

By chaarls in 11 Apr 2019 | 07:48
chaarls chaarls

chaarls chaarls

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Sometimes people says life is full of adventure and combining love and life is a different thing all together…
The greatest mistake in life is to fall in love with the wrong person…
Dangerous affairs is a love and adventurous story that deals with love to seek and power to get…
Veronica(vero for short) is a young lady full of passion, when her parents passed away she became a house maid and suffered maltreatment in the hands of her late father’s elder brother …
Many years after Evans the only son of Mr Ben (vero’s late father elder brother) fall in love with vero and destroyed her life…
What will happen when vero came back from death and plan her revenge through Evans
Dangerous affairs is a must read story.

Originally written by: Bra chaarls
11 Apr 2019 | 07:48
Bring It On [hr] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES Scroll down for episode 1 •Episode 2-3 Episode 4-5 Episode 6-8 Episode 9-End
11 Apr 2019 | 08:11
….WRITTEN BY BRA CHAARLS…. She is always not around this girl will kill me in this house, she always play the role of a good girl but she is nothing compared to that… Vero vero….. This I’d what goes on every morning in vero’s house, she will be called to work in the house instead of going to school. Vero is in her 2year in shs and had to stop schooling 2months after the tragic death of her parents. It was believe that her parents died in a car accident but vero knows deeply that her parents death was a planned death……. But since she had no prove she kept quite and faced shame.. Vero cleans, wash and prepare 3 square meals a day in other to prevent beatings and starving the hole day as her punishment for not doing her house chores… ….you don’t mean it, are u kidding or something … I can’t believe u are in Ghana son wow this is really a surprise.. Juliet said on phone. Honey honey !!! Yes dear.. Mr Ben replied JULIET: our son Evans is in Ghana and he will be here in 5hours How is it possible but I talked to him 2days ago and he said nothing about his home coming to me… and we have not make any preparations to welcome him… Mr Ben said You are right Darling i am also surprised about his arrival but u don’t worry about the preparations I will take care of that … Juliet replied Juliet shout Vero Vero ooooh my this girl is really on my shol…. Before she could complete vero cut in Yes Ma.. See her face, where were u when I called for the first time… My son is arriving anytime from now and I want u to clean the guest room. And cook some jollof rice with salad cus that is his favorite .. Juliet requested Ok Ma, vero said and turn to walk away… No wait, Juliet stops here are u walking out on me No Ma i thought u… The double slap that Juliet gave to vero at that instance made her words checked… Come on leave and go make sure u complete what u have been ask To do in 3 hours…. Vero left to the kitchen to start the cooking… A thought flash in vero’s mind…. Wow bro Evans is coming back see how time flies my late dad took him to abroad to further his education.. He must be a grown up now cus I was 14 when he left…. The smell of the burning stew brought vero back from her thought.. ….3 hours later…. Evans arrived in his parents mansion…. Vero rushed out to pick his bags inside…. Vero sliped and fall into Evans arms …. Juliet quickly pushed her away and gave her a slap… How dare u a servant to even touch my son are u crazy, stupid girl come on leave from here… …. Vero quickly get the bag from the car booth then rushed back into the house. ….DAYS LATER… Mr rushed into vero In the corridor, hey girl make sure u clean MY room before i return from work OK sir, but sir I want to ask u a question why do u treat me this way in my own house.. Vero asked… …Mr Ben… No wait who told u this house is yours oh please save me from your stupid voice by leaving my site now before I loose my patients… Vero left to get some work than in the living room and to her surprised she saw Evans sitting in the couch… Morning sir… Vero greet… …Evans.. Morning sis how are u Am fine sir… Please sir my name is Veronica I prefer u call me vero and not sister …Evans… Oh sorry I called u sis because I don’t know your name by the way am also Evans and don’t call me sir…. But… Evans quickly cut in before vero could complete her statement.. But call me Evans… …vero.. OK sir Evans will be perfect I think Juliet entered the hall she asked, and what is going on here..? Morning mom we are just doing introduction since we are going to live together now of days… Evans answered —–introducing your self to this servant… Juliet asked Evens Point of correction mom she is not a servant but a house help and about tbe introduction is based on humanity not by status sorry for talking to you this way mom but I think is need since we are coming to stay as one family under the same roof we have to be socialize … Evans replied Oh so u have charm my son too in just a day ..Juliet said and walk near and gave her a double slap… Evans couldn’t just stand and watch so she left…. Juliet got more angry on Veronica…. The story has just began To be continue…..
