

By Cool in 18 Aug 2014 | 01:56
Cool Val

Cool Val

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Written & submitted by our Guest writer Onihaxy

BRO. Paul
18 Aug 2014 | 01:56
Paul was born into a family of three. His father is a corporate worker who sets out as early as 5am in the morning only to return home at 10pm and above. His mother was a business woman who sells provisions in wholesale and retails. She also closed as late as 10pm. Paul has two junior sisters who were in KG 2 and primary 4 respectively while he was in SS2. Due to lack of parental monitoring, paul had mingled with the bad guys in his neighbourhood. Every evening after school, he would go to the neighbourhood to play, the bad guys would send him to buy cigarettes and alcoholic drinks. Atimes, he would be sent to call a pretty lady passing by. At ss3, paul had started smoking indian hemp, his parent tried so many times to correct him but he had turned to a dry fish difficult to bend. Paul had became notorious in the neighbourhood causing trouble and atrocities. He wrote his first jamb after ss3 at 18 but he failed. he made another 3 attempts at the next 3 consecutive years and still failed. he was frustrated with his failure and yet, he wouldn't give up on his bad attitude,. He was at home one day watching a programme on the TV station and after the program, a religious program came up. Paul was captivated by the preacher and followed the preaching bumper to bumper. It got to a point, the preacher made mention that "you should make a difficult vow with God and be serious with it. It should be something that will cost you pain . And tell God that if you can do this particular thing for me, this is what I will give you/ do for you.".. Paul got the message and decided to give it a trial. He promised God to be born again and served him with the whole of his live on campus and beyond if God could give him an admission the following year. As luck would have it, paul gained admission to study micro-biology the following year. At the beginning of his year one. He was finding it difficult to born again due to the high number of pretty chicks who were freshers on campus. They were indeed tempting and seductive. The way this girls packaged their assets could make a G.O commit "side- game". To be continued...... [hr] Links To Available Episodes. [color=purple]Episodes 1-6 On First page.[/color] Episode 7-End
18 Aug 2014 | 01:59
At first semester, paul enjoyed life, fucked 3 freshers and clubbed forgetting that he made a promise to God. Towards the end of first semester, he had a dream seeing an old man in white gown reminding him of the promises he made before he got his admission. He woke up and began to cry, he cried and realized he didn't fulfilled his promises. The following week, he joined a fellowship of one of his numerous girlfriends. At the beginning of second semester, paul became a changed person. He stopped flirting and clubing. He joined bible study and Prayer units. He was so fervent in the service that he barely missed any of the weekly programs and activities, you would always see paul at every campus religious gatherings and events. At 200level, he was made the bible study secretary of his fellowship. He was so diligent in the stewardship that he was made the president of his Fellowship at 300level. All through this periods, paul was binding and casting out demons and doing special miraculous works. The entire campus could feel it that there was someone named paul. He graduated from school and went for his NYSC and was posted to a public secondary school in calabar, that was where trouble started......................
18 Aug 2014 | 02:04
Bro paul got to NYSC. He was posted to a public secondary school. he tried to keep and maintain his religious standard at all cost but temptation started befalling him. Many of the students would walk pass him flaunting their "ukwus' and "bobby". He was trying all his best to resist the intimate urges and temptations with the power of the holy-spirit in him and it worked. Three months after his commencement in the school, another female corper named eunice was posted to the school. Eunice was 29years old, a very beautiful and elegant lady. She was naturally pretty and endowed. Eunice was a rough girl who had flexed and enjoyed her life as a runs girl while on campus and had the determination of hooking a God fearing guy during service. Weeks after eunice commencement of her service to her fatherland at the same PPA with bro paul, they became friends. Eunice studied paul and noticed he was a God fearing man, without wasting time, she began to form holy just to gain the attention of paul, she would sing gospel song, read xtian books, she stopped using jewellery and made sure she wore moderate clothes. Bro paul was carried away by the looks and display of Christianity, he was happy that he met a dedicated xtian like him and didn't bother to involve God into it, he followed his mind and asked eunice out. Without wasting much time, eunice gave a YES answer after 2 weeks and that started dating. As time went on, eunice couldn't hold on to abstinence has she began to desire for sex in the relationship. He tried so many means to seduce bro paul but he kept resisting. After long weeks of resistance, bro paul finally fell for it and they have sex after 4months of the relationship. ***********
