CHOOSE: Pure Desire (romance, drama, high school, +18)

CHOOSE: Pure Desire (romance, drama, high school, +18)

By Xaar in 27 Mar 2019 | 08:52
Xaar Brown

Xaar Brown

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Posts: 533
Member since: 4 Feb 2019
Prologue :
"its you may, you re all i want forever "

"Is the person you are now, the person you want to be remembered by once you're gone? Are you proud of what you've achieved, or do you change the topic when someone asks what your accomplishments are in life? Sometimes, you need to take a break from the life you normally live, so you can appreciate it more. That's exactly what I'm doing....
27 Mar 2019 | 08:52
whooaa let's take a ride babyyy
27 Mar 2019 | 10:34
27 Mar 2019 | 13:27
My parents got divorced when I was in "year 8" (j. s. s 2). After that, my brother Michael and my Mum moved out to Sydney while I stayed in Melbourne with my Dad. For a while it was just my Dad and I, until he threw himself into his work and barely even spent a total of 5 minutes with me a day. So, I spent my days differently. I started skipping school and hanging out with the wrong crowd. That's when my Dad finally started to notice me. Even though he wasn't noticing me for the right reasons, I was at least happy he noticed me at all. I thought the worse I got, the more attention my Father would give me. I was right, but now I realize it's not something I want. My Dad and I decided it would be best to spend my summer break in Sydney with my Mum and Brother. So, here I am in the airport waiting to board the plane. "You'll be fine on your own right sweetie?" My father asks me. "Yes, Dad. I'll be fine. You're the one who's making me go anyways, so you shouldn't be worried." I say, quite annoyed. "May, I thought you wanted this too?" He asks me, sudden confusion washing over his face. "I do, Dad. Well, sort of. Don't get me wrong I can't wait to see Mum and Mikey but, I'm gonna miss my friends." I say. It was true. I would miss the few good friends I had. I hung out with a lot of people, but none of them truly cared for me except my best friend Aubrey and my boyfriend Ian. "I know sweetie, but you'll see them in 2 months. Try to enjoy this trip." He says. I nodded my head and pulled out my phone, replying to the few texts I had from Ian. I put my phone back in pocket when I heard the P.A system say "Flight 206 to Sydney is now boarding." I quickly gathered my bags and turned to face my dad. "Well, this is it." He says as he pulls me into a tight hug. I wasn't much of a hugger so I just pat his back before quickly pulling away. "Yup. Well, I'll see ya." I say as I begin to make my way over to the boarding line. I soon get to the front of the line and give the lady my boarding pass before she guides me where to go. I follow the long hallway until I get to the plane. I quickly find my seat and put my bag into the above compartment. I went to close it but it wouldn't budge. "Need some help there?" A voice says from behind me. "No, I got it. Thanks." I say without turning around, as I continued to struggle. Just then a pair of arms reached over mine and shut it. I turned around to face a boy. He looked around my age. "Thanks." "Not a problem." He says, taking the seat next to mine. He motioned his hand over to my seat, gesturing me to sit down. I sat down and pulled the magazine from the side of the seat."I'm Calum." The boy beside me said. "May." I replied, not bothering to even look up. "So, what's in Sydney for ya?" "Family." I say, trying not to continue the conversation. I was hoping he would get the message that I didn't want to talk, but he didn't. "Cool. So, where are you originally from?" Why was he so full of questions? If i'm on a plane from Melbourne, wouldn't he naturally assume that's where I'm from? "Do you mind?" I snap. "I'm trying to read." This time I looked up at him. He looked a bit hurt by my words. "Oh-uh-um--sorry." He stammers. I didn't bother replying to him. I went back to my magazine reading, but guilt soon washed over me. I shouldn't have snapped at Calum, he was just being friendly. "Melbourne." I say to him. He was probably confused at what I said seeing as he asked his question about 5 minutes ago. "Huh?" "You asked where I was from. Melbourne." I say. "Oh right. Well that's cool." He says. I could tell he was trying to be careful with his words, probably because of how I snapped at him earlier. "Look, I'm sorry for being rude before. I'm honestly not usually like that it's just, I'm not exactly thrilled to be going to Sydney for the summer." I explain to him. "Hey, don't sweat it." He paused. "But if it's any consolation, Sydney is pretty great." "Thanks." I said, smiling back. "So, why are you on the plane? Are you visiting Syndey too?" I ask him. "No, I live there." He replies. "Why were you in Melbourne then?" I ask, hoping I didn't sound as inquisitive as he did earlier. "My sister lives out there." He explains. "That's funny. You were visiting your sister, and I'm going to visit my brother." I laugh lightly. It wasn't even funny but I don't exactly know how to keep a good conversation flowing with people I've just met. The rest of the plane ride was spent talking to Calum about small things and watching movies. --- "Alright folks we are now landed. Please proceed out of the east side of the plane. Thank you for flying with us and enjoy your day." The pilot says on the speaker. I get up and retrieve my bags before following Calum out of the plane and into the airport. "Alright well, nice meeting you." I say to Calum as I began to walk away. "Wait!" I hear Calum say. "Yeah?" "Why don't you give me your number? That way if you're ever bored of hanging out with your brother and mum all summer, you'll have someone else." He says with a small smile. I could tell he meant it all in a friendly way, and not flirty. "Yeah sure." We exchange numbers and say our goodbyes as we go separate ways. I go out to the cars and look around until I see my mum. She notices me too and walks over to me. Something seems a bit off with her, though. "Hey." I say with a smile. "Hi." She says, slurring her words a bit. Almost as if she's drunk, but she couldn't possibly be. Michael told me she works a lot, she's probably just really tired. After about 45 minutes, we arrive at their house. I get my bags from the trunk and go inside. "The guest room is set up for you. You can go up and get settled. There's left overs in the fridge." My mum says. "Thanks Mum, uh- where's Michael?" I ask. "Out." She shrugs before walking into another room. "Okay then." I mumble as I take my bags upstairs. Michael and I had always been close. We were only 2 years apart, so growing up we were always together. It was hard when he decided he was going to move out to Sydney with my Mum, but we had gotten older and hung out less anyways, so I guess I didn't mind that much. I pulled out my phone when I heard it buzz. From: Ian Hey babe, hope your flight was okay. miss you already. Call me soon. To: Ian Miss you too! I'll call after dinner I locked my phone and began to unpack my clothes. It was weird. Ian hung out with the same kids I did but, he was different. Yeah, he smoked a lot and got into a lot of fights just like the others only, Ian actually had plans on what he wanted to do in his future. He already had plans on moving out to America and going to college for accounting. He was really smart, but none of his friends knew that. I was broken out of my thoughts when I heard a voice call from downstairs. "May?" He called. I knew that voice anywhere. It was the voice of my big brother....
27 Mar 2019 | 15:39
please invite others.... I really need all your support... this is my first story.... thanks yah still dropping another episode tonight.....
27 Mar 2019 | 15:41
27 Mar 2019 | 16:20
I run down the stairs as fast as my feet can carry me. "MIKEY!" I shout as I pounce into his arms. I wasn't much of a hugger by Michael was the exception. "MAY!" Mikey yells back as he hugs me. "I've missed you so much little sister." "I've missed you too." I say as I pulled away from the hug. "Come on, come tell me about what I've missed in your life." Mikey says as he pulls my hand upstairs. "Mikey, I saw you on Christmas." I chuckle lightly. "Yeah but May, that was like 6 months ago. A lot can change in half a year." "You're right. Well, I have a boyfriend. His name's Ian. I've been seeing him since January." I started. "Is he nice to you? Does he treat you well? Has Dad met him? Does Mum know? Does he push you to do anything?" Michael shot all these questions out at me and I couldn't keep up. "Mikey slow down." I giggle. Michael had always been protective over me. "Sorry," He laughed. "I just hate that I'm never around to protect you if you need it." He says. "I know, but i'm a big girl. I can take care of myself you know. And to answer your questions, yes he treats me good, yes Dad has met him and no he doesn't push me to anything." "Okay good. Wait, what's his last name?" "Baker, why?" "You're dating Ian Baker?" He asks, clearly surprised. "Yeah why? Do you know him?" I ask. He composes himself and shrugs. "Uh, no. We used to have mutual friends." I nod understandingly. "Man May, I've missed you so much." Michael sighs as he hugs me again. "Me too Mikey. But don't worry, I'm here for the whole summer. We'll have plenty of time to spend together." I smile. "Good. Oh um― I need to talk to you about something." Michael says slowly. "Yeah..." I question. "Look, I don't want to be the one to give you this whole speech believe me, but Dad is forcing me to. He said that you've been hanging around Clay and his crew. Why, May? Is it because you're dating Ian? You know the type of guy's him and his 'boys' are." He said, putting air quotes on 'boys'. Clay was sort of the leader of our whole group of friends. He was the one that got everyone the drugs and alcohol, and persuaded everyone to do bad stuff, including Ian. Ian and Clay were best friends, but I figured Mikey already knew that. "Clay's changed." I lie. "Him and Ian are best friends. He's gotten a lot nicer now. He's not the old Clay you used to know." I was literally lying through my teeth. If anything Clay had gotten worse from when Michael knew him. Michael and Clay were best friends when we all lived in Melbourne, until Clay started hanging out with some bad people. Michael wasn't that type of person so, he stopped hanging around Clay. "May, why are you hanging out with them? What happened to your old friends like Aubrey, Jadyn and Emma? Those were good friends." I was still best friends with Aubrey but only because she accepted that I hung out with Clay, Ian and their group. Jadyn and Emma wanted nothing to do with them, so we stopped hanging out. "Look Mikey, I know you're trying to help but it's my life and I can choose to have whoever I want in it. I just got here and I don't want to fight so can we just drop it? God! You sound like Dad!" I raise my voice. "Alright i'm sorry. Just forget I mentioned anything about it. Look, tonight I'm going over to my friend Ashton's house. A few of my friends are gonna be there too. Wanna come? It's sort of a summer start up party." "I don't know..I was supposed to call Ian later on and i'm kinda tired." I say. After 5 minutes of Michael practically begging me to go with him, I gave in. "Great, be ready by 7." He says as he shut my door. I figured I'd call Ian now so he wouldn't get worried later on. It rang multiple times before going to voice mail. I furrowed my brows. That's weird. Ian always answers my calls. I called a few more times only to be sent to voice mail again. I decided to just text him. To Ian: Hey. I don't know why you're not answering my calls but I'm going out with my brother tonight so I won't be able to call you later on. A few minutes passed and my phone buzzed. From Ian: k K? K?! He freaking K'd me? I decided to not even reply. He was probably in one of his moods. Every so often Ian would get mad for no apparent reason and be a complete jerk to me. I'd learned it was best to steer clear of him while he was like this. I pushed it all out of my mind as I went to get ready for the party. I put on my short denim shorts and a white crocheted tank top. I straightened my long hair and applied some eye makeup and a bit of concealer. I finished much too early so I just went downstairs to watch TV. After what felt like years of watching One Tree Hill re runs, it was finally 7. "Mikey, are we going?" I call from the bottom of the stairs. Michael came flying down the stairs. "Let's go." He says as he gets his keys. We get in the car and begin to drive. "So how many people are going to be there exactly?" I ask. "Not that many. Just my closest friends." We soon pull up to a fairly large house. We get out of the car and go up to the door. I was about to knock but Michael just opened the door. "PARTY'S HERE!" Michael shouts, causing me to roll my eyes playfully. A boy approached us laughing at Michael's entrance. "Yeah, the party definitely is here." He says looking at me with a smirk. That made me feel uncomfortable. "That's my sister you dick!" Michael says, slapping the boy on the back of the head. "Shit man, sorry!" The boy says laughing. "I'm Ashton." He says with a smile. "May." "Alright well come on in and meet everyone." I follow Ashton and Michael down to the basement where everyone was. " This is Cora, Luke, Harry and--" Michael says before I cut him off. "Calum?" I ask as I look at the boy sitting on the couch. It was the same boy I sat beside on the plane. "May?" He asks standing up from the couch. Everyone looked confused by now. "You two know each other?" Michael asks. "Yeah kinda. We sat beside each other on the plane ride here from Melbourne." Calum explains. "Small world." I chuckle. I sit down and begin to talk to everyone. They were all really nice. I couldn't help but notice how attractive they all were. My brother sure knows how to pick hot friends. I look over at Michael to see him making out with Cora. I raise an eyebrow and look around. "You'll get used to that." A voice says as they sat beside me on the floor. It was Luke. I had never met him before tonight, but Michael talked about him constantly. They were practically brothers, at least that's what Michael tells me. I look up at him and immediately took notice of his blue eyes. And lip ring. He was really attractive. "Are they together?" I ask him. "They always say they hate each other, but then every time they see each other they can't keep their hands to themselves." Luke chuckles. I nod, trying to understand how weird my brother was. My phone buzzes but I choose to ignore it. "You'd think he'd be embarrassed to make out with some girl right in front of his sister though." I laugh lightly. My phone buzzes again. "Yeah, you'd think. But hey, this is Michael we're talking about." We both laugh. My phone buzzes again. and again. "Aren't you gonna get that?" Luke asks me, referring to my buzzing phone in my pocket. I nod and take my phone out. From Ian: Where the fuck are you? From Ian: Are you at a party? From Ian: It's late. go home. From Ian: Better not be cheating on me. I furrow my brows. He was definitely drunk. Ian was an extremely angry drunk. I decide to reply before he calls to most likely scream at me. To Ian: Would you relax? I'm out with my brother, as I told you before. "Everything okay?" Luke asks me. "Yeah, just great." I sigh. I hate when Ian acted like that. "I'm gonna go get some more drinks from the cooler outside, want to come?" Luke asks. I hesitate at first but nod and follow him outside. ---------------------------------------- alright I know it's kind of boring right now but I hate story's that just jump right to everything... so I want to kind of ease into things. Hope you're enjoying so far though.... please like and comment.... so I could know your point of view as well.... thanks
27 Mar 2019 | 16:21
Legs Crossed
27 Mar 2019 | 16:42
"So, who were the texts from?" Luke asks me as we sit down on the chairs on the porch. "What?" I ask him, trying to come up with a lie I could tell. I would rather not tell him they were from ' my non trusting, overprotective, drunk, moody boyfriend who tries to control me even though he's hours away. ' "Well you seemed kinda pissed after you checked your phone inside, so I kinda figured someone was texting you that you didn't really wanna talk to." "Oh, uh--that. That was my boyfriend." "Wouldn't you be happy to hear from him?" He lightly chuckles. "I usually am. He was just being a jerk so i'm assuming he's drunk." I explain further. He nods his head. "So how long are you here for?" He changes the subject, which I was thankful for. "Just the summer. I go back to Melbourne beginning of September." "Oh that's cool." He says. I give him a small smile. Michael then came outside. "May, you ready to go?" He asks me. I thought it was still pretty early but I was fine with going home. "Yeah, i'm ready. Nice meeting you, Luke. Tell everyone I say bye." I say as I stand up, adjusting my top and shorts, and follow Michael to his car. "Yeah, nice meeting you too." Luke says as he waves goodbye. We get into the car and start driving home. "Why were you and Luke talking outside?" Michael asks me. "Oh, we went to get more drinks from the cooler. Plus, I didn't really want to see my older brother making out with some girl right in front of me." I laugh. He laughs too. "Sorry about that." "So, are you two dating?" I ask. "What? No! I can't stand her! She's annoying and such a bitch, ew no! I would never date her!" He groans. "Luke was right." I giggle. "What?" He cocks his head to the side. "He told me how you and that girl-" I begin before Michael cuts me off. "Cora. Her name's Cora." "He told me how you and Cora, always act like you hate each other but then can't keep your hands off each other every time you're together." I say. "Luke's an idiot." He laughs. We get home and I go straight to my room. I check my phone to see I had multiple texts. From Ian: r u still at the party? From Ian: How many guys have you fucked since u got to sydney? From Ian: Now ur ignore me? Fine bitch From Clay: Hey, idk what Ian's texting you right now but he's piss drunk. Ignore everything he says.... you hear... From Aubrey: We're all at Clay's right now. Ian's drunk out of his mind and can't stop complaining about you. Ignore whatever he says to you. He doesn't mean it. Hope you're having fun in Sydney with Michael and your Mum. Miss you may... I knew Ian was drunk. I couldn't believe how rude he was being. Actually, I could believe it because this was how he usually acted whenever he was drunk. I was surprised Clay texted me though. He's usually drunk right along with Ian. I decided to reply to their texts. To Ian: Stop acting like such a jerk. I wasn't at a party, I didn't have sex with anyone, and i'm not ignoring you. I know you're drunk so just stop texting me and call me when you're sober... To Clay: Kinda figured lmao. Thanks for letting me know.. To Aubrey: He's being such a dick omg. It's alright here but honestly I'd rather be back in melbourne. :.. miss you I lock my phone and get ready for bed. I couldn't deal with anymore of Ian's shit tonight. I wake up the next morning and immediately go to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and apply a bit of makeup. I go back to my room once i'm finished and put on my dark blue denim short shorts with my grey panic! at the disco tshirt. I roll the sleeves a bit, slip on my vans and walk downstairs. "Morning, you're ready early." Michael says. "Yeah, I'm gonna just go for a walk, and do a bit of exploring." I lie. Truth was, I was probably going to just go smoke behind the convenient store, but I didn't want my mum or Mikey to find out I smoke. "I'll come with you and show you around." Michael says, standing up from the couch. "No, that's okay Mikey. I'll be back really soon. Plus, I kinda wanted some time to myself today." I say. I felt like a total bitch for saying this to my brother. After all, I came here to see him. "Actually, never mind. Come with me. I want to spend as much time with you as possible while I'm here." I smile. Forget going out for a smoke, I missed my brother. He smiles as he walks over to the door and puts on his shoes. The day was spent with Mikey showing me his school, favourite hangouts, and where he first got high-which I was pretty surprised about. "May? Look I know today was kind of brother sister day but, Cora's friend is having a party tonight and she asked me to go. She told me to bring you. Come with me?" He asks me. I really didn't feel up to it but, Ian hadn't texted me all day and I need a distraction to keep myself from texting him first because he should be the one texting me to apologize for what he said to me last night. "Yeah sure. I'll come." "Okay good! And if you want, I don't have to hang out with Cora all night. I can stay with you if you don't feel comfortable with people you don't really know." Mikey says. I shake my head. "No it's okay. I'll find a way to keep busy." I say as we walk home. It was now 8pm and we were just about to leave. I had on my same shorts but changed into a plain black tank top and straightened my hair instead of leaving it in the messy bun it was previously in. I walk downstairs and go straight to the car where Michael was already waiting. After a fairly short drive we arrive at the party. We get out of the car and go straight to the front door. We knock since we didn't know the host. Some girl opens the door, she's clearly intoxicated. We walk into the house and the smell of alcohol, weed, and sweat immediately hit my nose. There were people everywhere you turned. "Damn, you guys know how to have a party. Seem's like I'm back in Melbourne." I chuckle lightly. "Yeah, summer parties can get pretty crazy. Calum texted me and said they're all in the lounge downstairs, let's go." Mikey says. We manage to get through all the people and downstairs to the lounge. Mikey opens the door and inside was Cora, Calum, Luke, Ashton and a few others I didn't know. Michael does the bro handshake thingy with the guys and quickly sits beside Cora. "Oh right, guys this is my little sister,.. May... May this is Harry, Trey and Alex." Michael says, introducing me to the people I hadn't met before. They all say hey and give a wave. "Hey, I'm May. And i'm not that young. I'm going to... year 12.. (s.s 3)...." I laugh lightly before sending a glare over to Michael. Just because Michael and I were two years apart, he always made me feel like a baby. Sometimes it was nice to have an older protective brother but, being sometimes it was smothering. They all laugh and I stood there awkwardly. "Wanna sit?" Luke asks me. I nod and sit beside him. "Why are you all down here instead of upstairs at the party?" I ask. "It's my party." Alex laughs lightly. I couldn't help but notice how pretty she was. She had dark brown eyes and long brown hair. "I usually only have parties so I can hang out with these dorks." She says, referring to everyone in the room. "Everyone else sort of just, shows up." She explains. I nod my head. "Want a drink?" Calum asks me. "Yeah sure a Coke is fine." I reply. Before I knew it everyone was laughing at me. "That's not the kind of drink I meant." Calum says as he opens up the fridge, revealing tons of beer, vodka, and pretty much any other alcohol you could name. "Oh, uh--a beer is fine then." Before I knew it everyone in the room was drunk, other than Alex, Trey and myself. Alex said she needed to stay sober to take care of her house in case the party got out of control, and Trey said he felt bad that Alex was going to be the only sober one. I on the other hand wanted so badly to get drunk, but I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of people I barely even knew. "You know, you're pretty." Luke mumbles into my ear. "Thanks." I say with a smile. "Did you work everything out with Ian?" He asks me, I was surprised he remembered his name. "Nope." I say popping the 'p'. "He hasn't texted me since last night." "He's a jerk then." Luke says. "He's sweet when he's sober." I say, trying to make Ian sound good. "Regardless of what state he's in, he should treat you good." Luke says. He was making a lot of sense for a drunk person. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Just then my phone starts to ring. The caller ID showed that it was Ian. "I'd better take this." I say as I got up. "Oh, yeah--sure." Luke says. I get up and quickly walk into the bathroom, since it was the quietest place I could find. "Hello?" I say into the speaker. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- okay hey everyone i don't know if anyone is actually reading this story or not but please like and comment so I know i'm not writing this for nothing .... thanks.... still have one more episode coming soon today....
28 Mar 2019 | 08:20
Just got here now... the story is great so far keep it up bro
28 Mar 2019 | 10:28
This is my kind of story I love the wordings
28 Mar 2019 | 10:29
"Hey." Ian says. "Hi." "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday night. I don't even remember sending those messages. I was waiting for you to text me all day today and when you didn't I got worried, so I went to text you and then I saw the messages from last. I don't remember sending them I swear. May, please believe me baby." Ian says into the phone quickly. "Okay." I answer. "Okay?" He asks, sounding shocked. Probably because I gave in so fast but, to be honest I couldn't be bothered to fight with Ian right now. "Yeah, I forgive you. I don't want to fight Ian." I whisper into the phone. "Me either baby." He says as I smile. "How's your summer going so far?" He asks, trying to change the topic. "Well, it's only been a few days." I say, giggling lightly. "But, it's been alright so far. I've pretty much just been hanging out with my brother and his friends, who are pretty cool I guess. But I miss home. I miss you." He sighs. "I miss you more. Hey, I have an idea. How about I come out to Sydney text sometime before summer ends?" "Uhh... , yeah if you want. I don't really know if you'll get along with Mikey though." I indicate. Ian laughs. "Well, I'm not coming to see Mikey , am I?" He puts emphasis on 'Mikey' since he knows only I call him that. "Point taken. Maybe you can come towards the end of summer? I wouldn't want you to come so early on because then I'll miss you for the next two months. I want something to look forward to." I say. "Okay, baby." "Look, I should get back to Mikey and his friends. I'll text you later okay?" We exchange our goodbyes and hang up. I walk out of the bathroom to come in immediate contact with a body. "Shit." I mutter. "Sorry." I look up to see Luke. "It's alright." I say, moving to the side to walk back over the everyone, until Luke steps in front of me. "You forgave him rather quick." Luke says rudely. "Excuse me?" I ask... "Well, you just seemed so upset last night and then just now you forgave him like nothing." Luke further explains. "Why the hell were you eavesdropping on my phone call?" I snap at him. "I was waiting to go to the bathroom and the door isn't exactly soundproof." He snaps back at me. "Still, it's rude. And none of your business if I may add." "Guess you're right." He says as he steps into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I walk over to the lounge area where everyone is and sit beside Calum. I would have sat beside Mikey but, Cora was on his lap and that would be awkward. "Everything alright?" Calum asks. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask in defence. "Just a question." Calum replies with a small laugh. The rest of the night was spent drinking and talking, until 2am. "Mikey, i'm tired. Can we go home?" I whine. "We both drank, we can't drive." Mikey slurs. "I can drive you guys." Trey says. "Okay, thanks." I smile. I say my goodbyes to everyone, giving a hug to everyone but just a wave to Luke, considering what happened earlier. I help Michael to the car and we go home. -------------------------- The next morning I wake up and decide to check on Michael. He probably has one hell of a hangover. I walk out of my room and go over to Michael's room, knocking on the door. He doesn't answer so I open it up slightly. "Michael?" I see him sitting on his bed, with a guitar in his hands. "I didn't know you played." I say to him. He looked up. "Huh?" I point to the guitar. "Oh, yeah. I started last year." He says. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Trying to get these chords right." He says, tuning his guitar. "Well do you wanna grab some breakfast?" I ask. He stand up and puts his guitar on his bed. "Sorry, I'm actually going over to Luke's." "Oh." I say. "What?" "Nothing." "It wasn't nothing. You said that weird. Do you not like Luke or something?" He asks. "No, it's not that I don't like him. He's nice. He just kinda pissed me off last night when he was listening to my phone call." "Oh, well you should just give him a chance. He's great once you get to know him. He's really nice. and funny. and he laughs at my jokes, and--" Michael says before I cut him off. "Are you sure you're not dating him?" I laugh. He lightly shoves my arm, laughing. "Shut up." "He says you're pretty." Michael says out of the blue. "Yeah, he told me." I laugh. "Well, he better not get any ideas. You're my baby sister." Michael says with a somewhat serious look on his face now. "Please," I scoff. "I have Ian, remember?" "Right, Ian." Michael says, rolling his eyes. I could tell Michael didn't like Ian. Which was rather unfair since he had never met him. "I gotta go shower. Luke's coming to pick me up soon." Michael says as he hurries to the bathroom. I go downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal, then walk over to the TV and turn it on. I turn on the XBOX and put in a game I had never heard of, but choose it only because of the cute rabbit on the front. I hadn't even been playing for 5 minutes before I heard a knock on the door. I walk over to the door, quickly glancing at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable, seeing as I just woke up. I open the door to reveal Luke standing there. His hair was quiffed high, it must have given him at least an extra 2 inches in height. He had on black skinny jeans with rips at the knee and a red and black flannel. His eyes looked extra blue today. I hate to admit it, but he's actually pretty cute. "Hi." He says, breaking the silence. I guess I hadn't realized I had just been standing there, taking in what he looks like. "Uh, hey... Michael's in the shower, you can come in and wait if you want." I says as I stand to the side, gesturing for him to come in. He steps inside and kicks off his shoes. I didn't really mean for him to make himself at home, but maybe this was what he usually did. I sit back on the couch and he follows me over, sitting beside me. I was just about to click resume when he spoke up. "Hey about last night. I'm really sorry. It was out of line for me to listen in on your conversation. And you were right, it wasn't my business." Luke apologizes. I smile. That was really nice of him to apologize. "I would forgive you but, you might say I forgive too easily again." I tease.... A sudden look of worry washed over his face. "Luke, i'm kidding. Don't worry. No hard feelings." I smile, trying to give him some reassurance. "Oh, okay good." He let out a breath. "I really hope we can be friends. You seem like a nice girl." "Yeah, I hope so too. You seem like a nice guy, I guess." I say, hoping he catches onto my sarcasm this time. He does. He smiles and playfully shoves my arm. "So, you play?" Luke asks, motioning towards the tv screen. "Yeah. Michael got me into video games when I was super young. My addiction started on Mario Kart on Nintendo 64." I chuckle, remembering how Michael and I used to sit in his bedroom and play for hours, never getting bored. That was back when my parents actually got along. It made me think back to Michael's 11th birthday. He had gotten a brand new game cube and I was so jealous. I got mad at him because we only had one controller, and he would never let me play. Mum and Dad used to always make us work out our arguments civilly , without yelling. Why didn't they ever work their arguments out without yelling? What even made them get divorced? Don't they realize their divorce ruined the family? "May?" Luke snaps me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright?" "Yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking." "About?" He asks. "The old days." I sigh. "Oh, you mean when you and Michael both lived in Melbourne?" I nod. "I don't know, I just miss him a lot you know? Like I've been here for a few days and I've only spent a few hours alone with him. The rest of the time he was with Cora, or you and your friends. I know I sound selfish but." Luke cuts me off. "No, you don't sound selfish at all. You came to spend the summer with your brother, who you haven't seen since Christmas. It makes sense that you'd want to spend time alone with him." I raise an eyebrow. "How did you know I haven't seen him since Christmas?" Luke laughs. I didn't realize I said anything funny, though. "Are you kidding? Michael talks about you nonstop. Everyday for the fast few weeks all Michael would say is 'only a few more days until May comes'" He says, trying to imitate Michael's voice. "He talks about me?" I ask. "Does he ever. He's told me so many stories about you that I feel like I know everything about you." Luke says, bringing his hand to his face, covering his eyes. "That probably sounded creepy, i'm sorry." "It's alright. It's kinda nice to know Michael talks about me. I've kinda been feeling like he forgot about me, so it's nice to be reassured." I say, smiling. Luke smiles back. He was actually really attractive. He bit down on his lip, pulling at his lip ring. I'm guessing it was a habit of his considering I've seen him do it a lot. Not that I'm complaining though, it made him look even more attractive. His blonde hair matched his skin tone perfectly. His nose was really cute too. I couldn't find a single flaw on his face. What am I saying? This is Luke. My brother's best friend. and I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't been admiring other guys.... "Uh, May?" Luke says, snapping me out of my thoughts once again. He chuckles. "It's not nice to stare, you know?" "I-uh,um, I wasn't, I was-uh-" I stutter. "Relax, it's cute when you do it." He smiles and I blushed. "Uh, thanks." I put my head down so he doesn't see me blushing. I didn't usually get called cute. Ian rarely ever complimented me, and he got mad at other guys when they did, so they learned not to say anything at all. Michael came running down the stairs into the lounge, to see me and Luke. "Hey Luke, sorry I was in the shower. Let's go, yeah?" Luke nods as he stand up. "See ya later, May." Michael says as he walks to the doorway, putting his shoes on. "Well, I'll see you around, May." Luke says. He just stands there. I was wondering why he wasn't moving until I realize he was expecting a hug. "Right, see you." I say, quickly hugging him. Even thought the hug was quick, I couldn't help but notice how good he smelt. It was a mixture of mint and cologne. He began walking out of the lounge when he stopped and turned around. "Hey, uh-" He starts, scratching the back of his neck, "Do you wanna uh- come with us?" "Oh no, I don't want to... you know kind of impose..... " "You're kidding right? Come on. We're just going to go over to my house and play video games. Same as you're doing here, so why not just come and have some company? Plus, I wanna see you kick Michael's ass in Call Of Duty" Luke says. "Uh, yeah. Sure." I say as I put my shoes on and walk out the door with Luke. Michael had already been waiting in the car. He turns to me as I get in the backseat. "What are you doing here?" He laughs. "I invited her to come." Luke says, getting into the driver's seat. "Oh okay. That's great actually. Now I can spend time with my baby sister and best friend." I thought it was cute how Michael and Luke always referred to each other as 'best friend'. Almost as if they wanted everyone to know so no one else would try to take them away from the other. We drive to Luke's house and immediately go to his room, where his "XBOX" was. Well, right after saying hi to his mother, Liz of course. She's such a sweet woman. We had been playing for a couple hours already, and I had beaten them both in almost every game. Except one match of Call of Duty that Michael won. "Alright, I'm tired of getting beaten by my sister. I'm going to get food." Michael says as he puts his controller down and leaves the room. "Damn, you're really good at video games." Luke laughs. "Yeah, I guess. It's weird playing with people though. I'm used to playing alone since Michael left." "Don't any of your friends play?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Ian?" He asks, but I just shake my head again. "My friends aren't exactly..gamers." I say. I figure that's the nicest way to put it because I would rather not tell Luke my group of friends would rather have fun by smoking, getting drunk, breaking into cars and all sorts of other stuff. "Oh. Well, if you ever feel lonely during the summer, call me. I'll be happy to play with you." He says, smacking his hand to head just like he did earlier today. "I meant like, play video games with you. That came out wrong I didn't mean for it to sound like that-" Luke said as I laugh. "It's fine. I knew what you meant." I say, smiling. He smiles back and I once again find myself staring into his bright blue eyes. I could feel myself getting lost. They were like the ocean. Deep and full of mystery. Before I know it, Luke starts to lean in, and myself doing the same. I want to stop but I feel paralyzed. What was happening to me? Luke started to close his eyes and I began to do the same when suddenly, Michael came back into the room and I immediately jerk away from Luke. "I made some frozen pizza, and I got some chips too." He says through his clenched teeth, since he was holding the bag of chips with his mouth. He had his eyes focused on the plate of pizza so he didn't see how close in proximity Luke and I were, thank god. "I'm uh, gonna go to the bathroom." I say before hurrying out of the room. I go into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. I turn on the taps and splash water on my face before looking at myself in the mirror. I widen my eyes as I realize, I almost kissed Luke. I almost kissed my brother's best friend. I almost cheated on my boyfriend. But strangely enough, I found myself feeling mad that Michael came into the room when he did. I found myself feeling sad that Luke hadn't kissed me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ... oooooopppsss.... it seem's something is starting up between Luke and May! .... ok well I don't know if anyone reads this but if you do then a big thank you to you and please don't to like and comment!.....
28 Mar 2019 | 10:54
"Hey." Ian says. "Hi." "Look, I'm sorry about yesterday night. I don't even remember sending those messages. I was waiting for you to text me all day today and when you didn't I got worried, so I went to text you and then I saw the messages from last. I don't remember sending them I swear. May, please believe me baby." Ian says into the phone quickly. "Okay." I answer. "Okay?" He asks, sounding shocked. Probably because I gave in so fast but, to be honest I couldn't be bothered to fight with Ian right now. "Yeah, I forgive you. I don't want to fight Ian." I whisper into the phone. "Me either baby." He says as I smile. "How's your summer going so far?" He asks, trying to change the topic. "Well, it's only been a few days." I say, giggling lightly. "But, it's been alright so far. I've pretty much just been hanging out with my brother and his friends, who are pretty cool I guess. But I miss home. I miss you." He sighs. "I miss you more. Hey, I have an idea. How about I come out to Sydney text sometime before summer ends?" "Uhh... , yeah if you want. I don't really know if you'll get along with Mikey though." I indicate. Ian laughs. "Well, I'm not coming to see Mikey , am I?" He puts emphasis on 'Mikey' since he knows only I call him that. "Point taken. Maybe you can come towards the end of summer? I wouldn't want you to come so early on because then I'll miss you for the next two months. I want something to look forward to." I say. "Okay, baby." "Look, I should get back to Mikey and his friends. I'll text you later okay?" We exchange our goodbyes and hang up. I walk out of the bathroom to come in immediate contact with a body. "Shit." I mutter. "Sorry." I look up to see Luke. "It's alright." I say, moving to the side to walk back over the everyone, until Luke steps in front of me. "You forgave him rather quick." Luke says rudely. "Excuse me?" I ask... "Well, you just seemed so upset last night and then just now you forgave him like nothing." Luke further explains. "Why the hell were you eavesdropping on my phone call?" I snap at him. "I was waiting to go to the bathroom and the door isn't exactly soundproof." He snaps back at me. "Still, it's rude. And none of your business if I may add." "Guess you're right." He says as he steps into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. I walk over to the lounge area where everyone is and sit beside Calum. I would have sat beside Mikey but, Cora was on his lap and that would be awkward. "Everything alright?" Calum asks. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I ask in defence. "Just a question." Calum replies with a small laugh. The rest of the night was spent drinking and talking, until 2am. "Mikey, i'm tired. Can we go home?" I whine. "We both drank, we can't drive." Mikey slurs. "I can drive you guys." Trey says. "Okay, thanks." I smile. I say my goodbyes to everyone, giving a hug to everyone but just a wave to Luke, considering what happened earlier. I help Michael to the car and we go home. -------------------------- The next morning I wake up and decide to check on Michael. He probably has one hell of a hangover. I walk out of my room and go over to Michael's room, knocking on the door. He doesn't answer so I open it up slightly. "Michael?" I see him sitting on his bed, with a guitar in his hands. "I didn't know you played." I say to him. He looked up. "Huh?" I point to the guitar. "Oh, yeah. I started last year." He says. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Trying to get these chords right." He says, tuning his guitar. "Well do you wanna grab some breakfast?" I ask. He stand up and puts his guitar on his bed. "Sorry, I'm actually going over to Luke's." "Oh." I say. "What?" "Nothing." "It wasn't nothing. You said that weird. Do you not like Luke or something?" He asks. "No, it's not that I don't like him. He's nice. He just kinda pissed me off last night when he was listening to my phone call." "Oh, well you should just give him a chance. He's great once you get to know him. He's really nice. and funny. and he laughs at my jokes, and--" Michael says before I cut him off. "Are you sure you're not dating him?" I laugh. He lightly shoves my arm, laughing. "Shut up." "He says you're pretty." Michael says out of the blue. "Yeah, he told me." I laugh. "Well, he better not get any ideas. You're my baby sister." Michael says with a somewhat serious look on his face now. "Please," I scoff. "I have Ian, remember?" "Right, Ian." Michael says, rolling his eyes. I could tell Michael didn't like Ian. Which was rather unfair since he had never met him. "I gotta go shower. Luke's coming to pick me up soon." Michael says as he hurries to the bathroom. I go downstairs and make myself a bowl of cereal, then walk over to the TV and turn it on. I turn on the XBOX and put in a game I had never heard of, but choose it only because of the cute rabbit on the front. I hadn't even been playing for 5 minutes before I heard a knock on the door. I walk over to the door, quickly glancing at myself in the mirror to make sure I looked presentable, seeing as I just woke up. I open the door to reveal Luke standing there. His hair was quiffed high, it must have given him at least an extra 2 inches in height. He had on black skinny jeans with rips at the knee and a red and black flannel. His eyes looked extra blue today. I hate to admit it, but he's actually pretty cute. "Hi." He says, breaking the silence. I guess I hadn't realized I had just been standing there, taking in what he looks like. "Uh, hey... Michael's in the shower, you can come in and wait if you want." I says as I stand to the side, gesturing for him to come in. He steps inside and kicks off his shoes. I didn't really mean for him to make himself at home, but maybe this was what he usually did. I sit back on the couch and he follows me over, sitting beside me. I was just about to click resume when he spoke up. "Hey about last night. I'm really sorry. It was out of line for me to listen in on your conversation. And you were right, it wasn't my business." Luke apologizes. I smile. That was really nice of him to apologize. "I would forgive you but, you might say I forgive too easily again." I tease.... A sudden look of worry washed over his face. "Luke, i'm kidding. Don't worry. No hard feelings." I smile, trying to give him some reassurance. "Oh, okay good." He let out a breath. "I really hope we can be friends. You seem like a nice girl." "Yeah, I hope so too. You seem like a nice guy, I guess." I say, hoping he catches onto my sarcasm this time. He does. He smiles and playfully shoves my arm. "So, you play?" Luke asks, motioning towards the tv screen. "Yeah. Michael got me into video games when I was super young. My addiction started on Mario Kart on Nintendo 64." I chuckle, remembering how Michael and I used to sit in his bedroom and play for hours, never getting bored. That was back when my parents actually got along. It made me think back to Michael's 11th birthday. He had gotten a brand new game cube and I was so jealous. I got mad at him because we only had one controller, and he would never let me play. Mum and Dad used to always make us work out our arguments civilly , without yelling. Why didn't they ever work their arguments out without yelling? What even made them get divorced? Don't they realize their divorce ruined the family? "May?" Luke snaps me out of my thoughts. "Are you alright?" "Yeah. Sorry, I was just thinking." "About?" He asks. "The old days." I sigh. "Oh, you mean when you and Michael both lived in Melbourne?" I nod. "I don't know, I just miss him a lot you know? Like I've been here for a few days and I've only spent a few hours alone with him. The rest of the time he was with Cora, or you and your friends. I know I sound selfish but." Luke cuts me off. "No, you don't sound selfish at all. You came to spend the summer with your brother, who you haven't seen since Christmas. It makes sense that you'd want to spend time alone with him." I raise an eyebrow. "How did you know I haven't seen him since Christmas?" Luke laughs. I didn't realize I said anything funny, though. "Are you kidding? Michael talks about you nonstop. Everyday for the fast few weeks all Michael would say is 'only a few more days until May comes'" He says, trying to imitate Michael's voice. "He talks about me?" I ask. "Does he ever. He's told me so many stories about you that I feel like I know everything about you." Luke says, bringing his hand to his face, covering his eyes. "That probably sounded creepy, i'm sorry." "It's alright. It's kinda nice to know Michael talks about me. I've kinda been feeling like he forgot about me, so it's nice to be reassured." I say, smiling. Luke smiles back. He was actually really attractive. He bit down on his lip, pulling at his lip ring. I'm guessing it was a habit of his considering I've seen him do it a lot. Not that I'm complaining though, it made him look even more attractive. His blonde hair matched his skin tone perfectly. His nose was really cute too. I couldn't find a single flaw on his face. What am I saying? This is Luke. My brother's best friend. and I have a boyfriend. I shouldn't been admiring other guys.... "Uh, May?" Luke says, snapping me out of my thoughts once again. He chuckles. "It's not nice to stare, you know?" "I-uh,um, I wasn't, I was-uh-" I stutter. "Relax, it's cute when you do it." He smiles and I blushed. "Uh, thanks." I put my head down so he doesn't see me blushing. I didn't usually get called cute. Ian rarely ever complimented me, and he got mad at other guys when they did, so they learned not to say anything at all. Michael came running down the stairs into the lounge, to see me and Luke. "Hey Luke, sorry I was in the shower. Let's go, yeah?" Luke nods as he stand up. "See ya later, May." Michael says as he walks to the doorway, putting his shoes on. "Well, I'll see you around, May." Luke says. He just stands there. I was wondering why he wasn't moving until I realize he was expecting a hug. "Right, see you." I say, quickly hugging him. Even thought the hug was quick, I couldn't help but notice how good he smelt. It was a mixture of mint and cologne. He began walking out of the lounge when he stopped and turned around. "Hey, uh-" He starts, scratching the back of his neck, "Do you wanna uh- come with us?" "Oh no, I don't want to... you know kind of impose..... " "You're kidding right? Come on. We're just going to go over to my house and play video games. Same as you're doing here, so why not just come and have some company? Plus, I wanna see you kick Michael's ass in Call Of Duty" Luke says. "Uh, yeah. Sure." I say as I put my shoes on and walk out the door with Luke. Michael had already been waiting in the car. He turns to me as I get in the backseat. "What are you doing here?" He laughs. "I invited her to come." Luke says, getting into the driver's seat. "Oh okay. That's great actually. Now I can spend time with my baby sister and best friend." I thought it was cute how Michael and Luke always referred to each other as 'best friend'. Almost as if they wanted everyone to know so no one else would try to take them away from the other. We drive to Luke's house and immediately go to his room, where his "XBOX" was. Well, right after saying hi to his mother, Liz of course. She's such a sweet woman. We had been playing for a couple hours already, and I had beaten them both in almost every game. Except one match of Call of Duty that Michael won. "Alright, I'm tired of getting beaten by my sister. I'm going to get food." Michael says as he puts his controller down and leaves the room. "Damn, you're really good at video games." Luke laughs. "Yeah, I guess. It's weird playing with people though. I'm used to playing alone since Michael left." "Don't any of your friends play?" He asks me. I shake my head. "Ian?" He asks, but I just shake my head again. "My friends aren't exactly..gamers." I say. I figure that's the nicest way to put it because I would rather not tell Luke my group of friends would rather have fun by smoking, getting drunk, breaking into cars and all sorts of other stuff. "Oh. Well, if you ever feel lonely during the summer, call me. I'll be happy to play with you." He says, smacking his hand to head just like he did earlier today. "I meant like, play video games with you. That came out wrong I didn't mean for it to sound like that-" Luke said as I laugh. "It's fine. I knew what you meant." I say, smiling. He smiles back and I once again find myself staring into his bright blue eyes. I could feel myself getting lost. They were like the ocean. Deep and full of mystery. Before I know it, Luke starts to lean in, and myself doing the same. I want to stop but I feel paralyzed. What was happening to me? Luke started to close his eyes and I began to do the same when suddenly, Michael came back into the room and I immediately jerk away from Luke. "I made some frozen pizza, and I got some chips too." He says through his clenched teeth, since he was holding the bag of chips with his mouth. He had his eyes focused on the plate of pizza so he didn't see how close in proximity Luke and I were, thank god. "I'm uh, gonna go to the bathroom." I say before hurrying out of the room. I go into the bathroom and quickly shut the door. I turn on the taps and splash water on my face before looking at myself in the mirror. I widen my eyes as I realize, I almost kissed Luke. I almost kissed my brother's best friend. I almost cheated on my boyfriend. But strangely enough, I found myself feeling mad that Michael came into the room when he did. I found myself feeling sad that Luke hadn't kissed me. ---------------------------------------------------------------- ... oooooopppsss.... it seem's something is starting up between Luke and May! .... ok well I don't know if anyone reads this but if you do then a big thank you to you and please don't you forget to like and comment!..... and please invite others cuz the more the audience the more motivated I am in each episode.... thanks....
28 Mar 2019 | 11:09
Interesting am so following
28 Mar 2019 | 12:51
@fb-itzonome check this story out
28 Mar 2019 | 12:52
@ryder thanks... am following keenly
28 Mar 2019 | 13:57
continue pls
28 Mar 2019 | 19:12
I was shaken out of all my thoughts when I hear a knock on the door. "May? Is everything okay? You've been in there a while." I hear Luke say from the other side of the door. The last thing I want to do right now is face Luke, but I can't hide in the bathroom all day. "Yeah, uh- I'll uh- I'll be out in a minute." I stammer. Once I was sure Luke had walked away, I open the door slightly. My assumptions were right, he must have gone back to his room. I walk back over to them and stand in the doorway of his room. "Hey uh-I'm gonna head home. You can stay Mikey, it's not that far of a walk." I say. "Why are you leaving? Are you sure?" Michael asks and I nod my head. "Is everything okay?" Michael asks. "Yeah of course. I just have a bit of a headache." I lie. "Luke can just drive us home now then." Michael says, beginning to stand up. "No, no. Honestly, it's not that far of a walk. Stay and have fun Mikey, and i'll just see you back at home." "Alright, May." Mikey says hesitantly. I hadn't bothered to make eye contact with Luke throughout this whole conversation, but it would be rude not to even say bye to him. "See ya 'round Luke." I say, giving him a quick wave before heading out of his house as fast as my legs could take me. I had way too many thoughts going through my mind right now. I had never ever come close to cheating on Ian, until now. I loved Ian. I've only known Luke for a week. I'm not going to let some random guy I just met and no nothing about, come between me and somebody i've been with for months now. Somebody I love. So many thoughts were going through my mind that I hadn't realized I had passed my house by a few. I quickly turn around and walk through the front door. I go upstairs and lay on my bed, deciding to take a nap. All of this had been too much for me. It's not even a big deal but I'm so against cheating and I can't believe I almost did it. I should have pushed Luke away. I should have said no to him, but instead I leaned in too. At that moment, I wanted to kiss him. But now, I know I didn't, it was just the heat of the moment. Before I knew it my eyes had closed and I drifted to sleep. I wake up and glance at my clock. 6:23. I hadn't realized I slept that long. I walk into the bathroom that connected to my room and quickly wipe the makeup from under my eyes and tie my hair up in a messy bun before walking downstairs. It was dead quiet. "Mum? Mikey?" I call out. "Mum? Mikey?" I repeat, this time louder. "In the basement!" I hear Michael call from downstairs. I open the door to the basement and walk down the stairs. "Hey, where's Mum?" I ask him. "She uh-um" He pauses. "Went Out." I furrow my eyebrows. Why did he stutter like that? "Okayyy," I say, dragging the word on. "Well where did she go?" "She just went out okay May?" He snaps at me. "God, okay. Don't freak out at me." I say back to him, just as snappy as he was to me. "Why do you always play 20 questions with me every time we talk, huh?!" He yells at me, rising from the chair he was sitting in. It surprises me that he even paused Call of Duty to yell at me. "Why are you freaking out at me? I woke up and Mum was gone so I just wanted to know where she went! Is that such a crime?" "Well maybe if you didn't sleep all the fucking time then you would realize the world doesn't stop for you. The world doesn't revolve around May Clifford!" Mikey yells at me. I huff and begin to storm upstairs. "Where the hell are you going?" He yells at me. "For a smoke! I don't need to be yelled at right now." I yell back at him as I get upstairs. I walk all the way upstairs to my room and go into my bedside table drawer, pulling out my package of cigarettes. I grab a cigarette and my lighter and shut the drawer. I turn around and immediately collide with a body. "Get away from me Michael!" I yell, pushing Michael at his chest. "You never told me you smoked." Michael says, his voice lower and calmer than before. "We all have secrets." I retort. His eyes narrowed. "What the fuck is that supposed to mean?" "Well it seems like you and Mum are keeping secrets from me, so there shouldn't be a problem when I keep them from you." I say. "How are we keeping secrets from you?" "All I asked was where she was and you blew up in my fucking face! What was that about? Huh Michael? Why don't you tell me your secret since now you know mine!" I yell in his face. He looks at me with sudden hurt in his eyes. Did I say something wrong? "You-you called me Michael." He says. Huh? "That's your name is it not?" I ask him. "You always call me Mikey. You have ever since you could talk May." He says, apparent sadness in his voice. I didn't think it was that big of a deal. "Seriously? That's what your worried about right now? The fact that I didn't use your stupid nickname? Is this all so you can divert the attention away from where Mum is? Grow up Michael." I say, making sure to use his full name again. I push past him and go downstairs, putting my shoes and opening the front door. I begin walking as I light my cigarette and try to not think about Michael and his childishness. I walk until I come to the diner. I remember Michael took me here when I came for a week last March. I remembered their burgers were great, and right now I could eat a whole cow. I throw my cigarette to the ground and put it out before walking into the diner. I sit down at a booth and immediately the waiter comes over. "Hey, Can I get your order?" He asks me. "Just a regular burger and a water, thanks." He jots it down before walking off. I pull out my phone and decide to go on twitter. I click on compose tweet and tweet; @MayClifford: Should have never came here. I lock my phone but immediately get a notification. It was from Calum. @CalumHood: @MayClifford then I would have never met you then :( I chuckle at his tweet. He was sweet. I quickly favourite it and lock my phone again. I look around and see a family of four sitting at the booth across from me. A mother, father, son and daughter. It made me miss the way my family used to be. It made me miss my dad. Sure we weren't ever that close, but He actually attempted to spend time with me, which is more than my Mum has done since I've been here. Didn't she miss me all these months? And Michael just wanted to hang out with his friends. I wouldn't have even gone to hang out with him and Luke if Luke didn't invite me. Neither him or my mother want to spend any time with me. Maybe it's best if I just go home. My thoughts are broken when I see someone stand in front of me. Speak of the devil. "Uh-hey." Luke says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Can I sit?" "I don't think that's the best idea." I say. He sits down anyways. "May, don't ignore me. Come on. Look, can we just forget about what happened? It was a mistake and it was just in the heat of the moment. I barely even know you so I don't know why I even wanted to kiss you." He says. Ouch. "Jee thanks." I say, rolling my eyes. "No, I didn't mean it like that! I just meant-" I cut him off. "Look, it doesn't matter what you meant. It doesn't matter what almost happened because I've only known you for a week and that's all I'm going to know you for. It was nice meeting you Luke but, I'm going home. My real home." I say as I stood up, slapping money down without bothering to wait for my food. I walk out of the diner without saying bye to Luke. Someone grabs me by the arm and turns me around. Luke, of course. "Luke, leave me alone!" I say sternly. "May you can't leave! Michael's been so excited about you coming! That's all he's talked about for weeks. He needs you here. You can't just leave him alone." Luke says, sadness is his eyes. Needs me? "He wouldn't be alone Luke. He has my mum. And he has you and the guys. And Cora. He hasn't made any effort to spend time with me while I've been here so it doesn't matter anymore. I miss Ian. And my dad. I'm going home, Luke. Stop trying to stop me." I say, turning around. Luke doesn't say anything, so I keep walking. I make it home and go straight to my room. I grab my suitcase from the closet and begin putting my clothes in. I'm glad Michael and my mum weren't around. I can't help but wonder where they both were, but they don't care about me so why should I care about them? After I finish packing everything up, I go downstairs to call a taxi. After I call the taxi, I call my dad. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey Dad." "May, how is everything over there? I miss you!" "Uh, about that." I say, choking on my words. "May, what's wrong honey?" He asks worriedly. "Dad, I'm coming home." I cry. "What happened?" "They don't care that i'm even here. I came to spend time with them and they don't care. I miss you. And Ian. And all my other friends. I can't spend one more minute here, let alone two months. I called a taxi and I'm taking a plane back to Melboune. I have money." I say. "May honey, I'm sure Michael and your mother want you there! Please just stay there. They miss you like crazy." "Dad, please?" I say desperately. He sighs. "Okay, May. Get on the next flight." We exchange goodbyes and I hang up. A few minutes later a horn beeps. It must be my taxi. I grab my suitcase and walk out the door. "Airport please." I say to the driver. He begins to drive away and I take one last look at the house. I was actually going home. I hadn't shown it over the past few weeks but, I was so excited to come here to see Michael. I knew I would miss my friends and Ian but, I missed my brother more. And now, I was leaving him without even saying goodbye..... --------------------------- .... hhhmmm may haven't even spend up to 1/4 of the summer yet and she is about leaving..... hhhmmm do you all think that is the right decision for her to take.... or not..... please comment and let me know what you all have in mind before the other second episode come up ...... don't worry it will be out soon... latest tonight..... yeah thanks you all for your support so far......
29 Mar 2019 | 09:41
That's her problem, Me personally don't like Ian kind of a guy so I am like 30% in support of her going back
29 Mar 2019 | 13:46
I arrive shortly to the airport and check the schedule. I have another hour until boarding so, I sit down, put my headphones in, and scroll through twitter and instagram. Just then, my phone starts to ring. Luke's name appears on my screen. I debate on whether I should decline the call or not, but I decide to answer it. "Hello?" I say. "May, please don't leave." Luke practically begs. "Luke, would you just stop? Let's not make this whole thing dramatic. Michael doesn't care that I'm here and neither does my own mother. I sacrificed my whole summer just to come here and all they do is ignore me!" I raise my voice a bit, getting a few looks from people sitting near me. "May, trust me, Michael wants you here. Before you came, all he talked about was what he had planned to do with you. All he talked about was things you used to do as kids, or inside jokes you two have. He wants you here so badly," Luke pauses. "Which is why he's on his way to the airport right now." "What?" I ask. "May, just don't leave. Let Michael bring you home. He wants you here. So does your mum. And--I kinda want you here too." He says, his voice getting lower at his last few words. Before I can reply to Luke, I see Michael frantically running through the airport. I stand up and immediately catch his gaze. "I'll call you back." I say to Luke before hanging up. "May!" Michael calls while running over to me. "Mikey I-" "Please don't leave May. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. God May, I've been looking forward to you coming for so long. I'm sorry you feel like I haven't been paying attention to you. Please stay." He begs. I sigh. "Only if you promise to take me to that diner again." I give him a small smile. His eyes light up as he nods his head and hugs me tightly. "I'm so sorry." He says again. "It's okay Mikey. Let's go." I say, grabbing my suitcase as we walk out of the airport. We get home soon after. Mum still isn't home, no surprise. I decide not to ask Michael about it because I don't want to start another fight. I go upstairs and begin to unpack all my stuff. "May, come downstairs, everyone's here." Michael calls from downstairs. I assume he meant the guys and Cora when he said everyone. I walk downstairs and I was right. I wave to everyone and sit down on the couch. "I'm glad you stayed." Luke leans in beside me and whispers. "Me too." I smile. "Okay, it's movie night. May gets to pick the movie tonight." Michael says. "Hey! It's my turn though!" Calum whines. "Shut up!" Luke and Michael strangely say simultaneously. "My house. My rules. May chooses." Michael says. "It's just a movie, Calum can pick." I say. "No. You choose May." Michael says again. "Well, Cal what did you want to watch?" I ask Calum. "I don't know, I kind of wanted to watch She's The Man." He says, shrugging his shoulders. "I choose She's The Man then." I say, smiling at Calum. He smiles back, silently thanking me. "That's why we never let Calum choose anymore." Luke groans. "Why?" I ask. "Because," Luke laughs lightly, "Every time it's Calum's turn to choose a movie, he chooses that. This is going to be the fourth time we've watched it." Everyone laughs, including Calum. "Well fifth times a charm." I say, laughing. "I don't think that's how the saying goes." Luke says, laughing. "Shut up! Just put the movie in." I say. "Yo, Amanda Bynes used to be so hot." Ashton says. "What do you mean used to be? I love her cheek piercings now." Luke says sarcastically. Ashton pushes Luke's shoulder, a little too hard. Luke was sitting cross legged and slightly lost his balance, leaning into me due to Ashton's push. He looks at me, inches away from my face. He stares into my eyes. "Sorry." He mumbles. "It's okay." I say quietly. He looks at me for a few more seconds before sitting back up and focusing back on the movie. As soon as the ending credits come on I stand up. "I'm gonna go to bed, night guys." I say. "But it's so early." Michael whines. "I know but I had a long day." "Alright, night baby sister." I huff at his words. He knows I hate being called little sister. "Night Michael." I says, putting emphasis on his name, rather than saying his nickname. "Heyyy." He whines. I laugh and playfully roll my eyes before making my way to the stairs. "Night everyone!" I say before going upstairs. I go into my room and collapse on my bed, pulling out my phone and going on twitter. After 20 minutes fly by I get up and quickly take off my pants and put on just an oversized shirt to sleep in. I walked over to my vanity and look into the mirror, taking my makeup off and putting my hair in a bun. "Enjoy the movie?" A voice says from my doorway. I hadn't realized I'd left my door open. "Jeez Luke, you scared me." I say, putting my hand over my heart. "Sorry about that." He says, rubbing the back of his neck. "What are you still doing here?" I say, trying to sound as nice as possible. "Oh, Michael said I could stay the night." He say. I nod my head. My phone buzzes. "That the boyfriend?" Luke asks, referring to the notification I got. I look at my phone. It was a tweet I was mentioned in from Michael. @MichaelClifford: Best night in a while! So glad my sister's in town, man. @MayClifford "Nope," I say popping the p. "Just Michael." I show him the tweet. "Wow that jerk! He didn't even tag me!" Luke says, pretending to be deeply offended. "That's because you're not his sister, dummy." I say giggling. "Yeah but still! I'm his best friend. Give me your phone, i'm tweeting him back!" Luke says, snatching my phone from my hand. "Where's your phone?" I ask. "Downstairs." He says, typing away on the keyboard. "What are you doing?" I ask, looking over on the screen. "Tweeting him back." Luke says as he signs onto his account and types in Michael's twitter name. He finds the tweet and replies; @LukeHemmo: @MichaelClifford you dick, I was there too. @ me too next time. He sends the tweet and immediately clicks the settings button the twitter app that shows the multiple accounts signed into. He clicks on my twitter and clicks compose tweet. "Luke what are you doing! Give me my phone!" I laugh as I tried to get my phone back. He holds it high as he continues to tweet something. I try jumping for it but it was no use. This kid was like 10 feet tall. "Luke" I whine, dragging his name on. "May" He whines back, dragging my name on too. "Give me my phone!" I say, jumping up and trying to get it again. I hit his arm, making him fumble my phone and dropping it on the phone. I go to grab it off the floor before Luke grabs me by my waist and picks me up. "Nope, you're not getting it back!" Luke says as he carries me away from my possibly shattered phone. "But it might be shattered." I groan. "But you'll delete the tweet." He whines. "I won't delete it if you let me go!" I say, trying to squirm out of his grasp. He quickly spins me around so I face him. Our faces are inches apart, for the second time tonight. "Promise?" He asks lowly, looking into my eyes. It was so hard not to get lost in this boy's deep blue eyes. "Promise." I say back, almost in a whisper. "Okay." He stares back at me and looks at my lips quickly before looking back up at my eyes immediately. I knew if I didn't pull away now then we would have a repeat of what happened in his room. I pull away and go to get my phone off the ground. I pick it up, turning it over to reveal a perfect screen with no cracks. "You're lucky, Hemmings. It's not shattered." I say looking at him. He stand there basically frozen. "Luke?" I ask, breaking him out of his thoughts. "Huh? Oh, good." He says. "You okay?" I ask. "Yeah of course. I should probably get back to Michael." Luke says, starting towards the door of my bedroom. "Wait, why'd you come to my room in the first place?" I ask him. He turns around to face me. "Just wanted to say good night. So good night." He smiles. "Good night." I reply, smiling back at him. "Don't break the promise." Luke says before walking out of my room. The tweet, right. I quickly unlock my phone and open my twitter app. I look at my most recent tweet that says, "@LukeHemmo is the hottest guy I've ever seen holy shit my brother sure knows how to pick friends ;)" I roll my eyes and laugh to myself. I sit back at my vanity and finish taking my makeup off before climbing into bed. I look again at the tweet that Luke tweeted on my account and get a mention. @LukeHemmo: @MayClifford woah stop flirting with me!!1!!11! ;-) I retweet the tweet and reply; @MayClifford: @LukeHemmo ew don't put a nose in a smiley face that's weird. He replies almost instantly, right after retweeting my tweet; @LukeHemmo: @MayClifford it's not a smiley face, it's a winky face you dork ;-) HA I PUT THE NOSE AGAIN I retweet it and reply; @MayClifford: That's it i'm blocking you!! He replies faster than last time; @LukeHemmo: @MayClifford NO I'M SORRY! :( Look, I even did no nose this time! I laugh and retweet it, but don't reply this time. I was dead tired and needed some sleep. I lock my phone and put it on the table beside my bed. I'm glad I didn't leave. Not just because of Michael but, because of Luke too..... yeah.... ------------ sorry hope this isn't boring.... hope you are enjoying it so far tho......... thanks you all the attention..... please comment and like..... and invite more people as well.... thanks yah.... more updates coming up tomorrow.....
29 Mar 2019 | 15:12
Good,,, following
30 Mar 2019 | 06:41
I wake up the next morning and immediately get up and go to the bathroom that connects to my room to freshen up. I got my tooth brush and went to turn the knob to the cold water but when I turned it, no water came out. "Great." I sigh heavily. I walk out of the bathroom and begin walking over to the main bathroom. Just as I was about to reach the doorway, Luke comes out of Michael's room. "Oh, morning." Luke says, rubbing his eyes obviously just waking up. "Morning. Did you need the bathroom?" I ask. "Yeah, but I can just go downstairs." He says. "No, don't worry. You're the guest, i'll go downstairs it's fine." I say as I walk over to the stairs. "If you're not planning on going back to sleep than you can come down for breakfast. I'm making pancakes if you want some?" I ask him. He nods his head but doesn't speak. I take that as a yes and begin to make my way downstairs. "Wow." Luke says, letting out a breath. I turn to face him. "What?" He just stands there, looking at me. "Luke?" "Sorry, you just look really good right now." He admits, staring at me. I blush profusely. "Luke, I just woke up..." I say, turning my head away. "I know," He pauses. "But you always look good." He smiles at me before walking into the bathroom and closing the door. After I finish brushing my teeth, I go into the kitchen and grab the pancake mix out of the cupboard and get everything ready. "Need any help?" Luke asks, coming from behind me. I jump, not knowing he was there. "Luke, that's the second time in less than 12 hours you made my heart stop." I chuckle, putting my hand over my heart. "Funny, I make your heart stop and you make mine beat faster." Luke says under his breath. "W-what?" I ask, hoping I heard him wrong. "Hmm? Nothing. I'll uh-set the table." Luke says before walking away to get the dishes out of the cupboard, leaving me confused as ever by what he just said. After the pancakes are finished, I put them in a plate and bring them to the table where Luke was sitting. I sit down across from him but don't say anything. I'm still trying to understand what he meant by what he said in the kitchen. "These are really good." Luke says with a mouthful of food. "It'd be much easier to understand you without a mouthful of food, Luke." I laugh. He swallows and repeats himself, "These are really good." "Thanks, I made them from a box mix though." I laugh lightly. He laughs too. "Well still, you made the best box mix pancakes I've ever tasted." I smile. Just then my phone buzzes. I glance at the screen to see that Ian is calling me. Ian. I haven't talked to him much lately. "Aren't you gonna get that?" Luke asks. I contemplate answering it, but then shake my head. "No, I'm talking to you, that would be rude." I say to Luke. He smiles, but then looks at my still ringing phone. "You should answer it, I'll still be here when you're done." He jokes. "I'll just be a second." I say before standing up and taking my phone into the kitchen. "Hello?" I answer. "Where the fuck have you been lately?" Ian slurs. It was early in the morning, how was he already drunk? "Really, Ian? It's not even eleven in the morning and you're already drunk?" I half whisper so Luke won't hear me. "I've been drunk since last night, I just haven't stopped drinking yet." He laughs. "You need to lay off your drinking." "Oh don't act like you wouldn't be doing the same as me if you were here." I am about to respond but then I realize, he is right. I was no better than him. "Whatever, Ian." I say. "See, you know I'm right. Why don't you just come home and party with me? And everyone else. Come on." Ian practically demands. "No, you know I want to spend time with Mikey this summer." I say. "Or spend time with Luke?" Ian huffs. I widen my eyes. How does he know Luke? "What are you talking about? How do you even know Luke?" I ask, furrowing my brows. "I don't know him. But you seem to be getting pretty close to him. You sure you're not in Sydney to see him , not Michael?" He asks harshly. "What are you even talking about right now? How am I getting close with him?" "Don't act all innocent. I saw your tweets to each other. If you want to be a slut than be my guest, but I won't date someone who whore's it around all of Australia." Ian snaps at me, with malice in his voice. Tears well up in my eyes. "You don't mean that. You're drunk, you don't mean that." I say, choking back tears. "I may be drunk but I know what I'm saying. I'm not an idiot, May. Have fun fucking that prick." "D-don't call him names, you don't even know him." I say, sticking up for Luke. Ian doesn't even know Luke. Obviously there was nothing going on between Luke and I but still, he doesn't deserve to be called names when he did nothing wrong. "Sticking up for your new boyfriend? Wow, you really are a tramp." Ian huffs. "STOP! What do you mean new boyfriend? You're my boyfriend! Luke is Michael's best friend! Why are you acting like this?" I cry, not holding back my tears anymore. "Oh I don't know, May. Maybe because 5 different guys at the party last night came up to me and told me how you were flirting with that douche on twitter." "We weren't flirting! God, Ian! You know how much you mean to me, why are you doubting it?" I sob. "You know what May? Fuck you." Ian yells before hanging up. I stand still in shock, unable to comprehend what just happened. I put my hand over my mouth to try and hold in my sobs. Did Ian just break up with me? "May?" Luke says quietly from behind me. I quickly wipe my eyes and turn around to see Luke with a sad look on his face, obviously hearing the phone call. "How much did you hear?" I sigh. "Just from when my name was brought up.." He says quietly. "Oh, sorry about that." I say apologetically. "It's alright but uh," He pauses. "Why was my name brought up? Your boyfriend doesn't even know me." Luke says with a bit of anger in his voice. "I know, i'm so sorry. He was drunk and-" I say before Luke cut me off. "Drunk? It's like eleven in the morning." He laughs lightly. I look at him for a minute before laughing too. "That's Ian for you." I say. "But seriously, I'm sorry about him. He was just mad about us tweeting each other. He said it was flirty ." I say, rolling my eyes and putting air quotes on 'flirty'. Luke laughs again. "Wow, he really is jealous. I tweeted you a few times and it was a joke. He needs to loosen up." "Yeah, you're right." I smile weakly. "Let's just get back to breakfast." I say walking over to the table before Luke grabs my arm and turns me around. "I heard what he said on the phone, your speaker was up pretty loud. Or maybe it was just his screaming," Luke pauses to chuckle lightly, but then turns his face serious again. "You're not anything that he was calling you. Don't ever let him make you feel bad about yourself. A boyfriend should make his girlfriend feel amazing about herself all the time. You deserve to feel amazing and special all the time." Luke says, looking into my eyes. I smile. "Thanks, Luke. I really needed that." He smiles back at me. "So are you guys, you know..over?" "No, Ian does this a lot. I'll call him in a few days and we'll talk it out. He'll apologize for saying the things he said and I'll apologize for whatever it was that I did and then we'll be fine." I say. This was basically a routine for Ian and I. I didn't like it one bit but, that's just how Ian is. "That's not a very healthy relationship, May." Luke says to me. "Don't tell me what's healthy or not in my own relationship, Luke." I say angrily. His face drops, probably because of the tone I was using. "I'm sorry I-" Luke starts but this time it was my turn to cut him off. "Forget it, Luke. I'm not really hungry anymore. I'm just going to go upstairs." I say and go upstairs quickly before Luke could stop me. The past few hours were spent laying on my bed texting, calling and leaving voice mails for Ian over and over again. I call him but get sent straight to voice mail. "Hey it's Ian, obviously you got sent to voice mail because I don't care enough to take your call so just leave a message and I'll probably listen to it but delete it right after and not respond to you. Uhh, yeah." Ian's voice mail said before the beep. God, he really was a rude person. But he was mine and I loved him. At least I think I did. "Ian, please call me back. Can we just talk about this? There's nothing going on between me and Luke. He's my brother's best friend. That's the only reason I talk to him. Please baby, call me back. I lo--uh, just call me back." I say before hanging up. Ian and I had never said I love you to each other before, and I wasn't about to say it over a voice mail. Just then there's a knock on my bedroom door. "I don't wanna talk right now." I say to whoever was on the opposite side of the door. "May, it's me. Let me in." Michael says. "Mikey, not now okay?" I groan. "You better open this door or I'm gonna have to use my huge muscles and break the door down." Michael says sarcastically. I laugh. Only my big brother Mikey could make me laugh at a time like this. I get up and open the door. Michael's smiley face was suddenly washed away when he looked at me. "Why are your eyes all red?" He asks. "That's what happens when you cry, Mikey." I respond. "I know but I--I didn't think you'd still be crying over that dick." Michael says with obvious anger in his voice. "Luke told you?" "Yeah, he did. That Ian kid is lucky he lives in Melbourne other wise I would beat the living shit out of him for calling my baby sister what he did." Michael says, balling his fists up. "Michael, don't worry. I know he can be a jerk sometimes but when we aren't fighting he's really sweet to me." I lie. Ian wasn't that sweet to me. He wasn't at all actually. He usually just bossed me around, and told me how bad I look in outfits I wore. But, I don't know. I guess I just feel like I can change him. I feel like I can make him into a better person. "Well at least you guys are over now." Michael says. I furrow my eyebrows. "We're not. We'll be back together in a few days." Michael's eyes go narrow. "You're joking right? May, he treats you like shit!" "I don't need relationship advice from you! Or Luke! Just stay out of my business. Both of you!" I yell before pushing Michael out and slamming the door. "May, come on! Open the door!" Michael yells. "Michael just leave me alone." I say, using his full name to show him that I was in no way joking. It went silent. "Well, I'll be in my room if you want to talk." Michael says before I hear his footsteps walking away. Could this day get any worse? My boyfriend breaks up with me, my brother and I get in a fight, and my--well, whatever Luke is to me, get in a fight too. Was Luke my friend? No, he was my brother's friend. I don't even know why I bother talking to him as much as I do. I never talked to any of my brother's friends when we all lived in Melbourne, so why should i talk to his friends in Sydney. If i didn't acknowledge Luke in the first place, then Ian and I wouldn't be in a fight. Neither would Michael and I. So that's it, I wasn't going to speak to Luke anymore...... ——————— ...... another episode coming up......
30 Mar 2019 | 11:58
The rest of the day was spent crying in bed and calling Ian a countless amount of times. After the first 30 tries, I stopped. It's now around eleven pm, I go downstairs to grab dinner. I haven't eaten since breakfast and I am starved. I tip toe around to make sure not to let Michael hear me. Just as I am getting a bowl out of the cupboard, the front door opens. I turn my head quickly to see my mother stumble inside the house. "Mom? What's wrong with you?" I ask her. She looks quite intoxicated. "What's wrong with me ?" She slurs. "What's wrong with you ? You look like you've been crying for days." "Yeah I-" I begin before she cut me off. "Look, I'd love to stay and hear your sob story about why you've been crying but quite frankly, I don't give a damn. Nighty night." She says before staggering upstairs. What just happened? Why is my mother drunk? I leave my food in the kitchen and walk upstairs, knocking on Michael's door. He doesn't answer, so I let myself in. "Michael?" I ask. He doesn't even look over at me. I wave my arms in the air. He looks over at me and pulls the headphones from his ears. "Oh sorry, I didn't hear you come in. Everything okay?" He asks. "Not really," I begin. He sits up on his bed and waits for me to continue. "Mum just walked in completely drunk." He sighs. "I'm not surprised." He shakes his head. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing, May. Just leave it alone." He says sternly. "No! Damn it Michael, tell me what the hell is going on! Is that why Mum's always gone? She's out getting shit faced? I'm in the dark here, let me in." I cry, extremely frustrated. He lets out a breath. "May, there's a lot you don't know." He pauses. "And I think it would be best if it stayed that way." "That's it!" I scream. "I'm going home. I don't need this." I turn around and leave Michael's room. He quickly follows me to my room and grabs my arm. "Alright, May. I'll tell you what's going on, but you need to stop threatening to leave every time something goes wrong." I nod my head. "Alright, I'm sorry. Please just tell me what's going on." He sits down on the edge of my bed and I quickly follow, sitting beside him. He lets out a sigh before starting what I had a feeling would be a very long explanation. "Mum's been like this for a while now. She gets drunk a lot. Sometimes high too. It's ridiculous. She's a grown woman acting like a teenager. When it first started I didn't say anything because I hoped it would just be some kind of short depression phase after the divorce. But, it became a regular thing. Sometimes she wouldn't even come home for days. I never said anything to her though since she was my only family in Sydney, I couldn't risk losing her. But then one day she came home completely drunk out of her mind and started throwing things. I couldn't take it anymore so I finally told her she's ridiculous and needs to stop all this shit. She didn't take that too well and she uh- well, she- she hit me a couple times. After that I packed a bag and stayed at Luke's for a week. Her and I haven't talked much since. That's why I've been so excited for you to come, I needed to see real family." He says, out of breath. I felt like the wind has been knocked out of me. When did my Mum become such a horrible person? Her and my Dad never hit Michael and I. That was something they never did. They would yell at us, but never physically lay a hand on us. I quickly wipe the tears that formed in my eyes and hug Michael. "I'm so sorry, Mikey. I-I didn't know." I say quietly. "If I knew I never would have yelled at you the way I did." "I know, don't worry about it." He says, pulling away. "Only you and Luke know though, so don't tell anyone else." "Of course not, Mikey." I say to him. We talk all night and eventually by three in the morning, I go to sleep. I barely got any sleep at all though because all I could think about was the type of person my Mum now was. I couldn't even imagine how Michael managed to put up with this all. What was I going to do now? I couldn't leave him alone with her. I couldn't go back to Melbourne without him. I wake up the next morning and go straight to Michael's room. I knock on the door. "Come in." Michael says. I open up the door to see Luke and Michael sitting on the edge of Michael's bed, playing Fifa. "Oh, I didn't know you had company. I'll come back later." I say, shutting the door. "No, wait!" Michael says. "What did you need?" "Oh, I was just gonna ask if uh- if you wanted to go for breakfast but you're busy. We can go another time." I say. Michael laughs, but I didn't realize I had said something funny. "Breakfast? It's a little late for that." He says. I furrow my brows and look at his alarm clock. 2:42 it read. "I slept this long?" I gasp. "Yeah, but we can go for lunch?" Michael asks. I shake my head. "No, that's okay. You have company." "Well, Luke can come." Michael says. "Would that be okay?" Luke asks. I sigh heavily. "I guess." "Woah, don't get too excited." Luke says, laughing. I don't respond, I just shut the door and walk back to my room. I tried not to say to much to Luke because he was the whole reason Ian and I weren't talking. I quickly get ready and meet Michael and Luke downstairs. "Alright, let's go." I say. We head out and get into Luke's car. We get to the diner and go into the first booth we saw. I try not to say much to Luke. "May, are you alright?" Luke asks. "Yup." I say, popping the p. "Have you talked to Ian?" He asks. I immediately look down. Usually, by morning, Ian would text me and apologize for being a jerk. I would say it was okay and then we wouldn't talk for another day. Then the next day he would call me again and tell me he's really really sorry and then we'd get back together. But, Ian didn't text me this morning. He wasn't following the normal routine we had. Michael notices I was obviously upset when Luke brought up Ian. Michael brings his hand to his forehead, shaking his head. He then brings his hand up and slaps Luke upside the head. "What the hell!" Luke exclaims. "You're an idiot! She obviously doesn't want to talk about it." "Mikey, it's okay. I actually think I'm going to go home." I say, grabbing my bag. Michael puts his arm out and stops me. "Remember what I said about not leaving?" "Michael, I'm just going back to the house, not Melbourne. Relax." I say, giving him a small smile. "I'll see you back at the house.". I don't bother saying bye to Luke. I feel bad being rude to Luke when he didn't do anything wrong but, the only way I would get Ian back is if I stop talking to Luke. I was home for about an hour when Michael and Luke came back. "May?" Michael calls. "In my room." I say back. Michael and Luke both come into my room. "Hey." I say. "Hey. Um, I know you probably won't be up for it but, Cora's having everyone over tonight and it would be really great if you came." Michael says. "Jeez, do you guys have parties every night?" I ask. "No, not every night." Michael says chuckling. "Maybe next time, Mikey." I say. "Come on, please?" Luke cuts in. "If you're really having a shitty time then we can leave. Okay?" Michael says. I quickly think it over and give in. "Fine." I might as well go because if I don't, I would most likely spend my night calling Ian over and over and then crying when he doesn't answer. "Good. It's at 9. One sec, I gotta piss." Michael says, walking into my bathroom en-suite, leaving just Luke and I. I direct my attention to my phone when Luke speaks up, "Did I do something wrong?" He asks. "No? Why would you think that?" I ask him, not bothering to look up from my phone. "Because you're treating me like something you scrape off the bottom of your shoe." He laughs hesitantly. I exhale loudly and look up at him, "Look, Luke. I'm sorry. I don't mean to treat you like shit. It's just; Ian and I are kind of fighting because of our tweets back and forth. I kind of thought Ian wouldn't be mad at me anymore if you and I just stopped being friends." I explain, realizing what a bitch I sounded like. He furrows his eyebrows. "So now you're letting him decide who you're friends with?" He asks, clear anger in his voice. "No Luke, it's not like that." I say standing up. "He treats you so bad, May." Luke says, sighing. "No he doesn't!" "He treats you like complete shit! Fuck, May! Why can't you see it?" Luke asks, raising his voice as well. "Why do you even care so much!" I yell. Michael for sure could hear us, why was he taking so long? "Because," Luke pauses, looking over to the closed bathroom door before returning his attention on me. He lowers his voice. "Because I care! I don't want you dating Ian, okay?" "And why not?" I ask. He fell silent. "Well?" I ask, getting frustrated. "Because I don't want you dating anyone!" Luke says in a tense whisper. Why was he telling me all of this? Before I can reply Michael comes out. "What's with the yelling?" He asked. Luke and I turn to look at Michael. "I was uh- just apologizing for earlier at the diner." Luke lies. Michael laughs lightly. "And you did it by yelling at her?" "No, I yelled at him. I'm just on edge today. Sorry for yelling, Luke." I lie straight through my teeth. "I'm the one who's sorry. Forget everything I just said." Luke says. "But, I thought you apologized?" Michael asked. I feel bad for lying straight to Michael's face. He's like a kitten, so innocent. "I uh- I did. I meant forget everything I said at the diner. I gotta go, I'll pick you up at 9 Michael. Oh, and you too, May." Luke says before rushing out of my room and out the front door of the house. "What the fuck just happened?" Michael asks, standing there confused as ever. I don't reply. Instead, I just roll my eyes and go into the lounge room to watch tv. I sit there but don't focus much on whatever show was on. All I can think about is what Luke said to me. I don't want you dating anyone. What was that supposed to mean? I need to talk to Luke. I need to settle whatever was going on here. And I'll settle it all at the party tonight. This pointless drama needs to end...... —————— thanks hope you all are enjoying the novel.... so far.... more episode coming up tomorrow..... thanks... don't forget to like and comment.... yeah....
