Crime & Adventure by Maziomenuko

Crime & Adventure by Maziomenuko

By Cool in 28 Jan 2015 | 17:59
Cool Val

Cool Val

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A short Adventure
Mazi Omenuko
[email protected]
28 Jan 2015 | 17:59
Episode 1 I walked into the inner chambers of the ATM hall to make a withdrawal; low and behold, an ATM card was in the mouth of the machine. Was that the mouth? I guess not! The mouth should be where it vomits the cash. So I can call it the eye, or ear....or....okk, not that! you know what I mean shaa...a card was in the card-entrance of the machine. The machine was blinking and sounding a light warning note, like a notification for the card waiting for collection. It wasn't hard to decode what had happened. The last person to use the machine must have collected his cash and zoomed off without collecting his card. I looked left and right, the other two machines were occupied. No one seem to notice what was going on. There was no queue, the fourth machine opposite mine was still empty. I pushed the card back in slightly. For the next 9 seconds or so, my mind was wondering what will be next. The machine welcomed me...or welcomed the owner of the card with name displayed on the screen; prompting me for a password. Passwords! I calmly punched in the numbers... 1:2:3:4 and pressed enter key. Wrong Password! Well, what was I thinking! Which dunce in this information age will use such a weak password. Would have been surprised if it worked. "Do you need more time for your transaction?" The ATM machine was prompting me to proceed or get-the-fvck out of its presence. I pressed the no button and it ejected the card. The other two guys making withdrawal from the other machines left. The hall was empty, just me and 4 ATM machines. I decided to get adventurous. I looked at the ATM card in my hand. The name of the owner was written fully. I brought out my phone and searched facebook for the name. 2min later, I got the owners full profile and date of birth. This was gonna be fun! Born in 2nd february, 1979, there were only 2 possible password combinations and after that, no more! 2:2:7:9 1:9:7:9 For some unknown reason, I tried the second one worked! I was staring at the control panel of the account...Balance, Withdrawal, Inquiry, Transfer, Statement.... I heard the footstep behind me and my heart nearly jumped out of my mouth. I turned around just in time to see a man walk into the hall. He looked at me with a cold eyes, like he was about to jump at me. I felt a hard notch down my throat, like a fist trying to suffocate me. The man was approaching me calmly like he knew I had no place to run to; like a cat backed on the walls! I prayed the earth would open and swallow me! I was almost having a heart-attack; or a stroke whichever one kills faster. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. I swallowed hard and felt my throat ache like I hard burning coal in my throat. Then, all of a sudden, the man walked past me to the nearby ATM machine. He stared at me one last time like he knew I wasn't all right; then he faced his machine and started his transaction. "Do you need more time for your transaction?" The ATM was asking me once more. Then I got confused! What was I doing? Adventure at first, but now this was crime! Pure crime! There should be a boundary between adventures and crime: I think I just overstepped the boundary. I wondered what would have happened if that man was the original owner of the card?! Well, the name on the card and the facebook profile was that of a lady. Could still have been the owner! A lady will raise hell if she happened on someone trying to rob her. A guy might be understanding but a lady will sure raise hell. "Please take your card"! The machine was tired of my bullshit. It vomited the card and continued its light warning note for me to collect the card. I contemplated on leaving the card there: just the way it was when I met it. On a second thought, another person may stumble on it and wreck more havoc. I decided to hand it over to the bank security still on duty. One last thought occurred to me as I was walking towards the security post: I checked the owner's facebook profile again and her number was there. Well, if I was going to be a good samaritan, I better get some acknowledgment and a vote of thanks. I dialed the number and she picked on the second ring. 'Hello?' It was a rich voice with no accent. 'Hello...' I replied and informed her she had forgotten her card in the ATM machine at the bank premises. 'Really?' She asked nonchalantly. 'Yes ma' I replied. There was silence on the other line... 'Hello?' I wanted to make sure she heard me alright. 'Yes, I'm still here.' She said. She informed me she was on a car to an urgent function and can't turn around immediately. 'I will call you later in the evening for it.' She concluded. I walked back to the atm machine. I still needed to make some withdrawals. I inserted my card and completed my transaction. Then, out of inquisitiveness, I decided to check her account balance. It wasn't like she will be notified that someone checked her account balance: it was only during withdrawals that such notification is sent. I inserted the card, punched the numbers, selected balance inquiry and then... I needed to get closer to the machine to get a clearer picture: it was 8 digits in the savings account, another 8 digits in the current account. Cool, solid cash in millions! So many thoughts rushed through my mind. I had to remind myself the difference between crime and adventure and to stay on the other side of the line. Moreover, I had made the call with my phone line. "Do you need more time for your transaction?" Damn this ATM machine! I was sure it had some evil spirits inside it. Who knows if it actually caused that innocent woman to forget her card. 'Please take your card' 'Fool...' I cursed it before walking out of the bank.
28 Jan 2015 | 18:00
Episode 2 I spent the better part of the day contemplating on the choice I just made. My carnal mind was at war with my moral mind. I love adventures, but not so keen on crime. I have a natural phobia for crime; especially when it involves robbing innocent people. But millions of naira? What more could be adventurous? It was a long boring day. I had traveled down to Ph enroute home to attend a wedding and spend some time with my friends at the city. My friend was still at work: his holiday was just the 25th and 26th. I was lucky with 2 weeks break from work. Ph hasn't been all that fun since I arrived. I was already running short of cash from endless hanging out due to boredom. I could really make do with some money but I wasn't going to steal some. Since I got nothing much to do, I decided to probe more into the lady who owned the card. With such millions lodged into an account, she must be wealthy. I did a little background check and it was obvious she was active in the social media. Her facebook wall was updated regularly with recent events. I browsed her profile fully: she was the ceo of a beauty spa at Abuja: she lives in Abuja and had two salons at different areas in the town. I kept searching: from her recent updates, she was in ph for an event: a wedding ceremony. She was a mother of two; no info about her marriage history or her husband. Just some random pix of she and different men. She had two facebook pages, all devoted to beauty tips; make-ups, wears, trending fashion tips, pictures of she and a lot of celebrities, mostly from the movie industry. She also had some others I suspect to be politicians. She had pix of her trips out of the country: there was Dubai, London, Paris, Doha, South Africa and the Seychelles. Then there was a third facebook page which was for a closed user-group. Didn't know what the content were as I couldn't access it. I kept searching: She was on Instagram so I took the liberty of digging further. Her walls were filled with nice pix of her and her daughters. She had pix with celebrities. It was obvious she was the fun-loving type, rich and gorgeous. When I was bored of checking up on her, I decided to head to my friend's place. He wasn't back from work yet so I watched some movies with the laptop. By 6pm, she hadn't called yet. When it got to 7pm and I didn't get a call, I decided to give her a call. When she picked, it was obvious she was at a noisy place. "Who am I speaking with?" She inquired as she picked the call. "The guy with your atm card." I said confidently believing I would pique her interest. "Oh, you again!" She proclaimed like I was bordering her life. I swallowed hard and allowed her to continue. "I'm in a function and I can't speak right now, I will inform you of what to do." She said categorically and cut the call. I stared blankly at my phone for some minutes and could hardly make out sense in the situation. Just then, my friend returned from work and I told him all that happened. As usual, he didn't have any useful advise to give. "Just do what you feel is right." He answered casually. What I felt was right? Should have flung the damn card away! Some minutes later, a text message entered my phone: 'Drop the card with the receptionist at Hotel Presidential, tell them its for the occupant of Rm 19D.' How convenient! I thought to myself. Now I'm a courier guy delivering lost cards. What else won't I do for her! Maybe I should just flush the card down the toilet! "Did I tell you I had her password?" I asked my friend who was busy playing Winning Eleven with the laptop. "What do you want to do? Steal from a poor woman?" He asked. "She's not poor, she's rich and there were millions in her account!" I said to him. "Do what you want to do!" He said again. I thought about it again. It was more annoying than I anticipated. There was little more that I could do at the moment. There was no way I would be going to the Presidential Hotel to deliver an Atm card in absentia like I was a delivery boy. "Can you imagine these guys mandated that I come to work on the 26th?" My friend asked, looking up to me. Typical of him, he doesn't have any useful advise to give when you inform him of something but expects you to listen to his whining about work. "I can't wait to leave this company!" He lamented again. That has been his watchword since he got this job. He's been with the same company for over 3 years now, whining about how he hates his job but makes little or no effort to leave them. "Do what you want to do!" I replied him. "Fool!" He lamented and I smiled. The only time we have a meaningful conversation is when we talk about girls. Nothing takes his mind away from playing games in the laptop except the talk of girls and when you give him a listening ear to his whining about job: that and when he was very hungry. I picked my phone and replied the message. "Call me when you're ready to get your card." To be continued
28 Jan 2015 | 18:03
next plz.,
29 Jan 2015 | 05:54
C carelessness. Na woa for some pple.
29 Jan 2015 | 09:27
29 Jan 2015 | 11:08
What happen nxt
29 Jan 2015 | 15:13
Continue nah
29 Jan 2015 | 15:38
Am following. Next pls.....,
1 Feb 2015 | 09:31
Tenniebenson is waiting.....
