Diary Of A Jehovah's Withness.. by chinweblinkz

Diary Of A Jehovah's Withness.. by chinweblinkz

By hakyim in 28 Jan 2015 | 03:53
hakyim hakyim

hakyim hakyim

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Posts: 160
Member since: 12 Jan 2015
My parents are devout withnesses,my
father was an outstanding elder in
our congregration and my mother was
a regular pioneer-regular pioneers
are people who devote thier time to
tell people about jehovah.. Although i was born into a Godly
family i was more of a rebel,jehovah
withnesses are never stubborn my
parents keep reminding me..
My parents were unfortunate to have
a bully like me as an only son,mama would always tell me that an only
palm fruit never get lost in the fire.
But did i pay heed to her words??
* * * * * * * *
Emeka! Emeka!'' mama's voice woked
me up from my stupor,i was unconciously folding the awake
''mama good afternoon'' i greeted. I
was surprised to see her at
home,when i had arrived from my
friends place my youngest sibling had told me that she had gone for field
service. *
''you look troubled,what is it?'' she
asked as she came to sit beside me
on the bench, i was so fond of
mama,although she had given birth to five girls before me,people preferred
to call her mama-Emeka, i was so
close to her much
28 Jan 2015 | 03:53
to the envy of my siblings. ''mama something is troubling me'' i began ''what is it?'' ''there is this young girl i love so much and am thinking of marrying her'' ''hope she is a withness?'' i sighed ''no mama,she is not a withness,but i love her so much,and i want to make her the mother of my babies'' ''taaaaa''mama rebuked me,her eyes fiery red. ''thats rubbish,you better remove that thought from my hear me?'' my heart sanked,i had feared telling mama about nkeiru. I knew no staunch withness will be in support of my marrying someone who isnt our fellow member. But i loved nkeiru so much.... ''have you forgotten solomon in the bible,when he married out of thier tribe,he started worshipping idols'' ''but mama she is not an idol worshipper'' i interrupted her.. ''hush what do you know? Doesnt she celebrate christmas? The both of Us know that 25th december is an ancient pagan holiday in worship of the sol-invictus the unconquerred sun which was the enjoyable period of longer days and shorter nights.'' [hr] [color=red]LINKS TO AVAILABLE EPISODES[/color] episode 2-7 (SCROLL DAWN) epsode 8-15 epsode 16-22 epsode 23-29 epsode 30-35 epsode 35-43 epsode 44-51 epsode 52-59 epsode 60-67 epsode 68&69 epsode ,70-77 epsode 78-82 epsode 83-87 epsode 88-91 episode 92-100 epsode 101-107 [color=maroon][size=70][b]WATCH OUT FOR PART TWO OF THIS STORY[/b][/size][/color]
28 Jan 2015 | 03:57
mama was saying. I sighed and stood up ''mama i love nkeiru,it is not her religion that am marrying,but herself'' i retorted and walked awayI walked into my room and sanked down on the only thoughts were far away and my head was spining,i felt confused...i didnt know when i started biting my finger nails,this was a childish habit i had stopped doing for long. Back then when i was an adolescent,i always bite my nails whenever i was nervous or in a confused state, this led to been called ORI MGBO AKA (finger nail eater) by my peers,and i had to stop the habit. The nokia tone of my ringing phone brought me back to reality,i brought out the phone from my trouser pocket and stared at the screen. The call was from chuka,the friend i just left his house,he was my close buddy although he wasnt a fellow withness.our friendship started far back when we were both little boys,we even formed a languange of our own then.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:00
He knew my secrets and i knew most of his,he was the only friend i had confided in about my problem. ''Emekus whats up?'' he asked immediately i accepted the call. '' o boy..i just told my momsy and she wasnt in support of it oo'' ''haa,i said it!''he excliamed ''yes you did,am just confused,i dont think my parents are going to be in support'' ''then try and talk things over with nkeiru,maybe who knows? Due to her love for you she may agree to be a withness' i shooked my head'' i know her very well chuka,that girl is stubborn.and moreover she doesnt know i am a withness,i have been hiding all this from her because i know she doesnt approve of jehovah withnesses'' ''my dear love can move mountians,anyway i think you need to give this issue serious thinking,you know marriage is once and nothing like dating,are you sure you love this girl so much?''chuka asked ''i do,i love her with my life'' i remarked strongly. ''okay but be careful,i will call later to get feedbacks from you'' ''nsogbu-adighi'' (no problem) i
28 Jan 2015 | 04:01
replied in igbo. He disconnected the call and i dropped the phone on the side table beside the armchiar i was sitting on. I remembered i had an assignment in our congregration that evening,i had forgotten i had few hours left to prepare for the assignment. I quickly brought out my watchtower and awake journal from my leather bound briefcase. Just then my cell phone ranged and i picked it up.i wasnt able to recognize the eleven digits on the screen. ''hello who is this?'' i cautiously asked. ''haba...bro emmy so you have deleted my number already'' a familiar female voice accused. '' phone got stolen so i did welcome back with the new sim,please dont be annoyed'' ''okay,this is ogechi,elder Bethel's daughter'' ''ooo Nne,is that you? Long time ooo what happened?'' ''i travelled to kano,i lost your contact there,i came back yesterday and i retrieved your number from my phone book''she explianed in a hurried manner. ''okay..hope you will attend todays study?''. ''yes,we will meet there'' ''okay,takecare'' i
28 Jan 2015 | 04:02
retorted and quickly disconnected the call.i was in a haste to prepare for the assignment. I was surprised that ogechi had called me,ogechi was one of the outstanding beauties with good personality in our congregration,she was also a regular pioneer and an Elders child likewise I. Few years ago i had a crush on her and we went out on a couple of dates,but i became fed up of her,she treated me like i was below her level just because she had many admirers that were far handsome and marture than me. The days study went fine as i had planned,i had performed the assignment without stammering and when i left the podium i was greeted by a pronounced oviation. My mother smiled at me as i returned to my seat while my immediate elder sister chioma winked at me. After the closing prayer,we held a meeting on the issue of the building project which we had at hand-we were building a fence around the kingdom hall premises. ''bro Emmy'' a familiar voice called my name from behind as i came out of the kingdom hall after dismissal.i turned
28 Jan 2015 | 04:05
kingdom hall after dismissal.i turned,ogechi was the one who had called me,but it wasnt her that caught my attention,it was the younglady beside her. I approached them slowly,with a smile on my face,still wondering who the younglady beside her was. ''ogechi how far'' ''we are fine oo,meet my friend chioma from Umuna congregration'' she introduced. ''haa..chioma,thats the name of my elder sister,Nne kedu?'' ''am fine''she replied in a sonorous voice that reminded me of birds singing at dawn. Someone called ogechi and she excused herself,i cleared my throat. ''i really enjoyed your public talk'' chioma was saying.i noticed she was wringing her hands,she was also the nervous type. ''ooo Dont mention,its jehovah who inspired me,i remembered the first minute i stepped on the podium,i had stage fright,i had to take a deep breath before i commenced'' chioma smiled,i saw the twin dimples on her cheeks and i liked her the more,she was light skinned,average height and had a shape to die for.although she wasnt wearing a
28 Jan 2015 | 04:06
tight fitting gown,her feminine curves was clearly visible. I felt turned on,i havent felt this way for any other girl since i started dating nkeiru,maybe this was a good sign. ''bro i have to go now,i came in the company of my siblings and they are about to start going'' i panicked'' please can i have your phone number?'' i gave her my phone and admiringly watched her as she typed her eleven digits and save it. ''i will call you in the evening'' i promised as she gave me back my phone just as ogechi approached Us,she left in a hurry after whispering into ogechi's ear. '' oge..kano treated you fine oo'' i said when ogechi joined me,we were both heading out of the kingdom hall premises. ''which fine? Dont start that your yeye talk,are you mocking me?'' i smiled ''not at all,i like your friend chioma'' i said after a prolonged silence.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:10
She smiled wanly ''emekus the man'' she retorted and we both laughed. ''time to part,i have reached my junction'' i said. ''okay naa,bye'' she said and we waved. * * * * * * * * * my phone was ringing when i entered the room after bathing,it was some minutes past eight o'clock in the night.just then i remembered i had forgotten to call chioma. I recognized the eleven digits on the screen,it was ogechi's number,i hadnt saved her number earlier. I wondered why she was calling me.i thought we saw today. ''hello Emmy'' ''oge whatsup'' she kept quiet for a long time ''Emmy there is something i want to tell you''she started. ''what is it?'' I asked as i sat down on the bed. ''i dont know how this may sound but i really love you,it was because of you that i came back from kano'' my heart sanked,was she playing a game? She loves me ? What of those handsome and wealthy youngmen of hers??