30 Mar 2019 | 12:08
next pls
31 Mar 2019 | 03:01
I think may should let go of lan It really an unhealthy relationship
31 Mar 2019 | 16:59
Here I am, sitting on my bed waiting for Luke to come pick Michael and I up for the party. It is already 9:15 and Luke isn't here yet, fashionably late I suppose. Minutes pass when I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I call, standing up to get my bag, assuming it was Michael at my door. "Luke's here. Let's go." Michael says, confirming my assumption. "Coming." I say as I opened the door. Michael looks at me and furrows his eyebrows. "What?" I ask. "Don't you think that's a bit short?" He asks, referring to my dress. The dress is tight and black, and yes, it was fairly short. "It's a party, Mikey. Let me dress how I want." I groan, walking past him and down the stairs to put my shoes on. I look around but don't see Luke. Michael comes downstairs and slid his shoes on. "Okay, ready? Luke's in the car." Michael says. I nod and we walk outside to the car. I get in the backseat and avoid all possible eye contact with Luke. Not long after, we pull into the driveway of Cora's house. Luke shuts off the car and Michael turns around to face me. "So, uh, May. I know you got mad at me for not spending time with you while you're here but I was wondering if tonight you could make an exception? Just this once? It's kinda Cora's birthday so I uh- you know.." Michael says, trailing off. "Aye! That a boy!" Luke exclaims, fist bumping Michael. Then I realize what he meant. "Oh- ew Michael!" I shrieked, scrunching my nose in disgust. "I didn't even say anything!" Michael says, laughing. "You didn't have to! The last thing I need to hear about is my brother's sex life." I say, utterly grossed out. "Okay, that's where this conversation ends." Michael says, opening the door, then quickly looking back at me. "So, it's okay though right?" I nod my head. "Yeah, don't worry about it. I'll just hang out with Calum or something." I say, as we all make our way inside. Not even an hour of being here and I'm already alone. I was with Calum until some girl came up to him and I didn't feel like being a third wheel. I walk into the kitchen and pour myself a beer. "Drinking alone?" A voice asks from behind me. I turned around to see someone I don't recognize. "Unfortunately." I say, laughing lightly. "Mind if I keep you company?" He asks. "Be my guest." I say. He leans over to a pour himself a drink before introducing himself. "I'm Jace." He says, extending his hand out. "May." I say, shaking his hand. "Are you new in town?" He asks me. "I'm just here for the summer visiting my brother." I explain. "Who's your brother?" He asks. "Michael." I say with a smile. "Clifford?" He asks. Were they friends? "Uh, yeah?" I say, more like a question than an answer. He smirks and puts his arm around my shoulders... "And where is Michael tonight?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow. "Um, around?" I say, removing his arm from my body, only for him to place it around my waist. "I should go find him." I say, trying to get out of this situation. Jace was too touchy for my liking. "I don't think so?" Jace says with a smirk, stepping in front of me. "Excuse me?" I ask in utter shock. Who does this guy think he is? "You're really hot, and I'm feeling really lonely tonight. You can help me with that, babe." He says taking a step towards me. I put my hand in front of me towards his chest, pushing him back. "Don't call me that. And I have a boyfriend." I say. It wasn't a complete lie, Ian and I would most likely be back together soon, I hoped at least. "Oh, yeah? Who?" He asks, still pushing his way closer to me. "Me." Someone says from behind me. I turned around to see Luke standing there. I was surprisingly relieved to see him. Jace laughs. "You, Hemmings?" "That's right. And you better take your fucking hands off my girl before your hands won't be able to touch anything ever again." Luke says, coming closer to us. "I know she isn't really your girlfriend, so I'll pass on that." Jace says as he attacked my neck with his lips. "Get off me!" I yell, trying to push Jace off me. Suddenly Jace's body is lifted from mine and he is pinned up against the wall. "If you ever lay a hand of her again-" Luke yells before I cut in. "Luke, calm down." I say. "No! You better never touch her again. Is that clear?" Luke yells at Jace, his face turning red with anger. At a time this I shouldn't be thinking of this but, I can't help but notice how attractive Luke looks when he was angry. "And what if I do?" Jace smirks. What was wrong with this kid? Just then Luke raises his hand up, his fingers formed into a fist and was about to shoot it out directly at Jace when I yell, "Luke! Please don't!" I grab his hand that wasn't curled up into a fist and try to pull him away. He looks at me and then back at Jace. "Stay away from her." Luke says, pointing his finger in Jace's face, before following me out of the kitchen. I lead him to the first room I find that is empty and shut the door. "What was that!" I yell. "What? You're seriously mad at me? I was trying to protect you!" Luke yells back at me. "No, of course I'm not mad at you! I meant what the hell was that, you almost hit him. You could have gotten charged if you did." I explain. "Well you should have let me. He fucking deserved it." Luke says. "Luke, calm down." I say, rubbing his back, but immediately move my hand away when I realize what I am doing. "You didn't have to stop." Luke sighs. "Yeah, uh." I clear my throat, "I did." "What did I do to make you hate me so much?" Luke says with his head down. "Luke, please don't start." I sigh. "No, May! Please, just tell me what I did, because this seriously can't all be because of tweets back and forth!" Luke says, raising his voice slightly. "Ian hasn't called me. Every time we fight, he calls me the next day and everything goes back to normal. This time he didn't, because he thinks you and I are seriously together." I say. "Then, maybe we should be." Luke says under his breath, louder than he probably wanted it to be. "Luke-" I begin before he cuts me off, "May, I don't know why I'm feeling this way I mean, you're my best friend's sister and I've barely even known you for two weeks. But, I can't explain it. I can't get you out of my head. Your smile," He says, taking a step closer to me, "Your laugh," again taking a step closer to me, "Your eyes. The way your hair flows perfectly down your back." He says. "Luke, you're drunk." I say stepping back. "I may be drunk right now but I feel the same way about you when I'm sober." He says, taking another step towards me to the point where our bodies are almost touching. He tucks a stray piece of hair behind my ear. "Say no if you want me to stop." He says. He begins to lean in. I can't deny I am attracted to Luke. Maybe that is the reason I was trying to keep my distance from him, because I knew I could potentially cheat on Ian. Regardless of the reasons I had for staying away from him, at this exact moment I want nothing more than to be close to him. As close as humanly possible. I want to feel his lips on mine. I want to be his, even if it was just for a second. I began leaning in too and just as our lips brushed against each other, the door opens. of course. I quickly move away from Luke and look at the door to see Michael standing there. "I heard what happened before. May, are you alright?" Michael asks, oblivious to what was going on with Luke and I just seconds ago. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks to Luke." I say smiling, looking over at Luke. "Thanks, man." Michael says, giving a ' bro ' hug to Luke. "No worries." Luke says, never taking his eyes off me. "Let's get you home." Michael says. "Mikey really, I'm fine. You can go back to Cora if you want I'll just stay with Luke." Michael shakes his head. "Are you crazy? Jace tried shit with you. My baby sister. We're leaving." "Who is that Jace guy anyways?" I ask. "Some pot head that lives around here. Him and his drug crew are always coming to our parties, even though we don't invite them. Don't worry about them." Michael explains. Him talking about Jace and his 'drug crew ' couldn't help but remind me of my friends back home. I wonder what they were doing right now. I wonder what Ian was doing. "He seemed like he knew you though?" I ask Michael. Michael looks at Luke and widens his eyes slightly. Did I miss something? "Well it's a small town." Michael says, clearly lying as he quickly changed the subject. "Come on, Luke can you drive us home?" Michael asks. "No!" I say quickly. I don't want Luke to drive us home after what almost happened between us. That would be an awkward car ride. "What do you mean? How will we get home then?" Michael says with a light laugh. "Ask Ashton, he wasn't drinking. I wouldn't want to take Luke away from the party." I say, making up the first excuse that comes into my head. "It's no troub-" Luke says before I cut him off. "It's fine. See you around, Luke. Thanks again." I say before walking out the door to find Ashton. Once I find him, he agrees to drive us home. I get home and slip into a long shirt and remove my makeup before getting into bed. And for the first time in a long time, my mind isn't on Ian. My thoughts are being invaded by none other than Luke Hemmings and our almost kiss......
31 Mar 2019 | 19:42
I barely slept at all last night. All I could possibly think about was Luke. I couldn't understand it myself, why I was about to kiss him yet the night before I was crying over Ian. If I wanted Ian back, I obviously shouldn't be going around almost kissing guys, especially my brother's best friend. I take out my phone and decide to call Ian. I put my caller id on blocked so he wouldn't ignore the call. After a few rings he picks up. "Hello?" He says into the phone. "Don't hang up." I say, my voice small. He huffs. "Why are you calling?" "Why can't you just believe me? Nothing is going on with Luke. Ian for god's sake, he's Michael's best friend! Please believe me." I plead. He sighs, and goes silent for a while before finally speaking up. "I've missed you, you know." I smile. "I've missed you too. So much." We talk for a while afterwards, before I finally hang up. Just then, a knocking came from the opposite side of my bedroom door. "Come in." I say. And of course, in walks Luke fucking Hemmings. "So you're back with him?" He says with his eyebrows furrowed. "What are you even doing here?" I ask, avoiding his question. He doesn't need to know about my relationships. "Answer my question." He says, shutting my door. I huff. "For your information, yes we're back together. But, I really don't see how it's any of your business." He rubs his face with both of his hands. "And what about last night?" I bite the inside of my lip, "What about it?" I ask even though I clearly know what he is talking about. "Don't give me that shit, May. You know what I'm talking about." He says, coming closer to me and lowering his voice. "I really wanted to kiss you, I still do. And I know for a fact that you wanted to kiss me too." I close my eyes and sigh. "It was in the heat of the moment. You were saying nice things and I had too many drinks." I lie. "You seemed fine to me." "Look, I should go get ready. I'm going out today and you should get back to Michael." I say, walking to my bathroom en-suite. "But-" He begins. "I'll see you around, Luke." I cut him off, shutting the bathroom door behind me. After my shower, I get ready and go downstairs, hoping Luke had left. I didn't actually have plans today like I said, So I didn't want him to catch me in that lie. I walk into the kitchen to see my mother sitting at the table. I don't say anything to her as I go into the fridge to grab a drink. "Hello to you too." She slurs, clearly drunk. "I don't really care to associate with a drunk. Especially this early. Seriously, Mum? You're drunk and it's only noon, but then again, that shouldn't come as a surprise around here." I say, lowering my voice at my last words. "Don't speak to your mother like that!" She yells, standing up from her chair. "What are you gonna do, hit me?" I yell back at her. "Why the fuck did you even bother coming to town! Just go back to your asshole of a father and leave me and your brother alone." She says. "Excuse me? I didn't even come here for you. I came to see Michael. He needs some real family in his life.".... Before she could even reply, Luke and Michael come into the kitchen. "What's with all the yelling?" Michael asks. "Ask your whore of a sister." My mother says, sitting back in her chair. "Shut up, Mum! Don't call her that!" Michael yells at her. I honestly feel bad that Luke has to witness all of this. "Why don't you just both get the fuck out of my house. Don't bother coming back. Leave me alone for good." My mother says, picking up the newspaper to read. "Maybe we will! Come on guys." Michael yells before storming out of the house, slamming the door behind him. Luke and I quickly follow before Luke stops and turns around to face my mother. "Oh and for the record, your daughter is the furthest thing from a whore. You're lucky to have a daughter like her. It's a shame you don't see it." He says, before walking outside to Michael. I stand there stunned at what he had just said, and I can't help but smile at how he stuck up for me. I followed them both outside to see them standing on the driveway. "Let's go back to mine." Luke says. We nod and get into his car. Not long after, we get to Luke's. He turns the car off and we all sit in silence for a couple of minutes, no one wanting to be the first to start a conversation after what just happened. Michael is the first to speak up. He turns around to face me, "You're not a whore." "Thanks, Mikey." He gives me a small smile before facing forward again and rubbing his face with his hands. "I don't know what I'm gonna do once you go back to Melbourne. I can't stay with her." He groans. I put my hand on his shoulder, "We'll figure it out, Mikey. I won't go anywhere until I know you're okay." "Yeah bro, if anything you can just live with me. Come on, let's just go inside and take our minds off everything." Luke says. We all pile out of the car and walk inside Luke's. We all walk into his room and Michael walks directly over to the Xbox, turning it on and setting up Call of Duty. "Three player?" Michael asks, holding out two controllers for Luke and I. We take the controllers and sit on the bed. We are all playing silently for a while, before Luke speaks up. "You guys can stay here if you want." He says. "No it's okay we-" I start. "Come on, May. I'm not letting you guys go back to that house with your mother still there." Luke says. I sigh before nodding. "Thanks Man." Michael says, doing some sort of handshake with Luke. After a while, we shut off the game and go downstairs to where Luke's mum was. "Mum? Is it alright if Michael and May stay over for a couple of days? Their mum is kind of uh-" Luke says, not knowing how to say it. Liz seems to grasp what he means though. "Oh of course! You two are welcome to stay as long as you want to! Michael you can stay in Luke's room and May, you can sleep in our guest room." She says, giving us a warm smile. "Thank you so much, Mrs.Hemmings. I hope it's not too much of a bother." I say politely. "Nonsense, May! You guys are always welcome here. And I told you, call me Liz." She says coming towards me and giving me a hug. I smile. I find myself wishing I could have had a mother like Liz. She is always so caring. Luke is lucky to have her and he knows it. After dinner, we all go upstairs. I go into the guest room to get ready for bed while Luke and Michael go into Luke's room. I take my clothes off and put on only a long shirt that Luke let me borrow. It felt a bit odd wearing one of his shirts, but it was better than sleeping in jeans. I am just about to get into bed when I hear a knock on the door. I walk over and open it, revealing Luke. "Hey I uh-" Luke starts, taking notice of me wearing his shirt. I cross my arms around my torso, trying to hide myself as much as possible. "I was just coming to check if you needed anything?" Luke asks me. "No, I'm alright." He nods. "Alright well, good night." Luke says. "Night, Luke." I say, beginning to shut the door as he walks away. He turns around again to face me. "Do you uh-wanna just come to my room? I mean , otherwise you'll be alone and Mikey and I will most likely be playing cod all night anyways." He says, rubbing the back of his neck, something I noticed he does when he was nervous. "Yeah, sure." I say, following him to his room. ---------------------------------------------------..... owk so fellas thanks for reading and comment.... don't worry the next episode will be super exciting.... see you tomorrow.... yeah.....!!!
31 Mar 2019 | 19:47
May's mum what's wrong with her? Coming back drunk in the morning I like Luke for standing up for may
1 Apr 2019 | 03:32
@vikkychidi94 am thinking maybe its the divorce, well it should be
1 Apr 2019 | 06:10
continue bro, am following
1 Apr 2019 | 06:11
Okay..... Ian seems to be a bonafide asshole
1 Apr 2019 | 06:44
Luke wasn't kidding when he said him and Michael would most likely be playing Call of Duty all night. It was three in the morning and they were still at it. I had stopped playing at around two so I could get some sleep, but that wasn't happening due to the clicks of the controllers, the gun shots, and the occasional cuss words coming from Michael. I sit up from the bed, "Michael, shut up!" I whisper yell. He turns to look at me. "May, there's another room right down the hall you know." He says rather rudely. "Lay off dude, maybe she doesn't wanna be alone." Luke says. "Oh, I forgot she was twelve." Michael says sarcastically. He tends to get moody late at night. Either that or the fact that Luke was kicking his ass in Call of Duty . "Alright, I'll just go back to the other room. Night you guys." I say, standing up from the bed, tugging the shirt I had on as far down my legs as it could possibly go. "Oh come on, May. I was kidding. Just stay. I'll turn it off alright?" Michael says, leaving the game. He shuts off the Xbox and lays a blanket down on the floor. "What are you doing, Mikey?" I laugh. "Well, two of us are gonna have to sleep on the floor and it's sure as hell not going to be you." Michael says. "Shouldn't Luke take the bed, seeing as it is his." I say. "No, you're the guest. I'm fine with the floor. Besides, if it gets really uncomfortable I'll just go sleep in the guest room." Luke says. "Thanks." I smile and hop back into the bed. Not even thirty minutes later, Michael's snoring begins to fill the room. I try to sleep but my mind was racing with thoughts, like it usually does at night. I couldn't help but think about my mum. What was she doing right now? Was she okay? Was she passed out in a pool of her own vomit? Regardless of her actions, she's the woman that gave birth to me, I'd always love her no matter what. Just then, Luke gets up and walks downstairs. I decide to go too since I can't sleep anyways. I walk downstairs and see the light from the fridge illuminating the pitch black kitchen. I walk into the kitchen to see Luke eating left over pizza from dinner. "Wow, you'd think you'd be full after the six slices you ate at dinner." I chuckle. Luke spun around to face me. "Jeez, May, you scared me." He said, bringing his free hand to his chest. "Sorry." I apologize. "You couldn't sleep either?" He asks me, taking a bite of his pizza. I shake my head. "All I can think about is my mum. I'm sorry you had to see all that today." I apologize again. "Don't worry, I've seen it a lot already. That wasn't the first time your mum's gone on a drunken rage, she's done it plenty of times to your brother." He explains. "I can't believe what she's turned into." I say. "It'll all get better soon." Luke tries to assure me. "Thanks by the way." I say. "For?" He asks. "For sticking up for me to my mum earlier. No one usually sticks up for me other than Mikey, so thanks. And thanks for letting us stay here. I know I've been pretty rude to you since I've been here and I'm sorry for that it's just everything with Ian and then my mum and I-" I ramble before Luke cuts me off. "May, it's fine. Everything's fine. And you deserve to be stuck up for." He says. I sigh and put my hand to my forehead. "I just wish my childhood years could have lasted forever. I wish my mum and dad still loved each other, and my mum wasn't a drunk. I miss living with Mikey...and overall just having a proper family. Now I have to leave Michael here and go back to Melbourne in a month." I rant. "It'll be okay. Everything will work out." Luke says, coming closer to me and rubbing my back. It was actually comforting, so I didn't pull away. "How do you know that?" "Well, because you and Michael are two of the strongest people I've ever met, and I know you two will always make good of whatever situations you get into." He explains. "What about you?" I ask suddenly. "What do you mean?" He asks me. "What do you want? Like-forever? I wanted my childhood forever, how about you?" I ask. "I don't know, May." He pauses, thinking of an answer to give I assume. "I guess I never really thought about forever. I don't know, happiness I guess." I look up at him, realizing that we were closer than I thought. "Yeah, me too." I smile at him. We stare at each other for what felt like hours before he spoke up, "Don't stop me this time." He says lowly. "What do you mean-" I ask before Luke cut me off by crashing his lips on mine. I was stunned, by oddly enough, I found myself kissing him back. Our lips moved in perfect sync with each other, and moulded together better than with anyone I had ever kissed before. My head swirled. It was better than I had imagined. I was finally kissing Luke, after our many almost kisses, here we were-finally kissing, with no one to interrupt us. His tongue swiped across my lower lip, asking for entrance. I parted my lips slightly, letting his tongue slip inside and explore my mouth. He puts his hands onto my hips and guides me backwards towards the counter. Once my back hits it, he picks me up and sits me on the counter, never breaking contact. I wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He slips one hand under my shirt, resting on the small of my back as I run my hands through his hair, tugging slightly earning a low moan from him. "You look so hot in my clothes." Luke says against my lips, causing me to involuntarily moan. "Almost as hot as that just was." He says, kissing me again. He brings his hands higher up my back, eventually reaching my bra strap. I put my hands on his chest pushing him back, suddenly registering what was happening. "Luke stop" I whisper, out of breath and not bothering to open my eyes. "Why? I-" "I'm with Ian." I say lowly. He backs away, breaking all physical contact we had. "Fuck Ian!" He says, stressing his name. "He's my boyfriend!" "Well I should be!" Luke says. "Luke please don't-" I begin before he once again cuts me off. "Just break up with him! Come on May, you cheated on him already anyway!" Luke says, raising his voice slightly but not loud enough to wake anyone up. My heart sinks at his words. "I cheated on him." I struggle to even get the words out. "I'm a horrible person. I cheated on Ian. I-I need to go." I say, hopping of the counter and starting towards the door before Luke grabs my wrist. "You're staying here, remember?" Luke says. "Fuck," I cuss. "Then i'm going upstairs. Tell Mikey not to wake me in the morning." I pull out of Luke's grasp and quickly walk upstairs. He runs after me and grabs my wrist yet again. "But-" He starts, but this time it was my turn to cut him off. "I need to be alone, Luke." I says before running up to the guest room, shutting and locking the door behind me. I run to the bed and collapse on top of it. I put my hands over my mouth and begin to sob uncontrollably. I had just cheated on my boyfriend and yet, I couldn't help but miss Luke's lips on mine. I found myself regretting ever pulling away. And that's when I knew it, I liked Luke. I liked someone other than my boyfriend. I liked my brother's best friend. ---------------- ..... oooopppsssss..... may like luke hemmings..... hope you guys are following.... please drop your comment below.... lol....
1 Apr 2019 | 07:56
I wake up to knocking at my door. I groan and put the covers over my face, suddenly remembering what happened last night. I pinch the bridge of my nose struggling to fight back tears. I stand up and walk over to the door. I open it up to reveal Michael standing there. "I said I didn't want you to wake me up." I raise my voice at him, annoyed. He raises an eyebrow. "When did you tell me that?" "I didn't. I told-" I pause, remembering I told Luke to tell Michael not to wake me up. I guess he didn't tell him. "Never mind." "Okay," He says, stressing out the a. "Well I was just coming to wake you up because Liz is making breakfast." I shake my head slightly. "I'm not hungry, Mikey." "Don't be rude, May. Liz is letting us stay here so the least you could do is just eat the breakfast she cooked for you." He says, frustration clear in his voice. "Fine. Let me just fix my hair up a bit." I say, walking over to the bathroom. I walk into the bathroom and turn the tap on, splashing cold water on my face. "What am I gonna do?" I whisper to myself. I take a deep breath before opening the door, only to come immediately crashing into someone else. Of course. "Can I help you?" I ask bitterly. "I uh-I need to use the bathroom." Luke chokes out, obviously uncomfortable over what happened last night. "Well you could knock and let me know instead of just standing there silently waiting." I bite. "S-sorry." Luke stutters, biting the side of his lip, a nervous habit he had. I start to feel bad. Luke was clearly uncomfortable and me being a bitch wasn't going to make it any easier. "'S'okay. I'm gonna uh- go get breakfast." I tell him. He nods and I walk downstairs. After a couple minutes, Luke comes downstairs to join Michael and I at the table. "Aren't you eating, Mum?" Luke asks Liz as he sits down beside me. Great . "No, honey. I already ate. I'm going to go grocery shopping though. I'll be back in a few hours." Liz says, walking out the door. "Can you pass me the syrup?" I ask Michael. "Get it yourself." Michael says with a mouthful. I roll my eyes before leaning over the table, standing slightly and grabbing it. As I sit back down, I feel a hand on my thigh. My head jerks to the right to face Luke. A small smirk plays across his face as he leans over his plate of food. He clearly wasn't as uncomfortable as I thought. I smack his hand away subtly, so that Michael wouldn't notice. Not even twenty seconds later, Luke's hand once again finds my leg. He slides his hand towards my inner thigh and slowly begins to rub circles. I couldn't deny that I was getting turned on by this, but this couldn't happen, especially not with my brother sitting 2 feet away. I clamp my legs together and once again take Luke's hand off my leg, side glaring at him. "Are you guys done?" Michael asks. "Done what?" I ask quickly. "Uh, with your food?" He raises an eyebrow. I exhale. "Oh, right. Yeah i'm done." "Same." Luke answers. Michael takes our plates and brings them into the kitchen. He acts as if this is his own house, I guess he really must spend a lot of time here..... "I'm gonna go upstairs and get changed." I say, standing up from my seat. "You can wear one of my shirts if you want?" Luke asks, standing up as well. "No, I'll just wear yesterday's clothes, thanks." I say, rolling my eyes and walking upstairs. "I'm gonna go take a shower, Just wait in my room Mike." I hear Luke say to Michael from downstairs. I quickly run into the bathroom and stand behind the door to wait for Luke. I need to set him straight. He walks into the bathroom and I close the door behind him. He jumps and turns around to face me. "What are you doing?" He asks me. "I could ask you the same thing!" I yell in a hushed voice. "What do you mean?" He says with a smirk, clearly knowing what I was referring to. "Cut the shit, Luke. What the hell was that downstairs? I have a boyfriend and Michael was right there!" I say. "It's getting really annoying to hear about your boyfriend twenty-four-seven. You cheated on him last night. It's already over between you two." Luke says. "Ian's never going to know about what happened last night." I say. "So you're gonna restart your relationship with secrets? Nice, May." I sigh. Luke was right. I just needed to be honest, not only with Ian, but with Luke too. I close my eyes and take a breath before what I was about to say next. "Look Luke, I'm not going to deny that I don't feel anything towards you because let's face it, last night proves that I do. But, I'm with someone. And you're my brother's best friend. Nothing can happen between us. Plus, I'm leaving in a month and we'll probably never see each other again so I don't see a point in ruining my current relationship for some stupid summer fling." I say in almost a whisper. Luke's eyes widen. "So you like me?" He smirks. "That's really all you grasped from that, Luke?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "I love when you do that." Luke says, biting his lip. Now I was confused. "Do what?" I ask. "You always say my name at the end of your sentences." He smiles. "Would you please just focus on what I just said to you, Luke?" I ask him. He laughs. "You just did it again." Realizing that I did, I laugh too. Just then Luke pushes me back into the wall, pinning my arms above my head. He begins to kiss the side of my neck and mumbles, "I like you too." Him saying this automatically makes me moan quietly. "Holy shit that was hot." Luke groans as he begins to suck on my neck. "L-Luke, stop. Michael will see it." I choke out, referring to the hickey he was currently giving me. "You can cover it." He says under his breath. I lightly pushed him off of me, but not hard enough to remove all contact. "I can treat you better than he can." Luke says, looking directly into my eyes while biting his lip, knowing that got me going. Adrenaline courses through my body and as I look into Luke's eyes, -all I wanted was him. "Screw it." I mutter before smashing my lips onto his, grabbing his hair in my hands. Our lips moved in perfect sync, just like last night. I felt a spark with Luke, something I never felt with Ian. As my tongue fought for dominance with Luke's, I couldn't help but think of how good of a person Luke is. He's treated me better these past few weeks than Ian ever has over the months we've been dating. Luke always compliments me and makes me feel good, while Ian makes me feel worthless. "I told Michael I was taking a shower." Luke mumbles. "Yeah so?" I ask, reattaching our lips. He kisses back before saying, "So, I should still take one." He takes a step back and removes his shirt. My eyes couldn't help but trail over his perfectly sculpted torso. "Like what you see? He smirks. "Obviously, you're hot." I blurt out, regretting it as soon as it left my lips. "So are you, babe." Luke says. My heart fluttered at the nickname. I knew taking a shower with Luke would clearly be moving too fast but, in this exact moment, all I wanted was him. I look at him and bite my lip before removing my shirt and throwing on the ground beside his. "Holy shit." Luke says, admiring my chest. "Kiss me already." I mutter. Without hesitation, Luke attaches his lips onto mine. His tongue slips into my mouth and I don't even bother to battle for dominance, because seeing Luke take control turned me on even more. Just then, there was a knock on the door. I pull away from Luke and cover my mouth to keep from making any sort of sound. "Who is it?" Luke asks. "It's Michael. Dude what the hell? I thought you said you were taking a shower?" He asks. "I am." Luke says, which wasn't a complete lie seeing as we were just about to. "Well I haven't heard the water turn on yet. Come on dude, stop hogging the bathroom. I've gotta shower too." Michael says. Luke groans. "Just use my mum's." "What the hell? No that's weird! Just hurry up, i'll be with May." Michael says. "NO!" Luke yells. "What?" Michael asks from the other side of the door. Luke looks at me for help. "What do I say?" He mouths to me. I pretend to be playing on a controller, signalling him to tell Michael to go play video games. "Can you go set up Call of Duty so we can play when I get out?" Luke asks. "Uh, sure I guess." Michael says. Luke presses his ear to the door and breathes out when he hears his bedroom door shut. "That was the closest thing to a heart attack I've ever had." Luke says, letting out a small chuckle. I laugh, bending down to pick up my shirt. "Wha-what are you doing?" Luke asks. "Kinda ruined the moment, don't ya think?" I laugh. "No, let's just continue where we left off." Luke says, coming closer to me. I put my hand on his chest to stop him. "I need to go back to the guest room so Mikey doesn't realize I was in here." I say as I put my shirt back on, and turning around to open the door. Luke grabs my wrist, stopping me. "What?" I ask. "No kiss?" He pouts. I roll my eyes playfully. "Hurry up in the shower, Hemmings." I walk out of the bathroom and into the guest room. I shut the door and put on yesterday's clothes. I look into the mirror hanging on the wall and look at myself, realizing my swollen red lips. I bring my finger to them, missing Luke's touch. I didn't know what was happening to me but, I knew one thing was for sure........ I wanted Luke Hemmings!!! ..... --------------....... I believe you all are following..... thanks alot for that..... please keep on reading.... there are still more and more exciting episodes still coming up to your views.....I just have to take it slow and edit well after writing ... thanks for the support..... please like, comment and invite more folks to share from the interesting story drama.... thanks.... i love you all....!!!
1 Apr 2019 | 08:04
u don't want to take ur brother's advice, bring it up
1 Apr 2019 | 08:26
keep on deceiveing urself
1 Apr 2019 | 09:27
but why is Mikey's mum behaving like dat?
1 Apr 2019 | 09:55
woow nice story so far... but why will Luke bring up the fact that may is cheating on Ian every time, he sound too desperate
1 Apr 2019 | 12:35
what is wrong with ur mum may
2 Apr 2019 | 11:20
this girl ur own don finish,will u even go back again?
2 Apr 2019 | 11:21
"May?" Michael calls, coming down the stairs. "Watching TV." I call. He walks into the lounge and stands in front of me. "I was uh-I was wondering if you would be alright with me spending the day with Cora? I get it if you want me to stay here because Luke's my friend but-" Michael says before I interrupt him. "He's my friend too." I say. "Oh, okay. That's good then. I kind of got the impression you hated him. Which wouldn't be good considering he's my best friend." Michael says with a light laugh. "I like him. He's nice." I smile. "Yeah he is." Michael smiles. He was obviously extremely close with Luke. "I'm glad you found him Mikey. And the others too. Your friends back in Melbourne were rough. It's good to see you so happy with the people around you." I say, suddenly having a heart to heart with my brother. "Talking about me?" Luke says, coming into the lounge and sitting beside me, closer than normal. "Don't flatter yourself." I smirk. "Soo, about Cora.." Michael trails off, waiting for my answer. "Go, Mikey. I'm fine spending a day myself." "Well, if Luke's not busy he could.." Mikey begins before I cut in. "No it's fine. I'm sure Luke's busy." "I'm not." Luke says. "Great! So you two could hang out. Maybe Luke could show you around a bit? I won't be back to late." Michael says, starting towards the door. "Don't you need to shower?" I ask him. "I will." He smirks. "Oh God, ew Michael! Go away!" I say, making a grossed out face before shooing him out the door. "I want to show you something today." Luke says once Michael left. "Show me what?" "It's a surprise. Go get ready." Luke says. "I uh-don't have any clean clothes. Could we stop at my house?" I ask, immediately getting a rapid head shake from him. "No way in hell am I driving you back there while your mother's there." Luke says sternly. "Well what am I supposed to do then? I have nothing to wear." Just then he takes his shirt off his body and throws it at me. I catch it and look up at him. "Luke-" I start. "Just put it on, I'll go get another one for me." Luke says. "Thanks." I turn around to walk to the bathroom. "Where are you going?" Luke asks. "To put the shirt on?" I say, sounding more like a question than an answer. "It's nothing I haven't seen before." Luke smirks and raises his eyebrows. "Go get a shirt, Luke." I say before walking into the bathroom. I quickly put the shirt on and fix my hair in the mirror. I tie the shirt in a knot at the side, seeing as it was a dress on me otherwise. I walk out to see Luke standing outside the door. "Wow." He says. "What?" I ask. "Nothing it's just-you in my shirt, I-"... "Let's just go." I say. He nods. He walks over to the front door and holds it open for me. I smile and walk through. He follows suit. "Hope you don't mind walking, my mum has the car." He explains. "It's no problem." We walk in silence for a few minutes, but not an awkward silence. A comfortable one. Until he breaks it. "So, how long until you go back?" "Around a month." I answer. "Are you excited? To go back I mean." He asks. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know. Kind of I guess. I mean, I miss my dad a lot and I miss my-" I stopped before mentioning the word 'boyfriend', "friends I guess. But, I don't want to leave Mikey here with my mum." He nods his head understandingly. "Why don't you stay then?" He asks. "Luke, I can't. My life is back in Melbourne. My school is there. I only have a year left. I can't just stay here." "I know. It was worth a try though." He says with a weak smile. I return one. "So uh-you don't have to answer if you don't want to but, where's um-where's your dad?" I ask, almost in a whisper. I had been wondering this for a while and seeing as we were talking about families, I figured it was the perfect chance to ask him about it. Luke's face fell and I immediately knew I hit a nerve. "Oh i'm sorry. You don't have to answer it if you don't want to I shouldn't have-" I begin to apologize. "No, May. It's fine. He uh-he cheated on my mum a few years back. I don't know where he is now actually. I probably took the whole thing worse than my mum. I hated to see a man treat her that way, you know? She's the best person I know, she didn't deserve that. No one does." He explains. I can't help but think of how I cheated on Ian. No one deserves to be cheated on, yet here I am, cheating on Ian with Luke. I knew this wasn't the time to bring that up. "I'm sorry, Luke. You both didn't deserve go to through that. For what it's worth, your dad made a huge mistake losing you and your mum." I say, rubbing his shoulder. "Stop thinking about Ian." Luke blurts out. "What?" "I know that you're thinking about how you cheated on him with me. Don't think about it. You're nothing like my dad. It's not the same." Luke says. "H-how did you know I was thinking about that?" I ask curiously. "You had that crease in between your eyebrows. You always do that when you're worrying about something. Lucky guess that it was about Ian." Luke explains. "How do you know I get a crease between my eyebrows when I worry about something?" I ask. "Something I've noticed." He tells me. "Ian never notices the little things." I mumble, hoping he didn't hear it. "I do." He says, obviously hearing what I said. I look up at him and smile. I figured it wouldn't be right to kiss him right now, so I just take his hand in mine and change the subject. "So where is this place?" "Right there." Luke says, pointing straight ahead. I look at what he was pointing at. "Wow. It's beautiful." I manage to say, looking out at the crystal blue lake surrounded by a million different kinds of trees and flowers. "I come here whenever I need to be alone. I've never showed anyone or even told anyone about it. You're uh-you're the first." He says. Now was the right time. I turn to face him and cup his face in my hands, pressing my lips to his. He immediately responds and snakes his hands around my waist. I begin to lean down, until I was lying on the ground, Luke above me. The kiss was soft and full of passion, unlike the first time which was rough and full of pure lust. A tear hits my cheek, I hadn't even realized I was crying. I couldn't stop thinking about how I was cheating on Ian and he had absolutely no idea. I pull away and keep my eyes closed. "Are you okay? Why are you crying?" Luke asks worriedly. "Yeah i'm uh- I should call Ian." I stutter, standing up. "Now?" He asks surprised, standing up as well. "I haven't talked to him lately. I should just see how he is." I say, taking out my phone. "May, seriously? After that , you really want to go call your boyfriend?" He asks, raising his voice slightly. "Exactly, Luke! My boyfriend! I was just kissing someone who wasn't my boyfriend! I have a boyfriend back home waiting for me and I'm acting like I don't." I raise my voice. "You don't have to have a boyfriend back home. Just end it with him and you can have a boyfriend standing right in front of you-right here, right now!" Luke yells. I bring my hand to my forehead. "It's not that easy!" "Why not?" Luke asks. "Look, i'm not going to argue with you. I'm just gonna head back." I say, turning around to walk off. I hear Luke call after me, but I can't find it in me to turn back. Before I know it, I'm running back to Luke's house, not ever turning around. I finally get back to Luke's and knock on the door. I didn't want to just walk in, seeing as Liz could be home. The door opens. "Oh, hi May." Liz says with a smile. "Hi, Liz." I step inside, seeing a few suitcases at the door. "Going somewhere?" "Yeah actually, I'm going to see Luke's brother, Ben, for a week." She explains. "Oh. Luke didn't mention he had a brother." "He has two. Ben and Jack. They're older. I was going to wait until Luke came home to tell him but, could you just pass the message along? I'm already running late." She asks. "Yeah, sure I will." I smile. "Thanks hunny. I'll see you in a week." She says before giving me a quick hug and walking out to her car. I walk over to the couch and just as I was about to sit down, there's a knock on the door. Groaning, I walk over and open it. My jaw drops to the ground. "Ian? What are you doing here?"....... -------------------- ian is here.....oooppppssss!!! ..... what happen next..... found out!!!
3 Apr 2019 | 07:02
"Surprise!" Ian says as he hugs me, lifting my feet off the ground and spinning me in a circle. "Wh-what are you doing here?" I ask in shock. "Aren't you happy to see me?" He asks as he puts me down. "Y-ya of course I am. I'm just kind of taken by surprise." I say. He smiles before leaning in and kissing me. I couldn't help but think about how minutes before, my lips were touching someone else's other than Ian. I kiss back quickly before lightly pulling away. "How did you find me here?" I ask him. "Well, I asked your dad where your mum lived, but when I went there you weren't there. She was drunk out of her mind but she managed to tell me you and your brother left with Luke, so you'd most likely be here. So she gave me his address." He explains. I can't read his face. I can't tell if he was mad that I was staying at Luke's or not. "Right. Look, we're just staying here because my mum's a nightmare right now. I swear there's nothing happening with-" I begin before he interrupts me. "It's fine. As long as Michael's here with you guys." He says. I raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean? So, if my brother's not here, I can't hang out with my friend ?" I ask, putting emphasis on 'friend'. "Well, I think under these circumstances it'd be a pretty shitty move on your part." "Under what circumstances? How many times do I have to tell you? You're my boyfriend, not Luke. He's Michael's best friend. God, Ian." I yell. "Whatever, May. I just got here so let's not fight." He huffs. "Alright. Well, come on. I'll show you around the town." I grab his wrist and take a step outside before he pulls me back in. "No, let's stay here. I haven't seen you in weeks." Ian smirks and kisses me. I knew what he wanted, but I wasn't about to have my first time with a boy that I was questioning my feelings for. He begins to deepen the kiss when a voice interrupts us. "May?" Luke asks, weakness in his voice. I immediately pull away from Ian and wipe my mouth. "Luke, hey." I say. "Who's this?" Luke nods towards Ian. "Uh-Ian. My boyfriend." "So this is Luke." Ian says, stepping towards Luke, anger apparent in his face. "So this is Ian." Luke says, stepping towards Ian. "You're the one that's been trying to get with my girl?" Ian asks. I step in between them and put a hand on each of their chests, backing them away from each other. "Can we not do this please?" I ask. "You're right. I came here to see you." Ian says taking my hand and sitting on the couch. "How long are you staying for?" I ask. "Three days." He says. I nod. "Where are you staying?" I ask. He shrugs his shoulders. "That motel a few streets over. My bags are there already." "No, you shouldn't have to stay in a motel. How about you stay at my mums? I'll stay there with you." I say. "Sounds great babe." Ian says, kissing my cheek. "What?" Luke asks. "What?" I ask, referring to Luke's 'what'. "You're going back to your mum's?" "Just for a few days." I say. "I don't think Michael will like that." Luke says. "Well Michael doesn't control me, Luke." I spit. Before he could reply, Ian butts in. "I'm gonna go get my bags from the motel and bring them over to your mums. I'll explain what's going on to her. Meet me at your mums in a few hours babe?" He asks. I nod. Ian looks at Luke and then cups my face and kisses me roughly, purposely because Luke was standing there. I can't believe how spiteful he's being. I'm not a toy that can be fought over. I pull away. "I'll see you in a few hours." I say. Ian walks out the front door, making sure to bump shoulders with Luke on his way out. "You can not be serious?" Luke yells once Ian is gone. "I didn't know he was coming! He just showed up!" "You're not staying alone with him for three days!" Luke yells. "I won't be alone. My mum will be there." "Please," He scoffs. "You're lucky if she's even home for an hour out of those three days. She'll be drunk out of her mind." "Well it's kind of late to tell him now." I say. "Just tell him he can stay at your mum's. Alone." Luke says. I sigh. "Or, you could just tell him about us and then he can go back to Melbourne." Luke says. "What do you mean us?" I ask, putting air quotes up on 'us'. "You're kidding right? You're seriously gonna do this again, May? You know there's something between us. Just dump him so we can figure it out." Luke says angrily. "Luke. I'm not just going to break up with him." I sigh. "Why not? He treats you like shit. May, come on. It killed me to even see you kiss him." "Look Luke, the kiss you and I had- well, the kisses you and I had-they were just kisses." I pause and look at the floor. "They meant nothing." I say in an almost whisper as I turn, beginning to walk towards the door. Luke grabs my wrist and turns me around. "No, I don't believe that. I know you felt something with me because I felt it too. I can't keep control when I'm with you, and neither can you." "Luke, please just stop. We can't continue this. I don't know what I was thinking. I have a boyfriend and you're best friends with my brother. There's nothing going on between us-" I say when Luke cuts me off. "That's bullshit!" Luke yells. "If you can honestly look me in the eyes and tell me you felt absolutely nothing when we kissed, then I'll let you go. I won't bother you again and you can go run off to be with Ian. But I know you won't be able to do it because I know you felt the same thing I did." I look up and stare Luke in the eyes. I knew he'd hate what I was about to say next because I hated it too. I hated myself for having to lie, but this couldn't continue. "I felt nothing when we kissed. I'm in love with Ian and feel nothing for you at all. Those kisses were just in the heat of the moment. You need to let it go and stop trying to make something of it." I say as I turn around and run out of the house, slamming the door shut. "Fuck!" I hear Luke yell from inside, followed by a loud bang, assuming he threw or punched something. I run down the street as I sob uncontrollably. I hated myself for telling a complete lie to Luke. I didn't love Ian. I couldn't deny I felt something with Luke. It was more than I had ever felt with Ian...... ---------
3 Apr 2019 | 07:08
thanks.... for reading
3 Apr 2019 | 07:12
good.... but Dats wat may could say,, atleast give Ian a day to welcome him and breakup wit him later
3 Apr 2019 | 13:16
This whole issues is complicated... you can't just break up with Ian because you want to be with Luke
3 Apr 2019 | 13:57
You're doing a perfect job man Continue
3 Apr 2019 | 16:26
thanks you all the support.... I really love the attention am getting.. It makes me really happy to see your comments... thanks fam's.... more update coming up.... the real drama is just about to begin.... you all should just stay with me.... thankz
3 Apr 2019 | 19:07
I pull out and my phone and press Ian's contact. I begin to call him but am immediately sent to voice mail. Did he send me to voicemail or did his phone die? I decide to leave a message. "Ian, it's me. Meet me at my mum's house as soon as you get this okay?" I suddenly realize that I sound panicky and I don't want him thinking anything is wrong. "Everything's fine, I just uh- I just want to spend as much time with you as possible before you go home." I lie. "Okay, hurry." I say before hanging up. I need to put Luke out of my mind right now, and the only way I could do that is if I spend as much time with Ian as I could. I know it isn't right to use him as a distraction but right now, I can't think clearly. As much as I want to be with Luke, it isn't practical. I've known him all of three weeks. Plus, he is my brother's best friend. I couldn't put Michael in that position. And I've been dating Ian for months, I can't just leave him simply because I feel something with someone else. This feeling will pass, it has too. I walk as fast as possible to my mum's house. I open the door and immediately see my mum passed out on the couch. "Of course." I huff. "Ian? Are you here?" I say aloud, only to get no response. I walk upstairs and head straight for Michael's room. I need to distract myself from the real world for a while and the best way to do that is a few good rounds of Call of Duty. I am brought back to reality by a knock at the door. I glance over at the clock to see that I've been playing for two hours. I shut off the game and walk downstairs to get the door. I open the door to see Ian standing there with a suitcase in his hand. "What took you so long?" I ask him. "The owner of that motel was giving me a hard time on giving me my money back." He explains. "Did you not get my message?" I ask him. "Oh uh-no, my phone died." He says. Why did he stutter like that? "Is everything okay, Ian?" "Yeah, babe. Everything's great. Just missed you, that's all." He says as he kisses my cheek and walks into the house, putting his suitcase down. "Well, it's getting late. Are you hungry?" I ask. "Starved." He says as he brings his hand to his stomach. "I know this great diner down the street. They make the best burgers in-" "I was thinking we could have dinner at Luke's house." He says. I widen my eyes. "W-why?" I ask. "Because..he's your friend isn't he? And you're staying there. Plus, I haven't seen your brother in a long time. You would eat there if I wasn't here right? So don't change your whole day plan around just for me." Ian says. "I don't think that's a good idea. You and Luke didn't exactly get off on the right foot. And you barely even know my brother." I say. He raises his eyebrow. "Is there a reason you don't want to have dinner there, May?" "What? No, of course not! Alright fine. You want to go there, we'll go there." I say as I walk out the door, hoping he catches on and follows. After what feels like the shortest walk ever, we arrive at Luke's. "Aren't you gonna ring the bell?" Ian asks me. "What? Oh, yeah right." I say, breaking out of my daze. The door opens slowly to reveal Luke. I really hope he doesn't mention anything about earlier. "What are you doing here?" He asks with no anger in his voice, only hurt. "Uh, Ian wanted to have dinner with you and Michael. Is that okay?" I ask hesitantly. "Why wouldn't it be okay?" Ian shoots. I nudge his arm. "Don't be rude." I say to him. "Yeah, it's fine. Come on in." Luke says as he stands to the side to let us in. Ian kicks off his shoes and walks straight over to the couch, turning the tv on as if he lives here. "Sorry." I say quietly. "Whatever." Luke says as he walks into the kitchen. "I'm going to help Luke with dinner." I say to Ian. "Yeah okay whatever." Ian flicks his hand ushering me to go away as he has his eyes glued to the tv screen. I roll my eyes. Every minute that Ian is here, I like him less and less. I walk into the kitchen to see Luke with his head in the fridge. "I didn't really expect to be hosting a meal tonight, so we're having left over macaroni from last night." Luke says. "I really am sorry. I tried to take him to the diner but he insisted on coming here." I explain. "That's all your sorry for?" He asks. I sigh. "Luke, please. Don't start this while Ian is in the other room." I whisper. "Whatever, May." He says as he shuts the fridge door rather hard and begins to re-heat the macaroni on the stove. I quickly grab plates and utensils and begin to walk out of the kitchen to set the table. I turn back around. "Oh um, Luke? Could you uh, could you not-" "I won't say anything." Luke answers my question before I finish asking it. I bite the inside of my mouth and nod as I walk out of the kitchen. I finish setting the table and begin to walk over to sit with Ian when the front door opens. "Anyone home?" Michael yells. "Mikey, we're right here. Don't yell." I laugh. "Sorry, I thought you were up- Ian?!" Mikey shouts. "Hey man." Ian says casually. "What the fuck are you doing here?" Michael raises his voice. "Michael!" I scold. "Visiting my girlfriend. Why? Are you not happy to see me, Michael?" Ian asks with a smirk on his face. "I think you should go back to Melbourne. No one fucking wants you here. I sure as hell don't want you near my sister." Michael shouts. "Michael stop!" I beg. Why was Michael acting this way? I know he doesn't exactly like Ian but I thought he would have kept his cool for me at least. "Aw what's wrong Michael? We used to be friends once upon a time. Don't you remember?" Ian asks, his smirk growing. "That was a long fucking time ago. I mean it, leave." Michael threatens, anger laced in his voice. "Look Michael," Ian stands up from the couch and walks over to my brother, "you may have been top shit back in Melbourne, but that ended the day you moved to Sydney. You don't scare me anymore, so you better watch the way you fucking talk to me." "Ian, don't talk to my brother that way." I yell at him. "Would you guys all shut up? Dinner's ready." Luke says as he sits down at the table. Michael and Ian look at each other before Michael walks over to the table and sits beside Luke. "Still think it was a good idea to come here for dinner?" I whisper to Ian. "Oh, i'm just getting started." Ian says as he walks over to the table and sits across from Michael with a smirk plastered on his face. What is that supposed to mean?....... ....
4 Apr 2019 | 07:10
We sit down at the table for a dinner that I knew would be hell. As I ate my macaroni, I couldn't help but notice the glare Michael was giving Ian, and Ian was staring right back at him. "Can I help you?" Michael asks Ian. "No." Ian replies. "Then stop fucking staring at me before I smash your face off the table, asshole." Michael says angrily. "You wish. You couldn't even lay a finger on me before I smash your head into the ground." Ian says, his face turning red with anger. "Stop it! What the hell is wrong with you two? I mean, I know you don't quite like each other but come on. Would you two stop acting like kids?" I say angrily. Ian was only here for a few days, I would rather the days not be spent listening to him and my brother fight. "He shouldn't have came here!" Michael raises his voice. "I can go wherever I want to go. You're not above me anymore, Michael. They day you left is the day I took over." Ian says. What the hell is he talking about? Took over what? "Took over what?" I ask. "Nothing." Michael says. "No! Tell me what he's talking about." I push. "Let it go, May." Michael says through his clenched teeth. "You know what? Fine. When you're ready to tell me why you two are acting like children, then you can come and talk to me. Until then, don't speak to me." I says as I push my chair out and stand up. "Baby-" Ian begins. "You too." I snap as I storm off to my room--well, Luke's guest room. Minutes had passed when I hear a knock on my door. I walk over to it and open it up. "Not now, Luke. I don't need your drama right now, I have enough to deal with." I sigh. "I'm not here to start anything. I just wanted to see if you're okay because Ian sure as hell won't check in." Luke says, frustration laced in his voice. "Where are they?" I ask. "Ian went to your mum's I think. Michael stormed out. He mumbled something about Cora when I asked where he was going, so he's probably there." He explains. "Oh, well thanks for checking in. I'm okay, i'm just sick and tired of everyone around me keeping secrets. It's so frustrating, you know?" I say, sitting on the corner of the bed. "I know what you mean," Luke starts as he sat down beside me. "My parents used to keep secrets from me all the time. My brothers did too. They all knew my dad was cheating on my mum. They never did anything about it. And they never told me because they knew I was the only one who would actually stand up to him." He takes a deep breath before continuing. "Then, my dad got the woman pregnant. I didn't find out until two months after everyone else knew and my parents had already decided to get a divorce and were just waiting for the paperwork to be finalized. The worst part is, while all of this was happening, they were still just pretending to be a happy couple. I asked my mum why she pretended to still love him instead of just throwing his ass out, and you know what she said to me? She told me it was to protect me. She didn't want me to hate my father. Could you believe that? After all he'd done, she still wanted me to love him." Luke says, tears forming in his eyes. I wrap my arms around him and rub my hand on his back. "I'm so sorry you went through all of that, Luke." I whisper into his neck. I pull away and ask him, "What happened after? You know, with the baby?" He shrugs his shoulders. "I don't know. I never saw my dad again after he left. I don't know what happened with the baby and honestly, I don't care. I know it's mean and sounds heartless but, I don't think I could ever look at that kid. Just knowing that his mother and father are the reason for my family falling apart." "It's not heartless, it's honest." I give him a small smile. "Yeah," He says. "Why did you uh..why'd you tell me this? I mean, it's such a personal thing to share." I ask. "I don't know, I guess I just trust you. And hearing you talk about people keeping secrets just made me think back to it all. I've never told anyone about the kid. Or that my dad cheated on my mum. Everyone just knows they got divorced. No one needs to know the reason." He says. "Not even Michael?" He shakes his head. "No, You're the first person I've ever told about this." "Why me though? Why do you trust me?" "I don't know, May. I don't know why I feel this way but all I know is from the minute I met you, I couldn't get you out of my head. You're all I think about. All that goes through my mind is you. And I know you've thought about me too, otherwise you wouldn't have kissed me all those times." Luke says. "It was only a few times." I laugh lightly. "So what's one more then?" Luke smirks, leaning in. "Luke," I put my hand on his chest, stopping him from coming any closer. "May, don't fight it. I know you want to be with me too. I know you didn't mean any of what you said earlier. You couldn't have. I know you felt the same thing I did when we kissed. You were going to shower with me for fuck sakes." Luke says. "I know. I did feel it. Luke when i'm with you, I feel something I've never felt with anyone else. I feel..alive. I don't know, I feel like I have reason. I just, I can't leave him." I say, referring to Ian. "Yes you can. He treats you like shit, May. I know you see it too. I can treat you so much better than he could. Don't feel obligated to stay with him out of pity." Luke says. "I know but I-" "What do you want, May? What?" Luke asks. I pull my bottom lip between my teeth and stare into his eyes. "You." I say before crashing my lips onto his, immediately feeling the fire inside me ignite. I couldn't fight this any longer. I wanted Luke. I needed him, and I needed to let Ian go. "What the fuck?" A voice yells from the doorway of the room. Ian. Shit....... ------------------------------- omg..... what just happened.... did Ian just caught them..... oooppssss...... find out what happen next in upcoming exciting episode..... I know this is kind of short... But just bare with me and enjoy the reading..... Am kind of busy lately..... Please thanks..... and don't forget to like and comments..... lol
4 Apr 2019 | 07:16
Continue the good job
4 Apr 2019 | 10:38
Ride on bro
4 Apr 2019 | 16:28
so Ian travel here just to come an fight ur brother an Luke for what na?
4 Apr 2019 | 17:00
I think lan has his reason for coming to Luke's house
4 Apr 2019 | 18:27
I think its high time you dump that dumpass called Ian, fucking *troubler*
5 Apr 2019 | 08:51
U are doing just good bro
5 Apr 2019 | 08:52
I pull away from Luke immediately and shoot up from the bed. "Ian! I can explain." I start. "I fucking knew it. I was right all along. You really were whoring it around." Ian scoffs. "Don't talk about her that way." Luke warns. "Oh, so now you're going to tell me how to talk to my own girlfriend? Well, ex-girlfriend, I should say. Thanks to you." Ian says, pointing his finger at Luke. "Ian, please. I was going to tell you." I say, tears beginning to form in my eyes. "Right." Ian huffs. "I can't believe you, May. After everything you and I have been through, you have the nerve to cheat on me with someone you've known for a few weeks." Ian says, sadness and anger both in his voice. "I'm so sorry. This wasn't how I wanted you to find out." I cry. "Did you fuck him? I bet you did since you just about give it up to anyone now." Ian yell. "No! Of course I didn't. I didn't give it up to anybody, what are you even talking about?" I yell back. "Well seeing as you cheated on me, anything could be possible." I close my eyes and lower my head, "I really am sorry." I say, almost in a whisper. "Yeah because saying you're sorry will make everything okay, right? Fuck you, May. Have a nice life." Ian says before turning and starting for the stairs. "Ian wait-" "Oh, and good luck coming back to Melbourne after the summer ends." He sneers before going down the stairs and slamming the door on his way out. I raise my hands and cover my face. I couldn't manage to fathom what just happened. "May?" Luke asks as he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Don't." I warn as I shove Luke's hand off of me. "Come on, you can't seriously be mad at me right now. I had no idea he would see us." My eyebrows knit close together and my mouth forms a small 'o' shape. "You cannot be serious right now. I shouldn't be mad at you? You're the whole reason Ian just broke up with me!" I yell. "What the fuck? You didn't exactly push me off! You're just as much to blame as I am, if not more. I'm the one that's trying to comfort you here so don't act like such a-" Luke stops before calling me what I needed to hear least right now. "A what Luke? Like such a what? Go on, say it." I egg him on. He shakes his head. "I didn't mean that, okay? I'm sorry he caught us the way he did, but i'm not sorry he knows. Now there's nothing that will hold you back." This kid couldn't be serious. "You've got to be kidding me," I pinch the bridge of my nose, "Just get out, Luke." My boyfriend of almost a year just broke up with me and all Luke has to say is ' now nothing will hold me back' ? "May, I-" "Just go, Luke." I whimper. The last thing I needed was to be alone right now, but it would even worse to be with Luke. Luke lowers his head as he walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I know I shouldn't be pushing Luke away right now since this is what I wanted- at least I think I did. I couldn't help but think what if Luke is just some summer fling that'll end after these two months? He won't have lost anything afterwards meanwhile, I've just lost my boyfriend who will probably end up making all my friends back home hate me. What was I thinking when I kissed Luke? Every. Single. Time. I groan as a thought occurrs to me. What if Ian tells Michael? I open the door and run straight into Luke's room, to see him sitting at his desk with his head down on it. "Luke!" I cry. "May, I already told you i'm sorry what more-" "What if Ian tells Michael?" I panick. He stands up and a sudden smile appears on his face. There's seriously something wrong with this kid. "After all that, that's what you're worried about? Michael finding out?" He chuckles lightly. "I don't know why you're laughing, this isn't a joke. You know how protective Michael is of me." I say. Luke walks over to me and takes my hands in his. "I'm not afraid of Michael. And if he does find out then we'll deal with it, together." He says with a comforting smile. I look down at the floor. It was really hard to stay mad at him. "I'm sorry for freaking out at you." I whisper. "Hey, don't worry about it. I'd be freaking out too if the person I was dating for months walked in on me kissing-" He stops when he realizes what he's saying isn't making me feel any better. "Sorry." He smiles apologetically as he shrugs his shoulders. "It's okay. I knew this was all going to happen eventually. I knew Ian would find out and I knew he would break up with me, I just wanted it to happen differently. But, I guess there isn't really a good way to deal with finding out you've been cheated on much less, witness it." I say. "Yeah, I guess you're right." Luke say. "So, what now?" I ask, looking up at Luke. "We be together." Luke says bluntly. "It isn't that simple." "Well, you know how I feel already. The rest is up to you." Luke says. "You know how I feel too, Luke. But-" "So then why can't it be simple? What's there to figure out, May?" He asks. "You promise me this isn't just some summer fling?" I ask him. Luke raises his hands and brings them to my cheeks, cupping my face. "May, you're all I think about. Every second of everyday. I can't get you out of my head. I promise you, this won't just last for the summer. And as for your brother, we can figure that out when he finds out, but I won't let him stop us from being together." Luke says. I smile and lean in, bringing my lips to Luke's. This is what felt right. The way our lips moved together. The way our tongues battled for dominance, I couldn't fight it any longer. Being with Luke is what felt right, and that's all that mattered to me right now. As much as I felt bad for Ian, I didn't regret kissing Luke anymore. I may not know Luke quite as well as I know Ian, but maybe that's a good thing. A fresh start. I may not know what's to come for the future but for right now, I know I want to be with Luke. More than I've ever wanted to be with anybody before. "May?" Michael calls from downstairs. I pull away from Luke and widen my eyes in fear. "Moment of truth." Luke says to me as he takes my hand in his and leads me downstairs...............
5 Apr 2019 | 11:17
"Mikey, hey." I say, my voice shaky. "Hey. Look, i'm sorry." Michael says. He's sorry? Was I hearing him right? "What?" I ask. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have acted that way with Ian. If you really like him, then i'll try my best to act civil with him. I just don't want to do anything to lose you, May." Michael says. This wasn't what I expected at all. I had expected him to come bursting through the front door fuming and attack Luke. I guess Ian didn't tell him. "You don't have to do that, Mikey." I says with a small chuckle. "Oh thank god," Michael lets out a breath. "But why?" "We uh, we kinda-uh-we broke up." I stammer. Michael's eyes widen. "What? When? Why? Did he do something to you? Did-" "Easy there twenty questions." I laugh. "Well? Why did you guys break up?" He asks again. "It just wasn't working out." I lie. "May, that's bull. You were so into him. How could it not have been working?" He pesters. "I just don't want to talk about it okay? I don't need my brother knowing all the details of my personal life." I say. "Okay, i'm sorry. But are you okay?" I smile and walk over to Michael, embracing him in a hug. "I'm fine, Mikey. It's for the best, really." I say. Michael pulls away and looks me in the eyes. "You'd tell me if he did something to you though, right? Like if he was pressuring you into doing stuff you didn't want to do?" He asks. "Yes I would tell you. But that wasn't the reason we broke up. Please let's just drop it." I say. "Okay. But i'm hear if you do want to talk about it. Do you guys want to come over to Calum's with me tonight?" Michael asks, doing his best to change the subject. "No, I think i'm just going to go to bed early tonight, it's been a long day." It wasn't a complete lie, but I'd much rather spend the night alone with Luke. I glance at him in hopes that he'd catch on. He does. "Yeah, I'm gonna stay in tonight too. I need to clean up the house since my mom's coming home in a couple days." Luke says. "You guys are so boring. Alright, well i'll see you tomorrow morning." Michael says as he waves bye and walks out the door. "You're so not sleeping early tonight." Luke says as he grabs me by the waist and pulls me closer to him. "And you're so not cleaning tonight." I smirk as I lean in to kiss him. It is gentle but captivating. Being with Luke is what felt right. I know I shouldn't be doing this seeing as I just broke up with Ian but, I needed to be with Luke. Ian and I broke up because of Luke, so I don't see a reason to mope over the fact that Ian and I are no longer together. This is exactly what I wanted. Although, I couldn't help but feel somewhat bad. Not over the breakup, but for the fact that i'm happy it's over. Luke's lips moulded with mine as he moves me backwards until my back hits the table. He lifts me up from my thighs and sits me on it, putting his body between my open legs. I begin to tug at the hem of his shirt, but he puts his hand over mine, stopping me. "What?" I furrow my brows. "Are- are you sure?" He asks, worry clear on his face. I smile and nod my head. "I'm always sure when i'm with you." With that, he lifts my shirt over my head and throws it to the ground and I do the same with his. His lips find mine again and his tongue licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I part my lips slightly as his tongue slips inside my mouth. I lean back until I am lying on the table. Luke climbs onto the table and hovers over me, leaving kisses down my neck, instantly causing me to moan. "You're positive?" Luke asks. "Luke. Stop worrying. I want this." I say, cupping his face in my hands. "We really need to figure out what's going on here." He says, gesturing between us. "Luke, this isn't the time do decide titles. Now shut up and kiss me." I say. And with that, Luke shuts up. His lips find mine once again and I gladly fight for dominance as our lips move in perfect sync. His hands begin to fumble with the button of my jeans when a voice breaks me from my consumed mind. "What the fuck?" The voice says.... -------------------------------- oooppssss... and they are caught twice in the same day.... who could that be again..... find out in the next exciting episode...... thanks you all for the comments..... it really inspire's me more....
5 Apr 2019 | 11:26
I think it's Mikey now
5 Apr 2019 | 14:04
Its Mikey of course you guys should have just tell him, for me its no big deal for my best friend to date my sister
5 Apr 2019 | 14:48
@ryder ...well nt everyone will like that...cuz there will be a lot of ackward moment...nd that won't be know
5 Apr 2019 | 18:06
@fb-xaarwhaskyd-brown fuck "awkward moment" for me its cool, atleast ur friend will respect her, cus u guys knws each other well
6 Apr 2019 | 05:33
More please
6 Apr 2019 | 14:12
I whip my head around to see Cora standing there with her jaw almost touching the floor. I immediately jump off the table and grab my shirt from the floor, quickly putting it back on. Luke does the same. "Cora what the fuck! Why didn't you knock?" Luke yells at the same time I say, "It's not what it looks like!" "I did knock! No one answered so I just came in. And it seems like it was exactly what it looked like, May." Cora says. "Of course we get caught twice in one day." Luke mumbles loud enough for me to hear. "I can explain it though." I say. But I couldn't explain it. It really was exactly what it looked like. Luke and I about to have sex on the kitchen table. Now I knew this whole secret whatever it was with Luke, was over. Cora would tell Michael and Michael would forbid Luke to see me. "You have nothing to explain," Luke says to me. "What are you even doing here, Cora?" "We were all at Calum's and Michael told me to come by and see May," Cora says, gesturing towards me. "He told me her and her boyfriend broke up and she could use a girl to talk to. So I came by. But it seems like she's just fine." "Cora, you really don't understand." I say. "You don't have to explain anything to her." Luke says to me. "I'm assuming Michael doesn't know?" Cora asks. I shake my head. "Luke? Could you give me a second alone with Cora? I want to explain everything to her." I turn to Luke. "What? You don't have-" "Luke, please." I practically beg. He looks at me with a face of anger, but proceeds to walk upstairs and leave me and Cora alone. "Sit?" I ask Cora. She walks over to the couch and sits down. I sit beside her and let out a heavy sigh. I know telling her everything was the right thing to do because I knew she would tell Michael everything so at least he would know the truth about everything. "I need to tell you everything. Not because I want to, but because I know you'll tell Michael regardless. So, at least he'll know the truth." I take a deep breath before what was going to be a long explanation. "I didn't mean for any of this to happen, I really didn't. I came here with the intent of spending the summer with my brother and then going home to my boyfriend. But then I met Luke. I tried to pretend like I didn't feel anything for him because he was Michael's best friend and I wasn't even available but, the more I tried to stay away from him, the more I wanted to be near him. I knew from the second I felt all of this that it was over with Ian, but I just didn't want to admit it. Luke makes me really happy and I know Michael is going to do everything he can to keep us away from each other but, I don't want to be away from Luke." Cora stares at me with wide eyes for a while before finally speaking. "Wow." She says. "Yeah." I says, lowering my head. "I won't tell him." Cora says in almost a whisper. My head shoots up. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "I won't tell Michael." She clarifies. "You won't?" I am shocked. She shakes her head. "It's not my secret to tell. This is between you, Luke and Michael. It has nothing to do with me. I don't want to ruin your relationship with your brother and Luke and Michael's friendship all because I walked in on something I shouldn't have. I won't ever bring it up, don't worry." She says........ I can't stop myself from wrapping my arms around her and engulfing her in a hug. "Thank you! Thank you so much." I say. "You're welcome. But, I really do think you should tell him soon." She says. I nod my head in agreement. "I know. Luke and I will tell him together, we're just waiting for the right time." I say. "Okay. Well, I better get back to Calum's house. Don't worry, I'll tell Michael we had a good talk about your breakup. I'll make it believable." She says with a wink. "Thank you." I say. Once she leaves, I walk upstairs and knock on Luke's door. "What?" He says once I open the door. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Seriously, May? You had nothing to explain to her! She has nothing to do with any of this." Luke yells at me. "Are you kidding me? She walked in on us about to―well she saw us kissing. I had to explain everything to her because if she told Michael, then at least she would tell him the whole truth." I say. "Whatever, May." Luke says, walking over to his bed and laying down on his back. I could tell he was probably stressed because he thought Michael was about to find out about us. "She's not gonna tell him." I say. He sits up quickly. "She's not?" He asks in disbelief. I shake my head. "No, she's not going to. But, that doesn't mean we shouldn't tell him." I say. "I know. I'm just not ready to lose my best friend." He says, lowering his head in embarrassment. I sit on the bed facing him and cup his face in my hands. "Hey, you're not going to lose him, okay? You won't. Sure he'll be upset at first and maybe he'll stop talking to us for a while but he'll come around." I tell him. "May, this is Michael we're talking about. If there was an award for world's most protective brother, he'd win every fucking time." Luke says, making us both burst out in laughter. "Well still, we need to tell him. And soon, because I don't want him mad at me all summer." "Why don't we just tell him after summer ends?" Luke asks. "Because i'd rather not tell him over the phone." I say. "You'll be here to tell him in person." "What are you talking about?" I ask in confusion. "Well you're not really going back to Melbourne are you?" "What are you talking about? Of course I am, that's where I live." "So you're going to go back to a city where your ex-boyfriend is and just leave me here?" He asks. "What did you expect me to do? Change my whole life around just to be close to you? Just because i'll be in Melbourne doesn't mean this has to end." I say, gesturing between us. "I'm not going to have a phone relationship." Luke says bitterly. "I can always come visit and you can come to Melbourne sometimes too." I say. "So you want to tell Michael about us and then just leave? That way you won't have to face him everyday but I will? Is that it?" Luke says harshly. "What? Of course not. You know that's not why i'm leaving, Luke. My whole life is back in Melbourne." I explain. "Am I not a part of your life?" He yells. "Luke, you're the most important part of it." I almost whisper. "But I can't just pack up all my stuff and move out here. It's my senior year of high school. You expect me to just leave everyone I've known since primary school and move to a new school to graduate with people I'll barely know? And I can't leave my dad―" I say before Luke cut me off. "You can't leave your dad? So you need to go back to Melbourne for your dad but you're completely okay with leaving Michael here with your drunk of a mother? Real nice, May!" Luke yells. "We'll figure something out. We can work everything out before I go. With Michael and with us." I say. Luke stands up from the bed and shakes his head. "No, May. If you go back to Melbourne―we're done." He say. I stand up too. "You're seriously giving me that ultimatum?" I yell. "You're the one who's forcing me to give it." He says before turning and beginning to walk out of the room. "You promised." I whisper. He turns around to look at me. "You promised this wouldn't just last the summer." I say, tears forming in the eyes. "Yeah, and you also told me I meant something to you. We clearly both lied." Luke says before walking out of the room and slamming the front door, leaving me alone. -------------
6 Apr 2019 | 19:42
I can't believe Luke. He can't honestly think i'm just going to pack up and move just for him. My whole life is back in Melbourne. I can't help but keep thinking about what he said though and how right he is. I'm going back to a place where my ex-boyfriend is. He'll probably make all my friends hate me. I need to call Aubrey. "Hello?" She answers after a few rings. "Aubrey." I whine. "Yeah?" She asks, her voice sounding shaky. "We need to talk." I need to tell her everything. I need my best friend's advice right now. "Okay but before you say anything you need to know we didn't mean for it to happen. We were drunk. Well, we were drunk the first time, then the rest of the times sort of just happened. I really hope we can still be friends." She blurts out. What the-Is she saying what I think she is? "What are you talking about?" I ask. "Ian and I." She says. They couldn't have. "What about you and Ian?" I ask, anger raising within me. "Wha-he didn't tell you?" Aubrey asks. "Tell me what, Aubrey?" I ask angrily. I had obviously caught on by now but I need her to say it. I need to hear her say it out loud. "Fuck," She curses under her breath, "well I guess you'll find out eventually. Me and Ian slept together. And we're kind of uh-together now. That's why he went to Sydney; to tell you." She stutters as she explains. "How could you?" I scream. "We really didn't mean for it to happen." She says. "You clearly did. We've been best friends for years. Honestly what the fuck!" I yell. What the hell was even happening right now? "You can't choose who you love." She says flatly. She really didn't feel bad about any of this. That was made clear now. "You know what Aubrey, Fuck you." I say before hanging up my phone and then tossing it across the room. I knew I'd regret that later because it probably smashed but right now I was too livid to care. Great. Now after summer I have to go back to no boyfriend and no best friend. Maybe I should just stay here. It could be good for me. But, I can't just leave my dad. I've been so cold to him, and now I'm just going to pack up and leave. I can't. He'll think I'm leaving to live with my mother instead of him. I can't have him thinking that, he was always the better parent to Michael and I. I walk over to my phone and pick it up, relieved to see that it didn't break. Thank god for protective cases. I unlock it and dial Ian's number. He picks up surprisingly fast. "What?" He asks harshly. "Fuck you, Ian. You come here and make me feel like absolute shit for cheating on you with Luke yet you've been screwing my best friend this whole time!" I yell into the speaker. "Who told you?" He asks. "She did! She also told me that's the reason you came to Sydney; to tell me. Really Ian? You came here to tell me you've been cheating on me, yet you break up with me when you find out i've been doing the same. But you know what, it's not the same. I'm so completely in love with Luke. You're not at all in love with Aubrey." I say. "You don't know that. Maybe I am." He says. I wanted to burst out laughing. "Please, you're Ian . You aren't capable of loving anyone but yourself. Have a nice life Ian." I say, just about to hang up. "Oh I will. And I'll enjoy making yours hell for the next year." He says, I could sense the smirk on his face. "I'm not even coming back next year." My mouth says before my brain catches up. Shit. I shouldn't have said that. The decision isn't even final yet. Why did I tell Ian before I told Luke? I don't even know if it's for sure. Maybe I will go back. "So you're running away from your problems now?" He asks. "No. I want to move to Sydney to be with Luke and Michael. The people here are nice and normal, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say for the people back home." I say. "Exactly, May. Home . Melbourne is your home. No matter how much you don't want it to be. Whether we're together or not, the kinds of people back home are the kinds of people you belong with. It's the same kind of person you are. You're no better than anyone back here in Melbourne." Ian says. He's right. "You're wrong. I am better." I lie and hung up. I'm not better. I know i'm not going anywhere in life. At least, I wasn't when I was in Melbourne. But, I feel like I can be a good person if I lived here. I'd be a better person for Luke. The phone call with Ian helped me finalize my decision. I was moving to Sydney...... ------------- oooppssss..... sorry guys for not updating at all so kind of busy and kind of worked up..... but I ghat new episode for you here now... so please read, like and comments!!!..... thanks alot
6 Apr 2019 | 19:48
don't worry guys I still ghat more episodes coming up to your view today... before or by evening I guess.... so please stay with.... Cuz am working on it already.... thanks fam's......
6 Apr 2019 | 19:52
it might be a episode or two.... so just check it out later... thanks!!!
6 Apr 2019 | 19:53
Thanks bro ✊ More!
6 Apr 2019 | 20:18
7 Apr 2019 | 14:56
I have been waiting for hours for Luke to come back; he hasn't. I don't understand why he got so worked up about me moving back to Melbourne- even though i'm not anymore, but he doesn't know that. I pull out my phone to call him. It rings for what feels like forever, until it goes to voicemail. I'm tired of waiting around so I decide to go out and look for him. I walk to the diner a few blocks away. I step inside but see no sign of Luke. Could he be at one of the guys house's? I call Calum to see if he knows where he is. "Hello?" "Hi, it's uh-May. Do you know where Luke is?" I ask. "No, sorry May.Call your brother and ask him. They're probably together, as usual." He laughs. I chuckle lightly before thanking him and hanging up. "Is Luke with you?" I ask Michael as soon as he answers the phone. "Hello to you too, May." He says sarcastically. "Is he?" I ask again. "No, he's not. I'm with Cora right now and we were kind of-uhh-" He says but I don't want to hear what comes after that. "Okay, okay. Sorry for bothering." I say and hang up. This is crazy. Where the hell could he be? I sit on the bench i'm close to and think. Then it hits me. The lake. Of course. Where he took me that one time. He did say he goes there when he wants to be alone and think, he has to be there. I run as fast as my feet will take me, silently praying he's there and I didn't waste my energy running here for nothing. Sure enough, there he is. Sitting right by the lake in amongst the beautiful purple flowers. I walk over and sit beside him silently. "What are you doing here?" He asks, not even bothering to turn his head. "I've been looking all over for you." I say. "Yeah well, you found me. What now?" He says bitterly. "Are you okay?" I ask even though I know the answer. "Yeah i'm great. Are you okay?" He asks, not really caring for the answer I suppose. "Not really actually." I say. "Sucks. You should go home to talk to your friends about it. Oh, your home back in Melbourne, I mean. Because Sydney isn't your home and it never will be, you've made that perfectly clear." He spits. "Luke I-" "Save it, May. Honestly I don't know why I even wasted my time with you in the first place. You're my best friend's sister. Whatever this was, it's over now." He says, standing up. I stand up too. "You don't mean that." I say. "Oh now you know what I mean?" He asks. "You're just saying that because you're angry." I say in hopes that i'm right. "I'm saying it because it's true. You're better off with Ian, honestly." He says and walks away. "No i'm not. I'm better off with you. I'm better with you. You make me better, Luke." I almost whisper the last part. "I make you better, but you make me worse, May. Ever since you came here I'm not myself. I'm lying to friends, I helped you cheat on your boyfriend, and I'm sneaking around my best friend's back with his sister. I can't even think because all my thoughts are consumed by you. Do you know what it's like to think about someone constantly? I can't go one minute without thinking of you, or wanting to be with you. Fuck, May. It's torture." He says walking away. I can't tell if that was meant to be bad or not. I know it was but, it's somewhat comforting to know he thinks about me all the time because all my thoughts are consumed by him too. I run after him and stop in front of him, turning to face him. "You're all I think about too. You've taken over my mind. It's like I can't breathe when i'm not with you. You're mad at me because you think i'm leaving you but, i'm right here. I'm right here yet you're pushing me away." I say cupping his cheek in my hand. He leans into my hand and sighs. "I don't want to get close to you if you're just going to leave." He says. "It's a little late for that." I giggle. He chuckles. "Yeah, I guess you're right." "I'm staying." I whisper. His eyes shoot open. "What?" He asks in disbelief. "I'm staying." I repeat. "But what about your dad? And school? What about-" "I'll figure everything out as I go along I guess." I say. I smile and lean in to kiss him. I press my lips to his and he immediately responds and slides his hands around my waist. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly, giving him access. His tongue explores my mouth as I pull gently at his hair. Whenever we're together, it's as if the rest of the world disappears. As our lips pulled apart, our breathing comes out in short, desperate gasps. The intensity has faded. The rest of the world is slowly coming back into focus. "Did you mean it when you said this was over?" I ask. "You know I didn't." He says. "I know." I say. "Are you sure? About everything." He asks. "I'm not really sure about anything, Luke. But everything is going to be fine." I say. All I'm sure of is that I am staying. Because frankly, I don't think I could have physically left. Not if Luke wasn't right there with me.
