Featherlight Heart

Featherlight Heart

By chimmy in 9 Dec 2017 | 05:34
chimmy chimmy

chimmy chimmy

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Story By Stephanie Egberike

Starting tomorrow

Emeka’s father had always been the man he was, a serial womaniser amongst other things, an occasional beater when his mother did wrong and a strict man.
It became worse when his father began to roll in bucks. He didnt care about his wife nor his son anymore. .and by the time Emeka was in his third year in school…his father had kicked him and his mother out and carried other women to enjoy the wealth his mother had suffered with him for.
Emeka and his mother survived the streets for years, eating from hand to mouth and sleeping under the bridge. Barely alife, barely living.
Amongst other pains was the fact that the girl he loved broke up with him because she felt he won’t amount to nothing, but all she saw was a boy whose usefulness to her had been outlived, so she moved on to other things, breaking the boy who loved her wholeheartedly without a care in the world.
Emeka, with the pain of a broken home, a father who never loved nor cared for him, a father who saw his mother as a punching bag and finally ousted them out of his life and their house and sent to die on the streets, to the pains pof a broken relationship with a girl who he considered his escape in his chaotic world. Emeka, a boy had to become a man, to care for his sick mother, to roam the streets, to survive for him and his mother, for months into years they lived on the streets of lagos.
The only other thing that kept him going aside his mother, was the fact that he had vowed to pay his father for what he did to them, and like a wound it feasted in his heart as he toiled day and night with his mother by his side.
Ten years later,Emeka is older now, running his own company when a man is ushered into his office for a partnership. It was his father..and his father had no idea who the young man was. He was determined to punish him for all he had done..especially for the pain his mother went through.
As though his luck didn’t stop shinning. He ran into Diana, his ex , the same girl who had left him because she couldn’t date a pauper, and she couldn’t believe her eyes..and she decides to come chasing him back.
He was determined to make his father pay. .and make Diana feel the pain he felt when she broke his heart.
Will he be able to give tit for tat…or be swayed by his mother’s love for her husband and his featherlight heart for the girl he once loved?.
Find out in this sizzling gripping chapters of ‘’featherlight Heart’’
9 Dec 2017 | 05:34
@ryder and @itzprince one of u should do the roll call o
9 Dec 2017 | 06:40
wow.. bring it on
9 Dec 2017 | 08:41
9 Dec 2017 | 09:39
ride on
9 Dec 2017 | 09:47
We're waiting..
9 Dec 2017 | 09:58
9 Dec 2017 | 10:49
9 Dec 2017 | 11:34
Bring it on
9 Dec 2017 | 18:56
1 It hasn’t always been like this, or maybe it has always been but she never really wanted to see the writings on the wall. Well how could she? It wasn’t love at first sight or those kinds of love stories the youngsters always dreamed about. No. In her time, that word ‘love’ didn’t matter, wasn’t spoken, wasn’t even heard. So this wasn’t a relationship based on the foundation of love but of companionship and maybe convenience. She was about twenty three, living in her uncle’s house in the city, still a young girl whose life had always been in the village and she had only been in Lagos for two years, when he had come for her hand in marriage. He was nothing other than a mere front desk personnel in a marketing firm, who didn’t have more than a few change in his pocket, a few thousands in his bank account and maybe a promising future and lived in a one-room bearable-house. He had told her uncle that he would be able to take care of her, fend for her and be a good husband and that her uncle shouldn’t be worried about his present state, he was a hard working man, he had potential of being great and …bla bla blabardash!! She should have known then that a man, when he wants something would even speak the language of the gods. But her uncle had called her in, and asked her if she wanted to marry him. She had looked at him, a stranger that had suddenly become familiar with his constant visits to her house to see her uncle. He seemed nice, not much older than herself. He was educated, well versed, he was definitely a step up from the village life and the boys who walked around in wrappers and played chess and drank palm wine from the farm, and went about chasing girls to get them pregnant, as though they were in some competition of being the one with the most children and concubines. The village life never really frowned upon it, no one cared about values and morals, you marry whom you wanted or rather took, and soon you became a wife. No HALABOOHOO
10 Dec 2017 | 07:00
So when her Uncle asked her, she realized that she wasn’t getting any younger. The stranger, he seemed nice around the edges, he smiled warmly when he greets her and sometimes he had gotten her sweet bread from the supermarkets and always claimed that he wouldn’t be able to buy stuff for her uncle and his wife alone. She had looked at him and then she had nodded. In the village, they never really asked the opinions of young girls, they pick your husband and the next morning before you knew it you were married off to one old bellied man with goatie and five children and maybe a few wives already. She was lucky, her Uncle took her away to the city to stay with him, his wife needed someone to take care of her child while she went to work and Mercy was too happy to leave. Yes she was lucky, to be taken away from that village and the life it brings. So she had accepted to marry the stranger who looked sweet and nice. “Yes Uncle, I’ll marry him” she said shyly. A month later they had been married, a small service, no honeymoon and a year later they had their first and only Child, Emeka Odinaka Chikurdi. And for five years, they lived in peace, her duties were to stay at home and watch over their son, prepare food for her husband and submit to him which she did gladly, and she had come to care for the man she called her husband. He wasn’t always sweet, she had come to realize, he wasn’t always nice, she noticed too. He shouted on her, he got angry and snapped. But she realized it was the stress of work, the no-money syndrome and the hard harsh life of the economy. So she told him she wanted to help. She finally began to sell little things like fish and tomatoes in the market with her son Emeka wrapped on her back, under the sun and the rain she labored and was happy to be able to bring her little earnings home. They had hit rock bottom when he was fired. That was when he began to change more. He used to shout on her but it became worse, sometimes he let his anger take over him, a few times he had sent her to the floor, but immediately he would apologize but soon after she would be sent down again. He got angrily easily for nothing. But you see, she was told by other women, that he was her husband and she needed to understand that situations might push a man to do certain things he wouldn’t want to do. So for everything he did,She forgave him every time. This went on for three years., then God shined down his love on them. She had gotten a job as a maid to a lady she had helped with her child who had strayed away from her mother. The girl had come out of the shop she and her mother were in to chase an ice-cream man on his bike and strayed away too far. Mercy had seen her son, Emeka, staring at the little girl, his mouth drooling for the cake she had in her hand and the ice-cream she had in the next, sitting down, oblivious of her environment but enjoying the goodies in her hand. She had walked to him and pulled Emeka away from her but Emeka,who can sometimes be stubborn wailed his lungs out. She knew why he got like that, the only goodies he was used to getting was pap, custard and an occasional indomie if days were good, luxurious foods or junks like cake, chocolates and biscuits were too much, and they couldn’t afford to indulge, but he wanted them. “Don’t! stop it Emeka!” she says dragging him away, looking around for anyone who was with the girl, no one was in sight “WA WAHH WAHHHH!!’’ Emeka cried, she raises up her hand to smack him across the face “Stop crying else I would send you up to see the stars” she threatens pulling his mouth shut, But Emeka wouldn’t stop wailing, the girl, was staring at Emeka as he cried stretching out his hands towards her, Mercy pulled her son and began to walk away from the girl, Emeka wailed behind her and then he suddenly stopped, she looks down to realize that the girl had given him her cake and then fed him her ice-scream, cleaning his tears. Defeated, Mercy sighs and stops, she watches them sit down and eat it together, Emeka’s eyes were shinning, he was happy. “Where is your mother little girl, what is your name?” She had told her that she was in a supermarket and that her name was Jessica, but she doesn’t know were the supermarket was in. Mercy couldn’t leave her, so she took the child with one hand, Emeka on the other and began to search shops. Tired, she had decided to take the girl to the police station to report the case of the child, but when she got there, she found a woman whose tears had cleaned out her makeup turning her mascara on her face to look like a Dracula’s queen. She had been worried, it’s been three hours, she had reported her daughter missing. “Thank you thank you so much madam, God bless you” she hugs her daughter to herself, her husband takes Mercy’s hands and thanked her too. They offered to give her money, but she had shook her head, they say, don’t give a man fish, he would eat it and come back for more, teach a man how to fish and he would be able to stand on his own and not lean on you anymore. “How do I pay you back for this good deed madam, anything, please” The woman had begged “I need a job madam, please I can do anything, “ she had said ‘’well, do you have your Cv, do you have any skills?’’ Mercy had shook her head “No madam, but my husband, he is a learned person, he can work” “But you said you need a job, now you talking about your husband?” “Madam they say, Men are the breadwinners of a home, if he gets a job, I am okay, he would take care of us, my son and I, if I get a job, I will take care of them both, but you know how some men can be, it is better he has a job ma’am, that is all I want” she told the woman ‘’Honey?” she turns to her husband “Tell your husband to come to this office Monday morning with his credentials and call me.” He tells her handing her a card, Mercy goes on her knees thanking him “Bless you sir, bless you” she thanked them “Emeka, let us go” she calls her son, but he was seated with the little girl, God knows what they were saying to each other, they were laughing and playing with their hands “Mercy is it?” the woman had turned back to her “What do you do at home mostly?” “Nothing ma’am, only when I have small money I go and sell fish and tomatoes in the market.’’ “Okay, my nanny just got married and left and we have been looking for another, would you like to take her place, I”ll pay you much more than what you will get in the market plus, I am sure your son isn’t in school?’’ Mercy shakes her head bowing it, feeling embarrassed “We weren’t able to pay his fees Madam” Mercy says “I am sure with what I offer to pay you, you can enroll him into one” “Hay Madam!!!’’ Mercy goes on her knees “No no get up, see you brought my daughter to me, I thought she was kidnapped, she is our only child, and God knows the amount of money they would have bagged from us, but she was safe and sound because a good woman like yourself saw her, so this is the least we can do and that means my daughter would be in safe hands when I and my husband are not home, so madam please, we should be the ones thanking you, there is no problem, come, do you leave around here so we take you home?’’ “No, at the other side of town” “Fine, let’s go, Jessica, come” Jessica holds Emeka’s hands and went to her mother. They left the station and they drove her home, their countenance changes when the couple saw the state of their house, barely a house, a one room, leaking roof and a stove outside where they cooked “Thank you ma” Mercy bows her head in embarrassment, she had wanted them to drop her halfway but they had insisted, wanted to know where she lived since she would be working for them “Mercy, can you start working from tomorrow?’’ “Yes ma’am” she answered “Okay, here is the address, come by 7am, they would let you in” she told her writing it down in a paper and giving it to her Mercy thanked her, Emeka reluctantly said goodbye to his new friend and they left. **** “What are you thinking woman, I know that look” Her husband says driving away “Oh, I am just worried about their state of living, so sad, and with a boy that age, honey, we have houses around, and since she would be babysitting Jessica, why can’t she be a live-in nanny?” “To live in our house?” “No, the quarters in the compound, our old nanny had vacated the premises’’ “But she was single, this woman has a husband and son “ “Honey, don’t you feel sorry for her, we can expand the house a little, add another room and some space, they can move in and look, he would be working right, and she too and when they feel that they’ve made money enough they can move, one good deed deserves another, please baby?” “Okay” “Yes , I’ll have a new friend “ Jessica squealed They laughed “Yes you would” ***** Her Husband had gotten the job, and for years they worked for them, life became better. Emeka was able to continue his education, her husband was able to rent himself a house and they moved out, Jessica was too grown to need a nanny, and she had gotten an admission to study abroad. She was leaving, so were they. They had called them to tell them the good news, and even a better one. They offered her husband a managerial position in their company, and that while they are away, he was in charge, made him a signatory to all the accounts, and that they were relocating, they were going to pitch tent abroad, but they needed someone they could trust here. They sold their houses and every other thing transferring funds into their account. But left the company, Mr Ibekwe had said, that it was his legacy, to always have a root back in Nigeria. It was a sad and bittersweet moment, Mercy was happy and sad that the family whom God had sent to elevate them was leaving, Emeka felt sadder, his friend Jessica was going away, they had become quite close. Her husband was over the moon, thanking them. But their happiness was short lived, the flight that the Ibekwe’s family took went down due to the storm, everyone on board had died. Emeka cried for weeks, Mercy was struck with a pain she never felt before, and her husband, was quiet for days. They family members came to claim what belonged to him, but they couldn’t fight her husband because, Mr Ibekwe had signed him to be in-charge in a way that suggested that he was the next owner of the company, so her husband fought tooth and nail to keep it.. “I won’t let it go, this was the only thing he left in my care and I will not let it go, I must make his dreams come true” he had said She had thought, yes, her husband did value relationships and wanted to do something good. But she didn’t realize that he held on to the company for his own selfish reasons… to be powerful, to be more and then to be able do whatever he wanted. They won the case, and they buried the memory of the Ibekwe’s, albeit painfully and life went on. But you see, that was when everything went wrong. He had changed the company’s name to his, he fired the people he didn’t want and wasn’t loyal to him and put his, He began to build his empire so high that even her, his wife didn’t dare venture in. He became ruthless, he became more angry with her and for awhile she felt that as things got better so would his attitude, but no, it became worse. Soon he starting bringing strange women into their home, to their bed. Soon, the beatings began again worse than before, soon, he stopped fending for her and their son. “I am your God Mercy, you will do what I ask and when I ask, get out, leave my house if you don’t want to submit to my rules, these women will come here as much as I want and you won’t say pim, you will cook for them, carter for them, and love them if need be, and if you and your son make a scene, I will beat you both and kick you out” he had thundered one of those days she had confronted a slut on her bed “Papa Emeka, for all I had done for this family, for standing by you when you had nothing, for breaking my back to make sure we stand here today, despite God used that family may their soul rest in peace, for all that we have been through together, this is how you treat me?” she had cried bitterly “Mercy, all that I have now is by my labour and hard work, you mean nothing to me, you did nothing for me, in fact, you were nothing but bad luck since the day I married you. Get out from my house woman, your presence nauseates me” he drags her by her hand as she screams thrashing her hands and legs everywhere “Since you want to challenge me in my own house, I will show you what I can do, you witch leave my house” he says slapping her quiet, while the girls laughed. “Throw the witch out !!’’ they chanted “Papa Emeka, Papa Emeka” She cried holding onto him as he pushes her out the gate and she falls backwards, she runs back inside and holds him by his trousers “‘I am your wife, mother of your son, why Papa Emeka? Don’t let these women use you, don’t let the devil use you’’ He pushes her again “You are the devil and I am sending you away from my home” when she comes back he pushes her hard, falling backward she was caught “Mama!!” Emeka screams running to catch her before she hits the pavement “Mama are you okay?” he touches her, she was crying nodding “Yes my son” she sniffs Emeka looks at his father as he stands up “It’s enough Papa, I won’t let you keep treating her this way. IT’S ENOUGH” his fist was folded “HOW DARE YOU!” his father grabs a stick and heads for Emeka, Emeka charges towards him, anger flaring, fist clenched. “I SAID ENOUGH!!’’ his fist makes contact with his father’s face as the stick hits his back ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
10 Dec 2017 | 07:02
Hmmm continue
10 Dec 2017 | 10:53
11 Dec 2017 | 03:13
2 “what’s wrong baby?” Diana comes to him after class. “I noticed you have been distant for a couple of weeks now, is everything okay at home, is it your dad?” She slides next to him as the class empties out “Isn’t it always about him, what else should be wrong?” he says hitting the table with his fists She grabs his hand and puts it in hers “it would be okay soon” “You know, that is what I used to tell myself, that one day He was going to stop treating my mother the way he treats her, that he would stop beating her, stop humiliating her in front of those small girls old enough to be his daughters that he brings home to sleep with. That one day he would give her something to do maybe a shop so that she doesn’t have to come begging him for money, that someday he would love me and treat me as a son, the way a father should, that one day, all this would stop…but you see I have been praying that since I was ten Dee, ten years old, right from the moment, the first day I saw him slap her to the ground, right from the first day I heard him lie to her he didn’t have money but I saw him sending the driver to give two bundles of 100k to his girlfriend, right from the first day he told me he didn’t have money to pay my fees but he bought a car for some random chick, right from the first day I realized that my mother had been starving for three days and she had been giving me her food to eat because he didn’t want to give her money for market.” He took a deep breath and continued “See Dee, I have been praying that prayer and even believing in it but it doesn’t change or get better, it become’s worse…and sometimes I wished the Ibekewe’s family was still alive, they would have stopped him. You know while we were there, he was nice, maybe he was pretending knowing all that he could get for his good graces, but as soon as death took them and he got that company… he had become lord of us, treating us like rats, but he forgets that it was because of my mother he was able to get this opportunity and if she was bad or a witch as he calls her she would have reported him when he comes back at night and beats her up. Look Dee, my father wouldn’t change, he is heartless, wicked and the fact that he has money, wealth and influence makes it even worse. My mother that stayed with him when he had nothing, helped him till things became good, how does he replay her? By humiliating her, beating her and treating us like crap. No, it wouldn’t get better, the best thing is to pray to God to bless my mother and I somewhat so we can leave his stupid house and survive elsewhere” he says “So you don’t have uncles or anyone who can talk to him or help” “My father listens to no one but himself and who wants to caution him? when he slaps them with money, they act like dogs licking up the shit from his shoes, no one can help. I just need to finish school, get a good job and then I can take my mother away” he says Diana looks at him, she sighs . When she met him, she had liked him instantly, they had become friends their first year and when he asked her to date him months later she had jumped at it. Emeka was beautiful for a guy, he had his mother’s soft features and cute smile, he had his father’s height but compared to his father’s hard features, cold eyes when he was angry, Emeka’s eyes were warm, it drew you in, so was his heart. That was what drew her to him at first, then his looks and the way he carried himself. It didn’t hurt that he was a free giver, when he had and when he didn’t, he looked for means to carter for her needs and she liked it. They were in their third year now, and being with him was amazing, he made her laugh, he treated her nice, and he never made her feel anything less than a woman, but then again… like her friends used to say “Na fine boy we go chop?” She cared for Emeka and enjoyed their time together, but his situation was going from bad to worse, and she had to admit, the other reason she wanted to date him was because she knew whose son he was, the rich Mr Chikurdi, Mr moneybag Ambross Chikurdi, an acute business man, his company was among the best in the country. His father was rich.. so she felt, okay… yes she liked Emeka, she could also benefit from him too. He drove a car to school, and sometimes he treated her to nice places and she was the envy of most girls in school, No, everyone. But no one knew that this fine handsome boy with the soft eyes and beautiful heart, warm eyes was suffering within, the car was the only thing his father gave him, and that was because he was trying to look good in front of his friends who had gifted their children something, and then that was it. Despite that his father was rich, Emeka works in a fast food restaurant down town, and then on weekends he worked in a mechanic shop, he had a fascination for cars, electronic and so he made himself useful, and some days he followed his mother to the market to sell, and that was how he was able to have a few changes in his pocket to care for his mother and then her. No one knew this except her, and well… since no one did, she kept it hidden, it would have been embarrassing for her if people knew. But things weren’t looking good, his father had altogether stopped giving him money for school, he didn’t know how he was going to continue with his school, the money he made from selling and working couldn’t amount for anything after he and his mother took care of their daily means, his school and then her. They lived like slaves in his father’s house, the man didn’t care. They were hanging by a rope. She pitied him yes, she liked him yes, but really, “Na fine boy person go chop?’’she wondered. She was a beautiful girl, guys liked her, she already had a few offers to date another… And she didn’t know how to tell him she wanted to break up with him, how would he be able to carter for her needs? Boyfriends were supposed to be Atms amongst other things right? While her friends showed off things their boyfriends bought them, Gucci this or Gucci that, iphone this and jewery that, she kept telling them that Emeka had plans for them and she wasn’t materialistic…but in reality she wanted to live the life she envisioned. A rich boyfriend should have been able to provide her with the luxury she wanted. But it was just an illusion, Emeka wouldn’t be able to give her what she wanted, she felt sorry for him and his mother, but she couldn’t date him anymore. “Emeka, I know things would get better, I know, you just have to hang in there” she tells him “I am trying, just worried about my mother. Here I’m thinking if she is okay or if papa had done something to her again.I always go home with a heavy heart… because I always find her crying or hungry or locked outside the house … I am tired. And she is sick Dee, she isn’t looking so well and no money to go to the hospital. I want to sell my car, so I can be able to take her to the hospital“ “NO!!’ she says, if he sells it, everyone would finally see that Emeka was nothing and that meant they would see that she too had been nothing all along, no, she needed to jump off the train before he hits the rocks. “What? My mother is sick, we have no means whatsoever, my father doesn’t care” “You can hold on na, I am sure she just needs rest” “Someone who couldn’t sleep all night and had a fever? No! I have already found a buyer, it’s for him to call me, later today” Diana shakes her head biting her lips “Look, God is alive up there somewhere but he haS forgotten us, but I won’t let my mother die, if the car must go it would and everything else, if I have to remove my heart to save her I would.” ‘‘But your friends and everyone, the shame and all that” “I don’t care about all that, let them talk. My father makes it seem that he cares for us but he doesn’t, at least shame would wash over him when people start talking about how his son is trekking the hot sun and all that, maybe it would make him do things right” ‘‘What about me?’’ “What about you Dee?’ “Have you asked me what I think about all these?” “I don’t get you Dee, if your mother is dying, would you not want to sell that nice jewel around your neck to save her?” She was quiet “that is not what I am saying” “Then what babe?’ “That car takes you to school, covers a lot of shame“ ‘‘So what would you have me do Dee? turn the other way? I don’t even know whether she has eaten, she has no drugs, I need to take her to the hospital and I won’t listen to anything else, it’s just a car Dee, it can be replaced, a mother can’t. I’ll manage, we’ll manage, you talking about how you’ll get to school? I’ll come get you as always- “ “With public transport?” “At least we would be together” “Okay, I am hungry, let’s go to Chicken republic, all this talk is making my head spin” Emeka looks at her “Babe, I just told you about selling my car and you want to go to C.K? Okay, let’s go to Mama Basira’s, we can eat there, or rather I’ll go buy it and bring it here, I don’t have money for C.K, you know I would if I did” “So while my friends and everyone else is doing C.K I should go to Mama Basira?” “Babe, you know the situation of things, I have been nothing but honest with you have I not? why are you making me feel bad?’’ “I am tired of the situation, my dad this my dad that, I mean you are his son damnnit!! He can’t totally abandon you, I know what the situation is, you are just proud and stubborn, maybe you have offended him and that is why he is upset, if you and your mother go and ask for forgiveness he would accept and you both are back in his graces and you wouldn’t lack neither would you be selling your car” Emeka looks at her “You have seen my father, you have been to my house and you think it’s about going on my knees and all this would go away? Do you know how many times we have broken our legs and fell to our knees to plead with him, it never changed anything. My father is what he is, wicked before he is a man and me begging him never changed anything but he became worse. He simple does not care Dee, Look babe, I have just a year left and I promise when I am done and I start work with my degree, things would be better, you just have to be patient with me, I would do anything you want, give you anything you want, buy you the earth if you desire, I promise, baby, don’t be angry” he says touching her face, he leans in and kisses her forehead, her cheeks and brushes his lips with hers. “I can’t anymore” she says pushing him away “You can’t what?” “This. Us. You and me. I can’t anymore” She says, Emeka felt a sudden pain to his chest,he rubs it absentmindedly “Dee, what are you saying?” “I am saying Emeka that I am breaking up with you” “You can’t, I love you, I love you Dee, please don’t. Okay, you want C.K, I’ll borrow cash from my friend, I’ll pay them back… just don’t be angry with me please, I am sorry. Look, babe-” She was shaking her head, standing up, he pulls her back gently….’’ No No Diana please, don’t do this to me now, aside my mother you are my life. I love you Diana, you are the only girl I love, will love…you can’t get angry over C.k!” “C.K food? You think that’s the only thing? There are a lot of things Emeka, and one of them is that you can’t care for me… you can’t even care for yourself let alone your mother, how am I going to cope with that, while my friends are basking in their boyfriends wealth, I am here lying and hiding mine telling them all is fine” ‘‘I never asked that you lie,you decided on your own…it is what it is at home, I can’t pretend that my life isn’t shitty” “That is the problem, I can’t stay in this shitty life with you, you can even afford to pay your fees what’s going to happen? You hardly eat in school because no money for that, you sell in the market Emeka, you go to mechanic shops to work and then restaurants. The son of Mr Ambross chikurdi? One of the business tycoons in the country with a bloody rich company… you see how this is a problem?And even if nothing changes at home with you and your father, that means you won’t amount to nothing in life” “Diana!!’’ another pain strikes his chest “It’s the truth Emeka, you have a good heart, you are sweet and loving and I’m glad that I was able to know you, I care about you, really I do but I care about myself more and I know you wouldn’t be able to carter for all of me” She stands up again, Emeka jumps up holding her “Diana I love you, doesn’t that mean anything?” ‘‘Sometimes love isn’t enough, feelings won’t keep food on your table, I have to be realistic here and so should you. You can’t carter for my needs when you can’t cater for yours or your mother’s. I care about you but I can’t date you anymore… you would end up with nothing other than your name and I don’t want to be with you when that happens” “So you are running away, dumping me because I have nothing? Because I am nothing” “Because no matter how much I try to pretend… it’s the truth, I can’t be with you because of that and all things I have mentioned.Goodbye Emeka, I do hope …you understand” “Is there someone else?” “No! but there will be“ she says “Diana please, I love you” A tear drops from his eyes “But I don’t Emeka , I really don’t. I care for you but love? No. Take care of yourself “ she says leaving him standing there, fighting tears and the pain in his chest. He stands there for a long time After the shock washed over him, he sent her messages she didn’t reply, he called her she didn’t pick. When he tried again, she had blocked him from calling and from social media, deleting their pictures together online and changed her status from ‘in a relationship’ to ‘single’. He knew he had lost his first love, and it broke him. Then he comes home, with that pain, with that brokenness to find his father at it again and his mother almost hitting the pavement and two girls laughing and chanting him on.. He saw red, when his father carried a stick and threatened to hit him He was as tall as his father, and he had been working out…today, all this was going to stop. All the pain and misery and all that his mother had been suffering under his father had to stop, no more. He heard his mother scream his name, he didn’t stop… when his father slams the stick on his back, he throws him a punch hitting his father’s mouth, he saw a teeth fly, he saw blood follow it. “Emeka!!!’’ His mother’s voice reaches his head. But he was not listening His father staggers back, sees the blood, shock fills him “You-you hit me? you hit me!!’’ he holds his mouth, Emeka had never stood up to him before, never. “So you have become a man now, fighting me? You are finished, take you and that witch out of my house’’ “I am not going anywhere and neither will she” Emeka spat, his nose flaring, his eyes red, his fist still folded “Then you will regret ever been born” he goes back into the house and then he comes back with a cutlass. His mother screams rushing to stand between him and his father…”Please Papa Emeka “ she begs “I will kill him, I’ll cut him down’’ he pushes her away and raises the cutlass Emeka stood “I won’t run Father, come closer” he threatens His father rushes him with the cutlass bringing it down, Emeka saw it coming down over his head and he heard his mother’s piercing scream ‘’Emeka!!!!!!!!!” * TO BE CONT.
11 Dec 2017 | 06:32
Ride on
11 Dec 2017 | 13:22
i know he dodge it... stories like this do break me :s next
11 Dec 2017 | 14:26
nxt pls
11 Dec 2017 | 17:00
*tears* It is well Emeka
11 Dec 2017 | 18:01
Save ur self bro don't be strong headed
11 Dec 2017 | 18:08
Maybe his mother got struck who knows
11 Dec 2017 | 18:23
What kind of father does that? Hope He didn't cut you with that cutlass
12 Dec 2017 | 02:39
He isn't a father rather a monster
12 Dec 2017 | 04:24
Big problem
12 Dec 2017 | 12:44
CHAPTER THREE ***** Emeka saw the knife over his head, and he saw the look on his father’s face, this man wanted him dead… this man would kill him. It took a second for Emeka to decide.. Kill him first … Or save himself. Emeka bends, placing his hands over his head, then he kicks forward hitting his father’s legs from under him… which causes his father to fall backwards with the cutlass, once he hits the ground he holds his head. His mother was screaming, she rushes to her husband, the cutlass had fallen away. Emeka steps on it. KILL HIM OR NOT TO KILL HIM? Emeka stands over him, his mother was searching if his father was injured, he wasn’t. He was squirming in pain as the girls rush to him pushing his mother away to attend to him. Emeka picks up the cutlass, and pulls his mother up entering back into the house.. “Emeka your father, he is injured,let me help him” she cried “No Mama, his sluts will help him, you come, you are not well” “Emeka you shouldn’t have challenged your father, you shouldn’t have” “So I let him do what? hurt you continuously, make you suffer always, should I have walked away seeing you in that state? Ah it’s enough! if I had been challenging him right from time he would have mellowed down but every time I come home to see you cry you beg me not to go to him and I listen but within I was breaking, I was dying everyday seeing you like this. No mama, enough is enough, no more. He touches you I fight him, he hurts you, I fight him, he starves you, I fight him. This house, this wealth is because of you, he has no right to the way he does, none. It’s enough” he says taking her into her room , he looks at her body, he frowns when he notices bruises, he goes into the toilet, grabs the first aid kit and begin to clean her up “He is angry, but he wouldn’t be for long, go and apologize to him Emeka please, for my sake I beg you” she cries “Never, he wanted to kill me mama, he wanted to kill his son, your son. That man and me have nothing anymore, other than the blood that flows through my veins mama, he is not my father,never again” “Stop it Emeka!” ‘‘No, no I won’t… look at you, look at your body” he lets his tears flow “oh my baby”she leans cradling him to her “I can’t watch this go on like this anymore mama, one day….one of us would really die one day” ‘’ You can’t say that” “mama I can and I will” Mercy coughs hard, Emeka pulls away touching her neck “Your fever is still there, come mama, let me take you to the hospital” he says pulling her up “There is no money for that, give me that bitter-leaf drink, it would help” she points to an Eva bottle with green liquid contents “No mama, I sold my car, I will take you to the hospital“ “You did what?’ “Mama, don’t ask me too many questions,lets go” he says taking her by the arm and leaving, they didn’t meet anyone at the gate, and didn’t see any sign of his father. ***** “Are you feeling better now mama, the injections wasn’t too painful was it?” “I am better thank God, but my son how will you cope?” “Don’t worry mama, he under prized that car but it doesn’t matter, you are the one who matters to me, with the change remaining we can go on for a few days, I would look for another job again. We just have to assume that even the little privileges we used to get at home won’t be there anymore… so that means…we are on our own’’ he had said turning away from her, closing his eyes, he sees Diana’s face. He couldn’t believe he wouldn’t be able to talk to her, to tell her how much he loves her, to kiss her and hold her at night. To tell her she was beautiful, to help her when she couldn’t understand her assignment. To drive her to and back home from school, to tell her jokes and watch her throw her head back in laughter, to watch her sleep and wish he could give her the world. He couldn’t believe the girl, the first girl he had given his heart, body and all to suddenly broke up with him just because everything was going bad for him, and he thought when she said she loved him she meant it.. so it was all a lie? She liked him because of his name and his father’s wealth, now that he was getting nothing she couldn’t handle it. “Dear lord why does it hurt so much, this pain in my chest, this pain” he says letting another tear fall from his eyes rubbing his chest “Emeka, all will be well, God will not abandon us” she says squeezing his arm, she wipes his tears away “God will not abandon us” she repeats “But he did mama, he did” he says “And he took my heart away” he adds “What do you mean Emeka, what is wrong with your heart?” “Diana mama, she …she doesn’t want to be friends anymore” he says, “She would come around” He shakes his head “No mama, this time she wouldn’t, we have had fights, we’ve had quarrels, but this time we didn’t fight, this time she… she just didn’t want to be in my life and it hurts mama, it does, all that pain, all with what I see coming home, she was my safe heaven, my escape, my peace, now all I feel is pain and emptiness and loneliness and-” he trails off, “You won’t understand mama, you won’t” he cleans his eyes “I am sorry” she says to him “She left me Mama, she said she didn’t, I…. I love her mama” Emeka says Mercy stares at her son, her heart breaking for him, he was twenty –three years old, what did he know about love? She didn’t even know anything about love, and she was already a full blown adult, and had lived half her life already. Love? There was no such thing like love. Did she love her husband? She didn’t know because she had no clue what love was supposed to feel like. But she knew she never wants harm to come to him, she knew she would go to the ends of the earth to make sure he is safe, she knew that she could give her arm if he asks her to. Maybe that’s why no matter what he did to her she forgave him, even in her pains she forgave him, in her tears she forgave him when all he did was cause her pain and misery and try to break her spirit, she forgave him. Maybe that was love not judging him for his wrongs, accepting his flaws and mistakes, looking past his imperfections, accepting his scars and default… forgiving him constantly and submitting to him always even if it broke her. Maybe that was love, she didn’t know but she had a child with this man she had called husband from day one, she had cared, she submitted and God knows she would continue to. Yes, he wasn’t the man she saw long ago in her Uncle’s palour, warm and sweet. He was different but she had also come to realize something…despite it all, she would never live him hanging, stranded or dying and walk away, No! Maybe that was what she understood as what love meant, and if this was love why did it hurt so much. why? She cleans the tears from her hers, looking at Emeka silently nursing his pain, he says he loves this Diana girl, she had seen her a couple of times, sweet, sometimes and a bit pushy other times, they were friends, Emeka had said, but she knew her son, the closest friend he had and cared so much for was Jessica,they were inseparable until her death. He had cried, the way he was doing now… it broke him. Maybe Emeka loved that girl in his own way, but for this her, this pain was different, it was suffocating, it was… deep. Yes, Mercy didn’t know what love was or what it meant or how it felt like but she felt pain for whatever her husband did to her and still care for him… and here her son felt broken over a girl. Then maybe they were unfortunate beings to care for people who hurt them, but the strangest thing was that they cared still, they cared still. “I am here Emeka, I will never leave you my son, never” she says taking his hands to her cheeks and kisses it Emeka turns to her, a sad smile on his face, a strand of tear trekking down his left eyes “I know mama, and that is why I’ll never leave you and never let any harm come to you, never again” he says, this time he pulls her to him, hugging her tight as they cried in each other’s arms. **** They came home to find their things outside, the gate locked “What in the world? Adamu, open the gate!” he orders the security man “Bros Emeka, oga says make I no let you inside if not him go fire me, and I get wife and pikin for house, abeg make una go, abeg him don go bring big boys, them be go eat, na them bring una things come outside, him say him go go police station sef go report say you use cutlass mark am for body” “I did no such thing, he is lucky. Adamu, open the gate my friend!” Emeka shook the gate “Bross abeg na God I take beg you” Adam pleads “Oga go kill me, kill you, kill madam join” he begs “Who be that! who you be?” three men asks walking towards them, that minute his father drives in, a man in the front seat, a police man at the back with him “Yes officer see him here, this boy tried to kill me” His father jumps out of the car, “And his mother sent him” he says pointing to her “I didn’t, he was the first person to attack my mother, I tried to stop him and we got into a fight, he used the cutlass to attack me but I stopped him. I took it away and left with my mother to the hospital, you should be arresting him for treating his wife and son like this, isn’t there a law against domestic violence against spouses and children?” The men had alighted from the car, he recognized one as his father’s lawyer “Look Emeka, your father had filed a report against you, and shown us the injuries he sustained’’ “What injuries? He didn’t sustain nothing“ His father unbuttons his shirt to show bandage around his body.. “He wasn’t injured, he is lying” Emeka shakes his head, really, his father went that low as to lie and inflict these on The lawyer steps forward to show him pictures of a man without his face showing, that looks like his father ‘s with cutlass marks on it, he looks at his father and some red patches on the white bandage “I didn’t do this, if I did you would have been dead for all that you did to my mother” Emeka says. His mother is crying “My husband please please.. okay we are sorry, forgive your son, please this is a house matter don’t let people laugh at us” she goes on her knees “House matter you say madam? And you sent your son to beat up your husband, to get him injured? You should be arrested, both of you” “Don’t touch my mother” Emeka pulls his mother away as the police reaches for her hand “Don’t you dare. I know what you are doing Father, playing politics with your money, it won’t work. How much did he pay you to lie eh Mr lawyer? Don’t you have a family, aren’t you ashamed to be bribed? And you thugs …is that how money sways you all? And you police man, you have pledged to honour and protect lives and properties and here you all are dancing to the drum Mr Ambross Chikurdi is playing because he threw a few nairas on your faces and put some in your bank account is that it eh? You all know all he is saying is a lie, I only punched his face that is all” “Yes we have pictures of that too” The lawyer says Emeka laughs “You all are pitiful, get out of my way, my mother needs rest, she is sick” “You and that witch are no longer welcome in my house, never!” “You lie papa, you lie! this is as much my mother’s as it is yours and we will enter” “Dare me!!” “You dare to stop me, not your bodyguards, not your lawyer, not your police dog, you father, stop me, then those fake pictures you have now I will show you what real cuts looks like Mr Ambross!” Emeka flares “Emeka please” Mercy begs “No mother, I am done, tired! he wants it, let him come stop me himself” he pulls his mother towards the gate and keeps kicking it, Adamu was pleading for them to go. “Deal with him, have no mercy” His father orders The guards pull Mercy away flinging her to the corner and descends on Emeka, beating him to a pulp as his mother screams and beg, she is held down by the police man “Papa Emeka enough, AMBROSS ENOUGH!!!!’’ she screams “I will do anything you want, don’t kill my son, tell them to stop please, please!’’ she screams “Anything?” “Yes” “Give her the papers Lawyer, I need you to sign the divorce papers and the restriction orders, I need you to sign there and then I need you to take yourself and your son and I never want to see either of you ever again in my entire life, will you sign??’’ Ambross comes forward “Yes, yes, just stop them” she screams as they kept beating Emeka, she saw blood leaving his mouth, she screams louder “Sign it first” Mercy without thinking signs it, “Stop, let the boy go” he orders “Get out from my sight” he tells Mercy Mercy runs to her son, crying, cradling him to herself…”GET OUT!!!!’’ Ambross screams “Throw them away from my gate now” He says to his boys who drags Mercy in one hand and then drags Emeka by his leg and push them to the road, dumping their cloths on the ground next to them and leaves. “My son, my son” she cries “OH God!! Oh God why?” she bellows “Mama, mama..” Emeka coughs “Sshhh,it’s okay, it’s okay… you father will come around, we would wait and then we would go beg him” Emeka shakes his head, he painfully stands up, wiping the blood from his mouth,one of his eyes was swollen and so was his lips “I would rather die than go back’’ he says taking her hand “Were do we go, how do we survive, where….we are good as finished…my son, we can’t go anywhere else but home, how do we survive? we have nothing, nothing! You father had thrown us out, he has divorced me, he beat you, we have nothing… let us go and beg, accept the servants quarters… my son, your father isn’t in his right mind… God will change him. We can’t leave, what if he falls sick, what if… they ruin him..he needs me, he needs us. Where do we go if not home,we have nothing no money how do we survive how do we, how do we?” she begins to be hysterical “Mama , mama’’ he holds her face in his hands, kissing her forehead, his blood smearing her “You have me and that is enough. I don’t care if I drop out of school, I don’t care if I need to push wheelbarrow or pack shit, I don’t care but mama, me Emeka Odinaka will be your blessing, your happiness and one day…all this pain would be a bad dream I promise you” he says holding her to him He looks back to the house .. And you father, one day… I will make you pay, I will make you beg and cry and then I would push the stool from under your leg and watch you fall.. One day papa, I will be in that position and power you wield I swear it and I will pay you back coin for coin, tit for tat, blood for blood, I promise you. “Come mama’’ “Where to?” she says crying “Anywhere the wind blows’’ he holds her hand, the other he carries what he could carry and they stagger down the road, walking into the night. ***** Ten Years Later Emeka stands facing the window, watching the cars move below, watching the traffic light turn from yellow to green to red. There was a knock on the door, he didn’t turn “Sir, your 11’oclock is here“ ‘‘Thank you Patricia “ he says over his shoulders ”usher in please” He heard the door close, then someone knocks and walka in.. “Good Morning Mr Uchendu, MY name is Mr Ambross Chikurdi, my company had contacted you for some partnership and financial assistance, thank you for seeing me” Emeka turns to look at him after hearing this name … God works in mysterious ways .. “What can I do for you Mr Ambross Chikurdi” he says taking a seat and crossing his legs This man standing in front of him, he had hated for years and after ten years he didn’t know that his son was the one he called sir nor had the biggest company in the country with four other branches scattered within the country and out. And his company was taking other small company out of business. Yes. God works in mysterious ways. Now he would begin what he had prayed for years.. Revenge they say, was best served cold and karma was a bitch. He smiles ***** TO BE CONT.
12 Dec 2017 | 13:07
Hmm....your turn to deal with him
12 Dec 2017 | 15:35
Emeka yu are a good boy don't go for the revenge pls
13 Dec 2017 | 02:19
Oya dix ix ur turn 2 deal wit dt bastard of a fathr mercillesly
13 Dec 2017 | 04:01
Next episode o
13 Dec 2017 | 04:02
Time for pay back
13 Dec 2017 | 04:38
CHAPTER FOUR ***** Emeka is staring at the man, the man he used to call father as he was talking and all the while his mind was thinking… About how he and his mother survived. They slept under the bridge for most nights, some days they slept in an old abandoned car when some people had tried to rape his motheralmost succeded in one. He had broken the guy’s leg and took his mother and ran. They begged for food on the streets, he never returned to school, never got his degree. The money he made from his car, was stolen the first night on the streets. Their cloths was stolen the first night they slept under the bridge. His Mother cried almost everyday, but there was nothing they could do other than keep surviving. After a month on the streets, she made friends with a woman who sold food, who allowed his mother work for her by selling food to people on the road. Emeka hawked water, biscuit and bread, his commission was a mere thousand naira. But he was grateful. One of those days he saw Diana ,she was passing with her friends. And they had wanted to buy water, he didn’t know they were the ones in the car when they screamed “Water! Water!!”. He had ran after the car and asked them “How many, how much own you want?” he asked “Jesus Emeka!!” it was Diana’s best friend who shrieked looking at him “Jesus!!’’ Emeka had turned, including Diana and the person driving,… “Diana” he had choked “What happened to you Emeka, why are you’’ her friend had asked, worried, “Diana, you told us that he relocated to the states but… Jesus Emeka” her friend says disbelieving “Diana” he was looking at her, shame washed over her , then embarrassment, a little bit of pity, then in a flash, it was gone. “Do you know him baby?” the man driving the car asks Diana as he looks Emeka up and down “Yes, he used to be her boy-“’ “No baby I don’t” she says turning away cutting of her friend. “Diana” Emeka chokes again, this time the pain to his chest made him suddenly weak, he staggers “Careful’’ her friend says, turning away she digs her hand into her bag, bringing out a thousand naira note “Look I don’t know what happened to you but I pray to God it works out for you… my God! here take this, let me just take a bottle of water, Emeka, please take care of yourself. Diana, wont you say anything, you both used to dat–“’ “Boo drive please, we can’t have stray people hanging by the window, Grace take your water and lets go. Baby drive na” she turns away placing her hand on the man’s thighs, he turns one final time looking at Emeka, then at Grace and then at Diana. “Okay” Grace grabs the bottle and then throws in an extra two thousand naira into his basket.. “Stay well Emeka” she says as the car pulls away Emeka stares after the car, unable to move or breath, he slowly sinks to the ground, he didn’t know how long he stayed there, until he felt a hand on his shoulder, “Come my son, come” Mercy says pulling him away Yes, they had suffered… for two years they lived on the streets.. ate from the little they had and survived for another day. On their third year, he had helped someone fix up the issues in his car that the mechanic didn’t know what to do, he liked cars, it always fascinated him. Before long everyone brought their cars to him, everyone and within two years he had two garages he frequented that they always called him, it wasn’t much but he had so many cars he needed to fix that his name became known. By the third year, he bought one of the garages, people came to him to train them, soon, the money started coming in. From one he had five garages.. and within five years… he was a brand. He didn’t stop there, he began to deal with other car dealers, he fixes their car and then uses his money to put into the importing business. And in ten years, not only was he number one in the country for anything cars, importation, he had found an oil block, drilled it… and that was where the big bucks came in, companies wanted to partner with him, especially those who wanted to go under, some he bought off their hands, owning them totally, and others he invested, owning shares. He was the Go To Guy when things got bad… and he did it well. He changed his name from Emeka Odinaka Chikurdi to Uchendu , Odinaka Uchendu, taking his mother’s maiden name, kicking out his father’s. The only people who knew him and called him Emeka was his mother, and the few people he hustled the streets with, a few became his bodies and some he helped along the way, gave them something to do. One was his closest friend, Tayo.. since they met that night. A night Emeka had thought he was going to die. They were four of them, he had just gotten a few thousands from fixing a big man’s car, and already people knew about him and knew that he was making a little cash despite the hardship, so they had wanted to jump him, one for the money and another for trying to steal their streets from them… it was ridiculous to Emeka because he had no intention of doing so, he was just trying to survive, for his mother and for himself. But they didn’t care, they rounded him up, he knew he could take them all one by one, but not together. When they charged at him, he had successfully taken one down, getting to the second when they nibbed him form behind.. causing him to bleed, as he fell trying to nurse the pain, they attacked him, his kicking and trashing didn’t help.. when he saw the blade shine again despite his blood dripping from it, he knew his end had come but he didn’t want to die, he promised his mother he would take care of her, take her off this suffering and if he dies, who would take care of her, who would fend for her? His death would kill her because he was the only thing giving her a reason to fight to live everyday.. But he was weak and nothing more could be done, he screamed pushing them off but they came for him again. Tayo had told him later on that it was his screams that alerted him, he was going back home from the mechanic workshop when he saw the fight and saw him under. Not knowing him, he had run to the rescue, he knew how hard the streets life was, he knew how innocents fell victim to the shadows in night, so he had gone taken the boys unawares, putting one down, and then the other and screamed “My friends are coming and they will get you all” And within seconds they ran leaving him with the bloodied Emeka. He had helped him back home, helped to calm his mother down telling her it happens and since that day, they had been thick as thieves… Tayo was the only other person who knew about him. Emeka sighs, drawing his attention to the man who was talking… he hadn’t changed much, other than a few white lines. His eyes were still cold, unfeeling. And he wondered how come he was able to recognize his father and he wasn’t able to recognize him. He supposes that’s what hate does, that’s what anger does, it keeps your enemy, the one that hurts you in a part of you mind that you recognize him even in the dark. He had vowed to make his father pay, and he would. Who would have thought, that small Emeka was going to be someone his heartless father would come begging for help… Karma was indeed a bitch and she was pissing on his father, he laughs “I am sorry sir, did I say something funny?” “No No, I was just amused” “About what?” “Why me, why come to us?’ “Well, you are the next best thing in town sir and as you can see before you, the files here shows that my business is going under and I really don’t want to lose it, so I know and have heard you help businesses like mine, some sell theirs totally to you while some ask for partnership, you get a share in the company and all” “So you want to sell your company to me?” He shakes his head “this is all I have to my name, I’ll rather you have shares and invest so that there might be a round for me in it sir, I intend to buy you out eventually so I don’t intend to sell’’ “How many percent shares are we talking about” Emeka doesn’t bother looking at the files, he didn’t need to “I own 70 percent and you 30 sir” “I take 90 and you 10” Emeka says “I will invest in your company, I would bring it from the deep that it is in, and I would make some changes.. “ “what kind of changes?“ “Oh, for instances, I don’t like the name, secondly… no one really is into what you do anymore,why don’t we change it into a boutique or a hair processing factory”’ Emeka chuckles inwardly Mr Ambross coughs “A hair Factory? My company has been in existence for so long and…what we do is quite fine sir” “Then you are not serious!” ‘’’But sir, you can’t just throw away some legacy to change it into a hair processing factory… hair factory?My God!’’ Emeka tries not to laugh “Okay, how about nails and dolls factory?“ Mr Ambross’s eyes grews big, this had got to be a joke right, it’s like saying he would buy off this Uchendu’a company and change it from what it is to something as silly as dog food factory. It was ludicrous “I ..erm” “No!!? okay then, I am not interested “ Emeka says getting up Mr Ambross looks at him “Please sir, my company is hitting the rocks and I am told you will help, but asking that my company change from what has been its legacy to something as ridiculous as hair factory. That’s totally wiping away what I am, my brand, my name… my everything, I don’t want to sell and go into oblivion, I want a partnership. I –“ “Mr Ambross, quick question” “Yes sir?’’ Yes sir? Right! Emeka chuckles “why are you so concerned about your name, your legacy? Do you have a family you intend to leave your company for, your supposed legacy and all that?” Silence “No I don’t” “You aren’t married?” “No” “Never been? Like never been married Mr Ambross” Emeka asks twisting a pen in his hands, his legs crossed “NO’’ Mr Ambross says Liar Emeka looks at him “So why are you concerned about your name? I mean no wife. No child, who are you leaving it for? I give you a few years, you grow old and die, no one will remember you, everyone forgets the dead that means even this name and legacy you cling to, would be nothing. A random stranger would come and take it all, remove your name and replace it with his and not a trace of your name or legacy” He says Just the same way you made the Ibekwe’s legacy yours Mr Ambross Chikurdi “I still have a few long years attached to my name, and I can still marry and have children if I wanted sir” “But you don’t, so why can’t I do what I want with a company I would practically be putting my money in, and own a considerable amount of share in it…after all, you are going under. Or why don’t I wait till you are nothing but dust, your company that is and I buy it for a thousand naira by then it would have no more value, even the legacy wouldn’t mean anything..” Mr Amnbross opens his mouth and then closes it, this wasn’t how he expected the meeting to go. He started hearing about this Mr Uchendu a year ago, especially when one of his friends had told him how he saved his company for him, though he owned half of the man’s shares but he lets the man run it, and two other words of mouth and he made the decision to come here. Mr Ambross’s two other companies in two states went under three years ago,the economy was bad, no money anywhere, only the few who had gone into the oil business, importation and others were making waves, such as this Unchendu’s company…” E.O.U Oil and Gas servicing/ Importation and Car Ventures Company” They had told him the man could help, and he had brought his files and documentations, hoping to close the deal immediately, lose some of his share but atleast this Uchednu guy would be investing and he can get back into business, and in a few years he can buy him out, that was the plan, but if he allows him change major things like the name and then what they did, it didn’t belong to him anymore. And of all things a hair factory, what was he, some beautician? He looks at Emeka, frowning. He expected to see an advanced man the way they spoke about the Mr Unchendu but who he sees as he came into the office was a young man, he wondered how he got his wealth, maybe he was a militant, his family was rich or he was one of those Yahoo boys who decided to use his money profitably. But in anycase, it wasn’t his business, as long as the young man could help him, however he got rich wasn’t his concern..but there was something familiar about him, but he didn’t know. Maybe they had met before in passing, or… he shake his head “What is it Mr Ambross, is that a no?” “No,I mean it’s not a’s just that, have we met before, maybe in passing, conference, somewhere?’ “It depends, do you travel out of states and dine with the elites, do you make decisions with the big guns?Do you have affiliations with the oil sector, importations, car services?” Mr Ambross frowns, that wasn’t an answer “No, not at all” ‘Then no we haven’t met. So, I have no more time to waste, do you accept my offer?’ “Can I think about it?” “Take as much time as you need” Emeka stands buttoning his suit.. “You have a week” “But you just said as much time as I need, why the time frame and it’s my company not yours’’ “Yes, still doesn’t mean I like to be kept waiting, time is off essence and I hate to wait too long to close a deal. I am a busy man Ambross and I have a dozen people who wants to seat where you are seating, so again you have a week and yes it’s your company.. if you are so high and mighty, I don’t think you would have flown down here to see me. You need my help and if I must offer that help you would do well not to waste my time. You can leave” he says Mr Ambross is staring at him,this boy that looked to be in his thirties, already made. A few years ago, no one would have been able to talk down at him,no, a few years ago he was yes, high and mighty, but here he was groveling at the feet of a boy so young could be a child. He sighs, he had two choices; tell the boy to kiss his ass with his money and watch his company go under and loss all he had walked for all these years or, have another seat down with him, accept the offer, and plead for drastic changes not to be made. He sighs. “Very well Mr Uchendu, I would get back to you, have a good day” he says taking his leave “Oh, it’s a good day for me Mr Ambross, really good” Emeka says to him as he leaves “Close the door behind you Mr Ambross”, Mr Ambross pauses, turns and nods, then leaves. Alone, he couldn’t hold his laughter, he laughs and laughs. “Dear Lord, you are good.This calls for celebration’’ he dials Tayo’s number “I have good news, I’ll meet you at our favourite spot“ he cuts the call and dials his secretary “Cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day Agnes ,I am taking the rest of the day off” He leaves his office and tells his detail he would be driving himself, they should bring the car around. While he waited for the car, he decided to call his mother, just to tell her it was a beautiful day and that it was a great day “Is something wrong my son?” “No mother, I am happy, so happy. How are you beautiful woman, good, okay?” She laughs “yes fine, but tell me why you are happy?’ “Soon mother, I love you, see you later” he blows kisses into the phone and takes the key from the driver walking to the car, he brushes someone by mistake, he turns to apologize putting the phone in his pocket, he steadies her from falling “Are you okay?’’ he says “Yes sorry, I wasn’t looking” she says staring up at him Once their eyes meets…his eyes grows big then adjusted almost immediately… hers didn’t “Jesus Emeka!!’’ it came as a whisper, then shock “Emeka!!’’ she touches his arm, he removes it.. Without another word he turns, presses his car key, he strolls to his car, slips in, puts on his glasses,and then drives off in his red convertible with car plate in gold “Jesus, that is Emeka, Emeka”she was pointing “No ma’am, that is my boss?” someone walks up to her giving her her bag on the ground “Your boss, I don’t understand‘’ “Yes Boss, he owns this place” “This place, where I am standing?”’ “Yes!!” He frowns, was she crazy “HEY CHINEKE! I AM FINISHED !’’ she puts her hand on her head “It’s a lie, it’s a lie” she grabs her bag and runs the other way. ***** TO BE CONT.
