Celine and Hoffman

Celine and Hoffman

By olamide in 17 May 2020 | 02:55
olamide ayomide

olamide ayomide

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STORY BY: Chidinma Jerry. M.
(Star queen)


Celine is a very beautiful girl aged 20. Though her family can be regarded as the poorest of the poor she still lives her life to the fullest. She has a very nice height and beautiful body stature with an amazing face.but her trouble surpasses her looks as she is very troublesome and care less.
Her father is a carpenter and her mom is jobless their family is the poorest in the village . That was more reason why she moved about with her poor sight since there was no money for treatment or medicated glasses.
After a long time she got used to her poor sight. After all she saw well it’s just that sometimes her sight got more blurry..
She had a little brother junior.who was still in 4th grade.he was 11 years old.
Celine has no time for men or even girls .she had only one friend dana who was in college.
The only boy who appeared to her mind was her dream boyfriend .Danny hoffman, though he wasn’t from her city .she loved everything about him.she was happy whenever people talked about him.her crush she could never meet, he’s handsome looks melted her heart .he’s long hair seduced her every day. Hes killer smiles ,hes killer stature. He was God in his own way.
Pictures of him filled her room.even torn out magazines.she’s crazy in love with him.she already consoled herself.she knew they can’t meet ever.
She sat quietly on her bed that morning as her mum already left for her grand mothers house.she looked at his picture quietly smiling to herself.
“Danny Hoffman ,there is a commoner who wants to meet you so badly “, she always said to herself.
If wishes were horses Danny Hoffman will Be in her bed every night, even her diary was filled with him….
A knock on the door jolted Celine out of her fantasy .she ran to to the door.wearing her gown she had only 4 cloths that’s just how poor they were.
She opened the door to her best friend Dana .Dana sat comfortably on the outdated chair and celine hugged her.
“miss ,i really missed you , welcome “, Celine said
” i kept missing you i couldnt even stay in school”, dana said grining.
” how is college ?.
” it’s great , i wish you can finally get into college too celine , its been long we left Senior high”,
Dana said with a teary face
” you know there is no money , i can’t kill my parents “,Celine said .
” it’s ok Celine , one day you will surely smile , for now I completed your payment for that medicated glasses , your sight is pitiable “, dana said and handed Celine an eyeglass case . Celine smiled .
Celine got teary she wiped her tears .
” thank you , am really glad “, Celine said and hugged her
Dana tried closing her bag when Celine slipped out a particular magazine.
It was her Danny Hoffman , Celine smimed widely as she read out the cover.
” new York’s sweeth heart , and city’s toppest male model ,” Danny Hoffman , covers high school magazine.
Celine smiled as she looked through his pictures .
” he likes earrings , he’s so cute “,celine said .
” I heard only his ear ring is enough to buy this entire village “, dana added.
” he is really rich “, Celine said.
” and handsome too , he’s eye pure blue, he’s hair is as long as it is thick and black , attractive pink lips , flat tummy , he’s very tall and sexy I see him every night in my dream .he has to many fans and he’s dress sense awesome.
” so who is he’s girlfriend ?” Celine asked .
” I dunno but I heard its Jennifer Williams , ex miss world , she’s so pretty “, dana said.
” am jealous of her “, Celine said and dana smiled .
” Celine when will you stop this crazy crush on Danny Hoffman ?.
” I dunno bestie but I wish to meet him “, Celine Said.
” that’s impossible , dana added.
” I know “, celine said.
I.e) hoffman family mansion .????
The Hoffman’s family had been recorded as the second richest in the whole country. Sir Carl hoffman being the founder of hoffman groups .which is a group of companies joined together with the main motive of providing the city’s necessity.allmost all wealthy individual are part of hoffman groups.
They group has like 80 universities a cross the globe.
100 malls.
They’re construction company has built like 300 major roads and bridges
80 high schools only for the rich , one of which is prestigious high where Danny’s little sister gretel attends .
like 80 streets belonged to the Hoffman’s .
300 hotels and suites
The group had done many more but the sole heir of every investment was Danny Hoffman.
The Hoffman’s lived in a street owned by them ” Hoffman’s street.
They live in an estate which had 18 empty mansions in it. A pool surrounded the whole estate.and another pool came through the back.
The 1st building was where the Hoffman’s family stayed. The 5th building was where they maids lived.They had like 50 maids and counting in the 5th building. But only 4 maids stayed inside the main mansion.
Danny’s room was above gretel room , next door to his room was he’s dressing room where all his cloths sat. Some maids stayed around there to help him dress up.
Hes room backed the pool , he’s wall was very transparent giving him an amazing sight.
They house was worth writting about .
Danny rushed into the compound from the living room he walked he packed his hair up. He wore a white track suite with a diamond stonned slippers and a diamond earing. He held his white phone in his hands where he wore a silver ring..he had a tatoo on his wrist and another tatoo by his neck . More like a signature..
He was really attractive. A maid rushed out after him with his bag.she looked very clean. Once he got into the compound all the maids outside bowed.
The guard opened his door and he walked in , he’s catwalk proves he was really a model.
He sat in the car and the driver took off.
4 guards entered the next car and rushed out after him.
All the maids who where bowing lifted their face up and went out.
Danny hoffman has it all , the looks , money , he’s the perfect boyfriend and he has the perfect girlfriend or so he thought.
The driver took off.
Danny placed call to Jennifer
” my love “,.
” Danny its been a week “,.
” I am sorry and I love you “.
” I love you too “,.
” am going to spend the night at my suite , come before 8.
” ok I will be there “.
” are you home ?.
“No I mean yes ,yes “.
” ok love , bye .
” bye my love “. Jenny ended .
Danny dropped the call.
Just minutes after Danny left Gretel rushed into the compound with her car key.She headed for her pink car.
She wore school.uniform with a gold stonned canvass.her hair fell below her back.She was 18 and in senior high.She had an attractive body stature ..her school skirt was very short.
The maids bowed to her while one of them took her bag.
She walked into her car and increased the music volume then she drove off. She looked amazing.
Jennifer lay naked on her bed with a white bed sheet which covered her body .her thick black hair fell freely .
A man lay beside her .he rose up and feathered his lips on her neck but her facial expression was not exciting.
He gently kissed her lips .
” what wrong “.
” Kelvin you need to go , i need to go see Danny “. She said and stood from the bed .
” I thought u were gonna break up with danny ?.
” I love him so much , i won’t break up with danny instead we need to stop this “.she said and rushed into the shower.Kelvin fell back to the pillow.
Kelvin was suppose to be her friend untill their affair started She was cheating on Danny with Kelvin each day she says she would stop but it gets more difficult..
She walked out of the shower and wrapped the towel jacket round her body.her figure amazing.her hair was indeed very long and her skin colour was just as great.
She sat down and applied her face cream Kelvin slowly kissed her neck from behind.
” I really want to be alone now , pls “,She said .
” ok , i will check on you.”, he said and picked his shirt.
Jennifer dropped the cream , this one night game had spinned into something else, it spinned out of her control it’s now a continuous affair.her biggest fear was Danny finding out.
Kelvin on his part was quite rich and handsome too.and he realy desired jennifer but jennifer hadn’t defined her feelings yet.

Next coming soon

17 May 2020 | 02:55
This is going to be tough and complicated. Following [hr] Links To Available Episodes [color =purple]Scroll Down for Episode 2-3[/color] •[url= ][b]Episode 4-5[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 6-7[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 8-9[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 10[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 11[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 12-15[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 16-20[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 21-25[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 26-30[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 31-35[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 36[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 37-40[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 40-45[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 46-49[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 50[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 51[/b][/url]
17 May 2020 | 03:27
Present here..diz gonna be a tough one @stonez keep d update rolling
17 May 2020 | 08:18
@ladyg @fb-danieledem @emreks @harzaroboy others join
17 May 2020 | 08:20
Chai imagine d heart cry of dat poor girl, baby God will do it 4 u. My dear @henrymary am here o , thanks 4 d iv. @ele1 @senatorDaniel @kelly-kelvin @maths, come nd read o.
17 May 2020 | 11:01
Episode 2 and 3 Story by Chindinma Hoffman hotels ? Danny arrived , he walked into the room his manager was waiting for him. He sat Down and dropped his phone on the table. “Tell me “, danny said . ” nothing to.tell , star times wants to interview you “, he said . ” pass , danny replied. ” you have a shoot tomorow for Vera “, he said “Pass pass pass “, danny replied ” you will be shooting a movie in few days “. ” around town?. ” no Danny , we are traveling , i sent you the location . ” ok cool , till then , anything else?. ” Sandra will fill you up “, he said . Danny stood up and picked his phone . He rushed out and ran into a lady caring a plate of soup which she dropped on his legs. Danny moved his hair back.he’s guards rushed out . Danny turned to her. People took pictures of him. “am realy sorry sir”. ” arrrgh, must today be this bad? “am realy sorry sir I can clean it right away if you may”, she said . she tried to take the shoes “so am expected to step on the floor, why are commoners so stupid , what makes you think that its okay if u clean it, dont you get, your hands makes it even dirtier”, he said The waiter felt so bad she started tearing up. ” am sorry sir . Danny picked up his phone and made a call, few seconds later his assistant ( sandra )brought him a new pair of slipper. she removed the old one and he wore the later Danny turned to the waiter. ” do you know how much this slipper cost, no need, you might die just hearing the price. He placed it on her chest. The soup stained her cloth. “sell it and Maybe buy some value or do a face surgery ur face just ruined my mood.” Danny walked out he got to the car he entered and they drove away. He headed for his penthouse . Few minutes later it was over the news and making the head lines DANNY HOFFMAN IS A PROUD GUY WHO HAS A POOR MANNER OF APPROACH DANNY HOFFMAN HAS NO HUMILTY DANNY HOFFMAN THINKS HIS GOD WATCH VIDEO OF HOW DANNY TREATED A POOR WAITER DANNY HOFFMAN BOASTS OF HIS MATERIAL VALUE WHO DOES DANNY THINK HE IS . ********? Prestigious high school ?? # ******? Gretel sat quietly discussing with her friend. A lot of students waved at her, Gretel is realy popular. “hey bestie, your in early”,Gretel said “you are late as usual, u missed biology”. Gretel : I wanted too (she smiles ) “I love your shoes “. “we are totally twinning ” “no you didn’t ” ” oh my God ,I did !!”. Gretel brings out the same exact pair from a bag she carried and gave it to keila “shut up”. Keila shouted “am not talking “. “this is amazing”. They hugged each other ” hey I heard Danny is being dropped” “the manager of great world Is not happy with what the press is saying about danny, but he can’t drop Danny”. “so its just rumours”. “yea, I have chem in 10”. “maths”. “well let’s go to the cafeteria at least we have 10 minutes to spare “. the girls stood up in their twin pair of shoes and walked out of the scene into the cafeteria where they sat down students passed by and commented them Student one : hey gret Gretel : hey hi Student : I love your sneakers it is sooo awesome Gretel : thanks Tania . . . To rolls after Gretel, sat 3 guys conversing. One of them was Richard staffords only son.the next richest family to Gretel. Hrs name was ex athlete . “hey who is that dark haired cutie”, sim asked. ” your new so I am sure you don’t know Gretel”, Sam said ” omg ,Gretel hoffman “. ” the little devil as the press calls her”.Sammy added ” Gretel is realy the most beautiful girl in prestigious high”, Stanley added. “so who is her boyfriend “, sim asked “that’s mysterious “, Oscar added. ” I like her”, simeon Said. ” well you haven’t met her”, oscsr finished # Gretel was busy eating her plate of ice cream when she noticed simeon and the way he kept staring “hey who is that “, she asked k ” u meant who is that cutie”. ” I never said he wasn’t cute”. “that’s the guy the whole girls in prestigious high school including me dreams of having”. ” how come I don’t know him:. Keila : he’s new, just a week before and u don’t come to school. ” what’s his name”. “simeon”. “wait simeon that simeon”. Gretel asked “yea 40 gold medals 30 silver medals in athlete ,simeon “. ” ohhh my God !!!!. ” yea am shouting “,. Keila said. ” why did he leave kings high? . ” I think he’s dad Is part of Hoffman’s group now”. “wow he is cuter than in pictures, omg am late for chem”. “am going home”. ” your skipping math class:. “yea, laters “. Gretel grabs her bag and walked out of the scene. ❤❤❤❤ ******?****** 8pm. Jennifer arrived Danny’s suite he was already waiting for her. ” Jenny you are late. ” Danny am really sorry was just caught up. ” fine, Mised you. He kissed her lips and they moved it all the way to the bed room. Next day celines house ? Celine sat in the living room with her mother, she already counted and arranged the oranges she was to sell. Just then her father came back..he wore a very long and pitiful face. His wife stood up to him.. ” why the long face , what happened. His wife asked. ” well he finally succeeded in locking down my shop. Celine stood up on hearing this. ” ordinary 15,000.. infact lemme catch that man. She tried rushing out but her mother dragged her back. ” it’s ok my daughter , I don’t blame him I blame poverty. Her dad walked inside while her mum sat back on the chair. ” Celine please get me water outside. ” what about chimezie?. ” he went to school . ” hmmm I have pass this level oh. ” If I catch ….. ” her mum tried standing up but she grabbed the bucket and rushed out , as she was about stepping out she barged into Dana . ” you are just in time, come and escort me. ” how are you”. ” fine” . “why are u not wearing your glass? “. “after how much you spent ,I will wear it on important occasions”. “don’t fall inside gutter oh”. “I have mastered this area like the back of my hands”. They both laugh as they walked down the street (They got to the tap) “we are here, lemme drop this bucket first”. “ok am behind that car “. Celine walked to the tap and dropped her bucket then She tapped a boy in the corner. ” hey am behind that car when my turn reach call me. ” Celine followed her friend and they watched the video of Danny and the waiter on danas phone “wow this guy is realy proud oo”. “yea am reducing my like for him”. ” he has luck, if it was me. heeeeey!! “. ” are u telling me, I know you nah”. They both laugh as dana came across a particular headline she jumped up “what “. ‘guess what”. “what “. ” Danny is coming here”. ” which Danny”. “Danny hoffman ,He is shooting a movie here “. “wow that’s huge”. ” but they didn’t write when, omg i can’t wait”. “see this girl acting as though the guy knows you”. They both laugh Just then Celine remembers her water She rushed back to the tap and found her bucket on the floor ” excuse me where is my water” “it was your turn u didn’t come so she removed your bucket and put her own”. “who”. ” rita, just fetch your water and leave that girl ever since her father was recognized I don’t know what she is feeling like”. ” ok no problem”. she carried her bucket and turned to dana “Dana bye bye Lemme go home”. “are u sure”. ” watch me nah am going home, I have changed oh am very cool now”. Celine walked slowly as dana watched her she walked towards her house instantly as dana looked away she ran into rita compound ” this girl will never Change” dana said and chased after her Celine got into the well furnished compound she sighted rita as she poured her bucket of water into a half filled drum as Rita turned she saw Celine “where is my water” ” I don’t know, are you asking me”. “ok no problem you won’t know what happened to your own water too”. Celine rushed over to the big drum which was almost filled up and tried pushing it down but it was too heavy for her just then dana ran into the scene ” dana warn Celine ooo if she pour my water”. “celine!! do u need help”. Dana rushed towards Celine and both of them pushed the drum down successfully and the whole compound was litered ” Celine i Will tell my dad. ” your dad has done his worse , what more can he do , didn’t he lock down my father’s store ?. ” I will surely tell dad. ” well you are free. Celine and dana both ran out. *********?9pm. Hoffman’s house ⛲?? Gretel was dressing in her room when she recieved an alert that her credit card was blocked. She came down stairs from her room after changing she sat down close to her father “dad “. ” yes dear”. “mom “. “yes darling”. “who amongs you both blocked my credit card”. “well “. “mum!!!!!! “. “we both did, what did you use 18 million for Gretel you are just 17”. “am fucking 18″. ” whatever”. “i bought shoes”. “you bought shoes i thought i warned you gretel to spend reasonably”. “am sorry mum, dad pls unblock my card I won’t spend unreasonably anymore i promise”. (She fakes a teary face) “honey lets unblock her card I think she has taken corrections”. Mrs hoffman said . “no never Gretel will retrieve her rights to that card when I say so”. ” what!!”. “that’s final”. “Mr Hoffman you are realy getting on my nerves”, Gretel said “Mrs Gretel I won’t release your card untill I see signs that you are mature “. “you know what dad am done with this I am going to the US am tired of staying in this hell hole anyways “. She barges out of the parlour and almost ran into Danny while he walked in “hey gret”. “hey honey welcome, am going to my room I disowned mom and dad today”. she runs out Danny smiles sheepishly as he wakked towards his parents “gudevening dad, mom”. “welcome honey”. “finally “. ” am realy sorry dad ave been busy”. “no problem I saw your interview I hope you are ready to get involved in the family business like u Said earlier or were you just bluffing “. “honey he just came back come on welcome him”. ” didn’t I say welcome”. “mum, dad I will be going upstairs first”. “freshen up son i will call one of the maids to get you a glass of milk”. “thAnks mum”. Danny walked out. “I don’t like the way you are being on Gretel you are too harsh you know Gretel is always alone and bored that’s why she likes shoping please unblock her card”, Mrs hoffman said Mr Hoffman : ok fine you won I would unblock her card are you happy now Mrs Hoffman : yes I am Danny dropped his bag as he said to himself no place like home After taking a bath someone knocked “Who is it”. ” I brought cold milk sir”. ” yeah I need that”. He opened the door The dark skinned unkept looking maid presented the drink which she placed In a glass tray Danny moved his hair in frustration . “holy shit”. ” good evening sir”. ” what are you”. ” a maid”. “what poor luck I have, out of all the maids in this house you brought me milk? “. “what’s wrong with me sir”. ” everything is wrong with you, why is your hair so unkept “. ” am sorry sir forgot to wear my cap”. “why didn’t you wear any gloves on your hands ?”. ” because I placed it carefully on this tray sir”. “then why are you still touching the cup with your bare hands”. “am sorry sir”. ” get out “. “ok sir”. ” you are fired “. “What!!!”. He locked the door and sat on his bed. Just then his phone rang Danny picked up it was his manager Mr king. ” tell me”. ” I hope you are getting ready for your travel Tommorow “. ” yes sure “. ” ok just wanted to clear that”. Danny dropped the phone and slept off ********8am? Next day prestigious high school. ? Gretel just arrived at school she barged into the class room and almost ran into simeon who was walking out ” hey watch it, why are you so clumsy “. “seriously, are you that rude”. “rude, you ran into me dumb head”. “what “. ” I’m not having a great day so just stay out of my way”. “jeez I can’t believe this is the girl ave been trying to get close to, who do you think you are Gretel just because you have everything you want you think you can step on everyone, if this is your personality then am realy disappointed in you “. He walked away and Gretel walked to her best friend keila Before Gretel could sit down she received a text message saying that her credit card was unblocked “what’s up Gret what was that all about”. “I was just having a bad day daddy blocked my card but he just unblocked it”. “you need to control your mouth Gret you where too rude to simeon you need to apologize”. ” I never apologize to people and you know that anyways I called Katie we are going to the mall after class right “. “no I can’t I have ballet what about SATURADAY “. ” ok cool”. Keila looked out the window where Gretels car parked “nice ride but I liked the pink one better”. ” I use this car only when am in a bad mood “. “how about now how is your mood”. “wonderful “. They both laugh Just then Gretels phone rang it was her driver ” hello”. “what’s up “. “my son got into an accident I have to go so just call me when you are done with classes”. “seriously how bad is it”. ” am trying to confirm”. “all right no problem I hope he’s ok”. She droped the call and KeilA tapped her ” hey look that’s simeon”. “why are you telling me that”. “because you are going to apologize to him”. ” no you are not serious “. “come on you can’t start on a bad foot with a guy you like”. “whoever said I like him”. ” come on gret”. ” ok ok fine”. . . . Gretel walked over to where simeon sat Simeon pretends not to notice her ” hey. “I have math in 5 so just say what you want to say. “well the thing is . “yes. “the thing is, well”. “yes”. “I came to apologize because of the way I sounded I was just having a bad day and that’s it She turned back and rushed over her seat”. Simeon chuckled softly. Wow she can’t even apologize properly this girl was realy spoilt, he thought. . . ******* ? 4pm. Danny just arrived celines village for his shoot .he had left very early with his assistant.he called Jennifer before leaving. Him and Sandra lodged in a couple suite. the suite was rented for him in a five star hotel. the suite was realy big it was more like a couple suite. it was comfortable with a nicely situated pool with two rooms. “wow its not bad”. ” its totally your style sir “. ” have you seen the setting of the movie”. “yes the building is nice Mr king sent me the picture “. “all right”. *******? prestigious high. school was over and keila had already gone for ballet practice Gretel stood in front of the school gate as she kept calling her driver who couldn’t pick up because he left his phone in the car while he rushed into the hospital Gretel stood there for a few minutes she didn’t want to call home because she knew Mr John would loose his job. she tried dialing the number again it started raining heavily the rain was so heavy Gretel tried running into the school but the school gate was already closed As Gretel tried moving away a big white jeep stopped in front of her the Door swung open and simeon sat down comfortably inside . . ” come on in “. “no “must you be stubborn about every thing “. “no don’t worry my driver is coming “Gretel Hoffman you are going to catch a cold ” ok fine She sat in the car and simeon took his jacket from the car and covered her “apology accepted “. “( smiles ) took you this long “. They drove away
17 May 2020 | 11:20
@LadyG @Henrymary oya call the register
17 May 2020 | 11:22
Continue please.
17 May 2020 | 16:49
Go on
17 May 2020 | 17:15
celine and hoffman episode 4 and 5 story by chindinma Simeons driver took off. “home right “. ” no not realy my parents would totally fire Mr Johnny”. ” so it’s my house then”. ” I guess”. Minutes later they arrived at simeons house? It was just as big as Gretels house Immediately the car dropped. few maids ran over to them one of them took simeons bag from his hands He grabbed Gretels hand and they walked into the main building Gretel sat down in the parlour “where are your parents”. “I stay alone”. “what”. (He smiles ) “Your going to catch a cold”. He called one of the maids “sir “. “my friend here would like a hot bath thank you”. Simeon stood up and walked towards his room The maid turned to Gretel “pls follow me “,( she Said to gretel) ” oh ok”. She followed the Maid and just as she left her phone started ringing Mr John the driver was calling her Simeon on his path quickly took his bath he wore his slipper with a pair of shorts he was looking for something to where on top when Gretel barged into the room tying a white towel ” omg sowie, she tried walking out”. Simeon drew her back “hey its ok “. Simeon said dragging gretel back . “did you take my uniform I can’t find it”. “I think the maids are washing it “. She tried rushing out again He drew her back again “why are you so nervous “. “who, me? nervous, nooo “. “are going to tie that towel home?”. “I was hoping to wear my uniform didn’t know it was being washed so”. ” lucky you i think I have female cloths here he moved over to the cupboard and handed over a pretty short gown to her ” thanks, SIMEON stood looking at her “won’t you leave”. She asked “ok am leaving”. He leaves the room she quickly dressed up and rushed to the parlour where simeon sat she picked up her phone and saw the missed call ” my driver called”. ” call him back then”. She dialed the number “Gretel where are you”. ” am at a friends house how is your son”. “its realy bad he is in coma”. ” I realy liked that little boy I hope he will be fine”. “me too pls text me the address”. “ok She dropped the call “. “hey text me the address so I can send it to my driver”. “ok “. He texted her the address which Gretel forwarded to her driver She sat back down facing the tv “I am realy curious about something”. “what “. ” who Is your boyfriend “. “I don’t have a boyfriend”. ” that’s unbelievable “. “my turn”. “ok “. ” who owns this gown”?. ” my ex girlfriend”. ” wow that’s nice”. ” yea,so do u need anything water, food? “no don’t worry am ok:. ” if u say so”. Minutes later they heard a car Horn outside “my driver is here ” ” good bye I will bring your uniform to school” ” yes I would return your girlfriends gown too” ” ex”. “just kidding “. She rushed out and simeon returned to his movie Next morning ??? Danny’s suite ——- Danny walked into the dinner where Sandra already sat eating “good morning ” pls how’s my schedule ” the shoot starts by 10 and would end by 2 or 3 after that you are totally free “ok Just then Danny’s phone rang it was Jennifer ” hey honey ” hey. I know you are mad but I am so sorry I was just so tired I forgot to call ” its ok so how are you . “fine how are you”. ” am great hope you are comfortable “. ” yes I am and even if I feel discomfort i just have to think of you right “. ” of course”. “so where are you ” just walking out of the mall”. ” ok I better go and get ready “, Danny said. ” ok I love you “, Jennifer added. “I will call you “. He drops the call He rushed into the bathroom and took his bath he got ready and headed for the shoot. *********?******* 2;30 Celine rushed out with the 3rd tray of Orange for the day.she was so tired and angry she even forgot her glasses. She already came half way when she remembered it but it was already too late. So she ran off like that. *******? Danny was done with his shoot for the day it was around 2:30 He returned to the suite where he took a quick shower and dressed up again ‘ are you leaving”. “am bored so I would just look around town”. ” ok lemme call the driver “. “no don’t worry I feel like trekking”. “what if something happens to you aggressive fans or even kidnappers secondly you are not allowed to step on the floor , you can’t mix wit commoners , what if someone infects you”. “nothing would happen no one knows me dat well here secondly I have my cap on and I look casual who would recognize me “. “am not liking this “. ” I need fresh air be right back”. He walks out of the suite. I don’t feel safe about this Sandra says to herself *******? Celine walked down the market junction she had sold quite the number. Danny was stroling directly towards the direction of Celine when his phone rang it was his manager ” what’s up dude ” how is the shoot going ” its cool I just finished Danny was so engrossed in the call he didn’t see himself running into Celine and at the same moment the tray fell down and her oranges fell all through the floor while some rolled into the dirty water nearby “Jesus Christ of Nazareth!!,can’t you see”. ” I should be asking you you walked so carelessly, gosh why are commoners so clumsy “. “what commonner, me commoner who do you think you are !!! , anyways I don’t blame you . Celine bent down and started picking her oranges just then she noticed Danny was just standing “what are you doing pick my oranges oo”. “what you cant be serious “.he tries moving backward. ” what are you doing”. ” the thing is I am not allowed touch anything that falls to the ground “. “what, listen if you don’t start picking this orange am going to call the masquerades “. ” fine, i will call the commissioner of police “. ” that Will take time the masquerade riders are right behind me “. Danny looked and saw them he got scared “so what, are you not picking. hmmm its like you have not heard about this place we kill strangers and eat them alive “. ” what ?. “start picking “. ” ok ok am picking “. Danny uncomfortably bent down and picked one of the oranges then he quickly droped it back “you know what tell me your account number let me transfer the stupid money to your account”. ” are you kidding “. “am serious “. ” you are so sluggish now the rest has rolled into the dirty water”. “it seems like you don’t know who i am , how dare you talk to me”. “what, Who are you, are you the presidents son. “I think am richer than him”. “what !!!!”. Danny removes his cap “so are u still talking commoner “. Celine strained her eye to see Danny’s face but she couldn’t she even moved closer to him but her sight was just too blury “I know who you are”. “took you long enough, I mean assuming you recognized me earlier you would be happy I ran into you “. ” i know who you are, you are a lazy, stupid , proud peacock”. ” what you realy don’t know me”. ” no !!!!”. Danny was so annoyed at the fact that Celine didn’t know him he’s pride was hurt he wished she new him ” do you need glasses or something you mean you dont realy know me, me, me” Celine drags his shirt ” don’t think you can fool me give me my money”. ” no no no don’t touch me pls don’t touch me you will infect me, commoners don’t touch me”. “money “,celine shouted. “don’t you have an account”. “no”. “how old are you”. “dats not your business “. Danny leave me alone first I know what to do I can’t believe this girl doesn’t know me he says to himself “what “. ‘ leave me alone I will call my assistant to bring money for you “. “what if I leave you and you run”. “no I won’t, you irritate me I can’t do anything right with you holding me “. ” give me something of yours “. ” I don’t have anything on me or should i give you the phone I want to use to make the call “. ” didn’t u wear a watch , give me the watch”. ” no I never take off this watch”. “fine give me your shirt Danny covers his body with his hand “. “my sexy body is made for photo shoots not for stupid commoners eye”. “what this guy you are realy proud who are you sef tell me your name”. “ok hold this phone let me take of the shirt “. As Celine took the phone from Danny’s hand, Danny pretended as though he wanted to unbutton his shirt and he ran off forgetting that celine was with his phone “hey peacock you can run but you can’t hide “. ” I can “. Celine ran after Danny untill she realized the phone in her hands she stopped and shouted “ok bye bye I will sell your phone and replace my orange”. “no you are not with my phone “. Celine lifted the phone just then she ran off and Danny ran after her “commoner stop there “. ” no !!!! Danny ran fast till he caught celine and with one hand he drew her back ” you should know I wanted to stop “. ” ok wait lemme call my assistant ” ok . She handed over the phone to danny and took his shirt as he placed a call to Sandra and he put it on speaker “Sandra where are u ” am still at the hotel ” go to my room and bring the cash I left on the bed pls do before I die “omg where are you sir ” just keep strolling down before that hotel “ok sir Danny dropped the call and Celine left his shirt Danny looked at his hands he just couldn’t stand the sight of the dirt just then Celine walked out ” where to ” coming She returned with a sachet water “won’t you wash your hands “what “I bought water don’t worry I won’t charge you “but that water is not clean, I don’t want ” if you won’t wash forget”.Celine yanked and opens the water she finished it “commoner is that water safe for drinking”. ” peacock do you know how much I bought this water , well u don’t look poor”. “jeez ” duuuurrh Just then a black car arrived and Sandra came down ” are you ok sir “just pay her for her oranges “am sorry dear pls how much is your oranges ” ehe , now someone is talking, the thing is there are two types of oranges I sell here ” realy “yes nah, I have VIP oranges for only celebrities you know people like Danny Hoffman, musicians like star boy “what “yes nah “realy, but you are actually standing with Dan…. (Danny cuts in) ” what makes you think Danny Hoffman will like your oranges ” (smilling ) well he has bought it before infact we are realy tight friends “. “Jesus Christ “. ” omg yes nah”. “and I also have normal oranges for average people like my father he’s a carpenter “. “that’s nice”. “this proud peacock here threw all of them into that water so the total cost is 30, 000 no leave no transfer “. “who me, peacock ,what!!”. ” aunty what are you saying”. ” pls just pay that girl i don’t want to see her anymore”. Danny walks into his car Sandra gave Celine the exact money she mentioned and went into the car Celine walked over to where Danny sat “bye , see you next time”. “never “. “you never can tell “. The driver took off Celine laughs as hard to herself Some people are realy stupid she said to herself as she ran home with her tray Celines parents where sitted in the compound when she walked in with an empty tray. “Celine you are back you need to go one last time”. ” mum , dad , good evening . She runs into the house and carried the last oranges into the compound with a knife she sat on the bare floor and started peeling it “Celine what are you doing”. ” ma’am not selling again ooo how many should I peel for you ?. ” what, how much have you sold today, honey talk to this girl “. ” if she is tired leave her alone she has tried today my daughter peel 3 for me”. Her dad said “Celine give me the money you sold today”. Celine hands over her purse to her mum “Jesus Celine 32, 000 how come “. ” hmm ma God has answered our prayer ooo”. “Celine who gave you this money”. “ma,its one stupid rich boy like that he poured my orange into the water and paid me 30, 000”. “Celine go out with this one who knows if another person will pour it into dirty water “. ” my wife you are realy a funny woman”. “my daughter I am proud of you ooooo pls I will lick 4″. ” my husband you need to go and pay Mr chigozie this money as soon as possible you know money is not safe with humans”. ” don’t worry I will go as early as tomorow morning”. Just then chimezie rushed into the compound … *******? Danny was about sitting on his bed when he remembered what happened with celine he took of his cloth and ran into the bathroom. Ahhhhh so disgusting !!!! He kept saying to himself….. while bathing Danny noticed that his watch was not on his wrist he hastened his bath and rushed out of the bathroom he searched the entire room but he didn’t see it he dressed up and came outside where he met Sandra his assistant ” Sandra did you see my watch”. ” no you never take of that watch”. ” its missing I think that troublesome girl stole it omg I can’t loose that particular watch”. “don’t worry we would look for her tommorow “. “no no no tommorow is still far”. He rushed out ‘where are you going”. Danny walked out of the house he want back to that spot but he couldn’t find his watch he looked around for minutes it wasn’t there he stood there for hours untill Sandra got there.he was lost in thought.memories flashed back.he moved his hair with one hand and rested the other on his waist. ” Danny come on lets go “. “ok lets go”. Both of them walked back to the suite Danny walked into his room where he sat down and just then he rembered a car accident which happened in the past he lay down quietly on the bed with his head down . Memories came flashing back.voices came ringing. He heard her voice again. ?”Danny stop, Danny stop the car…” Danny couldn’t sleep.the nightmares which was just ending started again …ever since that accident he had not been able to sleep at night. He lay quietly on his bed…. What was he going to do..he lost it ….he felt he lost her all over again. ********? Next day *********? Gretel and keila walked out of ballet practice ” I don’t understand why you dropped ballet now “, Gretel asked ” I just felt like it”, keila said “you felt like what? come on you know you can’t lie to me”. “ok, finals is in two weeks gret”. “and you are ready”. ” and so are you”. ” I don’t understand”. “you are the best gret even if you don’t concentrate Mrs wills still calls you the best”. ” and”. “and u always win, u won last time too and I thought you where gonna drop at least this once but I guess I was just thinking , you know how much my parents look forward to this so ave decided if you are not dropping then I have to drop because i still can’t compete with my best friend “. ” but I am not competing k, ” u have too your dad is the biggest sponsor secondly why have you been coming to practice then”. ” I was gonna tell you that I won’t compete I just started coming to practice because I wanted to spend more time with you after all I have a lot of medals and awards already my mum doesn’t realy care about that anymore”. “what about u don’t you care”. “I care about my best friends happiness”. Keila hugs her Just then something caught keila’s attention in her phone Keila : this stupid blogger is at it again Gretel : read it out Keila: 17 year old award winning ballerina and multi millionaires daughter Gretel Hoffman has done it again, it’s a sex scandal , what a blast!!! Keila starts laughing ” I can’t believe this he even posted matching pictures including you tying a towel”. “me when?. ” in simeons house “. ” I was looking for my uniform den”. “what are you gonna do your dad can’t see this . “neither can Danny or even mum”. ” i guess we have to pay that blogger off to wipe this before it goes viral”. “we would see him tomorow Both of them walked torwards their different cars Next coming soon story by chindinma
18 May 2020 | 03:12
@Henrymary @jeliohn @paje @Urch Man @Bedroom Gangster @promzy @Maths @Paddy2x @DanielEdem @Hbtmm @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @LadyG @King D @Prosper Yeboah @princejace @yungson @fb-abeeantwi @marfodaniel @fb-browndhanyiel @olajoshua @fb-kanuokoronkwosilas @ladyp @surprize @fb-atermarial @jehliohn @harzaroboy @stonez . @queenprecious1 @Skookum @Invincible @Ebube @Wyse-one @Sonshine @Pheranmmie041 @jaylogo @hardeymhe come read ooo
18 May 2020 | 03:19
Spoilt brats, they dnt ve manners at all. @henrymary @fb-danieledem @ele1 @atermarial @maths @harzaroboy @emreks @hormortiyor @kelly-kelvin @senatorDaniel come en read new episode.
18 May 2020 | 04:38
Danny u never see anything right
18 May 2020 | 05:10
Oh mhen i like dis Celine of a girl o, dnt worry everytin will b ok.
18 May 2020 | 05:16
@ladyg spoil brat plenty ooo.......
18 May 2020 | 12:16
This two will fall in love like craze... Celine i hope u re with his watch..dat watch has a role to play in ur future
18 May 2020 | 16:16
celine and hoffman episode 6 & 7 Dannys penthouse. Sandra woke up ,she looked at her time it was 8 she then realized that she woke up very late she took her bath at once dressed up. She ran out hopping to see Danny eating in the dinner but unfortunately he wasn’t there she opened the door to his room he wasn’t there too She came outside but his car was missing she She ran out she believed that Danny could be strolling around While sandra walked she looked for the watch until she saw Danny leaning on his car she recognized it was the same sport where the incident took place Danny stood without saying a word he just looked at the water conduit like a person who dropped something into the water Danny felt within him that the watch was inside the water , but the water was just too dirty think off ” Danny we need to go home you have a busy schedule today pls”. Danny stared at her but didn’t reply Sandra became scared she didn’t understand what was happening she was in shock she knew the story but she thought Danny would be over it by now “Danny pls we have to go before people recognize you here”. Danny still didn’t reply just then she walked miles away from where Danny was and called Mr king on phone ” good morning “hey Sandy “how come you have not gotten here “having a little holiday “Danny is not himself u need to get here he is not talking or even going to his shoot”. ” why what happened was there a car accident or did it almost happen”. ” no ” did he lose his watch”. “yes “cancel all his shcedules “. “what do I do now. “” how did it get lost. Sandra narrates the story to Mr king “” am on my way But for now you need to find the girl. Sandra dropped the call and walked sluggishly back to the car where she sat watching Danny till a woman walked towards the car and stopped there Brigitta was celines distant aunt who worked in the city. She had forgotten the road to celines house she didn’t want to get lost so she stopped by the car to call Celines mother to send Celine over to come and pick her .she ended her call and looked at Danny then she greeted Sandra who greeted her too. Celines mum informed her about her aunty so she rushed out. Her mum instructed her she ran as fast as she could this time she took her glasses in case she saw the proud peacock again.she wanted to know who he was cos he bragged much. She ran faster into the streets as she got closer she saw her aunt Brigitta standing with a slim lady although Celine was still a little distance away from where they stood she Shouted waving her hands ” aunty b!!!! “. Just then Brigitta turned and Sandra turned too ” I have to go, She said . Just then Sandra took a closer look at Celine and recognized her ” isn’t that girl who stole the watch”. ” you are mistaken Celine is not a thief “. Just then Celine recognized Sandra , the car ,and Danny who backed her comfirmed her suspiscion she instantly turned to hide her face Omg its like this people found out that I duped them of 30, 000 am dead, she said to herself Before brigita and Sandra could get to where Celine stood Celine picked a wild race without turning back she ran until she was out of sight “if she is not a thief why is she running?. ” I don’t understand too”. ” u realy don’t remember the road to her house”. ” I don’t think so”. Meanwhile Celine ran straight home panting like forest lion “where is Brigitta”. ” mama she said she will come tomorrow “. Celine ran into the house and her mother wondered who was pursuing her Brigitta and Sandra strolled down the road leaving Danny behind since he wasn’t even looking their way After walking for a while brigita halted as she was now confused on which part to follow ” you don’t recognize this part”. ” no I don’t”. Just then a girl ran out of a nearby store Brigitta and Sandra ran torwards her “may I help you?. “we are looking for someone”. “who”. ” her name is celine:. “Celine juniors sisterz”. ” yes “. “which trouble did she cause again”. ” something is missing we need to find her”. ” ok don’t worry I will take you to her house but where are the police men “. ” it looks like Celine is a trouble maker “. “yes She is better arrest her, lets be going “. And they strolled down After few minutes they stopped in front of a gate which looked like it was going to fall The girl walked away while Sandra entered the compound with brigitta Mrs eze sat down on a bench when the walked in ” ah b b you are welcome Celine Said you are not coming what happened” ‘we will talk Later for now where is Celine”. Just then Mrs eze saw Sandra “you are welcome my dear “thank you”. ” Brigitta is she your friend”. “no am a friend of Celines pls call her for me “. Sandra sat comfortably on the bench While Mrs eze and Brigitta went into the house Mrs eze sent Celine out to meet her friend while she and brigitta sat inside Celine wondered who her friend was she rushed out leavin her glasses on the bed when she came outside and saw Sandra she tried runing “pls Celine sit down don’t run again”. “aunty wait lemme confess I don’t have any VIP oranges I was just playing its not my fault that two of you fell for the trap . “I know you duped us but that’s not why am here Celine 30, 000 is not worth the stress it took me to come here”. “so why did you come:. “we are looking for Danny’s watch”. “who is danny?. ” the proud peacock:. “why does he share my crushes name, anyways i thought the boy was rich he should buy another one what’s there even my father that is poor when he lost his watch he bought another one . “Celine I don’t believe you stole that watch you are too innocent for that but you need to check well too i have searched through the street I can’t see it”. “its not with me I went home with an empty tray that day and I didn’t carry any bag “. ” you are taking this lightly because u don’t know how important that watch Is. ” is it the presidents. ” celine have you ever lost a loved one. ” no God of Elijah won’t let that happen. ” well Danny has , his truest love died in a car accident ….. ” really painfull . ” yea and because he loved her so much he mourned her so much that fell into a critical condition , he didn’t move anymore , he didn’t talk , all he did was breath for two years. ” he looks fine to me. ” that’s because he finally came back to normal , after something was returned to him. ” was it the watch. ” it was the watch Celine , its not about the price , its much more. ” am really sorry. ” so Celine if you have that watch please return it…..before we loose Daniel again…I really trust you to do what’s right. Sandra stood up. Celine was still speechless she ran out of the house and ran past Sandra who was taking a bike Celine ran as fast as she could untill she got to the spot where the incident took place she was still a bit far when she noticed that Danny was standing there she bought a sachet of water and walked torwards him Danny turned and looked at her but he didn’t say a word Celine dropped the water on the car If you lost something then you should look for it “she said to him As Danny turned to look at her Celine comfortably walked into the dirty water and started searching for the watch Danny still didn’t say a word Celine kept on bringing out lost things from the water and she laughed at herself each time she brought out somethng but danny just kept staring at celine she even borought out some phones, minutes later she smiled as she felt the watch she brought out the watch and came out of the water her gown was fully soaked her hands where filthy She carefully picked up the sachet water as she tried washing the watch but. . . Danny hugged her # Without saying a word he Danny didnt let go of Celine for a long time ?????? Hehehehey I aff die ? Shift lemme faint ? Is this what? Why is Danny hugging the commoner? He will get infected . Without saying a word he Danny didnt let go of Celine for a long time out of surprise Celine already dropped both the water and the watch on the floor , it was the first time a guy hugged her……but she felt familiarity in his arms. Danny was also surprised that he hugged Celine , her kind gesture really melted his heart….. unexpectedly Danny felt comfortable in her it was where he belonged. That was when Sandra arrived she instantly took a picture of them which she did this without Danny’s knowledge She then came closer and picked up the watch just then Celine let go of Danny and ran away as fast as she could she arrived home and soaked her gown in clean water. She then walked into her room and grabbed her towel. She looked at dannys picture smiling ” hey cutie , someone just hugged me , I wanted you to be my first hug.better arrive quickly before someone takes our first kiss too hmmmm…. She smiled to herself and rushed into the shower. she couldn’t stop thinking about the whole incident Why did that proud peacock hug Me, could he start liking me no that’s not possible am too common . *********? Next morning. Danny’s suite. # Sandra was busy placing a call to a reknown blogger who was her friend Sandra : hello vin Vincent : what’s good Sandra : I want to send you a picture now you have to share it make sure it goes viral Vincent : sure what’s the headline Sandra : Danny Hoffman caught on camera hugging a commoner now who said Danny Hoffman was proud Vincent : isnt this a movie I mean the Danny I know can’t do this Sandra : Just do it She drops the call and walked out of the room where she saw Danny sitting at the dinner having tea tea she sat beside him and she was surprised when Danny served her ” good morning sir. ” hope u slept well”. “yes “how’s my shcedule ” free your still getting better “that’s great “how do you feel “am good did Jennifer call “no she didn’t ” ok, that girl ehhm the commoner the troublesome one “you mean Celine “yes, can you invite her over I want to thank her “I don’t think that’s right I mean she already calls you a proud peacock if you want to appreciate someone you have to get down from your throne first so I think you need to go to her house ” you are right but am still surprised that she doesn’t know am Danny Hoffman “her crush. ” you are not serious, how come she didn’t recognise me in the past “she has eye issues “wow this is the first time someone who doesn’t know me did something for me without trying to impress Danny Hoffman or gain any other favour ” celine is a great girl “yes I guess she is Just then Mr king walked in and sat beside Sandra “hey you came on time (oppsite)”. Danny said ” am sorry man been busy, how are you doing “. ” am fine ” so where is the watch now. Just then Danny realized he wasn’t with the watch because he hadn’t collected it back from Sandra ” I would go get it “, Sandra said. she stood up and left Mr king ? surprised ) danny if it wasn’t the watch that brought you back maybe it was the person that found the watch “you crazy man”. ” am serious danny , you hadnt removed that watch for 3 years now……. you cant even stay one hour without it , but here you are, so comfortable, happy and you forgot your watch its the first time.. don’t you understand that Celine girl might be the key for you to finally let go . Just then danny realized that what Mr king said made sense but he didnt understand the situation sandra came out with the watch and returned it back to Danny Mr king served himself but Danny was still lost in thought about what Mr king Said *********? Hoffman’s house # # Gretel ran into the dinner and joined her parents ” mum, dad, good morning”. “morning dear”. “good morning sweet pie”. ” how was your night “. “fine , fine”. “are you going out?”, Mrs Hoffman asked “yes . “for practice ?. “no I want to visit keila “. “finals is in two weeks you need to start taking practice serious”. ” mum, am not competing “. ” this competition is world wide gret you have to”. ” since when did you start carring mum you never attended any of them”. “I will come this time and all of my friends are coming they need to see my daughter”. ” mum am not doing it”. “you have to, the stakes are higher now the winner gets a diamond medal the board and other sponsors are working towards it because this time around its world wide I agreed to such expense because I believed my daughter would win again “, Mr Hoffman said. ” dad, I don’t want to and am not doing it”. ” you are competing and that’s final”. Gretel angrily stands up and walked out of the house she enters the compound where she ran into her car and drove away keila was already waiting for her in their parking lot “what kept you . ” nothing “good thing I already called the blogger I told him to delete every note that we were both coming “thank you “my car or yours ” your driving my car “all right lets go They drove away soon they got to the place where they agreed to meet the guy The guy was sitting comfortably in a chair when they both entered Gretel stood facing him with her keys on the table. ” lets make it fast how much do you want ?”, gretel asked “Blam not a begger accord me some respect”. ” I don’t have respect I have money which do you want Mr blogger?”. “I already know how rude you are little girl so am not surprised”. ” I believe 5 million will be enough for you”. “10. “I can’t spend more than 5 In a day “. “finally your parents are training you”. “don’t worry I will complete the cost sir so are we good “, keila said “yes I will clear every trace and piece”. “good because I won’t hesitated to sue you for defamation”. ” that’s if you can prove beyond all reasonable doubts that the information is falsified”. ” just better your life with the money sir you can’t depend on gossip to rise out of your misery”. Gretel said She stood up and walked out with keila when they got to the car “what’s up gret I don’t understand you are realy acting up. ” am okay ” no you are not why are you mad “nothing my parents got me upset “is it about the competition?. “no no I swear . ‘ then what?. ” nothing . “alll right I will be here when you are ready to talk”. “all right they drove off”. *******? Dannys suite ? # Danny who was going browsing through his phone in his room when he saw the picture of him and Celine he was surprised how come, He was caught by the interesting headline DANNY HOFFMAN CAUGHT ON CAMERA HUGGING A COMMONER WHAT A BLAST WHO SAID DANNY IS PROUD . Danny went down only to find comments like I KNEW DANNY WAS CHASTE MY DREAM GUY ITS A LIE I THINK THATS A MOVIE WHO KNOWS MAYBE THE GIRL WAS PAID HE REALY WANTS TO CLEAR HIS NAME DANNY HOFFMAN HUGGING A COMMONER ITS LIKE TELLING ME THAT GRETEL HOFFMAN BOUGHT SOMETHING WORTH LESS THAN 5 MILLION BECAUSE THATS IMPOSSIBLE I LOVE DANNY HOFFMAN Danny couldn’t understand what was happening he shouted ” king King come here right now . Mr king rushes into the room ” what’s all this ?”, Danny asked “( smilling ) this is good for us finally this is going to clear that scandal for good whoever posted this deserves some accolade “,. ” the source is unknown for now “, Danny said ” wait what’s the next headline the one with Gretel?”, Mr king asked as he scrolled up the picture of Gretel tying a towel in simoens house @LadyG @Henrymary call the regsiter
22 May 2020 | 03:45
Continue please
22 May 2020 | 10:26
Oh my gush Celine sha i told u 2 soak ur champlet in water dat God will answer u, i think e don happen, oh am so so hapi 4 u baby.
22 May 2020 | 12:34
@fb-danieledem @ele1 @henrymary @maths @senatordaniel @emreks @harzaroboy @hormortiyor @atermarial @kelly-kevin @emmy01 @lawman-2 mae una kon see my baby doll in love with her peacock o.
