Crazy Hannah

Crazy Hannah

By Igwe in 27 May 2020 | 04:33
Igwe Igwe

Igwe Igwe

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Member since: 10 Sep 2015

Episode 1


France ?
Lee's Mansion ⛲
Harry sat by the pool with his eyes closed.. he was clad in his shorts and suglasses, with about eight maids beside him. Two were busy massaging his legs, another was holding a silver tray with his phones on it, another was holding a golden tray with a glass of wine on it, another was giving a head massage, another was holding a towel.. while the other two applied sun lotion on him.
"Mr Harry" Mr Cha his assistant called rushing towards him
"Yeah?" Harry asked with his eyes closed.
"Mr Lee has agreed to your conditions sir" he said excitedly..
Harry opened his eyes and sat up,
"What?" He asked surprised.. he wasn't expecting his father to accept his conditions yet.
"He accepted your conditions" Mr Cha repeated..
"What exactly did you tell him?" Harry asked unable to believe what his assistant was saying. If truly his father accepted the conditions then he would have no choice but to return to Korea, and start working as a surgeon in his father's hospital. Urrhh this can't be happening..
"I told him you said you would only go back to Korea, if he let's you drive without guards to the mansion, allow you to leave alone with just me and no other staffs or guards, and lastly, travel in the second class alone without me or any guards." Mr Cha stated.
"And you're saying he agreed?" Harry asked hoping for a negative answer.
"Yes sir" Cha replied.
"Ahh!.. dang it!!, Why the hell did he agree?" He asked himself, he felt really bad to know he would be going back to Korea, the country where he lost his mom, although he missed his sisters, the little twins, who were the exact replica of their mother. He knew this day would come, but not this sudden. He turned twenty five just few days ago, and had spent ten years studying and managing his father's hospital here in France.
"Okay, so when are we living?" He asked quietly
"Tommorow, although your flight will leave before mine, since you insisted on traveling alone" Mr Cha replied.
"Okay" Harry mumbled. He laid his head on the chair and the maid continued massaging him..
His phone started ringing, and the maid holding the silver tray leaned down, Harry reached for the iPhone and choked on his saliva when he saw the caller ID. "Nina", his ex best friend in Korea, they haven't talked for years why was she calling now?.
He snapped his fingers signalling the maids to leave, the ones holding the trays gently placed them on the glass table beside Harry and they all walked out leaving Harry and Mr Cha alone. He answered and placed the phone on his ear.
"Speak" he said simply
"Oppa!!" She yelled causing Harry to move the phone from his ears.
"Hey Nina, how are you?" He asked rubbing his temple with his free hand.
"I'm fine oppa!.. how are you?" She asked
"I'm okay?.." he mumbled
"What do you want?" He asked already tired of her voice
"Oppa, you don't have to be mean, I heard you are coming to Korea, that's why I called" she replied
"You heard or dad told you?" He asked
"Uhm.. maybe" she replied and Harry rolled his eyes..
"I can't wait to see you oppa, love you.. bye" she said excitedly
"Whatever.. bye" he mumbled and hung up.
Did she say Love?..He scoffed, in her dreams, he said mentally and dived into the pool.

*7: 40am*
Hannah rolled and turned on her bed, snoring soundly, the cold was just so amazing..she could sleep for hours if she wanted, she turned again and landed on the floor with a thud, she laid comfortably on the floor and covered her body with the duvet, with her legs still on the bed.. her phone started ringing, she sat up and reached for it, she answered it sleepily and placed it on her ear.
"Hannah, where are you?" Sofia asked
"In my room" she replied yawning.
"By this time?" Sofia asked
"Relax Sofie, it's just some minutes past six, I guess" Hannah replied with eyes closed
"It's to 8, dummy"
"What?" She asked unbelievably, she opened her eyes and looked at the wall clock..
"Ahh!" She screamed
"Why didn't you call sooner?" She asked rushing towards the bathroom.
"Don't blame me Hannah, I'm not your alarm, doctor lan will be here soon, you have a surgery together don't forget" Sofia said and hung up.
She threw the phone on the bed and hurriedly brushed her teeth, she washed her face and rushed out of the bathroom, she wasn't going to take her bath, the water was way too cold for her. She slipped into her nurse uniform and packed her hair in a bun, she looked at her face in the mirror and scoffed, she opened her makeup kit and frowned at the only pink lipstick she saw.. she had sold all her make up last week, she applied it on her lips and hurriedly picked her phone and bag. She rushed down the stairs and saw her family having dinner, her younger brother Jeremy was sitting beside Sona her sister, with their backpacks on the floor.
"Morning Mom, morning Dad" she greeted and headed for the door..
"Hannah, won't you have breakfast?" Her mother asked
"No mom" she replied
"Sona, there's a pink lipstick on my bed, take it" she yelled
"Thanks Hannah" Sona yelled back
Hannah was about to dash out of the house when a voice stopped her.
"Unnie?" He called, dang it!, Why did he have to wake up now?.. she turned to see her youngest brother Nick sitting on his wheel chair smiling..
Sona was behind him, holding the handle, she rushed over and kissed his cheek
"How are you Nicky?" She asked squatting in front of him
"I'm fine Hannah, although a little sad" he said.
"Why?" She asked looking at his cute face
"I didn't see you last night, it was mom who read me a story" he replied sadly..
She smiled and held his hands, if only he knew she was out selling her clothes for his surgery..
"I'm sorry Nicky, I was busy at the hospital, I promise to read and sing for you today. Okay?"
"Okay" he said happily.
"I have to go now, finish your meal okay?"
"Okay" he said still smiling..
She opened her bag and handed him some money.
"Sona and Jeremy will take you to the mall, use it to buy whatever you want." She said smiling
"Thanks unnie" he said and kissed her cheek
"What about us?" Jeremy asked munching his bread..
"Who are you?" Hannah asked standing up
"Your kid brother" Jeremy said smiling
"So now you're a kid?" Dad asked smiling
"What about me unnie, I'm your only sister" Sona asked
"That's your problem.. Nicky, Don't give your money to any of them okay? Including mom" Hannah said and rushed out of the house..
"What!" Her mother yelled after her.
She checked her Time and frowned deeply.. just seven minutes more..
She walked out of the house and saw Ethan smiling at her she smiled back and ran off, before he could say anything.. he's the only male friend she have and he could talk for hours none stop..
She stopped by the major road and looked at her watch again.. she had no choice but to waste 20 bucks today.. with a frown she started halting the cabs, none seemed interested to carry her.. it was as if the universe was against her today.
Well, she was going to show the universe how crazy she can get.. without thinking, she rushed into the road and stood there.. a cab halted in front of her causing the other vehicles to halt as well.. she smiled and rushed into the cab
"H.R" she said ignoring the driver's surprise expression..
"You could have killed yourself miss?" The driver finally muttered
"But I didn't" she mumbled.
She stepped out of the cab and hurried into the hospital after paying the driver..
The first person she saw was mathron Linda, she would certainly be angry at Hannah..
Hannah summoned all the acting skills she had.and with one quick move roughed her hair and sluggishly walked towards the mathron..
"Hannah, why are you just coming?" She asked staring at Hannah..
"I.. I'm a little.." she staggered and held her head groaning weakly. She looked at the mathron to see if her plan was working.
"Oh my.. are you ill?" The woman asked worriedly.
Hannah smiled mentally
"A little" she said hoarsely.
"Hannah!.. thank goodness you're here, the surgery is about to start" Sofia said rushing towards her
"She's ill Sofia, I don't think she can work today" Linda said holding Hannah
"I'll be fine, a little aspirin will do the trick" Hannah said holding Sofia weakly.
"Are you sure?" The woman asked worriedly
"Yes.. she'll be fine, it's a hereditary sickness, that stops after a dose of aspirin" Sofia said smiling
"Is it true?" Linda asked looking at Hannah.
"Yes.. in her family though, I contacted it from her yesterday" Hannah replied..
"We have to go now, so you won't contact it" Sofia muttered
"Yes.. please, you can go" Linda mumbled and the girls both turned to leave.. they were already close to the elevator when she stopped them.
"What's the name of the sickness?" She asked from afar.
"Uhm.. it's. Uhh" Sofia started
"Heri-aspirin" Hannah replied and they both rushed into the elevator laughing.
To be continued
27 May 2020 | 04:33
Igwe is back o...where are the rest ..we go sit beside me and read this...any ladies here @ele1 and @ladyg abeg come join me and invite other for this front sit..@daniel serve us popcorn and drinks [hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] •[url= ][b]Episode 2[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 3[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 4[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 5[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 6[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 7[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 8-9[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 10[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 11[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 12[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 13-14[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 15-16[/b][/url] •[url= ][b]Episode 17-18[/b][/url] Episode 19 Episode 20-21 Episode 22-24 Episode 25 Episode 26-27 Episode 28-30
27 May 2020 | 04:45
Nkea ga adi kpo kpo @Henrymary and @lawman New story has come Remember to bring me kulikuli and bobo juice
27 May 2020 | 06:43
And not to forget @fb-danieledem
27 May 2020 | 06:44
Very very kpo kpo nnaa, Ugo ur name can long 4 Africa o. @adedemola u do well my broda man.
27 May 2020 | 07:42
Ok naw Let the ride begin @henrymary oya o @danieledem where the popcron naw
27 May 2020 | 08:03
Next please
27 May 2020 | 11:04
Diz story is very interesting oh... make una sitdown nd watch
27 May 2020 | 11:16
@adedamola thanks for the call o.. I think this wil be a story of the rich arrogant chaebol Harry falling in love with the poor crazy Hannah.. But Harry would have to compete with Hannah's best friend Ethan for the love of Hannah while Hannah would have to compete with Harry's ex besty Nina for the love of Harry.. Harry dad would nt want to support cuz they are world apar but love wil prevail..I hope im wrong though, lets enjoy the ride.. Ugonna Victor, wats ur username o
27 May 2020 | 13:30
Okay, seated
28 May 2020 | 04:19
"Seriously? Heri-aspirin?.. that's crazy Hannah"Sofia muttered as they walked out of the elevator "It's the only thing I could think of, thanks bes, you're a life saver" Hannah said and hugged her "You would have done the same for me.. it's nothing" Sofia said and they did their signature handshake.. "Wow.. that's nice" they turned to see doctor Evans smiling. "Uhh.. it's uhm, it's a new dance step we are working on"Sofia mumbled "Oh really?, I never knew you both could dance"Evans said surprised "Yeah, we..we dance alot, we dance for several occasions, like uhm .. weddings" Hannah started "Seminars" Sofia chimed in "Birthdays"Hannah said "And Funerals" Sofia added. "Funerals?" Evans asked confused "Uhh.. yes.. yes, funerals. We know a lot of people whose family members die often.. so we always practice, I mean you never know when the next funeral might be announced"Hannah said smiling nervously. "Uhh.. okay?" Evans said "Okay, bye" Hannah said and made to Leave. "Wait" Hannah frowned and turned with a smile.. "Do you mind if we talk privately?" He asked looking at Hannah. "Uhm, " she mumbled looking at Sofia. "Go on.. I'll be right here" Sofia mumbled . Hannah sighed and walked towards Evans, she stood in front of him and faked a smile, she already knew what he was going to say.. doctor Evans was one of the unfortunate men who have been asking her out. He was rich, handsome and smart, he had everything a lady could possibly want, and yes almost all the nurses can't help drooling over him, but he had never had interest in any of them, except Hannah. "Hannah.. Hannah" he called waving his hands on her face, "Hmm?" She answered, "Are you okay?" He asked worriedly "Yeah.. why?" She asked "Cause I've been talking and you haven't been listening" he said quietly "Oh.. I'm sorry, i.. I was just thinking about something" she mumbled "Okay.. so what do you think?" He asked "About what?" She asked looking lost "The text I sent you last night" he replied. "Oh.. " she said scratching her hair "I'm sorry, but we can't go on a date tonight.. I promised my brother, I'd read and sing for him" she said looking at Sofia who was giving her thumbs up. "Okay.. what about tomorrow?" He asked, "Well.." she sighed as she stared into his puppy eyes begging her to say yes. "Okay, fine.. tomorrow it is" she said He smiled and tried to hug her, her eyes widened as she wrapped her hands around her chest. He chuckled and moved backwards "Thanks" he said and Hannah nodded "See you later, bye.. bye Sofia" he said and waved at Sofia, after which he walked into the elevator. "Oh my Hannah, did you agreed to go on a date with him?" Sofia asked rushing towards Hannah "Yes.. but I won't go" Hannah said arranging her bag. "Why?" Sofia asked confused "Cause I don't like him" Hannah stated walking out of the lobby "What? Hannah are you serious?. That's doctor Evans for crying out loud, the best surgeon in H.R, do you Know how many ladies wishes for a chat with him?.. Hannah you have rejected almost fifteen guys in a year, and 4 are in the hospital because you couldn't hold your anger" "Uhh no.. it's cause, they couldn't keep their hands or lips in their pockets and face, I had no choice but to do the needful, and it felt really good" she said smiling. "You're going to that date Hannah, and that's final.. I don't even care if you break my leg" Sofia muttered and started moving back "I'm not gonna hit you Sofia.. at least not now"Hannah mumbled and walked into the nurses office. ***"***"******* *************** France ? "Sir.. it's time" Mr Cha said "Okay" Harry stepped out of the car and walked into the airport with his guards walking behind him. He was clad in a wine colored suit with white long sleeve, with the first few bottons opened revealing his spotless skin, he wore a single gold chain, Italian shoes, his diamond bracelet and black shades, his black hair was gelled back.. One would think he was a model, and wealth was written all over him. Ladies kept drooling as he walked past them. ? Wow. He's so beautiful, I think he's a model. ?No.. that's Harry, he's a surgeon ?He looks so sexy ? He's so cute, I can't believe I've finally seen him. ?Yeah me too.. I think he's going back to Korea ?Is he from Korea? ?Yes.. I read about him. ?That explains his looks.. gosh, he's so hot. I'm definitely getting married to a Korean guy. Harry smiled and walked into the tarmac. "I'll see you in Korea sir, I already texted you the address, you can use your GPS to find it" Mr Cha said "Okay.. thanks" Harry said and walked away.. "I pray he doesn't get into trouble" Mr Cha mumbled and walked out. ******* Once in the plane, Harry frowned as he saw people moving to and fro, some were already sitted, others were trying to arrange their bags, and few were trying to locate their seats.. he looked around and sighed . He felt the strong urge to just turn back and use his private jet, but he had asked for this.. "Hey, get out of the way" he turned to see a young girl frowning at him. She smiled when she saw his face, . "Oh, sorry cutie.. excuse me" she said. "Sorry" Harry mumbled and moved aside, she smiled and walked past him, he walked to his seat and sat down. He looked around and saw a chubby woman walking towards him. She sat beside him, she smiled at him and he smiled back.. He looked out the window and closed his eyes.. ************** Hours later* He walked out of the airport and spotted a man Wearing suit and black shades standing beside a white Ferrari.. he smiled and walked closer.. His ride was here, he collected the key and zoomed off, heading straight for the hospital. ******* ******* ******* Hannah slumped into her chair after the third surgery, she was seriously tired and hungry, Sofia was busy with a patient, so she was left alone in the office.. the rain started falling and she rushed over to close the windows.. she sat back on her chair and laid her back on it .. The events of the morning came rushing back to her, doctor Evans.. as much as she wanted to start a relationship, she just couldn't.. she had more important things to take care of.. like Nicky's surgery for example.. if it wasn't for her carelessness he wouldn't be in that chair, so she have to work hard, sell all her properties if need be.. 1.2million, isn't easy to get.. She closed her eyes as the cold surrounded her.. she was already feeling sleepy, but she wasn't going to sleep.. no way!! ??? "Hannah.. Hannah!!!" She jerked up from her chair and fell on the floor with her butt.. "Ouch..what the heck!" She yelled angrily, she frowned when she looked up to see Clara laughing loudly.. "You think it's funny?" She asked already standing. "Yes it is" Clara said cleaning her eyes.. "Okay, we'll see" with that Hannah rushed towards her and grabbed her right hand, she bent it backwards and pushed Clara on the table, she placed one hand on her face and continued bending Clara's hand with the other. Clara cried and started begging Hannah to let her go.. "I thought you said it's funny, why aren't you laughing?" Hannah asked angrily "No.. it's not, I'm sorry Hannah, please let me go" she pleaded. "I'll let you go on one condition" "Tell me, I'll do anything, please just leave my hand" "You'll buy me lunch for one week" "Okay.. I will, I promise" "Good" Hannah muttered and released her with a smile. "So why are you here?" She asked looking at Clara who was nursing her hand. "Your next surgery is about to start" she replied "Urhhh!!.. can't they just let me rest a little?" Hannah asked rhetorically and stormed out. "Crazy witch" Clara mumbled "What?" Hannah asked popping her head into the office "Nothing" Clara said and rushed out of the room. *********** She walked out of the hospital with Sofia and both started walking home.. their houses was a bit far from the hospital, and would take them about an hour on foot.. but the duo wouldn't mind.. according to Hannah, they have a lot of expenses to take care of, it was better to walk home than waste 20 bucks on a cab.. "Oh Hannah I can't wait to see the chairman's son..they say he's so cute and looks like an angel from above" Sofia said dreamily.. "Mmmh, angel indeed, I bet he looks like an owl" Hannah mumbled "An owl?.. Hannah we are talking about the chairman's son, one of the best surgeons in Korea, he has been living in France since he was little, he has about a thousand maids and guards at his beck and call, I heard only his cream is worth a fortune.. how can someone who's face cream is enough to buy your whole house look like an owl?" Sofia asked unbelievably.. "Those are just rumors Sofia.. trust me, those nurses at the hospital are liars" she said yawning "I feel so tired, I can't wait to sleep" she added "You're tired? But it's not night already, are you okay?" Sofia asked worriedly "I'm not okay. I was in the theater assisting different doctors for the five surgeries we had, I mean they get to change the doctors but not me..why?" Hannah asked standing beside the pothole filled with dirty water from the rain that fell that afternoon.. the road to the hospital was totally free, so she didn't have to worry about incoming cars. "Uhh.. because you're one of the most intelligent nurses?" Sofia said more like a question Hannah scoffed and rolled her eyes. "It's true.. you're one of H.R's best nurses.. you're very intelligent, smart, strong? and beautiful, in one word, you are the bomb? Hannah" Sofia said smiling. "Awwn that's sweet" Hannah cooed and playfully punched Sofia.. who frowned and started rubbing her arm. "Hannah!.. that was painful" she hurled "Sorry Sofia, I didn't mean to hurt you" "I Know, but you have to learn to hit things or people lightly, or you might end up Killing someone" Sofia said looking at the sky.. "I am trying my best Sofie, but it's hard.. no matter how lightly I hit someone, it's always painful" Hannah said sadly "Don't worry, we'll work on it later, what's the time by the way?" Sofia asked "Uhm, I'll check my phone" she opened her bag and started searching for it, she finally saw it and brought it out.. she was about to tap the screen when a car passed with full speed and splashed the dirty water on her white nurse uniform.. causing her phone to fall in the process.. "Oh my goodness! Hannah are you okay?" Sofia asked looking her over.. her uniform was totally soaked with the dirty water. "No I'm not" Hannah replied looking at her phone. It was already broken the screen was separated from the case.. "I'm gonna deal with that punk!" She muttered and started running after the car.. "Hannah please no.. you might kill someone.. wait!" Sofia said running after her, but Hannah was already close to the car, she ran ahead of it and stopped a few metres from the incoming car with her hands up.. ordering the car to stop.. Harry quickly stepped on the break with his eyes closed.. he slowly opened his eyes to see the lady motioning him to come out of the car.. he angrily opened the door of his white Ferrari and stepped out angrily.. "Are you crazy? Huh? Do you want to kill yourself? Even if you want to die, can't you at least jump from a building or from a bridge.. do you want innocent citizens to pay for your craziness?" He asked angrily.. But she just continued glaring at him.. "Hey, psycho Lady can't you talk? Huh.. or are you " He stopped when she raised her palm up, telling him to shout up, he was so angry, how can she just order him to shout up.. "Hey .. who?, Who do you think you are? Huh?.. do you Know me, do you Know who I am?" He asked already getting scared . "Who the heck are you? Are you the president? I don't even care!.. all I want is my money!" She said angrily Harry was already getting scared, this was his first day in Korea and it was already getting bad.. his fears increased when he saw another lady running towards them.. she Finally stopped and started breathing heavily.. are they robbers or what?. He had heard stories about female robbers once before. "Which.. which money are you talking about?" He stuttered "You splashed water on me, causing my phone to fall in the process, now it's totally broken because of you!.. do you know how much I bought it!!.. do you Know how I managed to get it?" She asked angrily "Look .. I'm sorry okay, but I'm really late for a meeting now." He muttered "You think I'm joking?" She asked.. and angrily walked towards him.. she removed his shade and with one little squeeze broke it into pieces.. Harry almost can a lady be this strong?. "Okay, you can take anything.. just don't hurt me" he said moving backwards.. "I need 40, 000" she muttered "What!" "You heard me.. or I'll take something else" "Okay I'll do a transfer, I don't have that kind of money with me" he said dipping his hands into his pocket. "That isn't necessary..I think your outfits will do" she muttered moving closer to him "What!!. No, Please, take anything you want, I can call my assistant, he'll give you any amount please" he begged running around the car with Hannah behind him.. Sofia sat on the floor laughing, she wanted to beg Hannah to forgive him, but she knew it would be a waste of time... Fast forward.... Minutes later.. He drove into the estate and finally arrived at the compound, he picked his phone and stepped out of the car, the few maids working outside the house were left speechless by what they saw.. With a sigh, Harry walked into the family mansion, clad in just his boxers and socks.. ...... To be continued..
28 May 2020 | 04:25
Another episode is here @thecomely @ugonnatheyoungestwriter @ele1 @ladyg
28 May 2020 | 04:28
Indeed crazy Hannah
28 May 2020 | 05:09
I No Fit Laugh
28 May 2020 | 05:15
Hannah is really crazy
28 May 2020 | 06:19
@akpos following
28 May 2020 | 06:39
28 May 2020 | 07:04
Kikikikikikiki oh my goodness, this Hannah must b mad o, serves him right anyway bt i kn dey will end up togther.
28 May 2020 | 08:50
Kikikiki... I follow @LadyG laugh. Hannah's craziness get level.
28 May 2020 | 12:19
Lolz.. Just reminded me of the korean movie, strong woman.. Hannah take it easy o.. Oya next o
28 May 2020 | 13:51
He be like say that hannah chop craze, how will she do dat to my guy, henry my gee
28 May 2020 | 16:23
Hannah is crazy indeed
28 May 2020 | 18:07
What a crazy hannah
28 May 2020 | 22:45
The minute Harry drove off, Hannah started arranging the clothes in her bag, with Sofia standing beside her.. "Hannah, that was so mean.. you didn't have to do that you Know" Sofia scolded. "I did what I had to do, besides I didn't take all his clothes, he's lucky I left him with his boxers and socks" Hannah said shoving the clothes in her bag, "You had different options Hannah, he was willing to transfer the money to your account, you should have just given him your details, at least it's more better than stripping him half naked" Sofia queried "Well ..too bad I don't have an account "she said picking the chain "Wow.. this looks like real gold" she said looking at the chain.. "Let me see" Sofia said moving closer to Hannah. "Wow.. I think it's real" she muttered looking it over. "Hmm, how much do you think it's gonna cost?" Hannah asked holding the Italian shoes properly.. "I don't know, we'll stop by the jewelry store on our way.. it looks so real" Sofia mumbled, "Keep it in your bag before someone sees it"Sofia said handing it to Hannah. "I feel so sorry for that guy, he must feel so bad" Sofia said "He looks so cute though, and Rich too" she added "Good for him" Hannah mumbled, "What do you think Hannah?.. isn't he cute?" Sofia asked.. "Well.. he's not that bad for his age" Hannah mumbled "For his age?, Hannah.. that guy Is hot!.. he's sexy, and obviously rich, he looks exactly like my dream guy.. did you see his abs? Gosh they are just so awesome"Sofia said smiling.. Hannah scoffed and rolled her eyes, then she sighted something, on the floor about two feet from where she stood.. she walked closer and picked it up, She gasped at the sight of the bracelet, it was a gold bracelet with clear tiny crystals, that looked so much like diamonds.. "Wow.. it's so beautiful" Sofia mumbled leaning closer to Hannah. "I think it fell from his hand" Hannah said "No, I think it's for a lady" "No, it's for him.. I saw it on his wrist when he stepped out of the car, it must have fallen off" Hannah said mesmerized by the beauty of the bracelet. "Are those diamonds?" Sofia asked touching the crystals. "Well.. there's only one way to find out" Hannah said. * * Harry walked into the large living room, hoping not to see his father.. he walked in and on seeing only Mr Cha sighed in relief.. "Oh my goodness.. Mr Harry what happened to your clothes?" He asked rushing over to Harry who kept looking around the room "Its a long story, where's dad?" He asked "He's in a meeting" "As always" Harry cut in "What about my sisters?" He asked "In their room.. they couldn't wait any longer, so they dismissed the maids and went upstairs" Mr Cha replied. Harry nodded and rushed up the stairs with Mr Cha behind him. "The maids have arranged your bedroom, since you are going to stay for the night.. I already dropped your luggages there" Mr Cha muttered from behind.. "Okay.. you can go to your room now, I'll call you when I need you" Harry said without looking back Harry looked around and was a little stunned at the new look of the mansion.. it all looked so different and more beautiful.. he walked past different doors and halls and then finally stopped in front of a large door.. he placed his hand on the knob and opened the door. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him . He looked around and smiled to himself, his room was exactly as he remembered, everything looked exactly the same.. he walked towards his bed and sat on the edge, he looked around and suddenly stopped, he felt a pit in his stomach as he stared at the portrait. He was suddenly overcome by grief, he felt tears well up in his eyes as he walked towards the portrait.. it was a portrait of him and his mother, about thirteen years ago. A tear slid down his cheek as he continued staring at the picture taking all the details in.. then like wind, the memories started flooding back.. He hastily cleaned his eyes and rushed into the bathroom.. **"""""""""""""""""""""""""""** He walked out of his room clad in white shorts and grey shirt.. he walked down the hall and took a bend holding several shopping bags for his sisters, he had bought them in France and asked Mr Cha to bring it with him. He smiled as he walked straight to their door and knocked lightly.. "Come in" said a girlish voice from inside the room.. He opened the door and walked in to see the twins busy with their phones. "Surprise!!" He yelled They both looked up and smiled "Harry!!" They squealed and jumped on him together sending him to the ground. "Ouch.. easy girls" Harry said sitting up on the floor. "Sorry Harry" the first one said "Are you hurt?" The other asked.. he smiled and shook his head "Nope" he popped. "When did you arrive? How is France? Are you going back? Are you hungry? How was your flight? What about your friends? Why didn't you take a first class or your private jet?" Jodi asked "Jo.. how do you expect him to answer all those questions? It's too much" josi asked her sister.. "Well, it's not my fault.. I am just curious.. it's not bad to be curious.. is it?" Jodi asked "I didn't say it's bad, all I'm saying is: ask one question at a time" josi replied. "But Harry isn't angry.. right oppa?" She asked, both looking at Harry.. he chuckled and as if acting on impulse hugged them both. "I missed you cuties so much" he muttered. "We missed you too Harry" the twins muttered at once. They unlocked and he couldn't help but notice their striking resemblance with their mother, unlike him the twins had long brown hair and small black eyes, with long lashes and pointed nose.. they looked so much like their mother except, they were younger.. twelve years old to be precise. He gave them the bags and watched as they both started going through the items: toys, clothes, and so on. They both brought out jewelry boxes and opened them together, they gasped at the beautiful gold bracelet they saw.. "So?.. do you guys like it?" He asked. "I love it Harry.. thank you" josi said and hugged him. "It's the same Josi!.. I love it Harry, you are the best!!" Jodi squealed and kissed his cheek... "You're welcome" he said smiling.. They wore the bracelets and showed it to Harry who gave them a thumbs up. "Where's your bracelet Harry?" Jodi asked looking at him. He raised his right hand without looking at it. The twins exchanged looks and glanced back at Harry. "There's nothing there oppa" josi muttered Harry looked at his wrist and was shocked to see it empty, he looked at his left hand and saw it empty as well.. he glanced at the twins and rushed out of the room.. ****** He turned and moved and shuffled things again for the tenth time.. where could it be? How could he be so careless, it belonged to his mother, it was priceless.. where could he have dropped it?.. he looked at Mr Cha who was busy going through the drawers again. Frustrated he sat on the edge of the bed lost in thoughts. "Sir, please try to remember, did you drop it in your room in France?.. the airport or the plane?" Cha asked "No.. I didn't, I saw it when I walked out of the airport here in Korea" Harry replied. "What about your car?" "We've searched it right?.. it's not there" Harry replied "Did you drop it when pulling your clothes?" Mr Cha asked. Harry looked up, he had not thought about that since he arrived at the mansion. He gasped as he remembered the psycho Lady "Psycho Lady must have taken it"he said to himself. "What?' Cha asked confused "Psycho Lady.. she took my clothes, she must have taken the bracelet without my knowledge" he replied.. But he didn't see her take it, "Your clothes? Which lady?" Cha asked looking at Harry.. Harry knew he had to tell him about his ordeal.. he suddenly remembered psycho Lady.. standing in front of him looking like a lioness, in a good kind of way though.. her black hair fell to her waist, her brown eyes were so beautiful, her straight nose, pink curved lips, slender neck and slim waist.. she looked so drop dead gorgeous, even when she was angry.. she may be crazy, but she's certainly the most beautiful lady he had ever seen.. "Mr Harry?" Cha called snapping him out of his thoughts.. Harry instantly resented himself for thinking that way about miss psycho.. "Oh .. uhm, come sit" he said tapping the couch. ********* *************** ********* "So?" Hannah asked impatiently as she watched the man examine the chain.. He raised his head and smiled. "Is it gold or not?" Sofia asked looking at him "It is.. but where did you get this?" He asked looking at Hannah. "A friend of hers gave it to her as a gift, she doesn't want it and that's why she wants to sell it" Sofia replied. "Oh..Okay"he replied simply. "So how much are you going to sell it?" He asked Sofia cleared her throat and glanced at Hannah, who nodded for her to carry on. "300, 000" Sofia muttered ready for business The man glared at her and shook his head "75,000" he replied "275" Sofia argued "100" he said "250" she queried "150" "200, take it or leave it" she muttered sternly He stared at her for seconds and finally sighed "Fine.. I'll be right back" he mumbled and walked out. Hannah smiled at Sofia who gave her a thumbs up. He walked out of the office seconds later and handed her the bundle of notes.. she gave it to Sofia to count it.. She smiled at the thought of having 200 thousand.. soon the money for Nick's surgery will be correct. She knew that if she could sell all the outfits she took from Mr shades, she'll be able to save all the money for the surgery.. she felt so excited, she thought about the bracelet, how much would it cost?.. it may not be up to a hundred thousand, but at least it's still something.. she reached into her bag and brought out the bracelet.. She laid it on the table and he looked at her. "You want to sell it?" He asked "Yes" she replied already tired of standing in empty jewelry store. "Okay" he said and picked the bracelet.. she watched his eyes widen as he examined the crystals.. "Wow.. this is quite a little fortune" he mumbled.. "So how much will you buy it?" Hannah asked quietly. After seconds of silence, he finally looked up and muttered.. "6 million" "What!" Sofia yelled dropping the bundle of notes on the table. "6 mill.." Hannah couldn't complete the statement as she slowly closed her eyes and fainted... ****** ***** ** ** So will Hannah really sell the bracelet? What happens when Harry arrives at the hospital? Watch out for crazy Hannah episode 4??
