

By Captain in 16 Jun 2020 | 06:36
Captain Joseph

Captain Joseph

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Member since: 7 Jul 2017
It was a beautiful bright morning as I opened the curtain and smelt the fresh air coming inside through the window. I was really excited that I woke up before my alarm did, because I was going to be attending the most prestigious university in the country. I was overjoyed when I saw my result, I passed my entire subject and I received a call that I was given a scholarship to further my education in the school of my dream to study my dream course
“Food and nutrition”
My parents were very happy and they prepared a small party to celebrate the good news. They were not rich but we were able to carter for ourselves.
My mum cooked food which I supplied to people who ordered it and dad worked as a laborer in a company not far from our house. I went to the bathroom to take my bath, after I applied cream on my body, spraying perfume on my cloth.
“Amy you’re running late”
“Coming mum” that’s my mum, she’s the best thing that has happened to me.
I applied my makeup and went downstairs to take my breakfast. Few minutes I was done and I boarded a bus to the school. I entered into the school compound and I was really nervous. This is my first time here; I only saw the school on TV.
I was hearing my name being called; I looked back and saw my classmate Paul, who we attended college together running towards me. He stopped by my side panting.
“Why is this pretty damsel standing like someone who’s been electrocuted?”
I let out a smile, he hadn’t change a bit, just the same old funny guy
“You haven’t changed a bit Paul”
“Well you’ve changed a lot, you look more beautiful” he said while I giggled.
“Amy, Paul” we heard our names from aback and we turned to know who called us.
What!!! Tonia, we hugged each other tightly
It’s been ages! Tonia exclaimed.
“This is cheating, am I not getting a hug too” Paul said frowning.
“Are you jealous?” Tonia asked
“You are not a girl and it’s called body trafficking if you hug an opposite sex when you ain’t married, punishable under section 419 of the criminal hugging law of accusation” I said while we continued laughing.
It was just like the old time. We had been friends right from our childhood up to this moment.
“So guys, am studying FOOD AND NUTRITION, what are you guys studying?” Tonia asked
“We are also studying the same thing”
I and Paul chorused
“Wow, then that means we are going to be in the same class” Tonia said
“Well then, let’s head to our department” Paul said while I shrugged.
We gradually walked to our department.
We got to our department and entered the class. The class was well maintained, painted with white and chairs enough for five hundred students, it was really a prestigious university.
As I was admiring the class, a voice echoed through the speaker that the minister for education was going to arrive soon to the school and we should co-operate.
Students continued talking and gisting with each other, guys were collecting girl’s bbm pin and phone number.
We got ourselves a sit at the front, just as we had settled down, we saw student shouting and heading outside the class. I looked at my friends and they gave me a “let’s go check what’s happening look.”
We went outside, and to our surprise we saw student’s looking down.
“Oh my God, they are here, the A4 are here” a girl shouted as we got to the scene
“Who are A4?” I asked no one in particular, and I got no reply.
I left my friends going down to get a glimpse on the scene. I saw four guys walking in, they must be the A4.
They were tall, handsome and wore expensive clothes; their parents must be very rich.
There was one of the guys; he had a mean look and had a pineapple hairstyle, he must be their leader; he looked rough and mean. He wore a red t-shirt and blue jeans matching the red shoes he wore.
While I was still looking I was pushed by the crowd that was running to see them and my phone fell down sliding forward.
I crawled forward towards my phone as people kicked the phone forward. I heard my friends calling my name but I didn’t bother to reply because I had to pick my phone. As I wanted to pick the phone, a leg stepped on the phone breaking the phone screen in the process, the person wore a red shoe.
I stood up picking up my phone as I stared at it. The phone was given to me by mum on the occasion of my birthday, I so muched cherished the phone and have been broken by a bastard who couldn’t watch where he/she was going.
My friends met up with me and I explained to them showing them the broken phone. I was thinking who wore a red shoe, I gasped as I remembered; it was the guy with the pineapple hair.
“Shit!!! I exclaimed
I left my friends as I chased him, pushing the crowed to get to him but the crowd was too much. My friends followed me shouting my name to stop, but i couldn’t; I had to catch that motherfucker.
I passed a shortcut to block him in the front, but I still saw the crowed blocking me.
“Who in the devils name are they?” That everyone was following them and even taking picture and videos of them.
“Are they the president sons or maybe the minister’s sons?” I asked myself
I eventually managed to get through the crowed and I held him.
“Hey, how dare you?” I asked as I held his hand, turning him to face me.
He faced me and it was the Minister of Education.
“Oh my God” I looked at his shoes and saw it was not him; the minister wore a black shoe.
I looked back and saw the motherfucker going with his friends. I gasped as the minister body guards held me pinning me to the floor.
“Oh no, no my first day at school”
“Fuck, am in dip shit!!!
16 Jun 2020 | 06:36
EPISODE 2 AND 3 : : EPISODE 2 Oh my God, it’s my first day at school and I have gotten myself in trouble. I was taken to the disciplinary office for questioning and judgment. The panel consisted of mostly women. They didn’t give me a chance to explain myself, I only apologized for causing trouble, excluding why I caused the pandoneum even when I was asked later by one of the men. “I will deal with that idiot myself” I said “Go home and reflect on what you did today, regardless of the cause you should have respected the minister” the disciplinary words kept ringing in my head. After pleading and apologizing I was allowed to go to my class. As I stepped out, all eyes was on me as expected, they wanted to know the silly bitch that caused a pandoneum in the school. I silently walked to my locker as the stare got worse. I opened my locker and kept my books in it, shutting it thereafter. two girls passed by me and one was telling the other I was the bitch that caused the problem, today was not a good day at all. I felt like disappearing to where that idiot of a guy is and strangle him to death. I looked up and saw my friends walking up to me. I smiled; at least they are the only ones I got that can cheer me up in this silly situation I got myself into. “Stop standing like that, you look like the statue of liberty” Paul said, while I let out a smile. The dude knew how to cheer me up with his unending jokes and silly interpretation of words. “Are we going to keep standing here or are we going to the cafeteria? Am hungry and I don’t know about you guys” said Tonia “Let’s go” I signaled as we left, walking to the cafeteria. * “That A4 guy broke my phone” I said breaking the silence. “A4” “Who are A4?” Tonia asked “They are the senior” a voiced answered from behind while we looked back at the girl who replied us “Am Jane” she introduced herself Well she looks cute “Am Amy and these are my friends Tonia and…… “Am Paul” he said to her cutting me off as he gestured his hand towards her which she shook lightly. “So who are the A4 and why are they so popular” I asked “You guys were heading to the cafeteria, let talk over lunch” “Okay let’s go, I can’t wait any longer” We got to the cafeteria and the word WOW escaped my mouth, the cafeteria was paradise on earth, with different varieties of food and fruits sold by smart looking people who wore plain blue apron, I guess that’s the school code. We headed to the cook, got our foods and grabbed an empty chair. “So the A4 are the most senior in the school, they consists of four good friends namely; Max, Joe, Leo and Eric who happen to be their leader” Definitely, you know the guy with the pineapple hair, Right? I asked “Yes” that’s their leader” “That motherfucker, I’ll kill him” What happened? He broke my phone and made me get myself into trouble. “Well that’s Eric for you; he is a freaking hot tempered guy. Many girls are crushing on him but his attitude keeps them away” “Seems you know a lot about them, tell us the full detail” Paul said while Jane giggled “Yes” I am a senior and it’s normal for me to know a lot about them So as I was saying before I was interrupted, the four of them have been friends from their childhood. They are the best students in the school and also in their respective course of study. They won for the school, international and national awards for the school, in competitions, they are highly respected and even the Principal and the teachers respect them. Max is a science student, studying medicine and surgery. Joe is also a science student, studying microbiology. He is working on a project that could change the world. “And what’s that” Tonia asked, she was definitely curious It’s a project that if it works out, it can make one powerful as a god, with just a dose of an injection. “Am speechless” Eric is next, and the leader of the group, he is a commercial student and knows how to do business. He already has his business and firm apart from the one he is going to inherit from his parent. “Wait, you mentioned Leo names as the third name, so why are you delaying from telling us something about him. Or is there something special about him” “Well he is special” “Don’t tell me you are crushing on him” Tonia said “He is every girls dream husband. He is the most gentle among his friends; he is an Adonis, specially created by God with a kind heart” Wow, am already crushing on him, can’t wait to see him. I thought “But they only move together all the time, don’t they have any other friends?” Well, like I said, they have been friends from childhood, so it’s impossible for one to join them. Are there any more details about them? Tonia asked. Seriously she is starting to piss me with her numerous questions. “I don’t give a damn, he being popular doesn’t mean he should be rude to others” I said “You can’t just go to them” Jane said “What!” “You have to get the joker card” “Joker card” Paul asked “Yes, the joker card, apart from their brilliance, they are also very skilled in playing cards. They won the card competition for the school, most guys have tried to challenge them but it didn’t end well for them. If you fail, you get to clean the girl’s toilet for a week, and that’s