11 Apr 2019 | 08:55
Humm dis is going to be serious. Bring it on, am seated already
11 Apr 2019 | 08:58
Nice start
11 Apr 2019 | 12:56
Where is my chair,who is sitting on it, pls i'm here now.
11 Apr 2019 | 14:30
Ride on
11 Apr 2019 | 15:47
11 Apr 2019 | 16:07
.....WRITTEN BY BRA CHAARLS.....  Vero vero... Evans called She run into Evans room... Yes sir, i mean sir Evans here I am...  Vero i want u to help  me clean my room ..Evans asked...  Vero agree to his offer and they both clean the room...  Mr Ben is living for America so Juliet went to work early in the morning  After cleaning the room the went into the kitchen and. Made some breakfast for both... It was fun... They both seems to like each other a lot.... For the first time in a year vero felt she is at home after the death of her parents...  After eating they sat down to watch television  Evans.. Ask vero who are you Vero thought it wise and quickly cook up a story... An an orphan your Dad picked me from the street and brought Me home...  Their conversation continue till when George the only friend of Evans paid him a visit ...they had a lot to talk about,,  girls, football and a hole lot.....  The sweet aroma from the kitchen made them change their topic ...George.. Wow Evans this your maid,  I mean house help is really good at cooking  Just an aroma and u are Complementing , that girl is super cool and  even thinking of spending the night with her... Evans replied George laugh and added hey man I thought u have changed but it seems u have not upon all the uncounted girls,hey not thus girl don't destroy her life ok Evans got angry and starts shouting !!! What do u mean by my character and change.. And hey we just meet when I return from us and u are behaving u know me for about some years now.. Oh please am not sure I can continue this friendship please George leave this house immediately.....  When vero heard the noise she came to the hall and saw Evans going to his room And George leaving, when George turn and saw Evans entering he return and gave his contact card ? to Vero and told her to call him because he wants to tell him something.... Vero went back to the kitchen and continue her cooking, minutes later food is ready she served food for Evans and when he reached the dining table Evans was already there waiting for the food..... Vero laugh and Evans speak OH so u think I am hungry that's why I am here early.. Yes u are... Very replied EVANS : u are wrong I am here early because I want to request u to eat with me today..... VERO: I would love to sir but I am just a simple servant and I am not in any position to eat here.. Yes I know but please is a request from a friend not a boss... Evans replied Well if u insist Vero said as she sit down... Food is served and they started eating.... Evans watch Vero lustfully all this while.... Evans then picked one on the soft drinks on the table which was already open and poured some into a glass ? for vero whiles he took another bottle ? for himself..... As Vero enjoy the drink Evans smiled and suddenly Vero fainted..... To be continued.......
11 Apr 2019 | 16:55
Like parent like son
11 Apr 2019 | 17:22
oh oo, shouldn't be what am thinking
12 Apr 2019 | 05:00
hmmmmmm,,, all dis children of bad parents sef,,,, they are alws more dangerous dan dia parents....