18 Aug 2014 | 02:10
.................Continues. Bro paul started drowning spiritually into the ocean of eunice's touch. Every moment, bro paul would go on his kneels and cry to God for forgiveness, only to fall back on eunice laps weeks later. His prayer and devotion life began to reduce drastically to the extent that he hardly read bible as frequently as before. (That is the power of woman I must say, behind the downfall of most spiritual leaders are women of easy virtue who knows how to manipulate them to get what they wanted). Paul began to struggle with his spiritual life. He began to hear strange voices and found it difficult to identify the voice of the holy spirit from that of the devil, one voice will say "paul! Paul! Paul!!!, leave that woman alone, she is going to destroy you!!!. Then another one will say, paul! Paul! Paul!!!, he who finds a wife has found a good thing and obtains favour from ME. Do not loose her because she will make a good wife with her cool and nice attitude!!". He loved eunice so much because eunice seems to posses everything he wanted in a woman, the intimate intercourse was just the problem with this two lover birds. At one moment, they will pray and cry to God not to indulge in immorality again. At another moment, they are both back to the bed. "This must be the devil's trick" bro paul thought. He decided to take a great risk that involved his life. After so many failed attempt to flee immorality, he called eunice into his room one evening, he went on his kneels and told eunice to do the same. He told her about his decision to finally quit sex until marriage, though eunice wasn't feeling comfortable with the decision, she enjoys sex but she isn't ready to loose paul simply because paul is a God fearing man who loves God and also cared for her, eunice believed that she can't be maltreated by paul and believed paul will always be there to help in times of prayers and sacrifices. She pretended to be cool with the "no more sex" decision with the mindset that paul would still fall back on her laps. Paul held her hands, they both closed their eyes and paul started praying and crying for forgiveness. After 15 minutes into the prayer, bro paul made a strong vow to God on behalf of the love birds and he said, "oh lord, any day WE decided to engage in intimate again, may WE be strike with leprosy and epilepsy instantly!! AMEN". Eunice was shocked to the extent that her heart almost burst out of her chest, she removed her hands and stood up, she refused to say Amen to it and she frowned her face and telling paul how she felt bad because she wasn't consulted before making the leprosy vow. Paul walked to her, held her and comforted her, he made her to see reasons for his vows and promised to be there for her in everything. He made her realised that the delay in sex will hasten his urges for it and will help to fast track his marriage preparations. Eunice thought for a while, she enjoyed love making but she never wanted to loose paul due to his God fearing and cool headed attitude. She agreed with paul and they both resumed to continue the prayers.............
18 Aug 2014 | 02:26
Weeks after weeks, months flies, they were struggling with their intimate urges anytime they are together. They would engage in kissing and romance, but when they got to love making mood. Something will strike bro paul's heart like thunder, reminding him of his pledge and vows, and the urges would die down immediately. When paul realises that he was only punishing himself with the romance of a thing. He decided to put and end to every romance and kisses. He decided to remain on holy hugs until they are married. Gradually, paul was getting back to his spiritual stand. He now prays regularly and also studies his bible. Eunice wasn't getting comfortable with paul again, she isn't getting the pleasure and emotional attention she always wished for, but she had no choice than to wait and be patient since she isn't ready to loose paul. 3months to the end of NYSC, eunice impatient grows into maturity and she decided to seek comfort in the arms of valentine who happens to be one of her toasters who eventually became her friend. They began to get intimate within the twinkle of an eye, eunice began to find valentine interesting and lively because he would always discuss and say dirty things she wanted to hear, with time, she reduced her visitation to paul and increased her visitation to valentine, since paul was more concerned about spiritual growth and less about emotions and romance, eunice's attention of hanging out was now on val. "I will keep paul for marriage and keep val for friendship" eunice said to herself. 2months to the end of NYSC, eunice and valentine began to have romance, but each time they were about to move on to love making, eunice was always scared of the vow she and paul made together, and she would always cry and resist. She always wanted to have fun but she wasn't ready to suffer leprosy and epilepsy. After several resistances, val decided to get what he wanted in a hard way. He drugged eunice's drink and eunice became weak and went unconscious. Valentine had his way and made love to eunice. When eunice became concious, she realised what valentine had done to her and she began to cry. Valentine tried to comfort her but he got a slap in return as eunice walked out in tears.... To be continued.