the most disgusting part, because their toilet is so dirty and filled with sanitary pad, menstruation pad and condoms of different sizes” “That’s gross” Well we got to go, see you some other time. I signaled to my friends while they got up. Nice having lunch with you, see you later. Jane said while she walked out I got up and start heading to the class while my friends followed suit. EPISODE 3 We got to the class and our economics teacher who introduced herself as Mrs. Caitlin taught us the topic Home management and how to bake cake. She gave us 1 hour to bake a cake and bring it to her, stating that all we need to bake the cake was in the economics lab. Wow really, just falling for this school every minute. When she was true with her lecture and giving us, the baking of cake using bananas as a class work, she left the class and I turned to my partner Tonia. “Am going out, I’ll be back soon” “We are supposed to be in the lab baking the cake, and where are you going to?” She asked staring at me suspiciously “I”LL be back in few minutes, just head there, I’LL catch up with you later, okay” “Fine” She answered With that I went out to find that idiot called Eric, well from the story Jane told me and my friends, Leo is a charming guy and I can’t wait to see him, seems I am already falling for him. While I was going, I saw him and his friends walking towards my direction. “Great!” Anger engulfed me like amoeba as I was getting closer to them; I hastily walked up to them and stopped right in front of him “Hey you” He looked around to confirm if he was the one I was talking to. “Yeah am talking to you, you broke my phone and left without saying anything, don’t you have manner and human sympathy?” How could you? I fired He just smiled and leaned closer to me and that made my heart run a marathon race with the speed of light. I was a bit scared to be sincere. “You have guts, girl” he said standing straight. He smiled again and passed me hitting my shoulder, I got embarrassed by his action and I made an attempt to go after him, but a hand pulled me back. I looked back and it was Paul, angrily, I removed my hands from his and went to meet Tonia. When i got to the lab and she was already done baking the cake, waiting for me outside the lab. She glared at me, I humbly apologized and we started heading to Mr. Caitlin office. As we were going to Mrs. Caitlin office Tonia mistakenly bumped into Eric, as the cake stained his clothes and a piece landed on his nose. It was an accident, but I smiled inwardly, the cake on his nose made him look like a dummy. Tonia brought out her handkerchief and made an attempt to clean the mess but he pushed her as she landed on the ground. I got angry and faced him. “Hey, that was an accident; you shouldn’t have reacted that way. She deserves an apology from you” His friends laughed except Leo who kept a straight face. Eric made an attempt to push me but he stooped, smiled and leaned closer to me the second time, this time I was really scared. “You have guts, girl” he said and walked out with his friends. I helped Tonia up and dusted her clothes “You shouldn’t have talked that way to him Amy” “He is so full of himself and behaves like a bitch and I hate a person who behaves like a bitch” Let’s go I said holding her as we went to the class. Few minutes later, the bell was rung for the closing and I went to my locker packing my books in it. I left the school bidding Tonia and Paul bye as i head home. I can’t wait to get home, but my mum is a talkative, she can talk for Europe, extending borders to Asia. Sometimes I wonder how my dad managed to live with her for years. I got home and sighed “Finally am home”. I pulled off my shoes and dropped my bag as I scanned around for any sign of my mum but she wasn’t there. I went to the kitchen and saw her packaging food that I would supply, but today’s supply was much. “Hi mum” “Hi dear, how are you and school today” I sighed “Don’t tell me you got yourself into trouble on your first day in that school” “Mum you are packaging a lot” I said changing the topic “Yes dear, the other today is much, someone ordered the whole food” she said “Whoa! That’s a lot” “Go and change so you can deliver this food, I’ll prepare yours” she said signaling me to go. I went to my room and pulled off my clothes as I stepped in the bath tub, feeling the cold water run down from my head to my legs. That’s what I need right now. I stepped out of the bath tub still naked, draining my body with my towel. I then put on a t-shirt and a short skirt, checked myself in the mirror and smiled heading out. “How do I look mum?” “You look casual, you have a minute or you will deliver this food late” she said packaging the remaining food in the bag. “Did the mechanic repair my bicycle” I asked heading towards my bicycle “No, your dad repaired it before he left for work” “Awn, that’s nice, I’ll prepare his best food for him as an appreciation” “He’ll love that, now hurry up” she said signaling me to go. I mounted on my bicycle and cycled to the address given to me. It was an abandoned, uncompleted building. Who orders food in such a place? I checked to see if the address was correct and it was. I packed my bicycle and went into the building, when I got in, I saw a guy sitting down backing me. As if he heard my footstep, he stood up and turned, facing me. I was shocked and stood still, looking at the person before me. It was Eric. “Are you delivering the food to the doorstep or to me?” he asked I just couldn’t move my fucking legs. I slowly walked up and dropped the food on the table next to him. As I was about leaving, he sat down and looked at me. “I thought you were a rich kid, the way you talked and acted, I thought you would be from a very rich family. I didn’t know you were from a retrenched family” he said which got me angry. How could he say that, I know am from a poor family and I blame God for not putting me in a rich family but he didn’t have to tell me that to my face. I have to give him a piece of my mind? I then turned to him angrily. “I know am poor but I don’t behave as a bitch like you do asshole”
16 Jun 2020 | 06:38
[hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] scroll down for episode 4-5 •[url= ][b]Episode 6-11[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 12-16[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]last Episodes[/b][/url]
16 Jun 2020 | 06:39
I think this story is back o
16 Jun 2020 | 06:40
EPISODE 4 AND 5 “What?” he asked getting angry as he stood up and moved to where the food I dropped was? “You heard me right. I said moving back “Well, that’s a characteristic of the poor. I bet your mum food would lack nutritional value and the taste, gush. The scent would be so bad” he said getting me angrier Well am better, at least I prepare my food myself unlike not spoilt rich kid who can’t cook. I bet you can’t boil water for tea or even boil an egg. I maybe poor or come out from a poor family but I don’t behave as irrational as you do” “How dare you?” he asked angrily, he was practically boiling. * I moved towards him and stood faced at him, even though he was taller than me. “You are a fucking, inhuman, silly jerk and I don’t give a damn of who the hell you are or what you fucking are” Then the unexpected happened. He took a plate of the food I dropped and slammed it on me. I stood transfixed at the position as the food poured down from my head down my body. He looked at me remorsefully and quickly looked away. “You caused it” he said and walked out Tears flowed down my eyes. I have never been so embarrassed to this extent in my life. I sat down and wailed like a baby. He didn’t even apologize, I cried nonstop…. . . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ERIC POV It wasn’t my fault, she made me do it, and she called me an irrational person. I hate when a being called names She started it right from the school, she was really bold to talk to me the way she did I thought she was from a rich family, with the way she behaved. I did a little background check up on her and found out that she was from a poor background. I then decided to teach her a lesson, that when the idea of ordering the food that can feed 100 people from her mum came to me. When she brought the food, I thought she would be scared and beg me to forgive her but instead she told me she didn’t care who the fuck I was and what I am. That was rude to me and I slammed the food at her. I could see the shock expression she had on her face that suddenly turned to tears, I was remorseful but I couldn’t bring myself to apologies to her, after all she was the one that made me do it. I smiled as I recalled the event. “That served her right” I walked straight to my room and climbed on the bed, picked up my phone and logged into facebook to chat with my friends. They were already online and I narrated what happened to them. They sent me emoji expressing how funny it was and wished they were there except Leo. I wonder what is up with him; he has kind of been behaving strangely since the incident I had with that girl in school……….. ……. . . . …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..... AMY POV While I was still crying I felt a cloth touch me, sensing it was a handkerchief, I collected it without looking at the person who stretched it to me. Who was that? I didn’t know I cleaned my eyes but the tears kept dropping. I then heard the voice of the person that gave me the handkerchief “Pretty girls are not suppose to cry” he said Wait, was that Paul? No, that’s not his voice, or is it Eric? I don’t think so, the idiot left me, nor did he come back? I raised my head slowly to behold the figure before. To say I was shocked and amazed is an understatement, I was practically floating in heaven. Here before me stood the almighty, beautiful not handsome, delicious, sweet LEO, with that cute smile that took me to cloud nine. “Leo” I called. How did……….. “You mean how I got here” I nodded my head; I couldn’t find the words to say, I guess I was still surprised that he was standing before me. He just moved back to the wall, resting on the wall upside down “Just clean your tears, a pretty girl like you is not suppose to let a drop off tears drop from your eyes” A smile formed on my face and I used the handkerchief he gave me to clean my eyes, but when I opened my eyes he was gone. What where did he go to? After searching the whole building without seeing him, I mounted on my bicycle and cycled home But how could he go without telling me, and how the hell did he move out of the building without me knowing, or am I hallucinating? I got home and went straight to my room, ignoring the rants and questions she through at me. I got in to my room, locking it from inside I just wasn’t ready for her unending questions and answer session, all I need now is a cold bath to calm my nerves and