7 Apr 2019 | 18:07
We walk back to Luke's house in a comfortable silence, until Luke speaks up. "I don't want you to move here because I said it would be over if you don't. I don't want you to be here and then grow to hate me because I forced you into it." He says. "Luke, you're not forcing me into anything. I want to move here. I've had enough of all the people back in Melbourne. And besides, I couldn't be without you even if I wanted to." I whisper the last part in hopes that he didn't hear. He stops me and pulls me into a kiss, proving he heard me. "We need to tell Michael, you know that don't you?" He asks. "I know it's just, I want to enjoy this for a while. No drama, just us." I smile. "Just us." He repeats. He takes my hand in his and we continue to walk back to his house. I am actually excited to move to Sydney. At first even the idea of it sounded absurd but now, it seems pretty logical. Why would I go back to a place where my ex-boyfriend is when I could be with my current boyfriend. Or, whatever Luke is to me. Plus, I miss living with Michael. I know my dad won't like the idea of both his kids choosing to live with their mother instead of him but it isn't like that at all. This decision has nothing to do with my parents and I hope they both realize that. I wonder if my dad even knows my mother is a drunk. Has he spoken to her since Christmas? They used to talk over the phone to discuss Michael and I but, have they talked since she became an alcoholic? "May?" Luke interrupts my thoughts. "Hmm?" "Did you hear me?" "No, sorry. What did you say?" I ask. "Do you want to go to the diner or just go home?" "Oh um, wherever you want is fine." I say. "Are you alright?" He asks me. "Yeah, just thinking." I answer. "About?" "Do you think my dad knows my mother's a drunk? Like, what if he knows and then once I tell him i'm moving here he thinks i'd rather live with an alcoholic over him. I don't want my dad to think Michael and I both don't want to live with him." I say. "I'm almost positive your dad has no idea. Michael was the first to realize it. He's only ever told you and I. Well, and my mom but that's because she was kind of getting suspicious when he'd stay at my house for weeks at a time. But trust me baby, your dad will be fine with this. Parents always want whatever their kids want." He tries to assure me. "I like that." I smile. "Like what?" He raises an eyebrow. "When you call me baby." I flush and look away to spare myself embarrassment. He smiles and squeezes my hand. Only Luke could have the ability to make me forget about all my problems just by calling me a simple word. "Everything will work out." He tells me. I hope he's right. "Will you come back to Melbourne with me when I get all my stuff? I'd like for you to meet my dad. At least you could meet the one normal parent I have." I chuckle. "Of course, baby." He says. "Let's just go home instead of the diner, yeah?" I nod. After this long day I just need to go home and sleep. Maybe make out with Luke a little before that though. I giggle at my thoughts. "What are you laughing at?" Luke asks. "Nothing, let's just get home." I smirk. Luke unlocks the front door and opens it to a pitch black house. "Mikey?" I call, hoping he's not home. "Michael?" Luke calls out. When he doesn't answer, Luke immediately turns around to face me and pushes me up against the front door, pinning my arms above my head and kissing me roughly. "Thank god we're alone." He mumbles against my lips. He releases my arms and I immediately bring my hands to his hair and tug hard, earning a moan from Luke. "Don't do that, you'll make me come in my pants." He says. "Luke!" I squeal, swatting at his arm. He just smirks and pulls me back into him. "I want you." I moan. "Me too, baby." He says as his hands travel to the hem of my shirt and lifts it over my head. He tosses it to the floor and just as I am about to do the same, the front door opens, hitting my back. Luke breaks away from the kiss and slams the door back shut before whoever it is can see us. "You didn't lock it?" I whisper. "Go into the bathroom." Luke instructs. I grab my shirt from the floor and scurry to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I hear Luke open the door. "Oh, hey man." Luke says. "Dude what the fuck? What did I hit and why'd you slam the door on me?" Michael asks. Fuck. Michael was literally two centimetres away from us while we were making out, with my shirt off. Thank God Luke has quick reflexes and shut the door when he did. "I uh- I-" Luke stutters. "Why is your face so flushed? And your lips- oh my god! You have a girl here don't you?" Michael asks. "Uh, Yeah I do." Luke replies. "Way to go bro. Is she hot?" Michael asks. Oh god. "Yeah, extremely." Luke replies and I can't help but smile. "I'll leave you two alone then." Michael says. "Oh, make sure you lock the door. I don't want my sister coming home and seeing you and your girl fucking on the couch." Michael laughs. "Will do." Luke laughs uncomfortably. "He's gone." Luke knocks on the bathroom door once Michael leaves. I unlock the door and come out. "That was too close." I exhale. "I know, let's go upstairs so there's no more interruptions." Luke smirks. I take his hand and lead him up the stairs when he stops. "Wait, I need to lock the door. Michael said he didn't want you walking in on me and my hot girl." He smirks and we both laugh hysterically. -----------------------
7 Apr 2019 | 18:22
It's been a week since I've decided to move to Sydney after summer ends and I've never been more sure about it. "Did you want to wait until summer ends to get your stuff from back home? Or did you want to get it soon?" Luke asks me as we lay on his bed together. "I was thinking we could go in a week or so. I was going to ask Michael to come too since it'll give him a chance to see our dad. " I say. "Sure, babe." Luke says, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Do you think we should tell him about us before or after we go to Melbourne?" I ask. "Well i'm ready to tell him as soon as you are. So i'd say before." Luke says. "Aren't you scared for him to find out?" I ask, sitting up on the bed. Luke sits up too and tucks a strand of hair behind my ear. "Not really. I mean sure, he'll be pissed at first and he'll probably punch me a couple times but, he'll have to get over it eventually. I mean, he likes me more than Ian." Luke chuckles. "Obviously, you dork." I giggle, pushing his shoulder playfully. "I just don't want to ruin your guy's friendship. Michael finally has all these amazing friends. Back in Melbourne he was friends with bad people, and now he finally has normal people around him. I don't want this to turn into a whole taking sides thing where Calum and everyone will have to either choose you or Michael. I don't want my brother to get hurt." I tell him. "Well, you know Cora will always choose Michael." Luke smirks. "I'm serious." I whine. "I know, come here." Luke says and I crawl closer to him as he embraces me tightly. "You worry too much. Everything is going to be fine, May. Michael will eventually see that we're meant for each other and then he'll realize it was stupid of him to even be mad in the first place." Luke says. I look up at him. "Meant for each other hmm?" I smirk. "I uh-shit-I didn't mean-" Luke stutters as his cheeks begin to flush. "Relax, it was cute." I smile and give him a quick peck. "I'm honestly surprised Michael hasn't caught onto us already." I say. "Why?" He asks. "Because of the way you look at me." "How do I look at you?" He raises an eyebrow. "Like you've seen me naked." I laugh. "Sorry, I can't help looking at you like that. You're just so hot." Luke smirks as he lays down on the bed and pulls me onto him. He brings his lips to mine and pushes his tongue inside, exploring all around my mouth. I don't know how we've managed to not sleep together yet. I mean, we can barely keep our hands off each other. I want to take things slow but at the same time I feel like i've been with Luke for forever. Luke ignites something within me that no one else ever has. I can never get enough when I'm with him. When i'm not with him, I miss him-even if it's only been ten minutes since the last time I saw him. I don't know what it is about this boy but, I never want to be without him. Right when things start to get heated, the front door opens. "That's probably Michael. I should go back to my room." I say, getting up only to have Luke pull me back down on top of him. "Stay." He whispers. "You know I can't." I say. I give him a swift kiss and hurry out of his room and into mine...... It's not as strange as I thought it would be to live in the same house as my boyfriend after almost than a month of dating. I know I'm not really living here, but it feels that way since I've spent most of the summer here considering I'd rather not be anywhere near my drunk mother. "May, come downstairs!" Michael calls. I walk downstairs and into the living room where my brother is. "Yeah?" I ask. "Wanna watch a movie with me? I feel like we haven't spent much time together and you're going back in a month so I want to see you as much as I can before you go." Michael says. Aw. I wish I could just tell him right now that i'm not going anywhere, but i'm not just going to blurt it out. I need to come up with something to say when I do decide to tell him. "Yeah sure, what do you want to watch?" I ask and sit down beside him. After what feels like forever we finally decide on 10 Things I Hate About You , my all time favourite movie. Michael complains that I always make him watch this movie but I can't help it, it's just so great. "Maybe we should ask Luke to watch it with us? I mean, I feel kinda bad that he's all alone in his room." I say. "Yeah good idea. Thanks by the way." Michael says. "For what?" I ask. "For trying your best to be friends with Luke. I could tell you two didn't get off to the best start so it means a lot to me that you're trying." Michael says. If only he knew. "He's a good guy. After getting to know him you realize that." I smile. "Who's a good guy?" Luke asks from behind us. "Speak of the devil. We were just going to come get you and ask if you wanted to watch the movie with us." Michael says. "Yeah sure." Luke says, sitting down beside me-making me sandwiched between my brother and boyfriend. "10 Things I Hate About You again? Let me guess, May picked it?" Luke chuckles. "It's a great movie, okay!" I fake whine. "Yeah, that girl is super hot." Michael says. "I'll drink to that." Luke laughs as they fist bump in front of my face, blocking my view of the screen. "Can we all just watch the movie?" I groan. "Why? It's not like you've never seen it before." Michael says. I ignore him and turn the volume up louder. "Can you pass me that blanket over there?" I ask Luke about an hour into the movie. Luke leans over and grabs the blanket on the couch beside him. "Mind if we share it? It's kind of cold." Luke says with a faint smirk on his face. "Sure." We spread the blanket over both of us. Not even five minutes pass when I feel Luke sliding his hand over my thigh underneath the blanket so that Michael doesn't see. I push his hand back to him without taking my eyes off the screen. He brings his hand right back but this time bringing his fingers between my thighs. I don't want to push him away, I want this- so bad. But this can't happen with my brother sitting directly beside us. I quickly grab the remote from the coffee table and hit pause. "Michael could you pop some popcorn? I'm super hungry." I ask. "What am I, your maid?" Michael asks. "Please." I whine. Michael huffs but still goes into the kitchen to make me popcorn. I immediately turn to Luke and swat his arm. "Stop it." I hiss. "Stop what?" Luke asks smugly. "Don't play dumb." I say. "What? I can't finger my girlfriend while watching a sappy movie?" Luke smirks. "Luke!" I squeal. As much as I am embarrassed by his dirty words, my heart can't help but flutter at his use of the word girlfriend. "Here." Michael says as he walks back into the room with a bowl of popcorn. He sits down and plops the bowl into my lap and clicks play on the remote. If I didn't know any better I'd say he likes this movie more than I do. "It's okay, i'll finger you later." Luke whispers into my ear. I snap my head sideways to look at him but he keeps his eyes fixed on the screen, as if he didn't just say what he did. I would be lying if I said I wasn't excited for this movie to be over and for later to come........
7 Apr 2019 | 18:29
"Alright movies over, i'm going to bed." Luke says as soon as the ending credits came on. "It's so early, dude. Stay up and play video games for a bit." Michael says. "Nah man, i'm exhausted. I'm gonna head to bed. Night Michael, night May." He says smirking at me. Thank god Michael was too busy turning off the movie to look over. I know exactly what he meant by that smirk. He wants me to go with him. But I can't have Michael getting suspicious. I do plan on telling him, but I would prefer he didn't find out by me going upstairs with Luke to do god knows what he has planned. I wait ten minutes before coming up with an excuse of my own. "I'm going to go call dad. I haven't talked to him in a while, so i'm gonna go catch up." I lie. "Are you feeling okay?" Michael laughs. "Yeah why?" I ask. "Well because you want to go call dad. Since when did you voluntarily want to catch up with our parents?" He laughs and put air quotes around 'catch up'. "I don't know. I just miss him I guess." That wasn't a lie. I did miss my dad. Not enough to call him and spend hours catching up, but I still missed him. "Alright, May." Michael laughs while shaking his head to each side. "Night." I say and walk upstairs. I really hope he isn't getting suspicious of Luke and I. I mean, we both decided to stay home that one night instead of go to the party, we hang out just us two which Michael is aware of, we always just so happen to leave places at the same time, and he almost always catches us directly in the act. Anyone else would have figured it out by now, so why hasn't Michael? I knock on Luke's door and it opens immediately. Luke grabs my arm and pulls me in, closing and locking the door behind us. "I could have been Michael." I laugh. "Nah, I knew it would be you." He says as he brings his lips to my neck, leaving a trail of kisses down it. "Oh yeah, how did you know?" I question. "Because I know you want to get fingered just as much as I want to finger you. You couldn't have passed up the opportunity." I feel him smirk against my skin. "Luke!" I shriek. "You know it's true, babe." He whispers in my ear. "Where did this sudden confidence come from?" I giggle. "I don't know to be honest." He says with a laugh. "You know, I think he's going to catch on soon. I mean, we always-" "Are you gonna keep talking or are you gonna let me finger you?" He smirks. This time I didn't argue or blush at his filthy words. I close the gap between our mouths and arch my body into his. He runs his tongue along my lower lip asking for entrance which I gladly accept and open my mouth, letting his tongue meet with mine. We were consumed by each other. Our tastes, our scents, our moans. Everything fit so perfectly. I break our lips apart and move down to his neck, sucking harshly on his skin making sure to leave a mark. No one would ever know it was from me, but I would and that was all I needed. "God, May." He moans as I continue to suck on his neck. "Bed. Now." He demands as he lifts me up around his hips, carrying me over to his bed....... He hovers over me and immediately connects our lips back together. I tug on the hem of his shirt, which he removes as soon as he notices my tugging. I do the same with mine. He plants kisses along my neck and moves towards my chest and down to my stomach. His hands trace circles on my skin as he brings his lips up to my breasts and sucks on the exposed skin from my bra. This doesn't fail to make me moan. He brings his hands down to my leggings and begins to pull down the elastic band. I bring my hands down to help him, when he puts his hands over mine to stop me. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes, Luke." "You won't regret this tomorrow morning?" He asks, suddenly getting nervous. "Why are you so nervous all of a sudden?" I ask. "I just-I want to make sure you want this too. I don't want to push you to do anything and if you're not ready we can-" "Shut up." I groan as I reconnect my lips with his. All too soon he removes his lips from mine and moves downwards towards my legs, removing my leggings and tossing them on the floor. "As hot as you look in those pants, they needed to come off." Luke says. He brings his fingers over my panties and rubs me through them. He loops his fingers around the lace at the top of my panties and slides them down my legs. Luke brings his fingers to my slit and begins to rub. He inserts one finger into me and pumps in and out slowly. "Are you okay?" He asks. I nod. "More." I whimper. "Of course, baby." Luke says as he inserts another finger and brings his lips to my neck, sucking harshly. This was pure bliss. I had been with a few other guys before, but it was nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to what I feel right now with Luke. With Luke it isn't just about sexual feeling, it's about the emotional tether too. "More, Luke." I say as I begin to push his head down towards my legs. "Oh," Luke says as he catches on to what I meant. He smirks as he brings his head down, leaving kisses on my thighs. "Stop teasing me, Luke." I whimper. "Tell me what you want me to do." He purrs. Was he really going to make me beg for it? "Luke-" "Tell me. Use your words, May." "I want you to- I want you to kiss me." I say. I was far too embarrassed to say exactly what I wanted. "Where?" He smirks. "You know where." I was practically begging now. He seems to take the hint that I wasn't going to say what I wanted out loud. He dips his head down between my thighs and brings his lips to my core. He runs his tongue up my slit, pumping his fingers in me at the same time. "Luke." I moan. "Fuck that was hot." He says between my thighs. He reconnects his lips to me as I pull whatever hair I could grab onto. I could feel my climax coming. "Luke-i'm-i'm close." I barely manage to get out. "Let go for me baby. Come on my tongue." He purrs. Hearing Luke's filthy words sent me over the edge. I buck my hips as I come to my body thrashing climax. It feels as though electricity is pulsing through my veins. "Oh my god-" I screw my eyes shut and grab fistfuls of Luke's bedsheets. Waves of heat coat me as I experience my best orgasm. I'd like to think it was the greatest i've had simply because Luke was the one that gave me it. I come down from my high and try to catch my breath. Luke lays beside me and tucks my hair behind my ear as I try to recover from my euphoric state. I open my eyes and look to Luke. "That was-" I begin before I am cut off my Luke's lips on mine. "You don't have to say anything, baby." He says against my lips. "That was amazing, Luke." I decide to say anyways. I climb on top of Luke, straddling him. I bring my lips to his neck and suck harshly, leaving what feels like the hundredth hickey tonight. "Aren't you tired?" He chuckles. "Well I uh- I wanted to do something for you too." I say with a small smile as I bring my hand down, palming him through his boxers. Somehow in the heat of it all, everything but his boxers managed to be removed. "I already uh-seeing you like that, with your eyes squeezed shut and your hands gripping the sheets made me uh-" "Oh." I say shyly. I don't know why I'm so embarrassed about this. "I should probably go change my boxers." He laughs as he gave me a swift kiss and got up from the bed, walking over to his dresser to grab a new pair. He grabs them and begins to walk to his door to go to the bathroom and change when I stop him. "Luke! Put your pants on!" I hiss. "Why?" He laughs. "Because Michael might see you." "We walk around in our boxers all the time, May." "Yeah but, not like that." I giggle and hide my face under the sheets as I point to the wet spot on his boxers. "Right." He laughs as he picks up his pants from the floor and puts them on. "I'll be right back." He says as he goes out into the hall and into the bathroom. I stare at the ceiling with a smile plastered on my face, remembering back to the passion Luke and I shared just moments ago. What I feel with Luke is indescribable. It's something I've never felt before. Ian and I have done things like that, but it never felt the way it did just now. Ian had only ever fingered me, Luke was the furthest I've ever gone. I didn't know how to tell Luke I was still a virgin. Does he assume I am? Is he? Of course he's not, just look at him. How could someone with a face and body like that still be a virgin. I find myself feeling jealous of the unknown girl in my mind that I imagine with Luke, at his most vulnerable and intimate state. A voice breaks me from my jealous thoughts. A voice I hadn't expected to hear here. "And where's your whore of a sister?" My mother slurs downstairs. "She went to bed already. And don't you dare call her a whore." I hear Michael defend me to my mother. "Well it's time to wake her up. You're both coming home. Tonight." She says. Shit....... She's coming upstairs....... ----------------oooppssss may mum finally showed up..... how are you guys finding this story...... interesting or boring..... please like and comment and let me all see your point of view of the story.... Thanks fam's!!!! ---------------
7 Apr 2019 | 18:41
7 Apr 2019 | 18:48
their mother just wake up from her slumbers I think??? but its May really a virgin? that's unbelievable
8 Apr 2019 | 03:12
interesting, like seriously ur mum show up now , that's good u two can go home now
8 Apr 2019 | 15:38
I jump out of bed and scramble to get my clothes from the floor. I put them on sloppily and open the door quickly, making sure neither my mother or brother can see me. Once I make sure they aren't in sight I run straight to my room- well, the guest room- and lay on the bed. Within seconds, my mother's heavy footsteps are getting closer and closer. "Get up, May!" She yells as she barges into my room. I should have locked the door. "What are you doing here?" I ask, sitting up. "You and your brother are coming home right now." "We're not going anywhere." I say sternly as I stand up. "Do you forget who you're talking to?" She asks. "No, I remember perfectly. And i'll remember again perfectly tomorrow, which is more I can say for you." I say, not regretting a single word. "What is that supposed to mean?" She asks. "You know what it means." Just as my mother opens her mouth to probably yell at the top of her lungs, Michael appears in the doorway. "Just leave, mum. We're not going anywhere." He says. "You two are my children and I am the parent. You do what I say." "I'm not doing anything you say." I tell her. Luke emerges into the doorway too. "What the hell is going on?" He asks, shaking his wet hair with the towel, clearly fresh out of the shower. "Stay out of this." My mother says. "Ma'am with all due respect, this is my house." He says. Even when my mother is a complete bitch to Luke, he's still respectful. And attractive as hell with wet hair. How did I get so lucky? Stop it May this isn't the time to be thinking about Luke. Or his hair. "Well with all due respect," my mother mimics, "these are my kids." "Would you just leave? No one wants you here! I came to Sydney to see Michael, not you." I yell. "You think you're so much better than us don't you? You and your useless father. You both think you're so much better than Michael and I. Just because of the one mistake I made so many years ago doesn't mean you or your father are any better than I am." She says. What mistake? How drunk is she? "What are you on about?" I question. "You think that just because your father has a great job and you two live in a big house that you both are so much better than Michael and me? Well think again. Your father is a waste of space, and you're not far off either. I don't regret doing what I did anymore. And I'm glad I didn't raise you, because I wouldn't ever want to take credit for raising the whore you've become." She says. "Get the fuck out! Now!" Luke yells at the loudest i've ever heard him yell before. "Don't tell me what-" "I swear to god i'll fucking call the cops on you, you pathetic drunk. Get the fuck out of my house!" Luke screams. Surprisingly, my mother turns on her heels and walks out of the room. As soon as the front door slams, Luke comes close to me. "You're not a whore. Don't listen to anything she just said. You know it's just because she's drunk. And a bitch. She's right about one thing though, you are so much better than her." Luke says with a smile...... He brings his hand to my face and wipes my cheek. "Don't cry." He says in a soft tone. I wasn't aware I was crying. Michael clears his throat from behind us. I almost forget he was in the room, i'm sure Luke forgot too. "I'll leave you two alone." Luke says to Michael as he walks out of the room. "You okay?" Michael asks me. "Yeah, she's a bitch." I say, putting up a front. "Yeah, she is." He agrees. "You're not going back to that house with her, ever again." I tell him. "May, you don't get it. I can't just live in Luke's house forever. Her house is my house too. And besides, she needs help." He says. "Are you kidding me? You've tried to help her already. The last time you tried to help her she hit you! She doesn't need any more of your help or compassion. She's on her own now, Mikey." I say. "Yeah well now so am I." He says, sadness laced through his voice. "No you're not. You're not on your own. I'm right here with you." I say. "Yeah, right here with me until summer's over. Then what? I go right back to being mums doormat." I can't keep it from him anymore. I decide now is the right time to tell him i'm moving here. "I'll be here after summer ends." I tell him. "What? Until when?" He asks. "I'm staying, Mikey. For good." I smile. "What are you talking about?" He asks, stunned. "I'm moving to Sydney." "What? When? What about school? What about your friends? You're graduating this year. What about all your stuff? You grew up their, May." He says. "None of it matters. I'm moving to Sydney and that's final. There's schools here. And I can make new friends. And before summer ends i'm flying back to Melbourne, to tell dad and to get my stuff." "How do you think dad's gonna take it? What if he thinks you're moving here to live with mom instead of him? He'll think you chose a drunk over him." Michael says worriedly. "I'll explain everything to him when I go back. But in the end it doesn't matter what he thinks. Yeah of course I want him to be on board but even if he isn't, i'm still moving here." I tell him. "You're serious about all of this?" He asks. I nod my head. He rushes over to me and engulfs me in a hug. "Thank you. Thank you so much." He whispers. We pull away from the hug with smiles plastered on both of our faces. Finally, we were going to be living together again. "I was thinking, for the time being we could live with Luke. We could both get jobs and then when we save up enough money, you and I could buy an apartment of our own. No dad, no drunk mum- just us." I say. "I can't believe this. This is amazing." He says, clearly still in shock about it all. "What made you decide all of this?" He asks. "Luke actually kind of talked me into it." I laugh. "Luke? Really?" He asks. "Yeah."...... "Speaking of, what was that before?" He asks. "What was what?" I ask, even though I clearly know what he's talking about. "Before, with his hand on your face. What was all of that?" He asks, growing suspicious. "Nothing? We're friends, and I just got called a whore by my own mother. He was just trying to make me feel better." I say. "How close of friends are you?" He asks. "I don't know, Mikey. Good friends I guess. He's the only person i've really talked to since I've been here, other than you. So we just got close I guess. I thought you'd be happy that i'm getting along with your best friend." I say. "I am. I'm just being paranoid, I guess." He laughs. "Paranoid about what?" I ask. "I don't know, I thought you two might have liked each other or something." He laughs louder this time. "What?" I ask. "I know, i'm crazy." He chuckles. "Yeah, crazy." I laugh nervously. "Who's crazy?" Luke pokes his head in the doorway. Great. "Ha, perfect timing buddy! We were just talking about you." Michael says. Luke's head shoots directly at me, probably assuming I told him. "What were you guys talking about?" He inquires. "How you talked May into moving to Sydney. Thanks man, means a lot." Michael says. I can visibly see Luke's shoulders relax as he lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh, that. Yeah, of course bro. I figured it would be best for her to move here, that way I won't have to ever hear you whining about how you miss your little sister." Luke laughs. It irritates me that he called me Michael's 'little' sister, but I let it go and laugh with them. I can't believe that after everything that happened tonight with my mother, i'm standing here laughing with my brother and his best friend who's secretly my boyfriend. "Alright, it's been a long night. I need to get some sleep." I say. "Yeah, you're right. Night!" Michael says giving me a quick hug. "Night." Luke says, following Michael out. "Oh," Luke turns back around to face me, "could I use your charger?" He smirks. "Yeah, sure." I say as he comes back into my room and Michael goes to Luke's. Luke turns his head quickly to make sure Michael is no where in sight before turning back to me and pressing his lips to mine. The warmth of his mouth sends a current running through my body. I bring my hands up and run them through his perfect and wet blonde hair, losing myself in him. "You look really hot with wet hair." I say against his lips, instantly regretting it. I squeeze my eyes shut in embarrassment. "Thanks, babe." He smirks. He brings his lips to mine again and gives me a swift kiss. "Goodnight, baby." He says against my lips. "Night." I say. He turns to walk out of the room before turning back again. "You sure I can't just stay in here tonight?" He smirks. "Goodnight, Luke." I roll my eyes playfully. He laughs before turning to walk to his room. "Hey wait," I say in a low tone. He turns to face me as I toss him my charger. "Gotta make it believable, right?" I smirk. He laughs as he holds up the charger and goes to his room, winking at me as he shuts the door. I sigh. How is it possible to be this in love with someone and have no one know about it but you? I couldn't take this secrecy anymore. People need to know, especially Michael....... --------- .... oooppppssss!!!.... so how are you guys liking what's happening? Do you think Michael should find out soon, or should he be in the dark for a bit longer? haha :P Please like and comment! Don't forget to and tell your friends about the story!.... yeah.... lol
9 Apr 2019 | 10:45
It's been two days since my mother stormed in Luke's house, drunk. And ever since then, I haven't been able to think straight. "Just because of the one mistake I made so many years ago doesn't mean you or your father are better than I am." "I don't regret doing what I did anymore." All that repeated in my head were the word's my mother said. What was she talking about? Was she just saying random things because she was drunk, or did she actually do something? She had to have done something. The mind doesn't just make up that sort of thing. Did it have to do with me? Or Michael? Did she leave for a reason other than my father? What if I was the cause of breaking up the family. My scary thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. "Come in." I say. The door opened to reveal Michael. "Hey, are you alright?" He asks. "Why wouldn't I be?" I question. "Well maybe because you've been in here for two days straight and haven't come out, other than for the bathroom and food." He says. "I just don't feel like talking." I say. I really wasn't in the mood for talking. The only thing on my mind was that I was the cause of my family tearing apart. Something I did made my mother leave. Something I did made Michael and I grow up in separate places. Something I did― "May?" Michael asks. "What?" "Did you not hear me?" He asks. "Sorry, what did you say?" "Seriously, May. What's going on? Why are locking yourself up? Ever since mom came you've been locked in here. You were fine after she left but, does it have to do with that?" "Drop it Michael." I say, rolling over to face the wall. "Please, talk to me." He begs as he sat on the edge of the bed, careful to keep his distance. I sigh and roll over again to face him. "It's just," I sat up, "I can't get what she said out of my head." I tell him. "May, come on. You know you're not a whore." He told me sympathetically. "No, not that. I keep thinking about how she said she made a mistake years ago. What mistake?" I ask. "I honestly don't know. She was drunk. She was probably just saying that." He says. "But what if she wasn't? What if she was serious? What mistake did she make, Mikey? How come we don't know about it?" I ask. "She was probably just talking about leaving you with dad. I'm sure that's it." He tries to assure me. "You can't seriously believe that." "Well I don't know what else to believe. She was probably lying. May, just let it go." "I can't just let it go! She was acting as if I was the cause of her so called mistake. What if I was the reason our family got torn apart!" I say, putting air quotes on 'mistake'. "You obviously aren't the cause, May. Whatever it was had to with her. Not you. You really need to stop blaming yourself for everything that happens in this family. It's our parents fault that our family is broken. But who cares? We have each other. That's all we need. Maybe dad too, occasionally." He says playfully. I smile. Michael was always the one to make me feel better in any situation. "Speaking of, I'm going back to Melbourne soon to get my stuff. Do you want to come with me so you can see dad?" I ask..... "Yeah, sure." He says. "And I may ask him what mistake mom made years ago?" I say more as a question. "May, come on. Just let it go." He warns me. "Have you ever known me to let something go? I'll figure out what she meant." I say determined. "I know you will." He says. "I'm supposed to be going to Calum's for a bit, but I can stay here if you want?" He asks. "It's fine, Mikey. Honestly go. We have tons of time to spend together since i'm not leaving anytime soon." I laugh. "Thank god for that. Alright, i'll be back soon." He says as he stands to walk out of the room. "Oh by the way," He turns to me, "You may want to head out soon. Unless you want to hear Luke and his girl, you know." He laughs. Excuse me? "What? What girl?" I ask, trying not to sound like I care. "I don't know her name. Luke said he was having some hot girl over later so I just thought I'd warn you so you don't have to hear them." He laughs as he leaves the room. Luke was having a girl over? But I thought- of course. I knew this was all too good to be true. I wasn't the only girl in Luke's life. I really am just a hook up. I wait until I hear Michael leave before storming into Luke's room, to see him laying shirtless on his bed. His stomach just perfectly defined. And his arm muscles straining perfectly as he puts his arms under his head. Focus May. "Hey, babe. Everything okay? You've been in your room for the past-" "Don't babe me! Who are you having over later, Luke? Huh?" I almost yell. "What are you talking about?" He asks, playing confused. You've got to be kidding me. Now he's going to pretend he doesn't even know what I'm talking about? "Don't act stupid! You know what i'm talking about! So who's the other girl you're screwing over? Because obviously i'm not the only one. Maybe there's even more than two. How many girls are there, Luke? Three? Four? Five?" I scream, getting louder with every number. He stands up from his bed in front of me. "What the hell are you talking about, May? You sound crazy! You know you're my girl." He yells back. I sigh. "I thought being your girlfriend meant I was your only one, but clearly you have a different definition of the word." I say in a much softer, hurt tone. "You are ! May of course you're the only girlfriend I have. Why would I want anyone else when I have you?" His tone softens too. "Come on, Luke. You're already caught, you don't have to lie to my face now too. Just be honest with me so this can end on a not terrible note." I say. I will not tolerate cheating. I know i'm not one to talk but, Luke and I are a completely different situation. I won't have it. Not after finding out about Ian and Aubrey. "End? Are you breaking up with me? What the fuck, May! What did I even do?" He screams. "Michael told me about the girl you're having over tonight. He told me I should leave so I don't hear you two!" I yell. He laughs. HE LAUGHS. Why in the world is he laughing? He can't be serious right now. "Are you seriously laughing right now? What the fuck is wrong with you?" I yell hitting his chest with my balled up fists...... It's like he's not taking this seriously. "That's what all this is about?" He laughs even harder. "This isn't funny! You understand that don't you? Do you get that i'm breaking up with you, or does that not even phase you?" I scream. "May, the girl-" "Save it! I don't want to hear about your other girlfriend." I say. "Would you shut up for a second? The girl I was talking to Michael about ― it was you." What? "Me?" I ask. "Of course, you idiot." He laughs. "But why'd you say she was coming over?" I ask. "Oh I don't know." He says sarcastically. "I think it would give away I was talking about you if I told him she was just going to come from her room across the hall." "But I thought-" "You thought wrong." He says. "I really am your only girl." "Of course you are, you dork." Luke laughs. I groan and rub my hands over my face. How could I be so stupid? I just stormed into Luke's room and almost broke up with him because he was talking to my brother about me . Not some other girl. Me. And then here I come, screaming and yelling at him. "I'm sorry." I mumble into my hands. "Hey," He comes closer and removes my hands from my face with his, "you didn't know. It sounded bad, I get it." "But I should have trusted you instead of just coming into your room yelling like a crazy woman." I say morosely. "You should have, but I get why you got mad. It's okay baby. It really did sound like I was talking about another girl but, I meant it to. I didn't want Michael to piece together who I was going to be with today." He explains. "I'm sorry I got so mad." I apologize again. "Stop apologizing. It's alright. Now sit." He says and we sit on his bed. "Why were you in your room for the past few days? I was going to come check on you but Michael said we should leave you be for a bit, to cool down for whatever it was that was going on." He says. "I'm fine." I tell him. It's not a complete lie. I am better now that Michael talked to me, but i'm definitely not fine. "May, this is me you're talking to." He says. "I was just thinking about what my mom said when she was here. About a mistake she made years ago. I can't help but think if I had something to do with it. Like, she was taking it all out on me, so it's got to have to do with me." I explain. "I'm sure it doesn't." "But what if it does? I need to find out." I say. "You're not talking to her." Luke says sternly. "I'm not going to. Easy there watch dog." I laugh and shove his arm. "Just trying to protect you." He says. "I know." I smile as I lean in to kiss him, careful not to get too heated. "How about we ask your dad what the mistake could be when we go back to Melbourne?" He asks. Great minds think alike. "I was thinking the same thing." I smile. "Oh, Michael's coming with us by the way." I tell him. "Okay but," He stops. "But what?" "Nothing it's just―we're going to have to tell him about us, and soon. Because it will be a bit suspicious if you bring me with you guys to Melbourne while he thinks we're just friends. Plus if you introduce me to your dad, Michael will realize what's going on." He explains. "I know, I know. But everything is so good with Michael and I right now. And I know that's all going to change once we tell him. I just want to enjoy time with my brother for a little bit longer before he stops talking to me all together." I say. "He won't stop talking to you, May. He'll stop talking to me maybe, but not you. He loves you way too much." He says and I laugh. "Are you kidding? Sometimes I feel like you're dating him instead of me. Trust me, he won't stop talking to you." I say. "Maybe we're worrying about this too much. Maybe he won't care. Who knows, maybe he'll even be happy for us." He says and I raise an eyebrow. "Okay, maybe happy for us is too far." He laughs. "We'll tell him soon, I promise." I say as I lean in to kiss my perfect boyfriend. I knew I needed to tell Michael, and it had to be soon. Very soon...... ----------- please folks drop your comments and like.... and let's make this story's more fun.... thanks!!!.....
9 Apr 2019 | 10:54
It's high time you let him know
9 Apr 2019 | 14:43
It has been a week since my mother stormed into Luke's house, and i'd be lying if I said I hadn't thought about what she said all week. It wouldn't leave my mind. My every thought was consumed by what she possibly could have meant. I've racked my brain trying to come up with possible explanations of what she could have meant by "mistake ." I know i'm going to go crazy if I don't find out what she meant soon. I need to go to see my father. "Do you think we could go see my dad?" I ask Luke as we lay on his bed. Michael had gone over to Cora's house so we luckily got the day to ourselves. "I thought we were already going to see him?" He asks as he strokes my hair. "I mean like, now. Not right this second but sometime this week." I say. "Sure but, what makes you want to go so suddenly?" He questions. "Because I need to find out what the mistake was. If I don't, i'm going to go crazy. It's all i've been thinking of all week. I need to find out so my mind can focus on something other than my drunk mother and her secrets." I explain. "May, you're probably wracking your brain over nothing. You're making yourself go crazy over something that a drunk said. But, if it'll make you happy, i'll book three tickets for as soon as possible." Luke says. I smile and lean up to give him a quick peck. Luke always understands me. No matter how crazy I might sound or how annoying I might be being, he always sticks by my side. "You know what this means though right?" He asks and I nod. We were going to have to tell Michael about us before we go. "But, maybe we don't have to tell him." I say. "May," Luke whines. "No but just think about it. I could just say we're bringing you because you don't want to be alone in the house. Your mom extended her trip at your brother's house for the rest of the summer, so if Michael and I go to our dad's, you'll be alone for a couple days. You can just say you don't want to be alone. Plus, Michael already thinks you and I are good friends, so it wouldn't be to weird. Just talk to Michael more than you talk to me. Act like you're coming for him and not me." I say. "I don't know May, this doesn't seem like a good idea." "I know it doesn't but, i'm not ready to tell him just yet. We can just tell him when we come back. I need to figure out exactly what to say to him." "Okay. We'll tell him when we come back." Luke says. - "I'm home." Michael says as he comes inside the house. "In here." I call from the kitchen. "What smells so good?" Michael asks as he comes in the kitchen. "I don't know, because i'm making frozen dinners for all of us." I laugh, as does he. "Wow May, i'm not royalty! Don't go through that much trouble for me!" He says sarcastically as he laughs. "Sit at the table, call Luke too." I say. "You sound like a mother." Michael says. "Do you want dinner or not?" I tease. Michael clears his throat. "Sorry i'll uh- call Luke down." "Luke! Dinner!" Michael screams. "I could have done that." I laugh..... I set the plates out and put dinner on each plate. I sit across from Michael, hoping Luke sits beside me when he comes downstairs. "Thanks for cooking, May." Luke says as he sits beside me, making me instantly smile. "I just put three frozen entrees in the microwave but you're welcome." I giggle. "My sister the chef." Michael laughs and I roll my eyes. "So Michael, um- I was thinking we could go to dad's sooner rather than later. Like, sometime this week." I suggest. "Why?" He asks. "'Cause." I shrug my shoulders. "Because why?" He pesters. "Because this mistake thing is driving her nuts." Luke chimes in. "Still? Why is it bothering you so much?" He asks. "It just is. Now are you going to come or not?" I bark. "Yeah, 'course I am." "Good. Oh, and Luke is coming too." I say quickly. "You are?" He asks Luke. "Yeah, if that's okay." Luke says. "Obviously, bro. Why do you want to come? To meet our other crazy parent? Less crazy, but still." Michael laughs. "Dad's not crazy." I stand up for my father. As much as my father may be annoying and overbearing, he was the one good parent we had. I wasn't as close to my dad as I wish I could be because I had to act like some rebellious teen who wanted their parents attention. But, the more time I spend around Luke, the more I realize this whole rebellious teen thing is an absolute joke. Luke really truly makes me a better person. Even in the month i've spent with him, I'm better than i've been in months. "I just wanted to come since i'd be alone otherwise." Luke uses the excuse I came up with earlier. "Aww, is wittle Luke afraid to be alone for a few days?" Michael teases in a baby voice. I want to defend Luke but I quickly bite my tongue. "Fuck off!" Luke laughs as he throws a piece of broccoli across the table, hitting Michael. I laugh at his childish gesture. Michael throws multiple pieces right back at Luke. "Are you guys ten? Eat your food, don't throw it." I say. "God, you sound like a mom." Luke chuckles. "That's what I said!" Michael laughs. "No but for real, you can obviously come, bro." Michael says. "Thanks man." Luke says. "I'll order plane tickets tonight." I say. "Already done." Luke says. "You ordered tickets already? Even before you knew you were coming?" Michael said, sounding suspicious. "Oh- uh- well, I talked to May about it earlier today and she said it was alright if I came, so I ordered the tickets." Luke said. "Okay, well thanks man. Saves us the trouble." Michael says. "When do we leave?" I ask. "Tomorrow." Luke says. "Tomorrow?! I need to pack!" I say as I shoot out of my chair and hurry to clean up the table before rushing upstairs and packing a suitcase. -------- "We need to be at the airport in an hour guys! Hurry up." I yell from the bathroom, scrambling to get my last minute necessities together. "Have you seen my Panic! T-shirt?" I hear Luke ask Michael. "Nah man, haven't seen it." Michael says. "Oh! May has it." Luke says nonchalantly, probably not realizing what he just said and who he said it to. My eyes instantly widen and I gasp. Thank god they can't see me. "Why does May have it?" Michael asks. "Oh-I-uh-I leant it to her to sleep in the day you guys first came over." Luke stutters as he explains himself, probably mentally smacking himself. "Oh, okay." Michael says. I'm honestly shocked Michael hasn't caught onto us already. We're always having too many slips. "Hey, do you have my T-shirt I leant you the first night you stayed here?" Luke pops his head into the bathroom to ask me. "Uh, yeah. It's in my room. I mean your room. I mean your guest room." I say. "It's your room, May." Luke laughs as he follows me into the room to get the shirt. "Well I just don't want to make myself sound like i'm getting too comfortable." I say as I look through the closet for the shirt. "Why? Get comfortable. You live here too now. I talked to my mom about it all. She loves having you and Michael here." Luke says. "Thanks." I smile. "Oh! I packed it." I say as I walk over to my open suitcase and pull out the shirt. "Like wearing my clothes I see?" Luke smirks. "Shh!" I whisper yell. "It's okay, you look sexy in my clothes." Luke whispers and he gives me a swift kiss but I instantly back away. "Luke!" I say in a hushed yell. "What?" He asks. "Are you crazy? Michael is in the next room. And the door is open, he could have seen." "Yeah but he didn't." "But he could have." I say. "But he didn't." Luke says as he purses his lips together, wanting me to kiss him again. "Out." I say as I push him out of my room. He smirks and walks back into his room, spinning the shirt in circles. He's getting so careless now with this secret. It's almost as if he doesn't care if Michael finds out anymore. Maybe he doesn't, but I do. I zip up my suitcase and bring it downstairs and set it beside the door. I put on my shoes and grab my phone from the hallway table. I hear a honk from outside. It must be the taxi I called. "Hurry up guys! Taxi's here." I call. Michael and Luke walk downstairs with their suitcases in hand. "Alright, let's go." Michael says. "How long are you planning on staying?" Luke laughs and asks Michael. "Five days. Same as you guys, why?" Michael asks. "Your suitcase would beg to differ." Luke laughs as he points to Michael's almost exploding suitcase. "I can never decide what to wear okay?" Michael says. "Jeez, you sound like May." Luke says. "No, not even I sound like that." I laugh. "Come on, we have to go." - "You're not going to see any of your friends while we're here right?" Michael asks as we retrieve our suitcases in the Melbourne airport. "What friends?" I half laugh. "Ian probably made everyone hate me." "Not even Aubrey?" Michael asks, oblivious to what went on between her and Ian. "We're not exactly friends." I say. "What? Why?" "I don't want to talk about it." I say. "But you two-" "Seriously Mikey, I don't want to talk about her." I say, not even bringing myself to say her name. He doesn't push it any further which i'm thankful for. We get in a taxi and head to my father's house, and I silently pray that this week won't be a total disaster.... -------------------- Okay so this episode is kind of a filler but the next one will be good so get excited!..... the next episode is already set... I just have to make some little adjustments... so don't worry it will be up soon.... and What do you guys think the mistake is that their mother is talking about? I'd love to know your thoughts.... please comment....
10 Apr 2019 | 06:20
am excited already bcos am also thinking abt wat May has been thinking of
10 Apr 2019 | 17:42
u should've tell ur brother b4 traveling to ur place what if Ian say something about u two while u where they,how will u face him?
11 Apr 2019 | 10:41
We arrive at my dad's house and I see him standing on his porch. It wasn't until seeing him now that I realize how much I actually missed him since being in Sydney. "Dad!" I exclaim as I run towards him. "Hey kiddo!" He says as he engulfs me in a hug. "How's Sydney?" "It's good. Really good." I tell him. Michael and Luke walk over to us with our bags in their hands. Luke took mine, how sweet. "Michael! Good to see you, son." My dad says as he gives Michael a hug. "You too, dad." "And you're not my kid." My dad laughs and says to Luke. "No sir. I'm Luke. Michael's best friend." Luke introduces himself. I'm a bit hurt that he introduced himself as Michael's friend and not my boyfriend, but it's not exactly like he had a choice. "James." My father introduces himself and shakes Luke's hand. "Nice to meet you, sir." Luke says respectfully. "Sir? I'm not a grandpa, Luke. Just call me James." My father says. "Michael and May's mom says the same thing when I call her ma'am. Well, she doesn't make me call her James obviously because that's your name. And she doesn't feel like a grandpa, she says she feels like a grandma because well, she's a girl. Not a girl, a woman. But not an old women-" Luke rambles but cuts himself off once he realizes how awkward it is now that he mentioned my mother to her ex-husband. "S-sorry." He stutters. What a dork. But he's my dork. "Just come inside." I roll my eyes and chuckle slightly. We all go inside and put our suitcases down in our rooms. I go to my regular room, and Luke and Michael go into Michael's old room. "You still haven't changed my room?" Michael asks my dad. "Well, I just figured if you ever wanted to come back, your room would still be waiting for you." My dad explains, seeming slightly embarrassed. My dad had always talked to me about how he hoped one day Michael would move back to Melbourne to live with us, because he hates being away from him for such long periods of time. I have no idea how i'm going to tell him that I'm moving to Sydney too. He's probably going to feel like both of his kids are abandoning him. "Well, I'm quite happy in Sydney." Michael says awkwardly. "I figured. How's your mother?" My dad asks. "She's uh- good." Michael lies. "Good. I hope she's happy like I am." My dad says with a smile. "Yeah, she is." He lies again. "Why are you so smiley dad?" I ask. "Oh, no reason." He says. "Come on, tell me." I bug him. "Not that it is any of your business but, I may or may not be seeing someone." He smiles the first genuine smile i've seen him have about a woman since my mother. "For real? Who?" I ask. "Judy Cavanaugh." "Judy Cavanaugh? As in Taylor Cavanaugh's mother?" Michael asks. "Yes." My father confirms. "No shit!" Michael laughs. "Who's Taylor Cavanaugh?" Luke asks.... "This guy May used to date. He was pretty cool." Michael explains. I really wish he didn't mention my past boyfriend to my current one. But then again, it's not like he knows that. "I thought you used to date Ian?" Luke asks me. "It was before Ian." Michael answers for me. "I thought Ian was your first boyfriend?" Luke asks, sounding quite jealous. And quite obvious. "Are you kidding?" Michael laughs. "May's dated like the whole high school soccer team." "I did not!" I squeal. "Oh okay, maybe not the whole team. Just Taylor, Jason, Rick, Anthony, Jef-" "Okay, that's enough Michael thanks." I cut him off before he can continue with the list. I look over to Luke to see his face quite red, assuming it's from jealously and anger, not embarrassment. "Sorry." Michael laughs. "Hey dad, does Parker still live next door?" Michael asks. "Yeah he does." "I'm gonna go see him! I haven't seen that kid in years. Come on Luke." Michael says. I look at Luke and shake my head slightly, in hopes that he understands I don't want him to go. I want to tell my dad about me moving to Sydney, and I want Luke to be there with me when I tell him. "Nah man. I'm tired from the flight. I think i'm just gonna relax." Luke lies. "Suit yourself. I'll be back later on tonight." Michael says as he walks out the door. "Can I get you guys anything?" My father asks as he walks over to the fridge. "Just some water, dad." I say. My father brings two glasses to the kitchen table and pours water into both of them as Luke and I sit down. "I know we just got here but I actually have to talk to you about something. A few things actually, but one thing at a time." I say. "Oh no, what happened?" My dad asks, sitting down across from Luke and I. "Nothing. I just have something I need to tell you, and I don't know how you're going to take it." "Hit me." My dad says. I take a deep breath. I decide to tell him about me moving to Sydney first. The mistake my mother was talking about can wait. Me moving to Sydney is far more important. "I'm uh-I want to, uh- I want to move to Sydney." I say slowly. My dad stares at me with a blank expression and I can't tell what emotions he's feeling. Is he angry? "Why?" He asks, still with an unreadable expression. "Well, Michael needs someone there with him in Sydney. Family wise, I mean." I explain. "He has your mother." I guess now was as good a time as ever to tell him about her. "About that. Mum's sort of um-she's kind of-" "She's a drunk." Luke finishes for me. "Sorry." He adds after he realizes he shouldn't have blurted that out. "She's back to her old ways then I see." My dad sighs. What does he mean her old ways? Did she drink before? Maybe that's what the mistake was that she was talking about last week. "Her old ways? What do you mean?" I question..... "Your mother, she used to drink quite a bit when you and Michael were kids. She sobered up after I threatened to leave her. I thought she was clean ever since, but old habits die hard I guess." He explains, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "When did she drink?" I ask. "You were very young. Probably about three. Michael was about five at the time. She used to get drunk almost every night after you kids went to bed. At first she wasn't so bad, just a bit mean. But as time went on, she got worse. She used to hit me, and I would take it because I would never hit a woman." He says. Hearing him say this instantly makes me think back to when Michael told me she hit him when she was drunk. My dad's right. Old habits really do die hard. "Well she's back to that. And I can't let Michael go through it alone. He got the short end of the stick for these past few years. I got to live here with you in this beautiful house, while he had to put up with a drunk mother in a shitty house that she failed to take care of. Michael told me stories about how he'd have to clean up her vomit after she would come home drunk at four in the morning. I can't let him go through that anymore, dad." "I can't believe her! How could she put our son through that! After everything we went through, trying to raise you kids right, she goes and turns into that. And now you're around that too?" He asks. "No, we moved in with Luke. We've been staying there for the past month. Mum tried to make us go back home, but we refused. We're doing really good at Luke's house." I explain. "I see." My father nods his head slowly. "I need to go for Michael. And because Ian and I broke up. And it was a bad break up. Things happened that I don't care to talk about but, I just know I can't go back to all those people. And honestly dad, I'm done hanging around those types of people. I want to do better. I don't want to turn into mum." I tell him honestly. "So you want to go for your brother and because of your breakup with Ian?" My father asks. I nod my head. "And because of him right?" My dad gestures to Luke. "What?" I ask with wide eyes. "You want to be near him, correct?" "What- what are you talking about?" I question. "Please. I'm your father. You think I don't see the way you two look at each other. I knew you two were together within the first five minutes you got here. And when Michael brought up your past boyfriends, I saw the look on Luke's face." My dad explains. How is it that my dad realized within the first five minutes of us getting here, and Michael still hasn't put it together yet? "What did you brother say? I know how protective he is of you." Luke and I look at each other as he bites his lip nervously. "We haven't told him yet." I mumble ever so quietly. "What?" My dad asks. "We haven't told him yet." I say louder this time. "Seriously? And he hasn't put it together yet?" He asks and I shake my head. "Wow, for an overprotective brother he's pretty oblivious." My father laughs. He's taking this whole thing pretty well. "Luke and I aren't that obvious, dad." I roll my eyes. "Are you kidding?" You can't take your eyes off each other. It's almost as if you always want to know where the other one is. You could be across the room from each other and somehow end up beside one another within minutes. It's like you two gravitate towards each other." I look at Luke and smile. My dad picked up on all this within less than an hour of us being here. It's nice to know other people notice our relationship, even if Michael can't. "You're going to tell him soon though right?" He asks us. "Yeah, we plan on telling him when we get back." I say. "Why? Why not just tell him here? That way I can see his reaction when you tell him." My dad laughs. "Dad!" I swat his arm. "Well I'll also be here to make sure he doesn't kill your little boyfriend here." He says. "He won't kill him, dad. Sometimes I feel like Michael's dating Luke more than I am." I giggle. "You, you better treat my little girl right. Because if you don't, you won't only have to answer to me but you'll have to answer to her brother too. Best friend or not, I know my son. He won't hesitate to kick your ass." My father says. "Okay dad, that's enough." I warn. "Understood sir. But I have no intention of hurting May. She means the world to me." Luke says as he puts his hand over mine on the table. "I know. I can tell. But still, you better treat her like the princess she is." My father says as he stands as walks over to the fridge to get a drink. "Dad." I whine in embarrassment. "I intend to, sir." Luke says. "Luke what did I say about calling me sir." "Sorry sir-I mean James." Luke says and my father laughs. "You're a good kid, Luke. I can tell. You have my blessing, or whatever it's called." My father laughs as he extends his hand out to shake Luke's hand. "Wait, so you're okay with me moving to Sydney then?" I ask. "If that's what makes you happy then of course. And as long as you're not living with your mother, then i'm fine with it. Your brother needs you there. And I can manage just fine here. Besides, i'm not alone. I have Judy." My dad smiles. "It's really good to see you happy dad." I smile. "You too, kiddo." My dad says as he hugs me. "But no funny business since you'll be living together." My dad tells Luke and I. "Understood." Luke says. "Alright, i'm going to go to the bathroom and then we'll go to that Chinese restaurant that you love so much." My dad says as he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door behind him. "Well he took that well." Luke says. I exhale in relief and put my head on his chest. "Yeah. Much better than I expected him to. Thank god." I say. Luke leans in to kiss me when someone grabs ahold of his shoulder and spins him around. "Hey." The person says as they connect their fist to Luke's jaw, knocking him onto the ground..... Michael....!!! ------------------------------- Ooopppsss!!!.... omg!!... what do you guys think?? !.... I'm so sorry I left it on a cliffhanger... but i'll have another episode out soon!!! Please like & comment your thoughts. It only takes a second and makes a world of difference.... lol... But true... Isn't it?.... ????
12 Apr 2019 | 09:05
please keep on following me.... I still have more interesting cast coming up to join this story and make it more lively and interesting to read..... just want to take it slow and make it more real... not just like a fairy tail story... lol...I believe you all get my point on what am trying to say now..... so please drop your comments...!!! thanks! ✌?
12 Apr 2019 | 09:12
@Itzprince .... new episode out
12 Apr 2019 | 09:13
Oops ?
12 Apr 2019 | 18:13
Lol,,,, eeyah,,, u should Hav told Michael instead of letting him find out in dis manner
12 Apr 2019 | 19:26
"Michael get off of him!" I scream. Michael was currently on top of Luke punching him across the face―hard. And for a reason which was unknown to me, Luke was just lying there, taking it. He wasn't even trying to defend himself. "Please!" I cry at the top of my lungs. "Michael stop!" "You're sneaking around with my little sister you asshole!" He yells and punches Luke directly across the nose, blood immediately pouring out. Just then my dad pulls Michael's body from Luke's. Luke staggers to get up, grabbing the kitchen chair for support. I immediately go over to him and help him stand. "Are you okay?" I ask as I examine his face. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" Luke asks Michael, ignoring my question. "What's wrong with me ? What's wrong with you !" Michael yells, anger rushing through his body. "God i'm sorry, Michael! Okay? I'm sorry!" Luke screams. "Sorry you did it or sorry you got caught?" Michael shouts. "Don't take it out on him!" I scream at my currently fuming brother. "Stay out of this, May." Michael warns. "No! I'm just as much involved in this as he is." "Did you really have to come to Sydney and whore it―" "Don't finish that sentence. You have every right to be mad but don't you dare make her feel like shit. Do you know how scared she's been to tell you? She's been completely terrified of how you would react, and now I can see why!" Luke yells. Seeing Luke angry was almost as scary as seeing Michael angry. But with Luke I felt―protected. And with Michael, I felt pure fear. "She's my fucking baby sister!" "She's not a baby! She's a grown woman and you're not her father! She can make her own choices. We can't help what we feel. Trust me, we tried to stop because we knew how you'd―" "Stop! Just fucking stop! You know how protective I am of her and yet you still went behind my back to fuck her!" Michael yelled as he ran towards Luke with balled up fists. "Michael, stop!" My father finally speaks up and steps in front of Luke. "Get out of my way!" Michael yells in his face. "Stop, son. You're pushing this too far." "Too far? Too far? You're fucking joking right? They went behind my back and got together. It was right under my nose the whole fucking time. Oh my god," Michael said bringing his hand to his forehead in final realization. "All those time you both made excuses to stay in, that was so that you two could be alone wasn't it? God knows what the fuck you were doing. And I let it all happen. I thought you were my best friend you son of a bitch." Michael screams. I had never seen Michael this mad before. Sure i'd seen him angry at times, but never to this extent. It was the first time in my life that I was scared of my own brother and what he could do. "I'm sorry, Michael. I'm so fucking sorry. I'm sorry we didn't tell you! I'm sorry we kept it a secret for so long. I'm so fucking sorry for going behind your back. It's not like we planned for this to happen. Please you have to believe me." Luke pleaded. "Why the fuck should I believe anything you have to say? I can't believe anything that comes out of either of your mouths. How long has this been going on?" Michael asks..... I shrugged. "Since around the time I got to Sydney, I guess." "So you cheated on Ian? Oh god. That's the reason you broke up isn't it? Because of him!" Michael yells. "There's so much more to it than that. I don't expect you to understand because we don't understand it either, all we know is we need to be together. We can't be away from each―" I say before Michael cuts me off. "Would you shut the fuck up!" Michael yells at me. Within seconds, Luke has Michael pinned against the wall with full force. "Don't talk to her like that! She's been through enough shit, she doesn't need more from her own brother." Luke yells in his face. "Get the fuck off me." Michael harshly pushes Luke off. I knew Michael wasn't going to take this well but, I didn't expect it to be this bad. I had never seen Michael so angry before. He was always such a happy and carefree person. I didn't like this version of him. I didn't know what to expect. I never in my life expected him to hit Luke―his best friend. "Please, can we just sit down and talk about this? Stop hitting each other!" I cry. Luke rushes over to comfort me. "Don't cry." He says lowly as he wipes my tears from my face. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" Michael yells. "What! What do you want from us? What do you want from me ?" Luke yells at Michael. Michael looks straight at Luke, with cold and dark eyes. Eyes that look filled with hate and malice. "You need to choose. And if you choose her, this friendship is over." Michael says with little to no emotion. "You can't do that. You don't get to make me choose between you and her. It's my life!" Luke yells. "I won't stand around and watch you screw my sister!" Michael yells the loudest i've ever heard him yell. "I'm in love with her, okay!" Luke blurts out, equally as loud. Everyone stopped and looked at Luke. With just a few small words, everything for me went silent. Hearing those words made my world stop turning. Luke was in love with me? And through this all, he is proud enough of it to tell my brother? "I love her so much, why should I let you take that away from me?" "Well then, I guess you made your choice." Michael says as he storms out of the house. "Fuck you, Michael!" Luke yells as Michael slams the door behind him. After everything that just went on, all that is on my mind is the five words Luke said. I'm in love with her. Luke was in love with me and he just announced it to my brother and father. And me. "I'm so sorry, May. Are you okay?" Luke asks, pulling me into a hug. "I'm fine. But you're not, look at your face. Come into the bathroom, I'll clean you up." I say as I take his hand and bring him into the bathroom, leaving my dad alone in the kitchen probably shocked at everything that just happened. "Sit." I usher Luke to sit on the closed toilet seat. "You don't have to do this." Luke says. "I'm your girlfriend, of course I do. And you deserve it, for the way you stood up for me. Thank you." "You don't have to thank me." "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, anything." "How come you didn't fight back? Why did you just lay there and take the punches Michael was giving you?" I ask. He sighs. "I figured I deserved it." "Of course you didn't!" I step back. "Well he had just found out i'd been sneaking around with his sister. I understood how mad he must have been, so I figured I'd let him take a bit of his anger out on me since I was the one who caused it all." He explains. Pretty shitty explanation if you ask me. "You didn't cause anything, Luke. We both chose to be together. That's our decision and our business, not Michael's. He had no right to take it out on you the way he did." I say. He shrugs his shoulders lightly. "You don't have to choose me you know." I whisper. "What?" Luke looks up at me. "I just mean―" "I know what you meant. If Michael's going to make me choose then I will. I choose you. Michael's my best friend but you―you're everything to me, May. If I have to choose, it's no contest." Luke says as he brings his lips to mine. He cups my face in his hands and swipes his tongue over my bottom lip. Before the moment can get too heated, I pull away, but rest my forehead on his. "About what you said before.." I say. "What did I say?" He asks. "You know. What you kinda, blurted out." I say. "Oh, that." Luke says, his cheeks flushing. "Yeah, that." I say, biting my lip nervously as I dab Luke's bloody nose. "Well, I do." Luke stands up and puts his hands on my waist. "I love you, May. I love you so much it hurts. I love you so much that I hate when i'm without you. You're everything to me, May. And i'm in love with you." I stand there with wide eyes. Luke was expressing his love to me and I could not be any happier. I loved this boy. More than I thought was possible. I never knew I could love someone as much as I love Luke. He was my everything. He made me want to be better. If this is truly what love feels like, then this is my very first time ever feeling it towards anyone before. Of course I loved my father, and Michael, and even my mother; but not in the way I loved Luke. The love I feel towards Luke is a type of love that I only ever want to give to him. At this exact moment, every thought and worry running through my mind was put on hold, and the only thoughts I had were of Luke. "I love you too. So much." I breathe. I bring my lips to his and instantly feel the passion. The love we feel for each other is clearly evident the minute our lips connect. The adoration we feel for one another when our lips move in perfect sync is truly something only we can understand. They say home is a person, not a place. Luke was my home........ ----------------------- oooopppsssss!!!...... so Michael finally knows.. How do you guys feel about this?? .... hhmmm......
13 Apr 2019 | 03:07
13 Apr 2019 | 03:09
I like this story
13 Apr 2019 | 10:31
too bad they didn't let him know on time
13 Apr 2019 | 16:12
he over reacted
15 Apr 2019 | 03:43
It's been two days since Michael found out about Luke and I, and I haven't seen him since. I had tried calling him, only to get sent to voicemail every time. He wouldn't reply to my many text messages either. "What's on your mind?" Luke asks me as he strokes my hair. We were currently lying on the couch watching Fast Five, my favourite movie of the franchise. "Nothing." I say. "What are you worried about?" He asks. "How do you know i'm worried about something?" "Because," He points to my forehead, "You always get a crinkle between your eyebrows when you worry about something." It was these things about Luke. How he noticed the little, tiniest things about me. No one has ever cared enough about me to realize these things. "Michael hasn't been home in two days. And it's not like he's at Calum's or anything. I called Parker next door and he said Michael wasn't there. I don't know where he could be." I explain. "He's probably at one of his old friend's houses. He just needs time to cool off and be alone." "He's been cooling off for two days. And his only old friends here are people you don't ever want to know." I say. "What do you mean?" Luke questions. "Michael's old friends are nothing like you, Calum, Ash and everybody. They're bad. Like, scary bad. You won't come across one person in that group that hasn't been to jail. Trust me, Michael would be better off staying on a park bench rather than staying with them." I say. I knew my statement was pretty extreme, but it was true. "Well, Michael did move to Sydney to get away from those kinds of people. So I doubt he'd go back to them." Luke says. "I don't know. He was really mad, who knows what he'd do. Honestly Luke, when I saw him like that―I was scared. I was scared of my own brother." I say. "Me too." Luke says in almost a whisper. "And I feel so bad for my dad. His life was all calm and dandy and then here we come along and just create drama and craziness." "Your dad understands. He knows it's not your fault. He even told me how glad he is that you're here." Luke tells me. "Are you suddenly best friends with my dad?" I chuckle, as does he. "Come on." He stands up and holds his hand out. "Where?" "We're going to find Michael." He says as I take his hand. - "Do you know where any of them live?" Luke asks me once we're walking down the street. "Uh, yeah." I say. Of course I knew where they lived. Once Michael moved, I started hanging out with the exact group he used to hang out with. That's how I met Ian in the first place. Ian, Clay, and all the others they hang out with are the exact people I told Luke about. I just left out that I used to hang out with them too. And that Ian still does. Once we got to Clay's house, I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. After what felt like hours, Clay finally opened the door. I felt as if I hadn't seen him in years, when in actual fact it had only been a little over a month. The distinct smell of marijuana immediately filled my nose. "May? What are you doing here?" Clay asked. His eyes were red and small, he was clearly high. "Is Michael here?" I ask..... "Um, no? But Ian is." He smirks. "Ian and I-" "I know, I know. You broke up. He's been telling everyone how you hooked up with some blonde- oh, you must be the guy." Clay said, gesturing at Luke. Luke didn't say anything. "Is he mute?" Clay laughed. "Shut up, Clay. Is my brother here or not?" "I already told you he wasn't. May you really need to listen better." Clay said. I peek into the crack of the door and see a lilac head of hair. Michael. "You liar." I say as I push past Clay and storm into the house. Luke follows behind me. "Michael." I say as I stand behind him. He turns around, his eyes bloodshot, exactly like Clay's. "Oh god. Are you high?" I ask. "Get the fuck out of here." Michael slurs. "What's wrong with you? Are you fucking drunk too? You've got to be kidding me, Michael. " I say. "Well well well. Look who's here." Ian emerges from another room. "Not now, Ian." "Why not? Now is a perfect time to show everyone who the guy you whored around with is." He says. "Shut the fuck up, dude." Luke warns. "Oh what? Are you her little protector now?" Ian asks as he steps closer to Luke, ready to start a fight. "Come on, babe. They're not worth it." Aubrey says as she comes and grabs Ian's arm. I guess they really are together. "You've got to be kidding me." I groan and roll my eyes. It's not that I was jealous because let's be real here, I'm with Luke so I already got the better end. But, it's just the fact that Aubrey, my best friend since elementary school, had the nerve to sleep with Ian while I was with him, and now date him. How much of a backstabber can one person be? "What? You can't possibly be mad. You've got someone new. Although, you'll probably be with someone new in a few weeks anyways. That's just what you do." Aubrey says with a sinister smile. What was wrong with her? We had been best friends for years and yet here she is, throwing it all away over some guy. Ian to be exact. A guy that was not even worth her time. A guy that would treat her like shit and once he got whatever he wanted from her, he'd dump her and move onto the next girl. "You don't know anything about Luke and I. Nor will you ever. I'm glad you found someone, don't call me when he cheats on you and leaves you all alone." I say. Luke grabs my wrist and pulls me back. I wasn't aware I was going for her until he stopped me. "Good to see you still haven't lost your street edge since being in Sydney. All I can say is good luck when you come back here once summer ends." Aubrey says. "I'm not coming back. I'm staying in Sydney." I state. "Oh, so now you're just going to run away from your problems like a scared little kid?" Aubrey laughs. "I'm not running away from anything. I want to be close to my boyfriend and my brother. I've made friends there. Real friends. Which is more than I can say about all of you." I exclaim. "Do you really want to start with me?" Aubrey asks. "Please." I scoff. "I've been done with you all for a long time, I just now finally had the guts to tell you. Besides, I didn't come here for any of you, I came for my brother." I say walking over to Michael who's taking a drink of his beer. "Come on." I say as I grab his arm. "Get off me." Michael pushes me and I stumble to the ground. "What the fuck is wrong with you!" Luke yells and comes to my side. "Are you okay? He didn't mean that, he's drunk. And high. He's so out of his mind right now, May." Luke says. I look up to see Michael just standing there, a blank expression on his face. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn't even feel bad about pushing me down. Either that or he's just completely out of it. I stare up at him as I shake my head slowly, tears streaming from my face. I had seriously cried more these past few days than I have my whole life. "What?" Michael huffs. "Look at you." I motion to him, "You―you're mom." "I'm nothing like her!" Michael screams. "Oh really? You're high and drunk, and you just pushed me down. You're a mirror of her." I cry. "Let's just go back to your dad's." Luke says to me as he helps me up. "I'm not leaving without Michael." I say. "Well then you're going to be waiting a long time." Michael says. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I'm moving back.".... ??? ------------------------ Hey guys! What did you think? Michael's moving back to Melbourne ooooo! How do you guys feel about that?.... Please like & comment! They really help. I work super hard all the time on these episode... so it's nice to feel appreciated when people like and give me feedback..... and am so sorry it takes so long to update.... my apology ? ?..... Happy Reading!!!..... ?????☺
15 Apr 2019 | 18:11
@itzprince .........
15 Apr 2019 | 18:15
"What do you mean you're moving back?" I yell. What the hell is he talking about? He must be saying this because he's intoxicated. He can't actually mean he's moving back. "I'm moving back to Melbourne. There's nothing in Sydney for me anymore." Michael shrugs, as if what he's saying isn't affecting anyone. "What are you even talking about? There's everything for you in Sydney. I'm there!" I yell. "You're there for Luke, not me. I don't need you. I don't need anyone." Michael says. "So Cora, and Calum, and Ash―you're just going to leave them?" "They've known Luke for longer. They're going to take his side over mine. Then i'll really have no one." Michael says. "Would you listen to yourself? There are no sides! This isn't a fight. Luke and I are dating, you're just going to have to get over it. Cora didn't seem to care. She won't take a side." I say, instantly regretting it. "Wha―Cora knew?" Michael yells. "I'm sorry. She walked in on us ki―she found out. But she thought it would be best for me to tell you. She didn't want to get involved." I explain, sparing the details of what she walked in on for Michael's sake. "Fuck!" Michael yells and throws his beer bottle against the wall, smashing it into little pieces. "Please, can we just go back to dad's and talk about all this? Better yet, let's just go home. Let's go back to Sydney." I cry. "I am home. I'm not going back to Sydney." "Michael you're taking this all way too far. Please, you need to just accept that Luke and I are together. If it makes you feel better, we won't act like a couple when you're around." I say, trying to say anything possible to make this whole situation better. "Like that will make it all go away!" "Well what do you want us to do? Break up?!" I exclaim. He stops and looks me dead in the eyes. "Yes, actually." He cannot be serious. He would really let Luke and I break up just because he didn't approve? Just because he doesn't like us together, he would take away my happiness? "Well i'm sorry, it's not going to happen. Please Michael just try to understand. I-" "Just go home, May. I want nothing to do with you, or him!" Michael yells. "But- but i'm your sister." I whimper. "I don't give a fuck. You're just a sad little girl who takes her shit out on everyone else because she can't deal with it on her own. Mom was right. You really do think you're better than everyone else. You're no one to me." Michael spits out at me. Luke grabs Michael by his shirt. "Don't fucking talk to her like that!" He yells. "Get the fuck out, you useless piece of garbage. No wonder why your dad left all those years ago." Michael spit. With that, Luke clenched his fist and threw it forward to Michael's jaw, causing Michael to stammer backward. "You're going to regret that." Michael said as he held his jaw. Luke turned and grabbed my hand. "We're leaving." And with that, we walked out, leaving Michael behind. How could Michael say such a thing to Luke. He doesn't know the full story. He has no right to talk to him like that. "May, calm down." Luke stopped me on the sidewalk. He must have seen how angry I was. He took my hands in his; I hadn't noticed they were shaking. "No! How dare he talk to you like that! He doesn't know what went on with your dad! He's such an asshole!" I scream. "He's just mad right now. And he's not in the right state of mind. He'll realize he was wrong to say that once he sobers up; if he even remembers he said it." Luke says. "How are you so alright with what he said?" I ask. "I'm not alright with any of it, which is why I punched him." Luke laughs slightly, trying to lighten the mood, but it isn't working very well. "but he's still my best friend. Even if i'm not his." I smile weakly and wrap my arms around Luke's torso, burying my head in his chest. "I just want to go home." I say, meaning Sydney. I truly felt at home when I was there. I belonged there, so did Michael. - After a long five days, we were finally going back to Sydney. I hadn't seen or heard from Michael since the yelling match at Clay's. "Bye, dad." I said, hugging my father goodbye. "I'm sorry about everything that happened. I really didn't plan for the trip to turn out the way it did." "It's not your fault, kiddo. I can't believe the way your brother is acting. Is he really not going back to Sydney with you guys?" He asks. "He said he's staying here. I really hope he changes his mind though." I say. "Well, our flight isn't for a few hours. He still has time to make it." Luke says, rubbing circles on my back. "We should get to the airport. Love you dad." I say, hugging him again. "I love you too. Come back and visit soon." He says. "Maybe you could come to Sydney. Melbourne seems to be bad luck for me." I laugh slightly. "Maybe that's a good idea." My dad laughs. "Nice meeting you, Luke. I'm sorry about my son." He says as he shakes Luke's hand. "Don't be sorry. I just hope he'll come around." Luke says. We put our suitcases in the taxi and wave goodbye as we drive to the airport. - "This is the last call for flight 409 to Sydney. Please board now." The lady on the intercom says. "May, we really have to go." Luke says with our suitcases in hand. We had been sitting in the airport for over two hours, and my eyes hadn't left the doorway the whole time. I was silently wishing for Michael to come to his senses and fly back with us. But, that didn't seem to be the case. "But Michael's not here yet. We have to wait for him." I say, tears forming in my eyes for the hundredth time this week. "May," Luke grabs my hand and sits back down beside me, "He's not coming." "But I can't go without him." I cry. "You have to. We need to go." He rubs his thumb over mine. I wipe under my eyes and nod slowly. I was going back to Sydney without my brother. I stand up and grab my suitcases. We walk over to the lady who takes our tickets. I take one last look at the doorway. Still no Michael. We board the plane and take our seats. I stare at the doorway, silently praying Michael will run through. "It's going to be okay." Luke whispers. But it wasn't. Nothing was going to be okay...... --------------;-;;-;;-;;; Hey guys!! How are you all liking what's happening? What are your opinions on Michael and his behaviour? Let me know in the comments :) Don't forget to like as well......
16 Apr 2019 | 07:17
while is Michael acting as if he is going to marry his sister
16 Apr 2019 | 20:04
dis Michael is taking dis whole thing so far oooo,,,, he was calm wen he got to know dat his sister was dating lan but he became a drunk wen he got to know abt his sister dating his coolheaded best friend
16 Apr 2019 | 20:05
We had landed in Sydney, without Michael. I hadn't spoken to Luke much the whole flight over; not that I was mad at him, just that I simply was too hurt to talk to anyone. We collected our suitcases and hauled them into a nearby taxi. "I can't believe he really stayed." I mumble, mostly to myself. "I know." Luke whispers. I don't say anything back. I spend the rest of the drive silently looking out the window, trying to put into perspective the mess that is my life. After a while, we arrive at Luke's house. We step out of the car and grab our suitcases from the trunk. I manage to take two of mine and Luke takes his own and another one of mine. I never realized how much stuff I had until I had to pack it all into three suitcases. Luke unlocks the door and opens it to reveal Calum, Ashton, Cora, and all their other friends standing there with a banner that reads "Welcome to Sydney, May!". "Surprise!" They all exclaim. "What's all this?" Luke asks. "We wanted to officially welcome May to Sydney since she'll be here permanently now." Cal says with a smile. "Where's Michael?" Cora asks. With that, I silently rush upstairs to my room and shut the door behind me. I don't need everyone to see me cry. I had seriously been crying way too often, but I couldn't help it. I lay on my bed and sob into my pillow until someone knocks on the door. "Luke not now." I cry. "It's not Luke." Cora says from outside the door. I stand up and wipe under my eyes before opening the door. "Hey, sorry for running upstairs like that. Thanks for the surprise, i'm just not really up for socializing right now." I say weakly. "Luke told us what happened. I can't believe the fucking nerve-" "I'm sorry. I really didn't mean for any of this to happen." I apologize, I really didn't need anyone else yelling at me right now. Especially not Michael's girlfriend. "No no, i'm talking about Michael. I can't believe him. It's your relationship, not his. Luke told us about how he was when you saw him at his old friends house. I was beginning to wonder why he wasn't answering any of my calls, now it makes sense." Cora says. "I honestly don't know why he's throwing everything away on something that has nothing to do with him." She adds. "Me either." I say. I decide to leave out the fact that I accidentally told Michael that Cora already knew and that that was probably a factor as to why he wasn't answering her calls. I just really don't need anyone else mad at me right now. Michael was enough. "I really don't mean to be rude but, i'd just really like to be alone right now if that's okay." I say. "Oh of course. I'll be around if you need anything, okay? Michael won't get away with acting like this, I promise you that." She says as she hugs me quickly and walks back downstairs. I shut my door again and lay back down on my bed. I open my Twitter app and type in Michael's username. I know I shouldn't be creeping my brother, but under the circumstances, I think it's pretty necessary. I just need to know if he's okay. I click his profile but am immediately stunned. He blocked me. He actually blocked me from seeing what he's saying on Twitter. I quickly go onto Facebook, only to see he has me unfriended and blocked on there too. I check all my other social media which all say the same thing. Blocked. What is wrong with this kid? He's seriously blowing this whole thing way out of proportion. I don't understand what there is to be upset about. Luke's his best friend and i'm his sister. He loves us both so much, so what's wrong with us loving each other? After a few hours of lying on my bed in a puddle of my own tears, I walk over to the mirror in my room and wipe the mascara from under my eyes. I blow my nose and then open the door to walk downstairs, silently hoping that no one was home. Thankfully, no one was. I guess there wasn't much of a welcoming party to give when the person they were welcoming ran upstairs to cry. I wondered where Luke was, but then I saw the note on the table. Gone to get food. Be back soon. I love you. I'm still not used to Luke saying he loves me. I put the note back on the table and open the fridge to grab a water bottle. I hope by 'gone to get food' Luke means groceries, because the fridge is almost empty. I decide to take my suitcases upstairs. After several trips up and down the stairs, I finally have them all in my room. I put them in the closet and lay back on the bed. I'm too exhausted to take everything out. And I don't want to make this where I permanently live if Michael's not going to be here with me. Luke may be my home but, so is Michael. "May?" Luke knocks on the door. "I got dinner." Dinner? How long have I been in my room.? I look over at the clock and it reads 7:34pm. Wow, i'd been in here all day. "Not hungry." I say. "C'mon, May. You've got to eat something." He says. "It's your favourite. A burger and fries from the diner. No ketchup extra pickles." "I said i'm not hungry." I mumble. "May, I haven't seen you all day." He says lowly. I don't answer. I'm not hungry and i'm not about to start a fight with Luke over something so minuscule. "Alright well, it'll be in the fridge if you want it." Luke says before leaving from the room. I take out my phone and decide to text Michael. Even though I know he won't reply, it's worth a shot. To Michael: I'm never going to stop being sorry for hurting you the way I did. I love you so much Mikey. Please come home. We're all each other needs. I hit send. The last sentence really tugged on a heartstring. I think back to the promise Michael and I once made to each other. "We're the only family we need." We made the promise to say that no matter how messed up our parents may be, we're always going to have each other. But right now, Michael was breaking that promise..... ------------------------- hey guys!sorry ?... I know this episode might be kind of little bit boring... but I kind of needed a filler episode to go in between the last one and the next..... so do you guys think Michael has a right to be mad? Or is he being ridiculous? Let me know what you think ???... don't forget to comment & like please ❤❤❤
17 Apr 2019 | 07:10
thanks ?
17 Apr 2019 | 07:11
.... @Itzprince
17 Apr 2019 | 07:19
I can't believe Michael is such a jerk
17 Apr 2019 | 14:38
Michael is really really immature
17 Apr 2019 | 17:01
he can be mad ,but not that much now
17 Apr 2019 | 18:14
It had been ten days.Ten days since the day I got back to Sydney, and ten days since i've seen or spoken to Michael. The first day was terrible. I spent it alone in my room, either crying or staring at the ceiling. Luke knocked on my door relentlessly. For a few hours he even sat outside my door, begging for me to come out. I knew he didn't deserve this but, I just needed to be alone. After Luke finally gave up and went downstairs, I quickly went to the bathroom. Then once he went to bed, I went to get food. I fell asleep crying. The second day was even worse. I tried to text Michael, but my text bounced back which could only mean one thing―he blocked my number. This sent me into a break down. I threw my phone against the wall that day, causing it to shatter. As I went to retrieve it from the floor, I slid down the wall and ended up sitting in the corner for the rest of the day and part of the night. I stopped crying eventually. I think I was out of tears seeing as I cried so many of them lately. I just sat there. Luke knocked a bunch of times, but he didn't push it very much. When I finally managed to get myself out of the corner, I went to bed staring at the ceiling. The third day was slightly better the past two. But ever so slightly. I stayed in bed all day, without shedding a single tear. My phone had died overnight but I hadn't been bothered to charge it. Luke only knocked a few times, but didn't try very hard to get me to come out. Calum came over. He tried to get me to come out too, but I heard Luke tell him not to bother. I could tell Luke was really trying to understand what I was going through, but I knew he was getting irritated with my behaviour. I don't blame him. Day four was faintly better than days before it. I actually got up out of bed; only to get the Xbox from the game room downstairs and bring it to my room. Then the rest of the day I played Call of Duty in bed. Luke was online too. He messaged me and told me he's there for me, but I didn't reply. He tried to start several games with me, but I declined them all. I got off the game and went to bed early. I thought about Michael before I went to bed, but I had thought of him a lot less through that day. Day five was even better than day four. I took a shower, which I desperately needed. I got changed in clothes other than my pyjamas. Even though it was sweatpants and one of Luke's old t-shirts, it was a start. I had breakfast with Luke this day. In silence. He had tried to start several conversations, but I didn't want to talk. After breakfast, I decided to go for a short walk. The fresh air helped to clear my head. Even though I only went to the end of the street and back, it really did help. The rest of the day I spent in bed playing video games and writing in my journal. Day six was―okay. It was an okay day. Not good, but okay. I finally got around to charging my phone, and when it turned on I got tons of messages from Luke, Cal, Ash, Cora, and my dad. They all said basically the same thing. They hope i'm alright and they're there if I need them. But that's just it. I didn't need them, I needed my brother. I made slight conversation with Luke this day. Even though I just peaked my head in his bedroom door and said, "go online" referring to Call of Duty . He smiled though; and seeing Luke's smile was enough to make my day better than it had been before. We didn't talk at all on the mic or in messages, but just knowing he was there made me feel slightly better. Day seven was good. Not great―but good. I talked to Luke more. We made conversation over breakfast, and even made some jokes. Jokes that I normally wouldn't laugh at; but since they were coming from the boy I love, it made them all the funnier. I went to his room with him and cuddled all day. We didn't speak much, but we didn't need to. Just being in Luke's presence made me feel better. I feel asleep on Luke, with our hands intertwined and my head on his chest. This was the first day I had felt home again. The eighth day was even better. I woke up in Luke's arms, which started my day off strong. The eighth day was the first time I had kissed Luke in what felt like forever. This kiss was different than our many others though. This kiss was filled with tenderness and caution, almost as if Luke was afraid he'd break me. He told me he was scared that I didn't love him anymore, but I assured him that I probably wouldn't ever stop. Luke helped me finally unpack all my things and put them away. We went to the diner together for dinner, and then Calum and Ashton came over for movie night. It was Luke's turn to choose the movie, so he chose Ferris Bueller's Day Off , probably because he knew this was one of my all time favourites. After the movie, the guys went home and Luke and I went to bed. Day eight was the first day I hadn't thought about Michael―at all.... The ninth day was a normal day. I began to fall back into my old routine. I went to the mall with Cora and her other friend Brooke. She was really nice. She was my age, and told me about the high school I would be attending in the fall. She assured me that everyone there is very nice and welcoming, which eased my anxiety a bit. We exchanged numbers and made plans to have lunch together next week. I got home and found a candle lit dinner on the table. Luke and I ate for a while and tried to be romantic, but then we both decided we couldn't see what we were eating, so we turned the lights on. We cuddled on the couch afterwards and kissed for quite some time, until going to bed. I felt normal on the ninth day. I felt like Michael not being here may not be as bad as I thought it would. Day ten was today. I woke up and rolled over to check my phone. I replied to the few texts from Cora, Brooke, and Calum. I tried to get out of bed but was trapped in between Luke's arms. "Luke." I groan. "Hmm." He mumbles. "I need to get up." "Why? Stay here with me." He whines. "I can't. I need to shower and get ready. Calum asked me to go shopping with him to help choose a suit for his job interview next week." I explain as I push Luke's arms off of me and stand up. "Can I join you?" Luke asks, propping his body up on his forearms. "Yeah I don't think Calum would care." I shrug. "I don't mean join you shopping." Luke smirks. "I meant the shower." "Oh." I blush. "Yeah, I guess." "Really?" Luke asks, clearly shocked that I said yes. "Better hurry." I say as I turn around and walk to Luke's en-suite, swinging my hips more dramatically. I leave the door open and pull the shirt I was wearing over my head, leaving me in just my bra and panties. I look at Luke who's still in bed, staring at me with his mouth wipe open. "You coming?" I smirk. Luke jumps out of bed and hurries into the bathroom. He immediately smashes his lips onto mine, moving me backwards until my back hit the counter. He unclips my bra and tosses it on the ground. "You're so beautiful." He says against my lips. I bring my hands to his hair as tug lightly. I pull away from Luke and shimmy out of my panties. He stands in front of me with wide eyes as he eyes me up and down. "Luke Hemmings, are you checking me out?" I giggle. "I can't help it. You're sexy as fuck." "Luke." I say as I cover my face with my hands, embarrassed by his words. He takes my hands from my face and intertwines them with his. "Don't be shy. Not around me." He says as he pecks my lips and then starts up the water. He finally removes the only article of clothing he has on which are his boxers. It's my first time seeing him completely bare, and I can't help but let my eyes trail down. "May Clifford, are you checking me out?" He mimics. I roll my eyes and step inside the shower, Luke following suit. Luke spins me around and lightly pushes me up against the shower wall, attacking my face with small kisses. He moves down to my neck and sucks harshly, making sure to leave his mark on my skin. I moan at his actions. He begins to move downwards when I lift his chin up to stop........... "What's wrong?" He asks. "Nothing. I just figured I could do something for you this time." "But, you've been feeling bad these past few weeks. I wanted to do something to make you feel better." He smirks. "You wanted to make me feel better by eating me out?" I giggle and then widen my eyes at my sudden dirty mouth. "Yeah, I did." He laughs. "Well, i'm not feeling bad anymore. I want to make you feel good." I say as I slowly go down until I am on my knees. I swirl my tongue around his tip and slowly take him into my mouth, making Luke throw his head back in immediate pleasure. I wrap my mouth around him and take in as much as I can, pumping the rest with my hands. I hadn't realized how big Luke was until now. "May." He moans loudly, pulling roughly on my hair. I move my mouth up and down while still pumping the base. I look up at him through my eyelashes and bat them, immediately making him moan and thrusting further into my mouth. "I'm gonna―if you don't want me to―move now if-" He stutters. But I wasn't moving. I wanted to take all of him. I bob my head a few more times and within seconds, Luke releases his warm liquid into my mouth. I swallow and wipe the edges of my mouth before standing up. I rest my head on Luke's chest as he comes down from his high. "Holy shit," He breathes. " That was the best blowjob i've ever gotten." Although i'm flattered, he said the best one he'd gotten. Meaning he's gotten one before. Obviously I knew he has but, I can't help but think of someone else with their lips wrapped around Luke―my Luke. I shake the thoughts from my head; nothing is going to ruin this moment for me. "So much for a shower." I giggle. Luke laughs before taking the body wash and rubbing it on me slowly in a circular motion. "Hey Luke," I stop him. "Thank you." "Thank you? You just finished giving me head and you're thanking me ?" He laughs. I swat his arm. "No you idiot." I laugh. "I mean thank you, for just being here with me." "Of course, baby." He says as he leans in to give me a quick kiss before continuing with the body wash. Once we're finished, Luke steps out of the shower first and wraps a towel around his waist. He grabs another towel from the hook and holds it out for me. I step out and he wraps it around me. "Thanks." I say. "I'm going to go get changed." I wipe my feet on the carpet quickly before stepping out of the bathroom. I walk over to my room and open my closet doors. I pull out a pair of black leggings and a grey and pink sweater from Victoria's Secret. I figured I didn't need to be dressed up too nicely today since I was only going to the mall. "Please where those pants more often." Luke says from the doorway. "Luke!" I shriek. "Were you watching me?" "No I just got here, now I wish I was though." He laughs. I roll my eyes playfully. Just then my phone buzzes. I pick it up to see multiple texts from Calum. "Shit. Cal texted me twenty minutes ago saying he was on his way. He must have been waiting in the driveway all this time. I gotta go. Do you want to come?" I ask. "Nah, i'm just gonna stay home and play some video games. Have fun, babe." Luke says as he comes over to me to kiss me goodbye. I walk outside and over to Calum's car. I get into the passenger seat and shut the door behind me. "What took you so long?" He asks. "Sorry I―I overslept." I lie. I'd rather not tell him I just finished giving head to my boyfriend who just so happened to be one of his best friends and that was my reason for being late. "Alright" He stretches the word, "I can tell you're bullshitting but I think it's best if I don't know what you and Luke were doing." He laughs. "What? Why do you assume we were doing something?" "Please. You and your boyfriend have the house all to yourselves. Do you really think I'd believe you two just sit around and play video games all day?" We mostly do, which was the funny part. "Whatever." I giggle. "I'm really glad you came out of hiding." Calum says. "Yeah, me too." I say, and mean it. Maybe being without Michael wouldn't be as bad as I thought it would be..... ------------------------------- ..... yaay!!! How are you guys liking what's going on? I know you probably hate Michael but don't give up on him just yet!!!.... Please like, comment..... and even invite more champs..... to read.... thanks!!!
