

By sheegokeys in 3 Jul 2018 | 18:09
sheegokeys sheegokeys

sheegokeys sheegokeys

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Episode 1
“You are the best friends I have had in my
twenty seven years of life. The day Stanley
introduced me to you all; I had no clue as
to how much blessing friendships with
you all would become to me. I want to say
once again, thank you.” Eve began to sob;
Stanley and all his friends applauded her
and stood to their feet to give her a hug.
When the hugging was over, Stanley took
her into his hands and kissed away the
tears on her face. The next day was her
wedding with Stanley, a guy she had dated
four years. The meeting was a private one.
Stanley’s six friends had hosted the two of
them to bid them farewell into blissful
marital union. It was their tradition to do
so each time one of them was to tie the
nuptial cord. Stanley and his six friends
had known each other for years before Eve
got know Stanley, and subsequently his
group of friends. Stanley had made it clear
to all of the guys in the group that Eve was
not to be touched. His intentions were
clear from the first day; he was going to
marry her. The group of friends was made
of Mayo, Chucks, Clara, Stanley, Bimpe, Steve
and Stella – four guys and three girls in all.
Bimpe and Stella were married while Clara
was still single. Amongst the guys, the last
single guy was Stanley who was getting
married the next day. The group of friends
was so knit together that they made
shocking sacrifices for each other and
would go to war for one another.
The first day Eve hung out with them, she
was put off by some of their crass and
vulgar jokes. From the impression they
made on her, she concluded they were not
the likes of people she would like to mingle
with. She loved Stanley and could tell he
was a good guy, but what she could not
figure out was what he was doing with
the farouche group he called friends. They
were not orderly, gentlemanly and ladylike.
They talked rough and swore a lot. From
her upbringing she learnt people should
not behave that way. However as Stanley
kept spending time with his friends and
Eve sometimes tagged along, she began to
see Stanley’s friends differently. They were
selfless; the sort of group who put their
friends first in all they did. With time Eve
came to realize she had judged them
rather too quickly. As years rolled by, the
respect Eve had for Stanley and his friends
grew. However there were things she
didn’t know about them. Had she
uncovered the litany of secrets which lay
amongst them, perhaps that would have
changed the sad events which unfolded
Eve was a deftly shaped pretty lady with a
piquant mind. For Stanley Eve was his
world. He often boasted that God looked
upon his soul, found his peculiar needs
and then went to work to produce Eve for
him. Those who knew Eve could not agree
more. She was a bundle of beauty sealed in
a package of gentle and quiet spirit. She
was graceful and had a natural charm
which made her easily calm even the most
stubborn men. In trying moments, she
would cut the figure of a lily pushing
through a storm, surprising her friends
with her veiled staying power. “I have
always had a dream about what my
wedding will look like. It is going to turn
out just the way I have dreamt it,” she said
to Stanley who was standing by the
kitchen door watching her ravishingly. “I
don’t care how the wedding turns out; all I
want is to get married to you Eve.” Stanley
stepped away from the door and put his
hands around her lithe, seductively
sculptured body. “I don’t mind getting
wedded to you right here,” Stanley
continued. “You have held on for about
four years, there is no need to rush in now
baby. Our wedding is a week away, after
which you will know much a bad girl I
have prepared myself to be to you.” She
winked at him, held him tightly and
continued, “We will have the whole of our
lives to love each other, and we will never
stop loving each other. I have a vow with
God to keep. The moment I say ‘I do’ on
the altar, that vow will be broken and I will
be yours forever.” Eve said, her voice
sounding like a songbird.
Their church service was straight to the
point; there was not much tales told by the
preacher. Eve had a word with the
preacher earlier and asked he save his
sermon for Sunday and wed them without
too much homily about failed marriages
and how to save theirs from crashing. The
preacher had laughed hard when Eve said
to him, “If you decide to preach long and
delay us, the truth is you will have wasted
your time because I won’t remember a
word from whatever you preach. On that
day my mind will be on stripping down
after my wedding, and letting Stanley have
his way with my body. I have waited four
years for it. I hope you won’t delay me any
further.” “If you have kept yourself and
waited that much, which is pleasing in the
Lord’s sight, then I won’t delay you a
second on that day,” the preacher had
assured. After the exchange of vows and
rings, the newly wedded couple had
sessions of photo shots with relatives and
friends; during which their friends gave all
present a taste of the part which awaited
them at the reception. While Eve was
taking shots with several guests, she had
spotted two men in a car some distance
from their photo stand pointing at her and
saying stuff she could not make out. When
her eyes met with theirs, they turned their
faces away and drove away fast.
When Eve and Stanley left the reception,
their destination was hotel de la crème, an
upscale hotel in the city famous for its
international services. “We have dreamt
this day for long and now it is here,” Eve
said as she held Stanley closer to her body.
Stanley took her cue for what it was and
kissed her passionately. Eve relished every
bit of his invading kiss. She moaned,
twisted herself and sat on his laps. Their
driver had to wind up the glass between
him and the couple he was taking to hotel
de la crème. Eve giggled and said to the
driver, “Thanks for your understanding,”
even though she knew he wasn’t going to
hear her. He had wound up the glass
because the steamy passionate session
between the couple at the back seat was
getting in the way of his driving. With the
momentary privacy they had, Eve asked
Stanley, “Baby should I undress now?” She
had the look on her face which gave
Stanley the impression she wasn’t joking.
“You can’t be serious. How can you
undress in a car taking us to the hotel?
What has come over you? This is unlike
you.” “Didn’t I tell you I am a naughty girl
in a good way? I have kept my vow with
God, now that I am married, please don’t
deny me.”
Stanley looked at her curiously and began
to laugh. Eve made a face, pretending she
had some super power; she tried to pull
off Stanley’s head from his neck. Stanley fell
back on the seat, tilted his head and played
dead. Eve put her hand under his armpit
and tickled him. He laughed hard, sprang
up and raising his hands high like a bear
about to claw its prey to death, he came
after her. Eve raised her hands in similar
fashion and growling like a bear, she
attacked him. Both of them held each other
in their hands and kissed until their car
pulled up in hotel de la crème. Normally Eve
should have waited for Stanley to get
down first and open the door for her, but
she sprang out of the car first. Holding her
wedding gown with one arm she ran to
the other side of the car and grabbed
Stanley who had just stepped out of the
car and led him into the hotel lobby,
hurrying to their room.
In the room, both of them peeled their
clothes off in a hurry. Just then there was a
knock on the door. “Oh God, who is that?
Babe, ignore the knock,” Eve said with
desperation. When the knock persisted
Stanley slipped away from Eve, got in his
clothe and went to check who was at the
door. Eve took the moment to use the
restroom. While she was in the restroom,
she heard a husky male voice ask Stanley,
“Where is she?” The question was
followed by a scream from Stanley. The
man had hurt him. Eve flew out of the
restroom and met Stanley in a pool of
blood on the floor. She was terrified and
screamed, “Help! Help! Somebody Help!”
The man raised his hand, revealing a pistol
with a silencer device on it barrel. Eve
raised her hands in the air and pleaded,
“Please don’t shoot me! Don’t please!” The
man fired shots at her, dropping her to the
floor. In seconds the spot where she lay
was stained with blood. Certain he had
done his job, the man quietly closed the
door and left.

To be continued!
3 Jul 2018 | 18:09
DEEP SECRETS Episode 2 . . . A concierge had heard a female voice shout for help and dashed toward the direction of her voice; on his way he met a man calmly leaving a hotel room. The concierge studied the man momentarily as he passed him before continuing his run. There were lots of doors to knock on to find the woman who had cried for help. While he knocked on a door, it occurred to him to go check the room he saw the stranger leaving moments earlier. A gentle push on the door swung it open; cautiously he stepped into the room but was stopped in his track when he saw Stanley lying in a pool of blood. His eyes darted about the room and he saw Eve on the floor, lying silently amid fresh blood. There was an alarm bell on the wall, he sprang toward it and held it down for about a minute and then dashed into the hallway and began to call for help, “Help!! Help!! A man and his wife have been murdered in their room! Help!!!” In just seconds the hallway was swarmed with the hotel security and guests. While some petrified guests packed their luggage and bolted out of the hotel, the hotel security and medical team checked Stanley and Eve to see if they could get any pulse. There was a little confusion; some thought they got pulse while others were not sure they did. They had to however haul the newlywed couple into an ambulance and sped off to the nearest hospital. . 8:30 pm, Hotel Copacabana A lady in her forties lay naked in her bed with a young man in his early thirties by her side. For hours the young man had been working himself sore in bed to meet his end of a bargain. She shoved the drained young man aside and reached for her phone; punching a few keys on her phone she placed a call to some guy, “Hello Leroy. Have the lovebirds been sent home early?” “As I speak to you, they at before the pearly gates of heaven waiting to know if they would be let in. Sadly the lady had no clothes on when I put her on a sudden flight out of our world.” “I am glad they are home now. Don’t worry about the girl; the angels of God will clothe her if she makes it past the pearly gates.” “Good to hear that, it is very comforting.” “You were a ghost out there, were you not?” “A boy saw me, but I doubt he can pin the hit on me. I was just another guest in their hotel.” “I don’t like the sound of that Leroy. Go back, find the boy and put him to rest.” “Is that necessary?” “It is my wish and I want it done.” “Okay Mam, your wish is my command.” . Four Hours Later, Eden Crest Suits Mayo, one of Stanley’s friends is on the floor of his hotel room. Stark naked and sitting on Mayo is Stella. Stella is also another of Stanley’s friends. After the wedding reception, she had made an excuse to her husband and two children and sneaked into Eden Crest for a raunchy sexual marathon with Mayo who was also married and had children. “We all are going to miss Stanley, especially we ladies. He certainly knew how to make a woman happy. I hate that bitch he married. She came along with her holier-than-thou attitude and took him away from us,” Stella said with a wry look on her face. “They are not going to last long together. In fact they are going to make a big sad story together.” Stella dropped the back of her hand on Mayo’s forehead and felt it for a moment. “Are you okay? You don’t see well, do you?” she asked Mayo. “I can’t get your meaning Stella.” “As much as I have grouse with Eve for taking my best sexual partner away from me, I believe they are made for each other. I know it; they will make the best couple in the whole wide world. I am surprised you can’t see that Mayo.” “Don’t worry, you can’t get my meaning.” “Whatever… I am going to miss Stanley you know.” “You sound like you had him many times. I heard you didn’t.” “I had him only a few times. He said he had found the truth, whatever that was, and stopped bedding me. But I think he saw how spoilt I am and that he had no future with me. Look at me, I am a married woman who has two children, yet I am here naked with you and have been making love to you for the past two hours. Right now I am sure my husband is busy at home making dinner for my children. The sad part is that when I get home he is going to look me straight in the eye and thank God for a wonderful woman I am to him before taking me to his bed to spend the night with me. I think hell is made for people like me.” “You are right; hell is for you and you are going to have a front row in it.” “How about you piggy? You are going to be an usher in it. Of the four children Bimpe has for her husband, how many are your?” Mayo pumped three fingers in the air signaling to her three were his.” “Oh Christ! You are the son of Lucifer. Thank God I have had no child for you. All my children will turn out like my husband.” “You can’t be that sure, your last child might be mine.” Stella slapped him across the face and yelled, “Son of Lucifer, you have no child with me!” Mayo sprang from under Stella, tumbling her to the floor; sitting on top of her he began to mock her, “You don’t know me, but there is one thing about me which you are right about, I am indeed and usher for hell, and right now I am ushering you to hell.” The look on Mayo’s face was beastly; Stella had not seen him that way before. Even though she knew he was playing, she was however becoming afraid of him. “Get off me; I want to go back to my husband!” Mayo didn’t listen; He lowered himself on her and maneuvered her into another round of lasciviousness. 10:40 pm, Clara’s Apartment Clara is lying on a couch in her living room, half asleep. On the table opposite her, was her Samsung Galaxy phone. The phone vibrated loudly as a call came in; Clara startled out of sleep, sighed and then lazily picked her call, “Hello Steve, what is it? You just woke me up from sleep.” “Clara, Stanley and Eve have been shot dead!” “What!!! It’s a joke right?!” “Some shooter broke into their hotel room and shot the two of them. I have been running around the city trying to find the hospital where their bodies are. About thirty minute ago I found the hospital but the police won’t let me see their bodies!” On the other end of the phone Clara began to sob terribly. “Clara! Clara!! Stop!! Listen to me, whoever did this might be after the rest of us. We have to meet now! I just can’t reach Mayo and Stella, Chucks and Bimpe are on their way to your house now. Please see if you can get a hold of either Mayo or Stella. I am scared to death; their phones are off.” Clara stood to her feet, her eyes darting about her apartment while waves of fear shot through her. The rustling of the curtains by night breeze made her dash into her bedroom and shut the door. In that circumstance her bedroom suddenly looked too big for her, so she ran into her bathroom. She had to run back into her bedroom when she thought she heard footsteps by her bathroom window. To her, the safest place to hide was under her bed and so she squeezed herself under it. At her door outside were Bimpe and Chucks, banging loudly on the door for her to let them in. Under the bed, Clara prayed fervently for help and forgiveness for her sins. When her phone rang, she almost threw it away, thinking it was going to give her position away. The call was from Chucks, she had to pick it when she saw it was him, “Chucks where you are?” she cried desperately. “I am at your door with Bimpe, where are you?” “Thank God! I am coming to get the door.” Hastily she pushed her way out from under the bed. By 11:15 pm all of them, Chucks, Clara, Bimpe Mayo, Stella and Steve were in Clara’s apartment mourning their dead friends and wondering who might have shot them and the reasons for that. They all had secrets, the sort they would not like to talk about. They sat, looking helplessly at each other. 4:30 am, St. Briggs Clinic Since early night when Eve and Stanley were brought to the hospital, teams of doctors had worked their fingers sore to revive and save their lives. About 3:00 am, the doctors broke up and left with sad faces. No one was told if Eve and Stanley were saved or not; but about 4:30 am, a nurse was heard telling someone outside the hospital that the couple was alive. The police man sitting next to her was not sure who she meant. As if to move away from his colleagues and smoke, the police officer placed a call to a certain lady, “Hello, you asked me to let you know if the couple makes it or not, I think they are alive. The doctors in Briggs Clinic may have save their lives. Whoever you send here to finish them off must be very professional. There is a squad of well trained policemen here; they will shoot everything which is considered a threat over here.” “Why do you think they are alive? Leroy told me they are dead. I spoke with him again about ten minutes ago.” “I don’t care what Leroy told you, I have been here for hours, I have not seen the couple moved to the morgue. Just now I overheard a nurse telling someone over the phone that the couple is alive. I am just doing my job, you do yours.” The police officer hung up. “Hello Leroy, Eve and Stanley might still be alive. I just spoke with Adams; he is at Briggs Clinic. He thinks doctors may have somehow saved their lives. Go find out if he wants free cash or is telling the truth. If by chance he is telling the truth, you know what to do. Good night Leroy.” “Good night miss!” “Hold on Leroy… he also mentioned that there are some well trained policemen at the hospital. Be careful please.” “I will.” To be continued! . .
3 Jul 2018 | 18:13
when u engage urself in shady deals,,, and nemesis start catching up wit u, u won't know from which angle dey coming from
3 Jul 2018 | 18:32
3 Jul 2018 | 19:06
Following like a follower
4 Jul 2018 | 01:43
Please can I be linked to this story, and get updated once is uploaded. thank you.
4 Jul 2018 | 02:23
DEEP SECRETS Episode 3 . . . Leroy was skimming through the list of staff at hotel de la crème, where he had shot Eve and Stanley, hoping to find the boy who had seen him in the hallway when the mystery lady called him to inform him that Eve and Stanley might still be alive. He had to call off his search for the concierge. He was happy he won’t be focusing on the boy. Somehow he felt strongly it was wrong to shoot the boy, he was just doing his job. Leroy had done worse though, but somehow he felt the boy should live. Shooting a couple on their wedding day was not a problem for him, and going back to a hospital to finish them off, if they were alive as was rumoured, did not bug his conscience a bit. He stood up from his reading table to garb himself in a fake police uniform; with the uniform gaining entry into Briggs Clinic won’t be a problem. His sense of dressing was top class, he had paid an Indonesian trained tailor in Aba to make the police uniform for him. The outfit had a fitting look on him, giving him a seductive appeal. His well toned chest and biceps were well emphasized in the clothe. He stood before the mirror and admired himself as his adrenalin shot high. He had a queer mannerism; he was in love with his fine looks and sometimes would get sexually turned on just by looking at himself in the mirror. Pointing two fingers to the right side of his head like a gun, he pretended to shoot himself, making a gunshot sound with his mouth. With his mind having momentarily shifted to sex, he picked his phone and called one of the ladies whom he regularly paid well to have that need of his taken care of. The lady did not pick up his call. He got angry; acting like his feet were unsteady on the floor, showing the paranoid side of him. Breathing like his chest was going to burst out of him, he yelled, “Who the hell is with my bitch by this time of the night! I pay her well to keep booty for me!” He had to dial her number again. This time the lady picked up, “Hello Leroy…” “Don’t you hello me slut! Who the hell are you giving your booty right now?!” “What did you just call me Leroy?” “You are a bitchy slut!! Who is f***ing you right now?!” The lady who had just woken up from sleep was shocked and angry at the words Leroy shot at her. “You know what Leroy, I am done with you! There are men who can pay better than what you give me. I don’t deserve this insult!” She dropped the call. Leroy quickly called back, vibrating in anger from head to toes. While he waited for her to pick up, he pulled out his gun, kept it on the table and began to caress it amorously, hoping she was close enough for him to blow her brains out. The lady didn’t pick up. In anger he lifted one of the sofas next to him and broke it on the floor. Still shaking in anger, he went into his wardrobe and removed a medium- sized briefcase. He opened it, took a deep breath to calm himself and studied its contents. The briefcase contained his work tools. In it were handguns, a poison case, silver-coated military grade knife, bullet cases and hand gloves. Swiftly he closed the briefcase, took it and went back to look at himself before the mirror before leaving for Briggs Clinic. 5: 15 am, Briggs Clinic In front of the clinic, a brand new, yellow Nissan car pulled up – a taxi. With affecting panache, Leroy stepped out of the taxi holding his briefcase and looking every inch the nicest police officer in the city. When he got to the gate he flashed his fake police ID card and the security men allowed him in. When he moved into the hospital premises, the squad of policemen inside stopped him and asked who he was. Calm like an angel on duty, he gave them his ID card and dropped the name of one of the city’s top police chiefs. “Two hours ago, we intercepted a call which we believe to have originated from this hospital. Someone in here is working with whoever shot the couple who are being treated in this hospital,” Leroy said presenting his lies impeccably. “Why were we not told about this and why are you here alone?” the officer in charge of the squad at the hospital asked him. “You were not told because everyone in this hospital is a suspect, including you and your men. I am alone because we don’t want to spook out whoever made that call. I have to ask some of the doctors a few questions. Don’t worry I won’t get in your way, my job here is investigative.” The officer looked at him curiously and asked, “What do you have in that briefcase?” Leroy opened it before answering him, “My work tools.” The guns, bullets and knife were gone. There was only a stack of papers and biros. However, under the stack of papers in briefcase were his real work tools. “I don’t trust you and for that I am going to let you go in with one of my men,” said the officer. “That is fine by me. If you didn’t say that I would have thought you don’t know your job,” Leroy said with a tinge of humour and the two of them laughed. The officer sent one of his men to accompany Leroy into the hospital. In the emergency ward unit, Eve and Stanley were under the watchful eyes of three doctors. They had begun to twitch their hands and legs and breathe fine. Long hours of harrowing medical surgeries had snatched their lives from the jaws of death. When Leroy and the police officer asked to accompany him entered the hospital reception, Leroy stealthily loosened his gun holster. In the holster was the same gun with which he shot Eve and Stanley earlier at hotel de la crème. At the desk in the reception were two nurses. When they saw Leroy and the other police officer enter the reception, their eyes instinctively fell on Leroy’s chest and biceps and somehow stayed glued on them. Leroy smiled at them and they moved uncertainly as if unsure of themselves. “I am with the police homicide unit, I would like to have a word with any of the doctors present concerning a case we are working on,” Leroy said, still smiling at the nurses. One of the nurses hopped off the stool she was sitting on and said, “Okay sir; let me go get a doctor for you.” “What are you doing? We don’t have any doctors around at the moment,” the other nurse countered. The nurse who was already on her way to call a doctor swung around, put her two hands on her head and exclaimed, “Oh my God! I actually forgot!” “Sir I guess you have to leave your message with us or come back later,” said the nurse who sat still on her stool. Leroy smiled and thought about his next move. He did not believe the nurses that the doctors were not around in the hospital. The nurses had been instructed to keep the presence of the three doctors looking after Eve and Stanley secret. “I guess I have to come back later then,” Leroy said. He had worked out a new strategy to get past the nurses and shake off the police officer sent to keep an eye on him. “Where is your restroom, I am hard pressed?” Leroy asked pretending he had need to use the restroom. “It is that way; I can walk you to it,” said the nurse who had jumped off her seat to for fetch one of the doctors. “That will be nice,” said Leroy. “Don’t worry nurse; I will walk him to the restroom. I know where it is,” volunteered the police officer asked keep an eye on Leroy. At the restroom, the police officer stood outside while Leroy went inside to ease himself. Inside the restroom, Leroy quickly attached a silencer device on the barrel of his gun. The officer was lost in thought when Leroy jumped out of the restroom and pumped a bullet into his skull, a blood splash staining the wall next to him. Due to the silencer device, no gunshot was heard as the police officer went down in a heap. Leroy quickly dragged him into the restroom and shut him in. Removing his handkerchief he hurriedly tried to wipe the blood stain on the wall. There were many doors close to the restroom; Leroy had to try if any of them led to the medical wards. He knew it won’t be hard to find the wards pretending as a police officer. He pushed one of the doors open and found the room led to nowhere. Moving farther away from the restrooms, he tried another door, there were two nurses in the room sleeping. This time, there was another door in the room leading to some place. He quietly walked through the room and went out through the other door. On the other side, he met a hallway and there was no one in it. He kept walking with his eyes fixed on the doors both sides of the hallway. Back at the reception, the nurses were beginning to wonder what was keeping the police officers. The nurse who had offered to walk Leroy to the restroom decided to go find out what was keeping them. A few steps away from her colleague, she turned and said, “I hope the officers are not doing themselves when we are here burning for a man.” “You are too spoilt, I don’t remember telling you I am burning for a man,” her colleague replied smiling guiltily. “Well since you are not burning, I guess I will have to seduce the two of them and have them alone,” said the nurse as she quickened her pace toward the restrooms. Far toward the end of the hallway, Leroy found a sign pointing to the wards. He smiled and rested his hand on his gun while clutching his briefcase firmly. Back at the restroom, the nurse had seen blood on the wall and a bloody trail on the floor. Her heart was frozen with fear as she took steps closer to the male rest room. When she tried the door, it won’t open. So she moved back a bit and kicked the door. When it swung wide open, it revealed a police officer in a pool of blood. Shrieking as loud as a terrified woman could, she sped off; at the reception she did not stop to tell her friend what she had seen. She went straight outside and told the police officers, amid broken cries, what she had seen at the restroom. The policemen surged into the hospital, fanning out in groups into every part of the hospital. To be continued! . Question: Why are most nurses always spoilt? Lol you guys know what i mean. Leroy seems to be a proffessional, will he get caught?
4 Jul 2018 | 03:20
seated bring it on
4 Jul 2018 | 04:05
i don't think he will be caught
4 Jul 2018 | 04:08
i dnt think so
4 Jul 2018 | 05:31
Seated, me I don't no oooo
4 Jul 2018 | 06:03
4 Jul 2018 | 07:26
nurses are busy mostly so finding a man is a rare thing for them.... if Leroy isn't caught at least they know how he looks
4 Jul 2018 | 07:53
those friends are in deep shit bt am sorry for eve who was caught up in the whirlwind
4 Jul 2018 | 08:00
nurses are busy mostly so finding a man is a rare thing for them…. if Leroy isn’t caught at least they know how he looks
those friends are in deep s--t bt am sorry for eve who was caught up in the whirlwind
Said it all but am eager to read plz
4 Jul 2018 | 09:41
You're doing a great job........... Ride on
4 Jul 2018 | 10:21
Sure but not too soon
4 Jul 2018 | 11:50
This is war...someone is,that someone is,whosoever that someone may be...trying to end new couples is too bad
4 Jul 2018 | 15:53
These seven friends...some of them has got some sexting secret
4 Jul 2018 | 15:57
0 Likes got be strong girl...u got to survive this so that u can sext your husband so many times
4 Jul 2018 | 16:02
Oh my oh my,this is horrible...this shouldn't be happenning,not stanley and Eve of all people
4 Jul 2018 | 16:08
Stella and mayo were busy fu<king themselves,at the same time talking sh!t
4 Jul 2018 | 16:14
The hottest among those nurses had no other choice but to cry out loud
4 Jul 2018 | 16:19
Leroy is too survive this,is not gonna be an easy one 4 him...something has to be done to stop him
4 Jul 2018 | 16:26
Notwithstanding that Leorey seems to be a professional,He will eventually be caught at last. Some people already saw him and might be able to identify him..
4 Jul 2018 | 16:30
DEEP SECRETS Episode 4 . . . Leroy was quick and methodical in his search for Eve and Stanley. He was determined to find them no matter where they were in the hospital. Thankfully the hospital management had tucked Eve and Stanley away in some room the emergency ward, it will take Leroy some searching to find them. While Leroy looked around from ward to ward, he glanced regularly at his watch; the hospital was waking up for the day’s work. He knew it won’t be long before someone would find the policeman whose body he dumped in the restroom, unknown to him, the body had already been found. Far behind him policemen searched frantically through the hospital, hoping to find him before he would take out Eve and Stanley. Inside a room in the emergency ward, the three doctors taking care of Eve and Stanley had woken up. Around the couple they stood, observing them with happy faces. They were glad to see the improvement they had made. “They are going to live through this, thank God,” said one of the doctors. “We are on the brink of stardom in this city for saving this couple. The news out there is that they are dead, imagine what would happen when people get know we managed to bring them back to life,” the most senior of the three doctors said with a grin on his face. “Perhaps we should release the video of how we worked for hours to save them to a major broadcasting organization and have them make a reality show out of it. The public are already in love with the couple. At Queen’s square, they are dropping flowers in respect to them,” the youngest of the doctors said. The three doctors exchanged looks, seeming to like the idea of making a reality show out of how they saved Eve and Stanley. By now Leroy had made it into the emergency ward. Under his breath, he cursed himself for not to have concentrated his search on finding the emergency ward, he should have known that Eve and Stanley would be there. When people ran into him, they looked at him curiously. No one could remember the last time they saw a policeman as well dressed as he was. Taking his time, Leroy looked from patient to patient, searching the faces of those in the ward. When he drew closer to a young female patient, whom he thought looked like Eve; he pulled out his gun and pointed it at her. That was his mistake. The sight of a police officer pointing his gun at a patient on a hospital bed, threw the patients into panic. Their shouts drew the attention of nurses and non-medical staff to the ward. When people ran into the large hospital room where the patients were, they saw Leroy holding a gun at a patient. Sadly none of them knew what was going on in the hospital, the police officers at duty had chosen to keep what was happening to themselves so not to cause stampede. The sight of a policeman holding his gun at a patient was unsettling for the nurses and staff of the hospital, they joined the hysterical shouts. Leroy could see he had made a mistake, the lady wasn’t Eve. He had to lower his gun and try to calm the crowd in the room. Inside the small room where the three doctors where with Eve and Stanley, they heard the frantic shouts. The youngest doctor yanked the door open to see what was happening; the oldest of them pulled him back, but by then he had already opened the door. Leroy turned and saw him before he shut the door again. In a quick move, Leroy fired two shots in the direction of the young doctor; the bullets went through the door and ricocheted off an infusion stand before lodging into the wall. The three doctors panicked; they could tell someone had been sent to finish off Eve and Stanley. They rushed forward, locked the door and piled sofas on it to stop the assassin from gaining entry into the room. Leroy tried to open the door, but could not, so he fired more shots at it, kicked hard at it and it still would not open. He had to shatter the glass windows by the door and fired in shot into the room randomly. Thankfully the doctors had moved Eve and Stanley away from their beds and lay them on the floor in a corner of the room. All of them lay on the floor and prayed for help. Leroy was beside himself, he was angry he could not gain access into the room. The patients and staff of the hospital behind him had fled from the room. Those who could not because they were too ill to move cried in fear. He had to point his gun at them to shut up, and then tried once again to force the door open. This time the door creaked a little open, he stepped back to lunge a heavy kick on the door and suddenly went down to the floor as the sound of gunshots filled the air. Seconds later, there was eerie silence in the room as Leroy lay down on the floor bleeding. From the door a squad of policemen moved in with their guns pointing at Leroy. 12: 15 pm, Ocean Grey Oil & Gas Company – Steve’s Office Steve, one of the six friends of Stanley is typing a message on his laptop computer. A stranger had sent him a nude picture of him and some unidentified lady. He was scared stiff, he was randy just like his other friends, but he could not tell who the woman next to him in the picture was. In frenzy he typed, “Who are you? How did you get that picture? That cannot be me! I don’t know the lady in the picture!” The person on the other end typed, “That is certainly you. The lady in the picture is my wife and I am going to return the favour.” Steve was scared. He typed, “What are you going to do? Believe me I don’t know the lady! There might be a mix up somewhere.” “Hahaha! You sound scared. I was only joking. The picture was mocked up with Photoshop,” the stranger replied. “But how did you get a nude picture of me in bed?” Steve asked anxiously. “How would you like this?” was the stranger’s reply. Steve asked, “How would I like what?” A nude picture of Steve’s wife, lying on a bed with a smile on her face, was the stranger’s last message before he went offline. Steve’s mouth hung wide open. The beat of his heart was so loud it drummed out every other sound in his office. Feverishly he picked his phone and dialed his wife’s number. “Hello honey, where are you?” “I am in my office. Is anything wrong?” Lizzy, Steve’s wife asked. “Where are the kids?” “What is wrong with you? Where would the kids be by this time of the day? Tell me what is going on?” Stanley pondered how to explain what was going on to his wife. “Are you there Steve?” Lizzy asked. “Yes…I am here. Baby, someone just sent me a nude picture of you in a bed; and the bed is not ours.” Lizzy went cold with fear. “Baby, did you hear me?” “I…I did. But how did this person get a nude picture of me in a bed?” “Calm down, I am not trying to accuse of infidelity. You like to strip down when you are at home, especially when the kids are not around; tell me when you attended a business conference in Sun City, did you strip down in your hotel room?” “Oh my God!! I don’t remember having clothes on when I was in my hotel room!” “Did you take any pictures in your hotel room?” Lizzy went silent momentarily and began to sob. “Hey! Hey! Baby, stop crying! I am not accusing you of any wrong. From the picture I have here, I can tell you did not take it yourself, so in Sun City, did anyone help you take pictures of yourself?” Lizzy went silent once more. “I haven’t got much time to work on this case! Tell me, who took the pictures for you?!!” Steve yelled. “A maid… a maid in the hotel I lodged in. She saw me naked and commented about how great my body was, and so I asked her to help me take some photos of me. I swear by God, I did it for you.” “Where are the photos you took right now?” “They are still my Sony camera at home.” “Go get them for me now! Make some excuses and leave your office. I am waiting for you in my office.” Lizzy didn’t have the time to find an excuse for leaving her work place. She ran out of her office and went straight into the elevator. Minutes later she was on the road speeding home in her car. A few blocks away from her house, two shooters with automatic rifles waited in a black Mercedes SUV. 2:25 pm, Chucks’ house Chucks one of Stanley’s six friends was at home. The shooting of Eve and Stanley had left him jaded. He had become wary of leaving his house. He could not wait to get some information about the shooting. Already without telling his other friends, he had hired a private detective to look into the shooting. He and his friends had done lots of bad stuffs together; he wanted to know who might be after them. The idea of waiting till someone comes and blows his brains off did not appeal to him. A knock on his door had him flying into the air in shock. He dashed to his bar and removed a loaded automatic handgun from behind a collection of drinks. Meanwhile the knock continued. Picking his steps like a cat, he drew closer to the door and asked, “Who is that?” “Chucks, it is me.” The voice was that of Bimpe one of the six friends. Chucks had hardly opened the door, when she leapt in, kicked the door shut and grabbing Chucks by the waist, she wrestled him to the floor. She was strong like an ox, Chucks tried hard to keep his clothes on, but she ripped them off and hurriedly undressed herself. The sight of her naked body left chucks weak. Lamely he tried to give the reason they should not have sex that moment. “Bimpe, my wife is returning to the city today. Please go meet your husband.” “My husband is worse than a dead man. He doesn’t know what to do with me!” Like a ravenous wolf, she overcame him and began to satisfy her depravity. 4: 16 pm, Harding Street Mayo had left a bank and was walking to his car when his phone rang; the call was from an unknown number. He picked it anyway, “Hello who is this?” “Mayo, the bitches are dead. Emilia wants you to come in for a celebration.” “Who are you? Who are the bitches? Who is Emilia?” “The bitches are Eve and Stanley. Aren’t you happy for that?” Mayo could not stir a limb. He went numb for moments before his hands and feet began to shake. Like a man suffering Parkinson disease, he shook toward his car. 5:30 pm, Briggs hospital The hospital was slowly recovering from the shooting which had taken place in it earlier in the day. Eve and Stanley were grateful they had survived the ordeal. They had not begun to speak freely, but every now and again, Eve would raise two fingers to say she was fine. Stanley on his part would move his eyes about and manage a smile. Their beds had to be brought closer to each other to help them connect physically. They would stretch their hands and hold each other’s fingers for some moments. That evening, while the patients and staff in the hospital were happy that the sad events which happened in the morning were over, for no reason at all, the policemen in the hospital began to leave in groups. The hospital management didn’t like that and so began to make calls to have the policemen redeployed to their hospital. While they were at it, am armed group of sixteen men broke into the hospital and took Eve, Stanley and the three doctors who were responsible for their treatment away. Gan gan! To be continued! . Question: Who is Emilia? Why is she after Eve and Stanley? Do you think they are safe? .
4 Jul 2018 | 18:38
yeee..all the police are the same thing
4 Jul 2018 | 18:51
Hmm this story is interesting
4 Jul 2018 | 19:02
Hmm what offence did this couples commit that is hunting them now
4 Jul 2018 | 19:04
Next update lets know more about the abductor's of this couples
4 Jul 2018 | 19:06
DEEP SECRETS Episode 5 . . . Lizzy honked her car repeatedly as she pulled up in front of her house and waited for her gateman to open the gate for her. The two shooters with automatic rifles in a black Mercedes SUV, slowly began to drive toward Lizzy, the gate to her house swung open and she drove in hurriedly. Jumping out of her car, she ran into her house and scaled the staircase in a flight. Outside, the gateman curiously watched the two men in a black Mercedes SUV as he closed the gate. The shooters had their gaze fixed in his direction, they didn’t look like those he had seen before. Lizzy rummaged through her wardrobe and found the Sony camera. She sat on the bed and went through the pictures she took in that hotel room in Sun City, there were some she would not like her husband to see. She had snapped a few pictures with some nudist men and women. There was nothing more to it, but if Steve were to see her nude with those nudists, he would think there was more that happened in Sun City than Lizzy was willing to let out. Finding the pictures, she erased them and bolted out of her bedroom. Lizzy had developed her bent for nudity back in her university days, when all her friends, both male and female, raved about how curvy her body was. Now which seemed harmless might ruin her marriage. . Harding Street Mayo was still in his car shaking. What the mystery caller said about Eve and Stanley had left him stunned. He had recalled who Emilia was, about a year earlier, they had spent a few weeks together in Accra. Mayo had for long forgotten the things he said in anger during the weeks they spent together. Now he must find Emilia and convince her that he did not mean them. If Emilia would not listen to him, then he will have to kill her to stop what had begun. Mayo pulled himself together and drove off. 7:28 pm, Stella’s House Stella was in the kitchen cooking up a storm for her husband and children, the words of Mayo the last time she spent time with him at Eden Crest Suit had left an impression on her. She had grown up dreaming a perfect marriage, but all she had done since she got married was to jump from man to man, doing things she had thought she was incapable of. Mayo had told her she was going to have a front row in hell; that was too unnerving for her. She loved her husband and children, but somehow she could not stop her unbridled desire for sex outside of marriage. She had tried a few times but failed woefully. While she cooked, there was sadness all over her face. Her husband who stood and watched her from the door could tell something was wrong. He came from behind and put his hands around her waist and slowly worked them up her chest and fondled her amorously. “What is wrong, you don’t look happy? Have I done something to offend you?” he asked. With his hands still running amok all over her body, Stella quivered and whispered for him to stop. She felt guilty for being loved by an honest and committed man as her husband was. Her husband would not stop, unlike her usual self who would have locked the kitchen door and pulled off her clothes, rather she peeled away from him and left the kitchen. Her husband was surprised; Stella was a damn sex maniac. He knew that and somehow like her for it. For her to reject him meant something was wrong. Eager to find out what was wrong, he followed her into the children’s room. Stella was standing before the pictures of their two children, she seemed to have her interest in their last child, a three-year-old boy. Mayo had claimed he might be his father. She didn’t like that. Mayo was only good for sex; he cannot be the father of her son. Right there she decided to do something about it. She removed her phone from her hip pocket to make a call and just then a message flew into her phone. While she read it, her husband who stood by the door watched her closely. Stella’s face was so much riddled with fear that one would have thought she had seen a ghost. The message read, “Mayo is going to kill you all. He has just found out from Emilia that there is a tape about the sexual orgies you all often have together. He knows why Eve and Stanley were shot.” Stella did not know who Emilia was and had not heard of her. Concerning the tape, she had no clue about it. Without her consent, hot tears ran down her face. Stella’s husband drew closer and asked, “What is it baby? Is someone blackmailing you?” Stella was shaken down to her bones by her husband’s use of the word blackmail. 11:00 pm, A Mansion in the City Eve and Stanley were on hospital beds in a room which had just a ceiling fan and a light bulb on the wall and had no windows. The two of them were deliberately knocked out with drugs administered to them when they were taken from Briggs Clinic. Eve looked around the room and felt something was odd about it. She turned and looked at Stanley, he wasn’t moving. She looked hard at him to observe if he was breathing. She wasn’t sure he was. Her heart began to beat fast. She tried to get up from the bed and then found her feet were chained to the bed. She almost fainted with fear. Raising her voice just a little she called at Stanley, “Baby! Baby! Get up baby!” Stanley did not move or answer her. At this point she was getting beside herself; she whispered to herself, “This is not the way it should end. Please baby don’t die on me. Please.” Tears welled up in her eyes. Determined to get to Stanley, she dragged her bed closer to Stanley, using her legs which were shackled to the bed. 12:34 am, Steve’s Bedroom Clara and Steve and sitting on the bed naked. They had just been rattled by the message Stella forwarded to them. As though their phones could explain the message, they stared at them in shock. Over and over again, they read the message Stella had sent, “Mayo is going to kill you all. He has just found out from Emilia that there is a tape about the sexual orgies you all often have together. He knows why Eve and Stanley were shot.” Turning to Steve, Clara asked, “Steve, do you know who Emilia is?” “No, I don’t.” “How about the tape, do you know anything about it?” “I don’t,” he lied. “We often made videos of ourselves together making love, but they never make it out of the room. If someone outside the seven of us knows about the videos. Then one of us is responsible for that… Christ! This is not happening,” Clara said as she got out of the bed and went into the bathroom to clean herself up. While she was in the bathroom, Steve placed a call to a friend of his, a retired military officer, “Someone else knows about the videos, who did you talk to about it.” “I didn’t talk to anyone about it,” replied military officer. “Why do I feel like you are lying?” “Because you don’t know who to trust now. Believe me man, I did not tell anyone about the videos.” “Well, whether you did or not, some woman called Emilia knows about the video and she has told Mayo about it. Get out of the city now. I will go under by morning.” “Steve, how about your f**k mate, did she make it?” “She is here. I will fix her before I leave the city. She knows the buyer; it won’t be long before she figures out what this is all about.” Steve got out of the bed, stark nude and went over to his wardrobe and removed a jackknife. Hiding it behind his back, he went toward the bathroom. Clara was in the shower with her hands around her neck, thinking about what was happening to them. Steve opened the door and entered the bathroom. Clara saw him coming, but had no reason to be afraid of him. He stretched his left hand toward her and she yielded her body to him thinking he wanted them to have a round in the shower. Just then, Steve’s phone rang in the bedroom. He knew the ring tone was assigned to a particular caller, he retreated from the bathroom still hiding the jackknife behind his back. 01:40 am, A Mansion in the City Eve held Stanley’s body firmly in her hands, hoping her touch would wake him from death. While she cried over his body, the door to their room creaked and opened slowly. One of the doctors who treated them at Briggs Clinic came into the room. Another man with an AK 47 slung across his shoulder followed behind him. Seeing she had dragged her bed closer to Stanley’s bed, the man with AK 47 yanked her off Stanley’s bed and pushed her bed back to its position. Eve fixed her gaze at the doctor, to make out what he was saying with his eyes. He was saying something to Eve by winking his eyes repeatedly, but she wasn’t getting it. Seeing Eve wasn’t getting his message, the doctor gave up and turned to the man with AK 47 and said, “If you want to find whatever it is you want this man to give you, you have to help me get him to a proper hospital.” Eve looked from the doctor to the gunslinger and yelled, “He is dead! He is not breathing!” The man holding the AK 47 rang an alarm on the wall before bolting out of the room. Seeing the man had left the room, the doctor whispered to Eve, “Stanley is not dead, we knocked him out with a drug. The people holding you here are looking for something, but someone else doesn’t want whatever it is found. Whoever that is, is the person who tried to kill you two. Keeping acting like Stanley was dead. We will get you out of here.” “Who are the we?” “Those who want you and Stanley alive. They called us while you were still in Briggs Clinic.” The door jangled and some men came into the room with the other two doctors. To be continued! . Question: Will Clara be killed by steve? Who are those that want Eve and Stanley dead? Who are those that want them alive? .
5 Jul 2018 | 03:18
Loving this....It gat me thinking
5 Jul 2018 | 08:45
5 Jul 2018 | 10:00
Na wao this one na real casala
5 Jul 2018 | 10:35
This story is interesting..........gbabe
5 Jul 2018 | 10:43
why does Steve want Clara dead again? is dia sometin else dat bind dis pple togeda dat warrant dis killing
5 Jul 2018 | 12:26
bring it on... am seated here with banku
5 Jul 2018 | 13:22
Just joining
5 Jul 2018 | 14:11
5 Jul 2018 | 16:09
what sort of group is this ? nawa o
5 Jul 2018 | 16:21
DEEP SECRETS Episode 6 . . . Lizzy got in her car and drove off. About fifteen minutes away from her house she noticed that a black Mercedes SUV was following her. To be sure she was actually being followed, she turned off into another street and sped off. About ten minutes later the black Mercedes SUV showed up behind her. She could tell whoever was in the SUV was following her. She panicked and dialed her husband, “Baby I am being followed by a black Mercedes SUV. Did you send anyone to look after me?” “No I did not. Are you sure you are being followed?” Steve asked. “Since I drove out of the house the black Mercedes SUV has been following me. I have taken several turns to lose it, yet it keeps popping up behind me. I don’t know what the driver’s game plan is. It is looking like he wants me to lead them to someone. Who did you say sent you the picture?” “A stranger… this is what I want you to do. Find the nearest police station around and drive into it. Do you have the Sony camera?” “Yes.” “Make sure no one takes it from you.” “Okay, I will do that.” A Day Later Steve was in a car driving his four children out of the city, since the last time he spoke with his wife and asked her to drive into a police station, he had not heard from her. He was sure that whoever was following his wife must have abducted her. He had so much dirt to hide and for that could not go to the police. His best option was to get his children out of the city before coming back for his wife. The stranger who sent him the nude picture of his wife had not responded to the several messages he sent to him. Three Days Earlier Clara was still in the bathroom letting a cold shower run through her body. She was expecting that after Steve must have finished with whoever called him, he would return to join her in the bath. He had mistaken Steve’s entry into the bathroom for an intent to have sex with her in the bathroom. She had no clue he actually came to kill her for what he feared she knew. Clara had spent about thirty minutes in the bath when she began to wonder what was keeping Steve. She called his name, “Steve!” There was no response and so he called him again, “Steve!” When Steve did not answer her second call, she came out of the bathroom to know what was wrong with him. There was no Steve in the bedroom, his clothes and laptop were gone. She had heard his voice talking to someone over the phone, but could not tell when he left the bedroom. Shockingly there was a jackknife on the bed, the very one with which Steve was going to kill her. Clara could tell something was wrong. She ran back into the bathroom, dried her body, came out and quickly dressed up. Taking her bag, she took the jackknife she saw on the bed and she sneaked out of Steve’s bedroom. In the living room there was still no sign of Steve. She dialed his number and it was switched off. She was almost going to have a panic attack at this point. She remembered that there was a back door Steve gave her key to. She only made use of it whenever Steve’s wife came home suddenly and was going to catch the two of them in bed. She searched her bag and found it. She had to head back toward the bedroom so to use the door. When she glanced at her watched it was 1:55 am. She had never been alone on the street by that time of the night. Steve had invited her over because his wife and children had gone to see their relatives who had returned from Germany. Quietly she inserted the key on the door and opened it. When she stepped out of the building, she turned and locked the door. She measured the distance between the building and the wall. She must get to the small gate on the wall to use it to exit the compound. In the past, she had covered the distance in a flash, but that night she was afraid. She did not know who or what might be lurking in Steve’s compound. She waited for some minutes and listened for any sound around, sure there was none, she bolted toward the small gate. When she opened it, she disappeared into the street. Steve was the one who usually came to lock the gate from inside. A Mansion in the City “This man is as good as dead! If we don’t get him to a hospital, I doubt we will be able to revive him!” One of the three doctors said. The man holding an AK 47 rifle, cocked it and pointed it to the doctor’s face and yelled, “Revive him here or I blow your brains out!” “I am sorry, there is nothing I can do for this man without any medical equipment. If you want to shoot me go ahead and do it,” the doctor said digging his feet in. The man holding an AK 47 rifle stared at the doctor angrily and looked at his colleagues who were also armed with assault rifles. One of them called him aside, after a momentary chat, the man came back to the doctor and said, “I will let you and your colleague take him to a hospital, but I will be keeping the woman right here. She won’t be going anywhere.” “Look at her, she is already bleeding to death. She re-opened her wounds trying to save her husband. I doubt the man you are working for will be happy when he finds out that you let the two people who could have helped get what it is he is looking for die under your watch,” the doctor goaded him psychologically, hopping he would fall for it and let them leave also for the hospital with Eve. The doctor signaled to his two colleagues and they lifted Stanley, put him on a stretcher and hurried to the door. “Wait! You can take her along, but if they escape or anyone of them dies, I will hunt you down and force you to kill your wife and children to amuse me!” The AK 47 flinger warned the doctor. Eve was unshackled from the bed and was asked to follow the doctors. Four armed men accompanied them to a van and drove them to a hospital. The doctors were careful to take Stanley and Eve to the hospital which the men who called them while they were still at Briggs Clinic wanted them taken to. About an hour later the doctors revived Stanley. Eve’s wounds were also attended to. Two of the four armed men were close to keep an eye on the doctors to make sure they did not invite the police or called for any sort of help. While Eve and Stanley were allowed to get some rest before being taken back to their holding, one of the doctors went into the restroom and removed a phone from his underwear. When he had switched it on, he dialed a particular number and said the man on the other end of the phone, “Eve and Stanley are in the hospital now. You were very right. What they want from Eve and Stanley is a video. I understand someone important is in the video, and from the look of things there might be more than one.” “Doc, have you heard the name Mayo from any of the men or from Stanley and Eve?” “No, I haven’t. Who is that?” “Don’t worry about it. The less you know the better. We will storm the hospital in the next Seven minutes. Make sure you keep Eve and Stanley from harm’s way, we will come in hot. There is a change of plan, once we rescue Eve and Stanley we will leave them in your care. You must make them trust you and tell you all they know about the videos.” “How about my family, are they safe now?” “Yes, they are in Ghana now.” “How about the families of my colleagues, are they safe?” “Yes, they are.” The doctor was forced to turn off his phone as a result of a loud banging on the door. “Doctor! What are you doing in there?! Did I hear you talking to someone?!” One of the AK 47 flingers demanded. “No! I wasn’t talking to anyone one! I am having a runny stomach!” “Open the door!” The man outside demanded. The doctor panicked, threw his phone into the toilet and flushed it down. He stood up from the toilet and went to open the door. As soon as he opened the door, one of the men holding them hostage pushed him back into the toilet and asked him to strip down. The doctor hesitated and he smacked his gun butt across his face and demanded, “Remove your clothes!” Bleeding from the face, the doctor began to undress. The man was careful to search each piece of wear the doctor removed from his body. He was sure he heard the doctor talking to someone, he wanted to find his phone. When he had searched all the clothes the doctor removed from his body and did not find any phone, he asked him to dress up and began to look around the restroom for any phone. When the two of them stepped out of the restroom. He found his colleague lying dead on the floor with a gaping hole in his head. Before he could raise his gun, a bullet went through his head, leaving a hole the size of a baby’s hand in it. The doctor behind him was stunned as a splash blood covered his face. A man wielding an assault gun menacingly stepped into view and asked the doctor, “Are you doctor Larry?” The doctor nodded shaking terribly. An hour later, Eve, Stanley and the three doctors were driven into a mansion at the outskirts of the city. 12: 22 pm, Chucks’ Apartment Bimpe, Chucks, Clara and Stella were in a meeting. Clara was narrating her experience of what happened in Steve’s house. “When I came out of the bathroom, I could not find Steve. He simply disappeared. I only found this jackknife on his bed. I haven’t been able to reach him on the phone. His wife and children are gone too. Do you think Mayo took them?” “Clara, nobody knows what is happening. But clearly we are all in a mess. The so called video must have all of us in it. And so far none of us has accepted he or she made the video,” Bimpe replied. “The video doesn’t just have all of us in it. There are many more people in it, important people and relatives of important people…” Chucks explained. “But how did those important people get into the video with us? Haven’t we always had our orgies by ourselves?” Bimpe asked. “The guy who turned you inside out and had you screaming for hours some months ago was he one of us?” Stella asked, looking like she was going to start a fight. “Oh! I forgot,” Bimpe said and covered her face as though she had just realized how much a sex maniac she was. “Chucks, you sound like you know more about the video, can you fill us in?” Clara asked. “After Eve and Stanley were shot, I became very troubled. Stanley is one of us and whoever killed him in that manner must have an axe to grind, I figured. So I hired a detective to work on the case and find out why our friends were shot. A few days later he came back with a video clip, it had most of us in it and some of the people we often bring in from outside to sex with us. You know what we do, so don’t be ashamed. There were some faces in the video I still don’t remember when they joined us. I have been told there are many more videos. It is not just one. There are perhaps two groups out there, they are looking for the videos. One wants the videos and those in them destroyed; while another wants the videos as a weapon against some people in it. If we don’t make a move out of the city in the next few days, we are sitting ducks. They are going to come for us.” “I don’t understand, why didn’t they come for us in the first place. Why shoot Stanley and Eve. They are innocent! Stanley hasn’t been part of what we do for a long time now. So why shoot him and his new wife?!” Clara asked looking bemused. “My private detective thinks they may be the ones in possession of all the videos. In fact, they believe they have the videos,” Chucks said. His friends were astonished to hear Stanley and Eve had the videos. “Now that they are dead, what are we going to do,” Stella asked. “You are wrong, Stanley and Eve are still alive. My source said they are still living. Somehow they survived the shooting,” Chucks explained further. The others were further shocked by that revelation. Immediately Bimpe stood up and went to use the restroom. In the restroom, she quickly typed the following message in her phone, “Chucks knows too much already. A detective is working for him. Stanley and Eve are still alive.” She sent the message and rejoined the group. To be continued! . Question: Who is Bimpe working for?? What do you think this story is all about? . Hmmm the story is kind of complicated. It is just like an American movie with so many scenes at a time. But the intelligent ones shouldn't find this story that confusing. And as the story progresses, the story will become less complicated and more understanding. The story is a BOMB. .
5 Jul 2018 | 16:30
This story is very interesting but also complicated, I'm enjoying every bit of it,continue sha!!!
5 Jul 2018 | 17:24
5 Jul 2018 | 17:26
Interesting... We shall see wu she work for maybe Steve, wot dey wnt n Wu send them!!!
5 Jul 2018 | 17:42
wow what a story
5 Jul 2018 | 18:06
So much secrets......... Maybe Steve is the architect and the genesis of this orgies gone bad and out.
