CLV Magazine 2nd edition 19/08/2016

CLV Magazine 2nd edition 19/08/2016

By Dee in 19 Aug 2016 | 09:18
Dee Alabi[@adura]

Dee Alabi[@adura]

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Hello Dearest Coolvallers

It feels good being with you again! I can't tell you how excited i am to write to you all. I want to start by thanking God and other CLV Magazine crew members for the privilege to come up with another edition of this magazine. I am happy to announce to you that this is the 2nd edition of the magazine and on the front page of the magazine is the brain behind the MISS and MR Coolval competition[/b] [color =green]Durodola Olawale Yusuff [d9ty7][/color]
[b] Just as you know its a magazine for coolval and it consist of lots of interesting sections like: Motivational talk
Relationship talk
International news
Sports news
Entertainment news
Health talk
Food update
Interview section
Short stories
Fashion tips
All these are educating and interesting,so as not to keep you in suspense stay tuned and enjoy...
[color =red]CLV MAGAZINE CREW[/color]

[b]To get the first edition..please click here..[/b]

[color =purple][i]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/i][/color]
19 Aug 2016 | 09:18
[b]***MOTIVATIONAL TALK BY TENNIEBENSON***[/b] [b][color =red]YES YOU CAN[/color][/b] . . . . [b]The world has become a place where we all strive to make an impact.. A place where survival of the fittest seems to be for the strong..while the weak keeps wallowing in self pity.. . Have you been in self bondage or denial? Have you been told you can amount to nothing? Do you have reason(s) to doubt your existence? Do you at any time curse the day you were born? Are you scared of relating with everyone? Do you prefer to stay hidden in your shell? Are you scared of been rejected? . It is time to get up and do that which you see as impossible..even the word says.. I'm Possible.. Forget that which people say.. Let go of all your worries and self pity.. Buckle up yourself and lift up your are more than what you think you are.. Do you ever meditate on what God said? He said he created you in his own image.. Isn't that more than enough to tell you that you are unique in all ways? . Lack of self esteem does nothing than destroy one's plan and ambition.. You can do what that other person can do.. They are not supernatural.. The only difference between an ordinary man and an extraordinary man is the extra attached to it..and of cause you can develop that extra.. . The sky is wide enough for all birds to fly.. Never you think low of yourself.. You are are wonderful and special.. Someone somewhere wishes to be just like you.. Get up and say good things to yourself.. Why should you be sad when you have potentials in you? You have all it takes to excel.. All you need to come out of your shell and say.. "YES I CAN".. . The secret of success is this..when faced with obstacles.. Say to yourself.. "If I cannot do it..who can?... And after succeeding.. Say to yourself.. "If I can do it..who can't?"... That is the most humble word you can ever say.. . No one can love you if you fail to love yourself... Even the commandment says.. Love your neighbour as yourself...which literally means you need to love yourself first.. . If anyone tell you that you have nothing to offer.. Smile at them.. Because wisdom is not for the foolish... If they see nothing good in you.. Hug them and say.. "Life is truly difficult for the blind".. . The letter O stands for Opportunity.. It is absent in yesterday.. But present in tOday and TOmOrrOw... So my friend.. There are so many things you can achieve by letting go of your past and embracing your today..and tomorrow.. . . YES YOU CAN DO IT!!!! . . . .[/b] . . . [i][color =purple]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/color][/i]
19 Aug 2016 | 09:25
[b]RELATIONSHIP TALK BY PHARM VICKY MEARS [color =red]How To Keep Love Alive In A Relationship[/color] . . . . Love is true, but yet, it is fickle. Long lasting love has to evolve and grow over the years, and at times it takes a few unique measures too. Knowing how to keep love alive in a relationship can seem easy, but it’s actually more difficult that most lovers imagine. Most couples assume they don’t need to have intimate conversations or exchange thoughts about each other’s views on life because they already know everything about their partner. But what many don’t understand is that we grow and evolve as individuals constantly, and our likes, dislikes and opinions too change all the time. AFFECTION AND SEXUAL DESIRE: As long as we can keep these two emotions on a high, love too can be kept alive and exciting. AVOID TAKING EACH OTHER FOR GRANTED: One of the disadvantages of long term relationships is the fact that lovers start to take each other for granted. They assume they know their partner’s likes and dislikes and end up making a lot of assumptions, which can be critically wrong at times. On the other hand, even favors and special gestures are taken for granted as the years go by. If a husband prepares a breakfast-in-bed for his wife every Sunday morning for a few months, it’s a special gesture at the beginning. But as the months go by and the husband decides to sleep in one Sunday morning, the wife ends up getting upset that she wasn’t served her breakfast. Likewise, there may be several other kinds of special gestures that lovers share with each other which can eventually be taken for granted. By taking these gestures for granted, nothing really becomes a special gesture anymore. Instead it becomes an obligation. Always remember to acknowledge a gesture, however small it may be if you want to understand the secret behind knowing how to keep love alive in a relationship. By taking each other for granted, be it an evening foot rub or a big birthday bash, you’retaking away the affection behind a gesture, and turning it into an obligation. If you want to keep the love alive in your relationship, acknowledge the gestures and never ever take your partner for granted. SURPRISE EACH OTHER: Remember the first year of your relationship? Both of you went out of your way to buy eachother birthday gifts, and every now and then you popped in a surprise just to see your lover smile in surprise. Do you still do that? In almost all cases, couples stop paying attention to happy surprises after a few years. We want to keep the love alive in a relationship, but almost all of us stop doing anything to keep the relationship exciting andunique. It doesn’t matter if it is concert tickets, a surprise vacation or even a posse of flowers. Go out of your way to make your partner feel special like you used to, and you’ll see that the relationship will only get more exciting and affectionate in no time. CELEBRATE SPECIAL OCCASIONS: Pay attention to relationship landmarks and special occasions in the relationship. Many Valentine’s Days, anniversaries and birthdays may come and go, but that doesn’t mean you should ignore them because you have so many special moments all year round.Try to make every year exciting and special inits own way. And wherever possible, try to goout of your way to make your partner feel special. You may lose a few hours or a couple of days planning something special, but the fact that you still try to please your partner and make them feel special is a sure sign that you’re taking an