

By delijah in 11 Mar 2021 | 23:31
delijah delijah

delijah delijah

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This is a story of a 15year old boy shalom,who live with his parents mr&mrs ogaga.Ogaga shalon has always been monitored by his strict mother and she loved him and didint want him spoilt even though they were rich and shalom was was their only child they make sure the spend money on him moderately.
All this gaurding created an innocent soul(shalom),who was contentf with him self and can be alone and does not like mingling with friends,any way is not that he does not like friends but he is following his mothers instruction which she would allways say be for he goes to school,church or public activities "KEEP CLEAR FROM FRIENDS!!!!"she would say and then conclude by saying it is for your good son,while rubbing is head and then tapping his shoulder.I love u son!,i love u mom,he woul say with a smile on his face.
wait for it,but tell me what do u think is shallom been over protected,would his mom be able to keep for as shalom gets exposed to the reality of life
11 Mar 2021 | 23:31
Links To Available Episodes. ?????? Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5
12 Mar 2021 | 02:40
12 Mar 2021 | 05:51
shalom pov shalom!shalom!!,the vioce of my mom calling woke me up from dream land,and it seem the whole nite sleep wasnt enough,the morning sleep was so sweet.Shalom!!! I heared her call again i stood up from the bed and swith on my nokia fone to check the time.Jesus!! i shouted and jumped off the bed it already 7:30 and i would go to school,for it was monday morning,i ran into the bathroom,nd i think in less than a minuite i was done.Did i realy took my bath?,but for sure i did not brush my teeth,came of the bathroom,and brougth out my well ironed uniform,i looked at the yellow top and blue shot i shighed,i so much hate this uniform,i got dressed and went to my reading table to arrange the book i was reading last nite in my bag and took it headed down stairs,oooi forgot to tell u,i live in a mansion,cause my parents are rich but they dont like giving me money,and they even bought me a touch light phone. Since i was already late my mom just gave me #200 and her normal "stay away from friends,
13 Mar 2021 | 05:26
i wacthed as shalom ran out to the parcking slot where his personal driver most have been waiting for him,hmmm thank God his dad went on a business trip he would have shouted the building down,james doest like it when his sn goes late to school,anyway let me go and prepare for shop,i think i would visit robinson plaza branch to day,yes u heard me right BRANCH,i deal on shoes and jewelries with different stores/branches all over warri,yea we live in warri. shalom pov:i got to the school gate,and came down from the car by then the time was8:35am,i just could not believe it my fist time to be ln school late,i just walked passed the gate man without greeting i was in a haste,i was even running but the stupid gate man shouted hay!!you come here,u no sabi great? he asked,Good morning i shouted back to him without stopping. I got to my class and i saw the mrtokafor already teaching maths,i so much dslike him he is just too short,i can see the middle of his head,i greated him,U are late he said ignoring my greating
13 Mar 2021 | 05:57
sorry sir i replyied with my head facing down,go and settle down mr okafo said and just befor,i could sit down is my attentin was drawn,to a new boy just addmited and must say that he look like a rich,urobo etc...Hmmm i think i need to make him a friend.But mom said i should not make friends. .Confused..let me just wait till laungh time, kelvin pov: its laugh time already,i didnt want to go out to the canthen,becuase i had no fri.e.. Just hen i saw a boy coming to me,Hi the boy greated smilling,am shalom he contnued and i nudded,i am kelvin i said releasing a smirk,. Can we be friends?he asked,yes i replied,we shook hands.And to my suprise everybody was just stareing at us,what are they thinking or whispering about,i asked, They usually sée me as island cause i dont mingle with them,shalom replied. SHALOM pov: i was so happy but to my greatest suprise when i got home my mom welcomed me ith warnings.Did i not tell u to stay clear from friends and today u made friend with a stranger HOW DID SHE KNOW?...
13 Mar 2021 | 07:20
@coolval222-2 @delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-hsdanieljago @fb-elijahadyemo @stonez @stanlex @hormotiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladeboyo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemichael @papacee @rhemychrix @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @internet @gabright @sweet @grace @fb-sakizzy @omosanyadamilola @fb-estheradeyemi PLS SHOULD I CONTINUE?
13 Mar 2021 | 08:10
Ride on
13 Mar 2021 | 16:51
Seated and waiting for the next Epistle.
