matter how much you love someone if there is no trust its like using basket to fetch water you know you won't get anything but just stressing yourself. I've make people fall in love with my potion but the love potion is just an elusion once true love is involved the magic of the spell breaks and this the same with love and trust once there is no trust the magic of true love fade away just like smoke of fire. Enough of the talk let's start your trainings’ passion remove her robe. She told emilia to calm down and think positively and not to think of anything that angers her or make her sad or else the flames she would produce will burn both emilia and passion but thankfully passion have enchanted love shield. She told emilia to spread her hands and imagine flames coming out of her body. Emilia try and try then her body start physical transformation. Her body turn to pale blue and her black hair turn to the ocean colour. But she look more of a beast than beautiful that is her real self and it is scary. Flames started spreading through her body and the blue flames start consuming her soul. Passion can feel the high energy surrounding her grand daughter. ‘ welcome Emilia the blue flame descendant! '’ passion's voice echoed in the whole place. All living creatures bowed when the hear Emilie's name. ‘‘ the great fire goddess we fear your name We shall bow to you for we are scared of getting burned with the great name We will dance when we hear your name for we are happy the great healer is back For in you we believe in and we dare not anger your spirit. Great goddess of love the beauty of every time The one who holds the true definition of love in her heart every time The one whom when she pleases make people fall in love Thank you passion for bringing our savior and we the magical creatures shall always support you everytime ’’ the voice of every creatures in the place chants as the bow down to Emilia . ‘' thank you passion ’ Emilia said not knowing exactly what to say. ‘' anything for my friend ’ passion replied . ‘‘ passion I mean grandma let's go home I have a hunch that it will soon be dawn ’’ Emilia said and passion agree. She create the portal again and Emilia find herself on her bed. It was like a dream but she remember what passion taught her. Not to hurt humans and to do good with her powers she feel weak it must be from draining her energy earlier. She just leave herself to the hands of sleep and she woke up very late. Passion must have told her parents not to disturb her sleep. It seems amarachi also know that Emilia have gain the power of her grandmother and it freaks her out to even think about it. To be continued…… Guys I'm sorry for late posting you know salah is coming so I'm too busy
22 Aug 2018 | 15:41
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode 6 ° ‘‘ where is Emilia? ’’ wisdom ask onyin. He had told her earlier to bring Emilia secretly so he can say goodbye properly. ‘‘ she is still sleeping I guess I haven't seen her this morning. Too strange her servants told me she is sleeping’’ onyin replied feeling her friends pain too. She thought maybe Emilia have cried all night that she is just sleeping. ‘‘ please watch over her and make sure she is not sad I will surely come back for her you can take this you know how to operate it right? ’’ wisdom said handing a cell phone to onyin. ‘‘ a little I will make sure I call you if Emilia miss you and please call too ’’ onyin collect the phone still squeezing her face. '‘ okay bye, I will come back okay? Little cousin don't frown like that I'm not going forever ’ wisdom said and onyin smiled. She wave goodbye to her cousin as the driver start the car and they drive along the muddy road. '‘ I feel Emilia's pain but there is nothing he can do he have to take care of his business. Let me check this thing. How do I use it? ’ onyin said checking the phone out. She rush to Emilia's house to find her yawning. It seems she just woke up from her looks, rough hair and face. ‘' onyin you are here ’ Emilia yawned. ‘' is it my eyes or my imagination? You are acting and looking strange today. First you woke up late which is unlike you second your skin look pale why ? ’ onyin said with a concerned look… ‘‘ wisdom is gone? ’’ Emilia asked then her eyes caught a little strands of blue hair while she is scratching her hair. She wonder why her body is changing then she remember the power of blue flame inside her. ‘‘ yes he ask me to call him with this if you miss him and he will always call when he miss you too ’’ onyin said showing Emilia the phone. ‘‘ really? I can call him with this? ’’ * Immortal kingdom * In the castle of a beautiful kingdom on another planet, sitted on the high beautiful golden throne is the ancient fire goddess Emilie with her subordinate magnus standing before her. “ magnus you are going to earth right now to stop my granddaughter from engaging in that dangerous thing called love ” Emilie ordered but magnus is still standing. “ my queen but Emilia has done nothing wrong and besides its too late she already have blue flame inside her ” magnus said but instead of a reply Emilie throw a big blue flame ball at him which hit him badly. “ you dare question me? Did you forget who made me who I am? A human turn my beautiful flame to an evil one. Do you know how earth is? It is a place filled with stupid believes and superstitions. ” she yelled. “ I'm sorry your majesty ” he apologize in agony. “ but may I ask a question? ” he said and Emilie's crystal blue eyes shine in anger immediately before it cool down again. “ if it won't land you in trouble ” she said using her beautiful hands decorated with jewelries to detangle her hair. “ my queen why did you allow Amara your daughter to fall in love ” magnus asked and Emilie burst into a loud laughter that shake the kingdom to its roots. “ because she is useless because of what her father did to me I made sure I remove every ounce of my magic from her but this her daughter Emilia seem to have the pure blue flame and that's why I want you to stop her from falling in love deeper because I don't want her to end up like me. I'm sure you won't want to have an aggressive queen like me again ” Emilie said and magnus agree. “ behind her evil manners there is a loving heart if only humans were not that ungrateful how can he still have eyes for another one when he have the most beautiful flame ” magnus thought. “ I heard that! ” Emilie shouted and he almost lose his balance. “ she sure is fearful ” he thought again. “ I heard that too ” she shouted again. “ sweet Rena (the god of immortals) ” magnus whispered. now he is going to human world to stop the young goddess from going deeper in love. Unknown to him when he was making the spell he made a little mistake so instead of Akunta village the portal took him to Lagos. To be continued….