29 May 2020 | 04:09
@fb-danieledem my username is @ugonnadeyoungestwriter
29 May 2020 | 07:22
You better don't sell it or else, you are really looking for problem that you will not be able to solve...
29 May 2020 | 10:15
**clears throat** That bracelet belongs to Harry's mum, you wil have to find it later anyays and you might suffer for it bt i believe Harry would later give it to you, but money good o, d clothes on some rich men alone could buy some people's bungalow, dis life na balance at all.. Nne @ladyg , her boo @fb-danieledem @royalgold @henrymary @emmy01 and others show like TV, dis story is making me miss korean movies wey i de watch tat year
29 May 2020 | 11:13
Hannah please don't sell it..the bracelet is priceless to harry
29 May 2020 | 11:29
This is so so crazy, @Ele1 I see you my brother.
29 May 2020 | 12:19
Hmmmm Hannah i beg dnt if nt u will regret ur actions soon, my broda man @ele1 u dey see hw dis world dey?
29 May 2020 | 12:20
Hannah! Hannah!! Hannah!!! How Many Times Did I Call You? Don't Sell It
29 May 2020 | 16:17
@king victor you are invited
29 May 2020 | 16:28
You better don't sell it, v
29 May 2020 | 23:10
Hannah, don't sell plz
30 May 2020 | 12:32
i don land next o
30 May 2020 | 17:03
Hannah, this is too bad
30 May 2020 | 19:23
*It's time for pov's" ? Hannah's pov? .. I and Sofia Walked out of the store and continued walking home, I don't know why I feel so guilty, maybe because I have never done that before; stripping someone half naked and selling his clothes. I rubbed my palms as the wind rushed past me, I feel so cold.. and I guess it's because of my wet uniform. All thanks to Mr shades.. We walked in silence and took a bend, it was already getting dark, but the street was still busy with people, cars and trucks moving to and fro. "Okay, spit it out. What's bothering you?" Sofia asked glancing at my face "It's nothing Sof, I'm fine" I muttered faking a smile "You are forgetting something Ann, I'm not mathron Linda.. I'm your best friend, you can't lie to me" Sofia pressed. I sighed and moved strings of my hair backwards. "It's about that guy.. uhm Mr shades" I finally blurted out "What about him?" She asked looking at me. "I.. I don't know Sof, I feel so guilty.. I haven't done something like that before, but I was just so angry.. and I couldn't help but let my rage control me, he must think I'm Crazy.. and I guess he's right.." I muttered. She stopped and held my hand.. "You're not crazy Hannah, don't ever say that.." she said looking into my eyes.. "Besides, we both know the main reason why you did it, for Nick.. I know how much you blame yourself for his current state Hannah, and I Know you'll do anything to make him walk again.. but truth be told what you did was wrong, you should have just allowed him to transfer the money, you could have even used my account, anyways it's all good. I'm glad you only sold the chain and nothing more.." she said and started walking again with our hands linked together. "I don't think I can use the money though, I will have to return it" I said "I'll work hard, maybe find a night job.. I'll save the money for Nick's surgery, at least that way my conscience Will be clear" I added.. she looked at me and smiled approvingly "But how are you going to find him?" She asked as if reading my mind "I guess, I'll have to stand by the road tommorow morning, who knows..he might take that road" I mumbled.. "Okay.. but when you say morning.. do you mean like, early in the morning or..?" She asked as she jumped over a puddle.. "Yeah.. I'll go early, so I won't be late for work.. I Don't need another heri-aspirin" I said and she laughed.. We got to a T junction and stopped.. "Okay, I have to go now.. I'll text you later" she said looking at me. "I no longer have a phone Sof" I stated "Oh.. yeah, sorry.. uhm okay, I'll wait here by 6 tomorrow, so we can go together" she said, looking around "You'll go with me?" I asked surprised "Of course, we are friends and friends stick together.. besides it will be another Chance for me to see that cutie, and who knows.. I might even be lucky to have his number" she said and winked.. I smiled and made to hit her playfully.. she moved back and frowned.. "Sorry" I mumbled. She chuckled and punched me playfully.. "Hey cuties" we turned to see Luke (Sofia's boyfriend) staring at us with a smile. "Hi baby" Sofia greeted and kissed him lightly on his lips.. Yeww, gross.. I can't understand what people like in joining their lips to others, and exchange saliva's?. I mean you never know where it's been, personal hygiene is really important, but they don't even care about it.. and they all seem to enjoy it.. yuck? "Hulk woman, what are you thinking?" Luke asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Nothing.. and I'm not hulk woman" I snapped at him. "But you are wonder woman" he pressed. "No.. I'm not!" I hurled.. He chuckled and moved his hair backwards "So what are you doing here?" Sofia asked looking at him. "I was on my way to your house and I saw you both standing here.." Luke replied. "Okay, I have to go now.. bye" I said and turned to leave. "Wait.." Luke said, and I turned to face them. "Why don't we grab some drinks.. it's been long I hang out with you both" he said moving closer to Sofia. "I'm sorry Luke, I'd love to.. but I can't, I need to wake up early tommorow" I explained. "Besides I might get drunk, you know what happened the last Time right?" I asked looking at the both of them. "Yeah, you beat up a man because he hit your ass.. so?" Luke said casually, like it was normal. "She's right Luke, how about we postpone it?" Sofia chimed in .. "Okay.. fine" Luke said reluctantly. "I promise I'll make it up to you," I said "We have to go now Ann.. bye, eat alot okay? I'll see you tomorrow, my regards to everyone, I love you, bye" Sofia said all at once.. "Love you too" I said and hugged her briefly.. "Bye bes, bye Luke" I said and rushed towards the other direction "Bye" they both yelled after me.. ******************* I walked into the house and saw Nicky and the guys playing video games.. "Hey guys" I greeted as I closed the door behind me.. "Hey Hannah" "Hi unnie" "Welcome noona" Nick greeted with a smile. "How was your day cutie?" I asked squatting in front of him "Was awesome noona!.. we bought clothes, video games and others" he said excitedly "Awwn.. have you eaten? Have you taken your bath?" I asked "Yes" he said. "Good boy" I said and kissed his cheek "What about mom and dad" I asked Sona who was busy with her phone "They are still at the restaurant" she replied. "Okay"I mumbled "Oh.. uhm Ethan was here some minutes ago" Jeremy muttered still busy with the game "Okay" I said and walked out .............. "And they all lived happily ever after" I said and closed the book. "So which one do you want next?" I asked No response.. "Nic.." I looked down and saw him sleeping soundly.. I smiled and kissed his hair, "Goodnight cutie" I muttered and slipped out of the bed, I looked at the side table and saw a short book opened wide. I picked it and flipped over the page.. it's his diary, I better drop it.. I thought to myself, I was about to close the book when something caught my attention.. As much as I wanted to drop the book and walk out, I just couldn't.. I sat on the bed and balanced to read.. "I really wish I can Walk, I wish the accident never happened, I wish a miracle could just happen. I really wish I died that night, at least mom and dad wouldn't have to stay in the restaurant till midnight, Sona wouldn't go out to sing for money, Jeremy wouldn't have to push me everywhere, Hayley wouldn't have to stick up for me in school, and noona wouldn't have to sell her properties.. I know she blames herself for my situation, and has Changed alot because of me.. I really pray for a miracle, so that I can Walk again and everything would go back to normal".. I read it for the second time and wiped the tears from my eyes. I dropped the book and rushed out of the room, I ran into my room and locked the door, finally alone in my room, I let out the tears.. I sat on the floor with my hands wrapped around my leg.. "I'm so sorry Nicky .. I'm so sorry, it's all because of me, it was my fault.. I'm so sorry" I mumbled amidst tears.. *Minutes later* I sat on my bed with my bag emptied on it.. I stared at all the items; the Italian shoes, the suit, and sleeve.. I picked the bracelet and bit my lip. "Should I return it? 6 million would be a lot of help to me.. I could pay for Nick's sugery, we wouldn't have to worry about Sona and Jeremy's tuition fees, and it would really help to renovate dad restaurant... But I think it's really important to Mr shades, It clearly belongs to a lady, a man Wearing a ladies bracelet could only mean two things.. either he's gay or it was given to him by a lady" I thought to myself. "Besides I already feel guilty for selling just the chain, I wonder how i would feel if I sell this bracelet" I mumbled to myself.. ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? Next day? Sofia's pov? I stood by the junction angrily waiting for Hannah.. it's already to 7am and she's still not here.. I picked my phone and was about to call her then I remembered she no longer has one.. "Uhh!! Hannah where are you?" I muttered angrily.. I turned around and started walking to her street, I entered the street and started walking angrily to her house, just then I sighted a figure running towards me with full speed.. I looked closely and gasped at the person I saw.. she was shouting something that I couldn't really make out.. "What are you saying? And why are you running?" I yelled. She shouted back and I couldn't make out the meaning. Just then I saw something behind her, with long fangs and black ugly face.. Oh my God!.. dog!!! "Run!!!!" She yelled, getting closer to me, I didn't wait for a second.. I turned and started running.. Soon she was ahead of me,.. "Hannah.. you have killed me!" I yelled "I'm sorry Sofie, I didn't mean to" she said back. We took a bend and stopped in front of a fence about 5 feet.. "Oh no dead end, what do we do now?" I asked breathing heavily. She placed her hands on the edge of the fence and within seconds flew over it.. "Hannah!!" I yelled looking back at the dog, who was about 30 feet closer "Hannah.. help!" I yelled trying to reach for the edge. She streched her right hand down for me to grab on.. I grabbed it and with one single move, she pulled me to the other side of the fence, just in time before the dog could bite me..she jumped down from the fence and I could still hear the dog barking, and trying to jump over.. "You almost killed me Hannah" I said angrily "Sorry.. I didn't mean to" she said dusting her hands. That was when I noticed her outfit.. instead of the white nurses uniform, she was clad in a blue tank top and black pants, with her hair in a pony tail, Wearing a black bagpack "Hannah where are you going?" I asked looking her over again "To the hospital of course" she replied "Like this?" I asked "Nah.. we need to look for Mr shades remember? I don't want him to know I am a nurse" she replied walking away. "But where's your uniform?" I asked "In my bag" she replied "Okay, " I mumbled "This better be quick.. the chairman is arriving with his son at exactly 8am" I added..and she nodded.. ********""******** We arrived at the spot where she stopped him yesterday.. the road was kinda empty, so we had to seat on the sidewalk and wait for cars to arrive.. I decided to use the opportunity to ask about the dog. "What did you do to the dog Hannah?" I asked. "Which dog?" She asked with her eyes fixed on the road. "The one you almost allowed to kill me" I snapped "Oh, Bruno?" "Uhh, well.. it's my neighbor's, I walked out of our house and saw him with the dog probably going for a walk, I noticed he was wearing different type of shoes, so I told him.. he got offended and said I was making fun of him, he got angry and asked Bruno to chase me" she said. "That's one hell of a mean neighbor" I mumbled.. Just then she stood up and started waving at the incoming car to stop.. but it drove past us without even slowing down.. another came and the same happened.. After waving at about five cars, she sighed and sat back.. just then we sighted a car coming, she rushed into the road and lay on the floor pretending to be dead.. the car stopped when it got to the spot and the driver rushed out.. she stood up and inspected the car, ignoring the driver's expression.. but couldn't find Mr shades... We did the same thing until it was just few minutes to 8. Frustrated she picked her bag and we started walking to the hospital.. We got to the hospital at exactly 7; 56am, we walked in and saw different staffs standing in the hall.. we saw mathron Linda talking to one of the nurses, she looked at us with no expression on her face as we walked towards her "Why are you dressed like this Hannah?" She asked. "Sorry ma'am, I'll change now, my uniform is here" Hannah replied. "Okay, be fast about it.. the chairman is on his way, we need all the staffs here to welcome him and his son, okay?" She said "Yes ma" we both chorused and rushed into the elevator. ***** We walked out of the Elevator and rushed into the office, Hannah started pulling her clothes, while I brought out her uniform.. she slipped it on and arranged her hair, she placed everything properly and we both walked out of the office.. we rushed out of the office, towards the delivery ward, we took a bend and walked past the children area. "Morning Hannah" a nurse greeted from behind. I looked ahead and saw the chairman walking towards us with a guy Wearing shades, surrounded by different guards and his assistant, I guess.. "Morning Kim.. how are you?"she asked turning to look at the nurse.. "Hannah!.. watch out!" I yelled but it was too late.. She bumped into the guy Wearing shades and they both fell on the floor, with her mouth on his.. ⛲ To be continued.. Please you guys should bear with me that I posted late.
31 May 2020 | 04:06
@ele1 @royalgold @thecomely @lagyg @paddy2x another episode is here, Make una call others
31 May 2020 | 04:14
You don watch Korean movies taya. Keep it rolling...
31 May 2020 | 04:45
Haha u don meet. thanks 4 dis episode mr igwe
31 May 2020 | 09:41
Wow! De keep bumping into each other.. Dont worry Nicky, you would walk again, you re about having a rich brother inlaw in Harry lolz.. @ladyg @henrymary @fb-danieledem @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @emmy01 make una show like tv
31 May 2020 | 15:14
Hannah has kiss Mr Shades, next please
31 May 2020 | 15:24
This one tire me Hmmm....
31 May 2020 | 15:31
Hannah dey do u, abi winch 4rm una villa don dey haunt u?
31 May 2020 | 16:21
31 May 2020 | 18:02
@ele1 dey some become sweethrts.
31 May 2020 | 18:28
Harry's pov ?️ What the f**k!!.. I was expecting her to stand up, but she just laid on top me with her lips on mine, staring into my eyes with her hair falling to the sides.. "Oh my goodness! Mr Harry are you okay?" Mr Cha asked rushing towards me.. As if released from a trance, she blinked and hastily stood up, "Aiggoo, Hannah, are you okay?" A nurse asked rushing towards her, I stood up and the guards started Dusting my clothes.. "Ju sung, are you okay?" Father asked using my Korean name, I nodded looking at the "Hannah" who bumped into me. She was busy cleaning herself, while the other nurse, who I assume you be her friend assisted her. "Miss Hannah are you okay?" Dad asked sternly. "Yes sir" she said bowing slightly, her hair covered her face and I couldn't see her properly. "I'm sorry sir" she said bowing to me "It's okay, just be careful next time" I muttered brushing my hair backwards. "Yes sir, " she said bowing again. I looked at the other nurse standing beside her, she looks so familiar, "Anyways, ju sung meet miss Hannah shù, she's one of H.R's best nurses, very intelligent and smart" he said with a smile.. wow, I have never seen Mr Lee smile or introduce a staff like this before, she must be really special, well we'll see what makes you really special.. "Miss Hannah meet Ju Sung Lee, my son and the new CEO of H.R, and yes he's a surgeon, you both will be working together from now on, and I'm sure you guys will make a great team" dad said smiling. I looked at Mr Cha who also looked at me with same expression.. seriously, what's so special about this nurse.. I've never seen dad smiling at a common nurse before. "Okay sir" she said with a bow again.. "It's nice to meet you doctor Ju Sung" she said professionally stretching her hand for a shake. I still couldn't see her face properly, her black her was really long and it covered most part of her face. "Same here Miss ...?" I drawed trying to remember her name "Hannah" she cut in "Miss Hannah, you can call me Harry, Dr Harry" I said avoiding the frown on Dad's face. Wow her hands are so soft, just like her lips.. arrhh!! What are you thinking Harry! Focus!!. I said mentally to myself "Ok.. Dr Harry, I look forward to working with you, if you may excuse me.. I've got to check on a patient" she said sternly. "No problem, I'll see you at the theater" I said looking at the other nurse. "Thank you. Have a nice day sir" she said and bowed to dad, who nodded slightly. After which she walked out with the other nurse behind her.. Gosh, she looks so strict, she's gonna be a tough one.. I wish I could see her face.. I watched as she took a turn and walked out of sight.. "Ahehm" I turned to see Dad looking at me, "If you're done observing.. Mathron Linda will show you around.. I've got a flight to catch" he said and walked off with his guards.. I turned to see Mr Cha smiling, I removed my shade and handed it to him. "Where's the Mathron?" I asked. "Right here Sir" she said startling me, I jumped and stood behind Mr Cha. "Gosh! You startled me" I said holding my chest. "I'm sorry Sir" she said smiling warmly, she looked young.. maybe in her late thirties, with brown hair packed in a neat bun and ocean blue eyes. "I'm Mathron Linda.. Mr Lee asked me to give you a tour of the hospital and also show you to your office" she said looking at me. "Okay.. so which way?" I asked looking around. ************* "And, this is the children area, here the ward is only occupied by kids who are ill, some are to undergo surgery while..." "I Know what a children area is Linda.. I used to head a hospital in France remember!" I said matter of factly ..she smiled and nodded, we walked into the ward and we walked around looking at the kids, a lot of them were getting better, while few were still bed ridden.. Just then I felt something pulling my sleeve, I looked down and saw a chubby kid smiling at me.. Mr Cha moved forward probably to take the kid away from me.. I raised my hand and stopped him.. "Hey mister" she said smiling sweetly, "Hi cutie" I said as I reached down to picked her up.. she was a little lighter than I thought though. "How are you?" I asked moving her hair backwards "I'm fine thank you" she said shyly. "How about you?" She asked looking at me "I'm fine sweetheart.." I said smiling "I like your hair" she said touching my hair, I smiled and kissed her cheek. "Awwn, thanks but Yours is more pretty" I said "Are you a doctor?" She asked "Yep" I popped "Can you heal my Friend?" She asked with her eyes filled with hope. I chuckled "I only treat pumpkin, God is the one who heals" I said and she smiled. "What's your name?" She asked. Wow this girl is reaaally inquisitive "Harry, but you can call me Ju Sung, cause you're my friend" I said, and she smiled widely "Really?" She asked "Yes" "Okay, well my name is Jumík" she said smiling. "Jumík.. that's cute, so Jumík where's your friend" I asked.. "She's over there" she said pointing to the direction.. We walked to the extreme end of the ward and I saw a girl laying on her bed probably sleeping, with an oxygen mask on her nose.. "Seyina Yung, acute heart failure." Linda muttered behind me, "She has been here for a while now, and I must say; she's really brave, nobody can stay this long, not even an adult.. she's on the transplant list, we are hopefully waiting for a donor" she said sitting on the edge of the bed "What about her parents?, Aren't they supposed to be here?" I asked "Well.. her parents are rich folks, her father only comes once in a while to check on her, but her mother stays here with her, I saw her last night.. she must have gone home to freshen up" she said I walked closer and examined the girl, "Can I see her file?" I asked "Sure" she pressed the beeper and asked a nurse to bring the file.. Minutes later the door opened and a nurse walked in holding the file.. She gave it to Linda, who handed it to me.. she carried Jumík from me and walked away.. I opened the file and flipped through the pages, I sighed and closed it, "Who's the doctor in charge of her case?" I asked "Doctor lan" "And where's he?" I asked "Today is his off day" she said.. I slipped out of my suit jacket and handed it to Mr Cha. "Prepare her for surgery" I said turning towards the exit. "Bu.. but, sir, the donor?" Linda stuttered rushing after me.. "If we don't get a donor, then we'll have to use the bypass method" I said loosening my tie "Get my team ready, we start in fifteen" I added and walked out of the ward *** **** Hannah's pov? ? "Hannah.. you have to calm down, it wasn't so bad.. besides it wasn't even a French kiss" Sofia said for the tenth time. "Seriously?, Jamaican kiss or not.. a kiss is a kiss, besides why should I calm down.. my first kiss was stolen from me" I said moving my hair from my face. "Accidentally" Sofia pointed out, and I rolled my eyes "Okay, let's just say it doesn't count as a kiss.. it was just an accident and nothing more" she added sitting beside me. "Nothing more?, It's everything Sof, my first kiss was the most stupid kiss I've ever seen, very brief and ..." "Oh you wanted it to last longer?" She cut in grinning sheepishly. "No!.. I didn't say that" I yelled "Anyways how was it? Are his lips soft?.. what about his skin?" She asked curiously..I picked a pen and threw it at her, she ducked and it landed on the other side. "I'm not answering that question.." I said, she was about to protest when a knock sounded on the door, it opened and a nurse walked in. "Hannah, surgery is about to start" she said "What!.. I don't understand, I don't have any surgeries today" I said "Yes, but this is urgent, Dr Harry is starting his first surgery in few minutes, he wants you there" she said and rushed out.. I sighed and looked at Sofia who nodded for me to go on. "Just don't..." She mumbled inaudibly "Don't what?" I asked sharply "Nothing" she said I glared at her and walked out, "Kiss" she yelled from inside the office.. "I'll kill you later" I yelled back. .............. I was briefed about the surgery, it's a transplant and luckily they found a donor. . A PICC line was put in place for the IV fluids and IV medications that will be given during and after surgery. We all walked into the operating room clad in our nose mask, hand gloves, hair net and blah blah blah.. Surgery begins as general anesthesia was provided by the anesthesiologist. Once the patient was asleep, the procedure begins with a large incision in the middle of the chest cutting through both the skin and bone of the chest to expose the heart. In many cases two surgeons are supposed to operate together to make the transplant process faster and smoother.. but Harry was really fast and he seemed to be doing great, while I provided him with each tools before he even requested for it.. A heart-lung bypass machine was placed on the patient, so that blood is continued to be oxygenated by the lungs and pump to the body. This part of the surgery is the key, because the heart is then stopped, then removed. The donor heart is then sewn into place and restarted, the heart starts beating and the final work of placing tubes for drainage is completed, and the chest is closed by wiring the sternum (breast bone) closed and closing the skin with Staples, steristrips or sutures. After which the patient was then taken to the ICU to recover and to slowly wake from sedation over the next day. Wow.. that was really fast, and it was just him, I must admit he's really good.. he finished a surgery that would take two surgeons about five hours to finish in just 2 hours.. really impressive.. I walked out of the room and hastily peeled out my gloves and dumped them in the trash basket, can't wait to get back to my office.. I said mentally.. I reached for the nose mask and was about to pull it off.. when someone tapped me from behind. I turned to see Dr Harry staring at me.. **** To be continued o
2 Jun 2020 | 00:45
This guy don watch korea movie o just imagine he can still remember those tool used for operations i heard those tools also in a korea movie titled DOCTOR STRANGE mr @igwe u are doing well . Come join me nd read o @ele1 @ladyg @henrymary @peddy2x @timson @fb-danieledem @emmy01 @ugonnadeyoungestwriter and others
2 Jun 2020 | 05:50
Twale hannah.
2 Jun 2020 | 05:54
Has he recognized you, next please
2 Jun 2020 | 07:02
@thecomely dnt tell me dat they didnt recognised each other o, nxt.
2 Jun 2020 | 07:52
Thanks @thecomely And i thought Harry was arrogant, he is actually a good guy.. Next o @igwe
2 Jun 2020 | 10:34
@ladyg the guy does not see her face wella according to the story
2 Jun 2020 | 10:37
I smell love every where
2 Jun 2020 | 17:32
His bracelet
2 Jun 2020 | 18:07
Haha no way out
2 Jun 2020 | 18:36
Hahaha no way out
2 Jun 2020 | 18:40
Hannah's pov ? ... I turned to see Dr Harry smiling down at me, he was holding his nose mask In his right hand, and his hair net was still on, he kinda looks cute though, and tall too, for a minute I felt intimidated looking up at him, and did I say he looks so familiar?.. "Hello... Are you listening?" He asked snapping me out of my thoughts. "Uhm.. I'm sorry..was just uhm.. what were you saying?" I asked, mentally slapping myself. "Uhm.. nevermind, you were really great in there, I'm impressed" he said smiling "Oh, thanks" I said avoiding his gaze.. gosh! Why do I feel so nervous? "So uhm.. I'll..see you around?" He asked staring intensely at me. "Yeah, sure" I replied shifting my gaze to my fingers.. "Okay, uhm, bye for now" he said "Bye" I mumbled simply, he turned and walked out simonteneously pulling off the hair net.. I exhaled and removed my nose mask.. This is gonna be a loonngg week.. ********* Harry's pov ? Wow, the team was really impressive, they knew what to do and exactly when they should do it.. and that nurse.. Hannah, she's really smart, handing me each tools before I even asked for it..and I have a feeling we are gonna be good friends, I looked around the hall becoming conscious of my surrounding.. I stopped in my tracks and scratched my hair.. Which way now?, I can't remember the road to my office.. uhh!! I looked around and saw people walking around, a nurse walked out of a ward and I recognized her as Hannah's friend.. the familiar one.. "Uhm, excuse me miss" I said walking towards her, she stopped and turned towards me smiling, for a moment I saw recognition in her eyes as they widened and her mouth opened slightly in shock.. I guess "Uhh, are you okay?" I asked, she suddenly closed her mouth and nodded frantically.. "Okay?.. uhm please do you Know where my office is? I'm Kinda lost and my assistant already went home" I asked looking at her.. She nodded and pointed to a direction.. "That way, take a bend and you'll see the elevator by your left, your office is on the last floor.. with your name inscribed on the door" she rushed.. "Okay, thanks" I said, she bowed and rushed past me.. Why is she suddenly acting weird? "Wait" I said, and she wheeled around to look at me. "Have we met before?" I asked.. she blinked severally and shook her head negatively.. "No sir, we have never met before" she rushed "Oh okay" I mumbled simply, she bowed and hastily walked out.. I sighed and shook my head, "Korean women, always so dramatic" I muttered and saw the ladies staring at me, "Did I say that out loud?" I asked rhetorically, while a nurse nodded. "Sorry" I mumbled and walked out.. ***** I followed her directions and found my office, I walked in and was stunned by the architecture.. I closed the door behind me and looked around.. Opposite the door was a whole glass wall, revealing cars, buses trucks and people walking and moving down the street and the highways.. I could see the whole city from here, it has everything an office required.. book shelfs, files, desk, a couch.. two chairs, a TV, fridge and others.. I walked towards my seat and spotted a glass rectangular frame on the desk.. Dr Ju Sung Lee, was inscribed boldly on it.. Ju Sung really?, Whatever happened to Harry?.. I slumped on my chair and picked my phone.. "I'm hungry order something for me" I texted Mr Cha.. "Okay Sir" he texted back seconds later.. ******************** ***** **** Sofia's pov ? Oh my God! Oh my God!.. I can't believe this, where's Hannah! I rushed out of the elevator and hurried towards our office, I rushed in and saw Hannah packing her hair in a ponytail.. "Oh hey Sof, I was about to call..." "There's fire on the mountain ?"I yelled rushing towards her desk.. "What?" She asked furrowing her brows "Hannah.. we are finished!, Convicted! destroyed!, Exterminated! Expelled! Infact we are dead!!" I yelled looking directly at her.. "Are you okay?, The asylum is not far from here you know" she said smiling.. "Seriously?.. Hannah I'm serious! We are done for" I said locking eyes with her "How?" She asked becoming serious "The chairman's son.. " "Dr Harry?" She cut in "Yes.. he's.. well, he's Mr shades" I blurted out.. she looked at me for seconds and slowly started laughing.. "Oh goodness, you're so funny Sof, Ju Sung is Mr shades?.. pranking clearly doesn't suit you girl... " she said laughing, then slowly stopped when she saw the angry expression on my face "You are joking right?" She asked sternly "I'm dead ass woman!" I replied "No.. no.. no, you don't say dead ass unless you're really dead ass.. so please tell me you're not dead ass" she said standing up from her chair "I'm so dead ass" I replied.. "Oh my God! We are dead" she said with her eyes open wide.. "Yes we are" "What did he say? He's probably going to fire us and get us arrested right?" She asked looking at me "Well, I don't think he recognizes me yet.. but I think he will soon and my instincts tell me it's not gonna end well for us, you especially" I muttered "Oh my goodness! What are we gonna do now?" She asked scratching her head.. I leaned over to her and she fixed her gaze on me. "It's time for you to do what's right Hannah, you have to return everything and apologize.. " I said looking at her. "What?.. I can't, what if he calls the cops on me?" She asked "It's now or never Hannah, besides you never know, he might forgive you. Its better than just sitting here and doing nothing" I said.. "I can't Sof.. I'm sorry" she said sadly.. "You're going Hannah, I'm not ready to be convicted and fired at the same time.. you're going and that's final" I snapped "Well then come and make me" she said giving me a daring look.. ? ✊ ? Hannah's pov ? "Okay just so you know.." I started as we walked out of the elevator "I'm only going cause I don't want you to get fired and it's truthfully the right thing to do" I continued as we walked down the hall looking for Harry's office.. "Yeah.. whatever, let's get this over with" Sofia muttered walking beside me.. we got to the last door at the end of the hall and saw his name boldly inscribed on it.. "Okay, it's now or never Hannah" she said handing me my bagpack.. "Don't forget, no matter what happens I am solidly behind you" she said looking into my eyes.. "Awwn really?" I asked "Yeah, what are friends for" she mumbled as she knocked on the door "Come in" Harry said from inside the office "But spiritually though" Sofia muttered "What? Where are you going?" I asked as she started walking away "There's no way am gonna go in there with you, I didn't help you strip him naked did I?" She asked "Traitor!" I yelled "Don't screw this up" she yelled back rushing out of the hall.. So much for being solidly behind me.. I turned to the door and made the sign of the cross.. For a moment I felt like taking a U turn and running home.. But Hannah never runs! Fighting!! I reached for the door and it suddenly opened.. I looked up and saw Harry staring down at me.. his eyes suddenly lit with recognition.. as he gasped. "Miss psycho!" ... To be continued
3 Jun 2020 | 01:19
Miss psycho he don happen
3 Jun 2020 | 04:40
Where ar my buddy. let mingle o
3 Jun 2020 | 04:42
ok ooo can wait to see the end
3 Jun 2020 | 09:05
Don't worry I am solidly beside and behind you Hannah, ask him why he splashed water on you.
