Diamond In The Forest.

Diamond In The Forest.

By BUKOLAMI in 28 Feb 2019 | 18:41


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Diamond In The Forest
This Story was written by
"Ekaro Mami...the Oba's men
are here... they brought a
message from The
"Haaa, hope all is well...
"I hope so Mami, they are
probably here to remind us
about the first moon
light dance where the princess
will chose a personal maid and
two attendant
for herself...
The woman took her wrapper
and tied around her waist
before going outside
to attend to the men.
Remi went to the kitchen and
picked up her water Calabash,
she called her
younger brother to join her so
that they can go to the stream,
she has
wished to hear what the king's
men came for but she needed
to fetch water
for the house and also for her
grandmother who lives not too
far from them.
One of the king's chief guard
who has picked interest in her
was among the
men that came to the house,
she wanted to avoid him
seeing her,
Despite he has made his
intentions known to her in the
last festive dance, he
has walked up to her after the
"You are beautiful and you
dance well too, my name is
Leja, I'm the Chief
guard here...
"Thank you Leja, my name is
ilekun, that's my full name...
"Remi, that's a beautiful name,
is that your sister...I mean the
girl you came
in with... she's not much of a
good dancer, maybe you can
teach her...or she
won't be able to participate in
the next festive dance...
"Her name is Nike, she's my
step sister...I will teach her,
please don't
exclude her from the list of
maidian who will dance next
"Alright, I won't if only you will
teach her to be a good dancer
like you
are...I like you Remi...can I get
to see you tomorrow evening
under the oak
tree close to the market
place...I will be there waiting
for you...
"Sorry Leja, I can't, I'm not
allowed to keep male friends
for now, Mami
said there's time for everything
and the time for me to start
keeping male
friends has not come yet...
"Okay Remi, I respect your
wishes, I will patiently wait
until you are ready...
just don't forget that some one
cares deeply for you and don't
fail to let me
know if you need anything...
"That's so kind of you Leja,
Nike has refused to talk with
her on there way home
because of Leja, as
they got closer to the house,
Nike turned to Remi angrily
"Who do you even think you
are, because everyone was
cheering at you at
the dance floor you decided to
go and sell yourself to Leja, I
liked him first
before you but he didn't even
look at me when I was dancing
rather his eyes
was on you... you know I like
him yet you went there to
seduce him so that
you can have him... you and
your witch mother plan....
"Shhhh... don't call Mami a
witch, leave her out of this,
Nike, you can
become a good dancer if only
you can come and practice
with me, I will
teach you some good steps,
and as for Leja... I'm not
interested in him... I
have no interest in him at all, I
have made that known to him
already... you
must not be bitter all the time
They were still talking when
Nike saw her mother coming, it
was a good
opportunity for her to impress
her mother who usually tell
her to attack
Remi, and she should not allow
Remi to win her in anything
Nike suddenly slapped Remi
who was still talking, Remi
held her cheek in
shock, Nike did not stop there
she started raining insultive
words at Remi,
who stood and wondered
what she did wrong.
When Nike mother walked up
to them, Remi was about to
complain to her
about her daughter's behavior
but the woman hushed her to
keep quiet
"Nike my daughter, can not
just attack you, when she's not
mad, you and
your witch mother has always
been jealous of me and my
daughter, that
was how she bewitched my
husband and made him to love
her more than
me, is a good thing he ended
up in the grave, the gods
fought for us and
stroke him dead because he
was displeasing me to please
your wicked
mother, let me tell you
something... no matter what
you people do The gods
eyes is on us I will surely win,
Nike Will always be ahead of
you no matter and your mother
will not succeed. daughter of a
28 Feb 2019 | 18:41
She and her daughter walked away, leaving Remi standing When Remi got home she complained to her mother "I don't understand why they always see us as enemy, we are not in any competition with them, when your Baba was alive he does everything equally, if he buys one wrapper for me he will also buys one wrapper for her, he tried not to show favoritism to any one of us yet she was never satisfied...iya Nike will see her daughter doing wrong but will not call her to order... you were born in the month of (August) while Nike came after a month, (month of October) so by right you are her elder sister... for everything they have been doing to us (God will judge). Remi remembered her last fight with Nike as she walked along the bush path with her brother, her Calabash was placed safely on her head as she greeted other women coming from the stream that morning, she has tried to avoid Nike and her mother ever since their last fight, Remi who always listen to her mother's advice has kept to herself and kept away from all trouble. "E ku aaro, (morning greetings) please hope all is well my name is Leja, peace be unto your household, greetings from the king we are going round the whole village, reminding people of the coming first moon dance, where the princess will chose her personal maidian... please info your daughter to be at the palace on time that day because the event will be starting early in the morning... (thank you) (Thank you ma) They turned and went to the next house belonging to iya Nike and knocked, Nike who has being watching Leja speak to iya Remi (Remi's mother) from the window with her mother gets more angry with every minute that passes, she was relived as Leja approached their hut, she quickly ran out of The house but Leja did not pick interest in her he just greeted them and gave them the message, as he tried to leave iya Nike said to him "Leja, oko daadaa ni o wa? (Leja my husband, hope you are fine) "Mo wa daadaa...ese. (am fine, thank you) "Sometimes, you can come and visit us. My daughter is fond of you, you are strong and the gods blessed you with good look, I also hard that you have acquired another large plot of land close to the are doing well for yourself...not all Young men of this land are well doing as you have the Oba's ear... "The piece of land was giving to me by the Oba, after I saved the prince from drawning at the oku river where he went to swim, I didn't acquire the land rather it was a gift but I appreciate your kind gesture.. "So a whole "omo oba" (king's son) can not swim, that's unfortunate... thanks to the gods that you were there to save him... what do you say to my request of coming around... "I will, on one condition...if Remi will be around and agree to sit beside me, then I will honor your request, ... and by the way Remi is a very good dancer, I asked her to teach her sister, Nike some fine moves that is the only way Nike will be selected among the palace maidians... she need to start practicing now with Remi... before the said day arrives... where's Remi, I have not seen her around.. "You should have asked her mother where she sent her to... she sometimes send her out to go and give herself to other men just for them to have food, she can even sells her daughter for a loaf of bread. (believe me) they are not what they appear to be. (that's not true) but not withstanding maybe I should bring some money for them since that's the reason Remi goes to meet other men, if I give them enough money they will have enough food... that's what i will do. (have a nice day, good bye) He walked out, leaving them standing and wondering what kind of man he was "You shouldn't have told him that iya mi, it will seem like we hate them and that will push me far away from Leja, I don't want that... now look at what you caused, they have gotten undeserved money from Leja, that money that Leja intend to give them was suppose to be ours if you have acted well... "You are right (my daughter) i acted without thinking but don't worry we will still win, from now onward just play along with Remi, pretend to be sorry and tell her to teach you the dance, because Leja said that's your only way to the palace so do everything you can do to enter there... Leja came back and gave Remi's mother money but the woman rejected it, Leja pleaded to her to accept it if not for anything but for her children, Remi and her brother, he did not tell the woman what Nike's mother said, he kept pleading until she finally took it Few days later Nike came to Remi and pretended to be sorry as she ask Remi to teach her how to dance and Remi was glad to do that They kept practicing every day, non stop as Remi tried to make sure that Nike gets the dance moves Right but Nike was a slow leaner and it was difficult teaching her but Remi was determined to make her get itll The day finally came and Remi prepared early in the morning and left with Nike to the palace They arrived on time with other young girls and boys, the dance floor was getting crowded as more people kept coming, They later changed into their dance costumes. Remi took Nike to one corner and asked her if she still remember all the dance moves, she told her how to throw her legs and waist and how to Master all the move The king's only son was looking out from his window and saw two girls practicing their dance moves, he picked interest in one, she was beautiful and a good dancer as she teaches her second some dance steps, he doesn't know who the young beautiful girl is but he was determined to find out. After the dance he Will ask Leja, who seem to know everyone, who the girl may be. When Remi and Nike was returning to the dance floor Leja saw them and came to Remi "E jowo Remi, (excuse me)ikini irele mi (my kind greetings to you) He walked to a quiet place with her leaving Nike to join others, Nike was really angry as Leja took Remi away, jealousy was written all over her but she tried not to show it as she smile and walked away. Leja kept on greeting Remi with full smile on his face "Ko ye mi... (I don't understand) is there a problem... Hope we are not in any trouble with this your early morning greetings... "Ra ra o (not at all) I just wanted to wish you luck and to tell you that you are beautiful and hope you still have me in mind concerning my request...or maybe we will talk about it after the dance....yoo dara o (good luck) "Ese... thank you. She walked back to join the others, the prince saw Leja talking with her from his chamber window, he wondered what Leja was telling her No one has ever caught his attention like The strange girl did, it wasn't because of her beauty alone but there was something else about her and he was determined to find out. it was a good thing that Leja knows her, getting to her won't be difficult because Leja will help him out with her every detail. fee . * * TBC.......
28 Feb 2019 | 18:57
Happy New Month, I pray we'll all March into our Glory.
28 Feb 2019 | 19:04
Nice one. Next please
28 Feb 2019 | 20:25
I say a big AMEN to your prayer
1 Mar 2019 | 01:21
Remi kind heart and fabulous attitude is what makes the difference between her and nike who is looking like the worst bitter angry girl with no respect.
1 Mar 2019 | 06:45
Amen ooo, and you too March into your glory
1 Mar 2019 | 06:49
I just hope Remi will not unconsciously put Leja and the Prince into a feud because it seems that Leja has a genuine love for Remi if after What her step mother said to him... while the prince is developing interest for Remi
1 Mar 2019 | 06:52
Nike's mom has been teaching her those bad attitudes of bitterness and hate and she's learning that negativity faster than positivity like the dance.
1 Mar 2019 | 06:53
Remi's mom has been teaching remi to be kind-hearted with the right attitudes and she has been doing that already with her gifted and talented self.
1 Mar 2019 | 07:04
Leja has done well 4 himself and i saw his humility and attitudes of understanding. The first time he saw remi, he saw someone special with the right attitude.
1 Mar 2019 | 07:13
The prince has also seen the same clear difference between remi and nike. He is the omo oba of this kingdom, he has seen her(remi) in and out beauty and putting it to work.
1 Mar 2019 | 07:25
Hapi hapi deari thiz z is gonna b reali interesting leja vs the prince
1 Mar 2019 | 09:29
Jealousy is a great disease
1 Mar 2019 | 09:57
1 Mar 2019 | 11:03
@Ryder Amen, thanks
1 Mar 2019 | 11:40
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST ( EPISODE 2 ) * * * * * * Remi walked into her grandmother’s hut with a pot of water secured on her head, her grandma wasn’t around, she brought down the water from her head and poured it into another pot She walked to the backyard shouting her grand mother’s name, the old woman who was picking firewood in a nearby bush hard somebody shouting and knew it must be Remi her granddaughter, so she called back asking her to come down to where she was Remi got to where her grandmother was and saw her gathering sticks for fire, she greeted “Good evening grandma. welcome my beautiful granddaughter “You praise me too much iya…, I was wondering where you might be this evening when I came in and you left your door open again… “There is nothing in the house that can be stolen, you know I always leave my door open… be it when I’m far or near… anybody that wants to steal should go right ahead…that’s if they see anything to even steal… Remi joined her to gather the sticks, which will serve as a firewood. I did not see you yesterday we went to the palace to dance Ooh…I remember….how was the dance “it was good…but the princess has not make any pick yet, they only ask few of us to write down our names and few other things about us, they want to do a background check before anyone could be taken… “I remember when I was young…I use to be the best dancer in those days…we will dance from the market square to the king’s palace….i was never tired…without me the dance group is not complete they will wait until I arrive and I’m always stationed in the front…I danced so well and almost ended up with the king’s son but my father refused because I was already betrothed to be married to your grandfather and your grandfather was a good man, tall and handsome, he was guard in the king’s palace and later became a hunter before he died… “You must have loved him very much Iya… to have turned down a whole prince proposal… “I didn’t turn it down because he did not come straight to me, he sent somebody to my father to inquire about me, and my father told them that I was betrothed, and if I was asked to chose him and your grandfather, I will chose your grandfather over again, I would have said no to the prince because he was already married with two wives, I would have ended up as his third wife, but your grandfather was never married and did not marry again after me, even after child bearing was difficult for me, it took us time to conceive your mother, I even advice your grandpa to take another wife who will bear him children but he refused and I later got pregnant with your mother. Whenever he comes back from hunting back then he will call me “Arewa…oko re ti pada si ile (Arewa, your husband has returned) wa, je ka jo (come let’s dance) hahahaha..he was always saying that whenever he comes back and I will dance to make him happy before bringing his meal, he like ewedu and amala that was his favourite…his death was so painful that I still feel lost in my own thought just imagining myself dancing for him and cooking his favourite food with bush meat…I miss him…you were little when he died so you didn’t get to really know him but he was a good man and also strong too… grandma you truly love grandpa, is sad that I didn’t get to eat any of those bush meat he caught…please show me how you dance in those days Remi watch her grandma laugh before dropping the sticks in her hands, she started singing one of those old song and throwing her legs and waist, Remi was clapping and also laughing while her grandma dance , she was filled with live and was still strong even at old age, she later stopped “how is your mother… “she is fine Iya Iya…she was peeling cassava with Dami, my brother, which she plan to use for fufu…she is not so active like you…what was her childhood like “hmmm…she use to be very lively when she was growing up, despite she wasn’t a good dancer and hardly associate with people but she was a good child, she loved your father but the gods did not bless them with a child on time, they waited for years before you father decided to marry iya Nike, it was during then your mother found out she was pregnant with you and within months Iya Nike also conceived but your mother gave birth to you first, your father loved your mother but he died unfortunately , your brother was still small then , his death was unexpectedly but I know who is responsible but is all in the past, let God’s will be done.Olorun a se idajo won (God will judge) The old woman pause and watch as Remi pulled at a dry stick which was stuck on the ground, she smile and shakes her head don’t be lazy. pull it hard you are stronger than you think Oluwaremilekun, you are just like me when I was at your age, a beautiful dancing strong girl, you are not like your mother because she easily get into battle with emotions, she is so emotional, and like keeping to herself…you have power…you don’t know how much power you have until the time comes, and when the time comes make sure you use it well and for good thing, no matter what people may do don’t allow evil to take over you or it will be disastrous…but with what I see in your eyes I know you will be pulled down by anger and revenge because that’s your only weakness… “grandma please speak more slowly. I don’t understand just tell me what you mean, you usually say strange things like this to me anytime I come around but I seriously don’t understand “oti ya to ju (you are very special) you have power my beautiful granddaughter you will not understand now until the time come believe me, mmm…ohun gbogbo yo dara (it will be alright) “my step mum hates us, Nike fought me again yesterday on our way back from the dance… she said I wanted to take Leja from her, Oba esho, (kings guard) the one I spoke to you the last time that want me, but I don’t want him, I don’t feel anything for him, I have explained myself severally but she doesn’t believe me, after the dance yesterday Leja came to me…just to congratulate me …that I dance so well and on our way home Nike refuses to talk to me, and she really dance well too, I thought her and I was glad to see her doing fine, when we got close to the house she started calling me names and she sometimes calls Mami bad names and I don’t like that…if I complain to her mother…she will support Nike…I just wish Leja will even leave me alone…and go for Nike…I’m tired of the constant fight between us, when I thought we are getting along she will just switch into another mood...unexpectedly,
1 Mar 2019 | 22:51
“otito (is okay) is not Nike’s fault…is her mother…iyawo babai koirira iya re (your step mother hates your mother) oburu gan (she is very wicked) I pray to the gods to guide you because history is about to repeat itself but in a total different way, whatever a man sow so sha he repe. God will judge They kept talking until they finished gathering the firewood, Remi tired it up and carried it to her grandma’s hut, she set the fire before coming to meet the grandma who was seated outside the hut “What do you want to cook, let me help you and prepare it “egusi ati eba ( melon soup with cassava meal) check inside the basket that is hanged over the fire place you will see everything in there and remember to tell your mother to give you some fufu (cassava meal) so that you can bring for me, I like the way she prepares her fufu, I don’t have strength this days to make mine, maybe whenever you are free you can come and help me prepare mine, I just finished the last one you made for me with ewedu soup After Remi finished cooking she ate with her grandma before returning back to her house She thought of what her grand mother had said earlier while she lay at her mat in the night, she wondered what she meant by history was about to repeat itself but in a different way, Remi thought of Leja being a guard and her grandfather was also a guard before he became a hunter, does it mean she will end up with Leja who she doesn’t feel anything for, the prince ones fell for her grandmother but she was already betrothed to be married, “but the prince doesn’t even know if I exist, he doesn’t know me, even if he does am only a commoner, there’s nothing to my name, the Prince has his league and class of royal women, I don’t belong and I’m comfortable in my world, somebody like me can not even get close to him, there are other good dancers among the maidens of the land not just me” Remi thought within herself She knows her grandmother has some strange power and she usually say things she doesn’t understand, she is believed to be a diviner, she was close to her grandmother than her mother, all the things she said rings in her ear that night until she fell asleep. The following morning Leja and his guard came to inform her that she was chosen to be the princess personal maid and Nike was among the four girls chosen to work for the princess in the palace, but Remi was going to be her personal maid which makes her higher than the other maidens, she will serve the princess for three years and also live in the palace for this period of time. The prince asked Leja about the strange beautiful girl that caught his attention but Leja did not give much details to him, he was not happy that the Prince has eye for Remi, the beautiful maiden that he loves, He will do anything to make sure the Prince will not have her, Remi was coming to live in the palace he wondered how he will prevent her from seeing the Prince, he wanted to have Remi all to himself and doesn’t want anybody competing with him on that, not even the Prince. The Prince hard that the young maiden that caught his attention has being picked to become his sister’s personal maid, he was already thinking of how he will see her again until the news broke out, the prince was really happy as he looked forward to having Remi all to himself. * * TBC.....
1 Mar 2019 | 23:01
i forsee a battle of decision between leja and the prince
2 Mar 2019 | 03:57
nice story
2 Mar 2019 | 03:58
2 Mar 2019 | 03:58
2 Mar 2019 | 05:02
Getting more complicated am sure remi wil rada go 4 the prince
2 Mar 2019 | 06:41
history abt to repeat its self...just like her granny philosophy...
2 Mar 2019 | 06:51
Ride on
2 Mar 2019 | 07:44
Remi will surely go for the prince
2 Mar 2019 | 10:20
2 Mar 2019 | 11:41
What about if Remi dont love any of them which she is already concluding in her mind for Leja
2 Mar 2019 | 14:35
2 Mar 2019 | 15:00
Nike don't worry u are actually meant for leja cos prince is interested in Remi already
2 Mar 2019 | 16:50
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST ( EPISODE 3 ) * * * * * * Nike mother was advising Nike on how she will behave when she gets to the palace “I’m glad you made it among the four maidens to work in the palace for the princess, remember all I have told you, when you get there, don’t let that omo iya Aje (the daughter of a witch) order you around, you are suppose to be the one in that her position as the princess personal maid, is a very big offer if you understand it, Aje omobirin (that witch girl) is practically heading you, she has more power over you in that palace and you shouldn’t let that, do everything you can to over throne her and take her position, she will hold it for three years and if she serve the princess well she will keep her for another three years depending on the agreement, now the benefit is that her mother will be well known and also respected more than me, the kingdom will be paying her mother some certain fee, and giving her new wrapper, all this good thing was suppose to be mine but they use their witch power to take it and that girl has a higher rank more than you, you are under her because she is close to the princess than you are so Nike you have a lot of work to do… are you listening to me Nike… “bẹẹni iya mi (yes mother) “Good, I don’t want to hear that she is my sister or she is my friend, that girl is very dangerous…I have seen that already, I tried different things on her but it all failed that was why I call her aje, (witch) she is a witch, and you should be careful with her, don’t go there and start doing sister or friend “kii se ebi tabi ore mi, (she is neither my sister or my friend) mokorira e gidigidi (I hate her so much) “yes, iyen dara (that is good) hate all of them all with passion, ṣe o mọ pe o rewa julo, (do you know that you are more beautiful than her) don’t let her intimidate you, be a good pretender, stab them behind and laugh with them in the open, be smart Nike, I know you are just like me, be very smart, who knows you may become the next queen, if Leja refuses to still look at you then focused your target on the prince, even if he later pick interest in you deal with him but your main target should be the prince, if you ever need me am here for you, just rush down here and I will empower you if things get complicated… Remi was with her grandma that morning “Nigbawo lomawa si ààfin? (When will you finally leave for the palace?) Ọjọ mẹta si oni awọn ẹṣọ yoo wa fun wa ... Mo lero bakan nipa gbogbo ohun yi ... sugbon inu mi dun lopolopo (Three days from now the guards will come for us…I feel somehow about the whole thing…but excited) “O kojo eni ti inure ndun lopolopo si gbogbo ohun yi, kosi omidan tikoni dunnu si eto bee (You don’t sound excited to me, every young maiden will be so excited to jump at this very offer), most people want to be just a servant, cutting grass and cleaning floor all that matters to them is just to be in the palace but here you are…you are going to be the princess right hand lady…well I see this coming and I feel the need to ring this again to your ears, rii daju pe o bori korira pẹlu ife (make sure you overcome hate with love), you will be pushed, they will get to your skin, you will be hurt but Oluwaremilekun, mi ti o dara, (my good grandchild) don’t allow them to bend you, I see anger and revenge in your eyes, don’t let it pull you down, you are stronger than you think you are, you are going to the palace to serve so make sure you serve with all sincerity and never indulge in anything that will stain your name, don’t try to compete with anyone that’s not the reason you are in the palace…you will always be a winner and will excel because you have the ear of the gods, don’t let them bring you down... “Gbobgo won (all of them) tani awon yi (who are this people)… who are “them” you make me feel going to the palace will be a bad idea…what exactly is it Iya…I don’t understand, ko ye mi … “ yoo ye o nigba ti akoko bato. (you will understand when the time comes)…don’t be afraid of the future because whatever that can’t kill you will only make you stronger…is an old adage we use back then, those days a man can marry five wives and there will still be understanding among them, anyone that causes trouble will be chased back to her father’s house, despite evil was in the land but it could be hardly seen, sisters and friend remain true, despite there was still enemies but it wasn’t so much like this days, the hatred, strife, ilara ati ojukokoro (envy and covetousness)…” is the other of the day, everyone want to get ahead of the other, don’t be like them my child, stand out and the gods will keep blessing you…two will want you but only one will have you… “awọn ọkunrin meji, tani ati tani” (two men, who and who) …will I marry Leja just like you got married to grandpa who was ones a guard and later turned into hunting, you told me the other day that I share same fate with you but in a different way…I thought of all you said but couldn’t make sense out of it…so Leja is a guard is he the man I will end up with… “far from that but time will tell…we may thread a similar path but our destiny lies in the hand of our maker…is not because you are a good dancer that made the land to chose you to serve the princess is because it has being predestined to happen, I was a good dancer in my own time too…I have one old picture that “awon onihinrere ya aworan wa (missionaries, they took picture of us) , wọn kọ ile-iwe fun wa ( they built school for us) but they chased them out of the land, nitori Ọba lerope won mu igbagbo ajoji wolewa bawa (because the king said they brought a white man believe to us and wanted to corrupt the land) about your question if you will marry Leja…hmm, jẹ ki ife awọn oriṣa ṣe (let the will of the gods be done) “hmmm, I was told that it was the old obas that built the school, I don’t even know the full story except now…. iya.. eyesoro ni àdììtú,koni sewu (grandma, stop speaking in riddles, I will be fine) "Mo mọpe konisewu sugbon ridaju pe ohun se abewosimi lorekore laafin (I know you will be fine, don't fail to visit me while living in the palace, i will really miss you my child) They talked deep into the night before Remi left After three days, the guard came for them, Remi and Nike left for the palace They arrive and has to go through cleansing and changing up to their provided palace attire. Leja was looking for opportunity to sit and talk with Remi who just newly resumed her duty with the princess who seem to be taken with her The prince did not want to rush things, he was given Remi time to settle in very well before he approaches her Nike was trying to get Leja’s attention but he was not interested in her and he made that clear through his actions towards her, Nike and three other maiden where servants in the palace, Remi was always with the princess, running some personal errand for her, some times she will assign any of the four girls to do some minor stuff just as the princess instruct. The prince called Leja as he watch from his open chamber, Remi and the princess walk round the large compound talking and laughing at something, the prince watched Remi closely and has to call Leja who was also keeping eye on Remi, the prince asked him to come and he quickly did "mo feran omidan odo aburo mi obirin yen (I like that my sister’s maid) kini orukọ rẹ lẹẹkansi (what is her name again) Leja looked at the Prince and eyed him, he stammered through words, jealousy was written all over him but he has to respect the king’s son “orukọ rẹ ni Remi ọmọ-oba (Her name is Remi, my prince.) “she is a beautiful maiden) do you know that she was among the best dancer in the last festive dance, let me say she was the best among all the maiden, strong and bold, I like her and I’m just waiting for the right time to approach her and… Leja started coughing continuously, he wanted to distract the prince from saying another thing about Remi, he couldn’t bear to hear another word from the prince concerning the woman he also want, so he suddenly came up with the fake cough “are you alright Leja, go and take water sorry, go and take some water Leja quietly left the prince, when he was out of sight he stopped the fake cough and gave a heavy sigh before walking away. * * TBC....
3 Mar 2019 | 01:23
just look at the kind of advice a mother is giving to her daughter some people are just not qualified to be called mothers
3 Mar 2019 | 09:59
leja to avoid story that touches the heart, stay away from Remi...because the prince has eyes for her, u know that a lion and a dog cannot share a meal
3 Mar 2019 | 10:04
3 Mar 2019 | 10:08
Jealousy hv started and am smelling conspiracy
3 Mar 2019 | 10:26
3 Mar 2019 | 11:05
3 Mar 2019 | 12:02
this is going to be funny,who will Remi choose?
3 Mar 2019 | 13:13
Wow i love your grandma Remi
3 Mar 2019 | 15:03
Wow i love your grandma Remi
3 Mar 2019 | 15:03
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 4. Remi has seen the Prince looking at her severally, she was wondering why he looks at her the way he did, today as she was out spreading the princess cloth on the hang line, she felt like somebody was watching her from somewhere, so she turned but did not see anybody, she went back to what she was doing and suddenly hard a strong voice behind her which startled her, she quickly turn and saw the Prince standing very close to her, she knelt and greeted him and he asked her to stand up she did and stood still with her head bend “Bawo ni o wiwa awọn ààfin lẹwa ọkan (How are you finding the palace beautiful one) Remi thought within her why the prince addressed her with “beautiful one” he could have called her “omidan” (Maid) which seem to be a normal way they address female workers in the palace and some use their names if they know the name Gan daradara omo-oba “(Very well my prince), I’m glad to be here, picked out among many to be the princess personal maid…please what can I do for you my Prince… “Don’t rush my dear…relax and look up at me…I don’t bite….see me as one of your friend…am only here to say hello, you don’t have anything to do for me, you belong to the princess not to me…maybe for now.. my sister owns you for the period you will serve her, I have being seeing you around and looking for an opportunity to talk with you, you are always with my sister and she seem to be so fond of you, she always want you within her reach…you are enjoying the role of serving the princess… right? “bee ni, you are right…i feel so privileged to work here “Iyen dara, (that’s good) you are beautiful Remi…and also a good dancer, I watched you dance at the festival, whining your waist and throwing your legs with so much energy… Remi looked up to him, she was surprise that the prince called her by her name and it sound so sweet to her and also the way he compliments her, she smiled and the prince continued, “Who do you take after in looks and strength, iya rẹ abi baba (your mother or father)? “ni mi iya iya, (is actually my grandmother) I look so much like her when she was at my age…and she was also a good dancer in her own time “ I see, it runs in the blood, you are very special for the gods to have blessed you with your grandmother’s nature and I’m happy talking with you…finish up with the cloths, I will sit and wait at the royal shade, come and sit with me when you are done…I will like you to tell me about your grandma…she sound like an interesting woman and I will like to hear more about her…hope you don’t mind…? Will my sister be needing you…what is she doing? “She was having her siesta before i left to do her laundry.. “Good then…so will you sit with me for a while…please… Leja came out and saw the prince talking with Remi, he got angry and decided to hide and watch them, he watch as Remi laugh over whatever the Prince said, his stomach tightened and he tightened his fist, he wish to go there and drag Remi away, he gets angry at every passing minute, he watch Remi and the Prince talk about something and laugh out together, he wondered what they were talking about and wish he can eavesdrop on there conversation, Leja was thinking of how to distract them and take Remi out but no Idea came, he was deep in thought when he hard a voice behind his ear, he turned and saw Nike “why are you hiding and looking at the Prince, hahahaha…you look so funny hiding here and watching the prince talk with that cheap good for nothing girl.. “Don’t call her names….Remi is the woman I love but the Prince want to take her away from me and I won’t let that happen…do not say anything bad about her… I thought she is your sister… “I don’t have a sister…am the only child of my mother…so I don’t have a sister…I thought you are smart, you think Remi will leave the Prince and follow you, you are day dreaming Leja. she will do everything she can to have the Prince, you are just a guard to her and she will never have anything to do with you…don’t you know she is the daughter of a witch, she is evil and will have anything she desired to have…well I showed interest in you but you refused to reciprocate so I moved on…if this is how you will live the rest of your live then continue…but it won’t end well with you because that girl is capable of doing anything, her target was on the prince that was why her witch mother worked it out for her to be at the palace… “She was the best dancer…she thought you how to dance and also pleaded that you will be chosen to serve in the palace if she wins, she is a good girl and dances so well more than you and was also very smart and intelligent that was why she was chosen to serve the princess, nobody work anything for her, the kingdom chose her… “Who run the kingdom…the king and the queen then you and I, don’t say the kingdom chose her just say her witch mother did everything possible for her to be here… don’t give her credit for my effort, I danced my way into the palace and not only that I am very beautiful and smart too and I got to work in the palace because I deserved it…she didn’t teach me anything, I can dance very well even from my mothers womb… I can help you get her out from the Prince on one condition… “How do you intend to do that? And what is the condition “Don’t ask how just agree first…do you want me to help you or not? The condition is that you will have to pay me “Okay…go ahead. I’m listening… “I will go over there like a good girl that I am and tell Remi that the princess is looking for her so that she will disappear from the prince… Leja gave her a go ahead and she went over to where Remi and the Prince were sitting and talking, she knelt down and greeted the prince before saying that the princess was looking for Remi. Remi quickly stood up and bow to the Prince before running to the princess chamber, when she got there, the princess was still sleeping, she wondered why Nike has to come and lie to her that the princess was looking for her She stayed in the chamber and did not bother going out again, few days later she ran into Leja and he dragged her into a corner “What is wrong with you Leja… why are you dragging me? “Talk quietly, somebody maybe passing… have being talking with the prince of recent.. “Is there anything wrong in talking with the Prince…he is a good man…and he has being nice to everyone not just me… “ooh…I see, he is a good man right…? You act like you don’t know what the prince want from you, I wanted you first…I made my intention so clear to you…you told me that you don’t want to have anything to do with men because your mother has not approved of that…you saw the prince and now you want to have everything to do with men… aren’t you a hypocrite and a liar “I don’t have anything to do with the prince, I talk with you sometimes too.. “you talking to me ever since you came to this palace has only being just greeting, good morning Leja, good afternoon Leja, well-done Leja” and the rest…you have not sat with me and talk or laugh at anything I say just as you were laughing with the prince the other day…. “I see nothing wrong in talking with prince, opportunity hasn’t come for me and you to sit and talk, and that’s why it has not happened yet, you are always busy so am i…the prince asked me to tell him about my grandma whom I love talking about and I did.. “hmmm really…you love talking about your grandma so tell me about her…I also want to hear about her… “Leja, this is not a good time, the princess need her dinner and I want to make sure that is ready…how do you want me to start talking about my grandma...with a whisper and also we are standing…we will talk next time…now is not a good time.. Nike who has being listening to their conversation came out from nowhere and started abusing Remi… “so now is not a good time because Leja is not a prince… you cheap whore…you are here to use your charm to get the prince to yourself but your plan won’t work, my eyes are on you…you and your witch mother will be exposed and disgrace In this kingdom let’s watch and see…witch Remi tried to leave but Nike pushed her back, telling her she wasn’t done talking with her, Leja who was still angry with Remi just stood and watch Nike insult her, Remi tried not to get angry with all that Nike was saying, Remi knows that anger is her weak point, ones she is angry she is ready to tear down the person no matter who he or she is and she has tried to keep her emotions in check and harken to her grandmother’s advice but Nike insulting her and her mother was like pushing her to the wall. “Nike, let me go…you are looking for my trouble…I was talking with Leja and not you… leave me alone…stop calling me names….i am warning you…this is not home… this is the oba’s palace…respect yourself and the environment that you are into.. “or what…what will happen… what will you do Remi, witch and useless fool, show me your power and I will render you powerless…I have being waiting for this kind of opportunity and I thanked the gods is finally here, show me your witch power…what can you do…you are taking all the strong and good men to yourself, I told Leja that you are a cheap whore but he won’t listen…now he has seen it all…show me what you can do…if I won’t give you an everlasting mark on your body…try me and see…witc… Before she will say another word, Remi pounced on Nike like a prey and threw her to the ground with so much ease…she sat on her and started beating her, no matter how Leja pulled at her she was so angry, anger consumed her as she kept punching Nike like a punching bag, strength she did not know where it came from descended on her and even Leja couldn’t pull Remi up, Nike was shouting and crying for help but Remi was not letting go, Leja was shock as he realised that he couldn’t pull Remi up, he called other guards and they all came and lifted Remi from Nike who has already fainted. They started pouring water on Nike and also fanning her, the Prince was informed and came to the seem so also the princess, Remi was breathing heavily as she watch the palace worker gather to revive Nike Leja stood and was looking at Remi as if she was a ghost, Remi bent her head and walked away, she went outside to a quiet place to cool off, she did not even understand herself again, it took time before she was calm enough, she knows fighting in the palace is prohibited but she felt at peace with herself, Nike’s cup was full and she needed to teach her a lesson. She wasn’t afraid of whatever the outcome will be she was ready for anything. The King hard of the fight and summoned Remi and Nike, and they were suspended for three days, The princess likes Remi and knew that she was a good girl and Nike must have done something bad for her to be beaten up by Remi, the princess did not want Remi to go but she must obey her father, Remi and Nike need to sort their selves out, three days is not much, she will patient manage with her other maidens until Remi Resume back, it was a normal punishment for a law defaulters. As Remi picked up her few things she saw the prince looking at her from his chamber as she stood outside, she bowed to him before walking out of the gate The prince was not happy that he won’t see Remi for three days, he wish she has not engaged in a fight, he doesn’t know what caused the fight between her and her step sister maybe he will find out from Leja, The prince knew that three days is few days from now but it seem like a year of not getting to see Remi but he will wait. Nike’s face was swollen and her body was filled with bruises, her hands had a fracture, she couldn’t even walk properly, it seem like ten hefty men was beating her up but it was only Remi, now she has no doubt that Remi is not an ordinary person, she can’t wait to go home and tell her mother what happen so that her mother will deal with them. Remi intend spending her three days off at her grandma’s place, she knows her mother will be very angry with her, but Remi was happy for the three days off, she will get to see her grandmother who she has not seen for four weeks and if Nike’s mother attack her or her own mother she will give Nike another dose of beating. is high time they stay on their lane and leave her and her mother alone. Leja was confuse, if he knew that a fight will break out for the two sisters he would have stopped Nike from insulting Remi but he was angry and jealous, he wanted Nike to insult Remi but he never knew that Remi has so much power. the way she handled Nike was as if Nike was ordinary feather, he doesn’t know if he still have a chance with Remi, maybe it will be better to go for Nike who has being dying to have him. No matter how he thinks of it his mind was still on Remi, it was at this time that he got a message from another guard that the prince want to see him. Diamond In The Forest Episode 4
4 Mar 2019 | 03:29
be typing only in English so that there will b no need for interpretation. nice one. ride
4 Mar 2019 | 06:39
Gox well
4 Mar 2019 | 12:00
Nike is an example of empty vessel makes the loudest noise....
4 Mar 2019 | 17:05
Remi you just have to be careful because even Leja might one to hurt cause you don't feel anything for him....
4 Mar 2019 | 17:09
Just wish this Nike of a girl gives up knowing very well that Remi's future is very bright rather than calling her a witch.....
4 Mar 2019 | 17:11
0 Likes just waiting to see...what fate has in future for them all...remi,nike,leja and the prince...
4 Mar 2019 | 19:03
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 5. Leja walked to where the Prince was and greeted him “kilo fa ija lan re awo omodo yi… (What caused the fight between the maids?) Leja was thinking within himself “you caused it all, it was all because of you, among all the royalty in this kingdom you did not see them is my own woman that you decided to pick interest in, and she will fall for you because you are a prince and I’m just a guard, if I know I would have left you in that stream that day to drawn, it could have being better if you are no more than for you to take Remi from me, see his big flat head like the hand fan used in fanning the king, he is not even as handsome as I am or maybe he is but I’m far more stronger than he will ever be, if you have focus on other royal maiden and leave my woman alone there won’t be troub…. “Leja…soro…(Leja speak) you are not saying anything…I asked you a question…what caused the fight between the princess personal maid and the palace maid? “I mabinu omo oba… (I’m sorry my prince) they had misunderstanding…they are step sisters… “Being related doesn’t give them the right to argue or fight in the palace you know that already Leja, you were suppose to calm the situation before it escalated, but you were there and the other girl almost died…what if the one that passed out died at that spot….you will be held responsible because you are the chief guard here, you are suppose to station your men at every corner to monitor the environments and to pacify unwarranted situations like that… Leja bent his head in respect as the prince spoke to him, he kept thinking to himself “why is he even blaming me for the problem he caused, everything is me, anything that goes wrong here is me, nobody else will be blamed, Leja this Leja that every time, now the gods decided to compensate all my effort with a woman like Remi and he wants to collect her from me, I can’t wait to finally leave this palace and start a family of my own…if I know I would have done everything possible to stop Remi from working here…in that way I will get to have her to myself but the kingdom chose her and I don’t have any power of my own to do anything, every power lies in the oba’s shoulder and his selfish son, I wish Remi will not have to come back here again an….. “Leja, se ofe ti soro mi rara (are you listening to me at all) “ beeni….imabinu omo oba… (yes, please don’t be angry)it won’t happen again…it was all a mistake which I will make sure it doesn’t repeat here again… When Leja finally left the Prince presence he make sure he was far from him before realising a very loud hiss for the prince. Remi knew that her mother will be very angry with her and it was just as she thought “Don’t you have common sense Remi, you went to the palace to disgrace me, how can you be fighting in the oba’s palace are you an animal, don’t you have sense, even Dami your brother can not be that stupide, I raised you better than that…my mother is alive, well respected and in good health because I did not disgrace her or bring shame to her, I did not kill my mother Remi …so you will not kill me let the gods bear me witness… “Mami, she was insulting you… saying you are a mother of a witch…different bad names, you know she has being doing this and it has become normal for her, she insults me anywhere and even slap me sometimes before we were called to work in the palace, now being at the palace she started again, there’s a limit every human being can take… she pushed me to the extreme…I couldn’t hold it in any longer Mami, she insulting me was fine but also bring the insult to you is what I coul… “gbe ne sun….(shut up that your mouth) did I ask you to fight for me…did I send you to go and fight for me, it was me she was insulting why not leave her to be, you know her mother is very troublesome… now she will come with another of her trouble and I have being trying everything possible to avoid them….see I hate trouble and I learn to forgive and overlook things through the help of my mother, your grandma, and the best way to win is by keeping quiet and ignoring them…she slaps you or do anything to you let the gods fight for you Remi…the kingdom did not chose you to go and fight in the palace….don’t be a useless child, she push you don’t push back just walk away… “aaah Mami I can not do that one o….infact whatever they want from now onward am so ready for them…we have being keeping quiet for too long and instead of them to leave us alone they will keep fighting us…you are not dragging anything again with them, after all Baba (father) is dead so what is iya Nike’s problem, and also Nike, she is among the royal worker just as I am so what exactly is their problem that they want to frustrate us… that nonsense must stop Mami, oto ge (enough is enough) she has to learn ho… “Iya Remi…iya Remi bo si ta (Remi mother…come outside) Nike and her mother were outside Remi’s house, banging on there door, iya Remi went outside with Remi, she knows it was full trouble awaiting to happen, she dreaded any trouble with Nike’s mother but Remi has dragged her into it and she has to go and beg them. “Iya Remi….wo oju Nike ati arare (look at Nike’s face and body) …wo nkan ti aje oloshi omore shi fun omo mi (look at what your useless witch daughter did to my beautiful child)….do you see how you people have started looking for me and my daughter's trouble… “e joo…Imabinu iya Nike…mo ba wi ki oto gbemi (please, don’t be angry I was just scolding her before you called me)…pele Nike (sorry Nike) ….ma sun owo iwosan (i will pay for her treatment)… Imabinu ejoo… Mi bi nu oo (I’m not angry) but the gods will deal with you and your daughter…for ganging up against my beautiful daughter….Nike is a good child and was on her own, doing her work as she was sent to do and the Prince and others were already commending her and your wicked daughter got jealous and attacked her…do you see, The gods hope you have seen the injustice done to me and my daughter please fight this battle and deal with the cuprite in your own way because if you fail me… aaah...i will have to deal with them myself… Remi watch as iya Nike lifted her face and started calling the gods to deal with her, Nike was relaxing on the wall and angrily snapping her finger towards Remi and her mother, Remi mother never stopped pleading to them to let it go, Remi watch In disgust as her mother plead which did not pacify iya Nike or stop her from insulting them, she was getting irritated with the whole thing, she wish she can return back all the curse and insult that Iya Nike was raining on them but her mother will be very angry, when Iya Nike wanted to go she pushed Remi’s mother carelessly to go and get the money for Nike’s treatment and iya Remi almost fell down but Remi rushed to her side and held her, Remi tightened her fist and started breathing hard to subside the rate of anger clouding her chest, she was trying not to get angry because whenever she is angry at someone and react to it is always disastrous, for the sake of her mother and her younger brother who was standing around and watching the whole thing, Remi tried to calm herself, she will beat Nike's mother and Nike, nothing will happen, they won't do anything but she was wise enough to take her mother inside, her mother counted some money and came outside to give to Nike's mother for her Nike’s treatment, Iya Nike roughly dragged the money out of her hand and counted it, as she tried to push iya Remi again Remi came to stand in between her mother, daring Iya Nike to touch her, Nike’s mother looked her over and snap her finger to their faces, “ ko si wahala (there’s no problem) we shall see” was her last word to them before she took her daughter, NIke inside The following day Remi went to stay with her grandmother for the rest of the two days, she told her grandmother everything that happen “Remilekun…do you know that anger labels you a fool, “ko ye mi Iya…(I don’t understand grandma) Nike deserve what she got…I don’t feel bad about the whole thing rather I feel relived…her mother will be next if she doesn’t stop insulting and pushing my mother…they are just good with trouble but I’m fully ready for them… Remi kept talking and the grandma was watching her without a word and after she was done, the older woman breathed down deeply and look out straight at nothing in particular, she wore a frown and was deep in thought before she repeated herself again “Remilekun, do you know anger labels you a fool, you have kept it in check for too long and bottled up so much inside of you so realising it on Nike must have felt sweet, it must have felt so good to you, but it only makes you a fool, I told you anger is your biggest weakness and you must overcome hate with love, don’t let anyone to run you down because your race with them is totally different, don’t opened up the door way… “iya, what exactly do you expect me to do…I can’t watch her insulting me and mami and also pushing me around as if I’m a pieces of furniture, am a human being you know that… “And you are special child, you are not like your mother or Nike, you have the ear of the gods and you must act according and don’t give in to evil emotions, you can be destroyed through that…open your palm…I said open up your palm and show them to me… Remi quickly obeyed and open her hands to her grandma’s face, the old woman spit into them and asked Remi to rob it together, Remi put up a disgusting face as the grandma asked her to rob the saliva in her hand together, she obeyed after which the woman told her to take the dust from the ground and also rob it together with the saliva, Remi did and the grandma later asked her to go and wash her hand and return and she did exactly as her grandmother instruct “What does it mean Iya… robbing your saliva and dirt together and washing it off, are you blessing me or what… “hahahaha…blessing ke…you are already blessed my child, the gods blessed you from the womb, listen, in life people will spit on you and push you around and do all manner of things against you…that is what the saliva and the earth you robbed together stand for but you washed your hands and they are clean again so never allow any human to have glory over you, wash up and keep wining, dust off, smile over it, put it behind you and move just ahead, no one can stop what has being predestined…your anger is deadly and if is not well managed it may destroy you… I’m not saying you should be a fool or quiet like your mother who is always afraid of trouble….we are born into trouble, some trouble comes unplanned for and unexpected, to overcome, you have to endure, be patient and over come all things with love…you still have a long way to go…so listen my child and be wise, I have live a very long life here and I have seen so much evil than you can imagine, but the gods kept me till date because I never allowed evil to overcome me, before your mother was born, I told you it took us time to conceived, people called me names, some will deliberately push me in the market place, they will laugh at me at the stream, calling me a witch that I ate up my children and charmed my husband from getting another woman, a lot of things was said and done but I survived it, i could have gotten into a fight and probably kill somebody in the process, how many of them can I even fight, I could have done something bad to them but I said no, I was not going to let their word or action get to me, I did not allow their spit or the dirt to stain me, I washed up and dust off and I am still here…waiting for the day the gods will say is time for me to kiss the earth goodbye…anger labels you a fool because you allow people’s word and action to affect you, when you respond to their insults you became a fool but if you ignore you make them look like a fool, they push you to the left and you go left and they push you to the right and you follow… don’t let evil overcome you… don’t let that happen my child…brave up and keep your head above the water… “am not like you Iya… sometimes I can’t just help it…I become another person entirely when I was beating Nike…but I was enjoying myself, iya…you are stronger than I am…I am not like you… there’s a limit I can take from people…I can not do all this… because I’m far from perfect…I will never be like you although I wish to be but you seem to create a perfect word of your own… “You are just like me, the only difference is in your mind… overcome hate with love, you are called to serve so serve with all sincerity and love my child… two will want you only one will have you and then disaster will struck…you will be in-between and the gods will take you away…far away with the seed of crown… “I don’t understand anything, iya, stop speaking in riddles because your word scares me… I know that Leja and maybe the Prince are interested in me but the Prince has not said anything like that, but aside that ko ye mi (i don’t understand) “You will understand when the time comes” After three days their punishment was over they returned back to the palace.