23 Aug 2018 | 23:13
Getting more interesting
24 Aug 2018 | 04:40
24 Aug 2018 | 06:34
24 Aug 2018 | 16:59
LOVE just hope Emilia overcomes jealousy
24 Aug 2018 | 19:38
hmm hope u learnt so much from the training your grandmother gave u
24 Aug 2018 | 19:39
eyaah u teleported yourself to the wrong place
24 Aug 2018 | 20:01
Episode 7 ° Lagos city Brent cosmetics company * “ ah finally I'm back at my work ” wisdom said as his driver drop him at his company. “ welcome sir ” Damilola his yoruba secretary greet him. “ oh you are looking beautiful today dammy ” he said and Damilola smiled. “ oh miss Amanda ask of you” Damilola informed him. “ next time Dammy you don't tell me that first, you ask about how my vacation was ” he said with a sour face. “ okay I'm sorry sir how was your vacation? ” Damilola corrected. “ it was fun ” he smiled thinking about Emilia. “ oh I guess miss Onyinyechi must have made your vacation right? ” Damilola asked. “ no not onyin, I found a perfect lady ” wisdom said and Damilola smiled. “ I guess you are finally in love anyway I will get you a coffee latte right? ” she asked and he nodded. “ I'm going to go on another vacation ” he winks. “ to see this perfect lady? ” Damilola teased. “ of course you get it ” wisdom snap his finger. “ okay I will get your coffee now ” Damilola announced before making her exit. * Akunta village * “ I have this feeling that wisdom will soon come and take you to lagos ” onyin said and Emilia hit her playfully. “ no be only take na took ” Emilia mocked. “ you will soon see, when my cousin finally marry you hey what is happening to you! ” onyin exclaimed when she notice Emilia's sudden change. Her skin is now very pale and her eyes is crystal blue just like her grandmother's, her hair that is as black as night before is now blue and she resemble the exact image of her grandmother Emilie. “ Emilie you just made a foolish mistake by sending magnus here ” Passion, Emilia's paternal grandmother said feeling the presence of the goddess of fire subordinate. “ what do you mean? ” Emilia asked flashing her crystal blue eyes. “ its just you a looking a little but strange, you look pale and your hair is crystal blue colour same as your eyes ” onyin said covering her mouth and just a flash Emilia return to normal. “ I can't believe it Emilia you are back to normal maybe I'm just imagining nonsense ” onyin laughed at her own stupidity. “ maybe you are imagining wrong things” emila laughed knowing perfectly well what onyinyechi means. * Phone rings * “ oh wisdom is calling ” onyin announced and Emilia smiled. Onyin pick the call immediately. “ hello my love ” wisdom's voice sound lovely on the phone that Emilia started blushing. “ my wisdom I can't believe I'm hearing your voice right now how is Lagos? ”Emilia asked. “ Lagos is fine but I wish you are here with me Emily oh I'm sorry you told me not to call you that ” wisdom said and Emilia laughed. “ hey anything you call me is fine my love ” she said shyly. “ really? ” “ yes my love sorry I talk to you that way I was just carried away by my own emotions” Emilia said with a calm voice. “ its okay Emily I'm coming to the village soon to take you with me my love ” wisdom sound so happy. “ really? You will take me to Lagos? But on one condition onyin will follow us ” Emilia shouted happily. “ anything you say my love onyin is my cousin after all and I've been begging her to come to Lagos before but now she won't have a choice but to agree ” wisdom replied. “ oh you this girl is actually taking me to Lagos bah? Is unfair o but anywhere you go i go ” onyin hit Emilia playfully. “ I'm hanging up my love kisses ” wisdom hang up smiling but his smile fades when he sight his main problem in front of him. The lady who claim to love him but left him for someone else in school now crawling back because he is now very rich. “ did I heard wrong? Or did you just call someone else your love ” Amanda fumes angrily. “ what do you think it is ? I've found the love of my life. I'm finally in love ” wisdom laughed provoking Amanda. To be continued……..