5 Jul 2018 | 21:09
The Story is really a bomb........ The group members are not even honest with themselves. Steve is there having a contact with an imaginary military man who knows about the video while Bimpe is there giving out information to another source on their whereabouts. Deepest Secret!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Jul 2018 | 21:23
DEEP SECRETS Episode 7 . . . 01:55 pm, Arcot Restaurant Stella is sitting by herself at a table, a cup of ice cream is on the table and her phone in hand. She fiddles with the phone for a moment and then places a call to a doctor, “Hello Doc, I am at Arcot, I have all the samples you asked for. I need you to come over quickly.” “Give me fifteen minutes to get there,” said the doctor. “Can you make ten, I have got so much on my hands right now; I need every minute I can get.” “Okay, I will try.” 01:59 pm, Emilia’s House Emilia descends from the staircase, bare breasted and wearing only a G-string. Two armed guards are in the living room. Mayo is sitting on one of the white sofas in the sitting room with his eyes glued to the television set until Emilia descended from the staircase. Emilia waved her hands at the two guards and they left quickly. She walked over to where Mayo was sitting and asked, “How are my new pair of boobs?” touching them as she spoke. Mayo had a disinterested look on his face. Tacitly he said, “They look good… I want to know who amongst my friends made the videos. I think you have hit the wrong persons…” “Not so fast boy!” Emilia shunned him. Sitting on his lap she took his right hand and brushed it over her breasts. “The American doctor who did the breast enhancement surgery said they are the best I can get anywhere in the world at the moment.” Still running his hand over her breasts, she continued, “Do they feel any differently compared to the last time you touched them?” “I think you should put some clothes on Emilia. The things I told you in Ghana were said in anger. You should never have come after my friends without letting me know.” Emilia stood up and gave him a hot slap across the face. While Mayo wondered what he did to get a slap like that, Emilia pointed her right hand at him and yelled, “You are not in the position to tell me what to do Mayo!! No, you are not! Don’t make that mistake!!” “You don’t want to pick a fight with me Emilia!” Mayo shouted back at her and immediately to armed guards ran into the living room. As quickly as they came in, Emilia waved them off. “Mayo, you are still alive because you accepted my offer from the beginning. Besides that, you are my best man in bed. I am not quite ready to lose you yet. If you know the truck loads of lies I have had to tell to save your ass, you would be doing your job right on top of me by now.” “Eve and Stanley did not make the videos, someone else did and you should be looking for that person.” “Don’t give me that bull shit Mayo! If you cared this much about Eve and Stanley, why didn’t you warn them when I told you they were going to get assassinated. Why did you do nothing?!” Mayo lowered his head into his palms and groaned in pain. Emilia drew closer and squatted next to him and whispered, “It's okay baby, I didn’t know you cared this much about them.” Mayo raised his head with his eyes moist, “I was going to tell Stanley that a hit had been sanctioned on him. I was waiting to tell him after his wedding. I had no clue you would come for them on their wedding day. Eve was innocent. That girl died for nothing. I know I had issues with Stanley for letting no one touch her, but I wished her no ill.” “I have a little surprise for you. Eve and Stanley may still be alive…” Mayo got excited. “…I am not going to tell you where they are until you have done your job.” Emilia stooped a bit, removed her G-string, threw it on a sofa and sat on Mayo’s laps. Mayo had been caught in a web bigger than his weight could handle. Emilia was not after recovering the videos, she actually wanted to keep them from being found. Mayo was her pun. She had been paid thirty million US dollars to make sure the videos circulated very well amongst the people even though she was in the videos as well. She would kill everyone who knew where the original copies of the videos where. From the beginning she had it all planned out. Some big wigs in politics and the corporate world would be brought down by those videos. 02:15 pm, Arcot Restaurant “You took longer than you said you would, what happened?” Stella asked looking angry. “I am sorry; it wasn’t my fault. I was held up in traffic.” As soon as the doctor sat down, Stella removed a pack from her handbag and began to explain its contents to the doctor, “This sample is from my husband. This one is from Mayo, that one belongs to my son. Here is mine. Please do a thorough job. I want to know who his father is.” The doctor took the samples and sunk them into a black leather bag. Stella rummaged in her handbag and removed a brown envelope containing wads of dollars and handed them to the doctor. He took the envelope from Stella and shoved it into his hip pocket. Stella could see Chucks and Clara walking into the restaurant. She leaned toward the doctor and said, “Get out now!” The doctor sprang to his feet and walked toward some cakes on display as if he wanted to buy them. Stella kept her gaze on Chucks and Clara to know if they saw the doctor standing up from her table. She could tell they did not and so she relaxed and waved at them. When Chucks and Clara had sat down, they asked, “You said you have something to tell us, what is it?” Stella looked around, leaned toward her friends and said, “Mayo knows more than any of us thinks. Before any of us found out that Eve and Stanley had been shot, he said something to me while we were together at Eden Crest Suit.” “What did he tell you?” Clara asked. “He said Eve and Stanley are not going to last long together. He added that they would make a big sad story together. I have the feeling when he said they would make a big sad story together, her meant their sudden death. I don’t want to be paranoid, but the way his face looked when he said that was scary. For a moment he looked like something which crawled out of hades. We need to work together and find out what Mayo knows.” “I don’t like the sound of this. We should never have let this happen to us,” Chucks said. “That is what happens when you break natural laws and give your whole self to lasciviousness. We have slept with ourselves and have been most unfaithful to our marriage partners. Some can count how many men they have slept with; as for me, I have lost count. I have even slept with my husband’s…” Stella had to stop herself, she almost told her friends a bit more than she would want them to know. “You should keep your confession to yourself Stella or go find a pastor and confess all you have done. And while you are at it, don’t forget to leave the city with your family members or at least get yourself some good security personnel,” Chucks suggested. “Speaking of confession, I have need for it also. I can’t go on like this anymore,” Clara said with a broken voice. “Let us not forget the reason we are here. Are we going to work together and crack this case? Who is Mayo working with? What does he know? Who is Emilia? How can we find a picture of her? Are you guys with me on this?” Clara and Chucks nodded vigorously. “But how about Steve and Bimpe, should they know what we are doing?” Clara asked. “No, we should keep it amongst ourselves; the smaller the better. Look, there are videos of us and some important people out there and we don’t know who amongst us made it. Let us keep this simple, if it leaks I can tell who amongst us is responsible for that,” Stella said. THREE DAYS LATER 4: 40 pm, A Mansion outside the City Since Eve and Stanley were rescued from the hospital by some gun men, the three doctors taking care of them had done their best to nurse them back to health. Since they were shot on the night of their wedding day, they had been tethering on the edge of death. However, with the treatment they had received in the mansion for some days, things were beginning to look good again for them. “Hey! I think the evening breeze will be good for the two of you. Why don’t you let us take you two outside?” Doctor Larry asked Eve and Stanley. They looked at each other and smiled. “We will like to give it a trial, so long as we won’t get shot,” Eve said with her killer smile on her face. The doctors gently put them in wheelchairs and wheeled them to the garden in the mansion. The flowers in the garden were well cut and the lush green grass on the ground looked awesome. Brightly coloured butterflies sucking nectar, flew around the garden, seeming to have no care in the world. While Stanley studied the Garden and the imposing building from which they were wheeled out, Eve plucked some flowers and smelt them happily. Under her breath she said to herself, “It is good to be alive after all I have been through.” Looking up at the doctor who pushed her wheelchair she said, “Can you get me closer to Stan?” “Of course mam,” replied the doctor. Eve was glad to take Stanley’s hand in hers. She squeezed it as hard as she could and then brought it to her lips and kissed it passionately. “I am glad you are still here baby,” she said to Stanley. Stanley smiled mechanically and returned his gaze on the compound in which they were. “Since you two haven’t had a real time alone since your wedding day, we will leave you alone for some time. When darkness begins to settle, we will come back to wheel you back into the house. Please try not to get up from your wheel chairs; you are not yet strong enough to handle the exaction of walking around on your feet. If you need anything just call any of us and we would bring them to you.” When the doctors left them, Eve was eager to get as much kiss from Stanley as she could, but Stanley seemed uninterested. “What is it baby? Since our wedding night, you haven’t touched. The least you can do now is kiss me.” “Babe, we are still not safe,” Stanley replied. Eve felt her heart sink into her stomach. “Why did you say that?” “Look around, this place is a luxurious prison.” “But the doctors are in charge here.” “That is my point Eve. We have been here for three days and a few hours and yet we have not seen a single policeman.” Eve looked around as if a light bulb just turned on in her head. “Who then are these doctors?” she asked. “The way I see it, they are working for whoever is keeping us here.” From a room in the building the doctors watched Eve and Stanley on a monitor, listening to their conversation. They were hoping that the two of them would talk about what they knew about the videos. In the garden, Eve finally got the chance to ask the questions which had been bothering her all along, “Baby, do you have any ideas why we were shot? Who are the persons after us?” Stanley looked hard and long at her and said nothing. Eve did not understand his meaning, but she could tell he was saying something to her. Changing the topic, Stanley asked, “Baby, why don’t you let me see what you are wearing under?” Eve wasn’t sure what he was doing, but she trusted him. She reached under her clothe and pulled off her underwear and threw it at him. Stanley caught it mid-air and wheeled closer to Eve. Pretending he wanted to kiss her he whispered, “There are cameras in the flowers, don’t ask me about why we were shot. I can’t tell you here. Something is wrong about this place.” “Doctor Larry told me that some people were going to help us. Maybe they are the ones keeping us here,” Eve recalled. To be continued! . Question: Mayo seem to be the betrayer, is he? Was Stanley smart? .
6 Jul 2018 | 02:07
i think Stanley know alot
6 Jul 2018 | 04:55
Nice story, full of secret.
6 Jul 2018 | 07:49
This title suit this story wella
6 Jul 2018 | 08:25
this story make sense die
6 Jul 2018 | 08:49
Well!..... Still with you
6 Jul 2018 | 09:18
Too Many secret
6 Jul 2018 | 11:43
Still observing...
6 Jul 2018 | 11:43
Too many secrets yet to be unfold
6 Jul 2018 | 11:44
hmmmmmmmm,,,, this pple have deeper secrets dan we can ever imaging
6 Jul 2018 | 14:09
6 Jul 2018 | 17:11
DEEP SECRETS Episode 8 . . . 6:45 am, Accra Ghana “My wife is missing. Someone abducted her after a nude picture of her was sent to me…” said Steve. “What!! A nude what?! Lizzy is a good woman. What got her into such a habit?!” Emmalyn wondered aloud. “She is innocent. I have an idea of what is happening. I want to leave my children with you and go back to Nigeria to look for her. Please watch my children with your life.” “But Steve, I don’t want to get into trouble by your leaving your children here. I have lost enough relatives over the years; I don’t want to lose more.” “No one knows where I am right now, Emmalyn. Please help me. There are not many people I can trust right now.” “I love your children, Steve, and will gladly watch over them; but make sure I don’t get into trouble doing that. “Thank you Ema; I am sure you won’t get into trouble helping me with trouble helping me with my children.” 7: 18 am, Marlow Street, Lagos Nigeria Lizzy was in a dark small room and tied to a chair. Since She was abducted by the men in black Mercedes SUV, no one had spoken to her as to the reason she was abducted. Of course the Sony camera containing her nude pictures taken in a hotel room in Sun City had been taken from her. Whoever abducted her knew about the pictures and had taken her primarily for those pictures. For three days she had not eaten a thing and had not had a bath. She could smell her own pong. She could not tell what hour of the day it was outside. The room she was in had been dark from the moment she was taken into it. She was happy when the door to the small dark room jangled and flew wide open. A gust of fresh air rushed into the room and caressed her skin. The door remained open for a while without anyone coming in. She had to assume that perhaps her captors must have remembered her and decided to let her have some fresh air. Just when she thought no one was going to talk to her, two hefty men barged into the room and lifted her along with the chair to which she was tied. She had no clue what would happen next, but she was afraid. She struggled to break loose but the ropes on her were firm and the men carrying her were too strong for her. When she was brought outside the house, her eyes began to burn for not having seen daylight for days. The two men took her toward a swimming pool at the back of the grand building and set her down. There were three men sitting at a table, staring at her like mongrels. She was certain she had not seen any of them before. One of them barked at the two men who carried her out, “Untie her!” The men hurriedly untied her. “Lizzy, we are sorry about what you have been through in the last few days. Please don’t take it personal, we are just doing our job. Anyway your husband brought it on himself when he overstepped his bounds. You must be hungry, get her something to eat!” the man barked again. Lizzy stretched her arms and legs, while she studied the three men. Though her heart was pounding against her ribs as a result of fear, she was grateful that the ropes had been untied from her. In a jiffy, a man, looking like a chef brought food for her. The sight of grilled chicken served with rice and a glass of Piña Colada made her stomach to growl loudly. She felt embarrassed at the sound her stomach made. She was ravenously hungry; dragging her chair closer to the table on which the food sat, she dug her fingers into the chicken and shoved chunks of it into her mouth. Turning to one of the guards who stood nearby, she said with a mouth full of chicken, “Water, I need water.” As though on cue the chef who had served her food appeared with a glass bowl and a can of bottled water. He was surprised to see that Lizzy had begun to eat without washing her hands. Smiling, he set down the glass bowl and can of water and filled the glass bowl with water for Lizzy to wash her hands. When Lizzy had eaten to her fill, she was dragged into a bathroom and was ordered to have her bath. She was scared, and didn’t know what would come next. All the people she had seen in the house were men. However, she had to take her bath, for days she had gone without one. As soon as she was done having her bath, the door of the bathroom flew open and two men dragged her out of it and led her stark nude toward the swimming pool. She was overcome with shame and cried like a child, pleading for them to allow her put on her clothes. When the three men who had watched her eat, stood up from their table, Lizzy took note of what she did not see earlier - her Sony camera. Then it dawned on her that the men were going to take more nude pictures of her or probably force her to have sex with one of them and then make a video of it. She had not been that afraid before. Without thinking about it, she bolted toward the house, knocking one of the guards to the ground. Just before she made it to the door, she heard a gunshot and the glass door next to her shattered. Thinking she had been shot, she sunk to the ground. The guards came and picked her from the ground and put guns to her head and asked her to do as she was told. Shaking like a weather beaten bird, she nodded. The three men who had watched her eat, undressed quickly and asked Lizzy to pose nude with them. While she posed with them, crying profusely, a man came out with a video camera, set it on a tripod and began to film Lizzy and the men taking different nude poses. Whenever Lizzy failed to pose as she was asked to, the men slapped her across the face. When they were done, Lizzy was given her clothes, car key and her Sony camera. She dressed hurriedly, crying her bruised eyes sore. She had expected worse; her thoughts were that the men would force her to have sex with them, she was thankful that her ordeal did not reach that point. Clearly the men were building a case against her husband. Much to her surprise she was led out of the compound and was asked to go home. When she stepped out of the house and saw her car outside; like a child whose mother had been away for days, she ran toward it car, got into and drove away. 10:30 am, A Mansion outside the City Eve was sitting beside Stanley on a bed, eager to find out what was going on in his head, and frustrated that he could not tell her much because they were being watched. Upstairs the three doctors and some armed men sat before a monitor hoping that the couple would volunteer some information about the videos; especially about who had the videos. Doctor Larry picked up his phone and dialed a certain man, “Hello sir, it doesn’t look like this couple know anything about the videos. They have not said a word about them for days. It is likely they don’t even know why they were shot. I want to ask, should we let them go?” “If this current plan does not work, tell my boys to use force to find out from them everything they know. If force fails to yield any good result, shoot them on the head and dump their bodies in a ditch somewhere!” an angry voice on the other end of the phone said. “But sir, this was not what you told us earlier! You said you wanted to help…” “Doctor Larry, I am a businessman and a politician whose life is on the verge of being destroyed. Eve and Stanley have videos that can destroy my life and that of my daughter. I want the videos found and destroyed! If the couple cannot tell you anything useful about the videos, kill them and dump their bodies in the bush. That should not be difficult, you are at the outskirt of the city. Doctor Larry, please don’t call me until you have some good news to give me. I have just sent a message to my boys to kill Eve and Stanley it your method fails.” The phone line went dead. Doctor Larry was shocked. He stood up and asked his other two colleagues to follow him down stairs. He could tell that the message the leader of the armed group read was from their boss asking him and his boys to kill Eve and Stanley if they fail to give them the information they sought for. On the staircase, Dr. Larry told his colleagues what the man they were working for said. The two doctors were horrified to hear what their employer said. “We have to let Eve and Stanley know what is going on. If they know anything, it is about time to let us know,” Dr. Lami, the youngest of the three doctors said as he descended the staircase in a flight. Eve and Stanley were locked in each other’s hands, kissing when the three doctors barged into their room. Eve was sure she locked the door, how the doctors opened it was a surprise to her. She broke from the kiss, looking at the doctors in disbelieve. “I thought I had that door locked, how did you get in?” she asked. Ignoring her, Dr. Larry said to the two of them, “Your lives are right now more in danger than they had ever been. I need you to give me some information about something.” Eve was surprised, but Stanley looked like he had been waiting for that moment. “What is it you want, Dr. Larry?” Stanley asked. “The man who is keeping our families from harm, the man who saved your lives, he wants a favour from the two of you. He is looking for…” “Some videos,” Stanley cut in. Dr. Larry and the other two doctors looked at each other, happy that finally they were getting some information from the couple. Upstairs one of the armed men called their boss and told him that Stanley had begun to tell the doctors what he knew about the videos. Down in the room where Stanley and the doctors were, Stanley began a mind game he had been rehearsing for hours. “Doctors, I am not sure you want to know what is in those videos. Believe me, you don’t want to know.” “Stanley, please don’t bother about us. We have no interest in the videos. The man we work for is the one who wants to get his hands on the videos.” “Okay, but you will need to write down the things I am about to tell you.” “Don’t worry about that Stanley. Go ahead tell us what you know.” Stanley leaned forward and whispered, “Doctors, you don’t know what you are doing. Once I tell you three the contents of those videos, your lives will be in grave danger. I know this whole house is wired with video cameras. You have been watching us every minute. I know this conversation is being recorded, but you need your own record of the things I am about to tell you…” Stanley lowered his voice further and continued, “Doctors, you need your own bargaining chips. Your lives and those of your family members will be in danger the moment you hear the contents of those videos. You need something to bargain your way out of the coming storm.” The doctors were scared. Stanley could see sweat break on their foreheads. He had got them hooked. His scheme was working. Lami, the youngest of the doctors, backed the camera on the wall and removed his Samsung phone and turned on the recorder. Blinking his eyes repeatedly at Stanley, he pointed his index finger at his phone and urged him to continue. To be continued
6 Jul 2018 | 17:11
What is Stanley up to?is he playing mind games with de doctors or is it dat he doesn't want his wife to know his amorous affairs captured in de video,time will tell!!!
6 Jul 2018 | 21:25
DEEP SECRETS Episode 9 . . . Bimpe was working in her office when her phone rang. Steve was the caller. Before picking the call, Bimpe locked her office door. She would not want someone else to hear her. “Hello Steve. What happened?” “Where are you?” “In my office.” “I think someone knows the truth now. Lizzy has been abducted. I don’t know where they took her to.” “Oh my God! Are you sure of what you are saying?” “I am certain of it. Someone sent me a nude picture of Lizzy and after that she was abducted. I am worried to death.” “I hope you know you can’t go to the police. Have you spoken to our henchmen?” “No, I can’t talk to them. They have been compromised. I am hoping that whoever kidnapped Lizzy will call me for ransom or for vendetta. I need to know she is still alive… I just returned to the country. I had to take my children to some safe place.” “That is a smart move. Where are they?” “I can’t tell you bimpe. It is better you don’t know.” “It’s okay, I understand. Do whatever you can to find Lizzy, I will do my best from here… have you heard?” “What?” “Eve and Stanley are still alive.” There was silence for a moment after Bimpe informed him that Eve and Stanley were still alive. “Steve, are you still there?” “Yes… Bimpe, I hope you know we are in a deep mess?” “Yeah, I know. Find your wife as quickly as you can. I have the feeling things won’t work out well between Emilia and Mayo. We should try and take advantage of that.” “I didn’t understand what you mean.” “Mayo does not know who made the videos, Emilia won’t tell him. I will try and point fingers at Emilia; that should break them up.” “No, Bimpe! You should not do that. Emilia is a monster; you don’t want to mess with her. Please don’t do it. You absolutely do not have what it takes to handle her. I would suggest we disappear.” “Okay, I will try not to point fingers at Emilia. Steve, I have got to go. I have so much work to do. Call me when you find your wife. I’ll get my men to look underground for her.” “Thank you, Bimpe.” “You are welcome.” As soon as Bimpe was done talking to Steve, she sent a text to Mayo, using an unknown number. The text message read, “Hello Mayo, Emilia paid someone to make the videos. Check the house you use for your abominable sexual orgies and you will see lots of hidden cameras. Are you hidden cameras. Are you aware that she worked as a hooker for seven years in Atlanta before she returned to Nigeria? Don’t believe what she tells you. She doesn’t want the videos found. If you don’t believe me, you know where to look.” As quickly as Bimpe sent the text message, she turned off her phone and removed the sim card with which she sent the message. Steve had warned her not to point fingers at Emilia, but she would not listen. She had her reasons for attacking Emilia. On the other side Mayo was trying hard without success to call the number which sent him the message. Determined to find out who was behind the text message, he called a friend of his in the mobile carrier which owned the number that sent him the message and asked his friend to get him the identity of the person who sent him the message. In Apple Bar, Steve sat alone at a table, working out how to get back his wife. He was lost in thought when his phone rang. To his surprise, the caller was Lizzy. Steve was happy that finally, those who abducted his wife were getting in touch with him. With a cold voice he said, “Hello…” “Baby! Baby! Where are you? Where are our children? I have been calling you since yesterday!” “Where are you Lizzy?” “I am home. They have let me go! Come home please! Come home!” “No! I am not coming home. They are trying to use you to get me. Who is there with you? They have not let you go right?” Steve could not believe his wife would be sent home that easily. Lizzy broke down and began to cry. “I am alone in the house. No one is here with me. I was released yesterday after those who kidnaped me made me do some things…” Steve was alarmed; his heart began to beat very fast. “Lizzy, what did they make you do?” “They stripped me nude and forced me to pose nude with three nude men. They beat me up…” Steve went numb with fear. Bimpe was right, someone must know the truth now and was working secretly to get him and his accomplices. “I want you to come to Apple Bar. Walk in and take a seat. I will meet you there in minutes.” “Okay, I’ll leave right away.” Lizzy dropped the call and ran down stairs. She had thought her husband and children had been killed by the men who kidnapped her. Steve was not sure his wife was telling him the truth, so he left the bar, went across the street and paid a taxi driver to let him sit in his taxi for some time. While he waited, Lizzy drove into Apple Bar in her Range Rover HSE. In a jiffy she made it out of her car and headed into the bar. 10:45 am, Emilia’s Residence “Who else amongst these people do you think is closest to finding the videos,” Emilia asked her guards. On her dining table was spread a wide sheet containing the names of the people looking for the people looking for the videos and those in the videos. “I think Maxwell has the best chance of finding the videos. He knows where Eve and Stanley are,” one of Emilia’s guards said. “Maxwell is chasing shadows. He is doing exactly what I want him doing at the moment,” Emilia replied sarcastically. Just then her phone rang. It was the policeman who called some days earlier from Briggs Clinic to inform her that Eve and Stanley might still be alive. She had to take his call, “Hey, man. What have you got?” Emilia asked. “Leroy survived the shooting at Briggs Clinic. He will be transferred to a military hospital by 11: am tomorrow. Do you still have need for him?” “I do. Thanks for letting me know. Can you help him disappear?” “Maybe, but I am not yet sure.” “If you can make it happen; make sure he never gets taken to the military hospital.” “I will try, Emilia.” “Thanks man. I will remember this.” “You are welcome.” 11:55 am, A Mansion outside the City “Whoever it is you are working for is looking for videos. The videos contain the worst form of deviant sexual acts you can imagine. You need to understand the caliber of people in those videos. There are four currently serving governors, six ministers, seven celebrities of immense wealth, an ex-president and his daughter, and also one of the richest men in Africa and his daughter. Actually this man and his daughter had sex together with their eyes blindfolded. It was a set up and I don’t know who planned it all. The people in the videos have the means to kill whoever will try to keep them from finding the videos…” Stanley paused. Eve had Stanley paused. Eve had heard those from him and so was not surprised. “I don’t know what you were told, but the truth is I did not make those videos and you cannot find me in any of them. Some amongst my friends or in connection with my friends did, but I don’t know who they are,” he continued. “Where are the original copies of the videos now,” Dr. Larry asked. Stanley knew that admitting he did not know where the videos where would take his bargaining power away; so he made up a story, “I don’t know where they are, but I might know who does. I understand there is a sixteen- digit code with which the videos were locked away in a safe somewhere in this city. I and Eve were made to memorize three digits each. If anything happens to us, you will never find the videos. According to what I was told, the numbers are also coordinates to the location of the original copies of the videos.” Eve was shocked to hear Stanley say they were made to memorize numbers. That was a lie. They simply did not know much about the videos except those who were in them. The fact that Stanley was leading their captors on made her much more afraid. If they found out, they would not hesitate to shoot them. “You said you know who might know where the videos are, who is that?” Dr. Larry asked. “I want to know that I and my wife are safe before I give you a name.” “Stanley, you don’t understand what mess you are in right now. Give us a name and we will convince our boss to let you go,” Dr. Lami persuaded him. “How do I know they won’t shoot us the moment I give them a name?” “This is messier than we thought, Stanley. Just drop a name and we will leave this place with you right now,” Dr. Lami pleaded with a fear riddled voice. They were all startled when one of the armed men watching from a room upstairs barged into the room, wielding a gun. “Stanley, I doubt very much you understand what is going on here. If you don’t give us a name I am going to shoot you and your wife right here!” the man shouted. “I understand you want to protect your friends but you need to see this!” He handed Stanley a tablet and urged him, “Play the video.” Stanley was not sure what was in the video. He was clearly afraid. Eve came over and sat beside him. Stanley braved up for the worst and taped the play button and the video began to play. Seconds into the video, the mouths of Stanley and Eve hung open in shock. In the video were Bimpe, Steve and Clara, in a bar, telling an unidentified man that the sex videos may have been made by Stanley and Eve. At the end of the video, the unidentified man left a briefcase on the table and left. Turning to them, the armed man said, “The video you just watched was recorded six months ago. Your friends believe you made the videos. They were paid ten million Naira for that information.” To be continued! . Question: Are you guys understanding the story? .
7 Jul 2018 | 03:47
Owk bimpe and Steve made the video, they what too implicate Stanley nd eve
7 Jul 2018 | 08:22
Hmmm bad friends ....
7 Jul 2018 | 08:23
Ride on
7 Jul 2018 | 08:25
am really enjoying this story
7 Jul 2018 | 08:56
Bimpe and Steve did it I feel sorry for Stanley and Eve
7 Jul 2018 | 12:29
bimpe and steve are the culprits, they put up an act so they won't be suspected
7 Jul 2018 | 12:29
7 Jul 2018 | 12:47
DEEP SECRETS Episode 10 . . . 11:01 am, Apple Bar Steve sat quietly in the taxi and watched every person and car which went into Apple Bar. He was expecting to see the people who abducted his wife arrive minutes after his wife. Patiently he waited. Inside the bar, Lizzy grew impatient and dialed Steve’s number severally without his picking up. She did not know what to make of his failure to show up at the bar nor of his failure to take her calls. Without her meaning to, tears welled up in her eyes, a young man who took interest in her sublime physique and scantily covered boobs walked over to her table and asked, “Excuse me madam, what is the problem?” and sat down without Lizzy’s permission. Lizzy could tell the young man had his eyes fixed on her boobs. She tried to tuck her boobs behind her bra which served more to expose them than cover them. The young man smiled impudently and asked her, “How much is your fee? I am will double them to spend just a minute with you.” Lizzy looked at her watch and asked the young man, “Idiot, is your mother a whore or did you just wake from a whorehouse this morning? It is only 11:00 am and you are looking for a woman to jump on.” The surprised young man stood to his feet and snapped, “If you don’t want us asking, keep them covered.” Just as the young man made his way toward another table, Lizzy’s phone rang and she picked it hurriedly, “Baby, where are you? I have been waiting for long.” “Get up and leave the bar. When you step outside, leisurely walk across the street as though you wanted to buy some things. I will pick you up from there.” Lizzy bolted out of the restaurant. Outside, she struggled to walk across the street calmly. She just could not wait to see her husband. Steve didn’t like the way she was walking; she was drawing attention to herself. He was going to call her when Lizzy suddenly stopped and walked back to her car, opened it and sat in it for a moment before dialing Steve, “Hello baby, I think I just saw a man I recognized from the house I was kept when I was abduction. Wherever you are please don’t make a move, someone is watching us.” “Thank you baby... now I want you to drive to a market place, when you get there, abandon your car and disappear into the market. From the market, try to call me from a public phone, I will tell you where I will be by then.” Lizzy started her car and drove off. 10:15 PM, Radisson Blue “I hope what I am afraid of is not what you have called me out to tell me,” Stella said as she sat on the edge of her seat, waiting to find out the result of the paternity test she had hired the doctor to conducted on her last son. The look on the doctor’s face wasn’t appealing, Stella could tell he had bad news for her. To put her out of her misery, he handed her a brown envelope. Stella refused to take it and said, “Tell me what’s in it first!” “Your husband is not the father of your last child… he belongs to Mayo.” Stella had feared the result the doctor just gave her. Though she had thought about it for days, it still hit her with a numbing force. “Are you certain of the result, doctor?” “Yes, I am hundred percent sure.” “Did you check over and again to be sure?” “I did. You know how thorough I am. I can’t make mistakes with such important tests.” “Thank you,” Stella said and collected the envelope from the doctor. The doctor stood to his feet and left the bar. After staring long at the envelope, Stella opened it and poured over the result line after line. She glanced at her watch, picked up her phone and placed a call to Mayo, “Hello Mayo. How are you doing?” “I am good.” “What’s happening to the group?” “What do you mean?” “Don’t play that game with me Mayo! You know what I mean! Why were Eve and Stanley shot?” Mayo stalled for a moment, he didn’t know how to answer Stella. He was still having a struggle with guilt. He knew he could have stopped the attack on Eve and Stella and yet he did nothing. “I don’t know why they were shot. I am still working on it,” he lied. “You know I know when you are lying. There is so much you are not saying at the moment. I am going to forward a text message to you, when you are done reading it, call me back.” Stella worked through her messages and forwarded to Mayo the message which read, “Mayo is going to kill you all. He has just found out from Emilia that there is a tape about the sexual orgies you all often have together. He knows why Eve and Stanley were shot.” After sending out the message Stella waited. She had all the night to wait. She had fooled her husband with a fictitious job she had to do that night to leave the house. She wasn’t much of a drinker, but to keep herself wide awake, she ordered for a bottle of Chelsea Dry Gin along with a bottle of Smirnoff Ice. She had them mixed in a glass with a few cubes of ice and began to sip the drink slowly. 10:35 pm, Mayo’s Home Mayo was sitting at a table in his study staring at the message Stella forwarded to him in disbelief. No doubt someone somewhere was turning them against each other. First whoever he or she was made it look like Eve and Stanley were responsible for the videos and had them shot. The same person was also after him, sending pernicious messages to his friends to make them think he was behind all that was happening. However, there was something worrisome about the text message Stella forwarded to him, it had Emilia’s name in it; that had Mayo alarmed. How many of us know Emilia by her real name? he thought as he stood to his feet and paced around his study. In a quick move he picked his phone and read the message which a stranger sent to him about Emilia, “Hello Mayo, Emilia paid someone to make the videos. Check the house you use for your abominable sexual orgies and you will see lots of hidden cameras. Are you hidden cameras. Are you aware that she worked as a hooker for seven years in Atlanta before she returned to Nigeria? Don’t believe what she tells you. She doesn’t want the videos found. If you don’t believe me, you know where to look.” By now Mayo could tell he was in a deep shit. Outside, three armed men scaled the wall into his compound and slit the throats of his two military guards and made their way to his door. Upstairs two University girls he had brought in for the night lay naked and unconscious on the floor. The aphrodisiac he gave them was too strong for the girls’ hearts to handle. Mayo studied the two text messages to spot a pattern. The first thing he noticed was that the sender of those messages was knowledgeable about her group. He forwarded the second message to Stella second message to Stella and gave her a few minutes to read it. While he waited to call her, he heard a glass shatter in his kitchen. His thought was that the girls must have recover from the effect of the drug he gave them. Clutching his phone, he headed toward the kitchen. Just when he was to step into his living room, he heard a male voice whispering, “The house is big, where do we go next?” Mayo was struck with fear. Quickly he retraced his steps back to his room. He pulled out an automatic handgun from under his pillow and cocked it. Shoving it into his hip, he pulled on a t-shirt and a pair of sneakers. His heart beat so fast that he tasted blood in his mouth. Leaning on the door of his room, he listened for sounds. Convinced there was none, he opened the door of his room and stepped out. Immediately his phone rang, Stella was the one calling. The sound of his ringing phone sent the assassins in his direction. At first he heard footsteps running toward him, and then gunshots. He went to the floor and without thinking pointed his gun in the direction of the footsteps and squeezed the trigger. Two men in face masks let out screams and went to the floor as flesh and blood splattered in all directions. Mayo sprang to his feet and ran toward an exit door at the back of his house, with a few gunshots missing him by the whiskers. When he reached the door, he opened it and hid beside the wall. He was expecting gunshots to follow his opening the door. When no one shot at the door, he jumped out into the night and made his way out of his compound. His hunch had served him well; two weeks earlier he had sent his wife and children to the Gambia to stay with his friend, Isa Farouk. Outside his compound his feet pounded the ground as he ran in the night. About an hour later he called Stella, “Stella! Where are you?” “I am at Radisson Blue, but please I don’t need you tonight, I am trying to make my ways right again with God. Please keep your ass where your wife is, I am done f***ing you.” “Shot up and listen! Some people broke into my house about an hour ago and tried to kill me! Call your husband and get out of the city now!” 12:40 am, A Mansion outside the City The three doctors were by now scheming very hard to get Eve and Stanley out of the house after what they had heard about the videos. “The man we are working for, his name is Maxwell, do you know him?” Dr. Larry asked. Stanley was shocked, he could not even bat an eyelid. “What is wrong Stanley. What do you know about him? Please talk to us,” Dr. Larry pleaded. Eve looked at Stanley and then at the three doctors. Drawing closer to them she said, “Maxwell is the person in the video who had sex with his daughter Anabel…” There was a pin-drop silence in the room. The three doctors seemed like they were going to choke to death with shock. Anabel was perhaps the nation’s biggest female celebrity. She had endorsement contracts with Coca Cola, Samsung, P&G, Nestle and some other blue chip corporations. Dr. Lami was the first to recover from the shock; blinking his eyes like he had a pack of sand in it he asked, “But why did Maxwell have sex with Anabel? It is an abomination!” “It happened in a blindfold, nude party, hosted by Mayo. He regularly hosted such parties for the crème de la crème of our society along with some of my friends…” Stanley explained. “Jesus! This is not happening! How did I get involved in this? Maxwell has our families, Stanley! He took them in the name of protecting them while we work for him,” Dr. Frank, the second in rank amongst the three doctors, exclaimed. “Calm down Frank, nothing is going to happen to your families. You are doing fine with your job,” Stanley assureStanley assured him. “But, why would Maxwell had sex with his daughter,” Lami prodded. “I don’t have the whole details, I leant the much I know from Mayo; and that was only a few days to my wedding. I was told someone drugged Maxwell and Anabel with an aphrodisiac called Pendulum. The drug makes people do things they would never do even with a gun to their heads. Maxwell had sex with his daughter and did not even remember it until he saw the video. He must be really mad. It was all a set up to destroy his political and business empire,” Stanley explained further. “Anabel is supposed to marry Mustapha, the third son of Al Sherriff, brother to the president. I have been thinking about it, it seems like someone doesn’t want Maxwell to have such a powerful allegiance through his daughter’s marriage to the Sherriffs,” Eve suggested. To be continued ...
7 Jul 2018 | 16:29
I've to read dis story again from d start cos it's giving me high time to saturate... I will post another episode after dat
7 Jul 2018 | 16:49
This story is getting me confused oo
7 Jul 2018 | 17:21
Things are really getting more complicated Dan expected, I just want Stanley's wife out of Dis mess cos she's innocent!!!
7 Jul 2018 | 21:07
DEEP SECRETS Episode 11 . . . 01:13 am, A Mansion outside the City “Whoever made the videos knew what she or he was doing. I can tell you that I and my wife have been framed up. Someone wants us to take the fall for their sins…” Stanley said. Eve, Stanley and the three doctors were startled with the sudden entrance of Maxwell’s armed men into the room. From the look of their faces, they were angry, afraid and surprised. Stanley did not know what might come next and so he shielded Eve with his body, just in case the men were to pounce on them. “Stanley, you are right. Mayo knows something about the videos,” one of the armed men stated with the gesture of a man who had just uncovered a great secret. “Where is he now?” Stanley asked, expecting the men to lead Mayo into the room. “We did not find him in his house, but we found enough to know he knows much,” the armed man said with a sadistic smile on his face. Breathlessly Even and Stanley waited for the man to let the cat out of the bag. “Someone made it to Mayo’s house before us. We found two dead masked men in his house and two naked girls in his bedroom. There were bullet holes in some parts of his house. Clearly there was a shootout in his house. We didn’t find Mayo. He may be on the run. Someone wants him dead.” Eve, Stanley and the three doctors took sigh of relief. Stanley had given them Mayo’s name because he was the one who told him about the videos and was the person Maxwell wanted to have a chat with. Stanley did not know how it was going to go down if they had found Mayo, but he had to give them his name to save himself and his new wife. “What we saw in Mayo’s house confirms what we have always feared; there is someone or some people out there who do not want the videos found. They want you, all your friends and whoever knows about the videos and how to find them dead,” the armed man said and stepped closer to Stanley. Like a bolt from the blue, he stretched his hand toward Stanley for a handshake and said, “You have just saved yourself and your pretty wife by narrowing down our search.” Stanley shook his hands in spite of himself, wondering what would come next. The man brought out his phone, fiddled with it a bit and showed Stanley some pictures. “Do you know any of these men?” The pictures were those of two dead men on the floor. There was way too much blood on their faces. Stanley and Eve studied the images for a while and said, “No, we don’t recognize any of them.” “Then they are just who we think they are, assassins sent to kill Mayo. They are the men we found dead in his house.” Stanley already knew that. He recognized some of the furniture in the pictures. The man swiped the images, revealing new ones. “How about these naked ladies, does any of you know them?” One look at them Stanley said, “They are students and must be around eighteen and twenty years. Mayo has a bent for tender girls. He must have given them Pendulum. Did you get the girls to a hospital?” Stanley asked with alarm in his voice. The armed man nodded and said, “Yes, we did. My daughter is about their age. I could not leave them to die there.” “Thank you sir.” “You are welcome Stanley.” The armed man’s phone rang and he moved a bit to take it. He didn’t talk long before he came back and handed the phone to Stanley and said, “My boss wants to speak with you.” Stanley took the phone from him and said, “Hello.” “Mr. Stanley, I am grateful for how helpful you have been to us so far. How is your wife?” “She is fine.” “You must be wondering who I am. I am Maxwell. I understand my men have mentioned to you who I am. I have an offer for you,” Maxwell said and paused as if to read Stanley’s mind. Stanley on his part waited with bated breath to hear the offer. “I want you to help me find the videos by finding Mayo. He was your friend, if he is still in the city, he might be willing to meet with you if you can convince him to meet up with you.” “You said it is an offer, what am I going to get if I do it for you?” “Stanley, you will get to walk free with your pretty wife. Also you will have your account credited with twenty million Naira; and here is the best part, we will make sure no one harms you. I hope you know that there are people out there who cannot wait to blow your brains out. The have been fooled to believe that you made the videos and that the videos are in your possession.” Stanley felt boxed in. He loathed being drawn into a battle he knew nothing about and also being put in a position to work against his friends. Already he and Eve had taken bullets for what was none of their business. “I don’t expect this decision to be hard for you Mr. Stanley, you don’t have much options here. Your friends have sold you out and there are many who can’t wait to put their hands on you. Don’t forget you have a pretty wife.” “Are you threatening me Mr. Maxwell?” “No, I am not. I am only helping you see things as they are. Help me by helping yourself. Don’t you want to find out who framed you up and almost had you and your wife killed. Are you aware that the man who shot you and your wife has escaped from the hospital? Ehmm… what’s his name? Leroy! Yea, that’s his name.” “Give me time to think about your offer Mr. Maxwell.” “Okay, Stanley.” 3:45 am, Oak City Hotel A yellow cab pulled into the hotel premises. Inside was Lizzy. Since the previous day when she drove away from Apple Bar and headed toward a market, she had not slept a wink. She had been dodging and hiding from the man she spotted at Apple Bar. She wanted to make sure she had not been followed to Oak City Hotel. Steve had been there for about thirty minutes waiting for her. Certain there was no one watching her, Lizzy stepped out of the cab ad walked into the hotel lobby. Steve had told her to introduce herself to the receptionist as Mrs. Bernard. “Hello, I am Mrs. Bernard. I am here to see my husband.” A porter walked up to her and said, “You are welcome Mrs. Bernard, we have been waiting for you. Come with me.” Lizzy followed him into the elevator. At the fourth floor, they stepped out of the elevator and began to walk to Steve’s room. Intermittently Lizzy looked behind her shoulders to make sure she was not being followed. When the porter reached a certain door, he stopped and knocked once. After a seeming long wait, the door slowly creaked open and Steve peeped at the porter and Lizzy from the opening on the door. Seeing the porter and his wife, he swung the door wide open and grabbed his wife. As he hurried to close the door, he said to the porter, “You have done well, I will see you in the morning.” The porter nodded and walked away. There was so much to talk about, but first Steve had to fulfil his conjugal responsibility to his wife. He knew Lizzy, when she was going through so much stress, the best way to connect with her was to give her a good sex. Like a hungry lion, Steve ripped off her clothes, being a maniac as well and having gone for days without his regular steamy sexual sessions was a tough ask for him. In a matter of moments, the two of them were pouncing on each other like lions fighting to protect their territories. Two hours later they lay on the bed spent. “Where are our children, Steve?” Lizzy asked sounding exhausted. Steve rolled over to her spot, took her in his hands and said, “They are in Ghana.” “Thank God… what is going on, baby? Who are the people who took me? Why did they strip me naked? Why…” “Slow down baby. Let us take them one after another. Tell me what happened in Sun City. I want to know how the stranger got your nude picture.” Lizzy stood up from the bed and went bring her Sony camera over. “Here is the camera you asked me to bring. Let us start from it. See if you can find the picture the stranger sent you amongst the ones in it.” The two of them snuggling in each other’s arm began to go through the pictures together. Lizzy had not had time to look at the camera since she was released by her captors. As she and Steve went through the pictures, they stumbled on shocking images which she could not explain how they got into her camera. Steve felt his heart almost jumping out of his mouth when he saw the pictures. “Jesus!! What is this, Steve?” Lizzy asked in disbelieve. Steve’s hands shook and the camera fell on the bed. Steve did not know how to explain what he and his wife had seen. He never had for a moment planned to explain his adulterous life to his wife. He had been very careful and was certain she would never find out. “Steve! Answer me!! What is this?” “I… was… I… don’t know. I am sorry. I was drunk,” Steve stuttered, sounding stupid. The picture they saw was Steve and Bimpe in a sexual act. Lizzy picked the camera from the bed and began to skip from one image to another. The images she saw were worse than the first. She saw her husband in sexual acts with Clara, Stella, Bimpe and some unknown women.” Lizzy went numb with shock. She knew her husband had problem with keeping himself in check when standing in front of a pair of breasts, but to have sex with his friends, some of whom were married was beyond her imagination. While they sat on the bed, staring at each other speechlessly, a deafening knock was heard on the door. Steve was not expecting anyone and neither was the knock in tandem with how he told the maids and porters in the hotel to knock on his door. They were still wondering who that might be when the knock came again, this time louder. Lizzy leapt on her husband and began to tremble. 08:30 am, Clara’s House “I think Steve is not on the run from anyone. He may be on the run for what he knowns and might have done,” Clara said, her eyes darting about. She had remembered what Steve was going to kill her for some weeks ago. “Six months ago, my account was credited with three million naira. I got the three million two days after I accompanied Steve and Bimpe to a meeting. I could not make sense of the things that were said in that meeting until now. I think Bimpe and Steve sold false information to a man about Eve and Stanley. I know it was about a video. I was asked if Stanley had made sex videos before and could make some and I said yes. Steve even showed the man the video we made about that time in Mayo’s house and said to the man that Stanley made it. The video was not meant to leave Mayo’s house and yet he brought it out. Stanley did not make that video, Mayo did. They were making money by betraying one of us. I was paid three million for my part in the meeting!” Stella and Chucks were shocked and confused. “Does anyone know where Bimpe and her family are at the moment?” Stella asked after a long silence. No one answered her. “Why didn’t you tell anyone about this before now?!” Chucks yelled, finally uttering a word after what he had heard. “I didn’t see anything wrong with it then. I thought Bimpe and Steve were using Stanley’s name to pitch for a job. We have all at one point or the other used university students to make sex videos and sold them to foreign buyers. Believe me I did not know it could be worse.” “Could it be that Mayo is innocent? Quite frankly since all this began, I haven’t seen Bimpe acting like she was concerned. What could she and Steve have done?” Chucks’ phone beeped and he picked it. It was a text message and it read, “Chucks, you have been marked, get lost.” Calmly he stood to his feet and said, “Ladies, I forgot, I have something to pick up for my brother. I will meet you again in the evening. Make sure you stay safe.” Clara had her eyes fixed on him, she had the quickest mind amongst all of her friends. Immediately Chucks left her house, she said to Stella, “I don’t trust anyone anymore. I have a feeling Chucks just told us a lie. Did you notice, he no longer tells us much about his investigation. Let us follow him and find out where he is going.” Story continues...
8 Jul 2018 | 02:54
Chai........ Mo n gbadun e
8 Jul 2018 | 02:57
hmmmmmm,,,, I wish I understand dis,,, is just too complicated
8 Jul 2018 | 04:29
More secret to discover
8 Jul 2018 | 04:51
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel try to read episode 1 &2 again maybe u will understand
8 Jul 2018 | 04:57
everyone of dem wit secrets
8 Jul 2018 | 05:03
@sheegokeys: OK sir
8 Jul 2018 | 05:06
hmm still following
8 Jul 2018 | 11:32
8 Jul 2018 | 11:52
Secret everywhere
8 Jul 2018 | 12:56
In fact de secrets unfolding are very deep as de title implies,I'm really enjoying every bit it,continue!!!
8 Jul 2018 | 13:34
DEEP SECRETS Episode 12 . . . 5:45 am, Oak City Hotel Lizzy and her husband were sure that whoever was knocking that loudly must be one of the people who were after them. Steve reached into his laptop bag and removed a gun. Lizzy was shocked to see her husband in possession of firearm. “Dress up!” Steve barked at her, even though he was naked as much. Lizzy picked her clothes, ran into the bathroom and hurried to get dressed while Steve cocked his gun and stepped closer to the door. At the door he waited, wondering if to ask who was knocking on the door. Then an idea occurred to him, he moved across the room and dialed the hotel security from the intercom in the room, “Hello someone is knocking at my door, it think whoever that may be is here to hurt I and my wife!” “Are you serious?!” “Yes, I am. Some stranger has been banging away at my door. Why would you allow just anybody walk into your hotel and harass your customer? Get rid of him from my door now,” Steve demanded, making sure whoever was at the door did not hear his voice. “Excuse me sir, what is your room number?” “106.” “Thank you, we will get rid of whoever that is right away. We are very sorry for the inconvenience.” “Please get rid of whoever that is.” To be sure whoever was standing at the door did not break into the room, Steve pushed a sofa to the door, hid behind another and pointed his gun toward the door. Though he was stark naked, he did not mind. He was too scared to worry about not having his clothes on. In the bathroom, Lizzy had dressed up and locked herself in there. Outside their hotel room, a beautifully curved lady, clad in just an underwear and a bathrobe, stood at the door knocking relentlessly. When the hotel security officers arrived, they were surprised to see that the person whom they had come to remove was an elegant, classy lady. The security agents did not know how to handle her at first. Also her breasts and underwear were in the open. She had deliberately shown them off to distract the hotel security officers in the event they came for her. Stuck on the back of her underwear was an automatic handgun. It took a while before the security officers could take their eyes off her curvy, seductive body. “Hello, madam, you are disturbing our customers with your loud knock. Whoever is in that room doesn’t want to see you,” said one of the security officers. The lady placed her hand on her breasts and gently caressed them, while she pretended to be sorry for how loud she had been knocking. “I am very sorry, please forgive me. I was desperate to make up with my friend that I forgot how loudly I was knocking. The man in the room is a friend of mine. I said something he didn’t like, he left me in anger and went into his room. I want to make up with him, I have no intention of going back to my bed alone.” From the room Steve listened, he could not tell whose voice that was, and he had not been with any woman since he arrived at the hotel. “Okay, madam. We will help get in touch with him and convey to him how you feel about what transpired between the two of you. However, you have to return to your room while we work on that. Many of our customers have called to complain about your loud knocks.” “Thanks a lot, I will return to my room then and wait for you to help me. In case you get in touch with him, I am in room 095.” As though she had just realized she was bare breasted, she pulled her bathrobe over her enhanced pair of breasts and walked back toward her room.” A few steps away from the security men, she staggered on her feet as though she was going to hit the floor. One of the security officers made a dash toward her and steadied her to her feet. The lady deliberately brushed her breasts on the guy and whispered seductively, “When you are done, please come to my room. It is room 095.” The security guy nodded and rejoined his colleagues. The security officers stood by the door and watched her until she disappeared down the hallway. When she got into her room, she quickly made a call, “I could not get into his room. The two of them are in the room right now. Give me an hour more, I want to use one of the hotel security officers to get into his room.” “Do it quick, and if it doesn’t work let us know,” a male voice said. Back in Steve’s room he was on the phone with the security men, “I don’t know who that woman is. I have never met her in my life. I am here with my wife. I don’t want that woman to come back knocking on my door!” Okay sir, we'll make sure she does not come back to bother you.” “I want you to do much more than that, please post two security men at my door or I am going to call in the police. I and my wife think that lady is an assassin!” 10: 15 am, Emilia’s house Mayo was standing at the gate to Emilia’s mansion. He had a fez cap over his face and his eyes darted up and down the street. The gate swung open and he dashed into the compound. Standing on the balcony of the house was Emilia. A young man way below her age was standing behind her, rubbing her back. One look at her, Mayo knew she had just crawled out of the bed with the young man. Mayo moved into the house and climbed the staircase with lightning speed. As soon as he sat down, he pointed at the young man and asked, “Does your mother know you are having sex with a lady about her age?” The young man was embarrassed. “Go put on some clothes and go back to your mother!” Mayo demanded angrily as the boy ran into Emilia’s bedroom. Emilia could not tell if Mayo was just jealous for seeing her with the boy or was angry for some other reason. To test him, she sat opposite him and left her legs wide open. “What have you been doing lately, Emilia? Someone sent assassins after me. Who wants me dead?!” Mayo had his eyes fixed on her face. If her legs were open he didn’t notice. He was reading every nuance on her face. His hand rested on his automatic gun. If he would get just a hint that she was behind the attempt on his life, he would drop her dead and shoot his way out of her house. Emilia was shocked to hear of the attempt on Mayo’s life. She stood up and walked towarstood up and walked toward him, looking genuinely concerned. “I did not send assassins after you, baby,” she said. “The only people I have tried to kill were Eve and Stanley. Thanks to you, I am no longer hunting them,” she continued. That wasn’t entirely true. She was still after Eve and Stanley. She was going to let them walk free until she found out that Maxwell had made contact with Stanley. She didn’t want Maxwell to find out who was behind the videos. Ironically, Anabel, Maxwell’s daughter was her friend. Mayo didn’t trust her, with what he had seen so far, it would be hard for him to trust anyone. As Emilia drew closer, he tightened his grip on his gun. Emilia noticed his biceps pulsating. At first she misread that for a sign that Mayo wanted to jump into bed with her. However, as her eyes followed Mayo’s hand to his waist, she saw he had his hand around a gun, she could she the shape of the gun. She stepped back and raised her hands in the air. “Mayo, stop being stupid! I did not send anyone after you!” She deliberately raised her voice so her guards could run into the living room. In a jiffy four armed men ran into the living room. The guards expected Emilia The guards expected Emilia to send them out, but when she did not, they took that for a cue and positioned themselves around the living room. Mayo observed them moving into positions and pretended he did not. “Have a look at this,” Mayo said and passed his phone to Emilia. On the screen was the picture of the two men he shut dead in his house. As she studied the faces of the two dead men in the picture, Emilia covered her mouth in shock. “I had a police officer go to my house and snap that picture. The night I was attacked, another group came after I had escaped and took the two girls I had brought in for the night to a hospital.” “What happened to the girls?” “I gave them pendulum. Their hearts could not handle it.” “Mayo, I recognize one of these guys. He belongs to a group known as the desert scorpion. I have used them once, when I came back from Atlanta. But believe me I did not send them after you. Someone else did.” Emilia beckoned to one of her guards and he came over. “Transfer this picture to your phone and find out who sent these men after Mayo,” she demanded. “Emilia, I found hidden camer“Emilia, I found hidden cameras in my fun house. Someone has for long been recording what has been going on in that house. Do you know who installed the cameras?” “I don’t know Mayo. Don’t forget I am also in the videos.” she lied. “I have forgotten, remind me, what was your reason for trying to kill Eve and Stanley?” Emilia could see where Mayo was headed. “So far all the available evidence show that Eve and Stanley made the videos or paid those who did. I had to do what needed to be done. I was expected to protect my friends whom I brought into your fun house for those nude parties and sexual orgies we had. It was our right to do what we wanted with our lives. However, to record what we did in privacy and make them available to the public was wrong; especially without our permission. Lots of powerful people are in those videos; I just had to do something to give them the impression I was working hard to recover the videos.” Mayo could see she was being careful not to say the wrong things and give herself away. “You said you know where Eve and Stanley are, I want to have a chat with them.” Emilia looked shocked, she did not see that coming. 12: 00 Noon, A Mansion outside the City “I and Eve have thought about it. We will take your offer Mr. Maxwell. I want to go out there and find out who set me up.” “I am glad to hear this Stanley. You won’t have to worry about your wife’s safety, we will take care of her when you move back to the city to hunt for whoever made those videos.” “I am sorry Maxwell; I won’t leave my wife behind. I and Eve are going to burst this case wide open together. Don’t worry about her, she can take care of herself.” “Stanley I like that. I like it when men direct their anger very well. However, I must warn you, there are many people out there who want you dead. They won’t spare either you or Eve.” “It can’t get worse than it already is. We have taken bullets for what we don’t know much about. Our families think we are dead. They don’t even know where our bodies are. Give us the amour and men we need and we will solve this problem.” “If that is what you want. I can’t stop you, Stanley. Just make sure you stay alive long enough to find the videos and who made them for me.” “I and my wife will outlive this present crisis, we have no plans to check out on life just yet.” Stanley dropped the call Stanley dropped the call and walked back into the house. In the room where they have been for weeks, Eve had packed the little effects which were their only belongings. “How did it go, baby,” Eve asked. “He was happy. He wanted you to stay back here, but I refused.” “So we can go now?” Eve asked with glee in her face and mirth in her voice. “I know we are leaving here today, no matter how events swing.” Eve took him in her arms and kissed him for what seemed like eternity. When she was done she asked, “So when we leave here, you will get to make love to me right?” Stanley smiled and nodded. “Finally, I will get to enjoy my honeymoon! Wow! I think we are the only couple with the worst honeymoon in all of history.” Eve couldn’t let Stanley out of her sight, she followed him around the room as he paced about, perfecting his plans TBC..