22 May 2020 | 12:42
Some scandals dnt clear easily.. Ride on
23 May 2020 | 07:25
Danny is in love
23 May 2020 | 18:16
26 May 2020 | 11:21
celine and hoffman episode 8 and 9 Danny was surprised with what he saw “what , when did Gretel start dating not to talk of being naked in a man’s house. ” shes not naked thats a towel but your right thats easy penetration “. “I can’t believe this”. ” calm down danny , its not just any boy the boy is filthy rich isn’t that simeon, Richard Stanford’s son ?. ” I still can’t believe this what is Gretel doing”. ” Danny calm down she’s a teenager “. ” do you know my father, ” he won’t see it “he can’t see this you have locate that blogger and pay him off I dont want to see this again. ” “Let’s check the comment. ” I see you are enjoying this”. Danny scrolled down. 1)LITTLE GIRL IS ALREADY F***** 2)AM NOT SURPRISED THEY MATCH PERFECTLY 3)THE HOFFMANS CANT TRAIN A CHILD 4)17 YEAR OLD FUCK GIRL WHO KNOWS HOW MANY CHILDREN SHE HAS TERMINATED 5)I THOUGHT SHE WAS A VIRGIN 6) HAHAHA MY GRANDMOTHER IS A VIRGIN TOO 7)MR STANDFORD HAS GOT A PROUD DAUGHTER IN LAW FOR HIMSELF Danny I can’t read this anymore i need to call gretel Danny placed a call to Gretel who just removing her cloths She picked up the call and lay on the bed ” oh finally I thought someone forgot me”. ” Gretel what did I tell you about dating”. ” nothing untill 19 why”. ” so what am i seeing why do you want to tarnish dads image you know the press has been looking for something to pin on you”. ” am realy lost”. ” who is simeon? “. ” oooo wow that stupid blogger I paid him off but he won’t stop right, no problem”. “I Said who is simeon”. “simeon is my class mate not my boyfriend I was soiled so I changed in his house that’s all that stupid blogger Is lying”. ” how much did you pay that guy “10 million”. ” I can’t believe he did this you need to sue him”. ” that’s the easiest way for dad to find out”. ” dad will surely find out you just have to explain it to him you need to sue that idiot for defamation of character”. “mum is always on the net so if you saw this I guess mum saw it too”. “what kind of idiot is that guy, Sue him first when dad finds out we will cross that bridge “. ” I love you “love you too He drops the call ” I love you?, you were here acting like you wanted to slap the girl from the air now the call comes to I love you “, mr king said ” I believe Gretel she is my sister “yes so since I don’t have a sister I can as well go and kill myself”. They both laugh ….. ********? Jenifers mansion Jennifer was in bed with her friend Paula Jason.also an award winning model. “Hey Jennifer you look weak”. “am fine Just missing Danny”. ” danny or Kelvin?. “stop it am ending everything with Kelvin once he comes back i will tell him I want to be faithful to Danny “. ” I need one night stand with Danny or else”. “are u trying to black mail me . ” I forgot to show you this Jennifer. She opened her camera “who is that dirty girl and why is Danny hugging her?. ” I don’t know but she is realy beautiful “. ” am sure that’s a movie am the only woman Danny looks at more over she looks dirty Danny hates dirt”. “I hope so too”. “so Danny’s birthday is coming up I don’t know what to buy”. ” maybe a wrist watch”. ” last one I bought he didn’t wear it he can’t remove the one Claria gave him”. “since then ,he’s not over her yet?. “I dunno, I know I own Danny but I still don’t own him fully “. “maybe a t shirt will do, I am realy sorry Janie am your friend but I never new this part of your relationship but I know Danny loves you”. “I hope so too but I thought my love would be enough for Danny to let go off his past and throw away that filthy watch “. She hugs her friend Hoffman’s house ********? Grets room. keila rushed upstairs into Gretels room ” are u just coming”. “wAts up u sounded urgent. ” that idiot still posted those pictures now Danny saw it. ” this is bad what did Danny say “we need to sue him. “but your lawyer tells your dad everything “dad will still find out anyway “cool so have you called him “yes he’s on his way to crunches lets go meet him there “okay cool am starving anyway “why “my mum tied me to a diet plan ” sounds like my aunt And they two girls walked out they waited patiently for the lawyer at crunches minutes later he arrived and sat down “Gretel the last time you called me on a date you slapped your teacher what did you do this time “nothing I just want to sue someone ” who? your father ” no some blogger she showed him the pictures “wow this is huge but can you prove this wrong ” you are my lawyer just do your job pls “no problem, just stay out of trouble he walked out of the room just then Gretel noticed how busy keila was eating ” Kiela did you come with me “yes I did, isn’t that simeon she said pointing to where simeon sat with a girl ” his girlfriend is realy pretty “I know her that’s Anna ” wait Anna James . “the anna who beat you in the first final u competed”. “whatever lets go “. As they stood up simeon noticed Gretel he excused his friend and walked toward’s Gretel ” hey girlfriend “you saw the news ” yes i did “wow am so invincible”, keila said ” hy k ” please ignore me. ” u saw the news and you find it funny?. ” i do ” whatever, am going “why ” I thought you where with your girlfriend shes waiting bye Simeon draws her back ” but you just got here “that’s non of your business ” Gretel are you jealous? “why would I be jealous “so why are you acting up we are supposed to be friends “am leaving have fun. She dragged keilas hand and they left Simeon returned to where he sat “I think your girlfriend is mad ” pls don’t start right now Gretel and keila walked into the car and keila drove off “do you like simeon “no I don’t ” greteeeel ? ” nooo. ” then why was jealousy written all over you Gret “I was just annoyed because of the blogger that’s all nothing much . “if you say so”. They both drove home ********** ? Hoffman groups ?? Mr Hoffman was in his office when his assistant walked in “how’s the preparation?. “to avoid insults sir maybe you should let Mr Isaac control the construction”. ” the president personaly put me in charge of everything including the funds”. “Mr Isaac now has strong grounds to take control from you base on social norms he persists that a man who can’t control his family can’t handle social property”. “I have 80 private universities what is he telling me”. ” It seems like you haven’t seen the news sir your daughter is all over the place and this is a filth to your image”. He showed Mr Hoffman the pictures and Mr Hoffman was so angry “I can’t believe Gretel “,he shouted ” the idiot who did this I want him arrested and if the law is too sluggish you know what to do”. ” I do sir. “am going home I need to meet that little devil and ask her what I have done to her”. *********? Sims house simeon was in his sitting room as he watched television suddenly his phone rang it was his father “simeon ? “dad “I sent you back home and told you to live like you don’t exist you know how much I hate scandals”. ” at least the scandal made you call me . ” am a busy man son am building all these empire’s for you” “for me or for yourself I already lost mom but i feel like you are dead too “. He drops the call and switched off the television Mr standford dropped the call too and continued his work in his office Meanwhile simeon was about going to his room when A maid walked in with his drugs simeon took it from her and drank it he then went upstairs ?********* Hoffman’s house. Gretel was busy listening to some blues in her room she didn’t know when her father came back Mr Hoffman walked angrily into the parlour where his wife sat ” welcome honey, would have called you but my phone has been hanging all day just sent for a new one, how was your day did you secure the contract ” i lost this contract worth millions, millions ” no problem your construction industry is still in charge of so many federal constructions loosing one is not a big deal, but I thought you already had this covered . ” Mr Isaac has been doing everything possible to be awarded the contract now Gretel has helped him push me Down haven’t you seen the news Mr president called me and told me to leave the contract to Isaac since I would be too busy training my child and managing my home imagine that ” I don’t understand our home is under control ” but your daughter is not He handed over his phone to her with the pictures ” I can’t believe this what if this picture was photoshopped or anything ” I hope so for your daughters sake He called one of the maids who went upstairs to Gretels room and knocked ” who is it She opens the door ” good evening ” you knocked wrongly you should only knock once and wait do you know how much It took me to redesign this door to my taste?!!, infact you shouldnt touch my door with your bare hands anymore and inform other maids too am the only one allowed to touch my door you guys might get me infected. ” how do we call you ma, should we Use the bell ” you would infect that too listen carefully when you get to the door you say” I need your presence beautiful Gretel”, repeat “I need your presence Gretel “. ‘ am I ugly ? “sorry “whatever y are you here ” your dad is calling you “why are you so daft why didn’t you tell me since She rushed downstairs she saw her father’s face and knew it would be a scary night “yes dad “gretel, can you explain this “finally you saw it “gretel!!!!!! ” its nothing dad “so it is photoshopped ” well ,not fully ” where you in this guys house at this time? “well yes, but… ” are you the one tying the towel? ” well ,yes but? “but what you just cost me a federal appointment” “let me explain dad its not what you think. “you are grounded for a week”. “you can’t do that I have classes tomorow”. “I forgot you now tell me what to do”. ” whatever . she tries walking up to her room ” you want me to ground you in your room so you can start playing music for me. ” what!!!!!. ” come with me He drags Gretel into the compound and went down to the 6th building in the big estate Mrs hoffman followed him he unlocked the door and pushed Gretel inside ” but no one is here dad ” good so u have enough time to think about your life the maids would bring your food “honey you can’t lock Gretel here this place is too lonely “its time we started training this girl Gretel dragged her mothers hand ” mum please I can’t stay here”, she starts crying Mr Hoffman pushed her inside and locked the door Gretel still called out to her mother from the window when the couple got inside Mrs hoffman was so furious but she knew her husband had a dangerous temper “I know you are angry but you can’t make rash decisions in anger “I need a shower “how can you shower when you locked Gretel into a big duplex where no one has been in for years and she is not even with her phone or laptop ” I am trying to train that girl ” what did she do even if the picture was real and so what? isn’t she a teenager can’t she have a boyfriend didn’t I have a boyfriend didn’t you have a girlfriend you didn’t even let her explain herself what kind of a father are you ” ciara you will mind how you talk to me i am still in charge and my word is law ” I know the man I married you are not mad about Gretels immorality you are just angry that you lost the contract to someone your pride has realy gotten the best of you ” I am here trying to train that little child of yours how can a 17 year old girl create a sex scandal ” its not a sex scandal its a picture of her and her friend and I find nothing wrong ” gretel will sleep there and that’s final ” I respect all your policies I avoid the press because you think i might say the wrong stuff, I still stay home and maintain the position of a house wife with all my certificates you don’t involve me in your financial decisions you always place you business first I don’t complain but if you think I will keep quiet and watch my daughter sufer you must be kidding ” ok you are free to open the door He walked into the compound and dropped the key into the swimming pool ” I have a spare key when I realize that Gretel has learnt her lesson I will open the door. I will still ensure that she is fed very well and that’s final He walked upstairs into his room Mrs hoffman ran over to the house where she called Gretel from the window and Gretel oppened the lowest window where she saw her mom standing her mother took her hands ” mum you don’t understand am scared I can’t stay here the lights are shaking ” am sorry Gretel maybe your mom can’t do anything anymore she starts crying ” mum I didn’t do anything wrong I promise ” I know, and i trust you becsuse i love you ” thanks mum ” so What’s his NAme ? ” (smilling ) simeon?. ” he’s realy cute isn’t he. ” no he’s not I don’t think so . They both laugh Hours later ” mum you have to go its getting late you might get hurt ‘I want to stay with you till morning. ” no mum pls go I don’t want you to stay here. “ok dear I love you I promise to let you out tommorow even If its the last thing I do “. “I love you “. Mrs hoffman walked a few miles till she got to their main house Just then the lights shaked again Gretel got more scared she tried pushing the door but it didn’t work she sat back on the floor her body was shaking Mrs hoffman couldn’t sleep She lay in the couch Gretel was still awake when suddenly the lights went off she became more scared the building looked bigger and darker Gretels mind couldn’t handle the terror Gretel instantly fainted Early in the morning Mr hoffman had already gone to work without even eating Mrs hoffman was just waking up she went to his room but he wasn’t there she ran to the 6th building and called Gretel but no one answerred she believed gretel was sleeping she came to the house and called one of the maids to send breakfast to gretel The Maid placed the food on the table close to the window she believed Gretel would wake up and eat She returned to the main mansion Mrs hoffman placed a call to her husband ” I am very busy right now ” where is the key ” I would release Gretel when I get home she has learnt her lesson he cuts the call Light opens in keilas house as she rushed into the living room wearing a blue Jean white top and a white canvas her mum was sitting there watching t. V ” keila where are you going to ” mum , ave not heard from gretel so l want to visit her ” I don’t want you around that girl anymore evil communication corrupts good manners ” gretel is not corrupt what are you saying mom ” she’s not corrupt yet she creates a sex scandal ” you are realy getting old mum its not a sex scandal ” you need to concentrate on your ballet practice finals Is coming up I don’t know why you are still close with Gretel she is your biggest competition ” gretel is not competing mom soooo am going to visit my best friend have fun ” greet Mrs hoffman for me “I will mom. She ran into the compound where she took her car and drove directly to Gretels house when she got into the parlour she saw Mrs hoffman who sat uncomfortably on the the chair ” hy mrs hoffman She tries running upstairs ” she’s not there k ” did she go out cos we don’t have classes today but we have practice “gretel was grounded yesterday night ” if she was not locked up in her room where is she ” In the other building the 6th one ” no you didn’t She rushes out of the parlour Mrs hoffman rushes after her ” why do you look so scared ” gretel hates being alone in the dark not to talk of being alone in such a big house, the last time we locked her up in the locker room she had a break down ” what !!!!!”, mrs hoffman shouted ❤❤❤❤????? @LadyG @Henrymary call others
29 May 2020 | 20:06
As you can see
29 May 2020 | 20:21
This is serious mr Hoffman, u ar making a mistake, dnt kill ur duta o. My ppl make una show o, @ele1 @henrymary @emmy01 @fb-danieledem @kingvictor @thecomely @phemloid @atermarial @prosper @emreks @maths @timson7373 @kelly-kelvin @harzaroboy @senatordaniel @ugonnadeyoungestwrite.
30 May 2020 | 06:56
Abeg make she stay ther small by now she go don learn her lesson
30 May 2020 | 15:18
31 May 2020 | 18:16
His father is so mean
1 Jun 2020 | 11:31
celine and hoffman by chindinma jerry episode 10 Mrs hoffman ran faster When the got to the sixth building keila saw the food which was placed through the window she called on Gretel but no one answered her Mrs hoffman called Gretel again but it had no avail ” where is the key to this fucking door!!!!!! “, KeilA shouted almost in tears Mrs hoffman called one of the maids who got her water she poured the water in through the window hopping Gretel would wake up but it was to no avail Mrs hoffman instantly ran into her car and drove off keila was still calling Gretel but Gretel didn’t move a hair She moved to where they maids stood ” am realy scared is there anyway we can break through this door ” no that’s impossible the iron is realy strong Keila walked back to the window ” gretel its me keila your best friend you need to wake up so we can go to the mall I saw this new shoe in the internet and I know you will like it pls just stand up now “,Kiela starts sobbing… **********? Meanwhile Mrs hoffman was very close to Hoffman’s group she walked into the company people took pictures of her some wondered why she looked so pathetic she walked straight into Mr Hoffman’s office but he wasn’t there she met his assistant . ” Mrs hoffman what an unpleasant surprise you look so unkept and the press won’t ignore this.. ” where is that idiot? ” who? ” where is my husband ? ” he is in a board meeting ” he is in a board meeting While my daughter is dying… She rushed out she tried runing into the conference room but the security won’t let her She succeeded in pushing the guy as she walked into the room Mr Hoffman was so surprised Cameras where shooting reporters where Writting Mrs hoffman walked toward where her husband stood ” give me the key ” what is the meaning of this She carried an empty chair and threw it on the glass table all the board members stood up ” what are you doing ” give me the key!!!! She shouted She carried another chair and hit it directly on the projector which broke into pieces Mr Hoffman borought out the key and handed over to her ” pray nothing happens to gretel “,She rushed out. The press rushed Mr Hoffman MR HOFFMAN WHAT Is GOING ON DOES YOUR WIFE HAVE MENTAL ISSUES ARE YOU HAVING FAMILLY CHALLENGES HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SOLVE THIS PROBLEM YOU WIFE HAS DESTROYED THINGS WORTH TOTAL OF 14 MILLION WHEN WILL THE MEETING BE RESHEDULED Mr Hoffman didn’t reply anybody with the help if his guards he success fully passed through the crowd of reporters Leaving them with few words ” I am so sorry for this, the meeting will be rescheduled for next week Thank you He ran out into the compound he took his car and drove home Mrs hoffman went directly to the 6th house when she got home she unlocked the door and with keilas help the rushed Gretel to the hospital both keila and Mrs hoffman couldn’t stop their tears When they got to the hospital the press rushed them the nurses took Gretel, keila followed them in while MrS Hoffman tried to get past the press with the help of some security guards MRS HOFFMAN CAN YOU EXPLAIN THE SCANDAL YOU CAUSED TODAY MRS HOFFMAN WHAT IS THE CAUSE OF GRETElS CONDITION IS GRETELS CONDITION RELATED TO YOUR DISPLSY AT HOFFMANS GROUP TODAY Mrs hoffman ignored all the questions as she ran into the hospital where she met saw keila who was sitted waiting for the doctor she sat beside keila Just then Mr Hoffman ran into the hospital ” what happened to my gretel ” you, you happened Just then the doctor came out ” doctor what’s wrong ” gretel fainted as a result of fear and shock which was immense I have given her enough medication to help her wake in few hours time if she doesn’t then we should all be afraid ” but Gretel will be okay right ” she has to Just then keilas parents arrived keilas mother moved over to Mrs hoffman while the father went to Mr Hoffman After their discussion they left with keila Mr Hoffman walked towards his wife ” am realy sorry, I didn’t plan for this. ” why didn’t you listen to me other men listen to their wives Or even their daughters ” am realy sorry I don’t know what came over me She hugged her husband and they both sat down together ********? Simeon was listening to the news as he heard the reporter read out GRETEL HOFFMAN HAS BEEN RUSHED TO THE HOSPITAL NO ONE KNOWS WHATS GOING ON WITH HER HEALTH THE HOFFMAN FAMILY IS REAllY GOING THROUGH A BIG MESS MRS HOFFMAN DESTROYS PROPERTY WORTH 15 MILLION IN HER HUSBANDS COMPANY THIS PROVES OUR SUSPICION SHE MAY BE MENTALLY DISORDERED SIMEON SWiTCHED of his television he was worried about Gretel but he was still confused about visiting her *******? Danny’s suite back in the suite on Sandra and Mr king sat over juice. ” Danny’s family is realy on fire ” if Danny sees this he would go home and compromise this shoot we can’t just waste this trip here ” I guess he doesn’t have too that’s why I successfully stole his phone ” you are so smart now i would give him a small one to manage for just this few days Just then Danny knocked on the door ” guys you can’t Believe this am looking for my phone ” is this your SIM card I found it on the floor ” wow thank God the thief can keep the phone i need to place an order ” I have a spare phone with me when we are done with the shoot you can now get another phone all this online shoping its not safe ” yes you are right he collects the phone and successfully put his SIM card ” I like this phone better at least am free from the internet gossips Sandra : yes dats right . *******? Hospital…. the Hoffman’s still sat quietly in te reception untill a nurse directed them to the room where Gretel lay So both of them went in and sat beside her ? ” gretel will never forgive me ” she might sue you again Both of them laughed ” I just hope she would wake up I already miss her The doctor walked in ” you don’t have anything to worry about she will wake up soon ” thank you doctor @LadyG @Henrymary call others
2 Jun 2020 | 18:58
3 Jun 2020 | 11:17
Mr Mrs Hoffman u better thank ur Chi o. Sandra i dnt like d way u handling d whole tin, family 1st if u dnt kn.
3 Jun 2020 | 11:28
Guys @ele1 emmy01 @fb-danieledem @emreks @henrymary @timson7373 @phemloid @harzaroboy @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @thecomely @kelly-kelvin @maths @prosper @hormortoyior @atermarial new episode.
3 Jun 2020 | 11:38
Danny would japa if he hears what befell his sisto @stonez thanks for d i.v
3 Jun 2020 | 13:07
@fb-ubikyle @fb-milesoz @fb-hunwisamuel @paddy2x @sheegokeys @emmy01 @iphemloid @royalgold @lawman-2 @maths @appleboi
3 Jun 2020 | 13:10
Sandra that is smart of u
3 Jun 2020 | 13:14
Ride on
3 Jun 2020 | 16:28
3 Jun 2020 | 23:39
celine and hoffman episode 11 Danny walked out of the setting where he was shooting he saw Sandra and king sitting in front of his car Sandra handed him a bottle water ” lets go home ” thought you wanted to thank celine ” am tired you guys can meet the girl just relay my thanks ” why? ‘ I just Said am tired secondly I don’t think that kind of environment will suite my health ” you are not just tired Danny I think it’s your pride stepping in ” call it whatever i am going home with my car you both might as well trek since u left ur car at the hotel Danny entered the car and drove off ” someone would have thought Danny has changed ” lets go I realy want to see this girl They took a cab and drove away soon they got to Celines house Both of them walked into the compound Celine was already inside the room her mum sat outside ” good afternoon ma ” oo Celines friend you are welcome ” thanks ma this is my friend ” good afternoon ma ‘ you are welcome lemme call Celine She walked into the house and called Celine, she rushed out with no glasses ” good afternoon ” Celine how are you”, Sandra said ” am fine . ” I have heard so much about you dear”, mr king said Celine ( smiles ) she looked out the gate as though she expected for someone ” Danny didnt come ” ooh ” he sent us to come and thank you he is realy busy with work ” you didnt have to, i just did what’s right ” but he is realy very grateful to you Celine for what you did ” no problem am realy good at finding stuffs from that water anywAy she smilled ” we just came to show our gratitude my dear ” you are welcome ” we would be leaving Celine walked them out she suddenly felt bad while returning home, she wondered why She wanted to see Danny Mr king and Sandra trekked forward ” that girl is very beautiful oooh my God ” yes She is ” I mean her skin is so radiant her figure is killing and her natural hair is just very perfect I think I just found Salvador a perfect model for his new creams commercial ” I thought jeniffer or miranda was gonna do it ” you don’t understand this girl is perfect I mean she is poor still her skin is this great so if she now applies the cream for like two months before the showcase can you imagine what she would look like ” a mermaid ” a goddess ” I don’t think Celine would agree ” yea that’s the problem **********? Hospital. # Gretel just oppened her eyes Mr and Mrs hoffman where so glad they both hugged her ” gretel how do you feel ” I feel weak what happened ” it doesn’t matter you are all right now ” am sorry dear for locking you in ” am sorry too dad ” you will be fine # # simeon drove to the hospital to see Gretel when he got to the hospital the press rushed over to him IS GRETEL REALY YOUR LOVER? SIMEON embraced the microphone as he spoke I will gladly like to clear the air Gretel Hoffman is not my girlfriend or lover she is just my classmate there was a situation in which Gretel was soiled on a rainy day her driver went to take care of his dying son so i saved Gretel from the rain she changed in my house to avoid catching a cold and she went home I will still provide visible proves to back up what I just stated IF GRETEL IS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND THEN WHO IS ” gretel hoffman is not girl friend rather Anna James is my girlfriend thank you”. THANKS FOR CLEARING THE AIR WE LOOK FORWARD TO THE REST OF THE EVIDENCE ” thank you. He walked into the hospital just then Gretel was coming out with her parents ” good day sir, ma ” how are you ?”, mrs Hoffman asked ” isn’t that the boy from the scandal”, mr Hoffman asked ” honey lets wait in the car”, mrs Hoffman said And they both walked out “hey”, simeon said ” hy ,how are you. ” am sorry I didn’t take the news serious at first I would have cleared the air before it resulted to this. ” its ok am realy glad you came. Both of them walked out of the hospital Gretel joined her parents while simeon drove home ********? Celine sat beside her mother ” mummy what did you say aunty Brigitta said”, Celine asked ” Celine you realy want to better your life right? ” yes ma but I won’t kill you and dad if you can’t afford it. ” I don’t see us affording it my dear that’s why I think we should follow Brigittas idea”. ” ma, what did she say?. “she can get you work as a house help with good accommodation and in a very rich family she already said she has been in charge of providing them with good house helps and the pay is high she Blvd that with her connection and your good behaviour you might be sent to school because the family owns a private university… ” wow this is good and even if they don’t send me I can save up after a year and start something ” you are right dear I already spoke to your father so the decision is left for you Brigitta will be traveling soon so decide fast so you can follow her. ” ma, I don’t want to leave you ” do you want to suffer like me and end up like me ?,you need to work hard so we can raise our standard of living ” I will think about it. ” ok my dear. Celine stood up and walked out she walked into the bed room ********? Danny’s suite # In the front yard of Danny’s suite Danny sat separately from Sandra and king who gisted themselves ” so you guys won’t tell me how the visit was ” you didn’t ask, anyways we need to give some material present to that girl i would have given her money but she might see it as an insult ” all right , you are right ” secondly she helped you clear your name now people believe you are as humble as anything ” Danny Celine is a God sent to you in a way ” ok I have heard, you guys would take a present there tomorow ” I have a date tommorrow ” I need to make my hair am occupied ” you guys are doing this on purpose you just want to stress me ” we would love to help you but we are busy secondly what’s too hard for Danny Hoffman to do ” fine I will do it myself, my shoot is ending tommorow so I will be traveling back soon I don’t know for you guys. ” you don’t know for us, do we live here? ” whatever, ” that reminds me I forgot to tell you that I am one of perfect whites consultant for the beauty hunt ” great so pick Jennifer ” Jennifer didn’t apply but I want Celine if Celine gives me her hands I will take her to the moon ” that’s what you told me but am still here , but…. which celine are you talking about the commoner and troublesome girl ” exactly ” without a doubt she Is beautiful but judging from her dress sense she won’t do it ” their advert is just to open I mean the model is totally naked ” what did you see the water covers her body ” what about the camera man, make up artist and editor even the manager they see everything ” you are so encouraging Sandra ” am saying the truth someone like Celine can’t do it she is too decent for it ” someone like Celine, someone like Celine is she virgin Mary or doesn’t anyone see her nakedness am sure some guy out there is already tired of seeing her nakedness, or is she a virgin again ..”, mr king added. ” its not true pls.. ” this village girls who are beautiful are the worst oooh you can use pure water to sleep with them ” stop prying into somebody’s private life you guys are really getting jobless nowadays am out of here “, danny said He stood up and walked into his room ********? Gretel was with her parents in the sitting room when keila called “hey. ” turn on your tv gret. ” ok She picked the remote And dropped the call she clicked on the live show going on at simeons house The speaker turned to the audience simeon here promised us some evidence to back up his claims about the scandal That’s what this life show is all about as all the parties involved in this scandal are present so sit tight and don’t touch that dial First lets have a word with the head Maid Mr Hoffman was realy impressed with what simeon did ” Gretel your friend is doing everything he can to clear your name he is a good one “. Gretel smiled. ❤❤??? @LadyG @Henrymary
8 Jun 2020 | 03:46
Oh my goodness u guys shud take celine 4 dat advert pls, nd simeon u b better pikin fynnnn boy, e b like u go sabi d in mmmmm, Nice one.
8 Jun 2020 | 07:20
Frnds nd well wishers new epi. o. @ele1 @fb-danineledem @emmy01 @phemloid @thecomely @maths @harzaroboy @atermarial @paddyx2 @kelly-kelvin @timson7373 pls cal others.
8 Jun 2020 | 07:29
@Ladyg thanks 4 the iv.
8 Jun 2020 | 09:30
celine and hoffman episode 11 Danny walked out of the setting where he was shooting he saw Sandra and king sitting in front of his car Sandra handed him a bottle water ” lets go home ” thought you wanted to thank celine ” am tired you guys can meet the girl just relay my thanks ” why? ‘ I just Said am tired secondly I don’t think that kind of environment will suite my health ” you are not just tired Danny I think it’s your pride stepping in ” call it whatever i am going home with my car you both might as well trek since u left ur car at the hotel Danny entered the car and drove off ” someone would have thought Danny has changed ” lets go I realy want to see this girl They took a cab and drove away soon they got to Celines house Both of them walked into the compound Celine was already inside the room her mum sat outside ” good afternoon ma ” oo Celines friend you are welcome ” thanks ma this is my friend ” good afternoon ma ‘ you are welcome lemme call Celine She walked into the house and called Celine, she rushed out with no glasses ” good afternoon ” Celine how are you”, Sandra said ” am fine . ” I have heard so much about you dear”, mr king said Celine ( smiles ) she looked out the gate as though she expected for someone ” Danny didnt come ” ooh ” he sent us to come and thank you he is realy busy with work ” you didnt have to, i just did what’s right ” but he is realy very grateful to you Celine for what you did ” no problem am realy good at finding stuffs from that water anywAy she smilled ” we just came to show our gratitude my dear ” you are welcome ” we would be leaving Celine walked them out she suddenly felt bad while returning home, she wondered why She wanted to see Danny Mr king and Sandra trekked forward ” that girl is very beautiful oooh my God ” yes She is ” I mean her skin is so radiant her figure is killing and her natural hair is just very perfect I think I just found Salvador a perfect model for his new creams commercial ” I thought jeniffer or miranda was gonna do it ” you don’t understand this girl is perfect I mean she is poor still her skin is this great so if she now applies the cream for like two months before the showcase can you imagine what she would look like ” a mermaid ” a goddess ” I don’t think Celine would agree ” yea that’s the problem **********? Hospital. # Gretel just oppened her eyes Mr and Mrs hoffman where so glad they both hugged her ” gretel how do you feel ” I feel weak what happened ” it doesn’t matter you are all right now ” am sorry dear for locking you in ” am sorry too dad ” you will be fine # # simeon drove to the hospital to see Gretel when he got to the hospital the press rushed over to him IS GRETEL REALY YOUR LOVER? SIMEON embraced the microphone as he spoke I will gladly like to clear the air Gretel Hoffman is not my girlfriend or lover she is just my classmate there was a situation in which Gretel was soiled on a rainy day her driver went to take care of his dying son so i saved Gretel from the rain she changed in my house to avoid catching a cold and she went home I will still provide visible proves to back up what I just stated IF GRETEL IS NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND THEN WHO IS ” gretel hoffman is not girl friend rather Anna James is my girlfriend thank you”. THANKS FOR CLEARING THE AIR WE LOOK FORWARD TO THE REST OF THE EVIDENCE ” thank you. He walked into the hospital just then Gretel was coming out with her parents ” good day sir, ma ” how are you ?”, mrs Hoffman asked ” isn’t that the boy from the scandal”, mr Hoffman asked ” honey lets wait in the car”, mrs Hoffman said And they both walked out “hey”, simeon said ” hy ,how are you. ” am sorry I didn’t take the news serious at first I would have cleared the air before it resulted to this. ” its ok am realy glad you came. Both of them walked out of the hospital Gretel joined her parents while simeon drove home ********? Celine sat beside her mother ” mummy what did you say aunty Brigitta said”, Celine asked ” Celine you realy want to better your life right? ” yes ma but I won’t kill you and dad if you can’t afford it. ” I don’t see us affording it my dear that’s why I think we should follow Brigittas idea”. ” ma, what did she say?. “she can get you work as a house help with good accommodation and in a very rich family she already said she has been in charge of providing them with good house helps and the pay is high she Blvd that with her connection and your good behaviour you might be sent to school because the family owns a private university… ” wow this is good and even if they don’t send me I can save up after a year and start something ” you are right dear I already spoke to your father so the decision is left for you Brigitta will be traveling soon so decide fast so you can follow her. ” ma, I don’t want to leave you ” do you want to suffer like me and end up like me ?,you need to work hard so we can raise our standard of living ” I will think about it. ” ok my dear. Celine stood up and walked out she walked into the bed room ********? Danny’s suite # In the front yard of Danny’s suite Danny sat separately from Sandra and king who gisted themselves ” so you guys won’t tell me how the visit was ” you didn’t ask, anyways we need to give some material present to that girl i would have given her money but she might see it as an insult ” all right , you are right ” secondly she helped you clear your name now people believe you are as humble as anything ” Danny Celine is a God sent to you in a way ” ok I have heard, you guys would take a present there tomorow ” I have a date tommorrow ” I need to make my hair am occupied ” you guys are doing this on purpose you just want to stress me ” we would love to help you but we are busy secondly what’s too hard for Danny Hoffman to do ” fine I will do it myself, my shoot is ending tommorow so I will be traveling back soon I don’t know for you guys. ” you don’t know for us, do we live here? ” whatever, ” that reminds me I forgot to tell you that I am one of perfect whites consultant for the beauty hunt ” great so pick Jennifer ” Jennifer didn’t apply but I want Celine if Celine gives me her hands I will take her to the moon ” that’s what you told me but am still here , but…. which celine are you talking about the commoner and troublesome girl ” exactly ” without a doubt she Is beautiful but judging from her dress sense she won’t do it ” their advert is just to open I mean the model is totally naked ” what did you see the water covers her body ” what about the camera man, make up artist and editor even the manager they see everything ” you are so encouraging Sandra ” am saying the truth someone like Celine can’t do it she is too decent for it ” someone like Celine, someone like Celine is she virgin Mary or doesn’t anyone see her nakedness am sure some guy out there is already tired of seeing her nakedness, or is she a virgin again ..”, mr king added. ” its not true pls.. ” this village girls who are beautiful are the worst oooh you can use pure water to sleep with them ” stop prying into somebody’s private life you guys are really getting jobless nowadays am out of here “, danny said He stood up and walked into his room ********? Gretel was with her parents in the sitting room when keila called “hey. ” turn on your tv gret. ” ok She picked the remote And dropped the call she clicked on the live show going on at simeons house The speaker turned to the audience simeon here promised us some evidence to back up his claims about the scandal That’s what this life show is all about as all the parties involved in this scandal are present so sit tight and don’t touch that dial First lets have a word with the head Maid Mr Hoffman was realy impressed with what simeon did ” Gretel your friend is doing everything he can to clear your name he is a good one “. Gretel smiled. ❤❤???
8 Jun 2020 | 10:46
Naso Am loving this story
8 Jun 2020 | 10:47
@LadyG @Henrymary
8 Jun 2020 | 10:48
Abeg let celine do it biko
8 Jun 2020 | 14:22
@Ladyg by dat thing u mean simeon knows how to clear pipo mames right?
8 Jun 2020 | 14:23
Hmmmm. Obesarvletion mode
8 Jun 2020 | 16:24
@ladyg Thanks
8 Jun 2020 | 16:29
My celine is going to hoffman uni who's with me..........
9 Jun 2020 | 17:28
celine and hoffman episode 12 Gretel smilled The interviewer continued. ” good day madam”. “good day “. “what can you tell us about Gretel Hoffman “. ” I don’t know who that is. She showed her a picture of Gretel “ooh the pretty girl who came on the rainy day”. S” how long has she been visiting”. ” I ave never seen her it was only on that day in fact I was the one who gave her the towel she tied while the maids washed her uniform”. “thank you”. The speaker turns to the audience so now someone should join me to wonder what kind of lover or sex partner or girlfriend never visits Some of us may ask y didn’t Gretel go home The driver is here to clear that “good day sir ” good day ” pls tell us why you didn’t you take Gretel home ” I called Gretel on phone when I heard of my sons accident she told me to go that she would call me after class “ok “in my haste I forgot my phone in the car and ran into the hospital and that should be when Gretel called . ” so by what time did you enter the hospital “12 pm ” by what time did you realize her call ” 3:50 but the call started from 2 pm ” thank you I will like to talk to a staff from prestigious ” Good day ma ” good day ” pls by what time is the gate closed on Thursdays ” by 2 ” thank you Lastly I will talk to simeon ” simeon by what time did you pick up gretel and why ” the rain was heavy Gretel was realy soiled and there was no sign of her driver coming so I had to help her it was by 2:30 ” thank you The speaker turns to the audience Now the story is easily narrated Gretels driver left to visit his sick son in the hospital and he forgot his phone in the car though he took permission from gretel and she promised to call him when she needed his services, when Gretel called her driver He didn’t pick up she waited for him outside till the heavy rain started when she tried runing back into the school compound the gate was locked few minutes later SIMEon arrived and took Gretel to his house his maid handed her a towel as they washed her cloths simeon being a nice guy lended his “girlfriends” cloth to gretel which she wore and waited for her driver who came and picked her immiediately after he saw the call pls what is so wrong in this scene I believe that next time before we nail someone we should be sure of what we are saying lastly I will refer to the blogger who started this whole thing ” what do you have to say ” am sorry Gretel am sorry to the Hoffman’s family I wasn’t sure of what I saw and I spoilt an innocent girls reputation please forgive me ” with this the live show comes to an end Gretel switched of the television and hieved a sigh of relieve ” I cant believe i didnt even let you explain dear am sorry ” its all right dad ” come here She hugged her father and her mother joined them *********? SIMEON was sitting down in the living room few minute after the show was over and to his greatest surprise his father walked into the living room ” hy dad what a surprise ” how are you “I am good ” I came to confirm whether my house had finally become a media house ” I thought as much you can never realy come to visit me Mr standford sat down on the chair ” I dont know what you love about this place why did you leave the state’s ” what’s the point I lived with you but I still felt like I lived alone so I thought maybe i should just live alone Just then Mr standford saw the drug on the table ” what’s this drug for ” nothing it’s just supplements ” well then eat better ” ok ” I am leaving son , got a meeting with Carl. ” good bye.. he stood up and took one of the drugs which simeon didn’t notice him slip into his pocket He then walked out of the house SIMEON lay back on the couch *********? Celine was sweeping the compound when her mother walked in all dressed up ” are you going out?. ” I want to go to the market”. “ok, mama I have thought about what we talked about and I am willing to do the job so please inform aunty b”. “no problem, I will call Brigitta When I get out. “ok . ********? # Mr and Mrs hoffman walked into the living room where gretel sat ” why are you both dressed up I thought you where baby sitting me ” the maids will take care of you but for now i will like to go on a date with my wife ” wow happy honeymoon ” don’t forget to eat well when you are hungry and do not go out ” wow am stuck home alone ” have fun The couple walked out Gretel was looking for a good channel in the tv to watch when a the head Maid walked in ” Gretel someone is looking for you ” who is it? ” you better check yourselve dear ” thank you She walked into the compound where she saw SIMEON all though she didn’t see his face because he faced his car she still recognized him ” simeon? SIMEON turned ” hey !! Gretel drags him into the house ” someone might see you ” you are realy funny am not hiding you are still my friend ” why are you here ” won’t I sit ” sorry He sat down ” what are you doing here ” I was worried about you secondly I heard you didn’t come to school too ” ooo well as you can see am totally fine… and I saw the news thank you”. ” you are welcome gorgeous, get well soon school is boring without you ” what did miss about me ” everything ” nice ( she smilled ) ” you are missing the best channel, here “, he stretched his hands and picked the remote by Gretels side …. Gretel swallowed at how close he came….just then she traced his eye from the remote to her face ….then down her lips… She gently moved her lips without saying any words… She looked at him . “Uhhmmm well the channel…”, she tried moving to take the remote but he held her hands and kissed her lips….Gretel opened her eye wide , what was going on….She still kissed him back…after a whike the both unlocked from the kiss… She looked up and down innocently as her link lips brightened the moment.. Gretel scratched her hair gently ” well , uhmmm…. ” Gretel I like you , I can’t control it anymore , I really like you very much. ” but you just Met me. Simeon smiled. ” no I didn’t gret , I always loved you… ” but you are dating Anna right , I mean you said so. ” that’s a lie, I had to confuse the press. “Weeeeell…. ” Gretel just try me , give me a chance , I promise to be better than the later.. ” actually simeon I like you too and all ….you are really gorgeous and popular and amazing but.. ” it’s ok , don’t worry, don’t rush or force it just take your time I will respect your decisions. ” oh ok … Simeon smiled ” am sorry for stealing that kiss . ” oh its ok…. I understand. They both smiled and looked up to the television. ********? Celine house. Celine was sweeping the compound when chimezie walked in. ” what happened ?. ” they sent me home and we have test ” wear your shoe lets go to your school I hope that black short woman is not aroundz”. ” no she is not around its the fair one. ” lets go. she and chimezie walked out of the compound and headed for the school. Celine arrived and met with the woman in charge whom she discussed with. ” ma’am as I was saying our mother traveled and she promised to pay as soon as she comes back next tomorow ” why didn’t chimezie tell me this all right don’t worry, chimezie go back inside the class room ” thank you ma She walked out of the woman’s office. ********? Danny just finished shooting he walked towArds his car and called Sandra on phone ” Sandra ‘ good day sir ” the shoot is over am heading over to the suite ” I thought you had plans today I already sent you her location ” you are realy something. ********? New York . Mr Staffords mansion? the doctor walked in and met Mr Stafford at the living room ” thanks for coming doc. ” you sounded urgent ” it is”, mr Stafford said as he brings out the drug from his bag ” doctor what is this drug for?”, he asked The doctor took the drug from him ” who ever takes this is should be experiencing liver issues ” you can’t be serious take this to your hospital and give me certain information. ” all right sir The doctor walked away Mr Stafford headed for his bar where he drank very strong alcoholic drink. *********? Simeon arrived home where he met his Head maid who handed him his drug. ” simeon I think you should tell your father about your condition my dear”. ” I don’t want to, actually when I found out I was sick I was happy at least its a deadly disease which can kill me and reunite me with mum I knew dad will find out about the illness if I lived with him that’s why I came back here I never took any of the drugs prescribed to me I just waited for death to come, am still waiting ” simeon !!!!?. ” but I met someone, gretel Hoffman , She makes me want to live so that’s why I started taking those drugs if I don’t die I would like to live so I can be with that person…. ” then you have to call your father so your treatment can be taken serious”. ” ahhhhh its pointless, what’s the point, gretel might not love me back right, so who Will I live for. ” you can never realy tell simeon. ” you promised not to inform dad right I hope you keep your word I don’t want to involve him in this, he has an empire to take care of. “as you wish”, the maid said …. Lillian walks out ********? Danny was driving down the street when he saw celine trying to cross the streets he couldn’t believe his eyes He drove over to where she stood and stopped in front of her “hey!!!!!!.. Celine wasnt with her glasses so she couldn’t see the person in the car very clearly but she believed the person should be accorded some respect ” good evening sir “. ” hey c ,don’t you recognize me?. “what!!!!!. Danny came down from the the car and stood in front of her ” oh its the proud peacock”, she said gently. ” why didn’t you recognize me ” i recall you more with your height you know my sight isnt that great anyway… ” then y are you so clumsy to forget your glasses ?. ” Ave been surviving without it even before I got it, so…. She tried walking down Danny chased after her ” hey c ,stop waking down I stoped to talk to you. ” but what’s c for?. ” oh nothing just your name I am sure it starts with c ” its Celine”. ” well am Danny”. ” proud peacock. “commoner”, danny replied. ” whatever “, celine said. ” yea Windows “, danny replied as he leaned in his car. Celine sticked out her tongue and smirked at him Danny chuckled.
12 Jun 2020 | 19:10
episode 13 ummm, are you busy ?”,danny asked . ” no am not , why… ” actually , I want you to escort me some where “,… “no way , why Will I follow a proud peacock like you… ” ok no problem, do your wish… Celine tried to walk out when Danny placed a fake call , she stopped to listen to his call ” is this the commissioner of police, yes I was wondering how many years imprisonment someone gets for fraud”,…. ” hey , what are you doing ?… ” are you coming?”,… “no!!!!!!. ” sir a girl duped me of 30, 000 i believe the police force wont ignore this, yes her name is Celine and ….. ” ok, ok am coming with you… ” I didn’t hear you clearly ,you say whaaaat!!!!!!!?. ” i said am going with you “,celine said, .. almost hitting him to drop the phone. Danny dropped the phone and they entered the car Celine couldn’t help staring at Danny while he drove “I wish I could see his face clearly “, she said to herself. ?????? ” wow!, we are here… ” the mall!! ?”, celine asked ” no the parking lot , of courze the mall …. He took his face cap from the car and covered his face and they walked out Celine still stood outside the mall looking at the big door and the security standing there ” come on lets go”, danny said Celine ran behind him as Danny walked too fast . they walked into the mail and soon Danny headed for the health area “are you sick?”, celine asked him. “no am not, do I look sick?. Soon the got there a man came forward to attend to them ” I need something that can clear skin infections and bacteria ?. ” but you don’t look infected?”, celine said. ” I can give you cynameda… ” ok how much?. ” 50, 000 ” its too cheap it won’t work … ” all right, this one is power full , try this ” how much?. ” 100. 000″. “thank you”, danny said He took it from the man and they walked away then he handed it over to Celine ” what , why are you giving me this… ” I bought it for you”, danny said “what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ” stop screaming , that dirty water you put your hand into can get you infected so apply this on your hands and this on your leg while you drink this.. ” what !!!!!!!!!!! ” are you listening?… ” Jesus Christ of nazareth 100, 000 ?”,.. ” I thought it was too cheap too who knows if it would work”,. “What !!!!!, am returning this “, She dragged the bag from Danny and tried rushing back to health center but Danny drew her back “Hey , stop are troublesome”. ” this is too expensive ,blood of God…. ” no its not, am the one paying right?. ” ok ok let go of me I won’t return it “, Celine said “ok lets go “, danny replied Just as Danny left Celine, Celine tried running into the health center again Danny rushed after her and took her hand ” omg stop, you are embarrassing me( he looked around ) people will recognize me here. “you say what ?”… “nothing “… ” just let go off me ,let me return this drug, this money will buy my family house don’t you know!!!! ” don’t bother I already paid.. ” all right lets go , I won’t run “promise “promise Just as Danny let go off Celine she tried running off again this time Danny caught her and carried her up he covered Celines gown well and walked further ” hey ,let go !!!!!’, celine shouted “I won’t let you embarrass me”, danny said. Celine kicked her leg up and down she even resulted to pinching Danny ” if i drop you will you run?… “no no , i swear. ” ok He dropped Celine and this time celine didn’t run she was still embarrassed at how Danny carried her ” ok p , I accept the gift now , so let us go … She tries rushing out Danny drew her back again. “go?, when we just started shoping ” where to now? “to buy cloths … ” for who ?. “you soiled your cloths when you searched for my watch I am so sure you threw it out so it’s only write to replace it……. ” hahahahaha was i mad ? ” what !! ” nothing but , you don’t have to.. Am totally ok ..She gave him a thumb up and tried running out again This time Danny dragged her like a little child till the got to the boutique ” pick what you like… “ok . She walked about but she didn’t pick anything she was busy checking the price tags Soon a particular gown caught Danny’s eye it was red and pretty He picked the gown and headed over to where celine stood “what do you think?, pretty right ???…. Celine took the cloth from him and instantly checked the price 70, 000 Celine shouted “what!!!! “… “try it out”… ” well its too bright , no thank you.. She hastily hanged the gown.. “try it first ,please ??? Celine took the cloth and headed for the dressing room Later she came out wearing the gown she looked beautiful, danny was wowed he carefully checked her out ….she was indeed an angel. …. a troublesome Angel. “you look beAutiful “…. ” thank you, let’s go now “, she drags Danny’s hands ” I didn’t come all the way here to buy one cloth lets get more”….. ” can’t you see the price tags, don’t finish your money and get trapped in this village “, celine said with her hands on her ear. Danny laughed “what’s funny? ” nothing you are realy fun to be with, but my money can’t possibly finish , even if I buy this don’t be scared , shall we go. # # Danny picked every single female cloth that cought his eye and Celine chose the ones she liked Till they were done Danny and Celine went to make payments “how much ?…. Just then he remembered that the price might cause Celine to faint ” uhmmm no dnt worry just collect the cost “, danny said and handed over his credit card which the girl returned to him ” you look realy familiar sir ” no I don’t”, danny replied ” if not for one thing I would have Said you are Danny Hoffman….. “realy, so what’s the one thing… “am not with my glasses”,… she said ” smiles ) all right “, danny said . They walked out “so i heard you like danny , what do you like about Danny Hoffman is it his movies or what ? ” who told you I like Danny Hoffman ?.. ” sandra…. ” Ave not actually seen his movies, but he is my dream come true …. he is the only dream I keep having….I don’t even dream about my future….. I don’t like him for what he has …..I just like who he is….I will be really glad if I could meet that guy even once..u know i even fasted for that , I told the goddess to let me meet my heart throb even if it’s once….watch out proud peacock am going to meet him one day.. You already met him ,sily girl …. Danny thought to himself . ” which celebrity do you like?.. she asked Danny. ” I like myself … and Danny Hoffman too. Celine smiled happily. ” celine , danny hoffman … do you want to meet him ?… ” ohh my God yes, so muuuchh!! Danny smiled and They got into the car He drove Celine home when they got to the gate they both walked out. ” thank you am realy grateful”…Celine said . ” thanks too , and about meeting Danny Hoffman I can help you with that … “realy? “yes he is my friend in a way so I can call him to meet you as appreciation for finding my watch”, danny said ” stop kidding with me … ” am not kidding “… ” so how do I meet him and why would he want to meet me am a nobody, and secondly how do I act , uhmmm what do i say , i never met a star before … ” just be you , being you is enough to attract any Prince charming…. Celine smiles ” so tomorow by 3 you have to come to that spot where the watch got lost and don’t forget your glasses !!!!!!… ” I won’t, i hope this is not a prank i would beat you up if It is… she walked into the compound… Can i realy meet Danny Hoffman, would he want to see me, what would I do ,omg am already nervous “…..she said to herself ********? Danny’s suite. Danny got to the suite he walked into Mr king and Sandra eating “hey fam! ” i dont understand, why are you glowing?.. ” am calling Jennifer this is not normal for a distant partner “.. “cool down you guys ,it’s nothing, I would freshen up”…. He walked into his room where he smilled at every thought of his day with Celine, Danny was so happy he didn’t even know why Wow that girl is realy something else she totally made my day I wish I wasnt leaving yet He took his bath and walked out then he sat a distance away from from Mr king and Sandra he had a glass of wine in his hand Mr king and Sandra couldn’t help but notice Danny smilling to himself at regular intervals “I have everything set for our depature tommorow sir…. “ok that’s cool ” soo did you later meet Celine ” yes I met her and showed my appreciation too ” did you tell her about the modelling stuff ” it skipped my mind I will tell her later … ” that means you are meeting again… ” yea…. ????? What Is Danny’s plan Can he realy show himself to celine @LadyG @Henrymary
12 Jun 2020 | 19:15
episode 14 & 15 *********? 9am. Prestigious high school # The students gisted with one another when someone ringed the bell, They all stood up.. Susan shouted to the class “Come on lets go down the sport mistress is calling for the class!!! Soon the whole class got downstairs where they stood in front of the woman “good day students!!! “morning Mrs mira!!!!! ” I already got the memo ,and the chosen leads are ……Gretel Hoffman and simeon Stanford They whole class clapped Wow I didn’t know they were serious gretel said to herself ” all the girls will be on white shorts with their blue singlets and the guys will be on their blue shots and white singlets… ” any questions!!!!! SIMEON raised his hands ” yes Mr Stafford!!!! ‘I was wondering if you could change the male lead ?…. ” its too late Mr Stafford it has already been signed and stamped ” All students should be early on saturday this is our last fun trip before the finals its a two day trip both group a and group b should be made of 20 students each 10 male and ten female the students should join their favourite group I only got a list of 50 interested students out of 60 in senior high class A … everything has been set for this trip and we are being awaited I wish you all a fun trip. ” thank you Mrs mira!!!! ” least I forget no student should arrive with a body guard, a personal car or even a persorsonal Maid everyone leaves together in one bus am I understood!!!! ” yes Mrs mira The students walked in and Susan walked with gretel ” are you coming out for the ballet challange… ” no I don’t think so… “too bad I was ready to scream your name … “you wont compete”, gretel asked ” ” i cant compete i mean I am not ready….. ” keila is doing it anyway ,I am sure she’s winning….. ” Anna is competing ,keila is far behind her, keila cant win you are the only one who can compete Anna ….. ” am not sure Anna would compete but if she does then I have to make sure she doesn’t win…… Just then keila walked to them “Gretel I told you …. ” told me what?.. “you are the lead….. “yea you did…. ” so why does simeon want out anyway….. “simeon is an athlete I mean he gat this so I dont understand. “maybe he is sick or something… ” he is too cute to be sick… ” I have math right now… ” me too….. ” this trip is gonna be fun ….. ” its just two days… “whatever… *******? Staffords mansion # # Mr Stafford sat in his house as his door man opened the door for the doctor ” ave been waiting for your response for days… ” am sorry ave just been busy.. ” so what did you find out… ” if am correct that drug is a preventive measure to control the symptoms of liver failure who ever takes that drug is still at the beginning stage of this sickness because that’s only when the drug works as the sickness progresses that person would die as a resultant effect of the drug…… “what do you mean?… ” you shouldnt bother about this person because who ever takes that drug doesn’t want to get cured he is just delaying his death….. ” this is impossible …. ” i pray so, pls relay my warnings to this person those drugs will kill him in a surprising manner and the death would be painful… ” what can be done… ” they person should drop those drugs and commence treatment I think he can still be cured … “I believe you can handle this … “of course unless you refer to my competition in this field that person is doctor Jude of hoffman hospital….. ” thank you doctor ” don’t forget to warn that person to avoid hard athletic activities The doctor left Mr Stafford was in so much pain he couldn’t hold his tears he wonderred why simeon hated him so much to choose death over him *********? Keilas house . # keila walked into the living room “hey mom ” you are back star time relayed an invitation to you they want to interview all the competitors for the nationals ” that would be later mum i have a school game trip I would be back on Monday …. She turned to one of the maids “pls pack up my things … “yes ma. ” keila you have a compettion In a few days a big one and you are going for a school trip? ” mum I would be back… ” no, you won’t go anywhere.. ” realy mum, all you think about is yourself just because you were one of the world best ballerinas doesn’t mean I have to be one ……you never looked at me you never asked me what I want rather you pushed me into this right from when I was 5.. but I never complained I don’t want this I love singing but i guess you don’t realy care”,….. ” you need to make me proud in this competition my friends can’t laugh at me all your life you only won a single medal listen keila if you can win this competition i would let you do music ,I promise.. ” cross your heart?.. “I cross my heart “…. ” all right but am not missing this trip …. She ran into the room ********? Sims house . # simeon lay on the bed when his phone rang it was his father ” hello dad.. ” I don’t know how long you planned to hide this sickness from me … ” ooo you found out don’t worry am fine am getting treated.. “Its not enough I am coming down tomorow morning to pick you pack up we are leaving for the state’s… SIMEON angrily dropped the call and threw away his phone A Maid rushed in ” get out!!! The Maid ran out simeon packed up his school bag and walked into the compound where the head Maid ran towards him ” where are you going too ” I would stay in the hotel Mr Stafford would come here In the morning I can’t go with him at least not tomorow ” are you going to your suite ” maybe He drove off… *********? Anna’s house Mrs James sat in the living room with her daughter ” ave you picked your interview date?.. “yes mum.. “I believe you will not fail me in this final competition u won’t sit back and watch Gretel win again”…. ” no never mum”…. ” I hope you have gotten over the idea that you can do kimonis dance this time around I want you to learn my dance and do it”…. ” I will mum”…. ” good now go into the room and start practicing”…. ” I thought I would go to the mall”…. ” no mall today”. ********? Celines house… # Celines ran out of the compound fully dressed and she looked very good she realized she wasn’t with her glasses so she ran back to take it Meanwhile Danny just finished dressing up he checked his watch it was 3 o clock he ran into the living room ” where to?… ” no where just around “… He ran out and and drove of he got to the spot and waited for celine Celine grabbed her glasses and rushed into the compound ” I am so excited,” she said to herself am so excited she said to herzelf , her mother sat on the bench ” Celine I called Brigitta and told her your decision she will be traveling soon so better start packing up … ” ok mama .. She tried walking out “where did you say you are going to”… ” mama I want to…. ” wait lemme pick this call… Mrs eze put the phone in her ear and suddenly dropped the phone on the ground as she shouted ” omg , am finished , am finished …. ” what is it… “your father is at the hospital he had an accident come lets go”…. Celine ran out of the house with her mother who was already in tears .. ***********? Meanwhile Danny was still waiting he checked his watch and it was already 3:30 I can’t believe am waiting for someone he leaned on his car Soon Sandra and Mr king got there ” I prepared everything for your depature sir”… “ok”… ” are you waiting for someone?”,mr king asked … ” me noooo, I mean who can possibly make me wait I would miss this spot so I want to spend some time here before leaving….. ” as you wish we will be at the suite when you done call us so we can leave together … Mr king and Sandra stepped into the car and drove ” Danny is realy getting weird”, Sandra said ” whoever Danny is waiting for is realy special because the Danny I know doesn’t wait for anyone not even his own mother …. ” I wonder who it is”… “me too…. It began to drizzle Mr king and Sandra looked out the window and Danny was till leaning on his car ” you need to stop the car Danny would catch a cold”, Sandra Said ” leave him alone… “just stop the car first… ” some times you just have to let people be…. ” its drizzling… “its not heavy …. “Danny has a cold “…. ” look he just entered his car… “”thank God …. ” what a caring assistant I suspect something else.. ” look out, driver. Danny sat in his car He checked the time again and it wasn’t on his side he thought of driving away but he didn’t *************? Celine and her mother arrived at the hospital celine ran to meet the doctor as her mother sat down owing to weakness ” doctor how is my father ” he is in critical condition we have commenced first treatment but we won’t continue untill part of the bill is PAid ” how much ” just 40, 000 but you can pay in 20 for a start ” why, its just an accident ” your father is an old man with heart condition and diabetes after running some tests we also found Traces of hypertitis we need to treat him fully now to avoid any future break down ” pls you need to trust me and start the treatment I will get the money ” ok am trusting you dear I hope I dont regret it ” you won’t I promise She ran to where her mother sat the nurses where already attending to her as her blood pressure was already high she didn’t know how to tell her mum that they havent commenced full treatment yet.. ” what did the doctor say?.. ” he said dad is a strong man he will get well soon”… ” thank God .. ‘ yes ooo.. “how much is the bill?”… ” mama don’t worry it’s very small chicken change “…. ” now i feel better”… ” mama don’t think about”…. anything so your b. P will not rise again ooo you and dad can’t stay in the hospital together just relax ok ” ok “… ” am coming”.. She ran out of the hospital and headed home she kept thinking of how to get 40, 000 naira she was realy confused Soon Celine got home she opened her bag and saw those drugs Danny bought for her she carried the bag and ran into the compound where she saw her brother who was just coming back from school ” aunty your cloth is fine “.. ” come change your cloth and go to danas house until we come back”… “ok”… Celine left the compond she took a cab and headed for the mall She ran to the health section And she spoke with the man from the health center of the mall ” are you not the girl from yesterday.. “I am “how is the drug working “the thing is I came to return it Danny checked his time for the last time it was late he knew Celine won’t come so he drove off As he drove he called Sandra on phone ” are u done?. ” am heading towards the mall I will pick a few things and leave from there?.. ” ok we are on our way”.. **********? Celine was Still conversing with the man ” Am sorry its not possible ” ok just give me my change then ” how do u mean ” the price is 50 thousand you cheated us because we didn’t check the price tag but now am with my glasses ” ok lets make it 50-50 I will give you 50, 000 and still take the drugs ” ok I dont want it any way”… She handed the drug to him and took the money “thanks!.. ” your boyfriend is coming… ‘ what.. ” hide he might see you what you are doing is wrong”,… And without looking Celine hid under the table and Danny arrived ” I want the same drug I bought yesterday”, he said ” ok He handed Danny the drug and danny paid him and left …just then Celine stood up and looked for him but she didn’t know who exactly was him Minutes later she ran out of the mall she ran past Danny who sat in his car and headed for the hospital Soon Sandra and danny with mr king left for their city ” this vacation was fun”, Sandra said ” eventful”,.. Mr king said ” annoying…danny said *******? Jennifer’s house. Light opens on Jennifer who opened her door to behold kelvin “I told you I don’t want to see u anymore”… ” so y is your eye saying you miss me ” jennifer” I know you want me “,.. Kelvin said walking inside. “I need you to leave.. ” truthfully I don’t think so , .he moved closer and kissed Jennifer, passionately,…caressing her softly….he dragged out an unwanted need in her. ” Kelvin this is wrong.. ” no its not , after all Danny also has his fun…..So why starve yourself… He pulled up her red gown and they tore off each other’s cloths completely ….. kelvin carried her up into his arms and the kissed lustfullh moaning deeply against the walls of the house…… they had the introduction sex on the couch and finished the work in her bed room. Jennifer’s mind had a feeling mixed with pleasure and pain once again she cheated on danny but who could blAme her, Danny is never around, Danny is always busy, Danny pushed her into the hands of someone else **********? Celine had already made payments to the doctor and he already allowed them to visit their dad Her and her mother ran into the room Celines mother walked in first…… they both smiled out of tears at least her dad was ok.. Celine sat apart from her parents as thoughts of the proud peacock filled her heart.she looked at her pretty cloths…she had really failed him.. *********? Hours later Danny arrived his city ” home or penthhouse …Sandra asked “home “….Mr king said ” I meant danny”.. ” i want to give jennifer a surprise a visit “…. “all right have fun”…. Sandra and Mr king left the car while Danny’s driver took off.. Soon he arrived at Jennifer’s house. Danny already bought a flower for her back at the road.. He walked down and carefully knocked on her front door
12 Jun 2020 | 19:23
He opened d door nd saw the unsawable... Celine u missed ur chance to see ur crush..anyway family comes first
13 Jun 2020 | 07:31
@Stonez ride on
13 Jun 2020 | 07:33
Chia Jennifer is been caught
13 Jun 2020 | 09:01
Wow Danny nd Celine, dat was lovely bt i wil nt blame u celine 4 nt meetin him as promised, first thing 1st anyway. Jenn, Kelvin's amu wil b trap in ur smtin wen Danny wil see unwanted smtin. @harzaroboy thanks guy, @ele1 come nd chi smtin o.
