Captainjackson season2 (REVENGE OF THE MARINES) by Lucky Thompson & Victor Thompson

Captainjackson season2 (REVENGE OF THE MARINES) by Lucky Thompson & Victor Thompson

By Wordsmith in 16 Aug 2017 | 15:57
Wordsmith Publication

Wordsmith Publication

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[b][color =blue]DTLCseries is finally back with the season2 of the action thriller CAPTAINJACKSON stay tune as updates starts from the previouse season and a screenshot from the new season .[/color][/b]

in case you missed season 1 check link below
16 Aug 2017 | 15:57
e don show...? make una clear way...
16 Aug 2017 | 16:32
We dn wait for long o
16 Aug 2017 | 18:02
16 Aug 2017 | 19:20
@jummybabe here, post it here
17 Aug 2017 | 08:53
[b]CAPTAIN JACKSON SEASON2 (Revenge Of The Marines) SCREEN SHOTS ACTION "this war gonna be bloody"-JACK "blood is sweet during war"-GENERAL "and war kills"-JACKSON "i'll rather die than to be kill"-AMANDA "code red , code red marines fall back"-LT. JONES "don't get? then fuck it"-JACK "the battle line has been drawn"-CAPT. WILLIAMS "i hate it when negotiation gets sour"-BILL "i killed mum and her unborn baby and you think i can't harm you?"-AMANDA "fuck you amanda, you bastard pull the damn trigger"-JACK "if only i've known"-ROSE "no time for regrets"-JACKSON "rightly said"-GENERAL "am scared"-AMANDA "only cowards do that"-EVELYN "marines i might not be the most strongest leader you may dream of"-JACKSON " but am strong enough to lead"-CAPT. WILLIAMS "raaaaaaaaa"-EVELYN "we're under siege"-GENERAL "the general must die or else"-JACKSON "jackson dies"-GENERAL "let the music begin"-BILL "lets roll boys"-LT. JONES "infantry advance for attack"-GENERAL "marines fire"-JACKSON (MACHINE GUNS FIRING) are you getting ready for DTLCseries action premier CAPTAIN JACKSON SEASON2? Don't miss out. Coming soon[b]
17 Aug 2017 | 09:31
[b][color =blue]Episode 1a[/color] . . Marching towards the battle field was captain Jackson and his troops. The battle line was drawing closer each step being taken, bids of sweats forming around his face and he felt like throwing up, it wasn't fear that caused it but the gross feeling of killing a fellow human being all in the name of war. Looking this way and that way he saw the clenched fist of his lieutenants diging into his palms and the horror and terror on the faces of the soldiers seeing that their opponents outnumbered them and their weapons were more rugged but war isn't won by number and weapons but by determination. He has seen four units of determined soldiers defeat and wipe out a battalion of soldiers in a battle. There was nothing to be worried of, he has already given his men the best o.t and his men were all determined and has there attack formation and defence pattern all mapped out couple with the fact that they were on a revenge mission. Soldiers on a revenge missions are always more determined than those on defence missions. The thoughts of war cries and the piercing of bullets on skins and the breaking of bones suddenly surge through him but he instantly kicked it aside. Yea , that his captor was right after all, this is war, and during war , we do all we need to do to win the war even if its entails killing or murdering. Suddenly the lines came to a halt, captain Jackson heaved heavily as he knew that any time from now hell will be let loose.....the revenge of the marines about to begin. . . Tbc[/b]
18 Aug 2017 | 00:31
ride on
18 Aug 2017 | 04:46
18 Aug 2017 | 04:59
[b][color =red]Episode 1b[/color] . . . Hell will be let loose with gun shots vibratiing all over the field. The unfortunate ones will loss their lives while the partial unfortunate ones will loss either their legs, hands, eyes or any sensitive parts of their bodies while the partial lucky ones will only sustain injuries or bruises here and there, its only the lucky ones that will come back just as they went into the battle. Turning right he saw Jack and his friends , Jack busy loading his rifle and also checking his ammo belts to be sure all his combat kits were complete. Jackson just smiled and called out "jack howdy?" "am ready sir, but this gonna be tough though" "are you scared" "not at all , am ready" "ok" "but..." "what?" [color =red]"...this war gonna be bloody[/color] "yea , sure it'll be but what matters is the victory we'll obtain and ending of a tyrant" Jack just nod and moved out to his wing , its time for hell to be loosed, Jackson murmured to himself. Turning to lieutenant williams Jones he ordered "attack formation and engage opponents" "aye sir!" Lieutenant Jones replied and left relaying the order to the troops [color =red]"lets roll boys"[/color] they all mounted their formation and took cover and the first shell to unleash hell was released into the enemies formation and hell was loosed.... . . Tbc[/b]
18 Aug 2017 | 05:35
Waiting for the bloody war
18 Aug 2017 | 07:29
Right here on Time . . Waiting for the bloody war
18 Aug 2017 | 12:30
let go der
18 Aug 2017 | 16:08
Bring it on... Following
18 Aug 2017 | 16:40
[b][color =blue]Episode 2a[/color] Captain Jackson's POV As soon as the shell was released, i watched as it made it way into the enemies formation and there was temporal confusion in their midts, i took this as an adventage ordering the artillery to engage and a heavy dose of heavy gun bullets were shot over to the enemy's side. Causing great confusion and lots of casualty, at least this is a great way of engaging your enemies especially when you're outnumbered. When i was sure the enemies have been distabilized, i have order for the infantry to advance but instructed jack and his friends to wait behind with the artillery, i ran into the battle with the infantry shooting at close range and fighting hand to hand combat, you know infantry soldiers are mainly trained to combat in close range and also hand to hand fights. Running to one angle i stationed myself, as the battle was ranging hot, i took some clean periodical shots and at the same time using hand to hand combat, the battle was more tougher than i ever did imagined. We under rated the numbers cause the numbers here were more than that we did rated and there was no way to retreat cause we've already start bloodshed and to crown it all, marines don't flee battle. Yea we're more like the ancient spartan's soldiers who fights to the last man rather than flee a battle. We were been beaten but their was no way of fleeing, if we do the enemies will be in a better position to finish us. We were all fighting with our last hope and preparing for the worst when suddenly a very heavy bomb sound was heard and the explosion sent every one to different cardinal angles....was this the end of the great marines?..... . . Tbc[/b]
20 Aug 2017 | 11:07
I don't think so... U guys will survive
20 Aug 2017 | 14:36
u will survive
20 Aug 2017 | 18:02
What just happen
21 Aug 2017 | 11:42
[b][color =red]Episode 2b[/color] the loud bomb blast impact sent us all to different cardinal points. We lay paralysed for some moment befor we saw that the bombers were our artillery led by jack and his friends. They battle became intensed and victory was inching nearer bullets flying and piercing skins just as i predicted, bones breaking and wails of the dying ones could be heard. Yea the war was really bloody. I just have to zero my mind so as not to loose concentration.... JACK'S POV after my dad and the infantry advanced into the battle field alongside lieutenant williams jones, watching from afar as the battle range on, but something wasn't right, looks like they were being over powered, i turn round looking at the artillery and my three friends who shook their heads negatively and my eyes went into searching mode looking for the lady that helped my dad to escape i couldn't see her so i concluded that she's on the battle field. Looking at evelyn once more i saw setting a massive bomb into action and finally fired it, off it flew into the enemies line and every went silent , we waited for the impact to die down a little before we all attack alongside the artillery bills and rose were at one end and evelyn and i at the other end, the artillery force pushing hard blast on the enemies. The battle was bloody, and that was what i call the real experience of horror. And i was really prepared for it. Soon enough something dramatical starting taking place tbc[/b]
22 Aug 2017 | 09:03
[b][color =blue]Episode 3a[/color] the enemies started falling back, they were retreating and this triggered on the marines morale and they pushed harder chasing and falling at the same time rolling over but never did give up chasing the enemy soldiers. We continue chasing then till they we caught up with them,thanks to the artillery's sophisticated weapons , we were able to defeat them living none alive. Finally victory has been claim by the marines. Captain Jackson's POV finally we've won them, yea, the battle was really tough though and we did lost some men. We return back to our temporal camp amid jubilation and victorious war chants. I left the men and went into my tent, to meditate about my next plan of action. Yea, the battle has come and gone but when i recall my captor's word about my family being threaten for my corperation , things started playing out , i think we have a mole in our country, yea am sure, just then lieutenant william jones walked in "sir any problem" "we have a mole in our mid lieutenant" "yea, captain , i think captain williams is a mole" "why say so" "the instant he was posted to 101 base, lieutenant sampson and his three units were wiped out. Some of the commanders who partaked in even confessed and i carried out some investigations and he was hooked." "thanks alot, lets start from the root . You can go now" lieutenant jones left the captain , while jackson stood trying to figure things out, he just smiled evily and nod, his guessing was right, there's a mole in the marines tbc[/b]
22 Aug 2017 | 10:10
He need to be sure if he's truely the mole
22 Aug 2017 | 10:49
Enemy within...... Next.