13 Dec 2017 | 09:06
Diana sorry
13 Dec 2017 | 15:01
Karma is true. Please don't revenge
13 Dec 2017 | 15:26
Time for pay back Diana
13 Dec 2017 | 15:45
Please come and update ooo.. see I love this story
13 Dec 2017 | 17:59
Emeka don't do it u are a good person
13 Dec 2017 | 18:49
S-O-R-R-Y BITCH @Diana
13 Dec 2017 | 19:40
Diana sorry for your life, but that pauper that can't take care of you is now a don.... Mr Ambrose, the rejected stone is now the pillar holding the house, sorry for your life too
14 Dec 2017 | 02:42
FOUR ***** Emeka is staring at the man, the man he used to call father as he was talking and all the while his mind was thinking… About how he and his mother survived. They slept under the bridge for most nights, some days they slept in an old abandoned car when some people had tried to rape his motheralmost succeded in one. He had broken the guy’s leg and took his mother and ran. They begged for food on the streets, he never returned to school, never got his degree. The money he made from his car, was stolen the first night on the streets. Their cloths was stolen the first night they slept under the bridge. His Mother cried almost everyday, but there was nothing they could do other than keep surviving. After a month on the streets, she made friends with a woman who sold food, who allowed his mother work for her by selling food to people on the road. Emeka hawked water, biscuit and bread, his commission was a mere thousand naira. But he was grateful. One of those days he saw Diana ,she was passing with her friends. And they had wanted to buy water, he didn’t know they were the ones in the car when they screamed “Water! Water!!”. He had ran after the car and asked them “How many, how much own you want?” he asked “Jesus Emeka!!” it was Diana’s best friend who shrieked looking at him “Jesus!!’’ Emeka had turned, including Diana and the person driving,… “Diana” he had choked “What happened to you Emeka, why are you’’ her friend had asked, worried, “Diana, you told us that he relocated to the states but… Jesus Emeka” her friend says disbelieving “Diana” he was looking at her, shame washed over her , then embarrassment, a little bit of pity, then in a flash, it was gone. “Do you know him baby?” the man driving the car asks Diana as he looks Emeka up and down “Yes, he used to be her boy-“’ “No baby I don’t” she says turning away cutting of her friend. “Diana” Emeka chokes again, this time the pain to his chest made him suddenly weak, he staggers “Careful’’ her friend says, turning away she digs her hand into her bag, bringing out a thousand naira note “Look I don’t know what happened to you but I pray to God it works out for you… my God! here take this, let me just take a bottle of water, Emeka, please take care of yourself. Diana, wont you say anything, you both used to dat–“’ “Boo drive please, we can’t have stray people hanging by the window, Grace take your water and lets go. Baby drive na” she turns away placing her hand on the man’s thighs, he turns one final time looking at Emeka, then at Grace and then at Diana. “Okay” Grace grabs the bottle and then throws in an extra two thousand naira into his basket.. “Stay well Emeka” she says as the car pulls away Emeka stares after the car, unable to move or breath, he slowly sinks to the ground, he didn’t know how long he stayed there, until he felt a hand on his shoulder, “Come my son, come” Mercy says pulling him away Yes, they had suffered… for two years they lived on the streets.. ate from the little they had and survived for another day. On their third year, he had helped someone fix up the issues in his car that the mechanic didn’t know what to do, he liked cars, it always fascinated him. Before long everyone brought their cars to him, everyone and within two years he had two garages he frequented that they always called him, it wasn’t much but he had so many cars he needed to fix that his name became known. By the third year, he bought one of the garages, people came to him to train them, soon, the money started coming in. From one he had five garages.. and within five years… he was a brand. He didn’t stop there, he began to deal with other car dealers, he fixes their car and then uses his money to put into the importing business. And in ten years, not only was he number one in the country for anything cars, importation, he had found an oil block, drilled it… and that was where the big bucks came in, companies wanted to partner with him, especially those who wanted to go under, some he bought off their hands, owning them totally, and others he invested, owning shares. He was the Go To Guy when things got bad… and he did it well. He changed his name from Emeka Odinaka Chikurdi to Uchendu , Odinaka Uchendu, taking his mother’s maiden name, kicking out his father’s. The only people who knew him and called him Emeka was his mother, and the few people he hustled the streets with, a few became his bodies and some he helped along the way, gave them something to do. One was his closest friend, Tayo.. since they met that night. A night Emeka had thought he was going to die. They were four of them, he had just gotten a few thousands from fixing a big man’s car, and already people knew about him and knew that he was making a little cash despite the hardship, so they had wanted to jump him, one for the money and another for trying to steal their streets from them… it was ridiculous to Emeka because he had no intention of doing so, he was just trying to survive, for his mother and for himself. But they didn’t care, they rounded him up, he knew he could take them all one by one, but not together. When they charged at him, he had successfully taken one down, getting to the second when they nibbed him form behind.. causing him to bleed, as he fell trying to nurse the pain, they attacked him, his kicking and trashing didn’t help.. when he saw the blade shine again despite his blood dripping from it, he knew his end had come but he didn’t want to die, he promised his mother he would take care of her, take her off this suffering and if he dies, who would take care of her, who would fend for her? His death would kill her because he was the only thing giving her a reason to fight to live everyday.. But he was weak and nothing more could be done, he screamed pushing them off but they came for him again. Tayo had told him later on that it was his screams that alerted him, he was going back home from the mechanic workshop when he saw the fight and saw him under. Not knowing him, he had run to the rescue, he knew how hard the streets life was, he knew how innocents fell victim to the shadows in night, so he had gone taken the boys unawares, putting one down, and then the other and screamed “My friends are coming and they will get you all” And within seconds they ran leaving him with the bloodied Emeka. He had helped him back home, helped to calm his mother down telling her it happens and since that day, they had been thick as thieves… Tayo was the only other person who knew about him. Emeka sighs, drawing his attention to the man who was talking… he hadn’t changed much, other than a few white lines. His eyes were still cold, unfeeling. And he wondered how come he was able to recognize his father and he wasn’t able to recognize him. He supposes that’s what hate does, that’s what anger does, it keeps your enemy, the one that hurts you in a part of you mind that you recognize him even in the dark. He had vowed to make his father pay, and he would. Who would have thought, that small Emeka was going to be someone his heartless father would come begging for help… Karma was indeed a bitch and she was pissing on his father, he laughs “I am sorry sir, did I say something funny?” “No No, I was just amused” “About what?” “Why me, why come to us?’ “Well, you are the next best thing in town sir and as you can see before you, the files here shows that my business is going under and I really don’t want to lose it, so I know and have heard you help businesses like mine, some sell theirs totally to you while some ask for partnership, you get a share in the company and all” “So you want to sell your company to me?” He shakes his head “this is all I have to my name, I’ll rather you have shares and invest so that there might be a round for me in it sir, I intend to buy you out eventually so I don’t intend to sell’’ “How many percent shares are we talking about” Emeka doesn’t bother looking at the files, he didn’t need to “I own 70 percent and you 30 sir” “I take 90 and you 10” Emeka says “I will invest in your company, I would bring it from the deep that it is in, and I would make some changes.. “ “what kind of changes?“ “Oh, for instances, I don’t like the name, secondly… no one really is into what you do anymore,why don’t we change it into a boutique or a hair processing factory”’ Emeka chuckles inwardly Mr Ambross coughs “A hair Factory? My company has been in existence for so long and…what we do is quite fine sir” “Then you are not serious!” ‘’’But sir, you can’t just throw away some legacy to change it into a hair processing factory… hair factory?My God!’’ Emeka tries not to laugh “Okay, how about nails and dolls factory?“ Mr Ambross’s eyes grews big, this had got to be a joke right, it’s like saying he would buy off this Uchendu’a company and change it from what it is to something as silly as dog food factory. It was ludicrous “I ..erm” “No!!? okay then, I am not interested “ Emeka says getting up Mr Ambross looks at him “Please sir, my company is hitting the rocks and I am told you will help, but asking that my company change from what has been its legacy to something as ridiculous as hair factory. That’s totally wiping away what I am, my brand, my name… my everything, I don’t want to sell and go into oblivion, I want a partnership. I –“ “Mr Ambross, quick question” “Yes sir?’’ Yes sir? Right! Emeka chuckles “why are you so concerned about your name, your legacy? Do you have a family you intend to leave your company for, your supposed legacy and all that?” Silence “No I don’t” “You aren’t married?” “No” “Never been? Like never been married Mr Ambross” Emeka asks twisting a pen in his hands, his legs crossed “NO’’ Mr Ambross says Liar Emeka looks at him “So why are you concerned about your name? I mean no wife. No child, who are you leaving it for? I give you a few years, you grow old and die, no one will remember you, everyone forgets the dead that means even this name and legacy you cling to, would be nothing. A random stranger would come and take it all, remove your name and replace it with his and not a trace of your name or legacy” He says Just the same way you made the Ibekwe’s legacy yours Mr Ambross Chikurdi “I still have a few long years attached to my name, and I can still marry and have children if I wanted sir” “But you don’t, so why can’t I do what I want with a company I would practically be putting my money in, and own a considerable amount of share in it…after all, you are going under. Or why don’t I wait till you are nothing but dust, your company that is and I buy it for a thousand naira by then it would have no more value, even the legacy wouldn’t mean anything..” Mr Amnbross opens his mouth and then closes it, this wasn’t how he expected the meeting to go. He started hearing about this Mr Uchendu a year ago, especially when one of his friends had told him how he saved his company for him, though he owned half of the man’s shares but he lets the man run it, and two other words of mouth and he made the decision to come here. Mr Ambross’s two other companies in two states went under three years ago,the economy was bad, no money anywhere, only the few who had gone into the oil business, importation and others were making waves, such as this Unchendu’s company…” E.O.U Oil and Gas servicing/ Importation and Car Ventures Company” They had told him the man could help, and he had brought his files and documentations, hoping to close the deal immediately, lose some of his share but atleast this Uchednu guy would be investing and he can get back into business, and in a few years he can buy him out, that was the plan, but if he allows him change major things like the name and then what they did, it didn’t belong to him anymore. And of all things a hair factory, what was he, some beautician? He looks at Emeka, frowning. He expected to see an advanced man the way they spoke about the Mr Unchendu but who he sees as he came into the office was a young man, he wondered how he got his wealth, maybe he was a militant, his family was rich or he was one of those Yahoo boys who decided to use his money profitably. But in anycase, it wasn’t his business, as long as the young man could help him, however he got rich wasn’t his concern..but there was something familiar about him, but he didn’t know. Maybe they had met before in passing, or… he shake his head “What is it Mr Ambross, is that a no?” “No,I mean it’s not a’s just that, have we met before, maybe in passing, conference, somewhere?’ “It depends, do you travel out of states and dine with the elites, do you make decisions with the big guns?Do you have affiliations with the oil sector, importations, car services?” Mr Ambross frowns, that wasn’t an answer “No, not at all” ‘Then no we haven’t met. So, I have no more time to waste, do you accept my offer?’ “Can I think about it?” “Take as much time as you need” Emeka stands buttoning his suit.. “You have a week” “But you just said as much time as I need, why the time frame and it’s my company not yours’’ “Yes, still doesn’t mean I like to be kept waiting, time is off essence and I hate to wait too long to close a deal. I am a busy man Ambross and I have a dozen people who wants to seat where you are seating, so again you have a week and yes it’s your company.. if you are so high and mighty, I don’t think you would have flown down here to see me. You need my help and if I must offer that help you would do well not to waste my time. You can leave” he says Mr Ambross is staring at him,this boy that looked to be in his thirties, already made. A few years ago, no one would have been able to talk down at him,no, a few years ago he was yes, high and mighty, but here he was groveling at the feet of a boy so young could be a child. He sighs, he had two choices; tell the boy to kiss his ass with his money and watch his company go under and loss all he had walked for all these years or, have another seat down with him, accept the offer, and plead for drastic changes not to be made. He sighs. “Very well Mr Uchendu, I would get back to you, have a good day” he says taking his leave “Oh, it’s a good day for me Mr Ambross, really good” Emeka says to him as he leaves “Close the door behind you Mr Ambross”, Mr Ambross pauses, turns and nods, then leaves. Alone, he couldn’t hold his laughter, he laughs and laughs. “Dear Lord, you are good.This calls for celebration’’ he dials Tayo’s number “I have good news, I’ll meet you at our favourite spot“ he cuts the call and dials his secretary “Cancel all my meetings for the rest of the day Agnes ,I am taking the rest of the day off” He leaves his office and tells his detail he would be driving himself, they should bring the car around. While he waited for the car, he decided to call his mother, just to tell her it was a beautiful day and that it was a great day “Is something wrong my son?” “No mother, I am happy, so happy. How are you beautiful woman, good, okay?” She laughs “yes fine, but tell me why you are happy?’ “Soon mother, I love you, see you later” he blows kisses into the phone and takes the key from the driver walking to the car, he brushes someone by mistake, he turns to apologize putting the phone in his pocket, he steadies her from falling “Are you okay?’’ he says “Yes sorry, I wasn’t looking” she says staring up at him Once their eyes meets…his eyes grows big then adjusted almost immediately… hers didn’t “Jesus Emeka!!’’ it came as a whisper, then shock “Emeka!!’’ she touches his arm, he removes it.. Without another word he turns, presses his car key, he strolls to his car, slips in, puts on his glasses,and then drives off in his red convertible with car plate in gold “Jesus, that is Emeka, Emeka”she was pointing “No ma’am, that is my boss?” someone walks up to her giving her her bag on the ground “Your boss, I don’t understand‘’ “Yes Boss, he owns this place” “This place, where I am standing?”’ “Yes!!” He frowns, was she crazy “HEY CHINEKE! I AM FINISHED !’’ she puts her hand on her head “It’s a lie, it’s a lie” she grabs her bag and runs the other way. ***** TO BE CONT.
14 Dec 2017 | 09:27
hmmm revenge is best served cold
14 Dec 2017 | 13:03
Diana, you're finished
14 Dec 2017 | 13:35
This guy has something up in his sleeves
14 Dec 2017 | 20:34
pls dis tekno song remix..."Diana o Diana i am sorry 4 u" Diana o Diana, emeka no poor again..... neva in life look down on anybody....d sun wey shine 4 ur side yesterday, go stil shine 4 my side 2moro ooh
15 Dec 2017 | 03:38
my tekno song remix..."Diana o Diana i am sorry 4 u" Diana o my baby, emeka no poor again..... neva in life look down on anybody....d sun wey shine 4 ur side yesterday, go stil shine 4 my side 2moro ooh
15 Dec 2017 | 03:39
FIVE ***** “So you sounded really chirpy over the phone, what’s the happy news? You finally got yourself a girlfriend, oh wait she is pregnant and you finally made your mother a granny?” Tayo says taking off his suit and seating down. Emeka was smiling, he was twirling the glass of wine in his hands, his lips twitching Tayo grabs the bottle of wine “Damn man, you must be really excited about something to have had them bring their best wine, this is like 35k for a bottle, I know you rich but… you have to tell me what’s the news because I am dying to know” he says, thanking the waiter and orders a plate of shredded chicken “Well, let’s just say, the devil came visiting today” “The devil huh? So was he wearing a red cape, got horns and have fangs for teeth and oh don’t forget a tail” Tayo snickers “Oh he had one better, he had a name, Mr AMBROSS CHIKURDI” Tayo frowns “Mr AMBROSS CHIKURDI, Mr Ambross… why does that name sound familiar, is that not… wait is that not-” Tayo’s eyes grows big, “Your father,the devil!!!’’ “yes brother, yes, one and only devil, I swear he was in detail… you never forget a man who sent you to hell thinking you were going to die, he forgot that when you send a man to die during Easter, he is going to rise” Emeka laughs so hard his body shook “Tell me everything, how, where…everything“ “Oh I will- It started with a call and I didn’t know at first because it was my secretary that handled that, anyways, she fixed a meeting with him and then he strolled in and the dude didn’t know that I, Emeka Odinaka Uchendu was his blood, that he threw out on the streets with his mother and guess what he called me? Sir! With respect, and when I told him I was going to take his company and turn it into a hair factory, his eyes nearly popped out” They laughed “Savage Son! Oh dear lord Emeka, he had no clue?” “None son, none. And here I was staring him in the eyes, daring him to remember but he didn’t” Emeka’s countenance changes “You know I asked him if had a family, ever been married, he said no” Emeka shakes his head, suddenly became angry “he denied me to my face again Tayo, he did and right there and then I wanted to scream and tell him I am Emeka, the son he didn’t want, the one he left to die, but I said no, I was going to make him suffer, I would take all hat he owns and turn it into ruins, I would kick his breath from under him and then I would watch him suffer, just like he did” “Hey easy son, I know you are pained, your seeing him is just bringing back old memories, opening old wounds” “Yeah, that wound never healed but I vowed to make things good for my mum and God has been faithful, but I also vowed that if I ever ran into that man,that Amnbross I would make him pay… and God just delivered him to me on a platter of gold, and I can’t wait to cause him pain and misery Tayo, I swear I would make it rain on him like acid, and my first start is with his company..” he smiles into his glass Tayo looks at Emeka “I hope you don’t lose yourself in the process” “it would give me peace” “Do you think that is what your mother will want? Revenge?” “I will make decisions for her” he says then suddenly he turns to Tayo “I saw her” “Saw who?” “The girl who ripped my heart so long ago and gave it to the dogs to chew” “Who, your first girlfriend, first love, Delilah Aka Diana?” “Yes!!!” “Shit mahn, how are you… are you okay. Both of them under one day” “Yes, I told you, the devils is in detail” “Did she recognize you, your father couldn’t ,I guess she didn’t “ “Oh she did, she did alright and she called my name and then I walked away, and didn’t look back’’ “Good! You don’t need her crap, she is in your past” “Oh, I know that, but pain does something to you Tayo, it changes you” “I know that look Emeka, what do you plan to do? Just let sleeping dogs lie” “Oh nothing, I won’t do anything. You know what happens when there is a pile of shit on the road?” “Flies gather it?” “Yes Tayo,flies. And trust me, I don’t have to do anything, the flies will come and when they do, I would take it up and then slam it on the ground, harder than the way she dropped me and I would let her shatter. I mended a broken heart for years, unable to give another woman a chance because I was afraid to let another come in and ruin me again. Now today God brings her in my way again, and I need Closure Tayo” “So you are going to date her?’’’ “Oh no, I’ll let her assume that, I will do to her what she did to me, the difference is she wouldn’t see it coming plus, I will feel nothing. Nothing but satisfaction for her pain. The rest of everything will happen on its own. The devil is in details remember” Emeka laughs “Dude sometimes you scare me, I know you talked about revenge all this years but, I never thought the day would come’’ “Oh well, I guess Christmas came early, “ “Are you going to tell your mother, about your father?’’’ Emeka shakes his head “I don’t need to, she doesn’t need to be reminded of him, it would only give her pain .It took years for her to let him go, I don’t want her falling sick over remembering shit” “Well, it’s understandable, but Emeka, don’t you think you should let it go? I think you telling him who you are and watching shame wash over him would be enough payback. The boy he felt would amount to nothing without his help is the same one he goes back to for help, you don’t think that is enough?” “No, it would be enough when I see him broken down like us, then it would be enough’’ “And then Diana, what will you do to her, break her heart too?” Emeka smiles “ everything will happen on it’s own, everything will” he smiles pouring wine into Tayo’s glass “Here is to revenge, paybacks and broken pieces” he laughs “Dude, really, don’t lose yourself in the process” Tayo repeats Emeka stares away “I lost myself a long time ago when the girl I loved left me and when my father sent me to the streets, I am me because of my mother’s strength, love and prayers and her labour. I lost myself a long time ago, losing some more wouldn’t change nothing” But Tayo didn’t agree with him, but he said nothing more. ****** “Babe,whats wrong ,why are you banging on my door like that, my son is asleep” Grace opens her door and Diana rushes in going to sit on the bed, her hands on her head, she is crying. “Hey Grace! what have I done, what have her done?’’ she wails “What is wrong, what is wrong?’’ she comes to her friend, removing her hands from her head “Dee talk now, you are scaring me” “Hey Grace you wouldn’t believe who I saw today, you wouldn’t”she jumps as she sat on the bed, tears streaming down her eyes,her hands goes back to her head “Ehen, who? Tell me why are you crying, who did you see Diana?” “Hey God what did I do oh, what?” she wails “See if you won’t say anything, leave my house, Ahain!! My son is sleeping abi you want to wake him?You know how he gets when he is awake“ “Hey Grace,I saw Emeka, I saw Emeka ooooo!!” “Emeka, Slyvannus Emeka?” she asked “No, Emeka ehhhh!!!” she cries biting her hand, raising up her dress, clearing uneasy “Which Eemka na, no be Ruth brother Emeka, or is it our erm what’s he called, our Ijeoma Emeka, that works opposite my office?” Diana is shaking her head “No, my Emeka, my Emeka” she hits her chest Now Grace’s frown deepens “What nonsense are you saying, do you have an Emeka. The dude you were dating is James, and that was three months ago, so who be Emeka again now?’’ Diana wails “Emeka Odinika Chikurdi, my ex back in school. The one I left, the one we saw that was selling on the streets years ago. The boy I dumped. That Emeka, that my Emeka” Grace bends her head to the side, then turns away, then back to her blinking rapidly… “That Emeka you lied to us that had traveled to the states and the one you use to flaunt about that his father was rich, that Emeka you used to drive his car around in school, that Emeka was so crazy about you and you dumped and denied that day we were going to your new boyfriend’s house, that Eemka?” Diana wails nodding her head “Yes,yes! that my Emeka” “Which your Emeka? You dey craze! why is he your Emeka now, wait sef , where did you see him, what is wrong with him, why are you crying, is he dead? No one has seen or heard about him for what, over nine years now or soo, ehen na since that time we were in year three, he never returned and you know I went back to search for him that day on the streets but no one knew who he was, so what is it, why are you crying, what happened to him?” Diana wipes her eyes and stares at Grace “I saw him today. You know that company that is on Brooke street, with foreign people working there too, that oil company now, that is a car servicing company plus deals with importation of things like spare parts, cars and-‘’’ “Ehen yes I know, it a big company na, I hear their have others spread across within and outside the country.. I hear it’s owned by a young guy oh, all the young boys where get sense use money do better thing.. you know I applied to work there once but I got pregnant with junior and you know his father was a dick and wasn’t ready to settle down so I missed the interview, ehen na the same company you were supposed to have an interview in today na, ehen what happened it, wait, you went for it abi?” She shakes her head “Didn’t. That company, that whole thing you just said now, it belongs to Emeka, my Emeka, hey God !!’ Grace blinks, then she begins to laugh, then she stops and then she laughs slapping her hands together “Wait, I don’t get, Emeka, like Odinaka Emeka, no, what are you saying, did you drink?” she touches her neck, but Diana hits her hands away “No, I went there you see, and I wasnt looking and I hit someone and when I turn it was Emeka, my Emeka!!” “Shut up!!stop calling him ‘My Emeka! But are sure?” “See I didn’t know at first but his voice and then his eyes, you know it was his eyes I was drawn to at first in school, it was warm and sucked you in, and then the way he sounded, my head shook and then I looked up, I swear my mouth said Emeka before my head realized that it was trully Emeka and he- he recognized me,” “Ehen, it still doesn’t make sense what you are saying” “when I called his name” she continued “He pulled away from me as though he touched a hot coal or fire and then he walked away, entered a clean sweet convertible and zoomed away, I kept calling him, he didn’t deny and say I am not Emeka I am this or that Grace, he just looked away and drove off, then here is the kicker” “Ehen’’ “One of the workers there who helped me with my bag told me that was his oga and his oga’s name isn’t Emeka, but that company, that company is his, he owns it all” “Mtchew!! You see, you are seeing things, you don’t know who you saw” “No Grace, it is Emeka, it is I swear it“ Grace looks at her crying friend “Okay let’s assume it was Emeka and that he is the owner of that multi-billion naira company, why are you crying now?” “Because, I broke up with him thinking he wouldn’t amount to anything, now see, see, not only did he amount to something, he- …hey God, he owns a freaking company of that magnitude. He is made and I threw him away just because of his present then and forgot about his future, hey what will I do?” “I don’t understand what do you mean what will you do how?” “I have to go and apologize and tell him I am sorry, to explain things, it was the devil. I wasn’t in my right senses. Grace, I would have been Mrs by now, married to him, enjoying this wealth. Chai, who did this to me? After ten years I run into Emeka and he sees me, with disgust he turned away from me. I am finished, what have I done Grace, help me!” “You are mad! You are really more than mad” Grace says point at her temple “Your head no correct you hear? You broke the guy’s heart and you think you can just waltz into his life now like nothing happened?Are you smoking a new kind of crazy weed? You lied to all of us about his state just because you wanted to save face, you knew apparently he was going through shit yet you didn’t care you left him. Everyone knew that guy loved you to pieces and you left him, denied him on top and you think after ten years, because he is the best thing after dangote now you can go on your knees and beg him for mercy and that he take you back?’ “Yes, yes” “You are mad, Diana! We know what you want, not his love but his money. May God forgive you but even so, it’s not Emeka you saw, it’s not and even if he was the one, I pray he doesn’t give you a chance” “How can you say that, we are friends” Diana cries “Yes, that is why I would be honest. You messed up big time, you don’t deserve a second chance, you left a good guy when he was in his low and he was looking for a breath of fresh air, you were his safe haven at that time Daina, yet you took his breath away and that could break a man totally, now you want to waltz back? You have no conscience. Leave the man alone, the least you can do is to apologize to him and get the hell away from his life, you don’t deserve to tap from this happiness of his, you don’t” Diana wails “No I do oh, i will. He would take me back” “After ten years? You definitely are on crack” Diana wails, she shakes her head from side to side “If junior wakes up, just know that you are taking him home with you” While Diana is crying,Grace takes her phone and googles the company, looking for a picture of the founder. She clicks on CEO, Mr E.O. Unchendu, when his picture pops up, her mouth drops open “Dear heavenly father, truly it is Emeka!!“ she covers her mouth with her hand, Daina rushes to look, seeing the picture and she wails again “Hey God! hey God!!’’ “Kai shut up jor!!“ she tells Diana “You are crying? You never start heheheheh” she begins to laugh “You know that saying ‘No condition is permanent?’ Well Emeka is a living testimony, I am sure he has one banging hot chick like that, that is giving him seven days a week, two ways to Sunday and maybe they are married with three kids and he don’t give two shits about you” she laughs, Diana bursts out crying, Grace continues “yes, I am sure of that, maybe he bought her a city or had a little island named after her, you know, the chick must have fallen in love with him on the streets, struggled with him so he owes her everything…damn! I am sure there is a wedding picture somewhere” Grace is laughing while Diana is wailing painfully “You are a wicked friend, instead for you to help me… you are torturing me” “Me to help you? You are high! See, forget Eemka, he don’t need your baggage, not now, not ever.You dumped him remember, let him have peace I beg you’’ “No!he can’t forget me, he can’t. I will go and apologize. Ten years isn’t a long time, he would forgive me and you will apologize for all these“ Grace yawns “Right, biko I need to get back to my laundry” Daina grabs her bag and she leaves. ***** “Yes how may I help you?” “Yes please, my name is Diana Nkenchior, I would like to see, Mr Odinaka Uchendu” “Do you have an appointment?” “No, tell him my name,he would want to see me” “’Sorry ma’am you have to have an-“’” “Just tell him, please”’ “Very well ma’am” ***** Emeka is staring out the window from his office overlooking the city “Emeka?’’ the voice calls behind him, he turns “I- I am so sorry” she says going on her knees “I am so so sorry” she begs Emeka turns and then sits down “I have two questions for you, Diana, what in the devil’s name made you think you can assume I want to see your face? And secondly when you are done, get up and get out!” Diana blinks “Emeka please, Emeka I beg you in the name of God please,I… I was young and stupid and, I was under a lot of pressure and look Emeka nothing I say can make it better, just forgive me” “It is Sir to you or Mr Odinaka Uchendu Diana, you don’t call me Emeka” “okay, please, forgive me please” she is still on her knees Yes, he told Tayo, just like flies, She would come “Why?“ “Because I am sorry” “Sorry? You must be out of your mind, Get up and Get out!!’’ TO BE CONT’D
15 Dec 2017 | 09:03
Diana u are really sick
15 Dec 2017 | 09:55
I hope Emeka crush you... gold digger
15 Dec 2017 | 12:34
with the look of things he will take her back and broke her heart to shreads
15 Dec 2017 | 12:37
Useless dat girl
15 Dec 2017 | 16:35
Am sure emeka will still 4give all of them
15 Dec 2017 | 16:37
I don't buy the idea of taking her back in order to break her heart, you might end up melting your heart for her and continue loving her which she doesn't deserve
15 Dec 2017 | 18:15
Hmmmm, but if you must continue with the stunt, then pray that your heart doesn't disappoint you
15 Dec 2017 | 18:17
HAHAHAHA.....laughing in korean
15 Dec 2017 | 21:42
SIX **** “But Emeka!!!’’ she begged “You don’t ever call me by Emeka, you don’t! wait, did you think after ten years you come here and say you are sorry and then I wipe your slat clean? After dumping me back then just because my life was shit Daina Nkenchior? Really? Oh wait, I know, I was nothing but a boy living by a thread, possibly you thought I would be dead right or hawking till I am grey or maybe shut dead by a stray bullet. You were done with me so what do you want now, my forgiveness? I have none to give” “But Emeka erm…Odinaka, what would you have had me do?” “Gotten rid of your ego maybe, liked the person who was standing in front of you for who he was, not because of the wealth his father had, be patient and understanding and even if you wanted to break up with him it should have been for a genuine reason like he hurt you or worse he cheated I don’t know, but you lied right from the start did you not, you never loved me like you claimed, no! You loved my name and what my father’s wealth could bring and since you couldn’t get it anymore you backed out and jumped ships, saving yourself and left a drowning man to his pains, now you are here, seeing that God has smiled down on me and you think you can waltz back into my life and do what, we start from were we stopped?” he spat She was shaking her head in tears “I..yes, no, I mean no I mean.. I don’t know but I need you to forgive me, it was the devil” “Go back to the devil and tell him to keep using you then” “Odinaka biko!” “You are just pitiful Diana, very. I really have no forgiveness for you, I really don’t. Do both of us a favour, don’t ever come back here,because the next time I do see you, it wouldn’t be pleasant” “Emeka, please, forgive me… Please that is all I ask” Emeka turns to the table, picks his phone and dials “Yes please, send in security up to my office, a stray dog just entered, thank you” he says and cuts She is shaking her head “Emeka, I will do anything to make this right, I will, I beg of you please” He is just staring at her with no emotion whatsoever on his face, in less than five minutes two securities show up, “Yes sir?” “Take her out, next time she comes here, throw her out, she isn’t allowed into my office, no come close to my company for no reason, get her out of here, drag her by the hair if she refuses to leave’’ “Please” she clasped her hands together “I am begging you” “Get her out!’’ They each hold her by her hand and pull her up and escorted her out of his office.. Emeka stares as the door closes then he breaks into hearty laugh.. Wow!!! It feels good. it felt so good. He seats,crosses his legs and was happy. But he knew one thing, she would be back and that would be when the fun begins, she wouldn’t know what hit her. ****** He gets home on time, driving into his mansion and parking, he alights leaving the key for the driver to go park it in the garage. “Welcome sir, how was your day?’’ his in-house caretaker greets him at his door, taking his jacket and his bag “Great Mrs Tito, is my mother home?” “Yes sir ,she just got home from the shop, she is up in her room” “Thank you”’ “’should I serve dinner now?” “erm…yes, bring a wine, make it two bottles” “oh Wow sir, good day at the office?” “Splendid Mrs Tito, splendid” he says laughing, taking the stairs two at a time he goes to find his mother, he hears the music coming from her room and her door was slightly open. He pushes the door to find her arranging her bag in the wardrobe, “Hello Beautiful amazing sweet mother of life, the queen of my heart and the only one that made my chaos peaceful, how are you today awesome woman of my life” he says going to her and hugging her,placing a kiss on her cheeks She laughs touching his face “Hmm, Emeka,this one you are praising me like this, did you have good news in the office?” “Ha hain mama, so I don’t praise you like this on a normal day eh?” “No I didn’t say so oh, I am just saying your praises are a little bit suspicious” Emeka laughs stepping away and going to sit on her bed, “Well, you know me well mama” “Yes I do, you are my son, so tell me, what is up? Did you close a new deal?” “erm…kind off, just waiting for the person to sign off on it” he says He wasn’t lying, well he wasn’t exactly lying , he was going to close the deal with Mr Ambross, he checked out his company, it was going under, Ambross needed the money he was offering or the partnership. He would come begging him soon and then he would begin his vengeance on His father. “Hmm, so which company needs help this time?’ “Some company like that, name not important“ Well that too was true, he had every intention of changing the name, for now he would let him keep it “What do they do?” “Er…mama, Aba made shoes, but no one buys that anymore, you need italian shoes shipped in from the states … he needs a new line of business and I am going to help him with it” “So are they going to sell or looking for partnership?” He scratches his head, the only reason his mother knew so much of how he works was because he always talk to her about it, even asking her advice on things, she might not have gone to school but his mother was perceptive sometimes and he realized that talking to her and listening to her sometimes makes him make the right decisions, but there was no way she was going to give him advice on this particular company… there was no way he was discussing this one with her. If she ever found out that it’s Ambross’s company, her ex-husband, she wouldn’t let him do what he intends to do, and he wanted to so bad. So keeping her in the dark was the best. When he had repaid his father for the pains and misery he had caused them, then he would tell him who he was and watch him fall on his face and feel shame, then he would leave him with nothing, just the same way he left them with nothing. That was his plans and the far away his mother stayed from this information the better, she may not love his father anymore or what to have anything to do with him but she had a good heart, she would forgive and he didn’t want that. His mother used to say an eye for an eye makes the world go blind. No one talks about the pain and misery one feels to get blinded and why there is need to repay blood for blood… it was for closure, for peace for telling the other person that you do unto others what you want done unto you. And then just like his father came out of the blue, he would crawl back into the blue from whence he came from, alone, shamed and with nothing. “Erm we are still working out the modalities mother, soon” “Okay, is that all that made you happy?” “Well, that and the fact that I ran into an old friend of mine” “oh, who is that?” ‘”Someone who should have stayed in my past” “Want to talk about it?” He shakes his head “No, but I am happy for all that has happened today” “Okay” A knock on the door disrupted them “Sir, ma, dinner is ready” “Okay great, please Mrs Tito tell the driver to get the bag in the car and bring it into mummy’s room” “what bag is that?” “You’ll see” Emeka smiles standing up, giving her his hand he links it in his “Just something to tell you how much you mean to me and how I won’t stop giving you the world mama, you have absolutely nothing too worry about,all those who have caused you pain would be put in shame” “Who kwanu?” “Oh the devil for one” he chuckles , and his name is Ambross Chikurdi, he thinks to himself “Hmm, God forbid, the devil shall not see me to cause me harm“ “Amen Mama, Amen. Come let’s go and eat” he says walking out of the room and going to their dinning. ***** “Grace, I can’t sleep” Diana says to her friend, it’s been two days since Emeka threw her out of his office, three days since she ran into him and she hasn’t been herself “So I should do what now, sing you a love song or read you a bed time story?” Grace asks “Where is Jnr?” “His father took him out, so what is giving you sleep-ness nights?” “Emeka!!!’’ Grace eyes her and sighs “Please is that the reason why you came to my house early in the morning to mention someone who obviously deserves better than you?” “Abba Grace, you are my friend, my friend, you don’t have to sound like that” “Dee I am your friend that is why I am sounding like this, come tell me, did you think I would support you? You that was heartless towards him and dropped him like a bad habit? Don’t you have any shame?’’ “I do, so much shame” “No, be-like the shame wei you get different from the shame I dey talk. The shame I am referring to is the one to know that you messed up so you just park face, enter gutter and never show your face to him again, that is shame. But all I see is that you are just going to apologize to him solely because he is rich, again have you no shame?” “But Grace, what do you want me to do. I am really sorry for the way I treated him in school“ “Are you really sorry, or the greed for money and material wealth is clouding your emotion and you think you are remorseful but in actual fact you are only crying and feeling sorry for the money you would have been enjoying all the years he started trolling in bucks and the whole reason why you went to apologize to him is because you don’t want to lose totally, am I right or am I right?” “No! No you are wrong, I do still care about him” “Madam you never loved the nigga, who do you think you are lying to? So money suddenly made you fall in love abi? Hey God this is new, money equals love in your books Dee? You are pitiful, I swear if I saw Emeka I will tell him to stay away from you” “Grace you can’t do that, look, I care about him I do” Grace yawns “Ten years care abi, okay” she says getting up and folding her things “But Grace, aren’t you supposed to give me a plan or direct me on what to do?” “hmmm, wait, just wait I am coming , I will tell you what to do? Raise your hands up and then take it away from your face, away from your face very far, ehen like this” she takes Diana’s hands, raises it up and then takes it away from her face “Just like that, ehen, oya bring it really fast very fast to your face, very hard like this” she says using Diana’s hands to slap her “Jesus!!!’’ Diana holds her face “Oh did it hurt?”’ “What is wrong with you? why did you slap me?” “Oh it did hurt abi? Use that pain, times it by thousands and add a million bolts of pain and then shake it over and add times two of that, that is how much it hurts when you broke that boy turned man now, and no I didn’t slap you, you slapped you. I was hoping it will reset your brains but apparently it only made you more unreasonable” Diana shakes her head, her anger showing “You know for a friend you are just jealous that I may actually get Emeka to fall for me again and you can’t handle the fact that I would be his girlfriend and enjoy the luxury and be able to work for a company you applied once for but couldn’t get in because you were pregnant and you are jealous that your baby daddy refused to marry you instead he went for your ex- bestfriend and that the only time you all get to see is only when he takes junior out and you are also jealous that despite us being the same age and all that you look older than me and I still can be able to turn heads while you are nothing but a old cargo with a child and working your ass out to make ends meet and me, me? I am going to sway Emeka’s head and I can and will enjoy all that he has, while you wallow in your jealous self pity Grace” “Get out!!’’ Grace points to the door, her eyes glistening “Gladly, just know that I was hoping you were going to help me so that I can at least help you out of your state of misery but now once I have him back into my life, I will kick you to the curb, you are not my friend, my friend should be happy for me not dissuade me“ “Your friend would tell you you the truth but it is apparent that you are nothing other than someone who wants to leach unto Emeka because of his wealth and for the fact that you have hurt him so much,I only advice that you stay away so that you don’t hurt him more and I was right, you want to take take take, how about giving this time Dee, what about being truly sorry, what about really giving him something for once, your heart, not your misplaced priorities, not your fake pretense, not your greed, not all that material desire to take take take, how about you give him what he has always wanted from you… your heart, your genuine love? But no, your heart is made of stone. You don’t love anyone but yourself and it is just sad that you want to lure that poor man into your trap and even if he falls and marries you like you want, you will never love him, you will only bask in his wealth and God-forbid if he hits rock bottom again you are going to run… you always run. I pray he sees you coming form a mile away and guards his heart against you. You are nothing but a heartless girl and I thought after all this years you would have genuinely felt shame for yourself and truly repentant and that when you told me you were sorry about the way you treated him I wanted to believe you but a little push and your true colours shows… you don’t deserve forgiveness Dee, you deserve to stay away from him, Get out from my house and whenever you truly find redemption, my door would be open” “Whatever Grace, whatever! You know nothing, nothing” she says grabbing her bag and leaving “Yes Dee, sadly I do. I wish I could warn your Emeka, I wish, but you wouldn’t want to listen to me..” she says staring at the door, she cleans her eyes. She felt hurt, Diana had hurt her with her words, but all she feels is love for her and she prays she realizes her mistake before she ruins his life again, you can’t hurt a good man twice, it would break him beyond fixing. ***** Emeka leave his office, taking the lift down… “Have a good evening sir” the staffs who were still around greeted him “And you too” he tells them “Thank you” he tells the security who opens the door for him “Should I get the driver sir?” “No no, I will drive myself tonight, tell him he can go home” “Okay sir” he tells him Emeka walks out and waits for them to bring his car around, when they do, he enters and is driving out when he sees her, she stands in front of his car, and then goes on her knees, with people staring, her eyes swollen. “Please?” he read her lips, he winds down “Get out of my way else I will run you down” he calls out “Then go ahead, I’ll die knowing that I came to beg for forgiveness, go ahead… I won’t leave unless you forgive me” she cries He could scare her, but everyone was looking… his securities had come out telling her to leave the driveway but she refuses, wailing He sighs “Diana leave the way, I am not joking, I’ll-” “No,no”” she shakes her head Give in now or later, he thinks to himself. They was no harm in starting the game now “Fine, get in” he tells her and she jumps from her knees and rushes to the car, opens it and slips in “Sir, is everything okay?” they ask him “Yes yes, go back to work, it’s fine… just a old friend of mine who needs psychological help” he says ,they nod He enters into the car and zooms off, stopping at a restaurant, She kept crying crocodile tears in the car She didn’t stop when he ushers her into the hotel… “If you don’t mind stop, it irks me, your tears… stop! people are staring and I don’t want to start explaining things to them, stop it Dee, you know I never liked seeing you cry” “You… you called me Dee, just like before, I thought… you forgot about about how you loved to call me Dee” she sniffs wiping her eyes “I never forgot you Dee, I never” he says, “I am sorry, I am so sorry “ “I know” “Give me a chance, please, will you?” Silence Really Diana, Poof!! you think it’s magic? Really? “Emeka please, will you give me a chance?” “Yes, I will” he lies **** TO BE CONT.
16 Dec 2017 | 10:05
Hmmm Dania u see urself
16 Dec 2017 | 18:10
Enjoying this
16 Dec 2017 | 19:41
em loving bro u get mind shall
17 Dec 2017 | 01:09
I just pray you don't later fall for this Dee of a girl
17 Dec 2017 | 12:04
why am I getting this feeling that Emeka will eventually fall for this girl... I mean she is the girl he has ever love and dated his first love...
17 Dec 2017 | 12:11
17 Dec 2017 | 13:33
Let d game begin
17 Dec 2017 | 14:08
Play your game well o
17 Dec 2017 | 14:10
gettin sweeter
17 Dec 2017 | 15:47
Are u sure u won't fall for this girl again?
17 Dec 2017 | 17:51
Yes this is the right time to start the game, now that she has no friends
18 Dec 2017 | 02:42
Diana u are in for it big time
18 Dec 2017 | 03:14
Second Chance?
18 Dec 2017 | 05:16
pls dnt fall 4 dt bitch o
18 Dec 2017 | 05:27
Why will you do that Emeka you don't need her jhoor
18 Dec 2017 | 05:56
SEVEN ***** “Mr Sean O’Conner, Miss Deborah Teneka would see you now”’ A pretty brunet who was the secretary to the building he just entered addressed him. “Thank you… Miss?’’ Sean raises an eyebrow, she was fine, too fine in fact and she was smiling at him and he knew those smiles well. “It’s Lisa”’ She says “Lisa, nice name” He says smiling back and following her through the door she ushered him to.. before she lets him pass she lips a card into his suit pocket “I get off by 6pm, call me anytime” she breaths into his ears, Sean smiles Yes, women loved him and he kinda loved them back. But there was Tasha Williams, his girlfriend and soon to be fiance, soon to be wife, that’s if she stops being childish, expensive and unreasonable. He sighs “Sure, I will” he taps her hands and then turns away from her as she knocks on the door and tells him to go in “Mr Sean, I am Deborah Tenaka, how may I help you?” A woman wearing glasses stood up and stretches out her hands towards Sean as he walks into the room going towards her desk and taking her hands in his for a brief shake. “Hello Deborah, glad for you to see me” “Sit Mr Sean, over the phone you spoke about a child you believe is in a abusive home, please explain what it is you mean and if you can give me any more information?” Sean scratches his head,“Actually, I met the child, her name is Kikina, I think she should be three or four years old, I started talking to her and then her mother showed up and she was mad, like really mad” “That would because you are a stranger talking to her kid, any mother would be on a defensive” “Especially when I introduced myself as the school’s supplier and that I had almost ran down her daughter who was playing in the driveway? I mean the kid admitted to me that she didn’t have any friends and she was sad, that could either mean that whatever that is going on with that kid is affecting her psychologically to have her withdraw into herself and she also said that children bullied her “ “why?” “I didn’t get her to tell me, her mother showed up” “Okay, was that all?’’ “’No, she came up aggressively, she was angry and told me no one will take her daughter from her and the kid looked so scared that got me worried, I had to calm the situation but she kept saying you… you won’t take my kid from me and pushing the kid behind her and the poor girl was staring at me I don’t know with sadness or fear, but there was something totally off and it irked me” Sean finishes, Deborah sighs “There is not enough information for us Sir to investigate, was there bruises, did she manhandle the kid in front of you?”’ “No but, look, I have never being within the walls of social services and for me to come here it’s because I think that kid is in an abusive home either from her mother or father and it didn’t sit well seeing her sad, withdrawn and the way her mother acted with me. I mean she didn’t know me but I felt she hated me… I could feel it and I didn’t know why. Look, I know it’s a long short but if you would pay them a visit just to make sure, it would put my mind at ease and like you said, it may be nothing but it is better to be safe than sorry and hear on the news about a kid beaten or worse… who knows” “Fine, we would pay them a visit, do you have an address, theirs not yours?” she smiles “Oh no, but I can give you the school’s and I don’t know the mother’s name just the daughter’s, Kikina… please when can this be done?” “Tomorrow, I would keep you updated” “Actually, I would like to be there would that be okay?”’ “Erm sure, why not”’ That was about two days ago, when he had gotten the call from Deborah that she was heading to the school today he had put his supervisor in charge and driven down , they met at the parking lot and walked in together, they asked him to wait. “I would like to have a few words with the mother and child first, I like to get a feeling of things to know how they react to questions posed at them, it helps me better decipher without distractions on their parts” “Sure why not” he waited. It took less than thirty minutes when some lady had come to call him “Miss Deborah says you can come in now”’ she had said beckoning him to follow her, when they reached the door, he noticed it was a library. As soon as he was ushered in, he saw her, Kikina’s mother and when he heard her last outburst Sean couldn’t hold back.. “Me! I was the one who reported to child services” he says going completely into the room “You Bastard!!” she had said “’Wow, such language in front of a what? three or a four year old, is that even appropriate?” Sean turns to Deborah “Look ma’ám, for the sake of the kid would you refrain from using strong languages?” Deborah turns to Megan, but Megan’s eyes were bloodshot “How dare you? How dare you?’’ she says pointing at him, Kikina hands is clasped in hers “You have no right, no bloody right to get into my life and want to take my child away from me” she spat Sean scoffs, for a pretty woman she was too angry, she has terrible tempter “Take? No ma’ám I don’t intend to but please kindly explain to me, to us, why your daughter is shaking like a fig leaF beside you?”’ “Ït’s because you all are scaring her” “No because she is afraid of you” Sean says “I know it would be the most wicked thing to take a child away from her parents but it would be more evil to leave a child with parents who make her feel threatened with living”’ “You have no idea how we have been living, or surviving, all of a sudden you care?” Megan flares Sean is confused, why does it seem as though she is saying one thing and meaning another? “Look madam i obviously don’t know how you have been living nor do I care”’ “”Exactly!” Megan throws her hands up cutting him off, Sean frowns “But I care enough for that little girl who seems she deserves better” “’You don’t care, you never did, you don’t care for Kikina, you never did, if not you wouldn’t have-‘’ “’Madam, this is inappropriate please” Deborah cuts her off, they were raising their voices, was it just her or she felt that there was some bad blood between them, have they met before? “Madam, calm down please, take a sit and let us talk like adults, I am the Child services worker and I have to be convinced that what Mr Sean here has reported is not what it is… and you have to convince me that what he is saying is untrue and I have to talk to Kikina too. I am just doing my job and all this shouts and banter would lead us to nowhere . Please calm down and let us talk. So I will ask you some questions and I need you to answer me honestly and if I detect any dishonesty I would probe further” “You have no damn right over her, you never will”’Megan points to Sean, her eyes in slits “Are you kidding me! I am not after your daughter. See Miss Deborah, she is unstable, I don’t understand half of what she is even saying…” he says shaking his head, Debeorah shakes her head too “Mr Sean I would please ask that you don’t incite her more or indulge her or I would have to ask that you wait outside“ “Fine” he says sitting down. He stares at Megan and her gaze is all daggers He felt uncomfortable…. he has never met her before in his entire life and yet she seemed to have this certain hate for him. Why does she feel threatened by him, or is her husband the abuser, did he abuse her and their child, is that why she felt he was a threat to her kid, but he wasn’t doing anything but her reaction despite his apology threw him off guard and what with her constant.. ‘You won’t take her from me’ talk?” It didn’t make sense. His gaze rests on the girl, Kiki as she holds tight to her mother, was it out of fear or what? But whatever the case was, he was making sure that the girl was safe before he leaves if not, he would have to let child services handle the case. It’s things like this that aren’t paid attention to that you later regret to find a child has been brutally abused, physically, emotional and otherwise. He wouldn’t let that happen. He might not know the kid but she seemed too innocent, too sad, too withdrawn for a child for him to let it go. Better for her to be in a peaceful loving environment than to be home with parents who would cause her to turn to a messed up kid, something worse if she survives their abuse. He would know. He lost a friend like that. He didn’t listen enough, he didn’t care enough.. the boy was fifteen, he died of overdose. He later learned that his father was raping him and beating his mother. He couldn’t handle it and no one knew until they found his suicide note. So if he could help one child avoid that fate, He would gladly. “I asked a question ma’ám, have you ever raised your hands on your daughter?” Deborah’s voice cuts into Sean’s thoughts “What sort of ridiculous question is that? I love my daughter wholeheartedly I will never hurt her. No I have never and I will never “’ “Have you ever shouted on her?’’ “I scold her when she does something wrong”’ “Scold how??’’ “I believe you are an educated woman, if you don’t know what scold is, google is your friend”’ Kikina laughs “Mummy scolds me when I eat a lot of chocolates after dinner after I have brushed my teeth. I am not supposed to take sweet things after dinner, mummy says it makes me super-active..I run around screaming and sometimes I fall asleep with my head hanging down my bed and sometimes while mummy is asleep”’ She giggles covering her mouth “I use her makeup and draw clown on her face”’ she laughs, Sean smiling, so does Deborah “kikina is it?”’ Deborah turns to her, Kiki nods “what happens at home on a normal day, don’t look at mummy, just at me, don’t be sacred okay, I won’t hurt you”’ Kiki looks up at her mother “Kiki, me, look at me, tell me how mummy is with you at home “’ “’Mummy loves me” “’Do you know that or mummy makes you tell people that?”’ Kiki frowns, Sean is attentive “Tell the truth Kiki” he encourages “’You don’t talk to my daughter! You stay away from my daughter or I swear -”’ “Please, please” Deborah says “Kiki, go on”’ “Mummy loves me, and I love her and no she doesn’t tell me to tell people, she tells me not to talk to strangers. Mummmy-mummy reads me bed time stories every night, mummy prays to God with me and takes me to the pool every Saturday, I love my Aunty Tonia too. Mummy and her are best friend, . erm…mummy gives me by favourite food and -and” “And what kiki?”’ Deborah asks, Kiki lowers her head ”’Go on” Sean says Megan felt like flinging a chair his way… she bites her lips, “’Mummy gets sad too, and I don’t like when she gets sad and I know it’s my fault”’ “What is your fault kiki?’’ Megan is staring at her daughter now “I hear her cry sometimes in the shower or in the car, and she keeps looking at the picture of my grandpa and grandma, do you know I haven’t ever met them? But she cries and when I ask her she tells me she isn’t crying. And I feel bad because I feel it’s because of me “’ “Oh kiki”’ Megan breaths going on her knees facing kiki “What about your daddy, is your mummy sad about your daddy? Does your daddy hurt you, does your mummy hurt you, tell me Kiki it’s okay”’ Kiki shakes her head, but her eyes pools “I haven’t met my daddy either, mummy says he went to heaven. Aunty, why did God take my daddy, why didn’t he let me see him and have him give me piggy rides and come to parents day to sit me in school or drop me at school or..or..” she sniffs “buy me ice-cream and tug me into bed at night. Why did God take my daddy without letting me tell him I love him too as I love mummy and have him… him hold mummy and tell her it’s all going to be okay and that she should stop crying and that I wouldn’t be naughty again, I won’t throw tantrums and I wouldn’t be sad again’’ she sniffs as tears fall down her eyes… “’Oh kiki, no baby, no baby, it’s not your fault, it’s not your fault” Megan cries as she shakes her head, cleaning her daughter’s eyes.. “Mummy loves you so so much and it’s not because of you, Never!” “’But why do you keep hurting and crying” “Because, because “’ Megan trails off “Because mummies gets sad too, life, work, those we care about but it has nothing do with you sweat pea, I promise. Okay, mummy won’t ever cry again okay?’’ “Pinky-swear?’’ Kikina cleans her eyes giving her mother her little finger “Pinky-swear!” Megan takes kiki’s finger and pulling it with hers, kiki smiles, her face brightens up again, “Come here kiddo” Megan stretches her hands wide, Kiki laughs rushing into them, Megan kisses all over her face and kiki mimics her mother, Megan laughs. ***** Deborah stares at the mother and child, straightening up… she turns to Sean, walking towards him… “Mr Sean, I do understand your concern, but if you have just witnessed what I just did, you would realise that there is no abuse here, but love and pain. Maybe from a deceased husband and father and a woman who has issues with her family but you can see that both mother and daughter love each other dearly and it’s not forced. And we have no idea what she had gone through or what both mother and child are coping with … I can state that a child who has no father figure, would feel that gap, there would always be a need she wants in her life and maybe who knows how the relationship was between mother and husband… whatever it is got the child sensitive but… bottom line, no abuse here Mr Sean, so I would ask if you would want to withdraw your filing?’’ Sean stares at her and at them.. True, a child who is being abused can’t show that genuine emotion towards her abuser even though forced. He may still be put off by the mother’s atitude towards him which still got him curious but…still.. he was too fast at judging. He was wrong. He almost separated a child from her mother, he felt bad, he felt shame “I withdraw” he states. Deborah smiles nodding “Very well, I will handle it” she turns to Megan and kiki “Kiki, I am so sorry for any discomfort my presence must have caused you, I duly apologies . You have a beautiful daughter and whatever gap her father has left I am sure you are doing your absolute best to make her feel loved and she exudes same for you. I am so sorry, and I hope one day whenever we see we can be civil towards each other Mrs?’’ she says stretching out her hands Megan straightens up, cleaning her eyes, kiki is hugging her again, but kiki is staring at Sean.. “Its Miss, Miss Megan Phillips”’ Sean looks up sharply “Well Miss Megan Philips, have a good day and you kiki, be good to mummy okay?” “’Yes” they shake hands, Deborah nods to Sean and leaves. That name, that name sounds very familiar, why did that name cause a frown? He couldn’t understand why. That name, where has he heard it before? And who.. why did…Argh, he doesn’t remember.,Megan and Kiki are walking away. “’Erm, Miss Megan Philips, I am so sorry, I didn’t realize … I just-”’ The slap caused him to stagger backwards..he holds his face “You are a bastard, how dare you do this, reporting me to child services, you almost ripped my daughter away from me, she is all that I have, all that I have, All!! How dare you!!’’ the tears flows down her eyes.. “Mummy’’ kiki tugs at her hands, “Mummy, don’t be mad at him, he is my friend, he wouldn’t do it again, right Uncle?’’ Kiki tugs at Sean’s hands, he looks down , blinking as his vision clears He bends to her level as the pain stings his face “Yes, I wouldn’t. I am sorry kiki, do you forgive me?’’ yes, he messed up. He almost destroyed a home, he deserved the slap. Kiki nods “I forgive you.‘’ “Will your mummy forgive me too?” he says looking up at Megan, she turns away.. “You had no right, stay away from my daughter” Megan says pulling kiki away from him Kiki turns to him “mummy likes flowers, white lilies’’ she whispers waving and turning away Sean straightens up, touching his face. Damnit !!’ Well, he messed up, he had to make things right.. Now, where would he get white lilies from?’’ TO BE CONTINUED.