13 Jun 2020 | 13:31
My lily of the valley @ladyg d story is filled with suspension o, i wish i could forward d story i swear, i almost fell off my bed hoping celine wil finally see him,
13 Jun 2020 | 23:25
Carry go
14 Jun 2020 | 10:49
celine and hoffman episode 16-20 Danny knocked once and opened the door…. He looked around the room , her bra ,her pant , her hair net ,condom packs , his belt, his shirt, his Jean ,his singlet ..the living room was so littered ..Danny felt disgusted He wanted to leave but he also wanted to confirm if it was really Jennifer or her friend. Before he could take one step forward. Jennifer walked out..she wrapped a white bedsheet round her chest…the sight of Danny of killed her..her worst fear came to pass..she got caught. Tears streamed down her eye..just then Kelvin walked out too… Danny looked at him from hair to toe…. he dropped the flower for Jennifer on the couch and walked away..Jennifer chased after him and dragged him back. ” no danny stop , danny don’t turn your back on me promised me.. ” why , wasn’t I good enough , did I do something wrong…jennifer tell me why ?. ” Danny am sorry , its my fault , I can explain. ” just answer me , ..was …was this the first time ?.. Jennifer couldn’t talk tears just kept streaming down .. ” then maybe the second….”, danny asked wiping his tears .. Jennifer still couldn’t talk. Danny placed his hands on his fore head for a while. ” it’s over , we are done. ” no danny please ” stay away .. from me …forever. He rushed out Jennifer rushed after him. Crying and didn’t make a difference. Danny stormed into his car and his driver took him home He looked up and dried his tears. Minutes later Danny arrived at his house he walked into the living room where his mother sat He hugged his mother “mum “I missed you how are you you look weak “am fine “and you even slimmed down “no no I didn’t mum ” welcome my love “where is Mr Hoffman “he’s not yet back but he should be “what about gretel ” she’s inside “all right Danny walked upstairs to Gretels room he knocked ” who is it ” why don’t you find out ” Danny She rushed out and hugged him “how have you been ” great ” all right Danny walked upstairs to his room and Gretel ran behind him “so how was your trip ” annoying ” why “some annoying girl stood me up “why are you so bothered do you like her “no never she’s below my standard i just wanted to appreciate her “wow isn’t that a first I would like to meet this girl who made you wait ” no you don’t want to she is troublesome and everything she does is troublesome ” so did you meet Jennifer yet “who “your girlfriend Jennifer ” my ex ” why ” ask me no question and I will tell you no lies ” sily She ran down back to her room Danny went upstairs ….he dropped his stuffs and walked into the shower. Pictures of Jennifer’s room just filled his mind..he lighted a stick of cigarette and sat on the floor. ” must all women be sluts…I can’t believe Jennifer…. she hurt me badly….just when I decided to finally give this love another chance….it dropped me again….I know i was busy but I still tried my best to be with her…I wonder when the affair started …. this love was really never meant for me…it’s an exam I keep failing … Soon Danny’s room was filled with enough smoke it could burn down the room..Gretel knew her brother was sad. Next morning. # Gretel was in the compound she wore a pink gown with a pink scarf on her hair and she carried a pink school bag she ordered the maids around on what to bring from inside as she didn’t pack yesterday and it was almost past time Danny walked down to where she stood ” is it just a school trip or are you leaving forever ” call it what you want I need to be comfortable ” wow you gat me, come in and eat ” I already did ” be careful there ” I will Just then Jennifer walked into the compound she rushed over to Danny and took his hands ” Danny pls can we talk ” I don’t feel like talking”, he turned to Gretel ” don’t forget a thing”.. He tried walking into the building but Jennifer ran after him ” what’s wrong with you why won’t you let me explain ” explain fucking what, how good he was in bed or what …you have been seeing This guy for more than 3 weeks now, am I lying?.. ” you guys are spoiling me “, Gretel shouted ” get inside !!”, danny said . Gretel walked closer to her car ” am sorry danny I won’t do it again”… ” I loved you ,I gave you everything I had ,i made your life sweet , your career stainless…I made sure u didn’t lose a single contest even if u didn’t contest…jennifer I gave you everything you could ask for i gave you all of me , i almost gave you the world…but why me , why did you do this !!!!!!… ” danny you never gave me your time you are always busy, sometimes I hardly even hear your voice you pushed me to Kelvin,but am sorry ..i will stop now , danny u cheated on me too..let’s just call it even.. ” stay away Jenny…. Danny walked out… ********? Light opens on the staffords resident as Mr stafford walked in with a set of guards and instructed them ‘” go in there and call my son if he doesn’t come out then drag him out we dont have time do you understand”.. “yes sir “… They guards walked in and came out with the maids ” sir SIMEON left yesterday”… ” that kid, .. he picked up his phone and called his suites but they Said simeon never checked in ” call the radio station, media houses, police, news headlines, anything you can do to find simeon do it now let the world talk about simeon “,…. Just as the assistant tried walking out Mr Staffords phone rang it was simeon ” hello simeon where on earth are you ” am ok dad and I know what you are about to do now but just know if I hear or see any headline, blog, news story or anything about me being missing I won’t come back anymore i might as well kill myself so just wait for me at home i would see you on Monday ” but…. Simeon dropped the call ” suspend every search activity until further notice “,… He then walked into his mansion *********? All the students were present at the school gate only simeon was missing ” I think he won’t come”, keila said ” I heard so”, Susan replied ” oh why did I come”, gretel said ” what”, they both asked her ” I am talking to myself ,come on..”; she replied ” all senior students should enter the school bus”, Mrs Mira said ” simeon is not yet here”, Stanley said ” who ever Said that”, simeon replied. All the students turned it was simeon all the girls ran towards him, at that moment Gretel felt like hugging him While they where entering the bus some girls ran over to simeon “will you sit with me.. ” am kinda sorry “.. He passed her and walked further “I reserved a sit for you”.. “next time maybe when we are coming back…. He walked further ” pls will you sit with me”… ” sorry… “but I reserved this seat… ” maybe next time… “ok KeilA sat with gretel “what is simeon feeling like anyway”, keila said ” most handsome guy in the bus”, gretel said ” yea he kinda is ” where is the driver?… ” he is coming “… Susan replied Just then simeon walked over to where they sat ” gretel can I sit with you I mean that’s if you don’t mind”.. ” no she doesnt mind “… “KeilA stood up and let simeon sit next to Gretel then she sat next to him”… ” hy”, gretel said “hi”, SIM relied ” simeon lets take a picture i want to send this to Danvi.. ” but why , danvi is your childhood friend right ” she sent me her boyfriend’s picture and he is so cute “now i know your plan”… gretel replied ” come on simeon please .. ” all right all right lets snap.. KeilA instantly forwarded the picture to her friend and the girl replied with crying smilie????? They all laughed Mrs Mira : all issues being resolved lets depart The driver took off it wasn’t a short journey ❤❤??❤❤??❤❤?? 17 Celine and her mother as well as her father got home from hospital .. her and her mother helped the father to go into his room just then Stephanie danas sister came in with junior ” mama good morning”…. she said ” good morning my dear”.. ” Stephanie how are you?”,..Celine asked ” am fine I say lemme bring junior and come and check if you people are back”…. ” thank you my dear we are back”…. ” ok ma, my mother is waiting for me in her shop …. ” greet your mother for me . ” ok ma…. ” ma good morning “, chimezie said ” my son how are you”, his mom asked .. ” am fine, aunty Celine good morning”,… ” how are you I hope Stephanie gave you food “… “yes She cook indomie for me in the night”… “what of this morning “…. ” tea”….. “high 5″…… Both siblings did a high five ” lemme go and greet papa”… ” nooo, papa is sleeping don’t disturb him . “ok oo”….. “Celine go and boil hot water in the kitchen for your father “… Celine stood up.. Mrs Mira and the children were still on the way but this Time they were close to the place they headed The students chatted from behind and their noise kept getting louder (❤Dialogue ❤) Gretel : can this journey get any longer KeilA : we are almost there Susan : KeilA were you already nominated as one of the finalists for the nationals KeilA : not yet Mrs wills has not chosen yet Gretel : don’t worry you will be one of them its 3 students from each school KeilA : yea i hope so this means more to me now Laura : I think Anna is competing in the nationals too Kira : that’s not new I mean Anna always represents her school in the competition she is their main hope sometimes her school only nominates her without any back up but Gretel has beat her like 5 times if am counting well Tania : this competition is gonna be hot kimoni will be there as well as kariana SIMEON : yea and the dancers have their own stage its built with glass you can’t leave till you are out of the challenge Gretel : thats nice but kariana is in a wheel chair how is she coming Susan : guess who queens high nominated as their number one Tina : Matilda Jones I mean she beat Gretel twice she has 12 gold medals and she got a contract with a dance company in france if it’s not her who else she, did Tatianas dance in the open ballet challange Gretel : yea we know her KeilA : but Tatianas dance is hard I mean its impossible for me Susan : yea it kinda is KeilA : I think am dropping out Tina : but why KeilA : I can’t win can’t you see Anna James, Matilda Jones, who knows who universal high would nominate or even Julianas ballet school only five schools are competing but they have they best dancers and I don’t think prestigious high can depend on me Gretel : you are a great dancer KeilA I don’t know why you see yourself lesser some dancers can’t even do any one of the five award winning dances created by the best dancers in history but you can, you learnt your mother’s dance didn’t you Laura : the five mystical dances ave head of them but I don’t know about them Gretel : back in the days the five best ballerinas where asked to make their own music and dance from any short story of the past Kira: yes and kariana being the the number one picked up a historical dance which was created by Amanda linory she took the story and learnt the dance She made it more beautiful it was known as kariana dance Laura : wow KeilA : but the dance has been banned and rated impossible Laura : why Keila: it has 3 most difficult steps people only learnt the choreography “when Kariana met the Prince” because it is easier but the solo is hard because of 3 dangerous ballet steps a grand jete, a grand adage, and a triple back spin ending with an en pointe Laura : scary Susan : simeon knows the choreography well he did it in his junior high with Anna James the video went viral SIMEON : that was then Laura : teach me teach Me pls SIMEON : you have to be a professional dancer to learn it Laura : realy then everyyhing about karianas dance is impossible Gretel : yea the first student who did it landed in coma as she hit her head on a rock the next died while Mrs kariana is in a wheel chair Laura : what about kimonis dance KeilA : that dance has an impossible en pointe its been said that kimonis dance can be done only by kimoni herself Gretel : Anna James has been learning that dance since she was 14 if she finally nails it and does it in the nationals she would win the competition because the only dance higher than that is karianas dance which no one can do Tina: the third is titianas dance its hard but not Impossible it takes practice, that’s what Mathilda used to win the open ballet challenge Susan : gretel can do it she did it in first grade Laura : you are realy amazing gret KeilA : the fourth is Anna’s mother’s Dance miliana James It’s called millianas dance its very difficult too but amazing Anna learnt it when she was 9 she nailed it Laura : what about the last KeilA : my mum’s dance Laura : wow your mum is one of the mystical queens too Keila: they are not mystical its just the internet and Nick names Laura : since your mum’s name is Angelina Williams am guessing linas dance KeilA : no its her traditional name Marisols dance Laura : can you do it KeilA : yea just perfected it started learning it when i was 5 Laura : I wish I did ballet I would be recorded in history Gretel : we are here people lets go down come on The students ran down they went with Mrs Mira to where they camped Soon Gretel was settled with KeilA and Susan they shared a room SIMEON on his own stayed with Sam and Stanley And it was 3 person for each room They chatted and fell fast as sleep resulting from their stressful journey ……. *********? Presidents house.. # Light opens in the presidents parlour A highly furnished building in which a woman sat with a girl in her mid 20s ” honey how is the preparation for your party coming up”.. “great its wonderful the party planner is realy amazing”… “but y must it be a mask party honey I don’t find it safe… ” mum that’s the fun come on… ” so what do you want for a birthday present the last time your dad and I bought you a present you said we should have asked you what you wanted”…. ” you still remember that”…. ” so what do you want”… ” I don’t want a thing I want a person …… ” who is it a comedian, muscisian what’s the name”… “Danny Hoffman”…. ” Danny hoffman ,you are still not over this childish crush thing fine, invite him yourself then.. ” no we are not friends i mean we are not that close I want you and dad to invite him pls.. “what if he is busy that day or he has a shoot or anything you know how busy he is being a celebrity … ” that’s y we need to tell him now so he would be ready by then after all it’s still far…. “ok no problem we will relay an invitation to the hoffman family”…. ” thanks mum “,..she hugs her mother *******? Danny’s penthouse Danny was swimming when he received a call “Mr king ?.. ” Danny Hoffman you have a shoot I’m 30 minutes”… ” all right “… He drops the call and placed a call to Sandra “hello sir”… “cancel all my plans for today thank you”… “ok sir “… Danny dropped the call and walked out of the pool as he walked all he thought of was Celine he kept on smiling he recalled mostly when the oranges fell to the floor and how Celine dragged him back to pick them Danny smilled then he recalled just when she knocks on his car window after duping him and said “see you next time”.. Danny smilled again as he walked further he recalled how celine walked into the water and the first time he hugged celine danny smilled again.. then he recalled chasing after Celine he smilled again …then he recalled carrying her up at the mall he smilled as he recalled when celine tried dragging him out of the mall Danny laughed again he suddenly recalled waiting for Celine this made him feel bad he siped his wine “Am realy going insane I can’t believe I miss that commoner even after she stood me up”, he said to himself Just then his phone rang it was Mr king “what else? ” what else ,what else ,you just canceled your schedule wAts wrong with you man “nothing I just need a break”… ” all right have fun am glad we just lost 40 million naira”… ” soooo I was wondering when are we doing the continuation of that movie anyway?… ” am talking About the shoot you just missed”….. ” to hell with that just answer me”… ” I dunno ,soon I guess ,but why do you ask did you leave something in that city”… ” who? me? Nothing just wondering…. “all right”…. *********? Celine ran into the compound to pick her broom wen she saw her aunty Brigitta coming into the building she dropped the broom and ran torwards her ” aunty b!!, welcome.. “how are you?. “am fine …. ” Where is mum?.. Just then celines mum ran down ” am here oh my dear how are you “…. ” am fine oo how is every one “…. ” God is faithful”… ” ok , am traveling back i came to carry Celine “…. “ehhn!!!!!”,celine shouted ” Celine you Said you will follow her “, ” but mum… ” go and bring your bag”…. ” but what of papa”… “don’t worry your father is getting better, after all junior is here…. “ok mum.. She went inside ” pls what is the family name so I will be relaxed my dear”… ‘ it is the Hoffman’s family I will write it down for you including the address”..Brigitta said. “ok my dear”… Brigitta wrote it down 18 Just then celine came out with her bag ” ave finished packing aunt.. “put it in the car”… Celine left ” pls take care of my daughter”… “that one is sure “…. Celine came back inside and hugged her mother she went into her father’s room “papa how are you ? “am fine ” papa aunty b has come am going with her. ” ok my dear safe journey pls don’t look for trouble there.. ‘” I won’t papa”.. She hugged her father and she ran out She followed Brigitta out and they drove off **********? Mrs Mira and they 2 coaches sat in the field as the students lined up in their uniform and the leads stood out ” the first game is mountain climbing this will be carried out by all members of each group lets see which group gets to the top first”… Mrs Mira said The two groups ran out each following a different route Gretels group was very fast but simeons group was faster ” we can do this we just have to do it together come on persistence is the key “, gretel said Gretel helped each member of her group by giving them a hand Simeons group was also doing well. ” come on Amanda now’s not the time to get weak”, simeon said “just leave me behind”.. ” I wasn’t thought to do that come on “, simeon said as He came down and helped Amanda up soon all of simeons group members where up and the same with gretel Mrs Mira came over to them “this is awesome group a (simeons ) group was able to get to the top of the mountain within 30 minutes while group b did it within 33 minutes group a won 20 points “…. All the students in simeons group jumped up and hugged simeon ” come on guys we will do better next time “, gretel said Gretel was realy annoyed as she hated losing simeon felt bad for Gretel but what could he do ” the next excercise is swimming ,each group would chose only one representative for this “….. They moved over to the pool which was situated on the other side ” KeilA lets do this ,come on you are a great swimmer”, gretel said ” thank God I came with my favourite swim suit “, keila replied KeilA walked out with her swimsuit in her hands ” simeon this is your favourite game swimming “,……. ” no stanely will do it ” cool man am game “… ” ok now where are the champions of each group… Just then keila and Stanley walked out and their group members cheered on them Stanley turned to KeilA ” you just failed you know right ?… ” Lets see , boyfriend… ” all right ,get set and go !!!!!! Just then keila jumped in with Stanley into the water KeilA was realy realy very fast but so was stanely ” come on k you can do this”, gretel shouted ” come on man “, simeon Said Soon keila got to the end point and raised her hands up Gretel dragged her out stanely was still in the water ” its obvious group b won 20 points just then Gretel jumped up hugging all her group members “… SIMEON couldn’t help smilling as he watched her ” are you happy I lost ?”, Stanley asked simeon… ” no I mean yes I mean you don’t have to kill yourself you tried your best right”, simeon said ‘yes”…. ” the next excercise will be…. Just then her phone rang She walked out on the students and came back For some reasons we won’t be able to finish all the activities like we did in the last game trip Let’s move to the last excercise this is reserved for only the group leaders while the students watch its called wild racing lets see who gets to the end point first remember to jump over every hole in front of you be watch full of yourself do not get hurt ” come on gret you gat this”, keila said ” I hope so too…. ” you can do it simeon. ” yea thank you Mandy .. ” all right may all other students move backward …. leads get set and go Gretel ran out with simeon SIMEON ran very fast and slipped through every hole like water Gretel ran fast too but jumping over stuffs made her weak but KeilA kept on cheering on her as well as all her group members soon the where close to the end and simeon was almost there Gretel new it was already a lost race so as she jumped over the last hole she fell down in pretence as though she hurt her leg simeon who had almost finished the race ran back to Gretel where she sat on the floor ” are you ok ?.. Just then gretel stood up and ran as fast as she could and that was how she won the race SIMEOn felt realy bad but he was happy that Gretel had won he watched her jump up and down she was so happy Simeons group members ran towards him ” are you ok man “yea I am fine ” come on lets go Soon they all gathered ” group b has done realy well and this gold medal goes to their leader Gretel Hoffman pls step forward GREtel stepped forward and recieved the medal ” thank you ma and thank you to all my group members I love you all She ran back to her group members and members of group A later joined them ” keila I forgot you swim realy well…. ” well you forgot alot of things .. “, keila said they all laughed Mrs Mira stepped out and students went into their rooms where they freshened up and changed simeon was not happy and his friends noticed it ” come on man it’s ok ” yea I mean everyone is ok ” am not angry that we lost ” then y are you angry then ” nothing am gonna bath Gretel came out of the shower in her room leaving keila there since she bathed for hour’s and she won’t even talk to her.. ” why do you use waist beads gret?”, Susan asked ” nothing it’s just there , for fun, and it trims my waist …helps me avoid belly fat…danny got it.. she smilled ” so are u fighting with k. ” i dont know why keila is not talkning to me !!!!! “, gretel shouted so keila would hear it in the shower. ” Gretel what you did was wrong you need to go and apologize to simeon it was so silly !”, keila shouted in reply. ” is that y you are mad at me ,you know simeon is an athlete I could never beat him “winning is not everything gret.. ” forget keila and gist me about your amazing curves ” no nothing I mean they are totally natural nothing to gist Just then keila came out ” keila is out go and bath we will continue when I come out”…. Susan ran inside ” am sorry k ” am not mad at you am just…. mad … come here “, She hugged her friend . hours later the students celebrated their success both groups celebrated together but only one person was missing ” where is simeon Sam ” he Is in the room he doesn’t feel like celebrating ‘oh “, gretel said ” oh? Seriously “, keila added. ” I just pulled a prank I didn’t know he will feel bad …. “then go and apologize gret”.. “why do you keep sending me to apologize”… “now!!. ” ok fine…. She ran into simeons room without knocking simeon Turned he tied his towel around his waist and used the electric drier to dry his hair he dropped the drier when he saw Gretel he stood up and faced her ” hey am sorry for barging in ” its ok do u want something ” i came to appollogixe I am realy sorry for what I did today pls forgive me “no problem am glad you won ” ok “,She turned her back to move out ” I just hope you won’t do it next time I know you don’t like me but I pls don’t play with my feelings it realy hurts and I can’t handle this pain “,… he said .. Gretel turned to look at him …before she knew what she was doing she already walked towards simeon and kissed him deeply SIMEON smilled against her lips as he deepened the kiss. He ran his fingers to her back and slowly zipped down her gown … He kissed her neck passionately as he parted the sides of the cloth … Gretel looked in his face and shouted ” simeon you are bleeding 19 simeon you are bleeding ” realy where ?.. He wiped his nose and he found blood ” its nothing it’s just the stress, let’s continue Gretel chuckled ” are you sure!!! “yes am sure !! Gretel wiped the blood into her Palm and he kissed her lips again just then SIMEOn felt a heavy pain in his Tommy he held his Tommy and fell to the bed ” simeon are you okay?.. She tried running out but he dragged her back and held her tight ‘simeon let me go I need call Mrs mira”…. ” but I want to be with you who knows i might not see you when you come back “… Simeon still held her tight just then all she said in her heart was KeilA where are you And almost instantly KeilA ran into the room ” Gretel ave been waiting for you , your mum .ca…. whats happened . ” pls call Mrs mira simeon is sick “….. KeilA gave Gretel a signal to zip up and as Gretel zipped up she ran out of the room soon Mrs mira arrived with the two coaches and they carried simeon into the car and drove away to the hospital Simeon was admitted and Mrs mira instructed Gretel and keila as well as other students to return back to the camp ———— It was morning all the students where busy placing their bags in the car Gretel walked towards KeilA ” what about simeon ” i heard Mrs mira had called his father this morning he has been moved to your father’s hospital “i hope he gets better “he will Just then Mrs mira stepped out ” we are going to leave now i know all of you are worried about SIMEON but the good news is he is in safe hands as we called his father yesterday night and he had moved simeon for better treatment early this morning so it’s time for us to return home so everyone can easily go and visit simeon when they want All the students rushed into the car and they took off Gretel sat with keila ” great don’t worry once we get home we would go and visit simeon ” ok ” but what’s wrong with him ” I don’t know ” I pray he gets better ” if simeon is sick then I guess that’s why he stopped basket ball “:not only that he stopped everything ” yea maybe the stress got to him yesterday “: he will be fine Light opens in the Hoffman’s hospital as Mr Stafford spoke to the doctor ” how is he, how is my son?.. ” your son stressed himself overly much and that is what led the breakdown as i believe you already know simeon has a critical health condition which he has refused to treat so thanks to this breakdown now we can commence treatment on him ” I would like to move simeon to the states by morning ” how possible will that be? well it all depends on simeons fitness by tommorow ” till tommorow then ” no problem Mr Stafford returned back to the room and sat by simeon just then simeon opened his eyes “:son ” oh its Mr Stafford ” I don’t understand simeon why do you want to kill yourself am building all these empire’s for you my son ” i want to kill myself so maybe you won’t feel responsible for me anymore that way you can concentrate on building your empire I know I was always a burden for you that’s y you never realy cared ” what do you mean care i provide all you want I send money into your account every day ” if you cared you would have found out your son was sick all the while I was with you in the states ” but ” i want to sleep He turned to the other side Mr Stafford stood up and walked out of the room…. Hoffman’s house ?⛲? Mrs hoffman walked her husband to the front door Mr Hoffman was already dressed for work ” have a nice day ” I will As Mr Hoffman was about entering his car a car drove in he waited so he could confirm who it was Meanwhile Mrs hoffman had walked back inside Just then Brigitta and celine stepped out of the car Brigitta walked towards Mr hoffman ” good morning Sir”, brigitta said ” good morning sir “, celine said ” morning to you too”.. Mr Hoffman entered the car and left Celine was so amazed at the beautiful compound she saw the large bueatiful swimming pool then she saw a very handsome guy sitting near the pool Celine kept walking with her aunt till they got to the main door Mrs Brigitta walked into the house and Celine followed ” oh Brigitta its been a long time come sit “, mrs hoffman said “good morning madam”, brigitta said ” good morning madam “,Celine said “good morning.. I have been meaning to reach you I need like 4 more maids Gretel is realy picky and she hasn’t realy liked any of the maids … she kips firing my maids ” am sure she will like this one ” what’s your name dear ” my name is Celine ” madam Celine is not just a maid I picked she is very related to me ” oh realy, well no problem you have been loyal to me for many years I will see to it that Celine is very comfortable…. “thank you ” you are welcome ” I will be leaving now, Celine be good.. ” of course aunty Brigitta left Mrs hoffman had already become fond of celine just by seeing her something in Celine attracted her ” so tell me about you dear ” am 20 years old ma and my name is Celine I live with my parents and my little brother my father is a carpenter and my mother…. well she doesn’t realy have any serious work I am very hard working and trustworthy ” you are 20 how come you look 18 ” I can’t answer that ma ” never mind what level are you in school ” well just high school cert.. ” you are welcome to the hoffmans family dear the watch word here is…. ” discipline ” oh you are smart, you are right you have to be disciplined in all you do . ” yes ma, thank you madam. ” you know my son right … ” no . ” good that’s better cos we had a history of obsessed girls who disguised as maids just to meet him ….some tried seducing him while others resulted to drugging him…it was a bad experience ..I hope you are a decent girl… ” yes madam . ” good. Mrs hoffman placed a call on the land line Minutes later a lady walked in she was dressed like a cook Mrs hoffman made another call and another guy walked in it was the same guy Celine saw outside ” so Celine this is our cook philomena ” welcome Celine “.. ‘good after noon madam “.. ” and that is Ethan our pool boy he takes care of the pool “… “nice to have you “.. “thank you “… ” philomena ,where do you think celine should be ..why don’t you take her to the 5th building so she can stay with the other maids who clean the houses in the estate ?… ” actually madam I was thinking she would stay in the main building I prefer her replacing Mildred and staying with Emily, Mary and Abigail … ” that’s a nice idea Mildred never gets along well with anyone Gretel, Danny and even my husband … ” yes Danny had called her dirty once so returning to the fifth building is good for her before he fires her. ” all right show Celine to the room “… ” ok madam “… Celine picked up her bag and walked out with philomena into the corridor then to the room when they walked in Celine was so amazed at how big the room was Two girls sat on one bed on seeing philomena one of them ran forward she was short ugly and dark skinned that was mildred “:is she replacing me ?.. “yes! ” so I can back to the 5th building now ooh am so happy”, she said ” yes you may leave…. “: ok, welcome new girl .. ” thank you As Mildred ran to carry her stuff the other girl walked towards Celine ” hy i am emily ” am Celine Just then Mildred carried her bag and ran out dancing ” pls settle down”, phelomena said Philomena left Emily took Celines bag and dropped on Mildreds bed then they sat together ” this is now your bed, that’s your bathroom, and cupboard ” wow isn’t this place bigger than my entire house Emily laughed ” that’s my bed facing yours the other is abigails while the last belongs to Mary ” wow that’s great ” we are the only maids who work inside the mansion like we are the real maids you know comb my hair, get me juice, paint my nails, wash my cloths, clean my room kind of maids other maids clean the whole buildings inside this estate every day and on friday there is General clean up ” ok so that’s how it is “yea , it was set like this after many Danny’s experience with maids….when they were Many in-house maids .. most of them were not maids they were girls who just wanted to get closer to Danny , most of them were obssessed fans …most of them tried seducing him…others tried drugging him…he didn’t have piece at home so he bought his penthouse…..after that Mrs Hoffman decided that there will only be 4 in-house maids….only trust worthy girls…. ” so why was mildred so happy I mean the work in the 5th building is way much”…. ” oh my dear you haven’t met Gretel she is realy a little devil not to talk of her brother “…. “am scared “. “come on I will show you around “.. Just then two girls walked in ” I heard there is a new girl “, Abigail asked “:yea Mildred left”, Emily repiled ” why wasn’t it me”, Abigail said ” I thought you Said you wanted Danny to fall in love with you how come you want to leave now “, Emily replied ” that’s true am still here, hy am Abigail “…. ” am celine ” you look too beautiful to be a Maid Celine couldn’t you become a model “,Mary said ” you are sily Mary, you are welcome Celine “…. The two girls walked to their beds ” I am so glad the little devil is not yet back .. ” not only you, come on Celine lets go … They walked out They walked further ” that’s Mr and Mrs Hoffman’s room ” wow it looks big They kept walking ” this is Gretels room “:Gretel? ” the little devil ( they both laugh )… “:oh ok… ” that’s gretels spare room no one stays in there but it’s cleaned everyday and decorated every 6 months “wow !!! ” that’s gretels dressing room “:wow I need her life “: me too , come on They climbed the stairs Are you ready to get ur mind blown away ” omg yes. Emily dragged her up the stairs and looked around then she pushed open a glass door.. ” this is Danny’s room ” Jesus Christ of Nazareth , is this a room or heaven….. ” it’s a room. Come on. They climbed Down the stairs they both walked out and stood by the pool when philomena walked towards them ” Celine Mrs hoffman asked me to give you these contact lenses “but why?… ” she hates glasses ” but ” don’t worry it’s medically approved just apply caution when necessary She walked out Emily took the case from Celine “: don’t worry I will help you put it lets go inside ” all right Just as Celine and Emily where about walking into the house Gretels driver drove in Gretel came down some of the maids around carried her bag and walked behind her Celine was still watching Gretel, Gretel looked so sad to Celine ” come lets go inside she is in a bad mood… ?????? 20 Emily dragged Celine into the room Gretel walked sluggishly into the living room the Maids had already dropped her bag in her room and left Mrs hoffman was reading a magazine ” hy mum “hy honey how was your trip? ” it was fine I will freshen up She walked into her room and locked the door Gretel was so so so sad she sat In her bed # # Maids room? Emily, Abigail and Mary stood nervously by the landline waiting for it to ring “why are you guys panicking ” whenever Gretel is in a bad mood someone loses their job ” so why are you guys standing by the land line its not ringing ” in case it rings we have to fast to anwser “what if it doesnt ” she always asks for milk whenever she comes home ” Mr Hoffman asks for his tea ” Danny asks for juice, milk, chicken ” wow!!!! **********? Danny sat quietly at the beach facing the ocean he wore a very transpsrent shirt with nothing inside then he wore shorts Sandra stood beside him she held a towel and his water The photographers where set and ready everything was prepared for the shoot Just then Mr king walked towards Danny ” am tired man where is the model and who is the model y is she delaying ” just have patients you should be glad they rescheduled this shot I mean you cancelled it “: whatever 30 minutes am out ” don’t worry you will be glad to see your partner in this commercial its a surprise ” yea i should be ” sir Jennifer is still calling should I keep busying the call ” no pls give me the phone ” of course She handed the phone to Danny and Danny threw the phone into the river Just then a car drove in the director shouted ” she is here guys come on lets do this “… ” I wonder who it is “, danny said Just then a guard opened the door and a slim nicely statured light skinned tall girl walked out she wore a bikini with a long transparent jacket then she wore her glasses her natural hair was full curly and long she was very attractive When she walked out her assistant walked behind her as well as her guard Sandra shouted ” Miranda Milbert oh my God she is my crush “… ” come on it can’t be her , Miranda should be in India now. ” Miranda millbet best body world wide 2016 its her … Mr king said ” I don’t believe you” , danny added Just then Miranda took off her glasses and handed over to her assistant ” ok you guys won its her ; Danny said.. Miranda walked towards Danny ” oh its the international super model Danny Hoffman its a pleasure, I always wanted to do a shoot with you .. ” well the pleasure is shared equally”… ” lets do a good job “.. Miranda said . ” Miranda I love you pls sign my shirt “, Sandra said ” realy, i thought i was your crush”, danny said to his assistant Miranda signed Sandras shirt after which she walked out Danny walked behind her ” sandra you are fired”, danny Said playfully they stood in front of the beach ” ok guys I want something real”, the director Said … Miranda you have just 5 outfits to model and the shoot is over Danny is just an asset to make this shoot superb remember these swim suits are hand maid designs by the best designer of the year that’s why we didn’t settle for average models do something real so this suits will be the talk of the town as soon as possible it has to go viral ” ok “, Miranda said ” handle me with care “, danny Said ” ok honey ( they both laughed) Miranda changed into the first out fit and she was made up Danny was also made up after which his shirt was taken off ” won’t I catch a cold”, danny asked ” no you won’t …. Miranda walked up to Danny and wrapped her arms round him. ” I won’t let you catch a cold ..Miranda said She held his hand and as they walked further into the ocean the photographer snapped Then they ran out and played around the photographer did his job They did the shoot perfectly well it was so real. Maids room ? the 3 maids where already tired of waiting they sat on the bed ” I don’t think Gretel wants anything Just then the line rang Abigail rushed to the phone ” is it Gretel ?”, celine asked “Mrs hoffman … Abigail left Celine stood up she walked to the kitchen Light opens on Danny as the shoot was almost over Miranda wore the last outfit ” now let’s end it with a short film “, director said ” ok then film this “, miranda said as She walked towards Danny and kissed him ” now this is real”, director added Danny was surprised but he still kissed her back They where both a distance away so Danny was sure no one heard him ” why did you kiss me “, danny asked ” lets say I wanted to steal your necklace “… ‘what!!!!! Miranda showed Danny the necklace and just as Danny wanted to take it back she ran away this made Danny Chase her he finally caught her and they both fell to the floor ” let me place it back where I got it “, miranda said Miranda placed the necklace back she stood up and tried dragging Danny up but Danny dragged her down ” cut cut cut I love this, this short film is excellent.. I never new models played this much this is so real and beautiful”… Miranda and danny stood up and walked towards the director ” thank you ” thank you “the shoot is over “. Miranda walked towards her car while Danny walked towards Mr king, Sandra who ran to him imiediately after the shot had already placed a towel on his shoulders and handed him his water as she dusted his back ” do you feel cold sir ? ” am fine”… Mirandas assistant handed her water to her then she followed Miranda into the dressing room where’s she changed to her normal outfit Danny came out after changing ” Miranda is realy a play girl”, Mr king said ” I swear I have never seen a model like this”, danny Said ” that’s y I love her she is so real “, Sandra said “Sandra your still fired “…. Just then Mr king sang out a song he had been humming for long ” I thought you Said I can’t live without you….. Sandra chorused with him ” look how jolly am living They both sang ” I thought you Said I can’t leave without you look how jolly am living “.. “what kind of song is that ?”, danny asked ” you have not heard of the jolly dance “, mr king asked Danny.. “nooo ” come on its the reigning song it was done by micky mouse cartoon “… “really ?.. Sandra played the video in her phone and danny laughed at how stupid the dance steps where “this is crazy “, danny said . Just then Mr king started dancing it and Sandra joined him and the both sang out loud as they stepped forward, backward, bent down, stood up, and the funniest part was when the put their hands under their arm pit and flapped it like wings Danny couldn’t stop laughing ” come on join us Daniel. ” never this song is so stupid ” oh am tired shouldn’t we get going “, Sandra Said ” yea send the song to my phone first … Sandra transferred the song to Danny’s phone Just then they noticed Mirandas car driving off but only Miranda was left she walked towards Danny “:Danny I better be on my way”, mr king Said ” see you later sir “, Sandra Said Sandra and Mr king left Miranda walked to Danny ” are you not leaving yet ?”, danny asked her ” you should buy me a drink after kissing me like that you know?.. ” whaaaat , you where the kisser I was just the kissee … They both laughed Miranda and danny entered Danny’s car and drove off soon they arrived at a hotel *********? Hoffman’s house . # Celine knocked on Gretels door , Celine knocked once and withdrew just then Gretel opened the door she looked at celne from hair to toe. ” who the hell are you? @LadyG @Henrymary call others
20 Jun 2020 | 19:38
@Elle 1
20 Jun 2020 | 19:49
How long are we to wait now
21 Jun 2020 | 03:46
This one go reach 1 year before another one will be drop
21 Jun 2020 | 07:31
Hmmm this is serious o Celine in Danny's house. Jenny that's serves u .
21 Jun 2020 | 11:46
My broda man @ele1 come o so dat u will nt fall off ur bed dis time o.