8 Jul 2018 | 17:59
Hidden secrets everywhere
9 Jul 2018 | 03:56
ride on
9 Jul 2018 | 09:28
Still following..
9 Jul 2018 | 12:04
secrets everywhere
9 Jul 2018 | 12:43
No be small thing
9 Jul 2018 | 14:34
yes I'm, those friend of urs are something else
9 Jul 2018 | 15:21
Hmm this is serious and complicated
9 Jul 2018 | 15:22
hmmmmmm,,,, i am now getting it
9 Jul 2018 | 15:39
DEEP SECRETS Episode 13 . . . 9:23 am, Gordon’s Street Chucks parked his car, hurried out of it and with half a run went across the street, heading for a gray Ford truck. As soon as he reached the Ford truck, he rapped quickly on the back door glass and the door jerked open from inside and he jumped in. Some blocks away, a yellow, clean Nissan cab, pulled into the street and packed. Inside were Clara and Stella. They had been following Chucks to know what he was up to. “I thought he said he was going to buy something for his brother. Meeting with whoever is in that truck is certainly not shopping for his brother. I told you he was lying to us,” Clara said. “I wish I could get closer to see who he is meeting with. I can’t believe this is what we have become lately. So, it is all man for himself now,” Stella said with her gaze fixed on the Ford truck. “How I wish I could get in touch with Eve and Stanley at the moment to hear their own side of the story. There is too much lies and deceit amongst us. I just can’t bear it anymore. What in God’s world is Chucks up to?” Clara wondered aloud. “But, wait a minute. If Eve and Stanley are alive as we were told, who is keeping? Where are they?” Stella asked, knowing she won’t get any answers from Clara; the two of them were in the dark about a lot. “We are not going to be sitting ducks anymore, Stella. Chucks is probably covering his tracks, Mayo is taking care of himself, Steve and Bimpe are hiding truck load of secrets. You and I are the only ones wondering what is happening without doing much. I say we turn this case on its head with ruthless investigation. I know a man who can help us,” Clara said, staring at her friend for a response. “I proposed that to you and Chucks at Arcot Restaurant, but somehow I could not quite get it started. With you by my side, I think we can achieve so much together.” “So that is a yes, Stella?” “Of course, it is. We already know some things, let us give them to a man who can use them well to find out for us who is behind the present mess.” “How much is he going to take?” Clara shook her breasts and said, “It will cost only a pair of these; and now we have two pairs, yours and mine. The guy is good and works hard a lot, especially when you pay him well with boobs.” “I am not sure I want to pay anybody with my boobs, I am trying very hard right now to find peace with the Lord Jesus. My ways have become too dark and slippery. Frankly, I don’t want to end up in hell,” Stella said looking sober. “I want to make changes too, but at the moment I can use a steamy sessioI can use a steamy session of sex. I am burning terribly, I miss the strong hands of Mayo, Chucks and Steve.” “You an unrepentant sinner. Stop turning me on, Clara.” They had forgotten the taxi driver was listening to them. As their conversation got too vulgar and sexually explicit, the taxi driver turned on his car radio and increased the volume. Clara took notice of that and placed a finger on her lips and signaled to Stella to shut up. “Driver can you get a bit closer to that Ford. What is Chucks actually doing What is Chucks actually doing in there?” Clara asked. “If I move closer, they are going to notice they are being watched. We have been here for too long without moving,” the taxi driver explained. In the Ford truck, Chucks was going through layers of pictures his investigator had taken. He was the one who had warned Chucks with the text message which read, “Chucks, you have been marked, get lost.” “If this lady is Emilia, then I know her. She is in the videos and is very close to Mayo; I think they are bedmates. What is her role in all these?” “Her role is murky; I can’t tell if she wants the videos found or if she is trying to stop them from being found. You have to be very careful with her, she is too dangerous. I am in no doubt that she must know why your friends were shot. I have found out that she is almost in touch with everyone in those videos you gave me, except for you and some of your friends,” the private detective said. “This is Maxwell and he is in the video along with his daughter. What is he doing about the videos?” “He desperately wants them found. He was set up in the nude parties. My source said he and his daughter were drugged with pendulum. You must know the drug, pendulum. I have heard you and your friends make use of it a lot.” “Yes, we do. However, it was Mayo who introduced it to all of us.” “The fact that Mayo introduce it to your group does not mean he was the one who drugged Maxwell and Anabel. Someone else could have drugged them that night.” “I know, but I want you to cover all grounds.” “I am doing just that Chucks, but you have to tell me who else were with Anabel and Maxwell that night. “Maxwell and his daughter had sex with several people that night. One of them must have drugged them.” “Give me some names. I need someone I can ask questions.” “Most of the people in the party that night were new, I had not seen them before. Besides the regulars and the big names, I can’t tell who the others were. Remember we all had blindfolds which we were not allowed to remove as frequently as we wished.” “How about the ladies you slept with that night, did you see any of their faces? We can start from there.” Chucks shut his eyes and tasked his mind to recall the events of that night. Suddenly his eyes flicked open and he said, “Wait…wait…wait… I think I just recalled something. Maxwell had drinks with the lady you said is Emilia. Go back to that picture.” The private detective searched through his collection of pictures and removed Emilia’s picture. “Here it is.” Chucks looked at Emilia’s picture for a moment as if waiting for the picture to speak to him. Switching to another subject he asked, “Where did you say Bimpe is?” “She and her family have simply vanished, just like Steve,” replied the detective. “That night, Bimpe had sex repeatedly with Maxwell. In one of the rare occasions I removed my blindfold, I saw Bimpe and Maxwell feeding stuffs into each other’s mouth. Bimpe could have drugged him then, that is if she was part of the plan to make the videos. I want you to focus on Bimpe and find her wherever she is.” “Okay, will shift focus to finding bimpe. Can we move on to the other guys?” “Yes, please,” replied Chucks. “This is Mr. Baribote. He is the one who wants you dead. Somehow he knows you are looking into the things which happened in the last night of the nude parties.” Chucks frowned, he didn’t like the sound of that. “Mr. Detective, if Baribote knows what I am doing, I hope you know that means you have a mole working for you.” “I know, and I will catch whoever that is.” “I hope you do it quickly.” “I will, but after this meeting, you should leave the city or go into hiding… Mr. Baribite is not in the videos. My guess is that he doesn’t want the videos found. He may have interest in using it to destroy his enemies in the videos. On two occasions, we have spotted him at Pine Grove with Emilia. There is something going on between the two of them.” EARLIER IN THE DAY. 6:15 am, Oak City Hotel Steve knew if he did not find a way out of Oak City hotel, he and Lizzy would be dead. As soon as he was certain the security men he had asked for had been posted outside by had been posted outside by his door, he hurried into his clothes and packed his light luggage hastily. When he was done, he knocked on the bathroom door and asked Lizzy to come out. Still terrified, Lizzy opened the door a little and peeked into the room. “We have to leave now; this is our chance. If we don’t take it now, we are dead.” Clutching his luggage in one hand and a gun in the other, he made his way to the door. Behind him Lizzy tagged along. Quietly he opened the door of his hotel room and peeped into the hallway. Two-armed security guards were standing right in front of his door. He stepped into the hallway and Lizzy followed him. Quickly he locked the door and motioned to one of the security guards to lead them out of the hotel. In room 095, the female assassin who was earlier flaunting her breasts, was in bed with the security guard whom she had lured to her room. He was her bait to get to Steve and Lizzy. The assassin got out of the bed and stripped down. Showing off her nude body to the guard, she asked, “Wouldn’t you like to have what you see and still make a few dollars with it? I mean like 500 dollars. She twisted herself obscenely and moved closer to the security guard. By now the security guard was swallowing hard. She sat on his laps and asked, “Why aren’t you saying anything?” “What do I need to do to get my hands on you and the 500 dollars you mentioned?” the guard asked. Pressing her naked body harder against him, she said, “I want to get into room 106. Can you make it happen?” “It’s going to be hard but I think I can try.” The lady assassin pushed him down on the bed and said, “I like work before play, make it happen and will give you what your eyes have seen.” She got up from him, went across the room and removed three hundred dollars in hundred dollar notes from her purse and threw them at him. “Go make it happen. When you come back with good news, the rest will be yours,” the lady said. 01: 00 pm, A Mansion outside the City The armed guards in the mansion moved into Eve and Stanley’s room with a leather bag and set it on the floor. When they opened it, Eve stepped away uncomfortably. The bag was filled with guns. Looking at the way Eve reacted to the guns, one of the guards asked Stanley, “Are you sure it is wise to leave this house with your wife?” Stanley simply nodded as if that was not important. He had his plans well worked out. It would be tough, but he was sure, his unconventional approach to find out who made the videos and set he and his up would work. Stanley had not handled guns much, and knew very little about them. picking one of the guns he asked, “Which ones do you recommend I use?” “You are going to leave with all of them. We have rented a well- protected bungalow for you in the city, from there you will carry out your operations.” Stanley did not like that, but did not protest. It sounded like he and Eve were still going to be in house arrest. “I need to know everything you guys know; especially about those who don’t want the videos found.” One of the armed guards stepped forward and put a laptop on a table and began to show Stanley the pictures of some of the people they felt were behind the videos. At this stage Eve stepped closer. A face on the screen had sent a quiver down her spine. “Who is that?” Eve asked with fear riddled all over her voice as she pointed at one of the faces on the screen. Everyone in the room turned and looked at her. “We don’t know, you tell us Eve,” one of the guards replied. Struggling to steady her breathing, Eve said, “That guy is supposed to be in a South African prison!” Stanley turned and looked at her like he had not seen her before and asked, “Baby, what do you know about South African prison inmates?” Story continues...
9 Jul 2018 | 16:37
Eve I thought u are in the dark what do you know
9 Jul 2018 | 17:02
Following... This is the only story I now read daily ...
10 Jul 2018 | 01:57
Based on secrets
10 Jul 2018 | 05:12
Next please
10 Jul 2018 | 05:14
maybe eve has his own secret
10 Jul 2018 | 10:14
thank God Stanley and his wife were able to escape but Eve,,,, do u really know anytin abt dos in d nude video???
10 Jul 2018 | 13:10
Next pls
10 Jul 2018 | 16:26
DEEP SECRETS Episode 14 & 15 . . . 01: 12 pm, A Mansion outside the City “Come with me baby,” Eve said as she took Stanley’s hand and led him to one corner of the room. As soon as they were away from the guards’ earshot, Eve whispered, “He is the Durban guy, half-brother to Maxwell.” Stanley almost dropped dead in shock. Pulling Eve to himself, he asked, “Do you think Maxwell knows he is his half-brother?” “If they knew, his face wouldn’t have been on the laptop. His presence alone in Nigeria is enough to destroy the Maxwell empire.” “Do you think he was in the nude parties by coincidence?” “I doubt it, he must have come looking for either you, Maxwell or Annabel.” Stanley took Eve’s hand and squeezed them hard and said, “We must not tell them a thing about this guy. If Maxwell finds out what we know, we are dead meat.” “Don’t worry baby, I will fool them with half-truth,” Eve assured him. As they talked, the guards strained their ears to hear their words but could not. They made sure that their conversation about the face on the laptop screen was conducted in whispers. Stanley’s eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. The guards could tell that whatever Eve was telling him about the face on the screen was scaring the shit out of him. Stanley dashed across the Stanley dashed across the room and looked at the screen once more and then said to the helmsman of the guards, “I need you to do me a favour, please can you teach my wife how to handle a gun?” To their shock the helmsman pulled his gun and pointed it on Stanley’s forehead and yelled, “Who is that face on the laptop? I swear by God, if you don’t tell me I am going to blow your brains out now!” Eve began to cry and pleaded, “Please don’t hurt my husband. I will tell you what you want to know.” “Start talking!” the helmsman demanded. “Eve, don’t tell him a thing!” Stanley yelled at his wife. The helmsman cocked his gun hurriedly and placed it back on Stanley’s forehead. “This is not how we are going to work together, is it? What we know about that guy is not coming out until we get in touch with some people in South Africa. If you like shoot me, we are not telling you shit!” Stanley shouted, refusing to cower. Stanley was clearly losing his cool, the helmsman had not seen him that angry before, even though he had a gun to his forehead, Stanley did not flinch. “This is certainly not how we will work together, but I don’t like the idea of you keeping secrets from me or my boss. That face on the screen, was in the nude parties in Mayo’s house. He was there the night Maxwell and Annabel were drugged and taken to a room to have sex with each other. So, if there is something I need to know about him, spill it out now,” the helmsman explained, lacing his words with threat. “If what we know about that guy is made known here, how sure are you it won’t get out of this room and compromise our mission. You want me to find the videos and those who made them, let me do it my way,” Stanley pleadedo it my way,” Stanley pleaded. The Helmsman lowered his gun and said, “Okay, if that is how you want to work. But don’t keep me in the dark for too long.” “So are you going to teach my wife how to handle a gun?” “If you wanted me to do that because of that guy, don’t bother, he is dead. He was found in a bathroom at a nightclub two nights ago with seven bullet holes in his head,” the helmsman said and began to rummage in the knapsack on his back. Eve was visibly relieved to hear the guy was dead. She hugged Stanley firmly as tears ran down her cheek. Stanley pecked her on the forehead and put his arms around her. “This is the picture of that guy in his pool of blood at the nightclub,” the helmsman said as he handed a picture to Stanley. Eve and Stanley studied the Stanley studied the picture briefly. “Why is this picture not amongst the ones on the laptop? So you were hiding something from us too?” Stanley asked. “I have good reasons to. That guy was found dead two days after he called Mr. Maxwell to sell some information to him about the videos. When you said you knew something about him, I had to try to extract it from you.” Eve and Stanley looked at each other in disbelief. “Baby, this can’t be a coincidence; maybe we should tell him a little,” Eve suggested. Stanley nodded. Much to the dismay of the guards, Eve unzipped her jeans trouser and pulled it down to her knees. The guards looked from Eve to Stanley and back to Eve, wondering what they were doing. Turning the right side of her right leg, she pointed to a scar on her thigh and said, “That loser did this to me, just after two hours of my arrival in Durban South Africa four years ago.” “Oh! A regular rape incidence; was it not?” the helmsman asked. “It wasn’t a rape incidence; it was made to look like one. Before I met him he already knew my name, had my picture and knew the flight I flew into South Africa, my hotel reservation details, how long I was going to be in South Africa and deliberately checked into the same hotel with me so he could get to me easily,” Eve explained still looking jaded. She pulled up her jeans trouser and wiped away tears from the corners of her eyes. Stanley kissed her again and held her like it was his last moment with her. The helmsman pulled a seat closer to himself, sunk into it and asked with obvious bewilderment, “So who is this guy? And did you say this happened four years ago?” “Yes, I was in South Africa to close a telecommunication deal for my company. Someone in did not want me to close that deal. If you find out who sent him to kill me four years ago, you will find out who set Maxwell and his daughter up,” Eve explained further. The helmsman stood to his feet and went outside. He placed a call to Maxwell and after a few moments he came back into the room and announced, “Eve, I think it’s about time you learnt how to handle a gun.” 03: 20 pm, Emilia’s House Emilia was in front of a mirror in her bedroom, applying a makeup. As was her habit, she had no clothes on. While she worked on her face, she heard a knock on the door, without bothering to cover herself, she hollered, “The door is open, come in!” The door slowly opened and Mayo stepped into the bedroom. “Why would you have me meet with you in your bedroom without your clothes on? I am going back to the living room; put something on and meet me there,” Mayo said and turned to leave the bedroom. “Wait, holy boy!” Emilia shouted after him. “If you want to find out who sent assassins after you, then sit down and listen,” she continued. Mayo had to close the door and sat down. “Who wants me dead?” Mayo asked eager to hear a name from her. Emilia turned away from the mirror, went to her wardrobe and removed an envelope. She walked over to Mayo and sat on his lap. Somehow her seductive, curvy, naked body caught Mayo’s fancy and he stared at it for a moment before turning his attention back to Emilia. Emilia took note of the direction of his eyes and asked, “Do you want to play a little? Since you drove my little boy away, I haven’t found a good replacement.” Mayo ignored her and asked, “What is in the envelope?” “Your sins,” Emilia replied humorously. Mayo grabbed it from her and removed the document inside. When he was done reading through the document he asked, “How did you get this?” “The doctor who conducted the test likes to spend a lot of time on top of me and can’t shut his mouth when he is around me.” The document contained results of paternity tests conducted on Bimpe’s children. Just then Emilia’s phone rang, Bimpe was the one calling, “Hello Bim.” “Emilia, my husband has gone missing! What do you know about that?” “You are wrong; he hasn’t gone missing. In fact, he is hatching plans to kill you. He has found out that three of your children for him are not actually his. He has seen all the videos where you were crying yourself hoarse while your friends and some macho men worked your waist,” Emilia explained sarcastically. Bimpe could hear her heart pounding against her chest. Her hands shook and her feet tottered. She moved closer to a seat and dropped into it. “You betrayed me Emilia!” “No! No! No, Bim! Don’t blame me for what I didn’t do! Why would I betray you? Someone wants your husband to come after you and so they sent the videos to him. Speak with Steve, they have done the same with him. They loaded his wife’s camera with pictures of him, you, Clara and Stella having sex.” “What! I can’t believe this! Emilia, please give me a name. Who is this person?” “One of the governors in the videos. He has already sent his boys to your lover boy, Mayo. He was lucky to escape. The governor is using boys from Desert Scorpion.” “There are four governors in the videos, which of them is after me?” “I don’t know, the man who gave me the information is dead. He was killed in a nightclub. Don’t forget there are four serving governors, six ministers, seven celebrities, an ex-president and his daughter, Maxwell and Anabel in the videos. Anyone of them could be hunting down the people in the videos.” Mayo took the phone from Emilia and said, “Bimpe, your husband knows that you and I have three children together, should I take him down?” “Give me time to think about it. I am not sure I want him dead.” “Think quick, he is going to come after you and I soon.” Dropping the call, Mayo asked Emilia, “Now tell me, where are Eve and Stanley?” “I think Maxwell is holding them.” “I want you to help me get to them.” “What do you want from them?” “I want the whole truth about the videos.” “I can’t help you Mayo.” “But Anabel and her father are your friends.” “Not anymore, especially since they got drugged and slept with each other in a party I invited them to.” Mayo was going to say something when his phone rang. It was a strange number. Mayo put a finger on his mouth and signaled to Emilia to shut up. “Who is this?” he asked. “Mayo, don’t mention my name. I know you are with your f***k mate Emilia. This is Anabel Maxwell. Meet me at Eden Crest Suits in the next thirty minutes.” “Hi baby, how are my kids?” Mayo asked pretending to be speaking with his wife. Anabel picked the cue and replied, “They are fine honey. When are you coming home?” “In a few hours. Why did you call me with a strange number?” “You asked me to.” “Okay, I remember. Baby, I am in a meeting let me call you back in the next one hour, okay,” Mayo said and dropped the call.“What is your wife going to do when he finds out you have slept with half the women in this city?” Emilia asked as she began to undress Mayo. Mayo stopped her and said, “Since they are sending the videos to our wives and husbands, I have to go make sure my wife never gets it.” Gently he pushed Emilia away and made for the door. He had lied, he was actually going to meet with Anabel to know why she wanted to see him. “I hate it when you come here and refuse to touch me,” Emilia spat angrily. “Don’t worry, I will sleep here tonight.” “Do you mean it?” Emilia asked, livening up. Mayo leapt out of the room and shouted, “I mean it!” 07:00pm, Cream Valley Restaurant Clara and Stella were at a table with a man in his late forties. As he spoke with them his eyes darted about the restaurant. Near the entrance door, two of his men lounged with automatic rifles under their clothes. Clara was determined to bed him that night and so had come dressed seductively. “Are these all you know?” the man asked. “Yes, that is the much we know. If anything comes up we will pass it to you,” Clara replied with her eyes full of lust. “I hope you know what this is going to cost you?” the man asked. “I don’t,” Stella responded, willing not to offer her body to him. “Your friend will tell you,” the detective said, standing to his feet. Stella took his hand, dragged him back to his seat and said, “I want you to tell me what it is going to cost me. This is a big job am offering to you.” “and one which can kill me too,” the detective replied with sarcasm. “Stop playing arounsarcasm. “Stop playing around and tell me what it will cost me,” Stella demanded. “It will cost you five thousand dollars and a few rounds of sex with you two,” the detective said, not mincing words. Clara was obviously happy to hear that. Stella shook her head defiantly and said, “Mr. detective, I will pay five thousand dollars for this case because it is worth it. In fact, I have your money right here; but as for touching my body, that will never happen. I have lost my way in life; right now I am trying desperately to find it again. My body is now under lock and key. When I leave here I am going straight to a night vigil. I feel it, death is nearby. This case is going to kill us all.” Story continues... .
10 Jul 2018 | 18:17
This people ehn!
10 Jul 2018 | 18:20
Make una no kill una self finish oooo
10 Jul 2018 | 19:01
Why is everyone in dis story so selfish to get his/her own way like DAT na?? Chaii!!!
10 Jul 2018 | 20:33
this story is now making sense
11 Jul 2018 | 05:56
DEEP SECRETS Episode 15 . . . 3:40 pm, Eden Crest Suites Mayo arrived in a cab, and sat in it for some minutes, observing faces and people movinfaces and people moving around in the hotel. He wanted to be sure Annabel’s invitation was not a set-up. Left to him he would have preferred not to honour the invitation, or at least made adequate plans for his safety before arriving at the hotel. Having paid the driver well, there was no need for him to hurry. When the thirty minutes’ time lap Annabel gave him had elapsed with fifteen more minutes, his phone rang. It was Annabel. He picked and listened to know what she would say. “Hello Mayo, it is long past thirty minutes. Where are you? Is Emilia still holding you down on her bed? Please, you have to show up now. I haven’t got much time to do this.” “Relax Annabel, I am close by. What’s your room number?” “65. I have told the receptionist to walk you straight to my room as soon as you arrive.” “Okay, I will be with you shortly.” Mayo sat still at the back of the taxi and thought hard about Annabel and how desperate she was to see him. Besides the nude parties in his fun house, they had much to do together. Mayo could hazard a guess that she had something to tell him about the videos. Braving up for the worst, he stepped out of the taxi and headed into the hotel lobby. Casually he let his right hand rest on the gun stuck to his waist. In fractions of seconds, his eyes darted around the lobby looking for anything suspicious. “The receptionist took to him the moment he walked into the lobby. She probably smiled at him fifty times in one second trying to gain his attention. Mayo could see that, but he had no time to flirt. “I am here to see Annabel Maxwell; I understand she has left order for me to be taken to her room as soon as I arrive,” Mayo said. “Yes sir, she did. Please come with me.” While they were in the elevator, the receptionist brazenly ran her eyes all over Mayo’s well-built body. Deliberately, she dropped her hand on his shoulder and then removed it and touched her face. “I am sorry, the elevator makes me feel giddy,” she pretentiously apologized for touching him. Mayo still did not take her bait. If only she knew how fast Mayo’s heart was beating and how scared he was about going to see Annabel, she would have taken her flirting to somewhere else. By the time they stepped out of the elevator, the receptionist figured out the hunk she was leading to room 65, had other things on his mind. When they reached the door, the receptionist pointed at it and said, “This is room 65.” “Thanks for your assistance, I will take it from here,” Mayo responded, carefully getting rid of the lady. As soon as the receptionist disappeared into the elevator, Mayo put his ear on the door and listened to see if he might hear conversations which could suggest to him what he was walking into. There wasn’t a sound from the room and so he knocked and waited. It took a little while before the door creaked open and Annabel popped her pretty face out. Mayo could tell that she was afraid and was holding a weapon because of the way she handled the door. “Where you followed to this place?” she asked. “No, I wasn’t.” “Are you sure of it?” “I am certain of it, Annabel. Aren’t you going to let me in?” Annabel stepped aside and opened the door wider for him to come in. Mayo went in and she quickly locked it. Mayo was right, Annabel was holding a gun. The way she held it gave the impression she knew how to use it. She paced around the room breathlessly and said, “I was brought here in the trunk of a car. No one knows I am here except you,” she said, still swinging her gun. For a moment Mayo thought she was going to shoot him point blank. “Eve and Stanley are innocent and you know it, Mayo.” Mayo said nothing. “Please don’t lie to me, you know they are innocent. Don’t you?” she demanded. “They are innocent.” “So why were they singled out and shot?” Before Mayo could answer her, she said, “They were shot because those who made the videos wanted us to look in the wrong directilook in the wrong direction. That is what I have found out.” “So who made the videos, Annabel?” “Mayo, I should be the one asking that question and not you. The videos were made in your fun house. You tell me who made it!” She pointed her gun at Mayo, giving the impression she was going to shoot him. May made to reached for his gun and Annabel yelled at him, “Don’t even think of it! I know you are carrying a gun. I knew when I saw you at the door.” She lowered her gun and continued. “I and my father were drugged in your house with a lethal aphrodisiac and were taken to a room to have sex together and you want me to believe you don’t know about it!” “I knew the party and the sex which went with it were going to be recorded for our entertainment. We have been doing this long before any of you joined us. However, the recording was going to be done with phone cameras and deleted after the party. What I didn’t know was that my fun house was going to be wired with high definition cameras and that someone was working behind us all to send the videos out. After the party I made sure that all the sex scenes recordthat all the sex scenes recorded with phone cameras were deleted, including the ones in your phone. Someone fooled us all and made Eve and Stanley to take the fall. Believe me, I am innocent of both the videos and your being drugged.” Annabel walked over to the table in the room and opened a file on it. “Come see this.” Mayo went over to the table. “This is a list of all the people who attended the nude parties. Here is the list of persons on the invitation letter which was sent to my father, Maxwell and here is the list of names on the invitation letter sent to me. Can you see the difference?” Annabel asked. Mayo studied the lists but could not spot the difference. “Help me, I can’t see the difference,” Mayo requested. “On my invitation letter, my father’s name is missing and on his invitation letter my name is missing. Believe me when I say this, I knew there was going to be crazy sex and drugs at the parties. However, I wanted to enjoy them with strangers and not with my father! If I knew my father was going to be there I would not have accepted the invitation. I think that would have been the same with my father. Someone wanted the both of us in those parties, especially the last night.” “Who sent you the invitation?” Mayo asked. “His name is Silas.” “Where is he now?” “Dead, he was shot dead in a night club two days ago.” Mayo was shocked, Silas must be the same guy who gave Emilia information about the governor who is hunting us down, he thought. “How well do you know this guy? Why did you accept invitation?” “The guy had been around my clique and my friends and their friends for some time. Besides almost every big shot wanted to be in your nude parties. We heard the tales, Mayo; we did.” “Who sent your father his invitation?” “Bimpe did. Of course my father had no reason to reject her invitation. They had been sleeping with each other for years now. You know as well as I do that my father spent more time with Bimpe that night than any other lady.” “So who is behind the frame-up, Annabel?” Mayo asked coldly, he had just been stunned with what he heard. “I think Emilia is the one behind the videos. Silas was going to tell my father something about her before he was found dead.” “You need to read these messages,” Mayo said as he began to fiddle with his phone. “Here it is,” Mayo continued as he passed his phone to Annabel. The message read, “Hello Mayo, Emilia paid someone to make the videos. Check the house you use for your abominable sexual orgies and you will see lots of hidden cameras. Are you aware that she worked as a hooker for seven years in Atlanta before she returned to Nigeria? Don’t believe what she tells you. She doesn’t want the videos found. If you don’t believe me, you know where to look.” Annabel was shocked when she read the message. “That is not all, there is one which was sent to me earlier. I believe someone is playing us all. That person, whoever he or she is, made the videos. Read this.” Mayo said showing her another text message. Annabel took the phone and read the following message quickly, “Mayo is going to kill you all. He has just found out from Emilia that there is a tape about the sexual orgies you all often have together. He knows why Eve and Stanley were shot.” 5:12 pm, Outskirts of the city Eve, Stanley, the helmsman and two guards were in a bush. Eve was being drilled in a shooting session. There were a range of shooting targets away from them. Stanley stood by and watched his wife trying hard to hit the targets ahead of her. The day he took her to the altar, he had no clue that the events which would follow after, would lead them to a situation where she would be learning how to kill a fellow human being. He had a notepad in his hands, in-between his sad thoughts he would write names down. He was tasking his mind to solve the riddles arounto solve the riddles around the videos, and who had him and his wife shot. The thought of Maxwell’s half-brother would often come to his mind and shake up his concentration a bit. “Eve, you are not going to be able to hit a tree trunk even at a close range, if you continue like this. Who do you want dead most?” the helmsman asked. “The man who shot Stanley and I,” she replied. “I want you to think of the targets as the man, then steady your hands and squeeze the trigger with that anger in you. Can you do that?” Eve nodded. She aimed at the targets, held her breath and then shut her eyes. As her imagination was filled with the image of the man who shot her and Stanley, she squeezed the trigger. The result was stunning. The helmsman, Stanley and the two guards were swept off their feet by how Eve blew the targets wide apart. With his mouth hanging open, Stanley looked from Eve to the helmsman and back to Eve. Eve still had her eyes shut, from their corners, tears flowed. She opened her mouth wide and exhaled a hot breath. She had made her first attempt at killing the man who shot her and her husband on their wedding night. 7:14 pm, Bathroom, Hotel Apartment Bimpe was lying nude in a Jacuzzi. Tied around her head was a thick white towel. While she let her skin soak, she pondered if Emilia had told her the truth. For some reason she no longer trusted her. Perhaps I allowed her play me. How come no one is after her? Why is her equally, extremely filthy lifestyle not making rounds out there? she thought. Though she had been told that some governor in the video was after them, she still felt Emilia might have something to do with the governor. Then her phone rang, it was her husband. For a moment she wondered if she should pick his call. Against her fear she did, “Hello,” she said. “I am supposed to have four children with you; amongst the four of them, is there any which you can say is mine?” Bimpe’s husband asked. Bimpe was not sure how to answer him. She wanted to tell him the truth but was afraid. “Is any of our four children mine?!” her husband yelled. Bimpe shook like a child and said, “No. None of them is yours.” “Who is the father of our last child?” Bimpe squeezed her eyes shut and answered with a painful moan, “Maxwell!” There was a long silence over the telephone line. Story continues...
11 Jul 2018 | 06:45
11 Jul 2018 | 08:19
11 Jul 2018 | 13:23
I've read dis story b4 and wouldn't mind reading 20times over and over... so breathtaking and interesting... sit back and read..
11 Jul 2018 | 15:32
Still following
11 Jul 2018 | 17:11
Following... But I don't trust Eve too...
11 Jul 2018 | 17:40
hmmmmmm,,,, why would dey even engage demselves in sometin dey know myt kill dem later?¿???
11 Jul 2018 | 18:31
DEEP SECRETS Episode 16 . . . 07:00 am, Bay Apartments “Who was the lady who came to kill us?” Lizzy asked her husband, Steve. “I still don’t know. I would give a million away to get a grasp of what is happening.” “I don’t believe you, baby. You just don’t have the courage to tell me. First a nude picture of me was sent to you, after that I was kidnapped and made to pose nude with some men. I believe it’s time to tell me the truth. Who loaded my camera with the nude pictures of you and your female friends? Who wants us dead? Please I need answers,” Lizzy demanded. Steve felt boxed in. He knew he was not going to lie his way out of this one. Lizzy had been a great wife to him, however his bent for sex outside of marriage and with multiple partners had driven him into the abyss of lasciviousness. “I cannot say that I have been a good husband to you, baby,” Steve said. His voice was shaky; and it wasn’t for the fear of his wife, but for the fear of what might happen to his family. He could see it coming. He could see himself losing his wife and kids to his shockingly adulterous life and the consequences of it. “So you have been sleeping around with every woman willing to part her legs for you?” Lizzy asked with tears running down her cheek. “I have done worse, baby. I wish I could go back in time and take it all back; make things different and love you like I should. I have done things you can’t believe.” “You know I don’t deserve this Steve. I have loved you and the children with all my heart. I have done everything you asked me to do. I have done things in bed with you that I can’t tell fellow women. I have taken your sex drugs to please you and almost died doing it. Have I not kept my body fit and sexy for you? I have lied at work and drove home like mad just to make love to you. I strip nude for you and dance naked in our bedroom like a whore for you and still you run around with other women. What have I done wrong? Have I denied you sex at any time? Have I treated you with disrespect? Even now you are still my prince in shining armour.” Lizzy was shaking and crying profusely as she spoke. Steve had always calmed her with sex whenever she was worked up. He began to undress her. Lizzy didn’t blink; she sat looking right through him as he undressed her. When Steve was done peeling her clothes off, Lizzy stood up and walked into the next room and locked the door behind her. For once in their eight-year-old marriage, she did not walk away from him whenever he undressed her. Steve was disturbed. He tried to reach out to Lizzy and make up with her, but she would not open the door to him. He used all methods he could but she still would not budge. About the time Steve had given up and sat on the floor with his head bowed in sorrowful thoughts, Lizzy opened the door, walked back into the living room still nude and sat next to him like she was never angry with him. Steve put his arms around her and began to plead. Still feeling numb and cold with rage, Lizzy said, “I don’t want you to plead for forgiveness, it just won’t work with me. Please don’t waste your time doing it. This is what I want…” “What do you want? Tell me please,” Steve cut in. “I want the truth. The whole truth. I want to know what is going on. Steve I have always loved you and you know it. I can’t live through a day wondering what you might be doing when I am not with you. I want you to tell me all you have been doing. If you don’t tell me, this is what I am going to do. I will sleep every man you have known in your live and I will make sure you get photos of all of them just like yours were sent to me. I will make babies with men you despise! I will strangulate your children and send you photos of their lifeless bodies! You have hurt and broken me beyond words. Nude photos of me with strange men are floating around somewhere now and it is all because of you.” Steve held her and tried to calm her, but she kicked at him and unleashed a slap to his face. None of them had raised a finger on each other in their eight-year-marriage. Steve rubbed his face, trying to extinguish the stinging pain the slap had left on it. EARLIER THAT DAY 6:33 am, Oak City Hotel The guard whom the assassin had sent to find a way for her to get into Steve’s hotel room was standing at the assassin’s door knocking. She opened the door, and pulled the guard in, she was still without her clothes on. “You came back rather too soon, have you found a way I can get to see my man in that room?” she asked. “I don’t have to. The man has left with the woman who was with him,” the guard replied. The assassin was shocked. “How? When?” she asked. “While I was still here with you, they left with the some of my colleagues giving them cover.” The lady dashed toward her purse, picked her phone and placed a call to someone outside the hotel, “Steve is gone! He is no longer in the hotel! Did you see him leave the hotel?” “No, we did not! He may still be somewhere in the hotel!” “He is gone man, someone in the hotel told me he is gone.” “Who told you that? We did not see him leave, he must still be in there!” “Did you see some of the guards leave the hotel?” “Yes, we did and they have long returned to the hotel.” “Sorry man, when you saw the guards leave, they were actually smuggling Steve and his wife out of the hotel. Find him and get back to me.” “Gosh! How did I miss that? Are you coming with us?” the male voice on the phone asked. “No, I won’t be joining you in the chase just yet. I have got some work to do right away in my room. Bye.” She dropped the call and went over to the sound system in the room and turned up the volume and began to dance obscenely before the guard. The guard understood her cue and undressed hurriedly. She danced back to where he stood and inquired, “I hope you can make me cry. I like it when my man makes me cry.” Without warning, the guard slapped her across the face and the force sent her two steps backward. Holding her cheek in shock for a moment, she lunged towarmoment, she lunged toward the guard and drew blood from his face with quick thrown punches. She was a well-trained fighter, with stunning build. Without clothes on, the two of them engaged in a mock fight for a few minutes before she overpowered the guard and they descended into twisted sexual acts. THE PREVIOUS DAY 11:20 am, Bimpe’s Husband's House Bimpe’s husband was sitting at the dining table with three well- dressed men in designer suits sitting opposite him. Bimpe’s husband pushed Bimpe’s picture to them and said, “That is my wife. I want her cut down immediately. We were supposed to have four children together, but for some reason, none of them is mine.” He pushed another picture to the three men and continued, “This is Maxwell, he is the father of my favourite child. I want him dead in three days… Here is the picture of the man who is responsible for my other three children. His name is Mayowa Folarin, and is fondly called Mayo. I want you to kill him and bring me his testicles….” He paused for a few seconds and continued, “You know what, try to bring me Mayo and my wife alive. I would like them to amuse with live sex before I kill them. Can you do that for me? It should be a piece of cake for you guys. You are not Desert Scorpion for nothing.” The three men exchanged looks and smiled. Bimpe’ s husband pushed a fourth picture to the men and explained, “Find these four children and bring them to me, they are supposed to be my children. I haven’t decided what to do with them yet.” When the three men left, Bimpe’s husband went over to his bar, sat on a stool and tried to break down a bottle of cognac. After a few gulps he whispered to himself, “This socks.” He stood up from the stool and went over to the dining table, picking his phone he dialed his secretary, “Hello Linda, what are you doing right now?” “I am working on the Kensington deal sir,” the secretary replied. “I want you to pass it to someone else, tell that person I said so. You have five minutes to do that. Once you are done, please get down to my house. I suppose twenty minutes should be enough for that.” “Okay sir, I will try my best to get your house in twenty minutes. However, sir, I do not know where your house is.” “Tell Samson to drive you down here. If he is not in the office, find him and have him bring you here.” As soon as Bimpe’s husband dropped the call, he spoke with his gateman through the intercom and informed him he was expecting a guest. About thirty minutes later, Linda, his secretary, walked into his grandly furnished living room. “Good morning sir. Ii am sorry I took a little longer to get here, Samson delayed me,” she bowed and explained her delayed arrival. Turning as if he just took notice of her, Bimpe’s husband waved at her to sit down. She sat wondering what she had done wrong. Her eyes were darting in every direction. There was something near a bottle of cognac at the bar. It was like a gun. Linda felt her heart sink into her stomach. She was not sure for which of her many sins she had been invited to her boss’ house. She was too afraid and so thought very fast; removing her phone from her bag, she clutched her abdomen and winced in pain, feigning she had suddenly become sick. She wanted to go use the bathroom and call for help. “Excuse me sir…” “Linda do you know why I invited you here?” Bimpe’s husband cut in. Still clutching her abdomen, Linda shook her head and said, “No sir.” What followed next was a blast for her. “I want you to seduce me,” were Bimpe’s husband’s next words. In shock Linda released her hand from her abdomen and dropped her phone to the sofa she was sitting on. Her mouth hung wide open and her eyes seemed to pop out of their sockets. “I am sorry sir, I did not…” “Linda, I am not a child. You have always tried to seduce me when we worked late together at my office. Right now, I am offering you a chance to do it without fear.” Linda was at her wits end. She had no clue about what to say next or about what was happening. The sight of a gun sitting at the bar did much to make her nervy. For about three minutes she did not say a word. All she did was breathe heavily like an asthmatic patient. “Linda, I am still waiting for you. When should I take off my clothes?” Bimpe’s husband asked. “I am very sorry sir that in the past I tried to seduce you. Please forgive me. From today, I will do my best to be of good behavior…” She knelt in a prayer posture, clasped her hands and continued, “…I swear by God sir, I will never let you see any of my body parts.” “I am sorry Linda; I want to see your body parts today. I will pay for it if that is fine by you.” Linda could see her boss was serious and so she stood to her feet and began to remove her clothes. While she did that, Bimpe’s husband walked closer to her and said, “You are a pretty girl. The only reason I did not take any of your seductive baits was simply that I swore never to touch another woman after my marriage.” “So why do you want to do it now and in your house? You should take me somewhere else at least for your wife’s sake,” Linda suggested. “My wife is dead.” Linda was frozen when she heard that and drew closer to her boss with only her under garments on and put her hands around him before asking, “When did Madam Bimpe die sir?” She was genuinely concerned. Bimpe’s husband put his hands around her and replied, “She is dead in my heart.” 6:20 pm, Bode Thomas Street Leroy was on the sidewalk pacing hastily, suddepacing hastily, suddenly a Chevrolet SUV stopped for him, the door swung open and he jumped in. Some way behind, were Eve and Stanley in an ash Peugeot 306. They were actually following Chucks who was in Chevrolet SUV when they spotted Leroy. Eve was trying very hard to control herself. She could not believe it that Stanley’s best man on their wedding day could have anything to do with the man who shot them on the night of their wedding. Both Stanley and the guards’ helmsman who was at the back seat of the Peugeot 306 had to restrain her from jumping out of the car and chasing after the Chevrolet SUV with the gun in her hand. “You have to stop Baby! Stop please!” Stanley shouted at Eve barely restraining her. Eve tried to talk but her mouth gave no sound as hot tears ran down her cheek. In the Chevrolet SUV, a frantic conversation was going on between Leroy and Chucks. “Who ordered the hit?” Chucks asked. “I don’t know who, but I got my orders from Emilia. However, there are those above her whom she takes orders from. I think they were the ones who wanted your friends shot on their wedding day. They may be the ones who paid for the videos to be made,” Leroy replied. Story continues... .
11 Jul 2018 | 19:41
Hmmmmmm it's getting very interesting!!!
11 Jul 2018 | 20:23
We are going somewhere
12 Jul 2018 | 07:14
Hmm u'll are running secrets in circle
12 Jul 2018 | 09:47
Still observing
12 Jul 2018 | 10:08
am just speechless, a whole load of secrets
12 Jul 2018 | 10:46
hmmmmmmmm,,,,,, dis is way bigger dan my imagination....
12 Jul 2018 | 11:39
DEEP SECRETS Episode 17 . . . 6:20 pm, Bode Thomas Street “Why are you now helping me? Why did you reach out to me after shooting my friends? This is all a set-up, right?” Chucks asked with his right hand resting on his gun. “It is not a set-up. I am in trouble. I need to let someone in on what I know before they take me out. Last week I was sent to kill a man at a nightclub, when I found him, he was already dead. Someone else killed him. The problem now is that my employers think I did and sold the information I was to take from him to another person. I did not, I swear I did not. I am being framed up like your friends were,” Leroy desperately explained. “Do you know who is framing you up?” “I am not certain; the videos have a lot of powerful people who are mad at the moment. However, I would say former president would say former president Billy Sekwa and his daughter.” “Why do you think they are the ones?” Chucks asked, eager to make sure he was telling him the truth. Leroy looked arounthe truth. Leroy looked around and asked, “Isn’t that Peugeot 306 following us?” Chucks and his men in the Chevrolet SUV, turned to look at the Peugeot 306. Stanley who was driving Peugeot had moved to the back seat with Eve to calm her down. One of the guards assignOne of the guards assigned to them was driving the Peugeot 306. He had driven closer to the Chevrolet SUV so the helmsman could see who were in the Chevrolet SUV with Chucks. At the back seat Eve and Stanley lay on the seat Kissing, (they were actually meant to be just lying low). Chucks, Leroy, his private detective and one of his aids, all had their hands on their guns, ready to open fire at the Peugeot 306. The guard driving the Peugeot had been in such situation before and so knew what to do. He drove past the Chevrolet SUV casually, as though he had no interest in those who were in it. “Turn into the next street and pull up. I want to know if the Peugeot will turn back,” Chucks instructed his driver. In the Peugeot 306, Stanley was raving mad for their having missed the chance to follow Chucks and the man who shot him and his wife. “You drove too close to them. It was wrong, you should not have made them realize they were being followed!” Chucks barked. “I asked the driver to get closer. I wanted know who else was in the Chevrolet,” the guards’ helmsman explainguards’ helmsman explained. Turning to the driver he instructed, “Pull into the that street and get us a taxi.” “What are you doing?” Eve and Stanley asked almost simultaneously. “I saw the street they went into. I want us to go after them with a different car.” The idea impressed Eve and Stanley and so they covered their faces with fez caps and shawls in readiness to step out of the Peugeot. A few minutes later, the guard who drove them returned with a taxi and they all made their way into it. Back inside the SUV, Chucks and Leroy had assumed they were actually not being followed and so continued their conversations on the spot where they had parked their vehicle. “Give me a name who can help me get closer to former president Billy Sekwa,former president Billy Sekwa,” Chucks demanded. Leroy stalled a bit, racking his mind for a name. “I think Annabel Maxwell can help you get to him. But you must never be seen coming to Billy. His men will shoot at you point blank. You and your friends are criminals as far as he is concerned. Try getting in touch with Steve and Bimpe and you will find out what he has done to them,” Leroy said. Chucks was visibly ruffled. “What did he do to them?” he asked. “Mr. Billy and the governors in the videos are making their own X-rated sexual content materials against those whom they think made the videos and against them and they are sending them to their relatives.” Chucks lowered his head in thought. Some blocks away, a yellow cab pulled up; Eve, Stanley and the others were in it watching the Chevrolet SUV. “What was the information the man who was killed at the nightclub had. You were meant to kill him and take it from him, so what was it?” Chucks asked eager to get as much information from Leroy as possible. “It was about the videos. The man had called a few powerful men and women in the videos and made them offers to sell his information to them. He was going to reveal who was behind the videos, who edited it, how much those who bugged Mayo’s fun house were paid. He even claimed to know the Americans who are currently bidding to buy the videos. The guy had so much information.” “Where are the original videos now? Who has them?” “Everyone thinks Eve and Stanley do and I think so too.” Chucks was surprised to hear that. “Why do you think so?” he asked. Leroy drew closer and lowered his voice as if he didn’t want the others in the SUV to hear him and said, “There is a military trained underground team, hired by the governors and Billy Sekwa to find the videos. The last time they came close to finding the videos, someone moved them from their location and mailed them to Eve and Stanley. From that day till now, the videos have simply disappeared. I was sent to kill your friends because someone doesn’t want the videos found. Don’t believe the shit that Stanley and Eve made the videos, something the videos, something else is going on here.” Chucks was glad that Leroy was helping him get a grasp of the things he didn’t know. “How about Mayo, on whose side is he?” “Nobody, he may be the most dangerous man in all of this mess. Let me shock you, Mayo knew Stanley and Eve were going to be killed long before I carried out the hit, and yet he didn’t tell them.” “What?! I don’t believe you Leroy! This one is the most grotesque thing you have said so far. Mayo won’t do a thing like that!” Leroy smiled and continued, “My last instruction was given to me a week before your friends’ wedding and it took place right inside Emilia’s bedroom. Mayo was in Emilia’s bed…sorry he was on top of her when Emilia gave me the last order to kill Eve and Stanley.” Chucks put his hands on his head in disbelief and shed a tear. “I swear by God; I will kill Mayo this night!” he shouted. “Please don’t bother wasting your time trying to kill Mayo. He is a hard man to kill. Obviously you don’t know who he is. There is a policeman I want you to go after instead. His name is Martin Sekibo. He knows a lot, he was the one who gave Emilia and a certain Mr. Baribote the information that Eve and Stanley were still alive after the shooting. He was the one who was also used to break me free before I could be moved to a military hospital. When you are done questioning him, you must make sure you kill him. If you make the mistake of letting him live, he will wipe your family out.” Leroy opened his knapsack and gave Chucks a picture of Martin Sekibo. Glancing at his watch, he said, “We have been here for too long, it is not good. Please drive me away from here.” Few seconds after the Chevrolet SUV drove off, the yellow cab in which Eve and the others were in followed them. 7:00 pm, Maxwell’s Private House Bimpe and Maxwell were lying nude on the bed and breathing heavily after a steamy round of sex. “My husband has been nice to me. I don’t want him hurt Maxwell. The marriage can crash; the videos may spread, but I don’t want him to come to harm. Please don’t hurt him,” Bimpe pleaded as she took Maxwell’s hand and began to move it over her naked body.” “What if he decides to come after either you or me? What should we do them?” “If he decides to do that, then I will take care of him myself,” Bimpe replied. “Okay, if that will make you happy,” Maxwell said and stood up to use the bathroom. In the bathroom he called the guards’ helmsman and guards’ helmsman and said, “I want Mr. Femi, Bimpe’s husband, silenced in a few days’ time. Make it look like an accident.” While Maxwell was on the phone with the guard’s helmsman, Bimpe was on the bed making a call to Mayo, “Mayo, my husband is in danger. Maxwell wants him dead. I want you to fake his death and make him disappear. Femi has done me no wrong, I am the one at fault.” 8:30 pm, Salome’s Inn The detective working for Clara and Stella were with the two of them in a room at the inn. “Since one of you is hoarding her body from my touch, I am going to need much more cash to get you more information,” the detective said. “You don’t need more money to get us shit, if it is sex you want, I can give it to you till you pass out. Please what have you found so far?” Clara asked. The detective who was obviously happy to hear the offer for more sex began, “Let’s start with this, this person is Emilia,” the detective pushed a picture to Stella and Clara. “We know this woman and her name is not Emilia. She was a regular visitor at Mayo’s fun house,” Stella said, looking surprised. “She is the devil’s concubine; she never gets satisfied with sex. Her name is Amina and not Emilia,” Clara quipped, looking equally surprised. “Whatever aliases she has, at least now you know who Emilia is. The text message you got may have come from Bimpe. She is neck deep in this case and is working desperately to wriggle out of it. According to my source, she may be one of the few people in the nude parties who knew the sex orgies were being recorded. Another person may be Steve, we think he may be the person who shot a man at a nightclub a week ago. The man whom we believe he killed was also in the videos. We are yet to figure out the reason Steve killed him or had someone kill him.” The detective paused and looked at Stella and Clara to know if they were happy with his findings and then continued, “We believe it will be easier to find out who made the videos and who shot your friends on the night of their wedding, if we focus on Bimpe, Steve, Mayo and Emilia. There is something about those four…” “Don’t waste your time wondering what it is detective, they are most likely having orgies together,” Stella cut in. “No, whatever it is has nothing to do with your group’s well- documented orgies, these guys are into criminal activities. Aren’t you aware of that?” “What do you mean by criminal activities? These guys are our friends and they have legitimate businesses,” Clara said, defending her friends. “When you say friends, do you also include Emilia?” “Well, the rest are my friends with her exception. I don’t even know jack about her except that she has the scratchiest bottom amongst the female humanoid breed. She can have sex for twenty-four hours without getting satisfied,” Clara added. “Are you aware that Steve once worked as a hit man in Italy?” Clara and Sella looked at each other in disbelief. “Are you aware that Bimpe is a drug Baron and manages a prostitution cult in Malaysia? Her job is a cover up.” “Jesus! The Malaysian money!!” Clara and Stella shouted. “What is Malaysian money?” the detective asked. “Bimpe gets huge money transfers from Malaysia very often,” Stella responded. “Now you can see what I mean… Emilia has all the qualities you can find in the devil. For years she worked as a prostitute in America, her insatiable craving for sex may be as a result of her past life. I believe Mr. Baribote paid her to make the videos. She may have enlisted the help of Steve and Bimpe in the process. Somehow it seems Mayo was fooled about the videos. He just found out that his fun house was rigged with cameras. He is almost living in Emilia’s house right now. However, he meets with someone at different hotels very often these days. We don’t know who, but we think he is investigating Emilia without her knowledge. He gives Emilia the sex she wants and works behind her back to bring her down. Mayo is a snake; he is an occult lord. Let me shock you ladies, are you aware that his fun house is a sex temple and that all the orgies you have there are a form of worship?” The two ladies recoiled in shock. Tears ran down Stella’s face and she began to mumble prayers under her breath. “The last time I slept with him at Eden Crest Suit, he said he was an usher for hell, called to usher men to hell. When he said that, I saw his face contort and shift to the look of a beast. Believe me I had not seen anything like it before,” Stella said, sobbing very hard. Clara who was sitting on the bed with her legs wide open to entertain the detective closed them and for once in a long time mumbled prayers to God. Stella on her part was almost starting a night vigil. The detective sat back and allowed the two terrified ladies a moment to confess their sins and pray. Story continues...
