CHOICE: introduction

CHOICE: introduction

By IRETI in 29 May 2018 | 08:47
IRETI Adedipe

IRETI Adedipe

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Posts: 71
Member since: 9 Jul 2016

The choice we take, either good, cool, bad or excellent create a path significantly for our fate. The outcome of a decision could be favored, treated or regarded partially, criticized and detracts from perfection in the sight of the right thinking members of the society. The CHOICE we make determine our path, life and fate. This is a story packed with Romance, Love, Passion, Hatred, Betrayal and most action thrilled. A story packed with lessons you never should miss.


29 May 2018 | 08:47
29 May 2018 | 11:41
29 May 2018 | 12:07
29 May 2018 | 19:26
haven't we read this story before
30 May 2018 | 19:51
31 May 2018 | 07:28
bring it on
31 May 2018 | 07:29
CHOICE: Episode 1 (c) 18+ SNVL This material significantly is a work of friction and do not relatively point or react to anyone in any form. No part of this work should be copied or used without the writer's permission. Written by IRETI ADEDIPE. Episode one ********** Gmt 9:45 am, accra - Ghana. I slept late yesterday due to the stress and workload of jobs at the office, there were documents to piled up, reviews to be made, supervision of contracts, meetings to be scheduled and account review of the great ALLTIG COMPANY. The loud sound of the irresistible alarm and the tick tock of my wall clock had brought me out of my dream land as I had slept tiredly on empty stomach last night. I could recall the echoes of my name all over the walls and buildings of the company. My boss is a no play during work man and can fire any employees as he wishes, I hissed and got up lazily and tiredly from bed when its struck me that I'm late for the early scheduled meeting with the board of directors at 9am and a meeting with the bank manager of CAl bank, Accra- Ghana at 10am over the company account review and the stipulation of the new adopted policy of the company by the C.E.O. I quickly ran into the washroom, had a quick wash and in few minutes was on my way to the bank as it was unnecessary to go to the office to meet the angry shout of my boss. Time checked, 10:17 am, I still was at the road side looking for a cab all because my vehicle was faulty and wasn't fixed out yet. At exact 10:28am, I luckily got one, had a quick description of the bank to the cab driver and in few minutes was on the way when suddenly a black Range Rover car over took us speedily, almost colliding and causing an accident that if not of the driver skill  in driving, the cab could have somersaults or cause a fatal accident for the cars behind us. There were several horns and curses from other motorists towards the driver who seemed not concerned for his mistake but zoom off. ********** 10:43 am, I finally got to the bank, paid off the cab driver when I equally felt a deep hunger within me with my worms calling out for food, remembering I went to bed tiredly without eating yesterday. I quickly went to the security at the bank entrance for the description on where a fast food was, went over and filled my worms with food. At exact 11:21 am, my phone rang, I took it to check the caller and realized my boss was calling, I couldn't pick but rushed into the bank to see the bank manager. We were still on the account review when I suddenly felt the urge to visit the washroom again, I quickly took permission from the bank manager who immediately excused me while I rushed to the restroom, singing I'm alive song by Celine Dion Mmmm I get wings to fly Oh, I'm alive When you call on me When I hear your breath I .............. Arrghhh !! A loud sound was heard from the main hall, my hears couldn't have deceive me that was a gunshot, arghhh........ The sound was obvious this time, with different screams from the front hall as it now occurred to me the bank is under the control of armed robber's, fear gripped my heart as I quickly remember how my mother died, panic gripped me the moment I dashed out of the restroom, not knowing where to run to, I quickly brought out my phone, dialing the general police emergency line when I collide with something hard and fell off the ground with my phone and an object like a mask, agitated as I look, I stared up at the figure that had cause my fall while the figure also stare at me without bothering to take back the mask that fell from him, behold, he was a tall handsome muscular man, its could be seen vividly that he visit the exercise zone frequently with his packed muscular body and about 7'0" in height. I was still lost in thought in my calculations when another masked man shouted "what the f....k are you doing? She has  f.....cking seen your face" and brought out a gun, before I can say "Lo" , two straight bullet hit me. My name is Jane Davis and this is the beginning of my life. Wondering if I'm at heaven or still on earth when I was shot? Then read on !!!! To be continued............. Written by IRETI ADEDIPE
31 May 2018 | 14:11
Bring it on
1 Jun 2018 | 09:15
Am in
1 Jun 2018 | 10:44
Okay, move on
1 Jun 2018 | 16:33
OK roll it
1 Jun 2018 | 17:42
Owk seated
1 Jun 2018 | 18:54
1 Jun 2018 | 18:55
seated,bring it on!!!
1 Jun 2018 | 21:00
wat a good start,,, ride on
2 Jun 2018 | 04:32
(c) 18+ SNVL This material significantly is a work of friction and do not relatively point or react to anyone in any form. No part of this work should be copied or used without the writer's permission. Written by IRETI ADEDIPE. To be posted twice a week CHOICE: A New Story Episode one ********** Gmt 9:45 am, accra - Ghana. I slept late yesterday due to the stress and workload of jobs at the office, there were documents to piled up, reviews to be made, supervision of contracts, meetings to be scheduled and account review of the great ALLTIG COMPANY. The loud sound of the irresistible alarm and the tick tock of my wall clock had brought me out of my dream land as I had slept tiredly on empty stomach last night. I could recall the echoes of my name all over the walls and buildings of the company. My boss is a no play during work man and can fire any employees as he wishes, I hissed and got up lazily and tiredly from bed when its struck me that I'm late for the early scheduled meeting with the board of directors at 9am and a meeting with the bank manager of CAl bank, Accra- Ghana at 10am over the company account review and the stipulation of the new adopted policy of the company by the C.E.O. I quickly ran into the washroom, had a quick wash and in few minutes was on my way to the bank as it was unnecessary to go to the office to meet the angry shout of my boss. Time checked, 10:17 am, I still was at the road side looking for a cab all because my vehicle was faulty and wasn't fixed out yet. At exact 10:28am, I luckily got one, had a quick description of the bank to the cab driver and in few minutes was on the way when suddenly a black Range Rover car over took us speedily, almost colliding and causing an accident that if not of the driver skill in driving, the cab could have somersaults or cause a fatal accident for the cars behind us. There were several horns and curses from other motorists towards the driver who seemed not concerned for his mistake but zoom off. ********** 10:43 am, I finally got to the bank, paid off the cab driver when I equally felt a deep hunger within me with my worms calling out for food, remembering I went to bed tiredly without eating yesterday. I quickly went to the security at the bank entrance for the description on where a fast food was, went over and filled my worms with food. At exact 11:21 am, my phone rang, I took it to check the caller and realized my boss was calling, I couldn't pick but rushed into the bank to see the bank manager. We were still on the account review when I suddenly felt the urge to visit the washroom again, I quickly took permission from the bank manager who immediately excused me while I rushed to the restroom, singing I'm alive song by Celine Dion Mmmm I get wings to fly Oh, I'm alive When you call on me When I hear your breath I .............. Arrghhh !! A loud sound was heard from the main hall, my hears couldn't have deceive me that was a gunshot, arghhh........ The sound was obvious this time, with different screams from the front hall as it now occurred to me the bank is under the control of armed robber's, fear gripped my heart as I quickly remember how my mother died, panic gripped me the moment I dashed out of the restroom, not knowing where to run to, I quickly brought out my phone, dialing the general police emergency line when I collide with something hard and fell off the ground with my phone and an object like a mask, agitated as I look, I stared up at the figure that had cause my fall while the figure also stare at me without bothering to take back the mask that fell from him, behold, he was a tall handsome muscular man, its could be seen vividly that he visit the exercise zone frequently with his packed muscular body and about 7'0" in height. I was still lost in thought in my calculations when another masked man shouted "what the f....k are you doing? She has f.....cking seen your face" and brought out a gun, before I can say "Lo" , two straight bullet hit me. My name is Jane Davis and this is the beginning of my life. Wondering if I'm at heaven or still on earth when I was shot? Then read on !!!! To be continued............. Written by IRETI ADEDIPE
6 Jun 2018 | 06:51
Bring it on!!!
6 Jun 2018 | 08:46
6 Jun 2018 | 09:31
Hahaha maybe on earth ,right here
6 Jun 2018 | 13:13
6 Jun 2018 | 13:40
repeated episode
6 Jun 2018 | 13:40
Same episode nao
7 Jun 2018 | 03:40
Sane thing give us the next episode
7 Jun 2018 | 07:45
Same episode na
7 Jun 2018 | 11:17
pls give us de next episode rather!!!
8 Jun 2018 | 20:21
Written by IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE - Episode 2. EPISODE TWO phone conversation: Doctor-   according to passers-by who seem to have witness the scene said a man in a black range rover car brought her into the hospital for treatment, as he disappeared whilst the nurse was attending to her at the Lab. He was questioned by the security guard on post who was suspicious when he sight the uneasiness of the man, he said the man didn’t reply any of his questions while he entered his car and zoomed off but was quick to take down the plate number of the car he came with. Mr Davis William-    alright doctor, how is she now? Jane is all I have ever since her mother died, anything wrong with Jane means my life and everything in it crash. "The man was sober and terrified, the fear of losing his only daughter weaken his soul, he had decided to take the next available flight to Ghana the following day." Doctor- please do calm down mr. William, we never knew she was a daughter of yours when the  strange man dropped her until her identity card was found in her front jacket pocket, but be rest assured as we’ve carried out an operation to remove the bullet from her body system, be rest assured she will be fine. "The doctor added confidently. The man feeling a bit relieved thank the doctor and promised to give whatever its takes just to make sure his daughter is save. ******** Flashback, 11:40am accra Ghana. She has f…cking seen your face, he brought out a gun and shoot twice………….. Why and what do you do that for? I told you before this operation of no killing policy, why the f…..k do you just do that? Common Kingsley, she has seen your face when your mask fell off, that could serve as problem for you and the entire group and we cannot afford that to happen. "The shooter said with his broad voice". Kingsley- what the hell are you telling me? You disobeyed my order and here you are telling me pranks. I will show you what happens when orders are not obeyed. Kingsley immediately and angrily point his gun towards him but was surprised to see G.B pointing his gun on him too " well enough, Kingsley smiled wickedly, you dare raise your gun on me G.B, he asked" G.B- let settle this for all Kingsley, you have always stands as a problem to me and the progress of the  Brotherhood, you never let me have my say, you talk as if you are the first K in this hood, let’s settle this before the leader returns. Suddenly they heard shout of their other men calling out the presence of the police, the two men stared at each other few seconds before G.B quickly dashed out into the main hall while Kingsley bend to carry Jane Davis away though he could hear the close sirens of the police. He and G.B had been a heated rivalry since Kingsley joined the Brotherhood, he was promoted to a sectorial second in command leader in the third K hood while G.B was the chief captain guardian of the hood. The two had always argued and fought over issues and affairs of the brothers, G.B see Kingsley as a dictator that shouldn’t be followed whist Kingsley sees G.B as a supplemental and a failure. Unknown to them, Jane's phone was still active before the phone fell off from her and the police had listened to their heated conversation when they were repeating hello's without a response, which made them realise there was an on-going robbery by the terrorist that has seen fit to be invincible all over the country, rushing down to the bank to bring them down. The police were fast meeting the robbers driving furiously away while they gave a chase. Kingsley got out of the bank premises carrying Jane's almost lifeless body, he discovered the range rover they had earlier came with was still intact, he looked around carefully,  the other brothers who ran had taken another near car when they realised the police will meet them with the stipulated distance. He quickly carried Jane at the back seat of the car and dashed into the front seat, but unfortunate for him, another set of police arrived, affirm him as they engaged in a gun battle. He stepped out of the car immediatly and hide beside a toyota car as the police shoot randomly, soon, he was able to calculate the distance between the range of the police shooting and suddenly shot the two policemen dead with a straight bullet ( he had  been taught the direct moves of controlling the stipulated distance between opponent and themselves at the  Brotherhood camp). He quickly entered the car he had earlier carried Jane in, turn on the car engine and zoomed off but unluckily for him, a bullet hit him squarely at the back as he drive furiously not minding the speed, quickly out of the bank premises. To be continued……………….
9 Jun 2018 | 14:15
Hey guys !! The repeated Episode was a Mistake. Bear with me
9 Jun 2018 | 14:18
hmmmmmm,,,,, dis is a friendly devil
10 Jun 2018 | 10:49
10 Jun 2018 | 12:08
10 Jun 2018 | 12:10
10 Jun 2018 | 12:11
So wat r u also going to do about ur wound since u ve been shot Mr saviour!!!
10 Jun 2018 | 17:59
Ride on bro
11 Jun 2018 | 02:45
11 Jun 2018 | 12:45
® 18+ Snvl © Written by IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE EPISODE 3 Present; GMT 9:02 am,  Lister Hospital, Accra Ghana. Mr Williams Davis arrived the hospital with two of his guard, they had booked the next available flight from the states to Ghana , the man quickly opened the door at the back seat of the car ,he couldn’t wait for his guard immediately they entered the hospital premises as the guards rushed behind him immediately into the hospital wards. One of the nurse on duty quickly stands to meet him immediately he entered the hospital, she could recognised him. Mr. William was a business tycoon recognised at Ghana, united states, Nigeria, and Dubia, she quickly signal to him, making the urgent signs to follow her to the doctors office. Doctor- (he stands up) welcome mr. Davis, we’ve been waiting for you Mr Davis- how is my daughter? He asked immediately, ignoring the doctor's greetings. "She's fine, we can both check on her" the doctor replied instantly, standing up from his seat, while they proceed out of his office. Mr William couldn’t believe his eyes seeing his daughter on the bed with a drip attached to her hands. He quickly ran towards the bed, tap and called her, gently waking her, without asking from the doctor if its was save to. Jane tried to talk the moment she opened her eyes slowly, but her dad stopped her with a shhhh.., putting one finger on his lips to stop her from talking. "you’ll be fine sweetheart, the doctor has assured he will do everything to make sure you are feeling okay. I will also make sure no harm ever happen to you again, my world and everything I built has no meaning without you in it, I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything should happen to you as I had lost Eunice". He added, staring at her before walking up to the doctor who was standing few steps behind the door with a nurse. The mention of my mother’s name by my dad made me remember the loving heart of a mother, a caring mother that should be tagged the best mum in the world. My mother was a rich and wealthy woman who had inherited her wealth from her late parent, she was their only child, her parent had died during one of their trip to london ( they had a plane crash) she was a business tycoon who owns a big company in Dubai, she owns big mansion, estate, shopping mall and has shares all over different investment, we lived like king, life and everything was going well until its cruelty had its way through. Mrs. Patience was one of my mother’s friend, who infact was the closest to my mother, she was a Nigerian and reside from Lagos state part of the country. She and my mother were both business partner who was very successful in all their doings and were always envied by their other friends and people who wanted to join my mother’s investment but was rejected with the fact that their ratings percentage was small and always wanted a huge profit from the investment. The love my mother has for Mrs. Patience made her accept the proposal to invest a Business in Nigeria, the business was invested and huge amount of profit was generated. Everything was good until one Sunday morning, my dad had traveled previous weeks back, I was busy with my phone when I had a knock on the door to my room. I quickly got up  to open the door, knowing fully well its my mother. "How are you my darling? Good morning" she asked" "I’m fine mum, good morning" I replied her. "I’ve been waiting for you to come into my room for the lords prayer but you didn’t, therefore, I’ve come down here to have the Lord’s prayer sweetheart, ( she said smiling) I couldn’t say anything as I only smiled and looked at her eyes, she was a woman ready to sacrifice anything for me, I felt nothing but love hugging her and kneeling beside her for prayer when we heard a loud bang at the main entrance door. The sound was louder again, followed by screams. we both rushed down to check what was happening instantly, but before we could noticed, guns were pointed at us and we were motioned to come closer, the men were masked and was on black attire, one of them stands at the main entrance checking what was outside, while another stands by the window side and the last man pointing the gun at us. "We have money, enough of money, please I will give you whatever you want please !! My mum begged, thinking they were armed robbers. The man who seem to be their leader laughed wickedly and shot my mother dead instantly. I screamed and grabbed him immediately, shouting out for help not minding he could kill me too, but the last thing that happened was seeing myself on the hospital bed. He had hit me with the butt of his gun as I become unconscious immediately. Uknown to them, the house cleaner who came too when she heard the bang had saw them and had called the police. To cut story short, the gang was arrested and it was later revealed that Mrs. Patience had sent them due to the fact that my mother who had invested her money into the business alone while Mrs. Patience only stands as back-up for her, wanted the rating to be 50 – 50 despite my mother’s explanation that the investment had affected her's in Dubia and she had stipulated to continue the project as soon as she get the profit from the Nigeria investment, Mrs. Patience was sentence to 20 years imprisonment after she was found guilty. I was still on my thought of how wickedly a good mum was killed when my dad, the doctor and two men entered the room, presenting themselves as police officers. First man- according to the cctv camera at the bank before the records were cleared, between 10:45am and 11:00 am, you were seen coming into the bank, you stopped at the entrance as you walked up to the security and left again. Secondman- where did you go to ? And what did you tell the security guard? Because we have not seen him and nobody seem to know his whereabouts !! Mr William- what’s this sheet? Are you accusing my daughter of been In accomplise? Mr William yelled. First man- please let her talk to us sir. To be continued…..
16 Jun 2018 | 03:56
Dats police for u?
16 Jun 2018 | 08:32
Na waoh for police
16 Jun 2018 | 11:19
16 Jun 2018 | 11:20
16 Jun 2018 | 13:37
16 Jun 2018 | 17:55
On the hospital bed?
16 Jun 2018 | 18:32
Police sha
17 Jun 2018 | 19:28
®18+ Snvl © Written by IRETI ADEDIPE. -------------------------- CHOICE episode four Gmt 8:50 am Intelligent Agency, Ghana Wait !! Rewind back, slide it in a slow motion and play. Agent Gabriel was watching the capture of the CCTV camera earlier dated from 27-11-2020, the police  claimed the records had been deleted from their database but the agent had earlier installed a strong backup into the database of the intelligent agency that could enable him see whatever is cleared in any database whatsoever. He was a programmer and was a secret agent, the agency was set up secretly by patriotic citizens of Ghana and was secretly authorized by the Ghanian government, making its affairs and doings totally secret. They believed police and other known agency are mostly filled with corruption and crimes, they could be the one that cleared the records of the CCTV camera set in place to monitor whatever happens anywhere around the country. The agent was instructing one of the junior agent to play the CCTV record dated 27th, 28th and 29th/Nov./2020. The room was painted blue, with different sets of computers set on different tables, one at the right edge of the room, one at the left, another at the edge of the glass flower case close to the entrance door and agent Gabriel table at the center, the room was likely to be the main control room with their types of system and machines for different uses. He rewind the records as he watched , he heaved a sigh and pause the records for a moment, he stared at the screen trying to recognize the lady in blue suit, she was seen talking to the security guard at the bank but could not figure out what was said with the stipulated distance of the cctv camera of the bank as she went out and was back later again, he watch and listened to the conversation and the argument of the robbers, unfortunately the camera didn't capture the front view of the one whose mask had fell from his position when the mask fell off his face all because he was not facing the camera and didn’t also when he picked the mask before carrying the lady in the blue suit, he noticed the cameras didn't capture any of their front view even though they were all on mask. He concluded that the robbers were highly trained, especially the one whose mask fell off, he stopped as something struck his mind, still staring at the screen. The lady and the guy were staring at each other for almost 45 seconds,  he tried remembering where he has seen her before but he couldn't, she totally looked familiar to him. He however decide to visit the hospital as its recorded she was the only civilian shot during the robbery, he turned to the junior agent after watching few more seconds, I want you to trace the black range rover car after it left the Hospital, he said before getting up, took his jacket and proceed out from the room. ********* The agent alighted his car in front of the gigantic mansion gate, he had been told at the hospital that the lady had been discharge the day before, after presenting himself as a journalist working for the government. He got down from the car, looked all around before knocking the gate. The security guard opened the gate after several knocking,  ,"yes how may I help you? he asked" the agent brought out his identity card first without answering the question and showed the security guard, who immediately let him in as it shows to him he's a government investigative journalist, the agent only show the I.D when need be, especially during investigations. ********* Few minutes later He sat down in the big sitting room of the mansion, waiting for Jane Davis as he was told she just went in to rest a bit but has been informed of his presence, the agent took his time checking the sitting room settings, the design, pictures on the wall one after the other. He sighted a picture on the wall from the position he was, it was a picture of Jane Davis with a particular dress she was looking astonishing on, for a moment he suddenly recognized the dress, (lo and behold) he finally recognized where he has seen the lady, he was still lost in thought when Jane Davis called out to him to come over the other side, he stands immediatly, walking up to her. "yes ! What can I do for you? She asked almost immediately without offering him a seat first. it didn’t surprise him the lady didn’t recognize him too, he had once paid for her at a shopping mall when she forgot her credit card and wanted to return the goods when he paid for it. Well, he brought out his identity card, presenting it to her, he continued: Agent Gabriel- according to the security guard, he said a man brought you to the hospital in a black range rover car and the police confirmed he carried you inside the car, why would an armed robber carried an injured victim to the hospital with the fact that he could be caught, do you know or have you seen him before? he asked, checking her reaction. Jane- no I haven’t seen or know him any where Agent- how else do you think he help you? Jane- I don’t know who helped me, all I know was waking up and finding myself on the hospital bed after I was shot. Agent- do you recognize any of them? Jane- No Agent- but the m….s…k, The  agent immediately stopped, act as if stammering, stopping himself and as if remembering something. he couldn’t continue, realizing he will blow his cover if it was known he had seen the record of the cctv camera which the police claimed had cleared,  he wanted to say the mask fell off on one of the robber’s face when they collide but stopped. " Well, thanks for your answers maam, I hope you heed me whenever I come around", he asked Jane who only nodded in acceptance while he slowly turned to leave. ******** I watch the agent as he leave , I don’t know why I had said I don’t recognize any of them when I could remember the face of the one I collide with vividly even though it was few seconds. Why had she lied? Or probably put, why had she said no? She shrugged.  for a moment, the picture of the robber flashed through her mind, the eyes she saw was something beyond her control, the picture had kept appearing physically and in dreams.   She heaved a sigh before standing up to return to her room wondering why he had saved her life admist risking his.   To be continued……..
20 Jun 2018 | 04:19
hmmmmmm,,,, but wit dis cover picture,,, hope dat Jane girl will not also d gang oooo
20 Jun 2018 | 08:34
Why did the robber rescue her in the first place
20 Jun 2018 | 13:26
Well.......we shall see
21 Jun 2018 | 03:14
Did de robber save her life out of pity or he had a crush on her? Time will surely tell!!!
21 Jun 2018 | 09:03
did she know the face of Kingsley before the incident time will still tell
21 Jun 2018 | 12:56
22 Jun 2018 | 10:17
© ireti Adedipe                            EPISODE FIVE                             The brothers known as the K's has a secret hideout unknown to anyone outside the hood, it was discovered years back one of the hideout was located at Lagos, but nobody knew the hideout region, the man who tried to reveal the tails was assassinated before he could. Unknown to the world, the K's has several base in every countries they operate. The K's was a secret organization that works all over the globe, the organization had started in Afghanistan and said to have a strong hideout, globally its said to have operated all around the world and the root had never be discovered. Kingsley had returned from the hood clinic centre, the centre which was built for treatment of brothers who got injured in any deals, he was hailed by the junior brothers immediately he entered the hall for a successful operation in Ghana and safely back to Nigeria. He signaled to them as he went on into his room, he had not stop thinking about the lady he saw at the bank in Ghana, he had dreamt of her twice at the clinic and could remember the looks on her when she stares at him, he could still remember her face vividly even in dreams as he wish to see her again which is if she survived the gun shot, he planned to visit Ghana soon. ******* GMT 10:23 am Accra Ghana Two police officers were seated at the main sitting room admiring the gigantic mansion, the designs and decorations settings, the rate of the expensive chairs, the walls and how big the mansion is, "wow this mansion is astonishing !! Indeed Mr. William had a huge fortune", said one the officer. the other officer was about to reply when Mr. William and Jane walk up to them,  both officers stands up to greet the man politely. Mr. William- gentlemen, its over a week now since the robbery incident and different officers have been coming to investigate my daughter. Why would the police seem fit to question my daughter whilst leaving their most important job which is tracking down those armed robbers? I’ve come to realized that the police are actually looking for faults in my daughter just to exhort money from me which will never be". The man said angrily Jane tried to interrupt but was told to be quite by her dad while the police officers made to leave without further comment. Jane- daddy I…. Mr. William- don’t talk Jane, I’ve made preparation for a flight to Nigeria for you, enough of the bullshit I’m seeing here…. "Nigeria !! She shouted, her face widened in confusion. Wondering what Nigeria has to do with her. "Yes !! Nigeria", her father shouted, his voice louder than hers. " daddy, what I'm i to do in Nigeria? She asked, staring at him and still confused.  "To own what is yours" her father replied. "What is mine?" She repeated in whispers, knowing what he meant "Dad i thought we already discussed this? what about my work here in Ghana? What about all my" ….. Shhh, her father stopped her from talking, "you never wanted to work in my company, what will be the fate of all my achievement when I’m gone? He asked her angrily and continued without giving her a chance to answer. The Nigeria investment is yielding enough with more profit than the rest and I know its because its closely monitored, would your mother be happy with me leaving you with challenges and letting all she worked for vanished?" He asked angrily again before walking past her towards the direction of the door. "But daddy why Nigeria ? Why not other available places? I hate to admit mum's death was caused by a Nigerian and.... "I hope you hadn't forgotten I'm a Nigerian Jane, he stopped halfway, turning back to her. " its your home, our place and I need you to get off the crap about that" Mr William added, interrupting her. He proceeded towards the back bar this time to grab a drink instead of walking back towards the door. Jane stood there, watching him take a drink, she wasn't yet convinced but was more confused, especially for what she doesn't really understand. " Your mum was indeed a Ghanian and she lived truthfully to a true cause, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't step my own Country too" her father added, taking few steps towards her direction. "Nigeria is a vast country, rich in diversities, and I'm making the biggest profit there. I want you to be protected and i wish no harm to you, " you will be under my watch and its time you started thinking of controlling the Companies cos i will be stepping over soon" we will stayed few days in Nigeria and return back to the State later" he added, giving her no chance to say more before walking out of the room totally while Jane stared and watch him leave. I know I didn't wanna  work in my Father’s firm, I wanted to lay down legacy for my future unborn children to never depend on inheritance and to people globally they can make it with or without a rich family background. I know my dad had concluded and nothing can change his decision….I hissed and walk back into my room. To be continued….. Drop your comment……
30 Jun 2018 | 20:08
Ur father just make Ur meeting wit Kingsley faster
1 Jul 2018 | 13:48
You will soon met Kinsley
1 Jul 2018 | 14:35
© IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE EPISODE 6 Agent Gabriel was disappointed as he proceed out of the big mansion, he had expected that Jane might be able to describe the face of the man she collide with but he’s expectations were wrong, how could he have imagined her to remember the face of a man she saw within seconds. He smiled and brought out his phone, he scrolled down to one contact and dialed, he waited few seconds whilst the line he dialed start ringing before its was received. " hello sir", the receiver said from the other end"…. "Have you been able to track the number?" The agent asked immediately, "I was just about to call you when your call came through, I was able to trace the car when its left the hospital to an abandoned warehouse." The receiver replied "Where is it current location?" The agent asked again, "the warehouse sir", replied the receiver affirmatively. "Okay send me the address immediately", the agent said and hung up. ****** Lagos, Nigeria Its been four days I arrived Nigeria, I found it amazing seeing the beauty of Nature through the help of the guardian my father assigned to me. I could remember vividly my mum wasn't interested probably in the Nigerian culture, she doesn't buy the idea of staying there despite my dad reluctant, she had felt used to the life style of Ghanian culture, its had taken serious effort to persuade my dad who was a Nigerian before he had agreed to stay. My father and I had visited his Nigeria firm, I was introduced to the workers and was made to be the temporary managing director of the firm, my father had planned for us to leave Nigeria in few weeks to United state and made me the managing director just to know more about how the firm works while he travelled to Abuja, the federal capital, to finalize the year budget with the investors of the firm, leaving me with able body guards. The office day schedule wasn’t  strenuous as it was for me working at the great ALLTIG firm, as the director, there were no much work to do, most work were handled differently by department while I was just to supervise, cross check and approve anything through signature. It was one Tuesday afternoon when I felt hungry, I had attended a party yesterday night with the group of my dad’s investors, the employees, board of director and business partners all over the globe, my father had planned to introduce me as his successor and his only daughter, I felt happy seeing different celebrities and wealthy men known globally all around the world, government officials and much more people I couldn’t recognize, there were little I could remember. I alighted at the front of the big restaurant with a guard as we both proceed inside, the restaurant was filled with people eating and drinking, its was known to be the best with their  different foreign meal all across the world, their local meal too was perfect and delicious. Soon we place our order, and started eating when someone walked up to us, "excuse me, can I have a sit here?" The person asked "No sir", my guard replied, i could sense from the broad voice its was a masculine. I didn’t look up as I was busy eating, enjoying the meal.. "The chairs here are all occupied and no where else to sit except"... -" I said No" my guard shouted, you can’t sit here." He added angrily. I raised my face up instantly, considering why my guard shouted like that just for a sit. " common Charles, its just a sit", I said before looking up to the stranger. I was shocked to the marrow, with my mouth widely opened, surprisingly here he is again, he saved my life, I’ve been determined to see him ever since. I was shocked, we both stared at each other for seconds without taking off our eyes, leaving the security guard confused. To be continued……….