1 Feb 2015 | 09:36
Episode 3 At noon the next day, she called my line. "You can meet me at Genesis Restaurant in the next 20mins." She said. "I can't be at Genesis in 20mins!" I almost shouted on the phone. Who the fvck did she think she was speaking with? A bank security man? "How long will you take to get here?" She asked. I wanted to tell her she should come get her card, wanted to take charge and stress her a bit but somehow, her profile was starting to intimidate me. "I don't know, but I will try and see if I will get there within the hour." I said and she hung up. Her bluntness was annoying! It will be pretty nice to see her face and tell her how rude she's been to the one person who found and tried contacting her for her lost card. As usual, there was no light in the house, the laptop battery was drained and I had nothing doing in this boring town. So I dressed up and headed to Genesis, one of the exotic restaurants in the town. Inside the car, I was wondering what the conversation with her would be like. She might actually change and be appreciative for once when she sees me. I was wrong. As I entered the restaurant, I dialed her number to inform her I had reached. She told me she had to run-off to see a friend and will be back to the restaurant in no time. I was so angry at myself. I asked why she didn't inform me on time only to realize she had long cut the call. Well, I'm in it already, I can as well see it through. I thought to myself. The attendants at the restaurant approached me to take an order and I informed them I was waiting for a guest. I sat at a corner watching the tv show: keeping up with the kardeshians. It suited the moment as I tried to keep up with this annoying lady who had turned me into a delivery boy. Minutes turned to long frustrating hours before she finally showed. It was easy to recognize her from the pix I saw earlier. She was indeed gorgeous: richly dressed with expensive jewelry adorning her back neck and wrists. She had opulence written all over her. I watched her dial my number and I waved from the corner with my phone. She moved to my direction and sat opposite me. I couldn't help but notice her sweet fragrance covered the entire room. She had a tiny gold nose-ring tucked in her nose. All of a sudden, I forgot all the rage that had been boiling inside me all through the day. "Hello, sorry for keeping you waiting." She announced as she sat with a smile on her face. She introduced herself and I did too. "Why didn't you drop the card like I requested?" She queried. "Because I'm not an errand boy." I answered. She smiled, waved at the receptionist who came towards us. "What difference did it make bringing it to the hotel and bringing it here?" She asked. I told her it felt better handing it over to her. "Why? Isn't it the same thing?" She pressed further. "Its not. Now I get to see your face and you'll get to thank me in person for my good deed." I answered. "I could have done that over the phone, I had your number." She insisted. I then had to tell her it seemed rude and unappreciated asking me to drop it off. "Do you know that if the wrong hands had picked it up, you would have been robbed?" I asked, hoping my question will make her see reason. "The person will need a password." She insisted, trying to play smart. At that moment, the receptionist came forward. She asked what I would take and I informed her. She placed an order and the receptionist left. "So you see, its not a big deal since the person will need a password." She said. I thought for a while. She was trying to make my heroic quest look so common; like I didn't have a choice. She was even smiling at her own wise sense. I had to spoil the fun for her. "1-9-7-9" I said. Her eyes lite in unbelief. She stared at me for some seconds. "That's smart, how did you know that?" She asked. Now I was the one having the last laugh. "Let's just say I have my ways." I said, smiling at her. The look on her face gave me the satisfaction I needed. The receptionist brought the drinks and set them on the desk before us and left. She took a deep breathe and exhaled. "All I'm saying is that someone with half the wits I have could empty your account." "How much do you think you could have withdrawn from the account?" She asked. "Per day!" She reminded me before I could alter a word. I thought about it for a while. She was right. The daily withdrawal limit was somewhere within 120k. It was obvious she wanted to proof her point by making my sincerity look common. I decided to indulge her. "120k" I answered. She couldn't help but laugh out loud. It was obvious she was enjoying the challenge. "After one day's withdrawal, I will receive alerts on my phone. Just a phone call and my account officer will deactivate the card." She said with pride. "120k will still be a big deal." I said, trying to get a soft landing. "I had taken 80k that day. So you'll be left with 40k only until I deactivate the card. What will 40k do for you?" She asked. I looked silly and it gave her the satisfaction she had always wanted. "Well, a simple thank you would still be okk." I eventually gave up. The look on her face was that of satisfaction. I wished I could smack the smile off her face. I brought out the card and handed it to her. "Thank you." She finally said. "How did you know my password?" She asked again. "Well, it isn't rocket science; people chose passwords they can easily remember. Its always the easy 1-2-3-4 or the birth year. Mine was a combination of my birthdate and year." I informed her. "How did you know my birth year?" She asked again. I felt uneasy discussing how I had ransacked her facebook page for the details. It would be hard to prove I didn't have any intention of robbing her after spending quality time digging up stuff about her. "Like I said, I did some digging." I told her. She looked impressed. "You googled my name?" She asked. "Something like that." It was obvious she was beginning to understand how I got her details. She shook her head lightly like she disapproved. "You are smart, and I like smart people." She said. "What do you do?" She asked. I told her a little about myself; enough not to bore her. She seemed interested in all I had to stay. "What else did you find out about me when you googled?" She asked. It could have been a trick question so I thought carefully before answering. I told her about her beauty salons at Abuja, her children and her trips. She didn't look surprised. She smiled at the end of it all. "Where did you stay for your trip at the United Arab Emirates?" I asked trying to make the conversation more lively. "Rotana hotel." She answered. "Spent 3 weeks there." She continued. "Where and where did you visit?" I asked again. "Everywhere." She answered. "Saw the Burj Arab?" I asked again and her face lite up once more. "Yes! Have you been to the Emirate before?" She asked. "Yea, took some vacation early this year." "Where did you stay?" She asked. "Ajman." "That dry boring place?" She exclaimed. She was not wrong; Ajman was one of the least lively places at the UAE. Aside the beach, nothing peculiar about it. Dubai, Sharjah and Abu Dhabi had lots of fun places. "Why did you chose Ajman of all places?" She asked. "Accommodation was cheaper there. Moreover, it was just 15dirham from Ajman to Dubai, so I didn't miss a thing." I replied. We spent the next 30mins discussing about the Emirate: all the attracting tourist centres. She had visited all the places I had been to and many more. "Which of the places you visited enticed you most?" She asked. "Dubai Mall." I answered. It was the best I had seen. One can easily spend the entire day at the mall without getting bored. "Then the Burj Arab." I added. The Burj Arab hotel was exquisite. Built in the middle of the water, I was awed at its architecture. She told me of her exquisite stay at the Emirate. I could relate with all she had to say. UAE was a fine place no doubt; a place to enjoy most when you had the cash the spend. Unfortunately, I didn't have much when I went there so I practically avoided the big places. Had to settle for clubs and cheap shopping centres like the Gift shop. When she was done, I told her of my adventure with a native girl. It was all I had to say after listening to long tales of her shopping experience. "You fvcked a native?" She asked in excitement. "You would have lost your dckk in the process!" She exclaimed. "I love adventures." I told her with a smile. "That's a crime! Not an adventure!" She was almost screaming and we both laughed. She was right, Emirati natives were adored at the UAE. You hardly see them; the guys much more their ladies. Anyone I tell the tale of my adventure with Aisha finds it hard to believe. I find it hard to believe myself. It was the most risky adventure I had taken in all my life. It left a bitter-sweet taste in my mouth and each time I think of her, I always yearn to return to the Emirate. "So you love adventure?" She asked. "Yes, life will be boring without them." I answered, staring her in the eyes. "I love adventures too, and I like people who are adventurous too." She announced. The receptionists brought the bill and she prompted to pay with the POS machine. The receptionist brought the machine and she brought another atm card for the payment. "How many more cards do you have?" I teased her after she had made the payment. "Just the two." She answered with a smile on her face. "It would have been better you had just one." I said. She asked why and I told her it would be better since she was always careless with cards. "I run three big shops in Abuja. I have strings of businesses and contacts all over the country. No one can take my dime!" She said categorically. " I almost took your 40k". I reminded her. "That's all you could have taken. It will take a dozen of your kind to take anything more from me." She boasted. I smiled at her. She was so sure of herself. What a proud arse! "I have four more days to spend in this city before I return to Abj; and I want to spend them with you." She said categorically. "Why will I spend four days with you" I asked. "You will have the fun of your life and will forget all your past adventures." She replied with a smile. I nodded my head with a smile. She smiled back at me, staring at me like she was seizing me up. While her mind was roaming in the adventure she was going to have in the next four days, I was calculating how much I was going to make from her proud arse in four days time. Game on! To be continued
1 Feb 2015 | 11:44
Dis is a dangerous adventure.
1 Feb 2015 | 13:04
Oya na....