12 Jul 2018 | 11:39
Yes o
12 Jul 2018 | 12:58
Continue pls... This story get touch everytime... Following...
12 Jul 2018 | 19:15
Eiii deep secrets are being revealed oo,chaii!!!
12 Jul 2018 | 20:37
Eiii deep secrets are being revealed oo,chaii,see gobe!!!
12 Jul 2018 | 20:38
13 Jul 2018 | 05:56
hmmmmmmmm,,,, this is really really seriously serious
13 Jul 2018 | 06:32
DEEP SECRETS Episode 18 . . . 9:18 pm, Everest Lane Martin Sekibo Stepped out of a drink bar half drunk and flanked by two harlots. Tottering on his feet he asked the two sex workers, “What do you want?” The ladies, giggling like 12 century Arabian whores, drew closer to him, pressed their supple breasts against him and answered, “To make you happy sir.” One of them ran her fingers on his head while the other took his right hand and dug it into her underwear and whispered, “I am all for you sir.” At that, Martin Sekibo seemed to spark with enthusiasm. “Let us not waste time talking then. I am eager to get into action. Are you sure the two of you can handle me? Shouldn’t we get one more lady?” Martin asked, still swaying infirmly on his feet. “We are more than you can handle alone sir. Just wait till we get into a hotel room, you will beg us to stop,” one of the sex workers replied. Martin Sekibo reached into his pocket and removed his car key and headed for his car. The ladies restrained him and said, “You can’t drive us sir in this condition, let us use a taxi to a hotel.” One of them moved closer to the road and waved to no taxi in particular. A yellow taxi packed in one corner of the street drove to where one of the sex workers stood, the driver jumped out of his car and helped the sex workers to move Mr. Sekibo into the taxi. To keep him entertained, one of the harlots stripped off her top garment and allowed Martin Sekibo to play with her breasts, while the other quickly typed the following message on her, “We have secured the package. Right now we are on our way to Orange Resort. Meet us in room 17.” A few streets away from Everest Lane, Chucks and the detectives working with him drove off in their Chevrolet SUV, heading for Everest Lane. Behind the Chevrolet SUV was Stanley and one of Maxwell’s guards. Calmly they followed Chucks. 9: 35 pm, Emilia’s House A taxi pulled up in front of Emilia’s house and Leroy stepped out and headed for the gate. While he knocked at the gate, the taxi drove away. A few seconds after his knock, the gate opened from inside and he hurried in. On the street a taxi pulled up not too far from Emilia’s house. In the taxi were Eve and the helmsman. After Chucks dropped off Leroy, Chucks dropped off Leroy, they had split up to follow both of them, Stanley did not like the idea of letting Eve out of his sight, but keeping tabs on the guy who shot them seemed like the only thing that could relieve Eve’s boiling temper. It was dark and so they could not see the street number of the house Leroy walked into. Opening the taxi door, Eve offered, “Let me go check the house number.” The helmsman grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the car, “You should be dead by now; people are not meant to see you walking about in the street. Let me do it,” he said. “Not everyone thinks I and my husband are dead,” Eve countered. “People finding out you are still alive is not good for you. I will go get the house number,” the helmsman insisted while stepping out of the taxi. Pretending to be resident around the area, the helmsman ambled toward Emilia’s gate. He had a small torch light. When he got close enough he flashed the torch on the ground as if he was looking for something he may have dropped to the ground. In-between his search for nothing, he raised the torch light on the wall of the building and the gate; as soon as he spotted the number of the house he quickly pointehouse he quickly pointed his light back on the ground. The Helmsman lingered around for a while still pretending he was looking for something. Satisfied he had drawn no attention to himself, he bent down and picked a small stone from the ground and headed back to their taxi. When he reached the taxi, he let the stone drop to the ground and joined Eve in the taxi. “Did you get it?” Eve asked. “Yes, it is 218 Bolaji Farawe street. I am sending it to our guy right away so he can find out who owns the house or who is living in it.” Inside the house, Leroy was sitting alone at the dining table. As if he was edgy, he tapped his fingers nervously on the table. Emilia was still to come out to see him. He was told she was on the phone with someone, but he didn’t believe it. Emilia was in bed with a man he assumed. Just when Leroy was thinking to leave, Emilia descended from the staircase and dashed toward him, showing just how athletic she was. She was clad in a bum shot and an armless see-through top, which did well to show off her enhanced mammary appendages. Leroy looked at those appendages hungrily and then turned his attention to why he was there. Emilia liked it a lot when men show signs of lust toward her, and so she stood a while to let Leroy have a fill of her breasts. Seeing Leroy had other thoughts on his mind, she sat down and apologized, “I am sorry I kept you waiting for long. I was on the phone with someone… now tell me, how much does Chucks know?” “He knows nothinknow?” “He knows nothing. He is chasing shadows,” he lied. Emilia studied him suspiciously for a while and asked, “Are you sure about? I have someone else watching him. He thinks Chucks knows a lot. In fact, he recommended we kill him tonight.” Leroy held his nerves, determined not to give anything away. “Who told you that crap? Chucks knows nothinChucks knows nothing. He doesn’t even know Eve and Stanley are still alive! He does not know who goes by the name Emilia. He still thinks Steve, Mayo and Bimpe are saints. He is getting only the shit we feed him… why do I feel Martin Sekibo is the one watching Chucks for you?” “He is the one. Why would he lie to me?” “I see. He lied to you because he wants more money and so gives you the information which would make you part with the money he wants.” Emilia was angry and seemed suspicious of Leroy. Leroy could see it. If Emilia would find out he was lying to her, he knew he was dead meat. Willing to wriggle out of Emilia’s noose, he decided to distract her. He fixed his gaze at her breasts and licked his lips. It worked, Emilia’s tough look loosened a bit. Taking it one step further, he stretched forth his hand and fondled her, breasts. That was quite a big risk, knowing Emilia’s temper. To his shock, Emilia moaned like a woman who had been in an hour long foreplay. She lowered her head and took in a sustained breath. The sex demon in her had just be awakened. Still not willing to jump into the sack with her, Leroy broached an interesting subject, “Steve might be looking to cut a deal with Billy Sekwa and the governors and sell you off. I also think Mayo is up to something but I don’t know yet what it is.” Swiftly switching back to her angry look, Emilia asked in shock, “Are you serious? Steve can’t snitch on me to Billy and the governors! He can’t!” Emilia was having a confusing storm of emotions on the inside of her. One wanted to have a foreplay with Leroy while another wanted to put a bullet through Steve’s head. Seeing he had succeeded in distracting her, Leroy suggested, “I know you are smelling blood already, but you have to take it slow. We have to be sure of his moves first. Are you aware he was at the nightclub the night Jimmy was killed?” Leroy was hoping she would tell him she sent Steve to kill Jimmy, Maxwell’s half-brother, who was going to sell some information to some big shots in the videos. “I am glad Jimmy is dead. I don’t care who killed him. He was going to mess things up for us,” she lied. Leroy could tell she knew much more than she was letting him know. “I did not kill Jimmy. Someone else did and took the information he had on him. I believe you know this Emilia.” Emilia wasn’t listening, the sex demon in her was now fully awake, she was having a tough time keeping her compulsive desire for sex under control. She seductively slipped her right hand into her bum shot and moaned like a Roman sex slave. Leroy knew it was time to bolt. He didn’t want any of her perverted orgies. However, on a second he decided to sit back and take a chance on satisfying Emilia. He thought, “If I satisfy her, she is going to do everything she can to protect me and might let me in on some of the things she knows.” He sashayed closer to her and began to remove her clothes. A maniacal smile broke on Emilia’s face as she submitted her body completely to Leroy. Leroy had just begun to swim with the sharks, he had better know how to fend them off when they get mad. Two hours later Eve and the Helmsman drove back to meet up with Stanley. They just could not continue to wait for Leroy to come out. 10:22 pm, Orange Resort The two sex workers were on the bed with Martin Sekibo, taking him on a sexual journey beyond his bent cravings. One of the ladies had purposely left the door unlocked. While Mr. Sekibo enjoyed the filth, the ladies unleashed on him, Chucks and two of his men sneaked into the room. When one of the sex workers saw Chucks, she touched her colleague and they left for the bathroom. Sekibo was angry with the ladies for leaving. While he pleaded with them to continue what they were doing with him, Chucks and his men stepped into his view with guns in their hands. Sekibo made a dash for his trouser, hoping to reach for his gun which was not there. Chucks and his men allowed him to waste his time. Seeing he had no gun to fight; Sekibo threw a lame punch at Chucks. Chucks parried it smartlyChucks parried it smartly and then twisted his arm backward. Forcing him to the ground, he crushed his fingers with his heavy boot. Sekibo let out a scream and the men with Chucks stifled his cry by placing a pillow to his mouth. Quickly his hands and feet were tied, and his mouth covered. Still naked, he was lifted off the ground and sat on a chair. Mr. Sekibo was scared stiff not knowing what was coming next. While he watched, the two sex workers came out of the bathroom naked and asked Chucks for their money. To Sekibo’s dismay, Chucks counted out their money and paid them. He could see that the two sex workers were used to get to him. The sex workers tried to get into their clothes and hurry off, but Chucks stopped them and asked them to watch the door and to turn back anyone who came to the door asking for anything. The ladies were happy to do that for a little more pay. Without their clothes on, they moved over to the sit-out near the door, sat down and began to watch television. At the restaurant in the hotel, Stanley and the guards with him sat, sipping beer and taking their time to make their next move. Some minutes later, Eve and the Helmsman joined them and they began to share information about their investigations. As the meeting wore on, the Helmsman intermittently glanced at his watch. His mind was somewhere else. He had need to meet with his men to device plans to kill Bimpe’s husband as Maxwell demanded. . To be continued. .
13 Jul 2018 | 06:34
Still following
13 Jul 2018 | 06:36
eleyi gidigan ooooo
13 Jul 2018 | 06:37
this is really deep secret
13 Jul 2018 | 06:37
Deep secret in deed
13 Jul 2018 | 06:49
This is unbelievable
13 Jul 2018 | 08:27
13 Jul 2018 | 10:27
i'm just following this story i don't even know when i will understand it
13 Jul 2018 | 10:46
Dis story is full of action,deceit n betrayal as well,I'm really enjoying every bit of it!!!
13 Jul 2018 | 11:22
killing, killing that's the only thin that matter to everyone here. mmmmm
13 Jul 2018 | 15:06
Seriously serious
13 Jul 2018 | 16:15
DEEP SECRETS Episode 19 . . . 7:15 am, The Maxwell Corporation Maxwell stepped out of his limousine and ambled toward the grand lobby of Maxwell Corporation building. Three streets away, on the twelfth floor of a hotel building, a sniper perched on the window of his room. He focused his thermal rifle scope and aimed at Maxwell with his finger on the trigger. Before Maxwell could step into the lobby, the sniper squeezed the trigger; lumps of flesh and arterial blood exploded into the air from the back of Maxwell’s head and he slumped to the ground in a heap. The sniper slowly pulled his weapon into his room and closed the curtain. In front of the Maxwell Corporation building, there was chaos. Security men fired shots in every direction not knowing where the bullet came from. On the floor, Maxwell was in the throes of death, choking in his pool of blood. 7:18 am, Bimpe’s House Mr. Femi, Bimpe’s husband, was still in bed with Linda, his secretary. He had spent the night with her and had slept very little. When his phone rang, he sighed and was minded to ignore it. But when his two other lines began to ring simultaneously, he dragged himself out of bed and picked the call on his major phone line. The call was from a Desert Scorpion hit man. “Mr. Femi, Maxwell is down. Once we pick up Mayo and your wife, we will let you know.” Mr. Femi stood up and went into the bathroom. In there he lowered his voice and said, “If picking up Bimpe and Mayo alive would prove difficult, waste them and bring me Mayo’s testicles. I still want them.” “You will get them sir,” the scorpion guy said before the phone line went dead. Back in his room, Mr. Femi climbed into his bed and began to kiss Linda from her belly up to her breasts. “You promised me a lap dance, can I get it now?” he asked. Linda nodded shyly and rolled out of bed. Twenty minutes later she was busy giving Mr. Femi a lap dance. The two of them were stopped cold when Mayo and a masked man broke into the bedroom. Mayo had a Springfield XD automatic Pistol and handled it menacingly. Mr. Femi was expecting Mayo to shoot him and Linda, but what he said stunned him. “Get dressed with your mistress sir. Someone has ordered a hit on you. Bimpe wants me to take you to safety.” Linda did not waste a moment; before Mayo could finish his words she was already on her feet, struggling into her undergarments. Mr. Femi was in shock and found it hard to believe. Mayo studied him for a moment and asked, “You don’t believe it that Bimpe sent me to protect you, do you? Look sir, Bimpe did all the stuffs you saw in the videos and worse. But what she cannot do is watch you die. You have done her no wrong.” Mr. Femi pointed his finger at Mayo and asked, “Are you not Mayowa Folarin?” and moved closer to him as if he would start a fight. “Yes, I am. I think I know why you are asking who I am sir,” Mayo replied. “Do you?” “Yes, and this is not the right time and place to discuss it. Get dressed sir, the guys after you will kill everyone in here when they arrive.” Reluctantly Mr. Femi began to dress up. Some fifteen minutes later, he and Linda were smuggled out of his house to some unknown location. While Mr. Femi and Linda were left in a lush room. Mayo placed a call to Bimpe to inform her that her husband had been moved to safety. “Bim, Femi has been moved out of the house. In the next two hours the news of his death will hit the media. I planned it in such a way everyone will believe he is dead. He has found himself a pretty babe to warm himself up.” “Thanks a lot Mayo. When I am done speaking with you, I would like to speak with my husband.” “I think that will help to settle him a lot. He thinks I came to kill him. He recognized my face from the videos.” “What?! Why didn’t you wear a mask?” “I wanted him to know the face saving his ass. I doubt he will come after me after this gesture. It is a mind game. I am good at it Bimpe, relax.” “Maxwell is dead. Are you aware of that? I think my husband made the call.” “I think so too. But it is no skin off my nose. I think I would do worse if I was in his shoes.” Bimpe sighed deeply and shot her eyes. She searched her mind about what to do and then asked, “Mayo, what if he already has sent assassins after us?” “I think he has. There is no doubt about it. I have three out of his four children. If he doesn’t come after me, I would be surprised.” “Should we kill him then?” “No. He has done no wrong. I want to walk the high road with him. We hurt him first, and he is doing what a man in his position would do.” “I am scared, Mayo.” “You shouldn’t be. Stay under until I sort all this out. Emilia pulled some strings which brought us to where we are right now. I will fix it all soon. Stay under and do nothing.” “I will try.” After that Mayo went back into the room where Mr. Femi and Linda were and gave him the phone to speak with his wife. THE PREVIOUS NIGHT 10:45 pm, Orange Resort Martin Sekibo began to shake when Chucks and his men opened their torture tool box. Chucks pulled a seat and sat in front of him. Removing his phone from his pocket, he played a clip of the scandalous sex video for Sekibo and asked, “Who made this video and the others? I want you to tell me all you know about the videos.” Sekibo tried to say something but it came out muffled because his mouth was covered. Seeing he wanted to talk, Chucks outlined for him the rules he must observe for things to end well between them. “I am going to remove the gag from your mouth, but if you shout, I will shoot you on the head and then go to your house to slaughter your wife and children.” The mention of his wife and children really got to him. He nodded, signaling he would stick to the rules. Chucks stood up and removed the gad from his mouth. “Now start talking,” Chucks said. He had a tape recorder on. Meanwhile in the restaurant, Eve, Stanley and their squad were still waiting for Chucks and his men to come out. The man to whom Emilia’s house address was sent to had sent them his findings. According to him, the house into which Leroy entered belonged to a certain Amina Houghton. The guy also believed that the house was being occupied by its owner, who may have other aliases. Eve and Stanley could not wait to get to know who she was. All they could deduce so far was that the Amina Houghton, Chucks and Leroy were all working together. To get a hang of what was really going on, Stanley decided that on, Stanley decided that they should pick Chucks up and question him. The way they planned it, they would use Chucks to lure out the man who shot them in the night of their wedding. They still did not know his name, but they were confident a few pieces of the puzzle would begin to fit into their places by the time they speak with Chucks and the shooter. 10:50 pm, Bay Apartments For days Chucks stalled about telling Lizzy the truth about the sort of life he lived with his friends and why some people were after them. Lizzy was determined to get the truth from him, but somehow Steve kept evading her questions, using the precarious situation around them as his excuse. To get he answers she wanted, Lizzy decided to pull a stunt on Steve. Steve had sneaked out of the hotel where they hid to go buy some things they needed. By the time he came back he met Lizzy on the phone with a senior police officer, Lizzy was hysterical, narrating their ordeal to the officer. Steve did not like the idea. He and his friends had so much dirt on them that they all decided not to get the police involved. For Lizzy to have called the police and told them all she knew meant trouble. Steve grabbed the phone from her, dropped the call and checked how long she had been talking. He was shocked to see she had been on the phone for twenty minutes. Chucks was beside himself with anger and fear. “You should never have done this Lizzy! You shouldn’t!!” “Since you won’t tell me why some people want us dead, and the reason they are flying nude pictures of you and I about. I have decided to get the police involved. I am as taxpayer. It is my right to involve law enforcement agents when I feel my life is in danger!” Steve could see how determined she was and so began to plead with her, “Babe, you can’t talk to the police. I will tell you all you want to know. Just promise me you won’t run away. Trying to leave me now might put you in grave danger.” “No, you are wrong. Knowing you was what put me in trouble in the first place. Steve, if you want me to remain in your life, you have to tell me the truth.” Steve took her hand and led her to a seat and began to narrate to her some of the things he thought he could tell her without doing much damage to his ego or letting her know how spoilt and evil he really was. “I got into bad habits back when I lived in Italy. You know the sex business in Italy, I really got into it. My unfaithfulness to you has nothing to do with my not loving you. I am madly in love with you! My problem is that I have now become a slave of my own sexual desires. I and my friends are the same. We come together to have sex in the most twisted ways you can imagine. I am very sorry…” Steve began to cry deliberately to get Lizzy’s pity. “I am hooked to sexual drugs. The ones I gave you, I hardly can do without them,” he continued. Lizzy had not seen him cry, somehow, watching him cry made her feel better. She did not pity him, but oddly enough wanted him to cry much more. “People do not want us dead because you sleep with your friends and regularly use sex drugs. There is more to what is happening and you haven’t told me much. I think someone wants to destroy our marriage because of what you did to his marriage. Why would anyone strip me nude at gunpoint, take photos of me with naked men, and also send to me pictures of you and your friend in sexual acts? It is clear whoever is after us wants our marriage destroyed. He or she is out for revenge. I knew somehow that you were cheating on me but not at this scale.” Steve tried to give her a plausible answer but no words came through. His mind was blank; he tried desperately to explain all that was happening but could not. Finally, he had to tell her something close to the truth, “There are ladies I have had sex with whose husbands are with whose husbands are after me. They want to pay me back for what I did.” “I suppose it won’t be difficult for you if I call them to settle all this by giving them an offer to spend a night with me in a hotel of their choice. I want us to stop running and go back to our children,” Lizzy said, deliberately pulling his legs. Steve’s heart began to beat fast; he could not imagine other men doing to his wife what he did to other women. Steve could not bring himself to tell his wife that he had children with some women outside their marriage. He would not mention to his wife that many university girls he gave pendulum had died in his hands while having sex with them. He knew he would never tell her about the videos making rounds amongst certain people or about his roles in their making. Steve kept mum about his life as a professional killer, both in Italy and in Lagos. “Has your filthy lifestyle anything to do with Eve and Stanley being shot in the night of their wedding,” Lizzy asked expecting her husband to lie to her as usual. Steve swallowed hard and began to sweat. He had not mentioned the shooting to Lizzy, she must have picked it up from the media. “You know; I have been wondering why you never mentioned for once to me the shooting of your friends. Isn’t it striking that all these began after the shooting? Was Stanley a gigolo like you too?” While Steve wondered how to answer Lizzy’s questions, a maid in the hotel was coming to their room to deliver to Lizzy a parcel containing the scandalous videos. Yet again those after them were able to find them using the chip placed in her Sony camera. Story continues...
13 Jul 2018 | 19:57
There is no trust among them...everyone among them is involve in this war
13 Jul 2018 | 23:59
Stanley and eve are doing there things too...they wanna know more...they need something 4 revenge
14 Jul 2018 | 00:21
Lizzy don't wanna take this anymore...steve don't wanna tell her more...she still wants her marriage to move forward
14 Jul 2018 | 00:28
Emilia is ready 4 bleeping,she's hot,she may change her mind to hurt u if u can sext her if u are close to her
14 Jul 2018 | 00:40
Bimpe is tired of cheating on her husband...she has got this love 4 him to live...her husband on a revenge mission
14 Jul 2018 | 00:45
Maxwell has to die during this bloody war...they wanna cover up all these secret...anabel has to do her things too
14 Jul 2018 | 00:52
Mayo is also dangerous,his nude house and his attitude was the reason 4 these war
14 Jul 2018 | 00:56
Stella and clara wanna know more...they can't trust any of their friends...stella don't wanna sext anymore but clara still wanna sext
14 Jul 2018 | 01:03
They gathered in a program to have S£X when their eyes were covered by themselves and after that...WAR
14 Jul 2018 | 01:10
Following you....
14 Jul 2018 | 01:59
DEEP SECRETS Episode 20 . . . THE PREVIOUS NIGHT 10:50 pm, Orange Resort “Martin Sekibo, I am ready to hear all you know about the videos; I am all ears,” Chucks said, holding the tape recorder in front of Martin and his gun in the other hand. Bathing his eye-lids like an animal hit with a flood of light, Sekibo began, “Three years ago I was invited to a meeting in Ghana by Chief Baribote. The purpose of the meeting was how to bring down his political opponents and their supporters. He played for us a video he had obtained from a woman; I suppose she is one of your friends. Her name was… ehmm… Amaju… who now?” He stuttered, trying to recall the full name. “Amaju Stella,” Chucks supplied. “Yes! Amaju Stella. He had met the woman in Abuja in a business conference; after the conference they ended up in the same bed. The lady, Stella, had played the video for him to show him how to make love to her. The video was a little lengthy and shocking. Baribote was stunned to see the faces in the videos. I can’t recall the details of what happened afterwards, but I know that Baribote stole the video from Stella and asked me to kill her. Two days after I was asked to kill Stella, the hit was called off. I…” “Why was the hit called off?” Chucks asked. “I was not told, but later I overhead Emilia telling Chief Baribote that Mr. Amaju wanted to handle the matter his way.” “What? Do you know who is Mr. Amaju?” Chucks asked, his eyes almost popping out with shock. “I think he is Stella’s husband.” “Jesus! No! Please don’t tell me he knows about Stella’s secrets.” “I don’t have much information about Mr. Amaju. I am only telling you what I overheard by chance.” “Who else was in the meeting in Ghana?” “Emilia, Elizabeth Sekwa, Former…” “Wait! Oh my God! Did you just mention Elizabeth Sekwa?” “Yes, I did.” “What was she doing in the meeting? She and her father are in the videos. They are hunting the videos to destroy them, aren’t they?” Chucks was sweating now in spite of the chilly atmosphere in the hotel room. “So you haven’t heard?” Chucks raised his gun toward Sekibo and shouted, “Haven’t heard what?” Sekibo shook and volunteered the answer hurriedly, “Former president Billy Sekwa repeatedly abused Elizabeth and her sisters when they were teenagers…” “What sort of abuse do you mean?” “Sexual abuse. All his three daughters have children for him. Last year I helped poison Felix; Elizabeth’s son for her father. It was Elizabeth wanted him dead.” “Hold on Mr. Martin, are you telling me that Elizabeth Sekwa was part of those who planned the videos, and her primary reason was to destroy her father?” “Yes, he offered her father a chance to have sex with her in a celebrity orgy hosted by your friend Mayo Folarin, and he jumped at it.” Chucks stood up and paced around a bit, obviously to let out some steam. He walked back to Sekibo and sat. “I was in the sexual orgies all the days it lasted, I can tell you that Billy Sekiwa may not have slept with his daughter, Elizabeth. Why did they bring him there? Was it to record what he did with the others?” “Exactly, but if you look closely you will see that Billy slept with a thirteen-year-old girl on the last night of the orgies. That girl is his granddaughter, Marion. Emilia made that happen for Elizabeth. Of course she used pendulum on both Billy and his granddaughter.” Chucks felt his head swoon, he wanted to hear more but he had already heard more than he could handle. Seeing Chucks was distraught, the private detective working with Chucks, took over asking the questions. “You were going to mention other people in the meeting which took place in Ghana, who are they?” “The current minister of State for Education, two currently serving South-west Governors. Back then they were not governors, but were in government serving in different capacities. There is one more person in the meeting, she is very powerful, I don’t know if I should mention her name.” Before the detective could reply him a word, Chucks swung himself from the left side of Martin and landed a nasty blow on his chin and left him sprawling on the floor in pain. He raised his boot to match his neck and his men stopped him. “When I asked you to tell me all you know, I meant it! Who is the woman?” Chucks barked fighting to break loose from the men who held him. Sekibo was shaken up by the punch. His jaw and been torn open and was bleeding. Martin tried to speak but the pain was too much. The detective waved at one of the prostitutes and she ran over. The detective asked her to get a towel from the bathroom, put some ice from the fridge on it and place it on Martin’s wound. Chucks who was breathing heavily like a bull in a fight, barked once more at Sekibo, “I want the name now!” From the floor where he lay, Sekibo squeaked, “Julia Idris.” The mere mention of the name hushed everyone in the room. A pin-drop could have been heard. The harlots were shocked by how scared Chucks, the detective and his men were. They looked from Chucks to the detective, waiting for the cue to bolt. Julia Idris was the wife of the current president. Her influence was overwhelming. It was believed she single handedly removed Billy Sekwa and put her husband in power. Julia Idris had influence in every sector of the economy and was ruthless. Her connection in the military and paramilitary agencies were common knowledge to those in politics. She hated the former president Billy Sekwa for his corrupt ways and swore on national television to remove him from office, and that she eventually did. Chucks had expected a name, but not one that big. He had to calm himself and took a sit. With a clam voice he asked, “Why were Eve and Stanley shot?” The detective pulled Sekibo up from the floor and put him back on his seat. The terrified sex worker began to apply the towel on his wound. Managing to speak, Sekibo said, “Someone mailed the videos to them. We think they have the videos. The decision to kill them was made so that the videos would not be found and to fool Maxwell, Billy Sekwa, the four governors and the celebrities in the videos that Emilia and her team were working to stop the videos from spreading. Something had to be done and your friends being the ones to whom the videos were mailed to, had to take the fall.” At that point, Martin Sekibo’s phone rang, it was a text message from Emilia, it read, “Martin, I am sending Leroy to you. He is in bed with me right now. I fear that he knows he was set up at the nightclub. He asked me about it in a manner which suggested he might be up to something. When he comes to meet you, kill him. Make sure his body is never found.” Carefully Chucks read the message with a sadistic smile on his face. “I was thinking of killing you, I have just changed my mind. You know far too much. I think you will be much more useful to me alive than dead. Dress him up,” Chucks said to the harlots working with him. The detective untied Sekibo’s legs and the harlots got him into his boxer shorts and trouser. Some minutes later he was fully dressed up. Chucks sent his men to the room they had booked to gain entry into the hotel to remove their belongings. The detective cuffed Sekibo’s hand to his, while Chucks gave him cover from behind with his gun under his clothe. Ahead of them the two harlots and the other men working with the detective, made their way down stairs, their eyes darting about for anything suspicions. In the restaurant, Eve, Stanley and their men were still waiting. When they heard footsteps descending the staircase, they all pulled their guns and inched closer. Stanley was in the lead. He was looking for Chucks. The two harlots and the detective’s men passed, he felt something wasn’t right, the harlots cut the figure of those afraid of something. He sent the guards’ helmsman and two of his men after them and held his position. Behind him Eve held her gun firmly and inched toward the staircase, ready to shoot anything which would threaten her. A few seconds later, the detective led Sekibo into the lobby, Stanley could see he had his hand cuffed to his. He stood up and walked briskly toward them with his gun concealed under his clothes. He was stopped cold when he saw Chucks descending from the staircase. Chucks could not move a limb either. Though he knew Stanley was alive, he still could not believe his eyes. From his left side, Chucks felt a cold metal brush his ear. He turned only to see Eve. Her eyes were misty and she was visibly trying to control her anger. She dug her gun into Chucks back, took his gun and whispered, “So you betrayed us.” “No Eve, I did not. We were all fooled,” Chucks replied. The detective could tell they had been ambushed. He tried to call his men for back-up but it was too late. Stanley moved quickly and shoved his gun into his mouth, saying, “If you speak a word I will blow your brains out here.” The detective nodded, signaling submission. Stanley and Eve led him and Chucks toward the hotel kitchen and out into the compound. At the car park, the helmsman and his men subdued the two harlots and the men with them, using fake police identity cards. About an hour later, Chucks and his entire team were successfully moved to the house the Helmsman and Stanley used as their investigation base. THE NEXT DAY 10:30 am, Stone Valley Hotel Annabel was holding a gun in her right hand and crying. Mayo was sitting on the bed, looking sad. “They did not just frame up my father and I, but they have gone ahead to kill him. Mayo, I want to find out who did this. I swear by God; I will clean out their entire generation!” “You have got to calm down and give me three days to get you the information you want. Right now, I don’t know who killed Maxwell. You know he had many enemies. As at now I don’t know which of them ordered the hit,” he lied. “I have drawn up a list. Top on it is Emilia. She had us drugged in a party you and her hosted. I have found the little girl Billy Sekwa had sex with in the video, she remembers being given something to drink before she passed out. Emilia was the one who gave her the drug. She has been behind this all along.” Mayo was shocked to hear that; Annabel wasn’t even meant to find the girl. How could she have found her, he thought. “Who else are on your list?” he asked hoping Bimpe or her husband, Mr. Femi, won’t be on the list. “Chief Baribote and Julia Idris,” she replied holding back some information. Mayo calmed. “I see you have been working a lot. I am going to look in that direction and see what I can find. I’ve got to go now.” Mayo stood and exited the hotel room. Annabel made a quick call, “Hello, Mayo is on his way out of the hotel, follow him and find out where he goes and who he talks to.” When Mayo reached his rented car, he made a call, “Bimpe, Annabel is mad. She wants revenge. Luckily she doesn’t have you or your husband’s name on her hit list. She has also found Marion. I don’t know how.” “That is not possible! If she has found her then it would mean Emilia or Steve is deliberately feeding her some information to come after us.” “I don’t think so. She is mad with Emilia, if she gets the chance right now, she would strangle her to death.” “You shouldn’t buy that Mayo, what if she was pretending? I am going to let her know what actually happened in those nights, that way she will point her anger in the right direction. On the other hand, you haven’t faked my husband’s death, why?” “I found out he has a hit squad on the prowl for us. We need him to call them off.” “I think I have to speak with him.” “That will be great, please do it so I can move freely.” After the call, Mayo drove off and two vehicles sent by Annabel followed him. To be continued... . Seems like so many people are finding this story to be complicated. should i stop it and start another one? . starting tomorrow, its going to be two episodes in a day henceforth. one in the morning and one in the evening. make sure you always comment and like,else you will miss some episodes. .
14 Jul 2018 | 03:18
14 Jul 2018 | 05:19
This is serious ,at list u guys know who Emilia is
14 Jul 2018 | 06:00
Pls continue this story
14 Jul 2018 | 07:36
There's a lot of miss up in this story sometimes I don't get it but still I read it
14 Jul 2018 | 09:06
many characters are coming into this story making it hard to understand
14 Jul 2018 | 09:22
14 Jul 2018 | 10:58
14 Jul 2018 | 11:03
14 Jul 2018 | 11:11
14 Jul 2018 | 12:14
Still following
14 Jul 2018 | 12:53
it's not complicated, it's just on point and interesting. we want to know who made the videos
14 Jul 2018 | 16:23
better,,, make it two episodes in a day
14 Jul 2018 | 19:12
it's okay like that i'm just eager to know the criminals that made the video and them frame stanley and eve
14 Jul 2018 | 19:33
DEEP SECRETS Episode 21 & 22 . . .11:20 pm, Bay Apartments A knock on the door hushed Steve and Lizzy. They were not expecting anyone. Steve picked his gun and moved toward the door. This time he was determined to use it. A female voice, saying, “Room service!” from outside, calmed him a bit. He tip-toed back to Lizzy and asked, “Did you ask to be brought anything?” Lizzy shook her head signaling ‘no’. She was too afraid to utter a word. Meanwhile the female voice outside the door continued to knock gently on the door, almost singing “Room Service!” by now. Steve peered at her through the hole on the door and asked with a stern voice, “Who are you?!” and quickly moved away from the door to avoid gunshots. “I am a hotel maid, I have a delivery for your wife sir,” the maid at the door said. Steve was done being hunted, he yanked the door open and surprised the maid. The gun in his hand scared the maid and she almost jumped out of her skin. “My wife did not make any order! What is it you want?” Steve barked. “This is for your wife,” the maid said, stretching a parcel toward him. Steve looked at the parcel suspiciously wondering what it was. “Open it!” he demanded. Fidgeting, the maid began to open the parcel. “Let me have it,” Lizzy said from behind Steve. The maid was eager to deliver the parcel and disappear. She threw the parcel at Lizzy and ran from the door. Lizzy was curious to find out what the parcel contained and so tore it hurriedly. A neatly packaged DVD plate was all she found inside. While Steve shut the door, she made her way toward the home theater in the room and slotted it in. The picture which came on the screen was one of the most sexually graphic motion pictures she had ever seen. Steve was on a teenage girl, holding her by the necking and thrusting himself into her like a beast of the wild. The teenager’s cry rent Lizzy’s heart. In the background were faces she knew very well, doing the same thing to other girls, and some ladies submitting their bodies to young men she had not seen before. Without thinking about it, she turned off the television and looked at Steve in utter disbelief. Steve had been caught, there was no lying about his secret life now. Lizzy managed to stifle her sob with both hands as hot tears matched down her cheek. “That girl is not yet sixteen years, is she?” she asked. Steve opened his mouth to talk but no word came out. He sat on the bed knowing his marriage had just gone with the wind over the video his wife had just watched. Steve’s forlorn look spiked her curiosity and so she took a sit and began to watch the full length video. It was horrifying. The video was a medley of many of the orgies Steve and his friends had together and with so many others Lizzy did not know. Streams of tears ran down her cheek as she watched the video. She had to stop it when she saw a clip where a girl Steve injected with pendulum died in his hands during very violent sexual intercourse. After Lizzy had stopped the video. She ejected it from the player put it back in its case and dropped it into her purse. She dressed up quickly and left the room. Steve sat on the bed, looking spaced out. About a minute later, Lizzy came back into the room and asked, “Where are our children?” “They are in Ghana with Emmalyn,” Steve replied. Lizzy said no other word and left. 12:15 am, The Helmsman’s holding house When Chucks and all the people who were abducted along with him were brought to the Helmsman’s house, they were carefully searched. Their guns, phones, cameras and recorders were taken from them. Eve and Stanley were buzzing with their first success at cracking up the case. They were convinced that Chucks was working with those who shot them or made the videos. However, few minutes into quizzing Chucks, they began to realize just how little they knew about the case. “I am innocent. I have overwhelming evidence to prove I know nothing about you and Eve being shot,” Chucks said, his eyes flaming with zeal to prove his innocence. The look on the faces of Eve and Stanley gave the impression they were ready to spill blood that night. “That man over there is a police officer, his name is Martin Sekibo. What he knows about the videos and your being shot will leave the hairs on your skin standing. He has been part of the scheme to make the videos and to shoot the two of you long before it all began. I have a recording of his confessions. You will find them in the recorder you took from me. Try to play it and listen to what he has said so far!” Chucks shouted. Eve dashed into the room where they kept all they had taken from Chucks and his men and returned in a jiffy with the tape recorder. Chucks wasn’t done pleading his innocence. He knew the facts and pieces of evidence he had gathered were in his favour. So he was willing to use them to the uttermost. “This other man is my detective. I have been investigating the case with him for about a month now. He too has quite some information about the videos and the shooting. These men are his colleagues. The two ladies over there are also working with us. They helped us nab Martin Sekibo. I can bring the man who shot you and Eve right here if you want me to. I know you want his head on a dish, but you should listen to him first. His alias is Leroy. I don’t know his real name.” That bit of information got Eve, Stanley and Helmsman excited. “Are you serious? Can you really bring him here?” Stanley sked looking astonished. “Yes I can. Only a phone call from Martin Sekibo is all you need to bring him down here. Already Emilia has asked Martin to kill him…” “Why do they want to kill Leroy? Do they know Stanley and I are investigating the case?” Eve asked. “I doubt very much they do. A man was killed in a nightclub weeks ago. Leroy was sent to kill the man and take some information from him. When he got to the nightclub, the man was already dead with seven bullet holes in his head. Someone reached him before Leroy could. Those who hired Leroy think he was the one who killed the man and sold the information he had to others. The dead man was said to have reached some people in the videos, claiming he knew who made the videos and the reasons they were made and some foreign buyer bidding to buy the videos. Check Martin’s phone, you will see a text from Emilia asking him to kill Leroy. Emilia and those who hired Leroy want him dead because he has found out he was set up at the nightclub. Stanley you need to speak with this guy,” Chucks explained. “I have transferred all you have on the tape recorder to a laptop, who is the other voice talking to you? Is that Leroy?” the Helmsman asked. “Yes, that voice is Leroy. Please listen to what he has to say,” Chucks replied. While Chucks and his team were being quizzed, Annabel called the helmsman to give him information about Maxwell’s death. The helmsman who had been on the road with Eve and Stanley for days, chasing Chucks and Leroy, was shocked to hear about Maxwell’s death. He excused Eve and Stanley and went upstairs to continue the telephone conversation with Annabel. “What do I do with Eve and Stanley since Maxwell is dead?” the Helmsman asked. “They are innocent. I want them set free. However, if they want to help me crack the case they are welcome. I will give them all that they need to make it happen. Already I am working on the case with my team. I think I know who killed my father.” “There are somethings you need to know. We have picked up a certain police officer by the name Martin Sekibo. He knows too much. Chucks, one of Stanley’s friends made it happen. He can also help us get the man shot Eve and Stanley. In fact, I think you should get down here to read and listen to the information we already have. There is too much to tell you over the phone. However, you must know that one name is recurrent in all we have dug up. That name is Emilia.” “That is the same over here. Emilia knows more than she is willing to let out. I want us to shift focus to her and sniff out as much information as we can. I am already in my killing mood. Some people have got to die this week. I will be with you in a few minutes.” The helmsman dropped the call and rand down to rejoin Eve and Stanley. All that night, Eve, Stanley and the helmsman went through the evidence Chucks and his men had gathered. Every piece of information they gleaned was a shocker to them. The part where they heard that Steve may have killed the man at the nightclub, sent a chill down their spine. About 1:40 am, Annabel joined them. At a certain stage, Chucks and his private investigators were un-cuffed and asked to join the slowly morphing team that would go headlong with those who made the videos and sought to kill Eve and Stanley. About 3 am in the morning, Eve and Stanley found themselves in a big fix. They all had listened to Leroy and Martin Sekibo claim in the recordings that someone mailed the videos to Eve and Stanley. Annabel, who earlier had thought that they were innocent, had a quick change of mind and immediately demanded that they tell her where the videos where. They would have ended up shooting each other if Chucks and his private detectives had not waded into the matter to restore some sanity in the house. After much persuasion, Annabel grudgingly accepted that perhaps the claim by Leroy and Martin were hoax. Eve and Stanley were shocked to hear someone mailed the videos to them. They found it hard to believe that they were shot because someone was convinced that they had the videos and wanted them killed because they did not want the videos found. With the much they had learnt that night, Eve and Stanley decided that it was safe not to tell anyone that the man who was shot in a nightclub was actually Maxwell’s half-brother and Annabel’s uncle. 9:15 am, Clara’s House The detective working for Clara and Stella had pictures spread out on the dining table. Stella and Clara held their breath in amazement as they studied the pictures. “We felt Chucks was up to something big and so we assigned some men to follow him. These images are the things they uncovered in the process.” Pictures of Eve and Stanley in a Peugeot 306 were strewn all over the table. “Your friends are back and they are obviously looking into why they were shot. I hope the two of you have your hands clean. We are expecting Eve and Stanley to take down a lot of people in the coming weeks. That is how this works. We don’t know Chucks’ role in all of this, but we feel he will be a useful asset to Eve and Stanley,” the detective volunteered. “When were these pictures taken?” Clara asked. “Just yesterday.” “Do you have a clue where they are now?” Stella asked. “We lost track of Chucks last night. He was following a police officer. We are still trying to figure out why. Right now all we can tell you is that both he and the police officer are missing. Our guess is that Eve and Stanley know something about their sudden disappearance.” A gentle knock on the door hushed them. The detective stood up to get the door. “Who is that?” His question was answered with a heavy thud on the door. The door flew open and slammed into his face and he crashed to the floor. Eve, Stanley and three armed men entered the living room. Clara and Stella looked at them like those from the land of the dead. “I hope we didn’t spoil your party. We need you all to follow us,” Stanley said, giving the impression he hardly knew who Clara and Stella were. The message was clear. Clara and Stella read it and made no fuss about following their former friends out of the house. The detective was carefully secured and led out with his men. 10:40 am, Mayo’s Secret house “I did all you saw in the videos and worse. I will never deny them. I am gone past salvation. I can’t change. I love sex the way you saw it in the videos. I have slept with those you can’t imagine and like you already know, none of our children is yours. However, one thing I will never do is hurt you. If it would take eternity to apologize to you for what I did to you and to our marriage, I would be happy to apologize for that long. I am very sorry Femi. Please call off your assassins. I know you killed Maxwell and sent your men after me and Mayo,” Bimpe pleaded passionately. Mayo was sitting in an arm chair watching Bimpe and her husband. Linda, Mr. Femi’s mistress, was on the bed with a pillow over her face. “I want Mayo and Linda out of this room,” Mr. Femi said. Bimpe waved at Mayo, he stood up, walked over to the bed and tapped on Linda to follow him out of the room. While Mayo headed for the door, Bimpe almost tripped him. Mayo staggered and regain his balance. Bimpe apologized profusely before Mayo left the room. That was a secret communication exchanged between the two of them. Mr. Femi and his mistress did not get it. They thought it was all accidental. By that act, Bimpe told Mayo to hang by the door incase her husband decided to attack her and he understood it. As soon as Mayo and Linda stepped out of the room, Mr. Femi dashed toward the door and locked it. Before Bimpe could shout, he grabbed her by the neck and began to choke her. Bimpe kicked and dug her nails into his hands, but Femi was undeterred. He wanted to finish Bimpe off before Mayo could return. As Bimpe grew limp, and succumbed to death, gunshots were heard from outside the door. The door shattered and the door flew open with a massive force. Mayo dashed into the room and pointed a gun at Femi. Femi released Bimpe and raised his hands in the air. Bimpe went down to the floor almost lifeless. Story continues... .
15 Jul 2018 | 07:42
Ok oook... Me dey follow u sha
15 Jul 2018 | 09:56
Continue please
15 Jul 2018 | 10:42
15 Jul 2018 | 12:32
bimpe u are lucky, eve and Stanley good luck
15 Jul 2018 | 16:31
DEEP SECRETS Episode 23 . . . 12:18 pm, The Helmsman’s holding house Clara, Stella and the detective working for them and his men were led into a room. Minutes after they were brought in, Clara and Stella were led to another room. Eve and Stanley sat beside each other holding guns and still acting like they had not seen either Clara or Stella before. They were at work and wanted it driven home to the two ladies. The helmsman was standing beside a giant screen as though he was about to make a presentation. The large screen on the wall flicked on and a video clip began to play. The video was the one in which Bimpe, Steve and Clara, told an unidentified man that the sex videos may have been made by Stanley and Eve. When the video was done playing, Clara’s mouth hung low in shock. “That is not what happened!” Clara protested. “Please lecture us. What actually happened in the video we just watched?” Eve asked. Immediately a man entered the room. Clara recognized him very well. He was the man whom they spoke with in the bar the day the video clip she just watched was recorded. Clara was surprised to see him. “Clara! Tell us what happened!” Stanley shouted. “Steve and Bimpe asked me to accompany them to a negotiation. I was under the impression that they were pitching for a job, using your name. I was told a group was looking to hire someone to make an X-rated sex video for them. Steve and Bimpe used your name that night for the job. I remember being asked if you could make adult sex videos and I said yes. Already Bimpe had asked me to say that. Stella and Chucks can bear me witness to this, some weeks ago I recalled this event in my house. I think Bimpe and Steve sold false information to this man standing here about you and Eve. I know it was about a video. I was asked if you had made sex videos before and could make some and I said yes. Steve even showed this man the video we made about that time in Mayo’s house and told him that you, Stanley made it. The video was not meant to leave Mayo’s house and yet he brought it out. Stanley, I know you did not make that video, Mayo did. They were making money by betraying you and Eve. I was paid three million for my part in the meeting two days later! I didn’t make sense of what actually transpired in the meeting until recently.” “Stella what do you know about what Clara just said?” the helmsman asked, inching closer to her. “I think she might be saying the truth. I can remember her telling us in her house what she just narrated. I think Chucks should be here too to corroborate Clara’s claim.” Stella had hardly finished talking when Chucks walked into the room. Immediately Clara figured out they were being watched from another room. “Stanley, Clara is telling you the truth. Bimpe and Steve used her just like they did with the rest of us. You know Clara, she won’t do that to you,” Chucks said. Clara was jittery, desperately hoping to be absolved of her alleged wrong. “We can’t trust anyone especially after what happened to us. Clara, all this has done for you is to buy you a little longer time to live until your claims are proved false or true,” Stanley said not bating an eye-lid. Though that was not what Clara wanted, she was however happy to avoid a bullet to her head for the time being. Clara was quickly ushered out of the room. Stella was bothered when Clara was let out of the room. She wondered what might have been dug up about her. She didn’t have to wonder for long when Martin Sekibo’s recorded voice began to play in the room, “Three years ago I was invited to a meeting in Ghana by Chief Baribote. The purpose of the meeting was about how to bring down his political opponents and their supporters. He played for us a video he had obtained from a woman; I suppose she is one of your friends. Her name was… ehmm… Amaju… who now?” “Amaju Stella,” Chucks’ voice came on. “Yes! Amaju Stella. He had met the woman in Abuja in a business conference; after the conference they ended up in the same bed. The lady, Stella, had played the video for him to show him how to make love to her. The video was a little lengthy and shocking. Baribote was stunned to see the faces in the video… Baribote stole the video from Stella and asked me to kill her. Two days after, I was asked to kill Stella, the hit was called off,” the audio recording had to be paused because Stella leapt out of her seat and tried to kill herself with a guard’s gun. After she had been restrained and tied to her chair, Eve persuaded her, “Killing yourself won’t change a thing. Your filthy lifestyle brought all these on us all. Many have died and more will die! Whether you believe it or not, their blood is on your hands. I need you to get angry and not trying to kill yourself. You are going to fix this Stella.” Like a child, Stella nodded. The Helmsman began to play the audio recording again, “Why was the hit called off?” Chucks’ voice asked. “I was not told, but later I overhead Emilia telling Chief Baribote that Mr. Amaju wanted to handle the matter his way.” “So, my husband knows about my secret life?!!!” Stella yelled at the top of her voice. For about fifteen minutes, all Stella did was cry and openly confess her sins like she had never confessed them before. Her eyes which were full of adultery, were finally open, and for once she could see how filthy her life had been. Of all her friends, she was the only person at this stage to truly repent of her evil ways. As the pictures of what she did with her body played through her mind, she almost vomited on the floor. Her eyes were red and her voice hoarse. Eve, in spite of her anger, had to go console her. Finally, she asked, “Can I speak with my husband please?” “Not yet, Stella. We want you to help us get close to Baribote. He has to go down for what he did. Amongst all of us here, you are the only person who can reach him without his being suspicious,” Stanley explained. “I want to let my husband know I am very sorry for the things I have done. Please let me speak with him” she pleaded tearfully. No one said a word to her. While she waited for an answer, the door to the room swung open and Martin Sekibo entered the room with cuffs on his hands. “Stella, your husband is a close ally to Chief Baribote. I just got off the phone with Emilia a few minutes ago; your husband is getting married to a South African lady and it is happening today…” Martin explained before Stella cut in with a high-pitched plea. “God please forgive me!!! Please! God please help me!!!” Stella cried. When Stella had calmed a bit, Martin continued, “Emilia thinks that Chief Baribote was able to convince your husband that he did not know you were his wife at the time he slept with you. We think there is some truth to that. What no one knows is what your husband is up to at the moment. He may want you dead or may want Baribote dead. We just don’t know. However, we do know that he is still meeting with Baribote for business purposes. Also there is a group out there, mailing the sex videos from the nude parties to the relatives of all your friends. Your husband has received his and it may be the reason he decided to cut ties with you.” Done with his explanations to Stella, Martin moved over to where Stanley and Eve sat and whispered to them, “Leroy is on his way, I told him to meet me here.” Stanley went over to the Helmsman and told him what Martin said. The Helmsman placed a call immediately to Annabel and asked her to come over. All the men in the room left in a hurry, leaving Stella behind still tied to her chair. In a room upstairs another meeting began. “Leroy is on his way here. Stella is going to lead Chief Baribote to us. Now we have to device means to reach Mayo, Bimpe and Steve,” Eve said. The door busted open, Annabel walked in and took a seat. For Annabel’s sake Eve repeated herself. Annabel raised her hand and said, “I think I can help with picking up Mayo.” “Leave Mayo out for now, you don’t have yet what it takes to bring him down…” the detective working for Clara and Stella said. “Why do you think I don’t have what it takes to do that?” Annabel asked, looking peeved. “Mayo is too diabolical. If you go for him now, he is going to mess things up for you. Allow him to think he is safe from harm. A friend of mine is on his way back from Haiti, he is the sort of guy who can match Mayo voodoo for voodoo. I will suggest we go for the others,” the detective replied. “If that is the case then, let’s go for Chief Baribote, picking him up will help us get to the other high placed targets like Julia Idris and Elizabeth Sekwa,” Annabel said, conceding to the detective’s approach. “We have to speak with Billy Sekwa, he needs to know his daughter is one of those behind the videos. That way we can cut Elizabeth’s influence and take out Emilia a lot easier than it would take. I also think that Billy can help us distract Julia Idris. There has to been some dirt in her life. She is not a saint. Billy is her sworn enemy, he must have something on her,” Chucks explained. Story continues... . If u didnt get episode 22, im sorry its bcos u dont alwys comment and like. . If you are among the ghost readers, be ready to miss more episodes and if u dont want to miss more episodes, make sure u always comment and like henceforth. .
16 Jul 2018 | 10:10
Abeg don't stop oo
16 Jul 2018 | 11:24
Mr writer,I dont see any complications in Dis story as purported, pls don't stop OK cos some of us are really enjoying it n also following it keenly,,,kudos!!!