18 Aug 2014 | 02:36
Eunice got back to her room, closed up the door and began to cry, she would check her skin over and over again every minutes hoping to see leprosy on her spotless skin, she switched off her phone and neither paul nor valentine was able to reach her, after hours of crying, she thought of it that it would be better for her to go to paul and confess her sins maybe paul would be able to pray to God on her behalf. The next day in school, Eunice was sad and scared of relating her sins to paul. Paul also was wondering what could have went wrong with eunice because the sad look was obvious on her face. After closing for the day, Eunice followed paul to his apartment. On getting inside, eunice began to cry, paul was worried about what could have happened. He pulled eunice closer and said "whatever it is, please stop crying and tell me about it please. Eunice minimised her crying after several pleas and cuddling. She took the boldness to start a conversation. "Paul, you see, ehhhhmm, I don't know how to say it, ehhhhm" eunice was stammering. "Pls just say it in any way you can please" paul whispered silently. " Ehm paul. I know it is not morally and religiously right to say this, you know, we are humans, though I am religious but not up to your level, you know..........." Eunice was beating around the bush. "Eunice, please just hit the nail at the head" Paul said. " Ehm paul, atimes, I used to have this feelings of kissing you, holding you tight, feeling your heartbeat, laying my head on your chest but..............................." Eunice began to cry again. Paul pulled her closer, wiped her tears and looked into her eyes. "Eunice my love, don't speak further, I knew what you wanted to say, I just don't want to jump at it. "Really , eunice was nervous, thinking that holy spirit had revealed to paul about her lovemaking with val.......", paul replied " yes dear, I understand how you feel, I felt your pain. The truth is that the pain is mutual, I'm not also comfortable here. Doing all these things you said isn't a problem to me. But my main problem is that it would give me intimate arousal and urges which will make us thirsty to have sex. And you still remembered the vow?". Eunice nodded. "So eunice, I just felt it would be better not to perceive the aroma of the food we can't eat. I told God to strike us with leprosy and epilepsy any moment we have intimate intercourse, and I'm not ready to face God's wrath". Eunice's heart beats faster on hearing about the vows again, she became restless and asked "you mean when YOU and I having sex?" Paul replied "Yes". She asked again, you mean "YOU and I?", paul replied again "YES, is there any problem"?. "NO" said eunice. She hugged paul and felt relieved inside of her with the thoughts that since it wasn't between paul and her, she was save. Paul also cuddled her and promised to be romantic in a moderate way that won't raise any intimate urge. Eunice returned home with relieve in her heart. She switched on her phone and saw 15 apology texts from valentine. 3 days later, she forgave val and they resumed their intimate friendship, val was surprised that eunice no longer resist him again whenever its time to make love.......................
18 Aug 2014 | 02:55
Story continues by 12pm
18 Aug 2014 | 02:56
Paul wanted to fulfil righteousness and be holy to God, his girlfriend he loved so much was out there feeling lonely and bored. Paul was confused on how to balance his spiritual life with his emotional life. He wish he could make eunice happy but he doesn't know how to go about it. He was already back to his spiritual stand with God. He wish he could make eunice spiritually fit like himself but it was always impossible. He couldn't leave eunice because he loved him so much and the love was hindering him from thinking straight. He keeps hearing this two contradicting voices about Eunice. One voice will tell him to quit, another voice will tell him to hold on to eunice. He couldn't tell which of them is of God and of Demons. After struggling with thoughts, paul decided to consult a spiritual leader for a divine insight on his situation. He knelt down and he was prayed for. After 18mins of prayer, the spiritual leader told paul that he wasn't compatible with eunice, they are two opposite character and it wasn't God's chosen. Paul tried to let the pastor realise how he often dreamt about her and how a voice always spoke to him about eunice, but the pastor repeated it again that eunice was a wrong choice, the only solution is to quit. Paul was shocked. "How do I go about quitting with the girl I loved with all my heart?, I need to go on to God personally for confirmation" paul thought. The following week, eunice's attention was shifting gradually from paul. Even at school, she wasn't fond of staying around paul again like before, she was always seen chating on her phone and laughing out alone at intervals. Paul wasn't getting comfortable with this latest development, he decided to go on a 3 days fast and prayer to get a confirmation about eunice. 