by Ajiboye Seyi Samson
A certain woman had been barren for over 20 years. She is loved by her husband and in-laws. Since she has never for once impudently disrespect him.
This made it impossible for her husband to harangued, fierce or launched a vitriolic attack at her. He neither vituperates or annoyed to her flaws or mistakes.
In fact everything is hunky dory, all is going on smoothly.
He had been advised by friends, colleagues to to as discreetly engaged in an hanky panky behaviour by having extra marital affairs. Like Job, his brain had been wishy washy with series of immoral, wonky and distort ideas.
Albeit, he isn't a philanderer, whilst the advise and public reaction can convert him to one. But nay! He ignored and keep on hoping on God.
He often gives an hand dog look whenever he thought of his his hapless condition and garrulous chaffing of his neighbours, giggling and making jest of him. But he never weary nor worry, hoping to soar like eagle someday.
The woman had been praying and fasting for seven days, attended different counseling, programme and vigils. No Wonder they that trust the lord often be as an unshakeable mountain (PS 125:1).
After a controversial meeting amidst her husband family. They finally concluded to estranged her from her matrimonial home.
On the 7th day of her fasting and prayer. Her husband family came to chased her out. After their dreaded conundrum and aggressiveness.
She sighed and primly replied " Thank you sir and ma, for over 20 years, you had been kind, patient and friendly to me. You didn't humiliate or pettishly insult me. The lord has grant me goodness and mercy in thy presence despite the fact that I'm barren. Now that the lord has answereth my prayer. You want to chase me out. Thank you very much." She confidently said it with faith, even though she isn't pregnant.
They were astonished doubting whether she's pregnant or not. They were incommunicado for some minutes. The family head broke the hiatus silence and commanded everyone to let her be for some month, while they all disappeared at different direction.
After a month, she conceive and later gave birth to a baby boy. She also begat three girls and a boy.
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Belief me or not faith is paramount in all. Irrespective of your affliction or sorrow, be prayerful, trust in God and be faithful.
Prayer work with trust and faith. Never weary nor worry(Isaiah 40:31).
Your present bad situation is temporary. Be hardworking, stop relaxing, work with faith. Belief its well and all will be hunky dory.