my brain, because right now my brain isn’t functioning well. I went to the bath tub and laid in it, allowing the cold water run down my body. I washed all my delicate parts well. I hope you are not visualizing me naked... you are going to hell if you are doing that. Few minutes later I was through and I jumped on my bed and laid there like a dead person. I picked my small, torch light phone to play music since that idiot had broken my phone, and I could really use music to calm my nerves down. I scrolled down my music list and played <3 I love <3 you <3 by celin Dion as it play and I sang along with it “I must be dreaming now, maybe I dream too much” “But when I think of you, I long to feel your touch” “I was shuttled to the very first day I saw you, should have made a move when looked in my eyes” Download the song and listen to the rest. As for that Eric, he would know who and what I really am tomorrow. With that I drifted off to sleep……… EPISODE 5 The next day, my alarm rang continuously. I hit the alarm breaking it in the process. I woke up late, yawning, I slept pretty late yesterday. I quickly went to take my bath and dashed out of the house. This time around my mum didn’t call me, that is how she does when she is angry at me. I’ll take care of that when I get back from school. I remembered calling Jane yesterday asking her about the time Eric and his friends usually come to school, which she told me was 9:00am. Eric is going to know who I really am today, getting to the school I saw him sitting down near a fountain and his friends standing close to him. I am really late; can I still carry out my plan? I looked up and our eyes met, he just smiled at me. “What? after what he did yesterday, he could still smile. I will show him who I am” ERICCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC. I shouted With that I ran towards him and flew in air giving him a powerful kick in the face that sent him flying backward as he landed on the floor with his face down. All eyes were on me and I was happy, he got what he deserved. Some were taking pictures while others were videoing it, that’s why I love higher institution. I smiled, just visualizing how the news will be on the school board, the almighty A4 leader been beaten by a girl. I just can’t wait to see it. But Wait, why is he not moving? Is he embarrassed that I kicked him in the mist of the crowd or, wait I gasped, as the idea of him been dead hit me. No, he can’t die…. people were already rushing to him. The stares were getting too much so I left the place and went to the lecture room. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ERIC POV I woke up, and saw I was wrapped with a cloth, like an Egyptian corpse. “What!” I looked up to see my friends laughing at me. “Welcome back from the dead, man” Leo said laughing “What! Dead? ” I asked, I then remembered what happened as the event played in my mind like a movie. : I was sitting down near the fountain at the school when I saw Amy coming towards me. We locked eyes and i smiled at her, maybe she wants to apologies to me. But before I could look up I heard her scream and when I looked up, well that’s when I blacked out. “What happened?” I asked “You got your face kicked by a girl” Leo said. Why was he happy about my accident? “What, my face. That’s the part of my body I cherished most apart from my face” I said touching my face. “Where is my mirror” Come on guys, how could you let her do this to me? “You got what you deserved man” Max said We can’t miss this, let’s take a photo of this, they all said coming to me as they took the photo. I was still wrapped so I couldn’t do anything. : “Guys help me unwrap this thing” I pleaded, but my pleading fell on deaf ears as they kept laughing. “Suit yourself, get yourself out of there yourself, we are not helping you” Joe said as all of them moved out of the room. “Hey” I called I stood up from the chair hopping around to get rid of the cloth I was wrapped in. “Fuck you Amy, I cursed” as I couldn’t get the cloth I was wrapped in off. I guess I got what I deserved, I shouldn’t have done that to her and left her there. I will apologies to her and buy her a new phone. “Mr. Brian” I called the guard who quickly rushed up to me. “Sir, you called me” “How many times have I told you not to call me SIR? For Christ sake you are old enough to be my father, just stop it okay” “Sir, madam said to call you sir or master” I have to do it or I lose my job which I use to cater for my family. I was touched by what he said, but I don’t like him calling me Sir, he is old enough to be my father. It feels awkward being called Sir. I turned to him “Mr. Brain, apart from the money you are being paid, I will be giving you half of the amount you get as your salary to cater for your family” I could see the expression of shock, joy, happiness he had on his face. “Thank you master, God bless you sir” Geez, he is still repeating the same mistake “But only on one condition” I said while he knelt down “I will do anything Sir, just name it” he said “The condition is that you won’t call me sir again, you call only call me my name” I said while he became sad “But what if ma……” “You can only call me Sir when she’s around, okay” “Yes Sir.. Sorry Yes Eric” “That’s good” “Later I want you to bring the girl in this photo to me” I said stretching the photo of Amy to him. I know you are probably wondering how on earth I got her picture; well that’s a gist for another day. “Okay Eric, I will bring her to you later as requested” “That’s all, take care of the rest, you can go” I said while he saluted and went to his duty post. “Well, I will give Amy her phone and warn her not to cross path with me again” For now I have to deal with those stupid pictures that were taken when she kicked me to an unconscious state. Sitting of the couch, I picked up my phone dialing a number as I sipped the wine I took for my bar in the house. He is a genius and can get the whole pictures wiped out of existence. This not the first time I have told him to do that for me, not even my friends or I know him, and he calls himself “GHOST CLEANER”… …
16 Jun 2020 | 06:42
@ele1 @timson @promzy @danieledem @ⓞⓝⓔⓐⓛ32
16 Jun 2020 | 06:45
This story z just like BOYS BEFORE FLOWER
16 Jun 2020 | 06:55
Fire on captain
16 Jun 2020 | 07:19
Are you sure it isn't boys before flowers anyways hope there will be a slit difference
16 Jun 2020 | 09:45
EPISODE 6-8 EPISODE 6 AMY POV Lecture this morning was boring. It seem like it was taught in Chinese language. I wasn’t concentrating neither did I bother to listen to what the lecturer was teaching us, I was worried about something else, Eric. Though I gave him what he deserved, I was scared if he was truly dead, I can’t bear the thought of passing a night in jail not to take of years. I would be totally devastated and my poor parents, they might die of heart attack when told that their only child who is supposed to take care of them is sentenced to life imprisonment on account of murder. The lecture was over so I sneaked out of the class heading to the school garden without telling my friends. I just want to clear my head and I heard that place was always quiet and lovers always meet there to relax their spirit. That’s the kind of place I need right now, not silly questions from my friends. Heading to garden, I heard two girls talking and I peeped and saw two of my department course mate; Lyla and Kate discussing. I got interested in their conversation so I hid in a nearby tree listening to them. “How can she do that to my crush? How can she do that to Eric, how could she” Lyla asked lamenting. “Calm down, maybe she is crushing on him and he didn’t want her or he rejected her that’s why she did that to him” Kate said placing her hand on her head, probably cooking another idea that happened for me to have done what I did to Eric. “Are you sure?” Lyla asked forming a sad face. “Yes” Kate replied give her a reassuring smile. “Is he alright?”Lyla asked “Yes, I heard he is” Kate replied. What? What were this bitches saying, me crush on Eric, that’s the last person I would crush on, I’ll rather crush on the devil than that idiot. I hissed angrily coming out from my hiding place and heading to the music hall to see Leo. Jane had told me that he was always in the music hall or the roof top. Heading to the hall, I heard the melody of a music being played on a piano. The instrumentalist was really talented, skillfully playing the keyboard. The song touched my heart and I followed the sound of the song to its source which led me to the music hall. As I opened the hall, entering it, I saw Leo playing the piano with so much euphuism. I stood there listening to the song which went thus; “To my unknown love <3” “Playing this song right now, right here, reminds me of all the time we had spent together” “I can’t help it but wish we could to back to the way we use to be” “I watched you leaving my side to another place” “I watched you, but couldn’t do anything as I was powerless” “My love we have seen it all” “Please come back, I promise to never let you leave my side” “Come to me, I’ll protect you from all dangers” “I love you <3 <3 <3” “Soph…” then he paused without completing the last word. What did he want to say, I know it’s a name but what is the name? I couldn’t help but clap when he had stopped playing the song. He looked back at me surprised. I walked to him and stood in front of him. “Nice song you got there” “Thanks” “So what are you doing here” he asked. “Oh, yea, I came to return your handkerchief you gave me” I said bringing the handkerchief out of my bag and stretching it to him. “Sorry, I don’t collect back what I give others, you can keep it” he said gently touching his lower lip, it made him super cute and made me blushed. His last statement made me happy, wow I will keep the handkerchief and worship it every day, he already look like a Greek god, nothing bad worshipping the handkerchief and praying for his love. “Can I come here every day to watch you play the keyboard?” I asked involuntary. “If that’s the case, then I won’t come here ever again” he replied walking out of the hall. That sentence hurt me, doesn’t he like me? I just want to watch him play the piano; there is nothing bad in it. I head out of the hall going over to seat on a bench which was under a peach tree. : As I was in thought, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jerked up. Before me was a tall, fair man probably in his 50ties, he was dressed corporately in a black suit. I guess he is a bodyguard, but for who? Where are my fucking manners? “Sorry, am Amy, who are you? And how may I help you?” I asked “Am Brian, my boss sent me to bring you to him” What? Who the fuck is his boss? I stared at him suspiciously “Your boss” I asked “Am sorry miss for confusing you. My boss Eric sent for you, he is sorry and want