

By Donwalter in 25 Jan 2016 | 15:10
Donwalter Donwalter

Donwalter Donwalter

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Posts: 239
Member since: 9 Mar 2015
Did u remember the serial killer in Ilorin, the CIB official Adams. Hmmmm
U can't afford to miss another season of DEMONDS ON THE CHURCH STREET SEASON 2
Sit back and watch
in case you missed season 1 click here
25 Jan 2016 | 15:10
Waoooooo how can I 4get such a wonderfull story........ I am already seated,oya ride on donwalter [hr] Links To Available Episodes. •Episode 1 Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Final Episode
25 Jan 2016 | 15:18
Wow, cant 4qet d story and also cant wait 4 season2 to start.... I Don buy my ticket sef..,. @donwalter brinq it on.
25 Jan 2016 | 15:24
Nice....Can't wait to start reading
25 Jan 2016 | 15:25
Where is the VVIP list. . . . Gonna post Episode 1 after the VVIP list is called. Sit back, relax and stand tuned
25 Jan 2016 | 15:30
Abeg @Don Walter, anytime you update abbeeggii tag me, i cannot miss this in Jesus' Name, Amen!!!
25 Jan 2016 | 15:32
Chai .... Omo u need to c d happiness written on ma face .... Boss tanx for bringing dis awesome piece to us
25 Jan 2016 | 15:33
Same old vicky
25 Jan 2016 | 15:36
Wow.dis is going to be interesting
25 Jan 2016 | 15:38
Cant wait. Oya bring it on
25 Jan 2016 | 16:04
Am already hei, just taken ma position
25 Jan 2016 | 16:31
Finally! I have almost lost hope in this story o, thought you have even forgotten it. I'm glad u're back with it. I can't wait.
25 Jan 2016 | 16:39
Episode 1 . . . . . . . Adam caught the look on his wife’s face again and looked away. She was trying to make him feel bad and it was working. He walked away from her and towards the wine. He was at the party for a reason; he could not leave, not yet. It was a party with a lot of political bigwigs and they did not seem to mind that their host – Senator Adeshina was nowhere to be found. But then, none of them had a pregnant wife to worry about, he did. He picked two glasses and walked back to Ese. He stopped in front of her and smiled. He had married a beautiful woman, not even the eight months old foetus pushing her belly out of proportion could disguise that. “You look beautiful tonight Ese.” He said as he set the glasses on the table in front of her. “I don’t feel beautiful. I feel like a house on legs.” She said with a grunt. “And this house wants to go home.” “We can’t leave yet Ese, we’ve not even seen the Senator.” “It’s not our fault he is late to his own party, I’m tired Honey, I need to go home.” Adam looked at his watch, it was past nine; she was right it was late. “Babe, let’s wait for another fifteen minutes, if the senator isn’t here, we will leave, okay?” “You’re not leaving, are you?” A voice said from behind them. Adam turned around, it was the Senator. Finally, they could pay their respects and leave. “The Mrs was getting a little tired, that’s all.” Adam said. “It’s not me sir, it’s the baby.” Ese said. “I’m sorry Adam, I apologise specially to you Ese. I was held up by a call from the Hungarian ambassador who for some reason I can’t fathom has become a dear friend.” “We totally understand sir. We just wanted a chance to say a big thank you for your help sir.” Adam said. “My help?” “Our transfer to Abuja.” Ese said. “You think I did you a favour by bringing you to Abuja? I hope you still think so in six months.” The senator said and laughed. “I’m sure there are other people you need to say hello to.” Adam said, he could tell his wife was barely keeping the fake smile on her face. “Oh sure, most of them I should introduce you to, Senator Halima especially. She’s been eager to meet you.” He knew who Senator Halima Abubakar was. She was the youngest member of the senate, she was barely thirty five. It was obvious she was only in the Senate because of who her parents were. He wondered why she wanted to meet him. “She is a big fan of the Church Street Killer case, she should be here already; she’s never late for parties.” The senator said. He dug his hand into his pocket and brought out his phone. Adam nodded and smiled, he hoped the senator would just go; he was almost as eager to leave as his wife was now. “Excuse me please,” The senator said. “I need to take this call.” Adam watched him leave. He whispered to Ese. “This is our chance.” He helped Ese to her feet and they walked across the room. There were a lot of important people in the room, people who could make his stay in Abuja easier, people he had hoped the senator would introduce him to. He had learnt his lesson, he would not bring a heavily pregnant woman to a party next time. “Adam?” He heard the voice call behind him and he stopped, it was the Senator. No! He could hear Ese grumble. “Just tell him I’m not feeling well.” She said. “I’m sorry sir, Ese isn’t…” “Adam, you need to come with me.” Adam shook his head. “Sir, I…” “There’s been a murder.” “What?” He gasped. “Where? When?” “Just now, a few minutes from here.” “That’s awful. I hope it has nothing to do with your party or your guests.” Ese said. “Who was killed?” Adam asked. “Senator Halima.” “Oh my God.” Ese whispered. “She was found in her car, not very far from here. You need to go with me now.” The senator said and walked towards the exit. Adam looked at Ese, he could see the dread in her eyes. They had come to Abuja because they wanted to get away from the whole church street killer case. They had not even spent a whole month in Abuja. “Babe, this is probably a case for some other agency. I’m just finding my feet, they won’t throw this at me, it’s too important. But I have to go and secure the scene before I hand it to whoever will take it over.” “What am I supposed to do then Adam?” “The driver will take you home. I promise I won’t be late.” “If you won’t be late, I could wait up.” “No sweetheart, don’t wait up. Get some rest; I have stressed you enough today.” He kissed her forehead. “I love you, you remember that, right?” She smiled and punched him lightly on the chest. “Don’t try to be sweet. I’m waiting up for you so don’t be late.” “Okay ma’am. Now, let’s get you and my baby home.” He loved her, he really did but he could not wait to be at the crime scene. A crime scene! He stifled the smile spreading over his face; he was back in the game! *** The car slowed to a stop and Adam stepped out. There were a few people gathered around a black Mercedes, he assumed it was Senator Halima’s car. Surprisingly none of them looked disturbed by the murder, they looked amused instead. The senator had not told him anything about the murder; he said he had to see for himself. The men standing around the car stepped away from it as he approached. He needed them very far away, the last thing he needed was interference from overzealous but ignorant politicians. There were two uniformed policemen standing behind the car, away from the intimidating bigwigs. When they saw him, they approached. “Officers,” He started before they could greet him. “The first thing I want from you is to disperse everybody who isn’t law enforcement. Go on and do that now, please.” The policemen walked away reluctantly to perform their daunting task. Now was the moment of truth. He put his hand on the door handle and paused. Memories of chasing after the church street killer rushed through his mind. Did he want to get back into that world? He shook his head; he would make that decision later. He pulled the door handle and held his breath. He saw the body and took a staggered step back. Senator Halima – her naked body laid on its back on the backseat. Her left leg rested on the front seat where her clothes were laid and her head laid on the door opposite him. Her pale eyes stared at him and her mouth was curved in what looked like a smile. She looked very much alive except she was not breathing. There were no obvious bullet wounds or knife cuts. It would take an autopsy to determine what killed her. Had she died in the middle of sex or had the killer arranged her body that way to send a message? Was this the church street killer all over again? What was a senator doing having sex in her car, and totally naked? It was difficult to see much without getting deeper into the car. He looked behind, thepolicemen had succeeded in clearing the curious crowd and only Senator Adeshina was left standing around. He closed the door and walked closer to the policemen. “Who found the body?” Adam asked. “We did sir,” One of the policemen – Tijani according to his name tag, said. “Or actually I did.” “We were patrolling when we saw the car,” The second policeman said. “It was parked by the road, so we decided to see if it was empty. I waited in our car, he went up to check the parked car.” “Did you touch the body? Did you move it at all?” Adam asked. “No sir, we didn’t.” “How did you find out about this, Senator?” Adam asked. “Chief Korede called me, said he saw the… said he saw her on his way to my house.” “Some of the guests at his party were driving past, maybe one of them recognized her car or something but they stopped and then saw everything.” Tijani added. Adam nodded and asked. “Is there an ambulance on the way? “Yes sir.” He looked back at the car; the killer might have left something behind. “We need to take pictures of the car and the body before we move it, and I want the car searched for anything the killer might have left behind. A used condom, a sock, footprint, anything.” “I told you Adam.” Senator Adeshina said. “Abuja is not as quiet as you think. This case is going to be bigger than the church street killer case.” “Yes, it will be. It’s a good thing I won’t be the one chasing down this pyscho.” “Really? Why? You have experience with this kind of thing.” “I have a pregnant wife who wants me by her side all the time, I’ll help when I can but I think I’ll pass on this one.” Adam had considered his options. He could walk away from the case and make his wife happy or he could satisfy his curiousity and go after the killer. He wanted this case but it was not what he promised Ese. He would hand the case over, but first he had to make sure that he got everything he could from the scene. He started towards the car when a car pulled up close beside the crime scene. He motioned one of the policemen to deal with whoever it was. The occupant of the car stepped out, it was a woman. He paused. “Uncle Adam.” The woman called out. It was Kate. He had not seen her since he came to Abuja. “Kate, it’s good to see you. What are you doing here?” “I called her.” Senator Adeshina said. “I needed her to get me some things from the house.” “Sir, you don’t have to stay. You won’t be doing much here.” Adam said. “Don’t worry Dad, I’ll stay and help him.” Kate said. “No Kate. Thanks but this is a crime scene, I can’t have you here too.” “You can go Dad.” Kate said and started to push Senator Adeshina towards his car. “I’ll wait around and call you if anything comes up.” Adam returned to the Mercedes. There were several things he needed to find answers to. How did the car arrive there? Was the murder committed here or was the car driven here with the senator dead already? Was another car on the scene? He should check for tyre tracks. He needed light. “Do you need a flashlight?” Kate asked. He looked behind, at her. “Yeah, I was just thinking that.” “You see, I can help you.” She went to her car and returned with an industrial flashlight. He collected it and looked around the car. There were no extra tyre tracks so it was safe to assume the killer came to the scene in the same car. But how did the killer leave? “What do you think happened here?” Kate asked. “I don’t know. I have to look inside that car again.” He looked at the policemen, who were keeping a safe distance from the car. He needed a lot of things. He motioned them over. “Who would handle something like this normally?” Adam asked. “Er..I don’t know but we have called the office and they said we should wait, they will send somebody.” Tijani said. “We don’t have too much time. I don’t want that body getting stiff here.” Adam put his hand on the car’s door handle, steadied him and opened it. The body was exactly the way it was earlier. He shone the light around the car – there was nothing. He looked through the clothes laid on the front seat, they were all the victim’s. The scent on the victim’s clothes filled the car. The killer had done a good job of leaving none of himself behind. “How do you think she died?” Kate’s voice came from behind him and he jumped. “Kate, you shouldn’t be here.” “Was she cut?” “No, there are no cuts.” Adam said. “Nothing looks out of place here.” “Maybe she wasn’t murdered.” Kate said. “Maybe it was an accident. Maybe she died during sex and her lover ran because he was afraid.” Adam opened his mouth to respond then he saw a car speeding towards them. The car swerved and stopped just a few metres from the crime scene. The occupant of the car came out and started running towards him. Adam hurried of the car and signaled the cops to stop the man. “Let me go!” The man shouted and strugggled to break free from the cops. “You stupid imbecile, that is my wife there.” Adam looked at the man and back at the car. Senator Halima was not married. Whoever this crazy guy was, it was probably a good idea to keep him away from the body. “I’m sorry sir but what’s your name?” Adam asked. “My name is Hameed and Halima is my wife.” “Senator Halima was not married.” Adam said. “I want to see her! Let me go. Do you know who I am?” Adam shook his head. Everybody in Abuja believed they were somebody or knew somebody. It was not the first time he had heard somebody asking that question. This Hameed guy however was a nutcase. The only way to keep him out was to arrest him. Adam signalled to the cops and they dragged him to their car. Kate moved closer to him. “I know that guy.” She said. “Yeah? Should I be afraid?” Adam asked with a smile. “He is the son of a general. He is… well, he was engaged to Senator Halima. Their fathers are very close friends.” “This is another reason why I won’t be on this case; too much political interest.” “Really? You won’t take the case? I was hoping to work with you.” “You didn’t learn from the last serial killer you came close to, right? Well, I did.” He looked at his watch and gasped. “It’s almost eleven. Ese will kill me!” “I’m sure Ese will be eager to get on this case too.” “Ese is heavily pregnant. The only thing she is eager to do is give birth.” Adam looked at his watch again. “I don’t think I want to do anything here again. Where are the police?” In the distance, sirens began to blare, they got close very quickly. “Well, looks like there is the calvary. I’ll hand this over to whoever leads them here and you can drop me where I can get a cab home.” Kate nodded and they both stood, waiting for the approaching police cars. A few seconds later, three police cars, all of them with sirens blowing parked beside them. Two men came out of the car in the middle. The occupants of the other two cars remained seated. “That’s not the IG or the C.O.P. right?” Kate leaned in and whispered to Adam. “Why does he have escorts?” Adam shrugged. The two men got to them and Adam stretched his hand. “Hello, my name is Adam Ademola, Director, CIB. This is Kate Adeshina…” “His personal assistant.” Kate added. Adam shot her a look but she ignored him. “CIB huh? I hope you have not tampered with anything here. This is my case now.” One of the men said. Adam and Kate looked at each other. “Excuse me, who are you?” Adam asked. “I’m Nnamdi Uba. This is Chuks Ezenwa, my personal assistant. Will you tell me what happened here please?” Nnamdi said and walked off. Adam stood where he was. Nnamdi looked back and saw Adam did not move and he came back. “Do we have a problem here?” Nnamdi asked. “Do we?” Adam said. “What do you mean?” “You hope I did not tamper with anything? You want me to give you a report on what happened here?” “Yes, and that is a problem because…?” “Nnamdi, I don’t know who you are but if you need anything from me, I will be in my office by 9 am tomorrow. If you can’t wait, I suggest you conduct your own investigation.” Adam tapped Kate and they walked away. Adam was not sure he had done the right thing. He had no idea who the Nnamdi guy was and he hoped he would not have to go and apologise to him later. “I just googled the guy.” Kate said. “He’s not that important. Just an errand boy for the IG. That’s the problem with Abuja, everybody wants to take advantage of you.” “Is that the idiot who will take this case? There’s no way the killer will get caught.” “Yes Uncle. They need someone who is not deep into Abuja politics, someone who will be objective.They need you.” Adam looked behind, Nnamdi was on the phone, probably calling his bosses to report the disrespectful new boy. He kind of wanted the case now. He needed to show Nnamdi and people like him he did not have to know everybody in Abuja to do well at his job. They got to Kate’s car and entered. “Please consider taking this case. You are probably the only one who can find this killer.” “Maybe but if this jerk is the IG’s lap dog like you said…” “I said errand boy, not lap dog.” “Same thing. If he is the IG’s lap dog, then he’ll find a way to get the case.” “We’ll see then.” Kate started her car and shifted te gear into drive. Adam looked through the window and saw Nnamdi running towards them. “Hold on Kate, the lap dog is coming .” Nnamdi arrived. “Got any more instructions to bark at me Mister Nnamdi?” “It’s detective Nnamdi, not Mister. And I was just on the phone with the IG.” “Of course you were.” Adam said with a sneer. “I apologise for my earlier… Anyway, he said to tell you that with the high status of this murder and your experience, you will lead the investigation.” “Really?” Adam could not hide the grin that spread over his face. “You will of course coordinate with other law enforcement agencies but you have the lead on the case.” “Okay detective Nnamdi, thank you for the information.” Adam said and turned to Kate. “We can go now.” “Oh wait, there’s one more thing.” Nnamdi said. “You report to me throughout the case. You have the lead but you cannot do anything except I approve it.” Adam looked at him with his mouth open. Report to him? “Where is that smirk now?” Nnamdi said. “Welcome to Abuja Detective Adam Ademola.” . . . . Tbc
25 Jan 2016 | 16:42
I must read season1
25 Jan 2016 | 16:56
25 Jan 2016 | 16:58
powerful way to start. bravo. Hope you boys leave your egos at home and play nice so the case gets solved quickly
25 Jan 2016 | 17:41
If i miss dis story mah bend.... I cant afford to miss a bit of dis...
26 Jan 2016 | 03:43
Nice start bruh.... Detective Adam... 4qet the errand boy 4 IG the case is yours... Kate's dad is ont it too.
26 Jan 2016 | 04:27
Thnk God this story start again
26 Jan 2016 | 04:41
am into dis although I did nt read season 1 following @donwalter more episode pulis
26 Jan 2016 | 06:21
Thank God u are back with d story
26 Jan 2016 | 06:28
[b] every episode of dz story waza hit back to back frm season 1 to season two....fuck that shit... #church street killer ti tk over :) [/b]
26 Jan 2016 | 06:44
Dix z gona be a thriller
26 Jan 2016 | 09:17
Nice start.
26 Jan 2016 | 10:11
Nyc one guy ride on@Donwalter
26 Jan 2016 | 15:14
Thank God, this story is bak, adam u got too much enemies on ur track plus the serial killer.... Hoping for faster updates @donwalter
26 Jan 2016 | 16:18
26 Jan 2016 | 18:02
Thank God ooo, I'm not missing out. Balanced on my couch, leg cross with my peanut and cold water... Epic 2 biko.
26 Jan 2016 | 19:03
27 Jan 2016 | 02:03
Hmmmm, u r in for dis again
27 Jan 2016 | 09:24
Wow! Itz good vhiz story is back. Am in the front as usual. So Ride on boss @Donwalter.