1 Jul 2018 | 18:25
Kingsley is awaiting you here in naija
2 Jul 2018 | 03:04
Now you see your saviour again
2 Jul 2018 | 08:13
I know, u wil see him sooner dan later
2 Jul 2018 | 11:17
Finally finally, u ve met ur saviour once again,so wat next??? I guess u ve got a lot of questions for him to answer abi???
2 Jul 2018 | 11:36
2 Jul 2018 | 14:08
© IRETI ADEDIPE ® 18+ Snvl CHOICE EPISODE 7 I stared looking at him keenly while he in turns stared at me, the tension was so high, he’s muscular body reflecting through the blue t-shirt on him, he was more taller than I had calculated before, his hair was perfectly curled backwards, he was astonishing handsome. I gasp for breath while standing up with my guard alert, he would have been wondering what was happening as he rushed behind me outside, the guard opened the car entrance. I was just about entering when I felt a hold, "can I talk to you?" He asked !!! ******* 3:13pm, Accra Ghana Its been weeks since agent Gabriel had been on his investigation, he had gone to the warehouse address sent to him by the junior agent, he got the vehicle the robbers dumped and had searched thoroughly . What he only saw was a passport, he had seen it when searching beneath the chairs., The robbers had done well cleaning up any traces, but he hopes something may come out with the passport he acquired. The other agents greeted him the moment he entered the main office, he answered politely with gestures from his hands and head movement, walking up to his desk. Hey Dave !! He call out for one of the junior agent…. " I want you to scan and search for this passport immediately, scan the profile and identify the owner" he said before the junior agent could walk up to him to collect the passport. " yes sir" he answered, quickly taking it from him.. Few minutes later " sir",  he call out for the agent Agent Gabriel- what have you been able to come up with? J. Agent- I scanned the profile as you instructed but the owner isn’t on the profile database of this country , besides, he doesn’t look Ghanaian. Agent Gab-are you sure of what you’re saying? "Yes sir, a hundred percent" he replied. "Then put a call through to the present airport line and require to know  when this person entered this country. J. Agent - sir, the police made a report that they were called the K's and Agent Gabriel- yes I know, ( cutting him short ) I have also been making my investigation and I realized the K's base was once discovered only in Nigeria. "I have updated the chairman about this and I think we'll have to continue this in Nigeria" agent Gabriel said, staring at something on the laptop he was working on. "Nigeria?" The junior agent whispered, carefully and making sure he wasn't heard, knowing fully well he will be assigned along the agent and that means he will be leaving his family and home behind. "But don't you think they could still be lurking around Ghana? We might have some clues if we stay or investigate more" the junior agent asked, hoping the Agent would change his mind'. "No i don't think they would, i have been hearing couple of things about this terrorist and how they operated in diverse counties without been caught. Yes it was once discovered in Nigeria, that should give us a clue of where we'll start from, they  just made a big mistake of attacking the Ghanians." The agent said, still working on the laptop. "I  have sent notice of my departure to the chairman, all I needed is just to lets us continue our investigation in Nigeria maybe we could find a clue." The agent added affirmatively. "But be fast on what I told you." He said, turning towards the junior agent this time. "Okay sir, replied the junior agent, making a frown. The agent vowed in his heart to bring the criminals down for justice. He could recall how his family were killed, his dad was an inspector who was very vibrant and doesn’t accept bribery, he was a man of his word, he nabbed corrupt politician and criminals whom people see as righteous and God fearing people. The assassins came that deadly day to their home in Kumasi, Ghana, he was 11 years old while his brother was 12years, he was few step to their main gate coming from school when he heard sound of gunshot, he waited, trying to listen well to get where the sound came from, when strange men came out from their compound, dashed into a car and zoomed off crazily. He quickly ran into their house only to see his dad, mum and his brother lifeless body….. he cried, running out shouting for help, he was few step out of their compound when the whole house went in flames, the assassins had placed in timely bomb. Few years later, he became a secret agent and through vivid investigation, he arrested the criminals and their sponsorer even though they were government officials, they were all sentenced to death by firing squad, he had vowed ever since then to never allow any illegal act or criminals go without facing the wrath of the law. ******** GMT 12:42 pm, Abuja Nigeria The two business tycoon were seated and talking about their wealth and achievement after a close meeting with their investors within and outside the country. Mr. Davis and his friend Mr. Donald were happy with their achievement so far, the two men were discussing more about business and taking their firm to a more higher level. "  William, we have come this far and we’ll continue to put in more inventors, I have been thinking of something that will bring in more fortunes , give in more chance to help the needy and most importantly bring us money". Mr Donald said, checking his friend reaction, he knew about his business like mind. Mr. Davis- what is that?  He asked curiously, dropping the drink he was about to zip. Mr. Donald- why don’t we dabble into Politics? Especially here in Nigeria Mr William widened his face, trying to digest what he just heard. " put me out of it, you know politics is a dirty game" he replied. "common William, this is a chance to implement the passion you have for the needy, I mean people out there. People are suffering, the leaders there aren’t doing anything to help them, there are qualified graduates that needs job but weren’t offered any opportunity, aside the profit we going to make for ourselves (he shrugged) we could also reform the low class of this Nigeria, and remember you’re a Nigerian, its going to be easy to achieve your goals and objectives and reform this country. So what do you say? Mr Donald asked, hoping to convince him. Mr william stared at him few minutes, he looked up at his friend and heaved a sigh. "well, let me think about it first, I’ll let you know what I’ve been able to deduce." He added, taking his drink back. To be continued…………
5 Jul 2018 | 02:43
5 Jul 2018 | 10:49
even if u get dia as u hav d mind to help d needy,,, u will forget abt dos needy and get so greedy
5 Jul 2018 | 12:32
He deosnt sounds like he want to help the needy he sounds more like a greedy man
5 Jul 2018 | 17:50
Nothing shows DAT u r ready to help de needy,it's ur selfish n personal interest DAT u want to achieve!!!
6 Jul 2018 | 21:42
Ride on
7 Jul 2018 | 09:09
© IRETI ADEDIPE ®18+SNVL CHOICE EPISODE 8 It’s weird  I couldn’t forget the scene that happened on between us that fateful day, I roll up severally on my bed trying to forget but his picture keep appearing and appearing. I brought out my phone which was inside the back bag i carried last night in order to check my notification but get no missed calls nor messages from him, he had requested to know my name and asked for my mobile line that fateful day which I gave without hesitation. What is wrong with me? Why this intense feeling? Why can’t I forget him? Why does it seems like I wish to see him again instead of reporting him to the authorities he was one of the robbers ? I thought to myself. I hissed getting up from bed to get myself a glass of drink just to ease what i was feeling, I was at the balcony when I met my dad taking a drink, "daddy"  !! I call out to him shockingly. " hey Jane, why aren’t you on bed?" He asked startled and a bit shocked. "Nothing dad, just want to clear off my mind, I actually came for a drink down here, aren’t you supposed to be on bed too dad?" I replied, walking closer to him. Mr William heaved a sigh, he looked troubled and quite confused.  "Jane ! There’s something I’m thinking about and I wish to know your perspective on it, "he said without taking off his eyes on me". since your mother died, I took it up to myself never to remarry again because I believe someone like your mother is rare, she’s a woman every man will pray to have, she supported me morally, physically and spiritually. The stage I am presently was all because of her support and believe in me. Its been 16years now and I think I should let go of the past even though her love still lingered in my heart" he added, 'Jane, he called out slowly, walking towards her,  he held her hand and stared at her,  "I’m lonely and thought I should remarry again, what do you think?" He finally asked. Jane stared at him few minutes, the words didnt sound strange or surprising but she felt somehow, " well, its been long since mum died and I know what her death had caused us and especially to you dad. its isn’t a bad idea, you need a woman to take care of you and fill the space mum left behind after all this years, all I just care for is you meeting a good woman like mum, I want to see you happy and I’m sure mum too will be in support where ever she is now" she replied smiling. "more so', she winks at him, I’ll be a free bird now. She added again smiling while her father also smiled, glad that she agreed. "my eyes will still be on you Jane, I’ll always protect you" her father said, while they continued laughing. "more so, I think I’ll dabble into politics" he added. "Politics !! She exclaimed, "Why politics dad? Heard they say it’s a dirty game, why involve yourself in it?" She asked surprisingly he was interested in such.  Mr william smiled, "yes you are right darling but I’ve think deeply about it and come to the conclusion that this country needs a courageous and truthful leaders, there are qualified graduates who are jobless and people out there who want a good job to live a sustainable life… I want to help this country Jane, especially the low level class, you know this is your passion for people, especially to the needy" he added, hoping she'll agree too. "well dad, is that the reason you want to involve yourself ? "She asked, raising her brow in confusion" "Not really Jane, i just felt the need to help this country and i ".... "You can do this without been into politics dad" why Politics dad? I still don't get" she asked, demanding more explanation. "Yes i can Jane, there are people like me who has stand out to help our starving people just like i plan, but to make things better, there are government schemes that obstruct them, from helping this people and making those who rendered to help powerless and helpless. To make sure this help are effective, we need to stop those schemes and that can be done through power". Her father added again. " good and fair, I believe you’re going to succeed on it, I give it my total support. She said interrupting him. "thanks Jane, I really appreciate your reasoning with me, now I’m relieved and happy, by the way what’s troubling you?" He asked. " nothing dad, just that I miss Ghana and the yelling of my boss" ( I lied) I know he will be shock to the marrow when he hears I’m the daughter of the great business tycoon, the LEE FIRM, I’m sure he will be looking everywhere for me", I said smiling. "Well its good he already knows and to stop yelling on my daughter", he said smiling as I waved him goodnight and off into my room. I was a bit relieved discussing with my dad and  slept peacefully without the thought of him again. ******** GMT 9:11AM, SECRET HIDEOUT "What do he take us for? He met us in this hood and he want to start doing whatever he so wishes, this hood should be under my command and jurisdiction", G.B said, staring at their faces, carefully watching if he was making the impact on them. he was seated with some of the brothers at the third floor of the building discussing about the leadership of Kingsley, "the T-code of this hood has been distabilize and ordered against the made regulation of our brotherhood, it is therefore time to “KAAKIBU” yes, it is time, chorused all of them. Then lets strategize a plan", G.B said. *******   1:00pm Lagos Nigeria  Kingsley sit on one of the couch in his sitting room watching the news at 1, he had rented the apartment privately for his personal use or any other activities. As the reporters started the details of the news In full, his mind drifted to her again, he had not been able to stop himself from thinking about her, he picked up his phone and  click on the contact menu, he had asked for her name that fateful day and had saved it as Jane. He sighed before dialing it, the line went through and start ringing but was answered immediatly…. "Hello", he could hear Jane's voice from the other end, but he didn't say anything for few seconds while Jane keep repeating hellos !! He notice she was about to end the line when he speaks up.. “hello Jane Davis” he finally said, "hello !! who am I unto? Jane asked. "I’m Kingsley, he replied her. "And how may I help you? She asked further, "well I’m I’m" he stammered. and end the line. He heaved a sigh again the moment  he end the call, he had no idea what was happening to himself ever since he saw her, he had started thinking of her, he could recall a day he couldn’t sleep as her picture keep appearing in his mind, but how  will he present himself to her when she knows he was one of the robbers? Originally the code of the hood entails a death sentence to anyone who ever know about them, but yet she’s affecting him, I think am in love with her but how will she feel about me? Love is a great taboo to the K's, they believe love is a weakness and distraction, yes the K. brothers are strong men, love is for the weak they say !! He continued to ask himself these questions, he sighed the third time before picking up his phone again, deciding to send her a full text message. To be continued……………..
11 Jul 2018 | 04:05
Make the bold step man!
11 Jul 2018 | 17:03
You are both miserable cos of one thing LOVE
11 Jul 2018 | 17:24
LOVE!!! Hmmmmmmmm,,,,, u can go for it man
11 Jul 2018 | 18:18
Ma guy,make sure de decision u take wudnt endanger ur life n DAT of Jane Davis cos her father is DAT powerful n will hunt u down with his last breath sha!!!
12 Jul 2018 | 18:49
®18+SNVL  ©IRETI ADEDIPE ******* CHOICE Episode 9 The two men stared at the old designated gate for minutes, wondering if it is the place or not, they alighted their car few meters away from the building while they both walk up to the man in front of the gate, who seems to be the security guard. "Hello!! They both chorused, as a sign of greetings to him, the man in turns winks at the strangers without a word. " Sorry to bother you, we are actually looking for one Mrs. Johnson Florence, we were told she lives here and".. " Who are you men?" The security guard asked interruptedly, stopping them from talking. " we are from the central intelligent and" "We are members of the press, and we only want to see her for something" one if them said, interrupting the other and stopping him from talking. The security guard was suspicious but kept looking at them, the one who was stopped from talking was dark skinned, he was on a black T-shirt and a black trouser, the other man was fair in complexion and was on blue T-shirt and dark gray jeans, he look older and taller than the one on black T-shirt. "We are from the press council" he repeated again when the man wasn't responding.  They both displayed their identity card instantly when they noticed the suspicious looks he was having. "we meant no harm, we just want to see her because we are on a special assignment, 'you can confirm our identity if you doubt us' said the man in blue confidently. The security man stared at them keenly, he collected their identity card prior to what they had expected and stared at it few minutes while they waited. " Wait here" he said after looking at their faces again if it corresponded with the ID's picture, he turned back and went into the compound, closing the gate behind him. The two men make a quick glance at each other. He came out again after two minutes with a tablet device. He opened the device browser and type in the website of the press organization they claimed to be, he waited 4 seconds before the browser loaded and check thoroughly if they were true members of the organization, only to confirm it been true. He stared at them the fourth time before describing Mrs. Johnson's apartment for them, while they thanked him and proceed inside…. "How many times will I tell you we are not using the central intelligent identity for investigation again?" The agent asked  the junior agent angrily while they walk. "I’m sorry sir, I’ll".. "sorry for yourself,  the agent interrupt him, "I’ll be so mad at you when next that mistake happens ever again". The agent added angrily. Agent Gabriel and one of the junior agent had arrived  Nigeria few days ago to continue their investigation, they were able to identify the address of the family of the man who tried to reveal the deals of the gang years back before he was assassinated, they were able to find out his family had been hiding ever since then and now its over eight years. The two agent walked up to the apartment described for them. ******** Few minutes later "That day was a sorrowful day I hate to remember, I lost my only son and a loving husband", the woman stood up as she explained to the men what transpired between her husband and the assassins after making sure they were from the press council, she knew the security guard must have confirmed their identity before allowing them in. "The assassins came that day and killed Dr. Johnson Law who was my husband, he was a brave man, he fought bravely defending himself after making sure we were kept safe, its wasn’t easy for them to capture him because he was a tough man that can’t be handle easily".  she heaved a sigh before walking back on the chair she sat on earlier, unsure if saying it will not bring back the past tears. She continued. "what is one man before multiple of men?" She asked, looking at their faces without demanding an answer. "He was eventually shot and he died instantly", she added with tears already filling up her eyes. "So sorry ma’am, agent Gabriel said, feeling the pain of the woman, he knew from the look of things especially when its involve loved ones. " what about your son?" Agent Gabriel asked. "My son came out of hiding to help him but was unfortunately killed too, the girl you met outside earlier on was his daughter, the only seed he left before dying", she replied.. with tears " but what do you think could have transpired between your husband and the assassins ?" The agent asked, adjusting his seating position. "my husband was a doctor, a respectable senior doctor loved by people, friends and family for his generous act and a kind heart", she said, cleaning off the tears filling her eyes.  "he had complained to me about some government official telling him to sign a document of importation of fake banned drugs which he declined, he said the pressure was too much on him as they threatened to take the lives of all his family".    She added, standing up again from the chair she sits on, Johnson Law was a man who cherish his family members more than anything". "He eventually signed the document but secretly reported the issue personally to the late inspector general of police who was his friend, he was killed later, after making an attempt in discovering their hideout". She said again, with tears, She could'nt absolutely control herself. She turned towards her left direction, facing the big picture of her son and her husband smiling, she felt nothing but pains as she continued. "The gang never stopped after killing them, they attempt differently on several occasions to assassinate us too but I guess God didn’t let them, which was why we stayed hidden ever since then, we change our identity and remain here in Nigeria all because any attempt to leave this country is a death warrant for us. Though its over eight years now, we still need to be careful because they will never back out, by the way how did you locate us?" She asked, walking back to her seat. " we’ll discuss that later ma'am, the agent replied, "is there any evidence of those documents or anything relating with this issue? The agent asked further. "Yes there is, I have it safely hidden, I’ve kept It all this years but guess its high time those criminals are levied for justice". She replied with a sound of hope in her voice. " can we take a look at it? The agent asked again. " yes, come with me", she replied To be continued…….. Drop your comment….
17 Jul 2018 | 12:07
good,,, continue
18 Jul 2018 | 11:49
18 Jul 2018 | 12:40
hmmmm seriously this is a great work
18 Jul 2018 | 16:43
19 Jul 2018 | 03:29
Agent Gabriel is gradually making some head way, continue!!!
19 Jul 2018 | 21:56
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********* CHOICE EPISODE 10 B2:00 pm Lagos Nigeria I took my phone to read the text message again, I had read it immediately I received a message notification earlier at home, but couldn’t lay off my thought as I continue to think about it. Suddenly there was a faint knock on my office door, distracting my thought from the message but I ignore it, still checking and reading it loud to myself, relating the message over and over again, the knock was audible again and the door opened. I had intentionally ignore the knock knowing fully well it's was my secretary, she has ever been giving me the boss like action, despite my reluctant to make her my bosom friend who should relate to me unofficially. "Excuse me ma", she voiced out after opening the door and walked up to where i was sitting, carrying some documents with her. "These are the documents for the". "Sarah" !! I called her name interrupting her without taking off my glance on the phone I was busy with, "what I've I told you about this Ma you do call me? I asked and continued before she could answer. How many more times will I tell you likewise not to knock severally before entering this office?" I asked again, this time raising up my gaze on her. She bowed her head instead and kept quite instead of answering the questions. "I thought I specifically told you to relate to me as a friend and not as a boss". I added again before she could answer. "That's because you're the boss and I'm just an employee who could be fired any moment" she answered faintly and continued. "That's how things work here and I'm sorry if you aren't pleased ma, besides, that's could bring suspicion from other co-workers or jealousy which could result in hatred for me, they might think I'm lobbying in for promotion if I'm relating to you as a friend". She added. I burst into laughter immediately she concluded her words and stared at the phone on my hands. "Absolutely Nigerian's attitudes sometimes baffled me, I'm definitely understanding why mum never wanted to practise their cultures". I said while she stared at me. Ofcourse she wouldn't understand what i meant. "Anyway Sarah, all I'm asking for is just a friend who I can relate with freely without restrictions, I actually feel alone here in Nigeria without my friends back at Ghana" I replied her affirmatively before speaking again. "So what do you say?" I asked her again. "A friend is all I asked for" I added, waiting for her response. "Its okay ma, oh !! Its okay Miss Jane" she said smiling, noticing my looks by calling me Ma again. "I'll blend with that soonest" she added smiling "Anyway, there's something I want to share with you and i want your advice on it". " what's that Jane?" She asked, this time calling my name. "You noticed anything?" I asked, "yes Jane, you really seemed extremely happy today, you greeted everyone and didn't even scold Mr. Afolayan the late comer, you really are happy, so unusual of you ma". She replied with an apologic looks this time. Noticing she just said Ma again. "Stop the ma Sarah, call me Jane ! Common" I voiced out, raising my hands as she nods in acceptance. "hmm, I know all of you are doing side talks about me", oh common" she tried speaking but I stopped her, "I'm used to it,  sit down and let me brief you" ******** N9:49pm secret location "I couldn't brief you well on phone because this issue requires great urgency, I overheard them saying something about you. I was almost caught while eavesdropping on their conversation but i know whatever they plan doing is evil against you, and I want you to be vigilant and extra careful boss". One of the loyal brother to Kingsley said to him But instead of asking more details, he only laughed, he laughed louder making it confusing to his informant who was wondering why he was laughing. "Hundreds of antelope can never bring down the King of the jungle, leave G.B and his loyal dogs alone, I await whatever it is they planned or are planning, come with me, let me show you something", Kingsley finally replied him ****** 10:23am The four men were sitting in the conference Hall discussing political matters, Mr. Donald, Mr. William, senator Elvis and chief Garub the party chaiman. The men were deliberating on the next political election, they had chosen Mr. William Davis as their representative during their primaries, the men were deliberately and strategizing the way to win the election. " with what we planned, it a sure this seat is ours" senator Elvis voiced out loudly. " That's absolutely certain, so sure, we've never lose before and can't lose ever, not now, Mr. William, what do you think?" Cheif Garub asked " I'm rest assured it’s a success". Mr William replied, sipping his drink. "of course it is, I Donald has never lose in anything I plan on doing before, the funds involve will be taken care of by me and"…. "very important" Senator Elvis said interruptedly, "the funds, most importantly" he repeated while the four men burst into laughter. To be continued…
23 Jul 2018 | 14:25
24 Jul 2018 | 17:58
Continue,,, really following!!!
24 Jul 2018 | 21:03
©IRETI ADEDIPE  ******** CHOICE EPISODE 11 "A day before he was killed, it was reported that you were the driver who drove him to his home town in Port-Harcourt, where were you when he was killed ?" The agent asked. "I was with him all through, we were planning to go Lagos the following day when three men who claimed they were escort from the Minister of health arrived and told Dr. Johnson the Minister need his urgent attention. I was suspicious at first but discard the thought after seeing how the doctor interact with them, he told me to go on to Lagos while he'll follow them to Abuja, the next thing we heard about him was his death, nobody know how but his body was found later at Ilorin". The driver replied. "Alright thank you", the agent added affirmatively while the two agent thanked him before proceeding out of the compound. They heard the same story from one of the doctor’s relative in Port-Harcourt, he implies that they couldn't sue or do anything against the Minister because there were no evidence of his involvement, the police also couldn't make anything out of it. "What are we to do now? The junior agent ask frustratedly after they entered the car they came with". "We will proceed our investigations, atleast we now have a clue, agent Gabriel said before starting the car,  "find out about the minister, his identity, his family and trace down anything relating or involving to the K. Brothers" he added, making a glance at the side mirror for any coming cars before making a U-turn. "What about the documents Mrs. Johnson gave you?" The junior agent ask again, "I've made personal information about it, there's a disk in one of the documents but it's wouldn't open, it well encrypted with codes, I'm not done relating the documents together but I'm sure the content will be the discovery of the secret location". The agent replied, over-taking a car in front of theirs. "That means we’ll storm it if discovered"  the junior agent said hopefully. "yes but carefully, I've sent the details to the chairman, some NSS agent will also be joining us soon, we need to act fast" replied agent Gabriel, increasing his speed. ******* GMT 2:15 PM We had both agreed to meet at a restaurant by 2pm, I had decided to be there ten minutes late all because I want to delay him a bit but deep down, I want to be there even before the stipulated time but Sarah advice I delay him few minutes, I’ve been sitting for five minutes now but this time without a guard, had ordered orange juice when my phone begin to ring, I took it out from my purse, and answered the unsaved number. "Hello !! Where are you?" The caller asked, "who I'm I unto? "I asked instead, raising my brow instead of answering" "this is Kingsley, I want to know if you won't be coming again" The caller said. " I'm here already"  I replied instantly, standing up  to look around. there he was, he waved and stand up while he turned to meet me where i was sitting. "My phone was down, I've been here 15 minutes ago, I had to plead to the waiter  just to get in touch with you, to know if you won't be coming again, didn't know you've been here. I'm so sorry"…… he added before sitting down while I was lost in thought thinking and staring at him,  he looked astonishing when he call out to me through a wave, bringing back my thought. "Oh !! Sorry, i was just"..... "it' okay, I should be the one apologizing for coming late", he added again interrupting me. "What would you like to take ? He asked, after the waiter came to get our orders. " give me same thing she ordered but I care for wine, so give me wine, not orange juice. We were still waiting for our order while he stared at me, the waiter placed our order as we started eating. To be continued.....