21 Jun 2020 | 11:49
Milady @ladyg thanks o, hopefully, i don travel go space
22 Jun 2020 | 11:37
"ask me no questions and ill tel u no lies" was very funny frm hoffman.. Kelia, dnt give up b4 u start and who ever told u, u cnt beat those ppl in dance, ya fellow ballerinas are humans like you, simeon get wel soon so u dnt leave a pretty gal like Gretel behind 4 anoda man.. Jenny cheating on danny cuz of lack of attention wasnt d way to go abt it, didnt u knw wat u were getting into wen u made up ya mind to date an intl super model as a bf? And joeboy would say, Dnt call him back when u see him with another lady.. Another thing is celine would change the way gretel treats her maid and cnt wait for her to finally meet hoffman.. Mirabel, hmm, dnt get yaself into trouble, its easy to fal in love but hard to come outta it.. Mr. Writer, the updates are quite slow, please double up o. Thanks
22 Jun 2020 | 11:48
*Clears throat* My comment here would be cut short because av completed the story thank u
23 Jun 2020 | 04:45
celine and hoffman episode 21-25 Celine walked into the room without answering her and placed the cup on the table ” I brought you milk since you didn’t ask “…. ” but who are you ? ” am a new Maid, I will set your bath “what !! ” its obvious you haven’t bathed .. Celine went into the bathroom and set the bath when she came out Gretel was still surprised looking at her ” won’t you take the milk ? ” oh I will She finished the milk and handed the glass to Celine as she was about taking of her cloth Celine wanted to leave “wait don’t go”. ” what Gretel took the glass from her “stay here ! . ‘ oh ok”. Celine sat on the bed while Gretel walked into bathroom she shouted ” hey can you hear me!!!! ” yes you don’t need to shout”… “when did you come here? “today ” so what’s your name ? ” Its Celine ” I will call you lina ” oh ok ” so how old are you lina ” am older than you are ” how old ” 20 ” and I thought you where 18 ” do I look that little ” yea kinda and you are very beautiful you are the most beautiful maid i have ever met ” yea yea ” so why did you bring me milk I never asked “: I wanted to check if you were ok you looked sad “am realy sad “but why ?… There was no response Minutes later Gretel walked out of the bathroom tying her towel she sat beside Celine ” my friend is in the hospital I realy feel bad , i feel more bad ..just more bad than others… ” quick questions, friend or boyfriend. ” OK the guy I like…. They both laughed… ” have you visited him.. ” omg I almost forgot KeilA would kill me… Just as Gretel started dressing up Celine took the cup and tried going out ” where are you going now ” I will return the cup GREtel dialed the land line and minutes later Emily shouted ” I need your presence beautiful Gretel “… Celine started laughing Gretel took the cup from Celines hand and gave it to Emily outside she then locked the door “why are you laughing.. ” nothing ( smilling)… Gretel changed into a beautiful gown ” how do I look “you look nice …. Gretel placed a call to KeilA ” hey gret where are you I and Susan are already there … ” am coming out “… ” coming out? ” of …the car … Celine added. ” all right we are waiting. She dropped the call ” good bye Lina “all right …. She rushed into the compound and drove off Celine went back to the maids room where Emily helped her insert the lenses. ???? # # Gretel arrived at the hospital She ran in with her friends till they got to simeons room.. Most students where there already they greeted each other after which Gretel walked towards simeon.. “simeon how do you feel “… ” I feel worse “… “but why “.. “you won’t sit beside me”… (he laughed) Gretel smilled as she sat beside him .. “simeon get well soon “, keila said ” I got this for you “, Susan added as she droped the flower in the vase and the students walked out ” simeon how long have you been sick ?…Gretel asked simeon hugged her for few minutes then he said to her ear ” am leaving !! Gretels heart pounded , Gretel withdrew “what !!! ” am going back to the state’s by tommorow thanks for coming into my life this few days …. ” but why ” my dad is taking me back i will miss you .. GREtel hugged simeon again. “Just this few hours with you , my life suddenly began to make sense and it was all because of you , but now …am going to loose all that…. Gretel smiled. ” I will miss you…. he gently moved closer and slowly kissed her lips keila walked in and Gretel withdrew .. ” sorry I didn’t mean to barge in… ” oh its nothing”…. ” I am leaving so I came to call you?… ” ok, I mean… me too.. ” simeon get well”, keila said “bye “bye They both walked out ” so when did you two start dating ?.. ” what no we arent. ” so when did you start kissing every boy ,.. half naked in his room… ” we will talk tommorow k. They walked to their cars and drove off ***********,? Light opens hours later on Danny sitting with Miranda in the bar drinking ” so after all our moving about, y did you bring me to a hotel ? ” don’t listen to your mind it’s lying Miranda laughs ” so how long have you been modelling ? “lets say since I was 17 ” wow am impressed … Minutes later they finished their drinks ” come on I will drop you home”…. ” without checking their rooms that’s bad come on”, miranda Said ” you are realy a stubborn one “…. They made reservations and went upstairs they walked into the room it was very beautiful “wow I love it”, miranda Said ” its pretty, come on lets go he tried opening the door Miranda held him back… ” come on we just came in your money would go to waste.. ” dats nothing come on”…. He tried heading for the door again This time around Miranda ran towards the door and stood there.. Danny chuckled … ” come on you play alot”.. Miranda held his jacket with both hands and kissed him but Danny withdrew from the kiss. ” oh am sorry ” we cant you are drunk he tried walking out on her Miranda drew him back ” i am not drunk are you really dumb I have been giving you signals all these while, the kiss, going to drink, even seeing the room you can’t tell me you didn’t know I wanted you…. Danny (smilled) ” but…. She placed a finger on his lip ” come on, no strings attached I promise Danny smilled And walked behind her, Miranda thought he was leaving till she felt Danny kiss her neck Miranda smilled as she felt Danny zipping down her gown from behind he pulled the gown to her waist then kissed her back Miranda turned Danny kissed her lips deliciously… Then he feathered his lips all over her .. Miranda gently unbuttoned his shirt as she walked him to the bed . Danny dropped the shirt and pulled down her gown from her hip. Miranda raised his black singlet up and kissed his lips down to his chest , she unzipped his jeans.. he brushed his fingers over behind her back and gently unhooked her bra…. He pressed his lips into hers as He lifted her up into his arms and leaned her softly against the wall as he feathered his lips down her neck. Miranda moaned gently and wordlessly The made love in all its worth…. ecstasy filled the air as they where both crazy in bed ..they had full fun with no strings attached….it was just a one night stand or so Danny thought. Miranda enjoyed being with Danny…he had the perfect male frame …she wrapped her arms round his body with her legs wrapped below his his waist. She moaned out meaninglessly as he came in and out of her in a sweet perfect Rythym Hours later . Maids room ? Celine and the other maids sat chatting till Abigail sang out “I thought you Said I can’t live without you “….. Emily and Mary chorused ” look how jolly am living “,…. ” what kind of song is that ?”, celine asked ” its the jolly dance “….. Abigail played the music in her phone and the two maids joined her as they danced like limping frogs Celine couldn’t stop laughing ” come on Celine “, Abigail shouted ” no Its a stupid dance “,.. Mary dragged Celine up and she joined them as they danced and sang together they thought Celine all the steps and Celine still found the dance crazy *******? Hours later ?******** Danny was buttoning his shirt Miranda lay on the bed she covered her body with the sheet ” Danny you took a sweet advantage of me while I was drunk”…. “what !!!!!?.. ” stop it am just kidding”…. ” wow you realy won’t grow old this girl”….. ” I love the way you hold a woman Danny , so manly , so perfect….we should do this again… ” a night stand only happens once , well I need to leave now am going home ” so tell me about your girlfriend ?… “seriously ?… “ok I know I Said no strings attached but I just wanna know as a friend”…. Danny : am single and am leaving ” not even a Kiss”,miranda asked Danny kissed her fore head and walked out ********? Hoffman’s house ?⛲? The family was complete so they had dinner and the maids stood by them and offered each person what they needed “dad you came back late y?.. ” sorry I had some things to tidy up “…. “you are really stressed up recently “…. “what can I do ?… ” least i forget the presidents family sent an invitation for his daughters birthday “… “we are realy strengthening our relationship with mr president and I will make sure to seal this relationship with marriage between Danny and mirabel”…… “hold it dad my brother will marry for love and not for contractual relationship or wealth “,…. ” that reminds me where is Danny ( she stretched her cup and Celine poured juice into it ) “penthhouse I guess …. ” must I realy give birth to my self when I was growing “,…. “am glad you know “,…… ” ensure Danny attends that party and buy a good present for mirabel”….. ” ok honey”,… “stop talking people its bad manners “,…. *********? Maids room? They family had slept Celine sat with her leg folded up. Danny in a few minutes I am going to meet you life , the goddess anwswred my payers, am going to meet my crush…it’s really sweet…I also miss that proud peacock , I also want to see him too after I see you..I like u both so much the only men i ever thought off. What if I am asked to choose one of you .maybe i will chose the proud peacock….seems he cares about me a little…or will I chose you….. Come back quickly …I really want to see you.Celine thought ————- ” is Danny always this late ? Celine asked . ” yea he is”,… “you want to see Danny so badly its so obvious “,… ” (smiles shyly ) is it? “yes you where looking at the door all the while at the dinner”,…. “that’s normal the first time you wanna meet your celebrity crush “,…. “so Celine tell me y is your tummy so flat “,…. “nothing … “its the waist chain “no its not “… “:so why do you use them ,chains.. ” its not an ordinary chain, its the symbol of my mums trust…so if I lift my cloth and she doesn’t find her Chain it means i committed a sin…….unless of course i got married …then I will keep this chain for my kid…undefiled . Just then they heard sounds ” Danny is back !!!!”, emily shouted ” yea he is “, Abigail finished … They slightly opened the door and peeped at Danny as he walked down and stood with Gretel talking by her door ” he kind of looks familiar but am not quite sure”,celine said. ” wake up you never met him .. ” but wait is that how he walks ,cute!!. ” he’s a model what do you expect, catwalk has mastered him. “his step is so sexy “,emily said “he is so dreamy “,Mary said ” he is more handsome in person “, celine said. ” you have not seen him up close Celine if you see him up close you will just wanna die”, abigail said. ” I swear Danny Hoffman looks like a Greek God”, emily said. ” he reminds me of this Korean guy Lee min .. ” its the stature , but I think Danny Is more handsome than Him facially , height , hair , eye , skin , wow….. ” how can a human being be so beautiful “, celine asked innocently They all smiled at her. ” he is going to look this way lock the door”, emily shouted . They quickly locked the door Celine fell on her bed … ” Celine you just saw Danny”… “he still reminds me of someone “,…. “maybe it’s him you saw once “… “describe the person “,…. ” the thing is I saw the person when I wasn’t with my glasses so my sight was blurr I didn’t see the face correctly but their height is just exact “, celine said. ” I don’t think so come on cut it out “…. ” you are right what am I thinking can Danny Hoffman even talk to someone like me”, celine said. ” now you get it, good night celine ….. “good night “good night CEline sat back on her bed and raised her knee upward as folded her hands around the leg —————- They are right what Am I thinking anywAy I really want to see that proud peacock again” she Said to herself —————- Just then the land line rang the maids awoke ” its Danny “, emily said. ” lemme guess one glass of juice with chicken “, mary said. ” lets pick first , come on Celine pick you never picked before “, abigail said.. Celine picked up ” uuhhm hello sir ” one glass of juice.. ” oh ok . ” was I right ? “yes “… ” better meet philomena “, abigail said ” me ?.. ” yea ,you… Danny still held the phone am kinda going crazy i even hear that commoners voice everywhere i go …now I thought she spoke on phone. The only thing I think of is her…the only sound I hear is her laughter..I am so deeply in need of celine but I can’t even find her …. I don’t know anything about her, how do I search…where will I start the search.. ————– Danny played the jolly music as he kept his phone on the bed Meanwhile Celine knocked on Danny’s door with the tray in her hands ❤❤??❤??????? Meanwhile Celine knocked on Danny’s door with the tray in her hands ” one moment “, danny shouted .. Just then Gretel came out of her room and dragged Celine into her room and locked the door ” I want to give your brother this “, celine said “don’t worry “… She dialed the land line and Abigail arrived even before Abigail could knock Gretel took the tray from celine and handed it to Abigail. Abigail served Danny instead ” gretel you are troublesome “, celine said.. Gretel smiled ” that’s because I love you.. Celine chuckled “oh I need coffee “. She dialed the land line and minutes later Abigail arrived at the door ” I need your… Gretel opened the door she took the cup from Abigail and tasted the coffee then she angrily threw the cup on the floor where Abigail stood and the cup broke into pieces “am sorry madam “, Abigail said ” why is it bitter”, Gretel shouted ” sorry madam you didn’t tell me how you wanted it … ” its ok gret”,celine said ” just get me milk “, gretel said ” I will get it for you”,celine replied. As Celine left for the kitchen Abigail started cleaning the room ———— Meanwhile Celine was in the kitchen she was busy checking the expiration date of milks So they don’t have any expired milk here she Said to herself she opened the lower fridge and that’s where she found spoilt milk she instantly poured it into a cup and headed for Gretels room as she walked in Abigail was walking out “oh thank you celine “,gretel said ” your welcome “… GREtel sipped the milk ” omg the taste is sour “,… “that’s because it’s spoilt and spoilt milk Is deadly”,… “why do you want to kill me then” ,… Celine sat beside her ” ave noticed that you taste stuffs before swallowing them I knew you won’t drink it but do you know that good poison has no taste :,….. “and?… ” I want to use this to teach you something gret you are free to fire me later ” tell me “learn to treat your maids right, treat them well, show them respect “why ? “because you have entrusted your health to them they bring you food, they bring you juice, they bring you milk, in the same way honey they can bring you poison, spoilt food, rotten milk and you will Still take it because you trust them with your health so why can’t they trust you with their self respect better treat your maids right gret or else the next one won’t be spoilt milk but poison and it won’t come from me even God treats everybody equally I wonder who you are Celine took the cup from Gretel and walked away she walked into Abigail who sat quietly on her bed “hey ,am sorry… “its all right am used to it “,… Just then the felt the door open and Gretel walked in she walked towards Abigail “madam “.. Gretel sat on the bed Am realy sorry for treating you poorly Abigail I guess I wasn’t well trained so please forgive me and I promise to be a better person “,.. “thank you ma”,… “you too lina”,…. “I was never made at you in the first place “,…. “thank you “,… She turned and walked back to her room . *************? Danny’s room very early in the morning Danny was still fast asleep when he’s land line rang it was from he’s father room ” dad ” get ready we are going to the office today for a meeting ” this early ” get up!!!! ” sure dad… Danny knew coffee would help him feel Better so he called the maids room Celine was done bathing already …she was already used to all this … The sound of the landline ringing woke all the maids up. Emily checked it and it was Danny’s room ” omg no “, emily shouted and ran into her bathroom. ” Abigail Danny is calling”, emily said. ” I can’t go I look dirty , look at my hair , I can’t lose my job.. Abigail rushed into be shower. ” Emily why don’t you answer “, celine said. ” do I look like I want Danny to fire me , no matter how you look you can never be clean to him , not to talk of now that my hair is dirty…. Emily rushed into her own shower. Celine wondered what went on with them as she picked the call. ” pls tell me sir ?.. ” uhmmm coffee…pls ..pls . He dropped the call Celine wondered if he was sleep talking She shouted . ” girls Danny wants coffee.. ” meet philomena … ” comb your hair. ” wear clean cloths maybe wear white ” wear hand gloves. ” wear a hair cover. ” make sure your nails are clean. ” better use all your perfume. ” don’t touch his cup. ” be care full , one mistake you might loose your job. ” that was how sintia lost her job. ” ordinarily cos her hair was unkempt. ” omg that’s scary “, celine said ” Celine hurry. ” oh ok … She looked herself in the mirror ” Danny please don’t fire me , am not feeling fine , I don’t have strength to cry… She rushed out and met philomena … Minutes later she knocked on Danny’s door nobody answered. She pushed open the door and dropped the tray on the table… She looked at him quietly smiling. Finally she saw him… He slept beautifully with the bed cover to his tummy…. he packed his hair up and wire row gold earrings…. His phone kept ringing by his side …she liked the tattoo on his kneck ….she wondered why he’s skin looked like good so spotless and eat able. Just looking at him like this was her dream come true.she finally saw her crush … Celine didn’t want to wake him so she walked out leaving the coffee there. She returned to the maids room where she organised her stuffs. Minutes later she saw Danny running into a car with his dad.she smiled to herself.. ⛲⛲??⛲⛲?? Keilas house gretel walked into keilas house she wore a bom short with with a show back top she held her car keys in her hand and she walked directly into the parlour where keila sat watching tv “hey!! ” hy… ” how are you ? ” am great so mirabel party is coming up “…. “I can’t wait to party “sily girl “so you owe me some gist today you know”,… “about the whole simeon thing? ‘ kinda . ” I and simeon are not a thing I swear he just kissed me a few times aaaannddd… ” removed your cloths ?.. ‘ yea that too. They both laughed ” wait isn’t that Anna KeilA looks at the tv ” star times is interviewing her”… “hmmm I thought she won’t compete “…. “me too”… # # The interview went on as startimes speaker interviewed Anna James Anna kept smiling carelessly to the camera ???? ” Anna James we are glad to have you “pls don’t mention “how are you preparing for the competition “am almost there “I believe you won’t stress yourself since Gretel Hoffman your competition is not competing “(laughing ) gretel hoffman is not my competition “… “what do you mean”…. ” Gretel knows i am a better dancer than she is GREtEL turns to KeilA ” that’s true “realy ……………….. ” but Gretel has beat you quite a remarkable number of times “:ever since first grade when I started competing with Gretel I always beat her because by then I did circular dances and so did gret and I was the award winner even when i learnt my mothers dance Gretel couldn’t do any of the mystical dances not even one so when I was 14 I watched kimonis dance for the first time i fell in love with it and started practicing it from then on I didn’t do any other dance rather i always tried it in every competition so the reason why Gretel beat me all those while was because while gretel danced to win I was trying to get kimonis dance and dance it right but i always fell on stage ” aren’t you scared of it happening again ” no because now i wont fall any more because am ready to dance ” so what do you say to your viewers out there ” thanks for watching all and if you are watching gret then you should come and prove yourself in this competition I am waiting to laugh at you ” it is obvious that Gretel walked out of this competition out of pride that she has won so many medals already and Anna is not welcoming that ” thank you for your time Anna ” thank you She walked out of the scene ” if Anna is doing kimonis dance then theres no need competing gret its impossible for me to win unless I do kariana dance which I can’t do not even in the next million years ” listen do a circular in the first half don’t do any of the mystical dances so you wont be placed out just do the circular you used to win dancing shoes award make it more better ” am realy scared gret my dream of finally doing music is realy at stake ” come on you know I won’t let you loose ” oh I almost forgot simeon is leaving today ” realy ” come on lets go They two girls ran out if the compound Danny sat with his manager ” how are you preparing for the party ” I realy hate this kind of party soon they would start their rubbish bidding ” it will be fun ” I hope so ” I forgot to tell you Danny , the continuation of that movie we did has become indefinite they might not finish it this year ” really?, anyways can you do me a favour ” tell me….. ” can you travel back……. ” ( cutting in) to that town and tell celine you are in love with her? ” what?…. ” i know, don’t worry I am going there tommorow any way I have something to finish there”,….. ” you realy know me well man . ” I do “. “thank you ! simeon was putting he’s last bag in the car Sam, stanely and Amanda and 3 other of his friends where already there “when are you coming back man”, stan asked “I realy don’t know “,… He looked at the gate ” I don’t think Gretel would come I know you have been waiting for her”,…. ” yea , i hope she does”,… Just then the gate opened Anna walked in and headed towards simeon, simeon walked out of his friends and went to her ” so cutie you didn’t tell me you were leaving ” am sorry I forgot ” so you realy want to leave before I compete ” i wish I wasn’t leaving too ??????? would miss you simeon ” but are you ok Anna you look realy skinny ” am fine ” i hope you are not dieting for kimonis dance again are you ” no am not am doing my mother’s dance this time ” good luck at the finals ” can I at least get a hug ( she opens her hands wide) ” why not (he hugs her )”,… Just then Gretel and keila walked in on seeing them simeon let go of Anna slowly while gretel on her on part tried walking out but keila held her hands ” what are you trying to do gret that’s childish “,… With this Gretel turned and simeon walked towards her ” hey guys am glad you came ” i will realy miss you but do have fun in the state’s, I will catch up with the guys ( keila walked out ” am glad you came gret ” I just walked KeilA she wanted to come ” am still glad you came ” anyways safe journey I better leave she walked out of the gate and simeon walked with her and drew her back ” why are you always like this , stop denying this , we kissed ,we almost made out …you feel this just say it gret, make me complete ” I don’t want to distract you from your girlfriend “,… “but Anna is just my friend”,… ” you guys never had a thing ?.. ” well… we did it was in the past “,.. ” whatever I don’t even care She rushed back into the compound and simeon walked behind her ” come on son lets go we dont have time anymore Gretel walked to KeilA and simeon walked into the car He waved at Gretel and they drove off Gretel walked out of the compound with KeilA ” Gretel you are cute when you are jealous ” I wasn’t jealous Just then Anna walked towards them ” oh its gret, the snatcher “what !!! ” you snatched my awards now you want to snatch my boyfriend so great or should i say so (gret) ” am not gonna talk to you dear i talk to living things ” stay away from simeon I might leave the medals for you but I won’t leave him ” anna if I heard the news right I think simeon dumped you he doesn’t want you anymore so just let him be you are too young for this anyway “, keila said ” you are so dumb I mean that hug does it look like someone who doesn’t want someone anymore. ” come on k we don’t have time for this waste …. ” KeilA do you still need to compete I mean you should know you have no place in the finals even your silly mothers dance won’t do you any good KeilA tried slapping Anna but Gretel held her hand “,… ” I always thought you were ok Anna but now i agree with the press insanity runs in your family, come on k she dragged keilas hand and they walked forward ” Gretel I realy wish you would compete so I can teach your sorry ass how to lose .. ” I wonder what simeon saw in you because I don’t see anything ” let me promise you something Anna James I would never let you win in the nationals ask around I never break a promise ” till then baby girl GREtel and keila enterred their car and drove off Gretels room ? Gretel walked about like an angry lion in her room celine walked in ” hey wAts wrong you look you would swallow a nation…. ” anna can’t win I won’t let her ” then beat her ” I can’t am not competing ” ok what are we talking about here “: the ballet challenge ” ok in the nationals ” yes now i can’t compete because i promised my best friend that I won’t compete since she is scared that I would win “ok?… ” but now someone who is better than me wants to win but I realy want KeilA to win. ” mmmm this is bad but if you compete can you beat this girl ” I hope so I mean I have to practice a dance higher than the one she wants to do I have been practicing the dance before but I couldn’t finish it so I left it ” well if you ask me I think you should make sure the girl you hate doesn’t win even if you have to win to do so ” hmmmm i know what to do thanks to you lina ” you are welcome “…. Celine returned to the maids room and before she could settle down Gretel ran into the maids room carrying her laptop. ” all the maids where surprised to see her but she rushed to Celines bed “lina check this out ” Jesus why is she using rocks The other maids watched from behind “: that’s karianas dance “, gretel said ” impossible “, emily said ” if the owner of the dance is in a wheel chair then who can do it?…Abigail asked “Gretel can”,…Celine said “what ? ” you can do it its impossible for others doesn’t mean its impossible for you”,….. “no I can’t,”,…. ” you can but first you need to meet kariana relate to her and talk to her you will find new confidence “,….. “she might think I came to mock her lina”,…. “no she won’t, try it after all whats the worst thing that can happen”,….. “thank you , all right I just wanted to show you the dance”,..Gretel took her laptop and walked out of the room ********? Minutes later ?******** Celine ran down the street on the errand mrs hoffman sent her. She got to the store she bought everything and then she saw the white cover-all that was hanged in front of the store Celine flashed back to when her fellow maids where telling her comb you hair, brush your teeth etc before meeting Danny if not u will lose your job so she instantly asked the man “pls how much is the white cover all sir”,.. ” do you like it then take it happy new month no one wants it anyways “,.. “oh thank you “,… She ran back to the mansion and gave everything she bought to Mrs hoffman She walked into her room with the cover all she removed the water proof and tried it on all the maids started laughing ” you really fit Danny Hoffman ” Celine can you breath I can only see your eye what kind of cover all is this ” pls I need one too am tired of hearing your hair is unkept, your hand is dirty etc ” since Danny Hoffman is so picky with this my work here is secured”, celine said Just then the land line rang ” its Danny “when did he come back? Emily picked up the phone ” hello ” cold juice pls ” ok ” ( laughing ) go on Celine go and practice with your outfit he wants cold juice “,emily said . ” yes madam”, celine replied She walked out and they girls kept laughing in one word Celine looked like father Christmas Minutes later Danny heard a knock on his door ” coming “….. He opened the door and on seeing Celine Danny laughed for close to 30 seconds non stop but Celine still stood with the tray admiring the room it was so big and beautiful the television had occupied one part of the wall there was a big piano table and his guitar sat beside celine had not looked to the floor she only looked around the room the bed was big and beautiful she noticed the glass wall from which she could see the pool outside celine wondered if this was just a room ….she saw the big long mirror she looked up she saw the chandelier which made the room sparkle until she came back to reality and Danny was still laughing ” omg this is crazy father Christmas in my own house its not even christmas “,… ” no sir its not father Christmas its a maid I brought the juice “,…she lifted the tray up “place it on the table :,.. danny said sitting on his bed . ” so tell me why the outfit dear?. “ah its nothing ?… “tell me you might lose your job if you don’t tell me ?… ” actually the thing Is I heard you are always like telling the maids you look stuffy, your hair is bushy, u look disgusting, you are fired that kind of thing “,…she said and shyly tried covering her face with her hand ” realy?, so that’s why you covered Every where “,…. ” yes sir “,.. “it seems your new so what’s your name ” “my name is…. “don’t worry I will call you cover girl “,… “what ?. ” cover. Girl . ” ah ok thank you sir “,… She turned with the empty tray and suddenly she noticed the floor it was like she was in the middle of the ocean celine was still trying to understand weather the floor was made of glass and the room was built in the ocean she didnt see when she got to the door she hit her head and fell to the floor Danny started laughing again ” are you all right c ” c for what “: cover girl ” oh thank you sir “,..she tried standing up then she noticed she was lying on top of a big dolphin celine got so scared she shouted and instantly jumped on top of danny ” omg jump down I will sack u “no no no the big shark wants to eat me “,… Danny suddenly felt a very strong passion for celine as he looked at her eye he was lost in her sight he felt like she was someone he knew for long Danny couldn’t feel her weight anymore rather he knew he felt something else to danny her eye was so real it depicted fear and looked very teary ” its not a shark its a dolphin and this is not the ocean its a wallpaper Just then celine looked around the room and noticed that it was realy not the ocean she jumped down from Danny ” ouch I have to bath again jeez ‘am sorry sir I would be leaving Danny stood still and watched celine as she stepped to the door as Celine touched the door she said to herself Wait what did I do Jesus did I just jump on Danny Hoffman, Danny Hoffman, Am finished I ave lost my job oh my God Just then celine turned and looked at Danny who was still watching her she instantly knelt down and placed the tray on her head with her hands for it ” oh now you realize your crime?…. Danny sat on his bed ” I am really sorry sir for jumping on you but I really thought the dolphin was going to bite me sorry sorry sorry pls forgive me remember the bible says forgive and forget pls don’t fire me “,…. ” ok I forgive you ” thank you”,.. ( she stood up and tried walking out “but I have not forgotten”,… ” what ” you have to make me forget”,… ” how ? “you are going to dance “,… “no no I can’t dance …. “played the music in his home video it was so loud he shouted ” I thought you Said i cant leave without you look how jolly am leaving ” come on cover girl I am realy finished she said to her self as she kept the tray and stood in front of the tv and started dancing Danny couldn’t just stop laughing ” come on c !!!!, wooow”,… Celine danced till she finished the song then she gave a slight bow and walked torwards Danny ” am I forgiven sir “:yes you may leave now totaly my forgiven She bowed slightly to danny ” thank you sir She faked a smile . She opened the door and ran out she then remembered she forgot her tray she ran back inside the room and took it ” sorry sir, thank you sir She ran out again Danny switched off the television and sat on the bed What a girl she reminds of that commoner Celine wow when last did I laugh like this While Celine walked into her room omg this is like a replay of meeting that proud peacock danny”, she said to herself.. She opened the door and the other maids started the laughing afresh ” stop laughing already ” what did Danny say ” he laughed at me and called me cover girl ” Danny Hoffman ? ” laughed ? ” is that possible ” omg I am sweating”,.. she instantly removed the cover all and sat on the floor ” my life is weird I just made a fool of myself ” am glad you know ” way to go c girl ” don’t call me Light fades Light opens in the morning on Gretel as she walked into the class room the students where all surrounding someone she couldn’t see the person she wondered who it was She walked down “hey who is your father ? student asked ” what’s your father’s name “, another student asked. ” which company does your father own dear “my father is a dry cleaner .. ” jeez how did you get into this school ?..Susan asked ” how did you get here anyway? Amanda asked ” well am a scholarship student ( she Said almost in tears as the whole students bullied her ) ” but Gretel made sure we don’t get scholarship students in our class how can we breathe with commoners They didn’t know Gretel watched them from behind ” wow this place suddenly smells like poverty look at her hair ” oh my Godz she is sitting on Gretels chair “; wow I can’t wait for Gretel to come to school Angela tried standing up but one of the girls pushed her back to the sit ” you can’t spoil our show ” Just then Gretel walked towards them and they gave way for her to see the commoner well ” imagine gret the filth is on your seat I mean jeez its so disgusting “,…. ” didn’t she see your name “,… Mandy asked ” am sorry Gretel I didn’t know you sit here “,… ” pls don’t call my name,commoners don’t call my name , its bad luck…. ” we have a tradition ryt? Amanda shouted we have a tradition right ” yes we do …. Just then the students shouted do it “do it” do it” They handed Gretel a marker and she painted the chair From behind Gretel boldly wrote Beware of the commoner dirt lurks around senior high All the students started laughing just then Angela stood up and faced Gretel Angela shouted ” stop , please stop !!!! “;omg she wants to beat me “, gretel said covering her mouth with style. They students shouted finish it” finish it ” finish it ” Just then Gretel tried painting her school shirt but Angela held her hand ” my mum really suffered to buy me this cloth “,…. “;she doesn’t know I can withdraw her admission, hey don’t you know my father owns this school ?”…. Just then Angela withdrew her hand and Gretel painted her school uniform while they other students laughed She writes. Commoner Stinking Dirt Infective Dangerous Beware She even had to paint the girls face then she dropped the marker and Amanda sterilized Gretels hand She walked away just then the male students pushed both Angela and her chair to the extreme end of the class where she sat alone crying GREtel walked downstairs to the directors office ” come on in gret !!! ” good day madam ” you are the best dancer in my class but since you won’t compete who do you recommend to be nominated ” KeilA, KeilA Williams and Susan George I trust this two girls ” Susan has never shown interest “;she will trust me ” ok but in case you change your mind inform me ” ok madam Gretel walked out of the office into the class room she sat beside Susan ” hey ” where is KeilA ” practicing “; ok do me a favour suzy ” tell me ” compete in the nationals ” no I don’t feel like competing “; you are the only one I know who can get to the second half of the competition “but i cant win gret ” you don’t have to you will drop when you get to the second half then I will come in ” does KeilA know you are competing ” no she doesn’t she won’t understand that’s y its 50- 50 if the competition is in our favour I won’t compete but if it gets hard I will join ” ok but please do join I rather walk out than loose ” don’t worry you won’t loose Susan looked at the notice board where a student just pested something ” it’s you and keila “, the nominees “, gretel said Susan nodded Just then keila walked into the class room she checked the notice board and walked to Gretel ” my name is there gret ” congrats “; am so happy Just then keila noticed Angela as she tried wiping her school uniform which was well painted ” hey who is that?… “its the new commoner ” I thought Gretel made sure no commoner comes to this class?… ” well i guess she is really smart ?”,.. Gretel said. ” but who did that to her?.. “gretel did… ” come here”, keila dragged Gretel to the locker room ” what is wrong with you gret ” come on its our tradition.. ” tradition you created, who do you even think you are.. just because you have it all doesnt mean you should treat others like trash even God treats people equally not to talk of you gret.. i really thought you have overgrown this but I guess I was wrong again!!!!. ” ok fine am sorry… ” sorry, will sorry give her a new chair, will sorry buy her uniform, sorry gret, but sorry is not enough …. keila walked out of the room and instantly Gretel remberred exactly when celine Said the same words she sat on the floor Why wasn’t I properly trained ” she said to herself” Anna danced in a ballet room she did a dance then she spinned around and stoped spinning as she maintained an en pointe position on tip with one leg she couldn’t believe she was doing it for like 30 seconds then she fell down just then she heard someone clapping for her it was her tutor ” I can’t believe it, I did it ” that diet worked your body mass and weight is so low you are now as light as air congratulations your dream came true ” it did “,..she hugged her tutor then walked out and she placed a call instantly to simeon ” hello!!!! ” someone sounds happy “I did it “you did what?.. ” i did it, I did kimonis dance simeon ” wow am realy happy for you dear ” now we can start over I know you left me because I never had time for you I was always too busy trying to learn this dance but now i have learnt it lets start over simeon I still like you ” am happy for you Anna but they both of us are really done I have learnt to live without you Anna being friends is just ok ” but I have not learnt to live without you ” anna lets talk later He dropped the call Anna picked up her bag and walked out Light fades Light opens hours later on Gretel as she walked sluggishly into the class room with a bag in her hand she was surprised when she noticed that they were having lectures and only Angela maintained a huge space while other students sat away from her Gretel walked into the class and the teacher turned to her ” you are late and you are still clumsy Gretel looked at her and didn’t say a word rather she picked a chair and headed towards Angela she sat down and turned to her teacher ” am sorry madam you may continue The teacher continued and the students whispered ” what is Gretel doing ” whatever she wants”, keila said ” I can’t believe she sat with the commoner “, Mandy said Gretel looked Angela in the face and said ” hey Angela didn’t talk she was still trying to wipe her face ” I got you something “, gretel said Angela took the bag from her it was a new uniform Angela was surprised ” I am really sorry gelai pls forgive me ?.. ” thank you ” if you like you can sit with me and my friends over there next time ?… “thank you “,… ” Here I Will help you. Gretel took the towel from her and cleaned her face Angela smiled.Gretel chuckled .they both smiled as Gretel carefully cleaned her body. Just then the whole class even the teacher speechlessly looked at Gretel and Gretel brought out her most expensive handkerchief and Wiped Angela’s chair … ” am realy sorry”,… “:its ok hey I heard you failed chemistry if you want I can teach you”,… Angela said ” realy well thank you”….. @LadyG @elle1
23 Jun 2020 | 05:12
Oh my goodness celine nd danny wan kill me with laugh o. Celine u will change alot of things in that family, i love dis story wailaha.
23 Jun 2020 | 08:25
@ele1 @fb-danieledem @emmy01 @Paddyx2 @atermarial @henrymary @timson7373 @kingvictor @harzaroboy @maths @prosper @thecomely @youngben @kelly-kelvin @ryder @ugonnadeyoungesterwriter @sheegokeys @phemloid. New episodes, pls tag others.
23 Jun 2020 | 08:36
I de feel d story oh @LadyG Tumb up
23 Jun 2020 | 11:07
Celeine is gonna change a lot of things
23 Jun 2020 | 13:05
WWoWW! Im glad celine has change both danny and gretel but i really hate this suspense, y cnt danny see celine's face already huh? Anna, comparism is the thief of joy and forget simon, mirabel and anna, u cnt force love, move on with ya life..angelina, pele dear, im glad gretel change in ya time, kiela u re a real gud friend.. Ride on nice story, gratitude to my very consequential @ladyg
24 Jun 2020 | 16:54
celine and hoffman episode 26-30 Midnight ,maids room ?*********** they maids where in their room and it was realy late but they head slight noises from Danny’s room ” i have noticed that danny hoffman sleeps late, why does Danny Hoffman sleep late? ” Danny has insomnia you know ” the old maids said it started after some accident in the past “yea we are not sure but we heard he couldn’t sleep because of nightmares ” so to avoid the night mares poor Danny couldn’t sleep again till like 4am thinking he could escape the nightmare ” what kind of accident ” ehhmm I don’t know but Mildred knows the whole story we can ask her tommorow ” but it all happened in the past right ” yea so I guess its either he Still gets the nightmares or staying awake has mastered him “:that’s realy pitiful I realy want to hear the full story Prestigious 8,am. Light opens on Gretel and keila as they walked into the class room and to their greatest surprise the whole class sat together with angela and she had a new sit KeilA and gretel walked torwards her and sat there soon Susan arrived and sat with them then Amanda as well as Tasha and Tanya Angela couldn’t believe her eyes ” wow gelai nice chair ” I brought it since you bought her uniform I did they rest”, Susan said “so cool”, keila said ” so how great is your Dads washing if you don’t mind I would like to bring some cloths ” yea me too ” its realy cool here is our card They took the card from her ” you hair is so full what’s the secret ” well nothing realy much ” so what can you do gelai ” I dance ballet I also sing and I can act ” cool can’t wait to see your skills ” welcome to prestigious high school honey “, Amanda said ” thank you”,… Just then few students passed and waved at them ” hey gret, hey gelai!!!! ” Mira I like your shoes”, gretel said ” hy “, Angela said. Angela couldn’t believe it but Gretel sitting beside her already made her popular Soon a teacher walked in with some sheets ” the result for the last chemistry test is out She shared the paper ” Gretel am not impressed again She walked out ” Gretel why do you keep failing ” I hate chem, see ya laters she stood and grabbed her bag Angela ran behind her ” hey classes are not over yet ” I realy don’t mind teaching you chemistry you know am realy good at it ” that’s great but I want to practice right now ” can I go with you ” you want to skip maths ” yes ” ok come on They both of them walked down Angela was quite preety too but she was chocolate in colour and she had grown her natural hair very well Soon they got to the car the driver opened the door and greeted both Gretel and Angela then they took off Soon arrived at Gretels dancing room Gretel quickly changed ” wow this is beautiful “:thank you “:nice but wait what are these Rocks for don’t tell me you are practicing karianas dance ” I am ” but it’s very difficult secondly who is your Prince ” none yet am realy confused maybe I should call simeon but the thing is he traveled ” Who’s simeon ” a friend who knows the choreography well ” y don’t you try calling first ” ok She placed a call to simeon ” hey ” hy ave been trying to reach you ” well how is your health ” am fine i commenced treatment so am getting better “S o i was wondering if you will be my Prince simeon ” ave you gotten the solo right ” no not yet but ” but Gretel I am still too far ‘ yea you are right I can’t expect you to travel all the way back here because of a mere dance ” that’s not it ” its ok I understand She dropped the call ‘ am sorry”, gelato saidv ” I better practice “,… She stepped further She started from the rock position ” why don’t you start afresh ” I already mastered the other parts secondly am not competing for sure I would only compete if the competition would favour Anna but if it’s in keilas favour I won’t compete ” I want to watch from the top ” ok Gretel stood up and ran forward then she did a very high grand adage and landed on tip this realy wowed Angela as she covered her hands with her mouth Gretel spinned around and maintained the position of an en pointe which she later transformed into a grand jete Angela was surprised because Gretel just did 3 most difficult ballet steps with this Gretel spinned around she did the fast solo then she spinned again and landed on the first rock she raised her hands and spinned again as she landed on the second rock with her left feet first then she suddenly stopped she lost confidence ” come on gret skip the last stone and that’s it you completed the dance With this Gretel tried skipping the stone but she didn’t nail the landing rather her leg slipped off the rock and she almost fell but Angela caught her ” its realy hard “no its easy you have to believe it’s easy ” easy indeed “but why did you keep looking at the stone gret according to the story princess kariana did a tripple back spin that means she didn’t look at the stone she wanted to skip rather she looked backwards ” but she has magic in her ” its not about magic its about inspiration find out what was behind her what was so important for her to look even at the risk of breaking her leg maybe that was her inspiration the question is Gretel what’s your inspiration “hm “come on its late lets go Celines compound. Mr king walked into Celines compound he saw Celines mother as she sat down on the bench ” good afternoon ma’am ‘:oh its Celines friend how are you “: I am fine pls madam I will like to see Celine ” but Celine is not here she traveled since ” seriously but where did she go to ” I can’t remember but wait let me get you the paper where the address and name of the family was written “: ok mama am waiting Celines mother walks inside and after few minutes she walked out with a book in her hand Celines mother walks inside and after few minutes she walked out with a book in her hand ” oh madam is that where they wrote the address ” its like Junior took the other book to school ” ok no problem take my Card pls call me and tell me the address later. ” ok my son i will ” thank you . Celine was rushing into the living room to anwser mrs hoffman a man in suit sat down he had his laptop on the table ” Celine finalize your account opening with him my dear so you can get your card I already made sure you receive 60, 000 ahead of time so you can see to your comfortabilty here. ” oh thank you madam ” no problem this is all because of Brigitta # # Minutes later celine walked back into the maids room just to find them applying make up. ” realy you guys seem jobless, I thought this was against the house rules. ” we wont go out with it , have you opened the account. ” yes I even got pAid in advance…. ” hmmm that’s new ” come on lets make you up ” no no no ” come on ” what if someone needs us and all of us are painted ” no one will call us ” what about Danny ” ave not seen him all morning ” me too ” ok “, Celine agreed. just then they successfully painted Celine the make over was quite nice ” u look good ” I don’t think so They all laughed one of world’s biggest designers Victoria Cartore a halfcast who based in paris , she was busy in her office. ” how is the shoot for the new magazine going ?… ” well it’s going fine what about the top models you wanted to use as the cover ? ” james is in charge of that you know this is a wedding fashion magazine its called boring so I need models who will sale it I want it to go viral …. Just then another person walked in ” Victoria you need to see this ” wow I love this wonderful where did Vera get good models like this, this is amazing this is what i want ” madam this shoot is the the talk if the fashion world Vera has gotten so many contracts out of this shoot ” yes I saw the commercial I mean the short film was amazing it was wonderful it was so real and people loved it ” the video is played along the busy park everyday by 6 pm and the bill board is all over the place …. ” then what’s going on why haven’t you guys contacted Danny Hoffman and his partner since ” Miranda Milbert ” this is what i need write him an open check if that’s what it takes I don’t know why it’s delaying “, Victoria said ” I already contacted his manager and sheduled the shoot for tommorow ” but where is the setting of the shoot madam ” anywhere he wants it wont be a problem either here or there its been weeks since you guys started this preparation sammy make this happen ” all right madam count it done Maids room # The maids where busy trying to wash of their make up while celine was busy staring at dannys magazine this picture gives me goose bumps she said to herself” just then the landline rang it was Danny’s room “Celine pick up !!, abigail shouted Celine picked up the call ” a glass of juice please. “ok “better go”, abigail said ” no, you go ,i cant go with this make up on my face…. ” ave you forgotten your cover all”, mary said ” oh ,ok. She wore the cover all and rushed out she met philomena in the kitchen then she came out with the drink she ran to Danny’s room and knocked Danny opened the door just as Celine walked in Danny remembered that he wrote ” I love you c”.. on the mirror .. he didnt want celine to think he wrote it for her so he instantly tried covering the mirror with his body ” sir I brought the juice ” thanks ” no need stressing your self sir I already saw what you wrote Danny walked out of the mirror ” oh u did ” yes ” hey don’t give that eye its not your own c ” realy ( she Said in a cunning way) ” I said its not you ” I think it’s me ” its not you why would i like you anyway , i dont even know what u look like. ” I know it’s not me I don’t even want it to be me there are a lot of people who love me anyway and besides you can’t like me we are not from the same word .. ” a lot of people who love you, realy, as clumsy as you are. I realy doubt that because any where you go trouble follows “,..he grabs his juice ” what!!!, hey , do you know the kind of people who are after me ?…. ” really why don’t you tell me. (danny dropped the cup and presented an inquisitive face ) Just then celine got herself she wiped her eye and looked atDanny again …..wait oh am I busy having a conversation with Danny Hoffman, Danny Hoffman ,how come”,.. she said to herself.. I suddenly enjoy spending time with this cover girl recently isn’t that weird Danny said to himself ” sir I will be going now sir ” go? ,you can’t keep me hanging finish your statement ” me when did i talk ” hey!!, you where talking about the guy who loves you . ” oh was i ?,well, something like that …he even took me shoping, he bought me cloths and many other things . I know it’s true love ” you should better beware of those kind of guys they are womanizers I tell you that’s not love . Just then celine slowly sat down on the chair ” really ” yes they want to sleep with you when they spend on you like that ” no no that person is not like that he’s so good and handsome too ” whatever he can’t be more handsome than me ” hey do you realy think you are handsome he is more handsome than you . ” what!!!, no he can’t be . ” I just Said he is…. Danny looked at his mirror ” hey , are you sure … ” yes he really is “, celine Said laughing. Celine enjoyed the look on Danny’s face and she wanted to make Danny angrier ” no he can’t be ” he really is ” infact I don’t think you are seeing me well ” but I am ” take off that cover all so you can see me well ” no no I can see you well ” I don’t think you can ” i can ” take it off take it off already ” no ” just take it off what are you hidding anywAy I think you have an ugly face ” I really don’t ” take it off ,how can you call me ugly this means you can’t see ” I can see well ” hey take it off Just then Danny tried touching celine but celine stood up from the chair and ran and as he tried chasing her she hid under his piano table He can’t see my make up no no no no she said to herself Danny’s pride was hurt he really didn’t like not being called handsome ” sir Mrs hoffman is calling me outside ” hey cover girl if you won’t take of that cover all you will sleep under there ” ok sir no problem I will gladly do so ” well better enjoy this “, danny said as He instantly plugged the piano and started pressing it very hard, the noise was very much for Celine so she rushed out ” will you open it now so you can testify to how handsome I am ” ok ok ok After all whats wrong if he sees my make up “she said within herself” and as Celine started unzipping the cover all from behind Danny started smilling victoriously….. Danny started smilling victouriously Just then they heard a knock on the door Danny opened the door It was abigail “May I help ?”, danny asked ” sir am looking for the Maid who brought you juice she’s wanted “, Abigail said. Just then celine ran out of the room and joined Abigail ” am here “,celine said Danny locked his door and they both walked out ” why Is it that whenever you go to that room you don’t come out dont tell me you are trying to seduce danny “, Abigail asked ” no we where just talking. “talking about what?.. ” I think we are friends now (she smilled )”,… “Celine you are realy lucky how can the whole family just Iike you “,….. ” who did you say called me anyway?.. “well, uuhhm Gretel is back…. ” ok . Celine walked further and Abigail looked at her from behind Celine rushed into Gretels room Gretel sat on the bed ” hey “jesus christ what kind of cover all is that “pretty isnt it ” wow i think dannys pickiness has really gotten to you ” just being protective “well danny is not really that bad you know Celine zipped down and opened her face ” what !!!!1 ” yea danny is a very playful, kind and caring person you know and he is very emotional too the whole rude and proud annoying personality is just exterior if he lets you get closer to him you would understand that Danny is so weak emotionally maybe that’s why he built these strong walks to keep people from taking advantage of his kind nature. ” yes strong walls of rudeness, arrogance, pride, etc “totally “mmm cool so whats up nationals is pretty close ” called simeon I don’t think he can make it you know ” what about the solo ‘ I still can’t finish it ” hmmmm ” Angela Said i should find what inspires me to dance ” so what inspires u ” I just love dancing its my inspiration ” then what inspires you to compete in the nationals ” I want Anna to lose ” why? ” because I want KeilA to win ” good then KeilA is the reason why you want to compete that means keila is your inspiration ” oh my God yes you are so right ” I know right, you need to bath Celine stood up and set her bath ” I brought you a gift you are always helping me out anyway ” what is it She handed her a pack Celine opened it and it was a brand new phone ” wow this is expensive ” did you forget that am rich “thank you ” your welcome and this way I won’t miss you anymore if I miss you I will call you “Thanks alot ” welcome She stood up ” I can’t wait for the nationals to be over so I can attend Mirabels party already ” mmmm wonder what it will be like ” you’ve not gone to a party before ” its not exactly what i…. ” cool am taking you with me ” you are kidding Gretel walked into the bathroom 7pm? # Mr Hoffman came back around 7pm, the maids where in their room when philomena came in and took Celine with her to the kitchen ” did I do something wrong madam ” no I just want to teach you how to brew Mr Hoffman’s tea ” oh ” other maids have learnt it so I think you should learn it too ” oh ok ” once he comes back he asks for his tea he takes it 3 times a week that’s a day in a day out is for diabetes and blood pressure ” ok ” he counts the days himself so don’t be bothered you just do it when he asks for it ” ok ” it takes 30 minutes to prepare so before he takes his bath it should be ready and served thats if he told you to make it when he came back if he didnt then dont to avoid doing it on the wrong day you might get fired ” ok madam ” this is just for teaching sake dear you might not be opportuned to make the tea because am the only one who does it and does it right as I was tutored by the nurse ” ok madam ” ok lets start Danny was busy walking around his room and looking at his mirror on regular bases he didn’t see his phone ringing …his phone kept ringing but he didnt notice because the phone was on silent I can’t believe that cover girl doesn’t think am handsome I mean who doesn’t think am handsome anyways maybe I should unpark my hair lets see He faced his mirror as he poured his hair and tried splitting it with a comb i wonder who is the guy who is more handsome than me. he noticed his phone sparkling from the reflection on the mirror he instantly dropped the comb and took his phone “Sandra ‘ ave been trying to reach you sir ” what is it ” you have a shoot tomorow Victoria Catore saw that shoot with Miranda and she said she is willing to pay more if you guys can do it for her its a wedding shoot ” that’s cool I always wanted to meet Victoria anyway ” then it’s a deal ” wait wait wait did you just say Miranda ” yes ” Miranda milbert ” yes sir ” no no no am so out ” sir the thing is Mr king already agreed to everything and its been arranged you only have the right to choose your pay ” thanks Sandra He drops the call and instantly placed a call to Mr king ” ave been meaning to call you Celine has left the house I will get the family name were she is staying soon ” cool thanks but you need to call Victoria I can’t shoot toMorrow ” when did you start missing pleasure with work you are an international super model and Victoria came all the way from Paris to choose you Danny come on don’t spoil this ” ok fine, i will do it you are alwAys good at approving stuffs behind my back ” mee?. Danny dropped the call and checked his time it was 9pm He lay on the bed I wonder where that commoner traveled to I hope she is treated right where ever she is …. He checked his inbox and there it was multiple texts from Miranda again.Miranda said no strings attached but she was already too possessive. Danny ignored her last text….she was the reason why he won’t do the shoot. Just then the phone finally rang it was Miranda… ” hello. ” Danny are you ignoring me. ” Miranda u bug. ” am sorry , I really miss you…please. ” Miranda guy know that am busy very busy I don’t have time for this .. ” ok just one day …I just need a day Danny. ” I don’t have one day Mira. ” fine one night. ” Miranda what’s going on, you clearly said no strings attached right.How come am feeling something else. ” danny am in love with you ” why?. ” danny dont ask me that I love you and I really need you right now….Danny come on lets try this I know it will walk. ” Miranda I love someone else…I might not know where she is now but I can’t stop loving her…I fall for her everyday…am sorry ,I dont love you and if u knew the whole one night was gonna push u into me I wouldn’t have done it cos I don’t want you to feel hurt. ” danny am already hurt …I can’t do anything any more without you…danny please . ” Miranda am dropping the call. “Danny wait. Danny dropped the call. Danny kept rolling on the bed but he hardly felt sleepy Sleep please come come come I realy have a long day tommorow . Prestigious high the next morning KeilA walked into the class room she sat beside Gretel ” hi “hy how are you “am cool Just then tanya and tasha ran in ” guess which celebrity was invited for national awards ” dunno but am thinking danny hoffman”, Susan said ” Miranda milbert”, Tanya said ” Liam adore ” I think it its Danny “, keila said ” I want Liam “,gretel said ” that’s because you live with Danny “,.. ” guys its Danny. ” amazing this means I won’t sit down in the hall”, Amanda said ” don’t tell me you want to stand with the fourth grade children in their play ground “, tasha asked “me too i would stand there “,susan sais ” its the easiest way to hug any celebrity because they must pass those children before getting to the stage “, keila said ” so that’s the plan ?”,Gretel asked ” yes and they can’t walk with their guards when going to the stage since they can’t be scared of kids doing anything to harm them , so u hug all u want . ” the last celebrity who walked with her guards and didn’t let anyone touch her was criticized by the press for one month “, gretel said … ” am standing with the kids too so you guys should include me in your amazing plan “,keila said ” totally “, tanya said ” am going costume shopping today gret , will you walk me?”, keila asked ” sorry I have practice “,… “practice, practice what ?.. ” ehhm, practice chemistry I need to practice chemistry Angela is teaching Me chemistry “,…. “oh right yea am glad, we have only one class today so I have enough time to practice against tommorow …. ” yea though I have a feeling maths teacher won’t show”, gretel said Maids room. Mary rushed into the maids room and shouted ” Danny is leaving, I wonder where he is going too. ” maybe he’s going back to the penth house you guys should ask Celine aren’t they friends”, abigail said ” hey Abigail what’s wrong ?, emily asked ” nothing just kidding “, abigail said ” this means he might miss the nationals tommorow ?, mary said “yea I guess “,…. emily replied Celine was feeling very bad because of the way Abigail was acting recently ,minutes later all the maids left the room Mrs hoffman called for Emily and celine decided to get some fresh air . Abigail made her feel like being close to danny was a crime…but she knew she wasnt doing anything wrong with danny and danny never tried anything with her. Minutes later Abigail was left alone in the room she suddenly walked towards the mirror and stood in front of the mirror as she looked at her fat self . Am really pretty and i have been working here for months before she got here it’s ok that Gretel likes her but Danny too?.. am so annoyed why can’t Danny like me too huh every time she goes in there she never comes out ..who knows if she is already letting him have her ,this Celine Is realy worse than I thought even Mrs hoffman paid her in advance soon Mr Hoffman might as well become fond of her now she is planning on taking Danny away from me but I will make sure I separate both of them before this thing turns into something else . if I can’t have Danny then no other maid here will have him . celine walked through the backyard and stood by the pool she stood their quietly for minutes then she opened her hands wide and closed her eye as she felt the breez suddenly she heard someone speak behind her ” hey you might fall in there you know Celine instantly turned and she recognized his face ” oh sorry ” hey I never said you shouldn’t stand by the pool am just the pool boy I don’t own the house ” ok She returned back to her normal position this time ethan joined her ” this Is awkward what does this yoga position do ” it relieves heart ache ” heart ache seriously I really need it then because my heart has been broken so many times already “: yea me too so lets do it right ” yeeeeesss ( he looked at Celine and smilled ) Just then celine shaked a bit and Ethan held her ” what ?!! ” I thought you where going to fall . “no I can’t”, she sat in the floor and Ethan sat with her ‘realy ” yea I just shaked a bit secondly where I came from I always maintained this position in front of the big ocean whenever I felt bad and I never fell ” wow amazing Both of them laughed and Ethan stretched his hand forward to Celine “nice meeting you dear “celine “celine , you are the most amazing person I have met this year “nice meeting you too Ethan “hey so you know my name She fakes Mrs hoffmans voice ” this is Ethan our pool boy he takes care of the pool Both of them laugh ” I wish you lesser heart aches dear ” you too Ethan walked out and just then Emily walked in “hey ” hey “are you guys friends already “maybe why doesn’t he live here “he comes when the pool needs him although he has a room here ” ok that’s cool “come on lets go to the market will you escort me ” well why not They walked out Gretel and Angela walked about in her dance room ” are you ready gret remember the competition is tommorow so it’s now or never ” its now “all right skip Gretel tried 3 times but she still slipped and fell “Angela if I couldn’t do it while looking at the stone how will I do it without looking ” Gretel think of your inspiration don’t look at the stone let the stone be in your mind rather look at your inspiration you will nail it did you know that once two men wanted to build a bridge across a big ocean one built a tent in front of the ocean and looked at the ocean every day trying to imagine how possible it will be to build the bridge while the other one was busy working towards how to build the bridge, instead of looking at the bridge he looked at his reason for wanting to build the bridge. one day the one who built the tenth was swallowed up when the ocean overflew but his friend later successfully bulit the bridge So Gretel you don’t need to watch the stone to nail it rather think of why you want to nail it paint that picture in your mind and you will do it if you want to build a house looking at the land all day won’t build that house sometimes you have to carry the goal in your mind and look at the purpose, the inspiration, and the reason behind wanting to accomplish that goal looking at the goal won’t make it accomplish itself tou have to work, believe, and be determined you can do it gret I know you can With this Gretel stood up and to Angela’s biggest surprise Gretel did the triple pack spin correctly and landed on the last stone Angela ran towards her and hugged her ” you did it ” did I omg I did They both hugged each other and jumped up ” thanks gelai its all thanks to you thank you ” you are welcome Celine and Emily as where about leaving the market when Celine saw a man who sold tea she left Emily and ran towards the shop ” hey “sir I was wondering if you sell insomnia tea “Of course I do with this tea you will sleep soundly my dear but it’s very expensive but slowly it cleares all annoying memories or nightmares you won’t even believe yourself “oh how much is it “50 thousand ” oh I have to use up my all “what? ” no its ok I want it sir I would just withdraw from that machine over there “dont worry just give me the card “of course She handed the man the card and he withdrew from his machine and Celine received the debit alert she thanked him and just as she turned with the tea she saw emily standing right behind her ” celine but mrs hoffman just gave you that money right ” well yes she paid me so I can buy everything I need to be comfortable ” is this tea all you need to be comfortable, u Dont even have cloths , what if Danny doesn’t accept it you are just his Maid so was it really worth it, i am warning you celine dont let this mere crush for Danny develop into something else because if it’s for someone like Danny Hoffman there is no hope and you will just get hurt in the end so just concentrate on liking the guy you Said you like before don’t confuse yourself you can’t like two men at a time ” yea you are right but I can’t return it anyway its already too late and I believe am just helping someone Danny is always struggling to sleep well and it makes him look weak but if he doesn’t accept it its till ok “,..lets go Celine walked faster in front Emily’s words realy got to her what’s wrong with me am I a flirt or what how can be liking two men at the same time anyways I feel the same way when i think of both of them she said to herself as she wiped her tears with the back of her hands and the contact lense fell into on top of the hands emily noticed this from behind and rushed towards celine ” celine am sorry for what i said ” no am not crying i just think my eyes are watering “, ” am realy sorry Celine but I Just dont want you to get hurt loving Danny Hoffman will destroy you Celine he’s too high and have you heard his list of girlfriends in the past they are all rich ok see She pointed to jennifers bill board across the street ” wow she is pretty ” she is Danny’s ex ” wow ” now you know Miranda milbert right ” yea the best body queen ” I think she is his current date ” oh ” so you see Celine you are way below Danny so lets just crush on him like every other celebrity but you can never let yourself fall in love with him Celine even Mr Hoffman can never settle for a commoner Emily hugged celine and placed the lenses back after she had rinsed her hands and both of them headed home danny and sandra where already set for the shoot everything was ready but miranda and Victoria where missing ” am really getting tired you know I mean where is Miranda”? Danny asked . ” or even Victoria ?…Sandra Said ” Victoria must not come she is very busy her people are already here”,…. danny corrected Sandra Just then Victoria a white fair woman with short hair in form of a skull cap walked down her car towards Danny who also stood up with his hands open they pecked each other on both cheek ” Victoria finally ” Danny Hoffman am so glad I could get you ” I always wanted to cover your magazine ” well i ave always wanted you to model for me ” its a pleasure ” but where is Miranda Milbert ” I guess she is on her way Victoria walked towards her car she made a few calls soon every thing was set ” Miranda has a habit of showing up late”, Sandra said ” a bad one “, danny replied Miranda ran out of her car and her assistant ran behind her ” madam where are you going to the shoot will soon start ” I need to meet my doctor come on Elaine followed her Soon they Got into the hospital and Miranda sat dowm ” oh Miranda ” tell me is my test result out am I pregnant ” well miranda the results will take like 30 more minutes ‘ ok I will wait. Miranda read the test results her doctor gave her ” what ,am not pregnant but I want to be pregnant ” miranda you are not pregnant and i dont understand you are a super model, you are just 23 you are not married and you want pregnancy don’t tell me you want to tie down a man with that ” well i have no choice ” Miranda that’s the lowest level a woman can stoop ” I don’t care doctor I must get Danny ” fine try getting the person to sleep with you again you are pretty it shouldn’t be hard ” he’s kind of avoiding me recently ” that’s not on me but whats important is that you are sick your malaria is increased you will break down very soon ” ( she smilled ) doctor Jane you are so smart “;am lost ” I want to break down in like the next 40 can you give me any drug “what ” but madam you have a shoot”, her assistant said that would be after the shoot ” I can’t give you that Miranda “don’t you understand doctor you are a woman too right Danny is avoiding me but I know that Danny is very emotional and being sick Is the only way I might get him to be with me after that I will seduce him again and get pregnant for real ” all right fine I will give you the drugs but i will also give you drugs that will reduce the effect of the sickness you need to take them before this game becomes serious ” ok The doctor prescribed the drugs to Miranda and injected some drugs to Miranda ” all right once you want the effect to start you have to take this red tablet don’t forget ” ok She stood up And Elaine ran behind her “:madam I don’t understand you ” I want Danny by my side and I will get him did you get the drugs I asked for ” its in your bag ” good if Danny won’t get seduced by me I will have to drug him ” hmm be careful They entered the car and took off . Danny and Victoria still sat waiting when Mirandas car arrived and Miranda ran towards Victoria and they hugged each other ” oh Victoria am so sorry am late ” ave heard its your habit Miranda laughs as she looked at Danny where he sat looking at his Nail and sandra stood beside him pressing her phone I want to be around you Danny all the time even if I have to become your personal assistant or your maid to do so I am ready to be anything you want me to be, I realy envy you sandra she said to herself “Miranda hello”,Victoria said ” oh sorry I was lost in thoughts . Just then Sandra saw Miranda ” she’s here she’s here omg I love Miranda so much I need to get a picture ( jumping up and down ) just as Sandra tried rushing towards Miranda Danny drew her back with the belt of her gown this made Miranda smile as she walked towards them “sir,leave my gown. ” will you stop embarrassing me am a celebrity too you should be crushing on me sily “, danny said “well it’s enough that am crushing on you Danny”,Miranda said ” oh hey welcome “,… Miranda drew Danny up from his chair “come on lets do a good job “, she said to Danny. Danny walked behind her soon the make up artists started their work the custume designer’s where up and about and the shoot was in process ?************? Maids room ?************? Celine brought the tea out of the bag and placed it on her cupboard when Mary carried it ” jeez celine you bought this tea for Danny celine looked at emily ” yes, kinda. ” I really pity Danny too am sure he would be grateful”,mary said . Just then Abigail walked in and headed for her bed “hy Abigail”,celine said “Celine hy ,did you go to the market with Emily “. “yes I bought chocolates for you . ” thank you Gretel is back you might want to know how she is doing . “oh thanks . Celine left the room Soon Emily left then Abigail walked out with Mary . # # Minutes later she returned alone she picked up the tea . “Insomnia tea my foot ,she wants Danny to keep loving her while he keeps hating us I better throw this out the window . She took the tea pack in her hand and just as she tried opening the window she felt the door opening so she instantly hid it under the bed Mary walked in ” come on Mrs hoffman calls you Mary sat down and Abigail walked out. Gretels room. celine walked into Gretels room Gretel was smilling ” hey what happened ” you where right Celine its good to treat people right ” am still lost ” I did it I did karianas dance and it was a nobody who helped me it was a commoner Celine I will never belittle people again ” wow finally “am so happy all I need right now is simeon I need a Prince ” then call him ” I called him ” don’t worry he would come so tell me where is your custume ” here it is , gretel said smiling Danny and miranda took the last shot and Victoria shouted ” guys it was wonderful thank you all She walked about in other to organise things Danny walked into the changing room where he was done changing he was busy trying to wipe his eye off the eyeliner that the make up artist applied on him meanwhile Miranda sighted Danny from her dressing room then she instantly picked up the drug and took it while Elaine handed her water after which she ran towards Danny ” stop trying to clean them they made your eye realy sexy “really, well maybe I should leave them He walked out Miranda ran after him and drew him back ” Danny ” Miranda I realy need to go ” I was just hopping we could talk Just then Danny noticed the amount of sweat on her fore head he touched her forehead with his hands and it felt so hot ” hey Miranda are you okay ? ” am fine ” are you sure ? ” mm yes ” all right I will be going Danny walked towards Sandra and as Miranda stepped a foot forward she felt to heavy to carry herself this Made her fall to the ground and Danny came rushing back to her Danny instantly dropped his bag to the floor as he carried Miranda up Sandra took the bag ” Miranda am taking you to the hospital “. “no am fine i have my drugs with me I just came from the hospital “. ” all right then I will drop you home “,.. “no, no ones home “,.. “where do I take you?… Miranda didn’t talk anymore Danny carried her to his car and miranda had folded her hands around danny as though even death won’t make her let go when the got to the car Danny gently placed Miranda in Sandra placed his bag in the car ” I will call Mr king ” all right be safe Sandra left Minutes later they arrived at Danny’s suite Danny came down and carried Miranda up again “its ok I can walk ” you know I won’t take that Risk Miranda loved the environment it was so romantic and qiuet and the pool was just inviting it was a couple suite so it had only one room danny carefully placed miranda on top of his bed Danny he touched her neck and the fever wasnt going down ” Miranda where are your drugs you are still burning up Miranda pointed to her drugs she was realy scared she knew she wanted this but she never new it would get so extreme but being with danny was worth it Danny gave Miranda the drug Then he went to his fridge and got her something to eat after taking the drug just like the doctor Said the effect started wearing off and Miranda felt better but she still pretended slightly ” how are you now ” a little better but hot ” come on He carried Miranda up when they got outside he placed her carefully on the chair Danny had not felt so guilty in his life he already felt like Miranda fell sick because he couldn’t be with her after sleeping with her Miranda sat well and Danny sat beside her ” what about now, do u still feel hot. ” I feel better ” are you sure? ” yes this place is really beautiful you know ” and you are the only woman who has been here who is not my date you know apart from Sandra of course ” wow so this is a little love garden ” well this is my little world you know only few persons can be part of this world, come you need to see the ocean he carried Miranda up again Miranda was so happy within her as she smiled tears fell out I wish it was me Danny fell in love with it would have been the best thing that happened in my life she said within herself just then Danny noticed the tears ” hey are you crying ? ” no its the fever “better close your eye here comes Soon Danny climbed up some stair shaped rock at the back of place where the villa was built and then he dropped Miranda on the floor ” what do you think ? Miranda watched the blue water as it struggled out of the beautiful rocks and filled the ocean ” lovely it its so beautiful They stared for few minutes ” come on lets go your leg might pain Before Miranda could talk Danny carried her up again and they went back into the bed room and as danny dropped Miranda on the bed he tried standing up but miranda kissed him … ” Miranda stop I thought you are not feeling fine ” I feel strong enough for this”, she smiles Danny stood up he flipped his hair back ward with his hand and moved a little bit as he placed is hand across his forehead ” Miranda you are really confusing me , what do you want?..I thought we were clear. She stood up and wrapped her arms round his waist ” is it so wrong to need you… She tried kissing him again but he looked away .. she sat back on the bed and started acting as though the fever was coming back ” are you ok ? ” why can’t you just love me instead I mean am pretty am pretty right, am good in bed, am fun to be with ,am real, why don’t you just love me, am good enough …… She started shedding tears ” Miranda please stop you need to help me stop hurting you “,. ” but I love you so much ” Miranda i dont have feelings for you…i love someone else , I can only offer friendship … Danny slowly removed Mirandas hands from his shirt and walked into the living room where he stood facing the glass wall and looked out into the river Miranda wiped her tears I don’t know if I can leave without danny “;she said to herself as she walked into the shower… Danny walked back into the room , he lay on the empty bed.he was really stressed..he wondered where she was . . miranda walked out tying the white towel ” oh my bad “, danny said as he opened his cupboard and handed her his shirt. ” oh “, thanks. Miranda dropped the white towel on the bed…. She walked closer to Danny she wore only a red pant bra-less. Danny tried controlling his sight ..he didnt want to look at her, he really didn’t want to repeat that night’s mistake. Miranda gently took the shirt from his hands, danny tried moving from the other side but she stopped him with both hands on his chest. She looked up to him and kissed his lips again…. she felt disappointed until he finally opened his mouth and deepened the kiss. She felt him brush his fingers all round her body ….then behind, her his fingers went down her pant as he kissed her lips…. Miranda deepened the kiss as she hastily unbuttoned his shirt.. When she finally dropped the shirt she pulled him on the bed and crawled up to him…kissing his neck down to his chest deliciously . She ran her hands down his jeans and tried unzipping it but Danny held her hands …. He gently turned over to the bed .and wrapped the bed cover around her. ” Miranda If we continue doing this we won’t stop, and I will just keep hurting you…this won’t make me love you Mira…if I do this am doing it just for fun…and I don’t want to treat you like that.. cos I respect you as a friend .”, Danny walked away . She searched her purse and found the drug she carefully poured two glasses of wine and drugged Danny’s drink.she sipped her own and took both the cups to the parlour. She recalled when Elaine told her that the drug will make danny fall into her hands without stress Miranda walked into the parlour and sat by Danny she started acting very weak “am sorry , i Will stop now ” its fine , are you ok ” a little I think the fever is coming back ” am realy sorry you have to get well soon ” I love that tv show ” really its my favourite too She gave the glass to Danny he took it from her and sipped from it she smilled as she acted as though she enjoyed the movie she placed her phone on the table @LadyG
24 Jun 2020 | 19:37
24 Jun 2020 | 19:39
Hmmm i hate wat i dnt like. Celine dnt worry everything will b okay soon.