to apologies for his action towards you” I just stood still there staring at him. “And also he wants to buy you your phone which he broke” Wow I can’t believe my ears, the almighty Eric suddenly wants to apologies to me. A part of me told me not to go while the other told me to go and watch the drama that is about to unfold itself. “So what do you say miss?” Mr. Brian asked I shake my head for a while before replying him “Okay let’s go” I said He stretched his hands forward to collect mine which I stretched forward as he took the hand and kissed it, bowing like a French man. I smiled, he is such a gentleman. He took me by the hands to the car opening it and gesturing me to enter. “Have your seat” he said after opening the car door “Thank you” I said seating down at the back seat. He closed the door and moved to the driver’s seat, opening the door and seating down as he ignited the car and set it in motion, zooming off…. Let the movie begin……….. EPISODE 7 Amy pov continues It was a thirty minutes drive from school to Eric house; the journey was smooth that I drifted off to sleep in the car. The continuous and unending tap on my shoulder woke me up. I was still feeling sleepy and my eyes were heavy. I opened my eyes slowly to see Mr. Brian standing at the door step with a smile on his face was. “Wakie, Wakie miss, we are here” he said tapping me “Where? I asked” I still want to sleep; the sleep hadn’t cleared off my eyes. “At Eric house” he replied gesturing me to come out of the car. I slowly stood up, coming out of the car to scan the environment with my scanning eyes. My eyes opened wide involuntary in surprise and the sleep I have been battling with immediately left my eyes. The word ‘WOW!’ escaped my mouth. The environment was eloquent and astonishing. The whole building in the compound were painted white while the windows, doors and flower vase were painted yellow. Fruit tree of different type and species grew at strategic places in the compound. Hibiscus and sun flower were planted on each side of the pathway in the compound, seriously this place looks like Osama Bin Ladin family house. This in another word is paradise on earth. That mind came at me reminding me I was here to see that idiot and not here to admire the place. “Do you like this place?” Mr. Brian asked “Well, not bad for a rich guy” I replied “Fair” he said walking into the building while I followed suit. : Entering into the building, I stopped on my tracks and looked around. The whole interior building was painted Gold which made it look like a king house. Here I was thinking the exterior was paradise but what am seeing right now is far more than that, this is practically heaven on earth. “Magnificent!” I exclaimed, not realizing what I said. “Oh, thanks” Mr. Brian replied amazed I could say such judging from my reaction few minutes ago. “So where is Eric?” I asked “You will meet him soon but first you have to change into something else” “Into something else” I exclaimed “Don’t worries the maid will see to that” he replied “Mary” he called and a maid rushed towards him “Yes sir, you called” she replied “Take miss, here and let her change into something else” “Okay sir, I will do just that” she said dragging me upstairs. We got to a room and she stopped opening the room for me to enter which I did. She brought out a white gown and gave me to wear; it was too short, the gown reached me above my kneel. Well it’s just to see that idiot and I will get this off me, and it was way fucking too tight. I went into the dressing room and changed into the gown. I came out to see two makeup artists waiting for me. I sat down and watched them makeup my face. Few minutes they were through and Mr. Brian came into the room to access me if I was good looking. After what seem like hours he smiled and told me the direction to the sitting in which Eric was. I followed the direction and entered the sitting room to see Eric pressing his phone, seeing him just automatically makes me angry. I walked up to him and when he saw me he stood up staring at me in a different way, anyway I know am now look extremely look beautiful thanks to the makeup. “Are you God that you had to make me dress like this too see you?” I fired “NO, I want to see you dressed in this to get a better view of you” he replied What? get a what………? “Here I though you wanted to apologies for what you did, you know what? You are a jerk and I hate you” I replied getting angrier and turning to leave. “And you like him, right?” he asked I stopped right on my track and couldn’t move. Was he talking about Leo? How did he know? Leo is his friend dummy. My subconscious mind told me I turned and looked back at him “Don’t chase what you can’t get. The hunter will come back for his catch” he said What does he mean? What hunter? If he couldn’t go straight to the point, then he should go to hell. “You know what Eric, fuck you, go to hell and burn to ashes” I said removing the shoes I was wearing and threw it at him as I made my way to the door. “What of the clothes, wont you off them” he asked with a mocking smile. I would have off the cloth if not that I didn’t want to go home naked, I was already half naked “You will regret this Eric” I cursed. . . . Hey babies this Eric and Amy case have tire me. What do you think will happen to Amy now? See you in the next episode From the author of Killed by love High school love and the ongoing COLD LOVE <3 <3 <3 EPISODE 8 Amy pov continues I walked out of the house hastening my step; I thought he really wanted to apologies for what he did but I was wrong. I walked out of the gate walking home. The road was lonely and there was no car on the road, it was an estate so there were no cars moving around. The cloud suddenly changed and it started raining heavily, few minutes later I was already drenched and shivering from the cold, my eyes were blur and I couldn’t see well, I was going to faint anytime. A car stopped by my side, I just stood there looking at the car, and I couldn’t move again I just stood there like a zombie. The driver opened the car from the other side with an umbrella to prevent the rain from drenching him but wait he looks familiar. Is that…… Leo!!! He was the one, my eyes were closing and I fell, but he caught me in mid air. I love the position we are right now, he held me and the umbrella above our head. I moved my head closer to kiss him but that’s when I passed out. : I woke up opening my eyes slowly, scanning the environment, I was in a room but this is certainly not my room. I recalled what happened. I was about kissing Leo before I passed out. Is this Leo room? The room was painted white, wait why do they like colour white? Eric painted his house and now Leo. I looked at the bed I was lying on; it was white including the bed sheets. I raised the bed sheets up looking at myself, I was not wearing my clothes but I was in a pygamas. How come? Did Leo sleep with me, oh my God how could he do that? I left the room in search of him, after searching almost everywhere for him I proceeded to the kitchen and he was there preparing food. Well that’s the last place I expect him to be. What was he cooking? “You are awake” he said concentrating on what he was doing. How did he see me, he didn’t look back “I didn’t know if it would size you at first but you fit perfectly in it” I didn’t answer him so he looked back and I glared at him “Don’t get the wrong idea into your head, I asked my maid to change your clothes since you were drenched in the rain and your clothes were wet” he said checking the egg he was frying. What! He did all that, I couldn’t help but smile and he smiled back, wow first time he is smiling, and he always keeps a straight face. “Thanks, I really appreciate” “Don’t worry about your parents and friends; I switched of your phone so that they won’t get to you” “Thanks a million, I don’t know how I can repay you” I replied “Well let’s just say you owe me, go to the dining room I a preparing noodles and egg, do you care for some” “Yeah” I said picking a plate in which he dished the food in and we went to the dining room to eat. When we sat down to eat, He went to the fridge and brought out a guice, pouring it in our cups. “Thanks” “You are welcome” We sat down and ate in silence, occasionally our eyes will meet and we will smile. We finished eating and I took the plates to the kitchen to wash them but he stopped me. “Don’t stress yourself, my maid will do that” he said calling a maid who came and took the plates to the kitchen. “I have to go home now, my friends would be worried they didn’t see me in school and may have contacted my family” “Oh, well let me take you home then, give me a minute“he said walking to the sitting room to fetch his car keys. “Okay” He got his car keys and we walked to his car, he opened the door for me to enter before going to the driver seat, such a gentle man, I can’t help but fall more and more in love with him. He entered the car and ignited it, setting it in motion. He drove smoothly keenly following the direction to my house. Few minutes later we were at my house, and we came down from the car. “Take care” he said opening his car door to enter. “Wait, won’t you at least have a cup of water?” I asked “I have something important to take care of, I wish I could stay but I can’t” he replied “I will return your cloth tomorrow” “Keep it” “No, I can’t” I said feigning ignorance, deep inside me I really wanted to keep it. “Just keep it, okay” “Okay, thanks goodbye and drive carefully” I said holding the door knob. “I will, thanks and take care of yourself” he said “I will” “Bye” “Bye” he replied entering his car and setting it in motion as he reversed and zoomed off. I know my mum was probably watching from somewhere and I will have to answer a lot of question. I was still in thought when she came outside bombarding me with questions. “Amy who is he and why are you dressed in a pygamas?” she asked “Can you a least let me enter before interrogating me with questions for Christ sake, you didn’t care to ask how I was the only thing you could ask is who he was, sometimes I wonder if truly you are my mother” I fired lightly pushing her from the door as I head to my room and shut the door. She didn’t say anything, anyway that will keep her away. I dropped my back and went into the bathroom to take my bath. I came out of the bathroom changing into another cloth and put the one Leo maid wore me in the washing machine. This is the second thing am collecting from him. I lied down on my bed about to sleep when I heard a knock on my door. “Amy is me, open the door” my mum said knocking on the door. I wanted to ignore her but she is my mum and she took care of me right from when I was little to this moment. I love her. I climbed down from the bed and went to open the door. “Come in” I said after opening the door for her to come in.
