Crimson by Rapmike

Crimson by Rapmike

By Cool in 9 Jan 2015 | 13:17
Cool Val

Cool Val

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Posts: 3735
Member since: 17 Jun 2013
Episode 1

They moved in numbers, carrying alot of
sophisicated weapons. Squad O of the
Commando unit of the Federal Republic of
Nigeria moved swiftly among shrubs and trees
to the uncompleted building at the middle of
the forest, not far from the popular Lagos-
Ibadan Expressway. They refused to take the
normal route through an untarred road, since
they did not want to announce their presence
in the area.
The Squad leader, Dawodu checked the status
of his Squad members and the only police
officer to follow his squad . After confirming
their status via intercom, he then whispered
the command 'Move in'.
Immediately, the squad moved into the
compound of the house, 'Scaling' the fence
while doing so. This was done quietly but
swiftly to avoid the enemy from noticing their

...Chinedu,who was the only odd person in the
squad( as he was a police officer),nimbly
followed the rest of the squad in,taking extra
care than an ordinary police officer would
normally do. The target,Michael Nwosu was
known to be quite ruthless and ice-cold in his
approach towards hostiles. Chinedu,who had
been on the case for five years,remembered
the genesis of the whole situation
Michael Nwosu and four other young guys
founded the Evolvers,which was primarily an
activist group. The group gained popularity
among the youth with the savvy young men
and the strong minded speeches Michael
Nwosu gave.
When the Federal Government got wind of the
movement, they first ignored it,citing youthful
excesses. When the group waxed stronger and
was becoming more prominent, the
government decided to launch a crack down
campaign on the group. But revelations from
the crack down took the government by
surprise,as the group were discovered to be
smuggling heavy equipment into the
country,with the youths been used to move
them. It was also discovered that the youths
were just pawns, they were not real members
of the group.
As a hunt for the original members of the
group commenced, Chinedu saw police officers
kicking the buckets one after the other, with
some of them actually been slaugthered with
their families,while others were killed in bomb
blasts that took the lives of other officers and
civilians. The last straw was when an AIG and
a colonel in the army were ruthlessly stabbed
and later burnt in an attempt to save them.
This murders,coupled with information from
one of the real members that uranium was
also smuggled in, led to the involvement of
the Commando unit.

Dawodu summoned the squad to the entrance
of the building and after passing certain
instructions, he divided the squad into two,
with Commando officer Kayode leading a team
while Dawodu leads the rest. Chinedu fell into
Dawodu's group after the selection and the
two teams entered the building together before
moving swiftly in different directions.
Dawodu's team took a staircase while
kayode's team went straight into a room.
Kayode's team had not spent up to a minute
in the room when the ground gave way,
landing the team on an area filled with terrible
sharp objects like nails, cutlasses and the
The noise from the crash was picked up by
Dawodu's team through the intercom. Dawodu
tried to make contact with them, but there
was no answer as the team just seemed to be
groaning. Dawodu, now genuinely worried,
asked one of his squad members,Timilehin to
check was happening to Kayode's group. 'Yes
sir' Timilehin replied before he moved
stealthily to the area. Dawodu motioned for
the rest of the team to move forward. The
group moved from room to room, meeting
empty spaces along the way. They finally got
to a room that led to a long stairway
Chinedu had however, broke off from Dawodu's
team and was moving independently. His gut
feeling had awakened when he heard the crash
in Kayode's team. He now sensed that they
may be moving in the wrong direction and
broke off, not minding if Dawodu wanted him
to do so. His intercom buzzed all of a sudden.

'Sir, i have found them!' Timilehin's voice
crackled through the intercom. Chinedu
realised that the intercom was not as sharp as
usual,as voice were becoming less audible. He
could tell however that Kayode's team was
seriously injured and they will take some time
to recover.
Chinedu,after receiving the
information,thought it wise to move ahead. As
he took a step forward, he heard a crash.

To be continued
9 Jan 2015 | 13:17
Dis is so brief. Pls more n make it longer.
9 Jan 2015 | 15:15
Episode 2 Dawodu's team had climbed to the top of the stairway and now felt complacent, which made them walk straight into the room at the end of the stairway, not noticing the floor of the room, which was poorly done. The result was disastrous,as the floor gave way, sending them some floors down. 'Commando unit indeed', Chinedu thought. 'They should know better than been clumsy'. Chinedu moved on,knowing that Dawodu's team was out for at least some hours. There of a room ahead of him and he moved towards it, been watchful of the floor so that he won't fall victim of amateur building. His search proved futile as he saw nothing of significance. As he left the room he saw a strange shadowy figure walk into another room. Chinedu followed the figure, watching the ground for any traps. The figure then entered another room which was quite airy. Chinedu noticed that his intercom had dropped dead, he did not bother however as the focus was on the figure. he then entered the room. The figure now turned round and finally said ' One of you has finally found me' Chinedu stood motionless, his head swelling and his hands shaking. In front of him was the man made legend, Michael Nwosu, aka Michael Scofield of Africa. The man whose face and name goes before him, his reputation, everything he was and is flew in front of Chinedu's mind's eye in a few seconds. Chinedu was dazed, if not a little baffled that such a man should be left alone without security. As Chinedu looked on, Michael raised one of his fingers up. 'Freeze!' 'Do not move unless you want me to blow your brains away!' 'You won't do that, because i am an important source of information for you and your country, which is incidentally, mine own country, 'Don't move', Chinedu retorted.When Michael obeyed, Chinedu then continued. 'You are under arrest and you have the rights to remain silent' he said while removing hand-cuff from his back pocket with one hand, using the other hand to hold his gun. He approached Michael cautiously, as Michael stretched his hands out. As Chinedu placed the gun in his pocket( as he thought Michael will offer no resistance) he clumsily locked the hand-cuff around Michael wrists. The next thing that happened shocked Chinedu, the hand-cuff fell diagonally off his wrists and fell to the ground. Chinedu was quite suprised,as he did nt understand how the hand-cuff did nt do its work. 'So you think you can use juju abi', he said in a shaken mood. Michael Nwosu started laughing out, only that it was not from that room,but 500 km away from the area, in one of the islands belonging to Sao Tome and Principle. He was laughing with his colleagues. 'Tunde, you sabi this thing do wella,see as the guy dey look like goat'. 'Uh, na God sabi pass', Tunde replied as they watched Chinedu waste bullets on Michael's hologram through a telly in the room. Chinedu had just wasted some bullets on the hologram and was looking lost for ideas when Michael spoke. 'I am a hologram, you can't arrest me now'. 'We will get you, Michael,be assured of that'. Chinedu stated quite childishly. He was about to turn back when he heard Michael speak. 'Your teammates are injured and can not move for some time, you don't even know where I am and you still talk about arresting me'? 'You surprise me'. 'Besides if you know where i am, it will be too late as in a few hours time, the whole surface of what is called Nigeria will be wiped clean'. Upon hearing that statement, Chinedu froze in his position. So it is a nuclear bomb afterall! To be continued
10 Jan 2015 | 03:04
Next pls.
