Chronicles of Ruquia(my adventures at the cemetery)by Ifediri

Chronicles of Ruquia(my adventures at the cemetery)by Ifediri

By ifestan95 in 3 Jul 2020 | 19:58
ifestan95 ifestan95

ifestan95 ifestan95

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The chronicle of Ruquia
(my adventures with the dead)
season 1
Episode 1

my view about life is somehow weird.i love adventures,to explore
discoverings and to create
I decided to interview
a dead young girl.crazy? weird?
based on your perceptions.i use to have this crazy ideas long time ago.
my guest for adventures triggered me visiting a grave yard.. cemetery.That faithful day I dressed like a journalist making my tools available.
I proceed my awkward interview with the dead.
the future is unknown and tricky,
special when it come
hate makes one sick.
it makes us cautious,but love makes you glow.
I wonder what and why am here.?
i felt my way
through the darkness guided by my heart beat. a grave of a 15yrs old girl caught my attention..I bend low touched her grave wondering why she visits here so soon..I imagine how happy she could have been growing with people that loved her. Age is nothing but a number as popularly many things came on my mind.many rhetorical question I asked myself.
why is she here?
how did she dead?
was she poisoned
or murdered?
did she commit suicide?
No suicide most not include here,what could make a young girl terminate her life?my brain refused coming up with the best answers at the moment.
just then I read her biography
her name is Ruquia Dios Jacinto.Her grave is littered with plastics,cans,dead leaves and dirty paper that looks like tissue
Ruquia!! I bellowed lost in my thoughts
but were interrupted by a wind .
it blows in a circular motion similar to cyclone Kenneth cleaning her grave at once...I watched with rapt attention trying to comprehend what's going on.
Ruquia are you ready to talk? why are you here? the wind became fierce raising sand and gravel to my face..I quickly I moved backwards keeping a few metres away from her grave.just then the wind seized turned into a cool breeze..I started hearing some noises similar to a voice of a little angel.but couldn't decipher neither do I understand ,it seems like someone is whispering to me either dreaming nor real my brain refused given me a rightful words to describe my illusion.
I felt like I have a company that I turned quickly could not see anyone.
I could hear her voice now sounds like a Spanish I speak it only but a little.
the voice lamented on how her careless drunk uncle pushed her from staircase .her life and sweet dreams shattered by the people he loved.
I wonder how the family will feel..
help me tell my mom that Dadd is innocent..her brother killed me.
tell her that his brother is planning to sell daddy's company. all the documents is hidden at the store..
R....u. . ..q . .u.....i. ....a
is that you I stammered
suddenly there was an ominous silent.
Ruquia! how will your family believed me.go tell them yourself..
the wind resumed blowing sand at my direction became stronger that I maintained the process I bumped into a bigger grave by name Mario João Paulo
his 80yrs old..I felt like someone is holding my shoulder I made my ways towards the north I met a police officer who warned that I should let the dead rest .he concluded with a phrase
""you human will not let the dead be"
our house is 8poles I turned to
go home..that one caught me( "you humans)
immediately I looked back couldn't found him heart started beating very fast like it's going to break the ribcage I hold myself and my breath as a man peace I went home reached out to my phone something fell from my pocket but I ignored my surprise my time registered 12:49am.
was totally taking aback on how I spent much time on my interview with the dead..on a second taught I picked the paper hoping is money only to found inscription writing on the bold letters
thank you for the interview"
like a bat out of hell I ran inside
so much in a hurry that I was not looking ahead that I fell inside a swimming pool and hit my forehead on the concrete stones that was used to design the hurts really bad ... that's all I could remember.
gradually I lost my breath...I can feel my heart shutting down... followed by my kidney.i could hear there sound loud and clear.
what's happening to me?
I forced my brain to answer me but to weak to respond was overwhelmed by the shock and air starvation.
just then my vision went blur..
to be continued......
for complete story visit

alright reserved
No part of this work should be copied without clearly mentioned and attaching the name of the copyright owner.
[email protected]
3 Jul 2020 | 19:58
Waw Seated bring it on
4 Jul 2020 | 02:22
4 Jul 2020 | 02:32
this one go tough
4 Jul 2020 | 03:09
I don come thank my broda man @timson7373
4 Jul 2020 | 05:47
He be like say this story go bad
4 Jul 2020 | 05:53
Bring it on
4 Jul 2020 | 06:09
Hmmmm no b small kind tin o, my boo @fb-danieledem am right here bbside u sweety. My grandpikin @timson7373 u do wella.
4 Jul 2020 | 07:39
I go surely follow this story to the end
4 Jul 2020 | 08:49
4 Jul 2020 | 09:31
Bring it on
4 Jul 2020 | 16:22
Landed safely @timson7373 thanks for d call
5 Jul 2020 | 08:21
Sorry guys for the delay
6 Nov 2021 | 19:39
Am starting the story again.. My adventure at the cemetery Chronicles of Ruquia... Am really sorry Ruquia
6 Nov 2021 | 19:41
6 Nov 2021 | 19:41
6 Nov 2021 | 19:43
[\b]Chronicles of Ruquia my interview with the dead Season 1 Episode 2 & 3 continuous from the last episode✓ I thought I was flying.. I saw something like am over the moon my brain refused given me the details on what's happening to me.. the last thing I remembered was interviewing the dead gradually I regain my consciousness. I saw a lady smiling at me from her facial expressions she's happy. but her face not familiar. ""welcome back my brother"" she said excited. it hit me like a hammer.. welcome back? I wonder why she should say that to me. did I traveled or what.. I don't understand where she's driving to. she read my mind and come closer ^^ Carlos Tina {{ you were brought in here yesterday unconscious.. here is a hospital Central de Nampula. a police officer found you helpless and brought you in.. we tried and fought to revive you here you are awake... please sweetheart what really happened to you... from them it seems you were running from someone or something.. what's after you? police will be here shortly to help you... please feel relaxed and comfortable.. you can share with me.. my work is to help my patience.. your happiness and health is my priority.. my name is Carlos Tina.. hope you don't mind sharing your experience with me? what really happened to you?"" }} she asked looking worried and cared. I saw assurance from her facial expressions..I saw friendly gesture. I have no other choice than to trust her..I decided to open up to Carlos Tina ^^^ I was running from a dead girl who needs my help.."" i said briefly she stares with rapt attention from how facial expressions she don't believe many thoughts running through her mind.she want to asked me more questions..I wonder why the interrogation. I doubt she's a nurse.. from her charisma and body language I believe she's a cop secret cop. just then Ruquia voice ring on my small coded brain... HELP ME TELL MY MUM THAT DADD IS INNOCENT…HER BROTHER KILLED ME ..SAME UNCLE WANTED TO SELL DADS COMPANY.THE DOCUMENTS IS HIDDEN AT THE STORE INSIDE A SAVE SECURITY CODE 23******9 Carlos what help? you mean a dead girl needs your help? then why are running like a person pursue by a maintain Demons? ""I knew you don't believe me but I must say the truth. a girl by name Ruquia want me to clear her Dad name from a crime committed long ago..her Dad was framed up.."" she said her Dad was serving a sentence he didn't commit.. ""I must say you need to rest.. can we continue this conversation later. please relaxed everything will be alright. I believed you my friend... I think me too would like to help her too..that name Ruquia sounds familiar.. she peck me an off she went so many thoughts running on my mind that caused my head spin. it felt as if my head is going to blow. my greatest fear is how to prove that am not mad.. how can they believe me? a dead girl talked to me.. that sounds funny and crazy.. inside I feel a strong passion to help her. I could imagine the feelings of suffering a crime you don't commit while the guilty is freely roaming around.. no matter what it will cost I must help Ruquia... her dad must regain his freedom.. I was lost in my thoughts that I couldn't noticed I have a company. it happens to be no other than my brother ""my brother how are you doing? am happy you're fine now.. don't worry everything will be alright... I heard you will be discharged tomorrow morning.. I brought your best friend... your book and pen.. story writer.. Don't go to dangerous places in the name of your adventures.. I wish you will return to the innocence. when you were a child..back then you love reading and praying.. wait buddy what really happened to you ? please forgive my manners.. """in my adventure I met a girl by name Ruquia...she needs my help I need to free her Dad who was sentenced 15years imprisonment.. they framed him up.... justice must prevail... I poured my emotions to him almost crying. when I imagine how that poor innocent man is feeling all this years it makes tears escaped my eyes.the stigma and discrimination his family will be passing through.. imagine accused of raping her daughter and a murder .. that's very bad. ""wait you sound convincing and genuine but how are going to help him..? ""I have no idea how and where to start.. """ you know you need a strong evidence to free him...but why? he's non of our business.. his not even related to us.. why can you reason and let go... ""am sorry brother I can't"" ""who will believe your story.. that a dead girl talked to you...that sounds odds and archaic..court don't believe in ghost and charms, how did you intend to achieve your crazy idea.. I think village people is manipulating you. finally they have gotten you my only brother..I think you need a psychiatrist help and advice.. it's not funny to me when I heard you went to interview a dead girl that you later end up running away did it sounds to you..use your number six..stop this madness returns back to you please.. I don't have another brother but you.. how will our mum feel? you want her to die? remember how she suffered those years to raise us alone.Did you think that Dad will be proud to hear this from the spirit world... please stop now before you land yourself in a think those guys that framed the man up will be happy with you.. you think they will not harm us..> my brother words really touched me. I remember what Dad use to say then.. that in the battle of light and dark the light must always wins.he advice us to be good and to help the helpless.. my mum use to say to us that we should always pray and do what's good even if it mean been punished we should never stop doing what's right in the eyes of God ""am sorry brother I can't stop" the man really need my help.. I have to save him.."" I said not caring how he feels.i have to help Ruquia..she is grieving her Dad suffering.. why is everyone not viewing from my perspective.. am not a self centered man.. Naturally am very merciful. but people use to be cruelly inhuman to me..I can't withstand not helping a needy yet I don't get it reciprocated to me. I have prayed to God to give me a heart of stone.but seem not answered I gave up . I decided to embrace my real self the advice our parents gave us reform me too. Carlos returned with some friends she introduced them to me. my instincts were right.. she's never a nurse, she's a police secret and underground one. she made a call and soon she told me to describe my dead friend. she suggested if I could go through her phone to view some pictures. I obliged not thinking further.. I scrolled through the gallery rotating my eyes 360°decree yet could not found a familiar face. just then my brother left after handing the food over to me..I thank him for the brotherly love without looking at him. Her friends is something else. am not feeling at easy with them, she sensed it and assured me that they are not going to harm me.. she introduced them once again. just then I caught a glimpse of some thing.. hope is not what am thinking! how is this possible? no it can't be... ..... to be continued stay tuned continuous from the last episode just then I caught a glimpse of something on a second look it happens that it's not what am thinking... I thought I saw Ruquia..I was wondering what's happening to me.. have a started seeing a ghost.. I wave the ghost story and continue viewing. later she took her phone not after collecting my digit . she promised to call me sooner also she invited me to the police station we fixed weekend.. i was discharged from the hospital as promised..I went home feelings downcasted.i lock my room and said a short prayers.. I was lost in my thoughts when I saw something that looks like a flash of light.. it transforms into a ball of fire. I panicked and jumped out my bed.. just then it turned out to be my friend Ruquia.. I can saw pains hiding in her eyes. she's not smiling at all. from her facial expressions she looked like a person that cried almost a year.. I pity the young wandering soul.. I can understand her pains.. I really think she got a good heart.. I wonder why they killed her.. I have to asked her how she was killed.. from my own view I think she was stabbed many times because her clothes was stained with fresh blood. or maybe shot...I don't know how she got those wounds,first at her left arm,chest, stomach and lower abdomen.. the person that infuriated those wounds must be cruelly can a young girl of her age bear this painful memories. what a tragedy... what trauma! my heart almost melt like a wax and poured into my stomach.. mere looking at her I felt an urge to ease her pain..I wish I can take her sorrows away. I wish I have magical power to resurrect her..I saw blood dripping from her mouth and nose.. her eyes red like a red wine.. am no longer afraid of her presence instead I felt pity. I watched her as she talk. "you're a good man with a pure heart... please be careful with that young girls you met at the hospital she's working with them... that secret cop trust her as a person not profession .. locate her house and visit her she have a good heart just like you she will be off help... avoid her colleagues.... don't tell them about my real face for your own security... only Tina must see my real face .. she knew me too.. she tried then to help my dad but failed to bring a concrete evidence to convince the court.. she's the only cop that trust my dad... she knew that something is not right but to achieve her goal of justice she needs your with her... for her to believe you tell her this....... --+++ I met a man and fall in love with him not knowing his already taken,he took advantage of me and wrecked my heart..I wanted to commit a suicide until I met this angel whom revive me giving me hope and reasons to be alive...I was reform but now that man is in deep mess I couldn't save him.. I want to repair him by giving him freedom++++ this is her dairy.. page 55.she wrote this many years ago... she will believe you if you remind her her records... but try to sounds that when she's free. people she's trying since to catch were Johnny Paulo João Marcia this hoodlums did the job for them each stapped me twice.. they were paid 5,000,000mt each to get more information about them meet Marcia she loves club and men. her safe contain confidential information you need to prove at the court... remember to be careful "" that's too risky... how can I meet that bandit Marcia? knowing she is a mudurer.. I can't do that Ruquia... I need to meet the cop first then I will strategize on her to get them screwed. I pray she believed me.. you're sending me on a difficult tax... that's same with suicide.. I don't even know how to use a gun talkless of fighting hoodlums.. you're a small girl you don't understand how this guy's operates.. am not a super man... am just a mere human being.. am sorry I can't embark on that suicide mission.. find those religious brain washed people from Afghanistan that love suicide bomber I came here to succeed I came to your country to survive.. to transact business not to intervene in her matters.. I have a mother to care for... she can't afford to loose me.. am her only hope... how will my family view me? how will my kindred view me? I don't even have a wife nor a son.. please stop now..."I said trying hard to remove contempt from my voice... there was an ominous silent. I wonder what will be running through her mind..was she trying to read my mind or what? the silent is making me feel uncomfortable.. she stares at me for a while and break the silence "sorry for involving you in my problems.. if you want to help me do it willingly... other wise forgot it let me battle my demons ." she said almost crying she's really frustrated and disappointed I can't help a blink of an eye she disappeared just then my brother started banging at my door . I was wondering and confused at same time why his interrupting my conversation with my Ruquia... oh my poor Ruquia! I opened the door at once.. they way he looks at me like am a stranger or let me use an Intruder makes me wonder.. "" Ifedirichukwu what's wrong with you...? who are you talking-to? don't tell me you're soliquicing or you're talking to that ghost of yours... brother have it gotten to this, I think you need a spiritual help.. I will contact mama at once. This is getting out hand..." I opened my mouth to speak but my sounds failed me . it looks as if some bubbles hold my throat..I don't know how to make him believe am normal. I don't think I need any spiritual help.. at once he dial a number you couldn't believe who he called... oh my brother why? to be continued[b]