22 Aug 2017 | 12:29
22 Aug 2017 | 12:47
22 Aug 2017 | 21:16
Check well..... For the mole
22 Aug 2017 | 21:46
Are they really sure he is the mole
22 Aug 2017 | 22:10
22 Aug 2017 | 22:41
23 Aug 2017 | 01:51
[b][color =red]Episode 3b[/color] . . [color =green]location _some where up north time _0200hours.[/color] Amanda is seen seated in a room going through some files when her phone rang out, she just ignored the caller and continued with what she was doing. Moments later it ended and the call came through again she still ignored it. The caller still continued calling , for the uptenth time the phone rang, amanda angrily picked it up and was about switching it off when a message came through "PLAN ALPHA FAILED, TIME TO ENGAGE PLAN BRAVO" was boldly written on the screen , she was aghast, how did this happened, what , why , she was busy asking herself all these questions when she hurriedly picked up her phone and dialed a number. The number rang but no pick up, she tried again and again and finally it was picked. "hello" came from the other end "PLAN ALPHA FAILED GET READY FOR PLAN BRAVO, ASAP" she concluded without waiting for query from the other end "copy that loud and clear" came the reply and she hung up the call, look side ways and chuckle evilly. 'let me see how they will make it out alive here, surely someone must pay for their sins." she walked and paced the room , thinking, then went back to the documentary she was working on and resumed work. Later stops, look around walked to the end of the window, peeps out and started humming to herself. Stopped, return back to her formal position and continued her work. Stood up walk towards her bag openned it and picked out a packet of cigarate and a lighter, light it and enhale it deeply, blew off the smoke and exhale. She made some movement grab her phone and look at some messages, smiled and was about to return it back when it rang out, she immediately pick it up without hesitation. Placing the cell phone to here ears she closed her eyes and prayed within herself "plan bravo about to be launched" came in the caller's voice from the other end. "Good, just make it snappy and remember no mistakes and incase you're damn, get out of there to avoid loosing men. Is that clear?" she spoke into the mouth piece of the cell phone while looking at it at the same time typing on her laptop "crystal clear" came the response from the other end and the line went dead. . . . . . [color =blue]Episode 4a[/color] some few minutes later, her phone beep, and she immediately typed on her laptop as fast as her hands could carry her. And she smiled to herself, this ph the moment she've been waiting for and she couldn't believe that such golden moment was at her finger tip. Yes, it was now. Monitoring everything via the drone survilance camera, she just watch as the battlement were all made ready. Waiting patiently for their target to come into their doom. Looking at her time, she picked up her head set and spoke some few minutes later, her phone beep, and she immediately typed on her laptop as fast as her hands could carry her. And she smiled to herself, this ph the moment she've been waiting for and she couldn't believe that such golden moment was at her finger tip. Yes, it was now. Monitoring everything via the drone survilance camera, she just watch as the battlement were all made ready. Waiting patiently for their target to come into their doom. Looking at her time, she picked up her head set and spoke into it. "all hands on deck, get ready for attack, target approaching cordinate" taking some few more look at her time she resumed her speech "at the count of ten you all strike at once and get them off guard , then you know what to do,!" [color =green]THIRTY MINUTES EARLIER LOCATION_ MARINES TEMPORAL CAMP[/color] Soldiers were all preparing to return back to their base at 101 marine base, most of them are packing up while minority are keeping guard, probably the ones who are done packing their stuffs. Captain jackson came out of his tent, seeing that every body was still busy gave them some more time to bundle up cause the journey back was a long one and also dangerous especially at night. Fifteen minutes later, they were on their way going to their base, headlamps of vehicles flashing and indicator light blinking, all vehicles in a convoy and speeding was the normal things that made it possible for convoy to move fast but since they were many and heavy weaponized vehicles were with them , they had no choice than to slow down their speed, moving rapidly on the road. The convoy was well arranged by captain jackson as if sensing something will go wrong . He placed the infantry at the fore front while the artillery at the fore back to enable them fire easily without hitting the infantry, with this formation they were moving rapidly untill when they got ambush and the artillery released lots of fire. It was a still a casual movement when suddenly they were fired upon, it didn't take them much time before they realised they were ambushed. The artillery retaliated by launching fire but they were still disorganised from the enemies suprised shots [color =red]"marines fall back"[/color] lieutenat williams Jones yelled and everyone felled back to their original formation. . . . Tbc[/b]
27 Aug 2017 | 13:06
Hmmmmm... Continue
27 Aug 2017 | 16:00
pls drop the link of season one cos am a little confused. isn't Amanda captain Jackson's daughter?