10 Jan 2015 | 04:38
Episode 3 Chinedu's mind went to a thousand places at once. How will he contact HQ? Who else has an idea of what will happen? Where will the bombs be? How can he do this? Chinedu,now agitated, started fumbling with his intercom. It did nt respond. Micheal watched him in amusement, enjoying the seeming confusion in his movement. When he noticed Chinedu's obsession with the intercom, he opened his mouth to reply him. 'There is no connection that can get through from here. I have jammed all wave frequencies, save the one my hologram uses. Your little intercom is useless'. Chinedu turned back to him, his eyes looking murderous. 'How could you,Michael'? How can you live with yourself with the genocide you r planning? And you call yourself a revolutionist'? 'Well, all revolutions have genocidal tendencies in them, don't you agree'? Michael replied. Chinedu was about asking about the nature of the attack when Michael gave him an answer. 'This is not a nuclear attack, but it will be more effective and more deadly. This attack will launch a new chapter in mordern warfare. Nobody will care for guns again when this attack will be over,because that(pointing to Chinedu's gun) will be history'! The source of this attack will be so readily avaliable, since it has always been there'. Chinedu was now confused as to what Michael was saying. If it is not a nuclear attack, then what weapon will have such range as to wipe out a whole country, and yet be specific as to remove guns out of modern warfare. His mind was still processing the possible threats when Michael said, as if making a speech 'This...lovely country will be destroyed by a bolt from the Sun'! Chinedu looked incredulously at Michael. Is this Guy for real? Of all gibberish things he has heard this one takes the crown. Sunlight ke? Chinedu's confusion was evident in his face, but Michael put it more clearly to him 'What will happen is simple.The radiation outside of the earth from the sun is enmormus, untapped of course, due to nature shield' Michael said, 'But i have put a system in place which concentrates the power of the sun and sends it straight to the earth, specifically Nigeria'. Imagine all the harmful radiation, heat and light forces been sent down at the speed of light to Nigeria! This project is so, so beautiful!. Michael concluded. Chinedu found Michael's statements startling. Now that he knows more of the situation, he found it more scary. He would love not to believe Michael, but judging from what he has heard and seen, that is not an option. he so wanted to contact someone, but that was not an option too, since he was so out to shape mentally to pass the information across. Miles away from Nigeria, Someone else was also finding it hard to speak as well. Sir, i don't know if this is a glitch, but,ermm, these satellites are out of control', Ted Bucker reported. Microseconds later Daniel Fellins got to the control room of NASA. 'What did you mean 'these satellites are out of control,huh'? 'The panels ain't lying, man'. Ted resounded. Daniel Fellins could not believe what he was seeing on the panels. The satellites, from the U.S.A. and other countries were moving off their orbits and were aligning in a strange manner. Also the solar panels in each satellite were accumulating an unreasonable amount of radiation and heat. Moreover, one of the satellites was positioned at the focal point of the others,like it wanted to send some radiation down to earth. 'Ted,what location does SAT-112 point to?' 'Sir, Ted said,quivering, it points to only one country, Nigeria.' Chinedu's confusion continued,as Michael explained how he had planned everything and it looked cruel that he(Chinedu) had so much information but could do nothing about it. Why,why would you do this? He asked Michael. 'You claimed to love your country and you seek its destruction'. 'Yes, i still love,infact it's out of love that i am ending the story of the country called Nigeria' . Michael said. 'Mr Chinedu, i see you care so much about this country,even though you could have left this case a long time ago,five years isn't it?' Michael said. 'Oh, we have also been monitoring you as you did us, at least it's easy to have moles in your sham of a police force'. Michael stated. ' How dare you?how dare you claim that you love this country,when you seek its utter destruction?' Chinedu fumed, sparks flying out of his eyes. 'How do you claim love when you seek to destroy what is left of Nigeria?' 'There is nothing left of this country!' Michael spat back, face contorted like a beast. 'Corruption, selfishness and greed reigns in this country'. 'Everyone cares for himself only,leaving the defenseless to die and acquiring regions,jst like in ancient times'. I have seen it all, this country is beyound redemption!' 'Is that you really think?' Chinedu quiped, obviously less angry, 'do you sincerely feel that Nigeria is unsavable,unredeemable?' 'Since you have come a long way and you care so much about the country, then let me tell you what brought me here'. Michael coolly said, sadness etched all over his face as he remembered the events that happened far back in the past. To be continued
10 Jan 2015 | 10:48
Episode 4 They moved across the road,chattering away with their bumbum swaying withs the 'swags' expected from young Hausa girls. Unlike their muslim counterparts however, they wore no hijab but carried themselves lousily,their trousers gyrating in inevitable friction. Most of the guys around were idly watching them,some of the naughty guys among them winking at the girls,causing laughter among them as they settled inside the classroom. Only one boy among the guys was not interested in them and unforunately for the boys, he was the only one they had eyes for. Michael Nwosu was thinking more about his life. For a 15 year old who suffered the tragedy of watching his mother and sister murdered in front of his eyes, he had rather grown up quite smoothly. Naturally intelligent with the knack of being precocious and witty, he excelled in his academics,topping the class always, to the chagrin of other parents. Not a guy to shy away from work, he had developed a wonderful physique,making him a sort of Adonis among his peers,with his 'baby boy face' complimenting him. This attracted young girls(and older women) to him like bears to honey,but he had no time for them. That was due to the pain he had suffered when he was six years old. He still remembered who caused the whole pain, a certain rich man called Musa Danladi. Musa was a wealthy businessman, known to be exceptionally ruthless when he deals with people perceived to be obstacles to him expanding his economic power. He had the ears and eyes of the governor and the hierachy of the state and used that to wreck havoc in the state. Michael's dad was a medical doctor,and had no time for politics or business. They clashed due to the fact that Michael's dad brought a land and house that Musa was interested in. Not long after, Michael's dad was murdered under strange circumstances which was made more strange when both the police and the state government swept the issue under the carpet. Michael's mum and sister followed the same route some years later and he was moved to the Catholic parish nearby,while Musa took over everything he should have owned. Remembering all this,with the coupled injustice served,made Michael bitter and therefore he despised everything with a northern origin,including the girls and his teachers. All his teachers,except one. Paul Ajayi was the history teacher at Michael's school. Posted as a youth corper after finishing his university education, the political science student was retained after his service and had remained there. He picked quite an interest in Michael after he noticed the nonchalant and uncaring attitude the boy threw at his environment and everything around it, save for his books. It was not easy though. Michael behaved snobby and ill-disciplined to start with and Paul did not have an ice-cold temperament or patience like that of a tortoise. However, after he encountered Michael in the only moment when he was emotional(while the boy visited his parents graveyard), he was able to reach Michael and understand him,thereby fostering a friendship that helped Michael to at least reduce the intensity of disdain he treated people with. Michael saw Paul as an elder brother who he could unburden his heart and mind to,without feeling like he was bothering him. Paul,for his part, saw the chance in that to discuss many things like Christianity and politics with Michael, helping him in d process. Michael felt free around Paul and that was the first place he heads to after his classes, like today. Michael walked towards the church from school,huming along. As he expected, Paul was teaching the children at Bible study class (known as Sunday school). The current topic was forgiveness. As he heard Paul teach the kids, pangs of pain and sorrow reached his heart. Will the situation ever change? It has been some years nw, but he stil remembered the scenes he witnessed, as he saw his mum and his little sister raped and killed by people who call themselves youths. All because of a lawless beast called Musa, he had turned to a homeless,distraughted,half destitute, saved by d Catholic church and surviving by the little money the mum saved up coupled with small cash gotten from jobs he did. He was still thinking about this things when he heard, 'hy bro'. Michael turned around 2 see Paul besides him. He greeted back and sat on one of the platforms in the church. 'So what is going on?',Paul asked. 'Nothing'. Michael replied. 'Just watching the birds fly'. 'Michael, you can't deceive me, i know you r thinking of something, especially with your face looking like spoilt tuwo'. Paul retorted. Michael feigned ignorance, knowing that Paul will preach if he tells him what was on his mind. Paul, after trying to coax an answer from Michael, decided to shift focus to other matters. Actually, Paul had witnessed a massacre of a family by some Hausa youths, somewhere in Kano where he went to visit a friend. The visit was not nice at all, as d image of the slaughtered family, victims of a mini crisis,was showing up in his mind. His friend also made matters worse by relaying tales of previous massacres, something that aided the retention of the image. Paul was relaying what he saw to Michael, when he noticed a change in Michael's facial expression,like he was about to cry. 'You were thinking about your family,weren't you'? Paul said. Michael was about to say something when Paul surprising patted him on the back. 'I understand what you are going through, it must have been terrible',Paul stated, reflecting on what he saw. To be continued
11 Jan 2015 | 00:55
Micheal pls let God heal ur wound n let go of ur destructive revenge.
11 Jan 2015 | 07:33
Hmmmm, so it's all abt retaliation for d perceived wrong done to u huh Mike..? Calm dwn my guy, destroying d entire nation will do u no gud, dats if u succeed anyways wch I totally tink u didn't achieve ur aim sha.. Anyways am still observing, next plssss
11 Jan 2015 | 10:03
Episode 5 Michael looked at Paul's slightly mortified face,looking for some sort of fight back from Paul but found none. He wondered if he will ever lose the hatred that haboured his heart. An opportunity came for him to escape from the hate and it came in the form of a girl, Aminat! She was Michael's classmate,who finally caught his eye. She was first treated with disdain, as Michael did with every other girl. But an incident changed his preception of her. Her dad had come into the school,begging for patience with respect to her school fees. The show put up by the Principal of the school, who regarded her dad worse than dirt, just because he was of Yoruba extract and a civil servant. He felt sympathy for her and that brought them together as friends. Adversity opened a link of friendship and as she was also intelligent, he enjoyed her company. Love was blossoming! The transformation in Michael's life was evident. The once moody,unfriendly kid seemed to have brightened up, to the extent that he started making friends in his class. Aminat's friendship seemed to have fanned embers of love in Michael's heart, much to the relief of his teachers and boys and to the chagrin of the girls. Jealousy, like an unwanted guest entered the hearts of the other girls,who started to view Aminat with spiteful eyes. Not that she cared anyway. It seemed that the storms that had hit Michael were gone for good. But they came back! Michael,all this while,had not yet asked Aminat out,partially due to the Christian/ Muslim barrier and his shyness. Emboldened by one of his new friends, he went to express his love to her. He found her in the tuck shop located just infront of the classes. He then started his 'proposal'. 'Aminy, i have struggled to hold this back but i can't, i am in love with you and i want you to be my girl', Michael said in a soft,cool manner. Aminat looked at him,small tears running of her sad face. 'You came too late, Michael, i am engaged'. Aminat's dad had married her out to one of the wealthy men in the state, Alhaji Kagoura. Alhaji was influential with the civil service and the local community, helping the community out in various projects and virtually rebuilt the city when some youths went on rampage. His influence may have reduced,but his name still opened doors,something that her dad was aware of. A year before her 'marriage', Kagoura had asked her dad for her hands in marriage for his son,Usman. Aminat's dad did not object,but rather chose to name a hefty dowry which was completely paid by Kaugora. However, Usman was not interested in Aminat and so she ended as a 'protege' wife. But nobody cared to know her feelings about everything! Nobody except her dad, the Kagoura family and now Michael knew about the marriage. Michael was shocked and baffled at the situation. He could see that her emotions favoured him,but the circumstances were daunting. He then asked her a question. 'What are your feelings for me,Aminat'? 'I like you, she replied weakly,but i am married already,there is nothing I or you can do about it'. 'Don't say that.' Michael quiped. 'There is still hope. We can still be close without anything happening'. After much coaxing and persuasion, Aminat agreed to his proposal, maintaining that it won't last. If she only knew how right she was! To be continued