12 Apr 2019 | 06:08
….written by Bra chaarls… Vero felt dizzy and collapse…. Evans carried vero to his room and raped her, he then realize vero is dead so he took the body outside and into his car he drop her in a bush and cut someL leaves on him…. The next day Evans informs his mom that vero have escape from the house, Juliet became happy because her greatest burden Is no more.. Days turns into weeks, weeks tuns to months how how time flies is been 9 years now since Veronica was reaped by Evans…. Now Juliet takes care of all the house duties, sometimes she remember vero but to her vero is her destruction…. Evans now the general manager in his father’s company ……its morning and Evans is now living for work… JULIET: Son please think about what we talk about last night.. EVANS: OK mom i will,and u already know is not easy to find the right girl who will love me and take care of me but I will son give u a good answer.. Evans said and vuuuuuuuum he drove his car. On his way Evans saw crowd in the middle of the road so he parked and walk towards the crowd to see what is going on. To his surprise a young boy was in blood the people around told him it was an accident.. When the boy was trying to cross the road a Toyota vehicle hit him and the driver did not even border to stop… Evans quickly took the boy in his car…and drive straight to the hospital…. After an hour of treatment the not gain consciousness.. The boy started crying, Evans console him and narrated what happened to him…. After that they made some introduction the boy introduced himself as Joeakin (Joe) and he live with his single mother (Lydia) Suddenly the door open and there comes Lydia a worried mother who just heard her child has been admitted to the hospital u can picture that… Belinda rushed quickly to Joe without even noticing Evans who is sitting on the bed son are u alright u see I promise not to send u to buy something for me u will always stay in the house in order not to course any accident son I am sorry… It seems she has now noticed Evans, Belinda took hold of Evans collet and starts to blame him for coursing the accident but the doctor entered in time to explain things which calm Lydia down…. A series of apology came from Lydia to Evans but he said oooh madam no need I understand your situation and I know every mother will behave this way…. …Weeks After… Evans is in his room after Joe incident evans and Joe have become best friends sometimes Joe will come and spend the weekends. The poor life of Joe and Hisom Lydia started changing small small… Evans heard a knock on the door, he came and open it and to his surprise he saw a Lady on the door HE GETS SHOCKED To be continue…
12 Apr 2019 | 07:57
I guess she's Vero
12 Apr 2019 | 10:25
....ORIGINALLY WRITTEN BY BRA CHAARLS.... Next morning Evans heard on the door and quickly open it. A young attracted beautiful girl was standing in front of the door..they both exchange greetings and quickly Evans let her in… The Lady introduced herself as Belinda a professional hose maid with a valid certificate, who is looking for a job…Evans get surprised and ask her how come a beautiful lady like u is looking for a job as a house help instead of work in the office…and from your look I can see u are not that poor to be working as a maid. BELINDA: Oh no sir I work for an organization, and their job is to train a professional maid to work for them in return for money from their masters Please employ me and I will never fail u sir,.. EVANS: ok madam ..errr your name again. Belinda Ok madam Belinda u are qualified to work here and you must start work latest by tomorrow morning which means u are to report early tomorrow morning to serve me breakfast…. BELINDA: exited ok sir I will make sure to report on time but how is my salary going to be. U don’t worry my parents are in the united States so I call and inform the this evening and discuss your salary..Evans replied Ok sir Belinda said and left the house at he gate she called someone on phone and said EVERYTHING WENT ON AS PLANNED… NEXT DAY…. Is 4am in the morning but Belinda has already reported with her belongings, Due to Evans own plans he failed to inform his parents about Belinda…. 6pm in the evening, and for the fast time in Evans life breakfast is served to him in his bedroom, after some time Belinda came back to pick the plates and clean the room….Belinda is dressed in new cloths….Evans is surprised he cannot move his eye away from the short skirt with pink No hands crop top displaying her stomach with her natural long hair fixed to the right ear nobody will tell u not to look at her fake golden earrings bigger than 30° circle, making her makeup little bit golden, Belinda bend down displaying her undies……. ……WARNING, ADULT CONTENT 18+…… the force attraction between Evans and Belinda could not last any longer. Don’t ask me who made the first move, but the deep kiss from both was the first ever, the romance was hot, Belinda bent down and open Evans zip and removed his…… Next morning Evans gets up confused to see that Belinda is nor on the Bed with him so he ask himself was it a Dream, his confusion did not last any longer when Belinda enters the room without knocking, she serve breakfast and both enjoy together, Evans said to himself so it was real…. …as days passed by both share a sweet love, and the affection for each other was like a married couple. Mr Ben and Juliet return from the trip, Belinda won their hearts with his r hard work and sweet meals so they agree to Evans alliance to get married to Belinda, sometimes Joe visit them, Mr Ben have enrolled Joe in one of the best schools and had also open a shopping mall for her mom (Belinda) Belinda is in the kitchen and the phone rang…. Hello Vero Vero: yes sis I hope everything is going on as planned I have been calling u for the past 3days and u are not picking any of my calls… BELINDA: am sorry vero I can’t continue with this plan of yours because i have falling in love with Evans already…and am begging u to live Evans and family alone else I will inform him u ate still Alive……. To be continue….