7 Aug 2018 | 07:43
® 18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE EPISODE 12 "I lost my family at a tender age, life was unfair and cruel, there were no Family, relatives, or friends who helped", he continued with tears falling down uncontrollably again. "It’s okay Kingsley", Jane said, trying to console him. she too couldn’t bear Kinsley’s story as tears were falling from her uncontrollably. She couldn’t control hearing the sorrowful and cruel past of the man who had captured her heart and make her shiver. It had started at the restaurant after they had eaten and started discussing. She took up the courage to ask him why he’s involved in armed robbery without fear. She never understand where the courage came from but she knew she had uttered the words already. ****** Flashback….. "Why do you involve yourself in armed robbery?" I asked, staring deeply at him without fears". I know quite well he was expecting the question from me deep down. I can feel he has a tender heart. "Why did you save my life"? I asked immediately again, still staring at him. He couldn’t answer but tears began to fill his eyes, he tried opening his mouth to speak but nothing came out. Suddenly he changed, his eyes were something out of normal and he was instantly boiling up. "are you okay"? 'I asked and stand to support him, People were already staring at us  "can we go somewhere else"? He asked. ****** Present…… But still why involve yourself in robbery and illegal gangs?".  I asked him in pity, as if i wasn't a stranger. " the gang supported me, gave me shelter, gave me assistance when the government didn’t help, i regretted all my deeds year’s back, it’s impossible to leave, it’s a death penalty to exit once in.  "It’s okay", i said, moving closer to him, cleaning the unstoppable tears falling from him with my hands, I could sense how hurt and how guilty he feels, its hurt seeing him like that. He's past was more cruel than what a normal human should endure, his family was assassinated alongside his grandpa who had watched him grow several years after his parent death. ******** Flashback "How many times will I tell you not to wander around at night?" He's grandpa asked after Kingsley closed the door slightly behind him". "Oh my God" !! You're stinking of alcohol Kins" he exclaimed further, standing up from the chair he was sitting on. "Good day grandpa" Kingsley said, walking up staggered towards one of the dinning chair, ignoring the man greetings. "Must you do this Kingsley?" He asked, walking closer towards the dinning table. "I've watch you grow up to this very stage you are Kins" he added, taking a deep breath. "Why must you jeopardize all we've worked for all this years?" He asked again, standing few metres away from him. He tried to touch him but Kingsley bark out and fling his hands away. "Why must you tell me not to find out about my families death? Kingsley asked angrily, walking backwards and giving more space between them. "Why must you obstruct all of my plans if you aren't involved or know something about their death?" He asked again, moving backwards and giving more space between them. He turned back totally and headed towards the corridor that leads to his room when he saw his grandpa didn't have an answer to the questions he has been asking him all this years his parent had died. "Why I'm I asking this from you again knowing fully well you wouldn't answer and yet disrupt all my plans in finding out the truth?" He asked silently to himself and made a faint smirk, the alcohol still making the impact on him. With tears, his grandpa watch him move away from him, he kept quite and watch him take his leave but spoke before he could opened the door. "Some things are just left not to be touched Kingsley" he finally voiced out while Kingsley stopped, closing the door back and hoping his grandpa will speak this time around. "We have no power to battle this war Kins, we'll be killed halfway before we could start, the people who killed my children are powerful than us, we shouldn't start a war we won't win" he stopped and started walking towards Kingsley direction. "We must survive and raise ourselves to be able to fight them, we must stop investigating them and accept our fate son" he added with tears falling from him. "Who are this people grandpa and why did they killed my parent and the rest of this family? Kingsley asked him again. "You don't need to know son, no matter how hard this might be, we must accept it as our fate and continue our life in silence". "Never grandpa, I said never" kingsley shouted, interrupting him. His grandpa stopped halfway, noticing how furious he was, he knew he had to stop or else Kingsley could hurt him or himself especially in his drunken state. "Is that why you interrupt all my plans? Is that why you make sure all evidence gathered up are destroyed before they are even started? Who are this damn people and what was my families killed for if you aren't involved in this? Kingsley barked angrily and repeatedly. "This are my children too Kingsley and i wouldn't do anything to jeopardize their life or cause their death" his grandpa shouted this time. "Is it until we are both killed before you listen and stop been stubborn?" He asked without demanding an answer but continued. "This issue is beyond your control or mine or anybody and you wouldn't understand a bit of all this, stop been sturbborn and wait till its the right time to battle this war properly" he added frustratedly. "You like it or not grandpa, I'm going to find out the truth about my parent and my siblings death and lets their killers pay dearly even if its involve you" Kingsley voiced out angrily and proceed towards the main exit door instead of going towards his room. He managed to walk towards the door, leaving his grandpa standing motionesslessly. "This happened because of a reason son, you need to calm down if I'm to tell you all about it, we need the appropriate time son" his grandpa shouted on top of his voice but he had the door closed already and had proceed out. He was going out again, probably to drink more. His grandpa watched him leave with an uncontrollable inner tears. 15 minutes later The old man sat up tiredly with a slight headache from the bed he was sleeping on, he had only decided to take a nap but had slept off completely for 15 minutes out of frustration. A knock from the door had woke him up, he squinted at first to accommodate the room light and glanced at the wall clock placed at the left wall of the room, its 2:15am already and he wondered if Kingsley could be the one knocking, he remembered he had lock the door when he decided to take a nap a while ago hoping kingsley wouldn't be coming home again. He stretched himself and sat up fully, he yawn and proceed out of his room to open the door. "Have you finally come to your senses?" He asked, hoping to get a response but didn't, he proceed towards the door and insert the key into the door hole and opened. He was instantly pushed backwards and a blow landed on his cheek. Two men entered fully into the room, one was with a gun and the other one walking with a staff. "What was my warning to you Nicholas?" The one with the staff asked immediately and continued before he could start pleading. "You know the punishment yourself, i thought i could let you and your grandson lives peacefully but i guess i was all wrong, he tried to do something today that jeopardize that decision" "Please don't do this, its wasn't his fault, please we'll leave this country and never returned please" the old man pleaded. "You should have done that before Nicholas, its late now, I hope you make the right decision in your next afterlife" the one with the staff added and proceed out of while the second man shot the old man square on his forehead before proceeding out too. ******** Present: "I'm sorry you had to face all this" I uttered, staring at him while he too was staring at me, before I could say “Lo”, I had my lips locked with he's, with so much passion and love, we both devoured  the long kiss. He responded as we were locked in one world. We broke from the kiss, panting heavily the moment his phone began to ring. ********* SECRET LOCATION "He said he will be here immediately", one of the gang members informed G.B and the others who was waiting for his response. They had put up a call through to Kingsley for an emergency meeting at the hideout. "There should be no mistake in this, Kingsley must die today, now position yourself to your assigned position", G.B added. ******* GMT 12:25 pm Four vehicles alighted meters away from the gate, the NSS men waited and parked at the order of Agent Gabriel. They watched a car entering the compound, but couldn't see the complete view of the building. "How about the cameras?" the agent asked the junior agent who was working on a laptop "This place is well secured, I couldn’t gain access to it" the junior agent replied. The agent heaved a sigh, he brought out his laptop and switched it on, he waited and allowed it boot, he was in the vehicle with three men while the other NSS men were at the other three vehicle as backup. The laptop boot within seconds and the main view displayed, the agent typed in some codes before the view changes to a different entire menu immediately, leaving the junior agent who was watching agape, within minutes the agent gained access to the security cameras, he wore his mask, gave the junior agent to monitor and signal to the men in the vehicle to follow him. ******* Kingsley entered the compound and parked his car at the parking space, he was suspicious at first wondering why the whole compound was silent, he got down from the car and discarded the thought. He had been called earlier that the boss had arrived and immediately called for him. He dipped his hands into his pocket and proceeded into the main hall. He entered the second room leading to the inner hall first and proceed inside but before he could enter the third door leading to another room, guns were pointed on him and the men all came out of hiding. "There is no where to go Kingsley, there you are", G.B said, smiled and flashed his teeth, "I’ve always told you  I will show you how dangerous I can be, never worry, don’t bother to look around, that is your informant and loyal animals" he added when he noticed how kingsley was looking around'  shoot them, he shouted while spraying of bullet filled the whole room. "you are gonna pay for this i swear, kingsley shouted angrily before a bullet pierced his left shoulder. He winced in pain but managed to hold his stands. " I told you Kingsley!! You are too full of your self and you're a piece of shit but It all ends here". G.B yelled, pointing the gun right through his heart and about to pull the trigger when three men fall with a thud, followed by another and another. Within the twinkle of an eye, the whole place scattered as they all ran for safety. There was continuous random shooting as the brothers faced their attackers. The passersby and passing motorist had all ran into hiding with no nobody in sight, police and other security agencies had surrounded the big building . No one dare enter. Kingsley was quick enough to locate a cover for himself from the attackers. He wondered who was attacking them or probably who just saved him but was grateful he was'nt dead yet, he quickly ran through the corridor that led to the fourth hall. He was quick to dodge bullets and was about to pass through the yard secret gate when a gun was pointed straight at him. "Stop right there" someone said behind him. To be continued…….. Drop your comment…….
13 Aug 2018 | 19:08
hmmmmmm,,,, he really has a pitiful story to tell,,,,, even at dat,,, he will still face d wrath of law
14 Aug 2018 | 08:38
14 Aug 2018 | 10:21
14 Aug 2018 | 14:18
Next pls
14 Aug 2018 | 15:10
Oh...... next
14 Aug 2018 | 19:28
What an experience
15 Aug 2018 | 21:33
® 18+Snvl © IRETI ADEDIPE. ×××××× CHOICE EPISODE 13 Kingsley stopped immediately, "your hands on your head and go down" the voice added. Kingsley slowly turned, his hands raised up. “go on your knees”. the NSS Agent voiced out again, walking slowly towards Kingsley without taking off his gaze or checking around first. He moved carefully towards him, watching if he has any weapon or try to make any movement. He was few steps away when a bullet pierced his skull from behind. G.B had also narrowly escaped from the main hall and followed the route Kingsley took, he shot the officer first before shooting at Kingsley who had saw him earlier behind the NSS officer and had taken cover already, but a bullet pierced him before he could hide successfully. “ I’ll be the one to kill you myself Kingsley, nobody else”. G.B shouted. “ no one else is doing this but me” he added, shooting towards Kingsley direction without restricting fire. Kingsley winced in pain behind the cover he had taken, he didn’t understand why G.B wanted him dead so badly aside from their little differences in act of leadership. He had been outsmart so quick and he blamed himself from been so foolish to have taken things slightly even though he had taken counter measures against it. He had no time, he thought of what to do or will be dead in few seconds, especially now that G.B was already moving towards his direction. He could see the dead NSS officer's gun few meters away from him, he made a quick deliberation on how to get it without been hit but there wasn’t a way to do that easily even when he has been shot twice. He made a slight glance towards G.B who was almost near the agent dead body and quickly stopped the move he had planned, accepting his fate and whatever G.B decide to do with him now that he was completely helpless and without a gun. He await his death. Unluckily G.B ran out of bullet before he could reach the dead officer’s body, and luckily Kingsley was quick to notice that and came out of hiding instantly, he was more near to the dead body than G.B and headed straight for the mere opportunity he had to get the gun, he fired straight at G.B but the bullets missed him few inches away, he fired the second time but the bullets still missed him because he was more at advantage than Kingsley and had taken cover already. He immediately used the opportunity to jump out of the compound while the shooting continues in the building. ******** Phone conversation “What am I hearing? How reckless could you be to let this happen?” The senator asked without greetings. the morning news had just reported how the hideout was destroyed when the law enforcement bombard the place and attack the gang, which results in a gun battle, some of the gang members were killed, some arrested while some were seriously injured, some NSS officers also died. "We advice people not to stay long out at night because no one know what could happen and also to inform the police of any illegal or act that doesn’t conform with the law of the country immediately”, the reporter added while the news continue. The Senator hadn't waited any seconds more before placing a call to Don angrily. "I had no idea how this happen or ever knew it was coming, I came back from the State yesterday and get to know the hideout was invaded" Don replied the Senator calmly. " I want you to see me today and I hope you are ready to face the consequences? " The man said angrily and end the call" he strolled down his contact list, and select a contact, he dialed it and waited few seconds before the call was answered. “ Good morning sir” “ good morning I.G”, the senator replied impatiently…. “You hear the news?” he asked instead. “yes sir, its so surprising to hear a well protected place like that could be discovered” “that is the question, how was it discovered under your nose?” The senator asked interruptedly. " it was some NSS agent and some secret agents who invaded the place, I got the report just early this morning, some of the brothers were arrested and” "make sure the arrested ones are dead before the questioning, clear off any trace or record that could link to our involvement, I want you and Don to see me today. the senator said before ending the call likewise. ******* Hours later " how else was it discovered? What have you been doing leaving what was put under your watch destroyed?” The senator asked angrily with disappointment. “I’ve received calls this morning, be ready to face the punishment and consequences later, right now we need to figure out how the base was discovered" the Senator added, facing Don who was standing opposite his seating position. Don heaved a sigh in frustration before speaking, "I’ve also been thinking about that, the level of security installed in that area is too strong to be bridged like that, more so, I couldn’t watch or access the database to know who the attackers were, the records were deleted" Don voiced out, looking at the men staring at him keenly, the I.G was beside the left sofa while the senator was seating opposite him, “I’ve come to realize someone who might know about the base”. he added while the men made a glance at each other, Wondering what he was saying. “ who is it?” both of them asked with curiosity, 'Mrs. Florence Law', he replied. “We never found her dead body though the boys claimed she died when the accident occurred before the truck hit her vehicle into the sea, although she hadn’t been seen ever since then but I think she may have survive it”. “ I don’t think so, she couldn’t have survive that fall, besides she could have no knowledge about the hideout and” I want you to search everywhere for her Don, though am still in support of what the I.G said, she couldn’t have survive that fall but her dead body wasn’t found when they claimed she had died, we should not leave any chance. If the hideout could be traced like that, it means the other base are at risk, make sure those base are cleared immediately and” “what else do the agent know ?” The senator turned to ask the IG “The NSS agent only received orders to ready themselves, they knew nothing about the discovery. Its was claimed some secret agent was behind the whole scenario, I have inquired for the agent to see me for a job well done” the IG replied. “aren’t secret agent suppose to be secret, they wouldn’t show themselves” the senator said. “I’ve made steps towards that, the agent will see me soon”. The I.G answered ******** Gmt 3:20 pm Don tried again without any of them getting through, he had tried Kingsley line without reach, G.B also wasn’t reachable, he knew the men were strong enough to die and wasn’t among the brothers arrested, he felt scared at first because he knew the senator wouldn’t listen if they were both captured, what entails them is death, unless the brothers are on a secret mission, anyone captured should be killed immediately. He heaved a sigh, and decided to contact G.B for the last time, but it also didn’t go through. He heaved a sigh again and strolled his contact list, he got relieved when he sight one of the junior brothers contact, he dialed it immediately. “ hello boss” , “where are you?” Don ask impatiently, “ I’m somewhere around Asokoro” “ How did this happened?” Don ask. "its was Kingsley, he set us all up, we had visited the club the day before, I had become suspicious weeks back when he and one of the brothers opened the k-gate, I told G.B about it but he discard it, saying its isn’t possible for Kingsley to betray us, I don’t know if he is still alive or dead but Kingsley shot him before we could attack”. “Come to Lagos straight away, we have work to do”. Don said with no further remark and end the call. Truthfully he received signals weeks back about the K-gate, he doubt if truly Kingsley could betray them as he think of many possibilities, but he surely needs to act fast and never leave a chance. To be continued…. Drop your comment
16 Aug 2018 | 06:32
®18 + ©IRETI ADEDIPE ×××××× Episode 14  Its been four days I’ve been trying Kingsley's number without reach, I’m damn so worried; ever since the news report, his line had been unreachable, “hope he hasn’t been captured? Or is he dead?”.  I kept asking myself, taking the cup of coffee prepared by one of the maid, which was already getting cold.   Kingsley had occupied my mind for days, I wonder why the thought of a criminal could occupied me so much despite knowing how dangerous it could be, reflecting somewhat negatively on paying attention to others. I could recall a day my dad introduced my step mother to me, I didn’t flip as I stared at the television, undoubtedly I knew the woman must be thinking I didn't like her but somehow won’t know I was lost in thought, I wonder where my dad met such a beautiful woman like that, I smiled remembering she almost knee down to apologies if she has done anything wrong that day.   I finish the coffee in no time, stands and return into the bedroom, need to prepare for work today, its been days without going, even though love could be powerful and compelling, I need to discuss with someone, probably Sarah. My mood changed a bit, remembering I'll be going to the states soon.     *******     Gmt 9:00am   “sir, the minister name is Nosol Adams, he has four children, three are studying abroad while one lives with him and his wife here in Nigeria. He frequent 21 race house every weekend and”   “what !! 21 race?”   “ yes sir, he moves out of the mansion he lives at 7:30pm every Friday with only one escort guard and return back on Saturdays by 9:00pm, he has one private residence at Abuja and”.   Agent Gabriel phone began to ring, interrupting the junior agent who was speaking. he brought out the ringing phone from his pocket and answered the call on the first ring.   “hello sir”   “where are you agent” The caller asked,   “at the office sir” ,   “meet me in my office right away”, the caller added.   “ alright sir, will be there in minutes, he replied…     “I will need you to visit 21 race soon, make more findings on each child of the minister and I want you to file out a court case file, I will be back to tell you details, am going to meet the chairman now” he added while the junior agent only nodded.   ******** Two minutes later…. A soft knock sounded on the door, “Come in”, the chairman said before the agent opened the door. He entered and close it gently behind him, two men were in the office, the chairman was seated beside the window while the other man opposite him, he greeted the men politely before taking his seat while they answered politely too.   “Agent, this is the inspector general of police” he said, stretching his left hand.     “ I must say am very please with your achievement and for bringing down a terrorist gang in this country down, its so amazing you did what the police couldn’t achieve all this while” the IG said instantly after shaking hands with the agent.   “thanks for the compliment sir, its my job and am still trying to get them fully down”     The IG raised his eyebrow, “ fully down? but you’ve got them, is there anything amiss?”     “yes sir, some of them escaped, more so, we need to find if they are been sponsored” the agent replied.     “ sponsored, you mean they are been sponsored?”     “Exactly sir, with the type of equipment found there and their type of guns signify they must have a strong backup, those guns couldn’t have been snuggled in easily” the agent replied.     “that’s true, but who do you think their sponsorer could be? All of them should be put to justice, their illegal act is too alarming, I want justice, they killed my lovely daughter years back”. the I.G said, trying to faint a cry.   even though he killed his own daughter himself, he had to shoot her when she discovered about his involvement in illegal deals and the rape on the opposition party chairman’s wife, he was also assigned to kill the husband too. he had to kill his daughter when he discovered her plans to reveal it out to the world and framed they were attacked by some gunmen and his daughter was killed during the attack to the general public even though the shooting happens in his compound.     “I don’t know who their sponsorer could be, but I know they will surely be put to Justice soon enough, I’ll also be going to interrogate the arrested ones”     “oh ! about that agent, they’ve been transferred to the head quarters for questioning” the chairman said.     “ headquarters !! why? I wasn’t informed” the agent asked with a frown.     “ don’t worry about that agent, you can visit the headquarters too to interrogate them but now as you’ve said, concentrate on how to cop down their sponsorer”     “don’t worry agent, I believe they will b tortured at the head quarters, and details will be sent to you, nice to meet you once again” the IG added.   “ I will also want you to keep me informed on your findings”.   ******   Gmt 3:20pm Kingsley sat on one of the sofas at his private residence watching the just concluded news, he had bandages over his shoulder and left leg, he knew he barely escape death or been captured, he never thought G.B could be fast with his plans, though he had taken proper measures to counter it, he never knew it will be so quick.   He sighed as he remembered Jane, he didn’t wish to put a call to her, he wonder how their hideout was attacked like that, maybe she sold him out, only her knows about his involvement in the gang. He wasn’t followed when he left the hotel they were, he would definitely know if he was ever followed. Maybe Jane put a tracker on him, he wonder how stupid he was by trusting her and telling her some details about himself, he thought of many possibilities.   He grabbed the phone placed beside him and switched it on , he had switched it off days back to secure the line and make it untraceable, taking every measures to protect himself, he sighs and strolled his contact when the phone finally boot. He select one of the contact displayed as Boss and dialed it.     “where have you been?” Don voice sounded instantly with no greetings.     “ good afternoon boss”, Kingsley greeted, instead of answering.     “ I left the hideout under your command, you betrayed your family, you attack your brothers, oh !! You thought I wouldn’t know? How much were you given for this? We gave you life, I gave you hope but guess I was wrong… be ready for me”. Don said and the call ends.   Kingsley was stunned and confused, he raised his brow and glance at the phone if he hadn’t call G.B instead of Don, wondering what Don just said within seconds,  he tried to call again.   Don was seated with one of the brother he had called earlier, both working on their laptops, “location not found boss, he had secure the line”   “try again, he’s calling back”.   “You have nothing to say for your act of betrayer, you know I don’t joke with my words” Don said after he received the call.     “boss I don’t understand what’s you’re”     “ be ready for the consequence, I trusted you Kingsley, showed you some secret of the brotherhood, you going to pay for this I swear”. He said and end the call again.     To be continued…..  
19 Aug 2018 | 17:23
Ride on 0
20 Aug 2018 | 09:58
®18+ Snvl © IRETI ADEDIPE ×××××××× EPISODE 15 "Location still not found boss, he had secured himself" the brother repeated. Don paused to think for a moment, "What’s holding up G.B? Put a call to him again" "Okay boss" the brother replied and walk away to get his phone. Don continued what he was doing on his laptop, the cameras were hacked. "the hacker behind this must be intelligent to access our system like that" Don said immediately the junior brother returned. "Yes, our system couldn't have been bridge easily without an insiders help, Kingsley is behind the whole thing" . the junior brother said after sitting beside him. Don stopped what he was doing and glance at him few seconds before facing the laptop again, he wonder if truly Kingsley could betray the K's as Flex claimed, he knew Flex was loyal to G.B and he knew about the differences between his two subordinate. Kingsley was good at tactics and strong in combat while G.B was more cruel and wicked, he is a true expectations of a K leader, he's wise and doesn't sway himself with emotions. He had deliberately choosing Kingsley over him and that had started the whole problem. He knew he had to find out the truth first if truly Kingsley was behind it but he doesn't seem to understand why he should, he glance another look at Flex before a short sound from his laptop interrupted his thought, he turned the laptop aside and called Flex attention to it. "Trace the hacker back using this" and also" A soft vibration on his phone interrupted him and Flex who was about to speak, he heaved a sigh seeing who the caller was, he thought of ignoring it at first but decide to receive it after few deliberation before the call could end. "Don I want you to see me today", the caller's voice sounded from the other end. "is there any problem sir", Don asked, noticing the urgency "I know the agent behind this, come straight away" the caller added. ********* Gmt 7:21 am I woke up very early today prepared for work, a lot of meetings was scheduled for me this week just because of my absence weeks before, within minutes, I was out of my room not after applying the make up thing when I heard my dad laughter right from the dinning room, I smiled remembering how my late mum makes jest of him whenever he laughed like that, he’s extremely happy I suppose. I closed the door gently behind and walked out through the corridor that leads to the dinning room, he was seated with my step mum, both discussing and eating "oh !! Here comes my beautiful daughter" "good morning" I greeted them while they both echoed "morning” "what’s up Jane? your mum here is something else" he said laughing, pointing to my step mother. ofcourse she’s my mum too in as much she makes my dad happy. "she should have choosing to be a comedian" he added smiling, bringing me back from my thought. my step mum has this radiant astonishing smiles that is powerful and calm. The only difference between her and my birth mother is she's not just my mother even if she takes the role of my real mother. “what's is not yours is definitely not yours, no matter how close its might be” a quote from my favorite author “IRETI ADEDIPE”. I smiled staring at her before she called my attention through a wave “Jane is anything the matter? what is wrong?” she asked with concern. “nothing mum, its just that I'm amazed of how beautiful you are, God really perfect your beauty, Dad is just so lucky to have married you, thank you so much for taking good care of him and staying with him all the time” I answered without looking at my dad who was already looking at me. “oh !! thank you so much darling, and I must say you are much beautiful, sweet and pretty too” she said smiling. “sit down Jane, let me serve your food before you go” “no mum, i’m actually late already, I have things to settle at the office, don’t worry, I’ll get something to eat there. “Jane, remember your father is the owner of the company you are heading”, don’t stress yourself out, you’ve been coming home tiredly since Monday, remember you are not an employee, your assistance can handle them” “yes daddy, but I have to go, its due to my absence weeks back, i’m the one at fault here, there are things needed to be sorted out at the office and I need to be there before the meeting with our Russian investors”. “oh!! you're right, that's true, I almost forgot about that, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take breakfast before you leave” Mr William argued. “your dad is right Jane, please don’t over stress yourself, let me pack the food for you then”. I wonder God’s goodness on me, surrounding me with love one's, I watch her pack the food into a food container, I hug her before she gave me the flask, bade them bye and hurried out immediately. I was about entering my car when my phone began to ring, I managed to stop and checked who the caller was, I brought out the phone from my bag. The caller ID display Kingsley, I stared at the phone few seconds surprisingly, I was so happy and I answered the call immediately. “Hello Kingsley, where have you been? Are you okay? I’ve been worried” I asked instantly with concern, not bothering which one he should answer first. “We need to see Jane” he said instead, not minding the questions “yes we need to see”, I replied happily, though noticing his tone “Good, I’ll sent you the address soon” he said and the call ends “I somehow felt happy and at same time worried with the way he spoke without giving a chance to ask him how he is and where he had been all this whole time but I shrugged it off, entered my car and zoom off to work. ********* Lagos, Nigeria “This is the file sir” the junior agent stretched the file to agent Gabriel to access. “the minister denied the allegations against him and won the case” he added and wait before the agent collect the file. agent Gabriel heaved a sigh before collecting the files from the junior agent, he had stayed two days without sleeping, investigating all around, he made lots of progress but need lots of rest. “I will go through this later” he said and closed the file back. “its 10am already, will you be able to meet up with Mrs Florence Law? , you need to rest sir”. the junior agent added, taking a look at his wrist watch , noticing how tired he looked. “Yes I won’t, right now, I need the rest, meet up with the woman and get back to me later”, the agent said, he yarn tiredly and close his eyes, resting totally on the chair he was sitting on. “but sir, I’ll have to use your car, I actually thought we’ll be going together earlier, my car had been sent for maintenance due to some mal-function” “its okay, you can use mine, the key is right there in front of you, you can leave”. he said tiredly ******** Abuja, Nigeria “Wow !! That was awesome, you did beyond what I expected, I knew you are the best man for this”. the two men laughed loudly, toasting their drinks “To wealth, power, and to a bright future” Mr Donald shouted while they drink. “those judges were amazed with the counter you gave them, I could recall one of them was left agape” Mr William laughed loudly and empty his cup, “yes they should, with the situation on ground, we’ll surely emerge the winner “yes we will but don’t you think its high time we start planning a strategy of how to run the government? We need a good plan and a way to choose your cabinet members” Mr Donald asked, he walked towards one of the chair to sit, waiting for Mr William’s response. “yes its high time, the election is soon to be held, and if elected, we need to prepare the list of members that will work accordingly and justly with us”. “yes we should, there are people we need to stop associating with when the time comes, people like senator Elvis” Mr Donald said, after taking a sip from his drink. “what !! Senator Elvis”, Mr William shouted with a frown, “why?” he asked “why don't you have a sit first and lets me brief you” Mr Donald replied. ******** News at 2 Gmt 2:00 pm, Lagos “Its a tragedy today as an accident occurred around Aguda, it was reported a man in a vehicle with plate number SN23 drive recklessly and collide with other vehicles which resulted to a vital accident, its reported the young man died instantly, fifteen traveling student died, five other people died and leaving twelve people injured”. “This is the news reaching us from our reporter Shola Olawale” the news ended. Agent Gabriel sprang up on his feet the moment the plate number was called, “what just happened?” He asked out loudly to himself, that was his car and the man driving was the junior agent who had been reported dead. To be continued
20 Aug 2018 | 13:33
dey betrayed don and implicate him,,, let's see how its goin
20 Aug 2018 | 14:20
20 Aug 2018 | 18:22
thank your stars
21 Aug 2018 | 06:02
I know dey will want to kill agent Gabriel,,,,, the accident was planned
21 Aug 2018 | 06:43
Let see how it will go
21 Aug 2018 | 08:22
How Come
21 Aug 2018 | 08:38
That was a narrow escape for agent Gabriel
21 Aug 2018 | 14:46
It's really getting interesting but dangerous as well... I really fear for Kinsley n agent Gabriel, dey r treading on dangerous paths!!!
22 Aug 2018 | 18:32
®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE - EPISODE 16 Agent Gabriel took out his phone hurriedly and dial the junior agent line, he hissed and tried again, its wasn’t available was the response he heard for the sixth time. He paced around, wondering what could have happened, blaming himself for not going initially, but luckily a call came through and he was told the junior agent had an accident and died instantly. ********** LAGOS, NIGERIA “Please where is Starlord Hotel around here?” I asked a man I met by the road side, who probably want to cross the other side of the road. “you are almost there, turn left at that junction”, he pointed out, “you go dey see the signboard for there” he added in pidgin. “oh! alright thank you”. Kingsley had sent me the address of where to meet him, I wonder why he said I shouldn’t come with my car but a cab at a place I couldn’t even see one to board. I alighted at the parking space of the hotel and in no time, I was with him in the hotel room. “who’s there?” I could hear his voice after the knock I made on the door but I didn’t reply until the door was opened. “hey!” I called out to him happily, hoping to see him happy but there was no warmth whatsoever, he looked at me without responds nor smiled and walked back inside, leaving the door opened. I stared at the door at first and myself if anything was wrong few seconds before entering. I entered fearfully and close the door gently, wondering what was wrong, he turned towards me and stared without saying anything. I also stared at him and my surroundings fearfully, he wasn’t smiling and the look on him was deadly. “why did you sell me out?” he asked, his voice harsh and loud. “I stepped back a bit and raise my brow fearfully in confusion , “sell you out? What do you mean?” “I barely met you for weeks and I’ve told you every details about me, merely after, our hideout was raided” he said immediately and brought out a gun, he pointed it straight at me. “who are you? and who sent you to me?” I froze and stepped back fully until my back was against the door fearfully and shocked, “does he meant I revealed his identity?” I think to myself and exclaimed out. “oh my God!! what are you saying?” I i don’t understand”, I stammered and exclaimed with fear, looking at him. “answer the damn question I asked now” he shouted out loud in anger, making me more scared and coming to the realization of what I just entered. its was all my fault for colliding with a criminal instead of reporting him to the authorities, tears were dropping from me instantly. “I didn’t sell you out, I didn’t inform or tell anyone about you I swear” I answered in tears but he seemed reluctant, his eyes were out of ordinary likewise, he raised the gun higher and I screamed out loudly as I fell with a thud. ******** “Its wasn’t him that died you shit, that was the junior agent under him” the I.G shouted. “we never knew he wasn’t going to drive himself, the job was given to our insider at their office” Don answered calmly,wondering why the I.G shouted on him, “we never knew the agent won’t be driving himself but fortunately we now know how he get to know about the hideout” Don said, getting the I.G attention. “how?” he asked Don. “Mrs. Law is very much alive, the junior agent was traced down to her residence” Don said. “awesome”, the I.G nodded, “she’s a living dead, execute her death straight away and alongside the agent. make sure their death appears like an accident”. ******** 9:15pm Lagos (Phone conversation) “I gave him the document you required, its so surprising he was reported dead” “I couldn’t get the document, the vehicle will be accessed and checked soon but right now”, the agent paused and heaved a sigh. “I want you to leave your house tonight, do not sleep neither pack anything , just leave with your granddaughter” “why? Is there any problem? She ask Fearfully. “ no but I think until I could analyze Fred Dave’s death, we shouldn’t take a chance, he was coming from your place when this happened, just leave until I confirm everything” To be continued….