1 Feb 2015 | 17:37
Episode 4 My first night with the lady was fun. While she set her heart at adventure, I had set my heart at both adventure and crime! She had dared me that a dozen of my kind couldn't outsmart her and I was determined to prove her wrong. When we left the Genesis, she gave me her room number once more and asked me to come-by later in the evening. I headed to my friend's place. He was playing his game when I entered. I freshened up, spent some time resting before deciding to head to the Presidential. On arrival at the Presidential hotel, we stayed at the reception hall where we drank and flirted. She was full of fun and life! She consumed exotic spirits like a fish in water while I was cautious of the level of alcohol I imbibe: didn't want some veins down there being dilated and I end up having a terrible outing when show time begins. "You don't drink much?" She asked when she noticed I was still struggling with my drink. "I do." I answered. "Are you tensed?" She started probing. "I'm cool. Tell me about your work." I had to change the topic. She spent the next few minutes telling me about her beauty spa and how she runs them effectively. It was obvious she enjoys what she does and that she was good at it. She told me how her company handles costumes for artists, celebrities and movie industries. "You should come to Abuja one of these days." She concluded. "Well, not all of us are lucky to have jobs that give us the time for socializing." I answered and she smiled. I felt like asking her about her family but decided against it. No need to get personal and for all I care, I may not be seeing her again after our short romp. This is all adventure, and maybe, just maybe, if I played my cards well, may end up with something extra. "I didn't know you would come." She confessed. "Why?" "Just my instincts. Most of the men I hang out with are always interested in either money, or connection. None of the two seemed to interest you." She informed me. She was right. I had contemplated not honoring the invitation except for my love for adventures. "I love adventures." I reminded her. "And crime?" She asked sarcastically and laughed at her own joke. "Well, a dozen of my kind can't rob you." I reminded her of her comment. "Yes of course." She affirmed. "I'm happy you came, now let's go have some adventures." She said as she stood and we headed to her room. The room was exotic, the best I have been to. The drapes were awesome, the bed was magnificent; the interior decoration was superb. They didn't call it Presidential Hotel for nothing: it was worth the hype and name. She reached for the fridge and brought out more drinks and poured for herself. Moments later, she was deeply engrossed with her phone. I was sure she would be updating her profiles in the social media. When I was done showering, she was still on her phone. I eased into the bed and waited. I must have slept off a bit as when I opened my eyes, she was in her night robes, standing over the mirror on the dressing desk. The light-blue robe did little to cover any of her rich laps, nor huge bosom. I could make out all her curves as she sat facing the mirror. "You don't need any make-up for the night." I teased and she smiled. "You're awake!" She said in an almost inaudible voice. Moments later, she joined me on the bed. I didn't need any invitation before I moved close to her and covered her lips in mine. The popular saying that first impression mattered was the incentive I needed to be on my 'A' game; else I may just be cutting shut my four days adventure. I fondled her bosom lightly as we kissed. I had this gut feeling she wasn't a 'kissy' kind of lady so I let loose the lips and tongue and headed to the Tips. They were strong already and almost as huge as my thumb. Sucking on them gave me the reaction I was expecting from her. I could feel her breathing change slowly. I reached for her laps and caressed them slowly as I teased her niplles. She moved her hands into my briefs and started handling my dckk. I let her play with it as I caressed her laps, extending to her rich and hairy vegee lips which was already wet. I located the clit amidst the thick hairs, placed my thumb on it and robbed it gently, pressing it against the rich flesh beside it. My hands were almost soaked with her wetness and I knew it was time to give her the fvck she had been dreaming of. I asked if she had condoms and she pointed at one of the enclosures in the bed stand. I wore one. I patted her legs, moved the robe up to her belly and gently slid into her. She was whimpering in my arms. She was no longer that 'thick' lady that carried herself with charisma and full of her wits and cash: she was the teenager overcome with passion and begging me to fvck her hard; which I did. I ensured that each thrust cruises the walls of her veegee with maximum friction. I ensured that the velocity ratio of the trust is greater than the force ratio so as to have a positive and useful efficiency. I felt the walls of her veegee cramp on my dckk as she sunk her nails in my skin. Knowing she was about to come, I adjusted my hips to an angle and got the hit on the center of gravity. I maintained my steady thrust on it until she let out a loud screen as she held me deep inside her with her hands. I couldn't move my hips again as it was in a lockdown right inside her spread legs. She moved her a'rse in different directions within the next 10seconds, whining and grinding me in the process. When she was done, she let me go and I pulled out of her, watching her breathe like she just completed a marathon. Minutes later, she reached for my arms and pulled it over her shoulders, gesturing me to hold her while she sleeps. I obliged and cuddled her as she shut her eyes. I wasn't done yet, my hard dckk was still resting on her buttocks. I moved my hands slowly across her shoulders, tickled her Tip and caressed her buttocks. I reached for the second condom and wore it. I moved her leg apart as she lay on her belly, slowly inserted my dckk once more into her. The big flesh of the buttocks was big enough to threaten a perfect thrust, but I found ways to navigate my way deep into her. She moved her hands a bit, rested her elbows on the bed as she moved her heads slightly upwards. I held her raised shoulders like a horse-rider and rode deep into her. With each thrust comes a loud moan as she twist her hips side to side. The sounds of 'yes-yes-yes' mixed with the pounding of Unclad flesh filled the room as I increased the velocity of thrust, thereby increasing the impact force and subsequently the oscillation of her clit. She crawled forward like she was trying to escape from me but I adjusted my reach and continued the fvck relentlessly. When I finally came, I was exhausted and she was whimpering all over the bed. As I pulled out of her, she relaxed her elbow on the bed and slept off. After the sex, she slept off exhausted. I was exhausted too but I needed some drinks before I can sleep. Now I can indulge and imbibe as much alcohol as I want to; the veins down there can dilate as much as they want. I helped myself with one of her exotic drinks. Sat on the bed and watched her sleep like a baby. Her phone was buzzing intermittently. It didn't border me one bit as I gulped my drink. When I lay beside her to sleep, the buzz started again. I shut my eyes and hoped sleep will come. Another buzz. Then again...then I reached for the phone and pressed a button and all the lights came on. The keypad wasn't locked; there were notifications of bbm, whatsapp, facebook mobile, instagram, twitter and others I didn't have an idea of. My original intention was to put the phone in silent or airplane mode....then an idea struck me. I thought about it for a few seconds: I contemplated on the idea for some time and realized that the probability of success was greater than the probability of failure. I wore my cloth, reached for her handbag and took her 2 atm cards together with the phone and went to the atm corner inside the hotel. 1-9-7-9 worked for the two cards. I withdrew 60k from each account. The alerts came in as soon as each withdrawal was approved. I deleted the text messages and headed back to the hotel room. To be continued
2 Feb 2015 | 05:40
u have commited a crime
2 Feb 2015 | 06:11
Never under rate any man cos they can do n undo. Ride on.
2 Feb 2015 | 06:25
U dnt kw maybe she just pretend 2 slp
2 Feb 2015 | 06:45
Lol... I'm loving dis story...
2 Feb 2015 | 19:33
Episode 5 We spent the next day indoors, eating, drinking and fvcking; the only interruptions were from the cleaners and room service. By night, while she slept, I crept out as usual with all the tools and gadgets needed. I made the full daily maximum withdrawals on both cards, cleared my tracks and returned to the room. She was still sound asleep so I crept into the bed. It was obvious that handling the money was going to be a big challenge. With over 350k in 500 naira notes, the volume of cash will easily be noticed. I couldn't find a convenient place to hide them inside the hotel room. I managed to stuff them inside one of the empty cabinets in the bathroom. I knew I had to move them quickly before she finds them, the more it stayed there, the bigger the odds of discovery. The best way was to stuff them in my pocket, inform her I needed to change clothes and head home. My plans failed outrightly! When I announced to her I'll be heading home to change clothes, she said it was ridiculous since there was a boutique right inside the hotel. She didn't see any sense in moving about just to get wears. "Moreover, I need you to come with me as I hang out with my friends today. We will spend tomorrow indoors like yesterday and after that, I'll catch my morning flight back to Abuja." She announced to me. It was obvious there was no way out of it: she had everything worked out already. "Or you can come with my to Abuja." She said smiling. "No, thanks." I said calmly. "Why? What are you doing in Ph anyway!" Funny question! I should hop into a plane and join you to Abuja! My taste for adventure never reach like that abeg! I thought to myself. I still needed to get home, spend some of break there and head back to Lagos to prepare for work. "Work!" I answered her. "But you don't work in Ph." She insisted. "I still need to get back to work after few days around." I answered, hoping she will drop it but the look in her face suggested she was going to press on. Her kind doesn't take no for an answer; they always believe money solves all problems and since they have it, all their quest must be met. "I will come to Abuja but not now." I added. I guess my reply worked as she relaxed. I still had to worry about how to move the wards of cash loaded in the cabinet inside the bathroom. Just like she read my thoughts, she moved into the bathroom at that moment. I sat at the edge of the bed, hoping for the worst. Will she find the cash? My heart kept beating fast! That was the thrilling thing about adventures; never a dull moment. I heard the knock on the hotel door. I didn't respond at first. I imagined some hotel security will be at the door waiting to pounce on me. The second knock made me to peep through the lens on the door. It was the room cleaner. I opened the door with a relief smile on my face. She looked with a confused stare, maybe she felt I was smiling at her. She happened to be the same girl that cleaned the room yesterday. I stepped aside for her as she moved her trolley inside the room. She turned and glanced at me again. She was elegant, neatly dressed in black and white robes, a crossbelt, white stockings and black shoes. I didn't know why I took interest in the girl but she noticed I was staring at her. She had a name tag on her, 'Eve'. She moved her trolley towards the bathroom but stopped midway as she noticed someone was inside. She decided to do the room first while she waits for the bathroom to be free. I was still expecting a shocker from the bathroom. Eve drew the drapes and the room light up. "Excuse me, I need to change the bedsheets." She said to me with much professional courtesy. She had a sexy- husky voice that was unique. I'm sure they had high standard staff- training process implemented at the Hotel. She avoided any direct stares and went about doing her job like she was the only person in the room. I moved and she removed the sheets, replacing it with the one on the trolley. I noticed the black carton on her trolley. It was not more than 50cm lenght and breath; just the size of a medium kerosene stove carton. "What's your name?" I asked her. She stood upright, hands akimbo and mumbled 'Eve'. I couldn't help but notice she was pretty. Inside those school- uniform-like cloth was a dark full- breasted girl with straight legs supporting one of the finest hips I had seen lately. She returned to doing the bed after her reply. "What's inside the black box?" I asked. "Toiletries." She answered. I was still staring at the box so she reached for it and opened it for me, like she wanted to satisfy my curiosity. It contained two small-sized tissue papers, a medium sized towel, a face-wipe, soaps, creams, shower cap, tooth-paste brush and others. She still held them until I nodded my head and she closed it and went back to her duty. Just then, the lady screamed for me from the bathroom. This was it! The moment I prayed never happened. I can still make it out of the hotel on time. I imagined her storming out of the bathroom, half Unclad with soap foams all over her and I hand full of 500naira notes demanding for explanation. Was I going to pull a 'Shaggy' on her and say 'it wasn't me?' She called again and all my confused self could do was stare at the bathroom door. Eve stood, staring at me, maybe wondering why I wasn't answering. "Yea!" I finally answered. "Help me call the restaurant and ask them to bring their menu, I'm starving." She voiced from the bathroom. I was relieved at that. Hasn't happened doesn't still mean it wouldn't happen. I picked the intercom and paused, I didn't know the code for the restaurant. "What's the code for your restaurant?" I asked Eve. Once again, she stood upright, hands akimbo and answered. "1-1-3" I dialed and asked for the menu to be forwarded to the room. Looking at the black carton again, I realized I could use it to stash the cash. "Don't dispose the carton when you're done." I told her. She looked at me confused. I knew she wanted to question what I needed it for but I was sure her job training wouldn't allow her to. She has been programmed to behave, talk and act a certain way with customers. "Yes sir." She answered. Just then, the lady came out of the bathroom. She was done bathing. Eve moved into the bathroom. I didn't care much if she was or was not going to see the cash. She wouldn't say a word if she happens on it. She left some minutes later and I went into the bathroom. The cash was still intact. I moved them into the carton Eve left for me on top of the cabinet. Moved the carton inside the cabinet. The cash wasn't entirely hidden and safe there but seeing a carton of toiletries inside a bathroom cabinet wouldn't raise much suspicion. Now I could afford to relax a bit. To be continued
3 Feb 2015 | 11:34
...well i want dat woman 2 knw she isnt an extra ordinary being dat cnt be defrauded... But wait o... If she wantz 2 make her own withdrawal...she will receive alert nd she will see her balance...she might make enquires..nd atm do take pictures o
3 Feb 2015 | 14:16
Dis ur adventure is dangerous.