12 Apr 2019 | 13:36
12 Apr 2019 | 14:53
thats madness
12 Apr 2019 | 14:55
who is d boy(Joe) is he vero's son for Evans?
12 Apr 2019 | 19:42
12 Apr 2019 | 19:47
13 Apr 2019 | 04:41
The mysterious conversion between Belinda and Vero on phone continue…. VERO: what are u saying what no Belinda u can’t just backup like that please Belinda our plan has just started and u are quitting because of love, and u probably know that Evans is a devil… BELINDA: point of correction your plan and not our plan, the fact is I don’t know u, we just meet and u told me your story and I decided to help u but I am no more interested, and about Evans he is a Hunan being and he can change anytime, I warn u to stay away from me and Evans….. Belinda cut the call leaving Vero in a shock, all her hopes are over, Belinda was her only pin to enter into Evans hole, it is over,she said and she had flashes on what happened in the past as if it was happening now… ****FLASH BACK**** ….9years earlier….. Veronica wakes up in a bush with leaves on her as if she is dead, it was late in the night so she could not find her way out, she spend the night in the Bush…… Next morning a woman going to her farm saw vero laying and woke her up, Vero narrates her story about Evans rapping her… The woman brought her to her house and they live together … 3minths later vero Discover that she is pregnant as a result from the rape, She gave birth to a baby boy and named her Joakin Obrine (Joe) and the name of thecwoman who helped her us Lydia, Life became hard 1year after the birth so vero moved to the city alone to find a job,…. In the city she meet a well successful business man call Richie, Richie had been in a relationship twice his first woman died and he divorced the 2one When we talk about life Richie have experience a lot and he now owes a big shopping mall in Kumasi the Ashanti regional capital of Ghana. Her parents died in a plane crush 4years ago and as the only child, he inherited all the properties, As times go on Richie fall in love with Vero but could not express it. Richie help Vero and they live together as friends years after Vero came back for Lydia and her son Joe but could not find them since they have relocated , so Vero decided to seek for Revenge so she meet Belinda and told her everything, Belinda agreed to help her, but have now backed up…. ***FLASH BACK ENDS**** Vero cried out loud thinking she has list the fame now that Belinda has backup, and she cant go the the house else they will finish her for good… …..WEEKS LATER…. Vero is on the street trying to criss the road when she heard a voice calling her name, Vero Veronica VERO: this voice sounds familiar Oh God is this who I think is it… She turned and gets teary eyes….. TO BE CONTINUE……
13 Apr 2019 | 06:27
right here
13 Apr 2019 | 11:24
13 Apr 2019 | 11:26
Vero is on the street trying to criss the road when she heard a voice calling her name, Vero Veronica VERO: this voice sounds familiar Oh God is this who I think is it… She turned and gets teary eyes…. Dress in black straight dress with a blue black beds on her neck, Black earnings holding blue hand bag. Standing on a brown hells, She said so is that really u she then touch her face to verify if Vero is a Ghost or. I can’t believe this both said at the same time and hug each other…. Belinda is that u I have been looking for u for years now, tell me is my son Joe alive please tell me something…Vero asked BELINDA: i can’t believe we have meet again after so many years and about your son Joe he is perfectly fine but he is in school now.. Vero and Belinda then walks to Belinda’s hose to wait for Joe, Vero is so excited to meet her son after so many years. Richie calls Vero and she gave him the good news, Richie then decided to visit Vero and to also meet Joe….call end Is been a long time now l, and what happens Belinda u look all rich Vero asked and Belinda narrated the story of Joe’s accident and the meeting of a super hero Evans…. Upon hearing the name “Evans” vero stood up and says The name Evans is a name of my biggest enemy, but I think this your super hero Evans is different from my Evans. The door of the living room opened quickly vero turn and tears started dropping from her eyes her makeups was no longer in a formation …. Aunty Aunty do u know that Mr Evans is getting married this weekend, Joe said as he entered He saw her mom Vero and hug her and says I know that is u mom because Aunty Belinda had once show me some of your pictures please mom don’t leave me again mom stay with me… VERO: I will not leave u again, I love u son, and i promise to stay with u always… Mother and son spend the whole night together the next day which is Friday Joe did not go to school …. Early in the morning Vero,Belinda & Joe drive to the lorry station to pick up Richie who has just arrive. . ….Hours later…. With the idea of Belinda they decided to