16 Jul 2018 | 12:44
Following... Bumper to bumper
16 Jul 2018 | 16:07
DEEP SECRETS Episode 24 . . . .12:59 pm, Marcus Villa The Bentley Bentayga conveying Stella cruised into the grand hotel and parked. Already in a room next to the one Stella booked, Eve, Stanley and their squad waited. Stella made her way into her room, undressed quickly and tucked her clothes into the wardrobe neatly. Her heart was beating fast; she knew she could die trying to help catch Baribote. After the night she found out how Baribote had stolen a sex video from her and sent a man to kill her before her husband stopped him, she swore to pay him back. She was not going to agree to help, until she found out the truth at the Helmsman’s holding house. Eve and Stanley had left her tied to an arm chair for much of the night, fearing she would kill herself if she was let lose. But when she made up her mind to fight back, she banished the thought of killing herself. She was the one who actually came up with the idea about how to lure Baribote to a trap. Working like an ant, she applied small doses of a poisonous substance on her breasts, finger and stomach, and lay herself on the bed wearing only a pant and then waited. About ten minutes later Baribote knocked on the door to her hotel room and gently pushed it open. She had told him she would leave the door open for him. Seeing she was already unclad and waiting for him, Baribote shut the door and sashayed toward her as the sex maniac in him took over. “You look better than the last time I saw you naked,” he said before planting his lips on hers, his tongue wandering about in her mouth with feverish intensity. Minutes later he was breathing heavily and hurrying to go into her. Stella maneuvered him and offered him her breasts to suck, “You don’t have to rush it, we have the whole day together don’t we?” Baribote grabbed her breasts and pushed them into his mouth. Stella wasn’t done yet, she wanted much of the poison into his system, and so she dug her poisoned left fingers into his mouth and the foolish chief began to lick them. When Baribote made for her thighs, she offered him her stomach and asked him to lick them. He didn’t refuse. He was ready to do anything just to get into her. Confident that he had swallowed much of the poison, Stella pushed him aside and made a dash for the bathroom. Baribote wasn’t done yet, like a tiger he grabbed her and flung her violently on the bed. Stella was surprised by his strength. She could tell the poison hadn’t kicked in yet. She was determined not to let him have his way and so she started a fight. Sadly, she was no match for the chief. He slapped her across the face, tearing her skin. Stella yelled in pain, and Eve who listening from the other room almost busted in with her gun in hand. Stella tried to poke her fingers into his eyes, but he saw that coming and ducked. Like a beast, he turned and landed punches on Stella’s stomach. The impact of the punches left Stella gasping for breath. She could no longer fight back. Seeing he had overcome her, Baribote ripped off her pant and made to go into her. Without warning, he fell off her and hit the tiled floor with a cracking thud. By letting Stella engage him in a fight, his heart had begun to pump blood faster and therefore spread the poison throughout his body. Stella managed to drag herself off the beg and reached for her phone. She dialed Eve and told him that Baribote had gone down. She was bleeding from the face and her stomach was churning terribly. She had to crawl on her feet to the door and unlocked it. In a jiffy Eve, Stanley and their men stormed into the room. When Eve saw how badly beaten up Stella was. She ran over to were Baribote lay on the floor, sat on him and began to tear up his face with the butt of her gun. The Helmsman and Stanley had to pull Eve up from Baribote. Quickly Stanly gave him a shot of an antidote to reduce the effect of the poison. Eve had to help Stella into the bathroom, cleaned her up and helped her into her clothes. Outside Annabel and her team kept watch just in case they were to be surprised. Inside the room upstairs, Stanley lifted Baribote into a seat and tied him to it. Minutes later he began to recover. He was shocked to see Eve and Stanley standing in the room. He looked from Stella who had dressed up and had been patched up to the others. “So it was an ambush?” he asked Stella. “What do you expect when you steal a sex video from me, send a man to kill me and sent a video of you and I in bed to my husband?” Stella replied. “You should not have messed up with me. I am a powerful man and very ruthless. I am going to make sure I behead every one of you when I get out of here. If you untie me now and let me go, I am going to forget that this ever happened.” “Sorry Chief Baribote, you are not in the position to make such threats. You have been poisoned with a lethal poison. If you don’t get an antidote shot in the next thirty minutes, you are going to start bleeding from the mouth, nose and eyes. You see, you are a dead man walking. How do you think we got you? While you were busy sucking and licking breasts, you were actually ingesting death,” Stanley said mockingly. Baribote was stuck dumb. In a bid to wriggle out of his fix, he boasted, “I came here with enough men to take all of you down. If I don’t get out of here in the next thirty minutes, they have my orders to come in with their guns blazing.” Eve who was controlling herself not to shoot the Chief point blank moved over and gave him a deafening slap to the face and said, “Stop bluffing, we were here before you arrived. You came with only five men and we have already poisoned every one of them. You are alone and you are going to die here. Now tell me who made the videos, where are they and who hired Leroy to shoot I and my husband?” 02:06 pm, Port Harcourt Nigeria Lizzy and her younger brother drag her bags into a Toyota SUV. Her children were happy to see their uncle. Lizzy had asked him to bring along some security while coming to pick her up at the airport. Their presence gave her some assurance. “Did you tell anyone I was coming?” Lizzy asked. “No,” replied her brother, Austin. “Good.” Not much was said between Lizzy and her brother on the drive home. When they arrived at her brother’s simple home in GRA, Lizzy felt like a ton of weight had been lifted off her shoulder. Her brother’s domestic assistants were on hand to take her light luggage inside. The security officers who had accompanied them home could not take their eyes off her. She felt good about that. After three children, I could still turn the heads of men in my direction, she thought. Though love was the farthest thing on her mind, she still loved it when men ogle at her. She knew she had a great body and loved it when men take notice of it. Upstairs she took pain to go through her stuff which her brother had brought home from Steve’s house. Austin stood beside her while Lizzy’s children tried to climb up his body like a tree. They loved Austin like air. “I brought everything you asked for, you don’t have to worry,” Austin said, having noticed how her eyes ran frantically over the loads he had brought home from Steve’s house. “I it is new life for me from now on. Phew! I just came out of the valley of shadow and death. Is any of your friends looking for a baby mama to love? I am up for it,” Lizzy said jokingly. “What is going on? You just can leave your matrimonial home without letting anyone know what happened. How did your children end up in Ghana? Where is Steve. Why are you leaving him?” “I don’t want to talk about it now.” “Maybe you should talk about it now. When my men moved your stuff away from Steve’s house, they were followed from Lagos down to Port Harcourt. I have been calling Steve for days and he just won’t take my calls…” Austin walked over to a closet, opened it and removed a brown envelope and tossed it at Lizzy. “Someone mailed this to me,” he continued. The sight of the green envelope alone made Lizzy to tremble. Her eyes moistened and she began to pant. Austin was shocked to see his sister react that way. He took her in his arms and held her firmly. “No one else has seen what is in the envelope, you don’t have to be afraid,” Austin whispered into her ears. Lizzy’s children stood wondering why their mother was shedding tears. “Austin, send your domestic assistants to look after my children, we have to talk now,” Lizzy said and dug into the envelope to see what it contained. 02: 59 pm, Mayo’s Secret house In the living room upstairs, Bimpe, Mayo and Mr. Femi sat. They were in a meeting to end their impasse. Bimpe hit the floor on both knees and pleaded, “Femi, I am very sorry for the things I have done. I already know our marriage is over, and I won’t bug you about that. You deserve better. I pray you will find a woman who will love you the way I could not. All I am asking you to do is to call off the assassins you sent to kill me. Please call them off.” Femi said nothing. He only stared at her with burning hatred in his eyes. After what seemed like eternity, he spoke up, “There is only one thing which would make me forget what you did, and that is to watch you die painfully and slowly. Do you have an idea of what you did to me? Four children and none of them is mine! You have slept with every man in this city and made videos of them! How do you want me to forgive you? If you don’t want me to kill you, then leave this city. Leave this nation and never come back. If you refuse to leave, I will find you somehow and I will kill you. I just won’t kill you, I will watch you die slowly. That is a promise! As for you Mayo, you can have all the voodoo in the world but if I get out of this place alive, I will find a way to kill you. I will sell my soul to Satan just to kill you. I will cut out your testicles and feed them to dogs. You have a wife don’t you? Hell will shudder at what I will do to her and your children. This is also a promise.” There was silence in the room. Mayo and Bimpe had not expected Femi to react the way he did. They had thought he would be scared after what Mayo had done to him. Mayo stood to his feet, tapped Bimpe on the shoulder and said, “Come with me.” Bimpe stood up from the floor and left the living room with him. Away from the living room, Mayo said, “He has made his choice. Now it is either we kill him or he kills us. I am going right back into that room to finish him off.” Bimpe stepped closer to Mayo and stood before him shoulder to shoulder. “If you want to kill my husband then you will have to go through me! When you were f***ing me night and day you should have known I had a husband! I swear by God, if you lay a finger on my husband, I will cut out your testicles and hand them to him right here!” Mayo moved his face into Bimpe’s face as though he was going to kiss her and whispered, “When you begged for my penis, you should have known you had a husband. Stop acting righteously. If we don’t kill him now, he is going to kill us.” “I didn’t beg for your stupid prick. You used your voodoo to turn me into this. I wasn’t always like this. If my husband wants to kill me, allow him to try. I am not going to watch you kill him. I have already done enough evil and my husband’s blood is just one more evil I don’t want on my hands.” “Fine, but if he comes after me, I will return the favour with all that I have.” Story continues...
16 Jul 2018 | 16:45
bimpe things have really gone bad
16 Jul 2018 | 17:44
Thumbs up!!! Legit story
17 Jul 2018 | 08:50
Next pls
17 Jul 2018 | 10:37
evil that men do
17 Jul 2018 | 11:34
Everyone is seriously abt killing one another, so we will remain? next plss
17 Jul 2018 | 14:46
ride on
17 Jul 2018 | 16:22
is like the whole city is having their own deep secrets.... evil deeds here and there. what were the friends thinking making sex and even have the gut to record it as video
17 Jul 2018 | 19:25
Speechless!!! Following
17 Jul 2018 | 23:19
DEEP SECRETS Episode 25 . . . 01:45 pm, Marcus Villa Stanley and Eve were off the leash. They hardly get angry at the same time, but in this occasion, they were both breathing fire. The Helmsman tried to stop Stanley but the dude was too slippery for him. A few punches from Stanley to Baribote’s face left it disfigured and torn open. “You are not in the position to make threats here! Answer her questions! Who shot us? Who made the videos? I want answers now!” Stanley yelled. Baribote didn’t budge. Through his bloodied eyes he stared coldly at Stanley. No one saw it coming, Stanley was too fast. He pulled out the jackknife in his back pocket and plunged into Baribote’s thigh, missing his testicles by inches. Stanley held down the jackknife and twisted it; causing Baribote mind-snapping pain. “Are you ready to talk now Chief?” Stanley asked. Baribote’s mind was snapping. He could not utter a word. All he could do was nod his head indicating he would talk. Stanley pulled out the jackknife and arterial blood fountained up. The Helmsman had to apply a towel on the injury and asked for help. They spent the next few minutes trying to patch up Baribote. Stanley had cut through a major artery, without major medical care Chief Baribote was as good as dead. Eager to extract from him as much information as possible, Stanley pressed him for answers, “You are going to die here Chief. Start talking if you want to live. Who had us shot? Who made the videos?” “I paid for the videos to be made. I had support from Julia Idris and Elizabeth Sekwa. There were a few top politicians who knew about the plan, but played very minor roles. Their only interests were to use the videos to destroy their political opponents who are in the videos. You don’t want to bother about them. Emilia was the person who executed the plan. She had Steve and Bimpe wire Mayo’s house with video cameras. Steve and Bimpe have been part of the plan after the meeting in Ghana. Mayo was told about the videos but he did not support it. His interest was to keep the orgies going on in his fun house for his personal benefits…” Chief Baribote explained. Stanley was eager to find out what he meant by Mayo’s ‘personal benefits’. “What do you mean by Mayo’s personal interests?” he asked. “The orgies in Mayo’s fun house were a form of sacrificial worship. If you have been a part of it, you need help. Those students who die there during sexual intercourse don’t die by accident. Mayo chooses who dies before each nude party would begin. The sacrifices make him powerful and rich. Mayo, Steve and Bimpe all knew you and Eve were going to be killed long before we sent the assassin after you. I spoke with Bimpe on your wedding day to know if to move the attack to another day and she said no. She and Emilia had it all planned out,” Baribote explained further. Eve and Stanley felt their ears tingle at that revelation. While Eve and Stanley planned their wedding, all their friends were supportive of them. They gave money and bought loads of gifts for them. Bimpe alone gave them six thousand dollars in cash. Mayo and Steve gave equally generously to them. There was not a hit in their attitude that they were part of a plan to kill them on their wedding day. Though they had heard it from Sekibo and Leroy, Eve still wanted to hear from Baribote why they were shot. “I still don’t get it, why shoot I and Stanley when we knew nothing about the videos?” Baribote was shocked to hear that from Eve. Though he was going through nerve racking pain, he could not help express dismay at Eve’s claim. “What do you mean by you know nothing about the videos? The man Steve killed at the nightclub sent you the videos, did he not? The two of you were shot because the military trained squad working for Billy Sekwa were inches close to finding the original copies of the videos. Somehow the videos took wings and flew. The man who was killed at the nightclub hijacked them and sent them straight to you, Eve. I have the DHL document showing you received the videos. The document has your signature on it.” Baribote paused to regain some strength he was bleeding to death slowly. The room was eerily silent over his claim that Eve had the videos. Not even Eve could move a limb. Stanley and all those in the room turned and looked at her in disbelieve. Eve was an open hearted lady who could not hide a lie. She was in shock over Baribote’s claim. She could swear on her life that she did not receive the videos or signed any document for receiving them. However, Baribote’s claim were heavy. She just did not know how to defend herself. All she could do was let tears run freely from her eyes. She turned to Stanley, shook her head and said, “Baby he is lying, I did not receive any videos from anyone.” Stanley did not doubt her; he knew she was the type to tell the truth even if it would hurt her. He turned to Baribote and yelled with his gun pointed at him, “Eve does not have the videos! Why are you feeding us lies?!” “I swear by God; I have the document. It has her signature and name on it,” Baribote insisted. “How do you know it’s her signature chief? I have to see the document now,” the Helmsman pointed out. “It is in a safe in my office.” “Eve, I think someone forged your signature and took the videos. The question now is, who did?” Stanley conjectured. While they all pondered the twist, the Helmsman’s phone rang. It was Annabel calling, “Hello Annabel,” said the Helmsman. “Steve is here. A taxi just drove him into Marcus Villa.” “Thanks Anna, please make sure he doesn’t escape from here alive if he by any chance escapes us,” the Helmsman said. His voice made everyone to wonder who he was referring to. “Who was that?” Eve asked. “Steve is here and I think Baribote knows why,” the Helmsman replied. “He is here to give me a document he took from the man he killed at the nightclub. My plan was to nail Emilia with the document. Mayo told me that she is about to sell me out to wriggle out of this mess. They already know you and Stanley are in the street investigating this case.” The Helmsman was well trained to handle such situations. He quickly had his men leave the room and took vantage positions outside to shoot even a shadow bearing semblance with Steve. He opened his knapsack, removed a small bottle of cocaine and blended it with water. He drew a sizeable amount of the substance with a syringe and injected it into Baribote’s arm. With the crack in his system, he would certainly get enough adrenalin to stand to his feet and walk. While they dressed Baribote up, his phone rang. It was Steve. With a gun to his head, Stanley asked him to pick the call and tell Steve to come to his hotel room. With the coke surging through his blood, Baribote spoke without a hint of pain in his voice. “Steve, I am in room 309. I am waiting. I hope you were not followed. I have some security guards outside my room, don’t shoot them please.” Baribote was not asked to mention the guards outside, but he knew that Steve would be spooked out the moment he saw them. Baribote was that good. It was what he had been doing for some time in politics. The helmsman had to thank him for that even though he was going to kill him after questioning him. Stanley went into the wardrobe and hid, while Eve and the helmsman went into the bathroom. One of the ladies the Helmsman brought along, undressed down to her undies and jumped on the bed to give the impression that she was the one keeping Baribote busy in the hotel room. Stanley had left her an order to plunge a knife into his neck if he so much as wink at Steve to give him a hint of what was going on. A knock was heard on the door and Baribote bellowed, “Come in boy!” “Steve walked into the room and his eyes went straight to the unclad lady on the bed. The lady had heard so much about how randy Steve and his friends were, following her instincts without a thought, she spread her legs wide and seductively began to pull off her underwear with one hand, while the other held a pistol under the pillow. Steve was gone. “Chief, is she for me?” he asked, fighting hard to resist the lust which swooshed over him. “Where is the document?” Baribote asked. With his eyes still fixed on the lady on the bed, Steve rummaged in his bag for the document. Muffled gunshots were heard and Steve hit the floor. Stanley had to disarm him by shooting at his knees. The lady on the bed sprang on Steve making sure he did not reach for his gun. The helmsman and Eve leapt out of the bathroom and pinned him to the floor. Steve could not believe his eyes. While he cried in pain, he looked from Baribote to Eve. Stanley pushed the glass door of the wardrobe and came out. When he saw Stanley, he knew he had walked into an ambush. 3: 19 pm, Lizzy’s Brother’s House, Port Harcourt Lizzy was in tears as she explained her ordeal to her brother. “I have a video of the sort of life he lives. All these years I did not know who he was. Whoever sent you these photos was after him for the things he did to him or her. I was kidnapped for days and was made to pose nude with men I did not know. Before then, they had sent a nude picture of me to Steve. I took the picture in South Africa, how they got the picture is still a mystery to me. I shudder when I think about what they might do with my nude pictures which they have,” Lizzy explained. “I would like to see the videos you are talking about. On the other hand, I think you are not safe yet. I may have to move you out of the country. If the two of you were chased around by gun men for days, then you have to go under. Sadly, they have already found me and might know you are in Port Harcourt now,” Austin, Lizzy’s brother said. He stood up and made a few calls. He had contacts in the army. He would use them to protect his sister. “Even in Ghana, we were followed. Whoever Steve offended must be very powerful,” Lizzy said. “I don’t care about Steve now. He can rot in hell for all I care. You are the children are my concern.” Story continues...
18 Jul 2018 | 02:26
Lovin it....... Continue
18 Jul 2018 | 04:10
mr @sheegokeys,,,, am I also a ghost reader? y did I not get episode 22?
18 Jul 2018 | 06:54
hmmmmmm,,,, all dis dia secrets dat are springing out every minutes are just leaving me speechless,,,,, how can pple dat call demselves frnds be dis evil and heartless
18 Jul 2018 | 07:27
still following
18 Jul 2018 | 08:29
Lizzy be safe, let's get to the bottom of the matter
18 Jul 2018 | 09:02
Lizzy u need to follow your. brother advice
18 Jul 2018 | 10:02
More secrets are coming out...many things are happening in the secret,in that same secret another secret was led out
18 Jul 2018 | 11:59
Steve and bimpe were so into this...they wanted their friends to die on their wedding day...they still have some pity 4 their families
18 Jul 2018 | 12:06
Stanley and eve are not smiling this time...this is a revenge mission to bring them down that wanted them down on their wedding day
18 Jul 2018 | 12:10
Stella,clara and chucks has to join the revenge mission with their groups...stella has got no heart 4 all she did in the past
18 Jul 2018 | 12:15
Stella must have being led by bayo charms...she wanna harm herself whenever she remembers all that she has done in the past
18 Jul 2018 | 12:20
Anabel is part of this revenge group...bimpe and stella's husband are not smiling...whenever bimpe's husband remembers that he has no child,HE BECAME BLOODY
18 Jul 2018 | 12:27
Lizzy is looking 4 a way out of all these with her brother by her side....Emilia did work together with the political one's and steve and bimpe...bayo is like the devil
18 Jul 2018 | 12:35
this story just keeps getting complicated
18 Jul 2018 | 13:30
more secrets revealed
18 Jul 2018 | 15:00
DEEP SECRETS Episode 26 . . . 02:35 pm, Marcus Villa Stella who had left the hotel room with the guards, returned to take up the task of patching up Steve’s shattered knees. Her presence did not offer comfort at all to Steve. He could tell a lot had already happened before they found him. Stella did her best to avoid eye contact with him. Besides Mayo, he was her next best sex partner. While Stella worked on his knees, Steve whispered through pain, “So you are part of this?” “So you planned to kill Eve and Stanley to cover up your sins. What gives you the moral strength to question me for being here?” Stella shot back at him. Steve’s mind game was not going to work on her. That much he could see. When Stella was done, they began to question Steve. To their surprise, Steve did not deny any of the claims Sekibo, Leroy and Baribote made about him. “I am not going to lie my way out of this. I did all that. I know you can’t figure out why I would do such things, but I did them. I don’t know if tendering an apology would mean anything to you. I am sorry, Eve,” Steve said. The way he spoke, it was clear he had already given up on life. While he blabbed, Stanley and the Helmsman took their time to study the document which he had brought for Baribote. The document contained graphic details about the plan to make the videos. It detailed who would be in the videos and how to cover them up in case they caused a public outcry. It also showed a secret plan by Emilia to sell the videos to some Americans. That deal was meant to fetch her about twenty-five thousand dollars. It was obvious, Jimmy, Maxwell’s half-brother, who was killed in the nightclub put together the information which was in the document. He was part of the plan to make the videos and had begun to gather the information to make extra money by the side. He knew the people that would be in the videos, and was certain that they would pay a fortune to know who made the videos and where the videos were. The guy was thorough. He explained in details how Bimpe and Steve wired Mayo’s house with video cameras, how much Emilia paid for that. He left no detail out. There were also some details in the document which suggested he was the one who drove Billy Sekwa’s granddaughter, Marion, to the nude party the night Billy Sekwa slept with her. His account did not leave out Julia Idris and Elizabeth Sekwa. How much they committed into the project was clearly stated in the document. Stanley liked the bit of details which showed how Julia Idris took part in the making of the videos. He knew making the document public would destroy her. Stanley thought fast as he skimmed through the document. To destroy those who made the document, he won’t even have to go after some of them bearing a gun. All he had to do was send the document to Billy Sekwa, the governors, the ministers and the celebrities who were tricked into Mayo’s nude parties where the videos were recorded. The revelation in the document would lead to a bloodcurdling killing spree. As for Elizabeth Sekwa, Stanley knew that with that document mailed to her father Billy, she would be slaughtered the next day or go on the run the rest of her life if she would manage to escape her father’s murderous rage. There was still a bit of information to find out. Stanley wanted to know if Steve knew who the man he killed in the nightclub was. Only he and Eve knew that Jimmy was Maxwell’s half-brother. “You killed a man in a nightclub to get this document. Are you aware who he was?” Stanley asked. The answer Steve provided was unexpected. “I did not kill him; some else did.” Even Baribote was shocked to hear that. “But you told me you took care of the job. You told Emilia the same thing. You killed the man!” Baribote echoed in surprise. “I did not kill the man. He was in the throes of death when I met him in the restroom. I only had to search him and found on him some information which led me to the hotel he lodged in. I found that document in his hotel room. I did not kill him,” Steve explained, with his strength failing rapidly. The gun wounds on his knees were bleeding him dry. “Who killed him then?” Eve asked. “Whoever killed him was in the nightclub that night to meet with him for the information he had. It wasn’t Leroy either, I was there before him. Whoever killed him was someone he already knew. I looked into his death and found out from some people in the club that night that he was with a man for over an hour before he was shot. Whoever was with him that night killed him. No gunshots were heard and he was shot at close range, seven times…” Steve said with his voice fading away. “He is dying,” Stella observed. The Helmsman made haste and gave him a shot in the arm to revive him. He followed that up and with two extra injections on his knees to kill pains. They applied more makeshift bandages to his knees and bundled him and Baribote out of the hotel, flagging their fake police identities to keep the hotel management from calling the police. When they made it out of the hotel, Annabel and her team gave them some cover. In a little over 45 minutes, they arrived at the Helmsman holding house. Dr. Larry was already waiting for them along with his two colleagues. They took custody of Steve and Baribote and wheeled them into a room furnished with medical equipment to treat them. In the days which followed, Stanley, Eve, Annabel, Chucks, Clara, Stella, the Helmsman and his men met severally to fashion out how to bring down Emilia, Mayo, Bimpe, Julia Idris and Elizabeth Sekwa. In their meetings they decided to kill Leroy and Sekibo. The Helmsman made a light work of killing them by injecting each of them with 100mg of conium. Their bodies were taken out of the city and sunk into the ocean. They kept Baribote and Steve alive just in case they need them for the tasks ahead. 03: 23 pm, Mayo’s Secret House Bimpe walked into the room where Femi and his concubine, Linda, were and asked him to leave. “We brought you here to save you from the assassins Maxwell sent after you. I think they are off your trail by now,” she said and left, leaving the door wide open for him. Femi took Linda’s hand and led her out of the room. Outside the house, his driver was already waiting for him. There was no sign of Mayo. Femi and his mistress wasted no time to get away from the house. On the balcony upstairs, Bimpe stood and watched her husband driven away. As the vehicle disappeared out of sight, Bimpe made a call to some hitman, “Hello, it is Bimpe, my husband just drove off the house. He is in an ash Toyota Highlander, follow him. Please make him disappear. I think Mayo will be watching him closely, so make sure his death looks real.” “With what we have planned, the world will believe he died for real. Go prepare a funeral speech for him,” a husky male voice said over the phone. As soon as Bimpe dropped the call, she placed another call to some other guy, “Are the pigs ready?” she asked. “We have all twelve of them, ma,” a lady replied. “Move them to the fun house. I hope the men are with you,” she inquired. “They can’t wait to do this ma. I am the one delaying them.” “Have them offer the twelve pigs on the alter. Do it as quickly as you can and get out.” “Consider it done ma.” Bimpe made one more call, this time to Mayo. “Mayo, I am making use of the fun house this afternoon. I have fresh girls I want to ship out to Italy. I thought you should know,” Bimpe said, covering her real intention with lies. “Would I get to taste a few of them before you ship them out?” Mayo inquired jokingly. “If you want to f**k the whole of them, I can send them over to you,” Bimpe said as an idea occurred to her. “Mayo, in which hotel would be tonight?” she asked. “Do you need me? I thought you were morning your broken marriage.” “I have some fresh girls for you. They are one of the most honey ladies you will ever see. However, they have not really been banged hard. I can’t think of a better person to do the job. Should I send them over?” She asked, hoping Mayo would take the bait. “For heaven’s sake, what are you waiting for? Send them right away, I will be at Eden Crest Suits! I will like to start this afternoon. Send them early. How many are they?” he asked, sounding excited. Bimpe was happy he took the bait. “I will send you three.” “Send them now!” Bimpe dropped the call and dialed back the lady she sent to offer pigs in Mayo’s fun house. “I want you to perform autri on three ladies with the blood of the pigs. When you are done send them to me,” she instructed. “Okay madam.” 03:58 pm, Emilia’s House Emilia was in the kitchen, it has been long since she cooked, she had a young man she recently met on Facebook to entertain, and for that reason went into the kitchen to fix him a meal. The young had spent days with her, giving his strength to her in bed. He had fallen for her sexy body and enhanced breasts. She being a mistress of lust, she knew how to keep the young man hooked to her body. She wore a see through top which barely covered her buttocks and wore no undies. She would often bend over to show off her vital parts to her new catch who stood by the kitchen door watching her. “Have you done it in the kitchen before,” she asked, pressing her supple, nubile body against the young man. The young man would use a break from the frequent sex they had, but did not know her to turn her down. “I really haven’t, but can it wait till I have had something to eat?” he asked, with a plastic smile on his face. “It is better when you are cooking, I did it several times some years ago,” she said removing the guy’s boxer shot. Just then her phone rang. It was Billy Sekwa. She sighed and went to pick her phone which was lying on the kitchen slab. The young man was happy and pulled up his boxer shot and sneaked out of the kitchen. “Hello Billy, what’s going on?” she asked. “I think I know who made the videos, I am putting together a squad to pay them back for what they did to me,” Billy said. Emilia’s heart pounded heavily as she wondered what Billy might know. Story continues... .
18 Jul 2018 | 15:39
twisted and complicated
18 Jul 2018 | 16:57
very much interested
18 Jul 2018 | 17:46
hmmmmmm,,,, all dis dia secrets dat are springing out every minutes are just leaving me speechless,,,,, how can pple dat call demselves frnds be dis evil and heartless
This is not call friendship at all it is call bunch of fools walking together
18 Jul 2018 | 17:53
what next
18 Jul 2018 | 18:44
What a terrible life style, repentance is far from u all.
18 Jul 2018 | 19:28
Don't even know wot to say... Nice job writer, thumbs up for u... Following
19 Jul 2018 | 00:14
Loving it more
19 Jul 2018 | 01:18
Getting more interesting
19 Jul 2018 | 01:20
secrets are not made to be covered for ever
19 Jul 2018 | 04:20
DEEP SECRETS Episode 27 . . . Four Hours Earlier, The Ark Restaurant Chucks and his private detective arrived at the restaurant in a Hyundai Accent. Armed men in black suits were already waiting for them. Chucks was carrying a brown leather bag which he held unto firmly. The private detective followed him, his eyes darting about and his right hand on his gun. The armed men in black moved in numbers and circled them. “Are you Chucks?” one of them asked. “Yes, I am,” Chucks replied with his hand on his gun. “Come with us,” the man said. Still forming a wall with their bodies around chucks and the detective, the men in black led them into the restaurant building. Once inside, more armed guards in black suits, moved toward the door and barricaded it with their bodies. Chucks and the detective were led upstairs. In a corner of the grand, exclusive restaurant was Billy Sekwa. Some distance closer to Billy, Chucks and the detective were stopped and armed men formed an arc around them. “I want to hear what you have got, Chucks,” Billy Sekwa’s baritone voice thundered. “You don’t just want to hear it; you want to read it. I have it all documented,” Chucks said as he tried to open his bag. The sound of guns being cocked, filled the air as Billy’s men pointed their guns at Chucks and the detective. Both men raised their hands in the air. “Billy, I am not here to kill you. If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t have come here myself…” turning to one of the guards, Chucks handed him the leather bag and said, “Give Billy what is inside.” The guard opened the bag and removed a file. He walked across the large restaurant and handed the document to Billy. “The information that file contains all you need to know about the videos and who made them,” Chucks replied. Billy opened the file and began to skim through while his men pointed their guns at Chucks and the detective. A few minutes later, Billy looked up at Chucks in disbelief and waved at him to come closer. His men lowered their guns and stepped back. Chucks and the detective walked over to the table were Billy sat. “How did you get this document?” Billy asked still looking stunned. “The man who was killed at the nightclub prepared it. He was part of the plan from the beginning. We believe he was killed for this.” “So my daughter set me up for this?” Billy wondered aloud with his mouth wide open. “Speaking of the man who was killed at the nightclub, I think Maxwell might be behind his death,” Billy continued. “Why did you say that? Chucks asked. “I know the owner of the nightclub. He is like a boy to me. He said Maxwell was in the club alone that night and met with the man. If you had not brought me this document sooner, I would have sanctioned a hit against Maxwell’s daughter, Annabel, and all her brothers and sisters. Before now, I was of the opinion that Maxwell was working covertly with Julia Idris while pretending to be a friend.” “We will look into the possibility of Maxwell being the one who killed the man at the nightclub. But for now there are some things you need to know. Emilia as you have read there is your arch enemy, Baribote paid her to bring you down…” “Where is Baribote now?” “Don’t bother about him, he is a dead man. You have to act fast and make use of the information you have here against Julia Idris, the governors and the ministers working with her. We have evidence that some of your private guards are double agents. They are working for your daughter and Emilia. If they find out what you know now, they are going to use the double agents to kill you.” Billy Sekwa was shaken by that piece of information. “Which of them?” he asked removing his gun from its holster. “We don’t know which one. However, you can deliberately pass them different bits of wrong information and wait to know which of them would spill what you told them.” “Hold on,” Billy said and began to place a call immediately to his chief hitman. “Hello Pete, I am changing targets. Forget the Maxwells, they are not the ones. Shift your focus to my daughter Elizabeth and Emilia.” “Okay sir,” Pete said and dropped the call to climb back on Elizabeth who was naked with him in the bed. “Who was that?” Elizabeth asked. “It was your father.” “Who does he want you to kill this time?” “If I tell you, you would stop making love to me. When we are done, I will tell you,” Pete said, forcing himself into her like a man in the act of a rape. Elizabeth did not mind. She was full of lust just like her father. The abuses she suffered in the past had left her bent and twisted. She held unto Pete, crying out for more of his violent thrusts. Back at the Ark Restaurant, Billy invited one of his trusted guards and whispered to him, “Do you know where Pete is at the moment?” “I think I have a pretty good idea where he is sir,” the guard said. “Good. I want you to go to him now. If you find him with my daughter, kill both of them. If you find him alone, bring him here. I also want you to send some men to Emilia, I want her dead.” The guard left. Turning to Chucks and the detective, Billy said, “Since I don’t have much time to live, let me make the best use of the little I have. It is time to bring down Julia Idris and the people who did this to me. Make sure you don’t miss it. Tonight, the holy and righteous Julia Idris will become public Enemy number one. I already have a lot of dirt on her, with what you just gave me, I will bury her alive.” He began to walk away and suddenly stopped. “Are you aware that our current president is not Julia Idris’ husband?” Billy asked. “Why would you say that sir?” the detective asked. “Young man, if you want, I will take you to her husband’s grave. The president is Julia Idris’ uncle. Julia killed her husband and married her uncle for power. She did not remove me from power because I was corrupt, she simply wanted power. All she does are based on what her witch doctors tell her. Hahahaha! Tonight, not even a thousand witch doctors can’t save her.” Parking Lot, The Ark Restaurant When Chucks and the detective made it back to their Hyundai, Chucks placed a call to Stanley, “Stanley, Billy is on it. He already has dirt on Julia Idris. He will add what we have given him to the secrets he has about her and blow it in her face. All the governors and the ministers who conspired with Julia to bring him down are going to fall to night. His killing squad are already on the move.” “Good job Chucks. I think it is time for us to take a back seat and watch the show. Return here as quickly as you can.” “Something came up while I was speaking with Billy. He said it was Maxwell who killed the man at the nightclub. You might want to let Annabel know about it.” “Okay Chucks.” Stanley was shocked by that piece of information. He knew that Jimmy, the man who was killed at the nightclub, was Maxwell’s half-brother. Why would Maxwell kill his brother? Chucks thought as he looked for Eve to break the news to her. “Babe, what is it? You look shell shocked,” Eve asked. “Maxwell killed Jimmy at the nightclub.” Eve took steps backward and covered her mouth in shock. She stepped closer and whispered, “Could he have known he was his half-brother?” “We can’t tell. But he killed him nonetheless. Maybe he killed him because of the videos. You know, Jimmy was part of it.” Eve shook her head showing she did not agree with him, “I think Maxwell killed him for much more reason than that. Look, this guy is in the center of every secret unfolding right now. He died for much more than the videos.” Stanley’s phone rang. The caller was an unknown number. Stanley wondered if to take it. Eve motioned for him to take the call. “Hello, who is this?” he asked. “Stanley, I don’t want you to tell Annabel what Chucks just told you over the phone about Maxwell. Leave me to handle that,” and elderly female voice said. Stanley was shocked to his bones. How could someone have known about what Chucks told me minutes ago? He thought. He could tell his phone had been bugged. “Who are you?” Stanley asked. “I am Idara Maxwell,” the elderly female voice replied. “I don’t know any Idara Maxwell.” “You are not meant to. Come over to my house right away, I can help you finish off this case.” The phone line went dead. As Stanley tried to explain to Eve what was going on, the Helmsman walked into the room with three heavily armed men. Neither Stanley nor Eve had seen the three men before. That moment, Stanley knew the Helmsman was working for Idara Maxwell. “Did an old lady invite you to her house?” the Helmsman asked. Stanley nodded. “Come, you and Eve, let’s go honour that invitation,” he continued. Both Eve and Stanley were taken out of the house through the back door to go see the mysterious Idara Maxwell. 4:30 pm, Mayo’s Fun House The enchantress hired by Bimpe to offer the twelve pigs and to perform autri on three girls was working at lightning speed. On the altar were the twelve pigs, all tied up. The enchantress removed all her clothes and picked a long razor sharp knife; ascending the seven steps which led to the altar she began to make incantations in an inaudible voice. All the pigs began to squeak loudly as if an invisible force was squeezing them to death. When the enchantress had reached the altar, she turned to two of the men who had come with her and beckoned on them. They were both without their clothes on. They climbed the steps with amazing difficult, struggling to make each step. In their hands were the same kind of knife the enchantress had. On the altar the squeaking of the pigs was at feverish point by now. When the two men got to the enchantress, they began to touch her indecently. She did not resist them, rather she gave herself to them. Amazingly the pigs stopped squeaking and a surreal swoosh of sexual lust began to fill the small temple. The enchantress did her best to endure the amorous touch of the men. When the lust had so much filled the little temple that even the ladies who came with them were moaning as if they were in the act of sex, the enchantress and the two men broke into occult chants and turned on the pigs with the knives in their hands and began to slaughter them. Much like in movies, horned, monstrous, small, winged demonic beasts began to bust out of the altar ripping everything in their path apart. The three ladies Bimpe instructed to be prepared for Mayo walked toward the altar and began to bathe with the blood of the pigs flowing down from the altar. It was a creepy, horrifying sight. AS the ladies washed their bodies with the blood of the pigs, the enchantress and the two men staggered down from the altar, looking drained. She set a native pot on the first step to the altar and stepped back as though she was afraid of what would come out of it. In just seconds a thick black smoke belched out of the pot and enveloped the three naked ladies bathing with blood. When the smoke lifted, the three ladies were on the floor unconscious. The two men lifted them one after another and ran out of the altar to put them into their bus. The enchantress dressed quickly while them men carried the ladies to the bus. The two men had time only to put on their shots. They acted as if they did not run from Mayo’s fun house in that moment, some evil power would take them over. On the drive away from the fun house, the enchantress placed a call to Bimpe. “Hello Bim, why didn’t you tell me Mayo had brought in new spirits. I almost died there. Your money is now twice the amount we agreed.” “Did it work?” Bimpe asked, sounding hysterical. “Yes, but it won’t be long before he finds out what we have done. He joined himself to new spirits. We have to get the girls to him while the ritual is still fresh.” “Take the girls to my private house, I will meet you there,” Bimpe said and dropped the call. She ran downstairs, got into her car and drove off. Fourteen minutes later, she was at her private house where the enchantress and her workers were already waiting for her. They cleaned up the two girls and revived them back to consciousness. “I have a job for the three of you. If you succeed at it, I won’t have you send you to Italy or Malaysia. I will simply settle you with any amount you want,” Bimpe said. The three girls having no memory of what had been done to their bodies looked at each other excitedly. “Madam, I think it will be hard for any man to resist us. If it is just to have sex with a man, we are ready for it,” one of them said. “I am glad to hear that, but this man is no ordinary man. Somethings will happen when he goes into any of you. You must not run. Stay with him until he dies. If he doesn’t die, then you can run. You must run out of his room naked. A car will be waiting for you downstairs. The girls who looked excited a moment earlier, suddenly wore the look of dismay on their faces. “You want money don’t you?” The girls nodded. “Here is your chance to make the money. Now let’s go do this,” Bimped encouraged them. Muttering words unclear to those around her, Bimpe led the girls to her car, two other men joined them and they drove off to supply the girls to Mayo. To be continued! . . Question Mayo or Bimpe? who will go down now? . will Bimpe be able to kill almighty Mayo? or will he get away again through his demonic powers? . . 28 more episodes to go
19 Jul 2018 | 06:27
am loving this let's see if that little drama will work on mayo
19 Jul 2018 | 09:49
I don't think bimpe will be able to bring mayo down
19 Jul 2018 | 10:44
Let see the outcome waiting for the next epic
19 Jul 2018 | 10:46
28????? Bros!!!! I'm following u ooo
19 Jul 2018 | 11:19
this story is becoming diabolic
19 Jul 2018 | 12:34
I think Mayo is supersonic
19 Jul 2018 | 15:15
Time will tell
19 Jul 2018 | 18:17
As to whether Mayo or Bimpe will fall,Mr writer na u sabi oo,abeg make una drop de next episode jhoor!!!
19 Jul 2018 | 18:38
Still waiting for the nxt episode!!!
19 Jul 2018 | 19:03
Is like a match either u win or u lose. But for the moment to predict who will go down first is hard since 2 of them seems to have the same secret and power
20 Jul 2018 | 01:13
DEEP SECRETS Episode 28 . . . 5:45 pm, Eden Crest Suits Mayo was walking around his hotel room without his clothes on. As he paced around, his thigh muscles and biceps pulsated. He had a phone to his ear talking with Bimpe. “Common Bimpe! Why whip up my appetite only to keep me waiting? Where are the girls?” Mayo asked. “Calm down Mayo, we are around. What is your room number?” “24,” he replied as went toward the door. “Okay, we will be there shortly,” Bimpe said with her heart pounding away. Her guess was that Mayo had not yet suspected any foul play. Leading the way, the three ladies followed her to the room. When Mayo heard a knock on the door, he quickly opened, not minding that he was naked. Bimpe walked into the room and ushered the ladies in. Mayo had no time to waste, he pointed at the three ladies to go his massive bed and undress quickly. Bimpe nodded at them to go ahead. She had not planned to hang around a while, but being who she was, the moment she saw Mayo naked and fully roused, she felt a rush down her waist. She tried to leave the room to let the girls do their work, but she just could not resist the lust surging through her. At lightning speed, she began to peel her clothes off. “I thought it was going to be just me and the girls, Bim. What are you doing?” “I just can’t walk away from the sight of you being naked and roused,” she said, dragging Mayo to the floor. “Girls you have to wait for me to have him first,” she continued. The sort of violent, animated sex she had with Mayo left the ladies wondering if both Mayo and Bimpe were humans or beasts. It was more light a fight in a ring. The two of them could not get enough of each other. How Bimpe did not pass out, going by how Mayo was thrusting himself into her was a mystery to the three ladies who sat naked on the bed watching the horror which went on in the room. Just when the three ladies were thinking the shocking act won’t come to a stop, Bimpe moaned like she was going die and passed out momentarily. Breathing like a bull in a fight, Mayo stood up from her and went for the three ladies. They were so scared of him that they stood to their feet on the bed and shrank from him. He was not supposed to still be looking for more sex after what Bimpe had put him through. However, he looked like he was only just beginning. He stood on the edge of the bed and sized up the three naked ladies. Hi eyes dwelt on the dark skinned, curvy one, with a heavy posterior. He jumped on the bed and grabbed her by her hair and pulled her off the bed. The lady yelled in pain, pleading for him to let go of her. When he had shoved the young lady to the floor, he gave her two slaps to the face and shouted, “You are going to either Italy or Malaysia to work as a prostitute, over there they will do worse to you!” The lady stood to her feet and tried to run, he grabbed her by the neck, positioned her the way which suited him and shoved himself into her like a loose train running through a herd of sheep. The lady who must have heard about hell, came to the edge of it, in that instance, and only by God’s mercy did she not sink into it eternally. The power of Mayo inside her was like the strength of a thousand men moving into her at once. She fought to brake lose but he had her pinned down with his very muscular hands. Bimpe who had just revived, watched from the floor expecting Mayo to drop dead any moment, but he continued to ride the lady like a horse, speaking words only permissible in hell. The lady fought hard to break off carving Mayo’s skin with her nails until she became unconscious. Mayo Pushed her aside like he had just cast off a piece of cloth and went for one of the lady on the bed. The lady, afraid of being dragged by her hair readily yielded herself to him. Mayo had no time for foreplay. He went into the girl like he did the other and began to ride her like an old locomotive train. The girl managed to bolt from him and made for the door. The door was securely locked. While she fiddled with it, Mayo grabbed her from the back and continued from where he stopped. The other lady on the bed was so afraid she began to cry at the top of her voice calling for help. Bimpe dragged herself up from the floor, went over to her and punched her to silence. “You will do as I say. If the other two will not kill him, you will. He can’t have me and the three of you and still survive the ritual,” she whispered into the lady’s ear and she nodded in fear. The second lady Mayo was ridding did not last long, when she began to cough terribly, spewing out bloody phlegm from her mouth, Mayo let go of her and turned his attention to the lady on the bed. Bimpe pushed her toward him. When Mayo went into her, he shook and tried to pull himself away from her without success. He fought for what seemed like fifteen minutes to remove himself from her, but he could not. Unknown to Mayo, the three ladies had been taken over by forces which defile his temple and nullify his covenant with hell. On the on other hand, Bimpe did not know that Mayo had made diabolical incision on his male organ before they arrived. His intention was to offer the ladies to his altar. Luckily for both Bimpe and the three ladies, his altar had been defiled. Mayo was desperate to renew his powers having known a big storm was coming his way. While Mayo struggled to break free, he felt something inside of the third lady chewing up his male organ. When he finally pulled away from her, he fell to the ground like a log of wood. He was bleeding from every pore on his skin and from his eyes, nose, mouth and ear. Lying helplessly on the floor, he cried out to Bimpe for help. Bimpe had to a great extent achieved her aim but she was not faring any better. She was not meant to have sex with Mayo on that day, and Mayo was so bent on hurting her that he did not let her know what he had done to himself before they arrived. The occult incision on his male organ was intended to destroy the souls he was to have sex with that day. Unfortunately for Bimpe, she had not taken part in the rituals the three girls went through. She could feel her strength failing rapidly and a monster heat burning her up from within. The three ladies had much better chance at surviving than she did. However, she knew who to run to for help. If she could reach him in time, she just might survive the death which had begun to consume her. There was no time for her and the girls to put on their clothes, they grabbed only their purses and staggered out of the room; the three ladies, littering the floor with blood as they headed out. On the floor, the mighty Mayo lay, fighting with all he had to escape the death which had descended on him. Crawling to where his phone lay, he managed to dial Annabel, when she came on, his voice stuttered, “Mr. Femi… Bimpe’s husband… he… ordered the hit to kill your father. The videos… Bimpe, she signed the… speak to Idara.” He was trying to reveal some secrets to Annabel. The burning sensation in his throat and the pain in his groin were way too much for him to bear. He dropped the phone on the floor while Annabel was still on the line and began to mutter some incantation; doing his best to summon to his aid, the spirits he served. 0 6: 18 pm, Idara Maxwell’s House While Chucks sped back to the Helmsman’s holding house, to tell Eve and Stanley that the Helmsman was working against them; Eve and Stanley were being led blindfolded into Idara’s mansion. Idara who was standing at her balcony upstairs when the Helmsman and his men dragged Eve and Stanley out of their van, had quickly descended to the living room downstairs. Standing at the end of the staircase, she waited with a gun in her hand. Immediately the Helmsman and his men led Eve and Stanley into the living room, she raised her hand and fired two quick shots. A body dropped to the floor and Eve began to cry. Idara brought her pistol to her nose and smelt the gun powder oozing from it. Idara motioned at Eve and asked her to follow her upstairs for a chat, she refused, holding onto Stanley who was lying on the floor. “What is he doing on the floor, I did not shoot him. I only shot that bastard who had been selling off everybody since Maxwell my son died,” Idara said referring to Stanley who was on the floor bleeding. Next to him was the Helmsman with a gaping hole in his head. “He is bleeding! You just killed my husband!” Eve yelled. Springing to her feet, she made a dash toward Idara to bring her down to the floor with a close-line. The sound of gun clicking as they were being cocked quickly, stopped her cold in her track. “Don’t test my patience Eve. It is a virtue I lack exceedingly,” Idara warned. “Go check your husband, I did not shoot him. I shot only that fool over there,” she continued. Eve aimed a kick at Stanley to prove to Idara that she had killed him. Stanley stirred and sat up. He had landed awkwardly with his head when a bullet grazed his arm before lodging into the Helmsman lungs. “In over thirty years, I have never shot and killed the wrong person. I am Russian trained and I was top of my class,” Idara boasted. When Eve saw that Stanley’s head was swollen, she called for ice. Idara’s domestic assistants brought her a pack of ice and she began to dab it on Stanley’s swollen head. Idara had no pity for the pain Stanley suffered. Waving her gun like she was going to shoot one more person, she ordered her guards, “Take that body away, and give me some room to talk with these two. Make sure you dispose of it properly.” Idara walked over to one of the sofas, sat down and crossed her leg. “Maxwell killed Jimmy, his half-brother because of the place I was going to give him in the family. However, I think it was time for Jimmy to die. He had caused much trouble for everyone. Maxwell did not know Jimmy was his brother until I brought it up. I mentioned it to him because Jimmy was trying to sell some information to him about the videos. Jimmy didn’t know he was Maxwell’s brother. I killed my husband because of Jimmy. I had him in the Gambia for a Nigerian farmer there…” she said. Neither Eve nor Stanley was interested in her story. They would rather have her tell them in details why they were in her house and the details of why she killed the Helmsman. Eve was going to ask her to cut to the chase when she raised her gun and fired a shot at her, missing Eve’s skull narrowly. “I deliberately missed. Next time, I won’t. You have to listen to my story. I like it when people give me attention. I hate to be ignored. Don’t do that again,” Idara cautioned. Even and Stanley who were visibly shaken, nodded. They had seen how ruthless the old woman was. Story continues.. . Chai, some women with high libido.See what Bimbe has caused herself. . Question: Will Bimpe die? What do you think of this Idara Maxwell?
20 Jul 2018 | 05:29
hnmm this secret is too much na wow
20 Jul 2018 | 10:05
Bimpe will not die,she will surely make it.... Idara Maxwell, who she be sef wey she be ruthless so!!!