11 Jan 2015 | 12:05
Episode 6 As the saying goes, jealousy is the fuel for a heart of spite. Aminat's close association with Michael had caused her to be enemies with the rest of the girls in her age grade,especially one. Her name was Isidora. Isidora was a paragon of beauty, so beautiful that a joke was made as regards a person stranded in the desert, who instead of choosing water will pick her above the water. She was that beautiful and twice as proud as well. She did have reasons to be proud, well that is,according to her. Her mum who was from the east, was a special adviser to the President, while her father, who was an educated northern, owned one of the largest oil refineries in the world,among other large businesses. She was their own child and was therefore a spoilt,spoilt brat. She had all she wanted materially and more and as she reached adolescent age, she started getting a taste of the boys,virtually becoming the toast of the school. She had known the taste of almost all the 'big boys' in the school,except Michael. And that was when her eyes were fixed! The tall, handsome, poor prince from the east, whose Adonis elegance was only superseded by his supposedly Einstein brain and Martin Luther King Jnr's character. She was swotted with everything about Michael and could not stand the fact that Michael did not care a hoot about her. She was determined to go all out to get him and in the process, destroy all the obstacles on her way, including Aminat! The first thing she did was to snoop around the relationship between them to find any loopholes and loopholes did she find! She discoverd about Aminat's 'protege' marriage and used that as a fulcrum to uproot the love that has developed between them. She needed an accomplice though, someone who will risk the wrath of others for her sake. Enter Preye! Preye was a long time admirer of Isidora, who took away his virginity. As always, she ignored him after the experience, but she kept a close eye and a hot booty on him, incase he got other ideas and went after other girls apart from her. However, he was lovestruck ( or so he thought) by her beauty and had remained faithful, although once in a while she had to give him the deal if his eyes starts to wander. She knew that he will prove useful some day. And that day had arrived! Her plan had revolved round Usman. The young boy, though not interested in Aminat was arrogant and proud, which was normal for boys of his calibre. He had already gained a reputation for tidying girls with the extra bonus of mating with a virgin when he marries, the virgin been Aminat. The last thing he would want to hear is that he is being fooled and his heifer is being toyed with, especially if the culprit was an Igbo boy. Isidora licked her lips in excitement, making her lips look succulent. She then adjusted her clothes to look provocative and went to search for her 'prey'. Preye was gisting with his clique of friends when she walked into their midst, causing innocent lustful stares from the boys. She then walked to Preye's desk and stood before him, leaning her arms on his desk and making sure that her twin bombers were staring infront of him. 'Preye, i want to see you'. Preye suffered a momentary brain shutdown due to excessive cleavage been displayed by Isidora. She then took his hand and walked away, with him following like a sheep going to the abbatoir. She led him to a tree not far from his previous location and told him her plan. He listened, nodding at intervals. He then patted her back and kissed her lightly on the lips,before heading to his group of friends. He entered the class, packed his books and said 'Am coming' before heading out. Michael and Aminat were talking about class work just outside the school,when a jeep passed them. Isidora looked at the couple from inside the jeep and hissed. Not long after though she smiled smugly. The reason for that smile was bringing great sorrow for Michael and Aminat. Micheal was about to kiss Aminat in the lips when she heard her name. As soon as she saw who called the name, her face turned sad and troubled. 'Michael, am in trouble o!' to be continued
12 Jan 2015 | 02:21
Micheal, hw can u kiss someone's wife withpuut expecting trouble?
12 Jan 2015 | 04:47
Episode 7 Michael noticed her change of attitude and withdrew from her and then he noticed the man staring at them He was what you call averagely tall, not short but neither was he majestic in height. His dark face was somewhat covered by a face cap as he stood astride, staring at them. His dark body shone with sweat as his T-shirt was unable to disguise his proturding belly while his lower part was covered by a jean trouser and shoes. He looked at them for some minutes and then left. Aminat suddenly started to pack her books, clearly distressed while wondering how he got to know their location. Michael helped her,trying to ascertain the identity of the man. She kept mum though and after gathering her books, started walking out of the school like a car that has lost its brakes. Michael walked after her, trying to get her attention until he dragged her arms back. 'Aminat, i deserve to know what is happening, you know.' he blurted out. She looked at him in a 'if-i-blow-your-face' manner, then responded, 'That is my husband's father, so if you don't mind, leave me alone'. Michael however continued to struggle with her,totally obilivous of the jeep that was adjacent to them. In the jeep,Isidora smiled sweetly. Preye is a master dealer! Isidora had obtained Kagoura's number through her network of friends. She then went to Preye specifically. Preye was the only boy in her class who knew how to navigate the web and operate 'runs' from the net ( Isidora herself did nt bother because she had people to do things for her). She met Preye when her elder sister had to register online for the JAMB exams. Preye did all the paperwork effortlessly and got her sister registered within ten minutes, which was a feat in the north due to lack of knowledge about the internet. She had since kept him in cordial terms, knowing that he will prove useful someday. Like today! She had met Preye and had given him Kagoura's number. Then Preye left for the cybercafe and logged into his bulk sms account. He then sent a disturbing message to Kagoura, telling him about Aminat's adventure with Michael and giving him details about their meeting place. It was convincing enough for the man to leave his house and meet the girl, not knowing that he will meet them in a 'compromising' situation. It was enough for the man to realise the authentic nature of the story. Aminat had expected the anger of her father but what she met baffled her. Her dad was sitting comfortably on the sofa, looking at her as she entered. She greeted him and made for her room,when his voice stopped her. 'Aminat, you are not going to school again'. She felt like she was hit by a cyclone.'Baa mi, ki lo so sir? Before she said the next sentence a hot slap descended apparently from the skies to her, sending her sliding across the sitting room. When she looked up, she saw an angry beast instead of her father. 'I should have listened to the people around here and the Kagoura's about sending you to school' he fumed. 'O ti baje,omo jati jati, you can talk to me like that, that school is spoiling you'. 'Baa mi, it is not like that, i just wanted.... Will you shut up there, silly girl, you are going to where you belong, in Usman's house! I sent you to school so that you would be a bit literate, that happened despite the pressure from everyone else to stop your education at primary school level and upon what i have gone through, you went there to be frolicking with small boys tun te yin ni idi kakiri, mo ti gbo,omo dada, useless girl. Pack your things now'. He bellowed. 'And as for that boy, his punishment is waiting for him, walahi'. He swore To be continued
12 Jan 2015 | 10:09
Micheal fell in love with d wrong person.
12 Jan 2015 | 13:33
so sori aminy
12 Jan 2015 | 14:38
Episode 8 Aminat looked stunned with surprise as she looked at the man she called her dad, who went inside after his ranting. Then like small drops before a shower of rain, she started to sob quietly. If only she knew what will happen next, she may have saved those tears for later. Michael was walking back home after failing to get Aminat to tell him what was happening when he noticed them. They were three,maybe four boys following him at a distance. They looked eager to get to him unnoticed and often veered off to another street when he looked back,only to continue to tail him when his gaze is off them. He was uneasy about them,because they were certainly older than him by a few years. He decided to branch off to a street away from the direction of his house. That was his mistake! He turned round and noticed them coming towards him, their paces increasing by the second. He had no choice than to go into different streets from time to time, confusing the boys. he supposedly did a good work of that and was confidently walking home,when a punch came from nowhere, hitting his face with venom. He staggered back,and was soon engaged in a tussle with one of the boys, who held him down until the rest came. They then ganged up against him, tied him and started beating him mercilessly with planks,bamboo sticks and virtually anything they could lay their hand on. He was passing out when he saw a man running towards them from a distance Paul was angry as he returned from the school. The 'Michael' incident had got to the school management and was the center of discussion in the afternoon break by the teachers. Almost all the teachers had proffered stiff penalties for both of them, not minding how embarrassing it will be. Paul has tried to water down the offence, stating their obvious age and naivety as reasons for a lighter punishment. The other teachers had none of it however, and called for Michael's head. What angered Paul the most about the incident was that barely a week ago, two guys were caught in a more compromising position with three girls and the teachers dismissed it. He had the feeling that the supposed 'infurity' of the teachers was due to the fact that Michael was Igbo. He then took a turn form the usual route back home, in order to think. If he did not do that, Michael may have not survived what was happening to him! He had decided to pass a longer route to his abode because he wanted to think on the way, his thoughts were however interrupted by what seemed to be the merciless mauling of a boy by some irate youths. He wanted to turn a blind eye since this was not new, but the way the boys were 'dishing' out the beating touched his heart. He said if it was Michael that was beaten like that, he would want to intervene. As he got nearer to the scene, he suddenly realised that it was not just 'any boy' that was been beaten, it was Michael, his own Michael, who he took as a blood brother. His anger skyrocketed all of a sudden, with his feet following suit. His face was murderous as he approached the lads, who fled at the sight of him. He approached Michael and tried to call his name. Michael, who was knocked out, did not respond. He was worried and quickly decided to move Michael. He quickly lifted them over his shoulders and moved as fast as his legs would go. He soon stopped a bike and zoomed off. to be continued
13 Jan 2015 | 01:43
Interesting. Sadly poor mike fell in love with the wrong person,,,cnt blame the poor guy tho
13 Jan 2015 | 04:49
Now, I understand where ur anger is steaming from. But watever, just take it eazy.
