Eka's story

Eka's story

By Phavourite in 9 Apr 2019 | 08:37
Phavourite numzy

Phavourite numzy

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Posts: 189
Member since: 2 Mar 2018
Episode 1
“Out! Get out of my house! You have eaten all your
siblings, your broth ers and sisters are dead and you
know why they are dead! You killed them, witch!”
shouted Mr. Effiong. “No papa; I ate no one. Please
don’t send me away, I have nowhere to go.” Ekaette
pleaded tearfully. Mr. Effiong raised his machete and
swung it at his daughter. She ducked but not quickly
enough. The tip of the machete grazed the skin of her
neck and she yelled in pain, “He has killed me oh! I am
dead! I am dead o!” “No! You are not dead Ekaette!
The reason you are still alive is simply that I don’t
want to stain my hands with blood. But if you don’t
step away from this house this very minute, I am going
to spill your blood!” “Daddy please, have mercy on me, I
am not a witch. I did not eat my brothers and sisters.”
“I said get out of my house!” Mr. Effiong raised his
machete again and began to slap his fourteen year old
daughter around with the side of the machete. Eka, as
she was fondly called, rolled on the floor yelling in
heart-wrenching pain as her fair, supple, soft skin
reddened and tore open.
From the bedroom Ufoma, her mother ran out, dragging
behind her a Ghana-must-go bag. She dragged the bag
through the living room and out of the house and
dumped it on the street. She then ran into the house
and joined her husband in the callous attack against
their teenage daughter. Ufoma kicked Eka, punched her,
dug her nails into her skin and then buried her teeth
into her back. Ekaette’s cry could have melted the
hardest of hearts; but sadly not a soul on the street
came out to help the girl. On the street people were
heard saying, “Eheh! Finally, Effiong and his wife have
decided to drive away the little pretty witch who ate all
the children in our street.” Eka bled from all over her
body. At some point she gave up hope that she would
survive the ordeal. When her mother saw that she could
no longer utter a cry, or raise her hand to defend
herself from punches and waves of machete-slaps she
and her husband unleashed on their daughter, Ufoma
asked her husband to stop beating Eka. She then knelt
close to her and tore with her bare hands every piece
of wear on Ekaette’s body. When she was done, she
dragged her by the hand into the street and left her on
the ground.
While Eka lay on the street, a swarm of flies settled on
her naked body to lick her wounds. She was too weak to
stir a limb, so she let them have their fill of her bloody
wounds. Passers-by mistook her for dead and wondered
how a young pretty girl like her came to meet death in
the gruesome fashion they saw her. Sadly for Eka, it
began to rain. With the rain, her skin began to burn
intensely, but the swarm of flies fluttered away for
cover from the rain. Eka tried to get off the ground
but could not, so she lay back on the ground and hopped
that death would pity her and snuff the life out of her.
The rain which began as light showers turned to a
heavy downpour; still Eka lay on the ground. There she
wailed and cried, but her voice was too faint for any to
hear. She had cried herself hoarse. Then a momentary
help came; Simbi her only friend and the only person
who believed she was not a witch ran into the rain with
her six year old brother and lifted Eka to a shed by
the street side and put her on a table. There they
cleaned her many wounds with a piece of cloth they
took from the Ghana-must-go bag which contained her
Simbi and her brother worked hard and fast to help
Ekaette. They were afraid of being seen by their
parents; if that was to happen all hell would break
loose, and more so if Iya Jegede was to see Ekaette on
her table. She would raise hell over that and claim that
her shed and the table where she sold her wares had
been defiled by bringing a witch to sit on her table.
When Simbi and her brother were done, they helped Eka
into another clothe taken from her Ghana-must-go
bag. Simbi squeezed two hundred Naira into Eka’s hand
and said with tears in her eyes, “Eka, this is all I have.
I saved it from selling tomatoes for my mother. Use it
and get away from here. Those two people who did this
to you, they are not your parents. I believe they
adopted you and now they want you out of their house
by all means. Go far away from here and don’t ever
come back. Here is my father’s phone number, you can
call me whenever you need to talk to someone; just
don’t tell my father you are Ekaette. Okay?” Eka said
nothing; she simply stared emptily right through Simbi
and her brother as tears flowed from her eyes. Simbi
wanted to hug her for the last time, but could not
because of her many wounds. She did not know if they
would see again. She had to squeeze her hand and even
that made Eka wince in pain.
Simbi and her brother ran back into the rain to get
home before their parents would notice they were gone.
The rain did not let up till nightfall. While Simbi went
about her home chores she wondered how her friend was
doing. She was not sure she had eaten anything all day,
and she knew no one on their street would offer her
anything to eat. When Simbi could not bear the pain of
the horror Ekaette her friend was going through, she
scooped some food into a disposable plate and ran into
the rainy night to give it to her. When she got to Iya
Jegede’s shed, Ekaette was gone. Simbi felt pains
stabbing at her heart. She cried silently and ran
around their street to see if she could spot her. After
about thirty minutes of searching for her she went
home heartbroken.
That rainy night, Ekaette had no clue about where to
go. She just wanted to get away from her street and
her parents who branded her a witch. Through the rainy
night and with hunger gnawing away at her intestines,
she trekked until her legs could carry her no longer.
When she spotted an uncompleted building, she made for
it to spend the night there. She did not want to spend
the two hundred Naira Simbi gave her; it was her
security against any eventuality. She dropped her bag
on the rugged floor of the uncompleted building, laid
her head on it and began to muse over her sad life. In-
between her musings she sobbed. She knew she would not
be able to sleep that night. The thoughts on her mind
and the burning pains on her body would not let her
sleep. As the thoughts of her sad life ran through her
mind and she consoled herself with hot tears, she began
to hear a hissing sound like that of a snake. She stared
into the dark to see if she could make out anything.
While she peered into the dark, her mind began to play
tricks on her. Something seemed to be coming for her
slithering on the floor like a huge snake. Fear seized
her heart and she began to pant like an asthmatic
patient. Without giving much thought to it, she sprang
to her feet, grabbed her bag and fled from the
uncompleted building.
Ekaette could only be aptly described as a head-
turning, drop-dead beautiful lass. It was hard to run
into her without pausing to have a second look at her.
Though she was just fourteen, somehow her beauty
worked surreal magic on men which often left them
stuttering on their words and acted stupidly in her
presence. Her hair was the strangest thing about her,
besides her near unbelievable beauty. A wisp of her hair
felt strange to touch and stretched way down to her
waist line. Because her parents were poor, she could not
afford to go to a beauty salon to take care of her
hair. So every once in a while she would wash her hair
with hot water and apply petroleum jelly to it. In spite
of that, her hair still looked great. Owing to her
parent’s poor state, she could not go to school. To help
ends meet at home, she had to sell fruits on her street.
In spite of her beauty, there was no trace of arrogance
about her. Not a few people admired her for her
industriousness. Being the first child and having no
grown up brother to help her with some manly home
chores, she did every work in the home. She would push
all by herself a barrow containing six twenty-five liter
gallons of water to supply water to their house. And
when she was done, she would go to sell oranges,
cucumber, banana and watermelon in the street.

to be continued.. stay tuned
9 Apr 2019 | 08:37
episode2 Children would often circle around her table asking her to give them some fruits. In spite of how hard poverty bit on their family, she would cut some oranges in bits and give the children. People saw that and loved her for it. However, that was the beginning of her problem. After some time, a few children in the street became sick. Their parents took them to hospitals, but hospitals could not help them; and they had to take them to spiritual houses where those children were diagnosed as having been bewitched. No one knew who bewitched the children, but all accusing fingers went in the direction of Eka. She was the one who gave the children fruits in the street and worrisomely her beauty made her look like a mermaid. Slowly many people began to believe the notion that Eka was a witch. Parents made sure that their children were not seen near her fruit table. Eka’s parents were confronted in the street by the parents of the sick children and warned to tell Ekaette to remove the witchcraft she put on their children. Eka’s parents did not believe one word of the claim that their daughter was a witch and so defended. While the accusations against Eka flew around, the sick children began to die one after another, and this made things worse for Eka and her parents. Many believed that Ekaette was supplying the children to her coven. The death of the children brought her fruit selling business in her street to a sudden end as even adults became afraid that Ekaette could also bewitch them. So not to be idle, she began to carry her fruits in a tray to some other streets to sell them; but not long after, the rumours followed her to those streets and people began to avoid buying fruits from her. When the pressure on her parents came to a head, they invited Eka to know if she was truly a witch. “Ekaette, I and your mother want the truth from you. We are your parents, don’t lie to us. Please Ekaette, are you a witch?” “Ah! Ah! Papa! How could you think such of me? I am not a witch!” “But Eka, the children who ate your oranges are dying off in the street?” “Why are the adults who bought and ate my oranges not dying? I am not a witch! I am shocked that you and mama have allowed the bad talk and rumours in the street to sway you.” “Eka we have not been swayed, we only want to be sure. Also they are saying that you are targeting little children for now.” Ekaette could not say another word; she could tell that her parents were shifting amazingly to what people were saying about her. All she could do was cry. After some time her mother came to console her and told her to forget the matter. Some months after the first round of children who took ill had all died. New batch of children in the street became sick and began to die. As it was earlier, Ekaette was accused even though her fruit selling business had wound up. People claimed that she had already initiated them to her coven through the fruits she gave to them and was only taking them out one after another. The matter came to its climax when Ekaette’s brothers and sisters became sick as well. Her parents went berserk in their efforts to save their children. They took them from white garment churches to native doctors and to hospitals and nothing could be done to save the children. One after another, Ekaette’s four siblings succumbed to death. Tongues wagged in the street that because Ekaette could not find more children to supply to her coven, she turned on her brothers and sisters. Her parents were mocked in the street. When her parents could not bear the loss of their four children, they went to Oron to make enquiries about what actually killed their children. After days they returned to Calabar with the conviction that Ekaette ate her brothers and sisters and so threw her out of the house. That night as Ekaette ran from what she perceived to be a snake in the uncompleted building, a car almost ran over her. The driver of the car was a woman. She pulled her car up by the road side and went to see the young girl she thought she had killed. Still afraid, Ekaette jumped to her feet and tried to continue her run, but she felt giddy and slumped back to the ground. The lady who had brushed her with her Hyundai Accent flipped out and began to shout, thinking that Eka had died. A few passers-by stopped and helped the lady take Ekaette to the hospital. It took Eka about two weeks to recover from the hospital. The lady who had knocked her down was faithful to pay the hospital bills. The lady, who went by the name Efe, was shocked by the wounds she saw on Ekaette’s body and so asked her about it, “What happened to you? You have ugly wounds all over your body.” “My parents and my street branded me a witch…” She paused as she got very emotional. Efe waited for her to continue, “…when my brothers and sisters died in much the same fashion as some children on my street, my parents travelled to Oron and came back with the conclusion that I was responsible for their deaths as much as the other children who died in my street. They beat me up and threw me out of the house,” she continued. “Excuse me, do you mean children, including your siblings, began do die unexplainably in your street and then your parents concluded you were behind it?” “Yes, twelve children in all. Four out of the twelve are my siblings.” Efe paused and didn’t press further for answers; she sat beside her and thought deeply. From the night she met her there was something that struck her about Ekaette. She could not get her hands on what it was; but she was certain about one thing, Ekaette’s beauty was surreal, almost creepy. She could see why she was easily branded a witch. Efe reached out and touched Ekaette’s hair and felt its smoothness. The feel shocked her and she asked, “What do you do to your hair to make it look this way?” “Nothing. It has always been this way.” “Are you telling me you were born this way?” “Yes, I was born this way.” “Wow! Perhaps for your beauty they branded you a witch. You are unbelievably beautiful. Do you know that?” “Thank you. People tell me I am beautiful, but it was not for it that I was branded a witch. I was selling fruits on my street when the children became sick, so people concluded that I bewitched them through the fruits I gave them, but I did not. God knows I did not.” She began to cry again. “But did you give the children fruits?” “Yes, very often they would come to me asking for fruits and I would give them the little I could afford to give out what I had to sell.” “But did any of the children you often gave fruits die?” Ekaette could tell Efe was leaning more toward the idea that she was perhaps a witch and so did not answer her last question. She could see it in the way she looked at her. She remembered what she asked one of the doctors the night she was brought to the hospital, “Is the girl a human being? She looks like beauties from the water.” The doctor laughed and brushed aside her question.
9 Apr 2019 | 09:16
Episode 3 Seeing she had hurt the girl deeply, Efe stood up and left the hospital. Though she paid for every ounce of Ekaette’s hospital bill, Efe was never seen in the hospital again. However there was a newly employed medical doctor who took a lot of interest in Ekaette. He was often around to have banter with her. About the time Eka was to be released from hospital, the young doctor, who went by the name Gerry, noticed that Eka became very moody and listless. So she pressed her to know what was wrong with her. For days Eka refused to answer him a word, but Gerry was persistent and kept asking her what the matter was with her. Eka dug her feet in and refused to give say much. On the day she was to be discharged from the hospital, she packed her stuff into her Ghana-must-go bag and made ready to check out of the hospital, and then Gerry showed up and took her to the little bunk which served as his office and pressed harder, “I know you are in some trouble, don’t lie to me. You were in this hospital for two weeks and not one member of your family came to visit you. I have not heard you speak of your father, mother or siblings. What are you hiding?” Eka burst into tears and told Gerry about everything that had happened to her. Gerry was shocked and brought to tears by her story. “Eka, I am not going to let you let you go into the street without anywhere to lay your head or money to survive on. I live in a two bedroom apartment all by myself. I can let you have one room. In fact I want you to take that room. I know people in this place who can help you get job as a cleaner. Please don’t go into the street. It is hard out there, you won’t survive it alone.” “No! I won’t take your offer doctor Gerry. You think I don’t know your plan. You want me to move in with you and become your toy, and tomorrow your girlfriend will come and throw me out. I know about all that. I have seen girls fall for it. I won’t do it. Yes I know I need help, but I won’t accept your offer.” Doctor Gerry almost went down on his knees and pleaded with her soulfully, “I am older than you are by some years Ekaette, and I know what the street is like. Believe me you don’t want to go into it with this your beauty and no financial support. Life and circumstances will push you into things that right now you think you can never do. I swear by God, I won’t take advantage of you. And if you accept my offer and find out tomorrow that I have gone against our understanding, you are free to leave my apartment. Look, you know me and my place of work; if I do anything stupid you can always come here and report me to my superiors. Please don’t go into the street without knowing even where you will sleep tonight or what you will eat.” Ekaette thought about Gerry’s words and squeezed the two hundred Naira Simbi gave her; it was all she had. “Okay Doctor Gerry I will accept your offer because I don’t have a better one right now. But I swear by God, if you do anything stupid, I will strip myself and curse you by night.” “It won’t come to that Ekaette. I promise you I will make you forget you once were thrown into the street by your family. One day you will look back and you will be happy you took my offer.” “I hope it all works out well, but if you try to put me through hell, I will curse you and kill myself. I mean every word of what I have just said.” “Ekaette you worry a great deal.” “I should and worry is my right. I don’t even know anything about you except your name. Moving into your apartment scares the daylight out of me. I wish I don’t have to do it. What if you wake up in the night and kill me for rituals? Who would ask you questions? After all my parents have rejected me.” “Stop! Ekaette stop! I don’t remember having seen anyone as negative as you. One, nobody is going to kill you for rituals. Two, worry is not your right; it actually hurts you more than you think.” “You have to understand Doctor Gerry that I do not have any reason to trust you. I am not being negative, but protective of myself.” “I have heard you Ekaette, no harm will come to you, okay. Now leave your bag here, let’s go get something to eat.” Reluctantly Eka left her Ghana-must-go bag in Doctor Gerry’s office and they left for the food canteen. When they entered the canteen heads turned in their direction as if they were being choreographed; and voices began to whisper. Ekaette felt very uncomfortable at the starry host of ocular daggers stabbing at them. Twice she missed her step and Doctor Gerry caught hold of her. The medical and non-medical staff who stared at them did not do so in disgust, but in sublime awe of the beauty which entered the canteen in Doctor Gerry’s company. However Eka did not know the reason for which they looked at them and whispered. Before the steward who would take their order could arrive, Eka had begun to perspire terribly and could hardly speak. Gerry noticed the change in the look of her face and asked, “Eka what is it? You don’t look alright to me.” Eka couldn’t speak; when she parted her lips words simply failed to come out. Gerry had to gently press her once more for answers, “Eka what is wrong with you?” When the words finally came out, they did so with tears, “They…they are…they are talking about me. Maybe someone… knows…” Eka began to choke terribly on her words, coughing and breathing deeply. Gerry understood that moment how much Eka had been hurt and lacerated by what she suffered in her street and in her parents’ hands. Doctor Gerry tried his best to stabilize her; when Eka had come round fully, he led her out of the canteen and those host of eyes admiringly followed Eka and Gerry out of the canteen. When they came back to Gerry’s office, he did his best to convince her that those people in the canteen were not talking about her, “Eka I actually heard them; some of them are my colleagues. They were not talking about you. Believe me there was no one there who knows you. There was no way they could have called you a witch.” While Gerry persuaded her that no one called her a witch, hot tears freely flowed from her eyes. “I thought I heard them calling me names. For a moment I thought I heard the word ‘witch’.” “Eka they were talking about your beauty. They were all swayed by your beauty. Believe me, when you start working here as a cleaner, most of the men who saw you today will press you out of measure with love advances and crazy gifts. Get ready for them. I want to take you home now, if you were to stay around here for a while longer, you will notice my office will become busy. All those men and women will come to ask me who you are. I know them.” Fearfully Eka asked, “Who will you tell them that I am?” “What do you want me to tell them if they ask?” “Tell them I am your sister.” “No Eka. I won’t tell them that. I will tell them that you are my friend, a good friend at that. I will speak of amazing things about you.” “But you know nothing about me to tell them.” “On the contrary I do. I know you are the prettiest woman my eyes have seen. I know you are very hard working. I also know you can make fruit salad, you told me about it the other day. And from our conversations since you came to this hospital, I can tell you have a good upbringing. Most girls wouldn’t care about who they move in with after going through what you have gone through; yet you are bothered about that.” LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES •Episode 4 Episode 5-6 Episode 7-8 Episode 9-10 Episode 11-13 Episode 14 Episode 15-17 Episode 18-20 Episode 21-24 Episode 25-27 Episode 28-30 Episode 31 Episode 32-33 Episode 34 Episode 35 Episode 36 Episode 37 Episode 38 Episode 39&40 Episode 41 Episode 42 Episode 43 Episode 44 Last Episode
9 Apr 2019 | 09:25
Wow! Interesting
9 Apr 2019 | 09:32
Don't worry they just drive u to your destiney.
9 Apr 2019 | 10:12
interesting... more episode pls
9 Apr 2019 | 10:43
@itzprinz I don't know how too...i even want to complain bcoz m not seeing my post on updated stories
9 Apr 2019 | 11:01
Seeing she had hurt the girl deeply, Efe stood up and left the hospital. Though she paid for every ounce of Ekaette’s hospital bill, Efe was never seen in the hospital again. However there was a newly employed medical doctor who took a lot of interest in Ekaette. He was often around to have banter with her. About the time Eka was to be released from hospital, the young doctor, who went by the name Gerry, noticed that Eka became very moody and listless. So she pressed her to know what was wrong with her. For days Eka refused to answer him a word, but Gerry was persistent and kept asking her what the matter was with her. Eka dug her feet in and refused to give say much. On the day she was to be discharged from the hospital, she packed her stuff into her Ghana-must-go bag and made ready to check out of the hospital, and then Gerry showed up and took her to the little bunk which served as his office and pressed harder, “I know you are in some trouble, don’t lie to me. You were in this hospital for two weeks and not one member of your family came to visit you. I have not heard you speak of your father, mother or siblings. What are you hiding?” Eka burst into tears and told Gerry about everything that had happened to her. Gerry was shocked and brought to tears by her story. “Eka, I am not going to let you let you go into the street without anywhere to lay your head or money to survive on. I live in a two bedroom apartment all by myself. I can let you have one room. In fact I want you to take that room. I know people in this place who can help you get job as a cleaner. Please don’t go into the street. It is hard out there, you won’t survive it alone.” “No! I won’t take your offer doctor Gerry. You think I don’t know your plan. You want me to move in with you and become your toy, and tomorrow your girlfriend will come and throw me out. I know about all that. I have seen girls fall for it. I won’t do it. Yes I know I need help, but I won’t accept your offer.” Doctor Gerry almost went down on his knees and pleaded with her soulfully, “I am older than you are by some years Ekaette, and I know what the street is like. Believe me you don’t want to go into it with this your beauty and no financial support. Life and circumstances will push you into things that right now you think you can never do. I swear by God, I won’t take advantage of you. And if you accept my offer and find out tomorrow that I have gone against our understanding, you are free to leave my apartment. Look, you know me and my place of work; if I do anything stupid you can always come here and report me to my superiors. Please don’t go into the street without knowing even where you will sleep tonight or what you will eat.” Ekaette thought about Gerry’s words and squeezed the two hundred Naira Simbi gave her; it was all she had. “Okay Doctor Gerry I will accept your offer because I don’t have a better one right now. But I swear by God, if you do anything stupid, I will strip myself and curse you by night.” “It won’t come to that Ekaette. I promise you I will make you forget you once were thrown into the street by your family. One day you will look back and you will be happy you took my offer.” “I hope it all works out well, but if you try to put me through hell, I will curse you and kill myself. I mean every word of what I have just said.” “Ekaette you worry a great deal.” “I should and worry is my right. I don’t even know anything about you except your name. Moving into your apartment scares the daylight out of me. I wish I don’t have to do it. What if you wake up in the night and kill me for rituals? Who would ask you questions? After all my parents have rejected me.” “Stop! Ekaette stop! I don’t remember having seen anyone as negative as you. One, nobody is going to kill you for rituals. Two, worry is not your right; it actually hurts you more than you think.” “You have to understand Doctor Gerry that I do not have any reason to trust you. I am not being negative, but protective of myself.” “I have heard you Ekaette, no harm will come to you, okay. Now leave your bag here, let’s go get something to eat.” Reluctantly Eka left her Ghana-must-go bag in Doctor Gerry’s office and they left for the food canteen. When they entered the canteen heads turned in their direction as if they were being choreographed; and voices began to whisper. Ekaette felt very uncomfortable at the starry host of ocular daggers stabbing at them. Twice she missed her step and Doctor Gerry caught hold of her. The medical and non-medical staff who stared at them did not do so in disgust, but in sublime awe of the beauty which entered the canteen in Doctor Gerry’s company. However Eka did not know the reason for which they looked at them and whispered. Before the steward who would take their order could arrive, Eka had begun to perspire terribly and could hardly speak. Gerry noticed the change in the look of her face and asked, “Eka what is it? You don’t look alright to me.” Eka couldn’t speak; when she parted her lips words simply failed to come out. Gerry had to gently press her once more for answers, “Eka what is wrong with you?” When the words finally came out, they did so with tears, “They…they are…they are talking about me. Maybe someone… knows…” Eka began to choke terribly on her words, coughing and breathing deeply. Gerry understood that moment how much Eka had been hurt and lacerated by what she suffered in her street and in her parents’ hands. Doctor Gerry tried his best to stabilize her; when Eka had come round fully, he led her out of the canteen and those host of eyes admiringly followed Eka and Gerry out of the canteen. When they came back to Gerry’s office, he did his best to convince her that those people in the canteen were not talking about her, “Eka I actually heard them; some of them are my colleagues. They were not talking about you. Believe me there was no one there who knows you. There was no way they could have called you a witch.” While Gerry persuaded her that no one called her a witch, hot tears freely flowed from her eyes. “I thought I heard them calling me names. For a moment I thought I heard the word ‘witch’.” “Eka they were talking about your beauty. They were all swayed by your beauty. Believe me, when you start working here as a cleaner, most of the men who saw you today will press you out of measure with love advances and crazy gifts. Get ready for them. I want to take you home now, if you were to stay around here for a while longer, you will notice my office will become busy. All those men and women will come to ask me who you are. I know them.” Fearfully Eka asked, “Who will you tell them that I am?” “What do you want me to tell them if they ask?” “Tell them I am your sister.” “No Eka. I won’t tell them that. I will tell them that you are my friend, a good friend at that. I will speak of amazing things about you.” “But you know nothing about me to tell them.” “On the contrary I do. I know you are the prettiest woman my eyes have seen. I know you are very hard working. I also know you can make fruit salad, you told me about it the other day. And from our conversations since you came to this hospital, I can tell you have a good upbringing. Most girls wouldn’t care about who they move in with after going through what you have gone through; yet you are bothered about that.”
10 Apr 2019 | 04:38
Ekaette visibly calmed down and a sweet smile wrinkled her pretty face. It had been an awfully long time since someone had something good to say about her. From outside Gerry’s office, a male voice called out, “Gerry! Gerry! Hey!!” Gerry whispered to Eka, “Now listen to what he will say about you.” Gerry swiftly made it out of his office and stood by the door. “Gerry! O boy! Who was that angel I saw you with at the canteen? Heey! There are amazing things in this world o!” “She is a friend.” “What sort of friend? I mean are you two so close I can’t make a move on her? Please tell me the truth.” Before Gerry could give his colleague a reply another guy came over asking, “Gerry I heard an angel came by. Is she your guardian angel or did God send her to all of us?” “God sent her to me, and if she bears any message that has any use to you, I will gladly pass it to you.” Gerry replied laughing. Inside Gerry’s office, Eka heard Gerry’s friends and giggled happily. She was so happy she momentarily forgot all her pains. Before long about six men clustered in front of Gerry’s office describing Ekaette’s beauty with different adjectives. One described her beauty as ‘heavenly’, while another called her ‘Angel Michael’s younger sister’. After the cluster of men left one after another, about three ladies came over to make their own inquiries, “Gerry who was that girl I saw you with at the canteen? Her hair is not of this world. We just argued in Ubong’s office whether her hair was real or fake. Is her hair real Gerry?” “I don’t know, but it seems real to me. At least I know she wasn’t wearing it, it grows from her scalp.” One of the ladies observed, “Gerry someone said she has been in our hospital for weeks now, is that true?” “Yes. She was treated here for a minor accident wound.” “Are you serious? That means you are too stingy Gerry. Why didn’t you let us meet her?” “Don’t worry Ada, soon you will get tired of seeing her around this place.” After Ekaette’s male and female admirers had left, Gerry went back into his office and met Ekaette in joyful tears. Amid her tears she said to Gerry, “I heard one of your female colleagues wondering aloud about what makeup I wear. I don’t wear any and have never worn one before. And your male colleagues, they are all clowns. Did I hear one call me Angel Michael’s sister?” “Eka, you have seen nothing yet. Wait till you start working here; you will need a Doberman to keep them off your back.” “Doctor Gerry, can we go eat now?” “No Eka, I will go buy the food for you…” ‘No Doc. My mother will be disappointed to hear I let an elderly person go buy me food from a canteen. Let me go buy the food.” “Eka, you are on your own now. Your mother doesn’t give two hoots about you anymore. And if you were to step out of this office again, then I won’t be able to do anything to day; my colleagues will crowd into this place and my bosses won’t like it. So I will go get the food, okay.” Grudgingly Eka allowed Gerry to go buy the food. By the time Doctor Gerry returned with the food Eka’s eyes had moistened with tears; and it wasn’t because she was going to eat a sumptuous meal, but because she could not believe it that someone could value her so much as to do things for her. Like a maiden wife serving her husband food the first time after their wedding, Doctor Gerry took pains to set the food on a small table for Eka to eat. Eka stared unbelievably at Doctor Gerry hoping to unravel his intentions by the look of his face. Eka stared harder at him, trying to fathom what sort of thoughts played out in Gerry’s head. She came up with nothing and so promised herself that if by the time they get home and Doctor Gerry doesn’t do anything stupid, then she might start to believe that God had seen her plight and sent her help. With her mind full of thoughts, Eka silently ate the food. While Doctor Gerry worked on a stark of medical files on his table, he keenly studied Ekaette’s sublime beauty. Bewildered by her beauty, Doctor Gerry thought to himself, “There has to be a reason someone could be this beautiful. This beauty must have a purpose from God.” Minutes after Eka had finished eating her food, there were still no words spoken between the two of them except Eka’s tacit appreciation for the food to which Doctor Gerry replied, “The pleasure is mine Eka.” The two of them seemed lost in their private thoughts until Doctor Gerry said, “Ekaette I think it is a good time for me to take you home, I have a lot to do today at work. I won’t like you to stay around till my close hour.” As if she did not hear him, Ekaette asked, “Doctor Gerry what is your full name?” “Oh! I shouldn’t have let you ask, please forgive me the oversight. My name is actually not Gerry. ‘Gerry’ is a nickname sub-classing from Gerald. My real name is Gerald Chambers. I am from Ikot Abasi. My grandfather served white men so they gave him an English name.” “My name is Ekaette Rita Efiong, I am from Eket. Is there something more you have to tell me about yourself doctor? I am about to move into your apartment, at least I should know much more than your name and home town.” “I can see that your beauty is not superficial, it reaches deep within. Well I am the oldest of three children by my parents. The other two are ladies and are married. My parents are aged and live in Ikot Abasi.” Ekaette smiled and said, “Good to know a bit more about you. Well as for my siblings and parents, you know the gist already. I think I am ready to move into your apartment now.” Doctor Gerry picked up Ekaette’s bag and tried to make his way out of his office; with a baby’s grip Ekaette grabbed her bag saying, “Please it is my bag, allow me to carry it. I wasn’t brought up to let elderly people to things for me. See doctor, I can push a barrow containing six twenty-five liter gallons of water all by myself. Don’t pity me, the bag is not heavy.” Doctor Gerry started laughing uncontrollably and replied, “Eka, you are not in your father’s house. You don’t have to work like a horse anymore. Like you said, the bag is not heavy and that’s the more reason you should let me carry it.” Eka tried to protest but no words came out of her mouth. She was very uncomfortable with letting doctor Gerry do things for her and that made her uneasy. Doctor Gerry could see her struggles, but he ignored her, pretending he did not notice. To him Eka would be caught in cloud nine by the time he would begin to treat her as precious as she really was. As they made their way out of the hospital, heads turned in their direction staring at them. This time Eka didn’t miss her step nor did she think they were looking at them because she was a witch. For no reason she could explain, she reached out and held Gerry’s hand and walked beside him with an air of panache. For the first time in her life Eka began to come to terms with the fact that she was truly a pretty girl. Back in her street, though she heard it often that she was very beautiful, but people didn’t make her feel she was worth much, rather they branded her a witch. In her new environment she could tell from the little she had seen that she would be adored for the same reason she was branded a witch back home. She didn’t let go of Doctor Gerry’s hand until they left the hospital premises. Outside the hospital, just beside its gate, Gerry turned and asked her, “Did you notice how people were looking at us? I hope you know it wasn’t because they thought you a witch.” “Yes, I am beginning to realize that now. With time I will come to terms with the fact that people look at me not because I am a witch…” She paused, obviously thinking deep about something. Gerry could tell thoughts were on something else and he waited for her to volunteer them. “Doctor Gerry, how beautiful am I?”
10 Apr 2019 | 04:42
@Xaar Whiskys brown @Ryder @Nontex Dick @Bloc Boie @Sheegokeyz @Don Jesus Eze @Chidera kingsley @Bankole Joshua @Bukolami @Kaka Aman @Ti Mi @Mackenzie Micheal @Somkhid @Onyemaechi @Mikel @Individual (Scott) @Desire @Emperor Lee @Yusuf Ibrahim @Moses @Dency girl @Christian Mamah pls invite others as well thanks...
10 Apr 2019 | 04:47
@Xaar Whaskyd brown @
10 Apr 2019 | 04:49
What now cause the sudden death around you, or you're a mermaid?
10 Apr 2019 | 06:36
Right here dear, ride on
10 Apr 2019 | 09:58
@freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddyblakssandyc @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
10 Apr 2019 | 09:59
@Bukolami smiles u will find out as the story unfolds... @Ryder thankss so much for the roll call
10 Apr 2019 | 10:27
0 Likes beautiful is she?? I'm beginning to imagine it gan....nice episodes dear
10 Apr 2019 | 10:34
@denciebabe hi, long time
10 Apr 2019 | 10:45
@Ryder Ikr....hw av u been na
10 Apr 2019 | 11:23
Eka go and check urself in d mirror and stop asking dr ques
10 Apr 2019 | 13:40
Let's hear how you're beautiful from Dr ooo
10 Apr 2019 | 13:55
ekaete the marmaid,,, who is killing children in Ur neighborhood
10 Apr 2019 | 14:57
@ryder watin hapun nw...y my name nr dey d list.....abeg tag me ooh nice story...ride in
11 Apr 2019 | 02:04
“Eka, my diction is inadequate to describe how beautiful you are; but I will try anyway. However you should know that my effort will classify as a failed attempt to aptly describe your beauty.” “Okay doctor, let me hear you try.” “Eka, have you seen blooming flowers before?” Ekaette nodded. “They pale in beauty when compared to yours. You have heard the chirping of birds early in the morning, haven’t you?” “I have,” replied Eka. “Then you will agree with me that those birds can make good music, but Eka, your shapely figure, from head to toe can make the songs from those birds sound very uninteresting. I am convinced that your beauty can make a dying man wish to hang unto life a little longer just to have a sustained look at you. Look at your hair; they are not of this world. I haven’t seen anything like it before. I would like to have a flock of it to study it closely.” “I can’t afford to give you a flock of my hair, but I can give you a strand,” Eka said and pulled out a strand from her hair and handed it to Gerry, and began to laugh heartily and when she did, her face seemed to lit up. Doctor Gerry tapped her on the shoulder saying, “Eka, stop laughing, you might cause motor accident if you don’t stop this minute.” His words made her laugh harder. Indeed passers-by and motor drivers seemed to be looking at only their direction. In that minute, for the first Gerry took notice of what Eka was wearing. His eye had been squarely fixed only on her absorbing, hypnotic, fascinating beauty. He didn’t like the look of it. He wondered that if what she had on wasn’t good to be looked upon, who knew the condition of the clothes in her Ghana-must-go bag. “Eka, we are not going home right away, there is a place we need to go first and then from there we will go home.” “Where is the place? What’s happening there?” “It’s a surprise.” “I am not good at containing my excitement when people have a surprise for me, can you give me a hint of the surprise.” “I am sorry I can’t do that. If I tell you, it will no longer be a surprise.” Doctor Gerry flagged down a cab and told him where to take them to before they got in. Along the way Eka said very little. Having lived in the suburb of the city there were many things she hadn’t seen. Their drive through the city afforded her the luxury of feasting her eyes on the architectural beauty of the city. After about fifteen minutes drive, the taxi driver rounded a junction and pulled up in front of a shopping complex. Gerry paid the driver and they alighted from the taxi. Leading Ekaette into one of the female boutiques in the complex, Doctor Gerry asked her to select a few clothes for a change of the stuffs she wore and the ones in her bag. Eka was dumbfounded; she had never spared a thought about her clothes even though she knew they were worn out. Doctor Gerry’s kind gesture drew out a mixed reaction from her. She was glad someone was thinking about her needs, but was also a bit ruffled about her appearance. For a while Eka was rooted to a spot and could not move. Doctor Gerry leaned closer to her and said, “Go ahead and pick a few things. Just a few things you need for a change. When I get some money, we will give your wardrobe a complete makeover.” The sound of his voice gave Eka the assurance that Gerry was well-meaning. With tears in her eyes Eka said, “Thank you Doctor Gerry. Frankly I don’t remember the last time I got a brand new clothe. My mother would often bring home some clothes her sisters had abandoned I would make something to wear out of them. I can sew clothes.” “Really?” “Yes. Things got so bad that I had to learn to sow or I go naked. I had to teach myself, now I feel like a pro with a sewing machine.” Her words brought tears to Doctor Gerry’s eyes. He had to turn away so Eka would not see him cry. Pretending he was rubbing his eyes to remove dirt, he wiped the tears on the edges of his eyes. While Eka tried out a few clothes, Doctor Gerry went to one of the sales girls and said, “Eno, you know me. I am a regular customer here, but right now I am low on cash. The much I have on me right now won’t be enough for the things I want my friend to leave here with. So this is what I would like to do. I would be happy if you let me make a deposit of twelve thousand Naira for the things my friend will pick today and at the end of the month, I will clear the rest of the debt.” “Doctor, you don’t have to worry about that. I know you and my boss knows you as well. You are a valued customer here. Every mother’s day you come here to buy things for your mum and sisters. You are very credit worthy. You have nothing to worry about, let your friend pick what she likes,” Eno said. “Thank you Eno. But I still have one more favour to ask of you. My friend over there, she has been through a lot. There are some kinds of wear I know she most likely doesn’t have, but I can’t talk to her about them. I mean the undergarments ladies wear, please can you lead her to where she can find them and encourage her to take some.” Eno laughed out loud and whispered to Gerry, “Where did you say you grew up? Men like you are extinct. I hope and pray that God will give you a woman who will realize that you are now classified as endangered specie.” “Thank you Eno.” “You are welcome doc; have a seat while I get on your request.” After about thirty minutes’ time, Eno helped Ekaette pick some clothes that gave her good fitting, and she did so with an eye to keeping Doctor Gerry’s bill low. After the clothes and one or two foot wears had been packed, Doctor Gerry deposited the twelve thousand Naira he had on him and they left. When they got to Gerry’s apartment, Eka was impressed with the simplicity of the furnishings in it. With glee in her eyes she asked, “Doctor Gerry, am I going to live here with you?” “You are not going to live here with me, you are already living here with me; and remember, you are not my house help or wife. Don’t spend your whole time working slavishly like you were one. When I get back I will give you a few rules you will have to keep while here.” “Can I hear them now please?” “Eka I have to get back to work.” “I know, tell me at least one.” “Okay, please don’t ever bring men into my house. And don’t stay out late in the night, except you have a good reason to do so.” “Is that it?” “Yes.” “Then you have nothing to worry about.” Carrying some of the stuffs they brought home, Doctor Gerry asked her to follow him to her room. The room was so clean that Eka could not help to ask, “Doctor, were you expecting a guest?” “No. Why did you ask?” “This room is so clean that it leaves me wondering if you knew a guest was coming… okay! I see! Your girlfriend cleans them for you at weekends; but why that often?” “Eka, I don’t have a girlfriend. I clean my apartment by myself.” “What?! But at the hospital you told me you have a girlfriend.” “I never did Eka. You assumed I have one and I let it pass. I am certain I never told you I have a girlfriend.” “Are you serious doctor?” “I am dead serious Ekaette. I have to go back to work now. Come and lock the entrance door. Doctor Gerry left Eka’s room and headed out of his apartment. Eka followed behind him, wondering if Doctor Gerry was deliberately acting nice. She could have sworn she heard him one of the days they chatted at the hospital say he had a girlfriend. When Doctor Gerry stepped out of his apartment, Eka went back to her room to try out some of the clothes Gerry bought for her. About six minutes later Eka heard a knock on the door and went to check who it was. When she opened the door, Doctor Gerry’s jaw dropped in utter bewilderment at the sublime curvaceous figure which stood in front of him. Eka asked him, “Doctor Gerry, you are back. Did you forget something?” Doctor Gerry did not hear her. His eyes were fixed on the figure accentuated seductively by one of the clothes he bought for her. Episode 6 Doctor Gerry thought he knew Eka was beautiful, however as he stood by the door staring at her, he realized he was wrong. Actually he had seen nothing yet. Eka had to tap him on the shoulder to knock him off his stupefied state of mind. “What happened? You came back,” Eka inquired further. “I…I left my office key behind, can you fetch it for me? I remember leaving it on the table.” “You don’t want to come in Doctor.” “No! No! I am already behind schedule.” Seeing he wouldn’t come in Eka turned to go get the key for him, in the process showing off a curvy shape that would have made Monalisa swallow hard in envy. Under his breath, Doctor Gerry mumbled a query to God, “Dear God, what have I done? I have brought a great temptation into my house.” Eka picked the key and turned to go give it to Doctor Gerry, smiling while she did that. And her smile; oh God, left a smooching palpitation on Gerry’s heart. When she got to the door she playfully refused to give the key to Gerry and asked, “Didn’t you notice the clothe I am wearing? I was going to show it to you, but you wouldn’t come in.” “Eka I noticed it and you look beyond beautiful in it. Frankly speaking, I thought I knew you were beautiful, but right now I have realized I was wrong. Your beauty is not of men.” “Are you suggesting I am a mermaid?” “No Eka, I wouldn’t say that of you. But to be candid with you, I don’t know what you are. Even mermaids would be envious of you.” “My aunt said I was too greedy and took all the beauty for the women in my generation. I think she was right. Perhaps that’s why life has been cruel to me. I would give this beauty away just to have a normal life.” Eka’s twisted reasoning, which revealed more of her hidden pains, jolted Gerry back to his senses and barked at Ekaette, “Don’t say that again! Life is not being cruel to you. One day, all you have been through will be nothing more than a faded memory.” “I hope so.” “Eka, don’t say ‘I hope so’, say ‘amen’.” “Amen o!” “You are a woman of little faith. Can I have my key now?” Eka handed him his key and he left. Eka locked the door and went back to try out more of her new clothes. All the clothes Gerry bought for her were so good on her that one would have thought she was sewn into them. For a long time; she could not even remember the last time, she saw herself smiling without any cause. She sat on the bed and looked around her room. It had all the things she never dreamt she could one day enjoy. There was an LG air conditioning set on the wall, an OX ceiling fan, a Samsung flat screen television on the wall and a home theater set. Done assessing the room she went back to stand in front of the mirror again and admired herself in her new clothe once more. Feeling she hadn’t had enough look at the other clothes she had tried on earlier, she put them on again and admired her ravishing self in the mirror. Done checking out the clothes, she went back to the living room and checked if she had securely locked the door. Satisfied she had locked it; she went back into her room and locked herself in. There were a few more pieces of wear she needed to try on and she did not want anyone to see her she tried them on. Removing her new set of under garment wears which Doctor Gerry bought for her, she tried them on one after another. Their fitting on her made her to pause and think momentarily. She went to her Ghana-must-go bag, unzipping it, she stared down at the sort of wears which the bag contained and drops of tears fell from her eyes. With the back of her hand she wiped off her tears. Changing to one of the clothes Gerry bought for her, she carried her Ghana-must-go bag out of the apartment and set it on the ground. Standing in front of Gerry’s apartment, she searched for the perfect place to set them on fire. There was none, fortunately for her, a woman came outside from the next apartment and Eka asked, “Good day Ma, please where can I burn some things?” The woman did not answer her a word, instead she looked at her unbelievably and then took a few steps closer and touched her hair. “What sort of hair is this? This is not Brazilian hair…wait! Jesus! It actually grows from of your scalp!” shouted the woman. “It is my natural hair…” “And your skin! How can a human being have such hair and skin?” The woman’s innocent rhetorical question hurt Ekaette deeply. She surmised the woman was suggesting she was a mermaid. “Please madam, where can I burn some things around here?!” Eka asked with her voice harsh and raised a little. The woman didn’t take notice of the change in Eka’s tone of voice; she was still rhapsodized by the look of her skin and hair. Eka asked again, almost shouting, “Madam! Is there nowhere I can burn things I don’t use anymore?!” “Oh! I am sorry,” said the woman. “There is a place outside the gate. Wait, you can’t let smoke touch you. I will do it for you.” the woman continued. She ran into her apartment to probably get a box of matches and kerosene. Eka having been told where she could burn her stuffs hurried outside of the compound and dumped her bag on the makeshift incinerator and poised to collect the box of matches and kerosene from the woman when she returned. Eka knew she would be very embarrassed to let the woman see the condition of some of her wears in that bag, especially the undergarments. Her mind was so set on collecting the match box and can of kerosene from the woman that she did not notice the drama her appearance on the street caused. A group of boys were on the street discussing betting and football when Ekaette dragged her bag out of Gerry’s compound. The sight of her hushed them as they stared at her stupidly. They could not tell if Eka was a turbo-charged Barbie doll or a human being. While she waited for the woman, more people stared and whistled in excitement. When the woman came out, she was so much eager to serve Eka that Eka could not stop her from setting her bag on fire for her. Eka had to shout, “Please Ma, don’t open the bag, burn everything together!” Happily the woman poured some kerosene lavishly on the bag and then struck a stick of matches and threw it at the bag. Turning to Eka she said, “You shouldn’t do such things. It is not good for your skin. Whenever you want to burn anything call me I will do it for you. My name is Faustina, I live in the flat where you saw me enter. Are you doctor’s wife?” “Oh no! I am just a young friend of his.” “What do you mean by you are just a young friend of his? All the things a man needs are in place.” With glee in her face and mirth in her voice the woman inquired again, “Are you the doctor’s wife?” “No madam Faustina, I am only his friend.” “Ah ha! You will get there very soon. It doesn’t matter if you are just a friend. See, any time Doctor Gerry is not around and you need anything, tell me, I will be glad to help.” “Thank you Ma.” “Don’t call me Ma. My name is Faustina. You haven’t told me your name.” “Oh! I am sorry. My name is Ekaette.” Feeling overwhelmed by Faustina’s overzealous offer of help, Ekaette made a brisk walk back into Gerry’s apartment and locked the door. Breathing heavily in an effort to force back tears, she let herself sink into a couch in the living room. “This is not happening; they all think I am special. By the time someone who knew me back in my street brings my story to this place everyone will hate me. Imagine that woman telling me smoke is not good for my skin. How I wish she knew I cooked every day with firewood in my father’s house, pushed gallons of water with a barrow and hawked fruits. I don’t even have a secondary school education. If not for Simbi I wouldn’t even have been able to read English words.” The thought of Simbi having crossed her mind, she ran back into her room, to make sure she did not burn, along with her Ghana-must-go bag, the phone number Simbi gave her. When she saw on the bed, the piece of paper on which the phone number was written, she picked it and held it tightly promising herself she would call Simbi when Doctor Gerry returned from work. About 7:00 pm Doctor Gerry came back and was welcomed by the aroma of a sumptuous delicacy. “Eka, what storm did you cook up in my kitchen? My nose is under pleasant attack.” With that same disarming smile on her face, Eka replied, “I invaded your kitchen and found some things to transform into good food, and so I decided to cook so you could have something to eat when you are back.” “But I told you not to bother with such things. You are not my wife and I don’t want you to work like a slave here. You should have only made something for yourself.” “If it is wrong for me to cook for you, then it is wrong for you to buy me clothes and bring me into your apartment when I had nowhere else to go. If you won’t let me do little things around the house to show my appreciation, then I will leave your apartment.” “It’s okay Eka, it hasn’t come to that. But I don’t want you to live with the pressure that you must do these things okay.” “Thanks for letting me help. I am going to serve your food now.” Doctor Gerry parted his lips to tell her no, but in view of the understanding they had just struck, he closed his mouth instead. Happily Eka walked into the kitchen to go serve the food. With his head hung down, Doctor Gerry went into his room and let himself drop like a log of wood on the bed and cried out, “Oh God! I didn’t know it would be this hard when I asked her to live with me. I don’t want it to seem like she was my wife when I barely know her. I don’t want to forget I am just helping a teenage girl in need. Look at how good she looks in those clothes; maybe I shouldn’t have bought them for her.” To be continued....