6 Nov 2021 | 20:03
7 Nov 2021 | 07:37
Season 1 Episode 4 continuous from the last episode...... I don't think I need a spiritual help.. at once he dial a number..... it happens to be mum... I was furious that I almost hit him.. how could he involve mother. she's the last person am expecting to hear from. that woman will be over thinking... what if she became sick from worrisome. I wouldn't forgive my brother for that... I remember when am hospitalized then during my adolescent age she almost died seeing me unconscious. That woman believe so much in me.. I have to brain washed her after she's a woman.. women are moved easily by what they hear.. *brother* "mama Ifedirichukwu have been acting strange. he talks to a ghost he claims that need his help... how can a living help the dead.. let the dead sleep in peace.. I think he needs a spiritual help conduct a prayer program for him.. he most be delivered from that spirit of the dead..I have tried to advise him given him reasons why he most forget that girl and focus...we came here to make money... that's our primary reasons... I wonder how he intends to help this girl he called Ruquia.. maybe you will call Angela to help him traditional way.. we need to separate them.. my brother is important to me.. Ruquia should live him alone for me.. I don't have another brother but him I can't watch him perished before my very eyes''' *mama* ""Jesus...... what are you saying? are you joking or what?'' # mothers said of the story# I don't think my son is having a spiritual problems... he's a child of prophecy God will protect him .but him involving in a murder case is my concern.. what if the killed him at the process? what are we going to gain...? nobody will believe him... they may jail him for that.... I need to convince him to stop.. I knew he will not stop...that boy took after me.. I wish am there to hug him.. I believe that will ease his mind.. I believe in him...I trust he will not fail me..just they way I suffered during his dreams...the prophecy that boy is not ordinary man. I can't prevent his destiny manifestation. back to the phone calls guys ############### *Brother* ""mama his's awake let me hand the phone over to him."" my brother said darting towards me I managed to subdue my anger trying very hard to remove contempt from my voice *mama* "" my husband nnaa a a a a a! hello !" she said almost shouting I kept mute like 45 seconds before I break the silence.. mum is fund of calling me her husband, especially when am angry and when she wanted to send me on errand. *me* ""ma I said with a crack voice.she can sense and read my emotions very well. people use to say that am a replica of her.. maybe that's why we understood each other very well...that woman is my best friend...I can't lie to her...but been the reason she cry I can't afford.. *mama* ''' my husband.... is that you?"" *me* "" yes mama is me your husband...nne how are doing?"" *mama* ""my husband am not really growing weak every day by day... no longer strong like that your mother you use to know... Nnaa you know I believe in you don't lie to me.. what's that am hearing?...." she asked worried, that's what am trying to avoid..I can't withstand my mums a sword it pierce through my heart. shattering me from within.. I can feel my heart melting gradually.. my stomach shrinking and my brain blame me... #me# "" mama what you heard is the truth...I need to help a dead girl clear her father's name from the crime he didn't commit..."" I managed to say trying to be strong I can hear my mum sobbing.. her noise running that she keeps breaking me... *mama* "" how long have this adventure started?" *me* "one week"" I answered sarcastically *mama* ""my husband please mercy my soul stop now..I believed in you. I knew you're not mad.. I believe you saw a dead girl I knew you're merciful and emotional but helping her will not add value to us instead pain... your father dead helping his uncle son.. today all of them have forgotten us.. they were reach but no body remember us again... I emptied my life saving to send you abroad to have a better life. and to lift our family name from the mud... Today you're during well stop now I don't want you to end like your father... don't make me regret sending you abroad... I thank God for his blessings... remember the prophecy... only you can lift our family... it bestowed on you by the supernatural powers.. don't terminate your destiny God bless you my husband..."" she bless and hang up.. I cursed under my breath.. battling with my emotions my brother became scared that he left my room noticed that his actions and decisions provoked me. I laid back thinking about my mom.. all she said were nothing but the truth.. my dad have been forgotten.. '"mum am sorry but I can't stop...;; I said then hot tears escaped my eyes just then my phone vibrate I reached my phone and saw a message on a WhatsApp.. #message# see you tomorrow morning at sipal fina wresta road time :10 am come alone.. don't inform any police... what! I was shocked my adventure have just begun.... to be continued
7 Nov 2021 | 08:33
Next please
7 Nov 2021 | 15:04
Shapaly next
7 Nov 2021 | 15:24
My adventures at the cemetery Season 1 Episode 5 chronicles of Ruquia my adventures at the cemetery episode 5 continuous from the last episode see you tomorrow morning at sipal fina wresta road time :10 am come alone.. don't inform any police... what! I was shocked my adventure have just begun.... to be continued throughout the night I have a sleepless nights with lots of night mare. I don't know my fate at the sipal.. the sender warn I should never involve the police... is this going to be my end? I have to be strong... I have to be courageous.. the most stupid things to do is to show your enemies your weakness. what will happen not certain... so many thoughts running through my mind. maybe I should called Tina but I declined,wave the idea I have to do exactly what I was told making them suspicious could lead to my end . I decided to hold myself like a man and except any circumstances and inconveniences that might occur.. I thought Ruquia will appear to direct me ,no sign of her now that I needed her opinion she left me I said my prayers and managed to sleep. the long awaited morning is here I managed to bath...I feel uneasy I drag myself to the washroom.. was done like about twenty minutes I clad myself on a native wear not minding the cold weather.. I took my breakfast and take a liquor I want to be high in the spirit.. I took my bag not after putting my pen and paper I wrote than all the experience at night , address of where am going and tore it out... hiding it under my bed.. I comb my hair and said my final prayers.. I took a tax from maiguince I enlighten at the sipal heading to their location.. just then my phone rang.. I was motion to a halt... '' stop there" the voice from my mouth piece commanded... I head to the command and stand still just then I saw my long awaited bandit Marcia she pointed her pistol on my head and lead me inside an empty house... located at train station behind sipal...I was forced to sit and talk first I examined the room.. look very unkept.. I tried to figure out what the room is used for, could it be possible to live there ? I don't think so... it looks like a hide out.. it was disguised that no body could noticed that there's a room there.. she light a cigarette pour me a liquor.. I don't trust her..I declined she rolled her eyes as she drank and smoke .. sooner we had a company...from Ruquia illustration I think he's João.. later another walk in I believe it could be john.. "' so you're the man that's trying to ruin us... you want to expose us'' "você não tem medo translate you're not afraid' "" how could you review us you think we will let you leave here alive'' when I heard Marcia remark, my heart started beating fast as if it's going to break my ribcage. I have to be brave like a lion.. I surmon courage and asked them my thrown them aback. "" our spy from the hospital said you hunt us... you want to reinvestigate the old murder case which all of us is involved"' "" I don't understand you I just have a mere dream in which I saw a small girl that is chasing me... how can a mere dream be of threat to you"''' I said and my tactics worked my words confused them more that the begin to argue within themselves. I enjoyed the view.. Marcia is really beautiful.. very curvy ,fair and chubby.. got a nice oranges... she caught me staring at her that she gave me a wry flirty smile.. I can saw lust in her eyes... she's really what Ruquia said.. just then her phone rings which she picked at onces "Márcia don't hurt that man just scare him.. Tina will found him.. don't act stupid.. Tina is already interested in that case.we have to make things difficult and impossible for her..I want to kill her but not now we will frame him and hand him over to Tina.."" "" ok dragon" she hang up,she kept staring at me I wonder what she's thinking.. the main I suspect to be João kept a file at the table. due to his so obsessed with the call that it falls down... I saw a picture of a young lady which is tag.. kill her tomorrow afternoon her name is Fatima Jinnah.. I knew her ,she happened to be a lady that gave me a lift one weekend she is rich and famous. Marcia went to him romancing him that they almost forgot my present.. I dart out like a bat out of hell.. I ran as fast as my leg could carry me but luck ran out of me.. just then I met two hefty men outside...the surrendered me point a gun at me . I wanted to keep running but I remembered my mom.. I frozen. sweating profusely.. ""who are you identify yourself?" before I could open my mouth to speak a slap landed on my face that send me flying.i stand up again and I received a blow this time again all my strength drain.. he hold my cola and set to punch me again and I heard a gun shot I can feel my blood gushing out from my chest. finally I have met my end.. my mom am really sorry I wish I listened to you mum.. it over! is this my end to be continued stay tuned
7 Nov 2021 | 16:52
This story is more tough than I expected
7 Nov 2021 | 18:39
Episode 6 continuous from the last episode my mom am really sorry I wish I listened to you mum.. its over! is this my end? behold a person shot the dig tiger from behind... Dig tiger is a police officer I guess but not really... a sniper take him down... I watched him as he gasped for a breath... shortly he gave up... I was arrested in connection with a claim that am a bandit... I saw the sniper climbing down that I point at him , without hesitation they take me out of the scene.. I was locked behind bars... shortly I made a statement about how I got to the bandit hideout... I was almost charge to court until Tina showed up... # Marcia and co escaped "" who's that men outside? Marcia asked "" that's Dana men"answered Paulo "" I will kidnapped that guy I think he knew something"" ""I don't think so Paulo that man is not even what I thought.. I mere dream and we are panicking..I can't believe I came here because of that..."" ""Paulo please remember my cut.. also let go to the hotel and have fun am in the mood"' ""Marcia you love cassava.. "" tomorrow morning call our special spy to monitor Fatima Jinnah friends..I will kill her at the evening instead.. I will call you not in a mood take care of yourself... he said and drove off with João..# I thank my stars,even though I don't know my fate yet, at least I believe she can help me... from the conversation they were having I think they needed me most.. Tina explain that am her partner.. all of them was shocked... that they almost begged me.. they asked me my name which I said without hesitation.. they apologized saying that the received information that João and Paulo kidnapped five men that worked with solar oil limitada.. just then I remembered that picture and tag.. I feel uneasy.. I have to save Fatima Jinnah but I don't trust this guy's,.. I have to discuss with Tina... I wonder why a beautiful woman like her should choose this dangerous work. she could have been a banker or something else... she bailed me they thank me and begged I should work with them... other guy advice I must learn how to handle gun... Tina suggest I will sleep in her place that my yarn is not secured... I was shocked hearing that... I obliged and we drove to her place.. she told me how they have been looking forward to arrest Paulo he has caused pain to many.... "" I think you need to stick with me.they arrest were to save you from danger .I went to your house to convince you over working with me.. I say your room invaded.. I arrested the Intruder who happened to be a secret agent working for Dana Pura Vida limited... I found your note under your bed that how I sent my friend to rescue you but things got seems that a lot of gang and bandit is interested in you... that man down is from a deadly Mafian gang..they only kill for politicians.. what am not certain is the reasons Dan Pura limited is associated with the case.. also why Paulo and João got involved too.. I must confess that even police need you to caption this bandit Marcia I will give you GPS enabling wrest watch to make it easier for me to locate you... we have to strategize and figure out how to comprehend them... I believe you're Igbo from Africa...have heard how creative your tribe are.. for now you need to rest tomorrow morning we start our operation. remember you will lead.. I trust you with that "" Tina I don't want to risk my life for your country.. I came here to do business.. am a business man.. what's my gain then? remember am a foreigner.. there was ominous silent shortly we arrived her place.. she kills the engine we enlighten and she lead the way ... her place is not really that big.. not bad... splendid view... I was amazed how the inside looks.. it's beautiful like heaven.. i search the room thoroughly with my eyes but couldn't see any image nor anything indicating that she lives with someone.. could she be living alone? she got a nice curtain... she asked me to feel at home and excuse herself...she made her way towards the kitchen... I relaxed my mind a little sooner the aroma from the kitchen filled the room.. my mouth watering,I can't wait to have a really hungry I must confess.. shortly she served me food. I really enjoyed the dinner.. I compliment her skills that she blushed. "" Tina did you still remember what you wrote on your dairy page 55... same man we must save.."" like a bomb it hit her..she struggles with her emotions.. trying harder to remain stable she cried bitterly disappointed.. I moved closer to her pet her and hugged her.. she pushed me away "" how did you know me? are you a spy?"" "" none of the both"" ""then who really are you? I can kill you here now and nothing will happen.. step back and answer my think you can use that to get at me.. speak now" I was shocked to see her furious and curious she reach her gun.. and point at me.. i regret ever saying that.. oh my Ruquia.. why sending me on a dangerous task.. I opened my mouth but sounds not coming forth...I mopped with my mouth opened as I watched her trying to send me back to my ancestors.. is this my end? stay tuned to be continued
8 Nov 2021 | 04:52
It is well with you
8 Nov 2021 | 07:42
This your mission is dangerous
8 Nov 2021 | 12:56