20 Jul 2018 | 10:08
idara of a woman is so ruthless
20 Jul 2018 | 12:11
since mayo connected his own body to the new spirit den, I guess he would know wat bimpe has done
20 Jul 2018 | 13:26
Waiting for the next epi
20 Jul 2018 | 13:28
DEEP SECRETS . .episode 29 . 06:48 pm, Idowu Matins Street Annabel and a team of armed guards were speeding through the street. She had a phone to her ear, having a telephone conversation. “Chucks, I think I know who killed my father, Maxwell. I received a call from Mayo a while ago. He seemed to be in some trouble. Have you heard from Eve and Stanley? I can’t reach them on their phones,” Annabel breathlessly. “I just left the Helmsman’s holding house with Steve, Chief Baribote and all the people in there. The Helmsman has been working against us all. He has been giving some information to your grandmother Idara Maxwell. Stanley and Eve might possibly be in her custody by now. Clara said she saw the Helmsman and some three men at the holding house before Eve and Stanley went missing,” Chucks explained. “You can’t be serious Chucks, my grandmother, Idara, has been bedridden for eight years in Moscow. If there is an Idara Maxwell holding Eve and Stanley, then she is not my grandmother.” “Why don’t you go pay her a visit and find out for yourself if she is your grandmother or not? From what I have gathered so far, she has great interest in the missing videos. By the way who killed your father?” “Femi, Bimpe’s husband. I guess he found out what my father was doing with his wife. I am going to revenge nonetheless. But first I have to find out who this Idara Maxwell is. For all I care, my grandmother is supposed to be lying sick in a hospital in Moscow.” “Okay, do that quick and get back to me. I am moving everyone over here to a safe house someplace in the city. Don’t forget to watch local television stations this evening; Billy Sekwa is going to hit Julia Idris harder than she has ever been hit. Things are going to get messier and bloody from this evening. Keep your eyes open. One more thing, please send someone to keep an eye on Emilia. I will suggest you send her a gigolo, she can’t resist a man with a strong sex appeal.” “I should have thought of that earlier, you just made a good suggestion Chucks. I know just who to send to her. She can’t say no to him. One of my guards with a bent for spilling blood had a penis enlargement not long ago, he will be just a perfect fit for her. He is as much a maniac as Emilia. This guy has sex with his female victims after killing them.” “Good, Annabel. I can’t wait to hear you have sent him to Emilia.” 07:15 pm, The Order of Sora La pilis The vehicle conveying Bimpe and her three harlot apprentices drove into the large compound of the order of Sora La pilis. In every direction there were naked women and men. Under trees and the cover of flowers, there were adult men and women in profane, occult sexual intercourse. The compound cut the look of Pompey just before Mount Vesuvius unleashed poultice ash to bury the adulterous city. The male servants of the enchantress who offered the counter sacrifices on Mayo’s altar jumped out of the vehicle and hurled out Bimpe and the three young harlots. Bimpe was foaming blood in the mount. The three ladies looked like they would pass out at any moment. Their feet were wonky and they tottered terribly. Male and female servants at the ancient Babylonian temple bundled Bimpe and the three ladies into the temple. Aris, the chief lord of the temple was on the altar at that moment offering the virginal blood of a teenage girl on the altar of the ancient abomination of the Babylonians, the teenage girl whose virginity he had just taken was on the floor in obvious pain. Aris knew Bimpe very well. She had helped to recruit some of the temple virgins who worked in the temple of the order of Sora La pilis. He had to hasten up and go find out what was wrong with her when he saw her passing out blood and foaming in the mouth. When Aris reached her, he circled around like a serpent trying to hypnotize a prey. Raising his right hand which had tattoos of Sora La pilis, he began to make incantations. Just seconds into the incantations he shouted in pain and staggered backward. “She has been offered as a sacrifice to strengthen a strong sex temple! There is only one way in which we can help her! She must have sex with the lord serpent of our order!” Aris, whose real name was Jide, had hardly finished making his statement when a snake, the size of an adult anaconda, slithered out of the hideous altar and made its way toward Bimpe. Bimpe who was already on the floor swung around without her consent and her legs parted of their own accord for the hellish beast which made its way toward her. The moment the beast slithered into her, she shrieked in pain and moments later, a passionate, lustful moaned followed. “Sora La pilis shall break the curse over her and she shall from this day serve Sora,” Aris gloated. “Sir, how about these three ladies? They were also slept with by the same man. Can you help, please?” one of the servants of the enchantress asked. “Here we can do anything. If the ladies will agree to lease their bodies to Sora for a greater purpose and use, we will break the curse upon them. We are the greatest sex cult in the world. What was done to them is nothing to the power we serve,” Aris boasted as his hands ran all over the breasts of one of the young harlot apprentices. “I don’t care what it takes sir, please do it!” the servant of the enchantress pleaded. Aris looked at the worn out ladies and they nodded to give their consent. He twitched his ring-covered fingers at naked male and female temple servants and they grabbed the three ladies and took them into some inner chamber in the temple. Meanwhile Bimpe’s lustful moan had heightened, leaving the present female temple servants longing to be part of the demonic exchange which went on between the snake and Bimpe. If Bimpe and the three ladies who came to the order of Sora La pilis for help, had known what it meant to have intercourse with the spiritual lord of the sex cult, they would have happily preferred to die without the help the cult offered. 07:40 pm, Eden Crest Suits Mayo was still on the floor of his hotel room conjuring infernal powers he had served since his university days when he came to learn and joined the demonic order he worshiped through sex. Sadly, for Mayo, while he made his incantations to summon help from abyss, the enchantress who defiled his temple was in her shrine making incantations for his soul to be taken out of his body. It was a clash of vicious spirits on a mission from hell to destroy the souls of men. Mayo’s fight continued until late night when the spirits he served seemed to have prevailed. He staggered to his feet and went into the bathroom. Almost the entire floor of his hotel room was covered with blood. While he had his bath, the enchantress made her way to his hotel, watching his steadfastly in her mirror. She knew just what would finish off Mayo and she was coming with it. When Mayo was done having his bath, he left his room for another one. In there he set up small statues of male and female sexual organs and began to bow before them in worship. If he could do that till the next day without interference from other counter cults, he just might survive the attack Bimpe unleashed on him. Before the statutes he knelt without his clothes on, muttering diabolical commands in hidden tongues. Once in awhile he would pause to wipe blood off his face, his ears and nostrils. When he heard a knock on his door, he wondered who it might be. No one knew where he was except the spirits he communed with. He managed to stand to his feet and went to get the door. He was hopping that whoever it was might be a hotel maid. He needed a young woman who was not connected to any sexual cult to complete his recovery ritual. When he opened the door, the enchantress stood before him with almost her pair of breasts bulging out and her waist barely covered. “Sir, did you ask for a lady to keep your bed warm through the night?” the enchantress asked, making sure she displayed her weapons of destruction. Mayo was calmer than his usual self. “No, I did not. By the way why did you pick my room?” Mayo asked with a frail voice. The enchantress moved closer and said, “I work here. This is how we make up for the little money they pay us. We often look for lonely men in our hotel to keep warm till morning. If you don’t have need for me, I will check the next door. I need to pay my landlord by morning,” the enchantress lied, hopping Mayo would take the bait. Mayo had not seen her before and so had no clue about what lay behind the succulent pair of breast he could not take his eyes off. The lady took a step to walk away and Mayo grabbed her hand and pulled her into the room. When the enchantress saw the statues on the floor, she shouted and turned her back to them. Mayo had to cover them with his clothes and asked the enchantress to move over to the bed. She had no difficulty removing her clothes, she was as good as naked. Mayo climbed into the bed with her and sluggishly went into her and began to make some incantations. “What is that?” the enchantress asked pretending she had no clue about what Mayo was saying. “It is nothing. I say those words to increase my strength during sex,” Mayo lied. Moments into the sexual romp, Mayo’s skin began to break open as if someone was slicing through them with a razor. Mayo fought to break free from the enchantress but he was too weak. The enchantress held him to her body, riding him insanely while she made her own incantations. When Mayo heard the words from her lips he knew he had come to his end. 08:17 pm, Beachview Apartments Hours had passed since Elizabeth had been with Pete. It was more like her sex day and it usually took a lot of rounds laden with violent thrusts to satisfy her appetite. Pete had to end the romp suddenly when his Airtel phone rang. He didn’t have to pick the call; the number only rang whenever there was a going to be a hit against him or against people close to him. One of his loyalists in Billy Sekwa’s camp was trying to get his attention that a hit had been sanctioned against him. He had to pull himself away from Elizabeth who was clearly not in the mood to end the sexual marathon they had been having for hours with occasional breaks. Pete knew he had to kill Elizabeth quickly as her father Billy had ordered. He was still thinking about how to do it without the image of it hunting him for life. Elizabeth had not only helped him since she picked him as her bed mate, but had been of immense help to his family. He was clearly in a dilemma; refusing to kill Elizabeth would mean Billy will have to come after him and it was a dreadful thing to have Billy Sekwa come after one. While he thought through the situation he had on hand, Elizabeth joined him in the bath. One look at her told him all that was on her mind. She wanted more of him and would have it. She knew just how to turn Pete on and did not waste time to use it. A few minutes later the two of them were tangled with each other under the cascading water from the shower. While their orgy lasted, Pete thought it might be best to strangle Elizabeth to death pretending he was being overcome by an orgasm. He grabbed her by the throat while viciously thrusting himself into her wide spread legs and began to choke her to death. Elizabeth fought to break free but Pete moved her head under the cascading water making it harder for her to breathe. In a last gasp effort to stay alive, Elizabeth reached for Pete’s male organ and pulled at it with all the strength she could muster; Pete screamed and let go of his hand around her neck. Such violence was often part of the depraved orgies they had. While Pete cried on the floor pretending he meant her no harm, Elizabeth staggered out of the bathroom coughing terribly. Pete wasn’t sure if she knew he meant to kill her. He was thinking his next move when Elizabeth returned to the bathroom. He was expecting her to submit her body to him so they could continue from where they stopped, but she had returned for some other reason. The moment she staggered back into the room from the bath, gasping terribly for breath, an sms had crashed into her phone, someone in her father’s camp had sent her a text message. When she read it, she knew that what just happened in the bathroom was not Pete getting overly excited during sex, he meant to kill her. Pete didn’t see the kitchen knife she held very close to her buttocks, he stood up to take her into his arms and she plunged the knife straight into his heart. The pain of the blade driving into his heart was nerve racking. Without blinking, Elizabeth pulled out the knife and stabbed it repeatedly into Pete’s chest. Pete slumped to the floor bleeding profusely. She bent over and drove the knife one more time into his chest and left it there. She stood next to Pete and had her bath under the shower. When she was done, she left the shower running over Pete and went into the room. She knew more of her father’s assassins would be after her once they find Pete’s body. So she dressed quickly and let herself out of the room. Outside the hotel, she picked a taxi, leaving her car in the parking lot to give the impression she was still in the hotel. Story continues... . Question... What fate awaits Bimpe now ? Hmmm, Mayo Mayo ! Do you see him surviving this one ? One word for Elizabeth..... .
20 Jul 2018 | 16:24
20 Jul 2018 | 20:47
20 Jul 2018 | 21:27
Speechless!!! Bimpe is no longer a woman rather a beast. Elizabeth jst prove the fastest suely win Mayo wouldn't survive that...
21 Jul 2018 | 01:42
i hope ruthless idara dnt hurt stanley and eve o
21 Jul 2018 | 01:46
21 Jul 2018 | 06:49
Anything can happen . There situation is game of power
21 Jul 2018 | 11:20
bimpe is just moving from one problem to another
21 Jul 2018 | 16:17
Let Wait and see
21 Jul 2018 | 17:41
this is really getting interesting
21 Jul 2018 | 19:30
Time will tell!!!
21 Jul 2018 | 19:53
Really a deep secrets
22 Jul 2018 | 01:34
This is serious
22 Jul 2018 | 09:05
Very simple and interesting to comprehend
22 Jul 2018 | 10:48
By the end we will know the killer's
22 Jul 2018 | 10:51
Keep it brother for such a wonderful detective story. It's not easy but still keep the good work and please don't let any comments discouraged you from not sending the story. Keep it up brother
22 Jul 2018 | 10:57
one by one people are dying and secrets unfolding..... who will be the last man standing?
22 Jul 2018 | 16:08
DEEP SECRETS Episode 30 . . . 09:00 pm By nine pm that evening, the city was agog as the news of how Julia Idris and few politicians made shocking sex videos to destroy their political opponents, hit the airwaves. Shocking clips of the videos were screened on television stations. Names and faces of university girls who had died in the previous orgies in Mayo’s fun house were screened. Julia Idris went for cover when Steve’s lengthy confession about how much Julia Idris, Elizabeth Sekwa and Chief Baribote paid to have the videos made. While the nation grappled with what was being shown to them on television stations, another juicy bit hit them. It began with a picture of where Julia Idris’ husband was buried some 18 years earlier. After that, the face of the president, Manga Idris, filled the face of the screen with the rider, “Who is Manga Idris?” covering the picture on the screen. That was shortly followed by a woman with Ghanaian accent explaining how Julia Idris killed her very husband to marry her uncle. The picture of Julia Idris’ only surviving son by her legal husband in prison was shown before the woman told the nation how the boy was sent to the gulag because he opposed his mother having anything to do with her uncle. Billy Sekwa had paid for demonstrations to be choreographed across the nation and had his boys mixed into the demonstrators. His plan was to have his boys wreak havoc during the demonstrations to heat up the society and put immense pressure on Manga Idris and Julia. Several politicians were gunned down that night and some hotels were blown up. Before Manga could think of how to act in the situation, money bags had begun to change hands for his impeachment. Billy was serving them the same meal they served him when he was in office. The four governors who were part of the team which made the videos were blown to bits on their way to the presidential villa for an emergency meeting with the president. The most shocking part for President Manga was that he had no clue how someone found the grave of Julia’s husband’s grave. He also did not know much about the sex videos. In every part of the country women poured out into the streets, condemning the killing of their daughters in sexual orgies supposedly sponsored by the government. Billy was having fun watching Julia and her uncle husband, overwhelmed by his antics. They had not seen that coming. Though they made efforts to control the damage which the breaking news caused, they still could not stop what had begun. Young men who had been heavily armed and well paid were everywhere shooting at the enemies of Billy Sekwa in the name of demonstration. The heads of the army and police were quick to turn their backs on Julia and her husband. The calls from the president and his wife to have soldiers and policemen move into the streets to quell the violent demonstrations were ignored. All forms of lies were conceived and sold to the public about Julia and Manga Idris. 09: 45 pm, Emilia’s House Emilia had her house well barricaded by armed men she sent for the moment the news hit the airwaves. Not many people knew her and so the news about her in the media had little immediate impact on her. She was presented to the public as a prostitute from Italy. Shocking images of her in sex positions were on television stations and on the internet. Her mind had gone off the man Annabel covertly sent to her when the news broke. She had thought to make a run from the city, but when she saw the spate of violence in the streets she knew it was too risky to do that. She had to sit back in her house and hope for the storm in the city and nation to blow over. She made frantic calls to Mayo and Elizabeth but none of them picked. Elizabeth was already on her way to Liberia, her plane was in the air when the news about the videos broke. All the people she dialed, from Leroy, Sekibo, Elizabeth, Baribote, Bimpe and down to Steve, not one amongst them picked her calls. She could tell that something had been going on long before the news broke in the media; particularly about how Sekibo, Leroy and Chief Baribote went missing. Short of ideas about what to do, she went back into her bedroom and paced about frantically. Then she remembered that she had a fine dude waiting for her. She had no clue the guy was a seasoned assassin sent to her as a gift by Annabel. The thought of the guy alone left her leaking in-between her legs. She peeled off her clothes and sent for the guy. She needed something to take her mind off what was going on in the city and around the nation. Being the sort of person she was, sex was the only thing which could transport her mind out of her immediate surrounding. When the guy entered her bedroom she ordered him to remove his clothes, thinking him to be one of the boys her friends occasionally sent to her to have sex with and pay a few change. The guy had an expressionless look on his face. Emilia could not read him. Men always looked at her lustfully when they saw her body, but this one was acting like he was bored with her nudity. Emilia took a few steps toward him and ripped off his shirt like it was paper. The guy did not even wince, he just stooped, loosened his trouser and let it drop down to his ankle, revealing his groin fully bare. She slapped the guy hard across the face and asked, “Is that how you want it? You like it violent, right? I can give it to you any way you want it!” She was clearly beside herself when she saw the size of what was around the guy’s waist. Like a monkey leaping from branch to branch, Emilia jumped on the guy. The guy caught her mid air and flung her on the bed. “Wow! No one has ever treated me like this! You are different. It’s been a long time I saw a man who gave me such a treat!” Emilia shouted, clearly overtaken by lust surging through her body. She spread herself wide on the bed and invited the guy. For once the guy smiled, he had just realized he was going to have fun before breaking Emilia’s neck. But he also was completely ignorant of how strong she was. He removed his clothes completely and jumped onto the bed. Emilia sat up to grab his male organ and he served her two quick hot slaps to the face. Instead of crying in pain, Emilia moaned like she was having orgasm. The guy was madly turned on. He had not seen a lady like her. He thought himself a master of violent sex, but he had seen a lady who seemed to best him in that. He took on Emilia violently and she gave him a lustful moan which sent the pleasure in his groin to the roof top. He fought hard to subdue her to the point of crying for him to slow down, but instead she seemed to want more. After about an hour both of them lay beside each other momentarily spent. Emilia felt tasty and stood up from the bed to go get some water. As she headed toward the door, she noticed the tattoo on the guy’s back. Her heart skipped a bit. She knew what the tattoo meant and who wore it. The guy was a trained killer and she could then understand his extremely strong and professional performance in bed. Managing to keep her fears down she made her way to the kitchen. By the time she returned the guy was ready for another round with her. She knew what she should do, but the allure of the sort of sex the guy offered her was too much for her to resist. She put the thought off her mind and offered her body to the guy completely. The guy worked hard with her body until the two of them were yet again spent. By this time, Emilia was dreaming about spending her whole life with this guy, but she had to find out who he really was. She slipped her hand under her pillow and removed the safety pin on her pistol. She held it ready to fire bullets through the pillow. She positioned her breasts in a way to distract the guy from what she was holding under the pillow. He read the muscles on Emila’s right arm and calculated was holding something under the pillow. He began to kiss her right breast slowly making his way toward her right hand. Emilia felt uncomfortable and asked him to try the other breast. The guy took that for a cue that she knew what he was doing and decided to talk about the tattoo which he had figured out she knew what it meant. “I am a trained assassin, but I am not here to kill you. I think you know what the tattoo on my back means,” he said with a plastic smile on his face. “Yea, I was going to ask you what it means. I know I have seen it somewhere before. I want to know how you got because I am already head over heels about you. You are one man whom I can say is better than Mayo in bed. I like you a lot.” “Who is Mayo?” “I don’t expect you to know, he is a sex lover like me. So how did you get the tattoo?” “I was trained by the Zebra league. I joined them five years after my university graduation without a job. I had my training in the art of killing in Libya.” “I haven’t seen you in the art of killing, but you look damn good. So what are you doing in my house? You didn’t come here for my handouts, did you? You seem well off to me. If you didn’t come to kill me what else could have brought you here? I know I have quit a lot of enemies.” The guy smiled and drew closer to Emilia. He was hoping that his aroused body would distract her and have her think he was in the mood for another round of sexual romp, but Emilia was beginning to think hard about what a guy like him was doing in her house. The guy let his hand wander around Emilia’s thighs for a moment, probing into her body. When Emilia moaned in spite of her fears, the guy aimed a judo to her throat. He should have waited a bit longer before unleashing the attack. Emilia had seen his hand coming for her throat and so raid her left arm in defense, thereby reducing the impact of the judo which was meant to impair her windpipe and paralyze her. While she choked at the vitiated impact of the judo which hit her throat, she squeezed the trigger of the gun she held under the pillow, lodging several bullets into the guy’s chest. The guy fell to the floor and lay in his pool of blood. Emilia still struggling to breathe fine, dragged herself out of the bed and hit thelfloor heavily. Crawling on her knees to leave her bedroom, she left the gun beside the supposedly dead assassin. By the time she hd reached the door to crawl out of the room to call for help, the assassin rolled around and picked the gun lying next to him. He aimed it at Emilia who had her back at him and squeezed the trigger twice before passing out. Two bullets flew into Emilia’s back. She let out a brief, high pitched cry and hit the floor as blood gushed from her back and stomach. There she lay breathing irregularly. Her guards who had heard her cry, ran toward her bedroom. . Hmmm To be continued ! . Question.... Finally, Emilia is down ! Who is next ? .
22 Jul 2018 | 16:55
in all dis,,, I wish for Stanley and Eve safety more dan any of dem
22 Jul 2018 | 17:06
hmmmmm,,,, but Emilia is strong sha to Hav killed d assassin sent to kill her likewise Elizabeth,,,,
22 Jul 2018 | 18:03
Still observing
22 Jul 2018 | 18:35
Hmmmn....Smart and strong
23 Jul 2018 | 03:56
Last man standing
23 Jul 2018 | 06:41
Eve and Stanly safety is my concern
23 Jul 2018 | 09:11
No I dont think she is down already.
23 Jul 2018 | 12:53
bloody hell
23 Jul 2018 | 17:45
Comment reserved
23 Jul 2018 | 19:44
Are you sure of that?
23 Jul 2018 | 20:30
Emilia was having a radical sexting when the revengers sent someone to kill her with the same sext she was having,better than mayo sexting her
24 Jul 2018 | 02:29
Trying to kill emilia wasn't easy 4 the killer...she is also a trained killer...but the kill is dead right now after shooting her with his last breath
24 Jul 2018 | 02:36
Emilia may not survive this even when his men are coming 4 help...she did really fought harder but made a mistake that is taking her down
24 Jul 2018 | 02:44
Her political patners are going down...some of her patners are going down...even mayo the devil in their midst is going down too
24 Jul 2018 | 02:51
How Can mayo the devil In their midst go down...bimpe has to bring in another bigger devil to bring him down but he also wanted to bring her doWn
24 Jul 2018 | 02:58
DEEP SECRETS Episode 31 . . . 10:14 pm, Idara Maxwell’s House “Haven’t you held us long enough? When are you going to let us go?” Stanley took courage and asked Idara Maxwell. “The city is boiling; we have to wait for it to calm a bit before leaving here. This is a perfect time to kill one’s enemies. I wouldn’t want to die in the hands of a cheap assassin. I would like a professional to kill me if that is the way I would die,” Idara replied with a rare smile on her face. “You said we are leaving here, where are we going?” Eve asked. “I have finally figured out who might have the videos. I have as much interest in the videos as my sons, Maxwell and Jimmy did…” “And your granddaughter too,” Eve cut in. “Yes and my granddaughter. I often forget Annabel is my granddaughter.” “You don’t seem to like her, do you?” “You read me well right there. I don’t quite like her. At fourteen years of age she was already giving her grandfather a blow job. I mean my husband. Now you know why I killed my husband when he began to rant about my having Jimmy for another man. He was not in the position to complain about my life before we officially got married. At least I had enough sense to do it with a man outside the family, but the old Maxwell was so depraved he slept with his own granddaughter.” “Phew! Immorality runs in your family like Niagara Falls,” Eve whispered. “I heard you Eve. You are right; immorality runs in the Maxwell’s family and that is why I want to get my hands on the videos. I don’t want the younger generation of the Maxwells to see them. Two of my sons died on account of the videos. When I have the videos I will go after those who made them. I have to protect the Maxwell’s family name.” “From what we have seen so far from the media, much of those who made the videos would be dead by the time you will have found the videos.” “If they are dead by then, I will have no option than to dig them up from their graves and kill them again.” Eve and Stanley couldn’t help laughing at the old woman’s comment, but she was damn serious. She raised her right hand as though she was holding a gun and fired imaginary shots at Eve and Stanley. The two of them ducked as if she had a real gun. Their action was instinctive, they had seen what the old lady could do and would never take chance with her. EARLIER THAT DAY 08:12 pm, The Order of Sora La pilis Bimpe was enraptured in the most invading form of sexual pleasure she had known all her life and could not tell what actually happened when the snake went into her. When it was all over, the death which was squeezing the life out of her had been broken. On a good day the sight of the anaconda would have made her flee, but strangely, she felt a lustful passion for the creature. Her nightmare had only just begun. She had life back, but it was no longer her own. Sora La Pilis had taken over. The three ladies who were brought to the temple with her had also been revived in the same manner as Bimpe. They had life to live again, but what would follow in the next few hours, would make their fear of death pale in comparison to it. “You all have seen what kind of power we have here! We can do anything. You are free to go,” Aris boasted. He deliberately avoided telling them that their bodies had become part of the temple of Sora La Pilis. When the time would come, they would find out for themselves. Bimpe was happy to have her life back. When she reached home she made good her words and signed cheques of twelve thousand dollars each for the three ladies. After the ladies had left, she turned her attention to her business with the enchantress. “Is Mayo dead?” she asked the enchantress over the phone. “I left him cold dead in his hotel room,” the enchantress replied. “You went to his hotel room?” Bimpe asked in shock. “I had to go finish him off. His incantations were bringing him back. However, he needed a fresh blood not tainted by any sex cult. When I saw that, I offered myself to him in disguise. Off course he took my offer…” “So he is dead, right?” “Bimpe relax, his soul is already burning in hell. When he went into me, the curse he thought had been broken returned in multiple fold. I made sure I kept him inside of me till he took his last breath. You don’t want to see what he looks like right now.” “Do you have any pictures I can see?” “Off course I do, but you have to send all my money right away before you can see all the pictures.” “Okay, give me a few minutes to send your money across,” Bimpe said as she stood up to go turn on her laptop. Midway between her bed and the table in her bedroom, she felt an awful movement between her legs. She reached desperately for whatever it was. Shockingly, there was nothing in there she could see, but her two hands held a fat snake. She pulled at it as strong as she could, yelling at the top of her voice. As though it was all a dream, the whole event stopped abruptly. She sprang to her feet breathing heavily. Her entire body was shaking. She picked her phone which had fallen to the floor and called Aris, “Hello lord of Sora! An invisible snake just crawled up my led now!” “Did you resist it?!” “What do you mean by did I resist it? I was scared stiff! I had to fight off the beast! What do I do now?” “When Sora had sex with you, it deposited some power in you. That power is what is keeping you alive, Bimpe. Sora can crawl up your legs a thousand times in a day. He owns you now. When next he comes please let him have his way.” “What did you just say, Aris? When I came to you for help, I had no intension for you to make things worse for me! Please in God’s name, recall your snake! I don’t…” “Don’t call God in my ears ever again! There is no God but Sora!” Aris yelled over the phone. His voice was beastly. It shook Bimpe and she threw her phone away. Bimpe could have sworn she had heard the voice of Satan himself. For no reason she felt drawn to the bible on her table. Next to it was a framed picture of Jesus. They were mere religious relics she bought some eight years ago when she visited Jerusalem to express her nominal Christian faith. Her right hand had hardly touched the bible when she felt the full strength of Sora moving into her virginal carnal like a lose speed train. This time there was no pleasure to it. It was a warning from Aris to submit or be destroyed. “Jesus! Lord Jesus!!” Bimpe shouted at the top of her voice before she hit the floor and her skull cracked open on impact with the tiled floor. In her heavy fall, her hand had dragged the framed picture of Jesus with her. Next to her, the image lay. As blood gushed from her open skull, she fixed her gaze on it, and all she could think of was the love of the man in the picture for her. Against her hard heart, she began to mumble confessions of her sins. With that, the invisible serpent went wild and began to devour her virginal carnal with monstrous rage. Within seconds, Bimpe saw herself floating toward the ceiling in a dazzling white robe, beneath her feet was her body like a mass of horned reptilian beast. As she floated higher, a flood of glorious light filled her room. Joy, indescribable filled her heart. Songs she could not tell how she learnt broke out of her tongue. The beast which had taken full possession of her body fled. Bimpe was found days later with a swarm flies feasting on her putrefying body in her bedroom. She had since gone to glory. 12:40 pm, Eden Crest Suits It took a while before the management at Eden Crest Suits took notice that someone in their hotel was dead. When flies had begun to buzz around the room in which Mayo’s corps lay, they had to force the door open to find out what was attracting them to the room. What they met was the mangled body of an adult man and some horrifying images of male and female sexual organs on the floor. While the enchantress held Mayo down on the bed and forced her body on him, he had tried his best to fight back. However, the enchantress had used her dark magic to keep his male organ erect and kept riding him till the last drain of strength and life in him were gone. The more she rode Mayo, the more the dark powers which invaded his temple when it was defiled, attacked his body. Mayo was a strong man, but giving what he had experienced earlier, and the sort of powers, the enchantress had brought against him, he stood no chance at surviving what came after him. He did his best to fight his way off the bed and uncovered the sexual images which connected him to the powers he served. However, the enchantress had an answer for that as well. She shut her eyes refusing to look at the images while making sure she kept Mayo’s male organ inside of her. She had come prepared. She knew quite well that looking at the images would have weakened her. Even after Mayo had died. She still refused to look at those images. She took pictures of Mayo’s body with her phone and hurried out of the hotel wearing absolutely nothing. With what lay at the floor of their hotel room, the hotel management had to invite the police before Mayo’s body could be moved away. When the police found out that Mayo was amongst the names mentions in connection to the scandalous videos causing problem all over the city and the nation, they explained his death as one of the victims of the violent demonstrations rocking their nation at that time. THE NEXT DAY 07:30 am, Idara Maxwell’s House Eve and Stanley were in the room where they were being held. On a large costly bed, the two of them lay curdled up in each other’s arm. Stanley was hoping that he would use the night to make love to his wife who he was yet to make love to. It had been harrowing since the night of their wedding. All his romantic plans for the night were dashed, when Eve overheard Idara mentioning her mother’s name to someone over the phone. Both Eve and Stanley had not had the time to reach their parents and siblings to let them know they were still alive. They were sure both their families must have dug graves for them and possibly buried their clothes in place of them. “What does she want with my mother? She is going to hurt her to make us give her videos we don’t even have?” Eve asked as she shook terribly. Stanley held her in his hands and for once, they knelt down to pray for help. All that night they kept awake wondering what would happen in the morning. A gentle knock on the door startled them to their feet. Stanley went to get the door and Eve stuck to him as though she would stop breathing if he left her for a second. Her eyes were teary and red. She had not slept a wink. All through the night, she imagined all sorts of scenarios which could play out in the morning. Stanley had to turn and gave her a peck on the lips to assure her all would turn out right. However, it did not give Eve the comfort she sought. Stanley opened the door and found a male domestic assistant standing before their door and smiling broadly. “My lady wants the both of you to join her at the dining table.” Stanley looked at Eve and nodded at her for them to go see the fearsome Idara Maxwell. Already they had brushed and had their bath in readiness for what the day might bring. Stanley though had to brush Eve’s teeth and bathed her because she was so terrified she concluded her mother was going to die that day. At the dining, Idara had a rare smile on her face. She cut the impression of a woman who had found a long lost lover. “Sit down and eat. It is a good day to do business,” she said with a ring of joy in her heart. Stanley sat down and Eve moved closer to him and refused to sit. She looked like she had seen a monster. “What is the problem Eve? I put you two in a room I often use. I expected you to be smiling this morning. Don’t tell me Stanley could not make a steamy love to you all through the night.” Eve opened her mouth to tell her what she knew, but decided against it. “She is not feeling fine,” Stanley said, making excuse for Eve’s sullen look. “Then we will have to go see a doctor before we go pick up the videos. I think I have found them,” Idara said with rapturous joy in her heart. “Are you serious? Have you really found them?” Stanley asked. “Yes I have found the videos. Eat! Eat! I can’t wait to get my hands on them. We should be celebrating right now… Okay, maybe that should wait till I have the videos.” “Where are the videos? Who has them?” Eve asked with keen interest. “Your mother, Helen. She was the one who signed those papers Baribote was flying in your faces.” Eve and Stanley felt the ground move under their feet. The dining suddenly became small and the cold air in it seemed to burn like the desert wind. For what seemed like forever, Eve and Stanley looked at each other in disbelief. “If you speak the truth indeed, then how on earth did Eve’s mother get her hands on the videos. She is a good woman!” “Yes, she is. I doubt she knows what the parcel she received for her daughter contains…” “But the DHL document showing I received the videos, has my signature on it!” Eve cut in, desperately trying to figure out how her mother got the videos. “When the Helmsman obtained for me the document showing you received the videos. I decided to focus my attention on those who can forge your signature perfectly,” she paused Obviously proud of her achievement. “You know I am Russian trained,” she boasted. “My investigation led me to your mother. I sent you three parcels using her address and she signed all of them on your behalf; perfectly signing your signature each time. I knew then she had to be the one who signed the document when she received the videos. I also found out that the document Baribote was carrying about was fake. It has your present address, but the original one bears your mother’s address. My son Jimmy must have known your mother can sign your signature and he mailed the original videos to her using your name and then paid the DHL delivery man to switch the documents. While others were chasing you and your husband for the videos, I was busy looking for who forged your signature. Now you know how I found the videos. Let us pray, the Helmsman did not sell bits of this information to Elizabeth Sekwa, her father Billy or the others in the videos. He was making a lot of money selling the information he got from you two. If he did, then your mother and your entire family are in grave danger. However, last night when I sent my men to keep their eyes on your family members, they did not see anything showing someone else knows your mother might be in possession of the videos,” She continued. To be continued ! . Question.... Almighty Mayo and Bimpe finally down, who is next ? .
24 Jul 2018 | 03:02
Bimpe and the girls are now sexting the bigger devil just to survive what mayo did to her and the wasn't meant 4 bimpe but her lust led her to it
24 Jul 2018 | 03:10
Bimpe has to die in most dirty way,she did sext the bigger serpent devil...she will continue sexting the bigger devil but never wanted to...she died
24 Jul 2018 | 03:56
Mayo has to die in the most dirty way too...he was ready to use another 4 sacrifice through sext but it was the enchantress who came through sext and killed him
24 Jul 2018 | 04:03
Anabel is still working harder to revenge,with chucks still around...her grandma is around...she wanna know her now...Elizabeth did won against pete
24 Jul 2018 | 04:10
Stanley and Eve are still surprise with what idara told them about eve's one saw idara,anabel's one saw her coming....
24 Jul 2018 | 04:22
am very sure someone else no about about it apart from idara
24 Jul 2018 | 04:24
Stanley and eve need to act fast
24 Jul 2018 | 04:29
Just hope someone else doesn't know about this part
24 Jul 2018 | 06:48
Idara Maxwell will be next to go down the way I see it.
24 Jul 2018 | 08:56
With d situation on ground, can’t really tell who is next.
24 Jul 2018 | 10:59
How can Eve's mum sign documents on her daughter's behalf,does she know something DAT we don't? Time will tell!!!
24 Jul 2018 | 11:08
Hmmm interesting, next plsss
24 Jul 2018 | 13:32
wow, idara u are very smart. does it mean that Eve's mother was one of them or she has never opened the document?
24 Jul 2018 | 16:45
hmmm what a small world
24 Jul 2018 | 16:58
Gonna see this to the end
24 Jul 2018 | 17:38
Even Eve family is involve??? Too many deep secrete.... I'm Following u ooo
25 Jul 2018 | 02:47
DEEP SECRETS Episode 32 . . . 08:15 am, Idara Maxwell’s house “Why don’t we go see my mother right away?” Eve asked, eager to get going. “Your husband said you are not feeling fine, why don’t you at least sit down and have a bite of the food on the table?” Idara asked, still keeping the warm smile on her face. Eve would love to be on her way immediately but she had to sit down in spite of herself. Idara was a loose cannon, you can’t tell when she would go off. Strangely being happy that day, Eve thought it wise not to have her snap out of it. Lost in thought and oblivious of everyone at the dining table, Eve ate very fast. She was not aware of how hungry she was. They had eaten very little since they were taken and brought to Idara’s house. Stanley and Idara were surprised at how fast she ate. They stared at each other and at Eve unbelievably. Stanley had to touch her to get her attention. When she raised her head, her lips were covered with fragments of food. “What?” she asked, showing no knowledge of why Stanley touched her. Idara blinked at Stanley, giving him a cue to let her be. Eve turned her attention back to the food continued to devour it at stunning speed. For some time, Stanley looked at her wondering what was going on in her mind. Since he could not figure her out, he decided to eat as much as he could. The funny thought on his mind was that they might not get another chance to dine sumptuously that day, given the situation on hand. A few minutes later, Idara was frozen, watching Eve and Stanley consuming the food on their plates as if they were competing with each other. Idara had to wave at her domestic assistants to bring more food at the dining. Just then Eve raised her head from her plate and said, “I am done, let’s get going.” “Don’t you want more food?” Idara asked looking surprised. Eve shook her head and replied, “No ma, I am okay. Can we start going? I can’t wait to know that my family members are fine.” “They are fine Eve; I have been in touch with my boys who are keeping an eye on them. Relax, we will soon be on our way.” 09:00 am, Mr. Nathan’s House About forty-five minutes later, Idara Maxwell and her entourage arrived at Eve’s parents’ house. Stanley and Eve were not allowed to come out of the car which drove them to the house. Idara had taken over fifty armed men, she knew the city was boiling and did not want to get a nasty surprise. She also had on herself about seven different guns. Eve’s parents, brothers and sisters were shocked to see that number of armed men drive into their compound. With the city burning and people being killed, Eve’s father, Mr. Nathan, had to send his wife and children inside and came out with a pestle to welcome his armed, uninvited guests. Eve watched from the car she sat in and wondered what would happen next. “Who are are?!” Mr. Nathan asked. “I don’t remember inviting any of you to my house! By the way, how did you get past my gate?!” Mr. Nathan continued. From the living room his first Son Abel watched with a gun his father did not he owned in his hand. He was determined to shoot one or two people if his father was harmed. The entire Nathan family of had not been that scared before. “I have brought back to you what you thought you lost so that you can help me take that which you have right now, which happens not to be yours anyway,” Idara Maxwell said walking toward Mr. Nathan menacingly. She deliberately brandished a Russian made automatic shotgun in her hand. “I have never met you before, and I doubt very much you have anything of interest to me. I am certain of it, I have nothing which you want in my house! Please be on your way out of my house now!” Mr. Nathan demanded. “Mr. Nathan, I am shocked to see you show such bad manners to a guest. Why don’t you give me a seat and find out what I have brought back to you?” Idara said, wearing a cunning smile. “I don’t open my doors to uninvited guests who come to my house with guns, old lady!” Inside the car Eve and Stanley understood clearly the mind game Idara was playing. She was deliberately showing off her mean side and at the same time trying to convince Mr. Nathan that she had come for good. She wanted Eve’s father to be afraid of her. She was also going to use Eve and Stanley to bargain for the videos by making it seem like she was the one who saved them. Maybe she did. After all it was her son Maxwell, who began it all. Idara raised her gun, Mr. Nathan stepped back and raised the pestle in his hand as if he could bat bullets away with it. Idara stretched her hand toward one of her boys and handed the gun to him. Inside Abel aimed at Idara, breathing heavily. He would drop her dead if she dared shoot his father. She held her hands high like a soldier surrendering to an enemy and said, “Okay, I am sorry Mr. Nathan, I should not have entered your house with this sort of bravado. You know the city is burning, I could not have made it here without this sort of firepower. Stepping closer to Mr. Nathan she stretched her hand toward him for a handshake and said, “Nice to meet you Mr. Nathan, I am Idara Maxwell. Your daughter is just like you; she wouldn’t run from a fight.” Mr. Nathan took her hand and shook her firmly, letting her know he was not afraid, though he was terrified. “Which of my daughters are you referring to?” “Eve of course. I know her very well. I am sorry about what happened to her.” Mr. Nathan bowed his head for a moment. Idara read grief on his face. Placing her hand on his shoulder she asked, “Why don’t you let me in and find out what I might know about Eve?” She could see light in Mr. Nathan’s eyes, a glimmer of hope that perhaps his daughter was alive. He had been holding out for that since no one had seen her body since she was taken along with her husband, from the hospital where she was mending after the shooting. He lowered the Pestle in his hands and said, “Come with me. Please don’t play any fast move on me, I will kill you here if you try it.” “Eve might still be alive,” Idara said, surprising Mr. Nathan. He turned and looked at her with hope. His eyes moistened and he said, “Please don’t raise my hopes and don’t say that to my wife’s hearing. She would die if it turns out to be a lie.” Immediately Idara sat down in Mr. Nathan’s exquisitely furnished living room, she said, “Okay, I lied to you. It is not that I know Eve might be alive, I know that she is alive with her husband!” she shouted. She knew what she was doing; she wanted to raise the hopes of all the people in the house and then give them conditions to fulfill before they would see Eve. In a moment the entire Nathan family were in the living room staring at the old woman for explanations. “I don’t believe you! Show me a proof that Eve and Stanley are alive. I want to see something!” Mr. Nathan said. At the dining, Abel sat, his hand resting on his pistol. He did not trust the old woman. Idara reached into her hip pocket and removed her Samsung phone. She punched a few keys on it and handed it to Mr. Nathan. He took it from her pressed the play button of a video file on the phone screen. His family members crowded around him except Abel. The video showed Eve and Stanley huddled up together on a bed talking. “That video was recorded last night. If you do what I want you to do, I will help you get Eve and Stanley back,” Idara said. “What do you want old woman?” Mr. Nathan asked. “I don’t like to be labelled that. I am not very old to be referred to that way. I have a Russian boyfriend. I make him cry out loud in bed. If I was as old as you meant, I doubt he would be crying pleasurably each time he had me. Apologize to me, please.” “I am sorry lady, I didn’t know you have a boyfriend,” Mr. Nathan said sarcastically. “Thank you. Your wife received a parcel some months ago. It was sent to Eve using this address, I want that parcel now. Once you give it to me. I will make sure your daughter and her husband return to you safely.” Before Idara could finish speaking, Helen, Eve’s mother, ran upstairs to her room. In a jiffy she was back with a basket containing all the parcels she had received for Eve. “I don’t know what you are looking for, but here are all the parcels I received for her,” Mrs. Nathan said, almost in tears. Idara stooped over the basket and began to sort through the parcels carefully. When she had found what seemed like what she was looking for, she tore it up. Inside were two DVD plates and a sixty paged signed document. She could tell whose signature that was. It was her son’s signature. She skimmed through the document and almost slumped to the ground because of the information it contained. she found that the document had her name, and detailed a bit of information Jimmy her son, was not in a position to know. Slowly Idara stood up. “I want my phone back!” she demanded. “Is that what you are looking for?” Helen asked. “Yes!” Idara snapped. From the look on her face, Mr. Nathan could tell all was not well. She dialed a number on her phone and said afterwards, “Bring Eve here!” The doors of the Daimler SUV outside swung open and some armed men led Eve and Stanley into the living room. Before Mr. Nathan and his family had the chance to celebrate that Eve and Stanley were alive, Idara drew another gun from her thigh, cocked it and pointed it at Eve. “What do you know about my son Jimmy? Tell me now!” Idara demanded. Her hand was shaking. Eve knew she would shoot her if she hesitated. “I met him in South Africa some years ago! He tried to kill me!” “Why would he send these documents to you? Who are you, Eve?!” Eve raised her hands in surrender and shouted in fear, “I don’t know! The last time I met him, he was going to kill me! I am a nobody! My name is Eve Nathan! Please Idara, don’t shoot me!” she lied. “I think whoever was killed in that nightclub was not my son. Jimmy is still alive. And if you tell me this minute that Maxwell is alive, I will believe you. The two of you have till evening to spend with this family. By 5:00 pm, my boys will bring you back to my house. I want to know why Jimmy sent these to you,” Idara said. 12:25 pm, Annabel Maxwell’s House Chucks drove into the premises and leapt out of his car, leaving the engine running. He had a gun in his hand. Inside Annabel was pacing frantically, she was hysterical. “When did she arrive in the country?!” Annabel demanded over the phone. She lowered her phone and said to Chucks, “That old woman posing as Idara Maxwell is really my grandmother! I just found out she has been in the country for five months now. I don’t understand how that is possible. She was near death when I visited her in Moscow!” Annabel exclaimed. “You said over the phone that she has Eve and Stanley, what does she want with them?” Chucks asked. “She is looking for the videos. If what I just heard is true, she may have found them.” “You don’t seem happy about that. Is anything wrong with her finding the videos? She is your grandmother, if she has the videos, then you have them as well. How did she find them anyway?” “I don’t have the details yet, but my boys saw her leaving Eve’s father’s house a while ago. Maybe Eve had been in possession of the videos all this while.” “That is not possible! Eve didn’t know where the videos were!” Chucks said, defending Eve. “Maybe not, but how do you explain my grandmother getting her hands on the videos after visiting Eve’s parents?” Chucks had no explanation for that. He could not even process the thought of Eve knowing where the videos were all along. . To be continued ! . Question....... Do you think Eve is really hiding something ? What could be Eve's secret ? .
25 Jul 2018 | 18:20
so Eve has secrets too
26 Jul 2018 | 01:11
for d fact dat eve lied abt how she met and knew jimmy, den I think she is hiding something gosh!!! these people are devil incarnate
26 Jul 2018 | 03:06
eve is hiding a big secret
26 Jul 2018 | 07:16
I can't just believe Eve too has a hidden secret
26 Jul 2018 | 07:34
I believe Eve is d genesis nd revelation of this whole fiasco
26 Jul 2018 | 09:17
Everyone of them with his/her own secret
26 Jul 2018 | 11:38
aunty Eve so I dey ya body too...oya tell us ur own part too
26 Jul 2018 | 15:00
Idara the Old woman is...ok,u said they should not call u old woman because u have a boyfriend...idara the young grandmother is not smiling
26 Jul 2018 | 16:05
Idara is so tough...this time it looks as if she is going to's still a surprise to her grand daughter that she has been around 4 long
26 Jul 2018 | 16:10
A lot of people has been searching 4 the key video...she came around with her smart tactics...she is still...she wanna know more
26 Jul 2018 | 16:16
Eve's family were afraid of the war men...her father has to cover up with pestle....hahahaha,that was funny fighting them with that
26 Jul 2018 | 16:21
Eve and stanley has got a lot to survive...they have been surviving...chucks is still there doing things with annabel
26 Jul 2018 | 16:28
Eve, so u also have a secret
26 Jul 2018 | 16:40
all along I thought that Eve was innocent bt now am having second thoughts.... maybe while in SA they had an agreement which resulted to Jimmy sending those documents to eve
26 Jul 2018 | 16:53
Eve is hiding something
26 Jul 2018 | 18:14
DEEP SECRETS Episode 33 . . . 10:40 am, Mr. Nathan’s House “What was she talking about Eve?” Helen, Eve’s mother asked. Helen, Mr. Nathan and her children were happy to have Eve back. But the thought of her having anything to do with whatever led to their shooting was way too staggering for them to bear. “Give us a moment to talk Mrs. Nathan,” Stanley requested. Eve led Stanley upstairs to her room, while her family members waited with baited breath down stairs. “Eve, you have to be careful how much you reveal about who you are and who you work for. We must find a way to lie our way out of Idara’s trap. She must never find out who you are. I don’t want to lose you, baby,” Stanley said after he and Eve had locked themselves inside her room. “What do I tell her? What do I tell my family members? I am scared baby,” Eve said hugging Stanley firmly. “I can handle your parents and siblings; it is Idara that worries me. She must never find out the truth.” “But Stan, what was Jimmy thinking when he sent those things to my parents’ house?” “Perhaps he hoped no one would look your way, after all he tried killing you once.” “Idara thinks he is still alive, if he is, that would mean he was working together with Maxwell his half-brother. This is a mess. Think of it, it was Maxwell who supposedly shot him at the nightclub.” “I can’t explain Jimmy’s game plan, but it is beginning to look like he wanted your cover blown up, Eve. We have got to find him quick. I don’t like that guy one bit. First he tried to kill you, and again he somehow broke out of South African prison. He may have faked his death and put us right back where we were, but this time I am going to make sure he dies for real.” “Let us call Chucks for help, Stan.” “Good idea. Let’s get Chucks to do some underground work for us. Maybe we can put Stella and Clara to some use now. They owe us a lot.” “Yes, let’s do it,” Eve said as she began to fiddle with her phone to place a call to Chucks. “No baby. Don’t make that call from your phone. Idara may have bugged our phones,” Stanley cautioned. He went over to the door, unlocked it and shouted Abel's name. “Abel! Abel!! Come upstairs please!” In a jiffy Abel was with them still brandishing his gun. The moment Stanley saw the gun he asked, “Is that gun loaded?” “Yes,” Abel replied. “I think I need it more than you do. Let me have it.” Abel handed it to Stanley and he shoved it into his waist. “We need to make a call and we can’t use our phones. We need to make use of your phone, Abel.” Abel reached into his jean pocket and removed his phone. Stanley took it from him and punched in Chucks’ phone number and dialed it. Eve led her brother Abel to the door and asked him to give them a minute. Abel stepped out of the room and ran down stairs. He had a small Nokia phone in his room. He went for it and placed a call to a friend of his. “Damina, we have found my sister and her husband, but she is in some trouble. I know it. She won’t tell me, but I know it.” “What do you want me to do Abel?” “I want cover for my sister and her husband. I also heard the name of a man I want you to find. The man is Jimmy, he is related to the famous Maxwell family.” “Did you just say Maxwell family? Common Abel, trying to meddle with the Maxwell will be suicide. They are way above our league. You have got to find someone to do that for you. Haven’t you heard? The Maxwell family eats from the same plate with the devil!” “Then get me someone else who can do it. Please Damina.” “Abel I hate to say no to you, but right now, all the homies are in the streets shooting at designate targets. Some high placed politician wants us to make the nation ungovernable. His pay is good.” “But can you send someone to tail my sister and her husband when they leave our house?” “I can do that.” “Thank you.” Upstairs Stanley was on the phone with Chucks, “Chunky (nickname for Chucks), I need you to put your men back on the street. Put everyone you can find back in there…” “What’s going on Stanley? Where have you and Eve been all this while?” “Jimmy, the guy who was shut at the nightclub might still be alive. This is much more than the videos. That guy had damning information about the high and mighty in the nation. The videos have been found. Jimmy mailed them to Eve’s mother using Eve’s name. I don’t know what his game plan was. Right now Idara Maxwell thinks Eve and Jimmy might be working together. We know that is not true; but if we don’t do anything, many are going to come after Eve when they find out who she is.” “Wait a minute, but this Jimmy guy is dead, Stanley! What makes you think he is alive? Maxwell put nine bullet holes in his head. He is dead! What information does he have about Idara Maxwell?” “I don’t know. Idara didn’t let us know. But you have to know that Idara Maxwell is mother to both Jimmy and Maxwell…” “What!!!” Chucks exclaimed. “Believe me she is there mother. She killed her husband because of Jimmy and now Jimmy has some information about her which he should not. In fact, it maybe that Maxwell helped Jimmy fake his death. It also means that Maxwell might still be alive…” “Jesus! Slow down Stanley. My head is spinning.” “There is no time Chucks. I want you to question the club owner who told Billy Sekwa that Maxwell killed his half-brother, Jimmy. That club owner might be part of all this. The videos may have been about power and control. By 5 pm this evening, Idara will retake Eve and I. She wants to make sure Eve and Jimmy are not working together.” “By 5 pm, I will bring hell down on Idara’s men…” “No Chucks don’t do it! It will put a lot of people in danger. My family members and those of Eve might be wiped out by Idara. You don’t know her; she is a rabid dog. Leave us to handle her with mind games.” “Okay, I see your point. I guess I have to swing into action now.” “Yes, please do. But remember not to tell Annabel any of the things we just discussed. I just don’t trust her at the moment.” “Okay.” After the telephone conversation with Chucks, Stanley took Eve down stairs to explain things to her family members. “What took you so long, please tell us what’s going on? Why would anyone shoot the two of you on your wedding night? Why does the lady want to keep you people even after she had found what she was looking for?” Mr. Nathan asked. The entire family crowded around them to hear their explanations. “Let’s put it this way, Eve and I happened to have friends who were involved in the making of videos which contained the worst form of morally bent content. I am afraid I cannot speak of the content of those videos. When those in the videos found out about them, they went on a bloody hunt for them. The lady who just left here, Idara Maxwell; one of her sons was involved in the making of those videos. When the original copies of those videos were traced to him, he sent them to Eve using this address. The young man is the same person who attacked Eve in South Africa some years ago…” ‘What!! I thought he was locked away!” Mr. Nathan exclaimed. “Oh God! This is not happening again. Eve, what does this guy want with you? Why you again?” Mrs. Nathan asked. “I don’t know mama, but we are going to find out soon.” “Please do and end this quickly,” Mrs. Nathan pleaded. “Is there something you need me to do, Stanley? Like take my family into hiding?” Mr. Nathan asked. Stanley read fear in his voice. The man was scared. “Is there a good place you can hide?” Stanley asked. “Yes, I have got some high ranking officer friends in the army. They have just the right place to put I and my family until this blows over.” “Get in touch with them now. That old lady who just left here, she is KGB trained. She has power, money and a small army. She can kill about whoever she wants. Make sure your army friends give you good protection. You all must leave as soon as Idara’s men take Eve and I away. There are some people outside who already know the videos were found here. I expect them to come asking some questions soon.” Switching the subject, Stanley turned to Abel and said, “I am afraid, I will be making use of your phone from now on. I don’t have the confidence to make certain calls from my phone or Eve’s phone.” “No, uncle. I need that phone do handle my own moves at this time. I have got a smaller Nokia smart phone I can part with it,” Abel said, handing the Nokia phone to Stanley. “Thanks Abel, can you arrange to have it loaded with air time?” “Of course,” Abel replied as he stood to his feet. “Musa!! Bring some Etisalat recharge cards!!” Abel shouted from the door. “Stanley, I forgot to mention something while the old lady was here,” Mrs. Nathan said. “What is it mummy?” Eve asked. “Another parcel arrived yesterday for Eve. It was not amongst the ones I presented to the old lady. Should I bring it?” “Where is it?” Eve asked, springing to her feet. As Mrs. Nathan ran upstairs to get it, Eve and Stanley followed her. In a brief moment, the entire family were in Mrs. Nathan’s bedroom. She found the parcel on the floor of her wardrobe and tossed it at her daughter. “This is it Eve,” she said. Eve wasted no time to tear it. Much to their dismay, it contained the same documents as the parcel Idara Maxwell left with. In the DHL parcel were two DVD plates and a document signed with the name Jibril Samuel. Stanley, Eve and Abel went into Abel’s room to check the contents of the DVD plates on Abel’s DVD player. Their hearts almost stopped when they found out it was the same videos from Mayo’s fun house. These ones had extra scenes and shots from other locations. New faces like Manga Idris and Idara Maxwell were in the new scenes. 12:05 pm, Morgan Baily Hospital Emilia slowly opened her eyes, squinting severally. The light in the hospital room was too strong for her eyes which had been shut for days. Her survival from the gunshots was nothing short of a miracle. A female doctor stood beside her, she was waiting for Emilia to wake up fully before letting her know her new health condition. Around her bed were her bodyguards. They had rushed her down to the hospital when they found her in a pool of blood. There was something odd about her body, she was beginning to realize it slowly. It was as though one half of her body was alive while the other was dead, especially from her waist down. She could see her legs but could not feel them. Her eyes widened in shock, she looked from the doctor to her legs. “What happened to me?” she asked the doctor. The doctor took a step closer and said, “You are a tough woman, Emilia. We just can’t figure out how you beat death. Though you cheated death, you lost some things in the process. You are partially paralyzed at the moment. You suffered paralysis in the lower part of your body as a result of the gunshots. You may never make use of the lower parts of your body again. You are possibly going to be in a wheelchair for the rest of your life,” the doctor explained, with a plastic frown on her face. Those words were the last things Emilia wanted to hear. She could not believe them. The consequence of being paralyzed in the lower parts of her body were way too much for her mind to handle. At first she ran her hands over her breasts which stood invitingly on her chest, they felt alive and good. Then she reached her right hand toward her thighs and struggled immensely to open her legs apart. She had to shove her hand into her virginal region and fingered her private part, the feeling she got was next to nothing. She fingered herself frenziedly in front of the doctor and got nothing. Her eyes moistened and then the reality of her paralyzed condition hit home. Flood of tears flowed from her eyes. She could not believe it. “Is there nothing more you can do for me?” she asked. “I am afraid there is none. You are lucky to be alive. Actually you were on the threshold of death when they brought you here. You have so much to be thankful for,” the doctor replied with a tone of finality in her voice. Emilia shut her eyes and more tears flowed out. Her lips moved, the word she said were inaudible. The doctor could not hear her clearly and so asked, “What did you say, madam?” “I am a fighter. I am not going to live the rest of my life paralyzed. I will walk again, believe me, I will,” Emilia said as tears soaked the pillow under her head. 01:15 pm, The Presidential Villa Manga Idris and his wife Julia Idris, were on the move to get out of the country. They had heard the Parliament were in the process of removing Manga as the executive head of state. Men loyal to Billy Sekwa were everywhere waiting to seize power and hand it to him subsequently. Manga and Julia knew that if they were caught, they would be killed without delay. More of their secret deals were coming out in the open by the minutes. In every quarter of government, their allies were betraying them. Julia could not believe it that the videos she paid to be made so she could use them to bring down her enemies were being used to bring her down. Already the parliament had begun an inquiry into the death of her legal husband and how her only surviving son wound up in a prison with no criminal records. People the almighty Julia had stepped upon to rise in power were doing their bit to see she fell heavily. The final nail on Julia Idris’ coffin was the emergence of a video, supposedly shot in a hotel room in Dubia, showed Julia begging a Nigerian student to make love to her. In the video, she actually used the F word. In her frenzied plea for sex, she begged the boy who was not more than nineteen years to f***k her while she was stark nude on a bed. Her enemies were numerous and so were the secrets being made public about her and her husband, Manga. As they ran for dear life, their destination was Sierra Leone, a place where they had used public funds to train a local militia for clandestine purposes. Story continues... . More and more episodes to go...