11 Apr 2019 | 05:03
Really tempting, am sure you'll overcome it
11 Apr 2019 | 07:41
pls invite me when new episode lands
11 Apr 2019 | 12:49
I don't like the way the writer is showering praises on her
11 Apr 2019 | 13:27
teenage girl kee? I tot she is24!!! anyways just pray dat Ur former neighbors will not come and spoil things for u here oooo
11 Apr 2019 | 13:44
“Doctor Gerry! Your food is ready!” Eka called out from the dining room. Doctor Gerry jumped out of his bed. He was still in his work clothes. Opening his wardrobe, he found casual clothes to put on and then came to the dining to eat. One look at him Eka said, “I don’t mean to act like your mother, but you haven’t had you bath, have you?” Doctor Gerry looked at her, shaking his head with a smile on his face, he went back to his room to wash up. About twenty-minutes later Dr. Gerry returned to the dining looking very fresh. Eka teased him, “Now my food will find its way into your stomach without hindrance on the way.” “Who told you that eating without having one’s bath hinders food from finding its way to the stomach?” “Do you think you know everything Doc.? Have you studied Eka-ology?” “What is that? There is no such word?” Dr. Gerry opened the plate of food before him and for a moment, he could not say a thing. Eka watched him with delight on her face. He was awed by how rich the food looked, its aroma and how it was garnished. “You did not tell the part which says you studied food craft.” “You didn’t become a doctor in one day, did you? In just the same way you can’t find out everything about me in one day. Right now you are in Eka-ology class one.” “So Eka-ology is who you are?” Happily Eka answered him, “Yes. It is who I am and the things I can do. So don’t think I can’t teach you stuffs. You will be surprised by the things you can learn from me.” Dr. Gerry mumbled a short prayer and began to eat the food. First he attacked the fish in the food; with the look of pleasant surprise on his face he said, “Uhhm! Christ! What did you do to this fish? Wait!” Dr. Gerry stood up to his feet and ran into his room. Ekaette stood to her feet wondering what he was doing. In a jiffy he emerged with his phone and snapped the food. “What are you doing Doctor?” Eka asked. “Preparing to win at work tomorrow the bragging right of who eats better food at home.” “Hahahaha!” Eka laughed heartily. “I guess you have always been on the losing side.” “Always! Always they made jest of me. That is not to say I am a bad cook, but I don’t know how to make good food look this good.” “Don’t worry; from now on no one will stand you in this workplace competition.” Dr. Gerry gave her a hi-five and they both began to laugh. Suddenly Dr. Gerry grew quiet and Eka noticed it and so asked, “What is it Dr. Gerry?” “I met you only weeks ago and already it feels like I had known you all my life.” “I have thought the same thing too. Actually I have a lot of funny ideas in my head about you.” “What ideas are those?” “They might make you laugh, but seriously they are the only way I can explain you.” “What are the ideas? Let me hear them.” “Dr. Gerry, are you for real?” “What are you insinuating? Do you think I have intentions to take advantage of you?” Dr. Gerry asked raising his voice. “No Dr. Gerry. You missed my meaning completely. What I mean is this. Are you really human?” “Now the Eka whom everyone thinks is not human is suggesting I am not human. What is your point?” “I have heard stories about people like you; people who are not really people. Why are you helping me?” “I am helping you because you need help Ekaette. God knows and sees my heart. Yes, I might have a little challenge containing your unusual beauty, but God is my witness that I have no evil in my heart against you.” “Yet again you have misunderstood me doctor. This is what I mean. One day you are going to go to work and not come back. I will become afraid and run to your workplace only to be told they never knew who you are. And then I will come back to this house and find a note saying, ‘Ekaette take care of yourself, God loves you’.” “I still do not understand you Eka.” “I have heard stories…” “You only entered my house today, who could have told you things about me?” “I don’t mean stories about you, but about people like you. People who help those in need and after a while they simply vanish. Simbi said such people are angels. I am wondering if you are one.” “Hahahaha! Eka, you have got this one wrong. I am not an angel; if only you knew the challenge I am going through right now, you wouldn’t say that.” “Doctor I might be a bit young and naïve, but I have heard such stories. In fact one happened in my street. On a rainy day, a pregnant woman’s house was being flooded with water. She got on her knees and began to scoop out the water with a plate. Her effort was insignificant against the heavy downpour and the flood which flowed into her house. In the process of her work, she went into labour and began to cry out for help. Of course the downpour made it hard for anyone nearby to hear her; she was drowning in her own house and was in labour. This woman, I can even give you her name, said that suddenly a man entered her house and lifted her from the floor and put her on a bed. In just minutes the man had helped her put to bed. When he was about to go, the woman noticed that the water in her house had vanished, yet the woman did not see him scoop the water out. The next day the woman went to the address he gave her and found out it was an empty plot of land. No one knows the man or had seen him before, or since then. How do you explain that?” “The man may have been an angel, but Eka, I am not angel. Believe me, I am very much human.” “Okay doctor; but whether you are a real angel or not, for me, you are my own angel. God has used you to help me. Thank you Doctor Gerry.” Eka said sounding a little emotional. Dr. Gerry could tell there was a lump in her voice; she was fighting hard not to cry. “You are welcome Eka.” “Doctor Can I use your phone to call my friend Simbi. She must be worried to death about me. I need to tell her God has helped me.” Dr. Gerry handed Eka his phone looking the other way. The simple faith Eka had in him almost brought him to tears and he did not want her to his eyes were a bit moist than usual. He could not believe someone could think of him an angel. While he munched his food, he admonished himself, “I can’t make mistakes with this girl, God please help me not to love her as I would a girlfriend. I need to be the best friend I can be to her.” While Dr. Gerry mused and communed with God, Eka punched Simbi’s father’s number into Gerry’s phone and dialed it. Simbi’s father picked the call and his baritone voice croaked, “Hello! Who is this?” “Papa Simbi it is Rita, can I speak with Simbi?” Ekaette used her middle name so Simbi’s father would not know who was calling. The man did not say another word, Eka could hear him shouting, “Simbi! Simbi! A friend of your is on the phone!” Eka waited and shortly Simbi’s voice came through, “Hello!” “Simbi, it is me Ekaette.” Eka whispered. Simbi leapt into the air and shouted, “Ekaette! Oh God! Eka! God answered my prayer over your life!” Like a bee, Simbi swung around their living room. Simbi’s father asked with his voice raised very high, “Simbi! Which Ekaette is that? I hope it is not the witch who ate all the children on our street?” Eka heard Simbi’s father and his words pierced her heart. Momentarily she moved the phone away from her ears. In anger Simbi shot at her father, “Daddy it is not the Ekaette you know! Are there not many Ekaette in the world?” “But she told me her name was Rita, why are you calling her Ekaette?” “Daddy her name is Rita and also Ekaette. This one is different and not the one you know.” Simbi’s father calmed down and Simbi turned to her friend on the phone and asked, “Rita how are you doing?” With a broken voice Eka asked, “Simbi so they still call me a witch in that place?” “Rita, please don’t mind them. Hear me, one day God will vindicate you and lift you high. All of them will beg to eat from your hands. Mark my words. I have joined the prayer band in church, and I did so all because of you. I will pray until God clears your name from the false accusations. Tell me, how are you?” “Simbi, if you are praying, God has already answered you. God sent me an angel like in those stories we heard in the street.” “Are you serious Eka?” “Yes I am very serious. He bought me clothes and took me to his house. He wants to get me a job. Soon I will start working.” “I hope he won’t make you do bad things Eka?” “Lai lai (never!), he doesn’t even notice me.” On the other end of the phone Simbi began to cry. Eka had to console her friend, telling her the good things God had done for her. At the dining table Dr. Gerry listened with tears in his eyes. When Eka was done talking with Simbi on the phone, she sat down and whispered to God, “Dear God, if Dr. Gerry is not an angel, please finish your work by making him to love me. He is a good man.” She stood up and went to the dining to give Dr. Gerry his phone Episode 8 After Eka had given back Dr. Gerry his phone, she sat down in the living room and stared at the television as though her interest was in what was being shown on the screen. How her mind peeled the events of her life layer after layer. She pondered how in a short time she moved from a girl that had parents and siblings to a girl who was beaten up and thrown out by her parents for imaginary crimes. While she thought about her family and what she had been through, tears freely ran down her cheek. Vividly she remembered the smile of her younger ones and also the pain which riddled their faces just before they succumbed to death. She knew she was no witch; at least she was sure she had been to no coven or flown in the night. But as she sat and thought deeply that night, she thought about all her recent night dreams to see if she could recall anyone that might suggest she was a witch. In spite of how hard she thought, she could not find anything to suggest to her that she had something to do with the dark works of witchcraft. However one thought she could not shake off was the reason a certain prophet in Oron claimed she was a witch and was responsible for the deaths of her younger ones and the children on her street. While Eka mused about her life, Dr. Gerry absentmindedly munched the last bits of food in his plate. The seemingly little action he took that day – helping Eka. Had slowly morphed in size and was already looking like it was going to change his life completely from the way he knew it. Only in one day, he had been branded an angel, questioned if he was human and served the best meal he had in quite a long time. When Doctor Gerry met Eka, he had only one interest which was to get as much close to her as he could. Eka’s beauty was just too hard for him to walk away from. He had hoped he would become a friend to the dazzling teenage beauty and perhaps become much more than that with time. Each day he visited her while she was being treated at the hospital; he assured himself that though there was some age gap between them, he would wait for her to make that insignificant by attaining maturity in a few years. However bringing Eka into his house seemed to have changed all that; he knew he had to be nice and courteous to her and not take advantage of a young girl who life had already dealt a bad hand at her age. Doctor Gerry hated to be in that situation; he wanted to love Ekaette and not just be a nice, caring, friend. As he lifted his plate to go wash in the kitchen sink, his heart ached intensely. While he washed his plate, Eka entered the kitchen not wearing the trademark affecting glow on her face. One look at her, Gerry knew something bothered her. Before he could ask to know what it was, Eka quipped, “I know this is your house and you have given me your rules, but I now share it with you and I have a few of my own rules too, which I think you should do well to keep.” Dr. Gerry liked the witty manner in which her words often came out. It always clicked with the intellectual side of him. With smile returning to his face, he asked Eka, “What then are your rules? I will be glad to keep them so long as they will make for a peaceful living between us.” “I don’t have so much doing now, and even if I did, doing minor chores such as washing plates wouldn’t take much of my time. I want you to leave kitchen and all other domestic matters to me. Except maybe tidying up your room; it is one place I don’t want to go into while I am here. It is your private world and your responsibility to fix.” “Eka, I am not going to keep all your rules. I wasn’t brought up to let people do all the domestic work around me. I was an only boy in the house; my mother made sure I did not get spoilt for that reason. She made me do everything my sisters did. I scrubbed the floor, cooked food, washed clothes and dusted electronic sets in the house. I mean, I did about every chore you can think of. I am pretty sure I will flout your rules very often.” “If your home training has left you bent in that area; well I won’t straighten you out, it is a good bent. When you get married your wife will need you to be very domestic in some cases. However, you have to let me do a bit more around the house, okay?” Like a little boy, Dr. Gerry nodded and began to dry the plate he had washed with kitchen napkin. Eka went over to the cooking gas and began to transfer the leftover of the food she cooked to small plates to put them into the fridge. She didn’t want Gerry to leave the kitchen, his company made her feel warm, so she decided to strike up a conversation to detain him in the kitchen. “Did you speak to your superiors at the office about letting me work as a cleaner in your hospital?” “Yes I did. Their answer wasn’t what I expected. A few of them have some other people in mind for the job.” “It’s okay, that is not the end of the world, somehow I will find another thing to do.” “I thought about that all day, and then I remembered you said you can sew. If you don’t mind, I can arrange to get you a sewing machine. You can make clothes for people in this neighbourhood for good money. You just have to convince them that you are good enough to make their clothes.” Eka stood rooted to her spot; she could not say a word. She only stared at Dr. Gerry emptily. “Eka, you haven’t said anything about my suggestion.” Dr. Gerry could not see that the edges of Eka’s eyes had moistened and she was breathing heavily. “Eka won’t you say something?” Eka made to say something but instead began to cry. Dr. Gerry watched her for a moment to figure out why she cried. Then Eka said amid her cry, “I was going to ask you to help me get a place where I could attach myself and work with their sewing machine. I thought about the cleaning job and felt it would get me nowhere. However I felt it wasn’t my place to tell you what I want, so I decided to let you get me the cleaning job. My intention was to save up money and buy a used sewing machine. I may have learnt sewing the hard way, but it is something I love to do. I can dream big with sewing. I already have plans in my head.” “So sewing it is?” “Certainly yes, Dr. Gerry, I can work in the house here or under the canopy I saw outside.” “I am glad you like the idea.” “Yes! I do. I do very much! It is actually God who put it in your head. The cleaning job just didn’t click with my heart. It would have sounded very wrong for me to have told you I didn’t want the cleaning job, so I prayed about it. I hope you don’t mind, I pray a lot. When things got pretty bad for me, especially when my parents began to tilt toward what was being said about me in the street, Simbi taught me to pray. I can say with all confidence that it pays to pray.” “You can pray as much as you want Eka. I have no issues with that. I don’t pray much though. Praying was one habit I couldn’t learn from home. My parents prayed very little. I have tried to improve my praying habit without success, so I gave up. But I think God makes good use of the little I pray.” “Don’t worry doctor, I will teach you to pray. Now you can see there are things you can learn from me; and you haven’t even started.” “I don’t need you to say it, I can see it clearly. Concerning the sewing machine, I will call my sister today from work. She has some sewing machines and I know she does not make use of all of them. If she agrees to give me one, I know she will, I will go to her house to bring it home today. I want you to start immediately. You have momentum now; it will be good to use it.” “Thank you doctor. I was right when I said you are an angel, can’t you see it now?” As Dr. Gerry stood and regarded Ekaette’s beauty, she swung 180 degrees and began to pack the small plates of food into the freezer. Her mind was filled with joy and her thoughts spread with wings and flew. She thought about her sewing business growing big and about having Dr. Gerry for keeps. In seconds she forgot Dr. Gerry was still there watching her. She picked the pots she emptied of food and began to wash them. Dr. Gerry could tell she thought he had left. Shaking his head in admiration he thought, ‘whoever branded this girl a witch, was the real witch’. Quietly he tip-toed away from the kitchen, careful not to let her know he had been standing there watching her all along. Plz I need ur comment.. To be continued
12 Apr 2019 | 04:42
Dr Gerry, you really tried for her, you're indeed her angel
12 Apr 2019 | 06:46
13 Apr 2019 | 06:02
Very early in the morning Eka rose, and after her prayers, went into the kitchen and began to fix a meal. She moved around the kitchen with the air of confidence which sprung from how her last food was received. The kitchen was in every sense beyond what she was used to at home. She was supposed be unhappy after what she had suffered in the hands of her parents, but somehow, particularly since she met Dr. Gerry, she was very happy. As she prepared the food, she felt guilty for being as happy as she was. She wished her siblings were alive so she could tell them about the angelic man she met. Though she was ahead of them in years, they in spite of that still confided in each other. She had promised them she would work hard to make sure they all had a better life than their parents could provide them with. As though her siblings could hear her, she said, “Usoro, Emem, Ubong and Nwaha I did not eat the four of you as witch. I lie not. They say the dead know what killed them. I did not kill any of you. I feel sad being as happy as I am, while worms eat your bodies in your graves. Of course you know the reason I am here. Papa and mama have thrown me out of the house claiming that I killed you two. How could I have done that when we all had dreams to grow up and get very rich? Maybe God has begun to fulfill that dream, but it hurts not to have the four of you here. I do not know if I will see papa and mama again. If a man comes to ask for my hand in marriage, I will ask my pastor to collect the dowry. Papa and mama did not protect me when outsiders turned against me claiming I was a witch. It was easy for them to believe a fake prophet in Oron and turned against me. Maybe Simbi is right, they are not my parents.” While she spoke to her dead siblings, tears freely flowed from her eyes. In his room, Dr. Gerry slept like a child. After laboring in the kitchen for over an hour, she returned to her room and tried to nap but she could not and so she decided to watch television. Luckily there was a programme good enough to hold her attention, while she watched it; she began to nod her head in sleep. Before long she dozed off while the television remained on. Ekaette’s sleep had hardly lasted up to fifteen minutes when she felt a sharp pain on her back. She yelled and sprang from the bed. She touched her back and felt a bruise. It ran like a line from the back of her shoulder down to her waist. The bruise burnt with fervent heat. She was sure she yelled very loud, Dr. Gerry should have heard her, but why he did not come out to know what was wrong with her puzzled her a bit. She stripped herself of her clothe and stood before the mirror. In the mirror she could see the bruise clearly. She looked at the bed wondering how she came to sustain that sort of bruise. She was not lying on her back, even if she was, there was no way she could have suffered that bruise. There was nothing on the bed to give her that sort of bruise. Fear overcame her as the thought of what she hated the most flashed through her mind. Nodding her head in defiance, she said to no one in particular, “No! I am not a witch! I am not! I am the child of the most high God!” She paused and thought again about what happened to her and said prayerfully, “No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper. Witches cannot attack me! In Jesus name, witches have no power over me! No, they don’t!” She pulled her clothes back on and wished she could call Simbi to tell her what had happened to her. She knew Simbi would have something helpful to say and would tell her how to pray concerning the attack. She wanted to go knock on Dr. Gerry’s door to ask him for his phone, but she could not bring herself to do that. She still could not figure out how he could not have heard her cry. Just then a thought dropped on her mind. She mulled it over and mumbled to herself, “Dr. Gerry cannot have anything to do with the occult. No! Satan, stop deceiving me! Dr. Gerry is a good man; he simply did not hear my cry.” Ekaette sat back on her bed and began to watch the television again. While she sat and enjoyed the programme on TV, a certain foul perfume wafted into her nostrils; her eyes darted about to see the source of the foul perfume and she saw her. She wanted to yell but for some reason her voice failed to give sound and the apparition vanished from her eyes. She was four years when she died and was named after her, hence the name Ekaette , which means father’s mother. Eka cried bitterly, “God I am your child and not a witch. I don’t want to be a witch. Why would an old woman who died years ago appear in my room? God I know you and you alone. I reject every covenant I have with the dead.” In that moment she remembered what her pastor said about how to deal with evil covenants. She ran to the kitchen and poured out a small quantity of Power vegetable oil into a small plate and took it into her room. With it she began to pray and anoint her feet, fingers and her fore head. While she prayed, Dr. Gerry woke up, entering the passage between their rooms he shouted, “Eka good morning! I see you are praying; can I join you?” Quickly Eka kicked the plate of oil under the bed and wiped tears from her eyes. She worked on the tone of her voice and said as nicely as she could, “Yes doctor! You can join me!” Dr. Gerry knocked on her door, waited a bit and then entered the room. In about thirty minutes Eka led Dr. Gerry in a fiery session of prayers. Dr. Gerry was marveled by how intensely a girl of Eka’s age could pray. He felt ashamed of himself and swore that from that day he would make it a duty to start his day with fervent prayer. He had no clue what Ekatte had gone through that morning. After the session of prayers Dr. Gerry went to have his bath to prepare for work, while Eka went to the kitchen to package a surprise for him. When Gerry came out to leave for work, Eka asked her to wait, from the kitchen she brought out a food flask neatly packaged in a customized nylon bag. Dr. Gerry was surprised and asked, “What is that?” Eka did her best to keep a smile on her face and said, “Now you don’t have to snap your food and show them at work. You can take it to work and make them salivate while you eat.” “Oh my God! Eka, you woke up early to prepare food for my. Jesus! I am speechless. What do I say?” “Say nothing. It is the least I can do to say ‘thank you’.” Dr. Gerry stood before her for a while saying nothing. The look in Dr. Gerry’s eyes made Eka to thaw out a bit and began to laugh. Dr. Gerry wished he could plant a peck on her cheek to say, ‘thank you’, but he knew his action would be misunderstood, so he stopped himself from that. Like a mother would do to her son who was going off to school, Eka gave him a pat on the back and said, “Now get going Dr. Gerry, you shouldn’t be late to work.” “I am actually going too early today. I have so much to do. I don’t always leave this early.” Like he just remembered something important, Dr. Gerry pulled out his wallet and gave Eka two thousand Naira saying, “Have this Eka, just in case you need to buy anything, you won’t have to wait for me to come back.” Eka turned it down saying, “Are you trying to pay me for the food?” “No, Eka. I am doing what I should do. I know you have no money on you. Take it.” Eka took the money from him and literally tried to chase him off to work. She was eager to go back to her prayers. Dr. Gerry handed her his call card and said, “This is my card, my number is on it, just in case you need to talk to me, call the number, okay.”
13 Apr 2019 | 10:39
@Ryda pls help me with register bcoz @itzPrinz does not post my story on the updated stories...
13 Apr 2019 | 10:41
@Ryder pls help with the register bcoz I don't see my stories on the daily updates
13 Apr 2019 | 10:42
Eka nodded happily and took the card from him. She waited impatiently for Dr. Gerry to leave for work, but he wasn’t done yet, “Eka, I will speak with my sister today about the sewing machine. I know she will let me have one. As soon as she agrees I will take excuse from work to go bring it home.” “Thank you doctor.” Then Dr. Gerry turned and left for work. Eka didn’t wait a moment, she locked the door and ran into her room and resumed her prayers. On her knees she poured out her heart to God. “Dear God, whatever this thing is, I ask you in the name of Jesus, please take it away from me. I don’t want to be a witch.” She remained in her room till afternoon and did not eat anything. Fearing that Dr. Gerry might return suddenly with the sewing machine she went into the bathroom to have her bath. She expected the bruise on her back to burn painfully when water touched it, but to her dismay, the bruise was gone. There was no sign of it on her back. In joy she had her bath quickly to go have a chat with Faustina, the neighbour who helped her burn her clothes the previous day. When she was done she went to knock on Faustina’s door, but no one answered her. Through the glass door she could tell someone was in the apartment, but the person, whoever he or she was, did not have her time. She didn’t care; she was too excited to spare a thought for what went on with the neighbours. She ran into the street to call Simbi from a pay phone. She did not want to be heard, so she moved away from the girl who managed the call centre. “Hello.” “Who are you?” asked Simbi’s father. “Papa, this is Rita, Simbi’s friend. Can I speak with her?” “Simbi! A friend of yours is on the phone!” Simbi’s father echoed. In a moment’s time, Simbi’s voice came through, “Hello!” “Simbi, it is Eka.” “Eka! I have been longing to hear from you. Hold on let me go to my room.” “Is anything wrong?” “Eka wait…I don’t want my father to know it is you.” Simbi hastened into her room and shot the door behind her. “Ehee! Eka God has begun to vindicate you.” Simbi continued. “Simbi I am dying to know what is happening over there; please just tell me what it is.” “Last night three children died in our street.” “What?! Are you serious?” “I am dead serious Eka. Four other children are also sick. Now they don’t know who to blame. Your parents are ashamed and do not know what to do. This afternoon they came to ask me if I have heard anything about you. I was so angry I refused to answer them a word.” Ekaette’s heart began to beat fast and she thought, “Could I really be a witch? I had an attack early this morning and last night some children also died… No, it can’t be me. This has to be something else.” “Eka! Are you still there?” “Yes, Simbi.” “Okay…the street people have gone to invite government health workers to investigate the deaths.” “Please Simbi, as soon as their finding are made known let me know.” “I won’t fail to do that for anything. How are you doing? Have you started the job?” “No, Simbi. I would rather be starting my own sewing business; the man I told you about wants to get me a sewing machine.” “Eka, God has begun to lift you high. Make sure you keep your head low, okay and don’t forget me!” “I won’t forget you Simbi.” The sound of Eka’s voice wavered and Simbi picked it up. “Is there something you haven’t told me Eka?” “Yes, Simbi. This morning I had an attack. Something attacked me while I was lying on the bed watching TV. It left a mark on my back. I did not see what it was. I was scared almost to death. At first I could not tell the source of it until I saw my dead grandmother standing in my room. Simbi, it was as though she was never dead. I saw her the same way she was the last time I saw her before her death. She entered my room with an evil perfume.” “Eka, I don’t like the sound of this! What does she want with you?” “I don’t know Simbi. But since Dr. Gerry left for work, I have been praying against any power which intends to initiate me into witchcraft.” “You have to fast and pray harder, Eka. I will join you in the fast. Whatever power made your grandmother to leave her grave to come pay you a visit will be destroyed after our fast. Don’t let fear overwhelm you. You are not a witch and I know you are not one.” “Simbi, I have already begun to fast. Moments ago I left my room to go have my bath; I expected the bruise on my back to burn intensely when water touched it, but instead I found it had disappeared. It is no longer on my back.” “You mean it has gone… it is no longer there.” “Yes Simbi! It is gone.” “I don’t know what to make of this, but I will talk to pastor about it. Whatever he tells me I will let you know.” “Thank you Simbi. I have to hang up now. There are others who want to make calls here, let me not keep them waiting for too long.” “Okay Eka.” Ekaette dropped the call and paid the girl who managed the call centre. She hastened back to Dr. Gerry’s apartment. Just before she passed Faustina’s apartment, Faustina came out. Ekaette greeted her, “Good morning aunty Faustina.” Faustina looked her over and walked away without saying a word to her. Eka was surprised and could not figure out what she must have done wrong to deserve that sort of treatment from Faustina. Then it occurred to Eka that it was actually Faustina she saw when she went to knock on their door earlier. In spite of how hard Eka tried to unravel how Faustina could turn from a nice person to an enemy within two days, she still could not. Reluctantly she entered Dr. Gerry’s apartment to go find what she could eat. Having fixed herself a meal, she carried it to the living room and turned on the TV to see what she might find to watch. As she watched a fashion show, her heart began to ring with joy. She could not tell why she could be that happy. While she thought on it, she heard a knock on the door. She went to get the door only to see Dr. Gerry standing at the door, smiling and with a shiny sewing machine by his side. When Eka saw the machine, she could not contain her excitement; she leapt on Dr. Gerry and held him firmly. Dr. Gerry did not expect that much open show of happiness from Eka. Slowly he set her feet on the ground; but Eka was not done yet. She gave him a peck on the forehead while holding him, and said to him, “You are a darling.” Dr. Gerry picked up the word differently. He thought, “She always called me an angel; did I just hear her call me a darling?” The smile on Dr. Gerry’s face grew wider. He asked her, “Do you like the machine?” Eka released her hold on Dr. Gerry and assessed the machine. It was so clean that one could have thought it was bought brand new. “Did your sister decide to give me a new machine instead?” Eka asked. “No, She has had it for a while now, but it has not been in use that much; she has many others. I told my sister about you, now she can’t wait to see you. She even offered to teach you a few things you might not know now.” “You did? Oh my God!” Eka took Dr. Gerry’s hands, looking into his eyes, she said, “You keep your words and you often do much more than you promise to do. I love you.” Eka released Dr. Gerry’s hands and stood behind the machine and asked Dr. Gerry, “Can you help me to carry the machine inside?” Dr. Gerry couldn’t move. Ekaette’s confession of love for him had taken his breath away. Even though his hands lifted the machine and his feet moved into his apartment, his mind was filled with bliss and was in Elysium. After they had set the sewing machine down in one part of the dining, Dr. Gerry sat down at the dining table and wondered what to do with the maelstrom of emotions Eka’s words stirred in him. Eka was oblivious of Dr. Gerry’s challenge. She was more interested in the sewing machine. She ran into her room to look for a piece of cloth she could sew into anything that could come to her mind. When she returned to the dining she announced, “I am going to buy thread and needles now. I intend to put my hands to use right away.” Dr. Gerry who was still at loss as to how to relate to Eka, whether as a lover or a sister, answered her, “My sister gave you those too. They are in that bag. I guess there are many things in that bag you will find useful for your sewing business.” Eka hurriedly unzipped the leather bag and found sewing threads, needles, Sewing machine oil, two pairs of scissors and lots of other things she knew she would need in sewing clothes for others. She lifted her eyes with tears in them and thought, “God, it has to be you who sent me this man.”what next?K
13 Apr 2019 | 10:45
@Daniel Edem
13 Apr 2019 | 10:47
Love is about to unleash
13 Apr 2019 | 17:17
13 Apr 2019 | 18:18
@freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddyblakssandyc @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @emergencia @ryder @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453 there
13 Apr 2019 | 19:16
Pls dear I apologize for that. Its very hectic combining my work with the work of the site but I try harder. Just help me by notifying me any time you make an update
14 Apr 2019 | 02:50
Just mention me with @itzprince
14 Apr 2019 | 02:52
sometimes God allows us to suffer in other to lift us up..... Eka, your a blessing to your generation
14 Apr 2019 | 07:12
thanks @ryder I really appreciate @itzprince thanks In silence Dr. Gerry watched Eka as she excitedly tried to make use of the sewing machine. She was oblivious of him. Her excitement had peaked very high, threatening to touch the sky. To Eka, the sewing machine was her passport to the future she dreamt almost every night in her father’s house. She cut the piece of cloth she took from her room and began to make a baby clothe out of it. Mid-way her work, she paused and turned to look at Dr. Gerry; she found him looking at her. There was something in his eyes that made her heart to palpitate. She hadn’t seen it at any time. She knew that look from her street. Most men who at one time or another told her that they loved her had that look in their eyes. Her heart began to beat very fast. Suddenly she could not concentrate on her sewing. She tried hard to turn her attention on the baby clothe she was making and did what women do most when they notice a man they already like has in interest in them – pretend they don’t notice the man’s intentions. After a brief moment Eka turned again to look at him and found him still looking at her. She could not stand an eye contact with him, it sent a quiver down her spine and made her heart race very fast. She was so self-conscious she thought Dr. Gerry could hear her heartbeat. If there was a nob on her chest which could be used to turn down the volume of her heartbeat, she could have used it. As if to make matters works, Dr. Gerry stood up and walked toward her. Eka could feel her hand trembling. Not to let Dr. Gerry notice how she felt, she grabbed the sewing machine with both hands and held it tight. Dr. Gerry stood behind her and said, “Eka you are so beautiful that a man could look at you all day and never get bored. I have to go back to work. If I don’t go now my head will begin to give me a thousand and one reasons I should stay back home. When I get back I would be glad to assess whatever you sew on that machine. Please don’t forget to cook up storm in the kitchen. The food I took to work drew an unusual human traffic to my office. They would not let me enjoy it alone. I will eat nothing till I come back from work.” Having observed his pure intentions, Eka calmed a bit and said, her voice sonorous as ever, “I think you should get something to eat. It is still a good number of hours before you will be back home.” “No, I will endure the hunger so that when I come back, I would be able to eat double rations of the regular quantity of food I consume.” “Why would you want to eat a double ration? Over-eating is not good, I hope you know that,” Eka said jokingly. “Yes I know that. However fix some food; I know what to do to it when I get back.” “Okay, what would you like to eat?” “Anything you cook.” “Okay then, a surprise will be awaiting you on your return.” Eka turned and looked at him once more and saw the look was still in his eyes. She could not stand it, so she quickly turned away and said, “Start going to work doctor or else you find reasons not to go back. I have a few things to sew and food to cook. Time is suddenly a scarce commodity for me.” “Trying to make a baby clothe out of that cloth is a waste of your talent. We have to get you good materials which would allow you show what stuff you are made of.” Elatedly Eka turned to face him, this time trying very hard to ignore the romantic look in Dr. Gerry’s eyes and asked, “Do you really mean to do that?” “Yes of course! You have to sew some good stuff which we can hang outside to convince people to give you cloths to sew for them.” Eka wanted to hug him, but she held herself in check. She was wary of the look in Dr. Gerry’s eyes and her own growing tenderness toward him. “Wait a minute!” Dr. Gerry said and ran bolted into his room as if something had hit him from the blue. Eka stood and waited breathlessly for him to return. From his room Dr. Gerry emerge with a fold of tie-and-die cloth in his hands. “We bought a similar material at the hospital to attend a colleague’s wedding. I really liked the material so I bought this one to make clothes with it. It’s been four months now, yet I have not had the time to take it to a tailor to sew for me. You can make use of it. With this, we don’t have to buy new cloths for you to show what you can do.” As if receiving holy sacrament from him, Eka took the cloth from Dr. Gerry’s hands with reverence and a huge smile in her face. “Thank you Dr. Gerry,” Eka said with a voice filled with happiness. “You are welcome Eka.” The weight of the cloth suggested to her that the cloth must be more than ten yards. “How many yards of cloth is this? It is heavy.” “I don’t remember.” “Probably you bought this much so that you and your girlfriend could sew it as uniform.” “Are you pulling my legs or what? I have told you I don’t have a girlfriend Eka!” Giggling mischievously Eka pleaded, “I am not pulling your legs! Can’t you see my hands are not on your legs?!” Dr. Gerry raised his hand to give Eka a playful smack on the head; Eka ducked and threw the fold of cloth at him. Instead of going after Eka, Dr. Gerry grabbed the cloth and Eka gave him a lame punch to the chest and ran outside, her voice ringing with a joyous laughter. Dr. Gerry was surprised by how smartly she outwitted him and asked, “Who taught you to do that? Where did you learn that stunt?” “Didn’t I tell you there are things you have got to learn from me?” “Be serious, tell me who taught you to do that?” Eka, bouncing around on her feet and her fists balled like she was going to throw a few more punches, replied, “I learnt it in the street. If you have to hawk stuffs in the street to make a living, then you must learn to survive out there. So I had to learn to duck and throw punches. Hahaha! Don’t mind me, Simbi’s uncle who spent years in Lagos taught Simbi and I how to fight. He said you could literally see young men in the streets of Lagos throwing punches to the wind and referring to unseen foes as egbon (friend).” “But if the punch you threw at me was your best punch, I am grateful to God that you never had to fight in the street; they would have broken your bones without your putting up a good fight.” Still bouncing around like a boxer in the ring, Eka said, “No. You are wrong doctor. That was my Sunday punch . I gave it to you because I like you. If I were to give you my Monday punch , you will be on the floor. It is called left hook .” She started to turn her left hand. Dr. Gerry took a step toward her and she fled from the apartment, shouting like she met a lion. Uncontrollably, Dr. Gerry began to laugh and sunk himself on a chair nearby. As he laughed, he could not stop wishing Eka was a little older than she was. He was growing fond of her faster than he had planned. He took a look at his watch and realized he had been away from work longer than he planned. Dropping the cloth on a chair, he hurried out of the apartment. Outside he startled Eka who was trying to tip-toe back into the flat. “I am not after you. You have made me stay longer than I should be away from work. Reserve your Monday punch and left hook till weekend; we will go to the gym together.” Eka started boasting again, “I didn’t run because I was afraid, I ran because I didn’t want to hurt you.” From the gate Dr. Gerry replied her, “You are very right. In fact I am afraid of Ekaette, the world’s heavyweight boxing champion,” Eka shouted, “Yeah!” and pumped her hands in the air trying to show off her biceps which had no toned muscles at all. Dr. Gerry laughed his way out of the compound. As he sat in a taxi on his way back to work, he thought about Eka deeply and whispered to himself, “If I could be patient and wait for Eka, I think would be the happiest man on earth.”