18 Apr 2019 | 09:23
® @itzprince....
18 Apr 2019 | 09:26
I really don't want to talk abt Michael, he's behaving so childish
18 Apr 2019 | 14:19
Let Michael be and move on with your life
18 Apr 2019 | 16:40
Michael we come around when he is okay
19 Apr 2019 | 11:00
It had been three weeks since i've seen or spoken to Michael. It was beginning to feel somewhat normal for me not to have him around. After all, I lived apart from him for almost five years. I couldn't help but sometimes wonder what he was doing, or who he was with. "May?" Luke breaks me out of my thoughts. "What?" "Do you want to?" "Want to what?" I ask. "Go to Cora's party tonight. I know it's the first party since Michael moved back to Melbourne and if you don't want to go that's fine because we could stay home and watch and movie and―" "Luke, it's fine. Of course I want to go. My life didn't stop just because Michael moved away. He moved and there's nothing I can do to change that." I say honestly. "Okay well, it's a surprise party for Cal. So make sure you don't tell him." Luke says. Calum and I had gotten pretty close over these past few weeks. Him and Luke were almost as close as Luke and Michael are―were; so he's been over quite a bit. "I won't tell him." "You're positive you're okay with going?" He double checks. "Yes, Luke. I'm not broken. I'm not some broken little china doll that fell off the shelf and needs her body pieced back together after it smashed." I say, and furrow my eyebrows at my own words. "That wasn't a very good analogy." Luke laughs. "I know. But it sounded so much better in my head." I shrug and laugh too. "Okay well, I need to go to Calum's. Cora said I have to bring him over at ten o'clock sharp. She's such a control freak." Luke says. "Hey." I swat him arm. I don't like him badmouthing Cora. "Kidding." He smiles and leans in the give me a kiss. Over the past few weeks, Cora and I have really gotten closer. She was the closest thing to a best friend I have, other than Luke. "See you at ten." I say as he leaves. I quickly go upstairs and lay out my outfit for the party. I decide on my distressed denim shorts and a plain black halter crop top. It made my boobs look amazing. I quickly hop in the shower and wash my hair and body. After my shower, I apply more makeup than usual. After all, this is a party. I apply foundation with a bit of concealer and a light powder for my face. Then I wing my eyeliner on my eyelid and apply fake eyelashes, coating them with a coat of mascara. After my makeup is done I put on my outfit. I look in the mirror and quickly straighten my hair. I look pretty good if I do say so myself. I grab my phone and check the time. 9:45pm. Where was Brooke? She was supposed to be picking me up. As soon as I thought that, my phone buzzes. From Brooke: Here :) I had gotten fairly close with Brooke as well. We had gone to lunch a few times, and shopping too. I'm glad I have a friend to go back to school with, seeing as school starts in two weeks. The summer had really flown by. I put on my shoes and walk outside, locking the door behind me. "Hey." I say as I get into the passenger seat. "Hey! Sorry i'm late, my little brother was having a meltdown." She says. "Oh my god is he okay?" "Oh yeah, he's fine. He was just bawling over how he lost his soccer game. He's six." She explains with a laugh. "Understandable. I used to cry when I lost soccer games at that age too." I laugh. "Michael and I-" I stop at the use of his name. I hadn't talked much about him over the past few weeks, and people knew better than to mention him to me........ "Do you miss him?" Brooke asks. "Kinda. I mean, I did a lot at first, but now it sort of feels the way it did when I used to live in Melbourne and he used to live here. It's kind of just like we swapped places." I chuckle. She nods her head in understanding. The rest of the car ride is silent. We arrive at Cora's right on time. We get out of the car and knock on the door. Cora opens it almost immediately. "Hurry up! Luke texted and said they'll be here in two minutes! Everyone hide!" Cora exclaimed. We hurried inside to find hiding places and shut the lights off. I hid behind the couch with Brooke and Ashton. Just then, there was a knocking on the door. Cora opens the door and Calum and Luke step inside. "Surprise!" We all jump out and yell as the lights turn on. "Woah what is this?" Calum asks in amazement and surprise. "Happy Birthday!" I say as I rush over to give him a hug. "Thanks, May. Thanks everyone! Dude did you know about this?" Calum asks Luke. "Guilty." He laughs. "Well come on! It's my birthday, so everyone's getting smashed tonight!" Calum says. The music turns on and the party begins. I walk over to the kitchen to grab a beer from the cooler. I open it up and begin to chug it. I needed to get drunk tonight. "You're not getting hammered tonight." Luke whispers in my ear behind me. "You scared me!" I whip around and gasp. "But why not?" "Because." "Because why?" He puts his hands around my waist and backs me up into the corner of the kitchen. "Because I want you to remember what happens later on tonight." He says with a smirk. I bite my lip slightly as I lean in to kiss him, wrapping my arms around his neck tugging at the hair at the nape of his neck. "Woah! No fucking in the kitchen! Take it upstairs!" Calum says as he walks into the kitchen and shields his eyes. "Shut up!" I tease. "Come on, the usual group is in the basement." Calum says as he walks downstairs. I think back to the first party I went to when I first got to Sydney. It was the night everyone got drunk in the basement and then I got mad at Luke for eavesdropping on my phone call with Ian. I laugh at how times have changed since then. "What are you laughing at?" Luke asks. "Nothing, i'm just glad the way my life turned out." I say with a wide smile. "Are you buzzed?" "No! I'm just happy, okay?" I swat his arm. "Okay, babe. Come on, let's go downstairs." He says as he takes my hand and leads me downstairs. - Three hours into the party and everyone was completely hammered―myself and Luke included. So much for whatever Luke had planned for later on. It was the main group of friends in the basement; Luke, Calum, Cora, Brooke, Ashton and there other friends that I didn't talk to much, Alex, Trey, and Harry. Everyone else that we barely knew had left already. Now we were having our own small party. I was currently sitting on a pull out chair watching my perfect boyfriend kick Ashton's ass in pool. Everyone was talking and laughing but, something felt off. I knew what it was, but I refuse to admit it. It was his choice to move away and i'm not going to spend my life dwelling on his poor choices......... "You okay? You looked sort of out of it." Alex asks me. She was the only sober one around. She explained that she couldn't drink due to bad experiences, but she didn't go into further details. "Just thinking." "About?" "My brother. I know I shouldn't be because I need to just get over it but―" "May, you don't have to 'just get over it'. You have every right to be upset over what happened. But if anything, it's Michael who should be sad. Not you. Michael is the one who chose to abandon his friends and his own sister. You did nothing but fall in love." Alex tells me. "You're right." I say. "Thanks, Alex." "My taxi's here. I'll see you guys tomorrow for movie night." Ashton says as he hugs everyone good bye. Brooke, Trey and Harry leave with him. "We should probably call a taxi too." I say as I stand up. "I'll call. You, Calum, Luke and I can all take a taxi home together." Alex says. "Why don't you guys just stay here? I'm gonna need some serious help cleaning up tomorrow morning." Cora laughs. "Yeah, okay. Sure." I say. Alex and Cora sleep in Cora's room, Luke and I sleep in the guest room, and Calum is left with the couch. "It's my birthday! Why should I get the couch?" He complains. "Actually," I look at my phone screen, "It's 1:30, so it's not your birthday anymore." "Still." He whines. "Well unless you'd rather take the floor, the couch is your best option." Luke jokes. We all say goodnight and go into our rooms. I take off my shirt and shorts and get into bed in my bra and panties. "Luke?" I ask once we're cuddled up to each other. "Hmm?" "What did you have planned for tonight?" I ask, biting my lip nervously. "Nothing." He lies. "Tell me." I say as I kiss his bare chest. "I just thought tonight could be, you know―the night." Luke says as his face goes red. Aw. Luke probably had a whole night planned and then I had to ruin it by getting drunk. "It still can be." I say as I move to straddle him and kiss his perfect lips. He kisses back before pulling away slightly, resting his forehead on mine. "I think we should wait until we're both sober." He laughs. Luke was barely drunk, but I still very much was. "Okay." I sigh as I climb off of him and lay back down beside him. "I just want it to be special." He says as he strokes my hair. "I know. Me too." I say. "Goodnight baby. I love you." "I love you." - I am woken up by the loud sound of a vacuum coming from downstairs. I turn around and look at the alarm clock. 8:06am . It was too early for any human to be awake. I groan as I get out of bed and quickly throw on my clothes from last night. I open the door and walk downstairs, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes. "Hey." I say to Alex, who was vacuuming. She doesn't answer, probably because the vacuum was so loud. I walk over to the outlet and pull the vacuum cord out. "What the? Oh, morning!" Alex says cheerfully. "Dude," I groan. "It's like eight am. We need our sleep." "Sorry, I'm just so used to always getting up this early. I guess I forgot some people sleep in." She says. She clearly is a morning person. I however, am the furthest thing from. "Does Cora have any advil?" I ask. "Bad hangover huh?" She laughs. "The worst." I whine. "Top shelf of the cupboard above the sink." Cora says coming from down the stairs as she holds her forehead, "Get me one too." I walk over to the cupboard and look for the advil. "Are you sure it's in this cupboard? I can't find them." I call from the kitchen. "Look near the back." Cora says. I look throughout the whole cupboard but still have no luck. "I still can't find them." I say. At that moment, the doorbell rings. "Here, i'll look for the advil and you go get the door." Cora says as she comes into the kitchen. I walk out of the kitchen and walk towards the entrance. "May, they're right in the front of the cupboard. Open your eyes dude!" Cora laughs. "Oops!" I laugh as I open the door. My laughter comes to a direct halt.... "May?"..... "Michael?"..... .... We both say at the same time..... ---------------------------------- oh... ooopppsss!!!.... and guess who's back back back, back again... haha ???.... What did you guys think of this episode?... What do you think Michael's doing back in Sydney?... Please like and comment!!! it really does mean so much to me... I read all the comments and they really put a smile on my ....... lol...????... thanks!!!
20 Apr 2019 | 12:01
@itzprince @
20 Apr 2019 | 12:35
Finally he's back,after all the shakara.
21 Apr 2019 | 04:59
"W-what are you doing here?" I ask in shock. It felt surreal. As soon as I was beginning to get used to the idea of him not being here, here he is. "Ya is Cora here?" He steps inside, completely ignoring me. "Michael." I pull his arm back. "What?" He snaps and rips his arm from my grip. "I haven't seen you in almost a month, and you have nothing to say to me?" I ask. "What's there to say? I think we both said enough back in Sydney." "I noticed you blocked me on almost everything." I say, looking at the floor. "Yeah and I noticed you went behind my back to fuck my best friend. Guess we're both good at picking up on things." He retorts as he walks away. I stand there shocked. What had gotten into him? Even being in Melbourne for less than a month has changed him. I run upstairs and go straight into the guest room Luke is in. "Luke." I whisper as I shake his shoulder. "Hmm." He groans. "Wake up!" "5 more minutes." "Michael's here." I say. That really wakes him up. His eyes shoot open and he sits up. "What?" He asks in disbelief. "He's here. Downstairs." "Why is he here?" He questions. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, he barely said two words to me." "Well let's go find out then." Luke says as he stands up and puts his black skinny jeans and nirvana shirt on. "Uhm, I don't think that's the best idea." I say as I grab Luke's hand to stop him. I don't think it would be too wise for us to go downstairs together when Michael just got here. It'll just make him leave again. Then it hit me. The perfect way to get him to move back to Sydney. "Let's break up!" I exclaim. "Wha-why? What did I do? We were fine a few secon-" Luke begins to panic. "No no I mean, let's fake break up. Just for now. That way Michael will move back to Sydney. We'll just act like we're not together when he's around." I explain. "May," he groans, "I'm sick of hiding. We hid this for too long. I want everyone to know you're mine." He says. "I know it's a stretch, but if there's anything possible to be done to get my brother back here, i'll do it. And it's not for forever. It's just until I can find a way to make Michael accept us being together." He comes closer to me and wraps his arms around my waist. "You're lucky I love you." "So you'll do it?" My face lights up. He nods. "Thank you thank you thank you!" I say as I smash my lips onto his. "Woah easy lady, I just broke up with my girlfriend." He teases. I swat his chest as he laughs. "So how is this whole thing going to go down?" He asks. I think for a moment. "I'm going to go back downstairs and make Michael go back to my mom's house with me. I can't bring him back to your house if he thinks we broke up, so my mom's will have to do for now. I'll tell him we broke up because it wasn't working out, but we're still friends. That way we can all still hang out together. I'll tell him I've been staying at Cora's house and that's why I answered the door. And―" I stop to catch my breath...... "And?" "That's all i've got so far." I giggle. "You really think this is all going to work?" "I hope so." I say. But truthfully, I didn't know. "I'm going to go downstairs and ask Michael to go to my mom's with me. Don't come downstairs until we're gone." I say as I quickly peck his lips and turn to go downstairs. "Mikey?" I say once i'm standing in the kitchen with him and Cora. "Leave me alone, May." He warns, his back facing me as he sits at the table with Cora. "Will you please come back to mom's house with me?" I beg. "No. Why don't you go back to your precious Luke's house." He sneers. "Because we broke up." I say. Michael's head immediately whips around to face me. "You what?" Him and Cora say at the same time. I hope Cora doesn't mention anything about us being together just yesterday, it would ruin the whole thing. "Us being a couple just wasn't working out. We're still friends though, for the sake of you. Please, just come home with me." I request. I'm glad that Cora doesn't say anything, clearly not wanting to get involved in the drama. "Fine." He stands up and retrieves his sweater from the couch. I'm surprised but thankful he agreed to come with me. He walks back over to Cora and kisses her. I'm a bit shocked but happy at the same time. He walks out of the kitchen and goes into the entrance. "I see you two have worked everything out?" I say to Cora. She nods and smiles. "What happened with you and Luke?" "I'll explain everything later. Just, don't mention this to anyone else. Not yet." I say, making sure Michael can't hear. I walk into the entrance where Michael is waiting to leave. I quickly slip on my shoes and walk out the door with him. The first few minutes on the walk back to my mother's house is silent, until I decide to speak up. "I've missed you." I say quietly. "Me too." He mumbles. "You did?" "Obviously. You're my sister." "Why did you come back? Not that i'm not glad you did because I am, it just seemed like you were so mad last time I saw you. You seemed like you were never going to come back." "Can we not talk about this, May?" He groans. "We have to! Michael, I haven't spoken to you in almost a month. You do realize that for our whole life, we've only gone three days not speaking. And those three days were only because we were kids and I stole your rare Pokemon card." I laugh slightly at the memory, but continue seriously, "Even when we lived apart, we talked on the phone, texted, or facetimed everyday. So to not hear from you for a month, we obviously have to talk about it." He exhales. "Because you were right. I'm not like those guys anymore. The partying and drinking and smoking got old after a quick few days. I moved to Sydney purposely to get away from those guys, so it's a stupid idea to move back there." He says honestly. "So, you're moving back here there?" I say, hopeful. "Yeah. That's actually why I came to Cora's house. I was talking about moving in with her until I can find my own apartment." "Why don't you just go back to Luke's?" I ask. "You can't be serious." "Well him and I aren't together anymore, so why can't you two just go back to the way things used to be." I know i'm really pushing my boundaries, but I just want them to be friends again. "Things won't ever be that way again. I'm done with that kid." He says angrily. "Are―are you done with me too?" I ask, scared for the answer. He sighs. "No, of course not. You're family." "But, Luke's your family too." I say quietly. "You're really pushing your limits, here." He warns. I stop on the sidewalk and embrace him in a hug. "I really am sorry. I'm so sorry I hurt you, Mikey." I say into his shoulder. "I know. I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have said all that shit back in Melbourne. I'm so sorry, May." He whispers back. "I forgive you." I pull away and wipe the few tears that formed in the corners of my eyes. "So why did you guys break up?" He asks as we continue walking. "I told you, it just wasn't working out." I don't know what else to say. "Bullshit. What's the real reason? Did he do something? Did he pressure you to―" "No! God no. Nothing like that. We just decided us being together wasn't worth everything we were losing." I lie. I hated lying to Michael but, I was desperate. I just needed my brother back. "So you moved out I assume?" "Well, uh―my stuff's still there. I still need to grab it." "So you've been staying at mom's?" "No uh―i've been staying at Cora's." I lie. "Oh, she didn't say anything about that to me." He says. I could feel his suspicion growing. "Yeah, I asked her not to say anything to anyone." I say quickly. "Oh, okay." He says, clearly skeptical. "Well do you want to get your stuff?" "Yeah, I will eventually." I say. "What do you mean eventually ?" "Well, I don't want to bring all of my stuff over to Cora's house and make it seem like i'm moving in. I'm just going to keep it at Luke's for now. We're still friends you know." I lie. I felt so bad for making up this elaborate lie. "I was kind of thinking, did you mean it when you told me we could get an apartment just for us two?" He asks. The smile I wear lights up my face. "Yes! Do you still want to?" "Yeah." "Okay." I smile. "Okay." He says. For the first time in almost a month, it felt as if I finally had my brother back. But will it cost me my relationship with Luke?......... ----------------------- thanks so much for following me so far..... please like and comment... thanks and let me know what you all think with the current situation here... lol.... hmmmm
21 Apr 2019 | 08:48
hmmmmmm,,,, we wil Hav to hear from d horse's (Michael)mouth ooooo,,,,
21 Apr 2019 | 12:52
rubbish, Michael is doing rubbish, its too childish
21 Apr 2019 | 13:58
finally he is back
21 Apr 2019 | 19:30
It's been five days since Michael's been home, and everything is starting to feel normal again. The night he came back, we spent the day together and then went back to Cora's. When Michael had gone to the bathroom, I quickly explained the whole situation to Cora. She told me she understands and that I can stay at her house for as long as I want. I haven't seen Luke these past five days. It's not that I don't want to because believe me, I do. But there just hasn't been any opportunity for me to get away from Michael without him being suspicious of where i'm going. We were currently sitting at her dinner table; Her, Michael and I. "Hey Cora, i'm sleeping at Brooke's tonight, did you want to come?" I ask her, widening my eyes slightly in hopes that she'll catch on as to where i'm actually going. Luke's. "You are? She didn't say anything to me." She says. "Oh, she asked me to ask you." I lie. She shrugs. "Sure." "Wha―you want to?" "Yeah why not? It'll be fun." "Bu―but," I try to think of an excuse. "You'll be leaving Mikey all alone." "Michael, do you mind if May and I go to Brooke's for the night?" She asks, clearly not catching on to anything i'm saying. "I don't care." Michael says, not taking his eyes off his phone. "Great." She smiles. "Okay, let's go upstairs and pack a bag." I say, standing up from the table. "I'm not done." She says, taking another bite of her food. "Then we'll be fast." I tug her arm and pull her away from the table. Once we're upstairs I smack her arm. "Ow!" She rubs her arm. "What gives?" "Dude, i'm not actually going to Brooke's. I'm going to Luke's. I just needed a cover story. You were supposed to catch on and say you didn't feel like coming." I explain. "What am I? Psychic?" I laugh. "Sorry. I've just really been missing him." "I understand. Go, have fun!" She says. "But not too much fun." She winks and I roll my eyes. "Tell Luke I say use protection." She laughs and says a little too loud. "Shh!" I shush her. "Michael will hear you!" "Shit, sorry!" She whispers. Now she decides to whisper. "I'll see you tomorrow." I say as I walk downstairs and go into the kitchen to say bye to Michael. "Michael?" I call. He's gone. "Hey Cora? Where's Mikey?" I ask. "He probably went to Calum's. He said something about him and Ashton going over there for a 'guys night'." She explains. I nod. "I feel so bad that the guys have to split their time between Luke and Michael. I wish they could all just hang out together, like they used to." I say sadly. "I know, but that's Michael for you. So dramatic. He'll talk to Luke eventually. He has to. People used to think they were in a relationship more than Michael and I were." She laughs, as do I. "Alright well, i'll see you tomorrow." I say goodbye and walk outside. - I knock on Luke's front door, anxious to see him. The door opens to reveal a shirtless Luke............ "Damn, how'd I get so lucky?" I smirk as I he steps closer to me and I engulf him in a hug. "I've missed you so much." He says into my hair. "Me too." He pulls away slightly and rests his forehead on mine. "You're staying over tonight, right?" I nod. He smiles and brings his lips to mine. Every kiss with Luke feels the first. It feels so perfect that I can't get enough. I don't think i'll ever get enough of this perfect boy. He takes my hand and brings me inside, shutting the door behind us. "Where does Michael think you are?" He asks as we walk upstairs to his room. "I told him i'm staying at Brooke's." "How long are we going to do this, May? I'm sick of hiding." He complains. "I know. I'm sorry I just, I need more time to figure out what to say to Michael." I say as I collapse on his bed. "We've had plenty of time. We just need to accept that he's never going to be okay with any of this." I really did feel so bad for having to hide this relationship but, I need to figure out how to make Michael accept us. My thoughts were broken by the front door being burst through and a loud voice booming from downstairs. "Luke!" The voice yells. A voice i'd know anywhere. The voice of my brother. "Fuck! Go into the bathroom." He says and I quickly go into his en-suite, shutting the door behind me. I hear Luke walk outside of his bedroom and down the stairs. "Michael, hey." Luke says. Just then I hear a crash. "Ow man! What the fuck!" Luke yells. Michael must have thrown him into something. "Where is she?" He asks. "What do you mean?" "Don't play dumb with me. Where's May?" Michael yells. "She's not here." Luke lies. I slowly open the bathroom door and peak my head out of Luke's bedroom, careful not to be seen. "Don't fucking lie. I saw her come in! I heard her and Cora talking about it before she left!" "So you followed her?" "No, I beat her here. I watched your little porch exchange. She's my fucking sister, man!" Michael yells as I watch him push Luke, causing him to stumble back. He regains his balance and pushes Michael back. "You think I don't know that!" "She's my baby sister! You know how protective I am of her and you go and do this! How could you fucking backstab me like this!" Michael yells. Although I hate the way Michael and Luke are yelling at each other, in a weird way, it makes me feel somewhat at ease. At least they're talking. This is the most they've spoken to each other in a month. Maybe this is what they need. Maybe they just need to battle it out in order to move on from it. "You want me to say I don't love her? Fine! I don't love her. I never loved her! You want me to say I don't want to be with her? I don't want to be with her! Is this what you want to hear Michael? I don't love May! She doesn't mean anything to me, okay! We fucking broke up because i'd rather be friends with you than date her!" Luke screams. I can't hold in my gasp. My heart feels as though it fell out of my chest. Is he telling the truth? He doesn't love me? Had everything been a lie?........ "You son of a bitch. So this whole time you were leading my sister on?" Michael asks. "No! That's not what I meant." Michael lowers his voice and shakes his head. "I thought you were my best friend." I watch through my tears as Luke's face fell. "Michael, I am." "No, you're not." Michael turns around and walks out of the house, slamming the door behind him. "Fuck!" Luke yells as he takes a vase and throws it against the wall, smashing it into thousands of pieces. I emerge from the room and walk downstairs. "I'm sorry you had to hear all of that." Luke sighs as he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration. "You really sold it." I say, tears falling from my eyes. "Hey, don't cry. I just had to make it believable." He says, referring to when he said he doesn't love me. "Well good job, I believed it." I mumble. "What? May, come on I―" "Save it, Luke." I shake my head slightly. "Maybe Michael's right. Nothing good can come out of this relationship." "Don't be like that, May! You know I didn't mean any of that. I said it only because I thought it's what he'd want to hear." Luke tries to explain, but I just couldn't believe him. No matter how I try to really believe the words he's saying to me right now, I just can't. He sounded so truthful when he made his little speech to Michael, I was afraid the damage was now done. When he told Michael we broke up because he would rather be friends with him than date me, I felt as if there was much truth to that. Maybe Luke really did feel like he would rather be friends with Michael instead of date me. Maybe he just felt trapped and couldn't leave. But the last thing i'd want is for him to eventually grow to resent me because I came in between their friendship. "I need to go." I say as I walk towards the door. "I thought you were staying over?" I turn to look at him. I shake my head and wipe my tears quickly. "Can I call you later then?" He asks, desperation in his voice. "No, Luke. I don't think you should call me at all anymore. I think this," I motion in between us, "Is over." "May! You can't be serious!" He says, tears forming in his eyes. "You were right you know. When you said it's no contest between Michael and I―only Michael wins the contest, not me." I cry. "May―" He tries to come close to me but I put my hand out to warn him not to come closer. "And I get it. Michael should come before me. You've known him for so long. Don't throw your friendship away. And I know you'll never admit any of this so, i'm letting you go. I'm letting you go because I know you'll never let me go." I sob, not bothering to hold it in anymore. Luke has seen me at much worse. "Please May," He begs, "Don't do this. I love you." As much as I want to go over to him and hug him and make him feel better, I hold my ground. "Bye, Luke." I almost whisper, as I turn to walk out the door before he can say anything that will make me stay. I run all the way back to Cora's, which is a pretty far ways. I can't get his words out of my mind. I never loved her. She doesn't mean anything to me. I don't want to be with her. The words burn into my brain as I come to finally realize, this whole relationship had been a lie. Luke had never really cared for me. I finally reach Cora's house and I open the door and rush inside, kicking off my shoes. "What are you doing here? I thought you were at Luke's? While you're here can you talk to your brother? He came in fuming but went straight to the basement and won't say a word." Cora says. I break into sobs as I run upstairs to the guest room and shut the door behind me. I collapse on my bed and sob into the covers. Now I had lost Michael and Luke. I should have never came to Sydney in the first place. I should have stayed in Melbourne for the summer. I would have still been with Ian, I would have still been friends with Aubrey, I would have still had a bunch of friends. Now i'm left with nothing. I have―nothing....... -------------------------- ..... OMG DON'T HATE ME!!!.... lol.... What do you guys think of what's happening? Okay so I just want to let you know that the whole epic novel isn't going to just be based on what Michael thinks of Luke and May's relationship.... There are many other plot lines I have in store for the novel... Please like & comment! It only takes a second. I don't want to spend my time writing a story if no one is reading it you know???.... lol ? ?
22 Apr 2019 | 08:24
I don't want to say anytin on dis bcos may and Michael are both dummy,,, why can't may decode Luke's statement? is dat not her suggestion in d 1st place dat dey should pretend dat dey broke up? idiotic girl
22 Apr 2019 | 18:39
I don't know how long i've been like this, lying on the bed in a pool of my own tears. My makeup had surely gone all over my face by now; makeup that I had put extra effort into because I was seeing Luke. Then someone knocked on the door. I don't answer, I don't want to see anyone right now. They open the door anyways, and I look up slightly to see Michael standing there. I roll over and face the opposite way. If there was anyone I wanted to see least right now, it's Michael. "Why are you crying?" He asks in a monotone voice. I don't answer him. Instead I take a spare pillow and bring it over my head, covering my ears. "You could at least answer me you know?" Michael says. I throw the pillow off me and stand up, walking over to Michael. "You have some fucking nerve coming in here and asking me why i'm crying! Why do you think? You got Luke to admit that he never actually cared about me―" "I never did anyth―" "Shut up! Shut up and let me finish for once! We broke up! For real this time. God I love him so much, but you just don't seem to care. Are you happy now Michael? You finally got what you've been wanting all along. So congratulations." I scream. "May I―" "Just get out." I yell and push his chest. He surprisingly obliges and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him. I rub my hands over my face in frustration. I honestly don't understand him. He treats me like complete shit and then comes in here wondering why i'm crying? I slip off my jeans and crawl into bed. Going to sleep is all I could do right now, other than cry. - I wake up the next morning and walk downstairs to see Cora at the table. "Hey." She smiles lightly. "Hi." "I'm sorry about, you know, Luke and stuff." She says. "Michael told you?" I ask. "No, I heard you screaming at him last night. For what it's worth, i'm not speaking to Michael right now. He can't just go around treating people like that, especially not his own sister." "Yeah well, guess he'll never change." I shrug. "Hey listen, thanks for letting me stay here but, i'll be out by tomorrow." I state. "What why?" "I've been looking at apartments in the neighbourhood and I found one I really like. I'm going to sign for it today and i'll sleep there tonight. It's already furnished and everything." I explain. "Wait, you're moving in alone?" She asks. "Yeah. I need time on my own right now. It's what's best for me." "Well, you know i'm always going to be here when you need me." She smiles. "Thanks, Cora." I say, walking over to give her a hug. Cora has quickly become one of my best friends. I'm somewhat sad that I won't be living with her anymore. I check my phone and see the time. "I've gotta run, i'm meeting the real estate agent in half an hour." I say as I turn and walk out the door, not even bothering to ask where Michael was. Frankly at this point, I don't give a damn. - I arrive at the coffee shop where I am meeting the real estate to sign for the apartment. It is such a beautiful apartment. It's quaint, but perfect for me. There's two bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room, and a kitchen. I know I don't have much money to afford it but, i'll be getting a job soon and I decided to use my college fund for it. I don't plan on going to college anyways....... "Hi there. Sorry i'm a bit late." The real estate agent, Kimberly says. "Oh no, you're not late. I'm just early." I chuckle slightly. "Eager for the new apartment?" She smiles. "Very." She takes out a stack of papers which I assume is the contract. She shows me where to sign and I sign my name on multiple lines. "Great. Here's your key. You can move in as soon as you wish." She says as she bids me a goodbye and leaves the shop. I stare at the keys in my hands. My own apartment. Something to call my own. I can't help but find it a bit odd that i'm not even done with high school yet i'm living on my own. However, I called my father and he said he trusts me to make this decision on my own, and I think I made the right one. He also told me he'd deposit money into my account to help me pay for everything. I take out my phone and dial Calum's number. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey Cal. Could you do me a huge favour?" "Sure, what?" "Do you think you could go to Luke's house and grab my stuff for me?" "Why don't you just get it?" He asks, clearly confused. "Luke and I―aren't together anymore." I say. "Shit, what? When did this happen? Forget it, it's none of my business. Where do you want me to bring your stuff then? To Cora's?" He asks. "No uh, I bought an apartment. So i'll just text you the address." "Wait what? You bought an apartment? With Michael?" "Nope, by myself." I say, popping the p. "Shit, May. You do realize you're only seventeen right?" He laughs lightly. "I know. I just feel like I need to be on my own for a while. Figure some stuff out." "How did they even allow you to sign for it? You're underage." "They spoke to my dad. And he gave his permission. Plus they faxed him a copy of the lease and he signed to say he agrees with it all." I explain. "Oh, okay. Text me the address and I'll be over with your stuff in an hour." He says before saying goodbye and hanging up. I'm so thankful I have Calum. Although Luke and I broke up and Michael and I aren't speaking, I'm not going to stop hanging out with the group. Even though they are Luke and Michael's group, I consider them my friends too now. I stand up and walk out of the coffee shop, throwing my cup in the garbage on the way out. I walk over to the apartment, which was extremely close by. I hadn't realized how close to Luke's house it was as well but then again, this town is extremely small. Everything is in walking distance of each other. I walk into the building and step onto the elevator, hitting the fifth floor button. The elevator dings and the doors open as I step out onto the floor. I walk over to apartment 242. My apartment . I put the key in the lock and open the door. I really did get such a great deal on this place. It is so beautiful, and fully furnished. The rooms may be small but how much can one person need. I already have two bedrooms in here which is more than enough for me. - I step out of the shower and slip on my sleep shorts and a plain black cami. Calum brought my stuff over the day I got here, and I wasted no time unpacking my things. I just wanted to feel at home. I had been living in the apartment for over a week now. Eight days to be exact. Eight days that I haven't spoken to Michael or Luke. Or anyone for that matter. I've been trying to focus on myself rather than other people. I pull out my phone and see a missed call from Cora. I push the call button to call her back. "Hello?" She answers. "Hey, sorry I missed your call. I was in the shower." I explain. "Well it's about time I hear from you! It's been like, a week and you haven't returned any of my calls." "Sorry i've been, busy." I lie. Truth was I was the furthest thing from busy. I would spend most of my days on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy and eating cereal. But, I figured saying I was busy would sound better. "Listen, the groups going over to Ashton's tonight for an end of summer get together. Wanna come?" "Will Luke and Michael both be there?" I ask even though I already know the answer. "Well, yeah. They are part of the group. Just don't talk to them." I sigh. "No, that's alright. I'm just gonna stay at the apartment." "Come on, May. Please?" "No i'm really tired." "First Luke, now you." She mumbles. "What?" I ask. What did she mean by that? What was going on with Luke? "Never mind. Are you positive you don't want to come?" She asks. "Yeah. It's alright, you guys all have fun." I pretend to sound as happy as possible. "If you say so. Hey by the way, can I tell Michael about this whole thing with you moving into your own place? He's starting to wonder where you are and I don't want to lie to him." She says. I shrug. "Yeah you can tell him. He'll find out eventually anyways." "Okay. Oh and call Brooke by the way, she said she wants your new address so she can pick you up for school." I completely forgot that school starts in two days. I had been so consumed in the drama with Michael and Luke that I forgot my senior year was starting soon. "Shit! I forgot about school. I've gotta go get supplies and stuff. I'll talk to you later. Have fun tonight." I say before hanging up. Great. More things to worry about....... ----------------------- GUYSSS! I'm so sorry please don't hate me for what's happening..... Relationships aren't perfect so i'm not going to pretend that Luke and May are a fairytale..... you know... The next episode is going to be in a different point of view [POV].. for the first time ever, so bare with me. I'm trying to update everyday! Please don't forget to like and comment... it literally only takes a second..... but means alot to me... you know..... lol.... Thanks!!..... ??????
23 Apr 2019 | 11:12
Hmmmm may ok ooo
23 Apr 2019 | 13:28
May, you know you can't hide forever
23 Apr 2019 | 15:38
I thought u said he should pretend,why are u not believeing him now?
23 Apr 2019 | 16:34
hmmmmm,,, may is just behaving how I really want her to behave,,, regarding Michael's case
24 Apr 2019 | 04:14
Michael's POV..... It had been over a week since i've seen May. Or Luke for that matter. I wonder where she is. She's probably been at Luke's this whole. The break up was probably fake, just like the last one. I know I may seem to be over reacting about this whole thing but she's my sister. And he's my best friend. I'd always feel like the odd one out while we were all together. I know it may seem selfish but you'd have to be put in the situation in order to understand. "You ready to go?" Cora asks from the other room. We were going to Ashton's house for an end of the summer get together. Although I really didn't want to go and see May and Luke there. Probably all over each other. And I really didn't need to get in anymore fights. "I still need to shower. You go ahead." I say. "So i'll meet you there then?" I nod. Cora waves a quick goodbye and walks out of her house. Cora and I haven't been speaking that much this past week. She took May's side in this whole thing. It seems like everyone is turning against me when Luke's the real issue. Why can't he just leave May alone? I take a quick shower and change into my black skinny jeans and twenty one pilots t-shirt. I grab my phone and slide it in my back pocket before walking out the door, prepared for a night of hell. - I arrive at Ashton's and knock on the door. "Sup man!" Ashton says as he answers the door. "Hey." I say as I walk in and kick my shoes off. "Where is everyone?" "Backyard." He says as I follow him out. I immediately spot Cora and go sit beside her. "Hi." I say. She gives me a small wave without even looking up. "Why are you sitting here all alone?" I ask. "Waiting for Brooke." She tells me. "Not me?" I smirk, trying and failing miserably to flirt with my own girlfriend. "Nope." She says bitterly. "Where's May? And uh―Luke?" I ask. She turns her head to look at me. "Like you care." She rolls her eyes. "I don't. I'm just wondering." I shrug. "They're both not coming." "What do you mean they're not coming? Luke never misses these end of the summer parties." I say, trying to sound the least bit interested. I was confused as to why they weren't here. Not that i'm complaining because i'd probably enjoy the party more without them but, my mind went straight to them probably being together. Alone. I cringe at the thought. "Luke hasn't come out of his house since you went over. And May hasn't spoken to anyone all week either." She says sadly. "How do you know?" I ask. "Because. I actually care about them both. I went over to see how Luke was doing a few days ago, seeing as he hasn't talked to any of us since the break up. He wouldn't even open the front door. I had to get the key from the backyard and go inside myself. When I went inside he was lying on his bed, he looked like he hadn't moved in days. When I asked him what happened with May, he explained everything. He told me what he said to you. He also said he was lying and he loves her. He said everything just to make you believe it. But then May believed it too." Cora explains..... "Wait so, they really did break up?" I ask shocked. She gives me a confused and annoyed face. "Well obviously. What other reason would they have to lock themselves away the way they are." "She hasn't spoken to anyone either?" I ask. Cora shakes her head. "No. She didn't return anyone's phone calls all week and when she finally called me back today, we spoke for like, thirty seconds. And she sounded different." I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean different?" "I don't know. Weaker, I guess. She's not her usual happy and loud self. She's the way she was when she first got here." Cora says. "That's just how she is. She's reserved, I guess." I try to explain. "No, she's back to the way she was before she met Luke." "What are you talking about"? I ask Cora. "Don't you see it, Michael? May isn't May without Luke. When she lived in Melbourne she was a mess, then she came here and met Luke. Didn't you notice the change in her while they were together? Michael, she glowed when she was with him." "You don't know what you're talking about." I say shaking my head. "She's my sister, not yours." Cora sighs. "I'm not saying she's my sister. I'm not saying I know her better than you do but, ask anyone. Luke makes May the happiest she's ever been. Hell, I've only known her for two months and I can tell. How can't you?" She asks. But that's just it. I can tell. I realized how happy May is all of a sudden, but I didn't think it was because of Luke. "I thought it was because she was spending time with me." I whisper. Cora brings her hands over mine. "I'm sure it was that too. But Michael, you do realize that now it's you who's standing in the way of your sister's happiness. I get that it's your sister and your best friend, we all get that. But, you really need to just learn to accept it. Accept it now, or lose them both forever." "They broke up because of me." I murmur. If Luke and May really did break up, then where is she? She isn't at our Mother's house because I went by to check on my mum a few days ago, and May wasn't there. "So where's May then?" I ask worriedly. No matter how hurt I might be, she's my sister. I need to know where she is and if she's okay. Did she go back to Melbourne without telling anyone? "She moved into an apartment." She says flatly. "Wha―by herself?" She nods. I'm completely and utterly shocked. And hurt. May and I made a deal to move into an apartment together. I get she might be angry with me right now but, how dare she make this decision. Does she not understand what she is doing? She's living on her own even before she graduates. "Where?" I ask. "Michael. Don't put me in this position." She sighs. "If she wanted you to know where she is then she would have told you." "Just fucking tell me where she is!" I yell. She winces at my loud tone. I know she hates when I yell but I can't help it. Especially in this situation. "Pass me your phone." She says with her hand out. "What? Why would yo―" "Just pass me your phone." I hesitantly take out my phone and put it in the palm of her hand. She unlocks it and goes into my notes. She is writing something down but I can't manage to see perfectly due to the low brightness. She locks it and hands it back to me. "What did you do?" I ask. "I put her address in. You should go see her. She's been alone all week. And school starts in a few days. Be there for her senior year." Cora says with a faint smile. "Thanks." I weakly smile back before standing to get up. I walk over to the building that May apparently lives at now. How could she do this? How could she just move out on her own? This was our plan. We were supposed to live together. It's always been us two against everything. And I think that's what I have finally come to realize. I've finally come to realize the reason I don't want her and Luke together. Because when she's with Luke, it'll be her and Luke against everything. I take the elevator up and knock on her door. She opens the door and her jaw drops. "Michael?"..... -------------------- sorry guys I know you all thought it would be "Luke's pov" but I thought Michael's worked out better for the story. Please comment & like !! thank you all.....!!!
24 Apr 2019 | 10:33
i just wish Michael grows up
24 Apr 2019 | 18:00
Michael is still a boy,,, how old is he sef,,, he is now sounding like a wicked mother in law
24 Apr 2019 | 19:05
@ireoluwa Emmanuel You just said my mind
25 Apr 2019 | 02:57
I'm going to wait an see b4 I'll make any comment
25 Apr 2019 | 04:19
so is bec Luke is taking ur baby sister away from u that is making u to act like this,hmmm so u turn to mother inlaw abi
25 Apr 2019 | 04:25
I open the door to see Michael standing there. "Michael wha―what are you doing here? How did you find me?" I ask. "Do you love him?" Michael asks abruptly. "What? No." I say as I shake my head, trying to hold back the tears that I can feel forming. "Are you lying?" The tears fight their way to the surface anyways. "Yes." I whimper. He sighs. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry about everything I did. You two are happiest when you're together. I realized that tonight. I won't be the one to stand in the way of you both anymore. Ever since you've been with him, I've seen such a change in you, May. Everyone has. He makes you better. He makes you happy. It's the happiest i've ever seen you. I noticed it ever since you met him when you first came to Sydney. I just thought you being happy was because of me. But it wasn't. It was because of him. And you deserve to be together." There it was. It was the speech I had been wanting to hear for months. Only now, it didn't matter. Now it was too late. "How long did you practice that little speech?" I laugh lightly. "The whole way over here." He chuckles as he rubs the back of his neck nervously. "It's not only you, Michael. Luke didn't care for me the way I thought he did. He didn't care for me the way I care for him." I croak. "Why, because of what he said to me? He was lying, May! How can't you see that? He's so in love with you it's sickening." He tries to say in the nicest way possible. "Ever since you broke up with him, he hasn't left his room. He's literally been laying in bed all week. I doubt he's even showered." Does that mean he went to see him? Did he talk to Luke? Maybe they sorted everything out. Maybe their friends again since we broke up. Maybe something good came out of all this. "Did you go see him?" I ask. "Well, no. But Cora did. She asked him what happened and he explained everything to her. He told her how he lied just to get me to believe him. He lied and he loves you." Michael promises. "I don't want to come in the way of your friendship any longer. That's the main reason I broke up with him. He shouldn't have to choose between us, so I chose for him." "No." He shakes his head. "You're right. He shouldn't have to choose. Which is why i'm not going to make him. I'm done standing in the way of you two." "I just need time." I sigh. "Time for what? You guys have waited long enough because of me! Don't let anything else hold you back now." What was all of this? Michael has been completely against Luke and I being together, and now here he is, practically begging for us to be. "What changed your mind?" I question. "Cora, actually. And since―" He pauses and sighs, "since I saw the way you look at him. You look at him like he's your whole world, May. And he looks at you the same." He says honestly. "Can I ask you something?" "Yeah, sure." "Why were you so against Luke and I being together? I know you said it's because i'm your little sister and he's your best friend but come on, why were you that upset over it?" I ask. He runs his fingers through his hair. A nervous habit he's had ever since he was a little kid. "Because." He sighs. "Because I just thought that if you two were together, that would be the end of me and you. You wouldn't spend time with me anymore. You'd only be with him. And then not only would I have lost my sister, but I would have lost my brother too. And I know that sounds so childish when I say it out loud and I realize that now. It was so immature of me, I guess I just didn't know how to handle it." He explains and his tone softens drastically. My heart sinks when Michael calls Luke his brother. It all began to make sense to me. Michael just didn't want to let us go. He may have went about it the wrong way but, he cares. He cares about me more than anyone I know, and that means something. I engulf him in a hug and bury my head into his shoulder. "You know i'm never going to leave you. We're family. We're all each other has. I'm not going anywhere, Mikey." I smile at the use of his nickname. "I'm so sorry." He whispers. "I know." "So," He pulls away from the hug, "You moved into an apartment, by yourself?" I laugh. "Yeah, I did. Crazy right?" "Crazy? You mean rude?" He laughs and playfully shoves my shoulder. "We were supposed to live together, May." This whole time i've been mad at Michael for being mad about my relationship with Luke when really, all he wants is his family. And in Sydney, Luke and I are all he's got. "Move in then." I shrug. "Wha―really?" He asks in disbelief. "Yeah. It was our plan." "When?" He asks. "I don't know. As soon as you want I guess." "Well my version of as soon as I want is tonight, so you need to be more specific." Michael laughs. "Move in tonight then." I smile. He wraps his arms around me and hugs me tightly. "You know," He mumbles into my shoulder, "I thought after the way i've treated you, that I might have lost you forever." "I'm your sister. I'm not going anywhere." I assure him. He pulls away from the hug but keeps his hands on my shoulders. "Talk to Luke. Please." He begs. "I will if you will." I say. "May." He whines. "I mean it, Mikey. You said it yourself, he's your brother. So go make things right with him." "But, what if he doesn't speak to me? I was such a dick to him. And you." He sighs. "He's family, Michael. He's obviously going to speak to you. Now go over to his house and talk to him. You aren't moving in until you do." I half joke. "Fine. I'll be back later on tonight." He groans before walking towards the elevator. I close the door and walk over to the couch, collapsing onto it. I sigh loudly and rub my face with my hands. I can't help but wonder if Michael is just putting on an act. Maybe he's just pretending to be okay with Luke and I being together. Even if Michael and Luke talk everything out, I don't think I could get back together with Luke. I know that no matter how many times Michael assures me he is okay with everything, he'll always be uncomfortable when we're all together. I know my brother, that's how he is. But, I miss Luke. And no matter how much I don't want to, I love him....... --------------------------- soooo.....michael has finally come to his senses!!..... who's happy about that because i know i am!!!... lol.... please like & comment! they help me soo much....... ✌✌❤❤?
25 Apr 2019 | 08:07
Michael got his senses back and pave way for May's senses to pass out,,,,
25 Apr 2019 | 14:29
Michael's POV...... I've been standing outside of Luke's house for over an hour, trying to decide what to say. I don't know how to put into words what I want to say. Before I know what i'm doing, I knock on his door. He opens it and I am shocked at what he looks like. Luke never looks like this. He's in long black soccer shorts, an old t-shirt, and no quiff. He didn't quiff his hair―that's how you know somethings wrong. Cora was right, he really hasn't been out of bed all week. His eyes widen when he sees me and he takes a quick step back. I laugh lightly. "Relax, i'm not gonna attack you." "You did every other time." He barks. "Can I uh―can I come in?" I ask. "Just go home, Michael. I have nothing more to say to you." He says as he begins to shut the door. I put my hand on it to stop it from closing. "But I do. I have more to say." "What makes you think I'd give a shit to hear what you have to say anyways?" He asks. I was a bit taken back by Luke's aggressive tone. "Well I'm just sorta hoping you do." I lower my head. He stands still for a minute before opening the door and gesturing me to come inside. "Make it quick." He says sternly. "What? Got somewhere else to be?" I laugh, momentarily forgetting where are in a fight. I clear my throat and start what's going to be a long and all over the place apology. "Luke, I really don't know where to start. I'm sorry. About everything. I was never mad about you being with my sister. I was just scared that if you two were together you'd―I don't know, forget about me. I know it's childish and I can't justify my actions but, I can spend the rest of my life apologizing for them." I knew I sounded so dramatic but, it's just truly how I feel. "I was so out of line. I should have never made you choose. And you don't have to." Luke furrows his eyebrows. "What do you mean I don't have to?" "I'm saying go. Be with May. You've changed her, Luke. She's happy now. She hasn't been this happy since we were kids. You made her her again. You love her and she loves you. Who am I to stand in the way of that." I sigh. "So you're saying I can be with her and still be friends with you?" Luke asks to clarify. He probably thinks i'm a psychopath. One day i'm in here screaming at him and pushing him, and the next day I'm telling him to date my sister. I didn't understand myself either but, after that conversation with Cora, my eyes opened up to what was really happening here. "Yeah. That's exactly what i'm saying. You both deserve to be happy, and you deserve that happiness with each other." "You're not gonna punch me every time you see us together?" "No. I'm so sorry for the way I treated you. I honestly can't believe I even hit you. You're my best friend, Luke. You're my brother." I lower my voice at the last part. Luke smiles slightly. Even though it's a faint smile that's barely there, it's something. "You're so cheesy." Luke laughs as he pushes my shoulder. "Shut up bro i'm trying to be nice here!" I laugh and push his shoulder back. "You sound like you're apologizing to your girlfriend or something." "That's the last time I apologize to you for anything." I chuckle. Our laughter dies down and we look at each other......... "So are we good?" I ask. He smiles and nods his head. "We're good." I give him a handshake and bring it into a hug. "I really am sorry, man." "It's cool. I get where you were coming from." He assures me and I nod. "How is she?" He asks, his tone sounding desperate. "She's good. She got an apartment." I tell him. His eyes widen. "By herself?" "Well she got it by herself but i'm moving in there tonight." I explain. He nods in understanding. "She used to always talk about how badly she wanted a place for you two. I'm happy for you guys." "I'm gonna get my stuff from upstairs and then i'm heading over there. You're coming with me." I say as I begin to walk upstairs. "Wait what?" He asks. "You heard me. You're coming with me." I say as I go into his room and start putting my stuff into bags. I hope Luke doesn't mind that i'm taking multiple gym bags of his. "I'm not coming." He shakes his head as he follows me into his room. "Yeah you are. You're gonna sort stuff out with my sister." "I just need time." He sighs. "God you two really are perfect for each other." I roll my eyes. "Why?" "Because she said the exact same thing." I laugh. "But I really don't get you two. You went out of your way to be together when I hated it and now that i'm saying I don't give a shit, you're suddenly over it?" He shakes his head. "No of course not. Of course i'm not over it. I lov―" He stops. "You can say it you know. I'm not gonna punch you or anything." He shrugs. "I know. It just feels weird still. I need time to get used to it all I guess." "Alright well, talk to her soon alright? Figure your shit out." I tell him and he nods. "You uh, you do love her right?" I ask. "Yeah, I do. More than anything." He answers honestly and I nod understandingly. We say our goodbyes as I grab my bags and walk out the door. I start my way back to May's apartment. I really am glad I sorted everything out with the both of them, i'm so thankful they even forgave me after how horrible I was to both of them. I know i'll never be one hundred percent with them dating but, they make each other happy. I'm done trying to stand in the way of that. It's their relationship, not mine. I make it to May's and knock on the door. "So?" She says as soon as she opens to door. "Hello to you too." I laugh as I walk inside and take my shoes off. "Hi. Did you talk to him?" She asks. "Yeah, I did." "And?" "We're good." I smile, as does she. "Oh thank god. I'm so glad." She says, exhaling loudly. "Why do you sound so surprised?" I ask. "Because," She laughs lightly, "You were such a dick to him. I'm surprised he forgave you so fast. I mean, i'm glad he did i'm just surprised." "Me too." "How's he doing?" She asks. "He looks like shit. But he's doing alright, I guess. He misses you though." I tell her. "Yeah," She huffs, "Sure he does." "He does. You have to know he was lying when you said that shit to me. He said it just to get me to believe him. Do you really think if he didn't care about you that he would be locking himself up? He would already have moved on if he didn't care about you, May." She shrugs. "I guess you have a point." "I know I do." She laughs and rolls her eyes. "He's coming to talk to you soon." I tell her. "What? But i'm in my pyjamas!" I laugh. "Not tonight. One day soon though. He said he just needs time to process everything. Whatever that means." "Leave it to Luke to say something like that." She laughs. I smile. "So uh, where am I going to be sleeping?" "Oh, you can have that room." She points to the room behind me. "The other one's mine." She says, referring to the one across from my new room. "Okay, cool. And don't worry, we'll call the real estate agent and get the lease changed under both of our names. That way we split everything, like cost wise and stuff." I tell her. "Yeah, that's good. I'm really happy you're here, Mikey." She says. "Same." I smile. "I'm gonna go put my stuff away." I say as I walk into the room but stop at the doorway. I turn back around to face my sister. "Hey, May?" "Yeah?" "You do love him don't you?" I ask her the same question I asked Luke earlier. She smiles faintly. "Yes. More than anything." I smile at how her answer was the same as Luke's as I nod and walk into the room............. ---------------------------- Yeah... sup guys!!!.... So things are better with Michael now.... Thank God! I was getting sick of mean Michael before lol ? ? ?..... I know this book has been so much about Michael but from now forward, it's going to be more about May and Luke and their issues lmao ??. Michael will still be in it of course, it's just the plot isn't going to be all about him like it has been..... you know ?✌.... so please like and comment! It honestly only takes one second... Also please tell your friends about this story it would mean a lot!!! thanks ? ❤✌?....... and good ? morning from this side ?... lol.... enjoy the reading please....
26 Apr 2019 | 01:54
Awww finally Am happy for them
26 Apr 2019 | 04:20
am happy now!!!
26 Apr 2019 | 18:57
hmmm is good ur guys are back together,I'm happy for you
26 Apr 2019 | 20:35
My alarm wakes me up. I groan as I roll over to shut it off. It's seven am and I need to get up because it's my first day of senior year. I'm a bit nervous to start at a new school but Brooke told me she would introduce me to all of her friends, so that eased my anxiety a bit. Luke hadn't come to talk to me yet. Maybe he won't. Maybe everything with us is done. I guess he lied when he said we wouldn't just be a summer fling because summer's over and so are we. I push my thoughts aside. Not even Luke is going to ruin this day for me. I need to focus on school now, not Luke and our never ending drama. Just then there is a knock on my door. I walk over and open it to reveal Brooke. "Are you ready for your first day?" She squeals. Why was she so excited about school? "I guess so. Let me just tell Michael i'm leaving." I say as I walk over to Michael's room and knock on the door before opening it. "Michael, i'm going to school. I'll see you at three." I say. He just groans in reply so I shut his door and walk back over to Brooke. "Ready?" She asks and I nod. We take the elevator downstairs and get into her car. The drive to school is around ten minutes, since it is on the outskirts of our small town. She pulls into the parking lot and parks the car. We get out of the car and walk to the doors in silence, before Brooke speaks up. "We need to go to the office to get our timetables." She says. We walk over to the office and get our timetables. We learn that we have multiple classes together. We also have our lockers right beside each other, but that's just because it's alphabetical order and her last name is Cloman. Thank goodness i'm beside someone I know. We walk over to our lockers and I open it up, quickly putting the binders I don't need inside. "Look who it is." Someone puts there hand on Brooke's locker. I look up to see a boy. A cute boy. He has quiffed brunette hair, and warm brown eyes. "Travis! Oh my god i've missed you!" Brooke says to him as she engulfs him in a hug. "Me too. Two months is way too long to leave the country." He laughs as he pulls away from the hug. "How was America?" Brooke asks him. "Same as every year. Spent with my father's maid because he's too busy with his wife. He's on wife number five now." He laughs. "I thought he was totally in love with wife number three?" Brooke asks, laughing. "I thought so too!" Their laughter dies down and Brooke turns to me. "This is May." Brooke introduces me. "Travis." He says as he sticks his hand out for me to shake. What a gentleman. "Hi." I smile. "Are you new here?" He asks. "Yeah, I moved here last month." "She's Michael's sister." Brooke explains. "Michael Clifford?" Travis asks sounding surprised. "Yeah. Do you know him?" I ask. "I know of him." He says. Whatever that means. I just nod and smile. "Where's everyone else?" Travis asks Brooke. I assume he's talking about the rest of their friend group. "I don't know. We'll see them at lunch though. Come on May we need to get to class." Brooke says........... "Oh, okay. Nice meeting you!" I say to Travis as Brooke pulls me down the hall. "He's nice." I say to Brooke once we take our seats. "And cute. And single." She adds. "Brooke!" I shriek as I push her arm playfully. "Just saying." She winks and I just roll my eyes. - The bell rings for lunch. Luckily I had class with Brooke so she could take me to the cafeteria, otherwise I would for sure get lost. We walk to the cafeteria and sit at a table with a few other people. "Guys this is May. May, this is guys." Brooke says. "You're such a shit introducer." A girl laughs. "I'm Zoey. This is Sophia, Josh, and Travis." She introduces them. "We've met." Travis smirks. I blush and look away. "What brought you to Sydney?" Zoey asks. "Um, my brother." I say. I decide to leave out the fact that I moved to be closer to my boyfriend as well but we're now broken up because my brother was his best friend and didn't approve but now he does and he still hasn't called me. "Her brother's Michael." Travis says to the group. "Clifford?!" They all say at the same time. What was it with everyone in this town asking that. How did everyone know him? I nod. "How does everyone know him?" I ask. "He uh―he used to go here." Josh says. "Oh yeah." I nod. "Wait! Are you May as in the girl who's dating Luke? Brooke told me all about you!" Sophia says as she claps her hands together. I turn to Brooke immediately and she gives me an apologetic look. I don't like that she's telling my personal business to people I don't even know but, that's Brooke the blabber mouth for you. "Uh, I used to." I say. "What do you mean used to? Sophia asks. "We broke up." I say quietly. I didn't like talking about Luke. He's the one topic no one should bring up to me. "Good thing you got outta that one am I right?" Travis laughs and bumps Josh's shoulder. I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" "Oh I just mean like, 'cause of how he is." "Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. "Well with everything that happened, I just figured he'd never get a girl again. Especially a nice one like you. Well, you seem nice at least." Josh says. "Guys, shut up." Brooke says. "No, tell me what you're talking about." "The Amy thing." Josh says, as if i'm supposed to know what that means. "Drop it guys." Brooke warns. "No! What Amy thing? Tell me what happened!" I say fairly loud. "Well like, two years ago Luke was dating this girl, Amy. Then Luke cheated on her with a bunch of other girls and she found out. And then he started hooking up with this Christie chick the day after they broke up. Amy was devastated and Luke didn't even care. Then Amy's brother went to go beat Luke up, but Luke and his crew beat the shit out of him. I'll never forget that day. They were so high on drugs, everyone was crowded around watching the fight. Luke probably would have killed that kid if a teacher didn't step in."..... My jaw drops. They couldn't possibly be talking about the same Luke. They couldn't be talking about the Luke that calls me baby and rubs my stomach when it's my time of the month. They couldn't be talking about the Luke that showed me his secret hideaway place that no one else knows about, or the Luke that told me everything that happened with his dad. They couldn't be talking about the Luke that tells me he loves me every second of the day. They just couldn't be. "You're probably talking about a different Luke." I say. "No, i'm talking about Luke Hemmings. The one that's best friends with Michael." Travis says. "But―he, he―" I struggle to form a sentence. Tears form in my eyes and I look back and forth between Travis and Brooke. "Is this true?" I ask Brooke. "May, I told you to drop it. He's different now. He's not the same Luke he was back then." Brooke says with saddened eyes. "But, Luke and his friends would never do that. Calum and Ashton are too nice." I say, choking back sobs. "Calum and Ashton?" Travis raises an eyebrow. "I'm talking about Jace, Michael and them." Jace? What does he mean Jace? And Michael? I thought Michael and Luke hated Jace. Jace was the one Luke almost got in a fight with that night at the party when he tried to come onto me. Michael said Jace's group was just a stoner group that crashed their parties, he never said he was friends with him. "What do you mean Jace? Jace and Luke aren't friends." I say. "Maybe not anymore but back in the day they used to be tight. Man that group was scary as shit. Was Michael the same way at home as he was at school?" Josh asks. "What are you guys talking about? Michael isn't scary. And Luke's the furthest thing from." I say with tears streaming down my face, but I quickly wipe them away. I really don't want to start crying on my first day at a new school. "They used to scare the shit out of everyone. Well expect the girls. Man, Luke had them all wrapped around his finger. It had to been his quiffed hair that made them swoon. Or maybe his fucking crystal blue eyes." Travis laughs. "Remember that one time him and Christie were making out in the hallway and then that girl Jenna slapped Christie because she was hooking up with Luke too!" Josh laughs hard. Have they completely forgotten that i'm sitting right here!? "Would you guys shut the fuck up!" Brooke yells at them. "Shit, sorry." Travis says and stops laughing. "Did you really not know all of this?" Josh asks, but I don't answer. "I guess Luke hasn't changed that much. Still with those secrets of his. Luke always loved secrets." Sophia says as she looks at Brooke. What is that supposed to mean? "He's not like that! You clearly don't know him so don't worry about shit that doesn't concern you!" I come to Luke's defence. He shouldn't be spoken badly about when he's not even here to defend himself. They all widen their eyes at my outburst. "Sorry, I didn't mean―I gotta go." I say as I rush out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom. Thank god I knew where it was. I walk in and go over to the mirror. Mascara has fallen all under my eyes and my cheeks are stained with tears. This isn't exactly the greatest look for my first day. I wipe my face and splash water on it. I silently thank myself for not wearing face makeup today. I can't believe what they were saying. They have to be lying, or pulling some sort of joke of me. Luke is nothing like that. He's the complete opposite. And they mentioned Michael, too. Michael is nothing like that either. They have to be talking about the wrong people. But Brooke kept telling them to shut up, so she must know something. - I struggle to get through the rest of the day. The last bell finally rings and I rush over to my locker and quickly start putting my binders into it. "May!" Brooke calls from down the hall. I shut my locker and quickly start to walk the other way. "May wait!" Brooke yells and she runs to catch up with me. She grabs my arm and I turn around. "I need to go." I say. "I drove you here though. Don't you need a ride home?" She asks. Shit, she's right. I would walk but it's way too far. I nod and walk out to her car with her. Most of the car ride is silent, until she breaks it. "May I―" "Stop talking." I say, looking out the window. "May, please. I didn't know they were going to say that stuff." "So it's true?" She sighs and nods her head. "They aren't like that anymore though. They've changed so much!" "They? Meaning Luke and my brother, right?" I ask. She nods. We pull up to my apartment building and I get out of the car without saying another word. "I'm sorry!" She calls out the window, but I ignore her. I go upstairs and unlock my door. I open it to see Michael and Cora making out on the couch. "Oh god!" I yell as I shield my eyes from the horrific sight. "Shit!" Cora says as she gets off of Michael and stands up. "Sorry, why are you home so early?" Michael asks. "It's three o'clock.." I say. "Oh, I guess I lost track of time." Michael says as he tries to fix his messy hair. "How was your first day?" "I uh―I gotta go." I say as I open the door. "Wait what? You just got home though." Michael says. "I need to be somewhere." "Okay, where?" He asks. "Just somewhere, okay!" I yell as I slam the door and walk onto the elevator. I need to see Luke........ ----------------------------- please like and comment and let me know how you guys are feelin' about everything right now in the story.... thank you!!! ✌??
27 Apr 2019 | 15:40
I Also bliv dat Luke has changed from wat dey made u blive,,, besides it won't be easy to tel u such disheartening things he did in d past
28 Apr 2019 | 13:13
still following
28 Apr 2019 | 18:57
The walk over to Luke's house seems to fly by, and before I know it, i'm standing at his front door. I contemplate turning around and just going home but, I know if I don't do this now, I never will. I knock on the door and anxiously wait for Luke to answer. He opens the door and looks better than Michael described him. He's clean, hair done, and wearing nice clothes. He seems just fine to me. His eyes widen at the sight of me. "May? What are you doing here?" He asks. "I need to talk to you." I say as I let myself in. "I know. Me too. I've just been waiting for the right time to come over and I just don't know what to say and―" "No, I didn't come here to discuss what we are... or what we have..... nah!.... That's not important right now. I came here because I need to talk to you." "Okay," He drags on the word. "About what?" "Well, I started school and―" I start. "Oh my god I completely forgot! How is it?" I immediately break into sobs. "Hey, what happened?" Luke rushes over to me but I put my hand out to stop him from coming near me. "They told me!" I cry. "Who? Told you what?" "Brooke's friends told me about you and Michael! And your little group with Jace! They told me about the Amy thing!" Luke's eyes widen and guilt washes over his face. "Oh god. It's true isn't it?" I sob and cover my mouth with my hand. "May, please you've got to let me explain!" He says. I can't believe what i'm hearing right now. I stood up for Luke today because I couldn't imagine this to be true. But here I am, learning that it is. Everything I knew about Luke was a lie. I turn to walk out of his house but he grabs my wrist to stop me. "Don't touch me!" I scream as I rip my arm from his grasp. "Baby just let me explain." He says. I can hear him choking back tears. "Don't you dare call me that!" I yell. "I'm sorry! You have to let me explain! Please, just let me explain." He begs. I literally have to grab my own wrist to keep from wiping his tears away. "Fine." I say as I walk to sit on the couch. Luke follows and sits on the couch across from me. "If i'm going to tell you this, you have to listen with an open mind. And no interrupting." Luke says. "Okay." I nod. He takes a deep breath. "Okay, yes what they said is true." "What the fuck is wrong with you!" I yell. "You said you wouldn't interrupt." He says. I wave my hand to signal him to continue. "Two years ago I dated a girl named Amy. We dated for about eight months. I cheated on her a lot and eventually she found out. She broke up with me and then the next day I was already with another girl. Amy got mad and told her older brother everything. So the next day he came up to me, Michael and everybody and tried to start a fight with us. I got a few hits in but Jace did most of it. I barely even remember it because I was so high. After that fight, there were more with other random people. Pointless fights that I can barely remember. I used to just party a lot and get high, hook up with different girls and spend all night out. Eventually, Michael got sick of it all and he stopped. He told me I should too. And then one day when I was actually sober, he sat me down and we talked about everything and the people we have become. We both decided we didn't like those people. So, we stopped. I stopped all the hooking up with random girls. I stopped all the drugs, and we cut off Jace and the group. Then we met Ash, Calum, Cora, and the rest of them. We knew we fit in better with them, and we've just been with them ever since. Jace was always mad though about Michael and I ditching him so when you told him you were Michael's sister, he tried to mess with you. There it is." Luke says. My cheeks are stained with tears and my makeup is for sure smudged all down my face. I can barely control my sobbing as I bring my hand over my mouth in disbelief. "Say something." He begs. "Who are you?" I ask in shock as I shake my head. I truthfully didn't know Luke Hemmings. I had no idea who the stranger that sat in front of me was. "You know who I am." He stands up and sits beside me. "Who I am when i'm with you―that's the real me. I haven't done any of that shit in years. Yeah I used to be like that before I met you but that's just it, it was before I met you." Luke sobs. "Did you cheat on me too?" I dare to ask. He moves back in shock. "Are you serious? Of course I didn't! I love you!" "You probably told Amy the same thing!" I yell. I couldn't help but feel bad for the girl I didn't even know. I felt ashamed of Luke. How could he do something like this? He isn't the same person I thought I knew. "I didn't! I've only ever loved you! May this was all two years ago. Even before I met you I was clean. I haven't done any of this for such a long time. I guess I just did it because I was a rebellious kid who was acting out because his dad walked out on him. I know it's not an excuse but it's all i've got." He says honestly. "I need to go." I say as I stand up. Luke drops to his knees in front of me. "Please don't. Talk to me." He cries. "I don't know what to say." I whimper. "I'm not proud of who I used to be. That's why I didn't want to tell you. I didn't want you to see me as that guy." He sobs against my legs. I instinctively bring my hand to his hair, but immedately pull away. I walk away towards the front door. Just as I am about to walk out, Luke speaks. "I love you." He whispers. I may not know who Luke is anymore; but I know one thing. I know a version of Luke. A version no one else knows but me. I sigh. "I love you too." I say as I walk out and shut the door behind me...... ------------------------ Hmmmmm...soo it's all true!! What do you guys thinks about Luke hiding his old life? And what do you think May's going to do about it all? Please comment and like!.... hmmm.... I know i'm probably annoying always asking for likes... but as writer, it really boost my confidence to receive more likes and comments from you guys. I work so hard on these episodes and I try to have an update for everyone everyday! So i'd just really appreciate if you could all take one second to like it and comment! and also..... thank you all so much for reading and grateful to you all!!!.... and let's keep it rolling cuz their are still more to come..... ❤?❤
28 Apr 2019 | 19:43
If you love him forgive him
29 Apr 2019 | 04:32
all dat happened in d past and May can also testify to dis new Luke,,, so why would she want to dwell in d past she was not even featured in
29 Apr 2019 | 12:58
if u love him like u said,than what is ur problem with his past life, can't u just forgive him an get back together with him again?
29 Apr 2019 | 18:11
I am woken up by the sound of my alarm clock yet again. I shut it off and get up out of bed. After I came home from Luke's last night, I spoke to Michael about it all. He told me exactly what Luke told me, so I know it must be true. Luke tried to call me a bunch of times last night but I could not bring myself to answer the phone. I get dressed in sweat pants and a plain black v-neck. I throw my hair in a bun and don't even bother to put makeup on. I'm in no mood to get dressed up nice today. Brooke texts me she is here and I walk out the door. I am thankful that Michael is still asleep because I honestly don't know what I would say to him. I didn't say anything to him after he explained everything to me last night, I just went to my room and shut the door. I climb into Brooke's car and put my seatbelt on. "Hey." She says with a small smile. "Hi." I say. "May, i'm really sorry about everything yesterday. I didn't think they were going to say all that shit." "Why didn't you just tell me in the first place? You knew and you didn't tell me!" I raise my voice. "Don't get mad at just me! Cora, Calum and Ash knew too! We just thought it would be best for Luke or Michael to tell you when they wanted to tell you. It's none of our business, which is why we didn't say anything." She says honestly. I sigh loudly. "You're right. I'm sorry I just―I don't know how to take all of this. I always thought Luke was the sweet guy that everyone loved. But he isn't. He's the guy that people are afraid to know. I just feel like everything I knew about him is a lie." "You can't think that way. He was like that two years ago. Last year he was the same as he is now. He's been such a nice person for the past few years. And since he's met you, he's been ten times nicer than how he was. You make him better, May. Don't give up on him because of how he used to be." I rub my face with my hands. "It's not only about Luke though. It's Michael too. He moved away from Melbourne to get away from Clay and his group. Then he comes to Sydney and becomes friends with the exact same kind of people. I just―I don't get it. Every time I talked to Michael on the phone he seemed fine. He was always nice and he never seemed intoxicated or anything. And he never mentioned Jace or anybody. He always just talked about Luke. But he always said such good things about him." I say, tears forming in my eyes. "Michael never belonged in that group. Everyone at school knew that. Every time Jace finished beating some kid up, him and his group would walk away laughing. But Michael always stayed behind to make sure the kid was okay. Your brother's a good person, May. He always has been." She tells me. I look up at her with tears in my eyes. "What about Luke? Did he stay behind too?" I ask with hope. She exhales and shakes her head slowly. "He would walk off with Jace. But that's only because most of the time he was high. He's nothing like that anymore though. You have to know that." "I just―I feel like I know a completely different Luke than everyone else. I feel like everyone else is scared of him still. He's not the person I thought he was." We pull into the parking lot and Brooke shuts the car off. She turns to me and puts her hands over mine. "He is exactly the person you think he is. The Luke that people at school know isn't the one that you know. Travis, Josh and them haven't seen Luke since he graduated. They all know the old Luke." She tells me. I shrug. "I don't know, I can't think of this right now. I need to focus on school." I get out of the car and Brooke and I walk inside to our lockers. Travis and the group are all standing there already....... "Hey guys." Brooke says. "Hey. Listen May, we're all really sorry about yesterday. We thought you knew about―" Travis starts before I stop him. "Can we please talk about something else?" I ask. "Sure." He smiles. He has a really nice smile. We talk for a few minutes before going to class. Before I know it, it's lunch. Brooke and I walk to the table we sat at yesterday, but only Travis is sitting there. "Where is everyone?" Brooke asks him as we sit down. "Zoey and Josh are probably fucking in his car and Sophia said she has detention all of lunch period." Travis explains. "Wait, Zoey and Josh are dating?" I ask. Travis nods his head. "Yeah, since year nine." "Oh." I say as I eat my food. The rest of lunch is spent talking about various topics, until the bell rings. Brooke hurries out of the cafeteria. "Where are you going?" I call to her. "Math. If i'm late Mr. Turner will kill me!" She says, hurrying out. I walk over to my locker with Travis and get my binder. "Hey uh, I don't know if this is too soon but, I was wondering if maybe you wanted to hang out sometime?" Travis asks me. I have no idea what to say to him. I don't know what he's expecting. Does he want to hang out as friends, or does he expect it to be a date? I decide I hope he means as friends. "Yeah sure." I smile. "Great! How about tonight?" He asks. "Okay." "Six o'clock?" I nod. We say our goodbyes and I go off to my classes. The day flies by and before I know it, it's time to go home. I walk over to my locker and wait for Brooke. After a few minutes she comes running down the hall towards me. "Sorry I took so long, I was getting college brochures." She apologizes as we walk out of the school. We get into her car and she immediately starts up conversation. "So," She drags on the 'o', "I hear you and Travis are hanging out tonight?" She smirks. "Who told you that?" "Josh." "How does Josh know?" I ask. "Travis and him are best friends, he probably told him." She shrugs. "Oh. Well yeah, we are. But it's not a big deal. I mean, we're hanging out as friends. I hope he knows that." I say. "Yeah he knows. But honestly would it be so bad if it was more than a casual hang out? Why can't it be a date?" She asks, even though she clearly knows why. I look at her and raise an eyebrow. "Are you and Luke going to get back together?" She asks. "Honestly, probably not. Best case scenario we'll be friends again. But, I don't think we'll date again. Too much has happened." I answer truthfully. "So then why can't it be a date tonight with Travis?! Move on, May." "Um, it's a little soon don't you think?" I say bitterly. Truth is, I don't want to move on from Luke. At least not yet. I'm still so in love with him, I can't just let go in a matter of a day. He's still the one who's crowding my thoughts. He's the last person I think about before I go to sleep and the first one when I wake up. He's the first person I ever said I love you to. I'm not ready to give that all up just yet...... "Well why waste time? If you're not going to get back then don't spend your time sulking ove―" "It's really none of your business, Brooke." I bark. "Oh," Her face falls, "Sorry." The rest of the car ride is silent. When she pulls up to my apartment building I get out and mumble a quick goodbye before shutting the door and hurrying upstairs. I turn the lock slowly, silently praying Michael isn't home. "Hey." He says from the couch. Great. "Hi." I say as I walk to my room as shut the door. I pull out my homework and put in my headphones. A few hours pass and I hear a knock on my door. The door opens to reveal Michael. "Are we not even going to talk?" He asks as he stands in the doorway. "About what?" I ask as I continue to do my homework. Senior year was seriously going to kill me. It was only the second day and I had piles of homework already. "I'm pretty sure you know what." He says as he walks into my room and sits on the edge of my bed. "There's nothing more to say." I shrug. "Well there obviously is if you're still so mad over it." I rip my headphones out of my ears as I push my chair out and stand up. "You think i'd just get over it all in one night? You and Luke had a life that I never knew about! And everyone kept it from me! Do you know how stupid that makes me look! I'm so humiliated! I walked around totally oblivious to everything that happened once upon a time!" I shout. "Stop acting like we had some double life! Everyone knew the way Luke and I were! But that was so long ago! So what was the point in telling you if we're nothing like that anymore! Does Luke know that you used to smoke? Does Luke know you used to hang out with Clay and his group? Does he, May?!" Michael screams at the top of his lungs. My eyes widen. Here I was getting mad at Luke for smoking, and drinking, and cheating on his girlfriend but I seem to have forgot I was the same way-minus the cheating. I'm being a hypocrite. "No, he doesn't know." I almost whisper. "Well maybe you should try being honest with him, just like he was with you! But unlike you, he'll probably forgive you because he's not hypocritical!" He yells. "Stop yelling at me!" His shoulders fall. "I'm sorry. But this is exactly why I never wanted to tell you. I knew this is how you would react." He says in a calmer tone. Just then my phone beeps. I grab it to see a text from Travis, telling me he's outside. I completely forgot I was hanging out with him tonight. I reply with 'coming' before locking my phone and grabbing my purse. "I've gotta go." I say as I walk out into the main room. "Go where? To talk to Luke?" Michael asks. "No, i'm hanging out with Travis." "Travis? Who's he?" "He's a friend I met at school." I say. "Wait, Travis Walker? As in Brooke's friend Travis?" He asks. I nod. "That's the one. Do you know him?" "Not really. I helped him up once after Jace kicked his ass in year nine." Of course he did. Well, at least he helped him. "Oh. Alright well i'll see you later on." I say as I open the front door. "Wait!" Michael calls and I turn around. "This isn't like―a date, is it?" I laugh and roll my eyes. "No, Mikey. It's not a date." I take the elevator downstairs and walk to Travis' car. "Hey." I say as I get inside and shut the door. "Hiya." He says as he starts the engine. Hiya . What a nerd. I laugh at my own thoughts. "So what did you want to do?" I ask. "I uh, I made reservations at Silversword." He says. "Silversword? But that place is so expensive." He shrugs. "It's okay. I get a certain discount." He smiles. "Why?" "My brother is the owner." He says casually. His brother is the owner of Silversword?! That's the most expensive restaurant you can ever eat in. It's probably like twenty dollars just for a glass of water. You'd need to make reservations like, two months in advance. Well, anyone but the owner's brother would need to. We pull up to the restaurant and he gets out of the car. I open the car door and step out, just as he reaches my side of the car. "I was going to open the door for you." He smiles sweetly. "Oh." I laugh. We go inside and stand at the reservation podium. Immediately a woman comes over to us with a wide smile on her face. "Hello, Travis. Your table is ready for you." She says as she leads us to a table. Travis pulls my seat out for me and I thank him with a small smile. She hands us two menus. "Thanks, Kim." He says. I guess he must know the staff pretty well since his brother owns the place. "I'll give you two a minute to decide what you want." She smiles as she walks off. "You must know everyone who works here." I laugh slightly. "Yeah, mostly. But I know Kim because she's my brother's fiancee." He explains. "Oh." I say. "How old is your brother?" "He's thirty something. I don't know exactly." He laughs. That's quite an age gap. "He's my step brother. My mom is married to his dad." He states. "Oh, I see." I say. The rest of the dinner is spent making small talk about our families, friends, and plans for college. I learn that Travis is one of six kids, but he's the oldest, excluding his step brother. His dad moved to America when he was seven, and every summer he goes there to see him. But he said that his dad moves on from wife to wife, and when he's there he never really gets to spend time with him. He also tells me that his mother spends all of her time with his siblings that she tends to ignore him. I feel bad for Travis. He seems so alone. I didn't tell him much about my family, only that my parents are divorced and my dad lives back in Melbourne. We pull up to my apartment and I unbuckle my seat belt. "Thank you so much for tonight. I had a great time." I say as I step out of the car. "Wait, i'll walk you up." He says as he turns the car off and gets out. "Oh that's okay, you don't have to." "I want to." He smiles. I return the smile and we take the elevator up to my floor. We walk over to my apartment and I take out my key. "This is me." I say. "So you really live on your own?" He asks. "Well, I live with Michael. But yeah, pretty much." "That's so cool!" He chirps and I giggle. "Thanks again for tonight. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I say as I go to unlock my door. "Wait." He says as he grabs my wrist. I turn around and just as I do, he smashes his lips onto mine. Before I can even react, ..... his body is lifted off of mine and pinned against the wall........ ------------------------ -- huh.... hhhhoooooo ..... Travis made a move on May!!.... What do you guys think about that all?... Should May try and move on from Luke?.... Please like and comment!!!..... and who do you all think that was.... that lifted Travis body away from may and pin it against the wall....let me know in the comments box below.... thanks ?!!! ✌??❤??