25 Jun 2020 | 14:12
25 Jun 2020 | 15:16
26 Jun 2020 | 01:49
celine and hoffman episode 31-35 she placed her phone on the table just as danny was about to take the next gulp Mirandas phone sparkled ” Danny pls help me with my phone Danny picked up the phone only to find the text message on the screen which Elaine sent ✉madam you have not called me how are you, did the drug work, did you fall sick if it did have you taken the red one please don’t forget to take the red one so the sickness won’t become serious dont forget the doctors advice ? Danny was so surprised he couldn’t believe his eyes Did Miranda take a drug to fall sick just to get my attention he said within himself as he angrily stood up and walked outside Miranda rushed towards him ” am sorry “,.. Danny angrily threw away the drink and the glass cup broke into pieces ” do you know what I sacrificed to be here ,with you .”why are you like this!!!! (He shouted ) ” Danny am really sorry it won’t happen again ” do you think i will let it happen again why did you have to take advantage of me, why? because you knew i was too soft , I couldn’t ignore u if u were sick. ” pls forgive me ” i cant believe you resulted to using my kindness to black mail me ” you wouldn’t pick my calls you where avoiding me Danny I didn’t know how to get close to you ” Miranda let Me go don’t you understand I don’t love you , I was attracted to you and we just had sex, am not a thing you can’t just wake up one morning and own me ” am really sorry pls ” i can’t believe all this,… well since you are not sick there’s no point baby sitting you . I would sleep in the couch you can return to the room and please tommorow morning just leave as early as you can … i cant bear seeing you again. ” can’t you just forgive me this once ” just leave She walked back into the room and started sobbing on the bed Miranda instantly called Elaine ” hello madam ” you are fired She dropped the call then she sat on the bed as she slowly remembered how Danny carried her up and down with so much care when he thought she was sick You have to love me Danny I won’t let any other woman have you it has to me it has to be Miranda She said to herself Meanwhile Danny sat on the parlour and the only thought that erased the anger from his heart was the thougt of Celine Why Is my love life so messed up I am in love with you but you are nowhere to be found celine my heart Is realy hurting from longing for your presence what do you want from me why are you making me incomplete ” he said to himself Nationals. # ballerinas all over the world where being interviewed as well as hip pop dancers and singers who wanted to compete everyone the whole nation talked about the nationals awards and the five mystical queens where already being interviewed Danny opened his eye that morning he saw the breakfast which was on the table as well as an apology later from Miranda he stood up and walked into the room but miranda was no longer there Danny took his bath and came out then as he ate he switched on his tv Is today is the national awards ?, wow I will gladly watch from my tv “,he said to himself Then his phone rang it was Mr king ” hey any news on celine ?.. “her mother hasn’t called yet.. “ok ” are you getting ready to attend the nationals?.. ” I have no plans ” you do, the organisers have been calling me all day everybody wants you there “what!!, no not again am not in a hugging mood ” better be there your fans are increasing everyday and Gretel will be glad to have you ” she’s not competing ” do not miss this program ” oh am already tired of walking about . Soon the big hall was being crowded and designed the glass pool were the kids stayed was filled up with balloons and they all played around in there as they where dressed up in the colour of the balloons all ballerinas where practicing in the big hall while other dancers and singers practiced in different areas they gymnasts also prepared themselves the hall was getting crowded in a hurry the press was already set Mrs hoffman had already called Celine to switch on the television while she watched from her television Emily switched on the television in their room too ” its about starting “philomena will kill us if she sees us”, mary said ” philomena went out”, Abigail said ” Celine ave not seen your tea “,emily said “that’s true “,. Mary added ” me too but I guess its around somewhere “, celine said . the competition had begun all the judges where present they filled up like 15 front chair The press did their usual as they where busy snapping celebrities attire in line from purse to shoe to hair and cloth lastly they interviewed few ones who they wanted too Danny was sleeping in the penth house he had already forgot about the whole program when Sandra ran into Danny sleeping she looked at him for minutes It’s realy hard for Danny to sleep well but i realy have no choice than to wake you sir She touched Danny and he opened his eye when he saw Sandra he closed his eye ” sir the nationals is already on Danny didn’t reply her ” I know you are awake already ” 5 minutes Sandra walked outside just then his main car arrived as well as 2 other cars in a convoy 5 guards walked out and 2 maids who carried the the umbrella since Danny hates the sun beating him his designer arrived she brought a white suit for Danny which Sandra took inside the living room just to find danny drinking juice ” sir you need to check your sugar level ” really why ” you eat a lot of sugar ” ok madam ” here is your suit ” mmm nice i love it ” its pretty ” I will freshen up Danny walked into the room and lay on the bed two big cars just arrived at the same time and as their guards just opened the door , two women just stepped out their foot the reporter’s already snapped their shoes …when the came out it was mirabel the presidents daughter and Miranda milbert The reporter’s snapped singularly their shoe, bag, jewelry, and any other important stuffs they had before taking their full pictures and the price of each stuff was being debated on line just then Miranda noticed mirabel and they walked towards each other ” hey “how are you “am fine you won’t miss my party right ” not for the world Then one of the reporter’s turned to the screen ” all those watching at home Miranda milbert world’s best body queen and city’s top model just arrived as well as princess mirabel the presidents daughter just then Gretels car arrived immediately she brought out her leg the reporters snapped and soon the price was all over the net GRETEL HOFFMAN WEARS MOST EXPENSIVE SHOE OF 45 MILLION JUST HER SHOE People already started commenting It’s expected *GREtEL can’t change * She has the money Gretel came out of the car fully they snapped her bag her glasses and her cloth Gretel slowly removed the glasses as she walked down with her guards she was dressed to murder reporters threw questions at her GRETEL SO YOU ARE REALLY NOT COMPETING WHY DID YOU DRop OUT IS THE RUMOUR THAT YOU LEFT BECAUSE OF YOUR BEST FRIEND TRUE GRETEL IS IT TRUE THAT YOUR SHOE COSTS 45, MILLION GRETEL didn’t say a word rather her guards protected her and ensured no reporter touched her while her manager replied GRETEL will provide all answers in due time thank you all Gretel moved inside the national awards hall as everybody was already Sitted Gretel sat beside Tanya ” Gretel you really won’t compete? “:it depends, where is KeilA ? ” all competitors are back stage. “cool Danny rushed out into the living room all dressed up He wore the white suit trouser and a black shirt which he left the first two buttons open and wore a gold chain he packed his long hair behind and wore a rather gold little earing he wore his shoe then a gold bracelet he picked up his phone and walked into the living room his make up artist filled his face she gently carved his eyebrow and filled his lashes Danny took his glasses and rushed into the yard Sandra was lost looking at Danny for minutes he looked extra ordinarily handsome Sandra helped him wear the suit jacket ” sir ave been meaning to ask you, are you human too ?.. ” no am not “,.. Sandra smilled Just then the maids covered Danny from the sun and he sat in his car then they took off . the competition was getting hotter , reporter’s questioned the viewers OUR CITYS SWEET HEART DANNY HOFFMAN SEEMS LIKE HE WANTS SIT THIS ONE OUT another reporter asked his fellow reporter I CANT WAIT FOR DANNY HOFFMAN TO ARRIVE HES THE ONE WE ARE AWAITING Just then Danny’s car arrived all the reporter’s Including the press and paparazi, even his fans and passers by rushed Danny’s car in a heavy heat the reporter’s waited for the first car to open but Danny’s guards opened the second one and Danny stepped out he instantly took off his glasses and took of his suit which Sandra held people couldn’t stop taking pictures soon the crowd noticed danny and ran towards him his maids covered him with the long umbrella Danny’s catwalk was so attractive the cost of his outfit was already making the headlines his fans struggled to touch him and the press threw questions at him DANNY WHERE IS YOUR DATE IS THE RUMOUR ABOUT YOU AND MIRANDA MILBERT TRUE IS IT TRUE YOU SIGNED WITH VICTORiA ARE YOU NOW SINGLE DANNY DIDNT SAY A WORD RATHER SANDRA REPLIED THEM SAYING PLS CALM DOWN ALL ANSWERS WILL COME IN DUE TIME THANK YOU Danny sat alone with his legs crossed pressing his phone and his guards surrounded him like gold “Danny’s here “, gretel said ” so true come on where is KeilA”, tasha said All the girls ran out of their sit and played with the kids where the stood in pool of balloons and multi coloured balls soon KeilA joined them and almost all the girls in senior high . the moderator of the show took the Mic he recognized all the celebrities present as all the students clapped . he personally welcomed Danny on stage Maids room. # “oh no Danny is dead ” why?,Celine asked ” he has to pass those crowd of children “,.emily said ” but they are by they side there is enough space for 20 people to walk through “, Celine said ” didn’t you see all those senior students who joined the kids Danny won’t get past easily “, mary said “he has guards “, celine said ” guards are restricted where the children are he can only walk with his assistant “, abigail said . back at the show everyone clapped as the moderator shouted ” lets welcome Danny Hoffman to the stage!!! all the people In the hall clapped the hall was crowded with like 1000, 000 people and counting Danny stood up and Sandra walked with him as well as two guards when they got closer to the stage the guards stopped Danny looked at the crowd of kids. he turned to Sandra ” Sandra pray for me… Sandra smilled Then they both walked further on getting closer each kid took their turn in hugging Danny even the senior students and all Danny did was slowly push them aside as he walked by Danny hugged children so much that his arms pained … # # # ” reporting live , Danny Hoffman has been trying to get to the stage for the past 40 minutes, will this kids let him ?… Danny walked further then KeilA hugged Danny on seeing this Gretel smiled so did Tanya, Tasha, Amanda, Angela all the girls took their turn in hugging danny Miranda couldn’t stop laughing at Danny’s situation after hugging Danny the senior girls returned to their position and Danny was still battling with the kids who kept streaming out like water to hug him even the m.c pitied Danny, Danny was enjoying the moment a little he still walked further he saw a very beautiful plumpy little girl he carried her up and Sandra slowly shifted all the other little kids and Danny got to the stage carrying the child ” wow Danny hoffman if you survived that you can survive any thing ” I swear i can, hey pretty”, he said to the little girl as he kissed her then Sandra took her from him as he took the Mic ” am so glad to be here am also glad the organisers invited me I can only be concerned with what i love so the student who wins the best singing voice award will have a wish granted by Danny Hoffman anything he or she can possibly ask for. thank you ! ” thank you Danny !!! Danny turned and was directed to follow the other route which he followed out he got to his chair . ?????
26 Jun 2020 | 03:41
celine and hoffman episode 31-35 she placed her phone on the table just as danny was about to take the next gulp Mirandas phone sparkled ” Danny pls help me with my phone Danny picked up the phone only to find the text message on the screen which Elaine sent ✉madam you have not called me how are you, did the drug work, did you fall sick if it did have you taken the red one please don’t forget to take the red one so the sickness won’t become serious dont forget the doctors advice ? Danny was so surprised he couldn’t believe his eyes Did Miranda take a drug to fall sick just to get my attention he said within himself as he angrily stood up and walked outside Miranda rushed towards him ” am sorry “,.. Danny angrily threw away the drink and the glass cup broke into pieces ” do you know what I sacrificed to be here ,with you .”why are you like this!!!! (He shouted ) ” Danny am really sorry it won’t happen again ” do you think i will let it happen again why did you have to take advantage of me, why? because you knew i was too soft , I couldn’t ignore u if u were sick. ” pls forgive me ” i cant believe you resulted to using my kindness to black mail me ” you wouldn’t pick my calls you where avoiding me Danny I didn’t know how to get close to you ” Miranda let Me go don’t you understand I don’t love you , I was attracted to you and we just had sex, am not a thing you can’t just wake up one morning and own me ” am really sorry pls ” i can’t believe all this,… well since you are not sick there’s no point baby sitting you . I would sleep in the couch you can return to the room and please tommorow morning just leave as early as you can … i cant bear seeing you again. ” can’t you just forgive me this once ” just leave She walked back into the room and started sobbing on the bed Miranda instantly called Elaine ” hello madam ” you are fired She dropped the call then she sat on the bed as she slowly remembered how Danny carried her up and down with so much care when he thought she was sick You have to love me Danny I won’t let any other woman have you it has to me it has to be Miranda She said to herself Meanwhile Danny sat on the parlour and the only thought that erased the anger from his heart was the thougt of Celine Why Is my love life so messed up I am in love with you but you are nowhere to be found celine my heart Is realy hurting from longing for your presence what do you want from me why are you making me incomplete ” he said to himself Nationals. # ballerinas all over the world where being interviewed as well as hip pop dancers and singers who wanted to compete everyone the whole nation talked about the nationals awards and the five mystical queens where already being interviewed Danny opened his eye that morning he saw the breakfast which was on the table as well as an apology later from Miranda he stood up and walked into the room but miranda was no longer there Danny took his bath and came out then as he ate he switched on his tv Is today is the national awards ?, wow I will gladly watch from my tv “,he said to himself Then his phone rang it was Mr king ” hey any news on celine ?.. “her mother hasn’t called yet.. “ok ” are you getting ready to attend the nationals?.. ” I have no plans ” you do, the organisers have been calling me all day everybody wants you there “what!!, no not again am not in a hugging mood ” better be there your fans are increasing everyday and Gretel will be glad to have you ” she’s not competing ” do not miss this program ” oh am already tired of walking about . Soon the big hall was being crowded and designed the glass pool were the kids stayed was filled up with balloons and they all played around in there as they where dressed up in the colour of the balloons all ballerinas where practicing in the big hall while other dancers and singers practiced in different areas they gymnasts also prepared themselves the hall was getting crowded in a hurry the press was already set Mrs hoffman had already called Celine to switch on the television while she watched from her television Emily switched on the television in their room too ” its about starting “philomena will kill us if she sees us”, mary said ” philomena went out”, Abigail said ” Celine ave not seen your tea “,emily said “that’s true “,. Mary added ” me too but I guess its around somewhere “, celine said . the competition had begun all the judges where present they filled up like 15 front chair The press did their usual as they where busy snapping celebrities attire in line from purse to shoe to hair and cloth lastly they interviewed few ones who they wanted too Danny was sleeping in the penth house he had already forgot about the whole program when Sandra ran into Danny sleeping she looked at him for minutes It’s realy hard for Danny to sleep well but i realy have no choice than to wake you sir She touched Danny and he opened his eye when he saw Sandra he closed his eye ” sir the nationals is already on Danny didn’t reply her ” I know you are awake already ” 5 minutes Sandra walked outside just then his main car arrived as well as 2 other cars in a convoy 5 guards walked out and 2 maids who carried the the umbrella since Danny hates the sun beating him his designer arrived she brought a white suit for Danny which Sandra took inside the living room just to find danny drinking juice ” sir you need to check your sugar level ” really why ” you eat a lot of sugar ” ok madam ” here is your suit ” mmm nice i love it ” its pretty ” I will freshen up Danny walked into the room and lay on the bed two big cars just arrived at the same time and as their guards just opened the door , two women just stepped out their foot the reporter’s already snapped their shoes …when the came out it was mirabel the presidents daughter and Miranda milbert The reporter’s snapped singularly their shoe, bag, jewelry, and any other important stuffs they had before taking their full pictures and the price of each stuff was being debated on line just then Miranda noticed mirabel and they walked towards each other ” hey “how are you “am fine you won’t miss my party right ” not for the world Then one of the reporter’s turned to the screen ” all those watching at home Miranda milbert world’s best body queen and city’s top model just arrived as well as princess mirabel the presidents daughter just then Gretels car arrived immediately she brought out her leg the reporters snapped and soon the price was all over the net GRETEL HOFFMAN WEARS MOST EXPENSIVE SHOE OF 45 MILLION JUST HER SHOE People already started commenting It’s expected *GREtEL can’t change * She has the money Gretel came out of the car fully they snapped her bag her glasses and her cloth Gretel slowly removed the glasses as she walked down with her guards she was dressed to murder reporters threw questions at her GRETEL SO YOU ARE REALLY NOT COMPETING WHY DID YOU DRop OUT IS THE RUMOUR THAT YOU LEFT BECAUSE OF YOUR BEST FRIEND TRUE GRETEL IS IT TRUE THAT YOUR SHOE COSTS 45, MILLION GRETEL didn’t say a word rather her guards protected her and ensured no reporter touched her while her manager replied GRETEL will provide all answers in due time thank you all Gretel moved inside the national awards hall as everybody was already Sitted Gretel sat beside Tanya ” Gretel you really won’t compete? “:it depends, where is KeilA ? ” all competitors are back stage. “cool Danny rushed out into the living room all dressed up He wore the white suit trouser and a black shirt which he left the first two buttons open and wore a gold chain he packed his long hair behind and wore a rather gold little earing he wore his shoe then a gold bracelet he picked up his phone and walked into the living room his make up artist filled his face she gently carved his eyebrow and filled his lashes Danny took his glasses and rushed into the yard Sandra was lost looking at Danny for minutes he looked extra ordinarily handsome Sandra helped him wear the suit jacket ” sir ave been meaning to ask you, are you human too ?.. ” no am not “,.. Sandra smilled Just then the maids covered Danny from the sun and he sat in his car then they took off . the competition was getting hotter , reporter’s questioned the viewers OUR CITYS SWEET HEART DANNY HOFFMAN SEEMS LIKE HE WANTS SIT THIS ONE OUT another reporter asked his fellow reporter I CANT WAIT FOR DANNY HOFFMAN TO ARRIVE HES THE ONE WE ARE AWAITING Just then Danny’s car arrived all the reporter’s Including the press and paparazi, even his fans and passers by rushed Danny’s car in a heavy heat the reporter’s waited for the first car to open but Danny’s guards opened the second one and Danny stepped out he instantly took off his glasses and took of his suit which Sandra held people couldn’t stop taking pictures soon the crowd noticed danny and ran towards him his maids covered him with the long umbrella Danny’s catwalk was so attractive the cost of his outfit was already making the headlines his fans struggled to touch him and the press threw questions at him DANNY WHERE IS YOUR DATE IS THE RUMOUR ABOUT YOU AND MIRANDA MILBERT TRUE IS IT TRUE YOU SIGNED WITH VICTORiA ARE YOU NOW SINGLE DANNY DIDNT SAY A WORD RATHER SANDRA REPLIED THEM SAYING PLS CALM DOWN ALL ANSWERS WILL COME IN DUE TIME THANK YOU Danny sat alone with his legs crossed pressing his phone and his guards surrounded him like gold “Danny’s here “, gretel said ” so true come on where is KeilA”, tasha said All the girls ran out of their sit and played with the kids where the stood in pool of balloons and multi coloured balls soon KeilA joined them and almost all the girls in senior high . the moderator of the show took the Mic he recognized all the celebrities present as all the students clapped . he personally welcomed Danny on stage Maids room. # “oh no Danny is dead ” why?,Celine asked ” he has to pass those crowd of children “,.emily said ” but they are by they side there is enough space for 20 people to walk through “, Celine said ” didn’t you see all those senior students who joined the kids Danny won’t get past easily “, mary said “he has guards “, celine said ” guards are restricted where the children are he can only walk with his assistant “, abigail said . back at the show everyone clapped as the moderator shouted ” lets welcome Danny Hoffman to the stage!!! all the people In the hall clapped the hall was crowded with like 1000, 000 people and counting Danny stood up and Sandra walked with him as well as two guards when they got closer to the stage the guards stopped Danny looked at the crowd of kids. he turned to Sandra ” Sandra pray for me… Sandra smilled Then they both walked further on getting closer each kid took their turn in hugging Danny even the senior students and all Danny did was slowly push them aside as he walked by Danny hugged children so much that his arms pained … # # # ” reporting live , Danny Hoffman has been trying to get to the stage for the past 40 minutes, will this kids let him ?… Danny walked further then KeilA hugged Danny on seeing this Gretel smiled so did Tanya, Tasha, Amanda, Angela all the girls took their turn in hugging danny Miranda couldn’t stop laughing at Danny’s situation after hugging Danny the senior girls returned to their position and Danny was still battling with the kids who kept streaming out like water to hug him even the m.c pitied Danny, Danny was enjoying the moment a little he still walked further he saw a very beautiful plumpy little girl he carried her up and Sandra slowly shifted all the other little kids and Danny got to the stage carrying the child ” wow Danny hoffman if you survived that you can survive any thing ” I swear i can, hey pretty”, he said to the little girl as he kissed her then Sandra took her from him as he took the Mic ” am so glad to be here am also glad the organisers invited me I can only be concerned with what i love so the student who wins the best singing voice award will have a wish granted by Danny Hoffman anything he or she can possibly ask for. thank you ! ” thank you Danny !!! Danny turned and was directed to follow the other route which he followed out he got to his chair . ?????
26 Jun 2020 | 03:46
32 Danny turned and was directed to follow the other route which he followed out he got to his chair and his guards walked out with him he took his car and drove off soon he got to his father’s hotel which was the closest …. Maids room ” and I thought these kids were playing I didn’t know they where Waiting for him to come closer”, celine said ” Danny is going to be so tired”,.. Emily added ” if i win the music award I would wish for a night with Danny Hoffman”, Mary said grining. “but where did he go to?… ” he went to change the hugging was much he should be all sweaty anyway “, abigail said . ” the kids started loving Danny after that movie he acted “my little Lara… ” I just loved that little girl “, Mary added back at the competition the hip hop challenge was going on it was prestigious highs hip hop crews turn and they were doing wonderfully well Meanwhile danny was done bathing and resting. He instantly changed into the next designer outfit which was a black suit he wore his diamond earing with silver necklace then he poured his hair and grabbed his jacket and instead of rushing into the compound Danny sat on the couch ” sir the voice challenge will start soon ” am really tired this kids have finished me … Sandra brought in an energy drink which Danny took from her as they left The hip hop chalange was over and people whispered within themselves the reporter’s faced the home viewers Which school will carry the hip hop best award I must say queens high did excellently well But so did prestigious high lets watch Soon the judges where done and the result was out queens high won their lead dancer came out and collected the medal Danny’s car arrived again his guards helped him get through the press he Still held the energy drink in his hands he came back to the hall and sat back in his normal chair Soon the singing chalange was on only 10 singers contested from the beginning they all tried but none realy impressed danny so he pressed his phone…. Just then someones voice got Danny’s attention the 8 contestant she was as beautiful as her voice her name was christabel junior .she was 17 years old and a student of star choice high school she had the voice to kill for and she sang Danny’s first blues ….she was Danny’s perfect choice out of all other singers Danny listened carefully till she ended the song “wow perfect “, danny said Soon they other contestants where done and the judges started on the result soon one of the judges stood up with a paper in her hand ” the best voice award goes to christabel junior . All the students clapped for her as she walked back to the stage and received the medal The m. C took the Mic ” Danny Hoffman you won’t want to miss this one This time Danny stood up again and the organisers directed him through another route then he got up to the stage and took another Mic while christabel held the later ” you have a beautiful voice “, danny said ” thank you”, she said smilling carelesy she couldn’t believe she was standing with Danny Hoffman Danny moved closer to her ” so tell me what can I do for you She smilled for few minutes then she turned to Danny ” maybe you could just be my boyfriend ? This anwser made Danny laugh everyone laughed including the girls parents and even Mrs hoffman laughed back at home “realy ?”, danny asked “yes ‘ well for now you aren’t really old enough honey and my girlfriend is watching “, danny said reducing his voice to whispers. Everyone laughed again and christabel smilled ” ok give me something of yours then ” that’s easy “, danny replied he walked closer to her and removed his silver necklace which he placed on her neck then he carefully brought out her hair The whole crowd was shocked and surprised as every one clapped and shouted ” reporting live , chrisabel IS INDEED LUCKY SHARING A PURE SILVER NECKLACE WiTH DANNY HOFFMAN ” keep it up dear “, danny said “thank you “. He hugged her and both of them walked down the stage Just then the 5 mystical queens walked in and sat Down with the judges ” wow the ballet chalange is about starting “, gretel said ” wow every where is so tensed up “,… The reporter turned to the tv ” viewers at home It’s time for the most important challenge of the year the ballet challenge ….. Danny picked his jacket and left All the dancers ran back stage. ” well finally its the ballet challenge as it was recorded last year 2 people where recognised as the best but this year it has to be one person just one man standing ….. ” From prestigious high school ?we have KeilA Williams and Susan George* ” From queens high? we have Matilda Jones and issaBella jayman * “From universal high? we have Melissa Daniels * And emeldah Jerry * “From star choice college ?? we have Anna James *and Christiana Alex * “And from Julianas ballet school? we have Sharon Donald * and Victoria king* He returned the Mic to one of the judges ” it will be wrong not to recognize the 5 mystical queens who are present here We have Mrs Kariana Mrs kimoni Lady Tatiana Mrs miliana And lastly Mrs marisol Everyone stood up and clapped as each of the queens waved their hands ” I can’t believe Kariana came “, gretel said ” what’s she doing here no one can do her dance it was banned right ?. ” I wish KeilA good luck “, amanda said ” ok the first two to go would be Christiana Alex from star choice Christiana ran out she was dressed like a maid in the Olden days she wore a hat she bowed to the crowd and to everyone’s surprise a blue light circled her on the stage Floor but she had more than enough space ” the second will be emeldah Jerry Emeldah walked out she was dressed up in a short ballet gown it was very short and flair he thighs where visible but she had her host on she was dressed like the swan princess ” Christiana which dance would you do is it any of the mystical dances ? “I am doing a circular titled ” the maid as queen “. ” ok good luck, what about you emeldah ” am also doing a circular the Swan queen “,.. ” all right lets go there “.. The judge sat back and a ring of light Circled the floor around both dancers. ” wow they have quite a lot of space the last chalenge I did my space was realy small”, gretel said ” I don’t understand why is the light circling them “, tanya asked ” a good ballerina should be able to manage her own space so you can’t step out of the circle “, gretel said ” that’s easy the space is even much compared to Gretels own last year “, tasy said ” KeilA is looking so nervous ” Anna looks like she already won ” all right lets see you Christiana!! “, the judge said Christiana danced perfectly well and so did emeldah. ” this was indeed a challenge but lets see what our judges have to say …. He stepped forward and collected th paper from the judges ” the finalist here is Christiana thank you emeldah but you have to leave the competition Christiana jumped up and emeldah just left the contest . ” lets give it up for Sharon Donald from julianas ballet school and Susan George from prestigious high school and IssaBella jayman from queens high They 3 of them stepped out Susan was dressed like a shepherd girl ” Susan looks nervous”, Mandy Said ” am sure Susan can get to the second half she beat you once before right gret ?”, tasha said ” I hope she won’t be sent home”, gretel said “am so nervous “, tania added. The competition started Isabella and Sharon Donald took the stage They both did perfectly well then Susan performed lastly and minutes later it was over To the judges ” Sharon am sorry you have to leave the competition and there is tie between Susan and issabella thank you Sharon left .Isabella and Susan went back on stage ” i will do one of the mystical dances I will do titianas dance”, Isabella said. ” oh no Susan can do only millianas dance “, gretel said ” but titiana dance is above milianas dance .”, tasha said. ” that’s the problem “, gretel added # # ” what about you Susan ?, the judge asked . ” millianas dance “:I hope you know titianas dance is rated above millianas if issabella nails it you are out ” I know . Just then Susan moved back to her stage and started dancing she did millianas dance perfectly well And issabella took off from where Susan stopped issabella was dancing with so much pride she suddenly miss stepped and fell to the ground her guards rushed towards her and took her out of the stage ” well we have a winner no one else but Susan George “, … Susan was so happy she returned and sat with Christiana in the finallist position ” congrats susy “thank you The judge picked up the Mike again ” all right lets welcome on stage Anna James from star choice VS Victoria king from Julianas ballet school … Anna walked out with so much pride and so did victoria “they are both award winners”, gretel said ” Anna will beat her “, tash said ” will Anna do a mystical dance?. Mandy asked ” I don’t think so she would save it for the second half “, gretel said.. # ” Anna which dance will you do ” am doing a circular the cow girl ” nice custume ” thank you ” what about you Victoria ” I want to do titianas dance ” wow Anna are you sure you want to challenge a mystical dance with a circular ?”, judge asked Anna ” it depends on the dancer “, anna said. ” what do you think gret ?”, Mandy asked ” Anna would win “. ” but she’s doing a circular… ” that’s one thing with ballet it depends on the dancer and Anna Will never do a simple circular , she would edit it and add difficult steps to it.”, gretel said. Victoria walked into the ring and the music was played Victoria did the dance excellently well Anna took the stage and she danced very well the circular Anna did had 5 difficult ballet steps all the judges stood up she took every one unawares ” wow ave not seen a circular such as this “, the m.c said Just then Anna finished her dance and the whole crowd stood up ” and Anna was right it depends on the dancer am sorry Victoria but you have to leave the competition and Anna James congrats you are one of the finalists for second half … Anna smilled as she sat beside Susan who who smirked at her ” wow it keeps getting interesting as it keeps getting hard ” All right lets welcome Melissa Daniels from universal high ” Matilda Jones from from queens high ” KeilA Williams from prestigious high ” they are the last competitors. ” God KeilA can’t go home “, gretel said ” Matilda Jones omg she might do titianas dance “, tash said . ” no that should be her weapon to win the second half …..”, gretel said “If she does a circular KeilA might beat her “, Mandy said ” omg am so nervous “, gretel said ” I don’t think keila can compete with Matilda using a circular too , Matilda is an award winner. KeilA walked out she was dressed like a princess she wore a white gown then she was made up and a black mascara was lined down her eye as if she cried black tears and her crown was maid of thorns Her custume was the highest all the judges where wowed Matilda Jones on her path wore a wedding gown and she was dressed like a bride While Melissa Daniels wore her ballet suite she wore no extra costumes ” keilas custume is awesome, awesome “, gretel said ” she wants to do “the sorrowful princess “,wow that circular is pretty hard..”, tash said ” she can do it she won the dancing shoes with it”, gretel said. ” I pray Matilda does a circular too , if not keila might go.”, tanya said. ” even if mathilda does a circular , I don’t think “sorrowful princess ” will beat her circular.. she is going first and she has seen keilas costume. ” all right Melissa Daniels you go first “, judge said . Melissa did her dance it was just perfect and simple ” Mathilda which dance are you doing I would have done a mystical but since keila is doing sorrowful princess I Better save my mystical for second half …I know just the circular I can use to beat her. Mathilda thought. ‘ am doing a circular the parting bride ” lets see you Mathilda instantly ran into her ring and danced wonderfully well It was perfect the judge turned to KeilA ” which dance will you do keila Which dance do I do if I do a mystical dance I am sure to beat Mathilda since she is expecting me to Do a circular and i am dreased to do a circular I need to take them unawares . ” KeilA we don’t have all day “, the judge said …. ” I will do one of the mystical dances, Marisols dance . Keilas mother smilled mathilda was shocked No no no KeilA has fooled me she was dressed like she would do a circular and she made me do a circular while she actually wants to do a mystical dance. had I known I would have done titianas dance, oh no i hope she doesn’t do it right. Mathilda thought ” wow KeilA Williams your custume confused your opponents KeilA ran into the ring and did Marisols dance spotlessly ” out of the 3 dancers only one will graduate to the finals she did an award winning dance compared to the circular every one else did give it up for keila williams All the students from prestigious high stood up and KeilA walked up and sat with the finalists ” congrats k”, Susan said “we are just starting”, keila said ” you know if you hadn’t tricked Mathilda you could never actually win “, anna said ” well i guess being smart is part of dancing kiela said
26 Jun 2020 | 03:59
33 all righ we have just four contestants Anna Susan KeilA Christiana . “all contestants should go back stage and get ready “… # After few minutes # ” lets welcome the following contestants Anna James Christiana And susan george They 3 of them walked out leaving KeilA behind ” the winner will challenge KeilA and the competition will come to an end Just then Christiana walked into her ring ” which dance will you do Christiana ” I will do titianas dance ” ok I will like to see Christiana started dancing and she played the dance it was perfect ” please step forward Christiana stepped forward she was already shaking ” what about you Anna ” i will do kimonis dance Everyone in the hall started whispering within themselves “are you sure ? “yes. Just then kimoni stood up and took the Mic ” are you sure you want to try my dance dear”,… ” I know I can do it “, anna said ‘ ok . ” reporting life , anna James wants to do kimonis dance this means good bye to her competitors because if she nails it the competition is over . Anna walked slowly into the stage and started dancing she did every step perfectly and when she nailed the en pointe kimoni stood up in awe Anna maintained the position for 15 minutes then slowly did a courtsy Everyone shouted in awe ” wow anna James am so proud of you …. ” thank you ” Susan George and keila you guys you should just quit because no other dance can beat this other than karianas dance of course which has been banned and rated impossible ” am dropping out of the competition “, Susan said. ” I expected that”, anna said ” someone else will represent me”, Susan said She walked out of the stage ” all right who is representing susan who wants to challenge Anna James, Mrs KeilA do you still want to try or would you just quit Just as kiela was about standing up Gretel walked in she was already in her costume KeilA looked at her in surprise ” I will represent Susan George in this competition ” wow Gretel Hoffman shows up from nowhere this just got interesting ” reporting live , this challenge just took another turn Gretel Hoffman wants to challenge Anna James , what are her chances of winning ” which dance do you want to do Gretel. ” karianas dance “…. The judge was shocked the next judge took her Mic ” Gretel Hoffman the last student who did that dance landed in coma”,the first judge said ” that dance has been banned and rated impossible “, the second judge said. ” its impossible for them doesn’t mean its impossible for me”, gretel said ” i will not support this suicide”, kimoni said ” every dancer has the privilege to chose their dance ,so let her be.”, kariana said ” let her do it “, Anna’s mum said ” it will be easier for Anna to win if she falls “,she said within herself . ” all right Gretel Hoffman karianas dance it is . KeilA watched Gretel in surprise as she moved back into the stage and placed the rock carefully on the ground in the other of dance video and she made sure she placed it in an other in which KeilA was directly behind her even if she does it she doesn’t have a Prince Anna said within herself I can’t believe Gretel fooled me KeilA said to herself The reporter turned to the screen ” wow we are about to witness the biggest turnover of history today …. Gretel raised her hand above her head as she jumped into the stage in a grand adage the judge recorded the first difficult step, then she spinned and mainted the position of an en pointe which she slowly transformed into a grand jete the judges where wowed Gretel spinned around like a flower then she jumped on the first stone she spinned again and landed on the second stone with her left leg all the judges stood up, some even covered their eyes ” I don’t think Gretel can nail that landing those rocks are slippery “, tasha said ” she might fall “, amanda shouted . Gretel still stood on the second stone she suddenly felt so nervous ” wow Gretel Hoffman is in the middle of her own ocean she could just quit …… Gretel suddenly rememberred what Angela said to her then she said to herself. don’t look at the stone, don’t look at the stone ..with this Gretel did a tripple back spin as she turned she looked at KeilA and not the stone . then she successfully landed on the rock with one leg .right in the center of the rock all the judges shouted everybody was shocked and Kariana was so happy just then Gretel spinned around and did a courtsy People murmured The dance is not complete *What about her Prince * The judge took the Mic. ” Gretel u nailed the dance but rules are rules , it can’t counted as as perfect because you didn’t complete it , where Is Prince Andre. Just as Gretel was about walking further to the judges she heard a voice ” princess Kariana I knew you would come for me Gretel turned and the person walked out from back stage it was simeon she was so surprised and He was already dressed like the Prince Gretel took her Mic as she walked towards him ” not even the widest ocean, or the biggest fire can separate me from you even magic is too little “I so much love this part when Kariana what met the Prince , reporting love , Gretel Hoffman is indeed full of surprises . ” I love you so much princess Kariana my love for you is what sustained me in this strange land …. even the goddess know you are the only prayer I know how to make…the only wish I ever made….the only dream I kept having….missing you was my nightmare…. SIMEON took her hand and slightly bowed ” I chose to leave my parents and all my people , because you own my heart ….. I came to this strange land to dwell with you… my name is kariana and I just Met my Prince. They dropped the Mic and hugged each other people started crying already then the music played and Gretel spinned away from simeons arms and simeon ran behind her he cought her and both of them maintained the highest position of a grand jete they danced together for hours and then they dance which should have ended with a hug simeon ended it with a kiss then they hugged each other All the judges where speechless ” this was amazing ” Gretel Hoffman you have changed history ” KeilA Williams do you think you can beat this because I don’t think so ” KeilA Williams should just drop out ” every competitor should be given a chance to compete”, keilAs mum said. ” ok the two remaining dancers may take 10. as Gretel was about moving she felt a slight pain in her leg KeilA noticed this but she ignored Gretel untill the got back stage Simeon had already gone to change ….keila walked to Gretel ” so this was your plan wow you should have told me earlier maybe I would not compete … ” KeilA listen to Me ” I don’t realy care what you have to say i know I can’t beat you but I would rather die trying, you embarrassed your best friend….they talked trash about…it’s all because of you…they said keila Williams should leave …everybody laughed at me…at my mom….and I thought you loved me gret. She walked out and sat back down as her maids helped her undress most ballerinas where getting dressed too Gretels maids came to her they arranged her clothing and helped her undress into the next costume while others massaged her leg KeilA was also changing into her last costume soon some girls walked over to Gretel ” hey what’s the point competing with your best friend you should just let her win ” I won’t let her win this is war and am sure she’s a good dancer she can win on her own ” wow we were just suggesting Gretel knew she wanted to let KeilA win but she DiDNT want those girls to know her plan to avoid criticizing KeilA, Gretel didn’t know how to tell KeilA her plan because KeilA was realy boiling up Suddenly Gretel saw a picture which was folded on the wall ” hey who is that ” that’s the founder of the nationals ” I want to see him Gretel stood up she ran torwards the picture she suddenly felt another slight pain in her leg she fell to the floor KeilA rushed towards her to help her the judges where already calling for them Gretel didn’t know how to tell KeilA her plan as all the girls and even other students ran towards gretel As KeilA extended her hands to Gretel, Gretel didn’t take her hands rather she looked her in the eye and Said ” Sometimes when I fall I don’t need someone to help me stand up but I might need someone to finish what i was trying to do … With this Gretel stood up and stood closer to the girls and keila carefully unfolded the picture the she walked in to complete her custume KeilA I hope you understand what i mean “, gretel to herself. minutes later Gretel stepped into the stage and so did KeilA Gretels ring light sorrounded her and so did keilas ” you know the rules never leave your line untill you are done dancing if not you will lose to your opponent under no circumstances should you leave your line ” reporting live , two best friends are at war …. this is indeed a twist of fate ” Gretel tell us about your dance ” its a world rated circular, dancing princess . KeilAs custume was so great she wore a white gown which she poured red paint on and she drew the black mascara again down her eyes as though she was in tears she wore a crown of thorns and stepped on the bare floor . camera men couldn’t take enough pictures of her ” KeilA which dance are you doing ” the sorrowful princess Judge all right gret lets see you Gretel spinned around and she started dancing she made sure she didnt step out of the line Gretels dance was so amazing that all the judges stood up Gretel spinned around and suddenly fell down in pretence as though she missed a step. Keila you need to dance now. You have To win.this is your chance . the light moved over to KeilA . What’s going on , I can’t dance when Gretel is in pain, I need to check on my best friend…Gretel is more important than this competition …. KeilA instead of dancing ran out of her ring she was already one leg in and one leg out ” this is love will KeilA ensure her best friends safety by giving up on the competition or will she ignore her best friend and continue dancing , reporting live. ” remember KeilA its now or never if you step out you are done better dance and beat Gretel its your chance .. KeilA dont come to me you have to dance this is your chance Gretel said within herself as KeilA looked at her KeilAs mother already frowned her face at KeilA KeilA maintained the position one leg in and one leg out as she suddenly shed tears I need to know if Gretel is ok KeilAs mother shouted ” Dance KeilA dance!!! “.