16 Jun 2020 | 11:51
EPISODE 9-11 I closed the door after she had entered and I climbed my bed staring at her. She saw that I was staring at her and she came to the bed climbing it and holding my hands. “Am sorry I didn’t tell you this and I hid the truth from you” she said while I sat straight. Truth! “And what is the truth” I asked anxiously “Am not your mum” she said breaking the ice, spilling the beans and letting the cat out of the bag. The news was like a bomb that was dropped near me, it seemed my whole world was shattered into pieces. “But, but… how?” I murmured as tears gathered in my eyes ready to pour out. : “April fool” she said I let the tears pour out of my eyes as I went over and hugged her. “I hate you mum” I said hugging her tight. “I hate you too” she said allowing the tears also to flow down her eyes. : That’s how we say I love you to each other when we can’t express our feeling. We disengaged from the hug and I sat straight up looking at her “That was an expensive joke mum” I said cleaning the tears in my eyes “Yeah you are right, am sorry” “It’s okay” She pulled my face towards her, gently rubbing my cheeks. : “Amy I want you to know I love you and I will always love you, I am your mum and no one can take that place, not even the devil. I only want what is best for you and you know that, right?” she asked “Yes” I answered “Am sorry I didn’t ask how you were earlier before asking about whom that guy was, I was really worried about you because no guy has ever brought you home and you were not in your clothes but his, I didn’t want to get the wrong idea that’s why I asked who he was, am sorry” she said looking into my eyes like she was searching for something. “Am sorry for yelling at you and accusing you of not being my mother, you must have felt really bad when I said that” I said. “Yeah I really felt bad and I think I deserved it” she replied “No you didn’t deserve it, please forgive me” I pleaded : “You are forgiven” she said hugging me “So what are we having for dinner? I asked “Kiamichi and Designer soup” “Who?” I asked why she laughed “It’s a food not a person” she said “A food?” I asked “Yes, it’s my new delicious food in which I created the recipe, I also did the formula” “Formula in food mum, is it mathematics” I asked “Am sure I haven’t heard of that” “Yea” ”I bet you haven’t‘ “Correct” “So can I come and help you in the kitchen?” I asked while she gave me a look that confused me : “Any problem or don’t you want me to help you out?” I asked “Funny you, seems you did not look at the time you came in, I have prepared the food and I was waiting for you to come before I can eat” “Aw, I love you mum” “Love you too dear” “Let go try the food out” I said climbing down from the bad and head to the door which I opened. “After you mum” I said after opening the door. She smiled “Thanks” We got to the dining and dad was already seated waiting for us. “Welcome dad” “Thank you, welcome to the dining” he said while we laughed. We proceeded to the dining table and he ushered us to take our seat. “Have your seat ma’s” he said smiling “Thanks Love” I and mum chorused and we looked at each other laughing. “Don’t tell me you have stolen my husband or rather you want to steal him” mum asked “I stole him a long time ago” I replied while she gasped and turned to dad “It’s that true” she asked dad “Yes” he replied “Come on mum, don’t you know you are an old cargo” I said further “Me cargoooooo” she said stressing the o. I laughed out loud and my dad laughed too “You will tell me to cook for you; I won’t cook anything or do anything for you” she said facing dad. Dad looked at me and shifted his chair close to mum “I love our daughter and you but no one can ever replace or take away the love I have for you” dad said caressing mum shoulder “Aw, that’s so sweet” mum said They looked at each other and their lips coming close as they kissed each other with love not minding if I was there. I wished Leo could kiss me the way dad and mum kissed. We finished eating and I retired to my room climbing on my bed to sleep for tomorrow. EPISODE 10 I woke up late stretching myself. I checked the time and I was twenty minutes late for class. “Shit!” I exclaimed, I really woke up late. I pushed away the blanket I used to shield myself from the harsh cold and dashed into the bathroom to shower. In a few minutes I was done, and I applied my makeup and went to my wardrobe to pick the clothes I would wear. EPISODE 11 My favorite colour was blue and most of my dress was blue in colour. I shifted the clothes and I stopped as a particular cloth got my attention, it was a short, red gown which was given to me on my fifteenth birthday by an unknown person. it wasn’t my size then and I just hanged it without wearing it. It’s not a bad idea to try it out. I picked the dress and went to my dressing room to change. Stepping out of the room, I looked at myself through the mirror and I looked super hot, I looked exactly like a pop star. The red, gown touched my kneel and I wore a black leggings under it, I looked exactly like Barbie in the movie pop star. I locked my room and went down stairs. “Aren’t you waiting for breakfast?” mum asked coming out of the kitchen. “Wow!, you look hot” mum complemented “Thanks mum” “So, who are you dressed for?” she asked naughtily “No one mum, I just decided to dress that way, why do you ask?” “That’s because you haven’t wore that cloth for years” “Well, I want to wear it now” “But it’s too tight, your curves are visible” “Am just going to wear it for today and I won’t wear it again, okay” “Okay” she replied “What’s that smell?” I asked perceiving a burnt smell “Oh no, my food is burning” she said rushing to the kitchen while I rushed to the bus stop and boarded a cab to school. The journey seemed like a long journey. I got down at the school gate and rushed to the lecture room The lecturer asked why I was late and told me not to come late to his class again or he would give me detention. After the lecture, I walked up to my friends and we walked to the field “I must really say you look extremely hot” Paul complemented “Thanks” “I hope you are not getting other taught” Tonia asked Paul shoving him. We stopped when we saw Eric and his other friend. ERIC POV Leo love, Sophia called us that she was coming back home after eleven years. We were so happy and wished her safe returns from the Republic of Korea. The next day in school she text us that she was in the school compound and heading to our class. We quickly went to the hallway where she would pass to come and meet us. We stopped as we saw her coming towards our direction; she glowed in her white gown as she looked like the Egyptian goddess of Love…. SOPHIA POV Wow, it’s been a love time. Eleven years, four months and two days to be exact. I really missed this place. The school now had a new look and lot of things had changed from how they were before. I arrived from the Republic of Korea yesterday and I lodge in the nearest motel in the area. Initially wanted my visit to be a surprise but I couldn’t help myself from not telling my friends, I have really missed them especially my love Leo. The next day I wore a white gown and head to their school to see them, I checked the time to check if I was on time because by this time they would be in the class but they won’t have any lecture. Many would be amazed to see me especially those that knew me and my friend from our childhood. The urber driver stopped in the school compound and I paid him. I took my phone from my bag and text Eric that I was in the school and coming to their class. I kept my phone in my bag after texting him as I made my way to their class but I stopped half way in the school hallway. Max, Joe, Leo and Eric standing probably waiting for me A smiled formed on my face and I shoke my head as my head swung around. All eyes were on me as smiled walking magnificently towards my friends. I stopped five feet away from them and looked at each one of them, they had changed a lot and Leo and Eric looked more handsome, am sure any girl will do anything to have them or to be in a relationship with them. Joe walked up to me hugging me tightly as I gasped for air while student stopped and watched the re-union drama. Max hugged me next followed by Eric. “You look amazing, we really missed you” Eric said “Me too” I replied He released me and whispered “Don’t hug him to tight or you will suffocate” he said again smiling. I gave him a light punch and he winced in pain. “Silly guy” Leo didn’t move from the position he was and he kept a straight face. I gently moved towards him, counting my steps. I smiled and hugged him but he didn’t hug me back. Was he angry at me for leaving him for many years? I remember he pleaded for me not to go, but I didn’t have a choice, my dad had made all preparation for me to go to Korea to continue my studies. “Am sorry Leo, am so sorry” I said as tears ran down my eyes. He hugged me tightly and I felt him smile. I really missed all the time we spent together and I want us to continue. “I really missed you Leo” “Me too” “I love you Leo” I confessed “I love you more” he replied Let’s go, he said as we walked away from the hall to his car and Eric entered the driver seat setting the car in motion, zooming out of the school.