3days into the fast, he had a dream and saw himself sitting infront of a house containing maidens. He came there to pick a wife, Eunice was in rags coming out of the room looking dirty and smelling. Then someone called her back and told her " see that guy out there (pointing at paul), he wants a clean woman as wife. Take this clean cloth and perfume to cover yourself so that he would pick you." Eunice immediately sprayed the perfume and wore the clean with cloth, she washed her face and she appeared good looking. On getting outside, paul was carried away by the outward look without taking a look at the inward appearance and he immediately picked eunice and left for the aisle. Along The road to the aisle, wind was blowing and eunice's good looking dress was about to be blown open by the wind, then eunice told paul. "Dear, I don't want you to see me until we get to the aisle. Let me tie this little cloth on your eyes and I will hold your hands to lead you till we get to the aisle". Paul agreed and his face was covered. Eunice held paul's hand as the walk along, on their road. They met another dirty young man eunice immediately held the man with her left hand and the 3 were walking along while paul was blindfolded to notice the latest development and also, he couldn't see people waiving at him to stop and see his new company. Paul woke up immediately and started sweating. He picked his bible and began to pray. This time, he held a voice clearly with any hindrance saying "paul, paul, paul!!!, she is not your woman!!!!". Paul took the boldness and courage to open up to eunice and broke up with her, telling her it was an instruction from God. The both cried for days. Few days later, eunice finally cheered up and sticked to valentino. NYSC ended, paul travelled to lagos to stay with one of his friends who promised to help him with a job. At lagos, another problem happened to paul........
19 Aug 2014 | 06:20
Paul got to lagos, he stayed with his friends who were working with big firms and were living together. One of his friends earns 120k while the other earns 135k respectively. Paul thought he could get job as soon as possible, but he doesn't go beyond aptitude test level ever since he had been applying for job in lagos. 6 months went by and paul hadn't gotten any job. His two friends tried to fix him in their different workplaces but it still doesn't work out. Paul continued praying and hoping on God for a job but each time he prayed, he always heard a silent voice saying "wait!!!!, the appointed time is near". He was convinced in his heart that soonest, he would get a job. 18months went by, paul was still in lagos without getting any job. He decided to increased the duration of his fasts and prayers. He even went to the mountain to pray but he was still given the same word of "wait!!!!, the appointed time is near. Paul's friends were getting fed up of feeding him with their salary for over a year. One of them suggested that they should take paul to the baba that always assist them whenever they have spiritual problems or any problem, paul was angry on hearing this "whaaaaaat , a whole me? Servant of the most high God?, follow you guys to an herbalist?, Never!!!!" Paul yelled at them and walk away into his room. The friends were beginning to be tired of paul. One of them vowed never to drop a single kobo for paul again since he isn't ready to help himself. The other friend went inside the room to meet paul and talk to him. "Paul, you see, this man gave us divine favour soap that we used to bath and it helped us in getting jobs in time. We aren't telling you to do rituals, neither are we telling you to offer or carry any sacrifice, we understand how religious crazy you are. But God doesn't go against assistance, don't you hear the general saying of *heaven help those who help themselves? *, see let me tell you, we also attend churches and at the same time, we meet prophets to assist us in reaching to God faster, and that is why we wanted you to follow us to meet this man. He is going to help you ..........bla....bla....bla." The other friend continued convincing paul but at the end of everything, paul rejected the idea. The following week, the other friend who vowed not to drop a kobo fulfilled his vow, he would spend a lot outside, branched at eateries to eat and only comes home to sleep. The other friend began to complain of been the only one to provide for the house. Paul was getting hurt inside of him as his previous good friends are suddenly turning against him. Weeks later, the other friend also stopped providing for the home and paul was left alone to survive on his own. He decided to walk across the street one day and he saw vacancy for a sales boy at a provision shop. He decided to apply for it just to have a means of income. The shop owner told paul that she would be paying 5,000naira and he agreed without hesitating. On getting home, he told his friends that he had gotten a small job, they asked about it and he told them everything. They both laughed and mocked him. "So you prefer 5k compared to the 135k and 120k we both earn respectively?" One of his friends said while mocking him. "Won't you rather follow us to somewhere where you would be assisted and get favour"?. The other said. Paul felt sad and walked away. Paul started his sales boy job and still continued hoping on God for a turnaround. He was tired of praying alone and he decided to visit the pastor of the church he attends in lagos for prayers. The pastor said the same thing to him that his appointed time is near. If only he could be patient on God. After 6months of working as a sales boy, he had faced enough insults and humiliation from his employer. At home also, his friends weren't contributing. They both eat outside and only comes home to sleep. And paul isn't ready to leave lagos and return to his parents. He just had this belief that he would get a nice job in lagos. After 3years and 8months of staying in lagos, paul sat down and began to think. He envied the luxurious lifestyle his friends were living. He wish he could have a 6 digit salary job and ride cars like his friends, but he isn't ready to meet any baba for help. "Me?, baba?, never!!!, I will never compromise my God" paul said in his heart. At shop in the following week, paul's employer had went out and mini thieves came to steal items worth 60,000 in the shop while they were buying things. Paul was unaware until his employer returned and find out that goods were missing. He was seriously cursed and insulted by his employer who doesn't believed that the shop was robbed. She believed paul sold the goods and kept the money. Paul was slapped , arrested and sacked from the shop.