initiative to keep the love alive in the relationship.As long as you give enough importance to affection and sexual desire in a relationship, it’s a great assurance that the flame of love will burn bright in your relationship for years to come. KEEP SEX EXCITING: Now am directly talking to the married couples. Sexual desire is by far, one of the most important requirements of a happy romantic relationship. If you want to know how to keeplove alive, then your best bet is to focus on a more than satisfying sex life.Can you remember the first time you got intimate with your partner? It may be a while ago, but you can’t really forget the racing heartbeats, the passionate cold sweat and the weak knees, can you?Now just because it’s been a few years since you’ve been together, there’s really no reason why sex can’t remain exciting and heart pounding. Most people want to know how to keep love alive, but yet they don’t really pay attention to sexual attraction between the partners. Humans are built for procreation, we’re one of the few species on earth that indulge in sex for pleasure. All of us want and need sex,irrespective of whether we get to have it with a partner or someone else. So if you really want to keep your love life on a high, you really have to understand the importance of sex in a relationship, and how vital a role it plays in holding two individuals together in a romantic relationship.You may have been satisfied doing the missionary position or making love in a quiet bedroom for years until both of you start to get bored with each other bodies. But you can change all that in a few weeks. Start doing something new and exciting, be it indulging in a few fantasies or trying new things in bed or finding new places to make love with each other. It may feel awkward at first, but you’ll be able to have a more satisfying and fulfilling romantic life if you can satisfy your inbuilt sexual urges. EXPLORE EACH OTHER'S SEXUAL INTEREST: If you want to understand how to keep love alive in a relationship, you need to understand your partner, both romantically and sexually. Individuals and their interests, sexually or otherwise, change over the years. Do you really understand your partner and their sexual interests? In several cases, partners may be reluctant to share their secret sexual interests becauseof the fear of being judged negatively in a relationship. And instead of actually enjoying a great sex life, they end up dissatisfied and shrink further away from intimacy. To keep love alive and keep the sexual intimacy on a high even as the years pass by, you need to take a few bold decisions. Speak with your partner about their sexual fantasiesand what excites them in bed, be it a sexual fetish or a sexual fantasy. You have to remember that we’re all human, and just like we enjoy expressing our love in our own ways, sexual desires too are unique and can be enjoyed better in its own ways. . . . . Try these simple tips on keeping love alive and you’ll be able to see the difference in no time, and enjoy a better love life that’s strong on communication. Remember that knowing how to keep love alive in a relationship even after years of being together can be simple if you learn to understand your partner, and keep affection and sexual satisfaction on a high. . . . [color =indigo]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/color][/b]
19 Aug 2016 | 10:51
[b]INTERNATIONAL NEWS BY SAMNOLIMIT[/b] [color=blue][b]Top 5 most egregious anti-Israel headlines in the international media[/b][/color] [b]Major news outlets all over the world have been accused of using unfair headlines when it comes to Israel. Israel supporters have said for years that there is an international media bias against the Jewish state. This bias, they say, is reflected in erroneous headlines that downplay Israeli victims and always make Israel appear to be the aggressor. Over the years, several headlines from major international news organizations have sparked an uproar, and have many times been changed or taken down after numerous complaints. Here our some of the most well-publicized instances of the anti-Israel bias playing out in media headlines: 1) Following a terror attack in Tel Aviv's Sarona market on July 8 that left four people dead and 16 wounded, CNN inspired outrage with its headline when it put the word "terrorists" in quotations on its Facebook page. Additionally, the news outlet failed to mention terrorism even once in the article reporting the ordeal. Similarly, the British news network SKY also neglected to use the word "terror" or "terrorism" in their report of the attack at Sarona. The BBC's headline, "Tel Aviv shooting: Three killed in attack in shopping center" was also markedly void of the keywords. The Telegraph as well as the Guardian also labeled the terror attack as a "shooting" incident in their headlines. CNN swiftly removed the tweet and issued an apology via Twitter, calling their use of quotation marks around the word terrorist in their news headline "a mistake." "The attacks were, without question, terrorist attacks," the news agency said in a press release. 2) After a terrorist attack in Jerusalem in which two Palestinian attackers tried to stab police and were shot, CBS described the incident on it's website with the following headline in a story about the attack: “3 Palestinians killed as daily violence grinds on.” Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon said the original headline was “biased and dishonest,” and an example of “unparalleled chutzpah," and the network later changed the headline to “Israeli police kill 3 alleged Palestinian attackers.” 3) After a Terrorist attack at a Jerusalem synagogue in November of 2014, CNN ran the story with the headline “4 Israelis, 2 Palestinians dead in Jerusalem," failing to note that the two Palestinians were the terrorists. However, in a separate reporting gaffe, CNN superimposed their preliminary coverage of the terror attack with the headline: "Deadly attack on Jerusalem mosque." 4) After a stabbing attack in April 2015, Al Jazeera English tweeted "Palestinian shot dead after fatal stabbing in Jerusalem; 2 Israeli victims also killed." The network later apologized saying it regretted "the wording of a tweet posted regarding an attack in Jerusalem" after receiving a wave of criticism from their audience. 5) Reporting on the ongoing violence on the Temple-Mount, the AFP and the Daily Mail both wrote on Monday a story with the headline "Jordan slams Israel after radical Jews visit Islamic holy site," failing to mention the site's significance to the Jewish religion and the historical fact that two Jewish Temples sat atop the temple for over a thousand years.[/b] . . . . . . . . .[b][I][color=purple]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/color][/I][/b]
19 Aug 2016 | 10:58