9 Sep 2018 | 18:30
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE – EPISODE 17 Four men jumped over the fence one after another, they were dress in blacks and on scary masks, steadily they pass through the corridors of the flats and head for the last building. The door to the flat was slightly opened, the dvd set was playing ‘pour me water’ song by the popular afro pop artist Mr. Eazi Intro: It’s your boy Eazi Ohhh It’s E-kelly Chorus: Oh baby Pour me water Holy water Quench this fire Hehee.Yayaya Pour me water Some holy water Make e quench this fire Verse 1: Everybody want me make I no fall in love with you But I no answer them, I tell them say na you Right now you come and then you play me for a fool Am out here wondering wetin I do…eh Chorus: Pour me water Holy water Cool my fever…ahahahaha Just pour me water Pour me holy water Make you quench my fever eh…ayaaaa Right now you come and then you play me for a fool Am out here wondering wetin I do…eh Verse 2: E be night but I dey greet you Bonjour The thing you do me…e dey do me kung-fu This thing I see am…e be deja vu…ja vu…deja vu E be night but I dey greet you Bonjour The thing you do me…e dey do me kung-fu This song I sing Abena e be for you…for you…only you ma One of the men opened the door right after the song ended ,he beep through before entering while the rest followed him. ********* Secret location “She wasn’t there boss” “what do you mean by that?” Don asked with a frown. “we searched every corner for her, she wasn’t in the building”. “didn’t you confirm correctly before acting?” “yes we did, she wasn’t outside the compound the whole day, it’s so surprising we couldn’t found her, we had to leave after four hours of searching without success. Though nothing seem to move from the house, we also couldn’t enter any of the other flats in search for her inorder not to complicate things, but the house is fully under watch. I wonder how the woman disappeared”. G. B replied and faint a smile. Don faint a smile too, he wasn’t surprised the woman could have survived likewise. “we have work to do” he said, looking at something on his tablet device. “I just received a call from Chief Garub for immediate assassination of Lawyer Abimbola Olawale, the man must be killed in two days time at his residence, prepare all you need for this job, make it untraceable and clean, as for Mrs. Law, she’s too small for our trouble, I’ll handle that myself”.he said and turned to one of the brothers with them in the room. He pointed out to him and stretched a document for him to have. “senator Elvis forgot this document when he came this afternoon, he want it passed to Mr. William Davis, the party representative for presidency, deliver it politely to him tomorrow”.he added while the brother nods. “come to think of that, I saw his daughter entering Starlord Hotel today, I must say she’s a pretty fucking damsel, I like her ass, sure I can have her someday”. G.B said in a whisper to himself without letting Don hear. “get ready all for work” Don shouted. ********* Mr. Donald residence “He’s only in for his selfish gains, can you remember he stopped the motion brought then by the former president? The former president refused to oblige his orders, which was the reason he was framed up and impeached. The present president is also a loyal dog to him, the senator gives the orders while he follows, aside this, the senator is involved in so many crimes and atrocities kept away from the general public, nobody dare question him”. “How do we continue our plans then?” Mr. William asked. “we need more members on our side, we are to act silently and” “this is what you requested for” Mr Donald said, stretching a document for him to have “what’s left is for you to choose wisely” he added while Mr William opened the document to have a look. “some of them are opposition party members, why is that?” “Yes, they are people who oppose senator Elvis in government, we need them for effective administration and not the ones given by the greedy senator, we also need to meet them soon if need be and more importantly, we’ll need to increase the securities around us, trusted men” Mr Donald added. “Yes we’ll need that, more securities, but let’s go through this file together” Mr William said, both taking their drinks while they pounder on what to do . To be continued….
9 Sep 2018 | 18:36
Still with you...... More!
10 Sep 2018 | 11:35
see senator Elvis dat said he doesn't want a dirty politics oooo,,,, he treadin wit pple on a dangerous path
11 Sep 2018 | 12:36
Did he actually shoot de lady??? No,I don't think so!!!
11 Sep 2018 | 14:44
©IRETI ADEDIPE CHOICE - EPISODE 18 Jane woke up tiredly with a heavy headache, it felt so bad she could barely move her head right on the bed she was, her left hand uncovers the blanket and she touched her forehead, she was boiling up real bad. She tried opening her eyes but her sight seemed blur totally, she closed it gently and opened it slowly again until its becoming clearer, she squinted at first and fully opened her eyes. For a moment, the past memories flash through her mind. She gasp and get up immediately,she looked around with no one in sight and immediately push the blanket aside, studying her environment. The room was painted blue with different interior decorations, behind the curtains of the window reveal the beautiful glimpse of the city and the beautiful sight outside the window curtains. A heavy shock ran through her immediately the door suddenly opened, Kingsley entered the room and the heavy headache became heavier at once, realization struck her as she remembered what triggered between them, she suddenly grab the blanket and covered herself with it in fear, she froze with each step Kingsley takes forward , she wonder how she had come to harbor feelings for a wanted criminal, now that her life is at stake. ‘I’m sorry Jane, I didn’t mean to hurt you, I, I just want to confirm my suspicion, I honestly do not mean to hurt you, I am deeply sorry” I gaze at him fearfully without response, like a child staring at an hungry lion, he looked lost and shattered. “I’m deeply sorry Jane, I hope you find a place in your heart to forgive me, I never intend to hurt you” “its okay Kingsley, I hope this is just right, my life could have end a few minutes ago by you, I could have died, this isn’t just right Jane, but can I please take my leave?” “please stay, right now I’m shattered and totally on the lost path, I felt like I’m gonna die soon, my world consumed and doesn’t seem to understand this darkness that had overshadowed the light you brought into my life, please forgive me and don’t leave me into total darkness” “please stay out of my sight, I don’t ever want to see you again, for goodness I fell in love with you, for days I dreamt of you, for days I ignored my life and all I could think of was you, why do I feel attached to you? why do I felt so worried that my world will always be bad without you in it? I’m just, let me just leave, please Kingsley, please” I shouted out and turned immediately towards the exist of the room. Kingsley grab me before I could reach the door immediately with tears, “I am sorry Jane” he said passionately, “all my life, I have grown admist hate as a child, I was left alone to face cruelty, pain and bitterness, Life has just not been so good to me, I tried taking my life but its just didn’t let me, my life had been nothing but abject pains and sorrow. I have learnt to know the truth of love from you, I couldn’t sleep, I had series of sleepless night, you make me worried sick for days, my heart yawns for you, I feel like I want to live again, I want to survive and face the bitterness that has crept down and torment my soul, I have found great reason to live and I’ll live it fully to the deepest but life want to take me off when I’ve found a reason to stay, you’re the reason I want to live, you’re the reason I want to stay” he added passionately in tears. “Then live it to the fullest Kingsley, I’m sorry you had to face all of this, I’m sorry” I told him, cleaning off my tears, I was touched by the cruelty he had faced and remembering all of his past, we were lost in one word. we stared at each other, then suddenly, passionately, in seconds we were lost within the twinkle of kiss and affection, like our lives depend on it, his lips met mine as we engage in a strong and passionate kiss with deep emotions and heart that yawns for more. ****** 9:40am A faint knock sound on the office door simultaneously, “come in” agent Gabriel opened the door gently and entered with a worried look, “what is it agent? You look annoyed”. The chairman asked after letting him sit. “I visited the head quarters today to interrogate the gang members captured during the attack on the K’s, only to be told they died during torture and there wasn’t any formal report about it”. “yes agent, it was reported that some of them had poison hidden on them, the lab report also confirmed their death as a result of poison while two died out of torture, they also didn’t get any useful information from them before the criminals died” the chairman said, staring at the agent who looked surprised, less I forget, “there is a present for you from the I.G” the chairman added, stretching an envelope to him. “What is it for sir?” the agent asked “oh !! The I.G sent it to appreciate what you did for this country” “But sir, I earn a good pay already for this job, the I. G doesn’t need to shower me with more, its my Job to protect and strive for this country protection. “Yes agent, you earn a good pay”, the chairman said and smiled. “ this is for an appreciation personally from the I.G, you should take it” the chairman added. “alright sir, I really appreciate the I.G for this” the agent said and collected the envelope, he stands and proceed out of the office. He was stunned as he opened and closed the door behind him, he surely suspect there’s more to this than what he had imagined, the chairman didn’t looked concerned about the dead criminals who was their only clue of getting the gangs fully, he made a glance at his wrist watch, its almost 10, he had a date with Angelina, one of Nosol Adam’s daughter and needs to get prepared. To be continued…….. Drop your comment………
11 Sep 2018 | 18:00
hmmmm life sha
12 Sep 2018 | 11:26
12 Sep 2018 | 16:09
Ride on
12 Sep 2018 | 17:14
Dis is crioz
12 Sep 2018 | 17:43
Ride on
13 Sep 2018 | 02:18
Ride on::;:
13 Sep 2018 | 02:25
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ******** CHOICE - EPISODE 19 The aroma of the food filled the entire house, Gabriel could hear sounds and clashes of utensils in the kitchen, indeed Angelina is a good cook, they had met few hours ago at a restaurant for lunch but one thing led to another and she insist they eat something at his place while she cook. Angelina is the third child of Nosol Adams, the minister for health, she returned from the United States weeks ago and they both met at the club. The agent assumed it will be the fastest way in getting the minister using his daughter, he had presented himself as an engineer working for TOB’s company. he heaved a sigh and glance at his wristwatch, its late already and he’s hungry, his worms calling for food, he wonder why it was taking this long. He close the laptop he was working on, stands and headed towards the kitchen. “I hope you serve this dying man in need of this delicious food quickly, the aroma is killing, you are a great cook Angel” the agent said startling her and smiled. “oh common” she shouted out startled and smiled. “The food is almost done, I know its taking long and you’re seriously hungry but you’ve been there working on your laptop without a helping hand, its not easy working alone you know” she added smiling The agent was about saying something when Angelina’s phone rang interruptedly, “excuse me” she said and walked towards the direction of the phone to answer her caller. Fortunately Gabriel’s phone vibrated too, the caller ID display Mrs. Law, he glance at Angelina and walked out of the kitchen to receive the call. “hello agent” “Good day ma” He replied immediately, noticing the woman’s uneasiness from her voice”. “anything the problem?” “you were right, the gang members really came, they are after our lives, we aren’t save anymore” the woman exclaimed panicking. “please do calm down ma” Gabriel said and turned back to check if Angelina wasn’t coming, “how did you know?” “I was going out the day you called for us to leave the house we reside at, I met “Akim” the security guard at the gate entrance telling me there’s a car parked for several hours at the front gate of the house opposite ours and he know the owner of the house had travelled, he had been suspicious when the car stayed over five hours . I however decided to take a look at what he was saying when the front door of the car opened and the driver came out, I recognize him agent” she said with a tone of fear. “he’s one of the gang members that killed my husband” “please calm down, is he the only one you saw?” he asked making another glance at the kitchen. “no, they were four in the car” “where are you now?” he asked again , hearing Angelina’s steps behind the back door “at a friend’s place”. “okay, please send me the address quickly” Gabriel said and end the call before the door opened. “The food is ready handsome, better come and satisfy that hungry worms of yours” she said smiling. “humm, such delicious aroma, please serve mine, can’t wait to bounce on it” Gabriel said smiling while they walk to the dinning table. “So who was calling you?” Gabriel asked, throwing the question first to avoid hers, both taking their seat. “the Inspector General of Police” she replied, serving the food. Gabriel widened his brow and stared at her “the IGP, you have issues with the police or what?” “oh common, what issues could I have with them? Its so surprising though, the I.G is such a disturbance, he wants me to be his girlfriend” “What! Gabriel exclaimed, he dropped his spoon and stared at her, hoping she was joking. “you don’t mean it?” “I mean it, I actually thought he was joking at first when he told me” “I heard he has two wives, oh my God”!! Gabriel exclaimed. Angelina smiled, “foolish old man, he actually called to say he heard I am back to Nigeria, he misses me and wants to see me” “oh now I grab, the inspector general of police wants to snatch you” Gabriel said and totally dropped his spoon “common Gabriel, its you I love, its you I want and nothing can change that, more reason you should come see my parent on time”. “I know you love me and I love you too, I’m so happy about this, but I’m scared about this IGP calling you, you know I’m powerless” Angelina burst into laughter playfully, “nobody is snatching your baby, I’m all yours darling, I’ll make up a meeting with my parent, probably this weekend.. ********** GMT 3:43pm “Its just funny, the General should have found out the truth before attacking his friend, its could at least save his ass” Jane voiced out laughing. she was on a gown, bringing out her extreme beauty, God must have taken extra days in her creation. Kingsley was seated at the driver side, he was on a red face cap, white T-shirt, he’s trousers matching the black shining shoes, he was extremely handsome. The two were in the car, discussing about the Epic, THE UNTOLD MYSTERY, which they both watched at Kingsley residence on one of the TV stations. “are we not there yet?” he asked Jane. “oh !! She glance through the address with her,forgetting they were going somewhere already. she looked around and pointed out, “I think its that one painted in white, I promise we won’t be long, I just want to make the project preview with the man and we leave immediately” “its okay” Kingsley replied and stared at the building, he alighted the car after parking properly. Jane took off her seat belt and opened the door, expecting Kingsley to come out but he didn’t. “aren’t you coming?” “I thought we already discussed this” “okay then, if you insist” she said and close the car door “alright, wait for me” Kingsley said before she could walk across the car, he adjusted his face cap and step down from the car. Within minutes, they were both seated on one of the sofas in the sitting room, waiting for the arrival of the man after been notified of their presence. Soon, the man joined them.. after so many intakes and takes, “how much do we need to finance the project now?” The man asked. “approximately its shouldn’t cost us much but 50 million will do, and” suddenly the door opened with a bang, the security guard was pushed forward and five gun men entered. “on your knees, all of you” one of them shouted. Fear gripped their hearts, they obeyed instantly. I wonder why my life is bound with unexpected horror, my life always at stake. “wow, here you are mother fucker betrayer” one of them shouted, pointing out to Kingsley, what a fate, “no escape for you this time around” one of them shouted, followed by gunshots. To be continued……. Drop your comment
13 Sep 2018 | 12:38
Feeling it
13 Sep 2018 | 16:55
Gun shots for who? I hope it's not for Kingsley???
13 Sep 2018 | 20:25
14 Sep 2018 | 03:45
Enjoying it
14 Sep 2018 | 11:28
Hope it's not not what an thinking
14 Sep 2018 | 13:56
Gunshot for who
14 Sep 2018 | 18:17
gunshot keh? who was shot at now?
15 Sep 2018 | 09:38
Kinsl most not die oo
15 Sep 2018 | 14:49
® 18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ******** EPISODE 20 ALLTIG NEWS AT 8:00pm Its sad to hear a report reaching us now about the sudden death of the great patriotic undefeatable Lawyer Abimbola Olawale who was assassinated today at his residence by some unknown gun men alongside a young man who was kidnapped. Report says two security guards were killed, alongside lots of casualties that resulted to destruction of properties. Report also says his death has caused turmoil in his family and among the Nigerian law firm The police are however undergoing their investigations presently, they plead to the general public to endeavor in anyway report any suspicious act in other to get the criminals arrested. This is news at 8:00, stay tuned.. ******* Three sounding blows landed on Kingsley again, his two hands and legs were tied with chains, stretching the hands and legs widely apart. G.B burst into laughter and landed another blow on him, “I told you Kingsley, I am smarter than you” “you fucking bastard, you gonna pay for this, I swear” Kingsley said almost in a whisper. Another blow landed on him again, followed by another and another continuously “That’s Enough”, Don shouted, walking towards them with three of the brothers. He stared at Kingsley angrily and stop right in front of him. “Why did you betray this brotherhood?” He asked slowly, trying to suppress his anger. Kingsley raised himself up slowly to face him “I didn’t betray the hood boss, I swear I didn’t” “If you didn’t, then why did you leave your brothers?” “G.B is the enemy here boss” he answered slowly Don glance a look at G.B first and back at Kingsley, he never did believe Kingsley could betray them in the first place but he needs to take measures. “What do you mean?” Don asked Kingsley explained what transpired between them on the day of the attack and his counter measures using the K-gate……. “is this true?” he turned to ask G.B “I don’t expect you to listen to this hypocrisy liar and betrayer boss, everybody in this hood can testify he betrayed us and even tried to kill me”. The Confused boss stared at the two men he had chosen as his favorite, he didn’t know who to believe, though he knew about the heated rivalry between the two, G.B never listen to Kingsley all because he was promoted before him. All he believes in are evidence and he thinks of how to get one. he turned back at Kingsley swiftly “the lady beside you is the daughter of Mr. William Davis, what are you doing at lawyer Abimbola Olawale’s residence and what is your relationship with the lady?” Answer the question I just ask you motherf..ker” Don yelled, repeating the question. Kingsley breath in heavily, he coughed and split out blood from his mouth. He had done that to delay answering Don’s question, thinking fast of the possible answer to give, he knew his response depend on his fate and that of Jane “I don’t know her boss, neither do I know she’s any Mr William’s daughter”, I met her along the roadside standing beside a faulty car, she had pleaded for my help and I tried to help her fix the car but I couldn’t because the engine totally need replacement while she begged she was late for a meeting and plead again for my help” he added, that was the possible answer he could give that moment, he wonder if he hadn’t put her into trouble now “You were sitting beside her in the man’s residence, why didn’t you leave after dropping her off? you expect us to believe your fucking story?” G.B yelled, “damn you fucking bastard, you expect me to leave a pretty damsel like that without going through her pants?” Kingsley shouted out. “bastard son of a bitch, I will”………. “Enough”, Don shouted stopping G.B from hitting him again, “stay back now” he ordered. Don heaved a sigh in confusion, he knew Kingsley possibly cannot betray them as he was made to believe, he turned, looking at both of them. “Release Kingsley, let him have a bath and give him food and water, but he remains here until I finalize my findings and nobody dare disobey what I just said” Don ordered, he turned and proceed out of the dark hall with the brothers who came with him. ******** GMT 8:00am Gabriel alighted in front of the building, he checked the address to confirm if he was at the right place, its clear to him the junior agent’s death was planned, even though analysis proclaim the car had a break failure. He had however begin to think of many possibilities, how can they lets criminals who are ought to give them information about the gang members die under their watchful sight, he knew there were reasons for their transfer and he needs to be more careful and keep his disguise, any mistake now could endanger his life and take him off the track. He alighted the car and proceed inside the building, he opened the unlocked gate and entered the compound fully. The door immediately opened before he knocks, the woman must have seen him somehow through the curtains. “Welcome agent” Mrs. Law said and ushered him inside, closing the door after he entered. The loud sound of the television got his attention after been offered a seat by Mrs. Law and her friend, the assassination of barrister Abimbola Olawale was broadcasted again on the Alltig news channel, the dead body of the man was displayed, intervliews with the maids, a security guard and the visitor he had was shown, its further reported a friend of the visitor was also kidnapped. “when did this happen?” Gabriel asked before taking his seat . But None of the women answered, nor do they have answers to his question, they were both stunned like the agent, he remembered he hadn’t watch the news yesterday due to the series of fun he had with Angelina, its had taken his attention. “What” !!! he shouted and point a finger forward, leaving the women confused, they glance at each other in awe and turned towards his direction. “anything the matter agent? You know her?” “yes, my coming to Nigeria started through a bank robbery case in Ghana, it happens she was there when the bank robbery happened while there was a little misconception from the police, her father came to take her away after she was discharged from the hospital, I never knew she’s in Nigeria all this while”. he answered, still staring at the Tv. The two women stared awkwardly and make glances at each other again. Gabriel heavy a sigh and turned to Mrs. Law, “I think this is what we are going to do, lower the volume of that TV, let me brief you” he said and fully sit down. To be continued……. Drop your comment……
15 Sep 2018 | 18:43
It's gettin messier......nice lie kingsley
16 Sep 2018 | 12:53
More please......
16 Sep 2018 | 14:00
I just hope d lie u told dem wil be d same as wat Jane will also tell dem if dey ask her ooooo
16 Sep 2018 | 17:18
following keenly
16 Sep 2018 | 18:59
16 Sep 2018 | 22:09
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********* EPISODE 21 Jane heard the sound of her father’s car entering the big compound on the chair she sat on, the cold blood gushing out from the lifeless lawyer flashed through her mind again, fear gripped her at once, her whole body visibly shaking. She wonder why her life is entwined with so much cruelty and horror, she had been questioned by the police who promised to save her kidnapped friend. Deep down, Kingsley had explained why he wanted to hurt her initially at the hotel without letting anything out, she however understood the reason for his kidnapped by the gangs. She heaved a sigh and stretched herself to sit properly on the chair in arrival of her Dad. Soon the door opens and a worried Mr. William enters. “This is so ridiculous” he said immediately he entered and turned to hug his daughter who came running into his embrace . He had been worried sick after he heard the news in Abuja and had to rushed down straight to Lagos. “The level of insecurity in this country is alarming, it’s my fault I let you experience this bad horrible scene again, I’ve delayed your traveling to the state too much and I think its high time you go, I can’t let anything happens to you”. he added worriedly. “No dad, I can’t leave yet, not now” “why? Why won’t you Jane?” her father widened his brow and questioned, “ Dad, a friend of mine was kidnapped, I can’t just leave like that” “oh common Jane, the police would do their job, better to leave it to them, they surely know what to do, your friend will be rescued soon. You are all I have, I wouldn’t forgive myself if anything should happen to you” “nothing will happen to me dad, please try to understand, I can’t just leave like that” she turned and walk back to sit . “he’s my boyfriend and I love him so much Daddy, please daddy I just can’t” Mr William widened his brow in confusion and stared at her. “Your boyfriend, your boyfriend” !!! he repeated, “and I don’t know him?” he exclaimed. “Jane I cannot… “ “Daddy please, I can’t, I need a break right now please daddy, its your support I need most, not this please” she stands and walk away immediately without letting him speak. Stunned Mr William watch her wipe her tears while she walk away, wondering what she just said, she hadn’t ever mentioned having any boyfriend even after he had discussed having one with her which she discard seriously, something she detests. Its dawn on him that his daughter needs his love and support now more than ever. He need to tightened the security around her or probably put some men to watch her every step and protect her from distance. ********** GMT 10:38 pm The cab stopped right in front of the gate building as directed by the agent, he dropped and pay off the cab man. He heaved a sigh as he watch the cab drive pass him, initially he would have horn to get the security attention to open the gate, though he has been promised to be given a new car at the office and Angelina also promised to get him one out of her father’s untouched latest car, here he is knocking the gate hard just to enter.. the gate opened within minutes, the security guard beep through and smiled. “welcome bro, how work today? U teil for outside today oooo, hope no problem?” He asked in pidgin. “not at all, I went somewhere today, that’s why am late” . “oh! Welcome then, less I forget, I must say you have a good eye for beautiful things ooo, that aunty wey dey come here pretty ooo, as if say she no be from this planet, and help me thank her, She always give me something whenever she comes around” . “oh !!! thanks for the compliment, That’s is good, I will do just that, well done there” the agent smiled tiredly and made to leave “alright sir, have a good sleep” “yeah” he replied walking away. He proceed towards his flat, noticing the neighbors at the other flats are home early and their doors are locked, there wasn’t light either. He brought out his phone to switch on the flashlight and searched for his key. He checked over his pocket and the jacket on him without finding it, he hissed and heaved a sigh remembering he had left it on his desk at the office and had forgotten to take it. “What do I do now?” He asked silently to himself. “The extra keys are with Angelina, oh my goodness”, going back to the office and returning will take him hours even though the traffic may have reduced, there’s no point in calling Angelina too, its going to take more hours to get to her for the key. He however decide to break the locks and call for repairing the next morning. He moved backward a bit to hit the locks with his legs when the door gave way easily, surprised and stunned, he hissed. “Does it mean Angelina didn’t lock this door when she left this morning and I’ve been here deliberating for 10 minutes on what to do” he said to himself and enters Closing the door gently, his hands searched around the switch to on the light, three men were sitting comfortably on each sofas of the sitting room, he brought a revolver almost instantly but one of the men was quick, a bullet pierced through his left face surprisingly before he could raise his gun and he was motioned to fall on his knees immediately. One of them smiles and flash his teeth angrily, “is this the ugly ass Angelina is dying for? oh my ass, what the crap” he asked while they burst into laughter. Gabriel was stunned and taken by surprise, its was so fast he couldn’t do anything or have himself killed, he has been feeling strange for the past weeks after Fred’s death and he knew he was been watched, trusting people was what he lacked, nobody could be trusted, that had get him so far all the while. He thought of what to do immediately but there was none, his gun had been taking from him likewise, he tried to digest what he just heard. “please who are you men?” He raised his head to ask confidently without fear. “You fucking stupid bastard, you still have the gut to ask a silly question?” one of them shouted and landed a heavy blow on him, Gabriel fall backwards and hit his jaw against the wooden edge of the chair, he winced in pain and was motioned to get back on his knees instantly. “Fuck your damn ass, I don’t know why Angelina is running around you for, I gave her everything I have but she wouldn’t just accept me just because of what? You fucking bastard, what nerve do you have to snatch my girlfriend away from me?” “Answer me idiot” he yelled. “oh!” Gabriel exclaimed under his breath, its now make sense to him. The one shouting is the guy Angelina told him about on their first date, he could recall her words that she detest him, he’s fat and look like a pig. He raised his head and stares glances at them confidently, truly he really look like a pig, he looked at the other two guys in seconds and returned his gaze back on the floor, one was fat while the third guy was muscular, they are absolutely some rich spoilt brat with no manners. Another blow landed on him almost immediately, this time he really feel more pain, he spits out the blood wailing from him and looked up angrily at them. “You still dare raise yourself, you motherfucker” one of them shouted and landed a blow on him, followed by another and another continuously till the second gun man joined him while they both beat him to the core. “I’ll better send you to hell” the third gun man shouted and point out the gun to shoot but the light suddenly went off before he could pull the trigger. “why is the light fucking off? Who the hell off the light?” he shouted and shoot immediately, followed by different sprays of gun shot towards the agent direction. To be continued
17 Sep 2018 | 02:47
Ride on
17 Sep 2018 | 10:49
Move it..