16 Jun 2020 | 11:53
16 Jun 2020 | 13:45
Thanks for thd iv @captian
16 Jun 2020 | 13:51
Ghost cleaner indeed, seeing a love triangle between leo, amy and eric.. Maybe amy is just infatuated with eric, mst true lovers always begin with coincidental fights... well ride on captain, u re doing wel
16 Jun 2020 | 14:17
EPISODE 12 I picked my bag and made my way out of the library rushing out of the building and out of the school stopping the cab that was coming my way. “Good day miss, where are you heading to?” he asked wining down the car window. “St. John Avenue” I answered opening the door and sitting down the car. “That will be 20 bucks miss” he said “Just go I’ll pay” I replied raising my voice a bit. He ignited the car setting it in motion and zoomed off. Few minutes we arrived at St. John Avenue and he stepped on the brakes, stopping the car near the signboard in which the name of the street was boldly in scripted on it. I brought out 50 bucks and paid him opening the car door to alight from the car. He opened the driver’s door calling me. “Miss your change” he said stretching his hand to give me my 30 bucks change. “You can keep the change” I replied running to my house. “Thanks miss” he shouted Geez, I have other things to worry about than a change of 30 bucks. I increased my speed stopping in front of our house panting like someone that just had a marathon sex. The door was locked and I went to the shop and stood t the door. I saw my mum cooking food to deliver to people and checking the time also. “What’s wrong with this girl? She hasn’t still come home, ouch my food” mum said and exclaimed removing the food which was almost burnt when she was thinking. She is such a caring mum, I wanted to hug her but I stopped to listen a bit to what she as saying. “My food almost got burnt because of that girl, or maybe she is flexing with that young handsome guy that brought her home the other day” she said giggling. My mood changed after she said that sentence, as I remembered clearly that event. He hugged her, not like friends but passionately always thought I could have a place to stay in his heart though I know he loves someone else but still I really felt bad and that he cheated on me. Tears trickled down my eyes and I cleaned them. “Come on mum I can’t possibly be flexing with someone I don’t know” I said and she turned to me with a smile on her face as she came and hugged me. “Silly girl you got me worried, how could you still be out by this time, you ought to have been home since to help me deliver these food to our customers. “Sorry mum, I fell asleep” She looked at me with widened eyes scanning me “Are you okay?” “Yeah mum, just a little headache” “Are you sure?” “Yeah mum” “Or are you pregnant?” “Mum, you are unbelievable, how can you think such about me, geez” “I was only curious” “Curious my foot mum, that’s unbelievable of you” “Sorry dear” she said rubbing my back “Fine” “Have you forgive me” she asked “Yes mum, if I don’t, who will?” “God” “Like seriously mum” “Go drop your bag and come help me out” “Okay, I’ll be back in a bit” I said rushing upstairs to my room to change. Soon I was done and I went down packing the food to go and deliver. “Won’t you eat before you go” my mum asked stretching her head out of the kitchen door “I can’t starve others because I want to eat, I’II eat when I get back, am late” I said heading to my bicycle “Okay stay safe” “Bye” “Bye mum” I waved mounting on my bicycle and cycling to the address given to me to deliver their food.
16 Jun 2020 | 15:30
Wow,i love this story
16 Jun 2020 | 16:14
<3 <3 <3 COLD LOVE <3 <3 <3 . . . WRITTEN BY, KOMOLAFE JOSEPH . . . EPISODE 14 . . . LEO POV Yeah, Sophia return came as a suprise to me. I was happy and at the same time sad and worried. I knew somewhere in my heart want to open and leave a space for amy but i couldn't let that happen, i took her as my sister but i can clearly see the love she has for me, she wants me to be her lover but i can't. I love Sophia and i can't do without her, fifeteen years without her was hell for me, when i saw amy my mind instructed me to make her my girlfriend to replace Sophia but my heart wouldn't agree so i took her as my sister. I don't know why i feel like i cheated on her but Eric clearly like and love her but she dosen't like him, or maybe i should talk to her on his behalf. No, Eric is a man, he should do it his way but my mind wouldn't let me be at peace. through out the ride eric drove us from school to our hideout which we created for we only to have fun, i had spaced out and the rough shook on my shoulder brought me back from my sub-consciousness. "you haven't said anything since we entered this car from school leo, you just space out, any problem" eric asked look at me through the driver mirrow. "am fine" i replied "you aren't, or are you not happy sophia is back" said joe "i said am fine" i replied raising my voice a bit. they all turned, looking at me and i let out a fake smile. "am fine" i said once more. "i know you Leo and i can tell something is wrong" Sophia said placing her hand on mine. "then you don't really know me" i answered withdrawing my hands from her's and staring at the wonderful nature of creation. "that's werid" i heard max say. ****** In few minutes we were at our hideout, eric decelerated the velocity of the car driving into the garage and halting the car. We came down from the car making our way into the building. "wow, just as i left it" sophia said walking around examining the interior part of the building. "yeah, after you left we hardly came here, we only came when we want to check it and clean everywhere" eric said smiling. "that's nice, i'll go prepare food while you guys sit and wait" she said picking an apron and running to the kitchen. "can't wait to have a taste of your delicious noodles" eric shouted, geez this guy has been the one talking ever since we left the school. As for sophia, yeah throughout the fifeteen years, i only heard of her in the news, she didn't bother to call me and i did my best to call her but her line we always unreachable. She was the best noodles cook in the country and had won the title for 6 consecutive time that i wonder if anyone was ever going to beat her, this year tournament was announced and she is probably preparing for this year tournament. . . Amy mum has a resturant and probably amy can cook. "stop thinking about her leo" i said to myself hitting my hand on my head. soon sophia was done with the cooking and she set the table placing our food on it and picking a bottle of wine from the wine bar and pouring it in five glass cup, calling us after she was done. we moved from the sitting room where we were watching wrestling and went to join her in the dinning. "wow, this is magnificent, the combination of the pepper and other ingrident is out of this world" joe commended "thanks for the compliment, joe" she replied with a smile. "so how is korea?" eric asked what's wrong with this guy, he's such a talkertive. "korea is fine, i can even speak the launguage" she said while i sipped my wine. "wow, hit me" eric said adjusting his seat. "oppa, de kinchana" "and what does that mean? max asked "it means, brother how are you" she replied. "okay, another one" said joe "bi a ne, means sorry" "wow" "and the last one i want to say is" she said while they looked at her anxiously. "say it sophia, don't keep us in suspense" said eric "its; de saranhe" she said looking at me, i had raised my head when she said those words and our eyes locked, am not fluent in korean but i know what that sentence meant. "and what does that mean?" they asked "it means i..." "i love you <3" i said cutting her off, she smiled bowing her head in a shy way. "applaude to the loving, mighty and brilliant leo" eric said and a round of applaude followed.. . . EPISODE 15 . . . <3 Amy pov <3 Days turned to weeks and School continued, I gave Eric a little space but i kept going to see Leo on the roof top. This day i went to meet Leo on the roof top when i heard he had come back. Oh! you don't know what happened, i'll tell you. A week ago after the re-union of Sophia and the A4, Eric tormented me, He would smirk at me whenever i was looking at Eric. on a Tuesday afternoon i was hungry and i headed to the cafeteria with Paul, grabbed peanut and yoghurt for I and Paul and went for an empty seat, unfortunately there was none, the only one available was diagonal to that which the A5, that's including Sophia were seated on, so i had no choice than to seat there. There were talking and laughing happily and i was jealous, stealing glances on leo. Eric would look at me and i would glance at another thing but i knew he caught me. When i couldn't take it anymore, i wanted to stand up but Eric stood up first. I stood up abruptly and i hit his shoe falling flat on the tiled floor, he bent down and smirked. "jerk" To my suprise Leo came and bent down, He brought out a handkerchied and cleaned the piece of ice cream on my nose. he then stretched his hand and i held his to stand up, we made to go out but Eric drew my other hand. What Is Wrong With Him "let go Of Her Hand Leo, what are you doing?" Eric asked staring at Leo confusingly. "i can't and am doing what you couldn't do" he answered "if you leave here with her, dont come back to me nor the A4" Eric fired angrily. "i was never an A4 " Leo replied drawing me away frow Eric and i entered in his embrace hugging him. He stared at Eric and i could see anger in his eyes, he would practical kill Leo if he had his way. tension was rising in the cafeteria, Sophia didn't do anything, She just nodded at me and i touched leo, He looked at me and then back at eric before drawing me out of the cafeteria. All effort to settle the case was futile, they were both strong headed and didn't want to settle the quarrel so leo travelled out for some days. Now he was back and has been avoiding me for some time now so i decided to go check on him on the roof top. On getting there he was standing enjoying the view of the city. i also enjoyed the view of the city from here. "how are you?" He asked and i stoped on my track, Geez this guy is something else, I don't think he is from this world. "who are you?" I asked and he smiled. "i am Leo" He answered. He smiled coming close to me. "how about you be my girlfriend and we elope together" he said and my eyes widened invoultary. * [ Author Joe ] Did he just say i could be his girlfriend and elope with him, wow!. i wanted to say yes but he smiled. "don't tell me you fell for that joke" He said looking intensly at me. what, that hurt me, how could he play with such word. "Or we could be lovers" he said again. I can't express my feelings right now, I feel on top of the world. Me and Leo, lovers. I can't wish for anything less. "don't tell me you also fell for that Amy" Now i was really annoyed, why is he playing with my heart. He left me and headed to {God Know}. . After standing for some minutes i went to the wall he drew Sophia and touched it. "why Leo" I asked no one in particular. "Amyyyy" I turned to see who shouted my name, behold it was Eric, for the first time in my life i was scared to my bone, he was really angry and looked like the devil himself. He rushed towards me and blow the wall, the impact and the dent the blow left was massive, he was bleeding and breathing like a roaring Lion who is about to devour his prey. To be sincere i pee a little in my pants.
