

By Donwalter in 19 Mar 2015 | 17:24
Donwalter Donwalter

Donwalter Donwalter

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Posts: 239
Member since: 9 Mar 2015
Wanna share this stories here.




Note::: Story by LORDJOSH.

The story consist of (20) Episodes.

Just one click::::::

Episode 2b&3

Episode 4&5a

Episode 5b

Episode 6a&6b

Episode 7

Episode 8&9

Episode 10

Episode 11

Episode 12

Episode 13

Episode 14

Episode 15

Episode 16

Episode 17

Episode 18

Episode 19

Episode 20

Episode END

season 2>>
19 Mar 2015 | 17:24
Am too eager too read this man...
19 Mar 2015 | 17:52
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE 1<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . The night was cold and windy, it was a good night to kill. He had watched her for two weeks and he knew she was coming, she always did. The road was straight and clear, he would see her long before she came close. He held his palms against his cheeks, holding his trembling lips with his thumbs. He was standing under a tree just after the bridge he was sure she was going to cross. He smiled, it was very cliché; the boogie man always came from behind a tree in the dark. No cars were passing, he did not expect any to, he could not afford any witnesses and he would have none. A shadow crept into the horizon, his heart skipped a beat; she was coming. The cold was gone and he began to sweat. His lips still trembled and now his teeth were joining in the freak-out party. Calm down, she’s just a woman – a girl. He pulled his hood lower, he could not make any mistakes, it had to be that night, he had waited long enough. She was getting closer. He shoved his hands into his pockets to keep them from falling off, he could not scare her away. She was getting closer. He inhaled deeply as the wind blew the scent of her cheap perfume on him. She was very close now, her heels clicked as she moved towards him. She was four feet away when he stepped out from behind the tree. “Hello babe.” He whispered trying his best to hide the tremor in his voice. She jumped when she saw him. “Hey, why na? You scare me, wetin you want?” “You know what I want, the question, do you have it?” He answered, moving closer to her. His heart was racing. It is happening! “See you, do I have it?” She staggered backwards, he could smell the alcohol. It did not matter, she would do. “If you get the money, you fit get anything you want.” He brought out a wad of cash and waved it, she stumbled forward to take it but he pulled back. “Nope, not until your job is done. Let’s go.” He held her by the arm and led her to the bus he had packed not far away from his pick up point. She climbed into the bus and slumped into the seat. He closed the door behind her and locked it. He went round the vehicle and climbed into his seat. It had taken many years, but the night had come; Diana would have her sacrifice. The light stung his eyes as he opened them, Adam Ademola shielded his eyes with his right hand and pulled himself up from the sofa with his left. He rubbed his temples, they banged in a way he had never experienced before. He was used to waking up with headaches, but the pain he felt at the moment threatened to split his head. He reached for the television’s remote control, the sound coming from the television was going straight into his head. He put the television off and threw the remote on the table. He stood up and knocked over an empty bottle as he staggered towards the refrigerator. There were a number of empty bottles around the sofa, the splintering head was not a surprise. He reached for the top of the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of aspirin and popped three tablets into his mouth. He picked a bottle of water from the refrigerator and gulped the whole bottle. He had promised himself he would not wake up like this anymore, but he had kept the promise for all of three days before he picked up the bottle neatly tucked away in his car. Idiot! He had no idea what time it was but it did not matter, he was going to bed. His phone rang and he jumped, stumping his toe against the table. He cursed and snatched his phone from the table. “What?” he screamed into the phone. “Sir, you need to come to the office now!” Who is this fool? “I don’t need to do anything. Who is this? Whoever you are, know that you have lost your job.” “Sir, this is serious, you need to be here.” “Look here, nothing serious happens in that office. Whatever it is, it will have to wait.” He ended the call. He sat heavily on the chair making it squeak. He placed a finger on a vein that was threatening to pop on his neck, it was probably a foolish idea but he needed some scotch. His phone rang again. “Why are you disturbing me so early in the morning?” he said in a barely audible whisper. “Adam Ademola, it is Eleven A.M.” What! “Are you hung-over again? Anyway, you need to be in the office. You have any doubt, well turn on your TV. Your girlfriend is on.” He threw away the phone, picked the remote and switched on the television. “This is the first murder of this kind that this city has seen.” She was still pretty even when she was reporting a murder. She was not his girlfriend, they had had a brief relationship but it had ended for years. “It looks like a ritual killing but the police are yet to comment on the murder. We will come back with an official police statement in a few minutes.” The reporter said and her pretty face gave way for a bank commercial. He switched off the television and headed for the bathroom, he really needed to be in the office. One hour later he drove into office of the Crime Investigation Bureau of the newly formed Kwara State Police Department. The guards saluted as he drove past the gate, he ignored them and pulled into the carport. Reporters had gathered and were waiting for him, they identified his car and were now rushing towards him. He had taken a couple more of aspirin pills before he left his house. His head still throbbed and he had difficulty looking at anything for more than five seconds before he felt dizzy. His sunglasses covered his sunken red eyes, he had to hide them, the journalists would have a field day if they knew he was hungover. He stepped out of his car, supporting himself with the door of the car. Immediately microphones were shoved in his face. “Mister Ademola…” a journalist started “Detective please, Detective Ademola.” He corrected the reporter. She smiled and continued. “Detective Ademola, do you think this is a ritual killing? Should the people of the city be worried about this?” “I would normally not comment before full investigation has been conducted but I would like to say this, the fine people of this city have nothing to worry about. Whoever did this will be found very soon and he… or she will be brought to justice. We don’t care if it is a ritual killing, we will put an end to this soon. Thank you very much.” He turned, picked his I-pad from the car and closed the door. A ritual killing? He had not had a serious case of murder since he became head of the CIB. He would take his old job back with a huge ‘thank you’ but no one was offering it to him. His head still ached, he had planned to drop in, make his appearance for the sake of the press and pass the case to the nearest deputy. It did not look like he could walk so easily. He entered into the office building feeling like a stranger. People were huddled in offices, the murder was making the CIB agents go bonkers. Adam smiled, at least they were going to work for their pay. He removed his sunglasses as he entered his office, followed immediately by his assistant. He had reassigned four assistants before he had found the perfect combination of angel and devil he wanted in Tola Dosumu “Are you crazy Ademola? A murder like this happens and you decide to sleep in?” She put her balled fists on her waist like a mother scolding her ten year old. “Dosumu, you do realize I’m your boss right? I can fire you anytime I want.” He answered. He set his I-pad on the table and sat on the edge of the table. “Who got killed? Why is everybody going crazy?” “You know what Ademola? Maybe you should fire me, I can’t put up with this. You realize I am not your secretary, I am a cop who is unfortunate to be your assistant. You are the head of the CIB, yet you come to work anytime you want, usually drunk.” “I’m not drunk.” He replied looking away from her. His head still pounded, the sooner he was done with the murder nonsense, the sooner he could return to his house and his sofa. And my bottle. “Okay, I had a few drinks yesterday, I’m sorry Mom. Can we move on now?” “Yes, we can. That file…” she pointed to the blue file on his table. “is a summary of all we know about the murder. I’ll be in my…” “Dosumu I said I’m sorry.” He jumped from the table and grabbed her hand. “Come on, why are you so angry this morning?” They had a weird relationship, he knew they did but he was content with it. She had saved his butt more than once, while he had done all that was humanly possible to drive her crazy. “You know it’ll take all day to read that file, just give me the main points.” “Okay, I don’t know why I do it but I forgive you. First, you need to take something for the terrible headache I’m sure you have right now.” She said, walking towards his refrigerator. She opened it and brought out a bottle containing some kind of green liquid. She poured some into a small cup. “Drink this and let’s go meet the pathologist.” He squeezed his face as he drank the liquid. He had no idea what it was but he knew Tola would not poison him. God knows he deserved it, but she would not hurt a fly. “Alright, let’s go see the pathologist, hopefully he has something to tell us. You need to see the body also, some crime scene pictures too would help you understand what everyone is freaking out about.” Okay, ten minutes at the pathologist’s then I’ll go home. He had never been in the coroner’s office, it was new, one of the last additions to the CIB building. It was very unlikely that he would be visiting the office or the lab very often, he was the boss, he could read all their findings in a file – or have Tola read them to him. He sneezed; the smell of fresh paint irritated him. “Bless you sir.” The coroner said. He was a queer one, the coroner. He had learnt a few things about the man a few minutes after meeting him. He was young – too young, eager to please and knew his stuff. “Thank you Doctor. How about we move to the lab? I prefer if you showed me instead of telling me all these stuff. I have a tendency to forget, something Dosumu is always eager to remind me.” The coroner smiled nervously, Tola just rolled her eyes and looked away. She definitely has respect issues. “Alright sir.” Five minutes later, Adam was standing in the lab waiting for the body to be rolled in. Tola had bailed, he was on his own she had told him. From what he had been told, he knew the body was cut up really bad. “Here goes sir.” The coroner annouced as the body was rolled in. Adam stepped back and held his breath as the covering sheet was removed. He swallowed, even though the body had been cleaned, it looked worse than it did in print. The face had been untouched, the limbs had not been touched either but the torso had been cut. The cut started from the navel and ended in between the breasts. The flesh had been uncovered revealing the inner organs, according to the reports Tola had read to him as they moved to the lab, the liver was missing. “Well, I have seen it now“ He stilled his stomach, he was a detective now, he had to get used to mutilated bodies. He looked at his watch. “What can you tell me about this? Sick bastard cut her alive?” “That was my first thought but then when I opened her up, I caught the distinct smell of almonds.” “Almonds? Wait, that’s cyanide right?” The course in criminology might not be wasted after all. “Yes, very good sir, very good. The scent made me check for other signs of cyanide poisoning, it wasn’t difficult as the body was already open. Her blood – what was left of it was bright red and her organs had a reddish hue. So my guess is, the killer poisoned her first and the cut is postmortem.” “Wow, the killer is really a sick bastard. Have you seen this kind of stuff before?” “No, definitely not. I’m hoping this would be the last.” Adam nodded and looked at his watch again, the dead body had not helped his headache. “Will you be running this investigation by yourself sir?” “That’s a good question, I don’t…” His phone rang cutting him off. It was State Chief of Police.“Hello sir.” “Ademola, are you still at home? You cannot afford to maintain your old habits in times like this. You realize how important this case is, don’t you?” “Sir, I am at the coroner’s office and I do realize how important this case is.” The old man was just as freaked as everybody. The press no doubt would be on his neck. “Okay then, you must realize with the attention this is getting from the press, you are the lead investigator. We need to assure the public we have our best people on it. You, Ademola are our best people.” The old man sighed.”God help us.” Adam looked at his phone, shook his head and slid it in his pocket. “Looks like I’m lead detective on the case after all. I hope this is just a stupid careless killer who can be caught easily. I have no intention of seeing you again, no offense.” “None taken.” The coroner answered and bowed his head, he looked hurt. Sorry, seeing dead bodies isn’t my idea of fun. The sooner the case was closed, the better. If the criminology professors were to be believed, the crime scene was probably the next place to visit. But first he had to get Tola. “What are you watching?” Adam asked leaning into Tola’s office through her open door. “Come in if you want to know.” She answered without taking her eyes off the television. Adam walked into the office, pulled a chair and sat next to her.”What is this?” He pointed at the television. “Remember the accident involving the governor’s daughter? It happened about three months ago, well the press is digging it up again.” Adam looked away from the television, his throat felt dry, he needed a drink. “Are you okay?” Tola was looking at him with her penetrating look. He had seen the look more times than he could bother to count. “Yes I am. The chief just called me, I’m lead detective on the case, that means we – you and I have a lot of work to do. Work that is not fixing my life, actual police work.” “You think I’m trying to fix your life?” She chuckled. “That’s not even remotely true. I would love to, but it’s impossible. No mere mortal can fix your life.” “I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear that. We’ll be going to the crime scene, there might still be some clue left, something spectators have not destroyed. But let’s go over what we know already. “Okay, we know that the victim is a young woman, probably early or mid twenties. We don’t know who she is yet, but she doesn’t look like a rich girl, she hasn’t been reported missing too, that’s got to mean something” “I like the sound of serious Adam. You’re right, she’s not a rich girl – well she might be but get this, she was a commercial sex worker.” “A prostitute?” He groaned and held his head in between palms. “That’ll make this even more difficult. You know where she plies her trade?” “Coca-Cola road, that’s where. You realize you are going to be speaking to a lot of hookers, right?” She laughed. He did not find it amusing, he had to forget about going home, he would be talking to hookers instead. He could postpone that though, the crime scene would be less depressing. “Where was the body found?” He asked as he walked out of the office. “St Andrews Anglican Church” “Say what?”
19 Mar 2015 | 18:04
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (2a)<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Ese Johnson stopped in front of Adam’s office and took a deep breath. She straightened her skirt and smoothened her hair, she was not nervous but seeing Adam again made her heart beat slightly faster. Of course she had made no time for her heart, today she was a journalist. Maybe some other day she could afford to be an ex-girlfriend. She was about to knock when the door swung open. A woman carrying some files in her hand stood in the doorway, the woman frowned when she saw her. “Hello, can I help you?” The woman asked. “Hi, my name is Ese Johnson and I’m here to see Detective Ademola.” The woman smiled, her name must have meant something to her. “Is there a problem?” “I…” She started. “Who’s there?” Adam called from inside, cutting her off. “You may go in.” The woman said, moving away from the door. “Your girlfriend is here to see you.” She called out to Adam and left the office. Adam stood up behind his table as she walked in. “I am your girlfriend? Is that what you’re telling everybody?” She asked with a smile. “Don’t mind Tola Dosumu, she’s my lovely assistant. Married, unfortunately I might add.” He replied with a childish grin. “You are welcome to the CIB director’s office, please sit. And wow, you look stunning!” “I’m back to stunning huh?” It was the word he had used to describe her the first day they met. Stay focused! “Ese Johnson in my office, to what do I owe this surprise?” “You know why I’m here, Detective.” She said sitting down. Despite her resolve to be distant and professional, she could not help herself, he still had her swooning. “The murder? You too? Why is everyone so interested in this murder?” “Detective…” “Hey…hey, why do you keep calling me ‘Detective’? Just stop it, alright? We don’t date anymore doesn’t mean you have to become all official.” “Detective…” Adam threw up his hands in exasperation. She smiled and continued. “…this is a big case. The city has not seen something as gruesome as this in years. Everybody is interested; the government, the cops, the people, the press…” “The press? You mean you?” Adam asked with a chuckle. “Yes, I am- TBC is interested in the case and that is why I am here.” “Okay, what do you want?” “We want exclusive interviews and reports from you and the CIB throughout the investigation.” She watched Adam for his reaction. He just looked at her, he knew how to keep his emotions to himself, it was one of his biggest problems as a boyfriend. Stay focused! “Well?” “I’m sorry, can’t do that.” He replied pointedly, not breaking eye contact with her. “Common Adam…Detective, this is going to be a symbiotic relationship, we’ll help you too.” “You will help me?” He asked, a smug smile spreading over his face. “How would you do that?” “Okay, what do you know about the girl- the victim, what do you know about her?” “She was a prostitute and she… well, she was…” Of course, he did not know much about her. “So you have nothing. Did you know, she was coming from a hotel, one she had frequented, three times a week for the past two weeks?” “And you know this how?” he asked, arching his eyebrow. “We have a crime desk, we investigate these things too but there are doors that a police badge can open that my press ID cannot.” “Do you know who she met with at the hotel? Was it the same person throughout the two weeks?” Now, he was interested. “Detective, I came here for something- something I’m yet to get and you want to fleece information from me?” “You know you have to give me that info if you have it, it’s obstruction of justice if you don’t.” “Wow, you want to play it like this Detective?” Adam could be a hard nut to crack, but she would get what she wanted one way or another. “Well, she met with the same person but we don’t know who that is yet.” “Thank you for that info Ese. I’m sorry I couldn’t help you but I wouldn’t mind getting a little help from you now and again.” His smugness was annoying. “Why did you leave the NTA anyway? You had a cool job hanging around rich and powerful politicians.” “Being hit on by filthy corrupt pot-bellied politicians constantly is not cool, I’d rather chase killers, rapists and other non- political scum of this world.” She said standing up. “It’s not a world for the weak, be careful.” Adam replied without standing. “The weak? Is that what you think of me, detective? Well, all the best with your investigation.” Ese said and moved towards the door. “Hey Ese, I didn’t mean it like that.” He said, standing up and moving towards her. “I’m sure you’ll do great, okay?” “Goodbye detective.” She said and walked out of the office closing the door behind her. It had not being her idea to ask Adam or the CIB for exclusivity, she knew she could hold her own against other journalists but her boss and her douche bag partner thought she needed help. She had been put in her place by Adam but she was going to shock them all, maybe even get an award out of it all. His mind could not leave the meeting he just had with Ese as he stood in front of St Andrews. She still had an effect on him, something he had tried not to show. The crime scene was less depressing than his time at the coroner’s or his foolish meeting with Ese, the church after all was supposed to be a place of joy. The body had been found on the stairs of the church, the pastor had met the surprise as he arrived to open the doors in the morning. The church certainly would not be having new comers any time soon. He walked around the building and came back to the stairs, Tola on his heels. “This is not the crime scene, right?” It did not make sense, he had expected a lot of blood. You could not cut a body open without leaving a mess- except it had been cleaned up. “Dosumu, did this church folks clean up the place?” “No, they were told to leave it plus the police have been guarding this place. It’s become a tourist attraction, I’m sure the pastor would prefer that they entered instead of gawking from a distance.” “Yeah, I’m sure he would.” Adam stooped to examine the concrete stairs. There were a few drops of blood here and there, but there were no pools or splatter, things he expected. “This murder was not committed here, the body was merely dumped on this stairs.” It made the crime scene almost useless, except that it raised a question; why dump the body in front of a church? “I know what you’re thinking, why the church, right?” Tola asked, he nodded and she continued. “Come check out the photos that were taken before the body was moved. The Pastor said he did not touch the body so the killer must have left it this way.” He moved close to her as she opened the pictures on her I- pad. “The body does not look like it was dumped in a hurry, it was done deliberately. See how he spreads her leg and rests her joined hands on her stomach? Ritual killing is what this looks like to me.” Tola said, pointing to the pictures. “That’s interesting, maybe the killer is associated with this church, let’s go talk to that pastor.” The parsonage was just behind the church, seeing the pastor would not be a problem. Tola led the way, she had more experience with Pastors than he had. The parsonage sat between the church and a large burial ground. Adam cringed at the thought of living with so many dead bodies behind your window. The wooden stairs of the parsonage creaked loudly as they climbed. An old woman sat staring into space close to the door. They greeted her, she ignored them and continued staring like she was deaf and blind or just could not care less what they thought. Tola knocked on the door and a woman he assumed was the Pastor’s wife welcomed them in. “Wait here, I’ll get my husband. Can I get you anything?” “A glass of water please. Thanks ma’am.” The pastor’s wife would probably not be willing to give him a cold bottle of beer, so water would have to satisfy his parched throat. Two minutes later, she returned with the glass of water and her husband. He was quite older than her, probably by ten years. Adam could not decide if the wrinkles on his face were due to his age or what he had seen that morning. “Good afternoon Pastor.” Tola was already on her feet, Adam joined her. “We are very sorry to disturb you, especially after what you saw this morning.” The pastor shook hands with both of them and sat down. “You know, I’ve been the pastor here for over thirty years and every morning – except when I wasn’t in town, I would open the doors of the church. It was something that gave me great pleasure, you can imagine how horrible it was to find something like that on our doorsteps.” “Yes, I can imagine sir. I’ve been told you left the body exactly the way you met it, is that correct?” Adam asked. “Yes, I didn’t move the body, I couldn’t touch it. She was naked though, so I covered her with my jacket before I called the police. Do you think it was a ritual killing?” That was what everybody was calling it, Adam could not decide. “Well sir, we don’t know at this point. Do you know the lady by any chance, was she a member of your church?” “A member? No!” The old man looked offended. “I heard she was a prostitute, you usually don’t find them in churches.” He was definitely offended. To be contineud...
20 Mar 2015 | 12:18
making sense. Ride one
20 Mar 2015 | 12:37
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (2b)<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . “We didn’t mean any disrespect to you or your church.” Tola stepped in. “We are still trying to figure out why the body was left here. It doesn’t look random, it feels like your church was chosen.” “Our church was chosen as a dumping site for a killer? That should cheer me up.” The pastor stood up. “I wish you all the best with your investigation.” The pastor had ended the interview, Adam was glad to be out of the pastor’s house. There were two sets of people he did not like dealing with; Pastors and judges. They always made him remember all the wrong he had ever done. “We are done here, right Tola?” He could not wait to be home. “We are done here but don’t you even think of going home.” She could read him better than she could read the alphabets. “We are talking to the hookers today. You realize the chief would want daily updates…well until this thing dies down and everybody forgets.” “Can’t we do that tomorrow? You realize I’m still hung over, my head still aches and I could really use some sleep. You know what, I have an idea. How about we go home and we go interview them later tonight? That’s a good idea, huh?” Adam looked at her, eyes pleading. “Ademola, you know I cannot come tonight. I’m married, remember?” “Oh, that’s true, you are married. I had totally forgotten, when did you get married by the way… wait, how old are you?” He asked laughing. “You know what Ademola, I don’t care what you do, you’re the boss, and it is your reputation on the line, not mine. Just take me back to the office and you can do whatever you want.” “Thank you, my lady.” “Wait, one more thing, don’t get drunk tonight.” “That’s not a problem, I’m not touching alcohol till this case is over.” The tequila felt good as it slid down his throat. He popped off his shoes, and relaxed on his sofa, glass in hand. He was a slave to alcohol and he hated himself for it, but most days the bottle was his only companion. He had made terrible decisions in the past, decisions that had led to the loss of a life, the loss of his totally cool job as personal aide to the governor and landed him the important job as director of the CIB. He hated the job, many would kill to have it but it represented a punishment to him. It was a promotion technically but it came as a result of making a mistake. He had considered resigning, but it would be admitting to himself and the world that he was a failure. Plus he could really use the money. Adam stood up from the sofa and placed the cup on the table beside the bottle of tequila and moved away from it, what he needed was sleep, not a pity party. He was about climbing back into the sofa when his phone rang, it was Kelvin Little. “Kelvin Little!” It was not his real name. His name was Faruk but he did look a lot like Kelvin Hart, if he was bald and was even smaller in stature. Somebody had called him Kelvin Little and it had stuck. “Adam, how far? We have not met in a long time, will you come to Caleb’s?” Faruk was one of the people he needed to stay clear of, he fed his alcohol addiction but he was a true friend. “Faruk, I don’t think I wanna drink tonight. I’m tired plus I have to work later, you heard about the murder, right?” “Everybody heard about the murder, just come, we won’t drink. I’m waiting.” And he ended the call. Faruk had not even given him the chance to say no. It was probably a bad idea but hanging out with Faruk was one of the few pleasures he still enjoyed. He was an ex-soldier, which was difficult to believe because of his height, he had fallen on bad times since he was infamously let go for reasons he refused to discuss. He knew a lot and talked a lot, he did not make sense most of the time but when he talked, you had to listen. Adam moved to room, threw on a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and grabbed his car keys on his way out. His mind went to the murder he was investigating as he eased his car unto the road. Ritual killings were not strange or far- fetched, but this particular one made the air on his neck stand. It was pure evil. And there was the case of the removed liver. Why would a killer remove the liver of his victim? Was he an evil man who fed on human livers or a ritualist who needed a human liver for his money rituals? Then there was the issue of dumping the body in front of a church. He shook his head, he was not going to let the case get to him. It would blow over and they could all return to their normal lives. He slowed the car to a stop as he eased into Caleb’s, it was an exclusive lounge and bar where he met with Faruk. Faruk was already waiting outside. “I can’t believe these people won’t let me in after all these months of coming here with you.” He said as they shook hands. “Remember, you need one of this.” Adam said, showing him his membership card. “It’s exclusive for a reason.” “What are you trying to say man? I’m not good enough? Is it because I’m short? Look here, I have fought for this country, what’s greater than that?” Adam laughed as he showed the guard his card and they were ushered in. “What do you do here when you don’t drink, Faruk?” He asked as they settled into a corner where they could observe without being noticed. “You look at rich people and the fortunate girls who will be getting their money tonight! If I was a girl, I could really do some damage.” He threw his head back, laughing hard at his own joke. “You think I…hold on, I think I have a call.” He dug into his pockets and brought out his phone, he had a call, it was Tola. “Hello Madam” “Ademola, how are…wait, are you in a club? Adam!” “No, I’m not in a club. Well, you could say…forget it. Why did you call me?” “Why did I call? You remember the case? You said you were going to speak to the victim’s co-workers tonight.” “Yes I still plan to. The time is just…”He lifted his arm to look at his watch.”…oh my God, it’s almost seven. Don’t bother with the lecture, I’m going there now and thank God I have help.” He terminated the call before she could add any reprimands. Faruk had always wanted to solve a big case. He had seen enough TV shows to know how, in his opinion, he was going to get his chance. “Faruk, I’ve got something better than watching these fake people. How about we go do some investigation?” “Are you talking about the ritual killing? Are you kidding me?” He asked, jumping up from the sofa. “Let’s go baby!” “Who is your baby?” Adam asked chuckling. The guard at the door eyed them as they stepped out of the lounge, it was strange to enter Caleb’s and not buy anything. They crossed the corridor into the car park and moved towards his car. Faruk saw it first. The envelope was stuck under the wiper of his BMW. “You see that Adam?” “Yeah, I do.” He lifted the wiper, picked the envelope, tore it open and brought out the note inside. He held the note against the light shining from the Lounge’s exterior. A word of advice Detective, Leave this alone, stick to your booze. You were a failure on your last job, You will fail in this also. You will not catch me, so don’t waste your time. “What does it say?” Faruk asked. Adam folded the note and put it in his pocket. “Well, it says ‘screw me’” To be contineud...
21 Mar 2015 | 01:47
this z goin 2 b much fun than i tauqht
21 Mar 2015 | 05:22
Nice starting...
21 Mar 2015 | 06:00
Will u b able t liv up t d challenge? Waiting t find out!
21 Mar 2015 | 07:34
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE 3<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam sighed and mopped his brow as Candy left his office. Candy was a hooker, the eighth he had talked to that morning. Several others were waiting to be interrogated and if they were anything like the first eight, he was in for a great waste of time. He would have done all these the night before but after he found the note, he had gone home – after swearing Faruk to secrecy. He eventually fell asleep after midnight after a heavy intake of alcohol. Of course he had always had his problems but the note had given him extra reason for his alcohol indulgence. He had no plan to tell anybody about it. One thing was sure though, he was going to catch the sick bastard. “Send in the next one.” He said into the intercom. He looked up from the screen of his computer as the lady came in. She was beautiful and gorgeous, refined, even looked a little blue-blooded. “I can see you are impressed, surprised, a little intrigued.” She said with a beatific smile, revealing her sparkling teeth. “Hi.” “Hello.” He replied, with a shy smile. “Please sit down.” “There’s no need to be embarrassed, I get that reaction from people all the time, even some of my clients.” She said, crossing her legs. It did not make sense; surely she was not a hooker. “Alright, thanks for the comforting words, Miss…?” “Tara.” “Tara, okay. You’ve got to tell me though, how did you become a prostitute? I’ve talked to eight before you and none of them could say a full sentence in correct English. You don’t look like…” “A hooker? That’s because I’m not one, I’m an escort.” “An escort?” “I escort people to parties, business functions, lend my sexy presence. Of course, this also involves sleeping with them but that is not bad, is it?” She waited for him to respond, he did not. “I’m like every other girl, we all sleep with men, I sleep with men and make some money while doing it. You understand? Your girlfriend sleeps with you, doesn’t she?” Adam shifted in his chair, a little uneasy. “I understand you knew the victim, how well did you know her?” “Why did you change the subject so suddenly? Your girlfriend doesn’t sleep with you? Wait, should I have asked about your boyfriend?” She asked with mock disgust. “No Tara, I’m not gay.” She was really getting him uneasy. “Just answer my question, okay?” “Hmm, you don’t like to talk. Alright, so I knew her. Not very well though. She was new, been around for just a few months. She was really struggling, you know…” “Struggling? How do mean?” “She didn’t really have the assets for this business, you know what I mean? She was quiet, kept to herself most of the time. Well, until a couple of weeks ago when she got more cheerful, that’s when we started talking actually.” She started seeing the yet-to-be- known client a couple of weeks before she was murdered. “Do you know what caused the change?” “I don’t know, like I said earlier she didn’t talk much. I did notice some things though. She bought some expensive clothes, even came home – you see, we live in the same building- one day with a new pair of shoes, expensive shoes. I know, because I have them. She didn’t work every day, sometimes she would even turn down clients. My opinion, she came into some money.” “Okay. Do you know if she met someone, a rich client maybe?” “It’s quite possible, I never saw anybody pick her up though. I’ve heard a busy couple of weeks myself, you know with the management conference going on at Kwara Hotels.” She said with a wink. “I see. Got a last question for you.” “Is it my number? Of course I’ll give you, you’re a fine boy.” She said batting her eyelashes. “As tempting as that is, I have a different question.” He said with a chuckle. “Is there anybody who you think can do this? Any client who likes to play out murderous fantasies perhaps?” “Ooh Detective, you know I can’t break client-escort privilege.” She smiled, again batting her eyelashes. “What I can tell you is this; there are several people who like these fantasies you talk about, but most of them you can’t touch. None of them would have gone for Celestina, like I said earlier, she doesn’t really have the assets for this business.” “Thank you Miss Tara for your time. We might need to talk to you yet, we will be in touch.” “By we, do you mean you? Remember, you can use the CIB as an excuse to call me, my line is open to you always.” She said as she stood to leave. Adam bowed his head as she left his office, looking at her walk out would have broken all the resolve he had not to lust. Tola watched Adam walk out of his office, she knew something was up with him. They had not worked together for long but she knew him too well, well enough to know he was troubled by something he was not going to talk about. She had learnt what to do in such situations – don’t talk about it and he will talk at his own time. She needed him to solve the murder, it might get him interested in the job. “Why are you looking me like that?” Adam asked, standing in front of her. She had not realised she had been staring at him. “Are you doing one of your psychoanalysis of me?” “Am I? You tell me. How did it go with the hookers?” “Why ask me? You left me alone with those girls, what if one of them raped me?” He asked squeezing his face in mock indignation. “I would be there with my phone to record it all and sell it to your reporter girlfriend.” She answered laughing hard. “What did you learn? Do we have a suspect?” “Do we have a suspect? Yes, several suspects – we don’t have their names though due to client-escort privilege.” “Due to what?” “Do you believe that crap? Hookers have privilege now? Anyway, how did it go at the hotel?” “Well, I’ve got good news and bad news. The good news – the manager of the hotel left us the records, videos from their security cameras, everything we asked for.” “That’s good, if we can identify the person she visits, we have a solid suspect and I can get finally have some head way in this case.” “Remember I mentioned a bad news, right? The tapes, the records – they are all empty. Everything!” “What?!” Adam exclaimed. She had been shocked to find the tapes empty too. “Who could have done that? Who had access to them?” “Well, according to the receptionist, only the manager has that kind of access. Of course any other person could have sneaked into his office to erase them.” “What are you telling me Dosumu? We have no suspect?” He was not reacting well to the dashed hope of a quick resolution. “Well, the manager should still be a suspect, he had access to the tapes and the records.” “Maybe he was the one seeing the victim, I’ll call Tara, maybe she knows something about this.” “First excuse you have and you’re calling her already? She’s barely left your office.” Tola said with a laugh. Adam smiled and went into his office to get his phone. He came out with the phone, dialed the number and put it on speaker. “Hello Tara, this is Detective Ademola, I need to ask you a question.” “Detactive, I knew you wouldn’t stay away for long. The answer is still yes, and you don’t have to pay a dime.” “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind but I have a different question for you. Do you know the manager of Clear Springs Hotel?” “Of course, I do. Why?” “Is he one of the guys who love to experiment? Do you think he had anything to do with Celestina?” “Ooh, this is so cool, is he a suspect? Do you think I might end up as a witness?” She was having way too much fun. “Would you answer the question please” Tola said, cutting into the conversation. “That must be your fiesty deputy, alright I’ll answer your question. Did he experiment? I don’t know. I’ve never worked with him. I don’t know if he had anything to do with Celestina that way. But I remember he once came to see her but he didn’t meet her.” “That’s interesting, maybe he’s our unsub” Adam said, talking to Tola. “Your friend is still on the phone, remember?” The girl must be enjoying the attention she was getting. “So what are you going to do Detective? Are you going to turn the screws to him? How about you turn the screws to me instead?” Tara’s husky voice said over the phone. “That is just disgusting.” Tola said, taking the phone from Adam and disconnecting the call. “Forget the girl’s looks, she is as terrible as the other prostitutes.” “Tola, are you jealous?” Adam said with a wide grin. “You’re married, okay? You can’t have your cake and eat it.” “Let’s just go see the sleazebag” “You know this doesn’t look good for you right?” Ese asked the bewildered manager. “I said I didn’t erase the video. Why would I do that?” He stood from his chair and started pacing. She had gotten information that the CIB had gotten access to the tapes and had found nothing on them. The manager sounded genuinely confused when she had called to confirm as he was the only one who had access to the records, especially has they covered two weeks. She had taken advantage of his panic to get an interview with him. He obviously did not know he was being interviewed. “Why would you do that? So we won’t see you on tape with the victim.” “Even if you saw me on the tape with her, it doesn’t mean I had anything to do with the murder.” “Are you saying we would have seen you on that tape with her? You knew her personally?” “I didn’t know her personally.” He replied, wiping sweat off his brow. She was not sure what to make of the manager but she was sure he did not commit the murder. Well, except he was smart enough to put up this front. He was guilty of something though even if he was not the murderer. He could know who the murderer was. “Mr. Nicholas, did you ever meet the girl?” “Well…you know, I don’t think so.” He stopped pacing and sat on the edge of his table. He was lying. “Mr. Nicholas, it’s better you tell me the truth now before the police get here. They won’t listen to you patiently like I am.” “Well, I met her once. It was just for a few minutes.” He got up and started pacing again. “Mr. Nicholas, did you sleep with her?” “What? Listen, I did not kill that lady. I did not even know her name until I read it on the papers.” “You didn’t answer my question, did you sleep with her?” “Oh my God! I knew I would get in trouble the day that girl came to my room. It was only one time, and she came to my room herself, I didn’t even pay her.” The chair squeaked as he sat heavily on it. He held his head between his hands. “I promise you I did not kill her. Do you believe me?” She did believe him, but the police would not. He slept with the victim, he was in charge of the now erased evidence of whom she was meeting the night she was killed. He looked really good for the crime. “The police won’t believe you, and that’s all that matters. Do you know who she was supposed to be meeting before coming to your room?” “No, we did not do much talking. She was all over me before I knew what was happening.” “Alright then. One last question, where were you the night of the murder?” “I was at Kwara Hotel, for the management conference going on there. The director wanted me to hustle for customers.” “You have anybody who can prove that?” “Yeah, I went with the secretary. Some of the men I met that night are still here.” “Where can I find these…” A lady bust into th office, cutting her off. “Mr. Nicholas, the police are here.” “They are? What am i supposed to tell them?” He looked at Ese, eyes pleading. “Just tell them you have an alibi for the night.” She said picking her bag as she stood to leave. “If you are innocent, you have nothing to fear.” She left him in his office still looking dejected. He looked like a boy who had been caught in his first attempt at stealing. He was not the murderer but she had not ruled out the possibility that he knew who the killer was, maybe without even knowing he did. “What are you doing here?” A voice called from behind her as she entered the lobby, it was Adam. “Hello Detective. Hello Ma’am” She said, greeting him and his no nonsense assistant. “Ese, what are you doing here?” “I told you i would investigate this case on my own. You can go in and do your own thing, i won’t get in your way.” “I’m sure you won’t.” Adam replied and turned away. “Hey Detective, he didn’t do it. No easy end to this for you, i’m sorry.” “Who? I don’t know what you’re talking about. We would like to do our own investiagtion too. Thank you.” Ese smiled and left the building. *** He woke up with a start. His bedsheet was wet again, he had been sweating. He removed his soaked underwear and threw it on the floor. He had woken up sweating for the third consecutive night. He did not have any nightmares but he would wake up with a start covered in sweat. He rose up from the bed and walked out of his room. All the lights were off, the darkness suited him. He dragged his feet as he walked to the refrigerator. He knew why he could not sleep. Diana. She had taken over his mind. He could barely wait to get back into his house, back to her anytime he went out. She loved his sacrifice, but it was not perfect. He opened the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of water. He opened the cap and poured the water on his head. It felt good. He knew what he had to do. Diana deserved another sacrifice, a pure sacrifice and she would get it. Soon. To be contineud...