28 Jan 2015 | 04:11
''oge i have heard you'' i remarked quickly. ''what are you saying naa?'' ''i said i have heard you,but this is not the right time to talk about love..oge am sorry to disappoint you but please put this love issue aside'' ''okay but bear it in mind that oge loves you and is there for you''she remarked. ''okay goodnight'' i said and disconnected the call,i felt angry all of a sudden,what was she playing at??I was still lost in thoughts when someone knocked at the door of my room. ''who is that?''i asked with a tired yawn. ''dede food is ready''my junior sister's voice came from behind the door. I stood up and tossed the phone on my bed,there was still enough time left to call chioma. I walked to the dining room,mama and papa were already sitted at the table.i took my seat and closed my eyes in prayer. Papa took the cue,he said the meal prayer in a jiffy. Dinner consisted of fried ripe plantian with jollof rice,i savoured every grain till the last grians left on my plate.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:13
''Nnam,do you need extra?''mama asked. I shooked my head. ''jehovah thanks for the meal,thank you papa,thank you mama'' i remarked. They mumbled thier replies and i stood up awkwardly,ready to dash into my room. ''Emeka you did very well in todays public talk,keep it up'' papa's voice startled me. I blushed. I had expected him to say something about what i had told mama,it seems mama had kept a sealed lip. I winked at her and walked out of the dining room. My phone was blinking green light when i entered my room,i dashed for it and checked the screen..ten missed calls from nkeiru.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:14
My heart sanked,i felt quilty for not calling her through out the day. I was about to dial her number when i got an incoming call,it was from her. ''hello nkeiru'' ''Emmy howfar''she replied,i noticed her voice sounded faint. ''fine,nkeiru are you okay?'' i asked,worried. ''no...i have been throwing up since morning,i feel weak and dizzy,i just managed to go outside this night to buy airtime because i havent heard from you since morning''she replied. ''am sorry dear,please bear with me.i have been busy today,hope you have taken pills?'' ''yes..i took aspirin'' ''aspirin isnt enough naa,makesure you take something better tommorow'' ''okay,am already feeling sleepy sef,goodnight'' ''goodnight dear,i love you'' ''i love you too''she replied and disconnected the call,i heaved a sigh and dropped the phone.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:15
It was late in the afternoon and i was inside my shop were i sold phone accesories,recharge cards and nokia torch phones when i got the shock of my life. I was busy unknotting a blackberry bold5 phone when i looked up and saw chioma entering my shop. My heart sanked,i hadn't called her as i had promised,and it had been nearly a week since i saw her. ''good afternoon'' i greeted with a smile on my face. She stood still..i saw the emotions - shock,relief,indifference- dance on her face. ''afternoon,please i want to repiar my phone'' ''chioma am sorry for not calling you all this while,i have been very busy,am really sorry please sit down'' i motioned at the leather sofa opposite me. ''thanks''she said and sat down. ''let me see your phone'' she brought out an old model white and black nokia phone that my junior sister wouldnt have accepted even in a dream.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:16
''this phone cant function very well naa'' i remarked. ''i have been using it since ages'' she replied. I shooked my head and opened my drawer,i gave her the asha205 nokia phone that i had intended to give my elder sister. ''take it,it is yours now..'' ''thanks but i cant take it'' ''you can and you will'' I remarked adamantly. She took it reluctantly and thanked me profusely.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:18
We were both Engrossed in a petty conversation that obviously was leading nowhere when an okada halted in front of my shop. Nkeiru came down from the motorcycle and paid off the cyclist. ''angel how far?'' i asked as she entered the shop. ''am fine''she replied,her eyes darted from chioma to me. Chioma took the cue,she stood up immediately. ''bro Emmy,am going'' she said. ''okay,you will hear from me soon'' i replied,silently praying that she shouldnt say anything about the phone i gave her. ''thanks,goodbye'' she left and i heaved a sigh of relief. Nkeiru sanked down on the sofa and yawned tiredly. ''baby whatsup?is there anything i can get for you?'' i asked as i took my usual position on the arm of the sofa. She shooked her head.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:19
''not at all,am okay'' ''so whats troubling my angel?'' i fondly asked as i lowered her head on my lap and started caressing her hiar. ''Emmy nsogbu di '' she said. My heart beat accelerated,i remembered our last conversation,she had said she was two weeks late-that is she hadnt seen her monthly flow on the supposed date,and she was troubled. '' baby what is it?'' I asked gravely. '' i bought the PT strip and i followed the instructions on the pack''she paused and i held my breath,preparing myself for the big blow. ''the result was positive,that pregnant''she said quietly. ''you cant be''i mummured,not knowing what else to say. ''i told you we should use protection but you preferred the withdrawal method'' she accused. ''hey angel,no need for panicking,you cant just believe that flimsy tube of a thing,i think you should visit a medical lab for close examination and test'' i carefully said.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:20
i was Upset for the rest of the day,nkeiru's news had ruined my day. I had a sickening dread at the pit of my stomach.. What if she was really pregnant ?? Although I was the only son and my parents were eager to carry my offspring,they would never be in support of my marrying nkeiru. I would be the black sheep of the family. I knew few ladies in our congregration that had married non- withness. They were never accepted back not until they had divorced the men,even then they were still regarded like outcasts. * * * * * Emeka! Emeka!''mama called from the door,i was sitting on the armchiar in my room,staring into empty space,with my palm on my jaw.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:26
Her voice brought me out from my stupor. I sighed heavily. ''nnam what is it?'' she asked as she came to sit on the bed beside me. I shooked my head.''nothing that i cant take care of'' i replied quickly. ''is it about that girl?'' mama asked,her question was like an electric jolt,i sat up. ''how did you know?'' she smiled wanly. ''am your mother and i bore you in my womb for nine good months,i know you'' i shuffled my feets on the carpetted floor. ''is she pregnant for you?'' ''No '' I snapped. What if she is pregnant?? A timid voice asked in my head. Then it isnt for me....another voice replied. I had been careful.... Hadnt I ?Mama left the room when she saw i wasnt in the mood to talk with anyone,she later sent my junior sister to bring my supper.the meal remianed untouched on the table,i took my bath,freshened Up and walked out of the house. It was dusk and my rolex wrist watch confirmed it was some minutes past six o clock.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:30
I heard someone call my name across the mian road and i looked up, it was Arinze. A friend of mine that had attended the same secondary school with me. ''Emekus whats up naa?''he asked,as he crossed the main road. We exchanged a firm handshake. ''am fine ooo,where are you heading to?'' I asked as i noticed his trianee shoe,baggy trouser and large basketball singlet that had the picture of the tatooed lilwayne on the front. Arinze smiled,displaying his set of white glittering teeth. ''just heading to my regular joint,i need to take some booze to keep my spirit high''he remarked. ''haba so you havent stopped this your drinking habit ehnn,and by the look of your lower lip i know you still smoke'' i retorted.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:31
''my dear,this is life,Enjoy it while it lasts'' he replied ''life no get duplicate oo''he added as an after thought. ''Arinze you seem to have forgotten that smokers are liable to die young,cigarette is a slow killer,it kills slowly'' he laughed out ''who needs a quick killer?'' he jested. ''cigarette is like the proverbial rat,while it chew at your feets it blows you breeze so you wouldnt feel the you are enjoying cigarette thats how it is destroying your lungs'' i said.. ''haba and this your preaching,i have forgotten E BU ONYE armageddon'' he added in vernacular. I shooked my head. ''am off,see you later'' i told him and walked off towards the opposite direction.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:33
Wahala don show
28 Jan 2015 | 04:33
I was thinking deeply that i didnt hear the incessant honking of a car behind me not until the angry driver shouted. ''you will not carry your dead body off my lane,you are looking for someone who will purchase your coffin,bury you and even pay for the rice that will be eaten that day'' i flinched at the hateful words,my heart thumping wildly. ''Emeka..''a familiar voice called from behind. I turned,it was chioma my elder sister. I noticed she was in the company of a youngman. ''chi...howfar?'' i asked,i was wondering where she was coming from so late. ''am fine,meet my friend stanley,stanley this is my brother'' she introduced. We exchanged a handshake and mumbled incoherent greeting. I wanted to ask him if he was a fellow- withness but chioma winked at me and I kept my cool.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:34
''i have to go and see a friend,see you later''I excused myself hurriedly. ''okay,see you at home''chioma replied and i walked off.I had many things on my mind as i headed to chuka's place.Unfortunately he wasn't around and his phone was switched off when I dialled his number. I felt fustrated,i had come this way to share my problems with him,where had he gone so late? With anger i headed back home.rarely replying when people greeted me. I got home and flunged myself on the bed,the door opened and chioma entered looking sheepishly. ''who is that guy?''i asked,sitting Up. She sighed and joined me on the bed. ''thats my fiancee'' ''fia ....gini?'' she waved her left hand and i saw the engagement ringon her middle finger,I was speechless. ''come...tell me about him'' she shooked her head ''I cant,i dont want anyone to know,but i plan to elope with him.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:37
Emeka take a look at me,am I getting young?I cant just sit and wait for a fellow withness to marry me,women dont have much time before they reach menopause.'' i was flabbergasted ''are you trying to tell me that this guy...stanley is not a withness?''I queried. ''he is not,Emeka but I love him and am not afraid of what our parents may say'' ''chioma listen..runing away is not the issue,what if this guy dumps you,who will you turn to?'' ''stanley wouldnt dump me,we love each other and our love is pure''she replied. Her words stunned me,I stood staring at her,speechless. ''see Emeka am fed up of all this withness thing.Even napoleon said-to rebel is just,rebellion is justified''she remarked cooly
28 Jan 2015 | 04:40
I was confused.......chioma thinking of marrying a non-withness? What is wrong with her? Why couldnt she hold unto our faith just like i intend to do. ''Emmy please dont tell anyone what i just told you''she implored,looking into my brown eyes. I shrugged,still speechless. 'thank you, i promise you i will not forget you wherever I go''she said,her words brought me out from my stupor just like an electric jolt. ''where are you planing to go with him?''I asked. She sighed again ''promise me you will not tell anyone''she said ''I promise''I agreed. ''dubia...we are almost through with our papers,we will be leaving soon''. ''dubia...gini?'' i queried,i was bereft of words. ''yes,stanley is an importer and exporter'' ''that small boy?'' my eyebrows creased in a frown,this her stanley looks so good to be true. ''he is not a boy,he is 32''she replied. ''chayoma..''I called her by her petname ''you have to be careful so you will not end up like aunt caro,
28 Jan 2015 | 04:41
who was later duped,divorced by her so called husband,you know how she had to start from the scratch and how our members looked at her like she is an outcast,because they warned her when she was head over heels in love with a nonwithness''I reminded her. ''dont worry Emmy,it is going to be alright,but please dont tell our parents where am heading to'' i nodded, ''okay agreed,but how much have you spent on this dubia issue,it might not be genuine oo'' she smiled''i didnt spend a dime,stanley took care of everything''she replied and stood Up. ''goodnight dear'' ''kachifo''I replied,still looking like a dummy. Chioma and dubia
28 Jan 2015 | 04:42
I woked up to the sound of heated arguement coming from my parents room,my parents were having one of thier nasty morning brawls. I yawned,feeling hungry.i hadnt eaten anything last night and my stomach growled in request for food. Sabina my junior sister was sobbing in the kitchen when i got there to take a glass cup of water for brushing my teeth. ''dede good morning''she managed to greet between sobs. ''morning,why are you crying,what happened?''I asked with a tired yawn. ''it is papa''she replied,wiping at her tears clumsily. ''papa mere gini?''(did what) i asked in vernacular. She didnt reply but unfolded her hands. I flinched as I saw the burnt scald on her right hand. ''papa did that?'' she nodded
28 Jan 2015 | 04:43
''why?'' i asked,confused. ''i made pap for him for his breakfast,then he called me and asked me who made the pap,i told him it was me.he then poured the hot pap on my hand'' ''jehovah!''I excliamed,eyes as round as saucers. ''he said the pap was watery,that i should not prepare his meals again'' i shooked my head. ''papa could be so harsh,ndo nwanne,what of chioma?''I asked. She took her time before replying... ''she has left'' ''left to where?'' i asked,my brain was still foggy. ''i dont know,she left a letter in her bed when i went to wake her this morning,i didnt see her nor her belongings so i took the letter to mama''. I staggered and held the doorknob. Chioma gone ?? So soon No wonder she had told me about stanley. So she had already planned leaving for long. I walked to my room,forgetting about the glass cup of water.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:46
''Emeka Emeka!''mama called me just as I came out from the bathroom,i was wearing my butterfly patterned boxer,i quickly rushed into my room and wore something more decent before answering her call. She was sitting on the double-set cushion known as me&my wife,and her right hand held a folded paper which I quickly knew was chioma's letter. ''mama you called me''I replied,sitting on the sofa opposite her. ''yes I did,read this''she said and handed me the paper. My hands shooked as I unfolded the paper,I went through the content,my heart beating wildly,chioma's letter is better read than imagined. I couldnt believe she could be this harsh to our parents. ''what do you have to say about it?''mama asked. I sighed and sat up.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:49
''mama am bereft of words'' mama emmited a long hiss ''i believe she was bewitched''she remarked. ''i know my daughter very well,this must be a love charm at work,how could she fall so easily,what does she needs that we can't give her..what?''. ''mama so you believe in all this witchcraft of a thing??''I queried. ''i have every reason to believe chioma is under a spell,now your father is trying to put the blame on me...chioma has shamed me!! My fifth daughter has brought disrespect to this family,why could she be so eager to get married,the time of every individual waits for them. Have she forgotten that akudo her immediate sister got married at the age of 27,it isnt late for her yet'' I stood up. ''mama this chioma's issue is causinq me headache,i need to prepare for shop today''i remarked.