27 Jan 2016 | 16:30
I don land ooo! Mr. Adams, the church street killer hunter abt 2 commence another hunt
27 Jan 2016 | 17:02
Episode 2 . . . . . . Immediately Adam got home he knew he was in trouble. The doors were unlocked. Ese never left the door open when she was going to sleep. He opened the door and entered. The door made a slight click when he closed it. He looked at the huge clock chiming away on the wall, it was almost one am. It was bad enough that he got home late when he had promised not to but having to tell Ese that he was on the case was worse. He flicked a switch and light flooded the living room. On one of the sofas was Ese, she was asleep. Not even the light woke her. He felt so guilty, she had actually tried to wait up for him. He walked to her and knelt by the sofa. He brushed some straying strands of hair from her face, she looked so peaceful in her sleep. He placed his hands on her protruded stomach and smiled. He was going to be a father soon and he wanted to be there for his wife and baby but his child would live in a better and safer world if he could catch whoever killed the senator. “Adam,” He had not noticed her eyes open. “You said you would not stay too long.” “I’m sorry Ese. I had to take care of things before help came.” Adam said, helping her up from the sofa. “This is the last we’ll hear of the investigation, right?” Ese asked. Adam did not reply. “Adam?” “The IG called and…” “You took the case?” “I wasn’t exactly given a choice.” She placed a palm on her belly. “Our baby is due in less than a month.” Adam moved close to her and held her. “The case won’t affect that.” She walked out of his embrace and headed for the room. “I’m going to sleep, make yourself comfortable on the couch.” Adam made to go after her but stopped. She would be calm by morning. He kicked off his shoes, dropped on a couch and brought out his phone. Who exactly was Senator Halima? He had a lot of reading to do before morning. *** Adam arrived at the office before 8 am the next day. Ese still was not talking to him but he knew she would come around, he had other things to worry about. The story of the murder was all over the news already, it was only a matter of time before the press knew he was handling the case. Just as he expected there was no one in the office. He himself had never arrived earlier than 10 am so it was no surprise his staff had taken to arriving late. He entered his office and shut the door. He was not sure where to start from. It was times like this he wished he had Tola in Abuja with him. If what he read about Senator Halima online was anything to go by, finding her killer would not be easy. He removed a file from his desk. How he wished Tola was here. A knock sounded on his door. He looked up, was his wish about to come true? “Come in.” He said. The door opened and Kate stepped in. “I knew you’d be here.” She said. “Oh, it’s you.” “You sound disappointed. Have I dropped so low on the list of people you want to see in the morning?” “Sorry Kate, I was just hoping it would be… So, what are you doing here so early?” “I’m not here early enough. The PA is supposed to resume before the boss.” “PA? Kate?” Adam smiled and shook his head. “You thought I was joking last night? I mean it, I want to be your assistant.” “You can’t be my assistant. Why do you think you can help me catch a killer Kate?” “I have been kidnapped by a serial killer who killed several others and I escaped. How many of your people can say that?” Adam laughed. “First, you did not escape, you were rescued. Secondly, being kidnapped makes you the victim, not a detective. By the way, don’t you have a job?” “I’m on leave. And that job is just a monotonous thing, I need some excitement.” “Chasing a killer is not exactly excitement.” “Uncle Adam, please leave this argument. I know Abuja and the people here and I can help.” She had a point. He already had a lot of questions, maybe she could help answer some. “Alright Kate.” “Thank you.” She said, and brought out a notepad. “Where do we start?” “The crazy guy from last night, you said he was the victim’s fiance?” “Yes, Hameed Galadima.” “Is he the son of…?” “Exactly. Only the sons of the rich marry the daughters of the rich here.” “If she was engaged to a Galadima, how come she is all over gossip blogs?” “Well, she is a known rebel. Her parents arranged to marry her off once, she left the groom on the wedding day and traveled out of the country.” “Refusing to get married is one thing, prostituting yourself to half of Abuja, as one blog put it is another thing.” Kate laughed. “That’s harsh. She has dated a few bigwigs, some of them as old as her father but it doesn’t make her a prostitute.” “A few? How exactly few is ‘a few’?” Adam asked. “Well, I don’t have a number but she’s been around a few of guys.” “So this fiancé and his family, they don’t mind that she cheats?” “That would make him our primary suspect, right?” “Suspect? Yes. Primary suspect? It’s a little too early. But it’s a good place to start.” Adam looked at his watch, it was a few minutes to nine. None of his staff had arrived. “Let’s go talk to the fiancé.” Kate picked her notepad and bag and headed for the door. “I think I will fire my whole staff.” Adam said and followed her. They were about leaving the building when a lady met them. She greeted Adam and walked past them. Adam paused and looked at the lady. “Hey you.” He called out. The lady stopped and hurried back. “Do you work for me? Do you work at the CIB?” Adam asked. “Yes sir, I do.” “What time are you supposed to resume? No, don’t answer that. Go to your office and type a termination notice for yourself and every other person who works in that office.” Adam looked at her eyes widen in surprise. “Sir please.” “You know what, that’s too harsh. Type a query letter for everyone and I want their replies on my desk before I come back. Anyone who is not in by the time I’m back should not bother to come in ever again.” Adam walked off with the lady staring after him. Kate looked at Adam and smiled. “That was something.” “Are you sure you still want to work for me?” *** Adam was used to seeing big Abuja houses on his daily routes now but he rarely saw the inside of one. The Galadimas’ house looked impressive from the outside but stepping inside the house blew his mind. He thought Senator Adeshina’s house was awesome, but even that house looked like a cottage compared to this one. He looked at Kate, she wasn’t as taken by the house. “Don’t you think this place is amazing?” Adam asked. “Oh, it is. I’m just more pre-occupied by what we are about to do.” “We – no, I am here to question a suspect, all you have to do is listen and write.” “A suspect?” She lowered her voice. “You want to accuse the son of General Galadima of murder in his own house?” Adam looked at her for a few seconds, why was she bothered about that? He heard approaching footsteps and he looked up. The general walked into the room, Adam and Kate sprung to their feet. The general was accompanied by another old man. He could swear the other man was a general too. “Welcome detective.” General Galadima said, stretching his hands to shake him. “Good morning General.” Adam shook the hand. And quickly added. “I’m sorry for your loss.” The other man shook Adam and they both sat, completely ignoring Kate. Adam sat and Kate joined him. “This is my assistant, Kate Adeshina.” They both grunted. If the name Adeshina meant anything to them they did not show it. “I understand you’re the one working this case?” It was the other man who spoke first. “Yes sir, I am.” “Good. Forget about the IG or whoever your boss is. If you need anything to help you catch the person who killed my daughter, you must come to us.” “Your daughter?” Adam said before he could catch himself. “You don’t know him?” General Galadima asked. He obviously could not believe there was anybody in Abuja who did not know his almighty friend. “I’m sorry, I just did not recognize him.” Adam wished he had studied the victim’s family more. “As I was saying, if there’s anything you need, come to us. You must understand that we want this wrapped up on time.” General Abubakar continued. “Yes sir.” Adam said. “Thank you. We will be talking to you later.” General Galadima said and they both stood. He had not even seen the person he came to see and they were dismissing him? “Sir, how is Hameed? I will like to talk to him.” Adam said. “You don’t have to, we will pass your condolences to him.” General Galadima said and turned away. “Sir, I have some questions for him.” Adam said. “Questions?” “Yes sir. We are just trying to cover our bases here and Hameed was her fiancé so…” “Wait a minute detective, are you accusing my son of…?” The general looked at him like he had just invoked Satan in a mosque. “Well sir…” Kate elbowed Adam and cut him off. “No sir, Hameed is definitely not a suspect, we just believe he will know people who might have wanted to harm Senator Halima.” The generals looked at Kate and back at Adam. “Hameed will be at your office to talk to you.” General Galadima said. “I hope you have some information before the end of the day.” “After the autopsy today we will have a cause of death sir.” Adam said. “Autopsy?” General Abubakar asked. “There will be no autopsy. My daughter has been buried already.” Adam opened his mouth and for a few seconds considered letting out some anger at the general. How did they bury the body without him knowing? “Sir, without knowing the cause of death we won’t have the best chance of finding her killer.” “Well, you have to find your cause of death another way. Nobody will desecrate my daughter’s body any further.” The men walked into the house with Adam looking after them, mouth agape. “What just happened?” Adam looked at Kate. She picked her bag and stood from the chair. “You just got owned Detective. Welcome to Abuja.” *** Adam looked at the pile of responses on his table, packed them and dumped them in the garbage bin. He was not about to spend any time reading a bunch of insincere apologies from his lazy staff. He had bigger things to worry about. He could not find out what killed the victim or talk to his first suspect because a general decided that was the way he wanted it. If Hameed did not come in by the end of the day, he would damn the consequences and have him arrested. A knock on the door interrupted his thoughts. “Come in.” Kate pushed the door open and entered. “One of the detectives is back.” She said. “Send him in.” He had sent his detectives out to find everyone who had ever dated Senator Halima. Anyone who did not have a solid alibi was to be booked as a suspect and investigated. He was surprised that any of them was back so early. Especially as he had given them an earful on discipline and hard work. The door opened and the detective entered. Adam had been surprised to find out the man was a detective. He looked like he could not slap a mosquito much less shoot a gun. “Detective Bawa.” “Good afternoon sir.” The detective said and saluted. “You’re back so soon.” “Yes sir. I was supposed to investigate Adeolu Bankole. He dated her when he was a footballer playing here in the Nigerian league, about eight years ago. He has since signed for a Dutch club and he was on the field in Holland when the murder happened.” “Easy day for you then, huh?” “Yes sir.” “What do you want then? Please don’t tell me you want to go home now. You all came late for crying out loud.” “No sir, that’s not why I’m here.” “So what is it Detective?” “Sir, some years ago before I became a cop, I used to live with my grandmother in Bida.” Where was he going with this? “Go on please.” There was a knock on the door. The door opened and Kate entered. “Hameed Galadima is here.” “Tell him to wait, I’m in a meeting.” Adam said. “I can come back sir.” Detective Bawa said. “Weren’t you telling me an important story about your childhood?” “No sir… I mean, yes sir. It’s not really about my childhood… I mean, I was a child but… I will come back sir.” The detective stood and scurried away. Adam shook his head, he was a queer one. “Send him in Kate.” Adam said. Kate left the room. Adam was not sure how to proceed with the questioning. Should he come out and accuse him of murder straight forward? Diplomacy was not his strong suit. Tola covered that side of the partnership. The door opened and two men walked in followed by the scent of one of the strongest perfume ever made. Kate followed them in. He recognised Hameed but he did not know who the other man was. He was not sure which of the men was the bee magnet. “This is Hameed Abubakar and his friend or lawyer, I suppose.” Kate said. “I’m his Uncle. My name is Hassan Mohammed, honourable member of the House of Representatives.” “He’s my friend.” Hameed said. “Yeah, his uncle and his friend. And part-time lawyer. I’m here as a friend though.” “Please sit.” Adam said. “I will be outside if you need anything.” Kate said and opened the door. “No Kate, I want you to stay.” Adam dragged a chair and placed it beside him. “Come and sit here.” He knew it was not a mistake or a coincidence that the friend or uncle had mentioned he was a lawyer. He knew he had to tread carefully, he needed Kate for that. “Mr Hameed, I’m terribly sorry for your loss. I know you must feel terrible right now.” Adam said. “You don’t know how I feel.” Hameed said. “Have you ever lost the love of your life?” “I’m sorry but no.” Adam said. “Then you don’t know how I feel. Hassan here lost his fiance too, but not even he can know how I feel.” “I’m sorry for your loss.” Adam said to Hassan. “It was a long time ago. And I understand what Hameed is saying, my fiance had an accident, his was murdered.” “I lost my mother to a murderer once,” Kate talked for the first time. “It will get better with time, I know that from experience.” “Thank you.” Hameed said. “Kate, right?” “Yeah.” Kate said and smiled. “Okay, it’s protocol that I ask this question. Where were you at the time of the murder Mr Hameed?” Adam asked. Adam watched Hameed’s eyes dart around for a while. “Can you remember Hameed?” “I was with some friends at a club.” “Okay.” Adam said. He already knew finding an alibi won’t be too difficult for him. “Do you know if your fiancée was seeing someone else?” Hameed jumped from his seat and kicked the garbage can, paper flying in all directions. “Halima loved me! She did not cheat on me!” Hameed shouted. “Calm down please, Mr Hameed.” Adam said. “Hameed, sit down.” Honourable Hassan said. “They’re only trying to help here.” Hameed sat and crossed his arms. “I will still like an answer to my question please.” Adam said, holding Hameed’s stare. “I won’t answer that question.” “I’m sorry but if she was having an affair, whoever she was having it with will be our number one suspect right now. Apart from you, I mean.” “Look detective,” Hassan said. “This is difficult for Hameed. There have been rumours of Halima seeing other people but she loved Hameed and those rumours were never proven.” “There are pictures online, or what sort of proof are you talking about?” “Pictures of what? Did you see her in bed with anyone? Since when did online rumour mongers become a reliable source of information?” Adam stared at both men. They were obviously aware that Halima had affairs but they were not going to admit it. If Halima was seeing someone else, he would have to find that information somewhere else. “Do you know anyone who might have wanted to kill Senator Halima?” Kate asked. “When you’re a politician, there are several people who want to kill you.” Hassan said. “Your constituents, your opposition, your own family.” “You’re telling me there are hundreds of people who could have killed her?” Adam asked. “Welcome to Abuja.” Hassan said. “One more person tells me ‘welcome to Abuja’ and I will shoot something.” Adam said under his breath. “Can I go now?” Hameed asked. Adam did not feel like letting him go but he knew there was no point keeping him. He could not force him to talk, except he arrested him. That could not happen either, there was no evidence. “You can go. If you have any information for us, please be sure to contact us.” Adam said. Kate handed a card to Hameed, but Hassan collected it. “Thank you for your help. We wish you all the best with your investigations.” Hassan said. Adam watched them leave. He was not closer to finding the killer than he was in the morning. “I can’t believe today is almost over and I have made no progress.” Adam said. “Welcome to…” “Don’t say it. I may live in Abuja but I am not of Abuja. Where I’m from, we get things done.” “Hmhmm.” Kate said. She was looking at her phone intently. Adam watched her for a while then asked. “What are you looking at?” “You need to see this, I may have just found our killer.” . . . . Tbc
28 Jan 2016 | 11:50
Found the killer by this time of the day (too early with 2 episode nah).... Na joncing hold Kate... Abeg no mind her, Adam... More Lord!!!!!!!!
28 Jan 2016 | 15:51
i dey follow though i no read seaaon 1
28 Jan 2016 | 17:00
God wil help u ooo.....n protect ur pregnant wife
29 Jan 2016 | 03:24
Found d killer this early??/...I doubt DAT......wah's wif this welcome to Abuja sef mtcheew.
29 Jan 2016 | 06:40
Who do we trust here? Hammeed looks lyk he az something fishy under his sleeve.... Kate! I dnt trust her dat much oo. She jst surfaced in d crime scene almost immediately and forced herself 2 bcome yr PA
29 Jan 2016 | 06:52
Great write up.following
29 Jan 2016 | 07:19
Hmmmmm following bumper to bumper
29 Jan 2016 | 11:01
Hmmmmm following bumper to bumper
29 Jan 2016 | 11:01
29 Jan 2016 | 12:52
hahahaha why everybody dey disagree with Kate nah....
29 Jan 2016 | 21:18
I stronqly believe that Hameed had some info about Halima and need to be in police custody.... But the two families are above the law...
30 Jan 2016 | 02:00
@kingsbest.... If u have read d season1, u will see where kate offered to work under him after he recued her from his abductor when she was kidnapped but Adams rejected the offer.
30 Jan 2016 | 02:06
welcome to abuja detective;i suspect hameed and his family.
30 Jan 2016 | 05:35
30 Jan 2016 | 17:33
30 Jan 2016 | 17:34
31 Jan 2016 | 08:30
Episode 3 . . . . . Adam collected the phone from Kate and read without saying a word. He finished reading and gave the phone back to her. His investigation was about to get tougher. “Okay, now we have another suspect, it is time to put up a board.” Kate nodded and left the room. Adam knew that if he started what he was about to do, there was no way he was going to get home on time. Ese was angry when he left the house, it will stupid to make it worse by getting home late. Kate entered the room with a whiteboard and some markers. “I want you to print out the pictures of our two suspects.” Adam said. “Way ahead of you.” She said waving two pictures in the air and handing them to Adam. Adam collected the pictures and pasted them on the board. “So now we have two suspects. Suspect one; Hameed Galadima. Son of wealthy general and fiance of victim. Has unverified alibi, and has strong motive to commit. Probably has means and opportunity too.” “Suspect number two; Senator Sunday Bello. Senator of the federal republic, opposition senator to victim and open antagonist.” The case of Senator Bello was curious. He was opposed to a bill Senator Halima was co-sponsoring but he was not just opposed to the bill, it looked like he had an axe to grind with Halima. It was strange that despite Halima’s death he was not relenting on going after her. “What is this man’s problem with Halima exactly?” Adam asked. “I’m trying to find out.” Kate said, scrolling through pages on her phone. “I can’t seem to find why he hates her so much.” “We pay him a visit then.” “You want to question him?” Kate asked. “You need to calm down Kate. These guys are humans and if I don’t question them, who will?” “All I’m saying is…” She was cut off by Adam’s ringing phone. Adam looked at the phone, the number calling was not familiar. “Hello, Detective Ademola here.” “Detective, I heard you accused the fiance of the victim of murdering her. Is that true?” Adam looked at his phone, he had no idea who was talking. “Please who is this?” “Detective Nnamdi Uba, we met at the crime scene.” “Oh yeah. The lap dog.” “Excuse me?” “Detective Nnamdi, what can I do for you?” “I already asked you a question. Did you accuse the grieving fiance of the victim of murder? Adam chuckled. “I don’t see how that is your problem. I’m running an investigation and I can’t do much if I’m always on the phone, can I? I’m going to hang up now.” “Do not hang up! I’m acting on orders of the Inspector General.” “Really? He told you to ask if I accused the victim’s fiance of murder?” “Look, I know you think you’re a star because you solved that case in Kwara state but this is Abuja, things work differently here.” “Oh, so that is what this is all about Nnamdi?” “It is Detective Nnamdi.” “Look Nnamdi, let me catch the killer first, then you can come to the press conference and take some pictures.” Adam ended the call and shook his head. “These guys don’t know who they’re dealing with.” He muttered. His phone rang again, it was the same number. Adam smiled. “Nnamdi, I thought we were done.” “It is Detective Nnamdi and we are not done. The IG wants you at his office tomorrow by 8:00am tomorrow.” “Really Nnamdi, you had to bring the IG into this? Tell him I’ll be in his office by 8 am.” Adam ended the call and threw the phone on the table. “You’re going to see the IG?” Kate asked. “Yes I am. But before then, I need to find out why Senator Bello hated Senator Halima so much.” “Tonight?” “I will leave that battle till tomorrow. I have another battle to fight at home.” “With Aunty Ese?” “Forget the IG, the battle with Ese, that’s the one I need to win.” *** Adam walked into the house, treading carefully. He knew walking quietly was not the solution to his problem, quitting the case was. He loved his wife but he did not want to quit the case, even if he could. Catching the killer already meant something to him. He entered the living room, it was empty. She rarely went into the kitchen since she got pregnant, it made her nauseated so she was probably in the bedroom. He was not sure if the ban from the bedroom the night before extended till today. He had to find out one way or another. He got to the bedroom door and knocked. He waited for an answer but did not get one. She could be asleep, or in the bathroom. Or the silence was a subtle way of telling him to get lost. He let out breath he had not realised he had been holding and pushed the door open. The room was empty. “Ese?” He called out. “Yes dear.” Her voice came from the bathroom. Adam sighed, she was fine. Adam began unbuttoning his shirt. She came out of the bathroom and Adam turned around to see her. Adam paused and smiled. She was dressed in a beautiful flower-patterned flowing gown. Her hair was fixed and she had makeup on. Adam had not seen his wife glowing that much in a while. “You look awemazing.” “I know, right? I was just admiring myself.” She said, her face lighting up with a smile. “So, what’s the occasion? Where are you going?” “Just a date with a handsome young man.” “You had me at handsome then lost me at young.” Adam said, walking towards her. “Who is this guy you’re going out with?” “Well, you might have heard of him actually. He is a cop, runs the CIB here in Abuja.” “Oh.” “Yeah, he currently took a case against the wish of his wife.” “That was definitely a stupid thing to do. I’m sure he wouldn’t have if his boss had not instructed him to take the case. Is there any chance you would forgive him?” “Why do you think there is a big bowl of iyan and efo riro on the dinning table waiting for him?” Adam pulled her close and kissed her. “You know he loves pounded yam.” Ese smiled. “I know he does. Now let’s go before it gets cold. I also know you don’t like cold food.” “Oh come on, why did you drop the third person, I was enjoying it.” “Really? Then we can put that to good use later.” She said and winked. One hour later and the food was finished and they were back in the bedroom. Adam could feel Ese watching him and he knew what she was doing. She wanted to know if he was going to bring the case home with him. She was right to think so. He was staring at the TV but the case kept creeping into his mind. He could not let her know though, he had promised as soon as he entered the house he would be Adam the husband and potential father, not the detective. “How is the case coming?” Ese asked. “Are you sure you want me to talk about the case at home?” “You’re itching to talk about it, so do.” Adam smiled and told her all he knew. She was a journalist, maybe there was something she could see that he wasn’t seeing. “I have one challenge with your theory about Senator Bello.” Ese said. “What’s that?” “There’s no way she slept with him and what you described does not look like a rape. It looked like she went into that car willingly.” She had a point. He had always imagined that whoever killed her was a lover; someone she willingly had sex with. There was a smile on her dead face. “You are right but maybe he hired someone to do it.” “Hired someone who she was already sleeping with? That’s a little farfetched.” It was. Still he had to talk to the senator, there was something about the man. Ese adjusted the pillow and pulled the covers closer to her chin. “Please close this case on time.” Adam kissed her on the cheek. “I will, I promise.” “And please don’t come home late anymore like you did last night.” “I promise I won’t.” “Then you won’t sleep on the couch anymore.” “Thank you ma’am, good night.” In a couple of minutes Adam could hear her steady breathing, she was asleep. He stared at the ceiling, he wanted to sleep but he could not. He could not forget the look on the victim. She had died happy or at least thought she was happy. It was nothing like the church street murders but it was murder all the same. The church street killer was a serial killer who was detached from his victims and murdered them brutally. This killer knew and had sex with his victim. Most crimes done by lovers were passionate; stab wounds, strangulation or suffocation but this was not like that. It was subtle, maybe premeditated too. His phone rang and dove for it. He hit the ‘silent’ button as fast as he could. He looked at Ese, she did not wake up. He got out of bed as quietly as he could and left the room. He looked at the phone, it was Kate. “Kate, it’s kind of late.” “I just got a call from Hameed Galadima.” “What did he want?” “He said he knows who killed his fiancee – Senator Bello.” “How does he know that?” “He didn’t tell me why but he is headed to the Senator’s house as we speak to confront him.” “Stupid boy.” Adam said under his breath. “Let him go. He probably won’t get in anyway.” “The problem is if the senator is the killer and Hameed does something stupid, we may never be able to investigate the senator anymore.” “What do you want me to do? It is already late and Ese is already asleep.” “Okay, I hope nothing bad happens then.” “Yeah.” Adam said and ended the call. He shook his head and headed towards to the room. He could not see Hameed as the killer. He was too stupid to do something as subtle as killing without leaving a visible trace. Adam placed his hand on the door handle to open it when his phone rang again. He looked at the phone, he did not recognise the number. He answered the call. “Hello.” “Are you watching the TV right now?” “No. Who is this?” “This is Detective Nnamdi.” “Nnamdi, two calls in a day? Are you obssessed with me already?” “Right now on TV, there is a live feed of Hameed and a couple of thugs banging away and throwing things at Senator Bello’s house. Did you know about this or why this is happening?” “No. Is this why you called me?” “General Danjuma just called the IG and now the IG wants you to sort it.” “Do you know what time it is? Can you just send someone else to sort it?” “The IG wants it all sorted in two hours, I will call you back in 120 minutes. Goodbye detective.” He heard the dial tone and the call ended. Adam looked at his watch, it was almost ten pm. He considered not going but it was not smart to ignore the Inspector General just because he detested his errand boy. But then there was Ese. He entered the bedroom, she was still asleep. She had already told him to come in late, he wondered how she would feel if he left the house this late. He opened the wardrobe and picked out a shirt and a pair of jeans. He closed the wardrobe and stole a peek at Ese, she was still asleep. Maybe he could be back before she woke up. He had to be, sleeping on the couch for one night was something. Sleeping on the couch for another consecutive night was something else. Husband and potential father Adam was going to have to make sacrifices if Detective Adam was going to be a success. He wore his clothes and ‘detective Adam’ stepped out hoping ‘husband Adam’ would still be safe when he returned. *** Adam drove into Asokoro and immediately knew things were not good. The press were having the time of their lives as Senator Bello had come out of the house. Adam could not figure out exactly what the Senator was saying to Hameed but he was not saying it calmly and Hameed was not loving what he was hearing. Adam came down from his car and hurried towards the scene. He would love to avoid the press but they had all angle covered, there was nothing he could do about it. He had a plan and it was to remove Hameed from the scene – get in and get out. He knew it was easier thought than done but it was his best chance. He walked into the chaos and went straight to Hameed. “Hameed, I’m here now, let’s go.” Adam said. “Go where?” Hameed shouted. “Are you not here to arrest the man who killed my wife?” Adam leaned closer to him. “Hameed, if you have any evidence against him, we will investigate him.” “Investigate? Which investigation? If you’re not going to arrest him now please leave me.” Adam looked at Hameed, he could not be reasoned with. He could arrest him and remove him forcefully but it would only cause more problems. The only thing to do was for Senator to return into his house. Why was he so shameless in joining issues with Hameed? There was something about this man, something he needed to find out. “Senator, my name is Detective Ademola.” “I know who you are.” The senator said. “Are you here to arrest me like that lunatic wants?” “I don’t know Senator. Did you kill Senator Halima?” The man froze and stared at Adam. Adam held his gaze. “You haven’t answered my question Senator.” “I will not answer that question. You can arrest me if you want but know today is your last day in Abuja.” “Okay sir. I will not arrest you but can we go inside and talk? If he – Hameed does not see you anymore, he won’t have a choice but to leave.” “I will go in but you’re not coming with me. I don’t like you.” “I’m glad one of us finally said it. You don’t like me and I don’t like you either. But the only way to make sure you don’t see me again is to talk to me now.” The senator grunted and marched back into his house. “Where are you going?” Hameed screamed. “Come back you murderer!” Adam walked to Hameed. “Go home and come to the office tomorrow.” “I’m not coming to your office. That man killed my wife, arrest him now.” “Go home Hameed.” Adam said and left him. There was a certainty to the way he said the senator killed his fiancee. Maybe he was not just a lunatic ranting. Well, there was one way to find out. Adam followed the senator into his house and into his living room. “Let’s get this overwith. What do you want?” Senator Bello asked. “Where were you on the night Senator Halima was killed?” “I was here at home.” “Can anybody collaborate that story?” “The house staff can.” Adam paused and observed the man. He looked really drained from his escapade with Hameed, almost pitiable. “Senator, you are a respected member of the senate, one of the strongest members of your party…” “Where are you going with this?” “Why did you have such a big problem with Senator Halima? What was your beef with her exactly?” “Beef with her? Do you know anything about politics or how we run the senate?” “Not really.” Adam said. “Look, there’s a way the senate works. It has been that way for years and it will continue to be that way. Halima did not understand that. She thought she could just come, open her legs for a few men and challenge people like me.” Open her legs? Did this have anything to do with her reputation? “What did she do exactly? I don’t know much about the bill she’s sponsoring but…” “It’s not about the bill, it’s about the way she went about it. Nobody in the senate supported her in the beginning…” “She is co-sponsoring so I’m assuming at least one person supported her.” Senator Bello scoffed. “Of course Dafe supported her, they were lovers and everbody knew it.” “Her co-sponsor is sleeping with her?” Adam asked. “Everybody slept with that girl.” “Everybody but you?” The Senator jumped to his feet. “Don’t insult me in my own house. I did not and will never sleep with a slut like that.” Adam sighed. There was still something about this man he was yet to figure out. “I’m sure you will not sleep with her as she is dead.” Senator Bello returned to his seat. “Senator, did you know Senator Halima before she became a senator?” The senator shifted in his seat. “Everybody knew her because of her father. And she has been sleeping around the senate chambers before she became a senator herself.” “So you knew her?” “Not personally. Are we done here? I have things to do.” “I have just one last question sir…” Adam started then his phone rang. “Excuse me please.” It was a text from Kate. Adam read it, trying his best not to reveal anything on his face. “Okay sir, my last question. Are you married sir?” Adam asked. “No, why?” “Were you ever married?” “No but what does that have to do with anything?” “Why are you not married sir? Were you engaged at any point?” Senator Bello stood. “I think your time here is done. You have asked your last question, it’s time to leave.” “Okay sir.” Adam said and stood. “Can I just read the text I just got to you?” “No.” “I’ll read it anyway. It says ‘Sir, guess who Halima jilted on the day of their wedding?…’ I’m sure you know the answer to that question Senator. So you didn’t know her personally sir?” Senator Bello looked at Adam and sank back into his chair. . . . . . . Tbc
31 Jan 2016 | 16:54
The senator is a suspect... He has threaten u if u arrest him, the next day will be ur end in abuja... Also text u qot 4rm kate.