5 Mar 2019 | 02:48
Better listen Remi
5 Mar 2019 | 06:56
Remi avoid Nike please
5 Mar 2019 | 16:06
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST, Episode 6. "Two will want you, only one will have you then disaster will struck and you will be in between... the gods will take you away... Faraway with the seed of crown...far away with the seed of crown... The echo was so deep, her grandmother's voice was echoing repeatedly in her dream, she toss and turn in her bed that night untill she finally woke up. Remi sat up from her small bed that was beside the princess big bed, she looked around, everywhere was still very dark except for the lamptan oil light that was burning at one corner of the princess room. The princess was sound asleep on her big comfortable bed Remi breathed deeply and try to go back to sleep but sleep wasn't forth coming, she wondered what her grandmother meant by those words, does it mean she will die, her grandmother has said "...then disaster will struck and the gods will take her away...faraway with the seed of crown... The gods taking somebody far away only means that the person will die, so will the gods take her Life with the seed of crown and what exactly is the seed of crown... "I don't like it when iya speaks in riddles... she scares me...seed of crown... the gods will take me faraway...aaah...I don't want to die... not now... invisible God...I don't know if you are listening to the trouble in my heart...if you are real and you hear The silent cry of your people then save me and don't allow my grandma's riddles to come to pass because it only means death if the gods take me away...faraway" it sound like the grave...I don't want to go faraway...not now... maybe when I'm as old as iya. invisible God who watches over the land and over the people of this kingdom, please help me to serve well with all sincerity and love, don't allow anger and hate to control me but rather help me to overcome it all in love, I don't want to run into trouble again in this palace...I know grandma said we are born into a troubled world and our days are filled with trouble but God of our land and of our ancestors save me from any trouble that Will consume my life an... "Remi...Remi o sun..o in kun... (What are you mumuring, you are not sleeping)...what are you whispering to yourself...or are you sleep talking... Remi was startled to hear the princess speak to her, she has thought the princess was deeply asleep, she quickly stood up and pretended she was just waking up Se o gbodo ma sun ki otu ma Soro, princess mi, pada lo sun (I must be sleep talking, I think I was talking in my sleep...sorry about that my princess please go back to sleep). The princess nodded and went back to sleep, Remi covered her up from the night cold and later went back to her own bed, after sometimes she fell asleep she found herself back home, she was crying as she held her brother in her arms who was vomiting blood, she started calling her mother to rush down "Mami... Mami, ewa Dami ti n bi (Mami come Dami is vomiting blood) where are you...Dami is vomiting blood...Mami... She kept calling her mother but her mother was nowhere to be found, she later left her brother lying helplessly on the ground to go and look for her mother, she search for her in the rooms but she wasn't there, she ran to the backyard still crying and calling her mother Remi was hearing somebody silently crying in the backyard, she followed The voice and was shock to see her mother in the pull of her own blood, her mother was also vomiting blood and was covered up in the mess. She screamed and awaken from her sleep, she was breathing heavily as she sat up, she looked around, everywhere was still dark except for the lamptan, the princess was sound asleep, she sat on her bed thinking of the terrible dream, it has felt so real, she felt something cold on her cheek and touched it, it was tears, she cried from the dream to real life Remi breathed deeply, she was afraid to go back to sleep. She stood up and quietly walked to the window to check if dawn was close at hand but she couldn't tell how far the night has gone, she wish for a day break. Remi walked to the door and quietly opened it, she sneak out of the room without making noise, she didn't want to wake the princess up, She quietly closed the door and walked through the quiet long corridor, there were lamptan at the both side of the passage She wanted to sit outside to avoid sleeping back, she was afraid that if she go back to sleep she will have another bad dream When she got to where she can sit , in the open air sorrunded by flowers, it was a long bench sit, hanged like a swing between two chains, she crawled up there and sat, she was swinging the chair as she look straight ahead. The night cold was much, her night wear was a simple free wear which can't hold the cold but she covered herself with her thick Shaw. She was there when the cock Crow, she looked up hoping for a sign of day break, she hard a foot sound coming towards her direction, she sat still and tried not to make a sound " ta lo wa nibe (Who is there)...who is sitting at the swinging chair... Remi knows that she has being caught, no hidding place, The person was coming towards her with a torch light, she can tell from the voice that it was Leja, he stood tall and bare chest as he approach the bench where Remi was "Emi ni ("Is me) me " Iwo tani, se oni oruko ni (You who...who are you, don't you have a name...) "Emi ni Remi, Leja, emi ni oo (is me Remi, Leja is me) is Remi the princess personal maid...Leja is me... "Kilo n se nita, hi iwo yii (what are you doing outside here by this time) you are suppose to be sleeping inside... Remi was silent as Leja came, he flashed the torch all over her as he wondered why Remi was out in the open air by the early hours of the morning, Remi who was already on her feet didn't know what to tell Leja who was standing very close to her and pointing touch at her Leja still has his torchlight on her he didn't bother putting it off, he was happy to see Remi alone which was a good opportunity to express his feeling for her Remi's Shaw fell off from her shoulder and she quickly bent over to pick it and immediately she bend down to pick up her shaw, her cleavage was exposed through the night wear she was putting on When Leja saw it, he stiffened and swallowed hard, he wish he can have her to himself, he wish she will agree to come and warm him up in his room, he wish he came cuddle her and hold her so close to himself Remi quickly covered up but Leja's mind was still on how he will get Remi close to himself considering that the night was cold "Remi, my beautiful maiden, The woman that caught my heart... so beautiful like the morning sun, her eyes Shone so bright like the stars, her hips moved in every direction calling mighty men to follow, her smile is so captivating, her voice sound like The godess of the riverline, her breast is so socullent, a fresh apple from the garden that can make a man hardened, her lips is as the flo... "Leja...Leja..stop, enough of all this praise, to what do I owe this early morning praise... Leja walk past her and sat on the bench, Remi who was still standing did not feel comfortable with Leja's presence but later sat down, giving space between them "Why are you outside here beautiful there a problem...? "No problem, I had a night mare and I was afraid to go back to sleep so I decided to come out here,. I was here when the first cock Crow, not long ago... "That was not the first cock Crow that was the third one, this was my second night watch before the day finally breaks, I wake up three times every night to go check the compound, it was the noise coming from this swing that got my attention, I knew somebody must be on the bench, I'm happy to know that you are the one... now we got to be together before dawn... Leja move closer to Remi "Stop moving close to me Leja... "Don't you like me, don't you want me as I want you, Remi please forgive me if I have offended you in anyway, I need you in my life... Leja suddenly grabbed Remi's hand and place in his manhood, Remi was shock as she pulled back her hand "What kind of nonsense is that Leja... why will you do that... "I just want to show you how much my body yawn for you, my bladder is calling your name... can't you hear it body is harden and only you can soften it up... is on fire for you my beautiful one...please let me in just ones so that I can quench my tasty soul...Remi ejoo... consider me please "Mtcheeew...I'm going back inside... it was a mistake to have come outside here , if I know I would have remained inside... Remi made attent to stand up but Leja held her back as he deliberately brushed his hand towards her breast, Remi slapped Leja and stood up but Leja wasn't letting go of her "Yes, slap me more Remi...please slap me again, I need your it hard or soft touch just do it... "kilo de to ofi sebe Leja(why will you do that Leja)Something is wrong with you are not okay, if you touch me one more time you will see what I Will do to you... "Remi. arewa omo odo mi (Remi my beautiful maiden) mofe Rio gege bi olotu femi (I want you, my body yawn for you). "O serious rara, otu Kuna to o ba mo (you are not serious at all, you are so unfortunate) nonsense... As Remi made attent to leave again Leja tried to grab her, but with her one hard push, Leja found himself on the ground, he hit his head on the bench and silently cry out in pain Remi left him there and went inside and stayed awake till the following morning Nike came up with a plan to try and get Remi's trust again, she plan to beg Remi and to start acting as a sister to her so that she will be able to know what was going on with her and to gain her full trust As Remi wash the princess cloth in the wash room, Nike came to meet her. Nike apologies to her and ask if she can help her in washing the cloths, Remi was surprise at Nike, she told her not to worry about helping out that the princess cloth wasn't much Remi kept watching Nike's as her attitude changed, she was acting all nice all of a sudden Leja who felt embarrassed after the incident with Remi, anytime he see's Remi coming he will hide or follow another way, No maiden has ever rejected him or embarrassed him like Remi did that night, he felt ashamed of himself anytime he remembers it The prince was looking for an avenue where he Will get to sit down and talk with Remi again, ever since she returned back to the palace he has not been able to speak with her Remi totally forgot about the dream but the only word that echos in her mind which she wish she can understand is her grandmother's words "Emi meji yoo ma wa nkan nkan, yoo si pada bosi owo enikan nigba na ni yanpon yan ri n yoo wa sele, Iwo ni oma wa ni arin, orumila a si mu o lo si ona jin jin pelu eso ade. "(Two Will want you, only one will have you then disaster will struck and you will be in between, the gods will take you away... Faraway with the seed of crown...) She thought within her, the two that may want her is either the Prince or Leja, but every other thing in the riddle was confusing to her, she does not understand but wish she does so that she will know what the Future holds for her. Does the "two" that will want her really means the prince and Leja or is her mind playing tricks on her What exactly is the full meaning of the riddle Remi wondered within herself.
5 Mar 2019 | 17:48
Her mother and bro wil be poisened the she wil later get pregnant 4 the prince bt they won't accept and nt knwing shez pregnant,she wil be sent faraway maybe kinda,
6 Mar 2019 | 01:43
this Remi have ears at all, take ur Grandma advice b4 it I'll be too late
6 Mar 2019 | 13:45
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 7. "Iya...iya... where are you... "Omomi...wa n bi... I'm at the back yard... Remi dropped the basket in her hand and went to meet her grandmother who was using sticks to cover her crops... "Iya.. what are you doing... "All this fowl has ate up my melon and groundnut seed that I planted in this ridge that Dami, your brother helped me to dug...they will use their tiny legs to scatter my plant so I decided to put sticks around The crops to prevent them from destroying the crops...any chicken I see close to this my ridge will be so unfortunate...I will use it and prepare a delicious egusi soup, me and your brother will enjoy ourself because he will be the one to catch it for me, I can't be dragging land with this fowl and I don't want to sell them because of you and your brother, I told your mother to come and take some she hasn't showed interest since...aaah...see the way I'm talking about unnecessary thing forgetting to ask how you are doing and what brought you down here.... please don't tell me you got into another fight and they sent you home for another punishment... "Rara o (not at all) the princess sent me to get somethings for her at the market place, oja oba, I was suppose to rush back to the palace but something has being bothering me for days so I decided to drop by, check up on you and also see if I can get any help "Hmm, what could that be my child... "Your riddle iya, is being echoing in my mind and I see you repeating it in my dream.."two will want me.. only one will have me then disaster will struck....I will be in between and then the gods will take me away...faraway with the seed of crown...what does it mean iya...I don't understand any single thing in the riddles except that two will want me... which is probably Leja and the Prince... will I die iya... what does The riddle means ejoo ...I want to know "No my child, you won't die.. not soon anyway, there are things even I can't explain...I was just The mouth piece of The gods... The gods will take you away...faraway with the seed of crown which will become a precious diamond sorted for and it will be hidden in the deepest part of the forest... that's all I can say untill I'm given a go ahead to say more... "I came for an answer to the previous riddle now you are adding diamond and forest to it, anyway... I'm happy that I won't die so what I don't know won't kill better I stop disturbing myself over things only The gods has answer to... Iya.. I'm glad you are well as usual, there was no time to stop and check up on mother and Dami...I believe they are fine...I will be on my way back to the palace now.. before the princess will start wondering what is keeping me in oba oja... "Becarefull my child in trusting people, don't be too soft or you will be easily penetrated and don't be too hard or you will scare the good ones away, be in between and be wise... don't trust easily Remilekun... don't tell your secret out because you maybe telling your enemy in a friendly clothing... " okay...I don't want more riddles... the first is yet to be interpreted... telling me more will confuse me and trouble my mind... let me just hold on to the fact I won't die... not yet until I come of age like you... "The gods has prepared this part for you my strong because you will need alot of strength for the battle ahead...I pray the gods will have mercy and give us wisdom to live among those who hates us and strength to forge ahead even when it seem all hopes is lost... "Amin, I don't really have much enemy again because Nike apologies to me and she is acting all nice but I'm watching her closely because she maybe upto something...Leja acted foolishly around me one night and even made me to touch his manhood but he regretted his actions and has being avoiding me like a plague and I guess is his guilty conscience that is troubling him...I don't want to have enemy Iya... I'm glad Nike is finally seeing me like her sister and that is what I have always wanted... but I don't trust her... not yet though... "Trust is cheap until your leg get glued in the trap set up by same people you trusted... becarefull my child, I will be seeking The gods face on your behalf...but just be careful...there are things yet to come which will trouble the little world around you... don't forget to overcome hate with love and serve with all sincerity as you are called to serve... Remi was in hurry and didn't bother paying attention to the rest of the things her grandmother was saying, she picked up her basket from the ground, gave her grandmother a warm hug The older woman tapped her gently on her back before Remi released her and run out. The woman watched Remi until she was out of The compound, she lifted her face up and muttered something in the air before returning to her crops ridge, Remi's brother came in with a pot of water, he joined his grandma in cutting more sticks and digging up the ridge "Your sister just left here not long ago before you came in. If you have come in earlier you would have seen her, she stopped by from oja oba, where she went to buy something for the princess "Okay, I was filling mamis water drum, she was socking the cassava she peeled, she want to prepare fufu that she will sell next tomorrow in the market place... that's if the cassava soften and ferment on time for her to be able to cook it... since egbon (big sister) now work in the palace I have to double up in helping out... "That's very good... omo daa daa, (good child) you are a good son...dig that stick very deep let me see how this crazy fowls roaming everywhere will be able to scatter my plants again... and don't forget to bring my own fufu ones your mother is done with it... she makes a very nice fufu without odour and also soft... Remi was making the princess bead outside, as she sat at the swing chair alone, Nike came to meet her She wanted to engage Remi in a conversation which Remi was not sure if she should fully trust Nike or not. Nike sense Remi's withdrawal and decided to apologise again to her for the past deed "I know I was terrible in the past Remi, je ki aje ebonati aburo pada ki a si gbagbe tateyin was (let's be sisters again and forget about the past)...he ki a jo sise papo bi ebi still ore (let's work together, let's be sisters and friend) "It doesn't work like that Nike, is not magic... because I know for sure that anytime you begin to act all nice and guilty is only because you need something from me and ones you get what you are looking for... you switch back to your real self...I don't trust you... so spill it out... what do you want Nike... "Nothing, I don't want anything I just want to be your sister...I know I have being very bad to you... but I'm a changed person and I'm for real this time not because I want anything...I have come to realize that we are sisters and we don't suppose to be fighting each other all the time... "Are you just realizing that now... is better we just remain as enemies and avoid each other than to start this our friendship which has never ended well... "Aah aah Remi, don't say that...I don't want to be enemy with you... not again, I'm tired of fighting with you every time when we should be looking out for each other...I know no matter how much I hate or fight you... you will keep getting favoured more than me and will always win so I can't be fighting a loose battle...I just want to truly be here for you and support you like i was meant to be...ejoo...Remi my beautiful sister... Nike kept talking untill a maid came to inform Remi that the princess was calling her The following day as Remi was walking along the long Royal passage to hang the princess wrapper which was not properly dry the previous day, she ran into Leja, who has being avoiding her ever since the night incident He tried to ran back but couldn't as he stood face to face with Remi he was speechless on seeing Remi, Remi tried to ease him up "Good afternoon Leja, is being a while I saw you... did you travel... how are you doing... "Mi...o wa kpa...(I'm fine) I have being around... "Ooh really...since that other night... I have not seen being over seven days if I'm not mistaking... I'm glad you are fine... "You sound happy to see me, Are you not angry with me for what I did... that was more reason why I have being hidding from you...I can't even come to you and apologise...i can't even look at your face...I have being so ashamed of myself...I felt so terrible after that night... and since the gods has decided to bring my fear to my face I will use this opportunity to plead for your forgiveness...Remi... I'm so sorry...please pardon my uncultured behaviour...I know I went about expressing my self in a very wrong tell you the truth I have beaten myself so hard than the pain I feel after hitting my head on that chair when you pushed me that night... I'm not that kind of man that takes advantage of palace maiden... no I'm not but many maiden will want me to approach them like I did to you but I can't because I have no interest in them...I wanted you Remi and I felt I was loosing I thought I will get you down to myself after I Saw you alone that night...I don't have any thing reasonable to justify my actions... all I want to say is I'm sorry... I'm really sorry and thank you for stopping me from such an abominable act and giving me that hard push...I needed it... although I had a terrible headache after that but it serves as my punishment...I... As they were talking Nike walked past severally and greeted them with a smile each time she walks past, Leja ignored her and kept talking while Remi responded "Is okay Leja, I hold no grudges against you, I'm glad you learnt your lesson and sorry for the headache you had because of my push... Leja loosened up and laugh, Remi also joined in and also laugh making Leja more at ease with her The prince was coming down and saw Leja and Remi talking over something and laughing together He wondered what they were talking about. As Remi and Leja saw the prince they knelt in respect and greeted him, he asked them to stand up and they did He looked at Remi, who's Head was bent in respect and Leja who stood straight like a statue, he asked them to look at him and they both did "I was wondering what could be amusing two of you...I love happy people and I'm glad you two are finding something to laugh I want to join the conversation... Hope you two won't mind... Remi and Leja looked at each other, not knowing what to say "Relax, I was only joking...go ahead with your conversation...Remi please see me later... "Yes my prince... The prince walked past, Remi and Leja departed, Nike came to meet Remi as she spread the princess wrapper outside "egbon mi...ore mi to sho. hahahaha eku se jare (hailing Remi, "my elder sister, my sure friend, Weldon) what was Leja telling you...he talks like a woman, he was talking and I walked that passage four times...he kept talking...non stop...he talks too much... what was he talking about... "Some unimportant not relevant... "Despite I would have love to hear it but I'm much more interested in what the prince said.. he said something to you... please can I know what he said...? "Still not important...he just stopped to say hello to me and Leja... "Eeyah...I like him he is so humble and and also very nice, he is handsome too... fine prince... anyway can I assist you in hanging The cloths... "No, is not much... I'm through with it.. Remi later returned back to the princess chamber, The princess had message for her from her brother "Remi, my brother said once you are through with whatever you will do tomorrow you should come and tidy his chamber, he complained that the cleaners are not doing it properly, he need you to come and do it, he has already informed me so I told him I will send you to him a good thing that the prince wants you in his chamber, he doesn't allow maidens or any female palace worker to come in there except is a good thing he picked interest in you and trust you enough to clean up his chamber... you should be excited... "Yes my princess...I will go and attend to his chamber ones I'm done with my work here tomorrow Remi wondered why she has to be the one going to arrange and clean the prince chamber when he has a male personal servant that attends to him. Diamond In The Forest Episode 7
7 Mar 2019 | 01:47
Let your comments flow
7 Mar 2019 | 02:31
Hmmm reali great cnt wait
7 Mar 2019 | 03:17
7 Mar 2019 | 10:21
Remi please dont pay evil with evil
7 Mar 2019 | 12:42
Am not comfortable with Remi cleaning the prince chambers, I thought he had a personal male servant
7 Mar 2019 | 13:07
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 8. Nike saw Remi and one other palace maiden, Ope talking about something and laughing together, there were baskets containing a ewedu leaf in Ope’s hand, and another in Remi as they walk towards the kitchen side. Nike dropped everything she was doing and ran upto them “Remi my beautiful sister… where are you going with Ope…I can go with you if you don’t mind…I don’t have much to do around here… “We are going to the Queen’s kitchen, tomorrow will be the beginning of the full moon, so there will be a great party as the Queen will be adding another year, the party will last for seven days…you can join if you want… “No Remi…the Queen specifically said only four maiden should start the food preparation…if your sister join us we will become five and the queen may not like that… “Then you should step aside Ope…Remi is my sister and she is the princess personal maiden which made her higher than all of us, I should be the one helping her and not you, and if Remi said I can join in the preparation who are you to say no…they suppose to pair me and Remi together because we are related… “Nobody is dragging the sisterhood with you, all I’m saying is that the queen want only four maiden to start the food preparation, Remi, me, Seun and Ayo. We are complete already…maybe she will add you in the next grouping but for now you are not needed… there are still other things to do, like fetching firewood from oja oba, joining the other maiden to remove sand from the ofada rice and washing the wrapping leaves…but we are complete in the queen’s kitchen…sorry… “sorry for yourself too, who are you to tell me what to do, even my sister Remi, who holds more rank than you here doesn’t order me or anybody around…why don’t you go and fetch fire wood, pick the rice or wash the leave so that I can join my sister in the queen’s kitchen…don’t you ever tell me what to do again…we are all palace maiden here…so don’t order me around… “Nike, is hasn’t come to that…Ope please let Nike join us…there are a lot of things to do and Nike’s help will be greatly needed, and after sometime I will be leaving to attend to the princess, I have some other work I have to do later...ejoo Ope… “Remi don’t beg her…why are you even begging her…she is a nobody, if she want to die let her go and die…anyway, Remi What other work do you have to do aside this….can I join you…you can always call me if you need help with the cleaning or washing…we are sisters and i will be glad to help out.. “No Nike…I don’t need any help, if I need any I will let you now but for now I am fine… They all walk down to the kitchen together and join the other maiden, every one of them got busy as they talk and laugh about one thing or the other, Remi assigned work for them and they all get started, the Queen came down to check how the preparation was going “eku se oo (weldone) They all knelt down in greetings to the queen before getting up to continue with their work The Queen saw Nike and asked Remi “isn’t that your sister, Remi, the one you fought and almost killed…I’m glad that two of you are getting along…that’s how it suppose to be…no enemy or fighting in Oba’s place…work in unison…in togetherness…so gbo? (Do you hear me?) “Bee ni queen mother (yes, queen mother) She looked at Nike who got so serious with her job so that the Queen can commend her efforts, she was happy that the Queen noticed her presence, she felt so important and adjusted so well as she kept on smiling from ear to ear, she wish the Queen will ask her to come and be one of her personal maid, she will be so happy, she will no longer be ordinary palace maid, she will be like Remi “Ki ni oruko re? (What is your name?) “ Oruko mi ni Nike…your majesty(my name is Nike) “se daadaa ni o wa (hope you are fine) “Been ni wa daadaa, ese (yes, a little, am fine, thank you ) “Why little? are you not enjoying your work here in the palace? “ I am Your majesty, I always want to help out in many ways just like my sister, Remi does, and give my best service but the position I’m fixed in does not allow me to do much, as an ordinary palace maid I don’t always have much to do until I’m assign for it… I’m so privilege your majesty to work here and to be speaking with you…many wish for such opportunity…I wish you can assign me to do more than I’m required to do here, maybe to be one of your personal maid… or something close to that for the period that I will be here…I really want to serve well in this palace and not lazy around like most maiden do here…please don’t take offence in my request… “No…no offence, is a good thing and I will look into that, I have enough personal maiden but I will see where I can fix you up… “aaah…may the gods keep blessing you my queen, you will live long in good health and will keep prospering in this kingdom…more years will be added to your greatness… Nike knelt down and was singing praises to the Queen before the Queen left. After the Queen left Ope who was not deceived by Nike’s show confronted her “congratulation hard worker… we have seen how much of a strong girl that you are…the rest of us here are just lazing around…while you are the best worker and you want to be well recognized…now the Queen has said she will consider and place you somewhere…you should be celebrating…you are succeeding…you will soon be rubbing shoulder with your sister Remi…that’s what you have always wanted…I told Remi bringing you here to the kitchen… to join in this preparation was a bad Idea now you have come to make us all look like we are not doing anything and you are the most hard working maid here… “jealousy…jealousy…go and die Ope and everyone else who is jealous because the Queen herself picked interest in me…I don’t care about anybody I’m only here for myself…so stop talking rubbish, I am very hardworking and also the most beautiful among all of you here…and that was why the Queen singled me out and asked of my name and well being…she doesn’t even know if any of you exist but she picked interest in me and that’s why you want to kill yourself… “is unfortunate that the Queen is just noticing you after several months of working here, she knows Remi and she knows me and everyone else and she ask of our well being anytime she see’s us so you should be worried that no one noticed you…if not for Remi is related to you nobody will even know that you exist… people like Remi that are beautiful and well endowed has never talks or boast about their appearance but you…a common palace rat is making noise… “Ope, am I the one you just called a palace rat…I will beat you up Ope, I will stuff the earth dust into your mouth and make you eat sand…I will beat you blue and black… jealousy…enemy of progress… “beat me….hahahaha… mtcheeeww… if not that fighting in the palace is not allowed…I would have continued from where Remi stopped on you the other day but on a second thought, I think I will just let you be… you almost died that day because of that small beating she gave you…you just passed out…we all poured water on you before you came back to life… is not in my hands that you will finally die... look for somebody else that will kill you not me…Remi should ha…. “Ope, please stop mentioning my name…and stop all this childish argument…there are lot of things to be done around here, two of you should not spend the rest of the day exchange words and looking for who is the strongest… enough…am going to do some other things for the Princess…I want by the time I will return all the preparation should be almost done, that empty drum need to be filled, Ope, you and Nike should do that, fill the drum from the big tank at the back yard, please no more argument…or I will separate two of you to join others in fetching firewood…I guess that will keep both of your mouth shut… Remi left the maiden in the Queens kitchen to continue with the preparation She went to the Princess chamber “I was almost sending for you Remi, have you gone to clean my brother’s chamber… “Not yet my princess…I was trying to foresee things in the queen’s kitchen…the maidens are preparing for tomorrow’s day…so I assisted a little before leaving… “ko si wahala (no problem) are you still busy…do you still have something else to do… “Yes my princess but every other thing can wait until I’m done cleaning the Prince chamber…the other maiden are attending to most of the chores… The princess nodded and Remi left with her cleaning bucket and rag to the Prince chamber… She gently tapped on his door and he responded asking her to come inside, she went in and close the door before kneeling to greet, she looked around the place, there was much to be done around the big chamber, it will take her time to fold up the wrappers scattered on the chair and bed, using water and soup to clean the ground and dust off every dirt on the floor, chairs and window, she will finish up more fast if the Prince was not in the room, relaxing on his bed and looking at her all over “I was already wondering if my sister did not give you my message yesterday that I needed your help in cleaning up here… “Yes…she did, I was assisting in preparing things for the upcoming Queen’s party and the full moon celebration… “yea…which starts tomorrow… is going to be a full seven days of eating and drinking and getting merry…that’s why I want this place tided up…are you excited about it…like I am… “Of curse…my prince…I am, let me start with the cleaning right away… “alright if you can’t finish up today then you can continue tomorrow after the party… don’t over work yourself…sorry that I have to chose you to do this…I feel so comfortable with you doing it than any other person…do you need me to do anything…sorry I don’t really know how to do much chores but I can help with little, if you ask me to…or you can teach me…I will be glad to learn under you… “no...not at all…thank you, I feel honored my Prince , I can handle everything…but I would have love to start from your big bed but you are lying down on it…never mind, let me not disturb you, I will just start from the tables and wardrooms… “Remi…is fine…if you want to start from the bed then I will stand up…I will leave you alone in the room…don’t let anybody into my chamber…I will just check up on the queen mother…giving you space for you to be able to work effectively… Remi nodded as the Prince stood up and walk past her to the door, he turned back and look at her before walking out. Remi felt relaxed as the Prince walked out, she was happy that her trick worked and the Prince left the room for her, she began her cleaning with a smile, singing to herself, there was a lot to do but it will be faster now that the Prince was out of the room. Nike and Ope were getting water from the water tank to the Queen’s kitchen drum when they saw the Prince coming, Ope and Nike greeted and stood up at his command Nike wore a very broad smile, she wanted the Prince to notice her, Ope watch Nike in disgust “My Prince…E ku abo, that’s a beautiful agbada you are putting on…well crafted with beautiful design… “ose…(thanks) you are Remi’s sister…Right? “Bee ni…(yes) Remi is my sister, in my family we are very hardworking, my prince I am one of the most hardworking maiden here followed by my sister, Remi… I a… “What is your own name… The prince ignored Nike who was still talking to face Ope “Oruko mi ni Ope…my prince… (my name is Ope) “Have you seen the queen mother this evening…looking out for her Before Ope will say anything Nike replied him “Yes…yes my prince…I can take you to where she is…I saw her sitting and talking with some visitors at the royal sit out, can I take you there… “Take me there? …why…when am not blind…your information will do…Ose The Prince turned and walked away “Hard-worker…maybe you should turn into a town crier so that you can announce to everyone, go to Oba himself and tell him that you are most hardworking maiden… desperate fool… “Jealousy…jealousy that is your own problem… go and die Ope…just watch out for me in this palace…you will be surprise at what the future holds for me…nonsense…lazy girl… Leja walked up to Nike who was still battling words with Ope. Ope carried her water and left after greeting Leja “Hey…Nike ba wo ni (how are you)…have you seen Remi… “What happen…I don’t know where she is…what do you want I may be able to help you if you ask me to… “you can’t help me…I just want to see Remi, she has being so busy and I haven’t set my eyes on her since today…I got a gift for her and I want to present it to her, by myself… “Well, keep looking for her then…I don’t know where she is…why do you buy a gift for her…today is not her birthday… what is inside the gift wrap… what is she celebrating Leja… “Is none of your business, I will find her…thanks for your time… Nike carried her water and left, while Leja went on searching for Remi.
7 Mar 2019 | 18:01
Leja check the Prince Chamber
8 Mar 2019 | 04:49
Nick you damn desperate
8 Mar 2019 | 04:50
Nike is just too desperate the prince issa real gentleman oh
8 Mar 2019 | 06:06
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 9. Leja was staring at Remi as she dance with other maiden, she wore the Ankara that Leja bought for her. Leja was so happy as he watch Remi, dancing and laughing with other maiden, he remembered that he has pleaded with her not to reject the gift when she said she doesn’t want any gift from him, he had begged her continuously until she finally collected it And today being the fourth day of the party she did not wear the normal aso ebi that most maiden wore, she decided to wear the fine Ankara that Leja gave her, Leja was admiring her as she dance and serve drinks and food to visitors, she look so happy and cheerful, the men smile as she serve them the women look on at her in admiration while some in envy She filled the whole place with her presence just like a goddess, Leja looked on from where he stood, he felt so proud and wish Remi was fully his, he knows the gods are already favoring him, and just a little time Remi will be his. Leja smile quickly turn into a frown as he saw the Prince who was already drunk beckoning on Remi to come She walked up to him and he whispered something to her ear, she blushed before walking away, the Prince was looking at her with desires in his eyes as Remi went back to serving the guest. Leja swallowed hard wondering what the Prince told her that made her to blush, he started moving towards Remi Nike who has being dancing and shaking all her body close to where the Prince was, just for him to notice her felt bad that the Prince did not even bother to look at her side, she got tired and went to Remi asking her if she can serve the guest too, Remi told her that her turn to serve will be tomorrow, the fifth day. Nike saw Leja moving toward Remi who was serving some group of young men and they were all admiring her Nike wish she was Remi, so that she can get all the attentions that Remi was getting Nike stopped Leja from mid way, with a big grin “se iwo ma aba mi jo Leja? (Would you like to dance with me?) “I don’t know how to dance.. “se mo le so pelu re (can I practice with you) “Nibo…Nisisiyi…where…right here? Beeni…nisisiyi (yes, now) Haa…wahala wa…the Prince is just right over there…he will see that I’m not in my duty post and may tell the Oba… “The Prince is not like that, and merely looking at him he look drunk, ko le e ri wa (he can not see us) or if you want we can move out of here so that people will not see us… Leja saw that he couldn’t escape from Nike and decided to follow her, he planned to spend little time with her just to make her happy, he will then return to be with Remi Remi saw that the Prince was drunk, he has whispered in her ears “ mo nifee re Remi (I love you Remi) she blushed but she knows that it must be a sign of being drunk, he doesn’t even know what he was saying. She admire the Prince and love his humility, the way he looks at her as if she was the most special being in the palace, she was gradually falling for him because of his sweet nature, she has wish the prince wasn’t drunk and clearly declared that his love for her, it will be a sweet feeling, she knows almost all the maiden will be in love with him, it seem very normal to fall for such an important man, but to her it wasn’t like the general feeling, it was something that makes her have butterflies in her stomach anytime she sees him staring at her. It was different from what she felt for Leja, anytime she sees Leja or any other man looking at her it feels normal, no butterflies or any sweet feeling like she do feel when she sees the Prince staring at her like a precious diamond. She was watching him closely and has told every other palace worker not to pour more drink into his cup, Remi looked around for Leja but couldn’t find him, he wish Leja was close by so that he can escort the Prince to his chamber. The Princess was sitting with her mother and doesn’t need her now until maybe later in the night. Remi saw that the Prince staggered as he stood, he sat back down immediately, and she wondered why he drank so much drink today unlike the other days, he has not being drinking much except today. Ope came to her and whispered that the Prince was calling her, Remi went to him and he asked Remi to take him to his chamber and she did. When the Prince got into his chamber, he started speaking to Remi as he staggered round his chamber “I told you earlier that I love you, I whispered it into your ears and you didn’t take me serious because you thought I was drunk, am not drunk or maybe I am, the fact still remain that I love you…yes…is true…you got into me right from that first day at the festive dance…when I first set my eyes on you…I have always wanted to tell you this but I don’t know how you will take it…so today I decided to drink so much…yes…I drank enough to get high…so that I can find my boldness and voice to declare all my stored up feeling for you.…I wanted to tell you this when you came to clean my chamber the other day… that was more reason why I told my sister to send for you but I still couldn’t find my gut… but today I have a full gut to tell you that I love you Remi… and I will tell the Oba that I want to marry…marry you… you will be my queen…come… come closer to me…are you afraid of me…don’t be afraid of me because my love for you is real…it can cast fear out of you…aaah…look at fe mi...emi ni ore re (my love, I am your friend)your real friend, don’t see me as a prince, son of Oba of this great kingdom, see me as your friend, if I have a son with you I will call him Ademi, my crown…because he came from a beautiful maiden who is after my heart. oruko mi ni Aremo, yes that is my name because am a heir to this great Oba’s throne, and I need a queen like you to compliment my kingship when the time comes…with you by my side I will rule with honor… you said you love your grandmother because she was also a good dancer when she was young…right Arewa… (beauty) “Remi…my name is Remi, you are drunk my prince you need to lie down, I will tell them to bring cold water for you…stop talking…the drink is taking too much effect on you…you don’t even know what you are saying again… “shhh…I know what am saying…I still need more drink, I was talking about your grandmother…one day you will take me to her…I will like to meet her and I will also love to meet your father and your mother… “Babami oti ku (my father is late) you know that already, is time to relax your head…please stop talking.. “oopen that cabinet and give me one bottle of drink there…I want to get real drunk because of you nifee mi (my love)… don’t say no to your Prince…do it, bring the drink to me here… am in my chamber…not outside there, the party is still going on…but I can’t even carry my own legs…is so heavy, I wonder the kind of heavy bata (sandals) that is heaving my legs like this…everywhere is blurred in this chamber… I will just stay here…I don’t want people to start saying “the prince got drunk yesterday and fell down…all those normal gossip…don’t really care…Oba will be angry if such happen… that was why I specifically ask you to take me to my chamber and you did…thank you…what was I saying before…what did you say now…about your father…ooh I have forgotten… please come…stay with meeee…uurrggghhhh.... He started throwing up, the bottle of drink that Remi gave him as he ordered her fell off from his hand and the drink spilled everywhere, he was vomiting, Remi stood and held her mouth not knowing what to do, she went out and brought cold water to wash his face and sprinkle some on him. He removed his wet agbada and was only in his trouser and singlet, he was still talking but Remi wasn’t paying attention to him as she cleaned up the whole place He gently pulled Remi to himself, Remi thought that it was because he was drunk that is more reason why he was misbehaving around her, the prince held her in his arm and not wanting to let go of her, Remi loosen from his grip. He smell of alcohol but he his body felt so warm, the prince pulled at her again as she tried to walk away, she fell into his laps, “duro nbe” (stop) she silently cried, but he wasn’t listening to Remi’s quiet plead as he caressed her body and kept on saying, “ aro re so mi…mo nifee re” (I miss you… I love you) Remi wanted to leave but it was as if something kept her there as the Prince touched every part of her body, she struggled a little before relaxing back, the Prince put his hand under her cloth and pulled out her breast cloth, he moan and gently lay her on the bed and muttered “mo nifee re” again to her before digging into her. it was until the deed was done Remi realized she was in trouble, blood stained her cloth and the bed too. she was a virgin and the Prince just broke her up, he did not force her, she can’t even explain why she couldn’t run out, push him away or fight harder as she would have done to any man, she just lay there and watch him do it without stopping him, and when he was done, he slept off without wasting time, and began to snore loudly. Remi stood up and saw all the mess, she started cleaning everywhere, she clean and adjusted her cloth, she wrapped up the blood stained wrapper so well into a bundle so that it won’t be noticed. She was almost done when she had a knock on the door, she felt pain in between her leg as she walk to the door after making sure everything was in place. She opened the door and it was Leja, he looked at her suspiciously before saying “I did not know that you are in here…I was looking around for you at the party ground but couldn’t find you…what of the Prince… “He is asleep…he…had too much to drink and when I helped him up here… he vomited everywhere so…so I have to clean up the place… Leja looked at Remi, she was shaking, he tried to touch her but she moved away from him… “are you alright…you are shaking…I guess is from working too hard, you need rest Remi before you break down, you could have called me to come and take the Prince to his chamber…you look so pale. Are you sure you are okay… “Yea, am fine Leja, I will just leave now…since am through with…with the Prince…I mean cleaning his room…I will take some of this and wash…they are dirty… Leja tried to collect the cloth that Remi wrapped up in her arm but she refused “Your work is with the Princess not with the Prince…give me those stuff I will tidy it up myself… “Don’t worry Leja…i…I will do it…I have to go… Leja watch as Remi walked out, she wasn’t walking properly, no matter how she try to pretend something wasn’t right, she walk as if she had a broken leg, she was still on the Ankara cloth he bought for her “Are you sure that you are okay…did you hit your leg somewhere…can I see it… “Am fine…I just stumbled my feet on a chair…I will use ori on it… “Okay…if you say so, by the way the Ankara look good on you…do you like it… “Yes Leja…thank you… Leja said something else to make Remi jealous but she was more concern about her present trouble than anything Leja was saying “I was with your sister, Nike, she was teaching me how to dance and after which we had a good time together…she is so funny and lively too… “Okay…that’s good, I’m glad you had fun with her… “I prefer to be with you over anybody…you are more lively and fun to be with than…. Leja was saying something else but Remi ignored him as she gently walk away. She had wish the Prince will not remember any of the things that happened, because she feels so terrible and covered in her own shame as she walked away. she needs to speak to somebody about the incident with the prince. somebody who is trustworthy. and Nike has proven to be real to her, and she has being acting so close and nice, like a sister would. maybe talking to Nike won't be a bad idea.