[b]SPORT. NEWS. BY ADRINO (Sport Governor)[/b] [b]Man Utd, Saints in Friday night battle 19 August 2016, 14:04 Jose Mourinho has urged Manchester United's players and supporters to reconnect and bring the fear factor back to Old Trafford as he prepares for his first home game in charge against Southampton on Friday Conte, Costa will maintain their passion 19 August 2016, 14:38 Chelsea's new manager Antonio Conte has no intention of diluting the passion that caused him to leap into the crowd to celebrate Chelsea's late winning goal in his first Premier League game on Monday. He is taking the same attitude to volatile striker Diego Costa, scorer of that goal, who some observers felt should have been sent off earlier in the game. Hart can leave Man City - Pep 19 August 2016, 15:35 Manchester City manager Pep Guardiola will not stand in Joe Hart's way if the out-of-favour goalkeeper decides to leave the club, he said on Friday. Guardiola has left Hart on the bench for City's first two games of the season, with Willy Caballero starting instead, and is reportedly close to signing Claudio Bravo from his former club, Barcelona. Motta advises Matuidi to stay at PSG 19 August 2016, 14:00 Paris Saint-Germain's Thiago Motta advised fellow midfielder Blaise Matuidi not to leave Paris on Friday, after Juventus had expressed interest in the 29-year-old. "We have a good relationship with Blaise, and if he asks my advice I would definitely recommend that he stays in Paris," said Motta during a press conference. Barcelona hit by injuries before opener 19 August 2016, 02:52 Javier Mascherano has joined the queue to the Camp Nou treatment room with champions Barcelona hit by a spate of injuries before they begin the new season in La Liga against Betis on Saturday. Luis Enrique's side paid a high price for winning the Spanish Super Cup against Sevilla, with captain Andres Iniesta and defenders Jeremy Mathieu and Mascherano sustaining injuries over the two legs that will keep them out of Saturday's game. Benfica break Portuguese transfer record 19 August 2016, 13:30 Attacking midfielder Rafa Silva, who was crowned champion of Europe with Portugal during the summer, has just signed a five-year deal with Portuguese giants Benfica. Benfica broke the Portuguese transfer record to table a £13 million (approximately R230 million) deal for the Sporting Braga man, completing the most expensive transfer in Portuguese history. now to Olympic Bolt wins third successive 200m gold 19 August 2016, 03:42 Usain Bolt won a third successive Olympic 200m gold on Thursday to keep alive his hopes of an unprecendented "triple triple" in Rio. The victory in his favoured event was Bolt's 13th individual world or Olympic sprint title from a possible 14 since he took athletics by storm at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The 29-year Jamaican timed 19.78 seconds for gold. Canadian Andre de Grasse took silver with 20.02sec and France's Christophe Lemaitre won bronze (20.12). Rank me among sport's greats - Bolt 19 August 2016, 07:40 History-maker Usain Bolt said he deserves to be among sport's all-time greats after romping to a third straight Olympic 200m gold. With a third consecutive sweep of the 100m, 200m and relay sprints in sight on Friday, the world's fastest man argued that he should be in the pantheon of sporting heroes with Pele, Muhammad Ali and Michael Phelps. "I am trying to be one of the greatest. Be among Ali and Pele," he declared in the seconds after the win.[/b] . [i][color =purple]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/color][/i]
19 Aug 2016 | 11:14
[b]ENTERTAINMENT NEWS BY SKOOKUM[/b] [b]Yong John The Wicked Producer Gets First International Recognition As He Get Endorsed By T-Pain Young John, real name Udomboso John Saviours, was ranked number three in The NET ‘s list of Nigeria’s Top 7 Biggest Music Producers. He was also nominated at the 2015 Nigeria Entertainment Awards and Headies for ‘Producer of the Year.’ He has worked with the likes of Olamide, Jaywon, Davido, Reminisce and Lil Kesh The Wicked Producer’ has just recorded a noteworthy milestone in his career. The 21-year-old, who is best known for producing Olamide’s Story for the Gods, was commended by American rapper, T-pain early this morning. Young John had remixed T-pain’s Whatever I want , spicing it up with some Afrobeat tempo and the rapper shared it on his Instagram page today, captioning it with the fire emoticon. Young John, who is one of the youngest in the game, was also featured on American website,Mass Appeal where it was revealed that he had worked with American music producers and DJ duo, Classixx on the song. The magazine praised Young John’s work and stated that they see this remix being added to DJ playlists around the world. YBNL’s Olamide also took to instagram to praise the producer with the simple caption: ‘Wickedest (2)Singer, Burna Boy blasts fan who said his announcement to quit music was another public stunt. The singer announced his exit from music, citing that his upcoming concert would be a good way to draw the curtains on his music career. “Thinking of quitting music for real after the 1st of October maybe. My 1/10/16 concert in London would be a great way to say goodbye though. On d contrary it will only be d beginning of new levels unlocked”. He said “Its way bigger than I can fully explain on a tweet, so f**k me and my tweets its way bigger than life itself. I would quit if it was just me but I got bruddas that’s died for this and I got people who took their undying love for me to d grave”. After the singer made the revelation, there have been mixed responses from fans. One of them mocked him saying “Burnaboy dirty PR stunt. All your songs sound the same anyway #boyybye”. Burna Boy however replied the fan angrily that “you obviously don’t know my music, how do u even see my tweets? U dnt follow me or nun, ur life must b shit dnt @ me!”. See tweets below: [img][/img] [img][/img] (3)SHOCKER!!! Justin Bieber Deletes His Instagram Account (See Why) Justin Bieber has made good on his promise as he deletes his Instagram account. Trolls and social media villains who are fond of sitting at home and writing spiteful comments have caused one of pop culture’s favorite singer to delete his account after they made mockery of his new relationship with Sophie Richie. He had written, ”I’m gonna make my Instagram private if you guys don’t stop the hate this is getting out of hand, if you guys are really fans you wouldn’t be so mean to people that I like.” Justin whose followers were over seventy million begged his followers to stop being mean to people he likes as nice people weren’t supposed to have such evil tendencies but his request was met with scorn. One troll wrote, “It’s funny how he’s willing to stand up for her but where was he when Selena is still getting hate and we beliebers are out here defending him and getting made fun of for supporting him I don’t even know who he is anymore where’s the old Justin where’s the Justin that cared for us beliebers and isn’t a complete D!ck to us.” Even with his threat to make his account private, they still didn’t take him serious as one user penned, “PUT IN PRIVATE BI**H! I DON’T LIKE HER! I WON’T START TO LIKE HER NOW! SHE CAN MAKE YOU HAPPY, BUT LOOK WHAT YOU’RE DOING! I HATE HER! #ripbeliebers” Bieber has proven he isn’t one to make empty threats as he has deleted his account. Or, did he just have Instagram hide it for a while? Anyway, all it takes is one song and a new account to get them all back. We’ll find out soon. Hit the comment section with your thoughts if Justin Bieber made a mistake deleting his account. (4)Don Jazzy Says Nigerian Music Keeps People Happy Through The Country’s Struggles TheCable recently transcribed an interview Don Jazzy had with the Boiler room at British Council in Lagos. The producer and Mavin record label boss