Diary Of A Jehovah's Withness (season 2) by chinweblinkz

Diary Of A Jehovah's Withness (season 2) by chinweblinkz

By hakyim in 25 Mar 2016 | 08:42
hakyim hakyim

hakyim hakyim

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Posts: 160
Member since: 12 Jan 2015
For new members this is the link to season1

I slowly walked to my place of work in a liesure
manner,midway I noticed two guys were following me,from whence they came from...I
couldnt tell,I glanced behind me and my heart
beat accelerated,they were few steps away
and had a menacing scowl on thier face.
I wondered why I felt uncomfortable,It seemed
quite childish,after all I hadnt hurt any one..I thought..
"hey stop there" One of the duo called out in a
thick masculine voice that reminded me of
papa's voice whenever he took raw okra.
I halted and took a deep breath.
They covered the distance between Us and the other guy made to grab me by the belt
hook of my trouser.
I smartly took two steps backward.
"wetin i do now?"
"sharrap,you dey ask wetin you do,you don
forget?" the guy with the deep voice asked,he was average height,dressed in moth-eaten
brown singlet over jean baggy short,his biceps
bulged and there was a drawing of cross
swords tatoo on them.
The other guy was lanky with dreadlock and
fleshy black lips and one didnt need a soothsayer to tell one that he is a junk
25 Mar 2016 | 08:42
"maybe he don forget,make we remind am" he added with a wicked grin that made me develop cold feets instantly. "abeg..make Una no vex,wetin i do?" "no be you be the i-diot wey beat my babe yesterday?" Mr deep voice asked. "am sorry,i didnt know she is your babe" I implored,darting my eyes from them to the street,i expected some of the people passing by would come to my rescue but it seemed I was on my own. No one gave Us a second look. "hey see the boy o,so U wan claim say you sabi speak grammar abi?" Mr lanky asked and before I knew it he grabbed me by my belt and the other guy dug his hands into my trouser pocket,He came out with nothing and it infuriated him. "so U dry? That one means say we go give you the beating of your life" he threatened. My stomach rumbled and my bowels gave way at the mention of 'beating',i had to fight back the urine that threatened to come out. "abeg no vex,i no know say she be Ur babe" "na babe we dey talk here abi na möney,fvck the babe,we need money"
25 Mar 2016 | 08:45
I was surprised,a moment ago i thought they were keen ön giving me the beating of my life for laying my hands on Chioma,now they were telling me something else. I didnt know if I should feel relieved or sad with this new turn. "wetin U dey talk?" "abeg i no hold money with me" i retorted also praying that they wouldnt have the idea of searching my breast pocket were i kept my phone and small army coloured wallet. "you wan see our red eye..okwaya? Oya give Us something or we go scatter your face this morning" the lanky guy threatened. I sighed and was about to start another round of pleading when the other guy_the impatient one with deep voice- pummeled me on my chest and i doubled over,they took turns to deal with me and after that they collected my wallet and phone. "mumu,so you think say we no get eyes to see the wallet wey you carry for chest,fool! Because we just give you ground U come dey do anyhow,we go deal with you again if U try come near my babe" one of them said and a kick landed on my butt from behind
25 Mar 2016 | 08:46
as i was sprawled on the ground,i heard the sound of retreating footsteps as they swaggered away. "criminals" I spat out as I made to stand up. "give me your hand" a familiar feminine voice said suddenly,i was surprised and looked up... Lo and behold was nkeiru~ ~ ~ ~ I couldnt believe my eyes,who was I seeing? Nkeiru of all people! When did she return from lagos? These were the thoughts that chased each other in my mind as i slowly stood up with her help. "Emmy what happened?" she asked while i silently dusted my cloth,the red sand gave my attire a different colour. "I should be the one asking you how come you flew all the way to lagos to this place within a twinkle of an eye" "so you are not happy to see me?" She asked,feeling hurt. "I am...if you were in my shoes you would have asked same" i replied diplomatically and took a deep breath. Thank Jah the Guys hadnt inflicted serious injuries on my body,just a minor gash here and there. "okay,i came back yesterday.i wanted to surprise you,i was on my way to your shop
25 Mar 2016 | 08:47
25 Mar 2016 | 08:48
