Dear Psquare, I want to ask * WHY E BE SAY *
una wan split after all these years? Coz u guys
seem to have forgotten that there is * NO ONE
LIKE YOU * in African, and u also forgot that God
use * IFUNANYA * to make it to be a *
POSSIBILITY * for u guys to be * UNLIMITED *
today. I feel so bad over your latest * STORY*
coz * I LOVE YOU* and i urge u to deal with your
present situation * PERSONALLY * and do not let
your * BEAUTIFUL ONYINYE’s * to make you
split. Don’t forget that they are only there to *
CHOP YOUR MONEY *. I know that * E NO EASY*
but u guys should try not to get involve in any *
BIZZY BODY* because it will only lead to more *
DANGER * in your carrier, and your fans will no
longer be able to dance * ALINGO * again. Take a
look at how BRACKET is living their life * YORI
YORI*. So u may call on LKT to come * FOLLOW
FOLLOW * settle the problems u guys are having,
coz e get as e dey * DO ME* anytime i hear that
u guys want to * BREAK IT *. I also heard that
you brought * OGA POLICE* in to the matter. I
want u guyz to be * MORE THAN A FRIEND * to
avoid any * TEMPTATION * which will lead to *
GAME OVER*, try to use the formula of *IFUNNAYA* and we will be hoping to hear your * TESTIMONY * soon.