24 Aug 2018 | 20:33
yes nice kotunu
25 Aug 2018 | 03:49
25 Aug 2018 | 07:32
25 Aug 2018 | 07:48
25 Aug 2018 | 18:44
26 Aug 2018 | 15:11
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode 7 ° Lagos city Brent cosmetics company * “ ah finally I'm back at my work ” wisdom said as his driver drop him at his company. “ welcome sir ” Damilola his yoruba secretary greet him. “ oh you are looking beautiful today dammy ” he said and Damilola smiled. “ oh miss Amanda ask of you” Damilola informed him. “ next time Dammy you don't tell me that first, you ask about how my vacation was ” he said with a sour face. “ okay I'm sorry sir how was your vacation? ” Damilola corrected. “ it was fun ” he smiled thinking about Emilia. “ oh I guess miss Onyinyechi must have made your vacation right? ” Damilola asked. “ no not onyin, I found a perfect lady ” wisdom said and Damilola smiled. “ I guess you are finally in love anyway I will get you a coffee latte right? ” she asked and he nodded. “ I'm going to go on another vacation ” he winks. “ to see this perfect lady? ” Damilola teased. “ of course you get it ” wisdom snap his finger. “ okay I will get your coffee now ” Damilola announced before making her exit. * Akunta village * “ I have this feeling that wisdom will soon come and take you to lagos ” onyin said and Emilia hit her playfully. “ no be only take na took ” Emilia mocked. “ you will soon see, when my cousin finally marry you hey what is happening to you! ” onyin exclaimed when she notice Emilia's sudden change. Her skin is now very pale and her eyes is crystal blue just like her grandmother's, her hair that is as black as night before is now blue and she resemble the exact image of her grandmother Emilie. “ Emilie you just made a foolish mistake by sending magnus here ” Passion, Emilia's paternal grandmother said feeling the presence of the goddess of fire subordinate. “ what do you mean? ” Emilia asked flashing her crystal blue eyes. “ its just you a looking a little but strange, you look pale and your hair is crystal blue colour same as your eyes ” onyin said covering her mouth and just a flash Emilia return to normal. “ I can't believe it Emilia you are back to normal maybe I'm just imagining nonsense ” onyin laughed at her own stupidity. “ maybe you are imagining wrong things” emila laughed knowing perfectly well what onyinyechi means. * Phone rings * “ oh wisdom is calling ” onyin announced and Emilia smiled. Onyin pick the call immediately. “ hello my love ” wisdom's voice sound lovely on the phone that Emilia started blushing. “ my wisdom I can't believe I'm hearing your voice right now how is Lagos? ”Emilia asked. “ Lagos is fine but I wish you are here with me Emily oh I'm sorry you told me not to call you that ” wisdom said and Emilia laughed. “ hey anything you call me is fine my love ” she said shyly. “ really? ” “ yes my love sorry I talk to you that way I was just carried away by my own emotions” Emilia said with a calm voice. “ its okay Emily I'm coming to the village soon to take you with me my love ” wisdom sound so happy. “ really? You will take me to Lagos? But on one condition onyin will follow us ” Emilia shouted happily. “ anything you say my love onyin is my cousin after all and I've been begging her to come to Lagos before but now she won't have a choice but to agree ” wisdom replied. “ oh you this girl is actually taking me to Lagos bah? Is unfair o but anywhere you go i go ” onyin hit Emilia playfully. “ I'm hanging up my love kisses ” wisdom hang up smiling but his smile fades when he sight his main problem in front of him. The lady who claim to love him but left him for someone else in school now crawling back because he is now very rich. “ did I heard wrong? Or did you just call someone else your love ” Amanda fumes angrily. “ what do you think it is ? I've found the love of my life. I'm finally in love ” wisdom laughed provoking Amanda. To be continued……..
27 Aug 2018 | 10:25
Gobe Go shele if emila nd amanda meet
27 Aug 2018 | 18:53
Still observing
27 Aug 2018 | 19:04
madam Amanda go and sleep someone else is already in Wisdom's life
27 Aug 2018 | 19:39
Emilia hmm you have started making ur friend look like s fool
27 Aug 2018 | 19:40
Emilie leave Emilia she would not make the same mistake u made
27 Aug 2018 | 19:41
next update oga wey land for Lagos by mistake I hope say u go soon find ur way back
27 Aug 2018 | 19:58
28 Aug 2018 | 02:00
Same episode ?