20 Dec 2017 | 08:50
This episode is from another story entirely @confidencechiamaka09yahoo-com
20 Dec 2017 | 11:35
This is jargons's not what we are reading before
20 Dec 2017 | 13:23
wrong episode entirely
20 Dec 2017 | 17:51
That's another story
20 Dec 2017 | 19:09
Wrong episode
20 Dec 2017 | 19:20
I read this story here b4 with a different name, while the cut an join Mr poster
20 Dec 2017 | 19:26
sorry guys
21 Dec 2017 | 11:34
SEVEN ***** Diana couldn’t believe her ears. Emeka,the rich billionaire, who was her ex-boyfriend, the one who has a multi-billionaire company, a sexy convertible, many houses to his name, was going to give her a second chance at their relationship? She was happy. Now, really was the time for her to enjoy her life, all these years… ever since she broke up with him, it has been from one maga to the other, whenever she was tired of one, she went to another and whenever that one didn’t or couldn’t afford to meet up to her needs, she flunked him aside and went to another. She had planned her life; after university, she would serve and maybe meet one rich bloke who would fall in love with her and then settle down with her but it has not always worked out.. and she hasn’t been really lucky with her relationships. Some had been loaded, but they didn’t last long enough to commit and maybe she never did care much, she was just in it for what she could get out of it, and she always tends to benefit from them still. She never did care to fall in love,she liked them well enough to pretend with them but she was concerned about their pockets before their looks, their looks was a bonus.. But all that doesn’t matter, it was her past and Emeka doesn’t need to know all about her and what she has been up to for the past ten years. All that matters now is that he was forgiving her for what she did years ago and now, she was going to enjoy all that he had. And she was going to play her card so right that he would fall back for her, fall hard so that he never wants her to go. With Emeka she can have all that she wants, even the world and if he gives himself as the whole package to her, she would gladly accept. It was as if her stars where shining on her, there was a God who wanted her and Emeka to meet again. What if she didn’t recognize him or came back to look for him, she would have just missed this opportunity,… Hay God!! “You mean you’ll give me another chance Emeka?”‘ she reaches for his hands “‘As long as you promise that you won’t leave me again” Emeka tries not to pull away. Relax Emeka, relax. Diana is smiling, *With this much wealth and you name sounding like money? Abba Emeka, I aint going nowhere!!* “I won’t! I promise I wouldn’t leave. I would do anything you want, I would never leave you again, I am sorry baby, I am sorry” she goes on her knees Emeka sighs “Okay Diana get up okay. One step at a time, first are you hungry? And what were you doing at my company the day I met you?”‘ he beckons for the waiter “Yes, famished. A job I was supposed to have an interview there, but because of you I missed it”” “I am sorry”‘ He wasn’t ”But you are the owner and since I am your girlfriend now I am sure you can pull some strings and get me the job, better yet make me your assistant director babe, won’t it be awesome? power couple running your company together”? she says,her eyes sparkling *Your gold-digging runs deep Diana, Girlfriend? Assistant Director? Why don’t you ask me to step down so you become the CEO Diana!!* Emeka smiles as he held the glass looking at her. If only he had known how this gold-digging attributes he would never have fallen in love with Diane in the first place. He shakes his head “I’ll set up an interview for you Diana”‘ “Oh wow, thank you baby, thank you” she says smiling bright as her order was placed in front of her, Emeka watches her eat, his face a mask of disgust and disappointment, he grabs his glass of wine and drinks it Oh well, like a deep well I will pull you in Diana till you begin to drown. “Oh I missed you so much Emeka, so much. Thank God I found you again” she says after eating she touches his arm. He doesn’t pull away “You have no idea how broken I was all these years not knowing how you were and if you left the streets. I know I was really horrible to you then and I am so sorry. I promise to be a better person baby, I promise”’ Liar! I never crossed your mind Diana, you lying through your teeth. ”I know, I know” Emeka says with a smile not reaching his eyes. They leave the hotel and he drives her home.. “‘You want to come in, talk some more, catch up, snuggle?” she says lowering her eyes “‘No Diana, I need to get home… I need to process all this”‘ “‘Fine, I’ll wait, I know you say you have forgiven me and I shouldn’t rush you…I just miss you a lot”’ ”Yeah… see you Dee”‘ She breaks into a smile “See you baby” she leans in and kisses his cheeks.. He waits until she disappears into the estate where she resides, then he zooms off, his face turning to granite. ***** ”My son, are you okay?” Mercy walks into the living room to find Emeka seating, legs crossed, wine in hand and the tv muted, he was staring at it but not looking. “‘Yes mama, I am”‘ he says “‘Then why are you seated there but not watching or listening to anything on tv?” she seats next to him “Nothing mama, I am just thinking”‘ “Thinking about what? Is something troubling you at work?”‘ He sighs shaking his head, he drops the glass on the table and faces her “How are you expected to feel when someone you once cared about suddenly appears to be someone who you have never imagined to be?” “I don’t understand my son” “What I mean mama is that, you have always had this idea of this person being perfect, in looks and in attributes and you felt the reason why that person was no longer in your life was solely because they couldn’t cope which ordinarily tore you apart because it meant the person wouldn’t want to stand with you even in your pain and you have always thought this person would, but this person didn’t. Now, this same person… suddenly becomes like a big splattered dirt on your shirt and you realize that this person wasn’t ever perfect, this person was flawed from the beginning and you have just been blind. You begin to see this person’s true colours and it is disgusting, disappointing and you just feel the sudden anger rising inside of you because all this person is and wants is that thing within your hands, not you, not your heart but your pocket. That’s it. How are you supposed to feel about all that?” Mercy stares at her son, whatever he was saying didn’t make sense “My son, did someone upset you in the office?”‘ Emeka sighs,then he smiles “No mama, just ghosts that didn’t want to stay buried” he says leaning back and taking his drink and sipping, staring back to the muted screen “But don’t worry mama, I am fine. Now I see and now it is easy for me to act accordingly and I won’t regret a single thing. Not one. The plan is already in motion, they wouldn’t see it coming” “Who are you talking about Emeka,who is they. Are you okay Emeka, are you running a fever son?” She reaches out and touches his forehead and his neck.. He takes her hands away and places it to his lips, brushing her knuckles with kisses,laughing “mama, my mama, don’t worry mama. I am absolutely fine, really. I was thinking out loud.Go on, it’s late, head on to bed. By the way mama, how is your shop coming up? The new one you have in town, is everything okay to your standard, goods and all, do you need anything?I noticed your car wasn’t in the drive way”‘ “Yes my son, everything is okay. I went to make sure the new manager was settled in and it is fine. Yes, one of the tires pulled out, it was just God my son.The driver took it to the mechanic” “Jesus! while he was driving?”‘ “‘Yes oh my son, hmmm, I was so scared and good thing that he wasn’t on high speed and no cars was coming that moment”‘ “‘That car is already a year old, I will have them bring you another one tomorrow”‘ “Haba!! Emeka it’s just to change the tires now, the car is new”‘ “Well, I want my mother to have the best things of life mama and I can afford to get you the world if you ask and even if you don’t ask. My being alive, my reason for staying alive and for being successful was because of your love, your prayers, your belief in me, your sufferings and your encouragement… all I have mama is because of you and I will gladly give it up for you, I am here today and I will give you all the luxury you want and all that you lack. Mama, if I don’t do all these for you, who will ehn? The queen of my heart, my blessing and my joy. Please mama, I will get you another car, two, three, a hundred sef. Thirty million for your account ehhhhhhh ehh” he sang the last part His mother laughs ..”Chei my son, may God bless you more and more.” “Amen mama” Then she touches his face “But you know what will make me so happy that money can’t buy?” “Mama?” he says bending his head, he knew what she was going to say “I am getting old my son, at least I want to carry your children, bath them and feed them and watch them grow a little before I die na eh. Let me have a daughter-in law I can call my son’s wife hmm, biko. Find a good girl and settle down with na hmm, for me hmm. What about that fine girl… what’s her name?” “Monica?” “Yes Monica, she was good” Emeka laughs “‘Mama, of course she was good, she has good qualities but… mama, she is short tempered, money conscious and she is a bit nasty to lower people, not a good wife material and besides mama, I am not ready to settle down just yet. Once I find someone I love, maybe.”‘ Which may be never, he thought. He had closed his heart to love ever since Diana, he trusted no woman. Not one to give his heart to again and right now all the women that flocked around him only came because of his money, he wanted a woman who cared and loved him first before what he is, a rich man. But sadly, there were either no women like that or if there were, too few but he hasn’t met her. He hopes he does, he wasn’t getting any younger and he would want to make his mother’s dreams come true but he wouldn’t want to just pick any girl and marry. No, he wanted to be in love,madly in love with his wife,b e able to open his heart to her, love her everything, her flaws, and imperfections and she would be able to give him 100 percent of his 101 percent. He didn’t want to marry like his mother, who hardly knew the man she married and who didn’t love her nor cared about her, it was a marriage by convenience he would say,to have a companion and that’s it. No, he didn’t want a marriage like his parent’s. He wanted a home of love,understanding,honesty, peace, companionship,a good foundation,of friendship and by the time the novelty of love wears off, those initial stages of butterflies..he wanted to be able to look at his wife and fall in love with her over and over again, to be her friend, her husband, her rock, her confidant and her all. He wanted that marriage that his children would always grow up in love, peace and unity. Not the one he grew up in, in tears, pains, anger and abandonment. No! When he marries, it would be because he had found a woman who is more concerned about his heart, his soul, his body, his desires, his dreams, his love, his mother, his everything before his wealth. Then he would give her the entire world whether she asks or not. But sadly, he hadn’t come across a woman like that. Maybe she was out there, but until he finds her, he wasn’t willing to risk his heart for another woman, another woman like Diana Nkenchior who was nothing but a gold-digger growing her fangs hoping that she could sink her teeth in him; bite all you want Diana, bask in the idea that you have me back you have no idea that you are being played. “My son, love is never a criteria for marriage” his mother’s words cuts into his thoughts “It will be for me mama. But it is late, don’t worry, I will make your dreams come true mama” he gets up pulling her up, he hugs her placing a kiss on her forehead ” you will have a house full of grand children mama, don’t you worry. Just give me a little time okay?” She sighs, “‘Okay my son”‘ He watches her go to her room,then he goes back to staring at the muted screen,thinking of what to do **** “Sir?” his PA knocks entering into his office the next day “‘Yes Agnes”‘ “‘Mr Ambross Chikurdi is here to see you, but he doesn’t have an appointment and he refuses to leave, he seems unsettled”‘ Emeka stares at her “Tell him to book an appointment, you know I don’t see people impromptu” “He says it’s a matter of dire situation sir” ”Do I have any opening for the rest of the day?”‘ She checks her tab “Yes by 4pm. That is eight hours away sir” “Good, fix him in by then”‘ She nods leaving him But Emeka doesn’t see him that day, nor the next, nor the next. Every time he is about to leave for home, he sees him waiting downstairs at the reception area, today Mr Ambross saw him, got up and followed him “Sir, Mr Odinaka Sir please, I have been coming here for the past five days and I really need to see you please” he begged Emeka stops as the security opens the doors for him “Mr Ambross, I am a very busy man and I have no time for people who are not ready to do good business and your timing is wrong”‘ ”But I have been fixing appointments with your office for the past five days at most and I come here to wait but you don’t see me” “‘Well, I said I am a busy man, right now I need to be at the airport, I have a meeting out of the country” “Hay God!!! So when are you likely to see me sir?”‘ “In a month’s time, if you can wait by then, we can have a sit down” Emeka says “My company might have gone under by then sir, please, I don’t mind if we cut a deal now please, right now, I… I don’t want to lose it, it is all that I have, help me please. Change the name if you want, change the production if needs be, just help me from this situation. I am a shy away to combing the streets for survival, my staffs can’t be paid and they are on my neck, business is bad, I am owing, help me Mr Odinaka Uchendu, I am begging you with God, please, I will lose it, this is my legacy, my name, my life, my means of survival I beg you” he begs *Good father, beg, I want you to beg like we did.* “I am sorry Mr Ambross, where I need to be would give me more money not make me lose it like you want” ”Sir, I would do anything I beg you, please I beg you, if you want me to change my name too I will. Please, help me as you have helped others in my situation I beg you” he begs Emeka looks at his watch “Agnes?” “Yes sir?” she steps forward “Book him for tomorrow, cancel my flight” She frowns “Your flight sir? But you don’t have any-” Emeka turns and looks at her “Very well sir”‘ Again adds Emeka turns back to Mr Ambross “if you don’t accept the offer I have Mr Ambross, then I am afraid there is nothing I can do for you. Have a good evening” Emeka leaves him standing there and exited his company “Thank you sir” Mr Ambross called after him, he turns to Agnes ”What time tomorrow will you fix me in?” “10 am sir” she says .. He thanks her walking away, but Agnes is frowning “But Mr Odinaka doesn’t have a flight booked for tomorrow, not for the next two weeks, but why did he lie?” then she shrugs walking away. **** Emeka is cross-legged staring at Mr Ambross the next day waiting for his reaction. He had slipped him a file and asked him to go through it and gave him a pen for him to sign when he was done and satisfied with the deal. “‘I don’t understand this” Mr Ambross raises up his head as he read a few pages “You went to school did you not?” “Yes sir” Mr Ambross nodded ” but, this was not what you said you would do, I don’t understand it” he says again “Simple! I have decided that I won’t change the name again, nor change the production of what your company does, I will invest and pull the company out of the gutters you have run it into… I just need you to sign that you agree to giving me 20 percent shares of your company while you keep 80 percent. I believe it’s a fair deal” Mr Ambross breaks out in a smile ” I can’t believe this,which means I retain ownership of my company, name and everything, and you only get 20 percent as an investor?”‘ “Absolutely! but you should read the rest of the files so you can sign it”‘ Emeka persisted, he was ready with smart words when he sees it, but he wanted to give him the chance to fight it. “No need, no need at all, everything so far looks great, just what I wanted, where do I sign?”‘ *You are a fool Ambross!!* “There..everywhere your signatures are needed” Emeka says pointing. Mr Ambross quickly takes the pen and signs happily. Emeka is smiling. Oh father, you really should have read that file back to back, you really should have. A fool at 60 is a fool for ever, at least I gave you the chance to fight what is embedded in those files, but fool that you are, you don’t read it all, you see money signs and you loose sense, well this would be your downfall amongst orders. ”Oh this is wonderful Sir, wonderful” Ambross tells him He is smiling. “‘Yes! Glad you see it that way”‘ ”Good business with you Sir Odinaka Unchendu, you really are a life saver, just like everyone says” ”Oh, you flatter me” But I wouldn’t be saving your life Papa, would be digging a nice deep grave for your demise. Emeka’s smiles reaches his eyes. * TO BE CONT.
21 Dec 2017 | 11:34
EIGHT. ***** After Ambross had left, hours later Emeka is backing his door, staring at the window from his office overlooking the city, a force of habit when he is trying to think. Someone is seated behind him, going through some files, in the main time Emeka is lost in thoughts. Some days he feels so overwhelmed, standing here. Ten years ago he was nothing but a drop out, living on the streets, working so many menial drops to make sure he and his mother were alive to live another day, begging, hawking, fixing cars, selling… sleeping under the bridge and going on his knees with his mother when she had no other option than to fall on her knees and pray to God. Sometimes it felt as though they were going to die and it got so bad that one day he had come back from pushing wheelbarrow to find his mother gone. When he didn’t find her for over two hours and no one knew where she was or had seen her, he had gotten scared, wondering if she had fallen down somewhere and died because she had been sick going for six months, lost weight, barely able to work . Someone told him they saw her boarding a bus and when they asked her where she was going to she had told them… home. And when they probed further… she kept saying to her husband and her big house. They wondered if the sickness had affected her head. As they walked away leaving Emeka, he knew where his mum had went. Without thinking he had boarded a keke, ran most of the way, till he got to his father’s mansion standing like a giant in the suburb part of the city. There… not so far from the entrance of the big house, far away from the gate but visible nonetheless was his mother seated on the ground, rolling on the it and crying. She must have been crying for hours and there were fresh bruises on her body. “Mama, mama?” tears filling his eyes, he gathers her into his arms, pulling his shirt to clean the blood oozing out of the corner of her head. “what happened to you?”‘ “‘Ambross, Ambross!!” she wailed pointing at the gate “‘Ambross, Ambross oh God!! My God will judge you,my God will judge you!!” she cried in his arms.. “‘Mama, who did this to you? Was it father,was it father? I will kill him, this time with my bare hands I will rip his head off his shoulders and I will give him pain that he has never felt before, for doing this to you, you are already broken, sick and yet he has no heart… “Why did you come here mama, why did you come, do you want me to die, do you want me to lose you forever mama, do you want me to be alone forever mama? Mama, forget him, forget him! he doesn’t want you but I want you mama, I want you alive; to be my mother as you have been but papa, papa I will show him, I will show him” he gets up but Mercy pulls him down “‘No! Emeka your father’s blood shall not be on your hands, he fathered you, God forbid if you lay a hand on him, God forbid and I forbid you too Emeka to hurt your father”‘ “‘How can you feel pity for a man who sent you out of your matrimonial home? Who brought strange women to your bed and allowed them to use you like a slave while you watched them take over your home” He paused then continued “How can you feel pity for a man who stopped caring for his only child, a man who tried to kill his own flesh and blood; a man who humiliated you after bending your knees and breaking your back for this family? Mama, it was because of the goodness of her heart, Mrs Ibekwe and that of her husband that is why we got the blessings he has today, it is because you were a good and loving woman and you worked yourself out that, that family, God rest their soul blessed you and because they took you in, they took him in because of you they gave him a job in that company because of your genuine goodness they took you and us as part of the family because of you, he was blessed. Other women would have elevated themselves but you elevated your husband instead and choose to serve as a nanny to Jessica and her family while your husband gets the office job. It was you mama, all you and how does he pay you? By beating you… constantly like you were some sort of his punching bag, he gave you sleepless night mama, he chased you out of your bed and your home and took away the life that happened because of you. Mama no! no, I will show him, with my hand I will end him” he struggles but she held him Shaking her head “God is alive Emeka, one day, one day he would show Ambross his mistakes”‘ “I don’t’ need to bother God, I will show him myself, let me go mama, let me unleash this anger I have been holding within me please” Emeka cries ”Emeka please, I promise not to come here and search for him again, I promise to forget him, I promise. Will you take me away now? Take me away please” “But mama. One time, one time let me show him that I can protect my mother”‘ ”Show him by taking me away Emeka, we may have nothing or have any idea where our means of survival will come or if we would last another year on this streets but we have each other, we have God and as long as there is life there is hope and as long as there is a will, there is a way. God has blessed your hands Emeka and may it take you places. Let us go, help me up my son, let us go back to the bridge”‘ “let me carry you” he helps lift her up, struggling, staggering, he carries her, walking for hours until a good Samaritan stops his keke and helps them back to the slums of town. From that day Eemka made another Vow, to do all he can to change their situation, their status, whatever it was, that was the day, in his anger and pain he had met that Alhaji with a broken down car… while he went to hawk bread and biscuits on the city. The Man had been calling his mechanic but he was taking forever to get there. Emeka had walked up to him seeing him frustrated hitting the car and asked him what the problem, was, he ignored him. Emeka persisted, he chased him away but he lingered, the mechanic had arrived, he worked on the car but it didn’t work. Emeka from the side tells them something else was wrong and if he could just be allowed under the hood of the car he would check it.. After much deliberation and the mechanic wasn’t making any headway, the Alhaji was deeply frustrated, he figured there was no harm, he was allowed Emeka, and it was just a touching wire which Emeka pulled out and reconnected to the engine, it stopped the heating of the car and the sparks. The Alhaji had been so pleased that he had give him his first 50 thousand and his card, he fired his mechanic there and then, calling him an incompetent fool. Emeka became his mechanic from there on, he was the person who introduced Emeka to his rich friends. Fixing up the rich and expensive cars was all he needed to get change in his pocket. Fixing other cars off the road made his name known…and soon things began to change, things began to fall into pleasant places as though God was just working on him specially. Like a dream they left the bridge and began to live the life of a king and all this because God rewrote his destiny from what his father had written. Today, he was the sole owner of “‘Odinaka Car industries” and other affiliate companies in his name, he has other companies under him that he had bought off people, plus the ones he sponsors and others he has large shares in. Going into the importing business and his big break in oil was all that he needed to be successful and today he had fulfilled one part of his dream.. Success they say is the best revenge. But he was going to help karma visit his father and his mother wouldn’t have to know about it. He smiles, his father should have read the whole of that file documents, he just read where he said Ambross retains ownership of his company, name and production, he didn’t see the rest.. And he wasn’t trying to be sneaky, his father was too concerned about his wealth, legacy and money to realize that the devil never gives you anything for free. “You mean he agreed to these terms Mr Odinaka ?” his lawyer who had been quietly perusing the files asked him and shaking his head in disbelief. “You can see his signatures can’t you?” Emeka doesn’t turn. ”I see, and you are sure you told him to read it?” Emeka turns and seats, crossing his legs “‘Yes I even insisted, if he had, he would have seen it and I already had what to say, I would have given him my conditions to help him or not, I was ready for his reaction but unfortunately he didn’t read all of it, his fault not mine”’ “Oh well, when do you want this to roll sir?” “when the time comes, as stipulated. For now, we wait and enjoy it as it unfolds” “When do you go to have a physical view of this place, or you intend to work by word of mouth?” “I would be going there soon, I already notified him, he just left here so he should be expecting me.” “Very well” he is staring at him “I know that look Tam, spill it before it chokes you” ”Would you want to tell me who this man is, you seem to a have it out for him” “‘No Tam, I don’t. Not now anyways, you are in an all you need to know basis, you don’t need to know for now. I asked you here because you were the one who drew up the papers and to make sure that it is legit, not criminal so in case he wants to fight it in court, you can attest that he was given to read and his signatures are there not signed under duress or whatnot, same as mine.. and I have a video coverage to prove that it wasn’t done under duress, I have had the footage sent to your email. You are just to come in when you are needed, that is all Mr Tam.”‘ His lawyer nods, getting up and shoving the files into the briefcase and closes it. “Very well sir” “In the nearest future I would need you to draw up something else for me” “Who do you want to take unaware this time Mr Odinaka?” There was a half smile Emeka stares up at him, but his eyes looks past him “Someone whom I once lost myself to… but till then, you can leave” “Goodday sir” ”Goodday Tam”‘ ***** Grace comes down from the cab with her son, heading into the mall when she ran into Diana, she sees her in the boutique, shopping for expensive cloths. Grace is staring at her, last time she checked Diana was looking for a job and she didn’t have so much money and her last boyfriend had left her when he got tired of being her ATM, so how come she was in the Mango store shopping for cloths. She should go meet her but she stops. The last time they saw, she had called Diana out on sheer sneakiness and told her to stay away from Emeka because she knew Diana didn’t have good intentions and Diana had insulted her for telling her the truth and seeing through her and it had hurt her. Because she loved her as a sister she wanted her to do things right but Diana had always wanted to do what she wanted regardless of who gets hurt and all those years she knew Diana never taught about Emeka, they were best friends. Diana didn’t mention or think about him for a minute not even after that day years ago they saw him hawking water. She didn’t care even after they got home she had refused to listen to her as she told her let them go and find Emeka and help him anyway they could. But Diana had been angry that she had dared to mention she knew Emeka in front of her boyfriend, she had cursed him for being the reason for not enjoying the way she wanted in school because he didn’t have money she had to pretend and lie to live a fake life but she was done and she would never come and pretend for nothing. That he should die for all she cares. Emeka was a bad past to her and she was glad she left him. All these years she never mentioned, never cared and all of a sudden she wants him back claiming she loves him? Diana loves no one but herself and she wants nothing but his wealth, his status and his life of luxury, that was all and for a man who had been broken, left and abandoned, he deserved someone better, not someone like Diana and if she only she had the mind she would go and look for Emeka herself and tell him to not let Diana get close,.. But despite it all, she couldn’t. She just prays Emeka smells Diana’s gold-digger-ness from afar, only then can he protect himself from her selfish claws. Sighing Grace turns away when she hears her name. “‘Grace!!! Grace!!! come here my very good friend, come, come, I told you didn’t I? I told you, Emeka has forgiven me, we are having dinner today and I think we are back to dating… oh i’m so happy I forgive you for your stupid comments. Come! help me pick a dress” She says coming towards her and pulling her with her “hello junior, don’t worry your aunt will be so rich you can come spend holiday in my big house and leave that dump of a place you and your mother stays… okay?” she pinches the boy’s cheeks, he rubs her hands away. “‘Diana look, I don’t-” “‘Grace relax joh, come let me tell you all about our date that day, oh I am so happy, which do you think would be okay? This sexy black dress or this open back red gown… or this gold short dress? I want to look so hot that he can’t take his eyes off me and want me… just one night and he is gone. I am not the young girl he used to know, I have mad skills now and I don’t care if he has been with other woman but when I handle him, he would remember how much he loves and missed me and I won’t be surprised before the year runs out, what am I saying sef, in a month or two I am sure he would ask me to marry him, I am made for life baby and I could help you with a good job my friend, and maybe slap that your baby daddy some sense for not sticking it with you. Oh which is better?” Diana says placing one cloth after the other on her chest facing the mirror, cocking her head from side to side. “How about a sincere heart, that would look better”‘ Grace says Diana rolls her eyes “Maybe I can get a sellotape for your mouth Grace. Look I am trying here, so stop it. I don’t care about whatever you want to say, whether you approve or not I don’t care, just be my friend not my fxxking conscience, just be happy for me,whatever happens is my head, not yours”‘ “But when it does happen, I will gloat, I will say I told you so and I will laugh when you cry,Ii will-” “Dance the merengue on my death bed if you will, fart in my face, tell me Ntor in five languages and piss in my tea for good measure, do the makarina for my painment..whatever!!” Grace couldn’t help but smile “‘I will do it, I will”‘ “Permitted and granted. Now can we get back to being friends now, I miss you and I wanna share my happiness with my best friend”‘ Grace sighs, you really can’t hate someone you care about despite their selfishness. Love was a fleeting trick-ish thing. you will always have a soft spot despite how much they hurt you. Sometimes she hates this thing called love. “Fine! Diana, go with the red dress, it would make his eyes pop”‘ “I know right”‘ she says ”Give me that and that” “How are you going to pay though, its expensive”‘ “Got a loan, but iIwill pay back. Emeka would be taking care of my needs after we seal the deal, don’t worry.” “Right!!” *Golddigger* Diana stares at her “I didn’t say nothing” ”But you are thinking it” Diana tells her ”You know me too well”‘ ”As long as you keep it in your mind, we are cool” ”okay ” **** He had been sitting in the car for half an hour as they parked. “Sir?” His driver turns to him worried “if you want we can go back if you feel unsettled about this meeting? This is unlike you Sir, is all okay?” Emeka nods, “Yes, never been better, pick me up in a few hours” Emeka tells the driver as he comes down from his car, security detail opens the door for him, he buttons his suit and looks up at the building which used to have “The Ibekwe’s Construction Company and Ventures”‘ but now has ”Ambross Contruction and Ventures”‘ He remembers Jessica, his heart pulls. Rest in peace Jessica, rest in peace the Ibekwes “‘Ah, Mr Odinaka, welcome welcome! Allow me give you a tour, I know it’s a mess but a few years ago this was a beauty but I know now with the money you have sent in which I have confirmed with my accountant, it would bring it back to its glory… we have begun to offset bills, new construction materials are on the way and a lot of other works are commencing today but let me give you a tour of my company so you see that your money is being used appropriately as discussed” Mr Ambross had rushed out to greet him with a few staffs, introducing him as an investor and ordering them to greet him with both hands and with respect. It takes two hours for Emeka to go round the company and truly see that things are well under way. “I expect reports of your daily dealings every end of the month Mr Ambross and also to see how business is being conducted. I may come in unannounced as I deem fit, you got the mail from my PA this morning?” “Yes but I don’t understand why you said the bank should be changed” “I also need to make my profits Mr Ambross and I want your profits from what you start getting to be monitored, it is your money but I also want to be on a safe side that one day you don’t wake up and run away with all of it including my investment, break our contract and leave me hanging at a loss” Mr Ambross laughs,s o did a few staffs “I won’t sir,never! You have saved us, now I can pay salaries, begin projects and I am back ontop… why would I bite the hands that feed me?” “Exactly what I have been asking myself Mr Ambross” “‘what was that sir?” “Nothing, I am glad we understand ourselves, I will be coming from time to time.” “Ÿou are welcome to Sir. May I invite you sir for dinner one of this days, my woman will prepare something nice” Emeka’s jaw flexes, his eyes squints “Sure,why not” he would really love to see who his father picked over his mother. He would. “Good day Mr Ambross!” “Thank you so much Sir, please everyone thank the good man, he is God sent! God sent!” they thank him Emeka nods leaving. His phone rings… “Diana?”‘ “‘Baby, when are you coming to pick me?” He grimances “Now!!” ***** He sees her leaving her compound, a wide smile on her face as she slips into the car, she leans in to peck his cheeks, he leans away as though reaching for something to his side avoiding her kiss as he puts the car on drive. “So which five star restaurant are we going to, oh there is Echelon heights , or that foreign one at erm… what’s the name again” She thinks to herself “We are not going to any of those Dee” She turns on her seat as they Car is moving, he doesn’t look at her. “‘I thought we were going to have dinner?”‘ “‘Yes we still are but not at some fancy restaurant ” She frowns, “Why not! ! And I got all dressed up thinking we were going to a really nice and expensive place, eat nice food … so many things to do afterwards, surely you can afford to treat me nice … you are rich” You can’t even hide your gold-digging attributes Diana, you disgust me, he spares her a glance.. “Yes I can afford to treat you nice and yes I am rich, but where I am taking you to, it’s worth more than a few hours at a fancy restaurant and money thrown away..” What’s more important that fancy restaurant, money and a good time eh Emeka, she frowns deeply, sighing.. “So where are we going to that beats all this” She looks at her dress, angry at him. So this nice sexy outfit she was going to walk before him in and allow him have a good view of her sexy body would go to waste right? No Emeka, you will not ruin my plans tonight… Nope! ! “My house, we would be having dinner at my house , and I also want you to meet my mother” he says She swallows “Your- your mother?”‘ Okay she wasn’t expecting that.. His mother, would she welcome her? She must hate her for leaving her son. But then again, it was ten years ago, women forget easily than men right. Besides, who cares about his mother. But if he wants her to meet his mother that means…. that means he is really serious about them. Oh Diana, the stars are shinning bright for you, she smiles “Yes, look Diana, I am no longer a young man, I need to settle down, now that I have found you, I don’t intend to let go. I want to show my mother who I intend to get married to, I want her blessings” he says rubbing her hands God for real, this is happening faster than she thought, truly the gods were on her side, hey..!! “will your mother accept me, after’s too soon?”‘ ”Nonsense!! It’s my happiness Dee” he says ”She will”‘ Happily she relaxes in the car, “Thank you Jesus for making me run into Emeka” she mutters under her breath “Did you say something ?” “No, I said I would be glad to have dinner in your house and see your mother baby” He nods, there it is Diana… You have no idea what awaits you there. He concentrates on the road as they head to his house. ***** They had entered his house and Emeka had ushered her in.. “Mama, meet the girl I want to marry” A moment of silence… Then a sudden outburst. “Over my dead body” Mercy says staring at Emeka and the girl she remembers so well..”Over my dead body” she repeats TO BE CONT.
21 Dec 2017 | 11:44
Diana you are a big time gold digger
21 Dec 2017 | 14:41
this episode is mixed up biko
21 Dec 2017 | 16:55
Diana u are a fool u think it gonna be easy for u able? better take grace advice an backup
22 Dec 2017 | 18:15
Daina it never gonna be easy ojare
22 Dec 2017 | 18:29
It will never happen DIANA
23 Dec 2017 | 03:27
23 Dec 2017 | 04:47
NINE ****** Mercy was reading her bible in the living room when she heard a car drive in, “Mama Tito, is that my son?” “Yes ma,he is the one” “‘Ehen, okay, please is the food ready? This one he said he is bringing a guest home, he never brings female guests home and he said he wants to tell me something important, please set the table oh, and go and open the door” she says getting up and putting her bible on the table. Some days she feels alone in the big house, lots of servants and no grandchildren. She would be the happiest woman if Emeka settles down, she couldn’t wait to carry little Emeka’s . She really hopes that he wants to tell her good news She had been worried for a while now.. Emeka was hardly ever seen with a woman, just one, that lady whom she thought was nice but for Emeka to rule her out then that meant she wasn’t good for him. She had prayed to God to open his heart to love again so that he can be happy. Wealth can only brush happiness, but having no one to share his heart and success with is depressing. And she hopes that he settles down soon. Mercy walks to the door as Mama Tito goes to open the double doors leading into the sitting area, she could smell the food coming from the food laid out on the table but she was excited about the guest coming in with Emeka. As soon as Emeka steps in she breaks out in smile “Emeka my darling boy” she opens her arms wide for him to come, Emeka smiles coming to hug her, kissing her forehead. “Were you waiting for me?” “Yes now, I was, I didn’t move an inch since you said you were bringing a guest over, you know you never do, so where is she?” She is looking behind him “Hain mama, how do you know it’s a she?”‘ “Well,because you wouldn’t task Mama Tito to cook a sumptuous dinner like this except someone important is coming and I believe it’s a woman, where is she now eh, I can’t wait to lay my eyes on her” she stretches her neck .. “Soon, don’t worry mama, you will see her” he lets go of his mother, goes out the door, he comes back in with a woman clasping his arms, her head bowed as one who is shy. “Mama, here is my guest,Diana Nkenchior, she is the girl I intend to marry mama, God has made us cross parts again after all these years, we have settled our differences and I have forgiven her and I want to marry her… Diana, meet your future mother in-law…say hello to mama” he says smiling and pulling her close to his mother, but the smile doesn’t reach his eyes, and no one knows it but him. Mercy is staring at the beautiful lady holding unto Emeka’s hands, No it can’t be.. Diana? Diana?? Then it dawns on her.. Diana Nkenchior, the girl whom Emeka had cried day and night for, much more than he cried over the pain his father made him feel, the only other reason he was determined to be better in life. The same girl,whom Emeka her son had cried on her shoulders those days years ago.. ”I love her mama, but she-she left me, like an egg she dropped me, using her heel to smash my already broken heart to pieces mama, I can’t eat, I can’t breath, I can’t… I feel a void in my heart and it hurts mama, it hurts… she left me mama… because, because I couldn’t give her all that she wanted..” “What did she want my son? she had you, you are a good boy Emeka, I know that, you are my son and I raised you up…. what else did she want? I know how caring you are and how you try to displease yourself to please others, I know you care for her, in all the ways that you can,what does she want?” ”Money, luxury, the life of the rich, she thought maybe because my father was rich… I should be able to get what I want, give her all she wants too” Mercy had laughed sadly “Had she not met your father?” Emeka scoffs “She has,and dad had treated her nicely until he realized that she had come to look for me..but the little she saw was enough to make her believe that I never lacked, and even when she saw his other side she believed that it was our fault father was the way he was with us and only a little begging from us would change him. But I thought she understood the situation and loved me for me… but I was wrong, as soon as it became worse… she bailed on me mama, as soon as I mentioned that I was going to sell the car and take you to the hospital she just lost it and told me she was done and all, I begged mama, I told her I loved her but she didn’t care, she told me she didn’t love me, all she hoped she could get from me she didn’t and that she had to lie to her friends and all….”‘ “She wanted your name Emeka, the name that carries wealth not the man “‘ Emeka had wiped his eyes “Still mama, it hurts to realize that that is what she wanted all along, it hurts too much… she was my everything mama, the girl I loved … what do I do? How do I make it stop, the hurting..mama… I can’t make the pain stop” Emeka had rubbed his chest, tears leaving his eyes, Mercy had grabbed him and pulled him to her, rocking her son..consoling him. “Emeka if she left you, she doesn’t deserve you, she doesn’t, isn’t that what you told me about your father, that if he could let go a good woman like me that he doesn’t deserve me? So she… this Diana girl you love so much doesn’t deserve you and you should cry it out and let it go”‘ And he did. He did, and she held him all those days he gets like that, especially that day he saw her in the traffic so many years ago… she had walked up to him watching him from the road, seen him just standing there and suddenly fallen to his knees, she had gone to him, shaking him away from that state he was in and taken him home. He had fallen sick and when he recovered he had been quiet… he never really got off from the pain, losing the girl he loved and having a father who didn’t care about him and his sick mother… did a big number on him. And years later, he kept ladies at arms length and never trusted them again since Diana.. But sometimes in her quiet moment watching him, she had prayed to God to open his heart to love and trust again, to fall in love,to be happy and to have a home, a wife to go home to and kids to call his own, yes she had prayed to God to send him a woman who would make him realize that not all women,were like Diana, the girl who left him and she had hoped that the girl would come soon. So every time she had sat him down, asking him..about women, wanting him to settle down, it would be a thing of joy for her too but he had always shrugged it off. The one time she had seen him with a lady.. he had just merely said she was an acquaintance but she never gave up hope. And today when he told her over the phone that he was bringing a guest to introduce to her, she had been positively that finally he had found a girl whom he liked, maybe loved who knows and wants to marry. She had already started thinking of wrappers, gifts and baby things she would gift her new daughter in-law.. Yes, she had been hopeful. But the person standing in front of her wasn’t one she wanted as a daughter in-law, not after what she did to him, not after all these years… She was a liar and a scam for all she knew… only came back in search of him after seeing that Emeka wasn’t the young boy she dumped, without a home, a father and no means of survival but a man,who held his own, rich, comfortable… every woman’s dreams. Never!! Anyone else but her, she could smell her intentions and it wasn’t good. No…this won’t be. “Over my dead body Emeka, over my dead body” Mercy says, her smile disappearing, “Anyone but her ” “‘Mama, please forgive me, I know I must have been rude to you one of those days years ago and I know I hurt your son so much all those years ago too and I am truly sorry. See, I have been suffering all this years about what I did and God decided to make us cross parts, I swear it wasn’t planned, I have apologized and begged and Emeka has forgiven me, and we still love each other and –” “‘Love kwa!! Did you know how it broke him, did you know how he stood there for hours on that street years ago, did you know what your rejection, abandonment, and walking away did to him? It changed him and made him into a child who felt the world held no meaning, now you stand here to talk of love? Emeka, over my dead body! I want you to settle down but not with this one, I have always been wary of her around you then, the way her eyes used to glow when she enters the house and keep making comments that made me feel uncomfortable, and I told you but you said she means a lot to you and she was a great person and that you cared for her immensely… I believed you and I wanted you to be happy and I liked her, I did, genuinely and I never stopped you from being with her, not once Emeka, but for someone who can leave a drowning man to drown just because she didn’t want to be dragged into the sea doesn’t have a right to come to him now that he has built his empire on the sand and made it a solid earth; now you want to take the seat next to him without having been with him right from the start? See Diana, listen to me, you have missed road, you hear? FAILURE IS YOUR NAME. You have no right to come here. You should be ashamed of yourself, you should hide yourself in shame, I know what you want, you want his money abi?All these, you are a gold-digger, that is what I see, that is all”‘ “Emeka my son” she turns to him “I beg you not her, I am sure she came back after smelling your money. I need a good woman for you my son, but not her, she will be nothing but a leech and a sucking blood, I see it in her eyes” she spat “Abba, but mama,mama it is not so, I love-“‘ “Tah Ma-shun-nuuu!!! Shut up!!!” she places her index finger to her lips staring at Diana “I don’t want to hear it, not after all these years… love? I may not know what love is but I know love is sacrifice, it’s unconditional and it is real… you failed in all that. Leave my son alone, go back from where you came, that is the door” she points to it.. Diana’s face was a mask of shock. This wasn’t the welcome she was expecting, this woman would be a stumbling block to her getting Emeka and his wealth. Tah!!! She looks at Emeka, pleading with him with her eyes “Baby, talk to your mother na, tell her that I love you and that she got me all wrong, baby,s he is hurting my feelings” she says sadly “Mama please,” Mercy turns her nose up,and then walks away. He hadn’t seen his mother this angry for a long time… but it was good. This was the reaction he was expecting… without knowing his plans, his mother was playing the role he had given her unknowingly… and she was doing an excellent job. Kia mama, I love you die. He smiles inwardly. His mother wants the best for him that means that because she doesn’t trust Diana and feels she is nothing but a gold-digger, which he completely agrees with and that knowledge would be secret till he does what he wants to do to Diana, but as long as his mother has already crossed her off as bad wife material, she would frustrate Diana’s plans to tie him down ,Diana wouldn’t want to give up… and he would seat back and enjoy the show… playing both sides of the divide and while all these would be going on, he would strike like a snake at the right time and Diana would be the only one hitting the ground hard this time. Diana was giving him sad stares, oh Dee you have no idea that you are in for a sad show. “But mama, I love her, all these years I haven’t been with another woman it’s because I wasn’t able to forget her. I was hurt yes, but, mama, please it’s my heart, my life, my decision”‘ “Emeka, you need a good woman, not her” “Mama, I have changed I swear it, I love Emeka for him, not for his money” ”Tah Ma-shun-nuu!!! If Emeka is stripped off his money, God forbid, would you still stay and be spewing love? If he wasn’t rich now when you met would you even remember how love is spelt? You are a liar, because you see money you are falling in love, let money suddenly finish now you will be the first to run away again! Not so?” “God forbid mama, don’t say such things from your mouth, the walls have ears mama, Emeka can’t be stripped from his wealth” Tah!! God forbid ,not when she has seen a gold mine she was going to relax in, no oh, nothing will happen to his money, nothing,God forbid!Diana thinks to herself. Emeka stifles a laugh.. “‘Mama, I am sure she loves me without my wealth, we were young and stupid and I am sure she didn’t realize what she was doing then mama.Look we talked,we mended and I know I love her mama”” “And I love him too mama, please” Diana says “I don’t want to waste time beating around the bush mama, I brought her here so that you can give us your blessings”” “Over my dead body!!” Mercy repeats pointing angrily to Diana “Stay away from him” as Diana goes on her knees begging, Mercy turns to walk away in anger, she prayed to God for a good woman for her son not this girl who left him when he needed her years ago, humiliated him and pretended not to know him on the streets, now that he was the next best thing in town she suddenly remembers love ?Anoifa!!!! “‘ she spat Emeka laughs wholeheartedly, he hugs his mother “mama, my queen, look, just give her a chance biko oh, you will come to love her as I love her?” ”Emeka I will not give her any chance, I am a forgiving person but this is your life, and you have suffered enough to have someone who doesn’t love you but only wants to throw themselves at you just because of what you can give them materially. I will not be here forever so I need my son to be in safe hands not one who is here with her eyes shining like saucers already scanning the room for what she will get. Tuifiakwa!!!Odinaka, I refuse to bless such union”‘ Diana gets up from the ground ,it was obvious this woman wouldn’t bulge but she was on her own, as long as Emeka has told her he forgives her and has given her another chance, and wants to marry her, she would do anything to make sure it happens. His mother’s tantrums won’t change anything and if she doesn’t like her it’s fine, it wasn’t her she was marrying, it was Emeka, soon..when that happens..Emeka would listen to her and only her and not his mother again. But she wouldn’t let his mother ruin her dream of enjoying all this wealth of goodness Emeka had built for himself and had to his name, no oh it won’t happen. All this ones she is yarning is dust, she just has to make sure Emeka loves her well enough, won’t do without her and have him eating out of the palms of her hands, hooked line and sinker in her… then he would be happy to marry her and when they are married, she is queen, yes, she wants to seat next to him on that sand where he has built his empire where the earth is now rock foundation… whether she was there from the beginning or not wouldn’t matter, then, even his mother would have to respect her, .. Over your dead body?? Diana smiles inwardly… Mama, don’t go and kill yourself oh, Emeka will marry me. Diana dusts her knees and looks up as Emeka continues talking to his mother, “‘Mama, for me, please.. see we would talk about it more mama, for now..let’s not argue okay? Look we shouldn’t waste this dinner, let us eat before this sweet meal I am perceiving would get cold. Don’t worry mama, soon we all would be a happy big family” he says taking his mother and leading her to the dining table.. “But Emeka, why?” she wants to know why her, why her, after the pain he had had to endure all these years, why pick her again? “Mama, please, she is the one I want Mama” he says seating her down, he goes to get Diana who is at the entrance still and brings her to seat too, he turns to see her standing there. “Mama Tito, you can serve us food now please, I am really famished, I had a long day” Emeka says taking off his suit and then picking up his cutleries “Wine Mama Tito, have them bring wine” he says “Today is a good day for wine and celebrations and family bonding hehe” he laughs While they ate, he watches his mother, she is obviously displeased.. Don’t worry mama, this is all for show, I won’t let you have a daughter in-law like Diana, God forbid. But bear with me a little Mama, in time you will realize that I would never let someone hurt me twice. Once bitten , twice shy. He stares at Diana, her head is lowered as she tries to swallow her food, her dress too short and she constantly tries to pull it down as his mother flashes cold stares her way, shaking her head at Diana and saying God forbid and over her dead body repeatedly as she takes a spoon after the other.. Diana is clearly uncomfortable.Good!. “Baby, is the food okay?” he asks Diana as he raises up his glass to sip wine” should I have Mama Tito make something else for you?” “Have Mama Titi do what? Is it not the same food we are eating? if she doesn’t like it she can go through the door and go buy burka down the streets where gold-diggers like her frequent when they have failed in their mission” Ouch!! Mama, you are savage!! Emeka chuckles under his breath, unable to hold down the laughter he nearly chokes on his food pretending it went down the wrong path, he clears his throat frowning immediately as Diana throws him a suspicious look “No nah Mama, you don’t know her for you to say that Mama, you are hurting my woman’s feelings? My soon-to-be-wife” In your dreams Diana, like hell of that happening. “I don’t see any ring on that finger of hers, not as your fiancé so there is still time to come to your senses. If you can’t find a wife tell me, I can search for a good girl for you my son. I would never be a stumbling block to your happiness Emeka but be realistic.. a girl who left you because you had nothing,your mother was sick and you were suffering, Emeka I nursed you those nights you cried yourself to sleep, Emeka I watch you pretend not to hurt every time you hear her name, I am your mother so I watch a broken boy grow, through his pain. Again I may not understand how love works or how the heart functions in that regard but I believe that your senses is intact.. but you rose out from your pain and brokenness, I am not saying don’t forgive, forgive her, mend your friendship and that is it. Not let her waltz back into your life and claim love like nothing happened, so her love was dormant for ten years… why don’t you find out if she is married, or if she has children and what she has been doing for the past ten years that she suddenly remembered that she loved you eh? I need a good woman for you, when I am no more alive to care and help you like I helped your father” Emeka drops the glass on the table loudly, Diana jumps, his mother stares at him”Father never deserved you mama” “As she also doesn’t deserve you either” Mercy says to her son “I will not stop you Emeka, you are a grown man, you have become successful and this is your house but I am your mother and I will always protect you as you have protected me so I will do the same. She isn’t right for you, look at her eyes..she wants one thing… your wealth, not the man, not your heart, but what stands behind him and what he has and controls. I know that look well Emeka. it had never left her eyes, not ten years ago, not today either” she says getting up and leaving the table “Your mother hates me Eemka” Diana says staring at him Ÿes, and I probably do too. “She doesn’t she is just trying to protect me, don’t worry about it. I tell you what, for the next couple of days, weeks, try and win her over. Trust me all this today would be a funny bad dream.” “You sure??” No “‘yes”‘ he smiles Diana smiles, she looks around the house, wow Emeka wasn’t just a big boy now, he was the biggest of the boys.. Thank God she ran into him. Well, it doesn’t matter that his mother doesn’t like her.. .once she gets into the house and his heart, she wouldn’t have no choice than to accept her and if his mother makes life difficult for her, she would make her life miserable too. All this while she has been enjoying her son’s wealth, that’s enough, she was here to be the queen of it all. God punish Satan. She was here and she wasn’t going anywhere. But wait, this is all too fast. She just met him again after all this years and she was thinking it would progress from him dating her and rekindling their love, then courting her and then marrying her, instead he jumped all two and wants to marry her? who says God isn’t on her case.. Oh she can’t wait to tell her friend Grace, see..just see. “Baby, you surprised me today, I didn’t know you wanted to marry me, I mean don’t you want to get to know me?” “I already know you Diana “‘ ”I mean its been ten years” “I know you Dee, much more than you know yourself, I know you still pinch your nose when you are nervous, how your palms sweats too. I know how you shake when you are scared and how the smile reaches your eyes when you are happy. And I know you are curling your toes right now” She looks down to see that he is right “Yes I do that a lot” she laughs “I know you are sorry and you really want to make this right” he says, he knew that she wasn’t sorry and she was here just for the money … wanting to whole package. “Yes baby I do” “And I know I want to marry you, Dee my first love, what I don’t know is If you want to too and if there is someone else?” She gets up walking to him “None and yes I want to marry you but how can a guy propose without a ring?” She says , she is close to him now, they are alone.. she sits on the table showing lovely thighs, she holds his eyes “You want a big fat ring? I will get that for you,in fact you can pick out your own ring, all carats, gold, name it. I have found you now Dee and I won’t let you go” She breaks out in a large smile “You are totally sweeping me off my feet Emeka, I can’t believe this is you after all these years, this is a dream come true, this mansion, the fleets of cars outside, security, that company, how rich are you Emeka?”she wanted to know “Rich enough to give you a designated wedding Dee, a honeymoon out of the country, a car, a house,a job, a business and a fortune for our future kids, a lot of money for you to spend on anything you want” Diana’s head is spinning, she places her hands on his shoulders to steady herself “Damnit !!!” she exclaims “Dee are you okay?” he asks her as she raises her hands to touch her head ”Ÿes, I think it was the wine, it is making me giddy”‘ Emeka is staring at her, or you mean it’s the sound of my wealth that is about to give you a heart attack.. don’t lie little Dee.. I can see right though you. “Maybe I should take you home, you seem overwhelmed, am I going too fast?”‘ Fast ke? Diana looks at him, I can marry you tomorrow self if you ask me. “it’s late, plus to start driving down.. can’t I just stay the night..?” she asks faking a yawn Me leave him tonight? Hay God!!! she better just seal the deal tonight self, touch his belly, make him happy so that he doesn’t change his mind, what if his mother spoils it. No oh, infact she should move in… she don’t want to hear person shoot bird monkey fly… Marriage? A designation wedding, honeymoon,car, house, fortune.!!! My God is working for me… she dances mentally. “Sure you can, let me get Mama Tito to clear up and fix you in a guest room”‘ She frowns ”Me in a guest room? I would be your wife soon, I will stay in yours”‘ ”Sure, I am sorry, of course.” ****** Emeka is staring out of his window, overlooking his estate when she comes out of the bathroom, tying a towel and her hair wet.. “Baby don’t you want to shower and get in bed? You must be really tired and I could help you with a massage to relax” He is sipping a glass of wine, his face fixed ,he isn’t smiling.. So you can try to seduce me right, all in the bid to get into my bed, my head so I don’t change my mind about marrying you? Haha Dee, I am alot smarter.. “Baby?” “‘hmm, yes, sure “‘ he says turning, dropping the glass and unbuttoning his shirt, letting her watch him as he is taking off his shirt. ” Yes baby, go shower”‘ You are in for a big night and after tonight, you will be eating out of the palm of my hands and you will love me more than you do and even your mother won’t be able to stop the wedding. She seats on the bed watching him and crosses her legs to reveal more thighs as the towel goes up Emeka is taking off his shirt and unbuckles his belt and unzips,.. he would let her see what she wants and leave her hanging like a cold turkey on a stake. She gets up and walks to him “Let me help you with that..” she slips the shirt away from his body and proceeds to push down his trousers, there was a knock on his door. “Who is there?”” she turns to frown the door Emeka sgrugs, “I don’t know, maybe Mama Tito”‘ “Doesn’t she know you have guest? why is she coming to knock? When we get married there would be rules and regulations in this house” she says turning to go to the door and flinging it open “‘Yes! what do you want–?”‘ she says trailing off, then her words hits her back square in her face “‘Mama!!?”” she breaths Mercy is frowning, she stares behind her to see Emeka, shirt open, unzipped and he picking up his wine to drink and this girl, in a towel.. “If you want to spend the night in my son’s house, we have rooms for guests, and guests don’t stray like a dog to the master bedroom” Diana is livid “But mama, I am going to be is wife-“” “Until you are, which is unlikely, I do not condone indecency in this house” Mercy turns to someone beside her “Mama Tito, show this lady to the guest room, not the one inside the house but in the quarters, out in the estate” turns back to her “Please put your cloths on, after ten years of not seeing the first thing you want to do is deceive my son with your body? God forbid!!”she spat Diana is speechless.. she turns to Emeka with a raised eyebrow ”Won’t you say something?” ”Mama-” He trails off ”Don’t Mama me..out, I am standing here, either you dress up or you will walk out like that to the other side, all the drivers and staffs will see you half naked”‘ Diana stares at her, was this woman serious, wasn’t Emeka going to do anything ”Emeka?” ”Dee, just for now..”‘ She tries not to eye his mother, as she storms into the toilet to get dressed and came out with her back, brushing past his mother and follows Mama Tito. ”Emeka?” His mother turns to him, then she shakes her head walking away, she didn’t see the huge smile playing on his face, he lays on his bed with a thud and laughs hard. Oh, mama, I love you, you do all the right things without knowing.. He was going to sleep well tonight and she …will seduce the cold bed in the guest room on the other side of his estate. Oh, the look on her face was too epic. ***** ”How did you sleep Dee?” he wanted to know… But she wasn’t smiling ”I am not happy jor” ”Why not?” they were at the dinning table while Mama Tito sets the table ”Because-” ”IF YOU DON’T GET UP FROM THAT CHAIR NOW I WILL PULL YOUR HAIR AND DRAG YOU DOWN” Mercy shouts coming towards them * TO BE CONT.