pay a visit to super hero Evans, so Vero can meet Him, little did they know This super hero Evans is the same as The Enemy Evans and Joe’s biological father… On their way to the house vero received a message saying “U are on your wat to the place u supposed to be long time ago but do not let your weakness get over u but remember u have a motive which is Revenge” Belinda gets surprised and wondered who sent the message, so she replied “Who are u and what do u want” The unknown number replied again “That’s my side of the story, keep it in mind its all about Revenge, u don’t worry u will get to know who am I soon” Vero got Angry and turned off her phone, She was sitting between Belinda and Joe whiles Richie is sitting behind the steer so it was not easy for her to see outside, all she could heat was the directions given to Richie by Belinda…. They finally arrived at their destination which is Evans house Nobody will tell u there is a wedding coming on in the house because of the yellow and white paint m, they all entered and Joe went upstairs to call Evans, They sat down, then Vero realize she have dropped her handkerchief so she bend down…. Suddenly she heard a familiar voice saying WELCOME she quickly stood up and to her biggest surprise she Evans and Lydia is standing in front of her…. Lydia gets shocked and open her mouth widely, Evans tried as much as possible to act he is not shock but his face revealed everything, Belinda notice what us going on between the three… To be continue…..
13 Apr 2019 | 16:11
14 Apr 2019 | 11:56
wow interesting. Vero should try and forgive Evans for their son's sake
14 Apr 2019 | 15:34
these two people wrong u, what would u do to them now
14 Apr 2019 | 17:50
Evans gets surprised, Belinda notice what is going on between Vero,Lydia and Evans and gets confused…. They all sat down and introduced themselves, Evans came to know Veronica is the mother of Joe, can it be possible that I am the father, oh no is not possible, cus it was a rape, but everything is possible I thought Vero is dead but see she is now in front of me…Evans said to himself They all enjoyed the afternoon like strangers Vero then went to the wash room when returning she saw Evans coming to her direction…. Vero I am sorry for what happen years back ok it was…. Before Evans could complete her statement Vero cut in, Don’t worry lets forget about the past and start a new life now…. They both walk back to the hall, vero introduced Richie to everyone as her boyfriend and Joe’s father… Evans get disappointed upon hearing this, he talk to himself “why do I feel that i am in love with Vero oh no she will never agree to this and by the way she has someone now and i am also getting married tomorrow… Evans saw Lydia sitting confused he approached her and ask, Why are u too down today it’s the dream of every girl to get married but it seems u are not happy and is just few hours to our wedding… Lydia: what do u mean i am not happy, am very happy but am just feeling a little confused about how tomorrow is going to be …. Before Evans could say anything Joe call him, And how can I tell u that I am sad because I know Veto is back for your downfall, Belinda talk to herself ….NEXT DAY (wedding Saturday)….. Joe is getting dress up by vero, who is already dressed.. Richie wait for them in the car.. Belinda is dress in Black skirt with white top and also in white accessories she entered the car without Richie’s idea all he heard is Good morning… Joe runs to the car followed by Vero, Richie almost bite his tongue when his eyes spot Vero …. Vero get into the car and vuuuum vuuuum , Richie drive the car to the church where the wedding is taking place, upon reaching there Belinda got out of the car and took a taxi and drive back to Evans house… Vero, Richie and Joe walk into the church, they were welcome by Evans and his parents, since Evans have already tell them everything they were not shock to see Vero again but was looking shy, Joe have some fun as he move ups and downs In the church while Vero and Richie take their seat… Hours later. . Evans the Groom is at the alter waiting for his bride everybody gets seated, suddenly the flower boys and girls entered followed by the bride Lydia with her 2 brides maid the maids are dress in pink dress and the bride is in a little shiny white gown with a white veil covering her face, a flower is thrown on the flow before she would make a step, She was handed to the Groom, the priest then perform the necessary procedure, Mr Evans do u accept madam Lydia as your wife and promise to be there for her either in bad or good times and only death can town u apart YES I Do… Same applies to the bride, everybody gets happy, With the power invest in me as a priest I now pronounce them as husband and……. STOP THE WEDDING!!! a voice shout from far and everybody turn to the voice direction……… To be continue…….