28 Jan 2015 | 04:51
She sighed''sabina will prepare something for you'' ''dont worry am not hungry''I lied just as my stomach growled in remindal. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ I was busy repiaring a samsung phone when my phone beeped,i checked the screen,it was an alert from diamond bank.i was confused......twenty thousand naira had been debitted from my account via ATM... My heart sanked. Had i fallen victim to account hackers ? I searched my wallet were i normally kept my ATM card,it wasnt there.... Then bang!! I remembered I had given chioma my sister my ATM card to withdraw some cash for me over the weekend,she had done that for me.... But I had forgotten to collect my ATM from her. Chioma must be the brain behind this..... My phone beeped again,another alert... Twenty thousand naira debitted from your account via ATM,balance=2,545 naira. I fainted
28 Jan 2015 | 04:52
Y is she doing dis 2 u,she must be out of her senses
28 Jan 2015 | 05:22
Oga haykim, I hope the author is aware of this story?? :)
28 Jan 2015 | 05:28
@coolval yes
28 Jan 2015 | 18:48
How could chioma do this to me ?? I went totally beserk. Chioma has bitten the fingers that fed her. Imagine! I was stupified and bereft of words. If my biological sister could have the conscience to do this to me,only heaven knows what my supposed girl friends would do . I was boiling in rage,i felt like punching anyone that come within distance,my palms curled in a tight fist,beads of perspiration rolled down my forehead. My phone beeped. I feared the worst,what if chioma had fishingly gotten the password of my business zenith account. The message was from chioma(not my sister) pls snd me credit.....she had sent. I kee debit ni. Do I look like central bank Imagine! With the anger boiling within me i sent her my reply,it went thus:
28 Jan 2015 | 18:51
nne pls snd me credit,even if it is 50 naira transfer it will be enof. What i did,was it wrong ?? Men arent mean to be loosers naaI waited and waited but she didnt reply my message,i was about laughing out loud when my phone ranged. It was from ogechi,I emmited a long hiss. ''hellow emmy good afternoon''she greeted in that angellic voice of hers. I gulped ''afternoon oge,how far?'' ''am not fine,i have been sick thats why i havent been attending meetings and studies,all these while you didnt call me for once,its unfiar oo''she remarked. ''am really sorry oge''I apologised,also wondering why she called me. ''never mind,thats past tense now,how business?'' ''fine,i thank Jah''I replied. ''yes oo,that reminds me,chioma showed me the phone you gave her and I called to say thank you,you have done well for her'' ''it my pleasure''I stammered,already regretting why I gave chioma the phone.
28 Jan 2015 | 18:54
Ogechi sighed ''but isnt it too early? You made it seem as if you could go extra miles for her,remember you dont know much about her''she remarked. ''yes,but what i know about her is enough,moreover am old enough to spend on any lady of my choice''I snapped,feeling irritated. ''haa...I see,am sorry for raising up the issue,anyway what of chioma your sister?'' my heartbeat paused.... ''dont you have her number,why not call her''i retorted. ''her number isnt available,i lent her some money and she promised to pay me yesterday,i have been trying her line but it isnt reachable'' ''are you telling me my sister borrowed money from you? Money for what?''I asked sheepishly,confused. ''she didnt tell,she just said she needed the money badly and she would pay me as soon as she got what she is in pursuit of'' ''mmm,like how much did you lend her?'' ''twenty thousand naira'' twenty gini ''wait ogechi,are you telling me you gave my sister twenty thousand naira,and you didnt ask her what she needed it for?'' I asked,stupifil
28 Jan 2015 | 18:56
''I asked but she said it is meant to be a surprise,hope all is well at home?''she asked after a momentary pause. ''yes'' ''please help me talk to her, i took that money from my employer's drawer and soon they will be cominq to cross check the sales account'' ''okay i will try my best''I mumbled and disconnected the call. I felt tired all of a sudden. Apart from ogechi and I,who next had she duped. I pray we are the only two mugus. The day sped fast and soon it was dusk,i was about leaving my shop when chuka called me and told me to come over at cypo bar&restaurant that he was celebratinq somethinq. ''what are you celebrating?''i asked. ''just come..''he replied,his voice sounde excited and i was eager to know what the excitement was all about. Before one could say peterpan i had arrived at the bar and located chuka with some group of youngmen which i was friendly with.
28 Jan 2015 | 18:57
After the handshakes and greetings,I pulled him aside. ''what is this all about?''I asked. ''man today is my birthday,i know if i had told you,you wouldnt have come''he replied. I stood,shocked. ''so this is a birthday party? Please count me out'' ''haba..whats so bad about celebrating one's added year?'' he asked. I shrugged ''well nothing may be bad about it but the two birthday parties mentioned in the bible ended badly,one-job's son birthday.two- herod's birthday and the bible never gave an account of God's people throwing birthday parties'' ''and so? Please stop this your jehovah withness stuff,lets have fun''chuka argued. The place stanked so much of alcohol and sin,not a fitful place for a withness to be,i was about storming out of the place when i bumped into chioma and stanley
28 Jan 2015 | 18:59
It seemed as if everything came to an abrupt halt,the hairs at the back of my neck stood,I have read so many books where the writers describe something like this scene but it hadnt prepared me for this. Chioma withdrew a step,with her mouth shaped like a wide circle,I darted my eyes at her companion,who was dressed in red Tshirt over khaki chinos trouser. Many questions popped in my brain. Questions like 'are you bewitched?' 'apart from I and ogechi who else did you dupe?' 'are you crazy?' but instead when i opened my mouth,the words refused to come out. ''chioma why did you withdraw money from my account?''I found myself asking instead. She let out a sharp gust of air. ''Excuse Us please,we dont know who you are''stanley drawled and grabbed chioma's right hand. ''stop it,leave my sister alone'' I ordered,obstructing the entrance door. A waiter came hurrying to Us. ''please whats the problem here?'' he asked.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:01
''does this boy work here?''stanley asked,authoritatively. ''no he doesnt''the waiter replied,shaking his head. ''then tell him to get out of my way before I kick his ass'' ''whose ass?''i queried,from the corner of my eyes I noticed chuka and his friends approaching Us. ''yours of course''stanley snapped. I smiled ''you are going nowhere with my sister,Enough of you and your charms''I yelled. ''sister?''the waiter echoed ''dont mind the dumb ass,he is drunk so he doesnt know who his sister is again,this is my wife,do I need to prove it to you? Check the ring in her fourth finger'' I followed the waiters gaze to chioma's left hand,the glittering emerald ring was visible. ''youngman,even the bible said that what God has joined together let no man put assunder''the waiter remarked. I gulped just as chuka pulled me aside and I hurriedly explianed everything to him.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:03
''we go treat him Bleep up''he assured me. ''how and where?''I asked, eyes were glued to thier table,the scene earlier had ruffled chioma's calm exterior,she was uncomfortable and kept darting her eyes at where i stood with chuka and the boys. ''just trust me'' ''please i dont want to ruin your birthday party,lemme start going''i remarked ''go where?just take a glass of legend beer and be in the spirit with Us,we go treat him Bleep up''he retorted,leading me to the table which was crowded to the brim with bottles. * * * * by the time I home,it was some minutes past eight oclock,I could barely stand on my feets,I got to my room and collapsed on the bed. My head ached. I closed my eyes briefly and i didnt open it again.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:04
A loud knock woked me up the next morning,i yawned and made to sit up but my feets were entangled in the bedsheets. What happened yesterday? I found myself asking just as I limped to the door. ''Emmy what happened yesterday?''was the first thing mama asked me when I unbolted the door. ''nothing'' ''dont nothing me,there are policemen in the living room waiting to arrest you'' my knees sagged, yesterday's event came flooding into my brain. the punctured tyre-the beating-the petty robbery-the triumphant party at chuka's place-staggering home- falling on my bed-sweet sleep.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:06
I sighed ''mama,you wouldnt understand'' I remarked and stepped back into my room. I sanked on the bed,feeling confused and trapped. just as I was led out of the room by the two policemen I noticed papa was nowhere to be seen in the living room. ''Nnam what happened?''mama kept asking,lingering behind. ''mama it is okay,just call chuka my friend,talk to him''I said as I stepped out of the house. I felt like a criminal as I was led to the black pick up van,all eyes were on me as I sat down between the two policemen. God is this happening to me ?? I kept asking
28 Jan 2015 | 19:07
''wetin dey amuse you?''he snapped,noticing the grin plastered on my face. ''E be like say because you never sleep for prison before you think say na the same thing with your yeye house....o boy mosquito go use you do nkwobi..'' he retorted just as he unlocked the cell and pushed me Inside. The odour of bad breath and sweat hit my nose as I shuffled for a squatting position in the semi- darkness. I turned to look at the faces near me and I recoiled in horror,guys of my age now had white over night hairs on thier heads and jaws. Will this also happen to me My mind was in turmoil,I cursed my self for allowing chuka to mislead me. Those things I did last night was Unbecoming of a staunch withness. If the Elders in our congregration heard about my misdemeanour they wouldnt hestitate to show me the red card.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:10
I felt like a fool at forty.... After all this years of peace living i would now be seen as a trouble maker. Chuka... Chuka..... I remembered what my father always said 'if a goat that doesnt eat yam start going out with a goat that eats yam,it would soon start eating yam'' simply put-bad association corrupts good manners. I remembered the smug smile on my face as we steathingly deflated the rear tyres of stanley's honda accord- the smug smile on my face as we beat him black and blue with our belts while chioma wept-the smug smile on my face as I dranked and danced to the sound of pop pop pop champagne blaring out from chuka's audio player. I am finished;( what will become of my fate in our congregration. How will I be regarded ?? Will I be seen as that young brother who has love for the work of Jehovah.