8 Mar 2019 | 23:32
don't forget to like and comments
8 Mar 2019 | 23:34
Smthx dey worry you Nike? Trusthworthy? My sis u get mind oh... The next ting u knw is everyone gossiping abt it
9 Mar 2019 | 00:04
Trustworthy indeed
9 Mar 2019 | 05:20
just be careful and be smart
9 Mar 2019 | 10:43
what next...
9 Mar 2019 | 11:01
argh!!!...remi are so disgusting...what a u re irritating just like ur sister or even more can't even think straight again cuz now u see ur step-sister as the best person to confide in...and when ur granny is even there upon all the advice...i hope this end well 4 u sha...hhmmm
9 Mar 2019 | 12:04
The journey of remi is getting sweeter with love and more experience. Nothing could ever satisfy her but to know more about her future and love and explanation from her grandmom.
9 Mar 2019 | 21:30
Actually, nike can't be trusted, her pretense is clear. Remi really need to forget about trusting her. Ope has a better attitude to receive her worries and give her that advice.
9 Mar 2019 | 21:41
Leja is not that kind of man 4 remi. His attitude of jealousy make him unpleasant. The prince is wise and getting wiser, sexting that has just happened was part of his destiny with remi.
9 Mar 2019 | 21:49
What remi's grandma has been speaking is coming to pass. A royal seed or baby may have been planted by the prince in remi after the sex. They really love each other 4 that spoken destiny to happen.
9 Mar 2019 | 21:58
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST ( EPISODE 10 ) * * * * * * Remi walked to the wash room but couldn't wash the stained wrapper because of the pain in between her laps was excruciating, she wrapped up the bundle up and hide it away, she Will Wake up early in the morning to go wash it, she thought within herself The guest has all Left to prepare for another party tomorrow, the maidens were sweeping and cleaning the big Oba's Compound Remi washed up herself and changed into her night wear, she prepared The princess bath, made her bed and set out her night wear before going out to look for Nike She saw Ope and beckoned on her to come "Have you seen Nike...she is not here... where could she be? "I saw her following the Queen like fly follows corpse, she just want the Queen to make her among her personal maidens, who knows all The lies she's telling the Queen mother just for her to be recognized, that your sister is too desperate, all she wants is to start robbing shoulders with you, she is a pretender...she is not humble or real like you... "Is okay Ope...alright, I know you two are always fighting each other and is normal but Nike is still my sister and she can't be like me, even identical twins don't have same is very normal for Nike to be a little different from me...I will go and search for her... As Remi was about leaving she Saw Nike walking down with a full smile on her face, when she got to Remi, she began to talk very loud so that Ope and the other maid can hear her "Sister mi, the gods has done it for me... ",Nike, I was searching for you, I need to speak to you urgently... there is something I need to tell you and is... "Remi wait let me finish with my own announcement, so that my enemies can go and die, well... finally... finally the Queen has agreed for me to be her personal wasn't easy o.. but The gods has decided to remember me, now I'm one of the Queen personal maiden, may the gods be praise, while some will remain an ordinary palace maiden till they die, my position is higher now, by tomorrow I will resume my new acquired duty...aah...aahh...I can't wait to tell iyami, iyami will be so proud of me...who the gods has blessed nobody can curse, now I will get to even see the oba and the prince often than before, I told somebody here that she should watch out for me... she will be surprised at what the Future holds for me... the gods has already started working very soon some people will start dying of jealousy... Ope turned from what she was doing and face Nike in anger "You are very stupid Nike, so you are indirectly referring to me...I don't even see anything big in serving the Queen, after all you are still a palace maiden or did your title also change from being a maid, so what's the fuss about. You that was ready to sell your soul to the devil just to be like Remi, Remi did not need to struggle, talk or cry her way into the office that she presently occupied, the kingdom chose her and she was favored among all but you...your case is just so opposite and you are only doing this because of Remi not me because I have no business with you, you want to be equal with Remi by all means but she will always be ahead of you in everything... "See this fool, Ope did I mention your name now, please did anybody hear me call Ope's name...see what jealousy is doing to you, just because of this my new Post you want to kill yourself... please get ready to die because the gods may decide to make me a Queen of this kingdom soon and I will have you serve me, you will be my footstool... ", May the gods forbids evil, such abomination will never happen so stop day dreaming Nike, the best you can ever be is a palace maiden nothing else, the gods chose wisely, they chose beautiful, humble loving, and Royal maiden of the land, if they ever decided to chose a commoner then it will be somebody like Remi, she poses all that quality, I will love it if the gods chose her because she will rule with all fairness, just like our present Queen... while you... "Shut up that your filthy mouth, who made you The mouth piece of the gods, just watch and see what the Future holds for me... The gods has already started a good work in me and very soon they will lift me higher than my enemies, I hope you won't die before then out of jealousy... "Must two of you fight all the time... and you will likely drag me into your argument,, i'm out of here...I have enough trouble already... Remi started walking away, Nike left Ope to meet up with Remi "Sister mi, don't mind that witch, she is always jealous of me... you said you have something you want to talk to me about... "Yes..I do but I guess your new acquired office is very important to you than anything else, mine can wait...congratulation anyway...I need to go and lie down, I don't feel too well... "Aahh...ahh.. can tell me what borders you... I'm The only one you can trust here, don't ever trust somebody like Ope, do you hear what she said earlier, she said the gods can chose you to be a Queen of this kingdom but the gods can't chose me because it will be an abomination, how can she say such rubbish, what is the difference between you and I...aah, I swear by the gods I will surprise that girl, I will... "Nike, please stop, I said I have enough trouble of my own, whatever Ope said was only because you two are always at log head... don't take her serious, she doesn't even know what she was saying, ofcurse you can be the next Queen of this kingdom if the gods says so... "Yes... certainly, I like what you just said...I can be the next Queen of this kingdom, I will rule in power, I Will be greatly feared, I will squash all my enemies and make them lick my tell me what troubled you Remi... "Let's talk tomorrow, I'm tired and I need to attend to the princess before going to bed...Aram kole Dara Dara (I'm not feeling too well) Remi walked into the princess chamber, leaving Nike outside Nike wish Remi could just tell her all that troubled her, if Remi who seem to have the gods favour over her could be in trouble that means the gods has turned their back on Remi and chose to favor her instead by making her to be among the Queen's maiden, Nike thought within herself as she turned and walked away with a smile she can't wait for tomorrow to come so that she will finally hear what Remi has to say, she want to know how useful the information she will get from her will be, it may help her in her next plan. Remi could not sleep well that night, when she finally slept she had a terrible dream of her mother and brother again, she woke up amidst sweat and couldn't sleep back till day break She wish she can bare her trouble to somebody that is trust worthy and who will understands her without being judged, she thought of her grandmother who always understand, "will she understand if i tell her that I lay with The prince, he disflowered me while in drunkenness, I could have stopped him but I didn't, I just lay there and whist in pain as he dig into me, now I'm no more one of the proud virgins of this great kingdom, every one will mock me and treat me like a criminal they will think I seduced a drunk prince and lay with him, they will think I was defied even before coming to the palace to serve, who will believe me, Maybe iya will understand, nobody has to know, it will be a secret I will hold forever... Remi kept on thinking about the whole thing to the following morning. She got up early in the morning to go and wash the stained wrapper she hide away but it was no more where she kept it, she searched around the whole place wondering who could have taken it away, somebody spoke behind her and she startled ad turned to see that it was Leja "Is it The wrapper you wrapped up into a bundle and hide in between those plants that you are looking for, you told me it was just some ordinary dirty cloths that you wanted to go and wash, despite how I tried to collect it from you, you refused to hand it over, you said it was just wrapper the prince vomited on but I saw a blood stain on it, where did the blood come from Remi... " do you know I kept it in between this over grown plants, how... "I'm the Chief guard here have you forgotten, one of the guards on last night duty brought it to me, he told me where he found it and on seeing the bundle I knew it was from you, I was curious and opened it only to see blood stain on it, so that takes me back to my previous Question, who's blood is that and how did it got into the prince wrapper which was spread on his bed yesterday morning, answer me Remi... "The blood is from my injury, I told you I stumbled on a chair and sustained an injury from there... that was why I couldn't Walk well... "Can I see the wound, and why do you have to hide it here if it was an so ordinary, and why is there blood on the prince wrapper...I have questions but you haven't given me a reasonable answer, hope is not what I'm thinking Remi, you can confide in me if there's a problem, did the prince force himself on you...did he...I know this sounds ridiculous because the prince is not that kind of man but the way he has being looking at you with desires in his eyes was enough to raise such Questions... "Leja, I don't know what you are talking about, the blood stain was from the wound I sustained on my thigh when I stumbled and fell down, and I can't show you my thighs, the blood got to the prince wrapper when I was trying to clean up the prince vomits, so I bundled up everything to go and Wash but I was too tired and couldn't wash it that yesterday so I put it here just to avoid this same questions you are asking me now from anybody that may see it in the wash room... and becarefull the way you accuse the prince, that can be very dangerous for you... now that i have answered your question can I know where you kept it.. "Well, I'm not yet convince but I will let the sleeping dog lie, I kept it in the wash room, go there you will see it. Remi nodded and left, Leja stood looking at her as she walks away, he was having trouble believing her, he felt like something was wrong, he remembered how Remi was shaking yesterday, he has tried to touch her but she stepped away from him, he silently hope is not what he was thinking Leja breathed deeply before walking away Remi tried all she could to wash off the stains but she couldn't, she started regretting of not washing it yesterday, if not for the pain she felt in between her legs that prevented her Leja wouldn't have seen it or suspected anything. Remi hanged them like that hoping that when the sun dries it the stain won't be obvious On her way back to the chamber she saw Nike, Nike who couldn't wait for the day to break so that she can hear what Remi got to tell her, greeted Remi warmly before asking her to tell her what troubles her yesterday, Remi told her that it was too early for such talk, Maybe later in the day they will talk about it After Remi finished up with her morning duty to the princesses she decided to ask her if she can visit her grandmother briefly "Jowo semole yoju si iya agba (please can I go and see my grandma) "Hope there's no problem Remi, why the sudden urge to visit your grandma... "Nothing, my princess, is being a while i saw her, I just want to check up on her "You know the party still continues today and even tomorrow, your help is greatly needed here, just wait when the party finally comes to an end, which will be in few days from now then you can go, I will give you a day off to visit your people... In the early afternoon as Remi, Ope and other maiden prepares for another party day as guest were already filling in the Oba's large compound Leja came to inform Remi that the prince sent for her Remi's heart skipped as she hard that, she went to the prince chamber and found him pacing the whole place, he had a worried look on Leja stood behind the close door and place his ear close to the door so that he can hear what is going on between the prince and Remi, he wanted to eavesdrop on them but Remi sensed it and gave the prince sign not to say anything yet, she quietly walk to the door and forcefully opened it and Leja fell with a heavy thud to the ground. the prince was shock, Leja quickly stood up in shame "Leja... what are you doing... wait a second... are you eavesdroping on my conversation... "Rara o..omooba...(no prince) I was just relaxing on the door waiting for when you will summon me, I'm sorry my prince...imabinu... The prince ask him to leave immediately and he flew out without looking back, he closed the door and face Remi, who's heart started beating again. * * TBC...
10 Mar 2019 | 12:04
After reading don't forget to like and comments
10 Mar 2019 | 12:06
Am glad u didn't tel nike i tink the prince wants to apologize bt it wnt change anytin coz shez already preggg..... can hardly wait 4 the next!
11 Mar 2019 | 05:24
Nawa oo problem dey oo Remi will soon be pregnant
11 Mar 2019 | 07:13
You have no excuse
11 Mar 2019 | 14:07
Thank God u made up your mind nt to tell Nike, she is just like a green snake
11 Mar 2019 | 14:37
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 11. Molero pe owalalafia (hope you are fine) "I'm fine my prince... "Kilo sele lale ana...(what happened last night?) "Kosi omooba (nothing prince) "Don't be afraid Remi...tell me what happened... "You were drunk last night... you vomited...and.. nothing again happened... "Oh by the gods...Remi, you are stuttering stop it, what really happened...I knew I was drunk last night... I remember I asked you to take me to my chamber and you did, i got drunk because i... really wanted to express my feeling for you which i have been wanting to do for a very long time...I know I must have said all that and even what I don't suppose to say or do as a royalty...but that's not the point, my worries now is that I saw a blood stain on my trouser...I... have not being able to Leave this chamber since morning... I'm worried sick... thinking I might have done something stupid...Remi, mabinu bimo base o, molero pe kosi wahala, I'm sorry if I hurt you but I just hope there's no problem... "Kosi wahala omooba, mo wa lafia (no problem my prince, I'm fine) "No, you are not, The come..oh by the gods, Remi, wahala wa topoju fun...did I...I mean did I..uhmmm... did I forcefully lay with you...did I make love to you... this is crazy...I don't know why I can't remember anything else after I came into the chamber...I felt like I did something wrong to conscience is not at peace and when I saw the blood stain my worries doubled up...I can't remember Remi, I can' as if the gods wipe off my memory of last night but my conscience is me, tell me everything... Remi was quiet not knowing what to say, how do she tell the prince that he defiled her last night when he can not even remember doing that, he took her virginity without even knowing it and she did not fight hard enough to stop him, she lay there as if she was glued or being remoted it was after the deed was done she knew that she was in serious trouble, letting the prince know about last night may put him into trouble with the oba, because Leja May testify that the prince raped her when he was drunk, Leja is ready to do anything to hurt the prince if he finds out that the prince defiled her, it will be better to keep quiet and not bring more trouble to herself and maybe the prince... "Remi, ejoo damilohun (Remi, please answer me) "My prince, such did not happen... you were drunk and slept off immediately you came into your chamber, the blood is probably when I stumbled and fell down, your vomit slipped my feet off and I fell down and sustained a little wound on my thigh, while I was trying to help you... the blood stained your trouser... The prince moved closer to Remi but she stepped away from him. He breathed deeply as he kept on looking at her "Am sorry sorry, can... can I see the it much...I have Ori here...I can use it on your that it will heal faster... "I can't show you my thighs... that's not right my prince... "Hmm...I deeply cares about you Remi, I do, I'm not trying to take advantage of you being a maiden, I deeply care so much about you, and I feel terrible, I'm ashamed of have messed up the way I did last night in front of you, making you to sustain injury, hmmm...I hate myself for that...Remi look up at me...I can speak to Oba, my father about yo... "We were getting ready for today's party when Leja came to inform me that you sent for me...if I stay in here for too long it may raise an eye brows among the maidens, it will look suspicious, so please allow me to run ahead... there are things to be done out there but I assure you there's nothing to worry about... last night was just like every other night, the only difference is that you drank too much and slept so early...please can I go now... "Okay... okay... thank you for helping me to clean up my mess, I'm sorry about the injury you sustained on your thigh, I thank the gods that is not more than that, I thought I did something terrible...I wouldn't have been able to forgive myself if I had taken advantage of you and forcefully defiled would have been really terrible... I'm glad you are fine... despite I still have this ill feeling inside of me, but I'm fine knowing that what I thought didn't happen... Remi greeted him again before leaving. She still need to talk to someone, Ope is not blood related to her as Nike was, she would have love to tell Ope instead of Nike But no matter how much Nike disturb her to talk she kept on prosponding it, until Nike gave up, Remi wanted to tell her but something kept stopping her from doing that, at the end she did not say anything again. The prince wasn't so active like before, he spend most part of the day in his chamber or with the Oba, his father as they talk and the Oba was teaching him how to rule a kingdom, not to be biased in judging a case, how to be a good ruler to the people, a good husband to his future wife and father to the children that the gods will bless him with. Nike tried everything for the prince to notice her but he was mostly too busy to notice anyone and sometimes ask Nike how Remi is doing, Nike always feel jealous anytime the prince specifically ask about Remi's well being and that's only when he comes visiting his mother in her chamber The party was over and Remi did not feel the need to go and visit her grandmother or the need to talk to anybody again She was fine and was trying to put what happened behind her as she continued her services, nobody knows what happened except her and it was better that way It was after a month when her monthly flow cease to come she started panicking but decided to wait for another month, maybe by then it will come, she felt sick and throws up anytime she eats anything, Remi thought it was a normal sickness and drank agbo for malaria, (herbal medicine for malaria) hoping to get relief but on the second month the flow still did not come. Remi knew that she was doomed, she started praying and begging the gods not to allow her to be pregnant, she silently pleaded to the gods to send her monthly flow When she couldn't store all that she was going through within her any more, she decided to talk to someone. Nike was the first person that came to her mind as she ran to look for her "Egba mi oo... oluwa ran mi lowo...(I'm in trouble..i need the help of the gods) "Kilo sele gan (what happened) "Aaaah, wahala wa topoju fum (am in serious trouble) Nike, I think I'm pregnant... "Kini...ewoooo (what) for it for Leja... "Rara... omooba (no, the prince) Nike opened her eyes in shock as she looked at Remi as if she just released a bomb, it sound unbelievable to her, she kept staring at Remi like a ghost "You know that first day, during that seven days party, ehee, when I told you I have something I wanted to it was during then that it happened... the prince was drunk and doesn't even know, he can't remember laying with me that night, that is my main problem Nike, I'm doomed...kini Kim se bayi? (What should I do) I just needed to talk to someone that is close to me... "You said the prince is not aware of it... that is a good thing, you will have to remove it, I will get agbo (herbal medicine) you will drink it and flush it out, this agbo is very strong and works like magic and there's no complication, I ones laid with Leja, nobody knows about it too, I enticed him into doing it and he did, I wanted to have him to myself after then but he was very foolish, he didn't stay for long, when I noticed that my monthly visitor did not come as usual...I quickly ran to iyami and she prepared agbo and I drank it, everything came you have to take that agbo, is the prince that we are talking about here... the future king of this kingdom...he mustn't hear of this... "I can't, I don't know Nike, but I'm already two months gone, and I feel terrible already, commiting another sin upon this will be deadly...I feel that way...I can't, the prince do not have to know, I will resign from this palace and go-to stay with my grandma...but I just don't feel like flushing an innocent tiny seed growing... I'm the one that deserve to die for laying with the prince not this baby...I don't know what to do but I don't have the guts to hurt or flush the child... "Is not yet a child Remi, is a bad blood that will endanger the prince and it needs to be flushed out... "Are you more concerned about the prince or my life, Nike, I never planned for this to happen, believe me, I did not even understand how it all happened and I couldn't stop him, I thought I was free and nobody will know because even the prince doesn't know, but after a month and then another came I knew I was carrying the prince seed, I'm afraid, what I greatly fear is this but the gods will see me through... I can't drink any agbo or anything just to flush this out...I can't.. "Even the gods can't help you because you seduced the prince and slept with a drunk man that doesn't even know what he was doing, the gods won't forgive you, is an abomination Remi, and you have to take it off just as I took Leja's own off, it was just so Simple, you have to do it... nobody will know... trust me... Remi stood up and walked away from Nike as the whole thing was almost tuning into a fight, Nike was more concerned about the prince and insisted that she flush the pregnancy out but Remi couldn't, she was confuse on what to do, she thought telling Nike will help but it worsen her situation, she need to see her grandmother. Nike took permission from the Queen after the talk with Remi, Nike lied that her mother was very sick and her permission was granted, she quickly Left to see her mother.
11 Mar 2019 | 17:50
Drop your comments after reading
11 Mar 2019 | 17:52
hhmm...intricate...just hope this end well for her
11 Mar 2019 | 18:24
Gbam! And it hpened wat a pity
12 Mar 2019 | 04:27
I know it will happen
12 Mar 2019 | 05:31
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 12. Remi told the princess that she needed a day off so that she can finally visit her grandmother The princess gave her two days off instead, as she was leaving, Leja saw her and came to meet her "Where are you going to...? "Home, I'm visiting my people. "Is there a problem...? "No problem Leja, must there be any before I visit my people? "Not really...just asking because Nike, your sister also took permission from the Queen to visit hom... Remi felt like throwing up as Leja was speaking to her but she kept holding it in waiting to when she will move away from Leja, she started walking away slowly just for Leja to leave but he followed and continued to talk Remi couldn't respond well as saliva filled her mouth, when she couldn't hold it in she ran off with speed and vomited, Leja stood watching her until she was done "Are you alright Remi... I'm just the food I ate this morning that is troubling my stomach but I'm very fin....ugrrrrhhhh She started vomiting again. "Remi, you have being throwing up of recent, I also saw you the other day and and I thought is a flu...but it doesn't look so to me any more...or...are you pregnant Remi quickly stood up from where she bent over to face Leja "What kind of talk is that...Leja, how can you think I'm pregnant... are you the one that got me pregnant... please don't ask me that kind of question again... "I'm only being concern that's why I'm asking you... and if you are then I know who will be responsible... the night of the party that the prince got drunk... the time you spent in his chamber... the blood on the prince wrapper... the way you were shaking all over... the way you Walk with the invisible injury on your lap...the hidding of the wrapper in those over grown plants... omooba took your virginity that night I'm I correct?... stop lying Remi... everything is beginning to add all making sense now...he forcefully lay with you... "Is it same way you forcefully lay with, the prince is not like are only adding rubbish to your head...snap out of it...the prince is a noble man...i don't owe you an explanation Leja... leave me alone...your problem should be with Nike not me... you two have being meeting each other in secret... "Are you jealous, wait... did Nike told you that I force her... I never forced her... through out the days we did It she begged for It, it was only once... just once I went to her...but the rest she was coming to me... she wanted it and I gave it to her... why will she even tell you when she promised to keep it a secret... Nike is not trust worthy at all... she swear and promise never to tell anyone... why did she have to tell you...I wanted you Remi...I still do...I seriously desire to have you but you have never consider me for once... Remi started walking away with speed but Leja followed her and continued to speak "...I swear by the gods that you occupy my mind even while I was on top of Nike...all I see is your face as I met with her... "You are disgusting Leja... stop following me...leave me alone... "I can't leave you alone...I love you Remi...please... stop doing this to me... the prince can't love you as much as I do...he... "What you feel is not made me touch your manhood sometime ago because that's where your feeling for me lay... what you feel for me is in between your legs Leja... " can you say that...I thought you have forgotten what transpired between us that night...I apologise and you said it was if what I feel for you is within my manhood then what of the prince...he looks at you with desires in his eyes...he also wants you as much as I do... that's if he hasn't had you yet...I still remember that night and the blood stain wrapper... you can hide everything but you can never hide pregnancy... with time it will show up and every one will have questions that only you can answer... I'm watching you closely Remi...ever since that night...I have being keeping an eye on you and if what I think happens to be true then you will have alot of explanation to do...I won't forgive you or the prince... Remi stopped at the gate and face Leja who followed her down "We don't need your forgiveness...neither do we owe you your life Leja and let me live mine... serve, because that's what you are called to do or better still focus on Nike... stop confusing yourself... even if I happen to be none of your my cross to bear.. Remi crossed the gate, Leja stood and kept talking as she walks away... "So you are indirectly agreeing to the fact that you are pregnant...I just hope is not true becau.... Remi couldn't hear him any more as she cross over to the opposite side of the road and quietly walked away The prince have being watching Leja and Remi as they walk to the gate, Leja was acting all angry as he speaks to Remi, Remi stop to reply him and continued walking towards the gate, Leja kept talking until she walked out of the gate before he finally turned back The prince wondered what they were arguing about, he wish to know what exactly is going on between Leja and Remi, he has seen them on several occasions arguing or talking over something He was beginning to think there was something going on between Leja and Remi and he will find out today "Could it be that Leja and Remi are in a relationship, what is really going on between them, oh by the gods...why can't I forget this maiden, why has Remi occupied my mind and no matter how much I try to put her behind I can't seem to to do that... The prince stood by his window as he thought within himself, he decided to send for Leja "Omooba you sent for me... "'yeah...i want to ask you a question and don't lie to me just answer me... the truth only Leja... "I have never lied to you before my prince...I won't start now... "Is about Remi, my sister's personal maiden...who is she to you... Leja knew this was a good opportunity for him...his answer will either make the prince to stay away from Remi or draw him closer, Leja decided to lie to the prince. "My prince, I'm sorry that I have kept this a secret for a very long time, is mainly because I don't want to endanger her and I also know that you have a great interest in her...Remi is my woman, we are in a serious relationship... she love me so very much and I also love her too... The prince felt as if his heart was thorn apart, he breathed deeply and put his sweating hands inside his pocket so that Leja won't see his discomfort, he felt stupid for loving a maiden who love another "Leja...uhmmm... you should have told me that you and Remi had something serious going on but there's no problem... I'm sorry for showing interest in her which you knew all this while without saying a word... you seem to be arguing over something earlier...I watched two of you from here... Treat her well Leja... she is a good maiden...uhmmm... that's all for now...I promise not to trespass again... you may leave now... Leja bow to him before walking away, he was so happy to have finally nailed the prince, he saw the prince discomfort even though he has tried to hide it but it was so obvious, the prince was in love with Remi but everything will start changing now that he told him that he was in a relationship with her. The prince is a noble man and will stay clear off another man's property. Leja felt so happy that he finally succeeded in separating Remi from the prince, now he will find a way to make Remi to be his, he knows it will be difficult but he will put More effort The prince sat hard on his wooden carved chair, he was planning on how to ask Remi to be his, after which he will speak to his father concerning her, Remi has being avoiding him ever since the night he got drunk, he thought it was because she felt embarrassed with his behaviour, he was also trying to concentrate on other royal work with his father. The oba has engaged him on a royal assignment, how to become a good ruler of the kingdom, he has being so busy and only thought of Remi whenever he was alone or when he sees her sister, Nike attending to the Queen with other of his mother's personal maidens, he has always sent his greetings to Remi through her sister Nike. The prince has wish Remi will be his but now he knows that she belongs to Leja. He now understands why Leja was eavesdroping on his conversation with Remi sometimes ago. everything makes sense to him now. He will stay off now that he knows she is for Leja, even though doing so may seem so hard to do but he will focus on other important things, there are plenty of maidens within the kingdom and outside the kingdom, both royal and non royal, when he is ready to chose a Queen he will ask the gods for their help, so that he can marry a maiden that will have same attributes his mother, the present Queen has. Remi did not go to her grandmother straight away, she stopped by to check up on her mother and brother As she got home, her mother angrily confronted her "Remi... Ki ni eleyi ti mo gbo yi.. (what is this I'm hearing)...I was planning to come to the palace today to come and fetch you... "Mami, kilo sele (what is it mother) "Se ni ooto lo ti loyun (are you pregnant?) Remi kept quiet, she wonder how her mother got to know "Remi... ni ooto lo ti loyun (Remi... answer me... Are you pregnant) "Beeni Maami...(yes mother) Ahhh..olurun mi...Remi o ti pami ah ahh..(oh my God, Remi has killed me)what did I do wrong to deserve this why the gods chose you to go and serve in the palace...ahh Remi... "Maami, imabinu (I'm sorry mother) it was a mistake...who told you... how did you know... "I will slap that your stupid mouth that you are using to ask me silly question... Nike came back yesterday evening and told her mother and iya Nike came to tell me... they said it was a guard... Leja that got you pregnant...but you lied and said it was for the prince... "Whaaaat... hmm...maami... that's not true... I'm carrying the prince seed...I don't have anything to do with Leja... rather is even Nike that... There was a bang on the door, "Iya Remi...bosita (Remi's mother come outside) It was Nike's mother that was calling her, Remi and her mother went out Nike was standing outside with her mother "I am concerned about Remi being a bad omen... when Nike told me about it yesterday i quickly came to tell you... because of how concerned I am I prepared agbo for her will flush out the bastard that she is carrying... I'm just being concerned... "Iya Nike I appreciate your concern but commiting an abortion is not a better way to handle this, being pregnant out of wedlock is enough trouble but flushing an innocent child...I totally disagree.. I'm not sure who the pregnancy is for I was just talking with her before you came... Remi can't flush the innocent child...I totally disagree with that but thank you anyway... "Innocent child ke... hahahaha... that thing she is carrying is neither innocent or child still blood...bad blood...your daughter is very loose and too wayward to have fallen pregnant... I'm only trying to help you so that she won't bring shame and disgrace to you... She allowed a guard to get her pregnant... because I know the prince can't fall for a commoner like her... even my daughter that now serve the Queen personally do get to see the prince often now and he doesn't have time for palace maiden... so Remi should not open that her stinking mouth and say the abominable thing she is carrying belongs to the prince... Remi spoke out of anger "I don't need your help...iya Nike, leave me alone, drink your agbo or better give it to Nike but I don't need it and what I carry is the prince seed I'm not mixing words about it... stop calling it an abomination...or bad blood, is a child...I don't want the prince but I do want to keep this child, children are gifts from the gods... the prince is not even aware of it because I refuse to let him know... stop pretending as if you are concerned because I know you are not neither is your daughter... she has proven again to be who she has always being... "You will flush that thing are not worthy to carry the prince are not worthy at all... even Nike, my daughter that the prince was beginning to pick interest in.. has not cheaply thrown herself at him, he even speak and laugh with her so the only person in this house that deserves to carry the prince seed is my daughter not somebody like you... "Is not too late... I'm not stopping her... she can go ahead since the prince has interest in her but please concentrate on her and stay away from us... Remi and her mother turned and started going inside, Iya Remi angrily rushed and pushed Remi's mother so hard that she almost fell face down if not for Remi, Remi quickly held onto her before she could get to the ground, after she lifted her mother she charged towards iya Nike and pushed her and the woman fell down Nike rushed towards Remi but she flings her away like an ordinary thing, iya Nike was screaming and acting up the whole place, she took a wooden stick and fired it at Remi's mother but Remi caught it mid way and instead of throwing it back she broke the stick Nike and her a mother fired a big stone at Remi, targeting it at her stomach but she also caught the stones and threw it away before taking her mother inside. Nike's mother knew the battle line has being drawn, she swore that over her dead body will Remi carry the prince child. If anybody deserve to be pregnant for the Prince then it should be her daughter Nike not Remi.
13 Mar 2019 | 02:12
Don't be a ghost reader
13 Mar 2019 | 02:14
Oya na...let d battle begin cause i will b here to witness it
13 Mar 2019 | 06:36
hm this is serious
13 Mar 2019 | 08:03
This one is strong! omg i knw the prince wil b hapi "if" he finds out but i doubt
13 Mar 2019 | 08:19
Remi on no account should you abort the pregnancy,and try to avoid those devils
13 Mar 2019 | 16:54
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 13. The following morning, Remi's mother woke Remi up and started speaking to her. "so Remi you are no more a virgin... One of the proud virgins of this you are truly sold it in a platter of plessure with the prince...I have being breathing with ease with iya Nike... especially when her daughter came announcing that the Queen came to her and personally asked her to be her honorable personal maiden... she said the Queen had taken a special interest in her and that was why she gave her the post...she did not even ask to be appointed...the Queen just did... almost everyone is this kingdom hard of was a good thing and that is what every mother expect from there daughter.. good news...not a news of you being a shame Remi... and why I can't agree with iya Nike in hurting that innocent child in your womb is because I know what it took me to have and your father had difficulty in conceiving after getting married for years and that was why he had to marry iya Nike, it was after then I gave birth to you so I cherish every child because some women are still praying to the gods to have one...Remi... there's no pride in getting pregnant this way, no particular man to call yours, you said even the prince is not aware, i know how shameful it is but I will stand by you Remi and we will carry the shame together, I will never ask you to hurt that child... the mistake has already being made...I don't care who is responsible... the guard, the prince.. even if is Oba himself...I do not care all that matters is that you will have that child and he or she will become part of us...I don't understand why Iya Nike is fighting us...we are not dragging anything with her...I seriously don't understand her problem but I know the gods will save us from her claws...all you need to do is to resign from the palace before the pregnancy becomes obvious... "Ese maami...(thank you mother) Remi sensed something was wrong that morning as she set to leave for her grandmother's place, normally she will open the door and step out without any care but this time as she opened the door she did not go out immediately she was careful with her every move until she could see what the problem was and when she saw it she stood in shock. Somebody poured a slippery substance in form of powder right in front of their door and put sharp objects like a broken bottles and nails all around, so that who ever that will be slipped down from the substance will fall into the pieces of broken bottles and nails which may likely penetrate into the victim's body. Remi stood looking at the set traps and knew who was behind it, she began to thank the gods that she sense the danger on time and was the first to come, if her mother or brother had opened the door first they would have being badly injured or even worst Remi called her mother's attention to it and the woman was in shock to see what iya Nike did right in front of the house Dami, Remi's brother wanted to pack sand from the backyard to pour in the place before sweeping it away. But Remi asked him to leave it first She knew that iya Nike has just stepped on her toe by setting a deadly trap on their front yard Iya Remi wanted to go and meet iya Nike just to ask her why she will be so heartless to do such a thing but Remi stopped her from going because she knew her mother is not strong enough to withstand iya Nike, So she decided to go instead, they went back inside and passed through the back yard. Remi went to knock on iya Nike's door. At the second knock Nike came out "What is it this early morning witch... why are you Knocking on our door or is the bastard pregnancy that you are carrying affecting your brain... "I'm not here to batter words with you Nike... where's your mother and I really do want to know who set such a dangerous trap right in front of our door... "Do you see us setting any trap... why are you asking useless question and even if we did and so what... what can you was meant to help you abort that bastards and disfigure that your face that make you feel you are more beautiful than me...if your mother has gotten into the trap then is also good...if she dies then is a very good thing because she is so useless to this kingdom and also your brother... Remi gave Nike a double slap on her cheek, Nike felt dizzy and have to hold onto something from falling down, Iya Nike rushed out and saw her daughter trying to catch her breath, Remi's finger print was on her cheek Iya Nike charger towards Remi but Remi who was already boiling in anger slapped the woman and she also fell to the ground, Iya Remi who was watching from a distance. she started calling her daughter that it was enough but Remi wasn't done with them yet She dragged Nike and her mother to the exact place where they poured the slippery substance with the sharp objects, Remi ordered Nike and her mother to start packing and sweeping the whole place and make sure that there was no pin left, as they tried to argue she gave both of them another slap and they quickly went to work They felt dizzy from Remi's beaten but had to clean up the place as she ordered them They kept quiet, silently whimpering and sniffing there noses as they clean up Remi their front door Remi's mother and brother watch in shock, iya Remi has always baffles at the great strength her daughter posses, she knew is not from her because she doesn't even have a enough strength of her own it must have been gifted to her by her "iyaiya" or by the gods She watch as iya Remi and her daughter obediently staggered and clean up the mess just as Remi asked them to. After they were done they wanted to go but Remi ask them to wait for one last warning and despite iya Nike was rolling her eyes up and down at Remi and hissing uncontrollably she still stood with her daughter and wait "Leave my family alone... leave us alone for the gods sake iya Nike, warn your daughter and harken to the same warning, we have tolerated too much from you and your daughter... this is little compare to what i will do to anybody that will hurt maami and my brother... both of them and my grandma are all I have on this earth...if you hurt them in anyway you will be receive double for their trouble...I promise you... stay very far away from us and let us be in peace... Iya Nike gave a loud hiss before taking her daughter inside, she was mumbling something but Remi ignored her and left for her grandmother's house She Saw her grandmother cooking something in her kitchen "Iya...iya... ekaro...I'm happy to see you... what are you smells nice... "I'm preparing chicken pepper soup...I killed one of those fowl scattering my ridge and eating up my crops... and I'm making a strong soup which will be good for your condition... ",My condition... what condition is that you know "Remilekun... what an elder see sitting down the young can't see even while standing up... the seed of crown has being planted my child... disaster will soon struck... before the gods will take you away... how I wish they won't take you far but I can see that your journey will be a long confidence is that you are strong enough to withstand it all... the gods chose right when they chose you... they chose wisely... "Iya, I was even wondering how to tell you that I was pregnant...I feel so ashamed to break such news to you and i don't know how you will feel about it...I thought you will be disappointed but here you are making me feel at ease... you are even making a chicken soup for me..aah Iya...I know you speak in riddles and I haven't understand a single thing but I'm not worried like I was before... Remi's grandmother put enough soup into a plate before bringing it to Remi who was sitting outside the kitchen "Becarefull with hot but is better eaten hot than cold... drink the soup and eat all the very good for you and the child... "Ese iya... you kept on saying disaster will struck is it the disaster that iya Nike almost caused this morning... she set traps right in front of our door and if maami have being the first to stepped outside this morning... I just can't imagine what will happen... they set a deadly trap but I made sure that they cleaned it all up...I guess is time to give them a seat that they both deserve...alot has being happening iya...I can't even tell you half of it... "Igbagbo re ti poju...(you trust too much) I told you there are enemies in a friendly clothing...I told you anger labels you a fool...I gave you an illustration of saliva in your palm...rubbed together with earth dust before I asked you to wash it... "I know iya...I remember but hmmm...I can't withstand them attacking us everytime, is too much to bear Iya... "I know...I know my child...the strength you posses is uncommon and the gods blessed you with that because of the journey you will embark on.. they didn't give you so much strength to go fighting physical battle... listen, your every part of life has being preordained but if you keep trying to fight physical battle or telling the wrong people what they don't deserve to will make your journey more difficult and spoil a whole lot of things... "I understand iya but Nike and her mother needs to be dealt with, do you know I thought Nike has truly changed...I thought she was for real with all the show she displayed back at the palace...I was happy to call her my sister..I never knew it was just as usual.. "Unfriendly people care only about themselves, they lash out at common sense, fools has no interest in understanding, they only want to air their opinion... we may throw the dice but the gods determines how it gbo mi Remilekun (are you listening to me) a hot tempered person start fights a cool tempered person stops them....only a fool despise a parent's discipline... whoever learns from correction is wise... Gbo kan le Olorun maa gbo kan le eniyan (trust no one except the gods) do you understand all that I have said... " Not everything but in general you want me to be wise and control my anger because it only makes me a fool...I should becareful in trusting humans... they are proverbs iya and sounds so worries now is what will happen to me... what is next step for me... you make me feel there is danger ahead...what should i do iya? "Ole se nkan Kan (you can not do anything) fire of strife has being set which will not only affect you but will consume those you holds dearly... is a blazing fire...I cry now so that I can be strong when it comes... There is nothing you will be able to do about it.. Olorun yoo mu e lo si ibi ri o dara....awon ota re o ni Simi digba to wo ba baeje (your enemies will not rest until you are destroyed) maa beru (do not be afraid) Olorun a maa so e (the gods will protect you) And with that Remi drank the remaining soup in the plate before going to wash and return it back to her grandmother's kitchen. She felt satisfied with what she did to iya Nike and her daughter even though her grandmother did not totally agree with her actions she was happy that iya Nike will leave her mother alone maybe for the main time.
13 Mar 2019 | 22:28
Your comments pls
13 Mar 2019 | 22:30
And her mother and bro wil soon die while she embarks on a journey to the unknown her grandma wil reali feel pains i pity her
14 Mar 2019 | 03:38
Bukolami time has made me become a ghost reader...