26 Jun 2020 | 04:02
Dance KeilA dance!!! KeilA suddenly remembered Gretels statement Sometimes when I fall I don’t need someone to help me stand up rather I need someone to *finish what i started * With this KeilA withdrew her leg and and started dancing her mother smilled and Gretel nodded at her After the dance the judges were speechless ” KeilA congratulations you just won the ballet challenge KeilA instantly ran over to where Gretel sat on the floor and hugged her then she whispered into her ear ” thank you ” i love you k, i really do. Both of them stood up and KeilA received the medal then her mother rushed out and hugged her after the competition simeon was about entering his car when gretel ran towards him ” hey thanks for coming ” I really can’t refuse you gret ” are you going back ” yes I should be returning tomorow Gretel hugged him. Abigail was busy looking at Danny’s pictures on line when she came across the picture of Danny hugging the commoner ” this commoner sure looks like celine all though i cant see her face Abigail suddenly rememberred when celine said she recognised danny abigail was so shocked Could this realy be celine “,she said to herself Just then the maids rushed in ” Celine “, abigail called ” yes … ” wel… never mind. Why should i help her I should separate them she said within herself she noticed the gown on the picture she really wanted to confirm if it was celine ” Abigail we are looking for the tea “, Mary said ” oh I will help “. She walked into Celines cupboard in pretence and searched for the gown then she saw it and instantly Abigails heart beat changed It is really Celine , danny Wrote I love you c on his mirror so If that ‘ c” means celine then danny is in love with celine but what about me ?,..i must make sure the truth never comes out “, She thought within herself ” Abigail you are so quiet “, Celine said ” oh sorry the tea is not here . “where could it be ?. Just then the line rang it was dannys room abigail rushed and picked the call ” hello ” anything cold ” ok She rushed out ” Abigail is acting weird”, mary said ” who checked under the bed?”,- Emily asked ” that’s true “, celine said . CElINE checked under the bed and saw the tea she picked it up ” I wonder how it fell in there”, celine said. ” go on go and give this to Danny and don’t wear that cover all he needs to see the face of the person showing him kindness”, Emily said. “really? ” yes Mary walked towards her and arranged her hair CEline picked up the tea and just as she opened the door Abigail walked in Abigail looked at Celine who was trying to walk past her “have you served Danny?, Emily asked ” yes”, abigail replied ” cool ” celine where too?.. Abigail asked ” Danny’s room.. ” without her cover all?.. “its not needed “, mary said Abigail walked towards her bed ” well i over heard Mrs hoffman talking about sacking some maids since we are many and Danny was in support ” really?”,celine asked ” yes and they would start from those whom Danny might have called dirty before so if I were you Celine since you have not had any issue with Danny before just maintain it who knows he might see you and call you unkept today, Just suggesting … ” Abigail is right celine your work here is more important anyway”, emily said Mary picked up the cover all ” all right celine maybe you should continue wearing it “, mary said. Celine please wear the cover all Danny can’t find out who you are just yet “,Abigail said to herself ” all right after all Abigail is right”, celine said. Celine dropped the tea on the bed and started wearing the cover all just after which she saw Mary and Emily designing a gift box they had already written dannys name on it ” whats that? ” its better in the box you can’t just carry the tea ,let him guess “you are right “,She took the box ” better return early Mrs hoffman might look for you”, abigail said. ” ok “. Celine walked out of the room carrying the box she knocked on Danny’s room ” one moment please “,.. While waiting celine turned the box around only to find stuffs written on it like ?Because I love you? ?My love for you ? ?Accept my gift of love ? ?Love, love, love ? ?My everlasting crush ? ” I will kill Emily and Mary today”, she said to herself and just as she tried turning back Danny opened the door she instantly hid the box behind her . ” good evening sir . ” oh its the cover girl ” sorry wrong room she tried running out but Danny drew her back ” I don’t think it’s the wrong room ” its realy the wrong room ” what do you have behind you ” well , nothinnnnng . ” I think you are hiding something ” no its not yours ” but I just saw my name ” did yoooooouuuuu, hahaha it was a slip of hand. Danny chuckled he turned Celine around and took the box from her he walked into the room Celine ran behind him as he closed the door celine tried snatching the tea from Danny, but Danny hid it he didn’t let her touch it so Celine left him Danny turned the box around and smiled ” to Danny Hoffman My only love, My crush, Accept my gift of love, because I love you”,Danny smilled as he opened the box he brought out the tea Danny was so surprised ” I bought the tea sir but , the whole love story I didn’t write them it was uhhm Emily and Mary who designed that stuff and I just bought that tea because you sleep late at night so I wanted to help you sleep early because sleeping late can really really be dangerous to the health. I realy didnt write all that it was realy emily and mary i didn’t even know they wrote it that’s the truth sir … she took a deep breath as she shyly covered her face with her hands ” come here ” what !! Danny walked closer to Celine and hugged her then he whisperred into her ears “thank you ” CEline was so surprised and when danny finally let go off her he dropped the tea on on the table Celine was still busy thinking of the hug Did Danny just hug me Omg Danny Just hugged me Did he slip, is he drunk Celine walked in thoughts she didn’t see herself getting to the door she hit her head and fell to the ground again. danny started laughing celine was too ashamed to stand up she decided to crawl out of the room she opened Danny’s door and crawled on both four like a dog out of the room then she locked Danny’s door ” What a character”, danny said as he picked up the tea and read the pack that was when he saw the price … ” Holy heavens how did that cover girl afford this , did she use up all her savings”, he said to himself CEline crawled into the passage she was about standing up when she saw masculine shoes standing in front of her Celine slowly looked up and omg it was Mr hoffman Celine suddenly caught a fever Danny opened his door to ask celine about the price and on seeing the situation he held the door speechlessly Gretel thought of meeting celine since she had been sleeping all day she instantly opened her door and on seeing Celine she held the door speechlessly “My great grand fathers come and rescue your child Mr Hoffman’s face is not funny “, celine said to herself ” what are you, crawling on all fours around my house are you a dog ?. ” no am not…… well.. ??????
26 Jun 2020 | 04:08
35 why are dressed like this ?”,Mr Hoffman asked ” she is the…. misser “, gretel shouted while scratching her hair. ” what ?. ” the missing finder “, danny said ” what ?. ” she is the finding misser omg what am I saying “, gretel said. ” somebody say something serious?… ” dad ; she finds missing stuffs that’s her work. ” no wonder she is dressed like a muskateer ,what are you searching for right now misser ? ” well…. ‘ my SIM “, danny and Gretel shouted at once ‘What ? ” our SIMs and phones “, they shouted again. ” nice work missing finder “,Mr Hoffman said. ” I love what i do sir . She started acting as though she was searching for something Mr hoffman walked into his room and both Gretel and Danny hieved a sigh of relief as danny walked back into his room ” hey lina are you ok ?. CELINE lay flat on the floor just then Mr hoffman walked out again she instantly started searching the ground he walked past her then she stood up and walked into Gretels room . # # ——–? Maids room. Celine rushed into the maids room ” hey missing finder”, mary said ” how did you know?.. ” we watched from the door “, Emily added ” so what did Danny say ,did he say thank you ?”, Abigail asked ” well… Just then the phone rang it was Danny Abigail rushed like a hungry lion ” hello sir ” please give the phone to the missing.. sorry I mean cover… what’s even her name anyway ” ok sir She handed the phone to Celine while Emily and mary struggled to listen ” hello ” hy cover.. sorry I mean missing oh my God what am I saying … CEline laughed . ” am realy grateful to you, I have had insomnia for quite a while now and you are the first person to take a step i am realy thankful ” its nothing Mary and Emily smiled carelessly and Abigail was so annoyed ” so I am just asking how did you afford that tea ” well my ……, I mean it was free, from promo, promo yes they were doing promo. ” oh that’s nice i will Drink it carefully “,thank you. ” you are welcome drink it religiously everyday and if irritation occurs or you encounter any kind of problem don’t hesitate to consult Celine . ” ok I won’t hesitate to consult… wait is your name Celine ? ” yes that’s my full name ” wow same name same character ” what? ” nothing good night ” ok sir . Danny dropped the call CEline lay on the bed Emily placed her head on her tummy while Abigail placed Celines legs on her lap ” I told you he would be grateful”, emily said “, mary said ” no you didnt I was the one that did ” what did he say when you told him your name “, abigail asked ” nothing special, why asking ?.. ” nothing just asking”,. simeon was about entering his car when Gretel and keila walked into the compound ” hey leaving already ? ‘ kinda Just then his phone rang it was his father simeon picked the call ‘ were are you ? ” I am about coming …. Gretel snatched the phone from simeons hands ” what are you doing ?.. ‘ hello ” hello u ” why do you want simeon to go with you he’s safe now right and secondly my father’s hospital is good for his treatment just let him stay SIMEON smilled as he lay back on his car Mr Stafford was realy surprised he hadn’t seen anything like this in his life ” hello sir, you won’t speak ?”,.. ” pls allow simeon to stay we are missing him in school “, keila said. ” which one of you is Gretel Hoffman ? ‘ that should be me… ” what’s your relationship with simeon “:what, well he’s my …. ” boyfriend “, keila said ” boyfriend”, gretel completed ” oh really. ” yes sir and separating them is really heart breaking “,keila said. ” little lady please return the phone to the owner “,.. GREtel gave SIMEON the phone ” hey dad am really…. ” you can stay back there son your girlfriend is really missing you ” realy? ” I don’t like breaking relationships so just stay there. ” thanks dad ” am in contact with doctor Jude so take your drugs religiously ” ok ” give the phone to your girlfriend Ok He gave her the phone ‘ hello ” what are you going to do I just released your boyfriend maybe you should tell your father to sign the documents I sent to him since last week ?.. ” done I will, thank you so much “we have a deal?.. ” sure thing sir “we love you ….”, keila said Gretel tried covering keilas mouth SIMEON cut the call They enterred their car Gretel drove to her fathers office Mr hoffman was really busy when gretel walked in ” holy mary who let you in here ” oh me? I came on my own “,she placed the snack bowl on Mr Hoffman’s table as he took one from it ” you really came to visit me,no strings attached. ” yea I have been missing you ” ok darling “, He continued his work and Gretel used her eye to look for Mr Staffords file until she saw it was the last on the table where her father signed from she knew it would take long before he gets to it ” omg isn’t that a load of files to sign dad … ” yea it is ” did I just see Mr stafford written here ” where Gretel instantly slipped out the file ” yes it is ” that’s sooooooo cool “, she placed the file on the top and Mr hoffman instantly signed it Gretel smilled as she stood up and took her bag ” bye dad ” leaving already.? ” love you … She ran into the compound and drove off Danny picked up his phone and called Sandra . ” sir were are you your outfit arrived at the penthouse I thought you were here ” don’t worry am on my way there Danny stood up and walked out of the room he ran into the compound and drove off the setting of Mirabels party was lit. everything was being organised and arranged mirabel was already getting dressed the press everyone was present the red carpet was being organised Mr Hoffman called Gretels room Gretel picked up ” are you getting ready for the party ? ” yes dad ” don’t forget to take a maid and a guard. “ok dad”. “what about Danny?.. ” he is at the penthouse he will go from there “,… ” cool send the missing finder to my room “.. “what?!!!! “now!!!!!. ” ok dad . Gretel dropped the call , she called the maids room and Celine picked up ” hey lina ” do you want anything? ” Mr Hoffman is calling you “what ? ” better go “,… CElINE dropped the call ???? ?????
26 Jun 2020 | 04:11
@ele1 @LadyG
26 Jun 2020 | 04:13
Celine, u are in deep shit!
26 Jun 2020 | 07:11
Oh goodness Celine d missing finding lolzzz, i cant laughing my God, dis gal is a character biko.
26 Jun 2020 | 17:33
Episode 31, celebrity life good o, see as they take danny like god, mirabel of all d love stories have heard, read and seen love tat is forced neva works, u end up wasting ya time and hurting yaself
26 Jun 2020 | 17:55
Commenting... Episode 32 .. I just wish i was watching the competition on t.v instead of reading it, i so much talent shows and keila smartness is required in everything you do in life not only dance.. Ask hushpuppy how the UAE officials beat him at his own game
26 Jun 2020 | 18:54
Commenting on episode 33 ..Wow.. No greater love than the one when a best friend sacrificed what she love most for a friend, kudos keila, congrats gretel, anna you did well but was outsmarted, pride comes b4 a fall..
26 Jun 2020 | 19:24
Hahaa.. Celine the missing finder, the finding misser.. Odikwa deep hahahahahahahaha.. Abigail u beta save ya strength or u go get high b.p.. Simeon, love d kemistry btw u and gret.
26 Jun 2020 | 19:39
Missing finder. ? ? so funny
27 Jun 2020 | 09:11
28 Jun 2020 | 01:30
Carry on
28 Jun 2020 | 01:31
celine and hoffman episode 36-40 celine walked into mr hoffmans room ” present sir “I need you to find something important for me its our secret ” no problem sir ” am looking for my wedding ring and our anniversary is very close you need to find it before then ” what ! ” did I speak Latin “no problem sir ” you may leave you have enough time to do your work ” of course sir Celine walked out and headed for Gretel room she dragged celine into her room, the room was littered with cloths just then KeilA arrived too ” eeww gret what a mess ” hey meet lina “I can’t see anyone CEline instantly removed the cover all ” hey hi ” ave heard a lot about you ” really good or bad ” good ” wow you would tell me later ” I dunno what to wear ” I like your maid gret am gonna kidnap her she is so pretty i would practice all my make up lessons on her ” well you can just start now because we are going to mirabels party together ” so cool ” what about Mrs hoffman ” my mother won’t even know and if she does its not her business you are my friend ” hmmm Hours later gretels and keila were already dressed they looked too pretty to be described they looked amazing ” wow love it “nice “so what about lina”, gretel asked ” are you thinking what am thinking ” that trouble gown ” totally They two of them pulled out Gretels last box and brought out the gown it was the only gown that occupied the box the both of them spread it on the bed Celine was wowed the gown was amazing it was a show back gown and the thread was laid with diamonds the back opening was much that it was extended down to the the lower waist then it flaired out like a ball gown the flair was was full and long the gown was dark red in colour and from the Breast down to the where the flair started was laid with diamonds the gown was so gorgeous “oh my God this is nice”, celine said ” Gretel used up all her savings and even stole from her father’s account to buy this gown because someone competed the price with her she wanted to prove that she was richer …. “how much ?.. ” 150 million dollars. ” Jesus Christ of Nazareth, holy Mary , whaaaaat ” but Gretel has not worn this gown for one day ” why ” she hates long stuffs and she doesn’t want her parents to find out where all that money went to ” I told them it was for charity ” nice its pretty ” good because you are wearing it to the party ” who ,me ?. ” yes ” what if I get kidnapped this is too costly ” you said you haven’t been to a party before right and secondly you have been kind to me all this while so let me do this little thing for you ” come on lina ” ok fine am game KeilA was done and celine was so beautiful they stretched her hair couldn’t believe her eyes ” here is our masks ” wow this one suits Celine ” I know right i carefully chose it ” is it a mask party ” yes remember you must never take off your mAsk so the reporters won’t find out who you are ” what about her shoes ” got that covered She brought out a box and keila brought out the shoes ” Cinderellas shoes “, celine shouted ” carefully molded diamond laid glass shoes ” wow will it fit ” lets try Celine put her leg and it totally fit ” Celine you look so beautiful ” thanks Gretel placed a diamond anklet on Celines leg then she placed a diamond laid waist bead across Celines waist which coupled with the gold one Celine wore already she placed a diamond bracelet on celines hands and on her ears she placed diamond ear rings . Celine turned her back to the mirror ” Jesus Christ my back is so open only my Breast is covered part of my tummy is even showing ” that’s the style ” hmmm ” you are looking good you have a nice figure and your skin is spotless come on ” realy ” totally, lets wow them . Danny rushed out fully dressed ” am not late am I ” you are, but you look good ” thank you Danny wore a red suit with a white shirt inside he packed his black natural hair behinD AND PLACED his diamond ear ring on his ear he wore his silver bracelet and his silver necklace his shirt had diamond stones as buttons and Danny had unlocked the two first buttons exposing his spotless skin and the necklace. his trouser was pencil fitted and not long like the normal style it maintained a distance from his shoes . Sandra took off Danny’s suit jacket and held it in her hands as she gave Danny his mask and he held it in his hands . They took only 2 black cars Danny walked with only 3 guards and no maids they drove off The girls ran down to the parlour and Mrs hoffman thought Celine was one of Gretels rich friend ” Emily!!! Mary!!! Two of them rushed out ” yes madam ” wear your uniform and go with them ” ok madam The two of them rushed back inside Mrs hoffman stood up ” Gretel go to the 5th building and take 4 more maids send two back to the mansion ” cool mum Mrs hoffman walked out Emily and Mary ran out and they wore white checked gowns with flat shoes and their hats they followed Gretel into the compound On seeing Gretel four of the 6 door guards followed her . ” isn’t it much ?”, keila asked ” that’s my father for you . ” no wonder Danny ran away from home … KeilA sat back in her car with her driver and the second car was where her guards sat Gretel took four cars she sat in one and 3 maids with 3 guards sat in the later Celine also sat alone in one car with the family driver and the 3 maids with four remaining guards sat in the last car they had a convoy of 6 cars Two white in front, black in the middle and red lastly . they took off ,celine felt like she was in wonderland she couldnt believe this was her. back at the party everyone had their masks on but most celebrity only wore their masks when they walked out of their car so they could be recognised the red carpet was on and people where interviewed soon Jennifer arrived with Kevin the press took pictures of them then they walked in minutes later miranda arrived she walked out her car she looked very pretty and pictures were taken of her she looked around in style then she wore her mask and walked down the red carpet before she got there the press already rushed her and threw questions MIRANDA WHERE IS YOUR DATE MIRANDA WE EXPECTED YOU TO SHOW UP WITH DANNY HOFFMAN MIRANDA WHO DO YOU OWE YOUR OUTFIT DESIGN TO MIRANDA ignored all questions as her guards carefully walked her down till she got to the red carpet and someone already blocked the entrance as she interviewed each person ” welcome ” am glad ” wow nice outfit MIRANDA spinned around ” thank you ” come on Miranda where is your date ” my date will show up Soon ” all right we know who it is Miranda smilled as she walked into the party with her guards the hall was big and all the ladies wore beautiful gowns with their masks and danced around as they waiters moved around with drinks Light opens back outside as Danny’s car arrived The press magically knew it was him Mr king just walked out of his own car as he just arrived the party as danny stepped out he looked around then he wore his mask the press took pictures of him he looked awesome ” alarming Danny Hoffman shows up without a date again “, another reporter faced the screen ” Danny’s love life needs to be looked into something is wrong “, another reporter said ” how can our city’s sweetheart have a mysterious love life”, another reporter added. The paparizi took pictures of Danny as danny tried walking down to the red carpet with his guards mr king ran to him ” Danny are you okay “I think so ” how could you show up here without a date ” did you forget that am single ” omg Danny those nosy reporters will start doing a background check on your love life and we all know your past can cause a rumour ” they might even bring up the old rumour again the one about you being gay ” I told u Danny as a celebrity you life is not real every moment is an act you would have told me earlier I would have hired a model like we did last time ” but I thought you were dating Miranda ” am not ” but miranda can still pretend right ” Miranda is a celebrity she has access to the press if she gets this Priviledge she might use it to blackmail danny into anything ” I am going ahead I will just tell them am gay ( he laughed ) ” you are laughing ” am going Danny walked out on them his guards followed him ” Mr king why don’t you chose any of these models all of them will be glad to be Danny’s date ” ave not seen the class I need, I need someone of Mirandas class or even higher ” what to do ” if they press looks into Danny’s past his enemies will surely use Clara incident to make danny feel bad every day and you know Danny is very emotional ” that’s true we need to make sure he’s love life is always perfect so they won’t look into his past ” but Danny showing up in this kind of big party without a date is really bad for us these reporters will surely look into Danny’s past ” then lets manage Miranda she is not a bad person she can’t possibly blackmail danny ” maybe we should do so As they where about to turn Gretels convoy arrived ” who could that be?”, mr king asked ” who likes showing off more than Gretel hoffman…. ” 6 cars is much jeez . .. Gretels guards opened the door and Gretel stepped out her maids and her guards walked out with her the paparazzi took pictures of her halter skelter ” reporting live , Gretel Hoffman is at it again , she just arrived . GREtel smiled with one leg inside her car and one leg out she looked around and then wore her mask just then keilas guards opened keilas door and keila walked out she wore her mask already they both walked forwards and they guards opened the door to Celines car and as Celine stepped out one foot pictures of her shoe was taken Celine had already wore her mask in the car one guard gave her a hand and celine stepped out fully everybody wondered who she was it was already making the news her picture was going viral the paparazzi sorrounded Celine like Gold they couldn’t stop snapping ” reporting live , Mystery girl shows up wearing glass diamond shoes and Victoria cotores hand designed finale gown laid with diamonds ( trouble gown) she has a spotless skin and a body to die for the question is who is she ? Comments came flooding online Wow from hair to toe this girl should be worth like 900 bill dollars who is she She’s wearing the trouble gown too She’s wearing micaras diamond laid glass shoes She could be a model Omg this girl is expensive and beautiful Who is she she has a nice figure She looks like a goddess The press couldn’t stop talking about Celine Gretel and keila walked towards her ” you must never take off your mask so they won’t do a background search on you, you get ” ok ” yea come on Meanwhile danny was on a hot seat as he got to the red carpet ” wow Danny can I get a hug ” don’t ask He hugged her ” I hope your girlfriend won’t bite me Danny smiles ” we are glad to have you ” thank you ” so who do you owe your outfit too ” thanks to my designer ” so what do you expect from this party tonight LMr king just saw Celine ” who is that goddess? ” exactly what we need ” height check, figure check , colour check, skin check , hair check, material worth check, check check check perfect “, Mr king smiled as he hieved a sigh of relieve ” and luckily they are both wearing the same colour of outfit ” I hope she agrees Gretel and keila with celine were about walking closer when king rushed towards them ” hey gret ” hey meet lina and keila my friends ” wow lina you look beautiful!! Mr king had to shout because the press wouldn’t stop throwing questions at Celine everywhere was so noisy Who are you What’s your name Are you a model Who are your parents What’s your relationship with Gretel hoffman Are you the current miss world Mr king dragged Celine to a corner and Gretel with KeilA followed him ” wow the press can be scary ” how may i help you ” can you act ? ” of course thats one of my many talents”, she smilled “why are you asking?”, gretel asked ” we don’t have time can you act as Danny’s girlfriend “whaaaaat!!!”, gretel ” whaaaaaat!!!”, celine “whaaaaaaat !!!”, keila “whaaaaaaaaaaat”,
29 Jun 2020 | 04:30
episode 37-40 no no I can’t sir that is impossible”, she tried running out Mr king drew her back “come on! ” she cant she’s my Maid not a celebrity she can’t she might get caught . ” that’s even better she is his maid at least the secret is safe ” I realy can’t ” lina look at this as helping Danny “I think she can do it”, keila said ” is he in trouble? “, celine asked ” yes big trouble”, mr king said “hmmm. “ok its settled .. “won’t Danny be mad ?.. “he can’t be… ” lina you can do it no need to be nervous its Danny, he’s human, he doesn’t bite..u shouldn’t get scared you have been around him before right ? Celine nodded. Just then the presidents last daughter came outside ” gret ave been waiting for you inside ” hey honey ” come on ” come on k ” bye lina remember be proud …. they ran out just then celine got more nervous that was when Emily touched her hand ” its not a big deal Celine you can do it . ” thanks . “ok dear are you ready ?, mr king asked. “yes”, celine replied . ” remember you cant let anybody guess your class you need pride, poise, grace, and don’t talk a lot be a little rude dont be too polite to anybody that’s your cover .Sandra said. —— Danny was still being interviewed. ” so where is your date Danny Just then the press rushed back to Danny and threw the same questions Danny where is your date Are you single now I hope its not what we are suspecting What’s going on in your love life Isn’t miranda your girlfriend Danny was more interested in responding to the red carpet interviewer he knew he could easily ignore the press ” am waiting …. She directed the Mic to Danny ” well my girlfriend is… Just then danny felt someone place her hand into his left hand the hand was warm and very soft he looked at her she looked so beautiful he tried to see through her mask but she just smiled angelically Mr king has hired another model he said to himself CEline looked at Danny frowning her face ” why did you walk so fast honey . ” am sorry dear I won’t do it again “, he raised her hand and gave it a fast kiss Celine suddenly felt her heart beat What was I thinking when I agreed to this now my heart is loosin control She slowly placed her hands on her heart ” oh my God is she your date ?.. ” obviously ” no wonder you guys are wearing the same colour welcome guys ” thanks The paparrazi took pictures of them Celine had 3guards and 2 maids lined up behind her The reporter’s were awed ” Danny’s real girlfriend shows up today ” money is written all over Danny’s girfriend we all wonder who she is Mr king turns to Sandra ” this girl is a natural actress ” she did it perfectly well, who can believe she is a maid Danny held celines hand as the walked down the long carpet Danny believed the girl was a model hired by Mr king as usual their picture was still being taken ” so where did mr king meet you dear ” well outside my car ” wow so which modeling firm do you model for ” am not actually owned ” wow well least I forget to mention you look gorgeous ” thank you ” so I was wondering why you accepted my managers offer you are obviously not a side model . I cant believe Danny doesn’t recognize me as his maid this is amazing am going to continue playing along celine said to herself ” well i just accepted it since I too came without a date ” nice ” so why did you show up alone ” some reasons what about you ” well my boyfriend traveled to the state’s to cut his hair Danny laughed ” really he must be realy less busy and rich too ” yes he is ” cool They walked down and celine missed a step in other to avoid stepping on Danny Celine almost fell and but Danny caught her . ” what are you doing, if you would mistake a step, step on me don’t get hurt okay?. Celine felt her heart beating again when danny caught her God help me she Said to herself as she closed her eye tight just then danny removed his hands hands from her back ” are you okay ” am fine ” lets go This time Danny held her rightly as a groom should hold his bride ” wow one big problem solved ” am so glad Light opens in the party hall as Danny walked down with CEline Jennifer and Kelvin walked towards them and stopped in front of them ” hey it’s been long ” Jennifer you are not looking bad ” you too its obvious that you are ok ” am doing great ” oh my bad meet Kelvin . ” I think we’ve met before but nice meeting you man “same here “, kelvin pecked Jennifer ” I will be at the bar “,Kelvin walked out ” won’t you introduce your date ? Danny smiled as he looked at celine who’s attention was not even there he touched her and she looked forward “honey”, danny said ‘yes love .. ” meet Jennifer my… ” ex girlfriend and no need to be jealous dear i am done and I already moved on so u can have him. ” I can’t be jealous honey ,I only get jealous if my rival is prettier but that’s not happening .. Celine smiled and pecked danny across the cheek Danny held his laughter Jennifer was burning up inside ” honey I will catch up with my friends feel free to catch up with your ex she looks like she hasn’t been living … CEline walked out and the maids and guards followed her ” wow celine that was aweaome CElINE smiled as she walked towards Gretel and sat beside her ” wow lina you guys look good together ” really ” totally ” you wont believe this lina your picture has over 150,000 likes online ” let me see KeilA gave her other phone to Celine and celine scrolled through the pictures ” lina you really know how to act rich ” maybe because I live with gretel They both laughed Danny still spoke with Jennifer. ” wow i didnt know you liked them rude ” i dont think she is rude ” she is beautiful ” am glad you are happy Jennifer ” of course I am and you are happy too right ” very happy ” am glad, am also sorry for everything ” that’s in the past ” have fun She walked out and as danny was looking around for Celine Miranda rushed him ” hey ” I have been looking for you Danny I still want to apologize ” Miranda for that act I already forgave you ” thanks so are you alone”,.. she looked around Just then Gretel tapped Celine who was looking through keilas phone ” your boyfriend is really having fun ” wow isn’t that Miranda milbert I love her style “, Celine said ” hey don’t act like you are glad to meet her rather act like you are better than her “, keila said “really ? ” yes better go to Danny before someone steals him…. With this Celine stood up and Emily arranged her gown she held keilas phone in her hands as she walked up to Danny ….she acted as though she did not even see Miranda MIRANDA looked at her in awe Celine faked a baby face ” honey I think I feel a little head ache MIRANDA was surprised she felt like killing celine Danny looked at Celine and moved her hair back with his hands ” really is it serious? ” no its as a result of missing you… Celine looked at Miranda with her head on Danny’s chest. Danny smiled and kissed her fore head how i wish this was all real but that’s not possible she said to herself as she smiled slightly ” Danny you won’t introduce me?. ” sorry my bad, honey meet Miranda shes my friend CELINe looked at Miranda from hair to toe and smilled ” Miranda this is my girlfriend ” wow so soon anyways congrats nice meeting you dear she stretched her hands to Celine who smiled at her ” the pleasure seems to be all yours “what!!! ” come on honey “, celine pushed Danny. ” mirab see you later. Danny took Celines hands and walked down and sat together Who on earth is she, she is so proud I must find out who she is Miranda said to herself as she walked down to the bar and orderred for a drink Danny sat with Celine and the guards stood behind them ” wow you really have a nasty personality ” oh danny hoffman ,realy ? ” I don’t even know your name … ” it’s Issabel ” wow nice name ” so i was wondering other girl Jennifer ? ” pls don’t talk about her “,danny sipped his drink . The party went on just then the celebrant was called out and mirabel looked wow she wore a white gown and she wore her mask She walked towards the Mic ” I am realy grateful to everyone present here to help me celebrate my birthday thank you all for coming She walked down the stage with her guards as she greeted important people personally one by one she looked around for Danny with her eye till she saw him sitting with Celine she felt bad when she noticed celine ” hey “hy happy birthday ” thank you ” am glad you made it danny ” uwc, please meet my girlfriend Mirabel felt slightly jealous as she looked at celine from hair to toe ” wow its the girl who drew more attention than I did in my own party she smiiles cunningly ” I guess it pays to look good . Celine picked her drink. ” happy birthday dear. Mirable walked out and just then her cake arrived it was very big and beautiful they took pictures and sang Miranda a birthday song and the cake was cut It was time to make a toast ” according to the celebrants request Danby Hoffman may you kindly make a toast Danny stood up and everybody clapped including Celine He first pecked Celine across the cheek Celine was happy at first till she remembered that everything was just for show then danny raised his glass as the drink was poured in he lifted the cup and the drink went round Danny took the Mic ” wow happy birthday princess mirabel I wish you everything you wish yourself so cheers to happiness, cheers to fulfilled dreams, cheers to fruitfullness, cheers to perfection, cheers to being everly beautiful, happy birthday honey . Mirable stood up with her glass of wine and walked towArds Danny as they both of them hit the glass slightly ” thanks ” uwc others cheered Danny hugged mirabel then he sat back and smilled at celine As they drank from their glasses the music was on and people danced around Miranda just couldn’t stand the sight of celine and Danny she wanted to find out so badly who Celine was ” so tell me more about yourself? ” I base mostly in Paris ” wow nice you are doing realy well for yourself “I know right so what about you ” am just me Danny, Danny Hoffman ” that’s nice ” nice meeting you Miss issabel ” same here”,. Celine smiled Wow I love being Miss issabel ,I can’t believe this she said to herself —— Just then keila looked around for her phone ” Gretel are you with my phone ” you gave it to lina ” ok there she is KeilA walked towards celine
29 Jun 2020 | 04:37
Meanwhile KeilA got to Celine ” hey lina you forgot, you are with my phone Danny turned Celine gave KeilA signals to close her mouth “my phone please”, keila said ” li what , wait lina “, danny said Celine gave KeilA her phone and slowly started removing her shoes incase of escaping Danny looked at Celine in awe ” oh my God it’s the missing finder , whaaaaaat the heeell, how did I get fooled ” no no its not my name is realy issabel ” ahhh cover girl really ? ” sorry for fooling you sir I was just practicing my acting talent “,. she faked a smile ” mrs Isabel , base in Paris, your boyfriend went to the state’s to cut his hair ,Jesus Christ cover girl !!. ” got yoooou “, celine said and started laughing carelessly . ” you can’t be laughing I am still going to punish you ” what ?. danny raised his hands to move his hair Celine thought he wanted to hit her so she instantly ran off holding her shoes in her hands ” hey cover girl Celine ran walked faster Danny chased after her as he looked around Ahhh this girl will kill me today he said to himself ” stop please before the press notice us ” no you want to hit me ” no I didn’t want to hit you Celine laughed as she ran further , she liked how frustrated danny looked . ” please stop nah Celine turned ” say it again ” please stop Celine stopped at the distance ” say madam, please stop”, celine said Danny looked back and everybody watched them ” madam stop Celine laughed so much she didnt see danny catching her He held her hands ” why do you always run away ?. Danny looked down and celine was bare footed as she held her shoes on both hands smilling ” I really thought you will hit me ” imagine as rich as you are miss issabel on bare foot Celine laughed Danny bent down and wore her shown for her. Just then the paparazzi sorounded the area danny Hoffman’s girlfriends is realy a play girl so cute I love couples like this Every one outside chanted kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss, Just then Miranda ran out and looked everyone looked at them as Celine stood balanced on the wall and Danny stood in front of her ” what are we going to do now ? ” what to do, maybe I should just faint . Danny smilled ” its helpless we just have to kiss each other , with our mouths closed . CEline instantly covered her mouth with her hands this made Danny laugh “what are you doing ? ” no way my first kiss is reserved for my true…… just then Celine realized what she was saying, waaaaiiitt, did I just tell danny that ave not had my first kiss yet ahhhhI feel so embarrassed she said to herself As she shyly tried covering her face Danny smiled ” wow she has virgin lips. ” no i dont ” i think you do ” i realy dont, it was a slip of the tongue ” then I guess no problem I can easily kiss you Celine looked around and the press everybody looked at them from behind as Danny backed them , even the paparazzi took pictures ” if they couple don’t do anything intimate at this moment everyone will know it’s a set up ” they should just kiss then whats there ” lina didnt bargain for this she will kill us Danny smiled at Celine and tried kissing her Danny moved closer to Celines sparkling pink lips he stoped and looked at her eye Celine had already closed her eye tight that it was visible how tight it was .. Danny smiled as he gently placed one hand on under her jaw and lifted her face upward moving her lip closer towards his direction ….he looked at her eye again it was still closed danny he came closer to her lips , he saw her bite in her lower lips …Danny chuckled… she finally let go of the lip it was wet Danny felt a strange strong desire to kiss her lips… he moved closer to do so but he recalled when Celine had covered her mouth and said her first kiss was reserved for her true love So he moved close enough to her lip then stopped and held the position for few seconds . the paparrazzi took pictures everyone thought they were kissing celine had waited for the kiss to happen for a while so she opened her eye and Danny smiled as he withdrew his hands from her jaw and hugged her then he said to her ears ” don’t worry Celine smiled as she held him tighter ” wow this is the star couple of the year I am so touched Pictures where taken of them and it already went viral KeilA just saw the picture on line in her phone while she chatted inside the hall ” jeez Danny kissed celine ” wow so cool ” I wish it were me, Danny is such a good kisser ” what has he kissed you before ” that movie he acted with Jennifer” I choose you” ” that’s because they where a couple, u know apart from clara Danny loved Jennifer more than all the girls he ever dated ” I wonder why they broke u ” she cheated ” bad news Miranda was so pissed Whoever you are enjoy it while it lasts because I won’t let any woman have Danny Miranda angrily ran off Danny took celines hands celine felt so much for danny that her heart couldn’t control it anymore she looked at danny and suddenly tears fell Danny looked at her eye ” hey why do you look so teary suddenly ? ” no its nothing my eye just gets wet ” I thought pretty girls don’t cry Celine smilled “,I don’t know why I feel like tearing up too she said to herself ” come on lets go inside He took her hands and they walked back into the hall The party went on. Just then a woman walked out and sat in a chair facing a table which had a red and green flag on it She sat on the stage ” wow open bidding will soon start”, gretel said ” cool am ready ” I thought they won’t do it. ” as long as personalities are here it can’t be avoided it’s how the gain back the money lost… ” all right people what’s a party without a little bidding “, moderator said Just then a yellow carpet was rolled down and everyone sat up with their drinks in their hands a model walked into the yellow carpet she held a silver box in her hands when she got to the middle she opened it exposing the diamond and ruby laid crown as she spinned around for all to see. the stage was in the middle and the crowd sorrounded it ” wow its so beautiful”, celine said ” you like it …. “yes ?.. “do you want it? ” no i mean am way bellow that.. she smilled Soon the bidding flag was shared amongs everyone Just then a lady raised up the flag and the camera turned her ” 10 million for the crown M. C : all right first bidder says 10 million KeilA raised her flag the camera turned to her ” 15 million M. C : 15 million is that our best bid Susan flagged up “20 milion M. C : 20 million and going GREtel flagged up ” 30 million ” Gretel Hoffman 30 milion is that our best bid Beauty flagged up ” 45, million M. C : 45 million and going MIRANDA flagged up ” 60 million M. C : wow I have a feeling this is our best bid and no other person…………. all right the crown goes to Miranda Just then Danny raised his flag “what are you doing sir ? “shhhhh The camera moved over to danny ” 95, million for the crown .M. C : that’s it Danny Hoffman got it . People whispered within themselves Miranda was so annoyed the model walked down to Danny and handed him the box but Danny opened the box in her hands and brought out the crown he then placed it on Celines head everybody clapped ” you are not below anything CEline couldn’t believe it “thank you”,she Said. “thanks for the tea too”.. CEline smilled Just then another model walked out she wore a hand bag which was very beautiful M. C : best designer hand bag of the year Jennifer raised her flag and light moved to her ” 30 million M. C : 30 million its leaving Susan raised her flag ” 40 million M. C : 40 million and going Beauty raised her flag ” 50 million M. C : 50 million seem a like that’s our best bidder GREtel raised her flag M. C : gretel hoffman ” 70 million M. C : who else….. no one ok the bag goes to gretel the woman at the stage lifted the red flag signalling that she recieved the money the model walked down and handed the bag to Gretel ” wow this is so cool ” yea it is They bidding went on soon Mirabel walked out holding a paper in her hand ” because this is just for fun Danny please do not decline Danny looked around “what ? ” ok ladies its time to bid on the most attractive guy in the room, lets bid on danny Hoffman !!!! All the ladies stood up shouting and clapping ” the best bidder gets one night with danny all the ladies clapped they were so happy Danny stood up and walked out he took the Mic ” Am sorry ladies but please not tonight my girlfriend will break up with me ” ok fine the paper is 3 sidded ” lets see what’s the next option ” you have to unmask your girlfriends ” but it’s a mask party ” everyone is curious “really? ” tick tock tick tock make your choice ” whats the last option ” the guys will bid on your woman ” what no no no no that’s not happening “, danny said Danny was really confused on which choice to make Salvador David sat with his assistant he was the owner and founder of perfect white skin options he wore his mask and sat quietly no one not even the press recognized him ” I hope he exposes her identity I need her to complete the beauty hunt she’s just perfect for the commercial ” that’s right sir she is what we are looking for . CElINE sat down on the chair realy confused as pictures of her were still being taken Danny stood confused on the stage like a pack of sexiness. he didn’t know which choice to make meanwhile Gretel and keila ran towards Celine ” I wonder what Danny would decide ” I don’t know too ” why would they want to bid on a human being?”, celine asked. ” consequences of being strikingly handsome ” and unavoidably sexy “ok I heard “, Celine replied She looked up to Danny on stage as he smiled while moving his hair back.
29 Jun 2020 | 04:40
She looked up to Danny on stage as he smiled while flipping his hair backward “ok fine am game “, danny said They brought out a nice chair and Danny smiled as he walked down to Celine he pecked her cheek and slipped his phone into her hands then he walked away back to the stage and sat down ” wow every girl wants a night with danny hoffman but may the best bidder win …. Mirabel sat down and sipped her drink smilling M. C : ok people may the best bidder win Just then mirabel flagged up The camera turned to her ” 50 million M. C : 50 million Miranda flagged up 70 million for danny M. C : 70 million Diana flagged up. ” 120 million M. C : omg is it 120 million or what Jennifer flagged up. ” 150. ” M .c : is that our best bid “Celine you need to win Danny”, gretel said “what !!! ” yes . GREtel lifted Celines hand with the flag in it The camera turned to Celine ” 160 for my boyfriend Danny smiled on stage ” 180 for danny”, Miranda said ” 200 Jennifer said Celine kept quiet. ” Celine talk “, gretel said. ” its obvious these two ladies are in love with danny so lets wait ” are you sure, your plan might backfire on you? ” I don’t think so ” 250 million for danny “, mirabel said M. C : jeez 250 ” 300 million for danny”, Miranda said Mirandas assistant tapped her ” madam you are going to far Miranda smilled ” i will keep taking it higher till no one else can afford it ” what if by then you are left alone and you too can’t afford it ” I don’t think I will ever be left alone mirabel and Jennifer are so eager ” 330 for Danny”,Jennifer said “350 for danny”, Amy said ” 400 for danny”,mirabel said ” 500 for my boyfriend M. C : 500 and battling “550”, Miranda said. ” madam your spendable income is 600 for a week remember you signed it yourself. ” that’s true but no problem I will keep taking it high till no one can afford it , non of us. ” 600 “, Jennifer said M. C : is that our best bid ” 650 for danny mirabel said ” 680″, Victoria said ” 700 “, Amy said M. C : 700 is that our best bid ” 750 for Danny “, miranda said ” come on Celine “, gretel said ” no I have a feeling someone wants to keep taking it higher M. C : 750 for danny Hoffman going ” raised the yellow flag meaning she was out So did Victoria, Amy and all other women ” 780 “, Jennifer said ” 800 “, miranda said With this Jennifer raised the yellow flag too M. C : ok 800 for danny Hoffman is that our best bid There was no response “come on Celine”, keila said ” shhhhh”,.. M. C : that’s our best bid Miranda just won Danny for the night Everybody clapped Danny stood up from his chair Just then the woman at the stage raised the yellow flag signalling that she didnt receive any money Danny sat back down M. C : Miranda what’s wrong ” Linda do it through my savings account ” it won’t work you signed all this yourself M. C : we are sorry Miranda if you can’t afford this your bid is canceled With this Celine raised her flag M. C : omg its Danny’s girlfriend ” 900 “, celine said M. C : and that’s our best bidder Miranda got so angry Danny stood up ” gret how much can you spend this today . ” 300 u ” 400 ” its not complete The woman on The stage raised the yellow flag again M. C : what’s going on is it network issues With this Miranda instantly placed a call to her account manager ” remove my account limits ” now ” yes now ” all right you will receive an alert in few seconds “what do we do ” Danny’s account ” so smart They took the phone from Celines hand Miranda held her phone while she awaited the alert ” dannys password, what’s his password “, keila asked ” Jennifer “, gretel said . Celine turned to look at them Gretel opened it ” his ex is still his password ” Danny doesn’t really have time to Change stuffs secondly he barely uses this account ” or he still loves her ” I doubt that ” he might still do Just then Miranda received the alert ” the limit is out send the money “, miranda said ” coming “…… ” come on gret send the money ” coming Just then the woman at the stage raised both two red flags at the same time M. C : its a tie, two women sent the money at the same time who owns Danny for the night Gretel shouted ” lets check the time!!!! M. C : nice idea They woman on the stage stood up ” did you hide the name of the account ?”, keila asked gretel ” don’t you trust me. The woman on stage smiled . ” from Miranda Millbert 10 pm and from the next person 9:58 Miranda was late by 2 minute so she will recieve her money back the best bidder is Danny’s girlfriend thank you She walked out of the stage just then gretel hieved a sigh of relieve Danny stood up he took the Mic ” wow and I felt like I will sit forever Everyone laughed M. C : all right may the best bidder walk up to her price Celine walked up to the stage smilling she got close to Danny and Danny whispered ” hey “hy ” you are really smart ” I know right Danny smilled as he took her hand Everybody in the hall chanted kiss her, kiss her, kiss her, kiss her, kiss her, kiss her ” ah not again Danny looked around he knew there was no running from this one because they where sorrounded ” ahh what to do ? ” its fine its not a big deal she smilled The paparazzi took pictures of them ” are you sure ? Celine nodded Danny moved closer to kiss Celine he noticed that Celines eyes were closed again and her face was still up straight he smilled as “hey CEline opened her eye ” mm “left ” what ? “your face “oh With this Celine smiled as she turned her face then danny kissed her , first his mouth was closed more like a peck…. Just then celine opened up and Danny deepened the kiss, their Tongues met , their salivers mixed. Danny gently withdrew . Danny kissed her neck and hugged her Everybody clapped as Danny walked down with Celine ” all right the couple will be directed to their place of abode ” this people are serious ooo ” didn’t you know ? Just then a lady walked towards them ” please follow me He took Celines hands and the walked down into the room which was very close to the party hall the bed everything was designed with red roses the room was so beautiful Danny turned to the lady ” hey the party has not even ended ” it has, its the biding rule you both will stay here for the night someone is outside you can’t escape ” what? She turned to CELINe ” make sure to enjoy your money fully ” what!! She walked out and the m. C took the Mic All right guys dance away the rest of our while to celebrate mirabel and celebrate her indeed Danny took off his jacket and threw it on the bed “this feel so weird “, he said as he moved with his hands on his waist . He removed his mask and the band from his hair. his hair fell freely as he scattered it more with his hands then he turned to celine who still stood by the door he looked at her for a while and walked into the bathroom he washed his face and walked back out and celine still stood there by the door Danny walked towards her he stood closely in front of her . ” hey are you going to stand here Celine instantly covered her chest with both hands and closed her eye tight ” hey what are you doing ” well we can’t do it , infact we wont do it Danny laughed ” seriously do what? ” I know guys like you smilling so I can fall into your charm but it won’t work, I am pretty good at resisting charms it won’t work, it won’t do it, I don’t want a night with danny hoffman Danny smiled ” really you don’t want a night with me ” no ” are you sure you are good at resisting charms ? ” yes ” very sure ” am sure Danny placed his hands on both sides of the door trappping celine in between them ” am still not falling “,she closed her eye tight Danny smiled as he moved closer to celines as though wanted to kiss her …. he watched her move her lips closer to kiss him unconsciously. He smiled and gently moved backward ….she still moved her lips closer with her eye close. Danny watched her smiling as he kept moving back. CEline opened her eye and just then then his hair fell covering a part of his face Celine was lost looking at Danny she stopped breathing as she looked at his shirt which had 3 first buttons open and the silver necklace looked more attractive she looked at his lip which sparkeked pink CEline looked at him from his lip to his nose to his eye she suddenly felt the urge to kiss him stronger. ” are you still good at resisting charms CEline didn’t talk because she already lost her resisting strength while she looked at Danny so she just closer her eye tight again Danny smiled ” i thought as much danny removed his hands freeing her then locked the door above her head celine then took a deep breath with her hands on her heart ” I came close to lock the door stop having dirty thoughts Danny lay on the bed ” oh ok ” hey, are you going to keep standing ” what Danny : take of your cloths … ” what, I told you am not ready am not ready She instantly covered her chest again ” ahhhhhhhh that’s not what i meant Danny was really frustrated he scratched his hair ” just stop thinking negative I don’t even want to have sex with you ” neither do I, i have alot of people who I have sex with anyway ” no you are still virgin ” no no i am not Danny laughed ” you are ” ok fine You won ” so I was wondering why, I mean why are you so chaste You are very pretty and a lot of guys should be after you or are You a ghost ” well actually when You are poor there are so many things You don’t have time to think about Danny laughed Just then celine realized she still covered her chest so she slowly removed her hands Danny smiled ” take off you shoes and your mask just try being comfortable if the gown is too heavy wear the towel jacket in the shower , am not a rapist lina, I can’t touch you against your will, unless of course you wish to , but once the party is cleared I will call my assistant to help us sneak out quietly, there is no way we can sleep here my mom will catch you in the morning ” ok sir Celine was still standing by the door she removed her shoes which stressed her the most then she tried removing the mask from behind but she couldn’t she kept trying she didnt understand how it was locked then she suddenly felt someone’s hands so she withdrew her hands ” hey hold still ” oh ok Danny carefully opened the mask from behind and held it his hands ?????