1 Feb 2016 | 02:53
New episode here. @Tenniebenson @Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse- one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T- Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict- Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm-vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @fortunate1 @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C- Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail- com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Coolbaby @Jokqees @Victoriouschild
4 Feb 2016 | 02:07
thanks thanks @ebube for the call .. im not sure that senator is the killer.. following though
4 Feb 2016 | 04:32
tanks @ebube for dey tag :-) this senator halima is a disgrace how could she be sleeping with everybody
4 Feb 2016 | 05:03
Pls consistent update now
4 Feb 2016 | 06:15
Haha..something ain't right here..Halima jilted senator Bello on their wedding day,maybe the rage made the man murder her Or so i thought..
4 Feb 2016 | 08:00
It may not be the senator,,, although he never like Halima someone might have committed the crime knowing that the senator will be the number one suspect.
4 Feb 2016 | 08:58
Episode 4 . . . . . . . “I do not care who he is.” Adam shouted into the phone. “Listen up Nnamdi, I understand here in Abuja you can get away with anything once you are a politician but I don’t care about that. He is a suspect and I am investigating him.” Adam ended the call and threw the phone on the table. “What was that?” Kate asked. “That was Nnamdi the lap dog trying to bully me into dropping the senator as a suspect.” Adam said. “That guy is a joker.” “You got that right. All we have to do now is find evidence to confirm he killed Senator Halima.” Adam’s phone rang and he looked at it. “It’s Nnamdi calling again. I would have blocked his line if I was sure he won’t one day have an important information from the IG.” “That day may be today, so answer it.” Adam picked the call. “Nnamdi, what is… oh.” After listening for almost a minute, he removed the phone from his ear and dropped it on his table. “You look…different.” Kate said. “That was the Inspector General.” “Really? And?” “He just told me to drop Senator Bello. He said he can vouch for him, he wants a list of other suspects on his table by noon today.” Adam knew perfectly what was going on. Everyone was out to show him they ruled the city and he was just a pawn who had no choice but to serve the officers. “What are you going to do?” Kate asked. “Same thing we would have done if that call had not come in; investigate.” “Okay. And the list of suspects?” “I’ll give them one when I have one.” “I think we need one now. It’s bad enough that we’ll keep investigating Senator Bello but refusing to give them a list is just plain looking for trouble.” Adam stayed quiet for a few seconds. Maybe she had a point. He wanted top brass off his back, he had to give them something to keep them busy. “Kate, get all the top level detectives in here now.” Kate nodded and left the room. Adam leaned back in his chair and sighed. Senator Bello had laughed him out of his house with such confidence it annoyed him. Now he knew why he was so confident, not many criminals had the number one cop behind them. The case had just started and he already felt like he was running into walls everywhere he turned. And then there was Ese. He dialled her number and put it on speaker. She answered the call almost immediately it rang. “Adam?” “Sweetheart, I’m sorry for…” Adam started to say. “Adam, were you shot?” Adam looked at the phone with a raised eyebrow. “No.” “Were you stabbed?” “No, I wasn’t.” “Was your car blown up?” “Ese, come on.” “I told you not to call me except you were dying. What part of that didn’t you get?” “I’m sorry dear. I promise…” He was interrupted by the door opening. The detectives he sent for had arrived. “I’m sorry dear, I have to go. I’ll call you later.” “The case is calling you, right? You can’t even complete an apology. Good bye.” “Ese…” The call ended and Adam pushed the phone away. “Gentlemen…” Adam started and saw a lady. “And lady. The Senator’s case is dragging, I need suspects. Usually I’m perfectly capable of getting my own suspects but I’m on a deadline here. I need a list of suspects on my table in one hour.” “Sir,” One of the detectives raised his hand. “One hour is short sir. Some of us are not caught up on the case.” “That’s great Detective.” Adam said. “I will come see you in the office later to tell you all you need to know. For now you can leave my office and go play with the secretaries.” “I’m sorry sir.” The detective said. “No, I mean it. Go and play with them and maybe I can come explain the case to all of you when it is convenient for you.” “I’m sorry sir.” “Get out of my office.” Adam shouted. The detective walked out quietly out of the door. Adam followed him to the door and held it. “In fact, I want all of you out. Give me my list of suspects in one hour or don’t bother coming back to work here.” They filed out and Adam slammed the door behind them. Adam caught Kate looking at him but he avoided her gaze. Finally she said. “They didn’t deserve that.” “Maybe they didn’t. I don’t deserve what Ese is doing either. What does she want me to do? Quit my job and become a newspaper vendor?” “Newspaper vendors are busier than you think.” “What is the point of being head of CIB when I can’t head CIB?” “You have to give her time, she’ll come around.” “I don’t think so. She wants me to give her time and then be the one to do the coming around also.” “Maybe you should delegate more so you can spend more time with her.” Adam wanted to reply her but there was no point. He was not going to delegate a case so important to his survival in Abuja. If he screwed this one up he could as well say goodbye to his chances of remaining head of the CiB here. “Let’s discuss something more relevant please.” Adam said. “What are the chances that Senator Bello didn’t do it?” “He had motive.” Kate said. “But why now? It’s been years since she humiliated him. Why didn’t he do anything since?” “Maybe he was planning it.” “Does he look like someone who can plan something like that? Even though we can’t be sure she had sex with her murderer because we didn’t have an autopsy, I strongly believe she was intimate with her killer.” Kate scoffed. “It’s definitely not the Senator then.” “I can’t believe we are actually trying to prove he is innocent.” “Well, he’s a jerk but that is not punishable by law. At least not yet.” “Hameed is the only suspect we have left.” Adam said. A knock sounded on the door. It opened and the detective Adam had sent out entered. “I’m not taking an apology from you.” Adam said immediately the detective entered. “I’m not here to apologise, you already insulted me.” Adam paused and stared at the detective. “So are you here to get an apology from me?” “I wouldn’t mind one but that’s not why I’m here.” Adam looked at Kate, she shrugged and Adam looked back at the detective. “What’s your name detective?” “Samson sir. Samson Adefila.” “You are appropriately named Detective Samson. You are right though, you shouldn’t be apologising to me. I apologise to you, I shouldn’t have talked to you like that.” “I appreciate that sir.” “Good. Except you are waiting for a hug I suggest you state your business.” “Something I read about Senator Halima’s murder caught my attention.” Detective Samson said. “It was familiar, I have seen this before.” “You have seen this before? Seen what?” “The report said Senator Halima was found naked in her car.” “Yes she was. You’re saying you know someone else killed and left naked in their car?” Adam asked, his heart thumping. Was this a serial killer? “No sir.” “Oh.” Adam said, somewhat disappointed. “Go straight to the point detective.” “The report said she was found with a smile on her face. That’s what caught my attention.” “The smile on her face? You know about that? I thought you weren’t caught up.” “What I meant by caught up was…” “I don’t care Samson. Tell me where else you saw this smile.” “I worked a case a little over a year ago. The victim was a prostitute. She was found in a park in her birthday suit and a smile on her face.” “A smile on her face, huh?” Adam asked. “Yes sir. I didn’t write this in my official report but I can clearly remember that smile. It was the strangest thing I had ever seen.” “Are you saying we have a serial killer here?” Kate asked. “I doubt it because the killer from the last murder is still in jail.” Detective Samson said. “Jail? So it couldn’t have been the same killer then.” Adam said. ”Thank you but…” “Sir, we could have had the wrong guy then. I told the prosecuting lawyers we didn’t have enough to convict him but the guy did not have a good lawyer and he was convicted without much evidence.” Adam looked at the detective, he looked really convinced about what he was saying. Was it possible the two women were killed by the same person? Was it possible the killing of the senator was not personal? “Don’t you think a serial killer will be stupid to target a senator?” Adam asked. “Yeah, it will only draw attention to him.” Kate said. “Maybe the killer thought we will not find the connection sir. It’s been over a year.” Finding a killer was demanding. Finding a serial one was going to take all of him. Adam stood and headed for the door. “Let’s go to your office Detective, I want to know all about your smiling prostitute.” *** Adam looked at the list his detectives had given him and set it on the table. Some of the names on it were completely stupid, some made sense but it was not his concern. Nnamdi and his boss wanted a list, they could have one. “Thank you people. There is something else I want from you though.” Adam said. Kate passed a printed document around. “I could have sent this to your mails, but I don’t want any excuses so you have them in hard copy. It is a case file, read it carefully and find any cases that happened in the past ten years that looks similar.” Adam said. “Do you think Senator Halima’s murder could be part of a series of murders?” One of the detectives asked. “You are a very smart man.” Adam said. “Yes, we are trying to make sure it is not.” “We found another victim who died under the same circumstances, we are trying to be sure we don’t have others .” Detective Samson said. “You heard the man, let’s get to work.” Adam said. The detectives filed out of the room. A part of him hoped the killer was not a serial one, that would probably mean more deaths. But more deaths meant a better chance of understanding him and maybe catching him. “Detective Samson, you have to speak to the man convicted of your smiling prostitute’s murder. Listen to him this time, find out if he did it. I don’t want to take any chances here.” Adam said. The detective nodded and left the room. “Uncle, you should call Aunty Ese.” Kate said. “I will but you know I haven’t exactly been playing around here.” “I know. The sooner you call her the better though.” Adam picked the list of suspects and handed it to Kate. “I want you to go drop this list at the IG’s office.” “All of them? Even the bogus ones?” “They wanted a list, this is a list. It’s nothing more than a power play, they won’t use the list for anything.” “Okay, I will.” Kate headed for the door, then turned back. “Call your wife, as soon as you can.” Adam nodded and she left the room. He leaned back into his chair. He knew there was no way he could be at home as much as Ese wanted. He always had something to do. Wait, you have nothing doing now. It was true, he had people handling his business at the moment, he could spend sometime with Ese. He dialled her number and waited. She did not answer the call. He dialled again. He knew Ese, if he could get her to sit down and talk about how she felt she would forgive more easily. She still did not answer. Maybe he should just go home and hope she is indoors and in a good mood. He stood from his chair and started to pack his files. He was almost done when his phone rang. Ese? He looked at the phone, it was not Ese. He did not know the number. “Hello, Detective Ademola here.” Adam said. “You’re the one on Senator Halima’s case, right?” The man on the line asked. “Are you a reporter?” “I am Senator Dafe, you know me, right?” Adam smiled. These politicians and their obsessive need to be known by everyone. “No Senator, I don’t know you.” “I imagined I was one of your suspects, I guess I was wrong.” “Why will you be a…” Senator Dafe? Halima’s co- sponsor? ”Oh my, Senator, good afternoon.” “Sounds like you know who I am now. And you’re sure I’m not one of your suspects?” Adam paused. Maybe the man was right, maybe he should be a suspect. But no real killer will call to volunteer himself as a suspect. “What can I do for you Senator?” Adam asked. “I might be able to close your case for you, I know who killed Halima.” “You do?” Adam rolled his eyes. “Yes I do.” “Alright Senator, who killed Senator Halima?” “I can’t tell you over the phone. If I tell you without any evidence, will you believe me?” “Not really.” Adam said. “Good, so come over and I’ll tell you who.” The senator sounded confident. “Are you sure about this sir?” “It’s all a matter of ‘I can’t get the girl, nobody gets the girl’.” “Text me your address and I’ll be there as soon as I can.” Adam said. “Don’t hurry, I’m in no hurry either. The killer doesn’t even know I know it’s him.” “I’ll be with you in twenty minutes.” Adam looked at his gathered files. He was supposed to be going home to Ese but if he could close the case tonight she won’t mind the few hours of waiting. He hurried out of the office, he could not wait to close the case. *** Adam came out of the car and slammed the door. He banged the gate and gave the guard a snarl when he asked who he was. He entered the house and went up the stairs, he entered the living room and started to pace. He looked around the room and saw all the proudly displayed pictures. He thought of storming out of the room but he knew he would be back before the end of the day, there was no point. “Detective, I am not happy with you.” Adam turned around to face General Galadima. ‘I am very angry with you’ he wanted to say but he just stared at the general. “I thought we had an agreement detective.” The General continued. “You said I should come to you if I need anything, I don’t need anything yet.” Adam said. “And there was nothing in the agreement that said you will send soldiers to forcefully bring me to your house when you wanted.” “I’m sorry about that detective but I called you and you were not answering your phone.” “I didn’t answer because I was on my way to…” Adam stopped. It was better if the General did not know where he was going. “What do you want General? Why am I here?” “Do you have suspects you are looking at Detective?” “Well, we do. No concrete suspects yet though.” “So you don’t have a compiled list of suspects?” “No, we don’t have…” Oh, this is about the bogus list sent to the IG? “Sir, if you are talking about the list sent to the IG, I promise you it’s not too important.” “The IG? I’m talking about the list all over the news that has Hameed’s name on it.” What! “What?” “Why will you send a list that has my son’s name on it to the press without letting us know about it? Why will you even send it to the press?” “I don’t know because I didn’t send it.” Damn you Nnamdi! “It doesn’t matter if you did. There’s a list and it has my son’s name on it.” “I’m sorry about that General but like I said, I didn’t do this. I have to go now though, I have so much to do.” “I understand Detective. But we have to do something about the bad press this could bring to this family.” “Bad press?” Adam asked. “We are talking about finding the person who killed your son’s fiancee; your friend’s daughter.” “Yes and we will find the killer. Right now, I have set up a press conference for you where you declare the list as fake and clear my son’s name.” Adam looked at the general and laughed. He had heard a lot of ridiculous things in the past few days but what the general was suggesting was fighting for the most ridiculous of all. “I’m sorry sir but…” He started to say but he was cut off by his phone. He removed the phone from his pocket, it was Senator Dafe. “Hello Senator, I’m sorry I’ll be with you very soon.’” Adam said. “Detective, hurry up. I think there’s someone in my compound.” He sounded really apprehensive. “Sir, you have a lot of security men…” “Since when has that stopped killers.” “Don’t worry sir, you will be fine.” “No no, I won’t be. I just heard a gunshot. Hurry up detective!” Adam turned to the General, nodded and headed for the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” The general asked. “Detective, there’s someone in the room next to mine. What do I do?” Senator Dafe asked over the phone. “Tell me who killed Senator Halima. I’ll be right over but tell me who it is.” There was no response. Adam looked at the phone, the call was still on. “Senator?” There was no answer. He shouted. “Senator Dafe.” There was a ruffle on the line, and a voice spoke. “Hello.” “Senator Dafe, are you okay?” Adam asked. The voice chuckled. “I’m sorry, Senator Dafe cannot come to the phone right now, he has been upgraded. He is now a senator of the intergalatic assembly.” Adam swallowed. “Where is the senator?” “Didn’t you get it? He is dead.” . . . Tbc
4 Feb 2016 | 11:40
woow! getting interesting
5 Feb 2016 | 03:52
5 Feb 2016 | 04:17
Haaaaaaaaaaaa.....i cant close my mouth
5 Feb 2016 | 07:54
Oya lets go
6 Feb 2016 | 02:35
Bro Adam don't worry I go help you
6 Feb 2016 | 15:11
am sure dis general galadima has smetin to do wit d case abi y is it wen senator has u to com dat was wen d general see to invite u..
6 Feb 2016 | 18:29
haaa...dead kwa..then every body z a suspect..even dat errand boi.