14 Mar 2019 | 07:00
Remi I wonder what u can't understand in what your grandmother is saying... or have u become those people Isaiah the prophet prophesied (Isaiah 6:9) that "You will be ever hearing but never understanding..."
14 Mar 2019 | 07:12
REMI HEEDS ... just try and pay much more attention to ur mum and granny will really help u alot...and don't let ur anger make a real fool of u dear...the gods are with u so u don't hv to be fret on anything...just like am with u as pls resign frm the palace...the earlier the the better
14 Mar 2019 | 07:20
REMI HEEDS TO THE ADVICE... just try and pay much more attention to ur mum and granny will really help u alot...and don't let ur anger make a real fool of u dear...the gods are with u so u don't hv to be fret on anything...just like am with u as pls resign frm the palace...the earlier the the better
14 Mar 2019 | 07:21
I can't even imagine what will happen to Remilekun
14 Mar 2019 | 14:57
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 14. Remi set to leave for the palace that morning, her mother walked her down, until she was close to the palace “Maybe you should tell the Prince…he deserve to know Remi… “Maami, he can’t even remember that he laid with me and took my virginity that night…he was drunk and I fell for him while trying to clean up his chamber…he asked if anything of such happened after seeing a blood stain but I denied it and that was the end, I did not even know that I have conceived for him except later when I miss my monthly flow… “Still… try to convince him…you are not asking him to marry you but for him to know he got you with a child, I don’t even want anything from the palace I love my quiet life except if the gods’ thinks otherwise but all I want is for you to be happy and not go through the burden of carrying a child alone…but is entirely my opinion, if you don’t want to then is fine by me too…but I promise to be here for you…as far as the gods keeps me alive I will support you with everything possible…and you won’t feel the gap or emptiness of a single mother. “thank you maami and please be very careful with Iya Nike, you, Dami and Iyaiya are all I have…and I don’t want anything to happen to you…I have series of dream about you and Dami and it do get me scared…I pray to the gods to keep you all safe… “am not afraid of Iya Nike or whatever she is capable of…I’m more worried about you Remi…all I want is for you to be happy…and to know that no matter what happens I will always love and care for you… Remi thanked her mother before turning into the road that will link her to the oba’s palace As she got to the palace she changed over to the palace uniform and began work The following day Remi and the princess stayed back in the chamber and talk “his name is Tunde…so he came visiting with his father the other day…mother called me and introduce us, he is fine looking young man, his father is a prominent man…he is a large community leader in another kingdom, they are royalties… “Do you like him…for the first time I’m hearing you gush over a young man, many has being coming but you never picked interest… “well because none of the young men interest me…I think I like him…he kind of occupy my mind this days, he will be coming again tomorrow and I would have love to take him round the kingdom… if father permits me but I doubt he will, so we will just walk round the palace and talk…he likes me too I can sense it and mother said his father is a good man and his mother is one of her close friend…Tunde is their first son and only son… “I guess after several meetings with the Oba then marriage arrangement may kick off… “well, even though I would love it to start up immediately I also want to follow all the tradition of the land…I’m glad because father gave me time to chose who I love…I hate to be betrothed to the wrong person…what about you Remi…do you love anybody here or outside here… “uuhmm…not really, my story is complicated not like yours that sound like a fairy tale… “Just tell me…have you ever love some one before…or don’t you want to be married someday… “i…I do...but let the gods decide…i really don’t want to bury my head in love fantasy because I hate to be disappointed...i may end up loving a wrong person…so i don’t want to be a victim of heart break…but I’m glad you found a man that makes you happy…you are the princess and your feeling is very important to me…that is why I’m called to serve you…mine can wait…it doesn’t really count… “says who…you are equally important…do you know I use to think my brother…the prince has interest in you…he showed that in his action and the way he looks at you before…I know you are not royalty but you are the kind of woman I will love my brother to end up with… you have served me with all sincerity and love…and has never given me any reason to worry, I find no fault in you except that you are not from the royal side, but to me being royal or not royal is not important all that matters is being with somebody that makes you smile…I don’t know what happened with him…the prince seem to be engaging himself more with father…he goes out on a royal tour and recline to his chamber…he doesn’t have time for anything or anyone except father…and visit’s mother sometime in her chamber…he only stop by in mine once in a while unlike before that he was always coming around and I know is mostly because of you…did anything happen between two of you… “No…not at all…he is the prince and I’m a maiden…whatever that will happen will just be rendering service when I’m asked to, aside that…nothing my princess… “Do you notice that he likes you... do you like him too or you like another…maybe Leja… don’t be shy to tell me anything…it will just be between us… “Nothing to tell princess…the prince, your brother is good looking and a nice man, almost all the maiden of the land will love him…so if I say I’m among those that adores your brother…nothing special and don’t have any special one… “Will you love to have one, I mean a special person in your life…. “Yes…but until then let me go and do your laundry… “hahahaha…I guess you are trying to skip from the question…we will continue when you are done… After two days Remi thought of what her mother said about meeting with the prince, she couldn’t sleep that night, it was not yet obvious to everyone that she was pregnant, she wish she can stop work before it began to show. Leja has being trying to talk to her about something but she did not want to give him any attention. She was mostly with the princess who never stop gushing over Tunde, her new found Love, indeed the young man came visiting and he was just as the Princess described him, he was not only jovial and filled with smile it was also obvious that he love the Princess very much. Nike has being acting all suspicious, she was keeping malice with Remi who doesn’t give a care to whatever she does, Nike stayed cleared off Remi’s path, Remi was either seen with Ope or with the princess. That morning as she woke up she has made up her mind to go and meet the prince later in the day and to tell him the whole truth. When it was time for her to go her heart started beating but she pushed her self forward towards the prince chamber She met Leja on her way, after greeting him she walked to the prince chamber ignoring him as he speaks to her, Leja quietly followed her and watch as Remi gently tapped on the prince door. she hard his voice asking her to come in She went in and gently closed the door behind her, the prince who was sitting, turned from what he was doing to look up at her Since Leja told him that Remi was his woman and she loves him very much, the prince has tried to stay far from Remi, he has moved on even though he sometime wish Remi was his but he do quickly waves such thoughts off his mind He thanked the gods that nothing intimate happened between him and Remi before Leja broke the news he would have being so broken. “Good day My Prince… “You said you wanted to see me…is everything alright… what of my sister is she okay? “Yes, everything is fine and the princess is very okay my prince… “So to what do I owe this visit…how may I help you…? Remi wondered why the prince was acting all serious with her, something wasn’t right, he did not look at her the way he use to do that makes her have butterflies, he acted so serious, making her feel she was like every other maiden which was unlike him. Remi had thought of her visit before coming and her mind was made up to tell him the truth if not she would have turned back and leave, Remi sense Leja was at the door and with somebody, probably Nike so she decided to speak slowly but the prince voice was high as he ask her what she want. “i have something to tell you… i’m…uhmmm…do you remember the night of…of… uhmmm “What is the problem…tell me, I’m listening…what happen Remi… That was the first time the prince was calling her name in a different way, so casual, no sensation in his voice, she felt like turning back but she stood there, with her head bent, stammering, Remi was confuse on how to tell the prince that she was carrying his child, but she eventually did and it came out like a bomb “mo ti loyun…(I’m pregnant) “kini… ki lo nso (what did you say) “mo ti loyun…I’m pregnant … “hmmm….ko ye mi…(I don’t understand) I mean you are pregnant…so…why are you telling me…what is my business with that…is Leja aware…you should tell him… you are telling the wrong person Remi…I’m still wondering why you walked straight here to tell me that you are pregnant… Remi started shaking as the prince speaks to her but she stood her ground and released the last bomb that got the prince standing on his feet. “You are responsible my prince… is yours…. The prince stood in shock with his eyes widely open as he stare at Remi. Remi looked up at him wondering what will happen next. Diamond In The Forest Episode 14
14 Mar 2019 | 19:24
Don't forget to like & comments
14 Mar 2019 | 19:29
short na i wantd to c the price reactn
15 Mar 2019 | 05:18
I wanted to see the prince's reaction! you made a great mistake by denying at first,now whats gonna be ur explanation
15 Mar 2019 | 05:20
It's never enough to tell the truth but to act on that truth. It's never enough to hide the truth because it can be reviewed some day. Even when it's an open secret, it can be clearer.
15 Mar 2019 | 06:14
Remi is that special girl with the truth that was hidden. It wasn't her fault but destiny made it so. Now that her trust on the wrong person made it an open secret. She has no other choice but to make it clearer to the prince.
15 Mar 2019 | 06:21
The princess is also wise like her brother. Iya remi and iyaiya remi has the same fabulous attitudes but different in power and strength. IYAIYA POWER+REMI POWER=WONDERFUL DESTINY. What a foolish lover and a stupid fool has leja became. Nike and her mom has being known already as bitter crazy people.
15 Mar 2019 | 06:35
i hope the prince will belive u...cuz after all the rubbish lie that leja has already uttered to him nt yet sure how impresive he will take the news...may the gods see's u through remi...
15 Mar 2019 | 07:25
The prince is a good man.
15 Mar 2019 | 13:45
Nike u want to have power abi
15 Mar 2019 | 14:21
trustworthy indeed ,who told u she is , better be wise
15 Mar 2019 | 14:21
hmm why did u allowed him to do that to u na,Remi
15 Mar 2019 | 14:22
pheeew... what will happen next
15 Mar 2019 | 14:30
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 15. “What did you just say…Remi… you are pregnant for… who? The prince asked Remi after getting out of the shock, Remi was no more afraid, she was in for whatever will come out of this, just like her mother said she wasn’t asking the Prince to marry her she just wanted to let him know the truth, he deserve to know that was what her mother told her, and she has made up her mind to do this and was ready for any consequences that will come out of it. She looked up at the Prince who was staring at her waiting for her to repeat herself, and so she did “you laid with me…the night you got drunk and asked me to take you to your chamber, you took my virginity that night and that was why you saw blood on your trouser…which also stained your wrapper…I couldn’t return the wrapper because the blood stain was still on it and refuses to go no matter how I try so I kept it… that was the night my prince… on the fourth day of the seventh day party that the Queen hosted in the… “shh..shhh…just wait…oh for the gods sake…I don’t understand you, Remi…I remember getting drunk that night and asked you to take me to my chamber and you did, and that was all I remember, i called you Remi… and asked you if anything of such happened…after seeing the stain on my trouser…you said nothing happened between us…that the blood was from the wound you sustained on your thigh while helping me….the gods bear me witness because that was exactly what I hard you say except I didn’t hear well…did you say that or not… “I…I did…yes I told you that becau… “Hold on…that is all I want to know…since you told me nothing of such happened that night… why this… uhmmm….you are Leja’s woman and you two has being together…why didn’t you go to him…he told me himself that you are his…why do you come to me with the news of your pregnancy…I’m seriously trying to understand this…but is not making any sense to me… “I’m not lying this time…I’m serious my prince…I have nothing to do with Leja…he wanted to be my lover but I never gave in to him for once… I am not in any relationship with Leja...the only man that has touched me…right in this chamber was you…my prince… let the gods bear me witness… There was a knock on the door and without waiting for an answer Leja and Nike rushed in, the prince turned to Leja.. “Leja…have you being eavesdropping to my conversation again…what is really going on… “imabinu omoba…(I’m sorry my prince) I just couldn’t help but over hard your conversation with Remi…I was by your door waiting to be summoned I did not mean to eavesdrop but your voice was loud so I hard few of the things you said about Remi being Pregnant… “Yes…yes…she said so and I’m trying to make sense out of the whole thing…isn’t she the same person you claim to be in a relationship with and that loves you…so what is really going on…because I’m confuse…. “ my prince…we are in a relationship…for a while now… even Nike her sister here can testify to that…I even visited her back home and buys things for the mother…her mother knows me very well…I have never lied to you before my prince…Remi is my woman and we even agree to settle down together and she told me last week that she was pregnant and I asked her to keep the child, we agreed on what to do I was surprise to hear her and telling you that she was carrying your child….i was shock when I hard her say that and that was why I rush in here the way I did… Remi was so surprise to hear all that Leja was saying and Nike was just nodding her head in agreement to everything Leja said. Remi wanted to defend herself but the prince hushed her to be quiet so that Leja can finish talking, and after Leja was done talking Nike started with her own “my prince…she confide in me that she was pregnant for Leja who she has being in a relationship with for sometime now, Remi, then said something that shock me, she told me that she was going to make the prince feel responsible for it so that you can marry her, I was surprise at the boldness she use in saying such evil and I hushed her not to say such but she said she wasn’t going to have a child or marry Leja because he is a guard she wanted more, she wanted to become the Queen by all means, and she will make the prince take responsibility for the pregnancy… my sister, Remi said so many things, I can’t even say half of all the ill things she vomited from her guttered mouth, everybody knows that we are sisters, from the same family, I can’t possibly lie or be against her, what will be my gain in that, the misunderstanding we had before has being settled , and that misunderstanding was also because of the prince when she planned to seduce him and I was against her doing such so she decided to engaged me in a fight knowing well I wasn’t feeling too well that was why I passed out that day, but all that was settled and we have being in a good term until she came up with this pregnancy thing again, at first she deliberately became pregnant for Leja so that she can make you feel responsible for it…my prince I hate evil and I can’t support bad thing even if is my mother, but my sister is getting out of hand and she need to be dealt with in that way she will stop all this lies and accusation…how can she accuse a whole prince of this kingdom of being responsible for her pregnancy knowing well that Leja here, her main lover is responsible…this is so bad…apologies my kind prince… The prince sat hard on a chair and held his head as Nike and Leja accuse Remi who was just standing as word fails her, she did not even know what to say or what to do. Remi knew that Leja and Nike had ganged up against her and this is their own way to revenge, she breathed deeply and started regretting coming to the prince chamber if she knows that it will come to this she would have stayed back and carry her fate and she would have told the prince right in the beginning when it all happened and he asked her, but she couldn’t say such because even the prince did not remember touching her. Leja and Nike have being looking for this kind of opportunity to tarnish her image, destroy her personality before the prince and here they have finally succeeded. Remi knew she has to be bold and strong for herself, come what may, she will not allow Leja or Nike...or even the prince to see her troubled soul. The prince was quiet as Nike kept talking and he suddenly raised his voice at everyone to be quiet “Everyone should leave…leave right now…I don’t want to hear another word from anybody…I have hard enough…I need space to think…get out of my chamber all of you… Leja and Nike were surprise as the Prince ordered them out, they rushed out with speed because the prince was obviously very angry, they knew they have planted the seed of hatred in the prince heart, all they will do now is to wait for the seed to take root. They can’t wait for the time to come when Remi will be dealt with, they thought his action will start immediately but was surprise as he asked them to get out Remi left and when she was far away she waited for Nike and Leja to catch up with her and when they saw that Remi was waiting for them they decided to pass another road but she rushed to them with speed and blocked them, they stopped to face her and she started clapping for them “Wow…that was a wonderful display from two of you…you two make a good team, fantastic team, you deserve a medal for putting up such a show in there…wow…don’t worry you will both reap what you sow…it may not be now but sooner or later your reward will come like a flood… don’t be surprise when it comes…because the gods have mark this day and saw my innocence…the gods will judge this case and whatever that is meant to be will certainly be… Leja spoke with a smile curved at one end of his mouth “you finally agreed that you are pregnant after denying it for so long…hahahaha…I told you that you can hide everything but you can never hide pregnancy…I know the truth…I know how it happen but you kept on denying and making me look stupid…you chose the prince over me…I told you Remi that I will mess up your life if it happens to be true that you are pregnant for the prince…and I will do that… the prince can’t have you…over my dead body…I saw you first and I wanted you but you chose the prince over me now I will make you regret ever turning me down…you are carrying his child…that suppose to be my child not his, you allowed him to make love to you and took your virginity that belongs to me…you allowed the prince to lay with you but you refuse to touch my manhood…just a touch that was all I asked that night as my bladder was so hot and I wanted to released the passion on you and you pushed me and insulted me but you shamelessly went to the prince and he laid with you while in drunkenness…you are so shameless Remi…I feel so angry right now that I feel like slapping you… Remi started laughing out her pain as she hard Leja speak. “hahahaha…Leja…I will fling you like a kite across the fence if you ever wave a hand to my face…I will beat you like a child…you are huge and tall but I will sit on you and stuff earth dust into your mouth if you ever…I mean ever try to point a finger to my face…I am a hard nut…you can’t crack me easily, you have formed a good team with Nike…no problem… I’m waiting for two of you to bring out all you got, yes...the prince made love to me…ooh it was so sweet, he was fun to be with more than you will ever be, so interesting and I feel good too, please go and hug a palm tree if you are pained…I don’t care, but yes I am carrying the prince child…and I will carry it to term and bring him or her to this earth, I thank the gods that I never had anything to do with you…I never agreed to your dirty request…I can never be yours… you and Nike are match made together…you belong to each other not to somebody like me…listen to this…let me go in detail on how me and the prince had it… as I bared it all open to him…I beckoned on him to come fort and devoured my body and he did, he was so huge and good…I did not want him to even stop as he went on and on before you interrupted us with your stupid knock… Leja jerked a muscle as Remi spoke…he twist his mouth as anger and jealousy burn through him, he wanted to make Remi to stop talking about how good the prince was in bed with her but he was afraid to touch her, his eyes was red as he bite his lips, Remi hugged herself and laugh as she talked about the meeting with the prince that night making Leja and Nike to boil in envy, Leja hates Remi more than he had ever loved her. “You make it sound like a fantasy but the prince was drunk and you were in serious pain after the deed was done, you were shaking Remi and couldn’t walk well so with all this your expression… I see nothing else for you but how sad you have to loose yourself to a drunk prince and he hurt you that night even though you don’t want to admit it…the pain was so obviously written on your body that night… “ooh yeah…talking about the pain…it was a lovely pain… sweet pain that got me with a bundle of blessing…it was far better being with a drunk prince than it will ever be being with you in a cleared eye…just your mare touch feel so disgusting and cold…but the prince was so warm and inviting…please deal with the loss… you and your senseless team member are all losers… Nike spoke out of anger, boiling even more as Remi seem to have words for everything that Leja says to her and even taking pride in what she and the prince did as she expresses it to them. “Remi you thought you are smart…I told you….you were messing with the wrong person…we have not even started yet…this just a little bit of what that is yet to come for you…you will regret in this life…you beat me and my mother up and dragged us like animals into cleaning your front door…aahh Remi…you will regret it…I will deal with you…walayi…I swear by the gods…I will mess with you… you want to have the prince…I asked you to abort that bastard that you are carrying and you said no, you want to reap were you did not sow… you wanted the prince… well that will never happen…you will never belong to the prince…I will make sure of that…if there’s anybody well deserving of such then is no one else but me…not you…I suppose to be the one carrying that child for the prince and getting married to him to become the future queen but you ran faster than a shadow to go and hang your cloths where you don’t belong…this is just the beginning for you Remi…calamities will besiege you, you will even beg for death but it won’t answer you…you will be force to kill your self when we are done with you…just be prepared.. “Nike…hmmm, your hatred, envy and jealousy burn like fire…I can feel the heat…i wonder why you have decided to compete with the gods...i did not chose anything for myself…the gods chose me to serve here and that is what I have being doing ever since… this path you have decided to thread hope you are capable because as you know…the gods has blessed me with strength for any battle…so I am not afraid of you or your empty threats…Nike you will fall into the hole you dug for me and will burn in the fire you set for me…I promise you and everyone ganging up against me… am innocent and the gods are not dead…they will vindicate me…so you all should go ahead and bring out what you got I will be waiting because you and your team, Leja ,your mother, yourself and any other person that will join you can not destroy me if the gods did not permit…but if the gods allows you then is fine by me…but be careful Nike…be very careful because you are just about to draw a line of war… my grandma said things like this will happen now I’m beginning to understand her riddles but she said something else…she said the gods chose me because I’m strong enough for the battle… so Nike…you and your team should gang up against me…the gods will vindicate me…and the truth can not be hidden forever. Remi looked at them again before walking away, she was ready for anyone and anything. Anything that can’t kill her will only make her stronger, She doesn’t know what the prince have in mind to do or what Nike and Leja are planning but she was not afraid. Remi remembered her grandmother’s word again. “two will want you…only one will have you then disaster will struck…you will be in between and the gods will take you away faraway with the seed of crown…which will become a precious diamond sorted for, it will be hidden in the deepest part of the forest… Remi remembered her grandmother’s riddle which is still a misery to her, she can’t still fully explain it, when she said two will want you but one will have you Remi had thought she understood but right now even the prince doesn’t want her and she doesn’t want anything with Leja either, maybe the only part she understood is “disaster will struck” she can feel it but what ever may come she silently pray the gods to give her strength to overcome hate with love just as her grandmother has advised her to do but as Nike and Leja decided to trouble her she will not allow them to break her down.
16 Mar 2019 | 03:45
Let your comments begin flow
16 Mar 2019 | 03:47
Oh gosh this episode was just too delicious and mouth watering you needed to see how i was devouring it j'aime tes courage remi the lord be ur strength je ne peux meme plus wait 4 the next.
16 Mar 2019 | 04:42
But the prince tried sha! He did'nt react like many would have reacted after hearing those shit from the mouths of leja and nike
16 Mar 2019 | 04:44
Nike and leja just continue ur end is near ,dnt knw why u cnt accept defeat mais continue seulement parce que, ce que vous fait la,l'a donne seulement la force d'etre courageux
16 Mar 2019 | 04:47
The seed of crown which is the child will become diamond in that the place will later seek for it
16 Mar 2019 | 05:54
Thank GOD I catch up with you guys. Thugs up
16 Mar 2019 | 19:49
It. Have started may the GOD Give u power to stand famme.
16 Mar 2019 | 19:51
The king wil chase u away 4 lien aganist his son. But after they seek 4 u
16 Mar 2019 | 19:52
They may even chase u in the forest. But this is the fight of the gods.
16 Mar 2019 | 19:55
I hope they won't banish her from the village
17 Mar 2019 | 18:38
chiii Remi u areeeeee very stupppppid for telling ur so called sister,I pray prince should still find favor in u
17 Mar 2019 | 22:08
this is getting more stuff than I thought
17 Mar 2019 | 22:11
let's see his reaction
17 Mar 2019 | 22:12
wow! more episodes I abeg ,I need to know what I'll happen to small witch Nike an team
17 Mar 2019 | 22:12
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST ( EPISODE 16 ) * * * * * * Nike and Leja sat at one corner that night as they planned on how to deal with Remi. “I wish her nothing but death… aah Leja you need to see what she did to me and iyami…that girl is so evil…I want her dead... “I don’t want her dead but I really want her to regret ever choosing the prince over me, and she has the gut to paint it to my face…denying with everything she got that she wasn’t pregnant that is the bitter part, if the prince has not got her with a child I wouldn’t have worry much but now look…she said she will never be mine and I will make sure the prince will hate her with passion, if I know she will chose the prince over me I would have allow the prince to get drawn in the river where he went to swim one day and I have to rescue him…I would have just watch him sink to the bottomless pit…since I can’t have Remi he will not have her too… “I have a plan Leja…you know we are in this together…so we have to work together and nail that fool…lay with me so that I can become pregnant and when I become pregnant you will make the prince to get drunk or get him sleeping for so long…I will ask iyami to give me one leaf that i will give you to place on the prince food…no we are not going to hurt the prince we can’t even hurt him… the gods may strike us because he is the heir to the throne… all I’m asking is to get the prince either into a deep sleep or get him drunk so that you will sneak me into his chamber and I will try and lay with him if is possible but if he refuse I will make him feel like he laid with me because he may not be able to remember…and you will back me up…and with that the prince may accept me as his bride and I will become the next queen of this land and I will reward you greatly…I will bear a son…your son, nobody will be aware of it except me and you, and that son will also become the next king the prince won’t know that is not his biological son but yours… and within the time I will be the queen you can also be having me in bed, I will sneak into you chamber because I will make sure you have a big chamber here and you can have me all you want…but I will greatly reward you and give you everything you want…there’s a way we can go about this and perfect our plans…if you have a better suggestion bring it on…let us discus it…no time to waste… “Nike…aaah…you are a baddooo….how long have you being cooking this kind of plan…is just too much…I can’t get involve with that…what if the truth comes to light do you know what the kingdom will do to us…is very deadly let just suffer Remi small and let her be and we will all be… “I’m not backing out of this… yes we will deal with her…I have a big plan for but I also want to be with the prince as she was, i want to feel the prince warm body and his caresses…I want to be the queen and I can not achieve that without your help, you have your secret safe with me and yours is even deadly because you are wishing the prince dead…you said you would have allowed him to get drawn in the river and die I will hold on to that if you refuse to help me achieve my purpose… we are in this together leja…no going back…lay with me…I’m giving you my body for one week and even more if you want…all I want is to be get pregnant and rub it on the prince so that he can make me his queen…you have no choice in this than to agree to this plan…we have to do this so that we can have a bright future together…I won’t tell your secret out is safe with me… “I don’t trust you Nike…the last time you told me the same thing you end up telling Remi that I forcefully laid with you and it was you that came to me and you even promise to keep it a secret between us… “I needed to bring it up so that she can flush the pregnancy after she told me…I did not meant to tell her but I was ready to do and say anything for her to take off that child but she still refuse…that was why I told the old fool but she was stiff necked in keeping the child…but now she will regret ever crossing me…are we together or not…we need to work as a team and not let anyone suspect us… “hmmm…Nike…I fear for this… but I’m ready to suffer the prince for taking Remi from me…I hate him and I hate her even more… “Yes…very good, that is what I’m talking about…hate them with passion…let hate drive you with force so that we will achieve our aim together….you will sneak me out in the night I need to go and collect something from iyami…she will be waiting for me close to the palace and I will return immediately after collecting it…you are the chief guard here you have to watch out intensively and not allow anyone to know when I leave and when I returns back. Remi stayed inside the next day with the princess, she has had series of night mare and have to wake up early, she wondered what will happen now, the prince has not said anything or summon her, he has being quiet since yesterday and the silent was killing her, she wish the prince will let her know her fate so that she can face whatever befalls her, but no word from him till this morning After doing all her morning duty she needed to make the princess hair. as she was making the princess hair who kept talking about marriage and children with Tunde, Remi was not listening, her mind was far and occupied “Remi, You seem troubled what is it…last night you were so restless in your dream…is there a problem and you seem to be growing bigger…well I just felt you are probably adding some weight but that is not my problem…you can add weight if you want what I’m concerned about is what is troubling you… “Nothing my princess…just… having some personal problem… “I do tell you my personal problems…why are you hiding yours…talk to me I will understand…I guess you don’t really have anybody you talk much to just like me…I don’t have much friends except very few that comes around once in a blue moon, you are likely the only maiden I disclose my problem to…so if anything bothers you should learn to talk to somebody in that way it will be less burdened because a problem shared is a problem solved… “I’m…pre..pregnant… The Princess quickly turned to look up at Remi who looked away in shame “You mean you are pregnant… serious…are you sure of what you are saying…you are really pregnant for who? “If I tell you will you believe me…I never meant for this to happen but it was a very expensive mistake and I'm stuck with it…I’m pregnant for the Prince… The princess stood this time and opened her eyes wide, it sound so unbelievable to her, she sat back on the chair and looked up at Remi who bent her head… “I believe you…don’t feel bad with my reaction…I know you can’t pull such expensive joke… but I believe you Remi because you have never given me reason to doubt you in anything…but is my brother aware….is he aware…this is very serious…Oba will be so angry with him except if he intend to marry you to cover for the shame…but is he aware…have you told him that he got you in with a child… “I did but he didn’t believe me…he was angry…because Leja lied that the pregnancy was his but I have nothing to do with Leja, he was only trying to spite me because I turned down his proposal… “maybe I should go and speak to my brother…he may listen to me…let us go to his chamber so that I will let him understand that the pregnancy is his…let’s pray that the gods grant us favor and he will agree because the prince can be difficult even to me his sister. When the princess and Remi got to the prince chamber she gently tapped on the door and was later told the prince was not in his chamber The princess and Remi went back to the chamber and asked the guard to let them know whenever the prince returns and just as Remi finish up the princess hair that afternoon the guard came to inform them that the prince was back, so Remi and the princess went over to see him When the prince saw Remi with the princess as they both walked into his chamber and Remi stood close to the door with her head bent while the princess came to sit with him “I have being getting unexpected visitations of recent…and I’m no more comfortable with it…to what do I owe this visit again... “Remi told me what happened and I’m here to plead to you to accept her…she is a good maiden and have serve me well…the pregnancy is not for Leja but for you…don’t listen to what Leja has to say…he is only being pained because he can’t have her as he has wanted… “princess…you don’t understand where this story is coming from and Is very confusing …I jut want to breath and I don’t really have time for this…she told me herself that I never touched her the night I suspected that something might have happened between us because I was drunk but, I pleaded to her to tell me the truth and she said nothing happened and I usually see her with Leja, I asked Leja about her and he said she is his woman…they are in a serious relationship…it was also confirmed by her sister Nike… so I serious don’t know how you want me to take up another man’s responsibility….if this all you came here for I don’t have time for this now…I have a meeting with the oba later this evening so return back to your chamber and stop getting involve in a matter like this… The princess couldn’t say anything and have to obey her brother and return to her chamber, after sometime Remi came out and walk straight back to the prince she tapped and without waiting for a reply went right in and saw the prince changing up to leave “What is all this….why are you here again…why can’t I have breathing space… “I was saying the truth when I say the child I carry is yours and that Leja have nothing to do with me and was only ganging up with Nike to spite me…i have told you the real and only truth… “so what can I call the part you also told me that nothing happened between us…was that truth or was it a lie…how dare you even come up with such thing just to blackmail me into settling with you, having another man’s child for me…is something wrong with you Remi…my mistake is ever picking interest in you but that also has changed ever since Leja told me about two of your love escaped…don’t come in here again talking about this and I will be taking this to Oba and I bet you that will not go down well… “was I suppose to be scared… take it to Oba…tell everyone that I was trying to blackmail you with a child that is really yours.. The prince was surprise to hear Remi speak to him so bold and unafraid “…I am not asking you to marry me or to take responsibility of this child…I and maami are capable of taking care of this baby…I just wanted you to know…I lied before because you can not even remember laying with me after that night…you broke me up, my mistake was not stopping you but now that the deed is done I have to carry this burden and I don’t care whatever the consequences maybe my prince, the fact is if you deny this child today never come for him or her tomorrow…you still have the time to believe me but if you chose not to believe that is your problem and not mine…I have told you the truth and nothing but the truth…trash it now but never you come claiming responsibility of my child in future…I thought you are a noble man and will accept a mistake when is done but here you are calling me a liar and believing everyone else over me…o daaa…no problem…the gods will judge this case and bear me witness… Remi stormed out and left, leaving the prince standing and having something to think about. Nike sneak out that night and return quickly after collecting whatever she when to collect from her mother, she came back on time with the help of Leja as they kept on with their plans. * * TBC...
18 Mar 2019 | 03:03
Like & comments
18 Mar 2019 | 03:05
This is sirouse. Case
18 Mar 2019 | 09:43
Its gud u told the prince ur mind
18 Mar 2019 | 12:41
Mmm this Nike and leja...they are finding incurable trouble...
18 Mar 2019 | 12:54
God please help remi
18 Mar 2019 | 16:59
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST ( EPISODE 17 ) * * * Story written by AMAH * Nike knew it was time to start executing her plans, she checked the content in her hand again and nodded to herself, Nike wrap it up into a paper and hide it within her cloth, she started talking to herself quietly “I must become the next queen of this kingdom…whatever it will take me but I must be the next queen of this kingdom and Iyami has said that there are two obstacle to achieving my aim…Remi and the Oba himself and she is right, if the Oba remains in power for so long the prince can not rule, he has to die or step down for the prince to take over the kingship…if the Oba is off from the seat of power then I can focus on the prince…I thank the gods I have access now to the Oba eating room, since I’m a personal maiden to the Queen mother I can sneak into the Oba’s eating room and drop the content in his food and sneak back out before he comes in to eat…let me first of all observe movement and know how to go about my plan…power must change hand…I must become the next queen by fire or force but whatever that must happen for it to come to reality I will make sure it happens…I will tell Leja about my plans in taking the oba off the throne so that Omaoba can take up the seat of power and with time he will fall for me and marry me and I will become the next Queen… oh how interesting it will be if all my plans works out…first of all I have something else to do to that fool called Remi…Iyami will take care of Remi’s mother, Leja will have to make sure the prince gets drunk and I must watch movement around the Oba’s eating room and know how to start up….hahahaha… my enemies are in hot soup… they are in serious trouble… The princess was walking around with Remi, she told Remi not to stress herself in doing most of her chores again because of her condition, and there were other maiden attending to the princess so that Remi can have much time to rest. “I’m sorry that I couldn’t convince my brother…I told you he can be difficult sometimes and I wish he will believe you and take you as his wife, you are worthy of the title and I will be so please to have you sit right next to my brother as his wife and the future Queen of this great kingdom, no one else deserve such title as you are… “I’m not asking him to marry me all I wanted was for him to know that the pregnancy belong to him and not to Leja as he claims…but we tried and you also tried your best to convince him it did not end well, so let’s leave the rest for the gods...thank you for speaking up for me princess… “yes, let us leave all for the gods…I silently pray that my brother will do the right thing…I and Tunde will be married if the gods pleases and I will give birth to both male and female… I will teach my children never to run away from a mistake or to deny a fault rather they have to be strong and take responsibility for their every action, I will instill this teaching on every male child given to us by the gods…they will have to be humble, respectful and never to sweep a wrong under the carpet…Remi, I can’t wait to get marry to Tunde…and start a family with him…aaah… Tunde will make a good husband and a great father…I can feel it…I love him…I have this funny feeling anytime he comes around…and I feel shy when he looks at me or hold my hands…sometimes I wish he will stay all day but he still have to go…I just wish he will hurry up with the traditions and marry me so that we can be together for ever… “Yes he will…and is obvious that he loves you too…your marriage will happen after all preparation is done which will start next week…just a little patient my princess and your marriage with Tunde will happen soon and you can start a family with him… “I’m happy to hear you say that…sorry if I’m acting stupid right now…I’m just love struck…after everything is done and marriage ceremony is over you will be free to go home except if the Queen mother decide to keep you, and I know very soon the Queen will find out that you are pregnant, don’t be scared my mother is very understanding and loving, she may not be please you got pregnant this way…just like every mother but she is very understanding… wherever you are make sure you visit me sometimes when I finally settle with Tunde…and I will also be coming around to visit too…the Oba and the queen will be so happy to have grand children… and I can’t wait to give them that…I wish my brother took responsibility of your pregnancy, you would have being the first to give them a grandchild it would have been so good…having you as a sister in-law will be great don’t you think… “haa….that will be too much to ask from the gods…being a commoner doesn’t give me any chance to compete with the royal maiden of this land who your brother the Prince maybe interested in, but…I will take that as a compliment my princess, it doesn’t matter if I bear my child without a father…I will bring him or her up in the right way and just like you said earlier…I will teach my child never to sweep a wrong under a carpet but rather take responsibility for every action. The prince walk round his chamber and Leja came in with drink and served him which he has already mixed with the grinded leaf that Nike gave him, he put just a little since is just to weaken the prince. “I can see you are so tensed today my prince…take some drink so that you will feel good again…there is an adage that says alcohol makes you see better and forgets your sorrow...Omooba drink up so that you will feel at ease… As the prince drank the third cup as Leja continued to fill his cup whenever it gets empty, he told Leja he doesn’t want to get drunk so he shouldn’t pour much drink for him again but Leja kept on filling in, he wanted to get the prince drunk so that he can sneak in Nike into his chamber and in that way the prince can lay with her, just like he did with Remi, and he has being waiting for the time or day when the prince will be troubled over something and he will convince him into drinking to stupor, him and Nike need to start executing their plan so that they will be able to achieve their aim, the prince pause from drinking as he looked at the filled cup that Leja just poured for him, the drink was stronger than his usual, it taste as if it was mixed with something, he was already getting tipsy as he blink severally but his senses were intact “do you want to get me drunk Leja…the last time I got drunk i landed into a serious trouble… and Is same trouble that I’m trying to get away from…your woman…Remi bringing your pregnancy for me to claim it as mine, you told me the pregnancy was yours and she told me so clearly before that I never touched her, now suddenly she is claiming I laid with her, and I can’t even remember such happening, Leja you have serve in this place for so long and that was why the Oba made you a chief guard of the whole palace…just because you are trust worthy, you have never disappointed me, you saved me from getting drown in that river, it may feel like it was what you suppose to do for me but I believe you did it more because you care about my welfare and everyone else here, I believed you when you told me she was your lover and when you said that she was carrying your child, but she came here again and boldly said…that she was not afraid of the Oba or me… she even sent my sister to come and beg me to accept her…she said couple of other things…can you imagine the madness, so crazy…she is strong willed and I kind of feel she has a presence moving with her…I wonder why she was trying to blackmail me with a pregnancy that is totally yours so that I can settle with her…that is insane…don’t you think…and I thought she is a good maiden…I will certainly tell the Oba…she will have to come and repeat herself in the presence of the Oba… Leja saw that the drink was gradually taking effect, he was waiting for him to drink up the last one in the cup so that he can pour another for him, he was happy that he added little of the grinded leaf that Nike gave him, it will weaken the prince and makes him sleep for a very long time. he thought within himself “ if Remi can not be mine she will never be yours too, I will not only poison your mind towards her I will also make you lay with Niki and that is where your down fall will start… for picking interest in the woman I first met, defiling her and getting her in with a child that was suppose to be mine… “My prince, Remi is a liar and a cheat, don’t ever listen to anything she says, her sister Nike is better off than her, her sister is sincere and truthful, but Remi is after the wealth of the palace and after you, she is carrying my child and claiming that is yours…that is not good at all…knowing well that you did not even touch her…Remi is not to be trusted, she is not what she think she is…very dangerous maiden The prince drank off the last shot and Leja poured in another one, Leja tried to poison his mind the more and he drank another cup before standing up, he told Leja that his head was pounding, that there was something else in the drink that weakens him at every cup he takes, Leja asked him to lie down and he did. Leja waited for him to sleep off before going to Nike, he waited for darkness to come before sneaking Nike into the Prince chamber. Iya Remi checked her food that she was cooking at the backyard that night, she stirred it properly before going back inside with her oil lamp It was the opportunity that Iya Nike who has being waiting patiently for her to leave the pot of food and go away, she tip toed quietly towards the fire place with the wrapped content in her hand. It was time, her mind was made up on this, and there was no going back. She needed to be fast before Iya Remi will return to the pot Iya Nike was happy for the tick darkness that covers up the whole place and her cloth was also black, she will not be easily seen. Dami, Remi's brother was coming from another side of the back yard but Nike's mother did not see him because his cloth was not bright. he was quietly coming towards Iya Nike's direction. * * TBC......
18 Mar 2019 | 18:03
this story is very interesting
19 Mar 2019 | 03:45
Posion mind* iya have a posion mind which her daughter inharite from her hand. Iya nicke is wicked and greeding which she make sure that her daughter was also on it.
19 Mar 2019 | 03:49
I know that nicke is wicked. And she want to become next queen. But trying to kill oba is another thing what king human being is these ?
19 Mar 2019 | 03:56
Leja was a good man and trusted chief gaurd not untill that wicked nicke and her mother posion her.
19 Mar 2019 | 03:59
How can somebody can't remeber any thing that happen ? It i some how for me to believe.