talked about when his interest in Nigerian music piqued (during the Kennis Music era) and that Nigerian music makes people happy even in tough times. “Everyone is struggling; we all have a problem in the country but there are sometimes when we need that peace of mind. “While some people are consciously trying to make you aware of what is going on in the struggle, there should be other people that would keep you happy when you are going through the struggles and that is where we come in.” He also says many American artistes have approached him for collaborations but are ultimately afraid to work with him and fully embrace his Afrobeats sound. “Most of these American artistes would call you, they believe you have something that they like, so they call you to come and try something out”, “A bunch of people that I have tried to work with or have tried to work with me chicken out at the end of the day because they aren’t really ready for the music change; they want me to tweak it till it gets back to their sound. “I can give you your sound, but then, you called me for something and then I try to give to my sound and I want you to do your thing on top of it which would give the sound a wider recognition but they say they aren’t ready for this switch drastically. I think they are still scared.” (5)DB records boss, Oladapo Oyebanjo known as D’banj has disclosed his greatest achievement in life. According to the Kokomaster, his greatest achievement will not be his numerous awards or the hits he has recorded in his career, because his brand D’banj alone is a visible hope. He further emphasized why his brand is a visible hope, citing that it aspires younger generation in the music industry, by them believing that if D’banj can make, they too can make it. ” Before moving down Nigeria from UK, just like every other parent my mum could not mention anybody in music and she ask me ta lo fe fi tie Jo (Meaning in English: Who did you want to take after ) even one person she could think of is Fela”. he said “Though I have respect for Fela as a musician and as a legend but I wanted mine to be different. I wanted to be known that if D’banj can make it I too can make it”. “Am happy that am in Nigeria now, and am seeing a lot of my colleagues in America and London. It’s because of the visible hope they saw for them to follow the trend, because when I went there nothing to hope for but right now they believe in it. Dbanj and Don Jazzy” Read More : (Must Read) Veteran Actor, Pete Edochie Reacts Angrily To Social Media Impersonators “Even I lost my ex partner to it and I even remember sometimes in 2010 my ex partner told me that we don’t need collabo to blow but the fact that am alive to see what God gave me grace to do is greatest achievement for me”.[/b] . . . [color =purple][i]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/i][/color]
19 Aug 2016 | 11:16
[/b]Health Talk[/b] BY RITAGOLD [color=red]Topic:[/color] [b]Menstrual cycle: What's normal, what's not[/b] ¶ Your menstrual cycle can say a lot about your health. Understand how to start tracking your menstrual cycle and what to do about irregularities. Do you know when your last menstrual period began or how long it lasted? If not, it might be time to start paying attention. Tracking your menstrual cycles can help you understand what's normal for you, time ovulation and identify important changes — such as a missed period or unpredictable menstrual bleeding. While menstrual cycle irregularities usually aren't serious, sometimes they can signal health problems. [b]What's the menstrual cycle?[/b] The menstrual cycle is the monthly series of changes a woman's body goes through in preparation for the possibility of pregnancy. Each month, one of the ovaries releases an egg — a process called ovulation. At the same time, hormonal changes prepare the uterus for pregnancy. If ovulation takes place and the egg isn't fertilized, the lining of the uterus sheds Through the Virginia This is a menstrual period. ¶ [b]What's normal?[/b] The menstrual cycle, which is counted from the first day of one period to the first day of the next, isn't the same for every woman. Menstrual flow might occur every 21 to 35 days and last two to seven days. For the first few years after menstruation begins, long cycles are common. However, menstrual cycles tend to shorten and become more regular as you age. Your menstrual cycle might be regular — about the same length every month — or somewhat irregular, and your period might be light or heavy, painful or pain-free, long or short, and still be considered normal. Within a broad range, "normal" is what's normal for you. Keep in mind that use of certain types of contraception, such as extended-cycle birth control pills and intrauterine devices (IUDs), will alter your menstrual cycle. Talk to your health care provider about what to expect. When you get close to menopause, your cycle might become irregular again. However, because the risk of uterine cancer increases as you age, discuss any irregular bleeding around menopause with. your health care provider. ¶ [b]How can I track my menstrual cycle?[/b] To find out what's normal for you, start keeping a record of your menstrual cycle on a calendar. Begin by tracking your start date every month for several months in a row to identify the regularity of your periods. If you're concerned about your periods, then also make note of the following every month: End date. How long does your period typically last? Is it longer or shorter than usual? Flow. Record the heaviness of your flow. Does it seem lighter or heavier than usual? How often do you need to change your sanitary protection? Have you passed any blood clots? Abnormal bleeding. Are you bleeding in between periods? Pain. Describe any pain associated with your period. Does the pain feel worse than usual? Other changes. Have you experienced any changes in mood or behavior? Did anything new happen around the time of change in your periods? Those are the few things you should always take note of. ¶ [b]What causes menstrual cycle irregularities?[/b] Menstrual cycle irregularities can have many different causes, including: Pregnancy or breast-feeding. A missed period can be an early sign of pregnancy. Breast- feeding typically delays the return of menstruation after pregnancy. Eating disorders, extreme weight loss or excessive exercising. Eating disorders — such as anorexia nervosa — extreme weight loss and increased physical activity can disrupt menstruation. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Women with this common endocrine system disorder may have irregular periods as well as enlarged ovaries that contain small collections of fluid — called follicles — located in each ovary as seen during an ultrasound exam. Premature ovarian failure. Premature ovarian failure refers to the loss of normal ovarian function before age 40. Women who have premature ovarian failure — also known as primary ovarian insufficiency — might have irregular or occasional periods for years. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). This infection of the reproductive organs can cause irregular menstrual bleeding. Uterine fibroids. Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus. They can cause heavy menstrual periods and prolonged menstrual periods. ¶ [b]What can I do to prevent menstrual irregularities?[/b] For some women/ ladies, use of birth control pills can help regulate menstrual cycles. Treatment for any underlying problems, such as an eating disorder, also might help. However, some menstrual irregularities can't be prevented. In addition, consult your health care provider if: Your periods suddenly stop for more than 90 days — and you're not pregnant Your periods become erratic after having been regular You bleed for more than seven days You bleed more heavily than usual or soak through more than one pad or tampon every hour or two Your periods are less than 21 days or more than 35 days apart You bleed between periods You develop severe pain during your period You suddenly get a fever and feel sick after using tampons Remember, tracking your menstrual cycle can help you find out what's normal for you and what isn't. If you have questions or concerns about your menstrual cycle, talk to your health care provider. ¶Hv I hope I was able to pass a message to someone. ? [b][color=red]Stay health always![/b][/color]