3 Feb 2015 | 14:43
Wichever way we look @ it, stealing na stealing, jst be careful and play ur game wisely sha.
3 Feb 2015 | 17:31
She would later find out
3 Feb 2015 | 18:02
Episode 6 The social gathering we went to was so boring I twice caught myself sleeping. An event organized by some 'entertainer' and his team of 'talented' comedians; the Ph invasion. What an invasion indeed! The only thing they invaded was the pockets of the many that bought a ticket to the show. It was as if the comedians were competing for who would give the driest joke of the century and they were good, very good at the dry jokes. It was more distasteful watching them laugh at their own jokes; like we payed money to watch people crack themselves up and laugh hysterically. In a roundtable of friends of the lady, I looked a bit odd. Seemed I was under- dressed for the occasion; and for good reason, it was a comedy show. The guys and ladies in my table were so gorgeously dressed and annoyingly laughed at the dry jokes. The lady 'cougars' on the table must have taken the show for a competition of wealth as shown by their expensive wears and gadgets in display, coupled with the exotic drinks they were ordering. I was a bit uneasy but managed to keep my eyes open. Earlier before the show started, the lady had introduced me to one of her friends at whose request she had come to ph. Seems she was the one inviting her to all the party and hosting her at ph city. The Ph-city lady was seated close to me at the round-table, with 'her man' at her left. I couldn't help but notice she was checking me out. When I fell asleep the second time, she was the one that nudged my palms and got me awake once more. I excused myself and headed to the rest room to ease myself and splash some water on my face. The stench that hit my nose upon opening the restroom was terrible. I had to close the damn place and head outside the venue to walk around a bit. "Hey, you!" I heard behind me and turned around to meet the ph-city lady smiling at me. "Seems you don't like this event." She asked as she approached me. My initial thought was to pretend everything was okk and I was just taking a walk but she had caught me sleeping once. "That program is boring!" I had to cave. She laughed at that. I wonder what was making her laugh, even at the dry jokes they were throwing there about fat ladies. "My bad, I invited her to this place. There was no where else to go and I promised her I would make her stay in Ph fun." She said and I presumed by her, she meant the lady I came with. "Are you guys childhood friends or what?" I asked. "University roommates." She answered. "Been friends right from then." Well, a fruit doesn't fall afar-off from its tree and since birds of the same feather flock together, I can as well summarize that she was into the same kind of things her 'roomy' was. But her own case was a bit weird as I noticed her wedding ring intact in her fingers. "She told me you don't stay in ph." She said, staring at my eyes, maybe seeking clarification. "No, I don't." I answered. "Well, if you're staying longer than she, you can call on me and I take you around the city." She said as she gave me her business card. I didn't border reading it, just slid the thing into my pocket. If her idea of showing people around the city was to bring them to a boring comedian show, then she needs to have a rethink. Together, we headed back to our table. She stopped by to greet some friends and I joined up with the others at the table. After few more hours of dry jokes and poor rendition of songs, we were finally freed from the most boring show I'd ever witnessed. The ph-city lady drove us with her pajero jeep. We got to the Presidential and the lady handed the keys to the room to me, informing me she will join me in a minute. I guess she had some stuffs to discuss with her friend so I left them and walked towards the receptionist. Enroute the receptionist, I saw Eve walking away from the hotel. She was not dressed in the usual hotel robes. She wore a light blue jean with a red top, a face and seem to be heading home, away from the hotel. "Hey, you!" I called on her. She stopped and waited as I approached her. "Eve?" I called. "Goodevening sir!" She greeted with the same sexy-husky voice. "No need for the sir." I said and introduced myself. She looked more beautiful in her casual wear. I wouldn't have recognized her but for her dark face and lovely features. "Seems you're headed home." I asked. "Yes, I'm done for the day." She answered with a smile, like she was relieved to be off duty. "Seems you're happy going home." I wanted to start up a conversation. "Yes of course." She said with same smile. I asked when she will be back for duty but she informed me she is not permitted to discuss her work schedule with customers at the hotel. "Why do you ask?" "Just hoped I will see you again. You can give me your number." I requested. "Its not allowed also." She said. "I can give you mine." "Not allowed too." She replied and I smiled. "I need to go now." She announced, told me goodevening once more and headed out towards the hotel gate. I thought about following her outside, maybe she will grant me audience if we spoke outside her work environment but the lady was walking towards me from the other end so I abandoned the quest. On arrival into the hotel room, the lady as usual went to freshen up. When she was done, I went into the bathroom and reached for the cabinet. I checked the box inside the cabinet and it was still there. I stayed inside the bathroom and contemplated on how best tom move the money without being noticed. There was no way I was going to move it out without being noticed. I thought about moving it at night when the lady was asleep but that would be a very risky move. The securities scan every incoming and outgoing car, and trying to walk out of the hotel gate with a carton known to contain hotel toiletries may raise some eyebrows. They may think I was stealing hotel toiletries and stop me for a search. I may not even make it to the gate as their were security guards posted at different intervals. Then a thought came to my mind; Eve. She can help me move it! Its a long shot but one that is worth giving a trial. But how I was going to achieve this was what I didn't know. What is adventure without risk? To be continued
4 Feb 2015 | 11:48
Risky indeed. Lemme c hw u will come out unscathed.
4 Feb 2015 | 12:36
An interestin' story!
4 Feb 2015 | 13:46
Be careful.
4 Feb 2015 | 14:34
Episode 7 To have the perfect sex, you will need a relaxed mind. That is why is seems like rich and comfortable people have the best sex their body can take. Having seem to find a solution on moving the cash, I had a more relaxed mind for the night's romp; and boy! It was hot! From the moment the lady and I were both Unclad in the bath-tub inside the bathroom, I felt the jolts of pleasure as our Unclad bodies caressed each others. The hot steamy water was refreshing and soothing. The tub wasn't too big to contain we both but we managed, with her body resting partially on top of mine, I got my hands busy, tracing the curves of her bosom, hips and stomach. I caressed her bosom slowly, teasing the hard Tips and caressing her laps. Soon, my hands found its way into her inner laps as I teased her clit and played with her hairs at the pubic. The sounds of her moans were a welcome aphrodisiac as my dckk pushed against her buttocks. I leaned forward as I rubbed her clit, gently inserted my middle finger into her wet veegee. She adjusted her hips to accommodate my finger as I pushed through the rich warm walls of her veegee. Slowly and steadily, I fin.ger'ed her as a worked my fingers across all the bends and folds of her cvnt. I let my thumb rub her clit as my finger explored her insides deeply. I increased the finge'rin.g pace and worked her center of gravity real good in the process. She moaned loudly and convulsed in my arms as she had her climax. I caressed her slowly, giving her time to recover. She turned around and faced me with a mischievous smile in her face. She reached for my hard dckk and held it in her hands. She caressed it slowly at first, then cupped it in her hands and worked on it real hard and real good. I closed my eyes, dropped my head backwards and allowed the euphoria to overwhelm me. I jerked my hips involuntarily in response to the pleasure building inside of me. She was good at it, giving me the light squeezes as she worked her hand down and up my shaft. She caressed my chest and niple as she did the hand-job; then moved her hands to squeeze the balls lightly, sending a mixture of pain and pleasure down my spine. I jerked again as she increased the pace, wetting her hands with the soap-leather on the tub. Then again and again, she worked it faster as I jerked my hips forward and sideways in response. She noticed the moment when I was about to come and increased the pace. I groaned as I spilled the come everywhere. She continued her mischievous smiles while I kept my eyes shut, trying to recover from the ordeal. Moments later, we caressed each other until I was ready again. She squatted a bit while I positioned myself behind her inside the tub. "Wait!" She whispered before I could penetrate. "Condom?" I asked knowing it was the reason she asked to wait and she nodded. "Yes, open the cabinet there." She said, pointing at the cabinet where I stashed the cash. My heart skipped. I moved towards the cabinet before she sees the look of despair in my face. The short distance from the tub to the cabinet seemed like the longest walk I had taken. It would have been easier crossing the red sea by foot. A lot of thoughts crossed through my mind but before I could process it, I was close to the cabinet, facing it already. I moved to open the one below it but she voiced from behind. "No, the one above!" Now it was obvious I was going to have a long night! To be continued
5 Feb 2015 | 02:19
5 Feb 2015 | 03:56
She won't c d cash cos her mind is on d bleep u r going give her.