29 Jun 2020 | 04:48
Danny carefully opened the mask and held it in his hands just then Gretel knocked on the door and Celine instantly opened the door because she faced it, Gretel dragged celines hands Gretel : come on lets go KeilA is taking care of the guard outside Gretel dragged celine out of the room and and Danny locked his door Gretel instantly removed her mask with which she covered celines face ” come on before my mum wakes up Danny sat on his bed Ahh I could have at least seen her face too bad he said to himself He lay back on the bed Gretel and Celine ran into the car and waited for KeilA who came in and they drove awAy KeilA went home and with the help of Emily Celine went inside unseen and so did Gretel both of them hieved a sigh of relieve celine was so tired so she removed the cloths and slept away Next morning . Danny walked out of the room and Sandra walked up to him ” hey did you sleep out here ” no I came early to meet you ” ok let’s go home Just them he remembered the whole kissing incident with Celine ” ahhh I would just go to my penth house ” sir I just came to inform you that the continuation of that movie will start soon ” which ” the one with Jennifer” I choose you “ ” finally I already grew tired of waiting , I will try and be there or i will just drop out ” ok sir . She ran away and Danny smiled at her as he walked out and saw his two guards still standing outside ” holy heavens did you people sleep here ” no sir ” lets go sir they opened the door and he walked in then they drove away Mirandas house. # Miranda was on phone. ” how is the investigation going ” we need time ” find out who that Girl is at all cost ” we will do so soon enough ” do so please without delay ” trust me we followed them to Gretels house and my guys are watching the house closely no one has left ” what, that means she lives there ” exactly, don’t worry Miranda its under control. Gretels room # Gretel was scrolling through Danny’s internet pictures she looked at the whole party pictures just then she saw saw the picture of danny hugging the commoner she scrolled past it then she came back to it again Omg this commoner Danny hugged sure looks like Celine wow how is this possible She instantly dialed the maids room and Celine came minutes later ” hey CEline do you hAve a twin ” no why? Gretel gave her the phone ” she looks like you , the commoner Danny hugged … ” looked at the picture in awe for minutes she looked around and recognised the dirty water, even the watch on the floor ” no no ” what’s wrong CEline ran out of the room she opened her bag and brought out the exact gown she wore that day she fell on the bed and placed the gown on her leg then she recalled in the past when the proud peacock told her he would take her to meet Danny hoffman she hit herself Omg why am I so stupid So that proud peacock was Danny hoffman Emily tapped her ” what’s wrong Celine why do you look so dull ” the proud peacock is Danny hoffman ” what the guy you said you liked ” yes , he’s really danny hoffman ” how is that possible ” how did you find out?”, abigail asked ” this means you didn’t love two men at the same time celine ” this means you are indeed in love with danny hoffman ” I am indeed in love with danny hoffman I stupidly fell for him ” there’s nothing to feel bad about Celine am sure Danny might like you too ” that’s impossible stop pouring water on rock Mary do you need glasses ?”, abigail said ” liking the proud peacock was enough for me but him being Danny hoffman is like a dream who am I to fall for danny am I mad ? ” that’s true because someone like Danny can never love you back?”, abigail said ” you need to tell him Celine who knows he might have been looking for you “, mary said ” that’s impossible he can’t be looking for her better stay away from him so you don’t fall more and more in love with him”, abigail said ” Abigail is right ” I don’t agree, you have to tell Danny Celine”, mary said ” tell him what, what if he doesn’t remember her she is just going to get hurt because this love one sided “, abigail said Celine suddenly shed tears as she hugged Mary Why did I have to fall for you You are so high up you can’t be mine I am in so much pain I can’t handle this pain anymore She said to herself Abigail walked out on the errand Mrs Hoffman sent her. when she got outside the gate she saw two men outside trying to peep into the compound ” hello lady ” yes ” Danny’s girlfriend has she not left ” that’s insane Danny’s girlfriend doesn’t stay here Investigator brought out some money and handed to Abigail ” for what ” for you time ” ok She tried walking but he drew her back ” we were just wondering the lady on the red gown who was with gretel through out yesterday who is she ” you mean Celine, she is just a maid, a nobody, Gretel just took her out ” oh is she not dating Danny ” that’s silly Danny can never touch a commoner, not to talk of dating ” thank you Abigail walked out Mirandas house . Mrs hoffman called Miranda on phone. ” hello mrs hoffman ” oh Miranda why the delay ” I am really sorry but I will speak to Vera ” I need the main design of the finale gown you modeled for my anniversary and with your connection I should be with it by now ” dont worry i will speak to vera and my maid will send it to your house ” thanks honey Miranda dropped the call just then the investigator called her ” yes ” that Girl is not Danny’s girlfriend ” what? ” she’s just a maid I believe Danny’s manager paid her to pose as Danny’s girlfriend because of the press ” and Danny must have believed she was a hired model ” yes after all it was a mask party ” thank you You will recieve the rest of your pay soon Miranda smiled as she sipped her drink Just a maid this means Danny is still mine “,She said to herself . Gretels room. # Gretel walked out of the shower when her phone rang . was Stanley simeons best friend “hey stan “hey gret “how you “am fine but simeon is not “what ? ” simeon is sick He is really sick better come over he is at home ” of course am on my way …. Gretel arrived , she rushed into simeons house she didn’t see stanely so she ran into simeons room she placed her bag on the floor and sat beside simeon who lay on the bed ” hey SIMEON opened his eye and sat up ” missed you ” so you aren’t sick ” I am Gretel smiled ” I can’t believe you tricked me ” what can I do I can’t live without you I was really dying inside Gretel smiled ” Gretel will you continue hurting me ? ” what ” when will you give me me a reply its been ages and you know I can’t stay without you I want to be with you every hour, second, minute, every 24 hours I am madly in love with you gret ” well ” Gretel you know I can’t hurt you its gonna be on your terms I promise pls just say yes ” simeon am sorry but Simeon instantly started coughing as though he wanted to die ” I think the sickness started again GREtel smiled ” I know you are kidding ” no am not I can’t breath anymore …. ” ok fine I will be your girlfriend. SIMEON sat up laughing ” the prank really worked Gretel ” it did right ” I will never ever hurt you gret ” you better not They both smiled as simeon hugged her
29 Jun 2020 | 04:59
@LadyG @ele1 @Maths
29 Jun 2020 | 05:16
In love with the Tory❤
29 Jun 2020 | 07:54
Wow this is superb. Celine d prblem wit u is dat u dnt really kn who u ar, ur dream must surelly come 2 pass nt evem miranda wil come in bw ur love wit Danny. Congrts Gretel nd Simeon.
29 Jun 2020 | 09:29
Guys muna come my Celine in action o; @ele1 @emmy01 @fb-danieledem @henrymary @kelly-kelvin @Paddy2x @sheegokeys @emreks @harzaroboy @senatordaniel @phemloid @atermarial @youngben @thecomely @timson7373, invite odas pls.
29 Jun 2020 | 09:38
Wow More
29 Jun 2020 | 11:20
29 Jun 2020 | 16:07
Just becuse of one person
29 Jun 2020 | 16:53
Grandma @ladyg thanks for d call. p0
29 Jun 2020 | 17:25
Im nt happy jae, when in God's name will Danny meet Celine ehn? Its really pissing me off like seriously.. Abigail, danny cnt have anytin to do with a commoner like celine but u re still chasing him huh? Ewu Tanzania.. But dis story just wanna make me be like hushpuppy, na i mean dangote.. See hw dem de kal money like say na paper.. God punish poverty.. I wana be so wealthy tat i will build my house on top Aso Rock, travel to Paris to barb my hair, use pounds and dollars to clean my bumbum.. Oh! God punish poverty.. Thanks for the invite @ladyg
30 Jun 2020 | 14:39
Kikikikikiki kai poverty na EWU Tanzania my broda man @ele1.
30 Jun 2020 | 15:12
celine and hoffman episode 41-45 Danny arrived home after the long day it was already evening. Today’s shoot really ate up his time and they still had to complete it tomorrow. he ran up straight into his room . Hd locked the door behind him , just then he looked at the dolphin on the floor and rememberred CELINe and smiled, the memory of kissing CELINe didn’t want to leave his mind. It occupied him all through today. Danny suddenly wanted to see her again so he dialed the land line and ordered for cold milk. He was to tired to hear the voice of the one who picked the call but he hoped it was Celine.this was the only way he could see her. He heard a knock on the door ,he opened up and it was emily Danny was dissapointed he suddenly missed the cover girl Emily placed it on the table. Danny walked to the glass wall and looked out , he was surprised to see Celine. She stood there quietly… it was so Dim he couldn’t see her face clearly but he knew it was her. He ran downstairs and walked to where Celine stood the lights where very dim and romantic CEline saw Danny She wiped her tears. ” its the proud peacock “,she said within herself Danny was really shy he didn’t know what to say so he just stood beside her ” good evening sir ” oh is someone is here , I didnt know. I just came to look at the water….. ” I better go inside ” no you can Still stay if you want to ” ok She looked at Danny helplessly and at every stare she took she felt pain more and more “Why did I have to fall for you “, She asked herself She smiled and tears fell out again she cleaned them ” hey i think you cry alot ” its nothing, sir the water is so calm and pretty ” it really is, just like you. ” I wish there were some music too it would have made me happier here…. ” ok since you acted as my girlfriend and bought me tea I will grant your wish ” how sir Danny walked down to the garden and picked up the guitar there he started playing and celine smiled ” this song is for the crying cover girl Another tear fell out of celines eye and Celine wiped it with both hands and Danny smiled. ” cry baby … cry baby … when will you learn to share your pain … “Your tears …. your pain… is something i can take away. ” smile …keep smiling…. your smile makes me whole ” smile…. keep smiling…your laughter brightens my world. ” you are beautiful …. don’t cry no more. ” you are perfect ….don’t waste those tears ” cry baby….cry baby…when will you learn to share your pain. He dropped the guitar and Celine cried more and more… She kept cleaning her tears Danny wondered what was wrong with her.. The tears got embarrassing so she ran away. Danny sat back and played another tune quietly. Mrs Hoffman picked her call and it was Miranda . ” hello ciara ” oh yes ” well i will bring the gown to you myself tommorow hope you will be around ” of course where else will I be ” ok. Next morning Danny rushed into the compound with his school bag and his hair flying freely he was really late .he tucked his hair behind his ear and dropped his bag in the car then he drove off Celines house. Mrs eze picked up her phone, she dialed the number from the card Mr king gave her …Mr king picked up his call ” who am I unto ” its celines mother ” oh madam ” celine is in the Hoffman’s family ” what? ” according to what brigitta wrote here the family has only two children ” yes Danny and Gretel ” correct my dear ” Celine is in a good family ” ok ” thank you, thank you so much He dropped the call and instantly placed a call to Danny Pick up pick up Danny the person you are looking for is in your house Mrs hoffman sat in her parlour taking coffee when Miranda arrived she looked around the compound she then walked into the living room ” Miranda ” ciara your figure won’t stop amazing me ” thanks darling ” where is Danny ” oh him and the penthouse he loves it there. Miranda handed her the bag ” I never break a promise ” my husband will be glad to see me in this Miranda sat down as she looked around Mrs hoffman dialed the land line soon Emily and Celine walked in Emily took Mrs hoffmans empty glass while Celine served Miranda just then Celine recognised her she carefully placed the tray and Miranda instantly recognised her too ” oh such a pretty maid”, Miranda said ” the prettier the better”, Mrs Hoffman replied ” indeed “, miranda said Celine bowed slightly to Miranda and walked out Miranda smiled I can’t believe this, Danny really amazes me ,I hate his girl .. I have done what I came to do …I just wanted to see her ….I needed to know who she is. After a while Miranda left. Mary informed Celine that Mrs Hoffman called so she walked into the living room ” yes madam ” I will send you on an errand down town ” ok ” I am only sending you because I trust you ” sure madam ” I need you to get my jewel set for my anniversary my friend in Paris Is designing it she will be coming down but she hasn’t given me any exact time” ok ” so you and the driver will go to the penthouse we have there, she will send it through her assistant once she is ready ” ok ” you won’t come back without, it I don’t need any stories ” ok madam ” pack a little things in case ” ok Celine walked into the room and started changing “I feel good about this”, Emily said ” what ?”, abigail asked ” Danny’s penthouse right ?,I was the one who went last year when Christina came back and luckily for Me Danny was in the penthouse all through “, mary Said “did he talk to you?”, abigail asked ” no”, mary replied ” then shut up”, abigail said ” he might not be there “,celine said. ” if he comes u have to seduce him with your killer looks and get pregnant…you will be his first baby mama”, mary said ” Mary shut up , even if he shows up just ignore him”, abigail said “yes abigail”,celine replied Minutes later she left with the driver’s son. Danny walked out of the shooting setting and took his phone from Sandra and they called Mr king ” hey Danny ” what’s good ” everything ” hmm ” guess what ” tell me ” Celine is in your house ” which Celine ” the commoner ” I don’t understand ” she has been working as a house help in your house for a whike now. ” omg seriously ” yea seriously ” how come I never met her ” you should ask yourself that Danny dropped the call and smiled widely He ran into his car and took off. ????????????
10 Jul 2020 | 10:41
Celine and the driver arrived at Danny’s penthouse . ” wow this place Is awesome”, celine said “this should be Danny’s penthouse. ” yeA it is . ” maybe Danny’s is not around. ” maybe ” I hope you packed some stuffs because Mrs christinas today is always tomorow Celine lifted her bag to show him Josh smiled ” okay cool Celine walked around the penthouse it was so romantic everywhere was beautiful the pool had two colours the white part and blue part she wondered how come there was a stair inside the pool , this stair demarcated the blue side from white side she and Josh walked into the living room Josh sat on the chair and celine walks into the bedroom it was very big and had only one bed she looked around and saw Danny’s favourite hair band on the table she picked it up and smiled as she kept it on the table and hieved a sigh She wondered how she was gonna stay here with josh all night since the place had only one bedroom just then Josh ran into the room ” lina can you stay alone “what “well this is my area I was wondering if I could hang out with my friends and family you know. ” oh ok cool good bye ” you can stay alone right. ” sure ” ok cool I might come back before night ” have fun ” can I take the car ” of course Josh took the car and drove away Just then celine felt scared as it was a very lonely that afternoon which looked like evening at the penthouse so she stood by the pool. KeilA drove to the mall she was in such a hurry she didn’t even wait for the person cleaning the entry to give her way and as she tried running by him She slipped and almost fell but he cought her ” hey are you okay ” oh am fine, sorry I am kind of in a hurry am realy sorry She ran off again and Ryan smiled as he looked at her KeilA picked everything her mom wrote in a haste and ran out she got close to the entry this time she waited for Ryan to give her space to pass Ryan dropped the sweeping broom and took one bag from KeilA. ” hey its all right ” no its not. ” its really all right ” I just want to help you She left the bag for him ” are you not working anymore? ” my shift is over He walked in front and kept the bag in keilas car Omg this guy is really handsome Gretel u just missed this ” are you not entering ” oh of course She ran into her car and took off Ryan stood by the road just then KeilA drove back to him ” If you don’t mind I can help you that’s if you don’t mind. ” of course I don’t mind I was going to walk the remaining distance any way the money I have here won’t do ” KeilA smiled as she unlocked the door Ryan entered and they took off ” so which school ” prestigious high ” wow are you the presidents daughter ” am close ” that’s a school for the rich you know ” what about you ” am out ” well am in senior high ” Mmmm not bad ” sure not ” stop stop ” here She looked around ” I will find my way from here ” ok cool are you sure ” yes She stopped the car and Ryan ran out he ran further then he came back to the car ” I forgot to say thank you ” your welcome ” what’s your name. ” KeilA but you can call me k ” my name Is Ryan but only you can call me sweet heart KeilA smiled Ryan walked further and she drove home GREtel sat in her room she took off her cloths and sat on her bed wearing her pink pant and her bra she read her diary just then danny arrived home he already searched the 5th building there was no sign of Celine Ahhh where could she be he said to himself just then he remembered lina ” lina is celine, he put his hands on his head ” how could I have been so stupid the signs were there same name, same character, same feeling He ran to the maids room ” welcome sir ” were is Celine? ” Mrs hoffman sent her out He rushed out ” oh this is so cool danny found out about celine”, mary said ” that tea really made a difference Danny sleeps well nowadays”, emily added ” he must be very gratefull to Celine”, mary said ” thank God you guys looked under the bed it would have still been missing”, abigail said ” so true Abigail stood up And walked out ” oh my God, oh my God “what? “are you thinking what am thinking ” how did Abigail know it was under the bed ” she was in Danny’s room that day ” this means she was the one that kept it there ” this also means ” Abigail knew that Danny was Celines proud peacock all this while ” that’s why she always separated them ” omg ” I can’t wait to tell Celine Danny rushed to gretels room he opened the door without knocking he instantly picked the white towel by the bed and threw to gretel she covered herself then he sat on her bed Gretel dropped the diary on the bed ” hey honey ” better learn to knock Daniel this is a big girls room ” sorry madam though I didn’t see anything ” so what did you buy for me Danny I forgot but don’t worry i will make it up ” GREtek : ok ” are you all right you seem different ” oh its just school stress ” so do you know where lina is? ” no I don’t do you like her ” come on ” just ask mum ” that’s really wierd ” ok I will ask her on your behalf ” thanks ” close your eye Just then Danny took up the diary gretel was reading Ahhh Danny stop looking at peoples diary such a bad habit I have he said to himself as He turned to to the page Gretel covered and smiled as he read out Virginity pact with Besty 19 or 20 years . ” What She’s 18 and she already thought of sex…ahhhhh..what a world. He read the note under “Am not sure anymore … He smiled as he flipped to the previous page I have a boyfriend now the feeling is kinda new but exciting I really like simeon Ooooh Danny is gonna kill me?????”, She drew up a crying face this made Danny laugh. ” I can’t kill you silly , you are free to date any guy you like”, danny said as be closed the book Just then Gretel rushed in she looked at the diary and suddenly got scared she knew Danny liked peeking through stuffs “what did mum say? Gretel took the diary into her hands ” well mum, she said, she uhhhm said …. ” Gretel I didn’t read your diary. ” she sent her to get her jewel from miss Christina she’s at your penth house she went with Josh ” but Christina is never straightforward her today might be tomorow. ” its cool at least lina is free from the work load in this house ” why did she send her with a man ahhh I dont like the idea she could have sent her with a woman, thats a bad idea it’s really bad, its bad , ahhh so bad danny scaratched his hair ” hey Danny hoffman y do you look so jealous ” jealous who jealous, Me? no!!!, i don’t look jealous “, he took Gretels hand mirror and looked at his face I look cute not jealous . This made Gretel laugh ” see you later ” where too ” penthouse ” what Danny ran out into his room Gretel picked the diary Thank God Danny he didn’t read my diary she hieved a sigh of relieve Danny took his shower he wore a white polo with black shots then he Carried is his black school bag he unpacked his hair as he rushed into the living room he arranged his watch , he met his mom ” son ” hey mum ” where to ” my pen…. girlfriends house ” oh the lovely girl I saw online ” today is the family’s fun night and only a stupid boyfriend will miss that ” but it is stil early this is 3:50 ” ah for preparation ” ok honey ” bye mum Miranda sat in her bed she missed Danny so much that all she wanted to do was meet Danny she placed a call to Sandra Sandra was eating with her sisters when her phone rang ” oh my oh my its Miranda Millbert ” put it on speaker ” I love Miranda Sandra wiped her mouth and put the phone on speaker ” hello ” this is Miranda Millbert Her two sisters instantly shouted hitting the table up and down ” We love you Miranda, ah so cool so cool, we love you, we love you Miranda smiled Sandra ran into her room ” Sandra where is Danny ” I think he should be at the penthouse or home no penthouse ” I want to meet him ” that’s cool I mean he’s alone there its the best time to talk with danny and spend time together ” I think you are right ” I am ” thanks for your time ” the pleasure is all mine Sandra dropped the call just to find her whole family peeping through the door ” ah am so embarrassed Celine walked about the pool holding her phone waiting for Christinas call she stood still looking up high she took out her hair band and instantly packed up her hair Danny parked outside and walked into the penthouse he watched Celine from a distance while smiling You where always here with me but I still looked for you am so stupid he said to himself Just then danny shouted ” hey commoner!!!! CEline turned she looked at Danny as he stood smiling, his hair flying freely in the breeze as he waved at her Celine looked at Danny with so much satisfaction she smiled and suddenly tears fell out again all her fears just dissapeared as she looked at Danny waving at her I want to hug you and hold you for a very long time she said within herself.
10 Jul 2020 | 10:46
Getting tense
11 Jul 2020 | 05:47
what took u so long. i love this story
11 Jul 2020 | 05:48
Celine ran towards Danny she ran as fast as she could till she got closer to danny conflicting thoughts ran through her head Should I hug danny Hes still My boss Hes Mirandas boyfriend Miranda said I should stay away Who am I to hug Danny She still ran further and when Celine got close enough she stopped and instead of hugging Danny she stood there and smiled Danny took a step forward and hugged Celine as though he had no plans of letting her go he whispered to her ” why did you stand me up that day ” well sir my father had an accident so I couldn’t make it ” ok He Still held her tight and crazy thoughts flew through celines mind Is Danny hugging me Omg Danny is hugging me Why is Danny hugging me What to do, he’s making me lose control Could Danny like me No no that’s not possible he’s with Miranda I guess he’s hugging me like he hugs his fans, She held him tight. Few minutes later Danny finally let go of celine and she covered her face as she shyly ran into the back yard Danny smiled ” where are you running too? ” Ahhh just let me be Celines heart was on fire and seeing Danny increased the flames she placed her hands on her heart am busy dying for Mirandas boyfriend so awesome Abigail was right stay away from Danny With this Celine rushed out to the living room she saw Danny sitting down she covered her face with both hands as she ran into the bedroom she sat on the bed No no he might come in here she said to herself as she picked her phone and ran into the bathroom Danny walked to the door of the bathroom “hey commoner are you crazy ? ” yes “what did I do to you “nothing sir am just meditating ” Ok am leaving Danny acted as though he walked out then he sneaked back and stood by the door CELINe was browsing through her phone so She spoke out loud “Why did Danny hoffman hug me? Danny smiled this girl is so weird he said to himself ” could it be love?”, she knocked herself “no no thats not possible he loves miranda :,.. ” What who ever said that, why would i love Miranda “,Danny said to himself ” Let’s see the next option Celine said as she scrolled down her phone ” Could it be “warmth” does Danny have eternal heat no no that’s not it”,. Danny smiled I don’t have eternal heat this girl is really crazy he said to himself ” pity could it be pity ahhh am I pitiful No I don’t think so it’s not pity”,. Of course it’s not pity its love Danny said within himself Just then celine smiled finally I know why ” It took you long enough “,Danny said to himself ” gratefulNess that’s it the proud peacock must have been grateful for the tea I bought that’s why he hugged me ” No no its not gratefulness this is really annoying “, Danny said to himself as he hit his hand on his head Danny noticed her unlocking the door so he instantly sat on the bed crossing his leg Celine walked out of the bathroom she looked at Danny who sat on the bed and bowed slightly as she ran into the living room Danny was so frustrated ahhh how could she think it was gratefulness can’t she recognize love when she sees it ,am so shy, how I do I tell her I like her… she’s so scary she scares me . Celine walked down to the fridge she was so hungry she opened the door and squated down as she brought out all the junk in it Ahh what rubbish no good food is here that proud peacock is not really humam eating all this weird stuff. I am going to get ulcer i cant eat this i better die of hunger . She instantly locked the fridge just to find Danny squatting there Celine screamed and Danny covered her mouth ” Hey commoner . Celine instantly closed her eye my heart is beating fast again she said to herself Danny shouted ” hey!!!! CElINE opened her eye and Danny removed his hands from her mouth ” are you hungry, Celine nodded ” well i want to tell you something very important so listen . Celine stared closer into his eye ” well what i wanted to say …….ahh forget it, you made me forget what i wanted to say I will be back soon stay here and wait for me don’t go anywhere ” yes sir ” if Sandra calls tell her to cancel all my schedule ” yes sir ” bye ” better come back sir Danny walked away. CELINe peeped around the whole environment and made sure it was secure then she took off her cloths and tied the white towel it was short just below her hip…celine ran into the shower she even washed her hair at once she didn’t feel like coming out Minutes later Celine was done she dried herself She wore her black pant and bra which she packed and looked at herself in the mirror with her hands on her waist ” I think I lost weight”,. she noticed her waist bead had become loose it fell to her pant line it wasn’t between her waist anymore she tried wearing her gown but she saw the gate opening so she tied back the towel just then the person walked in and celine couldnt see the person but she believed it would be Danny so she tied the towel well just then Sandra called Danny Celine picked the call ” Hey ” danny said you should cancel all his……. Miranda? Just then Miranda walked in and Celine held the phone in her hands ” cancel all his what…. excuse me…. Miranda looked at Celine from hair to toe she was so annoyed her two guards followed her ” what are doing here? ” its really not what you think “I warned you to stay away from Danny !!!”, miranda shouted ” I know that’s why I……. Miranda slapped CElINE and pushed her down…. before her guards caught her celine fell back on the floor and hit her back on the bed holder the area bruised and bled out Celine touched the blood she was in pain but she pulled herself up ” its not really you think madam I don’t have anything to do with danny ” what are you doing here Miranda shouted as she angrily pushed down everything on Danny’s table ” I can’t believe Danny “,she shouted as she ran out and drove away Ceine sat back on the floor Is Danny going to be mad at me, I just got his girlfriend angry she wiped her tears ” why does being in love with you pain more and more Celine stood up and started arranging things Miranda ruined. she planned on leaving the penthouse but she heard distant gun shots which made her change her mind about leaving. she slowly organised everything Miranda spoilt Mrs hoffman browsed through the net she shouted ” Gretel! Gretel ran out “mum ” check this out Gretel took her mum’s phone and jumped up shouting ” awwwww Emmanuella is coming home ” after 4years ” danny is gonna be so happy ” I wonder were she is gonna spend the holiday ” she always spent in here this is so cool Gretel ran into her room . Mary returned the glass she took from Mrs Hoffman’s table and ran into the maids room ” when will celine be back i miss the fifth building ” who’s emmanuella ” emmanuella jekerns? ” Gretel was so happy ” is she coming home ” I guess ” maybe Danny’s girlfriend ” no she’s his best friend ” they were 4 Danny, Tony, emmanuella, Clara till Danny fell for Clara ” after the accident emmanuella ran away to the state’s she was never heard from again ” what about Tony ” he’s a Muscician now but he’s not based here ” emmanuellas father is the owner of c.R golds ” filthy rich ” emmanuella is a part time model and full time lawyer. Danny arrived when Celine was organising the room.she was a most done. She didn’t notice him as he was checking out her seductive set of legs.her long hair that fell freely…. Finally Danny walked in. Celine looked at him and gently bowed She dragging down the tiwel it was really short she got shy. ” this place looks like a war zone”danny said ” welcome sir. Danny looked at her face was so bruised and her eye were teary he moved closer to her ” are you ok? ” yes am fine Danny noticed that Celine didn’t want to turn back and when he tried moving towards her back she turned around ” what are you hiding ” its nothing am not hiding anything ” better hold still or I will take back my towel “, danny said CEline held still and Danny walked behind her he moved her hair over her shoulders Danny felt like he was the one who got brushed ” how did you get hurt like this ” well I slipped and fell after bathing ” why are you so careless ” am fine She smiled ” come here ” what He took her by the hand he dropped the bag he held on the table then they got to the bed DAnny arranged the pillow ” lie down “what? ” stop looking at me like that and lie down already ” wait I should get dressed first. She tried running away but Danny caught her ” lie ” ok celine lay facing the pillow he went to his cupboard and brought out a kit Celine stayed in that position and suddenly felt sleepy … she wasnt comfortable because her thigh was showing… Just then she felt Danny drag down her towel from chest, he covered her hip down well but her back was open. She took a deep breath , then she felt him unhook her bra . Danny noticed Celine suddenly stopped breathing … ” hey are you breathing ” how are my suppose to breath when you are touching me like that, she said with an innocent face Danny withdrew “Sorry I just wanted to apply treatment . Celine smiled Danny chuckled ” ahhh you are too spoilt for a virgin Celine smiled Danny gently moved her hair over her shoulders Celine got hundred butterflies in her stomach the fireworks couldn’t stop, she felt beautiful when Danny touched her “control yourself She said to herself ” hold still I need to clean the wound . he cleaned then he applied some treatment on the wound ” done !. ” can I get dressed now ? ” no stay like this its not Dried yet ” we committed a sin , this is against my tradition, a man should not see my naked body, my mom will kill me “, she said and folded her hands around the pillow Danny chuckled. ” i didnt see anything, she cant kill you.better stay like that . Danny walked to the kitchen CEline stayed like that till she slept off Danny was trying to cook he was cutting some vegetables when Sandra called so he put the phone on speaker ” did Celine give you my message ” no she didn’t ” ok cancel my plans for tommorow ” ok ” bye ” is Celine ok ” what ” am sure Miranda pushed her “what Miranda came here ” yes she even slapped her Danny was so angry he cut himself it was very deep he bled out ” why didn’t she tell me or better still why didn’t she fight back ” women fight for what’s theirs how can she fight for something that’s not hers ,I will cancel your schedule sir Danny dropoed the knife and ran back to the room and celine was already sleeping He moved her hair from her face and looked at her for a while he kissed her neck and covered her well then he returned to the kitchen in few minutes Danny was done cooking he kept the food on the table near Celine and ran into the compound he took his car and drove off # # # Celine opened her eye she saw the food but she did not see Danny she ran into the kitchen he was nowhere to be found just then she heard another gun shot she was so scared she didn’t eat the food anymore rather she sat down on the floor with her legs folded and started crying she didnt even bother getting dressed Celine cried out loud she was really scared that something might have happened to Danny the sound of her cry could wake an entire village as Celine heard the gun shots she cried more Meanwhile Danny arrived at Mirandas house he walked straight into her room and dragged her out ” danny let go you are hurting me Danny ignored her till the got outside beside the pool Danny shouted at her ” what’s wrong with you ” what did I do I just fought for what’s mine that slut got what she deserves Danny raised his hands to slap Miranda but he slowly withdrew ” go ahead and hit me if that will remove this hatred in your eye ” Miranda leave me alone ” but I love ” but I don’t love you ” we shared a moment Danny ” it was just sex Miranda why are you acting like you were a virgin ” danny please look at me I can’t live without you ” better learn to do so because the little love I felt for you as a friend has dried up ” danny am sorry ” if you hit me maybe I would have forgiven you but you hit the wrong person Miranda you hurt the wrong person .. ” a maid, do you love that commoner ” yes I love her, I love her as a maid, i love her as a commoner, I love her anyway she is, as long shes not you Miranda started crying as she knelt down ” stay away from me and most importantly stay away from CElINE if you hurt her I don’t know what i will do to you ” danny am sorry ” i regret the day I lay my hands on you . He walked into his car and drove off Miranda fell to the floor crying her assistant ran to her ” madam are you okay ” I won’t back down without a fight its okay that I won’t have danny but celine won’t have him too am going to kill her I swear i will kill her Danny walked into the penthouse just to find Celine crying on the floor Danny smilled ” hey cry baby Celine looked at him and cried more and more Danny felt like laughing he had not met a girl like this in his life He rushed to where she sat and drew her up then he hugged her ” you were really crying that’s funny Celine didn’t talk she just held him tight and kept crying ” celine stop crying am okay I just went to see a friend CEline withdrew and took Danny’s hands she saw the blood and cried more and more ” no no its just a knife cut I was cooking thats it Just then danny heard the gun shots he smiled ” oh now I know why you cried He wiped her tears with both hands ” am okay ” are you sure ?”,She wiped her tears with both hands ” as long as am with you, am okay. ” what ” you were wondering why I hugged you right well i didn’t hug you out of pity or warmth I didnt hug you out of gratitude or because I see you as my fan, rather I hugged you celine because I love you and I missed u. “what? ” yes, this almighty Danny Hoffman is in love with you celine I love you Celine suddenly shed tears … ” am yours celine ” you are mine … Danny kissed her lips and she closed her eye…Danny deepened the kiss and Celine wrapped her arms over his neck….. Danny finally unlocked his lips and pecked her lips softly again. ” I love you. Just then danny noticed the food on the table He dragged her by the hand and they got to the dinner he placed the food in front of Celine he brought out he’s own food too and sat facing Celine as he watched her eat ” thank you celine “for what? ” for letting Me find you and for letting Me love you Celine smiled. Soon they were done Danny took the plate into the kitchen Danny kept the plates in the sink including everything he used to cook he put water and the soapy dish washer Celine walked in and stood beside him she was still tying the white towel. ” danny I will help you ” no its ok ” no I must help you Just then Danny looked at Celine from her hair to her chest were she tied the towel down to her hip where the towel stopped. she was so attracting.. when celine noticed his stare she stylishly covered her chest and coughed Danny smiled as he rinsed his hands and walked towards her. Celine stepped back till she stopped at the big table She leaned in the table sitting partly on it…she held her towel tight so it won’t fall off. Danny placed both hands on the table trapping her in . ” Sir…. i mean honey.. ” its just the two of us here celine. He moved her hair from her shoulders. ” and ?”, Celine asked Danny smiled and kissed her lips in such a delicious manner that Celine let go of her towel Danny held the towel to her chest. He unlocked his lips and chuckled softly. ” Celine get dressed ,you are very attractive and am not a saint …..I might commit a sin.. CELINe smiled He walked to his dishes Celine ran out and came out fully dressed she wore a white singlet hand night gown. “can I help you now? “yes. Soon they were done Danny carried her up into his arms. He took her into the bedroom.Celine smiled as she wrapped her arms around him. Danny lay her on the bed and lay beside her.he wrapped his arms around her and kissed her lips softly.. ” good night ” I love you… Celine turned to her side and backed him he switched off the lights and wrapped his arms round her chest… Celine smiled as she gently pulled down his hands to her tummy.. Danny switched on the lights and turned her over he looked in her face. ” hey why did u move my hand? ” its a sin to touch my breast didn’t you know . Danny laughed crazily. ” but I wasn’t touching I was just placing my hands.”, he said laughing. Celine smiled shyly ” I just placed my hands like this”, he playfully raised his hands from her tummy up to her br**st…he noticed she was braless …. . He looked in her face and her eye was closed tight Before Danny could talk Celine screamed her voice out. Danny removed his hands and smiled.Celine hugged him tight ” we committed a sin we will rot in hell… Danny laughed.this was the most amazing day of his life. He wrapped his arms around her and she fell asleep in his arms. “I wonder which bible points out all this sins “, danny said to himself . The next morning Danny Drank his juice by the pool. Celine walked out she wore pink gown and packed her hair up . ” you should learn to take morning coffee sugar Is much in your system she sat beside Danny “yes mum “am waiting for christinas call won’t your mum look for you today ? ” I don’t care I wish we can stay here forever just me and you, if we go back home now everything will feel different Celine smiled ” there is this stuff on your face “, danny said “really? ” come closer Celine moved closer and Danny kissed her ” morning kiss Celine smiled ” you are full of tricks ” am I “yes , wow the weather is hot “I know right ? Danny stood up from the chair and dropped his juice on the table he took off his singlet and scratched his hair as he smiled ” what are you doing? Omg what’s he’s plan Celine said to herself Just then danny jumped into the water Celine hieved a sigh of relieve ” hey Commoner better come down ” no I won’t ” come down ” no no i feel cold ” you said you felt hot She smiled as she winked at danny with her tongue out Danny flipped his wet hair back in frustration ” please ” no ” please CELINe laughed at how childish Danny’s face looked ” nooooo ” fine He started swimming soon danny started coughing, “are you okay ? Danny acted as though the water choked him Celine thought it was serious so she jumped into the water and held Danny ” are you okay? Danny smilled and kissed her “I got you… CELINe hit Danny and pushed him into the water Danny laughed as he removed her hair from her eye And kissed her lips. Celine opened up and let his saliver come in she deepened the kiss and they both didn’t plan on disengaging from that kiss…. As Danny kissed her lips deliciously she felt his fingers come down her back to her butt.. She smiled against his lips and deepened the kiss As he brushed his fingers on her butt….. She enjoyed herself as she felt the water all over her body making her feel more sweet.. Just then she felt Danny’s fingers below her thighs… He unlocked from her lips and kissed her neck then up to her ear… HE gently lifted the red gown up as he was about lifting it above her hip he kissed her ear lobe and whispered. ” can I ?.. He expected to hear “that’s a sin” but surprisingly celine raised both hands up and Danny removed the gown fully. Exposing her purple pant and bra.he looked down and saw the waist Chain it was pretty.he ran his fingers down to her pant line and lifted the chain up .. ” it’s pretty. Celine smiled as Danny carried her up into his arms she wrapped her legs around him. Danny climbed the stairs and placed her on the white pavement that separated the water. She sat down but she still felt water on her pant. And her butt then her hip. He pavement stored little quantity of water….it was very white and beautiful…. Celine loved the water she felt.dannys kiss on her lips brought her back to present. He climbed the pavement and wrapped his arms around her waist….. He moved her hair and feathered his lips around her neck.Celine felt beautiful. He kissed her down to her cleavage … Celine moaned gently ….Just then she felt his hands behind her. He brushed his fingers on her back as he pressed his lips into hers…then he unhooked her bra… Celine withdrew from the kiss she looked down innocently.she wasnt ready yet. Danny noticed the difference in Celines face countenance he smiled and hooked the bra back. ” is that a sin too?, Celine nodded quietly. Danny smiled and placed both hands on her waist he tried carrying her down the pavement but Celine didn’t agree to jump down.. Danny looked at her face ” it’s ok , that sin. She moved herself backward into the pavement and lay she lay she dragged Danny down to her. She felt the water on her back and her hair….she felt beautiful. Danny kissed her from her pant line up to her chest….he ran his lips down her neck to her cleavage which he kissed deliciously ….he gently pulled her up into his arms and unhooked the bra then he ran his bare fingers all through her bare back. Just when he wanted to remove the bra totally Celines phone rang out loud, celine slowly withdrew her lip which locked to his ” sir ” mm ” it must be miss Christina Danny smiled ” she has a bad timing Celine laughed Danny kissed her lips and carried her down from the stair and Celine ran towards her phone. She carefully hooked her bra and picked the call. Ahh Mrs Christina needs to be flogged he said to himself As he walked out of the pool he took his towel and dried his hair as he sat down and placed his head on Celines lap Celine ran her hands through his hair as she called Christina back “put it on speaker ” of course ” hello ” am done but I can’t send my assistant down she busy so just come to the air port “ok “,She dropped the call ” do you know where that is ? ” not really where is the airport?” ” just stay here I will go get it ” really? ” just stay here ” ok Danny kissed her and ran into the room he walked out few minutes later all dressed up and kissed her again as he entered his car and took off # # celine stood up and faced the mirror behind her She tucked her hair behind her ear as she looked at herself in a different manner .. She touched every sensitive part of her body danny had touched ealier. she stared at herself in the mirror while remembering the moment in the pool she smiled ” mom I want to commit this sin , its the only sin I will commit I promise..I won’t ever steal or do others. I can’t wear your chain again I almost defiled it today if not for Christinas call. i will remove it now so I won’t forget that am wearing it when I finally do it with Danny…. She tried unhooking the chain for the first time in her life since her mother placed it there but it was tight… She carefully remembered her mother’s words ” celine you are 15 so am placing this chain here my mother gave this to me, raise your hands up Mrs eze placed it well ” from this place down is beyond limits for any kind of play with any boy or girl you are a woman Celine smiled on this thought as she picked her towel ” to me as your mother this is a symbol of your chastity if I don’t see it that means you slept with a man , which is not wrong but shouldn’t be done wrongly ..your wedding bed shouldn’t be defiled. ” yes mother ” you must pass this chain to your daughter undefiled , it brings good luck and happiness …but if u Defile it it would bring you sadness so you can never have sex with any man while wearing this chain , not even your husband. ” mama trust me i promise you, you will always see this chain on my waist till I get married , i will surely get married a virgin. ” I know and I trust you already. Celine smiled and stopped trying to remove the chain. As Celine moved from the mirror Miranda walked in Celine turned and looked at Miranda in surprise ?????
11 Jul 2020 | 21:39
As Celine moved from the mirror Miranda walked in Celine turned looked at Miranda in surprise CELINe sat down on her chair and crossed her leg ” oh its the boyfriend dragger, welcome Miranda I missed you ” what ” are you looking for Josh the driver, because am sure both I and my boyfriend are not ecpecting you Miranda laughed ” oh the Maid looks happy ” what should i do, I am in my boyfriend’s house right ” oh wow she can now talk back CElINE stood up and walked in front of her ” I respected you miranda till I found out that you were a cheap whore Miranda laughed ” wow so finally you are out to drag a man with me, the maid wants to drag a man ” I can’t drag what belongs to me Miranda , its simple theory ” thought you were smart ” ” do you think Danny loves you, you don’t know Danny ” I don’t need your lies Miranda ” Danny is a play boy he doesn’t date a girl for more than 9 months you think he loves you don’t worry very soon he is gonna dump you for the next sexy girl ” I don’t believe you ” oh you are still in the dark the first day I met Danny I mean the first day he saw me That was the day we had sex he couldnt resist me he cant rezist beautiful things and thats y hes after you too ” you are a liar ” the way he held me with so much love i felt like i was in heaven should I tell you more about how he kissed me passionately or how I felt him inside me , everything was so real I thought I meant something more to him ” get out Miranda ” after the sex he didnt want to see me around him anymore do you know why that’s because danny is just a play boy never take a playboy serious Celine he is going to dump you, have you given it to him yet , well I guess you haven’t that’s why he is still sticking around …Just give him sex he will leave you too….thats what he is waiting for. ” Miranda you are so pathetic, I pity you you know, I don’t care what you had with danny in the past but he’s mine now and mine alone he doesn’t joke with me because he loves me ” so you think Celine. ” get out Mira , leave before call Danny. ” its useless am leaving already. Miranda walked out. Celine sat back down and all Miranda said came back to her. Was Danny really a play boy … did he really have sex with Miranda like that…was he really only interested In her body … She started having crazy thoughts.she remembered the pool ….she remembered how he desired her body …she wondered if Miranda was really right. She got scared. Just then Danny’s red car pulled over …. He walked out of the car. He already wore a black Jean and plain white t-shirt ….he wore a flat slipper which was designed with pure gold chain …… he packed his hair with a black band and wore a two silver earrings. Celine quietly checked him out…he’s amazing height and figure drove her crazy…. Danny catwalked down to her he held the jewel box in his hands. He replied a text quickly and waved his hands at her with his phone in it. Celine smiled he noticed her awkward silence. He dropped the jewel case on her lap. ” thanks ” are you okay Celine. ” yes am fine. ” ok He dragged her up from the chair and both of them walked into the house. Celine dropped the Jewel on the table. She watched Danny remove his hair band and his t -shirt… He remove his slipper and sat beside her on the bed Celine was still quiet. He moved her hair and tried kissing her lips Celine gently moved away. Danny dropped his phone. ” talk about it. ” Danny did you sleep with Miranda . Danny smiled and tucked his hair behind his ear. ” why are you asking that now , what does it have to do with the present… ” I just want to know. ” ok fine yes. ” you were not dating her so why did you sleep with her just like that . ” Celine it was nothing, ” what about me , what am i ?. ” how should i prove that I love you celine , I never loved Miranda it was just for fun and I swear it was just one night and I really regret not playing with you Celine I really love you. ” but why , am not up to your standard, so why do you love me , why will you love me ?. “celine I love you and that’s all that matters , I can never take you for granted and am not after your body Celine I swear , I know I was like that before but i am really changing , am trying to become better don’t cause me Pain by not trusting me please…. Celine smiled and kissed him . ” am sorry I was just confused. Danny hugged her tight. He stood up and picked her gown he from the cupboard. He dragged her up and slipped both her hands into it… Celine smiled. ” remove your undies they are wet. ” sure. Danny walked out and she removed her pant as well as her bra . She ran down to Danny in the living room he drank a glass a wine quietly. Celine rushed out towards him and sat beside him then she slipped herself into his arms amd hugged him … Danny kissed her fire head. ” I want to drink too. Danny tried pouring her a glass she dint agree. Danny gave her his own cup and she smiled as she sipped a little Danny smiled. ” owwww its hot “, Celine said. Danny kissed her lips .. She hugged him tight again. ” I love you ” I love you too. ” I need to go and return this jewel to your mum today. ” later not now. ” ok. She placed her face on his chest and danny ran his fingers down her thigh playfully. Celine chuckled as he played with her gown ….
11 Jul 2020 | 21:43
episode 46 Hoffmans house. Gretel was about running into the compound when a red car drove in a girl walked out she was pretty beyond description she had very long natural curly black hair and a hot skin she was slim and tall she was nicely statured like hell and her skin glitered she had a baby face with red lips and a pointed nose she just looked like indians she wore a gold nose ring a gold anklet and a gold bracelets she wore like 3 ear rings on each ear she walked with pride and grace she wore a very short bom shot and a jacket with her half cut exposing her silver waist bead and her slim waist she smiled and waved when she saw Gretel , gretel jumped up shouting mum, dad, its emma She ran towards emmanuella and hugged her emmanuella pecked Gretel ” hey you look grown up gret ” am a big girl, Emma you are so beautiful ” thanks gret Just then all the maids ran out both the old maids in the 5th building waved at Emma smiling she waved back at all of them Mr and Mrs hoffman walked out emmanuella saw them and ran towards them hugging them both ” mother, father “, she pecked them ” you have grown big”, Mrs Hoffman said ” really? ” not in the Fat way in the grown up way “, Mrs Hoffman said ” I got scared”, Emma replied . ” how are you dear its been long how is your parents”, Mr Hoffman said ” they are fine they are back home”, emma said. ” am glad you visited ” thank you ” oh I missed you after you left no one sneaked into my house with her box and stayed for weeks without my knowledge “, mrs hoffman said. Emma laughed ” she really disturbed us right”, Mr Hoffman asked . Mrs hoffman hugged emmanuella again ” am glad am here ” you are welcome Emily and Mary carried her bag inside ” its been so long you need to gist me”, mrs hoffman said ” me too”, Gretel said . Emma looked around ” wait someone is missing where is that curly hair cutie “, emma asked ” his hair is longer now “,gretel said ” he must be so cute now”, emma said ” cute and troublesome “, mrs hoffman said . ” but where is he ?”, emma asked ” he went to his girlfriends family fun night that’s what he said “, mrs hoffman said . Emmanuella smiled As she whispered to Gretel ” that’s a lie”, emma said ” a big one”, gretel said . They both laughed Emma was Gretels favourite ” wow home sweet home”, emma said ” its all yours”, mr Hoffman said ” I know “, emma said. ********** hours later Christina couldn’t reach Mrs hoffman so she sent her a text My dear friend I delivered the jewels to your son Danny instead of the maid I wonder why he came to take it because the Maid picked up the call, unless of course you know what am thinking …. Mrs hoffman was outside working out on her her fitness when her message tune beeped ” Gretel that’s my message tune get me my phone in the parlour Gretel watched t.v. ” of course mum Before she sluggishly told up Emma already picked up the phone she turned to Gretel ” enjoy your movie gret ” that’s why I love you Emma walked out with the phone towards Mrs hoffman Emma walked out with the phone towards Mrs hoffman Just then the phone blinked she saw the text message Arrgh Christinas gossip would never seize she said as she instantly replied the message I know, my friend I sent them together thanks for your concern She sent the message and deleted everything then she gave Mrs hoffman her phone ” here mum ” thanks Mrs hoffman looked at her phone she saw nothing so she continued her exercise Miranda walked about in her room Danny wanted to hit me because of that maid fine the only way I can have danny is with her gone She placed a call ” hello ” how may I help ” I was the one John told you about you will recieve your pay directly from me just make sure to kill the girl ” the girl in the picture ” yes her name is Celine she’s a maid in the Hoffman’s house ” count it as done but that’s if she leaves the house because nothing can happen inside that house the security is too tight ” okay but if she is with danny hoffman stay clear he is out of bounds if a hair on his head goes missing I won’t take it lightly ” ok no harm will come to the pretty boy all we have to do is kill Celine . ” yes that’s it She dropped the call and drank from her wine Celine lay quietly on Danny’s body facing upward on the bed. She lay between his legs and she placed his hands on her chest where he held his phone. He placed his head on the pillow and her head was on his chest ” Danny I need to go. ” now. “Yes your mum might fire me. ” ok … Danny let her stand up from him. She picked her gown . ” Danny close your eye. ” Danny placed the pillow on his face . Celine removed the sleeping gown and wore another cloth. She rose on top of him and removed the pillow from his face then she kissed his lips Danny smiled. He stood up and picked his t- shirt. ” let’s go I will walk you to the car. Celine looked at his waist. ” Danny did you sag your Jean. Danny chuckled. ” no I didn’t. ” I think you did. ” no I really didn’t , its because I was lying down. Celine looked at his diamond stonned belt she wondered why everything about him was just so expensive. She instantly pulled the trouser up Danny laughed. Both of them rushed out when they got outside the driver was already waiting . Celine hugged Danny one last time and Kissed him. Then she ran to the car. Danny walked back inside They enterred the car and took minutes later celine arrived .she walked into the compound she headed to the living room and gave Mrs hoffman the box as she turned and tried walking away mrs hoffman called her back ” madam ?. Mrs hoffman looked at her from her to toe This girl is really pretty and Danny likes pretty things could they have been together, I mean after the family fun night where did Danny stay till now , did she spend time with my son..her looks are killing she can seduce just anyman. ” you were with danny at the penthouse right CElINE was confused, thoughts ran through her head “Is she aware that I stayed with” danny “Is this a trick question” “Did miss christina tell her Danny” took the jewel ” I am really scared” ” speak up celine did you stay with my son up until now
11 Jul 2020 | 21:49
episode 47 well , the thing is Just then celine noticed someone at the door waving at her giving her signals to say no ” no madam I have not even seen your son for weeks. The person gave her a thumbs up Celine smiled ” then we’re could Danny be, ok you may go in now Celine walked into the maids room she didn’t see the person who helped her she wondered if she was a ghost . ” welcome Celine”, emily said “how was it? “,Mary asked Celine smiled ” it was the best two days of my life . Just then Mary locked the door ” abigail hid the tea. ” what ” abigail knew the truth all this while avoid Abigail ” i wonder she did all this to me ” jealousy”, Emily said ” you saw Emma already right?”, mary asked ” who’s that? ” the girl who have you signals ” and I thought it was a ghost ” no it wasn’t it was Danny’s friend ” she’s really pretty “, celine said. Just then the line rang it was dannys room ” but he’s room is empty”,celine said ” no its not . ” really ,who’s there?. ” pick up and find out “, mary said Celine picked ” hello ” can I get pizza thanks. ” a woman , why .”,celine said frowning She ran into the kitchen and came out then she knocked on Danny’s door. ” good day”, emma Said Celine recognized her ” thank you for helping me get past mrs hoffman. ” so where you with danny all the while .. “Well …. ” place it on the table ” ok “what’s your name? ” Celine ma ” call me emma am just 22,by might be older than me . Celine smiled and walked out if the room. Hours later. Mr hoffman and his wife with Emma and gretel sat outside that cool evening by the pool. The maids stood behind them . ” so Emma do you have a boyfriend? ” honey!!! “mum!!! ” no mum am so single. ” better so do you like danny ” ciara!!! ” mum don’t match make them Emma smiled ” Danny is too cute for me to manage anyway . Everyone laughed ” so true the cute ones can’t be faithful “Gretel what do you know about cute guys ?”, her mum asked ” nothing mum “,gretel replied . Every body laughed Just then the gateman opened the gate and Danny drove in ” the pretty boy is back “, gretel said Emily touched celines hands and CElINE smiled happily Danny walked out of the car and looked up to where his parents sat he looked at Celine and instantly texted her “?I love you ?” Celine looked at her phone and smiled . He texted again “✉Won’t you reply?” CEline replied ✉”Your parents are waiting for you come here ?” He waved at his family as he walked further one maid from the fifth building took his bag and locked his car Danny walked further that was when he noticed Emma Emma stood up and walked down towards him Danny was so surprised ” oh my Godz!!!, emmanuella jekerns ” Danny Hoffman ” I missed you sweet heart “Come here my love . Danny hugged Emmanuella and carried her up Emma hit him and he brought her down ” you lost weight Emma placed her hands on her waist ” am a model now Danny smiled as he hugged her again and dragged her by the hands ” get ready to gist me Emma smiled They walked towards his parents The got to his parents Danny was still holding Emma ” hey mom, dad, gret ” welcome honey how was the family fun night ” which family…. Emma pinched him ” oh it was fine, totally awesome ” welcome back son”, mr Hoffman said ” welcome my son”, gretel said ” crazy girl Danny looked up at Celine then he dragged Emma and walked out Danny and Emma went into his room and Emma sat on the bed while Danny sat on a chair facing her he just looked at her in silence ” I am trying to fill up the time I spent without you ” better bath “, emma said. She lay on the bed Danny took of his shirt And lay on the bed beside Emma , he wrapped his arms round her. Emma pinched his waist ” go and bath ” am lazy Emma pushed him out of the bed Danny picked the pillow and threw at her ” don’t look for my trouble ” Emma ” yes ” you look prettier now ” thank you Danny stood up and walked into the shower Then he shouted order juice for me please ” sure Celine sat quietly in the maids room Mary peeped for Abigail and then locked the door ” hey why do you look quiet “, mary asked ” isn’t it obvious am jealous already “,celine said ” that’s not needed I mean why would you be jealous of emma they have been roommates for close to one year…. sleeping ,eating,bathing, doing everything together in the same room still dey didn’t fall for each other. They are just close friends. ” well miranda said Danny is a playboy and I just keep imagining him and Emma doing stuffs ” don’t mind Miranda Danny has changed .”, emily said . ” yea before he came home every night with a different girl , each time you go to his room to serve him you must see a sexy naked girl on his bed.Mary said . ” and when his dad complained he bought that penthouse “, Emily said . ” but nowadays Danny is really different, he changed…I hardly see him with girls”, mary said. ” I was surprised he broke up with Jennifer because she cheated cos I know Danny cheated on her too but she saw it as nothing…”, Emily said ” wow “,celine added. ” but Danny has really changed alot …. Just then the line rang celine rushed it ” hello ” juice please “ok # She took the juice and knocked on the door “come in”. Celine walked in ” place it on the table its Danny’s order “, emma said “danny again ? Just then danny shouted ” emma I forgot my towel “,… Both Emma and celine went for the towel at the same time just then celine got herself and gave it to Emma but Emma gave it to her ” here give it to him ” oh ok She passed it Danny’s hand.. ” emma you wont believe what happened with that estate manager after u left “, Danny said this as he walked out of the door of his dressing room with He wore a white short topless ..he’s hair fell freely , .. He was was about jumping to the bed when he saw Celine… He picked the juice on the table. Celine took the juice from danny “hey ” I told you take cofee and avoid juice you take too much sugar , and you need your tea so you can sleep well. Danny turned to Emma. ” Emma fight for my right. Emma smiled. ” arrrgh but my body needs juice right now. Celine gulped down the juice till the cup was empty Emma laughed Danny sat on his bed beside Emma and looked up at celine . ” what should I take now? ” insomnia tea ” hey commoner ,that’s not fair. ” I love you “, celine said and walked out. Danny lay flat on the pillow. Emma placed her own pillow on his tummy and placed her head there ” Emma won’t you change ” no Danny smiled. ” so do you love her. ” yes I do. ” really really love her , not just for fun. ” i love her emma , so much . ” so how’s she in bed. ” Emma change. Emma laughed. ” I like her too but lawyer instincts she’s still a virgin , right?. ” wow your lawyer instincts are great. Emma smiled . ” I am going to sleep . She tried standing up but Danny dragged her back. ” Emma you are sleeping here. ” Danny am grown now we are not teens anymore . ” and ” and am pretty seductive we might do the unplanned . Danny knocked her head. ” Emma you are a spoilt bitch. ” no am not. Emma rolled over him and tool the land line she dialed the maids room ” hello ” send lina over. She dropped the call and wore her slipper. ” Danny am off to gretels spare room . ” ok . Emma opened the door and celine walked in almost instantly.. Emma opened the door for her and walked past her… Celine walked towards Danny on his bed. Danny smiled. ” missed you. Celine smiled as she bent down and kissed his lips. ” me too. Danny dragged her over to the bed and wrapped the bed cover around both of them. ” Danny I can’t sleep here they will catch us. ” Danny wrapped his arms around her bad kissed her lips. ” shhhhhhh. Celine smiled. She closed her eye as she felt him kiss her face deliciously under the blanket He kissed both her closed her eye , then her nose , then her ear, they under her jaw and finally he locked his lips to hers. Celine smiled against his lips. He gently kissed her neck and held her tight He finally closed his eye quietly. Celine uncovered herself and just looked at his face. She kissed his lips and gently placed her head in his chest… After a while she covered him well and ran out of his room.