19 Aug 2016 | 11:19
**FOOD UPDATE BY OLORIVICKY* [b]Ofe Di Na Nwayi (Lovers' soup)[/b] [img][/img] Ofe Di Na Nwayi literally means ''husband and wife soup'' in Igbo language. This Nigerian soup is not so popular among the young easterners of Nigeria (where the soup originated from). it is a traditional ''Lovers soup'' that is served to newly weds as their first meal together, during or right after their traditional marriage. One of the ingredients for Ofe Di Na Nwayi is the ''heart of a cow'' which is said to signify love ☺. This soup can also be served on Valentine's day. Trust me,this is a tasty soup,you'll surely enjoy. [b]Ingredients for Ofe Di Na Nwayi[/b] - Heart of a cow(cut into pieces) (substitute the heart with 10 pieces beef or chicken meat ) - 1 Large sized smoked fish - 1 stockfish head or 2 medium sized pieces stockfish parts - 2 handful Egusi seeds or Ofor or Achi (to thicken the soup) - 2 handful Uziza leaves (some folks use Okazi/ukazi leaves ) - 1 tablespoonful ground Crayfish - 2 cooking spoonful Palm oil - 1 Small onion bulb (chopped) - ground dry pepper/chopped scotch bonnet(atarodo)( to taste ) - 1 stock cube/seasoning cube or seasoning powder - Salt to taste [b]**Food Note: Although Okazi is also used for this soup, I recommend Uziza leaves because it gives the soup a great flavor.[/b] [b]See the difference between Uziza and Okazi/ukazi leaves[/b] * Okazi/Ukazi/Afang Leaf( Gnetum Africanum ) is used for cooking Afang soup and Okazi/Ukazi Soup. The leaves are tough(hard) and glossy and looks more like the leaves of an orange tree. It doesn't really have a distinctive smell,but it has a slightly bitter taste. Some people add it to egusi soup and other vegetable soups. While Some old efik men chew it raw with palm oil due to its medicinal values. * Uziza leaves( false cubeb leaves ) : these leaves are also glossy but has a ''spicy scent''. It is mostly used for cooking Pepper soup , Gi Nmiri Oku(yam pepper soup), egusi soup & Oha/Ora soup. The uziza seed( false cubeb pepper/black peppercorns) is ''hot'' and ''sometimes'' used to get the ''Uziza taste'' in the absence of the leaves. This leaf has a wonderful aroma. * Utazi /Otazi leaves (Gongronema latifolium):This leaf is heart shaped with a somewhat bitter taste( not as bitter as bitter leaf ) and is usually eaten raw. It is mostly used as a garnish for food like African salad(Abacha&Ugba) ,Isiewu and Nkwobi,but also used for soups like Nsala, utazi soup and a special fish and unripe plantain recipe for diabetic patients. Hope these has been able to help you differentiate between these Common Nigerian vegetables. [b]Preparation[/b] - First place the Egusi or Achi or Ofor in a blender and grind until smooth. Set aside for later use - Wash and remove bones from the smoked fish, and Set aside for later use [b]Now how to cook the soup[/b] 1. Wash and season the stock fish and cow heart (or beef ) with chopped onions, stock cube and salt to taste.Cook the meat in it's juice for 5 minutes , then add a little water and leave to cook until tender. 2. Add a cup of water to the cooked meat and stockfish, add the palm oil, ground egusi or achi, ground pepper and ground crayfish; mix thoroughly, and if the consistency is too thick, add more water. Leave to boil for 10- 15 minutes, stirring constantly to prevent burning at the bottom. Tip: if you're using achi, first dissolve in cold water before adding to the soup. 3. Now, add the cleaned smoked fish and the shredded ukazi or uziza leaves. Taste for salt , mix thoroughly and leave to simmer on low heat for 5-10 minutes, depending on the leaf you're using. Then stir thoroughly and put of the heat. Tip: okazi leaves are tough, that is why you have to simmer for up to 10 minutes. Serve your delicious Ofe Di Na Nwayi with pounded yam, fufu, wheat meal,Eba or any swallow of choice. . . . [b]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Team[/b]
19 Aug 2016 | 11:32
[b]INTERVIEW SECTION WITH ENNYLINCOLN[/b] . . . [b]"I'm not Romantic"[/b] . . . . . / / / / Good day readers, last edition we brought to you an exclusive interview with our newly crowned Miss coolval, Nwobodo promise (@Promzy). I'm sure you guys picked a few facts from that interview. Also I made a post last week asking you to guess the name of our next guest, unfortunately no one came near guessing right. On On this edition as you have read in the editor's note, CLV MAGAZINE's Ennylincoln had a discussion with @d9ty7. Enjoy the all-telling interview below . . . . . . . . . . Clv magazine : Who's D9ty7? D9: Well, D9ty7 is 'a coat of many colors.' He is a political scientists and analyst, a writer, a football and analyst and a business person. Durodola Olawale is the name Clv: Before we delve into your various capacities, where are you from? D9: I am from the state of Osun, but born and bred in the city of Ibadan, the Oyo state capital. Somewhere in the Southwest, Nigeria Clv: As a writer, how many stories do you have on shelve till date? D9: I hate mathematics so I couldn't count them. But from the completed ones to the ones at halfway, to the ones in their inceptions, to the new ideas and the short stories; we should be nearing forty or fifty. Clv: Wow that's a huge number, Talking about the completed ones, which story would you say is the most widely read and accepted and which one do you think shot you to limelight? D9: I have said it in public discourse and private conversations, it is non other but All in a circle. The readers call it AIAC. The story that made readers reach out to me, send recharge cards among other things to show their appreciation Clv: All in a circle was truly massive, what inspired that blockbuster, the plot, the characters and everything? D9: I was in my room writing a story titled; The detective with the original plot of a police detective(Inspector Clement) investigating the death of a group of friends on campus when I heard a sound of gunshot for the tv set in the living room. I went to check out the sound and saw a movie(forgotten the title, tho a Yoruba movie) It was shot in Nigeria and Ghana and Toyin Aimakhu and Bimbo Akintola were siblings. The former an armed robber and the later a police detective. That basically created the Danger Kelv and Clement character So, I decided to fuse the two stories together from terrorism point of view