17 Sep 2018 | 15:50
but you said there was no light before please do check before posting
17 Sep 2018 | 16:14
17 Sep 2018 | 19:09
I am sure the agent will escape
17 Sep 2018 | 20:29
for d light yo Hav went off,,, am sure d agent must have used dat opportunity to leave dat spot
18 Sep 2018 | 04:26
18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********** EPISODE 22 The whole room scattered with spray of bullets, the gunshot continues rapidly, the three guys shot carelessly not bothering if the agent is dead or not. They didn’t seize to cease fire due to the darkness. A red deem light displayed right below the chair, there was a button at the left edge which was responsible for the darkness, the button are connected right in every corner of each room to off the light faster instead of using the switch, the agent had managed to press the button and immediately ran towards another room, he was quick and able to do that in darkness due to his familiarity with the settings of the room, he knew he barely escape from their grip due to their inexperience. The security guard at the post ran towards the flat where the gunshot came from, wondering what was happening, the men at the other flats came out too due to the continuous gunshot. None of the women and children in the compound dare comes out, only the buoyant men who wanted to know what was happening came outside but none of them dare near the flat due to the flying bullets… “Stop, stop, stop” !!! One of them shouted on top of his voice to stop the shooting but the other two didn’t hear due to the heavy sound, he brought out the touch light they had use in entering the flat entrance from his backpack and switch it on immediately, indicating they should stop firing. They knew they had create more attention now and those in the compound should be awake, they looked around for the agent’s body but he wasn’t hit likewise, they had just wasted their bullets. “We have to go now” one of them shouted. “what the fuck, we can’t go now, we have to finish this, lets look around the rooms first” “remember he’s armed, he has a gun with him and might be hiding behind anywhere, its now or never Paul, we can’t be caught either, we’ll get him later, lets go for now” Paul who seemed to be their leader cursed before they walked reluctantly towards the back exist, Gabriel who was watching them even in the darkness watch them leave through the back exist, he knew he had to move carefully due to the heavy weapon with them. He made sure they were out through the door before coming out of hiding and keenly followed them. The security guard who had stationed himself at the back exist in an attempt to enter the flats with his gun shoot when he saw them coming out behind the back door. He continued shooting while they take cover, engaging in gun battle. “who the fuck is that?” Paul shouted while they faced their attacker “how the hell I’m I supposed to know that? I told you we should leave earlier, didn’t I? this wouldn’t have happened if you had listened” “shut the crap off and let’s get out of here first” he shouted back before a bullet pierced pass his left ear luckily for him. He dodge back and remained into hiding immediately. “we’ll leave at the count of three” “leave where? what do you mean leave?” “we’ll leave through that fence” “you mean we’ll jump over that fence?” “shut up and fire, 1, 2, 3 now” they came out from hiding and shoot randomly while the security guard take cover instantly. They used the opportunity immediately and ran to jump over the fence but a bullet hit one of them and he fell backwards into the building. ******** Location: Secret Base Kingsley heard sounds of footstep coming towards his direction and raised his head, he could see from afar Don and some of the brothers coming fast towards him, he sense the angry look on their boss and knows that entails danger. Soon they got to the spot he was, Don stared keenly at him before speaking. “Something occurred yesterday, one of Chief Garub’s son was involve in some kind of shit and a friend of he’s was captured” Don said and stretched a picture for him to have. “now is your chance to redeem your act of betrayer, I want that person dead in two days” Don said and turned towards one of the brothers. “give him every information he needs and help him strike” he added and turned back to Kingsley, “its up to you now Kingsley, I want a clean job” Don pointed out and turned to leave without another words. Kingsley heaved a sigh watching him leave along with some brothers , he stared at the picture he was given, its a man dressed in a black suit . “I’m I doing this again Kingsley” he said silently to himself. something about him has changed, he had promised himself never to kill anymore or shed any blood. He knew most of whom they’ve killed are innocent people that someone wants cleared and now he’s been ordered against that determination, he will also be tamed a betrayer if he fails to do what he was told. He’s mind drifted in seconds, back at Jane, wondering the state she might probably be presently, she must have been shocked. He couldn’t place a call to her because he knew it’s dangerous, but plan to call her after he leave the base for the Operation he has been given. He made a glance at the picture again, making up his mind to do this last killing, he knew making enemy with the K’s is deadly and dangerous.. ******** 10:10am Police Headquarters Gabriel and the security guard with some of the neighbors came out of the police headquarters surprised and discussing about the scenario that happened the other night. The last guy who was shot had been arrested and now on police custody. The agent moved a bit away from his neighbors, he took out his tablet to check a notification, he had seen worst of what his neighbors are surprised and talking about since yesterday, he has been severally on different spot of death and gun attacks, he turned and smiled, though they never knew he was an agent. Soon, a car zoomed in and parked swiftly , the driver came out slowly and close the door. Gabriel widened his brow and stared at her afar,”Wow, what a day” he uttered silently to himself before moving towards her direction. “Good morning Ma’am” he greeted. Jane turned and greeted back, “Good morning” she replied and squinted her eyes. “please have we met before?” “yes madam, back in Ghana” he replied. she widened her brow and stared at him, “please where in Ghana?” “first at a shopping mall and at your place, I actually came to interview you then during a bank robbery incident at CIA bank in Ghana” he replied while Jane deliberate, she stared at him more seconds and paused to think. “oh yes its true” she exclaimed, finally remembering. ”I can fully remember, I’m sorry I didn’t attend to you politely then” “oh its okay madam, I can fully understand, by the way I heard the news, I’m sorry about your kidnapped friend, its must have seriously dawn on you” “I’m confused, its been weeks already and the police haven’t show case anything yet, am getting frustrated” “I know how you feel and I’m sure the police are doing their best, they are going to get the criminals arrested and your friend will be rescued soon, trust me and lets give them chance to do their job but let me ask you this. After the lawyer was killed, what triggered between the criminals and your friend?” “that’s the same question the police keep asking all the time, there wasn’t anything and that bothers me so much, they forcefully took him away with them”. She knew she lied, and that was her response to the police, yes she wanted Kingsley to be rescued but not to be tamed with them, how could she tell them about his involvement? He will be tamed as one of them, she’s confused, wondering the intense feeling she has for this man that had Captured her heart. The agent turned back to see his neighbors coming towards them and turned back to face her. he still had some questions to ask but there seems to be no time. “can I have your contact address or probably your B. Card?” “of course” she replied and turned to open her car, she took out her business card and stretched it for him to have. “I’ll give you a call then, thanks” “alright” The neighbors with the security guard were closely meeting up with them, of course Jane is the daughter of Mr. William, the elect candidate for presidency from the most recognize political party. To be continued……. Drop your comment……. Next episode of CHOICE
18 Sep 2018 | 10:50
It's really getting hotter n hotter... Agent Gabriel,I will still advise u to tread cautiously cos ur enemies keep on increasing!!!
18 Sep 2018 | 19:53
Still with you....... Next!
19 Sep 2018 | 09:51
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********** EPISODE 23 GMT 8:43am “I think your phone is ringing” “don’t tell me you can hear that too from my bedroom?” Jane said and smiled “Of course, try and check it out” Anita replied confidently. “what if its not?” she turned to ask “then lets bet, 50k random” Anita interrupted with her fingers raised jokingly. “okay then” Jane agreed before walking out of the kitchen in an attempt to get her phone. Today seems to be bright for her, she never knew Anita could be that funny, making her smiling and forgetting her worries for moments. Her step mother had travelled to Dubai on a business trip while her dad went on a campaign, Anita has been her companion, she had stand by her and getting her out of her moody state while Sarah her secretary too had never back out, she comes everyday to give her details of the office works and also encouraging her to stand firm with the believe that everything is going to be fine. Its seems to her both are the people who understand what she’s going through rather than bombard her with questions. She heaved a sigh before opening the door to her room, truthfully her phone was ringing, she moved closely to where she had kept it but the call ends before she could answered it. The caller ID display three missed call from Sarah, one from her step mother and Gabriel was the last caller, the phone ring again before she could decide who to call first and Gabriel was displayed, she answered without hesitation….. “hello Gabriel” “good day miss Jane, good morning” “good morning, I saw your call, sorry I missed it” “oh !! Its okay, I actually called to remind you of our meeting today by 1pm” “oh Its true” Jane said and paused to think, remembering something. “yes I remember, but there will be little changes in that, lets make it 4pm, I’ve got to meet with some board members today, please lets make it 4pm, is it convenient for you?” she asked “oh don’t worry about that, since its your convenient time, I’ll fix into that, 4pm it is then” “alright thanks, bye for now” Jane replied before the call ends. “See I told you, didn’t I?” Anita who had been in the room without Jane’s notice asked startling her, she walked towards the bed with a tray in her hands, the aroma of the food filled the entire house, “serve me that food quickly” Jane said without answering her question. “oh, Not until you give me my 50k, remember the bet” “what is 50k by the way?” “I mean fifty thousand naira. You’ll have to keep your part of the barging, we had a deal” “okay you win, I’ll give you the money, now please the food” Jane shouted jokingly. “As you wish my Queen” Anita smiled while they both burst into laughter “You and this your Queen, I’m not a royal blood neither I’m I a grandchild to one” she answered and smiled, taking a bite from the food while Anita watch her smiled. ********** Lagos, Nigeria The two men watched from the car distance away to the restaurant, “that is him in the blue suit” “anything else?” “no there’s isn’t” “you can leave then” Kingsley ordered, watched him get out of the car and entered one of the cars parked in front of him before the car zoom off. He watched the car until its was out of sight and grabbed his phone immediately, he entered Jane contact but paused without dialing it, “there might be a bug in here” he whispered and dropped the phone. He stared at the restaurant and thought of possible ways to kill his target fast and get over with it without problem. He noticed there are few people inside the restaurant with two security guard, one at the entrance and the other inside the restaurant. After thinking of many possibilities, an idea came up, he grab the gun that was placed beside him with a silencer by one of the brothers and placed it carefully behind him, he looked carefully around and make an attempt to get down from the car but stopped when he noticed a familiar car coming towards the restaurant, the driver drives towards the parking garage and came out. Something surge through him instantly, he wanted to run out and embrace her but he couldn’t, fear gripped him when she proceed towards the restaurant and sits opposite his target, they seemed to know each other as he watched them greets, he glance through the picture with him. “what do this mean?” He ask silently to himself. He watched on for more minutes, unable to decide what to do. Jane was sitting with the so called agent he was told to kill, there’s doubt in his mind, trying to stop the realization of Jane actually betraying him. “She cannot be the betrayer, maybe she’s worried about me been kidnapped” he shouted, trying to fight the demon within him, he grabbed his shit as if he was beginning to go crazy. yes he had explained a lot to her, he thought, but that is the agent he was told was responsible for the hideout invasion, “what is Jane doing with him?” he shouted again and slammed his fist on the wheel, he finally picked up his phone and dialed her contact. ********* Inside the restaurant Jane’s phone began to ring, interrupting Gabriel’s question, she brought out the phone from her purse and was instantly shocked with Kingsley displayed as the caller. “Excuse me please” she stands immediately and moved away to answer the call. “Kingsley” she whispered and turned back at Gabriel before moving away farther “where are you?” “at a restaurant” she answered immediately “what are you doing with the DSS agent?” “what !! What DSS agent are you talking about?” she asked in confusion and looked around the restaurant. “stop looking around Jane, now listen to me, I want you to move away from where you are and run right now into the restroom to hide yourself” “what !! where are you? what’s happening?” she asked and looked around in fear . “stop looking around Jane, go now, go go go” Kingsley shouted while she ran in fear Gabriel watch Jane afar, he suddenly noticed her tense feelings, he looked around, trying to see what she was looking around for but nothing seem amiss to him. He stand in shock immediately Jane suddenly ran towards the restroom, wondering what was happening. Kingsley get down from the car and started walking towards the entrance of the restaurant. To be continued…… What do you think could happen?
19 Sep 2018 | 10:08
Kinsley na last operation dey kill o
19 Sep 2018 | 15:50
Dis mission will be very tough cos Gabriel cannot be killed easily... Kingsley, u better watch ur back oo!!!
19 Sep 2018 | 20:09
Kingsley pls dont do it
20 Sep 2018 | 17:32
20 Sep 2018 | 20:37
well I wont be surprised if Kingsley dies in the operation
21 Sep 2018 | 03:02
Agent Gabi get ready for a fight o. I know you're not just an ordinary agent, you are made of more
21 Sep 2018 | 03:05
next please
21 Sep 2018 | 03:06
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ******** EPISODE 24 Kingsley get out of the car and started walking towards the entrance of the restaurant, several things are involved and his fears just rise. He knew some K’s member are around and must have seen Jane entering the restaurant, he had sighted one of them watching the big restaurant afar when he earlier called Jane and it shows to him a big tragedy. He ran as fast as his legs could take him sighting two of them making a call and a sniper at the top of a big building, he stopped when he made eye contact with one of the brothers making call. He could recognize them as one of G.B loyal dogs and could understand the message they had just passed across, Don had equally asked him about Jane before and he claimed he didn’t know her but only helped when she demanded for his assistance, her presence with the agent must have change the entire claim. He knew G.B had finally succeed in taming him an enemy and no point of discussion could change that cos he knew Don would never listen. This had all happened out of his carelessness and out of the intense feeling called Love, he however have no regret Love found him, he had been raised under cruel fate and he knows the worst is about to come. Suddenly two of the brothers randomly shoot at his direction, he ran for as long as he could, taking cover, the brothers spreads into different positions, they knew Kingsley is a fast shooter who doesn’t miss target but they never allow him have his way into the restaurant. Kingsley glance at the sniper on top of the big building, he had to get inside the restaurant before things get more uglier. The security guard with the agent and few people inside the restaurant became alarmed the moment the gunshot sound, the security guard at the entrance got shot on his head before he could run inside, there were screaming inside the restaurant and from pedestrians and motorist who leave their cars behind while running for their life’s. Within minutes, the whole place had scattered and different gunshot fill the air. The agent brought out his gun and phone, wondering what was happening, he dial the office line for backup, thinking the restaurant was under robbery attack or some gangster are fighting without knowing there was a dim red light already pointed on him. He was still on the call when the second security guard shouted out to him, “hey look out” the guard shouted, running out to him. But he ignored, thinking he was telling him to lay down like he had told the other screaming people inside the restaurant. Luckily the guard was able to reach out to him while the heavy bullets missed him slightly, hitting the back bar. “Holy shit” !! He could have just died instantly if the guard hadn’t reach out to him. “Target missed” the sniper said into the mouth piece placed at his left collar but continue the shooting. Kingsley glance at the sniper again, he couldn’t have clear view of the restaurant anymore due to the cover he had taken from the bullets. He knew everything is happening too fast, the brothers will soon be there and he knows how dangerous that could be, he need to act fast and make sure Jane is safe but also considering a wrong move could get himself killed. He studied the position of the two brothers and the angle their bullets is coming from, he could have just shot them down straight if not for the position he was which was to his disadvantage…….. suddenly their shots were directed towards the entrance, another gunman was trying to enter the restaurant while he shoot back at them. Kingsley looked around carefully, he knew the brothers were trying to delay the time till their backup arrives, though police sirens are already sounding few distance away from the restaurant, he hissed, most of them will die on any attempt to come near. He had to quickly find a way, he looked around again, the brothers shooting are now diverted, he wonder who the gunman was, all thanks to him he was able to move carefully away. The agent shouted on top of his voice describing the address of the restaurant to the backup team, the sniper hadn’t stop shooting likewise, he seem to have taken control inside the restaurant, everybody laid low, nobody dare stands or is dead at the slight sight. He could see his gun few meters away from where it had dropped from him when he fell, going to get the gun could cost him his life, he thought of what to do few more seconds before getting an idea. “Shit !! I’ve missed him” one of the brothers shouted into the mouth piece placed at his collar, “cover me, I’m going inside” “No No, we have to wait for backup,don’t go in yet” the second brother shouted. Kingsley found his way in through one of the windows he had destroyed to enter, he met some women who were visibly shaking at the sight of the gun with him, he ignore them and proceed towards the female restroom. He shot the lock when the door didn’t give way only to found trembling Jane with two other women inside, they were probably scared due to the shot. He stared at her for few seconds before Jane asked him what was happening, “lets get out of here first” he answered without looking at her, he took two steps towards the destroyed door while Jane followed him instantly. The brother who entered the restaurant had calculated wrongly, Gabriel had got halfway towards the other entrance Jane earlier passed without the sniper notice. He attack him before he could do anything, he had not seen the agent attack quickly and he fell backwards before the sniper bullet hit him mistakenly. Soon the DSS backup team arrives and strategize themselves at strategic angles. ‘stop right there, both of you” Kingsley heard the broad voice behind and stopped while Jane panicked beside him, the gunman appeared behind , pointing a gun at him.. “let her go right now and drop your weapon” Kingsley move a bit back and gently drop his gun, he hadn’t expect anyone to appear from that angle and had taken him by surprise. “Turned back slowly now, both of you, don’t try anything funny” he ordered while they obeyed. He motioned Jane to come closer, he could sense her fears and how terrible she looked. “I’m here to rescue you miss Jane, don’t worry you are safe now” He said and motioned her to come closer. She looked stunned and more scared, “who are you?” She managed to ask instead. “I’m assigned by your father to protect you and make sure you are safe, I am here to get you out of here” he replied without taking his eyes off Kingsley. To be continued…..
22 Sep 2018 | 09:12
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ******* Episode 25 News went viral all over the country that some terrorist gang attacked a restaurant known for its quality in local and foreign meals in Lagos. There were rumors that the restaurant were robbed and 30 people died, some said some gang were fighting against its rivalry gang while some proclaimed its one of their usual doings in an attempt to succumb the government in doing what they want forcefully. The commissioner for Lagos State Police came out of the police Headquarters with some of his escort, he knew journalist and different media organization must have grouped themselves out in an attempt to throw him different questions about the incident yesterday, he heaved a sigh before proceeding out…. To his predictions, within seconds, he was meet with different flashes, cameras and journalist. “What was the cause of the incident yesterday sir” one of the reporters asked immediately, “ I want you to know the police are doing their job adherently to figure that out, it was reported according to eye witness that the gunshot began suddenly but I can assure you that we are working on it, we are working on the CCTV cameras too and details will be released out soon” the commissioner replied. “Is it true this is one of the doings from the known terrorist gang called K’s and that 30 victims died ?” Another reporter asked. “It is very sad to say some gang operates in our economy by killing people and desrupting properties worth millions, I’m sad to hear terrorist roam around our vicinity and are this very much active despite the effort to bring them down, as you’ve known, its said the gang operate in other countries internationally and all effort to bring them to justice seems futile, like what happened some times ago when their hideout was discovered by the police, I can assure you the police are planning the best method to get this criminals, a meeting has been called with some of the affected countries to finalize the best method to get to the root and make sure they are annihilated completely. There are several rumors that 30 people died, that is untrue, 6 people had died and 2 others badly injured but are receiving treatment”. The commissioner replied again. “Sir, concerning the turmoil happening in the country presently and with due time to the general presidential election, do you think the election will hold and the people are secured to come out and vote?” Another reporter asked again. “By God’s grace, nothing is changing the schedule of the election, I want to tell our people to come out buoyantly to vote for the candidate of their choice, all security forces of the country are going as far beyond expectations to make sure there is absolute security all over election polls and a CCTV cameras will be placed to monitor everywhere all over the country to ensure a free and fair election. “Thanks, now will you excuse me’ the commissioner said while the men behind him move forward to clear the road admit the heavy crowd while they followed in an attempt to ask more questions but the man entered the vehicle with three other escorts and zoomed off . “How about the arrangement I ask you to make?” The commissioner turned to ask one of the men . “I’ve make necessary steps, a meeting has been scheduled for you both on Friday sir, the guard replied. ********* Senator Elvis residence Senator Elvis laughed wickedly, he took off his eye glass gently beside the chair he sat on and stared at Don. They were four in the room, the senator sat beside chief Garub who looked troubled while Don and the minister for health, Nosol Adams sat together opposite them. Don ordered immediate withdrawal for backup when he got an information that the DSS men are also on their way, not that he was scared of them but he doesn’t want to risk any mistake that could loom the hood and at a point lose any man. He felt pain and anger towards Kingsley, “betrayer beggot curse” he promise to give him something worth more than death. “It seems William Davis is trying to play with fire, the fire that will end him, is he playing pranks on us ? What is happening?” Nosol Adams asked, directing the question to no one in particular. Senator Elvis gave a wicked chuckle again, this time his voice was audible enough the whole room, they knew laughing like that shows how angry he is, “you are right Nosol, William and Donald are playing with fire, I already get them having a closed meeting with Anambra state Governor and some opposition party members secretly which I never believed at first until I saw the clear evidence. “Don”, he call out to him, “I want to teach William some lesson, I want you to kidnap his daughter along side Roland son, I’ll make sure to end his career if he persist not to back out against chief Garub’s son”. “By the way what is wrong with the big headed man?” Nosol Adams asked, interrupting the senator, “I wonder how he had work his way into this government, he’s just unlike his brother who understand how things work in this government” “why don’t we just take him instead ? There’s an information that he reside at Ibadan and has private residence at Plateu State” worried Chief Garub added. “No we can’t do that, the best way is to get him through his son, your son was foolish to have get himself into trouble, you should all take care of your private lives and families yourself” “this could have been easy if it hadn’t involve the lawyer, he wouldn’t stop shouting it out to the world” “who rule this country and its people? who owns this country? whatever we say is pronounced Law” senator Elvis interrupted and turned back to Don, “make sure there’s no mistake this time, finish it quickly and make sure they are handled by you this time around”. ********* GMT 3:15pm The two men drop down from the gigantic car that had just alighted inside the big compound heavily surrounded by guards. They both walk towards the main entrance of the mansion and proceed inside. The whole building had been surrounded by guards since Jane was rescued and was retained inside the mansion. Mr. William spoke before Jane could utter anything, “prepare to fly out of this country and no objection from you this time Jane” “your father is right Jane, you don’t have to say anything” Mr. Donald said before walking to sit on one of the chairs. “your flight have been booked, you’ll have to get out of this country till this election is over” Mr Donald added. To be continued
24 Sep 2018 | 11:57
Politicians and their brutality
25 Sep 2018 | 10:28
Elections are approaching and they are busy killing their subjects to achieve their selfish ambitions
25 Sep 2018 | 10:32
Hmm, politicians and their evil mind
25 Sep 2018 | 11:52
Ride on............
26 Sep 2018 | 02:51
Jane pls listen too ur father
26 Sep 2018 | 12:16
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ************ Episode 26. Gabriel sits quietly awaiting the arrival of the man, he took different glances at the tactical angles some officers had positioned themselves and the angles at which the cameras were placed. He never stop to admire the security around the commissioner, he was glad to finally see someone he can trust and that he wasn’t the only one at the trial of the K’s, the commissioner revealed a lot and some of his encounter and findings to him. He changed his sitting position as he await the commissioner who had gone in to fetch some documents. His mind drifted back at the last occurrence, remembering how Jane’s phone rang, how she moved some meters away to receive her call and how she was looking around before running towards the restroom, then suddenly the gunshot began. Her line had been switched off since then, even though he searched all for her after the DSS men arrived and after the shooting cease, he had been thinking severally but it doesn’t seem to make sense to him. He was distracted by his ringing phone, Angelina was calling again, he earlier ignored it when the commissioner was revealing some things to him, he noticed she was calling with her Nigeria number and picked this time before the call could end. “hello honey” “why didn’t you pick my calls despite my consistence calling?” She asked without greetings, Gabriel could feel she was furious. “Calm down sweetheart, I was in the middle of a meeting, that was why I couldn’t pick, I’m sorry”, “Anyways I’m back to Nigeria and I’ve told my parent about you meeting them, we should be there tomorrow” she said immediately and smiled happily. “wow, so soon?” he asked. “what do you mean by so soon? don’t you want to do this or see them?” “oh ofcourse not, I’m just glad they’re accepting me rather to what I thought, you never can imagined how happy I am, where are you presently?” He asked, “I’m leaving the airport already for your place” “Alright, I’ll come home straight away after the meeting” Gabriel added before the call ends. The commissioner walked in few minutes later holding a document with him, he stretched the document to the agent before sitting down. “This contains all you need to know, there are various things you don’t know yet and there are several things about this gang, the only possible answer to their last attack which I now understand is you” he added, pointing to the agent. Gabriel widened his face in confusion, “I sir?” He manage to ask, ‘yes you, who knows about your arrival here in Nigeria and that you work secretly?” The commissioner asked further. Agent Gabriel keep mute for a minute, trying to get what the man meant and where he was heading to, he respond before the commissioner could further. “the chairman, the wife of Dr. Johnson Law and the IGP”. “wow” !! the commissioner glanced a look at the person sitting beside him before turning back to the agent, “Florence !! Is she alive?” “Yes she is, though presently out of the country” The man gave a smirk and smiled, “you mean to say the inspector general of police knows about you? What is the name of the chairman and the jurisdiction you were sent to?” the commissioner asked. Gabriel widened his eyes in more confusion, “is there any problem sir?” He asked, instead of answering the question, the commissioner heaved a sigh and smiled, “then it’s a 100 percent sure you were the target during their last attack”. Gabriel looked more shocked at the revelation of the commissioner, his brain calculated fastly of every possibilities, the death of the arrested brothers, the money sent from the IGP and the death of the junior agent. Yes he had thought so sometimes ago but discard the thought after no detailed explanation, he had visited the lab secretly only to confirm that the lab report was true though he hadn’t get over his suspicion on the junior agent death totally. “This country’s problem started from its corrupt leaders, the IGP you claim is among the big top leaders of the K’s, there are series of his involvement in the past, allegations were laid against him but he won the case easily through the strong backup he had, some were assassinated, different sort of kidnapping and there’s nothing anybody could do. They present themselves to the public as government servant and the public in general view him as a God fearing man. From now on, lets work secretly together agent” the commissioner added, hoping Gabriel would agree. —- ——- GMT 3:24pm Secret Location Don wore back his cloth as he walked, he just finished banging the Asian prostitute he met at the big hotel club house, he had earlier been soak with alcohol and his whole body smells of cigarettes, he seems to be more desperate than ever, his phone woke him up from the little Nap he just took, the call was from the new base and he pick without hesitation, wearing his cloth. “Boss, I just get a notification that Mr. William Davis daughter is set to move out of the country early tomorrow” Don gave a loud smirk for a minute while the caller waited for his orders, “prepare the boys, he finally respond. READ MORE AT
7 Oct 2018 | 17:19
Ride on I don't know who to trust again
8 Oct 2018 | 12:16
hmmmmmm,,,, Gabriel should just be careful,,, but is don gang kidnapping Jane now?
8 Oct 2018 | 17:29
So The IGP and other top officials are part of the K's
8 Oct 2018 | 20:01
Gabi you need to watch your back o. All these politicians and top leaders that portray themselves as God fearing are actually demons in angel's clothing
8 Oct 2018 | 20:10
I pray Jane will be able to make it out of de country safely.... By de way,where's Kingsley???
9 Oct 2018 | 17:28
®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********* EPISODE 27 GMT 8:00am Mr. William walked in Jane’s room minutes later after he told her she’s scheduled for 9:00 o’clock flight only to see her pacing around with her phone. He had made up his mind and nothing can change it, “aren’t you done already? I have a meeting to attend soon and I want to move out with you to the airport” he entered and closed the door swiftly behind him. Jane turned towards her dad, she knew his mind is made up and nothing she can do to change that, but for an unknown reason she doesn’t want to, she really feel like staying, some part of her doesn’t agree to leave. Maybe its because of Kingsley, her mind drifted back shortly before she was rescued. Flashback The stranger said without taking his sight off Kingsley while Jane hesitated a bit, “don’t listen to him Jane, stay behind me” Kingsley whispered. “I’m sent by your father to guard you miss, you have to trust me, I’m here to save you” the stranger added, looking at her and pointing the gun right at Kingsley. “save me from what?” “save you from killers, killers out there and from him” he responded immediately while Jane turned fearfully, making quick glance at Kingsley whose hands was raised up. “If you’re really sent by my father, then you shouldn’t be pointing a gun at him, he’s here to save me likewise” Jane said and quietly moved out behind Kingsley, facing the stranger directly. suddenly two screaming women ran out fearfully from the rest room due to the bullets that pierced the wall and glass through the window, colliding with the stranger unexpectedly, Kingsley swift in seconds, using the chance to move forward and attack the stranger but was surprised his attack didn’t have much effect on the stranger, three sounding blows landed on him almost instantly, the stranger moved forward and attack back before he could get himself together and a strong fight broke out. ******** She could recall him calling her when she sat with Gabriel, the guy must have wandered why she left like that, the entire reason for the occurrence has been something she couldn’t fathom, there wasn’t any chance for Kingsley to beckon his explanation too, he was beating to the core. She had been calling his line without reach when her dad returned the phone he seized from her yesterday since the occurrence, “if Kingsley and I are destined together, we’ll surely meet again”, she whispered to herself, he was the only man ever to have captured her heart., its absolute wicked how fate had derailed them from having the whole happiness. “You don’t have to think this up Jane, Its all for your own good darling, try to understand me, I plan the best for you and I’m preventing you from harm” Mr William said and move closer, interrupting her thought. “A lot are happening all over the country especially during this general presidential election. I want you to know there’s no absolute security here, no one can be trusted, political opponent are ready to go extra miles just to destroy whatever it is that oppose them, you know you are all I have, your step mother will also be joining you in four days time till the election is finally over”. “Its okay dad, I understand, I’ll be fine, you don’t have to keep saying that, lets just go” Jane interrupted and carried one of her box before proceeding towards the door. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ GMT 8:30am “They are moving out already, a car consisting four guards is moving behind them, Mr. William and his daughter is at the back seat of the car while two guards at the front seat”. The caller said into the phone. “any other thing and are you sure?” Don asked. “yes boss” “okay” Don replied. The two cars speed towards the airport, their job was to make sure Jane and her father are protected, they were trained men provided by Mr. Donald and are always alert and ready. Though they didn’t expect any attack whatsoever but they never endeavor to ensure there’s close distance between the two cars. Another two cars were moving in front of them and another blue Chevrolet behind the second car, soon they were directed to stop a bit by the traffic light. Unfortunately a truck driver was coming speedily from the left side of the road, he seemed to be drunk and didn’t follow the order of the traffic light, he was few meters away from the first car when the traffic light gave the signal to proceed, the first two cars speed away firstly while the guard who were also alert and conscious of the predictable accident also speed to prevent it, bridging the distance between them. The driver of the truck suddenly step on the break, showing the screeching of the tires and the truck stop, separating the car Mr. William was and the other guards. Within seconds, the door to the blue Chevrolet car behind opened, Don and three other brothers step out and proceed towards the car Mr. William and Jane was, the guards who noticed immediately there were gunmen behind them came out with their guns but was shot dead without any opportunity to raise their guns. The two cars at the other side suddenly stopped and face the guards in a gun battle, everything happened too fast, they never expected it, Jane on the other hand was motioned forcefully into the Chevrolet car while Mr. William was hit with the butt of a gun due to his reluctant in letting Jane go, Jane in turns was extremely shaking, it is happening again, she wish the ground could just swallow her, the Chevrolet car turned towards the other side of the road and speed off while another strange car followed them speedily. To be continued. .