29 Apr 2019 | 22:45
I guess Luke or Mikey,,, but y is may moving from one guy to d oda,,, she is just a sisy
30 Apr 2019 | 05:16
Nice one from Mikey Travis deserve to get a blow
30 Apr 2019 | 09:07
I don't know how u kids behave @May, just a single mistake and u have decided not to get back to Luke Hmm, If I say u are too young to be keeping a boyfriend am I wrong? cause u don't know what the word love means.
30 Apr 2019 | 11:49
She should stick with Luke. After all he's now a changed person and May herself wasn't even a saint
30 Apr 2019 | 14:25
30 Apr 2019 | 17:16
Travis' body is lifted from mine and pinned against the wall. It takes me a second to register what is happening. "Luke! Get off of him!" I run over and try to pull Luke back. Why was Luke here in the first place? Probably with Michael I assume. "What the fuck are you doing kissing my girlfriend!" Luke screams in Travis' face. "She's not even your girlfriend anymore!" Travis yells back. "You don't know shit!" Luke says as he collides his fist with Travis' face. "Luke!" I scream. "What the fuck man!" Travis yells as he holds his eye. "You better never come near her again or I swear i'll―" "Luke please! Just go inside." I say as I try to pull Luke's arm. "You touch her again and it'll be the last time you touch anyone again." Luke warns as he walks into my apartment. My mind flashes back to the night that Luke told Jace the same thing. "I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" I ask Travis. "Seems to me like he hasn't changed a bit." Travis spits as he walks away. I sigh before walking into my apartment and slamming the door behind me. I see Luke in the kitchen, icing his hand. "What the fuck was that!" He yells. "What do you mean!? You're the one that punched him!" "Yeah because I open the door to see my girlfriend making out with some guy! I'm obviously going to hit him!" "We weren't making out. He just kissed me. But as soon as he did, you pulled him off. And i'm not your girlfriend anymore." I say. "Did you kiss back?" He asks. "No, of course not." I say. He really has no right to even be asking me any of this. He doesn't own me. I don't like Travis but if i did, it would be none of Luke's business. "Well why wouldn't you? Like you said, you're not my girlfriend anymore." Luke snaps. "Would you stop! I didn't kiss him back because I don't like him!" "Why not?!" Luke yells, coming closer to me. "Because I love you , you jerk!" I scream. He looks up at me, anger washed away immediately from my words. "You do?" "Well obviously. I'm not going to stop in a matter of a day." "You didn't kiss him back?" He asks again. "I already told you I didn't." I respond. "Okay." He sighs. "What are you doing here anyways?" I ask. I don't understand why he's here if Michael isn't. Maybe he came to see me. Doubtful. "Michael let me in before he went to Ashton's." He answers. "Why didn't you go with him?" "Because I didn't come to see Michael, I came to see you. I was about to leave though because you were taking so long, then I saw you kiss that fucking asshole." I'm about to tell him that I didn't kiss him, he kissed me; but I decide to not bring it up further. "Why did you come to see me?" I ask...... He sighs before sitting on the couch. He rubs his hands over his face in frustration. "I know we're not together but, I just need someone to talk to." "Why don't you talk to Mikey?" "Because I need you ." My heart jumps at his words. It's nice to know he still needs me, just like I still need him. "What's going on?" I ask. His lips tighten and his eyes fill with―sadness? "My dad came to my house." What the fuck? His dad?! "What do you mean? Why did he come?" I ask as I sit beside him. Now I understand why Luke wanted to talk to me about this. I'm the only person he ever told about his father. This was always such a hard topic for Luke. Even though we're not together anymore, I still care about him, and i'll be there for him no matter what our status is. "He said he wants to be a part of my life. His wife left him and took full custody of his kid. He has no one so he came crawling back. I'm liking second fucking choice to him! I haven't seen him in years, and now just because he lost his new family he thinks he can come back to his old one? It's fucking bullshit!" Luke screams and stands up. I grab his hand. "Sit." I almost whisper. He sits down again. "He said he wanted to make things right with me. He told me he already spoke to my brothers and my mum. He said they fucking forgave him and want to move on from everything. How can they forgive him after everything he put the family through!" I put my hand in his. "You don't have to forgive him if you don't want to. He doesn't deserve your forgiveness anyway. I know you took it all the hardest and you just want to protect your mum, but you also have to let your family make their own decisions. If they want to forgive him, then you can't tell them not to. But in no way do you have to forgive him and move on like they are." I say. "Does it make me a bad person for not forgiving him? I mean, my mum did. So did Ben and Jack." He says. I can hear him choking back sobs. "No, of course not. Luke, your dad is the bad guy here. Not you." I say. "I'm sorry for coming here and dumping this all on you, I just needed someone to talk to. Well, I needed you ." "Luke, i'm always here for you. You know that. You're not dumping anything on me. I want to help you, always." I tell him. He looks up at me and glances back and forth between my eyes and lips and starts leaning towards me. Before I can stop him, he smashes his on mine. I immediately kiss back and my body feels as if it turned to jello. My brain finally registers what's happening and I pull away. "Luke, we shouldn't-" I put my hand on his chest. "Please." He cries as he puts his hand on mine. I sigh before crashing my lips back on his. I've missed this so much. I've missed his taste. I've missed the way our lips mould perfectly together, and the way our tongues battle for dominance. I've missed him so much. We must be crazy. I don't understand any of this. Not even five minutes ago, we were screaming at each other and now, we can't seem to let go of one another. Blood rushes to my head making me feel slightly dizzy as I bring my hand to the back of his neck and pull on his hair slightly, knowing he loves that. I feel his tongue swipe against my bottom lip. Unsurely, I part my lips and grant him access. Our tongues battle for dominance before I give up and let him win. I know this is wrong but at this moment, it feels so right. He pulls away from my lips and moves down my jawline, to my neck and collarbones. "Luke." I moan. "I've missed you moaning my name." He says against my skin. Just then he stands up and pulls me up with him. He grabs me by my thighs and wraps them around his waist. He guides me into my bedroom, shutting the door with his foot. He brings me over to the bed and puts me down, immediately crawling over me and reattaching his lips to mine. "I could've killed that guy for kissing you. You're my girl." He says against my lips. He slowly moves down to my collar bones, and then pulls my shirt up slightly, trailing kisses down my stomach. I arch my back so he can remove my shirt. He pulls it off and throws it on the floor beside my bed. I discard of his as well. I know this probably isn't the best timing but at this moment, all I want is him. "I want you." I moan. "Me too." He moans against my lips. "No, I mean-" He pulls away and looks at me. "You mean you want to―" He stops. I nod as I bring my hand down, palming him through his pants. He puts his hand over mine, seizing all movement. "Are you sure?" He asks. "Yes. I've never been more sure." Luke and I may not be labeled as girlfriend and boyfriend at the moment but that doesn't matter. He is mine and I am his. We know that much. I love him and he loves me. He wraps his fingers around my leggings and pulls them off in a swift movement. My panties follow and he throws them both on the floor. I arch my back once again so he can unhook my bra. He attaches his lips back to mine, but all too soon he pulls away. I whimper at the sudden loss of contact. He walks over to the door and locks it before pulling his wallet out of his back pocket. He grabs a condom and shimmies out of his jeans and boxers quickly, before rejoining me on my bed. I'm a bit thrown off as to why he is carrying around a condom in his wallet, but I decide to let it go. I don't want to ruin this near perfect moment. He rips the wrapper open and quickly slides on the condom. He attaches his lips to mine as I tangle my fingers through his hair. He moves his hands to cup my cheeks as he looked into my eyes. "I love you. More than anything." He says. "I love you, too." I whisper. He presses his lips to mine once again as I prepare for the best night of my life........... ------------------------ sorry guys..... i don't feel comfortable writing full on sex scenes but luke and may finally did it!!!.... I hope you guys like the timing, I know I do!!!.... lol ? .... What do you guys think of everything that is happening?.... please like and comment!!!!...... thanks!!!
30 Apr 2019 | 17:47
Nice one but finish it You can't leave me hanging?
1 May 2019 | 05:08
1 May 2019 | 10:09
u better complete what they have started
1 May 2019 | 17:09
0 Likes sorry folk's ...for the delay of next episode...kind of little tired and stressed up yesterday i promise to make it up to you guys soon with a massive so please just stay with me ...cuz am working on it already....thanks!!
2 May 2019 | 06:41
You have to complete it oooo
2 May 2019 | 11:07
Luke and I lay on my bed, recovering from our highs. What I feel at this exact moment is indescribable. I've never felt so close to someone before, and i'm glad that person is Luke. I rest my head on him as I plant a light kiss on his bare torso. "Luke?" I ask. "Hmm?" "Was I―you know―okay?" I embarrassingly ask. He lifts his head from the pillow and looks at me, cupping my cheek in his hand. "Are you kidding me, May? You were perfect. You are perfect." He smiles as he dips his head down to kiss me. "Who was the first person you lost it to?" I ask, biting my lip. "No one important." He shrugs. "Do I know her?" He sighs. "Uh, yeah. But it doesn't really matter." I sit up on my forearms. "Tell me. I wanna know." "You really wanna know?" He asks. I nod. "I really do." He exhales deeply before speaking. "Cora." I gasp and end up choking on my own spit. "Cora?! Does Michael know that?" He nods. "Yeah. But it was before they ever started dating. This was back in year nine." I widen my eyes. "Year nine?! You lost your virginity in year nine? That made you what, fourteen at the time?" He laughs slightly. "Yeah. I had no idea what I was doing. It was by far the most awkward experience of my life." I cover my face and giggle. "I can't believe you had sex with Cora." "What about you? Who did you lose it to?" He asks. "Uhh―I uh―" "Was it a football player? Or some stoner kid? Oh, or was it―" "You." I blurt out, "It was you." "What?" His eyes widen. "You mean you were a―" "Yeah. I know I should have told you but I was just embarrassed because I knew you weren't and I didn't want it to be awkward." "Well was it okay? Did I make the experience okay?" He asks. "It was better than okay. It's something i'm never going to forget. And what made it all the better was that it was with you. The only boy i've ever loved. " Luke looks at me with an unreadable expression. What is he thinking? "Why are you looking at me like that?" I question. Luke is broken from his thoughts and shrugs slightly. "No reason it's just," He stops. "Just what?" Oh no. "It's just―for a virgin you really knew what you were doing." He smirks. I shriek and slap his shoulder. "Luke!" I bury my face in the crook of his neck. "Just saying, babe." He kisses the top of my head. I was so lucky to have someone like Luke. Someone so caring, and passionate, and loving. He was truthfully the best person I know. I was so wrong to get mad at him over his past. "I'm sorry." I say. "For what?" He asks. I sit up, covering myself with the bed sheet. "For freaking out at your over what Brooke's friends told me. I shouldn't have even gotten mad in the first place. I didn't even know you then. And clearly you aren't that person anymore. I guess I was just overwhelmed to hear all that, that I kinda reacted badly."............ He sits up too. "Baby, you don't have to apologize. I would have reacted the same way if I found out the person I love used to be like that." He says. I widen my eyes. Little does he know that the person he loves was like that. Exactly like that, actually. Luke was honest with me about his past, I think I owe it to him to be honest about mine. "I need to tell you something." "Okay, shoot." "You were completely honest with me about your past so I need to be honest about mine. I shouldn't have freaked out on you because―well because I was the same way. I never cheated on my boyfriend but I used to get high all the time and party a lot too. I was actually part of Clay's group up until I came here. We used to do some pretty bad stuff. I used to act out because my dad never really―I don't know, he never payed attention to me, I guess. After Michael and my mum left, he threw himself into his work and basically ignored me. So, I acted out to get his attention. I realized as soon as I met you though that none of that stuff is even important. You are what's important. And before you get mad I just want you to know―" My rant is cut off by Luke's lips on mine. I immediately respond and kiss him back. I sigh into the kiss, surprised at his reaction to my honesty. He pulls away and rests his forehead on mine. "What was that for?" I ask. "Because I love you. I don't care about your past. I only care about the present and the future. I love you and nothing is going to change that." He smiles as he kisses the tip of my nose. Tears form in my eyes immediately. "Hey, why are you crying? Shouldn't you be happy?" He asks as he wipes the tears from my eyes with his thumb. "I am happy." I sniffle. "But now I feel like such an ass for getting mad at you." He chuckles. "Well after how you just rode me, I don't think anything you do or say could make me mad at you." "Luke!" I squeal as my cheeks immediately turn red. "I'm serious." "I am too." He laughs and I raise my eyebrows at him. "May, you had all right to be mad at me. No one told you about how I used to be, so it caught you off guard. I don't know any of your old friends, so it matters less to me. You see these people everyday, so I get why you got so angry about it all." How can he be so understanding? I can't even express my love for this boy. "I love you so much." I say. He looks at me with widen eyes. "What? I ask him. He acts like it's the first time i've said that to him. "Nothing. I just like the way you said that." He smiles as we both lay back down. I don't ever want to leave this perfect bubble Luke and I are in. I know the minute we step out of this room, everything will get harder. I just want everything to be easy. "May?" He asks after a while. "Yeah?" "Can I ask you something?" My heart flutters. What was he going to ask me? "Anything." I say as I look up at him, my breathing hitching. "Will you be my girlfriend, again?" He asks, biting his lip. "I kinda thought I already was." I smirk as I press my lips to his. Just as he is about to deepen the kiss, a voice breaks us from our perfect little bubble. Michael. When doesn't Michael interrupt us? "May? Are you home?" He calls from outside my bedroom. "Shit! Get dressed!" I say to Luke as I stand up and scramble for my clothes, throwing Luke's over to him at the same time. "May?" Michael calls out again. "One second!" I yell back. I hurry and put my clothes on before opening the bedroom door and stepping out. "Hey, Mikey." "Hey I was just gonna―what happened to your hair?" He laughs. I look in the hallway mirror to see my hair is an absolute mess. Probably from what occurred in my bedroom less than an hour ago. "Nothing." I say as I try my best to fix it. "How was your night with Travis?" "It was fine." I shrug. Just then there's a loud noise from my room. What is Luke doing in there? "What was that? Is someone in your room?" He asks. "Umm, uh-huh." I blush. "Is Travis in your room?!" Michael asks. "No, no!" Just then Luke comes out of my room, buttoning up his pants. I mentally slap him for not doing that before he came out. He's going to make everything so obvious. Not that I care if Michael knows about Luke and I having sex, it was just a bit awkward. "Luke?" Michael asks in shock. "Uhh, hey bro." Luke forces a smile. Michael glances down to Luke still fumbling to button his jeans. "But I thought you―and you―why were―oh―OH!" Michael pieces everything together. I groan and cover my face. "You two sure waste no time making up." Michael chuckles. I'm surprised he didn't get mad. But, he did say he doesn't care if we date. So he must know we are obviously going to do more than just play video games and kiss. "I'm gonna go." Luke says awkwardly. "No stay." I say. "Yeah, don't leave on my account. I said I was fine with you two being together and I meant it." Michael says. "Okay. Do you guys want to grab some dinner?" Luke asks. "Luke it's two in the morning." I laugh. "Yeah, so?" Luke chuckles. "You two go, I already ate." Michael says as he walks to his bedroom. We nod as we walk to the front door before Michael turns around and calls my name. "I'm happy for you guys." He says with a smile. "Thanks, Mikey." I smile before we walk out the door. "Where to?" Luke asks as we sit in his car, although there aren't many places open at this time. "Anywhere but Silversword." I laugh. Finally, I have the boy I love back..... --------------------- hey!!!.... sorry guys.... it's been a few days since my last update! i've been soo busy. i'm trying my best to have updates pre-written so it's quicker to update... Finally Luke and May are back together! Is everyone happy about that or do you think something could have happened with Travis? Please comment and like..... ❤
3 May 2019 | 07:41
this is berrer
3 May 2019 | 13:04
yeah I'm happy them
3 May 2019 | 18:24
@jehliohn ..... are you also with me on this story.....if not check it out from episode 1.... its still on going.....and am just getting sure you won't want to miss any bit of the line....? lol ? ✌
4 May 2019 | 15:54
"May are you ready? We're going to be late!" Brooke called from my kitchen. I was currently in my room straightening my hair and applying the finishing touches of my makeup. I walk over to my bed were Luke lays. "I gotta go." I whisper. He groans and pulls me down to him. "Stay." He mumbles. "I can't, I need to go to school. I'll see you tonight?" "Mhm. See you tonight." He smiles. I give him a peck on the cheek and go to stand up before he pulls me back down again. "Give me a proper kiss." He smirks. I lean in and kiss him softly, our lips moulding perfectly together as always. I feel him smile into the kiss, as do I. "I love you." He mumbles against my lips. "I love you, too." I whisper as I give him another quick kiss and stand up quickly before he can pull me back down again. I grab my phone from my desk and leave my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. "Ready." I say as I put on my shoes and grab my purse off of the kitchen counter. Once we're on the road Brooke finally speaks up. "So, you and Luke?" She asks. I bite my lip slightly. I can't manage to hold back my happiness. "Yeah." I smile. "Can't say I didn't see it coming." She rolls her eyes. I furrow my eyebrows and turn my head to her. "What's that supposed to mean?" "It just means that you're always so quick to jump right back into his arms. Even after everything." What right did she have to be saying this? Her and Luke are barely even friends. She has no role in any of this. What I choose to do in my life is my own decision. "You have no right to tell me what to do in my own life. What happened with Luke in the past means shit to me now. I didn't even know him then, so it doesn't make a difference in our relationship." "You're pretty dumb then." She scoffs. "What is your problem?" I ask. She pulls into a parking spot and slams the breaks harshly. "Luke didn't tell you did he? He didn't tell you that we hooked up?" My heart stops. "When?" I ask. Did she mean recently? "Back when he was with Amy. And then he tossed me aside as if I was nothing to him." She raises her voice. "Well you shouldn't have hooked up with someone who was in a relationship. You clearly knew the type of guy he was back then, so the blame isn't all on him." I stick up for my boyfriend. She slams her hands on the steering wheel and snaps her head to look at me. "Of course the blame is all on him! He can't keep his dick in his pants long enough to hold down a proper relationship. And I hope he cheats on you! At least that way I can't say I didn't warn you!" She yells. "Screw you, Brooke." I scream at her as I get out of the car. I walk inside the school and don't even bother going to my locker. I go to class and put my headphones in, I really can't be bothered by anyone else right now. - The day goes by fast, and before I know it the last bell rings. I didn't eat lunch with that group today. Mainly because I didn't want to be anywhere near Brooke, but also because I didn't know how to talk to Travis without it being awkward. Instead I ate outside at a picnic table with some girl named Caroline. She was really nice. And best thing of all is that she just moved to town last month. At least I was able to have a normal conversation with her. I finally had a conversation that wasn't about Luke and his past.......... Just as I am about to go to the parking lot, I realize I don't have a ride home since Brooke drove me here. I would walk home but I wouldn't be home for over an hour. I pull out my phone and press Luke's contact. "Hey baby." Luke answers the phone. "Do you answer the phone like that for everyone?" I tease. "Only you and Michael." He jokes back. "What's up?" "Can uh―can you drive me home from school?" "What about Brooke?" I sigh. "Please? I'll explain everything later." "Sure babe. I'll be there in ten." He says before hanging up. I sit on the bench outside the school and wait for Luke. I pull out my phone and scroll through my twitter feed, when I see someone's feet in front of me. I look up to see Travis, standing there with a black eye from when Luke hit him. "Oh, hey Travis." I say as I put my phone in my back pocket. "Can we talk?" I nod my head and he sits down beside me. "I'm sorry." "Look i'm really sorry." Travis says at the same time as I do. We both laugh awkwarldy. "You first." I say. "I'm sorry, you know, for kissing you and everything. I shouldn't have done that. I don't know what Luke and you are but, it's obvious that you're spoken for and I completely respect that. I just really want us to be friends." I smile. "Thank you. I really want us to be friends, too. And I'm sorry about Luke hitting you. He shouldn't have done that. He just gets really protective." I say as I motion to his black eye. "I get it. He saw another dude kissing his girl. Any other guy would have done the same." I'm so grateful he is so understanding about everything. I've only know him for a week, and he's even more understanding than Brooke. And Travis even has a justifiable reason to be mad, which is more than Brooke can say. "Thank you. For being so understanding." I say. "I think we should just put this whole thing behind us." "Agreed." I smile. I really do hope Travis and I can manage to be friends. He really is a great person. "So why are you waiting here alone? Do you need a ride?" He asks. "No that's okay. I'm waiting for Luke actually." He nods. "So you two are like, together again?" "Yeah, we are." I smile uncomfortably. "I'm happy for you." Travis says with a genuine smile. "Thanks." I say as Luke pulls up right in front of us. I look at him and immediately see a deep scowl on his face. "I'll see you around, Travis." "Yeah, see you." He says as he stands up and walks over to his car. I step inside the car and lean over to Luke, only to have him pull away. "What?" I ask. "Why were you talking to him?" He raises his voice at me. "Don't. Don't start something over nothing." I warn. "Then tell me why the fuck you were talking to him." "He was apologizing for everything that happened. He said he's happy for us. So next time, don't freak out before you even know what happened." I huff as I slouch in my seat and cross my arms. "Great, he's sorry and it's done with. He can leave you alone now." Luke says as he pulls out of the parking lot and onto the road. "You don't get to decide my friends! Travis is the nicest person i've met since i've been at school. It's nice talking to him without worrying that you hooked up with him―like I have to worry about most girls at school!" I shout. He pulls over to the side of the road. "What are you doing? You can't just pull over like this, are you crazy?!" I yell. "Are we really back to that? I thought you let it all go, May." He says with a tone I can't decipher. "I did let it all go. It's just―" "Just what?" "Brooke told me that you guys hooked up. And she freaked out at me for getting back with you. I told her to go screw herself and I haven't spoken to her since." "Oh." Luke mumbles. "Why didn't you tell me you hooked up with her? I'm not mad, I just thought you said you were going to tell me everything from now on." I say quietly. "I am. I meant that. If i'm being honest, I don't remember even hooking up with her. I must have been high or drunk out of my mind when it happened because I can't remember any of it. Trust me, if I remembered I would have told you." "I believe you." I assure him. "Good." Luke says. Things go quiet for a moment, before Luke breaks the silence. "Sorry about freaking out about Travis. I can't tell you who to be friends with." "Yeah, you acted like a caveman." I laugh as I push his shoulder slightly. He quickly grabs my wrist in his hand. "A hot caveman though, right?" He smirks. I roll my eyes before leaning over the gear shift to kiss him. I attach my lips to his and bring my arms around his neck loosely. He brings his hands to my jaw and the kiss intensifies. I climb onto his lap and straddle his waist. He reclines his seat back slightly and begins to kiss down my jawline. He brings his hands to the hem of my shirt and tugs on it as I giggle. "We're not having sex in the car." I laugh. "Why not? It'll be hot." Luke smirks. "Luke we're on the side of the road." "So? The windows are tinted, and the back seat is roomy." I laugh as I roll my eyes playfully before climbing into the back seat, Luke following suit. - We pull into the lot of my apartment building, and Luke turns the car off. "Are you sure that was only your second time?" Luke laughs with a smirk playing on his face. "Luke!" I squeal. "I love that about you." Luke says as he bites his lip. "What?" I ask, confused as to what he means. "You act so shy about us having sex, but you're the furthest thing from shy when you're underneath me." He laughs. I groan and cover my face. "Let's just go inside luke." We get upstairs and I open the door. I stop dead in my tracks when I see someone sitting on the couch....... "Mother?" I ask in shock. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the couple of the year." She slurs, looking at Luke and I. She was clearly drunk, no surprise there at all...... "What do you want?" I ask. "Don't worry, i'm not here for you. I'm here for Michael. He deserves to grow up with at least one parent."..... "He doesn't need you. He has me, and Luke.and dad." I add..... She scoffs. "Why would he need a father that isn't even his own?"..... My heart drops. What?!!!!!!!! ....... ------------------------------ oopppssss!!! what is their mother saying???.......who is Michael father??..... lol..... am sure you all might have a lot of similar questions like that going on your mind right now.... lol.... you just drop whatever is in your mind in the comments box below..... sorry I have to put you guys in a little suspense and cliffhanger.... lol..... but don't worry am updating soon... thanks!!! ✌❤??
4 May 2019 | 16:20
? @itzprince ✌
4 May 2019 | 16:33
@fb-xaarwhaskyd-brown you've gone really far, but i will try reading it from d beginning
4 May 2019 | 17:22
@jehliohn .... Ehya.... sorry bro... thought you re with me before.... just notice it now.... that's why I use my gps to track you ASAP..... lol.... but still thanks all the way for responding .... ✌?
5 May 2019 | 03:23
what!!! does Michael have different father with may ? next epi
5 May 2019 | 14:58
Now who come be Michael's father?
5 May 2019 | 15:35
@fb-xaarwhaskyd-brown thanks for d, when u see my comments, just know that i have gotten to the 'checkpoint'
5 May 2019 | 15:51
Who is Michael's father then
5 May 2019 | 16:16
"What are you talking about?" I dare to ask her.... "It doesn't concern you." She says. My mind instantly thinks back to all the times she kept talking about her so called 'mistake'. "Just because of the one mistake I made so many years ago doesn't mean you or your father are better than I am." "I don't regret doing what I did." Is this what she is talking about now? God I hope not. She can't actually mean what I think she does. "What's going on? Mum, what are you doing here?" Michael asks as he walks through the door. "Good you're here. We're just about to have a long over due family discussion." She slurs. Michael sighs heavily. "You're drunk. Just go home." "No, I think it's time you both know the truth. Since you already hate me, this probably won't make a difference." "Truth about what? What are you talking about?" I ask. "I think i'm gonna go." Luke says uncomfortably. "Good idea." My mother barks back. "No, you're family." Michael says to Luke. My mother sits at the kitchen table and motions for us to come and sit with her. I slowly walk over and sit across from her. Luke and Michael sit on both sides of me. "Okay, now truth about what?" I ask again. "Your father." Michael and I both look at each other. Oh no, I think I know what's coming next. "Or should I say, your father." My mother says as she points to me. I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" "He's only your father. Not Michael's." My heart sinks. She can't possibly be telling the truth. She's drunk, she is probably making all this up. She has to be. "What are you talking about? Of course he is." I say. She shakes her head. "Not biologically." I look at Michael to see his blank facial expression. "Who's my father then?" Michael finally speaks up after a few minutes of silence. "That's not important." She shrugs. He pushes his chair out violently as he stands up and slams his hand on the table. "Just tell me who the fuck he is! Be honest for once in your fucking life damn it!" He screams. He has every right to be this angry, but I just hate seeing him this way. How could our parents kept this a secret for almost twenty years? "His name is Ken, and I was madly in love with him." She says. "Oh god." I cringe in disgust. How can she be in love with a man who abandoned his own child? "I had an affair with him. Your father found out but he said he would raise you as his own. But I didn't want your father, I wanted Ken. So I went to find him. When I told him I was pregnant he said he wanted nothing to do with me, so I went back to your father." She explains as if it's no big deal. "You cold hearted bitch!" Michael yells. "Mikey, calm down." I lightly hold his forearm. "No! Dad is an amazing man! He told you he would raise me even though I wasn't his and you still walked out to try and find that bastard?!!! How heartless can someone be?" Michael screams........ "It wasn't like that. I loved Ken with all my heart and soul. I tried to find him again a few years ago. I did and things happened, which is the reason your father and I got divorced." "How could you?" He asks with tears in his eyes. "If i'm being honest, I never wanted to have you. But your father made me. He said you were his child even if you weren't biologically." She shrugs. How dare she tell him she never wanted him. How is the woman sitting in front of us now, the same woman who raised us? I don't recognize her at all. "Okay you need to leave." I say as I stand up and walk towards the door. "Why? I'm just being honest." "Get the hell out!" I yell. She stands up and walks towards the door. She turns back around to face Michael. "At least now you know the truth." She says as she walks out the door and I slam it behind her. I sit back with Michael and Luke. Luke! That must have been so awkward to be a part of. He hasn't said a word this whole time. He probably doesn't know what to say, neither do I. I rest my hand on Michael's. "Michael I-" "Don't. You don't have to say anything." He says as he stands up. "Please don't leave." I beg. "I'll be back. I just need some time to clear my head." He says as he kisses me on the head and walks out the door. I sigh as Luke stands up and walks over to me. He wraps his arms around my and leans his chin on the top of my head. "Are you okay?" He asks me. "No." I cry. I pull away from Luke and wipe my tears with my sleeves. "I can't believe any of this. How could she be so cold about it all? She acted as if this news wouldn't completely change our lives." "I don't think it will." Luke says. "What?" "I don't think her telling you this will change anything. You and Michael are brother and sister no matter what. Your dad is his dad, even if not by blood. You're always going to be family." Luke assures me. I smile faintly. "How do you always know the right thing to say?" He smiles back. "I don't. I just want you to be happy, always." I walk over to the couch and lay down, Luke laying beside me. We put in a movie and soon drift to sleep, my dreams being consumed by a mysterious stranger who is Michael's father. - I'm woken up by a loud noise. I sit up from the couch to see Michael stumbling inside the apartment. "Are you drunk?" I ask. "So what if I am?" He slurs. "Just go to sleep." I look at the clock, "Oh god, Michael. It's four-thirty in the morning. What have you been doing all this time?" "Who are you, my mother? Oh wait, I don't have a mother. The only mother I have is a pathetic drunk who cares about no one but herself. Come to think of it I don't have a father either. Life is great isn't it?" He says sarcastically. I stand up, careful not to wake Luke up, and walk over to him. "Just get some sleep, okay?" He scoffs. "You don't tell me what to do. It's not like you're anyone to me." Ouch. "Excuse me?" "Well it's true, May. We're not actually siblings. We don't need to act like it." He shrugs. Tears immediately brim in my eyes. "Of course we're siblings. Dad raised you as his own. You're my brother no matter what you say. We don't need to have the same biological dad, Mikey. None of that matters." He laughs. "How dumb can you be? Of course it matters. It obviously doesn't matter to you because nothing changed for you. You're not the one who has no idea who your father is!" Michael says loudly. Loudly enough to wake Luke up, but he remains asleep. "You're not either! You know who your dad is! It's James. Same as me, Michael. He will always be your father. This changes nothing." "Whatever, May." Michael says as he walks to his room, leaving me alone in my tears. I walk back over to the couch and lay beside Luke. He stirs and mumbles something I can't understand. - I wake up in the morning beside Luke. I turn to face him to see he is already awake. "Morning, baby." He smiles as he plants a kiss on my forehead. "Morning." "Sleep well?"He asks and I nod. I stand up and walk over to the hallway mirror, quickly re-doing my bun as it fell out while I slept. "Are you alright?" He asks as he sits up on the couch and runs his fingers through his hair. "Not really." I say quietly. "Michael came home drunk last night and basically told me i'm not his sister." "What?" Luke stands up, anger clear on his face. He walks over to Michael's door and knocks hard. "Open the door, Michael!" He yells. "Luke I-" I start before Michael opens the door. "Luke-" Michael starts before Luke grabs the collar of his shirt and pushes him up against the wall. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! How dare you tell May that she isn't your sister! You're family whether you like it or not. I know this shit sucks with your dad but don't bring her into this because that's when you'll have me to deal with!" Luke yells in Michael's face. I hate seeing Luke and Michael angry at one another. "I know." Michael says. "You what?" Luke asks. "Can you tell your guard dog to stand down?" Michael asks me. Luke lets go of him and Michael fixes his shirt. "I was an asshole. I remembered everything I said last night and I hate myself for it. I'm so sorry, May. You know I didn't mean any of that shit I said. You're my family. You're basically the only family i've got. You're always going to be my family. Regardless of who my dad is. It's you and me always, remember?" I smile before running to him and hugging him. "I forgive you. You had every right to be angry yesterday." "Yeah, but no right to take it out on you." He says into my hair. I pull away from Michael and look up at him. "Do you uh- wanna talk about it?" I ask. He shakes his head. "No, I want to just move on from it. Besides, I think a part of me always knew something was up." I furrow my eyebrows. "What do you mean?" "I don't know. Dad always had a closer bond with you. I guess it was because you were his actual kid. He loves me I know, but it's different. Sometimes he looks at me like i'm the reason their marriage fell apart." "Mikey, you know that's not true. Dad loves you!" I tell him. "I know he does. It's just different, that's all." He shrugs. "But I-" "Let's just drop it, May. Please?" I sigh and nod my head slowly. "Okay." --------------------------------------------------- ok folks!!!..... I'm sorry this episode isn't that great or maybe it is... lol... but I really am losing inspiration for this story... and that really sucks.... because I had plans for it before I start it... but still.... I'm going to continue writing it though because I don't want to upset anybody... lol Thank you guys for following me this far.... it really means alot to me.... but don't worry am just kidding back there.... I will make it much more lively for guys to read from now on lol..... I really feel bad for Michael.... do any of you feel that also.... let me know what you all feel about this episode in the comment box below!!... thanks!!! ? ? ?
5 May 2019 | 20:16
@Itzprince %
5 May 2019 | 20:19
wow!!!! I think dat is d secret her mother is talking abt
6 May 2019 | 05:17
I feel for him too but thank God he's ready to move on
6 May 2019 | 08:03
I feel bad for Micheal maybe because he didn't deserve it
6 May 2019 | 12:35
hmmmmm what kind of mother is this na?
6 May 2019 | 20:33
It's been a week since my mother dropped the bomb on us about our father. Michael seems to be fine, but maybe he's just putting on an act. I haven't mentioned much about the whole situation to him, I don't want to open up wounds that have seemed to already heal for him. "I'm leaving for school." I say through Michael's door. I don't dare open it seeing as Cora was over last night and I don't know if she left or not. I go down the elevator and open the door to Travis' car. He's been picking me up lately since Brooke and I haven't been speaking. I refuse to speak with her until she apologizes for the way she acted and what she said about Luke and I. "Morning." Travis says with a smile. We've completely moved on from the kiss and Luke punching him, which i'm thankful for. "Hey." I smile back. "How's everything with Michael?" He asks. I told him all about it. He's the only person I feel like I can actually talk to right now, other than Luke of course. "The same. He's still acting as if nothing's wrong. He can't pretend forever." I sigh. "Maybe this is just his way of taking it all in. You need to let him deal with it on his own terms. If he wants to talk to you about it, i'm sure he will." He tries to assure me. "Thanks." "For what?" He asks. "For letting me rant to you this past week about my family drama." "What are friends for?" He smiles. I return the smile and pull out my buzzing phone to see Luke's name on my screen. "Hey babe." I answer the phone. I don't know why I called him that, it just came out. I can't help but notice Travis make an odd expression I can't decipher, but I decide to make nothing of it. "Hey. Want me to pick you up for lunch? We can go to the diner if you want. It's too bad you couldn't stay in bed for a little bit longer this morning. I wish we could have done more than you just giving me head and me-" I see Travis quickly snap his head to me and then I realize my speaker must be loud enough for him to hear. I widen my eyes as I quickly turn down my speaker. "Yeah the diner sounds fine." I quickly cut him off. I am so beyond embarrassed. Luke chuckles on the other end and I mentally smack him for saying those things over the phone. "Who drove you to school?" He asks. "Travis. We actually just got here so i'll call you later, okay?" I rush him off the phone. "Oh, okay." He seems to notice. "I love you." I smile weakly. Even though we say it to each other everyday, it still makes my stomach flutter. "I love you." I say as I hang up. Travis gets out of the car and begins to walk to the school doors without saying a word to me. I get out of the car and jog after him. "Travis!" I say. He stops and turns to me. "I'm sorry about what you heard. That was really awkward and I didn't know the speaker was even loud enough for you to hear it." I apologize to him. He smiles a bit. "Hey don't sweat it. I need to get to class though or else i'll be late. See you later, May." He says as he walks off. He clearly made up an excuse because class doesn't start for another ten minutes, but he probably just didn't want to continue this awkward conversation. I walk to my locker and grab my binder, when I see someone stand beside me. I glance up to see Brooke opening her locker. I hate that we have lockers beside each other. She looks down at me and rolls her eyes before turning back to her locker. I roll my eyes right back as I shut my locker and quickly walk away, but I hear a voice call from behind me. "May!" Brooke calls out. I huff semi-dramatically and turn around. I really don't need her shit right now. Especially with everything happening with my family. "You dropped this." She walks closer to me and hands me a piece of folded up paper. I raise an eyebrow. I didn't drop anything. "That's not mine." "Yes it is." She stares at me in the eyes before extending her arm further. Hesitantly, I take the paper from her and turn around. I walk to my class and sit at my desk. After settling in, I slowly unfold the piece of paper..... "Stay away from him"...... What? Stay away from who?..... --------------------- .... hey guys sorry this was a super short and boring episode or maybe not... lol... but I have a lot of big things planned but I just need some filler episodes because I don't want it all to happen at once... and Please comment and like!!.... It means sooo much to me and I read all the comments.... thanks folks!!!..... ❤?✌?.... and "I wish you all a very HAPPY RAMADAN KAREEM"..... you all should stay bless and enjoy......!!....
6 May 2019 | 21:39
stay away from who? I think brooke want u to break up wit Luke so dat she can Hav a chance wit him,,,,,
7 May 2019 | 01:50
What s wrong with Brooke?
7 May 2019 | 05:23
This girl must be stupid You can't force a man to love u
8 May 2019 | 06:31
Lunch rolls around and I go to my locker to drop off my binders. I walk out the front doors and spot Luke's car. I open the passenger door and sit inside. "Hey baby." He says as he leans over the gearshift to kiss me. I give him a quick peck before putting my seat belt on. "Are you still good for the diner?" He asks. "Mhm." I say as I look out the window. All morning i've been thinking about the note Brooke gave me. Who was she talking about? Probably Luke. I don't understand her obsession with our relationship. Or maybe it's just an obsession with Luke. Regardless, he's my boyfriend and she better be aware of that. "Okay what's wrong?" He asks. "What? Nothing's wrong." I lie. "May, this is me you're talking to. I know when something's wrong with you, so tell me." "Seriously, nothing." He sighs. "If you say so." I don't want Luke to know i'm having problems with Brooke. I especially don't want him to know it's because of him. Brooke still hangs out with everyone in the group, mainly because of Cora. I've been making excuses as to why I can't go hangout with them all since Brooke and I started fighting. I've just been telling Luke that I already made plans with Travis. Luke's okay with me hanging out with him now that he knows we're just friends. But after Brooke's warning message, I don't want her anywhere near Luke if i'm not there. Who knows what she'll try and pull. We pull into the diner parking lot and park the car. We go inside and sit at our usual booth. I order a burger and fries and so does Luke. I sit quietly picking at my fingers before Luke takes my hand in his across the table. I look up at him and smile faintly before looking back down at the table. "So why did you rush me off the phone this morning?" Luke asks. "What? I didn't." "Yeah, you did." I bite my lip uncomfortably. "Because Travis kinda- he heard what you said." "What did I say?" He asks, completely oblivious. "You know, about this morning..." I cover my face with my hands in embarrassment. Luke's eyes widen. "Oh! Oh shit, how did he hear that?" "I guess my speaker was loud enough for him to hear. And he got all uncomfortable after he heard you say that, so I just wanted to get off the phone and save everyone the awkwardness." I explain. "Understandable." Luke chuckles. The rest of lunch is fairly silent. After we're finished eating, we go back to Luke's car and he drives me back to school, the car ride is silent for most of the way. He pulls into the parking lot and stops in the front of the school. "I'll see you after school." I peck his cheek before reaching for the door handle. Luke locks the door and I furrow my eyebrows. "Why'd you lock it?" I ask. "Because you're not leaving the car until you tell me what's wrong." "Luke, nothing's wrong. I already told you that." "Yeah and I know you're lying. I obviously know when something's bothering you, so tell me what's going on." I sigh as I reach into my pocket and pull out the piece of paper. I hand it to Luke. "What's this?" He asks as he takes it from my hand and slowly opens it. "What the fuck? Who wrote this?" "Brooke." I say quietly........ "Why?" "How am I supposed to know? It's clear though that she's obsessed with you." I roll my eyes. "No she isn't." Luke says. "Oh really? So she just wrote that then to screw with me? She likes you, Luke. She told me that I shouldn't get back together with you when we were broken up. Then when we did get back together, she basically called me an idiot for it. And now this note. She wants you for herself, it's obvious." He laughs. Why is he laughing? This isn't funny at all. "Why are you laughing?" I ask, quite annoyed at his reaction. "Because, you're cute when you get all worked up." "I am not cute, i'm angry." I huff. "Well you seem to forget one thing." He laughs as he shakes his head. "And what is that?" I roll my eyes. His laughing seizes as he looks me directly in the eyes before smashing his lips onto mine. I immediately kiss back and bring my hand to the nape of his neck. He brings his hand up to cup my cheek as he deepens the kiss slightly. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly, giving him access to my mouth. His tongue battles with mine before he pulls away all too soon. He rests his forehead on mine and looks directly into my eyes once again. "I'm in love with you . Not her." He smiles. I smile as I let out a sigh of relief. I know Luke loves me and not her, but it's nice to be reassured. I give him a quick kiss goodbye as I get out of the car and continue my boring school day. - School thankfully ends and Luke is waiting outside to pick me up. I get into his car and kiss him swiftly. "Did you see her at all?" Luke asks, referring to Brooke. "Nope, thank god. I probably would have ripped her head off if I did." I exaggerate extremely. "Easy there, killer." Luke chuckles. Several minutes later we pull up to my apartment building and both go inside. I open the door and go inside, Luke following me. I see Michael and Cora sitting on the couch laughing. I smile at the happiness of my brother. I'm so glad he's happy, after everything that happened with my mother. "Hey guys." Cora says when she sees us. "Hey." I smile. "You're coming tonight right?" Michael asks us. "Where?" I ask. "Calum's place. It's a 'Michael doesn't know his daddy' party." Michael chuckles and I cringe. Why is he joking about this? "Michael.." I look up at him with a saddened expression. "Come on, i'm kidding. It's just a get together to get me out of my funk." He says. "I wasn't aware you were in a funk." "Well, i'm not really. But I just need a night out with all my friends. And you need to be there too. You never come to our parties anymore." Michael whines. "I don't know, Michael. I don't really feel up to it." I lie. Truth is, I just don't want to see Brooke. I'd much rather prefer Luke and I stay in tonight and finish what we started this morning. "Oh come on, May. Stop being a party pooper." Cora says. I sigh. "We'll see." I say as I walk to my room, Luke following suit. He shuts the door behind him as I collapse onto my bed. "Why don't you want to go?" Luke asks as he sits on my desk chair. I sit up from the bed and look at him. "Why do you think? A certain obsessive girl will be there and i'd rather not have drama start up." "That's the reason why you don't want to go? Wait, is that why you've been making up excuses not to come to our parties? May, fuck Brooke. Who gives a shit if she's there. Just don't talk to her." Luke says. "I just hate seeing her face. She's such a bitch. Ugh! I hate her." I groan. Luke walks over to the bed and stands in front of me. He leans down, his face inches from mine. "Come. Please. For me?" Luke asks as he sticks out his lower lip slightly, knowing that's a weakness of mine. I sigh slightly before giving in. "Fine. But if she's an asshole to me then i'm leaving. Deal?" "Deal." He nods his head. "Well we have a few hours until the party. What should we do until then?" I ask. "I have a couple ideas." Luke smirks before crawling onto the bed with me.... ---------------------- hey folk's ❤!!!!... I'm sorry if this episode looks kind of boring to you or not much to your best point of view of what you might have been expecting... but I promise that the next one is going to be much more fun and good..... so get excited!!!! and please comment and like... ? ? ? ..... ----------------------- ✌✌✌✌✌✌✌✌
8 May 2019 | 07:29
@itzprince ✌✌
8 May 2019 | 08:57
Just dont mind Brooke. What matters is that you love each other
8 May 2019 | 14:14
Ride on with it
8 May 2019 | 14:15
OK oooo
8 May 2019 | 14:52
Luke love u that's the only thing that matters
8 May 2019 | 16:03
8 May 2019 | 17:16
"May, are you almost ready? We want to leave already!" Michael calls from the living room. Michael, Luke, Cora and I are all going to the party together, they're just waiting on me to be ready. I stand in the mirror and take one last look at myself. I'm wearing tight light wash jeans and a black thin strap lace tank top. My hair is curled and two strands are pulled back with a clip. I grab my phone from the charger and walk out into the living room. "Alright let's go." I say. "Finally." Michael groans as he walks out the door with Cora. I roll my eyes at him as I walk over to put my shoes on. "You look sexy as fuck." Luke mumbles into my ear. I bite my lip as I turn to look at him. "Fuck, don't do that or else i'm gonna have to skip the party and go back into your bedroom with you." I chuckle as I kiss his neck. "As amazing as that offer sounds, I actually want to go tonight. For Michael." I say. "Shall we then?" Luke smiles as he holds his arm out for me to link onto. I laugh as I link my arm onto his and walk downstairs to Cora's car. After a short while, we arrive at Calum's house. Just as everyone is stepping out of the car, I speak up. "Is Brooke going to be here?" I ask. Cora turns around to face me. "Yeah, of course. Why?" I shrug my shoulders as if nothing is wrong. "Just wondering." I step out of the car and Luke walks around to my side of the car. He takes my hand in his and squeezes it gently. "Just ignore her tonight, yeah?" I nod my head. We walk towards the door and Michael opens it without knocking, as usual. Everyone is standing around the beer pong table. I scan my eyes around to small crowd and my eyes lock with Brooke. "Hey guys!" She says overly cheery as she walks over to us. She gives Cora a hug and then turns to me. "Hey, May!" She says with a smile as she engulfs me in a hug before I can object. I look at Luke and he looks just as surprised as I am. She pulls away from the hug with a smile still plastered on her face. "Wow. Not even fifteen minutes into the party and you're drunk already?" Cora jokes. "I'm completely sober, just in a good mood. I have a feeling tonight is going to be a great night." Brooke says as she looks directly at me. My eyes turn into slits as I eye her. I cannot stand her. She is acting completely fake just so I won't tell Cora or anyone else about how much of a bitch she really is. How does she know I haven't told them already? For all she knows, they could all know the truth, but they don't. Except for Luke. "Come on, Michael! You're on my team for beer pong." Cora says as she takes my brother's hand and leads him over to the table. "Is it flip cup?" Michael asks. "Yeah, bro!" Ashton says, clearly already drunk. "Nice! Luke, you're on our team!" Michael says as he waves Luke over. "May, you're on ours!" Calum says. Luke looks over at me and I nod in confirmation, silently telling him it's fine. He hesitantly walks over to the table and stands on one side of the table with Michael, Cora, and another boy I don't know. I begin to walk over to the table when Brooke grabs my forearm. I turn back to face her with my eyebrows furrowed. "Just so you know, you might have came here with Luke, but I intend on going home with him." She sneers. "Yay, beer pong!" She changes her mood and walks over to the table............. My mouth is wide open as I am completely appalled and pissed off by what she said. "Come on, May!" Ashton says. I walk over to the table and stand beside Calum, Ashton and fucking Brooke. Why did I have to get stuck on her team? Two other girls are standing around beside Brooke. They look up at me with disgusted looks on their faces, obviously friends of Brooke's. "Hi, I'm May." I smile at them. I decide to try an opposite approach. Maybe being nice to the girls will benefit me more than being mean just because of Brooke and I's drama. "Okay.." One girl with bleach blonde hair says as she rolls her eyes. "Oh come on, don't be rude." Brooke says very fake. "May, this is Ava and Harper." "Nice to meet you both." I say, trying to sound as nice and genuine as possible. "Whatever." Harper says. Luke looks at me with an eyebrow raised, obviously confused as to why i'm being nice to girls who are being complete bitches to me. I groan before the game begins. - Before I know it, almost everyone is drunk, including me. Luke and I agreed that we both wouldn't get drunk tonight, but things took a turn. I needed a drink to take the edge off, but one drink turned into twenty. "I'm bored of beer pong. Let's do something else." Michael groans. "Like what?" Cora slurs. "How about truth or dare?" Brooke says with a smirk. I look at her and narrow my eyes. "Sounds good to me." I fake smile back. "I don't know if that's such a good idea I mean-" Luke begins before I cut him off. "We're playing." I say before I walk over to the couch, everyone following. We all sit down and countless rounds are played. Most dares are just uncreative ones to take shots, except for Calum who got dared to keep his shirt off for the next ten rounds. "Luke, truth or dare?" Brooke asks. "Uh, dare I guess." He says as he takes a sip of his beer. "I dare you to kiss any girl here who's single." She smiles. "But you're the only girl here who's single." I interject. "I have a girlfriend." Luke says. "It's just a dare. And Ava and Harper are single too." Brooke says. "I don't give a shit. Pick another dare or ask someone else." Luke huffs. Brooke rolls her eyes. "It's not like your girlfriend's anything special." She says, eyeing me up and down. Luke crushes his beer cup in his hand. Beer goes all over the floor but no one seems to notice at the moment. Everyone is just staring wide eyed at Brooke after what she just said. I'm not really bothered by it since she's said worse about me, but I don't want her to start involving everyone else in our drama. "Don't fucking start." Luke warns. Everyone turns their attention to Luke. Some people notice the beer on the floor, but no one is willing to speak up. "I just don't know what you see in her. I mean, you had me and you go for her instead?" Brooke says, sounding disgusted as she refers to me. "Brooke!" Cora shouts. "What the fuck is the matter with you?" "I'm just telling it like it is. Luke had me, and he ended it for her." I roll my eyes. "One hookup that Luke doesn't even remember doesn't count as you 'having' him." I say, putting air quotes on 'having'. Brooke snickers. "Oh please. Is that what he told you? That it was only one time and he doesn't remember it? Honey, I can assure you he's remembered every single time." She smirks. I furrow my eyebrows and turn to Luke. "What is she talking about?" I ask him. "She's fucking lying! I told you I don't even remember hooking up with her, I wasn't in my right mind! But it couldn't have been more than once, I swear!" Luke says. "No, it's true. I was at multiple parties they were at when they hooked up." Harper says. "What the fuck?! I've never seen you in my life! May, they're lying!" Luke yells. "They practically dated for a few months. Right before summer. Right before you came into town." Ava says. "Oh cut the crap! Luke wasn't dating anybody!" Michael finally steps in. "How would you know? You're always too busy with your tongue down Cora's throat the realize anything going on around you. Besides, it was a secret. We never told anyone that we were together. Luke, you don't have to lie about it. What's done is done, no hard feelings." Brooke says with a smile. "No hard feelings over what?! I've never dated you in my life. I can't even stand to be in the same room as you!" Luke stands up and screams. I truthfully don't know what to believe. I want to believe Luke, but how can three people all be saying the same thing. Maybe it's all because Brooke wants Luke to herself. That's got to be it. She wants me to get mad over all of this. That way Luke and I will fight, and she'll try to make her way in and get Luke. Not going to happen. "I honestly don't know what you're trying to achieve here. You want Luke all for yourself, is that it? Well, after that note you gave me you've made it pretty clear that you want my boyfriend. Well i'm sorry, but he would never be with such a stuck up bitch like you." I raise my voice. I know I usually wouldn't say something so mean but with all the liquor in my system, I can't help it. Everyone turns to look at me. "What note?" Cora asks. I feel bad for Cora right now that she's finding out what a terrible person her best friend truly is, but she would find out sooner or later. I stand up and walk over to my purse. I unzip the small pocket in the front and pull out the now wrinkled paper. I unfold it and walk back over to the group. I hand the note to Cora as I sit back on the couch. She takes it and reads it, with her eyes wide. She looks over at Brooke and shakes her head slightly. "Who are you?" She chokes out. "What is that?" Brooke asks innocently. "You know what it is." I say. "I truthfully don't." She says. Cora hands her the note and she reads it. "What the hell? I never wrote this!" I jump to my feet. "Bullshit you fucking liar!" "That's not even my hand writing. And why would I even write that? What Luke and I had ended before summer even started." Brooke says. Luke rolls his eyes. "Oh my god we never had anything." He doesn't even seem mad anymore, he just seems extremely annoyed with all these lies, as am I. "I didn't want to do this, but you brought it on yourself. I won't be made out to be a liar." She says as she pulls her phone out of her back pocket. "What are you on about?" Luke groans. "I guess May needs a little convincing that you're the liar here, not me." Brooke says. "What the fuck are you even talking about, Brooke?" Michael asks. Brooke takes a long pause as she smirks. "I have proof."......... --------------------- hhmmm.... sorry for cliffhanging you guys there... am just tired and lost of thought at the moment !!! but i hope you guys like it !!.. but like seriously guys in your own point of view of our current situation who you guys think or believe is saying the truth or lying between luke and brooke?... please comment and like!!! ❤✌??
8 May 2019 | 19:50
I know girls like Brooke and what they can do to get any man they like. Maybe in one way or the other she 'meandered' her way into Luke's life, I think that's why he doesn't remember. Well, only you can tell us who s lying
9 May 2019 | 01:58
May, I advice you dont take whatever proof she has to heart else will succeed n getting you mad at Luke and she will end up breaking your ties with him. Who knows if the evidence was made up for a day like this? Just do like you dont care, then you can confront Luke at home if you doubt him
9 May 2019 | 02:02
Please dont forget to always add episode numbers
9 May 2019 | 02:03
@itzprince ... oh...ok ... bro so sorry about was a mistake don't worry...i will be very cautious about my updates from now make sure all is in order...thanks!!!
9 May 2019 | 09:03
9 May 2019 | 17:22
Can't wait
9 May 2019 | 18:23
Brooke hands me her phone which is on a video. I hesitantly click play. The video plays and immediately I see Luke and Brooke holding hands and making out against a wall. Harper or Ava must have been recording. People in the background are yelling various things at Luke. I watch as he flips the people off and takes Brooke inside the house, shutting the door behind them. My heart completely sinks. You can't fake a video, so it has to be true. I pause it before it ends, I can't watch anymore of my boyfriend making out with the girl I hate most. "Tell me there's an explanation for this, Luke or so help me god I-" "What is it?" Luke asks. I hand him the phone and he watches the video for himself. I see a flicker in his eyes and that's when I realize, he remembers. It's all true. Tears immediately pool in my eyes and I try my best to blink them away but it is no use. Luke closes his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose. "Okay I know this looks bad but if you let me explain it's-" Luke starts, but I don't want to hear it. "Oh save it!" I yell as I get up and start towards the door. I realize i'm not the one who drove here, but I don't care. I won't stay around these people and be a laughing stock. I am so embarrassed. I stood up for Luke and accused Brooke of lying when in reality, the person I love most has been lying straight to my face this whole time. "May, wait!" Luke gets up and walks to the door, but I walk outside and slam it before he can get a hold of me. I run up the street without stopping. I don't turn back to see if Luke's following me, but I know from lack of footsteps that he's not. I run fast until I bump into someone. "Oh i'm sorry." The boy apologizes. "Wait, May?" I look up at him. "Travis?" "Are you crying? What's wrong?" He asks. I really don't want to talk about it but, Travis is my friend. I walk back to my apartment with him silently. Good thing I don't live very far from Calum's place. I sit on the couch and Travis sits beside me. I explain everything that happened at the party, choking back sobs throughout. "Luke's a real jerk for lying to you." Travis says as he rubs my back comfortingly. "Yeah. I know." I say, wiping the tears from eyes. Travis grabs my hand lightly and puts it back down on my lap. He then brings his hand to my face and wipes the tears away for me. He looks at my lips, and then back at my eyes. Just then he presses his lips to mine. I immediately stand up from the couch and wipe my mouth. "What are you doing?" I ask. "May, I like you. And you deserve better than Luke. You deserve a guy who's honest with you. And a guy who will love you no matter what. I can be that guy!" Travis says. I shake my head and pinch the bridge of my nose. "What are you even saying right now? I love Luke. I didn't bring you over to try and get back at him if that's what you're assuming. I just needed a friend to talk to! You really need to stop kissing me. I'm with Luke, regardless of our situation right now!" I say, raising my voice slightly. "May you deserve-" "Don't tell me what I deserve!" I yell and then sigh loudly. "You should go." "May let's just-" "Go!" I scream at him. He lowers his head and walks out the door. Tears well up in my eyes as I run to my room and collapse onto my bed. Why the fuck would he kiss me-again!? I need to tell Luke. I need to be honest but, he'll think I did it to get back at him. I didn't kiss back! Luke has to believe me. I bury my face into my pillow. I let out a scream that i've had bottled up inside me. Luke and I's relationship is way too complicated. Every time I forgive him for one thing, something else comes into light. I don't care even if he did have a relationship with Brooke, it was before I met him anyways, but it's the fact that he lied straight to my face about it. And continuously denied it in front of everybody. And now Travis had to come here and kiss me. How am I going to even begin to explain any of this to Luke......... I eventually fall asleep in my own tears, my last thoughts being of Luke. - I'm woken up by a loud noise. I open my eyes and immediately get out of bed and walk out of my room. I see Michael standing in the kitchen with a shattered plate at his feet. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Shit, I didn't mean to wake you up." Michael sighs. I glance at the clock on the wall to see it reads eight-thirty. "Why are you even up so early?" I ask him. "I was trying to make you breakfast in bed. I feel bad for everything that happened last night so I wanted to cheer you up." Michael shrugs as he bends down and sweeps up the pieces of broken glass on the floor. "Awe, that's so sweet. It wasn't your fault though." "I know, but still. Anyways, I'm just about done so either get back into bed and i'll bring it to you, or sit at the table." Michael instructs. I choose to sit at the table. I'd rather sit with Michael than be alone in my room. He puts a plate down in front of me with bacon, eggs, and french toast on it. He really didn't have to do this. "Thanks, Mikey." I smile. "May, we kind of need to talk. But please just don't get upset and let me explain." I furrow my eyebrows. "What's going on, Mikey?" "Okay I need to explain the video to you because I know you won't believe Luke, but you have to believe me." He says. "Mikey don't-" "No, May. You need to hear this. You're honestly mad at him for no reason!" Michael stands up for Luke. I nod my head slightly, letting him know he can explain. "Luke didn't lie about anything! That video was of the time him and Brooke hooked up. You already knew about it. That was the only time, seriously May. Brooke just made it seem like they dated because she wishes they did! And she has some creepy ass obsession with him. But none of it's true. She got her friends to lie for her. When Luke was watching the video, he just remembered the one time they hooked up. That's it. That's the truth, May. Trust me, I would have known if Luke had a girlfriend." I sigh heavily and bring my hands to my face. "I'm such an idiot." I say. I should have just let Luke explain when he wanted to. Everything makes so much sense. I guess I just got overly paranoid yesterday, maybe because of how intoxicated I was. "No, I get it. Anyone would have reacted the way you did. I mean, you saw your boyfriend making out with some bitch in a video. I get why you got so angry." Michael says. "Yeah but I already knew about it. I knew they hooked up once. I should have put the pieces together. I got mad at Luke for no reason. That was exactly what Brooke wanted! I gave her what she wanted. I'm so stupid." "No you're not. Just talk to Luke. Everything will be okay." Michael assures me. "It's not just that." I groan. "What do you mean?" I sigh heavily. "While I was coming home last night, I bumped into Travis. We came back here because I needed a friend to talk to. Then all of a sudden he kissed me. I pulled back straight away, I swear it. I don't want anyone but Luke but now he might think I kissed Travis to get back at him or something. He won't believe me even if I told him the truth......... "Oh god, May. Well it's not your fault. But I think you need to call Luke and sort this whole thing out. You both just need to be honest about everything." "You're right." I pull out my phone and text Luke. To Luke: Can you come over please? I immediately see that he's read the message, but he doesn't reply. "That's weird. He saw it but didn't reply." I tell Michael. "Maybe he replied but just forgot to click send." Michael says. I hope he's right. I go to my room and get dressed. I do my hair and makeup extra nice today, mainly because I hope Luke will be coming over. After I finish getting ready, I go into the living room and watch T.V, waiting to hear a knock at my door. - I look at the clock and see that it reads six-fourty-five. I've waited all day for Luke and he hasn't come over. I groan as I get up from the couch and put on my shoes. If Luke won't come to me, i'll go to him. After a short walk, I arrive at Luke's house. I walk to to the front door and knock a few times. No answer. I knock again and see a figure through the door glass. The door opens to reveal Luke. "Why didn't you come over?" I immedately ask. "Why the fuck do you care?" Luke slurs. I furrow my eyebrows. "Are you drunk?" "Yeah, I have been since last night. You can leave now. I'm not in the mood to be yelled at for pointless shit so goodbye." Luke says as he walks back into his house, leaving me standing at the door. "I'm not here to yell at you." I say as I follow him into his house. He walks upstairs to his room and I follow him. "What are you here for then?" I sigh. "To apologize for being such an idiot. Michael explained the video. I should have believed you when you said you weren't lying. It was just so hard to hear three people saying the exact same story. And I was drunk, I was overly paranoid. I'm sorry." I apologize. "Exactly. I didn't lie about anything." "I really am sorry." I apologize again. "Okay." He says, but I can tell he doesn't actually except my apology. "I need to tell you something now. But you can't get upset." I say slowly. "What are you talking about?" He asks. "On the way home last night I saw Travis. He saw I was crying so we went back to my apartment to talk about it. Then out of nowhere he kissed me. I swear I backed away and told him to leave. I didn't expect him to do that. If I knew he still liked me then I would have never asked him to come over in the first place." I explain. Luke just looks at me and shakes his head in disappointment. "Please you have to believe me. I didn't kiss him back I swear!" "Fuck!" Luke screams as he throws everything off his desk in one swift motion. I shriek at the loud noise it makes. "You get mad at me for lying when in reality it's you who's the fucking liar here!" "I'm not lying I swear!" He looks me dead in the eyes with anger clear on his face. "Yes you are. You're lying about your feelings for Travis." "My what? I don't have any feelings for him I swear! He's my friend and that's it!" "Yeah, that's why I walked in on you and him kissing outside your apartment. And now again you guys kissed. Don't try to tell me it's all in my head because it's not!" He screams. "That's not fair. He kissed me, I didn't kiss back!" "Yeah because I pulled him off of you. You would have kissed back if I wouldn't have been there, right?!" Luke yells. "No! Of course I wouldn't have! I pulled away when you weren't there last night!" I scream back at him. "How am I supposed to know if that's even the truth or not." Luke asks irritatedly. "I'm not lying! I love you , why would I kiss another guy when I have you!?" I ask. "I guess I should have realized sooner. You never even want to hang out with my friends anymore! You always make some bullshit excuse to go hang out with Travis!" "Excuse me? I don't want to hang out with your friends because that's just it! They're your friends. I need my own friends too! Travis is basically my only friend!" "Bullshit! What about Cora and Calum?" "They're only my friends because of you and Michael! I want friends of my own! I like hanging out with Travis and people from school because they're my friends." I say honestly. "Yeah of course you like hanging out with Travis." Luke scoffs. "Would you stop!" I yell. "You wasted no time moving on from me to him after our breakup." Luke says. "What are you even saying right now? He's my friend!" I hope Travis was still my friend. Even though he kissed me, I can't really hold it against him. After all, Luke did the same thing when I was with Ian. It's different though because I love Luke. I just need Travis to stop acting on his feelings. I really do value our friendship. "Yeah, if that's how you define a friend then so be it." "Would you listen to yourself! You're being ridiculous!" "Well now you have nothing stopping you from being with Travis because you and I are done!" Luke yells. And at that exact moment, it felt as if the world had been ripped out right from underneath me. My world.............. ??????? ---------------------------------- ooooohhhhhh drama!!! ..... hhmmm.... so luke and may are done.... how do you guys feel about that? i know you all may be upset with me right now but at the same time... you all should know that not every relationship is a fairytale you know ???..... the story's not yet over though.... so don't worry... because more epic drama are still coming up.... lol... so please let me know your thoughts!.... how do you feel about travis?... do you hate him for kissing may or do you kind of feel bad for him?.... i kind of feel bad for him to be honest.... lol ??.... but i also feel bad for her at the same time because he's always putting her in awkward { the fact that am writing the novel... doesn't mean I don't have my own lonely thoughts as well.... lol.... so let's just make this fun.... you all really amused me with your comments so please keep it up... lol... } please comment and like!!!!...... and if you have anything to say to me personally don't hesitate to inbox me... lol.... thanks to you all once again!!! ❤?✌??........
10 May 2019 | 01:31
@itzprince ✊
10 May 2019 | 01:33
@itzprince..... ??
10 May 2019 | 01:34
May should not get mad at Luke bcos wat I see here is dat Brooke is ready to take Luke away from her
10 May 2019 | 06:38
hmmmmmm,, dis una love is sometin oooo,, make up today, breakup tomorrow
10 May 2019 | 06:49
I think I tried of this they drama,no one is ready to believe the other person,, next
10 May 2019 | 11:37
Too much drama
11 May 2019 | 16:09
Abeg free luke jare, he is such a fool
12 May 2019 | 03:59
Luke's POV.......... I can't believe May. She honestly thinks I don't see how she feels towards Travis? She's only fooling herself. It's been a week since I broke up with her, and I haven't seen her since she ran out of my house crying. I feel bad that she cried because I never want to be the person to make her cry. Regardless of her feelings for Travis, i'm still in love with her. I probably always will be. But I can't be with her when she feels something for someone else too. "Bro did you hear me?" Calum breaks me out of my thoughts. "What?" I ask. "I said Ashley Brown is having a huge party for her twentieth birthday. We should go." "Who's Ashley Brown?" I ask him. He shrugs. "I have no idea, but apparently she's a friend of Ashton's friend. Doesn't really matter though, a party's a party." "I don't know man, i'm not really up for any parties. Plus, Michael and I haven't seen each other since I broke up with his sister." I say. I feel strange referring to May as Michael's sister but, I don't think I could say her name out loud without crying. "Just come man. He's your best friend. He's not going to hold the breakup against you. Besides, if you two really are over, you can't just live inside your house for the rest of your life. It's been a week. Go out, get drunk and try and have fun." Calum says. I groan. "Fine." "Good! Okay well the party's in like an hour, so go shower and shit and i'll wait down here." Calum says. I nod as I go upstairs and take a quick shower. After my shower I throw on my black skinny jeans with rips at both knees, and a plain black t-shirt. "Alright let's go." I say as I walk downstairs. "I texted Michael. He said he's out with Cora for the night, so he's not coming." Calum tells me. I nod understandingly. I'm kind of glad Michael isn't coming tonight. I don't know his whole take on the breakup, and I don't know if I want to find out. - It's only been thirty minutes since I arrived at the party, and i'm already bored out of my mind. Calum went off with some girl and I haven't seen him since. I stand in the kitchen on my phone, just then someone taps my shoulder. I turn around to see a girl with bleach blonde hair and blue eyes. I can't help but notice how attractive she is. Not as beautiful as May, though. Damn it Luke, stop thinking about her. "Uh, hey?" I say, sounding more like a question. "Why is a guy like you standing all alone?" She asks. "I don't really know these people. I came with a friend but I don't know where he went." I tell her. "Well you can't just go on your phone for the whole party. Come hang out with me and my friends." She says. "I think i'm okay here." I tell her. "Oh come on. It's a party. Have a little fun. What, do you have a girlfriend or something?" I'm about to tell her that I in fact do, so she should leave me alone. But then I remember, I don't. I no longer have a girlfriend. My mind thinks back to what Calum told me earlier. Try and have fun. That's exactly what i'm going to do. "No, I don't." The girl smirks. "Well come on then." She says as she takes my hand and leads me to the backyard........ "I'm Destiny by the way." She says. "Luke." We sit down with a group of people, I assume they are her friends. "This is Luke. Luke this is Jessica, Jamie, Lauren, Bryan, John, and Sam." She introduces everyone. As if i'm going to remember all their names. "Hey." I say. "We're just about to play shot or dare. Want to play?" One of the girls asks. "Shot or dare?" I ask. "Yeah. It's kind of like truth or dare, but truth or dare is too boring. With shot or dare you get dared to do something and if you don't do it, you have to take a shot. Pretty simple." Destiny explains. I'm about to decline but then I remember Calum's words again. "Yeah, i'll play." Countless rounds are played. Most of which I take a shot instead of the dare. Mainly because I just want to get drunk, and this is the perfect excuse to. "Destiny, I dare you to kiss one of the guys in the group." The girl with red hair says. "Easy." Destiny says. Just then she turns to me and connects her lips to mine. I hesitate for a moment, but then find myself kissing back. Maybe it's because I want to or maybe it's because of all the alcohol in my system, but I don't care to figure out which is the reason. She brings her hand to the side on my face and I do the same to her. I try to deepen the kiss before she pulls away slightly. We look at each other in silence as she smirks. We turn back to face the group as more dares go on. "Want to get out of here?" Destiny whispers in my ear. I turn to look at her. I see her biting her lip, which turns me on. Before my mind can catch up, my mouth says yes. She takes my hand and we walk over to the shed in the further part of the backyard. I open the door and we walk inside. She shuts the door and leans against it, pulling me by my shirt closer to her. She connects her lips to mine and her hands tangle in my hair, as I slide my fingers around her waist. I part my lips slightly and her tongue slips inside my mouth. Her hands move to the bottom of my shirt and she lifts it up, pulling it off of me. I do the same with hers. She moves her hands to my pants, and undoes the button and zipper. She bends down slowly and tugs my pants to my ankles, about to do the same with my boxers. I shouldn't be allowing this with someone I just met, but the excessive amount of alcohol in my system is telling me otherwise. My mind all of a sudden clouds with thoughts of May. My eyes widen and I step back. "What's wrong?" Destiny asks. What's wrong is that I love my girlfriend and I shouldn't be doing this only a week after we broke up. "I need to go." I say as I pull my pants back up and grab my shirt off the ground. "What? Why?" She asks, but i'm already out the door before I can give her an answer. I can't believe I almost let her give me oral. I don't want to feel anyone's mouth on me other than May. I feel sick to my stomach that I even made out with her. Some random girl at a party. I'm headed for the door when I see a familiar face standing in the living room. Travis. Anger takes over me as I run up to him as spin him around by his shoulder. Before he can even say anything, my fist connects with his jaw and he stumbles back. I continue punching him, not letting him get one hit in. "Stop!" He yells. "You fucking kissed my girlfriend!" I yell as I continue to punch him. "Brooke made me!" He yells...... My punching comes to a halt. I grab him by the collar of his shirt. "What the fuck did you just say?" He groans as he holds his bleeding nose. "Brooke made this whole plan." "You better stop speaking in fucking code and explain yourself or so help me God-" "Alright, alright! Brooke told me she wanted you, and she knows I wanted May. So she said she would take care of everything and all I had to do was kiss May next time I saw her." He shrugs as if it's no big deal. I put together everything. Brooke knew May would believe we dated. And then she knew I would be pissed about Travis kissing May. I did exactly what Brooke wanted all along. My mind completely shuts down, and it's almost as if i've become someone else. I connect my fist again to Travis' jaw, this time he falls to the floor. "You could have said no to Brooke! You didn't have to fucking kiss May!" I yell in his face as I continue to punch him on the ground. Just then someone pulls me off of him. "Luke! Calm down!" Calum yells. "Get the fuck off me!" I scream at him. "Look at him, man! You've done enough!" Calum says, pointing at Travis. I look down to see his face covered in blood. I don't say anything. Instead, I walk directly out of the house and get into the passenger seat of Calum's car. I would walk but, we're not exactly close to home. Thankfully, Calum comes outside and get's into the drivers seat. "Dude, what the fuck was that about?" He asks. "That was fucking Travis. The guy who kissed May twice!" I yell. "Oh, shit." Calum says. We drive in silence before Calum speaks up. "You would have probably put him in the hospital if I didn't pull you off. You know that right?" He asks quietly. I sigh. "I couldn't stop. It was like something had taken over me." "That was the first time in my life I was scared of you, man." Calum says, almost so quietly that I couldn't hear him, but I did. "I'm sorry." I apologize. I lean my head back and close my eyes. That fight with Travis really sobered me up. Great. Now not only did I make out with some random girl, but I also beat up May's only friend. This isn't going to go over too well. I know she'll find out eventually, but I don't want her to hear it from someone else, that will only make the situation worse. The car stops and I open my eyes. "What the hell? Why are we here?" I ask. Calum had pulled into May's apartment building. "You and May are clearly not over if you felt the need to do something like that back there. Go up there and sort your shit out." I groan. "Take me home Calum." "No. I'm serious Luke. Get your ass out of the car and go talk to her. You broke up with her over something so stupid. Why are you letting some punk ass kid ruin what you two have?" Calum asks. "She feels something for him." "That's bullshit and you know it. She's so in love with you it's annoying to even see. You need to get over your whole jealousy thing and learn that she can have guy friends." "It's not about jealously! He kissed her twice!" I yell, getting irritated with Calum. "That doesn't mean shit! She didn't kiss back! And she didn't because she loves you, not him! Now get the fuck out of the car and go talk to her." Calum says as he unlocks the car doors. I don't say anything. I step out of the car and shut the door behind me. Calum drives off before I can get back inside. I walk inside the building and take the elevator up to her floor. I contemplate turning around and walking home, but I decide against it. I know I need to do this. I need to tell May everything before she hears it from someone else. I take a deep breath and knock on her door, anxiously waiting for her to open it.... ----------------- ...... yeah...... sooo.... ooooooook how do you guys feel about what luke did at the party with destiny and then with travis?!....and how do you think may will react if she finds out?.... or do you all think luke should keep it a secret from her... leave your thoughts in the comments box below pleaseee! i love to read how you guys feel about everything going on! don't forget to like as well.... it honestly means the world to me...... ❤?✌✌... thanks to you all... and..... hmmmm... "HAPPY SUNDAY TO YUH ALL"....... ???✌✌.... have a nice day.... thanks!!!.... see you next episode.. lol..... ? ? ?
12 May 2019 | 07:06
@itzprince ?
12 May 2019 | 07:10
Childish love
12 May 2019 | 13:22
I feel bad bec the episode is shot ,next pls
12 May 2019 | 17:52
So Brooke was behind all this drama and you guys called for it Smh
13 May 2019 | 05:13
Both Luke and May possess bird brain
13 May 2019 | 21:32
"Luke? What are you doing here?" I ask as I open the door. This is the first time i'm seeing Luke since our breakup a week ago. I haven't been out very much since. I still went to school, but I kept my head down and headphones in. I didn't go to my locker all week because I wanted zero chance of running into Brooke. I'd come straight home from school each day and go directly to my room. I'd spend the rest of the day crying, eating, or showering. "I need to talk to you." He says. I contemplate slamming the door in his face, but instead I stand aside and let him come in. He walks inside and takes his shoes off. I wish I knew he was coming over, that way I would have changed out of my fluffy pyjama shorts and old band t-shirt. I subtly try to smooth out my hair and wipe the mascara from under my eyes. "Are you hungry? We have leftover food from-" "No i'm not hungry, May." Luke says. "Oh, okay." "You should sit." He instructs. Why does he look so nervous? I walk over to the couch and sit down. Luke follows and sits beside me. This is the closest i've been to Luke in over a week, and for some odd reason I feel nervous. "What's going on, Luke?" "You need to listen without interrupting and know that everything i'm saying I regretted doing instantly and i'm so sorry." Luke says. I look at his hands to see they are shaking slightly. "What did you do?" I ask, scared to hear his answer. "Well, Calum took me to some party. I saw Travis there and I kinda lost it. I uh- I ended up beating the shit out of him. He told me Brooke set up everything. She knew he wanted you, and she wanted me so she told him to kiss you. She knew that I would be pissed at you, which is exactly what she wanted. I did exactly what she wanted without even realizing. And i'm so sorry I got so angry with you. I should have trusted you." Luke says. I put my hand over his shaking one. "Luke, I forgive you. Brooke got to both of us. We just need to learn to trust each other. We need to learn to believe each other before we believe other people." "So you're not mad? Not even that I beat the shit out of Travis?" He asks. "Well i'm mad, but I understand why you did it. You just need to stop thinking this is some love triangle like in the movies. It's you, Luke. It's always going to be you. Nothing's going to change that." He sighs and covers his face with his hands. "Do you promise nothing's going to change that?" I raise an eyebrow. "Of course. Why?" "Because there's something else I need to tell you. Something else happened tonight." He says slowly. "What happened?" He takes a deep breath before starting what I have a feeling is going to be a long explanation about something I probably don't want to hear. "At the party I met this girl. She took me to her group of friends and we all started doing dares. I was super drunk and she got dared to kiss me. She did. Then we went into the shed and we um-we kinda made out. She took my pants off but I stopped it before it could go any further. All I could think about was you. I left before anything happened. I'm so sorry you have to believe me I was drunk out of my mind. I sobered up after fighting with Travis and then coming here but at the time I was so drunk I didn't even realize what I was doing. I'm so sorry, May. I stopped because it was a mistake and I love you. I'm so in love with you I-" I can't believe what i'm hearing. I guess this is what it feels to have your heart ripped out of your chest. I don't even realize i'm crying until a tear hits my bare leg. I wipe my tears from my face and cut Luke off. "How could you?" I ask in disbelief and disappointment. "Baby i'm so sorry I won't ever do something like that again I swear I-" "Don't call me that." "I'm so sorry please you've got to-" "You should leave." I choke back tears. "No please! Talk to me. Yell at me. Punch me. Do something! Please don't make me leave. Let's just talk about this." Luke says, now crying as well. "I don't know what you want me to say." I cry. "Say you forgive me." Luke says as he puts his hands over mine but I instantly pull away. "I can't say that. Because I don't. You did it this time, Luke. I don't think I can forgive you. I don't even think of other guys, and yet you go and get together with some girl." "I didn't get together with her!" Luke says loudly. "You almost let her give you a blowjob!" I scream in his face. "I stopped her though! May you have to believe me! I was so drunk. But the thought of another girl on me that wasn't you made me sick to my stomach. I'm so sorry May, please." "No matter what happens, I would never cheat on you. I don't care if we were broken up. I love and respect you way too much." I cry. "I know you wouldn't. You're so much better than me, May, I know that. I know i'm a terrible person but please-just say you forgive me. I'm begging you. I'm so sorry. I love you so much." Luke pleads. "I can't forgive you for this. We're done, Luke." I sob. "No please, May. Please don't say that." Luke cries as he gets on his knees in front of me. I stand up and walk to the door. I open it, silently instructing that he needs to leave. He looks up and walks over to me. "May i'm begging you. I'm so sorry. I need you." He says. "I think you should go home." "But you're my home." I try my best to hold back my tears at what Luke just said. "Go." I say, almost in a whisper. He lowers his head and begins to walk out the door, but stops. "I'll always love you." He says quietly and walks to the elevator. I close the door lean my back against it. "I'll always love you, too." I say, even though I know he can't hear me. I was no longer lost in him, I was drowning...............????????? ----------------------- hhhhmmmm..... i know some of you might be getting irritated with their unhealthy relationship... but I want you all to know that not all relationships are perfect.... and to come to the fact... apart from the fictions.... I have face such relationship in my not all is a fairytale... so just keep following with the update and enjoy the reading.....because I still have so much drama on fire which haven't been serve yet... lol.... ? ? ?thanks ?... so now.... how do you guys feel about their final break up? do you guys think may should have forgiven him or was she right to end things? please comment and like!!!
14 May 2019 | 00:15
am so sorry guys for a short update... please just bare with me.... still ghat more coming up soon..... thanks!!
14 May 2019 | 00:19
14 May 2019 | 00:20
I just started on this story yesterday's evening and i'm on episode 30&31. I just have to give it a few more very little hours to finish later on today. This is a story of what love is all about, it's a SUPER LOVE LOADED STORY.
14 May 2019 | 05:53
really appreciate you all for your comments!! thanks!
14 May 2019 | 06:11
you re welcome @Nontex dick ... will be looking forward to see more of your "thought's" on this novel...thanks!
14 May 2019 | 06:14
hmm anyway not all relationships are healthy,there are ups and downs in every relationships even in marriages .