and that was it Clv: Wow, it has been rumoured that your story teenage love is like your autobiography.. How true is this? D9: There has to be a bit of truth in every rumor. Just as Segun(the main act found love in the story) I met my first girlfriend in a WAEC GCE centre... tho every other thing in the story are imagined. I wasn't naive. But yes, I met my first girlfriend in the same scenario, had one face off with some guy... Loyola College, Agodi Gate Ibadan. *same centre ? Clv: What kind of business do you do? D9: I am into the domain flipping business. I buy expired domains at less than $15 and after a couple of months sell of at as high as $500 or more or less, depending on the ranking the domain has. I shouldn't let out details here Clv: E-commerce in a nutshell ? D9: You can call it that Clv: Your innovation, the coolval pageant is in its second year, what's the recipe for the success recorded so far? D9: It has been down to the people, their will to participate Clv: What's your relationship like with Mr valentine Nkemja D9: I didn't know his first name until now. All I know is Val, Valentine... The relationship is strictly formal. Started off with him(Val) requesting to post my stories Clv: What's your impression of the way in which is being ran? D9: Well, first of all, I don't really use the site that much, therefore I cannot say anything about the running. But I think the moderator are really good and open to collaborations Clv: Talking of moderators, Do you think the number of moderators on the site is justified? D9: I think so... for a normal forum, every section should have at least one moderator... except one of the moderators is very good, he/she can be made to handle more than a section... and their should be super-moderatores too, next in command to the site owner Clv: What do you think should be the criteria for selecting a moderator? D9: Anybody can be a mod cos it is based on application but certain criteria has to be met; track record, unbias attitude, understanding what the site needs among other things Clv: Have you ever been at loggerheads with any moderator on D9: Not at all Clv: None of them has ever crossed your path? D9: Not at all Clv: What about the most controversial moderator stanlex? D9: I have never had a personal encounter with him to warrant a face off Clv: Were you pissed off by what he did at polls of MISS COOLVAL22 for @adauche? D9: Anybody would be pissed for sure Clv: Lots of controversies have been involved in this year's edition, from @tenniebenson 's saga to @samnolimit 's misdemanour, so many rants and noises all over the site, what gave birth to all these? D9: Like I normally tell Promzy everytime we talk, the unity on is too much. Everybody seems to be on the same page. It is either they all say YES or they say No. No arguments, no debates, no criticism. This contest showed that it was all a lie. Everyone has an opinion, but because the majority have said yes, they all tend to say YES. so there was some pent up anger towards the 'popular' guys who seemed to have a cult-like followership. So, the moment Tenniebenson bleeped up, they swooshed in on her. Right, she committed an offence, but the reaction was too gross as if she committed murder Clv: Humm, so what are the improvements you are picturing for subsequent editions D9: That is left in the hands of whoever is gonna handle the contest in subsequent editions.... I am pulling out after 2016 edition as an organizer Clv: What prompted that huge decision? D9: I am a very egocentric person, before anything else, my pride comes first ... and anything I do that warrants disrespect and crazy attitudes, I stop doing them ... I can't go another year letting some dimwits ask me if I am mad cos someone broke the rules. No Clv: Can you hit the nail on the head and give some names cos of posterity? D9: I do not have names, but some silly guy sent me a message on whatsapp. And yes, a certain Olorivicky who thinks she is impressive by sounding like a lawyer, not knowing she is inconsequential in the scheme of things. Clv: What happened to the prizes of the winners of this edition? D9: Basically there are three sponsors for the contest; Merrybet, Amiloaded and a member of the site. The coolvaller gave a sum of One thousand naira which has been spent on recharge card to the tune of #500 during the female edition, the other #500 would be used during the finals. Amiloaded gave a sum of #3,000 and that is in my account, I am supposed to add that to the #50,000 Merrybet is giving out, but controversy is making them back out of the contest. Hopefully they change their mind or I may have to add something from my savings to the #3,000 to encourage the winners if need be.. Clv: Do you realize you backing out of this project can mean the end of the pageant D9: No, I will try and see to a transition... I will sponsor next year's edition and I will hand over to a trusted hand Clv: Who do you have in mind? D9: With regards to next year's edition? Clv: Who are you going to hand over to? D9: When we get to that bridge, I believe we will cross it Clv: We'll keep our fingers crossed. To some personal issues, cos honestly speaking, the ladies wanna know, are you in a relationship? D9: First of all, I don't talk about my relationship, but I can say something here. I am in a relationship presently, I don't know about tomorrow Clv: If I may ask What's your ideal lady like? D9: I put that on a tripod; 1. Brilliance: Must be a sharp mind. I can't stand explaining complexities to my gf. She should understand at once 2. Height: Must be shorter than I am 3. Understanding: I am not romantic, no time for that, I don't know how to do the 'sweetheart stuffs' She needs to understand that and accept me or get out *Every other thing is secondary Clv: What philosophy do you live by? D9: *Life is not by it's duration, but by it's donation. *I live everyday of my life as if it is my last Clv: I believe you know you have fans, what's your message for them D9: First of all, I have not gotten to the level of having fans. Maybe admirers of my works and exploits. All I have for them is; the best is yet to come *As a writer; they should expect two new blockbursters before December. One is gonna drop on my birthday in a couple of day/weeks *As an entrepreneur, I am committed to making people become independent. You may not make over $100 every month like we do, but you can make money that justifies the hours you spend online I am committed to sponsoring events ... a writing contest is cooking where the winner could go home with a laptop computer. By 2017, I want to embark on a trip to some states in Nigeria and I hope I can get to meet the friends I made online in those states Clv: Thank you D9ty7 for featuring on clv magazine. D9: Thank you for having me . . . . [b]There you have it people! what did you make of the revelations? Well here is another bonus info, D9's girlfriend name is also Victoria!![/b]
19 Aug 2016 | 12:17