when i saw those Guys dealing with you,who are they?" I waved off the question,"never mind,so what brought you back? I thought you have decided to settle in lagos?" By then we were both heading to my place of work,walking slowly and halting at intervals. "a lot oo,Emmy i want to be truthful with you,i didnt miscarry the pregnancy,just a little problem that left me bleeding,i thought i had lost the baby but it wasnt so" "what are you trying to say?" I asked,confused. I wasnt ready for this twist,i had thought that the issue of pregnancy was bygone. "Emmy am sorry,but the pregnancy is intact,i know you may not be happy about it" "Nkeiru you shouldnt have told me that you had a miscarriage when you werent sure.How am I to know if you are not pulling at my legs again?" I asked heatedly. She smiled wanly and placed a hand on her stomach which I suddenly noticed was now poking out from the gown she wore,her belly- button was evident. "Emmy this is real,this is not a balloon" "I just dont understand you again nkeiru
25 Mar 2016 | 08:49
not at all.why did you come back? Why didnt you just continue staying at lag?" "because I dont want to be the only one bearing the brunt of our hot passion. I sat down,took a good look at myself and knew I wouldnt be happy been a single mother,i dont want our baby to be called a bastard" she retorted,thereby provoking me. I felt angry and something akin to devaju,it seemed all this had happened long ago and was just repeating itself. I was totally confused. "Nkeiru please we need to talk about this at the shop" "thats good" she replied.. I cursed the day I knew her,I cursed the day i made up my mind to date a non_withness. .. .. .. The ringing of my phone woke me up the next morning,I yawned,stretched and groped for my mobile phone. "hello" Nkeiru's voice came from the other End,her voice was like an electric jolt_i quickly sat up,rubbing my eyes as I did so. "Emmy good morning" She greeted when I grunted a 'HI'.
25 Mar 2016 | 08:50
"morning,this one you woke me up,any problem?" I asked,stiffling a yawn. "i called to tell you i will be going to antenatal by noon" "what do you expect me to do?" "your presence is needed" I groaned angrilly "i thought i explained everything to you yesterday" "and so? The music has changed,it is either you come and pick me or i come to your residence and inform your parents about Us" I felt like slapping her then but she wasnt within reach. "nkeiru listen to me.." "there is nothing to listen about,come by noon" she rudely interrupted and disconnected the call. I sighed and glanced at my wall clock,it was some minutes past 7am.. With a relentless sigh i stood up and performed my routine press_up. .. .. .. "Nnaemeka I and your father has agreed that you go ahead with the plan of marrying Ogechi" Mama suddenly said that morning as she applied margarine on her slice of bread,we were both sitting at the dining table enjoying breakfast of lipton tea,bread and margarine. I stilled and instantly dropped the buttered bread
25 Mar 2016 | 08:52
"marry kwa??" I queried with a distinct frown on my forehead. "werent you planing of marrying her after all she did for you when you were in jail" I shooked my head "mama Oge remains a friend,nothing but a friend" I remarked,making myself clear. "but she will make a good wife material" mama insisted. "i dont see her as a potential wife,i dont love her so.." "but it is convenient,we know her family very well,she is from a good household that upholds the law and commandments of Jehovah" I sighed and gulped my tea. "Mama,convenient or not,i am not marrying Ogechi,i have not harbour such thoughts" "but we your parents and her parents thinks you have something going for her" mama said,leaning close. "mama ozugo..i dont love Ogechi and am not thinking of marrying her,if her parents thinks that by rubbing shoulders with Us I will marry her they are wasting thier time,matter closed" I retorted with a note of Finality. Ogechi ? Over my dead body~ ~ ~ ~ The day turned out bad as i had feared,Nkeiru was an oppressing and over demanding female
25 Mar 2016 | 08:54
t seemed I had stumbled into her other side_the ugly side of her. I had gone to her residence and we both went to the hospital together,I was surprised that I had willingly went with her without standing firm to my earlier words. Maybe it was the fear that she would inform my parents that made me follow her readily. We flagged down a taxi that took Us to kingsway Hospital,after spending up to an hour there We came out and walked to a nearby cosmetics shop. Nkeiru said her cream and soap were exhausted so I had no option than to get them for her. I was bereft of words when she told the owner of the shop to get Nivea body lotion,papaya extract soap,lemon fresh face cleanser,nivea roll on and Sure perfume. I watched her like she was a cartoon,with the rate she was going i was surely going to end up bankrupt. "i thought you said you need your cream and soap ,what is the meaning of all this?" I asked,looking at her skeptically. "haba..Emmy,i also need these too" She replied Unperturbed,engrossed in checking the expiring date