15 Apr 2019 | 10:38
this is so confusing oooo
15 Apr 2019 | 11:52
Welcome back guys we continue from where we ended in episode 7 before the priest finished his statement a voice came from far end, Stop the wedding, which made everybody turns to the direction… Dress in black suit, he came close to the alter and speaks I SAID STOP THIS WEDDING… Mrs Juliet gets up and asked, who are u and what right do u have to stop my sons wedding… Well my name is George and I am the legal wedded husband of this bride Lydia, she left me for u only because of your money, but I decided to stop this wedding to save Evans because was once my friend…. LYDIA: who are u and what do u mean by my wedded husband please Evans I don’t know this man belive me, Lydia cries oh really now u don’t know me I see then I think this pictures will prove me right, George then drop some pictures on the flow Evans picked one and gets shocked to see Lydia dress in wedding gown lying comfortably in George arms, he then left the premises followed by his parents, Vero thinks her plan failed as Lydia was not able to marry Evans, but she was having a doubt that she knows George but has forgotten where.. Everybody gets up and left, as Vero walks out she then recall where she knew George… Evans friend who gave her his number to call him, Vero runs after George,…. George wait I want to talk to u, van u tell me where and when did u got married to Lucia. George then turn around, I gave u my number to call me years ago but u never did, u are now here looking for something I am also looking for, but u are weak Vero u don’t need anybody in your plan, u can do it your self u just go for it… What do you mean… Vero asked Tonight 7pm at Rosemont restaurant and bar, come and I will tell u the secret identity of your plans which u never knew, George said and entered into his car, vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum he drive leaving Vero confused…. Richie, Joe and Veronica also drives home, Belinda was already there… Joe is feeling sleepy so he went to his room….. Vero gets disappointed when Belinda told her that she was not able to find the video talk I which proves that Mr Ben is responsible for her parents death… Belinda continue by saying she tried and reach the destination but it seems the tape is kept in locker so they need a code to open it…. Vero then told them about her meeting with George tonight, late Vero Dialled Lucia line but nobody picked up the call….. Evans is now in his room feeling worried and betrayed, but only for his name sake but he never loved Lydia he was getting married to Lydia because his parents wants him to, Now that the real identity of Lydia is out Evans have decided to focus to get the attention of Vero even if he has to kill Richie he will…. But because of what happened 9years back he is afraid Vero might not have any interest in him…. 7pm Veronica and Belinda arrive in the restaurant they order for some drinks in a shot while George entered. He greets them and sat down, he also order for an American wine…… The conversation starts****** Ok George u talked a lot this afternoon and I want u to clear my confusion at once. VERO asked Well my name is George forson the only son of the late Mr and Mrs Forson, we meet 9yeara ago but we could not talk properly but now we will, my parents used to work in your late father’s office and Due to their hard work your Dad Promoted them and gave the an apartment in which I am leaving now, your Dad decided to give all his property to my parents to take care of since u were a child those days, but when u grow then my parents hand them to u, but your father’s elder brother Mr Ben find out about this plan and he murdered my parents, and yours too…. Oh yes I know they both killed my parents, Vero said GEORGE : Both no u got the wrong idea, from my own investigation for the past 14years now I came to know that, Mr Ben killed my parents and Juliet his so called wife was the eye witness, Juliet record everything and blackmailed Mr Ben and that time Evans was already born which means Mr Ben is not the father of Evans and they decided to work together, Later me Ben introduced Juliet to your parents as his girlfriend and they have given birth to Evans which was a lie, So u mean the video I am looking for does not contain anything about my parents but yours, and tell me what is between u and Ludia…. Vero asked GEORGE : hmm about Lydia it was all a plan, I came to know about your an which engaged Lydia so I convinced her to tell u she is no more interested in your plan so that u your self will come close to Evans because u are the only one who can get that video we are talking about, so are u interested in my plans or u will work on your own, …. VERO: I am in for it tell me what should I do, I can do anything just to take my Revenge. All this time Belinda sits quite and for the first time she asked, so u mean Lydia marriage to Evans was all a plan, Yes a plan customers we had no other option to break that relationship, George answered OK tell me the next step… Vero asked again. Vero u have to get into a serious relationship with Evans in other to get to that video tape,….. George said To be continue…….