7 Feb 2016 | 06:33
I think I'm suspecting general galadima now
8 Feb 2016 | 13:04
Episode 5 . . . . . Adam slammed the brake and pulled the car to a stop. The engine was barely off when he jumped out of the car and ran into the house. He had arrived fast but still the press had beat him to the Senator’s house. He ignored their silly questions and flashing cameras, he needed to get into the house before everything was ruined. He burst through the door. There were a few people in the room downstairs. More importantly, Kate was already there waiting for him. He was not sure what he would do without her. “Talk to me Kate.” Adam said as soon as he sighted her. “Come with me.” She said. The walked through doors and rooms and up a flight of stairs. There were no people here, he had told Kate to make sure nobody came near the body. They entered the room and Adam saw the it. The body lay in a pool of blood. He had been shot thrice. Once in the stomach and twice in the chest. A wave of anger, guilt and sadness overcame him. He should have been there with the Senator like he said he would. He should have put the General in his place and come to Senator Dafe immediately. “Who entered the room first?” Adam asked, kneeing beside the body. “I did. They didn’t even know he had been killed.” Kate said. Adam looked up at her. “They didn’t hear a gunshot? They didn’t see anything?” Kate shrugged. There was a story there, he would check it later. Was this the work of a professional? It did not look like it. It was safe to assume he was killed by the same person who killed Senator Halima. So maybe this was political after all. “Kate, keep this house under lock down. Nobody comes or leaves until I say so.” “Okay boss.” “And kick out every single journalist here. And I mean that literally” “Okay.” “Tell the first detective to arrive to go around the house and look for the point of entry.” Whoever had killed Senator Dafe had entered somehow and he probably had help. He had to talk to the staff in the house. Adam left the room and headed downstairs, two steps at a time. He was not leaving the house without charging somebody with something. He got into the room where most of the people were gathered. He looked around but was not sure who was what. He climbed a stool and called out. “Listen up. I need to identify everyone in this room.” They all looked up at him. “If you work here, move to my right and if you don’t, move to the left.” Everybody in the room moved to the right. He nodded and came down from the stool. “Look to your right and your left everybody. Who was here in the morning and is no longer here? I want names now.” They all looked around, mumbling and whispering among themselves. “Names people, talk to me.” Adam said. “Sir,” A man, probably in his sixties stepped forward. “We are all here. There is a roster that I can show you.” “Good, I’ll see that roster later. In the meantime, I have some bad news for everyone of you; your boss is dead and one or more of you either did it or helped the person who did.” The mumbling and whispering was louder this time. “The killer entered somehow and the Senator knew something was wrong. He even said he heard a gunshot. And none of you heard any of that?” They looked at each other but nobody said anything. Adam looked across the room, he could see it, they were hiding something. Maybe they knew who the killer was. Maybe he was one of them. “I’m waiting.” Adam said. “And please remember that while you waste my time here, the body of your boss stiffens upstairs.” The old man stepped forward again. “Sir, we don’t know who killed Oga or how they entered.” “Really? And you speak for everybody?” “Yes sir.” “Okay.” Adam said and turned around. “Call your wives and husbands and tell them you won’t be coming home tonight. Or the night after and the one after… well, you get the gist.” “Sir please.” “In fact, I don’t think any of you will go home for a week. No visitors, no bail. And I have to tell you, the food in our cells are terrible.” “Sir, okay. We’ll tell you what happened.” “Oh really? Fantastic. Let’s hear it.” “Every afternoon between the hours of three and five whenever Oga is at home, he spends it alone in his room. We are not allowed to talk to him or disturb him for anything. He doesn’t disturb us either.” The old man said. “Okay, but I don’t hear the name of the killer anywhere in that statement.” “We don’t know who the killer is because we were all in the boys quarters behind the house.” The man said. “All of you?” Adam asked, puzzled. “Yes sir. You see, we have been having some troubles with Oga’s wife and she is coming back from America soon.” “I don’t understand. What sort of trouble?” “Oga, may God rest his soul comes to this house with a lot of women. Madam expects us to stop them from entering and she wants us to tell her about everyone that comes in.” Adam paused and thought about what he just heard. If Senator Dafe slept around it was possible he was sleeping with Senator Halima. If he was supporting Senator Halima’s bill because they were lovers it would give Senator Bello a motive to come after him too. But then how did the killer know to come at the time he did? He had someone on the inside. “Okay, let’s say I buy your story. That does not explain how the killer knew when you were having this meeting. One of you worked with the killer.” “Sir, I swear we don’t have anything to do with it.” The old man said. “Wait, can’t others speak for themselves? This is not a jury, you are not a foreman. Unfortunately, I can’t speak to all of you one by one so you still have to go to jail.” Adam said and headed for the door. They followed him with pleads of ‘we don’t know anything’. One of them knew something, it was just unfortunate they would all have to suffer with that person until he could be fished out. “Wait.” He heard someone call out. He knew he had found his collaborator. Adam stopped and turned to face the people. A lady stepped forward from among her surprised and dazzled co-workers. “You have something to say lady?” “Yes sir.” She said, trembling. “I’m listening.” He listened to her ramble and stutter for ten minutes. When she was done, she was sobbing hard. “You’re sure you didn’t know the man before he talked to you?” Adam asked. “Yes, I swear I didn’t.” The woman mumbled. Adam nodded and walked out of the room. He paused at the door and went back in. “None of you should leave the building until I say so. If you do, I will have you arrested as accessory to this murder. And lady, you’ll have to come with us.” Adam met Kate in the living room, her eyes were glued to the TV. Adam followed her eyes and saw Senator Bello on the TV. He was saying. “Senator Dafe was a fine legislator of the Red Chambers until he joined affairs with a newcomer, someone who caused trouble on the house floor from day one.” “Is he serious?” Adam looked at Kate puzzled, she shrugged. Senator Bello continued. “It is sad to hear of his passing, he unlike recent departures from the senate will be missed.” Senator Bello left and the reporter moved to another senator. Adam picked the remote and put off the TV. “He did it.” Kate said. “I can bet my new Gucci bags on it, he killed them both.” “One of the staff here gave the killer information that helped him get into the house. It doesn’t sound like the Senator. She said a guy picked her when she closed from work a few days ago. Young guy, nice guy, got her drunk and she told him a lot about her boss. His schedule, her schedule, the secret meeting they were planning to discuss about their philandering boss. Anything he asked, she blabbed.” “Why would she do that? Wasn’t she suspicious?” “She blames the alcohol. I just think she is stupid.” “You think this mystery guy did it?” “Maybe. Or he was just asking the questions for the real killer.” “Senator Bello?” Kate asked. “Yeah or the wife who I just learned knew about her husband’s cheating and was mad about it.” “She’s not even in the country.” Kate said. “The perfect Alibi.” Kate sighed and said. “I liked this better when Senator Bello was our only suspect.” “You and me both.” Adam looked at his watch. “You and me both.” *** Adam arrived at the office before 7 am the next day. The press did not let the case rest for a minute the previous night, they were having a great time. He wasn’t. Senator Bello looked good for it except there was no evidence enough to arrest him. He had motive, but so did the wife. Hard as he tried, he could not ignore the way Senator Halima had been killed. It was not random, it was not stupid, it was not Senator Bello. With two Senators killed, he knew it was only a matter of time before the IG would be calling for a meeting. It won’t be a surprise if he had meetings with people higher than the IG. When that time came, he would need to have something concrete to present. Right now, he had nothing. But he would find something. He had people working for him and they would find something. They had to. “Good morning soldiers.” He said to his pool of detectives. “I call you soldiers because I want you to be my soldiers today.” He looked upon his seven best detectives, they were his hope to survive the day as head of the CIB. He continued his speech. “We have had two senator murdered in quick succession; both of them close, sponsoring the same bill and possibly lovers. Keep that last part discreet please. We have suspects – three of them but we don’t have any strong evidence on any of them. Your job today is to find all you can on these three people.” He rolled his whiteboard forward. It had the pictures of Senator Bello and Hameed Galadima. “Senator Bello is a suspect for obvious reasons. He has relentlessly slandered Senator Halima, even in death. We have also come to find out she jilted him once. The only reason we haven’t arrested him is we don’t have any physical evidence against him.” He was not sure that was enough reason not to arrest him anymore. But he knew how things worked. You don’t arrest a man who is backed by the IG if you don’t have a very good case against him. “Our second suspect is of course Hameed Galadima. Fiance of the first victim and popularly known hothead.” “What’s his motive for killing any of them sir?” One of the detectives asked. “Well, isn’t it obvious? Jealousy of course. Killed his fiancee for sleeping around and Senator Dafe for sleeping with her.” Adam said. “But these are all rumours, right? There’s no proof any of these sleeping around actually happened.” “Men have killed over suspicions detective. Rumours are enough to make a man boil with jealous rage.” Adam attached a third picture to the board. “This is Mrs Dafe, the late senator’s wife.” “Her motive is jealousy too?” A detective with a scrawny beard asked. “Yeah, it is. Hell hath no fury, you know what they say.” “Hasn’t she been out of the country?” Another detective asked. “True. But you don’t have to be in the country to pay an assassin.” “An assassin?” Scrawny beards scoffed. “Isn’t that reaching a little out there?” “It’s a possibility, isn’t it?” “And Senator Halima? That was an assassin too?” “Detective, do you have a different theory? I will actually like to hear it.” Adam said and walked away from the board and took a seat. Detective Thomas, the scrawny bearded detective stepped forward with all eyes on him. “Here’s my theory. Senator Halima was killed by a lover, possibly one she had had for a while. Anything could be his motive, after all they were lovers.” “Okay detective. What’s your theory about Senator Dafe?” “Well, He was close to her so maybe he found out who the killer was and was killed for it.” Adam jumped to his feet. “Oh shoot! I forgot something so important. Sure Senator Dafe knew the killer, or at least he thought he did. He was going to tell me who it was. And then he made a statement. He said it was a matter of ‘if I can’t get the girl, nobody can.’ That sort of points to Senator Bello. Or some other mystery lover we are yet to know about.” There are several reasons why it is not good to sleep around. Adam just discovered another; it makes it difficult to figure out who killed you. “So what now?” Scrawny beard Thomas asked. The door burst open before Adam had a chance to answer. It was Kate, she had a concerned look on her face. “You need to see this.” She walked past Adam, picked up the TV remote and put it on. Adam followed her and stopped stunned in front of the TV. “What the heck.” Adam grabbed his phone and dialed Nnamdi. His heart raced with anger. He had never been in such a hurry for a call to connect. Nnamdi answered the call. “Hello Detective.” Nnamdi said so casually it increased Adam’s anger. “Nnamdi, what was that? What the fff…what did you just do?” “What are you talking about?” “Don’t play games with me Nnamdi. First, you tell me to back off and now you go behind my back to arrest Senator Bello? In front of cameras?!” “Oh that?” “Whose stupid idea was this?” “The idea was the IG’s actually. And I’m not sure he will appreciate you calling his idea stupid.” “You give the phone to him and I will tell him myself.” Adam shouted, spittle flying off his mouth. “Okay.” Nnamdi said. Adam paused, he had not meant that literally. Was Nnamdi actually going to give the phone to the IG? Maybe it was not a bad idea, maybe it was time he gave him a piece of his mind. “Detective Ademola.” It was the Inspector General. “Yes sir.” Adam said. “I hear you are displeased we arrested the Senator.” “Yes sir, I am displeased. And I’m sure you understand why sir. You specifically told me not to go after him but then you arrest him? You have completely undermined my investigations.” “Come off it Ademola. It’s not like you obeyed my orders. I know you continued your investigations inspite of my orders. Unlike you, I don’t disobey my bosses. When my boss tells me to arrest a senator, I arrest the senator.” So this came from someone above the IG? Why would the President give orders on who should be arrested? General Abubakar! “Sir, does this have anything to do with General Abubakar? That will be grossly inappropriate. His son is one of our suspects for Pete’s sake.” “To be honest, you probably know more than I do here. I wouldn’t be surprised if General Abubakar had something to do with the order, I hear he plays Squash with the President.” Adam sighed. What was he supposed to do when he was been undercut by people wielding their power anytime and anywhere they wanted? “So what now sir?” Adam asked. “You wait for my next instructions. A lot will depend on what the President says to do with Senator Bello.” “Sir, you don’t even have enough evidence to convict him.” Adam said, exasperated. “You still don’t get it, do you? If the president says he is guilty, then we have enough evidence.” “Sir, but…” Adam was not letting it go. But the IG had had enough. “Goodbye detective. Wait for my call.” He heard the dial tone. That was it. Now he was supposed to go back home to Ese. Be the good husband, forget about the case and wait till the IG calls. Something about that did not sit right with him. “Sir?” It was Detective Thomas. They had all been waiting for him to tell them what to do. “You know what detectives? You know the facts of the case, if you are inclined to investigate, go ahead. If you are not, go home to your families until I call for you.” “Sir, we can…” Adam cut him off. “That’s it. Good day gentlemen.” The detectives dragging their feet walked out of the room and shut the door behind them. “So that’s it?” Kate asked. “Of course not.” Adam said. “But I need to think. If I’m going to defy the IG’s orders, I need to be sure about what I’m doing.” “And what are you doing?” Adam’s phone rang before he could reply. The number was not familiar. He answered the call. “Hello.” “Detective, this is General Galadima.” Adam looked on, unimpressed. “Yes sir?” “My good friend told me the police have arrested the man who killed my son’s fiancee. Is this true?” Adam wanted to tell the general his mind but instead he said. “An arrest was made.” “I assume the case is going to be closed now.” “We are still looking at…” The general wasn’t interested. “I spoke to the president and he assured me this was behind us. My son and my family will not be troubled by this anymore.” Adam was not sure if he was supposed to respond to that, so he stayed silent. The general continued. “Thank you for your help. I’m glad we were able to close the case very early. My wife and I will like to have dinner with you and your wife soon.” “Hmhmm.” Adam mumbled. “Thank you and goodbye.” Adam ended the call and set his phone on the table. “Who was that?” Kate asked. “General Galadima.” “What did he want?” “Same thing the IG wanted; close the case.” “So, what are we going to do?” Adam sat in his chair. “Give me everything we have on Hameed Galadima. He is our murderer.” . . . . . To be continued
8 Feb 2016 | 14:03
I don't trust that Galadima family atall... Adam is just stuck in the middle here with him facing challenges because this to notch polticains(dem dey craze?),he can only get the killer by privately investigating and make sure no one knows.... Carefully watching what is about to unfold like person wey dey watch la liga ...
8 Feb 2016 | 17:37
It is complicated.... Since Gen. Galadima and the IG want the case to close dx early, I think dx will qive the killer more room to kill.
8 Feb 2016 | 20:09
Its complicated.... Since Gen. Galadima and the IG want the case to close dx early, I think dx will qive the killer more room to kill.
8 Feb 2016 | 20:11
This is complicated.....those politician are jst usin powers
9 Feb 2016 | 02:23
9 Feb 2016 | 02:43
[b] its very complicated...i mean,y on earth will qen qaladima want d case tu b closed if he or hz son has natin tu du with d death of halimah? hez def coverinq up 4 hz son ( [color=green] thunda faya politics [/color] ) [/b]
9 Feb 2016 | 03:49
politicians are bad I always say this I hate politics they jst tink they are everything but God pass them insp Adam keep ur good investigation on Dont mind IG nd galadima I even they suspect that galadimas family.......... they are the main suspect here next pls
9 Feb 2016 | 04:14
9 Feb 2016 | 05:02
9 Feb 2016 | 08:22
It's not out of place to conclude that the galadima's murdered the two senators. Adam just be careful shaa
9 Feb 2016 | 08:31
IAfter all dat happened in season 1. Is too early to knw d suspect. It might even be dectetive Nnamdi.