11 Oct 2018 | 23:54
®18+SNVL ©IRETI ADEDIPE ******** EPISODE 28 Don sat at the right side of the Chevrolet car with Jaguar as the driver, two other brothers were at the back of the car while Jane was in-between them. Their car was moving speedily than usual, the road was clear and there were only other few cars passing the known to be busy road. “Boss I think a car is following us” one of the brothers at the back whispered slowly, turning back. “don’t tell me you’re just noticing, the car had been following us over 2 minutes 6 seconds now, even though its maintaining a long distance, Its following us” Don replied him, watching how amazingly Jaguar removed his hands from the wheels and cock a gun sharply. “But who could it be? can it be Kingsley?” Don smiled and made a chuckle, “Kingsley can never attack us, he can never stop us, he dare not to face me” he answered while the brothers at the back glance at themselves, sure enough its could be no other person than Kingsley, they turned forward and keep mute. “Should we attack?” Jaguar asked “No, stopping to attack will delay our time, Its could likely be one of the guards” ‘Don replied again, taking a look at his wristwatch. “Jaguar, take the second route that leads to the first direction we came from” he pointed out “but boss, that means we’ll be going back to where we are coming from” confused Jaguar voiced out. “yes, Ghost put a call through to G.B, ask if the other car is ready and tell him about the new direction”, Don added. Jaguar immediately turned the car crazily towards the second route while they watch the strange car followed another direction. ********* 7 minutes later the leader of the guards assigned to guard Mr. William and Jane ran to check the other side of the road, he was lucky to have move out successfully because their attackers hadn’t given them any chance, one of the guards was already shot dead while one of the K’s was also shot. Their biggest disadvantage was been outnumbered, though they had called for backup. “Let’s move out boys” G.B shouted after dropping the call he received. Mr. William was still unconscious and was alone in the car, the brothers speed off crazily while the guards take cover from their bullets before the sirens of police were sounding few meters away. ******* Kingsley cursed and smashed the wheel of the car he was driving the moment the Chevrolet car turned towards another direction. He was on a black cloth with a face cap covering almost his face, he had planned to attack Don and the three other brothers in the car perfectly in a gun battle immediately they get to the U-turn of the road, their change of direction had change his entire plan. Among the gang members, there were brothers who were very much loyal to him because of his kind deeds to them in the past and equally understand the scheme plans by G.B, the heated rivalry and taming Kingsley a betrayer, some of them did really dislike G.B leadership but they never dare raise any objections against him though they never really understand the whole cause of Kingsley’s problem was Emotions. One of them had hint him about the abduction of Mr. William’s daughter when he demanded to know the activities of the brothers from one of them who contacted him. Though he was few minutes late to prevent it, he cursed again before increasing his speed, they must have seen his car trailing them though he was meters away. He hadn’t expect them not to know either, he really wish they had stopped to attack him so he could delayed their time, he made a quick U-turn on reaching the end of the route he took, thinking it should lead back to the direction they had took earlier, furiously increasing his speed. The four brothers came out of the Chevrolet car, Jane was already injected with a substance and had become unconscious instantly, one of the brother carried her inside the back boot of the new car arranged by G.B, while Jaguar drive out to dispose off the car they used. ******* GMT 12:05pm Mr. William laid on the hospital bed few hours later with Mr. Donald sitting beside him, he had slept over 3 hours since he was rushed down. He had a slight injury which was already taken care of by the doctor, the incident location had all been blocked by security officials, no one was allowed to pass through the road because of the heavy earlier shootings. News had it carried already about the attack on Mr. William Davis, it was tamed to be an attack from other political opponents and investigations had started already to put the perpetuators to justice. “Donald, where is my daughter?” Mr. William cried out after waking to see his friend sitting beside him “I told you politics is a dangerous game, this had all started when we joined politics, where is my daughter?” He cried out again harder, he tried to move but his wounds didn’t let him. He was extremely weak. Mr. Donald heaved a sigh,“Calm down William, right now we need to be strong, I still don’t understand this attack but Jane will be found, investigations had started all over the country and senator Elvis had promised to help with the investigations” Mr. Donald assured before his phone began to ring, interrupting him. To be continued…….
13 Oct 2018 | 10:24
Kinsley please do something fast
13 Oct 2018 | 16:31
Loving it............... More
13 Oct 2018 | 17:53
Hope kingsley rescues jane o
14 Oct 2018 | 16:05
How will Kingsley now know that they have changed their car? Hmmmm somebody should do something fast o
14 Oct 2018 | 16:32
eeyah,,, Kingsley has lost dem oooo bcos dey Hav changed dia car
14 Oct 2018 | 16:49
®+18SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ******** EPISODE 29 GMT 4:15PM Gabriel smiled and sip his drink, he never assumed the minister’s wife could be as jovial contrary to what he expected, he was served an orange juice and was very much welcome into the minister residence. Like always, he was looking astonishing handsome. Sitting beside Angelina and admiring the big mansion of the minister, the entire settings was quite different from what African homes do look like. “Wow, this place must cost a fortune”, he said while Angelina only nod in agreement, looking around too as if she was seeing it the first time. “that’s why I insisted you move out from your present abode, I have houses that are better of to this in Nigeria and Abroad, I know you wouldn’t have told me about the attack on you if not for the security guard who told me about it” “Oh !!! About that” he exclaimed and gave a faint smile, “I just don’t want to bother you and besides that’s nothing” “What” Angelina shouted, putting on a wary look, wondering what he meant by that. “nothing? Like nothing? You call an attempt on your life nothing? Oh my God !! What are you saying Gabriel?” she ask repeatedly without given him chance to respond. he widened his brow and stared at her “I don’t care whoever it was or whoever the son of a b**** they are but they must be dealt with, I’ll make sure they rot in jail” she said angrily and most suddenly pissed off. “You don’t have to do that Angelina and”.. he paused for few seconds, as if searching for words “’I have dropped all charges’ “what !! You did what? drop charges because of what?” she shouted and flare up facing him, “are you serious or that’s a joke?” Suddenly they heard Mr. Nosol cleared his throat to get their attention, he had been standing beside his wife watching and listening to their conversation without their notice. Angelina quickly composed herself and sit down, she was seriously furious, she knew Paul to be a rich spoilt brat who goes away with different of his bad deeds or crimes and get others for the punishment, people most of times drop charges against him after awhile at a point and it pissed her more hearing Gabriel too dropping charges against him, though no evidence was presented against him for his involvement but she definitely know he was the brain behind it. She had to resist her anger when her parent appeared. “Young Lady, when will you start reasoning like a woman?” Mr. Nosol Adams asked, walking to sit on one of the chairs. “we’ve been here hearing your conversation, what’s with the heavy noise?” I’m sorry dad, I didn’t know you are here already” she replied reluctantly. Her father nodded in disbelief, he wonder how Angelina flare up easily on things that can be settled with little explanation. He sometimes wonder if she will be able to handle some of his private companies easily without destroying everything with anger, he heaved a sigh before turning towards Gabriel. “Welcome young man” he greeted making a grin while Gabriel stands in respect to greet. “You’re very much welcome into my home” “Thank you sir” “I have a flight to catch but I just really need to see you, you see, my children are just my top most priority, that tells how important, great and precious they are to me, that’s why I need to ensure what bothers them becomes a problem to me. I just hope you be a good man for her, So what do you do for a living, already she told me but I just feel like hearing from you” “I’m an engineer working for TOB’s company sir” “wow TOB’s, seemed I’ve heard about them, the company had quite a good reputation” Gabriel answered the questions one after the other, where are you from, identity and all sort he wished they could get away with, his mission was rather more important, he smiled at times when they say things he doesn’t found funny,his mind drifted back when the man asked him a question. “By the way young man, why do you want to drop charges against someone who tried killing you? Angelina told me about it” Gabriel took the chance to sit properly and avoid the stares of Angelina, wondering why the man was asking the question. “I just want to drop the charges when I discovered the aim was to get me off track just because of Angelina, I decided to drop all charges because I’m certain its me she loves, though the culprit refused to reveal his counterparts despite the torture he received from the police, I decided to drop charges because I know Angelina and I love each other and that’s just what matters the most” Gabriel replied, looking at Angelina if she’s pleased but still look angry. “its was claimed two others escaped, why should you drop charges when the culprit hasn’t confessed about the where-about of his counterparts before dropping charges or have you been given a piece of cake already?” Mr Nosol asked. “Answer the question Gabriel, we are not dropping charges even if you did, that son of a b****** will not get away with this, he’ll surely rot in jail” Angelina interrupted, her voice louder than usual. “will you calm down young woman, what do you mean we? what’s we?” her father flare up, ”let him talk, he must have reasons for doing that and besides you didn’t brought him here to discuss this” he pointed out angrily while his wife speaks to calm him down. ******* GMT 11:50Am Kingsley cupped down the whole content left in the bottle at once, he was putting on all black, a black T-shirt and a black trouser with a new hair cut. Different sets of short knives was carefully arranged around his jacket and some placed around his leg, he put on a black bag containing some chemical substance, one tiny device and a short gun. He glance a look at the pistol on the center table before sitting to put in some commands on the laptop beside the pistol. The Laptop displayed some strange codes which he had expected, he minimize it and opened his mail box, he scrolled down to a message from X and click. Within seconds he copied the encrypted codes and return back to the software he had minimized to paste the codes and allowed the software load for a while, waiting to get its response. He stared at the laptop few minutes before his mind drifted to what he was just about to do, maybe he should just run away, leave the country and start to live a life with no record, he thought, he heaved a sigh, knowing fully well how impossible it is, they’ll surely fish him out, he cannot run away from his fears, he had to face it. Jane on the other hand was facing her present dilemma because of him, he had to do this, and thereafter face whatever comes. A powerful Choice that will change everything, “why should this happen? how had this started?” he thought silently to himself,unable to answer. The Laptop made a short sound, signifying the loading was done, bringing back his thought. He copied the result which consists of some codes and address into his Android device before shutting down the laptop. He picked the pistol on the center table and placed it carefully behind him. He looked around if he didn’t forget anything before dialing the contact displayed on his phone, the call was answered immediately’ “are you ready?” the broad voice came through. “yes I am” Kingsley replied before proceeding out of the room. To be continued…..
14 Oct 2018 | 18:07
Hmmm, ready for what...
15 Oct 2018 | 09:50
invasion begins
15 Oct 2018 | 12:02
EPISODE 30 August 7, 2018 Ireti Adedipe 5 Comments Previous Episode Next Episode CHOICE EPISODE 30 ®18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ********** “He said we shouldn’t involve the police” worried Mr. William turned to answered his friend question. Seated beside each other, they deliberate the several calls and messages received from a stranger who claimed to know about the abductors of Jane Davis. Mr. William had been discharged from the hospital after being taken care of with due days to the election. “I don’t think we have a Choice, we need to make a decision” Mr. Donald said, jumping unto his feet, he turned at William who seemed not to be himself anymore. “Its been 48 hours since the incident and nothing had been heard from the police, how many men can we gather?” he added, turning to ask the personal security guard standing some meters away from them. “About 10 of them are prepared sir” the chief guard replied. “What !!! Do you think this is a good idea Donald?” Mr. William managed to ask, more shocked. “I don’t know if it is William but we need to use the chance” “I still think the best option is to inform the police about this, in case it went wrong” “Remember we’ve not hear from them William, we don’t need to complicate this ourselves” Mr Donald argued. “Sir, according to the message, its was made clear that involving the police will destroyed the whole plan, we should only trust ourselves if we want her rescued, delaying more time is dangerous” the personal guard answered before Mr. Donald could. “Contact him and choose 5 best men from the guards to go ahead with the plan” Mr. Donald ordered. “sir there’s a man outside insisting to see you” a guard walked in and faced them “who is he and what does he wants?” the personal guard asked “he claimed miss Jane was with him during the restaurant attack and demand to pass some information to Mr William personally despite our efforts to make him leave, I think we should let him in, he might have the answers we needed” “what does he mean he was with her?” Mr Donald questioned. “That is what he kept saying despite telling him to leave” “Then let him in immediately” Mr William said in a hurry. ************* GMT 11:30PM Jane woke up again after the whole content of the bucket was poured on her the second time, her hands and legs were tied tightly on the wooden chair she was sitting on and her mouth covered with a tape. Another heavy slap landed on her cheek to get her out of her dizziness, G.B flashed his teeth mischievously checking if she’s already awake and removed the tape. “don’t make me repeat myself this time, what is you and your father up to? And what do you know about the K’s” He asked the two question again, shouting on her. Jane tried to move her head but couldn’t, she was two weak to utter any word and doesn’t understand G.B questions or what he meant by her father and her, she felt nothing but pain all over and her body ache. The room was dark with no source of light except the torch light G.B and one other brother was holding, they were three in the room. A ringing phone desrupted his third attempt to slap her again, he flashed an angry stares towards the owner who quickly displayed the phone screen Don was the caller, he moved backwards a bit in haste, knowing G.B could attack him for that before answering the call. He moved forward after 7 seconds on Don request to speak with G.B and stretched the phone fearfully out to him. “Boss” “G.B don’t touch that girl, give her clothes, food and water, let her wounds be treated and transfer her into one of the rooms, she’s meeting someone in an hours time. Do as I said and nothing else” Don voice came through immediately and the call ends. The other brothers stared at him for orders immediately he threw the phone back, “don’t just stare at me, do as you’re instructed” he shouted and hissed before walking away. ******** GMT 11:52pm Five men came out from the black van with different guns hidden behind them, the one who seemed to be their leader move forward to meet Kingsley who was standing in front of a car few meters away from them. Kingsley studied the movement of the men from the angle he was, he could easily spot their weakness and he wonder if they’ll stand a match against the brothers. This is a bad decision, he couldn’t believe he had made a Choice over the brothers that had gave him all he ever wanted, a home which he had lived to loved, now a home he was about to attack, a family who had brought him up, now a family he wanted to attack with intruders. For a moment he wanted to stop and step back but something kept pushing him forward. “I hope you stick to the plans of no police involvement, otherwise we are as good as dead” Kingsley asked their leader. ‘yes we did as you said” he answered while Kingsley motioned them into the car he came with. They entered and begin a drive which lasted for 17 minutes to an unknown location. They get to a spot and stop under Kingsley instruction, the men came out one after the other while Kingsley brought out his phone to give them new instructions. They settled their gaze on him, wondering if they were there already, even though its was dark, they could still see the light skinned guy with a low hair cut. Kingsley knew they were waiting for him to talk but he didn’t until his phone finally load what he had saved earlier. “The street light of this area is bright and anyone can be easily seen through cameras, which is why we’ll have to proceed through another route and different method. The building we are going to is the fifth building in this area, the building has one entrance and one exist with another secret entrance that leads in and out” he paused few seconds looking at their face to see if they are getting his message before continuing, “The only way to get into the compound without been caught is through the company beside it. I will have to go inside to penetrate the compound while two people will stay here to monitor all of our movement, remember to switch on the communicating device with you” he make a quick glance towards his wrist watch, before turning to face them, “in 5 minutes, a car will be coming along this way and its going into the fifth building, I need three among you to take the men in the car down silently and proceed towards the main entrance with their car” . “How many of them are in the car?” their leader asked, “they are three in the car, endeavor to dispose their bodies into the back boot before taking off their cloth”. He looked at them if they understood what he meant, assured they did, he continued.. “make sure your camera detector are switched on likewise, I’ve manipulated their system but its will only last for few minutes, the building leads to an abandoned warehouse and that’s where Jane is kept” He added and looked at their faces, checking if they understood or he had to repeat himself, “what about you?” their leader asked, “I will proceed towards the back route ahead while you join me later” “Alright men, lets get into action” Kingsley watch them dispatch, he turned and proceed towards the back route that leads to the company beside the building they were heading, he looked around carefully and proceed to knock the gate, he knocked the gate loudly the fourth time before a faint response sounded inside from the security guard, signifying he was fast asleep. “Who is it? We are closed” the security yarn and asked but there were no response except the knock on the gate again, he ignored at first but sluggishly stands after the consistent knocking. He hissed and proceed to open the gate and to check who the idiot knocking was, only to be pushed inside shockingly with a gun pointed at him. The old man freeze, he was immediately soaked with his urine, “how many of you are in here?” Kingsley asked with his broad voice Immediately, “tw… Two sir, two of us” he replied panicking. “where is the second person?” “he .. he is .. in the bathroom” the man answered stammering, unfortunately the second security guard appeared behind without knowing what was happening, Kingsley immediately hit the first guard with the butt of his gun and proceed towards the second security who had almost fainted, he took him out too, he removed the two men’s belt and tied their hands and legs together with it. He made sure they wouldn’t able to call for help and that they wouldn’t be disturbance later. He closed and lock the gate before proceeding towards the exist of the company and jump over. ****** “I think that’s the car coming, positioned yourself well” “but I think they are four, not three” “either three or four, lets take them down immediately they reach this route” “remember we can’t use guns and we mustn’t let them likewise until we get into the compound, now here they are” ********** Kingsley jumped over and landed inside the building with a faint sound, he quickly dodged when his camera detector beep, trying all he could to avoid the security camera. “I’m in”, he said into the communication device on him, “okay” the response came 12 seconds after, he could hear sound from the other end, “we just took them out, we’ll be there in seconds” Kingsley nodded and looked around before walking towards one of the corridors, he placed the bag behind him down and took out a tiny device, he removed the mask on him and replace it with a new one. He walked towards one of the entrance and insert the tiny device into the big lock on the entrance and the door gave way, he silently returned the device inside the bag and almost entered when he heard sounds of footstep coming towards his direction, he waited till the person appeared, he grab him instantly and smashed him on the wall repeatedly before using one of the knife in his jacket to slit his throat, he threw the knife almost instantly only to pierced the forehead of another brother who appeared unexpectedly, he drag the two dead bodies together and cover them quickly and quietly before a new idea struck him. To be continued…
15 Oct 2018 | 17:17
Ready 4 opeartion bring back jane alive
15 Oct 2018 | 18:43
Ready for what? And who was he speaking to? I hope derz not gonna be anything bloody n nasty???
15 Oct 2018 | 18:49
Ready for what biko?
15 Oct 2018 | 19:18
Ready for what?
16 Oct 2018 | 02:25
is he ready for wat?
16 Oct 2018 | 04:46
hmmmmm,,, I wish dem success on dia rescue mission
16 Oct 2018 | 05:24
Nice work there my guy.
16 Oct 2018 | 14:41
®18+ © IRETI ADEDIPE ********* Kingsley covered the dead bodies and went in through the entrance he unlocked. He studied the room he entered, the room was not painted and has nothing in it except the portrait painting beside the front wall. He brought out his device and unlocked it, carefully looking around for trace of anyone, he proceed toward the portrait painting and brought it down, he wasn’t surprised to see the security device behind it. He select the app he had stored some codes earlier and viewed it, he entered the codes on the security device on the wall and brought out an in-to-in cable from the bag behind him to connect the security device with his phone. “I’m giving you full access to the system in the whole building; you’ll be able to detect and track any movement in the building and especially give directions to the other guys”. he said into the mouthpiece device attached on him to the guys outside directed to monitor their movement, he waited to hear their response to proceed before calling out the codes “CRFV240SW”. “Who is there? someone said behind him, “I said who is there?” he repeated. Kingsley quickly dropped the in-to-in cable with his phone and tip-toed towards the direction the voice was coming from, he could sense the distance and how near the person was, he brought out another knife from his jacket and bent slowly in an attempt to attack the person coming before another voice sounded. “What is it?” “I think I heard some noise and the sound of the door” the first brother replied, walking towards the door while the second brother followed to confirm what he was saying. Kingsley suddenly grabbed the first one and pushed him forward forcefully, after giving him a blow in the belly, the guy staggered backwards and fell painfully, the second brother who saw there was an intruder and what just happened wanted to raise an alarm but Kingsley was faster than him, he ran and double-flip, he landed several blows and gave him an uppercut before giving another kick that sent him straight on the floor, he turned tactically behind him and twisted his neck almost instantly. He ran quickly towards the brother who fell earlier and was just recovering from the shock, he stabbed him on different positions before slitting his throat with the knife. He rose and ran to check the security on the wall, with Access Granted displayed boldly on his phone “Have you access it successfully?” He said into the earpiece again, getting an immediate response of ‘yes the security system are ours now’, he disconnected the in-to-in cable without delay and returned it carefully into the back bag and the phone into his side jacket. he glance a look at the two dead bodies and heaved a deep breathe, he knew it was impossible to penetrate the K’s easily without the knowledge of an expert who know about them or an insiders help. He shrugged the thought off and proceed towards the direction the other brothers came from, he could hear heavy noises from one of the rooms as he move quietly, he made a slight view when he gets near the room, he wasn’t surprised they were gambling, shouting and smoking when they ought to be alert and ready for any circumstances. He brought out the Android phone again and swiped it open to check the map of the building on the device, he studied the position he was and discovered that the room the noise was coming from leads to another room which he’ll need to pass through. He heaved another deep breath and slowly made another slight view to check how many brothers were in the room, he could not see the clear angle of the whole room completely but could sense their numbers from their voices, he made a quick calculation of seven of them with heavy guns placed on the tables and the room filled with smoke of cigarettes. He thought of entering to attack them but discard the thought knowing fully well it will be stupid of him, he glance a look at his wrist watch, its been 10 minutes since he entered the compound unnoticed and there was nothing yet from those outside, making use of guns will terminate the whole plan and make it more difficult for those coming to enter, he heaved a sigh at their incompetence. He brought out the chemical substance in the bag behind him and uncovered it, he waited 4 seconds before throwing it inside the room. The brothers who saw someone’s movement and something threw at them became alert immediately but they couldn’t move due to the smoke the substance produce, they all started coughing and immediately became unconscious. A gunshot began outside immediately he entered the room the unconscious brothers were, “ finally “ he utter silently to himself knowing fully well they had successfully penetrate the entrance and brought out his gun to shoot whoever comes out first from the room he was heading. Like he expected, the door opened and two brothers came out at once but he shot them square in their chest, giving them no chance to raise theirs, he proceed towards the room quick and fish out the brother hiding behind the door In readiness for him, he use one of the knife from his jacket to stab him before giving him an headshot, he turned swiftly around instantly for trace of anyone left but there was none before proceeding further towards the warehouse. **** “There is an outgoing call from the compound”, one of the two guards outside said and hurriedly began to work on the laptop. “No we have to stop it”, the second guard nodded and began to put in some commands on the laptop. “we must desrupt all signals in the area” “yes, I just desrupt the call, lets stop all the signals at once” ******** G.B called Don’s line again, he called severally without it getting through, he called the emergency line in their base but it didn’t go through likewise. He was fortunate to have escaped from being killed unexpectedly from the gunmen outside, he had no idea of what was happening and merely escaped the shot which another brother had taken for him, he could have died that instant. He hissed and smashed the phone on the ground before entering one of the corridors. ***** Kingsley shot the brother who was running towards the warehouse entrance before walking towards one of the angles, he brought out the last knife from his jacket and threw it towards the brother hiding behind a shelf but the knife only pierced his left leg, he winced in pain and shot randomly towards Kingsley who had already taken cover. Unfortunately he ran out of bullets and a bullet entered his forehead before he could run away. Kingsley entered the warehouse immediately and made to switch on the light only to see the whole place empty, he looked confused and glance at the entrance and everywhere, he tip-toed back to the entrance and shot another brother who rushed inside. “She’s not there, she has been transferred to one of the rooms” his phone made a shot sound and a message displayed on the phone screen. “where is she kept?” he immediately typed back. “She’s kept inside the last room at the back corridor, you have to be fast” the response came in eight seconds before he could think. Kingsley turned and get out of the room immediately, he walked hurriedly and was faster through the map he had but carefully ready to shoot whoever come across him. ********* Jane froze fearfully and get up quickly on the bed after deciding to sleep since she was brought inside the room, the untouched food placed beside the edge of the bed fell mistakenly and the plate scattered into pieces. She turned back fearfully due to the sound of the plate as if the heavy gunshot already reached the room, she checked where she could hide but there was none, the room as one entrance and only one exit, she was getting adapted to gunshot but this seemed to be much for her to handle. Life is a piece of crap, sometimes you seek peace but war comes, you seek happiness but troubles comes, you desired a good life, if not perfect but nothing comes than death. “Death is far more better than my circumstances” she thought silently to herself until the door suddenly opened and someone fell dead right inside the room, two straight bullets pierced his body despite the fact that he wasn’t breathing and a masked man entered hurriedly. He walked towards her after standing for minutes, he didn’t believe the only woman he had known to love has reduced to nothing and look shattered with bruise over her face, he knew it was his fault from the start but what could he do? He vowed to make sure she’s safe or else be haunted for the rest of his life. “Please don’t kill me, please I beg you” she pleaded fearfully in tears, the only thing she wished was to get home to see her father or go back to her previous life in peace. Kingsley stared at her few more seconds and removed his mask, forgetting its must have scared her the more. “Its me Kingsley” he said slowly and instantly felt her embrace with tears before he could complete her statement, their heart twinkled together with floating of undefined happiness within them, even though she felt weak. “ “I somehow know you’ll come save me, I’m dying Kingsley” she manage to say faintly, her words slow and weak. Kingsley embrace her tightly to himself, wondering how strong she is, he hadn’t expect her to embrace him like that for what he has caused, he wish he could take her pains away right that very moment. He composed himself and dropped the gun he held before giving her a hand in an attempt to help her walk when he suddenly noticed a swift movement behind them, he tried to turn backwards but a heavy pile was smashed on his left eye and his head almost instantly, he fell immediately with a heavy thud. To be continued..
17 Oct 2018 | 18:27
Kingsley that was cowardice of you. You should have left the reunion things until you take her to safety
18 Oct 2018 | 13:03
mission failed
18 Oct 2018 | 17:52
You failed again
19 Oct 2018 | 10:16
® 18+ SNVL ©IRETI ADEDIPE × G.B flashed his teeth mischievously at Kingsley who fell down, “This is it boy, alone for me to deal with you, no one is coming to your aid” he shouted out, visibly full of anger and utmost hatred for his rivalry. Kingsley felt the heavy pain and was bleeding already, “yea, you and I alone to finish this and get over with, no one will save you either” he shouted back and tried to stand but G.B smashed the pile heavily on him again and again and again until blood gush out from him rapidly. He walked back furiously and move forward almost instantly when he saw Kingsley was trying to stand and continued hitting him harder. “Its you and I now son of a b****” he barked and hit him more harder. “please you’re going to kill him, please please spare him, I beg you” Jane walked forward weakly and manage to beg even though the words only came out as a whisper. She tried to push G.B away but her attack was weak, her fist doesn’t even have the strength. GB turned instantly and faced her angrily, he dropped the pile and moved towards Jane who also moved backward pleadingly with each step she carried. GB gazed at her, narrowed his eyes and raised his brow, for the first time he noticed her pleading eyes seem like one he had seen before, he moved more closer and stop when he noticed her back was already against the wall. He loved killing, infact was his hobby, he can be ruthless and loves how his victims plead and beg for their lives before killing them but he wasn’t the one not to remember the faces of whom he had ever killed, even if they are hundreds, he was at first haunted by his conscience when he killed an innocent woman years ago which was a test to know if he has what its takes to be a K, but got rid of the fear after killing more people. He squinted his eyes the more and tried to remember the first time he’d seen Mr William’s daughter but couldn’t recollect, he tried hard with each step he took forward but discard it when he saw she had taken a metal object to attack him. He rushed forward and block her attack before he landed three heavy punch on her belly and another punch in between her legs. He drag her hair and watch her shout badly in pains, he turned her around with it and faced Kingsley who was laying on the floor. “Have you come to save her?” he asked angrily and made a smirk. “So you are working for Mr William against your brothers who gave you home and shelter, placed food on your table with cash and wheels. You are really unbelievable, was it money he offered you?” he yelled. “answer me, was it money he offered you for the K’s destruction? Answer the goddamn question” he asked and draw Jane hair harder with another punch on her belly. She shouted out loudly but GB wasn’t ready to release her anytime soon. “you know what your problem is Kingsley? You’re weak, and a weak K should not lead the province, you don’t deserve a royal treatment, you do not deserve the respect given to you, I should be the one getting the recognition and not you, you aren’t fit for the K’s but they thought you are, look at you and your pity self, you are a wreck and a betrayer. Watch how I kill this b****, watch how she gonna die, should I draw her hair more harder and slit her throat with a knife? Or should I…. answer the damn question mother****er” GB shouted again and landed another punch on Jane belly twice. “No, No” !!! Kingsley shouted with flows of his own blood seeing Jane fall on the floor as GB draw and release the hair after two more punches, he rose instantly and rushed towards him. GB made to get the pile on the floor immediately but Kingsley reach out to him before he could, several punches landed swiftly on him unexpectedly at a blink, he tried to block the attack but Kingsley was faster, a blow went beneath his thigh and a kick that made him staggered and sent him on the floor almost immediately. GB winced back and jump onto his feet instantly, he made his fist and move to attack but Kingsley saw his attack and its was blocked, he landed several punches on the same spot he had blow earlier, he rushed his attack and landed more punches on his chin, his left and right cheek and more punches on his belly and several part of his body. Another kick sent him straight on the floor again. GB froze and stand up again but not as fast as he did earlier, he staggered painfully and feared how fast Kingsley was, its was swift and within seconds, absolutely like air without chance to defend himself. He must have forgotten Kingsley was quick and faster in combat, he touched his lips wailing blood and spit the blood out, he made his fist again but didn’t attacked, he was shocked for being beaten easily like that. Kingsley made his fist too and watch him carefully as both wait for who attack first few seconds before he rushed towards him. Another fight broke out but Kingsley seemed to be stronger, he drag GB who went on the floor again the fourth time and punch him until his hands was soaked with his blood, he watch him roll on the floor and ready to attack incase he stands again. The pile GB used was few meters away from him, while a gun was few meters behind Kingsley. Kingsley watched him make glances at the pile, he ran to stop him thinking he was after it again but GB turned otherwise and rolled to get the gun behind him, he rose instantly and point out the gun on Kingsley, “its over” he uttered. ××××××××× The brothers outside were taken by surprise, the guards took them all out square to what Kingsley thought, the brothers were no match for them. Most of them were distracted by the gunmen outside without thinking of possible penetration behind the building, nor do they understand who their attackers were, all signals in the compound had been desrupted and they couldn’t communicate with their base. ××××××× Blood gush out from GB square to the beatings he received from his sworn enemy, he was soaked with his own blood as he picked the gun. “Finally” he uttered. “you can kill me but I’ll assure you’ll never leave this place alive” Kingsley said confidently with his broad voice angrily. “ shut up you f****** b******” he yelled and spat out blood from his mouth again and cock the gun. His fingers made to pull the trigger but a bullet pierced him on his chest before he could, followed by another and another, continuously till he fell lifelessly on the ground. Kingsley turned around to see who the shooter was, Jane stood muted holding a gun as her hands pull the trigger continuously and randomly without stopping till the gun ran out of bullet. She shouted and cried before the gun fell and was almost collapsing when Kingsley rushed to prevent her from falling. To be continued…..