25 Mar 2016 | 08:57
25 Mar 2016 | 08:57
of the items. I heaved a sigh and scratched my head.. "how much for all of them?" "the nivea body lotion is one thousand two hundred naira" I gasped... "the papaya soap is three hundred and fifty naira,the cleanser is two hundred and fifty naira,nivea roll on is five hundred naira and Sure perfume is four hundred and fifty naira,the total is two thousand seven hundred and fifty naira" the trader replied. I groaned and grudgingly paid the money while Nkeiru "oohed" and "aahed" in fascination,she thanked me profusely while i silently thrashed myself... See as i don become mugu...I mumbled as we parted ways at the junction. I walked to the shop a depressed Youngman with a sullen face. .. .. .. Nkeiru called me at the end of the day and thanked me profusely,she said so much that I couldnt hear due to the "wim-wim" sound of an approaching trailer. I was on my way home then,walking like the burden of the world was on my shoulder. I disconnected the call and switched off my phone,i wasn't in the mood for any conservation
25 Mar 2016 | 08:59
I Had a lot in my mind,instead of keeping the affair with nkeiru a secret why not tell my mother? Maybe she would understand. .. .. .. I wasnt opportuned to tell mama anything,I returned to a cold home,Chioma my sister was back and she was discussing with papa and mama when i entered the parlour,I saw the bead of tears below her eyes as I embraced her briefly and Enquired about her health. She said she was fine,I shrugged and headed for my room. Minutes later Sabina was sent to call me,I joined the trio at the parlour wondering what was next. I got the second shock of my life in two days,Chioma my sister was pregnant! Oh what could be so bitter than this ordeal? Papa and mama were helpless,they brought up the idea of Aborting the pregnancy. I wasnt shocked,I knew How they felt;what would our brethens say when they found out that the daughter of an outstanding Elder was pregnant out of wedlock? It was a big shame.. A taboo Infact.. Chioma kept shaking her head,she wouldnt abort the pregnancy
25 Mar 2016 | 09:02
she wouldnt,not in her life. ..Papa's temper ran out of control,he barked and growled,the veins in his neck nearly popping out. Chioma stood to her ground.I went to bed restless,i couldnt sleep,i was just tossing this way and that,things were really looking bad,not only Nkeiru's issue,i had my sister's problem to think about. How could life be so cruel,throwing Us one tragedy to another. What crime had we commited? My home could now be likened to 'fuji house of commotion'..with the way things were going shitty for Us. I managed to sleep but it was during the wee hours of the morning,I didnt sleep for more than three hours before the incessant crowing of cockerels woke me Up. I did a little exercise before heading to the tiolet to answer natures call. On my way from the 'poo' business i passed my parents room and I stilled on hearing Mama mention "chioma". I didnt need a prophet to tell me they were discussing chioma's saga,with a helpless shrug i walked on,thinking about other things. . I got to my room just as
25 Mar 2016 | 09:04
my phone started ringing,the caller display was that of Chioma the wh.ore,i wanted to ignore the call but something made me to pick it. Maybe i still felt something for her.. "helow what is it again? Why are you calling me?" i asked with a tinge of anger. "Emmy am sorry" "sorry for what?" i flared,grasping the phone hard. "you are a big id-iot hope you know that? Dont ever call me again" i growled and disconnected the call. "Emmy who was that?" a Voice asked from behind,i stilled fleetingly before turning to acknowledge who the intruder was. It was chioma my sister,wearing a see-through silk nightie,she was also wearing one of those wool knitted hair net. I sighed and waved off the question,I can take good care of myself. Chioma closed the door behind her and leaned on it,i noticed the far away look in her eyes and my heart lurched. "chayoma whats up?" i felt compelled to ask. She shooked her head.