14 May 2019 | 09:13
yes person like me ,I'm irritated by this they break up an love, next
14 May 2019 | 11:42
like seriously,,, am getting so irritated,,,, how can dey be making up and immediately breaking up,,, so tired of dia drama
14 May 2019 | 15:00
"May?" Michael calls from outside my door. "May come on. You've been in there for a over a week already. Would you please talk to me?" He begs. It's been eight days since Luke and I broke up for good. I haven't been able to face anybody, not without breaking down. I only went to school three days of the week. Seeing everyone somehow reminds me of him. Michael is Luke's best friend, I can't talk to him right now. I don't know if he knows what happened between Luke and I although, I assume someone must have told him by now. Almost as if Michael can read my thoughts, he speaks. "Luke told me everything. I'm so sorry, May. Please come out and talk to me. You can't stay locked in your room like this, it's not healthy." I remain on my bed. "What happened to you and I forever? It's you and me, May. Don't shut me out." I sigh as I stand up from my bed and walk to my door. I turn the knob and slowly open the door. I see Michael for the first time in eight days. I immediately burst into tears and engulf him in a hug. He moves his hand to the back of my head and strokes my hair in comfort. "He told you?" I ask, referring to Luke, but I can't bring myself to say his name. Michael pulls away from the hug. "Yeah, he did. I'm so sorry that he made you feel like that but, i'm not choosing sides. Please don't be mad about that it's just if I do choose then I know i'll lose one you and I-" "Mikey don't worry, I don't expect you to take a side." I tell him honestly. Luke was his best friend. I wasn't about to make Michael lose him just because of me. I knew what I was getting into when I started this whole thing with Luke months ago. "He's doing terrible, in case you were wondering." Michael mumbles. "I wasn't." "You're going to need to talk to him eventually, May." Michael sighs. "Who says I have to?" I snap. With the way i'm feeling about him right now, I could go the rest of my life without seeing him. Who am I kidding? I only wish that were true. It's only been eight days and I feel like i'm empty without him. I don't know how i'm going to get through this breakup. Sometimes, I find myself forgetting what he did, just so for a few seconds I can pretend as if we are still as happy as we once were. "You two really are so alike. He hasn't left his room either." Michael informs me. I wish I could tell him i'm happy Luke is feeling the same way I am but, i'm not. I don't want Luke to ever feel this pain that i'm feeling. No matter what he's done, i'm still in love with him. I most likely always will be. "I know what he did was wrong but, you can't say he doesn't love you. Yeah, he was an asshole for making out with that girl and almost―doing other things. But he was drunk. I know that's not excuse but it's the best one there is. People make mistakes, May. You're telling me you've never made a mistake when it comes to your relationship?" Michael asks, obviously referring to the Ian and Luke fiasco. "You said you weren't choosing sides. Seems pretty clear to me who's side you're on." I huff. "I'm not on anyone's side. I just want you two together. I was so against it at first. But then I saw how you are around him. He makes you happier. I've never seen you as happy as you are when you're with him. I know you're so angry right now with him but, time heals all wounds." I laugh sarcastically. "What are you now? My shrink?" "So what then? You're just done with him?" He asks............... ???? I don't say anything for a while, but I find myself nodding..... Yes.... "That's bull shit may, obviously." "And why do you think that?" I ask. "Well because you wouldn't be crying if you were done with him." Michael says as he wipes the tears from my cheeks. I wasn't even aware I started to cry. "Well excuse me if i'm still in love with him only eight days after our breakup!" I scream at Michael. I know I shouldn't take my anger out on Michael, I just don't know how to handle all these feelings. "That's not a bad thing. May, you guys have something way too special to throw away. You know Luke would never intentionally cheat on you. He was drunk out of his mind and you two weren't together at the time. You know how protective I am over you. So if I thought Luke wasn't any good for you, do you really think i'd be trying this hard to get you to forgive him?" He does make a point, but it's still not enough for me to forgive him. "He loves you so much, you've got to believe that." I do believe that. With all my heart and soul I believe that. I know Luke loves me and I don't want to let him go and live my life without him but, I can't take the pain he also puts me though. "I can't take the fighting anymore." I sigh. "That's what a relationship is, May. You fight, but then you make up. Nobody's perfect." I shake my head. "I can't talk about this right now." I say as I walk back into my room and shut the door. "May come on. Open the door." Michael says as he knocks on the door. Minutes pass and the apartment falls silent. Then I hear the front door open and shut, Michael must have left............ ----------------------- Luke's POV............. I haven't left my room in eight days. I can't bring myself to do anything without it somehow reminding me of May, and how much I screwed up. "Luke open the door." Michael says from outside my bedroom door. How did he even get inside my house? "I did not walk all the way over here just for you to ignore me so open the fucking door." He demands. I groan as I get up and open the door. "How did you even get in my house?" I ask. He holds up a key. I forgot he had one. "We need to talk." Michael says as he walks into my room. "About what?" Michael raises an eyebrow. "I think you know about what." "I really would rather not be reminded of how much I fucked up, man." "You need to go apologize." Michael tells me. "You don't think I have? What else can I do?" "Do something! Fuck, just go to her. Stop being a little bitch hiding in your room." I sit on my bed and cover my face with my hands. "I fucked up so bad. How could I have made her hate me this much?" "You love her don't you?" "You know I do." "Then tell her! Go apologize and do it better this time. Don't ask me how, just figure it out!" Michael raises his voice. "I can't handle her telling me to leave again. And I know that's exactly what she'll do." I say, changing the tone of my voice to extremely quiet. "You never know until you try. But there's one thing I know for sure. If you stay in your room like this, you'll never get her back. Who knows, maybe you never will, but at least you have a slight chance if you go and try to make things right." Michael says. That might have just about been the smartest thing he's ever said before. "You're right." I say. "I know I am. Don't screw it up this time." Michael says as he punches me arm lightly. I nod in thanks before walking out of my house and starting towards May's...... --------------------- May's POV............. Michael's been gone for quite some time. I have no idea where he went, but I don't bother to call him and ask. He's probably at Cora's. I hear a knock at my front door. Michael probably forgot his key. I groan as I stand up and go answer the door. "Don't forget your key next time." I say as I open the door. Only, it isn't Michael. It's Luke. "I thought you were Michael." I say, looking down. "Nope." He says, popping the 'p'. I go to shut the door but he puts his hand on it to hold it open. "May, please wait!" Luke begs. I stop closing the door and look up at him. "What do you want from me, Luke?" I sigh. "I'm in love with you. I'm always going to be in love with you. I know you love me too and you and I both know this isn't over. I made a mistake, May. A mistake i'm going to regret forever. But please, please just forgive me." Luke begs. "I can't, Luke. The damage has already been done. You've done some pretty terrible things Luke but this―this is by far the worst. While I was in my room crying over you, you were with another girl as if I meant nothing to you. Do you know how that makes me feel?" I cry. "I know! And i'm so fucking sorry, May. That girl meant nothing to me. But you―you're my everything." I sigh, wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Ever since we came into each other's lives, all we've done is put each other through pain. I can see it in your eyes, you've lost your light." Luke tries to take my hand but I pull away. "Baby, no. You are my light." Luke says. I just shake my head. "We'll figure it out, May. We always do." "Stop always saying that! One day something will happen that we won't be able to figure out. God, Luke! Stop pretending like life doesn't absolutely terrify you!" I scream. Luke looks up at me, tears running down his face. "The only thing that terrifies me is a life without you." I sigh. He can't just say these things to me and expect me to go running back into his arms. Maybe Brooke was right about that, I always run back to him no matter what he does. This relationship isn't good for either of us. "I think we both just need to move on." I say quietly. "I can't. I won't." "Life will go on, Luke. With or without you." I cry. I knew that was a lie though. Life will pass each and everyday but, my life will never be the same. Not without him. But I can't take the pain anymore. It's too much for one person to take. It's like i'm screaming, but no one can hear me. "Please, May. I love you!" Luke says, almost as if he's proclaiming it to the world. "We can't just-" I start before Luke cuts me off by crashing his lips onto mine..... ---------------------------- hhmmm Don't hate me guys ? pls.... lol ? , hate the characters! lol.... What's you guys opinion on everything happening? Do you think May is right to be so angry? Personally, I do.... lol... I mean, she was crying over Luke and he was out with another girl....hmm... I feel really bad for her.... But... still... people do make mistakes..... we all are humans... isn't it... lol ?..... Please comment and like ?..... thanks!!!....
14 May 2019 | 21:20
I ghat more interesting and emotional drama ?... coming up next.... hope you all are ready for it... lol.... just stay with me.... ✌✌✌❤❤ ? ?
14 May 2019 | 21:27
@itzprince +
14 May 2019 | 21:28
I think May should hold her guard a little longer before forgiving Luke so that when they get back together they will trust and respect each other more
15 May 2019 | 04:03
Same thought too That's the right thing to do
15 May 2019 | 05:06
Just yesterday when i got the time to finish the remaining episodes and keep to date, i slept because it was late. Very well then, it's obvious that i'm through with it all. FABULOUS EPISODES.
15 May 2019 | 10:01
It was just a summer holidays that turned many things around. Made so many changes, push some bad guys away and brought in what can be called love. Not matter how tough it is, many lovers like luke and may are real.
15 May 2019 | 10:08
Many lovers like Ian can be fake, treating their lovers like a threat, threating with pretense. Not Not Not Not Not what love is all about. It's good to know that he's in her past.
15 May 2019 | 10:14
May and mikey has a drunkard mom that talks shit most of the time she talks which everyone is used to. James clifford their father truly cares for her kids, may truly his kid while mikey he took as his kid. May and mikey, two siblings from the same belly, still family.
15 May 2019 | 10:25
Even mikey fell apart from family and friends with an excuse of being jealous. It's understandable now that he's back to family with all efforts for real love to continue with luke and may.
15 May 2019 | 10:31
Cora was so fabulous to bring mikey back to the real family and friends, especially to his best friend and lovely sister, luke and may. Calum was also fabulous in working for reunion. Brooke has been so fake as their friend, travis really need to look for another lover and forget about Luke and May.
15 May 2019 | 10:45
When younger ones gather together to love one another, they has to gather more experience with what they have experienced. MAY AND LUKE should continue to forgive one another as the learn more about LOVE.
15 May 2019 | 10:52
May cool down naaa
15 May 2019 | 14:50
that's the only solution to ur problem now, by kiss her, she talk too much,I wonder why she can't forgive him,that was the same mistake she did with her friend while is this too much for her to handle as if she had not make mistake b4 .....abeg may I wan hear word
15 May 2019 | 18:18
I immediately find myself turn to jello and kiss back. I get lost in Luke every time he kisses me. It's like the world is put on pause every time his lips touch mine. It's as if nothing matters but him. But, this time is different. I can't pause anything this time. All I can think about now is him being with another girl. I pull away and take a step back. "Luke stop." "You kissed me back. I knew it wasn't over for you either." "Well of course it's not. But you can't just kiss me and expect everything to be okay again." I tell him. He takes a step closer to me, so close that I can feel his breath on my face. But, I don't move. He tucks a strand of loose hair behind my ear, and leaves his hand on my cheek, stroking it gently with his thumb. His face comes extremely close to mine. "I love you. And you love me. Neither of us want this to be over. You know that just as much as I do. You're my everything, May." He says as he presses his lips to mine again. I don't pull away, but I don't kiss back. "Kiss me back, baby." Luke practically begs against my lips. That's all it takes for me to give in. I move my lips against his, feeling the rush I always get. I know I shouldn't because this is probably giving him false hope of us getting back together and I know this is selfish of me but, I just need to feel his lips on mine one last time. I kiss him back roughly. The kiss is filled with passion. A passion that will never die. We walk backwards until we're at the couch. Luke leans down until he's lying down on the couch, me on top of him. I run my fingers through his hair and tug on it, knowing he loves when I do that. His fingers draw circles on my hips, then he moves to the hem of my shirt, lifting it up slightly. I know this is the last thing we should be doing but, I need him one last time. I pull away and sit up slightly. His face looks completely distraught as he probably thinks i'm pulling away to stop this. Instead, I lift my shirt up over my head and throw it on the floor. I reach for the hem of his shirt and pull it off of him, throwing it on the floor too. Soon, the rest of our clothing is discarded and we are completely naked. He slowly enters me, and i'm in complete euphoria. "I love you." He moans. "Shh." I say back to him. Of course I love him too but, I can't bring myself to tell him. It'll feel too much as if we're together, when we're not. - We lay on the couch, just coming off of our highs. Luke's chest heaves as I lay my head on it. I forget for a slight second everything that's happened, but then it all comes back at once. I can't believe I just had sex with him. He just had to kiss me. I can't control myself when i'm around him. "We shouldn't have done this, Luke." "Yes we should have. We're not over. That should be blatantly obvious by now." Luke says. I sit up and retrieve my clothes off the floor. "Where are you going?" He asks. I clip my bra on and pull my shirt over my head. I stand up as I pull on my panties and pyjama shorts. "This changes nothing, Luke." I say and I mean it. Just because we had sex, it doesn't change what he did. I know i'm not perfect either and i've made tons of mistakes that he's forgiven me for but, never once have I cheated on him. When Travis kissed me, I pulled back straight away and made him leave. I don't even think about other guys, and it completely destroys me that he obviously thinks about other girls. Was I not enough for him? "May come on. You know how sorry I am. Nothing like that will ever happen again, I promise! Please just forgive me." He begs. "You say you didn't mean it. And you say that we were broken up at the time but, how would you feel if I went and made out with some random guy right now, and then came and just said 'sorry, it's not like we were together'. You wouldn't ever be able to forget it, right?" He doesn't say anything. I hand him his shirt and pants. "You should go home. This won't happen ever again." I tell him. He slowly puts his shirt and pants on. I stand up and walk towards the door, Luke slowly following. "This can't be the end for us." He croaks. I look up at him as I take his hands in mine. "I'll always love you, but I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry, Luke." "So you're just willing to throw everything away?" He says, raising his voice slightly. "Don't make this out to be my fault! You were the one with someone else, not me! Do you think this is easy for me? You think it's easy for me to let go of the person I love most in this world? It's the hardest fucking thing i've ever had to do, Luke. But I can't take the pain that comes with this relationship anymore. It's not only about you and the other girl, it's everything. We fight more than we get along. I can't do it anymore." "Where do you expect to go from here?" He barks. I sigh. "I'll always be your friend. I'll always be around. You and my brother are best friends, so it's not like we'll never see each other again." I try to assure him, holding back my tears as best as I can. As much as this is killing me, I know it's what I need to do in order to spare myself the pain. "I can't. We can't be friends. I don't think I can even be around you if we're not together. It'll just be like ripping my heart out every time. I don't think I could handle that, May." Luke says, tears in his eyes. "So what are you saying?" I ask, not being able to hold my tears in anymore. "Maybe i'll look into college finally. A college away from Sydney." I furrow my brows. "You can't just run away from your life!" "Well what do you want from me, May! I can't take this!" "You can't-" I start before i'm interrupted by a knock at the door. I sigh as I open the door. I widen my eyes as I see two police officers stand in front of me. "Can I help you?" I ask. "Is this the home of May Clifford?" One of the officers asks. My eyes widen. "Yes that's me. What's going on?" "Would you come with us please?" The other officer asks. "What's going on?" I ask again, my voice shaking in worry. "We really aren't allowed to say anymore until we get there." "Anymore? You haven't said anything! Get where?" I ask as I follow them out of the apartment. Luke follows behind me. The police officer sighs as he turns around to face me. "The hospital." And just like that, my world stops spinning......... ---------------------- hhhmmm..... okayyyy guys.... what did you think of this episode ? Do you think it was wrong of May to sleep with Luke? What do you think about the hospital? Are you guys worried? Please like and comment
16 May 2019 | 03:32
@itzprince :
16 May 2019 | 03:33
Who's in the hospital Michael or your Mum
16 May 2019 | 10:32
whatever, who's in the hospital?
16 May 2019 | 17:04
May's mum is into drugs
16 May 2019 | 17:40
The drive to the hospital was fairly silent. The police officers drove Luke and I. I didn't say anything when he got inside the car with me because as much as I hate to admit it, I need him. The police wouldn't answer any questions I had for them. They wouldn't even tell me who this was regarding which was making me crazy. All they told me was that since I was under eighteen, I had to wait to speak with a doctor at the hospital. Finally, the police car pulls up to the hospital. I get out of the car and run into the hospital as fast as my legs will take me. Did something happen to Michael? I run to the front desk. "Excuse me! My name is May Clifford. I was brought here by police officers regarding a relative in the hospital. Is my brother okay? What happened?" I ask loudly. "Okay sweetie, what's your brothers name?" She asks. "Michael. Michael Clifford. Please- is he okay?" She types his name into the computer and furrows her brows. "There's no one by that name in our computer." What does she mean? The police said a relative was brought into the hospital. But if Michael's fine then-Mum. "Try Sandra Clifford." I say, praying that she once again tells me that name isn't in the system. She nods her head when a name obviously comes up and it's as if the wind is knocked out of me. "She's in room 442. Her doctor is Doctor Andrews. I'll page him for you." She says. My heart beats rapidly. What's wrong with my mother? Is she okay? Why is she here? Where's Michael? I turn to look to the side of me and see Luke standing there. I let out a sigh of relief. I really am glad he's here with me. "Luke, Why isn't Michael here? Why did they get me but not him?" I ask him, even though I doubt he knows the answer. "I'll call him right now, okay?" He says as he puts his hand on my forearm. I nod slowly. He walks away to call Michael, but comes back with an expression I can't decipher. "I called three times, it goes straight to voicemail. I left him a message though telling him that we're at the hospital and he needs to come now." "Where the hell is he!" I raise my voice. Luke puts his hand on my cheek. I don't move away. "Everything will be okay, May." He tries to assure me. "You don't know that." I say. "May Clifford?" I hear a voice ask from behind me. "That's me." I say as I turn around to see a doctor standing there. "I'm Doctor Andrews, your mother's doctor." He introduces himself, but frankly I could care less about his name right now. "Is she okay? What happened? Can I see her?" I ask. "Please." He says as he extends his hand to a room, gesturing me to go in. I walk into the room with the doctor and he begins to shut the door. "Wait." I tell him. I stand outside the doorway and see Luke going to sit in the waiting area. "Luke." I call him. He looks up and I wave him over. I have no idea what the doctor is about to tell me, but all I know is that I don't want to go through this alone. Luke walks into the room and shuts the door behind him. We all sit at the round table in the center of the room. "Just tell me what's going on." I say. The doctor takes a breath. "May, your mother overdosed. A neighbour found her unconscious in her home. We ran tests that told us she had been that way for at least twenty-four hours. She's in a medically induced coma as of right now, seeing as she can't breathe on her own. In situations like these, it is up to the family to decide if they would like to keep them in the coma, or unplug them and let nature take it's course. We are still trying to get in contact with your brother since he is of age and is your mother's next of kin. I know this is a horrible situation and i'm terribly sorry." Doctor Andrews tells me....... Sobs come out of me involuntarily. I bring my hand to my face to cover my mouth. How can any of this be happening. My mother could die, and the last things I said to her were terrible and mean. "I really am so sorry." The doctor tells me as he puts his hand on my shoulder in comfort. "Can I see her?" I cry. "Of course you can. Take your time, a nurse will bring you down whenever you're ready." He tells me. I nod. He tells me how sorry he is once again before he walks out of the room, leaving just Luke and I. I stand up and pace back and forth, rubbing my face with my hands and running them through my hair in angst. "I'm so sorry, May." Luke says as he comes closer to me. "Don't come near me." I say. I know I said I need him here with me, but I think I was wrong. I can't have him here at a time like this. I need to focus on my family more than ever right now. "May, forget about everything with us for two seconds, okay? I'm here for you because I love you. I'm always going to be here for you." I look at him and break into sobs as I run to him. He engulfs me in a hug and stokes my hair. "How can this be happening?" I say into his chest. "I don't know. But you'll get through this, I know you will." He says into my shoulder. "The last things I said to her were nasty." I sob. "Your mother knows how much you love her, don't doubt that." We pull away from the hug and I wipe the tears from my face. I open the door and Luke follows. "Excuse me? Can I see Sandra Clifford please?" I ask the nurse at the desk. "Who are you in relation to the patient?" She asks me. "Daughter." I tell her, tears falling from my eyes. She types my mother's name into the computer to find the room number. "Follow me." She instructs. We follow her down a long hallway and stop at room 442. I turn the handle and am about to open when I hear the nurse speak. "Oh i'm sorry, family only." She says as she stops Luke. "He is family." She nods and walks back down the hall. I turn the handle and slowly walk into my mother's hospital room. I look up and see her lying on the bed, tubes everywhere. I gasp involuntarily. My mother is lying here so helpless, and there's nothing I can do to save her. "I can't do this." I say as I turn around. "Yes you can." Luke assures me as he takes my hand in his. I exhale loudly and nod slowly. We walk over to the bed where my mother lay and I sit in the chair. Luke stands behind me with his hand on shoulder. I lean forward slightly and take my mother's hand in mine. She may be a drunk, and mean sometimes but regardless, she is my mother. I knew her for more years sober than I did drunk. She's the same woman that used to tuck me in at night. The same woman who used to read me stories before bed and check the closet for monsters. She gave birth to me for goodness sake. "Why, mum?" I cry as I rest my forehead on her hand. If I knew my mother was into hard drugs, I would have never left her alone. I wouldn't have abandoned her the way I did. When Michael told me she would come home high, I assumed he meant marijuana, not other drugs. Who knows what she even overdosed on. If Michael and I never moved out, we would have been with her. She should have never been alone......"I'm so sorry, my phone was off. I didn't know what was going on!" Michael says with tears in his eyes as he comes rushing in the room. "Mikey." I cry as I stand up and run into his arms. "I spoke with the doctor when I came in. I can't believe any of this." Michael cries. "We should have been there, Mikey." I sob. "I know. If we were with her, then none of this would have happened." Michael says. "Hey, you guys can't blame yourselves for any of this. It's not your fault." Luke tells us. Michael walks over to our mother and takes her hand in his. I walk over to the other side of her and take her other hand. "I'll give you guys some time." Luke says as he begins to walk out of the room. "Hey, Luke." I call as he turns around. "Thanks for being here." He nods and gives a sympathetic smile before walking out of the room and shutting the door. "I'm so sorry mum. I should have been there. Please wake up. Please, I need you." Michael cries. "What are we going to do, Mikey?" I ask, running my thumb over my mother's forehead. "We have two options." "Don't you think I know that?" I bark. I don't mean to be rude to Michael, I just don't know how to handle all of this. Michael's always been better in these type of situations. "I don't think we should keep her hooked up like this." Michael whispers. My head shoots up. "What the hell do you mean? If she isn't hooked up then she'll die!" Michael sighs. "Look at her. She's already not living on her own. This isn't living, not being hooked up to all these machines. I mean for God sake's, May, mum can't even breathe without the ventilator." "She just needs more time." I cry. Michael walks over to stand beside me. "Do you think mum would want to be hooked up to all of this stuff like this? We should let her live the rest of her life in peace. We just hope for a miracle." Michael says. I look at my mother. Michael's right. Our mother would never want to be hooked up to all these machines. I remember when our grandmother was in the hospital years ago, mum told the doctors to take her off the machines and let nature take it's course. She died a few minutes later, but mum knew that she died peacefully. She knew that she died on her own, she wasn't hooked up to all these machines. That's exactly what our mum would want us to do right now. "Okay." I whisper. - "So i'll just unplug this here, and then it should only be a few minutes." Doctor Andrews explains. Michael and I explained what we chose, and how we think it's what our mother would want. Here we stand, minutes away from losing our mother. I'm not ready for this. She's never going to see me graduate. Or get married. She's never going to see Michael and Cora get married like I know they will. She'll never get to meet our children. Luke told us he would wait in the waiting room, but Michael and I both told him that we want him with us. Doctor Andrews slowly unplugs the tubes and shuts off the ventilator. "I truthfully am so sorry." He says before he walks out of the room. Michael and I sit on either sides of our mother. Luke sits beside me. "I love you, mum. I'm sorry that we turned our back on you. You mean the world to us, you need to know that." I don't know if she can hear me or not, but I can't let the last words I say to her be hateful. She needs to know she was loved by her children. "For so long it was always just you and me, mum." Michael says to her. "Somewhere along the way things changed but, what never changed was how much you meant to me. You were always my rock, mum. You always taught me to be myself, no matter what other people think. I know these past few months weren't great but, it wasn't always like this. I love you, mum." Tears fall from my eyes after Michael's small speech to our mother. He chuckles through his sobs as he continues. "You're going to miss May and Luke get married you know." He looks up at us, Luke and I both with wide eyes. "They might not know it yet, but I do. Remember when you always used to worry about the guys May would date when she lived back in Melbourne? Well you don't have to worry anymore. She found one of the good ones. She'll be okay, mum. I'll make sure of it." Michael tells my mother. I never knew she used to worry about the boys I dated. I try my best to hold in my sobs. "Mikey will be okay too, mum. He's going to get married to Cora, I know it. They're probably going to end up having tons of kids. But don't worry, I won't let Mikey dye their hair until they're at least sixteen." I giggle slightly through my sobs. It felt good to say these things. It felt like if even just for a second, we could share our future's with our mother who would never get to see them for herself. Wether she could hear us or not, I chose to believe she can. Just then, a loud constant beep sounds. I look up at the monitor to see the line is now flat. I break into sobs, leaning my head on my mother's arm. A nurse comes into the room and shuts off the sound, which I am grateful for. I feel his Luke's hand rest on my shoulder, faint sniffles coming from him as well. "We love you, mum. Always." Michael cries as he kisses our mother's forehead. They say you never know what you've got until it's gone. I now understand what that saying really mean now........????❤❤❤??? --------------------------- I may or may not have cried while writing this episode ???.... folk's!!! what are your thoughts on this chapter? I know some of were already thinking it would be Don't worry im not that mean! Lol.... Please comment and like!!... it would mean so much and it only takes a second!!.... thanks!!!..... and am so sorry about their mum.... hhmmm.....
17 May 2019 | 00:53
@itzprince $
17 May 2019 | 00:54
RIP Mrs Sandra
17 May 2019 | 15:39
dey should Hav taken her to rehabilitation center,,, she wouldn't have died on overdose
17 May 2019 | 16:59
how I wish she have second chance to change her way of life
17 May 2019 | 19:05
"Mikey, are you ready to go?" I ask Michael from his open bedroom door. He sat on his bed in his suit, holding a picture frame containing a picture of him, my parents, and myself. We were all laughing. I remember that day as if it were yesterday. It was the day our parents took us to the carnival back when we all lived in Melbourne. We had asked a worker to take our picture in front of the ferris wheel, but she was an older lady and couldn't get the camera to work. She started cussing at the inanimate object which caused us all to laugh. I can't even begin to fathom that I won't ever hear my mother's laugh again. Today is her funeral. I can tell Michael's trying to be strong for the both of us, but it completely tears me apart when I hear him crying in his room at night. Michael was the closest to our mum, he lived with just her for years. He nods his head as he stands up and puts the picture on his bed. He walks towards me and stops. "You ready?" I ask. I don't mean if he's ready dressing wise, I mean it in regards to his mental state. He shakes his head. "No, but do I really have a choice?" He asks rhetorically. We walk out to the living room where our father is waiting. He flew over as soon as we called to tell him. He stands up from the couch and walks towards us. We all put on our shoes and walk down the the car in silence. My dad starts his rental car and begins to drive to the funeral home. "Michael, you don't have to speak at the funeral if you don't want to." My dad says. "I want to." Michael says. My father nods his head. He knows how hard this is on Michael. We get to the funeral home and walk inside. Their are multiple rooms with services going on. My mother is in the third room. My father and I begin to walk in the room, but I realize Michael isn't following. "Are you coming?" I ask with softness in my voice. "In a minute." He says. I nod and walk in with my father. We walk up to the casket and say our goodbyes mentally. My mother always told us that when she died she wanted a closed casket, which is exactly what we did. After we finish our prayers and goodbyes, we take a seat in the front row of chairs. I look back at the doorway and see Michael just standing there, staring. I debate on going on up to him or staying here, but I decide to stay where I am. Michael may just need to do this on his own, at his own pace. No one is judging him for that. Finally after several minutes, Michael comes inside. He walks up to the casket and grazes his fingers on it. He makes the sign of the cross with his hands, and then proceeds to say his goodbyes. After he finishes, he takes a seat beside me. I take his hand in mine and look up at him. He gives me a small smile, as if to say he can do this. Soon, people begin coming in. Many people whom I don't know hug me and tell me how sorry they are and how much they respected my mother. I wasn't aware my mother knew this many people. All of our friends came and paid their respects. My family from all over Australia came, which I am thankful for. Family is so important at times like these. "How are you kids holding up?" My aunt Matilda asks. "It hasn't been easy." I tell her honestly. "You know you're both welcome to come stay with me any time you like." She tells me. "Thank you Aunt Matilda." She nods and hugs us both before going to sit down with her husband and our two cousins, April and Peter. Matilda was my mother's sister, but they were never that close. My mother was born in Perth, but after she moved to Melbourne, she didn't really speak to her family very much. It's not that there was any bad blood between them, they just didn't ever make time to see or talk to each other........ I had tried not to cry that much, but sometimes I couldn't help it. I noticed Michael hadn't shed a single tear. It seemed like he was numb to everything. He spoke very monotone, and hugged very weakly. I wish there was something I could do to ease this pain for him-for both of us. Just then, I see Luke walk up to us. My dad is the first in line, so he shakes his hand. "Luke, thanks for coming." My dad says. "Of course. I'm so sorry about Sandra." Luke says. "Thank you." He lets go of his hand and walks to me. I just stand there, unable to move. He comes closer to me and wraps his arms around me. As soon as I feel his body on mine, I instinctively wrap my arms around him. Just touching Luke gives me if even an ounce of pain relief from everything happening. "I'm so sorry, May." He whispers into my hair. "Thank you." I say, choking on my tears. "You'll get through this. I'm here for you, you know that." I immediately begin to sob into Luke's shoulder. He brings his hand to the back of my head and strokes my hair in comfort. "I love you." He whispers, almost so quietly that I couldn't hear, but I did. "I love you, too." I tell him, and mean it. He kisses my cheek before I pull away from the hug and sniffle. He moves onto Michael and he stands up. "Michael I am so sorry." Luke says, unsure if he should hug Michael or not. No one really knew how to act around Michael right now, because he wasn't letting anyone know how he was taking all of this. He was just cold to everyone, which was obviously his way of coping. I just wish he would let someone in. Just then, Michael breaks into tears as he hugs Luke. It's the first time i've seen him cry since the hospital. Luke seems to be the only person to be able to get Michael to show his emotions. I'm so grateful my brother has Luke. I don't think he could get through this without him. I don't think either of us could. "I can't believe she's gone." Michael says though his tears. Hearing Michael cry immediately makes me begin to cry again, but I try to hide it as best as possible. I can tell my father heard Michael because he starts to tear up as well, but he instantly turns the opposite way to hide it. "Me neither. You'll get through this, though. You all will." Luke assures Michael. They both pull away from the hug and Luke goes to sit with Calum, Cora, and the rest of our friends. The pastor soon goes up and says a few prayers and some kind words about my mother. After he's finished, Michael stands up and walks towards the podium. He takes a deep breath as takes a folded piece of paper out from his suit pocket. He clears his throat before he begins. "Thank you all so much for coming. Sandra Clifford was a friend to many. She was also a wife, and a mother. She was my mother. When someone you love so much passes away; all their faults, mistakes, and misdeeds vanish. The only things you remember about them is their smile, their laugh, their light, and their love. Most people who knew my mother knew that she struggled with alcohol and drug addictions. And although that may be how some of you will remember her, that's nothing how I will. I will remember her as my perfect, beautiful, and caring mum. I uh-" Michael quickly wipes his tears away as he shakes his head and folds the piece of paper up, obviously not wanting to read the speech he prepared. "I remember one time when I was seven, she took my sister May and I to the zoo. And me being the wuss I am, I started crying when I saw the lions. My mum took my hand and bent down beside me. She said 'don't be afraid of the things that are known to hurt. Be afraid of the things that aren't expected to .' I didn't know what that really meant at the time seeing as I was so young, but those words always stuck with me. And as I got older, I understood what they meant. My mother taught me everything I know. She not only taught me simple things like how to tie my shoes and how to count, but she always taught me the bigger things. She taught me how to be a good person. She taught me how to love unconditionally. And although I haven't been able to come to terms with any of this yet, I know I will eventually. Because I know that wherever I am, she is too. This is not a goodbye, this is merely a see you later, because I will see her again one day. May you rest in peace mum, I love you." He looks at my mother's casket as he says his last words. He walks back to his seat and I stand up to hug him. "I'm so proud of you." I tell him. The ceremony soon ends and people begin filing out. Some come up to us and give their condolences again, others just leave. Michael and I decided not to have a get together after the funeral like people usually do. The funeral was enough for one day. My dad, Michael and I drive back to our apartment. We take off our shoes and walk over to the couch. "Where are you going?" I ask Michael when I see him walking away. "I just need to be alone right now." Michael explains. "Oh, okay." "I'm very proud of you for your speech today, son." My father tells Michael. I silently pray that Michael doesn't start anything about not being his biological son. That would really be the last thing we need today. "Thanks, dad." Michael gives a weak smile before walking into his room and shutting the door. I smile at Michael's words. It's nice to know that even though Michael knows about our dad not being his birthfather, he still thinks of him as his dad. I had called my father the day after our mother told us and explained to him that Michael and I know. Him and Michael spoke for a couple of hours, first there was yelling, and then crying. But i'm glad to see it changed nothing. I sigh as I lean into the couch and rest my head on my father's shoulder. I honestly don't know how we'll be able to get past any of this...... ???????? ⚰ ⚰ ---------------------- -------------- Another sad episode... :( But don't worry next episode won't be as sad as this one... I promise!! Please like.... , comment, and stay with me till the end.... lol..... ❤❤❤❤❤????...... -------⚰ REST WELL SANDRA CLIFFORD ⚰ ----- we all love's you dearly but God love's you the most... till we meet again........ ❤❤❤❤
17 May 2019 | 19:33
@Itzprince #
17 May 2019 | 19:38
You're doing a great job bro Rise on
18 May 2019 | 12:57
You're doing a great job Ride on
18 May 2019 | 12:59
RIP Sandra, next pls
18 May 2019 | 18:06
So touching
19 May 2019 | 03:49
It's been two weeks since my mother's funeral. I haven't gone to school at all. My principal told me to take as much time off as I need. And I figure I need more time than two weeks. Especially since Michael has barely come out of his room. He comes out to make himself dinner, and then takes it back to his room. He assures me he is fine but I know he isn't. Each day has gotten slightly easier for me. It's not even close to okay yet, but I feel less pain than I did before. Michael's speech is truly what is getting me through this. Remembering his words about how she will always be with us is what is getting me up each morning. I'd like to think my mother is looking down on me. And I know she would want me to be strong, which is what i'm trying to do. I have tried everything to get Michael to open up to me, but I know he won't. As close as we might be, I know there is only one person who can break down his walls. I pull out my phone and text Luke. I ask him to come over. Not for me, for Michael. I saw at the funeral how Luke was the only person to break down Michael's walls. As much as I need Luke right now, I know Michael needs him more. I haven't seen him since the funeral, but I know that is just because he is giving us space. At least I hope so. Soon, there is a knock on the door which I know is Luke. "Michael, come to the door." I say as I open it. Michael came out of his room but only stands at his doorway. "What are you doing here?" Michael asks Luke. "I asked him to come. You may not think you need anyone right now Mikey, but I know you do. I saw the way Luke was the only person you opened up to at the funeral. So I thought he should be here for you right now." I explain to him. Michael doesn't say anything. He just walks back into his room, but he leaves the door open. Clearly for Luke to go in. Luke looks at me and gives a small nod as he walks to Michael's room. "Hey." I grab Luke's forearm gently. He turns to face me. "Could you come to my room later on? I need to talk to you." I say quietly. He nods before going into Michael's room and shutting the door behind him.... --------------------- Luke's POV........ I go into Michael's room and shut the door behind me. I really don't know what to say to him. I've never gone through anything like this before. "How are you holding up?" I ask. He shrugs. "Fine, I guess." "Are you actually fine, or just saying that?" He looks up at me. "My mum meant the world to me, Luke. And now she's just―gone." I sit beside him on the edge of his bed. "I know she did. Don't you remember your speech though? You said it yourself, she's always going to be with you. Sure, you may never get over it but, you need to learn to move on. You need to continue your life. That's what she would want you to do, don't you think?" He sighs. "When my grandma died, my mother barely mourned her death. I asked her why she was so cold about it all but she said to me 'she'll always be with me. Wherever I go.' That's where I got it from. She said it herself." He explains to me. "Well then you should know that she would want you to stop hiding out in your room. You've got to live your life. Make her proud." "I'm thinking about going to college." Michael tells me........ "Funny, so am I. Where do you plan on going?" I ask him. "I don't know yet. Not Sydney, that's all I know. And definitely not Melbourne." "Agreed." "Don't tell May though, okay? She can't know about me wanting to leave. Not yet." I nod in understanding. I hate keeping things from May, but then again, it's not like we're together anymore. "So you gonna be okay?" I ask my best friend. He nods. "Yeah, I think I will." He says with a faint smile. I stand up and walk to the doorway, but turn back to face Michael. "Hey, Mike? You meant the world to her, too." He smiles. A real smile. Something I haven't seen for weeks. "Thanks." I nod before walking out and beginning to close the door. "Hey, Luke?" Michael says before I shut it. "Yeah?" "Wanna play some video games?" He asks. I was supposed to go talk with May, but my best friend needs me right now. Even if it's just playing video games. "Yeah, sure." I smile as I walk back into his room and pick up a controller. "I'll own you though. I've had two weeks upper hand." I make a small joke, hoping it doesn't offend him or anything. "Fuck you, i'll always be better." Michael laughs. "We'll see." I laugh too. It feels so good to laugh with my best friend again. I can't imagine what it's going to be like when we both go off to different colleges.......... -------------------- May's POV............. "So you're holding up okay?" Cora asks over the phone. "Yeah, I guess so. It gets easier each day." I tell her. This was the first time i've spoken to Cora since the funeral. I haven't seen or spoken to anyone really. My father left a few days after the funeral, Michael barely comes out of his room, and Luke hadn't come by at all. "How's Michael?" She asks, extreme worry in her voice. I'm glad my brother has someone who cares about him as much as Cora does. "He's been taking it pretty hard. He hasn't really come out of his room much. But I asked Luke to come over, he's with him now." I explain. "Yeah, Luke always was the person Michael would open up to." Cora says. "How about you and Luke?" I sigh. "Ask me that again tomorrow. I'll have a better answer to give." Just then someone knocks on my door. "Someone's at my door, i'll talk to you soon." I say as I hang up. I know it must be Luke. I shoot up out of bed and run over to my vanity. I quickly fix my hair and wipe the mascara from under my eyes. It's not that I was crying, it's just I haven't really washed it off for a few days. I really don't know how this conversation is going to go, but I at least want to look presentable while having it. I walk over to the door and open it slowly. "Hey." Luke says. "Hi." I say back. "Uh, come in."..... Luke slowly walks inside my room and I shut the door behind him. "Sorry I took so long. Michael wanted to play video games and I didn't want to say no to him because he-" "No I get it, Luke. Don't worry about that." I assure him. Spending time with Michael was the reason I asked him to come over. "How is he?" I ask. "He laughed. And smiled too. I think he'll be okay, May." Luke tells me with an assuring smile. "Thanks for coming over. I thought maybe you wouldn't since you didn't for these past two weeks." I say quietly. "I was just trying to give you both some space. I don't really know how to comfort someone in these types of situations and I don't know how you handle them either. I didn't know if you'd want space or not." "I wish you would have been here." I whisper, instantly regretting it. I hope he didn't hear me. He brings his hand to lift my chin. Shit, I guess he did hear me. "If I would have known that, I would have been here. There's no doubt about that. I'm sorry I wasn't." "It's okay." "How have you been with everything?" He asks. "I've been okay. It gets easier each day. And I just try to remember what Michael said. That she'll always be here with us. I know she would want me to live my life, so that's what i'm trying to do." Luke smiles. "I'm really proud of you, May. You're being so strong through all of this." "I'm trying." I shrug. I sit on my bed and he stands awkwardly at the door with his hands in his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels. He always does that when he's nervous. "So, what did you want to talk about?" He asks nervously. "Luke, why are you so nervous? Relax." I laugh lightly. He chuckles. "Well I don't know. I don't really know how to act around you right now." "The same way you always did." I tell him. "Minus the sex." Luke laughs, then widens his eyes. He obviously didn't mean to say that out loud. "I don't know why I said that. I'm sorry." "It's okay." I giggle. "Fuck, it's just like when I first met you and kept saying shit that sounded dirty." He laughs. I laugh as I remember the memory. I'm glad to see Luke can still be himself around me. I thought that maybe it wouldn't be able to be the same, but it's good to see he still makes the same dirty jokes he always did. "I wanted to talk about us." I say, sounding more like a question than a statement. His head shoots up. "What about us?" "Sit down, Luke." I tell him, patting the bed. He walks over fairly quickly and sits beside me, crossing his legs. He looks funny with his long legs crossed like that, but I decide not to make a joke about it. "These past few weeks have really made me think about a lot of stuff. And i've realized that life is too short to hold grudges, because people are here one day and gone the next. Everything can change in the blink of an eye, and I don't want things to always be the way they are right now." I tell him. "What are you saying, May?" "Do you uh-you know, still..." I begin to ask him but fade off. It feels so silly to ask if he still loves me. Maybe he does and maybe he doesn't, but it's not right to put him on the spot. "You know I do. I always will." Luke practically reads my mind. "I do too. And i'm done with this whole fight if you are?" His eyes widen and a smile plasters across his face. "Wait, really?" "I trust you, Luke. I know how sorry you are. And we've both done some pretty bad things to each other, not just you. We both just really need to stop trusting what other people say, especially Brooke. I love you too much to hate you." "So you're not mad anymore?" He asks. "I'm obviously not one-hundred percent over the fact that some other girl almost-" I don't finish the sentence. I clear my throat and continue. "But I love you. And like you said all those months ago, we're meant to be." "You remember when I told you that?" He asks, clearly shocked that I remembered. But how could I possible forget? "Of course I do. We were laying on the bed before Michael came home. That was before he even knew about us." "I can't believe you remember that." Luke smiles, obviously touched that I remembered. "I remember every sweet thing you've said to me, Luke. Well, every sweet thing and every horrible thing. but the good outweigh the bad." I assure him. "So then, we're back?" He asks. "Well I know that I don't want to be without you, so the balls in your court." I tell him. He immediately cups my face in his hands and smashes his lips onto mine. I've missed this feeling so much. Our lips move in unison, as if they'd never left each other. He kisses me softly at first, almost as if he's afraid i'll change my mind. But once I kiss back harder, he realizes I won't. He instantly takes control and pushes me back against my bed, hovering over me. My lips part as his tongue enters my mouth. I run my fingers through his hair and pull gently, knowing he loves that. He brings his mouth down to my jaw, and trails kisses upwards, stopping at my ear. "I've missed you so much." He breaths. "I've missed you, too." I tell him, meaning it. And for the first time in weeks, i'm genuinely happy. I always am when i'm with Luke.............. --------------------------- huh ?..... so guys... finally!!.... luke and may are back together! ... are you guys happy about that, or do you think they should have moved on from each other? please show your comment and like on this please ..... thanks!!!
19 May 2019 | 04:08
hmmm...and so are guyz also happy that may and luke are finally back together or do you all think that... they should have moved on away from each other...hmm pls ...share your opinion and let me all know what you guyz hv in mind on this particular episode...yeah!!thanks!!!
19 May 2019 | 06:07
I'm happy for them once again
19 May 2019 | 19:16
Am happy for them too
20 May 2019 | 04:50
"Oh god, I hope Michael didn't hear." I groan as I cover my face with my hands. The apartment doors aren't exactly soundproof, and if he was awake, he obviously would have heard us doing what we just did. We are currently laying on my bed, with only my bedsheets covering our bare skin. One thing had led to another and before we knew it, we were back together. Really back together. "Do you really have to mention your brother while we're lying in bed naked?" Luke laughs. I swat his chest. "I'm serious, Luke. I'd be mortified." "Relax, baby. He was asleep when I left the room. He didn't hear us." Luke assures me. I exhale in relief. "Good." "It's not like he doesn't know we have sex, May." Luke chuckles. I groan. "I know, but he's my brother. And your best friend. Isn't that embarrassing for you too?" I ask him. "Not really." He shrugs. "The only thing I hate is not being able to brag to my best friend about how great my girlfriend is in bed. That would just be way too awkward." Luke jokes. "Like just imagine someone telling you about their experience having sex with your sibling." He laughs. I shudder at the thought of Cora telling me about her and Michael. "I don't even want to think about it, Luke." Luke runs his fingers up my arm and leans into me closer, which I didn't even know was possible seeing as how close we are to each other. "I've missed this so much." Luke whispers in my ear. "What? Lying naked with me?" I joke. "Yeah. I've just missed having sex with you." He laughs as he shrugs his shoulders, obviously joking too. "No, i've missed this―us. My life is so different without you. And not a good different." I smile as I lean up to kiss him. "Same here." I say as I lean my forehead against his. I really have missed this, so much. Being with Luke makes me feel whole. As cliché as it may sound, Luke really was my other half. I wasn't me without him. "Promise me something, okay?" I say as I sit up on my bed. Luke supports his body on his forearms as he looks up at me. "Anything, baby." "Or else this relationship will never work." I tell him. "What is it?" "Promise me that this it. This is how it's always going to be. No more breakups. I can't take it anymore Luke. I meant that when I said it to you weeks ago, I can't take the pain anymore. So promise me that all these lies, secrets, and drama will end." He leans over to me and plants a kiss on my neck. "I promise." He says into my skin. He leaves kisses on my neck and trails upwards until his lips meet mine. I part my lips for him to enter my mouth, but he pulls away all too soon. I whimper quietly at the loss of contact. "Besides," He starts as he lays his head back onto the pillow, "Brooke has nothing to try and pull now. She probably had that video and that stupid plan for months. But it didn't work. Nothing can tear us apart, it's time people finally started to realize that." "You're right. I'm done with all of those people. Brooke and her group, they're all assholes." I huff. "Travis included." Luke says....... I furrow my eyebrows. "No, that's not including Travis." I obviously didn't mean Travis. Or Cora, Calum, Ashton, and all of them. I just meant Brooke and her friends from school. It's obvious she got them all to hate me, so I just need to do my best to steer clear of them while i'm at school. "What do you mean not including Travis?" Luke repeats my words. "I mean what I said. Travis is my friend." "Are you serious, May? He went along with Brooke's plan to try and break us up. Is that your definition of a friend? He kissed you for fuck sakes. " Luke says, anger rising within him. "Yeah I know. But people make mistakes. After all, I forgave you didn't I?" "Don't." Luke warns. "Don't you dare compare me to him. You won't see him again." Is he seriously ordering me? What the hell? What right does he have to tell me who I can be friends with? "You can't tell me if I will see him again or not. If I want to be friends with him then I will. You don't own me, Luke." I tell him, quite annoyed with his behaviour. I know what Travis did wasn't classified as friend of the year material but, people make mistakes. He did what he thought would work to get me to like him. Which is obviously wrong on so many levels and i'm not going to forgive him easily, but he's my friend. One of my only friends, and i'm not willing to let go that easily. I know he doesn't mean harm, he's really a nice guy. Luke stands up and starts putting his clothes back on. "Where are you going?" I ask. "I can't be here right now. We just got back together and I don't want that to be thrown away. I might say shit i'll regret, and i'm not in the mood for you to hold it against me for weeks." Luke huffs as he pulls his jeans up his legs. "Don't walk away. We need to learn to talk about things, Luke. One of us always ends up walking out on a fight, and that's not right." "Tell me you won't ever talk to Travis again and then i'll stay!" Luke raises his voice. I don't say anything for a while. "I won't tell you that." I finally say. Luke stands there and stares at me, I can almost see the anger radiating off of him. "Well then maybe i'll give Destiny a call. You know, see if she wants to hang out." Luke sneers as he walks out of my room, slamming the door behind him. I can't believe he just said that. Would he really be so heartless to mention the girl that caused this whole break up in the first place? What the fuck is wrong with him? I finally forgive him for it, and then he goes and throws it in my face. I groan as I shut my bedside light off and go to sleep.......... ------------- I wake up to my phone beeping repeatedly. I groan as I roll over and grab my phone off my bedside table, ripping it out of the charger. I lay on my side and only open one eye lazily as I check what all these notifications are. I see Luke's name with the number ten beside it, indicating that he called me ten times. I see his name again with a number five beside it, showing that he texted me five times. I also see that I have a voicemail. I decide to listen to the voicemail before I read the texts. I know he is probably just going to give me the same old apology he gives me every time he screws up but, I need to hear his voice. It's like a drug to me. I type in my password and listen to the voice mail...... "May, hey. It's Luke. Well you probably knew that because of all the missed calls. Look, i'm sorry about last night. I shouldn't have mentioned what I did." I'm glad to hear he didn't mention her name again. I listen as he continues. "I was such a dick. I had no right to order you not to see him again, but you just have to understand my point of view for one second, okay? You keep sticking up for and want to be friends with a guy that clearly likes you a lot. He even told you himself. He tried to help Brooke break us up. How would you feel if I hung out with Brooke? I'm not trying to sound rude baby, i'm really not. I just want you to understand where i'm coming from with all of this. I'm not trying to be possessive, but he obviously won't keep his feelings to himself. I just love you so much, call me back or just come over when you get this. Sorry if I woke you up by the way. Alright, bye babe."... .... He says as he hangs up the phone... I smile at Luke's nerdy-ness. I guess I do understand where he's coming from now. I would hate it if he wanted to hang out with Brooke, who is obviously creepily and obsessively in love with him. Maybe he's right. Maybe I shouldn't be friends with someone like Travis. Luke's right, if he didn't keep his feelings to himself all this time, what makes now any different? I get where Luke is coming from with not wanting me to be friends with Travis, but he also could have handled it all much better. I am not his possession, nor will I ever be. I get up out of my bed and quickly rip my sheets off, throwing them into my hamper. I throw my duvet over the bare mattress and I walk over to my closet. I throw on my black leggings and my tight white v-neck. I go into the bathroom and quickly wash my face and brush my teeth. I apply my usual makeup, and let my hair out of the bun. I don't bother brushing it, since it gets way too frizzy when I do. I don't bother knocking on Michael's bedroom door to let him know i'm going to Luke's house. It's way too early to wake him up. I decide to leave a note taped to the fridge, so he'll see it when he wakes up and goes for food, which he obviously will. - The walk to Luke's house is short. I knock on the door and wait for him to open it. After several minutes, he still doesn't answer. I take the key I know he has hidden under the dog statue on his porch and open the door. I walk upstairs to Luke's room and see him passed out on his bed. He's so cute when he sleeps. The way his mouth hangs open slightly, and the way part of his hair falls to his forehead. Oh god, i'm so creepy―i'm literally watching him sleep. I can't help it though, I love him. I walk over to his bed and lay beside him. I try my best not to wake him but he groans, and I know I woke him up. "Shit, sorry. I didn't mean to wake you up." I whisper. I don't know why i'm whispering though, he's awake now anyways. "May, what are you doing here?" He groans, still groggy from his sleep. "I got your voicemail. And calls, and texts." I giggle. He eyes shoot open and he sits up. He takes my hands in his and begins to speak. "I'm so sorry about last night. I was such an asshole for saying what I said." He apologizes. "You should have never brought that up, Luke." I sigh. "I know. I'm so sorry, baby. I don't know why i'm such a fuck up. I won't ever bring it up again I promise." He tells me. I nod my head. I know he was just worked up over the whole Travis thing, he wouldn't say that out of the blue to intentionally hurt me. "You forgive me?" He asks, clearly shocked that I gave in so fast. But honestly, i'm done holding grudges. Yes he shouldn't have said it, but it wasn't the worst thing he's ever said. "Yeah. And you were right." He raises an eyebrow. "You forgive me and i'm right? Are you feeling okay?" He holds the back of his hand to my forehead. I push his arm away. "I'm serious." "Sorry. Right about what?" He asks. "Travis. You were right. I shouldn't be friends with him under the circumstances. I wouldn't want you to be friends with Brooke, and honestly, I would have probably reacted worse than you did if you said you wanted to be friends with her. So i'm going to talk to Travis. I'm going to explain everything to him. Because regardless of what you might think, I know he truly is a nice guy." I tell him. "I don't want you to resent me because you're not friends with him though." Luke tells me. "Luke, I won't ever resent you." I assure him. "I'm always going to choose you. Don't you get that by now? If I wanted to be friends with Travis then I would. But I truthfully don't think it's a smart idea. And it's not fair to you." He leans closer to me. "I really am sorry about what I said." "Don't ever bring it up again, okay?" He nods. "I won't. I promise." "I love you, Luke." I smile. He kisses me gently. "I love you, May." He says as he presses his lips to mine again. I really am telling the truth about this whole Travis thing. I don't think it is a good idea for us to be friends. I wouldn't in a million years be okay with Brooke and Luke being friends, so it's understandable why he wouldn't want me to be friends with Travis. I just hate now that I won't have any friends at school. Thank god I only have five months left...... ---------------------- lol ?.... i bet you guys got scared there for a second and thought they were going to break up again!!.... lol haha, no... i'm not that cruel! lol.!!.. i hope you guys are happy with the storyline as of right now.and do you guys think it's wrong of her to stop being friends with Travis? Please comment, like, and invite more others to read ? ❤...... ------- and yes.... She only has five months left of school. I know the timeline is a bit weird but you have to remember that Michael was in Melbourne for a whole month, then I also make some episodes.... have eight, nine, even ten days pass by.... And it's been two weeks since Sandra died.... So it does make sense if you think about it..... so please drop your comments on this please... thanks lovely people!!! ❤❤❤?
20 May 2019 | 07:27
@itzprince.... ???
20 May 2019 | 07:32
Some of these days was to pity the death of sandra clifford that wasn't sick nor admitted to the hospital. Her only admission in the hospital was death. All her errors are forgiven, there're good things to remember her for.
20 May 2019 | 17:04
Very fantastic for the young lovers, MAY&LUKE has to go through their misunderstandings and that sounds super. All they need is to understand each other in every argument, they're meant to be so that nothing will separate them.
20 May 2019 | 17:21
Mikey is getting better, seeing that he's the closeth to sandra. Cora is another closer one to mikey as lovers and a closer friend to may. Mr clifford has to come around to cheer them up. There's every reason for all of them to CHEER UP.
20 May 2019 | 17:30
20 May 2019 | 19:10
Observing mode activated
20 May 2019 | 20:48
Thank you all for your comments... this really boost my morale for the next episode am bringing on.... thanks so much folks ❤❤❤
21 May 2019 | 01:46
"Just don't talk to any of them, okay?" Luke says as we pull up to the school. "I won't." "Are you sure you're ready for this? The principal said you can take as much time as you need." I shake my head. "I need to come back. It's been almost three weeks. My mum wouldn't want me to stay back any longer. Plus, Michael's been doing better. He was the only reason I was staying home, so now that he's doing better I don't see a reason to not come back." I explain to Luke. I hadn't been to school since my mother died. It's been three weeks since i've been back here, and three weeks since i've seen Brooke and her group. I'm dreading seeing them today, but they aren't going to get to me. Brooke's whole plan was to break Luke and I up, but we're together and not her or anyone is going to change that. "If you want to leave, just text me. I'll come get you." Luke says. "Luke, it's school not prison. I'll be fine." "If Brooke says anything to you, just ignore her. Don't let her get to you, May. She wants to get a rise out of you, so don't give it to her." "I won't. Don't worry, babe." I say. It feels strange to call Luke, babe. I didn't mean to say it, it just came out. "I don't know why I called you that." I giggle. "I like when you call me that." Luke smirks and I blush. "I'll be here when school's done. I love you." Luke tells me. "I love you, too." I say as I give him a quick kiss before getting out of the car. I walk into the school and walk towards my locker. Almost everyone in the hallway turns their head to look at me. It makes me extremely uncomfortable, so I walk faster. I reach my locker and thankfully, Brooke isn't at hers. I open it and quickly grab the books I need. I shut it and walk off to my first class. "Hey, May." Caroline says. I had lunch with her one day, she's really sweet. "Hey." I give her a small smile as I take a seat beside her. "I'm so sorry about your mum." She gives me her condolences. "Thanks." I say as I open my book up. I hope the whole day isn't going to be like this. I get that people are trying to be respectful and say they're sorry for my loss, but I don't need the constant reminder that she's gone. The day flies by, thankfully. I ate lunch with Caroline and her friends. They're a nice group of girls, and they told me they don't like Brooke, which gave us something in common. They also told me i'm welcome to have lunch with them everyday, which I am grateful for. I walk to my locker and put my books inside. I shut it and go to turn around when I see someone directly behind me. Of course. "Get out of my face, Brooke." I huff as I try to get passed her. She grabs my arm, forcing me to stop. "Just wait for a second. Please." She says. She almost sounds...sad. I turn around and look at her. "Putting everything aside for a minute, I want to say that i'm sorry about your mum. I know what you're going through, I lost my dad when I was fifteen. I know you hate me but just know i'm really sorry. No one deserves to go through the pain of losing a parent." Brooke says. She almost sounds...sincere. "Um, thanks." I say as I walk off. It's nice that she said that but, nothing will change the way I feel towards her. I have never hated anyone more than I hate Brooke. After what she did to Luke and I, she's lucky I even spoke to her...... I walk outside and see Luke waiting. I get inside the car and shut the door. "Hey, baby. How was your day?" He asks. "It was surprisingly okay. Brooke talked to me. But oddly enough, she was giving me her condolences. I said thanks but that's it. After what she did, she's lucky I said a word to her." I tell him. "I'm proud of you, May. You're being so mature about this whole situation. Just think though, after graduation, you'll never have to see her ever again. We can go anywhere you want." Luke smiles. "What do you mean?" I ask. What does he mean go anywhere we want? I don't want to leave, especially not without my brother. "Like once you graduate we can move anywhere you want to." "What about Michael? I'm not going anywhere without him." I say. Luke's eyes widen slightly. "Well we don't have to talk about this right now. Are we staying at my place tonight or yours?" He changes the topic. I decide not to continue with that conversation. I've really been trying hard not to fight with Luke. "Um, wherever you want." I shrug. He turns to glance at me with a smirk before returning his eyes to the road. "I'm thinking my place. it's a little more...private." I see where he's going with this. "Your place it is then." I smile. He chuckles softly and brings his hand to my thigh. I feel his hand draw circles, as he inches closer between my legs. "Luke, you're driving." I remind him. "I could pull over if you want." He smirks. I roll my eyes and swat his hand away. "We're like, five minutes away from your house. Can't you have some patience until then?" I tease him. "I'm never patient when it comes to you. Fuck, I want you all the time." Luke says with rasp in his voice. I almost whimper at his voice. He's doing that purposely. He knows his low voice gets to me. "Join the club." I giggle. Minutes pass and we finally pull into Luke's driveway. He puts the car and in park and takes the keys out of the ignition. He turns to me and smashes his lips onto mine. I immediately kiss back, bringing my hands to the back of his neck. He swipes his tongue across my bottom lip and I part my lips slightly, granting him access. I climb across the gear shift to get onto his lap, but I hit my knee on it. "Shit." I curse. Way to ruin the moment, May. "So not sexy." I groan. He brings his fingers to my jaw and tilts my chin up. "You're the sexiest girl i've ever met. Damn, do you know what you do to me?" I blush and look to the side. "This, is what you do me." Luke mumbles into my ear as he puts my hand on his bulge. I begin to palm him through his jeans, earning an immediate moan. I attach my lips to his neck, sucking harshly making sure to leave a mark. I trail my lips upward until I reach his, but he pushes me back slightly. I furrow my eyebrows. "What's wrong?" I ask worriedly. Did I do something wrong? "Nothing, it's just if you keep this up, i'm gonna come in my pants. And i'd prefer not to do that in my car." Luke chuckles..... I giggle and return back to my seat. He opens his door and I do the same. We walk quickly to the front door and he opens it. We walk inside and he immediately shuts the door and pins me up against it. "You're so beautiful." Luke moans into my ear. He brings his lips to mine and moves them at a painfully slow pace. I moan as I kiss him back rougher. He lifts me up from my bum and I wrap my thighs around his hips. He carries me up the stairs, his lips never leaving mine. We get into his bedroom and he shuts the door behind us using his foot. We walk towards his bed and he bends down to place me on it. I slowly move upwards until my head reaches the pillows. Luke hovers on top of me, attaching his lips to my neck. Before I know it, our clothes are discarded and we are both completely naked. Luke brings the blanket over us to cover our bodies. I pump my hands up and down his length, earning a loud moan from Luke. He brings his hands above me and grips his headboard. Just then he flips us over so i'm on top of him. I slowly move downwards until my mouth is at his length. I swirl my tongue around him before I slowly take him in my mouth. "Fuck, May." Luke moans. I continue to bob my head up and down before Luke speaks. "If you want me to fuck you, then you've gotta stop now or else i'll come." Luke breathes. I wipe my mouth and crawl back up to Luke. He reaches over to his bedside table and opens the top drawer, pulling out a condom. He goes to rip open the package but I put my hands on his to stop him. He looks at me with worry on his face. "What's wrong? Do you not want to do this because it's okay if-" "Luke, relax. I was just going to ask if um-if I could, you know." I start, glancing at the condom in his hands. "Oh. Sure, baby." He smirks as he hands me the condom. I tear open the package and throw the empty wrapper to the side. Luke attaches his lips to my neck again and I slide the condom onto his length. Just as he begins to enter me, the bedroom door flies open. "Luke are you hom-" Luke's mother says but stops as soon as she witnesses what's going on. HIS MOTHER. "Fuck!" Luke says as flips me to the far side of him, making sure we're both covered with the sheets. "Oh my god i'm so sorry!" Liz yells as she quickly shuts the door. I cover my face with my hands. "Oh my god." I shriek in embarrassment. "Shit." Luke curses. "What's she doing here?" I squeal. "I don't know! She said she wouldn't be home for at least another month! She extended her stay with my brothers!" Luke groans. "I'm so embarrassed." "I'm disappointed." Luke says. "What?" "Disappointed that we couldn't finish what we started." Luke chuckles. "You're mother just walked in on us having sex and that's what you're worried about?" "It's okay, baby. It's not like she doesn't know we do it." "Knowing we do it and witnessing us doing it are completely different!" I shriek. He laughs as he kisses my forehead before getting out of the bed and retrieving his scattered clothes. "Get dressed." Luke says as he hands me my shirt. "I'm not going out there! I can't face your mother after that." I say as I put my shirt on. "May, we're adults. It's her fault for walking in." "No, it's your fault for not locking the door!" He shrugs. "It's not like I thought anyone would be here. Come on, get dressed and get your butt out there." Luke says as he walks out of his room, shutting the door behind him. How is he not even phased by his mother walking in on us having sex? He almost seemed-used to it. I shudder at the thought. Had Luke's mum walked in on him with other girls before? I cringe at the thought of him even being with another girl. My mind thinks back to Destiny. I quickly shake the thoughts from my mind. I promised myself I would move past that. I get out of bed and put my pants on. I don't know how i'm going to able to walk out there, I am completely mortified........ ----------------------------- OMG!!!... LIZ WHAT ARE YOU DOING HOME!!!! haha...... ? ? ? ???????...... comment's and like ? please......!!! thanks ? ? ?!!!!
21 May 2019 | 01:58
@itzprince ?
21 May 2019 | 02:03
Ohhh mother Liz what are you doing at home na? with the way the two of you are going she we get pregnant ooo
21 May 2019 | 10:20
Lol... Mortified ko mortify ni
21 May 2019 | 12:29
May, don't worry... u have stamped Ur future wit Luke
21 May 2019 | 19:28
I walk out of Luke's bedroom and down the stairs. I awkwardly walk into the kitchen, still embarrassed over what happened just minutes ago. I see Luke and Liz hugging, and I smile at the sight. Luke has really missed his mum. She was only supposed to be gone for a week, but then she kept extending her stay. Liz sees me and smiles as she pulls away from Luke. "May! It's so nice to see you!" She says as she comes over to me and engulfs me in a hug. "Sorry about before, I should have knocked." She says quietly, just so that I can hear. I was really hoping she wasn't going to mention it. I'm completely mortified that my boyfriend's mother walked in on us having sex. "I'm so sorry about um..that." I say uncomfortably as we pull away from the hug. I'm not sorry for what we were doing, but i'm just sorry that she had to witness it. "So what are you doing home, mum?" Luke asks. "What, not happy to see me?" Liz teases. "You know I am. I just thought you weren't going to be home for at least another month." "I just decided i'd come home early. I've missed you so much, Lukey." She smiles. I bite my lip to hold in my giggle at the nickname. I've never heard Luke get called that before. From the expression on his face, I can tell he never wanted me to hear him be called that. "Mom." He groans. "Oh, i'm sorry. I've just missed you so much!" She says. Luke and his mother definitely need some time to catch up. I don't think I should stay around. "I'm gonna head out. It was so good to see you Liz." I smile at her. "You too, dear!" "I'll walk you out." Luke says. He walks towards me and puts his hand on the small of my back before walking me towards the door. "I'm surprised your mother doesn't hate me now." I say as I lean my head onto Luke's chest. "Why would she hate you?" "Because of what she walked in on..." Luke chuckles. "May she walked in on us having sex, not you murdering me. She's not going to hate you for fucking her son. She already knows you do." I roll my eyes. "Just call me later, okay?" "Can't I come over?" Luke asks. "Yeah of course you can. I just thought you'd want to spend time with your mum since you haven't seen her in months." I explain. "I will spend time with her, during the day. I'll be over tonight, so you and I can finish what we started upstairs." Luke says, whispering the last part in my ear. His hot breath on my skin makes me want him even more. But I know I can't do anything about that right now, unfortunately. "See you tonight, Lukey." I tease as I leave the house. - "No way!" Cora doubles over in laughter. "It's not funny!" I whine. Once I got home I called Cora and invited her over. Michael's at Calum's, and Luke's with his mum, and I didn't want to be alone. Which is strange, seeing as I usually just want to be left alone. But Luke changes those kind of things about me. He makes me...happy...... "It's hilarious! I would die if my boyfriend's mum walked in on us!" Cora continues with her laughter, but it comes to a halt after she realizes what she said. Michael didn't have a mother to walk in. Not anymore. "I didn't mean it like-" "I know you didn't." I know Cora would never intentionally make a joke regarding my mother. Cora tends to use her mouth before she uses her brain, which usually comes back to bite her in the ass. I giggle to break the tension. "You should have seen Liz's face. She looked traumatized." I say as I cover my face with my hands. "Did she see―you know, anything?" Cora asks. "I don't think so. Luke flipped me off of him as soon as she walked in. The sheets were on us." Cora looks at me and we both break out into fits of laughter. It really was funny if you look at it from a third person point of view. The door opens and in walks Michael and Calum. "What are you two laughing at?" Michael asks as him and Calum kick off their shoes. "Liz walked in on her and Luke having sex!" Cora laughs, then slaps her hand over her mouth. Once again, Cora uses her mouth before her brain. She literally just told my brother about his sister and best friend having sex. If it is possible to be more embarrassed and uncomfortable than I was when Liz walked in, it's now. Calum breaks out into laughter and Michael just stares at me. I look at him with a worried expression. Mainly because I can't decipher his. Just then he breaks into a fit of laughter, which I am completely taken back by. "That's hilarious, embarrassing, and disgusting for me to think about." He laughs. That was not the reaction I was expecting―at all. I guess he really has come to accept all of this. It's nice to see such a change in Michael. Not only regarding Luke and I, but it's just nice to see him..happy. Especially after everything that happened lately. "It's not funny guys!" I whine again. I hope Luke doesn't get embarrassed about all of his friends knowing. But knowing Luke, he won't be embarrassed in the slightest. Luke tells his friends everything. They really are his family. "If it makes you feel any better, my teacher walked in on a girl giving me head in a bathroom stall once. The door was closed though." Calum laughs, as does everyone else. "Your teacher?!" I ask in shock. "Yeah. She said she heard moaning when she was walking by. I can't believe I forgot to lock the door." Calum laughs as he shakes his head. "As funny as that is, it doesn't make me feel any bit better. My boyfriend's mother walked in on us. His mother!" "Yeah you're right. You win for most embarrassing sexual interruption." Calum laughs. Michael crinkles his nose in disgust, or uncomfortableness. "Can we please talk about something other than my sister and best friend's sex life?" "Shit, right. For a second I forgot she was your sister." Calum laughs. "Where is Luke anyways?" Michael asks. "He's at his house. Him and Liz need some catching up time." I explain. "I need to go over! I haven't seen her in months!" It's sweet how much Michael loves Luke's family. Michael and Luke really are brothers. Even if not by blood, they're family. I'm glad Michael and Liz get along so well too, Michael needs a mother type figure in his life. I wonder if Liz knows about our mum. "She just got back and Luke hasn't seen her for months either. Go over tomorrow." I giggle. "Okay, fine." Michael says. "Calum and I are gonna go play some video games, wanna come?" I shake my head. "Don't be boring. Come on!" Calum says. "I'm comfortable on the couch." I complain. Michael holds up his pointer finger. "One sec." He says before going into his room. He comes back moments later with his playstation and the controllers. "We'll play out here then." He says as he sets his playstation down on the tv stand. He plugs the playstation into the back of the tv and sets up the game. "Alright what are the teams?" Calum asks. "Me and May versus you and Cora." Michael says. "Fine, we're gonna win!" Cora laughs. "I wouldn't be so sure. You know how good I am at cod, but you've never seen May play." Michael says. I turn to Michael and fake sob. "That may be the nicest thing you've ever said about me." Everyone laughs as we start up the game. Ten minutes into the game, the boys have gone completely ballistic. Michael gets really into his video games and tends to shout at the tv, Calum does the same so i've learned. Just then, I hear a knock at the door. "Leave it!" Michael says. "No." I laugh. "May you'll make us lose, don't get it." Michael says angrily. He really needs to chill out. "Michael, the door bell is real life. This game isn't." I laugh as I put my controller onto the coffee table as I stand up and walk towards the door. I open it up to see Luke. "Hey, babe! I didn't realize you were coming this early. We're playing Call of Duty, come in!" I smile. But he doesn't. He just stands there. His face is completely expressionless, and it looks like all colour has been drained. He has never been so pale before. My heart starts to beat fast. "Luke...what's wrong?" I ask nervously, almost scared to hear his answer. Luke is never like this. He's always so happy and upbeat. He doesn't answer. He just stares at me. I take his hands in my mine and move closer. "Hey, Luke. What's wrong? Talk to me!" I say. "I'm moving." He says.......... ------------------- AHHH OMGGG!!!..... I'm so sorry for leaving it on a cliff hanger please don't hate me! The next episode will be fully on "Luke's POV"... and it will be at the same time period as this episode... So you will get to see what happened between Luke and his mum after May left!..., so bare with me!!.... and drop your comments while clicking on the like ? icons below ? ? ?.... thanks!!!
21 May 2019 | 20:28
@itzprince ##
21 May 2019 | 20:29
For real luke
22 May 2019 | 06:25
Moving kè
22 May 2019 | 09:49
moving to leave may ?
22 May 2019 | 14:58
"W-what do you mean you're moving? You're kidding right?" I ask, in hopes that he is. But by the look on his face, I don't think that's the case. He shakes his head. "I wish I was." I take his hand and lead him inside the apartment. We walk straight to my bedroom without saying anything to anyone. They don't say hi either. Which is either because they are too into the game, or because they see the serious looks on both our faces. I close my door and we both walk over to my bed, sitting cross legged on it. My heart has never beaten so fast in my life. What is Luke talking about? He can't possibly be moving. We're finally at such a good place, how could he just move? "What do you mean you're moving?" I ask again. "My uh-my mom. She said that the reason she was away for so many months was because she met a guy near where my brothers live. His name is Vince. And they've been dating for a while. Apparently things are really serious and they want to move in together." He explains. "Okay, so how far are you moving then? I can come see you on weekends and then Michael and I can move out wherever you are once I finish school." "I can't ask you both to change your lives around. Michael shouldn't have to leave all of his friends behind." Luke says. "Okay then he can stay here. I'll move out to you when I finish school. Luke we can figure this out." I say desperately. I wouldn't like to live apart from my brother, but I can't be without Luke. Michael could move with us if he wants to but if not, that won't stop me. Not anymore. "It's not that easy." He says. I furrow my eyebrows. What does he mean not that easy? "What do you mean? How far could it be? An hour? Two? We can drive down every weekend to see Michael, everything will work out and-" "I'm moving to England, May." He blurts out. I involuntarily gasp. "What the fuck do you mean England?!" I scream. "Baby, calm down." He tries to say calmly. "Don't tell me to calm down! What the fuck do you mean England? How could you move all the way across the freaking world!?" I yell. "The guy she met was on a work related trip here for six months, but he lives back in England. He's the dean of Oxford, and he said with my grades he can get me in no problem. May, Oxford is one of the greatest schools in the world." Luke explains. I honestly can't believe what I am hearing right now. Is Luke actually telling me he's moving across the world? "Wha-I don't-I can't-what do you mean? This can't be happening." I stutter, tears falling from my eyes. "You know I would choose you over school in a heartbeat, that's not the reason i'm going. Oxford is just an added part of this whole thing. I have to go to be with my mum. She's with someone, May. do you know how long she's been alone? Too long. She's happy." "What? No! Don't go! Stay here!" I say. "May, I have to go. My dad walked out on her and started a whole new family, and my brothers started lives of their own. I'm all she has." I stand up from the bed. "No, she has Vince now." I say, practically spitting his name. I don't know this man, but I hate him. I hate him for taking away the person that means everything to me. This man is ruining my life, and he doesn't even know it....... "May, i'm her only family that hasn't left. My brothers already left and started lives of their own." He says lowly. "So why don't you get that luxury? Why don't you get to start a life of your own just like your brothers did? How is that fair to you? How is that fair to us?" I say, getting louder as I go. "You think I want to leave? May, I love you so much. And leaving you is the hardest thing i'm ever going to have to do. Try to see it from my point of view though. She's my mother. I can't just let her move all the way across the world." "I'll come with you then. I'll move to England, Luke." I tell him, and I mean it. I would give up everything to be with Luke. Luke really is my world, I can't be without him. "No, May. Your whole life is in Australia. I won't let you throw everything away for me." He says. "So what then? That's it? We're done?" I sob. He stands up and walks up to me. He cups my face in his hands and strokes my cheeks. "No, baby. Of course not. We'll still be together, we just won't see each other much. But we can face time, and talk on the phone and-" "So you were going to break up with me when I was going to go back to Melbourne, but you expect me to stay with you when you move halfway across the freaking world? Tell me how that makes sense, Luke." I yell as I pull away from his grasp. "I was stupid when I said that, May. But we can't end this even if we wanted to. You should know that by now. No matter what happens, we always somehow find our way back to each other." He says. "Yeah well there's a first time for everything." I spit. Of course I don't want to break up with Luke, and I know this is extremely selfish of me but, maybe if he thinks i'm going to break up with him, he won't move. "So what? Once I move, we're done?" He asks, I can hear a faint sob forming in his voice. "Luke you know how much I love you, but how do you expect us to work if you're all the way in England?" "I don't know, May! But we've got to figure out a way to work. I'll come here every summer, and every Christmas, and your birthday." He says. "Yeah, until you find a new girl in England, right?" I roll my eyes. Just look at Luke, it wouldn't be long until every girl at Oxford is all over him. "A new girl? You're kidding right? You're it, May. There's never going to be another girl. I want my life to be with you. Don't you get that by now?" Luke asks. "You want to spend your life with me, yet you're moving as far away as possible from me..." How could Luke say he wants to spend his life with me, but then say he's moving to England without me? I told him i'd go with him, he said no. I told him to stay here, he said no. I don't know what else he expects. "We'll figure it out, May. We always do." "I'm getting really sick of you saying that." I tell him. "When do you leave?" He sighs. "I got my mum to agree to wait until after your graduation. We leave July first." He says. "Don't. Don't bother waiting. I'm not going to stay in a relationship that I know will end in a few months anyways." I say. "What are you saying?" He asks, tears forming in his eyes. It kills me to see Luke cry. It's the worst thing i've ever experienced. I want to wipe his tears away, but I hold my ground. "You know what i'm saying, Luke." I choke. "You can't be serious, May." Luke cries. "Tell me you'll stay then!" I exclaim. He puts his head down and shakes it from side to side. "I can't tell you that." "Then...we're done, Luke." I sigh, wiping the fallen tears from my face. His head shoots up and he grabs my hands in his. "May, please no! I don't have a choice. I can't leave my mum. You should know how it feels. I want to spend all the time in the world with my mother." "Yeah, and I want to spend all the time in the world with you. But I guess that won't happen." I say quietly as I walk towards my bedroom door and open it, signalling for Luke to leave. "Please don't, May." He practically begs. "Don't make this out to be my fault! You're the one who's moving! What do you want me to do for the rest of my life Luke? Sit around all year just waiting for you to come back for Christmas, or summer? I can't do that. And it's unfair of you to ask me to." I cry, not holding back any tears, and not bothering to wipe them away. Before I know it, Luke is sobbing too. "You're right. I can't ask you to do that. But I love you. And I always will." He says. "I always will, too." I tell him. I lean in and press my lips against his. The kiss is full of not only passion and lust, but love. This very well might be the last time we ever kiss, and I can tell Luke knows it. Our lips move in perfect sync for what may be the last time. We both pull away slowly and lean our foreheads against one another. "Don't stay until my graduation. It'll be too hard." I whisper. "Okay." He says. I thought he'd at least put up more of a fight, but I think Luke knows too that it is what's best. It's not healthy to be in a relationship even though you know it will end in a few months anyways. "Goodbye, Luke." I say. "Bye, May." He says as he slowly lets go of my hand and walks out. I stand there shocked. The only person i've ever loved is moving. And we just broke up. But the terrible part is, I don't even feel sad. I just feel..numb.............. ------------------------------------------- -uummmm.... sorry guys...don't hate me! I know this is probably the last thing you guys want to happen but I really hate fictions story that are like fairytales because that's not what life is really like..... I'm trying to make this fiction as realistic as possible....... and tell me how sad are you guys that Luke's moving?.... hmmmmm Please like and comment..... ❤❤❤ and sorry I didn't write the episode on luke's POV again..... I feel say's own work out better for the issue at ground... lol ? ? ?..... lol.... thanks!!!