3 Jun 2020 | 11:07
Hahahaha so what WE happen btw Miss psycho and Mr shades naw
3 Jun 2020 | 15:14
Pls bring it on
3 Jun 2020 | 15:27
Ghen ghen
3 Jun 2020 | 16:11
Ok na miss psycho oya naa e don happen.
3 Jun 2020 | 17:59
Harry's pov ? "Miss psycho!" I asked surprised.. "Surprise..." She mumbled and laughed nervously.. I quickly shut the door and locked it, I can't believe Hannah is miss psycho, why didn't I notice since, is she here to strip me again? Or finally kill me?. ... "Sir please open the door, I really need to talk to you" she said banging lightly. "What.. why are you here? What do you want?" I asked "Well. ., I came to apologise Sir, please open the door" she said "How am I sure you are not going to kill me this time?" I asked "I haven't killed before Sir, but if you don't open this door.. I might" she blurted out.. "What?" I asked "I didn't say anything Sir, please open the door.. I even brought your clothes back, I'm not gonna hurt you... I promise" she said I made a sign of the cross and slowly opened the door.. The first thing I saw was her brown sparkling eyes and long lashes.. then her straight nose and small soft pink lips.. I can't believe I actually kissed them. "Sir, can I please come in?" She asked snapping me out of my thoughts.. "Oh.. uhm, yeah sure" I said and moved to the side, keeping my distance from her.. I closed the door and walked to my seat, while she stood behind the desk.. I picked the chopsticks I was using to eat, and held each one in my hands?.. just in case things go rough, I'm not gonna chicken? this time.. She looked at the chopsticks and scoffed, then muttered something inaudible, I moved my chair backwards and gestured her to sit... She sat and dropped her backpack on the floor.. She looked around as if taking in all the details of the office. I cleared my throat and she looked at me. "So... What do you want?" I asked sounding as bold as I could "Uhm... I came to apologise Sir, for the way I treated you the other day. I'm really sorry, I have never done it before.. ". "Then why did you do it?" I cut in "Uhh.. it's was five minutes madness sir" she mumbled looking at her fingers "Huh?" I asked totally lost "Five minutes madness, it runs in our family... I'm sorry" she said "So are you saying your family members can do what you did?" I asked "Uhh... Not exactly, they each have their own way of doing it.. every one except my kid brother. Nicky and my dad" she said looking at me. "Oh really?" "Yes... Jeremy my kid brother, he's the first son and second child.. his madness is based on girls, women flock around him like a sherpherd and his sheeps.. and he goes crazy whenever he sees cute ones, he has dated almost all the girls in my street and they don't even last for a month" she said and I chuckled. "My only kid sister, Sona. Her madness is for make up, fashion and music.. once she gets any of those things, she starts transforming into something else and it's really annoying.. especially when she plays the music loud at night. One time, she tied me to a bedpost just so she could make me up and braid my hair" she said and I laughed "My mom's is the worst, whenever I go to her restaurant.. she tries to link me up with one guy or the other. And it's so annoying" she said demonstrating with her hands.. I smiled and dropped the chopsticks on the table. "They sound fun to me" I said "Well they are all fun to be with.. including Nicky.." she said and suddenly stopped smiling.. she looked down and I noticed a tear slid down her cheeks, she hastily cleaned it and exhaled.. "Why are you crying?" I asked as I stood up and walked to her side "Is something wrong?" I asked squatting beside her She shook her head and smiled lightly "It's nothing sir, I just .. I'm so sorry for everything I did, I even brought all your stuffs back" she said and picked the bag up. I stood up and sat on the desk, I watched as she brought out the clothes, shoes, and my bracelet.. I instantly picked it and examined it, all the diamonds were still in place.. "I don't understand, why didn't you sell it?, This could cost a small fortune?" I asked surprised "I couldn't bring myself to Sir, although I wanted to, i saw it on the floor minutes after you left, and I thought it fell from your hands, someone wanted to buy it for 6 million, I would have sold it. But I felt that, it might be important to you... I even stood in the road this morning, I thought I might see you again..." I didn't let her finish, I leaned down and hugged her. . "Thank you so much, this bracelet means alot to me.. thank you for bringing it back" I whispered into her ears.. She reciprocated and I could feel her hands shaking. I guess this is the first time she hugged a guy.. I slowly withdrew and looked at her face.. she looked down at her fingers and sighed She finally looked at me and fixed her gaze on the table, "And that's for you" she said pointing to a bunch of notes.. "I .. don't understand" I said scratching my hair "I kinda sold your chain.. for 250, 000 won, it's all in there, like I said I'm sorry for everything, I'll accept any punishment you'll give me, but please don't fire me or my Friend, she has no hand in this. I really need this job Sir.. there are bills, lots of bills I need to settle.. if you fire me, I'm done for" she said joining her hands together..and a tear slid down her cheek.. I reached down and wiped it with my thumb.. I placed both hands on her cheeks and our eyes locked, I stared at her lips and then at her eyes, she did same and swallowed.. For a minute I was tempted to take her lips in mine.. Focus Harry!! That is not why you're here! My mind yelled at me.. "Stop crying, Angels aren't meant to cry" I said and smiled. She smiled and looked down, trying to hide the red shade forming on her cheeks.. I smiled and walked back to my seat, I sat down and placed my legs on the desk . "I'll forgive you on three conditions" I blurted out She sat up and placed her hands on the table "Anything Sir, I'll do anything" "Anything?" I asked looking intensely in her eyes "Uh.. uhm, any.. anything that is good" she said and I chuckled. "You're so spoilt" I said "Anyways, don't worry, I'm not like that.. if I like a woman, I ask her out.. I don't take advantage of them" I said and she smiled. "Okay, number one," I said and pushed the notes over to her side. She stared at me confused . "Take it, you need it more than I do.. besides I spoilt your phone, buy a new one and sort out your bills.. if it's not enough, don't hesitate to ask me for more" I said "But.." "No buts, you have to accept it or I'll fire you" I added "It's too much sir, I can't accept this" she rushed. "I guess I'll have to call the cops then" I said and picked my phone.. I dialed Mr Cha's number and placed it on loud speaker.. "Hello . Good afternoon officer" I said Looking at her face "Okay.. I'll accept it" she rushed.. I smiled and hung up. "Good girl" I said and she smiled "Thank you Sir" she said and bowed slightly "Welcome" "Number 2, don't call me sir, Harry or Ju Sung is preferable" "Okay sir.. sorry, Ju Sung" "Why Ju Sung?" I asked "It's the one I like" she said and I smiled.. "Really?" "Yeah" "Okay.." I said and glanced at my watch "Lunch break is 20 minutes from now, right?" I asked "Yes" "Your mom runs a restaurant?" I asked "Yes" she replied simply. "Great.. number 3, you'll have to take me there for lunch" I said "What!.." "Yep" "But.. but, there are other fancy and classic restaurants, why not pick any of those?" She asked "Because, that's the one I can leave now, I'll call you when I'm ready" I said.. She reluctantly stood up and walked out with her bag and the money.. I smiled and closed my eyes, I have a feeling that this is gonna be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.. .... ????? To be continued
4 Jun 2020 | 02:11
hmm let's wait and see
4 Jun 2020 | 02:46
4 Jun 2020 | 04:28
Abeg bring am o. Even my greatest boss coolval and other ar so much interested in dis story. Thanks for this
4 Jun 2020 | 05:12
Good things will surely follow my guy, next please
4 Jun 2020 | 11:54
Hmmmmm gona b sweet really, next.
4 Jun 2020 | 18:16
Carry me away o
4 Jun 2020 | 21:13
Wow! hannah try to be a ggood girl oooon
4 Jun 2020 | 21:47
Come and update o
4 Jun 2020 | 23:51
Hilton high? Jeremy's POV ? ??? "And that's all for today guys.. don't forget to do your assignments" miss Choi said, and walked out of the class,.. other students followed with their books and bags.. "So.. cafeteria?" Ryan asked looking down at me, with his bag on his right shoulder.. "Yep" I said as I stood up and we both walked out.. "Where's blaze by the way? I didn't see him in class" I asked as we walked down the hall to my locker.. "He's with Kiera, in the store room" he replied with a grin. "I thought he dumped her ass" I muttered "He did, he's just using her to pass time.. I guess" he mumbled.. ?Wow.. Jeremy looks so cute ?What are you saying? He's always cute.. ?I love his hair warmer ?Well, I love his outfit.. he looks so dashing.. ?I wish he can just go on a date with me ? Don't even think about it, Zee will kill you.. ?Yes, you better shut up.. I chuckled and looked at Ryan.. "That's what you get for being the most popular guy in school" he blurted out.. I opened my locker and dumped my books in it.. ********** We walked into the cafeteria and the ladies started whispering.. I looked around and spotted Zee chatting with her cheer squad.. She met my gaze and smiled seductively, I winked and blew her a kiss.. the girls started shouting.. We walked to the counter and bought our lunch. Then we walked to our usual spot, and sat down, Ryan sat beside me and just then blaze walked in with Kiera.. They walked over to our table and sat down.. "Hey guys" Kiera greeted. "Hi k" "Hi" "Uhm, Kiera.. why don't you go get something for us to eat?" Blaze asked slipping some notes into her palm "Okay" she said and walked out after giving him a brief kiss.. "So.., I thought you guys broke up" I said taking a sip of my soda "We did..but we got back together today" he said "Wow.. you never get back with a girl after breakup, what happened?" Ryan asked surprised "I don't know man.. there's this thing about Kiera, I think I'm really in love with her man" he said "Whoa!" I said "I know it sounds crazy, but it's true" he said, just then Kiera walked back to the table holding two trays, she set one in front of him and placed the other in her front.. "So are you guys going to the party?" She asked "Nope, we are having a boys night in my house" I said.. "Really?" She asked "Yes" Ryan replied "Okay" she mumbled and started eating. "Jeremy!" A familiar voice shouted, I looked up to see Sona walking towards our table with her cute Friend.. Miya.. "How many times have I told you to stop yelling my name Sona?" I asked looking at her, she rolled her eyes and sat beside Kira, while Miya sat beside her.. wow we are both Wearing same color, she looks so cute.. "Jeremy.. I need your help" Sona. Said looking at me "No" I said "But you haven't heard what I wanted to say" she muttered "Whatever it is, my answer is no" I replied, then she started forming her crazy puppy eyes "Okay fine, what is it?" I asked "I need 100 bucks" she said "What!" Blaze yelled "What do you wanna use 100 won for?" I asked "Well.. there's this dress I wanna buy, I only have half of the money.." "No way" I said cutting her short "Please, Jeremy..." She said with her puppy eyes "No!" I said "Please J" Miya said quietly, J.. wow, this is the first time she called me that, I smiled mentally and looked at Sona "Fine, I'll give you when we get home" I said "Thanks Jeremy.. you are the best brother ever" she said and blew me a kiss.. "Keep your kiss to yourself" I muttered "Whatever" she said as she reached over and picked Ryan's chips.. "Hey baby" Zee called from behind and pecked my cheek.. Sona scoffed and started chatting with the guys. ............ ..... ..... Hannah's pov? "Wow... He's so nice, I told you he would forgive you" Sofia said excitedly and I smiled.. "So what kind of phone are you buying?" She asked "Phone?.. I'm not buying anything" I replied simply "But he asked you to buy a new phone" "He did, but I won't"I said "Half of this money is for Nick's surgery, the other half is for the other expenses" I added.. "Oh, that's nice" she said "So are you excited?" She asked "For what?" I asked back "For your date with doctor Evans" she said "Oh.. I'm not going" I mumbled "Why?" She asked "I don't feel like" I replied "You're going Hannah, I mean you already gave him your word.. " she said glaring at me.. I shrugged and continued twirling my hair around my fingers.. She continued glaring at me and I sighed "Fine, I will go, but how do I know the place, he didn't come to work today and my phone is spoilt" I asked "Don't worry, I'll call him" she said smiling.. "But.." I was interrupted by a Knock on the door.. "Hi guys" nurse Kim greeted as she walked in "Hi" we both muttered back "Dr Harry said you should meet him at the garage in two minutes" she said "Okay" I replied She smiled and walked out. Sofia looked at me with a huge grin on her face, "Wow!.. he's really serious" she said. "So it seems" I said and stood up. "Good luck with the drama queen" she said referring to my mom. "I just hope she's not there" I said as I picked my bag and walked out of the office.. ..... To be continued
5 Jun 2020 | 03:05
Crazy Hannah indeed
5 Jun 2020 | 17:17
Hannah's pov ? This is the worse day ever!!.. I can't believe mom and Ethan don't believe me, and Harry is certainly not helping matters. I sat on a different table and watched the three of them chat on.. Mom and Ethan have been asking questions like journalists, and Ju Sung is happily answering their questions.. he looks so happy, I can't believe he's playing along with this whole boyfriend stuff.. is he using it as revenge? Payback for what I did?.. it has to be it, cause there's no way someone like Harry would even think of having someone like me as a girlfriend.. right?.. Right.. "So how did you guys meet?" Mom asked curiously "Well.. It's kinda embarrassing to say, baby why don't you tell Mom how we met?" Harry asked looking at me with a mischievous smirk on his face.. I said it! I knew he was seeking revenge, urhh! "Go on Hannah, I'm listening" mom said staring at me There's absolutely no way I'm gonna tell them about how I stripped him on the road. "Uhh.. well.. I . Uhm, you see.. we.. met in.. no.. I.. actually saved him from a gang of thieves" I said and Harry choked on his drink.. "Really?.. oh my goodness.. hope they didn't hurt you?" Mom asked looking at Ju Sung, who was still coughing slightly. "No.. I was just in time, I dealt with those criminals.. you should have seen me mom, I was like a one woman wrecking machine" I said demonstrating with my hands, earning a glare from Ju Sung "I trust you Hannah... You are your mother's daughter afterall, I only wish I was there. I would have taught them a lesson of their lives" mom said hitting her fist on the table.. Harry flinched and cleared his throat "And I would have smacked their asses for even thinking of hurting my baby" Ethan said putting on his tough face.. "So are you a model? Or a movie star?" Ethan asked linking his hands under his chin "I'm a doctor" Harry replied "So, you're not a model?" Ethan asked a bit disappointed "Nope.." Ju Sung popped "Well isn't the Lord wonderful?, Your girlfriend is a nurse as well.."mom said smiling "Mom!! He's not my boyfriend okay!, He's Ju Sung Lee, my boss's son.. the heir to everything Lee.. so you see, he can never be my boyfriend, Even if I was ready to date..we are just friends and nothing more!" I yelled causing every eyes to look at me.. The trio stared at me for what felt like forever, then mom and Ethan started laughing.. while Harry just stared at me expressionless "Like I said sweetie, your girlfriend acts abnormal sometimes..but she's the most sweetest and kindest girl I know, and she's definitely a good wife material" mom said with a smile,and Ethan nodded approvingly.. Harry chuckled and looked at me. "Uhh!" I groaned.. "We have to go now mom.. lunch break is over" I said "Aww" mom whined "Don't worry mom, I'll come visit some other time, I enjoyed the meal by the way" Harry said standing up "Oh no you won't" I mumbled and mom glared at me "Okay dear, Hannah will bring something for you tommorow, she's a good cook as well, so she'll prepare it herself" mom said "No I won't" I snapped "Yes you will" mom said sternly.. "That would be great mom.. " Harry said smiling I rolled my eyes and headed for the door "Bye Mom, bye Ethan" he said and rushed after me. "Bye baby" Ethan cooed "Bye sweetie" mom said.. "What's your last name by the way?" She asked "Lee" Harry replied as I stormed out of the restaurant ..... Harry's pov ? I walked out of the restaurant and saw Hannah standing beside my car with a frown on her face.. I chuckled and pressed the remote in my pocket, the car opened with a sound, causing Hannah to flinch.. I smiled and walked to the driver's seat, ignoring her glares.. ...... Hannah has been quiet since we drove out of the parking lot, I guess she's still mad at me for pretending to be her boyfriend.. but her mom is so sweet and irresistible, I couldn't help but play along with her. Her expression when I told her my last name was very hilarious.. I mean, who wouldn't be surprised to know their daughter's 'boyfriend' is a multi billionaire?.. "Are you happy now?" Hannah asked breaking the awkward silence. "You've got your revenge right? Are you fulfilled now?" She asked again "I don't understand" I said glancing at her face and then back at the traffic She exhaled and closed her eyes "Was that your way of paying me back, for stripping you?" She asked looking at me . "There are better ways to do it you know, you didn't have to pretend as my boyfriend" she added.. I chuckled and laughed.. "Oh my.. girl.. you are so funny" I said amidst laughing "I'm not angry at you Hannah, I bear no grudges against you honestly, your mom looked so happy because she thought I was your boyfriend, I didn't want to take the happiness from her, and that's why I played along.. " I said taking a bend "Really?" She asked looking at my face "Yeah.." I mumbled "Plus, your mom is amazing and sweet.. I couldn't resist her" I said and she smiled happily.. "Now.. you look more beautiful, you should smile more often.. frowning makes you look like a koala" I said jokingly. She smiled and punched my right arm playfully,. "Christ!" I yelled, rubbing my arm, with my eyes still on the traffic.. i feel like I was punched with steel.. "Oh.. sorry, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to" she said with her hands on her mouth. "Are you okay?.. does it hurt much?" She asked placing her hands on my arm.. "Ouch!" I screamed.. "Don't touch it.. it gets more painful when you do" I said with teary eyes.. "Stop the car" she ordered "Why?" I asked "Just do it okay?" She rushed looking worried.. I drove into a parking lot and stopped the car.. "Can you raise your hand?" She asked "Yes.. I guess" I raised the left one and she shook her head "No.. the right one" she said looking at me. I nodded and tried to raise it. "Ouch!!. I can't" I said holding it with the other. "You have to take off your shirt" she said looking at me. "What!" I yelled "Do you want to strip me again?" I asked with my eyes open wide "No.. just do it" she said already frustrated "But why?" I asked "I need to see something" she said "I can't" I mumbled "Do it or I'll do it myself" she said removing her seatbelt.. God help me.. *""""**** To be continued
6 Jun 2020 | 04:29
what happen again
6 Jun 2020 | 11:34
Lolz Harry u go hear weeen for Hannah hand o. Next.
6 Jun 2020 | 15:42
6 Jun 2020 | 16:50
Still on this o
6 Jun 2020 | 18:12
I dea feel u
6 Jun 2020 | 18:16
7 Jun 2020 | 00:53
Sona's pov? "You guys are something else" Kiera muttered sipping her cola "Tell me about it" Miya mumbled "But it's cool though, I like your style" Ryan chimed in "I like Hannah's Style more" blaze added with a smile "Yeah.. me too, she's like the female super Man.. uhm super woman," Ryan said "She's so beautiful" Kiera added "And intelligent too, plus her hair is amazing and soft" Miya added with a smile.. Jeremy smiled and looked at her face "Have you touched it?" He asked "Yeah.. when Sona tied her to a bedpost and braided her hair, I was the one who helped her loosen it" Miya replied shyly "Do you guys still remember when she caught us drinking bear, in junior year?" Blaze asked "How can I forget?.. she got us all beaten up and hung Jeremy with his pants on the wall" Ryan said and we all started laughing.. "Haha.. very funny" Jeremy mumbled with a frown "Wow . I never knew my sister had so many fans" I commented "Anyways, Sona.. we are going to the party right? Cause I need to come over to your house first, so you can do my makeup and style my hair" Kiera asked looking at me. "Nah.. jeremy isn't going, so I can't.. "Hannah's rule", besides we have math test tomorrow.. we need to revise" I said twirling my hair around my fingers.. "Test?" She asked with her eyes wide open. "Yep.. besides where weren't you in class, we looked for you everywhere but we couldn't find you" I asked "Uhm.. I was .. well, stomach ache" she said. "Have you taken drugs?" Miya asked worriedly "Yeah" Kiera replied simply "Hmm.. what kind of drugs?" I asked "Uhm.. you Know, the normal kind" she said avoiding my gaze.. the guys started laughing and I chuckled.. "So what time should I be expecting you for the make over?" I asked excitedly "I am no longer going to the party, I need to revise as well, can't afford to get a B, besides it would be boring without you both" she stated. "Awwn" Miya cooed "Okay, but are you sure you don't want the make over? It's free.. " I asked "She doesn't need it Sona.. she needs to revise, no signal for you today, you can make yourself up if you like.. " Jeremy muttered and they all Started laughing "You are sick" I said and threw a chip at him.. ........... Hannah's pov✊ "Okay fine" Harry mumbled He raised his hands to remove the first button, he groaned and dropped the right hand. "What?" I asked "Its really painful Hannah, what did you do to my hand" he asked and I rolled my eyes. "You are really lazy Harry, I mean I used to hit Sofia almost every day, although it hurts her, but she definitely doesn't break any bones.. but your case is different, just one tiny, whinny punch and your bone is broken.. what if I had punched you for real?" I asked angrily "But your hand is like steel, it didn't feel like a man's hand not to talk of a lady's.." he retorted "And that's how you broke my shade with just a squeeze, i mean who does that?" He asked "Are you really human?" He asked again. "Of course, do I look like an alien or an animal?" I asked "No, but you act like one" he snapped.. I frowned and sighed. "I guess I'll have to help you unbotton your shirt" I said changing the topic "That's if you don't mind" I added.. he stared at me and finally nodded. I carefully removed the first button, then the second, I could hear the sound of my heart beating in my ears.. I removed all the bottons and helped him slip out his right hand.. his skin was so spotless.. like a baby's.. His packs were visible, wow! I didn't see them the other day.. "Ahehm.. you could have just said you wanted to check me out, you Know" he said snapping me out of my thoughts "..i wasn't checking you out" I mumbled. "Yeah right" he muttered.. I glared at him and looked down at his arm.. gosh this guy is so soft.. the spot where I hit him was already bruised and swollen.. I gently placed my left hand on it and I felt tingles like electric shock travel through my body, I quickly removed my hand and looked at him.. what just happened?, This has never happened to me before.. "So? Is it bad or not?" He asked looking at me "Uhm.. well, its already swollen" I said "What!" He yelled "I don't know if the bone is broken, but I have to massage it a little" I said He looked at me with his eyes open wide "I'll be careful, I promise" I added.. he sighed and finally muttered "Okay" I nodded and placed my hands on his arm, I have to do it like this, since there's no ointment here.. I just hope he can bear it, He groaned as I touched the spot, I added a little pressure and he yelled. "Hannah, do you want to kill me?" He asked "But I didn't even hold it properly" I said "Are you serious? You almost killed me" he snapped "You are a doctor for Christ sake Ju Sung, you should be able to bear things.. stop being a chicken and man up" I snapped back.. My words seemed to have effect on him because he stopped talking and looked out the window.. Good.. I placed my hands on his arm again and applied lesser pressure.. I can't continue like this, I need to just massage this properly and he'll feel better after few minutes.. I looked at him and he was still looking outside the window.. now is my chance.. I placed my hands on the spot again and applied pressure.. he screamed and snapped his hands from mine.. "Don't worry, I'll call my assistant, he'll do it himself" he said with teary eyes.. "I'm sorry" I mumbled sadly, he tried to move his hand but couldn't "What is it? Do you need something?" I asked "My shirt" he stated simply.. "Oh.." I helped him with his shirt and bottoned it.. he picked his phone with his left hand and after few seconds placed it on his ear. "Can you please come pick me up from the hospital?" He asked "Okay.. thanks" he said and dropped the phone. I hope he's not angry with me.. "Can you drive?" He asked without looking at me. "Yes.. yes I can" I replied.. "You'll have to drive us to the hospital.. my assistant will take me home, and he'll fix whatever thing you did to my arm" he said.. "I'm sorry Ju Sung, I didn't mean to hurt you" I mumbled, He nodded and opened the door with his left hand.. ...... .. ..... I drove into the garage and turned off the engine.. I looked at Ju Sung and met his gaze.. his eyes was filled with pain.. he hadn't spoken to me since we left the parking lot, and for some unknown reason, I feel so hurt.. "I.. we are here" I said "I Know" he mumbled. "Uhm.. I guess I have to go in" I said and picked my bag, he just kept staring at me "Aren't you coming in?" I asked "No.. my assistant is already here" he replied quietly.. "How did you know?" I asked "He sent me a text" he replied "Oh.. okay, uhm " I started "I'm so sorry, for your hand.. I didn't mean for it to.." I stopped as I watched him lean closer and pecked my cheek.. "I enjoyed every minute with you, even when you broke my hand," he said with a smile "Apology accepted, I'll see you tomorrow.. and please don't forget to cook what mom said you would for me" he added .. I smiled and nodded. I stepped out of the car and rushed out of the garage.. oh goodness.. my face is about to catch fire. Harry's pov ✌️ I chuckled as she rushed out of the garage.. Mr Cha stepped out of his car and started walking towards mine.. I stepped out and he smiled warmly.. "Mr Harry.. i thought you were going to stay till closing hours?" He asked "Something came up, and please enough of the 'Mr' we are alone here" I replied.. He smiled looked towards the exit. "I see you've become good friends with nurse Hannah?" He asked "Yeah.. anyways that's not why I called you.. my hand is seriously hurting" I said changing the topic "Why? What happened?" He asked worriedly "Long story, but it's swollen and I can't Raise it properly.." I said "Okay, let's go" he said walking towards his car, "What about my car?" I asked "I'll send someone to come pick it up" he replied "Okay" I mumbled "Your dad called" he said as we both slipped into his car "Why?" I asked "He said Nina is on her way to the suite" he replied starting the engine "What!" ... .. Sofia's pov ?️ "What! How could you be so careless Hannah? You could have done more than just broke his hand if you weren't lucky" I said looking at her "I know.. but I didn't mean to Sof, I never meant to hurt him.. plus I didn't know it would break his hand" she said sadly "What were you expecting Hannah?.. he's fragile, he's so soft. One real slap from you would render him unconscious for weeks and that's if he's even lucky" I stated. "What were you thinking?" I asked "Nothing, I was just so happy ... I guess, if I knew this was going to happen, then I would have happily kept my mouth shut in the car" she muttered I sighed and looked at her face "Anyways it's all good, the deed has been done..I only hope it doesn't get serious" I said and she nodded "Anyways uhm, I called Evans and he said he was going to send his driver to come pick you up.. I knew you would say no.. so I asked him to just send the address, that you'll go on your own..he said okay and sent me the address" I said "Okay..?, Where's the place?" She asked "The Stars restaurant" I replied with a grin "Wait, isn't that like a five star restaurant?" She asked sitting up "Yep" I popped "Goodness.. I'm not going" she said "Oh yes you are." I stated with a grin ... To be continued
7 Jun 2020 | 03:10
she is not going allow her
7 Jun 2020 | 03:48
Oya hannah go nd listen to his own story
7 Jun 2020 | 07:08
Igwe carry go i dea with u
7 Jun 2020 | 07:10
Sofia abeg free her naa haba, Hannah u carry iron 4 hand? Nawa o.