13 Jan 2015 | 05:57
Episode 9 Michael woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around, completely lost as regards where he was, but was calm when he saw a doctor, he realised that he was in a hospital. He then tried to remember what happened, sparking more pain. 'Ah!' a short, sharp exclaimation escaped his lips. All of a sudden, the doctor who was busy with some other patient, moved suddenly towards him. 'Easy there boy, you need some rest', the doctor said, placing his hand on Michael's chest and laid him down. 'You were lucky that you had no broken bones. Michael slept off to wonderland, where he dreamt of been chased by a mob and stripped Unclad, his genitals showing. Then Aminat came from no where,a man with her, as she met Michael and started laughing at him, pointing at his thing. The mob joined in the laughter, as Michael felt like crying there. He was about to cry when he woke up. Something seemed wrong. There was no light. The darkness had an odd feeling which was bearing down on Michael. Although it sounded more superstitous than real, he felt an evil spirit was hanging somewhere close to him,looking with glited eyes at him. The fear was heightened by the white cloth in front of him, which was in line with the unknown shining object. He was almost passing out in fear when..... UP NEPA! The shouts seemed to come just in time as power was suddenly restored to the hospital, with Michael's fears disappearing with them. The scary white cloth was then discovered to be a ward coat, with an aluminium hanger supporting it giving the shining look. Michael heaved a sigh of relief and slept off. The next day was better for Michael,as Paul came to visit. They chatted for quite a long time before Paul decided to leave for home. Michael stayed for a week in the hospital before he was discharged. Paul was taking him home and was at his house gate when he stopped and swiftly moved in front of Michael. He squatted and faced the young boy, anxiety etched on his face. Michael was quite surprised at the action and the next words will shock him further more. 'Michael, don't return to that school again!' Michael looked astonished, as he mentally asked what was wrong before verbally saying so to Paul. 'Michael, please don't argue about it, i will find a way to change your school, but don't come back, please' Paul pleaded. 'Don't you find it funny that no one from your school asked for you' Paul said. 'I don't want anything to happen to you because i know what happened to you is related to some people in the school,so please just obey me' Paul said with a knowing smile. Michael agreed relucantly after much pleading and went into the house. However after a day he decided to go to school. The stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave. To be continued
13 Jan 2015 | 13:06
Episode 9 Michael woke up with a splitting headache. He looked around, completely lost as regards where he was, but was calm when he saw a doctor, he realised that he was in a hospital. He then tried to remember what happened, sparking more pain. 'Ah!' a short, sharp exclaimation escaped his lips. All of a sudden, the doctor who was busy with some other patient, moved suddenly towards him. 'Easy there boy, you need some rest', the doctor said, placing his hand on Michael's chest and laid him down. 'You were lucky that you had no broken bones. Michael slept off to wonderland, where he dreamt of been chased by a mob and stripped Unclad, his genitals showing. Then Aminat came from no where,a man with her, as she met Michael and started laughing at him, pointing at his thing. The mob joined in the laughter, as Michael felt like crying there. He was about to cry when he woke up. Something seemed wrong. There was no light. The darkness had an odd feeling which was bearing down on Michael. Although it sounded more superstitous than real, he felt an evil spirit was hanging somewhere close to him,looking with glited eyes at him. The fear was heightened by the white cloth in front of him, which was in line with the unknown shining object. He was almost passing out in fear when..... UP NEPA! The shouts seemed to come just in time as power was suddenly restored to the hospital, with Michael's fears disappearing with them. The scary white cloth was then discovered to be a ward coat, with an aluminium hanger supporting it giving the shining look. Michael heaved a sigh of relief and slept off. The next day was better for Michael,as Paul came to visit. They chatted for quite a long time before Paul decided to leave for home. Michael stayed for a week in the hospital before he was discharged. Paul was taking him home and was at his house gate when he stopped and swiftly moved in front of Michael. He squatted and faced the young boy, anxiety etched on his face. Michael was quite surprised at the action and the next words will shock him further more. 'Michael, don't return to that school again!' Michael looked astonished, as he mentally asked what was wrong before verbally saying so to Paul. 'Michael, please don't argue about it, i will find a way to change your school, but don't come back, please' Paul pleaded. 'Don't you find it funny that no one from your school asked for you' Paul said. 'I don't want anything to happen to you because i know what happened to you is related to some people in the school,so please just obey me' Paul said with a knowing smile. Michael agreed relucantly after much pleading and went into the house. However after a day he decided to go to school. The stubborn fly follows the corpse to the grave. To be continued
13 Jan 2015 | 13:08
Intresting next pls
13 Jan 2015 | 18:15
Episode 10 Michael walked into the school, looking around for any suspiscous movements or glances thrown at him. Nothing out of the ordinary came to him. He was troting to his class in high spirits when Edem, one of his classmates blocked his way and dragged him quietly to a corner. 'Guy, wetin you dey find for here? He asked in a hushed tone. 'Which kind question be that, no be my school be dis? Michael replied with a sullen face. 'So you never hear wetin people dey yarn for school, that you go chock that your alhaja friend for bush and her papa catch una? Edem stated in a matter of fact tone. When Michael face showed ignorance, Edem took his time to explain what had happened in his absence, the rantings of Aminat dad and later on, the school principal. Edem advised that Michael should go back home and stay there until the thing blows over or he should go to another school, Michael however was having none of it and gently but firmly pushed Edem away while he made for the classroom, ready for anything thrown at him. To his disappointment, nothing of such happened. He took Edem's words with a pinch of salt and relaxed in the class. The bell soon went out for breaktime. Michael went with the rest of his group, totally oblivious of what will happen. As fate will have it, there was any assembly to be held before they go for the break,which is usually controlled by the prefects. The Principal decided to hijack this day's assembly and instead of the prayer went ahead with the business of the day. 'Michael Nwosu, come forward' Michael swallowed his saliva as he moved forward. ' There are days that you are proud as a Principal of a school, while there are other days that you are ashamed to be associated with a school' The Principal continued. 'This i.diot caused one of such terrible days by r.aping a girl in the bushes in this school, The Principal said with a stern face. and he shall be punished for this despicable act'. 'Mr Kazeem, come here and strip him down'. Mr Kazeem,known for his wicked smile and hatred for non-indigenes came forward and despite the instruction of stripping him of his trousers alone, he went the whole mile, making him Unclad in the process. 'Mr Kazeem, come and deliver him 30 strokes of the whip'. Mr Kazeem came forward and started whipping Michael. As the strokes of the whip hit Michael, He vowed that day in his mind to take revenge on Mr Kazeem, the Principal and others someday, someday. A year later.... The most senior students (SS3) march towards the exam hall, with biros and 'maths' set in tow. Among them is Michael, tall,dark and well-sculptured, moved along with them. It is a year exactly when close to this spot, he was disgraced. The Principal has since left the school, but his name, Mr Olujide Babaola was cast in steel in Michael's mind. His mind was far away from revenge and hatred however, it was rather focused towards his WASSCE, which was holding a few minutes time. Isidora was directly behind Michael as her father's name Onyemachi was next after Nwosu. She looked at the man she could have had as hers, that was before her mistake of getting stuck in his affair. He initially knew nothing of her involvement, until Preye got ditched by her in a bid to get Michael. Preye, the ever smart Warri boy then told Michael the whole truth, showing him damning evidence and apologising for his part. Michael was indifferent however, but he kept Isidora in his blacklist. To be continued
14 Jan 2015 | 01:47
Revenge is always sweet but leave everything unto God.