28 Jan 2015 | 19:11
OR the black sheep (nwa-mmefu). These were the thoughts that cruised my mind as I moped like a lost monkey. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ '' you and your gang,robbed and beat my brother'' the man dressed in army uniform snarled. I sat on the stool provided in the consulting room,staring at this huge giant of a man. Stanley's brother Am In for it.... ''so tell me,who and who are among in the ambush?'' ''it wasnt an ambush,i swear..'' ''shut up,if it wasnt an ambush,what then was it,a party??''
28 Jan 2015 | 19:12
I shooked my head ''please you have to listen to my own side of the story'' i pleaded. ''haa...story for the gods.okay tell me,what fast about it''he snapped. I sniffed and started narrating yesterdays ordeal to him,midway into it,he slapped me. ''how dare you say my brothers wife is your sister'' ''I swear...her name is chioma,she is my immediate elder sister'' ''if she is your sister...why then did she insists that you and your cohorts should be arrested.why?'' she did Mama came two days later to see me,I was brought out of the detention cell and led to the consulting room were she sat,hunched like an old tortoise. ''Emmy what have they done to you''she croakishly asked,I noticed the drop of tear below her lower eyelids. ''mama,nothing''I replied with a helpless sigh. ''they told me you dont want to mention the names of those with you when the incident occured''she said.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:01
''mama,this has nothing to do with them'' ''Emmy my son,you know an only palmnut never get lost in the fire,you are my only son,i dont know what to believe this days,They told me you robbed and beated a man''she paused to wipe the tears flowing down her eyes,In all my twenty four years I havent seen her so Emotional,mama was the type that never cried,when bad incidents occur she rather sniffed than cry. ''mama,the man I beated is stanley'' ''who is stanley?''she asked. I sighed and briefly narrated everything to her,by the time I was through,her mouth was opened in a wide circle. ''ARU....abomination! You mean chioma has a hand in your imprisonment and that she duped you?''
29 Jan 2015 | 02:02
''yes mama,chioma your daughter''I replied sourly. ''that reminds me,did you call chuka like I said?'' i swiftly changed the topic. ''yes I did,he promised to come at the house but I didnt see him,i went over to his place only to be told that he travelled'' travelled My shoulders sanked i am now the scape goat,others had fled,leaving me to my plight. ''he was among..infact he was the one that planned everything'' I mumbled,feeling dejected. Ogechi came to see me the next day,she brought fruits and jollof rice in a foodflask,I was surprised to see her,Infact when I had been told that I had a female visitor I had assumed it was chioma my sister,coming to apologise and plead for forgiveness. ''ogechi....'' she read the shock in my countenance and smiled quickly. ''I went to the house yesterday and mama told me everything''she remarked as I lowered my bulk on the bench. ''who and who knows now?''I asked,my face a mask of worry.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:06
''mama confided in me,am sure am the only one she told,so how are you doing?'' I shrugged ''fine as you can see,I am tired of this place,my prayer everyday is that this people should pardon and grant me bail'' i replied with a helpless sigh. ''it is well dear,jehovah works in mighty ways......I brought something for you'' she quietly opened the shopping bag and brought out the foodflask,a bunch of bananas,oranges and watermelon. My eyes were enveloped in tears of gratitude. ''thanks so much'' ''it is nothing,what troubles you,keeps me sleepless'' ''I dont know you could go to this length for someone who has treated you ill off lately''I mumbled.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:07
''haa,dont speak like that,I understand everything dear,just eat''she retortrd. And I ate....We were twelve in our cell and i happened to be the youngest and the freshest,In all...salimu was the one i was in good terms with,he was close to my age and was well built with strong biceps,the only repulsion i had whenever i was with him was his mouth odour,it seems he was born with it and because of this flaw of his he was given his own corner of the cell. Unfortunately for me,I was opportuned to sit beside him because the small cell was crowded and had little ventilation. I had shared the fruits ogechi brought with my co_convicts and as i was chewing the flesh of the orange salimu grabbed the my other share of orange and threw it into his mouth. I felt angry,the orange i was chewing became sour in my mouth and i had to fight myself not to spit it out on the rough-cemented floor that had holes that reminded me of major road potholes.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:11
"so who is this babe that brought you fruits?"he asked and belched. "just a friend in my congregration" "so you are really a JW?" "yeah..."i replied. He shooked his head,i had told him about my story earlier in the day and he had told me his.I hadnt been prepared for what i had heard,even now i cant bring myself to believe it. Salimu(his nickname) happened to have a brother that made frequent business trips to foriegn countries,leaving behind salimu and his young wife with thier kid. One thing led to another ...salimu fell in love with his brothers wife and they started an affair while his elder brother was away. Unfortunately one day his brother came back suddenly without informing his wife or brother,as he entered the compound on foot,his wife caught a glimpse of his shadow and prepared herself. Salimu was having a good time with the wife,he was about unbuttöning her gown just as he always did with her...when the woman started screaming.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:13
.....his brother banged into the room and the next place he saw himself was inside the cell. End of story. So that was how my friend ended in jail. A sad and sour story isn't it? On my fifth day in jail i felt like dying,the cell was stuffed and the air stanked of unwashed bodies,i nearly cried out as i couldnt bear it anylonger,many thoughts chased each other in my mind,what would become of me? I kept asking,beads of tears rolled down my eyes and i clumsily wiped them off. "emekus wetin dey worry you?"salimu asked,nudging me. I sighed helplessly and unconciously toyed with the two small ropes on my butterfly patterned boxer. "my man,for how long will i remain here?"i asked. He smacked his lips. "o boy is that what you are thinking about?" "yes naa" "i wonder what you would have done if you were in my shoes,do you know i have been here for three months? My brother just threw me here,bribed the officers and walked away" i sighed,biting my nails helplessly.just then I noticed a warden walking towards our cell,i held
29 Jan 2015 | 02:15
my breath and prayed silently. "who be emeka for here?"the warden asked. "na me"i quickly replied,my heart thumping wildly.I soon found myself walking towards the front hall with the warden,he darted an angry look at me and shoved me forward. He led me to the little office inside the hall,a huge man sat behind a table,his eyes was focused on a file ön the desk,he looked up when we entered. "so you are the called emeka? You are quite lucky that the DPO changed his mind and decided to grant you bail,if not you would have celebrated your seventy years birthday here"the police officer behind the mahogany desk remarked with a scrowl on his chubby face. I remained quiet,shuffling my feets uncomfortably and wondering what next. "oya sign this sharperly" he pushed a sheet of paper with a pen ontop.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:17
I skimmed it and quickly scrawled my signature at the end of the paper. "aliyu"the officer called the warden who quickly came to stand beside me after a quick salute. "take him to the counter,youngman you are free to go,but let this sound as a warning to you and your cohorts". For the first time in five days i took a deep breath. "thank you sir"i mumbled as i was ushered out of his presence. A wane smile danced on mama lips as i was led to the waiting room,i had already put on my shirt and trouser that had traces of dust on them. "nnam"she muttered and embraced me. "mama it is okay,how is papa and sabina?"i asked as we walked out of the station. "fine fine"she replied and sighed. "hope none of our brethens knew what happened?"i asked as i cautiously examined the street. "apart from oge,i told no one else" "how come they decided to grant me bail?" i asked the question that had been ön my mind for long.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:19
"my dear..jehovah is indeed a great God,he touched the DPO heart,i have been coming here everyday,pleading and pleading but he refused to grant my request. So i took the cue and sent your sister a text message and today i came" "so you mean chioma's number is now reachable" i interupted. "yes..but she still refused to pick my calls"mama replied and shrugged her shoulder. "am sorry for all you went through because of me mama,i owe everything to you" i quietly said. She patted my right arm. "nnaemeka it is alright,you are my son and i cant leave you to rot in jail" "but papa did that"i pointed out. She sighed and frowned fleetingly."some things are better left unsaid"
29 Jan 2015 | 02:20
my favorite dish _well pounded fufu and okra soup_was already on the dining table when i came out of the bathroom after spending nearly half an hour there. I opened the dish and fell to the sumptous meal,savouring each morsel, i ate like i had fasted for forty days.i was washing my hands after the meal when a knock sounded on the front door. "sabina! Go and check who is at the door" i called out and she dashed out of the kitchen hurrying towards the front door. She came back just as i was standing up,I noticed the funny look on her face. "who is that?"i asked. "a youngwoman,she said her name is nkeiru" my heart sanked!!! "and that she is looking for you"sabina concluded. I sighed..
29 Jan 2015 | 02:21
What have i become ?? One week-one trouble. The first thing i noticed about nkeiru was the way she looked,she had emaciated a great deal. Or was my eyes playing tricks on me ?. "emmy"she half yelled and bounced into my arms,i wasnt prepared for this...i staggered. "nke babe,is alright,come inside" i led her straight to my room,i knew who my father was,i knew what he was capable of doing. I knew he wouldnt look at nkeiru favourably,she was dressed in white top over blue jean trouser and my parents spoke ill of those females who wore trouser. "emmy what happened?"nkeiru asked with a worried look on her face. "nothing bad" "i have been calling your line and it isnt reachable..."