14 Apr 2019 | 09:05
Eka was animated with a sewing machine in the house. She took the measurement of herself and cut the right size of cloth from the cloth Dr. Gerry gave her. She was sure she had seen loads of magazines in the wardrobe in her room. She could not tell if she would find what she wanted in them but she had to try. When she opened the wardrobe and saw the magazines on the base of the wardrobe, she exhaled with relief. She packed all of them and sat down on her bed and began to page through them in search of clothe designs she might want to copy. Much of the magazines had nothing about fashion. Finally she found one, Islander Show ; it had loads of fashionable clothe designs. Though it was a bit old, the designs in it were lovely; she didn’t bother to return the other magazines to the wardrobe, she was excited and ran back to the dining where her sewing machine was. Slowly she paged through the magazine trying to pick the particular design to sew. She was spoilt with choice. When she eventually made her choice she went back into the room to bring the big mirror which she used and stood it on the wall. She held the piece of cloth she had cut against her body for a moment and studied the look of it in the mirror. Ideas quickly formed in her head. She dropped the cloth and studied the design she wanted to sew. A warm smile broke out on her face. She whispered to herself, “I going to make my own style.” With feverish passion and uncanny precision, she began to cut the piece of cloth. While she cut the cloth, her smile grew wider. Her heart rang with joy. After a little over an hour, she was done with cutting the cloth. She measured her cuts over and over again; satisfied with her work, she began to sort through the sewing threads Dr. Gerry’s sister gave her. With her choice of the threads to use made, she folded the pieces of cloth she had cut and put them in a bag. She took the two thousand Naira Dr. Gerry gave along with the two hundred Naira Simbi gave her and left to go have the pieces of cloth woven for her. When she got to the gate she turned back to go drop the two hundred Naira Simbi gave her. She had an attachment to that two hundred Naira. It reminded her a lot of things. She could not get herself to part with it. She had no clue where she could find someone to weave the cloth for her, but she was determined to find one. On the street she did not know which direction to go. She saw a cluster of boys and a few girls on the street and she went their way to ask them to direct her to where she could find what she wanted. Just like the first time they saw her, her presence worked magic on them. The boys looked at her hungrily and the girls stared at her with envy. As though she was far younger than all of them she greeted them with humility and then asked, “I am new in this neighbourhood, please where can I find someone to weave my clothe?” The boys and girls jostled amongst themselves to provide her with the answer she sought. One of the girls took her by the hand and said, “Come with me, my seamstress has a weaving machine. I will take you to her.” One of the boys came in-between Eka and the girl who offered to help her and announced, “I take you to my brother he is a tailor and can weave your clothes for you.” The girl pushed him away and yelled, “I offered to help her first! Your brother is a bad tailor and steals people’s clothes!” Eka did not like the sound of that so she opted to follow the girl. The group of young people were so impressed with her look that they all offered to accompany her and their friend to where Eka’s clothe would be woven for her. On the way, they plied her with all sorts of questions about her skin, her hair, her eyes and her overall beauty. The boys wanted to know if she had younger sisters like her. It had been long since she spent time with anybody except Dr. Gerry. The group reminded her of her street and almost made her cry. She told them that she could make clothes for both male and female. The boys were the first to offer to bring her clothes to make for them, while two of the girls promised to give her clothes to make school uniform for them. Their major interest was just to get close to Eka. She knew it and didn’t mind so long as they would keep giving her clothes to make for them. Back at work Dr. Gerry was in confusion. Since he left Ekaette, all sorts of thoughts were going through his mind. It was clear to him that he liked Eka a lot, but she was only a girl. On his fingers Dr. Gerry counted how many years it would take for Eka to turn eighteen years. He said to himself, “Four years! But she looks like she was already nineteen and talks like an adult.” Still talking to himself, he said, “I would like to wait for Ekaette, but it is going to be quite a long wait. But what if she sees someone else and falls in love with him while I am waiting for her?” Dr. Gerry’s face furrowed with anxiety. He didn’t like the thought of that. “But it is too early to talk to her about my feelings for her. I think if I don’t let her know my feelings, her heart might be swayed by another,” Dr. Gerry thought. He scratched his head in confusion, stood to his feet and slammed his hand on his table and said to himself, “I want to be a good man to this girl and do the right things around her. However I don’t want to lose her!” He sat back on his seat and thought hard and long about Ekaette. Finally he decided to call his sister and ask her to come see Eka that evening. “Hello! Christy I am in a fix right now, I need your help,” Dr. Gerry announced to his sister over the phone. “What is it Gerald? Are you okay?” “I am okay. But I am not very okay Christy.” “You don’t make sense Gerald. What is going on over there?” “Christy, can you come to my house this evening? Please don’t say no. I need you to see Eka.” “Has the girl began to give you troubles?” “No… I… I…like the girl, but she is only a girl. The only way I can love and marry her is to wait for her. But waiting for her is going to be quite a long wait.” “Oh! I see. Love has turned your head upside down. Now you can see what I have been telling you all these years. If you had listened to me and got a girlfriend all this while, even if you were not going to marry her, by now you would have known what to do. Imagine, a fourteen year old girl has turned your head. What exactly do you want me to come over to your house for?” “I want you to see her and tell me if it is wrong, I mean very wrong to be in love with her now. My head tells me it is wrong. But my heart wants to start a relationship with her now.” “Of course it is wrong! She is only fourteen for Christ sake! I don’t care about her height and size. If you truly love her, you must wait for her!” “It is hard! And what if I lose her while waiting for her?” “Gerald, you are in a fix. I agree with you. I will come over this evening to see her. Maybe after that we will decide what to do. But whatever you do, please don’t tell her you love her, she is only a child.” “Okay, I won’t do that, but I bet you will change your opinion when you see her.” “I think you should rather concern yourself with whether she is a good person and can make a good wife. Also you should know that once teenagers grow older, they change a lot. Their views about love and life shift massively. I can bet you that whatever she is now will change in the next five years. She will either get better or worse. So, you see, you must wait for her.” “Christy I know you are a good woman and you fancy yourself so. But I bet you, Eka is light years ahead of you in this regard.” “I am glad to hear that my brother is not getting hooked up with a little witch. I will see you two this evening, save your credit Gerald.” “Thank you Christy.” The word ‘witch’ stabbed Dr. Gerry to the heart and left a heavy impression on his mind. He thought, “Should Christy have used that word?” drop ur comment pleaseeee @Itzprince my new episode
14 Apr 2019 | 09:10
Getting more interesting
14 Apr 2019 | 13:03
Dis is getting more interesting
14 Apr 2019 | 15:26
Dr Gerry is indeed an angel in human clothing
15 Apr 2019 | 05:03
Hmm this is getting more interesting
15 Apr 2019 | 10:10
Episode13 The group of young people led Eka to a tailor shop where she would have her clothe woven. The samples of work done in the shop pleased her and so she was glad to give them her clothe. Due to the volume of work they had to do in the shop, Ekaete could not pick up her clothe that day. She was told to come back the next day by twelve noon. Eka left with her bevy of new acquaintances and headed home. At the gate they all exchanged greetings and Eka went in to go cook up the storm Dr. Gerry requested. For a moment she stood in the kitchen and wondered what to cook. She felt going native would be just fine, so she settled to make a pot of Egusi soup. Everything she needed was in the house, except for vegetables. On her way to go have her clothe woven, she had seen a miniature market on a street typical of most West African streets. She walked down to the market to buy the vegetables she needed. Eka intended not to waste time in the market. She was minded to make a quick work of her cooking so she could devote her time to planning her new sewing business. When she made her way into the section of the market where soup condiments were sold, all the women began to call at her at the same time, “ Oyinbo pickin (foreign child) come and buy from me!” “Sunshine I have what you want. Come and buy Okporoko (stockfish) from me. I have some as beautiful as you are!” “Come and buy red oil (palm oil) from me! Ada (young maiden), I have a son as good looking as you are. In fact the two of you are to-match.” The barrage of requests to buy from them and the words the women used to describe her got Eka overwhelmed. She turned and bumped into the shop in front of her and began to make her buys. “Madam, how much is that ugu (pumpkin leaf?)” Eka asked. “My daughter it is fifty Naira only. How many should I cut for you?” “I don’t want it cut, give me two. How do you sell your uzuza (local spicy vegetable)?” “It is up to you. If you want to buy a quantity as low as thirty Naira I can sell to you.” “Can I see the quantity for fifty Naira?” The petty trader raised a tuft of uziza leaves and shook them in the air and said, “This much is for fifty Naira.” “That is just the much I want. I will take.” Eka took it from the woman and put it into the nylon bag where she had put the ugu leaves. While she bought the things she needed from the trader, the women in that section continued to talk about her beauty and to call her to buy from them. “Mama Jeremiah, when she is done buying from you please send her this way. My red oil is just what she needs for her hair to keep shining,” said one of the traders. “Baby oku (hot baby), I have sweet fufu, please buy from me, I have not sold anything today!” “Mama Silas you dey lie (you are lying!) I saw you sell a black nylon full of fufu! Allow the girl to buy from me biko (please!) Eka was done buying, but the women were calling her to buy several stuffs from them. She asked the woman who sold the vegetable how much her money was, so she could pay and dash out of the market. “Sorry sisi (young lady), your money has been paid.” Eka was shocked and so asked the woman, “Who paid for what I bought?” “The man behind your back.” Eka turned and saw a tall, fair skinned man, grinning from ear to ear at her. “Who are you? And why did you pay for what I bought?” “Don’t be offended beautiful, how do you expect me to allow a wonder woman like you to pay for the things you bought when I am around? The angels of God would be unhappy with me, because you are one of them.” Eka ignored him and his lines; she turned to the petty trader and asked, “Please madam, how much is your money, I want to pay?” The petty trader leaned forward and whispered to Eka, “Aunty, please let him pay, I will get more money from him.” Eka turned and stormed away from the woman’s table. She walked very fast to make sure the man couldn’t catch up with her. But she was wrong, the man ran after her and pleaded, “Please don’t treat me like this. All I want is to know your name and number. Believe me, I saw you in my dream last night.” Eka yelled at him like a rabid dog, “Can’t you see I am only a child?!!!” The man was frozen and could not say another word. After Eka had put some distance between him and the man, the man whispered to himself, “I have made an angel of God angry.” When Eka got home, she painstakingly prepared the soup, so as to impress Dr. Gerry. She had no idea Christy, Dr. Gerry’s sister, was coming to visit them that evening. When Eka was done cooking, she memorized what happened in the market that day; she intended to narrate it, with some drama, to Dr. Gerry. About 5:00 pm Dr. Gerry returned with his sister in his company. When Eka heard a knock at the door she ran happily to go get the door and start her narrative of that what happened in the market and the man she met. When she opened the door, her mouth froze and her heart skipped several beats. Christy could not move either, she wanted to but her feet chose not to comply. Eka and Christy stared at each other for what seemed eternity. Dr. Gerry had to ask them, “Do you two know each other?” Christy found her voice first, “Gerald, you only told me half the truth! She is beautiful beyond words.” Succinctly, Dr. Gerry responded, “Perhaps that was why I could not describe her aptly to you.” With her heart still pounding away against her ribcage, Eka asked Dr. Gerry with a stuttering speech, “Dr. Gerry, is… she… is she your girlfriend we have been waiting for?” Christy stretched forth her hand toward Eka; languidly Eka shook her hand, still waiting for an answer to her question. Finally she was put out of her misery, “Ekaette, I have heard so much about you; and frankly nothing I was told comes close to what my eyes can see now. I am Christy, Dr. Gerry’s sister.” Eka took a loud sigh of relief and a smile crossed her face. “Aunty Christy you are welcome,” Eka said at last. As the three of them entered the flat with Eka in front, Christy reached out and felt the texture of Ekaette’s hair. “What is this thing Ekaette? Is it hair?” Eka turned and asked, “What?” “The stuff on your head is it hair?” “Yes it is my natural hair.” “Natural!!!” repeated Christy loudly. “Are one of your parents from abroad?” “Hahaha! Aunty, stop teasing me. None of my parents have been to Lagos before much less being from outside the country. I was born this way.” Christ grabbed Eka and held her head under the light and rummaged to get to her scalp. She was shocked to see it was real and then her eyes fell on her skin. She ran her hand about three times on Eka’s skin and asked, “What cream and soap do you make use of? They must cost a fortune.” “I use the same soap as Dr. Gerry. I think it is Lifebouy. I don’t know the name of the cream I use; I found it in my room when I came here.” “Christy give Eka some breathing space. Eka I am famished did you cook anything.” Dr. Gerry really wasn’t that hungry, he wanted Christy to see how good a cook Eka was. Eka, slowly returning to her usual funny self said to Dr. Gerry, “Breathe the air and you will get a whiff of the meal I made.” Dr. Gerry inhaled the air and said, “You prepared soup, didn’t you?” Eka started laughing. While they played, Christ keenly observed the two of them. She could see the friendliness and the spark between them. But Eka was young, too young for her brother. When Eka left for the kitchen Dr. Gerry went after her and whispered, “She is the one who gave you the sewing machine. Forgive me; I should have mentioned it earlier.” Eka returned and knelt on the floor to thank Christy. Christ was tall, shapely and strong; with two hands she pulled Eka from the floor and said,” Don’t do that, you will stain yourself, when you want to thank God, you can roll on the floor. I don’t deserve it. I know you want to thank me for the sewing machine, it is nothing. Go serve the food. You and I have got to chat.” Christy was also keen to taste tbc
15 Apr 2019 | 10:24
Episode 14 In silence Christy and Dr. Gerry devoured the food which Eka served. Dr. Gerry was careful not to praise Eka’s cooking. He keenly watched Christy to see how much she was impressed. Christy’s thoughts were far gone. The little she had seen of Eka impressed her; she carried herself with the air of a woman far older than her age. But something gave her a little concern; Eka’s seeming surreal beauty and the allegations against her. That witch label didn’t sit comfortably with Christy. As she ate, she thought, could there be any truth to it? As if realizing that Dr. Gerry was with her for the first time, Christy observed, “I can’t believe a fourteen year old girl cooked this food. I must admit, my cooking wasn’t this good when I was her age. Her mother must have done an amazing work of training her in domestic matters.” “Eka has been true hell. You won’t believe half the things she has been through. Perhaps her experiences have afforded her maturity beyond her age.” “Have you given thought to the witch claims against her?” “That is the most stupid thing I have heard about this girl. I have lived with Eka for some time now; I can tell you the claims are all baseless. I am yet to see the vaguest suggestion that she is a witch, or could even muster the guts to kill her siblings.” “I am just wondering why anyone in his right senses would drive away a girl as responsible as this,” Christy wondered aloud. “At first that gave me some concern, especially when you factor in her beauty; but having spent some time with her, I can’t stop laughing at that grotesque suggestion.” Christy turned her attention back to her food; she was a meticulous woman who hated waste. She made sure that she wiped her plates clean of the food which came in them. Dr. Gerry observed his sister and shook his head, “Christy, you haven’t changed a bit, have you?” “What are you referring to?” “You haven’t changed your eating habit. You still wipe your plate clean.” “Why should I change? At least I haven’t heard my husband complain yet. I think he has even taken after me.” “You know I can’t take you out because of this habit.” “That is your business; Am I begging you to take me out? My husband takes me out regularly and I eat this way each time. Don’t make me feel bad about myself Gerald.” “Sorry I didn’t mean to.” Having given them time to enjoy her cooking, Eka came out from her room to clear the table. “Eka I enjoyed your food. I think I would like to take some of the soup home.” Eka blushed and said, “Thank you aunty Christy. I am glad you enjoyed the food. I will scoop some out for you to take home.” “Thank you Eka.” Eka began to clear the table, and Christy joined her. “No Aunty, don’t do that! Let me take care of all the plates.” “Eka who do you think does it for me at home? I do it myself. Let’s go clean the plates.” Eka had a quick mind; she could tell she was being assessed by Christy. She had nothing to hide or fear, so she let her have her way. As Eka packed some of the plates, she wondered why Dr. Gerry had not said a word about her cooking. He was usually effusive with appreciation whenever he ate her food. To get his attention, she deliberately brushed herself against him and stepped on his toes. Dr. Gerry knew exactly what Eka was doing and began to laugh. Eka frowned and went to the kitchen. Christy did not see the body language between them, but wondered why her brother was laughing. She could tell Eka and Dr. Gerry talked in a manner she could not understand; after all she did that too with her husband.” In the kitchen Christy suggested they wash the few plates with division of labour, “Eka you will wash the plates and I will rinse them.” Eka began to laugh and asked, “Aunty Christy, why don’t you let me do this?” Ignoring her, Christy asked, “I have heard of the things you have been through, how do you handle all that bad treatment and pains with a smile?” “I don’t always wear a smile. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with bitterness. It hurts deeply to be thrown away by one’s parents on allegations which are unfounded.” “Has anyone from your family tried to reach out to you?” “I wouldn’t know, but my friend Simbi told me that my parents came to ask her if she had heard from me.” “When was that?” “Two days ago.” “So finally they have had a change of heart?” “I still do not trust them; they only came to ask Simbi about me all because more children are dying in the street and much more are sick. I am no longer around to be blamed and labeled a witch who was eating the children. Slowly they are beginning to realize I was innocent…” Eka paused and the sound in her voice changed. Christy could tell it. She looked into her eyes and saw tears. Eka knew she was on trial and Christy the judge, so she held her nerves and continued “…Simbi told me that now my street dwellers have invited government health workers to investigate what could be killing the children. For my sake, I hope they find it quickly so that I could have my name cleared.” By now tears flowed freely from Eka’s eyes. Christy’s heart was broken; she held Eka and wished she had not brought up the subject. She could see Eka went through much torture being judged as a witch. Eka buried her face into Christy’s chest and sobbed bitterly, “I am not a witch. God knows I am not a witch. I have no clue what killed those children, I would give everything I own to find out what killed them. I fear that the witch label will stick to me till I die.” Dr. Gerry could hear Eka’s tender sobs and plea of innocence, but he waited for his sister to see for herself that Eka’s heart was pure. Christy did not know she too was crying until she felt her tears drop on her hand which she wrapped around Ekaette. At the dining, Dr. Gerry’s phone began to ring; he picked it only to hear a hysterical voice asking to speak to Ekaette, “Hello! Hello! Please! Please! Can I speak with Ekaette?” Dr. Gerry was scared and wondered what might have happened and whom he was speaking with, “Who are you? What is it? How did you get my number?” By now Eka and Christy were listening to Dr. Gerry and the strange caller. “Sorry sir, this is Simbi, Ekaette’s friend, can I speak with her please! It is very important.” “Hold on for her, Simbi.” When Ekaette heard the name Simbi she ran from the kitchen to come take the call. Before Dr. Gerry could finish saying, “Eka you have a call.” Ekaette was already in the dining reaching out to take the phone from him. “Simbi what is it?” “Ekaette! God has begun to vindicate you! The government health workers have found what has been killing the children.” “Are serious Simbi?” Eka’s voice was further broken. “Eka this is not time to cry, it is time to celebrate!” “Tell me please; what did they say killed the children?” “The water in their school is poisoned. They said the poison in their reservoir can kill a whole community. All the children and teachers in St. Gregory Primary School have been rushed down to the hospital for immediate check-up.” “So I am not a witch, Simbi?” “Eka, the witch story is in the past now. Your father’s house is full of people who have come to apologize to him for claiming you were a witch. Even my father has gone to apologize to your parents.” Eka sat on the floor and sobbed deeply. It was as if her heart was going to implode. Christy sat beside her and held her as warmly as she could. Dr. Gerry could hear Simbi yelling over the phone, “Eka! Eka! Eka!” Dr. Gerry picked up the phone which was on the floor and informed Simbi, “Hello Simbi. Your friend is crying, she can’t talk now, you will have to call her back or when she recovers from the news you just gave her, she will call you back. But please I want to know, what did they say killed the children? I am a medical doctor.” “Oga, they said it is something mercury, I don’t know the full name. They have taken all the children in the school and their teachers to go and test them at the hospital. They said there is no cure for the poison.” “Thank you Simbi.” “You are welcome sir. tbc
15 Apr 2019 | 10:27
thank God, alas your vindicated... but the damage have been made.
16 Apr 2019 | 04:54
Good to hear
16 Apr 2019 | 09:17
Thank God they have found out what's killing the children
16 Apr 2019 | 09:51
following keenly!!!!
16 Apr 2019 | 20:27
eeyah,, thank God,,, I know its not witchcraft killing,,, it must Hav sometin to do with medicals
16 Apr 2019 | 20:37
As Ekaette sobbed her body trembled. She still could not believe it that she had been absolved from all claims that she killed those children. She recalled her plea of innocence when her parents beat her with machete and tore her flesh open before throwing her out of the house, “Aunty Christy I swore to my father that I had nothing to do with the deaths of my siblings or with the children of our street, yet he did not believe me. He threatened to kill me with his machete and beat me like an animal. You should have seen my skin when I was brought to the hospital where Dr. Gerry works. My mother… the very woman who bore me for nine months and gave me suckling, tore off my clothes and dragged like a dead beast into the street stark naked. Yet all this while I pleaded I was innocent…” Eka paused, and began to cough terribly. She had choked on her words. Christy yelled Dr. Gerry’s name, “Gerald! Gerald!” Dr. Gerry who had gone into his room to research what sort of poison was possibly killing the children in Eka’s street, dashed out and saw Eka choking in a terrifying manner, he laid her face-down on the floor and raised her trunk toward her head. Eka puked and took a deep breath, “Go get some water!” yelled Dr. Gerry to Christy. In a jiffy Christy was back with a can of water and a cup. She poured out some and gave it to Dr. Gerry who served it to Eka to make sure she gulped it slowly. Seeing she had calmed down a bit, Dr. Gerry sat her up and had her rest her back on the wall. Christy and Dr. Gerry watched her silently. Unknown to them, Eka was more aware of what happened the day her parents beat her and threw her out of the house than she was aware of them. The poor girl was relieving the experience all over again. She could feel the pain of her father’s machete being slammed on her raw skin, she felt her mother’s teeth sunk into her skin and she relived the shame of being thrown out naked into the street. The shame of that event came over her like showers of rain, she yelled in pain and sprang to her feet and made for her room. Eka was clearly beside herself. The thought that she suffered all that while she was innocent, tore her heart to shreds. The more she thought about her pain, the more she acted insanely. Truthfully Dr. Gerry and his sister were scared. In Eka’s room, they sat beside her on the left and on the right and sandwiched her in the middle. They didn’t want her to do anything stupid. Eka recreated scenarios that had plagued her thoughts. She recalled how she was beginning to believe she was perhaps a witch indeed. “They made me believe I was a witch. Many times I thought of killing myself so that I won’t have to eat children any more …” her broken voice filled the quiet room. “Ekaette, I feel your pains. I am glad you have been vindicated. I wish I had the right words to say now to make you feel differently from…” “I do.” Dr. Gerry interjected, stopping Christy from finishing her words. Eka turned and looked at Dr. Gerry with her eyes filled with tears. “I don’t understand you; you even look more beautiful when you cry. It would be the happiest day of my life, and I believe that of any man whom you would allow to share your beautiful heart for the rest of your life. Not even the things you have gone through could dent your sublime beauty…” Eka’s heart froze for a moment; the words had the effect Dr. Gerry intended. Eka switched from the unhappy thoughts which ran amok in her mind to the pleasant dreams she nursed almost every night about she and Dr. Gerry spending their lives together as husband and wife. Christy was surprised by Dr. Gerry’s words. She wondered to herself, what is Gerald doing? Dr. Gerry wasn’t done yet, he reached for his phone and took a picture of Eka and Christy and showed it to Christy and asked, “Please tell me sister, isn’t she far more beautiful when she cries than when she does not?” Christy still wondering what her brother was up to, nodded her head and said, “She is beautiful, even more than the sun.” In spite of herself Eka wiped her tears away with the back of her hands. Dr. Gerry shouted, “Don’t do that! I was going to take more shots of you with those tears in your eyes. Now you have to cry again for me to take the shot I need.” Eka buried her face into Christy’s chest. She could not keep her gaze on Dr. Gerry. That look in his face which easily disarmed her was back again. While Eka buried her face in Eka’s chest, Christy winked to her brother as if to say, “What are you doing?” Dr. Gerry winked back at Christy, miming the words, “It is working!” Eka removed her face from Christy’s chest and asked shyly, “Can I see the picture Dr. Gerry?” Dr. Gerry showed her the image on his phone. “Hmmm!” whispered Eka, she had seen photos of herself but not one that looked as good as that one. The strands of her hair seemed to take on life of their own. Her eyes glowed and her skin had radiant feel. Seeing she was impressed with the picture, Christy said, “Eka it doesn’t matter what you have been through, what matters is that you can look this great even when you have been through your worst moments. I may not have known you for long, but I believe in you. Dr. Gerry believes also in you. In this world, it matters a lot to have people believe in you and to have a wonderful smile as you do. Take your eyes off your past; your life is ahead of you. I didn’t know much about you when I gave you one of my sewing machines, and I am glad to do more for you now that I have come to know you much better. “Have you thought of it? If your parents had not ill-treated you and thrown you out, you would not have met Dr. Gerry and you would not have met me. Maybe by now you would still be hawking oranges and being branded a witch in the street. Eka, I don’t know about you, but I believe there is a purpose to your pains. I don’t remember the last time I met someone I barely knew and believed this much in her. Don’t let bitterness stain your heart, I have seen it and it is pure. Keep it that way.” Eka wiped again the tears dropping from her eyes and took a few rounds of deep breath. Eka opened her mouth to thank them but, nothing came out, instead much more tears flowed from her eyes. She breathed a few more times and said, “I am very glad I met you people. I am still crying not because of the beatings and rejection, but because of God’s love. I can see how he kept me from destruction through my trying times. Thank you Aunty Christy and thank you very much Dr. Gerry.” Eka smiled at Dr. Gerry and said, “I think I have more tears in my eyes now, you can take more pictures if you want to.” “Yes!!” yelled Dr. Gerry as he began to take snapshots of Eka. When Dr. Gerry was done, he gave his phone to Christy, sat beside Eka, (the first time he would do that since he came to know her), put his hands around her and said jokingly, “Snap us quickly Christy, the tears are drying up!” They all began to laugh. While they snapped pictures with each other in Eka’s room, a knock was heard on the door. They broke from their quasi photo session and went to see who was at the door. A boy was standing by the door holding a nylon bag and grinning from ear to ear. “Good evening, sir,” the boy greeted Dr. Gerry who was standing in front of the others. “Good evening. Who are you looking for?” asked Dr. Gerry. “I am looking for the beautiful girl. I told her I will bring some cloth for her to sew a school uniform for me.” Dr. Gerry stepped aside, pointing at Eka who stood behind him, he asked, “Do you mean her?” The boy said, “Yes!” with glee in his voice. “Eka, here is your first customer. Come in,” said Dr. Gerry. The boy followed them into the dining and sat down on a couch. “You are welcome. I did not know you were serious when you said you would bring some material for me to make a school uniform for you. Please remind me your name, I am Ekaette.” “My name is Kingsley.” “Kingsley you are welcome once again.” Christy and Dr. Gerry were going to his room to discuss some of the things he said while he was trying to comfort Eka, when they heard voices outside in front of their flat. Dr. Gerry and Christy went outside and saw a mother and a teenage girl. “Good evening sir. Good evening ma.” The woman and her daughter greeted Dr. Gerry and Christy.” “You are welcome ma.” Dr. Gerry and Christy responded. “My daughter here has been disturbing me since I came back from work. She says she has a new tailor and has gone to take the materials I gave our tailor and insists her new tailor will sew them for her. I don’t know this new tailor or how good she is. Just to get my daughter off my back, I decided to follow her to see the new tailor. Madam, are you the tailor?” “No, I am not,” replied Christy. Keeps your comments coming!
17 Apr 2019 | 03:29
Eka having heard them came out to the balcony and the girl said to her mother, “This is her! Mommy this is my new tailor!” The girl was excited to see Eka. The woman’s jaw dropped at the sight of Eka. She looked at her from head to toes back and forth. While the woman remained amazed by Ekaette’s beauty, Kingsley came out from the dining and said to the woman’s daughter, “Mary I beat you to it, I am the first she will make clothes for.” “Oh! Kingsley! You are here too,” observed the woman. “Yes ma, Ekaette is making clothes for me.” The woman cleared her throat and asked, “Okay, please can I see what you have done before?” Eka stuttered; Christy stepped forward and said, “We don’t have them in the house, they are at the shop. By tomorrow evening we will get some for you to see.” “It’s okay. Mary, give her those materials and let her take your measurement.” “Madam, you can come in with your daughter,” said Christy. Mary excitedly followed her mother into the flat. When they were seated, Eka painstakingly took Kingsley’s measurement and wrote them down on Dr. Gerry note pad on the dining table. Kingsley didn’t want to leave immediately he wanted to hang around a while and bask in the euphoria of being close to Eka. Christy wanted to make sure everything worked well, so she stood by and watched Eka. She was surprised to see the questions Ekaette asked Mary about the fashion she wanted and how she wanted her clothes made. Even Mary’s mother was pleased. There was nothing to show she taught herself the art of sewing. When Eka was done, Mary’s mother observed, “It is hard to see nowadays girls of your age who have your figure and beauty being serious in such ventures. It is either they are chasing men or men are chasing them. I am really impressed, young girl. What is your name?” “Ekaette Efiong.” “You are very pretty; no wonder Mary wouldn’t let me rest. I can’t wait to see the dress you have made for someone else.” “I have some in my phone ma,” Christy said. “Please let me see,” Mary’s mother requested. “These are some of the designs she is capable of. You have no need to doubt her.” “Oh my God! Do you mean that she made these designs?” “Madam, you have seen nothing yet, wait till she gets into her groove, she is only just starting.” “Where is your shop please?” “You don’t need to come to the shop, Ekaette has finished her apprenticeship, and will be working from home now.” “I have really been enticed with what you have shown me. If Mary’s dresses come out this good, you will have won me over.” “Don’t worry ma, they will come out just right,” Ekaette assured her. “So how much is your money?” “Just two thousand five hundred Naira per dress,” replied Christy. “Ah ah! I was expecting an amount less than that. So how much are you going to charge Kingsley for his school uniform, if you are charging Mary this much?” “Kingsley’s money is just one thousand Naira.” “That was the much I expected you to charge my daughter, she is just a teenage girl!” “Madam, if Mary brings a material for her school uniform, we will charge her one thousand Naira. The clothes she wants to make are not school uniform,” Eka explained further. “I will decide whether to pay the money or not when I see the samples you will bring for me by tomorrow. Your prices are on the high side, Mary’s tailor charges us between one thousand eight hundred Naira and two thousand Naira.” “Okay ma, we will get you the dresses by tomorrow evening.” “Don’t worry Eka, my mum will pay the money,” said Mary. “Shut up Mary! Are you the one to give me the money? Don’t mind her Eka, I can get home now and change my mind.” They all cackled and Mary and her mother left. Kingsley gave Eka one thousand Naira and ran off to meet up with Mary and her mother. “Thanks a lot Aunty Christy for helping me. You know I would have either overcharged them or undercharged them. You made me look good before Mary and her mother.” “It is nothing Eka. The good thing is that your business has started. I am thrilled for you.” “Christy will you sew the clothes by yourself?” asked Dr. Gerry. “No way! Eka will sew all of them. The only exception is that she will make the clothes in my shop. Just so if she needs help in some way, we will help her. If we impress this woman and her daughter, they will bring Eka lots of customers… Eka, did you dish the soup for me? I want to be on my way home now.” “Yes I did, let me go package it for you. Eka dashed into the kitchen. Christy dragged Dr. Gerry into his bedroom and asked, “What were you thinking when you said to Eka you would be glad if she lets you share her heart with her for the rest of her life?” “I had to say something real and meaningful to her. If she decides to hold me by my words, I will be most glad to fulfill them.” “Gerald, please be reasonable, she is only a child.” “Oh come on Christy, I am not going to propose to her.” “You already have! She is a teenager and will remember what you said for a long time to come. She believed you when you said those words.” “Don’t worry Christy, I will take care of that, I promise.” “Whatever you do, please make sure you don’t hurt her. You have seen what she has gone through.” “It is okay Christy, stop acting like mama. Eka is in good hands!” The two of them went back to the living room and met Ekaette already hard at work on Kingsley’s school uniform. “Aunty Christy, there is the soup; I have packaged it for you.” “Don’t forget you will come to my shop by tomorrow, there are a few things I will like to teach you about sewing.” “Okay, I guess Dr. Gerry will bring me over to your shop.” “Yes he will. See you tomorrow.” “Good bye Aunty.” Dr. Gerry accompanied Christy to the bus top, while Eka went back to cutting Kingsley’s school uniform. Dr. Gerry did not take up to ten minutes before he returned, but those ten minutes seemed like eternity to Eka. She probably stepped out of the dining about three times to check if he was coming. Her heart beat fast, the words Dr. Gerry said to her when she was crying in her room had grown in meaning and size and was drumming away at her heart. She could not wait to hear him clarify his meaning a bit. If Eka had a mobile phone she would have buzzed Dr. Gerry severally to come back. Then she heard his footsteps at the balcony, they were unmistakable and heart sunk into her stomach. To think that the man she had dreamt of as her own, has even thought of making a wife out of her, made her heart palpitate with a sweet rhythm. “Eka have you seen how one’s life can change in a moment? A few minutes before your customers came, you were in tears. Now look at the perspective, possibilities, their coming has created.” Eka was less interested in what Dr. Gerry had to say. Her eyes were fixed on his eyes, searching and probing those eyes to know what was in his heart. “Can I ask you a question sir?” “Go ahead Eka.” Eka stood up and took his hands. She stood so close to him that Dr. Gerry could feel her breath and sense her heart beat. That moment Dr. Gerry knew he was in some trouble for what he might have said. “You said some things to me back then in my room, did you mean them?” Before Eka could finish asking her question, Dr. Gerry was already thinking of a way to wriggle out of his fix. “Eka I meant what I said. You are a wonderful girl, but my only challenge is that you are still a child. It will take quite some time for me to act on those words of mine.” “It will take four years.” “So you have been counting?” “I have been counting almost every night…” “Every night? Eka nodded and let go of his hands and sat back on her sewing stool. “What is it now?” “I am scared stiff that before I am done growing up, you will find a woman that befits you, I am only a child.” Dr. Gerry counted four years on his fingers and for once they seemed like a few days to him. “Eka, you are not fourteen, you are actually in your fifteenth year. When is your birthday?” “March 8th.” “You see I don’t have to wait for you for four full years, we are in October right now, by March next year you will be fifteen!” Eka smiled, but nonetheless a wry smile. She was afraid of what might happen before she turned eighteen. All through that night Eka lay awake on her bed, wondering if there was some way to make the years run faster. Before he slept, Dr. Gerry promised himself that he would wait for Eka even if it be for many more years. He slept with a smile on his face. Just when sleep had begun to exact itself on Eka’s eyes, she caught a whiff of that same evil perfume. She startled out of her half sleep and saw her grandmother standing in the dark and extending to her an old, dirty necklace made from native materials. Eka tried to shout the name of Jesus, but her tongue seemed stuck to the roof of her mouth; she could only pray in her heart, calling to God for help. Her grandmother said to her, “It is your turn now, embrace it.” The old woman took a step toward her to put the necklace on her neck, and just then, Eka’s tongue loosened and she yelled, “Jesus!!”
17 Apr 2019 | 03:31
The mention of that name, Jesus, unleashed a power which thrust her grandmother out of her room. It all happened in a flash; it was as though the soul of her grandmother was subjected to a torture beyond human conception. The painful cry from the old woman rattled Eka momentarily. She knew the spirit which came to attack her had received a surprise beating and so she hit the floor on her knees and began to pray with every ounce of strength in her. Eka prayed for what seemed a little over an hour and then climbed into her bed and dozed off. In the morning she woke up with a spring in her stride and a stream of joy in her heart. She remembered how her grandmother fled from her room in torture and fear and that made her very glad. “At least whenever you think to attack me again, you will remember I have someone who watches over me. I am not alone,” she boasted to herself and laughed maniacally. As had become her habit, she went into the kitchen and prepared food for Dr. Gerry, scooped some into a food flask, packaged it nicely and left it on the dining table for him and went back into her room. She was elated and thought she could pray more, the result she saw encouraged her. But she had hardly started praying when she dozed off. Having kept awake for most of the night, her body craved sleep. When Dr. Gerry was ready to leave for work, he went to check on her to give her some money and the direction to Christy’s shop. However he found her asleep. He stood by the door and watched her for some minutes. To him, she seemed like a newborn baby sleeping peacefully in the hands of its mother. If not that he had to leave for work, he would have stood there and watched her all day. Quietly he closed the door and went to the dining to leave her a note and some money on the table. He picked his food pack and left for work. While Eka slept she dreamt of people crying and calling for help in Faustina’s apartment. She thought it was all just a dream, but when the shouting and cry grew louder, she woke up and listened for a while. It wasn’t a dream after all; something was going on for real in her neighbours house. She wasn’t sure if she should go and find out what it was. Faustina’s attitude toward her, discourage her to go so she sat on the bed and listened. For some reason she felt she was not alone as she listened. Hastily she turned to look at her window and saw a big black owl staring at her with bulging eyes. She yelled, “Jesus!” and the bird flew away. Eka sprang to her feet and ran outside to see if she could get a good glimpse of the evil bird; but what she saw left her confused all the more. She saw two men exiting their compound through the gate; it seemed they bore someone who was in a critical health condition, she was certain she saw a flailing arm. She ran to the gate to get a good view of what really was happening, but somehow she was late. All she could see was some Peugeot 306 driving away hurriedly. One of the passengers at the back looked at her with his eyes full of hate. Eka scratched her head and went back to their flat wondering what was happening. When she reached Faustina’s apartment she paused and banged loudly on the door, but there was no answer. She put her face on the glass window and tried to see if she could make out any human figures in the apartment, but there was none. She went back into their apartment and planned her day. She arranged her activities for the day in the order that they should be attended to: she had to go collect the cloth being woven for her at the tailor’s, go to Christy’s shop, sew Kingsley’s school uniform and later in the day show Mary’s mother sample of the work she could do. Waiting to pick the cloth being woven for her by 12 noon would mess up her plans, so she decided to go earlier to plead with the tailor to weave her clothe earlier than they told her they would, so she could take it and leave for Christy’s shop. When she got there she found that her clothe had been woven for her. One of the boys at the tailor shop who took interest in her the last time she came, had done it for her to impress her. Eka thanked him generously, paid and left with the clothe. From the tailor’s shop she asked her way to Christy’s shop. When she arrived Christy was in her office with one of her major customers. So Eka had to wait for her. Christy’s apprentices were struck dumb at Ekaette’s presence. She wanted to ask them about some of the designs she saw in the shop, but the apprentices preferred to ogle at her like a film show. So Eka took a pose on her seat and allowed them to have a good look at her. At some point she changed her position and shook her long silky hair and some of the girls almost fell off their feet. Ekaette was beginning to grow confident with the thought of Dr. Gerry willing to make her his wife when she would be ready. After some time Christy came out of her office with her customer, as they bantered, the customer’s eyes fell on Ekaette and in admiration of her beauty, she exclaimed, “Oh my God! This is raw natural beauty…” Pulling Christy back into her office, she asked, “Who is that girl? I know a lawmaker is looking for a girl just like this to marry. If we could introduce him to that girl, we would get more than a million Naira right now!” “Sorry NK, she is for my brother. You have to find your lawmaker friend another girl to marry.” “Do you mean your doctor brother?” “Of course, do I have another brother?” “You have to be kidding me! Since when did your brother who has no interest in women develop taste for such beauties? Please Christy, give one of your girls to your brother. I saw one who has a killer shape amongst them. Let’s take this girl to my lawmaker friend and by this evening, you and I will be millionaires.” “NK, you are wasting your time. I have a lot to do. No amount of money can make me do this, okay. In fact I will let you introduce my girl who has a killer shape to your lawmaker friend. Won’t he be happy to pay the same amount of money for her?” “No, he won’t. The girl’s face isn’t as fine as her shape.” “So you are telling me my brother doesn’t deserve what is good, right?” Christy left NK in her office and went to meet with Eka. “Eka you are looking mmmaww ! How many necks did you break on your way here?” “Seriously Aunty Christy I lost count. Even the driver of the taxi I boarded refused to collect money from me. He was intent on getting my phone number. I sincerely told him that I don’t have a phone but he wouldn’t believe me.” Behind them, NK stood looking at Eka unbelievably. “Aunty, look at this design, I want to make it for myself, but I will display it to draw customers,” Eka said as she removed the woven cloth design from her nylon bag. Christy studied the design and asked, “Where did you see this design?” “In an old magazine in Dr. Gerry’s house.” Christy spread the design on a table and invited her apprentices to come assess the style. She noticed they were more interested in Eka than in the clothe design she spread out on the table and she said to them “Look at her as much as you can, because she is a masquerade you get to see only once in a year.” Her apprentices laughed and gathered around the table to look at the design. From behind Christy, NK let herself out of the shop having contrived an insidious plan to get Eka for her lawmaker friend. Christy knew her customer and was prepared for what she was going to do. “Eka you are going to sew this design here. I want to see how good your finishing is.” Christy’s apprentices set up a sewing machine for Eka and she went to work on the design. Christy went into her office and called her sister, “Eno, Ekaette is here now. You can come over and see her, or should I bring her over?” “Don’t bother I am already on my way to your shop. Gerald told me that she should be in your shop by now.” “Do you know my customer NK?” “The yellow lady that sows fifty clothes every month…” “Yes, you know her! She wanted me to allow her introduce Ekaette to her lawmaker friend for the reward of one million and some fractions. Can you imagine such impunity?” “So who Gerald go come marry nah (so who will Gerald marry then?)” “ Aboki (uneducated, uncivil Hausa girl) to be continued
17 Apr 2019 | 03:33
@Itzprince pls update.. thank u
17 Apr 2019 | 03:34
The time cometh soon Eka.
17 Apr 2019 | 04:36
hmmmm..what does her grandmother want from her?? Hope she haven't been chosen to be d next queen of the sea (lolz) .. more episode dear
17 Apr 2019 | 09:34
O soo na the grany deh share dead give dem abi.....but make that Nk no do anytin stupid o
17 Apr 2019 | 10:48
Interesting! Fire on
17 Apr 2019 | 11:03
what a nice Story you got here onome
17 Apr 2019 | 14:13
but why is her grandmother after her? maybe she was a covenant child from d river!!
17 Apr 2019 | 16:50
I love this story sha
17 Apr 2019 | 19:37
@daniel Edem lol... plz allow me... @somhkid thanks alot and to everyone that has commented so far I appreciate...
18 Apr 2019 | 06:54
@Somkhid thanks alot bigger u
18 Apr 2019 | 06:55
Determined to show she had come a long way in sewing, Eka poured all her attention into the of making the clothe. Christy’s apprentices stood by and watched her labour on the clothe; Eka could hear them wondering in whispers, “What is a girl as fine as she is, wasting her time making clothes for?” Minutes dragged into hours, and finally Eka stood up from the sewing machine with her clothe design all sewn up. She asked for Electric iron and straightened the clothe. Both Christy and her apprentices were impressed with the details of her sewing. Christy could see Eka’s taste for expressing details in her work, she was meticulous and it showed in her sewing. Christy taught her a few more things she felt Eka should know and generously commended her sewing skill, “Eka, I am really impressed, if you stay this focused and willing to work hard and improve yourself, soon I will not only send you customers, but will do some projects together with you.” “Thank you aunty!” “Ema! What happened, I hope your baby is fine now?” Christy asked her sister, Ema, who just arrived at her shop. “My baby was fine all along. I wasted money going back to my house. Don’t mind my husband, each time my baby cries, he concludes that the baby is about to die.” “So it was nothing?” “Christy, it was absolutely nothing. My baby woke up and began to cry, that was all. This is Ekaette right?” “Damn! The girl is fine!” “Eka, this is my younger sister Ema,” said Christy. “Aunty Ema you are welcome.” “Thank you Ekaette. Girl, you are fine! Next time I get pregnant, you will spend the whole nine months with me. I would like this beauty to rob off on one of my children. Your appearance makes it seem that the rest of were mass produced while you got all the attention from God.” Eka blushed and bowed her head in a subdued laugh at what Ema said. Turning to her sister, Ema whispered, “Gerald do win lottery o (Gerald has won a lottery).” “That is what NK wants to take from us.” Dragging her sister into her office, Ema asked, “So what is the plan now? Is Gerald going to do anything about Eka becoming part of the family?” “Come on Ema! That is too early for now. Didn’t you see very well? Eka is still a young girl!” “I know she is sixteen, but she…” “No Ema. Eka is fourteen!” “Are you kidding me?! She doesn’t look it! But if we keep waiting, won’t someone else take her from us?” “That is why you and I need to deal with NK. I know she would like to snatch Eka for her lawmaker friend from behind our back.” “NK won’t be our only problem; there will be many more like her. You have to be ready to fight them off every week. Don’t forget we are keeping an underage girl without her parents’ consent. If people get wind of it, they will go straight to her parents. “If they threw her away based on spurious claims, imagine what they would do if someone gave them a little money to claim we abducted her.” “Her parents threw her away! What exactly is your point?” “This is my point Christy; and I feel you might not like it, but it is my point nonetheless. We should take Eka to go see her parents and let them know she is living with us, has begun a business of her own, which we started for her of course and is happy to live with us.” “What will that achieve?” “It will achieve a lot. You said she is fourteen, from my quick math; she won’t be ready for marriage until the next four fears. That is a long time and let me ask you, do you know what will happen in the next four years? NK is already sniffing around and what other people will do? We don’t know yet.” Christy pondered Ema’s words and said, “I hate the idea of going to see her parents now. They don’t deserve to see Eka for the rest of their lives. I only want to see them when Gerald is ready to pay her dowry. In fact I hate them! Can we talk about this later? Right now I can’t hold the thought of going to see Eka’s parents in my head. They are evil!” “Christy you are not thinking along with me. You just said her parents are evil. Let me ask you, do you know what fifty thousand Naira can make them say in a police station?” “Ema, if you want me to say yes to going to see her parents, forget it! I am not for it right now.” “If that’s how you want it, fine. But I hope we won’t regret this decision someday.” About thirty minutes later Ema and Christy put Eka in a taxi and sent her home. They did not see it, just after Eka’s taxi took a left turn from the street on which Christy’s shop was located, another taxi followed Eka. In the taxi was NK. She wanted to know where Eka was living and to make her an offer she hoped would turn her head. When Eka got home she slowly passed Faustina’s apartment, hoping to catch a glimpse of her or her husband, but there was no one in the flat. She gave herself to sewing Kingsley’s school uniform. By evening, shortly after Dr. Gerry had returned from work, Mary came to inform Ekaette that her mother would like her to bring the samples of her work. On Eka’s request Dr. Gerry accompanied her to see Mary’s mother. Eka was very glad to have Dr. Gerry around her. She took a hold of his hand and would not let go. Even while they were in Mary’s house, she made sure she kept some form of contact with Dr. Gerry. Once in a while she would look into his eyes and smile. Mary’s mother was impressed with the finishing of the clothes Eka brought as samples. Eka had also thrown in the one she sewed that day at Christy’s shop. “Ekaette, your work is lovely. I like them, I must admit. So how much have you decided to whittle off from the price you quoted yesterday? I want you to sew Mary’s clothes.” “I will chunk off two hundred naira from the price I gave you for each clothe,” replied Eka. “That means you are charging two thousand three hundred Naira for one clothe.” “Yes ma.” “No, I will pay two thousand two hundred Naira. That is a good bargain to start our relationship on. In the future you can charge me more.” “Madam, you can haggle price a lot! Okay, for a start I will take that much.” Mary’s mother gave her some money to start work on her daughter’s clothes and assured her she would make more clothes when she was done with making Mary’s clothes. When they were back home, Eka fixed a dinner for the both of them. Unlike other times, Eka ate with him at the dining table and would not take her eyes off him. Dr. Gerry was aware she was head-over-heels about him, but was careful not to commit too much. He knew he had a long time to wait. After their meal, they had a pulsating conversation about every conceivable subject. Eka’s voice would ring out with joyous laughter as Dr. Gerry said something funny or demonstrated one to her. If not that Dr. Gerry would go to work the next day, they would have talked on till dawn. Even in their dreams they carried on with their chat, saying to each other the things they did not have the courage to say at the dining table. By early morning Eka was up, buoyed with the love in her heart for Dr. Gerry, she entered the kitchen determined to cook her best food for him. She whistled tunes and hummed songs and in-between her cooking, paused for a little jig. Once in a while she would hear funny sounds form Faustina’s apartment and would wish she could see through the wall to know what actually went on in that flat. Just then a thought occurred to her and she froze with fear. Dr. Gerry had not for once spoken about the people who lived in the next flat. She would usually leave Dr. Gerry’s food on the dining table for him to take to work when he wakes up in the morning. That morning she decided to leave a note under Dr. Gerry’s food flask, asking him to wake her up before leaving for work. When Dr. Gerry was ready to leave for work and saw the note he was glad to see her wake and flash her wonderful smile at him before he would leave the house. Eka woke from sleep looking a bit groggy. “You asked me to wake you before leaving for work.” “Yes I did. I want to ask you a question.” “Okay, go ahead.” “Who are the people living next door? I have never heard you mention them.” Dr. Gerry looked at Eka in a funny way and wondered if she was fine. “You are not fully awake Eka, are you?” “I am very much awake, why did you say that?” “The flat next door is empty. There is no one living in there.” Eka’s jaw dropped so low a train could fit into her mouth..