7 Jun 2020 | 14:18
You have to go now
7 Jun 2020 | 23:29
If Hannah was a guy, her pweek would have reason when she was massaging Harry.. Hmm, Nina.. All these rich men and how they matchmake their children, they dnt wnt d poor to reap frm the fruit of their labour, very soon ju sun's dad mite bring a cheque for Hannah to leave his son.. And you Sofia, you havent seen anything yet o, hannah go soon break nina's teeth cuz i feel they wil soon have a clash
8 Jun 2020 | 12:17
Hannah's pov If there's one thing I hate more than dates?.. it's picking the perfect dress for it.. I can't believe I've been standing here for more than 30 minutes, I no longer have fancy clothes, I was so stupid to sell everything.. "What do I wear now?, I haven't even taken my bath" I said as I scratched my hair.. I looked around for the tenth time and sighed . "I guess, I'm gonna make use of you now" I said and picked a skirt... ....... ... ....... Harry's pov "So you're telling me that Hannah is responsible for this?" Mr Cha asked pointing to my arm "Yeah.. but it wasn't intentional though" I replied.. "Aisshh" he said and hit my head with his hand. "Ouch!.. what was that for?" I asked rubbing my head with my left hand. "You mean to tell me a woman did this to you, and you're not ashamed? What are these for?" He asked pointing to my biceps "You spend hours in the gym and you can't even bear a single playful punch from a woman.. just kill me Harry" he added and continued massaging my arm "I'm not lazy okay?.. do you know what steel is?, Her hands is like steel and gold joined together.. and it didn't feel like a man's hand not to talk of a lady's" I said defending myself "Besides, I told you how she broke my shade with one little squeeze.." "I thought you said, miss psycho was the one that broke your shade" he said cutting me off "Well... Turns out miss psycho is miss Hannah" I muttered "What?" He asked as he dropped the ointment on the table "I found out this afternoon, when she came to apologise and return my stuffs" I said "What about the bracelet?" He asked pulling my hands gently "She returned it as well .." I said and winced in pain.. he dropped my hand and threw my shirt at me.. "Wow.. that's nice" he said "Yeah it is" I mumbled as I slipped on my black T-shirt "So, you like her?" He asked looking at me "Nn.. no... Why would you say that?" I asked back "Come on Harry, I've known you since you were thirteen, you have never entrusted your precious car to a lady before, even though she's your girlfriend, plus.. I saw the way you looked at her after your accidental kiss.. " he stated I flushed and blinked my eyes "Uhh.. I.. well . The situation was different.. I couldn't drive with my broken arm" I stuttered "Yeah right" he muttered I glared at him and rolled my eyes "Fine.. I like her, as a friend though" I mumbled.. He smiled and was about to say something, but was interrupted by the door bell.. He stood up and walked to the door, "Who's it?" He spoke into the intercom "Uhh.. it's me, tell oppa his girlfriend is here to see him" the person replied.. Uh no.. Nina! He looked at me and I nodded for him to open the door.. He opened and Nina walked in smiling sheepishly.. She looks so different, more beautiful and hotter.. wow! But Hannah is more beautiful, and hotter, i mean her curves are just so perfect, her skin is really soft and spotless, her charming brown eyes and tempting pink lips.. everything about her is just so... Wait, why am I suddenly thinking about Hannah?.. Get yourself together man!.. .. .. Sofia's pov The cab halted in front of Hannah's house, I payed the driver and stepped out, I looked around and saw, her crazy neighbor and his dog. "Good evening sir" I greeted.. He scowled and ignored me.. I hurried towards the door and knocked lightly. "Hold on" a voice yelled The door opened and I saw Sona standing there with earpiece on her ears.. "Unnie" she yelled and hugged me. "How are you Sona?" I asked walking into the house "I'm fine.. how about you?" She asked as she closed the door "I'm fine..Where's Jeremy and Nicky?" I asked. "In Jeremy's room, with his friends" she replied, sitting beside me.. "Wow.. is that a shopping bag?" She asked pointing to the bag in my hand "Yep.. it's for Hannah" i replied "Hannah?.. is she going out?" She asked taking the bags "She's going on a date" i replied "Wow.. this is so beautiful.. " she said looking at the black gown. "Yeah.. i thought it would look great on her" i said "Wait.. Hannah is going on a date? And she didn't call me to make her up?" She asked rhetorically "Hey Sof" we turned to see Hannah walking down the stairs.. "O.. m... G" Sona drawed "What the.." "How do I look?" Hannah asked cutting me off.. What do I say.. What do we call a twenty two years old lady, wearing a long pink flared skirt that stops at her ankles, with white convas, lemon sweatshirt and black base ball cap, going to a five star restaurant for a date.. A psycho?.. or crazy Hannah? . Episode 12 ... Hannah's pov They both continued staring at me for minutes and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.. Sona just stared at me with her mouth open, I couldn't help but notice the shopping bags on her hands, wow! She bought another dress?.. I bet her closet is now a boutique.. Sofia on her part continued looking at me from my head to my feet, totally lost. ".. uhh! I asked a question guys" I said snapping them both out of their thoughts.. Sona shook her head and Sofia palmed her face. "Hannah?.. where are you going?" She finally asked looking straight into my eyes "The Stars restaurant, .. I have a date with Evans remember?" I said adjusting my skirt "You're going to a date.. like this?" Sona asked pointing at my clothes "Yes.. of course" I replied simply Sofia shook her head and sighed deeply.. "What?" I asked looking at the both of them "Sorry to say this sis, but you look cray cray.. I mean we are in the 21st century, not the 13th.. who dresses like this to a date?"Sona asked "But... It's the best I could come up with" I defended quietly "Seriously?.., the best you could come up with?.. Hannah you look crazy.. you look like a retired psycho.. you're not even wearing makeup, and your hair is even rough.." "I don't have makeup anymore.. besides I didn't want to be late" I said cutting Sofia off. "Yeah.. right" she mumbled.. I glared at her and rolled my eyes.. "I'll see you both later, I have to go now" I said and turned towards the door "You've got to be kidding me Hannah.. you are not leaving this house dressed like this" Sofia said rushing to my front "Look.. I'm sorry for my dressing okay, I wish I could Change it but I don't have time to look for clothes.. besides I have a long walk ahead of me" I stated "Walk?.. you want to trek to the restaurant?" Sona asked from the couch.. "I'm not letting you go to your first date like this Hannah.. thank goodness I went to the mall.. I bought you something, and it's way more better than this .. thing you're wearing, I mean you look so outdated" she said with her hands on her hips.. "Sona will style your hair and make you up.. it's gonna be perfect, please just let us take care of it" she said pleadingly.. "But.." "Please unnie, it will just be for ten minutes" Sona whined "Fine.. but, it should be something light, I don't need the whole of Asia on my face" I mumbled and walked towards the stairs "Yes!" Sofia yelled "Yippee.. I'm gonna take care of you Hannah.. trust me" Sona said rushing up the stairs with the bags.. .... Harry's pov "Oppa.. I'm so happy to see you again" Nina said catwalking towards me with her hands open wide for a hug.. she was clad in a yellow, body hug gown.. which revealed little cleavages.. her hair fell freely on her back, her long gold earings matched her bracelet, and necklace.. her black purse matched her black heels, which clicked lightly on the tiled floor "Well, I am not" I mumbled "Oh please.. I know you are" she said and hugged me tightly.. with her hands around my neck.. "Too... Tight" I breathed out.. "Oh .. sorry baby" she cooed and withdrew slowly.. then she sat beside me and placed her hands on my shoulders, then linked her fingers around my neck, "Uhm.. I'll be upstairs if you need me" Mr Cha said and rushed up the stairs without waiting for a reply. "So.. how have you been oppa? You've been away for a long time baby, we have a lot of catching up to do.. I can't wait to tell my friends that my boyfriend is back.. least I forget, a friend of mine is hosting her birthday next week Friday.. we are going together.. but we'll have to shop for our clothes first.. oh I can't wait to introduce you to everyone baby" she rushed I scoffed and pulled her hands gently from my shoulders.. I adjusted and she did Same.. I don't think she's gonna give up soon.. she hasn't changed a bit.. "What do you want Nina?" I asked rubbing my temple "I.. don't understand, oppa" she said looking genuinely confused "Why are you here?" I asked looking at her "Well.. I came to see you oppa" she said smiling "Oh.. okay, so you've seen me, can you please leave now?" I asked picking my phone from the side table.. "Nope" she popped "Why..?" I asked "Cause I want to spend time with you, besides.. we have a lot of catching up to do Ju Sung" she said resting her head on my legs "No.. we don't, and it's Harry to you.. you no longer have the right to call me that" I said and moved her head away from my legs "Whatever.. we are going out, besides you haven't been in Korea for years.. there are new places, I'd love to show you.. we could even have dinner at the new five star restaurant, it's really fancy and classic, plus you don't have to worry about security.. " she muttered "I'm sorry.. but i am not going anywhere with you" i replied "Really?" "Yeah" ..... .. Hannah's pov After taking about a hundred pictures, Sona finally let me out of her room.. I carefully walked down the stairs with Sona behind me.. Jeremy, Nick and his friends already moved to the living room.. they were all busy playing games with Sofia, that they didn't notice me walk down the stairs.. "So? How do I look?" I asked looking at them, "Oh my gosh!" Sofia mumbled "Hannah?.. you look.. different, " Jeremy drawed with a smile "Is that really Hannah?" Blaze asked "Marry me Hannah.." Ryan mumbled.. I chuckled and smiled lightly "Oh.. my goodness" Sofia said sniffing "Uhh.. are you crying?" Sona asked furrowing her brows "No.. it's just, you look so beautiful bes," Sofia muttered cleaning her eyes "Now you no longer look like Sebastian stalking Ariel and her little tour guide" she added with a smile "Awwn.. now you're starting to act like my mom".. I said hugging her tight "Thanks for the dress Sof, you are the best.. I love you so much" I said and kissed her cheek.. "You're welcome" she said and slowly withdrew "Noona are you going out?" Nick asked looking at me "Yes sweetie.. but Sofia and Sona will tuck you in.. okay?" I said "Okay.." he muttered with a smile "You look so pretty Hannah" he added.. I smiled and kissed his cheek.. "I'll see y'all later" I said and walked out of the house with Sofia.. who insisted on stopping a taxi for me.. "So .. are you excited?" She Asked "Nope.. to be honest, I'm only going Because I promised him" I replied.. "Hmm.. okay, just try to have fun okay?" She said "Okay.. I'll try not to act cra.." I stopped as I mistakenly hit a stone.. we were already standing in front of Mr parks house.. that crazy neighbor and his stupid dog.. they are just so annoying. I haven't forgotten what he did to me this morning though.. "Are you okay? Is it the heels?" Sofia asked worriedly "No.. it's this stupid stone" I said as I leaned down to pick it up "Okay.. " she drawed "Why are you holding that rock?" She asked "Nothing.." I mumbled, I looked at Mr parks house and the lights were already out.. I guess he's sleeping.. time for payback.. "Sofia.. you might wanna get out of the way" I muttered "What..why?" She asked "Just do it" I said as I weighed the stone.. it wouldn't do much damage though.. at least it will take out the glass window. "Hannah.. hope it's not what I'm thinking?" She asked moving to the side "Yes it is" I said and angrily threw the stone.. the sounds of glass shattering filled the air.. I removed my heels and turned to Sofia, who was staring in shock "Run Sof" I whispered and started running with my heels on my hands and my bag hanging safely across my shoulders.. .... To be continued guys...
8 Jun 2020 | 14:00
Crazy hannah gan ni but SOFIA she is a good friend. c
9 Jun 2020 | 04:35
9 Jun 2020 | 06:18
I want a gf like this Hannah. @lady how far?
9 Jun 2020 | 06:51
Lol hannah is indeed crazy
9 Jun 2020 | 08:54
So wetin go happen next bayi. Hannah z crazy o
9 Jun 2020 | 08:56
@iPhemloid why ar u asking our inlaw @ladyg that question? Cant u ask we the single guys. @ele1 , @ugonnadeyoungestwriter @emmy01 @timson7373 @lawan @paddy2x and i. Be warn or i will send you to the forest where jackson found himself. @fb-danieledem can u just imagine.
9 Jun 2020 | 09:04
Hannah is really crazy indeed, next please
9 Jun 2020 | 11:11
Hannah small pikin still dey worry u o.
9 Jun 2020 | 19:17
My body body @thecomely abeg help me ask @phemloid o, e jst wan make my boo @fb-danieledem dey vex o.
9 Jun 2020 | 19:26
@thecomely are you @ladyg? Is @ladyg you? And for you, @ladyg I will still chop you las las.
10 Jun 2020 | 02:05
Lolz @phemloid u strong o bt God strong pass bt u kn no say @thecomely nd i na body body ?
10 Jun 2020 | 06:14
@Iphemloid hmmm dont bite more than u can chew. Be warn, leave my boo @ladyg alone or else i will send your location to NCDC. LOL
10 Jun 2020 | 06:32
Crazy indeed
10 Jun 2020 | 15:26
Hannah's pov ? They both continued staring at me for minutes and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable.. Sona just stared at me with her mouth open, I couldn't help but notice the shopping bags on her hands, wow! She bought another dress?.. I bet her closet is now a boutique.. Sofia on her part continued looking at me from my head to my feet, totally lost. ".. uhh! I asked a question guys" I said snapping them both out of their thoughts.. Sona shook her head and Sofia palmed her face. "Hannah?.. where are you going?" She finally asked looking straight into my eyes "The Stars restaurant, .. I have a date with Evans remember?" I said adjusting my skirt "You're going to a date.. like this?" Sona asked pointing at my clothes "Yes.. of course" I replied simply Sofia shook her head and sighed deeply.. "What?" I asked looking at the both of them "Sorry to say this sis, but you look cray cray.. I mean we are in the 21st century, not the 13th.. who dresses like this to a date?"Sona asked "But... It's the best I could come up with" I defended quietly "Seriously?.., the best you could come up with?.. Hannah you look crazy.. you look like a retired psycho.. you're not even wearing makeup, and your hair is even rough.." "I don't have makeup anymore.. besides I didn't want to be late" I said cutting Sofia off. "Yeah.. right" she mumbled.. I glared at her and rolled my eyes.. "I'll see you both later, I have to go now" I said and turned towards the door "You've got to be kidding me Hannah.. you are not leaving this house dressed like this" Sofia said rushing to my front "Look.. I'm sorry for my dressing okay, I wish I could Change it but I don't have time to look for clothes.. besides I have a long walk ahead of me" I stated "Walk?.. you want to trek to the restaurant?" Sona asked from the couch.. "I'm not letting you go to your first date like this Hannah.. thank goodness I went to the mall.. I bought you something, and it's way more better than this .. thing you're wearing, I mean you look so outdated" she said with her hands on her hips.. "Sona will style your hair and make you up.. it's gonna be perfect, please just let us take care of it" she said pleadingly.. "But.." "Please unnie, it will just be for ten minutes" Sona whined "Fine.. but, it should be something light, I don't need the whole of Asia on my face" I mumbled and walked towards the stairs "Yes!" Sofia yelled "Yippee.. I'm gonna take care of you Hannah.. trust me" Sona said rushing up the stairs with the bags.. .... Harry's pov ? "Oppa.. I'm so happy to see you again" Nina said catwalking towards me with her hands open wide for a hug.. she was clad in a yellow, body hug gown.. which revealed little cleavages.. her hair fell freely on her back, her long gold earings matched her bracelet, and necklace.. her black purse matched her black heels, which clicked lightly on the tiled floor "Well, I am not" I mumbled "Oh please.. I know you are" she said and hugged me tightly.. with her hands around my neck.. "Too... Tight" I breathed out.. "Oh .. sorry baby" she cooed and withdrew slowly.. then she sat beside me and placed her hands on my shoulders, then linked her fingers around my neck, "Uhm.. I'll be upstairs if you need me" Mr Cha said and rushed up the stairs without waiting for a reply. "So.. how have you been oppa? You've been away for a long time baby, we have a lot of catching up to do.. I can't wait to tell my friends that my boyfriend is back.. least I forget, a friend of mine is hosting her birthday next week Friday.. we are going together.. but we'll have to shop for our clothes first.. oh I can't wait to introduce you to everyone baby" she rushed I scoffed and pulled her hands gently from my shoulders.. I adjusted and she did Same.. I don't think she's gonna give up soon.. she hasn't changed a bit.. "What do you want Nina?" I asked rubbing my temple "I.. don't understand, oppa" she said looking genuinely confused "Why are you here?" I asked looking at her "Well.. I came to see you oppa" she said smiling "Oh.. okay, so you've seen me, can you please leave now?" I asked picking my phone from the side table.. "Nope" she popped "Why..?" I asked "Cause I want to spend time with you, besides.. we have a lot of catching up to do Ju Sung" she said resting her head on my legs "No.. we don't, and it's Harry to you.. you no longer have the right to call me that" I said and moved her head away from my legs "Whatever.. we are going out, besides you haven't been in Korea for years.. there are new places, I'd love to show you.. we could even have dinner at the new five star restaurant, it's really fancy and classic, plus you don't have to worry about security.. " she muttered "I'm sorry.. but i am not going anywhere with you" i replied "Really?" "Yeah" ..... .. Hannah's pov ? After taking about a hundred pictures, Sona finally let me out of her room.. I carefully walked down the stairs with Sona behind me.. Jeremy, Nick and his friends already moved to the living room.. they were all busy playing games with Sofia, that they didn't notice me walk down the stairs.. "So? How do I look?" I asked looking at them, "Oh my gosh!" Sofia mumbled "Hannah?.. you look.. different, " Jeremy drawed with a smile "Is that really Hannah?" Blaze asked "Marry me Hannah.." Ryan mumbled.. I chuckled and smiled lightly "Oh.. my goodness" Sofia said sniffing "Uhh.. are you crying?" Sona asked furrowing her brows "No.. it's just, you look so beautiful bes," Sofia muttered cleaning her eyes "Now you no longer look like Sebastian stalking Ariel and her little tour guide" she added with a smile "Awwn.. now you're starting to act like my mom".. I said hugging her tight "Thanks for the dress Sof, you are the best.. I love you so much" I said and kissed her cheek.. "You're welcome" she said and slowly withdrew "Noona are you going out?" Nick asked looking at me "Yes sweetie.. but Sofia and Sona will tuck you in.. okay?" I said "Okay.." he muttered with a smile "You look so pretty Hannah" he added.. I smiled and kissed his cheek.. "I'll see y'all later" I said and walked out of the house with Sofia.. who insisted on stopping a taxi for me.. "So .. are you excited?" She Asked "Nope.. to be honest, I'm only going Because I promised him" I replied.. "Hmm.. okay, just try to have fun okay?" She said "Okay.. I'll try not to act cra.." I stopped as I mistakenly hit a stone.. we were already standing in front of Mr parks house.. that crazy neighbor and his stupid dog.. they are just so annoying. I haven't forgotten what he did to me this morning though.. "Are you okay? Is it the heels?" Sofia asked worriedly "No.. it's this stupid stone" I said as I leaned down to pick it up "Okay.. " she drawed "Why are you holding that rock?" She asked "Nothing.." I mumbled, I looked at Mr parks house and the lights were already out.. I guess he's sleeping.. time for payback.. "Sofia.. you might wanna get out of the way" I muttered "What..why?" She asked "Just do it" I said as I weighed the stone.. it wouldn't do much damage though.. at least it will take out the glass window. "Hannah.. hope it's not what I'm thinking?" She asked moving to the side "Yes it is" I said and angrily threw the stone.. the sounds of glass shattering filled the air.. I removed my heels and turned to Sofia, who was staring in shock "Run Sof" I whispered and started running with my heels on my hands and my bag hanging safely across my shoulders.. .... To be continued
11 Jun 2020 | 02:36
Huh nnext 0 pls i think we have read this epi before.. gs
11 Jun 2020 | 04:54
This a repeated episode. we read this be4 jare
11 Jun 2020 | 05:28
Igwe iiigweeee, welldone o.
11 Jun 2020 | 11:44
Hannah's pov The lights came on and she ran back to my house.. I chuckled and continued running.. I stopped a taxi and hopped in.. "The Stars restaurant" I said and wore my shoes breathing heavily.. "Okay" he muttered and started driving.. ****************** I stepped out of the taxi after paying the driver.. I adjusted my gown and wore my bag properly on my right shoulder.. I took a deep breath and walked towards the glass doors.. *** "Wow.." I mumbled as I walked in.. this is indeed a five star restaurant..the architecture is Just so amazing.. the large hall, was filled with different people..all chatting silently and enjoying their dinners.. while the chandeliers cast golden colors on the walls..waiters walked around with, trays, menus and small jotters... to think that i was coming here dressed like a psycho.. thank Goodness Sofia came.. I looked around, searching for the familiar face of Evans.. "Hannah?" Someone called I turned to see Evans walking towards me with a smile on his face.. He was clad in a simple but obviously expensive grey suit and white shirt.. his hair was gelled to the side, and he looked absolutely stunning.. I sighed in relief and smiled lightly "Hi" I said "I was starting to think you changed your mind" he said moving closer to me "Well.. I didn't.." I drawed He smiled and pecked my cheek.. , seriously?.. "Thanks for coming.. let's go, our table is over there" he said and slipped his hands around my waist.. I frowned mentally, if this guy continue touching me like this.. I might loose it, I faked a smile and continued walking.. I can't help but notice everyone staring at me.. especially the guys, i suddenly feel so self-conscious, is there something on my face?.. We got to our table and Evans gently pulled the chair for me.. "Thanks" I mumbled as I sat down, I placed my bag on my laps and watched as he took his seat.. I looked around and noticed some people staring at me.. "Uhm.. Evans, is.. there something on my face?" I blurted out, unable to take it anymore "No . Why?" He asked "Cause people keep staring at me" I replied He chuckled and looked around.. "True.. I guess it's because you are the most beautiful woman in the room" he stated.. I smiled and tuck my hair behind my ears The waiter came over and handed us the menu "Thanks" I muttered as I collected it from him.. I opened the menu and looked carefully at the list of foods and their prices.. Gosh!.. their meals are really expensive.. I looked at Evans and he was already placing his orders, the waiter jotted down and they both looked at me.. "Uhm.. I think, I'll go with a glass of juice" I said closing the menu "..why?" Evans asked looking at me "The meals are too expensive.. I can't eat something of 30,000 Evans, I wouldn't be able to digest it .. " I said He smiled and picked the menu "Don't worry Hannah.. money isn't the problem.. pick whatever you want, please.. I insist" he said .. Evans pov "Fine.. I'll take the lowest in the list.." she said going through the menu again "Pasta" she added.. and the waiter jotted down.. "And a wine please" I added.. the waiter nodded and walked out.. I looked at Hannah who was busy looking around.. she looks so beautiful, to be honest.. I think she's the most beautiful woman I've ever seen.. as a doctor, I've met a lot of women, lawyers, doctors, models, nurses, actresses and so on.. And none has ever succeeded in getting my attention.. but with Hannah the reverse is the case.. I liked her the minute I saw her, her intelligence, her strictness, her personality, her craziness, beauty and everything.. although she acts tough, she's the most sweetest and kindest lady I've ever met.. there was a day I saw her buying lunch for some kids and beggers sitting beside the road, she emptied her wallet and had to trek home with her friend, and I've been trying to get her attention since.. But now that I have it.. I feel so nervous.. "Uhm.. so how was your day?" I asked. "Mmh.. same as always" she said with a shrug.. looking down at the table, the waiter came back holding two trays.. he placed her plate on her front and did Same with mine.. another brought the wine and opened it, he poured some on her glass and mine.. then he turned and walked away "Oh.. okay" I mumbled and mentally slapped my self..I was still thinking of what to say when she spoke up "Evans, I Know you like me and you want us to like.. date" she started "Yeah" I muttered "And the truth is.. I like you too, I like your personality and all, but in a friendly way.. all the feelings I have for you are of holy and not romantic" she said and I smiled "I Know.. but, we can still try Hannah, we could go on dates and get to know each other better, you might actually fall along the line" I said and she smiled sweetly "I wish I could Evans.. but the truth is.. I'm not ready yet, I'm not interested in any relationship for now.. I'm sorry" she said sadly.. "I'll wait Hannah.. till whenever you're ready" I said looking into her eyes.. She smiled and looked at her food.. "Okay, until then.. for now, we can just be friends.. okay?" She said "Ok" I said with a smile. "Great, so Let's eat, before the food gets cold" she said and picked her fork.. "Yeah" ... .. Harry's pov "Just so you know, I'm only here because I'm famished" I muttered as we both walked into the restaurant, "Whatever" Nina mumbled as wrapped her hands on my left arm.. We got to an empty table, and took our seats.. the waiter brought the menus and I placed my order.. Nina did Same and ordered for champagne.. I felt the strong urge to look around, Nina was busy with her phone.. I dropped mine on the table and looked around.. some ladies were staring as usual.. I was about to look away, when I saw one eating pasta.. her mouth was already stained.. but she looked so beautiful and familiar.. she was sitting with a guy Wearing grey suit, I couldn't see his face properly because he was backing me.. I guess he said something cause she smiled sweetly, wow.. her smile is so familiar.. the guy leaned closer and wiped the stains from her mouth.. she muttered something and tucked her hair behind her ears.. then I saw her face clearly.. Hannah?.. I watched as she sipped the wine and dropped the glass.. and as if she sensed me, she looked at me and our eyes locked.. she looked so surprised, and I could see her eyes lit up with excitement.. She smiled and I looked away.. I picked my phone and started acting busy.. what is Hannah doing here with a guy? Is he her boyfriend? Why am I suddenly so angry? It's not like we are dating right? We are just friends and nothing more, I shouldn't be mad at her right? Right... .. Hannah's pov Why did he just ignore me? I thought he said he has forgiven me, then why does he look so angry? And who is that girl with him? Is she his girlfriend? I watched as she dropped her phone and started chatting with Harry.. he muttered something and she smiled and placed her hands on his.. he looked at me and I looked away.. why do I feel so angry? I'm just his friend right? I should be happy for him? Anyways I won't talk to him, he ignored me so I'll ignore him too.., I sighed and glanced at Evans as he dropped the glass of wine on the table.. "Uhm.. are you through?" I asked "Yeah.. should we leave now?" He asked "Yes please.. I'm already feeling sleepy" I replied.. "Okay" he said with a smile and signaled the waiter for the check.. He paid and we both stood up to Leave.. I picked my bag and he slipped his hands around my waist.. I felt so uncomfortable, but for some reason I don't know.. I let him hold me, "I love your hairstyle by the way" I said as we walked past Harry's table.. "Awwn thanks" Evans cooed.. "Hannah.." Harry called quietly, we stopped and turned to look at him.. "Oh.. hi, I didn't see you there" I muttered and he scoffed.. and she girl held his hand possessively "Uhm do you know him?" Evans asked looking at me.. "Yes.. he's the chairman's son, you weren't in the hospital today, so you don't know him.. " I stated "Anyways uhm.. Harry meet Evans.. he's a doctor and he also works in H.R, Evans meet Harry.. he a doctor as well" I said "It's nice to meet you Harry" "Same here" as they both shook hands "I'll see you tomorrow Harry.. bye" I said and held Evans hand. "Do enjoy the rest of your evening with your ...?" "Girlfriend.. I'm his girlfriend" the girl muttered cutting me off, I frowned and rolled my eyes.. "She's not my girlfriend Hannah" he muttered looking into my eyes "... I don't care what she is Ju Sung.. do have a nice evening..bye" I said and walked out with Evans... So annoying!! Uhh! "Are.. you okay?" He asked as we both walked out of the restaurant "Yes.. I'm fine" I lied .. Episode 14 .. . . .. Harry's pov I watched as she stormed out with the guy beside her.. Why is she so angry? Did I offend her? I mean I know I ignored her when she smiled at me.. but is that the reason why she's so upset?.. "Huh!, She called you Ju Sung and you let her go?" Nina asked looking at me "What right does she have?.." "She has all the right to call me whatever she wants, and it's not your business" I snapped glaring at her.. She blinked and started picking on her food.. I signaled For the check, and payed the bills.. "Oppa?.. won't you eat your food?" She asked as I stood up "No.. I lost my appetite, you can leave whenever you like, " I said and walked towards the door.. "But my car is at your house" she said rushing behind me "That's your problem" I mumbled as I walked to the parking lot. "Baby.. you can't just leave me here" she said "Yes I can.. and I Will" I muttered.. I beeped my car, then I felt her hand on my right arm.. she pulled me back and I winced in pain "Why are you suddenly so angry baby? Is it because of that girl?" She asked not realizing what she just did.. I held her hand and dropped it roughly "Don't ever call me baby again.. you're not my girlfriend for God sake!.. and you'll never be, the sooner you realize that, the better for you!!, If I need a girlfriend, I know how to get one.. stop pretending to be something you are not" I said and opened my car, "I'm your girlfriend Harry!, I have always been your girlfriend!" She yelled.. "Did I ever ask you out? Did I confess any feelings for you?" I asked calmly "I don't care if you didn't, but we both know what we shared was more than just friendship Harry, you can't deny it!" She said I scoffed and rolled my eyes.. "Seriously? Is that what you have been telling yourself? Well let me make this clear.. What we had, was friendship, until that night when you changed it to friends with benefits.. I never had romantic feelings for you Nina.." I stated, her face was already filled with tears "I already texted Mr Cha, he told your driver to come pick you up... He should be here any moment from now," I said and stepped into my car "Oh and please, don't even think of coming to my house without my permission" I slammed my door and drove out.. I looked at the side mirror, Her driver arrived..and she stepped in.. **************************************** I drove into the garage and walked into the house.. I heard tiny voices coming from the kitchen.. I slowly walked in and saw the twins chatting with Mr Cha.. "Hey cuties" I called with my hands open.. "Harry!!" They yelled and rushed towards me.. I leaned down to hug the both of them.. "What are you two angels doing here? I asked looking at their faces.. "Don't you want us here? Did you move out of the mansion because of us?" Josi asked as usual "No.. I never said that" I said tucking her hair behind her ears "Then why are you not staying with us?" Jodi asked "It's well.. kinda complicated, but it's not because of you guys.. believe me.. I'm happy you both are here, gosh I've missed you babies so much" I said and tickled the both of them.. ".. stop Harry, it's so ticklish" Jodi said laughing.. while Josi cleaned the tears as she laughed. I stopped and pecked the both of them. "Well for your question" Jodi started as they both sat on the kitchen stools holding their milkshake "Dad, isn't back yet.. so we were all alone with Nani Linda, we are already used to it.. but sometimes it gets lonely being alone in that big house" Josi said sadly "And since you are back, we decided to come stay with you for the night.. don't worry, we'll leave from school tomorrow, we brought our uniforms and everything we might need" Jodi added "Okay.. you guys can stay till whenever you want, I will be trilled to have my two little girls here with me, besides,it gets boring living alone with this old man" I said looking at Mr Cha, the twins laughed and he smiled "I'm not old Harry, I am still very young" he defended "Yeah right" I mumbled "So, oppa, ajjushi said you went on a date with Nina, is it true?" Josi asked "It wasn't a date darling" I said helping Mr Cha with the plates "Then what was it?" Jodi asked "It was... Just dinner" I replied "But it was in a restaurant?" Josi asked "Yeah" I replied "With just the two of you?" Jodi asked "Yeah" I replied "Then it's a date" the both said at once.. I chuckled and looked at them "What do you guys know about dates?" I asked "Nothing ." They both mumbled innocently. "Anyways uhm.. since I traveled to France, has Nina ever visited you guys?" I asked "Yep.." Jodi popped "She always called to check on us.. she even called last night" josi added "And most times, when she's in Korea.. she stays with us for about a week, and during that period.. she takes us to different places and buys us many things.. although we can afford them, but she doesn't care" Jodi said.. "She's like our little mommy" josi chimed in with a smile I nodded and turned to the sink "Okay.. dinner is ready ladies" Mr Cha announced "Yippie" they bought squealed.. *** .. . Hannah's pov Evans had insisted on taking me home, but I'd politely refused.. I took a cab and waved him goodnight.. Now the drive back was silent, I feel so exhausted and sleepy.. The car came to a halt, I stepped down after paying the driver, I looked over at Mr parks house.. the lights were on and I could still see the broken window.. I sighed and walked into my house.. The whole house was silent, except for the music coming out of Sona's room.. I walked upstairs and the music became louder, I walked into my room and closed the door, I kept my bag on the dressing table and fell on the bed, I hit something hard, but I didn't open my eyes.. "Hannah!" Someone yelled and I felt a stinging pain on my hand.. "Ouch!" I mumbled and opened my eyes to see Sofia rubbing her nose. "You fell on me Hannah, do you want to kill me?" She asked "No.. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" I said rubbing my eyes. "Yeah, anyways so how was it?" She asked excitedly "It was okay" I said with a shrug. "Just okay?" She asked a bit disappointed "We'll chat tommorow Sof, I want to sleep" I said resting my head on the pillow "Aren't you gonna take your bath?" She asked "No.." I mumbled yawning "No way, you are not sleeping on this bed like this" she said pulling me up "Leave me Sof" I said and pulled her, she fell on the bed and frowned.. she stormed out of the room and came back with Sona... "I'll see how you'll fight someone with the same strength as yours" she said smiling.. "Pull her Sona" she said and Sona held my hand.. and with one pull, pulled me out of the bed.. God! Is Sona getting stronger than me.. She carried me into the bathroom and dropped me on the tub, "You owe me 100 bucks" she said to Sofia and walked out.. "Judas!" I yelled at Sofia. She chuckled and poured water on my face.. ****************** **** ****************** Next morning* Sofia's pov I and Hannah walked down the stairs and saw everyone sitting on the dinning table.. including Jeremy's friends "Morning mom, morning dad" we both muttered together. "Morning guys, how was your night" Mr Shù asked "Was okay" Hannah replied. "Aren't you guys eating?" Her mom asked "No mom, we'll get something at the hospital" I replied "Okay" she said "Oh.. uhm, Jeremy here" Hannah said handing him some money "Wow.. thanks Hannah" he said smiling "It's not for you dummy" she said and Sona chuckled "I noticed the ceiling is leaking.. use it to buy some sheets" Hannah said "Okay.. but won't you give me something? At least as a tip" he said Hannah sighed and slipped some money into his hands, it's for you and your friends" she said and they all thanked her. "Sona, yours is with the 100 bucks Sofia gave you.. it's on your dresser" she added "Thanks unnie" Sona said excitedly.. "And mom.. this is for the bills we owe Mrs goo.. please pay her so i won't have to keep hiding from her" she said handing her mom a bunch of notes.. "Wow.. how did you get this Hannah?" She Asked looking at the notes "Well.. uhm, Ju Sung.." "Oh, my son in law.. I understand" she said cutting in.. Hannah frowned and rolled her eyes "Son in law?" Her dad asked "Yes honey, the one I told you about yesterday" she replied "Wow.. Hannah has a boyfriend?" Jeremy asked surprised "No I don't" Hannah snapped and I chuckled, she glared at me and I looked away. "Whatever.. hope you carried the food you cooked for him?" Her mother asked.. ", you forced me to, remember?" Hannah asked "Oh.. okay, " "I'll see you guys later.. Nicky I'll see you later, Hayley is coming today right?" Hannah asked "Yes Hannah" he replied with his mouth full.. "Okay, bye guys" she said "Bye" I said.. "Byee" they replied as we both walked out.. "My regards to Harry" her mom added *** ***** *** "Wow.. I never knew your mom would take your fake relationship with Harry seriously" I muttered as we walked out of the house. "She won't stop talking about it and it's annoying" she said.. We passed by Mr parks house, Bruno was outside as usual but Mr park was no where to be seen.. I looked up and saw the broken window.. the dog growled at us and Hannah growled back, it whined and ran away.. ****** TBC.......