21 Mar 2015 | 09:38
Looking forward to the next episode as this is getting more interesting
21 Mar 2015 | 18:38
21 Mar 2015 | 19:09
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE 4<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . It had been two weeks and he had hit rock bottom. He had thought the first six months of his job as Director of the CIB was rock bottom, but two weeks after hitting a dead end with his case, he had a new understanding of rock bottom. Everybody was out to get him. It was exhausting. The people were more relaxed, but they still wanted answers. The government was silent, that was even more threatening. The Chief of Police had skillfully evaded any press attention and was letting him take all the blame for the lack of movement in the case. It was his case so maybe he did deserve the blame but he had taken it for as long as he could and he had reached his limit. He was allowed a two week break every year and it was the right time to take it. He was in the office of the Kwara State Chief of Police, he was the one who could free him from the torture of his job, even if it would be temporal. “Ademola, how are you? Have you lost weight or what?” Chief Adeyanju said as he rolled into his office. “I believe I have sir.” Adam replied standing to his feet and saluting. “That is good. Nobody wants a fat cop.” He said and laughed hard, his pot belly showing exactly why nobody likes a fat cop. “Sit down. You’ve never come to my office without me having to force you” “Well, I would not put it like that. I believe you are a busy man, I usually don’t want to disturb you sir.” He was rarely busy, almost all his work had been delegated. “I hear you Ademola. So why are you disturbing me today then?” “Well sir, I need you to approve my two-week vacation sir.” “Vacation? You’re traveling somewhere?” “Well, not really sir. I just need a break.” Adam replied him, feigning a smile. “Detective, you need a break? A break from what? You’ve done almost nothing since you became the Director at CIB, now you need a break when you eventually have something to do.” “I have something to do? You think so? I have hit a dead end with this case and you know it.” “No Ademola, I don’t know it. Why did you let the manager of the hotel go? He was a good suspect.” “He didn’t do it. We were either going to charge him or let him go. There wasn’t enough evidence to charge him. He had an alibi, remember?” He knew he was probably being rude to his boss but he was getting irritated by all the pressure on him. “Somebody deleted those records. Are you saying the person can’t be found?” “Sir, we have tried our best. Maybe the person involved in this is one of your politician friends, people with too much power to be touched.” “That is your excuse now? Ademola, I thought it was a bad idea to make you director of CIB and I told the governor but he insisted you be made the director. He made me swear I will support you and I have supported you, despite all your flaws. I will not take this though, ride out the storm, you might be lucky and this is a one time thing, people will forget soon enough.” Adam kept quiet and stared out of the window. The chief was right, he was giving up on the case too soon. He was not going to drink away the rest of his life. He had to do this one thing right, if it was all he would do. And then there was the note. .The bastard had taunted him. “Sir, I am sorry. You’re right, I have no right to give up on this case. I’ll look for new angles, I’ll have my top detectives work on it till we get a lead.” Adam said and stood. “You go do that Ademola. You should also remember that the governor will finish his term one day and no other governor will leave a drunk as Director of the CIB.” “Alright sir. I’ll take my leave now sir.” “You were talking about politicians right? Well, you’ll get a chance to quiz the topmost politician in the state today. The governor asked to see you in the government house by 12 pm.” “You said what sir? When were you going to tell me this sir? Did he tell you what it was about?” He had not spoken to the governor in years. “No he didn’t. You will find out in…” he looked at his watch.”… one hour and fifteen minutes, if you hurry. Tell him I said ‘hello’” “This is not working Ese” Ese looked at her boss and it took all the mental strength she had not to jump across the table and slap the woman. She was a round woman. But her rotundness never stopped her from stomping into everybody’s offices and yanking their heads off. Everyone called her the grinch. Ese was having her head ripped off and she did not like it. True, she had hit a brick wall with the case she was supposed to investigate, but even the police did not have a new lead. It was worse that she had to sit through the lecture with her partner watching. He had run the crime desk alone for years and he had told her in clear terms he was not happy she was employed. He was even more angry when she was given the prostitute’s murder case. “I told you from the beginning that this is a bad idea.” He said with a huge grin. “Keep quiet Richard.” The only consolation she had was the grinch disliked Richard as much as she did. “This is not fair ma’am. I have been here only a few months and I’m being transferred because I’m having a little challenge with the first case I’m working?” “You’ve got nothing for two weeks, that’s more than a little in my books.” Richard said, the grin becoming wider. “I said you should shut up, Richard.” The grinch fired Richard a stern look. “Ese, he’s right though. You haven’t gotten anything in two weeks, it might not be your fault. People don’t like change, Richard already knows the people of the state, Maybe he should continue as our crime’s desk reporter.” “What are you saying? I never said he should quit his job but you cannot remove me from this unit. You know my reputation at NTA…” “I know your reputation at NTA, and that is why we employed you. Maybe you are better suited with the politics unit.” “If i wanted to stay with politicians, i would have remained with NTA.” She realised she was raising her voice but she did not mind,they were toying with her. “Ese, you are not hearing me, this isnt discussion. Richard takes over the crimes desk fully now. Report to the politics unit tommorow.” Ese picked her bag and stormed out of the room, she would remain in the crimes unit if it meant she had to kill somebody to get a story. The government house was once second home to him, but not anymore. Adam looked at the familiar lay out of the building as he moved towards the waiting room. He had been an aide to the governor and could have considered him a friend but he was smart enough to know better. They had a great relationship until the first lady was shot. There was nothing he could have done about it, he had told himself a thousand times but he could not let go of the incident. Neither could the governor. He had been sent out of the country for a course in criminology and he had come back to head the CIB. He had been surprised when the police chief told him the governor wanted to see him and was even more surprised when he got a direct call from the governor ten minutes later asking him to come to the government house. The room where he was told to wait was one of the several rooms where the governor attended to his visitors, depending on how important they were. If the room where he was meeting the governor was anything to go by, then he was not very important. “Adam!” A voice called from behind him. He jumped up, it was the governor. “Sir, I didn’t…” “Come here my friend, it’s been a long time.” The governor moved towards him and gave him a firm handshake. “Yes sir, it’s been a while sir.” “Sit down please. Well, how have…” he stopped as his daughter came in. “You remember Kate?” “Hello Uncle Adam.” She said, curtsying. He remembered her, she had not changed much. She looked exactly like her mother. “Hello Kate.” He replied, avoiding making eye contact. “You want something dear?” The governor said to Kate. She moved towards him and whispered into his ears. Adam looked away. The late first lady had made sure that every room in the house had a picture of their family of three. She stood out from the pictures, she was beautiful and elegant, the kind of wife any husband would be proud of. “I miss her a lot, you know.” The governor said, cutting into his thoughts. “What?” “My wife, I saw you looking at her.” “Yes sir.” It was an awkward conversation, one he did not want to have. “I don’t hold her death against you, I hope you know?” “Thank you for that sir.” Adam shifted in his chair, he was getting more uneasy. “How’s your new job? You like it?” “Well sir, I am grateful for the opportunity you gave me sir.” He was glad for the change of subject but talking about his job was not his favourite topic. “You’re grateful, I see. So I take it you don’t really like the job” “Sir, I have a good job, a job most will kill for and like I said earlier sir, I am very grateful for it.” “How’s the case you’re working coming?” “We are trying to pursue some new leads sir.” There was no way he was going to admit to the governor he was not sure of what he was doing. “Alright, let me tell you why I asked you to come.” Adam sat up in his chair. “I have asked around and I know for a fact you don’t like this job. I realize you are grateful for it, I don’t doubt that, but it looks like the only reason you are still on the job is because of me. Is this true Adam?” “Well sir, I am grateful…” “I know you are grateful Adam. Alright, this is my offer, you can resign from the job, I won’t hold it against you.” “Sir, I couldn’t possibly…” He was surprised at the governor’s offer, there’s no way he would resign like this even if he wanted to. “Just to assure you I mean what I just said, you pick any job you want in the state police and you’ll have it. I realize you might not be suited to this detective work and I put you there without your say, so, here is your out.” Adam looked away from the governor. He was not totally against quitting the job but not this way. He was already a disappointment to the governor, there was no way he was going to do it again. “Sir, I appreciate this offer but I will have to decline sir. I am grateful for the job I have and I will do my best sir. I am sorry I gave you reason to doubt me again sir.” “I’m sure you can be excellent at the job if you if you put your mind to it. And you need to ease up on the booze, you didn’t drink when you worked with me, don’t make it a habit now.” He was shocked the governor knew about his drinking. He felt even more ashamed. “I want you to do only one thing Adam, make sure this kind of killing doesn’t happen again in this state.” It was a simple enough instruction. As long has he had any say in it, the city would never experience such murders anymore. He placed the knife beside Diana’s blonde offering and walked away. She lay unconscious and unaware of the beauty around her. Diana loved him and he loved her. He had experienced her love in a special way and after two weeks of torture in his sleep, he was going to experience it again. She had loved his sacrifice but it had been a random prostitute, this time He was going to satisfy her with an even better sacrifice. The blondeness of the girl was a pleasant surprise. Diana loved blondes and was a blonde herself. The girl’s hair was fake of course, there were no Nigerian blondes. Diana would not mind though, she was a fake blonde herself. You dare call Diana fake? He picked up a knife from close by and slashed his thigh. He screamed as blood flowed from the cut. Diana was a goddess, she was anything but fake. He looked up at the picture frame on the wall. Diana smiled down at him urging him on. He stripped off his robe and stood naked in front of the mirror standing below the picture frame. His body was perfect. He ran his hand across the cut on his thigh, he felt the pain sharply, it was the perfect drug. The bottle of cyanide stood where he had left it from the last time but he would not need it. Diana was going to have a living sacrifice. To be contineud...
22 Mar 2015 | 12:41
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (5a)<<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Rhoda was having a great week. Life was good without her parents staring at her, watching her every move. She knew her friends were probably not the best friends one could have but they had freedom, something she had always longed for. She had nagged and sulked until her parents had agreed to let her stay with the Bamigboyes for a week. All she had to do was attend prayer meeting every morning. And she did, religiously. She had gone late a couple of times and had caught the look of disapproval on her mother’s face. She was not going to blow any other chance of leaving her boring home just because she was late to the prayer meeting. That morning she was going to get there before anybody, even her parents. The gentle breeze was cold and for some reason the sun was sleeping in that morning. She stuck her hands into the pockets of her pullover and walked faster. The old church was situated in a quiet corner of the street and people rarely passed in front of it except they were going into the church. She walked past the church bus which was parked in the street. The early morning semi- darkness made it look newer. She always got an eerie walking into the church alone, especially at night. It was built in between trees or trees were built around it. It was not fenced and had no gate but two lines of trees formed a driveway into the church. She turned into the driveway and stopped. A cold chill went down her spine. She turned and looked behind her, there was nothing. She pulled her pullover closer and continued moving. She felt moisture on her palms and realized her fingers were balled into fists. She stopped and removed her hands from her pockets and held them against her cheeks, they felt cold. She wiped them on her jeans and looked around again, still nothing. It was weird and silly that the trees could still play tricks on her mind after all the years she had spent walking past them. She put her hands back in her pockets and started moving again, this time determined that she would not stop whatever happened. Her heart beat faster as she approached the church but she was not going to stop. Whatever or whoever was behind the trees would have to come out. She began to walk even faster as she got closer to the church. Then she saw it. She stopped. Her mouth dropped open as she stumbled forward. She wanted to stop moving but it was as though she had lost control of her body. She lurched closer to the church. She got to the stairs and stopped. Right on the stairs of her parents’ beloved church was an eviscerated naked dead body. She felt lightness in her head and fell into darkness. The door burst open and Tola jumped. It was Adam. “Has the body been moved?” He asked glaring at her. “No, it hasn’t. Will you calm down!” he was pacing and flaring his nostrils, it was annoying. “You know I never wanted this case, if they knew they would disregard protocol so badly, they should have let me be. “ “Ademola, it was the chief of police, he has every right to be on the crime scene.” “Tola, that is my crime scene, why is somebody on my crime scene when I’m not there?” He had a point. “Now, instead of letting me do my job, he’s asking to see me. Where is he?” “He is in…” The chief walked in, cutting her off. “Ademola, where have you been?” He looked annoyed, she could not understand why he would be. “Where have I been? Not my crime scene! Shouldn’t I have been called immediately that body was found?” Adams was not helping the already charged room. “You want me to call you when a dead body is found? I’m not your assistant, you know that right?” “Yeah, you are not, you are the new P.R.O. You would take any chance to get your face on TV, won’t you?” Tola stood up and slid towards Adam, she gently tugged at his sleeves, he had to stop. It could only end badly. “Detective, you realize I’m your boss right? You know what, forget whatever the governor said, you are on your own.” “I can do good by myself, thank you.” “Disrespectful twat.” The chief mumbled and stormed out of the room. “Can you imagine what that old…” Adam started but the chief came back in. “I want a daily report on my table by six pm.” He announced and left. “A daily…never mind, Dosumu, let’s go. We have a crime scene waiting for us.” Adam said and walked out of the room. Tola sighed and picked her jacket. She had always known Adam and the chief were an accident waiting to happen, she was hoping she would not be there to witness the accident, but she had just witnessed the beginning. She hated Adam when he was angry. Adam drove in silence as they approached the crime scene. He knew he should not take out his frustrations with the chief out on Tola, but he could not help it. She understood him and probably would not take it personal. He had woken up that morning with his conversation with the governor still ringing on his mind. He had been devastated to find out that he knew about his drinking. He was ashamed and that had set the tone for his morning. The call from Tola had made his morning worse. Another girl had been killed and worse still the press already knew about it and were already on the scene. He had put on the TV while he hurriedly dressed up and was shocked to see the Chief holding a press conference at the scene. He was making promises he would not lift a finger to fulfill. Now he was more determined than ever to find the sicko killing these girls. If it was the same person. He pulled the car into the driveway of the church and stopped, he switched off the car engine and got out of the car. Tola got out from the other side and walked away towards the church without waiting for him. Adam hurried after her, she was the only good and stable thing in his life. “Dosumu, why are you angry? You know it was that old fart that got to me.” She just walked on without replying. “Tola, I am sorry.” She did not reply. The crime scene was still buzzing with reporters and spectators. The policemen on the scene had secured the stairs and the entire church but that was as far as they could get. A few journalists noticed his arrival and started towards him. “Adam!” He looked behind to see Ese running towards him. It was a surprise she was not on the scene yet. “Adam, please wait.” He stopped and turned towards her. “Adam, I need your help.” “You do? I thought you said you can handle this on your own and I see I’m back to Adam. I’m sorry, can’t wait to chat, I need to get on this crime scene now.” He said and walked away from her. “Adam, you don’t understand, my career is on the line here.” She said, catching up with him. “It is? Too bad, but it’s not your career I’m concerned about right now. A girl is dead! Another one!” “I just need…” She started. “I’ll tell you what you need” Adam said cutting her off. “You need to get out of my face Ese. Attend the press briefings like the other reporters.” He walked off and joined Tola who was waiting for him. “That was harsh.” She said as they waved away reporters. “I’m not having a good morning, it wasn’t personal. Let’s check this scene and be out of here.” He lifted the yellow tape and they walked towards the body. It had been covered with a blanket. Two uniformed policemen standing close to the body saw them coming and walked towards them. “Hello officers.” Adam said stretching his hands to shake them. “Hello sir. I’m Sergeant Dada, this is Sergeant Phillip, my partner.’ Sergeant Dada was a thick man with a bushy mustache. His partner was slimmer but his mustache was just as thick. “This is Detective Dosumu. Were you the first people on the scene?” “No sir.” Phillip replied. “The body was found by a teenage girl. She’s inside the church with her parents and the pastor of the church.” “Alright, we’ll talk to her later. Open the cover, let’s see the body.” Adam held his breath as the blanket was removed. He was shocked by what he saw. The body was open like the previous victim but it had not been cleaned, it was gruesome. The torso was cut open, but the cut was not as clean and straight as the other victim. He would let the coroner decide but he was sure the girl had not been dead for long. And like the other victim she was not killed at the church. To be contineud...
23 Mar 2015 | 03:50
I dare nt miss dis story!!!!! Mehn! I love stories like dis.. Continue plzzzzzz
23 Mar 2015 | 07:01
Very scary
23 Mar 2015 | 10:03
Abeg sumbody pls tell ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ to close my mouth,it's J̶̲̥̅̊u̶̲̥̅̊ƨ̣̣̣̇̇̇̇τ̣̣̥ a story..
23 Mar 2015 | 10:32
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (5b) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . “So we have a serial killer on our hands.” Tola said with a sigh. “We can’t conclude yet, could be a copycat.” He knew in his gut it was the same person. “This isn’t a copycat. You know what bothers me here, why the church? What’s this guy’s problem with these churches?” “Well, I don’t know Dosumu. You can ask him when I can catch him. Let’s go talk to the girl.” The press were still waiting to talk to him, they would wait forever. The huge door of the church swung open as they approached it. A man eyed them carefully and pointed at a room at the extreme of the church. They walked towards the room. The church was old but beautiful. Its high ceilings and stained glass windows gave it an ancient beauty Adam has not seen in a while. They got to the end of the church and knocked on the door of the room. An elderly man opened the door. “Who are you?” He asked. “I am Detective Ademola, this is Detective Dosumu, we’re with the CIB” Adam said showing him his badge. “Oh, I’m Pastor Alabi. What can I do for you?” “We want to ask you and the lady that found the body some questions. Can we come in?” “Yes please.” He said, stepping away from the doorway. By the look on the girl’s face he knew she was the one who found the body. It would take weeks, maybe months of therapy to forget an experience like the one she just had. She was sandwiched between her parents. They did not look pleased to see detectives. “We realise you probably want to be left alone but we just want to ask her a few questions.” Tola said with a smile, looking at the parents. They nodded. “When did you find her? Were you alone?” Adam asked. “Yes, I was alone. I was coming for prayer meeting, must have been around 6:30″ “Did you notice anything strange? Anything out of place, a strange person maybe?” “I don’t…I can’t…I’m not sure.” The girl replied, rubbing her forehead. “Try and think, anything you remember could be important.” Tola said, sitting forward in her seat. “I’m not sure but I think I saw a bus parked somewhere down the street. I thought it was the church bus but when I got to church I found our bus here.” “The bus is outside, you can see it later.” The pastor said, pointing out the window. “What else can you remember about that bus?” Tola asked. “I can’t remember anything…it was white like our bus…it was… that’s all I can remember.” The girl mumbled. “Think harder, there’s got to be something else.” Adam tried pressing for more. “I can’t remember…” She started and broke into tears. “I think that’s enough detectives. We will be taking our daughter home now.” The father of the girl said, and they all stood to leave. Adam looked at Tola, she shrugged. They needed more information about the bus, but they would have to wait. The girl left the room with her parents. The pastor walked them to the door, closed it and walked back to his chair. “Did you know the victim?” Adam asked as soon as the pastor sat. “No, I didn’t.” “So she was not a member here at any time?” “No, she wasn’t. Do you know why the murderer chose to dump the poor girl’s body here?” “That’s what we are trying to find out.” Tola replied. “Are you in any way connected to St. Andrews Anglican church?” “No, I am not. I didn’t even know about the church until I read about the other poor lady whose body was dumped there.” “Did you know her, the other victim?” Tola asked. “She was a prostitute!” He was taken aback by the question. Tola stared at him unflinching. “I’m sorry, but I didn’t know her as well.” “You know anybody in your church who could do this?” Adam asked, pushing his chair back, ready to leave. “Nine hundred and ninety-nine out of a thousand times the answer to that question will be no, but there was this young man that visited our church about a month ago. He looked strange and didn’t answer too many of our questions when we welcomed him as a new comer.” “Do you know where we can find this man?” Adam asked. “I don’t. He came for two weeks then disappeared. Come to think of it, that was right before the first girl was killed.” “I’ll send one of our artist, you’ll describe the man maybe we can get a picture of how he looks.” Adam said as he stood up. “Thank you for your time Pastor, we will check if we need any other information. Can we check the bus please?” It was already dark when Adam pulled into his compound. He was tired. Both his mind and his body were tired, he just wanted to sleep. He came out of the car and walked towards his door. He got to the door and paused, he turned back and decided to take a walk down his block. After thinking about it, he had decided his confrontation with the Chief was dumb, he should have kept his cool. The case had gotten a lot more complicated with another murder, he needed all the help he could get. He had tried to apologise but he was yet to get through to the chief. The victim herself was a big problem, they were yet to identify her. The people had begun to panic again, he could not blame then. It was bad enough when one person was killed, but two just broke all hell lose. The press were having a field day. They had gotten pictures and videos, the chief’s press conference was being aired on every TV station. Full pictures of the victim were already on the internet, he had no idea how they got the pictures. His phone at the office was ringing off the hook, lots of people had lots of questions. The governor was yet to call, but that was just a matter of time. It had been the most challenging two weeks of his life since the shooting of the first lady and he was using the very last bit of his mental strength. Ese. He had treated her wrongly that morning. He was angry and he had taken it out on her. She was a reporter and everything she said about her career was probably all so she could get information, but he needed to apologise to her. He brought out his phone and browsed through his contacts, he found her name, but his phone rang before he could dial her. It was a text message. The number was not familiar. I love Diana And she loves me God bless Diana And God bless me. See you again soon. You know who it is. It ended with a ‘kiss’ smiley. Adam smiled and slid his phone back into his pocket. See you soon bastard. To be contineud...
23 Mar 2015 | 12:58
D sacrifice is 4 Diana! Wus diana nd wus diz guy? Must follow.......
23 Mar 2015 | 15:41
Dis guy Ȋ̝̊̅§ confirm assasine
23 Mar 2015 | 16:22
Diana must be d firstlady
24 Mar 2015 | 05:50
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (6a) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Tola grabbed her Ipad and followed him, his ever faithful assistant. They were about exiting the building when he saw a man arguing with the policemen at the gate. “What’s going on there?” Adam called to one of the officers. “The man wants to report the theft of his taxicab. We told him this isn’t that kind of police station, he’s making a fuss and refusing to go.” “The poor man.” Adam said with a chuckle. “Take his statement and send it to the nearest station. Was his taxi stolen around here?” “No, he said it was stolen at Tanke.” “Why is he here then?” Adam said and waved the officer away. He was about to step into his car when his phone rang. It was the governor. “Hello sir!” “Adam, I heard another body has been found. What are you doing about this menace?” “Sir, we have a few leads and I was just on my way to pursue one of these leads.” He did not have a lead technically, but he was not admitting that to the governor. “You do your job Adam, but the public need a little reassurance from you. Why haven’t you given any press conference or anything to calm them? I think we can all agree the Police Chief’s press statement was a botched attempt to repair the situation.” He felt good the governor too did not approve. “Sir, I am busy with the investigations, I really don’t have time for the media.” “I was hoping you would say that. I have a favour to ask.” The governor wanted a favour? He was governor, he ordered not ask favours. “Remember Kate?” Of course he did, how would he not remember the Governor’s daughter? They had been close, friends, before her mother had been shot on his watch. She had been on the news on and off for two years, never for a good reason. He wondered why the governor was bringing her up. “Yes I do sir.” “Well, she needs a job.” Adam stifled a laugh. The governor was asking him for a favour because his daughter needed a job? She could have his job if the governor decided so. The governor was not the Almighty but in the affairs of the state, he was close. “I know what you’re thinking Adam, and you’re right, I can get her jobs but I want a particular one. I want her to work with you.” “Sir?” He gasped. “Remember I said I needed a favour? She’s been in a lot of trouble recently,you should know and I need somebody to watch over her.” Adam shook his head slowly. The governor had people, lots of them, who would jump at the opportunity to take care of his daughter. Her mother had asked the same favour seconds before she died. They all thought him very responsible. He could not take care of himself, much less another human being. “Sir, I’m quite surprised, pleasantly surprised that you think so highly of me but I don’t think there’s anything I can do here that hundreds of people cannot do. The CIB isn’t exactly what I think Kate would like.” “Adam, I want her here in the city, I want her under the watch of somebody I know and I trust. That media problem you have, she can help there.” “Sir, I really think you should give more thought to this. Have you asked her if she wants it?” There was no way a girl like Kate would want to work in the CIB. “I’ll ask her. And do something about this murderer ruining my city.” He leaned on the car and let out a deep sigh. He really did not want to be drawn back into the Governor’s family. He had done enough damage. “Are you okay?” Tola asked, breaking into his thoughts. “I am, I think so.” There was no way Kate would agree to come work for him. “Let’s go see the students.” Ese walked faster trying to keep the pace of her crazy partner. She was lucky to be back in the unit he had told her as they left the office. She did not argue with him but she had secretly prayed for God to give her an opportunity to disgrace the condescending egoistic hunk of meat. So far her prayer had not been answered. “You want to be a good reporter, you have to learn to walk fast.” He said over his shoulder. Ese almost threw her purse at him. He was trying to make her miserable and he was succeeding. She had been a top reporter for a national television, he knew it but he was top dog here and she had to know it. She had begged, losing part of her dignity to get back on the case. He had agreed to take her with him as long as she knew her place as his subordinate. They were in the State polytechnic. Richard had gotten some information that the last victim had been identified and that she was a student of the school. He had promptly called up some contacts in the school who had confirmed that the victim indeed was a student of the school. If his confidence was anything to go by, he also knew who to talk to about the girl. “Ever been to this school?” He asked, not reducing his pace. “Yes, a few times.” “This used to be my stomping ground. I did a lot of damage here.” He said with a proud smile. To be contineud...
24 Mar 2015 | 11:13
Hmmm,dis story is becoming more intresting,nyc one @ Donwalter
25 Mar 2015 | 06:01
Next one plzzzzzz... @Vanephy u need 2 come nd read dis too.. Oya show face
25 Mar 2015 | 06:34
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (6b) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . “You schooled here?” “Four years.” He said as they approached the Female Hostel. It looked recently repainted, better than it looked last time she had being there. He stopped and looked over the building. “I used to come here like it was my second home.” She was even more disgusted by him. She wondered what kind of girl would be attracted to a self-absorbed person like him. They were about to move into the hostel when she noticed Adam and her feisty assistant park behind them. She still hurt from the way he had treated her the day before, but she was not going to give him the pleasure of knowing. “What are you doing here Ese?” He asked as he got out of the car. “Good morning to you too.” Richard turned back to look at Adam. He knew who Adam was but feigned ignorance. “This is Detective Adam Ademola, director of CIB.” She said pointing to Adam. “And Detective Dosumu.” “Who are you?” Adam asked Richard, sizing him up with eyes. Richard did not like being talked to like that. She liked it. “I’m Richard, her boss.” He said, attempting to hug Adam. Was he crazy? “He’s not my boss.” Prick! “Okay, I don’t care who is boss of who, just stay out of my way, I have an investigation to run. And if you are here to question anybody in this hostel, I’d advise you to hold your horses.” She did not know if she was more happy seeing Richard put in his place or more angry with the way Adam treated her, again. She did not expect Richard to budge, he did not look like somebody who took orders. But he turned and walked away from the hostel. “You’re taking orders from him? Are you serious? Looks like you’re all talk.” She said with a scoff. “Just keep quiet and follow me.” He was up to something. They moved towards a bench not far from the hostel. He dipped his hand in his pocket and brought out a device. “What’s that?” She asked. He did not answer. He sat on the bench, set the device beside him and pushed a couple of buttons. It came to life, it was a speaker of sorts. Static came through the speakers. He pushed another button and a voice came over the speaker. It was Adam’s! He had bugged him! “The attempted hug?” She asked him, her mouth open. He nodded, proud of himself. “That is illegal! It’s so wrong, dangerous even. What if he finds it?” “You want to question me or work? If your conscience is too pretty for this, you are welcome to leave.” She looked at the hostel where Adam had entered. If he found the bug they could deny it, but Adam knew her, he would know the moment he saw her that she was lying. He would have no proof though. He had been anything but good to her. He had it coming. “Okay, let’s do this.” She said, taking a seat beside him. Adam did not want to help her, he would anyway. Adam took a swig out of the bottle and placed it on the table in front of him. He was at CALEB’S for the first time since he and Faruk had found the note on his car. He loved the lounge and had staggered out of the place more than a few times with Faruk his ever faithful partner. The music was rarely loud, rich men apparently did not want too much noise, they would have stayed at home with their wives and children if they wanted that. A couple of men with girls who were young enough to be their granddaughters sat to his right. The girls laughed at every silly thing the men said, it was disgusting. He felt a touch on his head and jumped. A girl stood behind him. She was making an attempt at a seductive smile, she was failing miserably. “You need something?” He asked her. The smile disappeared. Her failure seemed to hurt her. The lounge did not allow hookers in, so she had to be part of the staff. “There’s a gentleman outside, he said to tell you Kelvin was calling you.” She said and scurried away. He looked at the half full bottle, he would come back for it. Faruk apparently had not been allowed in again. He stood and walked out of the room. Faruk was outside, standing some distance away from the door with a bag. “Bro, what’s happening?” Adam asked as he approached him. “They didn’t let you in again, right?” “They probably wouldn’t have allowed me but I did not want to enter. Where’s your car?” Adam pointed to the car. Faruk was rarely serious, but he looked as serious as a man listening to the jury deliver his verdict. He punched the remote and the doors opened, they entered and closed the doors. “What’s going on Faruk?” He asked as soon as he had the air-condition running. “I heard you found another body. Same guy?” “Most likely, yeah. He sent me a text message.” He brought out his phone and showed Faruk the text. “I had a friend of mine check if he could trace the sender, he didn’t find anything useful.” Faruk opened the bag he carried and brought out a laptop. He put it on and opened a video. “I came back here that night and asked around if anybody saw anything, most of them did not but I got lucky.” He played the video. It was a two minute video of a couple of girls attempting a dance, a male voice sounded in the background, probably the person who shot the video. “What am I supposed to see here Faruk?” Faruk replayed the video and pointed at a shadow. Then forwarded the video and pointed to a figure that appeared for two seconds. “That’s the guy.” Adam looked at Faruk confused. “You see your car before the guy gets there, the camera moves away and the note is there by the time we come back.” Adam studied the video and replayed it a few times. Faruk was right. Unfortunately, the shadow or the figure did not show much. “The guys didn’t remember seeing him. They were drunk so I doubt they’d remember anything from that night.” Faruk said. “I thought you’d want it anyway, I have printed copies of that image. It might not help much but it is something, right?” “Yeah, yeah…” He looked at the figure intently, he had a weird feeling he knew the guy. “Thanks Faruk.” “You can thank me inside, you know that right?” Faruk said, putting the laptop back in the bag. “Of course.” He said with a laugh. An enemy with a face – or a figure was easier finding. Or not. To be continued ...