19 Oct 2018 | 14:34
Nice work there Jane
19 Oct 2018 | 17:12
Welldone jane....u just saved ur bf
20 Oct 2018 | 08:32
Nice work jane
20 Oct 2018 | 13:04
Nice work jane
20 Oct 2018 | 13:06
good jane
20 Oct 2018 | 17:20
® 18+SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE EPISODE 33 ×××××××× GMT 15:35am Phone conversation Gabriel returned his hands into his left pocket to bring out the ringing phone and answered without hesitation. “I just confirmed it sir, half of the building is destroyed and there are several dead bodies in the whole compound, I think it’s the K’s as you assumed but the reason for the attack is unknown and nothing is confirmed yet. I just sent request to our men for the camera footage, and I’m about to access their system too” the agent said immediately into the phone. “Do you confirmed it to be their hideout?” The caller asked. “yes sir, I just confirmed it isn’t any of their hideout, prior to that, there are little or less equipment and systems in the building, it seem to be like a storage sort of” Gabriel answered again. He could hear the commissioner heaved a sigh while the call was paused for few seconds before he speaks again. “What do you think is happening now agent or what do you suggest we do?” “we need to still persist in our investigations sir, we found two tied security men at the company next to the building, they claimed they were attacked by a gun man who entered their compound but doesn’t seem to know what happened after, we’ve taken their statement and we’ll continue the investigation. I must say they have a very good backup despite my attempts to bridge their servers, I still suggest we stick to our investigations and proceed as planned” Gabriel answered ×××××××× Don made a confused face and stared at the phone, he had been calling GB and some of the brothers more than two hours ago without any of it going through, he heaved a deep breath in frustration the third time but tried not to show it or make it audible for the three men in the car to notice. Senator Elvis was seated beside the Inspector general at the back seat of the car and one of the brothers was driving. They had been delayed against the initial time due to the close meeting they had with some of the top representative members of the K’s, he had boiled with rage when all fault were pointed to him. He had never seen Senator Elvis shake or scared before anyone but he was today, he was blamed for the attack on one of the their hideout months ago and they threatened to drop every backup when next such happened. He was surprised to see Reverend Brown, the number one most rated minister of God in the country among the members of the K’s, he too was charged with a deadly penalty that cost his life, all his fortune and all he had for going against the first instructions of the K’s. He knew there were more than what meets the eye and they were just tools by the biggest top secret leaders unknown to any of them, he knew even Senator Elvis who is referred as the top leader didn’t know the top leaders in the K’s. They operated in different countries and control her affairs with their political leaders. He had tried to calm his rage when they continued their threat to clean them off without trace because the inspector probably saw how furious he was and signaled straight to him. He placed his phone on his left ear again the seventeen time, infact had lost count, but its wasn’t going through, nor any of the brothers. “Don how much longer do we have to get there?” the senator asked, breaking the silence. “we are almost there sir, its shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes longer” “oh is that” the senator said and glance a look at his wristwatch before speaking again. “I have a meeting early today at Kaduna state, we have to make this fast, I’m tired already” “Is there any problem with you Don?” The inspector general asked. “There’s nothing sir, I’m only making sure everything is set and fine ahead” he replied with the phone still placed on his ear without looking backwards “alright then” the inspector general said without another word, he definitely know Don looked troubled even though he tried not to make it shown. Something caught their attention immediately the driver turned to the route leading to their destination, there were several cars in front of the building and the company beside it, the street light shone bright with the gate to the building widely opened. They could some policemen taking pictures and some reporters standing in front of the gate. “Don, what is happening here?” The inspector was the first to ask while they all stared in surprise. Don raised his brow and stared forward, he wanted to raise his voice on the Inspector but stopped himself, ignoring his questions was better, they were all seeing it from afar and he was asking him or maybe trying to blame him again. He raised his brow in confusion before answering politely, “I have no idea sir, but I think this are the police and the DSS officers” “That means one thing, the building has been attacked” the Senator said before Don could conclude his words. “should I move forward boss or turn back?” the brother who was driving asked Don, interrupting the senator. “Yes move forward idiot, so I can be seen in a strange car with the Inspector by this time of the day, what would we say we were going or coming from?” He yelled at the driver angrily for asking such question instead of turning back right away, he looked so stressed up and tired ‘its won’t be favorable if we move towards them and won’t either be favorable if we turned back, they must have seen our car too, we’ll just get their suspicion and they might probably try give us a chase” Don said, still thinking of what to do. “Don we can’t be seen here by this time of the day, what the hell are you telling me?” the Senator yelled again, “ you can find out what happened here later, lets leave now, I don’t care if we are chased or not” he added angrily before the driver made a quick U-turn back. ××××××××× GMT 5:32 am Two vehicles entered Mr. William compound swiftly after the gate was opened and closed immediately. They came out of the car and Kingsley came out carrying Jane behind him, he was given a hand and Jane was rushed inside to be administered to by a doctor. Mr. William was full of joy but wasn’t fully at ease seeing his daughter in such position, she look shattered with bruise over her body and was very weak. Kingsley tried to get her out of unconsciousness in the car but all effort seem futile, his troubled mind hadn’t let him realize they had entered Mr. William compound until they were inside. He watched them carry her away with a fast rapid heart beat while a doctor followed them, he looked around him within minutes when the doctor and the two guards carrying Jane was almost out of sight, he noticed some of the guards were watching him and something really seem suspicious. Before he could turn back, the whole guard in the compound surrounded him heavily with guns. He was surprised at first and tried to move forward but a heavy blow landed on his belly. “Who are you Young man?” Mr. Donald move forward to ask. ××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××××
20 Oct 2018 | 18:41
You did a good job
21 Oct 2018 | 10:23
You have a lot of explanations to do
21 Oct 2018 | 11:13
what's it now
21 Oct 2018 | 15:09
What's with the blows? You just saved someone from a dangerous group and they are treating you like that?
21 Oct 2018 | 16:36
A reverend father is also a member?
21 Oct 2018 | 16:45
Huh Was that ur way of saying thank u after saving Jane?
21 Oct 2018 | 16:58
Tell him you are someone who safe his daughter
21 Oct 2018 | 18:10
hmmmmmm,,,,, at long last dat animal (GB) eventually died,,,,
21 Oct 2018 | 18:15
®18+ SNVL ©IRETI ADEDIPE ××××××××x CHOICE EPISODE 34 Senator Elvis yelled at his personal assistant for disturbing him with the ringing phone again, it was the third time he brought the phone again despite his warning of not wanting to be disturbed. The caller was a contact displayed as George Gaby, who was the top representative of the K’s they met earlier and he definitely knew what the idiot wants to say. The Senator layed tiredly on his big multi-million bed, he hadn’t slept all through the night and was stressed out already. He had a meeting by 9am at Kaduna with some Senators and series of other meetings scheduled for him, he had decided to rest and canceled all the appointments for the day, just for him to think after they made a U-turn back from the building they were heading. He managed to stare up at his assistance again when he noticed he wasn’t out of the room yet and the phone had started ringing again. “It’s the I.G sir, he insisted I give you the phone despite my reluctant in telling him you don’t want to be disturbed but he said the issue is important and requires urgency” his assistant said before he could make his angry face again. The Senator hissed and managed to lift himself tiredly from the bed, he felt a sudden headache but managed to support himself with his hands, reluctantly getting up from the bed while his assistant moved forward to give him the phone. He stared at the phone screen seeing several missed calls from George Gaby and few from the I.G, he dialed the I.G contact back and waited few seconds before the call was answered. “hello sir” the I.G voice came through without ease. “I’m sorry for the disturbance, your assistant told me you don’t want to be disturbed but I’m already on the way to your place because the issue requires quick urgency and” “What is it Inspector? What’s the issue all about?” The Senator asked twice, interrupting the I.G who heaved a sigh, he knew the Senator haven’t heard the news. “There are numerous news on the internet about your involvement in killings and several crimes in the past. I didn’t believed it at first until I checked only to confirm it been true. Mrs. Law made an allegations against you and Nosol Adams” the Inspector general said almost immediately. The Senator raised his brow in confusion, trying to get what he just heard in few seconds, he looked around him first before standing from the edge of the bed he was resting on, of course he wasn’t dreaming or hadn’t heard the Inspector well. “What are you saying? What do you mean by that?” He asked repeatedly, uncertain if he heard him correctly. “I suggest you check for yourself sir, I’m already on the way to your place, I’ll be with you in 10 minutes” he added before the Senator end the call, still confused. He opened his phone browser immediately and select one of the popular news blog, ‘’ the browser loaded 7 seconds before it finally opened. He made a quick look at the first headline with a shock, the news was the first on the front page with the headline boldly written, “ Senator Elvis and minister Nosol Adams killed my husband Dr. Law” The senator met the greatest shock after reading the first to the third paragraph of the news with details of how and why doctor Law was killed and detailed account of the fake drugs importation with some of the money embezzled, their series of crimes and a lot more he never expected. Everything seemed detailed and correct, nothing was amissed or missing. The Senator staggered on reading it over again, the headache he was feeling immediately bacome far more worse with sweat coming out from him already. His phone began to ring almost immediately again, interrupting his third attempt to read all over, he paused to check the caller which displayed George Gaby again and suddenly shouted “No, No, No” repeatedly before smashing the phone angrily on the floor, breaking it into pieces, he moved with rage towards the small mini-table beside his bed and scattered all the content on it, not after breaking all the expensive foreign mug on it and the laptop placed beside it angrily. “where is Don? Call Don for me now” he turned and yelled at his personal assistant, breathing heavily with rage while his assistant stared in shock before proceeding out. ×××××××× Gabriel heaved a sigh and finally pressed enter on the laptop in front of him, he was sitting directly opposite the Lagos state commissioner of police with two other guys in the room, a laptop was placed in front of each of them which they were working on. “The building is owned by Kaith Kendrick” the agent answered, facing the commissioner who was asking him a question. He brought out his phone which was ringing again and silence it entirely before turning to face the commissioner who was about to speak. “I’m sorry sir” he apologized and returned the phone back into his pocket”. “Is it the girl? I suggest you pick it up” “Yes she is sir, we actually both have a date together today and she might be calling just to remind me” “But they must have seen the news by now” the commissioner said and made a short smirk. “that was the best strategy to get the world see their crimes and how evil they are, that woman must be kept safe and guarded tightly even though they won’t try to hurt her now that its all over the country, we are just getting started, lets see how they deny it. I suggest you call her back, you might find out some information that could be of help” the commissioner added before resting on the sofa he was sitting on. The agent made a quick chuckle at the remark of the commissioner before remembering something that suddenly change his mood. “sir, I got a call today back at Ghana asking about my investigations here and that I returned back to Ghana with immediate effect” he said immediately. The commissioner raised his brow and stared a look at him if he truly meant it, releasing himself from the sofa. “Why? What for?” He asked repeatedly eager to hear the agent response. “I don’t know the reason behind that, I’ve tried persuading the chairman about the report so far but he seemed adamant and insisted I returned back. “No, No !! That can’t be” the commissioner said, still making the frown, “why should that be? I’ll see to it immediately” he added without giving the agent chance to answer his question. ×××××××××× 45 minutes later Senator Elvis walked into the big room where the Inspector and Don were sitting patiently for him, he seemed to be calm this time but his eyes were implying differently. He could see the IG on a call with Don sitting beside him and working on a laptop, he had took in to his social Media account to tackle the claims of him having a hand in Doctor Law’s death or any thing relating to importation of fake drugs into the country. He implies in his words for people not to be deceived especially when they knew he was a deligent person who doesn’t joke with his job in making the country stands out, and he wonder how his political enemies who doesn’t want him to turn the economy into a better one could go as far colliding with whoever, just to get him off track by saying what he wasn’t involved in things he know nothing about or whatever was his business with fake drugs or death of anyone. He added to charge the case to court and Mrs Law who had been declared missing in the country several years ago suddenly appeared to claim what he knew nothing of. “I see this as a sluggish political tactics by saying what and showing what my signature wasn’t stamped on. I employ the general public to stop passing the rumours as they are untrue claims” He added. “Have you found out what happened?” he turned to ask Don immediately before trying to sit down, he hadn’t seen the second news on the blog before destroying his phone. The I.G ended his call while Don stopped what he was doing on the laptop to answer the Senator’s question. “the place was attacked and Mr William’s daughter was rescued” Don replied affirmatively without taking off his eyes on the Senator who doesn’t look much surprised too. “who attacked them?” He asked calmly. “I’m not sure of who yet sir, our system was desrupted and I’ve tried disconnecting some of the database with” ……. “Stop telling me prank Mr Don, I’ve lost my trust and belief in you totally, you have really really turned to a complete failure, I am not asking you how the database was disconnected or demand for your failed explanation, I said who attacked your men?” the Senator yelled, making a disgusting face. “I think the agent would be behind this” the inspector pointed out “which agent?” “The agent behind the first attack on the hideout” “I don’t care whoever it may be, just clean all of this before I get you replaced” he shouted angrily. “But sir, I suggest we put a call through to William Davis first” the inspector interrupted. “What for?” “we should at least hear from him and lets see if he hired men for this” “why don’t you do that yourself? Donald and William wants to backstab me but I’ll show them the stuff I’m made of, we are just getting started” the senator said angrily. To be continued…..
22 Oct 2018 | 18:30
Senator Elvis I would love to see the stuff you're made of... Evil man
23 Oct 2018 | 12:38
nice next
23 Oct 2018 | 15:02
wat oda stuff can he be made of? if not wickedness
23 Oct 2018 | 17:26
Evil you senator Elvis
23 Oct 2018 | 18:33
Go on
24 Oct 2018 | 09:29
CHOICE - EPISODE 40 ®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ××××××××× CHOICE – Episode 35 Senator Elvis stared at the two men sitting opposite him, he didn’t looked surprised or disturbed like the I.G whose mouth was left agape. A strange man had walked in minutes ago with a face cap covering half of his face and an attire covering all of his body. He tucked his sunglass away and bowed a bit immediately he walked up to them as a sign of greetings but his face was covered with the face cap. “What do you have for us?” Senator Elvis who seemed to be expecting him was the first to speak while Don and the I.G watched and listened. He cleared his throat first and raised himself up a bit but the face cap was still covering his face. Don shifted a bit from his seat, trying his best to see the stranger’s face from the position he was but its seemed the stranger knew and bowed again before turning around to answer the Senator, preventing Don from seeing his face. “positive sir, as you’ve ordered, all traces have been completely cleared and everything put in place”. He answered the senator’s question, still covering his face. “what about the other assignment?” “Positive sir, I’ve made sure their alliance was destroyed as you instructed. Every other opposition had been taken care of likewise, whoever disagreed is to be killed before dawn”. He answered confidently. Senator Elvis make a wicked smirk, he glance at the Inspector general and Don who looked more confused watching them before turning his gaze back at the stranger. “You don’t have to hide your identity from them, you’ve done a good job and I can surely count on you” said the Senator. ×××××××× “Senator Elvis is calling again Donald” Mr William panicked, staring at the phone screen. He was sitting opposite Mr Donald with few guards standing about some metres away from them. They had ensured the whole compound are secured enough against any penetration or external attack. “what do we do?” he asked when Mr Donald didn’t respond. Mr Donald heaved a deep breath and carried the cup he earlier poured orange juice in to sip a bit. He was beginning to feel thirsty already and was in a bit state of confusion, Mr William’s persistent questions was perhaps affecting him too. He took more sip from the chilled drink and placed it back beside him, trying his best to feel focused and think. “You have to calm down first William, I think you should call him back and tell him Jane has been rescued if he asked or probably if that’s what he wants to know” Mr Donald added before taking back the cup to sip the drink again while Mr William raised his brows, waiting for him to continue. “and what if he asked how or by who?” “Well, tell him she was rescued by some men you hired when the security forces weren’t able to fathom anything” he replied again. He took his phone beside the orange juice cup with his right hand and the cup itself with his left. He drank the whole content at once and put the empty cup down, he double tap the phone screen which displayed the front view to check for the time before a call came through almost instantly. “I’m sorry Mr Donald, we can’t proceed with you anymore, we can’t put our lives and that of our families at risk for nothing, I’m asked to inform you every member are taking their hands off it completely” “why? Why are you all doing this? What is the reason behind this? At least let us know why, this wasn’t what we barging for” “Mr Donald, try to understand us, making an enemy of Senator Elvis is dangerous, our lives are threatened and this man has upper power backing him, we are opposition party members and there’s little we can do about it, this is politics, a game that has to be played carefully and not with instinct, I’m not sure what you said Senator Elvis is what you said he is, that man is a cunning man, we can’t go against our political statutory, I’m sorry, please do not try to contact us again, its not our fault, I hope you do understand” “But We still have to…” the call ends interruptedly before Mr Donald could continue. He heaved another deep breath and stared at the phone screen few seconds. “We have a scheduled meeting with those people in an hours time William, I hope you are ready?” He faced Mr William and asked. “Do you think its going to end well fighting this battle Donald?” I never did believe the Senator is behind this whole thing” “Why the hell are you all saying this? Why are you all scared before even starting? Its high time this evil doers get punished, they affiliate the poors, kills the innocent, embezzled state money, rig elections, get someone else punished for their crimes and that of their children, tour around the world and spend money like they so wanted, its time they get what they deserved” “Then you’re doing this alone Donald, I’m taking my hands off completely, I’ll returned to the state with my daughter and continue my life as a business man, I’ll not have you ruined it” “Then you’re a coward William, you’ll leave those ruthless men govern this poor masses and you think it wouldn’t affect you? You think this evil men will let you be? I would have done this myself if I was a Nigerian, my compassion for this afflicted people could pierced the sky, where is your passion William? We started this out of the passion we had for the poor knowing well we could be limited as a business men, we need power and authority to do this and also end it no matter what we both come across, we aren’t after the money, you surely know of that yourself, we need power to finish what we started and if we didn’t get it, we’ll fight this evil men with whatever it is we have” “Donald, sometimes I wonder if you’re after any revenge whatsoever, the world is already a fucked place, read my lips, a fucked place and there’s no way anyone can change it, I will not have myself an enemy just because I want to fight for people that will later turn their backs on me, its not as easy as you think” “its going to be Mr William, I suggest you listened to your friend, it’s time this ruthless men are punished, they have manipulated this country governance into an un-reparable crisis fit to destroy her future. I implore you to face your fears and conquer it yourself, I’m glad there are men like you who could do this”. A stranger voice out behind them, the two men instantly directed their gaze on the intruder. “Good day gentlemen” He greeted while they only nodded in response. He was an old man probably to be around his 80’s, they were expecting someone who they were told was coming with the doctor and the guards didn’t confront him, he was on a casual wear and nothing seem special about him. He walked closer to them when he noticed their confusion and have his seat beside Mr William. He knew the men didn’t recognize him yet, or probably they were expecting someone else, he thought silently to himself. The doctor walked in few seconds later and greeted them, Mr William and Mr Donald made a quick glance at each other and greeted the doctor faintly but their confusion was clearly shown. The doctor walked up beside Mr Donald to have his seat likewise before dropping the documents he was holding on the table in front of him. “how is she doctor?” Mr William asked, adjusting his sitting position, his confusion changing to worry. “She’s feeling better sir, she’s fine, the doctor replied, placing the small bag containing some instrument beside the document. He cleared his throat before speaking again. “This is Mr Lat, the specialist I told you about” he said affirmatly, staring at their faces if they still remember their earlier discussion. “I saw the looks on you when I entered” Mr Lat added, looking at them, he knew he had to proof his worthiness to gain their trust. He chuckled before removing the moustache on him and the wig he had on, surprising both men. The attire and the wig he wore had made them think he was that old. “What do you think about him?” Mr Donald asked instantly, sure enough Mr Lat know what he meant and less concerned about more surprises from him. “gentlemen, all he said are true, there are no fallacy or false about it” he replied, checking their reaction if they believed him. “how sure are you about this Mr Lat?” Mr William asked. “I’m a specialist in this Mr William, have no doubt” he replied and nodded with confidence. “Doctor, can Jane speak now? I mean can I speak with her?” “of course Mr William, she’s strong enough already though she still need to rest well to fit better” the doctor replied. “I’m ready to work along side with you and ensure those evil political scambug pay dearly for every atrocities they’ve committed. I also imploy that we join hands together with him if we want to see the end of this” Mr Lat added, hoping they’ll agree. “that’s impossible, we can’t” Mr Donald argued, both men surprised at what Mr Lat just said. “you have to trust me first” Mr Lat smiled. ×××××× Gabriel carried Angelina completely off her feet out of excitement. He stared at the new car she bought for him again and turned to face her, he dropped her on her feet and immediately placed a kiss on her lips again, he seemed not ready to break away from the long kiss until Angelina moved back forcefully catching her breath. “common Gabriel, the securities are staring, lets go in first” she added smiling. “By the way, where is this place?” he asked her instead and turned to look around the big elongated building again. “this is your new home sweetheart, all this are gift from my father to us” she replied him happily. “wow ! I can’t really believe this, you mean all this for us alone?” Gabriel asked in bewilderment, unsure if she meant it. “honestly yes baby, anything for you” she replied affirmatly, excited and jumping on him happily. The sound from her phone interrupted Gabriel who was about to give another round of kiss, despite knowing the securities were staring at them. She took the device out from her purse and stared at the screen, the Inspector general was calling. She hissed and tucked the phone back into her purse, ignoring the call. ×××××× GMT 4:37pm “I can’t really believe Elvis could linger you up with me” Don said angrily, preventing himself from stopping the car and hitting Starex who didn’t respond but only kept his gaze towards the road. He knew he was the one who entered when they were earlier with the Senator, Don was more annoyed that Elvis could linger with his enemy and enjoined them together. “Lets put the past behind us Don if we want things to work out” Starex voiced out after few minutes of silence. “Shut up you motherfucker, shut your damn mouth before I dawn my anger on you” Don yelled angrily and immediately step on the break in the middle of the road, causing the screeching of the car tyres. The car coming behind them almost hit theirs if it wasn’t few metres away. He grab starex through the collar of his shirt angrily and gave him a bad stare. “one more word from you and I’ll show you the very bad side of me” he said angrily before releasing his cloth and suddenly increased the speed of the car while Starex adjusted his rough cloth quietly without another word. They continued the rest of the journey which lasted 20 minutes in silence until they reached their destination. The main gate was half destroyed with two policemen inside the building. Don alighted the car few metres away and released his seat belt, they both came out of the car and proceed towards the building, they walked past the police tape silently and entered the building. Starex displayed an identity card immediately the police men walked towards them in an attempt to restrict them but paved way instantly without disturbance. Don proceed inside the main entrance to check on the dead bodies while Starex stayed outside, noticing something on the fence of the building. To be continued….
25 Oct 2018 | 01:38
Senator Elvis is really evil and dangerous so you guys need to take extra care in dealing with hi
25 Oct 2018 | 12:56
What did Don notice? Mr William n co should know dat Kingsley saved Jane n is ready to do anything to protect her so they shouldn't see to be a bad person!!!