12 Jun 2020 | 16:10
good job igwe
13 Jun 2020 | 03:22
Wow am loving this. my friends come over o
13 Jun 2020 | 06:39
Hmmmm see love o, Harry nd Hannah. Abeg ride on.
13 Jun 2020 | 16:11
Lolz.. Old man Mr. Cha.. hannah and ju sung are definitely in love, i really feel for Nina, her only crime was falling in love with ju sung, i dnt wish unrequited love for even my enemy, it hurts so bad but just as sum ppl were destined to fal 4 each oda, odas were destined to b friend and if they ever go against dis divine setting, it wil boomerang...
13 Jun 2020 | 23:00
13 Jun 2020 | 23:08
Meanwhile @ladyg i really which to see you in a bodyhug knee length gown just like Harry's besty Nina at the COOLVAL DINNER GET-TOGETHER your husby @fb-danieledem will accompany you with a tuxedo suit, @henrymary would come with an armani suit with his bae mary @thecomely will come with agbada @iphemloid will kit up like wizkid with Lovina @queenprecious1 u re invited @igwe wil be the mc, d venue of our coolval get-together would be in val's mansion in owerri, all expenses paid.. U re allowed to bring just one person along lolz
13 Jun 2020 | 23:08
Nice one
14 Jun 2020 | 01:07
14 Jun 2020 | 01:08
seriously @Ele 1
14 Jun 2020 | 01:15
Episode 15 ... That lady was Nina, only few people got it... , Hannah and Sofia are different.. .. Hannah's pov This morning has been less stressful for me, there was no surgeries.. although doctor lan, and the others were around.. I only had to check on patients, fix drips and so on.. thankfully, there has been no crazy events. Especially with Ju Sung, I've been avoiding him since.. and I guess he got the message, cause he didn't send someone to fetch me either I looked at my watch and it was already time for lunch, "Finally.. I'm so hungry" I mumbled to myself, stretching my hands The door opened and Sofia poked her head into the office.. "Hey" she called "Hi.." I said yawning "Aren't you going for lunch?" I asked as she walked in fully.. "Uhmm.. I.. yes, I will" she drawed looking around with her eyes as if searching for something "Uhh, are you looking for something?" I asked voicing out my thoughts "Me?.. nope, I'm not.. what would I possibly be searching for?" She asked smiling nervously "O..Kay?" "Anyways, let's go.. I'm starving" I said walking towards her "Yes.. let's go" she muttered and turned to open the door, she suddenly stopped to look at me.. "Did you forget something or what?" I asked quietly ".. no.. well, I was just wondering if you have given Harry his food" she stated.. "No.. I haven't, "I replied simply "What!. Go and give him now Hannah, before it gets cold" she muttered "I'll give him later"I mumbled "No . Hannah, you have to give him now"she insisted I studied her for some seconds and nodded my head "Mom put you up to this, right?" I blurted.. she flushed and blinked her eyes.. "I ... Well ..' she stuttered "Well.. she .. she just called me to check if you did" she replied "Seriously?"I muttered "Okay, why don't you help me?" I asked.. "Me, why?" She asked "Well.. because, I am not in the mood to see Harry for now, please be a dearie and help a friend" I said with my hands together She looked at me and shook her head.. .... ... Sofia's pov I walked out of the elevator and down the hall.. I got to Harry's office and knocked lightly.. clutching the lunch bag tightly.. "Come in" I took a deep breath and opened the door, I stepped into the office and gently closed it.. Harry was on his seat going through some files.. "Good afternoon sir" I said with a bow "Afternoon.. uhm, how May I help you?" He asked raising his head to look at me.. I bowed my head so he wouldn't see me properly. "Why are you bowing?" He asked "Nothing sir, I just like looking at my legs" i muttered and mentally slapped myself.. "What?" He asked cracking a little "Nothing sir" I replied "You're Hannah's Friend right?" He asked "Ye.. yes" I stuttered raising my head in surprise "Sorry to ask but how did you know sir?" I asked "You both have the same five minutes madness, but Yours is kinda short" he replied.. "Five minutes madness" I mouthed to myself.. "So.. do you need something?" He asked placing his hands on the desk "No.. well, she asked me to give you this" I said raising the lunch bag "mmh.. so where's she?" He asked "She's In the office," I replied simply. "Take it back" he muttered resting his back on the chair.. "Tell her to bring it herself, or I won't take it" he added "But.. sir, she.." "Shhhh" he said placing his index finger on his lips.. "Tell Hannah to bring it herself, run along.. I'm really hungry" he said.. "Okay sir" I said and bowed, then I rushed out of the office.. Oh goodness! I told Hannah, but she wouldn't listen, now she'll have to go back herself.. ... Episode 16 ... .. .. .. Hannah's pov "What!" I yelled "He said you should bring it yourself and he's really hungry, so you need to hurry up" Sofia repeated placing the bag on my desk.. "Plus he said I share a five minutes madness with you, what does that mean?" She asked confused "..uhh, how..would I Know?" I asked removing my gaze from hers "Because it's obvious.. you are the one who told him about 'five minutes madness'?" She asked "Nah.. I.. I'm not" I muttered picking the bag from the desk She gasped and covered her mouth "You did!" She yelled.. "I.. I.... Guess I did" I drawed and ran out of the office.. "You can run Hannah but you can't hide" she yelled after me.. I chuckled and walked into the elevator.. ... .. Harry's pov There was a light knock on the door.. I smiled and arranged my hair properly.. "Come in" I said and put on my stern face.. She walked in and carefully closed the door.. wow!, Her hair fell freely on her shoulders, although she isn't wearing makeup.. she looks more beautiful than last night.. "Good afternoon sir" she said with a straight face and bowed slightly.. Urhh! This woman is just so be stubborn.. I thought I asked her to quit the sir stuff.. "What do you want?" I asked folding my hands on my chest "I came to give you this" she said raising the bag.. "Okay.." I drawed. She placed it on the desk and turned to leave.. Where do you think you're going? Can't you see that I've missed your company? Or are you pretending not to?.. I asked mentally "Wait!" I muttered, she stopped and turned to look at me "Do you need something sir?" She asked "No.. I mean yes," I said "Okay.. what is it?" She asked "Uhh.. I.. the bag, yes the lunch bag.. won't you open it?" I asked She sighed and walked back to the desk.. I watched as she carefully opened the bag and set up the desk with the different dishes.. she placed the chopsticks on the serviette and looked at me.. "Is there something else?" She asked removing her gaze from mine "No.." I replied. "Okay.." she mumbled and turned to leave "Where are you going?" I asked looking at her "To my office sir" she replied "You can't leave yet" I stated "Why?" She asked confused "Because... Because, you have to eat with me" I replied "What! No way, I can't" she muttered "Yes you will" I retorted "No.. I can't" she argued " Hey! I'm not asking you for a relationship okay, do you know how many people will pay to eat with me? You should consider yourself fortunate, besides the main reason I asked you to eat with me is because I don't know if you added poison, and even if you did, i don't want to die dont think I'm doing this for any special reasons" I stated.. She scoffed and rolled her eyes "I'm not eating" she muttered "Aisshh, you are really stubborn aren't you?" I asked and she shrugged "If you don't eat with me, I'll tell Mom" I threatened "Be my guest" she said I sighed and moved my fingers into my hair "I'll fire you if you don't" I muttered sternly "Go ahead" she said. Ahh! This girl is really strong headed "You think I'm joking?" I asked She shrugged and looked away. I faked a frown and picked my pen "I am going to sign Sofia's sack letter too" I said looking at her. "Is the pen not working? Here, use mine" she said stretching me her pink pen.. is she serious? "I.. I don't need your pen" I mumbled... And dropped my pen.. "Mmh" she hummed "Fine" she muttered and sat on the chair.. I smiled mentally and watched as she placed the dishes properly. "But there's only one chopstick" she said "Don't worry, we'll use it together" I blurted out.. "No.. way" she said "Then what are we gonna do?" I asked "Don't worry.. I've got this" she said and picked the chopstick.. she placed her hand on each end and broke it evenly.. "Here" she said handing me one part. I looked at her face, and her hands.. How can a lady be this strong?.. "How did you do that?" I asked "Do what?" She asked back with her mouth already full "How did you break the sticks without stress?" I asked "Mmh.." she hummed with a shrug... ....................... .... ....................... Hannah's pov Gosh!! I need to stop using my powers openly, I said mentally.. I and Ju Sung ate silently, and I tried my possible best to look away from his gaze.. "So.. how was your date?" He asked closing his bottled water "It was.. great" I replied "I never knew you had a boyfriend" he mumbled "Your girlfriend is really beautiful.. is she a model?" I asked ignoring his comment.. he looked at me and rolled his eyes "Nina is a doctor as well.. and she's not my 'girlfriend'" he stated "Yeah.. right" I mumbled as I arranged the plates in the bag.. "What about you?" He asked "Me?" I asked back "Yes.. your ...boyfriend, how long have you been dating?" He asked, jealousy clear in his voice. "Not long" I lied He scoffed and stood up.. he walked to the wall and stared out of the glass.. I wonder what he's thinking. "Thank you for the meal by the way" he said turning to look at me "No.. problem Sir" I said "Can you please just stop with the sir already?" He asked walking towards me with his hands in his pockets "You said you like Ju Sung right, why did you stop calling me that?" he asked standing closer to me. "I.. well, it's.. I'm" I stuttered slowly moving backwards "Is it because you're angry with me?" He asked moving closer "Me?.. why, would I be angry?" I asked and flinched as my back hit the wall "I don't know maybe because, you saw me and Nina together?" He asked.. placing both hands on the wall.. caging me in the process.. Our eyes locked and I swallowed, he rolled his eyes to my lips and back to my eyes, I did same and unconsciously licked my lips.. he leaned down, and stopped a few inches from my face.. my legs automatically became weak.. "Bia né" he said in Korea "For.. what?" I asked, with my voice coming out in a whisper "I shouldn't have ignored you, I guess I was just so jealous.." he said also in a whisper "You looked so beautiful by the way" he added, butterflies "For not saying it yesterday.." "Biané" he said and just as I felt his lips about to touch mine... The door opened, we both turned to see his assistant looking at us with surprise written all over him.. "Sorry.. to interrupt, I didn't Know.. you were.." "It's nothing Sir, you can come in .. I was about leaving anyway" I said as I shoved Harry's hand gently and rushed towards the table. "No.. you can continue, I'll come back later" he muttered "No.. Please, thanks for coming, bye" I said as I picked the bag and rushed towards the door.. Harry chuckled and walked to his seat. "Bye baby.. I'll see you later" he said and I opened the door.. "We are not seeing later Ju Sung and I'm not your baby either" I rushed and ran out.. Thank goodness his assistant came, I would have lost it, my heart is even beating fast.. I said mentally as I held my chest.. ....... To be continued
14 Jun 2020 | 06:17
"Bia ne" means sorry 4 those who dont watch korea movie......
14 Jun 2020 | 08:40
@Ele1 are you for real. let me go nd sow agbada o 4 dat great party
14 Jun 2020 | 08:57
14 Jun 2020 | 09:09
I can see love in hannah's face. g
14 Jun 2020 | 11:29
Bring it on
14 Jun 2020 | 11:31
Need a girl like Hannah oh... She is a whole package ?
14 Jun 2020 | 14:05
That secretary is a kill-joy, it almost happened. Next time will be a goal. Next please
15 Jun 2020 | 04:26
Lovely, nice nd wonderment, all in one.
15 Jun 2020 | 07:23
@ele1 my broda man i tight infact i full ground, no b say na mouth bt dat day b strong nd courageous so dat ur amu will nt sell u out dat day, u go comfirm am naa, no b child's play, no b moi moi kwanu. My boo @fb-danieledem hope u ar preparing 4 d day?
15 Jun 2020 | 07:34
@doncentman ehn ehn, i.v stil de available if u wan cum o @thecomely na gucci material u go use so d agbada o @ladyg my amu na private property, e get on/off switch, i go switch am off b4 i cum d party... Meanwhile @igwe hyungnim, you re doing well... Aiggoo i feel for Sofia, 5 min madness, bt dnt wory, u na go ever regret being Hannah's friend as wealth is cuming ya way.. trust me when i say Hannah na go de alrite frm nw on, d woman in her has finaly been awoken with d near kiss.. Kumosimida for dis story
15 Jun 2020 | 12:46
Kikikiki Ele @ele1 biko hapu mu o.
15 Jun 2020 | 17:10
Episode 17 .... .. Harry's pov I smiled as she ran out.. Mr Cha chuckled and sat on the couch.. "Okay spit it out" I said looking at him "How did you know I was going to say something?" He asked "I've known you for twelve years Mr Cha, you're like a father to me..I Know when you have something on your mind" I replied "Mmmh.. you're right though" he said and picked the remote.. "So..? What are you thinking?" I asked "I think you both are gonna make a perfect couple" he stated and I blushed.. "I never said I was going to date her okay.. not to talk of getting married" I muttered "I'm not an outsider Harry, you love her.. I know from the way you look at her, and I can feel it that she does too.. so stop deceiving yourself" he stated.. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.. I don't love her, I just like her as a friend.. right? Right... .......... .......... .... Hannah's pov I rushed into the office and thankfully Sofia was no where to be seen.. I dropped the bag on the desk and exhaled loudly.. What just happened?, Why fo I feel so vulnerable around Harry.. he's the only guy that has ever made me feel this way.. if it were to be someone else, the closer they get, the more I feel the rage coursing through my veins.. but it's different with Harry, when ever I'm with him.. there's this sense of peace that moves within me.. and I find myself being vulnerable against my will.. I sat on the chair and palmed my face.. or is it because he helped me?.. it has to be it.. that's the only reasonable explanation to all this.. I'm only feeling this way because Harry has been nice and kind to me, besides he's my friend.. ...................... ..... ............ The rest of the day was uneventful, Sofia came into the office minutes later and started ranting about how she was going to beat me up.. After I told her everything, she ended up wowing and awnning.. We chatted on our way home and separated when we got to the T- junction.. ... I'd gotten home and chatted with the guys a little.. after which I took my bath, wrote my list of bills and calculated Nicky's surgery money.. just 400,000 to go and my baby would walk again.. with a happy smile I walked out of my room and into his.. We chatted for a little while and the rain started falling.. I flinched as I felt a cold substance on my cheek.. I looked up and saw the ceiling dripping with water.. I have to fix that now . ... I walked downstairs and mom was already back with dad, I greeted them and called Jeremy and Sona.. they both rushed down and I asked Jeremy to bring the sheets.. "You want to fix it yourself?" Dad asked "Yep.. Nicky's room is leaking and so is mine.. don't worry I'll be careful" I said giving him an assuring smile "But.. Hannah, it's still raining heavily, I don't think you should do it today.. tommorow would be better" mom chimed in "Don't worry mom, I will be fine.. besides what could possibly go wrong?" I asked "Alot" Jeremy mumbled and I smacked his head. "Is my baby asleep yet?" Mom asked "Nah.. he's reading a story" I replied "Okay.. I'll check on him quickly" she said and rushed upstairs.. "Jeremy get the rain coats, hammer and nails" I ordered "Okay" he said and ran up the stairs "Sona, grab the ladder and I'll get the sheets" I said "Why ladder?" She asked "Fine take the sheets and I'll get the ladder.." I said "But I just Polished my nails" she whined "Get it and stop whining" dad scolded "Okay dad" she mumbled and rushed out ... .... The three of us walked out.. I placed the ladder carefully on the wall and carried the sheets and hammer in my right hand.. with the nails in my pocket, "Okay uhm.. where's the torch?" I asked.. "Here" Jeremy said stretching it to me.. I took it and looked up.. the rain was falling heavily.. "The both of you should hold the ladder properly.. I'll be quick okay" "Okay" they both chorused.. I placed the touch in my mouth and climbed up with my left hand... "Be careful Hannah" Sona yelled "Watch your steps" Jeremy added.. ... I got to the top and set to work.. I finished with one part and moved over to the next.. the rain became heavier and was already blinding my eyes ..I quickly nailed the rest and moved back to the ladder.. holding the hammer and the touch "Sona!" I yelled as the thunder stroke "Yes" she yelled back "Are you hurt?" Jeremy asked "No!" I yelled "I'm coming down.. " I added and placed the touch in my mouth.. I placed my right leg first and then my left.. with my hands still on the roof.. I balanced myself and started moving down slowly.. half way through, i missed my step and without thinking I jumped down, my ankle twisted and I fell down with a scream... .... ... Episode 18 .. .. .. .. Jeremy's POV "Mom! Dad!" I yelled as I rushed into the house.. Sona walked to the couch and placed Hannah on it.. she removed the rain coats and took them away.. "Mom!" I called and rushed upstairs.. "Yes, in here" she yelled from Nicky's room.. I rushed in and saw her sitting beside Nick who was already asleep. "Mom.. hurry, Hannah twisted her ankle, and it's really hurting her" I said "What! What happened?" Mom asked rushing out of the room "I think she missed her step on her way down from the ladder, she jumped and started screaming" I explained "I said it, but she wouldn't listen.. now see what has happened.." she said as we walked down the stairs.. Hannah was groaning in pain, while Sona sat beside her.. "Hannah.. let me see" mom said squatting in front of her.. "Oh my, it's really bad!" Mom muttered worriedly. She stood up and smacked Hannah's head "Ouch!.. what was that for?" She asked "If you had listened to me, you wouldn't be in pain now.. I told you but you wouldn't listen now see what you've caused" mom scolded and smacked her again.. "Mom.. please stop hitting me, it's really painful" she mumbled with tears already forming in her eyes.. "Sona, get me some ointment and bandages" mom ordered "Okay" Sona muttered and walked out. She came down minutes later, holding each items.. "Okay, Hannah I'll have to apply this, then adjust your bone properly" mom said pouring some oil into her palms. "What? No.." Hannah muttered with her eyes wide.. "It won't hurt much Hannah, trust me" mom said "No... Don't worry, I'll do it myself" she muttered "You're not serious,"mom stated "I am.. there's no way I'll let you do it" Hannah mumbled "Fine.. I guess you want it the hard way" mom muttered ........... "What is wrong with the both of you! Hold her properly!" Mom yelled with her hands on Hannah's leg.. I was asked to hold her hands while Sona held her legs.. I was really finding it difficult.. cause Hannah is a hundred times stronger than me.. even Sona was being tugged to the left and right.. mom held her ankle again and tried to position the bone "Ahhhhhh" Hannah shrieked loudly as hot tears fell off her eyes, it rolled down her cheek and landed as tiny flakes that instantly changed to tiny particles that started sparkling in different colors..more like fairies.. to be honest, whenever Hannah cries I kinda like it because of this particular part.. they filled the house and dad rushed down.. "What's going on here?" He asked.. No one could answer cause Hannah was pulling every which way.. she freed one of her hands and with one angry swing, threw me across the room.. I fell face first on the floor, but thankfully there was no usual, I sat up just in time to see Sona flying towards me.. she fell on me and clutched her stomach.. Mom looked at us with her mouth open.. "Calm down Hannah.. please" dad said calmly.. she stood up and leaped out of the room without saying anything.. and as usual, the sparkles surrounded her like a mother hen and her chicks... ...... ..... Hannah's pov I locked the door and sat on my bed, I could hear mom's voice asking if Sona and Jeremy were alright.. I sighed and layed on the bed, the sparkles were still twinkling brightly, they started changing into different shapes and sizes.. first a butterfly, then a rose and so on.. It's like they have their own mind, cause they only appear when I'm at home.. although I don't cry outside.. no one had ever seen me cry apart from my family.. and Ju Sung.. Today was fun though honestly, I kinda enjoyed every moment with him.. but it's because we are friends now.. I guess, I can't believe I almost kissed him.. gosh!, Plus he said I looked beautiful and what's that about being jealous? Why was he jealous?.. hmmm.. I'll have to ask him tommorow.. I tried standing up, but yelped in pain.. Gosh! This stupid leg!.. ....... ... *Next morning* 8:55am Oh.. my gaad! Oh my gaaad!.. I'm finished.. Linda is going to kill me.. I'm so late, I slept over.. because of that stupid dream I was having.. I dreamt I and Harry was dating and we were both together in the movies.. doing everything couples do.. it was all so real and exciting that I didn't want it to end, crazy right? Well I know it can never happen in real life, cause Harry is way above my league... Now here I am already late for work, Ethan dropped me at the hospital and after thanking him, I leaped towards the front doors.. I opened the doors praying not to see the familiar ocean blue eyes and brown hair.. but as fate would always have it.. I locked eyes with her and she was obviously very pissed.. Hannah you are finished, I muttered to myself.. but Hannah never goes down easily.. leaping towards her I put on the most sadest face I have "Good morning Mathron" I greeted "Hannah.. why are you late?" She asked sternly "Well.. you see, I'm not feeling to well Mathron, I twisted my ankle last night" I said truthfully "Yeah right.. you think you can deceive me again?" She asked "I'm not deceiving you ma'am, my ankle is really twisted, can't you see its swollen?" I asked looking down at my leg "You think you can trick me twice?.. first it was heri-aspirin, now it's twisted ankle.. stop lieing Hannah " she said and stepped on my leg.. "Ahhh" I screamed and sat on the floor.. her face changed totally to confusion "My leg!.. Mathron Linda has killed me, you have finally killed Hannah.. my leg! Someone help me!" I screamed clutching my legs as tears fell from my eyes.. thankfully it didn't change to small flakes.. People started gathering around us.. What happened? What did she do? Goodness her legs is swollen Are you alright? They kept asking and talking.. "Hannah.. I'm so sorry, I thought it was a prank" Linda said kneeling beside me "Let me see" she said stretching her hands to my leg "No.. don't touch it! Please.. you'll only make it worse.." I cried "I'm sorry." She said sadly There was mummuring and silent talks in the hall.. suddenly the hall grew quiet.. "Hannah?" Someone called I looked up as a tear rolled down my cheek.. Ju Sung "What happened?" He asked Mathron Linda.. "She said her ankle is twisted, I thought it was her usual prank to get out of her punishment for being late.. so I stepped on her foot and she started crying" she replied quietly.. Harry sighed and looked down at me.. He stretched his hands and I gently took it.. I stood up and a nurse arranged my dress.. "Can you walk?" He asked..and I nodded "Okay.. let's go" he said and walked towards the Elevator. I took a step and winced in pain.. he let go of my hands and within a twinkle of an eye.. I was swiped off my feet.. he carried me bridal style causing the crowd to awwn and oohh at us.. I looked up and he winked at me.. butterflies .. I bet my face is already a tomato .. ... To be continued
16 Jun 2020 | 02:15
Hannah my love.
16 Jun 2020 | 07:37
Hannah that your dream will come true one day naw
16 Jun 2020 | 10:14
@henrymary come and c sb's face turning tomatoes here lolz.. @lady milady, u don c dis 1? Her stomach de dance butterflies
16 Jun 2020 | 15:16
Love in the air, next please
17 Jun 2020 | 01:44
Anna's pov? And the question we've all been asking.. how did Hannah get her powers?.. is her family some kinda magical stuff? Is she a mermaid? or a socceress??.. The answer is no.. Her mother's lineage was blessed by the water goddess.. giving every female child supernatural strength, and for every first female of each families.. a special gift is the case of Hannah, her tears turn to small flakes and then to sparkles which changes colours and glow beautifully, and can take any shape.. it is also believed that they might have other qualities which are still unknown to Hannah?, ... .. .. Hannah's pov? Wait, is Harry really carrying me? He'll hurt his hands again..I looked at his face again, but there was no expression of pain or anything.. is he really that strong or is he pretending... I looked at his biceps which was already bulging.. I hope he doesn't tear his tendon.. he walked into the elevator and as soon as the doors closed he exhaled deeply.. "Hannah, please come down.. you're really weighty, and I'm not ready to die yet" he breathed out.. his face was already pink.. "Sorry" I mumbled as he dropped me gently on the floor, he breathed in relief and stretched his hands.. "Gosh Hannah what do you eat.. a cow? Thank Goodness I dropped you, my hands would have been paralyzed.. you're too weighty for a woman, now I know your appearance is deceiving" he mumbled.. I smiled lightly and looked at numbers moving up "Do you always cry in public?" He asked with his hands in his lab coat pockets "Huh?" "You were crying downstairs right? Do you always cry in public?" He asked turning to look at me.. now that I noticed, his hair color is different today.. it's brown instead of black, I guess he dyed it.. his lips are kinda shiny, and his face is amazingly smooth, I bet it's smoother than a lady's, I noticed his nicely carved brows raise, I looked in his eyes and I could swear I saw a sparkle in them.. "Hannah?" He called snapping me out of my thoughts.. "Mmmh" I hummed still looking at his face "Is there something on my face?" He asked looking down at me.. "Uhmm.. I.. no.. there's nothing" I stuttered, and shifted my gaze to my fingers.. dang it!, Why was I so interested in his features?.. I heard him chuckle sweetly and looked away. "I don't cry publicly, that was all fake.. crocodile tears to be precise.. I wanted her to feel bad for stepping on my feet and it worked perfectly" I said answering his question. "I see" he mumbled "Although it was really painful though" I added. "Sorry" he muttered.. the elevator opened and we both walked out, well he walked out and i leaped out? "Here lean on me" he said and wrapped his right hand on my waist.. tingling... "Put your hand on my shoulder" he said.. I slowly placed my hand on his shoulder and felt my fingers brush his soft skin.. Sparks like electric shock coursed through my whole system.. But this time I didn't pull back.. he helped me down the hall towards his office.. unlike the other days, the hall was a bit crowded, with nurses and doctors moving into one office or the other.. I couldn't help but cause my luck.. why today of all days?.. We exchanged greetings with few of them, and I tried my best to avoid their suspicious looks.. After what felt like a thousand years, which was only few minutes by the way, we finally walked into his office and he closed the door.. He placed me on the couch and walked to the other part of the office. .. . .. Harry's pov ✌️ I walked back to the couch holding the first aid kit and ointment..I placed them on the couch beside her and sat on the small coffee table in front of her.. I reached for her leg, but she quickly snapped it back. I looked up at her face and saw fear in her eyes.. Wow! I never knew the lioness was also scared of pain.. "Don't worry, it won't hurt" I said and reached for her leg again "No, please.. it's really painful as it is, I don't think I can bear it" she said moving her legs backward "Hannah.. do you trust me?" I asked looking into her eyes ".. yes" she said calmly locking eyes with me.. "I won't hurt you, I promise.. do you believe me?" I asked gently placing her legs properly, with my eyes still locked in hers "..yes" she mumbled "You have the most beautiful sparkling brown eyes I've ever seen" I said pouring some ointment in my palms, still looking at her. She smiled and batted her lashes shyly. "Close your eyes" I said calmly Without questions, she closed her eyes and for a moment I was tempted to kiss her again.. I leaned closer to her with my hands on her leg, I pecked her cheeks and her eyes fluttered open.. we were so close, that I could feel her Breath on my face and for a second forgot my plan.. I expected her to push me or yell at me, but she just sat there staring straight into my eyes.. I leaned closer as if to kiss her and quickly pecked her lips at the same time shifting her bone back to the spot.. "Ow!" She half yelled, with her head up and her back resting on the couch.. "Sorry" I mumbled "I'll soon be through, I just need to massage it a little" I said and she nodded, I finished massaging it and carefully bandaged it.. "Okay.. all done, it wasn't so bad right?" I asked looking at her face.. "A little" she muttered moving strands of hair from her face, I smiled and tucked it behind her ears "What happened anyway? How did you end up like this" I asked closing the box "I missed my step on the way down from the ladder.." "Ladder? What were you using a ladder for?" I asked cutting in "I was fixing the roof" she replied "Fixing the roof? Why the hell did you do that? Why didn't you call someone to fix it?.. you are lucky you are hurting, I would have smacked your head with this box" I scolded.. "Sorry" she mumbled with a smile. "Don't even think you can bribe me with your smile, I'm very angry with you" I stated "Biané" she mumbled "Whatever.. you can't work like this, so I'll drop you home" I said standing up "What? No please.. I can't go home, I'll be alone..and it gets really boring.. please let me stay, I promise I won't complain about my leg, and I won't let it distract me, please" she begged I scoffed and rolled my eyes "There's absolutely no way I'll let you work like this, the last thing I want is a leaping nurse falling on a patient" I stated "But sir.." "Sir?" I asked "Sorry.. Ju Sung, please don't take me home.. it's really lonely and besides no one's at home to take care of me" she said "Then call mom or your girlfriend.. Ethan" I stated and she suddenly stopped talking, speaking of call.. I thought I asked her to buy a phone.. why haven't I seen one with her "Wait.. don't tell me you didn't buy the phone" I said looking at her "I didn't" she mumbled looking at her fingers. "Uhh! Seriously? Why?" I asked "I kinda used the money for something else" she replied. "You are so unbelievable Hannah" I muttered... "Fine, I will take you to my house then" I stated "What?" She asked with her eyes wide open "Hey! What ever evil thoughts you have, cast it out.. I already told you I'm not like that, I only said that cause I'm tired of sitting here all day, besides my assistant is around.. so you see, we won't be alone.. plus, this is your only chance to see my house and Even enter. You should be jumping for joy and not nursing negative thoughts" I rushed She looked at me for minutes as if contemplating wether to say yes or not.. Please say yes?.. please "I'm not begging you to come though, but I just want you to know that I have lots of cookies, ice cream with different flavors and so on" I said looking at her .. She smiled sweetly and nodded. "Okay.. let's go" she said Yes!!! "Mmmh, I was hoping you'd say no" I muttered.. "I can still change my mind though" she mumbled.. please don't.. "Don't bother, I don't want you to start calling me names" I muttered and picked my phone "I won't call you names, I promise" she said I glared at her with pouted lips. "Whatever" I mumbled and dialed Mr Cha.. .... To be continued ✍️
18 Jun 2020 | 14:42
Love nwatiti, ride on. @ele1 no b small butterfies o.