29 Jan 2015 | 02:22
"yes"i replied in monosyllable. "so what happened?"she asked as she perched on the edge of my bed. I sighed heavily. "nke babe thats the past,am back now." she shooked her head,"my cousin was there the day you were led into a black maria van and she informed me,emmy i have been worried,i havent slept since then"she paused. "i came here thrice looking for you but your mother was non- commital,it was also that cousin of mine that called me not long ago to tell me she saw you and your mum walking into the compound". I sat down beside her and took her right palm."angel i appreciate your care and concern,how is your health?you look haggard". "am fine,just worried.this few days have been hell for me,and i went nearly beserk when i couldnt get to you"she retorted. "hope all is well?"i heart thumping wildly. She sighed and speechlessly handed me a paper. I took it and read the content. "so you are really pregnant?" i found myself asking like a zombie. She nodded,i embraced her,caressing her hair.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:24
"dont worry,it is okay"i mumbled while my second being was screaming 'LIAR LIAR' what next ??Nkeiru will not kill she wants to take over from my sister abi...i thought as I entered our compound after escorting her home. I was so so confused,this pregnancy issue was getting out of hand. Something must be done,something must be done. BUT WHAT? I was still carried away thinking about nkeiru's wahala when power supply came. 'up nepa!" sabina's voice jolted me out from my reverie, i sat up and quickly plugged my phone which was off due to low battery. Fifteen minutes later i switched it on,as if on phone started ringing. The name displayed on the screen was that of ogechi. "helow"i said immediately i pressed the green button. "oga sir,howfar? I heard you are back?" "yeah,who told you" "your mum naa,anyway i called to know if you are around,am on my way to your place"she remarked. "okay,see you when you come"i retorted and disconnected the call.I sighed heavily and sanked down on my bed,just then sabina came in
29 Jan 2015 | 02:31
"dede papa said i should call you" my heart did a mad flip flop dance,i could swear that it shifted from its normal position to my stomach. "when did he came back?" i found myself asking as i stared at sabina,actually i was staring at her but i wasnt really seeing focus was at the door opposite my room,when had papa sneaked into his room? I was sure he wasnt around when I came back from escorting nkeiru,his rickety hilux jeep wasnt parked outside the compound. "he came back when you went out" sabina replied. "what about his car?" "it had a mechanical break down". I shrugged and hastingly combed my hair,appearance mean alot to papa.i stood in front of the wall mirror,i started from my hair,face,shirt and trouser.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:32
I looked good although i was emaciated,my gaunt cheekbones stood out and there were two holes below my eyes. 'fine boy gone ugly' i mumbled. Nevertheless papa would be impressed,at least i didnt smell like salimu. On remembering him i chuckled,in my haste i had forgotten to bid him farewell. 0h dear dear friend The first thing I noticed when I entered my parents room was that the enlarged photograph of mama and papa was no longer hanging on the wall adjacent to thier wardrobe. The photograph was a black and white outdated picture of mama in white wedding gown and papa in black suit,as far as i could remember that photograph was never removed from its position except when mama removed the cobwebs behind it. My gaze fell on papa who was skimming through the 'sing to jehovah' hymn book with yellow cover that had people of various race and colour singing and smiling on the front cover.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:34
Could I be that happy? I pondered. "papa good afternoon"i greeted at last. He raised his eyes from the book,his brows were creased in a frown. "emeka you have shamed me"he began,dropping the book on the bedside table. I shuffled my feets uncomfortable,i was expecting something worse from papa,I expected him to fly into his endless tantrums. I came prepared,i was shocked beyond words when papa dismissed me with a wave of the hand. "go,you are not my son"he retorted scornfully. ""i stuttered,i couldnt bring my self to speak. "any child of mine that go against the teaching of jehovah cease to become my child,i cant stomach that stupidity from any of you..listen,rehoboam the son of solomon should be enough lesson to you.instead of listening to the voice of the elders he choosed that of his contempoary agemates,he foolishly said 'my father chastised you with whip but i will chastise you with scorpion' what became his fate?"papa asked.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:36
I couldnt reply.he continued "emeka between you and I let me tell you the truth,it would be my utmost joy if you werent granted bail. Let this sound as a determent to you and your gang!" he concluded without raising his voice a notch higher. I silently walked out of the room,for the hundreth time that week i cursed myself for paying heed to chuks words. PAPA!! That man was a pain in the ass,i believed i was unfortunate to have a man like that as my father. I hate him.. Yes I hate him. ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ For the second time that day i had the shock of my life,i had just opened the front door when lo and behold ogechi walked into the compound with..... Quess who
29 Jan 2015 | 02:37
It was chioma,the girl i had given the asha 205,i felt breathless and embarassed,my heart beat accelerated as I remembered the funny but provocative message i had sent her. Why did ogechi bring her here naa? I pondered. "emmy howfar"ogechi called out as they covered the distance between Us. "am fine"i replied quietly,i noticed chioma was nervous and shy,she couldnt bring herself to look into my eyes. Good! I led them into the sitting room. "what can I get for you both?" i asked immediately they settled comfortably on the cushion. "haa,dont bother yourself,we were on our way from field service when we decided to drop by and see you" ogechi remarked. "how was today's field service" i found myself asking as i fought myself not to stare at chioma's ethreal beauty.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:39
There was something that pulled me closer to her like a magnet. "we thank jehovah,what of your mother?"oge asked flippantly,darting her eyes from one object to another. Her gaze stopped at the plasma telivision and the home theater,i could see the fire of admiration in her eyes as they caressed the electronics. "she went out" i replied and took a deep breath,we got engrossed in a petty conservation in which chioma wasnt involved. I so much craved to hear her voice and i prayed ogechi would excuse Us so I would apologise for my nasty message a week or thereabout ago. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i woked up around one o clock a.m and dialled chioma's number.i was disappointed and crestfallen when the 'oyibo voice' remarked "the mtn mumber you are trying to call is kindly switched off please try again later thank you" thank wetin?? I hissed angrilly. Chioma..chioma.. I havent felt for anyone this way. Imagine I emeka that hardly gives females money or anything,readily gave chioma a new model,hot cake asha 205 nokia phone without h_avin any regreat
29 Jan 2015 | 02:41
I had to do something,i quickly dialled nkeiru's number,she picked the call on second ring,as if she had been waiting for my call. "babe am sorry for waking you" i started,groping for the right words. "no probs" she replied,her voice sounded croakish,i had squalms,i shouldnt have woken her up this early. "babe there is something i want us to discuss about" "yeah go on." i took a deep breath and rapidly said a silent prayer for luck. "angel i dont know how this may sound to you..."i paused and sighed. I wished i had the gift of oratory like my once friend chuka. "nkeiru listen to me and please try to understand,am saying this not because i dont love you but because i want a great future for our children" i paused dramatically. Future and children?? No be today..i mused.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:45
"emmy what are you trying to say" nkeiru's voice sounded edgy. "what am saying is that things arent going for me well as i had expected and i dont want to burden myself with this responsibility when am not prepared for it,so please understand me,a baby is not what we need now" "are you saying I should abort the baby?" nkeiru flared. "dont use the words abort and baby,because number you are not aborting anything,you are only some few weeks gone,so it is just blood,i see no harm in terminating the pregnancy" i said,diplomatically. Nkeiru's breathing became loud and rasp,i knew she was spoiling for a fight. "emeka,am not terminating anything,dont make me to,remember you are the only son" i felt angry all of a sudden. "yes am the only son! Is that why you want to tie me down with a pregnancy that obviously isnt mine" i nearly shouted. There was absolute tranquil at the other end,i thought she had disconnected the call.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:47
"what what what did you just say??"her voice sounded weak and humilated. I rolled my eyes. What had i just said ?? #goodnight The crowing of cocks in the nieghbourhood woked me up,i stretched and yawned,sitting up on the bed. I felt absolutely tired,yesterday had been filled with one event to another.yet I was happy that i hadnt woken up in jail,i had had a nasty nightmare and immediately i woked up I had heaved a sigh of relief. I hadnt woken up beside the awful smelling salimu!! A timid knock sounded on the door,i groaned and stood up. Mama was standing at the door when I opened it. "mama good morning" i greeted. "morning"she replied,stiffling a yawn,i opened the door wider and she entered inside the room. For the first time in the past days i took a close look at her,i noticed the small dark circles under her eyes,her face had lost it plumpiness,the cheeks were not fleshy,they hugged the bones.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:50
I felt triggered by what i saw. What had turned mama into a walking skeleton..I pondered as i perched on the bedside table while mama lowered her bulk on the bed. "mama whats happening?" i found myself asking,i couldnt stop the words from flowing out. She sighed "what do you mean by what is happening?" she asked in a weak voice. "you look emaciated" "thats how i should look,do you think i ate during those days you were in,it is only a heartless woman that will feel comfortable while her son is in jail"she paused and busied herself with arranging the ruffled bedsheets. "mama am sorry for all you have been through because of me,am forever indebted to you" i said with compassion. "it is alright"she assured me with a wane smile that didnt show in her eyes. I silently sat beside her,fearing the worse. I knew mama didnt come all the way to my room for a petty conversation about jail. What was it that she couldnt stomach again?? Papa of course
29 Jan 2015 | 02:52
The day turned out bad for me,mama had filled my head with papa's unjust treatment to her,i just wished i could lay my hands on him,but my been a jehovah withness restrained me from doing so. Papa! I had taken my first official outing after been fed up with staying indoor,i put on a fresh lux singlet,navy blue chinos trouser and a white striped vest. I had barely stepped into the street when I bumped into a young girl,the basin of raw eggs she was carrying on her head collapsed and the surrounding floor became a total mess. "am really sorry please" i mumbled,helpless. The young girl Ignored me and picked up the basin. "how much is the total amount of the eggs?" i asked,fishing into my back trouser pocket for my wallet. "two thousand naira,i just bought it from that woman's stall"she pointed. I smiled and swallowed,two thousand naire gone gone go!! As I gave her the money i thought about what I would have purchased with those two clean white notes. She thanked me and zoomed off while i continued walking. I had
29 Jan 2015 | 02:55
planned to visit chuka earlier,just give him the shock of his life. But thinking about it from a different corner i believed it was unwise for me to visit him,his action had proved he had nothing to do with me. I had my shop keys with me,i took the next turn,walking towards the direction of the shop. Immediately i got there I unlocked the protector door and started dusting the place,it seemed i had left for a year,there were so many cobwebs here and there. "emmy so U decide to come today" a male voice sounded from outside. I looked up,it was onyema one of my patronisers. "haa onyi howfar naa?" i asked as i dropped the broom and stretched. "fine fine,i think say U don go malaysia sef" he retorted in pidgin english. I laughed out "you funny oo,so U think say person like me dey think about malaysia...U dey carry last oo" i replied,likewise in pidgin. "but where U go kwanu?" onyema asked as he came to perch on my workshop table. "my dear kasala burst oo" his eyes popped up,if he was a dog i could have swore his tail wen he heard about boner
29 Jan 2015 | 02:56
dog i could have swore his tails wagged as if i had mentioned bones. "wetin happen?"he asked,druming his fingers on the table,something he always did when he heard something juicy. "good morning"nkeiru greeted from the entrance,i could swear that my heart nearly flew out of my mouth,i couldnt reply her greeting,i just stood speechless staring at her. Onyema cleared his throat and excused himself upon noticing the awkward scene before him. "what bring you here?" i finally asked just as onyema left the shop. She took her time,adjusting her skirt and flipping her hair behind her ear. "i came here for a reason and you have to hear me out"she remarked,lowering her bulk on the armchair. I folded my hands on my chest and stood nonchalantly,staring hard at her.