16 Apr 2019 | 06:09
Am with you
16 Apr 2019 | 13:43
Revenge is not a good thing
17 Apr 2019 | 02:26
are u sure Vero we not fall in love with him?
17 Apr 2019 | 06:24
Is been 5months since Lydia and Evans weeding got to a stop. Lydia is now enjoying herself in Dubai customers it was her price promise by George if she helps in getting Vero close to Evans, For the past 3months Vero is leaving a new life as Evans girlfriend, yes Evans proposed her and due to her passion for revenge she also agree….. Richie don’t feel hurt because he knows Vero is in for revenge not to love. Richie still treat Joe as his son bit the fact remains that Joe is the son of Evans and Vero as results from the rape incident 9years ago but this secret is still kept from Evans, Sometimes Joe gets happy to see her mom with Richie but to him he prefer Evans for her mom….. It seems Belied is falling for Richie as days passes but she have to keep it to herself.. Joe, Vero and Evans now live in Evans house while Belinda and Richie lives in Belinda’s house. Is 7am in the morning and breakfast is served by Vero, for the past three months Juliet have developed some love for Vero because she thinks Vero have no idea in MI do of taking her property…. The hot porridge served is very tasty as they are eating Juliet get a call from her secretary informing her that a client who is returning to the United States of America needs to talk to her at the airport so she has to rush there for some important business In reality the business is about shipping of some goods but the fact is they deal in illegal drugs, Juliet breaks the news to the family that she is going to meet a business partner to talk about their goods which is still on water but Mr Ben clearly understand everything…. Without wasting much time Juliet went to her room and open the secret locker in which the mysterious video tape is hidden she remove some drugs and due to how fast she is she did not close the door she sat into her car vuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum she drives to the airport After Breakfast Mr Ben is reading the newspaper as always, Vero is doing some cleaning while Evans is having a nap, Belinda has come for Joe to spend the weekend at her place….. Mr Ben asked Vero to go into his room to bring him his sunglasses Vero entered the room and took the sunglasses and while she is getting out she saw a bunch of makeup on the floor so she thought it might have fallen because of how hurriedly Juliet was so she bent down to pick them up and to her surprise she saw the save locker open, She gets amused and get closer she then saw some drugs and a tape quickly she took some pictures with her phone and replace the Cd she then left the room without closing the locker she handed over the sunglasses to Mr Ben and rushed in one of the rooms… She then made a conference call between Richie, Belinda and George and informed them about the Tape and also about the drug business…. But George told them he already know about the drug business and he will take that family down today it self, they all get confused and ask him to explain further but George told them “TO WAIT AND WATCH” George gets impatient to watch the video so they decided to meet 6pm in the evening.. Call ended Vero came to the bedroom and gets sick to see Evans shirtless on the bed. The thought in her mind is DID HE HEAR MY CALL EVANS GETS up and told her that they will be living for Accra early tomorrow morning for some important business.. Vero responded OK and Evans left the room… Suddenly an unknown voice comes to Vero hearing, shouting from the loving room saying “WHO ELSE IS LIVING IN THIS HOUSE COLE OUT NOW ” quickly Vero run under the bad she then saw four legs wearing police boot, she wondered what police are doing in the house few minutes after they left….. Vero rush into the living room, at that time the TV was on, she gets surprise when she heard breaking news of Juliet arrested along side with an American for dealing in illegal drugs, from the news Juliet mention her husband and son as her accomplish so the police came to the house and arrested them…. See u for the final episode…..