19 Aug 2014 | 11:53
He went back home after been released from the police station and began to cry about his frustrated life. His friends persuaded him again to give baba a trial and look out for tremendous change in his life. This time, paul agreed after many considerations **************************** ****** Paul and his friends got to the baba. His house was an ancient house with feathers and horns plugged into every walls. Smell of pigeon and fowl bloods were all over the compound. On getting to the door, his friends knocked and baba opened the door from inside. He welcomed them and told them to sit down on the mat. Inside the room was a white and red cloth hanged on the wall like a plasma TV. Calabash was placed on the ground, an ancient lantern was placed on the calabash and the baba was holding a horn. Paul was scared and worried on seeing all this things but his friends calmed him down and telling him that there is no going back and there would be no problem. His friends turned to baba and started a conversation. FRIENDS: baba, good afternoon. BABA: my children, how are you? FRIENDS: baba we are fine ooo. BABA: I can see that on your faces. How is work going? FRIeNDS: work is fine and everything is fine. Thanks to you bABA. BABA: ***smiled*** don't thank me, thank the gods, they performed everything, I'm only a messenger FrIeNDS: thanks to the gods oooo., BABA: **smiled*** FRIENDS: here is our friend. ** pointing to paul***, he is a childhood friend, he had been in lagos for the past 3years with no job. BABA: whaaaat , 3years ?, and you can't bring him here all this while FRIENDS: don't mind him baba, he wasn't interested at first because of religion. BABA: ***smiled and facing paul*** my son, what is your name? PAUL: paul BABA: you see my son, religion doesn't hinder you from divine assistance from people that are closer to the gods. Both muslims and christians visits us here for counselling. If you noticed the man that went out just now, he is a pastor of a popular church here in lagos. FRIENDS: we told him the same thing baba and he doesn't listen. BABA: don't worry, today that he visited my temple, there would be instant solution. Let me contact the gods first to know what will work with his destiny. FRIENDS: ok baba Baba told paul to bring out any amount and speak to it. Paul did exactly what he was told and returned the money to baba. Baba faced the graved image beside him, he made incantations and chants to appease the gods, finally, the gods responded and its only baba that heard it. Paul and his friends were watching in a clueless manner. BABA: the gods of my forefathers, here is paul before you, he wanted to get good jobs in this lagos and he decided to visit you for assistance. gods: my servant, you see that boy, we have been haunting him for a long, and we are so happy today that he fell into our trap. Its time to deal with him. BABA: haaaa!, the gods of my fore fathers, what happend? gods: you see, while he was on campus, he wagged war against us and sent us packing. He loosened all the prey we tied, he performed many miracles, he healed the people we made blind, he healed the sickness we placed on people. And do you know the worst part? BABA: gods of my forefathers, I'm listening. gods: he delivered almost all the young girls that we possessed to sleep with young undergraduates and siphoned their destinies through sex. So this time, we are going to deal with him severely. BABA: so what do I do my fathers? gods: give him "tamotiye" soap and lotion to use. This will take his God's eyes away from him while we take our time to suffer him more afflictions. BABA: ok gods of my forefathers. Thank you very much. I know that you will always help me. FRIENDS: baba, what did the gods said?. BABA: the gods said he would get a good job within the next 2 months. PAUL: ***happy**** thank you sir. BABA: you are welcome my son. Your friends are my son. So I will do anything fatherly to help you. PAUL: thank you baba. BABA: I will give you a soap and a lotion. You should be using the soap to bath everyday and always apply the lotion after bath. It will make favour locate you whenever you went for any test or interview. I'm very sure you will be selected and employed. And watch out, you would be called for miracle job any moment from now. PAUL: thank you sir FRIENDS: thank you baba. Please take this 10,000 and use it to buy kola. BABA: thank you my son. Baba handed over the "tamotiye" soap and lotion to paul and they departed from baba.