25 Mar 2015 | 09:38
If 2 say den dey register finger print 4 dis country, na just 2 scan d victim body den identify d babalawo... mtcheew!
25 Mar 2015 | 09:52
Wow,dis story is jus similar 2 hardly chase stories
25 Mar 2015 | 11:19
I dnt trust faruk,he may be dy one worshiping dania.......bc dy pesin doin dis knws adam in nd out
25 Mar 2015 | 11:25
Watching as its bn unraveled!
25 Mar 2015 | 14:27
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (7) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . “We’re going live in two minutes.” Ese adjusted her dress and smoothened her hair. The bright lights in the studio stung her eyes. She felt nervous even though it was not her first time of going on air, in fact TV was her life. From her days in secondary school, she had known she was going to end up in front of a camera, and she had. But there was something a little strange about the show they were about to have. Richard sat beside her, looking cool in his custom made shirt. They had eavesdropped on Adam, gotten some information and were now going on air with them. Adam had instructed everybody he talked to not to talk to the press, so it was a good thing they had eavesdropped. Or was it? “You’re sure you want to do this?” Richard asked. She knew she wanted to be on the show, it was the only reason she would stand a jerk like Richard. He knew she was not convenient with how they had gotten their information and he had repeatedly offered her the door. “I am fine.” She could picture Adam’s face when he found the bug, he would be absolutely livid. It was not her problem how he felt though, he deserved it. “Do your part, I’ll do mine.” “Alright guys, we are going on in five, four, three, two, one” “Hello Nigeria, you’re welcome to TBC, I am Richard Musa, with me tonight is Ese Johnson.” “Good evening Nigeria, this is crime watch Nigeria. This evening we will be talking about two murders that have shaken the city of Ilorin.” “We will also be talking about what people are now calling ‘The Church Street Murders’.” Richard announced. It was not people who gave the name to the murders, he did. The Grinch had loved it and it was stamped. It would soon catch on. Richard explained the details of the first murder like he was talking about a South African dish recipe. It bothered her. She tried her best to smile as she watched him try to think through the brain of the killer. She had to give it to him, he was good at what he did. Seeing through the killer’s eyes was not an easy feat. The girls were from different backgrounds, so maybe it was just random, maybe they were not selected by any process. Serial killers usually had a type. Maybe his type was just young females. “You know what baffles me Ese?” Richard asked. “What is that Richard?” “Why dump the bodies in front of these two churches? We will answer that question when we come back from this break. Stay with us.” The red light went off. She took the glass of water in front of her and took a sip. Why dump the bodies in front of those churches? She had thought hard about it. Richard had dug deep into the history of both churches, looking for any connections. He had found something. The pioneering pastors of both churches had attended the same seminary. They had then proceeded to open their churches on the same street. Of course one of the churches had moved away from the street. She did not know if it had anything to do with the murder but at least it was a connection. She stood up from her chair and moved away from the cameras. A report was going live next. It would explain the roots of the churches and how they were connected. Richard was a jerk but she knew she could learn a few things from him. “I’m sure you won’t feel so bad about us eavesdropping after this show.” She spun round to see Richard coming up behind her. “I’m sure I will, I have just decided to forget how I feel.” They were yet to use any of the information they got through the bug. “I’m sure you’re wondering what your detective boyfriend will say as he watches the show tonight, am I right?” “He’s not my boyfriend and…” “Wait, he’s not? That’s the best news I’ve heard in months. “ She looked at him, shook her head and walked on. “Wait! Wait! Could we grab a bite later tonight, see where the night takes us.” She stopped in shock. She looked at him, he was not joking. “Are you serious?” “Do I look like I’m joking?” He was serious. “There’s no way I’m going out with you Richard.” She said and started walking away. He hurried after her. “What if we’re stranded on an island and there’s just you, me, Tonto Dike, Fela Kuti and Clifford Orji, who would you sleep with?” “One of those guys is a woman, one of them is dead and the third is a man-eater Richard.” “So you’ll pick me? Okay, forget about the part of where the night takes us, let’s grab something to eat. As colleagues.” “Okay. As colleagues.” She had nothing to lose. It was not like she was dating anybody. “By the way Adam never watches my show.” He set the bottles on the table, opened one of them and sat on the couch. He picked the remote and switched on the TV. Ese was on. He smiled at the coincidence. He rarely watched her station, all they did was report news, most of which were depressing. He had slept off watching a special news report on liver cancer the night before on the station. It was depressing but it had caught his attention. Now he had turned on the TV hoping to catch some late night action movie, but instead he was watching his dear Ese Johnson trying to solve crime on TV. She looked good. She had always looked good on TV, she was born for the camera somebody had commented. She did good work too. At least as a political correspondent, he had to wait to see how she would do in her new love of crime reporting. There was something about her partner that irked him. He was a smug little prick who thought he owned the world. Adam laughed at himself, he barely knew the man and he had already formed an opinion about him. It was the way he looked at Ese that made him even more uneasy. He had a smile on his face every time he looked at her, like there was something he knew that the whole world did not. He shook his head, trying to clear off his nefarious thoughts. He tried to concentrate on what they were saying. “Does the fact that the second victim was a student of Kwara State Polytechnic have any bearing on this case? The first victim was a commercial sex worker. Do you think they have any connections?” They had a visitor on the show, a retired police officer who supposedly had some crime solving experience. His opinion was that the student could have been involved in some prostitution herself. Maybe they met the same person. “You know that is really possible. We gathered that the girl was supposed to be attending a party the night she went missing.” Ese said. Adam shook his head. He knew the friends of the victim would jump at the first chance to talk to the press. He had strictly warned them not to talk to anybody after he had talked to them. Apparently the press now knew all that he knew. He had also considered that the prostitute had a connection to the second victim but he was yet to find it. The girl had gone for a party alright, but she was not invited alone. She had gone with a group of friends. They all claimed they did not see her leave the party and she had danced with several men so there was no way to know who she left with. According to them, it was not the first time she was going to these parties and she always left with somebody, mostly somebody she met that night. That made it even more difficult. She could have been lured away by the killer or she might have been picked up after she left her appointment. The coroner said there was no sign of a recent sexual encounter so it was safe to assume she was picked up by the killer. He returned his attention to the show. “Another question most people are asking is, why the churches?” Ese asked the man again. “That’s a question I’m finding difficult to answer.” The man said. Join the queue, Adam thought with a smile. “He could have been a member of the church at a point, or maybe they were picked randomly.” “That’s very unlikely, don’t you think?” Richard, the arrogant partner asked. “Especially now that we have a connection between them.” Adam sat up. They had a connection? He had not been able to find one. He listened to them explain how the churches were connected at the roots. Maybe that was it. Maybe there was an aggrieved church member who attended both churches, after all they were on the same street. Could be somebody who lived in the area. He would have some of his detectives working on that as soon as he got to the office the next day. Maybe the press was not a total waste after all. He placed the empty bottle in his hand on the table. All four bottles were now empty, he felt like he needed more. He dragged himself off the couch and walked to the refrigerator. “Now, about the murders themselves, do you think the killer will stop?” Ese asked. “Our prayer is that he does, or he is caught. In my professional opinion I think we have more hope with the latter.” The man was right. The killer might have planned to stop but he would not now, especially with the kind of press attention he was getting. Their best shot at stopping him was catching him. Adam settled down into the couch, this time with two bottles. He promised himself they would be his last for the day. “He seems to be getting more aggressive too, because we gathered that the last victim was killed alive.” Adam spilled his drink as he turned sharply to look at the TV. Nobody was supposed to know that. Only a few members of the CIB knew about that part, he had made sure of it. It was a detail that would do more harm than good. How did they find out? Somebody was feeding the press information at CIB? He drank the whole bottle at a go and set it on the table. Ese had gone behind his back to turn one of his own against him. Whoever gave them the information would pay for it, and Ese… he would deal with her at the right time. He drove his car into the parking lot and turned off the engine. He watched her come out of the car three cars away from him with her boyfriend and walk out of the parking lot. They were talking so loudly and laughing like they were the only ones in the city. He let them go a little distance before he slid out of his car. He had made sure he looked like every regular person in the cinema. Of course he was a regular person, so what if he had killed two people and the whole city was afraid and looking for him. He rubbed his sweating palms on his jeans and moved towards the exit. He had made sure to park far away from the any camera. He could not take the chance of anybody connecting him to the girl when they found her body. The parking lot was dark. Despite the efforts of the cinema to lighten the underground parking lot, a lot of bad things could happen there without many people noticing. He noticed a couple kissing in a dark corner not far from where he was parked. If only they knew who he was. He had thought of getting a girl himself, but he could not. Not with Diana possessing all of him, he doubted she would want to share. “Oga, good evening o.” The guards greeted him. He had hoped not to be seen but coming to a cinema was not a crime, he just had to make sure he was not someone they would remember. “My chairmen, how work?” He said with a smile, all the while avoiding eye contact. “We dey where you leave us o. Drop something for your boys na.” “Make I come back, I go settle you, you na my people na.” He said and quickly walked away before they said something else. He had already talked more than he wanted to. He walked out of the parking lot and climbed the stairs that led into the cinema. The men had delayed him, he hoped to catch up with the girl before he missed what movie she and her boyfriend were going to watch. He saw them holding each other next to the vendor who was collecting their money in exchange for a big bowl of popcorn. He had not been one to frequent places like a cinema and he had always wondered why people wasted their money watching movies for so much money in cinemas when they could watch the same movies at home. A large screen and a bowl of popcorn, which you also paid for did not look like value to him. But then what did he know? He lingered close to the stands where several yet-to-be-released movies were displayed and pretended to be engrossed by a vampire movie. Vampire movies were so many that he expected a vampire to surface in the near future. This particular one was one of the horror ones, it did not have any beautiful girls in love with vampires. Just a single vampire devouring poor reverend sisters in a convent. The girl and her boyfriend moved towards the counter to pay for their movie. He moved closer. He tried his best to be casual. He knew he looked just like every other person but he felt as though ‘Murderer’ was printed on his head. He moved as close to them as he could to hear them but far enough not to be noticed. The cinema was showing a few romantic classics that night. He was a huge romantic himself and he was lucky that his escapade had fallen on a night when he could enjoy one of the few pleasures of life. He picked up the movie catalogue, he had seen most of the movies, anyone Romeo and Juliet picked would be a good watch. They picked ‘Before Sunrise’. He was yet to see it. He felt almost as happy to see the movie as he was doing Diana’s bidding. He waited for them to leave and he walked to the counter and paid for the same movie. He paid cash, he could not afford any trace. The movie had already started when he entered. He saw the couple, moved past them and sat four seats behind them. He looked at the girl and smiled. Very soon she would be in his house, his guest, Diana’s sacrifice. The movie lasted for about ninety minutes. It was a nice one, he had enjoyed every bit of it and so had Romeo and Juliet. They were already headed for the door, he joined the crowd and headed for the exit. He wanted to go ahead of them, he would wait in the car. The night had been planned and the easiest part was over. He walked out of the cinema briskly. He looked over his shoulder once to make sure that the couple were heading for their car. They were, a little slowly though. They looked genuinely in love, he felt bad for them, it was not his fault. She had been chosen. He walked into the dark parking lot, one of the light bulbs was out. The guards had forgotten about him and were now trying to coax money out of another man. He walked past them and walked towards his car. He slowed as he got close to his car, he looked back again, the couple were in the parking lot now. The plan was simple, follow them till the boy dropped her at her house then he would do his thing. The girl was a virgin, so he knew she was not going home with him. He waited for them to get into their car. They did but did not move. He craned his neck to see them, it looked like they were kissing. He hissed and slid deeper into his chair. He got comfortable in the chair and waited. He eyes snapped open, he was blinded by the headlights of a car approaching him. He had dozed off. He looked at where the couple had parked, they were gone. He punched the steering wheel and turned on the engine. He slammed the gear into ‘drive’ and moved. He was fortunate he knew where she lived. But they could have been long gone. He was not sure how long he had slept for, they could have been gone for hours. He cursed and punched the steering wheel again. He pressed his foot down on the accelerator and drew insults from other drivers as he sped past them. He slowed down as he got close to the girl’s house. There was no car, they were gone. The girl could be asleep, his plan had failed. He looked at the house, he could still go in, but it would be deviating from his fool-proof plan. He banged his head against the head rest of his seat. Of all times to fall asleep he had chosen that special day. The bright light of a car approaching from behind him caught his attention. It looked to be slowing down behind him. Cops? He had no busniess being were he was. He started the car and drove away as fast as he could without drawing attention. He looked in the mirror, the car had parked. It was them! The couple had just arrived. He slowed the car and moved to the right side of the road. He could reverse and go back, but the boy friend would notice him. The next turning was far away, the girl would be gone before he could get back. He picked up speed and moved away from the house. Maybe it was a message of caution to him. He was getting too desperate, Diana could wait. But in truth Diana could not wait, he did not want her to wait. The girl had merely added a few hours to her life. Diana would not be denied. She would have her sacrifice. A pure one. A virgin. To be continued......
25 Mar 2015 | 18:21
26 Mar 2015 | 04:31
A̶̲̥̅♏ sure vry soon ΰя cup will full......idiot evil worshiper
26 Mar 2015 | 04:46
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (8) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Ese slowed to a stop as she approached the TBC building. She showed her ID to the man at the entrance, he lifted the barrier and she entered. The TBC building was a huge one, and it housed a big company. And she was glad to be a part of it. Her time at the NTA was not bad, she had made a lot of contacts and had gained experience in the media industry, experience that had given her the job at TBC. She slid her car into the carport, turned off the engine and got out. She locked the door and walked towards the main building. She was relatively new to the company but if the previous night’s show was anything to go by, she was probably going to be a superstar. It was the first time she was going on the show with Richard. She knew most of the work had been done by him and she would have to dig in and be more resourceful but she had gotten a lot of great responses. She had received messages from former colleagues telling her what a good job she had done and her Twitter followers had increased greatly just because of a single night’s show. Her date with Richard had gone well too. He surprised her. He was smug alright, but she had been taken aback by his attention to her. She was not falling for him and she probably would not go out with him anymore but it was nice to know she could work with him. It would have been a perfect night but she could not shake off Adam from her mind. Planting the bug on him had been serious breach of a lot of things. “Miss Johnson.” She saw one of the office assistants walking towards her, she looked apprehensive. “Good morning Mariam. Is there a problem?” “Not really. Detective Ademola is in your office ma.” “Detective Ademola?”Trouble! “Did he mention what he wants?” “No, he didn’t but he doesn’t look very happy.” Of course he was not happy. He had found the bug and for some reason he knew it was her who put it there. It was not her but she was as guilty as Richard. She waved halfhearted ‘good mornings’ to people as she made for her office. She had no idea how it would go with Adam but she would not admit to anything. And it was possible he knew nothing yet. “Good of you to finally show up.” Adam said as she entered. Her secretary had let him in and it looked like he had been sitting on her table waiting for her. “You know there are chairs, right?” She said pointing to the chairs in front of her table and ignoring his stare. “Do you work here now? Or how is it you got to my office before me?” “You know some of us have to do our job ourselves. We can’t just steal information from others.”He knows! “What are you talking about?” She asked, trying not fake ignorance. “What am I talking about Ese? You are going to pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about? The least you could do at this point is apologizing.” He said, adjusted one of the chairs and sat. “Adam, if you think I have offended you in anyway, just say it and stop beating around the bush.” This time, she looked at him and held his gaze. He looked at her for a while before looking away. “Are you trying to say you don’t know what I’m talking about?” She shook her head, all the while looking at him. He looked unsure of himself and started to stand up. “Adam, next time you think I did something, just come forward and say it, alright?” “I’m not entirely sure you had nothing to do with this but I’m sure that peacock partner of yours has something to do with it.” Her brazen face must have cracked because he stopped and looked at her. She could not hold on under his observation, he saw this and smiled. “Which of my staff did he bribe for information?” What?! “How much did you pay him?” She looked at him confused. He must have noticed the confusion on her face too. “Don’t pretend, just answer the question Ese.” He said. “Remember I know when you lie.” “Bribe?” They had not bribed anybody, what was he talking about. Then she understood. He thought they got the information they had because he had a snitch. “Adam, there is no snitch in your team. At least the snitch isn’t snitching to us, okay?” He looked at her, once again unsure of himself. “Ese, whatever it is you guys are doing, I will find out and I will press charges. That is a promise.” He said and walked out of her office. She walked after him and closed the door quietly. She silently prayed that whenever he found the bug, there will be no way to trace it back to her. Adam looked at both ladies and walked out of the office. He had come to the office that morning to meet a shock. The governor was not joking, his daughter was actually going to work with him. As he expected she had been reluctant but given all the trouble she had been in, she had no choice. He had called the governor trying one last time to convince him it was all a bad idea, he had failed. “What do you hope to do here?” He had asked her. “I don’t know. Anything to keep my dad off my back. He said maybe I could help you prepare press releases.” She replied. “We have a PR department. There haven’t been any press releases because I don’t want to release anything to the press.” Now that somebody was leaking information to Ese, maybe it was not a bad idea for thr CIB to give their own reports. “Do you even have any experience doing this stuff Kate?” “No. Well, I studied English so that must count for something.” He had looked at Tola for help, she offered him none. He had no choice, so he had had a table set in Tola’s office, she would share in the baby-sitting responsibility. “Where are we going?” Kate asked hurrying after him. “We? You are not going anywhere. I and Tola here are going to follow on some leads, you are going to sit in the office.” “Doing what?” She asked, shocked. “Whatever you want. Watch a movie, file your nails, write a story…anything. Just don’t leave the office till I get back.” He ignored her glare and moved to his car. “That’s not fair to the girl.” Tola said as she sat next to him. “If she wanted to file her nails, she would have stayed at home.” “Well, that’s what she gets for all the trouble she’s been causing lately. You know she almost killed a young boy because she was driving while drunk.” He said starting the car. “You’re exactly the person to condemn her for drinking.” He had no reply for that. Twenty minutes later Adam drove into the compound of Saint Andrews Anglican Church. It was the location where the first body was found. He had not noticed the first time he had been there but it was a really old church. It was well taken care of but the age was showing. It was a tall building painted with what had once been white. After watching Ese’s show the night before, he had decided there was more to the church than they thought. If there was a connection between the two churches then the killer could be connected too. “Do you know that people now call this killer ‘The Church Street Killer’?” Tola asked as they came down from the car. “I heard it on the TV yesterday. I am not calling him that. Giving him a name will make him feel more important than he is.” She smiled and they walked towards the pastorium behind the church. He had tried to imagine any of the pastors being the killer, it was not impossible. He really did not trust anybody, not even pastors but these men did not look like killers. A member of their churches could be killing people though, what did that make them? The pastor was sitting outside. He had a goldrimmed spectacle on and a magazine in his hands. He dropped the magazine and stood up when he saw them. The old woman they had met at the stairs the previous time was there again, this time she was asleep. “Detectives from the CIB, am I correct?” He asked coming down the stairs. “Yes sir.” Adam said, stretching his hands to shake him. “I didn’t know you were coming.” The pastor said. Tola looked at Adam and shook her head. “We are sorry about that, we just have a few follow up questions.” She said. “Let’s go inside the church, I’ll answer your questions there.” They entered the church through the back door. The pastor dusted off a few chairs and asked them to sit. The church was as old inside as it was outside but it was more beautiful. It looked like it had been recently painted and there were beautiful flower arrangements all over the altar. “You have a beautiful church here sir.” Tola said. “Yes, thank you. All thanks to my wife. Left to me, we will just use all the money for missions.” He said with a chuckle. “Sir, I’m sure you heard about the second murder.” Adam began, the pastor nodded. “Well, what connection do you have with the church the second victim was found on?” The pastor went on to confirm the connection Ese and her partner had found. The founder of his church was his late father-inlaw. He had died a few years ago, he told them. The two churches had been on the same street for years before his friend who founded the other church had moved away to another location. He was also dead. “Apart from your father-inlaw and his friend, do you know any other person or anything that connected both churches?” Adam asked. “No, not that I can think of now. Except for church programs, they had a few together way back in the beginning. I grew up in this neighbourhood and I’ve been a member of this church for a long time.” If they had programs together, it would mean there were people who listened to both pastors. That was not enough reason to make any of them suspects. “Was there any trouble between these pastors at any time?” Adam asked. “Not that I can remember. Like I said, they were friends.” “How about a member who left one of church for the other?” Tola asked. “My father-inlaw avoided those situations but they were hard to avoid. Especially as people can never be satisfied and the churches were just a few metres away from each other.” “Any particular one that caused any trouble?” Adam asked. “Well, there was this family, a man and his young wife. They had been married for a while without children. They left our church because of this and joined the other church. We later discovered the woman had lost two pregnancies to her husband’s callousness.” “How do you mean?” “He had been beating his wife a lot and she suffered two miscarriages.” “Do you know anything about how they ended? Do you know where they are now?” Adam asked. It was not much of a lead but it could be worth the pursuit. Perhaps the man blamed the churches for his marriage problems and the two girls he had killed represented the two children he had lost. He smiled at his theory, it was a long shot but he would take any shot he had at the moment. “I don’t know where they are now.” The pastor said. “I didn’t really know them much back then but I heard they later had two children.” They stayed with the pastor for thirty more minutes talking about any other thing he thought had anything to do with the case. He did not have much to say. If he was a killer, he would be a subtle one, not the type that will send him messages. Even if he was stupid enough to send the message there was no way he could make the text untraceable. “Pastor, are you good with computers by any chance?” “I still type my outlines with my old typewriter. Why do you ask?” The pastor asked arching his eyebrow. Tola shot him a questioning look. “No particular reason.” Then there was the matter of the church bus. “Sir, one last question. Does your church own a bus?” he asked. Tola figuring where he was going frowned at him. “No, we don’t. Wait, these questions don’t sound random, any particular reason why u ask?” “No sir. Thank you very much for your time.” “There’s no way you think that pastor killed those girls.” Tola said as they drove away from the church. “Why not? Because he’s a pastor?” “Yes, well…no. But look at that man, there’s no way he did it.” “I don’t think he did but there’s no harm making sure. There’s nothing special about pastors that should…” He was cut off by his phone ringing. It was Faruk. He pressed the answer button on his earphone. “Kelvin Little!” “Bro, what’s up?” “I’m good, working, trying to remain sane in this crazy world.” “I hear you man. I have some info for you and it’s so gonna blow your mind.” Faruk said. Adam could hear the excitement in his voice. “I’m driving, do I need to park?” Adam asked, already pulling to the side of the road. “I think you should. By the way, after I tell you this I’m sure you’ll employ me at CIB.” “I have pulled over so just tell me what it is. You know you’re not getting a job at CIB.” “Why not? Is it because I’m short?” “Faruk!” “Okay, calm down. Remember when you said you tried to trace the text you got from the killer and you said you couldn’t?” “Yeah…” Adam replied, looking at Tola from the corner of his eye. He had not told her yet about the text. “Well, I traced it!” “You did what? Faruk I know you and I know there’s no way you did that.” Adam sat up. “Well, I know somebody who knows somebody. The important thing is I traced it.” “Okay, I hear you. So you have a name?” He glanced at Tola, she was looking at him now, inquisitive. “Calm down man, I don’t have a name. But get this, the message was sent from CIB.” “CIB? I don’t understand.” “The text was sent through one of these online SMS services. My guy traced the message to CIB but he could not get closer than that.” “Are you kidding me? You’re saying this guy is one of us?” Blood drained from his face. “Thanks Faruk, I’ll see you in the evening.” He ended the call and looked at Tola, it could be any one, even her? No, there was no way it was her. “Who was that? What was that about?” She asked. He told her about the note, the text message and what Faruk just told him. “You know what this means Tola, it could be anybody. From the chief to the janitor, anybody.” “Don’t you think a good tech guy could have sent you on the wrong path? Maybe he knows you’ll check so he’s just sending you on a wild goose chase.” “Let’s hope you’re right. Until we know for sure, tell your husband until this case is over we are both working double time. I’m cutting off every other person.” He pulled the car back into the road and said a silent prayer that Faruk was wrong. ... To be continued ....
26 Mar 2015 | 13:00
This keeps getting more interesting... The killer na confirm one...
26 Mar 2015 | 14:40
..nw he's going to start suspecting Tola bcoz of the bug.. *so inlove with ths story*
26 Mar 2015 | 15:12
Faruk Ȋ̝̊̅§ tryin to put misunderstanding in dy mix CIB..... Still folding ♏ε̲̣̣̣̥ hand....
27 Mar 2015 | 05:49
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (9) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam woke up with a start. He slowly opened his eyes. The first thing he noticed was that his head felt like a band of soldiers were marching inside it. Light filtered into the room through the open window curtains, it was morning. His brain did not seem to process what morning meant at the moment, the headache probably stopped any signals going to his brain. There was a sharp ringing sound in his brain also, and it was driving him crazy. He shut his eyes, trying to stop the ringing but it continued. He opened his eyes again and tried to look at the clock hanging above the door, a blinking light caught his attention. It was his phone. The ringing was not in his head. He removed the blanket wrapped around his body and swung his legs out of the bed. He stood up from the bed and felt woozy, he sat quickly. He groped around the top of the cabinet beside his bed for his phone. It had stopped ringing but the ringing had not stopped in his head. He found it. The phone rang again and it almost dropped out of his hand. It was Tola. “It’s barely seven a.m. Tola, surely I’m not late yet.” He said, slurring his words. “You need to get down here, we just found another body.” “Another body?” he stood up so fast he nearly fell, he held the bed to steady himself and staggered to the bathroom. “Yes another body. Looks like the church street killer. Get here ASAP!” “Where’s ‘here’ Tola?” He said as he looked in the bathroom mirror. His eyes were blood shot and he noticed some wrinkles on his forehead, they were not there before. “Crackos. You know the place?” He knew the place, Faruk had begged him to go there with him at a time, he had a thing for a girl waitressing there. “Crackos isn’t a church.” It just occurred to him, that was not consistent with the killer’s M.O. “That place is a pub, why dump the body at a pub?” “Yeah, I know. There are other things too, get here fast.” She said and disconnected the call. Well they can’t call him the church street killer anymore. It did not make sense though, why change his dumping site? He would need a couple of panadol tablets, maybe more than a couple, but if the killer had made any mistake he was the one who would find it. Forty minutes later he parked his car a few metres from Crackos. He had always wondered at the name, the founder definitely had nomenclature problems. Crackos was not as popular or as exclusive as Caleb’s but it had its own crowd. It did not look like a place to dump a body, they did not close all night, so when did the killer have the time to dump the body without being noticed? He saw Tola seated close to the pub with a flask in her hand. He nodded at the policemen who saluted him as he moved towards her. He was about five feet away from her when she saw him. “I’m the one who is married yet I’m the one who gets to crime scene first?” She said. He saw she looked tired. “Good morning to you too. I’m sorry we are stealing your time with Dr. Dosumu but I’m sure he understands. Nobody wants a killer running around in his city.” He said with a smile. “Yeah, whatever. The body is behind the building.” Tola led him to the back of the building. It was a secluded place, a perfect place to dump a dead body. If the first body had been found here the fuss around it would have been reduced, missing liver and all. The stench of the place hit him, and it was not the body. He raised his hands to cover his nose. “Don’t like the smell Adam?” Tola asked. “Do you? Just show me the body.” He said with a snigger. She moved towards an object in the dark, she bent and removed a cloth covering something. “This is the body.” The victim was a girl too, about the same age as the other girls. He bent down and looked at the girl’s face, there was blood on her face. Blood was pooled on the floor near her body, it looked like she was freshly killed when her body was dumped. She was naked and her stomach had been cut open too, the coroner would confirm if her liver was missing. Her body was not in a supine position like the other bodies though. “Tola, who found this body?” Adam asked, standing and walking away from the body. “He is inside. He was at the bar partying with his friends last night, he got drunk and came here to spill his guts.” “He puked all over this place?” No wonder the stench. “Let’s go see him.” They walked into the pub. It was empty except for two men. One of them wearing a suit was looking out through a window, the other was dozing on a stool. The man in suit turned around as they entered, he kicked the other man. “Hello Detectives, I am Obinna, the manager of the club.” The man in suit said. “Hello.” Adam said shaking his hand, Tola nodded at him. ”You must be the man who found the body.” Adam said talking to the other man who was wide awake now. “Yes, I am. My name is Johnson.” He answered, fidgeting with his shirt and avoiding eye contact. “Sit down please.” Adam said, pulling a stool to sit on. “Tell us what happened.” “Okay, so I was feeling like I was going to vomit, so I went outside so I saw something on the floor, so I called the manager so…” “Wait Mr. Johnson, what time did this happen?” Tola asked. “It was after four a.m.” The manager answered. “I cannot remember the exact time but it was definitely after four a.m.” “How was the body when you found it?” Adam asked. “Well, so the body was… I don’t know…” The man was sweating as he tried to answer. Was he guilty of something? “Did you touch the body, Mr. Johnson?” Adam asked, leaning forward on his seat. “I… I don’t…so I wanted… so…” “Mr. Johnson, answer the question!” Tola said, starling the man. “Yes, I didn’t know she was dead. I just saw a naked girl on the floor, I thought she was drunk, so… I did not know she was dead, so… I swear I did not know she was dead. When I saw blood on my hand is when I saw she was dead.” “How was she lying when you saw her?” Adam asked. Maybe he had found her in the regular supine position. “I can’t remember sir, but I could not see her face. It was after I saw her face and the blood that I rush inside to call Mr. Obinna. I swear.” If it was the work of the same killer then he was getting sloppy. It appeared that he had dumped the body prematurely, he had not had time for his usual ritual. It was good if he was getting sloppy, you get sloppy and you make mistakes. It was also possible it was just a copycat. “Mr. Johnson, when you found the body what did you do to it? Did you have or try having sex with it before you discovered she was dead?” Tola asked the shocked man. Adam himself was surprised. But the question made sense, the body was probably going to carry DNA evidences, it was important to know whose it was. “No madam, no I swear to God madam, I just touch her breasts that’s all I do when I see the blood.” He was almost in tears. “Okay. Did you see anybody outside or meet anybody coming in from that door?” Tola continued. “No madam, I am the only one there.” He was probably too drunk to see anybody anyway. “Mr. Obinna, I will need a list of everybody who was here at any time last night. Even if the person just stopped to pee, as long as you have their information, I want to have it.” Adam said. “I also want a copy of all your security tapes. You don’t happen to have a camera back there, do you?” “No, we don’t detective. I will give you everything we have though. It was a small party last night, there weren’t much people so it won’t be difficult to identify everybody.” “The girl, did you know her by any chance?” Tola asked. “She worked here until some weeks ago when she quit.” The manager answered. “Any reason why that happen?” “She said her boyfriend was moving to Lagos and she was going with him.” “Did she have