Episode 7 continuous from the last episode.......... i regret ever saying that.. oh my Ruquia.. why sending me on a dangerous task.. I opened my mouth but sounds not coming forth...I mopped with my mouth opened as I watched her trying to send me back to my ancestors.. ""please come down my dear I will explain.. Ruquia told me that.... for you to believe me I have to say that.. RUQUIA is young innocent girl murdered on a cold blood, her father framed and jailed.. what a trauma! what a painful memories that innocent soul got from the people she trusted.. you have tried to arrest João Paulo Marcia John but no evidence....I can help you bring them to book.. she said that you're trust worthy among other... that's the reason I choose to stand by you.. together we can help heal her wound. to mend her shattered heart.. that man need justice and a fair hearing. please keep your gun away..."" she put the gun back to her body. I feel a little bit relaxed "" you just wanted to disrupt my emotions please I need to see this your can I see her I need a lot more information from her. why not arrange appointment with her.. she poured her heart out "Tina the confidential information and evidence we need to bring them down were with Marcia... for Ruquia father the document that contains all his wealth and property were locked in a safe ,she told me the security code.. we need to recover it and give her mum the type of life her Dad desire. ."" I said watching her reaction. "" I need to know this your dead girl please come over here.." she lead me to her room.. I sat on bed examined the room.. it's feminine...too girly...lots of flowers.. it's very neat,well arranged and organized..the ceiling fan light is really beautiful,it illuminate they whole room making it look good like a Marin Kingdom.. just then my one and only dead girl appeared to me... (save Fatima Jinnah... you need to save her ,use your brain come with a plan as not to make yourself expose to the mafian gang and tell Tina everything you know about Paulo and João..) the picture she's looking forward to see is there,,a report from the year 2012..) gradually she disappeared,I went to her offering to help her with the Search...I asked her where she kept the report from 2012 she pointed at the shelf,I walk reluctantly reach my hand and find my way towards the shelf,I went North but couldn't find it I switched to South behold I found it . I opened the file and saw a beautiful creation... innocent soul laughing... what a beautiful smile.. she's a blonde girl.. Ruquia is very beautiful I can't stop staring at her pictures she's an angel,Angel crying out in the land of the dead..her chains of time shattered into infinite...she no longer recall nor her presence felt yet she wept... trapped in between the portal of life and's a cry of a wandering soul.. confined into the shackles of the flesh...her spirit roams freely only in the dreams.. weep not my's a cry from the funeral yet we weep enviously for ourselves when our love one perished. I was carried away that I didn't notice Tina's presence. i didn't even know that tears is rolling down my face.. she held me from behind later switched to the front,she used her top to wipe my tears. I can feel her warm chest I can feel her heart beat.. It really feel good. i don't believe that making money have deprived me getting to love.. my heart is occupied by transaction that I hardly notice women... this is the first time a woman apart from my mum is hugging me the sensation is over whelming. she let me go I think she noticed she got me..she went to the bed open a drawer keep her gun, closed it changed her top..she now sat down and calm "" I don't need to ask you..that is Ruquia? what a beautiful girl... I know this girl from somewhere.. please no body must hear about her... her dead have a lot of conspiracy theories.. the state CIS and DOS is involved.. the famous journalist who became rich and famous after her death is also a prime suspect.. The minister and the chief justice all involved..even the governor.. this incident happened on January 22 2012...I joined police department to bring them to book for the sake of her adoptive parents.. this girl here is like my child... I was even bribed then to stop my investigations but the evidence they brought to the court was overwhelming.. I need to see Fatima Jinnah.. she's related to this girl here... I will arrange a meeting with her..""" immediately I heard that name my heart skipped.. I almost pie on my trouser when she did mention governor and chief justice of the can I battle with this powerful men my end is coming nearer.. I can smell it.. my doom not far from here... my days numbered..I have to be courageous..where ever this road is going must be disastrous.. fate is playing tricks on me . why did I even start this interview with the dead..but my adventures must continue,I have lost so much weight recently. am no longer the man I use to be. I have no more life of my own.. I have to open up to Tina as Ruquia adviced ""Paulo is planning to murder her tomorrow morning... when they interrogate me at that empty room I saw her picture and inscription stated that she must be killed... Ruquia told me to let you know a moment ago...""" ""no! noooooo! she must live... we must save her.. she's the only person to help us with her influence and power.. we have to trade with caution minister, governor chief justice,Dana Pura limited is involved and that mafian gang this case is more complicated than you too is involved... i have to let the burden down so that she may find a place in her heart to forgive me ..I did a bad thing to her too. Ruquia am really sorry..... ""what are you insinuating? you too have a skeleton in your cupboard..."" this is getting more complicated, ""that's the reason I will help....but I may end up in prison....I wrong that girl.. i switched her at the birth Fatima Jinnah is her birth mother.... what! [Intermission.].. the story just begun to be continued (I dedicated this episode to my lovely sister and her daughter that's celebrating their birthday) happy birthday to you Edith O C and Kamsy)
8 Nov 2021 | 16:20
Hello readers I was surprised to discover that Tina Is involved at the case...wonders will never seize Happy birthday to my sister Edith O C And her daughter Kamsy...
8 Nov 2021 | 16:50
Ruquia not Rukvia Please valentine take note
8 Nov 2021 | 16:52
Eweee such a complicated story ... And you are saying the story just begun.... Na waooo wahala de oo
8 Nov 2021 | 16:53
chronicles of Ruquia ®®®®®®®®®® season 1 ✓✓✓✓✓ Episode 8 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ (my adventures with the dead at the cemetery continuous) by Ifedirichukwu ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ @ [email protected] ############# £££££££££££££ @@@@@@@@@@ throughout the night I can't sleep how could Tina switched that young many questions I wanted to ask Tina and Ruquia.. why is this girl murdered involving round..? is she really that special...? what if this girl is using my brain.. first Ruquia said that her uncle pushed her from the staircase,later she said Marcia and co stab her twice. this is getting more complicated.. Ruquia who really are you? immediately I called her she appeared "" Ifedirichukwu don't get yourself work up I speak Spanish that time but it seems you don't get what am saying then that's why I switched to Portuguese I was stabbed twice each... but the journalist that covered the news published that my Dad raped me and pushed me down the's all a fallacy.. Dana pura limitada paid him to publish that... the minister is my uncle.... while the governor my uncle too from my birth mother, to win election he have to cover for the minister.... the chief justice is there childhood friend.. my adoptive parents supposed to win the election that year 2012.. the minister,the governor and the chief justice move the motion of impeachment.. They gave him condition which he declined and resigned... because of refused been bought over they framed him To the general public my Dad is a drug dealer, rapist and a sensiles murderer . mafian gang killed all their political opponents that supports my Dad. Paulo and co is working for the minister and Dana Pura limited... Fatima Jinnah my birth mother is not corrupt .. she's just a replica of my Dad. they're once lovers.. the house you were living is ours you to is involved with me.. stop admiring my photos I look exactly like Fatima but she's more beautiful,don't go there fall my hand. she's no go area.. don't lose focus..Tina is good for you that's how it is... Don't blame Tina so much... that time she's poor..she needed a money to save her mother.. her mother have a brain tumor that needs lots of surgery to remove... Tina switched me with Zita and many children ..she have repent every night she cry for her sins.. I have forgiven her I hope God have too minister sponsored the surgery but her mother couldn't make it.. Tina is not lucky with men when she tried to take her life she met my Dad whom revive her.. she didn't notice about him until after my Dad went to jail.. that's when she discovered that my Dad was also her victim.she felt guilty... please take care of her for me.. hope it's now clear.. any questions? you must not let her noticed that am her biological daughter.that will put your friend in's better she's not aware..Zita is really a good daughter to her.just like you to your mum. your friend is thinking about you..:" "" Ruquia please how can I make you happy"" "you can't make me happy am dead no longer with a body"" ""how can I ease your pain.. your painful memories I want to extinguish. I want you to rest in peace"" ""Am waiting for the judgment from the supreme being...the Angels allow me to return to the earth because of the cry of an innocent man.."" ""that means you will rest in peace after your Dad regained his freedom? your heart will be healed when those corrupt politicians went to hell?"' ""hell is a place I never wish anyone they can still choose to repent... hell is a place you will never wish even your enemies..." "" you're a beautiful soul so merciful"" " are you trying to flatter a ghost? though those words came from your heart but am no longer in the body.. my chain of times have shattered into the infinite.. my body have become one with the sand.."" ""Ruquia God bless your soul"" I wish I know you when you're alive..,, "" you're saying out of your human nature sleep now your body needs it"" she fade gradually. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} i called my brother and he said he traveled to Dubai United Arab Emirates I thank God and explain to him all the danger surrounding our house.he said his not coming back again..i laugh at him and ended the call .I feel relaxed now that he's safe. {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} I lay down and slept. to be continued
8 Nov 2021 | 18:28
@jboy young
8 Nov 2021 | 18:37
@jboy young @delijah
8 Nov 2021 | 18:40
9 Nov 2021 | 01:33
nice story you got here......
9 Nov 2021 | 01:35
@ifestan ride on I de follow u bomber to bomber
9 Nov 2021 | 02:14
@ifestan abeg update us again oo... I can't wait for what's gonna happen nxt
9 Nov 2021 | 02:17
No be small mission be this
9 Nov 2021 | 03:58
chronicles of Ruquia season 1 Episode 9 my adventures with the dead at the cemetery... by Ifedirichukwu @[email protected] I woke up feeling drowsy and very lazy,I drag myself out of the bed to my greatest surprise,Tina have already prepared a breakfast.. #Tina side of the story# ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ I can't believe I slept in a room with that stranger..I don't know why I feel relaxed and comfortable around him.. something is special about him.. he's different from those men here...I noticed that I almost turned him on yesterday night.. this man is my kind of man.. he's tall and dark.. but I heard so many scaring news from this strangers,they will use you to get there papers only..I think I like him.. I can't stop thinking about really scared..I don't want to loose focus.. I must think twice before letting him into my life ,did I said my life have really dealt with me..I have vow not to love again but with this man I don't think I could be able to keep that promise.i don't understand what he did to beginning to have dreams of him..I must stop myself now before it's too late.. we need to find Fatima Jinnah...I felt guilty remembering what I did to her..I have to meet her anyway . tomorrow I will go to the bank to withdraw some cash..I have to stock my kitchen now we're two.i can't believe that am willingly playing a role of a wife.I must confess that I like this man# ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ my story continues, I wonder why this beautiful girl choose police department instead of working in office administrations. she's too beautiful for this dangerous work. I don't even know that she got manners. maybe she's from a good family.. I don't believe that good woman still exists but what if she's doing this to brain washed me,I don't trust woman.. once you marry her now she will change. I just pass a night in her place,but the first impressions is overwhelming.i have to focus and be more careful.. Ruquia did said she's thinking about me.. how is that possible? it sounds crazy and sensiles. we are just a partner brought together by fate nothing more. i deleted that thoughts from my mind and went to the washroom...she hand me a toothbrush, toothpaste and a towel. I thank how and managed to bath.. the weather is not friendly..too cold. am done bathing i made my way towards the bedroom find a top that caught my attention...I wear it not asking her nor taking her really look good on problems now is my boxes.. I can't repeat them..she called me from behind telling me that she brought some of my clothes that I can find them inside a box..I was shocked and amazed.. this girl is something else,well the fact that she's a cop made me remove my mind from her... I clad myself in a blue jeans.. wearing her top then my jacket.. I found my way towards the sitting room.. my breakfast is ready.. see this girl playing a role of a wife but when I remembered her profession it makes me the country I came from 80% of her population hates the police. majority are corrupt. I can't conclude in a day that Tina is a good woman.. besides I can't marry from her country I prefer African women that value culture.. not the one that will sue me when I shouted at I can't even beat our children talkless of shouting at them.. I don't want that civilization. I prefer my culture and our that thoughts is dead on arrival. I have to mind my business... no distractions... without mercy I devour my food almost licking the plate..I think she enjoyed watching me.. she kept staring at me.. I wonder what she's thinking... maybe she is thinking am too African/igbotic I refused to use the folk and ate with my bare's sweeter that way.. I packed the plate not after cleaning the dinning table.. I asked her which way that lead to the kitchen,she pointed and I found my way through..I washed the dishes and utensils without telling her.. she took her bath and clad herself in a flowered looks beautiful on her she put on her jacket with her gun.. going for the car key..instead I interrupted her insisted I will drive she obliged and I drove down the city of Nampula.. ""Tina you're beautiful that outfit looks good on you"" she pretends she's not hearing me "" drive through the Jamila,I need to get something from the millennium BIM bank. wait for me in the car, I wouldn't waste time..."" like obident driver I drove through Jamila find a packing space and kill the engine without uttering a word.. she enlighten and moved inside the back I kept looking at the fina wresta road.. I don't know why but my instincts Keep making me do so... just then my eyes caught a glimpse of something...I started the engine without waiting for Tina nor minding how she will feel,I have to save life first. I drove through the flyover before the Train station I found Fatima Jinnah by chance. now is the time,I thank my stars and plan a way to stop her from going to the office... I pretend that am answering a call and hit her car.. I break her back light and bumba.. i wreck Tina's car too... ""oh my god, what's wrong with you young man"" she said furiously... ""am sorry madam,I was not looking ahead that I jam your car.. sorry manna Fatima...." "" you ? I know you..are you not that guy that deal on motor parts? you have a branch at Padaria sold Moto de arranque (translate =starter) to me then ."" ""sim Senhora (yes madam) I have cambota (crackshaft) 4D33 now.." after so many plea I managed to take her to my shop...we chat and laugh like old friends ,I think she enjoyed it..I called a panel beater who responded immediately and started working on her car and Tina's car too.. she asked me a lot about myself.."" just then her phone ring "" madam don't come to the office right now some assassin's visits us today desperately looking for you ..they shot your secretary thinking she's hiding careful madam police is already here,,"" "" what assassin's?" she exclaimed inside of me I felt joy that I have finally save her..bad market for Paulo and João my problems now is how to keep her away from danger.... ""madam what happened"" I asked her ""nothing much but I thank you for your time and really grateful you don't know what you did to me.."" please take me home now..I want to rest"" what home? did she said home? time to bring the adventures forward to be continued...