23 Dec 2017 | 13:46
I swear emeka mother is d best
24 Dec 2017 | 11:38
Am enjoying dis
24 Dec 2017 | 13:32
You two at it again
24 Dec 2017 | 14:19
24 Dec 2017 | 15:47
laugh wan tear my one and only cherished boxer... lmao Why can't some girls mask their materials oriented brain a little bit na... I so much love this "mama emeka"
24 Dec 2017 | 15:53
Hmm this is serious
24 Dec 2017 | 16:03
24 Dec 2017 | 18:17
I love this mama die......she did her job deligently
25 Dec 2017 | 02:18
ungrateful man, that's what you are papa Emeka
25 Dec 2017 | 03:34
next next
25 Dec 2017 | 04:17
I like the way Mercy is frustrating Diana
25 Dec 2017 | 04:41
Hahahahahaha..... I like the way Mercy is frustrating Diana
25 Dec 2017 | 04:45
good job mama
25 Dec 2017 | 15:26
Good job Mama
3 Jan 2018 | 05:20
Hmmmm...Emeka I wil be very mad at u if u let ur hrt fail u. U may end up loving dat slut again, wich I can't bear 2 hear. So, jst be careful, and fasten things.
5 Jan 2018 | 19:29
am enjoyin dix. ride on
7 Jan 2018 | 16:12
TEN ***** Tayo is seated across from him and laughing his heart out ”You don’t say Emeka, tell me again, how did she take it, what was her expression?” ”Oh Diana’s face was one mask with horror, I have never seen my mother this angry for a long time, never seen her like this. I mean one minute we were seated at the dining table, the next Diana is on the floor and I had to stop myself from laughing and deciding to help her from it, I wanted to go hug my mother and give her a kiss for been the meanest mother in-law in the planet for this particular purpose sha, I know my mother would be the most loving mother in-law but like a chicken who sees her chicks in danger from someone, she swings into action..I mean Diana was there saying that ”You cannot ask me to stand up from here Mama, I cannot sleep in a room and get up and you expect me to clean the place up, do I look like a maid, isn’t this..what’s her name” She was referring to Mama Tito ” for a reason? don’t you people pay her to clean and cook, so because I slept in the room I should dress the bed, and what, sweep and clean too?” And my mother’s face was sheer shock ”So you mean to say that your mother didn’t fulfill her duties to train you or you decided to miss classes, because I believe any mother would teach their daughters that regardless whether they live in a hut or in a palace, that domestic know-how is not a crime and that when they say charity begins at home it does, and that doing things like making your bed and picking up after you isn’t so bad..I wonder how you slept because the room is scattered, the white sheets stained with your makeup, and the floor has your pantry liners on the it, and what else, while you made didn’t think to spread something on the bed so you don’t soil it..the room is a mess and the toilet too, you are guest yes but it still doesn’t mean that the maid would clean up trash from the room you used, and Mama Tito is not your I would ask you again to get up and clean up the room you slept in, at least a bit so she wouldn’t feel disgusted to deal with the rest” ”I will do no such thing” Diana had stood her ground, Emeka says to Tayo ”And what did you say during all these?” ”Me? Have you never been told that when two women are fighting that you never put your head…? me I stood there and said nothing, trying to say something when Diana looks at me and when my mother’s eyes stares at me, I gats shut up but I was enjoying the show, I just didn’t expect my mother to go transformer on her… like whoa!! I held my chest..mama” Emeka laughs ”She gave her fatality?”’ “‘Hmm fatality is small! She told Diana to get up, Diana was like I won’t and you can’t make me, my mother got tired of ordering and I forgot to tell her that my mother was one not to suffer the child…bro, before we could say jack Robinson, mother had moved from where she was standing to where we were., with a force I haven’t ever seen her with, she yanked the chair from under her and had Diana tumbling to the ground like humpty-dumpty had a great fall” they both busted out laughing ”Then what happened next?” ”Well, I had to hold myself, then I went to her to help her up, she was feigning tears saying that my mother hates her, doesn’t want us together and bla bla bla, my mother was just there calling her tears crocodile tears and that she is lucky she didn’t even touch her in her anger that if she wouldn’t do what she says they would have a big problem and that she should just take her bag and go home, she isn’t welcomed” ”Did she leave?” ”Hell yeah she did” Emeka laughs loudly, Tayo looks at him ”then she wouldn’t come back, such humiliation” ”Diana? She will be back, maybe tonight. Do you believe that she wanted to seduce me, right before my mother kicked her out of the room?” ”For real? So tell me… you would have taken advantage of the opportunity right?” Emeka smiles ”If she thinks sex would make her have her way with me? Sadly she is mistaken; I can have sex with her and show no emotion”‘ ”You think so?” ”I know so”‘ ”Never say something you haven’t tried. You forget that you loved this lady, heart, body and soul..your life changed when she left you, because of her you couldn’t be with another, didn’t allow anyone come close, you think that if you lay with her you will be the same, that you wouldn’t end up falling in love with her again?” ”Don’t say nonsense Tayo, I stopped loving her when I found myself, I stopped loving her when I was almost drowning… Diana has no more hold on me, and sex with her so many times would never bring that love back… all I want is revenge Tayo, so she can flaunt herself as much as she wants, seduce me as much, even have sex with me… I will never love her again, never!!” ”Never say never Emeka”‘ Emeka turns to him ”Whose side are you on anyways?” ”Yours Emeka, but there is something fleeting about love that even the strongest man cannot control” ”So what are you saying?” ”I am saying you should forget the girl”‘ ”I am sure you want me to forget taking revenge on my father too?” ”Yes” ”if I tell you that you are stupid what will you say?” ”I will say thank you, only friends tell you the truth when others won’t and right now Emeka, I know they hurt you so much and I swear I wouldn’t know what to do if I see the people who hurt me again, I really don’t want to be in your shoes, but what I can say is that I know you Emeka, you are hurting, and you do not need the channels of those hurt to hover over your life constantly, you need to let it go, let them, go, you want your father to feel pain, your success is the best revenge for him, tell him who you are, okay tell him you bought his company, that would give him an attack of realization and make him realize his mistake, you don’t have to forgive him if you don’t want to but at least you will see the shame and pain in his eyes, and for Diana, for that girl Diana? it’s to tell her to her face you don’t love her anymore, never will and you don’t intend to give her no chances and that she ain’t getting a dime out of you and do you know her worse pain, is if you eventually fall in love with a good girl and get married to her… She will die in shame and regret. Doesn’t it work that way brother? Why do you want to play the devil?.. I know it has this excited thrill to it but come on..” ”So you are concerned about them Tayo, is that it?” Emeka frowns getting up and walking to the window of his office Tayo walks to him, standing beside him as both of them stand side by side ”No Emeka, I am not. In fact I do not care what happens to both of them, whether they disappear into oblivion I don’t care, but I care about you Emeka, you are my brother, not by blood, but by circumstances and bond.. and I care about you because I believe in the quest for revenge, you might lose yourself, and when you do, there is no coming back from it. I don’t want you to fall into the pit you dragged yourself from , I don’t want you to be bruised with guilt, it’s not your nature Emeka, don’t lose yourself in the quest for revenge”‘ ”I won’t!! I know what I am doing” Emeka turns to him ”Do you? Will you promise me that, you won’t lose yourself because when you do, I won’t be able to help you, your mother wouldn’t be able to help you, only you would be able to help you but how can you do that when you are already lost to it yourself?..”‘ Emeka sighs ”Sometimes when you speak like this you sound like an old man, a guru infact with a mass of wisdom, but I know you are nothing but my stupid brother who likes to stop me from making mistakes” ”Aha!! That’s what brothers are for right. We protect each other”‘ he puts his hands on Emeka’s shoulders ”Yes, they do, but I am not making any mistake now Tayo, not on this one, I need to do this for me, for closure, for peace, for my mama, for my heart. This is no mistake and I won’t lose myself, but they would lose their peace”‘ Tayo sighs shaking his head ”I can’t convince you otherwise?” ”Nope!! ” ”Okay, I will support you in everything you want me to support in, but don’t say I never told you so”‘ ”I won’t’ ”Great!! So, I met this chick yesterday, and she asked about you..” Tayo moves away from the window ”Oh, really who?” Emeka turns ”Pretty grey eyes, amazing shape, drop dead gorgeous body..model?”’ Emeka laughs shaking his head ” Olive Daniels?” ”Yes, she still got it bad for you bro, why didn’t you ever like her?” ”I was a broken man Tayo, no place for love”‘ ”oh, she said to tell you that if you ever want to see her, you only have to do is call”‘ ”I won’t want to see her, I won’t call” he says taking a seat ”Oh well.. ” Tayo takes a seat, then the look on Emeka’s face had him frowning “‘okay why, what’s that look on your face Emeka?” Emeka is smiling ”Oh, I just had the most brilliant idea” ”EMEKA ODINAKA UCHENDU!!!” Tayo calls his name having a strange feeling he knew what his friend is up to ”you wouldn’t! Dude, that’s just low bro, you can’t”‘ ”Oh I will brother, I will.” Emeka is smiling ***** The banging on the door had Grace jumping, her heart leaping, Junior was asleep, she sighs getting up, it would only be the Diana knocking like a mad woman at her door and she wasn’t mistaken ”Can you explain to me what the hell is your problem, I have a son, are you trying to scare us both to death?” Diana doesn’t answer as she brushes past her and goes to seat down, flinging her bag to the corner, she is fuming Grace rolls her eyes ”What is it, I have a feeling that you planned sex mind blowing night with the Emeka didn’t go as planned” ”No it didn’t, ask me why?”’ ”Why?” Grace yawns and comes to seat beside her ”That witch called his mother has made it her duty to keep us apart” Grace looks at her for a full minute before she bursts out laughing ”His mother saw right through you right? I like her already… she is the number one mother on the planet—” Diana’s angry face causes her to swallow her words. ”Oh for real, what happened, what did she do and it’s not right to call her a witch, she is woman like you” ”She is a witch, witch, witch!! Can you believe that last night, just when I was about to make my move, she barges in to disrupt us and orders me out to the guest room, in the estate not inside the big mansion oh, and what’s more, the next day..she dares to come and rain insults on me just because I left the room messy, she dared to ask me to go clean it and when I refused she pulled the chair from under me, threatening me with brimstone and fire from heaven and I refused and told her that… I was just respecting her because of her son, I stormed out of the house in my anger and came here” Grace looks at her ”you left the room you slept in … in a mess? Since when are you a pig, its courtesy that they gave you a room to sleep, if you say the mother doesn’t like you she would have made you sleep outside the gate last night, but she gave you a room to sleep and you did not even try to keep it as neat as you saw it. What the hell did you do in that room? I know you aren’t the tidiest of persons but you can do that at home not in someone’s house and you are angry that the mother was angry, Aba Diana!!” ”So from everything I told you, you don’t think there is something wrong with the woman who is harassing me but you want to tell me she is right, really Grace?” ”If you are looking for a sobbing party for you, you won’t find it here. She is right, least you should have done is even apologize and gone to clean up, I am sure the maid would have helped out” ”Even the damn maid seemed to be laughing when I fell, they, the maid and his mother is against me, they don’t want me to marry her son” ”Now who is talking about marriage now?” Grace raises her eyebrow at her Diana cleans her eyes, her eyes shining ”He asked me to marry him yesterday, well sort off, not with the bended knee or anything, he said he wanted his mother to bless our union and he told her that he is going to marry me, and he said I can go pick my diamond ring, whatever I want… oh he spoke about the future and the tons of money I would have at my disposal… oh Grace my dreams are coming true, my only problem and obstacle is his mother and I have to find away to get her out of my way” Grace has her face screwed up ”Marriage, now.. now .. now? You don’t think there is something fishy about his hurriedness?” ”No!! He says he loves me, never stopped Grace, and now that he found me,he wants to seal the deal” It did feel strange to her, did Emeka mean it or,..this was a ploy, Grace wonders ”Well, I think you shouldn’t rush into this-” Grace tells her ”If the devil is speaking through you now you better tell him to hush, my man is getting married to me you should be happy for me and help me think of a way to get rid of his mother” ”Don’t be stupid, you can’t get rid of a mother especially when the son loves her and listens to her” ”So what do you suggest I do’?” ”Don’t ask me, I don’t know” ”Come on Grace, please, help me, I love him I do..”‘ ”You love his money, don’t tarnish the word love” ”Whatever! Just help me”‘ Grace sighs “You want his mother to not stop you? Win her over” ”That is what Emeka says” ”Well there you have it” ”How do I do that? She hates me and I think the feeling is mutual” ”well you are the genius, you figure it out, besides you thought of the master plan of winning Emeka back, you can do it” Grace gets up to her room, Diana follows her ”I have to pretend to like her and love her, get her nice things with my baby’s money, take her out, do things old women does, act like the good daughter in-law?”‘ ”Bingo!!” ”Oh you are a life saver Grace, mwah!!”‘ she hugs her and kisses her ”Let me go home and change, I need to go win that hateful, spiteful woman over and then get my man into bed and seal this deal, I am getting married to Emeka, over her dead body or not” she walks away “‘Say hello to my godson for me”‘ Graces shakes her head ”May God help you Emeka, may he help you”!! ***** ”I didn’t think you will ever call me?” ”I didn’t think I would but… hey we are here”‘ he says ushering her into the five star restaurant , it was his lunch time.. ”So how have you been Odinaka?” ”Perfect, you?” ”Missing you!” she says, he smiles ”why didn’t we ever take it further you and I? I always wondered”‘ ”I was broken, I was hurting..that’s why?” ”You told me once that someone hurt you, you never forgot her?”” ”I have, I have now”‘ ”So, does that leave your heart open for another… or this was just a friendly date”‘ ”What do you think?” he stares at her, she was a very beautiful woman, she would make any guy’s heart stop, why didn’t it stop his?. She is the envy of most girls, a super model, a woman who was strong and confident, knew what she wanted… she made her money, she didn’t need any man to care for her, she needed a man to love her and he never could, he was a broken man nursing a heart wound. ”I think Odinaka, that you are ready for something more than friendly dates, a few hanging out and catching up” she moves closer to him as they sat in the lounge, they were in the VIP, she leans into him ”I make no promises, I am still a broken man”‘ ”As long as you want to let someone in, that is okay… I want to be the one to open your heart to love again and if I be the lady that have the key… it would make me happy” she leans in closer ”What if I told you… I wanted you to do something for me?” ”What?” He leans into her, caressing her back as he tells her ”It would be my pleasure”‘ she says leaning away ”Shall we order then?” ”Of course” she smiles placing her hands on his thighs, then on a second’s thoughts she leans in and captures his lips in a kiss ”I have missed you Odinaka, even if you didn’t think of me, my thoughts was enough for both of us” He smiles not replying, one thing he liked about her, was that she never asked too much questions, she was understanding… she had a good heart, why the hell didn’t he fall in love with her?.. Maybe he would remedy his mistake, at the same time he can use the opportunity to kill a bird, a very cunning bird. ***** Emeka was in the parlour with his mother as she watches her favourite programme when Mama Tito answers the telecom and then goes to the door, she comes back to meet them ”Sir, she is back!! Should I let her in?” ”If it is who V think it is, do not open!!”‘ Mercy says frowning, “who let her pass the securities?” Emeka hides a smile, maybe it isn’t a good idea to tell his mother he told them to let her anytime she came for now, he remains quiet forming innocence. ”Open the door Mama Tito, Mama be nice, you can’t send her away”‘ “‘You can’t but I can!” Emeka tries not to laugh and when he sees her, he removes the almost-smile from his face She walks in with all smiles, she comes to Emeka and places a kiss to his cheeks and then goes to his mother ”Mama, good evening” she greets with a big bag rolled into the house ”There is nothing nice about the evening with you in it, and what is that in your hands you are rolling like that?” ”Oh, my bag” ”I know it’s a bag but what is it doing here with you?” ”Emeka says I can stay the week or two or more. Oh, I got you something mama, a wrapper, you will love it” she places the bag down, opens it and pulls it out and brings it out to give to her, Mercy pushes it away ”You can’t buy me, neither can you deceive my son”‘ Mama Tito rushes to the door after she answers the telecom again. ”Are we expecting anymore guests?” Mercy looks at her son ”No, just me!! Diana says ”I wasn’t speaking to you” Emeka frowns ”Not that I know off ” he gets up as Mama Tito comes back ushering in a very beautiful lady into the house, Diana blinks looking at her from up to down, his mother stands up surprised ”Emeka, who is this beautiful lady?” she pushes past Diana and goes to her son, who is smiling ”Emeka!! Who the hell is that?” Diana storms to them folding her arms ”Who are you and what the hell are you doing in my fiancé’s house?” The lady doesn’t spare her a glance; she is smiling at Emeka and his mother ”Oh I forgot all about it, this is my very special friend Olive Daniels, she just returned from the states and she would be staying with us for a bit before she goes back..”‘ Diana’s mouth drops open, ”Good evening Mama”‘ the girl bends her knee in form of greeting a elder despite being on high heels, “oh, you told me your mother likes this… so I got her a cashmere and a bracelet” she gives it to his mother ”I hope you like it mama?” Mercy takes it smiling “Oh this is wonderful, thank you my daughter, you are welcome, hope your trip was smooth, come Mama Tito, prepare something for her to eat, a warm bath… take her bag… come seat down my dear, don’t mind my son who didn’t tell me on time so I give you a grand welcome” Mercy says taking the girl’s hand.. The lady side hugs Emeka and gives him a kiss to his jaw, he is smiling.. ”Who is that, I am, sorry I didn’t say hello to her” Olive says staring at Diana ”Oh, she is nobody, ignore her while you are here” Mercy tells Olive Diana’s mouth drops further to the ground, Emeka goes to join them and Mercy..was smiling broadly.. Diana looks at the wrapper in her hands, back at the three of them…then she walks to them.. ”Emeka, can I talk to you?”’ ”Can we do this later, my friend-“‘ ”Now, please!!” Emeka made to get up, his mother and Olive puts their hands on his legs at the same time ”Odinaka..” ”Emeka” Mercy and olive began, then they look at each other and laugh.. ”I am sorry Mama, I wanted to tell him something” ”Me too my daughter” they laugh again ”Emeka?” Diana says impatiently ”Odinaka, can you please help me with my necklace, it is stuck” Olive turns her neck to him ”Help her Emeka, it must be disturbing her” Mercy says Emeka looks apologetically at Diana and helps Olive, Diana follows Olive hands, sees the way she touches Emeka’s hands and thighs as she laughs and talks and she felt like slapping her.. ”Do you mind not touching my man’s like that!!” she says to Olive who had been smiling, Olive turns to her ”And who says he is your man, ?” Olive looks at her as she asks her a direct question Diana folds her arms ”WHAT IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?” ”Who says he is your man?”‘ Olive repeats ***** · TO BE CONT.
8 Jan 2018 | 09:13
ELEVEN ***** ”Emeka, what nonsense is she spewing?” Diana directs at him ”Ladies, please..” ”I asked you a simple question, what nonsense is she spewing… who the hell do you think you are to walk into my house and claim my man?” Diana fumes Olive stands up ”Whose house ogini, my son’s house?” Mercy stands up too. ”No mama, please don’t answer her. Who am I? I am Olive Daniels, and I do not see why I should explain further who I am, you are rude and uncultured, I am a guest here, but here you are feeling all territorial over Odinaka and I just asked a simple question, because last I checked, you are not married to him neither are you wearing a ring if I was too blind to see… so again, who told you he is your man?” ”You dare to-” Diana reaches out to try and slap her but Emeka stops her hand ”Stop it Dee, that is no way to treat a guest”‘ ”A guest? Who is refuting my claims over you, is she high, is she mad? And why the hell are you standing there saying nothing, shouldn’t you caution her, you and your mother are just standing there and you both obviously know the truth, why am I being the one cautioned?” ”You aren’t Dee, look I think we all got off on the wrong foot okay, let’s just relax..” he turns to Olive ”Sweetheart, please don’t be offended”‘ ”Sweetheart?” Diana chokes ”Yes!. He is used to calling me with sweet endearments” Olive smiles ”Emeka, I do not understand, only yesterday you said you loved only me and want to marry me, today you bring an Egyptian seductress into your house and you are calling her sweetheart in front of your future wife?” She couldn’t believe her ears ”Hey Dee, it just a harmless endearment, okay you want to talk, let’s go and talk” he turns to Olive and his mother ”Mama can you keep her company for me for a bit, please?” ”HA!! Gladly don’t worry” she turns to Olive “So my dear don’t mind her” ”Who is she’?” they hear Olive asking as they walk away, Mercy replies ”Some woman who is trying to force herself on my son, but I won’t let it happen… come, tell me about you, Emeka never mentioned you to me… how long have you known him… is my son nice to you?” Olive blushes “He is a sweet man mama”‘ ”Hmmm!” They continued talking. ****** ”Explain to me Emeka, what the hell is going on, are you screwing her, you bring your mistress to a home we are going to share, what the hell is that?” Oh, it makes you boil? You haven’t seen nothing Diana ”No of course not!! I actually forgot that she was coming in today and I gave her my address weeks ago, don’t be like that Dee, I am not screwing her as you put it, she is a very special friend of mine” ”Okay you aren’t but you have before?” He sighs “I haven’t asked you about your past relationships have I? I believe it’s your privacy… so you don’t expect me to answer that”‘ ”Well, I don’t want her here, she looks like she came to steal you… you are my man, mine, I won’t let another woman come to try and take my place” Who told you I am yours!! He smiles inwardly ”No woman is coming to do that. See, you are my fiancé’, future wife, you should be able to accommodate my friends and you have to accommodate her, treat her nice and all. How can you be hospitable and be a good wife when you suspect every female friends I have… Olive is a good person, she has no evil intention”‘ ”Hmm, a woman who looks like that?” ”Are you jealous of her beauty?” Diana would rather die than admit it ”No, she isn’t even beautiful, I mean she must have had work done on herself to get that perfect body and look, we know them… everything she has is fake”‘ she scoffs Emeka laughs “You should never compare you to another, your beauty is enough for me, its what I love and I won’t trade you in for another, be nice to my guest and be nicer to mum, you both can’t keep at this”‘ ”I am trying, I even got her this wrapper, she ignores it but takes a gift from a stranger?” ”Give her time!!” She sighs, more like push her off the balcony ”I will try, by the way, I am sleeping in your room tonight and all the nights I will let here, better don’t let your mother have her way again” ”Okay ma, you are in charge na” he winks at her She smiles, she likes the sound of that, she leans in wanting to kiss his lips, he turns away as he brings out his phone ”oh dear i just remembered, i should call the office” he says walking away leaving her staring after him. ***** While Emeka goes out for a quick meeting, Diana tries not to stage war against Mercy who had been laughing and chatting since the lady named Olive arrived. while they ate at the table, they ignored her, then they both disappeared into Mercy’s room, she could hear their laughter all the way from downstairs.. She sighs turning the channels and unable to concentrate, it was 8pm… where the hell was Emeka, he has been gone for four hours, she was tired and sleepy and her bag was still on the floor, whereas Mama Tito had carried Olive’s bag and disappeared. She hopes they had taken Olive’s bag out the mansion and to the guest house in the estate like they did hers; Mama Tito must have followed the backdoor since she didn’t pass through the front, she had been escorted out the back door to the guest house the other night, maybe Olive would be escorted through there too, she wouldn’t want that girl to sleep under the same roof with her. She yawns fighting sleep, waiting for Emeka to come home as she stretches on the sofa, she turns to the TV as a Netflix sitcom comes on . ***** “Oh wonderful for you to honor my invitation Sir Odinaka, please do come in” Ambross says stepping away for Emeka to enter.. There was a woman , not so much older than Emeka standing next to him, she was smiling broadly.. ”This is my wife, Belinda.” he tells him turning to her ”Belinda, this is Mr Odinaka Uchendu, the man God sent to help us from the sinking sand” ”Oh nice to meet you Mr. Odinaka, when my husband told me you were coming I had to go to the market to prepare something for dinner, you know before today we were thinking of selling the house because we couldn’t pay our bills and all… but with your help. We don’t need to sell it again, I am so happy…” Belinda says as Ambross nudges her to be quiet “ohh am sorry, I thought you knew how bad our situation was, putting the house in the market and all “‘ she lowers her voice eyeing Ambross ‘No! I didn’t” he says honestly, oh they wanted to sell the house huh? Interesting ”Please come in and have a seat” Ambross ushers him to the dinner set table as they talk, Belinda serves the food. while Ambross is talking, Emeka didn’t hear half of what he was saying, because he wasn’t listening. He is looking around the house, it hasn’t changed much since he last stepped into it over ten years ago, aside lack of proper care and decaying of some wall paint, and some misplaced items scattered around the house in all area… the house looked the same. The walls were void of his pictures and that of his mother and occupied with Belinda’s and his. He doesn’t see a picture of a child, didn’t mean they didn’t have one. No wedding picture either, still doesn’t mean they don’t have an album of it… At the center of the room facing the dining was a picture of a couple and a child posing for the camera with huge smiles on their faces. He could close his eyes and see Jessica, running around the house calling him to come find her, he could see his mother at the ironing table pressing the Ibekwe’s cloths or in the kitchen making breakfast for them and the tenants, he could see his father walking through those doors and greeting the Ibekwes with respect and then frowns when his mother comes running to him with happiness on her face and he could see himself rushing to his father who stylishly pushes him away so he doesn’t hug him. His father had always been a heartless man, who never loved his family. Oh, he remembers the Ibekwe’s house so well… he remembered after they died and His father had taken control of the company, and this house was included in it… they had moved in… this mansion that once belonged to his friend Jessica and her parents, this same mansion that was their legacy and their name, Ambross had taken it and made it his own, just like the company and he gave up his family for the greed of wealth, women and a life of luxury. Look at him now, his father years later, he couldn’t hold his own, no good woman to help him keep his home, no son to help him with the business, no wonder it went under until he helped him.. oh how would you feel father if I told you the son you casted away is the same son whose feet and hands you are sucking up to right now and who helped up with your failing company and who will buy this house of yours off your filthy hands.. How would you feel father if I tell you, I will be your downfall, as you were ours..? ”Sr Odinaka Sir?” Emeka turns to the sound of Belinda’s voice ”Sorry?” ”I asked if you would want more rice or salad or chicken?” He shakes his head ”No, it’s fine, you should seat down, you don’t need to exert yourself on my behalf, I am okay with this”‘ “See, I told you he is a gentleman too” Ambross tells his wife ”So, I actually want to say thank you for what you are doing for my husband, we are grateful”” ”I am sure anyone would help out, you don’t have to thank me, it’s not for free ma’am, I will make my profits off my investments too” Ambrose laughs ”Very business minded too” he nods to his wife as he eats ”So when my husband told me you were coming to visit, I was expecting an older man with grey temple and all, but you sir… are really too young to have achieved so much, how did you come to achieve this?” Emeka looks at her, very inquisitive wife you got there Ambross, ”Belinda don’t bother the good sir with your scary questions” ”No I am not-” She says innocently ”She is not really, I get her, a lot of people ask me that every day, it’s not a problem”‘ Emeka leans back ”See, the good sir isn’t bothered Ambross” she says peeling out chicken and eating “so, what inspired you, how did you get here, what’s your story?” ”Well, it’s a long one actually but I will cut it short, I am who I am today because of my father, he inspired me a lot ” ”Oh, he must be a very nice man”‘ Emeka laughs “Nice is not a word I would use in describing him,” he takes his glass of wine and sips it ”Oh wow!! He must be something, tell us about him” Belinda says attentively, Ambross continuous eating and listening as they talk Emeka stares at his father, gladly “He was the devil” Ambross chokes on his food, Belinda gasps, Emeka smiles. ***** ”So quick question , what do I do when there is a pretty hot chick here who seems to be very close to my man, how do I kill her and then his mother?” Daina speaks into the phone, she could hear Grace’s laughter ”I am serious Grace, it’s not funny, there is a chick here whose beauty puts mine to shame and the worst of it all is that his mother seems to like her a lot and imagine, she rejected my gift, I had to even borrow money to get her that wrapper, she ignores it like it is shit, but as soon as the girl gives her a common scarf, scarf oh and one china made bangle she is all over the girl calling her, her daughter but what about me, what about me?”’ ”What do you want me to do?” Grace voice comes on ”Tell me how to kick her out! ” ”Tell Emeka!!” ”He said he had a meeting to attend to”” ”Plead with his mother” ”She doesn’t like me”‘ ”Then stay there and live through it, you are a guest and she is also a guest at the moment” “‘I am not a guest, I am his future wife” Diana says stiffly ”Until you get the ring” ”I am his wife” Diana states angry, she could hear Grace sigh ”I f you believe that, great and besides there is love in sharing, you want his money, maybe the girl wants the man, you both should work something out together… schedule days you both get to see and be with him separately ” Grace laughs ”Screw you Grace” ”Screw you too, now if you don’t have anything important to tell me, can I go back to feeding my son?” Diana sighs ”You are useless to me, you lucky I like you”” ”You are a pain, and no I don’t like you, bye” the line does, Diana rolls her eyes, so much for a friendly advice from her friend She dials Emeka’s number again for the tenth time that evening. Why wasn’t he picking his phone. ***** Emeka drops his phone again for the tenth time that evening “Wife?” Belinda voice was slightly chirpy He shakes his head ”Girlfriend?” He shakes his head ”boyfriend?” Now he laughs, ”You have an imaginative mind Mrs Ambross, you don’t look much other… your husband on the other hand looks two generations your senior” Belinda laughs, Ambross doesn’t find the humor in it ”I am 29 years old” she admits He was older than her, how did she end up with this old bat. ”How did you end up with a man like him? Don’t tell me it was love?” She laughs “No, it wasn’t” Okay, that seems truthful enough, Emeka considers, so what was it? Money! Definitely Money. Ambross looks at her sharply “Belinda he doesn’t –”‘ “It was a marriage by convenience” She answers Bingo!! ”What does that mean Belinda?” Ambross asks turning to her ”oh Ambross, you know I wouldn’t lie to you… We married because you took care of me and my family and my parents thought that this was the proper thank you especially when you began to propose to me… but I have been with you for two years now right, I ain’t going anywhere… yet” she adds, Emeka tries not to chuckle, Ambross is shocked.. ”What does that even mean Belinda?”‘ ”I am here… I care for you… but we both know this wasn’t love” she says Interesting!! so Ambross, you were hoping to buy love when you got it from your wife freely and your son. Maybe Karma was working on you already. “Belinda I don’t think the good sir wants to hear about that, about our marriage affairs, if you don’t mind” Ambross says stiffly, Belinda rolls her eyes, but she smiles to Emeka, choosing to ignore her husband “So tell us, how does a fine man like yourself not yet married? I mean, a lot of ladies might be throwing themselves at you, you are young and rich.. I mean… it’s just strange to find you not hooked, if I were single, I might even be interested in you” Belinda laughs Ambross chokes on his food for the second time that evening, Emeka smiles, why does it feel as though she was flirting with him, ”Excuse us”‘ Ambross says pulling his wife with him as they go to the corner, he could hear them arguing ”Are you mad, are you high, is something seriously wrong with you? Why are you flirting with him, what is wrong with you?” ”’Me? I was just being nice, and I wasn’t flirting, if I were I would have told him what a boring man you are and I wish he would whisk me away, after all you should be grateful, he just pulled you out of the gutter”” ”You are my wife, you should behave accordingly not like a woman on heat”‘ “‘Ha!!” she laughs “‘Don’t start with me Ambross, the reason why I am your wife is because I pitied you and come to think of it, you are not my type, sex with you too is boring but I manage… and I know you flirt around with other woman, I am not blind, so allow me flirt with who I want to flirt with, it is not even as though you give me what I want in bed, I stayed for your money… but now that you hardly do have it, why don’t I go for the source” ”Really, you stayed for my money?” ”You know you bought me with that, I don’t hide my mouth and you know it..”‘ ”But I do have money now”‘ ”No you don’t, this house you can’t afford it unless you use the money he has given you to invest in your company to pay for the upkeep, we can be able to do that for a couple of weeks but… you can’t maintain the house. See, you have no money, and we have already put the house on the market for sale unless you go pull it out and pay the loan you owe, and even though Mr Odinaka has helped you with your company, profits won’t start coming till end of the month, how do you plan to keep the house unsold till then? See, no money yet and all the money you might get is as a result of that man in there because he is helping your old ass, and if you annoy me further I will leave… after all there is a dashing young man out there who isn’t hooked and I am still young and fresh, so leave me alone Ambross” she walks away ”Belinda, Belinda come back here” But she ignores him as she sashays away and back to Emeka who acts as though he didn’t hear them shouting behind closed door, Ambross curses under his breath. “‘I am so sorry about my Husband, so what else can I get you darling?… and you know you can stop by anytime Sir Odinaka, I mean anytime, I will be available to attend to you” she leans into him pouring him a glass of wine, her bosom brushing his arm, Emeka turns and leans away Satan, not today!. As Ambross comes back in, she straightens up and takes a seat, Ambross face was a mask of anger, but he adjusts “Sorry about that Sir, so… I hope you are enjoying our meal, just my way of appreciating you” ”It’s not a problem, you can’t keep thanking me, it’s a business transaction, but you are welcome”‘ he smiles, interesting, Ambross has a house he can’t afford to take care of and a wife who wants to leave, what are the odds father..he laughs inwardly while he drink. ”So sir, I would like to talk to you about some major projects we are embarking on”‘ ”Oh yes, your manager mentioned something to me about –” They talk randomly about things that didn’t necessarily interest Emeka who pretended as though he was having a good time, but in reality, he just wanted to get out of there so he isn’t tempted to strangle his father. ***** Olive yawns, Mercy smiles at her “Oh my dear, we have been talking nonstop and I forgot to arrange where you will sleep”‘ Olive smiles, she likes this woman already, not knowing her yet she was already warming up to a stranger, she was definitely eager to push the other woman away from her son’s life, Olive smiles.. ”Oh mama don’t stress yourself, Emeka told me he has lots of guest rooms, I will sleep in one” ”Nonsense, you will go nowhere, come, let me take you to where you will sleep, he says you are his special friend didn’t he?” ”Yes mama, we are special friends”‘ ”Ehen, then there is no problem, come” she takes her by the hands and leads her calling out ”Mama Tito, please help with her bag oh”‘ They leave her room, go down the hall and enter into another room more beautiful than hers but more masculine, she turns to her and smiles ”You will be staying here till you go, okay my daughter?” ”Okay mama, thank you mama”‘ Olive smiles hugging Mercy who hugs her in return ”Sleep well my daughter, tomorrow I and Mama Tito would make something good for you to eat”‘ Then they leave her alone, she looks around the room, running her hands on the bed, she smiles.. She didn’t think it would be so easy… but with his mother liking her, it would be as easy as taking candy from a baby, she laughs. She needed to take a shower so she undresses and goes to the toilet. **** Emeka gets home tired and goes directly upstairs, the house was quiet, Mama Tito had let him in and went to bed.. he gets to his room, takes off his cloths… He needed a bath. He enters his bathroom, sliding through the glass door and turning to find her there.. ***** Diana wakes up to the sound of someone walking around the house, she must have slept off in the living room waiting for Emeka, and no one thought to wake her up. Sighing she checks her time to see that it’s almost midnight, she carries herself, pulling her bag and going upstairs. Was he home, or he wasn’t coming home tonight? But she was tired of waiting, good thing that his mother had gone to sleep… so she wouldn’t stop her from sleeping in Emeka’s room tonight so that means she can seduce him, smiling she heads to his room and holds the door to find it unlocked, maybe he wasn’t home yet, she enters shutting the door and puts her bag in the corner, then she hears the shower on.. Oh, he was back? And she didn’t know. Well this was perfect, without wasting time she undresses, there was no way he would turn down a beautiful naked woman in his shower, and she had heard that shower sex was equaling mind blowing, She had been with the boy Emeka, but..she was looking forward to show her skills to the man Emeka, and with that perfect body…Oh, tonight was the night. She quickly finished undressing, and goes naked into the bathroom.. It was one of those huge bathrooms that felt as though you were walking into a different room, white tiles, a Jacuzzi at the corner, the toilet seat, two separate ones to the wall and a huge walk in shower bath with a see through sliding glass… but it was blurred at the moment with vapour from hot water coming out of the shower, she could see the vapour of warmth as it spread evenly on the glass… like a fogged mist. Oh this was a magnificent bathroom, she bets they could make love here always, she couldn’t see him through the glass door but she could see shadows… his shadow as he moved… and water crescending hot warmth down his body.. She opens the sliding door and she enters, the hotness like a thick warm fog blinding her eyes, she stretches her hand to touch the shadow she sees, she touches his back… smiling she hugs him spreading her hands over his back . ”Oh Emeka my love, I want you so much right now…” then she spreads her hands to touch his chest, then she freezes.. She began to scream. TO BE CONTINUED.
9 Jan 2018 | 14:18
Ewooo I Just Cant Stop Laughing O, Wat A Sock Emeka U Alone Wit To Women? Ride On Jare Iam Over Enjoying This Story Joor
11 Jan 2018 | 17:54
where have u been @ chimmy i have been waiting for this story
11 Jan 2018 | 18:53
11 Jan 2018 | 18:53
Hahahahaha she was touching olive? Wow i love the drama but, Emeka, Tayo is a real friend and you should put his advice into consideration
12 Jan 2018 | 01:35
Welcome Back @chimmy.....give us more
12 Jan 2018 | 02:58
That is totally hilarious
12 Jan 2018 | 04:37
Funny revenge...even emeka has been laughing in his mind but the revenge for the old man has got some little little pain.
12 Jan 2018 | 15:25
TWELVE ****AN HOUR EARLIER**** Olive turned when she heard someone enter the bathroom, a twinkle to her eyes when she sees who. “Hey handsome, welcome home, just so you know, it wasn’t my idea to stay here, your mother was too happy to have me in yours…and I obliged”‘ Emeka had walked in surprised to see her bathing in his toilet, but the shock suddenly wanes down to admiration, she indeed was extremely beautiful. They were both standing naked staring at each other, she turns to face him as the water crescends down her back, smiling.. ”Maybe I should wait till you are done”‘ he says walking away, she stops him walking to stand in front of him, subtly pushing him away from the sliding door as she stands between him and his exit. ”I never knew you to be shy”‘ ”I am not”‘ ”I never knew you to avert your eyes form a woman’s nakedness”’ ”I wasn’t” ”I never knew you to want to run away from a woman who wants you, not as if we haven’t been intimate before”‘ He smiles shaking his head ”You play coy Olive” ”That you know, and besides” she walks to him, tentatively touching his arm, trailing her finger up and down his body “‘you know i don’t mind, “‘ ”And you know that I can’t promise you nothing Olive, you know that, then why do you still care, still want me?”” ”Yes i do know you can’t promise me anything and i love the fact that you are honest, most men wouldn’t be, maybe that is why i like you Emeka, and honestly i do not know why i care, i just know that i want you.. also know that it doesn’t matter, and just so you know i would still do what you ask, this in no way affects that… but the heart wants what it wants Emeka and right now it wants you, despite knowing you are a broken man and one who can’t promise me nothing, i want you, my body wants and graves for you, my heart too but it seems it is harder to get that stupid cupid to shoot you a damn arrow with my name on it but hey… Am still working on that” she laughs He smiles “You are a beautiful woman Olive, any man would be lucky to have you”‘ ”Anyman but you!!”she says so sadly ”I don’t want to hurt you, by stringing you along, it was great hanging but… I am a man of passion and I love to fall in love and give all that I am to the woman who captures my heart” ”Why not me?” He sighs “It’s not you Olive, it’s not the other women, it’s me and my messed up broken heart” ”I got glue with my name on it” she says, he smiles sadly, she continuous ”it’s her, the lady, Diana, that’s her name right, it’s because of her you can’t let me in?”‘ ”It’s because of her I can’t seem to trust and let any other woman in” ”So are you going to be alone forever, sad , bitter and alone?” ”I don’t want to” he says honestly… ”I really don’t want to but I can’t help it, I can’t help but run the other way when a woman picks interest in me, and when I am with a woman, my antenna is turned on… because right now most woman flock around me because of my money, no one is here for me” ”And you think I am most women Emeka? You break my heart”” ”Hey, I didn’t say so Olive, despite most woman, you were the few ones whom I felt bad about, you were good, you are good… I was just not ready..and i don’t know when I will be'” ”Maybe when you have found closure, is that not why I am here, to help you find closure…?” He looks at her sadly, ”Yes”!! She sighs ”I know that Emeka Odinaka Chikurdi, I do, and I am here anyways despite knowing it might not go my way but still… live a little, at least for tonight, let me help you forget the pain of that woman that had brought it all back just by her presence… let me love you for tonight, let me make you forget that pain in your chest… Everything, just for tonight” she steps closer to him naked bodies against wet naked bodies, she leans in and kisses him ”Just for tonight, let me help you forget that pain, all of it” she kisses him again “let me be that woman who loves you for you, not your wealth, not your status and definitely not for anything other than the man you are, let me love you with my body tonight Emeka” She takes his hand and places it to her bosom..”this body wants you Emeka, always have… let me help you forget her” she says as she helps him squeeze his hand over her twin towers.. ”Feel me, touch me, kiss me, caress me and love me as you would love the woman you love, just for tonight, make me yours, that is what i want Emeka, to be yours tonight, no one else, let me help you forget, allow yourself to forget… kiss me Emeka, and let it all go”‘ Emeka looks at her, as she kisses him again, he kisses her back..touching her as she touches him, caressing her as she caresses him, soon he is taking the lead, taking one bosom into his mouth and trailing his tongue over her perkiness.. tasting water as well as her sweetness, he captures her mouth again.. Grabbing both legs he spreads her legs and she wraps her legs around him as he takes her to the sliding door as her firm bottom presses its cheeks to the glass, his arms supporting her from below as his heads is buried between her chest, her hands in his hair as she throws her head back to savour the feel of his lips on her bosom…one by one, with tongue he suckles on them. And when his strong arms lifts her higher, she knew it wouldn’t be long before he takes her to heaven. So she reaches down, feeling him grow in size and in strength, she helps him to the gate, feel him knock eagerly at her core, as their lips meet in passionate kisses and her essence like liquid fire wetting her core and dripping to her thighs..she ushers him into her Jerusalem with a moan that has him holding her tight as he sinks up into her. And they don’t let go, as they move in rhythm, thrust upon thrust, kisses and caresses holding each other tight.. a man trying to forget a woman that had imprinted herself on him for as long as he could remember and a woman who was trying to take her place.. Passionately loving each other for selfish reasons..but understandably holding unto each other as they both emptied their desires… And as always, just as always when it gets to that point that their desire topples over, exploding and leaving them satiated… he says it… he calls her name just before he crashes in satisfied bliss, and she comes crashing down beside him. Breathing hard against each other, she kisses him smiling, but Emeka doesn’t look up, he doesn’t “I am sorry!” he says, but she kisses him still.. “I am sorry” he repeats, guilt washes over him.. the same reason he pushes a lot of women away, was this a curse? ”I know you are, I do. Give it time, it would pass” she says kissing him as she slides down. ”For what it’s worth, i really don’t care, i will make love to you over and over again if you let me” she pulls him away and they stand under the shower ”it’s better to have that than have you not at all” ”Why can’t i fall inlove with you Olive, why..what the hell happened to me..that i can’t seem to love another since..her..i can’t” ”’Ssshhh, give it time baby, it heals, maybe when this is all over, we can make something about this?” she says as she takes the sponge and soap and begin to latter his body.. “Maybe when this is over, i may be free again”‘ he says hoping ”Just so you know, i may be standing at the front of the line to be the love-ee”‘ They smile at each other She baths him, as they talk about other things and laugh in the shower, then he baths her in turn, after then, they made love again. He comes out of the shower, wiping off he grabs his phone when he heard it ringing, it was Tayo..putting a towel around his waist he answers unlocking his door and going downstairs, but he changes his mind and goes to his mother’s room, he forgot to check up on her when he got home, he never forgets to. when he is done checking up on her, he would go downstairs to get a drink.. *****PRESENTLY****** Olive was still showering when she heard the toilet door slide open, she smiles, Emeka was coming back to her? Just maybe, Just maybe he can’t get enough of her, just maybe he can love her.. She smiles more as she felt his hand on her.. from her back to her shoulders and then to her chest… Then She frowns, this wasn’t Emeka’s hands, this was a woman’s hands and… her hands was on her breast. It was as though both of them, she and the stranger touching her breast came unpon that realisation together. Olive freezes. Then the piercing scream that almost shattered her eardrum began without warning. Olive turns to see her, Diana naked and screaming, she closes her ears but her scream was so loud that Olive telling her to shut up didn’t get to her, even when she grabs her and shakes her telling her ”’Jesus Christ shut up!! Shut up!!!” Olive shouts at her Diana’s screams continued. ***** Emeka was leaving his mother’s room after covering her with a duvet and kissing her forehead when he heard the scream, his mother startles awake, he could hear running downstairs.. “What in the world?”’ he rushes out, he saw his mother jump up from the bed and rushing after him, he meets Mama Tito running up from the foot of the stairs… they all rush into his room where the screams were coming from.. and they suddenly heard the loud sound of a slap and then the screaming stops almost immediately. ”What is it Emeka?”‘ His mother’s fearful tone causes him to panic; Olive was in there, was something wrong, did something happen to her, did someone enter the toilet to do harm to her? How possible was a stranger to get into the compound with so many securities and get into his house and into his toilet without the securities not seeing and the alarm not going off, what should he do? Go straight in and catch the culprit or wait, but waiting might be deadly, Olive was in there, what if the burglar harms her, whoever it was. “Wait here Mama, call the securities Mama Tito” Emeka says rushing into the bathroom ready for anything if he finds, he was in perfect shape, he was fit, if it was one person, he can take him, maybe two if there are more than one, but to be on the safe side if the person carried a weapon, the securities have to be on standby. He rushes into the toilet with his hand fisted, ready to punch him down when he finds them. Olive was staring at the shocked Diana she had just slapped to quiet, her eyes are angry ”Good, now that you are quiet, how dare you touch me, are you trying to molest me while I shower?” Diana who had her hand to her face suddenly realises who she is seeing as the fog clears from her eyes, it’s Emeka’s guest, the Olive girl, and what the hell was she doing in her fiancé’s bathroom and secondly, where was Emaka, and thirdly.., she slapped her, she slapped her!!! Her head shook. “How dare you?” Diana returns the slap.. Olive holds her face, ”You.., how dare you?” she grabs her and Diana grabs her hair too, they begin to pull and slap at each other Emeka who had rushed in to see that it wasn’t some stranger trying to harm Olive and that the danger he thought Olive was in that was life threatening was none other than Diana who was trying to kill her as of this moment .. They pull at each other leaving the hot shower and out to the space in the bathroom as they struggle with themselves. He quickly drags one of them apart, putting his hands and body between both of them, both ladies are trying to get to each other but can’t , This was the height of ridiculousness and weirdness with a pinch of funny, two naked ladies fighting in his house? Really, what was the odds of that ever happening and he knew without them saying it that it had his name written all over this fight. Diana he would expect this from but not Olive, she seemed too polish for that but when it came to men and woman matter, sometimes the sense goes out the window, he should know, he sighs, he had often been senseless when it came to matters of the heart when he was with Diana, blind to her true colors until now. ”Stop fighting please ” he tells them both ”Emeka, what is going on? The securities are here, should they come in, what is going on my son are you safe?” he hears his mother calling out for him with fear in her voice ”Yes mama, no tell them to go I will handle it, in fact all of you should go, it’s nothing mama, don’t worry” he calls out back , looking at either of them ”Are you ladies for real, you want my staffs and my mother to see you both fighting, naked?” ”What is she doing in your bathroom, and how come you are with that towel… oh so this is the plan shei, while you marry me you bring other women to our matrimonial home?” ”You aren’t his wife” she tells Diana “Emeka, I was taking a shower and she barges in and grabs my breast” ”I thought you were Emeka?” ”Oh right so you were trying to sneak up on him too right? And a woman, a lady doesn’t have to sneak up on a man to be with him, all she has to do is ask and if he wants her he will have her” she spares Emeka a glance, Diana didn’t miss it ”What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Olive continuous “You are smart, figure it out, but well too bad I wasn’t Emeka and you were trying to molest me… gosh!! eww!!” Olive shakes her body ”I wasn’t trying to molest you -you fool, thought you were Emeka and” she touches her face “‘she slapped me first Emeka!!” she tells him ”Because you were about to blow my ear drum, Odinaka, I had to do something, and you slapped me back” Olive points to her face as well ”Because you had no right to hit me”‘ ”Oh I had every right, it was my body and my ears I had every right, who the hell do you think you are?” ”I am Diana, his fiancé ánd future wife and you are trespassing in my home, Emeka, tell her to get out before I break her face”‘ ”Sorry love, I am not the one who they want out” Olive states with a smile on her face Emeka turns to her sharply… shaking his head. ”What was that, what does she mean Emeka, what was that look she gave you for and why did you give her that look too? Does she know something I don’t know because I would love to know what the hell is going on here!” Damnit!! Olive don’t ruin this for me please, Emeka says to himself “Nothing Diana, I am just trying to caution her, can you both stop please, its unladylike to be fighting let alone fighting in the bathroom naked, its… Argh”‘ he grabs two towels and gives it to them…”Please cover yourselves and step out, please..” ”But Emeka- she, you aren’t going to beat her up for what she did, you haven’t explained to me why you are practically naked and she is in your room and what she meant and why the look and you are –” ”Dee, please, I can’t talk with you bickering or you both trying to kill yourselves “‘ ”Emeka?” ”Dee, can we at least just leave the bathroom before my securities barge in here and think I am in some kind of danger and see you both indecent” ”After you booboo kitty”‘ Olive winks at her as she stands behind Emeka, where Emeka kept her at arm’s length away from Diana in case they get back to fighting again. Diana looks at him, then at Olive and storms out of the bathroom in anger, Emeka turns to Olive ”This wasn’t –” he began ”I am sorry love, she made me angry, trying to spoil my feel good moment with you, didn’t mean to say that”‘ ”Olive..?” ”I won’t let it slip again, I promise okay, I need to put on some cloths before I catch a cold” she says walking past him and into the room, he follows her out after running a hand over his face and shaking his head. ***** Mercy’s face turns into a frown as Diana comes out, she had sent the securities away, Mama Tito was waiting outside the door ”Why are you here in my son’s room? I thought I told you you shouldn’t be in here?” ”Well mama, if you think I shouldn’t be in here then explain to me how the hell that witch got in here, and was in his shower like she owned it?”‘ Olive walks out and sees Mercy ”Mama” she says going to grab her bag “Oh I am so sorry we woke you up, please forgive me, it wasn’t my intent” ”I am sure it wasn’t your fault”‘ ”Are you seriously kidding me mama, she is in here, in my man’s room, bathing in his toilet and you aren’t querying her?” ”Well because I let her in here and she will sleep here, till she leaves” Diana’s jaw falls to the ground ”What?” she blinks ”You heard me, and if you had stayed where you were and not gotten into where you weren’t invited into you wouldn’t have woken up the entire house” she eyes her and looks at Olive “My daughter, are you okay..?” ”Yes mama, I am fine, I just want to go to bed” Olive says as she throws on a nightie and then drops the towel to the floor, she picks it up and drops it over the chair, she climbs the bed, Emeka is resting at the door, watching his mother and Diana. ”Get out of my husband’s room” Diana made to pull Olive by her legs Olive moves her legs away ”Please, the more you say that the more I am inclined to ask if you are wearing a ring and since you aren’t Emeka is fair game”‘ ”You must be out of your mind, get out I say before I unleash my anger on you I swear-” Mercy cuts Diana “Olive has every right to be in this room as you think you do so unless you would want to share it with them which I have no intention of letting you, you would have to take your bag and you out of my son’s room else it would be us Emeka would be calling the securities for and I think you don’t need a soothsayer to tell you if it goes south who Emeka would kick out of the house just for peace to reign tonight”‘ ”Emeka?” Diana turns to look at him, why wasn’t he stepping in to say something, she was his woman dammit, why wasn’t he saying anything to defend her, Emeka would never let anyone talk to her like this before, why is he so quiet, is it because he doesn’t want to challenge his mother, “Emeka?” ”Mama plea-“‘ Emeka who had been reading her expression decides to feign concern, but sadly, he knew his mother well, just like all mothers, protecting their kids from anything that spelt danger or negative was non-negotiable, and his mother didn’t disappoint. ”Don’t you dare Odinaka , you may be my son and the owner of this house but I will not condone a girl who lacks respect from elders” Mercy raises her finger to her son. “Out!!”she points to Diana and to the door, Olive laughs shaking her head, Emeka is quiet again, Diana’s chest constricts in pain as she suddenly felt her tear ducts gate opening, she blinks back tears ”Emeka, I cannot believe you are letting your mother talk to me this way?” ”Dee, just go to the guest room down stairs, we would talk in the morning, right now… you don’t want to be in a shouting match with my mother” he says ”You have to understand she is my mother, sometimes its better we listen and we talk about this later” ”Emeka?” she cannot believe he is saying this to her, she felt another shoot of pain “I promise we would settle it tomorrow, Mama Tito?” he walks to the door opening it, she comes forward ”Please show her to the room in the house, not in the estate please” For the second time in two days she had been walked out of his room by his mother and today she had been slapped and laughed at by his friend who seems too suspicious to be just a friend and in all that Emeka seems to not do anything about it, Diana looks at Emeka, today, she felt hurt… much more than yesterday, her eyes glistens, she storms out of his room with her bag. Mercy turns to Olive and smiles apologetically at her ”My daughter, please I hope you weren’t offended?” ”No mama, thank you” ”Hmm, Sleep well” she turns heading out but pauses to stare at Emeka “‘And you and I will have a serious talk tomorrow because all these, doesn’t make any sense to me”‘ ”Yes mama” he nods She leaves them alone, Emeka walks to the window and looks out, Olive leaves the bed and comes to him. For some strange reason, he wasn’t smiling, something was troubling him and it suddenly started when he saw the tears in her eyes. ”What is it Emeka, are you angry with me?” she wraps her hands around him and kisses his back “I told you I was sorry”‘ He shakes his head ”Not with you, but with me” ”Why?” He is quiet. He doesn’t answer..”Let’s just go to sleep” He needed to talk to someone, someone who understands or would try to understand. While they lay in bed Olive snuggles up against him, he holds her and listens to her breathing till she fell asleep, but he stays awake. Something was bothering him. ***** Diana laid on the bed, she was upset, upset that, that Olive girl dares to hit her and slap her, upset that she is even in the house and for some strange reason, Emeka seems to favor her, then what was even stranger was the fact that he was with a towel… were they in the bathroom together, did they sleep together..? Was she his lover? Why did he just stand there and let his mother talk to her the way she did, he stood there and let his friend laugh as his mother talked down at her, and he stood there as- as… She sniffs fighting back tears, angry tears. She doesn’t understand it, it didn’t makes sense, he told her he wasn’t seeing anyone while they had dinner, that he hadn’t been seeing anyone for a while and he wants to give them a second chance, so why the hell was he bringing another woman into the house, how come the mother suddenly prefers her Olive she just met over her and isn’t trying to separate them, Olive and Emeka as she is trying to separate him from her and what is worse… she has a feeling that Emeka seems to like this Olive a lot, and the thought of it makes her boil. That look they shared, what the hell was that? When she said “when a woman wants a man all she had to do was ask” that look was one of shared desired, wasn’t it, something Olive seemed happy about, something she didn’t know. Argh!!!She boils. It makes her extremely angry to see him not fighting his mother for her, but bending to her wishes to let that girl stay in his room. Her plan of seducing him and sealing the deal with him hasn’t worked just because his mother was an obstacle, now that fake Barbie has joined too… Argh!!! She was angry, so angry she wishes she had slammed the girl’s head through the sliding door in the bathroom.. She sniffs again. Why does her chest hurt, why? She cleans her eyes as the tears fall. Why the hell was she crying, it made her angry. What for!! Damn you Emeka, you couldn’t fight for me.. Damn you and your mother and your special friend Olive, but I won’t let them win, you are mine, I am not ready to give up all this wealth and of becoming your wife just because your mother wants to stop it, and your friend who wants you for herself… you are my dream come through right now and I will enjoy all this with you, not her and not your mother alone. She cleans her eyes and turns on her bed. She has all these wealth at the tips of her fingers, if she was able to see the future she would have seen that Emeka would be rich and she would have clinged to him, no one would have been able to be an obstacle to her because all of what he is and has now would be shared with her, but because humans don’t have super powers so seeing into the future was out of it, now ten years later, she is here thanking God she ran into Emeka, thanking him further that Emeka has forgiven her and wants to start all over and even wants to marry her. And yet, this issue with his mother and this Oliver girl doesn’t make sense, shouldn’t Emeka be doing more about telling his mother to cool it and not disrespect his future wife? Shouldn’t Emeka not even have such special friends like Olive, much less disregard his mother’s request in staying with him in his room. Shouldn’t his mother throw both of them out of the room, she and Olive both since she wants to protect her son. She says she is a gold-digger, fine. What about Olive, she looks like a bigger gold-digger than her. At least she can admit to herself that she wants his wealth and money, and maybe, one day love will grow. She liked him when they dated… and for love, well, money is love isn’t it? At least she was in Emeka’s life before Olive or any other woman came into his life, aside his mother. She has a right, he loved her first, she was his first girlfriend, okay given, she hurt him but what was she to do? She was young and tired of living in pretense… she liked Emeka, okay she never loved him, she has never actually loved anyone really, ever, but then again.. fine, she left him when he needed her because how can a girl like her be with someone who couldn’t take care of her basic needs in school then when having a rich boyfriend was as good as one having ‘Arrived’. And when she met Emeka, fine boy, rich parents, drives an amazing car, does everything for her, she said yes when he told her he was in love with her and wanted to date her. A few months and a year, almost two… she went from happy girlfriend with the richest boyfriend and popular boy in school to having to lie about his house and father and car and everything else. Emeka was practically taking care of himself, working two to three jobs aside school, selling and doing mechanic jobs, yet his father was so rich he could afford to send half his classmates abroad for masters, but when she got close to him and when he began to open up to her about his father and how he doesn’t care, her dream was dashed… from eating in nice restaurants and cruising in a car, he sold his car to take his mother to the hospital, selling all the expensive things he had, buying food from Mama-put to eat, not being able to buy her all she wanted and she had to lie to her friends, despite Emeka being so honest and loving and caring towards her even in his lack and little, it wasn’t nearly enough.. and when other guys came around… it was easy to do things behind his back, get the money and luxuries and flaunt it as though he was the one who bought it for her and when he asked how she got anything that was new or so much money, she had lied that her uncle who stayed abroad sent it to her. Of course it was a lie, she was seeing other guys. And when things went from bitter to sour for Emeka , she was done. She was made for class and royalty and the good life, her mother didn’t bring her into this earth to suffer and Emeka was looking like a sinking ship already so she had ported, dumped him, told him she never loved him and she was honest for the first time in their relationship and she left. Did she feel bad when she saw him on the streets selling water? No!! In fact she had been so embarrassed that she even dated him in school she had a fight with Grace for even trying to tell her to say something to him especially in front of her new guy who she nearly had an argument with when they got home, of course, good thing sex was created because she seduced him, scattered his dada and within twenty minutes he has forgotten about the boy on the streets and she went shopping for school the next week. But that is all gone, the past, yester-years, years ago, now, she has really seen that no condition is permanent and it’s because she has good stars that is why God caused their paths to cross again after all this years, it’s because they are made for each other, Emeka the rich and wealthy man, and she… she would be his wife, and nothing his mother nor that fake Barbie would do to stop it. She sniffs. But yet why does her chest hurt, maybe because she was so angry, it was annoyingly painful to see another girl being allowed to be in the room and not her, but what if… What if? No!! Emeka says he wants to marry her, so he wouldn’t be with that Olive girl, he wouldn’t!! The thought of them even daring to be together tonight caused her chest to hurt her that she turns hitting the pillow in anger as one who would be jealous, but no!! They are just going to sleep, Emeka was never a bad boy, he was always sweet and gentle, never a liar or a cheat and he had never hurt her when they dated, that boy turned man wouldn’t be any different, he was the same Emeka, richer and wealthier, grown but same Emeka, so yes, the people she should be worried about Isn’t him but his mother and that fake Barbie she has to do something about . Oh, she knows what she would do, His mother wants a perfect daughter in-law right? Well she can pretend too… and she will win. She wipes her tears, whenever she was so pissed and extremely angry and unable to do anything, the anger causes her to cry, but that is over, they won’t win. They can’t. Whatever his mother is playing or that fake Barbie doesn’t matter, Emeka says they would marry and they will. Then she would put his mother in her place and friends like china Barbie won’t come close, she would show them that she Diana Nkenchior … No, Diana Odinaka Chikurdi is the lady of the house. Nonsense and fake Barbie!! She sighs deeply as she wipes her eyes again and forces sleep to come. Sleep did come, eventually, but she has nightmares of two bodies buried under the sheets, and their body moving, and their voices increasing, the sounds they make is enough to make the virgin mother blush… She drags the covers away from them in the dimly lit room to find them, the two bodies entwined together in a passionate heated embrace. It was Emeka and Olive… making intense passionate love, oblivious of her shocked presence. It was her crying that woke her up, she sits up with a start, her face wet,. ”Emeka!” she breaths * TO BE CONT.