19 Jun 2020 | 11:42
Wow love oh.
19 Jun 2020 | 13:11
20 Jun 2020 | 06:05
Lolz, love cums with full mumu package ride on o
20 Jun 2020 | 12:58
Sofia's pov ? *11:22am* "There you go... All done" I said as I dropped the syringe on the tray.. "It's really painful.." Jumík whined looking at me.. "Sorry dearie" I said with a little smile "I'll report you to Hannah, I never feel it when she injects me.. why isn't she here today? Is she ill? Did I do something wrong? I thought she said we were friends and she'll always be the one to give me my shots.. has she forgotten or what?" She asked at once.. "Hold up.. what are you? A robot?" I asked caressing her hair and she cracked a little.. "Sorry" she mumbled "You have to ask one question at a time Jumík, and learn to breathe when talking.. okay?" I said "Okay" she mumbled "Well.. Hannah is uhm.. a bit busy... I guess, I haven't seen her since morning.. so I'm guessing she's in the theater or in one of the wards, checking on patients" I said "You don't have to worry okay? I'll tell her to come check on you when I see her okay? She'll sing you lots of songs, and many funny stories.. okay? Now please cheer up for Hannah okay?" I said "Okay" she said with a smile that vanished almost immediately "What's the problem now?" I asked "It's Seyina" she replied looking at her fingers "What about her?" I asked "I haven't seen her since they took her away, I miss her so much .. I wonder how she's doing now" she said sadly "Awwn, darling don't feel sad okay? Seyina is getting better now, she was taken to the VIP room, you'll see her when she's stronger, okay?" I said "Okay" she said with a smile.. "Okay pumpkin, I'll see you later.. I need to drop this" I said holding the tray.. "Okay" she said I smiled and pecked her forehead, then walked out of the ward.. ******************************************* I walked into the office and looked around, no sign of Hannah or her bag, where's she? I hope she's okay, cause Hannah never misses work , even on her off day... I walked out of the office and headed to the other nurses office.. I knocked on the door and walked in.. Nurse Clara and Kim were both sitting and chatting.. don't they have work to do? "Hi guys" I greeted "Hi Sofia" Kim greeted "Hi hye" Clara said "Uhm.. sorry to ask but have you guys.. like, seen Hannah around?" I asked "No I haven't" nurse Kim answered "Yep" Clara popped "Really where?" I asked "I saw her leaping out of the hospital with Dr Harry, although I don't know where they are going though.. my instincts tell me it's an hotel, I never knew Hannah was so cheap" she said smiling .. "Stop it Clara" Kim muttered. "Why should i? It's the truth, and nothing but the truth" she stated.. "Shut up!" I barked causing her to flinch "I wish you could say this to Hannah herself, you would be lucky if you end up conscious in the hospital" I said "Do you think Hannah is like you? Huh? You think Hannah is so cheap right.. well let me shock you, Hannah has never sold her body for money like some people, uhm you for example, Hannah has never been caught ban**ng a doctor in the store room, she had never slept with the janitors and she never will.. you are here painting her black, when from the crown of your head to the soul of your feet Is darker than coal" I said and she looked away "Look at me, why are you suddenly quiet huh? Hannah is cheap right? Okay I think your brain needs to be recharged.. have you forgotten the day I caught you and Dr Elvis in the store room?" I asked and Kim gasped covering her mouth with her hands "What about the janitor? Uhm what's his name again?.. " "It's okay Sofia, I'm sorry for insulting Hannah, you can leave now " she said cutting me off.. "Oh you're ashamed right? Well you should be, nonsense" I said and stormed out of the office, can you imagine?.. stupid girl, I wish Hannah was there.. she would have gotten the beaten of her miserable life.. .... ... Isabella..(Mrs Shù) ? "Honey.. I'm leaving now" I said dropping my apron on the counter. "Okay, but please do not fight Isa, I beg you" he said and I frowned "And who said I was going to fight huh?, I am going to give Mrs goo her money, that's all" I said and stormed out of the kitchen.. the restaurant was already filled, I looked around and the workers were already moving around with jotters and trays.. I stopped one of them to give her orders "Ri ta, I am going out for a bit, I'll be back soon.. please take care of the restaurant okay" I said "Okay ma'am" she said and walked away "Aunty, are you ready?" Ethan asked catwalking towards me "Yes dear, let's go" I said and we headed for the doors ******** Ethan stopped his truck and we both came down, we crossed the road and headed to Mrs goo money lending store. "Anyahsayo " I greeted as I walked towards her seat.. she frowned and rolled her eyes I scoffed and walked towards her. "Isabel, if you Know you are here to borrow another money, then you are dreaming.. where's my money?" She asked looking up at me "Well.. its.." "You don't have it? And you had the guts to come here, you are finished Isabel, you're not leaving until you pay my complete money" she said cutting me off. What's wrong this woman? She hastily held my dress tight and started pulling me back and forth.. "She's here to gi.." "Shut up! This is not your business" she said cutting Ethan off This woman doesn't know what she's doing.. "You're are playing with fire Yoon.. leave me alone this instant" I said looking at her. "Fire indeed, I won't leave you until you pay my money" she muttered "Ethan please tell her to leave me before I loose it" I said looking at her hands "Omoni, please let her go before she does something crazy" he said "Oh I want to see her go crazy, but before she does .. let her pay me my money" she said holding my dress tighter.. "I have your money okay, just leave me alone" I barked at her "So you can run? No way" she said I angrily pulled her hands from my dress and shoved her to the side, she went stumbling every which way and finally layed on her belly.. She stood up and angrily charged at me At the last second, I grabbed her fist and bent it backwards, she shrieked and I threw her on the chair, she fell backwards with her chair on top her.. I opened my bag and picked the bundle of notes.. "Here's your stupid money" I said and placed it on her back, and use this to treat yourself, you look so pitiable.. I said and forced the few notes into her hands.. "Next time, don't ever think of daring me okay?" I asked pressing my leg on her back, and she groaned weakly "I can't hear you Yoon" I said "I won't" she said "Good girl" I said and removed my leg I turned and we both walked out.. *********** ***** Hannah's pov ? He stopped in the garage and opened his door, and I removed my seatbelt and made to open the door.. "Wait.. " he said and stepped out of the car, I watched as he walked over to my side and opened the door.. I smiled and stepped out.. He closed the door and beeped the car.. then moved his hands to my waist and placed my hand around his neck.. He helped me out of the garage and we both walked into the house... "Wow" I mumbled.. This is the biggest house, I have ever seen .. wealth is written all over .. "This is so amazing" I said and he chuckled.. I can even see the sky, and the gardens outside.. everything is made of glass.. "So you live alone in this huge house with your assistant?" I asked "Yep, but my sisters are around though" he said "Really? So where are they?" I asked looking around " In School" he replied simply "Oh . Okay" I said "Uhm..why don't we go to the living room upstairs, that one's way bigger and more comfy" he said "There is another living room?" I asked "Yeah" he said "Wow" I said and he smiled.. he helped me up the stairs and before me was the largest and most beautiful living room I've ever seen.. The architecture was just so spectular.. the gold table and artifacts.. all was just so amazing.. .. "Welcome to my humble abode madmozel," he said using his French accent "Thank you Monsieur Harry, I'm most delighted to be here" I said also in a French accent.. he smiled with amusement in his eyes "I took French classes" I said "I was gonna ask that" he said "I Know" I said and he smiled.. "So what would you like to have first?" He asked "Coffee, cocktail, Orange juice, water, sex on the beach .." "Sex on what?" I asked with my eyes open wide "On the beach" he said "What the hell is that?" I asked "You don't know it?" He asked surprised "No I don't" I replied "Are you sure?" He asked "Yeah" I said "Wow.. don't you go out? To clubs, parties ?" He asked "No.. I don't have business with those places" I said picking the remote.. "Wonderful" he mumbled.. "I'll just get you coffee" he said and started walking towards the door "But you haven't told me what blah on the beach is?" I said "Uhh.. never mind" he said and walked out.. ************* "Hahaha.. so funny, oh my goodness.. hahaha" I laughed as I cleaned my eyes and continued staring at the TV.. "Hahaha.. oo goodness gracious, so funny" I said.. Where's Harry by the way.. coffee doesn't take Time to make.. I guess I'll go look for him.. maybe he needs help.. I stood up and leaped towards the door.. just then Harry walked in and bumped into me.. pouring ice cold juice on my body.. "Oh my gosh" "Oh no" We both said at once.. "Oh my, sorry Hannah.. I didn't see you there" he said dropping the glasses on the table. "Oh it's nothing, it was a mistake, thank goodness it wasn't the skin would have been burnt by now" I said "And it's your uniform.. let me wipe it off" he said and brought out his handkerchief from his pocket and started wiping the juice.. "It won't come out" he said with pouted lips.. "Why don't you go change in my room.. " he said "But I didn't bring clothes with me" I said "Don't worry, I'll find something for you" he said "Okay .. uhm which way to your room?" I asked.. "That way.. the second door by your right" he said pointing to the direction.. "Okay thanks" i said and i started leaping. "Wait I'll just help you there" he said. And helped me out, we walked down the hall and took a turn, wow this house is bigger than I thought.. we got to a door and he opened it and we both walked in .. "This is your room?" I asked looking around "Yep" he popped "Wow, it's ten times bigger than mine.. gosh, and it's really beautiful" I said and looked around his king sized bed was covered with white, black and yellow sheets.. with a laptop on top of it.., the window was a bit close to the bed and the curtains were tucked to the side.. with frames on the wall.. "That's the bathroom" he said pointing to a door.. "I'll get you something to wear" he said and walked into another room.. must be his closet.. wow, this place is so cool.. ****** To be continued..
21 Jun 2020 | 06:18
Hannah's pov ? I walked into the bathroom and almost fainted at the sight.. "Oh my gosh!!" I screamed unconsciously with my hands on my mouth.. the door opened and Harry popped his head in.. "What's wrong?" He asked looking both scared and concerned.. "Nothing.. I.. it's just, well I'm really surprised, I mean this bathroom is larger than my room, closet and bathroom put together, and look at the view.. I can even the whole city from here" I said rushing over to the glass walls.. He chuckled and walked in fully.. "Gosh! You really scared me" he said holding his chest "Sorry..I was caught off guard" I said with a little laugh, he smiled and rolled his eyes to the glass . " I understand, and Yeah, I think the view is kinda great too.. I guess" he said with his hands in his pockets "You should bath now, we have a movie to watch, there's a shirt on the bed, you can wear it when you're done.. and the towel is over there, you can also use the dressing table if you like" he rushed and I smiled.. What about the glass, isn't it transparent? I wanted to ask that.. "Oh and you can drop the curtains if you like although the glass isn't transparent" he said as if reading my mind.. "Okay... Thanks" I said "It's nothing..." He said and slowly walked out I took a deep breath and looked at the large blue curtains tucked to the sides of the glass.. I guess I'll leave you guys.. I said mentally. "So where do we begin?" I asked with my hands on my buttons.. "Jacuzzi, bath tub or shower?... Unnmm I think the shower will do" I took off my clothes and picked one of the towels from the rack... So this is one of Harry's towel? I asked mentally and placed it closer to my nose... "Wow.. smells good, I can't believe I'm going to use his towel.. so sweet ?.." I opened the glass door and stepped in, then I slide it back and looked around.. so many shower handles.. I touched a button and water started pouring gently from the side.. "Whoa.. so cool" I mumbled and started touching different buttons.. The water stopped running and I scratched my head in confusion.. Oh goodness, I hope I haven't spoilt anything.. I frowned and touched another button "ahhhh" i screamed as water started splashing from all directions.. ... .. Sona's pov? "Oh.. I really hope we all get picked into the same team Sona" Miya mumbled as we jugged along with the others to the field "Me too Sona" Kiera added "Yeah, I just ho.." Mr Lang's whistle sounded cutting me off.. "Okay girls, stop talking and concentrate...blah blah blah" he kept talking and when he stopped, he asked us to stretch and do some little exercises.. after which he picked the two captains for the soccer game.. and as usual, the popular girls were choosen.. Zee and Lisa, the top ranking sluts in the whole school.. "I hope Zee isn't one of the captains today, that's what I wanted to say" I mumbled to Kiera and Miya.. "She's gonna separate us, that's for sure" Kiera mumbled back.. "Okay girls, pick your team's" Mr Lang shouted and they started picking.. We were all 22 all together.. and yeah Miya was the twentieth person to be picked and thankfully she was picked by Lisa, who was way easier to cope with.. "Oh no.. she's gonna pick me" Kiera whispered quietly.. "Sorry" I whispered back "Kiera, get your tiny legs here" Zee ordered and Kiera sluggishly walked to her side and joined the other girls on her team.. "You can have the chicken wing Lisa, I hope she breaks a leg" Zee muttered to her friend referring to me. "Okay girls take positions" Mr Lang yelled, I moved to Lisa's team and stood with Miya.. "Thank Goodness you're here Sona" she mumbled "Yeah, I wish Kiera was here too" I said "Yeah me too" she added .................... "Go.. Sona," Miya yelled as I moved with the ball towards the goalie "Go girl" she added.. I raised my right leg to hit the ball and felt a sting on my knee" I fell to the floor holding my knees tight "That's foul coach"Miya protested "Really?"Zee asked "Yeah, you kicked her purposely" Miya defended "So?.. what are you gonna do about it?" Zee asked with a smirk.. "It's okay Miya.. I'm fine" I said standing up to Clean my legs.. "Shù are you okay?" Coach asked "Yes Mr Lang" I replied.. he blew his whistle and we started playing.. some minutes later.. Miya was able to collect the ball from Zee's team member.. she ran straight for the goalie.. I couldn't believe it, she's gonna score her first goal..and Just as she was about to strike.. Zee pushed her to the side and she went falling face first on the floor... " Sir!! That was foul!" I yelled "Zee.. please be careful" he muttered "I will coach.. sorry" she said and winked at me.. Is that all he has to say? Seriously . I looked around and sighted Jeremy and his team mates at the far end watching us. I smirked and looked at Zee.. someone's gonna get really hurt.. I helped Miya up and she moved back to position.. Mr Lang blew the whistle and we started playing again.. I took the ball from a girl and dribbled my way away from the others.. I headed for the goalie and at the very last minute, I turned the ball and headed for the others.. I sighted zee running towards me and with one angry kick. I sent the ball flying right for her stomach... The impact was really strong cause she went crushing into her teammates and they all landed on the floor.. the whole field became quiet as they all stared at the scene surprised.. Mr Lang blew his whistle signifying the end of the game, hmm right on time.. I looked at Zee who was groaning weakly on the floor.. coach was asking her if she was okay or whatever.. she shook her head negatively and her friends were asked to take her to the nurse.. she looked at me and for the first time in my life I saw her stare at me with fear in her eyes.. Ah! Serves you right..b*tch.. I wanted to yell it out loud, but instead.. I smirked and winked at her . I looked at Jeremy and his face was totally expressionless.. I guess he's angry at me.. oh well not my problem, no body messes with my friends, not even my brother's one month girlfriend.. he should know that by now.. .... To be continued ?
21 Jun 2020 | 06:21
Hmmmm Hannah in love, next pls.
21 Jun 2020 | 14:15
21 Jun 2020 | 21:06
Serves you right Clara.. Hannah youre just wowing anyhow, what about if you see my penthouse in Paris close to the Eiffel House? Next please, please try to tag us when you post the nxt episode so we wnt lag behind .. @henrymary @senatordaniel @royalgold @atermarial @paddy2x @queenprecious1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @samuel @fb-danieledem invite others plz
22 Jun 2020 | 14:00
Next pls
22 Jun 2020 | 17:18
Hannah take it easy with those bathroom buttons before you get burnt with hot water. Next please
22 Jun 2020 | 17:36
Sona's pov conts? "Whoa.. Sona that was sick" Kiera said as she rushed towards me "How the hell did you do that?" Miya asked joining us as we walked back to the locker room "Uhmm.. adrenaline rush, guess I was just so angry for what Zee did to you" I said and it was true, well partly.. I was indeed angry, but adrenaline rush? Nah.. they don't know about my super strength yet, so.. "Wow.. you should get angry more often" Kiera said snapping me out of my thoughts.. "Yeah ..Especially at bullies, with you on board I guess bullying would reduce a bit" Miya added "You both are craaaazyyy" I drawed "Yeah and that's why you love us" Kiera said picking a towel from her locker.. "Whatever.. let's bath quickly, lunch is in five" I said and slipped out of my shorts.. ... ............ We walked into the cafeteria and I looked around.. "Where in the world is Jeremy?" I asked nobody in particular.. "Over there" Miya said pointing her chin to the far end of the hall.. The whole basketball team were seated there chatting and laughing, all clad in their jesseys and shorts.. with the name of their team 'JAGUARS' written in big fat serial letters, I looked at the shirts and finally spotted the familiar number 3 Ryan seating beside number 5 who was wearing the captain badge on his left hand, Jeremy.. well isn't this unusual, Jeremy never seats with all his team members, now I believe he's really angry with me.. "Should we look for another table?" Miya asked quietly. "No.. I want to talk to Jeremy" I replied "Okay" she said ............. We walked over to the table and I hugged Jeremy from behind.. "Oppa... Why are you angry at your baby sister?" I asked The guys laughed and Jeremy cracked a bit.. "Hey guys.. can you all please just adjust a Little? So Miya can squeeze in" Kiera asked.. "Where will you seat then?" Miya asked.. "Don't worry, i already have a seat" Kiera said and sat on blaze laps... "What about you Sona, won't you seat?" Lewis asked looking at me.. "My laps are opened" Ryan said and they started laughing.. Jeremy frowned and smacked his head.. "Don't even think about it" Jeremy mumbled protectively "Ouch!! I was just kidding man, besides you date a lot of girls.. why can't you let Sona have just one boyfriend?" Ryan asked "Cause she's not ready yet" Jeremy replied. "Who said I'm not?" I asked and the guys oohhed and ahhed. Jeremy turned to look at me properly.. "Are you thinking of having a boyfriend?" He asked sternly "Uhmm.. well, I.. yes.. infact I already have one" I muttered causing all eyes to look at me "Oh really?. Who is he then?" He asked I scanned all the faces of his team members.. I don't even have a boyfriend, but I enjoy seeing Jeremy acting all protective.. should I pick Lewis? Nope he's cute but he's not my taste.. Jake? Nah too tall, blake? No.. no.. no, what am I even saying? They all have girlfriends.. except.. I looked at Ryan and he smiled lightly, showing his cute dimples and pretty gap teeth.. Well.. I do feel something for Ryan although I don't know what it is.. but I settled for just crush. I've been crushing on Ryan since nineth grade. And to me he's way more cuter than Mr handsome here(Jeremy).. is it his sea green eyes? Or perfectly sculptured nose and face. His pointed nose and.. "Are you thinking of your boyfriend's name?" Jeremy asked with a mocking smile on his lips.. "Uhm .. no, he's .. Ryan" I breathed out.. "What!!" They all said including Ryan himself. Jeremy scoffed and glanced at Ryan who was still surprised "Your boyfriend is Ryan?" Jeremy asked with a raised brow.. "Yeah.. we've been dating for uhmm.. 2 hours now" I said and mentally slapped myself.. "2 hours?" Ryan asked confused Jeremy stared at Ryan for few minutes and rolled his eyes.. "Can't believe you didn't tell me man. You are gonna pay for that with your soda, I'm happy for you sis," he said and pecked my cheek. "Wait.. aren't you angry?" I asked "Why would I be?" He asked "Uhh. Cause I'm dating Ryan?" I asked "Nope. I'm happy, he's a good guy. And besides, I'm happy cause you'll no longer ask me for money" he said and they all Started laughing.. except Ryan who just stared at me.. "Sorry" I mouthed to him. He smiled lightly and continued with his food.. "Congratulations man.." "Congrats guys" everyone including Miya and Kiera said.. "Oh.. and .. no romance" Jeremy said "What...!" Ryan yelled.. ................ .. Hannah's pov ? I walked over to the dressing table after drying my hair.. so many creams.. I picked a little container and scanned it.. must be his face cream, I opened it and smelled it .. wow! Nice scent.. I took a little quantity and rubbed it on my face.. now my face will be smoother.. ..................... I walked out of the bathroom and saw a black sweatshirt on the bed.. I can't believe this, Harry is so sweet.. .... ... Harry's pov ? "Yeah.. tell the Nani to pack up their clothes for the week" "Yes" "It's up to them to decide" "Okay" "Bye" I said and dropped the phone on the table. The door opened and Hannah walked in..?? She smiled and walked closer to me.. I must admit black suits her perfectly and the shirt was shorter than I thought.. it stopped on her mid thigh, wow.. that's a lot of view.. She sat beside me and placed her hands on her legs.. blocking my view.. "Ju Sung.. what's the name of this movie?" She asked looking at me.. "Uhh.. uhm it's uhm.. killer curves" I blurted out. "Huh?" She asked confused "Sorry.. uhm.. I.. I. Forgot the name, I'll check again.." I said and hastily picked the remote.. "Addiction" I said "Ohh...I Know this movie.. it's really interesting, it was written by an African writer.. uhm mhinuel humble" she said.. "Mmmh.. too bad it's already over" I said looking at the TV.. "Which one's next?" She asked.. "Uhh ... I think it's My Fairytale" I said "According to the info here, it was also written by an African writer.. Lilianna Payton (Lady C ?)" I added "Wow.. it's starting" she said and picked the bowl of pop corn on the table.. she sat properly and focused her attention on the TV.. I tried my best to move my eyes from her thighs and looked at the TV.. ........... "Oh no....this Jonas is really wicked.." she said amidst tears.. "Oh.. don't cry Hannah, it's just a movie, and I'm sure James won't kill the child" I said trying to console her.. "But it's so touching. Look how Eleanor is crying... ??"She said and continued crying "Come here honey.. it's okay stop crying" I said as I brushed her hair backwards with her head on my shoulders.. "Shhhh.. she'll be fine" I cooed ................... "Wow.. these brothers are really cute.. and kind too.. I bet Syd will be her boyfriend.." she said happily "Nah.. I think it's Skyler" I said "Well ..i Know it's Syd" she argued. "Fine then let's bet.. if it's Syd, you can do what ever you want with me" I said "And if it's Skyler?" She asked "I'll do whatever I want with you" I said. She stared at me for some seconds and nodded with a smile.. "Deal" she said and we shook hands.. Now I feel so nervous.. I wonder what she'll do if she wins.. dear God please don't let her win..if I win, I promise not to wicked her please..? .... We quietly watched the movie unfold and finally we got to the part where he took her shopping and then finally to the part where she kissed him... I found myself staring at Hannah's lip, I really wanna kiss your soft lips again angel.. she looked at me with a frown.. Why's she frowning?.. I looked at the TV and Sky was already asking her out.. she agreed and he kissed her again.. "Yess.. I win" I yelled happily "Whatever.." Hannah mumbled and rolled her eyes. "I won the bet, now I can do whatever I want with you" I said and she scoffed and smiled lightly.. "Okay what do you want?" She asked.. "Uhmm.. well I'll just pity you." I said and picked the plate of cookies.. "Here.. feed me" I said and she smiled.. "That's easy" she said and collected it. We continued watching as she fed me.. "Wow.. that's one hell of a birthday present" she mumbled and I chuckled.. .... It got to the part where Lia walked to Skyler's room and said she was ready to have him.. I cleared my throat, as he slipped down the gown.. I glanced at Hannah and she was obviously getting uncomfortable.. she unconsciously moved closer to me with her hands in the bowl of popcorn.. he pulled down the nightie and she turned to look at me . Our eyes locked and her eyes sparkled.. I could feel her Breath on my face since our faces were just inches away.. I rolled my eyes to her parted lips and back to her eyes.. she inhaled and I leaned closer.. I moved my hand to her face and stroked her cheek with my thumb.. I moved my hand into her hair and pulled her closer.. Our lips met and I took her lips in mine.. I kissed her lightly and slowly unlocked.. I looked at her face and kissed her again.. this time deeper, she opened and slowly kissed me back.. I felt her hands in my hair and neck as she pulled me closer and deepened the kiss.. I unlocked and kissed her chin down to her neck and then her cheeks and nibbled on her ears.. she moaned softly with her eyes still closed.. "Oppa!!..." We hastily unlocked to see the twins and Mr Cha standing by the doorway.. ... To be continued o..
23 Jun 2020 | 03:12
Next please..
23 Jun 2020 | 06:23
Oh no oo, why ar u guys always obstructing this love ?