14 Jan 2015 | 04:41
Episode 11 Michael's heart was already darkened towards her and she had to settle for second best in Preye. They filed in, with the external inspectors watching them. Paul was among the supervisors for the day as he was a teacher there. He looked at Michael, uncertainty in his eyes. He had failed to quell the flames of hatred in Michael, which were re-kindled by the public beating of last year. He knew that Michael had grudges against the school but who exactly is what he did not know. The exams passed slowly and finally the last days of secondary education dawned on Michael. The assembly, which was special for his class was quite exuberant, as students were making noise all over the place. The new Principal, Mr Umaru had to ring the bell repeatedly to the students. There was a strange man standing with him. That was the man who turned Nigeria upside- down later. Good Evening students. As you know, this is the last year of your education here. We hope many of you make it to the University. With me here is Mr Dumelo Sheen, an Executive in Vector Technologies Incorporated. He is here to check the performance of you all as his company wants to give some students scholarship to study Overseas, so listen to him as he speaks'. Mr Dumelo, a tall young man in a white three piece suit and a dark trouser to fit, came up to speak on the opportunities his company offers and what his company. He added that he needed 'special' students who are 'talented'. The students listened, giving periodic claps along the way. He was soon over with his talk and the students filed past him to their various areas of interest. He then went to the Principal's Office. Once inside the office, the Principal brought out the files of the students so that Mr Dumelo could have a view of them. When he got to Michael's file, he started to speak ill of Michael, telling various vices he had committed ( which of course was a complete lie). Mr Dumelo looked at his file and then said : ' Can i see this lad you speak of?' When the Principal looked surprised, he said ' I don't want to make a mistake of mixing up the identity of the students'. The Principal was now relieved and gave him a picture of Michael, Mr Dumelo nodded and gave the picture back to the Principal while scanning other files. He then left the office. The Principal was happy, thinking that he had destroyed Michael's hopes of furthering his studies. Mr Dumelo, however had one student in mind that will get the scholarship. His name: Nwosu Michael!.. 7 years later..... Kaduna was looking blazing hot today, with people walking in 'sweat suits' due to the almost lethal intensity of the sun. The relatively comfortable few were shut inside their cars, making maximum use of the air- conditioning of the car. In the midst of the buzz of the city, a young,suited hunk of a man sat watching the telly with his glasses on. Nwosu Michael was finally back! To be continued
14 Jan 2015 | 12:12
Episode 12 7 years outside the country had changed Michael. He was stronger, faster, more analytical and definitely more handsome than before. Add his charisma to the mix and you may be thinking of a model or an executive of a company. But most of all, he was now cold hearted and ruthless. Why? Mr Dumelo had coached him to be so. For while Vector was a 'company of companies', making mega profits and ruling the technology world, there was a dark secret about Vector, closely guarded by its creator, Mr Dumelo. Welcome Vortex! Vortex was a hidden Criminal organisation which deals with ammunition and assasinations across the world. They used Vector as a guise(since both organisations are under the same founder) to perpentrate their activities. They scout for young, intelligent kids who have no background to train to be world class assasins. That was the mission of Mr Dumelo in Michael's school. The scholarship was a ready ruse. Mr Dumelo had wanted to get only Michael, who he had watched for sometime before making his presence known in the school. His eagerness for Michael increased when he realised what talent he was. He then chose Michael, along with Preye who Michael had recommended and Mustapha, a hausa boy recommended by the school. While Mustapha was just studying in the United States, Michael and Preye were taken to an unknown destination in Siberia, where they were educated as well as trained in Stealth, Kenjutsu and other martial arts skills. Then they were brought back to the States to study Robotics and Cyber-engineering, while been trained physically,mentally and pscyhologically as assasins. The results was that they became cold,ruthless assasins who were called Shadow,due to their style of attack and invincibility. Michael and Preye were a tag team unit that had succeeded in various missions, including taking down of the Colombian President and the overnight wipeout of the whole North Korean Military, which led to the merging of the two Koreas. They had just finished assasinating the Russian PM, and took permission to come to Nigeria. They had one mission only. Which is Revenge! For Preye, his revenge starts and ends with the startling beauty, Isidora. She had taken him for granted and almost master-minded his expulsion from school before Dumelo took him under his wing. Her case was like an ant infront of an ant-eater, she was ripe for the takedown. Michael however, had bigger meat to fry. Isidora was still on his mind,but Danladi and Usman took priorty. He planned to take down the old f.oo.l within an hour, but he first wanted to take a 'visit' to Usman's house, just to pass a warning shot. He knew that Usman's dad and Danladi are brothers and they run Kaduna state together from the inside. They will be heavily protected with armed guards and with the ever 'helpful' Nigerian Police Force. He removed his shades, a small smile forming on his lips. Nothing that Danladi had scared him, he really did not care of the man's defences. Having spied his 'fortess', Michael took a ride to Usman's house. If he could wipe out a whole military unit within an hour, these guys are fodder food for him! Michael was now watching Usman's house from a hotel he rented specifically for this purpose. Usman's house was in a cleared area,with a 30 m perimeter seperating it from the next house. The road leading to the main building was specially tarred, making it look like a runway. The main house itself could contain an orphanage, as its massiveness was awesome. Of course guards were everywhere, scrutinising every blade of grass with their dogs, as they were paid to do. Michael opened his suitcase and brought out Animigus, his Special 'ULTRA' suit. He debated for a moment if he should go ultra, but decided against it, since he wanted to send a message. Instead he kept Animigus back and brought out Mercury, his usual assasination kit. It was a thin defined kit, with attention kept on reducing d width of the threads in it. However, it was special because among other things, the full kit resembled a Ninja suit, with its black outlook,with a hood to cover the face and its light weight. He undressed and wore Mercury on, putting down the hood, then wore his clothes back on. He then went for his most dangerous tools, his 'darlings' . He first picked Quicksilver, a set of shoes he specially designed. It was like any other shoe of course,only that when activated, the user could move with a speed of 1billion metres per second! Such frightening speed was actually never used,but the speed he used was equally frightening. He then picked Lexus,a pair of gloves that allow him to create,control and dispense electricity at voltages of 2000MV without causing harm to himself. It can also be used for climbing as it had a magnetic touch. He then picked Dark night, a pair of shades, which apart from having night vision, had the interesting ability to slow down the motion of people to his eyes,helping him to make the right decisions when he used Quicksilver,thereby making him a ruthless finisher. He equiped himself with these tools and then carried a guitar case containing the remaining of his 'darlings' a reverse edge katana and .15M pistols. He checked them out and after scanning them, he smiled in satisfaction. He then adjusted his clothes like a good businessman and walked out of the room and out of the hotel. Its mission time! To be continued
15 Jan 2015 | 01:58
When God says yes, no one can say no. Pple might castigate u but What says u will b in life will surely cone.
15 Jan 2015 | 05:48
Episode 13 Some kilometres away from Usman's house, Isidora was washing her hair. She owned the saloon where she washed the hair, and was intending on arranging it in a seductive way for Fred, her husband. It has been a while since they did it last, S.ex that is. Fred was always 'forming' that he was busy while he was frolicking with small girls. She had a small frown on her face. She was not the beauty she was in secondary school. Two kids in three years rusted away the beauty, leaving a blown up woman. She took care of the kids and Fred, but sex was not on the menu for her. She attended fitness classes of late though, and had slimmed down a bit. She told herself that if Fred did not touch her, she will r.ape him or Jimmy the houseboy or any of the bodyguards around. She was that hungry for it. She got home to meet the gate slightly ajar, the gateman sitting down quietly. She frowned in disgust as she tapped him to wake up. The next thing she saw scared her senses away. The man's head simply slipped away from his body! Just like that! She noticed the prefect cut made on the neck and knew it was not any kid carrying a cutlass. She rushed into the house, the evening shadow creeping in with her. Inside, she met her guards and the houseboy dead, their blood spattered on the walls of the house. She then ran to the sitting room, crying as she imagined what would have happened to her kids. She met the kids chest down, with their heads placed on the sofa like trophies. Fred himself was looking battered, and he seemed disjointed, like something was hanging him from the ceiling. She looked up and gasped, one word escaped from her lips 'Preye!' 'Isidora, are you happy to see me?' Preye asked,with a smirk on his face. 'Or maybe you are disappointed that i did not fade away like you planned. I will say one thing though, i are surprised that you left me for this fuzz-ball,' Preye said, shaking Fred with seemingly invisible strings. 'I thought you had class Isidora, or maybe you are here because of your dad's politics, Preye concluded, the smirk returning to his face. Preye was clothed with a black shirt with red stripes on it, with a black trouser and shoe. He had a katana as well, with his hands gloved, one of the hands controlling Fred. He suddenly jumped down from the ceiling of the house and moved towards Isidora. With Fred watching helplessly, Preye kept his katana in its case and kissed Isidora, his free hand holding her body from fleeing the scene. When she started responding to his kisses, Preye moved his hand and started molesting her twin bombers. Soon, sounds of 'umm, ahh' was beginning to filter into Fred's ears. Preye seemed pretty engaged with Isidora that his grip on Fred was becoming loose. Fred, finding out that he was free,moved to attack Preye in anger. It was a fatal mistake! With one deft move, Preye left Isidora, pulled out his katana and stabbed Fred straight to the heart, killing him! Isidora could nt believe her eyes. Even as Fred had cheated on her, she could not wish for his death. She was also stunned at Preye's new found heartlessness. Was this the Preye that left her school. Fear,anguish and terror were written on her face. Preye, on the other hand was galling at Fred and Isidora. He loved the stunned faces; one of a dead person, the other of a live being. His smirk returned, sending pangs of anger like a flood to Isidora. 'Preye, how can you do this? I will make you pay dearly for this, you swine! Isidora spat out. I will make sure that you are... Whack! A heavy slap landed on her, transfering her weight on the floor. 'How dare you speak out against me? You life is in my hands and you have no control. Preye fired back. Oh you think this was a welcome party? You have not seen anything yet! 'Why Fred, Preye, why Fred, he is not part of my past with you. You were not like this Preye, you were innocent... 'And you used my innocence to your advantage then Isidora, just as I am using my heartless nature nw. By the way, Fred is just the first step, your whole family is next. To be continued
