An old couple at the age of
90years developed sight
Both of them finds it
difficult to see clearly.
They decided to visit an
eye specialist.
After examining their eyes,
the specialist said "Due to
your age, your eyes are
weak and you need to buy
eye drop to help
strengthen the eye."
"O really?" they said.
"You both have to drop it
in your eyes twice daily
for one month after which
you comeback for check
up." the doctor explained.
They paid and left with it.
They equally did as the
specialist instructed.
After one month the
Husband said to his wife "I
think i can see more than
The wife laughed and said
"That's not true. mine is
"No need for argument, go
and bring me my BLUE
shirt lets go for check up"
says the old man.
The old woman went
inside the room and
brought PURPLE shirt.
The man collected the
shirt and said "Shit! Don't
you know that my BLUE
shirt again and you went
and brought me RED shirt"
"Am sorry" she
"Is ok, let me wear it but
next time don't argue that
you see more than me" he
After putting on the shirt
he turned to his wife and
asked "How do i look?"
"Woo you look great. As if
i know" she admired.
As they entered the
specialist office, the
specialist started laughing.
"What's amazing you" the
old man asked
The specialist said "No
need for check up. You
people just have to buy
another eye drop and go"
"Why?" they asked
"Can't you see you are
wearing the inside of your
Who is better? Husband or