17 Jun 2020 | 09:37
EPISODE 16 . . . **ERIC POV** Tracy and Vera came over to my table where i was having lunch with my friends excluding Leo. After our argument that day we didn't talk to each other. I can't imagine he betrayed me for a girl and when i threathned him that he wouldn't be a member of the A4 again he said he wasn't a member before, that hit my ego. We have been pleaded with to settle our dispute and reunite but i couldn't, how could he choose a girl over me. He himself also didn't agree to the idea of settling the dispute rather he travelled far away. I later agreed to forgive him and we did which made him come back from where he travelled to but we haven't spoken since he came back nor has he hanged out with us, silly guy. well i miss him. "hi Eric" Tracy greeted with a smile. This girl has be disturbing me telling me she love me and that Amy isin't the right person for me but she is, am just fed up with her rascal attitude and trying to convience me that Amy is not in my future. Girls are naturally crazy, they can do anything to get someone they love and lying is one of their principle. I wonder what she's up to this time. "hi Tracy and Vera" i replied and concentrated on my meal. "i have something to show you" she said. Not again, what's wrong with this girl, i scoffed and replied her that i wasn't intrested and i went back to my meal. "its about Amy" she said. Immediately i spit out the juice in my mouth and concentrated full on her. "what about her" i asked anxiously "i told you she wasn't for you nor does she love you but you wouldn't listen" she said bringing out her phone and pressing it. "can you go straight to the point, if you don't have anything resonable to say you can leave" i said almost yelling. "well i have something to show you" she said handing her phone to me which i collected reluctantly. I click on the phone screen and a video started playing, my eyes widned at what i saw. Leo was drawing Sophia on the wall and i was like what does Tracy want to bring out of this, i wanted to return her phone to her and give her the warning of her life when suddenly the door in the video opened and Amy emerged from it. What!, not again, wha is she doing with Leo? I watch her go to Leo and he turned to her with a smile she reprocreated. They were talking but i didn't hear what they were saying the video was taken far from where they were. She got closer to him and he bent him head and their face came together for some seconds, he then raised his head up and smiled. Wait did they just kiss? i could feel my blood boiling but i don't think they kissed because Amy removed something from his hair or did they did the two? either case she shouldn't have done Wait did they just kiss? i could feel my blood boiling but i don't think they kissed because Amy removed something from his hair or did they did the two? either case she shouldn't have done any. I returned Tracy phone to her to avoid my anger from erupting. "i have seen it, thank you" i said handing her phone back to her. "can you see what i have been telling you, she not the right one for you" she said "thanks, i get your point" i replied trying hard to hide my anger, my face had already turn red. "no matter how you try she will always run back to him" she said and that release the anger in me. "i said i've seen it" i said collecting the phone from her and smashed it on the floor. "neither are you the one for me" i barked at her which got her scared. I angrily stood up from the chair i sat on and pushed her from my way to look for Amy. Max held my hand and told me to calm down but i gave him a deadly glare and he release my hand. I made my way away from the cafeteria to the school rooftop to meet Amy. * [from Author Joe] * I got to the rooftop and saw her touching the drawing Leo drew on the wall, who know what the hell is going on in her mind. I shouted her name and she looked back to see who called her, i quickly went to her pinning her to the wall and punched my anger to the wall which broke the wall. My eyes were ember and my hands was bleeding but i cared less about it. She looked at me and fear was written on her face, yes she should be scared of me, she just released the demon in me. "How could you Amy, how could you do this to me?" i barked "i don't know what you are talking about" she said feighing ignorance. My anger boiled to 950 degree celcius and i punched the wall again leaving another hole in the wall. She escaped from my arasp running away, she hit her leg and fell. she looked at me fearfully and crawled forward as fast as she could but i caught up with her and dragged her up by her collar and slammed her on the wall. "please Eric don' hurt me" she pleaded. "oh, i will do more than that" I replied with a devilish smile :D
17 Jun 2020 | 09:40
18 Jun 2020 | 02:23
18 Jun 2020 | 02:24
EPISODE 17 AMY POV After Leo had left the roof top to his class I went to the picture he drew of Sophia and I stood there staring at it. I wish I can have in a place in his heart but it has already been occupied. I touched the drawing gently and smoothly, he was so good in everything he did, so talented, handsome and payed the piano with great dexterity. I heard my name being shouted and I turned back seeing Eric, but he was different this time, he was really angry.> He rushed at me and punched the wall leaving a hole in it. His eyes were pure red and I was afraid to look at them. He then asked me w why I was doing this to him and I decided to play dumb but that only fueled his anger >. He punched the wall again leaving yet another hole in it. I got really scared this time that I pee a little in my pants; I haven’t seen this side of Eric before. I escaped from his grasp in an attempt to run but I was unfortunate and I hit my leg on a hard thing, I didn’t bother to look at what I hit my leg on as I crawled as fast as I could. My only thought was to escape from the monster behind me. I crawled faster and made an attempt to stand up but I felt his hands on the collar of my shirt. He dragged me up and slammed me on the wall, I went limb as the pain circulated in my body. I don’t know what happen to him but this is not Eric. I begged him not to hurt me and he replied me with a devilish grin that he was going to do more than that, in my life I was happy Leo was not here because if he were here Eric would practically kill him and shatter his bones to pieces. He smirks and started kissing me roughly that I feared my lips were going to tear. No not my virgin lips, don’t be surprised I am still a virgin but I wanted it to be Leo that would kiss me. I removed my face away but he dragged my face back kissing me harder. I couldn’t help it any longer. I feared he was going to rape me. “Eric please I beg of you don’t do this to me” I pleaded He seem to get himself and withdraw, stepping a few feet back from me. I drooped down crying, my lips were already red and bloody and my top was open due to his rough handling and my cleavage was exposed and visible. At the sight of this I cried more and wailed :’( :’( :’(. I cornered up myself and continued weeping, I wanted to stop but the more I tried the more the tears kept pouring out from my eyes. He saw me crying and came closer to me and touched my shoulder but I shifted far away from him like a child who was abused, of course I was just abused by him. He tried again and I shifted still further away and he gave up. He stood up and dropped a handkerchief saying he was really sorry that he didn’t want to do such; fuck him, the damaged has been done. He walked away and I resumed my crying this time more tears flowed and I didn’t try to stop them from pouring out, I let them flow freely. Few minute later I dragged myself up and went to the girls restroom to freshen up, my clothes were already wet and dirty and my eyes were red and swollen due to the fact that I have been crying. I got to the restroom and entered it closed the door and exhaled. I moved to the sink which had a large mirror in front of it and opened the tap collecting water from it and washing my face. I looked at myself in the mirror and I was all messed up, I don’t think I can come out of here. My white cloth was already dirty and some of the buttons of my shirt, it would be so embarrassing for me if people saw me I this state. I wanted to cry again and I quickly opened the gap again collected water and splashed it on my face, but that didn’t stop the tears. “You don’t need to shed anymore tears, you would get sick if you do” I heard a voice say and I raised my head up to see the person through the mirror and it was no other person than Sophia. She came closer to me and dropped a sweater and a jean with a white shoe for me on the sink. I stared at her confused. :\ :\ :\ “You broke your heels” she said guessing what was in my mind. It was then I looked at my heels and truly my left leg heel was broken and I didn’t take notice of it, I was probably too scared for my thought to go there. “Come on stop staring at me and change into those clothes” she said with a smile. “Why are you doing this?” I asked. I didn’t expect her to help me after seeing me with Leo and experiencing the event the other day. “Doing what?” she asked. “After everything that happened you still want to help me” I said a little bit ashamed. She looked at me and stared into my eyes. “We are of the same gender and I would want someone to help me if I was in this condition, do you remember the golden rule in Matthew 7:13?” “What does it says?” I asked “It says: DO UNTO MEN WHAT YOU WANT MEN TO DO UNTO YOU” she replied “But about Leo” I said “Love is not a fight or a game as people think of it to be. The book of 1 Corinthians which Apostle Paul wrote to the Corinthians as a letter defined love as a thing that don’t hate, does not jealous, rejoice with the truth, does not get angry easily” “What are you implying?” “What am trying to; point out is that Leo has his choice to make, if he loves me am here for him and if it’s you, you are here for him at least we both love him” she said. “Thanks” “Now got dress up” she said I picked the clothes and enter the bathroom and changed into the clothes