29 Jan 2015 | 02:58
Nice Story @chinweblinks .... Continue abeg...
29 Jan 2015 | 10:01
Next episode plssss.
29 Jan 2015 | 12:14
Nkeiru sighed helplessly when she saw I wasnt in a joking mood. "Emmy are we quarelling?" she asked in a timid voice. "we are not"i snapped. "just hurry and tell me what brought you here,as you can see i have a lot of things to do" i retorted. "Emmy abortion is not the best option here,i thought you loved me enough and would love to keep the baby". "i never said i dont love you"i remarked hotly. "then why acting this way? Action speaks better than words. Anyway I came here to tell you that I have decided to keep the baby" "good for you but dont expect any dime from me.nkeiru am not ready to settle down yet,you have to understand me.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:18
My father is a pain in the ass.i want to build my own house,be independent.i dont what to give that old man an upper hand in my life" "i know.."she paused and stared at her long manicured nails. "is there anything else i need to know?"i asked,dropping my hands from my chest. "yes"she replied and stood up. "I will be leaving for lagos soon,i heard there are better paying jobs there and that place people wouldnt query me much when I give birth without a man by my side" i stood speechless just as she embraced me tightly,i breathed in her fragrance,the lovely 'rexona' perfume. "take care"i mumbled as she walked out of my shop. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ two weeks later,i was going steady with chioma,there was no passing day that i didnt calll love for her was at it peak.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:20
It was that kind of love that made you do crazy things,i hadnt invited her to my home yet because I wanted to lie low for the moment,infact i wanted to act like a down to earth gentleman and all this was because of a girl. I hadnt told ogechi that i was dating her friend chioma,i know ladies too well,she may start an ugly scene. For the past two weeks she had been calling me consistently,i hadnt discouraged her neither had i encouraged her. It was just a matter of time' i kept telling myself. She would soon read the handwriting on the door. The day i invited chioma to my home was a day I wouldnt forget in my life.i had taken all measures to make her feel at home in my place. I woke up in the morning and started cleaning up my room that had been a total mess for the past week,washed my bedsheets,tidied the room,washed the daperies and applied sunfresh air freshener in the room.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:22
I hoped everything would turn out well as i had planned.I was in my room performing press-up to build up my biceps when sabina knocked at the door and informed me ogechi was at the parlour waiting for me. I felt a pang of momentary fear,that kind of fear that makes one to wet thier shorts. "what is she doing here?"i asked myself as i dashed into the bathroom and splashed some water on my sweaty body. Ogechi was flipping through a fashion magazine when i entered the sitting room.she looked up with a smile plastered on her face. "how are you" i asked as i sat on the sofa opposite her. "am fine"she replied. I kept quiet,wondering what brought her here. "Emmy i came to ask if you have been hearing from chioma your sister" i took a deep breath,happy that she hadnt raised the issue of love. "no"i replied curtly. "you see i need that money urgently"she retorted. I smiled sadly "oge you are with my sister's number,why not call her?"i asked "i have been doing so but it isnt reachable" i sighed helplessly "what then do u want me to do
1 Feb 2015 | 02:24
Am not chioma that borrowed money from is between the both of you"i remarked. She wringled her hand "isnt there any way you can help me,even if it is half of the amount"she said. Haa! I knew it was coming to that. "oge you werent the only one my sister duped,she also duped me of my hard earned forty thousand naira.if not for the fact that she is my sister i would have said it wouldnt be well with her and her family"i retorted scaldly. Her brows curved in a frown,we sat quiet listening to the tick-tick of the grandfather clock. Ogechi was absorbed in her thoughts,so also was I. A knock at the door brought us out from our reverie. "who is that"i asked,moving towards the door. I stood immovable when i opened the door,it seemed i had lost my senses. it was chioma,she was dressed in a blue chiffon gown that showed her cleavage,my gaze lingered on the two appetising mounds that reminded me of fresh apples. Chioma blushed and tugged at the gown appropriately. "good afternoon"she greeted at last. I smiled in a
1 Feb 2015 | 02:26
acknowledgement and took her right hand. "you look beautiful" she blushed again "thank you"she mumbled as she threw a step ahead,i led her into the sitting room,my heart pounded loudly. I expected the worst as we fully entered the parlour. I gave chioma's hand a tight squeeze as we fully entered,ogechi lifted her head up and immediately i felt chioma tense up. The situation was awkward,it was better seen than imagined. I cleared my throat. "oge erm you know chioma.." i stuttered. "you didnt tell me you were expecting a visitor,anyway am on my way"she stood up and picked her purse. As she passed us on her way out she hissed,obviously green with envy. I heaved a sigh of relief and led chioma to the sofa. She sat down quietly "are you quarreling with oge?" i found myself asking. "no"she hurriedly replied her eyes darting around the room. I stood still,staring at her beautiful form,her tempting red lip which was directly below her aqualine nose. "is that you there?" her question brought me back to my senses. She was pointin to one of my pictue
1 Feb 2015 | 02:28
She was pointing to a framed photograph which i had taken when i graduated from primary school. "its me" i replied and walked to the room divider,got my album out and handed it to her. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Two days later i got a text message from ogechi,the message sent me reeling in rage,i read it twice : you dog! You choosed a LovePeddler over me,you will live to regret it. I stood up,staring at the screen of my phone. I shrugged,chioma was no virgin and she was no LovePeddler. But what had happened two days ago had left me in doubts. I hadnt envisioned of having sex with her but one thing had led to another and we were both panting under my sheets. Thank jah papa wasnt around. What would he have said? I felt a triffle disappointed when i had entered her and confirmed my fears. She was loose,free way. But i love her
1 Feb 2015 | 02:30
The love i had for chioma was making me go beserk,it was the kind of love that the popular hiphop baddo called 'silly love'.I can't count how many times i had given her money without love for her got to a climax that i even bought a blackberry bold5 for her while i was making use of a simple nokia torch. Hope I wouldnt end up in tears. I was so so blindly in love with this girl that i even cultivated the habit of 'midnight' call. Her sonorous voice was the last thing i heard everynight before snuggling to sleep. I only wished she could be like the girl Davido sang of 'she no wan designer,she no wan ferrari,she say na my love o'. In that aspect it was : story for the gods! Chioma loved fashion she loved material things. She no dey use her money for hair do play. Madam classy! But i love her.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:32
I was in my shop one afternoon busy disassembling the parts of an ipod phone which one of my wealthy patronisers had brought when chuka stumbled in. I sat aghast staring at him,chuka who had fled when i had a police case,what was he suddenly doing in my shop? "Emmy abeg no vex,i know that i fall your hand,abeg no vex"he stated with an imploring look on his eyes. I hissed just as i had watched many females do. "chuks i no get that your time,just tell me wetin carry you come my shop" "Emmy i came to apologise o,thank God i came when you werent with any customers"he remarked. "and so?"i snapped heatedly,i wasnt in the mood for reconcilation. "Emmy try to understand,you know say 'voom' ka mma karia statement"he retorted in vernacular. " that is not enough reasons why you didnt bother to call me,not even a flashing,you were the one that got me into the wahabis sef" "abeg cool down,if na U dey for my shoes,no be run you go run?"he asked with an irritating grin as he sat down on the worn out sofa. I kept mute,concentratin on my work at hand
1 Feb 2015 | 02:34
"Emmy stop to dey boil,shey i don explain wetin make me run four- forty,my man i no know you as OBI AKPO" (wicked heart). "na from your mouth i hear that one"i replied hestitantly. He grinned,i felt like spanking him. fool' i cursed below my my breath. "so whats chilling?" he asked after a prolonged silence. "nothing o" "what about nkeiru?" "what about nkeiru?"i flunged the question back to him. He shrugged "i heard that she has left this town" "to where?"i asked although i knew the answer. "you dey ask me? I think say she be your babe"he retorted. "no be only babe na bobo"i remarked noncommital. "what about the pregnancy issue?" i sighed "abeg if you want her number tell me,i go give you am" "so she is not really pregnant?" I nodded. I could swear with my life that his face relaxed somewhat and he even heaved a sigh of relief. What is happening? It was a friday,a day for field service,i was paired with an elderly woman and we went to our choosen area distributing the awake and watchtower magazine,also stopping
1 Feb 2015 | 02:37
to teach people (those who allowed Us) about jehovah and his love for mankind. We were almost done when suddenly i turned round to see chioma walking with chuks,they were laughing and looking at each other tenderly. I suddenly developed cold feets. This girl.... Just then someone inserted flavour's recent track 'wiser' and i...... Knew i must be wiser! Chioma and chuka? I couldnt believe what i was seeing,it wasnt that it was bad for chioma to hang out with chuks, the main thing there was the way she was doing it. I swallowed as i stood rooted to the ground,the elderly lady i was with nudged me and i came back to my senses. Fortunately they hadnt seen me so i had the grace of an upper hand. Chioma and chuka ? I wished I wasnt with the elderly,I would have traced where they were heading to. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I didnt call her that day,i had to fight myself not to do so,just as a junkie is addicted to a fix that was how addicted i was to chioma. I kept my phone on 'silent mode' and slept off knowing full well that she may cal since i didnt cal ,
1 Feb 2015 | 02:40
The incessant crowing of cocks in our neighbourhood woke me up,i stretched and yawned just as i glanced at the bedside clock. It was some minutes past seven o'clock,so i had slept this long? Mama was getting ready to go out by the time i had taken a shower,brushed and grabbed a bite. 'mama where to?' i asked,buttoning my navy striped long sleeve shirt. 'am going to elder bethel's house' she replied and my heart went pitter-patter,elder bethel was ogechi's father. 'what happened?' 'his first son got electrocuted last night,he called your father this morning to tell him' 'i think i will go with you,let me get my phone' i said and dashed into my room,i picked my phone and viewed the screen. 'five missed calls from ogechi' 'two missed calls from unknown number' chia..i shooked my head,chioma no even call me.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:41
You see,thats one thing about girls that i dislike with passion,you will be calling a girl daily but the day you dont call her she wouldn't reciprocate. Some girls are like that sha... I was surprised that oge had called me,maybe it was because of last night incident. Girls! Na them know oh...with these thought i joined mama in the parlour and we left for elder bethel's place.