15 Jan 2015 | 11:15
Episode 14 Michael watched Usman's house from the hotel. The activities seemed few and limited, but he knew that behind those doors are multitudes of guards ready to take him down. He then took a seat in front of his hotel, brought a toy car out of his pocket, and put it on the floor. He then took out his phone and pressed 'Zap' on his phone. Immediately, the toy car came alive and started to move across the street towards Usman's house. It skirted the grass, effectively dodging the guards and entering the hosue unnoticed and undetected . It got to the middle of the estate and started sparying pellets and sharpnels around the estate, causing a ruckus. The Guards fell for it! They started running from all corners of the perimeter, firing at the car. Michael controlled the car to move and dribble the guys along the lawn, killing some of them off. When he saw that he had gained enough attention of the guards, he set the car to auto motion and stood up. Its time for him to move in! He moved briskly across the road,got to the perimeter and went for the gate. The guards were careless enough to leave the gate open, however Michael did not enter immediately. Instead he went to the surveillance cameras, twisted some knobs and cut some wires and then entered. Most of the guards had gone to the other end of the perimeter,chasing the car. The weakened guys were finished off as Michael moved swiftly across the lawn in front of Usman's house. He was conspiscous from there and had to find some cover, lest he has the whole Nigerian Police Force here. It was not time for that. The car, in the meantime, reached the end of the perimeter, turned round and sped towards the horde following it. As the stunned guards were about spraying the car with bullets, the car spinned on an axis and blew up, alerting the whole compound. As the guards walked back to their posts, they saw a flash of colour move. The slaughter had begun! Isidora could not believe her ears. So Preye was going full throttle?She wanted to so desperately call his bluff, but the dead bodies around her reminded her that this was not a fantasy game. She tried standing up,but She could not co-ordinate her movements well and she was feeling drowsy. 'So it has started working, anyway you were known to be weak,dear,' Preye said, with a satisfactory smile. She looked astonished, then she tried to ask a question, but she could not talk. 'I gave you a sleeping drug, which has numbing effects,that explains your condition' He pouted as she succumbed to her weak state. Preye picked her up, opened up the gas cylinders of the house took the back of the house, lined up gunpowder into the house from the back and entered the Jaguar, a self customised chopper and took off, dropping a lit match stick as he left. A minute after he left,the whole house exploded! Michael was cleaning his katana on the dead body, smiling at himself. It was obviously too easy, taking down this miffs called bodyguards. Around him were tons and tons of dead men.Obviously one of them had contacted the police and they were on the way. He picked his blade up and hurried towards Usman's house. Usman had just finished a 'hot' session with Kafayat, his latest bride, when Sule, one of his guards rushed to him. 'Sir, we need to take you to the safety house'. He said with a squeezed, obviously pained face. As Usman was about to ask what happened, Sule's face got more animated and then stiff, as he slumped, blood gushing from his mouth. Behind him was Michael! To be continued
16 Jan 2015 | 03:42
Episode 15 Usman made for his room door, but Michael caught him and pulled him back strongly, landing Usman into some furniture. Usman then picked up a gun, which was quickly kicked away by Michael as he delivered quick, hard punches on Usman's body. Usman yelped like a dog who was been castrated, bringing Kafayat out of her room. As she was about to say a word, Michael pulled his pistol and shot her head, bursting her brains away. Usman, seeing the brute nature of her death, began to wimp and cry. Michael then produced a small syringe and injected its contents straight into Usman blood system, using his neck as the transport route. As he did that, Aminat came from another room, facing him and Usman. Aminat had aged under Usman. Her marriage to the young son of Alhaji Kagoura had little benefit to her,as Usman rarely gave her his attention after popping her cherry, he rather went to his role as a manager of his father's businesses. When he was free, he was partying with friends rather than staying with her. To him, she was just a intimacy gadget which he resorted to when he was in the mood. His continous lack of attention,coupled with her father's death and loneliness may her look like a woman approaching her forties, despite the fact that she was not thirty. She was astonished and dumbfounded at the position she met her husband with the stranger. Her shock increased when Michael removed his shades. She recognised him. Michael looked up and saw her. She was wearing a veil but he could see through her shock that she was the one. For the first time in a long while, Michael did not know what to do. His rage at losing her was been clouded by the fact that she was innocent, a victim of circumstances. He was torn between dispatching her to the underworld and leaving her as a survivor. As he debated on what to do in his mind, Usman noticed the distraction and made for a fresh struggle. Michael, now taken by surprise temporarily lose hold of Usman as he tries to regain his composure. Usman, now free then tries to kick him but Michael dodges in style, sending Usman back to the floor and wedging him between his(Michael's) body and the floor. A wicked thought came on his mind as Usman began to succumb to the dose that Michael had injected to him Aminat looked in horror as Usman, who was struggling actively a few seconds ago, now stood up and looked quiet, like a kid that had just been slapped with 'thunder' slaps. Michael then looked at Aminat and said 'Its a long while I saw you, Aminat...' Before she could reply him, he then stated 'and this will be the last time we will see, goodbye now'. With those words he swiftly moved behind her and gagged her mouth before he restrained her with ropes. With the Siren of the Nigerian Police Force now within hearing distance, he moved her towards Usman and then whispered a few things into Usman's ear, before slipping a gun to his hand. Usman dragged her along and made for the door like a zombie, While Michael looked on. As he heard the Police shouting out instructions for a surrender, he smiled. To be continued
16 Jan 2015 | 11:09
Wow, captivating action. Thriller...great storyline, cnt wait for the nxt episode
16 Jan 2015 | 18:34
Episode 16 Usman and Aminat moved outside, to the full glare of the public. The Police were about moving in to take them to safety when Usman dragged Aminat forward and started spewing a lot of Hausa jargons at her, claiming that she was a cheat and a liar. Before the stunned audience and the Police could react, he shouted 'Allahu Akbar!' and shot her. He then placed the gun in his head and shot himself within a minute of shooting her! Shock, Surprise and anguish filled the air as they watched the couple fall down dead in front of their eyes. Nobody could comprehend what was happening at the moment. While all this was happening, Michael made for his escape. He moved for the back of the house, then turned round and placed a note in one of the guards mouth, cut off his head and then put it in a nylon bag that came from no where and then back to his previous direction. He made for Aminat's garden and escaped. Mr Danladi was sitting in his house, worrying. Within a day, the whole of the Kagoura's lineage was wiped out. It all started from Usman, his only son, Then to Sikirat, Nofisat and Aminat. Then all the brothers of Kagoura, apart from himself of course, fell to the sword. Last of all Kagoura himself was killed, giving the press and the Police a lot of work to do. He was worried that a killer was on the loose, moreso worried at the speed at which bodies dropped like flies. He has to protect Uthman and he has to do that fast. As he proceeded to move somewhere, he heard a noise, like something heavy dropped at his door. He wanted to call someone to check what it was, but decided to see for himself. When he got to the door, he saw the shock of his life. A human head was at his doorstep. It looked cut off quickly and with precision. A note was attached to it. it read 'YOU ARE MY NEXT TARGET!' As he read the note, Power supply was suddenly cut off! Fear gripped Danladi as he moved back inside the safety of his home. He moved to the intercom and spoke to the chief of security, Mr Bonafice George. 'George, we are under attack! Prepare your men! Quickly do that and for heavens sake, restore the damn power'. Within seconds, the power supply was restored, although it was in backup mode. He was now calmer and proceeded to move into his room, ignoring the threat until he heard gunshots. Isidora suddenly woke up from her slumber and looked around. She was in a dimly lit room but she did not realise that in time, as she suffered some lack of co-ordination. When she got herself however, what she saw pulled out the hairs in her. A human's head was placed infront of her in a plate. Actually the head belonged to no one else but her father! Seeing her father's head sent sparks of anger in Isidora's head, making her suddenly agitated. She then realised that she was tied and bound to a pole in the room. As she struggled to get free, she noticed that her hands were bleeding. She was scared and wanted to desperately escapr, but the ropes were just too strong for her. Preye entered the room, this time looking damn sexy as he was Coverless, showing his pectoralis and his stomach wall, arranged in seductive layers. He also wore tight shorts, showing his bulge. Isidora temporarily forgot her troubles as her eyes drank Preye's physique, then returned to her bonded state and her face changed to a sorrowful state. 'Hello love' Preye softly said, making Isidora spit at him. He laughed as she contorted a fumed face. He then dropped what he was carrying on a table nearby. It was a laptop. He put it on and waited for it to boot, which happened within seconds. He then did some work in it and faced the system to Isidora's front. Isidora Opened her mouth in utter shock and what she saw. PREYE HAD BUGGED HER PARENTS HOUSE! She could see every aspect of the house, from the security post to her mother's bedroom and the bathroom. Her younger sister was bathing and Preye started rubbing his bulge in front of Isiodora, disgusting her. As her sister finished her routine, her house girl came into the bathing Unclad. Isidora's interest was quipped, especially as she was seeing the girl's body for the first time and was surprised at its freshness. What she saw next was quite an opener however, as the house girl and her sister starting kissing each other! To be continued
17 Jan 2015 | 02:16
Nyc story,nxt episode plss
17 Jan 2015 | 02:44