13 Jan 2018 | 08:59
13 Jan 2018 | 14:28
Nice one
13 Jan 2018 | 14:33
You don't know anything Diana
13 Jan 2018 | 15:17
Nawao Dee So A Taste Of Ur Own Medicine Is Bitter In Ur Mouth Abi? Emaka I Hope U're Nt Falln 4 Her N Pls Abandon This Revenge Of Urs B4 It 2 Late
13 Jan 2018 | 15:40
Emeka is still on his for diana tekno wants to take you away.
13 Jan 2018 | 17:34
Hmm getting more interested
13 Jan 2018 | 18:04
You Will Just Kill Yourself
14 Jan 2018 | 03:20
U neva c anytn yt, ride on
14 Jan 2018 | 10:50
THIRTEEN ***** Emeka woke up, his phone was buzzing in his ears, it was Agnes his PA, he checks the time to see that it was past eight in the morning, sighing he seats up on the bed as he answers.. ”Yes?” he listens for a few minutes nodding his head “Okay, fix it within the day, I would be coming in late, and fix a meeting with my lawyer and the accountant, okay Agnes, and erm..I need you to do something for me, take down this items and I want it delivered today.” he tells her what he wants. Cutting the call, he gets down from the bed, Olive wasn’t in the room neither was she in the bathroom, he goes out heading to his mother’s room, empty. He meets Mama Tito as he walks down the stairs, ”Goodmorning Mama Tito, has my mother left already for her shop?” She looks up smiling “No sir, good morning, She is in the Kitchen” ”Why? I told her she doesn’t need to do anything, there are a lot of people to cook and clean and carter for the house, she just has sit down and enjoy it all, why is she in the kitchen ?” ”You know how she is now? Despite I keep telling her I will do everything, but when Mama wants to do things her way she does so as she pleases, and right now she has it in her head to teach” ”Teach what and who?” ”Miss Olive, she wants to teach her how to make your favourite dish sir, she seems so excited, having a lady in the house”‘ ”Hmmm” Emeka touches his jaw” And Diana, is she there?” Mama Tito’s smile leaves her face “Haven’t seen her, I guess she hasn’t woken up, I don’t like her Sir, Mama doesn’t, we like Olive, very..very oyibo the way she talks and laughs, she is eager to learn, Mama is even calling her, her daughter” she smiles ”You can go Mama Tito, if I leave you now to continue talking I bet I would soon hear your suggestions” ”You know me well Sir, but if you would please hear an advice, I know I am not your mother and I am nothing but a staff, but I see you as a son and most bosses won’t do half of what you do for us as your staffs, you care for us, pay us more than we work and you reach out to do what you can for our families, see Tito now, in the university because of you, all expenses paid, how do I thank you if not to say it and-” ”Mama Tito, you can’t keep thanking me forever” he tells her ”I know but please take my advice, I know you told Ma’am that you want to marry that other one her eyes is chucking, I know young people of nowadays follow their heart but biko my son, Olive is a nice girl, she is… and your mother is happy with her around, see, you need to go into the kitchen to see how they are relating, it is good, Olive see me this morning and she greet me not well, call me Mama Tito, even your mother with respect, she even helped me in the kitchen, to arrange the house sef early this morning she came down and she and your mother are just happy like that, but the other one, where is she? In her room sleeping, would maybe come out with her room dirty, and come look for food chop!! Not so na, a woman who wants to marry into a family in our place, she must break her knee and show that she is a good wife material not a chicken girl” ”Hain, Mama Tito, which one is a chicken Girl now?” he laughs because it was funny ”Those ones na, that always carry hands like this” she demonstrates with both hands outstretched before her bent at the elbows clued to her sides as one who had fixed long nails, butt out, and heels to high too walk in… she walks for a few seconds back and forth, lifting things with the tip of her fingers and flinging them to the side, ..”That is what they call chicken girl Sir, ones that would not do anything, but walk around as though they haven’t ever used paper or water to wash their bum bum” Emeka throws his head back in laughter, shaking his head, ”Really, where did you get that from Mama Tito because you are too old to be part of that chicken girl gang!!” he laughs ”Hain!! My son used to tell me the different kind of girls in school and the names they give them, so he says the chicken girls are the worst set, they do nothing but want everything, and that one Diana? She is like that, and her eyes sparkle too much not for you, but for the things around you, see her, what an old woman sees sitting down the young can’t see even standing up” she nods touching her temple ”Okay Mama Tito, I have heard you but, she is the one I want to marry, I have told Mama already” he says trying to smile She smiles sadly ”Well, I hope God opens your eyes to see what we see Sir”‘ Emeka smiles again, oh my eyes are already open Mama Tito, so open that Diana can’t blind them even if she wanted to, “Don’t worry , God is aware of my plans towards Diana, he has approved” She sighs “Okay, at the end is your happiness that matters, if you marry her, I will tolerate her… for you”‘ ”Thank you!!” ”Should I get you anything? You are supposed to be dressed for work Sir,”‘ Emeka sighs “Yeah!! Late night”‘ he didn’t sleep early, he rubs the back of his neck… She smiles as if reading something she thought she knew, he frowns “No wasn’t that!!” ”Sir, you are an adult, you don’t need to explain anything to me” she laughs walking away Emeka looks at her and laughs shaking his head, she had been working with them for a while now, and he had come to see her as family not as only cook, and she was elderly. He almost didn’t hire her, because she looked like someone who should be enjoying her not so young age instead of working, but she had told him she was a widow, her only son barely nothing to survive on and she had nothing but her hands and she would work for survival, even if it’s to give food to her son and he had been reminded of him and his mother and how they had been left alone by the man he called father and the one his mother called husband, so he had told her she wouldn’t be working for him and had given her some money and told her to come by whenever she needed help. But the next time she came, his mother was ill, and she rejected most foods cooked by the caterer, until Mama Tito had offered to make a native soup for her, with herbal leaves, something she said she learnt from her mother, his mother had been only able to eat that for straight one week and soon, she began to look and feel better.. When she got better, she had only wanted to eat anything prepared by Mama Tito, and that was it. He hired her, and aside her monthly salary, he met her son, he was a very bright and intelligent boy, he didn’t think twice to take up his education fees.. and whenever the boy was off school, he always had a place to stay in the estate with his mother. So Mama Tito wasn’t just a cook and help around his house, she in a way, but yet, she wouldn’t understand if he told her about his plans for Diana, neither will his mother, especially his mother, she would want to dissuade him, tell him to forget her and let her, same thing she would say about his revenge against his father, and because it is something he wants to do with his whole heart, he mustn’t tell his mother, she might find out, when it is all over by then it would be too late, he can apologise for putting her into his game plan without her knowing and not stopping her when she danced to the tune he had written for her, he would apologize, but… this he must do. Have revenge on Diana for breaking his heart, and then the same for his father for being wicked. Karma must visit both of them, and he would be the deliverer of it. Diana has to feel the pain he felt when she left him, and Ambross, oh he would get his, and neither of them would see it coming. He enters the kitchen and leans by the door, watching his mother show Olive how to make the soup simmer before she puts in some extra condiments ”He likes his plantain soft, but it shouldn’t dissolve into it, and when you are using fish, you would have to steam it first and when you have gotten the stock instead of pouring everything into the soup, you take out the fish so it doesn’t scatter, Emeka likes to see the fish not bones okay? Ehen, for the oil you will stir fry it with onions and cray fish and a cube of magic… ehen like this, come and do it like this… now take the spatula and stir it, you know what it does right?” ”Yes Mama, when I eventually put the fish, the spatula to stir it would try to keep either the fish and others in good form unlike normal spoons” Olive says stirring ”That is right, I know you know how to cook all those your continental orishirishis but you must learn to cook the African dishes because Emeka is an African man and I would not want him to only have taste buds for foreign dishes, I make sure Mama Tito mixes the menu too, my grand children would also know how to prepare this too. Okay Olive, add the fresh pepper and stir again, then when it is cooked you add the pumpkin leaves” His mother directs her as Olive does what she says. Emeka watches them for a bit, just maybe, Olive would be the best thing to come out of this, if only he can let go of this pain and mistrusts, she was a beautiful woman, they are friends, they connect in so many ways and she is understanding, and ..Well, the sex was great, aside the part when it gets sour calling that woman’s name..and if he really puts his mind and heart into it..She may be a great partner for him but.. He sighs, When all this is done, just maybe they can begin something great. ”Oh, you are here, I thought you would be getting ready for work?” Mercy turns seeing him there Emeka raises up his head, “Mama, good morning, yeah, in a bit, how did you sleep?” he goes to give his mother a kiss to her forehead, Olive is smiling at him ”I slept okay, woke up early and we are making you your favourite food and I must say she is a good student” Mercy smiles at Olive ”I know right!!” she returns the smile ”So, Odinaka, how do I look in this apron? A good wife material right?” Olive winks at him ”Oh a whole hundred yards worth!!” his mother replied. ”Oh well, since you both already have that planned out, let me go shower and prepare for work” he smiles shaking his head “And, the maid gown looks kinda okay for you” he pinches Olive’s cheeks, she laughs ”Silly man!!” she punches his chest knowing that he purposely avoided the question, she understands “I would help you with your shower but mama and I are making history” she winks at him ”I better let you guys continue” he says walking away ”Ehen Emeka, when you come back we need to talk, shei you remember?” ”Yes mama, I do!!” Olive leaves where she was and grabs him from the back… ”No hug for me this morning sweetheart?” He turns around and hugs her, she tiptoes to kiss his jaw, he places a kiss to her forehead “Of course sweetheart, how can I not” they hug. ”Okay, go shower and rush down quick, you are going to eat my food before you get to work” she nudges him out the door and returns back to stirring the food. As he leaves the kitchen he dips his hand into his pocket to answer a call ”Yes Agnes” he walks past the door, not looking to see someone behind it there. Diana who had been standing by the corner sees it all; her fists are squeezed in anger. **** He saw Diana the minute she was passing, he knew Olive saw her too… when she paused coming back to peep at what was going on in the kitchen, from the reflection of the door he saw anger and maybe jealousy in her eyes, he expected her to barge in and cause a scene, but she didn’t. Maybe she would when he leaves. So he did, pretending to answer a phone and turning the other way as though he didn’t see her. He drops his phone into his pocket and smiles. Let it simmer Diana, you will get there, you will. ***** She had woken up from sleep having that bad dream of Olive and Emeka sleeping together and she leaves her room coming down, pacing the length of the palour wondering if she should go barge into their room to find out if there was any truth in her dream and if by some magic it was happening, she would pull the girl by her hair, but she didn’t want to make a scene because Mercy, his mother wouldn’t side her, and she wouldn’t want to be humiliated like last night so she had waited, hoping that they slept at opposite ends of the bed, fully clothed. Emeka wouldn’t do anything, but she didn’t trust the Olive girl. And when her curiosity got the better of her she had climbed upstairs only to see Mama Tito.. coming down so she had turned back and gone back to the parlour and hidden from view, she didn’t want her asking her 21 questions this morning, it might wake up Mercy. She didn’t want that. When she left she had gone back to her room and waited, in anger she begins to arrange her bag and cloths loitered in the room, hanging cloths in the wardrobe and made the bed. At least Mercy wouldn’t come and query her for that like the first night she slept there, she even made sure the toilet was clean and not even a strand of her hair was on the floor from combing. Satisfied she waited, checking the time, after an hour she had come back only to see Emeka going towards the Kitchen, she had waited and when he was there for more than five minutes she had gone, then she met the scene. Her first instincts were to use the spatula on Olive’s mouth, what did she mean by wife material!! She folds her fist. She would have gone in there if Emeka had said yes, but see, Emeka didn’t answer her, she was right, he is still the same good hearted person, but Olive? she had bad motives and bad intention written all over her. And his mother wouldn’t stop talking, Diana shakes her head speaking under her breath ”Mama, your plans won’t work, you can’t push that girl towards my man, I won’t allow it” she had boiled in anger but didn’t make a sound as she watched it all from the corner, not visible to them. And when Olive grabbed him from behind and he hugged her and called her sweetheart, Diana had been confused. They hugged like two people who had history, not friendship. There was something more, and that smile on olive’s face. Diana felt jealously rise up inside her. Is Olive his lover, did he bring his lover into his house, is that it?? She backs away as he comes out answering a call, she turns back to them.. Maybe she and Olive would have a word, woman to woman, for now… she needed to have a word with Emeka, something didn’t feel right here. ***** Emeka enters his room and flings the phone on the bed, he strips to his briefs and was about entering the bathroom when his phone rings, he smiles seeing the caller. ”You finally called me, what were you doing?” ”Well you know, busy with the ladies, so why were you buzzing my phone all night, don’t you know fathers like us sign out after 12 noon especially if something warm is beside us, you okay bro?” Tayo asks from the other side of the line Emeka rubs his temple “Well it depends, I need to talk to you bro?” ”Work related or the devil or the devil-ress if there is a word like that?” Emeka smiles ”No not work and yes about that, and no there isn’t a word like that, but we can work with that and yes, the she-devil, something happened last night!!” ”What? Don’t tell me you slept with her, oh dude don’t tell me you have fallen for her again? I warned you!!” ”No no no, of course not, I haven’t, I won’t, not after what she did to me, but hey listen, there was an issue between her and Olive and for some reason after it all played out I felt…” he hears someone come in, he sees the reflection of who from the glass ”You felt what Emeka?” Tayo wanted to know ”I would have to talk to you later, see you in an hour, I will tell you “‘ ”Why not now?” Emeka who had been facing his window turns, ”Because I am… about to hit the shower” Silence ”She just walked in didn’t she? The devil-ress or she-devil?” ”Yes, you are absolutely precise!!” ”Okay, meet you at the spot, and bro, don’t let your guard down, I know what you will say but… the matters of the heart is dicey and the only other thing as strong as hate is love and it is a thin line separating those two son, don’t lose yourself, you don’t need to do this revenge thing, cut it lose, get them off your head and your mind, your father, Diana, they don’t deserve one tiny measure of your time much less the time you are dedicating to have revenge on them, you hear me?” ”Yep, see you”‘ He could hear Tayo sigh “Stubborn fox, okay see you” Line goes dead. She shuts the door behind her, then on second’s thoughts she locks it. Emeka watches her come towards him, he remains standing.. ”I have some questions to ask you and I need you to be honest with me, and I am locking that door because I do not want us to be interrupted because I am so angry and I can’t seem to make sense of all this”‘ ”Of what Dee?” ”Don’t Dee me Emeka, don’t you dare, what the hell is going on between you and Olive, why the hell do you have her in your house and didn’t challenge your mother when she insisted she sleep here. What was going on in the kitchen, your mother calling her your wife practically and you didn’t even caution her? I do not understand it Emeka, both of you going ‘sweethearts’ at each other, how am I sure you both didn’t sleep with each other last night? What is happening here Emeka, what is this, answer me, was it a lie, what you told me, that you wanted to start all over with me, marry me, was it a lie?” ”No!!” he lied ”Then explain to me why your mother hates me”‘ ”Dee, she is just not comfortable with you and feels you are here for something else other than me, and of course that’s not true right? you are here for me, because you love me still, not my money?’ She blinks “Of course Emeka,for you, I don’t care about your money” she lies Liar, Emeka thinks to himself “Then that is what you need to convince my mother about Dee, she is a great person you know and she liked you well enough then” ”Well, I left you and she hated me then and hates me now”‘ ”She won’t forever, look, give her time, she would come around, win her over, she would love you!!”‘ ”So you say, and she is already replacing me with that… that fake china Barbie!!” she flares up ”Are you jealous Diana? Are you jealous of Olive?” She looked shocked he would say that … ”Me, jealous of her, how would I be? All her perfect look I bet she paid huge amount to look that way and-” ”No I don’t mean about the way she looks, by the way, it’s all real her looks, I meant about me and her?” ”How do you know it’s all real?” ”Are you jealous Diana?” he repeats the question and avoids hers ”No!!” she says Liar! Liar! Emeka says within himself “Good, then why are you worried?” ”I am not worried I am just trying to understand why she is here, what is going on between you too?” ”Nothing ” he lies, nothing that would be revealed to you in due time Dee, a little patience. ”Are you lying to me Emeka, because what I see, the body language begs me to ask so many questions” ”Have I ever lied to you, come off as dishonest, anything of that sort!!?” She shakes her head ”You have always been honest to me even when it hurts” ”Good!! ” ”But, why is it that you aren’t coming close to me, you hug her and peck her and let her sleep in your room” ”Mama made her sleep here” ”It’s your house, you have a right to order things around even your mother”‘ He frowns, not allowing it to show “She is my mother Diana, she has a right to protect her son, from vultures!!” She looks up sharply at him “What does that mean?” Shit!! He calms his features “Hey Dee, why are you stressing this, you shouldn’t, you are the one I care about and want to marry and will marry, not Olive, don’t let a little hug and peck make you feel invaluable to me” ”Am I?” she steps closer ”Are you what?” he is eyeing her as she leaves the door coming towards him ”Invaluable to you, do I matter to you, do you care, do you love me still the way you used to love me then?” ”Yes you are, ” He lies and he continuous “You mean a lot to me if not I wouldn’t be giving us a second chance at this Dee”‘ ”Then why haven’t you tried to kiss me, touch me, make love to me… hardly hugged me, held my hand, told me you miss me… miss everything about me” she is close to him now, barely a few inches apart ”Because we haven’t had time to spend together Dee!” ”Now is ‘a time!” ”I have to get ready for work Dee, I have a meeting in an hour and –” she places her hand to his lips shushing him ”We need only a few minutes and besides, it sort of feels like you are lying to me about your feelings that you really don’t care at all, that maybe this is just some plan of yours to I don’t know-” she trails off ”Now why would you go and think of something like that Dee, does it look like I am lying to you and I don’t want this, want us, want to marry you?” ”Then prove it?” ”Are you kidding me?” he stares at her, ”No Emeka, prove it, someone who loves and cares about someone proves in emotions and actions, I know you got all the actions and ways of proving you care, I want the emotion, that one you never failed to show and express to me years ago, I want that Emeka who loved me with his mind and soul and body and everything, I want to feel him and touch him just the way he used to, that boy Emeka is now a man and I want to be able to know for sure that he is for real if not I will walk out that door and I am leaving forever, so prove it to me, that you want this!!” she touches his stomach, running her hands down his abdomen, tentatively brushing against his flaccid bulge. Stop it Dee, he breaths. “I don’t need to, my word is enough” ”Not for me, prove it, kiss me Emeka, then I would know that you are for real” she leans in to him, crushing her body to him ”Kiss me, prove it and kiss me!!” she breaths against his lips.. Kiss me Emeka, and i will show you what you have missed for this past ten years… and I swear you would be eating out of the palms of my hands… ”Kiss me!”‘ If you think you can tie me in with a stupid kiss or what else, you are mistaken Dee, my heart to you is made of stone… ”Fine, I will kiss you!!” he tells her She wraps her hand around his neck and brings her lips close to him, she licks it and waits.. Emeka leans in and .. **** TO BE CONTINUED
17 Jan 2018 | 10:29
Diana is on her own,she's late and no more needed for her bad attitude.....Olive has taken over with her positive attitude,olive is that hot positive babe.
17 Jan 2018 | 15:29
emaka pls don't fall for her oo ..
18 Jan 2018 | 15:13
Emeka will fall
18 Jan 2018 | 16:38
Pls next
18 Jan 2018 | 16:39
Emeka I Hope U're Nt Makin A Mistake Next
18 Jan 2018 | 17:47
Haaa... you wan use suspence kill person @chimmy
18 Jan 2018 | 18:00
Sometimes its good to listen to advice from friends and family. Leave vengeance for God so that you don't loose twice
19 Jan 2018 | 00:52
Emeka will fall for Diana oh my
19 Jan 2018 | 02:18
Emake let d kiss end dey.
19 Jan 2018 | 06:25
Hmm next plsss
19 Jan 2018 | 10:57
You fall for her, you die
20 Jan 2018 | 01:03
Hahahahahahahaha....laugh wan kill me. But why can't u jst listen to Tayo? And if u dare fall in love with Diana as am tinking. I will kill u
21 Jan 2018 | 20:01
FOURTEEN. ***** Diana opens her eyes, Emeka was looking at her. ”Why are you staring at me like that?” He just keeps staring , saying nothing, doing nothing as he paused just when he was almost about to kiss her. ”You really don’t care do you, you don’t love me, this… this was an act right?” she unwraps her hands, moving away.. “I can’t believe this I thought when you said you cared and wanted to marry me was because you still loved me and wanted us but you can’t even bring yourself to kiss me and I stupidly thought you loved me, so you and Olive might be..I ..I should leave” Diana says shaking her head, her chest was hurting again, this one was pain, realization of the fact that he didn’t care, so why did he tell her he was giving her another chance? why did he tell her he wanted to marry her, was it a lie, was it some… game. Was this a ploy to to… She rubs her chest, her eyes pools on its own accord. She doesn’t love him, she was here for the money and his wealth but still, she held on to the fact that because he loved her that is why he was too happy to want to marry her but for him not bringing himself to kiss her, a mere kiss… it meant that… that, maybe he hasn’t forgiven her, maybe he doesn’t care, maybe this was all a lie… just maybe she was right and Olive and him were lovers and this was all a lie, a sham… and she was the stupid one thinking he was playing into her trap but he, he didn’t love her, Emeka that loved her with everything before couldn’t even bare to kiss her. She needs to go and think, this realization hurts, it did and she didn’t understand why it hurts so much… ”I have to go!!” she says backing away He watches her get to the door, if he lets her go, all his plans would be ruined, he would never be able to repay her for the hurts and pain she had caused him.. But why didn’t he kiss her, why couldn’t he just do it. ”I can’t be here’ she reaches the door as her eyes pools, why the hell was she crying… She doesn’t care about him other than his money, but the fact that he must have stopped loving her threw her off balance. Emeka that used to love and fall over her, steals kisses from her, calls her his pleasant smile and loves to kiss and hold and touch her couldn’t even bring himself to kiss her, someone he claims to care and wants to marry? It didn’t make sense, it threw her off… it was hurting her chest in a strange way, She grabs the door, unlocks it and opens it.. If he doesn’t do anything, she would be gone, he wouldn’t have closure, have his revenge and he would never be at peace.. He closes and opens his eyes ”Wait, Dee, don’t go!!” ”Why?” she doesn’t turn “I need to leave!” she blinks back tears, why the hell is she hurting , it didn’t make any sense. He leaves the window and takes two strides to her, you can do this Emeka, it’s just a stupid kiss. ”Because I don’t want you to ever leave, not again” he says reaching her, he pushes the door close and turns her, her head was bowed, he raises it up. He leans in, bracing himself, holding her close to him, It’s just a kiss, Emeka, just a stupid kiss. He kisses her lips, gently, slowly..once. She opens her eyes to meet his already opened eyes, the tears drop down.. As it touches his hand he wipes them.. His chest constricts.. She leans in and kisses him back, .. Let her go Emeka, you kissed her, you proved it, she won’t leave, your plans would still work to break her heart the way she broke yours… let her go. He tells himself. But he couldn’t, he couldn’t. He couldn’t move. So when she held him close, wrapping her hands over his neck, and kisses him again, urging him to continue… he fights it.! Not today Diana, not ever. But he couldn’t pull away, and by the times she kisses him again for the third time, his lips move on it’s own accord, his eyes closes as her had closed… With a mind of its own, lips move against lips, savouring, kissing and drinking from each other.. They stood pressed to the door, his body pressing hers and she holding tight to him. It was the moaning that escaped from her lips that undid him. Damn it Diana, damn you to hell. Fight it Emeka, this isn’t happening, it isn’t real, fight it. He wills himself to listen. Diana moves her hand from around his neck, letting it touch his body, causing it to roam his chest, touching his nipple and pinching it slightly, something she knew he liked,.. Stop, please don’t do that, don’t do that Diana!! He begs within as he kisses her. He needs to stop kissing her, he needs to. She grabs his hands, taking one to her right bosom, making him squeeze, then she takes the other hand to her left bottom, causing him to squeeze while their lips are still locked, she spreads her hands to his back and his tummy, caressing his chest, going down to his stomach, below his abdomen, brushing his member, she gently squeezes him, she feels him kick, she smiles into his mouth.. “‘I swear I remember everything about you that turns you on” she whispers into his ears as he comes up for breath.., she nibbles his ear lope Now is the time Emeka, break away, break away, he tells himself. But then he felt something warm to his nipples, then the flick off her tongue..and then she squeezes his member again, putting a little pressure to it as her tongue tickled his nipples… the groan that escapes from his throat was enough undoing.. He grabs her and lifts her wrapping her legs around him he takes her to the bed and lays her on it, as they capture each other in a sensual kiss again and again. He wasn’t thinking anymore, he couldn’t. Whatever she was doing was too strong to break off. This was Diana, the girl he fell in love with ten years ago, a girl he could draw each line and contours of her body even in his sleep, one he had imprinted in his heart, his very first… his very first. To forget her scent and moan and her body was to forget his own. It’s been over ten tears but it felt like yesterday, she tasted the same, felt the same, her body wasn’t the young girl whom he had been with before, it was fuller, more rounded… more griping, even more intoxicating. This same Diana who broke him, left him, this same Diana was here, right now in his bed and he is kissing and touching her as though his life depended on it and every other woman he had been with after her suddenly fades, even Olive. Just Diana remains in his thoughts, at the tips of his lips as he kisses her, feeding from her mouth , drinking from her, savoring and caressing, he kissed her, grabbing, squeezing, she moans into his mouth and urges his brief down as she grabs his already hardened member.. He groans.. Don’t do it Emeka, don’t! You hate her, you want to punish her, you want to have revenge don’t lose yourself , don’t. He battles to control himself but her constant moaning and squirming in pleasure beneath him causes his body and mind to move in tune with her, before long he is helping her off with her cloths… peeling it off her skin and kissing the paths exposed. ”Oh Emeka, I missed you so much… make love to me, marry me… love me, make me your queen to your empire, I knew you loved me, I knew you are mine” she whispers in his ears.. He felt it, like a bucket of cold ice water over his senses, he freezes as he snaps back into reality. He pulls away, cursing beneath his breath ”Baby, what’s wrong?” ”Nothing, I… I have to go to work!!” he get sup pulling his brief up ”No no. We were-” She tries to drag him back, he moves away from her reach, then he takes her hand and pulls her up, “‘If we begin now we won’t end and I have a very important meeting okay” he kisses her cheeks and nudges her to the door ”But Emeka!” she began to protest, ”Please Dee!!!” he says as he nudges her out and closes the door behind her, he locks it. Diana stares at the closed door. “What just happened!!?” she is shocked, she walks away lost in thoughts and a weird feeling in her chest again. ***** Emeka rests his head to the door, his fist folded, his fine face constricts into a frown ”How could you… How could you Emeka? Damn you, damn you!!!” he beats himself up ”Never again, never, I don’t love her, I don’t care for her I want revenge, revenge, damn you Emeka!!” I hate you Diana, I really hate you!! ***** ”Emeka, won’t you have breakfast?” it was his mother stopping him as he made to leave ”No Mama, I have to get to a meeting , I am late”‘ ”But I made you your favourite meal, please sweetheart!!” Olive rushes to him Diana walks to the door “He would have Breakfast when he gets to work and besides Mama, I would have helped you in the kitchen if you had asked”‘ No time for this, he needs to get out of here.. ”When I get home Olive, I promise. Mama, I will call you!!” he leans in to kiss his mother, Olive throws her hand around him ”okay, and I and mama would be going out today is that okay?” ”Of course!” he smiles down at her, she notices it didn’t reach his eyes ”Are you okay Emeka, did something happen, did you get a bad call?” ”Later Olive” he says Diana peels Olive’s hands away from his body ”I would appreciate it if you don’t hold my fiancé like that and nothing is wrong, he is just sad that we didn’t get to finish what we started ” she smiles , at least Olive needs to know her place. Diana nudges her away and arranges Emeka’s collar as she tiptoes and places a kiss to his lips… ”See you baby, come back home on time” Emeka has a look on his face, his eyes meets Oliver, she frowns.. ”Ókay Dee” He leaves, Diana smiles satisfied, she tunes, feeling happy. They might have not done it yet but, what happened in there was so intense she could hardly think straight. Emeka loves her, he proved it. Although she couldn’t get his abrupt cut from their romance but maybe work was really important, but no worries, she was just worried and scared for nothing. He does love her, and he wasn’t kissing nobody other than her let alone having anything with Olive, doesn’t matter if they slept in the same room. Olive was just barking up a wrong tree who won’t throw down bone for her. Emeka is hers, and her quest is being renewed. Come night, they would finish what they started; she smiles as Olive is throwing daggers at her. ”Erm Mama Tito, please can you serve me breakfast, I am so hungry” she walks to the dinning as Mama Tito nods, she wasn’t pleased. ”What did you do to my son Diana?” Mercy turns to her “Mama, nothing he didn’t like” she smiles, she told herself she was going to pretend to like the mother and be a good daughter in law, but she didn’t say she wouldn’t rub her feel good moments on Olive.. Mercy walks away in anger. She wonders how she would feel if she told her what was going on in there with Emeka? Fool! Coming into my man’s house and making me feel as though you both have something you lie, that man loves me… he proved it and it’s you who will be out of here soon..Diana smiles, And to think she was almost tearing up in the room there, and for the life of her she couldn’t understand why it happened, but anyways, it’s the past, she and Emeka must continue from where they stopped, that ring, that surname, this house and everything in it would be hers… and maybe just maybe she would enjoy the man too. She remembers his kisses and the way he clinged to her… she blushes. If she had known the man Emeka would be this intense and passionate, she would have begged him to kiss her since, her whole body was tingling… too bad he had to cut it short. ”What are you smiling about?” Olive comes to her ”Take a wild guess Olive, and I would be too happy to oblige”‘ Olive pulls out a seat ”Let me guess, ” ”Olive?” Olive turns ”Yes mama?” ”Come and eat, you don’t need to exert your energy on her, if it were left to me, she wouldn’t be here” Olive turns to Diana then back to Mercy “Okay Mama, I am coming ” back to her ”Let me ask you a question Diana, who do you think I am to Emeka?” ”His friend I don’t see him having for long” ”Hmm, and who do you think you are to him?” Diana eyes her “His fiancé, soon to be wife!” ”If you believe that then you are a lot dumber than you look” ”What is that supposed to mean” ”It means dear Diana that a man isn’t yet your man until he is off the market and he isn’t, and just for the record, let me tell you a little secret, I didn’t come here to chit and laugh with Emeka for old time’s sake’s, no darling, I am here to show Emeka why he should be with me and not with you!!” ”Oh, the tiger shows its spots finally, you have already failed before trying”‘ Olive laughs “You think so, let me make it clear to you, when did he propose to you Diana?” ”He proposed to me –” ”a proposal without a ring is a no proposal, and no one goes to the marriage ceremony with words of mouth sweetheart, I don’t see a ring on your finger. Check this, he supposedly proposes to you and yet he allows me, his close special friend to come stay here and guess what, his mother loves me, she wants me for her son, I want me for her son, that leaves you out sweetheart!!” ”When I speak to him, you will have to go back to where ever the hell you came from, I am sure Emeka has no idea of your evil intentions, such a sweetheart-ed man helps a friend to stay a few days and here she is already nursing thoughts of taking his fiancé’s place, have you no shame?” Diana spat, this girl was getting her angry ”Oh Emeka is really really aware-“‘ Olive cuts herself “What were you about to say, finish it!” Olive smiles, she needs to be careful, Emeka wouldn’t like to know she told her, she clears her throat ”He is really not aware, but it doesn’t matter, he would fall for me nevertheless, you know why? Because I know him, understand him and I am a girl who is independent and caring and I don’t need a man to carter for my needs, I own my own fashion label, run a boutique in Abuja, I make my own little money, I am not some tawny ass little girl who doesn’t know cheap from expensive and I do know how to treat man right not up and leave when I think he doesn’t benefit me anymore” Diana blinks “How long have you known Emeka and did he tell you anything about me?” Why did it feel as though this Olive lady knows more than she lets on, like her last statement was a jab to her, her past with Emeka, Olive smiles when she realized that she hit a nerve “A year or two, maybe more, but’s enough to know what he likes in a woman, I have been a friend to him, now I feel I should take it further, and see, mama is backing me up without knowing my true intentions, and Emeka would fall in line because I am his friend and he wouldn’t realize it until it’s too late and you? Be bye bye baby” she waves her hand like a bird ”Emeka loves me, and if what happened in that room is any indication, you don’t stand a chance and I don’t need a ring to know I am his, and Emeka would see right through you and you will be gone, I will make sure of that, and mama, mama would have a daughter in-law worthy of her son and that is me, so all this fake-ness you keep parading here, would be over soon, note that. Looking at you I want to smash your face in with something but Emeka isn’t around, you and mama and even the cook don’t like me so you all will gang up against me, so I will chill, if you would excuse me I have better things to do with my mouth than talk with you” she gets up and walks away, Olive watches her leave She brings out her phone, her face constricts into a frown, as soon as the phone was picked , she didn’t waste time “What the hell happened in there Emeka, she is bleating like a goat I wish I could wipe the smug off her face, what did you do?” ***** “Olive, can we talk later I am in the middle of something, okay, if you need anything let me know as you and my mother are going out, okay… talk to you soon” “Olive?” The person asked behind him Emeka nods seating down ”Yes!!” ”So are you going to tell me what the problem is, you don’t look so good!!” ”I think letting her stay in the house was a bad idea”‘ ”Which of the hers, Olive or the Diana!!?” ”Diana!! I mean, I don’t have a problem with Olive in the house, in fact mum seems to like her, a whole lot, didn’t think it would be that easy but she does” ”Dude this is becoming too dicey, what if when all this is over and you then tell your mother it was all part of your plan, do you think she would take it lightly, dude call it quits now so you don’t hurt yourself and those you care about in the process” Tayo says Emeka is quiet, Tayo seats up ”Okay the Emeka I know would be all over the place giving me reasons why he should do what he should do, but you today are quiet, what happened ?” Emeka gets up walking to the window overlooking the beach, the hotel they were in had a good view from the VIP lounge “It sort of happened, not sort of like, I thought I had control over it” ”What sort of happened? Did you sleep with her?” Silence “‘Dude!!” Tayo jumps up going to him “For a guy who claims sleeping with her and doing stuffs with her would mean nothing you are awfully quiet, what happened Emeka?” ”I really don’t know, last night when Olive had the fight with her and when she felt hurt and embarrassed, I was okay enjoying the scene and when I noticed how hurt she left, I felt uncomfortable, bothered and I don’t get it, today, after the call we had, she was there, and she said so many things saying like I was having something with Olive and I should prove to her and all that”‘ ”You didn’t have to, your word should have been enough” ”I know, but she was going to leave and all would be lost, my quest for revenge” ”Look, you really didn’t have to, you should have left her go” ”But I couldn’t you see, one minute I hate her, next minute she wants prove and I tell myself it was just a kiss, no big deal, nothing, I won’t feel a damn thing other than hate” ”And let me guess, it wasn’t just a kiss?”‘ Tayo shakes his head Emeka shakes his head ”One more minute I would have given in, not to lust but that warmth and everything I once felt for her, it was scary even, because I thought that she wouldn’t affect me, away from her I wasn’t affected, close to her I was great, but as soon as we kissed, I mean I was just going to do a quick kiss and leave but..” he trails off ”But your mind said no but your body said yes kind of thing?” Emeka nods ”I will tell you what I told you before, you don’t need this baggage not hers and most definitely not your father’s, you know what she is here for, your money and everything you all and all what she plans to get, you don’t have to give in and fall for her again Emeka”‘ ”I didn’t say I fell for her, I said.. I meant it made me remember her intimately and all that, but it won’t happen again, I know her ploy even if she isn’t aware, it won’t happen again”‘ Tayo shakes his head ”The more I begin to reason with you the more adamant you get, what to do!!”‘ Tayo walks away taking a drink and sipping Emeka turns “It made me worried throughout the night and now even more worried but now that I know …I would address her accordingly. But on a brighter note, Mama and Olive are a great team” ”Then forget Diana, Olive is a good woman” ”Yeah!!! The fight they had in the bathroom, too naked women, I almost felt embarrassed , it was funny and yet unfunny..” he shakes his head Tayo laughs “For real, what were they doing in the bathroom naked together anyways?” Emeka is quiet, Tayo raises an eyebrow and whistles ”Damnit Emeka!!” Emeka looks at him, ”Oh no it’s not what you think, it’s what you think but not what you think!!”‘ ”Oh threesome gone wrong?” he laughs “Stupid!! No, it was Olive” Tayo whistles again “So you get to have your revenge, enjoy the warmth of a beautiful woman and get to almost sleep with your revenge-ee, you are the real MVP Emeka, when do I sign up for classes master ?” Tayo bows his head in mock salute, Emeka laughs ”Fool!! It’s not like that, it wasn’t in the plan with Olive, I swear… she just…” he sighs ”she wants something more, always have wanted something more and ..well., it wasn’t in the plans, but afterwards Diana came in, I think she was looking to get with me but finds a naked Olive instead and all hell broke loose, mama wasn’t pleased” ”Hmm, still dicey, by the time all this is over, don’t lose yourself, I keep emphasizing this” ”I won’t!!” ”I wasn’t the one who was overridden with emotions, just be careful. So, enough with that, you said you also needed me to do something for you?” ”Yes!! I asked Agnes to tell him to come here” ”Who?” ”My lawyer!!” ”Why? ” Emeka looks up as his Lawyer was ushered in ”Oh you will see” ”Oh Emeka what have you planned now?” Tayo gets up and turns ”Tammy, meet Tayo, he would be the front man”‘ Mr Tammy stretches his hand out to Tayo ”Nice to meet you” Tayo takes his hands reluctantly ”Pleasure would be all mine when I am apprised as to what he is up to now” he indicates to Emeka who smiles ”Sir!!” Tammy turns to him ”’Seat gentleman, Tayo, Mr Tammy would be your lawyer for what you are about to do, the accountant would be here shortly as well”‘ ”Erm” Tayo looks at both men ”Okay, what is that ?” ”Ambross!!” Tayo turns to his friend and shakes his head “I should have known and I guess what I am about to say won’t change anything ?” ”Nope!!” Emeka crosses his legs smiling, Tayo sighs ”Fine, shall we begin then, tell me … I am itching to hear” Emeka smile broadens “Go ahead Tam”‘ ***** ”Sir, someone is here to see you!!” The man who walked into his office tells him ”Does he have an appointment?” ”No sir, but he said what he has would interest you”‘ Who could this person be, Ambross wonders .. He grabs the phone as soon as it rang ”Yes Belinda, I am about to meet up someone what is it?” ”I got a call from the bank again today, asking us if we are still accepting offers for the house?” ”No!! We aren’t now, I called the bank and told them to pull our house from sale from their website, we have the money to take care of the house now, by the end of the month profits would roll in, I can take a loan from it and pay for the house and take back our C of O, it’s because of the loan I took from the bank to try to keep the company from floating that got us to this”‘ he rubs his jaw ”Well if you have been smart at first all this wouldn’t have happened” she snaps ”Don’t start with me Belinda, today is not the day, your nagging and complains is more now, I don’t get it; we have a good Samaritan who is helping with the company and he has donated huge amounts and work is under way, we have paid up major debts and salaries and projects are commencing, by the end of the month all would be back to normal, we get back the house, cars, you travel and go shopping, all you want, what is the problem again?” She sighs “Just deal with it, I am so broke that I can’t even wear something nice for my mother’s party nor get her a gift, do something ” the line cuts He sighs as someone knocks and enters his office, ”Goodmorning Sir, they say I could come in?” ”Yes sir, do come in!!”‘ The man stretches out his hand as he gets to him ”Mr Name is Tayo Adegunbe, I would like to discourse possible sales for your house,”‘ ”There must be a mistake ”Ambross shakes his hands ”I told the bank to halt, I asked them to give me the end of the month to repay the loan.” He tells him to seat, ”Well Sir, I think you would want to reconsider if I tell you what I am offering for the house against what you put up for sales “” ”I don’t think you would be able to offer me anything from what I may have put for it if I were putting it for sale” ”Try me!!” ”It’s going for about 3o million” Ambross says ”How much of that goes back to the bank?” ”About ten million!!” Tayo smiles ”How about I offer you twice that” Ambross ears stands ”Why would you want to do that?” ”I am a business man Mr ..” ”Ambross, Chikurdi Ambross” ”Good, wanted to know what to call you, “Tayo smiles “So I am a business and I see a good potential for your house, and it is great for me, so what do you say?” Ambross is thinking “I have lived in that house for many years, I have history there” ”But you were willing to sell it, why not sell it for a better price?” ”Can I think about it?”‘ ”I have just today sir, other houses to look at, close deals, surely you understand time is of essence”‘ ”Not like you have the money here Mr Tayo if I agree so what are we talking about” Ambross laughs ”Infact I do, my lawyer and my accountant’s are outside, we got all we need from the bank and I do want to close the deal today, I think the thing you need to do is to make a decision, call your lawyer and your accountant and I will make a deal”‘ ”What if i want more!!” ”How much more” Tayo asks, you thief, ”70 million!” Ambross tries his luck ”You are getting an extra 30, no one would give you this much” Tayo crosses his legs, You are a disgusting thief Ambross!! ”Yes, it is making me really suspicious, who do you say you are again and work for” ”Tayo Adegunbe, you can check me out, here is my card and what I do, I am more than capable to buy two or three of your houses Sir and the company I work for wants your house” Ambross takes his card, and begins to type away at the keyboard, he makes a call, looking at Tayo.. he drops the call when he was done. ”You check out Mr Tayo”‘ ”Maybe you should call the bank to check for my financial statement too if you need further proof “Tayo jokes ”No that is fine” Ambross thinks to himself, he could buy another house, a car, a few million in his account, maybe Belinda would stop complaining, and with the company… he was back on track, he should take it. ”let me put a call across to my lawyer and account, they should meet us up in an hour, would you wait?” ”Yes, “‘ *****Three hours later***** ”This is Mr Tammy my lawyer and Itodo my accountant, and we have drawn up the files and agreement” ” Yes, and we are ready too, my lawyers have drawn up the house agreements, and we just need to see the files and how would you be paying?” ”Your choice, really” Tayo throws it open ”And the 70 million agreement?” You make me even despise you Ambross, to think a few hours ago I was trying to tell Emeka to let it go, you? You hear money and all your sense go out the window, he sighs ”Yes, I have asked him to make the necessary corrections. So… here, kindly read so we can start up with the sale”‘ Tammy gives Ambross’s lawyer the file, after a few minutes the lawyer looks up nodding to him ”Everything good?” Ambross wanted to know ”Yes sir, legal binding, everything is 100 percent legit”‘ ”Good, so I can sign?” ”Yes you can” Ambross takes it and signs “Whose name are you putting the house in?” he looks at Tayo as he signs ”I see M. O, what’s the full meaning ?” ”Our clients prefers to be addressed with the initials, but it is nothing for you to worry about Sir, the files checks out and we have the money to pay for the house, I think the full meaning of who the house would be in shouldn’t be an issue” Tam says, Tayo nods ”Oh well!!” he was done signing.. Tammy takes the C of O of the files, goes through it and makes sure all the important documents were in there and properly signed in areas of interest and that the transfers of the houses were made smoothly… ”Sir?” he gives it to Tayo to sign , both him and the account does the same. Within an hour, money had exchanged accounts, signed by four witnesses and the documents of the house is with Tammy, Mr Ambross was smiling from ear to ear, he just closed the deal of the century 70 million naira, ha!!! ”How long do I get before I vacate the premises?” ”A month sir, with the money you have, you can move out in a week.” Tammy tells him, Tayo smiles so did Ambross ”Nice doing business with you Sir?” Tayo shakes him, as they leave. ”You too” Ambross jumps in his office excitedly laughing, 70 million, life was going to be good here on out. ***** ”So ?” Emeka turns when they walked in few hours later ”You officially have the house owned by the Ibekwes”‘ Tayo hands it to him, ”Great”‘ Emeka is looking through the Documents, his eyes sparkling ”Explain something to me, how do you make him suffer when you just gave him so much money?” He asks as Emeka dismisses both lawyer and accountant. ”Oh, Money is like feathers, once the breeze blows, so does its value, so does its use, he would spend it all, stupidly, then he might do something he shouldn’t” ”How do you know that?” ”He is my father, I know him enough. 70 million is nothing, and guess what, I already assigned agents to him who would show him houses, that money comes back to me, the car, the house he would buy would be from me, from one of my affiliates company. He would have no idea what hit him, when he makes that dire mistake, like reaper I will come to collect” ”Okay, so why did you buy the house, you don’t need it”‘ ”For my mother, Mercy Odinaka , M.O” Tayo smiles ”Smart, he kicks you both out of the house that was given to you guys, years later you make so much money and buy it off him and he has no idea its yours, bought for the same woman he kicked out to the streets” ”Correct!!” ”How are you going to tell your mother though?” Tayo taps his jaw ”There are more subtle ways of doing that Tayo, beginning with her birthday… it would be her birthday present… would tell her the house was on sale, not a lie, I bought it, not a lie. She won’t ask any questions”‘ ”Okay, so what else have you got planned out for the devil, I saw him and I see why you hate him” ”Oh, it’s in the works… Tammy would take care of it, when the time comes” ”Okay, so when are you going to invite me over to see the drama at home?” he winks at him Emeka smiles .. ”Maybe during the week” they laugh ****** On his way to work was when he saw her alighting from a taxi with a boy, he slows down. He would never forget a face, especially when that same face helped him albeit very little, that face who smiled at him when the one he most wanted to didn’t. Who gave him money on the streets when she didn’t have to. As soon as he gets close to her, he winds down.. ”Grace??” The woman who was about to cross with the boy turns in shock as she hears her name, then shock gives way for recognition…. then she smiles exclaiming ”Emeka?”‘ TO BE CONT.