19 Aug 2014 | 12:03
Story continues tomorrow
19 Aug 2014 | 12:04
Yepa!!! Gobe
19 Aug 2014 | 18:22
Paul got home and began to apply the soap and lotion. At the first week, he noticed that he suddenly finds prayer and bible reading boring. Each time he makes attempt to have a quiet time, it always seems to be boring to him. This continued for 4weeks. On the second month, he stopped hearing the quiet voices of God which he normally heard and he never bothered about it. On the third month. Paul finds it difficult to attend church programmes. He started by going to church late on sundays. Gradually, he began to miss weekly services and before the end of the fifth month after visiting baba with his friends, paul had stopped attending church on sundays. His church members and elders in lagos who always knew him to be a dedicated and fervent Christian began to complain and worry over his sudden change in religious attitude. Instead of paul to reason with them, he fought his church members and he angrily stopped to be a member of the church. All through this five months, there was no sign or traces of job but his friends keeps assuring him that job would come. "Since it worked for us, then it will work for you" one of his friends said. At the sixth month. Paul was struck with a unknown attack. He began to bed wet. Whenever he sleeps, the whole mattress would be soaked with urine before daybreak. His friend were worried about it but there is nothing they could do to stop it, at the eighth month, it got worse that paul would pass urine in his trousers in the day break without him noticing it until his trouser gets wet. This happens to him mostly in public places. Paul was so embarrassed and disgraced that the whole neighbourhood was aware of it that paul is a daytime-bed wetter. "This paul issue isn't ordinary. I think we should visit baba", one of his friend said. "I think you are right, we should go there tomorrow morning" the other friend replied. They all left for baba in the following morning. "Baba, may you live long sir, here is our friend paul, he had been bed wetting for months sir" says one of his friends. Baba replied " haba, and you can't bring him to me all this while?, anyway, take this ointment and apply it on his body every night before you sleep. May the gods of my forefathers be with him". They all left and returned home. 3days after using the ointment, paul was healed of his bed wetting and everyone was happy. But 2days later, he was struck with epilepsy. Paul would suddenly fall down and started vomiting foam-like substances out of his mouth while shaking and rolling on the floor. On this latest development, his friends couldn't bear it and they sent him packing. Paul took his belongings and returned to his parents with the ailment. **************************** ***
20 Aug 2014 | 05:17
Paul returned to his family. He was been carried from one hospital to another, from one physician to another but no cure. His parents tried many specialists and churches and yet, there was no cure. Third month after paul's arrival to his family, he started developing mental problem. Paul would be normal for one moment, at the other moment, he would be behaving funny. He would started laughing and displaying funny act.. Paul suffered these ailments for the next 9 months with no cure. The members of his church raised prayers for him. His family had series of vigils until he was cured after 2 years of staying with his family. Paul realised his mistakes, he knew it that he had compromised his God, he knew it that he wasn't standing right with God again. He wept and cried unto God for forgiveness of his sins. He re-dedicated his life to christ and began to grow again spiritually. 2 months later, paul was in his room at his family house reading his bible when his phone rang. He picked it and had the following conversation. PAUL: hello, CALLER: hi, is this Akinbayo Paul? PAUL: yes. Hope no problem. CALLER: we went through your CV which you submitted two and half years ago and it matched the requirement for the post of general manager at XYZ nigeria Ltd. PAUL: ok sir, thank you sir. CALLER: you are to come on monday morning for interview. PAUL: ok sir. Thanks. Paul arranged his cloths, prayed to God and thanked him for the new things he hath done. He called his friends in lagos to inform them about his coming, they declined his request of lodging at their residence over the fear of epilepsy. He tried to explain to them that he had been cured but they refused to listen. He then called his lagos pastor as the only alternative left. He apologised for insulting the pastor recently, telling him its the work of the devil. His pastor was happy to hear from him and told him to come and stay at his place. Paul travelled to lagos over the weekend and lodge at his pastor's house. On monday, he went straight to XYZ company after receiving prayers