13 Mar 2021 | 20:45
shaloms pov: its tuesday,i count sleep well cause my mom did not give me food the last nite,she said thats my punishment for disobeying her orders.i got ready for school,got to the dinninp table and devoured my breakfast(rice and eggsause),i ate as if i was a prisone,but while eating,i kept thinking why does my mon not want me around friends............... i got to school and was trying to dudge kelvin,but just then he turned back and our eyes met,he was in the front of the assembly while i was at the main back,enyway thats because i was late. kelvin pov:after the assenbly i was about walking to shalom to say hi but i noticed that he just passed withouit chatting,any way,i dont care,i am so going to make new friends,and he is going to get ashamed. SHALOM POV Why is mom even punishing me this way? ah!!! i just saw kelvin but i had to snub him cause i cant stand missing my dinner again.Sorry kelvin!i said like who u help.,
15 Mar 2021 | 18:43
shaloms pov: its tuesday,i count sleep well cause my mom did not give me food the last nite,she said thats my punishment for disobeying her orders.i got ready for school,got to the dinninp table and devoured my breakfast(rice and eggsause),i ate as if i was a prisone,but while eating,i kept thinking why does my mon not want me around friends............... i got to school and was trying to dudge kelvin,but just then he turned back and our eyes met,he was in the front of the assembly while i was at the main back,enyway thats because i was late. kelvin pov:after the assenbly i was about walking to shalom to say hi but i noticed that he just passed withouit chatting,any way,i dont care,i am so going to make new friends,and he is going to get ashamed. SHALOM POV Why is mom even punishing me this way? ah!!! i just saw kelvin but i had to snub him cause i cant stand missing my dinner again.Sorry kelvin!i said like who u help.,
15 Mar 2021 | 18:49
16 Mar 2021 | 04:56
Mrs ogagas pov: Hmmm,I exhaled when shalom went to school,I don't like hurting his feelings and I love him but if I let him make friends I would be risking his life,I must follow orders...still in my thoughts when my phone rang,I was sitting on the sofa while it was on the center table,I stood up but fell,then I knew who was calling so I went on my knells and crawled and picked the phone....and I knew I just have to listen and not say a word Horror voice speaks:????it seems u are dareing me,u better find a way to isolate shalom or I would take him away from u,and your husband would marry another woman........the call goes off. By this time blood has already started flowing off my nose. Shalloms pov: I had been alone as normal the way I used to be before I met kelvin the privious day but it felt like I had never tested loneliness.i just wanted to go and chat with him but I knew it would only make things worst...I just don't understand how my mom could be able to monitor me like this... I think I would go and talk to kelvin and what ever happens should happen......................the closing bell rang and i was happy talking with kelvin as we stroll out of the school compound TBC.................. What do I think I was on the line talking with mrs ogagas,and what would be mrs ogaga's next step to isolate her son...
16 Mar 2021 | 09:29
REGISTER @coolval222-2 @delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-hsdanieljago @fb-elijahadeyemo @stonez @hormortiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladebayo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemicheal @papacee @rhemychrix @danfavourer @istianplus-2 @olamibobo @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @gabright @sweet @grace @fb-samkizzy @omosanyadamilola @fb-estheradeyemi @olumlam
16 Mar 2021 | 11:07
Mr JAMES OGAGA pov: hmm,am so tired! i exhaled as i entered my hotel room.thank God the meeting is over,it been a really great invitation to attend a metting of all the big electronics shiping and supplying enterprise in nigeria,it was my first time because my electronics supplying has expanded and is now registered. i think i would be on my way to abuja airport,yea the meeting was held in abujah.Am not going to inform my wife i want to make it a suprise,i know she loves suprises,. SHALOM POV: My driver drove to the house and he pressf the horn severally till the stupid gate man came to open it,his eyes were redish and he was yawning and strechin,se this one f sleep for this hot aftenon...... i came down from the car which was parked in the compound slot,i was about running in to great my mon when thought of maybe she migh have known that i talked with kelvin,so i went in slowly but didnt find any one at home,it got into the hous,and took my bath and ate,still my mom wasent back so i decided to call her
17 Mar 2021 | 06:56
i went up stairs to my room and picked my phone from the drawer where i had kept it since morning,and went to the contacts,i had only three contacts which was my dad,mom & my uncle. the call was picked at the thirth ring ME:hello mom:-(but a male voice answered,) MALE VOICE:Hello u are talking to doctor stev and am the head doctor of your families doctor's hospital.your mom came to the hospital but we didint knnw why cause she collapesed immidiately she came down from her car,hello are u with me..... ME:yes i can hear u (i answered with a crying voice). DOCTOR STEV:Dont cry dear pls,see you have to call your dad cause your family doctor is not in town and we cant even find your family file, ME:I would do so sir.(sir.... the patient is jelking)i could hear a nurse telling the doctor.the line went off. i just hope thats not my mom i immidiately called my dad and he pick hel... and i interupted him Mom is in the hospital and has been admited,he sreamed WHAT!!!!,am on my way am already in warri,osubi airport..