25 Mar 2016 | 09:06
She shooked her head. "i brought all this to myself,i hate the lady i have become but i cant get rid of the baby,never" She remarked. "you have to listen to mama and papa's say in the issue" She blinked twice. "dont tell me you are in support of this abortion stuff?" I folded my arms defiantly. "what do you expect me to say,that you should stay here and.." i paused and bit my lower lip,i couldnt bring myself to complete the sentence. "its okay its okay,i understand"she retorted calmly and I felt bad for raising my voice. .. .. .. After breakfast Papa told Us (i and chioma) that he and Mama had reached an agreement,Chioma would be going to stay with Aunt Isabella at Benin and she would come back after giving birth to the baby. "what about the baby?" Chioma asked. "you will come back after weaning the baby,Isabella will take care of the baby"Papa replied. She shooked her head "i dont think so,anyway there is enough time left"
25 Mar 2016 | 09:07
Wlcm tnks for season 2 ..pls cn u giv a recap of season or identificatn of all these characters..tnks..thumb up
25 Mar 2016 | 09:07
"Nna'm what do you have to contribute about the issue?" Papa asked,his question shocked me,was the over dominant Papa really changing for good? Had i heard him properly? Did he just called me "Nnam" (my father). "erm" I cleared my throat. "i think the idea is good since Aunt Isabella doesnt have a child but Chioma have to decide for herself If she wants to train the child or If she want Aunt to train the child". Matter closed... .. .. .. The day had been a trifle hectic,there was these Ipad phone i was dealing with that gave me tough time,i had to flash it twice before knowing what was the fault,i later discovered that the panel had spoilt so it was a herculian task all the way go. I was having a hurried lunch of African salad with garden egg as spinach and well fried fresh fish when my phone rang,it was Chuka,we engaged in small talk before he told me he saw Nkeiru yesterday.
25 Mar 2016 | 09:09
"whats up with her?" He asked inquistively, I hestitated before telling him everything from the scratch to the to top about the Ugly business with her. He whistled "my dear you need to do something oo" "something like what? Am confused" i retorted with a helpless sigh. "why not think about it this way;talk to your parents about it,don't chicken out" "you know Nkeiru is not a JW naa" I reminded him. "all the same talk to them,you are a man and an only Son for that matter,take the horse by the reins" "i don hear oo,but between you and I am not thinking of marrying now,i have a lot of unfinished business" He chuckled "all the same,talk to them.I got your back bro" He encouraged. I heaved a sigh of relief just as I disconnected the call,I returned to the meal but I had lost my appetite
25 Mar 2016 | 09:10
"what!" Mama shouted,clutching her sagging breast. I shuffled my feets uncomfortably. "Nnaemeka what did you you just say?" Papa asked,looking at me squarely. We were sitting at the parlour,it was some minutes past nine'oclock in the night and the yellowish glow from the parafin lantern illuminated the room. I couldn't define the expression on mama's face as she sat aghast staring at me. "papa thats the truth" I replied bravely. "are you nuts?" Mama shriekingly asked,I sat back on the cushion afraid of what her next reaction would be. "calm down,the deed has already been done" Papa said quietly,his words surprised me,i had thought he would flew into mad rage. Mama swallowed and emmited a prolonged hiss and I nearly jumped,I never knew she could hiss like any disgusted female.. "Nna you have shamed me" "Mama,am sorry.but am not thinking of marrying her" "then what took you to her side in the first place" She snapped. "nwanyi ozugo,it is enough,lets hear from the horse mouth,Nnaemeka since
25 Mar 2016 | 09:14
you say you are not thinking about marrying her,what do you have in mind?" Papa intervened. I heaved a sigh and clasped my palms together in a helpless gesture. "i think we should look after her till she gives birth" "then what next? This idea of yours is f_ oolhardy,Nne emeka what do you have to say?" Papa asked Mama, She hissed again "we need to see the girl in question first,then we start talking about other things" She remarked,Papa nodded his head in agreement. I had a sudden dread that Nkeiru wouldnt meet up to thier standard. ... ... ... The next day was a Sunday.After studies and field service I called Nkeiru and She agreed to come and see my parents that evening. Time sped fast and before I knew it Nkeiru was sitting at the parlour,dressed in a simple chiffon gown with dotted love patterns. She looked breathtakingly,the pregnancy did justice to her skin;she glowed. She had greeted Mama and papa politely by bending her knees slightly. I watched Mama's face but I couldnt discern
25 Mar 2016 | 09:17
what was going inside that thick brain of hers. I didnt just Understood why I hoped Nkeiru Impressed them,it was not that I was thinking of marrying her. I just wanted to look after the unborn baby; it was my responsibility. "how do we know our Son is responsible" Mama's Voice brought me out of my reverie,she sounded cold and..somehow harsh. "we can go for a DNA test to ascertian it" I replied instead. "yes" Nkeiru agreed,she sounded so sure of herself. "there is no need to do that if you are sure" Papa said. Mama shooked her head. "they should go for the test,nowadays it is only science that can tell the truth" she remarked. We came to the agreement that I would go with Nkeiru for the test by the end of the week. I felt happy,Everything had gone well. ... ... ... My happiness was short lived,as I escorted Nkeiru home I received a surprise call from Chuka's elder sister.