17 Apr 2019 | 06:57
Welcome back guys and thanks for reading my story, let’s kick off with the final episode…. But dad I don’t know about any drug deals Tell them I am innocent dad is me Evans, tell them or else…. Or else what go on yell them everything and make the issue worse…. Mr Ben reply Both are kept in the same cell so the issue about argument never cease as for Juliet she is suffering bulling from those girls she meet in the cell…. Their case will be presented in court on Monday, It’s Sunday morning Vero is preparing to live for Beluga house, her phone rings she picks up and it is Evans.. He was granted a phone to make a call at the police station so he decided to call and find out how Vero is doing…. He gets shocked when Vero insulted him and told him to die in jail, Due to what Vero told Evans, he regret what he did to her 9years ago so he have now decided to give up and face the law as his punishment When He breaks the news to his father, Mr Ben stood up and shout, I knew it I knew that, veto is back for revenge but due to our blindness we failed into see it… Evans breaks down in tears because he is madly in love with Vero who has betrayed him… ***MONDAY *** Early in the morning Vero and George also presented their evidence about the rape and murder case to the judge…. @10am the case was already over and everyone is waiting for the final verdict from. The judge…. Few minutes after the Judge sat down to present the final verdict, From the power invested in me as a judge, and beer on the evidence provided I therefore sentence Mr Ben life imprisonment for murdering Mr and Mrs Thompson (George parents) and also for the murder case of Mr and Mrs Richard (Vero’s parents) and a km so for dealing In illegal drugs…. And Mrs Juliet also sentence in 35years hard labour … Evans and the white man are also going in for 15years Evans breaks down in tears and blame his parents for supporting him even if he is wrong, … Juliet threaten to kill Vero and George when she returns from jail, Mr Ben and Evans pleaded Vero for forgiveness but for Vero “FORGIVENESS MAY COST” Evans told Vero here her but Vero told him it was just a dangerous affairs. ….. 2 years later…. All things new and fresh, Joe is not alone customers he now have a baby girl as his half sister, …. Richie realize that Vero is not the one he loves but she is the road to his love story, Richie and Belied are happily married and they are expecting their baby next month,…. Well of u have not get your dress yet please go for one because a grand wedding is coming on between George and Vero this weekend and u are all invited…. From: Veronica, George, Joe, Evans, Mr Ben, Juliet, Joe, Lydia, Belinda, and me the writer Bra chaarls., we say thanks and this is where we end Dangerous affairs…. .THE END
17 Apr 2019 | 14:19
17 Apr 2019 | 15:23
you tried wella,,, weldone charlie
17 Apr 2019 | 15:29
Thumb up
17 Apr 2019 | 16:22
18 Apr 2019 | 04:13
Cool story
19 Apr 2019 | 02:35
19 Apr 2019 | 10:59
am coming back for this
23 May 2019 | 02:45
seriously oo
23 May 2019 | 02:46
Nice one
28 Apr 2021 | 16:34
3 Feb 2022 | 15:19
Evans what u did is unforgiveable
3 Feb 2022 | 15:28
Who's voice was dat?
3 Feb 2022 | 15:34
Well the truth is out but evans ur parents doesnt knw what is coming for them
3 Feb 2022 | 15:42
Thanks for the story writer
3 Feb 2022 | 15:46


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