17 Mar 2021 | 07:35
Okay Evey body thanks to you guys
17 Mar 2021 | 18:00
Okay o women with secrets. Hmmmmm odikwa risky o. Next.
18 Mar 2021 | 04:17
SHALOMS pov: its been half a month since my mom was admitted and she is still in a comma,the doctors said her vital signs all normal,but they dont just know why she hasnt gained consiousness. I am sad about her situation but somehow happy that i had made alots of friends in school and in the estate. On one faithful day i was taking a stroll in around the estate when i saw a lady struggling with some loggages or whatever i dont really know but it was in two ghanamostgo bags,i offered her help take them to heq house and she was just staring at me after she said thanks.I didnt know enything about seduction then but i knew that she was atracted to me,but am her junior she most be over 25,i turned to leave and she call dear! pls can u tell me your name.I faced her with a smile shallom! i replied,she ask of where i live'my parents and she told me to give her my number,i did and shd flashed only to see me bring out my nokia tourch to save her number,she looked at my phone and asked me if i needed a new one....
18 Mar 2021 | 07:23
con-- LILIAN pov: this boy is just too cute,i think i need him,am so lucky his mom is in the hospital and his dad is a busy man. he was so happy when i told him i would get him a new phone.i surely will. kai i forgot to introduce my sele to him,anyway i would do that on calls let me go and take my bath shoping all this kitchen utensiles and wares was so exuasting... i really need to call my shallom,i need to hear his voice again. SHALOM pov: its been one week since i met miss lilian and i think am kind of forgeting my mom is in the hospital,anzay my dad paid a laidy to watch over her,so i had gone there only once for the past week,miss lilian is so caring she bought me iphone8 and has been buying cloth for me.Oooi have almost forgoten to tell her my birthday is just threedays from now.hmm am going to be 16 on saturday i told her when i called her.She was so happy as if it was her birthday,she told me to come online whattsapp i did and saw a video she sent i tapped it open and what i saw made me shock..What!
18 Mar 2021 | 07:50
21 Mar 2021 | 10:02
SHALON pov: what!!! i could see lilian masturbaing in the video,i dont now what came over me but i immidiately gave her a video call,and she was till naked,i wouldent lie she is so hot.i know am a virgin but my body at 15 knows what sex and seduction is all about.i just kept watch her and feeding my thought.when she said i should take off my cloths,but i refused and cut the call. she texted me appologising that she knew am not spoit but sexchat is not a sin,its just fun and not the main act,she said.i saved the video and kept wacthing it that day till i slept of at nite,i did alot of jacking off.Which i learnt from the internet when i searchf to know about sexchat.Yesoo i didnt know about sexchat or jacking off at my age.But i swear the feeling of me ejaculating was so nice.I just wanted to do it over and over again.---------- MR OGAGA pov: in my onconcious state i saw shalom having sew with a group of girls.and immidiately i woke up as if i was electrified,shalom no!!! i shouted because if its true...DANGER
21 Mar 2021 | 16:32
Pls who is Mr. Ogaga?
22 Mar 2021 | 06:00
Shalom is already exposed. But, will Mr. Ogaga be able to save him?
22 Mar 2021 | 07:37
sorry Guys i wantf to write Mrs ogaga not Mr ogaga
22 Mar 2021 | 16:04
@akhenabor sorry it was a mistake i meant mrs ogaga(shalom's mom)
22 Mar 2021 | 17:48
DOTOR GREG pov: i was in my office going through some files i was really tired cause they are too many for only two weeks trip that i took to dubi,i was going through the OGAGA's family file and the case of mrs Ogaga is so amazing,all vital signs are nomal but yet she is still uncou...,just then doctor stev open the door without knocking,cant u knock!!!? i shouted,am sorry sir he replied with his facd down.What do u want?,sir mrs ogaga ir awake but she has been shoutimg as if saw a ghost.What!! Lets go to her ward,she was shaking and sweating the nurses and a laidy that wacthes over her,has held her two hands to the bed,i could hear her shouting her sons name shalom no!! pls no!!. I thought mabi she must have seen a trance and her son is in trouble.So called Mr ogaga but no answers,then a textmessage came from him..Pls am in a meeting and i dont need disturbance,i dicided to just calm her down,i talked to her and she became cool.And she said she wants to be discharged.I looked at her she ok?????