9 Feb 2016 | 10:16
People and power
9 Feb 2016 | 12:51
Der's ntn lyk born-again politician...dnt relent in ur investigation...ride on donwaiter
9 Feb 2016 | 13:25
Before another day, you will hear of another killing
9 Feb 2016 | 16:27
11 Feb 2016 | 12:42
were dis guy nah bros come update nah @donewalter
12 Feb 2016 | 20:29
where hath thou @Donwalter
13 Feb 2016 | 04:28
Episode 6 . . . . . . . “Hameed is the killer?” Kate asked, worry painted on her face. Adam was not sure Hameed was the killer but he was almost sure Senator Bello wasn’t. Hameed had tried very hard to pin it on Senator Bello and with his very connected father, he had eventually succeeded. He could bet Hameed committed the murders. “How are you going to prove that?” Kate continued. “Going after Hameed is not only going to anger his powerful father, it will also get you in trouble with the president.” He knew that already. “That’s why they will not know we are doing anything until we are done investigating and have real proof.” “How are we going to get the proof?” Kate was obviously not pleased with what he was doing. Adam had no idea. He needed a miracle. He was already about to have one when Senator Dafe called claiming to know who killed Senator Halima but now he needed a miracle to find out who killed his miracle. “Senator Dafe knew the killer. How did he know? We need to search his house properly.” Kate shook her head. “We can’t do that. On what grounds are we going to search the house? The case is supposed to be closed or suspended at best.” Adam nodded. It was frustrating; running an investigation without calling the shots. There had to be another way to enter the house. There was another way to enter the house! “Kate, the lady who worked for Senator Dafe, are we still holding her here?” Adam asked. “Yeah, you need her for…” Kate started then understood where he was going. “You want her to spy for you?” “Spy? No, I don’t need a spy. I need somebody to get me into the house without anybody knowing. She already helped someone get in. She will have to help me too.” “Isn’t that a little risky?” “Get the woman for me.” “Uncle Adam…” “Get her now.” Kate left the room. Adam knew for sure he did not want to cross the general or the president without having something concrete to confront them with. He was desperate. He would do anything to get something to hold against Hameed, even if it meant entering Senator Dafe’s house illegally. There was a knock on his door. Adam looked up and Detective Samson entered. “Good day sir.” “Found me something to charge Hameed Galadima with?” Adam asked. “No sir.” “So why are you here?” “Another body was found.” Adam sat up. “Another senator?” “No sir.” “Another naked and smiling dead girl?” “No sir.” Adam hissed and relaxed in his chair. “So why bring it to me? Why would I care about this murder?” Detective Samson brought out a photograph and handed it to Adam. “That’s the person who got murdered. He had no gunshot wounds, no cuts or stabs, no stranglation marks. Nothing.” Adam looked at the face of the killer, it was not familiar at all. “Maybe he was poisoned or something. Handle the case yourself, I have a lot on my plate right now.” “Sir, this sort of fits the way Senator Halima died.” “Are you saying our killer is bisexual now? Was he naked when you found him?” “No sir, he wasn’t.” Adam sighed. “I know you want to help Detective but I don’t see how this helps us right now.” The detective nodded and left the office. Adam shook his head and threw the photgraph on the table. He paused and picked up the picture. Was this man connected to the whole mess somehow? His door opened and he dropped the picture. Kate entered with the lady who worked for Senator Dafe. He pitied the woman. She had only been in custody for a day and she was already worse for wear. “Sit down please.” Adam said to her. She sat without a word, her eyes glued to her thighs. “What’s your name?” “Lola.” Her voice was even more feeble than it was the previous day. “Lola Abu.” “Okay Lola. Are you ready to go back to work?” Adam asked. She did not lift her head and she did not respond. “Can you look up at me please?” Adam said. She lifted her eyes a little but it did not go past the table. Adam shrugged and continued. “I am going to let you go back to work today if you are ready to help us catch the person who killed your boss.” Is she crying? Tears were flowing freely from her face now. Adam almost wished he had not brought her in. She made him feel like he was a monster. Her only offense was being emotional and gullible. But then her emotional gullibility had led to the death of her boss. “Lola look, crying is not helping me and it’s not helping you. We need to catch your boss’ killer, crying won’t help us do that.” “That is him.” She whispered through her tears. Adam looked at her and followed her eyes to the picture on the table. He grabbed it and held it up. “This is the man who asked you about your boss?” “Yes.” She said and nodded. “Are you sure about this?” “Yes sir.” She said. “Is he dead?” Adam rose to his feet. “Kate, let her go back to work or her house or wherever she wants to go.” Adam said then turned to Lola. “You are not in troulble but I’m trusting that you won’t leave town. I might need your help again.” She nodded and Adam hurried out of his office. He walked through the building to where he assumed he would find a top level detective like Samson. There were several rooms though. He knocked on the first one and entered. A startled detective jumped to his feet. “Hello sir.” The detective said. He looked familiar. “Were you in my meeting earlier?” “No sir. I was in your office some days ago to tell you about a case. Detective Bawa sir.” He remembered. “You were telling me a story about your childhood. That’s you, right?” “It wasn’t about my childhood. But I hear you have caught Senator Halima’s killer so it doesn’t matter.” “Okay detective. I need to find Detective Samson.” “He’s next door sir.” Adam left the detective and went next door. He knocked the door and entered. “Sir?” Detective Samson was just as shocked as his colleague. “The picture you brought just now, where did you find the body?” Adam asked. Detective Samson stood. “Do you want to see?” *** Adam looked the car over. It was a 2014 Toyota Avensis, it was not a cheap car. Whoever this man was, he was not some cheap assassin. If he was an assassin at all. “Do you know who he is yet?” Adam asked. “Yes sir. We found his particulars and traced them back to his house. We then…” Adam raised a palm. “Detective, I’m sure you did a fantastic investigative job but I just need to know who he is.” “Okay sir. He is an investor based in the US. He lives alone not very far from here. No family or next of kin listed anywhere. His name is Ade Smith.” Adam smiled. “Smith eh?” “Yes sir. That’s the name we saw.” “This Smith guy killed Senator Dafe, I’m almost sure of it. Did he kill Senator Halima? It’s possible but I doubt it. That was more personal.” “So you think he is an assassin sent by the person who killed Senator Halima?” “He has no family or relatives, he has no business that we know of. He is supposedly based in the US. His name is Smith. He questions a lady about her boss and then the boss ends up dead a few days later – shot thrice in his house? Sounds like an assassin to me.” Adam said. “A dead assassin though.” “Which brings the question; who killed Mister Smith? We answer that question and we find the person who killed Senator Halima.” *** “Like I said earlier, Senator Bello didn’t do it.” Adam said, his face as firm as he could make it look. The Inspector General of Police looked at him with concern. Adam hated that look. He would rather be berated or insulted but not pitied. Why should he be pitied, he was only doing his job. “Sir, he was in custody when this assassin character was killed. Halima’s killer killed the assassin.” “Alleged assassin. Ademola, alleged assassin.” The IG said. “Sir, this man questioned one of the ladies who works for Senator Dafe. The Senator is killed a few days from then. The man himself turns up dead mysteriously in his car the next day. Those are not coincidences.” “Ademola, I understand where you are coming from. Here is the problem; like you probably already know, it’s not just my call now. To release Senator Bello and re-open this investigation, you have to have enough physical evidence. Not just assumptions. No matter how good the assumptions are.” There was a knock on the door and Nnamdi entered. He ignored Adam and went straight to the IG. He whispered something into his ears and left the room. “Detective, I have to attend to something important now.” “More important than releasing Senator Bello? He was your friend.” “Come on Ademola.” Adam looked at the IG and knew there was no point arguing. There was no way here. If he wanted to find this killer, he would have to wield more power than the IG. He left the office. Kate who had been waiting at the reception joined him. “How did that go?” “Crashed and burned.” “So what now?” “Hameed and his father are been protected by the president. To beat them, we need to find somebody more powerful than their protector.” “More powerful than the president? You’re going to God?” Adam laughed. “God has better things to do.” “So, who?” “I’m going home. I need to talk to Ese.” *** “I’m home babe.” Adam shouted as soon as he entered the house. “Welcome.” He heard the voice to his right from behind the cushions. He walked towards the voice. Ese was lying on the chair. She looked the opposite of what she looked the last time. Her hair was stuffed into an awful hairnet and she was covered in a robe, just as terrible. Her eyes were closed. It was obvious she was not in the mood he needed her to be in. Adam knelt beside her. “Are you okay dear?” “I’m fine.” She said, her eyes still shut. “Are you sure?” “Yes.” “And the baby, how is it?” Her eyes snapped open. “It?” “Well, I didn’t know whether to say he or she so…” She sat up. “You don’t know the baby’s gender?” “How am I supposed to. Do you?” “Of course you don’t. You missed the doctor’s appointment.” She stood from the chair and headed for the bedroom. “Am I allowed to come?” Adam called after her. She did not answer, that was a good sign. Adam ran ahead of her and opened the door for her. He helped her unto the bed and lifted her leg for her. “You’re overcompensating.” She said. “I’m sorry.” “It’s okay. It’s cute.” “Cute? I’m a battle hardened detective who eats serial killers for breakfast. Don’t call me cute.” “Really? How many serial killers did you have today? If I can recall, you didn’t even have breakfast today.” Adam thought about it, he did not have breakfast, or lunch or anything else. “Well, champions don’t need food to survive. We survive on heroism; saving lives and catching bad guys.” “You must be really starving then. When was the last time you caught a bad guy?” “I caught one today. He was dead though. Still counts. So, I have been properly fed today.” “Good for you. So you will be having none of the hot Semo coming up in a few minutes.” The talk of food suddenly made him hungry. “Please my lady, can I please share in this earthly food. Just as a sign of love though, because I am definitely not hungry.” Ese laughed. Adam joined her in laughing and got on the bed beside her. “How is your case going?” She asked. “Not too good to be honest.” “You said you caught a dead bad guy, I didn’t see it on the news.” “Not every murder gets on TV.” “Tell me about this one.” Adam told her who was killed, how they thought he was related to the killing of Senator Halima and Senator Dafe. “And you think Hameed Galadima did it?” Ese asked. “I believe he did. But I can’t go near him. He is protected by his father who is protected by the president.” “You need somebody more powerful than the president then?” “Exactly what I told Kate and please don’t say God.” “That’s what Kate suggested? I might be able to help though.” “I thought you might.” Ese smiled. “There are people more powerful than the president but they are people like General Galadima too, you can’t exactly access them. You have another option though – the press.” “The press?” “The press are hungry for information on this case. Three Senators are already involved. This is the most interesting thing to have come from the senate since the maze was hidden in a shrine some years ago.” “Talking to the press is not exactly a good idea. How is that different from investigating?” Ese shook her head. “That’s why I didn’t like you as a detective, you don’t know how to use the press.” Adam frowned. “You didn’t like me as a detective? But you married me anyway?” “Shut up silly. All you need to do is leak information to the press, they will take it from there.” Adam was not exactly pleased with this. Who was sure what the press would find? “So, I’ll just leave the investigations to the press?” “Aargh Adam! No, the press won’t investigate for you, they will build pressure that will help you resume your investigation. They will question the arrest of Senator Bello. They will question the IG about it any chance they get. They will bring it up in interviews with politicians and government officials even when it’s not appropriate.” Adam began to see what she was saying. It was not a bad idea. “By the time it builds up to the point where they begin to say that an innocent man has been jailed, the presidency will notice. Fortunately, this president doesn’t like bad press much.” Adam thought about it. It was a good plan. It was the best plan he currently had. Adam leaned over and kissed Ese. “I had forgotten how brilliant you are.” “Of course you have. Mister serial-killer eater.” Adam jumped off the bed. “I’m talking to Kate inmediately, we start this tonight.” “Won’t you allow the girl sleep?” “If she wanted to sleep, she shouldn’t have come to work for me.” Ese shook her head, picked up the remote and put the TV on. “Thank God she doesn’t have a boyfriend yet.” She said. Adam rolled his eyes and dialed Kate’s number. It rang for a few seconds but she did not answer. He tried her number again. Still no answer. “That’s weird, she’s not answering.” Adam said. “She has a life. You would understand if you had one.” Ese replied and laughed. Adam shot her a dirty look. He was walking away from his phone when it rang. “She’s calling back already. So much for having a life.” Adam said then answered the call. “Kate?” “Detective?” It was a male voice. “Yes?” “It is General Abubakar.” “General, what can I do for you?” He wished he knew who was at the other end of the line before he picked the call. “Have you caught the killer of my daughter?” He asked. “An arrest has been made sir.” Adam said, wondering why the general was asking that question. “That’s not the answer to my question.” Adam was not sure what to say. “What do you want General?” “The truth will be fine. Do you think Senator Bello killed my daughter?” What was this? A test by these generals to see if he would defy them? “Sir, like I said; an arrest has been made. Senator Bello will be prosecuted and we will all know if he is guilty or innocent.” “The man you found today, the one you believe killed Senator Dafe…” How did he know that? “Have you been able to link him to Bello at all?” “No sir. And I don’t appreciate you spying on our investigations sir.” “My daughter was murdered, I can spy where I want detective. If you can’t link him to Bello, that means there is a chance my daughter’s killer is sitll out there?” The man’s voice was laden with emotion. “Sir, we don’t know for sure but I assure you that we are not relently on catching the person who killed your daughter.” “So you don’t believe Bello did it too?” Adam paused then said. “General sir, I will contact you if we find anything.” “I’m counting on you detective.” “Good night sir.” Adam said and ended the call. He was setting his phone down when a text came in. It was from Kate. Sorry Uncle, believe it or not I’m on a date. I will call you as soon as I’m done. xoxo. Adam smiled and shook his head. “Ese, two weird things just happened. One; General Abubakar is on my side. And Kate is on a date. On the same night.” She did not respond. Adam looked at her; her eyes were fixed on the TV. “Ese?” “Make that three weird things.” She said. “Come and see this.” Adam turned around and faced the TV. He saw what she was looking at and he opened his mouth. The headline read Senator Bello commits suicide in jail. . . , , , Tbc
14 Feb 2016 | 05:19
Holy shiit!! Things are getting much more complicated!
14 Feb 2016 | 07:56
Chai,dis is becoming too serious nd hardly...
14 Feb 2016 | 08:04
complecated that what these story is and i love it ride on bro
14 Feb 2016 | 09:02
14 Feb 2016 | 09:50
thats wired . but u should investigate d guy kate is on date with
14 Feb 2016 | 14:35
Gosh! Senator Bello commits sucide in jail? Datz a blatant lie joor! I knw Galadima or anybody dat murdered Halima is trying 2 expertly cover his tracks.....
14 Feb 2016 | 14:50
Holy shit!!!! Dem don do MKO and Awolowo style for the poor man, khai!!!
14 Feb 2016 | 16:08
Its getting complicated
14 Feb 2016 | 16:29
na lie some1 killed him..wentin e 1 use commit suicide for jail...get complicated nd interesting
14 Feb 2016 | 18:45
Ar u sure kate z on a date oh or wt d serial killer?hmmm dz story z suspence filld oh
14 Feb 2016 | 19:36
15 Feb 2016 | 04:09
omo wic kind wahala be this aarh aarh mater getting worse every day sen bello dead also nawao
15 Feb 2016 | 04:09
Episode 7 . . . . . Adam flashed his ID more than ten times before he got to the cell where Senator Bello had been held. He had wanted to go immediately he saw the news but Ese had forbidden him from leaving the house. He kind of wished he had defied her because now he barely had anything. The body had been taken down and he was sure he was already buried. But he had to check, there was a chance he could find something yet. He entered the cell and looked around. It was not a regular cell, it was way cleaner and more comfortable than any cell he had ever entered. Apparently, a senator still had some privileges even in detention. There was a mattress but the bedsheet was gone. He looked at the ceiling, there was a hook where a fan used to hang. It was stupid to leave something like that in a cell but then it was not very often that VIP prisoners took their own lives. Why did he do it? The question had eaten at him since he heard about the suicide. If Senator Bello was innocent as he believed he was, why would he take his own life? Was there foul play? Did somebody kill him and make it look like a suicide. He looked outside the cell, a guard stood watching him. “Hey.” Adam called him. He looked at Adam but did not move. “Were you here when they found the body?” “Yes sir.” He said and looked away. Adam came out of the cell and walked to the guard. The guard shifted uneasily, he did not meet Adam’s gaze. Adam was sure he would not have answered any of his questions if he knew he could get away with not answering. “When did you start working here?” Adam asked. “Two years ago sir.” “How many people have used this cell?” Adam pointed to the cell that had housed Senator Bello. “I’m not sure. Maybe one or two.” Adam nodded. “Tell me what happened yesterday before the body was found.” The guard shifted from foot to foot. He did not want to talk, it made Adam want to hear what he had to say even more. He considered how to get what he wanted. He could threaten him like everybody in Abuja did. Or he could try another method. “What’s your name?” Adam asked. “Lekan Sadiq.” “Okay Sadiq, you know who I am. I can offer you a job at the CIB and I assure you we pay better and you won’t spend all your days in this depressing place.” It did not look like Sadiq was completely convinced but the offer had an effect on him. “Just tell me what happened here yesterday Sadiq.” “I love my job here,” He leaned closer to Adam. “If I lose it somehow, I’m holding you to that offer. But I’m not telling you this because of the job.” “Sure, just help me understand what happened here.” “The Senator was quite cheerful from the day he was brought here, he kept telling us he would be out in a matter of hours. He was innocent, he kept saying.” “Did he talk to anybody? A lawyer? Family?” “Not while I was here. Not even a lawyer, that was surprising. I don’t think he had any visitor. Well, until yesterday.” Adam’s heart beat faster. Was he about to find the killer he had been looking for? “Who came yesterday?” Adam asked. “General Galadima.” That damned General! Was he the killer? He had always imagined he was protecting his son, maybe he was wrong and he was protecting himself. “Do you know if he entered the cell?” Sadiq paused and looked at Adam then he understood what Adam was insunuating. He shook his head. “No no, the General did not kill Senator Bello.” “That’s not my question.” “No sir, he did not enter the cell. They met at the visitor’s lounge.” Adam nodded, disappointed. But there had to be something. “Did you notice anything? Anything could be important.” Sadiq hesistated. “When Senator Bello returned from the meeting, he was not in his usual cheerful mood. Something was wrong with him.” Adam nodded. He needed to hear what the Senator had said to him. “Can I see the footage of that visit.” “I’m sorry you can’t. The General had us turn off the cameras.” Adam smiled and shook his head. General Galadima had just made himself the number one suspect. He could not imagine Senator Halima sleeping with him though. But from what he had learnt about the senator in the past few days, it wasn’t impossible. The thought made him want to puke. “Is there any other thing you want to tell me?” “You cannot tell anybody I told you all of these. I hope you know how powerful General Galadima is.” “Believe me Sadiq, I know.” General Galadima, let’s see how much power you can weild once you are behind bars. *** “General Galadima?”Kate asked. “Yes.” Adam replied. She looked at him like he was going insane. Maybe he was. They stood for a few minutes and watched people go in and out of Senator Bello’s house. It was weird that these people did not seem to care when he was in jail, but they all wore their best sad faces after he died. “Why are we here?” Adam asked. She ignored his question. “First, it was Senator Bello, then you were sure it was Hameed. Now it’s his father?” “I know it sounds crazy but you can’t blame me after all he has been doing.” “I thought he’s been doing it for his son. That makes much more sense.” “Why can’t he have done it?” “Because he is old and gross and Senator Halima would not have slept with him.” Adam had no response to that. “Why are we here?” “You’ll see in a few minutes.” She said. Adam watched the people who entered. Three seats were suddenly available in the Senate, some of them were secretly celebrating the misfortune that was hitting the Senate. Was this completely political? It could be, but he still could not get past the way Senator Halima was killed. “See who’s here.” Kate nudged Adam. Adam looked in the direction of her gaze. About entering Senator Bello’s gate were General Abubakar and Galadima. “What?” Adam couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Are they crazy?” “I know, right?” “The man was accused of killing his daughter. Why is he here?” As the generals walked past, General Abubakar looked at Adam and nodded at him. “Did you see that?” “The nod? I saw it.” Adam said. “I think he doesn’t believe Bello killed his daughter. But still what is he doing here? The press will have a field day today.” “I kind of pity Senator Bello, especially if he didn’t do it. Suicide?” “That’s if it’s a suicide.” “You don’t think it’s a suicide?” A voice said behind them. Adam spun around immediately. He did not know the man who asked the question. “Who are you?” Adam asked, moving closer to the man. The man dug his hand in his pocket and flashed his ID. “I’m a journalist. So Detective Ademola, you don’t think it was a suicide?” “I don’t know what you think you heard but you have to go now.” Kate said, pushing Adam away from the man. Adam took two steps away then stopped. He remembered the discussion he had with Ese. Maybe he should talk to the journalist. “I can’t give you the answer to that question but I can tell you something else.” Adam said. Kate leaned closer to him and whispered “What are you doing?” “Everything I say is off the record of course and you can’t quote me.” Adam said. “Sure.” The journalist could not believe his luck. “Senator Bello was quite confident he was innocent and would be found so.” Adam said. “Really? Why kill himself then?” The journalist asked. “Oh wait, he was murdered?” Adam continued like he didn’t hear him. “He had a visitor and a few minutes later he committed suicide.” ‘”Who was the visitor?” “What are you going to do with this information?” Adam asked. “I’m a journalist, I’m going to press with it immediately.” “Okay.” “So who was it?” Kate nudged him. She could not believe he was talking to the press. “General Galadima.” Adam said. The journalist opened his mouth. “Isn’t he the father of…?” “Yeah, you figure out the rest.” “Can we go now?” Kate asked, she could not wait to be away from the journalist. “If you quote me on this…” Adam started. “I don’t need to. Thank you Detective, you just made my day.” The journalist scurried away. “Why did you do that?” “You wanted somebody more powerful than the president? That little guy is.” “That guy?” “Wait and see what happens now. You’ll see even powerful generals hate bad publicity.” *** Adam was approaching the CIB building when his phone rang. He looked at the phone, it was Nnamdi, probably with the IG. That was not the first call he was expecting. He answered the call. “Nnamdi, what do you want?” “It’s Detective Nnamdi!” “Do you want something Nnamdi?” He paused. “I just saw on TV that General Galadima visited Senator Bello before he killed himself.” “I don’t need or want to know what you watch on TV Nnamdi. Is this a trend that will continue?” “I know what you’re doing Detective. You are trying to instigate the press against General Galadima.” Adam laughed. “Instigate? Isn’t that word too big for you Nnamdi? Unfortunately I don’t know what you’re talking about, neither do you.” “What you did is a direct violation of an order from the IG. You will regret this.” “Wow Nnamdi, we are threatening each other now? Look, I’m trying to catch a killer. The question you should ask yourself is; what are you doing?” Adam ended the call before Nnamdi could respond. “Mumu.” Adam said. He looked to his right, at Kate who was staring at him. “What is it young lady? You realize I am married, you can’t just stare at me for free.” Adam said. “I’m not laughing. What you did is dangerous. What if the General takes it personal?” “I might not be a soldier but I’m pretty sure I can still beat that old man.” “If he’s a killer like you said, then he can…” “Kill me?” Adam laughed. “I don’t think so Kate, I can handle myself.” “What of Aunty Ese?” Adam’s smile vanished. He did not like the way that had sounded. Nobody could touch Ese, nobody will touch Ese. His phone rang. It was General Galadima. He stared at the phone for a few seconds. Suddenly he was not as sure about what he did. But he could not give in to fear like these people wanted him to. “Hello General.” Adam said. “I just saw the news.” “Okay sir.” Adam said and waited for whatever was coming. “That was you, wasn’t it?” “Was what me? Is there a problem General?” “So you won’t accept what you did? Okay then. You did what you had to do, I’ll just do what I have to do too.” Adam’s heart skipped. What did that mean? “General…” Adam started but he heard the dial tone. Adam slammed the break and pulled to the side of the road. He looked in his side mirror, the road was clear. He pulled back into the road and did a u-turn. “What’s the problem?” Kate asked. “I’m going home.” “Why? What did the General say?” “I just need to…” He started to say but his phone cut him off. He looked at his phone, it was Ese. Oh my God! What have I done? He clicked the answer button. “Ese?” “Where are you?” Her voice was low. Was she groaning? “Ese? Are you okay? What’s the problem?” His voice trembled and his palm was getting sweaty. “Adam,” Ese’s weak voice came over the phone. “Come.” “Ese, stay with me.” He shouted into the phone. He noticed he had closed in on a car in front of him. He swerved to avoid it and his phone slid off his hand. “Get that phone for me.” He shouted at Kate. He kept one eye on the road and the other on Kate as she picked up the phone. She looked at the screen. “The call has ended.” She said. “Redial her now!” Kate made the call and waited. “What is it?” Adam asked. “It has not connected yet.” “Hurry up.” “I’m not the one…. oh, the number is switched off.” She said. Adam felt a shiver go down his body. “Dial again. It cannot be switched off.” Kate dialed again. “Same thing, still switched off.” Adam shook off the sweat flowing down to his eyes. Ese is okay. Ese is fine. Ese is okay. “Dial the office. I want every single detective with a gun headed to my house now!” “Every one? Don’t you…” “Do it now!” Adam shouted and slammed the dashboard with his palm. God please keep my wife safe. God please. *** Adam slammed the break in front of his gate and slid the gear into park. He jumped out of the car and rammed his body into the gate. He ran through the compound and into the house. He stopped when he entered. Maybe someone was inside with Ese. Maybe he should wait for backup. Oooh! He heard a groan come from the bedroom and he dashed for the stairs, taking them two at a time. He got to the bedroom and rushed in. Ese was on the floor, her hands on her stomach. Adam swallowed. What had happened to her? “Ese, are you the only one in the room?” He asked, rushing to her. She did not answer, she just groaned. “What happened Ese? Did they touch you? Did they do anything to you?” “The baby… the baby” Ese mumbled. “What did they do to the baby Ese? Oh God please. Ese what is wrong with the baby.” He noticed his vision had gotten blurred. He blinked the tears away. The bedroom door opened and he drew his gun. He pointed the gun at the door, it was just Kate. “Is she okay?” Kate asked. “Aunty, are you okay?” “The baby.” Ese mumbled again. “What did they do?” Adam asked again. Kate looked at Adam and pushed him aside. She leaned closer to Ese and whispered something into her ears. Adam watched them wondering what was happening. “Kate, what is going on?” “Aunty is in labour.” Kate said. “Labour? I thought…” “She is in labour!” Adam looked around, what was he supposed to do? Labour? He was not ready. “She can’t be in labour. She’s not due yet.” “We need to get her downstairs now.” Kate said. “How are we supposed to do that?” “You’ll carry her of course.” Kate said and collected his gun. “You won’t need that.” “Okay.” Adam said. Adam felt stupid, he had no idea what he was doing. It would have been better if he had found armed men in the room. He would have shot them, that was easy. What was he supposed to do with a woman in labour? “Uncle Adam?” Kate called. “Yes?” “Do you want you wife to have her baby safely?” “Yes of course.” Adam said. “Okay, do exactly what I say and she will have a chance.” “Okay ma.” Adam said. Adam mopped his brow with his sleeve. He had never been more scared in his life. *** Adam paced up and down the corridors of the hospital wondering how he got there. He had never felt more stupid or useless in his life. Everything Kate asked him to do was simple but he could barely do any of them without fidgetting. No one could blame him, his wife was having his baby. His wife. His baby. His. A smile stole across his face. He was finally going to be a father. Another Adam was about to be born. Or maybe it was another Ese. He realised he still did not know the gender of the baby. It did not matter. An Ademola was entering the world. His phone rang. It was Detective Samson. He rejected the call, he was not ready to talk to anybody in the office at the moment. What would he call his child? Those were the things Ese would have wanted to discuss with him. But he was too busy chasing a killer and making enemies. He had to take some time off. His son or daughter would need him. Detective Samson called again. He rejected it. Whatever he wanted to tell him could wait. The only person that deserved his undivided attention was here in the hospital with him. “Uncle.” He heard Kate’s voice and ran towards it. “Kate, what’s going on? Is she fine?” “Yes, she is. The doctor wants to see you.” Adam frowned. “Why? Is everything okay?” “Yes, everything is okay.” “Is she having the baby? Do they need to operate? Is the baby fine?” Kate stopped in front of the doctor’s office and held his hands. “Calm down. Everything is okay.” Adam let out the breath he was holding and pushed the door open. “Hello Doctor.” Adam said, his face burning with tension. “Welcome Detective. It’s nice to meet you. I am a fan of the church street killer case, you did a great job.” “Yeah yeah. My wife, how is she?” “Your wife, of course. She went into false labour, that’s all. So she’s fine.” Adam felt a mixture of relief and disappointment. “Thank you Doctor.” “She will need somebody to be with her regularly though. We can’t have a repeat of what happened today.” “Of course doctor. I will be taking some time off work to be with her till she puts to bed.” Adam said. Kate shot him a look but he ignored her. He was not sure if what he was doing was right but he could not let his wife stay at home alone anymore. She needed him and he would be there for her. “Can I see her please?” Adam asked. “Of course, come this way.” Adam followed the doctor. Ese’s due date was barely a week away, he could take that much time away from the case. It wasn’t like any of his suspects were going anywhere. His phone rang. He had a text. It was Detective Samson again. What was so urgent he could not wait for him to call back. He opened the text. We found another body. A ‘smiling naked’girl. Call me! “Here’s your wife.” The doctor said, holding a door open for him. Adam looked at the doctor and back at his phone. HIs life just got a whole lot more complicated. . . . . . . Tbc
17 Feb 2016 | 15:41
Lol...Complicated seriously... General Galadima don do weytin he talk
17 Feb 2016 | 18:03
following,.i shall no say dey no go kill u 4 ese
17 Feb 2016 | 18:06
Complicated no b small ooo...... Nxt plz
18 Feb 2016 | 04:39
mayb na da senator bello maid im kill nw.