[b] WEEKEND SPECIAL STORY BY AYIS ELIBOY [IMG][/IMG] "UNFORTUNATE PLEASURE" In the whole of Unilag (University of Lagos) there is no one who doesn't know Mr. John Walter. He was a lecturer in the school of Business studies, Taking a course known as Business Mathematics (BAM 112). Mr. John Walter always come across lot of students not only in the department of Bus. Admin where he was a senior lecturer, but from other departments since they offered the course he knows how to deliver best, as a borrowed course. He has high reputation, and whenever he does bad no one seems to believe he was really guilty. Hmmmm! He is quite good and understanding anyway, the only bad thing about Mr. John Walter was that he loved pretty girls, and whenever he sees a prey (pretty damsel) he doesn't give up until he has tasted her shawama :whistle: _________________________ On this fateful day, he was busy lecturing a class with a population of three hundred student. He discovered the students present were not up to one hundred, and became bittered because he hates it when student missed his class. He took attendance and continued with his lecture. He was still elucidating on a particular example of linear algebra, when a slim light skin girl of 19years old walked in. "Good afternoon Sir" She said weakly, while walking towards a vacant seat "Good afternoon Madam, and where do you think you are going to?" He questioned angrily "Sir I was in the class since, I'm just coming from Mrs. Ogilo's Office where I went to submit the general class assignment" She explained "Are you the class rep? Mr. John Walter questioned further "No sir, I am just her course rep" She muttered "What's your name?" He demanded "Elizabeth Sir" She replied timidly "Elizabeth who? He angrily asked "Ayis Elizabeth__ Sir" "Elizabeth, you just interrupted my class and must explain why you did so in my office after this class, you can have your seat" He finally said The young girl went to her seat, where she benefit from the lecture like other students. After the class, the lecturer Mr. John Walter went to his car and drove off to his office... **************** To be at a safer side, Elizabeth rushed to his office almost immediately. She knocked the door of the lecturer's office trice, before hearing a voice from within "come in". She opened and briskly walked in; "Good evening sir" she greeted "How may I help you?" Mr. John Walter asked "You told me to meet you up after the class" She calmly explained "Yes, and you know what? "No sir" She fearfully replied "You are to make me happy, if you choose otherwise you can never pass my course" Mr. Walter threatened "But sir....." Elizabeth exclaimed "Don't but me.... I have been waiting for you, so let's go somewhere else and talk this over" He persisted They both entered his car and left the school. Elizabeth taught they might be going to a cool bar to talk things over like other guys normally does, but Mr. John Walter surprised her by taking her to an hotel room. He tried forcing himself on her, with his normal threat of failing her. She had no other option than to turn in, but because of a generational agreement (oath) in her family she tried to stop Mr. John Walter. Mr. John Walter didn't yield to her plea and explanations, as he forced himself on her. Finally the deed has been done, he has satisfied his urges. And has taken the pride of the innocent girl, by inflicting an indestructible curse on himself... He gave Elizabeth a clip of N10,000 and left her crying in the hotel room, without even asking her what she wanted to tell him. ********************* THE NEXT DAY The poor girl went to school as normal likewise Mr. John Walter. Something strange happened on this day, as everyone noticed a change in Mr. John Walter which took effect on every minute that goes-bye. Boils started budging out from his skin while his body became weak, his physical appearance changed also which makes the entire school to be surprised. He was stocked in his office some hours later, and had to draw the attention of other colleagues. They came to his aid and quickly rushed him to the nearby hospital. Several medical test were carried out instantly but there wasn't any defect detected. -- -- -- -- He was taken to several places within two days but they weren't able to see any problem, which makes them sees the complication as a spiritual one. ____________________________ He was finally taken to a white garment prophet by his wife. After lots of prayers and sacrifices done by the prophet at river sides, he (prophet) was able to unfold the cause of the whole mysterious illness of Mr. John Walter. The prophet was able to see where the problem came from. He explained to them that Mr. John Walter oppressed an innocent girl, who had an ancestorial oath with her fore father's... The prophet further adviced him to approach the girl, that only there he can find solution to his problems. He was taken home by his wife, and after lots of pressure, he confessed to his wife on how he had sex with a student called Ayis Elizabeth. They searched for Elizabeth and later got to her house in school. She narrated how she was trying to tell the man about herself, which he fails to listen to. [u]WHOLE SECRET[/u] Well she was the only child her parents had, she was blessed to her Dad by the god's of their land whom her dad loves and served. Her Father promised the god that she will be a dedication to him alone, and no man born of a woman can touch her unless if the gods assign any, it was further agreed that any man that touches her must die on the third day. Hearing this, Mr. John Walter was seen half dead, this is the second day after the act, meaning on the next day he shall die. Himself and his wife pleaded with Elizabeth to revised the curse, but there was nothing she could do. In hurry, they drove about 137miles (221km) from Lagos to her village just to see her dad. Reaching there they tried to put things in place, after meeting Elizabeth Dad but there was nothing he could do to help, as the oath with the gods had been sealed.... . . Hmmmm.... The next day been the third day Mr. John Walter died. So painful indeed but he signed his own death, just for human pleasures.... MORAL LESSON: In life do not be selfish, always give a listening ears to the plea of others before giving a verdict. To get the best out of life you need to follow some principles that helped [/b] [u]Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” (KJV)[/u] [color=red]JESUS FIRST[/color] [color=blue]OTHERS NEXT[/color] [color=green]YOURSELF LAST[/color] . . . . [color=purple]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Team[/color]
19 Aug 2016 | 12:41
[b]FASHION TIPS BY TIFFANY [/b] [color=maroon]MATCHING HEAD WRAPS YOU CAN ROCK WITH YOUR DAUGHTER[/color] [b]Featuring Super Stylish Mothers And Daughtes Rocking Matching Head Wraps, Enjoy notavailable notavailable notavailable notavailable notavailable notavailable notavailable [color=maroon]Much Love From The CLV Magazine Crew[/color[[/b]
19 Aug 2016 | 13:39