Episode 17 Isidora was shocked and oddly excited as she watched them doing the unprintable in the bathroom. Preye was also surprised as he was just seeing it for the first time. He watched Isidora's movement for some time and then switched off the computer, much to the chagrin of Isidora. He now sat on the table and faced her. 'As you can see, i have bugged your home for some days now. I know the in and out movements of everyone in your family. That explains the head, Preye said, pointing to the cut off head of her father. 'I can strike at anytime and i will do so too. Preye then stood up and walked towards the exit. 'Don't worry though, you will watch everything from here, he said, leering at her. Mr George was watching his environment carefully. Since the gunshots rang out, the back up light had gone out and all communications to the outside world was shut out. He was able to reach his men, but their responses have dropped dead one after the other. From their coms and their interactions though, he knows that the assailant must be very skilled, as he seemed not to be using guns but was killing with pin point accuracy. He was not scared though, for Mr George was a former assasin himself, and was quite skilled in hand combat. He was also very fit and sharp. As he waited for Biodun, his only surviving colleague to get through to him, he felt by instinct to stay glued to the wall. He thanked his stars for doing that seconds later, as a katana flashed past him! Michael had planned a surprise attack, but instead he got his katana kicked off. As he made for his guns, Mr George lunged at him, getting him in spite of the darkness surrounding Michael. Michael found himself on the ground, his guns miles away from him and under heavy attack from Mr George. For all his training, Michael was weak facing Mr George on a one-on-one situation. Mr George was far bigger than Michaeland since he was pinned down, his movements were severely limited. He managed to get a hand free however, and after scrambling desperately for something, got a sharp stone. He did this while enduring barrage of blows from Mr George. With Lightening speed, he hit Mr George neck with the stone. Mr George staggered back, holding his neck as blood flowed fast. As Michael stood up, he kicked Mr George to the ground and went for his gun. As Mr George lumbered towards him. Michael picked the gun and aimed a shot at his legs. Mr George yelped, falling to the floor. As he groaned, Michael walked toward him and said 'You are certainly a better and well trained fighter. Tell me, what brought the likes of you to serve this man?' As he failed to answer the question, Michael then said, 'It's a pity, but you know how this ends'. As Mr George tried to muster some strength to launch a last attack, Michael shot two bullets at him. STRAIGHT TO THE HEAD! Mr George slumped to his death, leaving Michael to his mission, to kill Mr Danladi! Mr Danladi was already shaking in his bedroom,trying frantically to contact someone, anyone to help. His guards had not reported since an hour back and he could literally feel death creeping in, through his door, through the window,everywhere. He almost thought that the assailant will pass through the wall unnoticed and kill him. Biodun moved through the dead carcasses, shocked at the level of massacre that had taken place. He had planned to take out Michael with Mr George, but his faith was dwindling . He had gotten to the front of Mr Danladi personal apartment when he saw the recognizable body structure of Mr George and rushed toward him. Mr George was hardly breathing, but he pointed towards the door bravely. Biodun entered inside, treading with extreme caution. The sight of Mr George on the floor, groaning in pain and passing away was enough to send shivers down his spine. Mr George, the BISON , who had fought in Bosnia and Afghanistan, Who had handled mobs of irate youths several times, was lying down like a Christmas chicken that had been slaughtered without a fight! He had to be very careful. His trails of thoughts was halted immediately he got to the sitting room. He was stunned at the sight in front of him. On the table was Mr Danladi's Head! To be continued
17 Jan 2015 | 10:22
Episode 18 Isidora was stirred from her sleep, as she saw a plate of jollof rice with two chicken laps string at her. She had been in a hunger strike for some hours, but could not contain it any longer. Despite her determined nature, her stomach crying for some food and she had to respond. As she was 'wolfing' down her food, Preye came in, looking quite cheerfully and gale. She looked at him with instant disgust. Preye was not noticing however and took one lap of chicken from her food. She immediately dropped the food and tossed it towards him. Preye looked at her with glee and then said 'If you like, don't eat, I am here to torment you until the man that will put you out of your misery comes'. As she retreated to her shell, Preye then said that he had more presents for her. He then sashayed past her and left the room. Biodun was shocked at the sight in front of him, even more so as Michael stood in front of him. He thoughts were to run, but his body refused to move. Michael looked at him with pity and said 'You are not strong enough to handle me, go home, make love to your wife tonight and understand that you will be in the job market tomorrow morning', He said with a smirk. Michael then moved past a stunned Biodun as he made for the exit. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED! Isidora stirred from sleep. She was dreaming wonderful dreams of been rescued and all that. The dreams were a little respite to ease what she has gone through under Preye. If she only knew what came next! Preye came in, a basket on his hands. The basket was dripping with blood from dead human heads. Isidora whimpered when she realised that her family members all had their heads in the basket. She now started to wonder if Preye was human or an animal. As Preye saw her, he dropped the basket and looked at her. His tight underwear was revealing a growing bulge! She was stunned and wondered what will happen next. Preye moved suddenly to her and started to under her. Isidora hit him on the groin, which made him groan briefly before two 'table tennis' slaps met her square on the face. Preye then made another attempt, receiving no resistance from her this time around. As he was about to have his way with her, a voice echoed from outside. 'Stop it Preye, its enough!' As Preye obeyed, Isidora turned to see what happened. Right infront of her, away from the room, was Michael! Michael looked at her coldly, before noticing the basket on the floor. He then said 'Are you finished with her?' Preye nodded in affirmative. He then turned to Isidora, looked at her closely and then asked casually: 'How are you doing today?' The question, so casually asked made Isidora wince, which was also surprising. Michael then said 'Well, you must be asking why all this has happened to you. I will put it straight to you, You just got a dose of what you and your ilk put us though back then in school'. As Isidora was about saying something, he indicated that she should be quiet. 'You exploited the power given to you by your father who was the Minister of Information, same as the Kangouras and Danladis.' Isidora's eyes opened wide, 'Yes, i know them. Danladi wiped out my family just because he wanted a piece of land that my dad had.' Kagoura destroyed my only chance of love, of course in collaboration with you'. You used Preye here like a doll and dumped him like a rag, just like your father's employers oppressed people. This country has been dipped into hatred and evil because of your kind and it ends here, today and now.' 'The end of the Danladi's, Kagoura's and your family is the beginning of the end of everything. Power will change hands' Michael then moved forward and made light cut around her neck. ' I have just cut your jugular vein a little. It will be enough to last you up to an hour or so, then you die a sorrowful death, befitting of you. You should be happy, your folks had it worse'. He then carried Isidora, who looked dazed and petrified and headed out. Preye, meanwhile, packed his belongings and moved into the Lexus RX 350. Michael joined him a few minutes later, dumped Isidora at the back seat and drove off. They soon got to the expressway and dumped her body to the bushes and sped off. To be continued
18 Jan 2015 | 05:05
Episode 19 'It was over, justice was served or so we thought' Michael said, with a hint of sadness in his voice. 'But even after that, injustice kept reigning in the land. Politicians keep oppressing people, as the stronger among the people oppress the weak. Corruption and murder ruled this world and everyone was defenseless'. 'I and Preye thought of what we can do to change the country and we gathered other Nigerians in Vortex, including Tunde, Samuel, Kayode, Tijani and Yusuf who your people managed to kill. We took over Vortex first so as to have the space and the time to kick- start our action, which was to wipe out the current political class. But life is funny, and it proved so this time again. 'Samuel became born-again.' 'Samuel new found faith did not support violence and so we changed our approach' Michael said, with stern eyes. 'The change lead to the formation of the Evolvers, with Samuel as the spokesman. You remember our early days, don't you? He asked Chinedu with a wry smile. Chinedu did remember, for like most youths the Evolvers was a means of succour from the politico-social frame work called the Nigerian Society. The group often campaigned against oppression, ranging from an unnecessary slap by an officer in uniform to emblezzement of public funds and abuse of power by politicians. The group was initially ridiculed, but as their actions spoke stronger, they were seen as a banner against the Nigeria people were so used to already, with the corresponding praises. 'We believed that we could change the country without violence, no, without breaking any law in the land' Michael continued, but that utopia was wiped off our heads and hearts, that happening at the peak of our success' 'Samuel was murdered!' 'We had stood up to the government of the day over the purported increase in fuel prices. Samuel had brillantly defeated the Minister of Power and Petroleum resources, Dr Kayode Lawal and was invited by the president to a series of negotiations with organised labour over their ongoing strike action. Samuel, who was a banker at that time attended the negotiations and was made a signatory to any agreement made by the Government and Organised Labour. Everyone else had signed a MOU that had originated from the meeting'. 'All except Samuel'. 'Samuel had seen some clauses which will enslave Nigerians for years and refused to sign it, despite threats from unknown quarters. He had told us and we had supported him, to the extent of even spreading the news round. Then one day while going to work, his car was blocked in front of the military barracks and he was killed,bullets sprayed all over his body'. 'Samuel died on the spot!' 'His death was kept under wraps despite the President's word that it will be investigated Properly. Everyone went about as if it was normal, the useless press and Human right Activists made some noise and then forgot about him. Samuel was left in the dust, forgotten, discarded, just like everyone who cared to change the situation of the Country'. 'Then the truth hit us. This Country is one where people feed on one another and let the dead bury themselves. People waste money and time running after the betterment of their lives, kicking everyone else to the ground. The Rich oppress the poor and the poor betray the wretched. Everyone condemns the rich, but behind your back they worship them as Gods'. 'We did our investigations on his death and found out that the THE CLAN, a group of highly connected and powerful politicians were behind his death. They had collaborated with the president and the Labour leaders and planned his death. Samuel was seen as too big a threat to their greedy schemes'. We started modalities to prosecute the men involved in his death. But the poor among us, the very people we were protecting, betrayed us for a few wads of money. They kept leaking out secrets and turned us against one another. We lost the case before we realised what was happening. 'It was on a sunny Sunday that we then made our decision. Everybody in the country was corrupt, and this country needs cleansing!' 'WE DECIDED THAT WE WILL CLEANSE IT BY OURSELVES! To be continued
18 Jan 2015 | 11:13
Wow..nxt epic pls
18 Jan 2015 | 13:33