18 Feb 2016 | 04:43
@Charliebryn is DAT u Adam take everything easy u shall conquer..... @donewalter Weldon u do well
18 Feb 2016 | 04:54
It's now so clear that General Galadima is behind those killings. His uncomfortable stance with the news and eventual threat and lastly the new killing all points to the fact that He's behind all those. Adam can you now fulfil your promise of being by Ese's side till she delivers. Since its just a week, you could make your other detectives useful by handling this new murder
18 Feb 2016 | 04:59
18 Feb 2016 | 05:04
complicated indeed!!!!
18 Feb 2016 | 05:12
Suspence ... I jux wish i culd drag out d whole story from ur memory
18 Feb 2016 | 07:15
oooh adam... wat a complicated life
18 Feb 2016 | 07:50
Eleyi gidi gan ooo,too tough...
18 Feb 2016 | 16:19
Complicated indeed
18 Feb 2016 | 18:56
following ...
19 Feb 2016 | 03:42
@frankkay Na me be that o...
19 Feb 2016 | 05:17
bro @charliebryn u are wlc
19 Feb 2016 | 06:04
Oh dear dear.. Dis whole thing is so complicated.. Cnt evn guess who d killer myt be someone u wldnt evn think of..
19 Feb 2016 | 07:06
galadimma in 4 dx.
19 Feb 2016 | 21:09
nawah ooo
20 Feb 2016 | 05:57
20 Feb 2016 | 09:07
22 Feb 2016 | 02:18
@donwalter what is keeping u nah
22 Feb 2016 | 06:24
I have read many novels but its my first time commenting. everything is not all about sex. keel it on @donwalter
22 Feb 2016 | 08:41
it's detective Samson jorh. he is always telling Adam about the new case. he also told him about the year before own. just saying though.
22 Feb 2016 | 08:42
I am very sorry for not updating since. Had a little problem with my account. Thanks for your patient. Gonna upload another episode tonight
22 Feb 2016 | 12:27
Dnt kip us waitin ooo, 2nyt it z den
22 Feb 2016 | 16:35
@donwalter u promised tonight what is it again :(
22 Feb 2016 | 20:11
Sorry. Got a network problem
23 Feb 2016 | 08:36
Episode 8 . . . . . . Adam paced around the house. He could hear Kate’s voice through the bedroom door as she talked with Ese. He had a decision to make, one he had to make very fast. Telling the doctor he would take some days off to take care of his wife sounded like a chivalrous thing to do at the time, now it just sounded stupid. There was a dead body he should be attending to. What was he doing anyway? It wasn’t like he could take care of a pregnant woman. His panic at the false labour was enough proof of that. The bedroom door opened and he turned around to see Kate. “How is she?” Adam asked. She ignored his question. “What are you going to do?” “I don’t know yet. How is she?” “I can’t answer that question until I know what you’re going to do.” Adam held her hand and drew her away from the door. “What do you expect me to do? I can’t tell my wife I’m leaving her but I can’t leave the case right now. They just found another body.” “I know, I know, but still you have to make up your mind. The sooner the better.” “You don’t seem to…” His phone rang, it was Detective Samson. “Detective?” “Sir, we are waiting for you. We may not be able to hold off the press for much longer.” “I’ll be with you soon.” He ended the call. “So you’re going then?” Kate asked. “Just for now. I will check the body, tell them what to do and come back home.” Kate smiled. “Good luck explaining that to your wife.” She was right. He knew better than anyone that there was no way a detective will see a dead body and turn around. What was he supposed to do? His phone rang again. “Samson, I said you should wait!” “You still scream at your subordinates, I see you have not changed at all.” It was not Samson. Adam looked at his phone – Tola! “Mrs Dosumu, how nice of you to call.” “Do I sense sarcasm?” “If you had come with me to Abuja I won’t be in the mess I’m in.” She chuckled. “Are you serious? I should leave my husband and a chance to head the CIB in Kwara state to come with you?” “Yes, is that too much to ask? You were my partner.” “Adam, this isn’t even funny. I was just calling to tell you I am in Abuja with my husband.” “Really? Why are you telling me. It’s not like this is the first time you are visiting.” “I’m calling this time because I am here for a week. I was thinking of visiting you.” Adam’s eyes widened. She was in Abuja for a week. Ese had a week to go till she had her baby. Miracle! “My sweet sweet Tola. That is great!” Adam said. “Oh no!” Tola said. “You just found a way to use me, didn’t you?” “Use you? Nah. I just need to ask you a favour.” “A favour?” “Yes, and it’s not for me, it’s for your sister; Ese.” “She’s my sister now? “Oh yeah, she is.” Adam could not believe his luck. “What do you want Adam?” *** “Show me the body.” Adam said, running into the parking garage. Detective Samson looked displeased but Adam could not care less. He was glad to have broken away from Ese with Tola’s promise to come stay with her. Ese did not seem to care that he was leaving; Tola was going to be enough for her. “Here it is.” Detective Samson showed him the car. It was a BMW, an expensive one, he was sure. It was parked in a public underground parking lot. It was not the perfect place to commit a murder or hide a body. Neither was the roadside. Cars came in and went out all the time. He looked around, there were no surveillance cameras. Maybe it was not such a bad place after all. He looked at the body. She was a beautiful lady, probably rich too. Looked like the killer had a type. Just like Senator Halima, she had a smile on her face and there was no obvious sign of how she was killed. He looked around the car, there was nothing noticeable except her clothes on the driver’s seat. “Do you know who she is?” Adam asked. “Abigail Chisom.” “Chisom? Do I know that name?” “She’s the daughter of the former minister of Information.” “He definitely has a type. The parents?” “We wanted you to see the body before informing them.” “Okay.” “Are you done?” Adam looked back at the body. There had to be something more to this car. He had to find something. He opened all enclosed compartments, there was nothing. He opened the glove-box. There were brushes, lipsticks, cosmetic stuff. She wasn’t a very tidy person apparently. He was about closing the box when he noticed a white card hidden below the mess. He dug through the mess to pick it. It was a business card, her business card. He looked behind the card and saw a phone number. “Samson, come see this.” Detective Samson collected the card. “Dial it.” He called the number, there was no answer. Adam collected the card. Could it be the killer’s number? Would he be as careless as to leave something that tied him to the victim? Maybe he did not know she had a card with his phone number written on it in her car. “Get the body to the coroner. Hopefully we can perform an autopsy before her parents come wielding their almighty power.” “Okay sir.” Adam closed the door of the car. “Sir did you hear that?” Detective Samson asked. “Hear what?” Adam listened. Then he heard it. Music was coming from the car. He opened the door and the music got louder, it was definitely coming from inside the car. He looked around, there was no phone. Was it coming from inside her? The music stopped. “Was that a phone?” Detective Samson asked. “Yeah but I can’t find it and it’s stopped ringing.” The music started again. It was coming from her. He moved closer to her. It was weird getting so close to a strange naked woman – a dead one. He pushed the body slightly and light flashed from under the body. She was laying on the phone. He pushed the body harder and grabbed the phone. He answered the call and kept quiet. “Aby?” Adam did not say anything. He knew that voice. “Aby?” The voice said, followed by a pause and the dial tone. Adam looked at the phone number that had called. “Samson, let me see that card.” Adam said. He collected the card, the number on it was the same as the one that had called. He had to find this person, whoever it was. This murder made almost everything he thought he knew obsolete. He doubted that General Galadima was the one who killed this girl. If Senator Halima was loose enough to sleep with him, he was not sure Abigail Chisom would do the same. Senator Bello was dead so that left him out. Only Hameed was left. But what would be his motive for this murder? If he killed Halima and Dafe for revenge, why would he kill Abigail Chisom? “Find out who that number belongs to and let me know.” He had almost already accumulated the number of bodies he had throughout the church street murder case. That case was his break, it sealed him as a detective. Maybe this one would end him as a detective. *** “No autopsy?” Adam asked his mouth open. “They said if we allowed Senator Halima go without any autopsy, they had to have the same.” Detective Samson said. “I don’t understand these people. Don’t they want to find the person who killed their daughter?” “They’re just being emotional sir. They are not thinking about finding the killer as much as sorrowing over their dead daughter.” Adam hissed. “What else do you have? The phone number?” “Yes sir. I found the person who owns that number.” Adam sat up. “Who was it?” “Hameed Galadima.” “Are you sure?” “Yes sir.” Things were getting so silly and confusing now. “Find out where Hameed was last night and all the previous nights before.” “Okay sir.” Detective Samson made to go. “How about you check his father too.” “Okay sir.” Detective Samson said and walked out. The door was barely closed when there was a knock on the door. It opened and a detective entered. He remembered him this time. “Detective Bawa, right?” “Yes sir.” “What can I do for you?” “I’ve come to complete my story sir.” “I thought you said it was not important.” The detective had a grave face on. “It is now.” “Okay, tell me about it.” Adam said. He relaxed on his chair and looked at the man. “Like I said earlier sir, I grew up in Bida.” Adam raised his right hand and Detective Bawa stopped. “I know that part, just tell me the part that will interest me.“ “When I was in secondary school, we once found a dead body. A naked smiling dead girl.” Adam’s eyes widened. “We have a serial killer loose in the city?” “We might sir, that’s why I came to tell you sir.” This news was not good. It was way easier solving a singular murder. He had suspects who had emotional connections to the murder. This complicated things more. Could Hameed or his father be serial killers? “Did you ever find the killer?” “Yes sir. Somebody was charged. Unfortunately he could not make it to the court, he was lynched by thugs.” So like the first prostitute case, they could not be sure that the real killer was found. What if part of the MO of the killer was to see someone else suffer for his sins? “Before you go detective, I have a question for you.” “Okay sir.” “Did General Galadima and his family ever live in Bida?” Detective Dafe paused and said. “Yes sir, they did.” *** Adam knew what he had to do now. And there was one person he could go to for help – the Inspector General. He had to fully investigate General Galadima. He needed to reopen the case from Bida. He needed to question the general. Things he could not do with the case sealed by the Inspector General himself. He looked at his watch, he had been waiting for forty minutes. What was the wait for? He picked his phone and called Nnamdi. He picked the call on the first ring. “Nnamdi, I am still waiting.” Adam said. “I know.” Nnamdi replied. “You know, that’s all you will say? You know?” “Yeah Detective, I know.” “You realise I just found another dead body, people are dying and you’re joking around?” “That’s not my problem, Mr detective.” Adam could not believe what he was hearing. “Sir?” He looked up and saw the secretary was calling him. “You can go in now.” She said. “He will not be seeing you for the next one hour. He is in a phone meeting with one the state commissioners right now.” Nnamdi was saying. Adam looked at the phone puzzled. “He just asked me to come in. Are you even here?” “How about you enter and find out.” Adam ended the call and entered the office. The IG was at this desk looking up at Adam as he entered. Nnamdi was not in the office. Idiot. “I heard you found another body.” He said. “Yes sir, we did.” “Is this linked in anyway with the death of the senators?” “Yes sir. The girl was killed exactly the same way Senator Halima was killed. And she happens to be the daughter of another influential person.” “It could be a copycat. You can’t be sure it’s the same killer.” Adam paused, he knew what the IG was doing. He knew why he had come and was trying to stall. “Sir, I’m going for General Galadima and I came here to notify you.” Adam said. The IG chuckled. “Notify me? You’re not even here to get permission?” “It’s easier to get forgiveness than permission.” Adam said. “That’s just a quote, it’s so far from the truth. Permission may be difficult to get but forgiveness is impossible to get around here.” Adam stood. “I have notified you sir.” “Sit down Ademola.” The IG said. “Sit down.” Adam sat. “Senator Bello was my friend, you think I’m happy he is dead? No, I am not. But what can I do?” “You are one of the most powerful men in this nation.” “So was Senator Bello.” He said and paused. “Look, you don’t mess with the President’s people. I know that and you should too. I won’t be able to protect you if anything happens.” “I’m not here to ask for protection.” The IG laughed. “But you are. You are Ademola. Why did you come here then? You came so when it all goes to hell you can say I was aware you were going to do what you did.” Adam stayed quiet. Maybe he was right. What he was going to do was dangerous and he needed help. “So what now sir? I can’t do this?” “I’m not saying you can’t.” “So what are you saying?” “I’m saying I don’t have any hand in it. You don’t have to put yourself in so much trouble for this people. Isn’t your wife pregnant?” “Don’t bring my family into this.” “I am not. I am asking you to do the same.” *** Adam entered his car and wound down the windows. He knew he was driven by an obsession to put an end to General Galadima and it was making him do things even he knew were dangerous. It was his job, it was his obsession. It wasn’t Ese’s. He dialed Tola’s number. She answered. “Adam?” “How’s everything over there?” Adam asked. “You mean, here with your wife, the place where you are supposed to be?” “Come on Tola, you know how it is. Is Ese fine?” “Ese is fine. The question is how long am I supposed to do this for?” “Just a couple more days.” “What! A couple more days? I’m not a baby sitter Adam. This is not fair, I’m supposed to be here to chill while my husband attends his conference.” “I’m sorry Tola, I’ll make it up to you. I have something more important to ask you though.” “Great, more favours.” “Are you carrying?” She paused. “Carrying?” “Yeah, are you carrying? Your gun, is it with you?” “Why will I have my gun? What’s going on?” “Please Tola get it if it’s in Abuja. I need someone to be able to protect my wife in case…” “What are you talking about? What is going on Adam?” “Don’t worry about it. Just don’t leave Ese alone for any minute.” “Adam?” He ended the call before she could carry on her querying. Now he was ready to do what he had to do. He dialed the number and waited. “Hello Detective.” “Hello General, are you at home?” “Yes I am.” “How about that dinner you offered but without the wives?” “Right now?” “Right now.” “Okay, I will be waiting at the dinning table.” *** Adam took a sip of the orange juice and set the glass cup on the table. He wiped his mouth with the table napkin and dropped it beside the cup. He looked up at the General, he was also done eating. “Dinner is over, so can we talk about what you are really doing here?” The General asked. “Yes sir.” “Get to it then.” Adam was not sure how to start. In fact now that he was seated opposite the general, he was not sure about anything. Maybe he was really just stupid after all. The general was staring at him, he could not show weakness. “The last time we talked you threatened me.” Adam started. “What was that about?” The general laughed. “I threatened you? I don’t threaten detective. If I wanted to harm you, I will just go on and do it.” “Like you did to Senator Bello?” Adam asked in-spite of his pounding heart. General Galadima paused and took a sip of water. Adam watched his every movement. If the man made any sudden movements, he was ready to dive for the floor and reach for his gun at the same time. “General? Senator Bello? Did you just go on and harm him?” “There is something I admire about you detective, it is bravery. Your father must be very proud of you. I know I would be.” Adam looked at him, unflinching. He knew what the man was trying to do and it was not going to work. “I wish my son was just as brave. Maybe he would have been. But he lost his mother at an early age. It was a disaster, we were all troubled but Hameed more than any other person.” Adam wondered why he was telling him this. It had nothing to do with his question. Or did it? “Now, Hameed is just a wuss running around with women below his class. He could not even get that slut to marry him.” Adam was tired of the monologue. “General, did you or did you not have anything to do with the suicide of Senator Bello? Or the murder of Senator Halima or Senator Dafe for that matter?” General Galadima paused again, then said. “What exactly do you hope to achieve here? Scare me into a confession?” Adam shifted in his chair. That was his plan. He knew he could not scare the general but maybe he could he make him cocky enough to confess. His recording device was already on between his belt and his trousers. It was probably a stupid plan. It was definitely a stupid plan. How was he going to get the recording device out of the house even if the very experienced and smart general were to confess? There was no hope, there was nothing he could do. The IG was right, there was no winning this. But he would tell the general his mind before he left the house. “Look here General, I know I’m nothing to you but you won’t always get away with all this evil. A girl was found last night, killed the same way Senator Halima was killed. And I have come to learn that this is not the first time. Way back in Bida, this same thing happened.” “What?” A voice said from across the room. Adam turned in the direction of the voice. It was Hameed, staring at Adam. Adam had not seen him enter the room. “Just keep your mouth shut Hameed.” The general said. “Hameed…” Adam started. Hameed looked from his father to Adam. He grabbed a bunch of keys lying on the table and ran out of the room. Adam heard a big door slam some seconds later. That sound was followed by the sound of a car engine revving below. Adam ran to the window and looked downstairs, Hameed was speeding out of the compound in a black SUV. Adam looked back and saw General Galadima on his feet. “See? He won’t even stay and face the consequences of his own actions. Coward.” . . . . . . Tbc
23 Feb 2016 | 08:53
Xo d son sleeps wif d galz nd d dad kills dem.....? Z dat it, nxt... Mre ink 2 ua pen @donwalter
23 Feb 2016 | 11:24
23 Feb 2016 | 12:33