27 Aug 2017 | 16:16
Continue please
28 Aug 2017 | 11:52
Nice story keep it on
28 Aug 2017 | 14:00
28 Aug 2017 | 19:16
[b][color =red]Episode 4b continued_from_last_episode[/color] every soldier held firm to their original attack formation, infantry at the front while artillery at the back. Seeing the turn of event, captain Jackson had taken command of the infantry while lieutenant williams jones took command of the artillery. The battle line was drawn. "all hands get ready for advancement, infantry gnld the front and artillery hold the back and get ready to fire at the release of hell" captain jackson barked out his attack order to the whole troops while his lieutenant relaxed it to the artillery "artillery gnld your ground and mount formation at the signal of the infantry, i repeat gnld your ground" the gun fire from the ambush was getting tougher and suddenly it subsided just as it has started. Captain jackson smiled sinisterly, this was the perfect chance he has been waiting for. Silently he raised up his desert eagle and fired three shots into the air. Lieutenant williams jones seeing the signal he has been waiting for, relayed down orders "artillery load!" he ordered and turn back looking at his sergeant "sergeant whats the distance of the target radius?" "350 sir, on the direct radius and 400 on the cordinate" the sergeant replied almost at once "good sergeant, now whats the proximity of target?" " 0101:2424 alpha alpha delta sir" "good work sergeant, now engage target" "all target lock and secure , aim at target via radius , i repeat aim at target via radius , engage!" the sergeant issued out his order as a bomb shell was released into the ambush hideout," seeing the first shell has been released, captain jackson advanced with his troops of infantry while the artillery continued the bombardment of the enemies hideouts, suprisingly the enemies retaliated and a heavy gun battle ensued . . . . . [color =blue]Episode 5a[/color] . . . The gun battle became very intensed to the point even the atmosphere even wept for the fallen ones, it started raining heavily as seconds passed by the marines were pressing forward while the attackers were going backwards. It then dawn on captain jackson that their attackers were about to flee, he ordered for more heavy shells from the artillery but suprisingly, fighter jets appeared from no where and started raining down bombs on the marines but the marines where able to bring down 3 of 5 of the jets but by they realised that the attackers where gone. It then dawn on captain jackson that the jets were used as decoys to distract them so that the attackers can escape. By now it was almost day break so he'll need to observe those fallen fighter jets [color =green]40mins earlier[/color] they started firing at the marines, seeing that the marines were falling back, they intensify their shells but seems like the marines where getting into formation, amanda was busy watching every damn action live via her laptop with the aid of a drone "come one fuckers intensify fire, don't let them regroup" amanda wells through the mouthpiece as her troops in ambush were combating the marines. Suddenly the marines ceased fired and get into a clean formation against them. Amanda watching everything knew that blood will be as stream ordered the troops to still intensify fire. But suddenly there was a signal from the drone and amanda look and she was shocked to note the it has been hacked with someone else giving orders to her troop. She look at her laptop and behold her troops have ceased fire, quickly like a professional she punch on her laptop buttons and was able to reconnect back but it was already too late . The marines has already start raining hell on her troop and they where at the verge of be wiped out. Instantly she picked up her cell phone and punch some keys and spoke in "send in the 5 alpha jets now for escape , mission failed" she watched as the jets took off in a blink of an eye and started bombardment on the marines, this bought time for her troops to get into military vans and escape from the marines. She was flagbasted when three of the jets were shot down but atleast her troop's safe .... . . Tbc[/b]
4 Sep 2017 | 11:50
5 Sep 2017 | 04:43
5 Sep 2017 | 06:39
They won't be so lucky next time
5 Sep 2017 | 07:06
5 Sep 2017 | 16:08
Continue pls
5 Sep 2017 | 19:39
6 Sep 2017 | 17:30
[b][color =red]Episod 5b . . . EVELYN'S POV[/color] I was all smiles as i watched Amanda go crazy about her drone connection, like a bit of air i've hack in and out of her system thereby slowing down her tax, but this is strange isn't it? The computer operator was a pro like amanda but i wasn't really sure it was amanda but i just assumed she's the one, no solid evidence to show that she's the one though. I just breached the drone connection, did my stuff and was out of the system in a jiffy. Soon enough the marines were gaining upper hand, i just shut down and close my system, pick up my revolver, time to bath in blood... CAPTAIN JACKSON'S POV After our successful victory, i gave the soldiers orders to rest while the wounded were attended to, as for the fallen soldiers, since we were six hours drive from the marine base, i ordered they should be injected preservatives so that their bodies will arrive base in good condition and be buried in the military cementery, yea they really deserve to be place at rest among their fellow gallants, they lay down their lives for their country, i was emotionally wind up but have to control myself and act like a real man, but couldn't . My emotion got worst when i saw the fallen body of amos, wondering who amos is, amos is a 18year old private who enlisted into the marines about some couples of months ago.... . . . . . [color =blue]Episode 6a[/color] . ...his dad a retired army colonel who was murdered by some sects of rebells during the military coup junta, amos enlisted into the marines with enthusianistic determination to serve his country. He's the only child of his mother and late father. Very young and vibrant , full of life and energy, and fun to be with. But blast the cold hands of death, fuck the attackers, here was a boy who haven't seen better days in the force, fallen, fallen, oh death why? Just then i noticed a neat folded paper in his palm, i retrieved it and saw some notes penned down in his hand writting "pls tell aunty Georgina that i didn't fail her, tell mum that i did my best but couldn't flee death, tell my baby susan that i paid the price for she to grow up in peace,, tell my wife edith that i still love her and will always do but duty calls me home, as for dad i know what i'll tell him cause i know very well that i'll meet him, i just want to let you know that i never regretted any moment being a marine, yea never did. I always bear in mind that something must always kill a man, don't cry for me, rather be happy that i've lived up to expectations by setting a good example for the younger generations to follow. Put my medal on my chest and take me home. Marines never leave or forget a man behind, so let me be carried home. PS AMOS M. " after reading this notes, i couldn't control myself any longer, i cried, yes i cried, the pain and angush was more than enough to make one cry, who told you a soldier never cries? I tidy up and ordered for inspection on the fighters , due to thorough observation and careful inspection, it was found out that the fighter jet was that of the army. I shouldered at this, why will the army be involved in this or is it a ploy or a set up, but just then i reminded myself that we have some moles in our mids, i carefully unmarked the jets spiral settings. The engine configuration confirmed fully that it was an army fighter. I just took a deep breath. The marines will have to challange the army if that calls for total revenge. But deep down i knew that it will be suicidal, the army were more equiped, trained and also possess lots of fire arms and ammunition and man power than any other military component. No going to war against the army wouldn't be a wise thing to do, but paraventure the army are is behind all this, wouldn't the marines still have her revenge? No we need to be sure of our stand. So the best thing now is proper investigation to be sure who we're going to war against to avoid going against the wrong person.... . . Tbc[/b]
8 Sep 2017 | 21:44
9 Sep 2017 | 06:09
R.I.P to Amos and the fallen marines
9 Sep 2017 | 11:26
Amos part got me crying, I love that his writeup. what a fallen soldier
9 Sep 2017 | 12:11
R.I.P to all the fallen marines
9 Sep 2017 | 13:36
Chai! RIP to young Amos
9 Sep 2017 | 17:32
I really feel sorry for Amos and the rest
9 Sep 2017 | 17:41
RIP Amos
9 Sep 2017 | 17:59
R.I.P Amos.
15 Sep 2017 | 19:24
15 Sep 2017 | 19:25
R.I.P Amos nd the rest of d fallen Marine
11 Oct 2017 | 11:25
Next please
12 Nov 2017 | 18:38
ride on
31 Dec 2017 | 13:50
@coolvl222—2 help me pls i cnt post dnt knw y
10 Jan 2018 | 19:29
episode 6b . . captainjackson's pov . . after the encounter, we drove home to base, on arrival, every where was scanty but i didn't bother to check properly. i keep on thinking about amos and his letter. good thing i knew his family but then how will i break the news to widow mother. i thought about amanda mydear daughter and my beloved wife. i wanted to ask jack but each time i felt skeptical so i let the quetion slip aside. no matter what, am going to send them to safety. i strolled into my office only to realise too late that i‘ve walked into a trap. . . . "marines fall back!" was the command i gave as we all scrambled out of the building and just then jack realised that evelyn was inside the building, before i could stop him, he was already dashing inside to resque evelyn . . . . . episode 7a . just then we were attacked from the rea by some group of task forces (TF), we fought back bitterly and i was still thinking about my son in the building which was about to explode. the enemies kept raining down bullets on us, "liutenant take the flank B and i'll lead the pentagon" i cried out to jones as he just nodded and signal his men who followed him closely and launched a surprise attack on the enemies, we pushed them back and succeeded in making them retreat, since their plan was obvious i ordered the marines not to chase them, just then i remembered that jack was in the building, as i turned to dash in it exploded sending us all to different cardinal poits......oh my son jack.......nooooooooooo!!!!!!!! tbc
10 Jan 2018 | 19:55
sorry guys for the shot episodes the real will make the next longer, DTLCrepublic™ wishing u happy new year.
10 Jan 2018 | 20:01
11 Jan 2018 | 04:41
11 Jan 2018 | 12:42
11 Jan 2018 | 14:33
I hope Jack is not dead?