Episode 20 'As trust was at premium, we discharged everyone that was close to us and laid low, but we still controlled the youth wing of our Movement. The merciless way in which Samuel was killed still remained in our minds. Then Tijani, who was the most hot headed of us all, had the craziest idea we could have.' 'He suggested that we cleanse this land with the power of the sun, making it look 'divine'. We moved from there and after years of careful planning and execution, we have arrived here. Too bad Yusuf is not here with us. 'Now Mr Chinedu, You have heard my story and i am ready to hear your defence. Tell me why I should not leave a scar in the face of this Country, why i should spare even the smallest kid from this pain? They all deserve it, they will not change until they receive and accept the pain the truth brings, the pain that they have ignored up til now, the Pain their corruption and lukewarmness will bring. THIS WILL BE THE CLOSEST THING TO HELL!!!!!...... Chinedu was dumb-founded at Michael's sudden hysteria, but composed himself and waited for Michael to end his laughter. 'Michael, I may not have direct answers to your question, but i will say this, I am trusting on God to change this Country'. His answer sparked another round of hysterical laughter from Michael, the hologram appearing blurred for a while before he gained himself and looked at Chinedu with 'dagger' eyes. 'Which God, Which God are you talking about, Chinedu? Is it those dead gods you ancestors serve, who allow this debasement to happen or it the God who is so high in Heaven that no one can bring down and answer for his people's crime. I never thought you will be part iof the pathetic crowd called Worshipers, who pray to their God ? Nigerians are desperate, pathetic flies who run to their God every time they are in trouble without every using what their God has given them to solve the problem. These selfish thing flies calling themselves Christians who steal, cheat and kill their neighbors, break a thousand laws of their God and still run to their God for help?' They don't worth it, it is not an answer'. 'I know what i speak of, and i don't speak about the current set of people calling themselves Christians'. 'As my mentor once said..'If you focus on the present, you will be blind to the path you must take...... But if You focus on the path that is right, the present will turn into the future you see', Yea that is definitely Mr Paul Ajayi' Michael said with certainty. 'Paul once told me that life holds a key for all of us to unlock solutions to what we call our problems'. Chinedu said. 'Like you Michael, i have sunk into the darkness before, where I saw this country as a hopeless entity. I have been denied and betrayed, I have hawked in the streets while someone made away with my father's inheritance, I have been attacked and marginalised for no fault of mine, I have seen it all, I really have. But Paul saved me at that moment when i taught it was all over. He showed me how to live and how to be strong, how to forgive and be kind. But most importantly, he shown me the way to know God!' As Michael looked on, Chinedu brought a mini bible from his pocket. ' I carry this everyday', he held up the bible. 'I read it and meditate on it, therefore I know much more than you think I do'. 'I have some knowledge and that knowledge brings light which brightens this heart. The light has been growing day by day and has made me a better man. I am not the only one with this knowledge, but the future has it too.' What is the future? Michael asked. 'The future is the bright light I see at the end of the tunnel. The generation coming after us, Michael. A generation who have grown in this country but not of this country. A generation who are changing and learning, maturing far beyond what you see'. 'Michael, when I see the future, I see a godly set of people who are ready to take over from us'. 'I know what the modern day Nigerian Christians do. They cheat and steal, then come to give thanksgiving for the money they stole. They fornicate and turn around to condemn a poor prostitute. They are all cry- babies who only think of themselves and dont bother to really know God. No, I do not fight for them'. 'I rather fight for the future,those few who have matured and know God for who he is and he knows them too, Chinedu continued. 'They bring a light, which when fully matured, will heal and revive this battered country. Its for them I stand here today and if necessary, I will die in order for their time to come'. 'This country has bled too much, its time for it to be awoken from the ashes it is in now, and I will do just that in a few minutes'. Michael replied with certainty. You will fail if you tow this path, Michael and that will happen because you cannot lead this country, you will only bring bitterness in it because your heart is bitter, Michael'! Chinedu spat out. To be continued
19 Jan 2015 | 01:34
Episode 21 'You speak of leading the country so easily, yet your heart is darkened toward change'. Chinedu continued. 'Don't you see it? The country is in gross darkness because someone used bitterness as a change weapon,and instead of changing the country, they only managed to infuse hatred in other people'. You know where that led to, Michael? Millions of massacres in two centuries as a country, yet you still stand here with such hatred, your heart has refused to heal, Michael, you can't rule the country this way. 'So how do I heal this heart of this hatred'? 'How did you get pass yours, Chinedu'? Michael asked, sounding desperate. 'I gave my life to Christ, first of all, then i started the long process of healing my heart. I focused on the work of God. Chinedu said, showing his Bible,and i started studying it. I also pray to God, not desperately but respectively, having his Spirit as a guide. I also began to apply what i learn in the Word outside, and that has led me to change my views about people that I hated previously. I can't say that my heart is completely healed, but i know that I will get there soon'. 'Can someone like me get to where you are, Chinedu'? Michael looked humbly. 'My God does not reject anyone, no matter how difficult his situation is, Michael'. You just have to see the light... 'Will you guide me to him, even at the cost of your life, Chinedu'? Chinedu nodded his head, even as he was unsure of what next to do. 'I will do so, since you want to change and change the country too. I will pay the ultimate price, even if its for a soul as yours, because that's the life i plan to live'. Chinedu then led Michael to pray, inevitably sealing his death, or so he thought. Meanwhile at NASA, things were heating up pretty fast. 'Ted, what is happening for the umpteenth (hope I got the spelling rite) time? A visibly disturbed General Moore asked. General Moore was the Head of Operations, Counter Terrorism Force (CTF), who was drafted as a result of the inability of NASA to solve the 'satellite' crisis at hand,coupled with the onset of virus attacks on NASA's servers. He came with his 'crack' team, which consisted of 'seasoned' hackers and virus developers, who were battling to solve the virus puzzle infront of them. 'Sir, i still don't have my panels back, and the satellites are heating pretty bad. If the heat aint diverted to somewhere else, we will lose the satellites'. General Moore was now really worried. If the satellites were lost, a valuable system of surveillance will be lost and with Korea and Russia cracking each firewall the US develops, they will be easy targets for attacks. 'Sir, something is happening right now. All the heat generated is been transferred to the 'prime' satellite'. 'The satellite facing Nigeria?' a shaken General asked. 'Yes Sir', a grim looking Ted replied. Chinedu had just finished his prayers with Michael when the latter told him how much time he has left. 'Chinedu, you have two minutes left, what will you do?' This time though, Chinedu was sure of his reply, 'I guess this is the end for me and my generation. It is left to you and your guys to show the rest the way'. 'My time is up but I am happy that I was able to do something, even if its a little because even the little things count to him (God)'. Something then shifted in Michael's heart at that moment. 'Michael, what are you there'? Preye said, screaming on top of his voice. 'What does it look like'? I just hit the override button and yes i know the rays are heading here, so go and get d emergency water pods and get the hell out of here'! Michael screamed back. 'Michael, you know that the pods are.... Yes I know, thats why i am staying here, now move it'! Michael now turned to Chinedu, 'Yes, someone's time is up, but its not your time, its mine. To be continued
19 Jan 2015 | 22:51
Hmmm wats micheal up to. ?
20 Jan 2015 | 02:31
African We Are v published dis episodes since 2 days ago.
20 Jan 2015 | 03:08
Final Episode In NASA, Ted had given up hope on ever diverting the disaster looming. General Moore and everyone waited for the seemingly inevitable outcome; the death of Nigeria! 'Sir, something strange just happened'! Ted reported, looking shocked.'The 'prime' Satellite had its co-ordinates changed, just right now! 'Its focus is on a small island just below Nigeria, The rays have been diverted there sir'! Its a miracle! General Moore was very relieved, as he thought of Ifeoma, his Nigerian wife and his three lovely kids, who are now safe. Everyone else was exhausted and the panels were on safe and back in their control. Chinedu looked astonished,but happy at the new chance at life. his face expressed his emotions in words that had not been found yet in the dictionary. As he was about asking what happened, Michael interrupted him. 'I have an override button here, which diverts the rays to where I am. I wonder why I put it though'. He said a bit mockingly. 'I would make a poor leader, since i do still have baggage and i will have to learn all over again how to be without hatred. You on the other hand, have gone through some processes and have come out unscathed'. he paused for a second and then continued, 'I can see that unlike me, you will have the heart and will to conquer the darkness that is on the land. Your heart that has been strengthened by your beliefs make me say so'. 'You remind me of Paul and your talk about the future corresponds to what Paul told me some time back. Unfortunately, I had shut my eyes to the light and had almost ruined the whole script. I do not deserve to Lead this people'. 'I leave Nigeria to You Chinedu, You are the only one that I can trust to bring light to this country, Though the final decision lies with the future, not you. Whatever path they go, just remember to do your best.' Till We meet on the judgment throne Chinedu, I say goodbye'. Michael said before his hologram disappeared. A second later,A huge tremor was heard, shattering the windows and doors in the house. The Rays have descended already! Chinedu was at Eagle's square, Abuja. It was the Remembrance Day of the blast, which had left a scar on the island where it happened. Dancers from all parts of the country filled the whole place, displaying their skills. The President sat at the VIP lounge, with Chinedu close to him. Chinedu was now the Special Adviser to the President on Home Affairs. This was as a result of the incident five years ago, when rays seemingly came from the sky and hit Bioko island, destroying all forms of life on the island. Chinedu knew that it could have been Nigeria or rather it should have been Nigeria. He remembered that chilling day where he spoke to Michael and the events after that day. Since he was the only person to have seen Michael, Chinedu was given audience to the President and the Senate. Infront of them all, he explained everything, from Michael's plan to the rasons for his actions and what finally happened. It looked so unconventional, but President Hassan cared less and the Senate were with him at that point. Decisions were made and then Chinedu, who was a constable at that time, was given the post of Minister of Home Affairs. As the Minister, Chinedu started inculcating the principles he had learnt to his staff, soon enough with the help of the President and everyone within the executive, Chinedu had managed to change the psyche of the country, which led to some level of progress in the country. Right now, as the President ( who was just starting his second term in office) was giving his address, which was based on cooperation of evryone in the country to improve the standard of themselves through patriotism and the right sense of thinking and actions, whiulst saying his Government's commitment in improving the situation in the country, Chinedu summed up how the country had progressed. The Country may not be free from corruption, but its grip is reducing, while the food prices and the general standard of living has greatly improved. Most of all, Justice and fairness has returned to th country, the land of his dreams. Nigeria was really on the right path, after all!. The End
20 Jan 2015 | 12:18
Chai!!, naso Micheal 4 destroy dis beautiful land wey we dey call NAIJA. Thank God sey d gu bcom born again @ d last munite oooo.
16 Mar 2015 | 12:28
Ummm, nice one
30 Apr 2015 | 08:21
Kul one...ah really enjoyed the story.....kudos
30 Apr 2015 | 12:51
kul story dude
1 May 2015 | 11:04
dis piece passes for a movie,why not make it happen?
19 Sep 2015 | 09:16


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