9 Nov 2021 | 03:59
Very dangerous missions
9 Nov 2021 | 03:59
Tina mind your business ooo.. Ifedirichukwu even left her at the bank Not really good of you suppose to at least call her..
9 Nov 2021 | 04:02
@delija @celestin1
9 Nov 2021 | 04:03
Which home?
9 Nov 2021 | 04:08
I like that Fatima.... she's not different from Naija Fatima, hahaha Am waiting to see what will happen next... Maybe not what am thinking oooo.. No nack that woman. Her ghost daughter may kill you
9 Nov 2021 | 04:44
9 Nov 2021 | 05:31
Na wa oo abeg update again today I can't wait to see what would happen nxt
9 Nov 2021 | 08:06
Chronicles of Ruquia My adventures at the cemetery Season 1 Episode 10 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ by Ifedirichukwu @[email protected] Continuous from the last episode The present***** Tina Carlos side of the story ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ i came out from the bank and no sight of him..I was wondering what happened to him.. he could at least call me before leaving.. I dail his number not available.. this man is really disappointing.. I need to buy food stuff now. just then she remembered Fatima Jinnah her heart skipped. sooner she received a call from the officer on duty.. "" Tina road clear one down.. the target saved.. our intelligence gather information about her ,A man took her away with your car we're working with our secret security agencies to make sure she's safe.. according to the report the man is a foreigner who deals on motor parts.. they were sighted at the shop. it seems they have a clash before the incidence based on the data analysis from the CCTV camera., they were sighted at the fina wresta before the seem like they man knew something about the assassin's he takes her away... we managed to track your car it looks like they were in your place.. back up is already there... please be careful.. report to the office immediately .."" ""ok copied"" Am really happy that Fatima is safe.. that boy is really crazy.. I need to teach him a lesson. I reached to the station... was told to investigate and brought the assassin's to book..they promise me promotion...I went to the state DOS and they issued me new arm and a bullet proof. state CID also issued new bullet proof call for me. I were to lead the operation.. five officers were assigned to me.. Tina "" i welcome all of you"" ""we're happy working with you we have heard many news about you.."" one of the men chipped in.. Tina""according to the intelligence report the assassin's is Paulo and João we need to find out why they want Fatima Jinnah dead...also we have to capture him, alive or dead we must free those he kidnapped am I communicating .."" ""yes ma!" they chorus Tina " we're heading to there hideout now prepare for the worst. men of the earth... we're taking the war to there den.. no retreat no surrender.. for the love of our country.... for the love of our citizens..."" "" ok ma...for the love of our country...for the love of our citizens.. help us God.. justice to the kidnapped no retreat no surrender.."" I showed them the map.. it's located at Padaria povo behind Dezminaj.. we will attack from the back.. then regroup...others will penetrate from the front... I will attack from the middle be your brother's keeper. Nampula must be free from crime and bandit."" " ma it's will be better if will disguised ourselves"" "" I don't think it's necessary we have to were a mask instead"" "" those kidnapped were held hostage at controlo_olo. any more suggestions?" " no ma" we entered police van and drove off heading to Dezminaj.. without wasting time we commerce the operation. we managed to Ambushed them Eight men down already.. we free those kidnapped. I searched everywhere couldn't find Paulo nor João.. my phone rang and it was Ifedirichukwu calling me..I picked it at once ""Tina please don't be angry I took Fatima Jinnah to your place but discovered that our vehecle is being followed...we changed our initial plan to a hotel Grand plaza.. it's getting more complicated..I need your help please. send your men please..."" ""you are crazy.. don't let anything happens to Fatima Jinnah I told you to wear that wrist watch with GPS navigation system to enable me locate you ,you declined...sort yourself out young man"' "" holy cheat! does it mean you're not going to help me...?"" ""use your brain..I have a gun in that car..use it"" "" you're mad Tina..I don't know how to use a gun" "" learn it,stop disturbing me am inside the enemies den.... we will talk later... I will not be able to receive your calls henceforth till this operation is over... copied"' "" copied !over!" ( I reached out to her gun and load the catrage. Fatima is panicking and I managed to say some sweet words to her.. I put the gun inside my trouser. enlighten and hold Fatima Jinnah hand.. from afar you will think we're lovers.. I book a room and settled down immediately. I tried all my possible means to calm Fatima Jinnah down..) Tina side of the story continues , we arrested three men and brought them back.. ( I hand them over to the blue house intelligent department) I switched my system and discovered that the wrist watch were with him... I feel relieved.. I made a call through the station they contacted nearest police station to send them back up... there security is assured.. I arrived at the station we celebrate our victory.. "" for the love of our country, we celebrate our victory... to the love for our citizens we celebrate.. thanks be to God... in the battle of light and darkness, light must always win... for long life we toaste.. for the peace of our country.. for justice for humanity for freedom we celebrate.. long live our country..."" I thank all the men assigned to me.. we exchange contact and off they went.. not after planning how to capture João and Paulo.. back to my side of the story.... To be sincere am really scared of my life but I have to be strong for Fatima Jinnah...I suggest she should rest.. so that I will be on guide.. she keep tossing around the bed.. I examined the roam very lucrative so beautiful... at least if I were to die it will be at a beautiful place.. I followed my instinct and look through the window.. I saw a mask man climbing the building heading to our room.. I tried to be calm...I started thinking on how to gun him down and how to save my RUQUIA s birth mother.. then an idea popped up... gradually I explained to Fatima Jinnah to get sitted..I hid inside the curtain waiting for the mask man.. Ruquia appeared telling me that another is coming through the door. that I should not be afraid.. she told me to use my brain and disappeared the way she came.. just then a key handle started moving showing that someone is trying to open it.. Fatima Jinnah panicking almost wee on her pant. my heart started beating very fast as if it's going to break my ribcage..I hold myself as a man and said a short pray. suddenly the door opened God unto your hand I commit my soul to be continued (Intermission)
9 Nov 2021 | 12:07
I prayed this boy will survive this adventure
9 Nov 2021 | 12:08
Still observing the story cha
9 Nov 2021 | 12:08
Thanks for the update oo am really enjoying the story... Can't wait for next update ??
9 Nov 2021 | 14:08
Episode 11 ✓✓✓✓✓[[[[]]]]]]]]]]] continuous from the last episode God unto your hand I commit my soul.. ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ °°°°°°° °°°°°°° the past^^^^^^ Paulo put a call through the Dana Pura limited to announce the new development.. Fatima Jinnah must not live ..she has to die that's her fate. Paulo "" Boss mission failed operation terminated... the target is on the move towards clinica miavere.. unexpected guess viewed they moved into the grand plaza hotel now"" Dana Pura "" ok don't miss her this time kill the man with him... I will pay you handsomely"' Paulo ""our men is under attack men down.... kidnapped freed.. that woman is biting more than she can chew..; Dana Pura ""kill her at mistakes.i will call jack to assist you guys.. please be careful:" Paulo "ok sir.... something came up...our men have been arrested..I will send Marcia there to poison them.. we must silent them."' Dana Pura "what a twist! where exactly are they taking to?!"" Paulo ""according to our spy it's blue house intelligence agency, that place is very hard to penetrate.. but we must find a way to silent them.. Michael will hack there system... we need to break their alarm system.. also to hack the security camera.. Michael and Nickel can handle that we need to reverse the camera to fool the security agency... blue house is cyber protected..."" Dana Pura " we must get rid of them remember that this involved the minister, governor and the chief justice of the federation.. dismantle there cyber security system.. I will call the special computer wizard from Spain.. He's good in cracking and decoding security camera IP and port.. we have to wipe the memory.. Paulo " ok sir João on the move to finish Fatima Jinnah..there location viewed already..I will hack the security camera IP at the hotel.. no stone most left unturned. Dana Pura "I will call my friend to tamper with the satellite ,we need to slow down telecommunications industries. we need to jam there signals.. Paulo "" ok heading to the location now.. Michael and Nickel will take care of the cyber security settings and Marcia will poison our captured men.see you sooner.. am hanging up now sir.. copied?" Dana Pura "copied".. He hanged up and call Marcia Paulo ""Marcia go to the blue house and poison our men there they must not speak otherwise we're doomed... Marcia ""blue house intelligence agency is hard to penetrate, please you will pay me well.. I will contact Ayho from Korea. she's a specialist in poison.. Paulo "ok be fast,no time copied?" Marcia ""copied"" Marcia called her friend Ahyo from Korea who's best at poison.. luckily she's around the city Marcia " Ayho ! I have a job for you.... long time... Ahyo "where Marcia"" Marcia "at the blue house intelligence agency our men were arrested.we need to silence them .15 floor the middle" Ayho "" where exactly are you now"" Marcia "having fun at escola municipal. Ayho "" you and fun anyway that's your business,, payment method by cash,or cheque or credit card??" Marcia "" you and money.. buy credit card transfer"" Ahyo "" copied"' Ayho is from Korea and a special poison control.. she is a wizard in time of poison.. she managed to poison those men.. The present ✓✓✓✓✓✓ Tina was found heading to the Grand plaza hotel when her phone ring the caller "" Tina there's a problem"" Tina " what happened''? the caller from the blue house "" those criminals were poisoned.. two dead in critical condition.."" Tina " what! how is that possible?.. I need a password to access blue house internet connection now... check the CCTV camera and send me all the videos to enable me caught the Intruder..."" the caller "" ma all the security camera IP wiped no database.its empty.. someone tamper with the memory.. security alarm system disabled. password cracked.. our signals jammed.. our internet connection hacked we are trying to recover it.. this is internal of us is involved.. I don't understand what is happening packer data connection disabled..:" Tina ""what a mess..I get it now copied"" the caller ""please ma be careful.. it seems you're now the target.. copied.." Tina "" copied""she said almost crying wasted effort..I knew that they have agent at blue house and the governor most do the undoable to cover the crime.. I have to go and save Ifedirichukwu and Fatima Jinnah... she accelerate and sooner she reach their.. packed, she couldnt find her car .it seems like the darkness is winning.. Justice must prevail God please help me she prayed.. she called her group to inform them about the situation and they break the shocking news the caller "" Tina the last man is dead no evidence.. all data wiped.. Grand plaza hotel security system not responding.. satellite dish is very slow..poor network interception I have tried to connect with there CCTV camera IP.. all the videos from 30 minutes ago wiped.. we can't even see Fatima Jinnah and that stranger.. all data lost.. Tina "" Jesus... what's happening God help my friend" I can't believe am worrying over him alone.. I brought my system to track him it shows he's still at the hotel.. suddenly he started moving then no signal. something bad have happened.. GPS navigation system switched off the signal cut off as well.. ""oh my friend... am sorry am late.."" God bless your gently soul till we meet to part no more.. she cried... Is he really dead? to be continued
9 Nov 2021 | 15:29
I pray he survived this time
9 Nov 2021 | 15:48
I pity this guy
9 Nov 2021 | 15:48
Episode 11 continuous from the last episode God unto your hand I commit my soul.. the past^^^^^^ Paulo put a call through the Dana Pura limited to announce the new development.. Fatima Jinnah must not live ..she has to die that's her fate. Paulo "" Boss mission failed operation terminated... the target is on the move towards clinica miavere.. unexpected guess viewed they moved into the grand plaza hotel now"" Dana Pura "" ok don't miss her this time kill the man with him... I will pay you handsomely"' Paulo ""our men is under attack men down.... kidnapped freed.. that woman is biting more than she can chew..; Dana Pura ""kill her at mistakes.i will call jack to assist you guys.. please be careful:" Paulo "ok sir.... something came up...our men have been arrested..I will send Marcia there to poison them.. we must silent them."' Dana Pura "what a twist! where exactly are they taking to?!"" Paulo ""according to our spy it's blue house intelligence agency, that place is very hard to penetrate.. but we must find a way to silent them.. Michael will hack there system... we need to break their alarm system.. also to hack the security camera.. Michael and Nickel can handle that we need to reverse the camera to fool the security agency... blue house is cyber protected..."" Dana Pura " we must get rid of them remember that this involved the minister, governor and the chief justice of the federation.. dismantle there cyber security system.. I will call the special computer wizard from Spain.. He's good in cracking and decoding security camera IP and port.. we have to wipe the memory.. Paulo " ok sir João on the move to finish Fatima Jinnah..there location viewed already..I will hack the security camera IP at the hotel.. no stone most left unturned. Dana Pura "I will call my friend to tamper with the satellite ,we need to slow down telecommunications industries. we need to jam there signals.. Paulo "" ok heading to the location now.. Michael and Nickel will take care of the cyber security settings and Marcia will poison our captured men.see you sooner.. am hanging up now sir.. copied?" Dana Pura "copied".. He hanged up and call Marcia Paulo ""Marcia go to the blue house and poison our men there they must not speak otherwise we're doomed... Marcia ""blue house intelligence agency is hard to penetrate, please you will pay me well.. I will contact Ayho from Korea. she's a specialist in poison.. Paulo "ok be fast,no time copied?" Marcia ""copied"" Marcia called her friend Ahyo from Korea who's best at poison.. luckily she's around the city Marcia " Ayho ! I have a job for you.... long time... Ahyo "where Marcia"" Marcia "at the blue house intelligence agency our men were arrested.we need to silence them .15 floor the middle" Ayho "" where exactly are you now"" Marcia "having fun at escola municipal. Ayho "" you and fun anyway that's your business,, payment method by cash,or cheque or credit card??" Marcia "" you and money.. buy credit card transfer"" Ahyo "" copied"' Ayho is from Korea and a special poison control.. she is a wizard in time of poison.. she managed to poison those men.. The present ✓✓✓✓✓✓ Tina was found heading to the Grand plaza hotel when her phone ring the caller "" Tina there's a problem"" Tina " what happened''? the caller from the blue house "" those criminals were poisoned.. two dead in critical condition.."" Tina " what! how is that possible?.. I need a password to access blue house internet connection now... check the CCTV camera and send me all the videos to enable me caught the Intruder..."" the caller "" ma all the security camera IP wiped no database.its empty.. someone tamper with the memory.. security alarm system disabled. password cracked.. our signals jammed.. our internet connection hacked we are trying to recover it.. this is internal of us is involved.. I don't understand what is happening packer data connection disabled..:" Tina ""what a mess..I get it now copied"" the caller ""please ma be careful.. it seems you're now the target.. copied.." Tina "" copied""she said almost crying wasted effort..I knew that they have agent at blue house and the governor most do the undoable to cover the crime.. I have to go and save Ifedirichukwu and Fatima Jinnah... she accelerate and sooner she reach their.. packed, she couldnt find her car .it seems like the darkness is winning.. Justice must prevail God please help me she prayed.. she called her group to inform them about the situation and they break the shocking news the caller "" Tina the last man is dead no evidence.. all data wiped.. Grand plaza hotel security system not responding.. satellite dish is very slow..poor network interception I have tried to connect with there CCTV camera IP.. all the videos from 30 minutes ago wiped.. we can't even see Fatima Jinnah and that stranger.. all data lost.. Tina "" Jesus... what's happening God help my friend" I can't believe am worrying over him alone.. I brought my system to track him it shows he's still at the hotel.. suddenly he started moving then no signal. something bad have happened.. GPS navigation system switched off the signal cut off as well.. ""oh my friend... am sorry am late.."" God bless your gently soul till we meet to part no more.. she cried... Is he really dead? to be continued
9 Nov 2021 | 15:49
Ahyo is a bad girl
9 Nov 2021 | 15:50
I like Marcia she love fun
9 Nov 2021 | 15:50
The journey is about to begin.