5 Feb 2015 | 04:22
Episode 8 I guessed I was in for a long night! Might as well start confessing my crimes to her. She didn't look like the forgiving type; something I had learnt about easy going peeps: they tend to not-forgive. Had she seen the cash earlier? Was she trying to taunt me? Was she trying to rub it on my face, to have the last laugh? A lot of questions popped up with no answers. I was still standing in front of the cabinet stark Unclad, staring at the doors like there was a python waiting to strike if I dared open it. How I wish there was a python there! I thought to myself. At least the emergence of a python will have us scamp from the bathroom and save the day for me. "Check the carton inside the cabinet!" She called out again from behind. Now it was obvious I was done for. I might as well pretend to have seen a python and run-off the room. That would be an epic-fail to my quest for adventure! I had to think or act fast. I opened the cabinet slowly; peeped inside and saw the carton inside. I knew what was inside; it was loads of 500 naira bills I had stashed out, not toiletries and condoms. I decided to let it play out and see where it ends. I slowly dragged the carton to the opened cabinet door so she can see it from where she was seated at the tub. I opened it and looked inside knowinging fully well she couldn't see the insides from where she was. "There's no condom here!" I pronounced, closed it and left it still at the opened door of the cabinet. "Really?" She asked. I didn't turn to look at her face; I didn't trust the look on my own face and I may end up betraying myself from the look on my face. "No!" I said. Then I went on to open other cabinets inside the bathroom until I found the new set that was brought that morning. I opened it and found the condom inside. "Here it is!" I announced, waving a bundle of condoms at her. She didn't look satisfied. She still had that mischievous smile on her face. I approached her at the tub and noticed she still stole an occasional glance at the carton of cash behind me. My dckk was flaccid when I joined her at the tub. A disturbed mind is a recipe to failure at sex. I had to work extra hard to get it up and get turned on. At a point, it was as if I wasn't going to be able to keep it up but I kept working on my game until I had it up. When I was ready, I wore the condom and we continued from where we stopped; only that this time, it wasn't as hot as it was supposed to be. When we were done, I stayed back and told her I needed to shower before joining her at the bed. She looked at me like she had something to say but went inside without saying a word. I turned on the shower and reminisced inside the tub as warm water sprinkled on my body. I thought about the events of the past hour. I still didn't understand fully what had transpired but my mind gave me two versions of what I felt happened: she must have seen the carton sometime and feel it was the usual hotel stuffs inside it. Or had she opened it and saw cash inside? Was she trying to know where the cash came from by indirectly showing it to me? If that was the case, then it means I had indirectly confirmed to her that I know about the cash. I silently prayed that version 1 was what had happened and she wasn't aware of what was inside the carton. But my instincts told me otherwise. There was little or nothing I could do at the moment. I walked out of the tub and moved towards the cabinet with the cash. The cabinet on the wall had four cardboards, one of the cardboards had a transparent glass on it. The other opposite wall had a cabinet with just 2 cardboards. It was inside one of the cardboards that I had seen the other carton with the condom. The mirror on the wall of the bathroom had yet another cardboard beneath it. I brought out the carton with the cash, opened it and took a look at the cash. It was still intact. Loose bundles of 500 notes occupying almost half of the carton. I moved the carton with cash into the cardboard under the mirror. I removed all the condoms in the other carton and placed the carton in the cabinet where the cash-carton was. Relieved at my temporary solution, I walked out of the bathroom. She was fast asleep when I entered the room. It was still few hours to midnight. I lay on the bed, staring at the walls. I needed a solution to move the money and each time I thought about it, the name 'Eve' pops up. The lady was still asleep and there was no need to wake her up. Again, I reached for the handbag, took the cards and the phone lying on the bed and went out of the room. The clock hanging at the reception read 10:55pm. The reception hall was still filled with people; drinking, eating and talking. I looked around in search for Eve. How was I going to find her at this big hotel! I needed to ask questions so I went to the young man manning one of the mini-bars at the reception. "How's the night going?" I asked with a smile. "Fine sire! What will you be drinking sir?" He asked elegantly with a smile on his face. "Hmmm..." I stared confused at the richly stocked bar. "Recommend one for me." I said. He looked around, then smiled as her reached for one of the spirits at the bar and poured a class for me. He stayed back and watched my face as I swallowed a mouthful. It was bad! So bad I found it hard to swallow. Spirits wasn't my brand; hated the damn thing like a february curse but I managed to smile back at him. "Good!" I proclaimed! "Real good." "I knew you would love it." He teased. I managed to take another gulp. I wanted him to feel I was his kind, a jolly good fellow. I needed to ask him a favor. "Where can I see Eve?" I asked. The expression on his face changed like he was shocked. "You know her?" He asked. "Yes, she's been cleaning my room for some days now." I said. When the expression didn't change, I had to make him relax a bit. "She's very diligent in her work and I like her person. Want to say goodbye and tell her thank you before leaving tomorrow." I added. He relaxed his looks and smiled at me. Maybe he had thought I wanted to make an official complaints or something. "She works the east blocks and I'm sure she's on duty because I've seen her earlier." He said. "East blocks?" I asked. "Yes, the rooms that way." He said, pointing towards a part of the hotel. "If she's on duty, she will be at the staff common room down there." He said. "I can reach her on the intercom if you want." He volunteered. "No need for that, I will find my way to her." I replied. That was a lot of useful information. I thanked him, payed for the drink, tipped him some money and walked out. "Your drink!" He called at me as I was making a move towards the east-side. "I hate spirits!" I said and watched the look on his face change to its default settings. ---------
5 Feb 2015 | 20:31
Episode 8 I guessed I was in for a long night! Might as well start confessing my crimes to her. She didn't look like the forgiving type; something I had learnt about easy going peeps: they tend to not-forgive. Had she seen the cash earlier? Was she trying to taunt me? Was she trying to rub it on my face, to have the last laugh? A lot of questions popped up with no answers. I was still standing in front of the cabinet stark Unclad, staring at the doors like there was a python waiting to strike if I dared open it. How I wish there was a python there! I thought to myself. At least the emergence of a python will have us scamp from the bathroom and save the day for me. "Check the carton inside the cabinet!" She called out again from behind. Now it was obvious I was done for. I might as well pretend to have seen a python and run-off the room. That would be an epic-fail to my quest for adventure! I had to think or act fast. I opened the cabinet slowly; peeped inside and saw the carton inside. I knew what was inside; it was loads of 500 naira bills I had stashed out, not toiletries and condoms. I decided to let it play out and see where it ends. I slowly dragged the carton to the opened cabinet door so she can see it from where she was seated at the tub. I opened it and looked inside knowinging fully well she couldn't see the insides from where she was. "There's no condom here!" I pronounced, closed it and left it still at the opened door of the cabinet. "Really?" She asked. I didn't turn to look at her face; I didn't trust the look on my own face and I may end up betraying myself from the look on my face. "No!" I said. Then I went on to open other cabinets inside the bathroom until I found the new set that was brought that morning. I opened it and found the condom inside. "Here it is!" I announced, waving a bundle of condoms at her. She didn't look satisfied. She still had that mischievous smile on her face. I approached her at the tub and noticed she still stole an occasional glance at the carton of cash behind me. My dckk was flaccid when I joined her at the tub. A disturbed mind is a recipe to failure at sex. I had to work extra hard to get it up and get turned on. At a point, it was as if I wasn't going to be able to keep it up but I kept working on my game until I had it up. When I was ready, I wore the condom and we continued from where we stopped; only that this time, it wasn't as hot as it was supposed to be. When we were done, I stayed back and told her I needed to shower before joining her at the bed. She looked at me like she had something to say but went inside without saying a word. I turned on the shower and reminisced inside the tub as warm water sprinkled on my body. I thought about the events of the past hour. I still didn't understand fully what had transpired but my mind gave me two versions of what I felt happened: she must have seen the carton sometime and feel it was the usual hotel stuffs inside it. Or had she opened it and saw cash inside? Was she trying to know where the cash came from by indirectly showing it to me? If that was the case, then it means I had indirectly confirmed to her that I know about the cash. I silently prayed that version 1 was what had happened and she wasn't aware of what was inside the carton. But my instincts told me otherwise. There was little or nothing I could do at the moment. I walked out of the tub and moved towards the cabinet with the cash. The cabinet on the wall had four cardboards, one of the cardboards had a transparent glass on it. The other opposite wall had a cabinet with just 2 cardboards. It was inside one of the cardboards that I had seen the other carton with the condom. The mirror on the wall of the bathroom had yet another cardboard beneath it. I brought out the carton with the cash, opened it and took a look at the cash. It was still intact. Loose bundles of 500 notes occupying almost half of the carton. I moved the carton with cash into the cardboard under the mirror. I removed all the condoms in the other carton and placed the carton in the cabinet where the cash-carton was. Relieved at my temporary solution, I walked out of the bathroom. She was fast asleep when I entered the room. It was still few hours to midnight. I lay on the bed, staring at the walls. I needed a solution to move the money and each time I thought about it, the name 'Eve' pops up. The lady was still asleep and there was no need to wake her up. Again, I reached for the handbag, took the cards and the phone lying on the bed and went out of the room. The clock hanging at the reception read 10:55pm. The reception hall was still filled with people; drinking, eating and talking. I looked around in search for Eve. How was I going to find her at this big hotel! I needed to ask questions so I went to the young man manning one of the mini-bars at the reception. "How's the night going?" I asked with a smile. "Fine sire! What will you be drinking sir?" He asked elegantly with a smile on his face. "Hmmm..." I stared confused at the richly stocked bar. "Recommend one for me." I said. He looked around, then smiled as her reached for one of the spirits at the bar and poured a class for me. He stayed back and watched my face as I swallowed a mouthful. It was bad! So bad I found it hard to swallow. Spirits wasn't my brand; hated the damn thing like a february curse but I managed to smile back at him. "Good!" I proclaimed! "Real good." "I knew you would love it." He teased. I managed to take another gulp. I wanted him to feel I was his kind, a jolly good fellow. I needed to ask him a favor. "Where can I see Eve?" I asked. The expression on his face changed like he was shocked. "You know her?" He asked. "Yes, she's been cleaning my room for some days now." I said. When the expression didn't change, I had to make him relax a bit. "She's very diligent in her work and I like her person. Want to say goodbye and tell her thank you before leaving tomorrow." I added. He relaxed his looks and smiled at me. Maybe he had thought I wanted to make an official complaints or something. "She works the east blocks and I'm sure she's on duty because I've seen her earlier." He said. "East blocks?" I asked. "Yes, the rooms that way." He said, pointing towards a part of the hotel. "If she's on duty, she will be at the staff common room down there." He said. "I can reach her on the intercom if you want." He volunteered. "No need for that, I will find my way to her." I replied. That was a lot of useful information. I thanked him, payed for the drink, tipped him some money and walked out. "Your drink!" He called at me as I was making a move towards the east-side. "I hate spirits!" I said and watched the look on his face change to its default settings. ---------