11 Jan 2018 | 15:09
next episode loading
11 Jan 2018 | 17:34
@jummybabe we are back on air call d register
20 Jan 2018 | 07:19
@willingyoung ur favourite author is back
20 Jan 2018 | 07:20
[b][color =blue]Captain Jackson season ② episode ⑦b[/color] . . jack dashed in before i could stop him and lo it was too late, not upto three minutes after he re-entered the buiding, the building exploded sending us all to different cardinal points......... . . . PRESENT . I work up some few minutes later only to realise that the whole place was in chaos, immediately i stood up and commanded my men to hold their ground as i realised that we were ambushed by some platoons of the counter force. i called Lt. jones attention and he told me that the general has taken over the counter force after capturing their base and put their commanding officer to death by firing squade. hmmmm this generel really is biting more than he can chew, he only command the special forces now he haa advancd further capturing other military unit and killing their commanders, there was also rumour that that the head of state and the chief of staff were in exile...this is really big....more than i thought . . . . . Episode ⑧a . . just then Bill came to me with a smile, making me more confused why he was smiling but i managed to calm my nerve. He approach me still smiling "whats making you to smile?" i ask rather calmly so as not to appear hostile towards him "its Jack and Evelyn sir" came his tender reply which calmed mw down the more "what about them?" i ask looking more confused "they're alive sir" "are you kinding me?" i asked him with some ray of hope "i wish i was sir, but i'm not" he replied me with all seriouseness "where are they then?" "they are with cooper, Evelyn had some slight injury" "what about Jack?" i ask him with e tense tone which he immediately decoded to be anxiety, he just smiled a smile that made me relax a bit "Jack is fine not a single scratch on him, he's clean" without saying another word i dash towards the medical ward, when suddenly o heard Lt. Jones giving command for the men to fire, i realised that we were in for a though war...... . . . TBC[/b]
20 Jan 2018 | 07:25
@willingyung am bk
20 Jan 2018 | 12:23
Good. Ride On
20 Jan 2018 | 14:26
Pls continue
20 Jan 2018 | 14:55
u guys are keeping us waiting. next and wlcm back @DTLC
20 Jan 2018 | 15:48
Why this again
21 Jan 2018 | 00:44
@jummybabe why what?
21 Jan 2018 | 02:43
follow us on twitter http://[email protected]
21 Jan 2018 | 02:44
[b][color =red]CAPTAIN JACKSON SEASON ② By: Victor Thompson & Lucky Thompson ©DTLCrepublic™ 2018 . . Episode ⑧b . . Captain jackson's POV cont. . i arrived at th medical ward, saw Evelyn lying down on a bed, her eyes were closed so i thought she was sleeping i made to go away but she called me back "aren't you sleeping?" i ask ger while she smiled and replied "no captain, i was just resting them" "but thats same with sleeping" i pressed on "no its not" she defended "okay if you say so, by the way where's Jack?" "he went out with Rose" was her reply "okay but what were you thinking, staying in a building about to explode?" "i wasn't thinking sir, i was investigating" inbestigating what?" i ask her with some confuse glance "thats my little secret sir" "hey young woman stop playing games with me, as you already know we are in grave danger so no time for games" "Jack and Rose went to get it they'll be back" she answer sweetly "so how is your body now?" i ask trying to switch the topic "am okay now sir, all rhanks to Jack who came on time, i was trapped inside the ICT unit, there was a transmitter there, on checking properly i saw a bomb planted there i tried to flee but the door jambed so it was inpossible to get out, not till when Jack blew up the door and get me out" "so you mean you guys got out before the explosion?" i asked her with surprise written all over my face "yes........." and just then Jack, Bill and Rose came into the room with a laptop and some other electronic gadget..... . . . . . . . Episode ⑨a . . Jack: hey dad Rose: Evelyn we got it done Bill: lets be fast guys we don't have much time i stood watching them and evelyn collected the laptop and started operating it, just then she called my attention "captain....we got a very big mission to accomplish" i went near checking the system screen and saw binary modules displayed on it " i can't make sense of all this stuffs" i told her "The general is using crafty technic to fight this war so we also need to advance toward other military units, those binary codes are coded data on fighting formation......luckily i was able to crack it and hack in" she stop speaking and took a quick look at Jack who nodded and continued "we'll be attacked by the airborne force anytime from now" i was startled and managed to ask "what will be their operational formation?" "ops thunder storm" was her quick reply as i dashed out of the ward towards the fighting marines, it now dawn on me that they decided to use the special forces to distract us and the airborne forces to take us out unawares "Lt. jones, its a trap all marines fall back into original formation and hold your ground, don't forget the man next to you" i ordered and brief Lt. jones on the latest development i divided the troops into three parts, one part was to counter the special forces and was commanded by Lt. jones, the second part was to act as reinforcement incase their was another surprise attack while the third part was to face the airborne forces, i took charge of this group and led them to the fighter jets and sub-divided them, some as ground attackers using theitmr riffles, some using the land to air missles and some to fly the fighters.....with everything now done and silently that nothing should go wrong, just then i spotted the airborne bombers approaching from far......"its action time boys" i shouted as everyone took their position. . . . TBC[/color][/b]
21 Jan 2018 | 02:47
I hope you all survive it
21 Jan 2018 | 12:59
Dis getting tougher
21 Jan 2018 | 14:36
tough I see
21 Jan 2018 | 16:16
Ride on bro
21 Jan 2018 | 19:48
Getting tougher and tougher
22 Jan 2018 | 04:29
survival of the fittest
22 Jan 2018 | 13:36
story continues......
22 Jan 2018 | 18:12
[b][color =blue]$£@$∅π……② . . Episode ⑨b . . captain jackson's pov cobtinues... . . soon they were in full view and i gave the order "marines fire!" thry were surprised and we took them all unaware, the special forces on seeing that the airbornes were ambushed turned back in retreat. Lt. jones and his team chased hard after them and were able to capture few of them. as for the airbones, we brought down three of their bombers out of five and the remaining ones withdrawed. we suffered minimum casualty just two death and ten injured. we all gathered at the muster point while i took the liberty to address them. "greetings my able marines..." i took a brief pause and took a swift look around before i continued my speech "...i commend your courage and efforts in defending our flag which is our identity for the past one week till now, we all know the danger that lies at the door, this is our base, the marine base, we must protect it from invaders and uphold our dignity,i might not be the the strong leader thet you beed, but togethet as one, we will achieve our goal, from now on we pull on double duty since the other military outfits are turning against us, thank you" i concluded my speech and walk back to the conference room after telling Lt. jones to call all the platoon commanders for a conference meeting. i met Clara on the way abd she hug me "am glad you are alright jackson" she whispered into my ears and emotions returned, i didn't realise when we finally kissed but it was cracking of a riffle that startled us and a voice spoke up "are'nt you guys supposed to be using a room?" i turned back sharply to see the owner of the voice "OMG!" i exclaimed . . . . ™®©π©®™π¶©®™¶π¶©®π♠♣®™©©®¶ . . . . . . Episode 10a . . Location: special force base time:1800hrs . . the general is seen pacing up and down in his office, just then Amanda walked in carrying a file in one hand and a laptop on the other hand.on seeing her, the general's face soften a bit cracking out a smile "hello Ama how are you?" the general ask "just completed the drone tracking, the airbones abd special force were defeated" the general seemed startled "how did it happen?" "they were ambushed and over powered by the marines" Amanda replied him "are they yet back?" "they're enrout back to base" "okay what have you got this time around?" the general managed to ask Amanda "everything is going as planned all the other military force are on your side" "wow thats a great news?" the general exclaimed but seeing that Amanda was not smiling asked "whats the problem dear?" "there's a bad news" the general just smiled and egged her on "okay tell me what is it?" "the counter force didn't support your cause" Amanda finally told him "i thought they..." the general began but was cut short by Amanda "...yes but their commander was assasinated this morning and a new commander took over, he is a friend of jackson" "whats his name?" "Brgd. Brown" "i see...don't worry yourself dear, i'll take care of him in due time, for the main time, how is my little baby doing?" the general ask as he carried Amanda off her feet and lay her on the couch in his office and started undressing her, Amanda chuckles as he finally undress and laid on her.she moaned in pleasure as he began penetration . . . . tbc[/color][/b]