9 Nov 2021 | 17:42
Episode 12 ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ ✓✓✓✓✓ By Ifedirichukwu ######## @[email protected] continuous from the last episode I brought my system to track him it shows he's still at the hotel.. suddenly he started moving then no signal. something bad have happened.. GPS navigation system switched off the signal cut off as well.. ""oh my friend... am sorry am late.."" Tina is devastated,the people she managed to arrest poisoned.. all the data connectivity tampered.. she vowed to deal with Paulo and João mercilessly.. future is uncertain and unclear.. no body could precise were it's reasoning the road this is going is dasastrous. I thought I could change the world.. I thought the good will win.. the more I tried justice to prevail the more complicated it becomes. Am loosing this battle, security camera IP wiped.. All the memory tampered too.. now she's about to loose Fatima Jinnah and Ifedirichukwu..... just then someone fall on her car.. without wasting time she rush the person.. behold it's no other than João.. what a beautiful sight.. Tina handcuffed him despite him bleeding.. Tina "" where is Fatima Jinnah and the man with him? speak now before I killed you now::" "" hahahaha I can see they mean a lot to you men must have killed them by now...that man dare pushed me down the window...I will come back for him and you..."" Tina "" you must be dreaming not after am through with you..."" Tina hit him that he pass out.. (the past) my story continues I hid watching the mask man keenly, immediately he bring his hand to the window... I hit him hard but he endured the pain.. unfortunately for me he held my wrist with the other hand... am almost loosing my balance.. I tried to maintain my balance then continue hitting him hard.. my hand hurts but I wouldn't stop.. just then my wrist watch fall and break into thousands pieces.... when I remembered Ruquia her pain and her birth mother strength from no where over shadowed me that I gave him one almighty blow that send him flying.. my gun fell too.. (the present) the door opened and the Intruder entered he was so obsessed with killing Fatima Jinnah that he didn't notice my hiding.. "" Fatima Jinnah say your last prayers.. you dare suffered me.. I suppose to kill you at the conference meeting hall you escaped because of that foreigner,I will kill you and him"" ""please sir name your price! I have a daughter who will really missed me..pity her I will pay you double of the amount they pay you.... 5million mt,10million mt, name it sir please spare my life"" Fatima Jinnah is a wise woman she's buying time for me to act.. "" hahaha poor Fatima Jinnah rest in peace.. meet you in hell where is that man?"" Fatima Jinnah "at the toilet, please leave him out this.."" I took courage and confidence and hit him from behind with fire extinguisher with all my strength,he was not expecting this attacks.. He fainted,I rushed to him and took away his weapon.. removed the curtain and tire him at the chair.. Fatima Jinnah have already mess her clothes...she fainted.. I carried her and made her lay on the bed peacefully.. like Ruquia said she's really beautiful. her beauty could make a dead man have could make a priest forgot his vow and ........*** she's a replica of her.. long hair with a red lips.Her lips is so tempting she got a curvy body and a nice oranges. she's an epitome of beauty.. after having two children she's still intact.. that's what I like about white folks nature,I don't know whether she undergo plastic surgery to keep her bodybuilding attractive..I will stop here for now... AM not yet satisfied that I double the curtain,I pinioned him with the cupboard not minding wether he breathed or starving. I sprinkle Fatima Jinnah with a cold water and she regained consciousness..she sprang with fear holding me tightly. I can feel her heart beat, beating faster I pet her hair... as she cried on my chest.i moved my hand gently rubbing her hair . "" Fatima Jinnah we're away from it your strength stop crying please..the storm is over.. you're save now"" Fatima Jinnah "" thank you happen to be at the right place at the right time.. thank you for saving me. please schedule save my daughter Zita too she will be looking for me too.. I promised to take her shopping after the conference meeting.. hope my car is saved as well..but why did you risk your life for me? tell me the truth what did you want from me? name your price... I will gladly and willingly do it"" she said letting me go..she keep staring at me with those charming eyes searching something from my eyes.. "" I should name my price?. what if I want your head? Fatima Jinnah can you trust me?"" i replied looking away Fatima Jinnah "" you can't save me in return want my head it's sensiles...I feel safe with you I don't know instincts is telling me you don't want to hurt me...but... something... about you seems strange.. tell me the reason you're saving me..this is not customer sake..? their is more to it.. what position did you want? or you want to date me?"" now she's worried according to her facial expressions "" am a prisoner of conscience I can't withstand people suffering.. I want to heal the world.. I want to set the captive free and captured the captivity. it's by fate I save you.... can't we discuss this some other time..."" I said trying to divert her attention to other conversations..but she wouldn't give up,she keep asking.. it's making me sweating profusely despite the cold weather Fatima Jinnah ""you're talking in parables stop giving vague outlet of your motives, that means you're not doing this for money or pleasure then? how did you know that I will be killed.. I suppose to be at the office and you tricked me with that accident? it's all your making? your vices of taking me to a safe place nice actor,then I told you to take me home you bring me here.. I was wondering and confused because I thought you wanted to date me,I was expecting you to take me home and woo me.. I can see none of the above is the reason you save me... Tell me the truth if you want me to trust you.. who really are you?" I have entered it.. to be continued
10 Nov 2021 | 07:22
Nxt pls am getting more interested to know what would happen nxt
10 Nov 2021 | 08:57
Let her keep quiet
10 Nov 2021 | 10:25
Wow this is serious o .
10 Nov 2021 | 11:02
10 Nov 2021 | 16:06
God help this Fatima Jinnah
10 Nov 2021 | 18:38
Tina self suppose be careful that João is out side alone
10 Nov 2021 | 18:39
Hmm I just dey watch and observe this adventure ooo Next please
10 Nov 2021 | 18:40
Episode 13 Tina was anxious and curious that she dialed my number at once.. she opened the door and dump him at the trunk João is bleeding and unconscious.. all she wanted is to see me but she has to work first..she started searching him then she found GPS location system on him then she decided to use it to fooled them.. ^^^^ Fatima Jinnah ,, are you going to keep me waiting? speak now""" "" you need to know who am? you already knew me... you're my customer... my adventures at the cemetery found you.. like I said am a prisoner of conscience.. I can't withstand people suffering... that's the reason I started this adventures which turned out more complicated.... am not a politician neither did I want to make out with you.. I came into your world through my adventures... you may not believe me but I will say it anyway. ..."" I stopped looking at her for a while then look away.. she's listening with rapt attention...she really wants to knew everything. I need her trust and alliance I need her as much as she needs me. I have to be formal praying she believe me...This is my opportunity to makes her see reasons to help Ruquia her birth daughter.. I have to tried as much as possible to convince her. ""I have a dream about a man who suffers from the sin of others.. at first I never believed it until I found myself inside the hospital because of my adventures.. I wrote a small story on that until I met a woman called Marcia who claims that my dreams is a threat to them. ..I was kidnapped and took to sipal... that's when I saw my dreams coming into reality. . just like I dreamt I saw your pictures with Paulo tagged to be killed tomorrow morning.. Marcia and Paulo together with João were there .... they planed killing me too until police surrounded the place. I noticed too that 5 people were kidnapped too just exactly how I saw it in the dream. I managed to escaped while police arrested me.. I told them about my dreams.. that's how I came to safe you. you were right I planned that's all to stop you from going to the office. I don't want you to die... also I know why all this is happening .. in my dreams i saw innocent people that's suffering while the guilty were out there roaming around the town. I wanted to change the perspective.. I wanted to write the suffering a happy ending .. in that dreams you too were discribed as a good woman that stand for the oppressed... meanwhile I have been observing you and you're not different from all I saw..."" Fatima Jinnah "" you mean you saw all this from your dream? hahahaha Africa an superstition.. did you want me to believe you? though you sound convincing .." "" I have to save a man that were framed .. innocent man your country labels as a rapist, a murderer and a drug dealer.."" Fatima Jinnah "" this man what are you talking country stand for the oppressed. .my office is ready to uphold justice... my regime can't suffer an innocent man.. what exactly did you mean?"" me too is a prisoner of conscience.." "'i believe in you...I trust you stand for stand for the oppressed.. I believed you hate corruption... I believe you stand for humanity.. I believe you love justice::"" Fatima Jinnah "" you're not far from the truth.."" "" then why not exceeding that to the case of January 22 2012.. you and I knows that's that report has a lots of conspiracy theories yet you let go... where is that your humanity...? your stand for justice...? then punished the corrupt politicians.. stand for your believe...." Fatima Jinnah "" Jesus how did you know about that... you got me emotional... so you risk your life because of that case .. you want to punish the corrupt politicians you want justice to prevail... you want to capture the captivity and set the captive free...what a beautiful heart. you just won my heart..I like your type My problem is that my brother which is the governor is involved Did you expect me to jail him?"" ""that's not a problem,he can choose to repent and stand for the oppressed"" Fatima Jinnah " it's easier to say than to do... Thank you for saving me.. am inviting you to my house this weekend don't say no please I want to show you something you will love"" "" ok ma"" Fatima Jinnah "please stop that ma we're friends and family now ok feel free to visit us anytime my daughter will be happy to see you she loves adventures and superstitions stories'' Ruquia is like your birth mother is crushing on me.. don't blame me if something happened,she wanted to have her ways.. I wonder what is that to show me.. she hugged me tightly thanking me again and again... just then Tina opened the door.. she was not happy seeing me hugging a female... I can see jealous in her eyes.. her eyes fill with anger and frustration.. I became scared of what I saw in her eyes that I disengaged myself from Fatima Jinnah.. Fatima Jinnah was shocked to see her both staring at each other like a lion that saw a prey.. what is really going on... just then Ruquia appeared looking sad .. (I don enter timper today) I told you to stay clear of my mother.. she's no go area... you guys must leave this hotel now this minutes there's danger..stop wasting time take this women out of here now before you see the worst. they are coming for João... you have only five minutes to escaped now.. she disappeared... How will I convinced them now that both are boiling with furious and anger. please if you are me,how are you going to handle the situation? to be continued
10 Nov 2021 | 18:51
10 Nov 2021 | 18:52
It's easy na just tell them u guys need to leave the place Immediately.... As simple as that
11 Nov 2021 | 01:36
Try and convince them to leave
11 Nov 2021 | 05:38
They have traced joao with d GPS location system on him
11 Nov 2021 | 12:18
You better act
11 Nov 2021 | 15:25
Episode 14 and 15 [email protected] my adventures with the dead continuous.. continuous from the last episode. Ruquia said there's danger and the two women is not helping matters.. both looking angry..I don't know how to evacuate them from that room.. but I have to try anyway.. I can't loose them..I valued both individuals.. it became a hard nut to crack.. just then an Idea pop in.. I was about to use my idea until we're rudely interrupted a phone was ringing it happens to be no other than my captive... at once I goes for the phone I picked it at once putting it in loud speaker mode... the caller ""evacuate the building now come to our usual place... João is not responding earlier we're coming to get him... don't forget to get the key to the office from Fatima Jinnah we need to copy a file from her system.. I have already disabled security system be fast... but why are you not saying anything tell us the situation over there.. hello!!! copied!!!? the phone went died immediately the caller suspect something is not right... without much ado Tina handcuffed him and we make it quickly as possible.. Tina used the GPS location system to trick them she put it inside the bathroom.. I drove Fatima Jinnah while Tina lead with her new bullet proof off road Van... after like few minutes away from the hotel she motion me to stop... I obliged and cleared.. she transferred us to the van and left her car at shopping mall.. we drove down the City of Nampula in a remote area I never heard nor noticed exists in Nampula.. how she managed to know this place amazed me making me fear her courageous nature. She pull over a place that looks like a cave she brought my captive GPS location system and hung it there in a midst of her team..., heavily armed then she drow down a place that looks like a grave yard.. she parked there due to no more accessible ways to drive through.. we trekked like about 20 minutes before we arrived a cave alike looking room.. made out of a rock... it could be well described as an artificial cave.. inside looks like a torture chamber.. there was five iron poles and no chair.. it looks so unkempt and dusty.. she told me to help her carry João (João is really unconscious..I doubt if he survived this time..) and the other guy.. she hung their hands up with a handcuffed.. it must be painful... she used a chain to hold their waist..then used paid lock to lock it... it restricted there movement making it hard for them to breath.. she built a fire because the cold is really much...she brought out a knife and put it on the fire at first it never occurred to me what she intends to do with it until when it got pure red almost melting point she brought it and decided to torture my captive... I enjoyed watching him trembling with fear.. I wonder how long he will endure.. he groan in pain ,I can understand her motives.. yet he refused given us a useful information... then an I Idea pop into my brain... I begged Tina to allow me handle him,at first she refused but obliged when she discovered am not ready to give up.. "" my friend I do admire your courage and loyalty... but trust me your boss have abondoned you.. you mean nothing to him.. just a tool , did I say a tool .you worth nothing to them after all years working with them..yet they will refused to safe you.. what manner of boss is that... he's not worthy of your loyalty.. you have a family and people that loves you. you may have a wife and a kid too.. will your boss looks after them? all your days you did a risky job for him now it's his turn to be loyal to you.. like I said before I will prove to you now that your loyalty is worthless to your Dana Pura? His is a self centered man.. very selfish..."" I noticed that am toying with his emotions I then stopped to enable him struggles with his emotions..I laughed inwardly watching the beautiful site.. my captive ""shot up you foreigner! who told you Dana Pura is a self centered man... He will do everything possible to rescue me.. we're more than you think... our team is over the law.. you're helpless here... you can't win a sitting government.. if you arrest me I will came out same day.. stop beating around the bush.. don't dare talk about my boss any more.. stay out of this game... that thing you're planning you will never achieve...we own this country..."" " wait I will prove you worth nothing to them..but you can collaborate with us you can choose to work for the light.. were history and humanities will remember happy your offspring we be if you write your name in a history.. you turn to good ... you stand for what's right... let me call him now .. I promised you he will dissapoint you.. but am giving you opportunity to alliance with me who will value you also to work for the light, humanity and progress.. the guilty supposed to be punished.. innocent man deserves freedom, flexibility , democracy, and right to live...;; I left him and makes a move to