18 Apr 2019 | 06:57
No Dr. Gerry! A woman is living there with her husband! Her name is Faustina. We have spoken once and she helped me dispose some of my unwanted clothes.” Dr. Gerry sat down on the bed beside Eka and explained, “There was a couple in that flat when I parked into this place. That was three years ago. One evening they came to me and complained of being attacked in the flat and wanted to know if I went through the same experience. I told them I had no such experience. After some banter they returned to their apartment. I don’t remember how long it took; probably it was about a week’s time. One evening I was returning from work when I noticed the flat was empty. The couple had left. They perhaps could not take any more of the attacks they mentioned. I remember having a discussion about them with my landlord and he said the couple had moved out. Since then that flat has been empty. If someone has moved into it I am not aware of that.” “You have been too busy to notice it. A man and his wife are living in the flat. At least I have seen the woman and her name is Faustina.” “So what made you ask about them?” “The lady, Faustina, behaves strangely. Sometimes she won’t talk to me when I greet her. A group of men rushed someone out of the flat yesterday. My suspicion is that the person was Faustina.” “Okay I will check on them when I get back from work this evening.” “I don’t want you to do that. There is more that I have not told you. I have been having attacks for some time now. I have the feeling the woman faustina is behind the attacks. Each time I pray against the attacks, she would either not talk to me or she would simply not be seen around the compound for days. Yesterday there was serious wailing in their flat. That was before I saw some men running out of the compound with possibly a sick person. Since then I have not heard Faustina’s voice or seen her. Before the cries I heard in their flat, I had an attack and prayed against it. My dead grandmother comes here…I don’t know how that is possible.” “Your dead grandmother!!!” “Yes. Stop yelling doctor.” “What does she want?” “I don’t know.” She lied; she could not bring herself to tell him that her grandmother has been trying to pass her position as a witch to her. “We have to pray about this. I don’t like the sound of it. You shouldn’t be having visits from the dead. It portends evil. On the other hand, I will call my landlord to know if some people are living in the other flat now.” “Please do. I am scared right now. If indeed there is no one in that flat, it means that Faustina is a ghost. And possibly the people I saw running out of her flat are ghosts too.” Unconsciously her hands wrapped around Dr. Gerry’s arm. She was afraid and Dr. Gerry could see it. “Are you sure you can stay by yourself till I come back from work?” “I am not sure, but I will try.” “You don’t have to be here alone. You can go to my sister’s shop or you can join me to work.” “I have clothes to sew, I just can’t run. And again if I begin to run from this apartment my fear of it will grow.” “You are right, but I don’t want you to come to harm.” “I won’t. I know how to pray. If that woman is a ghost or witch, I am going to make sure she never comes back here.” “How are you going to do that?” “Can I invite Simbi over? She will be here just a night. I assure you we will pray till both Faustina and my grandmother catch fire.” “If that will help, do it. I hate to think that a dead woman visits you. Have you been having visits from your dead grandmother?” “No. It all started since I came here. There is something wrong with the other flat. It is bewitched. I hear voices in it every morning and the voices are not normal. They sound creepy and make me have goose bumps.” “Invite Simbi today. I will join you people in prayers. I have to leave for work now. If anything happens don’t waste time to let me know.” “Okay, I won’t.” Eka accompanied Dr. Gerry to the balcony of the flat and watched him leave for work. She could tell that Dr. Gerry was troubled by the things she told him; especially about her grandmother. And she could not tell if the idea of her being a witch did not cross his mind. That thought alone spoiled Eka’s day. She sat on the floor and cried he heart out. Her thoughts were that if Dr. Gerry comes to the conclusion that she was a witch after all, he would kick her out of his house and won’t certainly marry her. Dr. Gerry on his part was scared stiff. He abhorred the idea of a dead woman visiting Eka. He almost called Christy to tell her about it but held his peace. He wouldn’t want to start what he would regret later. But as hard as he wanted to not think about it, the thought of Eka being a witch kept assailing his mind. By the time he had reached office, he had lost his peace and looked gloomy. Colleagues at work could tell something was wrong with him. When they came to check what food Eka prepared for him, he had no sound of joy in his heart. He wanted to talk to someone desperately but was careful not to hurt Eka. He kept saying to himself, “Dead people don’t visit the living often except there is a reason; especially when they are very old dead people.” Dr. Gerry did not remember to call his landlord until late afternoon. “Hello Landlord! This is Dr. Gerald.” “Gerald, how are you? I know it is you of course.” “I am fine sir. Please, I want to know, are there people living in the flat next to mine. It’s beginning to look like there are people in that flat.” “I am really sorry Gerald. I should have told you earlier. There is a couple there now, but they are not paying any rents yet. They had problems in Cameroon and had to return to Nigeria. From what I gathered they lost all their children there. Things are really hard for them. Please pardon my oversight; I will come this weekend to introduce the two of you.” “Thanks a lot sir. I was only wondering if I had a neighbour and did not know it.” Dr. Gerry took a sigh of relief over his landlord having cleared the air about someone living next to him. That did well to restore his confidence in Eka. It meant she was right when she said someone was living next door. Dr. Gerry thought that if Eka was right about that, then she was telling the truth about her grandmother’s visit having begun when she moved into his apartment. He felt guilty for letting fear take over his mind and caused him to think all sorts of dark thoughts about Eka. He wanted to call her but remembered she had no phone. He did not plan it, he dashed out of his office and went to a shopping complex nearby and bought her a Tecno P5 phone. He made some excuses and left his office. He wanted to surprise Eka with the phone and reassure her that she had nothing to fear about what she told him and to break the news of what his landlord told him. Unknown to Dr. Gerry the worst had begun to happen at home. Eka cried herself to stupor on the balcony. When she finally put herself together, she went into the bathroom, had her bath and went to work on the clothes she had to sew. She was too sad to eat anything. About 2:00 pm she remembered she had not called Simbi. So she went to a pay phone centre to dial her up. Simbi was willing and eager to come see her and Eka looked forward to it. By the time Eka returned to Dr. Gerry’s flat, that evil perfume had filled the apartment. Eka was shocked and began to pray from the door. When she entered her room, she met a strange sight. The mirror on the wall had broken into two. The native necklace her grandmother tried to give her the other day was lying on the floor along with the very clothes she wore the last time she appeared to her. Eka could tell she was under attack and so began to pray. But while she prayed thoughts about what Dr. Gerry and his sisters would think of her when she told them what happened, beset her mind. She did not want to be branded a witch again. So she stopped praying and began to pack her bag to run away....
18 Apr 2019 | 06:59
Eka packed her load feverishly amid intense sobs. She had no bag to carry her stuffs and so had to break her vow not to enter Dr. Gerry’s bedroom. Eka searched his wardrobe and found a leather bag big enough to hold her clothes and dashed out of the room with it. Hastily she packed her stuff. She worked like an ant. She spared no thought for her new business and customers, or bothered about where she was running to. Her mind was simply set on escaping the imaginary next round of being brandished a witch. Having packed her bag, she dragged it out of her room and to the balcony of the flat. There she remembered she had left the pouch which held her money and she ran back into her room to go take. If one had seen Ekaette in that mood, one would have concluded that she was under a spell. When she returned to the balcony she locked the entrance door to the flat, dropped the key on the floor where she was sure Dr. Gerry would see it and began to drag her bag toward the gate. When she got to the gate, she opened it and lifted the bag unto the street. She lifted her eyes to see if she could find a young man to help her carry her bag to the bus stop, only for her to see Dr. Gerry standing in front of her. Eka’s eyes were soaked with tears and she breathed heavily. One look at the bag and Eka Dr. Gerry figured out what was happening. “Where are you going to Eka?” Eka tried to speak but instead began to cry. Her sob was soulful, deep and shook her. Dr. Gerry put his hands around her and led her back into the compound. “I am sorry I doubted you in the morning. The thought of a dead old woman visiting you scared the living day out of me. If I were in your shoes I just might give running away a thought, especially after all you have gone through. Please forgive me. Don’t go anywhere please, I want you to stay.” Eka shook her head, making the ‘no’ sign, and pointing toward his flat she said, “She…she… she came…” Dr. Gerry could not wait to hear the rest of her words, he was getting a different meaning, he sprang toward his flat, he thought another woman had visited him and asked Eka out of his flat. Eka had not seen him angry before. In fact Dr. Gerry’s anger made Eka’s tears to dry up quick. Dr. Gerry stopped near his flat and ran back to Eka; he didn’t want her to leave before he would come back. He took her hand and led her mid-way to his flat and stopped once more. He had remembered Eka’s bag was still on the sidewalk on the street. Holding her hand, he led her to the gate, opened it and dragged her bag back into the compound. In one hand he held Ekaette and in the other he dragged her bag. All this while Eka observed him in silence; she could see Dr. Gerry had a place for her in his heart. For a moment she thought Dr. Gerry was going to invoke her grandmother for a fight, she did not know he thought some woman was in his house. When they got to the balcony, Eka stooped and picked up the key to open the door and then Dr. Gerry wondered aloud, “Ah ah! You locked her inside!” Eka was at loss as to his meaning and explained, “She came when I went to call Simbi to request she come over for a prayer session. I didn’t see her, but her evil perfume was all over the house and when I entered my room I saw the necklace she tried to put on me the other morning and her clothes on the floor. The mirror was also broken in two. I tried praying but gave up. How would I explain all these to you when you already had begun to think I might after all be a witch?” Tears circled her eyes once more. “Oh God! So the ‘she’ you meant was your grandmother? Hahaha! Your broken words and demonstrations had me riled up. Really I thought some woman visited me and drove you out of my house. I was poised to have you throw her out the same way she threw you out.” “But I won’t let any woman throw me out of your house. I will never let that happen. I meant my grandmother, she came back.” Dr. Gerry took a sigh of relief and said calmly, “Eka, I believe everything you told me in the morning, open the door, I have some things to tell you. I spoke with my landlord; you were right when you said some people are living in the next flat.” “Are you serious?!” For once that afternoon, Eka flashed her lovely smile. She opened the door and dragged her bag straight into her room. Dr. Gerry followed behind her, he wanted to see the broken mirror, the necklace and the clothes Eka’s grandmother left behind. He stared at them for a while and said, “You won’t sleep in this room tonight. Whatever this is meant to do to you, we won’t let it happen. I can’t wait for your friend to get here; should I call my pastor? This has to stop!” “Don’t bother. When Simbi gets here, you will witness another realm of praying and you will see me differently.” “Are you now boasting? A while ago you were on the run because of your grandmother.” “I wasn’t on the run because of her. I was on the run because of what you might say when you see these things. Believe me I am not a witch, someone is trying to destroy me and I don’t know why.” Dr. Gerry took her in his hands and said as tenderly as he could, “I know you are not a witch. You don’t have to try to convince me about that again. And let me say this now, even if you were one, I will become your wizard so you won’t have to run away from me.” Actually Eka thought she did not hear him well. Her heart raced fast and she embraced him like she embraced her father back when he was a good man to her. Eka wanted to hear those words again and so she asked, “Would you seriously become a wizard for my sake?” “If you think I am joking, then try to become a witch and you will see what I will do.” “God forbid! I will never be a witch!” “Eka, I said that to mean you should stop running from what people might say. Embrace who you are and dare people. They will always say what they want to say. You can’t stop them and you don’t have to please them.” Eka was happy that in subtle ways Dr. Gerry confessed his love for her, all she had to do was grow up to become his wife. “Thanks for your words doctor. You said you had something to tell me.” “Yes! Let’s go to the living room.” As Dr. Gerry turned to leave for the living room, Eka jumped on his back and pretended to bite him on the neck. Dr. Gerry pushed her away and shouted, “Ah ah! I thought you said you were not a witch? You just sucked my blood!” Eka barred her teeth as though they were fangs and came after him. Dr. Gerry made a dash into the living room; picking a TV remote control and a pen, he formed a makeshift cross. Eka looked at the cross and dropped to the floor as though the power from the cross knocked her silly. Dr. Gerry still laughing and wondering how Eka could shift from one emotion to another said, “You know I still don’t understand you. One moment ago you were crying and willing to run away and now you are playing with me like you were another person entirely. Tell me how do you do it?” “I may have still be crying by now if you had not said the right words. Words fitly spoken make me tick; and you know how to say loads of them. The best words I have heard since my parents drove me out came today and they came from your lips. You said I can still be a witch and accept who I am. Please I am not saying that I am a witch, and I will never be a witch in Jesus name!” Dr. Gerry responded, “Amen!” “You don’t know what you have done doctor. I feel like a ton of weight has been borne away from my shoulders. I feel free and reborn!” “I am glad you feel that way. I like it when you are happy. Don’t forget I said I have something to tell you, and I have to go back to work.” “No way! You are not going back! Tell them you broke a leg,” Eka protested and sat next to him. “My ears are yours now. What do you have to tell me?” she asked drawing both her ears. “Like I said earlier, I spoke with my landlord and he confirmed that a couple is living in the next flat. He is helping them out with the flat. They just returned from Cameroon where they lost all their children. The loss of their children may be the reason the woman you spoke of acts strangely and not necessarily because your prayers disturb her. This weekend we will get to know them. The landlord said he will come over to do a formal introduction so we can get to know them, and they us.” “If Faustina is not the source of my attacks, who then is?” “Don’t let that worry you Eka. Our prayers will reveal the source and bring them to shame.” “But Dr. Gerry, the attacks started since I came here.” Dr. Gerry could tell she was beginning to worry again about the possibility of being a witch. He reached for his purse which was slung across his shoulder and removed the Tecno P5 he bought for her and announced, “I got this for you. Now you have a phone. We can talk wherever I am and whenever.” “Thanks a lot Dr. Gerry. Simbi won’t believe it when she sees my phone.” Dr. Gerry could see right through her pretense, she was still worried about the attacks..... to be continued.. pls keep ur comment rolling in.... thanks for ur comment so far I appreciate have increased my post to three episodes...
18 Apr 2019 | 07:03
@itzprince morning...pls update thanks
18 Apr 2019 | 07:04
D....n this is making ma head to catch fire....can't you add just one episode this evenin..plz
18 Apr 2019 | 13:41
Kudos to you a zillion times
18 Apr 2019 | 13:42
but Faustina is behaving suspiciously,,,
18 Apr 2019 | 15:05
18 Apr 2019 | 15:47
Good job. Well done
18 Apr 2019 | 16:53
enjoying every episode
19 Apr 2019 | 02:45
I don't trust faustina
19 Apr 2019 | 03:42
“We are not going to leave your room the way it is, are we? We should clear those things your grandmother left in there.” “You are right doctor. We should clean the room of those things, but not without praying first.” Eka went into the kitchen and brought some vegetable oil. With it, the two of them prayed and anointed the broken mirror, the necklace and the filthy garments which Eka’s grandmother left on the floor. Though their prayer was brief, it was intense. About half an hour after their prayers, some unusual thing happened. Dr. Gerry was in the living room doing his best to convince Eka that he had to go back to work, at least to bring his food flask back and to write a report on a certain case he was assigned to. While they laughed and argued why Dr. Gerry should or should not go back to work, a voice was heard outside shouting, “Gerald! Gerald!! Gerald!!!” The voice was monstrous and cold. Not in all his life had Dr. Gerry experienced anything as horrifying as that. The mere hearing of his name shouted by what was no doubt a demonic voice left all the hairs on his body standing erect. He would have loved to go out to see who it was shouted his name, but he lacked the courage. Within minutes, Dr. Gerry who was full of life and energy began to cough and perspire terribly. Soon he became so weak that he could not stand on his feet. Eka thought the worst had happened when Dr. Gerry spread himself out on the floor because of how weak he had become. Eka knelt beside him and began to pray. The two of them were up against a formidable work of darkness but were too ignorant to understand what was going. However the events of that day would bring them to the point where they would confront it headlong. Eka did not know how long she prayed. She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed like a machine, shooting scriptures in the name of Jesus and making decrees over the work of darkness that had invaded their lives. Dr. Gerry was not the religious type, but the event of that day made a fanatical believer out of him. Eka prayed until Dr. Gerry regained his strength and joined him in the prayer. Their prayer lasted till they heard a gentle knock on the door. Faith had sprung up in Eka, she was ready to confront whatever the devil brought her way that evening. Boldly she went to meet whoever or whatever was knocking on their door. She was also ready for a duel if a little of that would do. It was Simbi, she had arrived. “Simbi! How did you find here?” Eka was happy to see her friend; she leapt on her almost knocking her to the ground. “I told you to call the number I gave you when you get to the bus stop, why didn’t you call?” “There was no need to do that. I saw you buying water at the shop beside the bus stop just before I alighted from the bus. As soon as I got off the bus, I ran after you. When I turned into your street I could not see you again. I described your beauty to people and they pointed me to his house. I knocked on the other flat and no one answered me and I decided to knock on this one.” Eka could not believe her ears. She stood speechlessly as her friend narrated how she found their flat. Even Dr. Gerry who stood behind Eka with the machete he had fetched from is room was dumbfounded. He had been with Eka in the living room praying. So whoever Simbi saw was not Ekaette. “Won’t you let me in? I saw you; you were dressed just like this. Don’t tell me it wasn’t you.” “Oh I am sorry Simbi. Come right in.” As Eka and Dr. Gerry led Simbi into their flat, they exchanged a curious look wondering what was going on that evening. Simbi had hardly passed the dining table when she observed, “Jesus! This house is haunted! Eka how do you sleep in this house? There is something evil lurking around here.” “Simbi, have a seat. I have so much to tell you. You said you saw me in the street, it wasn’t me, I have not been to the bus stop all day.” After Simbi had taken her seat and was served a cup of cold water, Eka and Dr. Gerry narrated to her all that had happened. “You know what?” asked Simbi, “When I knocked on the other flat, I felt strong evil vibes coming out of it. There is something evil in there.” “Simbi, I feel the same way too. I don’t want to brand that woman, Faustina, a witch much the same way I was branded a witch, but mark my words, all is not well with her.” “Well, I don’t know what is in that flat, but whatever it is; we are going to sack it from this compound. Do you have some anointing oil Eka?” “No I don’t, I make use of vegetable oil.” “That is okay, I use it sometimes.” “We don’t have to use that. I can buy one in the street,” said Dr. Gerry as he dashed out to go buy one in the street. While Dr. Gerry was away, Eka took Simbi to her room and showed her the evil necklace, the filthy clothes and the broken mirror. “Eka, I am sorry to spoil your mood. What you are going through in this house is the work of witchcraft.” “For heaven’s sake where is this coming from? No one knows me in this area.” “Don’t worry about it Eka, God will answer our prayers tonight and not tomorrow. Don’t forget the things God did back in the church in our street. He will do the same here.” “I can’t wait. I want the word ‘witch’ removed far from my life. While they talked in her room, Dr. Gerry returned and they went to meet him in the living room. “Our neighbours are back. I saw some people in the next flat now,” announced Dr. Gerry. “Good that they are around. If this attack is from them, you will see what will happen to them,” said Simbi. They declared fasting from that evening till 6am the next morning. After they had their baths, Eka and Simbi went to her room to have their girly chat; while Dr. Gerry watched television in the living room. About ten pm in the night, Simbi informed them that it was good time to start praying. They sang loud like those in a church and clapped their hands. When they were done with singing, they began to pray. Dr. Gerry was stunned by the way Simbi prayed. She was much more than Eka had told him. She was a tigress in praying. Their prayers dragged on till 1:00 am in the morning, by this time, Simbi was high. She took the anointing oil and after praying over it. She poured it on the materials Eka had found in her room and cursed the source from which it came. She bolted out of their flat with Eka and Dr. Gerry following in her trail. She anointed the compound including the entrance to their neighbours flat and they went back inside. Shortly after they went inside there was a knock on their door, a man shouted desperately, “Neighbour! Neighbour! Please stop praying! Stop praying! My wife is ready to confess! My wife will confess!!” Dr. Gerry wanted to go speak with the man, but Simbi and Eka stopped him. They had only begun to pray. They stepped up their praying, unleashing all sorts of spiritual weapons their pastor taught them. Minutes later, the knock and the shout became louder and frantic. Yet Eka and her friend persisted in praying. Dr. Gerry could not take it anymore. The sound of a fellow man calling out for mercy outside broke his heart. He ran to go hear the man out, but Eka and Simbi withstood him. He demanded to know why they would not hear the man out, and Eka answered him, “The Bible says suffer not the witch to live! We will keep praying until dawn when people will gather to hear the confessions the man’s wife, whoever she is, wants to make. Let her suffer a while. Have I not suffered enough? Have you forgotten? You almost died yesterday evening!” Dr. Gerry saw reason with her and went back to praying with them. About 4:00 in the morning, the gate to their compound was opened and another person joined the man to knock on their door, demanding that they stop praying. Ekaette and Simbi were lost groaning in prayers; they did not see him sneak out. But this time he did not go to open the door to hear the men out. He went to his room and picked his machete again. There was something about the voice of the second man knocking on his door. He wasn’t pleading for them to stop praying, he was demanding it as if it was his right. Dr. Gerry did not like that at all. He gently opened the door and charged at the two men, swinging his machete. His machete carved into one of them and he yelled in pain. Eka and Simbi hear the shout and ran out only to see Dr. Gerry chasing two men with a machete. He locked the gate behind the two men and asked Eka and Simbi to continue praying. He was too angry to utter a word in prayer.
19 Apr 2019 | 06:06
episode 22 had cooled off, he joined Eka and Simbi in the prayer; and that was when he really prayed out his heart. Eka and Simbi were surprised by the way he prayed. Dr. Gerry had thought he could not pray the way he did, but the attitude of the two men who knocked on his door, made him very angry. His prayer was for the witch who had chosen to attack them to die. While they prayed, they had no clue what was happening outside their gate. The two men had gathered the people on the street to come plead with Dr. Gerry and the two girls who prayed with him. A boy had to climb the fence into their compound to open the gate for the crowd which had assembled in from of the gate to come in. Simbi had hardly rounded off their prayer when they heard the increasing voice of a crowd of people and a gentle knock on the door. At the sound of the knock, Dr. Gerry looked for his machete; Eka knew what he was looking for and pretended she didn’t take notice. She had pushed the machete under her bed while they prayed. Dr. Gerry had to go open the door to know who was knocking, and when he did, he saw a swarm of street dwellers snaking from the front of his apartment to the gate of the compound. He asked the man who seemed to lead them, “Good morning sir. What do you want from my apartment?” “Good morning sir. I am Mr. Paul Eze, two men came to us this morning, one had a gash on his back, he has been taken to a drug store to be patched up. They told us that one of their wives did something very wrong to you and you and your sisters were determined to kill her. Please we beg of you, do not shed blood. Allow the street people to settle you people. We don’t even want the matter to get to a police station; we have all left our personal businesses this early morning to come mediate between the two of you.” The street people joined the man and began to plead with Dr. Gerry. Dr. Gerry turned and looked at Simbi and Eka, who were as much as he was, surprised at what the man said. Dr. Gerry wondered aloud, “What is this man saying? Sir I do not have any misunderstanding with anyone. All I can tell you is that very early this morning; two men were determined to bang down my door, shouting that we should stop praying. We were not even praying loud and we prayed in our own flat. I did not like that, clearly they were trespassing, and so I came out and chased the two of them away with a machete. I think one of them took a blow from my machete. That is all I can tell you. I don’t know a thing about one of their wives having done anything wrong to me or about my trying to kill anyone.” The street people who had heard Dr. Gerry explain what he knew, called one of the men, “Hey, oga (sir) come here. You need to hear what this man has said; it is different from what you told us.” A man whom neither Dr. Gerry nor Eka had seen before came forward cautiously, obviously wary of Dr. Gerry. “You said this man and his sisters were going to kill your wife for what she did to them, but this man has denied that. Tell us what is going on here!” A man barked from the crowd. Before the man could say a word, Dr. Gerry said as loud as he could, “I don’t even know this man nor have I seen him before. Oga who are you?” The crowd was shocked at Dr. Gerry’s words and looked at the man with distrust on their faces. “I am… I am your… I am Mr. Ekhiosu… I… I live…” “Be bold and speak up! Were you not the one shouting on the street that some people were about to kill your wife?! Look I don’t have the time! This is early morning,” barked Mr. Paul. Mr. Ekhiosu spoke up, “I am his neighbour! I live here,” he pointed at his flat. “Where is your wife whom they were going to kill?” Mr. Paul asked angrily. “She is inside the house, I don’t even know if she is still alive. I begged them to stop praying but they wouldn’t stop.” “Wait! Wait! Mr. Ekhi… what… Do you mean to tell us that prayer is harmful to your wife? What sort of woman is she?” a man asked from the crowd. “ Na witch! Na witch she be! We go kill am today with prayer! She never see anything. When I begin pray well well, she go burn like food wey dem forget for fire! (A witch! She is a witch! We will kill her today with prayer! She has seen nothing yet! When I really begin to pray, we will burn like food forgotten on the cooking stove!) Eka! Let’s go back and pray! Simbi shouted and stormed back into the flat. Behind her Eka followed. Mr. Ekhiosu went on his knees and began to beg them, “Please don’t pray anymore! She is ready to confess. Please I am begging you! A hot slap crashed into Mr. Ehkiosu’s face from behind him. A young man was standing above him looking menacing. The young man kicked and threw a few punches at him, and then barked, “So na you and your wife they chop us witch for this area? (“So you and your wife are the witch and wizard terrorizing us in this neighbouhood?”) The young men in the crowd went berserk and surged forward. Mr. Paul was certain that they were going to kill Mr. Ekhiosu and his wife before anyone got the chance to hear them out. So he used his body to shield him and begged the young men to calm down. Other elderly men in the crowd surrounded Mr. Ekhiosu and led him into his flat. Outside the young men chanted angrily and stumped the ground. Fortunately for Mr. Ekhiosu, Mr. Paul rang his friends at the nearby police station. Inside Dr. Gerry’s flat, Simbi hit the floor and prayed crazily. Eka could not pray, her heart was broken; the whole scene outside reminded her when she was branded a witch, beaten up by her parents and driven out of their house. She went to Dr. Gerry, who was making several calls to some people he knew in the police force and to his sisters; and said, “Take me into Faustina’s flat, I want to hear what she wants to confess to.” Dr. Gerry had to drop his call and said, “You don’t need to hear anything she has to say. Has husband has confessed to her crimes. That woman almost killed me yesterday and brought me to the point where I would have walked away from you. I have called the landlord, he will be here today. That woman and her husband must leave this compound!” “Fine! I also want her to leave, but I want to hear what she has to confess to. Please take me there.” Reluctantly Dr. Gerry led her outside and they made their way through the crowd and stood by Faustina’s window and made signs to Mr. Paul. He drew closer to the window and Dr. Gerry made signs to him to open the door for them. The man was afraid to do so fearing that the young men would push their way into the flat. Fortunately, a police van arrived outside and the policemen pushed their way into the compound. The young men refused to leave and stood their ground chanting war songs. The police knocked on the flat, when Mr. Paul saw them; he opened the door to them. Dr. Gerry and Eka went in along with the police. Inside the flat, Mr. Ekhiosu was on the floor wailing heartily. While Mr. Paul explained to the police what was going on, one of the men inside the flat led Dr. Gerry and Eka into the Ekhiosu’s bedroom where they met Faustina lying on the bare floor, swinging her head from left to right with her eyes shut. Intermittently she would yell as though someone or something was squeezing the life out of her. The man who led Eka and Dr. Gerry into the bedroom narrated to them, “This woman is evil, she confessed to have eaten all her children in Cameroon; that is the reason her husband is crying.” At that Dr. Gerry stepped a bit away from her. “Did she really say that or is it just hear say sir?” asked Eka. “What do you take me for young girl? I’m too old for petty lies! Just wait a while; you will hear her confess again. Or you can go check their other room; she has turned it into a shrine,” said the man as he rebuked Eka. Eka and Dr. Gerry went to see what the other room looked like; when they peeped in their heads to have a look at the room, Eka was stunned to see her picture hanging on a mirror in the room. “Jesus! Dr. Gerry! That is my picture! How did she get it? I took that picture when I was with my parents! Oh no! Oh no! I am going to get Simbi in here!” Eka shouted and bolted off....
19 Apr 2019 | 06:10
episode 23 The policemen and the elderly men in Ekhiosu’s flat were busy deliberating what to do when Eka dashed into the living room and made for the door. As she tried to open the door, Mr. Paul stopped her, asking, “What are you doing, If you open that door those boys will come in?!” “I need to get my friend in here, that woman has my picture in her bedroom, and how she got my picture is a mystery to me. I just have to bring in my friend here!” Eka’s voice was loud as she explained to Mr. Paul what she was up to. The policemen and the elderly men in the flat had to stop their deliberations and gave Eka attention. When they demanded what the matter was, Eka breathlessly explained to them and insisted she must bring Simbi into the flat. “But what will your friend do? We don’t want this case to escalate,” asked Mr. Paul. “We need to prayerfully remove my picture from the evil mirror in that room.” One of the policemen who could not take his eyes off Eka volunteered to go bring Simbi into the flat. “What is your friend’s name and where is she?” asked the policeman. “Her name is Simbi and she is in the other flat.” The policemen crowded the door as their colleague opened it and went outside. The crowd outside had increased; both young men and women were outside singing, while some women and men craved to set their eyes on the witch who was terrorizing their neighbourhood. Already many had begun to claim that Faustina was responsible for the strange deaths which occurred in the neighbourhood. At Dr. Gerry’s flat, the policeman knocked and shouted Simbi’s name. Immediately Simbi came out, her eyes darting about. “Your friend wants me to bring you to the other flat. Let’s go.” “What is happening there? Is the witch dead?” The policeman was surprised by Simbi’s question. “Young girl, I have not even seen the witch, so I cannot tell if she is dead or not.” “Give me a moment,” Simbi said and ran back into the flat. In a moment she came back with a bottle of anointing oil; she locked Dr. Gerry’s flat and left with the policeman. When the policeman knocked on the door of Ekhiosu’s flat, it took a while before someone came to open the door for them; all the people inside the flat had gone into the bedroom where Faustina was . Eka had gone berserk and staged a violent prayer on Faustina, invoking fire and brimstone in the name of the Lord upon her. Her prayer threw Faustina into violent demonstrations that even the policemen joined in the prayer shouting, “Holy Ghost fire! Holy Ghost fire!” Eventually Simbi and the policeman went into the flat after the door was opened. The shouting of “Holy Ghost fire! Holy Ghost fire!” inside the flat was too tempting for those outside. They surged forward to make it into the flat to see what was happening, but the policemen resisted them. As soon as Eka who was panting and sweating as a result of how energetically she prayed, saw Simbi, she went into overdrive in her praying. Seeing Eka was off, Simbi asked Dr. Gerry, “Is this the witch?” “Yes! She has confessed she is the one attacking us. But she is yet to give us details of her attacks against us and how she got Eka’s picture.” “What! She took Eka’s picture?” “It is in the other room.” Like an arrow, Simbi shot herself toward the direction of the other room. Dr. Gerry followed her. As soon as Simbi stepped into that room, she shouted, “Jesus! Jesus!” Dr. Gerry almost ran back, thinking Simbi had run into the devil in the room. He had to ask her, “Simbi what is it?” “That woman is a high witch! She is a high witch! There are too many demons in this room.” When Dr. Gerry and the men in the other room heard the word ‘demons’, they all took off to the living room in fear, leaving Eka facing Faustina alone, while Simbi faced the demons she claimed were in the other room. In a short while, Simbi emerged from the other room with Eka’s picture and then joined her in prayer. Soon both the policemen and the others were on their heels back to the room where Eka and Simbi prayed. Simbi had done the impossible. She sat on Faustina and emptied some of the anointing oil she had into her mouth and grabbed her by the neck and began to pray. It was Faustina’s heart-wrenching shout which drew the policemen and the others back into the room. Everyone was shocked when they saw Simbi sitting on the feared witch and praying over her. Even Faustina’s husband, who had fled from her when she confessed she ate their children, ran back into his bedroom when he heard the way Faustina screamed for mercy. The policemen had to yank Simbi away from Faustina’s body as she continued to plead for mercy declaring she would confess all her wickedness. For a moment, the men in that room did not know who to be afraid of, whether Simbi or the woman who had confessed she was a witch. “Leave me alone! Leave me! She will not confess unless fire burns her very well,” Simbi fumed when they pulled her away from Faustina. It took two men to restrain Simbi. For some moments everyone waited for Faustina to confess her wickedness, but she would not. Eka was running out of patience, she could not wait any longer to hear Faustina confess. So she yelled, if I begin to pray again nobody should stop me until this woman has died.” As though Faustina heard her, she began to confess, the men in the room, including her husband began to record her confession, “I… huh… I… I ate my children in Cameroon…” “We have heard that already! I want to know you were attacking me, appearing to me like my grandmother?! How did you get my picture?” There was no answer from Faustina. They all waited for her to confess till they all got angry. The officer in charge of the policemen said to Simbi and Eka, “Young girls, this woman will not confess, indeed she is a high witch. You have my permission to pray her to death. She does not deserve to live!” “Sir if this witch will not confess her sins, then let’s hand her over to the young men outside, in just five minutes she will be dead!” Just them an idea occurred to Simbi and she ran back to the other room. When she came out, she was carrying a bag. As she made her way toward the exit door, Faustina began to shout. That was when everyone realized how powerful Faustina really was. Even though she had been knocked silly by the power of prayer, yet, she was still able to watch the events going on in the flat with her eyes closed. The bag Simbi was heading out with had Faustina’s items of witchcraft. When everyone understood what was happening, they ran into the room and began to carry to the living room the items they considered to be for the purpose of witchcraft. Eka was so angry she lifted the mirror on which she saw her picture on and smashed it on the floor and in that moment, Faustina had begun to bleed from both eyes. Before they could come back to the room, Faustina had bled a pool of blood from her eyes. Mr. Paul and the policemen opened the door and invited in some young men and instructed them to carry the items outside and burn them. The young men were happy to do so. As soon as they set the items ablaze on the street, Faustina began to wail in the room, “Fire! Fire! Fire o!” Having destroyed her items of witchcraft they returned to the room only to see Faustina bleeding from the eyes and the room filled with smoke. If Eka and Simbi had not stood their ground, the men would have ran away from the flat. At this point no one needed to prod Faustina to speak, freely she yelled, “They are leaving me! They are leaving! Eka! Eka eh! Ekaette Efiong! It was not your grandmother. It was me all along. I wanted to initiate you. I wanted you to join us. I wanted to use you to take myself in our kingdom. I visited your grandmother’s grave and saw your star. I went to your father’s house and took your picture. When I saw your star, I presented it in our coven and they promised me that if I could bring you in, they would let me give my husband children who would live and not be eaten. It was me! Eka it was me! I bewitched this house so that the landlord would not be able to give it out. I didn’t want him to send us out of the house. I… I… wanted to drive you away from the doctor, when I could not, I tried to kill him. Your challenges are not over, she is coming, she is coming with much troubles. The materials you found in your room must be burnt with fire. I… cursed…”...
19 Apr 2019 | 06:15
@coolval... thank u sir
19 Apr 2019 | 06:22
“...I cursed your star so that the days of your life may be filled with sorrows. But I can see clearly that the one whom you call upon is mighty. He reversed my words and brought me to this pitiable condition. If I had my life to live again, I would follow the path on which you walk now. Please Ekaette forgive me.” The words of Faustina tingled the ears that heard them. Both the policemen and the elderly men in the room were pissed off by the wickedness which she confessed to. “Wouldn’t it be better to put a bullet in this woman’s head and end all this sordid drama? Please young girl, what exactly did you do to this woman to warrant such act of wickedness from her against you?” asked the officer in charge of the police squad in the room. Eka lifted her hands and said, “Sir, I have only met this woman twice in all my life. The third time I saw her was from a distance. I have done no wrong against her at any time in my life. When I moved into this compound, she was the first person I met and believe me; she was very nice to me and even helped me to dispose of my unwanted clothes. After that day, the next time I saw her and greeted her, she did not answer me. Later I figured out that my prayers were disturbing her. I did not know that she had gone at length to destroy my life.” “Thank your God that you know how to prayer. Everyday people die mysteriously; some of the deaths are so shocking that no matter how apathetic you are to spiritual things, you would know that some evil force was behind them. If not for God, maybe your case would have been like that,” said the police officer. “Oga police, what do we do now? If we leave at this moment the young men outside will pounce on this woman and possibly even on her husband. You have to consider taking her to the police,” said Mr. Paul Eze. “I have not heard of the police arresting a witch before. I’m not sure we want to take her to the station. It is better she dies here.” “If you won’t take her to the station, then you will have to wait till she dies. If the angry mob outside break into the place to kill her, would that not amount to a crime? I think it is best you take her to the station or wait for her to die,” Dr. Gerry said while glancing at the clock on the wall. He did not tell his boss at work that he would not be at work that day; he was itching to go get ready and leave for work. While the policemen and the elderly men of the street deliberated on what to do, Dr. Gerry led Eka and Simbi back to his flat. From what they had seen of Faustina they knew that she was history, it would be only a matter of time before the cold hands of death would snuff out the breath in her lungs. Dr. Gerry dashed into the bathroom for a quick bath while Eka went into the kitchen to package the food he will take to work. Simbi feeling tired from the exhaustion of long spell of prayers dragged herself into Eka’s room to nap. Eka was in the mood of celebration when she shouts began to ring out from the Ehkiosu’s flat. Something was going on in there. Having packed Dr. Gerry’s food, Eka, who was thinking of going to nap along with Simbi, ran to Faustina’s apartment. When the policemen saw her, they opened the door to her. The sight Ekaette met in the flat left her wishing she had not gone to see what was happening in there. Faustina’s skin had suddenly grown very dark as though she had been burnt by fire, her eyes had for no obvious reason bulged out, while her tongue pulled out of her mouth and dragged on the floor as though a snake was slithering out of her mouth as the throes of death took hold of her. Eka shut her eyes and dashed toward the door. At the door she met Simbi try to get the attention of those inside to open the door for her. Eka opened the door and said to Simbi, “Simbi, you don’t want to see what has become of Faustina. The image will remain with you all your life. Believe me you don’t want to see her.” Simbi would have none of that. She ran into the flat to see for herself what had happened to Faustina. When she set her eyes on Faustina, she wished she had listened to Eka. It was as though Faustina was disintegrating on the floor. At this time the police did not care if the angry mob outside came in or not. To protect Mr. Ekhiosu, they took him to their van and left him with two police officers. The others went back to the flat to make sure that those who went in to see what had become of the witch did not steal anything from the flat. When Dr. Gerry was ready to leave for work, Eka and Simbi warned him not to bother going to see Faustina, but he was stubborn about that. “I won’t miss for anything the chance to see the end of the woman who gave us heat for days and kept us awake since last night,” said Dr. Gerry as he went into the flat to see what made people run out of the flat in a haste spitting. Dr. Gerry being a medical doctor was not moved as much as the other people were. He actually took picture of the remains of Faustina and left for work. He looked forward to show the image to Christy and Ema and narrate to them how Eka and Simbi prayed the witch to death. While crowds gathered to feast their eyes on Fautina, Eka and Simbi turned their attention to girly chats. One enemy had been taken down; it was time to goof off with gossip. “ Eheh! Simbi tell me, what is happening in the street? Have my parents begun a widespread search for me?” “Eka that is not what I want to talk about now. Please tell me, this Dr. Gerry, how did you find him? He is a nice man!” “Simbi God simply dropped him from heaven to wipe my tears. Do you know that till now he has not for once harassed me for sex? I feel so comfortable around him as though I was his sister. In fact there have been many times I felt like I was still on the spot my mother left me after they had beaten me up, and that soon I will wake up and realize that this was all a dream.” “Eka, this is not a dream. I am in it with you. May I ask please, does Dr. Gerry have a younger brother? It will be nice to meet him.” “Hahaha! I thought you spared not thoughts for love and men Simbi?” “There are things that force you to think about love and men, and what you have right now is certainly one of them.” “Maybe you should start praying for the right man; you know God will bring him.” “Eka, isn’t it too early for that. Maybe I am sounding this way because I am around you. I guess once I get home my life will return to my regular routine, prayer, church work, home chores and my academic aspirations. There won’t be time for love and men.” “Well Simbi, your case is different from mine. You have parents who want you to go to school and have a life. All I have now is God and Dr. Gerry. You know how young I was when I began to hawk to support my parents with taking care of our family. My life has been very hard, but I thank God that in some corners of it there are silver linings like Dr. Gerry. I think you should perish thoughts about men and go for your career. You know that if my life had taken the normal course, I wouldn’t be living with a man right now.” “Eka my point is this, I love what you have and I wish I was in your shoes. Seriously I didn’t know that the breed of men like Dr. Gerry still walked our earth.” Eka smiled at Simbi and said, “Be careful what you wish for, what I have right now may look lovely, but the path to it is full of pains and sorrows. I doubt I will ever walk through our street without being overwhelmed with shame. I still remember being dragged out naked into the street by my parents.” “Huh…your parents… please don’t bring them up now…” “Tell me what is going on with them now?” “They are looking for children. Your father wants your mother to lay children like eggs for him. They ask after you from anybody who passes in front of their apartment. I feel for your mother, your father might remarry to have children…”
19 Apr 2019 | 06:37
to be continued @Itzprince pls update thanks
19 Apr 2019 | 06:38
Can someone tell me to close my mouth
19 Apr 2019 | 10:41
Mmmm..God bless u for this beautiful story
19 Apr 2019 | 11:24
hmmmmmm,,, dis life!!! those things in eka's room dat Faustina asked dem to burn nko? won't dey burn dem?
19 Apr 2019 | 12:52
interesting. this simbi is firebrand. so Eka's parents now need a child after sending their daughter away, goodluck
19 Apr 2019 | 13:08
@Ganzilopez amen thanks @Bukolami lol @Ireoluwa Emmanuel they did burnt it @queenprecious1 thanks @Dencieygirl and to every other person whose names aren't mentioned u are in my heart thanks. episode loading
19 Apr 2019 | 18:29
and to my ghost readers thanks aswell
19 Apr 2019 | 18:32
My advise to eka is dat she should forgive her perent considring the fact dat dey are her perent any perent could do what dey did to u because some thing happen so as to make way for another good thing to come into your life eka the test is not over yet in dis junction this is de what will test ur faith of how strong ur fath is so u have to go back to ur parent not what has happen de war has being fought and u ve won de battle.
20 Apr 2019 | 05:16
Episode 25 Simbi was very happy for Eka when she told her how Dr. Gerry and his sisters accepted. Eka could not help telling her story all over, “The day I left our street, I did not know where I was going. I just wanted to go as far as I could, but all I had on me was the two hundred Naira you gave me. If I had more perhaps I would not have met Dr. Gerry. I would have boarded a vehicle to some place very far from here, but God had other plans,” explained Simbi. “I am glad God heard my prayers for you and watched over you. Just make sure you won’t forget me when God blesses you real good, because he will.” “Simbi, you are now like my right hand. No one can forget his or her right hand. When I am blessed, you are blessed. Whatever I have is yours.” In-between their chatter Eka worked on Kingsley’s school uniform, when she was done she began to work on Mary’s clothes. By evening Kingsley came to take his school uniform and brought with him two of his friends. The work Eka did for him was so impressive that Kingsley could not wait to show them off the next day in school. Eka had no need to persuade Kingsley’s friends about what she could do, her work spoke for itself. The two boys wanted to make much more than school uniforms. While Eka took their measurements, Simbi kept busy with calculating how much her friend was going to make. When Kingsley and his friends left, Simbi said, “You are going to become rich soon. Look, if you take between one thousand and two thousand five hundred Naira to make clothes, and you manage to build a customer base of fifty people who sew clothes regularly, you could be making over a hundred thousand Naira every month; and that much is your net and not your gross profit,” “Ah! Ah! Simbi, what did you say you were going to read in school? Think again, Economics might be your best suited course. How did you arrive at that figure?” “I simply multiplied how much you just made by fifty and then subtracted the cost of buying threads, machine oil, repairs and some other costs. I also factored in the fact that you may always not make this amount. If I remove that, your net will be higher. This is amazing! Eka you have to work hard to grow your customer base. What are you doing about it?” “I made a clothe which I intend to hang outside to at least let street neighbours and passers-by know there is a tailor around here.” “Where is the clothe? Bring it lets go hang it outside.” “Truly I have missed you Simbi; you haven’t changed a bit! Your drive is amazing!” “Why should we waste time when there is money to be made? Let us tell them that the best, youngest designer is around the corner.” Eka went into her room and brought the clothe she made for herself from the piece of cloth Dr. Gerry gave her, along with a dummy Christy ha sent to her. They put the clothe on the dummy and covered it with a transparent nylon. The both of them carried it outside and set it down in front of their gate. They walked a distance away from the dummy and admired the clothe on it. “It looks good doesn’t it Eka?” “It does, I am happy I can do this instead of hawking fruits. I am living my dream Simbi. Maybe it is a dream, right?” “It is no dream Eka, like I told you earlier, I am in it with you and I know it is no dream…look at that corner, maybe you should buy a show glass and display fashion accessories like beads and handmade earrings in it. You know you have to think big. Don’t end up as just a tailor. Dream to become a fashion label, you will call it ehmm… Eka! I will be your label ambassador.” Simbi ran to the dummy and posed with it not minding passers-by who looked at both of them. Still posing with the dummy, Simbi yelled, “Snap me!” Eka removed her phone and took a snapshot of Simbi and the dummy. Simbi’s presence was beginning to loosen Eka’s usually reserved self, she gave Simbi the phone, posed with the dummy and asked her to snap her. They did not mean to draw attraction to themselves, but that was what their actions did. Two women came down unto the street and waited for them to finish their photo session; they were too excited to have noticed a modish vehicle drive into the street and parked at some distance away. A man and a woman were in the back seat of the car, Eka was their interest. The woman pointed at Eka and said, “That is her, isn’t she beautiful, no, awesome?” “Oh my God! She looks like she dropped out of heaven!” “You are spot on, she dropped from heaven. So are you in?” “I would be a fool to say no. How much will it cost?” “Five million will be just fine for a start. I want to blow her parents out of the waters, turn their heads and have them do whatever I want.” “But you have not located her parents yet, how are you going to do that within the short time we have?” “What I need is money. Give me money and I will do whatever needs to be done. I have found someone who claims to know her. He said there was a time she sold fruits on their street. I don’t know if he is telling me the truth, but he swore to me that he knows the girl and can help me find her parents.” “Start work immediately, I will give you three million by tomorrow.” “That is the spirit! Let’s go make it happen!” The vehicle drove away. Neither Eka nor Simbi saw the vehicle drive off. They were too busy answering questions from the two women who had come to meet them.” “Who made this clothe, I could not help but notice it?” asked one of the women. “I did. Do you like it?” “Sort of; it looks cool. By the way I am Esther,” said the lady as she stretched forth her hand to shake Eka and Simbi. “I am Ekaette, Eka for short.” Simbi shook the lady and said, “I am Simbi, I manage my friend’s fashion label.” “Are you serious? You girls are already dreaming big! I hope we can afford your designs,” Esther joked as she fixed her eyes on Eka. The other lady stepped forward and introduced herself, “My name is Ego,” and shook Eka and Simbi. “Eka, are you sure you made this design?” asked Ego. “Why do you ask, Ego?” “You don’t look like you can handle a sewing machine,” Ego replied. “Hahahaha! Oh God!” Eka laughed ebulliently. “If you think she didn’t sew the clothe because of her supple looks, you are welcome to watch her work the sewing machine right away.” “Can we?” asked an excited Esther. “Yes you can come see what I can do,” assured Eka. The four women went into Eka’s compound. As soon as they entered Dr. Gerry’s flat, Eka took Mary’s clothe and worked on it, confidently showing off what she could do. “Oh my God! She actually sews!” exclaimed a surprised Ego. She continued, “So, how come your hands look the way they are? Do you wash clothes, cook and do home shores?” Simbi could not stop laughing at Ego and her friend, she thought to herself, if they knew what Eka has been through, they wouldn’t believe it. “I do all those. My appearance hides so much about me. Don’t think for a moment that I am all about chic looks. I work hard o! So, am I going to make clothes for you ladies?” asked Eka. “Of course! I can’t wait to have you make clothes for me,” said Esther. She was willing to let Eka make clothes for her not just because she was good at what she did, but because that would afford her the chance to bring her friends to see Eka. She was very intrigued by her beauty. Eager, to get more information about Eka, Ego asked, “How long have you been living here?” “I moved in recently.” “I hope you won’t mind, if I digress a bit, how do you take care of your skin?” Ego asked as she stood up to feel Eka’s skin. Turning to Esther, Ego said, “Babe, please check out this skin. Eka, when you die, worms won’t like to eat this skin o!” “Hahahaha! Stop teasing me please, Ego. They will finish my skin in one week…well I don’t use any particular soap or cream. I was born this way. There is nothing I can tell you that I did to get this skin. It is all from God.” Esther and Ego liked Eka and Simbi’s company and so they stuck around a while longer and had girly chats till they got tired and left. By the time Dr. Gerry came back, Eka was in cloud nine; Ego and Esther had made her feel awesome by the things they said about her and her sewing skill. When Eka saw Dr. Gerry walking into the flat, what she did was completely out of Eka’s book of manners. She jumped on him and hung herself on him. It was as though she knew Dr. Gerry would be shy to hold her so she clung to him and then planted several kisses all over his face, missing his lips by the whiskers. Dr. Gerry was so surprised that he asked Simbi, “Please, what did you give her, Simbi?” “She got four new customers today! They also somehow turned her head with nice words,” replied Simbi, who was raptly watching a show on TV answered. “Wow! I am happy for you baby!” shouted Dr. Gerry as he gave Eka a high-five. Eka’s heart sunk into her stomach. She wondered to herself, did I just hear him call me ‘baby’? From where she sat, Simbi echoed, “Dr. Gerry do fast o! All eyes are on Eka! Please act quickly!”