any enemies here? Anybody, no matter how small they are, somebody who could have killed her or sent somebody to do the job.” “None that I know of. She was a friendly person, some of the clients want to take advantage of that. And this has led to a few altercations, nothing serious though.” “Thank you for your time. You place is a crime scene now, so I’m sorry but you will not be able to open for business for now. Mr. Johnson, don’t leave town, we have further questions for you.” Adam said. Was this a copycat killer? The coroner would know. That would mean a lot of trouble. Catching one killer was bad enough, two would be overwhelming. Then there was the matter of the killer being a member of CIB or having access to their network. He had thought about it and decided he would keep the information between him and Tola. If the news got out that the killer could be a member of CIB, people would panic, not to talk about the suspicions that would fly around. He marched faster as he moved towards the coroner’s lab. “Uncle Adam.” He heard somebody call from behind him. It was Kate. The governor’s daughter. “Hello Kate. I think you should call me Detective here, it’s kind of what every other person here calls me.” He replied with a halfhearted smile, he needed to talk to that coroner fast. “I’m sorry detective.” She said with a radiant smile. “What do you want do want by the way? I am in a hurry. Walk with me.” He listened as she tried to convince him to speak to the press. She had even written the press report. It was probably a good idea especially with the rising body count. “Kate, can I get back to you?” “Alright boss.” She said, disappointed. He looked at her walk away and shook his head, she was a replica of her mother, only younger. He knocked on the door of the lab and walked in. The coroner was writing something on a clipboard as he entered. He turned around and beamed a huge smile when he saw Adam. “Hello Dr. Collins, surprised to see me?” Adam said. “Yes I am sir. Last time you were here, you said you did not intend to see me anymore.” “Well, here I am.” The doctor smiled and moved towards where the body was laid and removed the cloth used to cover it. The face of the victim was clearer now. She was a beautiful girl, probably in her early twenties like the other victims. “Talk to me Doctor.” Adam said, looking away from the body. “Okay sir. Cause of death, loss of blood due to multiple stab wounds to the neck and chest area…” he started. “Wait, she was stabbed severally? She did not die from the cut on her stomach?” Adam asked. “No, the cut was post-mortem. In fact there were several bruises on the face which could have happened as a result of an altercation. ” “Okay.” Adam said with a sigh. It looked like this was a copycat after all. “There’s something else sir. The lady was pregnant.” “She was pregnant? Oh my God.” What kind of sick bastard kills a pregnant woman? “When is the estimated time of death?” “Estimated time of death would be two a.m. I’m also estimating that the victim had been dead for less than two hours before her body was dumped.” “Thank you. I’ll get the details later when you’re done with the full autopsy.” Adam said and turned to leave. He stopped and looked at the coroner. “You think this lady was killed by the same killer as the other two?” “Well sir, I don’t think so. The church street killer has been careful with his killing, perfect. This is a brutal murder, no control, no restraint.” “Well, the other murders have not been less brutal if you ask me.” “You’re right sir.” “Thank you Doctor.” He turned to leave again but he stopped. “Doctor, one last question. Is her liver missing?” “Yes sir, it is.” “Okay, bye.” Adam said and left the room. Adam smiled as he read through what Kate had written. She had done a good job, surprisingly. After all the bad press she had brought her dad, he had assumed the worst. She had always had a wild streak in her, a hidden streak but her mother’s death had brought it out. Apparently she had read all the case file and had picked out what she thought the people deserved to know. Adam smiled again and threw the file on his table, he would decide later what to do with it. It was looking more like there were two killers who needed to be caught. The coroner was right, the church street killer had been careful, neat and almost perfect with his killings. The last murder looked like a crime of passion. Multiple stabs looked like a result of anger, not coldblooded pathological murder like the first two. He rose up from his chair and moved to the refrigerator and brought out a bottle of water. Tola had told him not to drink from the bottle several times, but he did anyway. He returned to his chair and was about sitting when his phone rang. It was the chief of police. “Good day sir.” He had not talked to him since their argument, he did not know what to expect. “Ademola, there has been another murder, what is happening here?” “Well sir, we are trying out best, by the way we are not even sure the same person killed the last victim.” He said before he could catch himself. He had not planned to tell the chief that until he was sure. “Of course it’s the same person. He is the worst killer this city has seen and people will still talk about him even when he’s long gone. Ademola, you hold the key to what will end his story.” “What are you talking about?” Adam asked, partly in annoyance and partly in astonishment. ”Like I said earlier sir, we are trying our best and we will catch him. Or them.” “I hope you do, for the sake of all of us.” The chief said and disconnected the call. Adam shook his head and headed for the door, he needed to talk to Tola, he needed her opinion on releasing any report to the press. He met her at his door. “I was just coming to your office.” He said to her. “Well, it’s good that you were. We need to talk that pastor again.” “Which of them?” Adam asked, surprised. “The second pastor. Turns out he knows the third victim.” She said as they headed out of the building. “Knows her how?” “She had accused his son of impregnating her and trying to force her to abort the baby.” “Talk about a crime of passion. I never trusted that man” To be continued ....
27 Mar 2015 | 08:11
Jackpot1...either the pastor or his son.... I think I suspect faruk as the first killer...
27 Mar 2015 | 12:49
Uhmmmm.. Lips sealed...
27 Mar 2015 | 15:18
27 Mar 2015 | 17:16
Who could be d killer?
27 Mar 2015 | 17:55
How's the election in ur area? Hope it was peaceful and violence-free as here. Demons on the Church Street continue shortly
28 Mar 2015 | 16:40
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (10) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam stopped in front of the church and slid the gear into park. A lot of thoughts had flowed in his mind as he drove to the church. He still was not sure if the murder of this girl had any connection to the church street killer’s murders, it was a murder case still and it needed solving. He got down from the car and moved towards the stairs of the church, Tola on his heels. A group of people stood hurdled together beside the church talking in hushed tones. He ignored them and headed for the church. The door of the church swung open as he pushed it. He stepped through it and held it for Tola to enter. Immediately he entered he sighted the Pastor siting on one of the front pews with a younger man, the younger man was dressed in a suit and had an air of importance. Both men heard them enter and turned to face them. “Detectives, I wasn’t expecting you here today.” The pastor said when they got close to him. “Well, we need to ask you some questions.” Adam said. “In private.” He added. “Oh sorry Detectives, I am Barrister Patrick Jemiluwa, I am his lawyer.” The younger man said. “I’ll like to sit in when you question my client.” Adam smiled and nodded. The pastor led the way to his office. Adam wondered why the man suddenly needed a lawyer, maybe he knew they were coming. Could be a sign of guilt. Or not. He had no love for lawyers, smarty pants who did not know as much as they thought they did. “Why do you need a lawyer Pastor? Like you said, you did not know we were coming.” Adam asked as soon as they were seated in the office. “My client has a right to a lawyer, he doesn’t need a reason to have one. Please just tell us why you are here.” Jemiluwa answered before the Pastor could say anything. “Pastor, I’ll still like you to answer the question.” Adam said, ignoring the lawyer. “No, he doesn’t…” The lawyer started but was cut off by a wave of the hand by the Pastor. “It’s okay Patrick, I’ll answer his question. Patrick here is my son’s friend and technically he isn’t my lawyer. I’m not sure I need one yet.” “You don’t have to tell them anything sir.” Jemiluwa tried to dissuade the Pastor. “Let me just tell them everything I know. There’s no problem.” “Speak on please sir.” Tola said speaking for the first time. She flashed the lawyer a glare. “A few days ago, a girl came here claiming that she was pregnant for my son. I laughed her off because my son has been in Lagos and hasn’t come home for two years. She insisted she had met with him a few times at a particular hotel here in Ilorin.” He said and stopped. “Did you ask your son?” Tola asked. “Well, that was when things changed. I asked him frankly and my son would not lie to me, he admitted he had been in town a few times but that he never slept over and he did not want to bother me. Can you imagine that a father would be bothered to see his son? But he denied the pregnancy. He admitted that he had had intercourse with the girl…” he paused, sighed and continued. “But he said she was not pregnant for him.” “And you believe him?” Adam asked. “Yes, I do.” The pastor replied. The lawyer shifted in his chair, he obviously did not like what was going on. “Why do you need a lawyer then?” Adam asked. “The girl threatened a lawsuit against us. To be honest, I don’t know why she would add me to the suit. Patrick here is my son’s friend and he came over to help.” “Help with what exactly?” Adam asked, genuinely confused. If the girl was dead, the pastor did not need a lawyer to fight her lawsuit. “The lawsuit, if she eventually sues.” “What are you talking about? The girl is dead.” “What?!” The pastor looked genuinely surprised. The lawyer leaned back in his chair. “How do you even know the girl I am talking about?” “Is her name Antonia Fashola?” Tola asked, looking at a notebook she held. “Yes, that’s her name. She’s dead? What happened to her?” “She was murdered. Mr. Lawyer, you don’t seem surprised by this at all, why is that?” Adam asked, turning to the Lawyer. “Well, what do you mean I wasn’t surprised?” The lawyer asked, immediately assuming his commanding posture. “Answer the damn question, did you know about this?” Tola asked, giving the lawyers one of the hardest looks Adam had ever seen. Apparently she did not like him too. “The truth is, I heard about her death before I came here this morning. It was part of why I came here.” He looked apologetically at the Pastor. “How did you hear about it?” Tola asked again. “I don’t have to answer any of your questions. I have not been arrested or brought in for questioning. In fact, this interview or whatever this is, is over.” Tola stood up before Adam could say a word and was standing the lawyer up and cuffing his hands behind his back. “You wanted to be arrested? Well, you are under arrest Barrister Lawyer, you need to answer some questions.” Adam smiled, proud of her as she walked him out of the office. The lawyer was apparently too shocked to speak. “Pastor, where is your son now?” Adam asked. “He is on his way back from Lagos. Although, I have to admit I’m not sure of that now, I’m not sure of anything. Over twenty years I’ve been a pastor and it’s all about to crash because of a foolish son.” Adam could not argue with him. “Well, we will need to speak to your son immediately he gets back. We would not want to have to arrest him, so please tell him to report at the CIB office immediately he comes into town.” “He will come to your office Detective. I cannot believe I have been questioned over two murders. I’m sorry I wasn’t much help with the portrait of the man I told you came to our church. I just could not remember how he looked like. How is that investigation going?” “Fine. Just call me if you have any information to help on any of the cases.” He answered handing the Pastor a card. *** *** *** Adam wiped his brow with his sleeve as he moved towards one of the interrogation rooms. If somebody had told him two months ago that he would be neck deep investigating three murders in less than a month, he would have laughed. He still was not sure about his position as director of the CIB or if he wanted it but it was good that his life had a purpose again. The killer had done him a favour, of course he would have preferred that the favour did not include loss of lives. He felt a vibration in his pocket, his phone was ringing. “Hello Faruk. You’ve been calling too often nowadays, I think you need a girl.” He said with a chuckle. “A girl? I’m a player Adam, a player who’s got girls – a lot of them. By the way, it’s not like I’ve been calling to say hi or ask you out. I’ve been solving your cases.” “Sure you have Faruk. Maybe you should open a P.I. office so I can bring you on as a consultant.” “Are you serious bro, that would be awesome.” “Wait, I was kidding.” Adam said, laughing at the eagerness with which he jumped at the offer. “Consultant for what? This is big boy stuff we do here man.” “You just broke my heart Adam, in fact I don’t think I want to give you the info I had anymore.” “You have info for me? Kelvin Little! Come on, I’m sure you want to tell me.” Adam said, pausing at the door of the interrogation room. “Alright, the second victim – the student, I went back to the club where she was said to have partied and asked around till I found someone who saw her leave with a man. I traced where they were supposed to have gone and I learnt that she left in a cab. Now get this, the man who saw her leave said the cab she left in stopped after going a short distance the girl got down from the cab with a man that he had not noticed enter the cab and they entered a bus parked a short distance from the cab. The man never saw the driver leave.” “What are you saying? You think the driver was the man who left in the bus with her?” “Yes, and I think he is the killer.” “The girl who found the body had seen a bus too, could be the same one. How did you find out all these and my team of detectives couldn’t?” “You guys don’t know the streets. These guys on the street won’t talk to cops.” He had a point. “Faruk, how about you register that P.I. thing, I might need you to consult after all.” “Don’t play with me man.” “I’m not joking, do it. I have to question this lawyer dude, we’ll talk later.” Adam said and disconnected the call. He had to give Faruk more respect, he getting results. He was about to turn the knob and enter when is phone rang again. It was Ese. “Ese, how nice of you to call. Your snitch isn’t giving you all the info you want?” “Adam, I have no snitch at the CIB, cut the crap.” She sounded offended. “Okay, what do you want? I’m a little busy. In fact not a little, I am very busy. You should know about the third body that was found this morning.” “Yeah, I heard about that. Do you think it was the same killer?” “Very smart, you know there’s no way I’m answering that question.” He said with a smile. “That’s why I called actually. I need you to come on our program. I promise you will pick the questions you are willing to answer before the program starts and you can decide to stop the program midway if we ask anything that you had not agreed to answer.” “And you tell me this on the phone?” “Well, what difference does it make? The last time I was in your office, you practically laughed me out.” She had a point. He would not be more agreeable because she came. In fact, to hide his attraction to her, he would probably have done or said something stupid he would regret later. He had given a lot of thought to talking to the press though since he read Kate’s report. “Alright Ese, I don’t know if it’s the lack of sleep talking but I’ll think about it and I’ll give you an answer before the end of the week. That good enough for you?” “I guess so. I would appreciate it if you said yes.” “I know.” He said, he smiled and disconnected the call. He opened the door and entered the room. The lawyer was sitting on one of the chairs, arms folded across his chest. He had removed his suit and even folded the sleeves of his shirt. He stood up as soon as Adam entered. “You kept me in this room for one hour? Do you know I am a lawyer?” He shouted. “Sit down.” Adam said firmly. The lawyer shook his head and sat down. “Look here, I don’t want to lock you up especially if you did not kill that girl. You scream again, I’ll consider you a hostile witness and you will be locked up. So, let’s be gentlemen and do this quietly, okay?” “Okay.” The lawyer said. Adam smiled, Tola would have been proud of him. “How did you know about the girl’s death? Let’s start from there.” “After Solomon, that is Pastor Alonge’s son heard about the threat of a lawsuit, he told me to help him talk to the girl. The truth was, he was not sure if the baby was his or not. I tried contacting the girl a few times but she refused to talk to me. I asked around and I found out a place where she usually partied with friends so I decided to meet her there.” “Crackos?” “No, another place downtown where lowlifes drink away their pitiful lives.” “Go on.” “Unfortunately she started to leave as soon as I got there. I went after her and introduced myself, she told me to get lost. She said she wanted to talk to Solomon himself. I followed her trying to talk her into talking to me, she just flat ignored me. She stopped a taxi and I heard her tell the man she was going to Crackos, so I decided to go there as well.” “I’m assuming you drove your own car, right?” Adam asked, the lawyer nodded. “Did you follow her taxi or just met her there?” “No, before I could get my car, the taxi was gone. So I just decided I’d meet her there. I got there and didn’t see her so I decided to wait for her. Well, I was waiting for her when that nut-job came in to call the manager saying he found a body. I followed them out of curiosity and discovered she was the one who was dead. I promptly left the place.” “Is there anybody who can confirm any part of this story you just told me?” “They have cameras at Crackos, you can confirm the time of my arrival and all.” “I will do that but that doesn’t mean anything. I don’t think I need to tell you that you are a suspect so don’t leave town.” Adam said, standing up. “And before you open your mouth and start threatening me with lawsuits, I just want you to know that I know about the law too and you should not bother.” The lawyer opened his mouth to say something, but he closed it without saying a word. “I’ll send in somebody to establish a timeline, map out where you were at every minute that night. So get comfy, you still have a few minutes to spend here.” Adam said and left the room. *** *** *** Adam walked into Tola’s office with a bottle of water in his hand. He was yet to eat and he was starting to feel hungry. Kate sat at her desk totally engrossed with her phone. Tola was reading through a file, she put it down and looked at him. “How did it go with the lawyer?” “He’s a suspect alright and he might have been the last person to see her alive apart from the killer if he isn’t the killer.” “Do you still think this isn’t the church street killer?” Tola asked. “I don’t think it is, although it’s not smart to rule that out. We have a window of a few hours when the girl was killed. I have sent Benjamin, one of the detectives to try and establish a timeline.” “Alright. By the way, Miss World here has been bored.” Tola said, nodding in the direction of Kate who was now listening to them. “You need to get her something to do.” “Yeah, Uncle…sorry Detective. Maybe I can go with you next time you go to question somebody.” Kate said, eyes pleading. “In your dreams.” Adam said, laughing. “I think I have something for you though. I am considering going on a program on TV.” “Really? Ese Johnson’s program, right?” Kate asked with a wink. Adam felt a little flushed. What did she know about Ese? “Yes Kate, Ese Johnson’s program. Now I need you to write about twenty questions you think she should ask me and what my answers will be to them.” “Isn’t Ese Johnson supposed to compose the questions?” Tola asked. “Well, not in this case. Kate, make sure the questions aren’t too revealing and not too detailed. I’ll pick the best ones.” “I’ll get right on it sir.” She said and saluted. Adam smiled. Maybe it was not a bad idea to work with Kate, he was growing to like her again. “I’ll be in my office, I need to go over all the information we have about that very first murder.” Adam said and left Tola’s office. His phone rang as he walked to his office. He did not recognize the number. “Good afternoon.” He said. “Detective, this is Pastor Alonge.” “Oh, is your son back?” “No, that’s why I called you. I told you he was on his way right? Well, he told me three days ago he was coming today. But I just got a call from his office in Lagos that he left for Ilorin two days ago and he was supposed to be back already.” “Have you called him?” Adam asked. “Of course I have, all his numbers are not available. And they told me the numbers have not been available for over thirty six hours.” It meant he was already in town when his baby-mama was killed. “Do you think maybe the person who killed that pregnant lady could have killed my son?” The pastor asked. Adam could hear the tension in his voice. “Why on earth would you think that?” “I’m just afraid. I pray my son hasn’t been hurt.” Adam talked with him for a few more minutes and ended the call. Solomon Alonge was either a killer or a victim, either way he needed to be found. To be continued ...
28 Mar 2015 | 17:10
Jeezzzz i'm jez loving evry bit of d story
28 Mar 2015 | 20:06
The son might not be the killer though but why is he on the Adamo Eze no do you,u don dey like kate ba
28 Mar 2015 | 20:18
Could he b d killer? Has he bn killed? Y is he on d run? Op d next episode ans dat!
29 Mar 2015 | 06:45
Next Episode continues tomorrow. We are still counting in my polling boot. I must emerge d Senator for my constituency ooo. Hope u people voted for me?
29 Mar 2015 | 18:34
Lol... U no tell us sey u sef dey do politics na...
30 Mar 2015 | 11:24
U for contest for here we ready to vote for u
30 Mar 2015 | 14:44
i no d killer,...oops tnk jah adam din hear me
30 Mar 2015 | 17:07
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (11) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . "Alright Tola, it’s time to take stock and know if we’re any closer to catching this killer or killers.” Adam said rolling the white board marker between his fingers. He was standing in his office, in front of a whiteboard. The case was becoming fuzzy and trying to solve three murders at the same time was taking its toll on the case. The case needed some clarity and more importantly, he needed some clarity. “Okay, first victim, what do we know?” Tola asked, leaning back in her seat. “Well, she was a young girl, early twenties and a sex worker.” Adam said, writing on the white board in front of him. “She had met a man two weeks before she died, a man she met the same day she was killed. Hotel records had disappeared miraculously and there’s no way to trace them” “Suspects for first murder?” “First, Pastor of church where the body was dumped.” Adam started, writing his name on the board. “Are you still on these pastors Adam?” He shrugged and continued. “Second, manager of hotel.” “He has an alibi Adam.” “Yeah, looks like he does, but that’s all I’ve got. On to the second victim.” “Early twenties too. Student, picked up on her way back from a party.” Tola said as Adam wrote on the board. “Suspects will include the pastor of the church where her body was dumped, although I firmly believe he is innocent…I can’t seem to think of another suspect.” “That’s our problem Tola; we don’t have enough suspects.” Adam said, placing the marker on the table and sitting. “And there’s the text and Faruk’s theory that it came from inside the CIB.” “I can’t even begin to explain…” Adam started but was cut off by a knock on his door. “Come in.” “Morning sir.” It was Benjamin, one of the Bureau’s junior detectives. “Detective Dosumu, the men watching Barrister Jemiluwa just called in to say he left his house in a hurry just now.” “What is he talking about?” Adam asked, looking at Tola. “I had a hunch that that sleazy lawyer was not telling us everything so I asked Benjamin to put him under twenty-four hour watch. Apparently it has paid off.” “The men are still following him detective, just thought you should know.” “Do you still have them on the line?” Adam asked, pointing to the phone Benjamin was holding. “Yes sir, I do.” He replied, handing the phone to Adam. “Hello, this is Detective Adam, where is the lawyer headed?” “We are not exactly sure, but it looks like he’s headed out of town and he’s been on the phone all along sir.” A thick voice said over the phone. “Was he visited by anybody since you started watching him?” “No sir, he’s been home alone sir.” “And has he visited anybody?” “No sir, this is the first time he’s stepping out of his house. But he has been talking on the phone a lot. We were not able to enter his house to plant a bug and the closest we could get has not been very good. But it sounds like he’s been doing a lot of arguing.” “Alright, thank you. Let us know when he arrives at where he’s headed.” Adam said and handed the phone back to Benjamin. Tola waited for him to leave and said. “Where do you think he’s headed in a hurry?” “My guess is he is in contact with Solomon Alonge, the pastor’s son. And they said he’s been arguing with somebody on the phone, chances are Solomon is the person on the other side of the phone.” “Which means they’re up to something nefarious, one of them could be the killer. Otherwise why would Solomon Alonge be hiding?” Adam opened his mouth to reply but was interrupted by another knock on the door, this time Benjamin did not wait for an answer before entering. “They lost him sir.” He said, flustered. “They what?!” Adam said, beckoning to Benjamin who handed him the phone. “Talk to me, how did you lose him?” “Looks like he noticed us following him and he sped up, he turned a few corners and we lost him sir.” Adam could hear the thick voice laden with embarrassment. “Where exactly did you lose him?” “We were just out of town sir, barely out of Ganmo when…” “Alright, look for him. If you don’t find him come back to the office, change your car and go back to his house.” Adam said and handed the phone back to the Benjamin, who immediately left the office, he was probably embarrassed for his men too. “What do we do now? He’s obviously hiding something or someone.” Tola said. “I think I should call that Pastor back, he might know something.” Adam said, dialing the pastor’s number. The lawyer could be the killer. He could have killed the girl as a favour to his friend and his friend had turned against him because he killed a girl who was potentially the mother of his baby. Or maybe Solomon had killed the girl himself or maybe they did it together. “Hello Detective.” The pastor picked on the third ring. “Have you found my son?” “We are hoping you could help us with that. Is there any reason you can think of why Lawyer Jemiluwa would be going to Ganmo or any village close to it?” “Ganmo? That is almost out of town. His Chambers is here in town and his parents don’t even stay in the state, so I have no idea.” “Nothing that you can think of?” Adam asked, rubbing his forehead. He had being hoping on shutting down the third murder as soon as he could. “Ask him if his son could be in Ganmo for any reason.” Tola whispered. “How about your son Pastor, does he have any link to Ganmo or any town close by?” “Now that you mention my son, yes. I used to have a farm in Ganmo, that was a few years ago though. I’m sure the place will be full of weeds now. I haven’t been there in over a year.” “Okay Pastor. We will be in your church in twenty minutes, we are going to your farm.” The farm was an animal farm and it was not run over by weeds at all. In fact it looked like it had been occupied and used for months. A beat-down shed stood to the right of the entrance to the farm, it looked like it had once housed poultry birds. The smell coming from it indicated that it had housed the birds until very recent times. Beside the shed, there was another one – a bigger one. As they got closer, Adam could identify the stench that came from pigs. He had lived close to a man who owned a piggery once, it had been torture. “Who is running the farm here?” Tola asked the Pastor. “I have no idea.” The pastor replied, looking bewildered. They moved towards the piggery. The pig shed was not full but it had some pigs in it. Adam estimated them to be about twenty five. It was obvious someone had been using the farm actively. Maybe the girlfriend was not the only reason Solomon visited the city. “If Solomon has been running this, why will he hide it from me? I have encouraged him to use the place for years and he refused.” The pastor said. Adam felt a bit of pity for the man. He was being confronted by lies and was now a witness is a murder case, maybe even a suspect. A little distance away from the sheds was a farm house. A tiny one room house, probably for the help. The outside of the house looked clean, inhabited. If the place had to be run by somebody, then where was he? If Solomon was always in Lagos, he could not run the place himself. And there was no way the vain Lawyer would run a farm. “Did you run this place yourself or did you hire somebody to do it for you?” Adam asked the pastor. “I had somebody stay here to feed the animals, but I was here every day except on few occasions. The man still keeps in touch with me.” “There’s a possibility your son, who I’m assuming is the one running this place uses the same person. How about you give him a call and ask, while we will check inside the house.” Adam tried the door, it was open. He entered the house and Tola followed him. It was not a big house, just the type you would find on a farm. Adam looked around the room, somebody had been in it that very day. There was a door that led out of the house through the back, Tola went out through the door. Adam moved towards a cupboard which he assumed housed clothes, or kitchen stuff. He was about to open the cupboard when Tola called him. “Adam you have to see this.” He went out through the back door and saw Tola standing over tire tracks. “Looks like a car pulled away from this place in a hurry, judging by this.” She said, pointing to the tire tracks. Adam looked at the tracks and tried to follow them with his eyes, they disappeared among some shrubs. The pastor would know where they lead to. Adam went round the house to where he had left him, he was there staring at his phone. “Did you get the man?” Adam asked. “Yes I did.” He said, still staring at his phone. “And?” “He said Solomon hired him and told him not to tell me about the farm. He also said Solomon called him four days ago to tell him he was fired and he had just twenty four hours to leave the house.” “Four days ago? That was a day before your son was said to have left Lagos, so maybe he was trying to clear this place for himself.” “What is happening to me?” Adam looked up to see the Pastor, shaking and sobbing. “What has my son gotten himself into? A child raised in the house of God.” Adam looked at the house wishing Tola could come to his aid. “Pastor, be calm please. We don’t know anything yet, your son could be the victim here.” “The victim?” The pastor said, fear replacing sorrow on his face. Adam immediately regretted his last statement. “The man said, he came here yesterday and he saw a man snooping around. He said he thought the man was probably a thief but he was still angry at Solomon he decided not to confront the man.” Adam opened his mouth to offer some words of comfort but nothing came out. “Pastor, come with me, I need you to tell me where some tire tracks we found behind the house could lead.” The Pastor still overcome with his sorrow, or fear or some other terrible emotion followed him. Tola was still observing the tracks. “These tracks belong to a huge car, probably an SUV or a Truck.” Tola said. “My son drives a Tundra.” The pastor said. “Where do you think these tracks lead?” Adam asked. “They look like they’re headed for the village where the man who worked here lives. If my son drove the car away from here, he could have gone to meet him.” *** Adam looked around as they drove. They could not follow the tracks because his Honda would not make it across the farmland. The road they were following was not the best but it was better. “Wait!” The pastor exclaimed from the backseat. Adam slowed the car to a stop. “What’s the problem?” Adam asked. “See that building?” He asked pointing to a house standing about five hundred metres from the road. “It is owned by Garba, a hausa man who sells chicken feed to all the farmers in this area, if anybody knows what has been happening here, it is him.” “Can’t we just talk to him on our way back?” Adam said, getting impatient. “I think we should talk to him now.” Tola said, coming down from the car. Adam came down from the car and followed the Pastor and Tola who were already on their way to the building. Adam observed the building as he moved closer to it. It did not look like it was open for business or that it had even been open for business in weeks or months. He was right, there was no Garba or any other person selling chicken feed. Before he could call out to them, he saw the Pastor had opened the door and entered, Tola following him in. They both stood still at the door. Adam hurried to meet them. Shocked, he stopped at the door. It was possible they just found the murder site of the ‘Church Street Killer’. Or maybe it was just an abattoir of sorts. There were blood stained plastic bags on the floor, different types and sizes of knifes and a big wooden table. Adam moved past his assistant and the pastor who were still dumbfounded and stepped into the room. The room was clean; swept and mopped. He looked around for any sign of bottles, the first victim was killed with cyanide. There was no bottle. The walls were stained with blood, the knives too. Adam left the room, Tola and the Pastor on his heels. Something did not sit well with him. Was it by pure coincidence that they had found the place? He brought out his phone and called the office, he asked them to send a forensics team to the place. “We’re following those tracks, okay? Let’s go.” Adam said as he marched towards his car. “What was that back there?” Tola asked, finally finding her voice. “I don’t know what that was, we will find out later, but for now we will find out where those tracks lead us.” Adam replied. “How come that place shook you up so much? You’ve seen the bodies, and they were way worse than this.” “I don’t know Adam, I sensed evil in that place.” Adam nodded and kept on driving. Ten minutes later, they entered into what looked like a small settlement. “Is this the place?” Adam asked the pastor who was still yet to speak a word since seeing all the blood. “What? Oh, yes, we are almost there. His house is the one round the corner after that red billboard.” Adam drove past the billboard and round the corner and saw a red Tundra parked in front of a small house. “Is that your son’s truck?” Tola asked. “Yes, that is it.” Adam stopped the car and they all got out of the car. Adam looked around, they had to be careful. If Solomon Alonge was a killer, then he was dangerous. And there was a possibility that the lawyer was with him and that spelt even more danger. “Pastor, please get back in the car. This could be dangerous.” Adam said, waving the man inside the car. “That’s my son in there, how can you tell me to stay in the car?” He protested. “He is right. Barrister Jemiluwa could be there too and if his outsmarting our officers is anything to go by then he could be dangerous.” Tola said, trying to fake a smile but failing miserably. “We will lock the door and crack a window for you.” The pastor reluctantly got in and Adam locked the car. He brought out his gun from its holster checked to make sure it was loaded, Tola did the same. He had not used the gun in months, he silently prayed there was not going to be a shootout because he was out of practice. It was stupid, chasing a serial killer and not practicing with your gun. “Tola, go round the back, I’ll cover the front. Be careful.” Adam said. Tola nodded and moved towards the back of the house. Adam took a deep breath, put his gun back in the holster and covered it with his suit. He moved towards the door. The whole house was quiet. If there was anybody inside they were doing their best to stay un-noticed. He quietly climbed the two-step stairs and stood in facing of the front door. He thought of busting into the house, but that would immediately put the occupants in a defensive mode. He took another deep breath and knocked. No answer. He removed his gun from the holster and gently turned the door handle. The door gave way with ease, creaking as it opened. He stilled the door with his hand and stepped inside the room. He stood still till his eyes adjusted to the dim light in the house. The living room was empty. It smelled of drugs, it was nauseating. He tiptoed across the room came to the dining area, his heartbeat increasing. He stopped suddenly almost dropping the gun he was holding. His heart looked to have stopped as he looked on in horror. He stood still for almost a minute before he regained control of his body. “Tola, you need to get in here.” He shouted, or he wanted to shout but it came out in a whisper. His head swooned as he tried to process what he was looking at. On the floor were three bodies, their throats slit from one end to the other. One of them was the lawyer. He would have to confirm but he was sure the other two were Solomon Alonge and the man who owned the house. To be continued ....
31 Mar 2015 | 09:34
Hmmmm I just wish I know who d killer is already!!
31 Mar 2015 | 17:49
A̶̲̥̅♏ still wondreing who dis evil dower Ȋ̝̊̅§..... Pastor nd his son hmmmmmm
31 Mar 2015 | 19:46
Getting more interesting
31 Mar 2015 | 19:51
I Cant Wait.. Plss Update ASAP I Beg Yu.. Nicez Thrila Man.. D Story Just Started Gettin Intrestin
31 Mar 2015 | 21:11
Dis can't be happening..where exactly is dis story heading to..who is the real killer? Dis is real suspense
1 Apr 2015 | 16:18
so much suspense, I like.. nxt plz
1 Apr 2015 | 19:32