19 Mar 2019 | 04:02
Iya trying to posion someone is something else. But thank GOD U are still in the line failure
19 Mar 2019 | 04:09
hmm... I pray Dami catches dat wicked woman
19 Mar 2019 | 06:25
Dami will certainly catch her bt dat wicked will always hv her way
19 Mar 2019 | 07:44
Dami must catch her o
19 Mar 2019 | 11:29
Dami must catch her o
19 Mar 2019 | 11:29
Na wa ooo... quest for power
19 Mar 2019 | 13:21
thank God somebody we see u, if I may ask where did the community gods travel to na,thy should better come now an show Nike an lega way out of that place
19 Mar 2019 | 15:55
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 18. Dami noticed a movement in the dark and stopped to ascertain what he was really seeing and just then Iya Nike moved again and Dami started screaming, calling his mother that a ghost is in their backyard and moving towards their fire place. Iya Nike was shock as she hard Dami's scream, the content in her hand fell off and she quickly bend down to pick it, she stood at a spot as iya Remi ran out with speed immediately she hard her son's scream. With the help of the oil lamp in her hand she saw that it was Iya Nike, she was surprise, she wonder what iya Nike was doing in her backyard close to her fire place where she was cooking night food after a long day in the market Is being a very long time since iya Nike crossed to her backyard, she has being keeping malice with her and do not even respond to her greetings ever since Remi beat her and Nike up after they set trap in their front door. Iya Remi saw that she was in a black wrapper which made Dami to think she is a ghost, she wondered why she was in black, who could she be mourning "Iya Nike...ooh is you... what happened... you got Dami scared... ",Uhmmm my senior wife... don't mind me jare...I was coming to... to ask you for Something...I know we have being having this continues misunderstanding for a very long time... and is not good and I'm really tired with the constant fighting and quarreling...I just wanted to say let's stop all this fighting and start living as one family... you are my senior wife and despite our husband is late that is not enough reason to be fighting each other all the time..he won't be happy in the I thought you will be cooking at the backyard as usual because I know you came back late from the I decided to come and see you here, I wanted to sit and talk with you that was why I did not go through the front door, I did not even know that you are inside..I was just coming and Dami started screaming... Iya Remi was shock to hear iya Nike say all that and even call her "senior wife" iya Nike has never called her that before, respect or talk in this manner ever since their husband died, she sounded so remorseful and convincing. iya Remi was so happy that iya Nike has finally come to her senses She silently thanked the gods because she was tired of the constant misunderstanding between them every time Iya Remi offered her a seat and she sat down as they talk some more and even laugh, she offered her some of her food but iya Nike said that she just finish eating not too long before coming to meet her. Iya Nike later left as iya Remi bid her good night, As they entered inside Dami began to talk to his mother "Maami...I saw her moving towards the pot of food that was on fire... she is probably up to something and I felt goose bombs all over when I saw her... she smells of terror... maami you have to be careful... me...I don't feel comfortable with this her sudden friendship...that woman is always filled with trouble.. She can't suddenly change... just like that... "Gbe neu sun (keep quiet) what do you even know, don't you know that people change, you are suppose to be happy that the gods has finally turned her around, iya Nike is very sincere and she was real and I am so happy... finally the gods has brought back peace and unity in our home... Nike kept trying to get the prince to touch her but it wasn't working out, she put off his clothes and left only his undies, she also off her own cloth and climb on top of the prince with her naked body, trying to do everything possible so that he will have an erection but the prince was in a deep sleep because of the mix drink that Leja gave him and he couldn't move. He mumbled something in his sleep and repeated it twice, Nike stared at him and was seriously wishing she will belong to the prince, as he mumbled again she placed her ear to his mouth to hear what he was saying and was shock when the prince mentioned a name that sounds like "Remi" Nike got angry and slap the prince in his manhood making him to suddenly shake and he came awake. The prince was awake and blink severally to be sure of what was happening Nike was scared as the prince awaken, the prince wasn't suppose to wake up so soon, it was too early, is either Leja did not mix the drink well or the prince did not take enough doze, she started regretting slapping his sensitive part, which might have hurt him and made him to wake up. Nike began to think of what she was going to do, she was naked she jumped down from the bed but did not bother dressing up, she wanted the prince to see her naked maybe in that way he will be move to lay with her The prince swore under his breath and sat up from the bed, he was confuse and wondered why Nike was not only naked in his chamber but him too was half dressed also, only in his undies, he swore again before checking himself, he took a wrapper to wrap up himself before standing up. " the gods name are you doing in my chamber... who are you...wait.. you are Remi's why are you naked... whaaaat are you doing here and how do my cloths gets off from my body...I remember sleeping with my cloths on after the drinks Leja gave me...I remember so clearly sleeping in cloths how come... did you touch my...what is happening...why I'm I feeling this pain under... what is going on...will you cover up immediately because your nakedness disgust irritating how you stand there comfortably without your cloths on.... how do you get into my chamber...why are you here... by this time of the night... start talking before I call the guards, they will have to come and explain how you got in here... answer me quick... Nike saw that the game has changed, she stammered as she quickly thought of what to say, she grabbed her cloth and wore back as the prince wait for her to explain "Omooba.. imabinu..moro Leja si won.. (i'm sorry my prince you asked Leja to send for me) when I came you laid with me, you made love to me my prince and you said you love me while you were on it ...that is why I'm naked... "Shut... shut up... who sent for you and did you say I... omooba laid with you say I laid with who...hahahaha...this is so interesting...go and fetch me Leja... immediately... all of you will have alot to explain...get out of my face, out of my Nike ran out immediately the prince was pacing the room angrily and swearing under his breath, something was not right and he will have to know what exactly is going on. Dami walked into his grandma's kitchen with the fire wood, after setting up the fire he placed a pot of water for his grandmother's evening bath before coming to join her outside where she was peeling melon "I sent a message to your mother two days ago... you didn't deliver it to her...I guess... "I did...but maami said she is too busy... she said there is no time to see you but she will come once she is a little free...iya.. she have being so occupied with the fufu business...I must say and comes back late at night... "Hmmm...I understand, I wish she could spare just a little time to come and spend with me... everything in life is not all about being busy and making money... she enjoy going to the market and talking with other women, your mother will rather send you or your elder sister down than to come here herself.. she was all that the gods used to clean my tears from my years of childlessness, she is my only child and the gods blessed me even more with you and your sister through her, you know sometimes all I want is to spend time with your mother but she has a mind of her own since when she was a little girl.. she looked hardened yet so soft, an easy prey for her enemies...I plead to the gods to keep her away from the trouble I see lurking around... "Iya, do you know that Yesterday...I saw iya Nike in our backyard, I was coming from the outhouse and was so scared when I saw her snooping around our fire place, covered up in a black cloth... she was upto something...I screamed in shock not knowing she was the one and maami ran outside and iya Nike said she was only there for peace meeting, she told maami that she wanted them to drop their differences and embrace peace..maami believed her but I don't...iya Nike talking about a lie... she is probably upto something iya... "You maybe right...a fowl does not run in the night, is either pursuing something or something is pursuing it...but it does not run in vain....your mother needs to be careful if she really want to live long and escape all hidden traps... she have to be wise.. she is too soft... she should shield herself and you from future mishap...iya Nike is up to no good...omo mi..jowo... go and put fire in that pot of water so that I can warm the ifo eriro soup I made yesterday and put some for you to eat before you go...I still have enough fufu from the last one you brought... Dami went into the kitchen and checked the water, after bringing it down he quickly placed the pot of soup on fire. He love eating his grandma's food, it always have a special taste. TBC.
20 Mar 2019 | 14:36
Yeah Me too, Maybe Grandmas food always have a special taste
20 Mar 2019 | 15:56
Iya Remi be careful
20 Mar 2019 | 15:57
It's much better to bear, now that remi has opened up the open truth. The princess is equal to the truth, tunde is a lucky man to have the princess as fiancée.
20 Mar 2019 | 19:40
The prince has been deceived with the wrong love. He need to believe the open truth from remi and the princess. Even iya remi also need to believe dami and iyaiya remi.
20 Mar 2019 | 19:46
Following next
20 Mar 2019 | 19:47
Trampling or matching upon the truth is not possible, the truth it's like a bomb and can explode positively. The two opponents of remi and the kingdom are doing all they can to trample upon the truth, nike and leja must be wasting their time.
20 Mar 2019 | 19:59
Mama remi beliving iya nicke is not a strange thing becuase she have soft heart. That easly believe her fellow
21 Mar 2019 | 05:11
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 19. Story written by AMAH “…is either you did not mix the drink well with the powdered leaf or you did not give him enough to drink to stupor… “I did, I gave him enough and he was really drunk before going to sleep but as for mixing…well…maybe I did not put enough quantity…I just don’t want to overdo it Nike…the quantity I mixed for him was enough to make him fall into a deep sleep to the following morning…how did he suddenly wake up…but he touched you right…he laid with you “what are you even asking me…you are messing up with the plan…he didn’t even touch me, I tried…everything possible but he still did not…he was mumbling Remi’s name in his sleep and I got so angry and slapped his manhood and he just woke up, just like that…he was so angry and ask me to go and fetch you…I couldn’t even convince him that he laid with me because he knew that he didn’t his senses where intact Leja…so I wonder how he was able to forget touching Remi but remembers everything from last night, despite being drunk, he remembered falling asleep with his cloths on, he remembered everything Leja…you caused it…how could you not add enough portion of the mixture in his drink…now what are we going to do…because this will get serious if we can’t explain ourselves…how I got into his chamber…why he was undress and I was naked…everything…he may add it up and I seriously do not want our plans to fail…not now…never… “Stop panicking…don’t worry I will handle it…I will try to convince him…relax…just follow behind… When they got to the prince chamber he was all dressed up and sitting. “Leja…what is going on…how did this maiden got into my chamber…why was she on my bed…my own bed Leja…naked and I was also half dress…just in my undies…the crazy part is when she said I sent for her and I laid with her…what in the gods name is the meaning of that…I never sent for her…why will I even send for her…and I feel certain that I did not touch her…Leja.. “please don’t be angry omooba…ejooo….after you got drunk yesterday evening, you asked me to send for Nike…you mentioned her name and I did…because I have never disobeyed you before…so I sent for her and when she came you asked me to…to leave and lock the chamber so I did…I don’t know what happened between two of you inside here until she came now sayin… “hold on…do you mean that I...i asked you to get me a maiden…for what exactly…are you sure of what you are saying Leja…don’t make me to start doubting or suspecting you because this whole thing looks suspicious to me…I have always trusted you…don’t give me reason to think otherwise…I have no reason to send for her…she is Remi’s sister…why will I do that….i can’t even remember her name so how come I specifically mentioned her own name for you to send for her…Leja, are you very sure of what you just said…. “omooba…I’m very sure…I can’t joke or lie with such an expensive thing…please…is true. “hmmm…this is really serious….please two of you should leave... When Nike and Leja were out of hearing, Leja turned to Nike and said “I told you I will convince him…he believed me…so you have nothing to worry about… “He doesn’t look convinced anyway but he will have no choice than to believe at the end…next plan is with the Oba…the second powder that Iyami gave me, I will have to sneak into his eating room and put some in his food…that is only the way that the prince can become king and in the last two days you have laid with me… I will start counting till when I will get pregnant, we will keep doing it throughout this week and next week until I feel convince that I’m pregnant, and I will make the prince believe is his…but Oba is the next target… “what are you talking about…Oba…a whole Oba…no…no Nike…you are only telling me about this plan now and I can’t allow that…you can’t hurt the kabiyesi of this kingdom…is never done and it won’t happen…the gods will not allow you and your plan will not hold on him because he was chosen by the gods…don’t you understand…this is going too far and I’m beginning to regret ever joining you in this…you are so evil to have gotten such ill plan…the Oba is a good king and the gods will not allow him to be hurt…don’t do that please…let’s just focus on Remi and the Prince but leave the Oba out of this…if not I will just wash my hands and legs out of this… “hahahahaha…see who is talking…you are scared now…the heat is just getting started and you are already getting scared…you can’t back out now Leja…is too late…we are all in this together…I have enough things to nail you so if the fire will burn it will burn all of us and if the rain will fall we will all get drained together…no turning back now Leja…I told you Oba is the only hindrance for the prince to get into the throne and ones that happens…either he becomes critical ill or he dies…whichever but the prince must get to the throne in other for me to be his queen, even if he doesn’t have any feeling for me but because of the pregnancy that we will make him believe that is his…he has no choice…he wouldn’t want the kingdom to know that he lay with a maiden and got her with a child…he will do everything to cover his sins…by marrying me… “is okay…enough…I’m out of here…I don’t care what you have to do but do not hurt the Oba…he has the ear of the gods and you may end up being hurt…I don’t know if you understand the consequences for all this your action… “You mean “our” action…you are so into this Leja as I am… no hiding place for you… Iya Nike saw Iya Remi coming back from the market, she has waited for so long for this, and the time has come, she quickly covered the food she put inside the plate and nodded to herself, she waited for some time for her to relax a little before she carried the plate of food to Iya Remi’s house and knocked on the door, Iya Remi came out with a smile as she saw Iya Nike smiling from ear to ear “My senior wife…welcome back from the market…how was the market today…? “aaah, Iya Nike…fine oo…I thank the gods as usual…the market was fine… “the gods be praise…I brought you a little something…is food, I made it this afternoon and just want to share…please don’t say no…is a peace offering and it taste great…here…take it… “aaah, for me…the gods will bless you, I was about entering the kitchen to cook what me and Dami will eat, I sent Dami to go and buy me ata orodo (pepper) that I forgot to buy in the market…thank you…this is really so kind of you Iya Nike…ese pupo…I’m grateful Iya Nike handed the plate of food over to her and Iya Remi thanked her even more. Iya Nike smile and nodded before returning to her house. Iya Remi was so happy that Iya Nike has really changed to the extent of bringing food for her, she was happy that for sometimes now Iya Nike has being so nice and today she even surprise her, she and Dami will eat the food tonight and she will cook tomorrow when she comes back from the market and she will make sure that she returns the favor to Iya Nike. Or she will buy something tangible for her but she will make sure she return the favor in that way their friendship will wax stronger. After changing for the night she relax to eat and that was when Dami came back with the things he was sent to go and buy. Dami was surprise to see food and his mother was already eating and was filled with smile “maami, why are you smiling, the food must be so delicious, you have cooked already…that was so fast...i thought you sent me to go and buy things for cooking how come the food… “go and wash your hand and come and join me, I will cook tomorrow, the gods sent somebody to give us this and I will return the favour tomorrow Dami smiled and wash his hands, he sat with his mother and immediately he put the third ball of fufu in his mouth he had his mother say “Iya Nike just surprised me…she was the one that brought the food for us…I told you that people change…now, you can see that she has truly change…I told you never to say words that are bigger than your mouth…when you were saying Iya Nike was upto something evil but it was actually something good…now see it for yourself… Dami breathed down and threw away the remaining ball in his hand, he stood up from the food and went to wash his hand “what happen…are you not eating again, you better come and eat because this is your night food…am not cooking this night again…I don’t know what is wrong with you children… “maami, if you have told me on time before I start eating... that the food was from Iya Nike I wouldn’t have even bother to eat I would have run to iya’s place to eat night food and I’m going to Iya’ place now, Iya Nike is probably up to something, this her sudden change is suspicious, I saw her that night maami, and I knew she was not just trying to spark friendship with you, she must have a plan…Iya said so too…she said the fowl does not run in the night in vain…that Iya Nike is upto no good…me I’m not eating again, since Iya Nike’s food is the only food in this house and you won’t cook again because of that…I will just rush to grandma’s place and eat to my satisfaction… “what do your grandmother know…she suspects everything and everybody, she is not here to understand that Iya Nike has really change, isn’t it what we are all praying for to be in peace in this family now Iya Nike has shown remorse and repented, she calls me her senior wife, she acknowledges me and we even talk and laugh most time…that is the kind of friendship I want…she made food and brought it for us and you don’t want to eat…go and eat at your Iya’s place but I’m not cooking anything this night again, this Iya Nike’s food is enough for two of us…you should be grateful when somebody kindly gives you something… Dami left for his grandmother’s place, he knew his grandmother’s food taste great, he started running until he got there, he had a little stomach ach, he thought it was because of the way he ran, when Dami got there he told his grandmother that he felt like something was hurting him inside the stomach, it maybe from the way he ran, the older woman ask him to come close and looked at his eye balls, she went inside and brought (epo pupa) red oil, she mixed it with something and gave it to Dami who was already setting fire to make eba, That he was going to eat The older woman gave the oil to Dami to drink and he just drank it up as he wait for the water on the fire to boil so that he can make the food for only himself since his grandmother said that she wasn’t hungry. Dami noticed that his grandmother looks sad and did not talk much unlike her, he wonder what was troubling her. The princess sent a message to the Queen mother through Remi, that she was going to visit the stream first thing in the morning of the following day, as Remi was going, she saw Nike, who did not see her looking everywhere to know if somebody was coming, Remi hide, she knew that Nike is probably upto something, she was going towards the Oba’s eating room, so Remi followed her and watched as she entered the room with speed. Nike was in a hurry, as she uncovers the pot of food and poured the content inside and while she was doing it Remi was shock and open her eyes in terror as she watch Nike, she screamed Nike’s name, the content in Nike’s hand fell off and she stood looking at Remi. The Oba was coming with his guards and hard the scream, he wondered who could be screaming close to his eating room. When he got there he saw two maiden they were both standing with shock in their faces, they seem dumb founded, his pot of food was open and there was a powder substance on the ground, close to his eating table.
21 Mar 2019 | 17:58
I pray remi's mother survives this ooh As for Nike u are in soup
22 Mar 2019 | 03:07
Remi will now be accused of poisoning d king
22 Mar 2019 | 04:23
Even if she has a soft heart she is a fool, only dami will survive this.
22 Mar 2019 | 06:21
Ha Remi, Nike will lie on top your head now...
22 Mar 2019 | 07:35
It’s so bad that you see things but can’t change it u just have to watch hw it comes to pass even if it hurts you... Grandma is Sad because of his daughter Iya Remi’s dead
22 Mar 2019 | 07:38
I just hope Dami survive the poison
22 Mar 2019 | 07:39
Demi ur mother have be very careful with the wicked woman
22 Mar 2019 | 07:43
Killing things . killing is just an ordinary art befor iya nicke and nicke, they have start these art since the day of their late father. Which iya nicke posion him to deed. While now she have successd by killing iya remi. Nicke is in other way trying to posion oba a hole oba and she is not even afraid
22 Mar 2019 | 13:42
Grandmother was sad becuase the up coming news which is bad news to be. sorry for late iya remi may her soul rest in peace.
22 Mar 2019 | 13:47
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 20. Story written by AMAH "Kilo se le by..(what is going on here) Remi and Nike knelt down in greetings to the Oba " They both chorused in unison, they remained on their knees as the Oba quietly moved close to his eating table, he saw the powder substance scattered on his table to the floor where it lay carelessly. He called one of the guards to pick up the substance but as the man was about picking it up he asked him not to touch it he turned to Remi and Nike who where still kneeling "Which one of you drop this here...who have this... whoever it belongs to should come and pick it up... Nike raised her head and looked at Remi, Remi looked up at Nike "I asked a question... first, what are you two maidens doing in my eating room, you are not among the maiden that prepares my food or serves who sent you and what is this powder thing... what is this... Remi was still thinking of what to say, she didn't want to implicate her sister yet she has no choice than to tell the Oba the truth, Remi wondered what Nike was putting in the Oba's food, when she saw her sneaking into the Oba's scared eating room like a thief she just knew that Nike has a secret agenda, "could It be that she planned to poison the Oba, a whole oba of the entire kingdom, why will she even think of doing such, how on earth Will Nike ever think of such, for what purpose, how did she even get the poison, if it happened to be poison then where did she get it from, Nike is in serious trouble, she should better think of an explanation because a sin against the Oba is a sin against the whole land, is unfortunate she has used her own hand to destroy herself and that of her mother, Nike has finally brought a mighty trouble to herself, who knows what the Oba will do to her. Remi thought within herself as she began to pity Nike, she still has to tell Oba the truth but she wondered how to go about it "Kabiyesi... the powder is from this maiden, I just caught her with it, she sneaked into your eating room and as I saw her I decided to follow quietly only to see her in your eating room and dropping something in your food...I was in shock which made me to scream and she quickly drop whatever that is on the floor...I guess is poison Kabiyesi... make her to taste it...ask her to eat the food... she is my step sister but she has being so dangerous from birth.. The oba and the guards cursed in shock, Remi opened her mouth in terror as Nike turned everything on her, she was still thinking of how to tell Oba that it was from Nike but Nike suddenly started speaking,, without fear or guilt, Remi was swallowing hard, she tried to talk but the guards hush her to keep quiet, as Nike kept talking, lies flow from her mouth so freely, everyone listened attentive to her. Remi couldn't take it anymore she shouted, hushing Nike to be quiet "Kabiyesi...she is lying... is a lie, she was actually the one with the content...I caught her with it and I was the one that screamed not her.. she is my step sister kabiyesi and everything she said is a lie.. A guard stuck Remi across the face to be quiet and not make noise in front of the oba, Remi held her hurting face as she looked at everything happening around in terror, but she did not keep quiet, she kept shouting that it was all lies, Nike continued to speak, the guard struck Remi again to be quiet, the Oba cautioned the guard hitting Remi not to hit her again. The oba sent for the Queen mother to come, and messages started traveling out of the palace that a maiden tried to poison the oba Nike and Remi where still on their knees as the Queen mother came running as the urgent message got to her "Kabiyesi...kilo sele (king, what is happening) They asked Nike to narrate what happened again and she did with Joy in her heart, Remi rushed towards Nike in anger, not minding the Oba and the Queen were there, she angrily slapped her hard Nike fell down and a guard struck Remi before dragging her to kneel down again, the guard hit her on her eyes and she screamed in pain as another slap was coming towards her face Remi angrily grabbed the guards arm and threw him to the floor to everyone surprise, she did it with ease and punch the man severally who tried to get up from the ground but couldn't Remi was so angry, it took three guards to put her in a place They took her with Nike to the Oba's meeting room where The Oba sat and the Queen mother sat beside him, the cabinet men started arriving at the Oba's palace on hearing about a maiden wanting to poison their king The prince and the princess came in and was surprise to see Remi kneeling in the center of the Oba's meeting. Leja came down and stood at a distance, he knew that Nike was the guilty one not Remi who might have caught her and she turned the table around Leja wish he can say the truth and save Remi but he will end up implicating himself. The princess looked at Remi she was not crying, she just looked straight at nothing, her mind was far as she knelt down in the center of the people present. the guards where station on each side of her as if she was a criminal The princess knew that Remi was innocent, she has being with her long enough for her to know the kind of maiden she was, She started blaming herself for sending Remi to the Queen mother which landed her into a serious trouble. The princess couldn't understand how Remi got involved with such a dangerous implication, she knew that Remi is a good maiden and was not capable of such evil, Remi was not dragging anything with anyone, even after her brother, the prince denied the pregnancy that she is carrying, Remi has made it known that she can take care of her unborn child, she and her mother are capable of taking care of the baby. Remi was not after the prince so why will she want to hurt the oba, the prince could have being her main target but Remi was not that type of maiden. Omooba sat next to his mother as he stared at Remi, he has really loved her before untill Leja came with the news of being in a relationship with her which made him to wave off his feeling but despite that he still watch her through his chamber's window sometime and wish she was his and the pregnancy was truly his and not for Leja her lover, despite she has denied ever having anything to do with Leja but he believed Leja because Leja can't lie to him with such He had felt a spark of anger when she boldly told him that he defiled her and she wasn't afraid of the Oba or anybody "what a dangerous boldness" he has thought within himself that day. He had tried not to ever get drunk again until he eventually failed and he woke up to Nike in his chamber, naked and Leja confirmed that he sent for her and laid with her which he doubt, something wasn't right but he wondered since Remi couldn't get to him with her planned pregnancy maybe she then decided to send the sister to seduce him. But whichever way he knows that he did not touch any of the maiden, he can't remember doing anything with Remi that night because he was drunk and wake up to a blood stain on his trouser which Remi has said came from the injury she sustained on her thigh. He remembered Nike and everything that went on and without mixing words he can't remember asking Leja to send for her except if the gods are messing with his mind "Maybe Remi was really what Leja and her sister said that she was now the gods has exposed her. Which means most of the palace workers are dangerous"the prince thought within himself. "Don't you dare hit her again... The princess shouted at a guard who hit Remi but Remi sheild her stomach with her hand, the princess surprised everyone and the meeting room became quiet, the Oba spoke looking at his daughter "She is your personal maiden...we understand that quiet alright...but she almost killed me, your father for reason that I don't even understand... why will she plan such evil knowing well that she was going to fail... that means is only the gods that has being protecting you all this while she has being your personal maiden... the gods be praise...never you trust anyone my daughter... "Father, she is innocent..I can bet with my life that Remi is innocent... she is not capable of such evil and please tell the guards to stop hurting her... she is pregnant and hitting her is dangerous for her condition... The Queen, the oba and others were surprised to know that Remi was pregnant the Queen quickly asked "The last time I saw her... she looks bigger...i suspected it, if she was pregnant why didn't you send her out of the palace back to her house or inform me... why is there a pregnant maiden working here... why did you fail to send her out... "Remi is a good girl I'm afraid I will never get a maiden like her and the child she is carrying is for the prince... There was a serious noise as the prince shouted at his sister to keep quiet, he told everyone that he doesn't have a hand in Remi's pregnancy and he said Leja was responsible but Remi tried to make him claim what he knows nothing about just because she wanted to be his... There was another uproar as the oba asked everyone to be quiet, he asked them to bring the content and place it right before Remi and they did. The Oba's cabinet men asked Remi to put the substance in her mouth and swallow it but she refuse, the guards try to force her but she strike the two of them and as more guards came the Oba ordered them to leave her alone and they quickly obeyed. The cabinet men started throwing questions asking Remi why she tried to poison the Oba, Remi did not answer any of the questions thrown at her, since she has tried to explain severally but got slapped for trying to defend herself Remi kept quiet and did not answer anybody even The oba and the Queen mother, she decides not to waste her strength in defending herself in the presence of people who wants her head in a platter, but rather to keep her strength for whatever fate lies ahead of her. Dami kept on vomiting the following day, he vomited some black things that morning he couldn't go home immediately and he doesn't feel like going until his grandma who couldn't sleep through out the night asked him to go, that his mother will be needing him The older woman mixed something and gave to Dami to rush back home and give it to his mother that morning Dami left, but he thought his mother might have gone to the market, he stopped by the river side and had his bath before going home The house was quiet and he thought his mother must be in the market. Iya Nike came early the following morning to iya Remi's house and collected her plate which she used in serving food to iya Remi, she collected the plate so that she won't be suspected She knew that what she added in the food will be hurting iya Remi gradually that night to the following afternoon That afternoon will be the time it will fully take effect. Iya Nike has thought it was iya Remi and Dami, her son that ate the good She thought that Dami was also going to go like his mother but was surprised when she saw Dami from her window and wondered why he was looking so healthy Dami called his mother's name that mid afternoon but no response, he concluded that the mother was in the market He found out that the door was half closed which means somebody was inside, he went inside with the content his grandma gave him only to see his mother's lifeless body on the ground. Fear of terror covered his body as he moved close to his mother and touched her She was so cold and blood particles was on her mouth and on the ground She vomited blood before dying Dami scream and kept screaming non stop. Remi was judged as different charges was placed on her head The cabinet men with the king did not only banished her from the palace but also from the kingdom within three days. As she was being excorted out she was allowed to pick her things and she pack her few things with the prince wrapper, that got stain which she never returned. She was sent home to stay for two days on the third day she will be sent out of the kingdom into the forest She will either become food for the animals or die of hunger because no one survives in the forest. Remi knew this was the part the gods chose for her just as grandmother has said She will use the two days to spend with her grandmother, her mother and brother Remi did not know yet that her mother was gone. Remi knew that whatever that is hidden will not be hidden forever, the gods has seen the injustice done to her, they will vindicate her at the very right time. TBC
22 Mar 2019 | 23:46
this is pure injustice
23 Mar 2019 | 05:56
These is story is given me much irretating. What is wrong with remi and mother how could they be quit and dumb till everything became blind, what will their fate now ?
23 Mar 2019 | 06:11
May gods beweet u people
23 Mar 2019 | 06:12
I think you understand the riddles ur grandma was singing since
23 Mar 2019 | 10:40
I know the god's are with u Remi ,u have a bad news waiting for u at home, grandmother why don't you send that oil to ur daughter too
23 Mar 2019 | 19:02
So painful
24 Mar 2019 | 05:48
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 21. Story written by AMAH The prince could not sleep that night as judgement was passed on Remi, everything became so still in the palace. He lay awake all night thinking about Remi and how he will convince his father and his cabinet men to lessen her judgement but they may think he has another agenda But he decided to try Early the following morning the prince went to his father to plead, while he was there the Queen mother came in too and started pleading to her husband "E sa nu ee... Kabiyesi.(please have mercy on her) the punishment was too much and she is pregnant... she will die with her unborn child in the forest...I know you don't have such a cruel heart... the princess has being so sad and refuse to see anybody ever since the sentence was passed on the maiden, the palace is deadly quiet, is as if the maiden left with the beautiful color of this place when she was banished out of here...please do something... The Oba looked at his son who was nodding as his mother plead on behalf of Remi who was already sent out of the palace. He turned to his wife and said "She did not only sin against me and challenge my kinship, her sin was against the entire kingdom and against the gods, I did not pass judgement on her, the king makers, the cabinet men did... do you understand the gravity of her offence, they could have make her to eat that poison but I stopped them instead I handed her over to the gods... whenever one is banished is just like asking the gods to deal with him or her according to the person's punishment... well, my cabinet men came up with the punishment befitting... "But you put out your seal which makes every sentence on her to stand, you have the power to undo or reduce her punishment... The Queen added. "I can't undo what has being done, it only makes me a weak ruler I can only reduce the punishment but if I do such the evil minded ones among us will not learn or have serious fear...I needed to do what I have to do... The prince spoke to his father with a saddened voice "You are the king and you can change a whole lot of things if you so please, if not for anything please father consider her unborn child, who is innocent of all this.. "Is the child yours... why so much attached to a common maiden...I have not seen you like this there anything you aren't telling me my son... "The child is for Leja he confirmed that himself and there is nothing between me and the maiden I was only trying to be considerate... I'm not asking you to undo or cancel the wrongs but to reduce the punishment... being banished is a very serious curse... maybe you should send her away but not to the forest maybe to another kingdom but definitely not to a dangerous forest because she will not survive it, she will die within a month and have you ever thought of she being innocent, I know everything points right to her but what if she was actually saying the truth when she said she is innocent... father, Remi is only a maiden, a young woman who can't defend herself in the thick forest... "I don't think you witness what she did to those guards, she is not afraid of anyone or anything... she have a very strange strong presence if you took two to three guards to put her down when she attacked one of them...I never knew that she was carrying a child yet throwing hefty men like nothing to the ground... you can't compare the forest, an abode for animals, the hyna, the antelops, crawling and flying animals and many others, the habitat of many dangerous animals and also the evil spirits, I'm certain she will not be able to survive but her fate has being decided, I could have said if she survived after five years then she can return to the kingdom since you all are pleading for her sake but that maiden can't survive a year there no matter how strong she is...I can't do anything more than this...her fate has being decided let us focus on other important things and leave every other thing to the hand of the gods. Remi sat hard on a chair and held her head in hand, her mother's body has being prepared for bury and lying lifelessly in front of her, her grandmother has said they should quickly bury her since Remi is still around and mostly because there was no point in preserving the dead, the dead is gone and has no place among the living again. Iya Remi's death was a shock to most people in the kingdom who knows how safeless and kind she was. Remi couldn't believe it when she was told until she saw her mother and remembered the dreams she had Remi has broken down for the first time, she has being accused and tortured in the palace yet she did not cry. But seeing her precious mother about to be laid to the earth, she weep uncontrollable. she has cried her eyes out until her grandmother came and held her like a child "Be strong now my child because strength and braveness is all you need for the journey ahead... "Why do the gods chose to punish me this way, wasn't it enough trouble that I was banish why will they also struck maami with death, she was a good woman and hates trouble, she can give you her cloth and go naked, her last meal to go hungry, her only sin was being who she maami is really gone and I'm being banished for a grave sin I know nothing about iya...iya why do the gods chose me to pass through this... why me... why will they struck me so hard and stripe me of my skin... "The gods are wise Remilekun...and they alone knows why... you and your mother has a common enemy and the rot of the gods will decend on them just at the right time... whatever hidden can not be hidden forever... the gods are always with you and even right now they are watching over you, the strength you posses is to be used for a time like this... you will be fine... "I don't know if i will ever be fine Iya... I'm sent to the forest to die for a sin I know nothing about...I will never be able to call anyone Maami, the only one that I have called such is lying in State about to be put into the ground...why... they would have focused on me and hurt me all they could but they should have left maami alone... anyone that has a hand in this it will never be well with them...ko ni dara fun won...(it will not be well with them) oju ma ti awon ota mi (my enemies will be destroyed) mo fi ifa mi bura wi pe...won o jiya... Won o so ku... won o kabamo...iyaiya yoo wa fun ille koirira gbogbo won.. aaah(I swear by the gods of my ancestors, they will suffer, they will die, they will regret, the land will bleed...I hate them all...all of them) "Otito omo mi, (is okay my child) Olorun a maa so e(the gods will protect you) maa beru (do not be afraid) gbokan le Olorun maa gbo kan le eniyan (trust no one except the gods) Olorun maa to e Sona(the gods will direct your path) you will not die... nothing will happen to you or your child... you are carrying the seed of crown...a precious diamond that will only be found in the forest where you will pitch your are safe my child... and you will return a will take time but it will happen... "Will you still be here when I return... will I meet you iya or do the gods has another plan... "Me and your brother will be here... patiently waiting for your return...I will meet the crown to the throne which is the seed you carry, you and your unborn child are precious diamond which will be sorted for... your name will be engraved in the sand of time because you are a great woman chosen by the gods...cry no more and get ready for the journey ahead... Dami sat at one corner of the house, far from everyone, he was tired of crying and watch as his mother was laid to rest, he has being blaming himself for not following his grandma's instructions, he had delayed and even bath at the river when his grandma had asked him to rush home with an antidote which could have saved his mother He felt worst, knowing his mother could have being alive if he had hurried up as his grandma instructed He knew who killed his mother despite how she tries to cover up her track, Dami knew that it was because of the food iya Nike gave his mother and she happily collected and it and ate killed her and he could have died too but the gods spared him and his grandma made him to vomit all the black thing that could have killed him His grandma has asked him to leave vengeance for the gods Remi his sister was also being banished for a crime she did not commit his grandma said that Remi will be fine that he shouldn't cry over her yet all he wanted to do was to cry His mother has trusted iya Nike, enemy who suddenly became friend with a hidden agenda, and that has taking her to the grave. Iya Nike was crying so loudly as few women console her, tears poured down from her face "Aaaah, iya Remi... why do you have to go now... now that peace was finally restored in our homes... we were together that night, I even prepared food and we both ate just as usual... we ate and talk about how strong our husband was when he was alive... before I went back home that evening, it was in the mid afternoon when I didn't see her... or hear from her I started wondering what could have happened, I even thought she has gone to the market...aah, Dami started screaming that afternoon and I quickly ran over to her place only to see iya Remi lifeless body... aah... whoever that has a hand in this...aah..I just don't know what to say to that person... aah, so iya Remi is finally gone... and Remi was caught trying to poison the Oba... and she was banished...why has calamity decided to visited this family and wipe them all off...aah...iya Remi... why... why do you have to go... please somebody should tell me this is not true... all this is not happening... iya Remi oo.. Dami watch from a distance as iya Nike kept on performing, he held his fist in anger as he watch her, she acted as if she was more pained than everyone else. she sat on the ground crying so loudly, people kept on rendering their sympathy to her, they console her as she put up her fine performance. After the burial Dami moved to stay with his grandma The Oba's guard came the third day and escorted Remi out of the kingdom into the forest.
26 Mar 2019 | 05:42
Oh remi.may d gods be with u.
26 Mar 2019 | 12:13
this is just the beginning of the story, the other past episodes were just prologues
26 Mar 2019 | 12:56
i can't wait for the next episode, please Bukolami update fast please
26 Mar 2019 | 12:57
very sad
26 Mar 2019 | 14:23
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 22. Story written by AMAH HEART They got to the boundary between the kingdom and the forest early the next morning and stop Leja the chief guard who was among them stepped forward to where Remi was standing "Uhmmm...Remi... I know how difficult this most be for yo... "... Leja I don't need your sympathy, you have done your job go back with your men and leave me to the gods... "I'm sorry Remi..I never knew things will get so sour... this is like death sentence, Nike supposed to be the one getting banished not are innocent of all this trouble...I wish I could go with you or correct the wrongs... I'm deeply sorry Remi... please forgive me for... "Enough... take your plead and remorsefulness to the gods to preserve it for you Leja... because you will be needing alot of it in the future to come...go back with your men...I will continue my journey from here... Remi looked straight ahead, crowded bushes and tall trees, she put her little bundle on her head, she will need a cutlass to clear her part as she proceed, Leja sensed it and offered her his sharp cutlass. "Here... take will be very useful for you in the main time...I pray the gods... " the main time before I finally die right?... that is exactly what you wanted to say... Because non of you believe i can make it alive here, but is not in your place to say...let the gods decide that.. keep your cutlass and also your prayers...I don't need anything from you... Remi placed her wrapped up bundle on her head properly before proceeding, the guards wanted to start going back but Leja asked them to wait Leja and his men stood watching Remi as she gently walked into the deep side of the forest, she picked up a strong stick from the ground and held it like a weapon, she kept walking until the over grown plants covered her and they couldn't see her anymore. Leja waited a little maybe Remi will scream for help and he will rush to her rescue but when he did not hear anything, he looked around the forest boundary, bushes, trees and sound of forest crickets every where It was as if an invisible eyes was watching them and just thinking of that alone he felt cold and goose pimples all over his body, one of the guards came to him "We need to leave this place now, we have done our rightful duty as the Oba assigned... this place spells of evil... is an ungodly place, we have journeyed all day and night, which we don't suppose to go this far but you insisted we follow her this far, the maidens fate has being decided, she will die anyway... she can't survive it here and you can't save her either... let's return back to the palace... can't you feel this... this strange feeling moving around here... this place is an abode for the evil spirits... that maiden will not last two days here... Leja quickly turned and his men followed immediately with speed, they all left. Remi walked with her stick in hand and her small wrapped load secured on her head. She just kept going ignoring all the strange noise and animal cry coming all around. She used the stick in her hand to clear the bushes and thorns on her way, she have a bottle water which her grandmother gave her and the water in the bottle has almost finished, she drank up the remaining one up but still needed more her journey was far yet she doesn't have a destination it was as if something wanted her to keep going and none stop As she move she kept looking around for fruits or eadable plants She got some wild fruits and sat under a tall palm tree to eat She looked around and saw dry palm fruits scattered around, she started gathering them together after which she found two strong rock and began to break the palm kernel Remi ate out of the palm kernel and left the remaining for later She need to look for any near by river, where she can get a drinking water but she felt tired as evening came she decided to pitch tent close to the palm tree and sleep for the night. She gathered dry sticks, both big and small, palm dry branches lying carelessly all around, she spread the palm kernel waist on the place that she planned to set up fire before removing the two shining stones that her grandmother gave her from her load, she strike the stones together severally on the fire woods but it did not catch up immediately with consistent trial the fire was set Her grandmother has said that night fire in the forest scares off animals Remi couldn't pitch a proper tent so she spread out the prince stained wrapper which she took along on the floor close to the fire that will keep her warm all through the night She used another one to cover up properly She planned to look for a near by spring or river first thing tomorrow, she plead to the gods to grant her favor and not allow her to die of taste As night settled the cry and sound of different animals increased, the big stick which she used for weapon was lying close to her. She felt a warm presence right there with her, Remi wasn't afraid as she shut her eyes and imagined her grandmother sitting with her and telling her tales by the moon light, her grandmother seems to always have an interesting stories, despite that she sometimes speaks in riddles Remi quickly opened her eyes and grabbed her stick, there was a strange noise coming towards her She looked at the angle where the strange noise filled and saw four yellow shinning big eyes staring right at her in the dark, Remi cleared her throat and held unto her stick, she was tired from the long journey but still not scared of anything The strange creatures moved towards her she removed one of the big fire wood that has hot burning coal, she quickly threw it straight at the creatures and their strange cry filled the night cool air, she stood and walked to the spot where whatever creatures it is was crying, Remi used a burning stick as torchlight She saw that it was a very big hedgehog covered in sharp spikes, it look so much like a grass cutter, they were two but one ran away while the other was struggling with it's life, Remi hit it over again before dragging it back to her fire place She smile to herself because the hedgehog which she believes was a grass cutter was a big meat that Will last for a long time The animal has a very sharp spikes all over which was like a weapon and it was so heavy, Remi engaged herself in working. this will keep her busy through the night, with the help of the fire she pulled out all the sharp spikes from its body and set them all aside An idea came to her, by tomorrow she will look for a bole, a tree trunk to make a bow and she will convert the spikes into an arrow She will make a bow and arrow, and practice with it until she perfect in hitting the rightful target without missing It will be a strong weapon in defending herself, she knew the gods are protecting her but she also needs to protect herself from dangerous animals. She wanted to roast the animal but she need to make a bigger fire Remi was too tired and slept off She woke up when something ran past her leg, she thought it was a dream but the creature ran past again this time around it jumped on her body and disappear Remi woke up immediately and sheild her eyes from the harsh reflection of the sun light It was day already and the sun was up, she robbed her eyes to understand where exactly she was as she wonder what she was doing in the bush She saw the dead bush animal and the fire she set overnight which was off by now, she Saw the spikes from the animal and breathed deeply The environment became familiar to her and the reason why she was there, she silently thanked the gods for keeping her safe through out the night She wondered the kind of creature that jumped on her body severally while she was asleep, Remi did not know what to do as she sat staring at the animal and how to get water to drink and wash herself, she stood and move faraway to go and ease herself When she returns she saw a monkey scattering her things. "Whaaaat... you are so dead today... do you see this dead grasscutter I killed it last night and that is how I will kill you now if you don't disappear from here... do you see bananas or fruits here... leave this place before I roast you alive... Remi picked up a stick and gently throw it at the monkey with no intention of hurting it, just to scare it off, the monkey laugh and ran away and later returned again, it sat on a branch right opposite the palm tree that Remi was. Remi saw an opportunity to talk as the monkey sat there eating nuts "I wish I can get water around here... I'm very throat is dry and I need to wash myself... you don't have to say anything... you are just an animal... you don't have sense...I need to roast this big meat but I need a big fire...hmmm... The monkey started laughing, Remi shakes her head before going to gather dry stick and leaves to make big fire, she was surprised to see as the monkey joined her in gathering dry sticks It later disappear and came back with fruits and dump it far from where Remi was before disappearing again, Remi went and picked up the fruits "Thank you... that was very thoughtful of you...I thought you don't have sense but I can see that you have little... She started eating the fruits which was very juicy, and it helps in reducing her patched throat She went back to work and the monkey came making some strange noise that Remi couldn't help but laugh out "Hey...I don't speak animal language...I speak human... and I understand little sign language but definitely not animal noise... She sensed that the monkey wanted her to follow him and she did She kept on following while wondering if she was stupid by following a common animal but something kept pushing her forward as the monkey took the lead, jumping from tree to tree while Remi followed, clearing bush track and cobwebs She hard sound of water and rush in the direction of the noise Remi happily exclaimed joyfully as she saw water gushing out from a spring, she spread out her hands and danced around She noticed the monkey was also laughing She rushed to the spring and had her fill, she drank deeply as she cuped her hand and drank from there, she turned to the monkey "I will call you Ore, it means friend in my dialect. Thank you Ore, let me wash up and... Remi noticed a pieces of cloth spread not far from the spring, she moved closer and saw a basket, a pot and a charcoal, she knew that those things belong to a human She has thought she was the only human in the wild forest but seeing those things worries her and same time gives her joy. "What could a human be doing here... is the person insane... who in his right mind will want to live in a forest," Remi quickly Wash up and took the pot she found there to take some water back The monkey was already waiting for her as she came back Remi quickly looked for a three trunk to start her bow and arrow making, the monkey stayed with her, closer now not far again "Ore... move those things closer to me... and come and sit on this rope... don't stand up until I ask you to...I don't know the kind of human living in this forest...I don't want to be taken unaware... let me get my weapon ready... move those things closer to me..Ore.. The monkey stayed where he was without moving, Remi repeated herself before using her hand to give sign and the monkey did exactly what she said After she was done, she created a strong arrow with the spikes from the animal she killed "Ore, is time to set up our real fire and roast the meat before it will spoil.. step outside... Ore... move...I said move away from there... The monkey later obeyed Remi set up the big fire and move her things away from there, she sat with her bow and arrow opposite the big fire as she watch it go up in flames The monkey sat on top of a tree far from the fire but close to Remi It later started making a strange noise "I told you that I don't speak animals I speak humans... stop making those noise Ore, I don't understand what you are trying to say...I would have love to share this bush meat but you don't feed on animals just fruits and nut... Remi hard a noise coming from a bush close to her she stood up and station her arrow in that direction She opened her eyes in shock when she saw a little girl not more than eleven years, bare footed, beautiful with a weaved back hair, Remi lowered her arrow as fear griped her, She noticed the girl also have an bow and arrow striped across her chest She approach Remi "I saw the fire and wondered how possible, and my pot is missing from the spring too, I told my father he said we are the only one here untill I saw the smoke coming in this name is Mikai, I live here with my father at the other side of the forest...he has gone hurting... who are you and what are you doing here... "Remi... is my name... I'm roasting a bush meat and that is my friend Ore... on top of the tree... Mikai looked up the tree and smile when she saw the monkey, the monkey jumped down to stand with Remi Mikai moved closer and came to stand beside Remi and Ore the monkey.