23 May 2019 | 03:07
@itzprince $$$
23 May 2019 | 03:08
Kudos for a job well done
23 May 2019 | 09:28
I lay on my bed in tears over the encounter that happened with Luke just a few hours ago. I can't believe he's moving all the way to England. I understand that he wants to be with Liz but for God sake's, he's nineteen years old. I moved away from my father when I was only seventeen, and it was all to be with Luke. I gave up my whole regular life to be with Luke, and now he's just going to go and move halfway across the world? Ben and Jack both moved out years ago and started families of their own. Why can't Luke get that opportunity? Why can't he be with the girl he loves just like they get to be? I can't just wait around all year for him to come home every Christmas and summer. It's not fair to me and it's not fair to him. I wouldn't be able to live like that. But, at the same time, I don't think I could live being without him all together. I don't think I will ever be able to move on from Luke. He said I was it for him, well he is it for me. I shouldn't have broken up with him. Luke may be leaving soon, but that should be all the more reason to spend time together now, shouldn't it? How in the world could I have told Luke to leave before my graduation? What the hell is wrong with me? I shoot up out of bed and grab my bag. I run to my front door and slip on my black vans. "Wait, May where are you going?" Michael asks. Michael had called Luke after our whole fight, and Luke explained everything. Michael had sent Calum and Cora home because he said he just wanted to be alone. I was losing my boyfriend, but Michael was also losing his best friend. His brother. "I need to go see Luke." I tell him quickly before I rush out the door. I run all the way to Luke's house, and before I know it, i'm standing at his front door. But I can't bring myself to knock. What if he tells me we shouldn't be together? Because that is the smart thing to do. But I don't care about the smart thing to do. All I know is I want Luke. And if I can't be with him forever, I want to at least be with him for as long as I possibly can. I finally bring myself to knock on the door. Minutes later, Luke opens the door. His eyes are bloodshot and puffy and his hair has fallen onto his forehead. He looks like he's been crying. My heart sinks at the thought of Luke crying all alone in his room. "What are you doing here?" He asks lowly. Instead of responding, I smash my lips onto his, bring my hands to the back of his neck. He immediately kisses back. I was scared for a second that he wouldn't. Our lips move in perfect sync. It is the most tender kiss Luke and I have ever shared. I can taste his fallen tears on my lips, and i'm sure he can taste mine as well. I don't know when we started crying, but I also don't know how long we've been kissing. Luke and I always get lost in each other from the moment we touch. I pull away lightly and rest my forehead onto his. "I was wrong." I say as I wipe the tears from his cheeks. I can't stand seeing Luke cry, it tears me apart. "Come inside." Luke says as he interlocks our hands and brings me inside, shutting the door behind us. We walk in silence to his room, our hands still intertwined. Once we get to his room I awkwardly sit at his desk chair as he shuts the door. I don't want to just sit on his bed, because I don't know how this whole thing is going to play out. I don't know if I will walk out of here being with Luke or not. He walks over and sits on his bed. He pats the spot beside him, and I slowly get up and sit beside him. "Wrong about what?" He asks, referring to the statement I made just moments ago. I sigh. "I didn't want to break up. I was stupid to say we should. I won't ever accept that you're moving, and I won't ever understand why. But, i'm going to need to learn to deal with it. And I don't want to just break up and that's it. I want to spend as much time as possible with you before you go. I want you to see me graduate. I love you, Luke. You were right, we can't end this even if we wanted to." I tell him......He stares at me for a while and i'm scared at what his response is going to be, but I relax when I see a smile appear on his face. "I love you so much." He says as he leans in and presses his lips to mine. "So you'll stay until after my graduation?" I ask after we pull away. "I was never going to leave before then." He tells me. "But I told you to, and you said okay." I say. "I just said okay so you wouldn't yell at me more. There's no way in hell i'm missing your graduation." He says with a smile. "So we still have almost three months together?" I ask. I know I shouldn't be happy about only having three months with him, but it's better than nothing. But even forever isn't enough time. He nods his head. "Yes, baby. We have until July first. And I plan on spending every second with you." "I wish I didn't have to go to school. That's just wasting my time left with you." I whine. "I know. But i'll be there to pick you up right after, and we'll spend every minute together. That's a promise. If you aren't sick of me now, just you wait." Luke jokes. I try to smile at his small joke, but instead I break out into sobs. I don't mean to, I just can't help it. I can't even begin to think of what it's going to be like not seeing Luke everyday. Or not being able to touch him for months at a time. Long distance will be hard, but it's what we'll have to do. "Hey, hey. Don't cry. I'm here right now aren't I?" Luke says as he wraps his arms around me. I'll miss his touch so much. "Yeah right now, but you won't be in a few months. What am I going to do without you here?" I cry. "You have Michael. And Cora, Calum and Ash. You'll be okay, May. We'll talk everyday, that's a promise." He says as we lay back onto his bed. I curl up into him as he strokes my hair. He was right in a way. I'd still have everyone I love around me. But Luke is only going to have his mum. He is going to have to make all new friends when he moves to England. "Promise me something?" He says. I look up at him and nod my head slowly. "Promise me that these next three months aren't going to be sad like this. Let's just act like these three months are no different then how everything was before I told you about the move." Luke says. I don't know how he expects me to promise that. I know for a fact that this move is going to be the only thing on my mind for the next three months. "I promise." I say, even though I don't mean it. I mean, i'll try my best not to act sad, but that doesn't mean it won't be tearing me apart inside. "I just don't understand why I can't come with you." I tell him. I truthfully don't understand it. I have no problem with packing up and moving. Sure, I'll miss Michael more than I can even begin to explain, but I'd do anything to be with Luke. "May." He sighs. "Your life is here. Michael is here and your father is here. You guys just lost your mother, you need each other. You grew up in Australia. I can't ask you to just pack up and leave for me, I won't let you. I know you don't think so, but you'll grow to resent me. You will, May." He tells me. "I would never resent you." I tell him and mean it. "You say that now. But what happens if we break up for good and then you're stuck in a country that you only moved to to be with me? You'll hate me. And I would never want you to hate me. I couldn't live with myself if you did." He's right. I can't just move to another country for him. Even though i'm almost one hundred percent sure we will be together for the rest of our lives, nothing is certain. My life is here. I can't leave Michael, especially when our mum passed away not too long ago. We need each other. And as much as I need Luke, I need my brother too. I nod my head in understanding at what he just said. I don't like what he said, but it does make sense. "I want to take you somewhere tomorrow." Luke changes the subject. "Where?" I ask. "You'll see." Luke smiles. I roll my eyes at him. He knows I hate surprises, but that is probably why he's doing it. He just loves to annoy me. "Luke, can I stay here tonight?" I ask. "Of course you can, baby." He says as he kisses the top of my head. We lay in silence for what feels like ever. I'm about to speak up but I hear his breathing slow. I look up to see his eye's closed. He fell asleep. I stare at the beautiful boy lying beside me, taking in every last feature of his. How could I have gotten so lucky to have him? But how could I manage without him in three months? "Please don't leave me." I whisper, even though I know he can't hear me....... ----------------------------------------- SO THEY AREN'T BROKEN UP! ARE YOU GUYS HAPPY ABOUT THAT? How do you think everything is going to play out?... , I'd love to hear your thoughts!.... Please like, comment and invite others too.. thanks fam ? !!!! ❤❤❤❤
24 May 2019 | 01:10
@itzprince ????
24 May 2019 | 01:13
where are you guys... u ain't seeing much comment's...what sup....
24 May 2019 | 01:16
hmmmmmm,, but am not really sure if dey can cope with long distance rltnship
24 May 2019 | 12:24
Well! Time will tell
25 May 2019 | 06:56
those two are annoying everyone here by break up an coming back together,let them do something better with their life jare ,next plsss
25 May 2019 | 08:47
it's bec they break up an make up is too much @xaar
25 May 2019 | 13:36
I wake up being suffocated by Luke's arms. I think he's been working out lately, but he'd deny it if I asked. I try to squirm out of his grasp but it's not use, his arms are too tightly wrapped around my torso. "Luke." I groan. He doesn't budge, so I say his name again. "What?" He mumbles. "I need to go to the bathroom." I say. "So go." He groans. "I would, but you kind of have me trapped." I giggle. He opens one eye and looks at his arms around me. He smirks as he tightens his grip. "Luke, i'm serious." "May, i'm serious." He mimics, trying his best to imitate a feminine voice but fails terribly. I huff exaggeratedly. Just then he lets go of his grip on me but quickly grabs my wrists as he moves so he is hovering over me. He dips his head into the crook of my neck and kisses it gently. He moves his lips down to my collar bones and begins to suck harshly. "Luke," I moan. As much as I want this right now, I still really need to go to the bathroom. But I don't want to ruin this moment. After all, I don't have many more of these kinds of moments left with him. He moves upwards until his lips reach mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and smash my lips onto his. He trails one hand down my stomach and quickly slips it inside my pants. I immediately grab his hand and remove it. He breaks the kiss and looks at me with a confused look. "I don't want a repeat of your mother walking in on us." I tell him. "She won't." Luke says as he attaches his lips to my neck once again. "Luke i'm serious. We're not doing anything while your mother is home." I say as I slide off the bed and stand up. "Where are you going?" He asks. "Bathroom." I say as I walk into Luke's ensuite. After I finish, I decide to take a shower. I quickly discard my clothes and hop in. "So I want to take you somewhere today." Luke says. I peak my head out of the shower curtain, making sure my body remains covered. "What are you doing in here?" I laugh. "I was hoping I could join you." He smirks. "No, I already told you, nothing while your mother is home." "I asked her to run to the store and pick up eggs for breakfast." He tells me. "Luke she's not your slave." "I know, but I just needed an excuse for her to leave so I can fuck you in peace." He smirks and I blush. "You say the sweetest things." I tease. "So is that a yes?" I roll my eyes playfully. "Get in here." - After our shower, Luke steps out and wraps a towel around his waist before holding one out to wrap me in. I step out and Luke puts it around my body. I go back into Luke's room and put on the same leggings I was wearing yesterday, but I wear one of Luke's shirts instead of my own. I love wearing Luke's shirts. He once told me I was the only girl who he's ever let wear his clothes, and in a way it makes me feel closer to him. I love knowing that I do something with Luke that no one has ever done before..... I walk back into the bathroom and brush my teeth, the same as Luke is doing. "When your ready, I want to take you somewhere." Luke says as he wipes his mouth on a towel. "What about breakfast?" I say with toothpaste in my mouth. "What?" He laughs, obviously not able to understand me. I spit out the toothpaste in the sink and wipe my mouth on a towel. "I said, what about breakfast?" "Oh," Luke shrugs, "Well i'm not hungry, but you can eat if you want." "No, i'm not hungry either but you made your mom go out and buy eggs. So the least you could do is eat them." I laugh. "Oh, right." He chuckles. "She's probably home by now, we should go downstairs." "Wouldn't she just come get you?" I ask. Luke laughs. "No, she refuses to come in my room whenever you're over now." I widen my eyes. Oh god. Does Luke's mom think we have sex all the time? I mean, that's not far off but we're not bunnies. We do other things too. I really hope she doesn't think we did anything last night, especially while she was home. I decide not to say anything about how embarrassed I am that she knows about us having sex. Instead, I take my hand in his and walk downstairs. We walk into the kitchen and see Liz standing by the stove. "Oh, good morning!" She smiles brightly. I love how happy Liz always is. She's so warm, and caring, I can understand why Luke doesn't want to leave her. I can just imagine the look on her face if Luke were to tell her he wasn't going with her to England. It would destroy her. The bond between the two of them was impossible to break. "Good morning." I smile. "I'm just finishing up the eggs. You two can sit at the table." "I'll grab the plates." I tell her. I hope she doesn't think i'm coming off as rude by going into the cupboard to get the plates. I'm just so used to it seeing as I lived here for a few months. I bring three plates to the table. I set one in front of Luke and put one beside him and one across from him. I walk back into the kitchen and open the fridge to bring the juice to the table. "May, you're the guest, you shouldn't be waiting on us." Liz laughs. "Oh, it's no trouble." I say and mean it. I can understand why Michael always loved spending so much time over here. Luke and his mother just made everyone feel so happy and welcome. I can't imagine what my life will be like without Luke here. I sit beside Luke as Liz brings the eggs out. "So, any plans for today?" Liz asks. "Yes, except Luke won't tell me what they are." I tell her. "Yeah 'cause it's a surprise." Luke says with a mouthful of eggs. - After we finish breakfast, we help Liz clear the table and I thank her for breakfast. "Can we go now?" Luke asks. "Jeez, you're so impatient. Yes, we can go now." I say. We slip on our shoes and say bye to Liz. "We're walking, is that okay?" He asks me. "Yeah, of course." He laces his fingers with mine as we start walking. I have no idea where we're going, but it's really romantic that Luke seems to have this whole thing planned out. I can't believe that in three months I won't be able to feel his hand on mine whenever I want, or kiss him whenever I want, or even so much as see him. I know I seem extremely codependent, but he means everything to me, and I don't what i'll do without him here. I don't want to have to wake up without him beside me. "Stop thinking about it." Luke says, as if he can read my mind. "Stop thinking about what?" "Me moving. Stop thinking about it." "How did you know I was thinking about it?" I question. But it's Luke, he always seems to know what i'm thinking. "You had the crease between your eyebrows, and you always get that when you're worried about something." He tells me. My mind flickers back to the time when Luke took me to his secret place, the lake with all the pretty flowers. On our walk there, he told me the exact thing he told me now, except the conversation was about how I was worried that I cheated on Ian with Luke. Oddly enough, it seems like we're walking along the same road we were then. That's where he must be taking me! I decide not to tell him i've caught on to where we are going, I don't want to ruin the surprise because he put so much effort into making this whole thing special. Even though I have no idea what it is. We walk in silence for several minutes before we get to the lake. "We haven't been here in so long." I breathe as I look out at the crystal blue water. "I used to come here almost everyday. But this is my first time back since the time you and I came here months ago." Luke tells me. I turn to look at him. "Why?" I ask. He shrugs. "I don't know, I guess I just realized I liked being here with you more than I liked being here alone." I smile as I lean in slowly and press my lips to his. But before things can get too heated, Luke pulls away. "I want to show you something." He says. He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a black box. He isn't-he couldn't be. "Relax, it's not that." Luke says, once again reading my mind. Or maybe he was just reading the clear worried expression on my face. It's not that I don't want to get married to Luke, but definitely not anytime soon. I'm not even eighteen yet, and we're both not even close to ready for marriage. "Open it." He says as he hands me the box. I open it slowly to see a necklace. Oh my gosh. He bought me a a necklace. It is a circle pendant with a heart shape in the centre. I turn it over to see writing engraved on the back. "You're my home -L" I look up at him, tears brimming my eyes. "Luke-" I can't manage to get out any words. Not without crying. "I want you to know that you're my everything, May. No matter where I go, you'll always be with me. And i'll always be with you. You're my home, May. You always will be." Luke says. Tears fall from my eyes as I lean in to kiss the beautiful boy that stands in front of me. How could I possibly be able to say goodbye to him in three months?............. ------------------------------ WOW GUYS, I THINK THIS IS THE FIRST EPISODE WITHOUT ANY DRAMA!!!.... How proud are you of Luke and May for managing not to fight! haha...? ? . Alright so this book is coming to an end sadly. The last chapter will be EPISODE 70 or not..... because am not sure yet ... still thinking about it... . I hope you all love this book, and I hope you all understand that not every story is a fairytale, which is why i'm trying to make this one as realistic as possible! Please like and comments please....
26 May 2019 | 00:52
@itzprince ??
26 May 2019 | 01:17
alright guys.... I saw all your comments and I appreciate it all... I love the way you shared your thoughts about their relationship.... thanks!..... and I am promising you that there won't be much of a drama again between the two of them...more of the reason why I wasn't able to update yesterday because after going through all your comments..... I know I need to make some adjustments to bring it up to your taste ? ? ?... so from now on.... . I will keep it cool.... i just don't want it to look like a fairy tail story.... so and am sure you all are going to enjoy what's coming up next from the remaining episode..... but before that let me still know about how you all feel about this latest episode!!!.... thanks folks ❤❤❤??❤❤appreciate✌??✌???and HAPPY SUNDAY TO YOU ALL EVERYONE......!!!! ❤❤❤
26 May 2019 | 01:43
I wonder what is holding them back from getting married already. Seems like they're each others breath
26 May 2019 | 05:47
I don't trust this May a bit
26 May 2019 | 08:20
Two love birds
26 May 2019 | 17:26
oh my God am crying
27 May 2019 | 06:54
very interesting episode
27 May 2019 | 10:43
"Have you talked to Michael about everything?" I ask Luke. We were currently lying on Luke's bed watching The 100. I had spent the last ten minutes going on and on about how attractive I think Bellamy is, but Luke just kept rolling his eyes. "The last time I talked to Michael was when he called me after I walked out of your apartment." Luke tells me. I've been so caught up in how i'm going to handle Luke moving, that I forgot that Michael is losing him too. Michael has known Luke for years, I can only imagine how much he is going to miss him. "I think you should go talk to him." Luke sighs as he pauses the show. "I don't know what to say to him. He's been my best friend since year ten. Since the day he started at our school we were best friends. How am I supposed to just look at him and tell him i'm moving halfway across the world?" "The same way you told me. Come on Luke, how do you think he feels? He saw you leave our apartment and then when he called you, all you said to him was that we broke up because you're moving to England with your mum. Imagine how he's feeling right now. You need to go talk to him and explain everything." I tell him. "He's gonna be really mad." Luke says quietly. "He's not going to be mad, he's going to be sad. And that's normal. But you need to talk to him." "Okay." Luke says as he takes the show off pause. I look up at him and then back down at the laptop as I pause it again. He looks at me with a confused look, and then a look of realization washes over his face. "Oh did you mean now?" Luke asks. "Yeah." I laugh as I roll my eyes. He sighs as he shuts the laptop screen and stands up from his bed. He takes off his shorts and slides on his black skinny jeans. "You're going to come with me right?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah, only because it's my apartment you're going to. But you're talking to Michael by yourself." He nods as he takes my hand in his and we walk downstairs. "Don't you have to tell your mom we're leaving?" I ask. "No, she's been on skype for hours with Vince. She won't even notice we're gone." Luke laughs as he opens the front door. I really am happy that Liz found someone. She deserves to be happy, especially after everything Luke's father put her through. - We pull into the driveway of my apartment building and get out of the car. We walk inside and take the elevator up to my floor. I open the door to my apartment but it is absolutely silent. Maybe Michael isn't home. "Mikey?" I call. No answer. I see his bedroom door shut, maybe he's in there. I walk over and knock on his door, but it opens on it's own since he didn't shut it fully. "Thank you so much. Bye." Michael says as he hangs up his phone. "Hey." I smile. "Hey." He says as he puts his phone in his pocket. "Who were you on the phone with?" I ask. "Huh? Oh, nobody. What's up?" "Luke's here to talk to you." I explain..... Michael sighs and nods as he sits on his bed. I silently leave his room and go into the kitchen. "Go talk to him." I instruct Luke. Luke walks into Michael's room and I walk into mine. I want to give them privacy.... ------------------ Luke's POV........ I walk into Michael's room and stand awkwardly. I don't really know what to say to him. I never imagined a life without Michael, and it's hard to think that in a few months i'm going to need to learn to live my everyday life without him. "Uh, hey man." I say. "Hey." "So um, about this whole move thing..." I start. "So it's real then? You really are moving to England?" He asks. I nod as I look at the floor. "Why?" I walk over and sit on Michael's desk chair. "My mum met this guy Vince while she was visiting my brothers. Things are pretty serious and they want to move in together. But he lives in England and can't move because he's the dean of Oxford. He told my mum that with my grades I could get in no problem. But that's not the reason i'm going. I'm going because i'm basically the only family my mum's got left. My brothers both moved out and started lives of their own, and my dad started one of his own too. I can't let her go without at least one of her kids, ya know?" Michael sighs. "Family first, I get it." "You're my family too, Michael. Don't think you aren't. I just can't let my mum think all of her kids abandoned her or something." Leaving Michael and May is the hardest thing i'll ever have to do in my lifetime. But this is my mum we're talking about. If anything, Michael and May should understand where i'm coming from. "She's the one abandoning her kids. She's the one packing up and moving across the fucking world and just expecting you to drop your whole life and start over. How the fuck is that fair?" Michael raises his voice. "She gave me an option. She isn't forcing me to go with her, i'm choosing to." I tell him. "She's going to have a happy life with this guy though, Luke! She'll be fine without you! Your life is here, and now you're just going to leave it all behind?" "You think this is easy for me, Michael? I'm leaving my girlfriend and best friend. It's hardest thing ever. I thought you of all people would understand that I can't leave my mother." I say. "Of course I understand that you don't want to leave your mum. I would be the same way if my mum was still here. But I don't think I would ever leave my whole life behind. Your mother is moving to start a life of her own, you should just let her do it alone with Vince." Michael tells me. "I don't expect you to accept this, but I don't want to fight about it for the next few months that i'm still here." I say quietly. Michael looks up at me. "Months? You're leaving in a few months?" I nod. "I leave after May's graduation." "That's in like, four months! You're telling me that there's only four more months until my best friend moves across the entire world?" Michael asks. "Yeah. But i'm coming home for Christmas. So you'll see me in a few months." I try to say optimistically. "Did you hear what you just said. You said coming home. You see Luke, this will always be your home. England never will be. You're only fooling yourself if you think you can ever be happy there." "Michael don't-" "And what about May, hmm? You're just going to leave her here and expect her to wait around for you to come home at Christmas? She doesn't deserve that, Luke. And you know she'll never leave you. You're taking advantage of that." Michael says. "I've never taken advantage of May!" I shout. "I never said you did. I'm just saying that you're taking advantage of the fact that she would never leave you. No matter how unhappy she'll be when you're living across the world, she'll put up with it because for her, seeing you for a week at Christmas every year is worth the misery that she has to feel the rest of the time." As much as I hate to admit it, I think he's right. I'm not doing it intentionally, but I think if I thought that May would break up with me for good, then I would stay here. I know that somehow we always find our way back to each other, which is why i'm choosing to go. It seems heartless of me now that i'm thinking of it like this, but I can't lose May and I don't want to lose my mum either. I don't know what to do at this point. The last thing I want is to make May miserable. And Michael's right. She would take being miserable for years over us breaking up. And I would do the same. "You say you can't live without May, but that's exactly what you'll be doing." He's right. "You're wrong. We'll facetime, and text, and talk on the phone everyday." "Right. And how long do you think it'll be until May meets someone here who makes her happy? Maybe not as happy as you, but nonetheless, happy. A year? Two? Five? How long do you think she'll put up with the misery of you living across the world for? Because you and I both know that one day it'll all get to be too much for her. But when that happens it'll be too late for you to come back and save your relationship. And then i'll be here to pick up the pieces of my broken sister." He's right again. I think deep down I know that this move will eventually force May and I apart. But I guess a part of me is just hoping that by some miracle, we'll stay together. I don't know how long we'll manage the distance. I know eventually May will want to settle her life down and get married, and have kids. Obviously not for many years, but when the time does come, will it be with someone else? Someone that's actually there? "So what you're saying is that whatever I choose, i'm going to end up losing someone I love?" "You're mum will always be your mum. But May might not always be your girlfriend. Just remember that." Michael tells me. I leave a half hour later. I didn't tell May much about Michael and I's talk. Mainly because it was mostly about how i'm going to end up losing her, and I don't want to put those thoughts into her head. I get home and walk upstairs. I walk past my mum's room to go to mine but she stops me. "Oh, Luke. Could you come here for a second?" She calls from her room. I walk over and stand in the doorway. "Come here." She says. I walk into her room and sit on the bench at the end of her bed. She gets out of bed and sits beside me. She puts her hands on top of mine. "I just want you to know how happy it makes me that you're coming with Vince and I. I'm just so thankful to have one of my kids still with me." She pauses to wipe away the tears that have formed in the corners of her eyes. "And I know you're leaving a lot of people you care about behind, but it just means the world to me that you aren't going to let me go without anyone. Of course i'll have Vince, but it's just nice to know I have my son with me. After everything that happened with your father, and the way you handled it, I was scared we had lost the boy you once were. But you pulled through, Luke. You've become the man I always hoped you'd be, and I'm so proud of you. I just wanted you to know that. I love you, Luke." "I love you too, Mum." I sigh. On the drive home I had almost talked myself into staying in Sydney, but now after my mum's little speech to me, I don't know what to do......... --------------------------------------------------------------- Awwnnn.... poor Luke he's torn ??.... hmmm.... What do you guys think about the episode ? Do you think Luke should stay or go to England and see how everything plays out? ..... and thank you all so much for always liking and commenting. I read every single comment and I honestly love them all!!!..... thanks.....!! ✌❤ see you next episode!!! ??
28 May 2019 | 09:22
@itzptince ;
28 May 2019 | 09:23
Hmmm What can I say
28 May 2019 | 16:05
luke u can decide on what you want to do
28 May 2019 | 17:27
"Do you want to go to the diner place for dinner? We haven't been there in a while." I say to Luke. We are currently on his bed watching old reruns of Boy Meets World. It's been three weeks since Luke first told me about the move, leaving us with three months and a week left before Luke moves to England. "Luke?" "Huh?" He snaps out of his thoughts. "Do you want to?" I ask. "Want to what?" "Go to the diner for dinner." "Oh. Yeah sure. Sounds good." He says, not taking his eyes off the television screen. Something's been up with him. I know this move is hard on the both of us, but he's the one choosing to move across the world, so he can't exactly be distant because of it. "Okay what's wrong?" I ask. I've been trying not to say anything to him for the past few weeks as to why he's acting like this, but I refuse to spend these next couple of months like this. "Hmm? Nothing." He says. "Don't bullshit me, Luke. You've been distant for the past couple of weeks. What gives? And don't lie to me." I tell him. He sighs as he sits up on the bed. "I don't know what to do. I almost feel like I physically can't leave you, but I also can't leave my mum. I know i'm nineteen and I don't need to follow my mom around anymore, but she means everything to me. Plus she gave me this whole speech about how proud she is of me and the man i've become. She was telling me how much it means to her that i'm going with her. But, you're my world. I just don't now what to do at this point." He tells me. I don't know know what to tell him. I obviously want him to stay, so anything I say would just try to get him to stay. I'd do anything to get him to stay, but I know at the same time Luke still needs his mum. Hell, everyone does. No matter how old you are, you're always going to need your parents. "I don't know what to tell you, Luke. You know how badly I want you to stay. But I also think you need to be with your mum. Take it from me. I'd do anything to spend one more minute with my mum. We're growing up and maturing, but our parents are also getting older. You don't have forever, Luke. No one does. I completely understand why you want to go with her. I think that's where you'll be happiest." I tell him honestly. He furrows his eyebrows. "You almost sound as if you want me to go?" "What? I didn't say that." "Sure as hell seemed like that's what you were implying." Luke spits. "I wasn't!" "Maybe you want me to go so that you can finally have someone who can give you everything." What the fuck is he talking about? "Don't." I warn him. "I know what you're doing. You're trying to pick a fight so that we break up and you have an excuse to go without leaving anything behind. I'm not going to let that happen. We'll be together until the day you break up with me, because i'm sure as hell not going to end things." "I'm sorry." He sighs. "You know i'd never break up with you, May. I just know that when i'm England, you're going to find someone new. Someone here. And then that'll be it for us. And it'll be my fault for moving." "Is that what you think?" I ask. He sighs. I cup his face in my hands as I speak. "Luke, i'm not going anywhere, okay? Stop thinking you're going to lose me. Yeah, it's going to be hard being apart for such long periods of time. But it'll all be worth it when I see you again. I'm in love with you, and distance isn't going to change that." He exhales as he leans in to kiss me. "I love you, May." "I love you, too." I smile. We both lay back on the bed and I nuzzle my head in the crook of his neck. "You never told me how your talk with Michael went." I say. I know it was weeks ago since they had their little talk about the move, but Luke nor Michael ever brought it up to me, and I can't help but be a bit curious as to what they both said. "He basically told me i'm making the biggest mistake of my life." Luke says. I shoot my head up and look at him. "He said that?!" He shrugs his shoulders. "Something along those lines." "He's just sad about you moving and probably doesn't know how to handle everything he's feeling. You know Michael isn't exactly good with handling his emotions." I say. I instantly think back to Melbourne, when Michael said those nasty things to both Luke and I after he found out we were together. By the look on Luke's face, I can tell he thought back to the same memory. "Trust me, I know. I just hate Michael being sad or angry because of me." Luke says. "He just doesn't want to lose you. Just promise me you won't lose contact with him once your there. He needs you." I tell him. He nods. "I don't think there will ever be a day Michael and I aren't best friends to be honest." "Yeah, probably not." I chuckle as I lay my head back down on Luke's chest. "I don't know how our future will turn out, and that scares me." Luke says after several minutes of silence. "We don't have to think of the future right now." "But what about when you want to get married? Or have kids? Because down the line I know you'll want to. What happens then?" He asks. I guess i've never thought that far ahead. I've never thought about how long we'll be apart for. I didn't think that he would be there forever. I thought that maybe i'd only have to deal with this for a couple of years until he decides to move back here. As much as I love him, I don't think I could pack up my life and move to England. So it's either he would move back here, not leave at all, or we'd be apart forever. I choose being with him for as long as humanly possible. Even if that means giving some things up along the way. "I'd give that all up to be with you." I finally say. "That's what i'm afraid of." He mumbles........ --------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys!!!...... please comment... and let me know how you guys are enjoying this please..... thanks!!! ❤❤❤✌
28 May 2019 | 21:11
@itzprince :::
28 May 2019 | 21:12
Hmmmm speechless
29 May 2019 | 02:42
For real may?
29 May 2019 | 07:56
Still with you Ride on!
29 May 2019 | 09:40
Still with you Ride on bro
29 May 2019 | 09:43
if u don't want to go thn stay now, what's all this thinking
29 May 2019 | 12:06
Why is he afraid of being with you in the future?
29 May 2019 | 13:54
There's always a way to figure things out about the future. May and Luke has come a long way. Some break up of theirs wasn't really a break up but anger which doesn't last. They have always been together with LOVE.
29 May 2019 | 17:35
Talking about they love luke and may shared with each other is worth waiting for. It's worth making a better decision right now for their SUPER LOVE relationship. It's tough decision for family for love.
29 May 2019 | 17:45
MAY, LUKE, MIKEY and maybe joined by CORA and CARUM in visiting LIZ during holidays sounds better. Or any decision that will make both Luke and May to be together. Distance relationship with everyday phone calls, texting communicado is not bad either but seeing each other regularly has always been better.
29 May 2019 | 18:08
hmmmmmm,,,, I don't know wat Luke is thinking but I know Michael is very ryt abt wat he said
30 May 2019 | 04:27
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I groan as I reach over to see who it is, but as I do, they hang up. I see the caller ID says Cora, but i'll just call her back later. I roll over and extend my arm to wrap around Luke except, my arm falls onto the empty mattress. An empty bed. Where is he? I get up and slip on my leggings from yesterday. I quickly retie my bun since most of it fell out overnight. I open the door and walk downstairs. "Luke?" I call out. He doesn't answer. "Luke?" I call again. I check the living room but he isn't there. I check the kitchen but he isn't in there either. Where could he be? He wouldn't just leave without telling me, would he? Especially in his own house. Just then I see his blonde quiff sticking up from the chair on the deck in the backyard. I walk over to the sliding door, which is open a crack. I'm about to say his name again, when I hear him speak. "You can't do this. Come on, think about it." He says. Who is he talking to? He must be on the phone. "No, what i'm doing is totally different." What is he doing? "Don't blame that all on me. It'll be your fault too." What? Who's fault? "I'll just talk to you about this later, bye." Luke says as he removes the phone from his ear and ends the call. I don't want him to know I was listening to his phone call, so I quickly sprint to the fridge and open it, pretending to look for food. "Morning, babe." Luke says as he comes inside, shutting the sliding door behind him. "Morning." I say groggily, acting as if I just woke up. "Just wake up?" "Yeah." I say, rubbing my eyes. "Where were you? I woke up and you weren't there." I realize how needy it sounds only after I say it. "Sorry, I got a phone call and I didn't want to wake you up." He explains. "Oh. From who?" I ask, trying to sound as casual as possible. "Hmm? Oh, my mom." He says, even though I can tell he's lying. "Your mom?" "Yeah, she just asked if I wanted anything specific from the grocery store." He says. I don't know why he is lying to me. I thought we promised each other that from now on we were going to be completely honest with each other, no matter what it is. So why was he choosing to lie to me now? These are the last four months we have together and he's choosing to lie to me now , even though he knows how upset i'll get? I decide not to confront him about it right now. Things are going good for us which is rare, I don't want to ruin that over something that i'm sure is nothing. "Do you want me to make you anything for breakfast?" I ask him, trying to change the topic. "Yeah, sure babe. I'm just going to take a quick shower." He says. "Okay, it'll be ready when you're done. I smile. He gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before going upstairs to take a shower. I get out the eggs and preheat the oven until I hear the water from the shower turn on. My curiosity gets the best of me and I quickly walk upstairs and go into Luke's room. I look everywhere but can't find his phone. He must have brought it in the bathroom with him. I slowly turn the bathroom knob and tip toe quietly inside the bathroom, careful not to make a sound. Sure enough, his phone is sitting on the counter. I grab it swiftly before leaving the bathroom and going back into Luke's room. I type in the password, but it says it is incorrect. That's not possible. Luke's password is 1212. December twelfth―my birthday. It has been his password since we started dating. When did he change it? Or more importantly, why? I type it in again to make sure. Incorrect. Twelve twelve, I type in again. Just then I hear the water shut off and I gasp. I quickly go back to the bathroom and put it on the sink. "May?" Luke asks as he pulls the shower curtain back, a towel hanging around his waist. He's so perfect, wow. Focus, May. "Hey. I uh-I was just grabbing a hair tie. Don't want hair in your eggs." I giggle before leaving the bathroom, shutting the door behind me. I exhale and go downstairs to make Luke's breakfast. I crack the eggs in the pan and begin to scramble them. But the only thing scrambled is my thoughts. Why would Luke change his password? Is he hiding something? He's had the same password for months, why change it now? Did he change it after that phone call? Or has he been hiding something for a while now? I finish the eggs, but Luke still isn't downstairs. What's taking him so long? I put the eggs in a plate and put them at his seat at the kitchen table. I turn the tap on and begin to wash the pan. I turn the water off once i'm finished and dry my hands, when I hear Luke come downstairs. "What took you so long? Breakfast is on the table." I say. He walks over to me and puts his phone on the counter in front of me. His face almost looks―angry. I furrow my eyebrows. "What?" I ask. He clicks the home button to display his lockscreen that reads 'IPhone is disabled. Try again in 10 minutes.' Shit. I didn't realize I had tried that many times. "Care to explain?" He asks gravelly. "Luke I-" "You tried going through my phone?" "Yes but I-" "What the fuck, May! You're the one who's always so big on trust, and then you go and do this. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?!" He fumes. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you ?! You're the one who's lying about who you were on the phone with. I know for a fact that wasn't your mom and I'm too scared to ask you who it really was because I know you'll blow up at me for not believing you. What else was I supposed to do?" I ask, my voice wobbly. "You could have just asked me! We're in a relationship, May. You shouldn't have been scared to ask me." "You would have flipped at me for not trusting you! Seriously, Luke. I don't think I'm the one at fault here! I'm sorry for trying to go through your phone, but I wouldn't have had to if you were just honest about who you were on the phone with." "Are you actually scared of me?" Luke asks, his tone changing from angry to..sad? I sigh and put my hands over his. "No, of course i'm not scared of you. I'm just scared of you getting mad at me. I just don't want to fight with you." "I'm sorry I lied about who I was on the phone with." Luke apologizes. "Who was it really, Luke?" He sighs. "There's something you should know."....... ---------------------------------------------- AND GUY'S.... WHO DO YOU THINK LUKE WAS ON THE PHONE WITH AND WHAT DO YOU ALL THINK THE CONVERSATION WAS ALL ABOUT ?....... hhhmmm....please drop your comments please ❤❤❤❤
30 May 2019 | 20:50
@itzprince %%%
30 May 2019 | 20:51
its Michael,,, bcos Michael once told him he's also traveling
31 May 2019 | 05:59
but wat I don't understand is y Luke would changed his password
31 May 2019 | 06:01
Hope it is not a bad news
31 May 2019 | 10:54
when he confess we will know too ,next pls
31 May 2019 | 13:01
Who could that be and why did he change his password?
31 May 2019 | 16:47
"Luke why did you drag me all the way home?" I ask. Luke told me there was something I should know, yet he brought me back to my house. I kept asking him to just tell me, but he refused. "Because it's not mine to tell." Luke says as he opens the door to my apartment. Luke takes my hand and leads me to Michael's room. Was he on the phone with Michael this morning? "Tell her, Michael." Luke says. Michael stands up from his bed once he sees us. "Luke, what the fuck!" Michael shouts. "She overheard our phone call, okay? I'm sorry but I can't hide stuff from her. So you need to tell her now or else i'll end up telling her myself, and I know you'll hate me for that. So tell her." I guess it was Michael on the phone. But tell me what? Michael sighs and then nods. "I'll wait in the kitchen." Luke says as he leaves Michael's room, shutting the door behind us. "Michael what's going on?" I dare to ask. "First you need to know that i'm so sorry about the timing, it's shitty I know, but there's not much I can do about it." Michael says. "Do about what? Timing for what? Michael what the hell are you talking about?" I ask, extremely confused. "Luke thinks it's a bad idea, but I know it's not. I hate that it'll hurt you, but it's what I feel like I need to do." "Michael spit it out!" I shout, getting impatient with Michael beating around the bush. "I'm going to college." He says. "Wha-college? Mikey, that's great!" I say, engulfing him in a hug. I always knew Michael's dream was college, he had just never found time to go. I'm so happy he's finally put his mind to going. "What are you going to study?" I ask cheerily. "Engineering." Michael says lowly. "That's great! That's what you've always wanted to do! What college is it?" I ask. Michael doesn't reply. "Why aren't you more happy about this?" "That's just it, May. I got accepted into Penn State." Michael says, looking up at me. My breathes hitches. He can't be serious. He's joking around with me, he has to be. "Penn State? As in...America?" "Yeah. I accepted the offer already. I'm so sorry. I don't want to leave you, believe me but after mom died, and I found out dad isn't actually my dad, I feel like I just need a fresh start. I need to start somewhere new. Too much bad has happened here. I can't stay." He says. I can't believe what i'm hearing right now. My brother is moving to America? "Michael, this is your home." I croak. "No, this is your home. It never felt like mine. I love you so much, May but, I need to go. I need to do something for me for once." I stand there, stunned. My brother is leaving me and so is Luke. How is this possibly happening? "Say something." Michael says. I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know what to say." "I'm so sorry, May. Believe me, I hate that this is hurting you. And I didn't want to tell you because with Luke moving, and now me, I just figured it was too much for one person to handle."....... He's right. "When do you leave?" I ask. "Two weeks." He almost whispers. "Two weeks?!" I raise my voice. How could he be leaving in two weeks? That's barely any time. That doesn't give me a chance to do anything I would want to do with him before he goes. "You're leaving in two weeks?! How could wait this long to tell me?" I exclaim. "I just didn't know how. I got accepted a few weeks after mum passed away. I've already postponed going for so long because I wanted to stay here with you. But you graduate in four months. So once you graduate, why don't you come to America? We can get a place near Penn and you can go to college there too. We can start a life there, May." Michael says. This is all happening so fast. First he tells me that he's moving to America, and now he's asking if i'll go with him? "I-I don't-what about Cora? And Cal and Ash? What about dad, Michael? How do you expect to just leave everyone behind?" "I'll come down for holidays, just like Luke is. And as for Cora, she's coming with me." He says. "What? She is?" I ask. "Yeah. After a lot of crying and yelling, we both decided that we can't be without each other. And she's going to apply to get into Penn next semester." Michael explains. "She's willing to just leave everyone behind? Even her family?" I ask. "Well she's an only child. Her dad died when she was really young, and her mum moved to Adelaide with her new boyfriend. So Cora really doesn't have anyone she's leaving behind." Michael tells me. Maybe I should go. I mean, Luke's going to England, Michael and Cora are going to America, and Calum and Ashton will probably go to some college around here and make all new friends. If I don't go with Michael, i'll have no one. But, I can't leave. Australia is my home. I wouldn't feel whole if I was anywhere else. Plus, I can't move away from my dad. Sydney was far enough as it is, I can't move all the way to America without him. I run my hands over my face. "You don't have to decide if you want to come now. You have four months to decide. And if you decide you want to come, then Cora and I will already be there waiting for you. If we're all in America, then Luke can just come see us there." Michael says. This can't be happening. Why can't everyone just stay in Sydney? Why did Liz have to meet a man that lives all the way in England? Why does Luke have to go with her? Why does Michael have to go to school in America? None of this is fair. "Can't you just go to school in Sydney?" I ask, in hopes that by some miracle, he'll decide to. "I can, but in all honesty May, I don't want to. I want to start fresh." He says. "And you feel like you need to do that thousands of miles away?!" I scream, tears now falling from my eyes. "May, please calm down." "Don't tell me to calm down! My brother and best friend are moving to America and my boyfriend is moving to England. And i'm left here in Sydney all alone. I have no one." I cry. "You don't have no one! Calum and Ash are still here. Maybe dad can move out here, too. Or, you can just come to America with me." Michael says. "What? Do you expect me to just say yes and change my whole life around simply because you 'want to start fresh?' That's not fair to me Michael and you know it." "What happened to you and I always? What happened to 'we're all each other has?'" Michael says. "Don't use that one against me right now. You're not just asking me to go on some vacation, Michael. You're asking me to move across the world. You can't just expect me to decide something like that in minutes." I say to him. Besides, if i'm willing to just pack up and move to America, why can't I just pack up and move to England to be with Luke? He says he can't take me away from my life here but, without him and Michael, I don't have a life here. "Please just think it over, okay?" Michael asks. I nod my head. I know that there's no chance in hell i'm going to America, but I don't want to fight with Michael. I need to process everything, and right now i'm not exactly in a state to discuss topics like moving across the whole world. If I was ever to move out of Australia, it would be with Luke to England. I walk out of Michael's room and walk over to Luke who's leaned up against the kitchen counter, typing on his phone. He looks up and sees me and immediately puts his phone in his back pocket. "Are you okay?" Luke asks with worry. I break into sobs as I bury my head into Luke's chest. "I'll have no one." I sob. "Shh." Luke tries to comfort me as he strokes my hair. "You'll be gone, he'll be gone, so will Cora. Everyone will be gone and i'll be alone. What am I supposed to do?" I cry. "I think Michael's right. You should go with him." Luke says into my hair as he leans his chin on the top of my head. I pull away from Luke and look up at him. "What? How did you even hear him ask me that?" "You guys were screaming at each other, and the doors aren't exactly sound proof." "How could you even say that? You think I should go with him, yet you can't let me go with you because you think you'll be taking me away from everything? How does that even make sense, Luke? If Michael's moving, I see no reason why I can't come with you." I say. "I do. I can't ask you to come all the way to England with me. If we were to ever break up, you'd be stuck in a country with no one else. If you went to America, you'd always have your brother. There's never a chance of losing him, so you'd never be alone. I just want you to be happy, May. And I think you'll be happiest if you go with Michael and Cora to America. You can apply at Penn State too and then you can all go to the same college." Luke says. He does have a point. I'd always have my brother with me. And even though i'm certain Luke and I will never break up, if we did, I would be alone. Maybe the best thing for me really is to move to America. "Maybe you're right." I say under my breath. But, maybe he isn't................... -------------------------------------------------- ok now guys..... what do you all think about michael moving away to america with cora? do you think may should go with, go with luke, or stay in australia? please like, comment, and tell more folks about this novel.... if you really love it.... lol ? ❤?❤?❤??✌✌✌✌
31 May 2019 | 23:23
@itzprince ! :!
31 May 2019 | 23:25
I think Luke is really planning on breaking up wit may bcos he is alws saying if dey were to break up, may will be stranded in England,,, so I think he has a mind to breakup wit her later.. and may should also Hav a life of her own, she shouldn't be moving bcos everyone is moving,, wat if dey move again, she wil have to follow dem to move also...
1 Jun 2019 | 04:03
Can't May be on her own?
1 Jun 2019 | 06:37
My tought too
1 Jun 2019 | 09:08
She can still be whatever she wants to be in Australia with or without Michael and Luke
1 Jun 2019 | 16:24
it's hard bec the two people u love are moving to a new place,but I think u should stay if possible go back to ur Dad
1 Jun 2019 | 17:45
It's been a week since Michael dropped the bomb on me about America. One week. Which means there's only one more week until he packs up and moves all the way across the country. How is it possible that both my brother and boyfriend are moving away from me? I still haven't decided if i'm going with Michael yet. Luke thinks I should, so do Michael and Cora. But I don't know if i'd be able to just pack up and move out of Australia. I know I said I would go with Luke to England, but I think deep down, I knew he'd say no. I talked to my dad about everything, and he thinks it's best for me to go with Michael. He said he doesn't want me living in Sydney alone, so I would have to go back to Melbourne to live with him, which I don't exactly want to do either. "I think you should go." Calum says. I was currently lying on the couch at Calum's house. Him and I have always been close friends, especially since he was the first one I met when I flew here at the beginning of the summer. That seems like a lifetime ago. "Why is everyone saying that?" I groan. "Because, everyone knows that Michael and you need each other. And I know you're conflicted but, I think it's best for you to go with them." Calum tells me. "He'll have Cora." I say. "Yeah, but still. He needs you , you're his sister." "I still can't believe Cora agreed to go with him all the way to America." I snort. "You mean like you were willing to do with Luke to England?" Calum smirks. I look at him and roll my eyes. "Shut up." I laugh. He puts his hands up in defence. "Just saying." He laughs. "I just don't know what to do, Cal. I also don't want to leave you and Ash." "We'll come visit you guys in America for Christmas. I'll spend Christmas Eve with my family and then come to Pennsylvania to see you guys on Christmas Day." Calum says. "Cal, the flight is like, twenty hours long. You won't even make it on time. See, everything about this just won't work out." I sigh. "Then i'll spend time with my family on the twenty-third, and then fly out and spend Christmas day with you guys. Every problem can be worked around, May. Stop trying to find every excuse not to go with Michael and Cora." I sigh. I truthfully don't know what to do. I would hate to leave Calum, Ashton and my dad all behind in Australia. But, it would be nice to never have to see Brooke and them again. And I also don't think I could be in a completely different country than my brother. "What happens if I hate America though?" I ask. "Well, cross that bridge when you come to it. You'll never know until you try, May." Calum says. Why does he always have to make so much sense? Why isn't anyone just telling me to stay here? Maybe it's because I shouldn't. "You really think I should?" I ask. He nods his head. "Yeah, I do." "I still need to finish school though. Which is still a few months." I tell him. "Yeah, well Luke will still be here. And so will Ash and I." "You're right." I say as I stand up from the couch and walk over to the doorway, slipping on my shoes. "Where are you going?" He asks. "To talk to Luke. I need his take on all of this." I explain. "Lay strikes again." Calum laughs. "Lay?" I ask. He nods. "Yeah, you and Luke." Did he really just mesh Luke and I's names together? It's so juvenile, yet I can't help but love it. "Cora made it up." He chuckles. I roll my eyes and I wave goodbye as I walk out the door. - After a short walk, I arrive at Luke's house. I knock on his door and anxiously wait for him to open it. The door slowly opens to reveal Liz. As much as I love Liz, a part of me will always hold the fact that she's taking the boy I love away from me against her. "Hi, May." She smiles as she embraces me in a hug. "Hi. Is Luke home?" I ask. She nods. "He's in his room. Go on up." I thank her and make my way upstairs. I walk to his door and knock on it. "It's open." He calls. I open the door to see him on his bed with his laptop on his lap. He looks up at me and a smile instantly appears on his face. "Hey, baby." He says as he closes his laptop, takes the headphones out of his ears and stands up. He walks over to me and quickly pecks me on the lips. "Luke." I whine. "I need to talk to you." "About what? Is everything okay?" He asks. I sigh as I collapse face first on his bed and bury my face into his pillows. "I think I want to go to America with Michael." I muffle through the fabric. "Good! I want you to go. It's what's best for you both." Luke says. I groan as I sit up and remove the hair from my face. "Why does everyone keep saying that?" I ask. "Because it's true." "I just feel like, I don't know, I feel like i'm just going to abandon you. I know you're moving to England, it's just, I don't know. It doesn't feel right moving there when I know you're not coming with me." I tell him honestly. "I know, baby. But i'll fly down for every holiday. And i'll spend the whole summer there with you guys. And maybe sometimes you can even come to England." He says hopefully. "And how long will this all last, Luke? How long are we going to spend living in separate parts of the world? I don't want to drop this all on you but, how do you expect to have a life together if we only see each other for holidays and summer?" "I don't know how long it'll last, May. But all I know right now is that I need to go with my mum, and you need to go with your brother. Sometimes we have to put other people before ourselves. But I promise you, one day we'll live together. In a place of our own, just us two." He smiles. "Promise?" He takes my hands in his and rests his forehead on mine. "I promise." He says as he leans in to kiss me. He backs me up until my thighs hit the bed. I slowly lean backwards until I am lying on the bed. Luke follows and hovers above me, our lips never leaving each other. "Nothing's going to happen here." I warn him. "Why not?" He says as he playfully bites my lip, causing me to instantly moan. "Because your mom is downstairs and she is not walking in on us again. Once was mortifying enough." I say. He lifts his head and looks at me. "Your place then?" He smirks. I roll my eyes and shove him off of me. "Shut up." I say as I sit up, Luke sitting beside me. "But in all seriousness, are you going to go to America?" He asks. Before my mind can even catch up, I find the words falling out of my mouth. "Yeah, I am.".............. ---------------------------------------- hhhmmm... sorry it's short guys. i've been super busy lately... but i just wanted to update for you all.... lol ? ? ? ❤✌... and do you all think may is making the right choice to move to america?....... please like and comment......thanks!!!.... ❤?✌
2 Jun 2019 | 03:35
@itzprince ;;;
2 Jun 2019 | 03:57
We're okay with whatever choice she makes
2 Jun 2019 | 06:29
whatever choice she make I'm behind her back
2 Jun 2019 | 08:11
its well wit u may
3 Jun 2019 | 08:45
what sup guys.... why are my not seeing much of a comment or is it that you guys are not ok with all what is happening recently... hhmmm... lol......
3 Jun 2019 | 09:15
Today's the day. The day Michael moves to America. This past week has completely flown by. I still can't fathom that Michael and Cora are moving all the way to Pennsylvania, and in less than four months, so will I. It was hard at first to make the decision of staying in Sydney or moving out to America with my brother, but as each day goes on, I feel better and better about moving there. "I really am sorry I won't be here for your graduation." Michael apologizes to me for the thousandth time this week. "Mikey, it's okay. Honestly. Luke, Cal, Ash and dad will all be here." I tell him. I wasn't totally okay with the fact that Michael would be missing my graduation, but I understand that flights aren't cheap, and he can't miss days college for days at a time. "Luke's been surprisingly understanding about this whole move to America thing." Michael says. "He has no right not to be. He's the one choosing to go to England with Liz. I understand why he's going and all, but I just hate that I won't be with him everyday." I say. "You're not having second thoughts about going with me right? Like, I know you wanted to go with Luke and everything but he said he didn't think that was best and I just-" "No, of course i'm not having second thoughts. Yeah, I wanted to go with Luke but honestly, I don't think I could move to England when only he'll be there for me. At least when I move to America I know you and Cora will be there, and i'll have a place to live, and college. I know I can have those things in England too but, Luke's right. If we ever broke up, i'd be alone there." Michael laughs. "Do you really think you two are ever going to really break up? Sure you guys are going to fight but, I don't think you'll ever really break up for good." He's right. I honestly don't think Luke and I will ever break up for good. But Luke has his mind set on me not going to England with him. He's so scared of me resenting him for making me move across the world but, doesn't he get by now that I could never resent him? Doesn't he understand that it's my choice if I want to go with him or not? "You're right. But still, i'm moving to America and that's final." Just then Michael's phone beeps. He grabs it off the bed and checks it. "That's Cora. She says we should leave for the airport now." Michael says. Cora, Luke, Calum and Ashton had spent the night at our place last night. We wanted to all be together one last time before Michael and Cora moved for good. They were all still over, but they wanted to give Michael and I some time alone. "You're still coming to the airport right?" Michael asks. I nod my head. "Yes, of course." Michael grabs his suitcase and wheels it out into the kitchen, I follow suit. "You ready to go?" Cora asks. "Yeah." Michael nods. "To the airport then." Calum says in a deep voice, causing us all to laugh. Everyone walks out of the door and into the elevator, but Luke stops me. "We'll be there in a minute." Luke says to the rest of the group. They nod as the elevator doors close, leaving Luke and I in the hallway. "What?" I ask. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Mhm, fine." I say. I keep trying to remind myself that i'll see Michael in four months, but a part of me feels like I never will........ "You sure?" I shrug my shoulders. "I kinda hate that he won't be here for my graduation, but i'm just going to have to get over it. But you'll be there, which is more than enough for me." I smile. He takes my hand in his and we get inside the elevator. "I love you." Luke says. "I love you." I respond. Once we make it to the bottom floor, we get out of the elevator and go outside to the car. The ride to the airport is oddly loud. I had expected it to be fairly quiet since everyone is sad about Cora and Michael moving, but instead everyone was reminiscing about the good times they've shared throughout the years. We finally arrive at the airport after around forty-five minutes. We get out of the car and Michael and Luke get the bags out of the back of the car. We all walk inside and sit down in the waiting area. Michael brings his and Cora's bags to the conveyer belt and then returns to sit with us. "Do you guys remember that time that Luke got really drunk and poured milk all over Ashton when he was sleeping?" Calum laughs. "That shit wasn't funny! My bed was so sticky." Ashton complains. "Just like it always is." Michael jokes, causing everyone to burst out into laughter. "Fuck off bro!" Ashton laughs, shoving Michael's arm. "Do you guys remember that time we had that huge science project due but we forgot our books at school so we had to go back? But when we went back, the school was already closed for the night, so we hopped the fence and tried to open the door but the alarm went off!" Ashton laughs. "Yeah! And then the police came and arrested us all. They didn't believe we were there to actually get homework." Calum chuckles. "No way! You guys never told me you got arrested!" I say to Luke and Michael. "Mum had to come bail me out. She didn't believe we were getting homework either. To this day, only us four know the real reason we were there. Everyone we tell the story to just thinks we were trying to do something rebellious." Michael says as he puts air quotes on 'rebellious'. "Well you and I didn't exactly have the best track record." Luke laughs. I laugh too, surprisingly. I've learned to get past everything that Luke and Michael used to do. Looking back at it now, I don't know why I got so mad at Luke to begin with, it's not like I even knew him then. "May, do you remember that time when we were little kids and we brought mud into the house and made mud pies in my room?" Michael asks. "Oh yeah! Mum didn't talk to us for like, a whole week!" I laugh at the memory. "Or do you remember that time at school when Pete Jamison was hitting on you and being disgusting so I punched him in the face!" Michael doubles over in laughter. "No way! Michael punched a kid?" Luke asks, clearly shocked that Michael had done that. "He broke two of his knuckles!" I add on, laughing myself. Everyone breaks out into laughter. Just then, the intercom comes on. "Flight 306 to Pennsylvania is now boarding. Please make your way to the gate." The lady says. "Well, that's us." Michael says, slowing standing up. "I guess this is it guys." Cora says. "I'll miss you, man." Ashton says as he hugs Michael....... "Me too, Ash." Michael says. "Cora, make sure to keep him in check." Ashton says as he hugs Cora. "Oh don't worry, I will." Cora laughs. "I'll see you at Christmas?" Calum says to Michael. "You guys better." Michael says as he hugs Calum. It must be hard for Michael to say goodbye to his best friends. I hate to think about how this is going to be me in just a few months. "Bro, I don't even know how to say bye to you." Michael says to Luke. "We've been through a lot of shit together, man. But I wouldn't have chosen anyone else to spend my teenage years with." Luke says. Michael embraces Luke in a hug, and the sight makes me want to tear up. The force they use when embracing each other shows all the emotions they're feeling. They pull away from the hug and look at each other. "Brothers." Michael says with his fist out. "Always, bro." Luke says as he hits his fist to Michael's. Luke turns to Cora. "Well, we've had quite a ride ourselves, haven't we?" He laughs. "You could say that." She laughs. "I'll miss you, Cor." He says as he gives her a quick hug. Cora turns to me. "You've got one of the good ones, don't let him go." "Believe me, I won't." I smile as I nudge Luke playfully with my hip. She extends her arms out and I walk into her hug. Cora has quickly become my best friend, and I hate the fact that i'm saying goodbye to her, even if it's just for four months. We pull away from our hug and I see her wipe her eyes, as do I. "I'm sorry about everything that happened with Brooke. If it didn't, she would have been here too to say bye to you." I say to Cora. "I'm glad she isn't. No one treats my friends like that and gets away with it." Cora smiles. "I'm really glad you'll be with us in four months." She says. I smile. "Me too." I say, actually meaning it. That leaves Michael and I to say our goodbyes. "We'll uh- we'll be over there." Luke says as him and the rest of them walk away, giving Michael and I some privacy. "How do you say goodbye to your only brother?" I practically whisper. "I'll see you in four months." I nod. "I know, but it'll feel like a lifetime." "Well, we spent years living apart, so what's four months?" Michael says, trying to be optimistic. "I guess you're right." I say. "I'll never back down on those words, you know that right?" Michael asks. "What words?" "The words I said to you years ago, and the words I say to you all the time. That's it's you and I through everything. I mean it, May. It's always going to be us two. No matter where we go in our lives. You're my family." Michael says. I can almost hear a faint sob forming in the back of his throat. "I love you, Mikey." I say as embrace him in a hug, sniffling into his chest. "I love you, too." He says to me as he rubs my back. "This is the last call to board flight 306 to Pennsylvania. Please make your way to the gate." The intercom says, ruining our almost perfect brother-sister moment. We pull away from the hug and look at each other. "I'll see you soon?" I say. "I'll see you soon." Michael confirms. I nod as I quickly turn to walk over to Luke. I don't think I could physically do this goodbye any longer. Another minute and i'll turn into a sobbing mess. "You better go." I tell Cora. She nods as she says goodbye to us all once again before walking over to Michael. Michael waves slowly to us and we all wave back. Him and Cora turn around and begin to walk over to the gate. He stops and turns back around to face us. He waves again, but this time I can tell the wave is meant for just me. I wave back to him until he turns around and walks over to the gate, eventually out of sight. "You okay?" Luke asks, rubbing my shoulder with the the hand thats draped around me. I nod. "You'll see him soon." Luke reminds me. "I know, it's just going to be weird being without him for four months." I say. "Come on, let's go home." Luke says as he takes my hand in his and all four of us walk out of the airport. How am I possibly going to go through this whole thing again in four months with Luke? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ok.... Hey guys! So I decided not to end the book at episode 70 again. But There won't be tons of episodes again though... lol ?.... but there will be more... just keep following me yeah!!! ? ?.... and am going to make sure that There won't be any sequel for the story because I already know the ending and I feel as if the story is better without a sequel..... so However, I have many other stories planned so I hope you'll all read them once its out as well...... Thanks!!!!............ ----------------------------------- So back to our main gist..... Hmmm.... Michael and Cora left!!! How do you guys feel about that?..... Please like, comment, and keep on following me please..... also please help me to notify others about this story.... ✌❤?✌????✌✌✌..... thanks lovely people..... ❤???
3 Jun 2019 | 09:27
@itzprince "
3 Jun 2019 | 09:35
You'll pull through
3 Jun 2019 | 14:59
so sad ,but we will see him soon
3 Jun 2019 | 19:40
It's been over a month since Michael and Cora moved. Which also means that in less than three months, i'll be joining them and Luke will go to England. It's been surprisingly easier than I thought it would be without Michael, but having Luke here with me makes it a lot easier. "I need to go, Luke's driving me to school." I say into my phone. "Say hey to him for me." Michael says. "I will. Love you Mikey." "Love you too, May. We'll talk tomorrow." Michael says and then hangs up. I've spoken to Michael almost everyday since he moved. I really am thankful to have such a close relationship with my brother. I know most siblings don't, but i'm glad I do. Talking to him everyday makes it seem like he isn't that far away. I put my phone in my back pocket as I walk out of my apartment, locking the door behind me. I get into the elevator and take it to the ground floor. The elevator dings and I step out into the lobby of the building. I walk outside and get into the passenger seat of Luke's car. "Morning, babe." Luke smiles as he leans over and kisses me. "Morning." I say after we pull away from the kiss. "Michael says hi." "Oh, okay. Next time you talk to him, tell him I miss him being my teammate for beer pong. It's just not the same being Cal's partner." Luke laughs. "I'll make sure I tell him." I giggle. "My mum isn't going to be home tonight. Do you want to come over after you're done in school?" Luke asks. "Why does your mum have to be gone? I come over all the time when she's around." I say. "Yeah, but we'll be alone." Luke smirks. "Luke, if we wanted to be alone then we could just go to my apartment." I laugh. "Jeez May, i'm trying to be romantic here." He groans. I giggle. "Sorry. Your place it is. We pull up to the school and I unbuckle my seatbelt. "I'll see you after school. I love you." Luke says as he kisses me goodbye. "Love you more." I say as I step out of the car and shut the door behind me. I walk into the school and go directly to my locker, Brooke is unfortunately at hers which is right beside mine. I bend down putting my coat inside and grabbing my first period binder. "I still don't understand why Luke chose her over you. You're so much prettier." I hear one of Brooke's friends mumble to her. I decide not to say anything to her. I don't want to start anything up, especially seeing as I graduate in less than three months. "Right?" Brooke agrees with her friend as they scoff and walk off. I roll my eyes as I shut my locker. "May, I think you have something in your hair." Someone says from behind me. I turn around to see Caroline. After having lunch with her that one time after everything happened with Brooke, we discovered we have a lot in common. We've become pretty good friends. "Where?" I ask, running my hands through my hair. "Bend your head down a little." Caroline says. I bend my head down and feel Caroline take something off the top of my head. "It's a crumbled up piece of paper." She says as she hands it to me. I unfold the piece of paper to see Brooke's handwriting. Is she actually that childish that she would throw a piece of paper in my hair while I was bent down at my locker? I guess so..... I furrow my eyebrows. "What does it say?" Caroline asks me. "It's a phone number." "Well who's?" I shrug my shoulders. Why would she give me a piece of paper with a phone number on it? "We'll talk more at lunch, I need to get to class." Caroline says as she gives me a small wave and walks off. I walk to class and take my seat, still staring at the note. Why can't Brooke just stay out of my life? Is she so bored with her own that she feels the need to constantly get involved in mine? - School finally ends after what feels like the longest day ever. I don't bother to go to my locker because I want to avoid seeing Brooke at all costs. I walk outside and look around for Luke's car, but I don't see it. I take a seat on the bench and wait. I pull my phone out and open up my social media apps, checking them all. Just then I feel something hit me on the back of my head...hard. I shriek out in pain as I hold the back of my head. I turn around to see a soccer ball on the ground directly behind me and the girl's soccer team on the field all staring at me. "Oops, sorry." Brooke says as she jogs over to me. Of course it would have been Brooke to 'accidentally' kick the ball over here. "Yeah, i'm sure you are." I groan as I rub the back of my head. "You shouldn't have been in the way." She shrugs innocently. "Been in the way? You're kidding right? I'm sitting on a bench far away from the field. You obviously kicked the ball over here intentionally." I say. "Don't flatter yourself, May. I don't care enough to create drama with you." She rolls her eyes. "Oh, so you don't want to create drama with me? What's that note about then? Who's number is it?" I ask. Just then Luke pulls up to the curb beside us. "Ask him, I got it off his phone." She says as she points towards Luke. I turn my head to look at Luke and I see him with a deep scowl on his face. I turn back to face Brooke but I see her already walking back towards the field with the soccer ball in her hand. I turn around and walk towards Luke's car, getting in. "What did she say to you? Was she being mean?" Luke immediately asks. "No, the ball just came towards me, so she came to get it." I tell him. It's not exactly a lie, that did happen. "But what was she saying to you?" He asks as he turns onto the main road. "Nothing really. She was just being her usual bitchy self, nothing serious." I lie. "You wouldn't lie to me right?" I shake my head. "No, of course not." "I missed you." Luke says, changing the topic. "Missed you too." I say with a small smile. After a short silence, I speak up. "Can you drop me off at my apartment? I know I said this morning that i'd come over, but i'm really stressed with school and homework and everything." I lie. "I can help you destress." Luke smirks as he puts his hand on my thigh. "I'm serious." I say, taking his hand off my thigh. "Plus, i'm really tired. Rain check?" He sighs. "Yeah, sure." A few minutes later we pull into the parking lot of my building. "I'll call you later?" Luke says, sounding more like a question than a statement. I nod my head as I give him a quick kiss and shut the door. I don't want to lie to Luke, but there's something on my mind that I won't be able to let go until I know the truth. I go up to my apartment and unlock the door. I sit on my couch and pull out the crumpled up piece of paper from my pocket. I unfold the the piece of paper and type the number into the keypad on my phone. Hesitantly, I click call and put the phone to my ear. It rings and rings but no one answers. Just then, a voicemail comes on. "Hey! You've reached Destiny. Sorry I missed your call, but leave me a message and i'll call you back when I can!" A girl's voice perkily says. My heart sinks. I hang up my phone and toss it beside me on the couch, lost for words. Why did Brooke give me Destiny's number? And more importantly, why the fuck did she get it out of Luke's phone?....................... --------------------------------------------------------------------- lol........ drama! drama! drama!...... ---------------- ???HAPPY EID MUBARAK!!! ??? ....... you all should enjoy and have a great day!!! -------------- what do you all think of this episode!!!!........ comment and like please......... ✌✌✌?
4 Jun 2019 | 02:30
@itzprince ;:;
4 Jun 2019 | 02:32
4 Jun 2019 | 07:14
very interesting,but if this may wants to bring another drama she is on her own
4 Jun 2019 | 12:33
May you no dey understand sign o
4 Jun 2019 | 19:16
Another fight looming
5 Jun 2019 | 12:59
I've been making up reasons in my head for over three hours as to why Luke has Destiny's number, but I just can't think of any logical reason as to why Luke would have her number. I'm not going to jump to conclusions and freak out at Luke before I even know for sure if the number really did come from his phone. I know better than to take Brooke's word for it. I need to go find out the truth from Luke because if I don't know soon, i'll go crazy. I stand up from my couch and walk over to my doorway, slipping my shoes on. I grab my keys and lock the door behind me. The walk over to Luke's is short. I knock on the door and within seconds the door is opened. "That was fast." I chuckle. "I was in the kitchen." Luke explains, the kitchen being close to the doorway. I nod my head as I step inside. "I thought you said you were tired and wanted a rain check?" Luke asks. "I um, I kind of lied. I had to do something. And now I have to talk to you about that something." I tell him. "Okay." Luke says, dragging on the word. I walk over to the couch and sit down, Luke sitting beside me. "May what's going on?" He asks. "I found something out. But i'm trying this new thing where I don't jump to conclusions and freak out at you before I know the truth. So that's why i'm here." I say. "Okay you're making me nervous now. What are you on about?" I take a deep breath before I begin my explanation to him. "Remember earlier today when I said Brooke didn't say anything important? Well I kind of lied about that." I start. Luke groans. "May, you can't believe anything that bitch says! You should know that by now!" "I do know that. Just hear me out, okay?" He nods his head and I continue. "This morning, she gave my a piece of paper with a phone number on it. When I asked who's phone number it was, she said she got it from your phone. At first I made nothing of it, because how could Brooke possibly get a hold of your phone. But, my curiosity got the best of me and that's why I made an excuse not to come over. I went home and called the number. Luke, it was Destiny's voicemail." Luke's eyes widen. "I know it can't be true though because you told me you haven't spoken to her since that night." His face pales and he looks down. Why is he reacting like this? "Wha-is that not true? Have you spoken to her?" I ask, hoping that i'm only jumping to conclusions. Luke looks up at me, not saying a word. "Answer me, Luke. Do you have Destiny's number or not?" I ask, getting impatient. He sighs. "Yes but you have to let me explain!" Oh god. The one time I decide to trust him one-hundred percent, it turns out to be true. "You better have a damn good explanation for this." I say, deciding I want to hear it. Maybe there is actually a logical explanation for all of this. Or maybe I just don't want to believe the truth because i'm so blinded by my love for this boy. "I didn't have her number at first. Like, I never told her to put her number in my phone. But then a few nights after the party, she texted me and asked why I ran out the way I did. When I asked her how she got my number, she said that I gave it to her at the party while we were all sitting around doing dares. I honestly only remember bits and pieces from that night and I don't remember ever giving her my number. You need to trust me on that. I texted her back and explained that I love my girlfriend and I just made a mistake that night. She told me she understands and I kept her number because...well I don't really have a reason. I don't talk to her, I just never deleted her number." Luke explains. Why would he keep her number? What was the sense in that? "I'm trying really hard to trust you right now and believe every word you're saying, but all I keep thinking about is how you changed your phone password. What, is it because you didn't want me to know that you had her number?" He shakes his head. "No! May, I changed my password because the guys kept going onto my phone and it just got annoying. It had nothing to do with you or Destiny, I swear." "Why did you lie then? Why did you tell me you haven't spoken to her since that night?" I ask. "I didn't want you to get mad over nothing. I'll delete her number right now if you want, I honestly have no need for it. Literally we sent a total of like, ten texts. It was nothing, so I didn't want you to freak out over it." Luke tells me. I guess that does make sense. He knows how I am, and so do I. As much as I hate to admit it, I probably would have freaked out at him. Everything that he said does make sense, and i'm choosing to believe him because I love him and I need to learn how to trust him over other people that do nothing but try to ruin our relationship. "How did Brooke get the number off your phone then?" I question. "I have no idea! Ask her! I haven't talked to Brooke since that whole drama fest between all of us." Luke says. I exhale and look up at him. "I believe you. About all of it, I believe you." "Wha-really?" He asks. I raise an eyebrow. "Why? Should I not believe you?" I say, half joking around. "No, no! You should. I'm glad you do. I just thought that with something like this, you would have gotten mad and walked out, or broken up with me or something." Luke says. I hate that that is how Luke thinks of me. I hate that that's the way I am. But, I don't want to be, not anymore. "I don't want to be that way anymore. I'm trying to change, Luke." I give him a small smile. "Look at us, communicating." Luke laughs. "Yeah, it's about time." I laugh. He looks at me as he leans in slowly and plants his lips onto mine. The kiss is gentle, yet enrapturing. Every kiss with Luke is practically intoxicating. The way our lips move together, the way our breathing matches each others. With all my worry vanishing, I lay back and pull him on top of me, wrapping my legs around his waist. He slowly moves his lips down to my neck, his intense warmth radiating off my skin. I tilt my head back slightly, exposing more of my neck to him. I tangle my fingers through his hair, tugging gently. His lips move back to mine and I feel him glide his tongue against my lower lip. I part my lips slightly, letting him in. I feel him smile into this kiss as he moves a piece of my stray hair behind my ear. Being with Luke right here and right now makes me feel so...alive. I'm done with Brooke trying to sabotage mine and Luke's relationship. I believe my boyfriend and trust him one-hundred percent, and not Brooke or anyone will ever be able to change that. But, I still want to know how Brooke got ahold of Luke's phone.................. ------------------------------------------------------------- YAY!!! guys!!! ..... high five ✋✋✋ ..... for may not freaking out and being more trusting!.... lol ?.... do you guys like how the situation played out? .... please comment, like and keep following me pls..... !!!..... thanks fam!!!.....
5 Jun 2019 | 19:27
@itzprince %-%
5 Jun 2019 | 19:28
Luke is hiding something, I just feel it
6 Jun 2019 | 06:10
I think there's more to just text
6 Jun 2019 | 08:09
Can may just stopping listening to brooke
6 Jun 2019 | 09:04
I still blive Luke is not 100% open to May, he is hiding sometin from her
6 Jun 2019 | 16:11
Well, things are getting better between MAY and LUKE even in a moment when there should be doubt like before. Their funny break up's in the past isn't with them anymore. They getting stronger in being together as LOVERS.
6 Jun 2019 | 19:51
Even when brook is still hoping to hook up with luke, hoping to scatter LUKEMAY relationship. They found every reason to move on, to learn more and grow more with each other. Caroline is nice enough as a friend of may to replace brook.
6 Jun 2019 | 20:14
Cora and Mikey moving to America was LOVE MADE MOVE for a purpose. Expecting may to joined them few months later, all for FAMILY&FRIENDS LOVE, lukemay stay for months. Carum, and ashton are another closer friends
6 Jun 2019 | 20:25
0 Likes all amuse me with your comments....thanks update coming up soon...stay with me...yeah!!! and
7 Jun 2019 | 05:47
u must not listening to her anytime she brought up fake story abt ur guy
7 Jun 2019 | 17:38
Luke and I lay on the couch cuddled together in a comfortable silence. "Hey, May?" Luke says. "Yeah?" I ask, craning my neck to look up at him. "I'm really glad this didn't break us." He tells me. I smile. I'm so glad it didn't break us either. Deciding to trust Luke is such a better feeling than not trusting him. After all, trust is one of the most important things in a relationship and if we don't have trust, then what's the point of even being in a relationship. Even though we've established how the number came to be in his possession, we still don't know how Brooke knew about the number being in Luke's phone. And how did she even get ahold of Luke's phone to begin with? "It's getting late." I say, sitting up from the couch, only to have Luke pull me back down. "Just stay a little bit longer." Luke whines. I shake my head with a smile playing on my lips, mainly from the cute voice Luke is using. "I can't. I actually didn't lie about having homework. I have a bunch. Senior year is killing me and i'm almost failing Math. I can't just stop doing my work when I only have three months to go." I tell him. Three months. Three months until graduation, three months until I move to America, and three months until Luke goes to England. I push away the thoughts. Pretending as if nothing's going to change in a few months is basically the only thing keeping me from going crazy over it all. "I'll help you with it." Luke says. "We both know if you're there, no homework will actually get done." I laugh. "Fine." Luke groans. "I'll drive you tomorrow morning though, right?" I nod. "Yeah, i'll see you then." I say as I stand up. Luke grabs my hand and pulls me back down again . Before I can speak, he presses his lips to mine. I kiss him back immediately, cupping his cheek in one of my hands. "Thank you for believing me." He says lowly against my lips. "Always. From now on, always." I promise before pressing my lips to his again. I move my leg to the other side of him, now straddling his waist. I grip onto his shirt and he slowly runs his fingers down my spine. Our lips move faultlessly against each others as I rustle, trying to get myself in a comfortable position. "Stop moving, May." Luke hisses. "Wha―oh, sorry." I blush as I eye the prominent bulge in his pants. He moves his lips to my neck and trails kisses down to my collar bone, sucking harshly. Luke slowly moves his lips back to mine, kissing me intensely. He slips his hand into my pants, instantly causing me to moan. "Luke." I say, putting my hand on his chest. "We're not doing this right now." "Why not?" He practically pouts. "Because!" I giggle. "We're on your living room couch for one. And your mother could come home any second." "My room then?" Luke smirks. "No. I need to go home. I tried going twenty minutes ago but you used my weakness against me." "What weakness?" He asks. "You." I roll my eyes and playfully shove his chest. I stand up from the couch and flatten out my hair as best as I can from Luke's hands going through it........ "See you tomorrow." I say, kissing Luke quickly before walking to the front door. I get home shortly after and go up to my apartment. I unlock the door and take my shoes off. I go into my room and pull out my textbooks, prepared for a night of hell and wishing I was with Luke. - "See you after school. Look for Calum's car though because we're all going to go Ashton's for Friday night movie night." Luke says. "Okay." I sigh. "Or...not?" Luke chuckles slightly. "No, no. It's fine, of course we'll go. It's just still so strange without Michael and Cora here." I tell him honestly. "Trust me, I know. No one's there to tease Calum for picking She's The Man every damn time." Luke chuckles. "He said he's loving college." I update Luke. "He also works on campus and Cora got a job near their apartment. Everything's really going good for them." I say. "Why do you not sound happy about that?" Luke asks. "I am! Don't get me wrong, of course i'm happy that everything's working out great for them. I just thought, never mind. It's too selfish to even say out loud." "Tell me." "I don't know, I just thought that maybe if they hated it there that they would come back to Australia. I know that's selfish and deep down I don't want that to happen because I know Michael's happy there and happiness is all I want for him. I just miss him, that's all." I tell Luke honestly. Luke takes my hand and kisses my palm. "That's completely understandable, May. I'm honestly so proud of you for the way you've been handling it all. You're being so strong about it." "Yeah because I know i'll be living with him again in three months. But what about you? I'm the one who's proud of you for being so strong about it. You're the one who's rarely ever going to see him agai-" I stop myself once I realize my words are probably doing more harm than good, even though that obviously wasn't my intention. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-" "I know, baby. It's okay." Luke says. Just then, the warning bell goes off, letting me know I have ten minutes to get to class. "I'd better go." I say. "See you soon. I love you." Luke says. "I love you more." I say as I kiss him before stepping out of the car. I open the doors and walk inside. I go to my locker and put in my combination, opening my locker up and grabbing my first period binder. Brooke is standing with all of her friends, but I decide to ignore her. Travis is with them, but he doesn't say a word to me. Not that I would expect him to, but I just hate how everything went down. I wish him and I could have been normal friends, but no, Brooke just won't have that will she? "I saw Luke drop you off. I continuously said you were always too quick to forgive him. Now I know I was right." Brooke scoffs. Before my brain can catch up, I spin around and face her. "How did you get Luke's phone? How did you even know Luke had that girl's number?" I ask. I had promised myself last night that I was going to let it go, and I honestly was. But then Brooke had to go open her big mouth and set me off. "Well that's between Luke and I." Brooke smirks. "Cut the shit, Brooke. It's honestly pathetic that you're so obsessed with someone who is clearly taken. Luke will never love you, get over it. Stop trying to ruin our relationship because of it, it won't work. Don't you get it? Every little scheme you've created to try and break us up has failed. Isn't it time to move on with your life before you embarrass yourself even more?"..... {hhmm.... lol I bet you guys never see that coming ??????? }...... I slam my locker shut and walk off, extremely proud of myself. "Shut up." I hear Brooke say to her snickering friends. I smile to myself. I'm proud that I finally had enough courage to say all those things to her. Maybe I was a bit harsh but she deserves that and more after everything she's put Luke and I through. I walk upstairs and just as I am about to walk into my homeroom class, someone grabs my arm to stop me. I turn my head to see Travis. "Oh um, hey." I say awkwardly. "Can you meet me in the quad at lunch?" He asks. "Oh, I don't really think that's a good idea I mean aft-" "Relax. I'm not going to try anything." He laughs before regaining his serious expression. "I just have something to tell you that I think you should know." I know Luke doesn't want me to be friends with Travis, but i'm not. And I think meeting him in the quad is pretty harmless. I mean, what's he going to do, make a move on me in front of half the school? Highly doubtful. And plus, I really want to know what he wants to tell me. "Yeah, okay." I agree. "Alright, see you then." He says as he walks off. I walk into my class and take a seat, hoping I don't regret this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hey guys sorry for the late update..... kind of busy lately...... thanks for staying with me..... it means alot..... yeah!!! and HAPPY WEEKEND GUYS...... ??? -----------------------? ? ? please like and comment.... and let me know what you all think about the latest episode!!!..... Thanks fam! ❤?✌??❤✋....... and did you all like what may said to Brooke back there or do you feel she over reacted .... Hhhmmmm......???? ---------------------------? ? ? and what do you all think about Travis..... do you all think may should risk it and give him one last chance to hear whatever he has to say or she should just rebuke the offer of meeting him at the quad during lunch break.....????....... -----------------------------? ? ? please guys drop your comments and let's make this much more fun ? ? ? ....... Thanks ?!!!
7 Jun 2019 | 19:48
@itzprince :;:
7 Jun 2019 | 21:07
May should give Travis benefit of doubt and hear him
8 Jun 2019 | 04:00
wat does Travis want to say to May!