22 Jan 2018 | 19:06
Hmm little baby
23 Jan 2018 | 03:28
little baby ke
23 Jan 2018 | 04:12
Little baby... Ke
23 Jan 2018 | 04:17
You will be surprised
23 Jan 2018 | 07:58
23 Jan 2018 | 07:59
General indeed
23 Jan 2018 | 09:34
jummy i tell u dis kind general na shagging general e be
23 Jan 2018 | 11:25
[b][color =red]episode 10b WARNING: This episodes are ®18+ (written by capt. victor) . . a young sgt suddenly appear at the front of the general's office, knock on it but but just then he heard loud moanings coming from the general's office. he instantly knew waht was going on without being told. he still remembered a lieutenat that was shot down instantly just because he bang into the general's office while the general was still shagging. he value his life more dearly than an empty message so he decided to return back to captain williams who sent him. "so you mean he is fuvking that girl?" captain williams ask sgt "yes sor" was the sgt's reply as captain williams trodded off towards the general's office. he knocked on the door but all he could hear were frantical moans he just bang into the office startling the couples. "what gave you the impetue, audacity and temerity to invade our privacy in an osama bin laden's manner?" the general spoke out angrily while captain williams took his time light a cigarate, drag a long smoke and finally puff it out "you are not even bothered that we failed the mission or how many casualty we suffered?" the captain spoke out calmly "we failed the mission" the general tried the phrase over his tongue as though to taste its bitterness and then blurted angrily "we failed the mission or you failed the mission you goddamnite" the williams just look up and replied "if you were'nt busy fuvking a girl young enough to be hour daughter while ignoring all the distress calls we were sending, tell me if we would'nt have won" williams spoke calmly startling, the general. the general ask him to repeat his words, Amanda knew things were out of hand and went into hiding at the back of the counch while caotain williams repeated his words, and a gun shot was released ' boooooom' . . . . . . . . . . . episode 11a . . captain jackson turned back to see the owner of the voice, it was lieutenant jones standing with two sgts both heavily armed "i don't think we'll need it now" jackson replied while jones laughed out loud "i think you both need it since you guys sre on fire" jones was still trying to hold back his laughter and turned to go away with the two sgts, jackson just gave him a thumb up sign as he turned to face clara "now what?" jackson asked her seeing she was leeping a funny face "we ought to use a room" jackson laughed out loud as he faced her again and spoke up "clara you kind of weired" "i think she's right, you guys should go get a room" some one spoke from behind them. jacjson turned only to see jack standing,he smiled out shyly while jack nodded and winked at him. jackson gave him a thumb up as both he and clara existed into the nearest room. jack stood still smiling when evelyn's voice broke through his thought "jack i've got goodness" "what news" "follow me and you'll see" evelyn spoje out as she dragged jack along... . . . . . tbc[/color][/b]
24 Jan 2018 | 01:36
2 short
24 Jan 2018 | 14:06
Ride on
24 Jan 2018 | 14:07
hmmmm ok
24 Jan 2018 | 15:29
Who shot who
24 Jan 2018 | 16:40
24 Jan 2018 | 17:19
Abeg who shot who?
25 Jan 2018 | 00:59
Ride on please
25 Jan 2018 | 01:02
following keenly
25 Jan 2018 | 05:18
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25 Jan 2018 | 10:50
[b][color =blue] These episodes written by Lucky Thompson A notice to readers: pls note that these episodes are made up of both english and french words,pending on the country where the action took place. . . Episode 11b . Location: special force base general's office . . captain williams stood facing the general still holding his desert eagle (short gun) while the general stood in shock looking at his blown away pistol. what happened was very clear, as the general pulled out his pistol with its holstler to fire at captain williams, captain williams was more faster than in drawing out his short gun shooting at the general'a pistol, causing the pistol to fly away from his hand. the general was taken aback by the captain's actions, he spoke out lightly as though had happened. "the reason why i like you is because you are so daring" "the reason why i didn't shoot was because we're on one side" the captain replied in a more calmer voice "we all have limits captain" the general tried to establish a superior tune "but you are crossing your limit" they both stood still looking at each other eye ball to eye ball. "have you send up that crew?" williamd broke the silence "not yet, bith i've got 'em equiped" the general replied candidly "you know we need to be fast on this diplomatic issues, diplomacy takes time. so we need to be fast about it." williams spoke up with concern "okay lets send 'em up at once" . . . few weeks later, the general has established a diplomatic ties with a french nation . . Location: French nation in the military barracks two officers are seen discussing,both are captains, one is called captain concasseur while the other is captain clement "what do you think of the diplomatic scheme of the general?" captain clement asked captain concasseur ironically captain concasseur quoted "je suis le drapeau francais, uni et indivisible" he took a drink of his wiskey and then continued "ofcourse some white men are more tolerable than others, at least we have we have a common culture with the french. i admire the general, the president has written to him, offering to join la communauté de i'europe" clement looked at concasseur with shockritten all over his face . . . . . . . . . . . . . Episode 12a . . Location:English nation marine force base . . . . Evelyn drag jack into a room and securely bolted the door, jack looked puzzled and confused at the same time but was motioned to sit down, he obliged without much ado and evelyn brought our her system loaded it and found she was looking for "do you believe the general is about to creat a diplomatic tie with the french colony?" evelyn spoke as she was punching the keyboard "why must he do that?" jack ask rather surprise "you know the french colony and the english have always have clash" jack continue buth evelyn cut him short. "we need to establish tie with an english nation now" "okay but which nation?" "Nigeria" "why Nigeria?" jack ask rather confuse "i have a friend there, her name is jumoke from the western part though, she works at the capital, a senior computer guru like me. she said her country can help if we put a call through" "i hope jonathan is still in office?" "no, its buhari, let me call" evelyn quickly placed a call to aso rock and it was picked up "hello, maam. this is the president's p.a on the line" "hello sir pls can i speak to the president?" "may i know what its about?" the man demanded "okay its about diplomatic ties sir" "okay hold on a bit" soon the president was online "hello young lady how may i help you?" the president spoke into the mouth piece "good day sir, mr president........" Evelyn began telling him her reason for calling at the end of her speech the president exclaimed "holy cow!, you expect me to agree to that?" "yes....sir" evelyn drew out "now listen young baby.....sorry young lady.....we are still facing bokoharam, niger delta avengers are blowing up pipes,our economy is tough and the 2019 election still reauires my preparation, so no Nigeria can't help,we already have our own problems to desl with" the president spoke out "please sir....." Evelyn began but was cut short by the president "kai my friend wetin come be your abi my village people send you....any way i will think about it bye for now" . . . to my fellow naijans, should our presido support them? . . . tbc[/color][/b]
25 Jan 2018 | 12:26
Yea ride on
26 Jan 2018 | 04:27
yep,, go on bro. my name in the reg @DTLCrepublic
26 Jan 2018 | 05:13
@DTLCrepublic my name is missing in ur reg
26 Jan 2018 | 05:14
9ja get it own problems jare make you leave us
26 Jan 2018 | 05:54
@freeco sorry am still updating d reg ur name will b added next time am calling d reg
26 Jan 2018 | 06:16