22 Mar 2021 | 19:50
Mrs OGAGA's pov: i was just staring at the ward thinking,it was a private ward and its comfortable but if i stay another day in this hospital am going to be in trouble,give me my phone! i said to the lady i saw that has been close to me since i gained conciousness,immedaitely i held the phone a call came in 0*** my eyes went blury i could not see the number then i knew am in more bigger trouble than i think,i pressed the answer botton and kept mute for the caller to speak all through because on the last time i spoke back and that was what led to my two weeks comma.CALL:horror voicespeacking:hahaha u feel i am joking,if u dont get home before shalom clock 16 then u are going to be in trouble i would kill u too,make sure he doesnt mate with anyone...the line goes this time the lady close to me has misteriously slept and blood was coming out of my nose and mouth.i need to act fast i thought,i got up from the bed cleaned my face..And started searching the ladys bag for cloths to wear TBC.. Would she escape
22 Mar 2021 | 21:10
Mr OGAGAS pov: As i was serching the ladys bag i saw lots of skimpy dresses then it occured to me shn was a slot and she usually leaves the hospital at nite,hmm its going to be more easy for me to leave the hospital now..i thought, i pulled of the hospital dress and changed into a red gown that has an open back,took one of her dack shade,on a black heel,i took one of her water hair,how could someone bring all this to the hospital just to look after someone,mtchew were did my husband find her.i raise the lady and lay her on the bed,i dont even know her name i covered her with the bed cloth.i went out i was almost seen by my family doctor but i increasd my pase so he didnt take a close look.As i pass through the receptionist office,the receptinist just waved at me and said she would take care of her,that means she never noticed she was feeling i was the lady,so this is what the so called...Mchew use to do everyday when i was in comma,but thanks to her it gave me a way of excape.
24 Mar 2021 | 12:46
... it was already dark,so immidiately flaged down an empty tricycle,take me to cleaverage estate,na 1k madam,the driver said i stepf in and did not even reply him,for sure the price was not more than #500 but what is bothering me is way more than a million naira... SHALOM pov: since i got back from school i have been writing and calculating the expencies that would be need for my birthday party cause my friend are going to be their and i really want to shock them,anyway Lilian was the one who said i should make the estimate and send it to her,she has even paid for the event center,ha!!! i jurt wish my dad and mom dont come back. KELVIN pov: i am addressing my gangs/cult fellow dragon,i have a target that we must initiate and get as a member,his family are financialy strong and we need money for weapons,he is having a birthday party in two days,we need to go in same cloths,we would go into the party in style,and i bet he would feel left out would ask to join the crew,not knowing its a cult.Hahah
24 Mar 2021 | 13:16
Shalom be careful
25 Mar 2021 | 15:33
#SHATTERD PLANS# SHALOMS pov: its already 6:30pm when my phone rang and i checked it was lilian,i picked... Me:Hello ma Lilian:i havd told u to stop calling me "ma",just call me your love Me:ok my love hm are u doing.. Lilian:am fine but very bored pls can u come over to my place pls, Me:ok theirs no one in my house so i would even sleep over love Lilian:ok sweet heart i would be waiting...(Call goes out) hmm i knew deep down that i am going to have sex with a sugar mommy but i really want to experement what i see on net..I quickly took my bath wore a joggers and a sleaveless top,just to ,?show my little musles.I walked out of the mansion immidiately not minding what the security was saying.I headed strait to lilians house.When i knocked she opened,i gasped in shock she was already naked,i got over it and whent inside she held me from behined and drew me close to her i turned facing her,she was a little taller i took the orange and started sucking....I WOULD STOP HERE I THINK U KNOW WHAT HAPPEN NEXT
25 Mar 2021 | 16:15
Mrs OGAGA'r pov: when we got the estate gate the seciurity refused alowing the tricycle in,so i had to walk down to my house,i knocked and immidiately the gate man responded "oga shalom i de come",i kept quiet meaning shalom is out by this time,the gate man opened the small part of the gate and he jumped back in shock..Madam good ev..Where is shalom!!! i thundered without leting him finishe his greating- ma he-he-he..He what!! i screemed on top of my voice as i gave the gate man two hot slaps...He went out the man said inbettween tears,am sure he is not crying because of the slaps but becaure he knows that he is fired.I macthed inside tha yard heading to the door but i turned back,u fool u better go out there and look for my son,don't come back till u get him..,i went inside shaking as if i was not the one who was shouting seconds ago. I went in and the whole sitting room seem to be turning and i kept shouting,just then it all stoped and 10 blood shot eyes men on black robe apeared with staff in their hands
26 Mar 2021 | 01:45
SHALOMS pov: My body was giving me inconvinence immidiately after my second round with lilian,i felt so dizzy,just then lilian walked in from bathroom,u can go freshen up now,she said.. i stood up but immidiately lost balance and fell... LILIAN's pov: i wacth as he fell down,hahahaha yes he has lost his versue and potency,he is mine now.I went to my drawer and brought out a bottle of herb and gave it to shalom,immidiately he started jelking and shaking and then he shouted,i locked his mouth with a kiss as we entered into another round of sex.Am in control of the great egjo(chief prist) MR OGAGAS pov: Ten men--Madam u have defiled the convenant and the egjo has been exposed to the marine kingdom.U better find a way to get him from their bossom...(they disappeared into dust) by this time my body was alredy filled with blood because blood was coming out of my nose,mouth and private part. Ha what have i goten my self into...I kept rolling on the floor as i kept remembering hw it all started........