25 Mar 2016 | 09:19
"hellow Emmy" her voice sounded croakish. "er Nonye" "rush to jasmine hospital,Chuka got involved in a motor accident" she said in between tears. My heart flew,i stood motionless staring at the blinking phone after she disconnected the call. "what is it?" Nkeiru's voice brought me out of wander_land. I swallowed, "Chuka just had an accident" "oh my bad" She mumbled. ''lets go and see him" she said. "go home,let me see him first,it is already late" "no,lets go together" she said,adamantly and off we went..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Nkeiru flagged down a taxi and gave the driver the name of the hospital we were going to,I felt numb,the call had weakened my senses,I just stood like a zombie while She bargained with the Taxi driver. It seemed that what she was offering to pay was too poor,The driver let out an eloquent curse and drove off,bathing Us with the smoke from his exhaust pipe. "onye_ara" (madman)Nkeiru said and hissed. We later entered a motorcycle and the cyclist dropped Us in front of Jasmine Hospital,I stood silently examining
25 Mar 2016 | 09:21
@hakyim welcome back from where ever you went to feed me more
25 Mar 2016 | 09:23
the one storey building which was painted light blue and had drawings of Jasmine flowers on the walls. The compound was neat and impressive,rows of different species of flowers decorated the entrance to the front door. Nkeiru paid the cyclist and we slowly found our way into the building,at the lounge we met the Receptionist Nurse who asked Us what we came for,I was dumb so Nkeiru took charge,she prattled off like a bird,describing Chuka after the Nurse had memorized the name and was browsing through a long thick note that reminded me of a ledger. "oh that young man that was brought in some hours ago! He is in room 104..down the hall" She said,squeezing her lips that was painted a scarlet red. ... ... ... ... Chuka lay on his back staring at the ceiling,he looked frail and vulnerable.A large bandage covered his left leg and he was bare except for the white sheet that was Used to cover his male organs. I had a sickening dread at the pit of my st0mach as I slowly made my way to the bed,Nkeiru was electrocuted at the door
25 Mar 2016 | 09:23
4 the new guest this is the link to part 1
25 Mar 2016 | 09:25
she stood motionless staring at the form on the bed. Just then Nonye entered the room and nudged her. "chuka.." I called out,dryly. He smiled wanly "Emmy,i know you will be here soon." "what happened?" I asked as I slowly sat on the chair beside the bed,from the edge of my left Eye I noticed Nonye was locked in Nkeiru's embrace.the poor lady shooked as she sobbed in silence. "i just can't say,i was on top of my Bike riding to Church when Suddenly a trailer appeared from nowhere and bøøm! it hit my bike,The young lady i was carrying died at the spot but as for me..."He paused and clenched his fist. "I managed to come out alive but my private part was another story altogether,i lost conciousness due to loss of the time i gained conciousness I saw myself on this bed and the Doctor said my male organ was shattered and am Lucky that my legs are intact but I wouldnt be able to have se_xual intercourse again" "Jehovah" I exclaimed,covering my mouth with my right palm.
25 Mar 2016 | 09:27
... The week saw me runing thro and fro,I spent a lot of time with Chuka at the hospital.It was during this period that I discovered Chuka was a squanderer,his bank accounts was dry.I and his Sister had to sell some of his Household properties In order to afford the hospital bills,His parents were old and senile they could help in any way,his Father had cataract and was expecting Chuka to send money for the Operation. He was downcast when We informed them of the accident,I was surprised that Chuka had a lot of responsibilities while he Squandered his hard earned money on women and drinks. The day I had gone to his village with Nonye we had met the old man swallowing pounded fufu and cocoyam with watery soup that had nothing like fish or meat inside. I was touched and I knew that we wouldnt leave with a penny,so we later agreed to sell his television,home theatre,refigerator and standing fan. Chuka was living in Luxury while his parents ate from hand to mouth. ... ... ... Due to the Weeks happening I was unable
25 Mar 2016 | 09:29
to go for a DNA test with Nkeiru,I was extremly busy auctioning Chuka's properties. The day He was discharged,it rained cat and dog.We boarded a taxi to his lodge and when the taxi came to an abrupt halt in front of the compound he came out of the cab with Nonye by his side. I paid the fare and followed them to the lodge. "what happend to my television?" he asked immediately he entered his self contianed lodge. I shared a look of askance with Nönye. "we had to sell it" She replied as she dumped the bag she was carrying on the beige sofa. "sell what??" he shrieked,turning to look at her. "there was no money to pay for the hospital bills so we had to sell some of your household properties"Nonye replied meekly taking a step backward,I was surprised that she was afraid of her junior brother. "Chuka cool down" I cooed. He sighed helplessly and sanked down on the sofa behind him. He looked like a fallen angel.