22 Jan 2018 | 04:35
Emeka can do something good for grace,she's good.
22 Jan 2018 | 15:07
FIFTEEN ***** Emeka nods his head stopping the car and alighting, he goes to her with a huge smile on his face, ”Grace, this is really you right?” he laughs not knowing whether to hug her or shake her Grace who had been shocked to hear her name and recognise the caller as Emeka is speechless, she is shaking her head and smiling , she holds on to her son who is looking up at Emeka and wondering who he is.. ”Hey little guy,” Emeka touches the boy’s face, ”Your son?” Grace nods smiling ”Junior say hello!” the boy hides his face ”He is a shy one” She says apologetically to Emeka ”Yeah it’s fine!! Grace, wow, it’s good to see you” ”And you too, wow! It’s been ages and you really cleaned up for a boy who once lived on the streets”‘ He laughs ” Yes I know right? Hey I never really got a chance to thank you… for what it’s worth, the two thousand you gave me helped us for a week at least, but it came in handy, you helped a boy when he had no one, unlike others who left him all alone, we weren’t even that close with aside knowing you as…erm… her friend but you didn’t have to do what you did but you did, most people would have turned their noses up and ignored me, someone they once knew and never wanted to be associated with but you Grace, you reach out even at that moment without thinking was like giving me water in a desert and I am grateful, thank you Grace” he says touching her hand, taking it and rubbing it, he really hoped one day he would meet her and thank her, when her friend broke his heart, didn’t even spare him a glance on the street, she, Grace had shown concern… that was a person with a good heart, there was no vile in it. Grace is smiling ”I am sure you would have done the same, no need to thank me for nothing, I didn’t do anything anyone wouldn’t have done” ”You know that is not true..” She is silent, she had a feeling he was referring to Diana , ”So where are you going to, maybe I can drop you off?” ”Erm, home.. I just need to go to the market and get something ” Emeka looks down at the boy, he was chewing his mother’s cloth ”Hey little guy, trying to eat mummy’s cloths?” Grace laughs ”yeah, when he is hungry he acts out like that” she looks down at him ”Stop it Junior, you will soon have food to eat okay” He thinks to himself, maybe he should offer ”I don’t know if you would mind, I can treat you both to an early lunch? Besides the weather is hot and that boy looks as though he would choke himself with your cloths before you get to the market” ”Erm… I don’t know, you seem you have other important things to do and don’t let me keep you”‘ ”Nonsense, one should make out time for people who, matter in a way, well unless the husband is weary about male friends…” he lets it trail off She smiles ”Well, he didn’t want to put a ring to it” she shows him her hand ”I am sorry about that, he must be a jerk not to see the good in your heart” ”Maybe, at least he gave me this prince here, the joy to my gloomy world” ”Shall we then, we can chat up… talk about life” She agrees. He ushers them into his car, and called the office he would be late. ***** Grace watches her son eat and play, she turns to him. Emeka studies her for a while, Diana hadn’t mentioned if they were still close friend, well they haven’t talked about friends. He wanted to know how close they still were, ”How is-” ”How is Diana!!” she turns to him He smiles, ”She is good, she is in my house!!” ”I know” she smiles sadly Okay, they were still close, he wouldn’t divulge any information to her then, her loyalty would be to her friend, but then again, why that sad expression. ”You don’t think she should be there?” ”I think you both are grown adults, more matured, you both can handle yourselfs better” ”You don’t think she should be there?” he repeats She sighs , ”What I think shouldn’t matter Emeka, you guys are back together, she is thrilled, I am her friend v would support her” ”You don’t think she should be there?” he repeats, there was something she was not saying or avoiding to say A deep breathe, ” No!!” There it is, maybe loyalty wavers, she must have a good reason ”Why though!!?’ ”Because I think ten years is a long time to just rekindle with someone who hurt you once like that, majorly, and right now you say you want to marry her and forget everything, I just think it’s too soon” ”Who says I forgot everything ?” he tested the waters ”So you are playing her?” she turns to him He shakes his head ”No I am not playing her, I haven’t forgotten it either, I just let it go, years ago I did. Of course I didn’t ever expect to see her again and you know how love works, one minute you think you hate that person that hurt you and the next when they come begging your heart speaks instead of your head, and my heart forgives her, my heart loves her. And I think it’s rare to find someone you love who wants to make amends when they hurt you, so why should I stay angry forever, why not give us a chance and for marrying her, I am not getting any younger Grace, I have all I want in life but the one to share it with… it has always been Diana before all this, now, years later… of course I sent her away but… she says she is sorry, my heart believes her… and that is it” ”And all these while, there was no one who was able to make you forget her?” He shake his head ”Love is a fleeting thing, there have been women, but the heart wants what it wants” ”And Olive, the girl in your house?” He smiles slyly, they were really really close, ”I guess Diana told you about her” She smiles ”She has her grievance against her, you told her you want to marry her and now you have a friend in the house who seems too much of a friend… maybe more” ”Diana has too many ideas in her head, Olive has been a good friend of mine for a couple of years and I won’t throw that away because I am getting married” ”So friends stay in your room with you while your supposed fiancé gets humiliated?” ”One minute you say you don’t want her in my house the next you are fighting her battles?” Graces shakes her head ”I am just trying to understand, I don’t know how your mind works but I am curious here, about your intentions, I may not approve of what she does all the time and we may have fights on that too but she is my friend, and I will not close my eyes and watch her get hurt” ”You think I want to hurt her?” ”I want to know if that is what is happening here?” ”Did you talk to her when she did that to me? Caution her, scold her, and tell her not to?” He saw the hurt in her eyes , ”Diana lied to me, to everyone about you Emeka, she told us so many things and when you both broke up she told us you relocated to the states and won’t be coming back, she told us you found someone else, she even said you cheated while you both were together, she told us so many things that made us believe her, it wasn’t until I saw you on the streets, we got home and had a fight then it all came out, how she couldn’t be with anyone like you, your status, lack of money and all the stupid things she said and I had a huge quarrel with her and told her she was selfish and wicked and never loved you which she admitted to it and’-” she trails off seeing his hard expression Emeka tries not to show his pain and anger, Diana …Diana, he squeezes his hand underneath the table to calm himself, he mustn’t show Grace how much he wants to repay Diana for all that, she would tell her and it would be all go to waste, his plans. ”I am sorry” she concluded ”It’s okay Grace, v know all that, she told me worse face to face the day she left me, but that is all in the past, she told me she has changed, she told me she loves me, and that… she wants us to start all over, do I say no? A girl I loved in my youth, how do I say no? I thought about it and I realize that I did miss her and I want to seal it, be happy, enjoy all this with her” She nods her head but the sad look doesn’t go ”she is my friend, but do one thing for me will you?” ”What would that be”‘ ”I know you say you care and have forgiven her, and love her, but don’t rush into the permanent, be sure”‘ ”Be sure?” Emeka frowns ”be sure of what, what I want?… I want her”‘ ”No, I mean” she thins her lips, Diana would kill her ”I mean ”… oh screw it, she would tell Diana the truth to her face when she errs, and she knows why her friend wants to marry Emeka, for his money, nothing else, not for love, that girl has no love for anyone except herself, and money is the only thing she desires, a life of affluence and luxuries and an unending bank vault.. she doesn’t love Emeka, and it is such a wicked and selfish thing to do and if she can’t actually tell Emeka to stay away from her, she could give him a hint.. at least. Emeka was a nice boy ten years ago, she doesn’t know if he had changed, but if he was still the same, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt again by her, if she did love him and really wanted to make amends, then she would have okayed it, but Diana is just throwing herself to him because of his money, and she didn’t want to look as though she was part of her plan, but if she can’t stop her friend, she could drop a hint so Emeka treads carefully. ”What are you trying to say Grace, you can tell me”‘ She rubs her temple, throwing a look at her son and then back at him ”Just be sure that she really means it when she says she is, I know how much you loved her then, everyone saw it, I don’t know how much you still do now but, make sure that this, is for real this time before you say I do, you want a happy home, someone who loves you for you not for what you are… be sure first, so you don’t end up more broken than you were, that is all I have to say”‘ She did have a good heart, such a rare one. He places his hand on hers on the table ”Don’t worry too much Grace, I am not the boy ten years ago, I am all grown up, I know what I want and what I am doing, and I do know what Diana wants, it isn’t me, but my wealth I don’t intend to give it to her ”she wants me, me alone” he finishes That is what he wants her to believe… now Grace wouldn’t warn her, and he would get his revenge. ”Okay, okay then, and your mother doesn’t like her very much and this Olive is ..?” ”Mama is just being protective, and Olive is a friend. Enough about me , what about you, what have you been up to lately, I hope he pays for child support not leave you to take care of the boy, it took two to tangle, I don’t really like guys who leave their family to fend for themselves” ”Your father?” He nods ”Well, I survive” ”Got a job, anything?” ”Had, looking for again, but we would be fine” she turns to her son ”Stop jumping junior” ”What’s your expertise?” She laughs ”Seriously,?” ”yes!!” ”Eh!! Did a course on management after school and marketing, ran an NGO recently before they parked up” ”Great, how about you come with me to the office, I know you don’t have your Cv here or anything, but… I will set up a meet with you and the HR, we just relocated one of our managers to a new site, and I think you can be useful in the management department, it comes with benefits as well and because it’s you, I will give you the full package, allowances includes accommodation, for your position comes with an official car aside others and I won’t take no for an answer, this is my thank you Grace, before you refuse it, think of your son. I think he deserves a better life than waiting for a father who doesn’t want to step up and take responsibilities”‘ Grace was speechless, her eyes tears up ”Are you being serious, just like that? Won’t anyone raise any query, I mean no interview no test… just like that?” He laughs ”It’s my company and Grace, you deserve it and I have a soft spot for those who are nice to me, and for single mothers I think… aside others” he smiles as Junior walks to his mother, he stretches his hand to the boy ”hello little guy?” This time Junior was used to his face within the two hours they were there, he didn’t shy away, he touches Emeka’s hand tentatively, staring at him … ”hey, that’s it, I don’t bite” he pulls him closer and lifts him on his lap… ”I am Emeka, what’s your name? Is it Junior? Yes it is right ” the boy nods.. “Nice name, will you be my friend junior, I will buy you ice-cream, yes, yes?” Junior turns to him and he smiles ”Oh you like ice-cream, we would get one now for you okay?” he plays with the boy, turning to Grace, she cleans the tears from her eyes. ”I don’t know what to say?” ”How about okay to my ”You start working immediately, and you get a full one month payment upfront… and don’t think I am favoring you which I am but… I do take care of my staffs and they are well paid, they do a lot of work to keep the company going and… we do make a mean sum amount of money in a week so you keep them happy, treat them nice, they are loyal and I am never of the opinion to treat staffs as dirt, my mother taught me a whole lot…. so… hey stop crying don’t do that, just like you said, if I am in your shoes and you in mine, I am sure you would do the same thing, hey!” he laughs as her tears increases, he stands up carrying the boy and pulls her up side hugging her, She buries her face to his chest and cries, ”hey, don’t! you don’t want Junior to be worried that I did something to his mother right? We just became friends and I promised him ice-cream… stop it Grace, a smile..yes there it is a smile” Grace smiles, she can’t believe it. Something comes to mind, “Do good to someone, show help anyway you can, if it is a smile, a hug, blessing or maybe a cup of water or a grain of food or a tiny change that helps to lift another, if you can do it, you never know when your own blessings will come when you least expect it”.. Now she has a job? The same company she had applied to work in, wrote the test and didn’t pass, the same company owned by Emeka, the same company now she is going to be in the management department, maybe even be sent to manage another relocation, getting a house and car a, a good pay… without any protocol. Who says God isn’t in heaven, who says he lies when he says those who give would be blessed. Ha!! This was unbelievable. Now she can take care of her son, and wouldn’t even listen to his father’s excuses about not being able to care for his son because he spends his money on women and other vices. “Thank you Emeka, God bless you!!” ”Yeah!! He has that is why I am being a blessing to others, so let’s go, I need to attend to some meetings before I get home, and at work, it is Odinaka uchendu” ”Why?” ”Personal reasons, my name is Emeka Odinaka Uchendu, I stopped using my father’s name almost as soon as I could change it, so mostly it is Odinaka Unchendu… my mother’s maiden name” ”If you want me to call you Caesar I will” she laughs in her tears ”Nah, Odinaka is fine… at work” They nod as they leave, he stops to get ice-cream for the boy and they go to his office. ***** ”Miss Grace, the HR would see you now, I can watch over your son for you if you like why Mr Odinaka attends to work” ”Thank you!!”‘ she gets up, turning to him again ”Thank you!!” ”That’s fine Grace, we may not see each other as often because your office would be on the other side of the compound but if you need anything, come by anytime, I would love to give you audience ” She nods ”Agnes, get her details and tell the accountant to make the necessary payment, take her to the garage and let her pick a car meant for the staffs, you do know how to drive Grace or you want a driver assigned to you?” ”I do know how to”‘ she says still in shock ”Perfect, ” ”Excuse us Sir!!” ***** Ambross grabs his bag, placing a call to his secretary ”Yes sir?” ”I would be taking the rest of the day off, if anything call my mobile line”’ ”Sir, there are a few people here to see you, they say it’s important”‘ ”Fix them up for tomorrow, I am going home”‘ ”But Sir, they say..” ”Who are these people Luke?” ”They are from the Swartz groups they said” Ambross shakes his head, do they have a knack for smelling money? He would get back to them, this one was his personally, he would deal with them later, for now… he can’t wait to go home and break the news to his wife and search for a new house and car and have all that jazz. He told them a month again, that was months ago, they have already given him over a year, one more month shouldn’t hurt. ”Tell them I already left, fix them for tomorrow”‘ ”But Sir-” He cuts the call, and leaves. ***** ”What did he say?” ”He just left Sir, he said I should fix you up tomorrow”‘ They were two of them, the one who spoke smiles, but his hard features wasn’t deterred ” Everytime we come here its either he doesn’t want to see us or fixes us up in days he never gets to see us , we gave him a year because we were trying to consider him, he took 18 months, now he gets back on track and is trying to play a fast one on us right, that is fine, we would be here tomorrow and tell your boss, he shouldn’t bite the hand that feeds him” They leave moments later. ***** ”Did you see him?” the car they entered, a third man sat there quiet at the back, he was smoking a pipe ”No Sir, the same thing, he is avoiding us”‘ ”Very well!!” ”What are our orders sir?” ”Do the needful, make sure you get every single dime out of him..Whatever it takes.”‘ ”Yes sir!!” They alight as the black car zooms off., they enter their own car and go the opposite way. ***** ”Belinda honey, guess what?” he enters the house, flinging his briefcase to the corner She rolls her eyes as she crosses her legs on the chair..”If it’s not good news I don’t want to hear it” ”It is, I sold the house!!” he says leaning in to kiss her, she turns her face away pushing him ”For how much, I thought you said you weren’t anymore” ”Oh for the price I got, it’s worth it” he sits down frowning that she didn’t give him a kiss, but when he tells her she would be ready to give it to him all night long. ”NGN 30 million? That is the price there and the bank takes NGN 10 million for the loan you took from them, another good house for just us two in the suburbs would go for close to NGN 18 million, unless you want to relocate to somewhere lesser and I can’t go steps down to the top I am in, so what is the good news?” ”I got NGN70 million for the house belinda” he says excited She turns and looks at him in shock ”NGN70 million, how?” ”Well, someone who wants the house desperately offered and I accepted” he felt mighty proud of himself. ”Are you a fool, the person was playing you”‘ He laughs ”you know nothing Belinda, here, take a look at this,” he gets up taking his briefcase and retrieving the files,. ”The originals are with the lawyer, here are the copies , the bank have these as well, everything is signed, money transferred to us… NGN 70 million baby, signed, sealed and delivered, so who is the fool now?” Now she is smiling, a minute ago she was talking to her mother how she was tired of the marriage and how she would like to leave, but now that the company was looking up… she was thinking about reconsidering, but this just sealed it, she smiles getting up and walking to him ”Ah ha baby, you know how I joke now, it was just a joke, I knew you were smart, that is why I married you. Oya kiss me now hmm” she kisses him, he grabs her ”I want more of that, you know I miss you my Belinda” ”Let me prepare something nice for you to eat eh, then we can go to the bedroom” she kisses him again… getting up ”So when do we leave?’ ”In a month, you get to pick the house you want, I can look up agents or ask for a good one who can help look for a house for us” ”Oh I am excited, a new house, car… everything, oh this is great ..!” she disappears into the kitchen ”Yes!!” he answers his phone.. ”Sir… they said they would be back and they weren’t happy!!” He sighs ”Don’t mind them, when they come tomorrow tell them the same thing, they should relax, don’t call me till tomorrow, I don’t want any more disturbances “‘ ”Okay sir, sorry sir” ”Belinda, where are you honey?” he gets up smiling to go meet his wife. ***** ”Mama, can I talk to you, please?” Diana enters the room as soon as they returned.. ”No!!” ”Please, alone without Olive” Olive gets up ”Mama talk to her, I will be back” she leaves ”There is nothing you will say Diana, you already know my position on whatever concerns Emeka” “Mama, please… I beg you” she goes on her knees Mercy looks at her in disbelief. **** TO BE CONTINUED
23 Jan 2018 | 06:38
23 Jan 2018 | 08:32
Emeka if u fall for her again oyo is ur case
23 Jan 2018 | 09:09
If what happened in that room happens again, then Emeka will not be able to control it
23 Jan 2018 | 09:24
Hahahahaha Ambrose if you know the real buyer eh!
23 Jan 2018 | 09:26
Abeg bring more o
23 Jan 2018 | 09:31
Emeka you are messed up
23 Jan 2018 | 09:58
Grace story will change
23 Jan 2018 | 15:15
wetting she wan talk.
23 Jan 2018 | 15:29
Emeka,grace & junior......emeka did the right thing for grace & junior including ice-cream.
23 Jan 2018 | 16:36
I Wish Emeka Wil Fall Inlove Wit Grace N Marry Her They Wil B Very Compatible Wit Each Other
24 Jan 2018 | 07:21
Dia...u r indeed very stupid and heartless. Emeka, u r beginning to piss me off. I know, u wil go back to Diana....after what she did to you. And u knw very well she doesn't love u.
24 Jan 2018 | 19:36
SIXTEEN. ****** Mercy looks at her as she goes on her knees, her eyes raised. ”What are you doing Diana?” ”Begging you!” ”What for, you can get off your knees because begging me won’t change it, my reservations against you is genuine” Mercy gets up and made to leave ”No ma, please… I beg you!!” Diana reaches out for her, Mercy steps away. Diana stops her from leaving, she had it all planned out, come here, beg the mother, tell her all the lies she can come up with, make her believe her, make her accept her as her son’s wife, and bingo!! Obstacle removed and she can get married to Emeka.. She can’t wait. All she has to do is to beg her, pretend, lie, how hard is it to act…? His mother would give in, she has to ”Mama please, I love your son, I beg you, accept me, I am not what you think, I love him, oh I love hi ” she pouts rubbing her hands together in a pretend plea, trying to touch Mercy ”Don’t touch me Diana” Mercy points to her ”Do you know why I don’t like you? It’s because you think I am, stupid and I can’t see past your facade, It’s because of your attitude, my son loved you, you weren’t there to see the boy you left break down, you weren’t there to see him cry, boys don’t cry, boys are told to never cry nor show their emotions, boys are told to be men even as a child and crying made them weak, boys albeit how little are trained to be men but for you Diana, for you… he cried liked a baby for days unending, for you… he almost gave up living and he would have if not for me, for you, he thrived to be better when he was able to break out from the water and began to breathe, because of you Diana, a part of him died, a part of his life shut away from others even from me most times but because I am his mother I have to reach out and love him even in his brokenness, his pain, I was the only woman who could come close to him, everyone he suspected, everyone he kept at arm’s length, everyone he didn’t even bother to like let alone love and after years and years of him trying to build himself and get back to solid ground, broken away from the wings of that broken boy, after achieving all this on his own, with hard work, broken back, dirty nails and knee deep in dirt…you come back into his life strolling as though you own him and you expect me his mother who almost watched him die from pain, depression, fallen sick, coupled with the fact that the man he called father, the man who he had loved as a boy turned away from him, from us, pushed us out on the streets, didn’t care if we survived or even died, didn’t care that his only son may hate him and me, his wife from his youth could die from the sickness that ravaged her body for months…Emeka, my boy had to take on that weight, taking care of his sick mother on the streets, a mother who was almost raped if not that God helped me, a boy who was stabbed in the stomach and God sent a stranger to help him if not he would have died on the streets and I wouldn’t have known what happened to him because I too was too sick to help myself, my son, despite it all worked hard, didn’t sleep, hardly ate, he took the insults, he took the shame, he took it all and yes I know it was difficult to have and love a boy who went from having everything to having nothing even his name was a curse to him, but he loved you Diana, I kept telling him I have no idea what love is…a nd how it works, but do you know what he tells me, he tells me.. “Mama, you say you don’t know what love is, let me tell you, love is not selfish, it’s not wickedness, love is sacrificial, love is taking risks, love is taking the pain of those you love, love is not materialistic, love is loving someone in their little and in their plenty, love is understanding that you may not have anything but having the one you love is everything, love is knowing that your husband is a serial cheat, a heartless bastard, a man who would starve you, beat you and let you sleep on the floor while he has sex with girls old enough to be your daughter and yet ask you to make dinner for them, wash their cloths and not complain… love is knowing how much pain he brings to you on a daily and yet, instead of poisoning that food, instead of stabbing him while he isn’t looking, instead of causing harm to him, you rush to him and care for him when he falls ill, you go on your knees and pray for him when it becomes life threatening, because you accept and tolerate his short comings, I call that stupidity mama, I call it stupidity but even in that stupidity is love, because if you don’t feel something for him so strong that your senses jumps out the window, you wouldn’t stay even in your pain, you wouldn’t tell me not to hate him even when I want to kill him, you tell me to love and care for him and yes I know I am stubborn and that I may not have the heart that you have but mama, the love you have for your husband is unconditional, it is pure and undiluted and just because you say you don’t know what love is doesn’t mean you haven’t being loving this man your whole life since day one you married him, and love is forgiveness and tolerance and all that, but love is also pain, because your eyes never dries when the one who hurts you does so on a daily… love is happiness because it gives your heart contentment… but love is love, mama, you love him, you do, same as I love her, that despite how much she hurt me, left me out knowing that I was already a falling man, she pushed me” “Do you know what else he tells me Diana? Is that he never expected you to take it all, the broken him, he just expected you to be true to your feelings and you weren’t, you lied, you stringed him along because of his name and his wealth and when he had none of that and was so honest to you, what do you do? You left him because he sold his car to take his sick mother to the hospital, you left him because he couldn’t buy you fancy things. Diana because you were only with him for the money and what he could give, you left him Diana, on your own and you left with his heart which you rolled off your sleeves and let it shatter ed to the ground, and do you know who helped him piece his broken pieces together, it wasn’t me, it wasn’t anyone but him… and I do not know if he succeeded in piecing it together. Your leaving him caused him to fall under I know my son, he became better at hiding his pain” “I pray for a daughter in-law, for little children, because I won’t be here forever to love and care for my son unconditionally, I want to be happy that someone, who loves and understands him, who wouldn’t use his heart and toss it, who wouldn’t cling to him because he can buy her the world but who would cling to his heart because that is what makes a man, his heart and with his heart you can have his world… yes I pray Diana, but I didn’t pray for you…” “So excuse me if I do not want you for my son, forgive me if I am against it because I will do anything to make sure you do not hurt my son the way you did before. I see your eyes Diana, because a girl who loved that boy would have reached out, would have stayed, maybe not forever but you would have left him because he was bad to you, rude to you, cheated on you or worse beat you, you would have broken up with him because you both spoke about it and maybe even if you couldn’t cope, you would have spoken to him, I understand it all Diana, and sometimes love isn’t enough…yes, I wouldn’t have blamed you, because truly love isn’t enough, but do you know what would have happened, you both would have pathed on a mutual level, maybe still have remained friends and coming back into his life would have been so easy because my son Emeka loved you, he held on to you for so long I thought I lost him, and now like a butterfly he broke out of it, soaring, living and you come back wanting to clip the wings and you think I will permit you? Look, listen to me and listen to me well, I am a mother and I love my son and if I feel anyone is a threat to him personally, physically, emotionally and even financially and otherwise, I will not sit down and fold my hands and let it happen, you have no idea what we have been through and because you also are a part of his pain on purpose, on purpose Diana, I do not want you to be part of his joy, let anyone else, not you. And with that Mercy leaves her on her knees and walks out of the room, Diana blinks back tears, that sharp pain in her chest rears its head again, she chokes, a tiny sob escapes her lips… the realization causes shock to vibrate through her entire body. She didn’t realize, she never did realiz what her effect had on Emeka was, she didn’t. ”Oh God!!” she covers her mouth as the tears drop. Here she came to plead with the mother to accept her, her plan was to get her to give a chance to win her over and that will in turn push Olive out, and she was going to pretend to even like her, but she gets the shocker of her life, all she said… touched her in ways she never thought it would, and a certain emotion washes over her, it was shame and guilt.. She shakes her head, wiping away tears… No wonder his mother hates her so much, and right now she couldn’t blame her, she was right, she messed up, hurt him. And yes, she is marrying him for one reason and one reason alone, for what the man was not who the man is, that has always been her, her nature, material-ness was what drived her… all the guys she ever dated, it was what she could get, the money and life of luxury and where did it get her? When she was done taking and taking, she moves on to the next and as she got older, the men increased, but as they came they left, no one wanted to commit and she too wasn’t bothered, she never wanted to commit, she liked them well enough to date them, never enough to love them, to her, love equates money and love was never part of it. Her heart… have never known love, but if a man had a large account, she would smile and bat her lashes and then she and the guys were good. Did she one day hope to fall in love, maybe. But she never looked hard enough, waited long enough or cared enough for any of them. Emeka? Emeka had been one of her first at going for a guy for his rich status, he was sweet and loving then, maybe the best she had ever had as a boyfriend, why? Because he loved her, he did, other guys wanted her for her looks and body and the prestige they got dating a beautiful girl and she got their money and luxury in turn, but Emeka never tried to impress her even when he had it all, even as a boy in the university he was honest and straight forward and focus and he did things because it came from his heart, he made her smile and laugh, he was… different, and yet, she couldn’t love him because all she wanted was all she could get from him so she never bothered to see beyond that, to really see his heart and allow her heart to love, maybe because she was heartless, unloving… just maybe Mercy was right in her perception of her. Just maybe all would have been different if she allowed herself to love him then, all this wouldn’t have been an issue now. Just maybe if she really loved him for him and not because of what he is, now… maybe, she wouldn’t t be feeling this shame and guilt. Just maybe.. She wipes her eyes, his mother hates her, and she could not blame her, but she can’t do what she asked, to leave Emeka, not now. She can’t now. She wants to marry him and she will, Olive wouldn’t be the one to take her place. She sniffs getting up, maybe for once, for once she wouldn’t pretend, she really needs to make her forgive her, if that is the only thing she does right, if that is the only penance for her sins towards his mother, she would have to win her over, for her conscience. Nothing more. But she can’t let go of Emeka, not after all this now. She leaves the room deciding. ***** Emeka finishes up his last meeting, as the men file out of the office, he calls Agnes to let them the men he had asked for in. After much talks , Jide, the one who is the leader asks, “When do you want us to do this sir?” “I am thinking after the engagement but you need to make it believable” Emeka tells them, they were security assigned to him from the police, the ones assigned undercover jobs, ”That’s fine, who do we talk to when we are under operation?”’ “Diana Nkenchior, my mother and Olive shouldn’t be harmed in anyway, no one is, just me, the make-believe” ”And the money?” ”She would see it, I will make sure she has access to it, the rest I believe she would act according to her instincts, a leopard never changes its spots!!” They nod ”Very well sir, we would put up the necessary safety measures once we have liaised, then we would get back to you. We would be a team of four, I am sure you would deal with access into your compound and your securities and staffs to avoid opposition and unnecessary confrontations?” ”That is already been put into works, make sure your people are apprised and know what to do, uniforms, gears, everything, and then I will handle the rest.” ”Very well sir, and this district, run this by them sir?” “That is great, I believe this shouldn’t be a problem, I have already had word with you superior, it is strictly off the books, and you will be paid for it, my accountant would contact you when it’s time, and point man would also do that” ”Okay sir!!” they shake hands and leave.. Emeka turns facing the window, Agnes walks in after knocking ”Sir, about what you asked for, would you want it delivered Sir to the house?” ”Yes Agnes, thank you!!” He hears her shut the door behind her. He is thinking really hard, in order for this to work.. she has to completely fall, she has to, that would only make it hurt even more, but despite that, he knows what she wants and for that he would leave out the crumbs for this and he knows she would bite the bait like a hungry dog. And he, he will never put his guard down, not around her again. And when she bites, he would come out showing his true colours, and break her in ways she would never believe he could. But how does he make her fall, sweep her off her feet without being intimate with her, he would have to do other things, treat her nice and get her nice things, do everything because things such like kisses apparently aren’t just kisses, so he needs to avoid any form of intimacy with her. But if it ever comes to the last retort, he sighs, he would have to be emotionless about it all, he just has to. He looks at his time, he grabs his briefcase and he goes home, satisfied about the plans he had made for Diana and Ambross. In a few weeks, it would begin. **** TO BE CONTINUED.
26 Jan 2018 | 06:31
Emeka is in the middle of his revenge...he's getting closer,from there to the end.
26 Jan 2018 | 10:56
Emeka you are not helping yourself
26 Jan 2018 | 12:01
I don't think he will succeed in his revenge
26 Jan 2018 | 14:14
Emeka, you will lose yourself to the darkness you are inviting
26 Jan 2018 | 14:21
Emeka u can ask her to go now, even at that she will be hurt
26 Jan 2018 | 18:04
all is about revenge let see hw d revenge will go
26 Jan 2018 | 19:56
Emeka just let it go
27 Jan 2018 | 01:55
Hmmm...u wnt succeed, I guess, and am beginning to hate u 4dis Emeka.
29 Jan 2018 | 19:26
SEVENTEEN **** Diana goes out to see Olive and Mercy seated in the parlour, they ignore her, she leaves them and goes to the kitchen, Mama Tito didn’t turn when she entered.. ”Can I help you Miss Diana?” Diana cleans her eyes, clears her throat ”Mama Tito, where is Mama’s food?” ”Why?” ”I want to serve her”‘ ”Why?” ”Can you please give me her food so I serve her?” she sniffs ”Why Miss Diana, you know she wouldn’t like that?” ”And I know you also wouldn’t like that but please, let me, I have to do this”‘ ”Who are you trying to impress, Oga Emeka?” Diana sighs, too much obstacle ”No one, at this moment no one”‘ ”I am sorry Miss Diana but I will serve her food, as well as Miss Olive’s, I will also serve you your food so if you would just go back, I will do it all, thank you. ” Diana stares at her, sighing she turns away leaving the kitchen. Mama Tito shakes her head, murmuring under her breath, after setting up the food in deep fancy plates, she pauses.. ”Mama Tito, Mama said I should ask you if you saw her bangle, she left it on the dinning?” a staff walks in asking her from the door ”Yes, I do, it is erm…okay, tell her I kept it in the room, I will go get it”‘ The staff nods leaving, Mama Tito leaves soon after. Diana comes into the kitchen, she places a tray and the food in the bowls on it, she carries it out, going to the dinning and sets it there, she does the run two to three times.. She smiles when she is done. ***** Mama Tito pulls out the drawer and takes out the bangle, handing it to her.. as Mercy and olive comes upstairs with her. ”Oh thank you Mama Tito, you know it is a very nice gift that Olive bought for me, I was sad to know i lost it” ”Ha Mama, I would have bought another one for you, more than one, different shapes and sizes..” Olive laughs ”No, this one is precious too, thank you Mama Tito”‘ Mercy smiles at her ”You are welcome Ma” ”Is the table set, I think Emeka would be home soon”‘ ”No but food is ready, I was about setting the table before you asked for me… let me go and do it” ”Okay, Olive lets go to the dinning while she sets the table, I am so hungry” ”Okay Mama!!” They leave the room going downstairs, heading to the dinning when they meet her there, Diana looks up with a smile on her face, “Mama, I have already set the table, please come and eat, everyone please”‘ ***** ”Welcome Sir, trust you had a good day”‘ ”Yes Benga, I did..” Emeka alights from the car giving the key to another who enters and drives it to the garage, the head of his security is still standing there ”You said you wanted to speak to us, I hope there isn’t any issue sir, we do our jobs well and makes sure your family is well protected.” ”Í do know that… but I want to discuss another matter with you and I expect that you be discreet, you need to be on top of things when it does happen” ”What will happen sir?” ”Let me explain to you”‘ ***** ”I will not eat food set by her, clear the table, prepare something else” Mercy says ”But Mama, I didn’t cook the food I just served what was already prepared by Mama Tito, if you would just sit down and i would serve you please” ”I said No, prepare something else, we would wait Mama Tito” ”I told you not to touch it did I not, I told you she wouldn’t like it did I not? See now you are giving me extra work!!” Mama Tito snaps ”I just wanted to help around the house!!”‘ Diana sniffs ”Well no one asked you to” Olive says shaking her head ”Mama, if you don’t want to eat it its fine, we don’t have to, we can order out, I will order out, let me go my phone, I hear there is this nice Chinese restaurant around here and they deliver, I am sure Emeka would not mind eating out” ”No need for that, Mama Tito would prepare something else” she tells her ”That’s fine Miss Olive, I can prepare something else, Sir Emeka likes homemade food either from me or his mother, I will go prepare it” Mama Tito nods to her ”But I just set the table, it’s not as if i poisoned the food” Diana blinks back ”Well you never know” Olive throws at her blowing her newly coated nails Diana eyes her ”Please, I am trying” she trails off ”To do what, kill us all really? So you can be all by yourself with Emeka?” she laughs ”Olive, I don’t like you, you know that, and you don’t like me, that well I know but this isn’t about you nor me, this is about me and Mama so if you would please take a chill pill that would be fine, it’s just a harmless gesture, its food, food you all were going to eat anyways, I just want to do something around the house instead of sitting down and doing nothing, I want to be useful, I want to be… someone other than what you think I am Mama, so this is me trying to help around the house and nothing more, I want to do something more” ”How about you do this really nice gesture Diana, how about you take your things and leave, that would be the nicest thing you would do for me” Mercy spat Diana blinks again, Olive smiles ”I think that would work for me too” ”I can’t!!” Diana shakes her head ”Exactly, your desire for material things runs so deep it blinds you to sense!!” Mercy throws at her Diana struggles to blink again, she sniffs ”Please, come sit” she pulls out the chair, one, two, three… ”Please the food is getting cold!” she opens the food and carries a plate, a tear slips from her eyes.. ”What would you have mama, chicken soup, stew or sauce for your rice?” Mama walks up to her and flings the plate away, it shatters to the ground… Diana gasps, another tear drops ”I said I do not want it, do not annoy me Diana, I don’t want it, anything you touch gets broken, gets hurt… I don’t want it so do something nice and leave” she points to the door A few more tears drops, her heart constricts as Mercy continuous to shout on her and tell her what she thinks she is. Emeka had entered the house, no one noticed, he had been standing there for a few minutes.. He watches the scene, he says nothing. ”I just want to…to …” Diana blinks again as she cleans her eyes, she carries another plate, mercy slaps it down ”Drop it, get out!!!” she points to the door ”Please!!” Diana chokes ”Maybe you should leave Diana” Olive joins in, ”Maybe till Mama is less upset” She turns away covering her mouth, she bursts out in tears running out, the tears blurring her eyes and she didn’t see until she runs into hard chest.. ”Hey Dee, why are you crying?” Emeka says stiffly, clearing his throat, shushing her Diana raises up her head seeing him, she covers her face in his chest and cries, mumbling unintelligently between hiccups as she tries to explain, ”Ssshh Sshhh!!” he tells her, don’t think Emeka, don’t feel, don’t see, don’t let it get to you.., he says to himself, he had never ever liked to see her cry, whenever she was sad he felt pained, but not anymore Diana, not now, not ever. Cry, cry as much as you want, this is not even close to how you made me feel then.. So cry, it suits you well.. ”Mama, what is going on here?” ”Emeka, what do you think, i don’t want her serving food, God knows what she has put in it, I don’t know… I told her not to and she insisted” ”Mama, it’s just food, no harm in it, you don’t have to make her cry”‘ ”I did nothing to her other than tell her the truth Emeka, I think she is crying out of a guilty conscience or it is just crocodile tears because she saw you!!” Diana cries increases as he held her, Emeka sighs, his eyes meets Olive, she smiles at him..he nods..he sighs again raising Diana’s face away from his shoulders ”Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay Dee, I am here, I won’t let anyone hurt you anymore okay, okay”‘ ”I told her, I was sorry, I really am sorry for, everything, for everything, I just want to do something nice.. serve food, try and make amends..I just..just” she sobs holding unto him ”Sssshh shhh its okay Dee, it’s okay” he kisses her forehead…”Come, ” he pulls her with him, dropping his briefcase and going to the dining table, he pulls her down to sit.. He turns to his mother, going to her ”Mama, it is just food, it is harmless, let her.”‘ ”But Emeka, I do not want it, not from her, you know my stand in this your union, why do you insist on going against me?’ she flares up He takes her hand and places it on his heart ”You see that Mama, you feel that? My heart hurts when she hurts, and when you hurt her like that you hurt me”‘ She raises her hands to his face ”And when you are left and broken and abandoned, I am also like that my son, she isn’t good for you, she isn’t,” she pulls his hand going to Olive “See her” she takes Olive’s hand “She is a nice girl,. She is nice, she cares about you, she is understanding and I like her, don’t you like her? You call her your special friend right? You must like her a lot somewhat. What is wrong with Olive, why go back to a girl who spat you out, what is it Emeka, did she charm you or what?” ”Mama” he tries to pull his hand away, she doesn’t let him, her eyes pulls, she takes Olive’s hand and places it in his ”Marry her, I will give my blessing, but I won’t for Diana. I have watched you break over and over again, I have watched you melt like a candle, I have seen you in your lowest and darkest hours…Emeka, when no one was I have been there so is it a crime to want to protect you from the same pain you took years to come out from?” ”No Mama, then you will understand if I also protect you from the pain that broke your heart” he says to her looking into her eyes ”What do you mean Emeka?” He collects himself, damnit ”Nothing Mama, I am just saying that I know you want to protect me and you mean well, but I want her, I found her again and I do not want to let go, don’t you understand? She is my life Mama, Diana is, she is everything and yes she has wronged me, wounded me, casted me away and broke me into pieces when I needed her the most and you have been the one there to pick me up” he says looking at Diana, she looks up at him, hearing him, listening to him, hearing his pain, her heart constricts, he continues to speak ”But I love her, loved her for so long that loving another is impossible…”‘ he stares at Diana, their eyes meet, he turns away looking at his mother ”She is the one I want to marry, the one I want to spend my life with, no one else mama…” Olive stares at him, then at Diana, and then back at him, she has a look on her face, her smile wanes out.. was it just her or that felt like it had so much emotion in it. Mercy sniffs, ”You won’t listen to me, how do I protect you when you do not listen to me” ”I do, I do Mama, but do you want me to be unhappy forever?” ”I want you to be happy my son!!” she sniffs, wiping away tears ”Then accept her, accept her as my love, my life, my wife, I beg you!!” he pleads, they could hear Diana sniffing She is silent ”Mama! Please!!” he repeats She stares at Diana ”And if she hurts you again, if she leaves you ruined again, broken, bruised?” ”She won’t, She loves me!!” Mercy shakes her head as tears fall, she wipes it ”I cannot, I am sorry!!” she pulls away from him, Emeka sighs ”Okay, at least let her serve you, if you don’t like her because you don’t trust her, give her a chance to proof herself, do that for me, please, that is all I ask here Mama” ”I don’t want her to..”‘ ”What if I serve you!!” he cleans his mother’s eyes ”You have tons of staffs for that..” ”Doesn’t mean, no matter how rich a man is, he should be able to bend his head and bow to his mother, bend his knee to knee for her and use his hands to carry her when she cannot move, and I am able, rich or not, and I will serve you, I will serve the most important women in my life, starting with you my Queen, come seat and no more tears, not while I am alive, so promise me Mama, you will give her a chance to redeem herself, whatever she wants to do to help around the house, let her, scold her if she is wrong, correct her too, but don’t chase her away from me, I will go with her” ”No don’t say that!!”‘ she shakes her head ”Okay then, then allow me be happy with whomever, please, come seat” he pulls her down. ”Mama Tito, please ask them to clear off that mess on the ground” he tells her as he folds his shirt and rolls it up, he takes off his tie and drops it across the chair, he takes out an handkerchief and wipes his mother’s face, I am sorry Mama, I hope when all this is done you will forgive me, understand why I did this and I let this happen. I am sorry mama, seeing you cry almost made me to quit it, I am so so sorry Mama , he tells himself, he bends and kisses her forehead and her cheeks and places his forehead against hers ”I love you Mama”‘ ”I love you too my son, but you don’t need to serve, you just got back from work. Mama Tito go and..” He shakes his head smiling ”Mama Tito, you to seat down, everyone sit, oya!!” he tells Mama Tito pulling out a seat for her, then he goes to Olive, ”You are playing with fire Emeka” she whispers looking into his eyes ”I pray you don’t get burnt, this… feels too.. too”‘ she lets it trail off ”I won’t, I promise ” whispering back ”What you said, just now..I felt, no it felt real” ”Are you jealous?” She smiles “No, you know why?” she touches his shirt, touching his face, smiling into his eyes ”Because I know the truth at least a few measure of it, if I didn’t know better I would have believed this whole thing was real…, you would make a very good actor Emeka, I would put money on you any day, I only wish..”‘ she steps closer, lowering her voice more ”I only wish that… you could tell me those things too, even if it’s a lie… sometimes, a girl wants to feel special, even for a moment, and trust me, you just scored a few points in her book, look at her, look at the way her eyes glowed when you said that, a man who defends his woman is gold in her eyes, maybe it made me a little jealous and it is understandable, why? Because I have the hots for you babe and you know that, but like I said, I know the truth..” she kisses his jaw and walks away.. He smiles cynically, turning.. ”Okay so, I am your waiter for this evening” he goes to the table and begin to dish and serve ”Okay Mama, this is for you, you better finish your food, I am watching you, and you too Olive, you too Mama Tito” done with them, he dishes a plate for Dee who was sniffing, he seats down beside her, he wipes her tears with his hands, shaking his head ”Hey Dee, you know I hate to see you cry, here, come here” he says pulling her up, he lets her seat on his legs, he takes the spoon, scoops food and takes it to her mouth ”Eat!”‘ She shakes her head ”No, I am no longer hungry” she says, ”Please, see I had to stand up to my mother for you, won’t you eat for me?” She stares at him ”Did you really mean that, all that you said?” ”I will never lie” he lied ”I didn’t realise, what your mother said to me, I didn’t realise that was how much I hurt you, I am sorry Emeka, I really am,..all this realizations is weighing me down, Ifeel shame and I am guilty, I am sorry, but you forgave me, without a moment’s thought, you forgave me, what manner of man are you. I am so sorry!!” The man that would give you tit for tat ”the man that didn’t stop loving you. So enough of that, eat, I have a surprise for you”‘ ”What” ”Eat first!!” He feeds her, and then he eats. ***** ”I know you must have had a stressful day, let me let you” Diana says getting up, she begins to clear the plates ”No, I will do it!!” Mama Tito gets up ”Please let me”‘ ”Let her, if she wants to be the maid for us, let her ” Olive says smiling Diana looks up at her, Emeka follows her eyes “‘Olive, please”‘ ”Hey, I was just stating the obvious sweetheart”‘ ”Mama Tito, allow her, just help her with it”’ As they leave, His mother turns to him ”this is hard for me to accept” He turns to her, ”I know, but accept it” Diana walks back to the dinning to gather more used plates, he sees her ”And please” he adds, ”Stop trying to pull me towards Olive, she is my friend, Diana is the one I want to marry, please Mama”‘ Mercy and Olive turn as she carries another plate and leaves, Olive smiles, Mercy turns to him ”You see her but you don’t see Olive, you don’t give her a chance, you never know what you feel for her if you don’t give her a chance, all I am just saying is that before you jump finally to the boat that Diana is paddling, how about letting yourself bask in the bliss of what Olive is”‘ He turn to Olive ”She doesn’t even like me Mama, she is my friend” ”Then you are blind!!” ”Yes i Ithink he is mama” Olive tells his mother, when Emeka and her eyes meets, they smile, a message passing between them. ”Well, whenever that happens, I would be glad to bless it, until then, you say give Diana a chance, fine, but I do not have to be nice to her” ”Fine Mama, that’s okay, as long as you have agreed, that is great.” Diana walks back into the parlour ”Okay, it is late, I just want to say goodnight to everyone before I go to bed” Mercy looks at her, now she isn’t fighting to go sleep in Emeka’s room now huh? Wanda!! Well let’s see how this all plays out, pretence written all over her, Mercy sighs. Mama Tito answers the telecom and goes to open the door, she comes back baring a small box and a bouquet of flowers ”Sir?” Emeka jumps up smiling, he takes it from her ”I got you a surprise Dee, see” he gives her the box and then the flowers.. ”A surprise? What is in it?” ”Open it and see”‘ She does so, it’s a diamond ring, and she gasps. ”So that you don’t have any doubt. Diana Nkenchior”‘ he takes the ring and goes on his knees ”Will you marry me?” Mercy’s mouth drops to the floor, Olive is indifferent. Diana stares at him, and then at them, speechless, a moment ago she would have jumped at this, but now, something was different, she looks at his mother. ”If Mama would accept me I will, if she wouldn’t then I won’t” Emeka turns to his mother “Mama, don’t let your son remain on his knee forever, see what you have caused? So please give your blessings Mama” Mercy shakes her head [leading with her eyes ”Emeka?” ”Mama!” ”Olive?” she points to her ”Mama please don’t ruin this mama, don’t ruin this, give you consent”‘ She blinks back tears. if she says no, Diana, will she really back away? That is all that she wants, for her to back away from her son, but then again, would her son ever forgive her if truly he loves her? Torn, she stares at him.. God, please, help my son, change his heart if she is all wrong for him, please, .. ”Mama, whatever you decision is, I will stand by it, I promise!!” Diana states, Emeka looks at her, okay, he didn’t expect this at all. ”I do not give me consent Diana.., but, if this is what my son wants, I will only do what a mother would do, let him, but like a watch dog I will protect him.” She pauses and continuous painfully “‘my son has asked you a question”‘ she turns away Diana looks at him, a smile breaking out ”Yes I will marry you!!” With a the most fake smile he could muster he slips the ring into her finger and gets up hugging her, avoiding the kiss she wanted to give him… he kisses her forehead instead. ”Mama, I think we have an engagement to plan, yes?” he laughs. Diana is looking at her diamond ring, she is smiling… Now, she was even stupid to think she would leave Emeka, look at those diamonds.. ***** He was thinking really hard, staring away when she calls his name.. ”Goodnight Emeka, goodnight Mama,” she says walking a way. Does he ask her to come to the room or let her, would it matter? Mercy watches her walk away, she looks at Emeka and wondering why he isn’t stopping her… she says nothing, she turns to Olive, who is watching Emeka too. She gets up.. ”Goodnight my son!!” she kisses his face and leaves, tomorrow, she would makes sense of what is going on, something didn’t seem right. When she was out of ear reach, Olive comes to him ”Are you okay?” ”Yes!!” he says breaking away from his thoughts ”What happened in there, in your room, before you left this morning?” ”Nothing!!”‘ ”You are lying!!” ”You know me well”‘ ”Not enough but a bit,. You don’t want to talk to me?” ”I do, I just, it was a momentary guards down, I won’t let it happen again, ” She nods ”You really don’t have any feelings for her right?” ”I don’t!!” ”Cust making sure! Come, let’s go sleep!!” she pulls him up and they go to the room ”You want me to help you relax?” she says touching him, he shakes his head ”No!!” ”You not pushing me away are you?” He stares at her ”’No!! I just want to… sleep that’s all” ”Okay!!” she pulls away.. he grabs her, pulls her back ”Thank you Olive, you didn’t have to help but you did, thank you” ”For you, any time”‘ she leans in on tiptoe and kisses him full on his lips, he kisses her back, but his mind wasn’t in it, she notices ”Maybe when you are well rested, I am just a arm stretch away, get into bed champ, you have to rest your mind for what’s to come”‘ She pulls him to the bed, and climbs in beside him; he lies there, with her in his arms. Soon she drifts to sleep; he doesn’t, not for a very long time. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
30 Jan 2018 | 04:27
30 Jan 2018 | 12:37
First to comment
30 Jan 2018 | 12:38
Emeka you are falling
30 Jan 2018 | 14:59
Emeka you are falling for Daina
30 Jan 2018 | 15:39
Olive understood,olive knows...
30 Jan 2018 | 16:04
Olive understood,olive knows...those were part of revenge.
30 Jan 2018 | 16:06
Olive understood,Olive knows....those were part of revenge.