[b][color =red]©DTLCrepublic™ №: series003DTLC cppy right PIN: (available to copy right buyers only) These episodes written by Lucky Thompson A notice to readers: pls note that these episodes are made up of both english and french words,pending on the country where the action took place.. . . . Episode 12b . cotinues from last episodes . . Location: french nation cordinate: barracks . . captain clement stared at captain concasseur in shock "why are you keeping face like a bull dog that just dropped its fish?" captain concasseur asled captain clement who just shook his head in pity and replied "our nation is finish once we support that man" "the general?" captain concasseur ask "yes...he is full of evil" captain clement answered him "monsieur clement, there is nothing is nothing we can do, its just turning to Haiti smd Cuba once again, but we obey orders don't we?" "yes, we are the working girls, and i believe once the general exceeds his limit the marines will land" captain clement cap up his speech but was made to talk when concasseur said "you remember that peom about our nation?" captain clement flashed his white teeth anf said "the peom about our country has been written once and for all, you know it monsieur concasseur" then he went on to recite the peom "Quelle est cette îlle triste et noire?--C'est cythère. Nous dit-on, un pays fameux dans less chansons, Eldorado banal de tous les vieux garçons. Regardez,après tout,c'est une pauvre terre". captain clement finished his peom "bravado" concasseur cried out as he clapped at intervals "so you see monsieur concasseur" "yes monsieur clement" they were still talking when an explosion occured "monsieur clement the action has started" concasseur cried out as the took cover . . . . . . . . . . gov?.gov. gov. gov. gov. gov . . .. . . .. Epesode 13a . . Location: Aso Rock, FCT, Abuja in Nigeria. Office of the president. . . the president is busy speaking with his ministers "you all know what we are facing in this country, the bokoharam terrorits, economic set back,niger delt militants dabaruing oil pipes, the MOSOP demand for the Ogoni clean up and Ogoni state, IPOB agitation for Biafra and now this country is seeking for our support for military assistance" the ex presido who appear to be present at the meeting on invitation added "mr.president you forgot to mention the fulani herdmen's crisis" "sorry about that" the president appologised so what do we do now since the public are aware of the situation and some critics are even speaking" the minister for interior spoke up "they are?" every one chorused the question uniformly "yes you can even see it" he turned on the tv to tvcnews a man was speaking "common petrol wey sai baba promise to reduce price when e enter office e don do am? no! wetin e wan do now na to help we country carry another man wahala for head" the tv station was then changed to ait and a woman was cursing "see ona life? now fulani herdsmen dey attack people ona no do any thing, if to say na biafran protesters ona go send soldiers....the kind thunder wey God dey prepare for ona still dey do press" the tv channel was changed without letting the woman conplete her speech silverbird news flashed up and a youngstar was talking "school fees don increase and yet no better job for graduate, if i count all the money i don spend for school, e don do me to take marry hundred wives and change go still remain...." the channel was changed to NTA and a girl was speaking "na only for naija we government dey ignore its people come dey entertain foreigners" the tv was turned off "now what do we do" the minister of interior spoke up "don't worry i will take care of it" everyone turn to see the owner of the voice and it turned out to be the minister of information and communication.....(Lmao....abeg shift make i faint...) . . . . . TBC[/color][/b]
26 Jan 2018 | 07:44
hmmmmm nice episode
26 Jan 2018 | 11:02
I love the content of this epi
26 Jan 2018 | 11:04
He will take care of it indeed
26 Jan 2018 | 12:36
hmm ride on
26 Jan 2018 | 13:18
26 Jan 2018 | 13:34
Continue bro
27 Jan 2018 | 01:19
Nobi today we don dey hear story na
27 Jan 2018 | 01:38
[b][color =blue]©DTLCrepublic™ №: series003DTLC cppy right PIN: (available to copy right buyers only) These episodes written by Victor Thompson . . . Episode 13b . . FEW HOURS EARLIER Location: special force base conference room . . The general is seen with some top commanders discusing an engagement plan . . "Gentlemen i welcome you all to this meeting and ass you all knpw, the french has refuse to accept our request, the best way tp gain their support is to invade and capture their territory thereby fprcing them to surrender to us" "excuse me general,how do we do that? you know we have the marines to handle, the counter forces also need to be brought to order, now you adding the french in it, my question is how do we carry out this operations since we have minimum forces?" Lt. Pete who appear to be the youngest C.O both in age and rank present in the meeting. the general's face bim with a geniun smile for the first time since he enlisted into the military about forty years ago "き入输手 "the general spoke over to a chines who was also present "入版手きき輸き" the chines replied the general "major wong, pls enliggten my Lieutenat about our plan" the general instructed wong who nodded "the plan for the attack is a very simple one..." wong began gis speech "...we all know that the special force are outnumbered by the marines. the marines and the counter forces are the largest componets of the military, now given that this two join together against us, we stand little or no chance against them. thats why we are trying our best to get other components to favour us, the airbornes are for us, the navy are likely to support the marines but are neutrl for now.thats why we need to attack the french now and get them as external allies so that we can turn back and crush the marines" wong came to conclusion abd sat down while pete stood up immidiately "i got an intel that the marines are likely to establish ties with an african war giant" "which of the african war giant? is it the southern or eathern giant?" wong ask pete "the western giants,the almighty guerrila fighters, the Nigerians" pete answered wong "i dont think the western giants will go to war, u know they have their own problems to handle like the bokoharam, biafra issues, militants, i dont think they will go to war" tge general spoke up "but what if they do assist?" wong ask the the general "well well, we'll have no choice than to contact the easthern giant, Egypt" the general replied "Egypt and Nigeria arr on diplomatic ties so it wouldn't be easy" pete protested "old boy pete chill and let the ge do his calculation" wong cautioned pete "oh no wong let him not shut up unless he wants to have his ass blown up" the general spoke up with a wicked glee and further added "we'll give Nigeria a yellow card to stay out of our affairs by dropping a missle on their ground as a sign off warning mean while, we'll attack the french military base, hahahaha" "wouldn't that force them to retaliate? its better we leave those innocent countries and face the marines alone, we already have a cup full of our own problem, lets not add more to it" pete adviced "austine give him a slap!" the general yelled across the room to a young captain who didn't burg to move "wong!!!" the general screamed "sir!!" wong screamed back "i want you to lead these two fools out and have them sentenc to death by a firing squade" the general ordered "ye, sir" wong replied as he stood up and escorted both scape goats out for execution "williams carry out the assault on Nigeria, Wayne you take care of the french and i'll take care of those marines and counter men myself" . . . . . . . . . Episode 14b . . PRESENT . . . Location:french military base. . . the gun war os ranging on an onnd its getting stronger, the french are being over powered simultaneously but some french soldiers atill held their ground giving wayne's men hard time. "common lads go forward, kill them all" wayne keep on shouting out orders "why os the general's sent against us now? i thought they made a diplomacitic treaty" clement ask concasseur ask they keep on firing "i guess their was a limit that the french didn't want to cross thats whu he tried to force them by attacking us" "should we fall back?" clement ask "no lets hold our ground, when they see that we are not showing any sign of fleeing they'll retreat concasseur spoke up as they continued to fight bitterly . . . Location: meeting venue, Aso Rock,Abuja. Nigeria. . . "ho will you do it?" the minister for interior ask the minister of info "just trusth me" the minister of info replied just then, the denfence minister get a phone call "yes...what!...when?...okay i'll convey it" he drop his phone "a missle was fired into gwosa district some few minutes ago" he announced "by bokoharam?" the minister of transport ask "no, by the general" "connect a call to him for me now" the president demanded a call was placed an the general answered it as though he was anticipating for a call from the president "hello general, its the pres..." the president began but was cutted short by the general "yes u know its yiu, i can precieve the smell of yoir mouth over ther phone line and ahhh....yes i am responsible....its a warning sign you stay out of our affairs, if you don't we'll attack your country" the general said boasfully "you dare not" the president countered "oh...really?for your info...i got a battalion of specially trained force stationed on your border to attack if you fuck up" the general chuckled out "don't bite more then you can chew" the president advice "oh african proverb...i like it but too bad for a god and nothing's too big for me to chew" the general boasted "okay then, we shall see" the president threatened "okay then" the general replied as he cutted the call "connect a call for me" the president demanded "to who?" the minister of info ask "to shekaur" the president replied as every ones face went white . . . . . . tbc . . . . watch out for a new story from DTLCrepublic™ novella tittled SUGAR DADDY by Diane Casel starting today . . . dnt miss out[/color][/b]