25 Mar 2016 | 09:31
~ ~ ~ ~ I bought a bronze walking stick for Chuka the next day to help him support himself when walking. I got to his lodge that evening after work with well_wrapped Suya meat and the bronze walking stick,I knew Chuka was fond of Suya or anything called 'meat'.I remember the night of his birthday,he had ordered for five thousand naira goat meat which we hadn't been able to finish and had left a large remnant for the mercy of the Domestic Dogs that were reared by the owners of the hotel&restaurant.. When I got to his lodge I was bereft of words, I entered his sitting room without knocking and met him and Nkeiru engaged In a hot duel. "what is happening here?" I asked confused,dropping the Nylon and walking stick on the centre table. Chuka sighed while Nkeiru emmited a long hiss,shaking her right foot. "i say what is happening here?" I asked for the second time,glancing at the duo. "Emmy thank God you are here,we need to talk,please sit down" Chuka said at last,pointing at the opposite settee. I unconciously lower
25 Mar 2016 | 09:33
my bulk on the settee and they did the same. "so am sitting down,what is it that you want to tell me?" I asked calmly. Nkeiru fidgetted Uneasingly,wringling her hands. I looked at Chuka squarely and he coughed croakishingly. "Emmy i dont know how to say this,i know you have been a good friend to me and you dont deserve it but am really responsible for Nkeiru's pregnancy" he let the cat out of the bag,I wasn't surprised neither was I shocked..I had been suspecting the duo had something in common even before the accident but I wasnt ready to give up without a fight,I should be happy that Chuka had confessed but I wasnt,I wanted so much to get to the root of the matter. "what makes you think you are responsible for the pregnancy? In case Nkeiru didnt tell you I also slept with her between that period" I remarked. They were surprised,they had expected me to give up the pregnancy issue and skip to my home relieved,but that hadnt gone well as planned. "Nkeiru i know that you are confuse about the father
25 Mar 2016 | 09:35
of the unborn baby since you were sleeping with us at the same should be ashamed of yourself" i retorted in a raised voice. She winced and sputtered,burying her face in her palms. "and you..Chuka,may God have mercy on you,am only keen about the paternity of the child.i pray the baby belongs to you because of your condition,Nkeiru we will be going for the test tomorrow.i will call you" I remarked and walked out of the sitting room. ... ... ... End of part two.. Part three wil comence shortly
25 Mar 2016 | 09:36
@somkhid am around o just that am always busy bt nt too busy that i wont visit this site in a day
25 Mar 2016 | 09:55
hmmmm Mr sharp sharp nice one but pls resend dey link to part one
25 Mar 2016 | 09:55
25 Mar 2016 | 09:56
Hmmmmmmm see bomb
25 Mar 2016 | 14:20
Nawow! So Nkeiru was sleeping with both friends and choosed to heap the blame on you cos maybe you seems to be more promising than Chuka. Women! Nah God go deliver us Men from yr deceits and lies
25 Mar 2016 | 14:51
Guy ... See as u use story destroy us
25 Mar 2016 | 15:14
nice one waiting for part 3.
25 Mar 2016 | 15:51
E don set nah.
25 Mar 2016 | 15:57
25 Mar 2016 | 17:56
Choi... The truth is out and relieved.
25 Mar 2016 | 21:18
Na wahala be dis oo
26 Mar 2016 | 02:39
[b]lyk seriously....she's worse than a whore...Next epi plss[/b]
26 Mar 2016 | 04:59
i just wish to keep u guys glued to ur phone/P.C
26 Mar 2016 | 06:08
finally. GEAR UP WRITER.
26 Mar 2016 | 11:28
pls wen d season three is out let us know
26 Mar 2016 | 11:52
@jummybabe this is the link to season 3.
27 Mar 2016 | 02:57


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