20 Apr 2019 | 09:27
episode 26 All through that evening and late into the night the three of them sat before the television and talked about every conceivable subject; before Dr. Gerry went to bed he surprised Simbi who was to leave the next morning with a brand new Tecno phone. For Simbi, the feeling of getting a new phone felt like falling in love for the first time. Even after others had gone to bed, she still stayed up admiring her phone. Even though her sim card would not be active until late evening the next day, she still tried to make calls with it. She was happy that with she and Eka in possession of new phones, they won’t have to miss each other. By morning Simbi still woke up before everyone else even though she was the last to sleep and got very little sleep. She used the bathroom quickly and packed her small bag. Her heart pulsated with joy; she would humble all the boys on her street with her new phone. If not that she had to wait for Dr. Gerry and Eka to wake up before leaving, she would have left before they woke up. When Eka woke from sleep, she could tell her friend was still in high spirits over the phone she got. “It is only a phone you got and you are acting this way, what would happen when you get a car or a brand new house?” Eka asked her friend. “I would fly without wings,” Simbi replied. After Dr. Gerry had got ready to leave for work, he gave Simbi five thousand Naira for transport back home. You should have seen Simbi at this point. She was excited she did some break-dance on the floor, leaving Eka and Dr. Gerry laughing hard. “I am going to invest this in my mother’s tomato selling business and make good profit,” Simbi announced. “What happened to managing my fashion label?” “I will still be doing that in-between my tomato business. We have phones now so managing your fashion label would not be a problem.” Dr. Gerry took the food Eka had prepared for him and left for work. Eka and Simbi talked a few more hours after Dr. Gerry had left and then Eka saw her off to the bus stop. When Eka, returned from seeing off her friend to the bus stop, she gave herself to sewing Mary’s clothes. When she got tired, she took a break to find something to eat. While she ate, she could not shake her mind off the name Dr. Gerry used to address her the previous day. She picked up her phone and sent him a text message, “ You called me ‘baby’ yesterday, and right now I can’t get my mind off it. I am thinking about you right now ‘baby’. Would you mind dropping by during your break time? I am missing you.” A few minutes later Eka’s phone buzzed, she knew the message had to be from Dr. Gerry. With a huge smile on her face she read the message, “ How I wish you didn’t send me that message, I hope I won’t kill any patient today. I can’t stop thinking about you right now. You won’t believe it; I have called four people ‘Eka' since you sent that message to me.” Eka quickly typed, “Please instead you will kill any patient, make some excuse and come home and watch me sew. Or we can even enter the kitchen and cook up some wonder. I just can’t breathe anymore, the air I breathe is too far away from me, and that is you.” With her heart beating very fast she waited for Dr. Gerry to reply. Then the message came screaming, “ Eka, PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE STOP! I JUST CALLED MY BOSS EKA! I JUST MIGHT GIVE MYSELF A PATIENT’S PRESCRIPTION IF YOU DON’T STOP! MY MIND IS FULL OF YOU AT THE MOMENT!” Eka laughed hilariously and typed quickly, “ I will only stop if you promise me you will come home during your break period. ” This time Dr. Gerry did not waste time to reply her, “ Okay, I promise.” Eka sent him the line, “ Yea! I love you! ” She tried to sew but her mind was still on him. She had to stay on her sewing all because there was nothing else to do. Every fifteen seconds she looked at the clock to know if it was time for Dr. Gerry to go on break. However back in her street, something unpleasant was shaping up. A flashy car pulled up in front of her parents’ apartment. NK stepped out of the car in the company of a young man. The young man led the way and knocked on the door. Eka’s mother opened the door; wondering who those people were, asked, “Who are you looking for?” The young man replied with a greeting, “Mama good day. We are here to see you and papa, and we have come with good news.” Eka’s mother livened up at the mention of ‘good news’ and asked, “Have you people seen Eka?” NK from behind the young man answered, “Yes mama, we have seen her and we bring good news about her.” Eka’s mother left the two young people at the door and dashed inside to call her husband. They could hear, Eka’s mother calling after her mother, “Papa Ekaette! Papa Ekaette! They have found Eka! Ekaette is alive! She is alive!” Her voice tailed off into a cry. Mr. Efiong, Ekaette’s father dashed to the door asking, “Where is Eka?! Where is she?!” With no sign of Ekaette, Mr. Efiong yelled, “Where is my daughter! Where is Ekaette!” “We know where she is and how to bring her home. Can we come in?” asked NK. “Yes! Come in please! Come in!” Mr. Efiong shouted repeatedly. Eka’s father could not wait to hear NK and the young man tell him and his wife where they saw Eka, how and when to bring her home. “Papa, Eka is living with a man in the city…” “Oh God! So this is how good you are?!”shouted Eka’s mother. “So she is not doing ashawo (harlotry) work?” she added. “No mama, but she is living with a man, and we can tell you that the man does not treat her well. We need you to come with us to a police station to report that the man abducted your daughter and has had carnal knowledge of her even though she is an underage girl.” Eka’s parents froze in shock. “Who did you say you are? I don’t remember any of you telling me your names?” Eka’s father asked. Eka’s mother drew closer to NK and the young man in her company and looked at them with a frown on her face and as if she had not seen them before. Their reaction was not what NK and the young man had expected. Dryly NK said, “My name is NK Ezieshi.” “I am Michael Tohos,” said the young man. “Please Michael and NK, tell me, why should I tell a lie against the man my daughter is living with after what I and my wife did to her? You don’t know what Eka has gone through, do you?” asked Eka’s father. “Please NK and Michael, if you have truly seen our daughter take us to where she is that is all we want. We have done so much wrong to our daughter already, we cannot add to that. Please help us NK,” Eka’s mother said with tears flowing from her eyes. “Mama, Eka is in the city. But for you to see her you have to do what we tell you. Wait…” NK opened her bag and brought out a brown paper bag. Out of it she removed bundles of one thousand Naira notes and left the heap of them on the table. Eka’s parents stared at the money unbelievably, they had not seen that much money all their lives. With her voice low as if she was about to reveal a great secret, NK continued, “…your daughter is highly favoured. A lawmaker in our state wants to marry her. He has seen Eka and is pleased with her. But the poor young man who is living with Eka would not let Eka marry the man she loves, that is the problem. The lawmaker sent us to you with this money. To him this is not money; it is only chicken change,” NK concluded. Eka’s mother cleared her throat and asked, “Please, do you mean that a lawmaker wants to marry my daughter and a poor man would not let him do so?” “Yes mama,” NK answered. “..and the lawmaker sent this money to acknowledge us as Eka’s parents, asking us to do the right thing which in this case is to invite the police into this matter?” “Yes, ma. In fact the lawmaker would have finished the poor man if not for his good heart. He wants you people to go to any police station around and report the matter and leave the rest to him,” Michael explained further. “How do I know what you people are saying is the truth? I have not heard from Eka, or from the young man she is living with or from the lawmaker. I have done much wrong to my daughter. I would hate to go to the police station to report this matter only to find out that it was all a lie. Can I speak with Eka?” Eka’s father asked. “You cannot do that papa. The man in whose house she lives would beat her to stupor if he hears she spoke with you people,” said NK. “What! He beats my daughter! While I cry every night over what I did to my daughter, a man beats her for fun!” Eka’s mother shouted and bolted off to a police station. Eka’s father went after her to stop her, but she was determined to incident the matter in a police station. NK and Michael packed the money, banged the door close and went after them.
20 Apr 2019 | 09:31
Episode 27 Ekaette’s father, Mr. Efiong, was not convinced about what his wife was about to do. He knew it was wrong to claim that the man Eka was living with abducted her. Even if the man had had carnal knowledge of her, he knew they were to blame. Trying to use the police against that man, whoever he was, did not sit well on his conscience. He also knew that the money they had been offered was an indication that all KN said was not entirely true. At the police station, Mr. Efiong pulled his wife aside and communed with her. NK drew close to hear them but Mr. Efiong asked her to excuse them. She wasn’t comfortable with that but she had to give them some space. Whatever Mr. Efiong told his wife left an expression of shock on her face, and KN craved to know what it was they talked about. Mr. Efiong went over to the counter and told one of the policemen on duty that he had a case to report to them. “What is the matter sir?” asked the police officer. “I have a daughter, a teenage girl, she has been missing for quite a while; the lady here claims to have the knowledge of her whereabouts. According to her my daughter is living with a man at the moment somewhere in the city. I and my wife intend to recover our daughter or at least see her.” “How long has this daughter of yours been missing?” “She has been missing for many months now,” replied Mr. Efiong. “How old is she and how did she get missing? Did she run away from home, or was she abducted by the man in question? Tell me what really happened?” As Mr. Efiong made to answer the barrage of questions the officer asked him, another police officer asked him, “You said your daughter has been missing for many months, how come you did not report she was missing all this while? What are you not telling us?” “Yes, my colleague is right. Why did you not report that your daughter was missing for many months?” Mr. Efiong was tongue tied he searched his head very fast to come up with a convincing answer. NK who was slowly retreating from the police station drew closer to Mr. Efiong and said, “You should have followed what I told you. To see your daughter you have to follow what I told you.” “Oga police, we had a misunderstanding with our daughter and she ran away from home. We have been waiting for her to return, but as it is she is not going to return home if we do not involve the police, especially now that we have heard that she is living with a man in the city.” “You have not told us how old this daughter of your daughter is. If she is eighteen years old, there is nothing we can do about it.” “She is fifteen years. I just want to see her even if she is unwilling to come home.” “Have you met the man she is living with and asked her to come home and she refused? Is the man holding her in his house against her will?” Mr. Efiong got angry and yelled, “My daughter is a minor! She is susceptible to the tricks of men and cannot yet make a decision for herself! It is my responsibility to protect her till she is of age to make her decision about matters as serious as men! What does a fifteen year old girl know about men?” “Please sir, don’t raise your voice on us, this is a police station. How could your daughter go missing for many months and you didn’t care to report to the police that she was missing and one day you show up here claiming she is living with a man. Have you met this man in question?” “My sister has seen her! She would not see me because we have not been in good terms. But even at that I want her back.” “Where is your sister who met your daughter?” Mr. Efiong pointed at NK. NK stepped forward, relishing the chance to give her twisted version of the matter on hand. “If she was your sister, why did you introduce her to us as ‘this lady’? Sir your ways are not straight. Who is this lady to you?” “Is she not a lady?! Tell me officer, what is wrong with calling her a lady?” The policeman let that pass and turned to NK, “Madam, please tell us what actually happened?” “My brother’s daughter Ekaette is missing. We are very sorry not to have reported the matter earlier. Please forgive the levity of our conduct in that regard. We did not come running to the station the moment she left home because she had left home several times and came back. But as it is, she clearly has made up her mind not to return. As her parents, it is our duty to reconcile with her and protect her from harm. We do not know the man she is living with, nor has the man thought it worthy to come to us. I have personally gone to see this man and Ekaette; but from what Ekaette told me, the man has promised her he would marry her and being as young as she is, her head has been turned. She is not going to come home if we do not involve the police in this matter. Please help us officer. I am very sorry if my brother got on your nerves with his lousy presentation of the matter.” “It is okay madam. Where is this man at the moment?” “He lives in the city, particularly on Euston Deeny Street Southeastern district.” “We have a station there. What we will do is this, your brother will enter the case here as the father of the girl and we will go with you people to Southeastern district police station and from there we will proceed to pick the man up and remove the girl in question from his house. After our investigation, we will proceed to court with the matter.” “I do not want to charge the matter to court yet. All I want for now is to see my daughter,” said Mr. Efiong as his heart raced very fast. He was scared; all they had said at the police station were lies and if the police were to find out the truth he was certain he would go to jail for what he and his wife did to Eka. Their acts of cruelty against Eka were in clear violation of child rights. For once Eka’s mother found her voice; the mention of going to court shook her as well. “Sir, we do not want court case. Under no circumstance would we go to court. We want our daughter that is all.” “Well it is not for us to decide whether the matter will get to court or not; the law will decide that for us,” replied the policeman. His position on that did not sit well with Mr. and Mrs. Efiong. Though they did not protest further in that direction, but they had it in mind to discuss it with NK much later. Mr. Efiong tried his best to include in his statement all that NK said and part of what he said. In the end, his statement was a mish-mash of layer of lies. The police officer read the statement and took notice of the inconsistencies which riddled it and chose not bring it to their notice. He had a distrust for them and their claims and waited to meet the man they were to pick up and the girl in his house to see how things would pan out. To motivate the policemen NK gave them a good sum of money and in that moment their stance changed and they suddenly became eager to arrest Dr. Gerry. However the IPO, in charge of the case still held them in much suspicion. Before they left with the police to arrest Dr. Gerry, the police followed Ekaette’s father to his house to know where he was living. That afforded NK the opportunity to give them the money she had offered to them earlier. Mr. Efiong took the money into his bedroom and asked his wife to join him. In there he made known to her his reservations for what they had begun to do, “I have the feeling that we have hurt Eka yet again, but this time even worse than we did earlier. We are not to spend this money. Not one Kobo of it should be removed. I do not know how this is going to end. We must make plans to wriggle ourselves out of this, in case thing get messy.” “You are not alone in that feeling. I suddenly have cold feet about this. Did you see the way NK lied at the police station without batting an eyelid? How do we then know that what she told us is true? I regret going to the police station today. I allowed my feelings to get the better of me. I wish we had sent her home to discuss the matter very well and even with our neighbours,” said Eka’s mother. “What is done is done. When I was calling you to wait you refused. We cannot go back now; we must follow them to the city to see Eka.” “But we can tell them to go with NK,” Eka’s mother suggested. “God forbid! Do you know what that lie-telling monster might do in our name in the city? We must go with her.” The two of the got dressed and joined NK, Michael and the police and they left for the city.
20 Apr 2019 | 09:36
@itzprince pls update
20 Apr 2019 | 09:38
God will punish you ooo
20 Apr 2019 | 12:09
I know that trouble looms but las las Eka will be vindicated, same thing goes for doctor Gerry
21 Apr 2019 | 03:23
and Nk will disgraced by God's grace
21 Apr 2019 | 03:24
See these stupid parent, with what u just did Eka will find another reason not to forgive you. These people (Eka's parent)don't know what they signed for
21 Apr 2019 | 03:52
hmm... NK ur doom is near
21 Apr 2019 | 09:28
Mhen! this story has really gone far @fb-itz phavourite onome why didnt u invite me since. i would have passed by the story, if not that i noticed the the author is familiar and my friend
21 Apr 2019 | 17:30
The LION is angry,and for appeasement i just need a Blue Goat with 2 scrotums and a Red Chicken with 3 gizzards-only
21 Apr 2019 | 17:44
see dis pple? just let eka know abt dis,,, she wil hate u more
21 Apr 2019 | 19:20
Episode 28 The journey to the city was a nightmare to Eka’s father and mother. Each second it took seemed to them like eternity. They had got themselves into a mess whose end they did not know going to the police station and accepting NK’s money. When they arrived at Southeastern district, they went straight to the police station there and made known their mission in Southeastern district. Yet again, NK was very generous with dispensing cash to get the policemen there to dance to her tune. On the other hand she fashioned for herself an escape route just in case things didn’t go as planned. Eka and Dr. Gerry were at home cooking and doing their best to outdo each other with painting vivid pictures about the love they felt for each other. “When you began to visit me regularly at the hospital my thoughts were that you were after taking advantage of me. I tolerated you because I had no one else to talk to or who cared about me. I didn’t know I would fall helplessly in love with you. Look at me now; I can hardly spend a second without thinking about you. Dr. Gerry, have I told you lately that I love you?” “You did about three minutes ago.” “Did I? I actually feel like I have not told you that in a long while. I hope you are not tired of hearing it, because I am not tired of saying it. I love you Gerald.” “I love you Ekaette. I can understand how you feel completely. You know when you are in love; three minutes can be a long time.” “Three minutes is not a long time when you are in love, it is eternity, and can feel empty when you are not in it.” “Back at the hospital I did not know how it was going to end, but somehow I could not let myself walk away from you. Do you want to hear the truth,” Dr. Gerry asked, grinning happily. “Tell me, I am dying to hear it.” “There were times I dreamt about you. Believe me it felt real. When you wanted to hit the street without knowing where you were going or how to survive, you scared me dead.” “What scared you most about that?” Eka had a fairly good idea about the answer; he just wanted to hear it from him. “My fear was that I would lose the chance to get to know you more. You are like the moonlight when you smile and like the stars when it is dark. Baby, you light up my world.” Dr. Gerry moved closer to Eka and brought his lips to her face to give her a peck, but Eka left her lips in his way like a road block expecting him to take the bait. Dr. Gerry was not sure he should go that far at that stage, so he painstakingly maneuvered his way around her succulent lips wishing he could kiss them and left a peck on her cheek. “You are annoyingly a good boy. Are you aware that I have not been kissed before?” “Are you kidding me?” Eka sashayed closer to him and yet again left her lips in his face in a way that said, “I want to be kissed,” and said to him, “Nope. I have not had the masculine breed taste my lips. I was hoping you would let me feel what it is like.” Dr. Gerry went Shakespearean in his move to avoid her bold offer, “Nay Olivia. This is not the day that I Antonio shall taste these lips of thine, for I have promised my maker that wait I shall until your lips I shall taste without regrets.” “Nay Antonio, thou makest me seem a villain in the eyes of mine maker by invoking your devotion to him as reason to reject my lips which I have unto thee offered. Am I now a temptress unto thee?” “Oh my God! Eka how did you learn to speak Shakespearean English?! I thought you were just a fruit seller?” “Fruit sellers traverse many streets, meet many people and sometimes hear things which their quick minds refuse to forget. I have more from whence that came.” Dr. Gerry was literally overwhelmed by her reply and posture as she answered him. She moved as though she was on a stage performing an act in a drama. He took two quick steps and swept her off in his arms, swung her around in the air before laying her back on the deep freeze and planted a kiss on her lips. As quickly as the rather long kiss broke up, Dr. stepped back, bowing before her, her said, “My lady thou hast made me break my silent vow. Penitence I must now show that my maker may my sins forgive.” “Aye, penitence I must also seek by your side, for thee I have tempted with my smooth talk and led astray.” Eka had hardly finished her sentence when a deafening knock was heard on the door. Dr. Gerry ran out to know who had the guts to rudely interrupt the most exciting romantic moment of his life. Outside were the policemen, Eka’s parents and Michael. There was strangely no sign of NK. Before Dr. Gerry who was glowing as a result of the moment he just had with Eka, could ask them who they were, Michael pointed at him and shouted, “Officers this is the man, arrest him!” Dr. Gerry was shocked. Eka who heard those words sprang from the kitchen only to see her parents standing outside with policemen. Her presence sort of drove a knife into her parents’ hearts and they went to their knees crying. Eka had toughened; their cry at best brought out the worst in her. Standing between the policemen and Dr. Gerry, she menacingly pointed her finger at her parents and asked, “What are these two doing here? How did you find me? After what you did to me, what in the world gave you the courage to come looking for me?!” Each word she spoke unlocked a chest of rage in her heart. She stepped closer to the policemen and shocked them further by asking, “Who is the man you have come to arrest?!” If Dr. Gerry thought he knew much about Eka, he was wrong. He had not seen her in that mood before. “Who did they bring you here to arrest?!” she yelled so loud that it would seem half the street heard her voice. From the ground where they knelt crying and confessing their sins, her parents sprang to their feet and bolted from the compound. The police officer who had suspected the story NK and Eka’s parents told at his station savoured every bit of Eka’s angry outburst. One of the other policemen found his voice, “We are here to arrest a certain Gerald Chambers on account of kidnapping, raping and holding an underage girl against her will.” Dr. Gerry and Eka exchanged surprised looks. Dr. Gerry made to speak and Eka raised her hand to his face stopping him short. Dr. Gerry held his peace, still surprised by Eka’s anger and the manner in which she handled herself which held the policemen spellbound. “If you are here to arrest him for holding an underage girl against her will, may I ask you, where is the underage girl?” The policemen, Michael and Dr. Gerry were stunned by her question. Michael could tell NK had led him into a big trouble. He took two steps away and the IPO in charge of the case, casually blocked him, making it seem like he didn’t mean to; but Michael understood the officer’s body language. “Officers the man here is a medical doctor! I don’t know what they told you. If he was holding an underage girl against her will, please tell me, where is he holding her?” The IPO answered, “In his house!” Eka grabbed the IPO by the hand and dragged him toward the flat and yelled, “Officer, this is Dr. Gerry’s house! Please go inside and produce the girl!” The IPO was glad to do that. Smiling mischievously he went into the flat and Dr. Gerry followed him. IPO scoured every bit of the flat and came out and announced to his colleagues, “There is no underage girl in the flat or any sign of her.” Turning to Michael, the IPO asked, “Young man the underage girl’s parents are not here, for some reason they took off, please can you do us the favour of identifying the underage girl?” “I…I…I don’t know her,” replied a frightened Michael. A hot slap crashed into Michael’s face from the left side of him and he staggered. “How come you don’t know the girl anymore? At the station you claimed to be a brother to her father. How is it you don’t know her anymore? A while ago you pointed at this man as the person to be arrested. How did you know he is the one?” “NK told me he is the one and that when we get here I should say he is the man to be arrested,” Michael answered still rubbing his face. “By the way where is NK?” asked the IPO. “She said she had an important call and had to go attend to it.” “How could she follow us all the way to Southeastern district and suddenly have an urgent call? Mr. Michael, I want you to identify the underage girl!” The policemen moved closer to Michael, he knew what would follow. He had to point at Eka and said, “She is the underage girl.” In the same breath as he said that, Eka landed a blinding slap to his right eye and balled her feet to start a fight. The policemen restrained her, pleading with her to calm down. Eka was too angry to talk, all she could say was, “Do I look like an underage girl to you?” One of the policemen absentmindedly answered, “No!” That answered encouraged Eka and drew one more slap from her and this time Michael began to cry, “I can’t be receiving all this beating alone! After all NK planned this and paid me to do my part.” If he had hoped that would make the beating to stop he was wrong, this time more ruthless slaps landed on his face in quick succession and he hit the floor crying aloud. The IPO knew he was going to arrest Dr. Gerry and Eka, but he wanted to first destroy the case in front of his colleagues and to get to the reasons the statements Eka’s parents and NK made did not agree.
22 Apr 2019 | 07:21
Episode 29 Dr. Gerry ran into the flat, took his phone and called Christy, “Hello Christy! Do you happen to know any NK?” “Yes, she is a customer of mine. Did you run into her?” “She sent Eka’s parents and some policemen to my apartment claiming that I abducted Eka and has been holding her against her will. In fact her claims are as convoluted as they come.” “Jesus! So she meant to take Eka from us just to make a few million bucks?!” “What do you mean by that Christy?” “When she saw Eka at my shop some time ago, she suggested to me to let her introduce Eka to her lawmaker friend. She was certain her lawmaker friend would pay over a million Naira to have Eka.” “Why didn’t you tell me about that Christy?” “It wasn’t worth bothering you for.” “Well, now it is.” “I am sorry about that. Where is NK now and what are Eka’s parents saying?” “Eka’s parents could not stand Eka’s anger; they took to their heels. Christy I have not seen Eka in the fashion I saw her today. As for NK, she sent someone else to do her dirty job, some loafer called Michael.” “Gerald do your best to keep your head cool, I am bringing a squad with me. If the police insist on taking you to their station, don’t make any statement until I arrive with a lawyer.” Done with making his call Dr. Gerry stepped outside to meet with the policemen. By now one of the policemen had grabbed Michael by the waist to make sure he did not run away like Eka’s parents did. “Officer please I want to know, now that those who brought this obviously fictitious allegation against me are on the run, what is the next step?” asked Dr. Gerry. “I am afraid you and madam will have to follow us to the station to at least understand the accusations which have been leveled against you and to make your own statement. I suppose it is at that point we will commence investigation into this matter.” “In that case let me get ready.” Turning to Eka Dr. Gerry beckoned on her to follow him into the flat. Inside they had a chat about what their position would be at the station. “You heard me earlier; I am not fifteen years old. My age as far as this case is concerned is nineteen years. I know my parents; they have been offered some money to tell lies. If not so they would not have come here, but the good thing is that guilty conscience has already got the better of them. They are the only ones who can disprove my age. Don’t worry about them, I have them cornered already.” “Good, Christy is coming with a lawyer and some other people. But we have one more ground to cover; who do we tell them that we are to each other?” Eka stepped closer to his face and said, “You are my fiancé and I am your fiancée. That is how it will stay in our statement. I am going to call Simbi to start coming over with her father. They are my witness to the things my parents did to me. I will need you to take me to another police station to lodge in a case against my parents for throwing their underage child out of the house on the basis of false claims that I was a witch. The sound of that alone will make them back me in this case.” “No, we don’t have to do that yet. If we go to another station and enter a case against your parents claiming that you are underage, it might work against this one. You only have to threaten your parents with the case.” With their position defined, Dr. Gerry and Eka got dressed and left with the policemen to the station. At the station, the IPO did Dr. Gerry the favour of letting him read the statement Eka’s parents made against him. He was shocked by the volume of lies which were told against him. To straighten things out, Dr. Gerry told them who he was, how he met Eka, how long they had been living together and the reasons they had been living together. They police were shocked by his side of the story. However they were further shocked when Eka who boldly claimed nineteen years old told them what her parents did to her and the reason she chose to live with her fiancé instead of with her parents. She helped her cause by repeatedly asking the police if they knew the reason her parents ran away when they met her. Almost in tears she answered the question for them, “They ran away because they can’t stand the guilt of what they did to me and the greater guilt of the lie they just told against me all because some stupid lawmaker offered them money to sell me to him!” The IPO asked Dr. Gerry and Eka to put their statements in writing but they refused and shocked the officers further by announcing that their lawyer was on his way. The policemen having realized that the case had taken an ugly turn, conferred with each other and agreed to deny that NK offered them any money to arrest Dr. Gerry and to forcefully remove Eka from his house. When Christy arrived at the police station, she came with three lawyers, her sister Ema and officers from NAPTIP (National Agency for the Prohibition of Trafficking in Persons). NK was in a deep mess, Christy and her sister had used their connection in NAPTIP to contrive a charge against NK for previously trafficking young girls across the nation and sometimes into some neighbouring countries for pecuniary benefits. One of the lawyers who came with Christy represented NAPTIP. When the lawyer presented to the police that NAPTIP had been on the hunt for NK and made known the charges against her, the police officers in charge of the case went cold with fear. “Are you telling us that the NK who claimed to be sister to Ekatte’s father is wanted for the crime of trafficking young girls across this nation?” asked the IPO as he looked utterly shocked. “This NK or whatever she calls herself is not my father’s sister! I have not seen her in all my life! She is fraud and must have bribed my parents into letting her make that claim!” shouted Eka. Two of the three lawyers took Dr. Gerry and Eka aside, and after helping them work on their statements had them put the statements in writing. The two lawyers now representing Eka and Dr. Gerry demanded that the police produce Eka’s parents and NK immediately and made all sorts of legal threats before leaving the police station with their clients. Unfortunately for NK, just after Christy and her entourage left the police station, she called Michael who had been docked in the cell to know if the job she gave him had been successfully done, the police cashed in on that and asked Michael to tell that that it was successful and that Dr. Gerry was cooling off in the police cell and that Eka - the price she wanted - was hers for the taking. NK was jubilant over the phone and announced that she was on her way to the station. The police officers in the station were glad that she had made the job of looking for her easy and called the NAPTIP officers to inform him that they were on the verge of apprehending NK. Meanwhile Eka still had some work to do, she needed to speak with her parents to let them know what was coming after them, get them on her side and to quickly get a birth certificate which would state she was nineteen years. While they brained stormed in Dr. Gerry’s living room, Simbi arrived with her father. He was really heartbroken to hear how far Eka’s parents had gone once more to hurt her in spite of the inhuman treatment they had subjected her to earlier. The two lawyers took Simbi and her father aside, explained the case to them and told them what they should say at the police station. Simbi’s father was eager to do anything for Eka; he deeply felt bad for the treatment her parents meted out to her and for the fact that he believed the ‘witch rumour’ when it began to fly around and forbade his daughter from having anything to do with Eka. While the others hammered the case into a lethal shape in the living room, Eka went into her room and dialed her father. Fortunately she got through to him, “Hello papa, this is Ekaette.” “Eka! Eka please forgive us. We have done a shameful thing against you. It was that woman NK who pushed us to it…” “Papa, I don’t need your apologies now. Where are you and mama at the moment?” “We are in Uncle James’ house. We have told him the whole truth. Please Eka forgive…” “Papa, each time you apologize to me you make me mad. I have read the statement you made against me and my friend at the police station. Thank you for that. Well this is what I have for you and mama; I will make sure that the two of you suffer for the things you have done to me. The case you have started is a big one and I have people to back me up. The two of you are going to end up in jail. The police are already looking for you, first for what you did to me and secondly for being an accomplice to NK, a criminal wanted by the government for selling young girls…” “What! Did you just say NK is a wanted criminal for selling girl children? Jesus! I am finished!” “Yes you are finished. I already know that the jail term for what you did to me as an underage girl is twelve years. I swear on my life you and mama will get that served to you…”
22 Apr 2019 | 07:25
After her angry rant she dropped the call and rejoined Dr. Gerry and the others in the living room. She was sure her father would run to Uncle James and tell him what she said and that they would call her back to take her offer. She sat next to Dr. Gerry and dropped her head on his shoulder. Intermittently her body shook and she sighed. Dr. Gerry could tell she was still very angry. “Did they take your offer?” asked Dr. Gerry. “Not yet, but I know they will. I really didn’t present it as an offer. I yelled at my father and threatened him with what I am going to do. I know they will call me before long.” “Okay, while we wait for them to call, we need to go figure out how to get that birth certificate of yours.” “You are a doctor; shouldn’t it be a piece of cake for you?” Her sarcastic comment got Dr. Gerry thinking and he sprang to his feet and shouted, “Yes! I know how to get it!” The two lawyers, Christy, Ema, Simbi and her father were all surprised by his excitement. “Gerald, what is it you know how to get?” asked Ema. “Eka’s birthday certificate, I think I know where it is and not just how to get it. In fact I know the midwife and doctors who helped her mother during her birth.” “Really? asked Christy as she grinned from ear to ear. She knew exactly what her brother was up to. “If you know where the damn certificate is, then what are you still doing here? Go get! I have no intentions of taking prisoners in this case,” shouted the lawyer representing Eka. Dr. Gerry made a dash into his room and then ran back to the living room and said to Eka, “Get ready, we are going together to get your birth certificate. Eka was already good to go anywhere Dr. Gerry would take her to so long as the birth certificate which would say she was nineteen years would come out. In his room Dr. Gerry placed a call to an old doctor friend and explained his plight. The man asked him to come over and explain his problem better. Dr. Gerry left with Eka, leaving the others behind to do their jobs. Before Dr. Gerry and Eka could reach the bus stop, Eka’s father called. Before picking it up, she told Dr. Gerry, “My father has called back.” The two of them went to one corner of the street where Eka picked the call. “Papa what is it?” “It is not your father Eka, this is Uncle James. Your father has told me everything as it happened and as I speak to you, I have sent him and my son to his house to go bring your birth certificate, the one which states your current age, to my house and also those of your dead siblings. I hear that the NK woman is evil and might send people to go break into his house to find the certificate. This is what I mean; Eka I and the entire family are with you in this case. Your parents will claim you are nineteen years and so will everyone in the family. Did your father tell you how much he was bribed to state the things he wrote down in his statement?” “No Uncle, he did not.” “Eka, he and your mother were given more than one million Naira!” “Jesus! One million Naira!” “No Eka, I did not say one million; I said more than one million Naira. In fact your father does not know how much it is. He said he has not seen that kind of money before.” “Where is the money Uncle?” “It is in your father’s house. He and Uduak will bring it over. It will be stupid to leave the money there.” “Uncle as soon as the money arrives let me know. Please no one should remove one kobo out of it. We don’t know where this case is going.” “You just said my mind Eka. However your mother a few moments ago made a very useful contribution with regard to that money.” “What did she say?” “She said that if we mention the money in the police station, the police will demand that we bring it to their station as material evidence, and that if we do so, that will be the last we will hear of the money.” “Uncle I hate to say it, but she is right. I think it happened to her sister some years ago. So what are they going to say in the station?” “They will claim they were bribed with just twenty thousand Naira. It will be their words against those of NK and the young man who was with her when the money was given to your parents. There were no witnesses and the amount NK actually gave out is hard to believe. The twenty thousand is what your parents will present in the station. The police can do with it as they wish.” “You have done a good job Uncle, but that does not mean we are now in good terms. My parents drove me away for months and for one day you did not care to know if I was dead or alive. After this case you and I will have a battle.” “No we won’t Eka. Your parents hid from everyone what they did. It is this case that forced them to tell us the truth. When I asked after you they said you were working in Calabar as a domestic assistant to a certain rich woman. If you ask the other people in our family they will tell you the same thing. I became suspicious of them when they refused to give me the woman’s number or contact address. As you know I visit Calabar very often.” “Did they really say all you just told me?” “Yes Eka, but I don’t want you to get mad at this point. We will deal with them after the police case.” Eka put one hand on her head as if to keep it from exploding. “Alright Uncle, I have heard what you said. You don’t have a case to answer to. I have to go get that all important certificate. I will probably see you tonight when my father and Uduak return with the certificates and the money.” “I will be expecting you.” Eka dropped the call and let her head fall on Dr. Gerry’s chest and said, “Please baby could you hold me for a moment?” Dr. Gerry obliged her and asked her what the problem was. He knew it was not exactly what was said during the telephone conversation with her Uncle because Eka had left her phone on loud speaker. Eka did not immediately give Dr. Gerry a reply, so he asked again, “Eka what is it?” “All that bad feeling, bitterness and hatred toward my parents for what they did to me are back again. I really don’t know what I am going to do when I see them again today.” She began to shake just like she did after the telephone conversation with her father back in the house. “Eka, you have been happy all these months, don’t let the past rob you of your happiness. What was done has been done. You can’t undo it, but you can move on and happily so.” “How do I move past what was done to me? I don’t know how to, but if you tell me I will give it a try because right now I feel like I am going to have a heart attack.” Dr. Gerry felt pity for the poor girl and being short of ideas about how to help her planted a kiss on her forehead and said to her, “Maybe we should ask God to take the pain and the anger away. Frankly I don’t know how to take them away.” Eka tried to speak but tears flowed down her cheek. Dr. Gerry who already had her in his arms wiped her tears away and pleaded, “Please don’t cry here, people will start wondering what is wrong with you.” “Do you know what it took me to believe I am not a witch? Do you know why I hate rainfall? I hate it because it reminds me of the day my parents threw me out of the house and left me naked on the street. Do you know why I always cover myself with bed sheet when it rains? I do so because I see myself naked on the street with passers-by looking at my naked body. Do you know how many times I pray for it not to rain? I cannot count them. For what they did to me, I have become a prisoner bound to those events in the past. Mr. Doctor, I want to pay my parents back and I intend to start with my mother.” Dr. Gerry wanted to say something to dissuade her from her intentions, but words failed to come out of his mouth. He could only hold her firmly. He really felt bad about Eka’s pains. There were times it rained and he made fun of Eka for running into her room to cover herself with bed sheet. If he had known better, he would not have poked fun at her. While he held her near the bus stop, Christy, Ema, the two lawyers, Simbi and her father drove toward them in Ema’s van. When they saw them, they stopped to know why they were still there, “Gerald what’s going on? Why are you still here?” asked Christy who for some reason looked excited. “Eka is having a bad moment. She spoke with her Uncle and some things in the past came rushing back to her mind. But don’t worry, she will be fine soon. Ema and Christy came out of the car and took Eka from him. Taking turns to hug her, they assured her that all was going to be fine and to help her brighten up, they informed her that NAPTIP officers called them a while earlier that the police had picked up NK, and that they all were on their way to the police station to see her and to press home their case against her. Somewhat that helped Eka, at least it gave her someone else to get mad with instead of her parents. “Can I come with you? I would like to be left alone with NK for a moment.” “No, Eka, this is not the time to pick a girly fight. When this is over you will get your chance to slap her around. Go with Gerald and sort out your birth certificate issue,” Ema instructed. Ema and Christy returned to the car and left with the others. Dr. Gerry and Eka left to go see the doctor they had an appointment with.