30 Jan 2018 | 16:39
Emeka, you are playing wt fire
30 Jan 2018 | 16:55
not bad
30 Jan 2018 | 18:02
Hmm Emeka, be careful with this game
31 Jan 2018 | 01:14
EIGHTEEN. ***** ”Is he in?” The men who had come the day before asked Luke, Ambross’s Secretary ”No sir, he hasn’t come to work yet, he said he would be away for a week at least, he said he has some personal matters to attend to” ”Okay!!! Where does your boss live?” The taller bigger one asked ”I am not disposed to give that information to you” ”Are you disposed to have a broken face?” the man asks him, his voice stern ”’No!! ” ”So where does your boss live?” ”Erm.. I think I would have to call the security if you don’t leave Sir !!” The man leans back and smiles ”So let me get this straight, your boss is hiding from us and he puts you in charge and swears you to secrecy of his whereabouts? I wonder, do you think I am joking about breaking your face? Maybe I should break your fingers first” he grabs Luke’s hand and bends it backward. Luke screams out in pain, people who were around turns, he presses it back more as Luke whimpers, his other man blocks them from view so no one suspects what’s going on. ”No no please please” Luke cries out as the man tells him to be quiet or he would do worse. ”Give me the address asshole” ”Let me write it down for you please , oww oww!!” he cries ”Good choice !!” The man lets go off him, Luke hurriedly write sit out with his good hand. ***** The agent they had called turns to them, ”So, this is the last of it, and this is the most unique, this house was listed for sale this morning, the owners relocated out of the country. it is going for NGN 20 million, everything en-suit, you don’t have to bring anything aside your cloths and pictures and other personal items. It’s a walk-in-house with everything, you pay a million of servicing fee, which takes care of your laundry, security, and other miscellaneous, this is way better than other houses we have seen in the suburbs for the past couple of hours… and this may be expensive but it is worth it. ”Oh!! I love it Ambross, I love it!!” Belinda says clasping her hands together Ambross was impressed, they had checked out about ten houses this morning, he had liked two, but this one was just put into the market this morning according to the agent and the company in charge of it was putting up for sale. This sort of houses would go for NGN 50 million at least, he was lucky, it was a great house, in a beautiful environment and they really don’t need to buy new furniture’s and all, it was all in here, in fact they could move in today.. this was better than the rest. ”We would take it. Where do we sign, I will call my accountant to make the transfer…” ”Very well sir, let’s just go by the office, let your lawyer meet us there too, and we can help you move within the hour, what things would you like to carry from your old to the new?” “Nothing, all the things in my former house are old, just my cloths and my make-up, nothing else, and you too Ambross, old things have past away, all the things become new, in fact, let them go and do the moving while we sign, right baby?” ”Yes Yes”‘ They enter their car and follow the agent in his, they sign, happily taking their documents they leave As soon as the door was shut behind them, The Agent grabs his phone and calls ”Mr Uchendu’s office please” ***** A few hours later, they are outside ringing the bell, no answer, they knock on the door a couple of times, still no answer. The black van they came in is parked at the entrance, a few neighboring houses stood aside. Someone who had been watching them across the streets from his house and comes to them .. ”Good afternoon, how may I help you?” He asks them ”Good afternoon, we are looking for Mr Ambross Chikurdi, his number isn’t reachable and we have been knocking but no answer”‘ ”Oh!! he just move out today, barely an hour ago” ”Moved out, to where?” They exclaim The man frowns ”He didn’t leave a forwarding address, who are you?” ”Business associates, we are to have a meeting with him and when we went by his office they said he didn’t come in today, so we came by to make sure he is okay, do you have another direct line to get in touch with him?”‘ ”No!! I am just his neighbour, I have no further contact details except for the one who bought his house” ”Who did?” ”I don’t think that business associates would want to concern yourself with that” The man smiles ”Thank you,” they walk away entering their car and leaving. The man watches them leave then crosses the road and goes back into his house ***** “Bad news bossman, Mr Ambross is nowhere to be found, and we can’t go back to his office, the secretary might have reported us to the police for manhandling him” The man who had bent Luke’s hand stated over the phone ”Well fish him out, I don’t care wherever he is hiding, he is playing smart, he thinks he can run from me without paying me my money? He said he was broke but under a week his company is booming, he sold his house and that house was listed for NGN 30 million, which is enough to pay me half at least for starters but he is on the run. Find him, bring me money and get rid of him and if anyone stands in the way, get rid of them too.. in fact find out who bought the house, they would have information of where you can find Ambross ” came the reply ”Yes sir!!”’As soon as he cuts the call he turns to his colleague ”Boss wants us to smoke him out whatever means necessary”‘ ”No problem, let’s go to the bank, they would have the information we need, we start from there till we find the frog” they nod as their car zooms off. ***EARLIER** Olive had woken up alone and the bed was empty of Emeka, by the time she came down, Mama Tito told her Emeka left very early in the morning for work ”What of Mama?” ”She is in her room” ”That’s unlike her,”‘ she had gone in to stay with her, she was sad, Olive didn’t like it at all. **** Emeka had knocked on her door early that morning, ”Would you be up for lunch with me today, you can tell any of the drivers to bring you to me, they would know where , I have plans for us today, would you be up for it?” ”Yes!!” she says smiling, she had slept well, too well. ”Good, see you later ” he leans in and kisses her head.. ***** Later on in the day, she was on her way to go speak to Mercy when she sees Olive going there, she sighs, …wasn’t it time for her to live this house? Wasn’t it shameful to even still be here? Emeka had finally proposed to her with a ring, surely any girl would count her losses and leave right?’ But no, Olive is shameless, inconsiderate!! She sighs, calm yourself Diana, well she can sleep in Emeka’s room as much as she wants to, Emeka would not be cheating on her, he wouldn’t , he loves her, he loves her alot, and she can get warm with Mercy, doesn’t matter, it is She who gets to be her daughter in-law, she smiles turning away, later, when she gets back she would speak to Mercy, .. The scene of yesterday replays itself in her head, she frowns, rubbing her chest, what was wrong with her, why does she feel all of a sudden…like as though. She shakes her head and continuous walking away, it was time to go see Emeka, her fiancé. She rubs her ring smiling. *** PRESENTLY**** ”We came to inquire about the house that was listed here up until yesterday, on grove streets going for about NGN 30 million, we would love to purchase it” He was dressed in a black suit, looking the part of a business man, his colleague carried his briefcase and was dressed too. They were seated with the manager of the bank who has agreed to seat down with them ”I am so sorry but it was bought yesterday, and all loans paid off UP-front, but we have other houses on sale, we can show you –” he passes them a catalog of houses on sale, the man pushes it away shaking his head ”No, we are sentimentally attached to that house and it’s that one we want” the man leans forward ”It has been sold, I am sorry!!”The manager repeats He sighs, putting on an act ”You don’t understand, when I mean it is sentimentally attached I mean to say I grew up in that house, my father loved that house, my daughter, she died in that house when she was a baby, God bless her soul, and my wife, that’s where her memory is we moved out of it about so many years ago because we couldn’t afford to live in it anymore, now, I can afford to buy it so I came for it.”‘ ”I am truly sorry sir but there is nothing I can do”‘ ”But there is, if you tell us who bought the house maybe I can buy it back” He laughs ”It was sold for a whooping NGN 70 million as against NGN 30 million, how do you suppose to pay the owner back for that?”‘ He looks at the manager, a house that was listed for NGN 30 million and sold to Mr Ambross for NGN 70 million? That person must be very desperate to get that house, why? Something was fishy, ”The company I work for is capable to pay back, I have worked for years and strived so that I can be able to buy the house back for my wife, surely you would understand, it means a lot to me, my wife, my baby… it is the only thing I have worked hard for..” he sniffs The manager stares at him, the person he was with lays a hand on his shoulders ”Take it easy sir, it’s gone, sold”’ The manager sighs as the man continues to sniff, ”I don’t think anything would come from it but here is the company card and address of the person who bought the house, maybe you can re-negotiate. From what I hear they do not want to turn it into something else, they just want the house and for them to pay a huge amount for that property, I think it means a lot to them too, but in any case, this is the least I can do” he pulls out a file and brings out a card… ”here!” The man takes it and looks at the name ”Tayo Adegunbe, TECO Refineries, Managing Director, oil serving company, thank you Sir” they get up to shake him, they leave. ”Nice act!!” his colleague laughs flinging the briefcase into the back seat ”Yes, studied Theatre Arts in the University ” he smiles slipping into the car “let’s make a quick stop shall we and pay this Tayo person a visit”. ***** ”We would like to see Mr Tayo Adegunbe” They stand speaking to the receptionist ”I am sorry, that is a mistake, Mr Tayo Adegunbe isn’t the MD of this company” The receptionist says looking at the card they gave her and frowning ”I do not understand, this is his card is this not, we have an appointment !!!” the man leans in confused ”I am sorry sir, there must be a mistake” she hands it back ”Then who is the MD, does it mean he gave a fake card?” ”Í do not know how to answer that question Sir” ‘Then who runs this place? I want to speak with the owner, Mr Tayo has defrauded me of my money and I won’t leave until I get it back” he begins to shout making a scene ”Sir please calm down, you are making a scene, this is a working environment” ”I do not care if its a nursery or a zoo, I want to see the manager, the Md anyone , I will not leave here unless I get my money, fraud, that is what this place does. Fraudulent activities!!!” he flares She receives a call, ”Yes sir, I have no idea sir but he is insisting on speaking to you, okay sir” She turns to him dropping the call “Calm down sir, and please follow me”. ***** ”Sir, please calm down, sit down, how may we help you?”‘ ”My name is Kenneth Adobile, I had dealings with a Tayo Adegunbe, and the card he gave, he says he works here that he is managing this company, I sold my house to him but the money bounced and hasn’t reflected in my account since yesterday, now I can’t seem to reach him and now I get here they tell me he doesn’t work here, I don’t get it, i need my money, if you won’t point me to him, at least point me to someone who helped him acquire my house, or I will assume you all are in it” ”Let me see the card” He gives the manager the card, He nods recognising the name ”I think there must have been a mistake, it would be resolved immediately”‘. He leans away and places a call, after a few minutes he turns to him ”I am so sorry sir, for the mixup, Mr Tayo Adegunbe isn’t the one you should be talking to, Mr Odinaka Uchendu is the owner of this company and the MD, I am acting manager and Mr Tayo was a temporary step in for him yesterday.” ”I do not understand,” ”I was just told by the accountant that Mr Odinaka ordered that Mr Tayo Adegunbe be given a profile here for just a day to carry out a transaction, he is a business man and as such very busy, he must have sent him to carry out the transaction but I find it hard to believe that the check bounced, if he paid for it, it must have gone through. I advise you to check with your bank again, Mr Odinaka isn’t a scrupulous man Sir, there must be a mistake somewhere” ”So who is this Odinika Uchendu?” ”I told you already, he is a business man, he is the MD”‘ ”And he owns this place, he sent him?” ”Yes, that is what I confirmed, if he sent another to make to purchase according to you its maybe because he does not want to be associated to it directly, or maybe… I don’t know, but there is a mix up somewhere and it isn’t from us, please check across with your accountant, I think the fault might be from your bank.”‘ “Okay, I will, let me make a call again” He gets up, moving away and making a call ”Sir, I think I found the person, his name is Odinaka Uchendu, and guess what, Ambross was paid NGN 70 million naira” ”Good, get to this Uchendu, drill him for Ambross, take the NGN 70 million, and get rid of him, at least a interest of NGN 20M isn’t so bad” the voice laughs ”Okay sir” He cuts the call and comes back to him ”I am so sorry, my accountant just confirmed the payment, must have been an issue with the bank, so sorry for the scene, thank you so much” he stretches out his hands to the manager…who frowns taking it ”No worries Sir” ”Please let this be kept between us, it’s very embarrassing, I can even pay you for your troubles, and the girl I screamed her head out” the man says smiling apologetically He laughs, ”No, its fine” the manager tells him, they shake and the business leaves. ***** Emeka meets her at the door of the five restaurant, he nods to his driver as he leaves taking the car back. ”So princess, where do you want to go first? I got a list of things for you today” Emeka is smiling into her eyes ”Like what?” Diana touches his hands, he pats it ”You will see! But do you have anywhere in mind to go to first?” She shakes her head to his question. ”Okay then, allow me make you smile the whole day then… I will treat you like the princeSs you are” he says taking her hand and places a kiss to it. ***** They go sightseeing going on his boat for a few hours, back to land they go shopping, new cloths, bags and shoes, the whole shebang. ”You want to check out jewels, a car, anything?” he asks her a few hours later as they are back in the car. She turns to him, the car was already filled up with purchased items, she stares at it and back at him, he had gotten her so many things and wanting to do more.. ”I don’t deserve all this Emeka”‘ she says indicating the back seat ”Why would you say that Dee?”‘ ”I do not” she states ”Yes you do, you deserve the world. Why what’s wrong, it’s not enough, you want more?” A day ago maybe she would have nodded a thousand yes’S but now, she doesn’t know. She feels, she feels unusually different, since the encounter with his mother, the scene at the dinning, she feels different, and the shame and guilt is weighing her down. She didn’t deserve this love and attention he gave her, she really didn’t. But she didn’t want to leave him either, yes she wants his money and life of luxury, that was the reason she came back into his life having run into him, now… all she feels is guilt, and she didn’t understand why. His mother’s words cut through her deeply and he standing up to defend her, saying all that he said he feels for her, she felt shame, because she never loved him, she felt guilt, because she was even lying to him now, she didn’t love him, she loved his money… not the man. Now this guilt was eating into her… pinching her. ”I don’t deserve you Emeka” ”Then who does?”‘ ”Olive, maybe” He laughs shaking his head, he takes her hand caressing the ring ”See this ring, it’s on your finger, yours and not on hers. See all this” he indicates his back seat “it’s all yours and I didn’t get for her, you are the one I want and will marry, I deserve you, you deserve me, I love you, you love me, right, or don’t you love me?” No Emeka. I didn’t then, I don’t now.. ”I… I” she stutters ”You want to quit? You don’t want to marry me again?” he feigns sadness She shakes her head, ”I do want to marry you Emeka” she says looking at him, I am only marrying you for the wrong reasons Emeka, that is why v feel guilty, shame. Oh I wasn’t.. I wasn’t going to care, I wasn’t even bothered until your mother told me all those things, until I realised just how much I hurt you, until I understood her pain and anger towards me, until shame washed over me, until… I do not know what to do and yet I know I don’t want to let go.. ”What is it Diana, why are you staring at me like that, what are you thinking of?” ”Nothing Emeka, you are showing me all the love and attention, I am overwhelmed, I just wish I can be the wife you want”‘ ”You are already the one I want, I am happy with you back in my life, never doubt that!!” She nods. They go home after they go shopping for a car for her, during the signing he doesn’t let her sign but does so himself, she was curious ”Why not in my name baby?” ”Oh, I usually buy things like cars and houses in the company’s name so it is insured in case of theft and accidents, it’s your car Dee, just bought in the company’s name” ”Don’t I need to sign still though?” ”No, I already signed Dee” he told her.. ”But..” she didn’t get why she couldn’t sign the documents ”It’s your car Dee don’t fret, funny woman”‘ he laughs as he hands her the keys.. ”Have it delivered to my residence tomorrow for my fiancé” he tells the manager, who nods giving instructions to his staffs with the master key. While they are heading home, the car keys to her new Ferrari in her hands, the diamond ring around her fingers, the cloths, shoes and bags in the booth, and so much more in the back seat, her throat closes.. ”You will not eat your cake and have it Diana, you will choke, when you do bad to someone and yet come to eat where you don’t sow, you will choke, you will purge and I pray to God it makes you so uncomfortable that you will begin to squirm , and when you can’t bear it anymore like fire you will run, I swear to you Diana, those who do evil and have bad intentions against good people it would backfire and it would backfire against you too, I promise it will” Mercy’s words plays back into her head. she shakes the thoughts away, surely that is not what is happening to her right? Surely… this guilt isn’t as a result of the intentions she has against Emeka, Surely this guilt isn’t as a result of a mother’s prayers?. It cannot be, she rubs her chest. ***** If he has to make this believable, he has to go all out, he just has to be emotionless about it, he has to,. He walks her into the house as Mama Tito opens the door for them, it was late, they watch the staffs take her things inside. ”Where is Mama, and Olive?” ”Your mother is at sleep, and Miss Olive in your room Sir”‘ ”Okay, let them take those things to my room, tell Olive to take the guest room, my fiancé would be staying with me from now on”‘ ”Sir, but Miss Olive..” Mama Tito began to protest ”Mama Tito please” Emeka cautions her Diana stops him and her”’No, please don’t, I will sleep in the guest room where I have been..” she says turning to him. ”No Diana, by right she shouldn’t be in my room, my mother wanted her but today I give her no more doubts, she is my friend yes but you are my fiancé, she shouldn’t be there, Mama has accepted you, us, come” He takes her hand, she pulls it away ”No Emeka, not tonight anyways” she places a kiss to his cheeks, “I will see you tomorrow”. She leaves him walking away to her room, she directs the staffs to take the things to her room instead. He watches her leave lost in thoughts, does she feel regret, guilty, thus was that what her recent behaviour was all about… or she was just pretending to be… a good girl? Didn’t she want to seduce him before, now she is being the good girl, the prim and proper girl, he laughs. Oh this changes nothing Diana, I see behind that whole facade of yours Diana. And the most comforting thing is that everything is falling according to plan, even the way she is feeling. He smiles turning away, ”Goodnight Mama Tito”. She stares at him curiously, not understanding him at all. ***** Emeka enters his room to find Olive asleep, he climbs in bed after shower, pulls her to him and goes to sleep, a satisfied smile on his face. ***** Diana doesn’t sleep, she tosses and turns, she grabs her phone ”hey Grace, can we see tomorrow, I need someone to talk to, please?” ”Okay Dee” A drowsy Grace responds sleepily. ***** He is backing them when they enter the next morning, he grabs his pipe, lights it and puts it into his mouth as the smoke evaporates from the funnel as he puffs. ”What did you find out about him?” he says over his shoulders The one who had been the spokeman all this time walks forward ”Odinaka Uchendu, a business man, oil importer, owns chains of shops and car garages across the country, got affiliates in foreign shores as well, he helps companiés who aren’t able to burst through and have gone under to have a chance at it again, some he buys off, others he invests and makes his profit, point is Sir, this dude is rich, money in his well never runs dry” ”Hmm, how long has he been in this business and what is his connection to Ambross Chikurdi?” ”That’s the interesting part, up until ten years ago, nothing about him..” ”What does that mean?” ”It means that he was a nobody, nothing, his profile dates back to ten years ago, as soon as he surfaced, he was already making money, so it’s either he is playing two identities or he was no one and his stars shines and he became this… rich personality” ”Maybe, maybe not, maybe the radar began to pick in on him when he began to leave relevant mark on the globe, like you said he helps people with their company, but he can’t be a ghost, there must be an information before ten years ago, school, family, wife, children, a life. He didn’t just drop from the surface of the earth” ”Most of the information we have we got from online, the others we asked around, no one knows anything other than this” ”And this Tayo person?” ”We haven’t been able to reach him, and what the manger said, he was a front man for the house purchase”‘ ”Hmm, so he is irrelevant to us” ”It appears so”‘ ”This Uchendu, what is Ambross connection to him?” ”Ambross company was nearing the end Sir, that is why he came to us the big sharks to help him, and we did, but the money we gave him went down the drain and so did his company, we aren’t the only ones he is owing, but we are the largest. So I think he must have gotten in contact with this Uchendu person, I had a friendly chat with one of the workers, they said Ambross was praising a fellow recently then the same fellow shows up, he came visiting, and Ambross kept emphasizing that the man was a life saver and asked everyone to call him Sir, that he was the help they needed to get back on track, that man was Odinaka Uchendu” ”Hmmm, I am not really concerned about that but about my money, Ambross is owing me NGN 50 million naira, he hasn’t paid a dime and the one year we gave him expired about 18 months ago and we have been patient, every time he claimed he had no money, we advised him to put the house on sale so he can pay part, sell the company to us and his debt paid, he refuses, now… he is doing business with another, how much did you say he sold that house for?” ”NGN70 million”‘ The man they call Boss whistles ”Something doesn’t fit in here properly” ”Same thing we said sir” the two men look at each other ”A stranger cannot exactly invest in a dying company unless he sees potential and doesn’t just throw away NGN70 million for a house that could be priced down to NGN20 million maybe lesser with the right negotiator. Hmm, is it just me or there is something more that meets the eyes” he taps his jaw ”Not just you sir, so what do we do. We don’t know where Ambross had moved to, no forwarding address and no one in his company is aware that he has moved and we cannot go storming down there, we have to be discreet.” ”I want my money, if i don’t get it I want the house and company he promised me, signed with his signature or did he forget he was given an ultimatum to pay… did he forget that I am a man who keeps to his words and I expect everyone to do the same?” he turns shaking his head and taking his seat , he continuous ”Find Ambross and get me my money, if you don’t see him, pick up this Uchendu guy, let him tell you how to get Ambross, I want the house and the company he promised me if he can’t pay and if he cooperates he will live, but of course that would be a lie. Once you get what is mine, afterwards… smoke Ambross, terminate him. No one goes scot free with my money, no one takes me for a fool, I don’t care how long it takes, find Ambross!… This uchendu, he might know something we don’t” he puts the pipe back into his mouth and inhales ”Yes sir!!” the men before him nod. ***** TO BE CONT.
31 Jan 2018 | 06:50
Diana sorry for your miserable life
31 Jan 2018 | 08:26
Odinaka, hope you're not going too far... I don't want you to fall for that gold-digger o
31 Jan 2018 | 08:29
31 Jan 2018 | 11:10
Emeka pls and pls don't fall for Diana o she didn't worth it
31 Jan 2018 | 12:45
31 Jan 2018 | 13:56
emeka be careful
31 Jan 2018 | 13:57
enjoying the story
31 Jan 2018 | 13:59
Ambross & Diana has got another thing coming...Emeka is on a revenge mission...Olive is the chosen one by mercy & houshold.
31 Jan 2018 | 17:45
NINETEEN ***** The next morning, Diana wakes up before everyone, she goes to the kitchen, opening and closing the fridge and cabinet.. bringing out pasta, raw meat and condiments. The perks of staying in a rich man’s house, it is always stocked. She set about making breakfast, she wants to do it before everyone woke up, she wanted to leave them no choice other than to eat what she made, she was a good cook, that she could pride herself in at least. By the time she was done, she heard the door opening and closing, she covers the pot and exits the kitchen and heads back to her room. Mama Tito didn’t see her leave the kitchen as she began to tidy the main parlour. ***** She quickly showers , arranges her room, adorns one of the new cloths he got her, she wears her ring, then she pauses staring at it for a long time, a bittersweet smile on her face. Sighing she leaves the room, she meets Emeka coming down the stairs. ”Morning Dee” he reaches her, pulling her to him, instead of kissing her he dips her and places a kiss to her forehead and raises her up, she smiles ”I didn’t know you were taking dance lessons..” ”Oh well, I need to be able to dance for our wedding now abi?” She looks up to see Olive coming down, her face changes, she looks at Emeka, he see’s the reflection of Olive in her eyes, he read her mind ”Nothing happ-” ”I trust you, but still” she cuts him ”I know, I asked you to come with me last night you said no”‘ ”Because I trust you and I know you wouldn’t do anything you shouldn’t” ”And what do you think he did?” Olive leans forward “You going somewhere this early Dee?” she mocks Diana ignores her, she raises her hand and brushes Emeka’s shirt ”Can I tag along, I need to go see a friend, my car isn’t here yet so..” she trails off ”Sure Dee, anything for you, let me grab my briefcase”‘ While he goes upstairs Olive takes the remaining steps down ” Doesn’t it bother you, that I spent the whole night with him… maybe even helped him shower?” Diana’s jaw flexes, ”No!!” ”Why?” ”Because men like Emeka are rare and they won’t fall for you even if you are standing naked, his little boy wouldn’t even stand” Diana stated matter-of-factly folding her arms. Olive stares at her, her lips curls into a smile, and then she laughs a slow-too-loud laugh ”Why are you laughing?” Dee frowns ”Oh no reason just that..” she steps closer ”Who told you it’s a little boy, for a woman who is territorial about her man, you know nothing” with a wink Olive walks away Diana turns to watch her leave sharply… Does that mean.. does that mean Emeka and her are… are… She was going to follow her and demand to know what she meant when the stairs cricks, she turns, it was Mercy coming down, she was dressed, she was probably going to her shop. Another time Olive. “Mama, good morning. I am going out, I want to go see my friend, but, I have made breakfast, please come eat” Mercy doesn’t answer her. Diana turns and walks away, at least she wasn’t shouting at her. She enters the kitchen “Mama Tito, I have already cooked breakfast, so you don’t need to stress yourself, let me help you set the table” Mama Tito opens the pot to look into it, she frowns ”You would have left it for me, you don’t know what they like to eat” ”If they taste it they would like it, my fiancé wants to head to work so he has to eat first, come, let us set the table ” She walks away lifting trays and plate.. Mama Tito sighs following her. ***** Emeka comes down to meet them ”Hmm something smells nice, what did you cook Mama Tito?” She looks at Diana, ”I wasn’t the one who prepared it”‘ ”Baby, please come eat before we leave, Mama , please ” Mercy was reluctant and she showed it. ”Mama?” Emeka turns to her ”At least appreciate her effort, hmm”‘ Mercy goes after a few minutes to the table, Diana dishes and places the food before, she places Emeka’s own toO, she dishes another plate… instead of giving it to Olive she seats down facing Emeka. Olive smiles, she gets up and makes her way round the table ”You must realise that this is Emeka’s house, not yours… you may be wearing that ring but you aren’t his wife..” She dishes herself a plate, taking a seat and putting food into her mouth ‘Yet!!” Diana cuts stiffly ”Please ladies,” Emeka steps in “by the way Olive when is your trip back” that was pleasant news for Diana, Emeka could see the smile spreading across her face, His mother’s was one of sadness ”Oh in a few days” Olive says between mouthfuls ”Okay, remind me so I book you your ticket”‘ Diana looks up smiling at him, finally, she would leave, thank God ”Okay Emeka” Mercy reluctantly puts the food in her mouth, it was nice, she could cook, doesn’t mean anything though. ***** An hour later Emeka is driving out with Diana in the car, but she is frowning, “You seemed happy to see me this morning, now you are frowning with us alone, speak to me Dee” ”Are you sleeping with her, Olive?” ”Why would you think that”‘ ”Because, because she said your..your..erm, she insinuated that..” she trails off blushing He laughs ”Olive was just pulling your legs” ”What sort of joke is that, what do you both do in that room at night?” ”If you are so bothered why didn’t you come to me last night as I requested, I was going to send her to the guest room but you refused, why are you acting jealous right now!” ”I am not jealous I just don’t like the fact that a woman who claims to be your friend is insinuating that she wants you all to herself and she is sleeping on the same bed with you and knows the size of… you know” ”You wanted me to send her out of the room? You know it was my mother who asked her to stay there” ”Yes I know and yes in fact I do know it was your mother and yes I want you to start tonight” ”Done! Happy?” ”Happier when she leaves” ”She is leaving, answered prayers!” “‘You have no idea!” ”So where are you going to now?” ”To see my friend, Grace, I don’t think you would remember her, she used to be my best friend in school, she is-” ”I remember her” he states making a turn into her streets, he looks at his side mirror, no matter how many times he tells his securities not to follow him when he is driving alone, they don’t listen, he could make out their cars a few cars behind him, he sighs, perks of a rich man. He shakes his head, Diana is talking ”Okay, wow that’s nice, well she is my great friend, I am sure she would want to see you too, she would be my chief bride’s maid and all” she claps her hands together smiling from ear to ear ”Whatever makes you happy!” When he finally stops the car, she turns on her seat ”You have a good day in the office okay?” ”Okay, you too!!” She stares at him for a few moments, then she leans and kisses him lightly on his lips and steps down, Emeka turns away, a frown replacing his smile as he zooms off, he wipes his lips. ***** ”Come in Diana, but sorry I am a little busy” Grace opens the door for her and steps away, Diana is looking around, she drops her bags ”What is going on here, why are your things packed into boxes? Don’t tell me your landlord asked you to leave? Damn, your rent expired a month ago…oh dear!!” Diana grabs her to hug ”Where is Jnr?… look you don’t have to worry I will –” ”No silly, well yes my rent had expired but that is not the reasons I am parking into my new place, already moved some things, Jnr is with the babysitter at the new house, I needed time and space to move my things without him disturbing me, the truck would soon be here to take them”‘ ”I don’t get’ ‘Diana seats down “Did the asshole of a father finally take responsibility? Oh wait he proposed, has he left his sluts and finally want to settle down, take care of his kid?” ”Nope!! And he has a name” ”I don’t care, he is an asshole, an asshole he is”‘ Grace smiles shaking her head, typical Diana, see everyone’s fault spot on but not hers ”I got a job, accommodation and an officially car, good pay… the whole shebang!!!” ”oh weeeeeeehhh that is nice” she stands up and hugs her friend ”See, you aren’t entirely poverty stricken, check you out now… so where is this place, how much is the pay, where is your address so we can celebrated the new house” Grace pulls away frowning , “Did you see Emeka Yesterday and today” Diana knocks her brow ”Yes, why? What does he have to do with anything?” ”A lot! Emeka gave me a job yesterday and made all of this happen, I got my life back because of him and I am no longer at the mercy of Tobi, junior gets a better bright future”‘ Diana is shocked then she seats down slowly ”For real?” ”Yes!! We ran into each other yesterday, one talk led to another, and viola!! This morning I got the call, they said I should move in immediately, I got the keys, I got the car… and a full months pay alert… isn’t God.. God? Isn’t Emeka a blessing? oh I am so happy I wanted to call and tell you but figured he must have told you” She shakes her head ”He didn’t, he was the one who dropped me off, he didn’t mention it even when I mentioned I was going to see my friend and called your name” she fingers the ring staring into space, her mind troubled, her heart filled with a different sensation she hasn’t been used to. Grace stares at her, looking at the big diamond ring, then her mouth drops open ”It’s a lie, he proposed with this?… oh my God!” Grace squeals as she held Diana’s hand and gushes over the beautiful ring , after a few minutes she pauses ”Shouldn’t you be jumping all over the place Diana?” Silence. ”What is it Diana?” Grace is worried Diana stares down at her hands, ”That is what I want to talk to you about, I and his mother had a talk, no more like, a talk down. His mother said some bitter things to me, really bitter, so many awful things to me, about me, about him” ”Were they the truth?” Diana nods ”And how did it make you feel?” ”Shame!! Guilt! Remorseful, maybe disgusted about the person she described me to be” ”Maybe you do have a heart in there after all”‘ Grace says more to herself than to Diana ”And now, everything I do or think weighs down on me, she told me how Emeka suffered a lot, both of them, him especially having double pain of his father and me, the way she spoke, from a place of pain and anguish to have watched her son go through so much and I wasn’t there to give him a shoulder when he needed me Grace, I wasn’t there..” she sniffs, her heart pulls, her eyes tears up, she sniffs again, she wipes at it.. why the hell was she crying? She sniffs again and wipes her tears. Grace is shocked staring at her, was she crying, was Diana really actually crying? Wanda!!! What did his mother say? What words of her that had caused Diana to cry, Diana never cries about the pains she causes another, not even about a man. ”Are you crying?” She shakes her head and wipes her eyes ”Tell me, am I a bad person Grace? Was I everything she said, was I? I was young and stupid and did everything I did for fun, for money for material satisfaction and it was great. I didn’t think twice when I left him, didn’t regret when I said all those things to him ten years ago, I didn’t think of him ever for those ten years. I jumped from one man to another chasing the money and yet where did it leave me? Alone, sad, miserable without one sticking it out to love me for me, and after ten years I am still that stupid girl, who chases men for their money and not for love and… I may remain so because I have no love in my heart, not even for the one who loved me then, not even for Emeka who still loves me now. This ring, it’s beautiful. It’s expensive, same as everything he got for me yesterday, treating me like a lady, his woman, his queen and ..and ” she lets the tears flow.. ”And what Diana ” ”I feel nothing, nothing. Other than shame and guilt, and it all started when his mother told me who I was to my face and I couldn’t say anything to defend myself because it’s the truth. Everything I touch hurt and breaks, I broke him Grace, I broke the boy that loved me, and I will break again this man who loves me still and I… I feel shame and guilt for what I am about to do to him” she cries Something had changed with Diana, she never feels remorse, she never felt nothing for this men she ruined and used and takes what she can from and leaves, she was heartless and she didn’t care. But could it be, could it be she is already falling for the man Emeka and she has no idea…? ”How about you don’t do it Diana?” ”I can’t , I already started, I want to marry him, I want to enjoy all that he has, I want to bask in his splendor and his wealth, I… I deserve it”‘ Grace shakes her head ”Does he deserve you Dee? Does he deserve someone who wouldn’t love him for him, his heart, his body, his entirety? Does he deserve someone who would only stick it out with him when the going gets good and not until forever and for worse, does it feel good knowing you are lying to him? Ask yourself, if truly his mother’s words touched you in places no one could, don’t you think your guilt and shame means anything?” ”Means what?” ”That you have started developing feelings for Emeka?” She shakes her head ”I don’t love him?” ”Does this Olive… when you see him close to her, does it make you jealous?” ”Yes, it does! I even have nightmares of them together!!” ”That’s a first sign of having feelings for someone when another is trying to take your place” She stares hard at Diana “Do want to hurt him the way you did before? Ten years ago?”’ The tears roll out ”I wanted to, I wanted to take it all, gather as much as I could as his wife, and leave him, because I don’t stay with one for long, I wanted to…but…right now I don’t want, I don’t want to hurt him the way his mother told me I did. I wasn’t there, I dint see his pain, I only wonder what went through his mind then, how he managed to pick himself up. I don’t want to anymore, I don’t want to marry him when I am lying to him..I… I ” She cries ” I don’t know anymore grace, I feel shame and guilt, that is why I don’t want to push him with this Olive, because maybe she was his friend when I wasn’t… I am tolerating her, she even insinuated they slept together ” ”Did he deny it?” ”Yes!!!” ”Maybe he is telling the truth, even if he isn’t, you left me for so long, you can’t crucify him one woman from his past who was there for him , you cheated on him countless times, I am not justifying his actions I am just saying, trust is better” ”But I felt this certain pain in my chest thinking if they are together, every time I hurt, I feel this pain and his mother’s words, as though her prayers were pricking my conscience. I don’t want to hurt him I don’t, but I also don’t want to leave him, he treats me like a lady, cares for me, shows me love, he even stood up to his mother for me and made her accept me even though it’s a long journey, now, he gives you a job and a better life, without being boastful about it. The maid in the house? He takes care of her and her son and God knows what other good deeds he does. Emeka… Emeka deserves all the love and happiness and genuine-ness and perfect in the world… and I am far from it, I am. He wants to get married to me but how do I remove this ring that he bought and I love but yet, it weighs me down with guilt?” ”Your materialistic nature and your new self is at war! You are used to this life of material desires doing things that are untoward of a lady, and you don’t want to anymore. Something is changing in you Diana and I suggest you embrace it. If you truly you don’t want to hurt him? then break line and go , break it off, tell him you are sorry, tell him the truth, it would hurt but now he wouldn’t have to go through that pain as he did before… he would be free, do it Diana!!!” ”I can’t! I can’t see him with another woman ” she cries ”I don’t know what is wrong with me, I don’t even know why I am crying, it just won’t stop, I don’t know what I am feeling and why I am feeling what I am feeling” she cries more ”You have feelings for him Diana, and if you want to be true to yourself, if you want to truly give this a chance you have to let go of the intention that you came with into this with. That bad intentions, that material atitude? Love for money? All this bad let it go. Love his mother for real, care about his life, love the man and not his money because when a man loves you and the woman he loves gets his heart, he would give her his world and all of his would be yours, but first you need to let go of you Diana, that bad side, let go, seat him down, tell him how you feel, be honest” ”I don’t know how I feel!”‘ she sobs ”Well, neither do I, but all I see is a different Diana than what I used to know, and that is a good thing, I am thankful for his mother, she would have no idea what her words had done to you because you needed to see and hear the damaged you had caused another before you begin to reach out to them again, think about it Diana. if I were you, I would leave, forget about him, give him closure and let him start his life a new even with this Olive girl, but if you have started having feelings for him, then you need to let your bad intentions go and love the man for him, strip him mentally of his riches and wealth and just these and love the man Emeka, trust me, everything else you want and never even asked he would give you.” Diana cleans her eyes, but the tears doesn’t stop, Grace pulls her into a hug ”Whatever you do, do the right thing Dee, do it right for once!!” ”I don’t know what is wrong with me why the hell am I crying?” Diana repeats ”Sssshh, there there Dee, there there!” There really was a God in heaven, she didn’t think she would ever see Diana change. ***** ”’Sir, Mr Ambross is on line one” Agnes knocks on the door and puts in her head ”And Mr Tayo is here” ”Let him in” He clicks on the blinking light ”Yes Ambross”‘ ”Good afternoon Mr Odinaka, how are you today? I sent in some reports, have you taken a look at it, our sales are shooting high, just two weeks we are counting profits, its very exciting Sir” he laughs Emeka looks up as Tayo walks in ”Yes I saw it, I think you all are doing a marvellous job, and the Anex project?” ”That is underway, we released about NGN10 million for it, construction is on track, shipments arrived yesterday, the company paid in the full this morning, that is why I am calling you Sir Odinaka, I also want to thank you, this morning I saw our work and then seeing our bank accounts, it is amazing, in just two weeks? It’s really overwhelming, never made so much in years” he laughs Tayo seats down listening, Ambross continuous ‘ And to crown it all, all those investors that left us because we were down, they are back, old and new wanting to do business with us, especially knowing that you Mr Odinaka Uchendu are our new investor, we are getting calls from them wanting to be part of the company especially for this Anex project that we would be doing with the Chinese Government. Ha Sir, you won’t understand. I will send you the reports of accounts by this week too, it’s amazing, I haven’t made this much money in my few years of working but with you and everyone else coming, in two weeks? No there is a God somewhere, I am, back to my stand, I am rich” he laughs ”Hold your horses Mr Chikurdi, you forget that my profits would be made from there too?” ”Of course sir” ”I hope you aren’t planning to run with my own money?” A long laugh ‘No of course not Sir, but erm…” ”What is it?” ”You know, I sold my house and erm..”‘ ”I thought you said you weren’t going to sell it?” ”Well, we were indebted to the bank and other things, so I sold it to pay off some debts and I wonder if I can borrow some amounts of money from the company’s account, I will pay back” ”You just took some amount of money according to the reports to pay salaries, outstandings for the past 8 months and miscellaneous ” ”Yes sir, it was necessary”’ ”That’s a given. Okay how much money are we talking about?” ”About NGN30 million naira, I will pay it back Sir” Tayo was about to say something but Emeka shakes his head ”I invested some huge amounts of money back into your company Mr Chikurdi, which was nothing… barely scarps I got it out of the gutter, you had nothing, nothing like not even a kobo, in two weeks my money made it what it is now, you haven’t even begun to make money from your end, nor invested any naira, now, a few millions are coming in, thanks to me and the first thing you want to do is to take a loan? For what if I may ask? It is your company yes, but it is my money, can you be able to repay the millions I have invested in a week?” ”No sir!!”‘ ”Can you even dream to make that amount of money in all your years put together?” ”No sir!!’ ”You said it, you haven’t ever made such amount of money even when the company was in its glory, now, barely two weeks, instead of allowing the money to accrue much, and you keep putting in back and make more, you want to take out!!” Emeka raised his voice ”I wonder, is this what you were doing to the company right from the moment you took the company? No wonder it ran into the ground, no wonder no one wanted to help you, why? because you are more concerned in taking and taking and not given into investments. what the hell do you want to do with NGN30 million for from a company that was nothing two weeks ago, don’t you have any sense Chikurdi, are you planning to ruin it again with my investments in it?” ”No sir, I am so very sorry” ”You said you sold your house, how much did you sell it for?” ‘Ábout er..NGN15 million, but I have other debts I have to cover, and a new house would cost over that amount and car and..” ”Then you go to the bridge and stay if you don’t want to get a house as low as your mentality!!” Tayo tries not to laugh, ”Sir, I erm,.. you know I am a married man and my wife, she woman has needs..” ”Then you have no knowledge on how to run a business, I will pull out my resources, because it is apparent that this would end up from where I picked you up from, the gutter” ”No sir, please sir Odinaka, I am so sorry, in fact I do not want the money anymore, in fact, I have seen a house that is okay, I will in fact invite you for dinner soon, in fact sir I-” Emeka cuts the calls, Tayo whistles ”He is greedy, a shameless thief and a miserable father, forgive me for ever having pity on him” ”Yeah? You are forgiven!” ”So you bought his house NGN70 million, you put agents and listed a house for sale the same day he goes out looking for a house, he gets that house for NGN30 million, he goes to buy a car for him and his wife, that’s about another NGN15million gone, he got for her parents and paid their rents .. another NGN20 million gone. Soon, basically the fool spends all his money and is left with NGN5 million if I calculate it right, tell me, how the hell did you plan all these people to know who he is going to contact and you end up taking NGN65 million of your money back.?” Emeka is smiling ”I am a business man Tayo, and I put a lot of planning into this, I have affiliates with some banks, I own shares in some companies and I have bought some companies off people without changing the name, so you may walk into a place and have no idea that I own it, dealers come to me to buy and import cars for them, and I own fleets off cars in garages where it is sold, they buy from me. The houses listed is from my real estate management I began two years ago, the company builds houses and sells it, the company is mine, so you see, he just bought back one of my houses, and my cars, so I wasn’t a fool when I okay-ed you and Tammy to sign off on the NGN70 million because I knew it was coming back to me” ”Hmm, but something doesn’t make sense, the house and the cars are his?” ”No!! For a few days yes, but no they are not his. There are always clauses in the files and agreements and release forms, written in full, but someone as impatient as my father and as incompetent as his lawyers always miss” ”You were lucky the first time, how did you know they would miss it the second, third and fourth time” ”Easy, we give them an offer too good to be true; You see a house that should go for more than the price it’s been offered for, but it goes for less, you don’t want to lose it and they give you a limited time, you get to decide or you lose a chance of it being yours, what do you do? You quickly flip through the documents, check for the okay necessary things, it suits you, you don’t bother with the clause written in view, you pass it, it’s unnecessary. Tell me brother, when you want to read some things or sign up for things online, do you ever, ever read through the terms and conditions or you just click on i agree?”‘ Tayo smiles nodding his head, understanding ”I don’t bother, too long, too much mumbo jumbos, I click I agree without reading” ”Exactly, I bet you 90 percent of people do that, and he is one and apparently his lawyer is thinking of how much he gets to make so he doesn’t bother, I mean half a million for that deal, he would click the agree to it and that is what they did” ”You are smart. So what next, what is the clause exactly?” ”You know what happens when you keep yam in front of an hungry goat?” ”It eats it?!” ”Exactly! I will use his weakness against him, and that is when the clause would kick in, and it won’t be long, I checked him out, found out how he lost everything in the first place, he did everything a man of greed does, spending on frivolous nonsense and not looking to invest in his company, borrowing and spending and the circle goes on, I want him to do the same and seeing him and this call? He will do something worse” he smiles ”The clause would take effect by month end with or without if he takes the bait, those investors he is happy about were sent by me. But by the end of the month, that is when I plan to uproot Chikurdi and I would do it on the same day with Diana’s “‘ ”And about that, how is it going?” ”Better than I expected, I think she has been bitten by the love bug, I see it in her eyes” ”Wow!! I didn’t think you could pull it off” ”Well..” Emeka laughs ”So, Tayo, how would you like to see Diana Nkenchior, the woman who shattered the boy and birthed the man who wants nothing other than to shatter her to pieces like she did him once before?”‘ ”I would love to” ”I didn’t think otherwise, how about on the engagement day, epic yes? Wear your best suit!!” ”Really thought out!! I would have it starched for the occasion” Tayo replies, they laugh. * TO BE CONTINUED
1 Feb 2018 | 09:18
1 Feb 2018 | 14:55
1 Feb 2018 | 16:15
Doom for diana nd chikurdi
1 Feb 2018 | 16:16
For Ambrose, am sure he's going down.. For Diana, hmmmmm I pray she doesn't win your heart with the new ''her''. Am afraid you might begin to love her for real because she's now remorseful
2 Feb 2018 | 02:55
Please Emeka don't fall for Diana o
2 Feb 2018 | 03:00
TWENTY ***** ”It’s your fault, it’s your bloody fault Belinda!!!”Ambross screams into the phone ”Why are you shouting on me eh Ambross?” Belinda’s voice is heard challenging him over the phone ”Because of you, that money finished under a day, a day; buy this Ambross, buy that Ambross, do you think the money falls from trees? NGN70 million poof like that!!” ”So the cars you promised my parents weren’t you going to get it? And the house too, wasn’t that what you promised, and the shop? See don’t try me oh, other men are busying taking care of their wives and their families without complaining and here you are crying like a baby for common small money, you are talking as if I was the one who spent it all on my own, our house and cars and other things nko? Don’t try me!!” ”NGN70million is small money? I don’t blame you Belinda!!” he shouts over the phone ”Stop shouting on me jor, besides because he screamed at you? Why did you tell him sef? isn’t it your company, aren’t you the owner?” ”But he is the investor, he has a right to be angry”‘ She sighs ”I tell you, you are useless, I have a better chance with him than with you, the money is yours as much as his. Take it, I have my Dubai trip all planned out and shopping to go for, don’t dull me Ambross don’t!! if not this time I am leaving you, I will divorce you and take everything you own, try me, I need money for my foreign trip and you must get it, I don’t care how you do it!!” the line dies He curses ”Useless woman, going to ruin me!!!” he spat The knock on his door causes him to look up and frown when the person enters ”What happened to your hand?” ”The men who came looking for you sir, they keep coming, I can’t keep telling them I have no idea where you are sir, I can’t!” ”So what do you want me to do, I am not their legs to stop them?” ”I think we should call the police Sir, they are here again, I saw them and left my desk!” Ambross stands to the window and peers out, ”Go back out and tell them I am out of town” ”Me? No sir I will stay here with you” Luke seats down ”Look at my hand”‘ ”If you don’t go you are fired”‘ ”Ehen fire me Sir, what if he bursts my eyes as he threatened? What if they do something worse? They wanted to know where you stay Sir? But Sir, why are you avoiding them, they seem dangerous, what did you do to them Sir?” ”I don’t pay you to sit and ask me stupid questions!! Go out there now and tell them I traveled”‘ ”Sir, me I can’t oh, see my hand, no I can’t, I think we should call the police or the securities Sir!!” Luke says stubbornly frowning at his bandaged fingers He can’t call the police but the securities. He makes a call telling the securities to escort the men that came out of the company’s complex. He was planning to give Luke his new house address in case he needs to send some documents to the house but he changed his mind, if he did, they might get the information out of him or one of his other staffs. Right now it is better they can’t find him. He owes them a lot of money, his payment is long overdue, but if he keeps avoiding them long enough, maybe they would forget about the NGN 50 million naira he took from them over a year ago or so ago. He wasn’t the only one who borrowed money from the loan sharks, so they should relax,. Then he sees them leaving ”They are leaving, go tell the securities not to let them in next time, call the police if they do “‘ Ambross knew they wouldn’t want the police involved, because they were criminals ; they got their money from illegal means, and despite he owes them a lot of money, they too wouldn’t dare go to the police either. He smiles to himself, he can evade them as long as he wants, good thing no one knows where his new house is. He should be thinking of relocating out of town, by the time the company makes a lot of money, he can open another branch out of town, relocate there with his wife and set up a manager here, they would never see him, he didn’t have that amount of money to dash them and even if he did, he wouldn’t give it all up, NGN 50 million? HA!! They should take a chill pill, they got a lot of money from where they get it from illegal, a little change like the one he owed shouldn’t dent their vault. He leaves the window, he needs to call Mr Odinaka and apologize, if he pulls out of the company he will take all his money, those investors where probably coming because of his presence, he would be done for, and all of his money? That fat account that was constantly rising? It was his life wire; he intends to cash in on that soon but first, he needed that NGN 30 million for himself, not even for Belinda, she can make do with the five he has left, it would shut her up for a while. He sighs, if only he had a wife who isn’t money conscious like Belinda, who would love and care for him unconditionally, who wouldn’t mind but be content with all that he had and gave to her, but Belinda, has been a thorn in his flesh, maybe because she was younger and her needs were higher and more demanding. Once upon a time he enjoyed the life of peace, with a woman who gave up everything for him,… Mercy! And a son whom he never loved. He never thought about them all these years, not knowing if they lived or they died. She was a village girl, he was just a young man, and he married her, not out of love but necessity, she was just a woman to him, to bear children, to cook and enjoy his bed with, and when he got the job with the Ibekwe’s and eventually he got the job to work in their company because of their love for Mercy, for her genuine care, loyalty, he soon began to see and enjoy life. The women came and they came in numbers, he had the money, he had the free time, because his wife, she was quiet, she was loving, too loving it pissed him off, so when his days were bad he lashed out on her, buried his fist into her, and when his days were good, he went out to enjoy the warmth of other women, and when the Ibekwes died, he gained the company because he was practically the one left in charge, and the house too. Everything became his, money in the bank, this company and the only house which their relative couldn’t take belonged to him . But, the house belonged to Mercy, but she would never know that, Mr Ibekwe and his wife had told him that when they finally relocate, they were going to leave the house in her name, he burnt the document the day they died… And when he had the opportunity, he sent her away along with her son. His son. He never loved her, he never felt remorse for that, and her son, her son wasn’t much of his either, because a woman he never loved, he could never love her child even if he were his. And his son, was just like his mother, he loved her too much, he hated that. He expected him to follow in his footsteps but he clings to his mother like a little chicken. He stopped taking care of him as long as he could remember, the day he stood up to him was the opportunity he needed to rid them from his life, and he did it and he never regretted it. Now, he wonders if they are alive, maybe, she would have being the perfect wife here, helped him, and his son too. She always had a good business aside being a village girl. She was a quick learner, and his son, he was handy, he saw him fixing his car when it had an issue before he comes out to beat him up, he just never loved his son. Never thanked him when the car worked the next day. Maybe, maybe his son would have helped him, two heads are better than one, his business wouldn’t have gone under that he had to be at the mercy of a man who is half his age and more, might very well be same age with his son who he has no idea where he is, whether he was dead or alive. He sighs. He never gave them much of a thought for over ten years, why today?. He sighs, shaking the thoughts away. No!!! Belinda was his wife, she was a pain, materialistic but his wife nonetheless, if only she would be content!!. He dismisses Luke and places a call to his accountant after compiling a mail ”I sent you a mail Jackson, I need you to release the amount of fund for the project” ”But sir, I am looking at it, which project is the Bronx-tillage?” ”Érm, it’s a french affiliate, we are..erm working on the modalities, I need you to approve the fund so we can begin work”‘ ”NGN30 million naira? I would have to run it pass Mr Odinaka’s accountant, to speak with him, any money above that should be signed off by him sir!!” ”Who is paying you your salary Jackson?” ”You sir!!” ”Good, whose company is this?” ”Your’s sir!!” ”whose orders should your follow without questions?” “Yours sir!!” ”Good, now release the funds to my personal account, I am going for a meeting with them, no need to run it by Mr odinaka the investor, I am already on my way to see him and he has okay-ed it” ”But the project isn’t mentioned in the books Sir, no french affiliate associates documentations either Sir, maybe I should cross check if I got a mail to that regard so I record it!!”‘ ”Do not irritate me or I will have you fired, do what I say, release the funds and sign off on it Jackson, in fact, don’t sign off on it, fax everything to me I will give it to Mr odinaka myself, sign the money to me and get back to work, NOW!!” ”VERY WELL SIR!!” Ambross leans back and waits, within an hour he had been credited, his bank account manager confirmed payment, he got the fax of unsigned funds documents, as soon as he got it, he prints it out, and tosses it to the paper shredder. All evidence gone. He cleans his forehead as beads of sweat breaks out. No one would find out of this NGN30 million, he would have to fire Jackson. He calls the HR. ”I need you to fire Jackson from the accountant department, cite incompetence, pay him for two months and send in on his way”‘ ”Why sir?” ”I just told you!! Incompetence, find another accountant !!” ”Okay sir” He leans back smiling. Good. Now he would call Mr Odinaka and apologise profusely for even suggesting to borrow money. He laughs, how can he have all this much money within his reach and not be tempted to take out of it. Now, what luxury does he desire? He smiles to himself. ***** ”As long as it doesn’t happen again Mr Chikurdi, apologies accepted” Emeka cuts the call with Ambross and turns, his phone rings again, ”Yes?” ”A debit just occurred from the account you linked to the Chikurdi ventures company sir” ‘How much?” ”NGN30 million!! “‘ ”Sent to?” ”A personal account, Mr Chikurdi’s!!” ”Was it filed, reported, documented?” Oh Ambross, you make it easy for me. ”None sir!”” ”Who signed off on it?” ”No one!!” “‘What do you mean no one, someone ought to have signed off on it!” ”No documentations, no one.” ”Fair enough, do some digging, we might need the ghost eventually!!” Emeka cuts the call from the bank manager and makes another call immediately. ”Mr Tammy, it has begun! Be ready when you would be needed” ”Has the clause being bridged Sir?!!” ”Just as we expected!!” ”Very well sir, good day!” ”Good day!!” Emeka leans back and relaxes, he stares out his window, some days… it felt good to be precise in prediction ”Oh Ambross, why did you have to be so predictable, why?” he laughs ”Karma is coming father, and you opened the doors for it!!” ***** Emeka got home very late, he doesn’t go upstairs, he takes the hall down to Diana’s room, a flower in his hand and a box of jewel, he saw her car parked outside, he figured she had seen it already. ”Who is there?” Diana answers when she heard the knock ”it’s me Dee, can I come in?” She goes to open the door, he leans there ”So I got a beautiful rose for a beautiful lady, I wasn’t sure you were awake but I came to say goodnight!!” She takes it, smelling the flower ”What’s in the box?” ”Something equally beautiful, you want to see?” She nods smiling, he opens it for her, she gasps ”it’s beautiful” ”You want to see how it looks?” ”But its late, I can’t wear it!!” ”Doesn’t matter, I want to see how it looks on you!!” She steps back for him to enter and shuts the door behind him. He drops the case on the table, pulling her close to stand before him facing the mirror as he puts her the necklace around her neck, touching it above her skin. She was wearing a silky nightwear; he could tell she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. He should leave. ”This is really beautiful Emeka, I love it, thank you, you make me feel special every time” she says staring at him from the mirror, why?” ”Because you are Dee, my Dee” he stares back at her She places her hand over his, she felt her throat closing ”If you want this for real with Emeka, then you have to let yourself feel it, there is something there in your heart Diana, I don’t know when it happened and neither do you, but you have feelings for Emeka, and its surfacing that’s why you don’t want to hurt him, you feel guilt and shame and if you want to make amends you can either get your bags and walk out of his life and give this man a chance of happiness with another woman or you love him, with your heart and body and with your soul and your everything, love the man not his money Diana, only then can you truly be deserving of the love he is showering on you, only then.!” She remembers Grace’s words ”Goodnight Dee” he kisses her temple and made to leave She stops him ”Please, don’t go!!” ”Why?” ”I don’t want you to!!”‘ Leave Emeka,. ”Okay!!” he takes off his jacket and places it over the chair, She pulls his hands and takes him to the bed. Don’t have any emotion Emeka, shut off your emotions, he tells himself. For the first time, she didn’t want to make love to him, she didn’t want to seduce him, she just wanted to be with him, bask in the warmth his presence brings, she didn’t know what feelings she was getting, didn’t understand it, but it felt different from what she normally feels. This wasn’t her, she felt funny, but one thing was certain, the presence of Emeka in her life right now was making her have different feelings all of a sudden and it didn’t make sense, and the insight his mother gave made her see things differently, and in her hearts of hearts, she didn’t want to hurt him again, she didn’t. She really couldn’t. She climbs the bed next to him and lays on his chest, Emeka is trying not to think. Damnit Emeka, be a man, have no emotions. You can even have sex with her if she wants, just don’t let your emotions cloud you. You hate her; you will break her, that is all that matters. When she didn’t make any move after a while, he is curious ”Are you okay Dee?” ”Why? Because I am not ambushing you like I did that day in your room?” ”Well..” he shrugs, you are the gold-digger, ”I just want you to hold me Emeka, that is all!!” she snuggles closer to him Phew!!! That he could do. ***** He woke up in the middle of the night, his heart beating fast, she was sleeping soundly beside him. He turns to look at her, his eyes coursing over her body, he remembered her, sleeping beside him like this years ago, and he usually wakes her up with kisses, kisses she would respond to, and within minutes she would be in his arms, while he loves her… they were younger then, and he was so much in love with the girl who he gave his heart to. And if it were the same girl, he would have done the same now, while her chest rises and drops, revealing perky nipples beneath that silky wear, his eyes reaching her thighs were the silky wear stops, her soft thighs, her longs legs that ran up for miles, those sensations that runs down his body when he touches her, and then there was the way she moans and calls out his name, the way his body blends into her and he sinks into her warmth letting her flower slowly swallow him up. This was the girl turned woman he once loved, he touches his chest trying to calm his beating heart. This was the girl he loved. He is tempted to touch her, wake her, trail his hand over her, touch her in places even if when his eyes are closed he wouldn’t miss. He raises up his hands, to brush her lips with the tips of his finger, but he folds his hands. Damnit Emeka!!! He turns away. When he turns back, her eyes are open, ”Emeka!”? He says nothing, she seats up, ”What is wrong?” ”Nothing, was just watching you sleep, you are beautiful Diana!!” that was true but beauty of a woman is more than physical, it was her heart and your heart Diana is made of dark coal. She says nothing ”Go to bed!!” he tells her lying on his back, she lays down back too. They are silent. She turns to him, after staring at him she climbs on his body ”What are you doing?” he frowns ”I want to love you Emeka!!” ”You already love me!!” ”No Emeka, I want to love you, like I have never done before, I want to give you joy like I have never given you, before today… I want to feel all that you have felt loving me, I want to really love you Emeka, letting go of it all, I want to love you like the boy who have loved me, with my heart, my body, my soul my all. I want to fall deeply in love with the man you have become, not the man who owns all this… I want to be able to love you without all this… let me love you, tonight, tomorrow, always!!” ”Diana!!”’ ”Please!!” her eyes pools ”You don’t need to prove anything to me” ”The last time, I asked you to prove your feelings towards me by kissing me, I was wrong, I was selfish, now, I will be the one to prove myself to you, today, now, I give you my body, my heart, my all Emeka, today I tell you I am sorry for the pain and torment you have gone through, I put you through… today… I want to be the one who loves you… I want to love you wholeheartedly, no conditions Emeka, None!” she says, he saw the tear drop. Wanda!! She means it, she really does mean it. Haha!!! Jackpot Diana, I have you where I want you. But Satan, not today.!! He reaches out and cleans the tears from her eyes ”I am letting myself love you Emeka, let me, please!!” she repeats He can’t!!! If he kisses her, if he touches her the way she wants to be touched, what if he.. No!! He can’t. But he got her where he wants her now, she was in love with him, there was no doubt about it, He won, but it was nearly over, he can’t let her go like this… he has to shatter her and intends to shatter her to pieces. ”Don’t cry Dee!! Why are you crying?” ”I don’t know, I don’t know!!” she covers her face, the feeling washes over, overwhelming her, from nowhere it hits her, she clutches her chests and cries more. What was happening to her? ”Ssssshh!!!” he pulls her down to him and rocks her ”Don’t cry Dee, don’t cry!!” He never liked her crying, but now, he needs to shut his emotion to all her pain and feelings, that was the only way he was truly going to win. Cry Dee, go one, cry, I hope you have more tears stored up for when I am ready for you, I hope you do. He smiles in her hair. She cries for some time, ”Are you okay!!?” he whispers ”Yes!!” ”Now, go to sleep Dee!” She does after a while.. He stays awake, watching her sleep again, and this time, he slept. ***** Olive meets him as he leaves her room the next morning, she follows him upstairs ”Did you sleep with her?” she closes the door after him He shakes his head as he strips going to the bathroom ”Are you okay?” ”Yes!!” he says shutting the door. She trips going into the bathroom to meet him, she slids the door open and enters, she wraps her hands around him.. ”You are so tensed!!” ”I am not!!” he closes his eyes as the water courses down his body ”You wanted to though!!” ”Wanted to what?” ”Make love to her!!” ”No!!” ”Liar’, you did want to make love to her Emeka” ”Olive don’t!!” he says sighing. ”I feel you all tensed Emeka!!” she slides her hands down his tummy, grabbing his member ”I feel that, all hard, all alert, all ready, and I just walked in here, surely it wasn’t me you were thinking off all through the night , it was her, it wasn’t me that has your boy on full attention now, it is her, you wanted to make love to her so badly it hurts to admit it” He turns facing her angrily; ”You KnoW noting Olive!!” ”I don’t? Then why don’t you look at me? Why don’t you look at me in the eyes, because you know it’s the truth, you still love her don’t you!!?” He shakes his head ”No!!” ”Liar!! ”I don’t!!” ”You lie Emeka, that look in your eyes says it all, then why am I here huh? ” ”To help me!!” ”Do what Emeka, watch you fall back into her snare?” ”Olive don’t! Please!!” he pleads ”Not with you looking like a love sick starved puppy !!” Argh!! He grabs her shoulders and nudges her to the wall..he stares at her hard, really hard, then he bends his head, and places it on her chest.. letting go off her shoulders, he closes his eyes really tight and calms his heart, it was constricting in pain. He shakes his head, fighting it. She wraps her hands and holds him tight whispering into his ears, understanding . ”Breathe Emeka, Breathe, I know you, I know you so much it hurts even when I understand you, your silence, but I am here for you, here until you say otherwise, and as long as you don’t give up and give in, I will be here with you all the step of the way, whatever happens, I will be here, support you good or bad, okay baby?” ”I don’t get it Olive, I don’t get why-” he chokes ”Sssshh!! Don’t say anything, right now, don’t think of her!!” she raises up his face, ”You want closure, you want revenge then get it if not walk away, don’t give in, you have her where you want right?” He nods ”Then a little more, a little more, I will push the final straw till she tips all over, but you have to not give in, shut it all away, okay?” she kisses his face and his lips ”I will be your distraction, anything you want, maybe for my own selfish reasons but I don’t care Emeka, I don’t… for you I will be anything even for a little while and if and when this all blows over… I will be here when you need me, and even when you don’t, I can be here for the man that I love” ”I can’t… I don’t want to hurt you Olive!!” ”I don’t care, I am here !!” she kisses his lips, he pulls away ”No!!! I don’t want to Olive!!” he really didn’t want to make love, not to her anyways, not to anybody. ”You have to, you need to, at least for this moment, and because I want to and if I let you go now, you might run down that door back into her bed and there would be no saving you, let me help you forget that woman, even for today… for now, till it’s all over” she kisses him again and again and again until he began to kiss her back. She jumps wrapping her legs around him, as he catches her, she guides him into her entrance, soon after she is moaning into his ears while he nibbles her bosom, he thrusts deep into her, in and out until both of them holds tight shattering over the top, with her name on his lips again he calls out, the same name she had been used to him calling before she met her. She wishes she could make him forget her, she wishes. But if only wishes were horses. And sometimes people do stupid things for the people they loved, and one of them was making sacrifices. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
2 Feb 2018 | 09:04
Ride on
2 Feb 2018 | 14:21
hmmmn. this is getting tough
2 Feb 2018 | 14:44
Mr Ambros U Are Digging Ur Grave Ur End Is Near
2 Feb 2018 | 16:18
This battle is to tough 4 u
2 Feb 2018 | 16:30
Am beginning to feel pissed off in the Diana part of the revenge.. Now she's beginning to nurture the love that Emeka buried and now he's falling in love but, doesn't want to admit it
2 Feb 2018 | 19:28
There's always smile on my face when Ambrose clicks where predicted.. Greedy and nonchalant human being
2 Feb 2018 | 19:30
Olive is there 4 emeka...emeka is getting closer to revenge.