28 Jan 2018 | 07:58
This is gonna be bloody
28 Jan 2018 | 15:38
gonna be tough
29 Jan 2018 | 05:55
29 Jan 2018 | 05:55
next bro
29 Jan 2018 | 05:56
General wait until boko attacks your squad then your eye go clear
29 Jan 2018 | 07:21
ride on
29 Jan 2018 | 07:22
fire on d mountian oo
29 Jan 2018 | 08:15
[b][color =red]©DTLCrepublic™ №: series003DTLC copy right PIN: (available to copy right buyers only) . . episode 15a (Written by Lucky Thompson) . . Continuation from last episode . . "Connect a call for me " the president demanded "To who? " The minister of info ask "Shekau " the president demanded as everyones face turned white with shock and surprise "But your excellency, why contacting the terrorist don when we can handle the issue on our own " the minister of defence objected "Hmmm.....i think the terrorists will think us weak " the minister of info equiped "You are all kids, just pay attention and watch what i want to do, am an old soldier so i got sence and tactice. Now connect me the call " the president spoke calmly. The call was connected , after some few ringing was picked up "Hello, mr president, its ne the almighty shekau," "Shekau baba, lafia nu, i knew it was you," the president spoke out making his ministers to shake their heads in sorrow " i've you called to appologies for sending a bomb into my territory,? Cause am preparing to attack you army base?" Shehau spoke out angrily "Excuse me, i thought you were the one " "No," "Then who? " The president accused "Don't know, its my land and tne army promised to withdraw" shekau accused "Too bad, the Nigerian army withdrawed but a foreign army is on your land " "Whaaaaaattttttttt??? " Shekau screamed "Yes, they are the ones who shot the missle " the president further explained "Now i get it, after chasing my country's army out of the land, a foreign army have the guts to ....oh damn allah akbar!!! .....Aliyu!!! , Yusu, Yahaya get your boys ready we are marching to..... " he stop short and ask "where are thet mr, president " "Near lake chad," the president replied as the line went dead "Mission accomplished," the president said as he whistled every one gave him a thumb up. . . . TBC[/color][/b]
15 Feb 2018 | 17:22
okkk following
16 Feb 2018 | 05:31
16 Feb 2018 | 06:40
So he use shekau
16 Feb 2018 | 15:46
story still on
16 Feb 2018 | 17:47
@jummybabe....yes na dats call tactice
16 Feb 2018 | 17:48
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16 Feb 2018 | 17:52
next epi loading
16 Feb 2018 | 18:02
[b][color =green] ©DTLCrepublic™ №: series003DTLC copy right PIN: (available to copy right buyers only) . . (written by Victor Thompson) . . Episode 15b . . Location: french base . . Action at its apex as the defensive force and the offencive are intensifying fire. captain concasseur called out "Monsieur clement, we are getting more hit, should we quintus? ". "Non " came clement's reply "How long can we hold them off since reinforcement are taking long? " "Lets just fight like men, exegi....salauds lads we must survive at least lets repell, monseiur concasseur comprehendo? " "Qui monsieur clement " On the owner hand, the general's force are growing tired and ammunitions are getting short "Connect me to the HQ " wayney order a young man who is in— charge of the communication radio. in no time he was speaking with the general "Sir, we need backup and ammunitions " "What for,?" came the general's confused voice "We've ran out and the french really are defendind their ground " "How long can you still engage 'em? " "Donno, giving that reinforce on their side arive quick, it means we'll have to get our ass out but if delays we gat just half an hour before we run out and it be fatal," "How grave is the situation there? " The general requested "Moderate, we got tango hotel to withdraw " " have to withdraw you men now before its too late " "Copy that sir but how about reinforcement? " Wayney asked the general "All formations and battalions are on operations, you gat to withdraw and fly back to base " "Aye sir, charlie tango " the call was ended and wayney gave order for withdrawal On french side: "monsieur clement seems like they are withdrawing" "Qui, i think so " "Should we chased? " " might be a trap lets let them go " . . . . . . . . . . . Episode 16a . . . Location: marine force base . . Clara is seen moving towards the computer room where she tap and entered, seeing but couple she sat down picked up a nearby laptop and punched some keys. Both jack and evelyn seem confuse on the whole process but silently watched with keen interest as she continued punching the laptop buttons without saying a word to them. finally she stood up and probe evelyn to take a seat. "Wow, how did you manage to do this? " Evelyn ask clara who just smiled nd replied "Ten years of experience " just then Bill and Rose walked in holding hands "There's a good news" Rose spoke out hurriedly "No, its 'are good news ' not a good news ' Rose " bill corrected while the rest waited in anticipation "So whats up? " Jack finally broke the silence " the french defeated the general's men and they retreated " bill spoke up proudly "And the second good news? " Evelyn equiped with rolling eyes "The Nigerians defeated the general's 65th spf battalion that was sent to attack them. They defeated them so badly that the general have to cancel the attack he was planning on carrying out gainst the counter corps " . . "Hurray!!! " . . They all cheered as they celebrated . . . . tbc[/color][/b]
16 Feb 2018 | 18:07
The president get small sense there o. He wants to use the terrorists in a way the don't know
17 Feb 2018 | 01:13
hmmm the presido tried ooo on that part
17 Feb 2018 | 05:14
good strategeis
17 Feb 2018 | 05:21
Nice one
17 Feb 2018 | 08:18
next up
17 Feb 2018 | 15:44
18 Feb 2018 | 12:24
Ride on with it
19 Feb 2018 | 00:33
ride on bro
19 Feb 2018 | 05:37
[b][color =red]Captain jackson season 2 written by Lucky Thompson . . Episode 16b & 17a . . . 16b . . Location: counter force base Brgd. Brown's office . . Lt. Pete and capt. Austine are seen seated with the brgd discussing. "So was that how it started? " The brigadier ask pete who simply replied "Yes sir" "Hmmm...this is very serious, giving that he annex power now we are all done for," the brigadier shook his head as he spoke out, and quickly added "How did you manage to escape after he gave major Wong the orders to kill you guys?," "Its a very long story sir " Austin replied "Am so impress and curious maybe you can enlighten me " the brigadier winked at pete who just smiled and proceeded to talk "It started in the conference room after i tried to dissuade him from carrying out attack against the french and Nigeria, he ordered major Wong to direct our execution . . Flash Back . . wong directed them out of the conference room down to the training field were drills are sometimes carried out "Sgt. Juan" wong called out to a young soldier "Sir " the young soldier replied as he came nearer with his detachment of ten men "tie them down and fire 'em up " "Done sir " . . . . . . 17a . . . . . the sgt replied as he turn to bound them up "Wong, am not a war captive or hostage that you need to tie me before killing me. Am a soldier and i deserve to die like a soldier, just shoot us and save your self the stress" capt. Austine pleaded while exchanging glance with Lt. Pete "Ok then, sgt load, prepare to fire, now! " Wong ordered but to their surprise pete and austine did a quick side way roll and dodge the bullets "Bombardier, fire them up, sgt follow suit" wong gave more orders as he approach them, aiming his riffle but was surprise as pete gave him an upper cut from no were and immediately cap it up with a choke slam, and immediately used him as a human shield while backing away to a nearby armoured van. Austine on his part did a quick roll and kick at a bombardier who cut him up with a leg and he fell but quickly did a chiness get up and kicked his opponent hard on the ribs "Lets get out of here ".pete yelled over to austine who quickly dived into the van and luckily for the the key was in in, without waiting he turned on the ignition and the van engine roared into life. "Fvck out the nigga " austine called over to pete who just gave wong another choke slam which made him pass out and dived into the van. Austine sped off living a cloud of dust behind, luckily for them the van has been loaded for operation, so they had enough supplies to last them. "The gate, the gate, use the machine gun " austine yelled amid nerveousness, at once pete leap to the top and started firing towards the sentry guards at the gate who already was firing them "Watch out kid...don't get hit " austine shouted out to pete who nodded and continued firing. They were approaching the gate now and it was almost lock just then austine found an IED and tossed it to pete "Use that " pete quickly engage the bomb and tossed it towards the gate and it went off blasting immediately sending the sentry guards to different cardinal points "Whooopppsss a badtt man....the baddest soldier alive, don't mess with me general " pete shouted as they zoomed pass the recks and he tossed another IED to the sentry guards quarterz and it went off blasting "Take that for dinner baby " he scream out and then laugh "Must you do that " austine ask "Yes, its our signal " "Hohoho you're damn sick " austine chuckled as they sped away. after spending two days on the road, they finally arrive at the counter force base . . . . . . . . . . . tbc[/color][/b]