6 Feb 2015 | 00:42
Episode 9 I moved towards the east wing of the hotel. I kept walking around like a lost customer until I saw a map on the wall, indicating I was heading to a restricted area for hotel staff only. The end of the passage showed another section of the hotel marked out of bounds. The info on the wall indicated it was the Laundry room, kitchen and common room. I could hear some noise and clattering of plates from the kitchen; and more laughters coming from another part of the condoned area. I sat on the chair inside the corridor and waited. I didn't wait long until someone came out of the restricted area. She was surprised as she stopped abruptly in front of me. "Sir, this is a restricted area." She said. "Sorry, but I want to see Eve." I said, wondering if I would have to tell another lie before I will see her. "Eve?" She asked. "Yes." "Is anything the problem?" She quizzed me once more. Well, she was a girl and would understand a guy would do insane things for a girl he's lusting after so I played the love-struck card. "I know this is against hotel rules but I need to see her and tell her some things that is burning inside me." I said. She looked at me like she was beginning to understand. "Are you lodged here sir?" She asked. "Yes, saw her once at the hotel entrance and can't take my mind off her since then." "Please just tell her I'm waiting for her here." I said. She stared at me for some few seconds. "Stay here." She finally said as she turned back towards the restricted area. Moments later, one of the attendants walked past me. I knew she was staring at me but maintained an innocent face. She got to the end of the corridor, turned and went back to the restricted area. Noah had to send a raven and a dove after the flood to make sure the coast was clear before exiting the ark. The raven had come, I was expecting the dove. Eve came herself. I stood as she walked across to where I was seated. She was wearing her duty rope, still as beautiful and charming as ever. "Its you again!" She proclaimed as she got close enough. "You will end up getting me sacked!" She said with a firm voice. "I'm sorry, but I needed to see you." I said. "What for?" She queried. Then the 'dove' came out; another attendant walking towards us, staring at us as she walked past. I waited until she got to the end of the corridor, turned and walked past us again into the restricted area. "Is there someplace else we can stay and talk apart from this place?" I asked. She looked at me like she was getting soft: maybe she believed the tale the other attendant told her, maybe she believed I was there because I was really tripping for her. Or was I? I didn't have the luxury of dueling on both at the same time but if I needed that favor from her, I need to make her believe I was seriously into her. "Just give me some minutes, is that too much to ask for?" I continued. She looked at her wrist watch and back to me. It was obvious she was uneasy where we both were. "I will be free from nights duty in the next 10mins, wait for me at the lawn- tennis court" She said. "Were is that?" I asked. She smiled at me. "If you want to see me like you said, you will find the place." She said and walked away. Just then, the next attendant walked towards us. This isn't a dove or raven again; I'm sure the parrots have started looking for gossip to repeat. I took my leave before the 'parrot' could come closer. I went to the atm machine for the withdrawals. The machine was paying 1000 naira bills so I decided to make the full daily withdrawal of 120k on each account. Two bundles and half was a lot more comfortable in my pocket, although the bulge would be obvious to someone who would look closely enough. I deleted the messages and left the machine. I asked one of the attendants where the court was and was directed to the courts. It was deserted and only a few people sat at a corner, smoking and drinking. I sat and waited patiently. When she came, she had removed her work cloth and wore her casual wears. "You found the place?" She teased as she came to where I was seated. "You need to see the stress I went to before finally discovering this place." I joked and she laughed. "You've given my colleagues something to talk about for the rest of the year." She said. I knew that was why the raven, dove and parrot kept hovering over me. They wanted to see this 'love-struck' guy themselves. "How did you find me?" She asked. "I asked around. I really needed to see you." I answered. She was staring at me. I knew she had lots of questions in her mind: especially the fact I was fvcking an elder lady inside the hotel room. "When I am done with this fake life I am in, I need something real as you." I said to her. "And when will you be done with the fake life?" She asked. "Tomorrow, I get to enjoy the last of the fake life. After that, the fake life will be gone and I will be as fresh as new." She stared at me like it was hard to believe. "I want you Eve." I said to her and caught her blush. "Why are you living the fake life if you know you wanted something real?" She asked, still eager to discuss the lady. "They say when the desirable is not available, the available seem desirable. But right now, the available has led me to the desirable and I'm certain I don't need the fake again." "I want you Eve!" I said again. She looked away, like she was meditating on the entire scenario. I moved closer to her and held her hands. "Don't let me continue with the fake life." I said with a pleading tone in my voice. Even I was impressed by my show! Been long I 'toasted' a girl and I was beginning to feel I was out-of-game until this night. It was obviously working. "I don't know." She said. "I know its quite a lot to take in at the moment but I've thought about it myself and I'm convinced it is you I want." "How are you so sure?" She asked. O'boy! This was going to take longer than I had anticipated. Seems I was really out-of-the game like I had thought. "Because I won't be doing this if I wasn't sure! I wouldn't be risking a fake life for a new one if I wasn't sure." I said. "Its you Eve, its you!" I tried to assure her. "You need to purge yourself of the old fake life first before the new life you seek. After that, we can see how it goes." She said. "Does it mean you're willing to give it a trial?" I asked with a fake smile on my face. She smiled back at me. "I said we will see how it goes." She replied still smiling. I reached over and kissed her lightly on the lips. "I will be cleansed of the fake life, and I will come for you." I said. "That's better." She concurred. I stood and made to leave. "I wish I can spend the night with you here, but my old fake life needs to be sorted out once and for all." I said. She looked up at me like she was sad I was leaving. After a split second, I sat down back. "There's something that tied me to the fake life and I need you to help me break it." I said. "What is that?" She asked with eyes lite up, like she was willing to help out free me from the old life. "Do you trust me?" I asked. "I believe you're honest." She said. "I already took this decision the morning you came to clean the room." I said to her. "Remember the morning I asked you to leave one of the toiletry carton for me?" I asked her. "Yes, and I thought you were crazy." She answered with a smile on her face. "That was when I decided I was going to end the fake life. I have placed every bloody thing that makes me want to continue the old life inside that carton." I said. "Really? What did you do with the carton?" She asked. "No, not yet. Its in the bathroom, and I want to get rid of it." I said. "That's simple, throw them into the trash can." She said, smiling like she just solved the world's biggest crime. "Not that simple." I said. "Why?" She asked. "Do you know why people burn stuffs on 31st night?" I asked her. "Yes, to chase the old year away and usher the new year." She answered. "Yes, you are right. It is believed that when you burn stuffs, you burn away stuffs you don't need in the new year. Since most of those stuffs aren't physical, you end up burning anything physical and hope the flames still consume the failures and disappointments of the previous year." I informed her. She paused and thought about it, like I was beginning to make sense. "So you want to burn away the stuffs?" She asked. "Yes. Tomorrow is 30th, that's the last of my fake life. By 31st mid-night, I will be burning that carton with everything inside it and I want you to be there with me when I burn it." I told her. "Wow! That's great, I'm not going to be on duty by 31st night." She announced to me with excitement in her voice. "Great! So we will burn my old and fake life on 31st night, and usher in a brand new life together with you for the new year!" I proclaimed and she laughed out loud. "What exactly is inside the carton you are burning?" She asked after the excitement had died down. "Stuffs I'm not proud of; some gifts I got courtesy of my old life; some intimate stuffs I'm not really... proud...proud of." I said, breaking my voice like I was sober. She nodded her head like she understood; or she didn't want to probe further maybe not to hurt me. "I need you to help me evacuate it from the bathroom of the hotel room." I said to her. She stared at me confused so I had to persuade her. "After tomorrow, I will be leaving the fake and old life and won't have access to that room again, I need you to help me move it before then." I said and prayed she sees a meaning to the explanation. "I'm not on duty at that part of the hotel tomorrow." She said. "You can swap with whoever is on duty there; is that not allowed here?" I asked. "It is, I just have to find out who is on duty." She said. "Thank you very much. The carton is inside the drawer at the bathroom." I said. She stared at me like she was thinking it through once more. "Help me burn my old and fake life away, please." I pleaded, putting on a charming and innocent face. "Of course we will burn it together." She said. "And please, the content is embarrassing to me; promise me you won't open it until we burn it together." I asked. "I won't." She said innocently. I bent over and kissed her. This time around, she responded. We kissed for some minutes before we broke away from each other. "I have to go back to the fake life for now." I said as I saw the look of emotions in her eyes. "One more day!" I said, with my left hand on my chest and my right hand raised up like I was swearing an oath. She smiled and responded. "One more day." We exchanged numbers and I returned to the room; only to meet the widely awake lady in the room, staring at me and her phone in my hand.