11 Jul 2020 | 21:54
episode 48 keila arranged her cloths in her room and all she could think about was Ryan, Ryan, Ryan The guy she met at the mall She sat on her bed and kept remembering everything about him she really wanted to see him again. Celine had been searching for Mr Hoffman’s ring all morning .she already grew tired . She got to the back yard and there Ethan sat he ran towards her. ” what is it I will help you find it? ” a rin ” ok lets search together They kept searching CEline got to the spot where Mr hoffman normally parked his car she stood on the right hand where the car front door should be according to her imagination then she searched the area straight up just then she saw something sparkling in the floor it was the ring celine smiled she tried pulling it out but it was stuck ” Ethan!!! Ethan came and he successfully pulled out the ring and gave it to celine ” thank you, finally am so happy ” me too am happy Gretel had been call with keila for a long period. ” I can’t believe Sims birthday is so close ” I don’t even know what to buy. ” maybe a watch or a tea shirt. Gretel smiled. ” I will call u k. She dropped the call . Anna just dropped the call with her friend. ” so simeon is finally dating gretel , he couldn’t even tell that why he avoided me recently. Gretel can keep the award but simeon is mine. He didn’t even remember to invite me to his party… I have the perfect present. She played a video on her phone she watched it smiling. Miranda called her goons on phone ” what’s taking so long in killing a girl a single girl ” well she never comes out of the mansion unless there is a way you can bring her out then we will do the rest Miranda angrily dropped the call. Gretel sat on keilas living room. ” I can’t believe this chemistry test is out again “, keila said. ” where Is Angela she promise to tutor us . ” she says she will bring someone who Is better than her . ” so I hope so . Just then angela walked into the living room with Ryan her brother Leila turned in was the same guy at the mall. Keila smiled widely gelai welcome ” i brought a little guest i really forced him before he came he’s the one who is teaching me chemistry,my brother Ryan. ” hey Ryan”, keila said ” hy, its the girl from the mall. ” meet my best friend gretel ” wow Gretel hoffman its a pleasure ” the pleasure is all mine GREtel signaled KeilA Sooo cute ” which part of chemistry do you guys not understand ” you “, keila said looking at him with desire. Gretel smiled and tapped her. ” uhmm everything angela smiled ” that’s really lacking behind”, Ryan said The headed for the table and Ryan brought his books but Gretel noticed KeilA was rather looking at him not the book she whispered to keila ” he’s gonna find out you are crushung if you keep staring like that Keila smiled Ryan thought them and hours later they were done KeilA ran into the kitchen for cold Drinks. She showed up with the drinks they all took their cups Then gretel dragged gelato out. Ryan sat with keila . ” am glad u agreed to follow gelai chemistry has been really hard for i and Gretel. ” actually KeilA I wanted to come here ” what ” gelai didn’t beg me to come I begged her to bring me so maybe I can see her cute friend . KeilA smiled ” that’s ridiculous, how did you know I was her frnd. ” I really begged her, you know ever since the mall I never stopped thinking about you I can’t ask you out or anything because I know obviously I am below you I should be your cleaner or your gateman or even your driver I can’t possibly be your boyfriend I know it’s impossible but…. KeilA instantly kissed Ryan Gretel smiled as she peeped from the door ” but…… what ?”, keila asked him ” but it’s not Impossible”, Ryan said . KeilA smiled and Ryan kissed her again ” so is that a yes? ” no its an I Will think about it “,keila said ” ok I expect my anwser soon. KeilA smiled Minutes later they all left. celine walked about in the maids room when philomena walked in ” good day ” I am leaving early ” ok madam ” Celine I already told Mrs hoffman so don’t look for me and inform others too ” ok madam 8pm maids room. ” thats wierd Mr hoffman didn’t ask for his tea today “, emily said ” maybe today is his day out remember day in day out”,mary said ” that’s wierd I counted the days, today is Thursday it should be in”,celine said ” you counted from Sunday Celine I think he counts from Monday”, Emily said ” that’s possible or maybe he forgot”, celine said ” lets just ignore him before we serve him on the wrong day and lose our job”, mary said ” Celine you might be right just serve him”, Abigail said ‘ ignore Abigail “, emimy said ” but he’s tea is really important right, according to the doctors prescription he shouldnt miss it so he’s sugar doesn’t over rise or over reduce”, celine said ” he always asks for it when he comes back if he didn’t ask today then today is out simple were you counting the days with him?”, mary said ” I will make it its better he rejects it and I lose my job than endangering his health “;Celine said . ” this girl is really crazy do you know how much the tea ingredients cost it can’t be wasted “, emily shouted. ” celine is right today is in just do it “, Abigail said I can’t wait for you to get fired she said in her mind . CElINE ran into the kitchen and started brewing the tea she missed it exactly the way philomena thought her Omg this is so bitter, wait what if Emily is right and today is his day out I might just loose my job just like that Just then she remembered philomenas words If he didn’t ask for it don’t make it so you won’t waste his tea and get fired Well am already making it let the worst happen I really think he forg
11 Jul 2020 | 21:58
episode 49 Mr hoffman lay on his bed He was really tired from work and searching for his ring just then he remembered ” Omg I didn’t ask for my tea he checked his time it was too late”,. ” Too bad It’s too late by what time will it be brewed ” Just then he heard a knock on his door he opened the door and Celine walked in with the tea in a tray She looked at Mr hoffmans scary face and closed her eye tight expecting a big slap and 3 words “YOU ARE FIRED ” ” thank you dear you are a life saver . Celine opened one eye and looked at him then she opened the other and smiled as she gently bowed ” welcome sir ” you just solved one of my problems right now, celine the new maid right ” yes sir ” how did you know today was “in” I have missed so many days and no one not even philomena saved Me ” well i count the days with you sir Mr hoffman was surprised ” every month ” yes sir he smiled to celine for the first time Then He stood up and took off his jacket ” I need to bath the tea better get warm when I come back or else I might fall at asleep He walked into the shower and celine ran into Gretels room ” hey lina CElINE grabbed the electric face fan and and Gretels power bank and rushed out she ran to mr hoffmans room and instantly plugged the power bank to the electric fan she directed it to the cofee and cooled the tea while kneeling there Mr hoffman walked out of the shower he already wore his sleeping wear he looked at celine silently for a while and watched how she cooled the tea without mumuring or complaining rather she smiled while doing it and even used her mouth too even though her kneel pained Just then celine said It’s cool enough now thank God Mr hoffman didn’t miss today’s tea she smiled and dropped the fan ” yes dear I won’t miss today’s tea all thanks to you She turned and saw Mr hoffman she was surprised so she slowly lifted the tea tray and dropped it on the table Mr hoffman applied his cream Celine noticed how sleepy Mr hoffman looked she wanted to make sure he drank the tea so she bowed slighty and ran out of tbe room ” what a girl Celine stood by the door and peeped into the room trying to make sure Mr hoffman drank the tea Unknown to her me hoffman saw her shadow from under his door he smiled as he took the tea and drank it just then he finished it and opened the door celine fell to the ground ” I took it dear He gave her the cup CEline smiled as she stood up and took the cup from him she ran away Mr hoffman locked his door This girl is God sent to me today what can I do to appreciate her he thought as he fell fast asleep Mrs hoffman was still busy browsing through the internets in the parlour CElINE returned the cup to the kitchen omg i forgot to give him his ring no problem tomorow is a new day she walked into dannys room Danny was busy packing some notes into a box which he locked quickliy when he saw Celine but celine didn’t bother about that she headed for the insomnia tea and took one sachet Danny dropped the box and sat back on his bed ” hey I dont want it its bitter ” today everybody in This house must drink their tea am watching you Danny laughed at celine, she ran out and made the tea then she returned to Danny’s room and stood in front of him with the tea in her hands ” take ” no its bitter ” please ” no ” please ” are you going to cry CEline nodded Danny took the tea from her and celine smiled as she lay on the bed beside him Danny drank the tea and remained a little for celine ” here ” no I sleep well “hey if you love me you should suffer with me Celine smiled as she took the tea from Danny she sat up and drank it then she shouted ” Jesus Christ my heavenly father this tea is too bitter how could you drink this all this while ” because you bought CElINE smiled ” lets drink it together from now on ” noooo I sleep well Danny laughed ” aarrgh am suddenly feeling sleepy ” good night She stood up and Danny drew her to the bed ” I never said you should leave already CElINE lay beside him and they both looked up that wallpaper is pretty right ” yes the stars look so real ” yes they do especially the left one Celine laughed out loud as she felt Dannys hands running up her thighs from the bed sheet she knocked Danny and he removed his hand ” caught you Danny turned and lay on his back again ” what did i do ? “how could you do that without my knowledge ” that’s how spoilt I am ” you are naughtier than I thought He smiled as he turned and lay on his side with his head on his Palm as he looked directly at celine ” am not naughty I was just looking for something important Celine laughed and raised her self She kissed him and lay back ” what were you looking for ” no its a secret Celine laughed ” all right find it Danny smiled ” are you sure you won’t shout ” am naughtier than you thought Just then she felt his hands coming up her thighs again the feeling to Celine was so awesome and she knew she didn’t want him to stop Celine laughed as he raised her gowm gently to her hip. ” you have not found it yet. Danny chuckled as he slipped his fingers up to her pant he gently lifted the pant Celine chuckled as he fitted it well.then he raised his fingers to her waist Chain ” have you found it ” i just wanted to check the quality of the gold Celine laughed. ” you are bad liar you just wanted to touch my pant . Both of them laughed Danny couldn’t stop laughing ” no I wanted to uhhhm… kiss your stomach stop being so spoilt He raised the gown and kissed her belly button ” see that’s what i wanted to do He smiled without covering her gown back. ” u won’t stop looking at my pant, I will call my mom. Danny instantly covered her gown back . Celine laughed. ” good night am going back before the look for me ” I want to sleep with you tonight Celine instantly covered her chest with both hands unconsciously Aarrgh this is so embarrassing why do I keep covering my chest now it has mastered me “,she slowly removed her hands ” your mind is dirty I said I want us to sleep in this bed together till morning , what were u thinking. ” well you spoilt me Danny lay cross form to her and placed his head on her tummy while he looked up, celine ran her hand through his hair ” I won’t be annoyed if you deny Me sex “what ? Danny turned to look at her face her eyes where wider now and her mouth was half open Danny pecked her lip and she closed her mouth ” the reason why I didn’t make advances after the pool was because the only reason you agreed in the pool was not because you wanted it but because you didn’t want me to be dissapointed right ” well ” celine sex is not an obligation I love you and I want it I won’t lie Celine laughed “shhh but, it has to be from your own time table honey CElINE smiled ” if we do it I want it to be special because you chose that day not because you wanted to make me happy or stop me from being dissapointed ” ok ” so tell me what you want I am kinda scared to make serious advances at you because i know you will surely give in to make me happy and thats not what i want i want us to do it to make you happy ” actually i have not really had a boyfriend before so all this is all kind of new to me but i am not really ready danny but its just that I heard if you don’t sleep with him he will get it somewhere else and I don’t want that. Danny laughed Celine placed her hand on his mouth ” who ever said such rubbish that would only happen if sex is all the partner sees but that’s not all I see I see Celine I see our future together, I see our kids , I see my love for you, I see your innocence, and i see you Celine hugged him ” you don’t need good sex to keep me all you need is just to keep being you… ” I love you ” I love you too Danny placed his head back on her tommy and Faced upward ” am ready this night ” no you are kidding Celine laughed ” stand up so i can go ” no you must sleep here ” I want to tell you something important Danny stood up from her with all seriousness CElINE ran out of the bed ” I love you so much She opened the door and ran out of the room Danny smiled as he lay back on his bed celine rushed into the maids room all of them were already fast asleep so she lay in her bed and kept smiling Danny is really naughty , I can’t believe his fingers.
11 Jul 2020 | 22:01
episode 50 Mary had just been playing a particular blue which totally got Celines attention she loved the song the singer had a godly voice and was so real ” please who sang that song it makes me feel love “, celine asked ” danny. “what? ” Danny is an artiste you didn’t know ” no ” are you serious danny was one of the best artistes when it comes to love and romantic songs ” he should be realy romantic ” then why did he stop singing ” I heard the story is scary don’t worry later we will ask Mildred to tell us ” every celebrity has a scary back story ” Mildred is an old maid she must know it all ” I even heard Danny mutilated himself once ” what ” he was cutting himself the scars should be on his wrist check to confirm ” how will she do that ?”,abigail asked “I don’t know ask them “, Celine replied. the family drank wine in the parlour Mrs hoffman already wore her designer gown and stood facing her kids Danny, Emma and Gretel sat on a chair . ” lets drink to celebrate my anniversary after this me and my husband will be traveling for our second honeymoon in switzerland Everyone clapped “can I come with you guys?”, gret asked ” no you can’t ” what’s taking your dad so long Mr hoffman was already dressed up but his ring was his biggest problem he searched under his bed he still didn’t see it Omg ciara will kill me he said to himself Just then someone knocked ” tell her am coming ” that’s not why am here Mr hoffman opened the door just to see his ring staring at him in the face ” who are you dear are you my guardian Angel ” I found it sir like I promised ” thank you dear He wore the ring ” I am very grateful ” thank you sir ” so you are the missing finder ” that’s just my stage name Mr hoffman smiled She ran out of the room. And mr hoffman walked out to the parlour ” honey what took you so long ” dressing up for the best day of my life Danny and Emma smiled “Emma you will be here when we come back right? ” yes I will leave after Danny’s birthday. ” ok dear ” all right lets drink to 27 years of peace and happiness cheers Everybody drank from their cup ” our jet just landed see you soon guys ” bye mum bye dad ” bye mum bye dad They walked out into the compound Mr hoffman waved strictly at celine and they went out ” did you just wave at a maid ” my favourite maid honey ” thats wierd ,********** Minutes later Danny walked into the living room with his bag he wore his white joggers Celine was dusting the chair ” are you leaving ? ” I will be right back . ” did he call you ” I haven’t been taking his calls and I have been canceling my schedule he will be planing on killing me ” ok have fun He kissed celine and Celine was seriously trying to check his wrist ” danny let me see your hand ” why? ” good luck kiss He raised his hand to her she didn’t see any scar she smiled and kissed the hand ” the other one He gave her the next one just then Celine saw the scar her heart beat changed She still kissed him ” can I go now madam? ” yes good luck “. It’s really true Danny once mutilated himself Danny I want to know you fully but I need to know your past if I will do that abigail who peeped through the passage door ran inside So celine is seeing Danny Mrs hoffman must hear this “, she murmured to herself Emma looked at Danny’s old pictures in her room. Danny I love you.I stil love you and I want you back. I can’t stop loving you, I lost a lot to be with you Danny how do I stop loving you cos right now u can’t be mine.. Gretel went shopping with her friends for simeons birthday and minutes later they were done…. She did a real carefull shopping for simeons birthday. Just tgen she remembered that she hadn’t informed Celine about simeon so she called her line. Minutes later Celine showed up. ” hey miss. ” lina I forgot to tell that I am dating simeon. ” I know. ” what how. ” when you love someone you get to know everything about them. Gretel smiled and hugged Celine tight. ” but u must pass your exams . ” sure thing. Celine smiled. Minutes later Celine walked out she headed for the maids room.she had so many thoughts in her head. Just then Abigail dragged her to one corner. ” what is it. ” you are dating Danny. ” Abigail I can… ” it’s against the house rules. ” I know but. ” I will report you Celine , I am going to call Mrs Hoffman. ” Abigail wait. Abigail walked away . Miranda called mrs hoffman on phone ‘ yes dear ” I know you loved the second gown so i bought it for you the main design ‘ really ” yes ” but I traveled for my anniversary ” cool just send a maid to get It will be down town ” ok dear am so glad ” am alone so send someone I can trust with my safety maybe Celine or Emily ” celine is more trust worthy ” ok dear Mrs hoffman dropped the call Miranda placed a call ” she’s coming out you will kill her immediately after I hand her the cloth and she is returning so I won’t be suspected ” ok cool that’s easy ” don’t dissapoint me . Celine was thinking of Abigail threat when philomena walked into the room ” welcome back ” thank you here take Mrs hoffman sent you to this address ” ok ” get her gown and come back ” from who ” find out when you get there. Celine nodded and walked out .
11 Jul 2020 | 22:05
@ladyG @ele1
11 Jul 2020 | 22:07
It being awhile welcome back
12 Jul 2020 | 01:36
pls keep it rolling
12 Jul 2020 | 01:37
I miss some part..
12 Jul 2020 | 07:57
But money is good
12 Jul 2020 | 07:58
Fire on
12 Jul 2020 | 11:10
ride on am with u.i just pray nothing happens to Celine
14 Jul 2020 | 06:15
I love this story like crazy. Mrinda or 7up b ur name, u wil live 2 regret ur actions ewu, i strongly bliv dat God wil see celine thru.
14 Jul 2020 | 19:21
celime and hoffman episode 51 Find out when you get there Celine : oh ok no problem I will be going Philomena rushed out Celine changed her cloth and picked the paper where the address was written and rushed out too she stood by the car wating for josh, Josh came down ” hey are you ready josh ” one minute Celine forgot something he rushed back inside Danny wondered why Emma was not yet back so he walked into the compound he saw Emma’s car driving in he ran towards her Emma came down and folded her hands around Danny’s waist ” hey fish ” how was your meeting ” fine why did you take so long “sorry was caught up ” I am suspecting something else “silly you Just then danny saw Celine entering the car ” where is celine going to ” I wonder Danny shouted waving at Josh “stop the car !!!! Josh who was about driving out stopped and came down ” hey where are you taking her too Celine posed in the car like the owner with her legs crossed and stylishly gave the paper to Danny ” its late ” the dress must be important to Mrs hoffman ” but celine is important to me ” what ” get down you can’t go it’s late ” no what will you tell ur mom ” leave that to me ” She sent me so am going ” fine lets go together ” no you can’t ” then let’s both not go Celine walked out of the car ” fine you win a maid walked into the 5th building Danny signaled her she came to him ” sir ” go into the mansion and call me an in house maid ” ok sir Just then Abigail came out ” go and get my mom’s cloth ” of course sir CElINE gave Abigail the paper Abigail snatched it from her ‘ I will be back sir lets go Josh ” all right thank you he tapped her shoulders Abigail smiled They drove away Danny dragged celines by one hand and Emma on the other hand and the walked into the compound just them Emma tapped Danny ” what is it ” let go off celine Danny instantly let go of Celine ” Celine grab your tummy the cctv is around here CEline instantly grabbed her Tummy Danny placed his hand on Emma’s shoulders and they walked in first then celine grabbed her tummy and walked behind them Emma ran into her room and when celine got in inside she hieved a sigh of relief I can’t believe Danny didn’t even wait for me annoying just as she turned she saw Danny who was standing in the middle of the passage leaning on the wall with his head up waiting Celine smiled I love you danny and one day I will become someone who deserves your love Just then danny saw her he smiled at her and waved Celine walked down to him she wrapped her arms round his neck and kissed him then she hugged him ” thank you”, she said ” for what? ‘ for everything . Abigail met miranda ” I was expecting celine ” well i was sent in her stead ” who sent you ” Danny ma ” aarrgh Miranda was so dissapointed ” oh ok She gave Abigail the bag and Abigail returned into the car She kept trying to call the bad guys but the number was not reaching Miranda was confused As abigail and josh rode down a car connerd them Josh was a short tempered guy so he ran out to question the other driver and as Abigail noticed both of them exchanging words she came out to talk to Josh and she got shot from behind the killer was not even seen Josh instantly rushed her into the car and the other car that connered them drove awAy MEanwhile celine walked about Danny’s Room where she was trapped ” Danny please let me out I will come back and sleep here ” no way today we die here Celine laughed as she decided to relax she walked about his room while Danny watched t.v. She saw an old box and tried opening it ” don’t open that ” what’s inside ” its not important just leave it “oh ” am sorry for sounding…. ” oh its all right She withdrew then saw a pink kit she smiled it was pretty ” that’s a hair set ” oh “,She touched her hair ” its nice Danny came down from the bed to where she sqatted he touched her hair ” your hair is all greasy ” oh is it she touched her hair again Omg he is going to think am dirty I have just been busy I have not had time to wash my hair ” well (she laughed cunningly )I was ” come on lets wash your hair ” what ” come on He took the the kit into the shower he placed it there then he walked into his dressing room and brought a towel he gave it to celine ” undress ” what ” your cloths will get wet ” oh then close your eye ” what have i not seen before He closed his eye and Celine tied the towel Danny took her into the bathroom celine shouted ” omg its so pretty ” you’ve not washed it before ” that’s Mary’s job ” ok that’s why She looked at the white curtain which covered the bathroom and she saw the chair on the other side of the white curtain she had not opened the white curtain yet she saw a door and pushed it open it led to Dannys dressing room room Celine smiled Danny just watched her She picked a hand full of the rose petals on the table and threw it up laughing some of them landed on Danny’s face she turned and looked at him he looked funny danny folded his arms and watched Celine She then walked To the wall paper which was like the ocean so real it sorrounded the whole bathroom then she slowly opened the transparent white curtain it exposed the big wide Jacuzzi which could contain 3 people it was divided into sections one was filed with clean water the other part was dry celine looked out the window and saw the pool she picked up the hand shower and poured water on her face which went down to her chest she smiled happily She’s so simple and real Danny said to himself “wow I love it here ” come on I was watching a movie before They both walked into the big Jacuzzi CEline tried running into the one filled with water but Danny drew her back ” do you want to bath ” no but ” this way She walked into the dry one and Danny picked a chair it was built with glass ceramic it looked like it was wet according to the design the chair was white and very very little Danny placed it and Celine sat he picked the hand shower Danny applied the first wash and told her to bend so she wont get wet she bent and he washed it out he applied another soapy one washed and asked her to bend back ward again CEline bent and he washed it off She felt water touching her leg She enjoyed it aww my back pains already from bending backwards she said to herself Danny was applying another foaming one when his phone rang Josh was calling but he decided to be done with Celine first He scratched the hair well just then he asked her to bend as she bent he noticed her back was paining her ” is your back paining ” well a little “I can’t afford you being in pain you will just bath at once Danny tried removing her towel “what she held her chest ” just remove the towel so you wont bend anymore and that’s my favourite towel it can’t get stained CEline smiled and removed her hands Danny took out the towel from her Exposing only the black pant which she wore She instantly covered her breast with her two hands ” no need i cant see your front “really i think you are naughtier than that Danny laughed He was done scratching ” the water is kinda cool, endure. He poured the water directly on her hair without asking her to bend the water fell on her body and celine enjoyed it Danny applied another soaoy wash and washed it off celine did her best to move her hair back so the unclean water won’t touch her but once the unclean water was washed off she relaxed and enjoyed the clean part which fell on her skin Danny was done but he intentionally kept pouring water on her hair and Celine lifted her face up back ward to look at his face he kissed her lip and she smiled Danny dried her hair with the towel ” wow its clean now He hanged the towel and walked out ” better bath ” oh ok He walked out into the room. Celine instantly locked the curtain and removed her already wet pantie as she ran into the second Jacuzzi filed with water soapy water she laughed she was so glad she picked up the wine on the table and smiled as she took the class cup and drank from it it’s just like in the movies am so lucky Celine drank another full cup just then the drink got to her she kept the glass she suddenly felt tipsy Danny checked his phone and saw joshes missed call he wanted to call him back but he realized he couldn’t hear any sound from celine again that was wierd he kept the phone and walked into the bathroom he called her from the curtain but she didn’t anwser Arrrgh that girl that covers her body like gold if i walk in there she would be embarrassed for life he said to himself as he opened the curtain celine was sleeping with her head on the top of the tub her body was already covered with water she turned to her side and slept well Danny saw the cup and the wine Wow she was celebrating he said He touched her face ” hey celine “shhh She smiled and slept back Danny kissed her lip and smiled He wanted to lift her up but then he left her and walked into the room he dialed Emma’s room ” Danny ” come over ” ok Emma rushed in ” can you just get celine out of the bathroom please ” why don’t you do it yourself ” if she finds out I did it my self she will be embarrassed in the morning she’s a shy type she might not come outside for one year ” I know them just like my kid sister ave not seen her naked ever since she was born Danny laughed Emma ran into the bathroom and carried celine up ” Celine how could you drink ” no I didn’t drink I was just swimming Emma smiled She Dried celine and took Danny’s pajamas and dressed her up shirt and trouser then she dragged her out to Danny in the room Danny laughed when he saw celine Emma placed celine on the bed near him ” that’s your girfriend am going to my room ” thank you ” what are friends for Emma walked out and Celine just lay flat on the bed Danny smiled as he covered her well, he lay slightly on her and just looked at her cute face… He kissed her lips then her cheek. I can’t believe she got drunk. just then he remembred Josh he dialed his number it was not going through so he dropped the phone and lay back He wrapped his arms round Celine You made my life make Sense Celine he said Celine raised her leg to him . Just then someone knocked on the door Danny opened up it was Josh ” what took you long I tried calling you back but.. ” sir Abigail is dead ” whaaaat?
14 Jul 2020 | 20:20
that serves her right.thank God for Celine, it could have been her
15 Jul 2020 | 11:31
good for her. Next
16 Jul 2020 | 00:45
Continue please...
16 Jul 2020 | 10:53
Abigail died in Celine's place, killing 2 birds with one stone @ladyg show
16 Jul 2020 | 13:06
Good for Abigal, her busy body don land am where she suspose dey. thanks @ele1 dear.
18 Jul 2020 | 05:54
Next episode plz...
20 Jul 2020 | 17:33
celine and hoffman episode 52 it all happened so fast ” I don’t understand ” I am not even sure the killers saw her face it was just so fast I rushed her to the hospital but it was too late ” all right no problem thank you Danny locked the door and sat back on the floor as he looked at celine Thank God you got drunk he said Danny sat sat awake till morning he couldnt sleep all he remembered was Knock knock Clara is dead ? Knock knock Clara is dead? Knock knock Clara is dead? Claras mothers voice came to his ears Danny you killed my child Danny you killed my daughter you killed my only child He kept remembering Claras voice and her laughter I love you Danny Danny stop driving Danny watch the road Danny took the alcoholic drink celine remained he drank it till it finished then he left both the cup and the bottle he stood up and walked to the glass wall from where he watched the pool If only I listened to you Clara you would not have died he “,said to himself ⏰⏰⏰⏰ Early the next morning the police already did their job of investigation. The press filled the area and soon left. Celine opened her eye and scratched her hair smiling she stretched her self just then she got herself she was on Danny’s bed omg what did i do she looked at her clothing it was Danny’s pajamas She remembered the shower and when she started drinking she suddenly gave out a loud scream ” aaaghrrrhhhh!!!! which made Danny rush into the room from the bathroom ” hey Celine covered herself with the bed sheet Danny smiled and returned to the shower Omg what happened I was naked in the shower Who dressed me up Could we have done it Could we have don’t it already “, She said within herself She checked the bed sheet it was new Danny walked out CElINE slowly spoke ” but where did the other bed sheet go ” oh It got stained and I changed it CEliNE screamed again Danny covered her mouth ” hey what’s wrong ” last night what happened after the shower ” well you were drunk and naked and am not a saint CEline creamed again ” omg omg my mother’s chain has been defiled what will i tell my daughter Danny laughed at her CElINE instantly took of the chain and held it in her hands ” mother please forgive me I was drunk I didnt remove the chain now it has been defiled oh mother she cried out Danny laughed she rushed down from the bed and kept walking up and down Aarggh this is embarrassing I slept my first time away i didnt even enjoy it I should ask him how it was ” well, how was it last night ” what ? ” well it.. the whole uhhm.. you know ” no I don’t ” well i meant, mmmm”, she started coughing Danny laughed ” a little borring since you were still….. “you know “but a little exciting too. She sat on the bed and Danny thought she had cooled down just then she screamed again ” she has gone Cray Cray CEline lay on the bed rolling and kicking her leg up and down just then she rose up and faced Danny again ” but then did i bleed, I heard not all virgins bleed. ? ” that’s y am washing the bed sheet Celine closed her mouth for a while ” oh thank God she’s quiet “, danny thought ” Well what’s done is done She stood up and started unbuttoning the shirt of the pajamas Danny covered his eye ” hey what are you doing don’t take off your cloths ” I will wear my gown and return to the maids room ” go to the dressing room then ” what’s the point you already saw everything She continued removing them Danny turned to face the wall ” isn’t this childish weren’t you the one that dressed me up ” no it wasn’t me Celine smiled cunningly She stopped opening ” really ” it was Emma already ” oh that’s nice but since we had sex there still nothing to hide anymore She walked in front of him and started pulling off the trouser Danny held the trousers Celine smiled. ” you are totally naked ” I know. She cont pulling it down ” ok stop we didn’t do anything I was just playing with you arrrgh CElINE laughed and jumped on the bed ” I knew ” how ” at first I believed you then i realized Danny can never do that ” when did you realize that ” when I asked you if I bled. ” ok you got me She grabbed her gown and rushed into the dressing room minutes later She came out and tried opening the door ” am going Danny drew her back I don’t want you to go there and cry on someone else’s shoulders you should cry on my shoulders he Said to himself ” where to ” maids room obviously ” but that place is…. closed for now, yes its being… uhhm repaired ” cool I will meet Emily outside ” well Emily traveled to her mum’s…. village yes Celine kissed him ” you can’t lie ” dont go ” why, why you are making me scared did something happen ” Abigail ” Abigail did what ” abigail is dead she died celine
2 Aug 2020 | 19:31
Just then tears ran down celines cheek ” we might have fought but she was still my first friend when I came here ” its all right Danny hugged her ” am sorry Abigail for everything you hate about me am sorry pls forgive me I really like you i couldn’t tell you till you died you were my favourite even though you hated me I still liked you why did you have to go”, Celine cried She hugged Danny again All the maids sat quietly looking at Abigail bed ” I can’t believe Abigail is dead ” Celine what if you had gone to get the dress ” thank God you didn’t go ” the whole thing is just so blur ” well her family will get good money ” rest in peace Abigail Just then philomena walked in ” all things being in other I will get the next maid to replace Abigail ” get Mildred ” Mildred pls ‘ that decision is mine She walked out ” why Mildred?”,celine asked ” so she can tell us the story ” you wanted to hear about Danny’s past right? ” yea that’s true Keila sat on her bed and called Ryan on phone.
2 Aug 2020 | 19:32
Light opens on KeilA as she called Ryan on phone ” hey k ” ok there’s this party tonight I want you to come I will give you my anwser there ” I really don’t attend rich class parties ” you have to try you are the only one am inviting you can’t miss it ” ok I will be there ” ok cool I will pick you Danny sat quietly on the floor of his room when Emma walked in ” I knew you would be moody ” am not moody Emma ” being a celebrity and all Mr kings advice really got to you Danny you can’t be real anymore everything about you is pretence you fake every emotion perfectly well ” I don’t know what you are talking about Emma locked the door ” you are in pain Danny if you are in pain cry out, yet you keep smiling like nothing happened. I have lived in the same room with you for how many years of my life so if you want lie try someone else ” am not in pain Emma am fine i don’t know what you are saying ” I know abigails death reminded you of Clara Danny I know you didn’t sleep last night you were awake till morning but you still laughed with celine this morning like nothing happened how long will you let this happen to you ” emma stop it ” Clara is dead Danny she’s gone and you did not kill her so move on its been years guilt is drying you up danny you are the victim here ” Emma lets not talk about the past ” no today I must talk danny i wont keep quiet after all you said you moved on then y is my words affecting you Danny ” Emma ” Daniel ” get out ” you smile, you act movies, you date girls , you are an international super model and with all this you lie to yourself that you are over Clara yet a little event brings it all back to you thats not moving on danny moving on means letting go totally, being free doing what you love, going back to the studio and singing!!! she shouted Danny stood up and faced the glass wall leading to the pool ” you will never move on until you tell yourself the truth and until you learn to share your pain and stop faking every emotion like a sociopath ” am not a sociopath ” you are and mr king made you this way while making you a star Emma shed tears when you are angry you smile more than someone who is happy when you are in pain you laugh like you won the lotery ” when your heart is occupied with guilt and sorrow you still confess love to someone, someone you can’t share your pain with, who knows maybe you are also faking your emotions for celine you did it before with Anastasia right that was her name and you faked everything perfectly well even she believed you loved her but it was just for show, the “couple of the year” but when you came home each day what did you do Danny you cut yourself every single day you kept cutting your self with a knife why because you were in so much pain but no one saw the pain you never showed your pain you don’t shed a tear, you cut yourself because guilt was killing you inside then ” the next morning you smiled and continued being a star that’s how you got here right the city’s sweet heart Danny Hoffman who secretly dies inside ” i have moved on that was before and I love celine i love her and its not fake everything with Celine is real I love her and I will do anything for her ” if you love celine then sing for her , can you sing for her no you cant one part of your heart is already filled with darkness so much darkness “you can’t move on from clara ” Emma shouted ” stop it Emma I moved on ” then go back to the studio You’ve tried isnt these years enough respect for Clara ” Emma I cant sing anymore don’t you understand leave me alone ” Clara is dead ” stop calling her name Emma ‘ Clara is dead Danny and you didn’t kill her ” stop it!!! He angrily pushed down everything on his table ” face it danny so you can move on and stop blaming yourself “I killed her He broke his mirror with his hands and bled out The glass shattered ” if you don’t get ready to fight with your past Danny it would never ever leave you ever, maids room ” is that noise from Danny’s room?”, celine asked . ” I guess I wonder what’s breaking ” omg Celine rushed out
2 Aug 2020 | 19:35
53 CELINe rushed out she got to the door it was open she ran inside just to find the room littered his mirror broken his hands bled ” Danny!!! ” Celine get out Danny placed his hands on his fore head with the blood on his hand for a while then he angrily pulled down his piano table and broke his guitar ” jesus!!! “, celine shouted ” come on Celine lets go before you get hurt “, emma said Danny looked at celine, for the first time she saw so much pain In his eye like a child who just wanted to be happy to be cared for that was how Danny looked to celine he then walked into the shower Emma and Celine walked into the passage ” what happened emma ” with Danny, well I think the glass broke out or he’s in a bad mood I don’t know but he will be all right ” ok CEliNE didn’t talk she just walked further Emma left her then she walked to the back yard and stood by the pool Minutes later Danny walked out of the shower. the room was already half arranged two maids were there “who called you guys ? ” madam Emma Did ” oh ok He sat down on his bed then the two maids left just then two men walked in with a new mirror he picked up the note on the mirror ” Am sorry ” From Emma He dropped the paper on the floor “I wonder where Celine is he said to himself “, just then he heard a knock on his door Celine pushed the door open she carried a bowl of hot water and a white towel ” we need to disinfect the wound she knelt down below him and cleaned the hands with the towel ” celine ” I don’t care what made you hurt yourself but please don’t hurt yourself in the future, it kills me She dried the hand and took his kit she applied the treatment on his hands when she was done she took out the bandage and banded the hands then she sat up on the bed beside him and hugged him Danny didn’t talk he just enjoyed the moment Celine whispered to him ” I dont know what happened in your past but I am your future danny anything that wants to hurt you must fight with me first , be it human or memory She stood up and carried the bowl of water back into the kitchen as she returned to the room she saw Mildred on abigails bed *********** hours later gretel was fully dressed up for the party Emma made her up, she walked into the living room where keila watched her favourite tv show ” hey k ” you look pretty Just then emma and Danny came out “don’t stay up late”, Danny said ” dont worry we will stay in my house when the party ends my house is closer”,k said ” ok that’s nice “, danny said
2 Aug 2020 | 19:36
They walked out and met Ryan at his street junction with Angela and took then soon they arrived at simeons party everywhere was already crowded simeon was nicely dressed and his besty stanely stood beside him at all times Gretel arrived she walked out people stared she looked pretty she walked towards simeon and hugged him so did KeilA they all wished him a happy birthday and sat down ” gelai you look amazing”, gretel said ” thanks gret They party was fun they danced soon it was cutting cake time simeon cut his cake with Gretel and stanely beside gum they celebrated for hours later People danced KeilA was with Ryan ” since I showed up what’s my anwser k KeilA kissed him ” yes “yes ? ” yes Light opens on gelai and Gretel ” won’t you go and dance with your boyfriend gret ? ” and leave you with who Just then Angela pointed at Anna ” isn’t that Anna , simeons ex. ” seems so , i hate her and am glad she lost at the finals. Anna walked to simeon and wished him a happy bbirthday she gave him a gift which his maid took from her she hugged him “thank you”, simeon said Gretel walked towards simeon and and Anna stopped in front of her. ” I will never really let you win gret , u might have won the nationals but you will cry soon. ” I wanna watch you make me. ” I will , sit tight. She walked out and Gretel hugged simeon.
2 Aug 2020 | 19:36
Angela sat quietly alone , she was the only one who showed up without a date she felt like burying herself just then someone best friend walked down to her. ” hy ” gelai right? ” yes ‘ ave been waiting for Gretel to leave Angela smilled ” May I have this dance ” oh I don’t know ” please ” ok She and stanely started dancing while Gretel danced with simeon ” I love you gret ” I love you too happy birthday . danced and danced Soon it was toasting time Gretel sat with her friends while simeons besty stanely took the Mike to make a toast All of them held their glasses KeilA Gelai Ryan Tasha Amanda Tanya Susan All sat with Gretel in a roll. Soon the toast was over they drank happily. Anna sat with her phone in her hand. Gretel there are many things you don’t know about simeon …a lot of things a lot of scary thing. I will help you find them out and am sure you will leave simeon after that. She played a video in her phone and watched it smiling. She stood up and walked out she wanted to take her other phone from her car so she can easily transfer the video without anyone knowing it was her she walked past gretel and her friends and she heard their whispers ” anna is always frowning like the devil”, tash said ” well she’s hurting simeon dumped her “, Tanya said Anna came back to them ” if you have something to say say it to my face don’t talk behind my back only cowards do that ” talk to the fingers ” I can’t stop grinning Anna angrily walked past them ” that was Rude tasha “, gretel said ” just saying “,Tanya said Gretel smiled happily just then she received a video in her phone She wondered what it was. She received another one too. She opened it and as she watched it tears rolled down her cheek ..
2 Aug 2020 | 19:37
Ah! Finally an update arrives.
3 Aug 2020 | 05:47
Interesting... Rip Abigail
3 Aug 2020 | 05:48
Bring it on
3 Aug 2020 | 20:58
Anna ur nonsense don enter ur head o bt dat ur plan will neva work 4 u. Danny let go of dat which u ar holding against urself guy pls.
4 Aug 2020 | 13:59
celine and hoffman episode 54 She wiped her tears so keila won’t notice it. She reduced the volume of the video and watched it . She was surprised to see simeon taking drugs.. she didn’t believe it was drugs until he took it into his nose…. Gretel covered her mouth with her hands her friends were busy chatting . Anna walked out of the bathroom in the video wearing only a white pant she wrapped her hands around him …he kissed her lips then she too took the drugs .. Gretel couldn’t believe her eyes Anna also did drugs…why didn’t she know all this about simeon. She watched simeon Lay Anna on the bed she was already braless. He applied the white substance on her shoulders down her chest and sniffed it into his nose gently … Anna wrapped her hands around him both of them where crazily high. The video ended …Gretel opened the other one with tears in her eye she was already shivering… It was when the finally Made love … they were both high and did crazy things together…Gretel switched of her phone and pressed it together into her arms… her tears came flooding down .. She stood up and ran away keila ran after her. She kept running till keila dragged her back. ” what’s wrong bes. ” nothing , its all right. Keila watched her shiver and cry . ” how could he do this to me, I trusted him. ” Gretel you can tell me what happened ….I am your best friend remember. ” keila it hurts. She hugged keila. Keila held her tight and tool her phone from her hands. Gretel took the phone from her. ” pls don’t watch it , its embarrassing. She left gretelz phone for her. ” Gretel its ok what ever it is. Gretel let go and angrily walked out towards simeon ” why are you crying gret whats wrong ? She slapped him in front of everybody KeilA and and gelai dragged Gretel to the bark yard Simeon walked to her near the pool it was so dim and beautiful he was already crying. Gretel slapped him again. ” Gretel what did i do. ” how could you ” I don’t understand Gretel cried so much he tried to touch her but she slapped him again She showed him the video in her phone Simeon got tired he almost fell into the pool . ” gretel wait. Gretel rushed out. Simeon chased after her ” gretel let me explain. Gretel pushed him away and rushed out. Simeon dragged her back ” gretel who sent this to you ? ” simeon you do drugs , you made a sex tape …. you do all those disgusting sexual activities ?… you are too wild for me to handle am just 18. ” gretel that was… ” shut up its over ,we are done. I always knew it was a big mistake. She ran away and hugged keila who took her home. All of them entered gretelz car .soon they arrived keilAs house. ” see you tommorow k “, ryan said ” ok ” come on gelai ” I can’t leave gretel like this ” ok He left angela and keila undressed gretel she wore keilas pajamas and folded her legs on the bed shedding tears ” I taught i knew him I can’t believe they still saw each other ” gretel what was in the video?. Gretel wiped her tears. ” its ok gret its all in the past you have to move on… Gretel hugged KeilA soon she fell asleep keila picked her phone. ” let’s find out why gretel cried. Angela sat beside her and keila played the first video. ” wow I can’t believe simeon does drugs. ” even Anna ” so bad. They looked at gretel and played the second video. ” omg. ” so hot. The both watched the video till it ended. ” wow I got wet “, gelai said . ” me too”, keila said . They both smiled . ” wow the sex was hot.”, keila Said. ” but I think this is an old video “, Angela said. ” maybe it is. No wonder gretel cried so much.”, gelai said. ” Angela why did you wrap your hands on your chest. Angela laughed. ” I keep remembering that …in the video…I wonder how it feels ….wow ” sucking you like that . “Yes that ” its feels great .. ” wait u had sex. ” no never but I had been into a hot romance with my ex so.. ” nice … wow…I can’t ever do that my mom will kill me. ” when you like someone crazily u will forget your mum. Angela laughed. Celine rushed into Danny’s room without knocking he was smoking She stopped at the door and looked at him quietly. Even the way he held the stick proved he wasnt a novice. She looked down he almost emptied the pack..the Smoke covered his face . He wanted to pick his phone when he saw Celine . She comfortably walked down to him wearing a white night gown . Danny dropped the cigarette immediately he saw her. She sat beside him.. ” are you sad Danny smiled ” am sorry ,I was just cold .. He picked his wine and dropped it on the table then he lay on his bed facing up. He was so high he didnt even open his eye well again. Celine sat on the bed and kissed his fire head He smiled . ” good night we will talk in the morning ” no am sleeping here. She tried rushing into the bed Danny shifted. Celine …. uhmmm …. lets not sleep together tonight. ” why because you are high.. ” not that. ” Danny am yours… so am not going anywhere. She slipped herself into his arms and closed her eye. Danny smiled . ” you will wake up deflowered”, danny said play fully. ” as long as its you I will be happy…. Danny smiled. ” Danny hold me . ” Danny wrapped his arms around her and she kissed him while climbing fully on him.Danny deepended the kiss as ran his fingers into her thigh from her night gown. Celine chuckled against his lips as he feathered his hands all over her body . ” queen of seduction “, danny said. Celine laughed. Celine laughed and lay comfortably on him with her head on his shouldersshe closed her eye. Danny slipped his finger into her gown and then into her black pant. He playfully pinched her butt. Celine laughed ” sin number two. Danny chuckled.and tapped her ass with his hands. Celine laughed ” Danny you are playing with my butt. ” it’s just full , the way I like it. Celine smiled. Danny raised his phone in the other hands and browsed through the net. ” my hip is getting cold Danny removed his hands and covered her gown well. Celine smiled as she kissed him and placed her face back on his chest. He raised his hands to her back then down to her nicely shaped lifted butt where he balanced his hands. ” my bom bom is in trouble. Danny smiled and tapped it again. ” cute. Celine chuckled .though she enjoyed his hands there . Soon she fell fast asleep Danny still left her where she lay quietly on him. After a while he turned her over to the bed and covered her well. ” he kissed her lips softly Celine smiled. She dragged him down into her arms and hugged him tight . Danny lay quietly on her while kissing her neck and chest playfully. Celine smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair . Soon sleep over took them both . They covered themselves and fell asleep holding each other. The next morning she opened her eye in Danny’s arms just where she loved being. He wrapped his arms tightly around her she turned and kissed his lips ” morning kiss. Danny smiled and deepened the kiss. ” I love you. Celine chuckled and pecked his lips then she kissed his neck and lay back on him. ” Danny can the night just come back I still want to be here. Danny held her tight. ” then stay with me. He cuddled her into his arms and ran his fingers on her hair. Celine smiled with satisfaction. Just then she heard a knock on the door. Danny pressed the inter- com button. ” tell me ” sir your parents are back. ” what. ” your mum is coming up. ” ok thanks. Celine tried rushing out but Danny dragged her into his arms and held her tight. ” Danny your mum Is back ” she’s welcome. ” Danny they will catch us. Danny chuckled softly and kissed her lips. ” let them....... @LadyG @Thecomely @RoyalGold
6 Aug 2020 | 19:19
Danny really love celine
7 Aug 2020 | 14:39
See love
7 Aug 2020 | 21:03
31 Aug 2020 | 06:51
Pls when will this story be completed?
4 May 2021 | 15:44
On monday
17 Jun 2021 | 16:19
When would this story be completed
24 Aug 2021 | 05:12
The story will be completed on this site very soon But If you are in a hurry,u can read it on my site
30 Aug 2021 | 10:19


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