28 Aug 2018 | 16:04
Na d same episode u repeated... Please continue
30 Aug 2018 | 10:56
Blue flame (Evil beauty) * By: queen nikky * Episode 8 ° “ wisdom have you forgotten no lady can take you away from me? Because I'm the most beautiful lady on earth ” Amanda boast. “ japaa please stop making noise here you are so ugly that even Damilola is even prettier than you not to talk of my sunshine even the light of the sun is competing with her beauty because she is the goddess of beauty itself ” wisdom praises Emilia. “ what? So it is your secretary bah Damilola! come here immediately! ” Amanda yelled. “ yes ma'am” Damilola enter the office and wisdom gave her a wink. “ how dare you flirt with wisdom?! Answer me! ” Amanda yelled. “ madam please calm down I'm not the perfect one who is so beautiful that my boss can't stop thinking about her ” Damilola smiled. “ what?! ” Amanda exclaimed. “ is she that beautiful? ” she asked. “ she is so beautiful that even the sun compete with her beauty ” wisdom replied. “ I've been your friend for over five years you never look at me and this stranger just came and snatch all your heart I won't let her have you I promise you ” she cried before she storm out of the office. _____Akunta village_____ Emila can be seen pacing around her room smiling thinking about wisdom. “ Emilia what's the occasion ” her grandmother asked her in her goddess form. “ grandma you can't show your true self here remember we are not in our meeting place ” emila said. “ it doesn't matter no one knows who I am they will just think I am a stranger ” passion told her. “ I can see you are thinking about your love” passion smiled. “ how did you know? ” Emilia asked. “ well I'm the goddess of love ” passion said proudly. “ oh I forgot ” Emilia said. “ well I just want to tell you I'm going back to the immortal realm ” passion drop the bomb. “ what?! Grandma you are leaving me alone? Don't go ” Emilia cried like a little baby. “ hey we can get in touch in the waterfall you are an immortal too you can visit anytime just don't let your maternal grandmother see you ” passion said with deep emotions. Emilia is now weeping badly like a little baby , she didn't want her grandmother to leave her but there is nothing she can do. Passion left her to cry on her own. Ten minutes later emilia heard her mother's cry, she rushed out immediately. She saw her mother crying like a baby. “ chim oh! Mother please don't leave me alone please don't leave me now ” Amarachi shouted as she roll on the ground. “ so she is gone? ” Emilia cried louder. “ so she is gone? So soon?! ” she cried even louder. People are now rushing to their house after hearing the cries of mother and daughter. All efforts to calm Emilia down prove abortive then passion appear to her in her normal form. “ if you let your emotions get into your head you will end your loosing yourself so stop yourself before you reveal your identity ” passion warned her before she finally calm down. Minutes later onyin rushed into their compohd holding the phone which means wisdom just called, she gave wisdom a call to tell him about the incident. “ she can't talk to you right now her grandma just died ” onyin said holding back her own tears. “ what? But she was healthy then! ” wisdom exclaimed. “ that's how we see it o ” onyin said. “ Emilia must be so sad right now ” wisdom replied. “ she is not crying again just looking like a dummy ” onyin's tears finally escaped. “ oh may her soul rest in peace ” wisdom said before hanging up. “ Dammy please cancel all my schedule for this week I'm going to the village ” he told his secretary. “ but why? Don't tell me you are missing the lady ” she teased but wisdom isn't ready for all that. “ her grandma just died and I have to be with her ” wisdom announces then she nodded. “ oh I imagine how sad the young lady must be may her soul rest in peace ” Damilola said emotionally. * Magnus arrive at Lagos marveling at the beauty of the city when passion appear to him. “ my lady! ” magnus exclaimed. “ magnus what are you doing here? Remember the high constellation doesn't allow immortals on earth anymore if mother Rena knew about this you know what will happen ” passion said. “ I know but my queen sent me here ” he replied. “ to monitor Emilia? She doesn't need to do that she should leave the poor girl alone ” passion said with a calm voice. “ but she insists she doesn't want her grand daughter to become like her ” magnus raise his head for the first time. “ magnus I know what Emilie is thinking. She just want to get Emilia on her side so they can destroy the world together. I wonder what the high constellation were thinking when the send another blue flame to this world, now it is all complicated because just like Emile's blood runs on her mine also run in her body so just one mistake and she will destroy everything ” To be continued……
30 Aug 2018 | 12:10
Sorry for the loss
31 Aug 2018 | 11:10
Passion I hope ur demise does not cause Emilie to turn wild
31 Aug 2018 | 15:24
Magnus go back oh and tell Emilia that Emilie is fine oh
31 Aug 2018 | 15:26
Wisdom go back and console Emilie
31 Aug 2018 | 15:27
next update.......
31 Aug 2018 | 15:28
May her soul rest in peace
31 Aug 2018 | 17:24
Take heart
1 Sep 2018 | 15:22
RIP Grandma
1 Sep 2018 | 15:32
Just leave Emilia out of all this
1 Sep 2018 | 17:44
Same episode why na
2 Sep 2018 | 16:56


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