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (12) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam rubbed his shivering hands together, he badly needed a drink. He was seated on the staircase of house where he had found the dead bodies. Policemen went in and out of the house, taking crime scene pictures and bagging anything they thought was evidence. Tola was seated close to him, she was talking with her husband on the phone. He had been shaken to his bones looking at the bodies covered in their own blood on the floor. He had stood still, looking at them for about a minute, his mind had been completely functionless and so had his body. Tola recovered first from the shock and left him inside to call in the murder. The Pastor who they had left in the car suddenly came in suspecting that something was wrong and it had taken all the energy Adam could muster to prevent him from grabbing his dead son. Medics who arrived later had to sedate him to stop him from harming himself or any other person. “I think we should leave.” Tola said, putting her hand on Adam’s arm. “Let’s wait till the bodies are moved.” Adam said. “Six bodies now Adam, what is happening?” She said, worry clearly written on her face. “I have no idea.” He truly had no idea what to think anymore. It was possible the same person who killed the third victim killed the three men. But then the Lawyer and the pastor’s son were definitely guilty of something, he had no idea what, yet. “This killing was bad, very bad, something the ‘church street killer’ would do.” Tola said. Adam raised his head and looked at her. “The church street killer?” “Yes, it’s the kind of thing he would do. Bloody, pathological, not with a gun but with a knife.” “Why would he want to kill these guys, we don’t even…” Some officers passed by and he paused and lowered his voice. “Tola, we don’t have any link to him here.” “We found a room with blood all over, not far from here, remember?” “We don’t even know if that place is in any way connected to the ‘church street killer’ or this murder. It could be the blood of animals for all we know.” “I don’t know, Adam, this just feels like him.” Tola said, shrugging. “Well, we will definitely investigate that, but we don’t want to start any rumour especially as we are not sure.” Adam said, standing up. He left Tola sitting on the stairs and walked into the house. He paused at the door and looked around the room. It was a neat room, probably because there was nothing much in it. The room had not been disturbed very much, that indicated there was not much of a struggle. The door was not broken into either, so the killer either picked the lock or the door was opened for him. Or maybe he had a key. Adam moved away from the door and towards the bodies. He had not noticed their positioning and distance from each other the first time. The lawyer’s body was crumpled close to a chair where he was probably siting when he was killed. Solomon Alonge’s body was close to the door, he was not sure yet, but Adam suspected he was killed while attempting to leave the room. The farmer’s body was propped against the wall, he could not figure out why. Adam heard a lot of voices coming from outside the house, he went to a window and peeped. It was the state chief of police. He had arrived with the press on his heels. Adam shook his head and hurried out of the house. “Chief, what is happening here?” Adam said, meeting the Chief at the bottom of the stairs, he looked like he had lost weight. “What do you mean? I should be asking you the same question.” The chief said, trying to come up the stairs. “Sir, you can’t go in there, we are still processing the crime scene.” Adam said, subtly blocking the stairs. “How did you even get here so fast, we have not reported this to your office yet.” “Ademola, I am your boss, you cannot tell me if I can enter that house or not.” He said, moving past Adam and entering the house. “Benjamin!” Adam called to the junior detective. “Keep an eye on him.” He said, nodding at the chief. Adam walked away from the house to where Tola was standing. Uniformed policemen were already keeping the press away. The details of the murder had already filtered to the journalists, no doubt he was in for serious questioning. “Tola, let’s get out of here.” Adam said, he opened the door of his car and entered. “I thought you said you wanted to wait for the bodies to be moved.” “With the chief here and his mandatory press statement later, it would only end badly. Let’s go, we’ll stop at the two places we checked earlier before the press swarm those too.” *** “Whoever this Garba is, we need to find him.” Adam said to Tola as they entered the room where they had earlier found knives and the blood. “If he isn’t the source of all this blood, then he should know who uses this room now.” Two uniformed police men guarded the door as they walked through the room. The floor had been cleaned, there was no blood pooled anywhere. The walls had not been cleaned though, there were blood splashes all over them. The knives on the table were mostly rusted and they would not be any good for finger prints. “This place is very dusty.” Tola said and Adam nodded. “Do you think it would be as dusty if it was used as the killing spot for any of the recent murders?” She had a point. “So, we can assume they weren’t killed here? The blood on these walls did not come from a chicken though, I’ll have the place staked out.” “Adam, come and check this out.” Tola called. She was crouching just behind the door. “What is that?” Adam asked as Tola handed him a incense burner. “That is an incense burner and the scent coming off of it is pine.” She replied. “Incense…pine? What are you talking about?” Adam asked, arching his brow. “I used to burn incense in my house at a point, just for the nice scent, nothing religious. Pine, that was my favourite flavor but it was expensive, so my supplier ran out or something.” “Incense, really? What are you going to tell me now, that the ark of covenant is under your bed?” Adam said with a huge grin. “Question is what does this mean?” “I don’t know. But if Pine is still as scarce as it was, then there can’t be too many people selling it, maybe we can find out who sold this and to who.” “That is a long shot.” “I know. Maybe we can be lucky and get a finger print off it.” She said as she collected the incense burner and put it in an evidence bag. “Alright this is what we’ll do.” Adam said, stepping out of the room. “Call Benjamin, he’ll send a car for you. Go back to that town or village or whatever it is, find Garba and bring him in. I’ll go back to that farm house, look around and see what I can find. We’ll meet at that office, talk to the coroner see what these all means.” Adam waited for a car to arrive to drive Tola before he left the place. He drove to the farm house and parked a few metres away from it. The farm was quiet, too quiet. He looked around as he walked quietly to the house, he noticed the pigs were quiet, they were probably sleeping. He was close to the house when he started having the eerie feeling of being watched. He drew out his gun and tiptoed towards the house, everything was still quiet. He got to the door and gently reached for the handle. He slowly opened it and walked in, his gun in front of him. He stood still, everything was still quiet. Then suddenly something jumped at him and knocked his gun off his hands. He staggered backwards, waving his arms in front of his face. He steadied himself leaning his weight on the door. He looked down at what had startled him, it was a cat! He picked his gun from where it had fallen and walked away from the cat resisting the temptation to kick it. The room was exactly as he had left it. It was probably smart to have the room dusted for prints, he was not counting on finding anything useful. The cupboard! He had wanted to open it before Tola called him. He knelt near the cupboard and opened it. There was a bag inside. He opened the bag and went through the content, there was nothing of value in it, just clothes; three shirts and one trouser. He dipped his hands into the pockets of the trouser and found a piece of paper in the left pocket. It was a receipt. It was from Crackos and it was made out to Solomon Alonge on the same day his girlfriend was murdered, a few hours before her body was found. He walked out of the room, removed his phone from his pocket and dialed Tola’s number. “Hello Tola, found him yet?” “No, nobody here knows where he is. Some of them say he’s travelled back to the north.” “That sucks. Well, I just found a receipt from Crackos in Solomon Alonge’s trousers. Apparently he was close by when his girlfriend was killed.” “I’m back at the crime scene, I’ll check his truck, see if there’s anything there.” She said and ended the call. Adam walked out of the house and walked towards his car. He was about to unlock his door when he heard a car start in the distance. He immediately pulled out his gun. The car raised a lot of dust as it sped off blocking Adam from seeing anything useful. Somebody had been watching him after all. His phone rang, it was Tola. “Find anything?” He asked. “You could say that, I think we found our killer; one of them. One of the carpets in Alonge’s truck is stained with blood. Apparently he tried washing it but he did not get it all off.” “That is interesting, bring the carpet back to the office, we’ll run a test on the blood. And I think somebody was here watching me.” “Did you see who?” “Nah, could be our killer. Or some other random person who was just curious. I’ll see you at the office.” “Okay Adam, be careful.” He slid his phone back in his pocket and entered his car. He opened a small compartment under the dashboard and brought out a small bottle of vodka. He had put it in a place where Tola would not find it. He was going to see the coroner again, his nerves needed some calming, she would not understand. He emptied the content of the bottle in his mouth and threw the bottle out through the window. He started the car and drove away. **** Adam burst into the Dr. Collin’s office absolutely livid. He had been waiting for the coroner for almost three hours. The stress of the day combined with his inactivity had activated his short temper. The man jumped up as soon as he saw Adam. “Where the hell have you been?” Adam asked staring hard at the quivering man. “I’m sorry sir, I had to…” He started. “I don’t care really, just tell me what I need to know.” Adam said, pulling a chair and sitting. “Sit down please.” Collins picked a file from his table. “The victims were Mr. Patrick Jemiluwa, Mr. Solomon Alonge…” “I know who the victims were Doctor, the blood found in Alonge’s car, was it the blood of the third victim?” “Yes sir, it was.” Adam nodded and stared out of the window. It was bad that somebody who was the child of a supposed man of God could go as far as to kill. He got her pregnant and killed her for it? It did not make sense. “Sir, I ran a test on the baby in that third victim and after cross-checking with the tests I ran on Jemiluwa and Alonge, I think we were wrong about the father of the baby. I might need to run further tests but by what I have right now, Jemiluwa was the father of the baby.” “The lawyer?” Adam exclaimed. “He said he was only trying to talk to her on behalf of his friend.” “Apparently he was lying.” “Why would Solomon kill her then? Maybe he found out she was carrying his friend’s baby and still had the audacity to sue him. So why did she sue him? That is insane.” The coroner shrugged. “If Solomon killed her, then who killed him? My gut tells me they knew the killer, unfortunately my gut is not telling me who the killer is. In your professional opinion, do you think the same person who killed the first two victims, the girls, could have killed these men?” “Well sir, that is a long shot. Not impossible though because he had reason to. Solomon tried framing him for the murder by removing the victim’s liver.” “Yeah, I had thought of that but like I said earlier, I have this feeling they knew their killer. Okay, last question, the blood found in that old store, was it human? More importantly, did it belong to any of the victims?” “It was not human sir, belonged to an unfortunate animal.” “That should comfort me somewhat, I guess. I’m sorry I shouted on you earlier, having a crazy day as you can imagine.” “I understand sir.” Adam looked at him, nodded and walked out of his office. **** Adam looked at his watch and opened his mouth in surprise, it was almost eight pm. He had told both Tola and Kate to go home around four pm, they had people to go home to, he didn’t. He had been at his desk reviewing everything they had on Solomon Alonge and Patrick Jemiluwa, there had to be a link to the Church Street Killer. He was yet to find one. He shut down his laptop, stuck the files in a drawer and put off the table lamp. He picked up his jacket, his IPad and left the office. The whole building was quiet as he walked through it. He had always imagined that by the time he was thirty, he would be one of those guys who could not wait to leave the office just to run back to their families, it had not worked that way for him. Ese was the closest he had gotten to that dream but he had blown it when he started drinking. The murder of the first lady had messed up his life, and despite Ese’s efforts to keep him from blowing his top, he had blown it. He was about getting out of the building when his phone rang. He smiled, it was Ese. “This is magic, I was just thinking about you.” He said. “You were thinking about me? Am I in any kind of trouble?” She said, sounding genuinely apprehensive. “No, no, why would you think that? All I said was, I was thinking about you.” He wondered why he was even telling her, it was not like she was interested in hearing. “Hmm, so what were you thinking about me then?” She said softly. Adam remembered that voice and all the tender conversations they had had in the past. “Well, nothing much. Was just a passing thought really.” He said starting to feel uncomfortable. “Are you saying you weren’t thinking of me because you miss me?” She said teasing, that voice again. “Miss you? No, why would I miss you. It was just a random thought.” He said and laughed nervously. “That’s your problem.” She said, the softness was gone. She sounded hurt instead. “I called to remind you about the show…you know what, never mind. I can’t do this right now.” “Ese, wait…” She ended the call.You bloody idiot!He kicked the wall and immediately doubled over in pain. He shook his head, opened the door and left the building. He greeted the guards on duty and walked to his car. He was about to open the door when she called back. “Ese, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that?” He said before she could say anything. “Having troubles with your girlfriend?” A voice said over the phone, it was not Ese. The voice was a computer edited voice. He looked at his phone, it was not Ese’s number. “Who is this?” He said, looking around. The guards were close to the building, they were not paying any attention to him. “You know who it is Detective.” “You have some nerve calling me after what you did today.” Adam thought hard, there was no way he could trace the call, not immediately. Where was Faruk when you needed him? “What did I do today Detective?” “Those men you killed, you sick bastard, what did they do to you?” “That’s funny Detective, because I don’t think you have anything linking me to those murders but at least now you know I did not kill that third girl.” “How do you know what I know? I don’t care if you killed two girls or three, I’m going to find you.” Adam could feel his face heating up. “No problem, I’ll love to see you do that.” “Oh, you’ll see me do it, because I’m going to catch you alive.” “You’ve been a useless policeman for a long time, why do you think you would change now? And by the way, I’m not talking about the assassination of the first lady.” Adam kept quiet. What was he talking about? “Cat’s got your tongue Detective? Yeah, I knew you way before you worked for the governor. Just in case you don’t understand yet, I’m saying this is personal. Catch me if you can, but until you do, the murders will not stop. And don’t even try your usual way out because if you quit this job, I’m coming for you.” Adam was silent; he could not process what he was hearing. “I always knew you were dumb, I just didn’t know it manifested on your tongue too. By the way, your girlfriend just entered her house and I’m starting to have ideas.” The voice said with a hoarse laugh followed by the dial tone. To be continued ....
2 Apr 2015 | 02:25
I so much agree with u @confidence .... One thing i love abt crime stories is d keeps me reading nd wanting more.... I hope dis killer isn't trying anything funny wit Ese???
2 Apr 2015 | 03:59
dis suspenc is killing ooo hope nothng is happen to ese
2 Apr 2015 | 05:56
I will still say it over nd over again,dis killer Ȋ̝̊̅§ faruk
2 Apr 2015 | 06:23
Adam if Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ knw wat gud 4 Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ get faruk arrested nd see weda Ɣo̲̣̣̥ΰ will find anoda dead body
2 Apr 2015 | 06:26
Who could it be?
2 Apr 2015 | 08:10
Though I support u ppl on who d killer is, but let not conclude it now, let's keep reading, at d end we will know. contd plssss, we r waiting.
2 Apr 2015 | 09:03
D killer is sumone closer to him..
2 Apr 2015 | 09:34
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (13) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Previously on Demons on Church Street “Cat’s got your tongue Detective? Yeah, I knew you way before you worked for the governor. Just in case you don’t understand yet, I’m saying this is personal. Catch me if you can, but until you do, the murders will not stop. And don’t even try your usual way out because if you quit this job, I’m coming for you.” Adam was silent; he could not process what he was hearing. “I always knew you were dumb, I just didn’t know it manifested on your tongue too. By the way, your girlfriend just entered her house and I’m starting to have ideas.” The voice said with a hoarse laugh followed by the dial tone. Episode Thirteen Adam jumped into his car, slammed the door, started the engine and was out on the road as fast as he could. He could not believe that the psycho had made a personal threat to him, and what was he talking about saying he knew him before he worked for the governor. There were only a few people who knew him from his days as a uniformed officer, so few and none of them worked at CIB. He thought as far as he could remember, nothing came to mind. And even though he had not achieved much as policeman back then, he had not made any mistakes or done errors of note, so what was the bastard talking about? He shook his head, trying to ward off everything the killer had said. Except the fact that he had his eyes on Ese. He should call her, that’s what he should have done! He brought out his phone and dialed her number while keeping an eye on the road. She did not answer. Oh my God! He dialed again. Still no answer. He swore under his breath and increased the pressure on the accelerator. If anything happened to Ese, he would hunt down the killer and chop him up, limb by limb. The last time he had driven to Ese’s house, he had been drunk and she had told him she never wanted to see him again. Hard as he tried, he was unable to erase that incidence from his brain, it was one of his worst memories. He silently prayed that the memory he was creating at that moment would not turn to be his worst. He turned his car into Ese’s street and slowed his car, if the killer was anywhere near he wanted to find him. He looked around as he drove, there were no suspicious cars parked anywhere or people lurking around. He parked a few metres away from her house and walked towards it. He checked, his gun was loaded. He moved as swiftly as he could to the house. The windows were open but the curtains were drawn, there was no way to tell the number of people inside the house, if there was anybody in. He walked on the balls of his feet to the door. A lot could happen in the next minute but he had no time to think through the possibilities. He knocked on the door. He waited, his hands ready to go for his gun. He lifted his hand to knock again when the door opened. “Adam?” Ese stepped back in surprise. Adam let out his breath, he had not noticed he was holding it. She was safe. At least the killer was not in her house. “What are you doing here?” She said, still standing in the door way. “I just wanted to make sure you are safe.” He said. “Safe from what?” She looked at him warily. “Ermm…” He was not sure if he should tell her about the killer’s call. It would do her no good, it was better she did not know. “I was just checking.” He turned to leave then stopped. “I’m sorry about what I said earlier, I was…” He stopped and started to leave. “Adam…” Ese called, he stopped and looked back. “Wanna come in?” “Yeah, I guess.” He said, trying to stop a smile from spreading across his face but failing. He followed her into the house. It had a cozy, homey look, a look his house desperately needed. On the wall were her pictures, most of them new ones, they were not familiar. The TV was tuned to a music channel and a lady rapper he had never seen before was performing, quite impressively he noticed. Just behind the TV were a set of plaques – awards she had won. “Remember that?” Ese caught him looking at a golden microphone sitting among the plaques. He looked at her and immediately looked away. She was standing behind one of the chairs dressed in a tank top and a pair of shorts. He kept his eyes trained on the plaques. “Hmhmm.” Of course he remembered it. She received the award the night he met her. He had gone with the governor to the award ceremony held for journalists in Lagos and had been completely blown away with her smile, her voice, the way she gestured when she thanked everybody for the award; everything about her had enraptured him. “That’s my most precious award, you know, it’s the dream of every journalist to get that.” She said. Adam nodded, still looking away from her. “You want me to get you something?” “Huh, no thanks. I had no plans to stay, just wanted to see if you were okay.” He said. He felt really silly, he was like a school boy on his first date. “Seriously? You just came to see me out of the blues?” She said, climbing into the chair opposite him and folding her legs on the chair. “That can’t be right.” “Well, yeah I did. I’m not as horrible as you think.” He said, trying to force a smile. “Are you sure about that?.” Adam opened his mouth to talk but she continued. “Forget about that, you’re here and I’m grateful. So, how’re you finding your job at CIB?” “It’s alright, exciting I must admit but not as good as the job I had before.” “If you catch… when you catch this killer, you’re going to be famous. You know that right?” She said, beaming her angelic smile. “Not really. If I catch him, the chief of police gets the glory and if I don’t, I get the blame. That’s how it works.” “I’m sure he’ll squeeze your name in somewhere.” She stood up from her seat. “You know what, I’ll fix you something fast, I’m sure you have no plans for dinner.” Adam wanted to protest, but she was right, he had no dinner plans. He smiled to himself, he had a killer to catch, one who had threatened him a few minutes ago but he was instead going to eat dinner with this beautiful woman. He relaxed and got comfortable in the chair, nobody would begrudge him a single night of pleasure, however fleeting it might be, not even the church street killer. **** Adam drove slowly as he returned home, it had been the best night of his life. Probably not, but it was one of the best. He had had homemade dinner for the first time in a long while and had talked for more than an hour with a woman that he probably loved, if he was humble enough to admit it. Romantic music filtered through the speakers of his car stereo, he barely tolerated romantic music but it suited him that night. He drove into his compound, whistling as he brought the car to a stop. He was about getting out of the car when he noticed a dark figure sitting at his doorstep. He reached for his gun quickly, stepped out of the car and closed the door quietly. The figure stood up and started walking towards him. He crouched low beside the car, his mind racing through the options he had. “Adam? Don’t shoot me bro.”Faruk? “Faruk here, okay?” Adam stood and holstered his gun. “What are you doing hiding in the shadows man? I could have shot you.” “Shot me? I wasn’t even in the shadows, I was sitting at your doorstep, how obvious did I need to be?” Adam walked to the front door and opened it. “What took you so long? Surely you were not at the office, and I don’t smell any alcohol on you.” Faruk said. “None of your business. The real question is what are you doing here?” “What am I doing here? I’m at my best friend’s house, you have no right to ask me that question. But you have to answer mine. Where are you coming from Adam? Do you have a secret girlfriend?” Adam shook his head as he unbuttoned his shirt, removed it and tossed it on a chair. “Oh my God, Adam, are you sleeping with your partner? She is married for God’s sake!” “Shut up Faruk! I’m coming from Ese’s place.” “Are you serious? Bad guy!” Faruk said with a huge grin, punching Adam on his shoulder. “Okay, start talking.” “There’s nothing to talk about.” Adam said with a shrug. “I got a call from the killer…” “You got a call from whom?!” Faruk exclaimed. “Yeah, the sicko called me and said he was looking at Ese go into her house. So I rushed over there, didn’t see anything or anybody. One thing led to another…” “And you slept with her? You sly dog.” Faruk said, throwing back his head in laughter. “No Faruk, calm down, what’s wrong with you? I had dinner at her place, that’s all and I’ll be seeing her sometime next week.” “So you didn’t do anything.” Faruk rolled his eyes and hissed. “To more important matters then, you said this church killer guy called you? Did you trace the call?” “No, I couldn’t, there was no way to. He said he knows me from way back, even before I worked with the governor. He said it was personal.” “That makes sense.” “What do you mean it makes sense?” “I have a theory, a suspect. Get ready to have your mind blown.” Faruk said sitting up in his chair. “The chief!” “The what?!” “The chief.” “The chief of police?” “No, the chief of your frigging village, of course the chief of police.” “That’s not possible, I’d sooner believe it was the governor than believe it was the chief.” Adam said, shaking his head. It could not be, the chief was not even on his radar of suspects. “What proof do you have Faruk?” “Remember what I said about the text coming from inside CIB?” “That doesn’t mean the killer is a member of the Bureau, anybody good with a computer could have done that. Plus I don’t think the chief is intelligent enough to be doing this.” “Okay, let’s go over what we know. He was the one who decided you should run this investigation, you could have delegated it. He knows you from way back, we know that. And he’s always been stomping around the case all along.” “Yeah, drumming up as much press attention as he can for the case. He also said some crap about the killer going down in history.” Adam said. “But there’s no way he’s the killer. Remember the video we saw, he was not the shadow in that video.” “He could have gotten somebody to drop it for him. And he’s not as stupid as you think, he has a degree in Physics and Computer science. It might have been from way back, but I’m sure he still knows his way around a computer.” “Come on Faruk, this is a little out there, don’t you think?” Adam said as he stood and started pacing. “It is a little out there I know, but hear this…” He was interrupted by Adam’s phone, it was ringing. “It’s almost ten thirty, who is calling you at this ungodly hour?” “Keep quiet.” Adam said and he picked up his phone. It was Kate.” Kate?” “Hello Uncle Adam.” She said, sniffing. “It’s almost eleven o’clock, what’s happening?” “You need to talk to my Dad, I don’t know who else to call.” “What happened? Are you okay?” “I went to a party with friends tonight, I had a few drinks and came home late. I know I shouldn’t have but now he’s talking about sending me to Senegal for a six months course in French.” “That’s not so bad Kate, and six months isn’t a long time.” Adam said, rubbing his eyes, he needed to sleep. “It’s a boarding house, I won’t leave the school except on school endorsed excursions and field trips. That’s a prison and I actually love working with you.” Adam quietly contemplated what to say, he had no idea. It was not his business what the governor did with his daughter.If her mother was alive she would have taken care of the situation.It was true and as hard as he tried he could not absolve himself of responsibility for her mother’s death. “Kate, you come to work as usual tomorrow, if your dad doesn’t change his mind, I’ll have a chat with him, okay?” “Thank you Uncle Adam, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.” Adam nodded and disconnected the call. “What was that all about?” Faruk asked. “Man, you don’t wanna know. You were about to say something about the chief, what was it?” “Alright, I was talking about why he’s my main suspect. I happened to hang out at that joint where the second victim was supposed to have been kidnapped, guess who I discovered was a VIP regular at the club?” “The chief?” Adam asked. “Exactly! And you want to guess where he took the girl he picked up to?” “No.” “Clear Springs hotel.” “Isn’t that where the first girl was coming from when she was kidnapped?” Faruk bowed. “You are welcome.” “That doesn’t make sense.” “Why don’t you do what every reasonable detective does; investigate.” “Oh, I will. And don’t get me wrong, I don’t like the man, not at all but a killer? I don’t think so. I’m going to sleep.” Adam shook his head as he walked out of the room, there was no way the chief was the church street killer. Absolutely no way. *** He looked at his face in the mirror and turned away. It was contorted with hate, hate he could not explain, hate no therapist anywhere could resolve or take away. He knew it was not good, it would ultimately be the end of him, but he could not control himself. Something inside him needed someone to blame, a face to picture when he slashed with his knife, Detective Adam Ademola was that person. He was not a random pick, he deserved the hate, he was worthy of it. He closed the bathroom door and walked into his room. Staring at him from the wall directly above his bed was a picture of Diana. It was one of her six pictures on his bedroom wall. He looked away from the picture, even Diana would disapprove of his hatred for Adam. He was her messenger, satisfying her needs, it was not his place to use her to fight his own battles. But he was not fighting for himself alone, he was fighting for both of them. He walked to his wardrobe and opened a closet, he brought out pictures he took of his sacrifices, the two girls. He dropped the pictures back in the closet and brought out another one; his next sacrifice. She looked innocent but she was not, this sacrifice was not a random one, this one was personal. Diana wanted a sacrifice that would mean something to her, someone who deserved to die. He smiled and dropped the picture back in the closet. He kicked off his shoes and laid on the bed, if Diana was getting a personal sacrifice, one that meant something to her, he would also make this one worth his while. He opened the laptop sitting on his bedside table and routed the connection through the CIB network. He was going to have fun with this one, show Adam how stupid he really was. He opened the message box and typed; Three days and the sun will rise On another soul who will pay the price. He hit send and smiled, it was short and even poetic and he had not even had to think for long to write it. He shut down the laptop and stretched on the bed. Rest, sleep for tomorrow you must work. To be continued...
2 Apr 2015 | 13:51
So scary
2 Apr 2015 | 16:40
Wanting more...... He doesn't think that a stupid person can ruin ones plan sometimes.....
2 Apr 2015 | 17:07
Wanting more...... He doesn't think that a stupid person can ruin ones plan sometimes..... And if he's truly the chief then Adam will have to be more careful now
2 Apr 2015 | 17:09
Dis killer is so fucking smart! .... I can recollect dat its gonna be 20 episodes.... Nd dis is d i'm still expectant....
2 Apr 2015 | 21:25
Who could be doin dis killing? . . . I tink i knw dy killer....
3 Apr 2015 | 03:38
If anyone here can guess the killer then at the end of the episode I promised that person a tangible gift. Your time starts now till 12 midnight. Goodluck everyone
3 Apr 2015 | 04:44
Na wa o... Eleyi ogidigan o... Shey i fit choose 2 persons?
3 Apr 2015 | 12:48
@tenniebenson. I can't say ooo maybe it can as well be two killers. Lol
3 Apr 2015 | 13:26
D killer maybe d chief police
3 Apr 2015 | 15:53
Governor is the killer
3 Apr 2015 | 17:42
This one wey people dey guess......abeg come continue this thing O
4 Apr 2015 | 03:59
Since no one was sure who the is then the story continues.
4 Apr 2015 | 04:02
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (14) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam looked at the empty, boring faces in front of him and sighed. “Yes we believe the third lady wasn’t a victim of the church street killer.” He was in a meeting with all law enforcement agencies in the state under the strict orders of the state governor. The NSCDC, FRSC, NIS, NPS were all represented, even KWATMA sent a representative, it was ridiculous. It was a complete waste of time as far as he was concerned. He was supposed to be meeting with the heads of all these agencies but apparently they all thought the meeting was a waste of their time too and had sent their deputies. The deputies trying to assert some sort of authority had been firing him with questions, most of them silly repetitions of what another person had asked. Kate sat to his right, her eyes darting here and there following the conversation but her fingers never leaving the keyboard of her laptop. Tola was seated next to her, her eyes begging him to endure the meeting. “If you said there was somebody watching the lawyer, how did he get murdered without one of your people there to prevent it?” The representative of the NPS asked. Adam looked at him and wondered if he should answer the question. He did not understand why the Nigerian Prisons had to send a representative, they had no help to offer the investigation. Except maybe keep the killer in jail when he was caught, until he was sent to the noose. “I mentioned earlier that he eluded our officers and they were not with him when he was killed.” Adam said as firmly as he could without being rude. The chief of police was supposed to be a part of the meeting but had not shown up and had not even sent a representative. It was two days since Faruk told him about his suspicions and even though he was not was not convinced the chief could be the killer he had told Faruk to tail him. The message he got from the killer had put more pressure on him. If the chief was the killer, he needed to be stopped and fast, another dead body would be the straw that would break the camel’s back. The people were already tired of his silence and there were already talks of vigilante groups trying to go after the killer. “You have deployed policemen to all the churches in the state, that is a lot man power, how long do you hope to keep this up for?” The prisons guy asked. “As long as we need to.” Adam said. He knew it was too much, but he had to do all he could. If the killer was going to dump the body in a church then he could not do it without being caught. “Are you serious? There are other crimes being committed in the city, who will solve those?” The man from the NSCDC asked. “Did you really put men in every church? Every single one?” A man whose upper lip was swallowed up in his mustache asked. He represented the Road Safety Corps. “Okay, we are not keeping them there forever. We have information that there might be a murder soon, and so far the killer has dumped his victims in churches, so we are watching them.” “Don’t you think he’ll change his dumping site when he sites your men?” Mustache lips asked. “We are not stupid, you know.” Adam said, starting to get annoyed. “They’re not wearing uniforms standing in the open and wielding AK-47s.” Adam continued for another forty five minutes telling them all he could and answering their question. He was tired, talking for so long while also fighting to keep his temper under check had drained his energy. “I’ll take one last question.” Adam said, hoping nobody would ask any. He was not so lucky, the man from KWATMA who had been quiet throughout the meeting raised a hand. “Yes?” “Who are the suspects you have, do you have a list?” He asked. “Well, yes we do.” Adam started uncertainly. They had suspects – the pastors, Solomon Alonge who was now dead, the chief and pretty much everybody who worked at CIB. But he could not tell them that. “Can you share the list with us?” The man asked again. “Well, unfortunately I cannot at this time. We will get them to you at a later time, when we are sure of their status as suspects.” Adam said and looked Tola who shrugged. “Do you have a profile of the killer?” The man asked again. “I’m sorry I said that was going to be the last question.” Adam said trying to cover for his lack of answer to the question. “No, I think you should answer that question.” One of the men said, the others murmured their agreement. “No, we don’t have a complete profile yet, we’re still working on it.” Adam answered, starting to feel the heat on his face. “Do you have any solid leads then? Any angles you’re working?” The KWATMA man continued “Are you even making any progress on this case?” Mustache lips added, looking at the others for support, they all nodded. “What the heck is this?” Adam shouted, hitting the table with his hand. “You think we are playing around here? You think we just stand on highways checking permits or sit in our offices issuing passports? No we work, go out in the sun and lose sleep to rid this city of scum. You have the nerve to come here and question me?” He packed the files in front of him and stood. “This meeting is over.” He looked at Tola who had bowed her head during his rant, Kate sat still, her hands frozen over the keyboard. He had blown his top again. He looked round at the shocked men and walked out of the room. Nobody followed him out of the room, Tola would probably make an attempt to clean his mess, save face as much as she could. Adam wondered why it did not take long to get him angry. Even though the questions asked were legitimate, he was not handling the case right, he was only jumping from murder to murder without a plan. He did not have much faith in profiles but it would not hurt to have one. They also needed to map out all the plausible suspects and leads and pursue them till they uncovered some other lead or became dead ends. But first, the killer had promised to kill another person, that had to be stopped. His phone rang just as he stepped into his office. He picked it from his table. It was Faruk. “Faruk.” He said. “What the hell man, I’ve called you like one-fifty times.” He sounded anxious. “Sorry, I was in a meeting.” Adam replied rubbing his head, his never ending headache was starting to act up again. “I was made Adam, I was made.” Faruk said. “You were what? Calm down and talk to me. You’re still watching the chief, right?” “That’s what I’m talking about, he saw me.” “Oh my God, how did that happen?” Adam dropped his voice to whisper and sat quickly. “Alright, so I followed him around town for a while, then he dropped off his driver at home and drove off on his own. So I figured something interesting was about to happen so I followed him closely. I told you the man isn’t stupid.” “Go on Faruk.” “He drove out of town towards Ganmo, that got me even more interested. You know that’s where the three men were killed, right?” “I was there Faruk, continue please.” “Alright, he turned into the road that led to the settlement where the bodies were found, I was still behind him. This time we were the only ones on the road, no cars in between us. All of a sudden he stopped opposite the store where you said you found blood splashed on the wall, so I stopped too. That was my mistake.” “He saw you then?” “Well, not exactly. He started towards the house and was about to enter when he suddenly stopped and looked at my direction. I immediately dropped low in my seat but it was too late, he had seen me. He started walking towards me.” “Crap! Did he see your face?” “Nah, he didn’t. Immediately I saw him walking towards me, I started the car, turned around and sped away. I doubt he even saw the colour of the car I was driving.” “That’s a relief.” Adam said with a sigh. “But why was he there? And why go alone?” “I have no idea man, but does this confirm him as a suspect or not?” “I don’t know, but there’s something going on.” Adam heard steps approaching his door. “I have to go, we’ll talk later. Stay away from the chief, okay?” He disconnected the call. There was a knock on his door and Kate entered. Adam tried not to look her in the eye, he had embarrassed himself in front of someone who looked up to him. “Uncle Adam…” she said, standing in the doorway. “Yes Kate?” “I just wanted to thank you for talking to my Dad, I would be on a plane to Senegal now if it wasn’t for you.” Adam sighed, she was not talking about the meeting. “It’s okay. But he’s putting you on probation for a month, please stay out of trouble, okay?” “Yes sir.” She said and saluted. She left the room and almost immediately Tola entered. “What was that Adam?” She said, her eyes blazing. “What was what?” Adam could feel himself getting angry too. Tola was always the cool one, never getting angry. Seeing her angry made him angry at himself. “Do you know the rubbish those men said to me after you left all because you could not manage your ego?” “I did not ask you to stay there and listen to them, did I?” “Oh, I should have stormed out of there too? What would that make us?” “Dosumu, I am your boss, I can do whatever I want.” “Of course you can, boss.” She said and stormed out of the office. Adam stood up from his chair and held his head in-between his palms. He had never seen Tola so angry, apparently the case was taking its toll on her too. She had been right though, he had put her in a bad position. He picked his phone and left his office. He stopped for five seconds in front of her door before he knocked. She did not answer but he went in anyway. She was sitting with her head on her desk. When she sat up, he saw tears in her eyes. “Tola, I’m so sorry for shouting at you.” He said, standing by the door. “I shouldn’t have lost my temper there and left you to bear the grunt.” She nodded and picked a white handkerchief from her table and dabbed at her eyes. “Look, I know this case has been tough on all of us and I would not object if you wanted a break, even if it’s just for a few days.” “You think a break is what I need? I love my job and hard as it is for people to believe, I