22 Apr 2019 | 07:32
After her angry rant she dropped the call and rejoined Dr. Gerry and the others in the living room. She was sure her father would run to Uncle James and tell him what she said and that they would call her back to take her offer. She sat next to Dr. Gerry and dropped her head on his shoulder. Intermittently her body shook and she sighed. Dr. Gerry could tell she was still very angry. “Did they take your offer?” asked Dr. Gerry. “Not yet, but I know they will. I really didn’t present it as an offer. I yelled at my father and threatened him with what I am going to do. I know they will call me before long.” “Okay, while we wait for them to call, we need to go figure out how to get that birth certificate of yours.” “You are a doctor; shouldn’t it be a piece of cake for you?” Her sarcastic comment got Dr. Gerry thinking and he sprang to his feet and shouted, “Yes! I know how to get it!” The two lawyers, Christy, Ema, Simbi and her father were all surprised by his excitement. “Gerald, what is it you know how to get?” asked Ema. “Eka’s birthday certificate, I think I know where it is and not just how to get it. In fact I know the midwife and doctors who helped her mother during her birth.” “Really? asked Christy as she grinned from ear to ear. She knew exactly what her brother was up to. “If you know where the damn certificate is, then what are you still doing here? Go get! I have no intentions of taking prisoners in this case,” shouted the lawyer representing Eka. Dr. Gerry made a dash into his room and then ran back to the living room and said to Eka, “Get ready, we are going together to get your birth certificate. Eka was already good to go anywhere Dr. Gerry would take her to so long as the birth certificate which would say she was nineteen years would come out. In his room Dr. Gerry placed a call to an old doctor friend and explained his plight. The man asked him to come over and explain his problem better. Dr. Gerry left with Eka, leaving the others behind to do their jobs. Before Dr. Gerry and Eka could reach the bus stop, Eka’s father called. Before picking it up, she told Dr. Gerry, “My father has called back.” The two of them went to one corner of the street where Eka picked the call. “Papa what is it?” “It is not your father Eka, this is Uncle James. Your father has told me everything as it happened and as I speak to you, I have sent him and my son to his house to go bring your birth certificate, the one which states your current age, to my house and also those of your dead siblings. I hear that the NK woman is evil and might send people to go break into his house to find the certificate. This is what I mean; Eka I and the entire family are with you in this case. Your parents will claim you are nineteen years and so will everyone in the family. Did your father tell you how much he was bribed to state the things he wrote down in his statement?” “No Uncle, he did not.” “Eka, he and your mother were given more than one million Naira!” “Jesus! One million Naira!” “No Eka, I did not say one million; I said more than one million Naira. In fact your father does not know how much it is. He said he has not seen that kind of money before.” “Where is the money Uncle?” “It is in your father’s house. He and Uduak will bring it over. It will be stupid to leave the money there.” “Uncle as soon as the money arrives let me know. Please no one should remove one kobo out of it. We don’t know where this case is going.” “You just said my mind Eka. However your mother a few moments ago made a very useful contribution with regard to that money.” “What did she say?” “She said that if we mention the money in the police station, the police will demand that we bring it to their station as material evidence, and that if we do so, that will be the last we will hear of the money.” “Uncle I hate to say it, but she is right. I think it happened to her sister some years ago. So what are they going to say in the station?” “They will claim they were bribed with just twenty thousand Naira. It will be their words against those of NK and the young man who was with her when the money was given to your parents. There were no witnesses and the amount NK actually gave out is hard to believe. The twenty thousand is what your parents will present in the station. The police can do with it as they wish.” “You have done a good job Uncle, but that does not mean we are now in good terms. My parents drove me away for months and for one day you did not care to know if I was dead or alive. After this case you and I will have a battle.” “No we won’t Eka. Your parents hid from everyone what they did. It is this case that forced them to tell us the truth. When I asked after you they said you were working in Calabar as a domestic assistant to a certain rich woman. If you ask the other people in our family they will tell you the same thing. I became suspicious of them when they refused to give me the woman’s number or contact address. As you know I visit Calabar very often.” “Did they really say all you just told me?” “Yes Eka, but I don’t want you to get mad at this point. We will deal with them after the police case.” Eka put one hand on her head as if to keep it from exploding. “Alright Uncle, I have heard what you said. You don’t have a case to answer to. I have to go get that all important certificate. I will probably see you tonight when my father and Uduak return with the certificates and the money.” “I will be expecting you.” Eka dropped the call and let her head fall on Dr. Gerry’s chest and said, “Please baby could you hold me for a moment?” Dr. Gerry obliged her and asked her what the problem was. He knew it was not exactly what was said during the telephone conversation with her Uncle because Eka had left her phone on loud speaker. Eka did not immediately give Dr. Gerry a reply, so he asked again, “Eka what is it?” “All that bad feeling, bitterness and hatred toward my parents for what they did to me are back again. I really don’t know what I am going to do when I see them again today.” She began to shake just like she did after the telephone conversation with her father back in the house. “Eka, you have been happy all these months, don’t let the past rob you of your happiness. What was done has been done. You can’t undo it, but you can move on and happily so.” “How do I move past what was done to me? I don’t know how to, but if you tell me I will give it a try because right now I feel like I am going to have a heart attack.” Dr. Gerry felt pity for the poor girl and being short of ideas about how to help her planted a kiss on her forehead and said to her, “Maybe we should ask God to take the pain and the anger away. Frankly I don’t know how to take them away.” Eka tried to speak but tears flowed down her cheek. Dr. Gerry who already had her in his arms wiped her tears away and pleaded, “Please don’t cry here, people will start wondering what is wrong with you.” “Do you know what it took me to believe I am not a witch? Do you know why I hate rainfall? I hate it because it reminds me of the day my parents threw me out of the house and left me naked on the street. Do you know why I always cover myself with bed sheet when it rains? I do so because I see myself naked on the street with passers-by looking at my naked body. Do you know how many times I pray for it not to rain? I cannot count them. For what they did to me, I have become a prisoner bound to those events in the past. Mr. Doctor, I want to pay my parents back and I intend to start with my mother.” Dr. Gerry wanted to say something to dissuade her from her intentions, but words failed to come out of his mouth. He could only hold her firmly. He really felt bad about Eka’s pains. There were times it rained and he made fun of Eka for running into her room to cover herself with bed sheet. If he had known better, he would not have poked fun at her. While he held her near the bus stop, Christy, Ema, the two lawyers, Simbi and her father drove toward them in Ema’s van. When they saw them, they stopped to know why they were still there, “Gerald what’s going on? Why are you still here?” asked Christy who for some reason looked excited. “Eka is having a bad moment. She spoke with her Uncle and some things in the past came rushing back to her mind. But don’t worry, she will be fine soon. Ema and Christy came out of the car and took Eka from him. Taking turns to hug her, they assured her that all was going to be fine and to help her brighten up, they informed her that NAPTIP officers called them a while earlier that the police had picked up NK, and that they all were on their way to the police station to see her and to press home their case against her. Somewhat that helped Eka, at least it gave her someone else to get mad with instead of her parents. “Can I come with you? I would like to be left alone with NK for a moment.” “No, Eka, this is not the time to pick a girly fight. When this is over you will get your chance to slap her around. Go with Gerald and sort out your birth certificate issue,” Ema instructed. Ema and Christy returned to the car and left with the others. Dr. Gerry and Eka left to go see the doctor they had an appointment with. to be continued... don't forget to leave a comment.... thanks
22 Apr 2019 | 07:33
@Itzprince thanks @ryder plsss register thanks
22 Apr 2019 | 07:41
pls update @itzprince
22 Apr 2019 | 07:42
Thank God NK has been captured
22 Apr 2019 | 10:15
@freshgirl @qeenvick @swtharyomi @denciebabe @wyse-one @eddy @delight @pweety @victoriouschild @mray @jummybabe @babe4biola @sofia @ritagold @kuks @frankkay @pearl @originalannchilexdel @evanz @fridex @jclash @gracy @itzshaxee @simzy @chomyline @pheranmmie041 @temmyjoy @fb-itzonome @youngben @bouqui1st @bouqui1st @chriswayne @mecuze @skookum @jerrie @john451 @kniphemi @emmanesth @horpheyehmy @justify @maurice @kemkit @adeyoola @jummy @thankmic @kpumpy @christopher @anita @phinebraim @kedike @saintkenz @december12 @promise @sylvia @bsam @portable @cherryserah @steph @aarti @invincible @olaking3 @harddyblakssandyc @prince @azeeco @temmymofrosh @vizkid @sandra @sandy @hollar @kaysmart22 @sexynikky1994 @davick @youngestprince @semilore @oyindamola @ladygrasha @dhemilade1 @mature @peacebright @franklin @kolababs @mhzzrblayse @smilie @borwerleh @iksqueency @loveth @funmilayo1 @okklad @nizzy @flames @tony @vict-vames @stanny39 @softtouch @onahsunday631 @ele @jeddy @sonshine @sirgentle @hoelhay @aminzy @eben @teesolid @omoyemmy @olarach @daxking @krizzy @holarbordah @firstladyontop @softie @obaby @sergentmax @mhizdaofot @pappyjay @c-roderick @cookey @isabella1 @chisomsophia @mrfabulous @henry @mubarak @mhizzthessy @millz @abevica @individual @youngfellow @humblelion @natasha9976 @hartuny @jimmyjab @arosunshine @heartbrokekid @thosiano @peterox @sapiens @paula4eva @iamsmv @adegunle3gmail-com @yemitefestus @omoniyiola @inifek @skulboy @nheemot @deejaygrin @hitiswell @fynboy @whizjay @oshio @shikoleen @queencoded @vicoch @kimmy @ifeoma1 @nobleay @felixharuna11 @ibktemi99 @sanctus4real @bolaji2308 @damzybabe @profeze1 @horlarjuwhon @illusion002 @royzeray @chinenye5404 @dharmex @emileagosu @pharouq00 @saraya @blazeb @virtuous @ennyshow @haryormidey @mzz_teddy @daddyd @fb-danieledem @emergencia @ryder @cassiewells @judiee @omoshalewa @nheemot @rukibaby19 @ugochisunday @micheal1 @certifiedjx @wumyte @jokqees @temmyluv @oyefestus @coolbaby @ewosboi @lilfresh @phauzy @princeocity @ocpresh @sahent @horgzy @amibabe @bayslaw007 @saviour @damsyn @fortune @ernesto @light1259 @adeyemi @wisesam @bankykay @gaman @kingj @rossi @danielbrown @aanu001 @klaussimbo @princekidhonest @lilpaco @cheta @zach100 @pelumi99 @phaicynxsmith @macaveli @mizzykevin @gorgeousdammie @froshberry-2 @emperorsndyheartless @maltty @chidij1 @mavbirth @niceoneofficial @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @olorivicky @shaklef @mackabsolute @nakam @ladyg @wizzyg @vivian @paula4eva @fb-etimaumoren @pappyjay @pesman @charliebryn @emmazzy @itzprince @youngmiss @vikkychidi94 @faith @nkem @sabinto @bestabbey @pearlily @damariseze @oluwaslimzy @calebdanny @frank @wisdomifeanyi80 @olushegzy @delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @ @hormortiyor @fb-mhizlilygold @elisco1453
22 Apr 2019 | 11:18
hmm...water don pass garri
22 Apr 2019 | 14:18
case don dey go up small small
22 Apr 2019 | 14:20
see case, NK don enter
22 Apr 2019 | 15:52
@ryder thank u so so so so am grateful
22 Apr 2019 | 16:09
wonderful,,,, I like dis eka girl,,, she is so wise,,, wiser dan her age
22 Apr 2019 | 18:53
you are always always welcome
23 Apr 2019 | 05:09
battle line has been drawn can't wait for the next episode
23 Apr 2019 | 06:23
At the police station, Christy, Ema and the two lawyers met NK behind bars. The police had moved very quickly and had her ducked. NK did not expect what hit her. Her expectation was that the job had been done just like Michael assured her. She was utterly shocked by the litter of allegations against her at the police station. However before she was put behind bars, she managed to send a message to her lawmaker friend and asked for his help to get out of the police cell. The lawmaker who had already parted with some of his millions and was waiting for Eka to be delivered to him was mad and made a few calls to know the officer who was in charge at the police station where NK was being. Meanwhile Christy and Ema were happy to make fun of NK and were glad to let her know what was coming her way. It was clear to NK that she had goofed by failing to make plans to counter what Christy and Ema would do the moment she made a move on Eka. One quality NK had which most times saw her wriggle out of many troubles was her ability to re-strategize effortlessly. Though she sat on the floor of the police cell and cut the look of someone who was sorry for what she did, she was actually hatching new plans. Before Christy, Ema, the two lawyers and the NAPTIP officials would leave the police station; the IPO in charge of the case hurriedly called them aside and informed them that there had been a call from above demanding that NK be released that night. Some big shot politician had pulled the strings in her favour. The IPO assured them that he had nothing to do with the call and suggested to the lawyers what steps to take so that by the next day the politician would be on the run with his tail in-between his legs. The IPO did not like for a bit the idea of politicians using their clout to meddle in their cases. Though he assured his superiors that NK would be released that night after the usual procedures were followed, he took the biggest risk of his career and had the case transferred to a higher police station and made sure his friends there were in charge of the case. While the IPO worked against the orders from his superiors, the two lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry swung into action, working their fingers sore to produce a signed confession from NK which would be on some national dailies by morning that the lawmaker, Silas Abasi paid her four million Naira to abduct a certain underage girl by the name EKaette Efiong. The picture of the abducted girl in the story was switched with that of a thirteen year old girl. The reports were sent out by night to national dailies. While the lawyer Silas Abasi sent to see NK was released that night was at the Southeastern police station waiting to speak with his client. NK was making a forced confession before a video camera at the central police station about what her plans with the lawmaker, Silas Abasi were. She acknowledged how much she was given and how much she gave Eka’s parents and the police officers at the two police stations she went to that day. The police officers at the central police station would not have their colleagues indicted that they received bribe from NK, so they expunged that part from her confession. By late night, Silas Abasi was shocked when his friends in the police force came looking for him with a video of NK confessing to how much he gave her to kidnap a girl for him to marry. By the time Silas Abasi got in touch with the police officer heading operations at the central police station where NK was being held, much damage had been done. The video had gone online and had been sent to some television stations. The police officer in charge of central police station would not release NK no matter how much Silas Abasi offered him. He cited as reasons for refusing to release NK that his bosses had been made aware of the case and that two media houses had called that night in respect to the case. Though the IPO, the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry had done much, they reserved their sucker punch for the morning. At the wake of television and newspaper reports of the case, Eka’s parents would make an emotional appeal to Silas Abasi to leave their daughter alone. The idea behind the public appeal was to whip up public opinion against Silas Abasi. Already senior officers at NAPTIP had been caught off guard by a hand full of requests to give their position on the case before they would go to the press with it or on air with it by morning. When the embarrassed, senior officers of NAPTIP, who did not know about the case, requested the case file, they were shocked to see that the culprit in the case, NK was a serial girl child kidnapper whose case had for long been swept under carpet as a result of the influence and power of those she supplied the girls to. Willing not to be seen as not doing their jobs, the senior officers of NAPTIP typed their position on the case and waited for morning. Having no time to investigate the case, the senior officers took what their junior officers who were working for Ema and Christy gave them. NK had poached a few girls in the past and the case got to NAPTIP, but she was nothing close to a serial kidnapper. The worst thing about what Ema and Christy did to NK was that they used the information she handed to Christy in one of her many visits to Christy’s shop to deal with her. About the time she told Christy of her case with NAPTIP officials, she was accused of moving a fifteen year old girl from Iseleuku, Delta state to Kumasi, Ghana. She had confessed to Christy that her Liberian customer had paid her seven thousand Dollars to get the girl for him. The night was way too fast for Eka to pause and get a grasp of the direction things were going. After she and Dr. Gerry got the old doctor to furnish them with a birthday certificate which gave the impression that Eka was nineteen years and was given birth to in the doctor’s hospital, they went to see her parents at Uncle James’ house. She was in a foul mood, shredding her parents with words when Ema called Dr. Gerry and informed him that the case had taken a new twist – that Silas Abasi had made a move to get NK out of police net. They were asked to return to Dr. Gerry’s apartment with Eka’s parents. From that moment till dawn events moved at stunning speed. The two lawyers Christy had hired were wizards. Their information management skill was top notch. They made sure that they chiseled damaging information out of what they knew about NK and the ignoble Silas Abasi and fed it to the public, leaving Abasi running for cover and NK looking like a villain in the eyes of the public. By full dawn the news of Abasi paying a serial kidnapper to get him a thirteen year old girl to marry, sold well to angry Nigerians who were already calling for the heads of their incurably corrupt politicians. As though that was not enough, the video of Eka’s mother and father crying and appealing to ‘big’ and ‘powerful’ politicians (the very words Nigerian voters hated) to leave their daughter alone, whipped the people into frenzy. The media had to give the breaking news some attention. The wave of rage and insult directed at Silas Abasi, left him claiming before the media that he did not know any NK Ezieshi and had not met her for once in his life. He described the whole allegation against him as ‘the work of my political enemies’. Just before Silas Abasi’s public statement could die down, NAPTIP officials came with their own public statement and in it described NK as ‘a wanted criminal who had perfected the art of trafficking children around and out of the country’; their claim did not help NK’s situation at all. When NK heard she had been left to sort herself out by Silas Abasi, she pressed her parents to get her a lawyer. Her intention was to tell the truth, ridding on the claims by Christy and her team that Eka was nineteen years. She knew their statements were with the police, she planned to destroy their claim that she poached on an underage girl. She was going to claim of course that her recorded video confession was given under duress and was not entirely true. She wanted to get away from police custody before Silas Abasi would have her poisoned to close the case. The lawmaker was having a torrid time trying to prove he did not know NK. The two parties had told much lies to get the case to where it was, if an investigation was to be conducted on the case, so much dirt would be found. The party with the guts to come out clean might have less to worry about, and NK wanted to be the one to tell the truth first.. to be continued
23 Apr 2019 | 07:03
@itzprince pls update thanks
23 Apr 2019 | 07:04
But the truth still remains that NK is a criminal
23 Apr 2019 | 08:20
23 Apr 2019 | 08:25
This case is getting more complicated
23 Apr 2019 | 09:31
Yeah! Fire on
23 Apr 2019 | 12:53
everything is just happening too fast
23 Apr 2019 | 16:02
NK is just getting too dangerous as the case progresses
23 Apr 2019 | 16:04
23 Apr 2019 | 16:05
hmmmmmm,,, this getting serious but I hope NK will not come out of dis
23 Apr 2019 | 18:39
Eka’s parents were overwhelmed with shame when Christy and Ema took time to narrate to them what Eka had been through since the time they drove her away. Ema made sure she left no detail out; picking every event from the time Eka was knocked down by a certain lady called Efe, who brought her to the hospital where Dr. Gerry works and later abandoned her at the hint of Eka being accused of being a witch. While they narrated to them Ekaette’s ordeal, they mixed it with searing insults and accusations. Dr. Gerry wanted to be part of the emotional wounds his sisters inflicted on Mr. and Mrs. Effiong, but could not because Eka would have him help her out while she sewed the pile of clothes she had yet to finish. As far as Eka was concerned, Dr. Gerry was her husband. To make him realize how she felt about him she openly showed him affection. She pecked him at every chance she got and often chose to spoon feed him. Dr. Gerry would have preferred to wait a little longer for all of that, but Eka was done listening to the voice which reminded her that she was only fifteen years. She was in love with the man who loved her when there was no reason to love her, at a time when everyone turned away from her. In the heat of the case with NK, Eka carried on with her show of love toward Dr. Gerry as though they had been in love for many years. On the other hand, NK who smelled rod in police cell told her lawyer everything as it happened and the lawyer swung into action; at Southeastern police station he obtained the statements Eka and Dr. Gerry made and wasted no time to go public with it. He was clearly taking a leaf from the methods the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry used. At home Eka, Dr. Gerry, Ema, Christy and the two lawyers were rattled when statements went public. NK’s lawyer was hell bent on proving that the so called underage girl whom NK was accused of trying to abduct for Silas Abasi was a full grown adult and not a teenager. While the public mused over the revelation, NK’s lawyer hit again by revealing that the image of the thirteen year old girl made available to the public was not Ekaette Effiong’s image but that of a girl in Ikot Abasi. He dealt a nasty blow to the police, NAPTIP and the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry by telling the media that his client was being publicly accused on account of her previous cases of trafficking in girl children which were left inconclusive as a result of NAPTIP being unable to find enough evidence to prosecute NK. His bold claims stung NAPTIP officials, the police and the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry. Slowly they began to look bad in the eyes of the public, and NK began to look like she was being wrongfully accused. Taking advantage of the ripples his claims caused in the media, he pressed for the police to grant his client bail and after much dilly dallying, NK was granted bail. Silas Abasi was beginning to like the way NK’s lawyers handled the case and wondered if he should lend him support secretly. He knew it would be very bad for his image to turn around and claim he knew NK after claiming in the media that he did not know her. To undo all that NK’s lawyer had achieved, NAPTIP officials, the police and the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry rallied together and began to study the case bit after bit. While they worked hard to prove that NK actually did the things she was accused of, and was at best a serial child kidnapper; NK’s lawyer committed a major blunder by releasing the video in which NK gave the account of how the attempt to ‘acquire’ Ekaette Effiong for Silas Abasi happened. That was just the gaffe the lawyers working for Eka and Dr. Gerry needed, they latched onto it and planned to have Eka’s parents tell their version of what happened when NK came to their house with money in the company of a certain Michael who was still in police net. Silas Abasi who was going to offer some help to NK’s lawyer withdrew and mad yet another public speech that he did not know who NK was and that she was sent to tarnish his image. While NK and her lawyer basked in the euphoria of the media stunt they had pulled off, NAPTIP officials who were at this stage miffed over NK’s lawyer’s attempt to make them to stupid, moved with the police and rearrested NK on account of a new case which was brought to them by a certain Mrs. Rose who claimed that she gave NK her daughter at NK’s request but had not seen her daughter for over a period of three years since the day she parted with her daughter. After NK’s rearrest, Mrs. Rose was brought to national television where she narrated in graphic details to the public how NK threatened her each time she asked to know where her daughter was. Mrs. Rose ended her appeal by claiming that she had been informed that her little daughter was living with a man as his wife somewhere in Benin Republic. NK and her lawyer didn’t see that coming. NK was in a mess and her lawyer could see it. A multiple count charge of trafficking in underage girls was being prepared against her in earnest by NAPTIP and the police. The final nail on her coffin came when Eka’s parents told the public how they were approached by NK to help them get Ekaette their daughter for an unnamed lawmaker and were given the sort of money they had not seen in all their lives. On a table before them in the video was twenty thousand Naira in smaller denominations, supposedly a leftover of the money NK had given them. The story caught the public fancy because Eka’s parents were well choreographed to repeat the things which NK mentioned in her video and included the things she left out. For example they mentioned how NK told them that they would never see their daughter again if they did not accept the money she offered them and claim at the police station that Dr. Gerry, the medical doctor who had taken care of Eka after she fell out with them and left home, had kidnapped her and was keeping her against her will. To nail NK, the police made a deal with Michael and got him to corroborate the claims Eka’s parents made. The case about NK trying to abduct Eka would not make it in court and the lawyers representing Eka and Dr. Gerry knew it. However the details from the case were going to help other cases NAPTIP had against NK. The reasons the case won’t fly in the court were because it had been accepted by both parties that Eka was nineteen years, to claim she was otherwise would put Dr. Gerry, Eka’s parents and NK in trouble. All of them benefited from claiming that Eka was an adult who had the legal right to live with any man of her choice. Already NK had claimed the money she gave Eka’s parents was to get them persuade their daughter to choose Silas Abasi over Dr. Gerry. In her video she claimed that such things happened every day and was no crime. Having seen the way things were headed, the lawyers who represented Eka and Dr. Gerry, had Eka’s parents openly claim that they had no wish to press charges against NK and whoever she worked with and were happy to see their daughter had been left alone to live her life. With the case quietly put to rest, NAPTIP and the police force who had much axe to grind against NK took up the other cases of NK trafficking children for her insatiable pecuniary desire. One thing had come out of the case of NK trying to steal Eka from Dr. Gerry – their love for each other had somewhat in all of that been give legitimate backing by all. As the dust which the case raised slowly settled, in her subtle way, Eka began to ask Dr. Gerry what was next on their plans. Dr. Gerry however shocked her by revealing he was going to wait till she was actually eighteen years, “You may be nineteen years in the eyes of the public and look every bit like you really were, but I am going to wait for you to turn eighteen.” Eka did not like that, to clear her head and readjust to the idea of having to wait for three and half years to marry Dr. Gerry, she took a few day to go put things right with her parents and decide what to do with the money NK had given her parents. Her family members had left her to decide what to do with the money..
24 Apr 2019 | 07:16
Gerry was very clear about how things were going to pan out between him and Eka. They had been through thick and thin and had bonded at a level it would take only death to pull them apart. His income had doubled and for that he began to put some of his earnings in small businesses. He planned to have a good life with Eka and worked hard to make sure it happened. However what he did not know was just how much he loved her. From the day Eka left his house to go sort things out with her parents, it dawned on him how much empty his life would be without her in it. Each day he spent alone in his apartment felt like eternity. Some mornings he would dress up to leave for work and would go to the dining table to take his food which Eka usually woke up to prepare for him. At the dining table, the absence of his food flask would remind him that Eka had gone to see her parents. It took just a few days for his colleagues at work to notice something was missing in Dr. Gerry’s life. Morning after morning he showed up at work without his food flask. The content of that food flask was the reason his office was the most visited by his colleagues. He was plied with questions as to how the palatable contents of his food flask suddenly stopped showing up at work with him. He would make excuses with a mechanical smile on his face in a bid to hide the frustrations he felt for Eka not being around. He just could not figure out how his life came to be that dependent on what Eka did and did not do in his house. Night times were worse; he would sit in front of the television alone. If he happened to see something interesting on the screen and thought to point it out to Eka, he would realize she was not home. Initially he his thoughts were that the break afforded him by Eka’s visit to her parent’s was just the time he needed to work on his endurance, he knew he had some time to wait for Eka to get ready for marriage, but that break almost drove him nuts. There were times he would wake up in the night and his apartment would feel like Eka was around. In spite of the stark reality that she was with her parents, Dr. Gerry would still open the door to her room to check if somehow she had returned in the night. To make up for her absence, Dr. Gerry would call her several times in a day, but at the end of their conversation, her sweet voice and the sound of her laughter would leave him longing to have her around. On Eka’s part, the thought of returning to Dr. Gerry’s house petrified her. She was no longer sure she could hold on faithfully to her own end of their understanding to remain chaste until they get married. Each time she thought of moving away from Dr. Gerry’s apartment so not to give in to the way her body led her, it appealed to her. Even though the sight of her parents sickened her, she felt living with them would be a better option than to live with Dr. Gerry. She just had lost all her defenses against him since after the case they had with NK. She could not convince herself that she would not end up being a temptress to him. Already they had shared a kiss and the problem with that was she had begun to look forward to it. With the money at her disposal, getting air time to call Dr. Gerry was no problem. She called him off-the-hook just as much as Dr. Gerry called her. Her parents and family members having allowed her the liberty to dispense the money NK brought as a peace offering made to reconcile with her, she took a large chunk of it and shared the rest between her parents and her uncles and aunts. Being in dire need of advice over what to do, whether to return to Dr. Gerry’s house or to live with her parents, Eka left for University of Calabar to go confide in her friend Simbi who had gone there to visit with her cousin for a break from the boring life in their street. Just one look at Eka, Simbi knew she was troubled with something, “I thought your days of trials were over, why do you have that look on your face? What is it again Eka?” “I guess God has made my life such that there will never be a moment when I am not in some fix or the other. Simbi I am madly in love with Dr. Gerry. I didn’t know love could be this cruel.” “Is that your problem? I have always known that you are in love with him. Don’t you want to love him anymore?” “You lost my meaning completely. Look Simbi, the way I feel about him right now, if Dr. Gerry makes a move on me, I am not going to resist him. I am scared of going back to his house.” “Oh! I see your meaning. Actually I saw this coming. When I spent some days with the two of you, I felt the two of you would come to a point you would not know how to move on with your love without getting physical. I have a question for you, ‘can you stand the sight of your parents after all that has happened?’” “They make me sick in the stomach. But if you mean to suggest I live with them so not to mess things up with Dr. Gerry, I just might give it a trial.” “Good. Now I have another question for you, ‘how long can you go with your head still together without Dr. Gerry?” Eka scratched her head and with tears in the corners of her eyes she said, “I don’t have a clue. Already I think I have gone for eternity without seeing him. I guess he feels the same way too but does not want to admit it to me.” “Christ! I don’t want to be in your shoes right now Eka. Well, this is my advice; I feel pains giving it to you because I know how much you mean to each other. Eka, go pack your stuffs and move out of Dr. Gerry’s house. You can go visit him during weekends or weekdays. Living with him permanently like you have done in the past months is no longer healthy for the love you two share. I really do wish there was a better way to handle this.” Eka could not say a word; she sat still staring at Simbi with tears flowing from her eyes. Simbi put her hand on her shoulder and said, “Stop crying, you make it seem like you two had broken up. You want to do what is right and I believe that is why you are here. If not so, you would have moved back already to his house.” “Our love began with our living together; I just don’t know how to love him from a distance. Who will prepare his breakfast every morning? Whom will he watch television together with? I will miss our little mock fights and cooking together. I will miss his carrying me around the house when he wants to show off his muscles.” “Eka you can always do and experience all you have mentioned when you go visiting him. Try this and see how it works. From the way I see it, if you move out of his apartment; Dr. Gerry will always be around on our street. I think you should worry more about your customers over there.” “I haven’t even thought about them.” “Then let’s think about them together…will they drop you as their tailor if they get to know you have moved away from Dr. Gerry’s house?” “They might, but if I am seen around the street often, they might not know I have moved or not. At least they have my phone number, we can always talk.” “Good. In other words leaving Dr. Gerry’s house won’t be harmful to your business.” “Maybe, but we just have to wait and see how it works out.” “Have you thought about how Gerry would take it and his sisters too?” Eka squeezed her eyes shut and went silent for a moment. “For Dr. Gerry, moving out of his house would be like taking his crutches away while he is still lame. He will definitely find it hard to cope with. As for his sisters, they are fellow women, I will explain my plight to them, they will understand.” “Bingo! You are moving out of Dr. Gerry’s house then!” “Please, don’t play with that Simbi, the thought of it still rattles my heart. I am not even sure I can pull this off if Dr. Gerry says no.” In that moment Eka’s phone rang and it was Dr. Gerry, “Hi baby, how is your day?” “Great! I am hanging out with Simbi in University of Calabar.” “Wow! You are in Calabar! That is good.” “How are you doing baby? Have had anything decent to eat today?” “Eka, I have eaten, but I don’t know if it can classify as decent food. I am having a terrible time with you gone. When are you coming back? I have been stalling not to ask you, but I can’t take it anymore. The house fells empty without you. I am done playing a tough guy. Please get things settled quickly with your parents and come back.” Eka clenched her teeth and held her head with one hand. She did not know how to answer him. Left to her, she would run back to his apartment immediately, but she was afraid of what she might do, and not what Dr. Gerry could do.
24 Apr 2019 | 07:18
@itzprince good morning plz update
24 Apr 2019 | 07:21
Eka take am jeje ooo
24 Apr 2019 | 12:15
this is serious
24 Apr 2019 | 18:07
nice story
24 Apr 2019 | 18:25
keep it rolling
24 Apr 2019 | 18:27
I understand Ur plight Eka!!!
24 Apr 2019 | 18:56
Eka wanted to tell Dr. Gerry her plan to move out of his house, but she found herself holding her breath. She did not know how to let him know that she had grown so fond of him that she was willing to let him have her at the slightest suggestion of it. “Are you there baby?” asked Dr. Gerry. “Yes I am.” “You haven’t said a thing about when you are coming back. Please tell me, I want to know.” “I would love to be with you at this moment, but the problem is I am in Calabar and their something about my coming back which I would like to discuss with you.” “Okay, go ahead with it; I will like to have the discussion with you right now.” “No baby, not over the phone, I would be around in your house tomorrow before you get back from work. Make sure you leave the key for me at the usual place.” Sounding very excited Dr. Gerry asked, “Are you really going to be around by tomorrow?” “Yes, I will.” “Oh my world! I can’t wait to see you. Please don’t forget to get me a list of every man that ogled at you all this while you have been away from me.” “What do you need it for?” “I want to gorge out their eyes for looking at my angel without my permission.” “In that case you are going to gorge out a lot of eyes. Even as I speak, lots of men at looking at me. Anyway I will bring you the list you asked for.” “Oh God!” “What is it baby?” “Tomorrow is suddenly looking like many years. Are you sure I can wait that long to see you?” “Stop saying that Dr. Gerry; you are turning my head, which is already loose, much further. You just don’t know how much I am fighting to keep my head in place. If you want to hear it, I am madly in love with you.” “Eka, I am incurably in love with you. Your going to visit with your parents has made me realize how much part of my life you have taken.” “No baby, the way I see it, I have taken everything and not just a part of your life. However if there is a part left which I have not taken, I am coming back to grab it.” “Why did I find you when I would have to wait for years to make you my wife?” “I have the same question as well. I wish I was all grown up, ready to walk down the aisle with you and say, “I do”. Dr. Gerry had to go back to his work, but the effort it required to say goodbye to Eka was far too much for him to easily muster. He ended up blowing endless kisses to her. Each kiss he blew to her felt like a million kisses to Eka and at that moment she wished she was with him. Eka had to whisper to him over the phone, “Baby, please stop the kisses, my head is no longer on my shoulder. It is on the road, running after you.” “I don’t know how to say goodbye to you and go back to work.” “No way, we don’t say goodbye. We say ‘I love you’.” “I love you Ekaette Effiong.” “I love you Gerald Chambers.” At this point the phone conversation ended abruptly. Simbi had grabbed the phone from Eka and turned it off. “You are never going to have your emotions in check if you keep spending this length of time on the phone with him saying romantic things with each other. If a man I love said to me half the things you two have said to each other since I was here, I am sure I would find it near impossible to resist any sexual advances he might make toward me. You have got to put the brakes on Eka!” With her eyes rolling dreamily Eka said, “Love is wicked. I want to be with him right now and yet I cannot.” “Don’t you ever say another word to me about you finding it difficult resisting him. You are the one; in fact the both of you are fanning the flames of sexual passion. How could you have taken that number of kisses and still be standing on your feet?” Eka sunk into the chair next to her and said, “Look at me, I am not on my feet.” The day went by too sluggishly; Eka could not wait for the next day so she could go see Dr. Gerry. After having witnessed how her friend malfunctioned in handling herself emotionally, Simbi decided she would accompany Eka to Dr. Gerry’s house. Eka was glad she volunteered to go with her. “You know what Simbi, you are a lifesaver! I just don’t know what I would have done without you. Thanks for coming to my rescue once again. If I had gone alone to see Dr. Gerry, I do not know what I might do.” Springing from the chair wherein she lounged, she took a position like an actress on a stage and waved her right hand before breaking into an ode of some sort to Dr. Gerry, “This my prince of whom we have spoken volumes about; I mean my Gerry. He is the fairest of all princes. He makes a damsel’s heart pulsate. His face glows brighter than the sun and would make the moon pale in beauty when compared to him. His heart is like pure gold, he stands tall in goodness amongst many princes. Blame me not for having falling in love with him hopelessly. If by selling fruits and by being thrown out by ones parents, princes like him are found, in my next life, may I sell fruits abundantly and be thrown out by my guardians.” She squeezed her eye shut and hugged herself. “Indeed my friend, what you have is pure and lovely, but you must take heed that you poison it not by making now decisions which would be sweeter in the future. We are women; we are gentle, soft and fragile especially in matters of the heart. If you love this prince of yours whom you speak highly of and who I have come to believe is of noble character, then let him not your treasure taste at this time, for the time for that is much and ahead. Such hasty decisions often come with poison at their tails like asps.” “Your words are full of wisdom and weigh heavily on my heart. I have let myself be taken like Eve through the subtlety of Satan. I shall now pray that I do not destroy him who the Lord has given me for good.” The two of them broke into laughter and went down to the floor. Simbi’s cousin who had witnessed their brief dramatized conversation asked, “Please where was that from? Are you two in some drama group?” “We were; the group has scattered. Back then we had the best drama director in our entire church district. He had us act everything he could use to pass a message to his audience,” replied Simbi. “I can tell you too had a swell time back then for you to use it effortlessly at present. “Oh how I loved those days! I have a confession to make…” Simbi said and covered her face with both hands. Eka and Simbi’s cousin raised their ears like rabbits listening for the sound of a predator lurking around. Simbi continued, “…the reason I enjoyed acting drama back then was that I had a crush on our drama director. Every night I dreamt of him. That was the reason I became ill for some time after he left…” Eka began to giggle mischievously and said, “Since you have made your little secret known, I guess it is time to come clean with mine. Simbi you were not alone. I had a crush on him too. I would often feign sick when I arrive for drama rehearsal so he could pet me. I loved the feel of his voice and strong hands.” Simbi’s cousin swiped her hand at both of them and shouted, “Spoilt girls! At your age then, I did not dream of men. I was so scared of them that I thought even shaking hands with them would make a girl pregnant.” “I felt the same about men, but the difference was that I thought Uncle Essien was perfect,” said Eka. “He really was perfect. Till this day we have not heard of a single girl who was in the drama group tell of Uncle Essien taking advantage of her,” Simbi concurred. “You might not know what happened back then, so don’t say he was perfect,” Simbi’s cousin cautioned. Simbi and Eka yelled at her, “Don’t say that please!” “Uncle Essien was my prince in shining amour. He formed my first impression of men and love. Well that was until Dr. Gerry came along and showed me the real stuff,” Eka said rolling her eyes like she was airborne. “Can’t you go for a moment without bringing up Dr. Gerry?” asked Simbi. “Can you go a moment without breathing?” asked Eka. “Sometimes I do.” “Well I can’t. It is dangerous to my health to go for a moment without Dr. Gerry. I literally breathe him. I guess it is time to hook you up Simbi, so you would know how magical love is.” “What does that mean Eka? Are you passing a dig at me?” Simbi grabbed a text book next to her and went after her. Eka sprang to her feet, yelling as she ran out of the room. @Itzprince please update
25 Apr 2019 | 08:45
funny children!!!
25 Apr 2019 | 14:22
funny indeed... you guys are naughty
25 Apr 2019 | 15:22
I like this episode, so funny
25 Apr 2019 | 16:28
This story is just amazing and sweet.....
25 Apr 2019 | 16:34
I hope for there love to keep shining and lively like that
25 Apr 2019 | 16:35
can't wait to read end of this story
25 Apr 2019 | 17:30
These gals are really naughty
25 Apr 2019 | 17:43
I love the way they used the lines in this episode. Its so motivational and breath-taking
25 Apr 2019 | 17:45
25 Apr 2019 | 18:00
i hope that u guys continue like this to the end
25 Apr 2019 | 18:01
I dey gbadun you
25 Apr 2019 | 18:13
Naughty gals Next
26 Apr 2019 | 11:58
Episode 35 By early the next day, Ekaette and Simbi left the University of Calabar and headed home, about mid-day they arrived at their street and went to their separate houses to get ready to leave for Dr. Gerry’s house. Eka’s parents who thought she had left home without telling them were happy to see her return home. However, Eka was still not in the mood to relate with her parents in the manner they wished she would. On entering the house she ignored their greetings, went into her room and began to pack her stuffs. When she was done, she told her father who saw her leaving the house that she was going back to Dr. Gerry’s house that day. Before her father could inquire of her when she would be back, she had already slammed the door shut and left the house. It was obvious to Mr. Effiong that his daughter loathed having anything to do with him or his wife. He desperately wanted to mend the broken relationship with his daughter but lacked ideas about where to start. Outside, Eka went straight to Simbi’s house so they could leave for Dr. Gerry’s house. Her presence on the street caused a little stir as it had been doing since she came back to the street. Many of whom had falsely branded a witch could not stand the sight of her of. Many of them would avoid eye contact whenever they saw her. Some would look on the ground, while others would head in no certain direction as the shame of their wretched conduct toward her overcame them. There was much more disturbing Eka’s enemies on the street. Simbi had made sure she spread on the street the news of Eka being engaged to a handsome medical doctor who had also started a business for her. The news of Eka’s prosperity made things harder for those who hated her because of her beauty and sought to destroy her with their ‘witch rumour’. Her appearance alone left men and young women on their street rooted to their spot whenever she passed and had them ogling at her jealously. When she arrived at Simbi’s house, Simbi had not begun to pack her stuffs; she was in the kitchen helping her mother cook a meal. Eka had to join them to make sure the food was prepared fast. While she worked with Simbi and hummed a love song to herself, Simbi’s mother asked her, “Ekaette, have you forgiven me for the things I said about you and how I treated you in the past?” Eka was surprised and looked from Simbi’s mother to Simbi and back again. “Of course I have forgiven you mama. Why did you ask? Did I not greet you when I arrived here?” “You greeted me; but I am wondering if you have not forgiven your parents, how then could you forgive me? Aren’t you merely pretending that you have because of Simbi?” “Mama, I have forgiven you, if I did not, Simbi would have known. As for my parents, that is an entirely different matter. Only God can move away the hatred I have in my heart toward them. If they drop dead this minute, believe me, Ekaette will not cry. In fact I will be happy to commit them to mother earth to get rid of them from my sight.” Eka’s words shocked both Simbi and her mother. Simbi’s mother still dazed by Eka’s words cautioned, “Don’t sound that way my child! You don’t know how strong blood is! If they die now, I bet you will feel very lonely without them. In the name of God, I plead with you, please go back and make things up with them. I do not mean to make light of how they treated you. In fact I still do not know how they found it in their hearts to do the things they did to you. I can never treat Simbi that way even if she was a witch. However with that said, you still have to reconcile with them, your siblings are dead and they are the only people you have. Please Ekaette forgive them.” Simbi’s mother knelt down on the floor and continued to plead with Eka. Ekaette tried to explain the hurt she felt toward her parents, “When everyone claimed I was a witch I expected my parents to stand by me. You just said it yourself; if your daughter was a witch you would never have given up on her. What did my parents do? How did they treat me?!” At this point Eka broke into tears. She continued, “They went to Oron and believed whatever the God-forsaken witch doctor told them about me and came back and threw me out of their house! If not for the sake of a godly man, I would have ended up dead by now or had gone into harlotry to eke out a living! Those two are not my parents, when I am ready to know who my parents are, they will tell me!” Simbi understood the warning signs in her friend’s body language, Eka was beginning to shake. It meant anger and the unpleasant memories of the things she suffered were taking over her mind. Simbi stopped what she was doing and put her hands around her and led her out of the kitchen. In Simbi’s room Ekaette sat by the window and stared down at her father’s apartment on the street. A million and one thoughts of how to make her parents feel a bit of what they put her through ran through her mind. Simbi took note of the way her face furrowed as tears flowed freely from her eyes. She had to go close the window and dragged Eka to the bed. Leaving Eka, she went back into the kitchen and asked her mother, “Mama, what were you thinking when you brought up the issue of Eka forgiving her parents?” “I was only trying to help; her mother has been pestering me to plead with Eka on their behalf.” “Mama, you don’t know how much Eka’s parents have hurt her. Do you know why Eka is back on the street?” “No, I don’t.” “Her parents took money from a stranger and agreed to lie against Eka and her fiancé. It was a messy case which got to national dailies and television.” “Oh my God! When did this happen?” “Recently. Going forward, I don’t want you to talk to Eka about forgiving her parents. I know my friend, one day she is going to let all that bitterness go. But for now she is still smarting, please let her be.” “I know what I am going to do Simbi.” “What are you going to do mama?!” “Don’t worry, I don’t mean harm against your friend. When next Ekaette’s mother comes to bother me with talking to Ekaette on their behalf, I am going set her ablaze with my mouth. I will so insult her that she would go home and hang herself!” “I won’t ask you not to do that. Maybe it will make her realize how much pain they have caused their daughter. Imagine after branding her a witch and throwing her out of their house they still came after the man who risked his life to save their daughter. If you can pull off her feathers with your mouth, please do it!” “Leave that to me Simbi, have you forgotten that my mouth is far more dangerous than a bomb?” When Simbi returned to her room Eka was already helping her pack a few of the things she thought Simbi would like to take. When they were done, Simbi told her mother where she was going to with Eka and the two of them left. At Dr. Gerry’s house, Eka who did not speak one word on the way came alive again. She began to hum songs and clean the house. Realizing she wouldn’t be done with everything she wanted to do before Dr. Gerry would return, she left the cleaning of the house to Simbi and went into the kitchen to prepare a meal. All that while Simbi observed her friend keenly. All the pain Ekaette felt seemed to dissolve the moment they entered Dr. Gerry’s house. Simbi could not help but mumble prayer to God, “Please God, give me a man that would make me feel like Ekaette. Look at how the bitterness which almost choked her on our way here has vanished by merely being in the house of the man who loves her.” From the kitchen Eka thought she heard a voice and asked, “Simbi, who are you talking to?” “God!” “Were you praying for me?” “No, I wasn’t.” “So what were you telling God?” “It is none of your business!” “Since when did we start keeping secrets from each other?” “Eka, leave me alone!” “What is wrong with you Simbi? You are acting strangely. Why don’t you want to tell me what you said to God?” “Eka! If I come to that kitchen I am going to cook you along with that food you are preparing. Please let me mind the work I am doing.” “I can see it has been a while since I spanked you. I am coming to remind you who your elder sister is!” “You are welcome Ekaette. Thank God I am in a foul mood now, I won’t mind shredding you like a piece of old rag!” Eka covered her cooking pot and came out of the kitchen for a mock fight with Simbi. She was in high spirit. Her face glowed and her heart tumbled with a sea of joy, she was in the house of the man who loved her, nothing else mattered. When she entered the living room, Simbi was standing akimbo and poised for a fight. Just then Eka’s phone rang, it was Dr. Gerry. He voice was filled with mirth and gladness, “Hello baby. Are you at home now?” “Y-e-s! I am.” “Oh God! So I am going to see you today?! I am coming home now!” “Oh no! I am not done cooking; besides it is not yet time for you to close work for the day.” “Who said that? I can leave work whenever I want, especially when my baby whom I have not seen in ages is around.” “If you come home before my food is ready, then I will beat you up.” “I don’t mind so long as you are the one to do the beating.” Dr. Gerry blew her a kiss and hung up the phone. Eka dropped the phone and ran to Simbi who was still waiting for a fight and yelled, “Dr. Gerry is coming home! He is coming Simbi! Thank God you are here. Already my head is swooning!” Simbi gave her a gentle slap on the face and said, “Get a hold of yourself! You have only been away from him for a few days!” Like a baby Eka nodded and said, “Okay I will.” and returned to the kitchen. “Eka how about beating me up?” shouted Simbi. “That will no longer happen today; by tomorrow when Dr. Gerry must have gone to work I will spank you real good.