27 Mar 2019 | 11:07
your comments please
27 Mar 2019 | 11:17
@ryder and co new episode don land
27 Mar 2019 | 11:19
now Remi has company. But What could have led them to be living in the forest?
27 Mar 2019 | 12:23
interstng life dea in d bush, wonderful dat u got nice friends dea, itiangi inclusive!!
27 Mar 2019 | 12:26
The story is getting more interesting
27 Mar 2019 | 12:46
Thanks Bukolami
27 Mar 2019 | 13:43
so now u know that you had done something dangerous, save ur pleading for later, I like the way Remi dish those replies to you
27 Mar 2019 | 13:45
Thank God you got company, but i wasn't expecting that anyway
27 Mar 2019 | 13:46
fire on
27 Mar 2019 | 13:52
The beauty of the palace has fallen apart while the forest is becoming adventurous. Remi has all the spiritual and physical support to succeed and survive the wish of her opponents.
27 Mar 2019 | 15:05
Nike, leja and iya nike has started a battle against the gods of their land. Their journey of wickedness has come a long way of no return until they face the judgement and punishment 4 their evil.
27 Mar 2019 | 15:15
The princess spoke to them and the oba and co ignored. Remi spoke to them and they ignored and now two people that are so special has left 4 adventure intead of pain. Iyaiya remi and dami will have their consolation with the truth.
27 Mar 2019 | 15:30
The confidence in her ability to succeed has come. The bitterness of death has gone and was never with remi because she had confidence in the truth. Joy and gladness has enveloped her with strength and momentum.
27 Mar 2019 | 15:43
Remi an Demi it shall be well with u both
27 Mar 2019 | 20:59
Do great.that means that remi have neighbors now
28 Mar 2019 | 10:49
This is getting more interesting
28 Mar 2019 | 17:35
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 23. Dami digged up more ridge for his grandma at her backyard, he kept on digging and suddenly he stopped to wipe sweat out of his forehead, the sweet aroma coming from his grandma's kitchen filled his nose His stomach made a funny sound, he can't wait to eat whatever the grandma was making He sat on the ridge and held his digging hole in hand as he look straight at nothing He was deep in thought when his grandma startled him "Eku se omo daadaa... (Well done good child) I'm making risi ati omiobe (rice and stew) I guess you are tired... you have tried for today... go and wash up so that you will have something to eat...I bought rabbit from the hunter...I added it to the omiobe...and dried some by the fire for tomorrow efo we will be having a rabbit stew with rice...I have miss my usual bush meat... when your grandpa was alive... people come here to ask if there's any bush meat available...I will serve them and they will eat to their satisfaction before going to their different houses... your grandpa was a good hunter, a loving husband and a great father not just to your mother who happens to be our only child but to other children... "And you are a great loving grandma... you seem to be taking maami's death with ease... being your only biological child...every mother will cry their eyes out if they loose their child... "No mother wishes for the death of their children, every senseable human prays to grow old and and die at a very prime age...peacefully. it was a mishap... like a blow to us all but death is certain, mine May not come earlier but it will, both the good and the wicked dies my child... killing another will not make the wicked to live forever, the wicked will still die anyway... "I wish mother has lived...I wish Remi wasn't banished, I wish father was alive...uhmmm...I just wish for many things yet I can't have any... "If wishes where horses even beggars will take a ride on it... isn't it how the saying goes? happens my, we the living have to move on... let's not dwell on our loses but take everyday as a gift from the gods... only the living has hope for tomorrow...a living dog is better than a dead lion... being alive is not because we deserve it or we did more good than the dead...not at all... only the gods favors those they chose to favor, so everyday is a blessing and live it as such and don't be ungrateful rather be thankful in that way you will secure more of the gods blessings... "Bee ni iyaiya ( that's very true grandma) I imagine what Remi could be doing, being all alone in the forest, no good shelter, no good cooked food, no friends or anybody to talk to...just all alone, exposed to all kinds of danger, wild animals and bad spirit that hooves around... she is carrying a child...who will help her during birth time... How will she cope with everything...iya you assured me that egbon mi (my elder sister) will be fine but I find it difficult to believe just imagining all the danger she has to face.. except you are saying that to console me...all I see is the impossibility of her survival...I know she is very strong, she has a strength of five men yet even her strength may fail her in such an environment... she won't be able to make it iya...I fear... hmmm...I fear for her... "Don't be... Remi is fine...I assured you that... she carried a diamond that must not be tampered with... maybe if she has stayed behind the wicked would have found a means to hurt her and the seed of crown so the gods sent her away and I'm certain they will protect her... I know she has being through alot, wrongly accused, injustice done her and then a harsh sentence was passed, your mother died and she was banished with the child that was still forming in her womb... that is just too much for one person... yet she will scale through, victory will be hers when the sun finally set in her favor... "Amin...(Amen) let me run to the river and have a long swim, I will fetch more water on my way, I can't wait to eat the rabbit stew with nbo iya (I'm coming grandma) Nike came to meet Leja where he sat "You know you can't drop out now... whatever happens has happened..I wanted her off my way and is done... "You are so heartless... do you know that Remi also lost her mother and I'm very sure your wicked mother has a hand in her can you be okay with yourself knowing well that Remi might be dead by now for your sins... like mother like daughter...too do you sleep at night with your conscience... "I don't have one, I don't have a conscience...if you become an enemy I will make sure I clear you off my way... "Do not dare use those threatening tone on me... I'm very sure you know who you are talking to, I told you Nike..I warned you not to do anything against the oba that he has the ear of the gods and yet you disobeyed and went ahead just to have the prince and become the prince does not want you or any maiden close to him...ever since Remi was banished for the very sin you committed... you suppose to be the one in that evil forest and probably dead by now not Remi...but I'm sure the gods will deal with you for all your atrocities... "You mean deal with"us" I'm as guilty as you are so don't start what you can't finish...if I go down you are definitely going with me Leja... so you better cooperate and stop trying to shift the blame on me... and leave iyami out of this... I'm waiting for my flow this month if it did not come it means that the prince will be a father with your child...I will do everything I can to make the prince to become mine... whether he likes it or not... I'm fully into this no going back...I will achieve all my aim... just watch and see... Ope walked past Leja and Nike as they argue that day, Ope noticed that since Remi left, the palace has loose it's color, everything seem boring and quiet or maybe is the way she feels and Leja and Nike seems to be having argument every now and then The next morning Ope passed Leja without greeting him, Leja called her " I look so small or I'm I invisible that made you to walk pass me like that... "Imabinu... ekaro (don't be angry, good morning) "You have being giving attitude this days Ope...I noticed it but wanted to keep watching you until I'm sure of what you are turning guided... "I'm guided you are the one I should be telling to be guided...I don't mean this as an insult but why don't you hush Nike like you are doing right now...I know both of you are upto to something...I don't know what it is but I just hope it has nothing to do with Remi being banished... Remi is a good maiden and has a heart of gold... her sister Nike was always jealous of her and I know it right from time is just Remi did not see the green snake in a green grass that Nike was.. you lied the baby she carries was yours but I know is not true it belongs to the prince... Remi said it herself... and I believe her... even the princess confirmed it...I saw your guilty face that day her sentence was was as if you were being punch... Leja I understand that jealousy is making you do the things you don't want to do...but the gods will not forgive you if you don't let the cat out of the bag... Remi maybe dead but she will not be forgotten in the heart of those of us that love her... don't you feel guilty... you killed an innocent girl with your evil minded companion... "I did not kill any one... stop assuming things that you are not sure of... whatever happens is in the past now.. everyone is trying to move past that... "Not everyone... Leja... you can not move past it because it is glued to your conscience... Mikai hard a whistle from the far end of the forest and whistled back "That was my father, I call him Pah, he is back from hunting...we use mouth whistle to communicate sometimes... Let me call him to come over... Mikai whistled again three times with her mouth different sound, before turning to Remi who has thousand and one question she wanted to ask the girl who looks like she was not afraid of anything or anyone. "What are you roasting...I mean what kind of animal is that... burning out... that's not how to roast a game... "Is a grass cuter... the one it's back is covered with spikes... that is what i use to make my arrow... " looks like a hedgehog to me... and your bow and arrow is made from a bole..tree trunk... that's not good.. you can't do anything with this...I will give you one of mine...I have different types some made from animals skin... Pah thought me how to make my own weapon...I really have questions I would love to ask but let my father come first. "Same here, I also have questions but let's wait for your father... The monkey jumped on the tree and started making strange noise, a mouth whistle was hard not too far from where they where and Mikai responded "I guess your father is close by... that is why friend is making those funny noise... "Sure he is... animals has a funny way of communicating to humans... when you live among them you will get to understand them he comes...pah... A tall young man, maybe a little younger than Leja or same age, with a hand made raffle hanging on his shoulder, he was good looking and has a big scar on his forehead, Remi has expected an older man but was shock to see a young fine man, a Father to Mikai who has a little of his resemblance He stood surprised as he looked from Remi to Mikai, Mikai spoke first "Pah... her name is Remi, that's her friend the monkey, who she calls Ore... she is lost...I guess... so we are not really the only one living in the forest...we have a companion... and she is expecting a baby... look at her tummy... God added to us... we will have a friend and a sister... isn't that cool... pah... pah Remi smile as she watch Mikai speak to the man who seem to be lost in thought as he stare at Remi. When he got himself he moved closer "Pardon me please... I'm just shock to see another human here after many years. before I start throwing the question going through my mind let me introduce myself first... I'm Sipah from the far north. I guess Mikai has introduce herself already...I thought we are the only human here... I'm glad to meet another maybe we can talk about why you are here... you will need good food and a shelter... "I'm Remi... you and your daughter's accent sound so different and sweet to the ear .. I'm so happy that I'm not alone here... thank you Si...pah "Just call me Pah... and don't thank me yet... because we haven't done anything for you...I will pick up your things and we will all leave here... "Thank you "Pah.. I'm grateful Sipah and Mikai gathered up Remi things, wrapped it up and carried it, as they turn to leave, Sipah turned to Remi... "Forget about the bush almost turning into charcoal, whenever you want to roast a game.. don't leave it ones you throw it into the fire just... keep turning it untill is properly done...I will teach you how to do that... Do you still have another person here or you are the only one... "Yes, I'm just the only one with my monkey friend... Ore, hope you don't mind if he comes along...he has being so helpful... "Ofcurse not...Ore is from now onward our friend... let's go home Remi smiled as she looked from Sipah to Mikai who were both smiling, Sipah has a very attractive fine smile as he looked at Remi, she looked up the tree where the monkey was jumping from branch to branch "Ore... is time to go... come let's go... there's home for us somewhere... They walked untill Remi could see a mould house and the out house was built with leaves and sticks the whole place was widely fenced, and there were vegetables and yam farm, there was also corn and Millet farm everything seem to be in order and well arranged She smiled as Sipah ushered her into their home in the heart of the forest She thanked him ones again as Mikai took her into a warm room Sipah rushed to the fire place to cook something for Remi, who despite how stressed and troubled she look she still posses an inner beauty that is so welcoming He can't wait to hear her story and what she was doing in the forest Remi's looked out at the small window and saw Sipah, cutting wood and putting them on fire, something was cooking in the fire place, Sipah has a well built muscle and and an inviting smile, despite the scar on his forehead he was still very handsome and also young Remi wondered if he was truly the father of Mikai because of how young and handsome he was She can't wait to hear their stories and what made them to build a home in the heart of the forest surrounded by wide animals but for now she will silently thanked the gods for sending Mikai and Sipah to her aid.
28 Mar 2019 | 18:05
hope Remi is not falling for Pah
29 Mar 2019 | 04:21
wow...amazing...may the gods be praise...remi sure you now see that u re nt alone..i pray u found unlimited happiness with ur new folk's...the gods are at work sure u re more safer now...hope the little infant is kicking well in ur
29 Mar 2019 | 05:20
wow! is good to know that you are not alone,if I may ask, what happened to that girl an the father,why are they leaving thy too
29 Mar 2019 | 09:12
29 Mar 2019 | 09:34
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 24. “….you don’t understand how this people think…they reason like the old and did not want anything that will change their believe and when he came with that…it became a total war…they wedged a serious war against him and his family because they thought he wanted to corrupt their land and change what they hold dearly… “My grandma told me such stories…it also happened in our place…but they were chased out… “well…it still happens my dear...some people have a heart of stones and which can not easily be penetrated…that was how our people was…I’m Mikai’s uncle, but I have watched her grow everyday and turning into a strong beautiful woman, when her parents died and I escaped with her, she was just four years…she is twelve years now…which means we have live in this forest for eight years…the people almost killed us, as they lynched up the house and it went up in flames…their was no way of escape, Mikai’s mother was the first to burn up…I saw this things happen as angry mob stood outside rejoicing that they have burn us all, i called my elder brother Mikai’s father and his response was…was not in this world again…but I hard him saw…”sip…take Mikai… run…run as far as you can… become a father to her and let her be a daughter to you… don’t fail to put God first…for even in death there’s victory… dust off your shoes sand ones you are out of this town and never return to it…because this land will become desolate and barren…fear God…and put him first…let Mikai grow with the knowledge and power in the name above all names… “They were missionaries…I mean Mikai parents… “yes…they were like I said earlier… that was their only sin…our only sin, I wrapped Mikai up, there was no time to pick much things so I just pick the few I lay my eyes on and escaped through the window with Mikai, I ran with her into a near by bush and watch as the house was burn down…I held my breath and thought I was going to die too…but for the sake of Mikai I needed to be strong, we roam round the bush for days, eating anything eatable…but the Lord was with us…I dust my feet as I was told and cursed the land for taking the only family I hold dearly to my heart, Mikai father took care of me so well after the death of our parents until he got married and the wife became both mother and a sister to me…but that village took them untimely while we sleep at night…they set the whole building on fire and I manage to escape with Mikai…I live in hate and bitterness until I was tired of it and I just have to let go…hatred and unforgiveness does no good to anyone…if Christ can forgive his persecutors how much more we that claims to love him…i found a living here Remi…and God indeed has being God to us… “Your scar…on your forehead… was it cursed by the fire… “Not at all…I sustained it from here when I battled with a wild bear…well it gave me a life threatening injury but I killed it after all, and I also have several on my body, a hunter was attacked in the night one day, on hearing human cry for help I rushed to rescue and it was a hyena…not just one but four hyenas… hmmm, I killed them all but my body was scattered with their sharp teeth and I loosed a lot of blood but I recovered, God has being good to me and Mikai, he has never forsaken us, we have no charm protecting us here or any other power except the power from above… so…tell me about yourself… what brought you here “I was banished…I was wrongly accused of poisoning the king and I was banished… sent here to die, well it looks like the gods are smiling down on me just like my grandma always say, is a long story Pah…but I will tell you all about it…maybe tomorrow, today is almost gone, let me cook evening food for us… “the child you carry…is it for your husband…are you married…why will your people be so heartless to banish a pregnant woman…for God’s sake that’s so cruel and inhuman… “I’m not married, I got entangled with the prince one night and it resulted to my pregnancy, he can’t even remember because he was drunk…so when I told him the truth he refuse to believe me… so I bore this shame with pride no matter what…a child is a gift from the gods and shouldn’t suffer because of the sin of the parents…my story is an interesting one…but I don’t count my trouble anymore because I now have you, Mikai and ore as my new family here…well let me start the food preparation… “You don’t need to stress yourself…I will do the cooking… Ore, our monkey friend can keep me busy with it’s whining, you and Mikai can take a walk round the farm…I will prepare your bath before you return, and the food will be ready…we process our own little food here and is easily done…a lot of dry meat and fruits, oil, cassava meal, yam, millets, honey, quail and goose eggs too, the forest has thought me into knowing how to do almost everything and anything… this is our own world…far from our kind and live in the means of animals, most of the animals are very friendly…just like Ore, the monkey…if you don’t hurt them they will not hurt you…I set trap all around this fence for trespasser…Mikai is growing stronger and stronger both in the Lord and in strength… “Your way of believe is strange to me…and it sound and look so foreign, I grew up with different setting…and the gods of our ancestors are real…they set me up on this journey… hope you don’t mind if… “ Remi…in this place we won’t force you to adapt to our system of living and worship… in every village there are origin and traditions of the land that the people follow, like a yam festival, the moonlight festival, the first rain festival and so many others…and without this festivals and celebration the said kingdom may loose It’s purpose and traditions…live a free live here and don’t feel intimidated with our ways, the sun shine both on the good and evil…same is the rain…we are all one but have different calling and purpose…whatever rocks your boat…is fine by me, the gods of your ancestors still point down to the almighty, who is all knowing….and wise, the foolishness of God is wiser than the wisdom of men, he alone knows why our part crossed…and only his will must be done… “Amin…thank you Sipah…you are God sent to me…you Mikai… also Ore….hahahaha…it sound so funny how a monkey could be so helpful…I feel so blessed to be surrounded with your warm presence…i can’t stop saying thank you… Remi live with Sipah and Mikai even as her month of birthing drew near, Sipah and Mikai fetched water to feel their hand made pots, they put everything necessary down as Remi’s day drew near Remi was slicing vegetable that day Sipah has gone for hunting, Mikai went to the spring to get water, Remi was with Ore as she felt something gushing under her cloth. “Ore…Ore…come…come here… quick…. The monkey shakes it’s tail as it look up from the nut that he was eating, but did not bother to move “Ore…I said come…here….i need help…go and fetch me that wrapper over there… wrapper…my cloth is socked up…I can’t seem to move… Ore…get away from that nut and get that wrapper for me… please….. The monkey jumped up and down, making noise as if it was saying something to Remi… which Remi did not understand, the monkey instead of bringing the wrapper from the place came close and sat with Remi still eating his nut. “Ore…I wish you can understand me…but is… aaarghhh... there's a sharp pain coming...aarghh The monkey jumped on top of a chair that has pieces of cloth, he shift it close to Remi who was just confuse on what to do “that is not the wrapper I asked you to bring but this will be helpful…thank you anyway… She cleaned herself up, and tried to use her mouth to whistle as Sipah and Mikai does it but to no avail, she couldn’t do it despite how many time Mikai has thought her, she wish Sipah or Mikai will return and help her The monkey senses her discomfort and ran out, facing the spring, he later return with Mikai, who was on a run “is there a problem…Ore came to meet me at the spring, where I was washing, he was trying to tell me something I sensed is about you…are you alright “I think is the baby…is coming…the baby is coming… water just rush down under my legs…I don’t know the meaning of that but I sense the baby is coming... MIkai set up all the necessary things for her inside the warm room she share with Remi, she assisted Remi to go inside and just when she lay down and with just the second push a baby cry was hard. It filled the whole room, and just then Sipah came in with a big bush meat that he caught. He hard the cry of the baby and rushed to the room where Remi held her baby in hand while Mikai, tried to clean up the place after cutting the umbilical cord “Oh my God…wow…our baby is here finally… “Pah, she just gave the second push and the baby came forth with ease…giving birth looks so easy than what you told me…and is a baby boy… so cute…wow…I can’t wait to hold him too… “hahahaha…giving birth is never easy for some…some women pass on from there but I’m glad that is not her case, God is truly with her…no complication, and yes that’s a sweet looking baby…can I help with anything….congratulation Remi… Remi smile as she looked at her baby whom she wrapped up with cloth and he gentle suckle in her tiny breast… “thank you Sipah…God is good…everything was almost done before you came in, Mikai will make a good midwife…just help us and bury this umbilical cord…Mikai will do the rest… thank you…and we will also be needing a hot water again… Sipah smile and nodded, he can’t express how happy he was to see Remi deliver safely, he later rushed to the kitchen after burying the cord in his farm, he boil more hot water as Remi had demanded. Ore was just going around with Sipah as Sipah set up another fire to prepare a yam pottage for Remi with the bush meat he just caught.
30 Mar 2019 | 00:43
Don't forget to comments
30 Mar 2019 | 00:45
God is wonderful
30 Mar 2019 | 05:20
Great work
30 Mar 2019 | 05:38
Welcome home seed of crown
30 Mar 2019 | 05:39
God is always with remi from the beginning
30 Mar 2019 | 05:39
I know that nicke and leja will also be banishe in their village
30 Mar 2019 | 05:40
Wow wow wow our baby is out finally.remi congrats
30 Mar 2019 | 10:51
congrats Remi
30 Mar 2019 | 12:30
wow ... i love this...may the lord be praise..congratulation remi...and thanks "ore" for getting in touch with "mikai" on time...well i think i know the perfect name that will fit the new born won't name it yet that i won't be too
30 Mar 2019 | 14:31
Wow! Remi am happy for you
30 Mar 2019 | 15:49
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. EPISODE 25. The prince woke up amidst sweat and breathed heavily, this is the second time he was having the same dream, he wondered what the dream could mean, he try to sleep again but couldn’t, sleep has disappeared from his eyes, ,he stood up and walked to his chamber window, everywhere was dark outside, dawn was still far. He stood there for sometime before returning to his bed again He shut his eyes and tried to force himself to sleep again but his mind was occupied, all he could think off was just one person, the lady he has seen in his dream with a child, the prince started talking to himself just to ease off the burden that has weighed him down for long “Remi…ohhh…the gods she is dead by now, hmmm…I pray the gods accept her soul, she was indeed a beautiful maiden, I have loved her and wanted her ever since she stepped into the palace, my feeling for her grew by the day, I loved that maiden I wasn’t going to deny that fact but she was in love with Leja, Leja was her man, I never knew and when I found out I felt stupid…yes…I really felt a punch on my face, loving Leja’s woman…I have tried to wave off this feeling but I don’t seem to be doing so well with that…I wished I have made love to her that night…I just wish I laid with her maybe in that way she will have my child…not Leja’s child, well…she was pregnant for Leja before being banished…how I also wish father has listened to me and send her faraway to another kingdom… not into an evil forest…not totally banishing her… sending her off to die was so cruel…why will she even try to poison father…I see her as somebody who is not capable of such…why will she want to do such evil and where did she even get the poison…oh…Remi…how I wish you have lived, how I wish you were mine…how I wish it was my child you carried, you tried to lie to me that the pregnancy was mine…I don’t know why you will do such…your lover… Leja was angry and said something that made me have doubt in you…why do you seem to fill my dream with a child in hand…nursing a child in your arm who’s body seem to be transformed like that of a diamond…it shown forth and covered the whole place with it’s light…I don’t understand…I wish I do…I wish I understand what this terrifying strange dream means…Remi is dead and all I want to do is to put all that behind me…Olorun sa nu mi (God have mercy on me) mo fe run re (I loved her) I really do but…she is gone…killed with baby in her womb…too cruel yet she brought it on herself…I couldn’t do anything…I wish I have the power to change her judgement…hmmm…why is she occupying my mind…I don’t have a hand in her death…so why do I see her even in my dream with a baby in her arm…who shown so bright like a diamond…what is wrong with me…why can’t I think straight and leave the dead alone….i feel she is alive yet I know that she can’t survive the forest…she is dead…what do I do to move past this feeling… The following day it was hard that the Oba fell ill and couldn’t get up from his bed, the native doctors and medicine men came to administer different kind of medicine to him but he did not get better. Nike dressed so fine, she checked herself to make sure everything was in place, she pulled up her ankara skirt to her laps and wore a top that exposed some part of her breast as she walked to the Prince chamber that evening, she knew that the Queen mother was attending to the sick Oba, the princess has gone for a walk with her husband to be Tunde, the prince recline to his chamber more than before Nike tapped on his door gently and she hard when the prince asked whoever it is to come in Nike went in and saw the prince resting on his bed, he look troubled The prince looked at Nike from head to toe, she dressed as if she has come to seduce him, and such dressing was not allowed in the palace, how could she dress like this to his chamber “Why are you dressed like this in the palace…do you understand where you are… this is not the normal uniforms you are given to wear…and what do you want? “I’m sorry my prince…I was so busy I couldn’t wash all my maiden cloths on time…so I just washed them today… not quiet long and this was the only cloth left for me to wear… sorry about this…you looked troubled are you okay.. “don’t ask me unnecessary question…what do you want and please immediately you leave here go and look for the right cloth and wear, cloths like this are not allowed in the palace…you should have being told of all this.. Nike saw that the prince was not even move by her dressing which she has intend to use in seducing him, she romanced her laps and touched her breast stylishly while moving closer to him The prince watch her as she move touching every part of her body, he waited to see what she was up to as she move closer, the Prince sat up from his bed with hand akimbo frowning as Nike came to stand beside his bedside, she bent to touch the prince shoulder with a tone to show that she cares about him and the prince hush her angrily which made Nike to run far from his bed side “if you dare touch me with those wretched hands of yours I will cut them off and send the pieces to your mother….are you out of your mind, how dare you straight those filthy hands towards me…I asked you what are you doing here… Remi your sister was not so undisciplined like you are, Remi can not come into my chamber dressed like a village harlot… At the mention of Remi Nike became angry “My Prince Remi is dead you still have her name on your lips…she is long gone and forgotten, she was my late sister and it saddens me to remember how she died with her unborn child, she tried to kill your father, the Oba of this great kingdom…that is unforgiven crime…and she got what she deserve…please don’t mistake my statement in thinking I don’t love my sister… I do…but her sin was not only to the Oba but also to all…the entire land and anyone calling her name is just like inviting the wrath of the gods to their selves, she is dead and we all have move pass that…she has different crime pointing right at her, she did not only lie that she was pregnant with your child she also tried to blackmail you into settling with her because she wanted to be the Queen by all means…I warned her severally but she didn’t listen…I told her to change her evil ways but Remi has always being an evil stubborn child right from birth, she never listen to anyone and she got exactly what she deserve… “Why are you here…I did not ask you to give me details of what Remi did…I asked you what you came for…what do you want? “I’m pregnant…yes…I am…and you are responsible my Prince…the night you were drunk and ask Leja to bring me into your chamber and he did and you laid with me…that was the night I took in for you “hmmm…something is definitely wrong with you…you are a crazy maiden…this reminds me of Remi…yes Remi….she came here not so disgustedly dressed like you are, but she came anyway calming that I’m responsible for her pregnancy and the truth was that Leja was her Lover who got her pregnant… does this lies run in your family….lying, manipulating, tricky, seductive and dangerous does it run in your family… I’m beginning to wonder how you got to work in this palace, how did they chose you without a proper check up….you don’t deserve to work in the palace… you in particular… “I’m sorry my prince, I don’t mean to offend you and I am never like Remi, she was a liar all through her stay here but I’m real, I did not plan for this to happen but when Leja came to wake me up that you are asking for me and I obeyed… who am I not to anyway. I came here and you make out with me and I was shock when you wake up in the middle of night surprise to see me, you can’t remember what happened between us again… but it truly happen…I am not lying…I can swear it…please believe me..i am carrying your child…a son and a true heir for you…I can’t lie with such heavy thing…I understand the implications of such so I can’t do that…believe me, Remi lied to you and try to get you with those lies but she is long dead…I am carrying your child my prince… “hahahaha…you are carrying my child…very funny, I remember everything that happened that night, right from when Leja kept on filling my cups until I couldn’t take anymore drink, I fell asleep with my cloths on and woke up without them, I remember everything that happened, what do you take me for …a fool, I may not have remember what that transpired between me and Remi the night with her…during those party days, it was as if my memory of that night was wiped off but I remembered everything on the night with you, I know and I am very certain that I did not touch you… alright…you said I laid with you right…that is fine…how long is your pregnancy…how long have you gone… “I am thirteen weeks gone my prince….thank you for believing me…this means a lot to me…I am carrying the future heir to the throne…thanks the gods that you believed me I was almost afraid of your tone, now I’m relieved…I am thirteen weeks gone my prince… “yea, you are thirteen weeks, you are carrying the future heir indeed, fantastic...that is like three months and one week, the last time I caught you in my chamber naked was over five months now, you should be smart enough to know this… you are three months and a week, how possible….you must be out of your mind to come here with such blunder…is being over five months and you are just three months gone…you are really crazy…go and find who is responsible for your pregnancy…just as Remi found out hers…from now onward you have being suspended from this palace for one week, if you ever come back here with such news I will finally throw you out of the palace for good…and on your way out ask Leja to see me immediately…leave right now, tell the Queen mother that I sent you home for one week suspension and if she ask you what your offence are then you should have a better answer for her, pick up your things today, this evening and leave the palace immediately…next time you want to lie… try and be calculative and smart with it…but if you are caught doing such then you will have a lot to answer…get out…out of here now and out of the palace too. Nike walked out in shame, her plans has failed her, she bite her fingers in anger, she never thought that the prince will have time to start calculating the period she was in his chamber naked, she has not thought of that and the truth is that, the pregnancy did not enter on time as she kept on pressuring Leja to lay with her even after the night in the prince chamber, she and Leja has being on it and even when Leja do not want to do it she will force him or threaten him and when she confirm she was carrying a child she waited for another month to be very sure before going to the prince with the news, and now the prince knows the truth and she doesn’t know how to convince him again, she will go home just as the prince as suspended her for a week and she will tell her mother, she would have asked her mother to come and see the Oba so that the Oba will make the prince take responsible of her pregnancy, Leja will bear a witness to them confirming everything but now the Oba is so ill and will not be able to see anybody Nike was sad as she picked up her things, she will think of another way to get the prince to claim the pregnancy, she will certainly become the future Queen, she will talk with her mother and they will come up with a better idea. Remi sat with Sipah close to the fire place, while Mikia carried the baby, Ore was with Mikai and the baby, as they play around, Remi watched them and smile as the monkey kept on jumping to touch the baby but Mikai held the baby so high preventing Ore from touching the baby, which made Ore to cry out in frustration, Remi laughed out before turning to Sipah who was fanning the coal… “you should have allowed me do the cooking today…you are spoiling me too much Pah, you and Mikai, I can’t even do anything…maybe tomorrow I will do the cooking while you watch… Sipah turned and looked at Remi, he looked out at Ore who seem to be complaining of something but in a funny way, he looked at Mikai as she cuddled the baby in her arm, he muttered something to himself “Emmanuel…God is with us… “What…you said something…I did not hear you Pah… “a name for the baby…aside the one you gave him…I called him Emmanuel…and it means God is with us… “uhmmm…that is a strange name but is fine…the name I gave him is just the first name that came to my mind when I thought of a name for him “Ademide” which means my crown has come. “that’s good…your dialect sound so sweet to the ear…you will get to teach me some of it…I know Ore means friend… and Ore mi means my friend and few others…but I will like to learn more…will you teach me? Remi looked at Sipah with a smile on her face, and he was also looking at her with a smile, she blushed and looked away “what is there a problem… the way you looked away…I totally understand if you can’t teach me your fine dialect… Yoruba dialect…as much as I would love to learn but I can’t push it…don’t feel bad about that… “no…no I am not feeling bad…I will teach you…our class will start anytime you are free in the evening or any day you are home…I will love to teach you and Mikai… “thank you…and as for spoiling you too much…you deserve it… pushing out that cute baby without any complication, I know is not by your power but from the power above… being strong enough to carry him in your womb even after being banished…you deserve to be loved and cared for…and don’t worry I will let you cook tomorrow so that I will sit and watch you…I will love to watch you cook… Remi looked at him again as Sipah looked at her eye balls which was filled with happiness, Remi breathed deeply before looking away. She don’t know why she feel this way with Sipah, he looks at her and she feel like melting inside, Sipah has being great both to her and everyone here, he cares deeply and always so protective of them. She thanked the gods for him everyday. Sipah put some hot soup in the plate with lots of bush meat and vegetable and gave Remi “eat everything in there, the baby is eating from you remember, so eat up so that he will suck it out from you later… as Emmanuel is sucking out from you I will be here making sure you don’t lack vitamins, minerals, protein and carbohydrate which the plants and herbs gives us, I will be filling you in with enough quantity… Remi laughed out so hard and Sipah joined in. Diamond In The Forest Episode 25
30 Mar 2019 | 16:43
Drop your comments
30 Mar 2019 | 16:45
wow!!!! @last I was able to read from episode 1,,, this is wonderful and God will continue to be with dem
30 Mar 2019 | 18:18
thank God u are not alone in the forest ,may God keep u alive till u return home
30 Mar 2019 | 18:29
wow!!! this is wonderful, congratulations Remi, next plsssss
30 Mar 2019 | 18:29
I'm happy for remi. Everything will turn to nicke
31 Mar 2019 | 05:38
wow, God is really wonderful
31 Mar 2019 | 16:39
Its like some kind of chemistry is growing between Remi and Sipah
1 Apr 2019 | 03:24
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 26. “Where do you get those oso..? (Oranges) “From your backyard Iya…I climbed up the tree and got all this… “I never thought there was still more fruits in it…the leave are too crowded…one won’t easily know there are still big oranges in there…peel and bring some here for me… Dami quickly peel the oranges and gave it to his grandma. Who was throwing corn seed to a hen with its chicks… “Here is the orange Iya…you will over fed that hen…and it will become so fat and lazy to go and find food for her children… if you keep feeding it all the time…she won’t have strength to even protect the little chicks from the yellow eye hawk… “hahahaha…what do you even know…the hen reminds me of your sister…she is being taking care of, well fed, supported and loved by total strangers…and the seed of crown is growing in good hands… “Iya…do you see all this things while sitting here or the gods reveal them to you while at asleep…because I don’t even understand most of them… Remi being cared for by a stranger…do the stranger live in the forest or is he a hunter who took her home…and allowed her to… “shh shhh…don’t say a word… Dami kept quiet, he continued with his orange as he watch his grandma shut her eyes and raise her face upward…a strange wind blew and suddenly stopped. Dami felt cold and the orange in his hand fell to the ground, everything suddenly became normal again, he felt his normal self and started peeling another orange, he was use to his grandma strange behavior, she sees and hear things from the gods. Dami wondered what she was seeing or hearing again this time Grandma return back to her orange, after sucking off the juice she started eating the inside of the orange, Dami watched silently, he wanted to speak but doesn’t know if is okay for him to talk now, but he spoke out anyway “Iya there are still more oranges here…just in case you want more… “I know…I’m fine with this my child…hmmm…ose gan… “So…what did you see or hear… that made you to hush me to be quiet… “All I live for... is for you and your sister…my being alive is mostly because of your sister… she has a diamond… “Really…is that what you saw… real diamonds…wow…if she sell it she will become wealthy…are the diamond much…do they grow in the forest…aaah…Remi is so lucky… but is unfortunate that she can’t sell them…nobody will go to the evil forest to go and buy a diamond… “The Diamond I'm talking about is her child…I told you the day Remi gave birth…it was same day that the Oba fell ill and I doubt no medicine man can cure him…most of them know this, they are aware that the medicine they are administering to him does not have any effect on the king yet they keep on doing same thing all over because they don’t want to be the one to give the sad news but just to be around the Oba… the truth will be out soon because many will fall sick…not just the Oba, the Oba’s cabinet men will start falling sick one after the other and many other will follow, the kingdom will be torn apart and the prince will be heart broken and confuse, and they will come running…then he will remember… “running to where and he will remember what exactly Iya? ….will the Oba die…and why… why did the Oba become sick on same day that Remi put to birth…is strange Iya…and you said more people will follow in the illness…why is that…will the Oba die… “Just ask one question at a time my child…The Oba will not die yet…not now…the diamond in the forest will come to him and he will see the seed of crown… “I don’t understand Iya… “you should understand because I am not speaking latin to you…I speak in a clear and a very understandable tongue…try to clear your mind so that it will be easy for you to understand certain riddles and few of my saying, you are growing into strong man with a strong mind but not so strong like your sister…you are smart, strong and has a good heart for mankind…Damilola, your future lies in the heart of the forest… “Iya…if I say I don’t understand again you may start complaining but I serious don’t…I sometime get scared from this future in the forest…how is that possible…my future is here… right here in this kingdom…I’m not going anywhere…I don’t want to go and live in the forest…no Iya, I’m not at strong as my sister…if I’m sent out like Remi I will just die even before I get to the forest…at the mention of forest I have great fear because I will remember egbo mi (elder sister) but you said that she is happy and she is well taken care off with her child and that alone is all that matters to me, just for her to be fine…but my own future is right here please… “hmmm…nobody is sending you out of the kingdom…your sister was chosen by the gods and that is why she in the forest, you have no business going there but you still have business there… when the time comes my child you will love everything from the forest… “I will love egbo mi and her child… then the bush meat and fruits that I have not tasted before…that is the only thing that will interest me there nothing else…I wish egbo mi will return back now with my nephew…so I will teach him how to climb tress and swim in the river, I will teach him how to make ridges and how to be a great farmer… His grandma laugh before asking Dami to go and fetch firewood and he left immediately. Nike did not see Leja, she was told he went out, but as she got to the gate she saw Leja coming in, she pushed Leja to one corner “I have being suspended…so I’m going home right away…I will be away for one week… “Suspended by who and what was your offence…what happened.. “Omooba…he gave me one week suspension…and he said you should report to his chamber immediately….i went to tell him about the news of being pregnant but it didn’t go down well because he calculated from the last time i was seen in his chamber to the present day, he added everything up and it did not make sense at all…I never thought he will have time to start calculating all that and I was surprise when he brought it up Leja…I don’t even know how to convince him, so you can try to do that because everything lies within this child I’m carrying...i will discuss with Iyami and know what to do next….the Oba is critically ill and can’t attend to anyone…I would have suggested that me and Iyami come down to speak with the Oba if he will listen to us but as the whole thing is now we have to think of another way to get the prince into this…is the future I’m carrying here, I know is your child but the prince has to believe is this otherwise we are doom… “Omooba is not foolish Nike…if he can remember what happened the night he caught you in his chamber then there is nothing I will say or do that can convince him… “Don’t say that Leja, the prince trust and believes everything you tells him, you are the chief guard here too also the Prince right hand man….only you can convince him, make him believe that this child is his…I don’t know how you will do it but do it anyway you like…all that matters is for him to believe you…Omooba has no doubt in you…he trust you… “yes, he trust me and I have betrayed him severally already, I took his trust for granted…I wish I can get off this, I wish I never even get involve with this whole mess….the fact is he will not believe me and I don’t want him to start suspecting me in anyway…I will try to clear my head and… “clear which head…your head… hahahaha…you are a joker Leja, mind whatever you say to the prince before it backfires…clear your head and also clear mine because I am carrying your child, you can’t get away with this…the pregnancy did not enter when it was suppose to, and you contributed to it…I will make a solid plan you will scatter it…what is wrong with you…if you have laid with me continuously like I asked and wanted you to… the pregnancy wouldn’t be this late, I have to force and kept on disturbing you just for us to get here finally now the ball fall back to you…play it well Leja…play it well and don’t try to be smart with me…remember we are in this together…we have gone deep and can’t get out until the purpose is all achieve…think of what to tell Omooba so that he can believe you… Ope saw Leja and Nike whispering something to their selves close to the palace gate as she tries to spread the princess wear, she wonder what they were always talking about in a whisper, she watched them for sometime and felt anger building up as Nike talked with Leja, Ope frown as she stood at a distance watching them, Nike looked like she was pregnant and Leja is responsible no doubt, maybe the queen mother found out and sent her home because she looked like she was going home, Ope thought within her as she turned and walked away with some of the princess dry cloths She breathed deeply as she thought of Remi, she really missed her and it saddens her that she is no more, Remi has a warm presence, beautiful and hardworking but Nike was always jealous of her and she succeeded in making the Oba to banish her. The princess was suppose to be getting married soon but since her father is ill they have to postpone the wedding until the Oba gets better. Ope has become the princess personal maiden, the princess chosed her and asked her to be her personal maiden in place of Remi, and she has tried to serve with all her heart just as Remi had done, she is taking Remi’s step to serve the princess wholeheartedly. Ope knew that she will never be able to fill the gap or the emptiness that Remi left in everyone’s heart. The prince walked along the corridor and Ope who was carrying some of the princess dry cloths ran into the prince unknowingly and quickly knelt down to apologise “ejoo…I mabinu omooba…(I’m sorry my prince) “kosi wahala… (No problem) you serve my sister now? “ben ni, (yes, I do) “Good, and hope you serve well just as Re…Remi when she was here. Be sincere in your dealing and also be trustworthy and you will win the princess heart…by the way have you seen Leja around… “Yes, my prince…he is at the palace gate side…talking with Nike… “Nike, the maiden I sent for one week suspension?, what are they talking about…go and call Leja immediately…and tell that Maiden to leave the palace at once… Ope dropped everything in her hands and ran off to the gate, she wondered what Nike did wrong for the prince to send her home on suspension, she was glad that Nike was sent home. on getting there, Nike pause from what she was saying to Leja to face Ope… “Witch…what do you want here...what are you looking for… Ope decided to drop few insult for Nike first “Getting pregnant for Leja is that the way you intend to become the next queen, you told me that I should watch out and you will become the queen of this kingdom…and I am still watching and all I can see is that you are pregnant for Leja and the prince sent you home on suspension…what a pity,… “You are an idiot Ope, who told you I’m pregnant for Leja, I’m proudly carrying the Prince son in my womb, and I am not going on suspension but to visit my mother as the prince asked me to…deal with it jealous fool, because I will become the Queen of this great kingdom and people like you will become my footstool, I will banish you from this kingdom when the time comes, just like Remi was banished…enemies like you are threat to this great kingdom, you are meant to become food for the wild animals in the forest…that is where you will belong…is a matter of little time and it will happen… “hahahaha…may the gods curse that your lying mouth for saying you are carrying the prince child, the prince said it himself that you are on suspension and I should tell you to leave the palace at once. Leja, he asked you to report to him immediately…so Nike, go home and serve your punishment and all your evil deed will catch up with you one day, Remi deserve to be a Queen, she was truly carrying the prince child just as the princess has even testified but you feigned her up and got her banished with a child in her womb…you are so heartless, and mind you…the gods maybe crazy but they are wise and they will bring judgement to you and to the womb that bore you…Leja the prince is watching and he wants you to report to him at once and he said you should push Nike out of the palace, push her so hard or better still drag her out of this gate before going to omooba…Leja do it…the prince is watching you now… Leja got scared as he hard that the prince was watching him which wasn’t true. He turned to Nike and asked her to leave, Nike slapped his hand off her shoulder “so you want to push me out… you are crazy…can’t you see I’m pregnant with the prince son and this evil witch is so bitter because of that fact…she will die of jealousy…don’t touch me before the gods strike you down… “Nike, just cooperate and leave…the prince is watching us…don’t make this more complicated than it is already, just leave at once as the prince commanded….please. Nike quietly started walking towards the gate as Leja followed her to make sure she was out, Nike pause at the gate to look at Ope angrily from head to toe, she gave a heavy hiss before walking out. Ope started laughing at her as she walked away. Leja went to see the prince while Ope went back to the princess chamber.