8 Feb 2015 | 17:46
Episode 10 . With phone in my hand, ATM card and cash in my pocket I stood like a condemned criminal, tied on a stake awaiting a command for the soldiers in waiting to riddle his body with bullets. I stared at her blankly as she stared back at her phone in my arms. What was I going to say I was doing with her phone? Did she notice the missing atm card also? Was this the end of my end of year adventure? I took a quick glance at her handbag lying carelessly open at the floor. It looked exactly like I left it. Then her phone rang in my hand. I still held on to it while it rang. "Where did you go with my phone?!" She queried as she sprang up to recover her phone from me. I handed it to her and made to explain but it was obvious she was not interested in my explanation. She had picked the call already and started talking on the phone. "Hey babe!" She continued. "Missing mama?" "Don't worry dear, I will be back is aunty Dee?..." I concluded she was speaking with her daughter. She was so engrossed with the call and didn't notice when I moved and sat at the other end of the bed close to the bag. I replaced the atm inside the side-zip of the bag and headed into the bathroom. I moved to the cabinet and brought out the carton. I opened it and saw rolls of tissue paper, tubes of cream, light make- up, soaps and the other usual things stuffs inside. My first thought was that she had offloaded the cash and replaced it with the toiletries. Then I remembered I had switched the cartons and moved the cash carton to the drawer of the wall mirror. I smiled at myself, relieved that the cash was still intact. I brought out the cash-carton and opened it. The wards of cash were still intact. I added the night's withdrawal into the carton and closed it; this time around, I folded the edges in my bid to seal it. It looked good. "Where did you go with my phone?" The lady asked after receiving her call. I told her my phone's battery had died down since I didn't come with my charger so I used her phone to check my mails. She stared at me for some seconds like she didn't believe me. "Outside?" She asked. "Yes, I needed a drink so I went to the reception hall." She stared at the phone on the bed and back to me. "Was that your daughter?" I had decided not to ask personal question but right now, anything to end this heated interrogation was a welcome development. "Yes!" She answered with an excited look. "She's missing her mama and her aunty Dee doesn't let her watch the tv." She said with another douse of excitement like she was really thrilled. "Can I see her pictures?" I asked and she waved that I come closer. I lay beside her on the bed as she scrolled through her media files. Unending pictures of she and her beautiful daughter. At first I pretended to be interested in the pix but it later caught my attention. They were lovely pix, exhibition of the undying bond between mother and daughter. "Her name is Mimi" she informed me. "Lovely name." I added. "She's adorable, intelligent, smart and full of life." She continued. "My friend seem to be interested in you." She announced to me, referring to her ph-city lady. "I have my good charms." I teased and she smiled. "She love adventures too." She said. "Are you advertising your friend to me?" I teased again trying not to make the conversation serious. I came for adventure and not to be passed on like a tool. "You don't like her?" She asked. "She's married, I don't do married ladies." I answered, hoping it will end the discussion. "And me?" She asked. "What about you? You're not married are you?" I asked, making a surprise face. "Babies don't fall down from heaven, do they?" She asked. I looked at her face and she feigned seriousness; then burst out in laughter. I was still confused at what was making her laugh. "You need to see the look on your face, like you just ate poo!" She said and I smiled. "You're not married, are you?" I asked. "Does that change anything?" She responded. I felt she wasn't ready to answer my question so I let it be. We had few more rounds of sex before retiring for the night. ____________ In the morning, I kept my fingers crossed, hoping and praying that Eve succeeded in swapping duties and takes care of the carton for good. There was over half a million naira already inside the carton. Then she came in. I had to hide the excitement in my face before I betray our little plan. She came in with her trolley as usual and headed straight to the bathroom. The lady and I were still on top of the bed; she surfing her phone while I waited. Moments later, Eve moved out from the bathroom with the trolley. She did some little work in the room, dropped fresh bedsheets and left. My half a million naira finally moved to safety! Or so I thought!
8 Feb 2015 | 17:50
Episode 11 My mind was a lot settled having solved the riddle of the carton-cash. I had a more fulfilled day with the lady. When it got boring sitting indoors and fvcking, she asked that we go shopping so she gets stuffs she'll be going back to Abj with. I obliged and we spent the next few hours shopping. Later in the night, we headed to the cinema to see the Exodus: Lords and Kings. Having watched the trailer sometime ago, I was full of expectations but got disappointed after seeing the movie; wasn't as hot as I had hoped from the trailer. "Make this night special for me." She whispered into my ears as we set in for her final night. She had already informed her ph-city friend to come pick her up for the airport the next morning. I made the night special for her, giving her a special sex she would not forget in a hurry. The bed seemed too small to contain her as I patted her legs and buried my tongue in between them. I did a special tongue-cleansing session for her clit and had her clutching to the sheets to keep her from falling off the edge of the bed. It was like controlling a big ship using 'the small tongue'. She responded to every tickle I gave her clit with such passion. I started manipulation and licking her simultaneously and she moaned loudly at the double waves of pleasure hitting her. Moments later, she was filling my hands with her cum. I let her relax a bit as I cuddled her, then we started rounds of hardcore sex which lasted us through the night. When we finally got through, I couldn't keep my eyelids open. I was drained physically, mentally and maybe spiritually! She was saying something about early in the morning but I didn't pay much attention. I slept off. I was woken up the next morning to the sounds of clatter of water in the bathroom. Moments later, the lady rushed out of the bathroom and started dressing. "My friend is waiting downstairs." She announced as she saw me awake. I must have slept deep into the morning. She was already dressing and staring at me on the bed. "I had a lovely stay." She said. "Good, I had my fair of adventure too." I replied; I wanted to add 'and crime' but swallowed the thought. No need counting my chics yet until they hatch; and right now, they are being incubated inside a safe carton somewhere. The thought of the over half a million cash inside the carton thrilled me once more. What if Eve opens the carton and sees the cash? Will she freak out? Will she figure out I just robbed an innocent lady? What if she ran-off with the cash? She didn't look like the crime type, nor the adventure type either. Looks a lot innocent and naïve. But we all know looks can be quite deceptive. I prayed for the best; expecting the worst. "Thanks for everything, and I will be expecting you in Abj pretty soon." The lady interrupted my thoughts, bent over and pecked my chics. "And please, feel free to fvck my friend if she looks your way again." She added with a laugh. "I'll pass, no married women!" I insisted. As a rule of thumb, I had decided long ago to stay-off married women. I had a terrible adventure that went bad; and when I thought it was bad enough, it got worse. Anyway, a liar and a killer still ends up as sinners; so it shouldn't be a plus for me; but the wahala isn't one I can bear again. "Dress up, we have to run along. I need to check out and sort my bills." She said to me as she reached for her bags. "Am I going with you?" I asked. "Don't you want to?" She asked. I would have loved to find Eve immediately but decided to see her off to the airport first. No need for rush. Just as we were about to leave the room, the hotel staff to clean our room that morning entered with her usual trolley. She dressed just like Eve; same robes, same courtesy, just a difference in name. She had Emily as her name tag. I joined the lady and the ph-city lady to the airport. We waited until she sorted out her ticket before leaving. It was a silent drive back to ph city from the airport. The lady asked that we hook up later that evening but I told her I love spending my 31st night at the church. It was the perfect excuse to get her off my tail. She dropped me off at my friend's place. ___________________ By 10pm when I knew Eva would be done for her duty that day, I called her up. She was sounding tired when she picked the call. She informed me she had just finished a tedious 18hr long duty and needed to sleep. "Can we see tomorrow morning?" She asked. "No dear, remember the 31st night ritual?" I asked, hoping she will see enough reason to bring my carton. "Oh that! I will burn it for you then." She replied. To be continued
9 Feb 2015 | 10:19
Lol.. Burn wetin??? I hope its d real carton sha
9 Feb 2015 | 13:47
u didnt tell us weather she picked d right 1.just waiting shaa
9 Feb 2015 | 18:54
She aint gon' burn cause she'd already seen the content.... I hope its the right carton.