27 Apr 2019 | 06:12
From Dr. Gerry’s living room, a loud sound blared. A visitor would have thought a little gig was going down in there. Eka and Simbi were in the living room dancing to songs playing from the television set on the wall. About thirty minutes earlier they had finished with cooking and cleaning the house. Eka had expected Dr. Gerry to rush back home like he said he would, but perhaps he had taken heed to Eka’s threat of beating him up if he returned home before she was done cooking, and so held up his return. With nothing much to do, the girls took to dancing, trying out the dance steps which they learnt long time ago. Their friendly rivalry was at its peak, Eka was trying her best not to be out done by Simbi who seemed to be a better dancer. They were so serious with the dance that one would have thought a judge was somewhere apportioning marks to them. Then the door to the flat jangled, Dr. Gerry walked in wondering if his apartment had been turned into a ball room. At the sight of him, Eka who had a taut look on her face, brightened up, taking just a few steps toward him, she threw herself at him like the cat woman. Dr. Gerry had to grab her firmly mid-air. The careless abandon with which she threw herself at Dr. Gerry spoke volumes about the sort of faith she had in him – he would never let her down. Giggling animatedly and resting in Dr. Gerry’s hand, she planted a kiss on his lips and let her lips stick on his for a while. When she broke from the kiss, she whispered to him, “Please don’t set me down; carry me as long as you can!” Dr. Gerry had his eyes locked with hers as though he had not seen her in a million years. His heart buoyed over with joy and his face glowed. Right in the middle of the living room, Simbi paid no attention to them as she focused on her dancing. Dr. Gerry looked at her for a moment and said to Eka, “Simbi can dance. Has she got a dance competition to attend?” On hearing that Eka leapt out of his hands and announced, “I will make Simbi look like child’s play right now,” and began to dance. Simbi turned and seeing Eka had re-entered the dance competition, she changed her gear. “What is going on here?! This is a serious dance challenge!” asked Dr. Gerry. Removing one thousand Naira note from his wallet, Dr. Gerry announced, “Whoever wins the dance gets one thousand Naira airtime!” As if being controlled by a button, Eka and Simbi stopped dancing simultaneously and looked at each other. It was their way of sizing each other up in preparation to have a go at the prize at stake. Switching to new dance steps, Eka and Simbi began to show how good they could really be on the dance floor. Dr. Gerry had to take a sit and watched the two girls serve him one of the best impromptu dance competitions he had seen in a while. At some point while the girls danced, Dr. Gerry’s thoughts strayed from the dance. The way Eka moved made his heart miss a few beats and he began to ponder how fortunate he was to find a homely, good-mannered, drop-dead beautiful lass like her. He had been an admirer of beautiful girls and had hoped he would someday snag one to spend the rest of his life with. However in his wildest dreams, he could not imagine finding one as beautiful and lovely as Eka. He was jolted out of his thoughts when the girls stopped dancing and asked him who won the dance. He really didn’t care who won or not, his thought were more about what he had won himself. He stood up, walked straight to Simbi and handed her the one thousand Naira note. Simbi celebrated it by showing off a few more dance steps. Eka protested that Simbi did not win the challenge and called for a rematch. Dr. Gerry was not interested, all he wanted was to be alone with Eka and pour out his heart to her. While Eka still protested his judgment, he took her by the hand and pulled her to himself and kissed her in a way he had not done before. Both Eka and Simbi were surprised so much that Simbi echoed, “Wow! That is a hot kiss! You two cannot spoil me in this house,” and ran into Eka’s room. From there she shouted, “Eka! When you are done let me know!” Simbi’s response to the way Dr. Gerry kissed Eka was so comical that they broke from the kiss and began to laugh. Dropping her face into Dr. Gerry’s face, Eka asked in a hushed tone, “What came over you? I have not seen you kiss me that way. Am I still safe with you?” “I just found out that you are far more beautiful than I thought. Please make sure you don’t dance again while I am around. The way you moved could have given me cardiac arrest. Your figure can make a brother sin, be warned.” As if to shut him up, Eka began to kiss him again, making sure she gave as much as she took a moment earlier. Simbi came out of the room and found them still kissing, she covered her eyes and made a sound, “Hehehe!” Eka broke off the kiss and said to her, “I thought you said when we are done I should let you know. Why did you come out before my call?” “I remembered I am your guardian angel,” replied Simbi. Eka understood her meaning and grudgingly she pulled herself away from Dr. Gerry. Short of ideas about what to do with the longing in her heart, she went into the kitchen with no idea what she went in there to do. She opened the fridge, took a bottle of water and gulped it down. After drinking it, she stared curiously at the bottle in her hand and whispered to herself, “This water tastes like Dr. Gerry’s lips.” From the kitchen, she shouted, “Baby! Did you refill the water bottles in the fridge with a mix of your saliva and water? The water tastes just like you!” Dr. Gerry who was in his room by this time admonishing himself to slow things a bit with Eka, broke into laughter. He came out of his room and he asked, “How on earth can one do such a thing? I did not.” Simbi who was sitting in the living room shot at Eka, “Big head! The water tastes like his lips because you just finished kissing him.” “Is that it?” “No it is not. So you actually think he put his saliva in the water or are you trying to lure him to the kitchen for another round of kiss?” Eka giggled and fired her own words at Simbi, “Flat head, your mind is really bent. Imagine where your thoughts have gone to. I was not trying to lure him over here for another kiss.” Simbi stood up and ran to the kitchen while Dr. Gerry laughed at their banter and returned to his room. At the kitchen Simbi pointed her finger like an old grandma at Eka and said, “Three rounds of long kisses are enough for the day! You are not going to have another one. I have taken charge! In fact you won’t have any more kisses till we leave for our street.” “What! That is harsh Simbi! Can’t I just kiss him a few more times before we leave?” “You are asking for trouble Eka. Did you have a look at his eyes when you were kissing each other?” “No.” “You didn’t because you were far too gone to have noticed that he is having a harder time resisting you now than he did earlier. You have got to zip up those your kissy-kissy lips if you don’t want trouble.” “Yes madam!” Dr. Gerry took a longer time than expected to come out of his room. He was feeling a little sorry for himself. He felt he was beginning to lose some control, and things with Eka were no longer going as planned. He thought hard about what to do. The only plausible thought which crossed his mind was for them to give each other a little space. However the problem with that was he wasn’t sure he could go for long without seeing Eka. It was the right thing to do but his flesh did not want it. He felt sad and wished they had not shared that first kiss in the kitchen. Since that day, they had become less careful about getting too physical. When Dr. Gerry came out of his room, even though he tried to hide it, he cut a forlorn look. Eka and Simbi were in the living room chatting happily about the models they saw on the television. One look at Dr. Gerry Eka deciphered that something was not right with him. She went over to him and put her hands around his neck and brought her face closer to his. Dr. Gerry feared that Eka was going for another kiss; he wanted to move away his face but was concerned that it would hurt her, so he left his face in her way. Eka did not kiss him, but gently asked, “What is it baby, you look unhappy.” “I think we need to talk,” replied Dr. Gerry. His words made Eka’s heart sink into her stomach. Her eyes widened in shock and she sunk herself into the dining chair next to her. Dr. Gerry read the look on her face quickly and said to her, “Oh no! I don’t want you to think that something is wrong. Why do you look like you just saw a ghost?” “You just said to me ‘we need to talk’. When people say that there is trouble; what have I done?” “You have done nothing wrong, and there is no trouble per se.” Looking into her face Dr. Gerry took her hands, squeezed them romantically and continued, “Baby, don’t you think we are getting too physical these days? I am afraid that if we don’t watch it, I might begin to put pressure on you for sex. I am scared of doing that and I don’t want to do it. I want us to have a happy story to tell in the end.” “Is that why you look unhappy?” “Yes it is.” “It is what you wanted us to talk about?” “Yes my darling.” “Oh thank God! You had me scared…well, I think you are very much right. I have thought about that too and the truth is if you put pressure on me for sex right now, I am not sure I will be able to say no.” “So what do we do?” “I want to move over to my parents’ apartment. I think a little distance might help. I will be coming to visit you during weekends and…” “Only weekends!” “No, I can come also during the week, or you can come over to see me. I will be able to manage my clients from there. I have thought it through.” “Speaking of your clients, Mary’s mother was here. She collected Mary’s clothes which you made for her and dropped of new cloths; I think they are for herself.” “Did she give you my balance?” “Yes, it is in my room.” Dr. Gerry tried to stand up to go get the money but Eka held him down. “I want you to save the money for me. You can open an account where we will put all the money I make from my business. I have some money now. I took the lion share of the money NK gave to my parents. I don’t want to add the money from my business to it.” “But you can open an account where you can save the money from your business and manage it yourself.” “I want you to do it baby and you don’t have a choice. Do you?” “No I don’t mam.” “Good boy.” OK quick question guys... guess Dr Gerry's age remember he is the first born of two sisters who are already married
27 Apr 2019 | 06:29
@itzprince pls update thanks
27 Apr 2019 | 06:30
teenager in love!!! this is serious,,, eka should pls forgive her parents
27 Apr 2019 | 17:52
Dr Gerry should be in his early 30s,,, precisely 32!!! am I right???
27 Apr 2019 | 18:02
Think he should be around 28-30 years
27 Apr 2019 | 18:53
he should in his early 30s, I wish for them to end well
27 Apr 2019 | 19:30
Eka please forgive your parents and move on but take it slowly on Dr. Gerry not to look otherwise. Dr. Gerry, handle this matter more maturely. [b]Dr. Gerry's age? I'm coming to answer it soon![/b]
28 Apr 2019 | 04:17
Doctor Gare should either be 27or 29
28 Apr 2019 | 04:37
28 Apr 2019 | 11:59
the Doctor is 35years old
28 Apr 2019 | 12:06
28 Apr 2019 | 12:08
I think Dr Gerry should be under 40
28 Apr 2019 | 14:02
29 Apr 2019 | 01:33
It was hard for Dr. Gerry to watch Eka pack her stuffs to leave his apartment. He had never thought a day would come when she would leave to go live elsewhere before their marriage. The three days Eka and Simbi had spent with him were memorable for him. Those three days actually made things harder for him. Even though Simbi did her best to curtail the frequency with which Eka and Dr. Gerry exchanged kisses, Eka found moments when Simbi was not watching to have a few kisses with him. Left for Eka she would have chosen to stay back in Dr. Gerry’s house, but because the need to do what was right outweighed how she felt she stuck to her understanding with Dr. Gerry and packed to leave for her parent’s home. Dr. Gerry had to hire a van which could carry her personal effects along with her sewing machine. Before the morning Ekaette was to leave, Dr. Gerry had called to inform Christy and Ema of the decision he took with Eka to let her go spend some time with her parents until she was ready to move back into his house after their wedding. Ema and Christy didn’t like the idea one bit; they feared that another NK might pounce once more to take Eka from them. Dr. Gerry and Eka were determined to do what they believed was right and so stuck to their guns. Dr. Gerry had to take excuse from work to accompany Eka back to her parents’ house. On the drive home, Eka did not care about what Simbi might say, she and Dr. Gerry spent much of the time kissing and chatting about how many times in a day they would call each other. “Even in my sleep I will be talking to you on the phone and if for one moment I call and you fail to pick, I will wake from my sleep and rush down to your house.” “That is quite some exaggeration; fear won’t let you leave your father’s house in the night to come see me.” “If you think it is a mere exaggeration try not to pick my call and you will get a shocker.” “But really, why would I want to miss your call Eka? I would rather jump off a skyscraper than miss your call for anything.” “As for me Ekaette Effiong, I would rather take on an army with bare hands than go a day without hearing from you. You don’t know me o! Heh! I am ready to walk from Calabar to Sapele just to see you. You don’t know what you are in for. I like to love till death do us part.” “Please don’t bring up the subject of death now; we are only beginning to love each other.” “Can someone let me hear a word in this vehicle? This love-love is rather too much!” Simbi yelled. “That is the voice of a lonely young girl crying out for love and attention. Don’t worry Simbi, I am back home now, I will make sure I find you a deserving husband to be,” Eka said humorously. Simbi turned with a shock on her face over the fun Eka poked at her. “Who told you that I am lonely?” She smacked Eka over the head two times. Eka yelled like a little girl and threw herself at Dr. Gerry for protection. Dr. Gerry tried to shield her from Simbi who was not satisfied with the two slaps she gave her over the head. “Fine, you can run to Dr. Gerry for now, but in a few hours he won’t be around to protect you,” Simbi threatened. Some minutes later, the van pulled up in front of Mr. Effiong’s house. When Eka, Dr. Gerry and Simbi alighted from the vehicle, all eyes on the street turned to look at them; Simbi moved closer to Eka and whispered, “Eka, this is the moment you have been waiting for. It is time to kiss Dr. Gerry in front of them. I bet you by morning there will be lots of dead people in our street.” Eka was surprised and so asked, “Do you really want me to kiss him here?” “Do it! You have my permission! They thought you would never amount to anything in life, but you have returned with a prince in shining armour!” Simbi’s words seemed to charge up Eka and she drew Dr. Gerry to herself and kissed him passionately. The voices of the people on their street were heard as they echoed in amazement at what they saw. Eka broke from the kiss and turned to look at Simbi to know if she did a good. Simbi smiled mischievously and whispered, “That was only your first shot, and before we are done packing your things, kiss him two more times while they are watching. I am ready to attend burials this time. I am certain bitterness will kill them tonight.” Simbi knew the sort of people on their street very well; she could predict their actions even when asleep. Shortly after Eka kissed Dr. Gerry those who witnessed it ran off in different directions to call their friends and relatives to come see who was back on the street with a handsome man at her side. Eka had not prepared for the drama which broke out on the street, but the way Simbi acted, it seemed she had it all planned out. While Dr. Gerry was helping the drive open the van, Simbi dashed into Eka’s father’s house and told Eka’s parents, “Eka is back home to spend some time with you two, if you want to start on a good note with her come out and welcome her. Her fiancé is also here. Please put on a smile while you go out to greet her.” Eka’s mother dashed out of the house shouting, “My daughter is back! Ekaette is back!” Eka was dragging out a bag from the van when her mother came running toward her. She would not have hugged her if there was no crowd on the street watching them. To make the onlookers jealous, Ekaette hugged her mother like she was the best mum in the whole world. She did not expect what followed next; as she held her mother to her chest, a flood of tears exploded from her eyes. Seeing Eka holding her mother that firmly and with tears in her eyes, made both Dr. Gerry and Simbi to look away. The sight was so emotional that they would have joined Eka to cry as well. Eka’s father ran out of the house, heading for his daughter with speed. He had to go change into a pair of trouser. When Simbi told them to go welcome Eka, he was tying only a wrapper. When he reached Eka all he said was, “Ufoma make way let me hug my daughter!” and he threw himself at both of them. He almost knocked them to the ground. Like little children, Eka’s parents sought who would get a better hug with their daughter. Eka’s face was soaked with tears which poured out from her eyes. She did not see a day like that coming. Not even Simbi who engineered it all thought it would work out that well. In that moment, Eka regretted that she was so bitter she did not bother to buy her parents anything. The pains, unforgiveness and bitterness in her heart came tumbling down like a castle under attack, as her parents cried along with her. Simbi did not like the crying part; she felt it took the shine off their celebration. She went to Eka and her parents and said, “This is not the place to cry. Our enemies must not be given any reason to celebrate. I want only hugs and laughter. Our in-law is here also, please hug him.” As though they were under Simbi’s spell, Eka’s parents dashed toward Dr. Gerry and began to hug him. In his excitement, Eka’s father raised his voice while greeting Dr. Gerry, “Welcome my honourable in-law! The Lord will reward you for what you have done for my family, my in-law!” Simbi smiled to herself and strained her ears to hear what the surprised faces on the street were saying. Eka stood unbelievably and watched her friend Simbi. She thought she knew her, but that day revealed to her that she did not know up to a modicum of just how selfless her friend was. From behind, Eka hugged her and said, “Simbi thank you. I was wrong; lately I have been thinking that Dr. Gerry was the best thing that happened to me. No, it is you. Any day you are in trouble and my life is needed to save you, just ask for it. I will be glad to lay it down for you.” She hugged her for so long it seemed Eka won’t let go of her. When they all had turned their attention to moving Eka’s stuffs into the house, Simbi’s parents came running toward them. Simbi’s brother had witnessed Eka hugging and crying with her parents and so went to tell his parents that Eka and her parents had reconciled. At hearing the news they ran out to join the celebration. The presence of Simbi’s parents renewed the hugs with earnestness. Simbi’s father knew Dr. Gerry, they had met during the case they had with NK. On sighting him, he yelled, “My God! Our God-sent in-law is here! Eka, why did you not send for me immediately he arrived?” He hugged Dr. Gerry and shook his hands many times before introducing him to his wife. Simbi’s mother was so excited that she took Dr. Gerry aside and began to bless him, “You saw a little girl in need and you helped her without taking advantage of her. You did not bring her back in shame or with unwanted pregnancy. God will hear you before you cry. He will send help before you know you have a need.” Dr. Gerry responded to her prayer with an amen Without knowing that Eka and her parents had resolved their differences, Christy and Ema decided late to come visit Eka’s parents while Dr. Gerry was with them and hand them a serious warning and outline what would be the consequences of repeating their errors of the past. They also had other plans – to persuade Dr. Gerry to return in a fortnight to ask for the bridal list to commence the wedding rites. The sisters did not want to take chances. Having discussed the matter with their husbands, they concluded it would be a good idea to lay an effective claim on Eka while they waited for her to get ready for marriage. When Dr. Gerry’s phone rang and Christy asked him to send the address to Eka’s father’s house, he was surprised. “What do you need it for?” he asked. “We are on our way there,” replied Christy. “What are you coming here to do?” “Since Eka was humiliated and thrown out of both her father’s house and the street, we think it should be nice to bring her home with a little pomp.” The idea made sense to Dr. Gerry and he quickly typed the address and sent it to Christy. thanks for your comment so far u all are wonderful ... so we have arrived at a final age for Dr Gerry which is 30.......that means he is older than Eka with a whooping age difference of 15 years! to be continued...
29 Apr 2019 | 08:17
@itzprince pls update
29 Apr 2019 | 08:19
can't wait to read last episode, happy for the reconciliation
29 Apr 2019 | 08:59
I love this story, keep it up
29 Apr 2019 | 12:56
wat wil u giv us for guessing d age correctly oooo
29 Apr 2019 | 15:21
Enjoying to the end
29 Apr 2019 | 16:28
Dr. Jerry is my neighbor's-cousin's-father's-friend's-uncle's-father's-grandson's-brother-in-law's friend... we've met twice and when i asked him he told me that he was 35years old
29 Apr 2019 | 17:08
LOL just joking
29 Apr 2019 | 17:29
cant wait for them to get married
29 Apr 2019 | 18:55
After unloading Eka’s personal effects from the van and moving them into the house, they all sat down in Mr. Effiong’s living room and began to chat happily. Eka and Simbi let themselves out of the house to go buy some drinks to entertain both Dr. Gerry and Simbi’s parents. While they selected the drinks they wanted, Eka decided to add some fried meat to the collection they were to pay for. She had not anticipated that her return would somehow turn into the happy celebration she left behind at home to go buy drinks. She felt lighter both in her head and heart, a burden had been unloaded from heart and she knew what it was – she had forgiven her parents. She had thought she would hold unto grudges against them all her life. There was a time she was addicted to the grudges and bitterness against her parents and for some unexplainable reasons loved hating them. Strangely she thought those feelings of hatred toward her parents felt good. Oddly it made her feel good in an eerie manner. However as she stood in that shop buying things with her friend, she realized that the new feeling of forgiveness and love was much better. She could recall the things her parents had put her through without feeling hurt. Leaning closer to Simbi, Eka whispered, “I think God has healed my heart. I no longer feel hurt recalling how my parents treated me. Maybe I should extend this forgiveness to everyone on the street who branded me a witch for reasons best known to them. I don’t want to lose this exciting feeling for anything. By tomorrow I am going to extend the olive branch to all the people who hated me and spoke ill of me.” The way Simbi looked at her suggested she was not in agreement with her over forgiving everyone who had done her evil in the past. “What is it Simbi? Is there anything wrong with forgiving those who have done me wrong? I am tired of carrying the burden of unforgiveness. I am not a witch; it is no use bearing grudges against those who claimed I was one. I simply want to move on and be free.” “You are making it easy for them. You should have let them choke on jealousy and shame for a while before letting them off the hook.” “I am tired of being unhappy about how people treated me in the past. It is my right to be happy and I intend to exercise it to the maximum. If you have the shoulders to bear all that anger and unforgiveness, I won’t mind offloading them on you.” “Maybe I have not forgiven them. Perhaps all I wanted was for you to forgive just your parents and not them. In a few days I will give thoughts to forgiving them. I feel sad thinking about it, they don’t deserve it.” “Nobody deserves forgiveness, Simbi. We give it because we often need it too.” On their way home, they ran into a lady, Joy by name, who took particular interest in making sure she spoiled Eka’s name back in the day when everyone claimed she was a witch. When Joy saw Eka she crossed to one side of the road, threw her face away and quickened her pace. When she was about to pass Eka and Simbi, Eka called out to her, “Hello Joy! How are you? It has been a long time.” Joy could not believe her ears. She stood rooted to her spot. Eka crossed the road and Simbi grudgingly followed her. Reaching Joy, Eka shook hands with her. Joy still could not look Eka in the face even though she was standing in front of her. Clearly she did not know what to say. As if overcome by grief, Joy blurted out, “Eka, please forgive me. From the beginning I knew you were not a witch. I hated you because what your good looks did was to remind me of how ugly I am. I thought getting rid of you would make me feel better. I am sorry, please forgive me aunty Eka.” “You are not ugly Joy, and I have already forgiven you Joy. If you happen to need any help from me, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Joy bowed her head and said, “Thank you.” Simbi did not say a word to Joy; she stood beside Eka and looked away as though she was counting the birds in a nearby corn farm. After pleasantries with Eka, Joy hurried off to where she was going while Eka and Simbi continued home. “Did you hear her say ‘aunty Eka’? She no longer knows her to pronounce the word ‘witch’,” Simbi said and sighed loudly. “Did you take a good look at Joy, Simbi?” “I didn’t. Is there anything about her worth looking at?” “She seemed to me like she was pregnant.” “What!!” Simbi shouted excitedly, clapped her hands energetically and announced, “I am now friends with her. This evening I will pay her a visit to find out if this is true. If indeed she is pregnant, then she will find out she is not the only one who knows how to gossip.” Simbi talked excitedly about Joy until they reached home. At home Christy and Ema had already arrived and they were not alone. Five other friends had joined them –three ladies and two guys. The living room was filled with guests and people on the street could hear Mr. Effiong cackle happily. Christy and Ema did not come empty handed. They brought with them loads of gift items for Eka’s parents. Quickly Eka and Simbi began to serve the drinks and pieces of fried meat which they had bought. Realizing they had not bought enough, Simbi took some money from Eka and dashed out to go get more. One of the guys who had arrived with Ema and Christy learned closer to Ema and asked, “Which of the girls is your brother’s fiancée?” “The one wearing her hair long,” replied Ema. “I guessed as much, how about the one who just left, is she her sister?” “She is her friend, a bosom friend.” “Okay,” said the guy. “What are you thinking Sammy?” “Nothing.” “I know you, when you say nothing your head is actually full of thoughts. You like the girl, don’t you?” “She caught my eye the moment the two of them walked in.” “Do you need my help get in touch with her?” “Can you help?” “Did you just ask me if I could help? I make a living matchmaking couples. Leave it to me, before we leave I will hook you two up.” “Thank you Ema.” “You are welcome.” In a short while Simbi returned with the things she had bought. While she served the guests, Sammy’s eyes followed her around. His attraction toward Simbi was so obvious that Christy had to pinch him and whispered, “Take it easy, Samuel; your head might fall off before we leave here if you don’t watch it. The girl is not running away.” Sammy smiled and continued to ogle at Simbi. Simbi could tell one of the guys was looking at her but was very conscious not to lock eyes with him. When she finished serving the guests, she headed for Eka’s room. At the door she turned back to look at the guests and her eyes locked with Sammy’s. She almost bumped into the wall as her heart skipped a few beats. The guy looking at her was a handsome hunk. She had to dash into Eka’s room breathing heavily. Eka looked at her and asked, “Simbi what is it? You look different.” “One of the guys in the living room just won’t take his eyes off me. When I had a look at him… o God!” “O God what?” “He is too fine. His looks made my heart to sink into my stomach.” “Wow! Maybe love has found you. Which of the guys is it? I want to go have a look.” “The one sitting in-between Ema and Christy; he is wearing a light blue shirt.” Eka entered the living room pretending to refill the plates on the table with fried meat and looked in Christy’s direction. The guy Simbi described was saying something to Ema, while Eka’s father addressed his guests, narrating how a bad father he had been to Ekaette. Paying no heed to what her father was saying or to Dr. Gerry who made a sign to her to come sit beside him, she paced hurriedly back into her room. In her room, the two of them did a high-five and giggled amorously. “Simbi he is hot! If indeed he has his heart set on you, then you had better go get a gun to chase other ladies away.” Simbi sunk into the bed beside her. Making a face, she said, “I don’t want a man I have to fight to keep. I want someone like Dr. Gerry.” “What are we doing? You don’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe he is another Dr. Gerry. We just have to wait Simbi. hahahhaha... you have been simbi is in love...we will have more insight in the next episode tomorrow... @ireoluwa.. you requested for a gift for guessing Dr Gerry's age... well how about I get you a mango fruit(lol that's the reigning fruit u know... my amiable readers the story hasn't ended yet... my sincere gratitude to you all... for taking out time to read and comment...
30 Apr 2019 | 08:25
After unloading Eka’s personal effects from the van and moving them into the house, they all sat down in Mr. Effiong’s living room and began to chat happily. Eka and Simbi let themselves out of the house to go buy some drinks to entertain both Dr. Gerry and Simbi’s parents. While they selected the drinks they wanted, Eka decided to add some fried meat to the collection they were to pay for. She had not anticipated that her return would somehow turn into the happy celebration she left behind at home to go buy drinks. She felt lighter both in her head and heart, a burden had been unloaded from heart and she knew what it was – she had forgiven her parents. She had thought she would hold unto grudges against them all her life. There was a time she was addicted to the grudges and bitterness against her parents and for some unexplainable reasons loved hating them. Strangely she thought those feelings of hatred toward her parents felt good. Oddly it made her feel good in an eerie manner. However as she stood in that shop buying things with her friend, she realized that the new feeling of forgiveness and love was much better. She could recall the things her parents had put her through without feeling hurt. Leaning closer to Simbi, Eka whispered, “I think God has healed my heart. I no longer feel hurt recalling how my parents treated me. Maybe I should extend this forgiveness to everyone on the street who branded me a witch for reasons best known to them. I don’t want to lose this exciting feeling for anything. By tomorrow I am going to extend the olive branch to all the people who hated me and spoke ill of me.” The way Simbi looked at her suggested she was not in agreement with her over forgiving everyone who had done her evil in the past. “What is it Simbi? Is there anything wrong with forgiving those who have done me wrong? I am tired of carrying the burden of unforgiveness. I am not a witch; it is no use bearing grudges against those who claimed I was one. I simply want to move on and be free.” “You are making it easy for them. You should have let them choke on jealousy and shame for a while before letting them off the hook.” “I am tired of being unhappy about how people treated me in the past. It is my right to be happy and I intend to exercise it to the maximum. If you have the shoulders to bear all that anger and unforgiveness, I won’t mind offloading them on you.” “Maybe I have not forgiven them. Perhaps all I wanted was for you to forgive just your parents and not them. In a few days I will give thoughts to forgiving them. I feel sad thinking about it, they don’t deserve it.” “Nobody deserves forgiveness, Simbi. We give it because we often need it too.” On their way home, they ran into a lady, Joy by name, who took particular interest in making sure she spoiled Eka’s name back in the day when everyone claimed she was a witch. When Joy saw Eka she crossed to one side of the road, threw her face away and quickened her pace. When she was about to pass Eka and Simbi, Eka called out to her, “Hello Joy! How are you? It has been a long time.” Joy could not believe her ears. She stood rooted to her spot. Eka crossed the road and Simbi grudgingly followed her. Reaching Joy, Eka shook hands with her. Joy still could not look Eka in the face even though she was standing in front of her. Clearly she did not know what to say. As if overcome by grief, Joy blurted out, “Eka, please forgive me. From the beginning I knew you were not a witch. I hated you because what your good looks did was to remind me of how ugly I am. I thought getting rid of you would make me feel better. I am sorry, please forgive me aunty Eka.” “You are not ugly Joy, and I have already forgiven you Joy. If you happen to need any help from me, don’t hesitate to ask me.” Joy bowed her head and said, “Thank you.” Simbi did not say a word to Joy; she stood beside Eka and looked away as though she was counting the birds in a nearby corn farm. After pleasantries with Eka, Joy hurried off to where she was going while Eka and Simbi continued home. “Did you hear her say ‘aunty Eka’? She no longer knows her to pronounce the word ‘witch’,” Simbi said and sighed loudly. “Did you take a good look at Joy, Simbi?” “I didn’t. Is there anything about her worth looking at?” “She seemed to me like she was pregnant.” “What!!” Simbi shouted excitedly, clapped her hands energetically and announced, “I am now friends with her. This evening I will pay her a visit to find out if this is true. If indeed she is pregnant, then she will find out she is not the only one who knows how to gossip.” Simbi talked excitedly about Joy until they reached home. At home Christy and Ema had already arrived and they were not alone. Five other friends had joined them –three ladies and two guys. The living room was filled with guests and people on the street could hear Mr. Effiong cackle happily. Christy and Ema did not come empty handed. They brought with them loads of gift items for Eka’s parents. Quickly Eka and Simbi began to serve the drinks and pieces of fried meat which they had bought. Realizing they had not bought enough, Simbi took some money from Eka and dashed out to go get more. One of the guys who had arrived with Ema and Christy learned closer to Ema and asked, “Which of the girls is your brother’s fiancée?” “The one wearing her hair long,” replied Ema. “I guessed as much, how about the one who just left, is she her sister?” “She is her friend, a bosom friend.” “Okay,” said the guy. “What are you thinking Sammy?” “Nothing.” “I know you, when you say nothing your head is actually full of thoughts. You like the girl, don’t you?” “She caught my eye the moment the two of them walked in.” “Do you need my help get in touch with her?” “Can you help?” “Did you just ask me if I could help? I make a living matchmaking couples. Leave it to me, before we leave I will hook you two up.” “Thank you Ema.” “You are welcome.” In a short while Simbi returned with the things she had bought. While she served the guests, Sammy’s eyes followed her around. His attraction toward Simbi was so obvious that Christy had to pinch him and whispered, “Take it easy, Samuel; your head might fall off before we leave here if you don’t watch it. The girl is not running away.” Sammy smiled and continued to ogle at Simbi. Simbi could tell one of the guys was looking at her but was very conscious not to lock eyes with him. When she finished serving the guests, she headed for Eka’s room. At the door she turned back to look at the guests and her eyes locked with Sammy’s. She almost bumped into the wall as her heart skipped a few beats. The guy looking at her was a handsome hunk. She had to dash into Eka’s room breathing heavily. Eka looked at her and asked, “Simbi what is it? You look different.” “One of the guys in the living room just won’t take his eyes off me. When I had a look at him… o God!” “O God what?” “He is too fine. His looks made my heart to sink into my stomach.” “Wow! Maybe love has found you. Which of the guys is it? I want to go have a look.” “The one sitting in-between Ema and Christy; he is wearing a light blue shirt.” Eka entered the living room pretending to refill the plates on the table with fried meat and looked in Christy’s direction. The guy Simbi described was saying something to Ema, while Eka’s father addressed his guests, narrating how a bad father he had been to Ekaette. Paying no heed to what her father was saying or to Dr. Gerry who made a sign to her to come sit beside him, she paced hurriedly back into her room. In her room, the two of them did a high-five and giggled amorously. “Simbi he is hot! If indeed he has his heart set on you, then you had better go get a gun to chase other ladies away.” Simbi sunk into the bed beside her. Making a face, she said, “I don’t want a man I have to fight to keep. I want someone like Dr. Gerry.” “What are we doing? You don’t judge a book by its cover. Maybe he is another Dr. Gerry. We just have to wait Simbi. hahahhaha... you have been simbi is in love...we will have more insight in the next episode tomorrow... @ireoluwa Emmanuel .. you requested for a gift for guessing Dr Gerry's age... how about I get u a mango fruit(lol that's the reigning fruit u know.. my amiable readers the story hasn't ended yet... my sincere gratitude to you all... for taking out time to read and comment...
30 Apr 2019 | 08:26
@itzprince new episode pls update
30 Apr 2019 | 08:28
Your love has locate you
30 Apr 2019 | 09:06
Wow! Simbi has got a secret admirer Well-done The Writer
30 Apr 2019 | 12:14
Simbi, your love has indeed located you. next
30 Apr 2019 | 14:18
30 Apr 2019 | 15:39
i hope he is a good man too
30 Apr 2019 | 15:40
That's a good one on her side
30 Apr 2019 | 15:48
Thumb up to the writer Happy for you Simbi How far with Joy?
30 Apr 2019 | 17:14
@fb-itzonome,, mango bawo? my babies are d one dat can take mango oooo,,, I want anoda thing this is wonderful,,, now simbi can now feel wat eka is feeling
1 May 2019 | 05:31
Ema and Christy were not content with how much Ekaette’s father condemned his ignoble past conduct. They sounded stern warning to him and his wife concerning how they treat Eka, “How you people treated Eka in the past is shocking. On many occasions we wondered if you people are actually her parents. We hope such things will not be repeated again. I would not like to speak for my brother, but as you can see the way things are, the only thing keeping my brother from making Ekaette his wife is her age. We want to do what is right. We are not like politicians who steal underage girls by night and make them their wives by morning. We will not hear again of you and your wife taking money from strangers to promise them Eka in marriage. I can’t wrap my head around what we will do if this was to happen again,” Christy warned. Eka’s father brushed his fingers on the floor and touching them on his tongue; he swore to them, “I will have to die first for any man other than Dr. Gerry to marry Ekaette. Even if I was bewitched to think of doing such, Ekaette will not allow it. She is old enough to decide what she wants. I no longer have the power to dictate to her. My in-laws, that is what you are to me now; you have no reason to fear. The shameful conduct of my wife and I will forever remain in the past I assure you.” With an understanding struck between Mr. Effiong and his would-be in-laws concerning Eka, everyone was happy. Eka was head-over-heels, she could clearly she herself as Dr. Gerry’s wife. Everything was in place, all she had to do was just to grow up and prepare herself for marriage. While Eka and her parents discussed with Dr. Gerry, his sisters and their friends, Simbi kept herself busy in Eka’s room playing a game on her phone. Sammy was eager to get the chance to speak with Simbi, he just could not wait. He had to tap Ema on the shoulder and made a sign to her. From the look of things, their mission in Mr. Effiong’s house had come to an end, in a short while they would be on their way home. Dr. Gerry who had said very little stood up and announced to the Effiongs that in a fortnight, he would return with his people to officially make known his intention to make Eka his wife. Eka who was not in the loop about the plan was swept off her feet. She literally glowed at the thought of it. She dashed off toward her room to go break the news to Simbi. Ema had to call her back and whispered to her to invite Simbi to join them. Eka feigned ignorance of the reason for which Simbi was being invited. The moment Eka entered her room; a rapturous shout was heard from the room. The girls were celebrating Eka’s impeding engagement party and Simbi’s brand new lover, for whom she was being asked to join them. After a brief moment the two of them came out from Eka’s room blushing. Ema stood to her feet and led Simbi outside, “You are not a kid Simbi, so I expect you to understand what I am about to do…” As Ema spoke, Simbi fastened her eyes on her, not blinking at all. She just could not wait for Ema to tell her that Sammy was interested in her and that she would like to introduce him to her, “…one of my male friends inside is quite attracted to you. His name is Samuel; we call him Sammy for short. He is a good guy. I have known him for years. If you would permit me to introduce the two of you, believe me in a few months’ time you will thank me for. You are like my younger sister just as Eka is to me. I will never for any reason introduce you to a Casanova. This guy is the real deal, take my word for it. What do you have to say Simbi?” With her eyes flashing like a torch light and a smile breaking out of her face, Simbi tactfully replied, “If you say he is no player, I won’t mind your introducing us to each other. However, aunty Ema, I don’t want a man who will dash my heart to pieces. This is going to be my first love.” “…and I assure you, it is going to be your one and only.” “You are very confident of this guy; I hope he won’t let you down.” “He won’t. I am confident of him because I know him very well. Give me a moment.” Ema went back into the living room and whispered to Sammy, “Sammy, I have spoken with Simbi. She is waiting for you outside. Come with me.” Simbi’s parents who had been with the Effiongs since their son came to announce to them that Eka had made up with her parents, watched Ema curiously. They could tell something was going on, but chose not to interfere with it. They had learnt a lot from the errors of Eka’s parents and knew better than to jump into what they thought the situation was. Simbi’s mother read her husband’s face and whispered to him, “Relax, Simbi is no longer a child. Soon she will leave us for her permanent home. If this be the place she will find the man, so be it.” Simbi’s father smiled and whispered back, “I have seen that young man before, but I can’t remember where. I am certain of it, I have seen him before.” “What was he doing when you met him?” “I can’t recall, but there is nothing sinister about him.” Outside, Ema introduced Simbi to Sammy, “Simbi, this is the guy I spoke to you about. As you already know, his name is Samuel. Sammy this is Simbi, the girl you could not take your eyes away from. Her name is Simbi.” Samuel stretched his hand, shook Simbi and said, “Simbi I am glad to meet you. Thanks for giving me the chance to get to know you more.” “You are welcome Samuel. I hope you are half as nice as I have heard.” “I don’t know what Ema told you about me, but this I can say about myself, I was well brought up and taught to respect ladies.” “Sammy you can say what you like about yourself, already I have put my neck on the line for you by convincing her to give you a chance. If this works out, you will be her first love. If you dare play with her heart, I know you won’t, but if for some reason you do that, you are as good as dead. I and my sister will kill you dead! I think this is where I should take my leave.” Sammy waited for Ema to leave before he said anything to Simbi. Simbi could hear her heart pounding against her ribs. She had thought she could handle herself confidently when left alone with Sammy, but the moment Ema turned to leave them alone, her heart skipped several beats, her throat felt dry and her hands shook. “Thank you very much Simbi for accepting to date me, you don’t know how much this means to me. The moment I saw you, I felt something I had never felt before. I could not hide it. It was so obvious that Ema and Christy had to notice I was drawn to you. Thanks a million times for giving me this chance.” “I haven’t agreed to date you yet. I only accepted to open a line of conversation. As it is, I don’t know jack about you and neither do you know a thing about me. I am very young; I don’t want to get ahead of myself and make mistakes.” Her words stunned Sammy. He could tell he was dealing with a quick witted girl. “Even the gesture to let us talk is what thanking you for. Thanks once again.” “You are welcome. I think we should exchange numbers and go back into the living room. I don’t want my parents to think I am flirting with a man right under their nose.” Sammy knew how to affirm ladies by letting them have control at certain moments, and so he went to work, “You are right Simbi. I have thought of that as well. You must be brave for letting Ema set this up while they are around. Thanks once more, you have no clue how much you have made my day by giving me the chance to know you more.” “I hope I it will go down as one of my best decisions so far.” “I am certain it will.” The two of them exchanged numbers and went back into the living room. Simbi went to the sofa where her parents sat and squeezed herself in-between them and let her head casually rest on her mother’s shoulder. Eka was intently looking at her; she could not wait to hear what Sammy said to her. After a brief moment, Simbi stood up and went into Eka’s room. It was her cue to Eka to join her. Shortly Eka peeled herself away from Dr. Gerry and went into her room. When Simbi saw her entering the room, she spread herself on the bed and said, “Eka my head is racing too fast, I can’t breathe. I am choking for breath, can you fan me please?” Eka was all smile, she found an exercise book and began to fan Simbi. Simbi yelled at her, “Harder!” Eka increased the pace at which she fanned her. “Tell me Simbi, what did he say to you?” “He thanked me for accepting to date him…” “Date him!” Shouted Eka as she dropped the exercise book and covered her mouth in excitement. “I think I am dying Eka?” “Why did you say that?” “If I close my eyes, I see him and if I open my eyes I still see him. He is all over my head. Dear Lord, when I asked you for a man like Dr. Gerry, I did not mean one as handsome as Sammy.” Eka giggled hard. She was loving the drama. “Get a hold of yourself Simbi. Have you forgotten that the Lord answers our prayers exceeding abundantly above what we can ask or think. This is it. Don’t worry; I will be your chaperon like you were to me.”
1 May 2019 | 09:08
If Eka had thought that her romance with Dr. Gerry would slow a bit after she moved into her parents’ house, she was wrong. While she waited for her engagement party in a fortnight, Dr. Gerry made the habit of gracing Mr. Effiong’s house almost everyday after work. Before he would leave for his house to retire for the night and to get ready for work the next day, he would join Eka in about everything she did. He was with her, helping measure clothes, deliver sewn materials and even deciding what meal to cook for her parents. Their love simply took on a magical dimension. In-between Dr. Gerry’s visits he found time to make plans with his family about his engagement party. On the other hand, Simbi was airborne and left practically jazzed as love bore her far away into the hands of Mr. Romantic, Samuel (aka Sammy). Though Eka had promised she would be her chaperone, but the demand of her bludgeoning business made it difficult for her to accompany Simbi when she went visiting her prince in shining amour. There was little for Eka to worry about whenever Simbi was out with Sammy. Sammy may not have been another Dr. Gerry, but he was his own man who offered a different kind of love, which often left Eka salivating for more juicy tales whenever Simbi began to narrate the blissful experiences Sammy treated her to. “He can cook, Eka! You won’t believe the surprise I met in his house last week. You should have been there Eka. I think Sammy may have missed his destiny. I am sure he would be better of a professional cook. He made Chicken Curry rice for me. Well at first I did not believe he made it. I thought he bought it. He had to take me to his kitchen to see the rest of the food…” Eka licked her lips and asked Simbi, “The name of the meal is interesting, what did it taste like?” Simbi licked her lips and rolled her eyes dreamily before answering, “It tastes like first kiss…” “What! Don’t tell me you have kissed him already, Simbi!” “No, I have not. But the food was so good I had to compare it to a first kiss.” Eka looked at her curiously and said, “For you to compare his cooking to a first kiss means you have begun to dream it. Haven’t you?” “I find myself dreaming of it each time I leave him. I don’t know if he thinks of it too, but I do.” “Thanks for being honest with me. Now you are on lockdown; there will be no more going to see Sammy or going out to eat with him. From hence forth, if he wants to see you, he has to come here.” Simbi wanted to protest but had a change of mind. “I know he if I tell him this, he will start coming over like Dr. Gerry does. I will still be seeing him, it makes no difference.” “It makes a world of difference Simbi, when you too are around others, you can see him a little differently from the narrow, infatuated way you do. I know because I can see Dr. Gerry a bit differently from the way I did. I just found a few things I don’t like about him. Though they are not much to worry about, I am glad I can see him as human.” “I don’t want to see any faults in Sammy. I forever want to see him perfect.” “There you go again, Simbi. If you don’t see he is human now, I bet you, your first quarrel will be your last.” “Never! We will never quarrel.” “I was like you. I can understand the way you feel…” Changing the topic Eka asked, “…did you get to find out if Joy was actually pregnant?” Simbi got excited and covered her mouth; making sign to Eka to wait for the gist. She moved into her gossip mode and began with raising three fingers in the air like a referee officiating a wrestling match. “Don’t tell me the three fingers mean what I am thinking!” Simbi sustained the three fingers in the air and shook them before announcing, “It is not just bad enough that she is three months pregnant, she doesn’t know which of her many lovers who is responsible for the pregnancy!” “Jah Jehovah! Since when did she become Keziah?” “Since she began to take delight in other people’s misfortune!” Eka stared down to the floor, looking thoughtful about Joy’s condition. “What are you thinking about, Eka?” “Joy’s condition is giving me worries. Look at the two of us; we have men in our lives. If we don’t get careful we just might be like Joy.” Simbi waved her right hand in a circular fashion over her head and said, “God forbid!” “If we want God to forbid, then we must stop kissy-kissy, and that includes dreaming about it.” Folding her legs one on another, Simbi said, “My legs are closed and shall forever be closed,” making the sign of zipping up her skirt. “I can’t just figure out why I am suddenly scared over joy getting pregnant. I should be happy considering what she did to me.” “Are you pregnant, Eka? You shouldn’t be afraid if you are confident of yourself.” “Me, Ekaette Effiong, pregnant? Thunder fire Satan! Never.” Simbi stood up to her feet and began to leave in a hurry. “Simbi where are you going, we have only begun our gist?” “I am going to see pastor, I have not told him about this Sammy. I need him to see and saw for me before I fall into kissy-kissy. You just got me scared.” “You haven’t crossed the line, have you?” “Thunder fire Satan! I will never cross the line unless as a married wife!” “Go quick and come back, I need to hear more about Sammy and his lovely nature.” Simbi ran off with the promise to return in a few hours. To Eka the two weeks it took before her engagement party felt like eternity. To her parents it was too close. In Eka’s father’s house both families converged to officially see their daughter and son promise each other to spend the rest of their lives together as man and wife. Christy and Ema brought loads of their relatives and friends around; they just could not pass up the chance to let them see the beauty their only brother was getting engaged to. Eka turned the party on its head with her makeup and dressing. Without makeups, she had tongues wagging and necks bending almost to breaking points. When she was led into the living room by her mother, everyone seemed to stop breathing for a while. Dr. Gerry’s mouth hung open for some while that Simbi, who was standing next to him had to close it for him. The Ekaette he knew had transformed herself into a virtual mermaid of beauty. Against her supple glowing skin her sexy bright eyes beamed love for her man. She had decked herself in headscarf and costly George apparel. She looked every inch a mermaid. When she walked, she seemed to float. Dr. Gerry’s mother could not believe her eyes when Eka got introduced to her as the one her son was getting engaged to. In their native tongue, she said to Christy, “This one is from the river world. Did your brother ask questions before proposing to marry her?” “Mama she is not even from the forest. What you see is the handiwork of God.” The old woman was not convinced; she knew what she would do, after the party she would visit village to inquire who Eka really was. No matter how much it had been hidden from others, she was certain that Udo, the great seer will see it. While Dr. Gerry’s mother mused on her intentions, Dr. Gerry and Eka moved into the middle of the living room. In the background a love song played and cameras clicked. Simbi and Eka had done wonders with the decoration in the living room. With calabash, baskets and veils of different colours and lights, the once simple-looking living room was turned into a studio of some sort. As Dr. Gerry took Eka into his arms he wished that day was their wedding day, and that after it was all over he would take her home. Eka on her part fought hard to keep back tears from messing up her makeup. Samuel had through Ema fought his way into being made Dr. Gerry’s ring bearer. Garbed in the same fashion as Dr. Gerry, he stood near them, bearing the engagement ring in a saucer-like basket. They had all chosen to go native in all their decorations and dressing. Still holding Eka, Dr. Gerry slowly went down on one foot and began to make a short vow before slipping the ring on her finger, “When you look at this ring, I hope it reminds you of my promise to never stop loving you. This ring symbolizes my intent to marry you soon, and on that day, I'll replace it with a wedding ring. We will be sweethearts forever from beginning to end; my commitment to you will never break or bend. Will you declare to all present that you will marry me by accepting this ring?” Like rain drops, tears began to cascade from Eka’s eyes. She turned and looked at her mother, she too was crying. Her father had his hands clasped in a prayer-like fashion, looking on intently. Only Dr. Gerry’s mother looked indifferent. Eka turned back to look at Dr. Gerry and said, “I will accept the ring,” holding out her right hand toward him. Dr. Gerry stood to his feet, took the ring and slipped in on Eka’s finger. With the ring on her finger, Eka took Dr. Gerry into her arms and held her as though he was going to take off. With Sammy some distance away from her, Simbi flounced across the room and held her father tightly, letting tears run freely from her eyes.... what your thought on Gerald's mother.... happy new month famz it my birthday month may 11.....