meet Tina and Fatima Jinnah.. "" see I want us use him get what we want... Fatima Jinnah " event planner,you want to stage another vices to manipulate him.. perhaps for good this time"" Tina "" this your idea am not really in support but I trust you how did you intend to use him, "" I want to form alliance with him by making him hate Dana Pura limited I knew he's a selfish man... and self centered man...I want to use this against him... this man trusted Dana Pura,, I wanted to break that trust and create enermity.. it will work"" "" we will call them through the number the use to contact him, asking him to trade something important with this man life... I knew he will declined, this man life means nothing to those cabals.... Tina "" I get your point,it may backfire to us..we need something tangible.. Fatima Jinnah "" am really worried about my daughter Zita,am sorry I need to go home sooner.. Tina eyed her and continue our conversation.. Ruquia appeared and appluase me.. she suggested I asked for his password to the safe at his secret chamber.. it contains all the looting and corruption his office committed.. she told me that those men is coming to the arrea we kept the GPS location system found on my captive that we should strengthen security and attacked them both sides.. she explained to me how they plan the attacks... I was so happy how things is going my dangerous adventures now my hobbies "Tina we will trade him with a password to his secret chamber he can't let it go for a loyalty.. Tina ""you are a sycho.. how can that crazy idea pop into your brain...? a mere password? how can you retrieve the safe..? it's meaningless to think of that... sycho!"" I pretend I didn't hear her and continued " strengthen the security at those cave we left the GPS gadgets.. we should attack them from both sides.. they will plan to attacked from the south but will penetrate through the north... to stop them.. we will regroup our men to five group.. only two will stayed at the sport.. we will disguise one as my captive.. other will climb the mountain with a snipper. other will attack from the north then from the south. copied?"" Fatima Jinnah " I guess you saw them from your dreams speak with confidence and ability I think you're right..I trust you with my just won my heart seriously.."" Tina is not finding it funny with her closing remarks...she obliged and called the men on duty... our plans was set and we went back to the man... meanwhile Fatima Jinnah stayed very far I think she dislike blood.. Paulo and his men went to the hotel and discovered that João have been captured or arrested.. they put a call through Dana Pura Paulo "" sir something went wrong.. João missing at the operation venue .we couldn't find Fatima Jinnah body nor of the foreigner.. it's unlike him..we saw a drop of blood at the chair... sent more men to other places incase the play smart.."" Dana Pura "" ok,but my men is already on there way to the location.. sooner they will rescue our men..but for Fatima Jinnah she must have died by now.. my assassins creed from India can't fell me.. João to supposed bring that foreigners skull for me to use fetch water. if something went wrong... if to say they were arrested... you know the formula... Death! copied?" Paulo " copied" move closer to my captive and put a call through not after putting it in loud speaker.. me ,"" boss Como está? I have something you value.... Dana Pura "" you must be dreaming.. if you want to make a deal be fast about that or I take your life away from you.. me "" you can't make a life why taking it away? you cabals have no fear to the law..and God to go straight to the point.. I have your special and valuable man ... I don't need money... Dana Pura "" young man be fast and stop wasting my time what did you want.... we own this country... we are god's over other... we have power... we rules we controls the country.. we condition how far your life will went.. we can make life a living hell for you.. we can make it enjoyable if we choose.. we're the cabals so address me like your God.." I ignored his last remarks, proceeding the conversation.. me "" I captured your valuable man in other for him to live... I will trade him with a password of the safe from your secret chamber... Dana Pura.. "" hahahaha I don't value anyone... they're useless to me... they're like a toy in our hands even you mean nothing to us. I value money and power... those men are just like a vessel used and throw way ... I can't trade my password with any life not even my daughter's life nor wife matters... money and power is the ultimate.. forgot it.. you better finished him or I help you killed him... get out of my phone now"" he commanded already boiling with anger.. I pretend I didn't notice and move forward . me " you don't value loyalty.. because of you this man risked his life.he killed for you.hes's in danger of rusting in hell and the wrath of God alll because of you cabals.. he did a dangerous work for your regime and administration, things you couldn't possibly achieve only you, yet his life means nothing to you.. his life worthless...what manner of conscience did you have.. power is all that matters to you you prefer a mere password over his life? Dana Pura "" be fast in finishing him or I did that for you... like I said money and power is my men are worthless including you.. I can't kill you now... hell with your loyalty... get out of my phone now don't make me repeat myself again..I hate talking to you low class vessels!!! he caused under his breath.. I enjoyed how it's going,my captive couldnt believe his eyes.. I saw dissappoitment in his face.. it's working...those cabals never value a life , they value only power more power only but power.. """ I told you earlier that your loyalty meant nothing to him..a man you risked your life for valued a password over your life...His kids living to the fullest potential but you what have you? your life is worthless to those cabals... alliance with us that value life.. turn to the light and write your name in a history of humanity.. (from his expressions my words really penetrate his heart .I can hear the sound of his shattered heart..he cried bitterly, looking pale and cold) I will give you two options to choose remember you have a family... ( Ruquia appeared and told me that he has a wife and a daughter he values a lot..also that he love his mother so much) I smiled, pause for a while allowing him to have a deep thinking and to assimilate where am driving to.. I continued "you have a wife a daughter and a mother you love so much... think about them...if you work with us they will their fullest potential.. even if not wealthy but good name.. dignity and respect.. my captive "" please don't harm them leave them out of this.... are you people going to arrest me then?..." Tina steps in trying to sound convincing and genuine and honest Tina " no , rather you work with us and humanities will pay you.. we pay you too.. it's a deal.. Team can lead our term if you wish..this is an offer think critically."" my captive side of the story I can't believe that Dana Pura could be this mean to me..I have worked with him for years hoping that i matter to him.. I killed many for him to my dismay he said my life is worthless to him... he will pay with his life... for betraying my loyalty for a mere going to bring him down..I have to form alliance with them.. they sound convincing genuine and honest. I have to work for humanity.. I have been killing innocent people since but now this have changed my life.. I never regret killing before but now I felt guilty and terrible.. I have decided to work for the light. I wish I can turn the hand of the clock. I want to get it right..but they must pay heavily for this..I will punished them my own way since they claim that they are over the them they own this country... while we help them achieve that...with us hoodlums working for those cabals they will be powerless.. They can't control the state without my kind..I must make alliance and finished them at once... to extinguish life of those cabals i must do slowly,steadily and painfully.. I will hit them in a way it will hurt them badly.. I regret ever working for them.. I must revenge... my captive "" am ready to form alliance with you for my daughter's sake and humanities in a return you will not jail me.. I hate prisons.. this people must pay for betraying me.. i trust your offer lady.. you have to leave here if you love your life... based on our system of operations they have located here.. and are coming for us... our life is in danger this minutes.. if you do as you said I will help you to bring them down.. I have there IP address.. I knew how to communicate with their secret network... I can tell how we operate.. but young man, loose my hands now! wait young man, why did you choose this your dangerous adventures...? was it for money or power? "" none of the above mentioned I choose to work for humanity I want justice for all.. am a prisoner of conscience..."" My captive "" my name is Jack,I love your have changed my mind and life.. let the adventures move forward... me "" for the love of God... for the love of our citizens for the love of humanity"" chorus "" our adventures to punished the corrupt politicians and for justice began.. so help us God:::" (for the first time I saw RUQUIA smile..) does it mean that he really changed or a vice to save his life? what if he betray us? what if.......... watch out as our adventures continues..
13 Nov 2021 | 17:47
Sorry for the late update, I was busy with other things
13 Nov 2021 | 17:51
I think this man may change oooo A killer to be converted just like that
13 Nov 2021 | 17:52
Hmm Am not really in support of them discussing that confidential information with that Fatima Jinnah
13 Nov 2021 | 17:53
Maybe Tina got other plans
13 Nov 2021 | 18:03
13 Nov 2021 | 18:05
14 Nov 2021 | 02:44
Episode 16 continuous from the last episode does it mean that he really changed or a vice to save his life? what if he betray us? what if.......... nothing much but time will trusting this man named jack já too much.. I knew he could betray my struggles at anytime ,also he can take my life , he's a killer... international assassin but I can't stop myself believing and trusting him.. hope am not going the wrong path? for Tina she's not trusting him much, I have to make sure I didn't disappoint her. I wish I can mend her shattered heart.. ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ( like Ruquia said they attack but failed woefully since our men already knew there tactics.we took them by surprise... Tina's team ambushed them... Tina refused handing them over to the police, instead they took them away in unknown place..Tina suggested this since she doesn't want the previous incident to repeated..Dana Pura limited didn't notice that the operation failed... we managed to make them believe via voice calls..we fooled them... thanks to jack for helping us communicate with them via their secret network...her team managed to gather some crucial information . we make arrangements on how to fooled them again by replacing the data they need from Fatima Jinnah office..we called a professional hacker too..) ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ I remember what Ruquia said about her thinking of me...I can't deny the fact that she's always in my heart even though I tried to prevent this feelings... This is the first time am feeling somehow about a female friend...all my life all that matters to me is business only but business.. it prevents me from having that special spec but who could fall in love with a lady that enjoy doing dangerous work and risky jobs .. remembering the police from my country makes me sick and cold towards her. anyway am not really trying to paint her profession black just that the stigma from my place have gotten my sense of reason.. I hate police with all my heart then back home but my adventures instincts Keep making me feel relaxed around them, Tina have really changed my mind about police officer.. I never believed that we still have the good ones... it clear now that everything has it good and bad side... even the devil?(humourous it may sounds but that's the facts) don't freak out my dear readers.. In the sea of female my eyes always see Tina... even through the darkness my eyes sees only but her.. In her absence I feel empty. it feels like am having some kind of those dreams from Indian movies and Korean drama just like that movie CITY HUNTER city Hunter keep dreaming about Kim nana... trying everything to stop the dreams knowing the dangerous adventures involved yet he couldn't help keeps happening.. am happy that after so many storms and tribulations they have a happy ending.. But me and Tina I didn't see a happy ending what I saw is disaster..Am helpless here.. nothing could stop emotions. That's why I must make her hate me.. this can't could turn to hate,, jealousy could lead to revenge just then I remembered why Vivian betray Michael king a man she loved a man that saved her from the kidnappers and rapist.she keep praying and hoping to become Micheal king woman but seeing him loving another woman stir hatred, jealous and revenge..yet she couldn't find happiness.she ruins the life and a business of the man she truly loved..that I must prevent...what a scaring experience. I will never date her.. I will choose Fatima Jinnah instead but she's not that young..she has a daughter and her ghost daughter wouldn't let that happen.. I think that woman is falling in love with me .I wonder what she intends to show me in her house that I will love.. I must confess it's now 8 year's that I never have intimacy.. Transactions have really eaten deep in my love space to love then but now Tina have cured that disease.. with her around me I feel safe and comfortable.. I think I need to pray harder even though here they believe that prayers is for the weak. I need a councillor instead.... we make a deal with Jack(my captive) we trek through the bush till we reached where Tina left her van. we hopped in and she drove off not after blind folded Mr Jack.. I keep glancing at Tina at every intervel.. Fatima Jinnah too were interested in initiating a conversation with me.. I keep distancing myself from her. which makes Tina smiles.. Fatima Jinnah later slept not after reclining her head on my shoulder.. this almost run our drive.. Tina couldn't concentrate on her wheel she keep looking at her with a murderous face..women can't understand situations.. they always makes little things appears difficult and serious... we're not married...nor dating yet.. so for now am free to mingle with anyone if I mother wouldn't like the idea of me marrying a white folks I pretend I didn't notice her eyes and behaviours..I concentrate on my adventures.. shortly we arrived the heart of the city of Nampula.. She drive through the mierhver expansão road leading to oasas Mazi... she then head to the Padaria their she stopped jack and remove the veil.. we exchanged contact and fixed a date to meet.. she did u turned and head to the secondaria de Nampula. I gently wake Fatima Jinnah.. she was happy to be at home at last .she thanked me and keep staring at my lips I noticed she wanted to kiss but later changed her mind.. Tina almost draw her gun...(hahahaha) not's written all over her. Fatima Jinnah "" thank you so much you have won my heart.. don't forget to visit me this weekend I have a something to show you, something you would like.... ""Ok no probs"" Fatima Jinnah "is that a promise?" I looked at Tina who looks away.. I don't know what to say fortunately for me, Her daughter interrupted us, her daughter ran to hug her.. The emotional display was really fascinating.. nothing like family. love is beautiful. she's more beautiful but Ruquia most beautiful..I keep staring at those beautiful creations that I started hallcinating my daughter looking beautiful like Ruquia and Zita.. I was so engrossed that Tina hit the wheel interrupting my hullcinations rudely she said we must leave now that she needs to buy something from the super market..she apologized for the interruption then drove off sooner we arrived at the supermarket..she bought lots of provision and food stuff that I wonder if the country is going for quarantine for a year.. I helped her packed those stuffs to the van after that some police officer arrived and took João body away.. I was wondering weather his still breathing,that criminal lost so much blood. I guess she called them.(I thought she will kept João to the unknown place too.but she swept my foot by her actions.well this is her job I trust she knew what she's doing) Well none of my business..we drove off heading to her place.. we reached and she drove into the car port. I enlighten and opened the door for her...this brought happiness to her.. it really amazed me why all this is happening.. she grinned and touched my ear playfully saying I should take all those stuff in side alone.. like a humble sheep I obliged.. I wonder what am doing? what's happening? I can't say no to normal circumstances I don't tolerate women but in her case am hopeless was this love? please is this how people love? to be continued..