25 Oct 2018 | 18:12
Senator Elvis, all you know is evil..... Ki lo de
26 Oct 2018 | 15:27
Senator Elvis owo palaba è mato segi
26 Oct 2018 | 16:13
am cool with this story
26 Oct 2018 | 18:27
®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ××××××××××××× Angelina came out from the bathroom with a towel wrap round her waist, she removed the towel to dry her hair and the remaining wet part of her body before walking towards the pure mirror beside the bed. She stood there muted and gaze at the mirror, she stared at her two breast few seconds and held it with her two hands, she burst into laughter and glance at the rest of her body. “I’ll definitely be a mother someday and my children will suck this round thing of mine” she said loudly to herself and burst into another laughter. She turned sideways, still staring at the mirror happily, she moved back a bit from the mirror and catwalk back to the mirror. “Its definitely real I’ll be getting married to the man of my dream” she smiled still checking herself out, probably wondering how perfect Gabriel said she is and how wonderful he professed she was made, she couldn’t stop smiling to herself by imagine how elaborated her wedding would be and how happy she will be by marrying Gabriel. She smiled again before walking towards where her make-up kits were placed. Within minutes, she was done making up and had on an astonishing cloth, a red gown that revealed her true beauty. She walked back to the big mirror again and turned herself sideways to check herself out. “I have to look beautiful for my darling” she uttered silently and adjust the gown properly, a soft vibration on her phone got her attention while she was adjusting the gown, she quickly made to get the phone out of anxiety but was disappointed to see who the caller was, she hissed without answering and dropped the phone before walking back to the mirror, she adjusted the cloth properly and the necklace on her neck before the phone began to vibrate again. She heaved a sigh in frustration and walked back to answer the call. “Hi sweetheart” the caller’s voice came through. “Good day sir” she replied and made a sigh, wondering what the old man was calling her for, despite telling him she wasn’t interested in his lustful desires. “Good day my darling, I hope you’re good?” the inspector asked. “Yes I am sir” “That’s cool, I called to remind you of our outing today, hope you won’t keep me waiting today?” “Outing !!! what outing?” Angelina asked in confusion. “You promised we’ll meet today Angel, have you forgotten already?” “Sir I don’t remember making out any outing with you” “You did Angelina, you promised to meet with me yesterday, how would you say you don’t remember?” “I don’t know if I did promised you that but I’m sorry to disappoint, I have more important things to do” “Don’t do this again Angelina, this would be the fifth time you’ll be canceling our meeting together, must you do this?” “Do what exactly sir? I’ve told you several times I’m not interested in what you are asking of me, for christ sake you are my father’s friend and old enough to be my father, you have a daughter of my age” “that doesn’t matter, of course your father and I are friends but he’s older than I am and that doesn’t even count, what I feel for you is what matters” “This is ridiculous, I can’t believe you keep saying this despite my reluctant” Angelina added and heaved a sigh “Please let this be the last you’re telling me this, I’m not interested and I’m done” she shouted. “maybe I should tell your father about this then” “Tell my father about what?” “your hand in marriage, I know your father will not hesitate twice about this, he’d surely love to be in laws with me” the IG said with a grin “Are you in your right state of mind?” I’m absolutely sure you’re drunk” she hissed and end the call before he could speak. She hissed again loudly after the call ends, grab her handbag placed on the bed angrily and walked towards the door but it opened before she could hold the knob, her father entered with a wary look while she step back to give him space. “you’ve been on top of your voice this days, what exactly is wrong with you? Why are you always yelling abnormally?” “Daddy I think its time I tell you this, its getting too much of the IG, why should he be disturbing my life here and there” “Which IG?” Mr Nosol asked in confusion “The same inspector general of police, your bossom friend” “What is he disturbing you for” “To make me his girlfriend ofcourse, imagine that old, that ridiculous foolish old man, why will” “hey mind the way you roll your tongue, you know he’s a friend of mine and whatever you call him automatically refer to me” her father said interruptedly. “and is that the reason you yelled on him? Is that the reason you keep disturbing the whole house with your heavy noise?” “but dad I…..” “Don’t daddy me, answer the damn questions I asked you” “This is wrong dad, aren’t I fit enough to be one of his daughter, I mean its ridiculous and” “shut up and listen to what I have to say and stop yelling, the IG is a man, and a man ought to propose to a woman he likes, you’ve become a woman and not the same girl you used to be years back. I expect you to handle things calmly and not yell all around like you do as that small girl, do you find it hard to understand that?” “but daddy the IG is…” “There will be no need in going out, Gabriel is coming over” her father interrupted, changing the topic. “Gabriel !!! but he didn’t call me, we have a date and I’m going with him” “Yea, I called him over, so cancel whatever date you both have today, I need to know my son in law equally” her father added and shut the door behind him before she could disagreed. ×××××××× “Of course dad, he can be trusted, everything he told you are true” “but that still make him an enemy, he can’t be trusted” Mr Donald pointed out. “This group called K’s are working for senator Elvis?” “No you still do not understand, I believe this group controls the affairs of any country they operate with their political leaders. In turns, they give them support, money, weapons and power but controls all affairs of that country and give instructions which they and the whole country must follow” Mr Lat said immediately he entered the room both men were seated with Jane. Mr William ringing phone desrupted Mr Donald who was about to speak, he took up the phone placed on the bed to check the caller and returned it back without answering. “Who is it?” Mr Donald asked but the phone began to ring again before Mr William could answer. He forwarded the phone for him to see instead before deciding to answer the call. “Good day sir” “Good day, please who is this?” “This is Gabriel sir” “Gabriel !! which of the Gabriel?” Mr William asked. “I came to your residence a day before yesterday concerning…” “oh !! I can remember you” he exclaimed before Gabriel could conclude. “how are you?” “I’m fine sir” Gabriel answered, noticing his elevated tone. “do you equally remember me?” he asked. “yes I do” “Oh I’m glad, Sir I’m few metres away from your residence and I don’t know if I could be allowed in” “oh is it !! Do you have any information for us this time?” “Yes sir” he answered while Mr William glance at his friend and Jane before asking. “What information?” “I have a video footage during Birdrod restaurant attack which may ease the rescue of your daughter sir” “a video !!” “Yes sir, I want you to watch and probably see if you could recognize some things” “Okay, you may come in” Mr William said after getting assuring nod from Mr Donald. “Jane, this man claimed he was with you inside Birdrod restaurant when it was attacked, was any man with you?” “Yes, I followed her direction that day from her office to the restaurant, she was with him when I noticed strange movement and decided to found out what was coming before gunshot began suddenly” a guard answered behind them before she could. “Who is he?” Mr Donald asked her “Oh Gabriel !! He’s a journalist, he invited me then to ask some questions about a friend of mine who was kidnapped” “Which was him?” the guard added while Mr Donald nodded, beginning to make sense to him. “Have you found out his identity?” Mr Last asked. “he’s a Journalist” “Journalist my foot, I found out he’s a secret agent and that he was behind the first attack on their hideout” the guard interrupted. “How were you able to confirm” Mr Lat asked, surprised at the confidence of the guard. “I have my way of checking things Mr Lat” he replied smiling. “Sir a man is here to see you” Another guard said behind them. “Direct him into the other rooms, we’ll be there in few minutes” “Your presence should not be known yet, it must still remain a secret for now, you stay with her here, she mustn’t leave this room until we’re back” Mr Donald tap the guard behind them on his shoulder before following Mr William who was almost out of the room. “What about him? Can I see him?” Jane asked, lifting herself up on the bed. “you will see him but not now” Mr Donald answered quickly before walking out of the room. ×××××××× Starex moved towards the fence and jump to touch the mud on it, he followed the direction and saw how it stained the whole floor to the back door, he turned and walked back to touch the mud again before walking back to the back door. It was only a foot step from someone who jumped the fence to the other building, he opened the door widely and walked inside, the room was empty except a portrait painting on the floor and a half destroyed machine on the wall. He moved towards the wall and pressed the buttons on the machine but its only came to life and went blanck immediately, he hissed and proceed towards the door, still following the foot step but the machine came to life again before he could walk out. Don glance at the dead bodies on the floor and nodded, he made a smirk when he saw GB lifeless body on the floor with several square of bullets on him. He stared several seconds before taking out his phone, he placed it beside his left ear and returned it when the call he made didn’t go through but a call came through he’s instantly. He nodded twice in anger before answering the call. “Boss, I traced the tracker and got its location” a voice came through and continued when he heard no immediate response. “Its few metres away from Mr William’s house” “Mr William !!!” “Yes boss” “How many of the brothers are with you?” “3 of them” the voice came through again. “stay unnoticed, I’ll be there in few minutes” Don said calmly and turned towards the door, he walked past Starex who was at the door step without saying a word. Starex turned too immediately and followed. “I think you have to see this” he voiced out, walking closely behind Don. “What the hell I’m I seeing with you?” Don asked without stopping or turning back. “An insider did this, probably someone who knows much than what he ought to know” “What do you mean?” Don turned to ask. ×××××××× Mr William collected the device to watch the video footage and passed it on to Mr Donald who also watched before returning it back to the stranger they still wasn’t sure of his identity while they waited for him to talk, he was about to speak when his phone began to ring, he silent the call at first and turned to face them. “What do you think is” the phone rang again interruptedly but he silent it the second time, he thought of switching it off but he knew he shouldn’t when he was expecting one important call. “Do you recognize this man here?” he asked, pointing out to them and stretched the phone forward before its began to ring again. “I suggest you answer your call first” Mr Donald said after he withdrawn his hands from collecting it. Gabriel heaved a sigh and decided to pick the call. “Angel” “Please don’t call me bulls***s, do you know how many times I’ve called before you finally decide to answer?” Angelina barked angrily. “I’m sorry Angel, I am in a meeting presently, try to understand I’m busy” “you’re busy with what? Tell me, you kept my dad waiting for you when you claimed you’ll be here in an hour’s time, its been more than 3 hours and you’re still in a meeting?” “I’m sorry Angel, apologize to him on my behalf, I’ll be there immediately I’m done here” “You don’t have to do this Gabriel, which of the meetings are you on? We can make a simple call for your quick dismissal” “No you don’t have to do that, I’m on my way right away” “Are you sure you are?” “Yeah, give me few minutes, I’m already on my way” he said and the call ends. “It seems you need to go?” Mr Donald asked. “Not at all sir, its nothing that important” “Oh !! okay” Mr William spoke before his phone began to ring likewise, he displayed the phone screen to Mr Donald and heaved a deep breath before answering. “Hello Senator Elvis” ×××××× “Stay right in your car and don’t make any movement yet, I’m right metres away behind you, he’ll surely die today” Don said into the phone and end the call. He stared at Mr William’s compound few seconds before speaking. “I wish to kill every living soul in that building this minute” he said angrily. To be continued.
26 Oct 2018 | 23:04
What again?
27 Oct 2018 | 17:17
It's about to go bloody again oo!!!
27 Oct 2018 | 17:35
hmmm bloody Sean again
27 Oct 2018 | 18:08
Hmmmm,,, dis Elvis again?
27 Oct 2018 | 18:50
Gabriel is in trouble
28 Oct 2018 | 02:27
Gabriel get out of there nw
28 Oct 2018 | 11:55
Chai, Gabriel
28 Oct 2018 | 15:42
Gabriel you are in for trouble
28 Oct 2018 | 20:41
®18+ SNVL © IRETI ADEDIPE ××××××××× CHOICE EPISODE 37 Gabriel came out from the mansion with his phone placed on his left ear, he looked distant away to where his car was parked before walking towards its direction. “I’m just coming from the man’s mansion and I’m heading to Mr Nosol Adam’s residence sir” “Yes I’ll be there before 10pm today and I’ll come over afterwards” “Okay sir” he uttered repeatedly into the phone before the call ends. He opened the driver side of the car when he gets to it, entered and kick the engine to life immediately, he change the gears and crossed towards the main road before speeding off. Don kick the car he was waiting patiently in and also turned to the main road before the other brothers followed suit. He increased his speed and followed angrily until the car he was after turned to another route, the road was busy but cars moved freely, only not at the speed he was coming with, he horned repeatedly when a car overtake and moved right in front of him, he horned again and again before bringing out a gun from the dashboard of the car. The other brothers moved swiftly at the other lane and speed towards the car they were after, they had to get him on time before he turned to the other rear, one of them cock the gun and fired a shot that broke the car glass and pierced the head of a driver who was driving slowly in front of theirs, the car stumbled and rolled out of the road instantly, some of the on-going cars wanted to stop at the sudden incident but drove away quickly when two more shots followed. Gabriel glance backwards through the side mirror shockingly when he heard several gunshots, it took him more than a minute to grab and realise the shots were actually fired towards his direction but the car closely beside him took the bullets instead. He change the gears and increase his speed immediately while the brothers also moved speedily firing more shots. Don shot the two cars moving in front of him and another car after he overtake the one in front of him, he cursed and smashed the wheel of the car angrily, there were lots of accident already and some motorist left their cars and ran out of fear, he turned the vehicle crazily around despite his speed and followed the left side of the lane instantly. Gabriel increased his speed the more out of fear and shock, he didn’t noticed how its started but it was clear he was actually the one been attacked. He brought out a gun placed behind him quickly looking through the side mirror but a bullet pierced and pieces the backglass of the car and the attacker hit his car behind almost instantly, the gun dropped from him before more several shots followed quickly but he bowed tightly from been hit by it, the car was moving at a faster rate and there were no cars on the route anymore. “What the damn bullshit you’re doing? Shoot the the goddamn tyres and not the glass motherfucker” one of the brothers shouted out to the two brothers who were firing. Gabriel tried to get the gun but he couldn’t, knowing fully well the accident it could cause, he could feel the vibration of his phone on his pocket but he couldn’t take it out likewise, he widened his brow when a trailer appeared at the end of the route he was heading right before the round about of the road. Don drove out of the route he headed successfully and increased his speed the more, he fired several shots at the coming trailer from the two lane road he was coming from, he fired the shots again to scare the driver who was also coming at a faster speed. He had the opportunity to follow another junction of the road but he didn’t, considering the fact that he could be permanently stucked at the heavy traffic that has prominently occurred, the driver horned loudly and stepped on the brakes almost immediately to prevent the accident, he horned and horned but there was no way he wouldn’t hit the coming car. Don fired more shot through the window side from afar until the bullets pierced the driver. It was a lost cause for Gabriel who was trying to dodge the bullets by driving left and right of the road, he was sure of the accident coming and sure he wouldn’t survive it but the brakes the driver had stepped on seemed helpful a bit. “What the fuck is he doing?” one of the brothers cursed but their car crashed with the heavy trailer before they knew what was happening, the car stumbled with the trailer speedily and immediately went in flames. Several bullets went through Gabriel’s car at the front mirror and at the two front tyres instantly, he hadn’t anticipated another attack from the round about whatsoever, his car somersault and stumbled repeatedly and rolled out of the road. Don was lucky to have survived death but the bonnet of the car destroyed totally as his car also stumbled likewise but not until he fired the shots right before the round about of the road. ××××××××× The main gate to the building opened and the huge hummer jeep drove in the uncompleted building, the two back door was opened by the guards after the car came to an halt. Mr William and Mr Donald stepped out and came out from the car, they glance a look in confusion at the building which has no roof yet and the environment they are before a guard spoke up to ease their confusion. “We are only passing through the building, its not our destination, come with me, his excellency await you” He uttered while the two men glance at themselves before following the guard who was walking to the uncompleted building already. They walked past several rooms and corridors until they entered one room where the guard pushed one of the bricks on the wall, the brick went in and the wall opened apart before an elevator came up, surprising both men. “This building was designed by a 97 years Russian architect who died four years ago, he was the last survivor of his lineage and only get to stay that long on earth due to the help of his excellency, but unfortunately the building wasn’t completed before his death. We were on the verge to get another architect to complete the design but choosing the wrong one could ruin the whole thing, that is why his excellency decide to stop the progress of the building until he sees a trustworthy architect” This building is equipped with automated weapons itself and very impossible to penetrate or to attack whatsoever. This room we entered is hidden away from any of the rooms here and can’t be entered by anyone except those who has the map” “Map, what do you mean map” Mr Donald chuckled. “There are over 124 rooms and over 94 corridors at the first two floors in this building Mr Donald, each one of them changes according to some speculations, anyone without the map will find it difficult to locate this particular room” “And why are you telling us this?” Mr William asked. “That’s because I was instructed to inform you by his excellency immediately you are here” the guard answered before the elevator opened again while they stepped out. “You’re welcome Mr William and Mr Donald, I’ve been quite waiting for you” a dark in complexion man said immediately. “We are humbled your excellency” the two of them bowed in respect and chorused. “Come, lets have a seat here” he ushered them forward. ××××××××× Jane held the knob of the door and opened it straight away, she entered only to see Kingsley lying on the bed and staring at the ceiling. Kingsley stared at the ceiling of the room without blinking, the program he was listening to on the radio he had pleaded to have from one of the guard who reluctantly gave him when he wanted to clear his head with something. There wasn’t an alcoholic drink he could surface with, nor prostitute he could make fun with, he didn’t quite remember the last time he had the time to make fun with prostitutes ever since he met Jane. What kept him on thought was one of the guest who said something that caught his heart. “The CHOICE we make determines our path in life” he had kept repeating the words severally and silently to himself until he was quite tired of saying it. He startled and return from his thought when Jane tapped him, he sat up immediately with feelings he doesn’t understand and only stared without blinking. “Sorry this is happening to you Kingsley, I’m sorry for whatever it might have caused, I’m..” “You don’t need to be sorry Jane, all of this was caused by me and I caused whatever it is you are passing through, it was wrong to have involve you in this in the first place, this whole mess was all my fault, I made the CHOICE, I attacked my brothers and the home I’d love all my life but I didn’t regret all I did and all of my actions. I know my punishment await me beyond my expectations but I’m ready to face whatever path my life awaits. “Do you really have to say that?” Jane said and moved closer to him. ×××××××× “Sir the news is true, the agent was really attacked” one of the cop walked beside the commissioner who was dropping from a call to give him the information. The commissioner looked shocked and he widened his face the more in confusion before asking “Is he dead?” “I’m not sure by now, there’s no way anyone could survive it, the whole car was totally destroyed and the doctors confirmed he wouldn’t survive, he was likey lifeless when he was rushed in the hospital” the cop answered. The commissioner turned back to his previous position and stood there muted in pains, anger and anguish, he felt the urge to rose and get all of this top men killed right immediately but he knew how impossible it is, it’s a shame there was nothing he could do despite knowing the perpetuators and was a bigger shame no punishment could be levied against them. They made the laws, their words are law and they are above the law. He smashed his fist on the wall severally in anger, unable to take the pains inside any longer, he turned back at the cop who gave the report when he was satisfied and walked closely in front of him, he shouldn’t be acting like a coward instead of doing the right thing. Though he knew most of this men, has he ever moved to make them levied for justice? Has he ever made their children pay for the crimes they did and are covered by their fathers according to the Nigerian law? he asked silently to himself with no possible answer to give. This is the time he need to act with courage and not remained silent like a coward he used to be, he faced the four men standing with him in the room and spoke to get their attention. “It is time we face our fears, it is time we stop being coward and come out of hiding, we all know these evil men despite the fact that their trials are always cleared but we’ll attack them in our own ways this time since they can’t be done with the Law. Gov. Amidu and chief Garub is our first target, gather all footage you can get on Gabriel’s death” he uttered angrily before turning around to sit. “Sir are we actually doing this without the law?” one of the cops asked but the commissioner didn’t respond to the question. “Sir Mrs Florence is calling back” Another cop interrupted and stretched the phone forward to the commissioner. ××××××××× I can’t believe a man could be this cruel as he is” Mr William voiced out, he rested his back on the chair beside Mr Donald as they listend to the ex-president. The room they were seated was painted all white and was decorated to the extreme, the type was quite different to normal decoration which were equipped with different sorts of technology. “Senator Elvis is only a piece from the cake, these five men” just as he said, a picture of 5 men appeared behind him on the wall before he could complete his words “are the biggest and the backbone behind it, after I was framed and impeached on the presidential seat, I went out of sight and out of politics totally, though its been 9 years already, I found out these 5 men are the main cakes” “But these are…” “Yes, two of them are General overseas for different perceptive churches. They are famous and duly respected all over the country, the third person is a doctor known all across the country, he owns a private hospital to himself, he is quite the richest among them but its very difficult to attain all his wealth, he is the cunniest among them and he’s a major hit. I’m sure you know or must have heard about the other two men, they are old professors and they are known all across the world, one is a Nigerian and the other is an American. “All these men are the big hit and I found out every details about them, they are the real makers of every law in this country and they put whoever they want into government positions” he interrupted and allowed the maids serve their drinks before continuing. “You see, I’m happy men like you are standing up right to fight these men and I’m finally glad I can put my total trust in you. This election is holding in two days right?” “Yes of course” Mr Donald answered while Mr William nodded in response. “Then we need to annihilate these men before the election” “What !!!” Mr William exclaimed. “How?” Mr Donald asked instead. To be continued.
29 Oct 2018 | 11:38
You guys really need to do something. Now that the commissioner has also decided to take the bull by the horn, I think it will be a lot easier for you guys
29 Oct 2018 | 13:12
good write up
29 Oct 2018 | 14:48
Hmmmm,,,,, serious,,,, Gab is not dead and can't be dead yet
29 Oct 2018 | 17:32
Nice one
29 Oct 2018 | 18:41
Ride on.....
31 Oct 2018 | 14:19
Gabriel is not dead jhoor
31 Oct 2018 | 19:10
I hope Gabi will not die from the accident
1 Nov 2018 | 07:58
Mr ex president, with all due respect, did I just hear u say annihilate? what do u mean by DAT n what do u also wish to gain from DAT???
3 Nov 2018 | 18:03
CHOICE ®18+ SNVL ®18+ SNVL  © IRETI ADEDIPE ××××××××× CHOICE - EPISODE 38 “I only kept quite because of my respect for you, please the affairs of my family is kept away among every other things, please and please I wouldn’t want that from you at all, not my daughter for goodness sake” “What is wrong in being inlaws with me Mr Nosol? Afterall your daughter in question is yet to be married, what exactly is wrong in pouring out my opinion and feelings?” “Now don’t get me pissed off Inspector, my families should be put aside from this as I demanded” Mr Nosol insisted as he walked the corridor alongside the Inspector General of Police who kept quiet without responding when he saw the minister looked pissed. But whether he likes it or not, he is still going to have his daughter no matter how annoyed he may be, what intoxicate him the most about Angelina is her body structure. He had imagined grabbing her boobs and making a bigger fun of her when he once visited their home at a time when the family gathered to celebrate the birthday and the welcoming party of their last child, his manhood probably haven’t let him be since then and the lasting desires to have her was all he lust after. Mr Nosol opened the door to the room they were going and stepped in before the inspector followed, returning from his thought. He closed the door gently behind as they both walk towards Don whose bandage was just been replaced by one of the brothers who were both in the room, he dropped the scissors he was using on the tray placed on the bed and bowed to greet the men that entered before returning to complete the bandage. Don winced in pains a bit but also managed to greet the men by bowing a bit likewise. “You did well Don, this was what you should have done earlier, its shouldn’t have take you this long to finish an ordinary insect that shouldn’t have caused any bit of disturbance at all” “By the way, who is this agent you’re talking about?” Mr Nosol asked after seating on the edge of the bed. “That isn’t necessary anymore, it’s a little trouble that has been handled” the inspector interrupted and also walked towards the chair beside the window to have a seat while they watch Don injury been bandaged in silence. A knock sounded on the door after two minutes of silence and opened instantly as a brother walked in without been told to enter. “Sir, I’m instructed to call you” he bowed and said without closing the door. “Is Senator Elvis here already?” “Yes, he’s seated at the main sitting room” he answered and turned back towards the door when the two men stands to follow him outside. Don put on his shirt when the bandaged was done and also stands to follow them out alongside the brother who replaced the bandaged. Senator Elvis sits on one of the big sofas in the main room and crossed his legs with his phone on his hands as he reads the news headline on the Alltig website before proceeding to read it in full. He’s attention was interrupted when the IGP and the minister entered and greets faintly, he dropped the phone and faced them before replying their greetings while the men made to sit differently on the sofas before Don walked inside and Starex followed. Starex moved beside the Senator and dropped a file on the small mini-table in front of him. “Where is chief Garub?” the Senator asked after a minute of silence. He looked at Don who also stared at him before taking off his gaze. “He called to tell me he will be late a bit this morning” “And why is that?” “He’s on a campaign” Mr Nosol answered while the Senator nodded before turning back to Don. “Have you found Florence?” he questioned. Don stood muted without saying anything, he surely know what the Senator was implying and the reason for the question, what he doesn’t understand was why he felt so relaxed all this long instead of doing what he’d ought to do in all the wasted time and made everybody doubted him and the trust they had instead. “Why is it difficult for you to locate an ordinary woman Don? What exactly has made you so weak?” the senator questioned when he didn’t answer again and shake himself in disgust. He faced the IGP and Mr Nosol before speaking up again. “A document is missing in one of this file and the document contains somethings which shouldn’t be leaked out because of its top secret, I found out it even existed and that its was missing by the time I did, the recent accusations alleged on social media and on claims that Nosol and I are behind Johnson’s death and the importation of some drugs along with some crime details we were acquainted with are all from that document. I don’t think a woman who has stayed hidden all these years will appear confidently enough to make such claims without been back-up by somebody” “Yes I’ve also thought of that when the accusations were levied that there should be someone behind her” Mr Nosol pointed out. “Which is now been taking care of by Don” the IG interrupted. The Senator glance another awkward stares at Don and the IGP if he knew exactly what he was saying before speaking. “Starex” he called out. Starex moved forward and bowed to answer him. “Get me this document and kill whoever knows about it, find this woman and end this little disturbance, you have just three days to do this” just as he ordered, Don smiled and gave a faint chuckle. ××××××××× “She’s the daughter of minister Nosol Adams sir” “And why haven’t you taken care of it already” the old doctor questioned. “I tried my best sir but she seemed adamant, her cries echoes all over the hospital walls” “Then send her somewhere else, her noise is disturbing the whole hospital” “Yes sir” the nurse said and made towards the door immediately. “By the way who is the young man?” the doctor asked further before she could walk out. The nurse turned back instantly to face him. “I don’t know who he is sir, I have no idea” “What about his relationship with the minister’s daughter?” “I don’t know either, we found a ringing phone from his pocket and we told whoever was calling about the incident and she was here thereafter” “Is the patient going to survive either?” the doctor asked more “I don’t think he will sir, only an unseen miracle can do that and even if he did, he might not be able to walk again” “Okay” the doctor nodded before the nurse walked out. ×××××××× Flashback; “What !!” Mr William exclaimed “How” Mr Donald asked instead. “Mr William, I want you to know this cannot be handled with the Law and whatever we decide must be accomplished on time without any delay, all these men must be cleared up if you really desires to re-form this country” “But killing people isn’t the way too, we can somehow still find another way to do this with the Law, its not above anybody like they phrase” “I can see you are still a weak human being William, I thought things would have changed a bit about you since you’ve grown in vast and became famous in here and foreign countries but how wrong am I? You are still that weak human you’ve been all these years back” someone walked in interruptedly and stood beside the ex-president after he bowed in respect and nodded to greet Mr Donald. Mr William sprang unto his feet instantly with fear as he saw who spoke, something terrifying surge within him immediately. “William what is wrong with you? What is the problem?” Mr Donald asked in whispers but his voice was audible and it was heard all over the room despite that he speaks silently. ××××××× Present; “A lot of things are wrong Donald, I can’t afford to stain my hands with blood whatsoever anymore” he finally respond to Mr Donald repeated questions. “Blood !! that is what I don’t understand and that is what you keep saying, what exactly is the problem?” ××××××× “Can we go now?” Jane asked Kingsley after a guard informed them about the arrival of Mr William. He nodded in response while they both stands to walk out of the room. Jane made to hold his fingers and held tightly to his thumb happily, she felt this happiness deep beyond anyone’s imagination as she walked. From one thing to the other till it finally get to what she didn’t barging for, she felt so happy Kingsley was safe and sad same time in fear of what happens next. Maybe happiness was something she wouldn’t attain all her life or probably be happy for a short time and have the rest in sadness, she shrugged the thought and smiled. Whether or not happiness would be hers or not, she’ll choose to be happy. She heaved a sigh and smiled again as they walked behind the corridor, they heard someone shout. They stopped and wait behind the door without knocking or opening it as they listened. “I had to agree before they were killed, there were no other options left for me or my whole business will collapse totally, not only did Anthony took over all the business and contract but because of him I lost all the contract that were mine, I lost all the regards and trust from all the directors due to the fact that I was out of fund and financial institutions rejected my proposal for assistance” Mr William turned angrily and flung the suit he took off when they entered the room earlier away, the suit landed on the floor right below the door that leads to the bathroom. “And so? How does that involve your hands been stained in blood?” Mr Donald still questioned in annoyance, its still baffles him why his friend behaved that way before the ex-president. “Don’t you get it? My business was at a point to crumble, it was at stake and I couldn’t let all I’ve worked for vanish like that, I had to collide with some other businessmen who had some bad intentions already and we set up plans to take all he had, fortunately he felled into our trap and we got him killed alongside his families and some witness who had some crucial documents and evidence with them” He voiced out and took few steps away from the window he was standing, Mr Donald made to sit quietly on the bed as he listened to his friend who had more to say. “It was worst than I anticipated, for days my conscience never left me though things turned back to the way it was for me and my business went in vast later. I was disturbed for days, I had dreams that kept me from sleep and it was getting worse on me each passing day, and so I decided to free my will and conscious by doing something that didn’t went well as I planned either. The mess was cleared for me by this businessmen and its gave them opportunity to want to make me joined them but I refused, It will only make me get more killed, associating with any of them now will only bring back my past and I’ll never allow anything jeopardize my name” Mr Donald made a faint smirk as he allowed him finish what he was saying. “And when was this William?” he questioned. “Some years ago” “I mean what year?” “I don’t remember but it was during a time when Operation Feed the Nation was introduced” he answered. Jane who was behind the door all the while finally knocked the door when Mr Lat appeared from one of the corridors so as not to make him believe they were eavesdropping from the door. She entered with mixed feelings before Kingsley followed with confusion when they heard response to come in while Mr Lat also entered after few seconds. “How are you feeling Jane?” her father asked. ××××××××× Five more knock sounded on the gate before an angry response came from the security post. “I said who is it?” “Excuse me, please can you come outside a bit?” Two suited men were standing before the gate and the one on a low hair cut was the one who talked. “No I can’t, so whoever you are, just get the fuck off from that gate” “Then we might have to force this gate down if you don’t come out now” The security guard opened his eyes in annoyance out from slumber and stand immediately. “What did you just say?” he shouted angrily without waiting to get response and grabbed one sharp cutlass placed behind the door instantly, he walked out from the small security post and opened the small side of the gate hurriedly with more annoyance. He raised the cutlass up when he rushed out and brought it down slowly when he saw the men were suited, even though they moved back when he raised the cutlass, they wasn’t scared at all and it didn’t show in any of their faces. “Who are you?” he asked silently but still held the cutlass tightly to himself incase he might need it again. “My name is Jacob and he is David, we are sent by Mrs Florence to get something for her in her apartment” “Which Mrs Florence?” the security asked. “The same Mrs Florence who lives here a while ago” The security squinted and looked at them thoroughly. “She’s no longer here, she disappeared without…” “Yes we know, and the news on the Internet, we are aware” they interrupted without letting him speak. “What I am saying is whatever it is you’re asked to get, you have to go straight to the landlord first, her belongings has been parked from the apartment and its been rented out to another people” he said while the two men glance at themselves first before one of them speaks. “Can we see the new renters then?” “I don’t know who you are but can you show something that will clearly show you’re from Mrs Florence?” the security questioned again. “oh here it is” the one on the high cut respond and brought out something from the suit pocket. Few Minutes Later The centre table was carried away and the small rug between the center of the room was rolled completely away in between the right and left sides of the small sitting room. One of the suited men walked behind the door and the other moved at the last edge that leads to the entrance into the corridor, the one behind the door began to count footsteps away from the front door to the middle, he stopped at the 25th and brought out a metal material, hoping to be the right place they were after to retrieve the document while the house owners watched. To be continued.
4 Nov 2018 | 06:16
The case is really a tough one. Hope those people are really from Mrs Florence?
5 Nov 2018 | 04:50
Mr Inspector General, am sorry to disappoint you, you will never have Angelina no matter what
5 Nov 2018 | 04:52
Charlie ei hard o
5 Nov 2018 | 11:37
So Mr William isn't de saint I anticipated him to be, he's got blood on his hands... I hope dos guys r truly sent by madam Florence as dey claim!!!
6 Nov 2018 | 15:30
What is keeping the story long na
12 Dec 2018 | 11:32
another abandoned Story Y
5 Jul 2020 | 10:05


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