love working with you. When you’re sane. But you had to hear what those men said to me when you left, it just triggered some stored up frustration, I guess.” “I’m sorry about that Tola. I can get them all arrested if you want.” He said, with a smile. She smiled back. “As annoying as they were, they asked some reasonable questions. Especially the last guy, the one from KWATMA. Apart from suspects and leads which are paramount, we should have a profile of the killer. Something to help us predict him.” “I thought you didn’t believe in profiles.” Tola said. “It won’t hurt us to have one. We should get a professional on that immediately. I’m delegating that to you.” “What we need to talk about though is our leads and suspects or should I say lack of leads and suspects?” She said, opening up a note in front of her. “Let’s go over the possible leads we have right now. Let’s start with the last murders, the three who were killed. Despite the killer not admitting that he killed them, I kind of believe he did. What leads do we have on that case?” “Well, there’s the house where we found blood…” “Yeah, that reminds me, Faruk just called.” Adam cut in and narrated to her everything Faruk had told him. “There’s something about that house, I think we need to devote a lot of resources to finding who bought or rented it from Garba. Or just find the Garba himself.” “Then there’s the incense we found at the site. I called the woman I told you I was going to contact, she said she remembered someone asking for the flavour we found. But she said it was months ago and she said she’ll look for his phone number and get back to me.” “Okay, those are two leads that can yield a lot if they’re not dead ends. We also need to find out who knew about the farm where Solomon was staying. How did the killer find out about the place where he was hiding?” Adam asked. “If the chief is the killer…” Tola started, lowering her voice. “Then he could have access through the CIB.” “Yes, but how would someone else know, someone who doesn’t work for the CIB?” “By the way, I thought we are assuming at least one of them knew the killer, right? That would mean Solomon Alonge could have called the killer himself.” “That’s right, he could have. We need to get his phone records then. I also think we should talk to his father again, find out if there’s any other person who knows about the farm.” “Looks like we have work to do.” Tola said, clearing her desk. “I think you would have to go on your own this time.” Adam said, looking at his watch. He had a meeting with Faruk at Crackos. It was to discuss the case but it had been twenty four hours since he had a drink, he badly needed one. “Where are you going?” Tola asked surprised. “I have a meeting with Faruk. Why don’t you take Kate with you for company, it will be fun for her too.” “Fun? Talking to a grieving father is your idea of fun?” Adam smiled, gave her a double thumbs-up and left the office. *** Kate closed the door of the office and walked towards the exit. It had been a long day for her. Her outing with Tola had not been fun like she expected it to be. They had come back late despite not getting much, it was almost six thirty pm. Tola was a nice person and she cared about Adam a lot, it was obvious but she was also very professional. Kate wondered if she would ever really become friends with the woman and relate with her the way she did with Adam. She stepped out of the building and walked towards the gate. Tola had gone about twenty minutes before she left the office, so she was almost by herself in the compound. She usually drove to the office but after her last episode with her Dad, he had withdrawn her car. He would not allow her take a taxi though and had told her to call when she closed so one of her dad’s numerous drivers could come pick her. But she was determined to show her Dad she could live without all the luxury that came with being the governor’s daughter. She greeted the men at the gate and stepped into the street. She had not taken a taxi in years and was not sure how to go about it. It was better to take a single one and pay the cab driver any amount he wanted to collect. She dug her hands into her bag to get her wallet when a taxi stopped in front of her. She opened the door and entered. Thankfully she was the only one inside. “I’m going to the government house please. How much will that cost?” She said to the taxi driver. “You alone?” The driver asked, he wore a cap that covered most of his face. His voice was strange, almost as if he was straining to talk. “Yes please.” “That will be five hundred naira.” “No problem.” She said and he started moving. She knew she was probably over paying him but she did not care, she just wanted to show her dad she was not a spoilt brat who needed hand holding. She looked out through the window, the city looked beautiful in the almost dark night. She noticed that she was not familiar with most of the buildings she saw. It was strange because she always thought she knew everything on her route. Two minutes later and she realized she was actually not on her route. They had turned into an unfamiliar road and it was getting dark. “Driver, this is not the road to the government house.” She said, starting to feel uneasy. He did not reply. She hit his seat with her fist, her hands were beginning to tremble. “Didn’t you hear me, I said this is not where I’m going.” He laughed shortly and began to whistle. The sound of his whistle rang in her head as she scrambled at the door. There was no way to open the door from inside. The window controls too were not functioning. Sweat poured down her face. She began to cry. “Please let me go, I’ll give you anything you want.” She cried, banging on the windows. There were a few passersby but they did not seem to notice her. She balled her trembling fingers and with a scream punched him. “I said let me go!” He moaned and pulled the car over to the side of the road and turned off the engine. The street was dark and secluded. He came out of the taxi and circled round the car till he came to her door , all the time keeping his face hidden below his cap. She hurriedly backed away from the door, trying to see through her tears. When he opened the door she saw that he wore some kind of mask over his face. She screamed and kicked at him as he reached for her. He smelled of mint and she could hear his deep breathing. He stopped and dug his hands into his pocket and brought out a bottle. He pointed the bottle to her and she felt a cold liquid spray on her face. Two seconds after the liquid touched her face, she saw the man start to fade away, it was like he was being erased. She tried to move but she could not. The space where the driver had stood was replaced by darkness. The darkness seemed to have taken over the car and it was taking over her as well. She tried to fight but she was powerless against it. Suddenly the darkness stopped and she was gone. To be continued ...
4 Apr 2015 | 04:08
Haaaaaa!!!!! Governor's daughter??? Dis is terrible! Mehn! Adam is so so so in 4 it
4 Apr 2015 | 09:03
Chai!!!!! See big trouble 4 Adam oooo,governor will nt leave Adam alive if her only daughter die. She cause it her self,had she call driver as instructed by her fada dis will nt happen. I pray notin happen to her sha....
4 Apr 2015 | 10:08
Omo see gobe
4 Apr 2015 | 13:27
Still watchin...
4 Apr 2015 | 14:07
After d mother died, nw d daughter? Adam is in a deep mess dis tym around
4 Apr 2015 | 14:51
Oh God!!! what is all dis? Kate u see what u cause urself, u should call ur father's driver. hmmmm Adam how r u going to explain this to d Governor. next plsss
4 Apr 2015 | 15:29
Oh God!!! what is all dis? Kate u see what u cause urself, u should av call ur father's driver. hmmmm Adam how r u going to explain this to d Governor. next plsss
4 Apr 2015 | 15:30
D governor's daughter!!!! Adam u r in 4 in it seriously
4 Apr 2015 | 16:44
Surveying things........ Chai *omo gomina*
4 Apr 2015 | 18:15
Very Interesting Story... The killer is their doctor (checking the bodies) or what do they call him...
4 Apr 2015 | 18:39
the most interesting story i've read so far. Keep it rolling pls...
5 Apr 2015 | 07:19
::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (15) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Grrrrriiiing! Adam jumped out of bed, the phone sounded so loud in his brain it could have been a bomb exploding. He crawled out of bed and picked it up, it was the governor. It was twelve A.M. he wondered why the governor would call him so early. “Hello sir, good evening.” “Good morning Adam and just so you know I’m taking you responsible for this.” “Errr, I’m sorry, responsible…?” “Kate is yet to get home, again! You know she should be in Senegal already, but no, you had to plead on her behalf. She did not wait for a whole week before going back on her promise.” He sounded upset, angry. “I thought you said one of your drivers would pick her up, how did she make the driver stay out this long?” “Adam, she’s smart, smarter than you give her credit for. She did not call the driver, she just snuck out on her own.” “I don’t understand, she sounded really sincere. Have you called her sir?” “Of course I have called her and like every other time when she goes partying her phone is switched off.” “I’m really sorry about this sir. I’ll talk to her in the morning.” “Oh you will not be doing that. Immediately the day breaks, I’m putting her on a plane to Lagos and on the next flight to Dakar. I called so you wouldn’t worry when she doesn’t come in tomorrow. Good night Adam.” He ended the call before he could reply. Adam rubbed his sore eyes, he had just fallen asleep for about thirty minutes when the governor called. He was tired but he could not sleep without making sure Kate was alright. Tola had been with her when he left the office. He dialed Tola’s number and waited. She did not pick up the phone, he tried her again. He waited till he heard the dial tone, she did not pick. He should have known better than to call a married woman in the middle of the night, a lot could be happening. He set the phone on his bedside dresser and stretched on his bed. He had just closed his eyes when his phone rang. He picked the phone, the number was hidden. Adam sat up on his bed, he had a bad feeling about the call. He looked at the phone till it stopped ringing. It rang again, he answered the call and put it on speaker. “Hello detective.” A voice said over the phone. The voice was edited and it was a machine voice but he knew it was the church street killer. He did not reply. “Detective, this is not the time for games, it’s pretty late and I’m sure you need to go back to sleep.” “What do you want?” Adam asked. “I just want to say that as a concerned member of this society you are not taking your job serious. How many people have died on your watch now and still you just float around like nothing is at stake.” “If I needed a sermon I would have gone to church and if you know me like you claim to, you would know I’ve not been to church in a while. So, cut the crap, what do you want?” “That’s exactly what I’m saying, you are not taking this seriously. Who has a killer loose on his street and does not go to church and pray, especially when he is supposed to catch the killer?” “I’m hanging up now, this is more fun for you than it is for me. If you have nothing to say, I have to go.” “Alright, you’re no fun at all. I have some important news for you though, one that will make you take this case more seriously. I saw that the stakes have been too low for you, so I have increased them.” “What the hell are you talking about?” Adam asked, his temper was beginning to rise. “Kate! Is that name familiar to you?” Adam jumped from the bed, his phone almost dropping. “What are you talking about? Oh my God!” “Yeah, I thought you might react like that, I was counting on it.” He said with a chuckle. “What have you done to her, you bastard? She’s not one of your toys or preys…” Adam started, starting to raise his voice. “Shhh detective, we don’t want to wake the whole neighbourhood, do we? By the way, why is she different from the other girls? Oh yeah, she’s the governor’s daughter.” “Yes, she is. You kill the governor’s daughter, you cannot imagine what’s coming to you.” “That is exactly my problem with this justice system, nobody cares about…” “The justice system is fine. You are the one with the problem and your problem is with me, not Kate. Let her go, I will do whatever you want, just let her go for God’s sake.” Adam said, pacing in his room and wiping sweat from his face. “Aww, that is so sweet detective but I’m sorry. Contrary to your belief, this isn’t just about you. Kate is a part of this as much as you are, that’s why I can’t just let her go. She’s not as innocent as you think, you know. Although your promise to do anything is springing up a lot of ideas in my head. So, you have your information, you can go back to sleep.” “Wait…wait, there’s got to be something you want. This is the governor’s daughter, the state will provide anything you want.” He sat on the edge of his bed, tapping his heels on the ground. “What do I want?” His voice went cold. “I want her liver! I can’t get it with her alive, so somehow she’s going to have to die.” “No, you have to….” The call disconnected. “Jesus Christ!” Adam stood from the bed, ran towards the wall and punched it. His head was empty, he had no idea what to do. Grrrrring! He grabbed the phone, he sighed disappointed, it was Tola. “Adam, what was so urgent you had to call this late?” She said. “He’s got her! Tola, he’s got her!” “Who’s got who?” She asked. “Kate, the killer has her.” There was silence for some seconds then Tola said “Did the governor tell you…did she…are you sure about this?” “Tola, he just called me, the bastard just called me.” Adam said, sighed and moved towards his wardrobe. He picked a shirt and a pair of trousers. “What are you going to do? It’s the middle of the night.” “I’m going out now, I don’t know where yet but there’s no way I’m sleeping in this house with Kate kidnapped.” “And the governor?” She asked. He had not thought of him. “Of course I’ll have to tell him at a point, but I don’t know if telling him now is the best. Tola I can’t think straight while I’m in this house. We’ll talk in the morning.” “Okay, Adam is this serious.” “Tell me about it.” He said and ended the call. He stuck his feet in a pair of shoes, grabbed his wallet and his car keys and left the house. He entered his car and drove out his compound. His windows were down as he drove, the cold wind blowing on his face and soft purring of his car soothed his tense body. Losing Kate to the church street killer would be the end of him. He had lost her mother to a bullet and now he was losing her to a killer’s knife. He had thought different times of what he would do when the killer was caught and he had always chided himself for the sinister thoughts that came to his mind. But now, he knew they were not sinister enough, this killer was not going to jail, he was going to die. Painfully. His phone vibrated, he dug his hand into his pocket and brought it out. He looked non-chalantly at the phone. It was Ese. The night was getting weird. Calls from the Governor of a state, a killer, a partner and an ex girl-friend in the middle of the night, the same night, things could not get weirder. “Hello Ese.” “What is happening Adam, I just got a strange email.” “Email from whom?” “From Kate, the governor’s daughter.” She said. “I’ll be in your house in a few minutes.” He was wrong, things could get weirder. *** “Is there something going on that I should know?” Ese said as she opened the door. “By the way, you got here incredibly fast.” “Yeah, I wasn’t very far away when you called.” “You were driving around at night? Or you were headed here already? What’s going on?” Adam sat down and told her about the calls, from the governor and the killer. “You are not allowed to use any of the information I’m giving you here. I’m telling you this as my friend or whatever it is you are to me. You understand that?” “Yeah, I understand but you’re telling me the killer has been talking with you?” “Yeah, he has. That’s why I have policemen at all churches, I’m sure you must have heard. Wait…oh my God!” “What is it?” Ese asked, shifting forward in her chair. “He said he would kill again in three days, that was three days ago. Today is the last day. Kate! Oh my God!” “But why did Kate send me a picture? Of course she didn’t, he did. I’m not sure if he sent this to me personally or he sent it to all other journalists out there.” She showed the picture to Adam. Kate was seated on a wooden chair, it was old, the type that would break if you shook it too much. Her hands were tied behind her back and to the chair. She was unconscious but she looked like she had not been harmed. The picture had been taken in a jungle, or at least in the midst of a lot of trees. “So he’s not just talking to me now, he’s sending pictures to journalists?” Adam said. “He’s getting cocky, he thinks he can’t be caught.” “What did the governor say when you told him?” “I’m yet to tell him, I don’t even know if that’s a good idea. I would wake him up to tell him his daughter has been kidnapped by the worst killer this city has ever seen?” “It’s better than he calling you in the morning, you’ll still have to tell him then. He would want to know now.” “Okay, I’ll call him now.” He dialed the governor’s number and waited. He picked at the first ring. “Adam, is she at your place? Tell her not to bother to beg, you cannot get her out of this, okay?” The governor said. “Sir, about that…” He paused and looked at Ese, she nodded. “Sir, I have some terrible news. Kate is not at a party, she was taken.” “Taken? What does that even mean? Wait a minute, she was kidnapped?” “I’m sorry sir.” “By who? How do you know this? She could just be at a party, I’m sure she’s just at a party. She’s a young girl and she’s doing what all young girls do; party.” “Sir, she was taken by the church street killer, he called me.” Adam said, squeezing his eyes shut. He could not imagine what was going on through the governor’s mind. The line was silent for a while then it went dead. Adam looked at Ese, she opened her mouth to say something but she stopped. The phone rang again, it was the governor. “Sir?” “I want you and your partner in my house, right now!” He said and ended the call. Adam stood. “He wants me at the government house immediately and he wants me to bring Tola.” “I’m going with you.” Ese said. “No, you are not. He asked for me and Tola. I don’t want you getting too deep in this, he’s already sending you pictures, I don’t want him getting to know you too much.” “I can handle myself.” “Ese, you realize you cannot go public with this kidnap, right?” “I can go public with the picture, I did not get that from you, did I?” “Ese, you will not go public with this story, not yet.” Adam said and headed for the door. “If you want me to keep quiet about this, take me with you.” She said, standing up and crossing her arms across her chest. “I cannot…” He started but he looked at her, she was not bulging. “Okay, but if you are stopped at the gate, you are on your own. Now I have to call Tola again.” *** “You know something just came to my mind, you said the Church Street Killer said this was about Kate too, not just about you, right?” Ese said. They had just driven into the government house. “Yes, so?” Adam asked. “Do you remember the major news on TV before the first body was found?” “No, I don’t watch TV.” Adam said with a scoff. Then he quickly added. “I watch you though.” “Whatever, but the major news was the accident involving Kate. She hit a boy, remember that?” “Yeah, I remember that, she was drunk. The family of the boy didn’t sue.” “Yes, they didn’t sue but they were very angry. Her father is the governor so of course they would have been paid, bullied or something to stop them from suing.” “Are you saying somebody from the family of this boy could be doing this?” Adam asked as they pulled in front of the governor’s house. “It’s a good lead.” They walked to the house where Tola was waiting. Her husband was standing with her, he had a tie on. “Dr. Dosumu, I’m sorry for having to drag your wife out of bed, the governor asked for her. And you are dressed up too.” Adam said, shaking his hand. “I just got back from the hospital when she said she was going out, her eyes were literally closed as she dressed up. I decided to bring her here, it’s your job to get her back home now.” He said, pecked Tola on the cheek and left. “Nice guy.” Ese said, watching the doctor drive away. “What’s she doing here?” Tola asked, she still looked drowsy. The governor came out of the door before he could reply. “Come in now!” *** They were seated in a large office inside the governor’s house. The governor sat at the end of the table clearly disturbed, and Adam knew he would be at the receiving end of the outcome of that disturbance. “Adam, you let this go on for too long, now he has my daughter?” “Sir…” Adam started but he was cut off by a ringing phone. It was coming from Tola’s purse. “I’m sorry about that.” Tola mumbled as she dug into her bag, she brought out a small flip Nokia phone. “This isn’t mine.” She looked at the phone and passed it to Adam. Adam opened it, the caller ID read “CSK” “CSK?” Adam asked, looking at Tola then at Ese. “CSK as in church street killer.” Ese said. “How did that phone even get into my purse?” Tola asked. “Just answer the call!” The governor said. “And put it on speaker.” “Hello.” Adam said, putting the phone on speaker and setting on the table. “Hello Ese, Detectives and his excellency. I’m sure I need no introduction.” A voice that sounded Asian said over the phone. “How does he know who is here?” Tola whispered. “Is he Asian?” The governor asked. “No sir, I am not Asian. My voice has been edited by a computer software I’m using. If you Google voice edit software, you will find some amazing options. But I know you are not really interested in that, right your excellency?” “What do you want?” Adam asked, shifting forward in his chair. “What do I want? I want the governor to resign and I want a million dollars in cash.” “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Adam said turning away from the phone. “No, no, Adam let’s hear him out.” The governor said. “Why do you want me to resign?” “Because, errr you have… you know, you have not…nah, who am I kidding? I don’t care if you are governor or not, I was just playing with you. But seriously now, I don’t want a what, I want a who.” “What are you talking about?” Adam asked. “I want Adam to resign; I want him hung at the gallows for disservice to the people of the state. That is what I want.” “You know that is impossible, is there a way we…” The governor started. “Yeah, I know it’s impossible. I guess what I’m saying is there’s nothing I want, Kate is going to die and there’s nothing you can do about it.” “Yeah, except catch you and kill you, very slowly.” Adam said, his eyes red with anger. “I love that spirit. So until you do that, I’ll be having fun with Kate. Bye.” “Wait!” The governor shouted, jumping out of his chair. Adam picked the phone, the call had been disconnected. He would give the phone to Faruk, there had to be a way to trace the caller. “Adam, you have twenty four hours, find my daughter!” The governor said and stormed out of the room. To be continued...
5 Apr 2015 | 07:30
I guess tola husband knew about it ..jst a guess
5 Apr 2015 | 10:31
i cant believe how much am readjusting myself on the seat as am reading this. Things are really getting complicated and taking a new edge, cant wait to know whats next. Carry on pls... Next episode real quick!
5 Apr 2015 | 10:43
Faruk is dy killer nd Ese knws abt it,bc is Ese dat put dat phone inside Tola's bag. Wat an interesting story..
5 Apr 2015 | 10:50
2nd thought,i tink i will go wit mohjisolah.....Tola husband knw sumtin abt it
5 Apr 2015 | 11:02
Tola"s husband is a suspect 2 me. This is interesting. Silently observing.
5 Apr 2015 | 11:19
Btw this story and 'a night wif eva' wic one is more intriguin....? Keepin mai fingers cross, before I do tht.....NXT!!!!!
5 Apr 2015 | 11:51
Seriously dunno wu t suspect.
5 Apr 2015 | 12:45
No suspect......... The killer na real thug
5 Apr 2015 | 12:53
@confidence u keep insisting that faruk is d killer, what if hes not? U owe me one bottle of cocacola be dat oo...
5 Apr 2015 | 17:58
Keep on guessing.... All i knw is dat we will knw d killer very soon... Can u guyz save me dat old line of #dis is d best story i've ever read/come across on dis site#??? Psssttttttt u say dat on almost evry story... Jez read d stories nd enjoy need 2 compare nd contrast....cos all d stories re wonderful....
5 Apr 2015 | 18:47
@tenniebenson i was actually comparing d stories because ama fresher here and havnt read many stories, so from d ones i've read dis story actually stands out!!! Abeg where d next episode na...?!
6 Apr 2015 | 07:30
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (16) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam opened his eyes and looked around as he tried to remember where he was. He was in his office. He had come to the office after dropping Ese and Tola in their houses and had dozed off on his chair. He could not imagine sleeping on his bed anymore, all he could think about was Kate and all the evil things the killer could be doing to her. He looked at his door and noticed one of the junior detectives standing there. “Hey, what are you doing? When did you enter?” Adam asked, sitting up. “I knocked and you told me to come in.” The detective said, surprised. “What do you want?” “We have brought in the family of the boy sir.” Adam nodded and waved him off. He had asked for the family of the boy who Kate had hit to be brought in, one of them could be the killer. He picked and dusted the jacket that hung behind his desk, it was almost always there, for days when he forgot to pick another from home. He walked out of the office and towards the conference room. The chief was still a suspect, he could not rule him out but he doubted if the chief would have anything against Kate personally. This family had something against Kate but why would they kill the other girls? He opened the door to the room and entered. Tola was already seated. He wondered how long he had slept for. A bald headed and stocky man sat next to a boy Adam assumed was the one who had the accident. He had a couple of modern and given the way they looked, expensive crutches next to him. He was seated in between his father and mother. The mother was a thin woman, she had a permanently anxious look on her face. “Good morning, I am Detective Adam Ademola, I’m sorry we had to bring you in this morning, we just need to ask you a few questions.” “What kind of questions?” The man answered with a smile. “We want to ask about the accident.” Adam said, nodding in the direction of the boy. “You should be asking the governor and his daughter…” The woman started. “Sir, we will answer all your questions.” The husband cut in, he fired his wife a warning look. “By the way, I leant you have an older son, why isn’t he here?” Adam asked. “He was not too cooperative.” Tola replied in a whisper. “We separated him from the family, we’ll question him later.” Adam spent twenty minutes asking them about the accident. He watched as they answered his questions, they were prepared for them. The wife attempted to show her true emotions a few times but she was brought under control by her husband. The husband sounded truly content, Ese’s theory about a payoff was not off point. “Do you know any of these ladies?” Adam asked showing them pictures of the first two victims of the church street killer and watched their faces for their reactions. “No, we don’t know them.” The husband replied. “Who are they?” “They are the victims of the killer.” The son said, barely audible. “Keep quiet, what killer are you talking about?” The father said. “No, leave the boy alone, let him speak.” Tola said. “I saw their pictures on Samson’s phone, he told me about them.” The boy said. “Who is Samson please?” Adam asked looking at the mother, who looked away. “His brother, my son.” The father answered, bowing his head and looking away. Adam removed the pictures and stood. “Thank you for answering our questions.” He said to the family. “Tola, come please.” He nodded at the boy and walked out of the room, Tola followed him. “I’m going to talk to this Samson and I want you with me, send in Benjamin here, make them – the family, comfortable because we might have further questions for them.” “Okay. The other son is in Interrogation Room three, he had to be arrested and restrained. He hit one of us so be careful with him. I’ll be in in a minute.” Kate said handing him a file containing all they knew about Samson. Adam walked towards the interrogation room, he glanced through the file, it was a thin one. He was a twenty six year old man, never been arrested, at least there was no record of any. Whatever devil had entered the man, it had not been in for long. He opened the door of the room and entered. The man looked up at him and looked away. Adam told the policeman who was standing in the room to leave, hung his jacket and sat in front of Samson. He brought out the pictures of the victims and spread them on the table. “Samson, why did you kill these girls?” Adam asked looking as concerned and sincere as he could. “I don’t know them and I did not kill them.” Samson replied without looking at the pictures. “Samson, I know you know them, you have their pictures on your phone. I just want to know why you killed them, did it have something to do with your brother’s accident?” He flared up at the mention of the accident. “They had nothing to do with my brother’s accident. The one person who had something to do with it is the one who should have died.” “Are you talking about…?” “I am talking about the governor’s daughter, Kate! That useless drunk almost killed my brother and she still drives around town in her flashy cars while my brother lives in pain.” “Your parents, even your brother don’t seem to be as angry as you are, why are you so angry?” “You want to know why? After knocking down my brother, some men showed up, paid all the hospital bills and even though my dad denies it, paid off my dad and walked away. The little trash didn’t even show up, neither did her father, they did not even offer any personal apology.” “I understand your pain, but why take it out on these girls?” Adam asked. He was careful not to mention Kate’s kidnapping in case he had nothing to do with it. The man looked away. Tola entered and sat quietly beside Adam. “Why do you have pictures of these girls on your phone? Give me a good reason and you’re free to go.” Adam said. “I downloaded them off the internet, there was no reason.” The man replied, avoiding making eye contact with Adam. “Samson, you will remain here for a long time if you keep lying, you are a suspect, I hope you realize that.” “Okay, I’ll tell you what I know. After my brother’s accident, I registered a twitter handle, I was trying to use it to get justice for my brother. A few people supported me for a while but after a few weeks, nobody had any interest in the case anymore. Well, until yesterday when I got a follow from guess who, Kate herself.” “Kate?” Tola asked. “What’s the handle?” Tola handed him a paper and a pen. He scribbled the handle, Tola brought out her phone and checked to confirm what he said. “It’s legit. Go on.” She said. “I was livid and tweeted her a lot of insult but she replied saying she was getting the justice she deserved and sent a link along with the tweet. It was a newspaper article about the church street killer. I downloaded the pictures from the article. They were not the only pictures I downloaded, I saved everything on that page because I believed there was something I was supposed to see.” “Did you find anything?” Adam asked. “Nothing important. If there was anything to see, I didn’t find it.” He said, shaking his head. “You know that girl is really lucky she’s the governor’s daughter and her father can pay for all her excesses. That girl once had a liver transplant and still she drinks with reckless abandon damaging an organ that wasn’t even hers in the first place.” “Did you just say she once had a liver transplant?” Tola asked. “Yeah, way back when she was younger. Shouldn’t that kind of person be more careful with the way she lives her life?” Adam stood and tapped Tola beckoning for her to follow him. He turned to the man and said “I have more questions for you, I’ll be back.” Adam and Tola stepped out of the room and headed towards his office. “Obviously the killer tweeted him that page, so there must be something there, don’t you think?” Tola asked. “Yeah, it’s possible but I’m more interested in the fact that Kate once had a liver transplant. That is definitely not a coincidence. The killer collects livers and he said his kidnap of Kate was personal.” Adam said as he entered his office. “So what do you think happened?” “That’s the problem, we‘ve found a connection but we don’t know how the connection matters. Another thing bothering me is why he contacted the brother of the accident victim. I’ll find out from the governor but the liver transplant happened a long time ago because I didn’t even know about it, so what does it have to do with this accident?” Adam asked. “We need to find a connection between the two events. Right now, Mr. Samson in there is the one connection we have.” “He didn’t do it.” Adam said. “He didn’t?” Tola asked, surprised. “The killer is smart, smart enough to have eluded us for this long while keeping in contact with me. Mr. Samson in there, cannot do that.” Adam replied. “We should keep an eye on him though, the killer might contact him again.” “We keep him here for now. Call Faruk, give him the phone from earlier this morning and inform him about the twitter post, find out if there’s a way we can trace any of this.” Adam said. Tola nodded and left his office. Adam leaned back in his chair and sighed deeply. He had to call the governor to ask him about the liver transplant but he was not sure he wanted to talk him. The governor had given him an ultimatum, an ultimatum he was trying his best to ignore. If the killer was true to his word and killed Kate before the end of the day then it was the end of him, not even catching the killer would make up for the loss. He sat up, picked his phone and dialed the governor. It had barely rung when he picked it. “Do you have my daughter?” The governor asked. “No sir, we…” “Then why are you calling me for Pete’s sake!” “Sir, did your daughter have a liver transplant at any time?” Adam asked. “Yes, she did, it was a long time ago. Why are you…?” “Sir, we think…” “Wait, the killer collects his victim’s livers, right?” “Yes sir, he does.” “What does this mean?” “I don’t know yet sir. Was there anything that happened at the time of the transplant? Anything that could have angered somebody?” “I don’t know…” The governor’s voice trailed off. “Is it possible that this is political? You know we never found the person who shot my wife, maybe they have come back to finish the job. Take my wife, take my daughter and I have nothing to live for.” “Sir, I can assure you this isn’t political. The other victims had no political connections, this is just a crazy nut-job who will be stopped sir.” “You know, I never understood why my wife didn’t come back the day before she was shot. I keep wondering if she would still be alive if she had returned when she was supposed to.” The governor said in a whisper. Adam shut his eyes tight, trying to block memories of the assassination. “Sir, we cannot dwell in the past right now, and I promise you we will find Kate sir.” Adam said, his eyes still shut. “You have to Adam. The chief of police just left my office and he suggested I bring in the federal people into this, he said they’ll do a better job than you are doing right now.” “He said that!” Adam said snapping his eyes open. “Sir, I’ve been on this case for long, anybody coming now will be starting afresh. The chief… well, I’m sure he meant well but sir, I will find Kate.” “I know this isn’t just a case for you, you care about my daughter, please find her Adam.” “I will sir. Last question sir, was the transplant done here in Nigeria?” “Yes, it was done in Lagos.” “Send me the contact of the doctor who handled it and anybody I can talk to about the transplant.” Adam said. “I will, just find me daughter.” The governor said and hung up. Adam sighed, closed his eyes and said a short prayer, first for Kate, then for himself. *** Adam looked at his watch, it was after seven pm. He was starting to get scared, he was not any closer to finding Kate that evening than he was in the morning. He had called the doctor and even though it had been a long time since the transplant, he remembered Kate. According to him, quite a number of people could have been offended by Kate and her family. They were rich and had gotten a lot of favours but he did not see why any of those people would go on a killing spree because of that. He relaxed his back in the chair he was sitting on. He was viewing surveillance footage taken from cameras outside the CIB gate. The camera showed Kate come out of the gate and the taxi pull up in front of her. The plate number of the taxi was not covered, so it was safe to assume it did not belong to the killer. The camera did not capture the driver of the bus at all and he disappeared from the range of the camera after going forward a few metres. His phone rang in his pocket and Adam brought it out. It was Faruk. “Hey man, where are you?” Faruk asked. “Still at the office, going over some surveillance footage. Did you find anything?” “Phone, completely clean, nothing in it except for one number; the one that called Tola. My guy tried to get some stuff, even the deleted ones but we found nothing. The twitter thing was a dead end too.” “The day’s almost over, I am so confused Faruk.” Adam said. “Yeah, I feel you, especially now that the kidnap is all over the news.” “What did you say?” Adam said, jumping up from his seat. “Guess who broke the news…Ese’s station.” “She promised! I’ll call you back.” Adam said and hung up. He dialed Ese and started pacing. “What the hell Ese? You promised.” Adam said, as soon as she answered the call. “I didn’t break that news Adam, I swear I didn’t. Someone else did, Richard did.” She answered. “How on earth did he know about the kidnap? Did you tell him?” “No I didn’t. I have no idea how…” Ese started then stopped. “You have no idea how? Ese, I said you guys have a snitch here and you denied it, well I don’t have time for you now. Whatever comes out of this publicity you have created for this killer, you are going to bear the grunt of it.” Adam said and hung up. He turned to leave the room when his phone rang again. It was Faruk. “Guess who I just saw driving down your street?” He said. “Who?” Adam asked. “Your police chief. He was once again driving himself. What’s he looking for on your street?” “It’s a free world Faruk, he can be anywhere he wants. Question is what are you doing on my street?” “Are you serious? I’m on my way to your house, I’m crashing with you tonight.” “Sorry pal, but I’m not sleeping in that house till Kate is found.” Adam said, and added quietly. “I doubt I’m going to be sleeping at all.” “No problem, I stole a key off your bunch last time I was at your place. Are you coming in in the morning at all? Should I leave something for you to eat?” “Something to eat? Looks like you don’t understand what’s… goodnight Faruk. Call me if…” Adam said but was cut off by Faruk. “Adam!” Faruk yelled. “Get down here now!” “What? Why?” Adam asked feeling a sudden dread at Faruk’s voice. “I just saw a body, a frigging dead body.” “Holy crap! Where?” “Your front door.” To be continued
6 Apr 2015 | 10:27
now this is getting really tempting and complicated cant wait to know whats next... next episode pls!!!
6 Apr 2015 | 13:58
The chief of police? I doubt dat bt he is a serious suspect now not after been spotted by Farouk but it myt still be Farouk. How come he is always at every crime scene. This story, switched and Unfulfilled promises, I love dem 2 d bones. Very mature and not all d bleeping stories here. By d way, wot makes sm1 writer of d month? Audrey Timms remains my writer of d year and not just month. My opinion though.
6 Apr 2015 | 15:48
Op itz not kate dead body? Chai Adams!!!!! Diz faruk is not clean, nd he's trying t rope d chief!
6 Apr 2015 | 16:09
very interesting from de onset
6 Apr 2015 | 16:17
Could it b d chief? Y is he doing dis? I hope its nt kate's body
6 Apr 2015 | 16:54
hmmmmm I'm confuse here, I don't know who to suspect now, either d Chief or Faruk but my strong suspect is d Chief. Oh God let it not Kate oo.
6 Apr 2015 | 16:59
6 Apr 2015 | 17:14
This story is getting damm too complicated & intriguing as well. Don't know wu 2 suspect anymore. D police chief, Frank, Tolas hubby & even Richard (Ese's colleague) r all suspects. Surely watching wia diz wld lead us