15 Nov 2021 | 08:45
I can smell love here ooo
15 Nov 2021 | 08:46
15 Nov 2021 | 08:47
Episode 17 continuous from the last episode I can't say no to normal circumstances I don't tolerate women but in her case am hopeless was this love? please is this how people love? ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ Since I moved in here, it's from one trouble to other. it could be well described as per hour one problem.. some time I thought she's that woman for me but same the fact that my mumsy never encourage us marrying white folks makes me sick..but I have to be a man of my own.. I deserve peace.. all I want is peace and stability race doesn't really matter,but religion matters to me. when the world is too tattered, too rugged, too complicated then you have to run to love will give you a moment of peace also could run you crazy.. standing with Tina my heart found peace.. love will make us feel warm and friendly gesture but hate will make us cautious, it took away peace and happiness from us.. there's a saying that love is to be enjoyed but atimes it's not going as expected, you could crushing on a woman and she crush on another person.. if you're lucky you both will crush at each other.. should I say am lucky or cursed? sometimes it lasts in love sometimes it hurts instead.. am really scared about that emotions.. those kind special feelings towards that particular person.. but I was caught unaware.. how I end here,I can't explain.. neither could I stopped it from happening. my first night with Tina was terrific and horrible..fear grip on me . am very scared and some touch of excitement.. I was scared that some bad guys could harm us, excited that she treats me with respect and trust. she played a wife role best..if this were a movie she will win price grammar award..( best wife on screen 2021) my life is going to the area am not certain how it ends..I sense disaster and doom. but only a matter of time.. only time can tell where the road leads.. what will become of me... what if I failed Ruquia? what if I got killed at the process. what's my gain.. how will my brother,my family and friends view me.. I wonder how the news paper will carry the news,the head line could be.....goes like this.......{} A man dies for nothing trying to help a dead girl he ended up running from..{} I can imagine how people will feel, laughed and mock my family.. What legacy am I going to left for my unborn children.. am not even married,if I died now.. I have no clue what will become of me.. is God really happy and in support of me.. what if Ruquia is being controlled by a demon..what if her soul is being controlled by the evil spirits.. so many questions piled up on my head,I cracked my brain to get honest and wise answers but it seems like my brain is overwhelmed with lots of processing data.. I feared it could got burnt one day..hmm that could lead to only but madness. like a moron I obliged and moved all the items inside the house.. she leads the way directing me were to keep each and every thing. I wonder what she's thinking when she suggested I moved in with her.. how can a man and a woman lived together.that absurd . I think she's obsessed with me. it's written over her.. my only concern is my adventures with my Ruquia. after arranging and putting the house together..I took the soap she bought for me and went inside the washroom.. the weather is really not encouraging.. very cold here.. I unclad myself and went inside the shower not after mixing my hot water.. the shower,showers my face and I pray the water washed my tears and worries away.. I wish it could wash away my sorrows. my heart become heavy when I remembered my encanter with Jack at the grand plaza hotel..we narrowly escaped death.. I feel for Fatima Jinnah.. I could imagine the trauma Zita will face if it happened.. i cried for my soul.. sooner am done with bathing I tied my towel and went inside the room I found myself towards the wardrobe.. I clad myself in a short and a thick Polo.. I took the remote and on the heater . I wonder what's taking too long. she supposed to show face . maybe I will join her there .I need to makes her feel comfortable with me before everything spoilt.i stand and found my way towards the kitchen couldn't find her,I migrates to the sitting room yet no sight of her. I moved out side and find her moping at the flowers planted at the small garden.from the look of things, she's absent minded. I stand beside her yet she couldn't noticed me.. she's too engrossed with whatever she's thinking..I hugged her from behind. it seems she enjoyed it,I can sense that already.she let me hold her longer than i planned.i can feel her warm body.her long hair is beautiful and smells good. ¶¶Tina's side of the story¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶{}{}{}¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ only you fit hold my heart,am loosing my loving him badly..I need a kiss from him to calm my nerves..I want no body accept him..mere looking at him brought joy and happiness.. I wonder how he will view me...a desperate woman? I don't care..I want him badly.. when he opened the door for me . I feel special,,like a queen..ever since I got a heart broken from several men..I decided to gave up on love..I vowed to remain single that I always keep myself busy during dangerous work..this I thought will scare men away from me..I thought I will find happiness but instead I got depression. I have no love life is a mess. but my perspective change when I met him perhaps he's the one,that special person for mind, body and soul accepted him. He makes me feel like am flying over the moon. because of him I the sight of him my heart melt..he takes my breath away. I wish and pray he became mine forever. it seem he's a type that don't fancy women. it scared hell out of me ,he didn't notice me anyway.i have to use my powers of being a woman..I will get him thinking about me. I was interrupted by a hand that curled round sends a sweet sensation down my nerves when I discovered who he was.. my dream come true..I just wish this moment will never end..I feel like staying like that till the end of the time. my heart started beating very fast as if it's going to break my ribcage my legs turned into a jelly was unable to carry my body.i let him hold me longer before I break the omnious silent. ¶¶¶¶¶ Tina¶¶¶ ""identify yourself now.."" she said sarcastically.pretending not knowing who hold her.. women love to's in there nature Me ¶¶¶¶¶"don't make a hole on my skulls with your's me"" I said making her to smile she's feeling the vibes. Tina ¶¶¶¶¶" you don't have a name?" she joke.turning to face me.. staring into my eyes.. she pursed then continue "" did you plan taking advantage of me, why are you holding me in that manner.. as your mistress, girlfriend,wife or side chicks? you think you can have carnal knowledge of me...oh you think because I allowed you to sleep in my house that a vise to got intimacy with me.. let me go now , otherwise I make a hole in your skull now.." she threatened yet not making any attempt to got free from my hug, instead she came more closer that I can feel her warm chest.. she's enjoying my's written all over her. me ¶¶¶¶¶" stop the threat..I believed you can't hurt me..why did you get me living in your house at first if you don't care about me.. see am tired of pretending.. I have feelings for you... I have never feel like this for my life.. I don't fancy women but you changed my perspective... you're a good woman.. and a blessing to your man.. you're very beautiful... allow me into your life"" I can't believe I said that to her though it comes from my heart but I don't think it's wise letting her know my feelings.. remembering what makes Vivian betray the man she loves make me scared that I poured out my heart to her..I can prevent it from could turn to grievance and hatred if not handled. I also remember how love makes young chow to surrender to the enemies when the prince of the court captured his woman the heaven Doctor yue sueo.. what of the story of Samson from the bible.this do makes me scared but the passion were too strong . Tina¶¶¶¶ ("silent") ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ me¶¶¶¶ "believe me my dear.. am in love with trying to prevent it because I don't think we're made to be, but fate brought us together.. I came to your country for greener pastures later found myself into this risky adventures.i never planned to love you and I can't help it.."" ¶¶¶¶¶¶ Tina's SIDE OF THE STORY ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ This is a dream come true,I can't believe what I heard.. he's prophecing his love to me.. he sounds convincing and genuine. from the very first day I met him at the hospital as a psycho I know that he's for me.. He's tall dark and handsome..I love black men .we the white folks believes they can play in the other room very well. though widely believed that they confess love to the white folks just to acquire documents while they have a wife back home..He sounds like he's saying the truth but I have to ask him to satisfy my curiosity.i want him to assured me that am covered..I want him to promise he will always be there for me..I want him to show me undiluted love..mine is sure already. ¶¶¶¶ Tina, " you sound convincing.. if I give you my heart please be careful with it.. hope you're not catching cruise with me. anyway..I love you more.. I feel bad seeing you close to that Fatima Jinnah.. please be my man alone I can't afford to share you with another.. from the bottom of my heart I love you and will always do.."" that's what I like about this white women they don't pretend no stress a man..once she likes you she will make a move..if you make the first move she will make it easier for long talking no taxes..nor showering her with gifts me¶¶¶ "your heart is safe with me.. please be my guardian angel.. I will lord your life"" Tina¶¶ "be my king and saviour am ready to be your queen" ¶¶¶¶ I can't control the urge to kiss anymore. she closed her eyes and lift her lips for me making it easier for me to kiss her passionately..I felt heaven on earth the sensation send my head spinning and whirling. I have never felt like this before.. this is my first kiss.. from normal kiss to wet kiss. I keep digging deeper with my tongue. she held me tightly moaning. I can't believe what we're doing.. I don't want this to migrate to other room.. and I can't stop myself,the sensation were to good to stop.. I can see lust in her eyes.. I tried to break away from her but she pinion me to the wall. rubbing my chest with her palm.. she then migrate to my abdomen gently and steadily increasing her tempo . she keep moaning to my ears. it turns me on. she's too horning that I tried to stop her.. just then my phone rang.. (thank to my stars) it keep ringing that I have no other option than to answer.. I brought my phone and it happens to be no other than my elder sister... the caller¶¶¶ ¶¶¶} "" she's dead"" me¶¶¶ ¶¶¶ "what! who? the caller ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ "am sorry we lost her,I tried to safe her but failed" oh my God! why now? to be continued...