26 Mar 2021 | 02:07
#FLASHBACK# (Stell ogaga and her husband James ogaga are in the dinning table eating dinner silently) -stella broke the silence- Stella:honey!! pls forgive me..It wasnt my fault James:(with a thounderous voice angry face)Then whose falt is it??Since we got married 4years ago u would get pregnamt and in 3months u have a miscarrage,this would make it the 12th time,and u have the goth to say its not your fault(he smacthed his fist on the table and got up heading to the room) Stella:(Standing up to follow him)honey pls... James:(turns back to face stella)if u dare follow me i would slap u(Walked away) Stella:(knelt on the flour crying)why me..Hmm i cant afford to loose my marriage,i would have to do what Grandma told me.. --TWO DAYS LATTER-- Stella is in a deep forest with ten men on black robe,she was tieing a black cloth on her chest. Leader of the men:We have come to the end of the ritual but make sure when u lay with your husband today put this seed in your mouth do not open your mouth till he is done..
26 Mar 2021 | 02:39
Stella:(streching her hands to collect a seed just like the size of a kolanut)she bowf her head and turned to leave because the rules is that no one speacks back or talkes to the TEN GRAVES(the ten men on black),she walked straith the lonely part of the forest till she reached the outskirt of the village where her grandma has been waiting for her. Stell:mingwo onime(thanking her grand mother) Grandmom:Omome otoyin o wan(thats how it use to be) Stella:(crying) Grandmom:worwo vîe,Oghene ru onana nu ré(stop cring God has done this one already)..... ------ THE NEXT DAY Stell has gotten back to warri and has already made food for her husband,they were eating in the dining James:love how is your grandmoms health now Stell:she has gotten better(i lied that my grandmom was sick,so that i can go to the village for the rituals) James:O thats good,i really miss u love Stella:for just one and the half dayoo,u are so spoilt but honey am not in the mood so i would just let u in but i dont want to do it(he is a sex freack)
26 Mar 2021 | 03:10
--1 Hour Later--- James:that is so unromantic,stella u did not even allow me to kiss u,u just laydown like a dead log,anyway am sorry to be so lustful,i would let u rest and mabi tommorow we would get along well.. Stella pov: (i just kept mute,see the way he was raming into me,i wanted to mourn and enjoy my self but i just have to do this for my child,oo james am really sorry we are not going to have sex for the next 9months),i was still lost in thoughts when he got u from the bed and moved to the bathroom,to wash up i think,then i opened my mouth but the seed has disappeared. i have to find a way to make him not think about sex with me...then a thought came to me,i have to pretend to be sick for the next 9months i would just pay the doctor,they would conclude that the sickness is due to my pregnancy ---9MONTHS LATER--- There was a cry of a baby in the hospital,immidiately Mr james started jumping maybe for the new arival of the child or for the joy that in the next 1month he could have sex with his wife
26 Mar 2021 | 03:49
See conditions! Shalom wasn't supposed to sleep with Lilian and now he is in serious danger Waiting for the next episode
26 Mar 2021 | 10:58
#SHATTERD PLANS 2# MRS OGAGA's pov: i kept cring and rolling on the flour,then i thought to my self i need to tell James that shalom is missing,i even wonder why he has not even called,and did not even visit me in the hospital...I kept asking the rhetorical question till i picked my phone and dieled his number,he didnt answer or call back even after 12missed calls, Ooo No!!! what would i do now??? am so confused,i broke down into tears.. still crying,but i went out to the gate to wait for Shalom.. kai neither Shalom nor the gate man seems to be coming back,my tears increased because i have waited for more than two hours... SHALOMS pov: I didnt know what was going on but i could'nt believe that on my first time i was having sex like a pornstar, as at midnite we had gone 8rounds and lilian kept giving me an herb immidiately i cum,and then i would spring into action again. Deep down i was not feeling any pleasure,but i knew life was leaving me, But i could'nt control my self,i kept having sex with her
27 Mar 2021 | 00:59