6 Apr 2015 | 17:25
My seat is getting hot... Hope say no be kate body Adam you've got a great and dangerous work to do..
6 Apr 2015 | 18:22
Pls sumone should tell Adam to get FRUK arrested....he is dy one doin dis killing.
6 Apr 2015 | 19:33
Shhhhhhhh..... Dnt stress urself... I already knw d killer... Do u want me 2 tell u???? I am 101% correct... The killer is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I will tell u @ d end of d story....(dnt want d story 2 loose its flavour) keep calm.....
6 Apr 2015 | 20:52
God plz help,,m sure faruk is d killer,he knws so much....kate must nt die story is superb nd mouth watering
6 Apr 2015 | 21:27
Faruk here Faruk there...don't jugde the book until you read it content...mah no talk since(God knows why & ah think you should know why).
7 Apr 2015 | 03:42
Hmmmm@khola46 Dz isn't bouh judgin a book by its cover D writer alredy ask our opinions on who we tink might b d killer So everyone is jez guessing no one cn pinpoint who d real killer is It might even b someone we don't tink might ve a hand in it Or someone we don't even suspect at all might even b khola LWKMD
7 Apr 2015 | 06:23
I already told u guyz dat i knw d killer.... But i will tell u @ d end of d story...
7 Apr 2015 | 06:38
Really appreciated everyone that contribute one or two opinions and words of encouragements from the readers. You really ginger my swagga. Love u all. Next episode till Later
7 Apr 2015 | 06:42
:::DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET::: >>>EPISODE (17) <<< Story by LORDJOSH . . . . . Adam ran to his car and entered and was on his way out of the building in one minute. His mind raced through different possibilities. Faruk had not told him if it was Kate’s body he had found, he had ended the call before he could confirm it. Dumping Kate’s dead body in front of his house would probably give the killer a great thrill and it would be the end of him as a detective. “God, please don’t let it be Kate.” He prayed aloud as he drove. Whatever Kate had done, she did not deserve to die. He had no idea how the killer knew him, but he doubted that he done anything to deserve the trauma the killer had forced upon him since the first girl was found. Adam turned into his street and slowed down. The veins on his neck were almost popping. As he drove closer, he could see the silhouette of Faruk sitting on his car. His heart beat faster. He rolled down his window and cool wind blew in his face. He closed his eyes against the wind and felt a cold shudder run down his spine. Faruk climbed down from his car as Adam stopped in front of the house. Adam grabbed a flash-light, came down from the car and headed towards his front door without saying a word. Faruk hurried behind him. As he approached the door, Adam saw that the body was laid in the usual position the killer adopted. It was face up and her hands were joined on top of her stomach. Adam held his breath as he got closer to the body. “Adam…” Faruk called behind him. He ignored him and moved close to the body. He beamed the flash-light on the body. It was not Kate! Adam dropped the flash-light, dropped on his knees in front of the body and covered his mouth with his right hand. His body shook as he tried to stop the tears that ran down his face. He expected to feel relief knowing that Kate was probably still alive but instead he felt fear, anger, and helplessness. “Adam.” Faruk called him, lifting him up from the ground. “What are we going to do now?” Adam dusted his trousers and picked up the flash-light. He walked away from the body and towards his car. He removed his phone from his pocket as he got closer to his car, he dialed Tola’s number and entered the car. “Wait here, I’ll send someone to bring in the body. Don’t draw any attention to yourself, I want this under wraps.” He said, started his car and drove away from the house. “Hello Tola.” “Adam, any leads yet?” Tola asked. “Meet me at the office now, it’s urgent. Tell your husband we want to go over some old information we have. Meanwhile, call the coroner, Collins, tell him to meet us at the office.” Adam said and ended the call. Adam drove slowly as he headed for the office. The killer had outwitted him. He had put policemen in every single church in the city, something he did not have the authority to do but had arm-twisted the chief to, but it did not matter as the body had been dumped on his own doorstep. If he was going to rescue Kate and catch the killer, he was going to have to outwit himself. He swallowed as he imagined what the killer could be doing to Kate. He closed his eyes against the images running through his head and stepped on the accelerator. “Kate will be fine.” He whispered to himself and tried desperately to believe it. *** Adam met Tola at the door of her office. She was dressed casually in a sweater and a pair of jeans. “What is this about Adam? Do we have any new leads?” She asked as she walked into her office. “We have a new body, that’s what we have.” Adam said, “Oh my God! Is it Kate?” She asked holding her face between her palms. “No.” “Oh, thank God. What am I saying, another innocent girl is dead? When does this end?” “Soon! Right now, we need to find out all we can about the latest victim, the body has been brought in.” “Who found the body? Where was it found?” Tola asked. “It was found in front of my house by Faruk. He was…” “Wait a minute, your house?” Adam opened his mouth to answer but his phone rang. It was Faruk. “What’s happening Faruk?” Adam asked. “There’s a reporter here Adam. No, not one, a press crew is here.” Faruk said. “What do they want? Do they know about…?” “Yes they know about the body Adam. How on earth did they know?” “I swear, I will… Faruk, get them out of my place and don’t as much as cough while doing it. I’ll take care of that later.” Adam said and ended the call. “How on earth did the press find out about this so fast?” “They’re at your house?” Tola asked. “Yes they are. Who is leaking information to them? Only three people know about this, the killer, Faruk and myself.” “I’ve been meaning to ask you something Adam; why do you trust Faruk so much?” Tola asked. “What? Why shouldn’t I trust him? I’ve known him for years and he’s not given me any reason not to. You don’t trust him?” “Well…” Tola started but was cut off by a knock on the door. “I’m here sir.” It was the coroner. “Sorry to drag you out of bed doctor, but we just found a new body and we don’t have time at all.” Tola said. “I wasn’t in bed, I was…” “Yeah, we understand, let’s go to your lab please.” *** Adam watched with his arms folded across his chest as the coroner checked the body of the victim. Tola had pulled up a chair and was seated some distance away from the body. “There are a few things that are consistent with the other victims; liver is missing, the starting and ending points of the cut, all these are consistent.” The coroner said. “Okay, is there anything that is different? Anything we can use?” Adam asked. “Well, there is a scar on her stomach, she has been operated on before.” “If she has been operated on before, that could be a link to Kate. Maybe she had a liver transplant too.” Adam said to Tola. “The key to this is finding out who she is.” “I can run her DNA through the system.” The coroner offered. “Yeah, you do that, I wouldn’t hold my breath though. This is still Nigeria, remember?” “Is that all? Nothing else to add?” Tola asked standing up from her chair. “Wait a minute.” The coroner said. “There is blood on her thigh, it did not come from the cut on her stomach.” “What are you saying?” The coroner did not answer. He bent low and observed the body more closely. “Sir, I think he had sex with the victim. And she was a virgin.” “What!” “I’m not sure yet if the intercourse was post mortem or not.” “Why would he do that? He’s never done this before” Tola said, beads of sweat beginning to form on her face. “Is he advancing his ritual? Kate! Oh my God.” Adam said with a sigh. “What do we do now?” Tola asked. “We go…” Adam started then stopped. He leaned against the wall and looked at Tola. “We need a miracle, that’s what we need.” “Thank you for your help doctor. Please let us have any other information you have to add after the full autopsy. We might get lucky and get DNA from the killer.” Tola said. “You are not giving up, are you?” The coroner asked as Tola and Adam headed for the door. Adam looked back at him, smiled and headed for the door. “Wait sir!” The coroner called. “I think I just found something.” Adam turned back, the coroner pulled what looked like a piece of paper from the mouth of the victim. He straightened it and gently held it up against a lamp on his table. “It’s an I.D. card of sorts.” He said. “Let me see that.” Adam said and moved around the table. It was a driver’s license, a photocopy. Fortunately the paper was not too wet, he could make out the name and the face on the paper. It was the victim’s. The license identified her as Tunmise Akinfenwa, twenty years old. “Akinfenwa, isn’t that the name of the immediate past Accountant-general of the state?” Tola asked. “I have no idea but the address listed here is located in the Judges’ quarters in Tanke.” “Then it must be that Akinfenwa, his wife is a judge.” “A judge’s daughter? I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” Adam said. “At least we know who she is now, we can find out if she had a liver transplant, see if there’s a link to Kate.” “That is easier said than done Tola.” Adam said and left the coroner’s lab. *** “You know what the problem is now Tola, how do I break the news to the A.G. and his wife that their daughter has been murdered?” Adam asked. He was pacing in front of Tola in his office. The A.C. was on but sweat dripped down his face. “That is not the call any parent wants to receive, but they need to hear and we need to know about the liver transplant.” Tola said. “Adam, remove your jacket, you’re sweating.” “I have an idea Tola. Let’s google her name, she’s the daughter of two important people, we might be lucky to find something about the liver transplant. If there was one.” “Okay. What was her name again?” Tola asked. Adam dipped his hand into the pocket of his jacket to get the license but his hand struck something. It felt like plastic. He brought it out and looked at it. It was an electronic device, he was sure of that and he knew he did not put it in his pocket. “What is that?” Tola asked, looking at the device in his hand. “I don’t know and I’m not sure how it got into my pocket.” He observed the device closer and his eye widened. “It is a listening device!” “What?” “A listening device, a transmitting device. Someone has been spying on me? Ese!” “What are you talking about?” Tola asked. Adam’s phone rang before he could answer. It was the governor. “Hello sir.” “Adam, what is this that I’m hearing about a body found in your house?” “Sir?” Adam mumbled.How did he know?Ese’s bug! “Did you or did you not find a body?’ “We did sir but thankfully it wasn’t Kate.” “Why haven’t you told me this? My daughter has been kidnapped by a notorious killer and this same killer kills another poor girl and you don’t tell me about it?” “I’m sorry sir, I just thought I should find out more about the victim before I come to you with the information sir.” Adam said shaking his head. He could not believe that Ese had bugged him. “What have you found out about this victim then?” “We know who the victim is, we are working on contacting the parents of the victim tonight if possible or we’ll just wait till tomorrow morning.” Adam said, hoping the governor would not press further. He was not so lucky. “Who is the victim?” The governor asked. “Tunmise Akinfenwa.” “The daughter of the A.G.?” “I’m afraid so sir.” The line was silent for a while, then the governor spoke again. “I think you should pursue the lead you had on Kate’s liver transplant because the Tunmise also had a transplant.” “She had a transplant?” “She did and it was just a few weeks before Kate had her own. Same hospital, same doctor.” “Thank you so much for that information sir.” “Adam, I didn’t call you to give you information, find my daughter!” The governor said and the line went dead. “We were right Tola, this is connected somehow to that liver transplant.” “Okay, but what do we do now? The surgery was done in Lagos, not here.” “I have no idea what we’ll do right now, but there’s something I have to deal with first.” “What are you talking about?” “That thing…” Adam said, pointing to the listening device. “It is a listening device, Ese and her partner have been spying on me.” “You can’t be sure of that Adam.” “Oh, I am sure. Tola, I think you should go home, there’s nothing for you to do here. Just keep your phone on, I will call you if I need to.” Adam said. “Adam, be careful what you say to that lady. Whether you admit or not, the feelings you have for her are strong, don’t ruin it all over a suspicion.” “The feelings I have towards her right now are strong alright but it’s totally different from what you are talking about.” *** “What the hell is this?” Adam asked immediately Ese opened the door. He held the listening device up. “What are you talking about?” She answered, stepping aside for him to come in. “What am I talking about Ese? You don’t know anything about this?” Ese kept quiet, walked away from him and sat down. “I have done a lot of things Ese, one thing you cannot accuse me of is lying to you. How could you?” “I’m sorry, I didn’t…” Ese said. “You know it’s a crime what you just did. And this is the one I found, how many are there?” “It’s just the one and I didn’t…” “How am I supposed to believe you Ese? You know for the past week or so, I actually believed we had made progress. Believed we could maybe have what we once had…” “I believe we made progress too.” “How am I supposed to believe all that wasn’t just to get me to give you free info? How could I have known that you were planting a bug on me when you were pretending to give me a hug?” “Adam, just stop it!” Ese shouted. “You come to my house at eleven p.m. when I’m supposed to be sleeping and you think you can just keep ranting? Sorry, this is my house and I don’t have to listen to you.” “Wow, so that’s it huh?” “I didn’t plant the bug on you, maybe I knew about it and didn’t tell you but you have your job to do and I have mine. I never asked you to come to my house, I didn’t come after you, you came after me.” Adam looked at her and shook his head. He was not sure what he expected but her reaction only made him more angry. “I’m sorry I came after you, I wouldn’t have if I knew you were such a liar. Good bye Ese Johnson, have a nice life.” Adam said and walked out of the house. *** Adam hurried up the stairs into the governor’s living room. He had been barely out of Ese’s house when the governor called him and asked him to come to his house immediately. He gave no reason, that was what bothered Adam. He looked at his watch, it was almost twelve a.m. Kate had already been missing for more than twenty four hours, chances of finding her grew slimmer by the hour. He entered the room and was surprised to find the chief seated next to the governor. Then he remembered. Faruk had mentioned seeing the chief driving away from his house just before he found the body. He wondered what that had to do with the governor’s call. “Adam, come here and have a seat.” The governor said, pointing to a chair opposite him. Adam sat down without saying a word. He glanced at the chief who tried his best to avoid making eye contact with him. “My daughter has been missing for over twenty four hours Adam, are you any closer to finding her?” “Yes sir, we believe the liver transplant she had holds the key to who the killer is sir.” Adam answered, wondering where the governor was going. “That is all you have?” “Well, we still have a few leads we were pursuing before she was taken sir.” “Adam, remember I offered you a chance to get off this case some time ago? And you declined.” The governor said, his face taking on a more serious look. “Yes sir, I declined because I am committed to catching whoever the killer is sir.” Adam said, he was getting increasingly anxious. “You remember I talked about the drinking problem I heard that you had?” Adam looked at the chief and back at the governor. “I don’t have a drinking problem sir.” “Do you ever drink on the job Adam?” Adam shifted in his chair, he did not like where the conversation was leading to. “No sir, I don’t.” “Remember this?” The chief spoke up for the first time. He placed a bottle on the table, Adam recognized it immediately. “We found that on the farm house close to where three of the recent victims were found.” “Sir, I don’t know what… I didn’t…” Adam stammered. “We have checked, your prints were on the bottle.” The chief said. “You checked for my prints? Why would you check an empty bottle on the floor for my prints?” Adam asked, anger bursting through him. “Adam, you have been drinking on the job? You are supposed to find my daughter Adam.” The governor said. “And I will sir.” “No, you won’t.” The chief said. Adam glared at the chief and looked back at the governor, eyes pleading. The governor looked away from him. “Adam, you are suspended pending an investigation into your… The chief will take your badge and give you more information as regards the duration and terms of your suspension” The governor said and stood to leave. “Sir, who will find your daughter? Who will find Kate?” Adam asked, his voice shaking. “We already have people working on it.” The chief said with a smile. “Enjoy your suspension.” To be continued ...
7 Apr 2015 | 06:46
Woooh..wat a story. Dis 3 ppl dat am abt to memtion der name knws dy killer... Faruk,chief nd governor.i add governor bc y didn't dy killer kill kate,he went on nd kill anoda gal while he has kate b4 dy governor just let kate be der just to make Adam suffer,get suspended or even resign. Dy handwritting ar vry big on dy wall dat governor dnt want him in CIB same as chief. FARUK ur cup will soon fall,trust me.
7 Apr 2015 | 07:36
Honestly dis story hv scater my head. If u were to go by dy story,everyone is suspect,execpt dy ladies.
7 Apr 2015 | 07:42
Na wa ooooo... 3 more exciting episodes....
7 Apr 2015 | 08:01
ahh! this is getting really complicated... cant believe how much mah heart was racing while reading this episode... next one pls...!!!
7 Apr 2015 | 08:28
My thoughts exactly @Adimah Nsoh. Tola's hubby is a doctor ryt? He just myt be d killer and who knows, Tola myt know abt it. Let d story continue
7 Apr 2015 | 09:59
Interesting buh scary
7 Apr 2015 | 10:18
Everybody is a suspect
7 Apr 2015 | 10:49
The police chief is d prime suspect in diz killing rendezvous if not, y was he seen arnd Adams residence @ abt d same tym wen d body was dropped & hw is he gonna explain his hasty visit to d governor dat resulted in Adams suspension. Adam don't worry, just use d period of ur suspension to do ur own private investigation on all ur leads on sale Killer case
7 Apr 2015 | 11:28
Breaking news!!!! None of ur suspects is/are d killer..... Sit back...relax nd read....
7 Apr 2015 | 19:00
@tenniebenson. Lolz. Tanx for following up. Hope u are still online so that u can be the first to read the next episode
7 Apr 2015 | 19:08
I already know the killer. U re suspecting wrong. Anywayz u re to think like that.... Someone u do not suspect or expect is d killer... Watch and see....................
8 Apr 2015 | 02:53
Really amazing.... This might be sad for Adam but I think its an opportunity for him do more investigation on his own... No one will ask him where he went or what he did then...
8 Apr 2015 | 03:21
((((DEMONDS ON CHURCH STREET)))) (((( EPISODE 18 )))) Story by LORDJOSH.... . . . . . Adam stared at the bottle of wine in front of him, picked it up and threw it against the wall. He had gone straight home immediately the governor declared that he was suspended. He had opened a special bottle of Devil’s Springs Vodka that he had reserved for an extreme moment of depression. It had not taken long for him to finish the bottle and to move on to other less strong liquors. He had fallen asleep and woken up thirty minutes later, it took almost two minutes for him to recognize where he was and to remember that he had been suspended. The only thing that depressed him more than his suspension was the fact that Kate was still missing and the chief who could be the killer was now running everything. His phone rang and he jumped. He looked at the phone, it was Tola. He let it ring. He had not called her to inform her of the suspension and even though she had called more than ten times, he had not talked to her. The only person he had tried to call was Faruk and he was not picking his phone. He knew Tola meant well but her calls only made him angrier. He was angry at the governor for bowing to the pressure of the chief but more importantly, he was angry at himself for being such a fool and allowing his alcohol addiction get to the governor’s attention. The fact that Kate was still missing and he could do nothing about it made him even angrier. He wondered what would have happened if he had gone with Tola instead of sending Kate out with her. She probably would have closed on time and she would have been picked up by one of her father’s drivers. He had left her to the mercy of the killer just because he wanted to have a drink. He caught the reflection of his face off the television screen and turned away disgusted. He looked like he was sixty years old. He stood up and steadied himself as his body adjusted to the change in position, he was about to move when the door bell rang. He looked at the door and walked towards his bedroom, whoever was there would go away if he did not answer. The bell rang again and this time the door opened. He turned around in surprise, he thought he had locked the door. “Adam?” A voice called, it was Tola. “Adam!” He shuffled back to the living room where Tola was standing. She was looking around disgusted at the mess he had made with the empty bottles and spilled drinks. He felt foolish and dirty. Tola looked up and the look of disgust on her face turned to pity. “Oh Adam.” She said crossing the room to where he was standing. She gave him a hug and led him to a chair. She picked up all the bottles on the table and on the floor and took them into the kitchen. Adam heard them drop into the already full disposal bin. She mumbled something and came back into the room. “Why didn’t you call me?” Adam looked at her and looked away. “Adam, you cannot become this.” She said, looking him over. “Become what?” Adam asked. “This.” She said, pointing at him.”A drunk, wallowing in self pity all the days of his short miserable life. Because if you continue like this, that is exactly who you’ll become.” “What would you have me do Tola? What would you have me do? I have been suspended, off the case!” “I’m not talking about the case Adam, we will find Kate, I’m talking about you.” “What do you mean? It’s the case…” “Leave the case alone, I’m not talking about that. I’ve talked to people who worked with you in the past, you weren’t like this, they even say you did not drink at all, not even socially.” “Well, people change.” Adam said and stood. “Sit down now!” Tola said and he did. “I’m emptying all the bottles of alcohol you have in this house before I leave but I need to make sure you won’t get new ones.” “Good luck with that.” Adam said with a scoff. “Adam!” Tola said, banging the table in front of her. “What is this you are doing to yourself? Look at you, you have a life many will kill for, a life with so much potential and yet you are like this.” “What’s in my life that anybody will kill for? I’ve made mistakes all my life, not normal mistakes, big ones. One led to the loss of the life of the first lady, another led to the kidnap and possibly murder of her only daughter. All I want to do is get out of the way, allow these new guys the chief said he has brought in do their job.” “That is rubbish, you had nothing to do with Kate’s kidnap, you couldn’t have prevented it. And as for the first lady’s murder, you weren’t the only one on her detail, nowhere were you blamed for her murder.” “That’s because nobody knows.” “Knows what?” Tola said, sitting forward in her chair. Adam sighed and closed his eyes. “You know the first lady stayed a day longer on her trip, right” “No, I didn’t but continue.” “Well, she did and it was because of me.” Adam said and shook his head. “I had an affair with the first lady.” “You did?” Tola said, her eyes widening in surprise. “It was just for a week, that was supposed to be the second time, but she was shot before we could get together.” “Oh Adam.” Tola said. “Do you know how bad I felt? I could not look the governor or Kate in the eyes for months. A part of me wished he knew about it and ordered me killed, death would have been better than the guilt that ate me up. When Kate got kidnapped, all those feelings came back again, I knew once again, I was going to be responsible for the death of another innocent person.” “No Adam, you were not responsible for the murder of the first lady, the person who pulled the trigger was. And Kate isn’t going to die, we are going to find her.” “We? I hope I’m not included in that ‘we’, I have done enough harm Tola.” “Stop the pity party and stand up. You are going to catch this killer, you owe it to the governor, you owe to Kate, you even owe it to the first lady but most importantly you owe it to yourself.” “What am I supposed to do? I don’t have a badge, I don’t even have a gun. If I meet the killer, what am I supposed to do, hug him to death?” Tola stood up and brought out her gun. “You can have my gun, I’ll get you anything you want, all you need to do is ask.” “You know I can’t and won’t take your gun but I owe it to the first lady to make sure Kate doesn’t go the same way she did.” “That is what I want to hear, now all you need is a bath – maybe two baths and you are good to go.” “I’m sorry for being a jerk to you all this while, you did not deserve it.” Adam said. “You can buy me a sharwama roll later, but first, let’s go catch a killer.” *** “I’ve been calling Faruk all morning and he’s not answering his phone.” Adam said. They were in Tola’s car on their way to the house of the AG whose daughter was killed. Adam strongly believed whoever the killer was, he had a connection to the surgery and the grieving family could have information. “I don’t understand why you rely so much on Faruk, he’s not even a policeman.” Tola said. “Yet he’s helped so well on this case. And I’m calling him because he mentioned seeing the chief driving down my street alone, just a few minutes before he found the body.” “And you believe him?” “Why shouldn’t I? Wait a minute, do you think he’s the killer?” Adam asked, turning to face Tola who was driving. “I don’t know Adam, but it’s not farfetched, don’t you think?” “Hmm, I don’t even think I want to answer that, Faruk wouldn’t hurt a fly.” Adam said, turning away and looking out of the window. “Wasn’t he a soldier at a point? Surely he has killed before.” “Okay, can we drop this please? Let’s concentrate on real suspects; the chief for instance. He was seen driving to the scene where the three men were killed and he was seen again driving away from my house just a few minutes after a dead body was dumped there. Isn’t that too much of a coincidence?” “And he was seen both times by Faruk, right?” “You’re still on this Faruk issue? I said you should drop it. Immediately we are done with these people, we ar e going to check out the chief. You will find out his movements for the past month and I’ll find something that links him to that liver transplant.” “Okay sir.” Tola said. *** Adam sighed and threw the IPad on the table in front of him. He found nothing linking the chief to any liver transplant; not Kate’s, not anybody’s. The only links he found that talked about the chief in connection with any liver was about the church street murders. He stood and began to pace in the office where Tola had stashed him. The office belonged to a junior officer who had willingly surrendered his office to the Director. It was obvious the news of his suspension had not trickled down to the junior staff members. He had always ruled the chief out as the killer until Faruk said he saw him driving away from his house. The way he had made sure of his suspension was also suspicious. He wondered if the killer would want him off the case though, it was not just about killing for the killer, it was about sparring, it was a game. His phone rang and he grabbed it, it was Tola. “What do you have?” Adam asked. “Nothing, he didn’t do it. I have checked all information that is available and I’m sure he didn’t do it.” She answered. “Hmm, unfortunately I don’t think he did it either. I have not found a single thing that links him to a liver transplant.” “Okay, that is not the only bad news I have. Remember the woman I said was going to call me back about a booking for vine-scented incense?” “Yeah, I think so, why?” “Well, she just called and she gave me the name of the person who inquired about them. Get ready to be shocked.” “Get on with it.” “Faruk Salami!” “I’m sure he has an explanation for that.” Adam said. “Adam, this was one of our major leads and you’re just dismissing it?” “It’s not like that. I have known Faruk for years, don’t you think I’ll know if he was a murderer?” “That is your defense? I’m sorry but I’m sending some officers to bring him in.” Tola said. “You’re arresting him?” “I’m bringing him in for questioning. Call me if you have something else but this is a good lead.” Tola said and ended the call. Adam looked at his phone and shook his head. There was no way Faruk was a killer, he had known him for so long, he would have suspected. Tola was not wrong to suspect him, even without the woman claiming he was the one who bought the incense, he would still be a viable suspect. He had supplied him with leads, most times unsolicited and most of the time there was no other person who could verify his claims. He had inserted himself in the investigation and was as involved as any CIB detective. He had always wanted to be a detective, he could be fulfilling his fantasy in a sick way by killing the girls. Adam shook his head to clear the thoughts that were clouding his mind, there was no way Faruk was the killer. There was a knock and Adam turned towards the door to see Ese walk in. “Adam, I heard about your suspension, I’m sorry.” She said, she stood in the doorway. “You heard? Another bug?” Adam asked looking away from her. “I told you it was just one and I’m sorry. Adam, look I’m only here to help.” “Help? Like you rightly said I have been suspended, any information you have should be taken to the guys still on the case. How did you even find me in this office?” “I’m a journalist, that’s how I found you, and if you are off the case what are you doing here? I believe you are still on this case and rightly so, catching the killer would get you your job back and I want to help with that.” “I’m deeply touched.” Adam said, laying his palm on his chest. “Thanks, but no, thanks.” “Stop being so proud and listen to this. Remember that store you guys found, the one with blood all over?” “Yes, go on.” Adam said, turning to face her. “You said the owner was a Garba, right?” “Wow, you guys really eavesdropped on everything we talked about.” “Get over that Adam. Anyway we found your Garba, well sort of, we got his number. He said he leased the place to somebody for two years. The man’s name was Salami, he said he has lost the…” “Salami? Faruk!” “Faruk? What has Faruk…?” “Faruk Salami, that’s his full name.” Adam said holding his head with his hands. “Faruk?” Ese whispered. “There’s no way Faruk killed those girls.” Adam shook his head and began to pace. There was no way Faruk was the killer, absolutely no way. You do not argue with the evidence, he had been taught. He had also been taught to trust his gut. “What are you going to do?” Ese asked. “Tola has already sent people to bring him for questioning.” Adam answered. “Don’t you think it’s possible he’s being set up?” “Set up? By who? Why him?” “By the killer of course. Maybe the chief saw him following him, he researched on him and decided to set him up. That is if the chief is the killer.” “The chief is the killer?” Ese asked, surprised. “Oh, so that you didn’t get from your spying? He was a suspect…he is a suspect, to be honest,I don’t know. I can’t think straight with Faruk being arrested and you here trying to be helpful and all.” “Okay, I’ll leave you alone. If you believe Faruk isn’t the killer, you have to find the real killer then. Kate’s life is still at stake, remember” Ese said as she stood. “Yeah.” Ese walked to the door, stopped and turned to look at him. “Call me when all this is done, we’ll settle our feud over dinner.” Adam smiled as she left. He loved her, he knew that he did. If he caught the killer and his life ever returned to normal, he would cultivate the love. His dream of living a simple life and having a family might not be dead just yet. His phone rang and brought him out of his reverie. It was the governor. “Adam, I’m glad you didn’t give up on the case, because we are going to need you now more than ever.” The governor said. “What are you talking…” “I’m the governor, remember? I know you are in an office at the CIB now even though by the terms of your suspension you are not supposed to be anywhere near the place.” “Sir…” “That’s not why I called you. I just got a text on my phone and it says Kate has twelve hours left to live.” “Twelve hours?” “Ten hours thirty minutes now, I didn’t see the message on time.” “Oh!” “Adam, find my daughter. If you can’t do it for me, do it for my wife.” The governor said. Adam swallowed, the line was silent for a few seconds. “Yes Adam, I knew but I forgave you and I forgave her long ago. Right now, all I care about is finding my daughter. You will find her, won’t you?” “I will sir.” “Good.” The governor said and ended the call. Adam sighed and ran his hand through his hair. His phone rang again. This time it was a text message. He opened the message, it was from Faruk. Meet me at Caleb’s. Alone! *** Faruk looked around and dropped lower in his chair. He knew the police were coming after him, he had heard and he knew he had little time. If he was going to be successful, he would have to be the smartest he had ever been in his life. All he had to wait for was for Adam to come. He peeped through the window of his car, there were policemen around. He was not sure how far the information about him had reached but being arrested now when he was so close would be the ruin of all he had done. He turned the keys in the ignition of the car and it started. Seeing Adam would have to wait. He closed his eyes, whispered a silent prayer and drove away from Caleb’s . To be continued.
8 Apr 2015 | 06:46
chai! Faruk u fall mah hand oo, anyways i neva ruled u out from being a killer though...! Cant wait to see where dis leads. Next one pls!!!
8 Apr 2015 | 08:12
8 Apr 2015 | 08:27
I don't know why Adam trust Faruk so much. but wait oo if Faruk is really d killer he must be very smart bc he really know how to play d game by using Adam's brain all this while. plssss neexxtt oooo
8 Apr 2015 | 08:43
He did all dese 2 diert attentions away from him. The question now should be, why is he doing all dis and y would he suggest Adam be sacked from d CIB. That we will know later. Interesing story.
8 Apr 2015 | 09:07
*divert. Who is dis Diana? Why is Faruk sacrificing 2 her? Want 2 know d connection.
8 Apr 2015 | 09:10
Chai! D root of every man's problem is from his family.... Faruk d one he trusted has been d one responsible for all his misfurtune. Chukwu aju
8 Apr 2015 | 11:27
Mr Moses. Mr Moses. Mr Moses... Prediction??? Uhmmmmmm......
8 Apr 2015 | 11:48
Hmmmmmm! Suspense filled & intriguing story. Tnk God d mystery is @ theverge of being revealed. Even if Faruk is d killer, I still believe d Police chief is connected whether directly or indirectly. Waiting to see d end & d connection of all dat is involved in dis heinous crime
8 Apr 2015 | 12:17
Dunno who t suspect. Buh faruk m8 not d killer. D killer is using his name so as not t get caught nd he knws faruk is adams friend.
8 Apr 2015 | 14:13
I suspected him right from time..... Story does make great sense
8 Apr 2015 | 16:16
Let the action film begin....the killer is left with one option left....Fight back with all his got Wow! My director is the happiest man on coolval today @anitcham finally show up
8 Apr 2015 | 16:28
Faruk! Faruk!! Faruk!!! Wat ar ur reasons 4 all d killing
8 Apr 2015 | 18:45
@moses hummmmmm.
9 Apr 2015 | 03:08
hmmmmmmmm furuk mr collin cheif governor still thinking who to suspect
9 Apr 2015 | 06:51
Next episode 65% loading. Please stay tune.
9 Apr 2015 | 08:32
can't wait for the next episode... but faruk why?
9 Apr 2015 | 10:21
next episode should have been 90% loaded by now! Hope to see it soon, cant wait no more...
9 Apr 2015 | 11:02
@kohlarh. Its even 95% loading
9 Apr 2015 | 11:51