1 Feb 2015 | 02:43
Nxt episode plsss
1 Feb 2015 | 07:31
Na one chance u enter. Chioma will milk u dry.
1 Feb 2015 | 08:15
Continue plz
2 Feb 2015 | 13:59
Ogechi was not the least surprise to see me when i arrived with mama,we made eye contact and i walked over to were she stood. "oge howfar?" "fine"she mumbled and shuffled her feet uncomfortably,we were both standing outside the house infront of the hibiscus flower that was used to beautify the compound.Mama nodded at Us and entered inside the house. "i missed your call yesterday,am sorry". "no lele"she replied, we were standing so close that i could count the long eyelashes that shielded her eyes. "what did you want to tell me? After your last message i thought you have deleted my contact" she sighed "Emmy am really sorry for that provocative message just that i was mad at you,why chioma of all people,why not someone else?" "why do you despise her so,werent you the one that introduce her to me?"I asked,breathless. "i was,quite alright"she heaved a sigh.
4 Feb 2015 | 15:40
"okay okay lets forget about chioma issue,i saw your sister yesterday,infact i talked with her". BANG! My heart beat accelerated. "where did you see her?"i asked hurriedly. "hey hey cool down,i saw her at the bus park."she paused and looked at me straight in the eyes. I prepared myself knowing that the worst was about come. "oge stop keeping me in suspense,tell me about my sister" she shooked her head "Emmy your sister is....i dont know how to put it,i mean your sister is emotionally wrecked,she is not herself again" i swallowed and took two steps backward. "my sister? Are you sure?" I couldnt bring myself to believe her,i couldnt. "yes am sure,Emmy mere looking at her you will know she is..." I quickly interrupted her "how did she look? How?"
4 Feb 2015 | 15:41
I had many thoughts in my mind that day,i was thinking about chioma and chuka,i was also thinking about chioma my sister. My heart was burning,my palms were sweaty. I felt listless,i couldnt concentrate on the phone i was repairing. Was ogechi telling the truth or had she made up this story so we would get close. If that was her plan it wouldnt work in anyway. But what if it was the truth? And was chioma my girlfriend really a hoe? I was confused and at the verge of madness infact. Was chioma really dating chuka? Or were they just casual friends? I need to find out
4 Feb 2015 | 15:46
I was listening to 'the storm is over' by R.kelly and i began thinking; when would this storm be over? At this period in my life i felt like i was between the devil and the deep blue sea,I had so many thoughts criss_crossing my mind. I was afraid of raising up my sister's issue because i didn't want mama to get worried,i was afraid of going in search of her because i knew what i would see would irritate me. Ogechi told me Chioma was a sight to behold,her cloth threadbare and her hair dishevelled like that of a lunatic. Chioma! See what she had done to herself,i had numerous flashbacks,how i had tried to convince her that it was wrong of her to clung unto stanley. If only she had listened. I came to the conclusion that she had been bewitched and she was now reaping what she sowed.
4 Feb 2015 | 15:50
"Nnaemeka!"mama's voice brought me out of my reverie,i had been staring at the plate of african salad which sabina had served me when I came back for work.I had been preoccupied with my thoughts and i hadnt noticed mama entrance into the dining room. "mama.." I drawled,looking up,I noticed she was wearing that her 'Jehovah is my strength' T.shirt over the blue eagle patterned wrapper which was her customary house wear. "dont you like the food?" She asked,hands akimbo. "i like it" "then eat it" She snapped tiredly. "am tired,i and sabina toil in the kitchen to prepare meals and then you treat it like it is dirt,i have been noticing that you hardly eat this days" I sighed "mama you wouldnt understand,i just lost my apetite this days" i replied. "then look for it,i dont want you to add more headache to the one your father is giving me" she retorted with a scowl on her face and That reminded me of the question that had been on my lips for long. "mama what happened to that wedding enlargened photo of you and papa?
4 Feb 2015 | 15:53
I asked quickly, my question caught her Unawares,she blinked twice and gulped for air. "your..father broke it when you were at jail" the hairs at the back of my neck stood. Papa did what I am damned.
4 Feb 2015 | 15:54
Continue plsss
10 Feb 2015 | 09:50
Hmmmm waiting for the next episode
11 Feb 2015 | 08:00
''some people are pighead o'' Brother justice retorted,We were both relaxing over a bottle of guiness malt after the day's field service. Brother justice was from Umuna congregration and we had been paired together. He was a jolly good fellow but the problem he had was his aggresiveness,he would go to any length to score his point even if it means talking till his neck veins popped out and beads of perspiration rolled down his forehead. 'yes o'I agreed,nodding like an agama lizard. The day's field service had left us breathless after minutes of trying to lay emphasis to two religious fanatics that there was no where in the bible were 'HELLFIRE' was written. You may see Hell or Hades but you wouldnt see HELLFIRE. Hades otherwise known as HELL is a state of Unconciousness, The bible itself had said 'THE WAGES OF SIN IS DEATH' if HELLFIRE
12 Feb 2015 | 15:38
really exist that verse would simply be written as 'THE WAGES OF SIN IS ETERNAL TORMENT'. Now tell me why the much loving father would cast his children into a place of Endless torment.How fair is that? Even you as a human if you had an ever offending child would you punish the child forever? The fanatics had concluded that we were religious zealots that specialize in turning the bible upside down. And so we left not after spending some minutes trying to explain to this duo. Our next stop wasnt that nice,the first question we were asked was that why we don't pray. Brother justice took the lead,he asked them how many times in the bible that jesus prayed before teaching? When I saw that his temper was getting out of hand I nudged him and took the reins,i told them that we do pray and I explained that it wasnt compulsory that we would pray whenever we enter any house.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:39
We left after dropping few copies of awake with the title 'what do people say about God'. The topic was delicate and that was why we had encounter so many questionaires. Anyway our next stop was the worst,they slammed the door on our faces and we quietly walked away.*We started talking about the regular pioneers in our various congregration,brother justice was from Umuna congregration while i was from ezeala congregration,we compared and combined,one thing led to another and before one could say 'julius caesar' we were talking about the females in our congregrations that were doing good and those that were a shame. He mentioned 'chioma akunna' and my heartbeat accelerated,i pretended i didnt know who she was and I told him to go into descriptive details. By the time he was through i knew he was refering to chioma my girlfriend.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:41
'ehen what about her?' I asked as if i wasnt keen about knowing her doings. 'that girl is a shame to Us,nothwitstanding the fact that her father is an elder in our congregration she sleeps with every d_ick that comes her way" "how do you know that? The way you described her i believe i may know her" i remarked. "am surprise that you havent heard of her escapades,am sure she is going to be disfellowed very soon" I shrugged like i didnt give a damn while within me i was boiling in rage. "how do you know all this about this chioma?" i asked,nonchalantly. "nwanna,i have seen it with my two kro_kro (Unclad) eyes,that girl is a wh_ore" he spat out,i was surprised that he so much despised her. In my eyes,chioma was a sweet girl to be with. What about in other eyes? ~ ~After he left i went into my room,bolted the door and cried like a baby.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:42
The ringing of my phone startled me,i looked up and wiped at my tears quickly. There was no caller ID on the display screen,just plain eleven digits. I hestitantly picked the call. "hello..good evening" a breezy familiar female voice greeted. "good evening,who am i speaking with?" "haba Emeka so you have forgotten so much about me,even my voice.anyway this is nkeiru" "am sorry nkebaby,how far? How lasgidi?" "fine oo we Thank God,and you how work?" "stressful as usual" i replied, she asked about my parents and I also asked her about her's. After speaking for nearly three minutes i was at a loss of what to say,justice's revelation had left me numb and confused. ''Emmy I called to tell you that I miscarried the baby" good riddance ...i nearly shouted,
12 Feb 2015 | 15:43
i had frowned about carrying the pregnancy. I never dream of having an ilegitimate child. "am sorry" i lied between my teeth. "how did it happen?" she sighed "i just can't say,the bleeding occured two days ago in the night after a stressful day at the restuarant,i work at a restuarant" she replied. "am sorry hope you took some pills?" i asked,sounding like a caring Friend which I wasnt in anyway. "yes I did,am fine now,goodnight" "yeah,sweet dreams"i mumbled and disconnected the call. Good Riddance to Bad nonsense.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:45
Mama's wailing woke me up the next morning,i groaned and sat up on the bed. What was it again....i wondered as I yawned and performed my usual routine of press_ups.I was trying to build up my biceps and maintain my six packs which i knew ladies loved in a guy. By the time i had put on a fresh trouser and stepped out of my room mama's wailing had decreased to a sob. She was in the parlour,nursing her facial injuries. Her face was swollen and her left eye had a purplish hue,she also had a runing nose. "mama what ..ha..happened?" i stuttered as i sat on the cushion beside her. "your father wants to kill me" "tufia"i spat out, "he can't do that" she sighed helplessy,shaking her head bitterly. I felt for her deeply,i had these unresisting urge to give papa the beating of his life for laying his hands on mama. The man was a beast in human form. "what caused it?" i asked just as sabina left the parlour with the bowl of sterilized warm water that had been applied on mama's face.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:46
Mama took her time,she adjusted the eagle patterned wrapper and blew her nose into the edge of the wrapper. "ogechi told me about your sister so I raised the issue this morning and your father pounced on me,he said nothing will make him allow chioma into his house,that she had bitten the fingers that fed her,i tried to explain to him that chioma never knew what she was doing but he turned deaf ears and used his fists on me when i persisted" she replied. I sighed and placed my right arm around her small frame. "ma dont worry it will be fine,i will talk to him,i think it is now time he knows that am now a man and not a boy again,if he dares lay his hand ön you again i swear i will castrate him" I threatened,flexing my biceps. Mama shuddered "dont speak so my son,he is your father" she remarked quietly. And so? I think it is high time i prove to him that the strength of an old man and a young man can't be compared.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:46
Papa was a controversial human being, it remained a surprise to me that he was appointed Elder in our congregration,he didnt befit such an honourable post. Growing Up,my elder sisters had told me I was lucky that papa had cool down.They said before i was born he never gave them breathing space,whatever they did was displeasing in his eyes.He had turned down the level of his always blazing temper when mama had given birth to me_the first and only Son. It was an enviromental saturday so i got engaged in weeding the compound premises,after that i cleaned my room,the last time i had done that was the day Chioma visited_i winced as i remembered my efforts to impress her,if someone had told me she was a player then i swear i would have beaten the person black and blue.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:47
-love makes Us do foolish things at times. ~~~~I left the compound around Ten'oclock after a light breakfast of custard and akara,the street was yet to be busy as it was just few minutes after Environmental.I got to the shop,unlocked the protector door and was about to start sweeping when a young girl approached me with a timid smile on her face,I blinked twice,her face looked familiar. "good morning"she greeted as she came to a halt in front of my shop,I noticed her gap_tooth immediately and her ears were devoid of earrings..her face was smooth and oval,she wasnt on make up. "morning,how are you?" i asked,still trying to remember were we had met. "am fine,am the girl you broke her eggs some weeks ago" "okay...nne what is your name?" "chetachi,we are neighbours now,my mom is the woman who moved into the next shop beside you yesterday"
12 Feb 2015 | 15:49
"oo i see" I mumbled just as I noticed chioma walking towards my shop,my heart did a maddening dance. I really love her and I fidgetted as her eyes darted from chetachi to me. "Emmy Good morning"she greeted while chetachi moved to the next shop and started unlocking the doors. I refused to reply her greetings,i simply picked the broom and continued sweeping. "Emmy are we quarreling?"she asked as she shifted uncomfortably while i swept the floor near her. "Emmy you dönt want to answer me"she remarked and sat down on the bench inside the shop. I sat down on the armchiar and heaved a sigh,i didnt know how to go about with these..I felt like shaking her roughly and demand for answers,I felt like slapping her. I swallowed and forced myself to cool down,i didnt want to End up like my father. I knew it was improper to raise my hands on a female with or without any reason.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:50
"Chioma who is chuka?" I asked and focused my gaze on her face. "i don't know anybody called chuka"she swiftly replied,her cheeks reddened in Embarassment. "you don't know anybody called chuka right?" she shooked her head and I smiled wanly. "what about other guys you are messing up with?" she frozed and slowly stood up. "me? Messing up with guys?" "yes you,i have withness and i myself am a withness,stop that your holier_than_thou attitude!" i retorted,already feeling angry. "Emeka you must be insane infact you dont know what you are saying"she fired back. Something came over me suddenly,i wasn't myself again.I found myself standing up. "i am insane right? Am going to show you how insane i am" with these words i pounced on her,beating her this way and that while she shrieked. I attacked her like she was my father,she screamed loudly and chetachi rushed in and pulled me away from her. I took a deep breath just as chioma lifted her face up,it was red and her left eye was swollen. I winced. What had I done?