30 Nov 2021 | 12:43
Sorry for the late update
30 Nov 2021 | 12:44
Episode 17 continuous from the last episode I can't say no to normal circumstances I don't tolerate women but in her case am hopeless was this love? please is this how people love? ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ Since I moved in here, it's from one trouble to other. it could be well described as per hour one problem.. some time I thought she's that woman for me but same the fact that my mumsy never encourage us marrying white folks makes me sick..but I have to be a man of my own.. I deserve peace.. all I want is peace and stability race doesn't really matter,but religion matters to me. when the world is too tattered, too rugged, too complicated then you have to run to love will give you a moment of peace also could run you crazy.. standing with Tina my heart found peace.. love will make us feel warm and friendly gesture but hate will make us cautious, it took away peace and happiness from us.. there's a saying that love is to be enjoyed but atimes it's not going as expected, you could crushing on a woman and she crush on another person.. if you're lucky you both will crush at each other.. should I say am lucky or cursed? sometimes it lasts in love sometimes it hurts instead.. am really scared about that emotions.. those kind special feelings towards that particular person.. but I was caught unaware.. how I end here,I can't explain.. neither could I stopped it from happening. my first night with Tina was terrific and horrible..fear grip on me . am very scared and some touch of excitement.. I was scared that some bad guys could harm us, excited that she treats me with respect and trust. she played a wife role best..if this were a movie she will win price grammar award..( best wife on screen 2021) my life is going to the area am not certain how it ends..I sense disaster and doom. but only a matter of time.. only time can tell where the road leads.. what will become of me... what if I failed Ruquia? what if I got killed at the process. what's my gain.. how will my brother,my family and friends view me.. I wonder how the news paper will carry the news,the head line could be.....goes like this.......{} A man dies for nothing trying to help a dead girl he ended up running from..{} I can imagine how people will feel, laughed and mock my family.. What legacy am I going to left for my unborn children.. am not even married,if I died now.. I have no clue what will become of me.. is God really happy and in support of me.. what if Ruquia is being controlled by a demon..what if her soul is being controlled by the evil spirits.. so many questions piled up on my head,I cracked my brain to get honest and wise answers but it seems like my brain is overwhelmed with lots of processing data.. I feared it could got burnt one day..hmm that could lead to only but madness. like a moron I obliged and moved all the items inside the house.. she leads the way directing me were to keep each and every thing. I wonder what she's thinking when she suggested I moved in with her.. how can a man and a woman lived together.that absurd . I think she's obsessed with me. it's written over her.. my only concern is my adventures with my Ruquia. after arranging and putting the house together..I took the soap she bought for me and went inside the washroom.. the weather is really not encouraging.. very cold here.. I unclad myself and went inside the shower not after mixing my hot water.. the shower,showers my face and I pray the water washed my tears and worries away.. I wish it could wash away my sorrows. my heart become heavy when I remembered my encanter with Jack at the grand plaza hotel..we narrowly escaped death.. I feel for Fatima Jinnah.. I could imagine the trauma Zita will face if it happened.. i cried for my soul.. sooner am done with bathing I tied my towel and went inside the room I found myself towards the wardrobe.. I clad myself in a short and a thick Polo.. I took the remote and on the heater . I wonder what's taking too long. she supposed to show face . maybe I will join her there .I need to makes her feel comfortable with me before everything spoilt.i stand and found my way towards the kitchen couldn't find her,I migrates to the sitting room yet no sight of her. I moved out side and find her moping at the flowers planted at the small garden.from the look of things, she's absent minded. I stand beside her yet she couldn't noticed me.. she's too engrossed with whatever she's thinking..I hugged her from behind. it seems she enjoyed it,I can sense that already.she let me hold her longer than i planned.i can feel her warm body.her long hair is beautiful and smells good. ¶¶Tina's side of the story¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶{}{}{}¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ only you fit hold my heart,am loosing my loving him badly..I need a kiss from him to calm my nerves..I want no body accept him..mere looking at him brought joy and happiness.. I wonder how he will view me...a desperate woman? I don't care..I want him badly.. when he opened the door for me . I feel special,,like a queen..ever since I got a heart broken from several men..I decided to gave up on love..I vowed to remain single that I always keep myself busy during dangerous work..this I thought will scare men away from me..I thought I will find happiness but instead I got depression. I have no love life is a mess. but my perspective change when I met him perhaps he's the one,that special person for mind, body and soul accepted him. He makes me feel like am flying over the moon. because of him I the sight of him my heart melt..he takes my breath away. I wish and pray he became mine forever. it seem he's a type that don't fancy women. it scared hell out of me ,he didn't notice me anyway.i have to use my powers of being a woman..I will get him thinking about me. I was interrupted by a hand that curled round sends a sweet sensation down my nerves when I discovered who he was.. my dream come true..I just wish this moment will never end..I feel like staying like that till the end of the time. my heart started beating very fast as if it's going to break my ribcage my legs turned into a jelly was unable to carry my body.i let him hold me longer before I break the omnious silent. ¶¶¶¶¶ Tina¶¶¶ ""identify yourself now.."" she said sarcastically.pretending not knowing who hold her.. women love to's in there nature Me ¶¶¶¶¶"don't make a hole on my skulls with your's me"" I said making her to smile she's feeling the vibes. Tina ¶¶¶¶¶" you don't have a name?" she joke.turning to face me.. staring into my eyes.. she pursed then continue "" did you plan taking advantage of me, why are you holding me in that manner.. as your mistress, girlfriend,wife or side chicks? you think you can have carnal knowledge of me...oh you think because I allowed you to sleep in my house that a vise to got intimacy with me.. let me go now , otherwise I make a hole in your skull now.." she threatened yet not making any attempt to got free from my hug, instead she came more closer that I can feel her warm chest.. she's enjoying my's written all over her. me ¶¶¶¶¶" stop the threat..I believed you can't hurt me..why did you get me living in your house at first if you don't care about me.. see am tired of pretending.. I have feelings for you... I have never feel like this for my life.. I don't fancy women but you changed my perspective... you're a good woman.. and a blessing to your man.. you're very beautiful... allow me into your life"" I can't believe I said that to her though it comes from my heart but I don't think it's wise letting her know my feelings.. remembering what makes Vivian betray the man she loves make me scared that I poured out my heart to her..I can prevent it from could turn to grievance and hatred if not handled. I also remember how love makes young chow to surrender to the enemies when the prince of the court captured his woman the heaven Doctor yue sueo.. what of the story of Samson from the bible.this do makes me scared but the passion were too strong . Tina¶¶¶¶ ("silent") ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ me¶¶¶¶ "believe me my dear.. am in love with trying to prevent it because I don't think we're made to be, but fate brought us together.. I came to your country for greener pastures later found myself into this risky adventures.i never planned to love you and I can't help it.."" ¶¶¶¶¶¶ Tina's SIDE OF THE STORY ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ This is a dream come true,I can't believe what I heard.. he's prophecing his love to me.. he sounds convincing and genuine. from the very first day I met him at the hospital as a psycho I know that he's for me.. He's tall dark and handsome..I love black men .we the white folks believes they can play in the other room very well. though widely believed that they confess love to the white folks just to acquire documents while they have a wife back home..He sounds like he's saying the truth but I have to ask him to satisfy my curiosity.i want him to assured me that am covered..I want him to promise he will always be there for me..I want him to show me undiluted love..mine is sure already. ¶¶¶¶ Tina, " you sound convincing.. if I give you my heart please be careful with it.. hope you're not catching cruise with me. anyway..I love you more.. I feel bad seeing you close to that Fatima Jinnah.. please be my man alone I can't afford to share you with another.. from the bottom of my heart I love you and will always do.."" that's what I like about this white women they don't pretend no stress a man..once she likes you she will make a move..if you make the first move she will make it easier for long talking no taxes..nor showering her with gifts me¶¶¶ "your heart is safe with me.. please be my guardian angel.. I will lord your life"" Tina¶¶ "be my king and saviour am ready to be your queen" ¶¶¶¶ I can't control the urge to kiss anymore. she closed her eyes and lift her lips for me making it easier for me to kiss her passionately..I felt heaven on earth the sensation send my head spinning and whirling. I have never felt like this before.. this is my first kiss.. from normal kiss to wet kiss. I keep digging deeper with my tongue. she held me tightly moaning. I can't believe what we're doing.. I don't want this to migrate to other room.. and I can't stop myself,the sensation were to good to stop.. I can see lust in her eyes.. I tried to break away from her but she pinion me to the wall. rubbing my chest with her palm.. she then migrate to my abdomen gently and steadily increasing her tempo . she keep moaning to my ears. it turns me on. she's too horning that I tried to stop her.. just then my phone rang.. (thank to my stars) it keep ringing that I have no other option than to answer.. I brought my phone and it happens to be no other than my elder sister... the caller¶¶¶ ¶¶¶} "" she's dead"" me¶¶¶ ¶¶¶ "what! who? the caller ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ "am sorry we lost her,I tried to safe her but failed" oh my God! why now? to be continued...
30 Nov 2021 | 12:45
Ha! so sorry for that
1 Dec 2021 | 07:35
Such a very very bad news. But what's the matter behind her death
1 Dec 2021 | 07:37
1 Dec 2021 | 13:00
Is it your Mom or who? Next please
2 Dec 2021 | 10:25
CHRONICLES OF RUQUIA (MY ADVENTURES WITH THE DEAD) Episode 18 continuous from the last episode... we keep kissing and cuddling I wanted to stop but the sensation were overwhelming. I was helpless until my phone rudely interrupted us.. the caller ""she's dead! after struggling to save her...she died"" the caller happens to be no other than my sister.. it have been long we spoke last on the phone..since she married our communication comes to an end.its normal she has to be committed to her husband and the new home. she has been with me since birth so I really understand her situation.. ¶¶¶¶¶ me ¶¶¶ " what ? who died?"" the caller "(silent) I can hear her sobbing...she tried to comport herself bought her voice not coming forth.. after too many battle she conquer her emotions found her voice. she answered¶¶¶ ""our second sister is dead she died through childbirth.. we lost both the baby and her .. her husband is attempting suicide"" I heard he loved her so much then,that time I was wondering how powerful is love. I wish am around to talk man to man to him. so he wanted to die and left there children to suffer? that's not a wise decision very foolish he could think of taking his life. no matter how bad the situation seem to be,life is a precious gift from God. I wonder why that filthy idea could pop into some Psycho.maybe it's a demon that make people think that the only way out is dead.. I heard depression could lead to suicide. but that's a story for another day. me "what!? I shouted with a loud voice why now?"" I asked a rhetorical question.. she couldn't control her emotions that she started crying again.. I remember my sister telling me she's pregnant..she even said I Will be the godfather when she took him to the church for baptism.. without knowing she's not going to make it.. death is still a mystery to I wish that people will see it coming- that could prevent people from going to hell? that's sounds absurd... perhaps it's better we never saw it coming as to be always prepared..God knows the best ;;;the phrase that religious people love to say always. I remember promising her all the good things life could I wouldn't be able to do that.. I felt bad and bitter..I wish I could raise her from the death_no body hasbthe power to resurrect the dead except him that's to come to judge the earth according to the religious beliefs (Christians) {}{}{}={}{}{}{}{}{} flash back (During the time of my childhood she loves to carry me on her back.. she too use to feed me.. always fond of me. she will take me round the village. village picnics in a low profile.. she loves to give me meat I mean plenty meat.our parents were not surprised about our closiness,they believe it's a result of the incarnation..haha sometimes culture could be funny and hurious it could be well described and illustrated like this=am her pet. she can slap prefect even the teacher for my sake, she can dive into the river for my sake.. who are you to look for my trouble then.. I remember when she fought for me then one boy like that insulted my sister calling her ugliest monster.. reason is that his elder brother woo my sister and she rejected him.. because of that he started calling her names to the extend of making his siblings involved in the first my sister ignored him until it becomes unbearable for her that she cried.been a rugged boy I understand that those names they're calling my sister is hurting her deeply so I reacted.. that faithful day I planned my attack.. I decided to launch my attack unaware. I sneak out of the house and climb a mango tree,not after taking sour soup mixed with pigs excrement. my mixture really brought out offensive smells but I managed to rap it on a white waterproof.for my sister I can do anything. I remember when dad told me to always defend and protect my sisters when I grown into a man..he also told me that no small man..every male is a I surmon courage and hit him badly.. I did my calculations excellently.. there's a root he normally use to pass every evening to set his traps. I decided to hide on top of the tree ahead of him waiting patiently.. though my concoction smell badly I endured . like I prayed I sight him.i took him by surprise when he whistle on his way to the bush.. with all my force I throw my concoction on him.. it bursted on his head and dripped down his body..the smell almost shoke him. I enjoyed watching him struggling to breathe.. some went through his mouth.. that he started vomiting..I came down from the tree and laughed at him telling him the sin he committed also warning him to stay away from my sister otherwise he should expect the worst attack before he could remove the ones in his eyes to catch me I have fled serves him right.. the next day I say his siblings same age with me carrying garri on his head.. I launched my attacks from the behind with a powerful blow that sent him flying.. he falls on the ground with his garri which became same with the sand... I laughed at him and warn him to tell his brother to stay off my sister... the following day he made a mistake of his life by trying to beat my he hit her pushing her down staying on top to finish her two old woman that's coming back to the market mistook it to a rape and raised alarm.. before he could say a word the elderly men and youth have round him up..since my sister dress is torn apart every one believes he attended to rape her.the mass beat hell out him..that day he lost two teeth.. a blow were coming from every angle that he fainted.. they almost set him ablaze before the police arrived.. earlier I told dad what happened between me and him.. my dad decided to call police to arrest him for molestation and torture. now police caught him at the wrong place. the police even give me credit.. my sister were amazed when dad told him what transpired between us.. she hugged me carrying me almost to our house..I was happy to see my sister gives me happiness that no body will dare to harm her again.. because of this I became popular at the village.. mothers used me to give examples to their children about siblings love..) ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶ ¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶¶}¶¶} she switched the phone to my mum we spoke and I console her trying to be strong..she thanked me , asking when am coming back..I told her when the burial is fixed they should sent me the date. she reminded me of getting married.i obliged promising to marry as soon as possible.. though I promised her but I don't have any plans of getting married sooner.. I say it to end the conversation. she thank me again and the line went dead.. ****** ****** ****** the present after that bad news I wept throughout the night..our supposed happy moments turned into something else.. it really hurts Tina.. she held my hand and making me rest my head at her chest.. it feels really good.. I narrates all the past with my sister to her Tina "" my love it's ok.. stop crying you're hurting me. everything will be alright. just be strong my baby. men don't cry..I will always stand by you till the end"" she kissed me and cuddle me. I keep staring into her eyes. I couldn't deny the fact that this girl really love me..I don't think I deserve her marry her will be a hard not to break..mum will not be ok with village people will never believed that I married her because of love instead they will say I marry her to get green card. Me (silent) looking at her into her eyes.. I can see love in there...I mean genuine love..she meant every word she said.. tears escaped her eyes which landed on my mouth.. she hold me tight as if am going to ran away.. I don't know where this road is heading to, I have decided to face the reality and take everything that will come to me as a man. my phone rang and it happen to be Fatima Jinnah I have a mixed feelings unable to answer her that I gave it to Tina to answer.. Fatima Jinnah "" ifediri my office have been hacked and ransacked.. the people we hired to work with us were fake...that guy is a betrayal"" Tina "" what you mean the took the real database?"" Fatima Jinnah "" yes...jack recommended that for us. he agreed to alliance with us to save his life"" Tin "" we're finished.. no evidence again to use.. what's happening? why is everyone joining evil... jack have use our brains:: I will deal with jack, he will pay with his blood:: she hang the call and looking worried.. I blame myself for trusting that guy oh jack..why did you betrayed us.. I have really messed up the plan it's over for us? my adventures? what if he didn't betray us? what if he got other plans? what if his own adventure just started? to be continued
12 Dec 2021 | 07:13
Sorry for the late update I have troubles logging in since a week now
12 Dec 2021 | 07:15
Carry on
12 Dec 2021 | 12:01
13 Dec 2021 | 18:25
Human beings are not to trust
14 Dec 2021 | 07:29


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