23 Jun 2020 | 15:07
Wetin dea do this people let them finish work biko
23 Jun 2020 | 17:35
in Nigeria movie: gbam gbam gbam
24 Jun 2020 | 10:24
Hannah, ah we tel ya mummy, u wan to join bad gang.. But mr cha is always fond of stoping everytin lolz.. Ride on @igwe y is it always hard to tag some of us who aint always standby, its a lovely story and we dnt wanna lag behind, plz ehn, plz.. Tanks
24 Jun 2020 | 17:13
Hannah's pov ✊ We both stood up slowly and I noticed Mr Cha smiling secretly.. "What are you doing oppa?" One of the twins asked.. wow.. I must admit this twins are beautiful.. they both look so identical... ? Hannah focus on the situation at hand.. "I.. we.. was uhm, wait what are you girls doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Harry asked with hands on his waist "Really? We just closed from school.. look at the time" the other said Harry picked his phone and tapped on the screen "Oh... I guess I lost track of time" he said and smiled nervously.. "Yeah obviously" they both muttered.. impressive ? "So uhm.. why don't you girls go freshen up, while we uhm make something for you guys" Harry said walking towards them "Oh.. not so fast mister" one said "We asked a question" the other said, and despite my self I chuckled, causing all eyes to look at me.. "Uhm, I'm sorry.. I've got something stuck in my throat" I said and started coughing lightly. "Please carry on" I added and looked down at my fingers.. gosh I feel so stupid.. now that I even think about it.. was I actually gonna let Harry have me?.. why did I even get carried away with his kiss... I should have just withdrew before it got really hot.. but I couldn't, I don't know why I feel so vulnerable with Harry, I feel drawn to him like a magnet.. uhh Hannah! You better get rid of these feelings.. "Unnie, is it true?" One of them asked with her hands crossed around her chest, aisshh.. I wasn't paying attention. "What?" I asked "Oppa said you fainted and he had to use the mouth to mouth method to wake you up, is it true?" The other asked "What!" I blurted out. "Harry why did you lie?" I asked before I could even stop myself... "What?" The twins asked and Harry looked away and cleared his throat. "Uhm.. i mean why didn't you tell them we were... rehearsing?" I asked trying to bail us out "Rehearsing?, For what?" One asked.. I looked at Harry for ideas "Yes.. uhm couples contest" Harry said "Couples contest?" They both asked "Yes.." I said "Hmm.. so she's your girlfriend?" The other asked with pouted lips "Yes"Harry said "No"I said We both said nonsense at once. "Huh?" The twins asked and Mr Cha chuckled "Yes" I said "No" Harry said We said again "You guys are confusing me " one said "Anyways I'm out" the other said and turned to leave "Yeah me too, I'm really hungry" the second one said.. "Oh and unnie... You've got lots of lip gloss on your neck and cheeks" she added and walked out.. Goodness!.. I slowly raised my hand to Clean my face and caught Harry smiling.. I glared at him and he stopped.. ****** Crazy Hannah ? .......... Harry's pov✌️ Wow.. I can't believe we kissed for real, if not for the twins, I don't think I would have stopped. I have to admit Hannah has the best lips I've ever kissed, so soft and curvy.. but I kinda feel bad though.. I admit I've kissed a lot of ladies even without their permissions or so.. but with Hannah it's different, I feel like I should have asked her out before doing it. And from the way she acts, I know it's her first time.. and if wishes were horses, I wish I get ten chances to kiss her again.. I looked at her face and it was expressionless, I just hope she's not mad at me.. "Why didn't you knock?" I asked Mr Cha as we walked into the kitchen "Sorry, I didn't know you guys were getting heated" he whispered back with a smile "You think it's funny? You Know how Josi and Jodi are.. they'll never stop talking about it and I Know they knew I and Hannah was kissing" I whispered "Sorry.. but don't worry, I think they bought your lies" he said and walked over to the fridge.. Hannah sat on a stool and the girls Walked in holding their phones with matching outfits.. Jodi sat on Hannah's right, while Josi sat on her left "So what do you cuties wanna eat?" I asked looking at the both of them "Uhmm.. unnie" Josi called "Me?" Hannah asked "Yeah, you" Josi said "Can you make ramyeun?" Jodi asked "Uhh.. yeah, I can" Hannah replied with a smile "Mmmh.. okay, so can you please make some for us?" Josi asked with her cute smile. "Sure darling" Hannah said and stood up "And grilled fish" Jodi added "Okay.. is that all?" Hannah asked walking over to the gas . "Yep" they both popped.. "Uhm.. everything you need is in the counters and in the store room, I have to go get their stuffs from the mansion, I'll see you guys later" Mr Cha said "Okay" Hannah said "Bye" the twins said "Please be back on time, I have to drop Hannah at home later" I said "Okay" he said and walked out.. "Wow.. so your name is Hannah?" Jodi asked as Hannah walked to the sink with the pot.. "Yep" she popped "Aren't you Korean?" Josi asked "Well partly" Hannah said turning to glance at them. I placed my hands on the counter and watched the three of them quietly "Partly?" they both asked "Yeah, my dad is Korean and my mom is American and she named me Hannah after her mother" she explained "Oh.. I see" josi said. "That's cool" Jodi said with a thumbs up.. Hannah smiled and started slicing her spices "What about you girls?" Hannah asked "I'm Jodi" "And I'm Josi" "Together we are j²" they both said and giggled childishly, Hannah smiled and glanced at them. "Wow unnie is this your real hair?" Jodi asked "Yes it is" Hannah replied "Amazing.. it's really long" Josi said going round the table to touch Hannah's hair "And soft too" Jodi added feeling it with her hands.. "Yours is more prettier" Hannah said smiling "But yours is more spectacular" Jodi said causing Hannah laugh. "You girls are the most adorable and cutest little girls I've ever seen" Hannah said squatting down to their heights "We aren't so little you know" Josi said twirling her hair around her fingers. "Yep, we are twelve years old.. how about you?" Jodi asked "I'm 22" Hannah replied. "Wow, do you have a little sister?" Josi asked again "Yep.. but she's way older than you girls, but my youngest brother Nicky is 13" she said. "Well.. they are lucky to have you, you're the coolest lady I've ever met and I am happy you're oppa's friend" Jodi said with a smile.. Hannah smiled and scratched her cheek "But not more than Nina though" Josi said.. smiling "Nina?" Hannah asked "Yeah, don't you know her?" Jodi asked "Uhh.." "She's Ju Sung's girlfriend" Josi Said cutting Hannah off.. "Girlfriend.?" Hannah asked "Yes.. they are gonna get married soon" Jodi added Gosh! What the.., I looked at Hannah, and I could swear I saw pain on her face . "She's really pretty and awesome" Jodi added she blinked her lashes and smiled lightly.. "I better check on the food" she said and stood up.. ...................... ........ Jeremy's POV ✌️ I know Sona was lieing, Ryan? Seriously? Puuhleeas... Sona obviously doesn't know how to lie.. but I enjoyed watching her try though.. besides, I think this is the only way they can express their feelings for each other. I know Sona feels a thing or two for Ryan and so does he.. if it were to be someone else, I'd kick against it.. but Ryan is my man, he's a good guy and I know he'll never hurt Sona.. but since he's so shy to admit his feelings, I think this fake relationship will do the trick.. hehehe?? "Jake did you bring your guitar?" Sona asked snapping me out of my thoughts "Yeah.."he said and raised his guitar. "Sweet"Sona said and took it from him "Sona can you please play with the strings a little?" Kiera asked excitedly.. "Not now girlfriend.. lunch is almost over, I'll play after school.. Jake do you mind if I borrow this for today?" She asked "Nope, not at all" he said and she smiled "Thanks" she said and just then the bell rang.. ............ ... To be continued o..
25 Jun 2020 | 01:27
Harry's pov ✌️ She added all the ingredients and rinsed her hands in the sink.. "Unnie?" Jodi called "Yes sweetie" Hannah replied bringing out plates from the rack.. "Are you okay?"she asked "Yeah.. I'm okay, why do you ask?" Hannah asked with a little laugh.. "No special reasons" Jodi said and gave Josi a look.. they both chuckled silently and gave each other a thumbs up.. what are these girls up to?.. "Uhm.. why don't I help you with that?" I asked walking over to Hannah.. She nodded without looking at me and handed me the plates.. our fingers touched and she hastily dropped the plates on the dash board..then walked over to check on the fish . I sighed and started arranging the plates on the counter.. I caught the twins smiling secretly..why do I get the feeling that they are both planning something?.. ... ......... ... "Aww.. I wish you could sleep here tonight" Jodi cooed holding Hannah's hand "Same here unnie, okay.. why don't you leave after braiding our hair again and another round of piggy back ride?" Josi said trying to negotiate Hannah laughed and squatted.. "I can't pumpkins.. I'm sorry, but I'll make it up to you guys..that's for sure" she said "Promise?" They both asked still feeling bad.. "Yes, I promise" she said "Mmh.. okay, I'll miss you though" Jodi said and hugged her "Me too" Josi added and hugged her too.. "Don't worry, I'll visit you guys some other time, " Hannah said hugging them tight "Good night cuties" she said and pecked both of them and stood up "Bye.." they both muttered "Bye .. bye Mr Cha" she said waving at them "Bye.." Mr Cha said.. I nodded to him and walked out with Hannah... She walked quietly to the garage with her bag and heels in her hands.. Mr Cha had stopped by the mall to get her a gown and a pair of slippers.. I beeped my BMW and hastily walked to the car and opened the door for her.. she glanced at me for a second and slipped in.. *************** *************** ? people are talking..? ? People are saying that you've been playing my heart, like a grand piano? I angrily changed the radio station to another one.. I don't need such songs now.. ?Wise.. men say..? ?Only fools.. rush in? ?But I can't help? ?Falling in love with you?. Uhh.. seriously? Why now? I glanced at Hannah and her face was a bit moist.. I couldn't see well because of the dark.. is she crying?.. I changed the channel and slowed down for the red light.. ?Kiss me underneath the miseotle ? ?Show me baby that you love me so? ?Oh oh oh oh? I frowned and switched off the radio.. So annoying! The silence was getting really awkward, I looked at Hannah who was still very quiet.. she was staring at the buildings and I couldn't help but love the way the cool night breeze blew her black hair around, the green light came on and I continued driving following the GPS.. "Uhmm.. are you okay?" I asked, she tucked her hair behind her ears and slowly licked her lips.. "Yeah" she breathed out with a sigh. I nodded and focused on the road.. I took a bend and increased the speed, "About what the twins said.." I started without looking at her "It's all a mistake, I and Nina are nothing but friends.. and I sincerely don't feel anything romantic for her.. Hannah I.." "Stop" she said cutting me off, I glanced at her and faced the traffic "Why all these explanations, huh?," She asked "Whatever relationship you've got with Nina doesn't concern me.. it's your personal life, why give me explanations?" She asked looking at me. Because I'm falling for you psycho, I said mentally "Wife, girlfriend, fiancee, side chick, side hen. I don't care whatever she is to you Harry, besides kids don't just say things" she said and inhaled.. "I Know I'm just your friend Harry, I know I can never be more than that, and you being my friend is enough for me, you don't have to give me explanations, okay?" she added.. "Okay" I mumbled and stepped on the accelerator. I turned on the radio and increased the volume.. I feel like punching something right now.. friends? Just friends? Huh!! Is that all she sees me as? A friend and nothing more?.. urh! "..stop here" she said snapping me out of my thoughts I screeched to a stop and looked around, we are in a T junction and all I can see Are stores, hotels and so on. "Do you wanna get something?" I asked as I watched her unbuckle her seat belt. "No.. thanks for the ride, I'll walk from here" she said and opened the door and stepped out "What!" I said and stepped out. "Please tell me you are joking" I said "I'm not" she said and closed the door "But your leg is still hurting.. I can't let you walk like this" I said pleadingly "Don't worry I'll be fine, my leg doesn't hurt much.. besides my house isn't too far from here. Thanks for everything" she said and started walking away. "Hannah, there's no way I'm letting you walk.." I said rushing towards her "Ju Sung.. I can manage, don't worry about me" she said calmly "But I.." "I really need to be on my own for now, I wanna clear somethings from my head, please don't follow me.. I'll see you tomorrow.. goodnight" she said and started walking down the street.. I stared at her for seconds and scratched my hair.. Why is Hannah so difficult?.. ........ Crazy Hannah ? ........ Hannah's pov ? I slowly walked down the street and turned to look back.. Ju Sung was gone.. a part of me had really wished for him to stay.. I guess it's my heart.. I sighed as thoughts ran through my head, Slowly going through the events of the day.. The kiss that was just so perfect, the kiss I never wanted to end, the kiss I thought meant something to Ju Sung.. the kiss that changed so many things, the kiss that awakened strange feelings in my system..the kiss that meant so much to me.. How could I have been so stupid?, Why did I ever let it happen?. Why did I accept to go to his house? What was I even thinking?.. for a moment there I thought, that may be we'd have a chance together.. that he felt something more than friendship for me?.. why did I get so carried away with just a kiss? I thought we'd maybe have a fairytale like Skyler and Lia.. those were my thoughts when we watched that movie. But reality slapped me in the face.. Harry and I can never be, we are world's apart.. He's not just one of the best surgeon in korea, but he's also the heir to the Lee's properties.. he's like royalty, while I'm just a crazy nurse with super strength, who is struggling to save her little brother who she almost killed... I felt tears rolling down my cheeks, I reached up and wiped them off.. Now that I see it, Nina is best for him, she's really beautiful, and nice According to the twins, she's a doctor and also from a rich family.. the typical lady for any wealthy bachelor. ????? I looked up and saw a car heading towards me . I rushed out of the road and looked at the car "Sorry" I said "Watch where you're going lady" the driver yelled and sped off ************ I walked out of the closet and fell on my bed, I covered myself and stared at the ceiling.. I miss Sofia, she must be really worried since she didn't see me at the hospital.. I wish I had a phone.. I turned to my side with my eyes still open.. ... To be continued ?
25 Jun 2020 | 01:29
Another episode is here @thecomely @ugonnatheyoungestwriter @ele1 @ladyg Pls call others
25 Jun 2020 | 01:34
Wow Hannah pls dn kill ursef cos of wat those little children said, dnt worry Harry loves u nd i kn u feel same, ride on dear.
25 Jun 2020 | 07:13
Poor hannah, Hanry loves you more than you do Just bring the story on. ppn6
25 Jun 2020 | 16:33
Hmmm igwe bring it over
25 Jun 2020 | 20:20
Oh no! I feel for Hannah, she misunderstood the twins, they are world apart doesnt mean they are hearts apart.. I hope they clear things up or it will only hurt both of them... Nice one igwe ride on @henrymary @queenprecious1 @iphemloid @royalgold invite others
26 Jun 2020 | 14:48
Hannah's pov conts?? Just then I started hearing the sound of a guitar, after the short note a voice started singing.. Sona's ? On normal days I'd match up to her room and yell at her for singing loud.. But today I couldn't, I eventually found myself singing along, practically singing out my heart... ?I'll smile, I know what it takes to fool this town? ?I'll do it 'til the sun goes down? ?And all through the night time, oh yeah,? ?Oh, yeah, I'll tell you what you want to hear? ?Keep my sunglasses on while I shed a tear? ?It's never the right time, yeah, yeah? ?I'll put my armor on,? ?Show you how strong I am? ?I'll put my armor on,? ?I'll show you that I am? ?I'm unstoppable? ?I'm a Porsche with no brakes? ?I'm invincible? ?Yeah, I win every single game? ?I'm so powerful? ?I don't need batteries to play? ?I'm so confident? ?I'm unstoppable today? ?Unstoppable today ? ?I'm unstoppable today? ?I break down, only alone I will cry out loud? ?You'll never see what's hiding out Hiding out deep down, yeah, yeah? ?I know I've heard that to let your feelings show? ?Is the only way to make friendships grow? ?But I'm too afraid now, ye...? I was stopped by a shuffling sound, I sat up and looked around.. the sound stopped and started almost immediately.. I walked towards the window, someone was obviously trying to come in, I picked the side lamp and waited by the side.. the window slid open and the person jumped in wearing a black hoodie and black trousers, a girl?. I raised the lamp to hit her head , she slipped down the hoodie and turned towards my direction.. "Ahhhhh" Sofia yelled and rushed to the bed "Shut up Sof" I said and hit her with my slippers.. she closed her mouth and stared at me..then we both bursted into laughter.. That was when I noticed the white bags and her black handbag.. "What are those?" I asked walking over to the bed "Oh.. chicken and beer" she said dropping the bags on the floor. "Thought you might need it, it's been long we drank together" she added and I smiled.. "Oh and sorry for coming through the window, I didn't want to disturb anyone by coming through the front doors" she said .. "No problem, but how did you get up here anyway?" I asked bringing out the beers.. "Oh.. I uhm, climbed the tree beside your window, and I might have stepped on a squirrel or two" she mumbled. "What!" I said and rushed to the window and looked out.. "Don't worry, they are not dead.." she said and slipped out of her shirt leaving her singlet.. "How do you know?" I asked "Cause I saw them running after I moved up" she said "Oh.. okay".. "So why didn't I see you at the hospital?" She asked bringing out the chickens.. "I.. was um.. with Harry" I said "Really? Where did you guys go?" She asked and opened the drinks "His house" I replied "His house?" She asked with her mouth full "Yeah" I said and gulped down the drink.. "Wow. .. so tell me, wah happened? Were you guys alone? Did you guys like.. you know?" She asked excitedly.. "What... Nah.. " I said and turned to look at the door. "Come on Hannah, tell me what happened, something must have happened right?" She asked trying to meet my gaze.. I sighed and nodded.. "We.. uhm, actually .. we well.." I stuttered and glanced at her, then back to the drink in my hand "We... Kissed" I breathed out and bit my lips "What!.. oh my Goodness ?, awwn, that's so sweet" she said and clapped her hands excitedly.. "Wait.. I don't like that look, what happened? Why are you looking so sad?" She asked.. "Hannah come on say something, what happened?" She asked drawing closer to me "I don't know what's happening to me Sof, I don't understand what's going on with me.. i don't Know.." I said as tears ran down my cheeks.. "Don't cry Hannah, please .. you're gonna make me cry too, what happened? Please tell me.. is it Mr park? Is it about Nicky? Please tell me Hannah" she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. "It's about Harry, I almost let him have me Sofia, I got so carried away, I don't know what's happening to me these days, I feel really drawn to Harry like a magnet, I feel so vulnerable whenever I'm with him, and Sof there's this certain peace that runs through my body when we are together, I get tingles and little shocks like electric whenever our skin touches.. and I felt really jealous and bad when his sisters talked about that Nina girl.. and the worst part is that she's Harry's fiancee, his soon to be wife.. I feel so stupid Sof, I shouldn't have gone with him, I feel really bad and lost.. at some point I thought he might have other feelings for me, I Know we've only known each other for days Sofia, but to me it feels like I've known him forever, I find myself wishing to hold him every single minute, I always want to be with him and sometimes forget who he really is.. I don't know if it's because he has been nice to me or if.." "Shhhh.. it's okay darling, it's okay" she said and hugged me tight. I hugged her tight as tears rushed down my eyes. "I feel so terrible Sof, he said he doesn't have any romantic feelings for her, and what the twins said was a mistake.. I tried to believe him Sof, but I couldn't.. why do I feel this way? Am I sick or something?" I asked She withdrew and smiled out tears.. "You're not Hannah, you're not ill and nothing's wrong with you" she said wiping the tears with her fingers "What you feel Hannah.."she trailed off "Is Love ?" she said I blinked my eyes and moved back a little "What?" I asked unsure of what I just heard.. "You're in Love Hannah" she said with a smile and her hands joined together. "No.. no.. no way, I.. I can't be in love with Ju Sung, I mean I only met him some days ago, it's not possible. Besides I can never fall in love Sof, what are you saying" I said "You're in love Hannah, it doesn't matter if you've only been friends for few days, or for years sweetheart.. you should know that 'Love don't care'" she said and squealed happily "Finally my best friend is in love" she said and clapped her hands.. I frowned and exhaled, no matter how stupid it sounds to me, deep down I know she's right.. I Love Harry.., but there's no way I'm gonna express it.. and so I'm gonna stop this crazy feelings, one way or another "Even if what you said was true" I started "Which it is" she chimed in and I rolled my eyes "I will never admit it, I'll stop these crazy feelings from excalating" I said "And how are you gonna do that?" She asked with a weird look.. "Mmh.. I guess, I just have to avoid Ju Sung for now" I said "Even if works, you can't avoid him forever" she stated and gulped down her beer Yes I can, I mean it's not gonna be so difficult right? Right.. ***************** ********** Harry's pov ✌️ "How many times do I have to tell you girls, I and Nina are just friends and nothing more" I said already frustrated They both stared quietly at me and shrugged "Yeah, we know" Jodi said "Oh really? Then what was all that talk about me getting married to her?" I asked with my hands on my waist "It was all a set up Harry" Mr Cha said walking into the room.. "What?" I asked confused "He's right, we just wanted to confirm something" Josi said dropping the TV remote on the bed. "Which is?" "If she likes you or not" Jodi said smiling "And from our little investigation, she's head over heels in love with you" Josi said. "How.. did you guys know?" I asked sitting beside them on the bed "Can't you see it? It's written all over her" Jodi said "And did you see her face when we talked about Nina? It was like this☹️??" Josi said and they started laughing. "She felt really bad Harry, as if she caught you cheating on her or something.." Jodi said "Yeah, she really felt bad.. I noticed it too" I said "You should tell her how you feel before it gets too late though" Jodi said "I.. well, I never said I like like her" I mumbled "Yeah right" Josi muttered and I glared at her "Wait, how did you girls Know about relationships and stuff?" I asked looking at the both of them "We do watch movies Harry" Jodi said "And read magazines" Josi added "Really?.. I'm calling dad right now, you guys aren't supposed to be watching adult films and magazines.. I'm gonna have all the adult channels blocked, magazines throwed out and your phones seized" I threatened "We are sorry oppa, you can block the channels and even burn the magazines, but please don't take our phones" Jodi pleaded "And don't call Dad, if you do... He'll be really mad at us and wouldn't spend time with us for about a week, we'll be all alone in the house with no mom or dad, Please Harry" Josi said already crying I could feel my eyes already welling up.. "no mom or dad" the sentence really weakened me, I used to think I was the most affected after mom's death, I never thought my sisters were going through worse pain, I mean they never saw mom, or touched her, they never heard her voice or kissed her.. they couldn't do all those fun things I did with mom.. what could be more painful than that? I Know dad has been trying his best, he has been a single dad for twelve years, taking care of the twins by himself, with the Nani's constantly helping him out.. I sighed and moved my hair with my fingers. "Fine I won't, just promise me you won't watch and read adult stuffs again" I said "We promise" they both said with a smile. I smiled and pecked their cheeks.. "Okay ladies, time for bed"Mr Cha said.. ....... ... To be continued ? I really wonder if Hannah's plan will work out? Hope no body has forgotten about Nina, that cutie is gonna be up soon. ?
27 Jun 2020 | 04:11
Mr igwe u are doing so well
27 Jun 2020 | 09:47
Chai so touching, nice work Igwe.
27 Jun 2020 | 11:31
ewoh this na one matter to settle, I cant fit shout
27 Jun 2020 | 12:07
Harry Pls act fast before is t00 late 0ooo
28 Jun 2020 | 01:47
Carry on
28 Jun 2020 | 01:48
Please continue the story
5 Jul 2020 | 17:12
When is d next episode o?!
14 Jul 2020 | 13:51
Sofia's pov ✍️ ?wake me up? ?before you go? ?cause I'm..? "Hello" I said with a yawn "Morning baby" he said "Morning, how was your night?" I asked pulling off the sleeping mask "Was okay, you?" He asked "Was great" I said "Okay, so are you ready for work?" He asked as Hannah walked out of the bathroom drying her hair with a towel "Uhh.. no, I'm still in bed" I said "What? Why?" He asked "We kinda slept late last night, so.."I trailed off "We?" He asked "Yeah, I'm with Hannah" I said "That explains it, anyways I gotta go, tell her I said hi and she shouldn't forget about our deal" he said "Okay" "Bye I love you" he said "I love you too, bye" I said and threw the pillow at Hannah who was smiling and winking at me. I dropped the call and stretched my hands.. "7:23am , Hannah why didn't you wake me?" I asked running my hands into my hair "I didn't want to wake you, you looked so stressed last night and I didn't want to disturb your beauty sleep" she said spreading her dress on the bed "Okay.. " I mumbled and stared at her for a while.. "Are you okay?" I asked, "Yeah," she said with a little smile "About avoiding Harry, are you sure you can do that? Plus you do know you're paired with him right?, whenever he has surgery, you are expected to be with him.. how are you gonna carry out your plan with that?" I asked "Yeah, I can.. and I will, I've got everything under control, all I have to do is stay away from Harry surgery or no surgery, I mean how hard can it be" she said and threw the towel on my face "Go take your bath, we are gonna be late" she added and fell on the bed "You're bluffing" I said "No I'm not, I'm gonna stay in the store room today, I'll scatter and rearrange drugs, if need be.. it's the only place I Know Ju Sung wouldn't think of looking for me. " She said and I hit her the pillow "You're sick" I said and she chuckled "So uhmm, is that how Luke calls you every morning?" She asked sitting up with her legs folded together "Yeah, morning and night.. he makes sure he's the first to call me in the morning and the last in the night" I said "Awwn so sweet" she cooed "Love is a beautiful thing Hannah, although sometimes it hurts. But it's amazing especially when you are with the right person" I said and she smiled "So, don't you guys .. like, fight?" She asked "Yeah, sometimes.. we argue, exchange words, cry, yell at each other, kiss and settle, that's how love is.. but most times it's all fun." I said and she rolled her eyes "Sounds boring" she mumbled "Yeah keep deceiving yourself, deep down you Know it's true" I said and jumped down from the bed "Anyways, Luke said hi and that you shouldn't forget our deal to have drinks whenever you're free" I said and rushed towards the bathroom door "Be careful in there, the floor is slippe.." Too late, I fell down with a thud and rubbed my butt.. "Ouch! " I half yelled Hannah rushed in and started laughing "Sorry" she said and continued laughing I glared at her and made to stand up "You're dead" I mumbled and tried to kick her and winced in pain "Ow! " I said and rubbed my butt.... ........... ........ ...... ..... Hannah's pov ? We got to the 11th floor and walked out of the elevator then took a bend down the hall "Okay, so here's the plan, you'll take my bag to the office and I'll go straight to the store room, do not tell Harry where I am okay..? I.." "Why?" A voice asked from behind, We both wheeled and I sighed when I saw Dr Evans staring at us.. "Gosh! You startled me" I said placing my hand on my chest "Sorry.. I didn't mean to" he said with a little smile "Good morning " I greeted "Good morning sir" Sofia greeted "Morning, uhm are you girls just coming?" He asked "Yes" I replied "Okay.. uhm, I guess I'll see you later Hannah" he said with a smile "Sofia.. surgery is in 20mins, okay?" He said "Okay" Sofia muttered "Bye" he said and walked away "So as I was.." I trailed off "Hannah go.. go, run" she said cutting me off "Why?" I asked confused "Harry is coming, he just walked out of the elevator.. " she rushed, I looked through the glass walls and saw Harry walking towards the bend while typing on his phone with his right hand and his left hand in his pocket. My heart started beating fast and doing backflips, "Oh gosh.. oh gosh.." I mumbled and pushed my bag in Sofia's hand and ran towards the maternity section.. I rushed into a ward where some doctors and nurses where attending to some patients.. I hurried to the last row and hid behind the bed.. "Uhh.. Hannah?"a female voice called, I looked up and saw Dr Lina staring at me with a confused Expression "Hi Lina" I said, "Hi.. why are you hiding is someone or something chasing you?" She asked looking towards the door.. "No.. not at all, I am hiding from someone, I don't want him to see me" I said She chuckled and stretched her hand "Come out Ann no one's coming" she said and pulled me up. We have been friends since she started working here, Lina Sùn Wú, she's the second daughter of the Wu's, although she's rich, she's very friendly and nice.. she studied in the states for few years and later came back to Korea and yeah, she's one of the best and finest doctors in H.R, she's also 22 but a month older than me.. "Wow... You look so lean, haven't you been eating?" She asked looking at me "Well.. it's just stress, that's all" I said and she smiled "Well, I'm gonna load you up again.. lunch is on me" she said "Okay.. so how was your one month vacation?" I asked "It was.. okay" she said with a smile "I told you to come with me but you didn't, I understand though.. I still got you a souvenir anyways" she said and I smiled "Awwn thanks" I said "So how's Sofia?" She asked leading me out of the ward "She's fine.. she should be in the theater now" I said looking side ways for any sign of Harry.. "So what's his name?" She asked throwing me off balance "Who?" I asked "The guy you're hiding from, is he a doctor?" She asked "Oh.. it's uhm, Dr Harry" I said and she gasped "The chairman's son? Is he your boyfriend?" she asked in a whisper.. I blushed and shook my head negatively "We.. are just friends, friends and nothing more" I said "I heard he's really handsome, and that he's really the best surgeon in H.R, but I've not seen him since I came" she said "Well.. I think it's because you just resumed today" I said matter of factly "Yeah, I guess so too" she said and pulled me into the elevator ......... .... Sofia's pov ? I watched as Hannah rushed into the maternity section, I looked back and saw Harry walking towards me, he was on a call and was smiling, he looked so happy.. i guess he's talking with a friend. I bowed to him and tried to rush out, he held my arm and gently pulled me back to stand in front of him.. ?What... No way, I said I'm sorry man?he said I couldn't hear what the other person was saying though ?I lost your number Ollie, my assistant just gave the numbers to me?he said and chuckled Ollie.. hmm, is it a girl or a boy?.. he looked at me and raised his index finger.. "One minute" he mouthed to me and I nodded ?You Know what?, Why don't you and the guys come over to my suite or my main house, the penthouse is also included, whichever one you like.. let's have a little reunion, it's been too long? ?Tell Alister, Collins and Olivia, I wanna see you guys on Friday night, I don't care to Know what ever part in Asia they are Oliver.. you Know what? Don't bother.. I'll call them myself ?he said and laughed a few seconds later ? Okay, bye?he said and hang up.. He tucked his hands and his phone in his pockets and looked at me with a smile "Sorry about that, good morning" he said. Wow, I never knew he was this humble, is he really greeting me? "Goo.. good morning sir" I said with a little bow and he chuckled "Uhm.. is Hannah here yet?" He asked "Uhh.. I.. well.. yes.. no.. no.. she's upstairs" I stuttered and bit my lips "Huh?" He asked confused "Sorry.. I mean she... She's here," I said "So where's she now?" He asked looking around My goodness! Hannah has succeeded in Killing me again, what do I say now "She's, well.. i.. uhm, she's up no, downstairs.. " I said with my fingers crossed behind me ? He stared at me for seconds with pouted lips and finally asked "Did Hannah ask you to lie?" He asked looking at me "Yes" I blurted out without thinking. "No.. no, Why would she do that? Because she's trying to avoid you? Nah.. that would be so dumb" I said with a wave of my hands and mentally punched myself for practically spilling out the beans.. He smiled and mumbled something like "Five minutes madness at it's peek" what!!! He sighed and moved closer to me, then leaned down and whispered into my ears.. "You don't Know how to lie, when you see Hannah.. tell her to keep running, she can't avoid me forever.. I'm irresistible" he whispered and moved back.. He made to leave and turned to look at me.. he raised his fingers to my chin and gently closed my mouth.. he winked and catwalked away with his hands in his pocket.. Uhh!.. I'm going to kill that woman today, I'll never try to lie because of her again!.. uhh!. ... To be continued
17 Jul 2020 | 16:13
Harry's pov ? I walked into my office and closed the door.. I tucked my hands in my pockets and sluggishly traced my steps to my seat.. I looked at the file I was going through earlier and reluctantly picked it. I opened the book and the little drama with Hannah's friend flashed through my mind.. crazy women.. Does she really think I'll stay away from her? I thought mentally and scoffed audibly. But I'll let her be for now though, I'll see how long she can keep up with this,... I have a feeling I'll see her today, and when I do, I won't let her slip this time. I closed the file and picked my phone, I tapped on the screen and checked the time.. 11: 21am, I have to be in the theater in the next 39 minutes, hehehe.. Hannah can't possibly run from the theater right? She has to be there whether she likes it or not. I can't wait to see what happens when I see my crazy psycho?.. ....... ..... Hannah's pov ? "3677, 3678, 3679, 5000.. uhh!!" I screamed and threw the drugs on the floor.. What am I even counting? I scratched my hair and looked around.. the whole floor was covered with drugs. So many opened cartons were on the floor and my back is even aching me now.. I can't believe I'm doing all this because of a guy.. Harry has turned me into something else, and I sincerely don't like it.. I guess. I've never.. ever hidden from anyone before. .. well except those I borrowed money from.. like Mrs goo and the rest ? But aside from those people, Hannah has never in her entire life run because of a man.. I've always kept my walls high and secured.. but now those walls are broken by not just any man, Harry.. the first guy I ever felt a thing for. He broke those walls without knowing and even worse, in just few days.. what kinda guy is he? A few hours ago, Sofia had matched into this room with a frown, threatening fire and brimstone, asking me not to ever make her lie again.. I'd calmed her down after a few minutes and told her about Lina's return and of course the lunch treat and souvenirs.. Talking about lunch, I raised my wrist and glanced at my watch.. "2:13pm!" Gosh I'm so late for my free lunch, I quickly stood up and cleaned my uniform.. I hastily started arranging the drugs properly in the cartons, after few minutes, I was done with all the drugs.. I carried 8 boxes at a time and set them gently on the sides of the store room.. With that done, I dusted my hands and rushed out of the room.. ............. ...... I was about walking out of the elevator, when I saw a figure walking towards the same elevator.. I rolled my eyes from his shoes, to his hands tucked in his pockets, then his Id card on his breast pocket, to the Adams apple that moved down a bit, and then those perfect lips, nose , hair and eyes.. ? Harry? "Ahhh" I yelled inaudibly and moved into the elevator, I pressed all the buttons, hoping, praying and wishing he'd not seen me.. I watched with pounding hearts as the metal door started closing, I was about to breathe a sigh of relief when a leg stepped in between the door, stopping it from closing.. my eyes widened as the door opened to reveal a smirking Harry.. he walked in and stared at me, as if suming me up.. "Goo.. good afternoon" I stuttered "Finally, the goose gets caught" he mumbled.. I breathed and looked at the floor.. gosh! What am I going to do? "Are you seriously avoiding me?" He asked "Uhm.." "Why? Do you have feelings for me?" He asked staring at my face.. I blinked my eyes and faked cough... "I.. oh aigoo, I ... forgot my purse, clumsy me" I said laughing nervously " uhm.. I'll just quickly go and get it.." I trailed off and moved towards the door.. I felt his hands on my arm as he quickly pulled me back, causing me to hit my back on the wall.. with his hands on each side of the wall.. "Psycho, You're busted" he said and instantly took my lips in his... ..... To be continued..
