I looked around me, i saw the people that surrounds me. University graduates, SSCE leavers, Job seakers, applicants, touts, smale scale bussiness owners.e.t.c and i ask myself, why is the community so rampant like this? Well we are surrounded by communities full of illiterates. What is illiterate? You have to figure that out by yourself. A sister once told me that "going to tertiary institutions/universities does not make you a literate" why?. This is an instance example (i.e) a married woman who was blessed with two kids. Whom claimed went to unilag but has nothing to show for it, a liability to a jobless husband, she one day used laundry soap to bath and recently used dishwashing soap to brush her teeth. Is that someone who went to tertiary institution? The answer is yes. I remembered my brother once said a sentence to people anticipating for the president "PMB" to be inaugurated and so soon their life and economics of the republic will change. He told them " I am so sorry for you all, you better go and work hard to meet your end. Is it the president that will leave his chamber to give you food? HELL NO". I sometimes look at the so-called youths of our days without vission, passion and zeal. I once asked a lady of about 19 years what course she intend studying, she replied by saying "My friend told me MASS-COMM is nice" 19 year old lady that will give countless numbers of boyfriend/sex mates she have or has had. A friend once told me that "age 15-19 are so delecate for teenagers because that is when their sexual organs germinates and if they fail to control it, then the organs controls them" many of them are sent to tutorials for preparations of their forthcoming specific exams, instead to face their objections they rather enticed themselves with unnecessary relationship. You'll see so many youths that fails to read books that will impact their lifes. Mike Murdock said "if you are 40 years old, then 40 books must be in your shelve" that means a book for a year. Many so called literature students failed to read books, spritiual growth, financial wise, academical wise and even moltivational books. You need books to boost your intellectual morals. A friend of mine used to say this whenever we are discussing together, he'll say. "Regardless on how the hustle goes, we all gona smile at the end" this quote is not meant for everybody. You never work hard and you're expecting to smile at the end? Thats impossible. I remember i once asked a boy of 18 who just finished his 0-level "what do you want for your life" he went dumb and never answer my question he rather changed the talking point. The great boxer Mohammed Alli said "success is like morning deu, if you want to get it then you have to wake while others are sleeping" youths we have to wake up. Think of your future at this very stage of your life. My grandpa once told me he said "son. don't tell me 1001 reasons you fail, tell me 1 reason you succeed". Many nigerian youths are blind, they never open their eyes to see what the future of our dear country holds. I was recently reading "31 reasons people do not receive their financial harvest" by mike murdock. So inspiring book, so intriguing; it increases one's thinking to financial growth. So many people will say money is the root to evil. But am here to say it's a lie. It was stated that "the love of money is the root to all evil" God does not say we should not be as rich as bill gate. Rise up today, think about that thing you knows best to do that will make your future a purposefull one. A man of God once told me "if you fail to plan, then you plan to fail" a basic example is our ex-president he said "there was a time i had no shoes" but look at his life today. It was a purposefull life. Remember you can be the best of what you are born to be, make most of your life and be different. I am ODUKOYA OLUWAFEMI DAVID and i just make common sense. Thank you......