... MR OGAGA's pov: i am in Asaba,not for a busness or anything serious i just wanted to free myself from all the tension,gotten from my wifes always misterious sickness and behaviours, i could remember 16years ago that woman was on sick bed for 9months and she deprived me from sex or let me say her sickness did,after that she said she still woun't let me have her till she stops breast feeding the baby, hmm i tried to be faithful for the first 9months of the pregnancy but after the delivery,i started hanging out with girls and that is what has made me to be in asaba, beside me in the hotel rooms bed there were two slots one by my left and the other by the right,they were toughing and romancimg my body when my phone rang,i ignored it,the it rang again i checked the caller,mtchew its that wicked woman i set the phone on silent and continued my adventures. SHALOM's pov: it morning already i left lilians house and headed home so i could prepare for school and then when am back the finalisation of the party...
27 Mar 2021 | 01:22
....As i walked out heading to our house i saw the gateman siting under an orange tree,he was still sleepin,although it was still 5:30am but why would he sleep outside and even 2 blocks from our house, i went close to him,tapping him on the shoulder,Oga Usman!! i shouted,and he jumped up with shock eeh madam go killi me,he started runing towards the house not even noticing me that woke him, so i called him again,Oga Usman!!,then he turned and ghasp in relieve as he began to ask where i went,what happend,??? I ignored him and kept walkin toward our gate but kept pundering on what Oga Usman said when he shouted madam go kill me, does he means that my mom has been discharged, is my mom at home??? ewo!!! i shouted when Oga Usman answered positively to my question. MRs OGAGA's pov: i could'nt sleep all through the nite,i stood up from the bed when i heard a sound from the gate,i better check out as i wore my house slippers that mas beside my bed,i headed down stairs and opened the door then i saw Shalom!!!
27 Mar 2021 | 01:50
Next episode loading........................But readers pls what do u think Mrs Ogaga(stella) would do to shallom?????
27 Mar 2021 | 01:54
See you see trouble
27 Mar 2021 | 05:54
#SHATTERED PLAN 3# SHALOM's pov: Just as i and oga Usman entered the compound,my mom burst open the door, i was shocked migw...(good mor..) "eeh! eh!! hold it there,SHALOM!!!,where are u coming from?" I was domb founded,sweating as if i was in a steamroom,i formed the most innocent and sorrowful face i could, "Shalom i said where are u coming from?" i was looking at the floor,we were some feets way from each other,but just like a Speed of light,my mom pounce on me like a lion does to its prey, i was recieving numerous slaps,kicks and i didnt even know what to do, i wanted to run but it seems my feets were glued to the ground,kai no one else would understand what really happend but i got the beating of my life, to crown it up the iphone8 lilian bought for me was in my hand,so momsi took it not even asking of the owner,she threw it against the wall, And i heared the loud shattering sound.... i cried like a baby,not because of the beating but for the phone
29 Mar 2021 | 16:19
USMAN's pov: i just stood begging madam madam abeg forgive am,e no go do am again but all i could hear from her as she was beating him was "U would tell me where u went to today!,after i have deal with u,then u would know am your mother" Every single word she said was accompanied with a slap or kick ah is this the person that was addmited in the hospital for two week,i asked my self i didnt even have the boldness to hold madam,so i just stood and continued my begging shalom was grouning and rolling in pain on the floor,he looked like a person who was beaten by group of men when madam was through with the beating she left him and was heading inside,when she turned back and shouted "Usman u are fired!,dont let me come out again and see u in this compound" it was as if i should just faint,hw would i cope,my wife and my five children are in the north and the salary i get from this job is what i send for their up keeping, i thought of taking shalom to the hospital,but be cause to loss my job TBC
29 Mar 2021 | 16:54
Poor Usman
30 Mar 2021 | 06:05


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