17 Jul 2020 | 16:14
Continue please...
18 Jul 2020 | 11:08
Wow happy to have dis story back @igwe thanks 4 remembering us o
18 Jul 2020 | 17:11
hmmmmm. Hannah just take it easy with him ooo
19 Jul 2020 | 00:28
pls carry on
19 Jul 2020 | 00:29
Hannah is really crazy
20 Jul 2020 | 17:31
Hannah's pov✍️ I shut my eyes and didn't Know what to do.. should I kiss him back?, Should I unlock and rush out of the elevator,? What if someone sees us like this? Is this right? I could already feel him trying to make me open up with his teeth.. to say that I was confused was an understatement. And beside myself, I put all rational thoughts behind me and kissed him back.. opening up to give him access. I slowly brushed my fingers to his neck and pulled him closer.. our tongues met and dueled, we changed angles, biting, sucking and nibbling softly.. one of his hands was already on my waist, with the other in my hair..he unlocked briefly to catch his breath, he pecked my lips and moved back, I slowly opened my eyes and saw him staring at me. ?Nina is his girlfriend? ?they are gonna get married soon? The words came sounding loudly in my ears ? Hannah you're so stupid, how could you let yourself fall again.. Harry is someone else's, he can never be yours, stop fooling yourself.. he's just using you, now he even kisses you whenever he likes.. wake up Hannah! Wake up!.. "Hannah.. Hannah?" Harry called snapping me out of my thoughts.. "Mmh" I hummed "Are you okay?... Is something wrong? What are you thinking?" He asked looking worried.. that was when I noticed we were still in the elevator "I. I'm fine" I said, with a choking voice as a tear rolled down my cheek.. His features changed as he looked down at me.. "Hannah what's wrong?.. did I hurt you? Is it about the kiss.. is it about Nina? Tell me what is it?" He asked holding my hands.. "Why are you doing this?" I asked looking in his eyes His features Changed from worried to confused "I.. don't understand" he said "Yeah, you don't.. and I'm not ready to make you understand either" I said and slowly withdrew my hands from his and hastily dried my tears "Please don't kiss me without my consent again, I might end up doing something really stupid" I said "Hannah I.." "And I would really appreciate if we end this friendship stuff, it's getting out of hand. Let's just continue maintaining the boss and employee's relationship, it would be better that way" I said and moved towards the metal doors, I inhaled and turned to look at him.. his eyes already darkened,with different emotions glowing in them, he was clearly angry, but he somehow managed to control himself "I'm late for lunch, I have to go now.. do have a nice day sir" I said and bowed then wheeled and pressed the button.. the door opened and I stepped out and walked down the hall without looking back. I could sense him still staring at me, I was tempted for a second to turn back, but I didn't. The doors closed with a beep, and tears threatened to fall.. I looked up and blinked back the tears. Hannah is brave, she's a strong woman, she's never vulnerable, she's always on her guard, she never cries... But the exact opposite of these things is what I've been doing through out this week.. i fell in love against my wish and for someone who's already taken, now I know I'm not meant to love.. who would even want a woman like me? "Unnie!" A tiny voice yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.. I looked around and noticed I had Walked into the kids section without even realizing it.. "Hannah.." the voice called again, I looked around but didn't see anyone. "I'm right here unnie" I looked down and saw Jumík standing beside me with a smile on her face.. "Aigoo, my baby.. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there" I said and carried her up in my arms "Unnie, what happened? I didn't see you for days, you no longer came to give me my shots, or play with me, your friend was the one who took your place and believe me her hands are too painful, my butt is still hurting me" she said with a funny face.. I chuckled and tucked her hair behind her ears. "Sorry sweetheart, unnie was really busy.. I'm sorry, I didn't come to check on you, but I'm here now. Please forgive your unnie, she's really sorry" I said with a sad face.. "I'll only forgive you if you agree to play with me" she said trying to negotiate. I smiled and nodded "Okay, I promise.. I will" I said and she smiled happily "You're forgiven unnie" she said I smiled and kissed her cheek "Thanks baby, so what do you wanna do first?" I asked walking over to her bed ...... Harry's pov ✌️ I seriously don't understand Hannah.. why can't she understand that I feel something for her? She's smart right, I expected her to have figured it out by now.. is she still thinking about what the twins said?, I thought I told her it was all a mistake.. I know I shouldn't have kissed her like that, but it was just so tempting. I didn't even know when I did it and truthfully I'm not regretting it either.. I never knew she was so emotional, I guess it's because it's her first time. Well, I'm gonna set things straight ASAP, I need to let her know how I really feel about her, even though we just met some days ago.. I watched in amazement as she carried a fat kid on her back, giving him a horse ride.. she got to one point and dropped him, she carried another and did same.. after several minutes, she said something and tried to stand up.. they all surrounded her and pulled her down, whilst laughing childishly.. trying to get on her back.. I laughed as she started running around the ward with the kids behind her.. Although she was laughing, I could still see sadness in her eyes, as if she sensed me.. she looked towards my direction and I quickly moved to the side, using the wall as a shield.. My phone started ringing and I rushed out.. .............. ...... Hannah's pov ? "Unnie are you okay?" Jumík asked looking at me "Yeah, you guys exhausted me.. but I'm fine, why did you ask?" I asked "Cause you look sad" she said "Well.. I am" I said looking at her "Did someone say something bad to you? Did someone hurt you? Tell me, I'll teach them a lesson for hurting my Hannah" she said seriously I laughed and brushed her hair with my hands.. "It's someone ..a friend" I said "What did she do to you?" She asked looking at me "He well.. kinda broke my tiny whiny heart" I said and she made and o with her mouth "I see" she said and nodded.. "Well, why don't you break his as well?" She asked I laughed and hugged her to myself "You're so funny Jumík" I said "Well, I'm serious unnie. Show him who the boss lady is, 'you', show him that no one breaks your heart and gets away with it.. he's your friend doesn't mean he can hurt you as he pleases, show him that you're super woman and that you're stronger than he thinks.. fighting! You always say that unnie, when I was first admitted here, you said I should fight the sickness, that a Korean girl always fight right? Unnie it's your turn now.. get up and fight!" She said "Fighting!" She yelled raising her fist up.. Yeah, fighting! I'm gonna fight, but how? I don't even know, how do I get all these crazy feelings out? And prove to Harry that he's indeed irresistible?.. I've got no idea.. But a Korean woman always fights.. and that's what I'm gonna do. Fighting!✊ .. To be continued
27 Jul 2020 | 03:57
Harry's pov ✌️ "Good afternoon sir" I said staring out the glass wall "Ju Sung, I thought we've been through this? What's the issue with Nina?" He asked throwing me off guard "I don't understand" I said pretending not to know what he was taking about "Don't even think of playing dumb with me Ju Sung! You know exactly what I'm talking about" he said "No.. I don't" I mumbled He sighed and paused for some seconds "Do you really want to do this? Well.. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, why did you hurt her?" He asked "It wasn't my intention dad, I just told her the truth and nothing more, it's not my fault if she felt hurt by it.. the truth is bitter after all, and I'm not regrett..." I trailed off "Shut up Harry!" He barked, he called me Harry, now he's really pissed "You can't date a woman for years and just call it off for no single reason Harry, " "But I never dated her dad, is that what she said?" I asked unbelievably "If you didn't date then what happened between you both that resulted in her pregnancy some months after you left?" He asked ?? Pregnancy? Did I just hear what I thought I did.. "Wh... What?" I stuttered in a low voice. "She was pregnant for you idiot! Did you think your little romance wouldn't lead to something? Huh?" He asked I was already feeling cold, I could feel shivers running down my spine "I.. I don't understand, but .. I.. we, uhmm.. how, where.. where's the child?" I asked scratching my hair "She's lost it, she almost died Ju Sung, she went through a lot, all because of you, I don't care if what you guys had was just a one night stand or not, besides we need all the shares we can get now.. you'd better find a way to get her back.. I just spoke with her father and he's threatening to withdraw his shares if you don't do the right thing, and you better start now, go to her house and apologize, buy her flowers, chocolates or whatever.. I'm really busy here, I'll call your sisters later and when I do, I will be expecting some good news from you, do you understand?" He asked "I can't dad, I'm sorry.. I don't love her, I never did and I don't think I will ever feel anything for Nina" I said quietly "Huh?" He asked "I love someone else, although I haven't told her yet, but she's the one I want" I said "Harry, are you sick? Huh? Didn't you hear what I just said? Do what I asked you to or I'll block all your accounts and have your house guarded, with no one coming in or going out, I'll make sure I send.." "You can do whatever you want Mr Lee" I said cutting him off "What!" He said "You can come down to korea if you like, I don't care.. even if heaven comes down.. I will never.. ever apologize for telling Nina the truth, her father can withdraw the shares if he likes.. H.R doesn't need him, we've got over 250 branches across the world, his withdrawal wouldn't shake our accounts one bit.. and even if it does, we've got several other private organizations, like real estate, resorts and the rest, we are well backed and if he.." "I don't care Harry! You're apologizing and that's it.. I am your father and you can't disobey me" he barked "I am not apologizing father, I am a grown man for crying out loud, I am no longer the fifteen years old boy you sent to France, I am 25 and I've got every right to make my own decisions.. and that includes choosing my own woman, and she can never be Nina.." I said angrily "Please Dad, I've always listened to you, I've always done what you wanted, just let me stay with the woman I want, that's what mom would have wanted, right?" I asked with teary eyes.. He breathed and said nothing "Fine, if you won't let me, then I would have no choice but to return to France first thing tomorrow morning, and you can make the twins your heir, besides you've got enough men to help manage your hospitals for you" I said "You're bluffing" he said "I'll show you I'm not, once I hang up.. I'm going home, getting my things and leaving Korea, and you'll never see me again" I said "But..what about Nina" he asked tiredly "I'll sort things out with her, but I'm not going to apologise.. besides there are some things I need to find out from her" I said.. He sighed "Do whatever you like.. but on one condition" he said "What?" I asked "Tell me the truth.. who's she?" He asked "Who?" I asked sincerely confused "The girl you love" he said "Oh.. uhm, well.. she's.." I drawed "Miss Shù?" He asked more like stated. Surprised I said ".. I, yeah.. how did you know?" I asked "I am your father Ju Sung, you're just like me... I knew from the day you first saw her at the hospital.. I must admit, I'm impressed, a bit pissed? Yes... because you just blackmailed me.." he said and I smiled "Sorry Dad" I said and he laughed "It's okay... I've been watching Hannah for years now, she's one unique woman, she reminds me of your mother a lot, and I secretly wished of having her as a daughter in law.. I guess that wish is gonna come true after all" he said and I blushed "I never said I was gonna marry her dad" I said "Yeah right.. do tell her soon, she's a pretty woman, tell her before it gets too late" he said "I will dad, thanks" I said "Yeah, I have to go now.. I need to think of the perfect lie for Khù, i can't just tell him his daughter is off the list" he said with a little laugh I chuckled and nodded "Yeah, bye" I said. And he dropped the call.. Pheww that's settled, now the last piece of the puzzle to solve is Hannah. But hold up. Nina was pregnant, how is that possible, I thought she said she was on pills?.. What would I have done if she had given birth? Of course I'd love the child, but Nina?.. nah.. ................ Hannah's pov ? I walked into I and Sofia's office for the first time, since morning... I walked over to the window and stared down at the streets and road.. What am I going to do now? I'm just so confused, what if ... Uhh!,'s not possible.. I walked to my chair and sat down.. tomorrow's thursday my off day. I guess I'll just stay at home with Nicky.. I have not been with him for about two days now, plus I'll just do some chores and have fun, I and Nicky will watch operas and eat whatever we want. That's if Haley doesn't come though... My eyes were getting heavier, I yawned and placed my head on the chair with my eyes closed. ???? "Hannah.. Hannah" a voice said followed by a little tap.. I slowly opened my eyes and saw Sofia looking at me "Hi.. Sof" I said yawning "Hi.. you didn't come for lunch, I looked for you but I couldn't find you, Lina was worried.. what happened?" She asked walking towards her table "Sorry, I was a bit busy with something" I said "What?" She asked ".. uhh, kids section. I was with Jumík" I said "Oh.. the little cutie, she did say she was missing you though" she said "Yeah" I said with a wry smile "Spill Hannah.. what else" she said looking at me I smiled and rubbed my temple "Nothing.. there's nothing to tell, how was surgery" I asked trying to change the topic.. she noticed and chuckled, then nodded "It was okay... Although I wasn't planning to stay in the theater with Dr lan for so long" she said and smiled He picked her bag and walked over to my chair, she sat on the table and tucked my hair behind my ears.. "You're gonna be fine, right?" She asked.. I nodded and smiled out tears, she hugged me and pecked my hair "You can talk to me whenever you want, okay?" She said "Yeah" I said and hugged her tight.. She chuckled and kissed my hair again.. "We have to go Hannah, it's getting late " she said softly, I withdrew and looked around.. "I didn't Know it was evening already" I said and picked my bag.. "Yeah, I guess it's because you was sleeping" she said and I nodded ................ ..... ......... "So.. you're not coming tomorrow, it's gonna be really boring without you girlfriend" she said as we walked down the road "Don't worry, Lina's gonna be there with you" I said and she frowned "Yeah, but you won't" she said and I smiled "Stop being a baby Sof" I said "Well I'm a baby alright" she said "Yeah, a 23 years old baby to Luke" I said and she laughed and playfully hit me... "So.. I was thinking" she said "What?" I asked "Why don't we go to the movies tonight?" She asked "We?" I asked as we both jumped over a pot hole "Yeah, me you and Luke" she said "We planned on going tonight, and I was thinking if you'd go with us?" She asked "Oh . I'd love to" I said "Yes" she said happily "But... I can't, I need to do something really important tonight" I said and she frowned clearly disappointed "What kind of things" she asked "Personal things," I said with a smile and she gasped "You're gonna kill Bruno, aren't you?" She asked "Well I'd love to.. but nah" I said "You're gonna meet Frankenstein?" She asked "No.. gosh no! Seriously? Why would I want to meet Frankenstein of all people?" I asked "I don't know..." She said with a shrug.. "It's something personal, " I said.. which was a lie by the way, I just didn't want to be the third wheel.. it's one of their couples night, although I'd love to hang out with them, I just don't like the idea of being like a liability to them especially Sofia. "Hmm. Okay, whatever you say" she said "I'll see you tommorow then, I'll stop by your house in the evening" she said and hugged me "Alright.. goodnight, bye" I said and slowly withdrew "Yeah, bye. I love you" she said loudly "I didn't hear that" I said as she walked down her street.. .................. ....... .. *Next morning* 9:41am Last night had been really terrible for me, after dinner. I had chatted with my siblings and later watched a movie with Sona and mom. Who kept talking about Harry.. Harry.. Harry . A few minutes after eleven, I was already in my bed and images of Harry kept appearing in my room... talking and arguing with me, Making me act like a total freak.. It was until after 2am I was able to sleep.. and even when I woke up, it started again. It stopped when Haley came over, yes mom had been surprised to see me spending my day off at home for the first time.. she'd asked if I was ill. The rest of the family was not left out either. After several minutes of persuasion..they all left for their various destinations.. Nicky and I had so much fun, until Haley came. And I decided to start with my chores. Now I am outside spreading the laundries.. "Hey" I turned to my left and saw Harry leaning on the wall.. I breathed and closed my eyes "Do you need my help?" He asked gently brushing his hands around my waist from behind... I shook my head and closed my eyes "You're not real.. you're not real" I whispered. "Yes I am to you" he said placing soft kisses on my cheek down to my neck.. "Can't you see.. you can't get rid of me" he said "Yes I can" I mumbled and opened my eyes.. I turned to look at him and found no one there...gosh! Am I going crazy?.. "We are meant to be together" his voice said again.. this time he was standing in front of me.. "Can't you see? Our souls are meant to become one" he said stroking my cheeks with his thumb "No.. you're just an imagination.. you're not real" I said "I love you Hannah.." he said moving his face closer to mine.. he brought his face down and I closed my eyes, instead of his lips, i felt nothing but the cool breeze, I opened my eyes and frowned deeply For a moment there, I really wished he was real.. I looked around and rushed to the front of the house.. I was about to open the door when I felt a strong sensation.. and this time it felt like he was real, I wheeled and saw him standing in front of the short white wooden gate.. "You're not real, you're just my imagination.. my mind's trick.. fine, I admit i.. love you so much, but why are you haunting me huh? You now appear like a ghost wherever I go... Knowing that you're already taken, isn't that enough punishment? Huh?, I Know I can never have anything with you, so why are you still haunting me?" I asked as tears rolled down my cheek He just stood there with so many emotions on his face, which was quite unusual.. cause all imaginary Harry must have a word or two to say.. And that was when I noticed it, his blue t-shirt, crazy black skinny jeans, designer shades on his hair, his black slipper with diamond stones and matching belt.. no.. no.. no, it can be.. ??? Just then his phone started ringing. "ahhhh" I yelled and rushed into the house.. gosh! Oh my gosh! That's the real Harry.. oh no, I just confessed my feelings to the real Harry.. " gosh!" I said hitting my legs on the floor.. "Noona.. are you okay?" I turned to see Nicky and Haley staring at me with surprise on their faces.. "Uhh.." ✊✊✊ I was cut off by a knock on the door.. I felt as if a needle pierced my heart, the knock came again and I nearly jumped out of my skin "Unnie are you okay? You're already pink" Haley said looking at me "Won't you answer the door?" Nicky asked The knock came again and I rushed to the couch.. "Hannah.. seriously my hands are already hurting, please just let me in.. I really need to talk to you.. please just two minutes" he said "Tell him I'm not at home" I whispered to Haley. She walked to the door and I hid at the back of the couch "Good afternoon sir" she greeted "Hi.. cutie, uhm can you please tell Hannah to come? I really need to talk to her" he said "Well.. she's not around" she said "Huh? But I saw her run in some minutes ago" he said "..but, she told me to tell you that she's not around" she said and I widened my eyes "Huh?" Harry said "She's even hiding at the back of the couch..oppa come in you'll see her, come" she said and took his hands.. Gosh I'm finished, what's wrong with Haley? I looked at Nicky and he was biting his lips..clearly he was trying to hide his laughter "There she is" haley said.. I looked up and saw Harry staring down at me with a smile.. I smiled and looked under the couch.. "Aisshh.. Nicky I didn't see the remote, I guess it's not under this couch" I said and slowly stood up, ignoring Harry's gaze "But.. the remote is with me, we aren't looking for .." "Ahh.. stop talking and enjoy your movie" I said covering his mouth with a little laugh "Hi Hannah" Harry said "Hi." I said without looking at him "Uhm.. can we talk?" He asked "No.. " I rushed "Please.." he said "I.. " "Uhh.. this is so annoying" Nicky said looking at the TV.. Harry turned to glance at him, then back at me and then at him again.. He looked at me with sad eyes and mouthed "Is he crippled?" "Not really" I mouthed back "What happened" he mouthed again "It's kinda complicated" I mouthed back and he nodded, then stared at Nicky for some seconds.. "He's really cute" he whispered And I nodded "Wait is that a sci fi movie?" He asked looking at the TV "Yeah, dark matters" Haley replied "It's really interesting.. come sit, you'll love it trust me" Nicky said tapping the couch beside his wheelchair.. Harry smiled and sat beside him.. "What's your name" he asked "Nicholas, but they all call me Nicky, and she's my friend Haley" he said with a smile "What about you?" He asked "I'm Harry, " he said and Nicky gasped "Wait you're Hannah's boyfriend?.. gosh! Hannah your boyfriend is really handsome.. I thought mom was lieing" he said and Haley nodded Harry smiled and glanced at me, I rolled my eyes and walked into the kitchen.. ...... To be continued..
27 Jul 2020 | 03:58
Harry's pov ? "Mom said you're a doctor.. is it true?" Nicky asked staring at me "Yeah, I also work in H.R" I said "Cool" he said and turned to face the TV "Don't you attend school?" I asked "I do, but.. I had to stop some months ago" he replied simply "Why?" I asked "Uhm.. personal reasons, I'd like to tell you, but I can't.. Hannah said never to talk about it, sorry" he said without looking at me "Okay.." I mumbled and faced the TV "Do you like the movie?" He asked "Yes.. it's nice" I said "I told you.." he said with a smile.. Just then Hannah walked out of the kitchen and ran up the stairs.. she came back minutes later with her hand bag.. "Haley, please look after Nicky, there's food in the kitchen, I am going to the pharmacy, I'll be back shortly" she said without looking at me, then turned towards the door "What about Harry?" Nicky asked She looked at me and shrugged "Mmh, he can leave whenever he wants" she said and opened the door "But.." "Bye" she said and shut the door cutting Nicky off He looked at me apologetically .. I smiled lightly, then stood up and walked out.. Hannah was already outside the gate.. I rushed after her and she quickened her steps "Hannah.. wait" I said "Hannah please, just hear me out" I said and held her hand pulling her to a stop. She breathed and turned to look at me "What do you want Harry?" She asked "You.. I need to talk to you Hannah" I said "I'm sorry, but I'm busy" she snapped her hand from mine and started walking away.. "Biané" I said frustratedly.. she stopped in her tracks but didn't turn to look at me.. I sighed and walked towards her "I'm sorry for everything Hannah.. please just hear me out, I beg you" I said.. She sighed softly and turned to look at me "Fine.. tell me" she said "I will.. but not here, can you please come with me in my car? I'll tell you everything" I said She looked at me and scoffed "No way, you asked for my attention and now that you have it, you're asking me to come with you, well I'm sorry I can't.. I have to go now" she said and turned to leave "Hannah please, I'll tell you on our way to the pharmacy, besides it would be easier and faster for you.. please angel, I'm begging" I said, she relunctantly turned with a frown "Fine.. but I'm only going because of the sun" she said "No problem" I said "So.. where's your car?" She asked "It's over there" I said and she nodded "Let's go" she said "Okay baby" I said and she glared at me "Sorry" I mumbled and rushed in front .......... ....... "Are you serious?" She asked surprised "Yeah, it was all a set up.. they just wanted to Know if you had a thing for me, and it turns out that you really do" I said and she scoffed "I can't believe this, and I fell for every single word they said, gosh!" She said looking at me "Yes.. I told you.. but you didn't believe me, you really hurt me Hannah" I said "How?" She asked in a low voice "You didn't believe me when I said I wasn't dating Nina, I mean.. you did say we are friends right? Aren't friends supposed to trust each other?"I asked "Are you trying to turn this on me..?" She asked with a little smile and I shrugged "Fine.. I'm sorry Ju Sung, from today, I promise to always trust you completely" she said.. Wow.. she called me Ju Sung, I guess shes no longer angry, it feels so good to hear that.. "..I'll forgive you on one condition" I said "And what is it?" She asked.. I glanced at her and faced the traffic "You have to give me a kiss" I said "Huh?" She said with her eyes wide open "You heard me.. a kiss, come on Hannah do it" I said "I can't" she said "Stop being a drama queen Hannah.. just a kiss" I said ", no I can't" she said "If you don't, I'll leave the steering wheel" I threatened "Ah! You can't" she said "Uhh!..Just do it Hannah.." "Fine.." she mumbled and leaned closer, she hastily pecked my cheek and moved back.. I chuckled and shook my head "That wasn't the kind of kiss I was anticipating, but.. I'll manage it" I said and she smiled ................ ........ Hannah's pov ? Soon we got to the mall, Harry drove into the parking lot and we stepped out . He beeped the car and took my hands in his right hand.. while holding his phone and car key in his other We walked in and people started staring at us.. some were mummuring, while others just looked on, I caught some taking pictures.. I keep forgetting who he really is, I looked at Harry and he smiled down at me.. I held his hand tight as we walked to the pharmacy section.. We walked in and his phone started ringing, he looked at the screen and sighed..he slid his credit card in my hand and moved closer to me.. for a moment I thought he was gonna kiss me.. "22341, that's the password..get whatever you want, don't worry about the price" he said and moved back "Meet me outside when you're done.. I need to take this" he said raising his phone "Okay" I said, he squeezed my hand and sluggishly walked out I turned and walked towards the attendant.. "Good morning ma'am"she greeted "How may I help you?" She asked "Morning.. uhm can you give me..." .......................... I walked out holding a white bag with all the drugs in it.. I looked around and saw Harry walking towards me with his hands tucked in his pockets. "Hey.. are you done?" He asked "Yeah" I said "Who are those for anyway?" He asked taking my free hand in his "Uhm.. Nicky" I replied "Oh.. okay, uhm.. I've been wondering.." he said "How long has he been using that chair?" He asked "Almost a year now.. but, don't worry.. he's gonna be fine soon, can we leave now?" I asked trying to end the conversation.. if Harry finds out I was the one behind Nicky's accident, he'd hate me for life, and I honestly don't want that.. ".. okay, but don't hesitate to tell me if you need anything, okay?" He said staring at me "Okay.." I said "Promise?" He asked I sighed and nodded "I promise" I said "To what?" He asked.. "I promise to tell you if I need anything" I said and he smiled sweetly "Good girl" he said, I smiled and rolled my eyes.. "Can we go now?" I asked "Nop" he popped "Why?" I asked "Lets check out their designer clothes.." he said pulling me towards the clothes section "Uh huh.. no way, lets go"I said "It's just for few minutes, I promise" he said as I pulled him with no effort "No way!" I said "Please baby.. just 15 minutes" he said placing his hands together I stopped walking and stared quietly at him.. "Uhh! Just fifteen minutes and we are out" I said "Yeah yeah, I understand.. come on let's go" he said holding my hands.. ............ Harry's pov ? We walked into one of the sections and I asked Hannah to look around.. of course she'd refused, but I won anyway... After taking her bag and the drugs, I pushed her into the lines and sat on a chair, getting busy with my phone.. "Hey cutie" I looked up to see a lady smiling at me.. her short body hugging gown which exposed most of her cleavages and over done make up, said just one thing.. Slut. "Hi" I said and continued with my phone "Do you need company pumpkin?" She asked "No thanks.. I'm here with my girlfriend " I said simply "Well, I bet your girlfriend wouldn't mind us having a little chat.. right?" she asked with a flirty smile "Harry.. check these out" Hannah said walking towards us "Thats my baby.. as you can see she's got everything I want, you're not my type.." I whispered "You better run before she gets here" I added with a smile.. She looked at me and scoffed, then angrily walked out.. "Hey.. who was that? And why was she looking so angry?" Hannah asked as she walked closer to me "No one important" I said, she shrugged and smiled excitedly "Check these out.. aren't they beautiful?" She asked pushing the clothes on my lap I picked the first one and examined it.. I was actually more interested in the price tags, I dropped the first, then the next, and the next.. next.. Gosh! There's absolutely no way, I'm letting her wear these things.. my woman deserves the best, Even if we haven't started dating yet.. "So what do you think?" She asked. "No, no, no..gosh they are too cheap, I can't let you wear things like this, you Know what, go back and change everything" I said pushing the clothes in her hands "Huh? But .." she trailed off "Infact.. come with me, I'll pick them myself" I said ignoring her To be continued
27 Jul 2020 | 04:00
I'm glad ur Dad accepted Hannah. I do hope Nina won't cause havoc o
28 Jul 2020 | 10:20
28 Jul 2020 | 18:58
pls kept it moving ooo
28 Jul 2020 | 19:00
hmmmm make i jam a lady like harry biko
30 Jul 2020 | 10:38
nice one keep it up
30 Jul 2020 | 19:07
No update again? What's happening?
12 Sep 2020 | 01:58
@igwe let continue this story pls
15 Oct 2020 | 23:43
26 Feb 2022 | 20:38
i nearly died of lughter!
26 Feb 2022 | 20:51
Dont rush thingZ.!
27 Feb 2022 | 04:34
There you go again Hannah...!
27 Feb 2022 | 21:47


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