1 Apr 2019 | 03:33
No enough comments No update
1 Apr 2019 | 03:35
Remi is blessed indeed Nike u think u are wise this is just the beginning
1 Apr 2019 | 03:59
Nike your evil deeds will be exposed soon
1 Apr 2019 | 07:42
It is good to be go and face your punishment ejoor
1 Apr 2019 | 08:33
Mmm there will be fire on the the future....sweet one for that
1 Apr 2019 | 09:50
The prince must be a fool for not understanding till now
1 Apr 2019 | 10:58
I just hate Nike
1 Apr 2019 | 11:41
What connect Dami and the Forest again?
1 Apr 2019 | 11:42
wow...this is getting interesting and more and more fun to am preparing my own cure and antitode...cuz am sure the kingdom will soon need my help to read more of this super story and safe them as"sorry oba" tasted from the wrath of god's first...
1 Apr 2019 | 12:41
am just waiting for Nike's doom
1 Apr 2019 | 13:46
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 27. “You sent for me my prince… I’m sorry I was out on palace patrol…I just returned… “You are talking with the maiden I sent out on suspension, I was told so… what business do you have with her.. “Nothing my prince…she told me that she was suspended and i wanted to know why… that was all… “Leja…I trust you and I hate to have doubt in anyone I trust totally…you are close to me and it was because of your hard work and sincerity that made you to become the chief guard and the Oba has rewarded you greatly for all your labour and when you saved me from drowning at the river. you have serve well and you know almost everything that goes in and out of this palace…why I’m saying this is because I have few question for you and I need a truthful answer, you have never lied to me so don’t start now….Nike came to me with the news of being pregnant and the funny part is that she said I’m responsible. the night I woke up and saw her naked in my chamber and all my cloths were off…that was the night she said it happened….now tell me is this true, did I send for Nike because I don’t see any reason why I will do that…I have no interest in her at all and I won’t even in my dream…why will I specifically send for Nike and then lay with her…because I remember all that happened that night, you kept on filling my cup until I passed out and the next thing is a naked maiden in my chamber…and she is claiming that I laid with her…and I’m certain…so certain that I did not do such…so tell me the truth…what happened that night… Leja breathed in, he wish he can say everything without covering anything up, but if he has to that then the real truth about Remi’s pregnancy and so many other things will be revealed and the prince will never forgive him, he may end up being punished or banished, “may the gods forbids, being banished and die in the evil forest is not my portion and the gods will not allow such thing to befall me”, Leja prayed in his mind. Leja bent his head not knowing how to start but he has to end this evil seed that Nike has started planting before something else goes wrong, he will leave Remi’s part out of it, she is dead and long gone, so she has become a history but Nike was running with speed with this her evil plans and he can’t bear it any more, he has to tell the prince everything that happened that night “Leja…soro…kilo sele…I asked a question and I need a sincere answer…why are you quiet…all I want is the truth, if you have lied before to me then say the truth now before I start digging, say the truth because that is the only way to my heart…you know that. “my prince… i….i mean…I uhmmm...imabinu…you are right my prince…you never sent for Nike that night neither did you lay with her, the child that Nike is carrying is not yours…I don’t know how she sneak into your chamber that night and I was surprise to find out when you asked her to fetch me that night…she was obsess with you and wanted you, most maidens admires you greatly my prince but Nike took it too far and all I did was to cover her up and not for her to get into trouble with you, I never knew she will come up with this pregnancy thing…she took it too far and I am deeply sorry for not saying the truth when you asked me and I did not bother to come all this while to clear what happened that night…I know you trusted me, I betrayed that trust and I felt bad after lying to you that night please for give me my prince…e joo Leja knelt down and the prince asked him to stand up and he quickly did. “Is there any other thing you aren’t telling me…Leja…I feel there is more to this…tell me more…. Everything I need to know. “That is all my prince, if anything needs to be told you will be the first to know…this is all “Leja…Leja…why will you agree to such...she pulled off my cloth because I woke up without my cloths on, what an insult to my person, she was standing right here naked…real naked, Leja… and she did not make any attempt to cover up until I asked her to…why will I see such thing, you strongly lied to me and said I sent for her when I know fully well I never did, you made me look like a fool and I did not know what to say except to ask two of you to leave my chamber that night…why will you agree to such, your duty is to the palace not to a maiden, why will you even defend her unruly act… who is responsible for her pregnancy… “..i…I don’t know my prince… maybe is from outside the palace…but…I uhmmm don’t know…all I know is that she was obsess with you and she took it too far…i am so sorry… deeply sorry, I plead for your forgiveness my prince, please… I’m pleading…such will never happen again…I promise…I will do my work as I’m trusted to do…with all sincerity…I will… “enough…when that maiden returns from her suspension she will be totally dismissed from the palace, such people should not be here…they have no place in this palace…they are desperate and dangerous and before she will be finally dismissed ask her to bring her mother to the palace…in fact go to their house tomorrow and give her my message, tell her while she is resuming back from her suspension she should bring her mother along, I need to see the kind of woman that gave birth to such maiden, I will love to know if the woman gives advice to her daughter at all, that maiden is wayward and unrestrained that was why she has the gut to do what she did, and as for you Leja, my trust for you has gone below my legs, I will have to weigh everything you tell me next time, until I’m certain is the truth, it will be hard for me to believe you… you failed in your duty and you deserve to be suspended too but I will let you be for now, leave my chamber at once.. Leja bowed and left immediately, he wish he has not allowed his jealousy to get the best of him, he wanted Remi but when the Prince started showing interest and Remi never gave him a second look, it prompted him to get involve with Nike and the result so far has being disastrous, innocent lives has being lost and now the prince has doubt in him, he wish there was a remedy to everything he has done, he wish he can totally confess everything but that will be dangerous, the prince is angry with him for just this, that means if he has told the prince everything, the truth about Remi and all that he has gotten involve in, the prince will want to have his head in a platter, he will do worst things to him. And Nike may want to get back at him if she finds out that he have spoilt the whole plan, she and her mother will not take it lightly with him, but she will also be getting herself into a bigger mess if she decided to tell the prince what happened, Leja knew Nike can not tell the whole truth. But whatever that may happens he silently prayed it will not get worst than it seems already. Remi held Ademide as he feed in her arm, she watch him with a smile and suddenly hard Sipah’s voice who was watching her from the door, she startled “Sorry…I scared you….i just wanted to know how he is doing, I was out the whole day and didn’t get a chance to play with him… “He is asleep now, he looks so beautiful Pah, and just watching him alone gladdens my heart… “Sure, he is, you are beautiful Remi…so is only normal to breed your kind…you have a warm heart, when I say you are beautiful I mean every word of it...inside and out. Remi looked up at him and they locked eyes for sometime, the native handmade lamp burn at one corner, Mikai sleep soundly, Ore was out, he sometimes sleeps on the tree or in the house that Sipah built for him, Sipah also built a house for Mikai’s birds, rabbits, squirrels and other pet animals that Sipah caught for Mikai Sipah looked away, as he felt the heat of his emotions “I just wanted to check up…i will wash up and go to bed, good night Remi…good night Emmanuel…I pray the almighty God, keeps us all safe through out the night as always and may morning bring the blessing of the new day to us… “Amen…thank you… goodnight… Sipah turned to leave and Remi spoke again making him to pause. “Pah, you are also handsome, even your scar can not hide the fine man that you are, you are a good man with a large heart, sometimes I mistake you for an angel in human. Thank you Pah….i love…I mean I love the environment you created for us here… Sipah smiled, he nodded before walking away, he washed up and return to his room, he lay down in his bed and watch the fire from the clay pot in his room, burn quietly. Remi has occupied his mind and he forgot to pray, he sat up from his bed and silently started praying “heavenly father, I thank you for your numerous blessing everyday, I can’t tell it all, even if my body is filled with mouth is never enough to say thank you father, thank you for Remi and Emmanuel, thank you for Mikai, Ore our monkey friend, the beauty and quietness of this place, where people dreaded most you created a beautiful home out of it for us. Night has come and I ask for your protection over us, send your angels to surround us, no evil is allowed close here because we are under your wing of protection. Thank you so much for your love and kindness so far, I tell you everything because you are a good listener and a loving father, today I decided to talk to you about Remi, my emotions and the way I feel for her, I don’t know if this is right or not but I don’t want to do things you won’t approve off, keep me in check and don’t let me run wild with this, it may seem normal to be together but I am not counting on what seem normal in my eyes but what you think about it all. Have your way in our lives and perfect that which concerns us….may we find our purpose in life and live as you want us to live…this and many more I pray in Jesus name…. Amen. Sipah returned to bed and slept with peace in his heart Remi lay with Ademide in her own room, she wish she can express how she feel about Sipah, he looks at her the way she love, she melt at his gaze and love having him around, he makes her have this warm feeling that she can’t explain, she wonder if Sipah feels the same way too, she wish Sipah could just tell her the way he feels about her, she almost said that she loves him earlier which was what she had wanted to say but caught herself, Sipah maybe feeling different from that. Remi breathed deeply as she tried to think of something else, she thought of the prince and frowned, she has had same feeling for the prince, same feeling that she was having for Sipah, the Prince has joined many other to hurt her, only the princess and Ope stood by her in the palace. Remi wondered what life was like for them, they all probably thought she was dead. Remi thought of her late mother and wiped a tiny tear off her eyes, she wondered how her grandma and Dami are doing. Her grandma’s riddle has never left her heart “two will want you, only one will have you, then disaster will struck and the gods will take you far away with the seed of crown…which will become a Diamond in forest…sorted after…. She understand her grandma’s riddles but not fully, the only part she is yet to understand now is “diamond in the forest that will be sorted after…by who, Remi asked her self silently, she looked down on her son and covered him up properly. “the only good thing I got from the palace is Ademide, the prince broke me up even without knowing, and when I thought the world has come to an end for me I found a new home here and another beginning… I’m glad the gods kept me safe until I brought my Ade forth. This is my present, Sipah, Mikai, Ore and everything here is my present and I find peace here, no trouble, just us living in our own world. All I wish is that Sipah will open up to me on how he feels or maybe I should tell him…no I can’t, I will rather remain quiet and allow whatever will be to be…but I feel something strong for him… same as I have felt for the prince. Remi breathed again before shutting her eyes, as she allowed sleep to take over her. Diamond In The Forest Episode 27
1 Apr 2019 | 18:05
Remi follow your heart I support you
2 Apr 2019 | 03:07
Its normal to feel the way both of you feels but I dont think you guys are destined to be together
2 Apr 2019 | 04:05
Its normal to feel the way both of you feels but I dont think you guys are destined to be together
2 Apr 2019 | 04:06
Leja do you think that you can hide the truth forever?
2 Apr 2019 | 04:07
@vikkichidi94 I don't think so they are not destine to be together Maybe considering the fact that they will later seek for Remi and her child
2 Apr 2019 | 07:16
thank God Sipah has self control
2 Apr 2019 | 07:18
sipah is really a man of God,,, but I don't think REMI is God's will for sipah
2 Apr 2019 | 09:52
sipah is really a man of God, If it were to be oda men,, dey would Hav taken advantage of REMI's situation
2 Apr 2019 | 11:14
hahahaha this Nike thinks she's wise ,Nike if the god's start thy own with u ,u will forget ur name saf
2 Apr 2019 | 11:58
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 28. Ope walked round the market to make sure she has gotten everything the princess sent her to buy. As she was about going she sighted a young boy, she recognized the boy very well, despite he has increased in height and body she still know who he was He wanted to buy fufu from a older woman who seem to be smiling while talking with him Ope quickly walked up to him and tapped him on the shoulder, he quickly turned and looked at Ope with a confused face before greeting her "Eka sun (good afternoon) "Ba wo ni (how are you) "O wa pa (I'm fine) "Do you know me...or let me say do you remember me...? "Rara o (not at all) "Are you through with what you came to buy or you still want to buy other things? " I'm through...I just want to wrap up the fufu and I will be on my way... Ope nooded as he collected the fufu and greeted the woman cheerfully and they both Left the market together. "Oru ko mi ni Ope (my name is Ope) I work in the palace...and I was close to your sister Remi before she was banished... I'm deeply sorry for your late sister and also your late mother, Remi was a nice maiden but she has so much enemies than friends and they plot together to destroy her...I am sorry... what is your name again.. "My name is Dami and I live with my grandma now, she sent me to buy somethings at the market, the woman you saw me talking with use to be Maami's friend, they usually sit together in this market and sell their fufu but ever since maami passed on she has never stopped giving me and my grandma free fufu, she refuse to collect money from me, she said maami was kind to everyone including her, maami will give her last meal to a total stranger and go hungry... Maami's death is still a shock to her and to those she was close to, it sound so unbelievable because she was looking healthy on the last day she came to market and the following day she was gone... followed by my pregnant elder sister being banished, I thought the world has come to an end but I'm glad to be among the living. well, I think remember you now. My sister do mention your name sometimes back then... how's the palace and the Oba...we hard that he is very ill, hope he is getting better? "The palace is cold as was as if your sister took the color along when she left... the palace is never the same but we all go about our rightful duty as we called to and as for the Oba... we are still hoping on the gods for him to get better...I hard this morning that two of the cabinet men are also sick and the native doctors has gone to attend to one knows what is happening... only the gods sees in secret... "My grandma said so... she said many will become sick and the kingdom will be torn apart... the seed of crown which happens to be the diamond in the forest will be sorted after... she said the oba Will not die.. he will live to see the seed of crown... "What seed of crown and diamond are you talking about...I don't seem to get what you are saying Dami.. what are you really talking about... "I can't even explain myself I'm just quoting my grandma...but she say certain things that ends up being true. She makes me to believe that Remi is alive and well... she has a son and they live in the forest with with a stranger...I believe her because she has the ear of the gods... "Can you take me to her, I mean iya agba... your grandma ... Let me greet her before going back to the palace Dami took her to the house, the grandma was making ewedu soup with a short bunch of broom. She has prepared Amala already as Dami went to assist her after introducing Ope to her. Ope knelt down and greeted her before Iya asked her to stand up "Remi was my good friend back in the palace before the disaster struck... she was a kind person, I just wanted to greet you Iya and to also sympathize with must be very hard loosing both daughter, grand daughter and even a great grand child if Remi's had given birth...but the gods knows the best...Remi was selfless when she was alive... "Yes, and she is remain selfless because she is alive. she trusted too much but that was because of the kind of person she is, enemies in a friendly clothing were surrounding her... it wasn't because she was cold or foolish that sent her to the forest... my grand daughter was wise and bold yet too soft... "You mean she survived the forest and bore her child right in the wild... "Yes, a son, diamond in the forest...he is the seed of crown... a remedy for the kingdom... "Oh... the gods be Remi will eventually return back to the kingdom alive with a son... sound too good to be true...I can't wait Iya... I can't wait for her return... how long will it take for It to happen... "The gods did not reveal the time or hour, I use to guess maybe it will be upto five years before all this will take place but I feel the time is close... she is not coming alone... she will be coming with total strangers... they have shining light around their feets, they came before and built The first school here for us but the Oba chased them away because he felt they brought new strange teaching that may corrupt the people's minds but this time the stranger coming with my grand daughter will come to stay, he will pitch his tent here and many will come to believe in his teaching...he is a good man with a pure heart and so is the little girl with him... they will marry our own and multiply... the troubled kingdom will be peaceful again because the wicked will not stand the heat... they will be exposed soon... "Amin... Iya, even though I don't understand everything but it all sound too good...I am so happy to know that Remi is alive and I will keep pleading to the gods to keep her and her son safe until there return...iya I have to run back to the palace now...I met Dami in the market and decided to stop by and greet you.. "Please wait and eat something my child, the soup is almost ready... you can't come over without eating or drinking from me... the princess is not in need of you right now so eat before running are a good child and the gods are smiling towards you... your fight for justice will be greatly rewarded...but in all your doing be wise because the enemies plan is only to kill and destroy anyone standing on their way... Ope nooded and waited as grandma served her Amala and Ewedu soup with dry fish. As Ope silently ate, Dami sat beside her eating his own Ewedu with fufu, grandma kept on talking to her about things that are yet to be Ope did not understand every thing but she nodded anyway The food was so delicious that she ate up the plate of Amala before thanking grandma Before she Left she promise to always stop by any day she was sent to the market just to check up and to know if iya agba cooked Amala and Ewedu They all laugh before Ope Left. Nike's mother became sick, Leja came to give the prince message to them but found out that Nike's mother was critically ill, he passed the message anyway and left without wasting time, he tries to avoid any suspense or questioning that will come from Nike. Leja reported back to the prince Nike couldn't return to the palace after the prince warning, she doesn't know what Leja said to the prince which made him to dismiss her from the palace maiden, she was angry at Leja and planned to find out what he told the prince ones her mother's health improves. She wanted to be in the palace where she will get to see the prince daily but she can't leave her mother in her condition She planned to deal with both Leja and Ope if she is allowed back to the palace. Nike wondered why people were falling ill in the kingdom, first it was the Oba, then two cabinet men now her mother who knows who will follow next. But she wasn't afraid, she must try to achieve her aim by becoming the next Queen of the kingdom, and Leja has to help her achieve that other wise he will expose him. Remi worked with Mikai in Sipah's farm, as they harvest the corn. Ademide was securely at her back with the stained wrapper which has become almost everything to her in taking care of her son Sipah has gone into the forest to cut woods for his farm. Ore was with Remi and Mikai as he follows them everywhere they go wanting to assist but don't seem to know how When Ademide started whining and crying, Remi decided to drop him close by, she spread the corn ear first on the farm land before spreading the wrapper over it to make it soft. She sat Ademide on the ground and asked Ore to play with him Ore was happy to have baby Ademide to himself as he jump up and down making the little boy to giggle. Ademide stopped crying and started laughing as Ore started entertaining him. Mikai looked over to where the baby and monkey was playing and started laughing "Ore will make a great baby sitter...he act like a human atimes...he likes playing with Ade... The baby is fond of him... "Yea, Ore is an intelligent animal, the first day he showed me the spring I was shock... my throat was patched...I really needed water and Ore lead the way to the spring, it was from that day I gave him the name Ore... "Someday I pray to also have a baby...I love babies...I grew up here with Pah, he told me the stories of my real parents burning in a house fire set up by wicked people, Pah saved me and he became a parent to me, he taught me to read and write and how to do so many things like my own weapon, he is my father and my only family I have on earth, I'm use to this environment and I'm not afraid... I'm use to pah and the animals untill you came here, pah has said if I come of age he will take me to a faraway village where I will be able to have a suitor... maybe marry and have children...he doesn't care much about himself, but I pray every night that God will protect him and send a woman who will become his wife... do you know that when you came it looks like you were an answer to my prayer... you and pah were getting close I was happy but recently i notice that pah seems to be distancing himself from you... do you know why? "Well, not really... you know pah can be weird and he prays alot... maybe he likes having quiet time where he can communicate with God without any distraction... "Maybe you are right... Pah prays too much, almost all the time. you said you also lost your father and mother, the only people alive is your grandma and your brother... you are still blessed to have a grandma and a brother...I wish I have a grandma and a sibling too...but is all good... the Lord's ways are far different from ours... he sees and knows all things. Pah thought me to be thankful in everything... forgive those who hurt us and pray for those who hates us... "He is a good man...I mean Pah and he really brought you up in the right way but forgiveness doesn't come easily for people like me...I still hate those who hurt me and I wish them nothing but pain and suffering... "When you forgive you do yourself a great favour because hate is a great burden and it can weigh you down... "Your words are too matured... let's talk about something else. will you like to leave this forest someday...I mean with Pah...? "Certainly, I will love to live among humans, I will love to visit the market and see lots of people, I will like to go to the stream and see people there... not just me and pah but living in the means of plenty people and blushing when a handsome man looks at me like you blush when ever pah looks at you...I have seen you blush before... "Whaaaat...oh mine... do I really blush... was it that obvious...oh Mikai.. now you have caught me.. "Yes, you do blush and I wish I can get a fine, God fearing, hardworking, fearless man like pah who will also make me blush... hahahaha..oh my God...I sound like a broken record.. "Yes... you really do, but my younger brother can actually fit into your description...he can make you blush, he is handsome, strong, hardworking, God fearing too... "I'm not sure your brother will like a girl from the forest but we are running ahead of ourselves...we are still in the forest... let's wait untill we out of here first...but this place is so cool unlike the noisy crowded world... Pah says that alot. The hunter he once saved brought different things to thank him, like the crops we plant, cloths and foot wears... many other things. Is being years now we never hard from him. Pah told him not to come to this part of the forest at night again because is dangerous for him and he is an elderly man, unlike pah filled with hot strong blood, he has being through alot but I'm glad God kept him... everything in this world may fail but God's word stand firm forever...look... look... Ore is trying to lift Ade from the ground...I think he has peeled on himself and Ore want to move him.... hahahaha... this is so funny... Remi laughed at the scene before going to carry her son from the ground. Sipah was carrying wet wood which he plan to use for his yam and other crops like vegetables, beans, groundnut and melon. Ore saw him coming and ran to him He was happy to see him as he jump up and down. Remi and Mikai watched and laugh while Sipah kept on smiling with the heavy wood which he later dropped down, he breathed heavily. He waved at Remi and Mikai before leaving again to cut down more wood.
2 Apr 2019 | 18:22
@ryder her happiness matters
2 Apr 2019 | 18:54
The beauty of the truth and destiny took her far away from her village and put her in a place of adventure. Remi's survival is the truth and destiny and prophecy fulfillment
2 Apr 2019 | 20:30
Sipah, mikai, and ore the funny intelligent monkey played a huge role in her harmony. Remi and sipah really need to take it easy with love as they are doing because the kingdom will one day wait 4 the return of the future queen and prince. Ademide, the son of the prince is the special one like the diamond.
2 Apr 2019 | 20:41
Iyaiya remi, dami and ope has known a lot about the future with iyaiya leading the team. The princess has every reason to be strong 4 her friend remi. The disappointment and agony of heartless deceit has started striking leja and nike the wicked one's.
2 Apr 2019 | 20:50
Friends make una come and see my gussing here.
2 Apr 2019 | 21:25
Remi will return after tomuch pleas. and it will take her long time befor loving prince again.
2 Apr 2019 | 21:27
Princesses will be getting married to tunde.
2 Apr 2019 | 21:28
Remi will marry prince
2 Apr 2019 | 21:33
Sipah will marry ope
2 Apr 2019 | 21:34
Dami will marry micke
2 Apr 2019 | 21:34
The enter of the seed of crown will get the oba heal
2 Apr 2019 | 21:36
Now the village will become believer of GOD
2 Apr 2019 | 21:37
The villagers will be in peaceful as grandmother said
2 Apr 2019 | 21:38
Please we are waiting for episod 29 and the rest
2 Apr 2019 | 21:39
thank God u an ur baby are safe , Nike ur own cup don full now ,I don't think Remi an pah are destiny to be together,Remi we surely go back to the prince someday
3 Apr 2019 | 04:07
@vikkichidi94 Yes it really does matter but destiny decides how we eventually live our lives
3 Apr 2019 | 05:13
But it seems they might end up together anyway because of Iya's prophecy about missionaries
3 Apr 2019 | 05:14
At least remix is happy
3 Apr 2019 | 06:20
Am glad that Nike's mother was also met with the calamity
3 Apr 2019 | 06:32
in this case iya nicke is going to die in this her ill
3 Apr 2019 | 07:08
following keenly!!!
3 Apr 2019 | 08:00
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 29. More people began to fall sick in the kingdom, the Queen was not left out and no medicine man have a cure for the sickness outbreak, the Prince took over in place of his sick father, he invited different healers from faraway kingdom and they all came and yet none could place a name for the sickness or the cure to it. The kingdom was torn apart as several people went into panicking and fear, they prayed to different gods to help them out but nothing was done. English doctors where invited, after administering all the drugs they could think off and still no positive result they packed and left. Things were becoming more complicating and the whole kingdom was in disarray Ope was with princess that hot afternoon as she tried to cheer a saddened princess up “Maybe we should go for a walk…in that way you will feel better…my princess… “I don’t feel like going anywhere, do you wonder if this sickness that is taking over the kingdom is in the air… when we go out there and breath in the wrong air then we will also fall ill…just like many out there….Father, mother, the kings maker and so many other people… sometimes I’m afraid….i wonder who will be the next victim, maybe the gods are punishing us for some unknown sin we did in the past…can you imagine that no doctor…no medicine man has a cure for this sudden sickness… the English came and tried their best, the native doctors are doing all they could but yet nothing….what could be our sin, father has being ill for too long…Tunde is a very patient man, he is ready to wait until everything is in order again, I can’t marry him when my father and mother are dying….this is really strange… my brother is now in charge of everything in place of father… he is worried sick and the last time I saw him he is deeply troubled…mother who was caring for father is seriously down…who will save us apart from the gods…I pray for their mercy everyday…and to purge our land and restore the peace of this great kingdom… Ope thought of Remi’s grandmother and all she has told her about Remi being alive and a diamond child she bore which may be the answer to the troubled kingdom, maybe the gods saw her innocent and the injustice being done to her and decided to raise a trouble dust in the kingdom, she and her son maybe the cure to this kingdom Ope decided to speak up “I once visited Remi’s grandma one day after meeting her brother in the market… “oh really, is really sad…how are they doing…Remi’s death must be a very sad one to them…thinking of the way she was banished and has to die in the evil forest…with her pregnancy…sometimes I do think of her and it saddens me anytime her thought crosses my mind…she left with the beauty of this kingdom and I know she was innocent and the baby she carried belong to my brother who refuse to admit to the truth. maybe…just maybe her death was part of the punishment of the kingdom, I don’t have any right to say that father did not judge her well and the cabinet men worsen the issue, but I can’t help but admit to the fact that is just the bitter truth, Remi is innocent, I was the one that sent her that day to go and tell the queen mother that I will be leaving for the stream the following morning, she was with me the whole time before I sent her to mother and the next news was that a maiden tried to poison the Oba, I saw them hitting and even trying to force her to eat the supposed poison, I saw her fought for herself despite her condition, no one judged in her favor, no one stood in her defense, everyone condemned her, they all condemned her to go and die in the evil forest….is very sad, it was a cruel sentence and her death…it must have being painful, think of the wild animals tearing her apart and digging there claws into her…aaaahhhh…is terrible Ope…just imagining that alone makes me sick…is so terrifying … “Yeah…it is...don’t imagine such my princess because it never happened…Remi’s grandma told me that Remi is alive and she has a diamond child…she is being taking care by total strange whose feet is filled with light….she said that… “duro…duro…ki lo soro (wait, what did you say) “ Remi lives with her son whom she bore in the forest….and she is cared for by a good stranger who will later live and marry among us…that was what iya agba told me….and it sound too good to be true…but with the way she said it…I’m certain that Remi is truly alive… “is she a diviner…how did she know…the gods must have revealed that to her….yes…Oh the gods be praise…I need to see my brother immediately and tell him this good news… and I also need you to take me to see her grandma….this is indeed too good to be true…is something good to hold onto… maybe Remi’s grandma will have more to say… The princess rush out to see her brother, the prince. Nike waited for Leja outside the palace and when Leja came walking down the road Nike came out of her hiding and started insulting Leja “I have waited for you here all day, because I was certain you will pass here today, what did you tell the Prince, I went to resume back to work after one week and the guards at the gate refuse to let me in, I asked to see you but they said you are with the prince and you can’t see me…I was dismissed from the palace not because of my pregnancy but because of whatever you told the prince… you are a foolish man…what did you tell the prince…you sold me off to him so that you will remain a guard and trustworthy servant right… idiot…you lied to the prince and spoil all the whole plan i took time to construct…all my hard work on how to become the next Queen you spoil everything with that your wide mouth like basin…. “why all this insult Nike, I never told the prince anything, you sold yourself out by going to seduce the prince and even lied that the child you carry belong to him, your head was filled with rat brain which made you not to calculate well, you spoilt your plan with your own hands, if you are smart enough you could have known that the prince will find out the truth one way or the other…he is a prince, the next Oba of this great kingdom…he is not a fool…and for your information, I’m not interested in that child you carry, I have washed my hands off it even before the prince threw you out…I don’t want to have anything to do with you or the child, you wanted to be pregnant…you got exactly what you asked for…so carry the burden but never you include me in it because I will deny that I ever know you or have anything to do with you…bear your child and become a mother…but I’m out of this…if I ever want to have a wife or a child it will never come from you…you and your mother are a dangerous venom… and non of my seed must come from you… “you are an unfortunate he goat Leja, smelly he goat like you…fool, since the prince rejected me and this child there is no hiding place for you…you are the rightful owner of this pregnancy and you must take responsibility of your action… you can not escape it…never… and I will tell every one the whole truth, I will let them know all the evil that you did… let’s bet…just bet with me and you will see how I will mess you up… “I don’t bet with the devil…I have no business with a witch like you…get lost Nike, you are not even capable of telling the truth…the word “truth” has being killed and buried in your conscience…so go ahead and tell everyone because in that way you will be exposing yourself…all your atrocities will be exposed… go ahead…I dare you to go and tell the prince or anyone who cares to listen…I am daring you Nike…if you have such gut then go right ahead…we will both suffer… and thank the gods your mother will be inclusive because she was the one that gave you the poison for the Oba and she also killed Iya Remi with same poison…and am sure she also killed your father because he favored Iya Remi more than your mother… evil run in your blood… transferred from your mother to you so I don’t want to have anything to do with that child you carry because you will transfer same evil to him or her… As Leja tried to leave Nike who was so pained and was boiling in anger raised a hand to slap him but Leja pushed her aside, she staggered from Leja’s push but hold onto a tree from falling, Leja walk pass her. Nike searched around for something to stone Leja but she miss her first throw and Leja dodged the second stone from her, Nike fired another stone and it hit Leja on his shoulder Leja started calling Nike “omoobirin Iya laje” (daughter of a witch) while Nike kept on firing stones at him. The prince left with some guard immediately to see Remi’s grandmother, the princess wanted to go with him but he asked the princess to stay behind and watch out in his absence. After the princess told him that Remi was alive and she have a baby in the forest, she and the baby are both alright, well taken care by a stranger. It sound unbelievable to the prince so he decided to go and see the fortune teller which is Remi’s grandmother, she may also have answer for the troubled kingdom. “Alafia, ni fun ile yin, lati odo Oba….(peace be unto this house hold, greetings from the king) Dami who was in the kitchen, fanning coal to boil water for his grandma’s bath ran out as he hard the royal greeting. His grandma was at the backyard planting crops in the ridge he dug up for her Dami prostrated as he saw the prince in their compound. The prince asked him to get up and he did “ ikini irelemi (my kind greetings) we are her to see your grandmother…is she around? “Bee ni Omooba…let me go and call her And just then grandma was coming out from the backyard, the prince greeted her in respect. Dami rushed and brought seats for everyone to sit down after his grandma was well seated.
3 Apr 2019 | 16:46
Your comments ginger me
3 Apr 2019 | 16:48
haba!!!! dis suspense now,,, I want to know wat grandma will tell prince and his actions,,, tomorrow is a long wait ooooo
4 Apr 2019 | 02:19
Revenge is taking place
4 Apr 2019 | 07:48
@fb-ireoluwaemmanuel I second you, tomorrow is too far,
4 Apr 2019 | 09:23
so lovely
4 Apr 2019 | 10:11
Wickedness profiteth nothing
4 Apr 2019 | 11:27
Soon the search for the diamond will commence
4 Apr 2019 | 16:37
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 30. Story written by AMAH HEART “…so the kingdom has being torn apart and the gods are silent in all of this…Oba is on sick bed and the Queen mother joined in, the king makers are not left out in this and so many other people are equally affected…no English or native doctor have being able to give a positive answer in all of this… I’m place in between and I am not handling it the way I should because I am deeply troubled… when my sister, the princess came to give me the news of your granddaughter I was shock…Iya. I understand the calamities that befallen you and yours, most especially your granddaughter being banished,i am so sorry about everything, it was not in my power to save her but I could have still do something, I was confuse that period on what exactly to do and when I later went to speak to the Oba…it was already too late…like you know she was caught trying to poison the Oba, that was her sin, and a sin against the Oba is a sin against the entire land… and judgement was passed on her, I know she was pregnant, she got entangled in a love web with one of the guard, Leja, who is the head of the guard and my right hand man. Leja told me they were lovers and she later became pregnant for him…he asked her to keep the child but she had other plans of her own which is to get me into the scene, she came to me claiming I laid with her and I couldn’t remember such happening…well, it was all exposed that Leja was responsible…I can’t deny the fact that I use to feel something strong for her…yes, I wanted her but I never knew she belong to another man and when I found out I washed my hands off…she was banished and i noticed that the palace has not remain the same ever since…everyone believe she was long dead with her unborn child not until few moment ago when the princess came with the news of Remi being alive and living in the forest…it baffles me on how she survive the forest…I thought you could throw more light into this and I will send my men into the forest at once to bring her back…even if she is not the answer to this kingdom…it sound funny but I’m trying everything and anything possible on the restoration of this great kingdom…so if Remi got nothing to do with all this trouble hovering around our kingdom at least I will be glad to have her safe here with us…I will be happy to save her from the forest suffering… “shhhh…my grand daughter is not suffering, you have said enough already and you need not say more…but my grand daughter is safe and well cared for, her son…ohh her diamond child, the seed of crown is doing perfectly well…don’t act like you are doing her a favor by saving her…because you are not…rather the gods has place her to do so….now move closer to me…yes Omooba…move closer and close your eyes… shut it… The prince obeyed and moved closer, he closed his eyes and Remi’s grandma gently placed her hands on his head, she held his head on both side, she put her finger to his ears and stayed that way. The prince memory went back to the party day, when he whispered something to Remi’s ear and she blushed, he called her to take him to his chamber because he was drunk, Remi lead him to his chamber. It was like his past sin staring right at him. His eyes remain shut as he saw himself with Remi, everything he has told her that night came rushing back to his memory “I told you earlier that I love you, I whispered it into your ears and you didn’t take me serious because you thought I was drunk, am not drunk or maybe I am, the fact still remain that I love you…yes…is true…you got into me right from that first day at the festive dance…when I first set my eyes on you…I have always wanted to tell you this but I don’t know how you will take it…so today I decided to drink so much…yes…I drank enough to get high…so that I can find my boldness and voice to declare all my stored up feeling for you.…I wanted to tell you this when you came to clean my chamber the other day… that was more reason why I told my sister to send for you but I still couldn’t find my gut… but today I have a full gut to tell you that I love you Remi… and I will tell the Oba that I want to marry…marry you… you will be my queen…come… come closer to me…are you afraid of me…don’t be afraid of me because my love for you is real…it can cast fear out of you…aaah…look at fe mi...emi ni ore re (my love, I am your friend) your real friend, don’t see me as a prince, son of the Oba of this great kingdom, see me as your friend, if I have a son with you I will call him Ademi, my crown…because he came from a beautiful maiden who is after my heart. oruko mi ni Aremo, yes that is my name because am a heir to this great Oba’s throne, and I need a queen like you to compliment my kingship when the time comes…with you by my side I will rule with honor… you said you love your grandmother because she was also a good dancer when she was young…right Arewa… (beauty) “Remi…my name is Remi, you are drunk my prince you need to lie down, I will tell them to bring cold water for you…stop talking…the drink is taking too much effect on you…you don’t even know what you are saying again… “shhh…I know what am saying…I still need more drink, I was talking about your grandmother…one day you will take me to her…I will like to meet her and I will also love to meet your father and your mother… Remi’s grandma held him tight as he began to breathe hard. The prince saw everything being played right to his face again and when he vomited and mess up his chamber, when he grabbed Remi and made her to sit on his lap before pulling out her breast cloth, when he gently lay her on the bed right on top of his favorite wrappers given to him by his mother. he carefully laid her on the bed and he push himself into her, he saw the blood after the hymen of her virginity was broken but was too weak and slept off. The prince started screaming and Remi’s grandma released him and he fell back, he opened his eyes while still breathing hard, the prince tried to understand exactly where he was. One of the guards came to help him to sit properly, he was shaking all over “She was right…I did it, the blood stain on my trouser, my missing wrapper which I never took notice off. The child was mine, yes Remi was carrying my child…I laid with her and broke her up…oh the gods I have being a terrible person, the child was mine…I… I saw everything…all the things I can’t remember I remembered them now…Remi…oh Remi…I knew something happened…I felt strange when I woke up that morning and the blood stain on my trouser confirmed it…I called and asked her but she denied it….she told me nothing of such happened…oh the gods…I should have known…I should have known… I truly loved her Iya, I wanted her not to just warn my bed but my heart truly beat for her until Leja came with…wait Leja…that means Leja was lying…could that be possible… did Leja and Remi’s step sister feigned her up…Iya… “when you return to the palace you ask Leja…this time maybe he will tell you the real truth… hold onto what you just saw and ask…It will surprise you to discover more hidden secret… which will lead you to my grand daughter’s innocence, and you have to hurry because the kingdom are counting on you to rectify what has being damaged… The prince left quickly as the older woman instruct, with a heavy heart rush back to the palace and asked the guard to fetch Leja and Nike quickly. After the guards brought them and stationed them before the prince. The prince looked at Leja for a long time before asking “…one more word of lie from you I will have them chop off your arms and your legs, I will make you cripple so that you will suffer…where you truly in a relationship with Remi and who has the child she carry… With fear and trembling, Leja’s heart began to beat like a drum. Over five guards where stationed around him and Nike as if they were criminal. Nike was shaking in fear as she bent her head in shame “…guards strike him hard for delaying with his answers… One of the guard double strike Leja across the face, the princess hard the scream and ran out with Ope and the other maiden came to watch the scene. Ope saw Nike kneeling along side Leja and she silently began to thank the gods. “Nemesis has finally caught up with her” Ope said while smiling. “If I ask a question, I expect the answer immediately, any delay from you will be tasting my patients...i remembered that night..Leja, the night with her in my chamber and everything you have ever told me was all a lie…I feel terrible right now and do not worsen my mood or I will unleash terror on both of you…speak up quickly… “I have nothing with her…I wanted her my prince…but she did not want me…I did everything possible but yet she refused me…I got jealous when you started showing interest in her…and the worst is that she was also interested in you…I know the night you took her virginity…I knew it happened and I was very angry when I discovered she was carrying your child…after she kept on denying it…I hated her and I hated you too…I was willing to do anything so that you won’t end with her and that was why I… The prince screamed in terror and asked the guards to hit him severally and they did until Leja tasted blood in his mouth, he fell and they pulled him up…Nike craw away from where the guards where beating Leja she doesn’t know what to do or what to say, she has never expected things will turn sour. Leja tried to hit one of the guard but two other pounce on him, blood poured from Leja’s mouth as he looked up at the prince and said angrily… “I saw her first…she was suppose to be mine not yours… I saw her first before you, even before she came to serve in this palace, I have already made my intentions known to her…I wanted her and you took her away from me…how do you expect me to feel, you laid with her and got her in with a child…I couldn’t take it anymore…you are a royalty, you are omooba…you could have all the royal maiden and any kind of woman you desire…why must it be the only one I wanted you decided to pick interest in and you want me to fold my hands and watch…I fight for what I want because I am a man like you... “I hands off from her when you told me she was yours, you lied to me about everything Leja, no…Leja I trusted you…and that was why I believed you over her…what exactly was my sin for you to have gang up against the innocent maiden, so you could have killed me if you have the gut to do so…and her step sister supported you… you planned with her…she is your alibi…and I guess you also have a hand in the poison…Leja you planted that poison in the Oba’s eating room and make Remi the escape goat…oh the gods…you… “I have nothing to do with the poison… but this small witch called Nike has... She wanted to kill the Oba so that you will marry her and make her your Queen, she master minded with her mother and when she told me of the plan the gods bear me witness I refuse to join in such evil but she went ahead anyway and while she was trying to do that Remi caught her and she turned it against Remi… The whole people screamed in shock as Leja kept talking, the princess held onto Ope from falling from the shock, some guards and maiden placed their hands on their head while others opened their eyes in shock. Everyone was shock to know that Remi was innocent all this while, a great wrongs was done against the innocent girl, the prince tighten his first in anger as he kept breathing hard. Leja’s confession was like a bomb to him. He looked at Nike and she was crawled up like a cat. Leja kept talking “...this Nike you see here is so evil…she talked me into making out with her, I have to lay with her severally until she became pregnant so that she can say the pregnancy is for the prince which will make the prince not to have a choice than to settle with her but her plans failed and she wanted me to make it right…Nike and her mother are the master mind behind the evil done to Remi, her mother has more to do with Iya Remi’s death. They wanted to destroy the whole family out of jealousy…my sin was that I knew this evil but I couldn’t talk because I was also involve…and I was angry with the prince for taking Remi from me so I said if I can not have her then nobody will… Nike manage to speak up “is a lie…he is lying, I don’t know what he is talking about…he told me he hates the prince and would have left him in the river to drown. He said he wish nothing but death for the prince…Leja is an evil soul… and he is lying against me and my mother…I am innocent… Ope rushed angrily and slapped her right on eyes, then another heavy slap to her ear, Nike screamed and held her ears in terror “I have being wanting to beat you up like this for long, I have waited for this opportunity to come and is finally here. … because you wanted to be Queen by all means you decided to poison a whole Oba of this great kingdom Nike, you have no fear to do such evil, aaah… you made them to banish Remi who was innocent…if the land did not kill you Nike and the gods delay in striking you dead…I will personally do that myself… you and your mother are doomed…your end has come… what goes around comes around…the gods has fought for Remi…she has being vindicated…curse is yours… you are even pregnant…very good…your suffering is yet to begin.. The prince asked the guard to lock Leja and Nike up. He stationed ten hefty men to go into the forest in search of Remi and his son, Leja and Nike will remain there until Remi is found and returned back to the kingdom safe with the son that she bore for him.