26 Jul 2018 | 18:37
Eve is sure hiding something but can’t place it. Secret every where.
26 Jul 2018 | 19:34
I can't believe Eve is also among this rubbish gosh I trusted her
26 Jul 2018 | 19:51
Ma question now is who is Eve??? Is she a secret service agent or something??? An assassin??? Secrets everywhere, who are we to believe den!!!
26 Jul 2018 | 22:01
Bros!!!! I'm following u ooo
27 Jul 2018 | 04:38
but coming more interesting, more secrets are being brought to light
27 Jul 2018 | 10:05
Damn so eve and Stanley are also keeping some secret
27 Jul 2018 | 11:19
hmmmmmm,,,, this is just serious,,,, anywia u turn to, one secret will surely comes out,,, haaaaa... nawa oooo
27 Jul 2018 | 15:32
DEEP SECRETS Episode 34 . . . 2:08 pm, The Grand Hotel, Monrovia Liberia Elizabeth Sekwa was in her luxurious hotel room all alone. She was going to take a walk in the street to hook herself with a man. Since she bailed out of her country, she had gone days without a man. It was beginning to get to her. Incessant masturbation had not given her the volume of lust she craved. Her hand was on her door knob when her phone buzzed. It was her younger sister. She had just left her a message on WhatsApp. She sat on the edge of her bed and went through the message. “Wherever you are Eli, please lay low. Dad is mad about his guard you killed. A crazy hunt to find you is sweeping through our city. Dad is afraid you might reveal to the public that he slept we us and we had babies for him. He thinks I am on his side, but I swear by God, the least chance I get, I will drive a knife into his throat.” Elizabeth typed quickly, “Sister please don’t stain your hands with the blood of that filthy pig. I will kill him myself. I am already a bad girl and I have no apologies for it. I want you all to have a good life after what Billy Pig (an obnoxious name for their father, Billy Sekwa) did to us.” “No Eli, I want the honour of being the one who ends his life. Two days ago, he woke me up in the night and asked me to give him a blowjob…” “What! Not again!!” Elizabeth typed furiously. “Did you do it?” she continued. There was a suggestive silence on the other end. Elizabeth could tell her younger sister did it. “You did it. Didn’t you?” Elizabeth typed impatiently. “Yes,” was the only reply she got from her sister. “Did he force you to do that?” “Yes, he had a gun…” “I am not in the country now. I see they are going to return him as the new president soon. Relax, I am working on a plan to end his life. Make sure you delete this chat once we are done,” Elizabeth instructed her sister. “I am already doing that, Eli.” After the brief chat with her younger sister, Elizabeth flung her purse on the bed and paced about her hotel room angrily. Her legs and hands shook in anger. A trait she inherited from their mother. With nothing to transfer her anger to, she peeled off her clothes and sat on the bed to masturbate again. Then there was a knock on the door. She stood up and fished a stiletto from her purse and held it behind her back. Not minding she was naked, she yanked the door wide open, ready to drive the weapon into her possible attacker’s forehead. Fortunately, it was a boy. A concierge who worked at the hotel. The boy’s mouth hung open when he saw Elizabeth stark naked. With the nude, curvy, drop-dead, beauty in front of him, the boy who had come to change the air freshener in the room, stood immobile for a few seconds. Elizabeth had to think quickly. She had been masturbating for days for want of a man and before her was a road kill. Before the boy could utter a word, she grabbed him by the hand and dragged him into the room. Being very athletic, she slammed the door shut with a swift kick of her long left leg. In the next thirty minutes which followed, the boy felt like a fish out of water, Elizabeth rushed him giving him no chance to even consider her offer. He had not seen anything like Elizabeth before. She was beautiful, strong and sexually stimulating. When her bent, ravenous, desire had been assuaged just a tad. She dropped her head on the boy’s broad, muscular chest; and like the seductress in the book of Proverbs, she asked, “How would you like to make a thousand US dollars by spending the night with me?” The sound of a thousand US dollars hit the boy’s mind like a left hook from Mike Tyson. “You mean like a thousand American dollars?!” the boy echoed, hardly believing his luck. Elizabeth nodded like a teenager whose crush had told she was the prettiest girl he had seen all his life. “In fact if you can make me moan louder, I will make it a thousand five hundred dollars.” The boy was airborne by now. He rolled away from Elizabeth, grabbed her phone and quickly calculated the value of one thousand five hundred US dollars in Liberian dollars. “I work in this hotel, if my boss finds me in your bed, I might lose my job. You have to take me to another hotel,” the boy said as he hurriedly began to dress up. It was as if he had realized he was still at work. Elizabeth leapt out of the bed and grabbed the boy. The touch of her supple skin and her depraved moans weakened the boy. With the thought of a thousand five hundred dollars on his mind, the boy attacked Elizabeth with raw masculine strength; leaving her with the impression that he was equally as depraved as she was. 3:02 pm, Annabel’s House Annabel had not left her house since the last time Chucks visited her. She had been making the sort of calls she would want no one to know hear of. With the violence in city slowing down, she knew it was time to make her move. She went to her wardrobe and removed a briefcase. She punched a few keys in the briefcase and it opened. It contained bundles of crisp dollar notes and two loaded handguns. She checked the handguns and dug one into her hip. She unzipped her skirt and hid the other underneath her undergarment. She closed the briefcase and raced out of her room with it. Outside, her boys wanted to go with her, but she asked them not to follow her. She went into her car, dropped the briefcase on the passenger seat next to her and drove off. On the road, her eyes darted about, making sure no one was following her. She drove for about thirty-six minutes before she reached her destination. 3:38 pm, Kelvin’s Work House It was a gigantic old house with a thick, high wall at the end of a street in a slum. She honked musically three times and the massive gate swung open. Annabel drove into the compound as soon as the gate opened. In front of the house was a huge man in his late thirties. His name was Kelvin. He wore only a pair of jean trouser and an Adidas slip-on. He was obviously showing off his athletic body. His healthy-looking skin was marred with tattoos. Annabel parked her car in a corner of the premises and jumped out with the briefcase in her hand. “My grandmother has found the videos. I want you to retrieve them from her tonight,” Annabel whispered as she walked pass the guy, heading into the big house. “What is she going to do with the videos?” the guy asked in a muffled tone as he followed Annabel into the house. Inside the house the two of them went upstairs. Annabel set the briefcase on a table, opened it, removed a few dollar bundles and stacked them on the table. “Here is the money you asked for. I want the videos. My grandmother is going to use them for purposes worse than those for which Julia Idris and Baribote made them. She hates me. I know she is going to use my part in the videos against me. She blames me for her dead husband,” Annabel said. “I thought you said she killed your grandfather? Why then does she blame you for that?” the guy asked, as he packed the bundles of dollars into a leather bag. “I am a girl who was repeatedly abused by my grandfather. He was the one to whom I lost my virginity. On many occasions, my grandmother caught my grandfather while I was giving him a blowjob. Instead of protecting me from her pervert husband, she branded me a whore. I was only a child and had no one to protect me. My mother had fled, leaving us and our father when she found out the level of incest in our family. My granny latter killed my grandfather for his perversions, but she sees me as a devil…” “Oh Christ! You really have suffered. I didn’t know you went through this much pain.” “I have been through worse Kelvin,” Annabel said hanging her shoulder in obvious show of sadness. Kelvin walked over and put his arms around her. Annabel rested her head on his shoulder. “My grandmother thought my grandfather began to abuse me when I was fourteen, but it actually began when I was just ten years. He would carry me into his room in the night and finger me till almost the next mother,’ Annabel said with a broken voice as tears circled around her eyes. The sight of tears on her face made Kelvin hug her passionately, showing a lot of emotion for a killer. “I would give anything to go back to my formative years and live under the care and love of my mother. She should never have left us. My father tried for us, but he was too busy with business and his numerous concubines to notice what his father and brothers did to us.” “So you never told your father?” “Yes, I didn’t, and neither did any of my siblings.” Kelvin broke from holding Annabel and went into one of the rooms upstairs. A short while later he returned with an old calabash with blood stains and set it on the floor. The sight of it scared Annabel, she moved away from it and asked, “What is that kelvin?” “I didn’t know you were hurting this much. It is time to tell you the truth.” “What truth do you mean?” “The truth about what was done to you and what has been going on amongst some families in this city.” Annabel was clearly lost. She could not make out what Kelvin was saying. “What do you think Mayo was doing in this city? Why do you think there is so much incest and perverted sex amongst the most powerful families in this city? Why do you think your grandfather, uncles and aunts had sex with you and your siblings?” “I don’t know, you tell me.” “It is a powerful way to renew some occult covenants. It doesn’t just happen in your family, it happens with the Sekwas, the Baribotes, the Idris and many others. This calabash was once the seat of a certain man’s power. He was killed by his daughters after many years of abusing them. This thing has power beyond your imagination. Those who wanted the power it offered sacrificed their own children through incest for it.” “Do you mean my grandfather, uncles and aunt deliberately had sex with us for some selfish benefits?” “Exactly. They took your youthful energy and destiny and offered them to that which they worship through incestuous sex. Let me prove to you what I mean.” Kelvin stood up from where he squatted and walked over to Annabel. He placed his right hand on her abdomen and slowly moved it toward her private part. Annabel grabbed his hand and removed it. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Relax Annabel and trust me. Why do you think I have never for once put pressure on you for sex for the many years we have known?” “Why haven’t you?” “Because if I have sex with you, it would corrupt me and slowly destroy me. You have been offered to the power from where this calabash came. If you let me turn you on, you will see what will happen to this calabash.” Annabel had not heard any of those before. She looked from Kelvin to the ugly calabash and said, “Do it. Turn me on.” Kelvin squatted in front of her and pulled down her skirt. He put his hand into her undergarment and began to touch her seductively. The moment Annabel began to moan; the calabash came alive. The dry blood stains on it began to flow down to the floor and some infernal light began to glow from the inside of the calabash. Annabel could not believe her eyes. “This means you are supplying strength and power to this calabash each time you have sex, and it is so because you have been given to it. Your grandparents and father belonged to this cult. Mayo’s father was their priest as was Mayo to many of them,” Kelvin said as he removed his hand from her undergarment. Annabel felt an unusual sexual urge overtake her. She grabbed Kelvin and tried to pull off his pair of jean trouser. Kelvin would have none of that; he landed a nasty blow on her face and knocked her unconscious. While Annabel was unconscious, Kelvin carried her into a room and lay her on a bed. Taking a seat beside the bed, placed a call to Annabel’s grandmother, Idara Maxwell, “Hello madam, I have taken care of her. She came to me with loads of money to retrieve the videos from you.” “Thanks a lot Kelvin. Make sure her body is never found. Grind her up and pour her remains into a septic tank. None of my offerings shall energize the evil cult any more. There is a greater power to serve,” Idara said. When he had dropped the call, Kelvin stood over Annabel and said as though she could hear her, “If only you knew why everyone wants Eve and Stanley dead, you would have stayed away from finding the videos.” Story continues.. .
27 Jul 2018 | 20:52
Secrets upon secrets...... Na wa o
28 Jul 2018 | 01:29
i reserve my comments
28 Jul 2018 | 06:20
Too many secret hmmm, still observing sha
28 Jul 2018 | 06:38
The story is very interesting but I believe Annabel with kill him since she had guns on her and break that pot to weakens the occultism.
28 Jul 2018 | 06:54
Mr writer keep the good work and I'm proud of that but please can't you post 3 or more episodes a day?
28 Jul 2018 | 06:57
OMG where is this story coming From.... this one weak me after a secret has been reviewed another one surface from no man's land this is getting for tough ooo
28 Jul 2018 | 07:00
too many secrets... there are all gradually unfolding
28 Jul 2018 | 08:10
Secrets upon secrets....hmmmn...Following keenly
28 Jul 2018 | 08:24
this is serious
28 Jul 2018 | 09:36
DEEP SECRETS Episode 35 . . . 4:25 pm, Kelvin’s Work House About ten minutes later, Annabel stirred and woke from unconsciousness. Her jaw was hurting terribly and had swollen. She held it wincing in pain. “You should not have hit me that hard, Kelvin,” she said through pain. “You asked for it when you went for my private organ. Even if you were the only woman on earth, I would never have sex with you. I hope someday you will understand what has been done to you,” Kelvin said with a demeaning look on his face. “I didn’t ask for it. You were the one who turned me on to show me what happens to that evil calabash when I have sex. I need to put ice on my jaw, please.” Kelvin stood up and went downstairs. After a little while he returned with some ice cubes in a piece of cloth. He handed it to Annabel and she put it on her jaw. As the effect of the ice spread through her swollen jaw, she moved uncomfortably on the bed where she sat. That was when she saw her two handguns on the bed. She picked one up with her left hand and it felt empty. “Why did you empty my weapons Kelvin?” she asked. Kelvin stood and held up the detachable magazines from her guns. “Your grandmother, Idara Maxwell has ordered for you to never leave this place alive,” Kelvin said, showing no emotions. Annabel felt her heart skip a few beats. Her eyes widened in shock. While she looked at Kelvin, his childhood friend unbelievably, two heavily built men came upstairs bearing sharp, short, wide machetes. As soon as they joined Kelvin and Annabel; they looked at Kelvin and he nodded at them. The three of them moved toward Annabel to hack her to bits. Annabel stood to her feet and ran toward the wall. There was no way to escape. “Kelvin please don’t do this! Please Kelvin! I thought I could trust you! You are my friend! Please don’t kill me! Please Kelvin!” Annabel pleaded as she backed up against the wall, shaking like a weather beaten bird. When two of the guys reached her, they raised their machetes and Annabel shut her eyes, expecting them to hack her to death. Her cry was heart-melting. “Wait!” shouted Kelvin. The two guys who had already been told what to do, held their attacks. Kelvin walked over to where Annabel squatted in a heap against the wall, shaking like an abandoned child. He took her by the hand and raised her to her feet. “I was not going to kill, Anna. I wanted you to see what it is like facing death. You have a few hours to leave this country. Idara wants you dead, but someone whom I respect a lot wants you alive.” “Who is that?” Annabel asked amid tears. “In the next few days you will meet him in Mozambique. Some of my men are going to cargo you down to Mozambique. Idara must believe you are dead. There is a new guy on the block. He wants to take care of all these mess, and that will include killing your grandmother. She thinks I am working for her, but I am not and have never worked for her. There are some things you must know…” Kelvin paused. Annabel looked at him expectantly. In the background the two machete wielding guys left. “Mr. Femi did not kill your father,” Kelvin continued. Annabel was shocked. “Who did?!” she asked. “Your mother.” Annabel felt her head swoon. She put her hands on her head and slowly sat on the floor. Kelvin went over to the wall where she squatted a while ago, when she thought she was going to be killed and picked up the iceberg she had dropped. He did not give it to her, rather he placed it on her swollen jaw and held it there. “She is back to do what she failed to do many years ago. She loves every one of you. She feels sad… no, she is mad over what have been done to her daughters and sons. The video of you having sex with your father at Mayo’s fun house was sent to her.” “Oh my God! She is going to hate me. Kelvin, believe me, I thought the sex romp in Mayo’s fun house was going to be with strangers and not with my father. I was drugged! I and my father were set up!” “Your mother knows that and all that have happened so far. When you meet her, you will be surprised by how much she knows.” His words soothed Annabel. From childhood she had been dreaming along with her siblings to meet their mother someday. “So you think she won’t see me as an evil child just like my grandmother does?” “No, she won’t. She knows a lot more than you know right now… there is something more you need to know. Your father, Maxwell, is not the good man you think he was. He was not angry about having sex with you. He was only angry with someone making a video of it with the intention to make the video public…” “What are you saying? We were drugged!” “Do you think you are the only daughter of your father whom he has had sex with? Why did he not protect you from your grandfather when your mother left? Your father having sex with you was his last passage rite into a level in the abomination your family worships.” 4:45 pm, Mr. Nathan’s House Stanley stepped outside his father in-law’s house and Idara Maxwell’s men crowded him. They had been given orders not to lose him or his wife, Eve. “I need to go get some ice cream for my wife. It is 4:45 pm, we have only fifteen minutes before you take us back to Idara Maxwell. I can use the fifteen minutes on the road to give my wife my first gift to her since we got married,” Stanley said and waited for the men to respond. Their leader regarded him for a while and said, “I love women and I think you have got one of the best of them; because of her, I will let you go buy the ice cream. However, some of my men will go with you.” “I don’t have to go buy the ice cream and come back. We all can leave now; on the road you will stop for me to buy the ice cream.” “Do you have any restaurant in mind?” Stanley could see where he was headed. “No, I don’t. I can buy the ice cream anywhere you want me to.” The man smiled and said, “That’s okay by me.” “Baby girl! They will let me buy you the ice cream!” Stanley shouted. Eve who had been watching Stanley and the men by the glass door stepped out with a smile on her face. “Let’s go boys!” shouted the man leading Idara’s hound dogs. Eve and Stanley exchanged seductive looks and stopped by their car for a brief passionate kiss. Their plan to lead Idara’s men away before 5pm, so Eve’s parents could make a run from their house was working just fine. Stanley could guess a lot was going on outside and he wanted his father in-law and his family to move to some safe place before late evening. When Eve and Stanley were driven away, a ramshackle Nissan coupe followed them. In it were two men sent by Abel’s friend, Damina. About ten minutes later, a military truck drove into Mr. Nathan’s house. Heavily armed military men, numbering about eight had arrived with the truck. Mr. Nathan and his family made haste, taking what they needed most and climbed into the truck. Twelve minutes after they were driven away from the house. A squad of armed hoodlums came looking for the Nathan’s family. They met a locked gate. The governors in the videos had sent them when they heard the videos were found in Eve’s parents’ house. On the drive back to Idara’s house, her men stopped for Stanley to buy Eve the ice cream he had mentioned. Stanley and Eve stuck to their roles pretending the ice cream meant much to them. All that mattered to them was that they moved the men out in time so Eve’s family could be taken to safety. 5:18 pm, Idara Maxwell’s House The vehicle conveying Eve and Stanley to Idara pulled into her compound. Eve and Stanley were hurled out of the vehicle like thieves. Idara had called her men on their way back and said something to them which made the otherwise nice attitude of their leader to change. Held like goats to be quickly slaughtered for a prominent African chief, Eve and Stanley were led into the house. Idara was already seated at her dining table with a gun lying in front of her. Eve and Stanley were forcefully pushed into seats opposite Idara. “I have been looking at the contents of the parcel my son, Jimmy, sent to you. I am shocked to find out that my son, for whom I killed my husband, was busy looking into my private life and unearthing as much dirt as he could. I haven’t got much time to waste. Right now I am in a foul mood and thirsty for blood; I will kill whatever or whoever will try to stop me from finding that bastard son of mine and torture him to death!” Idara said with her eyes fixed on Eve. “Eve Nathan. I have taken my time to look at the things which happened between you and my son in South African when he tried to kill you some years ago. There is something which happened out there which you are hiding or something the two of you are not telling anyone. I want the truth now!” Idara barked. Stanley took Eve’s hand under the table and squeezed it gently. His other hand rested on the gun which he had taken from Abel, Eve’s younger brother. Idara turned on a tape recorder and pushed it toward Eve. “I want you to tell me everything you know, Eve. Why would my son who tried to kill you some years ago, send you such a high profile, classified document? You have a minute to start talking or I blow your brains out on the floor.” Eve was shaken visibly as Idara picked up her gun and pointed it toward Eve’s forehead. She looked at her wristwatch, giving Eve the impression she was counting the seconds. Sweat broke out on Eve’s forehead and her teeth clattered. She looked at Stanley and Stanley nodded at her. “Your son was paid by people we think now to be Julia Idris and Manga Idris to stop me from concluding a telecommunications deal in South Africa. They had interest in bringing into the country two telecommunications giants from India and China. I and the investment company I represented where to be removed out of the way. When my bosses got a hint of that plan, they played their cards well and set me up for a fall. I was lucky to have survived Jimmy’s attack in South Africa…” “Rubbish! That is rubbish!! I already know that! What I don’t understand is the reason he would mail this parcel to you. This was a man who wanted to kill you. What game is he playing?!” Idara yelled as she removed the safety pin on her gun. She was going to shoot Eve, and Eve could see it coming. “Your son may possibly be working for some foreign secret service agents. He had a name he was called in South African prison. The name suggested he was working for a big powerful organization. After KLT abandoned me to die in South Africa, I had to hire a detective to find out who Jimmy was. The things he found out then were unbelievable, but I was a fool not to have believed them then…” “What did your detective tell you?” “That your son was working for a western secret service agency. He told me that Jimmy would be released from the prison shortly after his sentence. From what we have been able to figure out, Jimmy is only using me to hide information he was gathering. Think of it, who would bother to look my way? I am a lady he wanted to kill a few years back. He must have known my mother can sign my signature. Why didn’t he mail it to me? If I knew about the parcel, why didn’t I remove it from my parents’ house when it arrived? Something else is in play here. I think your son is after you for reasons known to him.” Idara surprised them by dropping her gun on the table. She lowered her head and thought for a moment. Eve and Stanley took a few sigh of relief and exchanged curious looks. Stanley still had his hand on his gun. “Get out of my house!!” Idara shouted. Eve and Stanley were shocked. They could not believe she was letting them go just like that. They stood to their feet and hesitated. “Get out of my house now!” Idara yelled again. Eve and Stanley could not back her, they did not trust her that much. They feared she might shoot into their backs if they turned to leave, and so they backed away from her and headed toward the exit door with their backs. As soon as they were out of the house, they ran toward the gate. No one bothered them. On the street, Stanley shielded Eve with his body. He was expecting a shooter to snipe at them. Their eyes went in every direction. Stanley held his sweetheart tightly as they used the flowers on the street for a cover. The rickety Nissan coupe, screeched to a halt near them. Eve and Stanley went to the ground in a quick move. Stanley pulled out his gun and pointed it toward the car and squeezed the triggers. Bullets from his gun ricocheted off the car while some burrowed their way in. A voice in the car shouted, “Stop shooting! Stop shooting at us!!’’ The voice was followed with the deafening sound of a machine gun. Stanley and Eve lay on the ground and raised their hands in surrender. The Nissan car moved a little closer to them and the same voice shouted, “Bros!! Get in the car! Get in the car now!!” Stanley scurried to his feet, pulling Eve along. As soon as the two of them got in the car, it sped off. There was really no one after them. Stanley had started shooting at the men Damina sent to follow them in fear; and they had to shoot into the air to stop him from shooting at them. Story continues... . ...
28 Jul 2018 | 11:57
Oh my, next pls
28 Jul 2018 | 13:02
Secret upon secret...when secret A will be trying to kill secret B...secret C will show up with another war...from secret A to Z,they know something
28 Jul 2018 | 14:52
hmmmmmm,,, this is great,,,, if dis were to be on home video, am sure d country will be in disarray
28 Jul 2018 | 14:53
Trying to wipe away those secrets is still's family is messed up with abominable sexting,trying to kill themselves too
28 Jul 2018 | 15:05
Annabel couldn't believe that she saw death with her two eyes...kelvin has to keep her alive 4 her mama...her mama has come
28 Jul 2018 | 15:09
Kelvin has to reveal more to her about her like 4 sexting...making sacrifices to their idols through sex...her grandmama never liked her
28 Jul 2018 | 15:19
Idara gave a fake excuse while she wanna kill her...she saw her as an enemy from childhood...even idara was a mess in the video
28 Jul 2018 | 15:28
Elizabeth has to satisfy her urge 4 sex through that guy...he's gonna make more money after sexting her...her papa did a lot to her and sis
28 Jul 2018 | 15:39
Stanley and Eve has come a long way in surviving all these...eve's brother has got her own squad too...RIGHT THERE,MORE SECRET MORE WAR
28 Jul 2018 | 16:01
this story is full of twists bt I love it,,
28 Jul 2018 | 17:22
Next Pls
28 Jul 2018 | 17:31
Me dey ur back oooo... I'm following
28 Jul 2018 | 18:21
Am so so speechless. Secrets revealing secrets anyways kudos writer
28 Jul 2018 | 18:29
28 Jul 2018 | 19:06
More please, these secrets are mind blowing oooo oooooo.
29 Jul 2018 | 01:51
DEEP SECRETS Episode 36 & 37 . . . 6:13 pm, Chucks’ Hideout In a room Steve and Baribote were tied to chairs and backing each other. “I want to talk to my wife!!! Chucks! Stella! Clara! Who is there?! I want to talk to my wife!!!” Steve yelled. For days he had been asking to be given access to Lizzy, his wife. On account of the dreams he had been having, he could tell death was coming for him. He desperately wanted to apologize to Lizzy. Chucks had promised him he would use his connections to find Lizzy, but had not brought him any news about his wife’s whereabouts since then. “Shut up fool! You are not going to see your wife again! Eve and Stanley won’t do that for you. Never! Not after what we did to them! Please keep quiet!” Baribote pleased, his voice laced with anger. “Chief Baribote, can you interpret dreams? Lately I have nightmares a lot. I think I haven’t got much time to live. I want to see my wife. I want to say goodbye to my children,” Steve said amid tears. “Steve be strong. You are not going to see your wife or children. I feel death too. I think it is close,” Baribote said, this time sounding remorseful. . “But I am not ready chief. I am not ready to die.” “No, you are. In fact, I think we are one of the luckiest few in this life who were alerted to the presence of death before it struck. Many have died without seeing death coming. I may smack of everything evil at this point in my life; but I grew up in the church. I was a Sunday school boy…” “So do you know how to pray, Chief?” Steve interjected, still shedding tears. There was a long awkward silence before Baribote replied, “I can recite Psalm 91.” “Can that give me salvation? I was born straight into the occult. I set Eve and Stanley up. I have seen many young girls die while having sex with them…” “Stop Steve!! Don’t remind me of how filthy I am! I have spent days asking God to forgive me. When you speak of those things, I feel like God has not heard me…” “You asked God to forgive you! Can I ask him too?” Steve asked with tension in his voice. “Steve, I don’t know much bible, but I think you can ask him to forgive you.” Steve lowered his head and began to confess his heinous sinful acts rapidly. He was sweating profusely as he confessed his sins; and intermittently his body would jerk. Baribote lowered his head and began to recite Psalm 91… “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the LORD, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler. Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday..." In the living room, Chucks, his detective and his team, Stella and Clara were in a meeting. They had heard Steve yelling but ignored him. For reasons they could not explain, Steve had become fixated about his wife and children for days. “I am going to bring in the club owner for questioning, he knows a lot he is not telling. I want Clara and Stella to go convince Billy Sekwa to unleash his army against Idara Maxwell. Mr. Detective, you will be going with me. Your boys can keep watch over things here while we are gone,” Chucks said. Done with their meeting, Chucks went inside to check on Steve and Baribote, they were still praying. He had no time to wait for them to finish and so he interrupted them, “Steve,” Chucks called out. Steve raised his head like a serpent about to strike a prey. “Have you heard from Lizzy? Are my children okay?” “Calm down Steve, I haven’t got much information for you. However, my sources said that Lizzy was last seen in Port Harcourt. She had moved in with her brother…” “So she is fine? My children are fine, right?” “I don’t know that Steve. It’s been months your wife and children were seen last.” Steve hung his head low again. “Don’t despair, Steve. Give me a little more time and I will find Lizzy for you. I promise I will.” “Please Chucks, release me to go look for them. I haven’t got much time. I think I will die soon. Death is coming for me. I see it every night. Please Chucks,” Steve pleaded with teary eyes. Chucks shook his head vehemently and said, “You know I can’t do that. Stanley and Eve will kill me.” “Please Chucks. Help me. I need to see Lizzy,” Steve pleaded further. Chucks shut his eyes and left the room. A short moment later, Chucks and his detective left to go bring in the club owner, while Stella and Clara went for their first field work in months. They must convince Billy Sekwa to go after Idara Maxwell. They would use the videos she had in her possession as their bargaining chip to turn Billy against her. Clara on her part had a few other extreme ideas to make things difficult for Idara Maxwell. She had for some time been mulling over the idea of getting in touch with Julia Idris. Clara was sure Julia would be a good match for Idara. She would go that far if Billy thought he should not go after Idara Maxwell. About twenty minutes after Chucks and the others had left, one of the guards in the hideout went into the restroom and placed a call to someone outside, “This is a good time to make your move, the house is free for you to attack now.” “How many people are there with you?” the voice on the other end of the phone asked. “Just six. I will be upstairs, make sure you or your boys don’t come up.” “Okay,” said the voice and the phone line went dead. It was possible about fifteen minutes after the phone conversation; Steve was still praying but suddenly raised his head and asked Baribote, “Did you hear that?” “Hear what?” “The sound of flying horses.” “Flying what?! What did you smoke, Steve?!” “I am certain God has heard me.” “And the sound of flying horses makes you think so, right?” Bariboted asked derisively. “The horses are coming to take us home!” Steve had hardly finished his comment when the door flew open and two armed, masked men, sauntered into the room. Through their legs Steve and Baribote could see the bodies of the guards they had killed on the floor. They had heard no gunshots, indicating the masked men had silencer devices attached to their gun barrels. The two masked men raised their guns toward Steve and Baribote, simultaneously, they shouted, “Jesus!” before their heads shattered like watermelon as bullets whizzed through them. 6:20 pm, The Club House Chucks and the detective raced up the staircase to the club owner’s office. They knocked and waited a second to be invited in. There was no response to their knock. They pushed the door open and went in. The office was empty. The receptionist had told them the club owner was in his office. While they wondered what could have become of the him, Chuck spotted a movement in the small room to his left. He snapped his finger at the detective and they moved closer to the room standing on both sides of the door. As soon as Chucks put his hand on the door knob, deafening gunshots rang out from the room leaving wide holes on the door. Chucks and the detective yelled and jumped backward. A few shots followed and there was silence. Chucks and his detective were on the floor in utter shock. Fortunately, their guns were in their hands. The bullets had missed them miraculously. Clearly someone inside their team had alerted the club owner that they were coming. Chucks had to think quick. He kicked a chair near him and moved away, almost immediately another round of shots followed and Chucks yelled terribly. Then the door flew open and the club owner came out expecting to see a dead man on the floor. He was shocked to see none. Chucks had played him. Before he could step back into the small room, the detective buried a knife into his thigh from where he crouched. The club owner yelled and threw his gun into the air. Chucks scurried to his feet from where he hid and put his leg on his neck and yelled at him, “Is Jimmy Maxwell alive!!” “I don’t know who that is!” the club owner shouted in pain. Chucks had no time for that game, he signaled to the detective and he plunged the knife again into his thigh. “Is Jimmy Maxwell still alive?!” “Yes!! Yes!! He is alive!” “Where is he now?” “I don’t know!” “Why was he using Eve to hide the videos?” “For Eve’s sake, there are some things I cannot tell you.” Chucks pointed his gun toward the club owner’s forehead and asked again, “Why was jimmy using Eve to hide the videos?” The club owner shut his eyes, refusing to talk. He was expecting Chucks to finish him off, and Chucks was going to when his phone rang. It was an unknown caller. “Who is this?” Chucks asked. “Get away from the club now! There is a truck load of armed men coming into the club as I speak! I think they are looking for the same thing you want!” Chucks looked at the detective in dismay. To be continued.... . QUESTION: Hmmm steve and chief baribote down! Do you see more deaths? Who killed them? . End of road for Chucks and his private detective? Will they also get killed? . Find out in the next episode as more secrets will be unveiled. .
29 Jul 2018 | 14:24
Every corner is full of secret
29 Jul 2018 | 14:45
The club owner was ready 4 war after getting the information...when it comes to guns and secret u can count on some club owners
29 Jul 2018 | 15:17
Chucks and the detective were tactical to defend's like another squad is coming in to grab more information
29 Jul 2018 | 15:27
Steve has got a lot of regrets about his family...praying 4 forgiveness including baribote who was sunday school boy before
29 Jul 2018 | 15:33
Baribote was a good church boy before he changed into killing people...steve on his own side was born with an evil spoon
29 Jul 2018 | 15:42
Emilia has to finger her vag!na before she could understand what the doctor is saying...there maybe more about eve...THIS IS WAR AND SECRET
29 Jul 2018 | 15:49
I guess Jimmy killed Steve and baribote and I think he sent that truck to the club
29 Jul 2018 | 16:23
these secrets is overwhelming
29 Jul 2018 | 17:32
This is more than too much
29 Jul 2018 | 18:15
"For Eve's sake,there are some things I cannot tell you" why Dis statement na??? What's so special about Eve? Is der something sinister about Eve DAT we don't know? Time will surely tell!!!
29 Jul 2018 | 18:59
hmmmmmm,,,,, walahi dis one weak me,,,, I can't really think again
30 Jul 2018 | 08:08
next plz
30 Jul 2018 | 10:00
Chucks and the private detectives will never get killed
30 Jul 2018 | 12:34
This secret is for four much
30 Jul 2018 | 15:26
If Jimmy is truly alive then he is behind d shooting in d hide out leading to d death of steve and co. I wonder when all these secrets will end.
30 Jul 2018 | 18:37
Secret! Secret!! Secret!!!
30 Jul 2018 | 18:54
hmm secret everywhere thank God i catch up with u guys
31 Jul 2018 | 01:54
DEEP SECRETS Episode 38 . . . 9:06 pm, Radisson Blue When Billy arrived Radisson Blue, Idara was already waiting. Wishing not to be surprised, Billy had come with a small army. While their separate guards kept watch, Idara and Billy took time to straighten their plan to terminate those in the videos and those involved in the making of the videos. “I hope you know if we go ahead with this plan, it would become a potential tool in our hands to destroy each other in the future. A killing of this scale can turn the whole nation against us when they get the knowledge of it,” Billy explained. “I know, but if we plan the killings together and execute them together, none of us can use it against the other,” Idara said, trying to allay his fears. “I feel we should hold off killing those in the videos, they were framed up just like you and I. I got the videos and document you sent to me. Since the two of us have the videos we can use them to threaten any of those in the videos if they become a problem in the future.” “If you feel strongly about that, then let us go ahead with it. However, in the future, I hope you won’t have cause to regret this decision.” “I hope I won’t Idara. However, there are a few people in the videos I want to silence forever…” “I think I know who they are, the governors, right?” Idara cut in. “Yes, the governors. I want them dead.” “You don’t have to bother about them, I have set plans in motion to end their miserable lives. The three of them will be in Chief Seriaki’s birthday in a few days’ time, whatever they eat in that party will be their last meal,” Idara said with a wry smile on her face. “I like that. While you take care of them I will take care of Chief Baribote and Emilia. I heard Emilia is unwell and has gone into hiding. I will find her; I am sure of that.” “We just don’t need to kill Emilia; we need her alive. She must have useful information about my son Jimmy. She planned all this together with him. Please don’t kill her, I want her alive. When I will have extracted the information I want from her, I will show her the measure of pain worse than death.” As if on cue, their phones began to ring at the same time. When they picked the calls, their mouths hung low in mild shock. Idara blinked a few times and dropped the call. Billy made a call to someone and asked if he had got any new information about his daughter Elizabeth. The answer he got was not what he wanted to hear. He sighed and dropped the call. “Chief Baribote is dead…” The two of them said at the same time. Idara smiled and observed, “I see you have a good surveillance network. That is good. This time I think you will make a better president.” “Are you behind the death of Baribote and the young man, Steve?” Billy asked, looking wary of Idara. Idara picked the spoon on her table, bit it hard momentarily and then swore to him, “I am innocent of their deaths. Believe me I am not behind this one. My guess is that the governors carried out this hit. I have heard they sent a hit squad to Mr. Nathan’s house after they heard I found the videos there.” “Who is Mr. Nathan?” “Eve’s Father.” “Oh, I see… if the governors are killing everyone connected to the videos, I guess we need to step things up, Idara.” “Yes we should; but you haven’t said a thing about your daughter Elizabeth. I have heard she is growing very strong. I think you should watch your back.” “Don’t bother about me Idara, I can take care of myself. Now tell me, how much influence would you want in my government?” “Billy, before we get to that, there is a condition we both must meet,” Idara said as she stood to her feet. “Come with me,” she continued. Billy stood and signaled to his men to follow him. I dara led him into the elevator and punched in the fifth floor. When they got to the fifth floor, a lady was already waiting for them. The lady led Idara to a door and pointed at it. Idara stopped and waved at both her men and Billy’s men saying, “This is as far as you all can go. You have to wait for us here. She opened the door and stepped in. Billy waited a moment before joining her. Inside the hotel room was a six feet, slender mirror, which had a red frame. “If we shall kill those that need to be killed together and work together in the government which you shall form soon, then something greater than us must bind us to our words. This mirror holds the sort of power you have not experienced before. In front of it, we shall strip naked and swear an oath that you and I shall kill those who need to be killed and shall work together in your government. We shall tell the mirror that neither you nor I shall turn against each other with the knowledge of the things we are about to do. Billy Sekwa, I want you to think through this before you say a word before this mirror, it can kill faster than lightening. It can wipe out your whole generation if you break the words you speak before it this day,” Idara cautioned, and began to remove her clothes. Billy stared at the mirror, thinking hard about Idara’s words. 10:18 pm, Chuck’s Hideout Chucks and the detective helped the club owner out of the car. They had made a stop at a doctor friend’s house to patch up the club owner. Chucks was still waiting to hear from Clara and Stella about their visit to Billy Sekwa. The receptionist who escaped from the clubhouse had been on the phone with the club owner telling him what happened at his club when a team of armed men stormed into the club. From their conversation, Chucks could tell they had been expecting a day like that. From the much he heard, the club owner, Jimmy Maxwell and the governors were working together in some capacity. The club owner was hoping Chucks won’t figure that out, but the shocking sight they met inside the house which served as Chucks hideout, would later help to loosen the club owner’s tongue. On the floor were strewn the dead bodies of the guards they had left behind to watch over Steve and Chief Baribote. Chucks ran into the room where Steve and Baribote were kept and found them dead. Their brains had been blown to bits. He wasn’t expecting that. His fear when he saw the dead bodies was that Steve and Baribote must have been taken away. While he looked on in disbelief, the detective joined him in the room and got the same shock. Chucks left the room and counted the bodies of the guards lying dead in the house. From his count, one guard was missing, and he knew which one. He ran upstairs and checked his cubicle, a few of his belongings were gone. He placed a call to Stanley. He had to dial his number twice before it was picked. “Stanley, we have been betrayed, one of the men working for my detective has betrayed us. Chief Baribote and Steve have been killed,” Chucks said. Stanley sighed in anger. He was hoping to take care of Steve and Baribote by himself. “When did this happen,” Stanley asked. “Today. A few hours ago. How did it go with Idara Maxwell? She is still holding you people right?” “We are with some local militia somewhere in the city. Idara let us go…” “What!! She let you people go?!” “Yes, Chucks. We are as shocked as you are. I think you have to get away from your hideout and come join us here. These guys have got some firepower. Abel, Eve’s sister got one of his friends called Damina to arrange these guys to protect us. Have you told Stella and Clara what happened?” “No, I had to call you first.” “Did you get the club owner?” “Yes, I have him here. You are right. He has told us Jimmy is alive. They know more than we think they do and they are hiding so much information.” “Chucks you have to call Stella and Clara before they get ambushed. Once you are done, bring the club owner to the city clock tower, a team of armed men will be waiting there to bring you to where I am. Tell Clara and Stella to go to the city clock tower too.” “Okay, Stanley.” 6:20 am, Emilia’s New House Emilia was lying down on a bed while an acupuncturist and a physiotherapist discussed her condition. The two guys have been working with her for some time to see if she could walk again. Though the chance of her walking again was very slim, Emilia was willing to give it a trial. “If there is nothing more you guys can do for me, be bold and tell me. It can’t get worse than it already is,” Emilia said, looking expressionless. “We think you should try some Indian spiritualists. There is a chance they can help you. If our methods were going to work, by now you should have begun to feel your legs again,” the physiotherapist said. “How can I get in touch with these Indian spiritualists?” she asked. “I will get them for you,” the acupuncturist replied. “How soon can you get them for me?” “About a week or two,” replied the acupuncturist. “That is too far for me, can you get them down here in five days?” “I will try.” “Thank you.” While the men packed their stuff to leave, Emilia began to fondle her enhanced breasts. She had been doing that a lot since she lost sensitivity from her waist down. The two men were not shocked, they had seen Emilia do that a lot of times since they began to treat her. 9:22 am, A Warehouse A fork lift brought down a large bamboo box from where it was packed. The bamboo box had arrived two days earlier at Keyon Sea Port and was quickly moved to the warehouse. Three men armed with tools began to work on the box; after a few minutes, they opened it. Out of the box, an angry Elizabeth Sekwa emerged. “Where is your boss?!” she yelled. The man she was looking for ran into the warehouse and tried to make an explanation. She would have none of it. In anger she served the man two hot slaps and yelled again, “Our deal was that you would bring me out of the box the moment it got into the country. I have been inside this thing for two days!” “I am sorry madam. Your father’s men are everywhere asking questions about you. He wants to be sure you are not anywhere in the country.” “Is my father going to attend Seriaki’s birthday party?” “Yes madam.” “Did you get me an invitation to attend the party?” “Everything you need to attend the party has been made ready. I am very sorry we could not get you out of the box in time.” “There is a change in plan, I want my sisters kidnapped, and I want your men to make a failed attempt at bombing my father’s house. Make it look like Julia Idris is behind it. I don’t want him to have time for me or see me coming.” “Okay, madam. Go to your hotel room and turn on the television. We will keep your father busy as you have asked.” “Thank you Bruce. Please while you are working on the plans, find me a man to warm me up. I need one badly.” STORY CONTINUES... .
31 Jul 2018 | 03:36
Too many secrets...just observing jejely
31 Jul 2018 | 05:04
Right behind u... Following
31 Jul 2018 | 06:17
Hmmmmmm Elizabeth is bad in this game
31 Jul 2018 | 06:31
Stanley and eve Are still making plan to stop all this
31 Jul 2018 | 06:33
31 Jul 2018 | 06:56
Clara and Stella u are walking into the lions den,,,, move on
31 Jul 2018 | 08:40
31 Jul 2018 | 14:30
31 Jul 2018 | 16:40
so jimmy is alive
31 Jul 2018 | 17:23
want sex here and there
31 Jul 2018 | 17:32
observing keenly
31 Jul 2018 | 18:01
Still following the secret
31 Jul 2018 | 19:13
Only d strongest will make it to d end.
31 Jul 2018 | 19:43
Secrets, killings,betrayal & sex everywhere..... Really enjoying it,continue!!!
31 Jul 2018 | 19:55
Emilia is still working on herself to make sure that she gets better...the war and the secret took her legs...and took sex from her too
31 Jul 2018 | 23:37
Elizabeth just wanna busy herself with sex,as she plan more to revenge on their father...her father who has done so much bad to them
31 Jul 2018 | 23:42
Idara and billy are into some political benefits...what they will get is much important to them...some people are still coming after them
31 Jul 2018 | 23:48
Chucks and the detective has to escape and was surprise to see what has happened to steve and of their men was against them
31 Jul 2018 | 23:53
Stanley and eve has got a new squad 4 themselves...the war and the secret is still going on...stella and clara has got some role to play
31 Jul 2018 | 23:57
DEEP SECRETS Episode 39 . . . 11:00 am, Mozambique International Airport, Maputo Annabel was being led out of the arrival lounge by two men. Kelvin had kept his word to spare her life after her grandmother Idara Maxwell asked him to eliminate her. The mention of a certain man who had ordered that she be spared had left her full of expectation. Kelvin would not tell her who the man was but had simply described him as a man he had a lot of respect for. This man was the new game changer on the block. The one who would save the day and spare the innocent. The two men who led Annabel out of the lounge were athletic, sharp and smart. Their heads turned in every direction. Their boss would loathe to hear something went wrong with bringing Annabel to him. When they arrived at the car park, they were about to enter their limousine when a group of five men surrounded with guns. The two men held their hands up and Annabel did as well. One of the five men brought Annabel’s hands down and cuffed her right hand to his. “Sorry guys it had to be like this. Someone important wants to dine with Annabel Maxwell,” one of the five men said. Annabel was shocked to hear her name from the lips of a stranger in a country she had not been to before. She looked from the two men who were leading her to the mystery savior and back to the five men who had grabbed her. There was no sign that it was a set up. She was scared. Whatever was happening, clearly came out of the blue. She swung around and sunk her teeth into the shoulder of the man who had cuffed her hand to his. Her intention was to create a scene and draw the attention of airport security agents to the men who were about to take her. While the man whose shoulder she sunk her teeth into cried in pain, the other four guys who came with him pulled their guns and pointed them on Annabel’s head. “Let go of him now!” one of the four guys demanded. Reluctantly Annabel released her teeth from the man’s shoulder. Her teeth had fragments of the man’s clothe in-between them. With her left hand she tried to remove the fragments from her teeth. Spitting severally, she deliberately spewed spits into the face of one of the four men who had their guns pointed at her. She was still intent on starting a brawl. The man she had bitten was in evident pain. His shoulder had begun to bleed. One of his colleagues quickly removed the handcuff on his colleague’s hand and put it on his with a clear warning to Annabel. “If you try to bite me, I will shoot you on the head.” He dangled his gun menacingly to give some credence to his threat. The two men from whom Annabel was disposed had inched a few yards away from the five men in a bid to avoid being shot. Two Chevrolet SUV and a Hyundai saloon car pulled up beside the five men; more armed men came out of the vehicles, grabbed Annabel and shoved her and the man to whose hand she was shackled into the Hyundai. The other men went into the Chevrolet SUVs and they all drove off. The two men who were taking Annabel to their boss got into their limo and followed them at a safe distance. One of them placed a call to their boss to let him know an unknown group had disposed them of Annabel. Their boss was unhappy about that, but quickly placed a call to the Maputo police chief to find out who was behind Annabel being abducted. 1:00 pm, The Militia Camp Chucks and his detective had brought the club owner to the city clock tower and were all driven to the camp of the local militia. A short time later, Stella and Clara were also picked up from the city clock tower. When they all had convened in the camp, Damina made it clear to Stanley and Eve that their camp was not a safe place for them. “It is hard to break into this place with armed force, but I won’t advice you to trust any of these guys with your lives. If your enemies find out you are here, they might pay one of them to kill you all. I have seen it happen here before. These boys are angry and want money at all costs. We are hirelings, we have no supreme lord. Our only bond are the sufferings the government has unleashed on us. We have taken up arms to let the government know that boys are not smiling. I suggest you move yourselves away from here by tomorrow morning. However, if you have a few million bucks to give us, I assure you, we will lay our lives down to protect all of you.” “In that case, it will be best if we move out tonight,” Eve said. “No, Eve. If you don’t have a place to stay tonight, Sleep here. Like I said, only an act of full scale war can breach this place. You see these drums; they are filled with bullets. I will and my team will watch over you people tonight. Abel your brother is a good friend. I will do this for him,” Damina said with an affecting smile on his face. “Damina, we will need more than you and your boys watching over us tonight. I want you to arm all of us with guns except this man,” Stanley said pointing at the club owner. “Who is he? Is he your prisoner?” “He is for now,” Stanley replied. “I can torture him for free to make him tell you whatever you want from him,” Damina said and grabbed the club owner by the scuff of his shirt. “Please don’t, I am willing to tell all I know. You have no need to torture me, please,” the club owner pleaded. “Wait a minute, I know you, man. I have seen you a lot at the City Club. You club there, don’t you?” Damina asked. “I do,” replied the club owner. “He is the club owner,” said the detective. “What?! I have heard that the club owner dines with the high and mighty. I have heard he owns several hotels. I have also heard he packages high end bottle water and owns an exotic bakery. I have heard he is very rich.” Damina said circling the club owner. Turning to Eve and Stanley, Damina said, “Uncle Stan, you and your team can now stay here as long as you want. No harm will come upon you. This man is now your payment, your collateral, to lodge here. We are going to send a word to his family to pay twenty million Naira for his ransom. He is now our prisoner. I will tell the boys you are paying us twenty million for protection and to lodge here. I assure you, they will kill even the mosquitoes that will bite you,” Damina announced with excitement. “No Damina, you can’t take ransom on human life. It is criminal. We will leave by morning,” Eve said pleadingly. “Aunty Eve, this man is a c-r-i-m-i-n-a-l,” Damina said mimicking Rihanna. “Tell us Mr. Banks, that is your name, isn’t it?” The club owner nodded. “How much did Manga Idris pay you to handle his grassroot presidential campaign?” he continued. “I hearrr (Italian accent), it was 150 million. Mr. Banks, all I am asking from you is 20 million out of that… or you are dead!” Damina’s voice changed to a mean, stern voice. “City boy! This man is your prisoner! He will pay the twenty million!” Clara shouted, shocking everyone. Her sharp witty mind was already at work. She wasn’t sure Billy Sekwa was going to attack Idara Maxwell, having seen the way he reacted after he got a call from her. The knowledge that the club owner had links to Manga Idris was huge; she was intent on using it to their advantage. “Mr. Banks, you will pay this city boy and his guys twenty million bucks, won’t you?” Clara asked, her eyes flaring. Mr. Banks nodded and then stuttered, “I…I will pay… the…the money.” “City boy, this man will be in our custody while you get in touch with his family. He is very useful to us.” “Sister, I like your moves. My name is Damina the damager, may I know your name please?” Damina asked Clara. Clara stretched out her hand, shook Damina firmly and replied, “I am Clara the Scorpion and I am a bad boy.” “But you are a girl,” “No, I am a boy.” “Look at your shape, you have boob,s don’t you?” Clara ignored him and pulled down her clothe a bit and revealed a scorpion tattoo on her shoulder. Damina stepped back at the sight of that, gave her a salute and shouted, “You are a boy indeed, sir!” “Where is our Lodgings Damina? We need to urgently have a chat with Mr. Banks.” “Come with me, I am going to give you the finest here.” They all followed Damina toward a block of unplastered apartments. Minutes later, Damina convened the armed young men in the camp. Stanley and Eve stood by his side. “This man and his team will pay us twenty million bucks for their protection and perhaps to kill if need be…” Damina was saying before the boys stopped him with raucous shouts of excitement and gunshots into the air. “No one is to harm them, the twenty million should arrive by three days’ time. That is not all, they have a scorpion boy in their midst, please don’t go close to them for any ill purpose,” Damina concluded. When he mentioned a scorpion boy, all the young men stood at ease and saluted. The scorpion boys were an old militant group who fought the government in the past to bring attention to the squalid conditions the poor lived in, especially the poor in the oil rich regions. They were later slaughtered by secret service agents and those who survived the purge went into hiding. The mere mention of the name drew a lot of respect from the people. Clara her joined the group during her university days where she earned the right to wear the scorpion tattoo during street demonstrations by the scorpion boys. 2:14 pm, The Unplastered Quarters Stanley and his team sat around the club owner. Stanley was the one asking questions. “Jimmy Maxwell is alive, you said so. I want to know, does he have anything to do with a man called Jibril Samuel, or is he Jibril Samuel?” “He is Jibril Samuel. After feigning his death, he took up that name,” the club owner (Mr. Banks) replied. “Where is he now?” “He was in Mozambique the last time I spoke with him,” “Why did he send the videos and a document to Eve? What does he want from Eve?” Mr. Banks looked at the faces in the room and asked, “Am I supposed to answer that question?” “Why not?! Answer the question!” Chucks barked. “I don’t think you want to reveal that here, Mr. Stanley, you and Eve are not the only ones who know what happened after Jimmy Maxwell tried to kill Eve in South Africa,” Mr. Banks said unflinchingly. His reply was a code answer to both Stanley and Eve and they understood him quite well. The rest, except Chucks were lost, wondering what he was talking about. “What does he want Eve to do with the videos and the document?” Stanley asked, moving on to another subject. “Keep them safe. He wanted Eve to keep them safe.” “How could Eve have kept safe the things she did not know were sent to her? Does this Jimmy know that those parcels he sent to Eve almost destroyed her life?” Stella asked angrily. “I want to have a word with this Jimmy or I am going to shoot you!” Clara finally said something. Mr. Banks reeled off Jimmy’s phone number and Stanley dialed him immediately. When a voice came through the phone line, Stanley yelled in anger, “Jimmy Maxwell! I am going to find…” the phone line went dead. Stanley lowered the phone from his ear and gazed at it for a moment, anger was almost chocking to death. “He dropped the call,” he finally announced to his team. “You shouldn’t have called him by his name, for all he cares, Jimmy Maxwell is dead. He is now Jibril Samuel. Try this other number,” the club owner offered. As the club owner called the numbers, Stanley punched them into his phone. When he dialed it, a voice came through and said, “Stanley I know it is you, and I know you have Mr. Banks, the club owner. Be patient, I will get back to you.” The phone line went dead. Stanley was beside himself with anger. Eve took the gun in his hand and led him away from the room where they clustered. While Eve and Stanley reasoned outside, Clara and the detective began to ply Mr. Banks with questions. “Mr. Banks, you know Manga Idris, right?” Clara asked. “Yes, I do,” he replied. “Who ordered the hit which took out my men in Chucks hideout?” the detective asked. “The governors did.” “One of the guards betrayed us. He is missing, do you know where he is?” Clara asked. “He is dead. We killed him.” “You killed him!” the detective shouted in surprise. “We got a lead that the governors were on the hunt to kill all involved in the making of the videos and even some people in the videos. Our source told us they had found out where you were hiding Baribote and Steve. Sadly, by the time our men arrived the hideout, the hit had taken place. We however, found one of the guards. We took him and after asking him some question he confessed to taking money from the governors to betray the man he was working for.” “I don’t believe you!” Stanley shouted from the door. “Are you not working with the governors too? You and Jimmy are working with the governors. So, do you think I don’t know?” Stanley asked further. Story continues...