@Khola46 @Wiseman @Ibrams @Pizzaro @Swtharyomi @Wyse-one @Eddy @Delight @Pweety @Mray @Jummybabe @Babe4biola @Sofia @Ritagold @Kuks @Originalannchilexdel @Fridex @Frank @Frankkay @Simzy @Pheranmmie041 @Temmyjoy @Chriswayne @Evanz @Itzshaxee @Mecuze @Skookum @Kingson1 @Donmikie @Kingsbest @T-Dak @Charlywizzy @Charliebryn @Hardeywummy @Japhola @Konphido @Emmyrexx @Adura @Tholartee @Nextangel @Blessedgirl @Ebube @Jenifa @Jclash @Taiwo @Chomyline @Lawman @Tinagabe @Christiana @Itmrabzeez @Johnoscar @Precy @Timmy @Dabcy @Ikeholuwa1 @Besty @Starlet @Okklad @Angeleniola @Ewomazeal @Mizleemah @Blessfelicity222 @Anitcham @Stephanie @Lollybabe1 @Dahcutebae @Rhennyjay @Geeadore @Tiffany1 @Tonia @Hameyeenat @Inemlove @Promzy @Mohjisolah @Jencute @Jenny @Doublewealth @John451 @Kniphemi @Vibratingwind @Emmanesth @Horpheyehmy @Valking1 @Pweety @Kpumpy @Justify @Maurice @Jummy @Thankmic @Christopher @Anita @Phinebraim @Kedike @Kemkit @Gracy @Saintkenz @December12 @Promise @Sylvia @Bsam @Portable @Steph @Aarti @Olaking3 @Harddy @Blakstudd @Prince @Invincible @Mhzzrblayse @Azeeco @Temmymofrosh @Sandra @Sandy @Kaysmart22 @Cherryserah @Sexynikky1994 @Youngestprince @Davick @Semilore @Oyindamola @Dhemilade1 @Mature @Pearl @Roes @Franklin @Kolababs @Hollar @Smilie @Borwerleh @Iksqueency @Loveth @Funmilayo1 @Okklad @Nizzy @Flames @Vict-Vames @Peace @Sirp081 @Kristen @Kingsengine @Aaron @Tony @Ruth @Romancelord @Itzshaxee @Olamy4fun @Abrahamdking @Flamerouz @Crusher @Stanny39 @John @Softtouch @Onahsunday631 @Jeddy @Sonshine @Sirgentle @Vizkid @Hoelhay @Pharm-vickymears @Teesolid @Omoyemmy @Olarach @Daxking @Krizzy @Softie @Holarbordah @Ele @Firstladyontop @Obaby @Sergentmax @Mhizdaofot @Ariketemmy @Saraya @Eminem @Laurasteve299 @vickyola @unyo1 @ofandave007 @Gambola @Monadisu @Dazzlingangel @Donyas @C-Roderick @Cookey @Isabella1 @Chisomsophia @Mrfabulous @Henry @Mhizzthessy @Millz @Bishops10 @Kreepyink @Olaniyiadeshina @Gracedkyenny @Hardeyhorlar9 @Holaryinkhar @Inemeka @Abevica @Individual @Olami @Beryl @Youngfellow @Humblelion @Natasha9976 @Hartuny @Emergencia @Paula4eva @GiftGodiva @Divatimmy @Finestberyl @Sapiens @Ahmad @Ele1 @Ferdinard @Festoza006 @Sharpzender @Uncleba426 @Paje @Jenny123 @Pemamezi @Detector @Pweetyfizzy @Willingyung @Napster @Greg-billz @Valentinelv @Hayanfeoluwa @Teju1 @Dgreat @Prestigiousfirstlady @Petersandra121 @Jenny1 @Bryten50 @Fallancy @Rosey @Jimmyjab @Oluwanifemi @Arosunshine @Heartbrokekid @Thosiano @Peterox @Iamsmv @Adegunle3gmail-com @Sparkling-2 @Hoyenikky @Maurice @Lizzytee @Zephyr @Mhizterdimex @Ladywen @Holarmidey @Scriptures @Lollycobra @Hardey1292 @Adeblow23 @Slimolayinkastar @Damzybabe @Adeshewa @Softel @Nifemi @Abradek @Beauty74 @Cizzle @Omolarami @Nazysophy1 @Yemitefestus @Omoniyiola @Inifek @Coolbaby @Nheemot @Deejaygrin @Hitiswell @Fynboy @Sirmike @Aminzy @Vicoch @Sunnyklin20Yahoo-com @Psam @Oshio @Shikoleen @Queencoded @Kimmy @Ifeoma1 @Nobleay @Felixharuna11 @Ibktemi99 @Hayzedefoe @Chidex14 @Classy @Omodemilade59 @Rufus @Ladygrasha @Ennylincoln @Kingz1 @Starlord1 @Noskid @Kodedreal @Petermikel @Frankymario @Olatunjitobi @Pweetylizzyqueen @Olutcoded @Sayrah @Tomtim @Missdammy @Latienco @Bimrach @Mubarak @Mubavak @Adeolaajala1234 @Olalekana69 @Dbest @Skulboy @Beautyqueen @Naomacjoyous @Onyinyessica @Drumsaint @Debbi2nice @Jamesgentility @Megatron @Okiripoto02gmail-com @Rahzycute1 @Hangellah46 @Deltavictory @Kay2ty7 @Praisee @Josephjuliet @Xtopher @Richymore @Temmy744 @Mrmorie @Abosmart @Adfaustina595gmail-com @Adetolaadejoke @Whizjay @Anthcunny @Freeday @Ninny @Abasienyene @Henryjay @Horgzy @Abosmart @Omodemilade59 @Judith @Mercykris @Superstar4real @Sanctus4real @Bolaji2308 @Damzybabe @Profeze1 @Horlarjuwhon @Illusion002 @Royzeray @Oluwatosin @Chinenye5404 @Dharmex @Inifek @Pattiejoe7gmail-com @Opinxymenumento @Bobbidi-boo @Gooddysmart3 @Elijezy @Drumsaint @Oshio @Musterfi @Khaleedwr @Addieola @Chinedueze @Praise22 @Mdsodeeq @Sirjerro @Masterbill @Emileagosu @Kabazi95 @Daintyshewa @Klaussimbo @Peoray @Samnolimit @Babswalexyttyahoo-com @Shania55 @Conspirancy @Chinyenorah @Pharouq00 @Saraya @Blazeb @Virtuous @Amibabe @Mrsolace @Ennyshow @Haryormidey @Mzz_teddy @Daddyd @Cassiewells @Omoshalewa @Nheemot @Rukibaby19 @Abbeygirl25 @Serikibazooka1 @Samnolimit @Ugochisunday @Yusfaty @Muffybaba @Micheal1 @Judiee @Certifiedjx @Wumyte @Jokqees @Coolbaby @Victoriouschild @Temmyluv @Oyefestus @Xtremexamxong @Gamanuel @nkluv @tessy @hardehbaryor112 @amazingbay @sommyangel @everybody come o
23 Feb 2016 | 12:34
Hmmmmm secreet comin out little by little
23 Feb 2016 | 12:47
finnaly @donwalter have update u do well bro/sis hmmmm am now suspecting this galadima o next pls
23 Feb 2016 | 13:06
Father and son are both guilty..... You just found out who the killers are.... Adams.
23 Feb 2016 | 13:21
I pray notin bad hapen to eze ooo
23 Feb 2016 | 14:27
Hmmmm, d killer are who nd who nw,welldone @Donwalter..
23 Feb 2016 | 15:11
The main actors behind all these killings is no longer unknown now. General Galadima and Hameed are definitely behind it as indirectly confirmed by the General. Let's see how it goes
23 Feb 2016 | 15:15
i won't judge shaa this might be the person you lest expected
23 Feb 2016 | 17:23
Next Please. Great Job Donwalter
24 Feb 2016 | 10:39
with d way hameed behave definately d general has smetin to do wit it...
24 Feb 2016 | 16:51
May be that Hameed of guy uses drugs to sedate his victims for sex and eventually got them killed in a bid to cover up the crime. Just gussing though..
24 Feb 2016 | 17:47
May be that Hameed of a guy uses drugs to sedate his victims for sex and eventually got them killed in a bid to cover up the crime. Just gussing though..
24 Feb 2016 | 17:48
Dont knw what to say... Time will tell
24 Feb 2016 | 20:29
Still following
25 Feb 2016 | 06:08
Good news to tell you that this is not neither Hameed nor Galadima but from unexpected ally of Detective Adam... Good write-up anyways!!
25 Feb 2016 | 09:26
Am so hapi 4 this season tanx @donwalter. Am sure dis killings is not political, but the female seems to be the tagret.
25 Feb 2016 | 17:26
@donwalter remember we are waiting for an for 3 days now :(
26 Feb 2016 | 03:46
Ook. still following
26 Feb 2016 | 06:25
Episode 9 . . . . . . . Hameed had been gone for about six hours and the whole of Abuja was looking for him. Adam was not sure how the press got news of the search but it was being broadcast on almost every station. Several people had called in saying they saw him but like Adam expected, they were all bogus calls. Hameed did not look like someone who was smart enough to pull off an escape. Especially now his father seemed to be fed up with him and had stopped helping him. At least that was what he said. They had checked everywhere they thought he could hide. Except for his uncle’s place. Getting access into the house had not been easy to get. Honourable Hassan had reminded them of his position and blatantly refused them access. General Galadima had intervened though but Adam was not sure if it was worth the effort. “Remind me why we are here again.” Kate said. “I’m beginning to wonder myself. Hameed can’t be hiding here, it doesn’t make sense.” “So why are we here then?” “Did you see how the Honourable was reluctant to let us in? I just think there’s something he is hiding.” “I hope something turns up soon. Hameed gets farther away with every minute we waste here.” He knew she was right but it all did not sit well with him. Hameed was one of his first suspects but now that he looked more and more like the killer he could not help but wonder if he was wrong. Why would he run if he was innocent? His running away still confused him. And there was the part of the General calling him a coward. What was all that about? “Detective, how goes the search?” It was Honourable Hassan. “We’ll be out of here as soon as we can Honourable.” Adam said. “How well do you know Hameed sir?” Kate asked. “Like a brother.” Honourable Hassan said with a smile. “To be honest I’m sort of surprised he could do all you are accusing him of.” Adam looked at the Honourable, maybe he was his chance to finally get something on General Galadima. “How long have you known Hameed for? General Galadima too?” “Long enough to know the General will be very upset right now.” Hassan replied. That answer was not what Adam wanted but he could not come out to ask his question clearly. “Did you know Hameed when he was younger – say in secondary school?” “Yeah I did. I call him my nephew but you know I’m not a Galadima and I’m not his mother’s brother either. I lived with them since I was a kid though.” Adam was getting closer to what he wanted. “So you lived in Bida too?” Hassan paused. “Yes I did. Hameed was quite young then though.” If Hassan was young then he was right about General Galadima. “He wasn’t too young though.” Honourable Hassan added. “Maybe about eighteen. Why do you ask?” Eighteen wasn’t too young. Did it mean Hameed could have committed the murder? His father had called him a coward. Could a coward kill people the way Hameed did? “Detective?” “I’m sorry, my mind had wandered. There was a murder in Bida, similar to the one of Senator Halima, did you know about it?” Hassan shot Adam a look, Adam knew he had hit a nerve. “I might be helping you find Hameed for crimes he committed here but I will not helping you rope him into a crime he didn’t commit.” Hassan turned and walked away. “Did you see that?” Kate said. “Something happened in Bida that they’re all trying to hide.” “It’s the General, I’m so sure. But I can’t believe he wants to pin it all on his son.” “We need the Honourable on our side, he is probably the only one who can help us find out what exactly is going on.” “Or we find Hameed on time before he does something stupid.” “Sir?” Adam looked across the room to where Detective Samson was calling. “You might want to see this.” Adam and Kate followed him into one of the room. The room was empty, probably one of the guest rooms that were never used. Adam looked around, what was he supposed to see? “What am I missing detective?” Detective Samson walked to the wardrobe in the room and pushed the mirror and it slid open. “There’s a secret room.” Kate said, eyes wide. “What is this? Chronicles of Narnia?” Adam asked. “What’s on the other side?” “We haven’t gone in sir. We believe the suspect could be hiding there.” Detective Samson said. “Then go in and arrest him!” Detective Samson nodded and drew his gun. He was followed by two uniformed policemen and they entered the room. Adam waited to hear a commotion but there was nothing. He waited for a few more seconds, still there was nothing. “I’m going in.” He said. He turned to Kate. “Wait here.” Adam drew his gun and entered through the door. He lost his footing and dropped to the floor of the dark room. He heard movement to his left. Friends or foe? He held tight to his gun and peered hopelessly into the darkness. He heard a click and light flooded the room. He lost his orientation for a second before opening his eyes. The men who had entered before him were alone. They looked around stunned by the light too. Adam looked around the room. What was this place? The room was whitewashed and bare; no bed or any other furniture except for a chair that sat randomly in the middle of the room. There was a small wooden box under the chair. The room had no windows. There were no other entry or exit points apart from the one they had entered through. He looked up at the high ceilings. He saw a small vent; it was probably what supplied air into the room. Then he saw a picture on the wall. A beautiful smiling woman. She was probably in her forties. She looked oddly familiar. He looked away from the picture and a few metres from it was another one. And then another. And then another. There were about eight different pictures of the same woman in the room. What is this place? It all reminded him too much of the Church Street Killer’s murder house. Was that what this… “How did you enter in here?” Honourable Hassan was standing at the door. “Why didn’t you tell us about this room Honourable?” Adam asked. “Because it’s not my room.” Hassan said. “Not your room? This is your house. How is this not your room?” “This is Hameed’s room. This is my first time of being in here actually. He always kept it secret.” Adam frowned. “He kept a room secret in your own house?” “See, you don’t understand. I owe their family all that I am. I just thought it was a place for him to get high and maybe stash his drugs.” Adam nodded. He had experienced the power of the Galadimas first hand, so maybe even Honourable Hassan could not escape them. But the pictures… “The woman in the pictures, who is she?” “Hajia Galadima, Hameed’s mother.” Hameed is obssessed with his mother? He suddenly felt like throwing up. Was that what this was all about? Was that why his father seemed to dislike him? “The general said Hameed took her death really bad. How did she die?” The honourable looked down. “She died in a hit and run.” “And the person who killed her was never found?” “No.” This still did not explain why Hameed was obsessed with his mother. Was he sexually abused? Was his obsessive love producing obsessive hate? The girls died smiling. Did this have anything to do with the beautiful smile his mother had? “Honourable, is there something you are not telling us here? Hameed is already in trouble, you can’t help him but you can help us. Think about all the lives that have been lost already.” The Honourable opened his mouth but paused. Adam sighed, they need answers. Hameed could be committing another murder while they wasted time speculating. “Sir?” Detective Samson called. “The box under the chair?” Adam turned to Honourable Hassan. “Do you know what that is?” He shook his head. “I’m not sure I do but I’ve seen another one like it somewhere around the house. I’ll get it for you. Could your assistant come with me?” Adam nodded at Kate and they both walked out of the room. Adam picked up the box and he sat on the chair. The content of the box could give them an explanation of what Hameed’s problem was. He held the box to his ear and shook it. It sounded like it contained paper. He opened the box. He was right, it was full of paper. And a glass box. He set the box aside first and picked one of the papers. It was a newspaper clipping reporting the death of Hajia Galadima. Every single one of those papers had her picture and reported news about her. He picked the glass box and opened it. Inside the box was a gold tooth. A tooth? He picked the tooth and held it closer to his eyes. It was dirty. Almost as if it was dug from the ground. He looked closer. It was not dirt! The tooth was coloured with blood. He looked up at the pictures on the wall and his fear was confirmed. Hajia Galadima had a gold tooth in every one of those pictures. Did Hameed kill his mother too? He needed to speak to the General. Surely he knew something about all these. He stood and dropped the box on the chair. The box slid off the chair and fell to the ground. The bottom of the box cracked. Adam bent and picked it. He looked at the cracked bottom – he could not see through the box. The bottom was false, there was something under it. He tore the bottom open, there was another compartment below. It contained pictures. Two of them. Adam picked the pictures. They were coloured but low quality. Probably taken with tourist cameras that printed instantly. The first was a picture of a very young Hameed and his mother smiling into the camera. He looked at the second and gasped. What the heck! The picture showed Hameed and his mother kissing! Only this time, he was not sure it was Hameed. He looked closer at the pictures. The men in the pictures were the same and he was not so sure the man was Hameed. “Samson, come check this out.” Adam handed the pictures to him. “Do you think that is Hameed Galadima?” Detective Samson looked for a while, his face expressionless. “What do you think?” Adam asked. “I don’t think this is Mr Hameed sir.” “Who do you think this is?” Adam asked, his heart beating faster. Could he be right? “I’m not very sure about this sir.” Adam was not sure himself but his gut told him he was right. He needed someone else to say it first. “Just tell me detective.” Detective Samson sighed. “I believe it is Honourable Hassan in these pictures sir.” Adam slammed his fist into the air. Hassan? Why? How? Hassan slept with Hameed’s mother? Under the nose of the general? And then went on to kill her and take her tooth from the dead body? “Detective, go into the house and get Honourable Hassan now. And please don’t hint at our discovery at all.” Adam said. Detective Samson nodded and left the room. Adam dropped into the chair and cradled his head in both palms. Honourable Hassan? How? Killing Senator Halima wouldn’t have been a problem. She slept with anybody and everybody, it wouldn’t have been difficult for Hassan to convince her to sleep with him too. He probably killed Senator Dafe because he found out he was the killer. The general probably assumed his own son was the killer and made all his moves thinking he was protecting Hameed and not the man who killed his own wife. Detective Samson returned to the room. “Where is the Honourable?” Adam asked. “He is gone!” “Gone? Gone where? How did he…?” Kate? “Kate, did you see Kate?” “I don’t…” “Did you see her? She went out with him just now. Did you see her?” “No sir. I don’t…” “Don’t tell me no! Look for her now! Find Kate damn it!” Adam grabbed the box and ran out of the room. He had lost Kate once, she might not survive it this time. *** “Tola, I’m in trouble. It’s the church street killer all over again.” Adam said, one hand on the phone, the other on the steering wheel. “What is it this time? It’s not enough that I’m taking care of your wife, I have to solve your case too?” “Tola, Kate has been taken.” “What? Are you sure?” “Do I sound like I’m joking?” Adam could not believe she had been taken right under his nose. “What are you going to do?” “Kill myself if she dies.” “Don’t talk like that. She survived Collins, she will survive whoever this guy is.” “You know the sad part is….” “Hey Adam.” Tola cut him off. “You will not find the killer by talking to me on the phone.” She was right. “I’m sorry, I just needed someone to talk to. Take care of my wife, I’ll take care of myself.” “Don’t panic Adam. You will find her.” Adam dropped the phone. He wished he was as confident as she was. He had no idea where to look. Kate was the one who took him around Abuja. He should not have allowed her come on the case with him. His lips trembled, he had no idea what to do. No idea! The general! He would know. He grabbed his phone and dialed his number. He picked at first ring. “Have you found my son?” “No sir, but we have a bigger problem. Your son is not the killer.” “He ran away, he was the one who…” “I know sir but Honourable Hassan is the killer sir.” The general paused. “Hassan? How? He was just a boy who was fortunate to be raised by me.” “Sir, we also believe he may have killed your wife.” There was silence on the other end of the line. Adam knew he had not broken the news the right way but he was desperate. He needed the general on his side. “Hello sir?” “I thought my wife died in an accident.” His voice was grave. “Sir, we need your help finding Hassan. He has my assistant, Kate.” “I don’t believe Hassan could have done all of these.” “Sir, finding Hassan is urgent.” “Come to my house. I know where the fool will be hiding.” “I’ll be right there.” Adam said. “And please come alone. I don’t want to drag my name in the mud anymore than it already has been.” Adam understood how the man felt. He even felt some pity for him. “I’ll be right there.” His phone rang again almost as soon as he ended the call. It was Hameed. “Hameed, where are you?” “I didn’t do it.” His vibrating voice said over the phone. “I know you didn’t Hameed. We know who did it. You can come home now.” “My father…” “We have told him you are innocent. You can come home, you are safe now.” “He doesn’t love me. You don’t understand.” “That was because he thought you were the killer. He thought you were weak. Do the brave thing, come home.” “I can’t.” “Where are you and I will come pick you.” “Wait…” Hameed said and there was a few seconds of silence. “Hameed?” “I’m at Halima’s house in Lugbe. I will text the address to you.” The call ended. He had been hiding in Senator Halima’s house all along? He had no idea the Senator had a house in Lugbe, it was probably one of her hidden love nests. Adam considered what he had to do. He knew it was smarter to go to the general so they could find Hassan but his gut told him to go get Hameed. Lugbe was not on his route at all. It was stupid going to get Hameed but something pulled him in that direction. The text dropped with the address. He pushed his turn signal and swerved his car off the road and sped for Lugbe. *** He arrived at the house and rushed out his car. He pushed the gate, it creaked open. He pulled out his gun. He was not sure it was necessary. Hameed was not a killer and he was there to help him. He was not taking any chances though. He left the gate open and headed for the house. He got to the door and pushed it open. The house was silent and it had a certain odour. It smelled like it had not been used in a long time. Where are you Hameed? His phone rang and he jumped. It was Tola. “Hello Tola, I am fine.” He said. “Adam…” “Tola, I am in the middle of something.” “Adam…” “What?” “Ese just went into labour. Your baby is on the way.” Oh no! “Oh my God.” “She wants you here for the birth of the child. You have to find a way to get here.” “I will…” He started then heard a sound come from the house. “Okay Tola, I have to go now.” “You have to go? Did you hear what I just said?” Adam ended the call. The phone rang again. “Tola, I am in the middle of something.” “This is Detective Nnamdi, where are you?” “Nnamdi please, not now!” “I saw your people in Honourable Hassan’s house, what are you hiding?” “You disgusting little piece of…” “Hey, no need for all of that. This is only a courtesy to you as a colleague, I am more powerful than you think. In fact…” Adam hissed and ended the call. He held the power button until the phone went off. Now, nobody would disturb him. He walked into a sparsely furnished living room. Hameed was not here. “Hameed?” He called out. He heard some movement in a room to his right. He dashed for the room and opened the door. He entered the room and stopped. Hameed was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, his head lowered. “Hameed?” Adam walked to him and tapped him. Hameed toppled and fell to the ground. Adam knelt beside him and saw the first trickle of blood. It was not a trickle. Hameed’s throat had been slit. Who did this? “Hello detective.” Adam spun around. Hassan was standing opposite him with a syringe to Kate’s neck. . . . . . Tbc
26 Feb 2016 | 12:21
26 Feb 2016 | 15:19
OMG! Unbelievable!