***DEMONS ON CHURCH STREET*** ***EPISODE 19*** Story by LORDJOSH... . . . . . Adam slid the gear into park, jumped out of the car and ran into the lounge. He looked around the room, Faruk was nowhere. He brought his phone out of his pocket and dialed his number. He chewed on his nails as the phone rang. He had hoped Tola was wrong about Faruk. Faruk had been the only friend he had kept for more than a whole year. He was a crazy person who lived in a fantasy world, more than a normal adult should but he was a true and loyal friend. Adam looked at the phone, Faruk did not answer. He walked to the receptionist. “Hey did you see my friend?” Adam asked. “Hello Mr. Ademola, you are welcome. How can I help you?” She said, flashing Adam her professional smile. “Did you see my friend? We come here together all the time.” “Is he a member here? Does he have a card, we can use that to…” “No he doesn’t have a card.” “So he wouldn’t have been able to enter then…wait a minute, are you talking about your short friend?” “Yes, that guy, did you see him?” “Yeah, he was parked outside, I thought he was waiting for you. He was there a few minutes ago, I didn’t notice him leave.” “Did you see anybody with him? A young lady maybe?”Adam asked, all the while looking around for any sign of sudden movement. “No, I don’t think he was with anybody. Is there a problem sir?” The receptionist asked. “No, thank you.” Adam said and walked away from the receptionist. He went out of the lounge and walked around looking for any sign of Faruk’s car, he did not see any. He walked back to his car and dialed Tola. “Are you still in that office?” Tola asked when she answered the call. “The office…oh, no I’m not anymore. Have you guys found Faruk?” “No, we haven’t. I think he is on to us, nobody has caught a glimpse of him. Where are you?” “I’m outside Caleb’s.” “Is he there? Adam don’t approach him on your own, you don’t have a gun, remember?” “You actually believe the only gun I have is the one issued me by CIB? Of course I have a gun but this is Faruk we are talking about, even if he killed those people, there’s no way he’s going to harm me.” “Adam, are you listening to yourself? He has killed at least six people and you think he won’t harm you?” “Don’t worry Tola, he is not here, he was but not anymore. Let me know if you find him.” Adam said and ended the call before Tola could repeat her warnings. Adam entered his car and started the engine. Faruk could be anywhere in the city. He was about to slide the gear into drive when his phone beeped. He picked it and checked. He had received a picture via snapchat, he did not even know he had the application on his phone. It was from Faruk. The picture looked familiar, then it hit him. It was a picture of a corridor in Faruk’s house, the one that led to his room. Faruk was in his house. He reached for the gear when the phone beeped again. This time it was text. “Come alone.” The text said. Adam wondered why he insisted on him coming alone. He dialed Tola on his phone, it did not make sense to go alone. “Are you alone?” Adam asked as soon as Tola answered the call. “Yes I am, what’s up?” “Did you guys check Faruk’s house?” “Of course we did but we didn’t find him there.” “I want you to meet me there now. Come alone and if you get there before me, wait for me, don’t enter, okay?” “What’s happening? Is he there? Let me take a couple of guys with me, it could be dangerous.” “Tola, come alone! Do not take anybody with you, come alone!” Adam said and ended the call. He sighed and drove off. *** Adam turned off the engine of his car, jumped out of the car and ran towards the door of the house. Tola drove up to the house just as he got to the door. He waved her over and put a finger to his lips, signaling her to keep quiet. He stooped low and walked below a window, he peeped inside the house, he saw nothing. Adam shook his head, he could not believe that he was haunting Faruk like a criminal, except that he was indeed a criminal. At least he was looking more and more like one. “He asked me to come so I guess I’ll just have to go in.” Adam whispered to Tola. “Stay by the door and don’t come in except you hear gunshots or I call for help, okay?” “Wait for gunshots? You could be dead by then.” Tola said. “Or we could go in together and both die. Just do what I said, the world needs you alive.” Adam said and turned towards the door. “Be careful.” Tola called after him. Adam stood in front of the door and sighed. He had been friends with Faruk for so long, how could he be such a gruesome murderer? He shook off the thought, steadied his breathing and knocked. There was no answer. He knocked harder. Still no answer. “I’m going in.” He whispered to Tola. He turned the knob on the door gently, it opened slowly as he pushed it. The room was slightly dark, the curtains were drawn and the only source of light in the room came through a window linking another room. A fan blew in the corner of the room making an eerie sound that made the hair on his neck stand. He stood still at the door and waited till his eyes adjusted to the dark room. He walked across the room to where the light switches were. He had always told Faruk that the light switches should be close to the door not at the other end of the room. He flipped the switch and squinted as the light came on. He turned back to look across the room and jumped. There was a body on the floor, it had its face towards the floor. He ran to the body and flipped it over. It was Faruk and he had been stabbed. Severally. *** Adam put his finger on Faruk’s neck and felt his pulse, he was still alive. Blood had pooled below his body, he had lost a lot of blood. “Tola, get in here.” Adam shouted. Tola ran in, gun held in front of her. She stopped when she saw Faruk on the floor. “Did you do this?” She asked Adam. “No but we need to get him to a hospital, he’s still alive.” Adam said. She ran out of the house and came in almost immediately with Detective Benjamin and another detective. “That was fast.” Adam said. “I’m sorry but I wasn’t going to face a killer without back-up. Another detective is outside calling for an ambulance. How did this happen?” “I have no idea, I came in and met him like this.” Adam said. Adam looked over Faruk’s body; there were bruises on his face and his knuckles. Both fingers were clenched, there was a sheet of paper sticking out of one of them. Adam pried the hand open and took the sheet of paper. “What’s on it?” Tola asked. “It’s a list of names.” Adam said, looking over the list. “Do you know any of the names?” “Kate’s name is on it, Akinfenwa’s daughter is also on it so I think it has something to do with the murders.” “Do you think maybe it is a list of people Faruk was going to kill?” “I don’t know. Kate’s name isn’t even close to the top neither is Akinfenwa’s name and I don’t see the names of the other victims here. One of the names is starred though: Adaobi Okonkwo, is that name familiar to you?” “No, it’s not. Why was it starred, maybe she was supposed to be his next victim.” Tola said. “After seeing Faruk stabbed like this, I seriously doubt he is the killer. I think the killer was the one who stabbed him.” “Why would the killer stab him? Wait a minute, maybe he figured out who the killer was.” “He wanted to tell me something, maybe that was it. Why didn’t he just call me?” “Remember he once said the killer was connected to the CIB, maybe he thought he’d alert the killer and he’ll run.” “Well, he alerted the killer anyway.” Adam said as he stood. The siren of an ambulance sounded outside and medics entered with a stretcher. Adam stepped back and they placed Faruk on a stretcher and rolled him out of the room. “If Faruk isn’t the killer then who is?” Tola asked. “I have no idea but at least we have nine hour left to save Kate. If we’re lucky and Faruk comes to, we can find out what he knows and who stabbed him. Benjamin!” Adam called one of the detectives. “Follow Faruk to the hospital, stay with him, don’t leave his side for a second, if you have to pee, hold it or get a bucket. Whatever you do, do not leave his side, call me as soon as he wakes up.” Adam looked around the room, nothing stood out as strange; everything looked the same. Except the desktop computer. It had always been dirty, Faruk rarely used it. He said the only reason he kept it was to show his great-grand children and to sell it as an antique years later. Adam walked to the computer, it had been cleaned, it looked like it had been used recently. Adam connected it to an electric socket and put it on. He tapped the heel of his right foot on the ground as he waited for the system to boot. His phone rang just as the system came on. It was the governor. “Sir?”Adam answered. “Adam, you need to hurry. I just got another message and it says there was interference and because of that Kate has only two hours left. Two hours isn’t a long time Adam, find my daughter.” The governor said. “We will sir. By the way, is the chief with you?” “Yes, he’s been here since yesterday. He’s coordinating things from the government house which isn’t right but I’ll indulge him, I just want my daughter back.” The governor said, his voice breaking as he talked.”Why did you ask?” “Oh, just checking sir.” Adam said. “Find my daughter Adam, find Kate!” The governor said and ended the call. Adam set his phone on the table and bowed his head. Two hours left and he had no leads, nothing concrete that could help him find Kate. “What was that about?” Tola asked. “Kate has only two hours, two hours! We must find out what Faruk knew that got him stabbed.” Adam opened the browser on the computer. Tola pulled up a chair and sat beside him. “Okay, let’s see…recently viewed pages; news from several years ago, why would he read this?” “Let me glance through.” Tola said and Adam sat back as she read. “Okay, it’s about two orphans, a boy and a girl, they had lost their father to a heart attack, no mention was made of their mother.” “Why did this make the news? More importantly, why was Faruk reading this?” “I don’t know why Faruk was reading this, but it says here the boy was a genius of some kind. Wait, Okonkwo, wasn’t that the name that was starred on that list?” “Yeah.” Adam said, looking at the list. “So this girl was on that list, the big question is why?” “Let’s check other pages he checked.” Tola said as she scrolled through the page. “Okay, here’s another newspaper page. These all happened so long ago. I didn’t know newspapers are archived on the internet that far back.” “What does it say Tola?” “It says…oh, the girl died. Wait a minute, she died of liver cancer. According to this, she was next in line for a transplant…” “That list had Kate on it, they were on the same list.” “She was next in line but two people were bumped ahead of her. Guess who they were.” “Kate and that Akinfenwa girl.” Adam said jumping up from the chair. “That brother of hers, is he mentioned? Where is he now?” “He isn’t mentioned but wait, there is another page…oh my God! Adam look at this.” Tola said, turning the screen towards Adam. “Does that face look familiar to you?” Adam looked at the screen, it was a graduation picture. The girl’s liver problem obviously at an advanced stage. She was standing beside a young man who was the one graduating. Adam looked at the man’s face and gasped. “Isn’t that…?” Adam started and stopped. “Oh my God! It is” Stay tuned for the final episode.
9 Apr 2015 | 13:36
Nawa oooooo i never read a story dat is so twisted like dis one......faruk is dy killer he use knife to stab himself since he dnt hv gun.
9 Apr 2015 | 14:18
ahh! Finally! The demon is revealed! Am so excited to see d end of dis... I gotta admit the author is quite a genius, great work man!!! Next (final) episode plssssssssssss...!!!
9 Apr 2015 | 14:35
So who's d f*ckin killer who's bn f*ckin killin our galz. Cnt wait 2 find out ooo
9 Apr 2015 | 16:32
9 Apr 2015 | 17:33
who thy fu*k is the demon i guess the cheif man
9 Apr 2015 | 17:33
wow..this suspense is disturbing... but come to think of it, if faruk was d killer then why was he checking those news that has been long buried....legs crossed...awaiting the final episode....
9 Apr 2015 | 18:32
I won't only stay tuned, I ll stay glued!!!! Waooooow can't wait t c d person bhind all diz killing
9 Apr 2015 | 19:12
Abeg! @Donwalter, u'r our best writer in dis coolval... My vote goes to u jare. Nice job bro
9 Apr 2015 | 19:51
@swiss. I really appreciate and zoom up.
9 Apr 2015 | 20:02
Oya Ooooooo....
9 Apr 2015 | 20:07
Why na....yhu for jex tell us the name and not let us die of suspense....shooo
9 Apr 2015 | 20:12
Yeah!!! I told ya!
9 Apr 2015 | 21:53
Faruk is definitely not the killer bcos do interference do killer talked abt must be from him. I can categorically say that the killer is from the CIB & wldn't escape d police chief or something coroner. (That explains the surprise shown by Adam when he saw d picture of the Okonkwo's broda). Oh ye Killer! woe unto you for killing our innocent girls, for bringing sorrow into many families, for roping the reputation of the house of God in ur act & for making Adam miserable. I tell u, ur days are numbered & u shall have ur own share of the humiliation & sorrow dat u've caused this one's when Adam finally catches u. Ur period is fame is about to end"
10 Apr 2015 | 02:56
Ehn ehn ehn 'isn't that..........' WHO??? I'm dying to know him, suspense is killing me. Chaii. pls post d next one.
10 Apr 2015 | 04:50
I can't beleive i came up this fast.... just started reading the story...... Such a nice writeup by Josh.. how i wish we can Art on these.. .... .... .... Maybe the coroner could be the real killer who knows
10 Apr 2015 | 05:47
D killer might b coroner
10 Apr 2015 | 09:46
Cm nd post d final saga nw dis suspence is killing oo
10 Apr 2015 | 10:47
@donwalter since yesterday u neva upload d last episode! Abeg do am quick na, dis suspense no allow make i sleep well since yesterday...
10 Apr 2015 | 10:58
Last episode still cooking. Sorry been very busy with election stuffs
10 Apr 2015 | 12:18
Oya ooooo
10 Apr 2015 | 12:59
@donwalter u be politician?abi wetin be ur own wit election? pls make d cooking faster so as to meet dinner...
10 Apr 2015 | 13:05
We dy weti oooooooo
10 Apr 2015 | 17:16
Am very sorry for not been able to upload the last episode today. We don't have electricity in my area since morning buh I promise you it will be by Gods grace tomorrow morning so that we can use that to enjoy our weekend. Have a lovely weekend and violence-free election in advance
10 Apr 2015 | 18:13
All of una dey suspect wrong o... Let me tel u the killers name.. . . . . . . . . . Don't worry, we shall find out in da mowin. Buh seriously i can't wait to read u guyz comments on how surprise u are/will gonna be when you find out who the killer is..., *winks*
10 Apr 2015 | 21:03
I already told u dat d killer is not among those u re suspecting.... Keep ur fingers crossed...jez like me... Why re u guyz using insultive wrds? Dis is a story nd evry1 is entitled 2 his/her own opinion... Dere is no need calling some1 a dumbass cos he/she is not thinking d way u re thinking... We really need 2 start respecting ourselves... Nd 2 d dude/dudett dat says benjamin is d killer...even if he is d killer(which we re abt 2 find out)...u dnt need 2 use insultive wrds on anybdy...keep ur insultive opinions(or maybe u've read d story) to urself....nd let us enjoy d story without ish... Comon! Dere re no babies here...learn 2 construct ur wrds properly....
11 Apr 2015 | 01:51
@confidence i hope u stil remember dat u owe me bottle on ur head, if faruk doesnt turn out to be d killer...
11 Apr 2015 | 03:09
@Tenniebenson Oya tell me, who deh insult here?? make ah carry him/her enter Scholesjnr freezer, when he/she freeze. he/she no go get chance to utter abusive word... @Confidence You still get confidence say nah Faruk deh do operation ontop innocent people..okay oo..
11 Apr 2015 | 04:11
## #‎DEMONS_ON_CHURCH_STREET‬### FINAL EPISODE 20*** STORY BY #‎LORDJOSH‬ .... . . . . Previously on Demons on church street. Tola said, turning the screen towards Adam. “Does that face look familiar to you?” Adam looked at the screen, it was a graduation picture. The girl’s liver problem obviously at an advanced stage. She was standing beside a young man who was the one graduating. Adam looked at the man’s face and gasped. “Isn’t that…?” Adam started and stopped. “Oh my God”
11 Apr 2015 | 04:33
And finally Finally on Demons On Church Street ” “He’s the killer?” ” l never thought it could be him, Collins, frigging coroner.” Adam looked at the face one more time, Tola was right it was the coroner. “Tola, I need you to go on the Bureau’s database, look for his address. What do you need to do that?” “All I need is here.” She said, bringing out her phone and connecting it to the computer.” Give me two minutes.” “Hurry, Kate doesn’t have long.” Adam paced behind Tola as she worked. He had not suspected the coroner, not once, not even when Faruk said the killer could be a staff of CIB. He did not know the man very much, but he did not look like the kind of person who would kill. Except that he worked with dead bodies. The killer had mentioned at a point that he knew him even before he worked for the governor, hard as he tried he could not remember ever meeting Collins before he came to head the CIB. “I think I’m done. Yes, I am, here’s the address.” Tola said. “23, Church Lane, Adewole.” “Church lane? What’s with this guy and churches? Okay, I’ll head for the address now.” “Alright, I’m coming with you.” Tola said. “No, I want you to call for back up and inform the governor, okay?” “I can do all that from the car Adam.” “Tola, for the last time, obey me as your boss. I’ll call you when I’m about to enter the house, I’ll be fine.” Adam said and rushed out of the house. “Adam!” Tola called behind him. “Bring Kate back alive!” Adam nodded and ran to his car. *** Adam slowed his car to a stop in front of the house. It was fenced with high walls and a tall gate. Adam turned off the engine of the car and stepped out of it. He walked to the gate of the house and stopped. He was not sure what to do. The chances that Kate would get out of the house alive would drastically reduce if the house was bombarded with gun blazing officers. There was only one thing he could do; face the killer alone. He checked, his gun was tucked into his belt. He sighed and pushed the gate, surprisingly it gave way. He stepped quietly through the gate, everything was silent and still. It was a large compound and was empty except for the house situated far away from the gate and three vehicles; a car he had seen in the CIB parking lot a few times, a bus and a taxi. He closed the gate gently behind him and stepped forward. “Hello Detective.” A voice said behind him. Adam reached behind him to pull out his gun from his belt. “No, don’t do that. I have one of those, right here. Hand it over please.” Collins said. Adam turned around to see Collins holding a gun pointed at him, he handed him his gun. “So we finally meet huh?” “I guess so.” Adam said. “Damn that short devil, I still don’t know how he put all that together, unfortunately we will never know. He’s probably telling the demons in hell how smart he is right now. Let’s get this over with, shall we?” “Yeah, I have a question about that.” Adam said. “What is ‘this’?” “Good question, I’ll give you an answer and I’ll talk slowly so you can understand. This is what is going to happen; we will both go inside where Kate has been tied up, I will offer her up to Diana…” “Diana? Is that the Greek goddess? Because I don’t think the late Princess Diana will appreciate you killing innocent girls.” Adam said with a chuckle. “Keep quiet! As I was saying, I will offer the sacrifice, you will be the witness then I will kill you. Can’t allow any witnesses, I’m sure you understand.” “I understand alright. But where in this sick plan of yours is the moment where I kill you with my bare hands? Not with a knife, not with a gun but with my bare hands!” “Oh, lots of big talk from the man with a gun pointed at his head.” Collins said with a dry laugh. “Alright, enough of talking, move.” Adam felt his heart almost ripping through his chest as he walked towards the house. Collins did not look like someone who would loosen his grip on the gun and this was his house, he was very comfortable. His only hope was to keep talking, if he could get under his skin he could have a chance to catch him at a careless moment. “So who is Diana exactly? Your mother?” Adam asked as he moved got closer to the door. “Shut up! You talk when I talk to you.” Collins said and pushed him forward with the gun. “Open the door.” Adam turned the knob on the door and opened it. It led to a very cozy living room. It was the type any young bachelor would love to have. Soft music played on beautiful hand carved wooden speakers placed across the room. A door stood opposite the one he had entered from, it was the only door exiting the room so he headed for it. Collins followed him without saying a word. He got to the door and opened it, it led to a dark corridor. “See that door on your left, open it. It’s usually closed but today I have left it open, today, a male visitor will enter the room for the first time.” Adam opened the door and entered. The room was a large room, there were lots of pictures on the wall, mostly pictures of a young woman. The face was from the same picture but it had been superimposed into many pictures. “She looks gorgeous, doesn’t she?” Collins asked as they entered. “Who is this anyway? Did she look gorgeous only once in her life that you had to use that one picture to make so many?” “Very funny Adam. You know I normally would get angry at you for making fun of my sister but you’re going to die soon so why waste my anger on you? You’re right though about using one picture. Cancer kind of takes your gorgeousness away.” “This is your sister? She actually looks gorgeous, I wish she was still around, maybe I could go a few rounds with her. You know what I mean?” Adam said and laughed. “Okay, I see what you’re doing. You want to get me angry right? I need to warn you though, go on with this and I might have to make my sacrifice without a witness because you’ll be dead.” Collins pulled a chair and shoved Adam into the chair, the gun trained on Adam all the time. He went over to the other side of the room, unlocked a door and pushed out a stretcher. Adam gasped as he looked at the stretcher, Kate was lying on it, her eyes wide open. She was wrapped in a white sheet, she was gagged and tied to the stretcher. “Okay Adam, I don’t like you and I’m sure you don’t like me, so I’ll help us all by reducing the time we spend together. I’ll get this sacrifice over with, I’ll kill you and we’ll be done here okay. I’m going to put this gun down, very close to me though so don’t make any silly moves.” Adam kept quiet and looked around, there was nothing close he could grab, he would be dead before he could reach anything. “Alright, so this is what I’ll be doing. As you can see she is still alive, so I’ll uncover this sheet, I’ll cut her open, as you know I always do, I’ll grab her liver and well, leave her to die. Pretty simple, right?” “What did she do to deserve this? She’s just a girl!” “Just a girl? I’ve seen her naked and I tell you she is not a girl anymore.” Collins said and laughed. “I’ll tell you who was a girl though; my sister. She was next on that list, she would have been saved but no, the rich man’s daughter had to go first. We had our money, we were going to pay, but no Kate could not wait!” “It was not her fault! She did not rig the list.” Adam shouted. “Yeah, it was her mother. Well, she paid too, didn’t she?” “You did that? You shot her?” Adam asked, his voice shook as he talked. “I’m no expert marksman, but I figured if I missed her I would get you so I took a shot, literally.” “You bastard!” Adam screamed and jumped up from his chair. Collins grabbed the gun and pointed it at Adam. “Sit down now! Calm down, you don’t want to die ten minutes before your time, do you?” Adam sat as still as he could. His legs shook and his head ached as he tried to still his body. Collins set the gun down and picked a long knife from under the stretcher. Adam swallowed as he watched him open the sheet covering Kate. “Wait!” Adam shouted. “Before you become taken by your ritual and can’t answer my questions anymore, can you answer a question?” “I know what you’re doing, you’re trying to buy time, but it’s okay. You will die anyway so I guess I can allow last questions.” “You mentioned once that you knew me before I worked for the governor, how did that happen?” “You don’t remember? I feel hurt. It was way back when you were a uniformed policeman, a rookie. I came to the station to report that my father was abusing us; my mother, my sister and I. I even showed you blade cuts where he cut me all in the name of punishment. Ring a bell?” Adam remembered, he was having a tough day and had ignored the boy. He did not believe his story and when he talked to his superiors they all told him to ignore the boy. He refused to leave the station until his father came to drag him away. Adam remembered the look in his eyes as he was dragged away, it was full of anger, hate, death. “You remember now? You made me commit my first murder; I had to feed him some medication to cause his heart attack. You might look at me as a monster now but know that you created this monster. Remember the first time you came to my office? I asked if you were going to be the detective on the case, I was so happy when you said yes. I wanted us to get to this point and I even helped you along the way. Remember that paper that helped you identify that Judge’s daughter? You never wondered why it wasn’t wet? I pulled it out of my pocket not her mouth, that’s why. Alright, that’s enough, I’m getting tired of the chitchat.” “Wait… wait, those three men you killed, why?” “I never agreed that I killed them, did I? But trying to frame me for a murder I didn’t commit, that’s not very good.” “The churches too, why dump the bodies in the churches?” “Those pastors were exactly like you. They didn’t… wait a minute, you’re not writing my biography. I’m done with the questions. Let’s get this over with.” Adam closed his eyes as Collins pulled out the knife, he heard him mumble some words. Adam stilled himself as he expected the stifled scream that would follow the cut. Instead he heard a voice, it sounded like it was coming from a far distance. It sounded like a megaphone. Adam opened his eyes and noticed that Collins was no more in the room. Adam jumped from his chair and ran towards Kate and began to untie her. “What do you think you are doing?” It was Collins and he was back in the room with the gun. “The police are here and I just went in to get a robe for Kate, we are going out and we don’t want the whole of Ilorin seeing the governor’s daughter naked now, do we?” He waved Adam back to his chair and Adam bowed and thought hard on how to play the coming of the police for his benefit. He knew what Collins was going to do, he would walk out of the house with the police watching because he would have a gun pointed at both him and Kate. “It’s time to go.” Collins said and pointed a gun at Adam and another at Kate. Adam watched Kate as she walked towards him, she looked tired and weak but there were no physical wounds on her body. “Are you okay?” He whispered to her when she got close to him. “No speaking!” Collins shouted before she could answer. They walked into the living room and stopped at the door. Adam could hear the voices outside. “Listen to me now.” Collins said. “You will not speak, you will not move in any other direction except where I tell you to and you will not move too fast or suddenly. If you break any of these rules, you will get a bullet to the head. Is that understood?” Adam nodded, Kate began to sob. “We are coming out!” Collins shouted. “I have a gun to both their heads so step away from the door. I repeat step away from the door.” Adam heard someone repeat the order outside and he heard footsteps withdrawing from the door. “Open the door and go out slowly.” Collins said to Kate. She opened the door and stepped outside, Adam followed her and Collins followed them. Adam looked around, he saw Tola, she looked at him and nodded. He nodded back. If they were ever going to escape alive, Adam knew it had to be when they were still in the house. “Listen up everybody, this is what is going to happen. One of you will drive my car out of this compound and we – the three of us will walk out of here, enter the car and drive away. If anyone of you tries to stop us or does anything otherwise, he will have to blame himself for the death of Kate and our good detective here. Is that understood?” “Step back everybody” Tola shouted and she walked to Collins and collected his car keys. She entered the car and drove it out of the compound, parked it and left the keys in the ignition. She stood a little distance away from the car and waited. Collins aimed his gun at every car in the compound and shot their tires. He then poked Kate in the back with the gun and they began to move towards his car. Adam looked at the officers standing around, they all had their guns aimed at Collins but it would be too risky to shoot him as he could still shoot before dying. They walked out of the compound to where the car was parked. Adam knew if they entered the car and drove off they were dead for sure. He looked at Tola, she also had her gun aimed at Collins. He looked at Kate, she looked so frightened. He closed his eyes and held back from crying. He knew it was his fault she was in this mess and he knew he alone could get her out of it. He looked at Tola again. “Shoot him.” He mouthed to her. She shook her head. “Too risky.” She mouthed back. “Trust me. At the count of three, shoot him. One, two three.” Adam counted then he dived and crashed into Kate. He heard a gunshot and felt pain explode in his shoulder. He could not see for a few seconds but when his eyes opened the pain in his shoulder was gone. He looked around, Tola and another officer was lifting him up while another was helping Kate up. He looked up and saw Collins getting away in his car. “Did you get him?” He asked Tola. She shook her head. “Get me a car.” “Adam, you cannot…” Tola started to say. “Get me a car now!” Adam shouted. An officer ran into the compound, hotwired the taxi and brought it to him. “You will need this.” Tola said and handed him her gun. He took it and sped off without a word. Collins already had a head start and the taxi was not made for high speed chases, Adam knew he would have to be at his best to catch up to Collins. He looked ahead and saw the car some distance away from him. And then suddenly he felt dizzy, his vision blurred and he swerved on the road. He felt a liquid dropping on his thigh and soaking his trousers. He looked at his shoulder and discovered he was bleeding. Just then the pain surged through his body, he had been shot. He fought for consciousness as he pressed harder on the accelerator. He was gaining on Collins and he seemed to have noticed as he began to move from one end of the road to the other. Cars began to park as they drove past them. Adam looked forward and discovered they were coming to the end of the road. Collins either did not see it or had super powers and planned to fly. Adam began to reduce the pressure on the accelerator as they got close to the end. Collins was almost at the end but he had not reduced his speed then suddenly he stopped the car and turned it around. He turned so fast that the car turned around two times before it stopped. And as soon as it stopped, Collins moved forward and towards Adam, but he moved too fast and the car ran off the road and crashed into a ditch. Adam stopped his car and came out of it clutching his shoulder. He held the gun in his hand and walked towards the wreck. He was very close to the car when a bullet whistled past him, he dropped low and approached the car slowly. “This is the end of the road you son of a bitch.” Adam shouted as he crept closer to the car. As he got closer to the car he began to hear the distinct scent of petrol. He heard another gunshot and dropped low. “Stop shooting or this car will explode, you fool!” Adam shouted as he bent low to look inside the car. Collins was stuck in his chair, his legs hung awkwardly – broken. He would suffer a lot of pain when he was pried from the car. Then Adam noticed one of Collin’s hands move in his direction, the hand gripped a gun. Adam jumped and ran away from the car. He was a few metres away from the car when he heard the gunshot. He felt but did not hear the explosion that followed but was thrown ten feet into the air and landed in a pit of darkness. *** Adam opened his eyes to a white sky. It had red and yellow beautiful flowers. He had not expected to make it to heaven but it was a pleasant surprise. “Adam.” A sweet soft voice called to him. He turned around to see an angel, she looked so beautiful. “Do you recognize me, it’s Ese.” Ese? He looked around him and realized he was on a hospital bed. He had not seen a white sky but the ceiling of the room where he was. “How are you feeling?” Ese asked. “I feel like I’ve been shot and I need some pampering, if only there was someone…if only.” Adam said with a smile. “Yeah, if only there was someone.” Ese said and winked. “How’s Faruk?” Adam asked. “He’s stable, still unconscious but the doctors think he’ll make it.” “And Kate? Hope she wasn’t shot.” “No, she wasn’t. She was here earlier with her father. She should be at home already.” “Wait a minute, where is Tola?” Adam asked, trying to sit up. He crashed back into the bed in pain. “She’s not here, but she said to call her immediately you wake up. I’ll do that now.” Ese said. She picked up her phone, dialed the number and handed it to Adam. “Adam?” Tola said over the phone. “Hello partner.” “We’re partners now? You’re no longer the boss?” Tola asked with a chuckle. “For one day at least.” Adam replied. “For one day.” “Did you get his body out of the car yet?” Adam asked, the smile disappearing from his face. “Yeah, there was a problem Adam. By the time the fire was out and we cut open the car…” Tola said then stopped. “What happened Tola?” Adam asked holding his breath. “There was no body. Adam, there was no one in the car.” *******THE END*******
11 Apr 2015 | 04:35
I got et I got et I got et I got et..... Remember my last comment guys..the killer is coroner,buh now his body kent b found... M very sure he wud come bk for revenge.... Dz tory kent end lyk dz nau,et is gonna ve season 2
11 Apr 2015 | 05:47
Good job to lordjosh nd donwalter Keep et up guys Jazz lyk all in a circle Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Wow Plz ansa my ? Is dz ow et ends????
11 Apr 2015 | 05:48
At last!!! I enjoy ds story
11 Apr 2015 | 05:52
Atlast Faruk is proven innocent....That coroner na real slow poison with gentle and innocent face....they for catch ham dey kill ham small by small....if dem cut him finger today,they go him toe tomorrow.... Nice story full of suspense from the beginning to the end...hope we get another fantastic one SOON!!!!
11 Apr 2015 | 06:01
Devil himself.... Love this story. Always suspected Faruk n Collins
11 Apr 2015 | 06:04
Aw can it b d end wen collins is still alive? Superb nd interesting. Thumbs up!!!!!
11 Apr 2015 | 06:08
Hmmmmmmmmm! This Coroner of a guy is far more deadly & smart than one cld available imagined. Going on a killing spread just to avenged d death of her sister. Well I feel u r pain of loosing a dear one but u went too far with that & even put the job of someone on d line. I still av a feeling dat the police chief is somehow connected to this with his impromptu press release whenever a victim was killed, his involvement in Adams suspension, his conflicts & argument with Adam & his presence at each crime scene even b4 do team investigating the case. Adams trust on Faruk us now justified & I guess he deserves some commendation ie Faruk. Nice story @Donwalter
11 Apr 2015 | 06:17
Beautifully beautiful!!!! Ok ok where is @confidence ? I'm sure u re still maintaining ur stand....dat faruk is d killer... Dis story must have season two o..... I love it!
11 Apr 2015 | 06:25
Lol season two awaiting... my gues was right... "the coroner could be the killer who knws".. its like collins has a backup somwere who knws... it could be the chief
11 Apr 2015 | 06:29
Watch out for Demons on the Church Street season 2
11 Apr 2015 | 06:44
But before then, get prepared to read another crime and friction story by Donwalter titled. "BEFORE THE DARKNESS". Stay tune. Thanks
11 Apr 2015 | 06:46
Superb..... Is faruk d killer now? For those of u that says he's the one, i wish i could see d look on ur faces how surprise u re wen u discover that faruk is not d killer.. Now u know who d killer is... @paddy u guess right.. Nice write up don Walter buh it can't be d end o... The johnbull is still alive..
11 Apr 2015 | 06:49
Wow! Vry vry Interesting story,kudos 2 u, More grease 2 ur elbow,u did a wonderful job
11 Apr 2015 | 07:05
D body ws nt der? Does dat mean we should b xpecting season two? Dis is a wonderful story, Faruk ws right all along, who would hv thought dat d coroner wl b behind dis wicked act? Thumbs up 2 d writer
11 Apr 2015 | 07:22
So am wrong at last. I tink i should tender apology to mr Faruk. Mr Faruk am vry sorry 4 accusing u wrongly. Pls 4gv me. Wat a devil is mr collins,vry hrtless idiot. Nice writer up my man,God bless u. Waiting 4 dy season 2 bc i knw collins will nt go unpunished.
11 Apr 2015 | 08:03
Yippy!!! I love crime stories plus horror stories (though i'm yet 2 see dt here)...... @Donwalter we re ryt hia waiting 4 all ur stories
11 Apr 2015 | 08:23
@Original ann, u can never tell ooo cos Collins is still alive, he might have a backup. Just flash bck on all d drama, does it look like what one person (Collins) can draw out d plan or even carry out d mission(s) alone?.......... So Faruk & d chief is not yet free. DEMONS ON CHURCH STREETs part2 plssssssss
11 Apr 2015 | 08:28
Thanks Man, God Bless Yu and Yor Efforts.. It waz An Intrestin Read Indid.. Very Few stories usually keeps me up on my feet and keeps me countin down on hours 4next episode.. And story is one of Dem.. Thanks Again.. And plss b fast wit d season 2
11 Apr 2015 | 09:09
So wat happened to d body?
11 Apr 2015 | 09:10
wow! So interesting and suspensful, kudos to the author and @donwalter. This is a perfect piece of art! Apart from collins i stil believe deres also anoda killer, cos collins didnt admit dat he killed d barrister, solomon alonge and his girlfriend and if truly he didnt den who did? @donwalter Am patiently waiting for season 2! And other stories u've got for us... Thumbs up man!
11 Apr 2015 | 09:19
@confidence now dat faruk doesnt turn out to be d killer, am waiting for u to confidently come here and receive my holy bottle with ur head
11 Apr 2015 | 09:21
@ everybody I really appreciate you all. I promise to always give you best of the best stories to read
11 Apr 2015 | 10:03
Oya my coca cola
11 Apr 2015 | 10:36
Hmmmm I am short of words, I can't believe that d corona was actually d killer to revenge for his sister's death, I think he should leave vengeance to God and not by killing innocent souls. @Donwalter & d Author well done, we r looking forward for season 2. more ink to ur biro.
11 Apr 2015 | 12:24
realy interesting story
11 Apr 2015 | 14:44
Dis coroner of a guy is one crazy son of a monster. I wouldn't want put all d blame on him though, Adam also hd a part 2 play in his(coroner's) whole dilema. All in all, dis story was superb, as in oti nice ju.
11 Apr 2015 | 17:30
I beggi dis story cnt end lyk dis o 4 christ sake
11 Apr 2015 | 18:50
Gud story.
11 Apr 2015 | 19:12
Shey dis stowi go end just lyk dat??
12 Apr 2015 | 05:37
I dnt think d killer is farouk
12 Apr 2015 | 09:50
Stop asking if d story will end like dis! Didnt ya'll see dat donwalter said he will post d season 2 later?
14 Apr 2015 | 06:24
chaii!! dz story z thrilin lyk crazy..cnt wait fot d continuation ooh
14 Apr 2015 | 11:11
who d hell z dis killer sev ?? nd who z she a canabal or wot d hell z she sev ?
14 Apr 2015 | 11:31
Diana is the coroners sister na
14 Apr 2015 | 12:43
gettin more intrstin tho ...
14 Apr 2015 | 12:47
stil thrillin ..
15 Apr 2015 | 05:43
following ....
15 Apr 2015 | 06:26
d story lyk #mystries of benson street & the worshippers much lovin it ..
15 Apr 2015 | 13:33
undoubtedly Faruk z d killer!!
15 Apr 2015 | 17:30
I was. hoping this will come to an end real that Adam,Ese,Tola,Faruk,Kate and everyone could move on with their lives but now that the body is missing I guess this is just the beginning!!!! Nice write up@LordJosh.*cant wait for the concluding part*
25 Apr 2015 | 10:44
Great story!
11 May 2015 | 09:59
I beg wen will u start d part 2 of d story or it as finish ni
15 May 2015 | 14:41
D part two plzzzzzz
15 May 2015 | 15:22
Dz z very interesting, cnt wait 4 d nxt part or season.
20 May 2015 | 10:03
Very intrestin
31 May 2015 | 13:19
Dis sucks....part2 or waheva..........plsss
20 Jun 2015 | 16:14
dis is a suspense intrigued story. am loving it soo much. thumbs up to ya
17 Jul 2015 | 00:39
Pls can we get the link to part 2
18 Jul 2015 | 03:11
@donwalter i beg wetin dey keep part 2 frm statin nw
5 Aug 2015 | 17:03
wey d second part nah? .... @donwalter
28 Sep 2015 | 18:31
Wen wil d part 2 start oooo
7 Nov 2015 | 01:51
NICE story
29 Dec 2015 | 19:17
the governor shoul be d killer with diana being is dead wife
24 Feb 2016 | 16:46
Watt of season two na
26 Feb 2016 | 07:35
please which site can i get the season 2 of this story?
23 May 2016 | 11:31
Good write up #....winks....
27 May 2016 | 21:52
cool story, don't forget to vote for @lizzy22 as miss Coolval 2016 today. thanks
5 Jul 2016 | 03:46
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 12:21
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 15:45
Nice 1
19 Jul 2016 | 06:12
Kif it uf
19 Jul 2016 | 06:14
Good tori
19 Jul 2016 | 06:28
Twale to the writer
19 Jul 2016 | 06:29
19 Jul 2016 | 12:36
Nice story
20 Jul 2016 | 11:50
the story was superb
7 Aug 2016 | 04:05
Hnnn nice Tori
8 Aug 2016 | 08:31
8 Aug 2016 | 09:43
one name I hate with passion
8 Aug 2016 | 09:44
started from small
8 Aug 2016 | 09:45
when my parents scared me with myths
8 Aug 2016 | 09:46
myths about supernaturals
8 Aug 2016 | 09:48
good in a way
8 Aug 2016 | 09:48
u havelufe
8 Aug 2016 | 09:50
but bad because it is emasculating
8 Aug 2016 | 09:51
all the sme nice story
8 Aug 2016 | 09:52
keep it up donwalter
8 Aug 2016 | 09:53
filled aith e perience
8 Aug 2016 | 09:54
worth Reading
8 Aug 2016 | 09:55
I don't know why you don't write anymire
8 Aug 2016 | 09:56
really missed your stories
8 Aug 2016 | 09:59
maybe its school
8 Aug 2016 | 10:00
but please
8 Aug 2016 | 10:01
drop one soon
8 Aug 2016 | 10:01
for us your fans
8 Aug 2016 | 10:02
one love
8 Aug 2016 | 10:04
expecting to hear from you soon
8 Aug 2016 | 10:05
8 Aug 2016 | 10:08
8 Aug 2016 | 10:20
Nice story Thumbs up
10 Aug 2016 | 05:34
11 Aug 2016 | 06:31
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12 Aug 2016 | 09:22
12 Aug 2016 | 09:23
The Lawyer Counld Be D Killer
19 Aug 2016 | 01:25
faruk, the pastor, his son...anybody can be the suspect right now. even the governor.
19 Apr 2017 | 06:58
19 Apr 2017 | 07:19
0 Likes interesting
7 Sep 2017 | 12:43
30 Dec 2017 | 12:39
Chai wait for me let me ease myself, wil b back in a jiffy
29 Jan 2018 | 04:56
Damn wat a mystery n a puzzle waiting to be solved
29 Jan 2018 | 05:18
Abeg Adam u v to do sumfin fast
29 Jan 2018 | 05:49
Shit not again
29 Jan 2018 | 10:27
Hmmm keeping my fingers crossed and my ears to the ground
29 Jan 2018 | 11:13
Wow hw cums coroners body wasnt found? Did he disappear abi na jass?
29 Jan 2018 | 12:07
So thrilling
22 Mar 2018 | 20:05
Wonderful story
16 May 2018 | 10:42
31 Jul 2018 | 02:50
Suspect hmmm fire up
1 Oct 2018 | 02:16
wonderful story
1 Nov 2018 | 14:17
ur a great writer kudos 2 u
19 Mar 2020 | 20:58
The author Joshua is definitely a big fan of the legendary writer James Hardley Chase because this wonderful story reminds me of JHC novels.. Would read the season 2, hoping to get another beautiful story from you soon
20 May 2020 | 21:48
love d story
27 Nov 2020 | 04:39
Who is the killer?
27 May 2021 | 17:29
Who is this evil man?
27 May 2021 | 17:58
Full of suspect
28 May 2021 | 04:59
Getting more interesting
28 May 2021 | 05:24
This is currygable
28 May 2021 | 05:48
Horror indeed
28 May 2021 | 06:19
28 May 2021 | 07:05
Complicated already
28 May 2021 | 07:06
Reading with high heart beat rate
28 May 2021 | 07:34
It deep
28 May 2021 | 07:35
28 May 2021 | 07:56
what is really happened? Don't kill person here ooo
28 May 2021 | 08:19
This is crasy
28 May 2021 | 13:33
Oh Governor daughter
28 May 2021 | 14:02
What is Faruk's role in this?
28 May 2021 | 14:30
Faruk is a suspect
28 May 2021 | 14:49
Suspension? End of the road
28 May 2021 | 15:11
Oh Faruk the player
28 May 2021 | 15:38
This one na great work ooo
29 May 2021 | 03:03
29 May 2021 | 03:29
So Faruk no be killer
29 May 2021 | 03:30


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