4 Apr 2019 | 17:14
Ghen ghen Action done start Nike and laje it is over
4 Apr 2019 | 19:10
next plsssss I can't wait to hear what grandmother we tell the prince
4 Apr 2019 | 19:46
I think this is going to be our last epiosde that is coming up. Next pls
5 Apr 2019 | 02:43
At last the innocent has been vindicated
5 Apr 2019 | 04:18
Na so remi am so happy for you and come back am waiting for u with my popcorn and zobo and I will help u carry wory I dey here
5 Apr 2019 | 05:44
....this episode awesome...keep it up
5 Apr 2019 | 05:55
this is where the real actions starts, what if those hefty men got eaten by wild beast, that will really be cool, (lol, don't mind me i need more horror scene)
5 Apr 2019 | 07:59
Bukolami continue please
5 Apr 2019 | 08:06
wow!! I love dis so much
5 Apr 2019 | 09:32
nice one
5 Apr 2019 | 16:37
the truth is finally out.
5 Apr 2019 | 18:30
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 31. Story written by AMAH HEART The guards who were sent into the forest to search and bring back Remi and her son returned back empty handed in the evening with the news of they searched everywhere for Remi but did not find her or any sign of her. The Prince was furious,he selected five stronger guards and send them into the forest, he told them not to return to the kingdom without Remi, he warned them seriously that they should not return back without her and his son. The five guards gathered enough food and water and every necessary weapon and entered the forest again in a heavy search for Remi and son. Remi was with Mikai that evening teaching her Yoruba dialect, before Sipah came out from his room to join them, Mikai left to make fire for the evening food. Remi continued with Sipah, Ademide, who has already started taking a step was playing with the toy Sipah made for him, Ore was beside him keeping an eye on him as he plays around. Remi began to teach Sipah who avoided making eye contact with her, Remi wanted him to look at her but he was looking at somewhere else “One is Okan, Two is eji, three is eta four is erin five arun, six is efa, seven is eje….are you listening Pah, is there a problem…you are not looking at me…it makes me doubt if you are really listening to me… “I am listening, not looking at you doesn’t mean I’m not listening to you, you have my ears, please continue, is hard to remember all of this numbers, they seem to sound familiar, eta, erin, efa, eje eji…you can see that I’m actually listening, please, teach me another thing aside the numbers…maybe wild animals… “Okay, I’m glad you are paying attention to me, just keep looking at me as you are doing right now so that I will know that you are listening…Animal means Eranko. Birds is eiye. Elephant is erin. Lion means kiniun. Tiger is ekun. Pig is elede. Monkey means obo. Come is wa. Go is malo. Family means ebi. Son is omokunrin. Daughter is omobinrin. Mother is iya and father is baba. Grandmother is iya-iya, husband is oko and wife is iyawo. Hunter means ede. House is ile, kitchen is ile idana. Bathroom is ile iwe. Toilet is ile igbonse. Backyard is ehinkuule. Key is kokoro. Fire is ina o, good morning is eka aro. Afternoon is ekasun and night is eka ale. Welcome is ekabo. King is Oba and a prince is Omooba. Queen is Olori. God is Oluwa and thank God is Oluwa ese n. thank you means ese or ose depending on the person. Oremi means my friend. Please is ejoo, love is ife. Give me is fumi. Stop is duro nbe. Ligh….. “ejoo…duro nbe…I have learnt enough for today…let me think of the few I can still remember…is sound so interesting and I’m so eager to learn more…let me check up on Mikai and how the evening food is going…ese Remi…Ore mi…your humble student is grateful… “hahahaha..your welcome Pah…I will be happy to teach you anytime… any day. Pah wanted to stand up but Remi stopped him “you seem to be avoiding me and only stays around me when Mikai is around…I noticed that…what exactly is my offence…did I do anything wrong… “Not all...i have never pick a fault in you Remi, is not because you are perfect but I refuse to see any spot in you. I am not avoiding you…I have no reason to do that… “you are, Pah. you keep far distance from me…you recline more to your room, you stay far in the forest cutting wood or doing one thing or the other, during your free time you carry Ade and play with him, whenever you are talking with me and Mikai you try to avoid looking at me…why is that..i can’t help but voice out… Sipah was quiet and Remi gently took is strong palm and watch him look up at her and then pull away his hand from Remi’s touch. “You are a good man… Pah, I don’t need to talk or say much on that because deep down you know that yourself, we have being through a lot in the hands of people who tried to break us but never knew that we got a strong shell, we can’t be easily broken, people who can not turn one hair white or black took it upon their selves to take a life they never create…but we all here are survivals, you told me that God have plan and reason for everything and everyone, nothing ever takes him unaware, he knows the number of our hairs and every soul on this earth. You said God is love and want us to love one another and I believe you, everything you said I took it to heart…you preach more with your actions to me than with your words…so what then happen when it comes to expressing your feeling, the way you feel about me… because I feel it too and God must have brought us together for such a time as this…to love and care for each other and to be together as a lovely family… “Remi…God is God, don’t add or remove from his word, the feeling is mutual but it doesn’t makes it right, I try to help you and also to help myself by not being too close to you so that we don’t fall into temptation… “Nobody is tempting us, is not a temptation is the right thing to do, why can’t you see that, you want me don’t you, why do you hide your feeling, we are the only one living in this forest and is just right to be together and let out all our feeling without hiding it…Pah, do you love me… Sipah tried to get up but Remi held him, begging him to remain seated, Mikai looked at them stylishly as she walked past with a plate in hand. Sipah swallowed hard and sat down again “Is just a simple question…do you love me Pah… “yes, with God kind of Love, I think God may have another plans for us, I was going ahead of myself as your thought fill my head everyday so I decided to pause and know what God think about all of this and after praying that night and woke up the next morning I have some heavy emotion of you crowding my mind lifted, my mind still wonder far when I’m close to you and it sends a negative message to my body but I try not to dwell on such, I don’t think God wants us to be together he probably has a better plan for you and I, trust me one more time...Remi, let God’s will be done over us, if eventually we are meant to be then I will be so glad to have you close to my heart but if not we will be running ahead of ourselves, if we decided to do things without God’s consent it will be disastrous…do you still trust me? “hmmm…yeah…I do but nothing will make me change my mind…how will you know how long will that take Pah, every woman deserve a fine, hardworking, strong and God fearing man like you and I will be so bless if God approves of this… I will pray and beg God to make it happen quick… “hahahaha…God doesn’t work with your time…he works according to his plans and purpose for us all… and every man deserve a good, kind, beautiful, funny, strong woman like you beside him… “Please don’t make me blush, I’m trying not to do that most especially Mikai may see me doing that…do you have a dream of leaving this forest someday…or you like it here… “I like it here…and I don’t want to leave to anywhere…this is my own world, a world of peace and tranquility. Outside here is chaos, revelry, anger, jealousy, backstabber, killing and so many evil, I don’t want such world I want a world of my own and I have everything that I will ever need… “Mikai said she will like to leave here someday, she want to mix up with other human, interact with them, and visit places… “every child has a dream that is her dream and if God wills it then it will come to past…but for now this is my home, our home…I have enough acres of land to farm, the forest is big enough to hunt and we have spring…I’m grateful for all of this…how about you…do you have a plan to leave… “I want to be close to you…I don’t want to leave without you…if I ever leave this forest then you are coming with me… but for now this Is our home and I also likes it here… Sipah sense something and quickly stood up, Remi was surprise the way he rushed up. he went inside and grabbed a machete, he called Remi to carry Ade, Sipah called Mikai to leave the kitchen area and go inside with Remi. Remi asked him what is going on but he didn’t say anything as he moved towards his compound exit gate but pause as he got closer, Mikai stood with Remi who was carrying her son, and Ore was up the tree and was making strange noise which they understood that a stranger or something was close by. Remi hard the noise coming deep down from the forest and wonder what was happening Sipah whistled loud and got a respond which was a scream of Remi’s name. The men from the palace who have spent two days ransacking the bush for Remi, they have ran out off food and water and was almost giving up when they saw a human track they followed and continue to shouting Remi’s name. As they got closer they discovered a big mold building in the heart of the forest, highly fenced with tall trees and big wood all around it and secured with all kinds of sharp spin which was like a weapon, the compound looks so big and wide, the guards where afraid wondering the kind of men that live inside there to have being able to do such a heavy job and it was located in a deadly place, an abode of the wild, whoever is living here must be greatly feared and he might has sense their presence. They decided to stay far for there own good and kept shouting Remi’s name When Remi hard her name she was shock, she began to think within herself “is probably guards from the kingdom, they have come to take me and my son but i will not go with them, never, not after everything they did to me and took my loving mother away, what if I was dead too… maybe the truth was out as Iya has predicted and they want me home but there’s no place like home here..if i ever have to leave here is will be because of Iya and Dami...but i'm sure they will understand if i stay back with Sipah. Remi went to Sipah who was trying to walk out to meet whoever it was. “Pah, don’t go… stay here… they maybe evil spirit calling my name…or trap…. “hahahaha…you make me laugh…evil spirits are afraid to cross my lane…aside what your ordinary eye can see here.... the angels are also safeguarding us, don’t be afraid because no evil person can cross this lane… they are men, shouting your name and they sound like tired men…from your kingdom I guess…let’s invite them in, because if they get closer to the fence they may not see the traps I set for the animals and may fall into it… maybe you leaving this place is closer than we thought… Sipah went out and called the men who were scared and raise their weapon up in surrender “ ejooo…We came in peace not for war…we journeyed from a far away kingdom and has spent two days already in the forest, this is a very deadly place to stay and we were almost giving up when we discovered the track…we are searching for a maiden, a young woman with a son…her name is Remi, the prince of our kingdom sent us to tear down the forest in search of her and we should not return without her…ejoo sanu fun wa (have mercy on us) “hahaha… sirnu fun what? I just started my Yoruba class…I have not gotten to that stage yet…please you are welcome to my world…follow me in… don’t be afraid, you all needs something to eat and drink, you will finish a whole zebra for your strength to be restored…please come…. Sipah smile and nodded at them making them to feel safe and at peace, some of them laugh at Sipah’s last word, despite he was right about them needing something to eat and drink, but they were afraid. The strange man has an obvious scar on his forehead, and with the way he looks, with a heavy body built, he can beat them all up if they decided to gang up against him. They silently prayed that the man should truly be a godsend to them or they will all be doomed. They were so famished, tired and tasty, all the food and water they left with is all gone, no sign of water in the forest. It was a good invitation and they silently thanked the gods. They followed the tall, strong looking man into his big compound.
6 Apr 2019 | 00:15
thank God,,,, but REMI should not limit God's purpose for her life,,, by wanting to marry sipah,,, she is a mother of d kingdom,,, God has plans for her
6 Apr 2019 | 02:17
can't wait oo, don't rush things Remi, i knew u guys path do not cross each other, Sipah might probably become a Reverend Father
6 Apr 2019 | 06:08
6 Apr 2019 | 06:09
hmm this is too much to be true , I'm so happy all this hiding secret is out
6 Apr 2019 | 06:11
I'm happy for these story. It always made my day over joy
6 Apr 2019 | 10:21
Remi dont be in a hurry
6 Apr 2019 | 15:24
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST EPISODE 32. “I’m not going anywhere…I’m not moving an inch…all of you should return back to him and tell him that I said so…my home is here and there is nothing any of you can do to make me change my mind on this… The guards who were already well feed by Sipah thanked him for his kindness before going to speak to Remi who sparked up angrily at them. “the kingdom is in deep crisis, the Oba, the Queen mother, the cabinet men and so many others are down, Leja confessed to everything, him and Nike the evil maiden has being locked up by the prince. Their judgment will start when you return back to the kingdom. the kingdom owe you an apology, we are just servants sent to guide you home…please listen to us…our kingdom lies in your shoulder and everyone wants you home… “what if I was thorn apart by the wild animals, dead and rot away with my unborn child… do you all ever imagined such happening…if I was dead I know the kingdom will still survive without me…I just don’t want to go and I told the prince if he rejects my unborn child then he should never come for him later…I told him exactly that and I still hold onto my word…let non of you speak to me of this again… return back to the kingdom first thing tomorrow morning and tell your prince that I refused…I was cast out, humiliated, nobody believed me or gave me a chance to speak….now they want me back…that is never going to be possible. Remi stormed out angrily and went into her room. Sipah was seated with the confuse guards who did not know what to do. Sipah turned to them. “I will speak to her…is very normal for her to be angry, it was a great injustice done to her but I’m happy that she has being vindicated…I will speak with her later, she is still very angry now and will not listen… my name is Sipah…your kingdom will be restored again…do not panic... “Thank you Sipah, may the gods bless you mightily. please, kindly help us speak to her… she may listen to you, our kingdom needs her, the gods have vindicated her already, we know it was a great wrong that was done to her and the whole kingdom feels sorry for such unrightful sentence, we can’t leave here without her or the prince will send us back or angrily punish us, please… Later that night after Sipah showed the men where to sleep for the night he went to Remi’s room and knocked on the door before going in. “Pah, if you are here to speak to me about going back with those guards then you have come to waste your time… except you have to kick me and my son out yourself… Sipah ignored her and went to sit on a chair close to her wooden bed. He was quiet for sometime before speaking up “You don’t need to fight or be angry…nobody will force you out of here without your consent…you should be happy the truth finally came to light… the almighty has judged in your favor, anger will not do you any good…I understand everything… I totally do, but the book of proverb says that anger labels us a fool…I mean anger does no good to us but sometimes is okay to be angry but don’t make decision in anger…sometimes we should use wisdom in our daily thoughts… “Somebody once say that to me…anger labels you a fool… ooh is my grandma…she says a lot of things about anger… “Your grandma was right… don’t you miss her and also your brother…because I know she will be looking forward to having you back…maybe your main purpose on earth is now...for such a time as this. Your people needs you Remi… the prince is just a man, he isn’t perfect, he made a mistake and he regrets it all, he must have died inside with guilt and sadness, for denying you and his child. He is a nice man to have realized his mistake on time, your purpose in life is right there in your kingdom, a service to humanity…maybe beside the prince and our little Emmanuel will have a better home than this ….the prince needs you…ejoo…what does please means again in yoruba… I can’t remember Remi smile as Pah pretend not to know what please is but just wanted to cheer her up. “please is jowo or ejoo which is generally used, you just said it now Pah, don’t make me laugh I’m not in a good mood, I don’t want the prince, we have nothing together, he rejected me and Ademide just when I needed him…I just don’t want to leave here…what of you and Mikai, even if I have to leave then I am not leaving without you, Mikai and Ore too. We all must go together if not then I am not going anywhere. “I may come visiting later, you may take Mikai along if she want to go with you, but I have my big farms here to attend to and I like it here, my world is not outside there…is right here and I feel comfortable here Remi…jowo… Remi insisted on not leaving without Sipah, she said she can’t leave him alone in the forest that he must come along or she won’t go anywhere. It took time before Sipah agreed to go with her maybe after sometime he will return back to the forest but Remi told him if he was going to return back to the forest that she will also come along with him. Sipah smile and told her that she was about to find her purpose in life which will keep her very busy. Remi was having double mind of leaving the forest, she began to think of the whole thing before sleeping off that night. Remi found herself talking with her grandma as she urge her to come home “I am not leaving without Pah, Iya… I owe him my life… “Sipah, is an angel on assignment which is to help you, his work is done and yours has just began…Sipah and his daughter Mikai and also the monkey whom you call Ore are ready to do anything for you to come home… your people needs you, the land needs the diamond you carry…that is the only remedy to heal and purge the kingdom of this evil that has befallen our land…bring the diamond child home let me hold him before I pass on…I have waited for this…now is time…do not delay…I don’t have much time left on this earth…I want to see you and the diamond child…the seed of crown. I have missed you my daughter…Remilekun…come home. Your place is beside omooba, he is deeply sorry, I know you love Sipah but is okay to love a good man as that but he has his own race to run, you have yours…I’m about to fulfill mine and kiss the earth good bye….Sipah and Mikai has a place in our land… they will live and marry among us…Sipah is coming with the truth of light…many will come to believe…come home my daughter, the evil has being exposed and the enemies has being put to shame…you are the answer the kingdom seek… come home… Remi woke up and sat quiet on her bed, thinking of what to do when Sipah knocked on her door that morning, Remi was arranging her things, he greeted her in a funny way that made Remi to laugh… “eka aro…ba wo ale?… I got it right…please rate me… “Not so perfect but you tried… you are a fast learner…good morning Pah…and my night was fine…I have made up my mind…we all are leaving this place, I am not doing It for the Prince or the Oba, I am doing it for everyone who stood by me all this while, my grandma, my brother, the princess, Ope my good palace friend…I miss them all, you, Mikai, Ore my monkey friend and most important for my diamond child…as my grandma will call him and to everyone out there who stood by me and supported me…they are the reason why I am doing this… “thank you for doing this…I am so proud of you Remi…I couldn’t sleep last night as I pray that God should touch your heart and make you see reasons…I’m glad he hard my prayer. We, the forest squad are strongly standing by you, hahahaha…let’s go and get your kingdom working again… let’s go and restore the color back to your kingdom… bringing real change and smile to everyone’s lip. I will gather enough food in sacks, those guard will have to carry load as we journey to the kingdom… your kingdom should get ready because the forest squad will be landing soon... Mikai who suddenly woke up started laughing at Sipah’s tone of voice, Remi joined in and little Ademide awaken and was looking at everyone as they all laugh at Sipah, he also started giggling in laughter which made Remi to laugh even more. They left the forest as evening approach, Mikai was hanging her bow and arrow, Sipah carried Ademide on his shoulder and later gave him to Remi who backed him with the same prince's wrapper which has being so helpful to her and still retains it’s color except for the stain that wasn’t so obvious now. Ore, who was jumping from tree to tree jumped on Sipah’s right hand shoulder as they kept on moving, they rested severally on the road and built fire and shelter when night came then continued the following morning Mikai was so happy as she look forward to changing environment for the first time in her life. The journey lasted for three days, they met another set of five palace guards coming to the forest. They said the prince has sent them into the forest for another search since the second set of guard has not returned for over five days. Everyone was happy as they travel back to the kingdom.
6 Apr 2019 | 17:32
hmmmmmm, ,, its coming to an end
6 Apr 2019 | 18:53
7 Apr 2019 | 04:16
7 Apr 2019 | 04:16
What can i say...this is really an epic story...interesting
7 Apr 2019 | 05:51
Sipar your wife ope is wating for u at the palace
7 Apr 2019 | 07:16
Micke your husband mike is wating for you with his grandmother
7 Apr 2019 | 07:17
Ademide the dimonde seed iya is waiting for you befor he give up the ghost
7 Apr 2019 | 07:19
Ademide the king and queen is waiting for to get heal.
7 Apr 2019 | 07:21
Remi the villagers is waiting for you to come and rule them. They al we lov u as their queen
7 Apr 2019 | 07:23
It will take remi long time to love prince again.
7 Apr 2019 | 07:24
Even do nicke was cut with crme but that did not change her heart becuase she wil always that remi wil forgive her as ussaly. So she can kotunu with her evil plan
7 Apr 2019 | 07:29
Nick mother will posion her self becuase she can not face the crownd with her evil did
7 Apr 2019 | 07:31
Tree of of them need to banishe like they plan for remi
7 Apr 2019 | 07:33
Grandmother realy try 4 them
7 Apr 2019 | 07:34
Its sure gonna end in praises
7 Apr 2019 | 07:41
this is wonderful, thank God that these people locate u
7 Apr 2019 | 07:57
so so lovely,how I wish this story is a movie so I can watch it instead
7 Apr 2019 | 14:55
DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Episode 33. Remi and her Squad arrive the kingdom, some of the guards has already gone ahead of them to inform everyone of Remi’s arrival with the prince son who is believed to be the diamond child. People came out of their houses as the news began to go round that the pregnant maiden who was innocently banished returned with a son she had for Omooba. A Diamond child and a seed of crown. News travelled so far as every one came out to watch and rejoice, the men came to welcome them with gangan and dundun (talking drum) they played fine music and the happy women dance, some other people came to hug Remi, others came to see the diamond child which was foretold. They came with different harvest from their farm yard. They gave different gifts, like goats, fowl and so many other gift to Remi and her Squad. The small crowd gradually turn into a big crowd as different people came to join to welcome Remi and the strangers with her. Mikai exclaim happily as she saw lots of people gathering up around them as they gently walk down, they greeted them warmly in their dialect, some wanted to touch Ademide, the Diamond child. Who was securely tired on Remi’s back. Some threw their wrapper on the floor in honour to the diamond child. “Wow, so many people…Pah can you see…I feel like I’m a celebrity…like a princess in the means of all this people…oh my God…I have never seen so many people like this…they are giving Remi the honour of a Queen…this is awesome...see all her people they are huge… Pah, I like it here…I like to be in the means of all this people… they are singing and dancing and is all unique… Pah can we live here…maybe for sometime…please don’t go anywhere….Remi’s people are all warm and inviting…I want to be among them… “hahaha…this is like a triumphant entry…I never expected it…I like it here too, if you like it here then we all can stay, Mikai, we will stay here together if God wills it, I feel God is giving us another home among this great people…I feel so glad that God Remembered Remi and Emmanuel. We will pitch our tent and bring light to those in darkness…God is giving us another home… taking us away from the forest into this Kingdom… Remi and the squad went down to her grandma’s place while the remaining guards return to the palace. The prince who was standing with the princess and wondering what was happening outside the palace. The singing the multiple gangan sound. “My heart want to boast out… maybe Remi has returned…oh the gods be praise if it happens to be true…do you think she will ever forgive me….how do I even approach her now…after all we put her through…oh Remi…I feel so happy yet so scared that she may not forgive me…or allow me to hold my son…well I deserve every of her judgment…I wronged her…the land owe her greatly…I wish I can take her away from those crowd and draw her into a warm embrace…I really miss her…i…I do…I just hope I’m right and I am not ridding ahead of myself…what if she refuse to come back…what if she swear never to set her feet here again what are we going to do… what I’m I going to do without her, I could have gone into that forest and plead with her myself but I can’t leave the throne, is not right. Father and the cabinet men are all done, mother too…I have wanted to go, but it was not a wise decision, that was why I stayed back, everyday that passes without any news of her return gives me heart ache …oh I just hope she is the one… The princess looked up at his brother and started laughing as he placed his hand on his chest with a confused face “I’m certain that Remi has return…there is no other way the kingdom will be this lively and happy, she took the colour of this place when she left now everything is coming back, there has being cry of sadness and one bad news or the other ever since she left, now there are shout of joy on her return… I wish I can run out there right now…I am so happy my heart want to boast…Remi is back with your son…relax…she will forgive you…she maybe angry for some time but she will forgive you…le… The guards who were with Remi came into the palace and the Prince breathed deeply as they came to him with Remi’s return. The prince screamed excitedly and also the princess, Ope ran out as the news got to her. She came to the princess “I was hearing music and singing…I thought is coming from my head because is being a very long time we rejoice over anything in this kingdom…oh the gods be praise… The princess was happy as she and Ope talked, the prince was rejoicing as he ask the guards “Do you see my son…how is he…did Remi return with a stranger…tell me more “The diamond child as people call him has your look, my prince he look so much like you. And Remi came back with some stranger not just one, a very young girl and a tall, huge man, his name is Sipah. He has a monkey on his shoulder, Remi seem to be so fond of him…he is a man with a deep scar on his forehead but strong arms and good looks too. The prince breathed deeply, he robbed his too sweating palms as he wonder about Remi and the stranger that the guards said she was fond of, Leja has lied to him that Remi was his love and he believed him but not again, he will plead with everything possible even to the stranger to let Remi go, he doesn’t want to take chances again and loose her and he doesn’t care if Remi and the stranger lives as husband and wife in the forest all that matters is that he will fight for the woman he has never stop loving and for his son. He asked few guard to follow him so that he can go over to Remi’s grandma place, where Remi and her squad were lodging. The princess and Ope followed happily but the prince chased them back. He asked them to wait when he return they can go and see her. All of them can not leave the palace at once Oba and the Queen mother may need one of them. Leja looked out from the breeze block where they were kept, he wonder why there was so much noise. Nike sat on the ground, eating the left over food that a maiden served them earlier. She also hard the noise and wonder what they were celebrating, she and Leja has not being talking to each other, Leja almost slapped her the other day as she provoked him, and ever since then she has being keeping to herself. anytime she want to ease herself she inform the guard station on their door and he will unlock the cell for her to go and ease up and return back, four guards were stationed around the cell, where she and Leja was. Leja called one of the guards to ask him what the noise was all about “Remi has returned with her diamond child…a son for the prince...everyone is celebrating her return… Leja was stunned, he stood puzzled, Nike left the food that she was eating, she quickly lost her appetite, she turned to Leja “Remi is dead…she was banished and she died in the forest…how come…how possible is it for her to survive the forest with wild animals and return back to the kingdom with a son for omooba…I doubt it…that guard is high on cheap wine…he is lying… Leja ignored her as he began to think of his life whatever that awaits them, what will be his fate, he had great fear of the unknown, Nike wasn’t his problem and he hates her so much for making him to be in such a mess. He silently prayed to the gods to help him as Nike kept talking to herself…. Remi was seated with her happy grandma and excited Dami, Sipah and Mikai. Dami collected Ademide from her back, Remi knelt before her grandma as the older woman filled with smile opened her arm in an embrace and Remi went and remained there as her grandma held her like a child, she released her and there were tears of joy pouring from Remi’s eyes. The older woman wipe the tear from Remi face and pat her cheek gently before asking Dami to bring the little boy. As grandma carried the boy on her laps, she smile and gave a sigh of relief, Remi introduce Sipah and Mikai to her, and Ore the monkey was sitting beside Sipah. Grandma asked them to come closer and when they did, she showered prayer of blessing on their head in Yoruba dialect, Sipah and Mikai did not understand but they joined everyone to say “Amin” after they stood up, Mikai felt Dami looking at her, she look in his direction but he quickly looked away shyly. Mikai smile, as she focused on the moment. She noticed Remi’s brother was so homely and so happy, he wasn’t so tall but he was good looking and very shy unlike Remi who is so bold. Whenever she found him looking at her, Dami will look else where and dodge. “I thank the gods for their mercy, welcome home Remi and my great grandchild, the seed of crown, birthed in the forest and brought home to his great kingdom where he will mount the throne of the great men in years to come and judge wisely and fairly. He will be the people’s best king….I’m also glad to have you home with us Sipah and your daughter Mikai….feel at home, thank you once again for all your kindness, you are indeed a good man and you are already blessed... This will be your home from now on because you are the answer for the future generation of this land…and our monkey frined… hahahaha, even the animals took likening to you and guide you home…what a monkey with human intelligence... Ore waves it tail and made a funny noise as if he was saying “thank you” which made everyone to laugh. Men playing the ganagan increased the volume and singing voices went high as they saw the prince coming with his guards. When Remi saw the prince and every one prostrating, she did not move from where she sat in between Sipah and Mikai. Remi looked at the Prince and know that Ademide took after him so much, she noticed that the prince has slimed down, and he was counting his every steps as he move closer to where she was, she was having the wrapper she took from him on her laps, she looked away from him as he was looking at her. The prince went to grandma and greeted, he looked sty the boy who look so much as him in his younger days. He breathed deeply and smile. He wanted to touch him but decided to make peace with Remi first. He greeted the man sitting beside Remi and he responded warmly, the tall strong man with a warm smile introduced himself as Sipah and his daughter as Mikai. The prince welcomed them, he looked at Remi who has refuse to look at him, he breathed again and looked back at the grandma who smiled and urged him to go ahead He looked at Sipah as if he was trying to take permission and Sipah nodded him forward, the prince greeted Remi and thanked her for Returning home to them, he pleaded for her forgiveness, for the injustice done to her but Remi was sitting acting unconcerned The older woman spoke “no wasting time, Omooba you have all the time to beg my grand daughter but right now let’s start with the most necessary, as you can see they just returned from a faraway journey, give her time to rest and think but most importantly first thing tomorrow, the diamond child will be taken to the palace, Remi carry him to Oba’s chamber and allow the Oba to hold the child’s hand, do the same for the Queen. Oba is the ruler of this kingdom and once the ruler is well again then every other sick person will get their healing, the cabinet men inclusive. The prince stayed behind until the evening was turning into night, he spoke with Sipah on the forest life, Remi did not allow him to touch her son but he was a very patient man, he knows his sin against Remi was heavy and he will try to make it all right. The prince found out that Sipah does not have anything to do with Remi in terms of relationship, it was a great relief for him as he plan on what to do to gain Remis’ forgiveness and to win her back to himself. Mikai joined Dami in the kitchen, but Dami was shy and started blushing “I came to help you make the evening food, hope you don’t mind…please tell me what to do… “aaa…ok…ay…there is nothing much left to do…thank you… may be you could tell me about the forest life… Mikai was happy as she started telling Dami what her old environment was like and how to make an arrow and bow. The prince asked Sipah and Mikai to join him in the palace and they obeyed.
7 Apr 2019 | 16:51
Welcome remi
7 Apr 2019 | 17:46
this episode really make me tear up oooo, welcome back home REMI
8 Apr 2019 | 02:18
you know what @BUKOLAMI ...i don't really know what else to say because this story really ghat me already got all the credit and all am going to say now is ...just for you to keep up the good work and bring on the final super episode ... good work to once again!!!...
8 Apr 2019 | 03:36
Welcome back to the kingdom.
8 Apr 2019 | 06:28
Nike, as you can hear, your planning failed woefully
8 Apr 2019 | 06:30
hmm so far so good
8 Apr 2019 | 09:22
thank God u people are back safe, next pls
8 Apr 2019 | 15:37
THE FINAL EPISODE OF DIAMOND IN THE FOREST. Before they left Mikai whispered to Remi’s ear “your brother is too shy but he is so cool… “hahahaha…Dami is only shy because of you…he is never like this, maybe you have effect on him…don’t worry with time he will adjust to your presence, I will see you tomorrow at the palace. You will get to meet the kind princess, my good friend Ope and so many others there, I’m glad you and Pah has adapted to the environment already, Ore will stay here with us. “please forgive the prince and marry him, he likes you and he is so handsome…Ade has his features…he will make a great father and a fine husband too… “shhh…what do you know…I have told you before that you act like an over grown adult… ka lo…be going… Mikai laughed out before leaving with Sipah and others to the palace that evening to spend the night there. The following day Remi was at the palace with Ademide her son and did exactly what her grandma instructed, the Oba got up on his own as his health was restored back, so also is the Queen. The land was totally healed as the Oba mount his throne again. Few days later Leja and Nike was brought out as their judgement began After the Oba, the Queen mother and the cabinet men has pleaded for Remi forgiveness of which she forgave everyone of them as Sipah encouraged her to do. Leja and Nike was brought out and Nike was telling Leja as they were escorted towards the Oba’s throne hall. “Remi will forgive me, she is my sister after all, blood is thicker than water, she will not let them cast me off…because we are family and I am carrying your child too…Remi is not so heartless to allow them to pass a harsh judgement on me…she will consider my condition…I know I wrong her but she will let it go…what are sisters for…she has always have a soft spot for me…and forgives me anytime I offends her…she is not wicked…she will soften up when she sees me…is only you Leja that will go and suffer…if I had my way on time I would have terminated this pregnancy but it was too late after the plan with the prince did not work out…well I’m at Remi’s mercy and I know she will plead on my favour because we are family… “you are very crazy…you think with your anus, look at the kind of trouble you brought me into, I curse the day I agree to join hands with you to do harm…I curse you and everything about you… whatever trouble awaits me yours will be double because it was a grave sin you committed, the land curse you for so many evil you and your mother has done…who knows if the land has strike her dead already for all the evil she did….so because Remi was soft you kept taking advantage of her…you will suffer Nike…the gods indeed has vindicated her and she will marry the Prince and become the next queen, I couldn’t even stop what the gods of the land has instituted…the forest couldn’t stop her…she is a destiny child and I was digging my own grave when I started messing up around her…had I know I will never have involve in such evil…you should be regretting all your evil now…not looking for a way of escape and think Remi will consider you because you are related or being pregnant as if you consider that when you planted so much evil against her…you are so evil and I hate you so much…I just plead to the gods to forgive me…I wish I will be giving another chance to right my wrongs….and make it right….i just wish… The guards hush them to keep quiet as they approach the throne hall. Guards were sent to go and fetch Iya Nike to join her daughter and get her own judgement but as the guards got to Iya Nike’s place she was dead and swollen in her room, they found out she drank poison Iya Nike couldn’t bear the pain of her sickness, she has tried different herbs but keep getting worst, the pain increased everyday, her leg started swelling up and began to decay which made her unable to work, when she hard that Nike and Leja have being locked up after they were found guilty of a crime against Remi and the Oba, Iya Nike knew that her end was near and decided to kill herself before anybody would. Her sin was heavy and she knew the gods were punishing her for them, she did not only kill her husband but also Iya Remi and planned with her daughter to kill the Oba and destroy Remis’s family. She was tired of life and ended it with her own hands with the remaining poison she used for Iya Remi. She died and was there for days without anybody noticing, Nike was in cell and did not even know that her mother was dead. The guards took message back to the palace and they have to take her out and bury her immediately and burn down her house because it was a taboo in the land the way she died. Nike was weak from wailing, she cried out her eyes when she hard her mother was dead, she pleaded to Remi to have mercy and forgive her but Remi told her that she has forgiven her and Leja but their other crime was with the Oba and the entire land and not with her anymore. Judgement was pass on Nike, and Leja. They were to be banished into the evil forest, same place they sent Remi, Nike gave a heavy cry pleading. Remi begged the Oba to reduce her punishment and that of Leja and the Oba gave them five years to live in the forest, they can return after that if they survive the forest Sipah aske Remi to give Leja the direction to their forest home so they can live there. Remi did. She described the place for them. Leja thanked her and left with Nike to the forest, Remi asked Ore, the monkey to go with them so that he can guide them to the forest house Ore understood the sign and jumped on Leja’s shoulder as they head to the forest. Sipah picked interest in Ope and the Oba approved of their union, they got married. Everything Leja had was giving to Sipah includes the land the Oba gave him. He built a house and live with Ope as his wife. The princess got married to Tunde. It took time for Remi to love the prince again as the prince did everything possible for it to happen and he won her back. She fell in love with the prince after Sipah got married to her good friend Ope Remi married the prince in a grand ceremony that lasted for days. Mikai was living in the palace with Remi Years later, Sipah sometimes visit the forest and spend days with Leja and Nike who was pregnant again for Leja after she gave birth to his daughter, Sipah taught them the word and how to forgive their selves of their pass wrong, he was always going to visit them in the forest. Leja and Nike later return back after their five years was over, Nike changed greatly and wish she has never allow her mother’s hate towards Iya Remi to influence her, she regret all her evil deed and Leja was happy to see a new Nike as they returned back to the kingdom and the live in the outskirt of the kingdom. Leja became a good friend to Sipah and from there the entire family let go of the past as Sipah preached to them non stop Many came to know the truth and embraced the light. Sipah became the first man of God in the kingdom and Leja was following his every step, Nike and Ope found friendship again as their children grow up together, Ore was not left out as he was always found with Sipah. Grandma later kissed the earth goodbye and she was greatly celebrated with the good years she helped the kingdom. Dami and Mikai feell in love and got married years later. after the Oba and the Queen joined their ancestor the Prince became the next Oba and Remi was the new Queen and all the people loved her. They had two daughters after Ademide. And years to come we all know that Ademide , the diamond child, who is the seed of crown will take over the throne as he was born to do Until then, let’s enjoy the kingship of the new oba with his Queen, Remi who is filled with wisdom as she rule along side her husband, in love and fair judgement to all. THE END.
8 Apr 2019 | 16:40
wonderful,,,, this is great.. I love every bit of dis,,,, Weldon @bukolami
9 Apr 2019 | 02:16
Nice one......
9 Apr 2019 | 02:41
What God has written must surely come to pass. I thank God for Nike and leja,s life .so my remi is now our a great story thanks for your great story we are expecting more dear
9 Apr 2019 | 04:07
[i][b]and they live happily ever after[/b][/i] thump's up to the writer
9 Apr 2019 | 04:21
wow interesting. kudos
9 Apr 2019 | 10:20
And it all ended in praises
9 Apr 2019 | 11:10
The writer deserves some acolade
9 Apr 2019 | 11:11
keep up the good work @BUKOLAMI..... you are really amazing... thanks!!!..... looking forward to your next exciting story..... Yeah!!!
9 Apr 2019 | 11:50
nice ending, Weldon @Bukolami
9 Apr 2019 | 16:34
Ademide, the diamond royal seed went to the forest and conquered; lived an adventurous life with his mom who is now the queen. Remi the special one who is now the queen and omoba who is now the king are ruling the kingdom with wisdom and love and peace and more kids
9 Apr 2019 | 21:11
It didn't last with regrets when the truth is leading remi the special and ade the diamond seed. It was celebration and adventurous joy any where remi and ade went to. Tunde weds the kind gorgeous princess, dami weds mikai, sipah weds ope with ore around. Love and gospel were preached every where and even changed the punished wicked ones like leja and nike. Wise iyaiya remi played a huge role in the restoration of the kingdom as LOVE AND THE GOSPEL SPREADS EVERYWHERE.
9 Apr 2019 | 21:29
9 Apr 2019 | 21:30
Nice ending but befor everything is concluding @bukolami we need to talk in this your story i need to give award of gussing in these your story. Just check my comment in episode 29/30 and come and tell me what you see their you write a nice story but we guy made it good for you by supporting you through our comment. This story make me sleepless night some time were am waiting 4 it. Keep it up. And bring another good story for us
9 Apr 2019 | 21:50
@Christian-Mamah, wow! you guess right, kudos
10 Apr 2019 | 03:34
This is whaoo.... Nice story
20 May 2019 | 19:37
interesting story
3 Jul 2020 | 03:14
Ride on
5 Jan 2022 | 03:52


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