26 Feb 2016 | 16:52
Shit shit shit .... I knew hameed nd his father were nt d killer ... @donwalter don't write in a way were u will guess who d killer is
27 Feb 2016 | 03:15
omg Dis hassan is a fool
27 Feb 2016 | 03:58
Oooooh shit, not again.
27 Feb 2016 | 04:33
so it was hassan all this while nd hammeed is dead :( eayah innocent hammeed Adam u have to do something next pls can't wait for more four days pls @donwalter do something :)
27 Feb 2016 | 04:36
I love this story.
27 Feb 2016 | 04:51
27 Feb 2016 | 04:53
Thanks @Crusherdaniels I will work on that
27 Feb 2016 | 05:12
This is serious
27 Feb 2016 | 05:59
Hassan is an idiot WTH
27 Feb 2016 | 06:35
27 Feb 2016 | 07:08
Thank God am here.
27 Feb 2016 | 07:47
Vhiz story is killing me..... Wtf!
27 Feb 2016 | 07:49
Wow nice one, am loving dis story
27 Feb 2016 | 08:07
Heeeeeeee...tongue out.......God should save Eze,kate nd Ademola 4 us oo
27 Feb 2016 | 08:56
Big trouble
27 Feb 2016 | 10:32
chai!! Y dx killinq... The killer alwayz kill whoever that want to help detective Adam.
27 Feb 2016 | 11:15
Hassan is a pathetic fool,killer,monster,i kw u ll later fail
27 Feb 2016 | 14:14
gettin more complicated
27 Feb 2016 | 18:00
Nawow! So it wasn't either Hameed nor the General all this while. Detective Adam! I hope you will survive this
27 Feb 2016 | 19:54
what the fuck
28 Feb 2016 | 13:09
More Lord!!!
28 Feb 2016 | 14:32
hmmm.. next please
29 Feb 2016 | 09:26
@donwalter we are waiting o
29 Feb 2016 | 15:03
no update yet :(
4 Mar 2016 | 04:29
The next and the last episode will be updated soon. So sorry for the break. Was out of a network area. Thank you for your understanding
4 Mar 2016 | 06:29
Final Episode . . . . . . . Adam knew trouble when he saw one. Unfortunately he was not only seeing this one, he was living He should have seen it coming. He tried again to untie his hands, it was not working. Hassan had tied him very tightly to the chair. If he was going to escape or survive this, he would need a miracle. He looked at Hameed’s body on the floor, he should have known. Hameed was erratic, emotional, crazy but he was not as calculated to pull off all the murders without getting caught. He should have known. He could not die. Not yet. If he died, it would most likely mean Kate would die too. Ese! He could not die without seeing his child. “Hey!” He screamed. Hassan strode into the room, a smile on his face. “What do you want?” “Look, I don’t beg criminals, I’d rather die but…” Hassan laughed. “I knew there was a but coming.” Adam shook his head, he hated that he had to do this. “My wife is in the hospital right now having a baby.” “Aww, congratulations. It’s sad your wife has to raise that child alone.” “What’s your plan here?” Adam asked. “Kill us and return to your life? All my detectives are out looking for you. They know you are the killer. You won’t last a day out there.” Hassan leaned on the wall, the smile still plastered on his face. Looking at him now Adam could not believe he had not suspected him. It was obvious the devil himself lived inside of him. “Here’s my plan Detective. I will kill you, that’s a given. Then I will travel to Niger Republic where I have friends. I will take Kate with me of course, I have become quite fond of her. I will marry her and we will travel the world together.” “You delusional fool!” Adam said and spat to the side. “You actually believe you will leave this country? And you think Kate will marry you? Travel around the world with you?” “Why won’t she? You saw Halima naked, right? Gorgeous woman. I have a way with women. Not even Kate can resist me. And don’t worry, I will get out of this country just fine. Okay, so you asked for my plans and I told you my plans.” Hassan started to leave the room. Adam knew he had to do something, he could not just let this happen. He had no idea what to do. His hands were tied – literally, and feet too. If he shouted there was no chance anyone would hear him. Except someone noticed the open gate and came in! He had to buy time. “Honourable?” Hassan stopped. “You called me Honourable? How honourable of you.” “Why did you do it? Senator Halima? Senator Dafe? Senator Bello? Those poor girls? Why did you kille them?” Hassan smiled. “This is the point where I tell you my story just so you can buy enough time for help to come to you, right? I read your church street killer story, I know what happened. I will tell you my story but nobody will find you here.” Adam stared at him with cold eyes. “Just tell the damn story.” “I’m telling this more for my own entertainment than for your information. I’ll start with Bello, I didn’t kill him, he killed himself. Dafe, I didn’t kill him too.” “Yeah, not with you hands. Coward, you only kill women. You couldn’t handle a real man so you had someone else do your dirty job for you.” Hassan’s eyes grew dark. “I am not a coward. Keep saying that and you will die, very slowly.” “Senator Halima, what was her offense? She told you how weak you were in bed, right?” Hassan rushed at Adam and landed a punch on his face. Adam felt his nose and lips grew ten times heavier; he could taste the blood already but he continued all the same, he knew he needed to push Hassan further “If your sex is as good as your punch then I can imagine why no woman would want to be with you.” “Shut up!” Hassan shouted. “You are wrong! They loved me, Halima said I was the best she ever had. That was what she thought as she died – she died happy. I made her happy. They all died happy.” Adam knew he had hit a nerve by talking about his sex life. He had put emphasis on the women dying happy. There was something else here. He watched Hassan. His initial burst of anger had subsided but he still had a dark dangerous look on his face. He leaned against the wall but Adam knew it would not take much to get him on the recieving end of another punch. “They all died happy huh? All of them?” Hassan looked up and Adam could see he was not looking as fierce as before. He was on to something. “Was it your fiancee? Was she the one who didn’t die happy?” “She didn’t die happy but it wasn’t my fault, I owe her nothing.” So it wasn’t the fiancee. Mrs Galadima? “Was it Mrs Galadima? You killed her too but she didn’t die happy.” His face became dark again. “I did not kill her!” He didn’t? “But she did not die happy, did she?” “ I was never able to satisfy her. She always told me I could never do what her husband did to her.” He squeezed his fist, his eyes blazing. “She called me weak!” “So you killed her?” “No! I tried harder but then she died before…” His voice trailed off. “So now, all these women…” “Died happy.” Hassan said. “I’m done talking! Let’s get this over with.” Adam knew the end was fast approaching, he was desperate. He was lost but maybe he could save Kate. “Please let Kate go, she’s already been through this once. You will escape faster alone.” Hassan smiled. “She will coperate with me or she will die. And I can’t guarantee it being a happy one.” Adam watched Hassan leave the room. He was sure the next time he came into the room, it would be to kill him. He thought about his child, he did not even know if it was a boy or a girl. He should have spent more time with Ese. He closed his eyes and pictured her face – it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He could not believe he would not see it again. He had escaped death once with Collins, he could not see a way out of death this time around. “Are you praying?” He opened his eyes and saw Hassan standing in front of him. His eyes went to the knife in his right hand. It was still stained with blood. Hameed’s? That was it. His moment had come. “Before you do this,” Adam said. “Can I speak to my wife?” “No.” Hassan said. “Okay, can you release Kate so she can take a message to her?” “No.” “Alright, could you…” “Just shut up.” Hassan said and walked past Adam, to his back. Adam could feel the hair on his neck rise. He never imagined things would go this way. He was not surprised he was going to be murdered but not at the hands of this cowardly woman-killer. Hassan grabbed his head and pulled it backwards. At least the killing was going to be swift. He closed his eyes and waited for the knife. “What are you doing?” That was not Hassan’s voice! His eyes snapped open. General Galadima was standing in front of them. His head almost exploded with relief. He was not going to die, not today. “General! I’ve never been more happy to see you.” Adam said. Hassan was not moving though, he still had the knife to his neck. Surely the General could talk to his boy. Surely! “Hassan, haven’t you done enough harm? First you sleep with my beloved wife and then you kill my son’s fiancee and now you have killed him! Haven’t you done enough already?” “Beloved wife? You never loved her!” Hassan shouted. “If you loved her, why would you…” “Shut up Hassan! Drop that knife now!” “Or what? Report me to the police? Kill me too?” Adam grunted, the knife was starting to break flesh. “Hassan…” “We had a deal.” “Yes and I fulfilled my end by raising you and getting you where you are right now. Honourable member of the House of Representatives.” “This ends now!” Hassan said. Adam felt the knife press against his flesh. His head felt light, he was dead! God keep Ese and my baby. He heard a loud bang and something fell on his laps. The knife had stopped. He opened his eyes and saw the knife on his lap. He looked up – General Galadima was holding a gun in his hand. Hassan was crumpled behind him. He sighed, he was not dead. He was going to see his baby. He looked up at the general; all the time he was convinced he was a murderer not knowing he was going to be his saviour. “He was like a son to me.” The general said. “I thought I would be able to reason with him.” Adam did not care, he was alive, it was all that mattered. The general untied his hands and walked to his son’s body. He had never loved his free hands more. He bent and began to untie his legs. “How did you find us here?” Adam asked. “I came for Hameed, I didn’t expect to meet Hassan or you here.” “You knew where Hameed was hiding?” “He called me.” Adam paused untieing his leg. Hameed didn’t sound like he trusted his father when he talked to him earlier, he did not even want to go home. Why would he call him? “Is there a problem?” General Galadima had noticed his hesitation. “No sir.” Adam said and resumed untieing his leg. “So you knew Hassan slept with your wife?” Adam asked. “I didn’t. I would have sent him out of my house.” He had mentioned it earlier when he talked to Hassan. How did he know about the affair if he had not known before? What was the deal Hassan mentioned? What was Hassan’s end of the deal? Was he missing something? “Hassan mentioned a deal, what was that about?” “It was nothing, just a promise I made to him to protect him and help him become somebody in life.” “Looks like you held your side of the promise.” “A promise is a promise. Even after I found out he was sleeping with my wife, I still did my best for him. Then he goes ahead to kill my son.” Adam paused and looked up. He claimed not to have known about the affair. What is happening? “Why didn’t you tell anybody where you were coming to? If I hadn’t come you would have died.” “I came in a hurry.” Adam was not sure what it was but he could feel it, something was still wrong. General Galadima went into one of the rooms. Kate! Was she okay? Adam released the rope and stood. The general was hiding something, he could tell. At least now he could defend himself now if things got ugly again. The general returned to the room. “So I was going to ask, you said…” Adam started. “I slipped the other time and mentioned that I knew about Hassan’s affair with my wife, didn’t I?” Adam looked at the gun hanging loosely in the general’s hand and he left a lump form in his throat. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Adam said. “Oh yeah you do. I wasn’t sure if it was smart to let you go before anyway knowing you could figure it all out later. Now you have helped me make up my mind” “Make up your mind?” “Yeah, you’re not leaving this place alive.” Adam could not believe what he was hearing. “Come on, you saved me. Now you are going to kill me?” “No I won’t. Hassan killed you then killed himself. I arrived too late to save any of you.” “Nobody will believe that.” “I am General Galadima, they wll believe anything I say.” “I don’t even know what you think I know about that makes me a…” Adam started then paused. The general knew about the affair, Hassan insisted he did not kill Mrs Galadima, maybe the general did. “You just figured something out, didn’t you?” “You killed your wife?” “That’s why I can’t let you go. You’re smarter than you think.” ‘”She was your wife!” “Who was sleeping with a boy, under my own roof!” “Why didn’t you kill Hassan instead?” It sounded like a cruel thing to say but it made sense. A lot more people would be alive. “He was a boy, stupid. My wife should have known better. But when he started killing those girls I wished I had killed him. ” “You knew?” “I protected him the best I could. Implicated other people, let him off the hook, I believed I owed him that much.” “Senator Bello? Senator Dafe?” “The assasin too, collateral damage.” “You were going to let Hameed go away for the murders.” Adam was livid. He could not imagine doing that to his child. The child he was never going to see. “I have to go before anyone notices I’ve been gone for too long.” The general said. “You are a soldier General.” He could not think of any other thing to say. “You can’t do this.” “What do you suggest I do then? Let you go? Let the girl in the room go?” He knew about Kate too. “My wife is currently having a baby, please don’t do this.” “I will take care of your wife and your child, I promise you. And you know I keep my promises.” Adam could not stand the thought of this vile man coming close to his family. They would probably think him as a good Samaritan too. He was not going down like this. He looked at the gun, it still hung loosely in the general’s hand. He could make a go for it. The general seemed to notice where his eyes were and he held the gun tighter. He looked over the General’s shoulder. “Kate?” The general turned to look back and Adam charged towards him. He heard a bang and he stopped. His ears rang and his head buzzed. He felt some wetness around his stomach and looked down, his shirt had gotten red; he was bleeding. He had been shot! He dropped to his knees and fell on his side. He looked on as the general came closer to him. “I’m sorry detective but you know I have to do this.” Adam shut his eyes and for the second time that day, prayed. God keep Ese and my baby. He waited for the shot and it came; not once but twice. The sound echoed through the room. Why had he heard the sound? Why wasn’t he dead? He opened his eyes, the General was not standing over him. He turned his neck slightly and there he was – his head was a bloody mess. “Are you dead?” Adam looked in the direction of the voice. “Nnamdi?” “So you’re not dead.” Nnamdi said with a grin. “How did you find me?” “I told you I was more powerful than you thought.” Adam tried to stand, pain shot through his body. His head felt light, his sight blurred. Was he dying? He struggled to keep his eyes open but a dark mist enveloped him and with each second he sank deeper into the darkness. There was no point struggling, he closed his eyes and let go. *** The nurse wheeled Adam into the room. His body was stiff and his eyes still blurred from time to time but he could no longer wait. He saw them first and for a few seconds he watched. Ese was feeding the baby completely oblivious to the man watching them. The nurse pushed him to the foot of the bed before Ese looked up. “Hey.” Adam said. She saw the bandages wrapped around his stomach and gasped. “Adam?” “I’m fine, very fine. Can I see the baby?” She opened her mouth to say something then stopped. She moved closer to him and held the baby out. He looked at the baby and his eyes blurred. This time it was not because of his wound. He could not believe he would have missed this. A phone rang close to the bed. Ese leaned over and answered the phone. “It’s for you.” She said and handed the phone to Adam. “Hello.” Adam said. “Where are you? The IG is holding a press conference right now taking all the glory for the case. He didn’t even mention my name.” Adam shook his head. “Nnamdi, let him take the credit. That’s what he’s paid to do.” “It’s annoying, that’s all. How’s the baby?” “The baby is beautiful.” “Okay detective. So, we’ll meet for drinks on Saturday?” Adam laughed. “You saved my life doesn’t make us pals.” “So 4pm?” “See you on Saturday.” Adam handed the phone back to Ese. “How did your case go? Is it over now?” Ese asked. “Yeah, it is. Bad guys are dead.” “Saw on the news this morning that General Galadima died in his sleep. Coincidence?” “In his sleep?” Adam laughed. Even in death General Galadima was still pulling his weight. That wasn’t his problem anymore. He had a family to love. “So is the baby a boy or a girl?” Adam asked. Ese smiled. “Take a guess.” THE END.
4 Mar 2016 | 14:42
@Donwalter you've done a great job here. thumb up bro
4 Mar 2016 | 15:39
I feel ahm well
4 Mar 2016 | 18:22
Beautiful story thumbs up.
5 Mar 2016 | 02:01
Donwalter my best writer welldone The story as usual is mind blowing keep it up bro...more ink to ur biro pls bro l cnt wait for more tori frm u
5 Mar 2016 | 02:28
I swear @Donwalter u are mouthed
5 Mar 2016 | 02:46
Wonderful piece
5 Mar 2016 | 02:47
Nice beginning...good d story like kilode. @donwalter more greese to u elbow
5 Mar 2016 | 02:56
5 Mar 2016 | 03:56
After u took the risk to qo after Hassan.... The pot bellied man called IG too the qlory to himself.... @donwalter... Thumbz up.
5 Mar 2016 | 04:31
@donwalter ... Alll ur stories have a way of keeping me glued to ma phone ... More erection to ur dick ... Wen re we xpecting d season 2 of before d darkness?????
5 Mar 2016 | 04:35
hmmm Finnaly is over @donwalter tanks for sharing this wonderful piece of story with us we are v grateful tanks tanks u are a great writer thumb up
5 Mar 2016 | 04:35
5 Mar 2016 | 04:40
Woww!! Ya stories are Always brathtakinq. Mehn, i never expected Nnamdi to be da saviour... Nice one bro @Donwalter but how abt ya PA Kate?
5 Mar 2016 | 05:29
Nawow! I knew b4 now dat General Galadima waz d one behind all those killings... What am yet 2 understand is y d General has been protecting Hassan all these while even covering his tracks after knowing d boy was sleeping with his wife
5 Mar 2016 | 05:45
Lovely story,tnx 4 ur lyf @Adam,keep it up @Donwalter,more grease 2 ur elbow....
5 Mar 2016 | 07:14
Nice one, thumbs up @donwalter
5 Mar 2016 | 10:25
5 Mar 2016 | 16:03
good job
5 Mar 2016 | 17:38
Hmmmm nice one,but d@ not fair with d IG
5 Mar 2016 | 17:56
Nice one though i didn't like how it ended.
5 Mar 2016 | 18:10
2 early to end dis story, anyway thumbs up to de writer
6 Mar 2016 | 16:40
smile...tank God say everytin don end
7 Mar 2016 | 05:19
wow!!!really enjoyed the story
13 Mar 2016 | 19:00
Wow! Wow!! Wow!!! @LordJosh, u ar really something else. Ds story was what made me become a member of coolval and I really love it. @DonWalter, thank you so much for d updates. Detective Adam is such a lucky man who has escaped near death experiences twice, his good luck always saves him at d oddest of hours. I really miss dt his gr8 friend - I've 4gtn his name - that helped him in season 1. Well done gr8 writers. U just make my day, any time, any day.
18 Mar 2016 | 16:35
I no go allow anybody take my glory o nt in diz life or next.....nice write up waitin for season 3 uno even mention my guy kelvin litu here o him die...
26 Mar 2016 | 18:04
wow sneh
3 Apr 2016 | 20:56
This story iȿ superb........more kpomo to ü® stew @donwalter
12 May 2016 | 12:57
Then who is Heroine?
20 May 2016 | 13:13
wow....this is amazing KEEP IT UP! but how come we didn't get to know the gender of the baby?
27 May 2016 | 08:33
Good one bro keep it up
31 May 2016 | 06:47
:b :whistle:
13 Jul 2016 | 13:46
Nice story
15 Jul 2016 | 12:17
Nice story
18 Jul 2016 | 15:43
Nice story
19 Jul 2016 | 11:54
19 Jul 2016 | 12:36
20 Jul 2016 | 11:54
24 Aug 2016 | 16:09
30 Dec 2017 | 06:18
I love it,nice story
19 May 2018 | 02:12
bravo keep up
20 Mar 2020 | 06:05
"HE IS NOW A SENATOR OF THE INTERGALACTIC REPUBLIC" ..This statement got me swooning lolz.. I love the character of Adam, so hyperactive.. The writer is a living prodigy.. A stupendous story nonetheless
21 May 2020 | 13:28
Oya let go
29 May 2021 | 05:51
Welcome to Abuja once again
29 May 2021 | 05:54
Abuja the city of secret
29 May 2021 | 06:23
29 May 2021 | 06:45
Senitor of interwhat?
29 May 2021 | 07:09
Game of politic! A dirty game
29 May 2021 | 07:33
Senitor Bello, why commit suicide
29 May 2021 | 07:55
Secrets upon secrets
29 May 2021 | 08:17
Tump up
29 May 2021 | 09:01


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