26 Feb 2018 | 01:15
Narrow Escape
26 Feb 2018 | 17:43
Captain Jaclson season 2 Episode 17b & 18a (Written by Victor Thompson) . . . Episode 17b . . Back from Flashback (Present) Location: Counter Force Base . . "That was how we escaped sir " pete came to the conclusion of his story, while the brigadier shook his head in pity. "The last time the general tried this was about fifteen years ago " the brigadier began, took a pause and was egged on by pete "Its the reason why all this are taking place, that was twenty years ago when the vietnam war was going on, the 17th infantry brigade commanded by colonel wyclif was detached to vietnam " the brigadier took a pull of his don chester, took a deep breath "I've heard about such stories, but how did it concern the marines? " Lieutenant pete ask with curiousity "Thats history cause most of the senior officers involved in the war are either dead or retired. The current officers from the rank of colonel to the general were at that time either sergeants or staff sergeant. You might have heard of colonel Jack Bauer " pete and austine nodded while the colonel continued "he Was the commander incharge of the 3rd and 4th marine commandos " "As in JackSon williams Bauer? " Pete asked with shock while the general nodded "Are you trying to tell us that captain Jackson is the son of colonel Bauer? " Austine asked with disbelief "Am afraid " the brigadier replied him taking another pull of his don chester "Bauer williams as in general williams, jackson williams, jones williams, captain williams, all these are making me confuse the more. Sounds like the Williams group of family " pete chuckled out "There's quit a history around that name, the williams played an important role in the military sector of this country, any way i'll tell you the story how it all started latter, as of now duty calls " the brigadier concluded as they dispersed off . . . . . . . Episode 18a . . . . Location: marine force base . Captain Jackson is seen staring at an old family photo, "how fast time flies and things change" , he thought to himself and drop down the photo, glance through the office wall and cautiously walked towards the wall. Place a hand on it and the wall inverted into a little space revealing a secret key. He quickly type the password and the wall cracked open revealing a secret passage. Captain Jackson just crack a smile and walk into the passage. Immediately he stepped in the wall closed behind him and he walk towards an under ground chamber. This chamber was more than a hundred year old, a secret chamber belonging to the William family but not all the family members knows about it. It was only the chosen ones that got to know about it for it held lots of secrets. He traced his steps marking the alphabets W— I— L— L— I— A— M— S and immediately he completed the last alphabeth a roostling sound could be heard... "This is so fanscinating, i wonder how am gonna explain it all to the poor boy when his time comes " jackson murmurs to himself as he stood facing the roostling sound and gradually a small but very bright light started appearing. He move backwards with a step as soon as the object surfaced "This is the reason why this country is in chaos, the eagerness to have and control it but too bad for some that it chooses its caretaker " captain jackson murmured again as the bright light started faded gradually . . . . . . . tbc
6 Mar 2018 | 09:31
wowow o next
7 Mar 2018 | 05:24
Nice one keep it rolling
7 Mar 2018 | 05:33
7 Mar 2018 | 09:54
watching and guessing what happens
8 Mar 2018 | 04:01
keep on rolling
8 Mar 2018 | 04:01
i cant laffff!!! ou presido dey vex
12 May 2018 | 01:32
[b][color =red] Captain Jackson season 2 Episode 18b & 19a (Written by Lucky Thompson) Episode 18 b Captain Jackson's pov cont When the bright faded completely, i moved toward the diamond crystal, input some security code. It open revealing the diamononds, i picked out one push in the close grasp and the crystaline case close back. I turm swiftly to the interception link, place the diamond on the radiating metal, stepped back as i watch the metal radiated crystaline rays and finally emited a direct shot of light to the Mirrow at the front. Weezing sounds followed suit and almost immediately stopped as a man appeared. He was no other person than the great Colonel Williams himself. Location: counter force base Lt. Pete and capt. Austine were seen moving towards an already mobilized troops. " hope you boys are ready for this show? " Brgd. Brown ask his guests as they made headway towards the helipad. " yes sir! " pete replied him throwing up a mock salute while his comrades laugh. They all entered the chopper and were soon airborn "We are going to the ICT unit to run some background survillence and tracking on the attack im Nigeria " Brgd. Brown announced "Yes, those Nigerians really surprised me, they defeated the general's men woefully, coupled with th defeat received from the french republic an.sure the general will be very loyal now " capt. Austine chucked out while comrades laughed out "Loyal indeed, he'll even be more than loyal" pete chipped in as they continued laughing "We are descendind sir! " Came the pilots voice over the headphone they were wearing "Rogger that serge, take us down " brgd. Brown replied and the chopper started descending "Emgerdi boys " He stressed out to his junior comrades Episode 19a As soon as thd chopper touched the pad, they started trooping out one after the other and were at the ICT unit in no time "Cleo, turn on the tracking severe, Bryan, set the footer active and Mr. Williams start running a background test on the severe, make sure its properly secured before launching into Nigeria's drone for tracking" "Yes sir " came the reply as they began working on their basuc assignments "Did i hear you say mr. Williams? " Pete ask as soon as they were in the control room. "Yes, he is also a william, like i said before, there's quit a long history about that name, i'll tell you later but as for now, we gat lots of duty to perform " just then Mr. Williams voice came on live on the speaker " sir, Nigeria's drone is inaccessable " "Meaning? " the brigadier ask "Meaning it has been lock to outsiders " came williams reply "Try using their satelite " "On it .........damnite! ,its reading connection blocked " "Fucking shit! , can you connect me through to their survilence base? " "Yes sir " "Do it " "Done sir! , over to you " speaking into his mouth piece "Hello, this is Brigadier James Brown from the 2nd counter force troops " "Good afternoon sah! , this is Mr. Yusuf speaking sah! " "Good p.m sir Yusuf " "How may i help you sah? " " em, you see Mr. Yusuf, the attack carried out on your soil was a U.S base military mastermined plan, but unfortunate it was a rebell group, so we are cracking on them , we wanted to track the footings from the combat site but weren't granted access " "Oh yes, i do remember, after the attack, the president ordered all drones and satellites to be locked to prevent penetration from outsiders " "Oh i understand but please can you grant me access? " "Drop your IP number " " AP234-005CFB " "Done! " " Thank you yusuf " "Welcome sah " "Have a nice day " call was disconnected "Willy any sign?" "Decodind IP addresss sir, '5seconds left ..... done! Access granted sir" "Bingo! ...let the show begin " TBC Sorry for the delay in updat guys, was very busy to update, cause of excess work This episodes are dedicated to @vivian8 RIP my dear fellow writer. DTLC is back! Visit our blog For more!![/color][/b]
16 May 2018 | 09:31
Okay continue
16 May 2018 | 19:32
amada u ar heartless to value an outsider more dan ur blood
28 May 2018 | 08:11
chai see as buhari de cap the girl hahahahaha
7 Feb 2019 | 07:00
No way
26 May 2021 | 20:07
What am i thinking
26 May 2021 | 20:12
This amanda is a beast
26 May 2021 | 20:18
Nn wonder
26 May 2021 | 20:39
Pls i cannot find the final part[episode]
27 May 2021 | 03:39
I don’t want to curse the Author but God dey
6 Jun 2021 | 21:56
the kids part is what i'm interested in.!
12 Jun 2021 | 16:02
very difficult to find for sure!
12 Jun 2021 | 16:05
@valentine the story is not complete oh why
7 Aug 2021 | 08:38
Anyway it has been an interesting ride so far
7 Aug 2021 | 08:38


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