12 Feb 2015 | 15:51
"how dare you lay your hands on me? How dare you?" she said chokefully as she fought back the tears. I swallowed and wanted to apologize but she stormed out of the shop threatening fire and brimstone. "what you did was wrong"cheta accused as she made to leave the shop. "i don't need your opinion,i didn't beg you in the first place to come here" i snapped angrilly. "and if i hadnt intervened you would have killed her"she concluded and left the shop. What had i done? I wondered,how could i had laid my hand on chioma while only these morning i had threatened to beat the hell out of papa if he lay his hand on mama again. Infact i was the 'kettle' calling 'pot' black. It showed i wasn't better than my father,just as i had his height and colour it applied the same way in terms of character and temperament. I was tempted to call her but i shrugged the idea off,it was good to appear tough to girls. They preferred the Alpha _ assertive males to the meek and quiet type. ...I came to that conclusion and started repairin
12 Feb 2015 | 15:53
the phone that had given me a tough time the other day. ~ ~ ~ ~the day had a lot of surprises for me,first;i received a call from a hidden number and the caller was a male,he threatened the sh_it out of me for beating his girlfriend.I was shocked and i wanted to ask who his girlfriend was but he disconnected the call,i was still contemplating about the issue when a red volkswagen car pulled to a halt in front of my shop. I thought it was a new potential customer but when the passenger door opened i sat agape staring at chioma my sister. I was speechless,I couldnt bring myself to say anything.I noticed the man who drove her was obviously a family man with a faded wedding ring. "Nnaemeka" Chioma called out softly as they halted at the Entrance of my shop. "good afternoon sir" i greeted as i stood up with a nonchalant look on my face. "afternoon,please can we sit down? We came to talk to you" he retorted. I nodded and they sat down on the bench while i lowered my bulk on the armchair. You know What happened next
12 Feb 2015 | 15:55
By the time they left my shop i was confused and felt a feeling akin to pity for chioma..... All that glitters isnt Gold,Chioma had fallen prey to a player who thought she came from a wealthy family. He had promised her heaven and earth and she been blinded by love had gone to any extreme to show her Undying love Even to the Extent of Duping me her brother. Hmmm...Girls! When the money wasnt forthcoming he showed her the real side of him,she came back to her senses when he told her there was no such thing as a trip to dubia and threw her out of his house. As for the Army man,he was not a brother but a friend
12 Feb 2015 | 15:55
The day sped fast,before i could round off the days repairs it was dusk,chetachi had already gone home,I hummed a local song as i locked the protector door and the entrance gate_like door. "Emekus Emekus" a voice called from behind me,i turned round,it was chuka,he was dressed in a beige coloured Tee shirt over baggy trouser. "oga mi how far naa?"I asked as we did the customary handshake. "Emekus i dey oo,i just they pass say make i hail you"he replied as we left my shop together. "Chuka you no say you be man." I began as we walked slowly. "ofcourse" "how come you dey ~chiak~ my babe?" I asked glancing at him to see his reaction. His brows creased in a frown. "who be your babe kwanu?" "chioma" i replied and mentioned the day i saw the both of them together. "that girl? Hey you don fall my hand oo" "wetin she do,abi she no fine?" he doubled over in laughter. "that girl wey everybody know for this area as public tøtø,my man you no try oo,infact if she be your babe you better jilt her before she go come meet you
12 Feb 2015 | 15:57
pregnancy" he advised. I shuddered and spat out. " wish me that kind thing abeg". He changed the topic and we started talking about other things that had nothing to do with girls and thier constant wahala. .... .... I got home feeling hungry and tired,i hadnt eaten anything at the shop,it was the light custard and akara that kept me to my feets all through the day. After a cool hurried bathe i fell to the mound of cassava foofoo and egusi soup that Sabina served me. "where is mama?" I asked in between mouthful. "she and papa escorted elder bethel and his wife home" "what did they come to do?" She shifted on her feet uncomfortably,the question was an awkward one but i needed answers. "they came to talk to papa about the way he mishandles mama" she replied at last.
12 Feb 2015 | 15:58
I waved her off and she sauntered away,i think it was wrong for mama to involve elder Bethel in our family problem. Come to think of it,what was in stake was our personality and papa's already wretched dignity,I knew that mama thought she had done the right thing by involving Elder Bethel but these days one should be aware of who to bring into thier family's private matter. What if Elder Bethel's wife was among those that gossip a lot then what mama had done was simply 'washing her dirty linen in public'. ...I shuddered at the idea,it was true that JW's are faithful brethens who did things with peace and wisdom. But what if?? I had read somewhere that 'in the midst of twelve there must be a judas'. .... ... .... For the first time in many months papa called Us for a family meeting,He started by apologising for all his wrong doings and promised to make ammendments from henceforth,He implored that we should try to make him happy by doing what was right and that he had considered chioma notwithstanding that she
12 Feb 2015 | 16:00
had rubbed mud on his face,that chioma was free to return home. He concluded by saying "United we stand,defind we fall" laying emphasis on Unity. The meeting left me light_headed,i prayed things would turn out good,i had been surprised that papa had admitted all his wrong doings. These must have to do with elder Bethel's visit...i reasoned.The day dawned bright,the early morning sun rays filtered into my room from the kink in the window. I yawned and stretched,feeling giddy as I remembered that papa had presumably turned into a new leaf. I whistled a local 'acapela' tone as i took my bathe,brushed and grabbed a bite. I never knew the day would mark a change in my life,I never knew what lay ahead of me as i zeroed out of the house in a happy mood. What happened? . . Watch out for part Two..
12 Feb 2015 | 16:03
Kudos 2 u guy,i cnt wait 2 read d other part,pls be fast about it
12 Feb 2015 | 17:14
HmmMmmmmm is all I can say.....
14 Feb 2015 | 17:59
We'r waiting oo,thumb up 2 the writer @chinweblinks
15 Feb 2015 | 01:11
But Richie how is Emmy a fake JW
16 Feb 2015 | 07:55
Weldone guy i really love the story interesting one.
19 Feb 2015 | 06:39
Gud story, keep it up
20 Mar 2015 | 07:24
Hmmmm . . . . . #mouth closed
1 Sep 2015 | 19:40
Ok, am for it all
23 Sep 2015 | 17:25
cnt jst wait oya koma roll...@coolval plz i cnt find dis story part 2 kindly help me out plz.......
18 Oct 2015 | 17:34
we`re all waiting please ride on sir
20 Oct 2015 | 17:37
Nice story
5 Nov 2015 | 18:40
pls when will the part 2 commence.
2 Feb 2016 | 04:58
Really is that how that how the witness do.
19 Mar 2016 | 21:28
lol this is nice or funny I mean
19 Mar 2016 | 21:35
Mmmm, i ve following dis story for a while nd i would hv love to meet d true author of d story bcos i hv somethin to tell him lyk he need to report dat chisom to d congregational elders nd his dad qualification should be reviewed bcos a good shepherd should nt beat his wife
1 Aug 2016 | 06:45
@ugochisunday dis is nt hw witnesses behave, nd u should bear in mind dat bcos we are witnesses doesn't mean we are saint, we humans jus like other people bt we try as much as possible to leave my bible principle, nd concerning dis story, d writers does nt deserve to b called a witness bcos of d kind of lifestyle dat he lives
1 Aug 2016 | 06:51
8 Aug 2016 | 08:37
Been Hearing Abt Them
8 Aug 2016 | 08:38
i mean jehovah witness
8 Aug 2016 | 08:39
those ones who wear black and white
8 Aug 2016 | 08:41
carrying a small box around
8 Aug 2016 | 08:43
All they say is jehovah
8 Aug 2016 | 08:45
its cool sha
8 Aug 2016 | 08:46
ive learnt a lot
8 Aug 2016 | 08:46
it is well
8 Aug 2016 | 08:47
10 Aug 2016 | 06:08
Jehovah witness for dat mata
10 Aug 2016 | 06:09
Nawa o
10 Aug 2016 | 06:10
10 Aug 2016 | 06:11
10 Aug 2016 | 06:13
the writer need help, his dad's qualification should also be review he is not worthy of been called a jehovah witness.... because of his immoral life style.....
6 Sep 2016 | 14:07


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