10 Feb 2015 | 07:42
Episode 12 Burn what! Did she just say she will help me burn a box of half a million naira?!?! "No, you can't do that!" I exclaimed over the phone. "Why? You asked me to help you burn your old fake life, isn't it what this is about?" She asked surprised. "I know, but I need to do this myself." I had to be careful not to make her suspicious; that is if she wasn't suspicious already. "So tell me about your day." I said, trying to warm her up a bit. I listened as she talked endlessly about how hectic her day was. I feigned interest and endured through it all. "You need to rest; we will hook up later tonight." I said and she agreed. An hour later, she called to inform me there had been some developments. She said a colleague of hers just reported sick and their supervisor was trying to swap her to do the duty. She sounded very angry, saying she was sure the colleague lied about her health and that she was sure she's faking it all. I felt it was going to be impossible to see her that 31st night. I had almost given up but an hour and half later she called and informed me she was done with her duty and was about leaving the hotel. I was too delighted to ask how she managed to pull it off but instead, prepared to meet her. We were to meet at an eatery close to my place. I chose the eatery as a matter of convenience. I still hadn’t drawn up a plan yet on how to convince her we shouldn’t burn the carton. What would be her reaction when she sees the contents? Was I even going to allow her see it? Seeingt i would be absurd. I decided to let the events take care of themselves; one thing was sure: no one is going to burn my half a million “hard- earned” money! It didn’t take her long to locate the eatery. She looked exhausted and I had this feeling she was struggling to stay focused. She carried a fancy polythene bag with contents of what I presumed to be the carton. I was delighted. “how do you do?” I asked as we settled, trying to hide my excitement on the baggage she was carrying. “Tired! Exhausted!” she exclaimed. Then went on and on about how the hotel was filled to capacity and everyone had to be on their toes to attend to them and do their job. “Only for that silly Emily to claim she was sick and head home!” she added. “Emily?” I asked. The name rang a bell. I was sure I had seen one of the attendants with that name tag; either the dove, raven or parrot. “Yes! She was fine in the morning, only to come back from room-cleaning and lie that she was feeling sick and needed to go.” She continued. It was obvious she needed someone to talk to and let off the steam, so I listened to her boring tale with patience. “I too told them I was on medication and couldn’t work more than 12 hours!” she informed me with a smile like she was proud of her desceptive bravery. I guess that was how she was able to convince them to let her go. I asked what she would take but she declined; like she wanted to get it over with and head home. “I can do this alone by myself if you’re too tired.” I asked, hoping she would hand over the baggage and head home. She stared at the baggage, stared at me, and back to the baggage like she was contemplating. “No, I promised to be there with you when you burn the old life, we’ll do this together.” She said. “Moreover, I will love to see what is inside the bag.” She added like an afterthought. “Alright then, lets go.” I stood and we left the restaurant. “Where are we going?” she asked. “My place isn’t far from here.” I replied. My friend had gone for the all night in his church. If I play my cards right, I may just have the best of the out-going 2014; half a million cash and a lovely ar’se to rock. She threw her exhausted self on the bed as we got into the house, exposing a huge part of her laps in the process. Then she rolled on the bed to face me. “Are you done with the old fake life now?” she asked. “Yes, old things have passed away, all things are become new.” I replied and she smiled. “Tell me more about yourself.” She requested. Here was I, thinking she was damn too tired to maintain a stare. I told her bits about myself, skipping a whole lot of details. By the time I was done, her head was resting on my shoulders on the bed. I didn’t need any other invitation before I started caressing her. Without any hesitations coming from her, I took that as consent and probed further. Bleep [Details coming up later...] _______________ “Can I use the bathroom?” She asked after we were done having wild sex. “Of course.” I replied and she left for the bathroom. This was the opportunity I had been waiting for me. It will take her minimum of 120seconds to finish whatever she wanted to do at the bathroom. It will give me the needed time to offload the cash inside the carton and fill the carton with my briefs, pants, singlets and any other thing I could lay my hand on. I moved fast; reached for the nylon bag, opened it and brought out the carton. I rushed to the wardrobe and brought out two singlets, I couldn’t see my briefs so I used my friend’s boxers and few other things my hands could reach. I placed them on the bed beside the carton. There was no sign of her coming out so I took my time. Took a deep breath and relaxed. Moment of truth. I felt my heart beat faster. I was really excited. I could easily think about a whole lot of things to do with half a million naira. I marveled at my exploits. Adventure is fun; adventure with a bit of crime is the big deal. I smiled at myself and assured myself I was going to write a story about this. I could imagine lots of people reading and smiling at the adventure and exploits. It would make a good read. I thought about the title I could give it; I could title it Adventures at Hotel Presidential; or PH Adventure; I decided that whatever the title would be, it will be a great read. But it needed an ending, and the ending was inside the carton on top of the bed. Half a million naira waiting to be opened. Then I proceeded to open it. I loosened the ends and opened the cap of the carton. Inside the dimly light room, I overturned the carton, emptying all its contents ontop of the bed. What I saw gave me the shock of the year! ___________________________ I kept staring at it like it was hard to believe. Of course it was not hard to believe; I had seen those contents before. I was still in a state of shock and unbelief. What happened? Why this? What went wrong? A lot of questions rushed through my mind of which the answers I couldn’t tell. Only one person has the answers to the question. The sound from the toilet indicated it was just flushed. I moved my gaze from the bed and its unsatisfactory contents towards the toilet door, waiting for it to open. My answers are definitely going to come from Eve. She has a lot of explaining to do. “Are you ready?” she asked as she walked into the room. She maintained her stare at me while I looked away and focused at the contents on the bed. “Are those…did you just bring those out from the carton?” she asked almost exclaiming. I took some time to study her face; it showed sign of genuine surprise. Was she faking it? Was she totally ignorant? “Did you make me steal these from the hotel room and have me carry it all day?” she asked again, with a look of disappointment written all over her face. I was tempted to believe her but decided not to be naïve. Girls can be deceptive; who knows if she was feigning it all. “This was not what I asked you to bring!” I said firmly, trying so hard to control the anger and disappointment brewing inside me. “What!” she asked. “What do you mean?” She asked again. I stared at her face for some more seconds then slumped on the bed. “Is this what you brought out from the bathroom?” I asked, hoping to hear a different response but knowing deep down in my hear that the answer will not change. Scattered all over my bed, were the contents of a hotel issued toiletry; 2 pieces of tissue paper, tubes of cream, liquid soap, shower-cap, face-towel, light-sponge… *THE END
10 Feb 2015 | 13:25
end ke?...nawa oo
10 Feb 2015 | 13:53
u cn bet it with me dat is emily dat went away wit d carton.
10 Feb 2015 | 14:08
So wea is d moni,dis does nt end well 4 u ooo
10 Feb 2015 | 15:12
Seriously!!!!!, i dnt understand una ooo, hw cn it end here?
10 Feb 2015 | 16:04
Emily has it
10 Feb 2015 | 16:32
Burning ke?
10 Feb 2015 | 17:34
I believe d lady found d cash n took dem without any hints. She played a fast one on u.
10 Feb 2015 | 17:40
Wtf!!!! U mean dis is d end??? Its obvious emily went with d carton... U stole d money...some1else took it 4rm u.. Ha! Very bad
11 Feb 2015 | 00:39
Emily is with the money
11 Feb 2015 | 10:14
Chai so vexed up fa.....asn vexn baad bad....mazi U̶̲̥̅̊ dint try O̶̷̩̥̊͡....Ħώ cn emily G̶̲̥̅Õ̳͡ wit dat money, nd U̶̲̥̅̊ call it d end...#vexed up
22 Feb 2015 | 13:37
Omoh see gobe! Monkey don work, bamboo don go flex. Lol
28 Mar 2015 | 10:48
Shey dhiz hw d story go take end..........haaa.. @emily continue dey enjoy...half a million!
14 Apr 2015 | 07:56
Lolzzzzzz I knew that was going 2 happen 1)since u switch the carton in the 1st place... 2) since u didn't give her an idea of what was in d carton and you didn't even describe in particular where the carton was kept.... 3) The lady words came 2 pass.*Emily ride on with the money jor*
15 Apr 2015 | 14:30
Y U No Call Ur Friend Make E Con Collect D Money Gradually. U Fk D Whole Hell Up
30 Apr 2015 | 11:13
How can it end like this? Is dia season2 or shud we do d prologue ourselves?
2 May 2015 | 13:19
This story make sence die
13 Jun 2015 | 22:59
Like yoruba will say ''ole gbe ole gba'' stolen by u 4 som1 else to rob u frm it
22 Jul 2015 | 07:01
please admin their many stories by guess writters which has not finish manny abadon please do something about it ok
27 Jul 2015 | 18:10
In complete story...or are to expect part 2. All the same, nice story line to always remind us that there is no short way to success
29 Aug 2015 | 16:34
Nooooooo the madam gan~gan dn carry her money, she played a smart game on u...
7 Oct 2015 | 16:23
The good, the bad , and the ugly.. SHIT happens for a reason. U should have told her what was in the carton. Now u r losing money, her trust and her relationship
17 Oct 2015 | 13:30
U have laboured 4 sum1 to enjoy
9 Nov 2015 | 09:26
Na witch? that money must come back o, na joke u da joke when u said d end. only me don process d rest episode for my head already cause I'm not satisfied with how ur own end
2 Jan 2016 | 18:58
haaaaa emilly don wiz with ur money
18 Mar 2016 | 08:34
Worst ending.. Emily get ya money you laboured for nothing Mr crime n adventures.
16 May 2016 | 03:33
can't stop laughing
3 Jul 2016 | 14:58
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 11:43
19 Jul 2016 | 12:25
Nice story
20 Jul 2016 | 09:05
Nice story
23 Jul 2016 | 13:04
Emily took the cash
29 Jul 2016 | 07:02
10 Aug 2016 | 18:40
se season 2 no dey ni
29 Oct 2016 | 06:24
May be u need to hire that room again
15 Jan 2017 | 16:46
Or emily took it
15 Jan 2017 | 16:47
Guy u no try ooo
16 Apr 2017 | 08:45
20 Oct 2017 | 05:26
20 Oct 2017 | 06:17
Good, bad, unsmart
29 Dec 2017 | 04:01
I love dis intresting
16 Jan 2018 | 20:02
Sorry u hear? Bad luck dey follow u
8 Mar 2018 | 07:08
emily wu faked sicknes z enjoyng ur damn crime mone somewae, hardluck bady!
17 Jul 2018 | 18:20
Ha emily is with the carton but wait oh this is not supposed to be the end of it na
31 Oct 2018 | 12:22
Remember emily suddenly went home sick...
29 Jan 2019 | 01:57
0 Likes was emily, sick indeed!
30 Jan 2019 | 01:43
oh damn Emily out smarted guy maybe she was listening to Ya conversation with her.. @Emily enjoy life sis ?
24 Sep 2019 | 23:17
What a pity
31 May 2020 | 13:45
You don loose. Tell her the truth the money can still be in the bathroom.
5 May 2021 | 07:01
30 May 2021 | 17:39
This story don't Have episode 3 y na
10 Sep 2021 | 19:39


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