18 Jun 2020 | 03:11
LAST EPISODE Amy pov Ever since the incident Eric has been coming to my house to apologies for his actions, he was so persistent that he bought stuffs for us when coming and mum and dad liked him. He continued pleading that I forgive him and that such won’t happen ever again, I forgave him and we became close and to be sincere with the love, kindness he has exhibited as a character I can’t hide it anymore; I THINK I LOVE <3 HIM but I still feel a thing for Leo. Few weeks later after I came back from school dropped my bag and headed to the bathroom I really need a shower; I have been exhausted from today lectures and practicals in school. I stepped into the bathroom and pulled off my clothes, I lift my breast up to feel its weight and I must say am really endowed there, if you know Nicky Minaj you would know what am really talking about. I touched my ass and felt it too before turning on the shower. I know the guys reading this are already having a hard on anyway they are for Eric. I off the shower and wrapped myself with my towel before stepping out of the bathroom, my phone beeped and I picked it opening the message. We are partying tonight. Don’t miss out girl 9:00pm. It will be hot. Address: Laurels bar, Texas. ………… No name, maybe it’s one of my friends. I smiled after reading the message. Well I surely could use a party to relax my mind a bit, not bad. Few minutes to the time I went to my wardrobe and picked short spaghetti and wore it with matching black shoes. I checked myself in the mirror and smiled, all my curves were visible, I licked my right middle finger. “It’s sure going to be HOT!” I said heading to the bed. I picked up my purse and cat walked out of the room heading to the party. But I have a bad feeling about this. [Author Joe] I got to the bar and people were dancing, I replied the person that sent the text I was already there and I went to the darker part to dance, I hate dancing publicly. My phone beeped signaling a message and I opened it. Sorry dear, I can’t make it Something came up, am sorry. Have fun. What, after inviting me here now he/she can’t make it, I still didn’t know who the person is because I collected a lot of my course mate phone numbers and I didn’t store them. Well I’ll deal with that later. What am I going to do now? I drank five glass of wine, the waiter kept passing in my direction among all other waiters and I kept collecting and drinking until I got tipsy. I stood up to go home but I heard a piano playing and I turned to the direction, I saw someone who looked like Leo and I went over to check only to see Leo playing the piano. “What are you doing here?” I asked but he didn’t reply, rather he said “You look beautiful” “Thank you” I smiled blushing in my tipsy state. But wait that’s not Leo voice, I looked at him again, my vision blurry and I was seeing Leo, and I rested my head on his shoulder and slept off. * I woke up in the morning and saw myself in a room. Who brought me home? I looked around and saw it was not my room, I recalled the event of the night and I remembered looking at the guy once more and saw it wasn’t Leo but the drinks were having effect on me and I slept off on his shoulder, and then he brought me here. I looked everywhere for him in the room but he wasn’t there. I picked my purse to go home but my phone beeped, I hope it’s not that idiot that text me yesterday. It was a notification from our university group chat in which all members were students of the school. I opened the chat and gasped as I saw pictures of me and that guy; he touched me in my boobs and butt and pictured it. The picture was captioned; THE A4 GIRLFRIEND FUCKING HUGE DICKS. I sighed, am in big trouble, there was no name to the poster and it was a new account. Fuck me I had a bad feeling about this but I ignored it. I phoned Eric and Leo and explained everything to them and they promised to find the perpetrator. Few hours later I got a text from Eric to come over to the address he sent to me that they had caught the perpetrator. I got there and stared at the room confused. This is Tonia room. I entered and saw all the A4 and Tonia sitting in the room. So where is he/she, I looked at Tonia Are you looking for the perpetrator with them, that’s nice of you Tonia, thank you? Eric and Leo looked at each other and I wonder what was wrong. “She is the one that sent you the text to go to the bar and she set up that waiter and the guy that played the piano to get you drunk and get a picture of you in bed” Eric said. I looked at Tonia with a worried and scared look “Tell me they are lying about it Tonia” “No, I did it” she said “She didn’t deny it when we asked her” said Leo standing up from the chair. Why did you? “You caused it Amy” How? . Remember when you invited me to Leo birthday party, I told you I can’t attend a big gun party but you promised to me in, I used my four months allowance to purchase a dress for the event and when I got there that day the securities didn’t let me in, I told them you invited me and they told me to call you which I did but you did not pick at first but I continued trying and it didn’t go through. It rained that night and I was drenched by the rain, I caught a cold and I fell sick, the next day you didn’t ask why I didn’t show up rather you were narrating how you enjoyed the party. Do you know sad I was? You were crushing on Leo and you Knew I love Eric but you left Leo and went on with Eric, I wanted you to feel all the pain and emotional torment that I went through that why I did that and I don’t regret it. “But Tonia when I tried asking you, you said you were fine and left, you could have asked me for an explanation not humiliate me, you don’t deserve to be my friend” She looked at me surprised “Goodbye Tonia, Forever” I said and left. The next day in school Eric and Leo had already explained the matter in the chat group and people were angry at Tonia, in our nutrition lecture room Tracy and Vera brought up the matter again and the lecturer ask me to explain what happened. I stood up and said I was at fault, I invited her for a party and didn’t make sure she was in and I didn’t care to ask what made her absent rather I was narrating how I enjoyed the event, I told everyone not to be angry at her that she acted out of anger. I closed the case and sat down not without looking at Tonia and I could see a smile on her face. . I and the A5 went on a vacation and we had lots of fun, I left the place going to a cooler place to reflect on how I got into the school, all the fights with Eric, my crush on Leo and how we are here having fun with the ones we love. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I flinched. “Am not a ghost but here to kidnap your heart” Eric said smiling. “You already did” I said replicating the smile. “You have a good heart Amy; no one would have done what you did to Tonia” “I guess I got that from my mum and one other person” “And who is the lucky person? he asked “YOU” We stared at each other and our face came closer with our lips coming in contact as we kissed passionately. I withdrew and stared at him, I can’t wish for any other guys from him. “I LOVE YOU ERIC” Just then we looked up to see snow falling, he pulled me closer and kissed me again. “I LOVE YOU MORE AMY” Our lips locked once more and I swear he was a good kisser; it made me almost naked myself. We heard a camera shutter and we looked to see who shot a photo of us. WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! . . THE END.
18 Jun 2020 | 03:13
Wow what a nice ending
18 Jun 2020 | 07:31
Kudos mr writer
18 Jun 2020 | 07:46
19 Jun 2020 | 16:33
Nice story
20 Jun 2020 | 05:54


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