8 Jun 2019 | 16:28
following keenly
8 Jun 2019 | 18:35
let her hear him now
9 Jun 2019 | 09:36
The lunch bell rang ten minutes ago, and i've been standing at my locker deciding if I should actually go meet Travis or not. I honestly don't think he would try anything with half the school in sight, but I just don't know what he wants to tell me. What if he made some new plot with Brooke and is going to attempt to break Luke and I up for the billionth time. I know it's not going to work because nothing anyone does or says will ever make me question Luke again, I just hate all the drama these people create. I sigh as I shut my locker and begin to walk to the quad. I told Travis I would go and the only reason why I am still going is because we actually used to be friends, and I guess a part of me is hoping that same person is still in there. I get to the quad and see Travis sitting alone at one of the far tables. I walk over and slowly sit down. "Hey." I mumble. "Hey, May." Travis says. I give an awkward smile and then look down at the table, unsure of what to say. "Jeez, do you really hate me so much that you have absolutely nothing to say to me?" Travis asks. It's not that I hate Travis, he's just not my favourite person ever since he tried to help Brooke break Luke and I up. "I don't hate you." I tell him honestly. "You just dislike me?" Travis chuckles. I give a small shrug. Travis and I really could have been great friends if he didn't have to go behind my back. "What uh―what did you want to tell me?" I question. He takes a deep breath. "Well first off I want to apologize for everything Brooke and I did. Well, everything I did. I honestly can't believe I did something so disgusting. I hope one day we could be friends again or even if you can just tolerate me, i'd take that. I know that probably won't ever happen but I want you to know that i've never regretted anything more than what I did to you and Luke. So I really am so sorry." Travis apologizes. I smile at his words. It's really sweet that he actually apologized and realized how wrong what he did really was. "Thank you, Travis. It honestly means so much to me that you actually apologized. I don't know if we'll ever get back to the place we used to be at in our friendship, and honestly I don't think it's the greatest idea for us to be friends in general. But, I'd really love to graduate being on good terms with you." I say. I don't think Travis and I will ever be friends again. It's not that I don't want to, but it's mainly because of Luke. I don't let Luke decide my friends but I would hate if Luke became friends with Brooke just because she apologized. So it's not fair that I become friends with Travis. I think Luke and I are better off without any of these people. "Yeah, i'd like that." Travis says with a smile. I return the smile as I slowly stand up, ready to leave and go sit with Caroline. "Oh, that wasn't what I wanted to tell you. I just wanted you to know I was sorry, I still have something else to say." Travis says. "Oh." I say as I sit back down. "It's about Brooke." Travis says. I roll my eyes. Of course it's about her. I honestly don't think I can go five hours without hearing her name. "Okay." I say, stretching the word. "Earlier this morning you asked her how she got ahold of Luke's phone and knew about him having Destiny's number." He started. I nod my head. "Yeah..." "Well, Brooke never got ahold of Luke's phone. She wishes she did, but she hasn't been near Luke in forever. Brooke is friends with Destiny. Their parents are best friends or something. She told us that she was hanging out with Destiny one day and Destiny brought up how she hooked up with some guy at a party and got his number but he ran out. Then she said his name was Luke. Brooke immediately thought of your Luke, but didn't think it could have been possible. Brooke pulled up a picture of Luke and asked if this was who she was talking about and sure enough, it was. Destiny asked Brooke how she knew Luke but she just lied and said she only knew him because he used to go to the same school as her. Brooke told her that she should text him and ask him why he ran out. So she did, and that's how Luke got her number, and that's how Brooke knew." Travis explains. Wow. It all makes sense. Of course two girls like that would be friends. And of course Brooke would try to start something up. It's not that I didn't believe Luke with what he told me because I one-hundred percent do, but now it just really all adds up. I'm thankful Travis told me this, but why would he tell me if him and Brooke are friends? "Brooke's just bullshitting you when she says its 'between her and Luke.'" He says, putting air quotes up. "There's nothing between the two of them. Brooke just has some disturbing obsession with Luke. It creeps everyone out to be completely honest." "Thank you for telling me all of this but, why did you? I mean, why would you go behind your friend's back to tell me this?" I ask. He laughs. "Brooke and I aren't friends. Well, we used to be―until this whole thing with you, Luke and her started up and I finally opened up my eyes and realized what a shitty person she really is. I've just been pretending like nothing's wrong between us because if she ever plans something else to break you two up, at least i'll know and i'll be able to tell you." He says. Travis really is a great person. Sure, he made a mistake when he kissed me and tried to help Brooke, but at least he realized how wrong that was. "Why would you do that for me?" I ask. "Because, I still consider you my friend even if you don't consider me yours." He tells me. We spend the rest of lunch together getting caught up on what we've missed in each other's lives. Before lunch ended, I made sure to tell him we aren't exactly friends, but I did tell him i'm willing to try. After his explanation, I think he deserves another chance. Besides, after I tell Luke what Travis said, i'm sure he'll like him a bit more. - School ends and I go straight out the doors, looking for Calum's car just like Luke said to. I spot it and walk towards it, getting in the back seat beside Luke. "Hey, babe." Luke smiles as he leans over to kiss me. "Hey." I say once we pull away. "Hi guys." I say to Calum and Ashton. "You ready for movie night?" Ashton asks. "Yeah! Who's picking tonight?" I ask. "Ash-" Calum begins before Luke cuts him off. "You." Luke says. Ashton turns around to look at us. "But I thought I was-" "I said May is picking it, alright?" Luke barks. "Alright, jeez." Ashton says as he turns back around, crossing his arms childishly. "Ashton can choose the movie, Luke. It's fine." I whisper to Luke, giggling slightly at Luke's behaviour...... I know he's only doing this because of what I told him earlier this morning about how I miss Michael being here. "No, you can choose it. Ashton doesn't care. Him and Cal always choose the same movies anyways." Luke laughs. "Okay." I say. We get to Calum's ten minutes later and all file out of the car. We walk inside and take off our shoes, going to sit in the living room. "Okay so what movie, May?" Ashton asks. "Um, I don't know. The Outsiders?" "I fucking love that movie!" Calum exclaims. "Yeah, only because you have some weird ass man crush on Rob Lowe." Ashton laughs. "Fuck you! Just because Sodapop is my favourite character doesn't mean I have a crush on Rob Lowe!" Calum whines. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, Calum Lowe." Ashton teases, causing Luke and I to break out into laughter. The laughter dies down and Calum and Ashton get into conversation about whether the book or the movie was better. I take this as my chance to talk to Luke. "I need to talk to you." I whisper to Luke, making sure no one can hear. He looks at me and nods. "We'll be right back." Luke tells Calum and Ashton as he takes my hand. "Guys, come on. Not in my house." Calum groans. "Ew, you pig! We're not going to do that ." I laugh. Luke and I walk out onto the patio and shut the door behind us. "What do you need to talk to me about?" Luke asks, sitting directly across from me. "Okay well I talked to Travis and he explained everything." I start. "Explained what?" He asks. I'm surprised but happy that Luke didn't freak out at me for talking to Travis. Our relationship really has progressed over these past few months and i'm so happy for that. We're starting to communicate much better and not just jump to conclusions. "He explained how Brooke knew you had Destiny's number. Turns out they're friends and Destiny told her about how you two um, yeah." I cringe at the thought. "Well bottom line is that Brooke knew you had the number because she's the one who told her to text you." I tell him. "Makes sense." Luke says. "I'm just glad all that's over. I'm done with all this Brooke drama. Did I tell you I told her off at school today?" Luke's eyes light up. "No way! What did you say?" I giggle and shrug my shoulders. "I just told her that you'll never love her and her obsession with you is just embarrassing at this point." "That's my girl." Luke smirks as he pulls my chair closer to him and presses his lips to mine. We pull away and lean our foreheads on one another. "Thanks for not freaking out when I said I talked to Travis. I know how much you don't want me talking to him." I murmur. "You told me that you were going to trust me from now on, and i'm doing the same. I don't ever want us to fight the way we used to." Luke tells me. "Me neither." I say. "Come on let's get back inside before Cal and Ash think we're fucking out here." Luke laughs. "Luke!" I groan as I swat his arm. "Save the name moaning for later on tonight, baby." Luke smirks. I shake my head at Luke's dirty mouth. He takes my hand and we walk back into Calum's living room. Luke and I take a seat on the empty couch. He lays across it and I lay between his legs, leaning back onto his chest. "Everything good?" Calum asks before clicking play on the movie. I look up at Luke and smile. "Yeah, everything's great." And for the first time in what felt like forever, it truly was........ ------------------------------------------------------------------ So Travis is actually being a decent human now!!! lol ?.....thumbs?up? to him for that!!!.... lol ?... so Are you guys happy with how that whole scenario played out.... because I know I am... lol ? ha-ha-ha.... so Who do you guys picture Travis as?.... and what do you all think of Brooke?.... hmmm guys ?!!! Please like, comment and stay with me!!! and let's make this much more fun..... ???❤❤❤
10 Jun 2019 | 01:12
@itzprince ???
10 Jun 2019 | 01:14
I think I trust Travis Scott for now
10 Jun 2019 | 04:28
It is OK if he becomes decent
11 Jun 2019 | 07:55
The movie credits come on and Calum flicks on the lights. "You guys up for another movie?" Calum asks. Luke looks at me but I subtly shake my head. "Nah, man. I'm really tired. I think i'm going to head home." Luke says. "May, Ash, how about you guys?" Calum asks. "Uhh.." I start. Calum chuckles then nods his head. "Right, Luke's leaving." "No it's not that, i'm just really tired, too." I say honestly. He nods his head. "Okay." I stand up and shake the crumbs off my shirt that collected while eating tons of junk food during the movie. Luke stands up and does the same. "You guys can take my car." Calum says, reaching into his pocket to grab the keys and tossing them to Luke. "No man it's fine, we can walk." Luke says as he catches the keys. "Nah seriously it's cool. I don't have anywhere to be tonight anyways. Just bring it back tomorrow." Calum tells us. "Thanks, Cal." I smile. I really am tired and walking home would not be my first choice. Luke and I walk over to the entrance and slip on our shoes. We open the door to leave when Calum stops us. "Oh, wait a sec." Calum says. We turn around to face him. "My mom's having some sort of this dinner party for my parent's twentieth anniversary tomorrow night. Can you guys all come? It's at eight and I really don't want to surrounded by a bunch of old people all night." "Yeah, sure!" I say. "Okay, it's black tie by the way." He says. Luke groans. "Forget it, i'm not going." "Yes you are." I say, looking up at him. "No i'm not." Luke mumbles. Calum looks at me, desperate for me to get Luke to come. "We'll be here at eight." I assure him as I take Luke's hand in mine and walk out the door. I get in the passenger seat of the car and Luke gets in the driver. "We're going to that party." I tell Luke after several minutes of silence. I know Luke wants to go, he just loves to be difficult. "You know I hate dressing up." "Please? For me?" I say, putting my hand on his arm. He glances at me before returning his eyes to the road. "We'll see." "Come on, please?" I ask again, more whiney this time. "We'll see, May." He says again, more sternly this time. I huff as I cross my arms and slouch into my seat immaturely. Several minutes later we pull into my apartment building driveway. I unbuckle my seatbelt and start to get out of the car. "No kiss?" Luke asks. I bend back down and look at him. "I thought you were coming upstairs?" "Oh." Luke says as he turns the car off and gets out of the car. He takes my hand in his as we get in the elevator to go upstairs. We get to my apartment and I turn the key to open the door. I walk into my bedroom, Luke following me. We both sit on my bed as I open my laptop up and go onto video chat. I click Michael's name and watch as it rings......... "You're calling Michael?" Luke asks. I nod my head. "Yeah, I thought you'd want to say hi to him seeing as you both haven't talked much since he's been gone." "Yeah, I know we haven't really. It's just that talking to him makes me remember that you're going to be exactly where he is in just a few months while i'm all the way on the other side of the world." Luke says, gradually lowering his voice. "Luke why can-" I begin before the ringing stops and I see Michael's face appear on the screen. "Hey." Michael says, rubbing his eyes. "What's up with you?" I chuckle. "I was sleeping. It's like four in the morning right now." Michael say sleepily. "Oh, right! I'm so sorry Mikey, I totally forgot about the timezones!" I tell him. Maybe getting used to all of this was harder than I was making it out to be. I'm still so stuck in my old life routine that I can't seem to latch onto my new one. I feel as if i'm just video chatting Michael while he's in the other room. Only he's not. He's on the other side of the world. "It's okay." Michael says as he opens his eyes wider, realizing Luke. "Luke! Holy shit I haven't seen your ugly ass face in weeks!" Luke chuckles. "I know, man! I miss your bright ass blinding hair." I debate on staying or leaving the room. Maybe Luke and Michael should have a conversation without me here, only i'm too selfish to leave. I miss Michael too much to leave. "How's Penn?" Luke asks him. "It's good! I've become good friends with this kid, Dom in my psych class. He's hilarious!" Michael says. Luke looks down. He obviously misses Michael a lot and I mentally slap Michael through the screen for bringing up the new friends that he's making. The last thing Luke needs is to move to England in a few months knowing his best friend has a new best friend. Michael's facial expression changes as he must have caught on to Luke. "I miss you and the guys though! Shit isn't the same without you all. Like, parties here aren't even that great. Cora and I mostly stay home." Michael says. I can tell he's probably not telling the whole truth, but i'm glad that he's trying to say anything possible to make Luke feel better. Luke laughs. "Bullshit! American college parties are sick, don't even try to pull that on me." Michael laughs too. "Alright, you caught me. The parties are out of control, man. You guys need to come visit soon." Smooth Michael. "Well, I mean like when you come visit May while she's here once you move to England and―" Michael tries to explain but probably realizes that what he's saying really isn't helping anyone. "I'm gonna shut up now." "Good choice." I huff. "Sorry." Michael apologizes. "Does Cora like it there?" Luke quickly changes the topic. "Honestly," Michael starts as he looks over at Cora obviously lying beside him then looks back to the computer screen, lowering his voice. "I can tell she really misses Australia. She's trying to put on a brave face and act as if America is the greatest thing that's ever happened to her, but I know she misses home." I sigh. I hope that's not what i'm going to feel like once i'm there. I hope that's not what Luke is going to feel like once he's in England. "I'm sure she just needs time to adjust to everything. Has she made any friends there?" I ask............ "Well, she claims that she's friends with this sixty something year old woman she works with." Michael rolls his eyes. Luke and I laugh. "At least you'll be here in a few months. She's really in need of someone she knows. And someone that's around her own age. Jeez July really needs to come faster because―" I widen my eyes, signalling Michael to shut up. He seems to get the hint. "Shit i'm sorry―again. I literally just woke up so my brain is still half asleep." Michael half laughs. "Go back to sleep, Mikey. I'll call you tomorrow." I say. "Okay. Night guys." Michael says as he hangs up. I shut my laptop and lean over to put it on my bedside table. I lay down, Luke lying beside me. I lay in his arms for what feels like hours, in pure silence. I can't stop thinking about the move now thanks to Michael, and I can tell that Luke's thoughts are probably the same as mine. I decide to speak up to try and get his and my mind off of it. "Should I wear the purple or black dress for the dinner party tomorrow night?" I ask. "Purple. You look really sexy in that purple dress." He says, kissing the top of my head. "Well you don't look too bad in a suit." I smile, even though he can't see my face. "I'm not wearing a suit, May." Luke groans. "Please, Luke? It means a lot to Calum that we go. We're his friends and he asked us, so we're going." I say. "No." Luke says. "Please." I whine, extending the word for dramatic affect. "You know I hate dressing up though." Luke practically whines himself. "If you dress up tomorrow, i'll dress down right now." I say, looking up at him through my lashes. He looks at me with a growing smirk on his face. "I'll take that deal." I smirk back at him and get off the bed. I walk into the bathroom, swinging my hips more dramatically than usual. I run the bath as I put bubble bath in it and take off my clothes, leaving them in a pile on the ground. I shut off the tap and get into the bath. I lean my head back ready to relax, when I hear a knock on the door. "Mind if I join?" Luke asks as he opens the door. "What's the point of knocking if you just open the door straight away anyways?" I giggle. "My mum always taught me knocking is respectful." Luke laughs. "Yeah, so is waiting for someone to open the door." I laugh too, obviously joking around with him. "Sorry, I couldn't wait. All I could think about was you naked in the bath and my patience disappeared." Luke says, eyeing my body, even though its covered by the bubbles. "Well what are you waiting for?" I say. He smirks as he quickly takes his clothes off and gets in the tub, opposite of me. I move so that i'm in between his legs, my back resting on his chest. We stay in silence for a while, before Luke speaks up. "Can I be honest about something?" Luke asks. "The boner you have isn't a secret, Luke." I laugh as I shake my head, my eyes still closed. "Not that! I'm being serious." Oh. "Okay, sorry." I say, more serious this time. "I'm scared." He blurts out. I open my eyes and spin around to face him. "Scared of what?" I ask. "Being without you." He says, looking at me directly in the eyes. I sigh and lower my head. "Me too." "I can't even go a day without seeing you. How am I supposed to handle months at a time?" "I don't know, Luke." I tell him honestly. I honestly don't know how we're both going to handle this. We're both such a huge part of each other's lives, that being without one another is such a drastic concept to grasp. "I know where we're each going is best for both of us but, what will we lose in the process?" Luke says, his voice brittle. I cup my hands on his face. "We're not going to lose anything, Luke. This right here, it's forever. Do you get that? I'm never going to leave you." I assure him. "I know, and that's what i'm afraid of." He mumbles. "You've said that before. What's that supposed to mean?" I ask. He shrugs. "I know you'll never leave me. And no matter how unhappy you'll be, you'll act as if you're not because you'd do anything for us to not break up. Michael was right." My eyebrows knit. "What do you mean Michael was right? What did he say to you?" "Exactly that. He told me that you'll never leave me and that you'd rather be in pain everyday than be without me. But knowing you're unhappy will rip me to shreds." Luke says. "Michael doesn't know anything about our relationship! Yeah it's not going to be easy, but it doesn't need to be. I love you and you love me, that's all that matters. We'll find a way for everything else." I tell him. I don't know why Michael is putting stuff in Luke's head about this whole situation. It's honestly between Luke and I and even though Michael was probably trying to help in some way, it almost made things worse. "Promise, baby?" "Of course I do, Luke." I say as I press my lips to his before returning to my previous position of resting on him. Of course i'm going to be upset and sad without Luke everyday, but i'm just hoping that each day will get slightly easier. But as much as I try to deny it, there really is no denying the fact that without Luke, my life is just a ball of pain. Before Luke, I the worst person I could have possibly been. But once I met Luke, he changed something in me. He made me happy to be alive. He made me see every little thing in a completely different perspective from how I used to. I'm just terrified of how i'll be after he moves away............. ---------------------------------------------------------- Comment please!!!!!!!!!!!! ? ? ?
12 Jun 2019 | 02:07
12 Jun 2019 | 02:15
Let's wait and see how life will treat treat both of you
12 Jun 2019 | 07:54
Hmm Continue
12 Jun 2019 | 15:06
When luke and may's relationship is getting better, brook is getting bitter because of her failed moves to stop them. When brook was told the truth by may, telling her disgusting her plan was, travis was busy coming back to his senses.
12 Jun 2019 | 17:09
It sounds better to talk about travis who's now supporting the relationship between luke and may, telling the necessary truth and reviewing those secrets. Calum and ashton still very close for fun with may and luke and these are true friends communicado.
12 Jun 2019 | 17:23
May and Luke chatting with Mikey when Cora was sleeping peacefully beside mikey was another signal for them coming all together for fun in one way or the other no matter the distance. The bond between these friends is worth talking about, even singing about them.
12 Jun 2019 | 17:46
thn u guys should go together now
12 Jun 2019 | 18:55
don't worry,, u will live!!
12 Jun 2019 | 19:02
thanks so much guys...for sharing ur thought on this episode....this really means alot to me...thanks once again!!...and i so much appreciate you all....stay with me ... next update coming up soon!!! yeah...!!
13 Jun 2019 | 11:38
"Luke are you almost ready?" I call from Luke's bathroom. We are currently getting ready for Calum's parents anniversary dinner. I have on the purple dress Luke told me to wear, and i'm feeling extra confident tonight. I did my usual makeup, only with a little extra eyeshadow. Luke's currently getting ready in his room, after hours of me pestering him to get ready. I walk out of the bathroom and into Luke's room. I see him standing in front of his mirror trying to tie his tie. His eyebrows are scrunched and his face is focused. "Forget it, i'm not going." Luke says as he tosses the tie onto the floor. I walk over and bend over to pick it up. "You're so impatient." I laugh as I put the tie around his collar. "Where'd you learn how to tie a tie?" He asks. "Michael taught me years ago." I tell him. "Why?" "He said I should know how to tie my husbands tie one day. Guess that paid off." I chuckle. "Are you saying you want to get married one day, making me your husband?" Luke smirks. My eyes widen. "That's not what I meant I-" He laughs. "Relax, i'm kidding." I roll my eyes as I continue to tie his tie. But a pang of sadness goes through me. What does he mean he was kidding? Does he not want to get married some day? I mean, obviously not any time soon but, what's the point of dating someone if you don't see a future with them? I shake the thoughts from my head. I'm definitely overreacting. I'm not even eighteen years old yet, I shouldn't be thinking about marriage at all. "What are you thinking about?" Luke asks. "Nothing." I lie. "There, all done." He looks in the mirror and slightly adjusts his tie. "Thanks." He says. "Come on, we're already behind schedule." I say as I grab my purse from the bed. "May, the party doesn't start until eight." "Yeah, so?" "So, it's only seven-thirty. We have tons of time." Luke says. "That's not plenty of time." I say. He smirks, coming closer to me. "It's enough." "Oh, no." I say, putting my hand on his chest to stop him from coming any closer. "We're not doing this right now." "Doing what? Talking?" He chuckles. "No. You know what I mean." I say as I walk over to the desk and grab my phone out of the charger. "You're really tense, baby. Maybe you should de-stress before we leave." Luke smirks as he comes up behind me and snakes his hands around my waist. "Luke." I whine. "Moan it, don't whine it." He murmurs. He moves my hair to one side and presses his lips to my neck, knowing that's my weakness. "Five minutes." I give in. I turn around and press my lips to his. Our lips move against one another, taking in each other's scents. One of his hands move to my face, cupping my cheek in his palm. "As sexy as you look in this dress, take it off." Luke commands. I turn around and he unzips my dress, slowly taking it off both my shoulders. Just as I go to turn around, my phone begins to ring. Of course. I don't think Luke and I can ever have an uninterrupted second to ourselves......... "Leave it." Luke groans. I turn my head to check the caller ID and see that it's Calum calling. "It's Calum, I should get it." I say, turning to answer the phone. "Hello?" I answer, putting it on speaker. "May, can you guys come now? Everyone's here already and i'm already so uncomfortable." Calum whines. "Just get Ashton to come. We'll be there at eight." Luke says. "Ashton won't be here until eight-thirty because he's got some family thing. Please guys?" Calum asks. Luke rolls his eyes and I swat his arm. "We're leaving right now." I tell him. I hang up the phone and put it into my purse. I slide my dress back up my shoulders and turn around. "Zip me back up?" Luke huffs as he zips it back up. I flip my hair to the back and check myself in the mirror one last time, fixing my lipstick. "Luke wipe your lips." I tell him. "Why?" "Because it looks like you're wearing my lipstick." I laugh. "Shit." He says as he wipes his lips. We walk downstairs and put our shoes on. "We're leaving, mum." Luke calls out. "Bye, guys! Have fun!" She calls from her bedroom. "She's probably on skype with her boyfriend." Luke rolls his eyes as we walk out the door. "Have you talked to him? I mean, you're going to live with him in a few months, do you know anything about him?" I ask, trying not to sound too pushy. "Yeah. I've spoken to him a few times when my mum's been on skype with him, but that's about it." He explains. "Are you nervous to live with him since he's pretty much a stranger?" He shrugs. "Not really. Kind of, I guess. He just better keep his promise and get me into Oxford." I get into the passenger seat of Luke's car and he gets into the driver's. "I'm gonna kick Calum's ass for ruining our moment." Luke huffs as he pulls out of the driveway. "Sure you are, babe." I giggle as I put my hand on his. We get to Calum's house ten minutes later and pull into his driveway. "I can't believe you're meeting Calum's family even before you meet mine." Luke mumbles, but I can hear him seeing as he's sitting a foot away from me. "Take me to meet them then." I say. He whips his head to look at me. "Really?" "Well, obviously not right now. But before we both move, i'd really like to meet your brothers." I smile. He nods his head. "Okay." I unbuckle my seatbelt and go to open the door, but Luke locks it as I open it. I turn to look at him and raise an eyebrow. "Five minutes? The back seat's pretty roomy." Luke smirks as he wiggles his eyebrows up and down. "Luke, i'm not going to walk into Calum's family event smelling like sex. Let's go inside." I say as I unlock the door and step out of the car. We walk to the front door and knock. Calum opens it seconds later. "Thank god you guys are here." He says, opening the door wider..... "Do you guys have a keg?" Luke asks as we step inside, taking off our shoes. "Well seeing as the age range at this party is forty to ninety, no there's no keg." Calum chuckles. "So there's no alcohol?" Luke asks. "Well I mean, there's champagne in the kitchen but that's about it." Calum says. "It'll do." Luke says. "Who's this?" An older woman asks as she approaches us from behind Calum. "Grandma, these are two of my best friends, Luke and May." Calum introduces us. "Nice to meet you ma'am." Luke smiles politely. I love seeing Luke act this way. He's always so respectful to older people. "Well aren't you a cutie. But please, call me Betty." Calum's grandmother says to Luke. "And you're gorgeous, dear." His grandma smiles sweetly at me. "Thank you so much." I smile at her. "You two make a lovely couple." "Thank you." Luke and I say at the same time. I really love when people we don't know acknowledge us as a couple. I can't explain it, in a way it just makes me feel closer to Luke. "Well I better get back to Alfred. You kids enjoy the party." Betty says as she walks off. "Is Alfred your grandpa?" I ask Calum. He shakes his head. "No, it's her boyfriend. I swear she's got a new one every month, I can't even keep up." He cringes. I laugh. "At least she's happy." "Want me to introduce you guys to some people?" He asks. "Sure!" I smile. "You guys go, I need to use the bathroom." Luke says. I nod my head. "Alright well, come and find us when you're done." He nods as he walks off to use the bathroom. Calum brings me to his parents first. I've met Calum's mother many times, but every time I come over his father is always at work. "Mum, you already know May but Dad, this is May." Calum introduces me. "Nice to meet you, i'm David." He says as he shakes my hand. "Nice to meet you too. Happy anniversary to you both." I smile. "Thank you, May. Is Luke here?" Joy asks. "Yeah, he's just using the bathroom." I tell her. We talk for a few minutes before they excuse themselves to speak with more guests. "Yo Cal!" I hear a deep, loud voice from behind us. I turn around and see a boy around our age coming up to us. "Will! What's up man!" Calum says as he hugs the boy, Will I presume. "Fuck, how long has it been?" The boy says. "I don't man, i'd say about two years!" Calum says. "That long, eh? Wow, still no facial hair though." He teases Calum. "Yeah, yeah." Calum rolls his eyes. The boys eyes make there way to me. "And who is this?" He asks........... "Oh, this is my friend May. May, this is Will. We used to play on the same soccer team back in middle school." Calum says. "Nice to meet you." I smile. "Yeah, nice to meet you too." He smiles. "Calum, come say hello to Aunt Ruth!" Joy calls from the kitchen. "Alright well you guys mingle. I'll be back." Calum says. "If you see Luke would you tell him to come back over here?" I laugh. "Will do." He says as he walks off. I smile awkwardly at Will. I hate that Calum left me alone with someone I don't know. I'm so awkward when i'm meeting people for the first time. "So you and Calum have know each other for a long time I guess?" I ask him. "Yeah, since grade seven. I moved though in grade eight, so Calum and I rarely get the chance to hang out now." He says. I instantly think to how I will be moving away. Is that how it's going to be once I move? Will I barely ever see Calum and Ashton? Who am I kidding, i'll barely ever see any of them, including Luke. "Well it's nice that you guys kept in contact all these years." I tell him, not really knowing what else to say. "So you and him. Are you like, you know.." He begins. "No, no! We're just friends." I chuckle. "So a beautiful girl like you is single? What's wrong with the guys around here?" He smirks, moving slightly closer to me. "My boyfriend's actually around here somewhere." I say. I want to set him straight before he gets any ideas. I'm not single and I want that clear. Plus, for his sake I don't want him to make a move on me, especially when Luke is less than one hundred feet from us. "Oh, you have a boyfriend?" He asks. "Yeah, Luke." I say. "Hemmings?" He asks. I nod my head. "Yeah, do you know him?" "Yeah! I've met him a few times when I came to Sydney to hang out with Calum. He's a cool guy." He says. "Yeah, he is." "I'm really sorry about this. Do you think you could uh, you know, not tell him I practically hit on his girlfriend?" He chuckles uncomfortably. "Sure." I chuckle too. Will is a nice guy. I'm glad he didn't push it any further once I said I had a boyfriend. Unlike some guys, Jace for example. "Speaking of Luke though, I should probably go find him. I'm sure i'll see you again later though." "Yeah, for sure." He smiles. I give a small wave as I walk off, looking for Luke. After several minutes of searching through the crowd of people, I see him sitting with Ashton at a table. "Where were you?" I ask. "Here." Luke says, motioning to the table. "Hey, Ash." I smile at him. "Hey." He smiles back. I turn my attention back to Luke. "Is everything okay?" "Hmm? Yeah, it's fine." He says, somewhat rudely. I raise an eyebrow at Luke. What's his problem? Ashton stands up and straightens out his shirt. "I'm uh, gonna go some place that's well, not here." He says bluntly as he walks away. I sit down where Ashton was sitting. "What's your problem?" I ask Luke. "Nothing, May. I just really don't want to be here." He groans. "You told me you would make an effort though." I say. "I'd just much rather be at home, watching movies in bed with you." He says. "You make us sound so boring." I giggle, resting my head on Luke's shoulder for a few seconds before lifting my head back up to look at him. "I'm never bored when i'm with you." Luke says, a small smile playing on his face. I'm about to speak when Luke does first. "Except for right now. Right now i'm bored as hell." I move my chair as close as possible beside Luke and bring my face fairly close to his. "I'll make a deal with you. Act like you're having a good time here, and i'll make sure you have an even better time tonight." I say quietly, an innocent look on my face. "Are you trying to give me a boner around all of Calum's family?" Luke says a bit too loudly. "Shh!" I shush him, pushing his shoulder lightly as I look around to make sure no one heard him. He chuckles, causing me too giggle too. "I guess I can fake having a good time." Luke says dramatically. "That's all i'm asking." The rest of the night is basically spent at the exact table we are at. Calum, Ashton and Will join us afterwards. The night isn't as bad as I expected it to be with Luke's attitude and all. He really did a great job of pretending to have a good time. "You really seemed like you were having a good time." I say to him once we're home. "Yeah well, I had something to motivate me." Luke smirks as he shuts his bedroom door behind us. "Before anything, I need to tell you something." I say. I want to tell him about Will earlier tonight. I'm not trying to start a fight and it's not really a big deal but, Luke and I promised each other we would tell each other everything from now on and I don't plan on breaking that promise. I know I told Will I wouldn't mention it, but I barely know the guy. "What?" He asks. "Well earlier tonight Will tried to hit on me. But that was before he knew we were together and I told him straight away. He said he was sorry and he didn't push it any further. It's not a big deal I just wanted to tell you because we promised to tell each other everything." I say, hoping he doesn't get upset. Not that there's anything to really be upset over, but still. "He didn't do anything once you told him?" Luke asks. I shake my head. "No, he even said you were a really cool guy. I promise he didn't try anything." I say. "Okay. Thanks for telling me." Luke says. "Of course." He walks closer to me and unzips the back of my dress, not taking his eyes off of mine once. "Now plan on following through on our deal?" Luke smirks. "Of course I do." I smirk as I lay back on his bed, Luke following suit. As I look up at the boy directly in front of me, I realize there will never be anyone in the world that I will ever love more than I love him. And if Luke and I don't end up together for some reason, I don't think I will ever feel this type of love again........... ---------------------------------------------------------------------- oh yeah!!! omg!!!....seriously guys i'm so sorry I haven't updated in a few days...... am just too busy lately and at the same time trying to figure out how the rest of the story will play out.... just like I said earlier at the beginning of the story..... "it's all going to be a fiction story and not reality " but am just trying my best to make it look more surreal to you all....and guys!!... am so sorry to keep you guy's waiting like what seems to look like endless forever on this story (lol ??????).... but still I tried to make this episode longer for you guys. I really like this episode because I think it really shows how much Luke and May have progressed in their relationship with trusting each other ....... so Please like , comment and following till the end please .... Love you all!!!!!! ???❤❤❤❤?✌???✌❤????{and let me know if you all like the episode too.... lol ? ? ? }
15 Jun 2019 | 02:04
@itzprince %&%
15 Jun 2019 | 02:06
Well, lets just hope that you guys end up together. But I must confess to you that I dont see that happening
15 Jun 2019 | 12:06
love u too, the episode is very interesting,I'm glad they're understand each other now more than ever
15 Jun 2019 | 15:33
I don't think they have a future together
16 Jun 2019 | 10:58
...... 3 months later.......... ???????????????? ???????????????? -------------------------------------------- "What about this one?" I ask as I open the door of the change room in what is probably the twentieth dress shop Luke and I have been in today. "Beautiful." Luke groans, not even bothering to look up from his phone. I sigh as I look in the mirror, adjusting the short blue dress on my body. I felt bad that Luke was bored out of his mind, and I felt bad that i'm being so indecisive over a dress but, I just want to find the perfect dress for prom. Luke and I almost weren't even going to go seeing as Luke has some history with the people there and I hate just about everyone. But we decided that no one should stop us from going to the only prom i'll ever have. "Luke, you can go home if you want. I know this is really boring for you." I tell him as I go back into the change room and try on a long black low cut dress. "I'm sorry, baby. Couldn't you have just asked Caroline to come with you?" He asks me. Caroline and I have become very close since Cora moved to America. I needed a girl friend to talk to, and Caroline is amazing. She's such a great friend, I just can't believe now i'm going to have another person I have to say good bye to. "Her brother came home from the Army yesterday so she's spending time with him before he goes back in a couple days." I explain. "You do realize that prom is tomorrow night right? I don't know why you waited until today to get a dress." Luke groans. "I couldn't find any. Besides, everyone that goes to my school bought theirs at the only dress shop around town, so that's why we had to come out here." I say, referring to how we drove an hour away just to buy my dress. I open the change room door and stand in front of Luke. "Okay, what about this one?" Luke looks up at me and his eyes widen slightly. "Holy shit." Luke breathes. I giggle and look down. "That's the one. Get that one, May." He says. "Are you just saying that so that we can leave?" I laugh. Luke's face turns to serious as he stands up and walks quickly towards me, standing extremely close. "You look so fucking sexy in that dress, May." He says quietly. He takes a step closer and I take a step back. We continue this until My back is pressed up against the back wall of the change room. Luke presses his lips against my neck and trails kisses up towards my jawline. "L-luke, not here." I say through my breath. "Why not? It'll be hot." I feel him smirk against my skin. I collect myself and shove him off of me slightly. "I'm serious, out." Luke smacks my bum before laughing and leaving the change room. I close the door behind him and quickly change back into my other clothes. I take the dress in my hands and leave the change room. "Let me just go pay." I say to Luke. We walk up to the cash register and I put the dress on the counter. "That'll be five-fifty-five." The older woman says. Five hundred and fifty five dollars? I had no idea the dress was that much. I was thinking it would be maximum three hundred. I can't afford five. "It'll be debit." Luke says. I turn my head and look at him. "Luke you're not paying for my dress." I say sternly........ "Yes I am." He says as he puts his debit card in the machine, only for me to take it back out. "May, stop." He says. "No, i'm serious. You're not paying for it." "Consider it a graduation present." He says as he puts his debit card in the machine once again. "I love you." I say lowly. "I love you." He says back, his voice equally as low. "There you go." The woman says, handing us the bag. "Luke, you didn't have to do that." I say once we leave the store. "I wanted to, babe." He smiles as he takes my hand in his. We finally get back to my apartment after what felt like the longest drive ever. "What do you want to eat?" I ask Luke as I open the fridge and bend over to look inside of it. "You." Luke says. I turn around to look at him. "I'm serious." I say. "So am I." He smirks. "I'll just reheat the leftover Chinese food from last night." I roll my eyes at Luke playfully. "I love the way you roll your eyes at me every time I say something like that. I'm going to miss that." Luke says. I lower my head and walk over to the stove to cook the food, Luke's words running over and over again in my mind. After dinner is finished Luke and I both go to sleep, prepared for a busy day ahead of us tomorrow. - My alarm sound wakes me up at eight AM. I quickly shut my alarm off and shoot out of bed. "Luke get up." I say as I throw on my jeans and one of Luke's old t-shirts. He doesn't budge. "Luke!" I say louder as I throw a pillow at him, hitting him directly in the face. He groans as he puts the pillow over his head, covering his face. "It's too early to be awake, May." "Luke, we have so much to do today. Tonight's prom in case you forgot." I say as I put my hair in a quick ponytail. "No, you have a lot to do today. All I need to do is throw on my suit and go." Luke chuckles from underneath the pillow. "Alright fine then, stay in bed. I have a tanning appointment at nine, nails at eleven, hair appointment at one, and makeup at two thirty. I'm really busy today Luke so don't slow me down." I say. "Jheez, someone woke up with a bit of attitude today." Luke says, removing the pillow from in front of his face. "I'm sorry. I just want everything to be perfect tonight. After all, you didn't go to your prom. So this is your prom as much as it is mine." I tell him. "Prom isn't really a big deal to me, baby. I just want you to have a good time." Luke smiles. I walk over to him and bend down to give him a quick kiss. "I always have a good time with you." Before he can grab me to make me stay in bed with him longer, I turn swiftly and leave the room. I grab a quick granola bar from the kitchen and leave the apartment, yelling bye to Luke as I shut the door. I finally finish everything I have to do, and go to Caroline's house to pick up the heels she's letting my borrow, she said they go perfectly with my dress.................. "Good thing we have the same size feet." Caroline laughs as she gets the box out from the top of her closet. She pulls the box out and puts it on her desk. "Okay try them on just to be sure." She says as she hands me the silver sparkly heel. I slip it on and thankfully, it fits perfectly. "You're going to look so hot tonight!" Caroline squeals. I laugh. "So are you! I'm so obsessed with your dress." I say, looking over to her pink, flowy dress hanging on the back of her door. "I hope Ryder likes it." She says. "He'll love it. Just like he loves you." I tell her. Ryder and Caroline have been dating since the ninth grade. They're that one couple that everyone roots for. That one couple that never fights. That one couple that is just perfect together. They were the complete opposite relationship of Luke and I. "So is Luke excited for prom?" Caroline asks me as we sit down on her bed. "Meh, I honestly think he's going just to make me happy. Luke isn't exactly the 'prom' type." I laugh. "I think everyone knows that." She laughs. "So how's your brother? He's back from the army right?" She nods her head. "Yeah, he's only back for a couple of days though. It sucks, I really miss him." "Yeah, I know the feeling of missing a sibling." I say, thinking about Michael. "Speaking of, how are Michael and Cora doing in America?" "They're doing good; excited for me to come over there." I chuckle. "I can't believe you're leaving in a week." Caroline says, her tone lowering with sadness. "Yeah, me too." "How's Luke taking it all right now? I can't imagine how he must feel knowing you and him will be living across the world from each-" She stops herself. "I'm so sorry, that's obviously not helping." "It's alright. We're honestly just trying not to bring it up much. We'll see each other at Christmas. Calum and Ashton are coming to America for it too. You should come." I say, trying to change the topic to her and not Luke and I. "Maybe." She smiles. I can tell she probably doesn't want to come and would much rather stay home for Christmas and see her family and her brother, but I thought I'd ask anyways. "Oh by the way, the limo will be at my house at eight, so make sure you get here by at least seven thirty." She smiles. "Okay for sure. Is anyone else coming with us?" I ask. "Just you, Luke, Ryder and I. Jessica and her date were supposed to come but he decided he wants to drive them in his new ferrari." She rolls her eyes and laughs. Jessica is Caroline's best friend. They've been friends since they were kids. I've gotten to be good friends with her too, but not as close as i've gotten with Caroline. "Alright sounds good! I should get going, I don't even think Luke's out of bed yet." I laugh. "Okay, see you tonight." Caroline says as she gets up to give me a hug........... ------------------------- "Luke, you better be awake or so help me god i'll-" I start as I rush through the door of my apartment. I stop talking when I see a candle lit dinner on the table. "Luke what did you-"..... "I thought you should have a proper meal before we go to prom." Luke smiles as he pulls the chair out for me to sit. I can't believe Luke did something like this..... "You look so beautiful with your hair and makeup done like that. Not that you don't look beautiful without it, you just look really sexy right now." "Do you know how much I love you?" I say, putting my hand on his cheek. "I've got a pretty good idea." Luke smiles. I can't believe how perfect these last few months have been. We've almost never fought for the past three months. Our relationship has really made such a drastic improvement, and it'll all change in a matter of a week when Luke goes to England and I go to America. I push the thought from my mind and try to focus on what's right in front of me; this perfect dinner, and the man I love. After dinner is done Luke even offers to wash the dishes and clean up. I refuse, but he still ends up doing it. "You went to your house to get your suit right?" I ask. "Of course I did. I put it in Michael's old room." Luke tells me. I nod as I go into my room and put my prom dress on. I put on the 'you're my home' necklace that Luke gave me. It's easily become the most important item in the world to me. I wear it almost everyday. I touch up my hair and makeup in the mirror before walking out into the living room. "Luke are you dressed? It's seven thirty, we need to go to Caroline's." I call to him. He comes out of the room in his suit and I can't help but stare. I've always loved the way Luke looked in a suit. "Wow." Luke says looking at me. "Wow yourself." I say back. Luke slowly walks up to me and puts his hands around my waist. "You really do look beautiful, May." "You look pretty handsome yourself babe." I say looking up at him. Luke leans in for a kiss but I put my hand on his chest. "I did not spend all that time in the salon chair for you so smudge my lipstick, Luke." I say, half joking. "Kiss me." Luke says. "No. Come on we need to get to Caroline's. The limo will be there at eight and Caroline's mom wants to take pictures before we all leave." I say, putting on my heels. I look over at Luke to see that he hasn't moved from the spot we were standing in. "Luke come on." I groan. "Nope. Not until I get a kiss on my prom night." He says. I roll my eyes as I walk over to him. "You're such a baby." I laugh as I kiss him, being extra careful not to completely smudge my lipstick. "Now can we please go? We're going to be late." I say. We finally get to Caroline's and her mum takes more pictures than I can count. I tell Luke to suck it up since I keep hearing him huffing under his breath. We get into the limo and drive to the school. "So Luke, is it weird being back here?" Ryder asks once we're all seated at our table. He shrugs. "Not really." "Do you see anyone you know?" Ryder asks. Luke cocks an eyebrow. "Yeah. May." He says sarcastically. I can tell this could turn into an argument so I quickly stand and speak up. "Luke, let's dance." I take his hand and pull him to the dance floor, thankfully a slow song comes on.......... "Could you try to be a little pleasant?" I say to him. "What do you mean? I am." "Well you were being rude to Ryder the whole ride here and at the table. If you didn't want to come to prom you should have told me in the first place." I say. "Yeah so that you can blame me for never going to your senior prom." Luke rolls his eyes. "Why is it that every time you're in this school you're a dick?" I spit. "Excuse me?" He says. "You heard me didn't you?" I ask. "The 'excuse me' was rhetorical. I obviously heard you, i'm standing right in front of you." Luke says rudely. "What's your problem?" I ask. Luke sighs. "I'm sorry. I really am. It's just so many things on my mind." "Like what?" I ask. "I don't want to bring it up, May." "No, talk to me, Luke." "It's just- I used to beat up Ryder's brother when we went to school together. And i'm pretty sure Ryder knows, and I know he knows I know he knows." I chuckle slightly. "What's so funny?" Luke asks. "You said know practically ten times in one sentence. You sounded like me with my rambling." "Could you be serious for one second, May?" "I'm sorry baby." I say as I put my hand on his cheek. "Is that all that's bothering you?" "No. I keep thinking about how in just five days, we'll be in this gym again for your graduation. And then two days after that, we'll be saying goodbye at the airport. I know we promised we wouldn't talk about it, but it's all that's been on my mind lately." Luke admits. "Same here. But can we just try to put it out of our heads? At least for tonight. It's prom night. I want to have fun." "You're right. I'm sorry, May. I'll enjoy myself I promise. And I won't be rude to Ryder anymore, or anyone for that matter. I give him a quick peck before resting my head on his chest. And even though we said we'd put the move out of our minds tonight, now it's the only thing I can think about. After several dances, Luke and I return to our table and sit down with Caroline and Ryder. "Hey listen man I just wanted to apologize for the way I acted earlier tonight. I tend to have some um-attitude issues sometimes." Luke says to Ryder. Ryder chuckles. "Don't sweat it bro. I know you were only acting that way because of my brother and what used to happen with your group of friends and his back in high school, but honestly that's in the past and none of my business to begin with. Besides, you seem like a changed dude, which is more than I can say for my brother." "Thanks man. What do you mean about your brother?" Luke asks him. "Jake got some girl pregnant in year 12 and didn't want to deal with it. He took off and we haven't heard from him since." Ryder explains. "Shit, man. Your brothers kind of a dick." Luke says. "Yeah, he is." "Hey guys!" Jessica says as her and her date sit at the table. "What took you guys so long?" Caroline asks. "Jaxon's mom went crazy on the pictures." Jessica laughs. "For fuck sakes." I hear Luke mumble under his breath. I turn to Luke and raise an eyebrow. "What's wrong?" I whisper. Luke opens his mouth to speak, but Jaxon speaks instead. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks. "Look bro, can we just keep it civil tonight. I'm just hear for my girl, not to cause any trouble." "Wait a minute, do you two know each other?" Jessica asks. "We went to high school together, didn't we, Luke?" Jaxon says sinisterly. I've caught onto what's happening by now. My guess is that this is someone that Luke used to beat up in high school. Seems to me like he's beat up just about every guy around our age. "Come on, can't we just enjoy our girlfriend's proms with them? Why stir up old issues?" Luke says. I'm really proud of Luke for his mature approach to this. "I didn't go to my prom. Do you know why Luke? Because every girl I asked said no to me. Why you might ask? Because no one wanted to be seen with the kid that had a black eye, busted up lip and sling on his arm. And that's all thanks to what you did to me a week before prom." Jaxon spits. "I'm so sorry, Jaxon. I really am. I'm not the same person I was in high school." Luke says truthfully. "Bullshit, asshole." Jaxon says. "Luke, why don't we just go find somewhere else to sit?" I say, trying to make the situation better. "That's a good idea." Luke says. We stand and go find a new table to sit at. We know no one else who's sitting here, but all we need is each other. "I'm sorry you had to hear all of what Jaxon said. I'm really not proud of what I did to him, or anyone else for that matter. Trust me, May; if I could go back and change everything I did in high school, I would in a heartbeat. I just want you to be proud to be seen with me, not ashamed." Luke says to me. "I am proud, Luke. Everyone has things they regret doing, take it from me. Neither of us are the same people we used to be." I tell him. "I love you so much." He says to me. "I love you too.".......... "Luke Hemmings?" Someone says from behind us........ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..... omg hey guys finally an update after two days . I made it pretty long as an apology haha..... lol ? ? ?... I thought this episode.,... was pretty cute, I hope you guys liked it too..... ? ? ?.... --------- Hhhmmm..... and who is that ruining their perfect moments again..... can't they just leave them alone...... lol...... ? ? ?...... hhhmmm..... anyone guess who that intruder might be???..... lol...... comment and like please!!!!..... ????
17 Jun 2019 | 06:36
@itzprince......... &
17 Jun 2019 | 06:42
please invite others.... to also come and read..... your comments really means alot to me folk's ..... so please don't just read... but also like and comment along with it please... thanks..... @.... @sabinto @sweet @itzprince @ireoluwa emmanuel @nontex dick @Olushegzy @Marcus Victoria ....... and also others.............
17 Jun 2019 | 07:23
@jehliohn ........ what's up I ain't see your comments here also.....
17 Jun 2019 | 07:32
yeah very very cool and I love it, next pls
17 Jun 2019 | 10:04
Why always Luke
17 Jun 2019 | 15:18
Hahaha! Luke is too wicked when he was in high school just beating everybody black and blue????
17 Jun 2019 | 19:14
We turn around to see Principal Andrews standing over us. "Oh, hello sir." Luke says. "Luke Hemmings. It's been a while." "Yeah uh," Luke chuckles slightly, "it has." Principal Andrews clears his throat before speaking. "We've gotten several complaints about you being here. And with your past behaviour at this school, i'm going to have to ask you to please leave." What? What is he talking about? We can't just leave. Luke didn't even do anything wrong. "I beg your pardon?" I say, standing from my seat. "Look, Luke, you seem like you've changed and well, that's good for you. But many people here tonight have complained about you being here and some staff and chaperones overheard kids saying they didn't feel safe with you being here." He says. "What are you talking about? Don't feel safe?! Luke's not some sort of criminal." I raise my voice. "I never said he was, May." Principal Andrews says. "You didn't have to say those exact words to get your point across." I spit. "May, we should just go." Luke says quietly to me. "No!" I say louder. "With all due respect Principal Andrews, this is my prom and I don't intend on leaving until the night is over." "I didn't say you had to leave." "Wha- you expect me to stay here without Luke?" "Could you lower your voice please?" He asks me. "Principal Andrews this isn't fair at all!" I yell louder this time. "Would you like to move this conversation to my office? People are trying to enjoy their prom." He says. My jaw drops. "Yeah! So am I!" "Ms. Clifford, might I remind you that you still attend this school, and raising your voice with the principal is grounds for suspension, detention at the least." My principal states. "Who even complained about Luke being here? He isn't bothering anyone!" "Several people have. Luke, i'm not going to ask again. I will have security remove you physically if you do not leave on your own." "But i'm not even doing anything wrong." Luke says. "Typically people with a—history like yours, aren't usually allowed back in the school after their legal graduation." "That's the most ridiculous fucking rule i've heard!" Luke raises his voice, slamming his hand on the table causing the glass plates to clank. Just then, principal Andrews gives a hand gesture to the security at the door, signaling them to come over here. "Is that really necessary?" I yell. "Look the security isn't needed, i'm going okay." Luke says as he takes my hand and begins to walk towards the doors. "No! We aren't leaving! Luke, you did nothing wrong tonight and we deserve to have fun at our prom." I exclaim. "Come here." Luke says, pulling me aside so that he can talk to me without everyone listening in. "Baby, it's okay. We had fun while it lasted. Besides, staying now wouldn't even be fun since we know i'm not welcome here. Security will throw me out if I don't go voluntarily. We need to leave.".............. I sigh before nodding my head. "Okay." "You should stay. Have fun with Caroline. It's not you who's getting kicked out, it's me." I cock an eyebrow. "You're kidding right? You don't actually think i'd stay without you here do you?" "I just don't want to ruin your prom." He sighs. "It's fine. Let's just go." I say. Luke and I walk out the doors of the school without looking at or saying anything to anyone. We get into Luke's car and pull out of the parking lot, not saying a word the whole drive home. We pull into the parking lot of my apartment building and Luke turns off the car. "May I-" "You don't have to say anything." I practically whisper. Before Luke can say anything more, I get out of the car and begin walking up to my apartment. I hear Luke's heavy footsteps behind me, which i'm happy about. Tonight is still prom night, and I wouldn't want to spend it with anyone else. I open the door to my apartment and plop down the couch, taking off my heels once I am sitting. "May I just–" "Luke I already told you, you don't have to say anything about it." "Yes I do. I'm so sorry May. I know how special tonight was supposed to be and how much it meant to you. And i'm sorry that I had to be the one to ruin it." Luke apologizes as he sits beside me. I sit up and look at Luke. "Luke, this isn't you fault, you didn't do anything. I can't believe they were all such assholes to force you to leave." I say angrily. The anger wasn't towards Luke, I'm not mad at him at all. He went out of his way tonight to make sure I enjoyed myself and of course, others had to come and ruin it. Why can't anything just be easy for us? Luke gets up and walks over to the speakers in the corner of the living room, plugging in his phone. "What are you doing?" I ask in curiosity. I hear music begin to play and Luke sets his phone on the speaker, walking back over to me. "Luke, what are you doing?" I ask again. He extends his hand out to me. "This is still your prom night. And people dance at prom, so dance with me." I smile widely as I take his hand in mine and stand up. I place my arms loosely around his neck and I feel his hands gripping around my waist. "Did I mention how beautiful you look tonight?" Luke says, looking into my eyes as we sway back and forth. "You may have mentioned it a couple dozen times." I giggle. "Well it's true. You look so sexy in that dress." He smirks. I blush and bury my face in his chest. I was never one to take compliments well. "You know what would look even sexier though?" Luke asks. "Hmm?" "That dress on the floor and you in the bed." Luke whispers sensually in my ear, causing my breathing to hitch slightly. I look up at him. I begin to loosen his tie, never taking my eyes off of him. He then brings his lips to my neck. I tilt my head back slightly, exposing more of my skin for him. I feel him slip his hand under my dress and over my panties causing me to moan lowly. He slowly kisses up my jawline until he brings his lips to mine. "I'm sorry we had to to leave because of me." He says between kisses. "You should have stayed and enjoyed your-" "Luke, shut up and take me to the bedroom." I say sternly. I see a smirk grow on his face. "Yes ma'am." He says as he grabs my by the thighs and wraps me around his hips, carrying me into the bedroom. He shuts the door with his heel and carefully drops me on the bed. As I lie there and look up at the beautiful boy in front of me, I realize that all I need is him. All I will ever need is him. He quickly takes off his jacket and begins to unbutton his shirt when I put my hands over his. "Let me." I smile as I unbutton Luke's shirt and slowly take it off of him, tossing it to the side. Luke hovers over me as he presses his lips to mine. I lightly push him off as I roll us over so that I am on the top. I move my hands to his pants and unbutton them, pushing them down to his ankles. I move downwards and discard of his boxers. I swirl my tongue around the tip of his length before taking him slowly into my mouth. "Fuck, May." I hear Luke moan. I don't know what I expected this night to be, but all I know is I love the way it ended up. - Luke drops down beside me, our chests both heaving. "That was-" Luke pauses. "Fuck that was-" Luke pauses again, clearly struggling. I giggle as I look up at him. I know exactly why he's at a loss for words, I am too. Luke and I had had sex more times that I could count, but something about tonight was different. It couldn't be expressed into words. It was the most passionate yet gentle it's ever been. "C'mere." Luke says as he lifts his arm for me to go underneath it. I slide over to him and rest my head on his chest. I could his feel his heartbeat like it was my own. "I'm sorry your prom was ruined." He says after several minutes of silence. I look up at the beautiful boy beside me. "Are you kidding? Tonight was one of the best nights of my life, all thanks to you.".................. ❤❤❤❤❤ ------------------------------------------- ?hey guys..... please comments and like........ Thanks!!! ?
19 Jun 2019 | 06:21
??? @itzprince
19 Jun 2019 | 06:33
Luke name had been blacklisted in that school
19 Jun 2019 | 14:09
is good u two act mature to leave the party for thm
19 Jun 2019 | 19:48
This shows you guys are becoming mature
20 Jun 2019 | 15:25
It's prom fun night and not ruined sad night, this is too much for a night. Every thing was moving on fine until jaxon came in with bitterness and then, the not wise enough principal came in with a nonsense rule.
20 Jun 2019 | 17:35
The gals were trying to have fun with their guys in their prom night. Some not matured ones just kept making noise like they needed a feeding bottle. The past was gone, not matured ones kept on crying while the night is for may, caroline, jessica and the others. Ryder behaved in a matured way, good boy.
20 Jun 2019 | 17:46
Now to the matured lovers that are getting better with maturity. MAY AND LUKE took the prom night to a place where they could have fun at home, having one of the sweetest fun sex of their lives. Luke & May had every reason to celebrate tonight, making it special.
20 Jun 2019 | 17:55
21 Jun 2019 | 05:31
Yeah!!!..... attention everyone...... hummmmm.... like seriously am kind of speechless right now but thank you all for your comments... it really means alot me .... also am sure some of you all might already be having the butterfly feelings ? ? that this story is somehow or finally coming to an end...... hmmm.... Yeah!!.... that's true it is..... so right now... i just want to let yuh all know that this book will officially have nothing more than five episodes again {either : 2, 3, 4, 5}..... yeah that's is my plan for it..... because I already got motivated on my upcoming story so before next week ending....... we will all surely be at the brim of the story..... and I am promising you that the few episodes remaining on this novel.... will be the best one's ever in any story that you have ever read on this site..... lol ? ? .... yeah.... and I mean it....... I will bring it to all your taste ?........ so keep on sharing your thoughts on this book ?.... and let's finish it together...... because your comments its the real key ? to every episodes on this novel...... thanks ? fam❤...... love yuh all ??? @sabinto @sweet @itzprince @ireoluwa emmanuel @nontex d--k @olushegzy @marcus Victoria ……. and also others…………. ----------------------------- ..............✨ whaskydbrown ✨
21 Jun 2019 | 05:38
I stare out the car window at the empty roads around us. I can't even fathom that after this weekend, I'll be graduating from high school. Which also means I will be moving away from the person who knows me better than I know myself. "May?" Luke breaks me out of my thoughts. "Hmm?" He chuckles. "What's on your mind?" I raise an eyebrow. "Do you really need to ask." Luke sighs heavily. "I told you not to think about it. Especially not this weekend. I planned it out for weeks and I really want us to enjoy our last weekend together." He's right. Luke went to all this apparent trouble, I should at least try to have fun. "I still want to know where we're going." I say. "It's a surprise." Luke smiles as he glances at me and puts his hand on my thigh. earlier that day I groan as I am woken up by rummaging of drawers. "Luke what are you doing?" I ask. "Get up. Get ready. We're leaving in twenty minutes." He says as he closes the drawer and stands up to face me. "Wha-leaving where?" I ask as I see an overnight bag packed beside my bedroom door. "Why did you pack an overnight bag? Is that my stuff?" He laughs. "It's a surprise." Luke grabs the overnight bag and walks out of my room, leaving me in a state of confusion. I get out of bed and take a quick shower. I blow-dry my hair and leave it flowing down. I apply a minimal amount of makeup and then go into the kitchen. I have no idea what Luke is planning or what is going on, but the fact that he is doing something like this really is so sweet. "Alright, i'm ready." I say. He walks over to the door and picks up the overnight bag. "Let's go then." "Go where?" I ask. He turns to me. "I already told you, it's a surprise." He gives me a quick kiss before we walk downstairs and get in the car. - "May, wake up we're here." Luke wakes me. I open my eyes and look around. "Luke wher-" my sentence comes to a halt once I see what's in front of me. A beautiful log cabin. It's quaint but nonetheless, beautiful. "I thought it'd be nice to get away for the weekend. It's Calum's parent's cabin, but they said we could use it for the weekend." Luke says as he puts his arm around me, kissing the top of my head. "It's so..perfect." "C'mon, let's go inside." Luke says as he takes my hand in his and begins to walk up the pathway. As I walk up the path, I see a large pond surrounded by rocks in front of the cabin. I look up to see a balcony. Wow, Calum's parents sure do have a stunning cabin. Luke unlocks the door and gestures me inside. "Ladies first." "Oh then by all means, go ahead." I tease him. "Ha ha." He fake laughs as he pushes me lightly inside. Wow. It really is beautiful. There is wood paneling all around the cabin, minus the rustic stone fireplace.......... "Luke, this place is huge! Are you sure Calum's parent's are okay with us staying here?" I ask. "Of course they are." I take a look around and come to the kitchen. I look out the sliding back door and see a lake with a dock. "They have a lake in their backyard!" I exclaim. I know most people wouldn't get as excited as I am currently, but i've never seen something like this. I've seen beautiful cabins in movies, but I never saw one or been to one before. I had spent my whole life living in a neighbourhood of massive houses with stuck up parents and pot smoking kids who wouldn't be caught dead doing something even remotely close to having to do with nature. "Yeah. The four of us used to come stay here for two weeks every summer for a while. It was so nice to just be away from the drama back in town and just chill out with your best friends for a bit." "Michael never told me about this place." "There's probably a lot Michael hasn't told you." Luke laughs. "Such as?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. "I didn't mean anything in particular. I just meant that he's not going to tell you every boring detail of his life, you know?" Luke laughs slightly. I exhale. "You're right. I'm sorry, i'm just...on edge." Luke takes a few steps closer to me and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. "I can take the edge off." He smirks. "Is sex all you think about?" I giggle. "No. Sex with you is all I think about." Luke smiles. "Come on, let's bring the bags upstairs." We walk upstairs and choose a room. "Come on, there's a hot tub on the balcony." Luke says. "Wha- the balcony is big enough to fit a hot tub?" I ask in shock. Luke laughs. "Yeah." I zip open the bag but my bathing suit is no where to be found. "I don't have my bathing suit." I sigh. Luke walks over to the balcony doors and opens them up. "Who says you need one?" "Luke! I'm not going outside naked are you crazy!?" "Baby, no one's around. Come on, live a little." He smirks, egging me on. I walk over to him as we step out onto the balcony. Luke discards of his shirt and pants and gets into the hot tub in his boxers. I stare at him, trying to memorize every crevice of his body before I won't be able to see it everyday. I take my shirt and leggings off and throw it on the chair beside me. I step into the hot tub in my bra and underwear and sit across from Luke. "I don't bite." Luke laughs, referring to me sitting so far away. I roll my eyes and don't move. I know the minute I sit beside him, neither of us will be able to control ourselves. I close my eyes and take a breath. The air is so crisp, and the slight wind blows the smell of the trees around us. As I open my eyes, I immediately take notice of the beautiful starlit sky. There are so many stars that you could barely see the midnight blue sky. "Look at how beautiful all the stars are." I say in amazement. "You're sitting practically naked in front of me in a hot tub. Do you really think i'm looking at the stars?" Luke laughs. I blush slightly as I slowly move toward him. I put one leg over each of his thighs, straddling his waist. "I love you. So much." I say, looking directly into his eyes. "I love you, May." Luke says, looking into my eyes too. "You graduate in two days." He says after a minute goes by. "Don't remind me." "At least you'll finally be away from Brooke and everyone." "And away from you." I sigh, looking down. Luke brings his forefinger and thumb to my chin and tilts my head up to look at him. He doesn't say anything; instead, he brings his lips to my neck and kisses it. He slowly begins to suck sensually. I moan slightly and tilt my head back more, giving more exposure of my neck. I feel him bring his hand down in between my thighs and begin to rub circles. He moves my panties to the side and slips one finger inside of me. I dig my fingers into his bare back skin as I arch my back slightly. I feel him insert another finger and I bring my knuckle to my mouth and bite down on it, trying to conceal my moans. Luke looks at me and with his free hand, moves my hand from my mouth. "Don't. I want to hear you. I want to hear the sounds you make only for me." He whispers carnally. I do as he says and let out my moans. He slowly trails kisses up my neck until he reaches my lips. I'm almost scared I'll forget. Forget the way our kisses would feel, or forget our intimate moments. I'm scared i'll forget things about Luke. Like the way he smells, or certain things about the way he looks, or his voice. Im terrified that after being away from him for so long i'll forget things that I never thought I could. I couldn't think of a better way to spend our last weekend together............................. hhmmmmmmmm ----------------------------------------------------------------- ????????????????❤?? please comment and like ?...... lovely people........ ..... ----------------happy weekend folk's-------------------- ... ----------yuh all should stay bless and enjoy-------------
22 Jun 2019 | 04:40
@itzprince ???
22 Jun 2019 | 04:43
What other better way to spend a weekend together
23 Jun 2019 | 04:16
23 Jun 2019 | 13:27
getting more interesting,I wish the two of you we not leave one another, thanks @xaar whaskyd brown
24 Jun 2019 | 15:30
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ????????????????? ----------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah!!!! today is the day..... yeah my graduation day..... I had waited 13 years for this day to come. Being in school for 13 years and now the day has come where it's actually ending. "May, are you almost ready?" Luke asks as he comes into my room. I finish zipping up my dress and look in the mirror one last time, fixing my makeup slightly. I did simple face makeup and darker eyes. I had on my simple white high neck dress and black heels. My hair was down and wavy. "Yeah, i'm ready." I say as I turn to face him. "You look beautiful." He says as he comes over and kisses the top of my head. I smile slightly, silently thanking him. "We better get to the ceremony before I end up having to sit in the back." Luke chuckles. "It's fine if you sit in the back don't worry." "Are you kidding?" Luke furrows his eyebrows. "My beautiful girlfriend is graduating today. Fuck sitting in the back, i'll be in the front row." "Okay." I say. We get into the car and start to drive over to the high school. "May, i'm really sorry about Michael." Luke says after a few minutes of complete silence. "I'm over it." I shrug my shoulders. "No you're not." He's right. I'm not. Michael called me when Luke and I got back from the cabin and told me that he's so behind in all his school work that he won't be able to make it. And besides that, Cora has been really sick and even though she told Michael to come here, he said he doesn't feel right about leaving her all alone. I told him I understand which I do, it just completely ruins the day for me that my brother isn't here for me. "I'll be there. So will Calum and Ashton. And your dad is meeting us at the school too." Luke says. "I know. It just won't be the same without Mikey there." I say honestly. We arrive at the school and go into the gym where the ceremony is set up. I take a graduation gown from the rack and put it on over my dress. "Well don't you look beautiful." I hear my dad's voice approaching me. I turn to face him and a smile immediately covers my face. "Dad!" I exclaim as I engulf him in a hug. I haven't seen my father since my mother died, barely spoken to him even. "I can't believe you're graduating kiddo." He says with a proud smile on his face. "Yeah. A lot changes after today." I sigh. Knowing what I am referring to, he sighs too. "I know, princess. It'll be hard at first but hey, that's life. Sometimes people have to make sacrifices in order to to what's best for themselves." I nod my head. "Well, I better go sit with the rest of the class. Luke's sitting in the front row with Calum and Ashton if you wanted to go sit with them." I say before I walk over to the chairs reserved for the graduating class. "Hey uh, May?" Brooke says from behind me. I roll my eyes. "What?" "I just want to say i'm truly sorry for everything i've done to you, and to Luke. I was such a bitch to you and I completely understand why you hate me. I know we'll never be friends again but I just hope we can end on okay terms before we graduate and probably never see each other again? I know I don't deserve it, I just hope you'll find it in your heart to forgive me." She says, tears almost brimming in her eyes..... I bite the inside of my lip, trying to determine if she's being genuine or not. But in all honesty, I don't care about what happened anymore. I'm graduating high school and going out into the real world. There's no point of holding onto high school drama with people i'll never see again. Wether she is being real or not, I don't care anymore. I'm forgiving her for my own self, not her need to be forgiven. "Thank you for the apology. Good luck in your future." I smile as I walk away and take my seat. Twenty minutes have passed and everyone is wondering why the ceremony has yet to start. Just then, Principal Andrews approaches me. "May, would you please come into the hall for a moment?" He asks me. Hesitantly, I stand up and follow him out. "May, our valedictorian is unable to make it here due to a family emergency in Perth. And since you have the second highest grade point average in the grade, you will be delivering the valedictorian speech." He says. My eyes widen. "What? No! I can't. I have nothing prepared. Ask someone else! I can't I-" "She'd love to." Someone says as they put their arm around my shoulders. The voice I know anywhere. I turn and look up at him. "Michael?" My voice croaks. "Hey baby sister." He smiles at me. Tears immediately brim my eyes as I engulf him in a hug. "I thought you weren't coming." I almost whisper. "Nothing was going to stop me from seeing you graduate." He says as we pull away from the hug. We stand in silence holding each other by the arms before I speak. "I've missed you so much, Mikey." He smiles and let's out a breath. "Me too, May. And so does Cora. She sends her congrats by the way. We're both really excited for you to come to America in a few days." I notice his facial expression alter as he realizes that me moving to America also means Luke moving to England. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought it up I was ju-" "Excuse me, i'm sorry to interrupt what seems to be a lovely sibling reunion but there are hundreds of people in the gym waiting for someone to deliver the valediction speech." Principal Andrews says. I had almost forgot he was even standing there. I really don't know how he expects me to just get up on stage and say a speech to a bunch of strangers when I have nothing prepared and barely even talked to anyone in my grade since i've been at this school. "May, you have to do it. I'm begging you." The principal says. "You're begging me? Just like I begged you to let Luke stay at prom and yet you still threw him out?" I spit. "May, come on. I came all the way from America. I'd love to see my sister say a speech. Please? For me?" Michael says, knowing that i'd do just about anything for him. I huff as I nod and mutter a 'fine' before walking back into the gym and taking my seat. Michael exchanges hellos and hugs with Luke, Calum, Ashton and our father while Principal Andrews walks onto stage....... "Good evening Ladies, Gentlemen, and Graduates. My apologies for the delay in ceremony. It appears that our valedictorian had an emergency and is unable to make it however, it is my honour to present your new valedictorian,..... .... May Clifford." He says as he gestures me on stage. The audience welcomes me on stage with loud claps and faint whistles, who I assume are from Luke, Michael, my friends and my dad. I approach the podium on stage and adjust the microphone. The clapping fades and I stand in silence, with no thoughts or words coming to my head. I look at Luke and see him mouth the words 'you got this' and a smile immediately comes to my face. I clear my throat before I begin talking...... --------------- "Hi everybody, um- my name is May Clifford. I uh- I haven't been at this school for very long but in my short time of being here, i've really come to appreciate each and everyone here." I half lie as I continue. "You know, when I first stepped foot into this school, I had no idea the people I would come across. It's terrifying to know that in 5 years, some of us will be married, some with kids, some will be famous, or rich, some homeless, and some of us will be dead. The terrifying part is not knowing what will happen to who." I hear a small amount of gasps and then I realize that it's probably because I talked about death, which I most likely shouldn't have mentioned at all. I clear my throat and adjust the microphone slightly out of nervousness. "We spend our whole childhood and teenage years with most of the same people and see them everyday, and it's heartbreaking that after today, we won't see most of these familiar faces ever again. Most of us complained on a day to day basis about how much we hated being here, but I don't really think you realize how much you love something until you no longer have it." I immediately look at Luke following my last sentence. His eyes never leave mine until I break contact and return back to the crowd. "We all used to say we hated high school but, I think most of us can agree now that we're sad it's actually ending. No matter where I go, this place will always be with me. I won't ever fail to remember the people i've met, the memories i've created, and the lessons i've learned. I guess the best and most important thing i've ever learned while in high school is to be with people who can lift you up, not bring you down." I suddenly remember a quote that my father had painted on a board for me and hung it in my room when I was a kid. "Jk Rowling once said,... 'It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all - in which case, you fail by default.' Or something along those lines."..... I chuckle, as does the crowd. "Remember this when you leave here. Remember to not be afraid of failing, because failing simply means you'll try harder the next time. Mistakes are what makes us human. They are what makes us extraordinary. That is life, and we must never be afraid to live it to the fullest we possibly can. I wish everyone the best in their futures. Life is short. Enjoy every minute of it and never regret a single thing. Leave your mark on the world. Make the world more interesting than it was before you entered it..... Congratulations graduating class of 2019!!! " ...... I say as I close my speech....... ---------------- To my surprise, almost everyone in the gym stands up and claps for me. I've never gotten a standing ovation before and I must say, it feels pretty damn good. I smile as I walk off stage and return back to my seat. "That was an amazing speech, May!" Kira, the girl beside me says. "Thanks." I smile. I had never spoken to Kira until right now, which makes me a bit sad. It makes me sad because it makes me realize that I spent so much time this year caught up in all the drama, that I ignored the people who I could have actually become great friends with. But, I guess that's high school.... Principal Andrews returns to the stage and adjusts the microphone seeing as he is at least five inches taller than me. "Thank you May, that was very inspirational and spectacular. I will now read off the graduates names and present them with their diplomas." He says as he begins reading names. It seems like forever until he finally comes to my name. I walk onto the stage and shake his hand, accepting my diploma. I hear my supporters going absolutely insane and usually i'd be completely embarrassed but this time, i'm actually happy to have people there to embarrass me..... Now if all the graduates would please move their hat tassels to the left side," Principal Andrews says as we follow his instructions, "I now present the graduating class of two-thousand-nineteen!!! "..... We all throw our hats in the air and cheer, the crowd clapping and cheering as well. That's it. I'm officially graduated from high school. In this moment, nothing could take the smile off my face. After everyone settles down, Principal Andrews says his closing words, "I wish the best of luck to you all in the future. No matter where you go in life I hope you all remember the home you once had here in Sydney and here at this school." I look at Luke and he looks at me. Principal Andrews continues talking but I can't hear anything he is saying. All I can hear in my head right now is his words replaying in my head talking about how this place will always be our home. And he's right..... No matter where I go or where Luke goes; he'll always be my home, and i'll always be his........ hhhmmmmm....... ----------------------------------------------------------- .... omg hey guys!!!..... it seems this book is sadly coming to an end but there will still be 1 or 2 more episode's..... yeah I try my best on that....... ------------ now back to the current episode...... how do you guys feel when reading "may speech"....... mine was tears of joy..... I feel so elated when writing this out....... am so happy for her and the rest of the graduating ? class of 2019"........ --------------- CONGRATULATIONS!!! ? ? ? ? ? ????????????????????✌?✊??❤?????????? ----------------- please fella's..... like and drop your sweet comment...... don't just read alone........ lol ? ??❤...... I love you all.......
25 Jun 2019 | 05:29
@itzprince $%&
25 Jun 2019 | 05:47
That was an excellent speech from May. Despite not being prepared for such. Happy graduation May!!
25 Jun 2019 | 17:08
congratulations May I wish u all the best
25 Jun 2019 | 18:32
I was touched by your speech May
25 Jun 2019 | 20:42
Congrats May, That was a fantastic speech
26 Jun 2019 | 04:24
Congratulations may
26 Jun 2019 | 05:24
Hey..... Fam.... am so sorry for the late... late.... late... lately update.... please guys don't be so upset with me.... am just kind of lately busy and somehow little bit strong..... thank God all is good now........ but I promise to bring on the finale episode today along with the epilogue...... so stay with me lovely people...... ??????????❤❤❤???❤??????????? @sabinto @sweet @itzprince @ireoluwa emmanuel @nontex d–k @olushegzy @Kingsabinto @marcus Victoria ……. and also others…………. —————————– …………..✨ whaskydbrown ✨
4 Jul 2019 | 07:23
Solidly behind you
5 Jul 2019 | 09:59
There are so many things I have to say about Luke leaving and yet, I can't even find the words to form a sentence. Never did I think that I would have something like this to deal with. Saying goodbye to the one person you never want to leave you is the hardest thing you'll ever have to do. MARJAN SATRAPI once said,.... "SAYING GOODBYE IS A LITTLE LIKE DYING."........ I understand what she meant by this. Because saying goodbye to Luke is like having a piece of me vanish. "May?" Luke breaks me out of my thoughts. "Hm?" I say. "We uh—we better leave now so I won't miss my flight." "Oh, right." I say as I stand up off my bed. We go downstairs and get into the car. The car ride to the airport is completely silent, other than the occasional cough from Luke. Neither of us know what to say. We both know that in less than an hour, Luke and I won't see each other until Christmas. In less than an hour, our lives will both change. We get to the airport and I park the car. We go inside and go through customs and then sit in the waiting area until Luke boards his flight. "Are you not going to say anything at all?" Luke says lowly as he intertwines his hand in mine. I shrug. "I can't say anything without crying." How did I get to this point? How could I let someone become so important to me that now I feel like nothing without him. "Come on, it'll barely be like i'm gone. We'll facetime everyday, and text and call." He says. "It's not the same. It won't ever be the same." I say. He sighs. "I know." We sit in another silence until the intercom calls out Luke's flight number. "Well, that's me." He says. We both stand up and face each other. He engulfs me in a hug and we stand in the embrace for what feels like forever. I think we both know we could possibly be ending right here and now, neither of us just wants to admit it. "I love you so much, May." "I love you, too." I say. "I'll see you at Christmas, I promise." He says. I don't say anything, I just nod my head. Here it is. It's finally happening. The moment i've been dreading for months. The moment Luke leaves me. "Goodbye, Luke." I say quietly. "Hey, don't do that. Don't say it as if it's the last time we're ever going to see each other. I'm going to see you in less than 6 months, okay?" He says. "I'll see you soon then?" Luke asks. I nod my head as tears fill my eyes. "I'll see you soon." I kiss him one last time before I turn around and walk out of the airport, not looking back. I know that if I look back, i'll run back to him and beg him not to leave. And I know if I beg him to stay, he will. That's not fair to him. I get inside my car and immediately burst out into tears. I'm completely alone now........ LUKE'S POV......... After almost twenty-five hours on a plane, I finally land in England. I get my bags from baggage claim and walk towards the doors. I see my mother standing with her boyfriend at the doorway. I smile as I walk over to them. "Oh my baby!" My mother says as she engulfs me in a hug. "Hey, mum." I chuckle. "Hey buddy." Vince says to me once my mother releases me... "Hey, Vince." I say, shaking his hand. "How was the flight?" He asks. "Long as fuck." I laugh. "Luke." My mother swats my arm. Probably because I said fuck, and Vince isn't one for swearing. "Shit, my bad." I say, not even realizing I swore yet again. Vince clears his throat. "Yes well, shall we get going?" My mother and I nod our heads. We make our way to the car and put my luggage in the trunk. "Oh sweetie you're going to love the house. It's so beautiful." My mum says. But I don't care about the house. All that's on my mind is what May is doing right now. Finally we get to the house. I am shocked to see it is a gated house, practically a mansion. We get out of the car and I am stunned. I never expected to be living in a house like this. "Go on upstairs. Your room is the eighth door on the left." Vince says. "The eighth ?" I ask in shock. How many damn rooms could be on the left? I miss May and I living in her 2 bedroom apartment. That was all I ever needed. All I ever needed was May. Need, not needed, I correct myself in my head. I take my bags up to my room to see just how huge it is. It was the size of the apartment back in Sydney. My mum knocks on the door. "You can unpack later. Come have dinner with Vince and I. He cooked to celebrate you moving here." She smiles gleefully. All I want to do right now is sleep, but I don't want to be rude. I can tell my mum's been looking forward to this. "Sure." I say as I follow her downstairs. We sit at the table and begin eating. "So Luke, how is everything? Are you excited to be here?" Vince asks. "Um, I guess." I shrug. "How's May, honey?" My mum asks. "Good." I say under my breath. I can't talk about May without crying, so I just keep my head down and hope they'll change the topic. They don't. "How was her graduation? I can't believe she ended up giving a speech. You must have been so proud of her." Mum says. I put my fork down rather loudly on the plate. "You know, i'm really tired. I'm gonna get some sleep. "Oh, okay. Good night." Mum and Vince both say. "Ya, night." I say as I walk back upstairs. I lay down and immediately pull out my phone. I start typing a text to May, but then decide not to. Talking to her right now will only make me miss her more. I put my phone on the table beside me and go to sleep. Once I wake up in the morning, I immediately check my phone in hopes that May would have texted me or even called and left a message or something. Nothing. Not a call or a text. I can't be without her. I can't. What is she doing right now? How was her sleep? Does she miss me? Is she alone? Is she okay? I throw my shirt on and go downstairs to see Vince in the kitchen. "Morning, Luke!" He says overly cheery. "Where's my mum?" I ask. "She's in the backyard watering her flowers." He says. I walk towards the backyard and see my mum. I walk over to her. "Good Morning, honey. How'd you sleep?" She asks. "Mum, I can't do this. I can't live here when May is so far away from me." I blurt out. My mum sighs as she takes my hand and brings me inside. She brings me upstairs to her room and walks over to her bedside table and pulls out a ticket. She brings it over and hands it to me. I look at it to see it is a ticket from England to Sydney. I look up at her confused. "Oh honey, i've known for a while now that you can't be without May. I was just hoping you'd somehow find a way to manage. I honestly didn't even expect you to make it all the way to England." "Really?" I ask She nods her head. "Son, you know I love May and I think you two are perfect for each other. But, are you sure about it all? You're talking about moving across the world just to be with her." "I'm going to marry that girl some day, mum. She's going to have my children. We're going to spend the rest of our lives together. I can't stay here. I need her mum. She's like oxygen to me." "Well in that case, we better get you to the airport." She says. "I'm so sorry, mum." "My baby, don't be sorry." She smiles as she hugs me. I smile at the excitement that in less than 30 hours, May will be back in my arms.......... MAY'S POV....... I sit on the couch watching reruns of Friends, remembering all the times Luke and I would watch it together. We would always compare ourselves to Ross and Rachel, always saying we're on a break. I laugh to myself at the memory. I wonder what Luke is doing right now. Is he having fun? Does he miss me? Is he getting along with Liz's boyfriend? Has he met any friends yet? Does he like it there? I hear a knock at the door. Calum said he was coming over to take me out for the night. He says being inside every day isn't good for me. I stand up and walk towards the door. As I open the door, the wind is knocked out of me. "I guess Christmas came early this year." Luke shrugs as he stands at my door. "Luke? What are you doing here?" I ask in shock. He sighs before stepping inside, standing only inches from me. I could feel his breath as he spoke. "Well you see, the girl I love is here. And I don't think I could live without her." I didn't know what to say. "Luke! You can't just throw everything away! You can't do this. You can't just leave your mother and what about school you can't just—" "Shut up." Luke groans with a smirk as he cups my face in his hands and smashes his lips against mine. "That night we first kissed in the kitchen, you asked me what I wanted forever, remember?" Luke asks. "Yeah, I remember.." I say, confused as to why he brought it up. "It's you. You're what I want forever." He says, shutting the door behind him. I don't know much about what I expect to come in my life but i'm sure of one thing, i'm completely and utterly in love with Luke Hemmings, and I knew I would be for the rest of my life........ ----------------------------------------------------------------- ........... THE END........... ----------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- wow...... am so sorry I am loosing idea on how to put an end to the story...... but I did anyway... I just hope its what you all have been expecting....... I hope you all love it....... for me I really do love how it end...... lol ?...... I just want all of them to be happy together.... lol ?........ let me know what you all think......... in the comment box below.... thanks!!!! ... ?THANKS SO MUCH LOVELY PEOPLE?... oh guys...... am so so so...... sorry for taking what seems like forever to finish up this novel..... but thank God I finally did..... I hope you all enjoy it...... and thanks so much for all your comments and support..... i wouldn't have make it this far without all your endless love and support on this novel....... Thanks so much once again!!!..... ??????? ----------------------------------------------------------------- and don't forget your last comment and likes ? are both needed....... thanks fam........... ❤❤❤❤❤????????????????????????????????....... ------------- hhhmmm..... and please what other name can you give to this book....... ?????????????????????
12 Jul 2019 | 08:09
@itzprince...... sorry this is coming late guys ...?
12 Jul 2019 | 08:11
Wow lovely
12 Jul 2019 | 16:18
Lovers grow as they loves each other with the same love that grows in them. May and Luke made it to that type of love that never fades and that is the true love because love is not an experiment but mightily manifesting for all to see.
12 Jul 2019 | 16:43
After that super graduation of may's splendid speech that came with a surprise of mikey's presence and the message from cora. Luke's presence in England without may was mind troubling. Even liz and vince did understand, now that luke is back to stay with may, it can be called the TRUE LASTING LOVE and that is the real love.. Carum, ashton, cora, mikey, may's dad and more people never stops being part of this MAYLUKE TRUE LASTING LOVE.
12 Jul 2019 | 17:03
12 Jul 2019 | 17:08
Happy end, kudos to u
13 Jul 2019 | 07:04
Wow...... Kudos for this interesting story
13 Jul 2019 | 12:21
This story is wow indeed, really loved it. Big Thumbs Bro!
25 Oct 2019 | 02:39
Wow so lovely
5 Feb 2020 | 01:50
oh wow
12 Apr 2020 | 14:35


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