1 Aug 2018 | 02:44
sex sex all d way, even while faced with danger
1 Aug 2018 | 03:16
wat is Eve big secret
1 Aug 2018 | 03:25
1 Aug 2018 | 03:44
Jimmy is very smart
1 Aug 2018 | 04:24
More secret ... I still dnt trust Eve.. Following!!!
1 Aug 2018 | 04:56
1 Aug 2018 | 08:12
1 Aug 2018 | 08:17
Jimmy might have taken Annabel
1 Aug 2018 | 08:21
secret here and there
1 Aug 2018 | 10:07
Next plsss
1 Aug 2018 | 12:36
ao did jim knw stanley was d one calling hope nobody out of d team havent betray dem again continue
1 Aug 2018 | 12:36
Hmmmm,,,, this one na cocoa house oooo
1 Aug 2018 | 12:36
Following jejely
1 Aug 2018 | 19:34
Den I guess it's Jimmy who came for Annabel in Mozambique.... I still have de feeling DAT Stanley n Eve are hiding something!!!
1 Aug 2018 | 19:44
DEEP SECRETS Episode 40 . . . 2:27 pm, Kelvin’s Work House “Kelvin, Annabel has been abducted in Mozambique, who did you tell she was coming to Mozambique?” Jimmy Maxwell asked over the phone. “I told no one else, but we have information that Maggie Maxwell is back to fix the things she left undo when she abandoned her children and ran to London years ago,” Kelvin lied. “Well, you just gave me some useful information about Maggie Maxwell. Thank you. I want you to move in on the governors, and to also set the ball rolling about how to finish off Manga and Julia Idris. Stanley got in touch with me. He has taken Mr. Banks, the club owner, hostage and is interrogating him, there are somethings I do not want Mr. Banks to reveal about me and Eve. You have to find Mr. Banks and kill him now. However, if it is possible for you to find and extract him from Stanley alive, please do. Mr. Banks has served me well.” “Okay, sir. I am wondering, how did Stanley find out you are working with Mr. Banks?” “I don’t know, Kelvin; but the governors have been making all sorts of deals lately to find the videos and clean up their acts. I suspect them. They could have given Stanley some information in exchange for some knowledge about the videos.” “I doubt that boss, Stanley will shoot them at first sight. Those governors paid to have Eve and Stanley killed. I can’t imagine Stanley making a deal with them.” “Whatever, the truth is that Stanley and Eve now know that I am alive. It won’t be long before they come for me. I am the reason they are in trouble. I mailed the videos and those documents to Eve’s mother when Billy Sekwa’s men came for me. I want to end all these and make things right. It is about time Eve and Stanley lived their lives without the pains I caused them… What is my mother up to now?” “She is still looking for you and wants to take from you all the bits of information you have about her filthy life and secrets, before killing you in the cruelest manner she can possibly come up with.” “Well that is if she can catch me. Keep making her believe you are working for her. I understand the contact between my mother and Billy Sekwa was friendly.” “Yes, very friendly. It seems they might be working together now.” “We can’t let that happen. Billy and my mother, Idara, cannot work together. Use what we have against them to bring them apart.” “Okay, let me go to work on the things you want done.” “Alright Kelvin.” As soon as Kelvin was done talking to Jimmy Maxwell aka Jibril Samuel, he placed a call to Maggie Maxwell, “Hello Maggie, did you abduct Annabel in Mozambique?” “Yes, I did. Do you have a problem with that?” Maggie asked. “Yes, I do. You should not have done that. The plan was to let Annabel meet with Jimmy first. He has no intention to harm her. He was the one who saved her from your mother in-law…” “Shut up Kelvin! Idara Maxwell is not my mother in-law any more than the devil is a son of God! Annabel is my daughter and cannot be safer with anyone else than she can be with me.” “So have you met with her?” “Not yet, the police and secret service agents in Maputo are looking for her everywhere. My men are still smuggling her around. Obviously, Jimmy has a lot of influence here. Make sure you don’t let him know I am in Mozambique.” Kelvin’s jaw dropped in fear, already he had told Jimmy that Maggie was in Mozambique. Three Hours Later, Restaurante Spazio, Maputo Annabel was shocked to meet with her mother. She was in tears and ashamed of herself for the filthy things which she had done with her grandfather and father. She was aware her mother knew all about those. Maggie hugged her passionately as she cried as well. “I am sorry mummy,” Annabel said as she tried to kneel down and plead for her mother’s forgiveness. Maggie pulled her up. “Don’t do that Annie!” She demanded. No one had called Annabel that name in the years her mother had been away. While others called her Anna, her mother chose to shorten her name to Annie. “You were seven years when I ran away from the filth in the Maxwell’s family. I am the one to apologize to you. I should have taken you and your siblings with me to London. I am sorry, please forgive me. I was afraid of your grandfather and his monster wife.” Annabel sobbed so hard her body jolted, “I missed you a lot. Many times I wanted to kill myself to escape the pain and horror with went through in the house. Mum, I was just ten years when grandpa began to have sex with me…” “Shhh! Don’t say it please. It makes my heart bleed. I already know all that happened. I am here now and I will make things right?” Maggie pleaded with her daughter as tears flowed from her eyes. Just then then, a troop of armed military policemen entered the restaurant. Leading them was Jimmy Maxwell. “See what the cat dragged in! The legendary Maggie Maxwell!” Bowing like a count before his king, Jimmy said, “Maggie, it is an honour to meet you for the first time. I admire your courage. You are a brave woman.” “Mother, who is he?” Annabel asked, trying hard to recall where she saw the face. Just before Maggie could answer Jimmy, Annabel exclaimed, “This man is supposed to be dead! He was shot dead in a nightclub in Lagos!” Jimmy stepped closer, stretched his hand toward Annabel for a handshake and said, “Hello Annabel, I am Jimmy Maxwell. You are welcome to Maputo.” “A Maxwell? Mother who is this guy?” “He is really not a Maxwell, Maybe a half-blood Maxwell. Your grandmother slept with a pig who gave birth to him. He is certainly part of the sexual deviation amongst the Maxwells. Now you know why I didn’t want you to meet with him before we see… have a sit Jimmy.” Jimmy was red-faced and didn’t like the introduction he got from Maggie. “That is certainly the wrong thing to say about your fan Maggie. Can I have back my guest whom I saved from Idara? When I am done with her, your get-together can continue.” “Annabel is my daughter and I have the right to keep her. She is not your prisoner… and thanks for saving her from your demented mother.” “Tell me, how would you like it? Would you prefer to let me go have a chat with my niece peacefully or would you like to be put behind bars while I meet with her?” Jimmy asked Maggie with an air of arrogance. Maggie fiddled with her phone, she seemed to be making a call. “I don’t need to be told Jimmy, I already know this is your city and that you have so much power here. But don’t count on it. I have friends here too. How would you like to discuss with the president of Mozambique which prison you prefer most for me?” Maggie asked and offered her phone to Jimmy. Jimmy thought she was bluffing and took the phone from her. Much to his surprise the voice of Mozambican president came through the line, “Hello Jimmy! How are the Maxwells getting on with their hangout in my country?” “President Kianga Rachida, we are having fun. Oh! My brother’s wife is an interesting woman to hang out with.” “I am glad to hear your hangout is going as planned. If you need anything to make Maggie happy, do not hesitate to ask me. I understand she has been through a lot already looking for her daughter.” “Thank you Mr. President.” “You are welcome Jimmy.” Jimmy was shocked. As he tried to return the phone to Maggie, she tapped on a seat next to her and said, “Sit down man.” Jimmy sat down and waved at the military policemen who came with him to leave the restaurant. “On whose side are you, Jimmy? Idara is looking for you. She will be glad to know where you are right now, wouldn’t she?” 6:02, Radisson Blue Days had passed since Idara and Billy swore oaths which bound them to work together both in government and in their quest to destroy those who made the videos which had the potential to destroy their lives permanently. The purpose of their second meeting today was to find out the source of the new attacks which had hit them. Idara and Billy were of the idea that having sworn oaths not to attack each other before the mirror of oaths, there was no way they could have turned on each soon after the oaths they took. Incriminating documents about how Idara Maxwell’s late husband helped previous governments siphon billions from government coffers had surfaced in the media. Political analysts and social activists had latched onto the unfolding story and pointed accusing fingers at Billy Sekwa as the one who leaked the classified information to the public. The analysts and activists were quick to point out that Idara was the only person who could stop Billy’s obvious designs to return to government and for that had leaked that information to discredit her before the public. While the news trended and had tongues wagging, a video of Billy Sekwa, sucking the breasts of three underage girls in his home surfaced on the internet. Political discussion platforms picked the breaking news and drove it as far as they could. Religious organizations and popular pastors openly condemned Billy and told their nation that a man who sleeps with underage girls was not fit to lead a nation seeking to free itself from the cloud of darkness which had over taken it. To the average man on the street, Billy Sekwa and Idara Maxwell were fighting dirty in full public glare. However, the two political bigwigs had no clue where those pieces of classified information about them were coming from. If they had not sworn oaths, a bloody clash would have broken out between them. Jimmy and Kelvin were behind the bits of information rocking the media. Idara was not sure who was hunting her and neither did Billy, but the popular opinion was that a cold war had broken out between Billy and Idara. “This mirror was not my idea, and swearing oaths before it was neither my idea. If I had not verified the potency of this mirror, I would have concluded you deliberately tried to fool me with the oaths sworn before it. I will still ask you, Idara, do you know anything about that video showing me and some girls in my house?” Idara said no word. She stripped her clothes off and stood before the mirror totally naked. “The ancient powers in this mirror of oaths, you know me, I am Idara Maxwell. I have done many wrongs, but the one which I am being accused of now, I did not do it. If I am lying, strike me down this minute,” Idara declared before the mirror. A ball of light emerged from the mirror and enveloped everything in the hotel room. Idara tottered a bit on her feet, and then hit the floor. Billy did not see her fall, the light from the mirror was too strong for his eyes. When the light had receded into the mirror, Billy found Idara on the floor. In fear he moved closer to see if she was okay. Idara was fine. She turned and asked Billy to pull her to her feet, Billy did, with his eyes fixed on her face. “Stop looking at me that way. I survived the search of the mirror of oaths. Now it’s your turn. Strip down and declare your innocence before the mirror. If you survive the light from the mirror, then we are both innocent,” Idara said. Billy was sure he had not leaked that information about Idara’s husband’s dealings with government regimes and so stripped off his clothes without fear. Standing naked before the mirror, he declared, “Mirror of oaths, though I have not stood before you to declare my innocence concerning any matter in the past, I am sure you can see that I Billy Sekwa did not betray my partner here by giving the public the information with which she is being vilified. Prove my innocence and search me with your light of truth.” The last word on Billy’s mouth had hardly left his tongue when the mirror struck with a forceful blinding light and leveled him on the floor. Disfigured faces in the light hovered over him and within seconds returned into the mirror. Slowly Billy stood to his feet, coughing badly. “You can see I am innocent, Idara. The mirror did not kill me,” Billy said amid his coughs. “Now that we have confidence restored between us, maybe we should ask the mirror who is behind our current problems,” Idara suggested. Story continues... . QUESTION Will the right faces appear? Dont you Jimmy Maxwell and Kelvin are in hot soup? .
2 Aug 2018 | 03:13
Wonders shall never cease
2 Aug 2018 | 05:06
they are
2 Aug 2018 | 05:48
Wonders shall never end
2 Aug 2018 | 06:16
Maggie has come with all she's got to make things right with her daughter...the bloody war has moved to the next level
2 Aug 2018 | 06:43
Jimmy was hanging around with some police men but was surprised to hear from the president whom maggie was hanging around with
2 Aug 2018 | 06:47
Idara and billy has been the worst bullies in this secret bloody war...trying all they could to bring their own families down
2 Aug 2018 | 06:56
Kelvin really need to be wiser if not he will be the next not survive this war...they are searching 4 who is responsible
2 Aug 2018 | 07:02
Annabel has come to know her mom more and more...she cares 4 her and never wanna give her the blame of that kinda sexting
2 Aug 2018 | 07:05
Clara the scorpion with the tatoo as a prove...damina and the guys needs more money and has got some respect 4 the scorpions
2 Aug 2018 | 07:13
Stanley and eve are working harder with chucks,detective,stella,clara and the damina''s kinda revenge
2 Aug 2018 | 07:17
this is just wonders,,, purely wonders
2 Aug 2018 | 08:07
OK, more secrets unfolding
2 Aug 2018 | 12:30
Kelvin kasala don bust for ur head
2 Aug 2018 | 13:32
We shall see who I'll appear in thy
2 Aug 2018 | 14:35
Ghen ghen. Only time will tell whose faces would appear.
2 Aug 2018 | 14:56
Well...... Continue
2 Aug 2018 | 18:18
2 Aug 2018 | 18:18
DEEP SECRETS Episode 41 . . . 06:48 pm, The Militia Camp “I think I have told you everything I know. The only way to end this, is to kill those who made the videos and those who want you dead. I still don’t understand why Idara allowed her men to leak the information that she found the videos in your father’s house. I don’t trust that woman. She must be up to something evil. She is looking for me because she has figured out I might have something to do with Jimmy. I guess I am stuck with you all here until this ends,” Mr. Banks said. “There is another copy of the videos and a document containing top secrets about the rich and the powerful in our nation. Jibril Samuel also sent it to my mother. What does he want me to do with them?” Eve asked. “He wanted you to keep them safe, but now you have to use them to end this.” Mr. Banks said. He looked around to see if anybody was watching, drew closer to Eve and whispered, “If you have forgotten, and if others don’t know who you are, Eve Nathan, I know who you are. I have contact with some resourceful people, we can team up and blow the Idris, the Sekwas, the Maxwells and the governors of this world out of the waters. You and Stanley can end this now! It is time for you to go to your honeymoon since you had your wedding.” “I don’t want to blow my cover and I don’t have the training to deal with such a situation. I handle only information; that is my expertise,” Eve whispered. “Yes, that is what you are good at and Jimmy has sent you all the information you need to fight these beasts who seek to destroy you and devour our nation. Eve Nathan, it is time to go to war!” Eve turned to look at Stanley and he nodded, indicating he agreed with Mr. Banks. “Let me have your phone baby,” Eve requested. Stanley handed her his phone. Eve placed a call to Abel her brother, “Abel, I am sending Damina to you. I want you to bring with you the videos and the document to the camp.” “What are you planning, Eve?” “I want to end this. That is the only way to be free again. Tell Daddy to dial the SOS code I gave him, and declare his location after six seconds. Some people will find him by eleven pm tonight. They will take you all out of the country. You must be there when they come, Abel.” “I still remember, Eve. We have been rehearsing everything you told us.” “Good. Damina is coming for you.” “Okay sis, I know where to wait for him.” Eve dropped the call and hugged Stanley. She was very afraid. Stanley took her in his arms, kissed her and put her down on a table. “I am with you on this. If we die trying, let it be,” Stanley said, doing his best to encourage her. Eve nodded with tears flowing from her eyes. With Eve and Stanley having decided to go on the offensive, Mr. Banks had to get in touch with Kelvin. Banks knew the drill, if he was taken by any armed group, Jimmy was to send in a rescue team to either kill him or rescue him. As things were, there was no longer need for that. It was time to bring all hands on deck and fight as a united front. “I have to speak with Kelvin, I need your phone Stanley,” Mr. Banks requested. Stanley broke from kissing Eve and asked, “Who is Kelvin?” “He is Jimmy’s marksman. I need to let him know you are working with us. If I don’t tell him what we are up to, he might hinder our plans. He must have been told to rescue me from my abductors. Believe me, the guy is good. He will make things difficult for you if I don’t let him in on what we are up. He has to know I am not being held hostage.” “Do you trust this guy?” “Absolutely.” “Okay, talk to him then,” Stanley said and tossed his phone to Mr. Banks. Holding Eve firmly, he drew closer to Mr. Banks to hear what he would tell Kelvin. “Hello Kelvin, this is Bankole. I am no longer being held hostage.” “How! Who broke you out?” “There was no need to break me out. I am working with Eve and Stanley now. I have convinced them to fight back. They already know Jimmy is alive and have spoken with him. Kelvin, it’s time to end this. It’s time to take our lives back,” Mr. Banks explained. “Are you sure about this?” “I am dead sure of it. It is time to fight.” “Okay Banks, let me get in touch with Jimmy.” “Call me back when you are done speaking with him.” “Okay, Banks.” Some forty minutes later, Damina and his colleagues led Abel into their camp. Inside a waiting room, Eve, Stanley, Steve, Mr. Banks, Clara, Stella and the detective all convened. As soon as Abel entered the room, Stanley took from him the parcel he brought and asked Damina to take him back to the barracks where he, his siblings and parents were hiding. Damina was not in so much haste to leave immediately, the twenty million ransom they took from Mr. Banks had just arrived. He felt he should let Eve and her team know they had got the money and to assure them they were ready to duel with their enemies. “Mr. Banks, your wife and brother have sent us the twenty million. You are no longer being held here against your will. You can leave whenever your business with Eve and Stanley is done… and with our protection too,” Damina said grinning from ear to ear. “I am glad to hear that. Thank you,” said Mr. Banks. “Aunty Eve, we are now ready to do what needs to be done. When you are ready for our roles, let us know,” Damina said before letting him himself and Abel out of the room. He was happy, having negotiated the twenty million ransom, he would get a large share of it. “I hope you understand we did what had to be done, Mr. Banks? We didn’t mean for you to lose twenty million bucks,” Stanley explained. “Oh! Common Stanley, twenty million is nothing to me. I will take it for the expense we made to hire these boys and the protection this camp gives. I want you and Eve to know I have never been in support of any plan to harm you. I am willing to even spend more to see that we wind up the video scandal.” “You don’t have to bother with explaining things to him Stanley; had he not cooperated with us, I would have killed him anyway. Mr. Banks should be happy that his body is not floating on a river by now. I have lost my team to this mess. My men did nothing deserving death,” said the detective. “I am grateful you spared my life sir. I wish there was something I could have done to save your men who were killed. Take heart,” Mr. Banks offered. With everyone ready to hear their next move, Eve stood in their midst and announced, “We are going to fight back! I am done running and so is my husband. I haven’t had one second of sex with my husband since our wedding day…” “What!!! Please let us give them a few minutes for a quickie!! Hey, let’s go! Let’s go out!!” Mr. Banks screamed. “I don’t want a quickie sir! I have waited all my life for it and I am not going to have it for the first time as a quickie. I will wait for this to end. Sit down everyone, we have plans to make,” Eve said. “What is she talking about Stanley?” Stella asked. “Stella, Eve is a virgin,” replied Stanley. Stanley’s reply to Stella’s enquiry hushed everyone in the room. You could have heard a pin drop. For what seemed like two minutes, everyone in the room stared at Eve. “Stop looking at me that way! Being a virgin doesn’t hurt. I am not feeling any pains. I only miss living like a married woman with my husband. Since our wedding night we have been shot at, dodging bullets and on the run…” Eve paused as she felt a lump in her throat. She was about to cry. Clara and Stella stood up and hugged her so tightly she had to beg them to let go of her. “We have the original videos and a document whose content will leave the hairs on your body standing erect. We are going to make their contents public! We are going to fight with them…” Eve paused again for her words to sink into her audience. “A certain Jibril Samuel sent them to my mother. Of course you now know that Jibril Samuel is Jimmy Maxwell. According to Mr. Banks, Chief Seriaki’s birthday is a few days away, I know many bigwigs will be there, there can’t be a better place to strike than in that party. We have an army now, so we can fight back better than we ever have,” she continued. 7:20 pm, Radisson Blue Idara bowed before the mirror and spoke briefly a tongue which Billy did not understand. When she stood to her feet she explained, “I told the mirror with some incantation which had to be made that we wish to have it shine its light on people who are not in this room. Billy, you must now ask the mirror who leaked those bits of information against us.” Billy reached for his trouser, but Idara clutched it from him and tossed it away. “You cannot not be clothed when making enquiries before the mirror,” Idara cautioned. Billy apologized to her, cleared his throat and began, “Mirror of oaths, we humbly wish to know who leaked the information for which we are being attacked in the media. Since you have cleared the both of us of that wrong, please reveal to us who made those pieces of information public,” Billy said and turned to look at Idara for a confirmation he made the inquiry the right way. Before he could turn to look at the mirror again, it came alive like a flat screen television. A roiling ball of smoke appeared on the mirror and out of it, the faces of Jimmy Maxwell and Kelvin appeared. 7: 51 pm, Blue River Hotel Elizabeth stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing. Her phone was ringing and a boy was on the bed naked. She moved across the room and picked the call, “Why haven’t I heard any bomb explode in my father’s house?” she asked. “We were waiting to be sure all your sisters have been abducted and are safe,” a male voice replied. “Are they safe now?” “Yes, we have all of them and as I speak, they are safe.” “So when are you going to blow something up in my father’s house? I want Billy Sekwa shaken very well.” “In the next five minutes.” “Thanks, my television is on. Please make a hefty ransom for all my sisters. It must appear like one of my father’s political enemies took them.” “Don’t worry, we have that covered already.” . To be continued! Gan gan gan..... . QUESTION Hmmmm Jimmy and Kelvin are in for it... Will they be killed? . Will Billy sekwa's mansion be bombed?
2 Aug 2018 | 18:42
getting deadly
3 Aug 2018 | 02:31
Kelvin and Jimmy are in deep shit...
3 Aug 2018 | 06:12
They we never get killed
3 Aug 2018 | 07:43
Idara will b hard to deal with this her mirror
3 Aug 2018 | 08:52
Hmm she was already after Jimmy, now she we do more
3 Aug 2018 | 15:33
hmmmmmm,,, this is serious,, now dat d mirror of oath has shown Kelvin and jimmy as culprit, am sure idara will be looking for means to kill Kelvin 1st and den her son jimmy
3 Aug 2018 | 17:09
they are in deep shit bt Jimmy will manage.... those who want to blow up Billy's house won't escape
3 Aug 2018 | 17:15
Another battle line has been drawn n I know it's going to be bloody,just wait for it!!!
3 Aug 2018 | 18:30
Another war has just begun
3 Aug 2018 | 20:01
getting close to the end.....following
4 Aug 2018 | 00:31
I will like to see the outcome
4 Aug 2018 | 03:48
DEEP SECRETS Episode 42 . . . 7:59 pm, Radisson Blue “How is this possible?! That face, he works for me!” Idara shouted. “Which of the faces do you mean?” Billy asked. “This one,” Idara said, pointing at Kelvin’s face on the mirror. “And who is the other face? Why do I feel I have seen him before?” “You have. He is my son Jimmy. The man who was supposedly shot dead at the nightclub.” “Oh my God! Why was I told Maxwell shot him dead at the club him?” “You were told that to have you believe he was dead for real. I need to find this other guy…Billy, we have to be careful, my son has so much dirt on every rich and powerful man or woman in this city. You see this guy; he was the one I asked to kill Annabel. He actually sent me pictures of Annabel on a table with her body torn apart. He lied to me. Annabel must be alive.” “The maxwells never stop to amaze me, they are full of shit. So you wanted Annabel killed? What for?” “Billy, for many reasons…dress up! We have got work to do. Obviously Kelvin is working with Jimmy. I think I can take care of them in one swoop by catching Kelvin.” “How do you want to do that?” “He doesn’t know I have found out he is working with Jimmy. I will give him an assignment which will draw him to me. If I catch him, then I will have caught Jimmy.” 8:06 pm, Billy Sekwa’s Home There were over twelve cars packed inside Billy Sekwa’s home. Guards were in their posts, armed to the teeth. All the security lights were on. The news of the abduction of Billy’s daughters had not reached them but the sudden inability to reach any of them was a concern to the heads of Billy’s private security team. Several calls had been placed to Billy’s sons but they would not pick up the calls. His sons were working together with Elizabeth. Amid the tense atmosphere in Billy’s palatial residence, a young girl arrived at the first gate to Billy’s home, dressed like a call girl. She was garbed in knee-high boots, a bum shot and a sleeveless top, which was torn in front and at the back. She put her face on the security camera on the gate and yelled, “Pacho! Pacho!! You asked for a f**k! Here I come!” She reached into her pocket, removed a packet of cigar and a lighter. She was about to lit the stick of cigar in her mouth when the electronic gate swung open and a swarm of armed guards rushed out and wrestled her to the ground.” “Let me go! F**k!” the girl shouted. The guards ran hands all over her body in search of weapons. All they found was a mobile phone. With the girl knelt down and guns placed on her head, they asked her, “Who are you?! Who sent you?!” Looking very unperturbed, the girl lifted her head and replied, “My name is Mattie. I am here to see El Pacho.” “There is no El Pacho here! This is the home of former president Billy Sekwa. We are going to keep you in custody until we determine you mission here!” the head of that unit of guards barked. “There is an El Pacho here surely. I am here to deliver the goods he ordered!” the girl protested. “What goods?” the head of the unit asked yet again. “El Pacho paid for my ass. It is his for the night,” said the girl. “Release the girl!” a familiar husky voice thundered from inside the premises. He had a pump action assault gun resting on his shoulder like Sylvester Stallone. “Ratty! Are you El Pacho?!” asked the head of the unit. “El Pacho is my name in the streets. Release the girl!” replied Ratty. The guards let go of Mattie. She stood to her feet, hissed, spit into the air and quizzed, “Pacho! These guards smell like skunk. Do they pay to have their baths here?” “Watch your tongue little fly!” one of the guards warned Mattie. Mattie pumped up the f**k you finger in his face, spit next to him and ran after Ratty. Just when Mattie had reached Ratty, she remembered her phone. The head of the guard unit still had it. “My phone! El Pacho your skunk colleagues have my phone!” Mattie shouted. Before Ratty could say a word, Mattie was already running back to get her phone. “My phone! I want My phone now!” Mattie demanded as she stood in front of the unit head. The guy reached into his pocket, removed the phone and handed it back to Mattie. Mattie grabbed it and turned to leave. The unit head slapped her very hard on the buttocks and she screamed in pain. She turned and crashed a neck bending slap into the guy’s face and poised for a fight. “Men like you pay to slap my buttocks and you slapped it for nothing. Idiot! Drop your gun and fight me! Fool! Fight me if you can!” Mattie kept yelling. She was playing her part well. The guards had no clue what was coming next. Ratty had to go back and scooped up Mattie and slung her on his shoulder like a log of wood. Comfortably perched on his shoulder, Mattie rained a barrage of abuses on the guards as Ratty bore her to his bunk. Inside Ratty’s bunk, instead of having the raunchy sex Mattie had mentioned, she dug into her private part and brought out small device, the size of a wristwatch, and turned it on. Ratty dismembered Mattie’s phone and removed a pin-like object which he inserted into the watch-like device. In that instance the device began to blink, giving of a ping sound. “How many bombs are in place here Pacho?” Mattie asked. “Eight” “What?! I was told only about three. My employers didn’t mention eight.” “I changed things in the last minute. Billy is a beast. To get his attention, you have to be really loud. Eight bombs will do that.” Mattie studied Ratty curiously for a moment and asked, “Is there something more going on here that you are not telling me?” “Nothing Mattie. Blow this place up and let’s be on our way.” Mattie tore her packet of cigar and removed a small paper from it. On the paper were several four-digit numbers. Working very fast like a rat on the run, Mattie began to punch the number into her phone. When she was done, she dialed them. In that moment, ground shattering explosions began to rock Billy Sekwa’s residence. Buildings, vehicles and human beings were being torn apart. In the bunk where Mattie and Ratty were, they worked frenziedly to disfigure their looks. Ratty had been preparing for the mission weeks back. From a can in the bunk, they removed sachets of blood which they poured on their bodies. Limping and holding each other, Mattie and Ratty headed for the exit gate. Just some distance away from Ratty’s bunk, Mattie detonated another bomb. The impact took them down to the ground. Mattie rolled on top of Ratty, dug her knee into his throat with brute force, sending immense pressure into his head and chest. She then grabbed his head and turned it as hard as she could. Ratty’s neck snapped as blood spurted from his mouth and nose. “It was meant to be three bombs and not eight, El Pacho. You were working for someone else, weren’t you?” she whispered into his ears. Like a cheetah, Mattie made a dash for the exit gate. 8:27 pm, Radisson Blue Billy and Idara were on their way out of the hotel when Billy got a call. It was his chief security officer. “Hello sir! Julia Idris and Manga have struck us hard. Your residence has been bombed sir!” The words made no sense to Billy. His residence could not be bombed that easily. He was still processing what he heard, when a loud shout from the hotel reception jolted him. He descended the staircase, leaving Idara behind. On the phone, his security chief continued to shout, “Sir! Sir! Your home has been bombed! Can you hear me sir? I said your home has been bombed!” In the reception, Billy joined stunned hotel guests watching live video feeds from Billy’s home as mighty inferno engulfed his palatial home. “There has been several detonations in the home of Billy Sekwa. We have not been able to determine if Billy Sekwa was in his home when the bombs went off. Stay tuned to this channel for more details as we try to get you more information,” a female presenter said on the screen. From behind Billy, Idara watched in disbelief. “Who did this?” she whispered to herself. A roaming aerial video shot showed people running in several directions inside Billy’s residence with fire on their backs or trying to help those in trouble. 8;30 pm, Blue River Hotel Elizabeth was standing to her feet with her two hands on her head. She was stunned. Her eyes were glued to the screen on the wall. Like a weather beaten bird, she shook intermittently. The naked young man on the bed stood up and took her in his arms. She squeezed her eyes shut as hot tears rained down. “I did not ask for this!” she cried bitterly. “I asked for a failed attempt at bombing my father’s house. I did not ask for innocent souls to be killed,” she continued to cry. The boy held her firmly, trying his best to keep her calm. Then her phone rang. It was Mattie. “Who are you?” Elizabeth asked. “I am Mattie, the person who detonated the bombs. Madam, we were set up.” “You are not meant to have a contact with me. Report to those who hired you for the job. Drop the call now!” “I am sorry madam; I cannot do that. I no longer trust those guys. Someone who knew about our plan hijacked it.” “What did you say your name is, young girl?” “I am Mattie.” Elizabeth memorized the name. “Who do you think hijacked our plan?” “My guess is Julia Idris and her husband or Idara Maxwell.” “Which of them can you reach to night?” “Idara Maxwell. Julia and her husband are out of the country.” “Mattie, I want you to destroy Idara and everyone named Maxwell tonight. Name your price.” “Fifty million bucks in American currency. Deliver half of it tonight to a safe I will give you now. By morning you will wake up to the news of Idara’s death.” “Mattie, give me the location of the safe.” “Okay madam, I will send it to you now.” “Hold on Mattie, you can earn 10 million more by killing those who hired you to bomb my father’s house.” “Don’t bother madam, they are already dead. I killed them.” “Who did you say you are girl?” “I am Mattie.” 9:35 pm, Restaurante Spazio, Maputo A Bentley was driving Maggie and Annabel into the restaurant. A call came into Maggie’s phone. She picked it, “Has it been done?” she asked. “Billy Sekwa’s home has been blown apart,” a voice on the other end said. “Was he in the house then?” “No madam. He was out with someone. There are too many innocent casualties. There is a chance someone else hijacked the attack.” “Find out who did and wipe them out,” Maggie ordered. “Okay madam.” Jimmy was at a table inside the restaurant sipping piña colada. He had a phone to his ear. “Sir we have done. It went as planned,” a voice on the other end of the phone said. “Thank you. Move on to the other plans,” Jimmy instructed. 8:35 pm, Radisson Blue Idara Maxwell was still in shock over the explosions in Billy’s home. Sitting on a chair, she reached for her phone and placed a call to Kelvin. “Hello boy, you must have heard about the explosions, have you?” she asked. “Whoever did that has no idea what he or she has done,” Kelvin replied. “Kelvin, meet with me in the next forty-five minutes at Eden Crest Suits, we have got work to do.” “Okay, I will be there,” said Kelvin. He had no clue it was a trap. Billy Sekwa had long left for an emergency meeting with his security chief and his team. Just when the city thought they had seen the worst, news broke that Billy Sekwa’s daughters had been kidnaped. One billion ransom was being muted. Julia Idris and Manga were mentioned as the likely culprits. 8:48 pm, The Militia Camp Eve, Stanley and their team watched in utter shock as firefighters and paramedics fought to save the bomb victims. Their eyes did not blink. The images on the screen were seen only during war periods. “We can’t release the information just yet. With this, the public are likely to feel sympathy for Billy Sekwa. They will see him as being unjustly persecuted by his enemies. I know Billy, he will play weak to use this to his advantage,” Clara said. “We can hold back the bits about Billy and release the information we have about the governors, Idara Maxwell, Julia Idris, her husband and every other person out there. Let us send them to war against each other. I know how to do this. We can make it look like Billy is fighting back with the information we will made public,” Eve said. “Do what needs to be done Eve,” said Mr. Banks. STORY CONTINUES... .
4 Aug 2018 | 19:03
this deep indeed
5 Aug 2018 | 05:42
HMMM am lovin dis story NXT PLS
5 Aug 2018 | 07:02
This is really deep na wa
5 Aug 2018 | 08:52
dis is getting more deep
5 Aug 2018 | 09:17
hmmmmmm,,, this story is on point,,, its not even giving clue to guess at all
5 Aug 2018 | 10:02
Hmmn...Love the way things are turning out
5 Aug 2018 | 12:11
5 Aug 2018 | 13:40
They be dead soup o
5 Aug 2018 | 13:41
The secret war is still going on with the bomb blast...everyone of them is pushing harder to be the winner of this secret war
5 Aug 2018 | 15:34
Stanley and eve don't wanna hide anymore...they wanna settle everything at once and settle themselves with sex
5 Aug 2018 | 15:38
Surprise surprise...they didn't saw this one coming...eve still a virgin...some tried to stop her on her wedding day but she survived
5 Aug 2018 | 15:45
5 Aug 2018 | 15:48
Eve's virginity should not be in vain...they really need to survive this secret war...she kept her virginity 4 her husband alone,FINE GIRL
5 Aug 2018 | 15:51
This fight has turn to something else now
5 Aug 2018 | 15:51
Idara and billy are in trouble...they are also trying to put others in trouble too...idara has got mattie coming after her.
5 Aug 2018 | 15:55
Elizabeth is fighting...annabel's mama is fighting...timmy is fighting...kelvin going closer to a trap...THIS IS A SECRET WAR
5 Aug 2018 | 16:02
Kasala dey o
5 Aug 2018 | 18:16
Things r really getting out of hands oo,everybody wants to kill somebody!!!
5 Aug 2018 | 19:32
Deep of the deepest
5 Aug 2018 | 19:36
DEEP SECRETS Final Episode . . . 5:14 pm, Chief Seriaki’s Home While the nation shook over the events of the past days, political and business bigwigs assembled in Chief Seriaki’s home. It was his birthday. Sadly, for them, while the party was going on, Eve Nathan and her group released into the hands of the media the last bits of secrets in the videos which Jimmy left her. Amongst the guests in the party were Chucks, Clara, Stella and Elizabeth Sekwa. They all were disguised. Even a seer would have struggled to identify who they were. While Chucks, Clara and Stella were in the party to pass out damning secrets about certain people, Elizabeth was there to kill. Dressed like a steward, Elizabeth watched the governors who had each attended the party with their wives. The party was filled with randy sex deviants she knew very well from Mayo’s house. The presence of the six ministers and the seven celebrities in the sex videos left the impression on Elizabeth, Clara, Chucks and Stella that more might be going on in the party. It wasn’t long before they found out just how right they were. In Mayo’s fun house, words were rarely used before orgies began. There were sign languages which were used to say all that needed to be said. Chucks, his team, and Elizabeth, who was working solo, were stunned when those sign expressions began to be used openly in Chief Seriaki’s birthday party. “It has begun again,” Elizabeth whispered to herself. At the other end of the lounge, Chucks asked Clara and Stella if they had seen what was going on. He was perplexed and could hardly believe his eyes. “I saw the acting president make one of the signs. This is not a birthday party, they are rebuilding the fallen cult,” said Clara. “What do we do?” Stella asked. “Place a call to Eve, tell her what is going on. I am going upstairs to find out what they are up to,” Chucks said. Stella hurried out of the lounge, while Chucks went upstairs. Upstairs, Chucks met bouncers he did not even know were in the building. He recognized them. They worked for Mayo. Their presence was testament to the fact that the old cult was rebuilding itself. Chucks tried to join the men and women assembled upstairs but the bouncers stopped him. He said something to them in a hidden tongue, they stepped back, replied him and let him in. Chucks was shocked to see the acting president address the assembled men and women. He could not understand his role in their midst. He was never seen in Mayo’s house and was not in any of the videos. So what is he doing with the worst collection of sexually deranged men and women known to mankind? He thought. While Chucks listened to the acting president, he almost fainted when he mentioned the name, ‘Eve Nathan’. For a moment Chucks though he didn’t hear right. He inched closer and listened to every word from the acting president’s mouth. “Those outside this family who have anything to do with the videos must be silenced. It is time to move on from the distractions of the videos and rebuild our dying nation. Eve Nathan is not one of us, but she has great powers backing her. However, this is our nation and as always, we must find a way to silence her and her husband. The call from within the family to grant Billy Sekwa pardon has grown loud. Sadly, we could not give him that. Our national friends in Europe and America will frown at that. So to give them the impression that we mean business about doing things right, we had to put Billy Sekwa down last night…Billy Sekwa is dead. He was a sacrifice that had to be made.” “Why would Billy be killed and Julia Idris and her husband allowed to live? I don’t get it!” one of the seven celebrities queried angrily. “Julia and Manga will die in custody. We just can’t kill everybody in the same night. There is a call for us to try Julia and Manga for the spate of corruption under their government. We can’t just kill them; however, they will die in a few weeks. That has been agreed…” The president was stopped by Chief Seriaki who joined them. He whispered something and left. Chucks was also surprised that a man like him had something to do with the likes of people in the room. “Turn on the television and tune to x6,” requested the acting president. When the television was tuned to x6 channel, the images on it were shocking. The adult channel was screening recorded images of the three serving governors having sex with a teenage girl. The teenager was crying and calling for help while the governors turned every opening in her body into a sex organ. “Turn off the screen!” the acting president yelled. “What happened to the girl after that?” he asked. “She died in their hands!” Chucks replied. He had his hands on his gun and was slightly shaking with anger. All eyes were on him. Thankfully his disguised looked gave nothing away. “Was her death necessary?” the acting president asked. “Mayo penciled her name down,” someone replied. “So it was necessary,” the acting president said almost to himself. “Yes, it was necessary sir,” said one of the three governors in the video clip they just saw. “Find whoever her parents are and reward them handsomely. I want that done today. The three governors should not bother getting involved with that assignment, let the family handle that,” The acting president said and left with a deep frown on his face. Chucks followed him closely but was stopped by security guards. Everyone in the room was asked to sit down. Reluctantly Chucks sat. Then his phone rang. It was a text message from Clara and Stella. It read, “ Chucks, you have to get out of Seriaki’s home now. We have got in touch with Eve, she believes Elizabeth and a squad paid by Idara before her death are around to serve poison to a lot of people in this party. Get out now! We are already on our way out .” Chucks wasn’t entirely surprised by that. He had seen a lady like Elizabeth serving drinks with a bevy of provocatively dressed ladies. He didn’t think then she was Elizabeth because of her looks. When the door swung open, Chucks stood to his feet to leave, but was shocked to see a herd of nubile young men and women ushered into the large palatial room. They were all stark naked. An orgy was about to begin. How did they manage to get this number of young people into this place? Chucks thought. One of the girls came for him and handed him a cup of drink. He took it and brought it to his nose. It reeked of Pendulum . Chucks held the girl, acting the part he was interested in the orgy which had begun. “You shouldn’t be here Chucks,” the girl whispered, while unzipping Chucks trouser. Chucks felt his heart miss a few beats. “Who are you? Who told you my name?” Chucks asked in a low tone. His phone was beeping on and off. Eve, Stanley, Clara and his detective were all sending him sms. “I am an agent working under Eve Nathan. She wants us to end this tonight. You have to get away from here now! The drinks are poisoned, and there are shooters everywhere. The acting president is on our side now. The video you probably saw moved him to our side.” Chucks was hesitant, he wanted to tell the girl what he heard the acting president say, but chose not to. The girl grabbed him and began to kiss him passionately, Chucks responded equally. In the background the room was already like Sodom. Lustful, passionate moans and cries filled it. “Carry me to the restroom,” the girl whispered. Chucks lifted her and made for the restroom. In the restroom, Chucks got a good look at the girl. She was Mattie, the girl who bombed Billy Sekwa’s home and killed Idara Maxwell. Chucks had no clue who she was. “You said you work for Eve, who else knows about her?” Chucks asked. “Just you, the club owner and Stanley. I was flown in last week with the help of Jimmy to end all this. The guys and girls who entered here with me are seasoned killers, they will have fun for a while before ending those miserable lives,” Mattie replied. “How do I get out of here?” “I am sure you can get out now. You have to hide here till we begin to move the bodies out. They must have locked the doors by now. I will put you in one of the body bags and get you out,” Mattie explained. In a motorcade heading out of Chief Seriaki’s home were the acting president and Seriaki. “Isn’t it too suspicious Mr. President that I am not around in my house to celebrate with my guests on my birthday?” Seriaki asked. “Chief if you go back there, you might not live to see tomorrow. This is now Eve Nathan’s show. I just got off a call from my Mossad friend in South Africa. He thinks Eve might be a CIA spy. From what I was told, she has the backing of very powerful people in US government.” “What do I do?” “Nothing. Do nothing Chief. I am very sorry I can’t join the group. If raping young girls to death is what the cult is all about, I am very sorry, I can’t join them,” the acting president emphasized. “I am with you on that one Mr. president, however, I need to go back to my house. Stop the motorcade and let me go back.” “I am sorry; I can’t do that Chief. Have you heard the name Maggie Maxwell before?” “Yes, I know her.” “She sent us a video a while ago showing you and an underage girl in sex. Let me ask you, did the girl die in your hands like the other girls?” Seriaki was shocked. He lowered his head in shame. “She is alive,” he replied. “What are you hiding then?” “My son is in there. He belongs to Mayo’s cult.” “Don’t worry Chief, we have sent your son away.” Seriaki took a sigh of relief. 10:20 pm, Restaurante Spazio, Maputo “It is over. Maggie we did it!” Jimmy said excitedly. “Yea we did it. However, I am not sure it is over for you. Eve and Stanley still want you to answer some questions,” Maggie said. “Don’t worry about me. I will make things up with Eve and Stanley. I know how to.” “I hope it works out for you… I want to know; at what point did you find out who Eve was?” “When I was in South African prison. That was after my failed attempt to kill her.” “I find it a little hard to believe that you didn’t send her those videos and documents to have her killed.” “I will swear on my life, if that will make you believe me, I did not send her the videos and documents with evil intention. I was afraid, I would get killed doing my job. So much was happening in our nation and no one seemed to care. I was shocked when I found out what Mayo and his group were doing. To get more information about those politicians and millionaires I had to convince Emilia to bring me on board… I sent Eve those videos and documents because I knew she would make good use of them. The girl is a damn CIA agent. Before I found out who she was in South Africa, she had been into espionage for eight years. Within those years she helped bring down unpopular governments and corrupt politicians. That girl can take the least bit of negative information about you and destroy your life with in within weeks. That is her training,” Jimmy said grinning. “What makes you think you can handle such a girl?” “Because I now work for the same people she works for, and I know who you work for too. I am not a fool Maggie… Do you think I wouldn’t find out how you got in touch with the Mozambican president? When did you join?” Maggie smiled, sipped her drink and pulled at a tuft of her hair as if they held the very words she wanted to speak. “They approached me after I divorced Maxwell. That was in London. They were the ones who told me what was going on back home. All I saw was the sexual orgies. I didn’t know about the human sacrifices and shocking embezzlement in government,” Maggie explained. “So what’s next for you now?” “Jimmy, I have got my spoilt children to show love to and guide to the way of light… Can I ask you a question?” “Yes.” “I heard something, is it true? Idara Maxwell was not your mother.” “She never was my mother. My being her son was a fad sold to her to help me get close enough to find out what she was doing with the Russians. Her son was killed in Guinea Conakry by the French. He was like the rest of Maxwells. He was dealing in human organs.” 11:24 pm, Military Hospital Ikoyi Emilia was lying on the bed asleep. She had been fully revived. A doctor walked into her room. He removed a syringe from his white overall coat. It contained a poisonous substance. He looked at the door to make sure no one was watching him. He took Emilia’s hands and injected the needle into her skin. Emilia startled up. The doctor drove the liquid content into her bloodstream. “What was that? What did you just give me?” The doctor whom Emilia had not seen before stood staring at her. He said no word. He was waiting for the poison to kick in. Just them Emilia began to cough. She grabbed her throat with two hands as the coughing got worse. From her eyes, nose and ears blood began to ooze. “Goodbye Emilia. I hope you get enough sex in hell,” the doctor said as he began to walk away. Suddenly he stopped, turned back and added, “That was love from Annabel Maxwell and her mother.” 8:18 am, Chucks’ House Chucks was narrating to Clara and Stella what happened in Chief Seriaki’s house. “None of them made it. They were given the same treatment they gave others. Maybe I should say we gave others. Most of them died having sex. Like the girls who died in Mayo’s house, one after the other their hearts froze. Pendulum did the job. We should be thankful that we still have our lives to live after the manner in which we lived. I guess we are last of the group left.” Stella and Clara were in tears. “What happened to the governors,” Stella asked. Chucks paused for momentarily and then said, “They were butchered like cows. I saw their vital organs removed. Mattie wouldn’t tell me who bought their organs, but I know that was her little business,” Chucks replied. “I am afraid of governments. You saw this, yet the public have been fooled that the governors died in a plane crash on their way back from the party,” Clara observed. “The act of governance thrives in secrecy and lies. Sadly, an average man in the street believes what he is always told,” Chucks observed. “Who knows how they will explain the death of the celebrities, the ministers, Julia Idris and her husband?” “Believe me, when the news breaks, the people will believe whatever they are told,” Clara said, still shedding tears. “I am fortunate to still have my life. I want to go see my husband and children,” Stella said as she stood up to leave. “Your ex-husband, not your husband,” Chucks corrected her. “Yes, my ex-husband,” agreed Stella. 10:00 am, Four Seasons Resort, Seychelles Island Long after their wedding, Eve and Stanley finally had their honeymoon. Stanley was standing in their hotel room stark naked with a blindfold over his eyes. Eve peeped at him from the bathroom and yelled, “I can see your eyes! Baby you are looking at me!” Stanley brought down his hand. “I was only scratching my nose,” he lied. Eve was making him sweat over seeing her nude. She stepped out of the bathroom wearing nothing. Her curvy shape was sublime. He boobs stood so firm she could knock a basin of water down with them. “Remove the blindfold!” she said. Stanley could not wait. He yanked it off and looked at her wide-eyed. He swallowed hard. “Come here!” he ordered. Eve had thought she could still play hard. The sigh of Stanley’s muscular build and pulsating body sent electric waves from her spine down her private part. As though on cue, the two of them attacked each other. Stanley scoped her up like a child and lay her on the bed, with her moans she guided his hands and lips. An hour later, their bed was covered with blood. Stanley had taken her virginity. “I am glad I gave you this,” Eve said as she folded the piece of cloth on which she bled. “Can I have more? I think we only just unlocked the door, right?” Stanley asked. Eve tossed the cloth on the floor, spread herself wide in a very provocative manner and said, “I am all yours till the day I can breathe no more.” Stanley took her boobs in his hands and dug his mouth into them. The moan Eve let out was blissful. Three Months Later Elizabeth Sekwa resurfaced after the slaughter in Chief Seriaki’s house and began to rebuild the Sekwa dynasty. Many of her father’s friends who died in that party were her making. Till this day, no one knows her role in the death of Idara Maxwell. Her craving for sex was no less than it had been. However, what her brothers and sisters lacked she became to them – a fierce, protective mother. . I guess you all now know who Eve Nathan is ??? . . . THE END
6 Aug 2018 | 02:03
Nice story... Full of suspense, nice ending. Eve a CIA agent... Nice one bro!
6 Aug 2018 | 03:37
Waoh!!! Nice ending
6 Aug 2018 | 04:19
more ink to your pen
6 Aug 2018 | 05:05
more power to your elbow
6 Aug 2018 | 05:06
more stories to your brain
6 Aug 2018 | 05:08
nice story
6 Aug 2018 | 06:13
more ink to your pen
6 Aug 2018 | 06:21
6 Aug 2018 | 06:34
wow,,, wow,,,, wow,,, I give it to u,,, abeg how many wows should I give u ooo @sheegokeys,,,, this is wonderful,,, I bet it with you. I wish you more knowledge and understanding to the writer
6 Aug 2018 | 07:35
Wow nice story
6 Aug 2018 | 09:56
eve a CIA agent nice story thanks
6 Aug 2018 | 10:35
wow! nice ending
6 Aug 2018 | 10:58
nice story its interesting nd full of suspense
6 Aug 2018 | 11:34
Nice story.
6 Aug 2018 | 12:46
The deep battle secret war and secret has to come to an end with the evil ones loosing everything they have got and went to hell
6 Aug 2018 | 13:05
Eve is not only a virgin 4 stanley but a CIA agent...she has come to...she has done that already,this is more than revenge from her
6 Aug 2018 | 13:12
Wow nice story, nice ending, Weldon Mr writer
6 Aug 2018 | 13:18
Wow........ Nice story
6 Aug 2018 | 13:29
EVE was more than what people thinks she is...she's HOT.SEXY.LOVER.and a SUPER CIA AGENT...she took it to the end
6 Aug 2018 | 13:31
Eve and stanley are having sex right now as i'm speaking to u...they really deserved sext themselves to the fullest.
6 Aug 2018 | 13:35
Mattie has to take idara down and billy and has to join those on the operation rescue the nation from the evil men
6 Aug 2018 | 13:41
Maggie was bringing her innocent family back to good...Annabel has got her mom back...Emilia has to face their revenge
6 Aug 2018 | 13:45
Chucks,stella,clara,detective and all the war guys on their side are feeling good...THIS IS A DEEP SECRET HAVOC WAR SECRET BATTLE
6 Aug 2018 | 13:51
6 Aug 2018 | 13:55
Atlast stanley and eve had there honeymoon in peace, nice ending
6 Aug 2018 | 16:52
Wonderful story
7 Aug 2018 | 02:30
Just observing
7 Aug 2018 | 02:31
Mind Blowing Story
7 Aug 2018 | 05:56
Wow what an interesting and full of suspension story from the apex down to the extreme
7 Aug 2018 | 07:54
more data to ur phone nice one bro
7 Aug 2018 | 08:21
How I wished Dis story never ended but it surely did... Kudos to de writer,I will be expecting more interesting stories from u!!!
7 Aug 2018 | 18:51
its a nice story
8 Aug 2018 | 02:21
8 Aug 2018 | 02:22
No be small thing
8 Aug 2018 | 09:25
#Following! Lets see who goes down
17 Aug 2018 | 03:06
Hmmm.... Its Getting More Insteresting
17 Aug 2018 | 03:06
Nice Ending.. More Grace
18 Aug 2018 | 08:13
Jimmy maxwell must nt b killed oo
20 Aug 2018 | 11:11
dis is too deep
20 Aug 2018 | 11:28
more ink to ur pen
20 Aug 2018 | 11:43
what an interesting story!
23 Aug 2018 | 20:21
happy to read this to the end
23 Aug 2018 | 20:22
13 Sep 2018 | 17:01
Am beginning to fear the end
13 Sep 2018 | 17:02
This is getting hot
13 Sep 2018 | 17:03
27 Oct 2018 | 03:14
27 Oct 2018 | 03:16
Nawa for Steve and bimpe so they betrayed their friends
22 Jan 2019 | 11:42
This story is becoming more interesting
23 Jan 2019 | 06:16
Wow what lovely nice story bro
23 Jan 2019 | 10:20
Nice one bro
17 Nov 2019 | 03:00
Truly a hidden secret
1 May 2020 | 17:49
Deep secrets indeed
17 Feb 2021 | 10:33
Its Bomb ooo
17 Feb 2021 | 10:49
The deeper of the deepest secrets
17 Feb 2021 | 11:06
17 Feb 2021 | 15:53
17 Feb 2021 | 16:14
17 Feb 2021 | 16:31
Battalion of secrets
18 Feb 2021 | 19:19
It deep
18 Feb 2021 | 19:36
Secrets upon secrets
19 Feb 2021 | 02:54
19 Feb 2021 | 05:45
19 Feb 2021 | 08:43
Inside life
19 Feb 2021 | 09:29
Everyone with one or two secret(s) na wa ooo
20 Feb 2021 | 08:07
Las las air don blow fowl yansh don show
20 Feb 2021 | 17:57


Please describe about the report short and clearly.

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