from his pastors. On getting to XYZ. He met 12 people who came for the same job. Before the interview started, 16 more people came. He was scared because he was the less dressed among the applicants. He was the number 8th to be interviewed. When he entered into the interview room. He met 3 men panel and he answered all the questions nicely. The interviewer were amazed because he was the least experienced but he gave the most brilliant answers so far. Favour located paul that he was told to stay by after his interview to join them in interviewing the rest. Paul was overwhelmed and happy inside of him that there is a light ahead of his tunnel. He joined the 3 men panel now making 4 men panel to interview the remaining applicants. He waited till thursday at his lagos pastor's house hoping and waiting for responses but nothing came forth. He decided to leave everything unto God's hand and decided to travel on friday. On friday morning, he prayed, bid his pastor and the family farewell and head to the park to enter the bus going back to his own family. Sooner, the bus was filled up and was about to move when he got a call from XYZ to come over right away to fill some forms and also to get his guarantor's form and referee's form to be filled over the weekend and be returned on monday morning when he resumed work. He was happy and screamed inside the bus to the extent that the other passengers were thinking he was mad. He told the bus driver to stop and that he wanted to drop. A lot of people in the bus insulted him including the driver for delaying them because they would have to wait till they get another passenger before the bus could move. Out of the driver's annoyance, 200naira was deducted from the fee returned to him. But he never mind. With his travelling bag, he chattered a bike to take him to XYZ. On getting there, he was directed to the branch manager who welcomed him, handled over his forms to him and discussed his salary with him, telling him he would be earning 180,000 naira basic salary + allowances + free staff quarters + official car. Paul was so happy, he was delighted that God eventually turned back his captivity and returned his lost glory unto him. He went straight to his pastor to share the testimony with him. His pastor helped him with the forms to be filled by dignitaries from the church. Paul resumed work the following week, he packed into his new apartment and his car key was handed over to him. He drove to visit his friends the following month to share the testimony with them. His friends were amazed by what they saw in paul. His new look, his radiance, his workplace, his official car and his salary. They couldn't believe paul would make it in life. Paul led his friends to christ and they were born again and became christians. Exactly 6months after there converts, they got promotions at their workplaces that had been due to them for a long time. The 3 friends were happy and returned all glory to almighty God. Paul got married to a God fearing lady in his church and he was blessed with children. ........................THE END............................... Dedicated to all the good christian brothers out there. Please hold on to your faith and don't compromise God no matter the situation. Especially wen you have waged war against satanic forces only to return to them for help when trouble comes, they would not help you but rather take revenge of the pains you caused them in the past. ........Thanks everyone for reading...........
20 Aug 2014 | 05:22
i enjoy this story. nice one
26 Aug 2014 | 13:29
God reigneth forever Nice work
8 Apr 2015 | 20:46
Wow!!!!!! I so much enjoyed this story
13 May 2015 | 12:25
Gud writeup. I love dat
26 May 2015 | 17:31
Nice story wit gwed morals
29 Jun 2015 | 00:48
Thank God 4 this story cuz majority of d stories posted on this site z always romance nd sex oriented oga coolval weldone ooooo
29 Jun 2015 | 17:24
Cool story
6 Jul 2015 | 17:40
Nice work
13 Jul 2015 | 11:58
wao! this is really a good lesson for all... d devil is always waiting to take revenge. May God help us all to be steadfast in him.
14 Aug 2015 | 14:57
Food for the thought... Nice work
4 Nov 2015 | 06:02
wonderful dis is mine nice one
22 Dec 2015 | 19:00
Wow nyc story
5 Apr 2016 | 05:28
I love the story it's really encouraging
24 May 2016 | 13:44
¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º° ᶳO interesting °º¤ø,¸¸,ø¤º°°º¤ø,¸
10 Jun 2016 | 06:13
hnnnn truly God is great
2 Jul 2016 | 19:01
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 09:56
Nice story
8 Mar 2017 | 04:20
Next epi pls
23 Mar 2017 | 03:11
Lovely Story
4 Oct 2017 | 03:59
29 Dec 2017 | 03:11
25 Jan 2018 | 10:51
Pls we need links to available episodes oo
25 Jan 2018 | 10:51
Nice story
25 Jan 2018 | 10:52
what a wonderful story
10 Jul 2019 | 11:11
nice end
10 Jul 2019 | 11:12


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