[color=red][size=90][b]Suprising And Interesting Facts You May Not Be Familiar With By Froshberry-2[/b][/size][/color] [b]Did you know Whales have the slowest metabolism of all animals Did you know penguins are only found in the southern hemisphere primarily in Antarctica (excluding zoos above the equator) Did you know toads only eat moving prey Did you know when born a baby giraffe is 1.8m (6ft) tall Did you know bear in hibernation loses up to 25% of its body weight Did you know pandas spend 12 hours a day eating bamboo Did you know crocodiles continually grow new sets of teeth to replace old ones Did you know the skeleton of an African elephant accounts for about 15% of its body weight Did you know there are over 1,600 known species of starfishes Did you know there are over 320 species of parrots Did you know there are over 40,000 muscles tendons in an elephant's trunk Did you know there are over 690 known species of bats Did you know there are over 130 species of owl Did you know a garfish has green bones Did you know a camel can shut its nostrils during a desert sandstorm Did you know a cat can keep purring while inhaling and exhaling Did you know the spikes of a newborn hedgehog begin to appear within 24 hours Did you know camels can drink 94 litres (25 gallons) of water in less than 3 minutes Did you know you can smell a skunk 1.6km (1 mile) away Did you know there are over 2,500 different types of mushrooms Did you know there are over 7,000 different types of apples Did you know thin skinned lemons are the juiciest Did you know on the average there are 8 peas in a pod Did you know you have to eat 5kg (11lb) of potatoes to put on .5kg (1lb) of weight (a potato has no more calories than an apple) Did you know connected bunch of bananas is called a hand and individual bananas are called fingers Did you know the ice cream cone was introduced in 1904 Did you know 93% of households in Denmark consume wine (the highest % in the world with France second with 85% of households) Did you know chocolate is the number 1 food craved by women Did you know Americans consume over 10 billion bowls of soup each year Did you know chicken drumsticks contain the least amount of meat on a chicken Did you know cooking or freezing does not reduce the heat (spiciness) of a chile pepper Did you know arachibutyrophobia is fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth Did you know dark green lettuce leaves are more nutritious than lighter ones Did you know the average person consumes over a ton of food and drink each year Did you know cabbage is 91% water Did you know the most valuable nutrients of a potato are its skin Did you know fresh apples float because they contain 25% air Did you know green tea has 50% more vitamin C than black tea Did you know lettuce is the worlds most popular green vegetable Did you know there are over 100 different viruses that cause the common cold Did you know Antarctica is 98% ice and 2% barren rock Did you know Finland has the largest number of islands in the world (over 179,550) Did you know the average Americans diet consists of 55% junk food Did you know Canada has more doughnut shops per capita than any other country Did you know 80% of all people hit by lightning are men Did you know before beginning his movie career Keanu Reeves managed a pasta shop in Toronto Canada Did you know Chevy Chase's real first name is Cornelius Did you know the only thing that can destroy a diamond is intense heat Did you know a 15th anniversary is called a quindecennial Did you know a nanosecond is one billionth of a second Did you know a whip makes a cracking sound because its tip moves faster than the speed of sound Did you know men change their minds 2 to 3 times more than women (women tend to take longer to make a decision but once they do they are more likely to stick to it) Did you know all pilots on international flights identify themselves in English regardless of their country of origin Did you know brontology is the study of thunder Did you know diamonds mined in Brazil are much harder than those found in Africa Did you know dry ice transforms directly from being a solid to a gas Did you know employees of the Vatican pay no income tax Did you know the first city to mint its own gold coins was Florence, Italy in 1252 Did you know petrol has no specific freezing point (it can freezes at any temperature between -82 and -115C (-180 and -240F) Did you know sound travels 10 times faster through granite than air Did you know Japanese people don�t have middle names Did you know some playing cards in India are round Did you know the average pool cue is 1.4m (4.75ft) long Did you know the expression to 'knuckle down' originated from playing marbles (players used to put their knuckles to the ground for their best shots) Did you know the first aluminum drink can was introduced in 1964 . . . . . . . . . . . . . [b][color=red]Much Love From The Entire Clv Magazine[/color][/b] :mail: [u]Holala[/u]
19 Aug 2016 | 15:01
[b][color =red]CLOSING REMARK[/color][/b] . . . . . [b]And finally we have come to the end of the most awaited second edition of the CLV Magazine... We hope you have been impacted greatly by each section? . We can only get better each moment.. All thanks to God for the grace to do this effectively... Appreciation also to the entire CLV Magazine Crew.. And a big thank you to our wonderful audience.. . We hope to improve and be more effective in the next edition.. . Kindly drop your observation..correction..appreciation..ideas and what have you in the comment box.. We are more than willing to hear from you.. Your words keeps us going.. . . A notice to you all... Please comments are not permitted until the end of the whole section..which is closed by the "Closing Remark"... Until the closing remark has been done.. All comments will be deleted.. Comments can come in after the closing remark.. . . I hereby declare the stage open for you all... Thanks for understanding.. . .[/b] . . [color =green][i]Motto: Making Real Your Imaginations[/i][/color] . . . [color =purple][i]Much Love From The Entire CLV Magazine Crew[/i][/color]
19 Aug 2016 | 17:13
Applaudes coolvallers
19 Aug 2016 | 17:14
COME OVER HERE PALS GENERAL REGISTER2 @ele1 @promzy @pizzaro @tenniebenson @eliboy @khola46 @wiseman @ibrams @swtharyomi @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @frank @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @kingson1 @donmikie @kingsbest @t-dak @taiwo @charlywizzy @charliebryn @hardeywummy @japhola @konphido @emmyrexx @adura @tholartee @nextangel @blessedgirl @ebube @jenifa @lawman @tinagabe @christiana @itmrabzeez @johnoscar @precy @valking1 @timmy @dabcy @ikeholuwa1 @besty @starlet @okklad @angeleniola @ewomazeal @mizleemah @anitcham @blessfelicity222 @stephanie @lollybabe1 @pweety @dahcutebae @rhennyjay @geeadore @tiffany1 @tonia @hameyeenat @inemlove @mohjisolah @jencute @jenny @doublewealth @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddy @blakstudd @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @peace @sirp081 @kingsengine @kristen @aaron @ruth @romancelord @john @itzshaxee @olamy4fun @abrahamdking @flamerouz @crusher @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @pharm-vickymears @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @saraya @ariketemmy @eminem @miztr-fabulous @laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @gambola @monadisu @cizzle @tiana @dazzlingangel @donyas @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry 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19 Aug 2016 | 17:22
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19 Aug 2016 | 17:43
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19 Aug 2016 | 18:38
Kudos guyz. Keep up the good work. CLV rocks
19 Aug 2016 | 18:41
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20 Aug 2016 | 10:32
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20 Aug 2016 | 19:22
30 Aug 2016 | 09:06
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19 Sep 2016 | 16:56


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