1 May 2019 | 09:13
@itzprince pls update
1 May 2019 | 09:15
massive addy
1 May 2019 | 09:54
I hope Gerry's mother doesn't spot things for him
1 May 2019 | 10:34
I'm sensing the same mistake Eka's parents did the last time is what Dr. Gerald's mother is threading. Hopefully, it doesn't disrupt their proposed wedding/marriage ceremony anytime soon. Thumbs up @fb-itzonome for the wonderful story, it's really captivating and suspense filled!
1 May 2019 | 11:12
I hope Dr. Gerry's mother won't cause problem with the way she's thinking
1 May 2019 | 14:27
Gerry's mum pls don't start your own ooo
2 May 2019 | 05:01
Episode 41 The revelry which followed the engagement party, held no interest to Dr. Gerry’s mother. Her thoughts were far removed from the events around her. She could not wait to visit with Udo to unravel the mystery behind Ekaette’s beauty. “I have allowed these children far too much liberty. The old ways have not been followed in the choice of my son’s would-be wife. Imagine arriving at my son’s engagement ceremony only to find out the girl he intends to marry may have come from the same abominable water cult which ravaged my people in the past. She looks every inch like them. Huh! The old woman does not watch while the nanny goat gives birth with the tether around its neck. I will stop this madness before it festers,” Dr. Gerry’s mother mumbled to herself. “Mama! Mama!! Get up for a picture with Eka!” shouted Christy as her mother snapped out of her thoughts with a pseudo smile on her face. Not willing to give anyone the impression that she had not approved of Eka just yet, she asked to be allowed to take a shot with her alone, “Gerald, stay away. I want this photo alone with my water baby. I have known you all my life, Gerald. I want this one with her.” “Mama, we have to take one with you! You can’t just have a photo with Eka alone,” Dr. Gerry protested. “Okay after this one I will have another one with the two of you.” Eka did not like being called ‘water baby’ by Dr. Gerry’s mother. To her it sounded like being called a witch. She made no fuss about it and let it pass. She was however going to discuss it with Simbi. Though her mother in-law had tried to hide the fact she did not exactly like Eka; somehow Eka had seen through it. She didn’t know what Dr. Gerry’s mother might do, but she could not help stopping her thoughts from straying to what Faustina had said about ‘the woman who was coming’. She and Dr. Gerry had thought the woman was NK, but going by how Dr. Gerry’s mother treated her the first time they met, she could not help but think she might be the woman Faustina spoke of. Managing to brush the thoughts away, Eka focused on the day and kept her face glowing with a smile. On the other hand, Dr. Gerry’s mother kept up her act of pretense, dancing and taking photo shots with Eka’s parents and their friends. Eka was not the type to be fooled easily. She did not let her mother in-law out of her sight for a moment. If she had a word with anyone Eka knew, she made a mental note of who the person was. She would ask them later what it was she asked or said to them. A battle seemed to be brewing ahead of her and she would not want a surprise when it begins. A day after the engagement party, Sammy was around to whisk Simbi away. In spite of Eka warning to Simbi to keep her going out with Sammy on the low, she still could not resist going out with him. She found her guy alluring, charming and far too difficult to turn down. Eka could not wait for Simbi to return so she could let her in on what she thought about Dr. Gerry’s mother. Away at La Campana hotel, Simbi was in a lounge showing off her dance steps to Sammy. The guy was having a fight keeping himself in check. Simbi’s curves and edges seemed to be pronounced when she moved on the dance floor. “This is the best love I have had so far; Lord, help me not to rush into things and spoil it,” Sammy mumbled under his breath. In a bid to stop what Simbi’s captivating feminine figure did to his heart, Sammy asked her to get off the dance floor and watch him instead. He wasn’t much of a dancer, but he was willing to hold it down until Simbi got bored with watching him. “What is that move called?” asked Simbi as she came back to try it out. “No go back and watch me. It is my turn to dance,” Sammy protested. Simbi was already dancing. She made the dance step she copied from Sammy seem natural to her as she moved to the beat. Sammy stood in awe and watched her for a while. “Have you given making a career out of dancing a thought?” asked Sammy. “No I have not; and I am not interested. It is one of the secret weapons I hope to use some day to keep my future husband glued to me. Friends have said I look irresistible when I dance.” “So you know what you have been doing to me all this while.” “I see the way you look at me when I dance. I like it. It makes me want to dance more.” “But it can make a brother sin.” “What! I am very sorry. I didn’t think of it, forgive me.” Simbi said as she stopped dancing. “Common, I didn’t mean it that way. You shouldn’t look too remorseful about that.” “I know, but I don’t want to be the reason for this beautiful stuff we have to go bad or make us get ahead of ourselves,” Simbi said as she sat down and sipped her drink. After a brief moment she asked Sammy to take her home. The words Eka had said to her were beginning to ring loud in her head. She felt she had put her man in a compromising situation. “Do you want to go home because of what I said?” asked Sammy. “I don’t want to be your temptress. I am a good church girl, a Jesus freak. I feel sick having done something that made your mind stray toward filthy thoughts.” Sammy’s mouth hung wide open. He could not believe his find. He had thought that girls like Simbi were last seen in the middle of nineteenth century. Sammy stepped closer, put his hands around her waist and asked, “Did you mean what you just said or were you putting up a front?” “I meant every word of it. I love the Lord and hate everything he hates… I am a-no-sex-before-marriage-girl. Are you going to leave me now that you know the sort of person I am?” Sammy kissed her passionately on the forehead and exclaimed, “No! In fact I am now madly in love with you!” “Are you for real?” Sammy did not answer her back; instead he swept her off her feet and swung her around in the air. Simbi loved that. It was blissful to let herself go in the arms of a man who truly loved her… who loved her for the things she feared he might leave her for. Her laughter rang out happily through the lounge as Sammy kept swinging her around. When he wanted to put her down she yelled, “No!! Please! Do it one more time!” Back at home Eka had grown tired of waiting for Simbi to return home, so she decided to dial her phone number. Too bad it had occurred to Simbi that Eka might want to cut short her fun and so she turned off her phone. In Christy’s house, Dr. Gerry’s mother had presented a plausible reason to be allowed to go back to the village. Under the layers of her lies was the intention to visit Udo the seer, to find out who Ekaette really was. “So mama, if you leave for the village in the morning, when would you return to the city?” “Ah aah! I will be back in just days. I don’t love to bury myself in the farm like you people think. I like the city too,” replied Dr. Gerry’s mother. She actually meant what she said. Her intention was to return to the city as quickly as she found out who Eka was in the spirit realm. She would return to crash the proposed wedding. Gerald was her only son; she would not let her marry from a water cult which was dreaded in the past for claiming the lives of young men in their ripe age. “Mama the way you sound, it seems like you have a business in the city which we do not know of,” observed Ema. “Yes, I have taken note of that too,” said Dr. Gerry. “Mama is acting like a woman who has had a bad dream and can’t wait to get back to her village to find out the meaning,” said Christy as she studied her mother closely. “Mama, please, in God’s name I beg of you. Don’t return from the village to tell us that the girl Gerald wants to marry is a witch,” said Emeka, Christy’s husband. With that said, they all turned to look at their mother. She blinked ceaselessly to clean from her eyes of any impression that Emeka was right. Still feeling she had been caught, she flared up, “Emeka you are stupid for saying that! What makes you think I would say such a thing about a beautiful girl like Eka? I have observed you often like to insult me!” Christy jumped in to defend her husband, “No, mama! My husband did not insult you. He only asked a question which is not beyond the sort of thing you can do. I must admit, the way you were looking at Eka during the engagement party got me worried. I wonder what the girl must be thinking about you now.” Their mother got up, ran into her room and began to pack her belongings to leave for the village that night. They all had to plead with her not to leave and tendered their apologies severally. Grudgingly she let the matter pass. By morning she was driven to the bus station by Emeka, with Dr. Gerry in their company. She said very little on the drive to the bus station. Her thoughts were fixed on issues she would rather not speak of. At some point, Dr. Gerry thought she heard his mother sigh and said to herself, “Fools, do they know what killed their father?” At the station his rather sullen mother brightened up, she was happy to leave for the village. What her children had to say were inconsequential, she was their mother and had the right to protect them all. By late afternoon when she arrived at the village, she dropped her bag, not bothering to unpack and ran off to go see Udo.
2 May 2019 | 10:27
2 May 2019 | 10:34
2 May 2019 | 10:40
don't tell us say eka is a witch ooooo kudos to u ma'am, more wisdom more knowledge, next episode happy birthday in advance
2 May 2019 | 14:41
I have a feeling that she s going to spoil things for them
2 May 2019 | 15:09
Nice one
2 May 2019 | 15:55
Happy birthday in advance
2 May 2019 | 16:12
just hope she's not going to spoil the show
2 May 2019 | 16:37
people who dont mind their business...get into unnecessary trouble
2 May 2019 | 18:54
HMM this is serious
2 May 2019 | 18:55
2 May 2019 | 18:57
Waiting for your outcome
2 May 2019 | 19:09
Mama Gerry, make your findings fast for us to know what next.
2 May 2019 | 23:03
update oooo
3 May 2019 | 07:17
Dr. Gerry’s mother arrived at Udo’s shrine panting heavily. One look at her Udo observed, “I perceive all is not well madam Chambers. What has brought you in a flight to this shrine will not return home with you. Have a sit and let the cat out of the bag.” “Amen o! Indeed that which drove me from the city to your shrine shall not return home with me.” Mrs. Chambers (Dr. Gerry’s mother) sat on the floor instead of on the shrine stool. “The toad does not run around in vain during the day. The horrors of the past seem to have found a foothold in house!” Mrs. Chambers continued. “Your words are still meshed in riddles. Which horrors are you referring to?” “The water cult which laid our people waste many years ago has found a way into my household…” “God forbid! Madam Chambers, I said God forbid! The water cult cannot resurface in our land! Church people have eviscerated whatever remained of it in this land. The water cult is history! What you saw must be some other thing.” “I hope you are right Udo; but what I saw looked every bit like the sort of beauty by which the water women ensnared our men. Her eyes, her skin and her shape looked exactly like those of the river girls. The woman I speak of is now engaged to my only son Gerald. Udo, look into this matter. I am scared stiff!” “Does the lady in question have a name?” “Yes. I noted that down. Her name is Ekaette Effiong.” Udo stood to his feet and hurried to a corner of his shrine and in a jiffy returned with a small earthen water pot. With incantations flying out of his mouth like bullets, he began to fill the pot with water taken from another pot. When he was done he threw ancient money into the pot and shouted, “My water lords, with this I appease you to allow me a sneak into the water kingdom! There is one amongst us, her name is Ekaette Effiong. Who is she? Is she a child of the water world?” A storm began to rage in the small earthen water pot. Dr. Gerry’s mother stood up and put a distance between her and the water pot. For a moment there was no reply from the water world. So Udo scooped up a portion of black powder and cast it into the pot. The storm in the pot moved to a new level and mist filled the shrine. From the thick mist a feminine voice finally spoke up, “The one whom you seek amongst us is not one of us. She is far above us.” There was no other word uttered. Udo waited in silence for the voice to volunteer more information about his enquiry, but there was none. Turning to Dr. Gerry’s mother, Udo heaved a sigh of relief and said, “I told you, the new age churches have swept our land clean of those water creatures who hunted our men like games.” “But Udo, the voice which spoke to you said she is above them. Is Ekaette of another kingdom stronger than the one which we dread?” Udo pondered her question for a moment and sat down on his mat and began to consult the spirits which he served. With keen interest, Mrs. Chambers watched him, reading the look of his face to know what transpired between him and the spirits. The consultation took too long and the wait almost choked Mrs. Chambers. Like a child who had found its mother after a long search, Udo raised his head with a smile and announced to Mrs. Chambers, “This one is a blessing! She is not what you think! Your son is highly favoured! The lady you think had come from the water world is a blessing! She must not be offended! She has a basket load of blessings and favour on her head! She will bring your son good fortunes and shall make your heart glad!!” Udo’s words were like sweet music to her ears. She wanted to hear them over again. “Great seer, slow down please. Do you really mean the things you have said?” “I am Udo, the son of Essien. The position I occupy as a seer is centuries old. Have I spoken before and it was later found to be lies? The girl, Ekaette Effiong, shall make your heart glad. Your son is blessed to have her for a wife! For doubting my words, I shall return your consultation fee to you. When my words have come to pass, you must return here to find out what you must do for doubting my words.” “Be not angry wise one. My heart cannot bear the enormity of the good things you have spoken concerning my daughter in-law. The shift is too much, I came here almost certain that she was a witch only to find out she is a blessing to my household. However, whatever you will charge me for my error, go ahead and charge me. I am equal to the task! The joy in my heart at this moment knows no bound! If you need seven cows, you only have to say it. I have a safe that is twenty years old.” “God Madam Chambers. When my words will have come to pass, we will see if your safe can handle what you must do for insulting the eyes of the great seer.” Udo blew white powder on the money Mrs. Chambers had given him and handed them over to her. She took the money and hurried away from the shrine. On her way home, she walked with a skip in her stride and smiled broadly. Two days after, Mrs. Chambers was back in the city. Her total change of attitude toward Eka was hard for any of her children or sons in-law to figure out. While they pondered what might have changed their mother’s attitude toward Eka, she began to nag ceaselessly about Dr. Gerry’s wedding date being moved forward. When no one seemed to buy into her argument, she stepped up her demand. “If you people will not bring Eka home as my son’s wife, can she be brought to spend a few days with me in the village?” “Mama, can you tell us what has changed? You didn’t seem to like this girl a few days ago. Now you can hardly go a day without talking about her. Tell us, what did they tell you about her in the village?” asked Ema. “Nothing which is of any interest to you. I want my daughter in-law with me period!” On Eka’s part, she could not fathom what made her mother in-law change her earlier hostile attitude toward her. “Simbi, we don’t have to go to war on our knees. My mother in-law has had a change of heart toward me. A day hardly goes by without her calling to know how I am doing. She is amazingly friendly with my parents and I. Now I know God brought Dr. Gerry indeed.” “I am very happy for you Eka. At some point I was afraid that she going to be the reason for your beautiful relationship with Dr. Gerry to crash. I already had begun to pray for God to deal with the old woman.” Switching the subject, Eka asked, “How is it going with Sammy?” Simbi took a deep breath and with a glow in her face she said, “This guy might just be better than we thought. He might be my own Dr. Gerry. Already I think he is. He loves me for being a Jesus freak and I think he is one too. Love can’t get better than what I have now.” Simbi leapt forward and hugged Eka. “I am glad to hear this. Every night I ask God to bless you far more than he has blessed me and will bless me. I can never forget you for the things you have done for me. I still remember that rainy day my parents threw me out and you came to my rescue. I still remember the two hundred Naira you gave me. Believe me, I still haven’t spent it.” “Are you kidding me?” “I am very serious. To spend it makes me feel like something special to me would be lost to me forever.” “It is money, Eka. Just spend it.” “I am not going to spend it. I have poured every memory of the good things you have done for me into that two hundred Naira note. One look at it reminds me of how you reconciled me to my parents. I can’t forget you coming to help me with your dad when I and Dr. Gerry had a case with NK. I won’t stop praying for you till God has made you bigger than you can imagine. to be continued
6 May 2019 | 07:23
6 May 2019 | 12:32
Hmmmmmm thank God the old woman didn't find anything dark about Eka
6 May 2019 | 15:51
What took you so long before you post, do you want us to lose interest in this story
7 May 2019 | 04:38
wonderful,,,, am loving dis story and am loving dos girls... and thanks @fb-itzonome for dedicating dat beautiful episode to me... am not Mrs Ireoluwa Emmanuel,,, Dats my boy's name, I am Mrs Afolabi... thanks and happy birthday to you in addy girl
7 May 2019 | 12:05
nice turn of events
7 May 2019 | 19:19
now she is your daughter in law
7 May 2019 | 19:20
So [b]Happy for the two Jolly friends (Eka & Simbi)[/b].
7 May 2019 | 22:05
[b]Delayed posting[/b] @fb-itzonome, I am getting pissed off of the late or delayed updates of this story and It's like it's getting forever doing so. I loved this story so too say.
7 May 2019 | 22:08
Episode 43.... Sitting on a sandy beach, Eka’s mother rested her head on her husband’s broad chest. The events of the past months had changed them completely. The things which hardly mattered to them had suddenly become important. Looking into her husband’s eyes, Eka’s mother asked, “Shouldn’t we give making another baby a try? Living by ourselves is cruel. Eka is gone. A baby boy will be just fine.” “Are you sure you can handle the stress? I really do want another child, but I feel for you.” “I will take that for a yes. We will pray and ask God to give us a boy, who someday will grow up and give us children who will be with us in our old age.” Mr. Effiong leaned closer and planted a kiss on his wife’s lips. The two of them started laughing awkwardly. “It feels a bit strange when we kiss, doesn’t it. I had forgotten these things. Who thought we could get to love each other again.” “You are right, it feels odd. If you noticed I had to look to know if anybody was watching us before kissing you.” They laughed again, this time very hard. FOUR MONTHS EARLIER Simbi and Sammy were in a restaurant dinning out one evening. It was no special evening for either of them. They had been out in such evenings far too many times for this one to be viewed differently. However out of the blue, a blast was coming and Simbi didn’t have a clue about it. In-between their chat Sammy would glance at his watch. It seemed something else was on his mind. Simbi was too much absorbed with their conversation to have noticed. When Simbi’s phone rang, Sammy almost jumped out of his skin. For a moment it appeared he had done something wrong. Still Simbi didn’t notice. The call was from Eka’s mother. “Simbi! Simbi! Eka is dying! She started vomiting excessively about thirty minutes ago! Please come over she needs prayers. Everyone who can pray is here now!” Eka’s mother was hysterical. She probably said a million words in a minute. Simbi could not wait for her to finish talking. The shock and suspense had thrown into a panic mood. Grabbing her purse she jumped to her feet and made for the door. Sammy had to follow behind her wondering what had happened. “Simbi! What is it?” Simbi could not talk; her tongue was already moving rhythmically in prayers. Sammy had to ask again, “Simbi talk to me! What is going on?!” With tears in her eyes, she managed to say, “Eka is dying. It was her mother who called to inform me that Eka is sick.” “Which hospital is she at?” Simbi looked at him blankly. She had not bothered to ask Eka’s mother. Reaching for her phone she dialed her to ask which hospital Eka had been admitted to. “Mama, which hospital is Eka in?” “Elton’s Clinic!” “I am coming there now!” Sammy had to drive like a madman to get to Elton’s Clinic, an upscale hospital. To receive medical care there cost quite a fortune. The moment Sammy pulled up in the parking lot; Simbi leapt out of the car like a soldier and ran into the hospital. As if the nurses were waiting for her arrival, as soon as she entered the receptioned and inquired about Eka, she was led straight to the hospital room where she was. Simbi was too much in a haste to have noticed that Sammy did not enter the hospital building with her. He had unexplainably stayed back in his car. Something else was going on. In the hospital room Eka was lying on a bed and covered with a white sheet. The sight jolted Simbi’s heart. With her legs suddenly felt heavy, she slowly moved toward the bed. Everyone in the room was looking at her. Eka’s parents were in a corner of the room looking indifferent. Simbi’s parents and Dr. Gerry all sat looking sad and lost. Simbi looked behind her and there was no Sammy. That moment it dawned on her that Eka had passed on. She let out a cry and lunged toward the bed, pulling back the white sheet which covered her friend’s body. What she met was two bright eyes and a glowing face smiling back at her. Eka was alive and well after all. She turned with her heart beating heavily and asked in anger, “What silly game is this?!” Looking around the room, there was still no sign of Sammy. She grabbed Eka by the collar of her clothe and pulled her up from the bed. “Ekaette what is this?! I had concluded you were dead!” The next thing which followed her words was deep seated, heart-wrenching sobs. She was releasing the negative emotions which had built up inside of her. Still smiling, Eka took her into her arms and said, “Simbi, it is alright. I am fine. This show is for you and it only has just begun.” While Eka reached under her pillow, Simbi wondered what was going on; looking from face to face to hazard a guess as to what they were up. Turning back to Eka, Simbi saw her holding a glistening diamond engagement ring. She held her breath, and looked completely frozen. “Simbi, Sammy wants to know if you will marry him,” said Eka. “That is the reason we all have gathered here. He is right behind you now. He wants to know if you will spend the rest of your life with him.” The switch of emotions left Simbi flustered. She cried, laughed and tottered on her feet. Turning around she saw Sammy walking into the room and smiling happily. She made a dash toward him and crashed two hot slaps into his face; one on his left cheek and one on the right. Briskly she walked back toward Eka, giving the impression she was going to giver her a taste of the slaps too. Eka braved up for them and turned her cheek for her. Instead Simbi too the engagement ring and walked back to Sammy and said, “Now I want you to propose to me like you should have. You almost killed me today with that silly game you pulled off!” Sammy took the ring from her, dropped on one knee and asked, “Simbi, will you marry me?” Simbi moved closer, took his head in both arms and kissed him intensely. When she was done, she said with tears in her eyes, “Yes! I will marry you Samuel!” A raucous round of hand claps and shouts rang out from the room and doctors and nurses ran into the room. Some were holding flower bouquets while others had cameras, snapping and filming the scene in the room. Simbi’s parents could not help shedding a few tears. Eka was overcome with blissful emotions; she cried a river as Sammy slowly slipped the ring on Simbi’s finger. Dr. Gerry walked over to the bed where she sat and put his hands around her. Giving her a light kiss, he whispered, “I will make sure ours wedding is pleasantly memorable. I am now thinking of throwing in a little of such extreme surprise for you on that day.” Eka looked at him and said pleadingly, “Please make sure you don’t put me through the sort of suspense Simbi went through today.” “I am afraid I can’t promise you that.” Eka stiffened herself and prepared for the worst. THREE YEARS LATER The church hall was filled to capacity. Standing on the pulpit, facing each other, were Simbi and Sammy. On the third row of seats were Eka and Dr. Gerry looking on as Simbi and Sammy exchanged marital vows. Sammy could not wait for Simbi to get through University Education. After Simbi had gained admission into University of Calabar, Sammy would drive to the city every weekend to spend time with her. Having to say bye to each other every Sunday night made both of them sad. Sammy could not take it any longer, he popped the question and Simbi readily accepted and so their wedding plans began in earnest. It was quite a wedding whose details will leave you salivating for long Two weeks after the Wedding “You look different! What has Sammy done to you? Tell me, how was your honeymoon?” Simbi looked around to see if anyone was listening and then whispered to Eka, “I am glad I waited for marriage. Sammy is a stallion! Each time he touched me, he took me out of this world. Eka, sex is fun!” Eka looked around and pushed her seat closer to Simbi. “More details please! I have a few weeks more to go before I arrive at where you are. Sometimes when I think of it, my head spins. I don’t know what I should do that first night.” Simbi laughed happily and replied, “Trust your instinct. Just let yourself go when he come at you.” “Huh! That kind of sounds good; where did you get it from?” Simbi rummaged in her handbag and fished out a book. “I got it from this book. The guy is good.” Eka took the book from her and studied it for a moment. “But, Simbi don’t forget I still have not been unwrapped.” “That scared me too! But the book helped me. I had to let Sammy in on my fears. In the end, it was not exactly what we heard in the street. Your first sex as a virgin can still be good.” “Can I borrow the book?” “You don’t have to. I could not pass up the chance to buy you a copy.” Simbi removed a wrapped package from her handbag and handed it to Eka. “Thank you Simbi!” Hurriedly Eka unwrapped the book and began to read the blurb. “Take it slow, Eka. This is not a book you read hurriedly. You study it, take your time. I would rather you refill my gossip tank. Three weeks without gist left my tank empty.” “I haven’t got much gist, Simbi. I have been working my fingers sore to give myself and Dr. Gerry the best wedding reception we can possibly have.” “Are you still going with our plan or have you adopted a new one?” “Dr. Gerry, Ema and Christy have chipped so much away at it. Right now all we have left of the old plan is just 10% of it. What I am coming with is going to make yours look like child’s play!” “Really! So what’s my role in it?” “Not just you, I have got roles for your and Sammy.” “Great! Let me hear it.” “Your work starts now, Simbi. Dr. Gerry wants to pull off a little extreme surprise on me on our wedding day. You are my spy agent. I want you to find out what he is planning. I have the feeling Sammy is part of it too. to be continued on the Last episode
9 May 2019 | 05:21
happy 4 u simbi
9 May 2019 | 06:37
I'm loving this
9 May 2019 | 18:21
pls update
10 May 2019 | 06:09
I Wanted To Cry
10 May 2019 | 09:01
At last am happy for you
10 May 2019 | 12:14
am so happy, finally its ending happily. congrats to you guys in advance
10 May 2019 | 17:26
cant wait
11 May 2019 | 02:53
11 May 2019 | 03:26
But something get me worried. [b]Is Simbi much older than Eka?[/b] So glad it seems a happy ending afterall the suspense. Waiting for the concluding episode(s).
11 May 2019 | 06:52
that was a very bad stunt...
11 May 2019 | 16:20
THE WEDDING After a long spell of work on her face by her make-up artist, Eka stood up to admire herself before the mirror. The make-up artist worked so hard it seemed her work invoked the full strength of Eka’s surreal beauty. Even Eka was stunned by the look of her face. She knew she was beautiful, but her look on this day made her realize why some in the past chose to brand her a witch. Eka could not help smiling happily at herself, she knew with her new look, she would cause a stir in the church service and would leave Dr. Gerry transfixed the moment he saw her. She and her parents had lodged in a hotel not so far from the reception venue. It was Dr. Gerry’s idea that they all move from the hotel instead of home. Down stairs, Eka’s parents were already dressed and waiting for her. Next to them were rented Mercedes G Wagon G63 and Toyota Camry Spider all set to drive Eka and her parents to the Church service respectively. Nestling close to the Mercedes G wagon were Eka’s flower girls who were waiting for her so they could leave for church service. Picking her steps like an angel descending from the stairs of heaven, Eka emerged from the hotel. As she flounced toward the G wagon, Simbi and a lady from Eka’s bridal train flanked her keeping watch over her. From where he stood, Mr. Effiong fought back tears at the sight of his daughter.Ufoma, Eka’s mother squirmed her shoulders to shake off the flood of emotions which swooshed through her. Her eyes moistened and she removed her handkerchief and quickly dabbed the corners of her eyes. Choking on his words Mr. Effiong said to his wife in low tone, “In my foolishness I drove this precious gift away…” “Don’t make things harder for me than they already are. Leave the past where it is. If you say one more word about the levity of our past conduct toward Eka, I doubt I will be able to raise a limb to join you to church. Guilt is strangulating me already.” Mr. Effiong pulled his wife closer and gave her a reassuring hug. “We have to find a way to forgive ourselves. That is the only way to move forward.” Ufoma nodded her head. Words had fled from her vocal organ. Before Eka was neatly tucked into the Mercedes G wagon by Simbi and the other member of her bridal train, she waved at her parents, beckoning on them to get inside the Toyota Camry Spider for them to leave for church service. Her smile was angelic, blending perfectly with her supple fair skin and her wedding gown which fitted her so much that one would have thought she was sewn into it. Her flustered parents pulled themselves together and got in their car. When Eka installed herself on the comfy back seat of the Mercedes G wagon, she shut her eyes and took a deep breath. In minutes her long awaited dream would become a reality. God in his immeasurable mercy had blessed her with an amazing love and rolled away the rigours of her checkered life. She wanted to keep her eyes shut until they had arrived at the church. However when she remembered Simbi had still not furnished her with what it was Dr. Gerry was planning, she opened her eyes and asked, “Simbi, you still have not told me what Dr. Gerry is up to. Are you with him in what he is planning?” Simbi’s face gave no impression she was in league with Dr. Gerry. As calmly as she could, she replied, “I have the feeling Dr. Gerry knows I am trying to find out what he is up to; even Sammy won’t talk to me about it. But the good thing is that we know he has a surprise for you.” “I know, but I would be relaxed if I knew what he wants to do. It bothers me that for weeks we could not find out what he has been planning.” “Calm down Eka, it is your wedding day. Give no thought to what Dr. Gerry has up his sleeve.” “I will try.” When they arrived at the church, the church auditorium was full. As her father led her down the aisle with her bridal train behind them, a nasty thought occurred to her and she almost stumbled to the floor. The congregation echoed and cooed in suspense as Eka tottered over her high heel shoes. She was a strong girl. She did well to manage her shoes. Her father could tell something was wrong with his daughter, so he asked, “Eka what is it?” “Nothing,” was her reply. Her voice clearly gave her away. She was afraid. From behind her Simbi asked, “Eka what is it?” “Look around, there is no Dr. Gerry. Where is he? Is he going to keep me waiting today?” Her voice sounded broken, she was dead sure that was the surprise. Before they could reach the seats set for her and her bridal train, sweat had broken over her face, threatening to mess up her make-up. Simbi was busy darting her eyes about looking for Dr. Gerry. Every one from his family was in the church except him, Sammy and the groom’s men. Dr. Gerry’s mother was sitting with her daughters and family members, eagerly waiting like a child about to receive a Christmas gift. Slowly Simbi got worked up and she swore under her breath, “If Dr. Gerry does this, I will kill him. This is a joke gone too far.” Everyone was in Church and all was ready for the church wedding service. Only Dr. Gerry and his groomsmen were missing. Eka’s heart threatened to stop. She had to be taken away from the auditorium to have her make-up patched up severally. Christy, Ema and their husbands were not bothered a bit that Dr. Gerry had not arrived for the wedding. They seemed happy and overjoyed. Eka had to take confidence in that. However she was still nervy. When Simbi could not take it anymore, she stormed down to where Christy and her family members were and made known her threat, “This is not what Dr. Gerry told me he would do. I he fails to show up to day or too late. I swear by God I will kill him!” The sound of her voice gave the impression she meant every word of what she said. Christy and the others were smiling. It was either they did not hear Simbi or they were part of the game which was going on. Christy still smiling said to Simbi, “Have you told Eka about the surprise Dr. Gerry has in store for her?” “This is it obviously! I don’t have to tell her anymore!” “Please don’t; Gerald was held up for some time in traffic. This is not what he planned.” When Simbi stood up to return to her seat, Dr. Gerry and the groom’s men ambled into the church like Alexander the great and his close friends, looking fit and proper. Eka almost stood to her feet to run to him. She was obviously happy he was around. For standing her up too long, she would deal with him when the day was over. Dr. Gerry was garbed in charcoal black Ventura Burgundy Slim Fit Three Piece Suit. His shoes reflecting the lights in the auditorium embellished his appearance a tad more than he intended. The groom’s men who flanked him looked no less charming. His face dazzled and radiated with the smile of a man who was getting married to the wife of his youth. The embarrassing long wait for him to arrive must have made guests in the church auditorium to take little notice of Eka. When Dr. Gerry and his men had taken their seats opposite Eka and her bridal train and she blew him a kiss; it seemed scales fell of the eyes of those in the church. Like the buzzing of bees in a hive, waves of voices swept through the auditorium about Eka. Her hair, eyes, skin, shape, makeup and wedding gown were subjects discussed by the crowd inside the church. Eka could hear them. For a moment she felt taller. A sea of joy welled up on the inside of her. With her man around the the priests ready to officiate the wedding she took more more look at herself. From the moment she arrived at the church and found out Dr. Gerry was not around, she gave no thought to her look. However with him around, she wanted to look her best. Her Martina Liana wedding dress was breathtaking; it fitted on the body from the chest to the knee, and then flared out close to the knee. It was ideal for slender frames and hourglass body types who are willing to show off their curves. With a body shape like hers, Eka was sure a few necks would snap before the wedding was over. She only prayed that Dr. Gerry would not be one of those. Confident she was looking just the way she wanted, she turned her attention to her wedding vow.She had been rehearsing it for days. She wanted to read it to Dr. Gerry with a slice of passion in her voice. Every word in that vow came from her heart and meant so much to her. When the officiating priest mounted the altar to preach the wedding sermon, Eka and Dr. Gerry were led to seats set for them in front of the altar. Eka was happy to sit that close to her man. The moment she sat down; she stealthily took his hand, squeezed it firmly and mouthed to him, “I love you with all my soul.” The preacher was looking straight at them. For a moment Dr. Gerry was not sure if he should respond to Eka; but he braved up and whispered, “I love you with all that I am.” TO BE CONTINUED ON THE LAST EPISODE EPILOGUE NOTE:simbi is two years older than Eka @itzprince please update
12 May 2019 | 11:40
finally the day has come, happy for you eka
12 May 2019 | 12:53
BREATHTAKING The preaching didn’t take too long. Eka and Dr. Gerry had convinced him to make his sermon brief. While he delivered his tailor-made sermon, in-between, he studied the couple whom he was about to pronounce man and wife. He could tell the both of them could not wait to have the nuptial cord tied as man and wife. He had not seen a couple who were that much into each other on their wedding day. He had seen many about-to-wed-couples; they usually were focused on whether the plans for the day were going as planned. However the two who sat before him were engrossed in each other. He had not seen that before, they almost distracted him from his sermon. They smacked of couples from fairy tales. They should have been looking at the preacher while he preached, but they were busy looking at each other. He watched Dr. Gerry as his eyes followed every contour on Eka’s sublime sexy body, which her fitted wedding gown did well to amplify. Eka on her part was doing her best to keep her racing mind quiet. Dr. Gerry’s suit accentuated his figure and made him look like a mini hunk. He could tell Eka was admiring his chest and so he pushed it out for her to get a good look. His biceps seemed to pulsate under his tight fitted suit. Though they were in the church, their thoughts however had strayed far away. Eka pouted her lips and blew him a kiss. Dr. Gerry returned it with a louder kiss to the air. The preacher had to cough loudly to get their attention. For a moment their minds readjusted to the church scene. If any one of them had been asked what the preacher said on that day, they would not have been able to volunteer a word. They just couldn’t wait to exchange wedding vows and slip the wedding rings on their fingers. “I haven’t seen a couple who are more interested in each other than in their wedding plans as this two before me are. I guess we just have to get them wedded; clearly we are wasting their time. If I was as in love as they are with each other, I might feel the same,” said the preacher. As rounds of laughter and hand claps followed the preacher’s observation, Eka thrust her fist forward and said. “Yes!!” Finally the moment they had been waiting for had come. Eka did not expect the feeling which overtook her. As she stood before Dr. Gerry for his vows and wedding ring, her heart began to beat fast. Without her consent, her eyes moistened. When the preacher asked for them to exchange vows, Dr. tried to speak but felt a lump in his throat. They just could not believe their luck that they were getting married to each other. Expectantly, the congregation waited for the flustered couple to pull themselves together and exchange their wedding vows. Eka and Dr. Gerry were airborne; especially Eka. She was overwhelmed at the prospect of receiving the wedding ring from the man of her dream. She tried to hold back her tears but could not. She had to let it all out. Simbi was expected to rush forward and provide her with a handkerchief to wipe her tears but she had her head bowed and wipping tears of her own. Somehow all she could see at that moment was the Eka who was thrown out naked into the street on that rainy day. Dr. Gerry’s mother shot herself forward and gladly wiped Eka’s tears. She was meant to give them some space to exchange their vows but she would not budge the moment she came close. The preacher had to persuade her to give them some space. Grudgingly she took a few steps backward. In the front pews, Eka’s parents were in tears with their heads bowed. They were having a tough time trying to forgive themselves. The both of them having regained their composure, Dr. Gerry made his vows known to Eka, “ When I met you in need, helpless and abandoned in that hospital, I did not know you will come to seal my heart this much. You are my best friend and one true love. There is still a part of me today that cannot believe that I'm the one who gets to marry you. I see these vows not as promises but as privileges: I get to laugh with you and cry with you; care for you and share with you. I get to run with you and walk with you; build with you and live with you. I promise to love and care for you, and I will try in every way to be worthy of your love. I will always be honest with you, kind, patient and forgiving. But most of all, I promise to be a true and loyal friend to you. I love you Ekaette ." While Dr. Gerry read out his vows to Eka, tears flowed and she made no effort to wipe them. Done with his vow, Dr. Gerry waited for Eka’s vows. His eyes were teary, and he fixed them on the drop-dead beauty which would become his wife in minutes. His words were true; he still could not believe he was the one who got to marry Eka. Eka stepped closer and took his hand in hers. The touch of her hand made him quiver. With her eyes fixed on his, she said, “ On this day, I give you my heart, my promise; that I will walk with you hand in hand wherever our journey leads us. Living, learning and loving each other together forever. I am glad to give you my life today. You found it when it seemed worthless, when everyone rejected me; you valued me and preserved me. Now I lay my life on this altar as yours. I take you to be my husband and lover for life. I promise above all else to live in truth with you and to communicate fully and lovingly. I give you my body and my heart as a sanctuary of warmth and peace; and pledge my love, devotion, faith and honor as I join my life to yours ." Having said their vows the preacher led them to exchange wedding rings. The moment Dr. Gerry slipped the ring on Eka’s finger, she vibrated. Her mother in-law took a step forward, but the preacher motioned for her to stay back. That was not the time to kiss, but Eka felt drawn to kiss him at that point. She had to stop herself. When her turn came and the preacher’s voice echoed, “Bride, as you place the ring on Groom’s finger, please repeat after me…” Eka inched closer to Dr. Gerry and repeated the words of the preacher. Behind them people wiped their tears away; those who really knew their story, especially that of Eka, cried rivers of joyful tears. With the wave of the preacher’s hand, Dr. Gerry took Eka in his hands and kissed her passionately. Eka wrapped herself around him for the length of the kiss. For some time it seemed the preacher would not stop them; he just smiled and clapped his hands. There was no music playing, but Dr. Gerry’s mother was busy dancing. Ema, Christy, their husbands, Sammy, Simbi, the bridal train and the groomsmen were all up on their feet clapping.While Eka and Dr. Gerry held each other in a kiss, there was an uninvited guest who slipped into the church auditorium. She was expected to be serving her term in the prison. Quietly she sat at the back of the hall and watched the couple for a moment. Quite unlike her, she stood to her feet and joined the congregation in clapping and cheering on the couple as they kissed each other. Uncharacteristic of her, there were a few tears in her eyes. She had to remove an handkerchief from her purse and dabbed the corners of her eyes. Her name was NK. When events shifted outside and the couple began to take pictures with guests; NK emerged from the crowd, squeezed herself in-between Eka and Dr. Gerry and shouted, “Cheese!” with tears in her eyes as multiple camera shutters clicked, snapping them. Ema and Christy did not see that coming. NK’s change of heart was a blast from the blue. When Ema and Christy came closer to her, all she could say was, “I am sorry! I am very sorry!” as she shook and sobbed soulfully. The two sisters put their hands around her and led her away. Eka and Dr. Gerry stood speechless looking at each other in disbelief. Perhaps their arch enemy must have broke out of jail just to attend their wedding. The reception was a show stopper. The ceiling of the reception hall was draped with brightly colored fabrics. In-between the fabrics, flowers in intricate raffia baskets were suspended in lush arrangements a few feet above guests' tables. The floor of the hall which had polished hardwood heightened the beauty of the flowers and the fabrics hanging from the ceiling. For table numbers and labeling, Dr. Gerry and Eka chose to use the name of fruits; a reference to the days when Eka sold fruits in the streets. So they had ‘Apple’, ‘Orange’, ‘watermelon’ etc tables. The table names were written in stylishly designed cards which were set on each table. They had a lounge area in their reception space with some rented furniture, and had them covered with their favorite patterned fabrics. There was also a stunning focal point that doubled as a photo backdrop. It had layers of different colors, shapes and elements made for guests to marvel at. It was made with materials like tissue paper tassels, balloons, and paper flowers. Eka brimmed with joy and happiness; there was no way some other person in the whole wide world was happier than she was that day. When it was time to dance, she had Dr. Gerry swept off his feet with her brand new moves. Simbi had seen to it that she got her dance moves polished. For Dr. Gerry he did not care who won the dance or what went on in the reception hall. He just could not wait to take his wife home. Amid her joy, Eka forgot that a surprise was coming her way. When the after-wedding party was over, Dr. Gerry and Eka left home to pack their stuffs for honeymoon, and Eka remembered the surprise Dr. Gerry had promised her. “Baby what happened to the nasty surprise you had in stock for me?” “I had to call it off during the wedding reception. Simbi told me what you had to go through in the church when I was held up in traffic. Besides her threatening me, I could not find it in my heart to go through with it. I am really sorry for that delay; it was never part of my plan.” Both of them were on the bed, and so Eka rolled on top of him and kissed him for very long time. After she broke from the kiss, she asked, “What did Simbi tell you she would do if you stuck to going ahead with your surprise?” “She folded her fingers into gun shape, pointed it on my forehead and told me she would shoot me if I put you through another round of harrowing experience. The way she sounded I think she meant it. That girl sure knows how to protect you.” “I love Simbi with all my life. I am where I am today because of her. I will never be able to repay her.” Changing the topic she asked, “What was the surprise you had in store for me?” “I was going to play dead this night. Sammy was meant to find me dead in our hotel room.” Eka gave him two punches to the chest and said, “Who told you I would give you the chance to play that trick on me?” “We had it all planned out.Simbi was going to take you away for us to set it up.” “What!!! Was Simbi part of it?!” “She knew what was coming your way that was the reason she told me not to do it.” “I am going to kill her when I get back from my honeymoon.” Sitting on top of Dr. Gerry, Eka landed a few more punches on his chest. “Are you aware that would have killed me if you had done that?” “I am glad I did not go ahead with it.” Standing to her feet, Eka turned her back to Dr. Gerry and asked him to help her get out of her after-wedding dress. Dr. Gerry’s hand shook and his heart raced as he began to remove her clothes. THE END thank you so much for your time and patience.... @Itzprince update oooooo please
15 May 2019 | 04:58
Such A Wonderfull story
15 May 2019 | 14:30
15 May 2019 | 15:29
That's why I took time to read this story over again even though I've read it before now
15 May 2019 | 15:44
Its a mind blowing story. Kudos to the Writer
15 May 2019 | 18:26
nice story ONTO the next frm the WRITER
16 May 2019 | 06:40
kudos to u, more grace
16 May 2019 | 09:17
Being off for a while now. This story is actually an amazing one with a happy ending. @fb-itzonome, you nailed it kpa! Do happy for Eka and Dr. Gerry. What a wonderful friend between Eka and Simbi!
18 May 2019 | 00:07
I always recognise a talented writer when I see one. You're undoubtedly a very seasoned and sensational writer, going by your creative way of painting each scene with the right choice of word. You write in a very mature style and I definitely love and apprecite that. Please keep it up!
31 May 2019 | 21:17
Very mind blowing. Thanks dear
1 Jun 2019 | 02:58
Love smells in the air!
7 Aug 2021 | 19:33
Same thing happened at my village Long time ago and the villagers were deceived by a witch doctor that a certain old woman was responsible for the deaths, so they burnt the old woman inside her hut.....It only after several months when the government decided to investigate and discovered the course of death was MERCURY and LEAD in the sugar they've been consuming!
7 Aug 2021 | 20:10
i perceive not in a distant future, another disaster will befall Eka!
7 Aug 2021 | 20:41
Let your parents chew what they bited Eka!
7 Aug 2021 | 23:21


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