3 Feb 2018 | 04:30
Hmm still following
3 Feb 2018 | 11:55
Emeka I pray these people shouldn't harm u
3 Feb 2018 | 11:55
I hope u gonna succeed in ur plan
3 Feb 2018 | 11:56
This mission is to tiff
3 Feb 2018 | 14:40
TWENTY-ONE ***** Emeka, for the next couple of days makes sure he stops by Diana’s room every morning, she had insisted to stay in the guest room out of respect for his mother she had told him, he agreed. He takes her out often to lunch every afternoon, and dinner at evenings, he didn’t give her any space to doubt, he showed her all the love and attention any girl would be blown over for without being intimate with her. The point was to give her all the attention she needs, to cushion her up, leave no room for doubts from his side. She had fallen; he wanted to make her fall hard, so hard that her eyes will glow when they see him. He takes her to the movies, watch her laugh at funny scenes, cry when it is emotional and scream when it is scary while burying her face in his arms. He opens the doors for her when she enters the car, takes her hand when she comes out, he dabs her mouth when she spills food, feeds her when she is smiling. Buys her nice things. He calls her his lady, his queen when he is addressing the staff when they walk into a restaurant and on some days he doesn’t have much work, he takes her cruising around town, without his security tailing him, he tells her that he is enough to protect her, and when she isn’t looking he buys her a gift and surprises her with it before the day runs out. He made her feel special, he did all that a man would do to a woman he loved… he did it so that she would have no iota of doubt of him in her body. And as hours spreads into days, she looked so happy. And when he looks into her eyes, she stares back at him, he sees it, yes he sees her eyes sparkle, he sees it twinkle bright, and when she calls his name, it’s with something else attached to it. Love!. He sees her, how she goes to greet his mother every morning, making it a duty to make breakfast, his mother is quiet these days, not happy, he needs to talk to her, reassure her, that all would be well soon, tell her to forgive him when it is over. Olive, is quiet too, avoiding to make a scene… But that is a purposeful intent. But Diana? Diana is changing, she is changing, she is falling and falling hard for him, and that pleases him. And at night, he walks her to her room, kisses her cheeks and when she asks him to stay with her, he does because he knew she wouldn’t try and seduce him like before, but still you can’t keep leaving yam in front of a goat and keep expecting it not to eat it because it didn’t eat it before. ”She wants to love him like he has never being loved before?” He laughs, he wanted to laugh in her face, but that would have given him away. He listened to her talk and his heart twisted in his chest, because… all she said she meant today to him, meant nothing. While he fanned Diana’s feelings for him from flame to red fire, he keeps tabs on Ambross, he would have stepped in as soon as he withdraw that money under the table, but he was going to wait, allow him feel he played him for a fool, allow him enjoy the loot he obtained, allow him bask in his foolishness. He knew it was better to catch a thief with his mouth fool with stolen meat then to catch a thief who had wiped his mouth and hands clean from the oil from the soup and no trace of loot. And that is what he wants to do, catch Ambross with his mouth full with his greed, selfishness and wickedness ***** He leaves Diana’s room and goes upstairs, knocking on the door.. ”Mama, can I come in?”‘ She raises up her head, Olive was seated beside her. She smiles getting up ”Mama, I will see you later” she walks away, once she nears Emeka, she leans in ”She isn’t too happy, make her feel better will you, I almost feel guilty not able to tell her anything” ”Me too ” She nods touching his arm and leaves. ”Hey mama” he comes to her, pulls the seat closer to her ”you are angry with me” he holds her hands ”I am sorry” ”I am not, you are a big boy, you make your own decisions” ”Mama don’t sound like that now, you break my heart”‘ ”You break my own heart when you picked her Emeka, what do you want me to do? You say I should let you have your wife, your love, what happens when she breaks you Emeka, how do I protect you?” ”Mama, she won’t be able to do that, because I will be the one who hits back, I don’t need protecting this time mama, but she would be the one who needs to be protected” ”What do you mean Emeka?” He searches her eyes, no, he can’t tell her now ”I mean, that, I mean that I am a big boy now mama, I make my decisions and before I did that I thought long and hard so I don’t need protection, you will see, you will understand it all. Just support me mama, please, accept her” ”I have accepted her” ”No, you say that but you don’t mean that” ”What do you want me to do, gather her in my arms and kiss her cheeks and cook for her?” ”No mama, I see her making an effort, being nice to Mama Tito, trying to care for you, making an impact in the house, she leaves no room for error”‘ ”I see, she could be pretending!” ”Maybe, but it is all genuine to me, let it be for you” ”Why does it sound as though there is something you aren’t telling me”‘ The intuition of a mother, Emeka thought to himself ”Nothing, I am telling you everything for now, I want to talk to you about –”he trails off ”About what?” ”I want to hold the engagement party here mama” She signs in resignation ”So are you really going to marry her, you really want to marry her?” ”’Yes!!” She shakes her head ”When?” ”This Saturday” ”Isn’t it too soon Emeka, wait, think about it, please!!” she makes one last plea ”No mama, its time, all I have waited for is here mama, its time. She loves me, she really loves me Mama, it’s time to finish it mama” ”You say something Emeka, and I read something else, what is it you are trying to say, what are you keeping from me? Why do you say she loves me like… it just happened and you are waiting to do something with that information eh?” Mama, you intuition is top notch, but I can’t let you in on it, not till it’s all over. I am sorry. ”Nothing mama, you are reading something else, i just mean i am happy and why wait. I want to marry the girl I love and I need you to arrange it, please, it’s going to be just immediate families, one or two friends and invited guests, that’s all” ”Why not your everyone Emeka? Your business associates, your friends far and wide, why not the press and everyone else in the whole world Emeka?” She was angry, he rubs her hands, calming her down. She was lashing out, since he wanted a wedding going against her why go private, why not tell the whole world right mama? But, she isn’t the one I want to spend my life with Mama, she is just the one I want to break, and I don’t need the world here to witness, just the few.. and then all this would end mama. He looks up at her ”I want a private setting mama, nothing more, my life is public, but my personal life shouldn’t be in the spot light, for now at least” ”You won’t change your mind?” ”No!!” She sighs ”Very well”‘ He stares at her ”My mother, I know you mean well, and I want you to know that I will never go against you, never! I love you too much, but I also have the matters of my heart to deal with, and it involves Diana and” he pauses ”forgive me if I have hurt you, forgive me” he buries his head in her hand ”Forgive me for everything, for yesterday, for today and even for tomorrow” ”Emeka!!” she rubs his head holding him tight, why does it feel like he isn’t saying something to her, why? ”Emeka my son!!” she repeats and drops a kiss to his head; they stay like that for a while before he eventually leaves alone. ***** He meets Olive at the door, she was waiting for him ”so by this weekend, it will all be over?” he asks him as he comes out He nods his head ”My flight is in the morning!!” ”I know, should I drop you off?” ”You don’t need to!!” ”Thank you Olive” ”Not yet Emeka, don’t thank me yet!! Let me say goodbye to your mother. See you later, maybe I will get a proper goodbye from you later on” she smiles patting his shoulders and entering the room to say goodbye to his mother. ”I wish you didn’t have to go Olive, I wish you were the one marrying my son, I wish you were my daughter in-law Olive, he wouldn’t listen to me now you are leaving, oh olive” Mercy says as soon as she sees Olive entering her room ”Oh Mama, it’s okay, it’s okay, the heart wants who it wants Mama, you can’t force a man to love another, I will be fine and you will be too, all of you, I promise, just have a little faith okay?”‘ Olive says going to her and shutting the door, Emeka sighs deeply, sad about his mother’s words and her countenance. A little longer mama, I will never go against you I promise. He walks away. ***** Diana is seated on the bed biting her lower lip with the phone to her ears as she waits for the phone to connect, it does ”Hey Grace, how are you?” ”I am great and you?” ”Confused” ”Why?” ”You were right. I do love him, I love him now, I don’t know what to do?” ”Tell him the truth, no relationship should be formed on a lie, Emeka is a good man, he will forgive you, toss it away and love you still, from what you have been telling me of all the nice and breathtaking things he has been doing for you, it seems he is 100 all in, so you need to be all in too, which means, all those greed for material wealth, you need to let it go” ”I don’t think much about it anymore” ”Liar!!’ ”No Grace, for this past few weeks, Emeka has been amazing, loving, caring, really..I was stupid to never love him, more stupid for leaving him in the first place, now…I just want to be the good person he deserves, I haven’t even tried to seduce him at all, because I don’t want him to think that is all I am after, not anymore anyways and he is such a gentleman, never asking, not even pressurizing me, he is such the perfect gentleman Grace, oh my heart”‘ ”And Olive?” Jealousy creeps into her, she frowns ”Thank God she is leaving tomorrow” ”Tell me Diana, don’t lie… you really aren’t planning anymore on cheating Emeka, taking his money and leaving are you? Like you did with the rest, that what you feel for him this moment is real?” ”For the first time, I don’t want to anymore, for the first time I want to stick it out!!” ”If Emeka was to be left with nothing right now, today, would you stick it out?” Silence ”Diana, would you?” Grace wanted to know ”I will. I care about the man now Grace, I love him, I do, I don’t want to ever hurt him again” A relief sigh is heard ”Diana Nkenchior, right this moment, I am glad to be your best friend, I am really tearing up right now, really” she laughs, Diana could hear her sniff, she laughs ”Silly, so anyways, my engagement party is coming up on Saturday, and you better be here, I will send you the address” ”Oh wow!! That soon, is it going to be a big affair?” ”No, he said he wants a private affair, family, close friends, the wedding would be huge, but I think he wants to do a court wedding at once, he said he is getting the lawyers here, no need to go all the way to the court office” ”Wow! Of course I will be there, congrats now Diana, I never told you since because you were a gold-digger”” ”Screw you!” Diana laughs ”I hate you, if you were God everyone would die of their sins” Grace Laughs ”Nah, not everyone, just you” they laugh again Grace continuous curiously “So wait, if you said you don’t want to seduce him anymore, does it mean you aren’t sexually attracted to him?” Diana blushes ”Of course I am, but, I don’t want to push it, for the past couple of days he has been sleeping in my room, we cuddle, we talk and laugh and we fall asleep, I haven’t felt so loved up like this ever, not with anyone, other men want to tear my close off and actually do, but not Emeka, and sometimes it’s beautiful and great to just lay next and just be in the arms of the one who loves you and who you love and not want to do anything… Gosh! My heart beats so fast in my chest and I feel like flying” ”Aww look at Dee oh, talking about a guy like this, this love odikwa sure oh!!” Grace laughs as she teases her ”Oh stop it Grace, so I will see you Saturday okay?” ”Yes yes!!” ”Dee?” the knock came ”My fiancé is at the door, talk to you soon Mwah!!” Grace squeals in excitement ”oh… my fiancé eh? Heh, me that don’t have a fiancé nkor? Let me go and hug pillow”’ ”Don’t worry, someone better than your baby daddy will show up okay?” ”Maybe, bye!!” Diana drops the call saying her goodbyes and opens the door wide ”Hey baby!!” she smiles ”Hey Dee, so I was thinking we watch some movies, eat chocolate and baked cookies with juice!!” he was carrying a tray Hmm late snack in bed, dear Lord!! Why didn’t she love this man since? Her heart flutters with love. ”Of course!!” she beams making room for him to step in. They spend the night watching movies, eating and making small talks and she laughs and laughs when he tells her jokes, and when he told her to go home and get all of her things and move in with him, she was happy and told him she would do so first thing in the morning, and when she was sleepy she lays on his chest with a smile on her face, and she sleeps and her dreams were heaven. He stays awake watching her sleep. ***** Diana goes home to park her things from her house the next day, Emeka had told her last night that she wouldn’t need to go back home after their engagement, within the month they would have a grand wedding. She didn’t care, as long as she married him, she loves him, she really loves him!!. She was going to be the best wife he would ever have. She was happy, happy that she was different, happy that she had fallen long and hard for Emeka, if only she had from the beginning, all this wouldn’t have happened. Now she doesn’t have to hide and pretend. Now, she just has to love the man with all that she is, that is what she wants, to love the man, and she was loving the man. The love he had showered on her was enough to sweep any girl off her feet and she was swept! She grabs her bag and flings it into her new Ferrari, Emeka had told her to go pick a dress for her engagement party, and she would stop by first before going home. ***** Mercy is quiet, she prays to God that Emeka changes his mind, she misses Olive, and she was a good girl. But she left already, she sighs. Now she has to tolerate this Diana girl, she didn’t like her; she didn’t like her one bit, but love? her son says he loves her, maybe that is why she would never understand love, one minute the person you love hurts you, the next you forgive them as though they did nothing wrong, maybe, just maybe that is why God loves men unconditionally.. despite their daily shortcomings.. She sighs turning as Diana enters the house, she comes to her smiling ”See Mama, while I went to get my dress I got something for you too, Emeka gave me his credit card, see, I know you love bangles so I got you a few, and shawl as well, see mama, aren’t they lovely?” She looks up at her; she is startled in what she sees. For the first time, there was something different about her eyes, maybe, just maybe she has changed, maybe, because the sparkle she sees now wasn’t from the jewels she held in her hands, but it sparkled when she called Emeka’s name. ”Mama?” Mercy didn’t realize she was still staring at her, she blinks ”they are pretty, thank you!!!” she takes them, Diana smiles looking at her, she expected her to throw them away, scream at her, but she doesn’t , her eyes pools on their own accord, she blinks the tears back. Since she got here, she was susceptible to tears at every given second, what the hell happened to her, she blinks it back.. ”Have you had dinner Mama, should I go and prepare food for you?” ”No!!” She sighs, then continues ”Mama Tito is already preparing something” ”Okay let me go help her in the kitchen “‘ Mercy watches her leave. Something was different about Diana, she realises. ***** Emeka came back to find them at the table, his mother was eating silently, Diana with her, but they weren’t talking, at least they weren’t fighting,. Things were looking bright for what’s to come, no room for doubt, which is why his mother has to be in the dark. He had been to Ambross’s ventures and for the next couple of days he visited there.. just to be apprised of things, make him feel okay, like the investor coming to check on things, makes him feel important.. He laughs Ambross had taken him to his new house, Belinda was too happy to invite him, she came unto his again, and he politely put her down. Ambross told him then his old house was sold for about NGN13million, and he got the cars on second hand basis. Emeka didn’t ask, but Ambross felt obligated to explain to him nevertheless, Emeka was indifferent as he told him. He had meetings with the staffs with Ambross in attendance; Ambross didn’t relent to suck up to him, calling him Sir, Oga, The big boss. Oh father, don’t have an heart attack when you find out the big boss is your son, you disgust me, make me angry, and to think you cannot recognize your son right in front of you brings me utter pain, revengeful pain. You smell and worship money right? Same money has been your downfall today. And soon, I will kick you off the stool, and then I would tell you. He made the necessary calls and fixed the meeting. Tomorrow would make it a month, tomorrow, it would begin, tomorrow is when all this would end,. A month of pretended hidden identify for his father, and an untruthful heart for Diana, it was all worth it. ***THE NEXT DAY*** Ambross is at his office, it is past ten in the morning. There are a few people seated in the conference room waiting, he checks his time, Mr Uchendu had told them 8am for the end of month’s reports and meeting, now it was past ten, did he forget the time? He places a call to his PA again to find out. ”He will be with you shortly sir!!” Agnes answered him ”Okay, thank you!!” “‘He would be here shortly” Ambross addresses his staffs. **** Agnes drops the call and turns to him ”Sir, its Mr Ambross again” Emeka turns from the window ”another hour more, let him wait” he goes back to staring out, hands in pocket, his face straight. ”Okay Sir!!”‘ **** Three hours later, Emeka drives into the company’s premises.. Ambross who had gone up to his office to rest see’s him from his window, he places a call to Luke, ”Call everyone in, he is here!!” He stands up rushing out of his office; he enters the conference room as everyone files in. ”Is he here sir?” Someone asks as he enters ”Yes he is, behave yourselves, give your monthly report and answer all the questions he would ask, if not I will fire you myself” ”Yes sir!!” they chorused After the meeting, he was would take a one week vacation and go on a trip to the states, only him, he had already booked his flight for tomorrow. It would be one week of fun, luxury and women, away from his nagging wife and the loan sharks who have suddenly stopped coming and calling him. He was going to relax from work and stress and this Uchendu who thinks he is smart, he had no idea he took away money from their account, Ambross smiles. In another few weeks he would take more, he can’t see so much money and not enjoy from it. He looks up as three men walk into the conference room, he recognises two of them, the lawyer, Mr Tammy, and the accountant , but why were they here?.. he didn’t recognize the third person. While he is trying to understand why they were here, the fourth person walks in behind them, everyone stands up to great him, he greets back asking them to sit down. There was a seat left for him, he passes it and comes to stand behind Ambross, Ambross turns ”Goodmorning Sir Mr Uchendu” ”Can I borrow your seat Ambross, I think I would have a better view from here” he smiles down at him; it didn’t get to his eyes. Ambross stares at him ”Sure sir, please !!” Ambross gets up and allows him the seat ”Shall we begin!!” Emeka states taking a seat, crossing his legs and leans back Father, here begins you purge . Your day one and finale trial. Your End. And I would enjoy watching you squirm, beg and be ridden off. ”Go on with the reports ” Ambross states to the Team lead who began to talk. The meeting commences ***** Its two hours later when they are done with their reports, Emeka is impressed the staffs were working hard, despite the incompetence of Ambross who had nothing to show for his efforts, he was impressed with their staff’s work, he would retain them. ”Well sir, I think we are done” Ambross beams with pride ”Not quite yet, I believe you have been introduced to Mr Tam and the accountant prior to today?” Ambross frowns ”Yes sir but, I do not understand why they need to be in this meeting though” ”Oh patience, you will soon. Team leads, please would you mind getting all the accounts and transactions from the first of this month up until yesterday please and give it to Mr Tony there” Everyone stares at each other as they pass him the files. ”Mr Tony here” Emeka refers to the third man ”Is an Auditor” ”Why do you need that sir, I told you we send you the daily reports sir?” Ambross looks at him and back at the staffs then at the Auditor ”Yes you did, it was quite accurate but, it is mandatory for an audit to be carried out” ”Audits should be carried out after a few months or at least a year right?” ”No!! An audit can be carried out when I want it to be carried out Ambross. Carry on Tony, this shouldn’t take too long will it?” ”No sir, as longs as what they have here is accurate to what was sent, it shouldn’t be more than an hour to be through!!” ”Very well!!” ”Have someone bring in break tea and snacks for everyone while we wait Ambross, quickly!!” ”Yes sir!!”‘ Ambross walks out calling Luke and giving him orders, and then he goes to his office and begins to fidget ”An Audit? A bloody Audit?” he wipes the sweat away from his face, he tries to calm himself, even laughing ”Silly me, what am I scared off? it wasn’t recorded anyway, I destroyed the files, no one saw it, he was fired, nothing would be amiss, since then till now we have withdrawn and put back money into the account” he laughs ”they can audit all they want” he goes back into the office more confident than ever as Luke comes back, he carries a cup and snacks in a tray from Luke and goes to serves Odinaka Uchendu, with a bright smile on his face ”Sir, this is for you!!”‘ ”Thank you Ambross!!” Emeka takes out his phone and browses as he waits. After what seem like an endless hour, Tony raises his head frowning, ”Sir, there happens to be a discrepancies in the reports we have here, in the balance here and what reflects in the bank” ”What does that mean?” Emeka drops his phones ”It means that some funds aren’t balanced and it isn’t reflecting accordingly, like it was suddenly there and then it wasn’t, no transfer to and where to sir.. the checks and balances, incoming and outgoing cash doesn’t corresponds with what’s in this documents, the reports sent to you and account balances sir after careful calculations Sir” ”How much are we looking at?” ”About 30 million naira!!!” A gasp fills the room ”NGN3Om million naira? How does that disappear from the account!!! It didn’t develop wings and flew or legs and walked out of the account, who is the team lead for that department? In fact.. ” he turns to Ambross ”care to explain how this is happening?” Amboss stutters, how is it possible it reflected, it shouldn’t have, he frowns ”Sir Odinaka sir, sir..I sir as surprised as you are, please crosscheck i think it’s a mistake!!” he tells Tony Tony shakes his head ”I have, and it is stated here, that NGN30 million was withdrawn from the account on the fifteenth of this month, but it doesn’t reflect if it was used for a project, or anything concerning the company, salaries had been paid and some outstanding debts covered, this is profits accrued to you Sir Odinaka, out of the NGN100 million gotten within this month, that is your profits Sir, the company keeps 60 while you take 30 and 10 goes to other affiliates and upkeep of staffs etc. But, that 30 million had been withdrawn and what we have here in the account is about 45 million naira after the Anex projected was funded sir. “‘ ”How can this happen Ambross?”‘ Emeka turns to him, ”I thought you said your staffs are competent and trust worthy, do you bred thieves here?” ”No Sir Odinaka we don’t, I cannot believe this, really I am flabbergasted” he cleans the sweats appearing on his forehead again ”Where is you accountant he must have signed off on this, get him here!”‘ ”Yes sir Odinaka!!” It take about 20 minutes for him to get down to them. ”Sir?” ”I have one question, who did you sign this NGN30 million release to, quickly state it “‘ The man frowns looking at the documents, “sir, I didn’t sign this, and besides, I started working here on the 17th of this month. I have no idea what this is, when I began, the balance of the account was that of 45million which was what we worked with” ”Okay, does that mean someone else was working here by that time and who?” Tammy asks ”We had another accountant, but he stopped working here a few weeks ago think he was… “‘ someone began to speak but was cut off ”No!! he wasn’t a very competent fellow” Ambross stated ”Who was he?” Emeka asked Ambross swallows, ”I don’t remember his name, “‘ he lied ”His name was Jackson, yes, Jackson Aliko!!”‘ someone reminds him, Ambrose throws him a sharp look ”Why was he fired?”‘ Emeka directs the question to Ambross, he blinks swallowing again ”Incompetence sir, he wasn’t good for his job.”‘ ”Pull up his file HR will you?!!” He does so and hands the Tab to Emeka, ”From what I see here, he had worked with you for two years, performance is good, very active and trust worthy, he was fired on the fifteenth of this month. HR that is your department, what was the reason you fired him?” She looks at Chikurdi, he shakes his head , ”I am, waiting HR !!” ”Mr Ambross asked me to fire him for incompetence Sir” ”And there was no evidence to that effect?” ”None Sir!” she states Emeka turns to him ”Mr Ambrose, would it be safe to say that this Jackson person stole my money the same day he was sacked and you all Weren’t aware of it?” ”Sir, I swear it might be possible, because he didn’t complain, he did nothing; he just gladly accepted his release. I am sure he stole it. He is a thief”‘ He states angrily. ”hmmm, this is a big problem, NGN30 million isn’t a thousand naira Mr Ambrose”‘ ”A quick question Mr Ambross, before he signs a release form, he would have received an okay from a CEO or from a higher authority level personnel like the MD, as well as confirmation from the bank to go ahead, forms would have been filled at least form you to him or him to you, surely something must be there” the Accountant states. ”He must be very smart Sir, very! Oh, to think that we trusted him, now he left, no forwarding address, no way to contact him and get back your money sir, oh what a world!!” Ambrose laments Emeka shakes his head smiling ”Oh Ambross, Ambross , Ambross! You are one hell of a funny guy, you deserve a medal for a class act, really cute, but there is one problem”‘ Ambross stops lamenting as everyone is whispering about the money stolen from the company ”Sir, why..why..why do you say that, what?” He asks Emeka who turns to his lawyer “Tammy, you can bring him in!!” “Bring who in?” Ambross’s voice wavers ”Oh, I am sorry, I forgot to tell you we had a little chat with him today.” Ambross grows pale. ”Him who?” The door opens to usher him in, Ambross’s mouth drops to the floor. ***** To be continued
5 Feb 2018 | 09:48
This revenge is a surprise revenge....diana don't wanna be an olosho anymore...olive knows love,olive knows.
5 Feb 2018 | 15:33
wow! I love this, Ambrose doesn't know what hit him. next please
6 Feb 2018 | 08:03
6 Feb 2018 | 08:31
Emeka is savage
6 Feb 2018 | 08:32
Deal with dat Ambross
6 Feb 2018 | 10:52
I can't wait for Ambross and Dee end
6 Feb 2018 | 13:46
ride on
6 Feb 2018 | 18:30
Ambrose karma done hold u
6 Feb 2018 | 18:30
Waw , Ambrose u are in big trouble
6 Feb 2018 | 19:27
Hahahahaha i really smiled after reading the last scene.. Ambrose sorry for your greedy asss
6 Feb 2018 | 19:39
Patiently waiting for Diana's part
6 Feb 2018 | 19:51
nawo for Mr Ambrose, he don fuck up.
6 Feb 2018 | 21:07
I like this strategy of taking revenge
7 Feb 2018 | 05:07
TWENTY-TWO ****A FEW HOURS EARLIER**** ”Sir, please!!” Jackson who had been ushered into Emeka’s office earlier that day says, almost going on his knees. He was contacted and told to come in. He did. ”No seat Jackson don’t be sacred, I know you know why we have brought you here?” Emeka points to the chair, he seats, curious, scared, unsure. ”No sir” ”Okay, I till tell you, on the fifteenth of this month you were asked to release a fund of NGN30 million naira, to who? Because I have the information and it was signed by you, I know there is a higher authority who okay-ed it before the bank manager released it, who was it and where was it sent to?” ”Mr Ambross and to his personal account Sir” ”Did he tell you why he needed it and why it wasn’t funded into the company’s account?” ”He said it was for a Bronx- something project, don’t remember and it wasn’t listed when I checked, when I insisted to know why, he told me to do the transaction, even when I asked to let it run by you he refused saying that he would get it to you Sir and queried me when I pressurized him further hre threatened to sack me for undermining his authority. So I obeyed, he was my Boss after all. As soon as I sent the release to the bank and the transaction was approved and sent, I got a call from the HR to come pick up my termination letter, I figured it was because i delayed in a direct other, I was paid two months salary up front, no benefits and was sent away. It was disheartening” ”That money was paid to his personal account to use for personal purposes and it wasn’t credited for any project, your boss Mr Ambross stole from a company, my money and from my profits, would you want to help us use this as a statement to catch the real thief?” He nods quickly ”I would be glad to. I didn’t want to believe he sacked me because of he was trying to clean his tracks, that’s wickedness sir, Ambross is a wicked man, a thief!!” Jackson was angry. ”You have said it all. Would you love to be the one who tells the truth Jackson?” Emeka asks ”Yes Sir, of course! now I understand it all. We used to have missing funds like this constantly when Mr Ambross was making so much money, when I complained to him he says he would handle it, later a staff would be sacked and he would say it has been handled but monies were never accounted for. Slowly and slowly, more funds left and later we went bankrupt, the company went under. I am so sorry to say Sir, but I think he ruined his company too, he would also run it to the ground again after amassing so much for himself. Don’t let him sir, you have invested so much here already, but see what he does, he steals. He is a thief!!” Emeka nods ”Very well, I won’t. Thank you Jackson!! You will be escorted to the car” ***** PRESENTLY*** ”I do not understand why…why he is here?”‘ Ambross stutters, how the hell did they find him, no this wasn’t possible. ”He is here because he would love to clear his name Mr Ambross, so is there anything you would love to tell us?” Emeka and everyone turns to stare at him ”No Sir, but whatever he is about to say is a lie!” Ambross points at Jackson. ”What do you think he is about to say Ambross” Emeka stands up ”that the NGN30 million was ordered to be released by you to your personal account, and that you never filed nor brought it to me for approval? And that you kicked it under the table and fired him so he doesn’t talk paying him a miserly two months stipend? What don’t you want him to say? That you stole the money, my money even after I told you, you shouldn’t even ask me for a loan, what don’t you want him to say Ambross!!?” Emeka raises up his voice ”Sir!!” Ambross turns to him ”Sir Odinaka, I will never steal from you I promise, he is a liar, this Jackson, he is the thief!” he states pointing at Jackson ”You are the thief Sir Ambross not me!!” Jackson states firmly ”You are the thief Jackson, you know it. Sir Odinaka, he is a lie, a fraud a-” ”So you are saying that his statement doesn’t matter?” Emeka asks him patiently ”What… what statement?” Ambross wipes another bead of sweats, the room suddenly felt so hurt, he fans himself, Emeka nods as Tammy opens his briefcase and brings out a recorder… he places it on the table and presses play, the recorder comes on playing the conversation that was had between Emeka and jackson on how he told him what had happened to the money. The whole room went up in an uproar as they threw condescending glances to Ambross, muttering under their breaths in disdain, they are shocked. ”This is ridiculous, utter nonsense, evilly fabricated, this is a setup Sir, You know me, I will never do anything like this, I am utterly in shock Sir!!” Ambross bursts out as the recorder stops” Shut up everyone, shut up” he shouts at the staffs, turning to Emeka, ”Sir, surely this cannot be true, its not true Sir!!” ”That is the truth and nothing but the truth!!” Jackson speaks as everyone is murmuring and gasping, Ambross looks around. No! , this wasn’t happening. ”Sir Odinaka, I beg you, do not take the word of a thief over me, I have proven myself. I used the money you invested in my company and I gained more returns, even the books shows that I have done a good job with my company” ”You stole, admit it” Emeka states ”I didn’t!!” Emeka shakes his head ”In the face of your loot you still deny? Tony put a call across to the bank manager, let him confirm Ambross’s bank statement for you, and you will give him your bank details Ambross” He points to Ambross Tony dails, he picks ”Chuks, this is Odinka Uchendu, kindly confirm bank statement for this following account. Call it out MR Ambross!!” Silence, ”Call it out!!” ”Look, please can we talk privately?” Ambross goes close to Emeka ”Step away from me Ambross, step away before I tell the securities waiting outside this door to help you to do so! Thank you Mr Chuks” He nods for Tammy to cut the call with the bank manager. ”You have securities outside the door? Hey Odinaka Sir, okay, wait let us talk inside and I will explain everything to you please”‘ ”NO!! Here! Did you or did you not withdraw money not accrued to you, the sum of NGN30 million naira into your personal account on the fifteenth of this money?” Gasps and muttering follows as all eyes rests on him and ears ready to pick his answer. ”Please—” He begs “Did you not Ambross?” Emeka shouts ”I did but-” He begins ”Did you not fire Mr Jackson unfairly?” ”I did but Sir please if only we can talk in private” the sweat is pouring like water, everyone is looking at him, murmuring at him.. “Mr Ambross, you are nothing but a common thief, biting the hand that fed you, and you know what we do to thieves, we punish them. Therefore you are hereby stripped of the position of sole owner of this company and –” ”Stripped!!” Ambross who had been begging suddenly flares up ”How dare you, you cannot strip me of anything! This is my company, my name is written there, I came to you for help and you know what? I will pay you back you, give me a few weeks, in fact, take the balance in the account for your payment, you have no right, No right to strip me of anything, Ii came to you for help, I will repay you, it is my company, mine alone!!!” ”Your company, is that what you say? Who told you it’s your company?” Emeka is back to the seat, crossed leg and a beaming smile on his face ”What the hell is that suppose to mean?” ”It means that from the moment you decided to steal from me, you ceased to become the sole owner of this ventures, you just handed it all to me!!”‘ ”What nonsense are you saying? In fact..” He points at Emeka, if he gets him out of the company no one can accuse him falsely even though its true, he would calm the situation and sack anyone who opposes him, it’s his company, so what if he took the money? Wasn’t the money meant to be spent? My company, his? He must be out of his mind “I think you should get out of my premises and take your loyal dog Jackson you, I Ambross Chikurdi will pay you back within a month, you… a little boy, who the hell do you think you are?” Ambross spat Oh me? Your son fool. Patience, patience father. ”I am your worst nightmare Ambross but don’t rush, there is time for everything. Tam, show him” Tammy opens the file and hands Ambross a set of documents ”What the hell is this?” Ambross states flipping through ”What does it look like? It’s an agreement between both parties, me and you… this company and me”‘ ”So? I already signed these documents, in fact I will have my lawyer redo anything for the company” he flings the file away ”I think you should read it from your copy Tammy!!!” The lawyer nods, he reads out everything Ambross had read, it takes a few minutes, then he gets to the most important part ”And the clause therefore states that peradventure, in any way or the other and for a purpose different from official and office related projects, and that if it’s not for salary or mandated, but funds is being removed from the company account in the bid to steal/loot without the proper signatures to attest to, I will no longer be fit to work as the sole owner of this company, and if my intents and actions are criminal in nature, therefore I requite my position, in company assets, shares in totality, inclusive of the name, structures and premises and signed to Mr Odinaka Uchendu as sole owner and administrator. And this agreements should take effect immediately if I err or commit a crime, signed by Mr Ambross Chikurdi on the first of this month”’ ”You are mad!! Where did you see that?” Ambross grabs the documents from his hands and as he goes through it ”Where did I sign such ridiculous nonsense, where?” he thunders ”Look well Ambross, if you were not blinded by greed and love for money, you would have seen that and read the clause ” He carefully goes through it, searching, reading it, seeing it, his eyes grows big in shock , he shakes his head and looks up ”This wasn’t there before! Did you put it? You just put it there, you played me, you played me!!” he flings the file at Emeka, who watches it fall, his eyes goes back looking at Ambross, his smile not leaving his face. ”You played yourself Ambross, first I helped you when you came crawling to me to help you, after investing millions of naira into your dying company, you go behind, my back to steal from me, 30 million naira, do you know where that money is gotten from? My hard earned labor, strength and energy, my years of turmoil to be able to make money legally and what do you do? You steal it, oh, yes we know you have booked a flight out of the country, it has been cancelled” Ambross’s mouth drops open to the floor ”You are spying on me?” ”I am not stupid to trust a total stranger with my money; you must be a fool to think so!!! We have the statement here of Jackson, and we already confirmed from your bank manager, we made sure to cover all of the edges before coming here and I gave you a chance to come clean, what do you do? Feign innocence and dare to accuse another person, how heartless are you!! Ambross, you are nothing but a common heartless thief, biting the hand shameless that fed you and I will take the spoon away that you feed from Ambross, I Odinaka Uchendu will. And for that document we signed concerning the company when you came to me? You are a fool, I gave you that same file and document, with the agreements and everything in it for you to sign and you did, it isn’t my fault that you didn’t exercise patience to read it, that clause is normal in this kind of transactions because investors love to be on a safe side and I intended to be safer than safe, that if anyone dares to loot from the money I invest for personal reasons, I will take all that they own to pay back… and you Ambross have nothing pay me back with, you are a broke man with nothing and after all, it’s my money. You have broken the contract, you have committed a crime, the clause has been breached. We are done here Ambross, the securities are outside to escort you out of my company now. Your lawyer can confirm if there is any foul play, you can call as many as you want, my lawyer is here to prove the legitimacy of that signature you signed, also there is a video coverage of our meeting and when you signed when I insisted that you read it thoroughly, so you see Ambross, with your greed for money you played yourself, this wouldn’t happen if you haven’t been a glutton!!” Emeka states angrily ”Someone should call the security and get this man out of my sight!!” ”No you cannot do this to me, this is my company, mine Mr Odinaka!!! Odinaka!!!” he shouts holding onto him, Emeka peels his hands away and pushes him away from him ”Touch me again and your hands goes off!!! ” Emeka points to him ”No!! You lie you hear you lie, this is all a plan to set me up you and Jackson and everyone else, my enemies, it’s your plan to ruin me, to embarrass and humiliate me, you have won. Okay… okay I took the money, but please, you cannot do this to me, this is my life, my world, my legacy…I fact what nonsense, this is fabricated” he switched from begging to flaring up again, refusing to be ousted, to be branded, going back to stand on the fact that he was framed, this isn’t happening to him, No! ”You played me for a fool Ambross, sadly you are the fool!!” He gets up and goes outside. The staffs are muttering, a few curse are thrown at Ambross.. Indeed, he read the file, but skipped some areas, it was clear that Mr Odinaka asked him to read and he didn’t, he insisted twice, but him he didn’t read.. He drops to his knees ”Please Odinaka Sir, I beg you in the name of God, don’t arrest me, please don’t, I will send the money back into your account I will—” ”That money is frozen, you have no access to stolen property Ambross, so the money, the company is mine, you are nothing. Securities get him out, now!!” Emeka tells them as they come in followed by Mr Tammy. ”Sir please, please I beg you, I beg you hay God!!” he cries ”Get him out now!!!” Emeka thunders They take him by the hand and escorted him outside as he is struggling and wailing for Odinaka, telling him he can’t do this, it was his company, his legacy, his life. Emeka turns to them ”Sorry everyone about that, there would be some changes around here from now on, let this be warning to everyone else, don’t steal, it would come bite you back in the ass, now!! Carry on, I will be sending in someone to manage the company while I oversee things, HR fix Jackson back into his office, make him lead team.. for today, everyone, back to work.” They thank him, they cheer him, and they were pleased. He walks out as the three men who had come with him followed him out. They meet Ambross at the gate struggling with them, when he sees them coming out, he rushes to the door ”Mr Odinaka sir, you can’t do this to me, you can’t! Please I beg you, that is all I have, I am sorry, I am so sorry, please, I beg you, you have frozen my account, taken my company, I am finished! Please I beg you, how will I eat, feed, how? I beg you I am on my knees Sir, my boss, my oga biko please, I beg you I will do anything, please!” ”Drive Musa!!” Emeka says to the driver then he says to the securities ”If I see this man here again after today, you will lose your jobs, if he comes close, send the dogs, that is what we do to thieves” he winds up as they drive away ”HEY God!!!” Ambross cries as he was nudged out the gate as it was locked against him.. He bellows ”My company. My money, my life, hey God, hey God!! He cries with hands on his head, tears running down his eyes. ***** He drives home, his cloths in disarray as he enters into his house. He had been rolling on the ground, begging the securities to let him in, no won listened, when he began to threaten them, they released the dogs, he ran. He was thankful they allowed him his car. Only that, nothing else. ”What is it Ambross, what happened?” ”I am finished, I am finished!!!”‘ he seats on the floor, hands on his head ”What has finished you?” She eyes him ”My company” he pants holding his head and loosening his tie ”My money, everything gone! he took it all. My chest, I can’t breathe, he took it all, made me sign it, tricked me, he took it all he kicked me out, my company, my legacy, my hey Belinda I am, finished !!!” ”What, who, what? I don’t understand it , Ambross , talk to me!!” she is worried ”My company, Odinaka Uchendu tricked me, he has kicked me out of my company”‘ ”HEY GOD!!! Why, why, how dare he?” she held him, ”NGN 30 million? I took it, I took it, he found out, now the agreements- hey, my company and money gone!!” “Which NGN30 million Ambross? Money you said you weren’t going to collect again?…oh so you stole it, they caught you, hey you are lucky he didn’t arrest you, thief, oloshi!! Thief oh thief” she clasps for him ”See how useless you are, you have ruined your life and not mine, you are a disgrace, thief, a heartless human, you stole, he should have cut your hand” ”HA Belinda, you suggested I collect that it’s my money, you said you wanted to go to Dubai, and I was talking the money to-” ”Tah!!” she squeezes his mouth “‘Ma-shunu!! Close your dirty mouth, yet you took it and hid it, did you give me? No. Did you even tell me? No!! You stole it for yourself, by yourself and you will suffer it by yourself, in fact how long did you keep the money, how long? You are thief, a disgrace, you in fact” The door bell rings ”I am coming back for you” She opens the door to see two men standing there ”Yes, who are you?” ”We are from the Echelon Estate Management, we would like to see Mr Ambross..”‘ ”What for?”‘ ”We would like to discuss about the house” ”Why?” ”Is he around?” “Ambross, come to the door and meet this men”‘ He steps out ”Yes?” ”Mr Ambross, we just received a mail concerning you recent criminal activities, and as such we have been updated to speed, this is an eviction notice to evict this premises within this hour”‘ “I do not understand, I bought this house Sir, I have the documents, you cannot evict me from my House, who do you think you are?” ”Yes Sir we can! Especially when the house is under the properties of Odinaka Uchendu Echelon Estate Properties and Management!!” “What? I do not understand, my file doesn’t state that!!” ”It does, we have a copy of the agreement and C.of O, if you would gladly get your copy you will see that I am correct in my information!!” the man says ”No, it’s impossible! I bought this house with my hard earned money, my hard earned money sir!!” He goes back into his house and comes back with his copy, he shows it to them, they take it, flipped it and points at it showing him, plus his signature and agreement. ”Yes sir, there it is, this house was listed for NGN30 million in the bank, and you had asked for NGN70 million, which isn’t off, but that is between you and the buyer, but Sir, due to your recent criminal activities, the sane clause that is in the company file is here also because this is the property of Mr Odinaka, and he is pulling back all that he had given or all that belongs to him in relation to you, that means , that this house is his, the money you stole, this house, the cars which you bought is from his car shop, same clause, you signed Sir is requited to him according to the agreement here. Every single thing Sir you stated, goes back to him as soon as your breech the contract, the clause kicks it therefore kicking in all this, Cars, Houses, money, all of it Sir now belongs to him, you as of now own nothing. he is retaking all that he has invested and all you own, backed by your signature, legally signed by you and your lawyers, and which would stand in court.” he finishes ”No!! It doesn’t make sense!!” Ambross staggers after looking at the documents again, he signed it, and he signed it all. How come he didn’t see it, read it, was too excited he didn’t pay attention, jumping over words, going to sign and not caring to carefully go over it word for word? What has he done, what has he done. He is finished!! Finished!! ”If you have read the documents handed to you sir you would have noticed this clauses that here, let me read , ”peradventure if found in a criminal activity that involves the said party of this agreement to be indebted to the law, the owner of this establishment would server ties with the party and take away fund he had invested and borrowed, or used in purchasing anything that the other party has bought, and if I am not mistaken Sir, Mr Odinaka invested in your company, you had no dime, not one, he has a right to that ownership. This is his house, sold to you under the umbrella of Echelon Management, this is his, the money you were paid. by his lawyer and his point man who carried out the transaction for you in the person of Mr Tayo Adegbunbe. It is his money he paid you with which you used to get this house and cars Mr Ambross, it is Mr Odinaka’s.. You cannot own something when you never had the money to own it in the first place, it’s like giving a beggar money to go buy your own shoe, how does it belong to you? Sir, here is your eviction notice, you are not allowed to take anything other than your cloths that you moved in with, everything else should be left in place, and the cars, would be returned as well and a balance of NGN5 million is required, you were given 70 million Mr Ambross, you are expected to balance it up, for now, leave the house within the hour or we would be forced to use force, we have securities waiting at the corner” Ambross is staring into space ”No, no this isn’t happening, I bought this house, bought this house!!” he shouts, Belinda begins to wail. ”it’s a lie, it’s a lie! My car, my house, my cloths, it’s a lie” she held her head jumping One of them gets a call, he whispers into the other’s ears who nods and steps forward ”Miss Belinda, we are told to allow you take your car, your things and leave ” Ambross turns to her as she quickly jumps up from the ground gathers the things she could, without looking back she flings his ring, ”Belinda, please don’t, don’t leave me, please don’t, you are my wife, for better or worse” he cries ”Me, you and I have nothing else, nothing! You will die alone. Your wife? For better or worse? For better or worse kill you there, Tufiakwa!” she spat and enters her car and zooms off ”Sir, you have less than 30 minutes to vacate the premises” Ambross is dumbfounded, weak, shocked to his bones. No, this isn’t happening. He is finished, finished! They get another call ”Still there?” the voice asks ”Yes sir!! Ambross is sinks to the floor, his mind in chaos, he hides his face, he curses the day he met Uchendu, and he wills God to touch his heart to forgive him, he would do anything. He sobs ”Sir!! You need to leave now; our boss would be here soon”‘ He sits there crying into his hands. Another ten minutes Emeka alights from the car that drove into the compound. He comes face to face with Ambross, he bends down to his level. ”Hello Ambross!!” he is smiling ”I came to see your downfall; I wouldn’t miss this for the world!! ” ”Why, why are you doing this to me, what have I done to you? I am sorry, I wouldn’t do it again, please, okay, it’s my company. Okay make me anything, I don’t mind, just don’t leave me out here, my wife left me, I have no money to my name, you freezed my entire accounts, please. ”I just reported your criminal activities to the police and the bank did that on their own, what having connections in the country can get you, ha!!” Emeka laughs ”Why!!! Why, why me? What did I do?” what did he do ”Other than stealing, you make my skin crawl, you are nothing, nothing to me, and I am happy, happy that finally you get to seat on the floor begging me, where you belong” Emeka spat Those words, he remembers them, so well, but where? ”Who are you?” he turns to Emeka ”You want to know he? Maybe a night on the street would give you a clear perspectives, and when it doesn’t, come by my house tomorrow evening, you will find out !!” Emeka laughs straightening up turning to the men ”If he doesn’t leave in the next 5 minutes, I need you to tell the men out there to lift him up and toss him out of the gate, near the road preferably, “‘ ”YES SIR!!” Emeka enters his car, wears his glasses and smiles as he drives out. ***** Ambross is the thrown to the streets just as he was told; he begs for some cloths, he was allowed just one bag. God, how did he get into this mess? One minute he is Ambross chikurdi, a business man, rich, the next he is nothing but a homeless man combing the streets, those he called friends, no one wanted to help him, no one wanted to listen to him or associate themselves with him, Belinda disconnected his number from her line. She had the five million in her account, she was better than him. He had nothing, not even to buy water to quench his thirst as the sun burns his back. He roams the streets, he is hungry, tired, he seats under the bridge, he cries in his hands, maybe he should get the police, but they would arrest him of theft. What if he gets a lawyer, his old one wouldn’t pick his calls, how would he pay the new one. No one wanted to help; they called him a thief, a criminal. He was finished! Done! ”Ha Odinaka Uchendu has ruined him, ruined him!” he laments. ***** Emeka enters into his house, carrying a set of keys , entering into his mother’s room, ”Mama, I have a present for you!!” ”What is it my son?” She raises her head from the bible ”I bought you something” he is smiling down at her ”A house!!” ”A house, what happened to this one I am in?” she is surprised ”Oh, this one you would love” he gives her the keys ”Tomorrow, tomorrow morning before it all, I will take you there Mama” he says kneeing down beside her, dropping the key in her hands, he buries his face there.. ”Are you okay my son, you are shaking?” she hugs him tight ”Yes mama, for the first time in my life, I am happy, so happy, and yet I can’t share this happiness with you until tomorrow, promise me you will come see my present, please !!!” ”I promise Emeka!” he looks up smiling at her, his eyes pools. ”What is it my son?” She searches his eyes, she touches his face, what is eating him up inside? “I am happy that is all” he sniffs getting up ”get some sleep. I love you!!” He leaves her staring after him, she looks at the key in her hand and stares back at him. ***** He doesn’t go to Diana, he goes to his room, standing and watching the night as it slowly fades to quietness. Where you are papa? I hope, I hope you have begun to enjoy the night like we did, sleep under the bridge like we did, let your life be threatened like ours were…I pray you experience it all, I pray you do, then when you can’t…I hope you disappear into oblivion. But your thirst, your curiosity would drive you to me, when it does, I will give you the last hurrah!! He grabs the wine he hand in a class and sips ”Here’s to a great win Father, you made it happen, at least I thank you for it” he laughs to himself. ***** Ambross unable to bear the harshness of the night tried going back to his house by midnight, he was chased out by dogs, he went back to the streets, begged for food to eat, he slept under the bridge, when the touts came and began to pick at his bag which had shoes and cloths, he resisted them, they beat him to a bloody pulp, took his bag and left him there.. Bleeding, he staggers to an uncompleted building, he climbs there and hides from the evil of the night and cried himself to sleep. But he couldn’t sleep, so he thought about his life, he couldn’t think so he cried, and when The agbero boys came, like a man running for his life, he ran again, ending up in an abandoned car in which he hide himself in. The streets wasn’t safe, he couldn’t stay here, not another day, by tomorrow he needs to find him, beg him, he has to. He rather die in prison than here, here was noT safe for anyone. Why did what Odinaka say prick him, those words felt familiar, like someone he would say, he shakes his head. Why did he do this to him, why? What did he do? No.. What he did shouldn’t make him get ousted and humiliated and everything taken from him. What did he do to deserve this hatred from Odinaka? He cries again, He slept with his eyes open, his cloths stained with blood and with hunger pains. As he battled sleep, his mind takes him back, he wondered how they survived on the street… if they survived it. Then it hits him, it hits him hard, he clutches his heart and cried. Years ago he had sent his wife and child away, cared nothing about then afterwards. They must have died on this streets, raped, killed, bodies abandoned somewhere. ”Oh God what have I done!!” he weeps ”God!! Is this my punishment, mine! I am sorry please help me, forgive me, I have nothing more, no one, I can’t bear it!!” he cried ”I sent my son Emeka and Mercy to this streets to die, they must have been here for years, and I am here, only a day and it’s like hell… Oh God!! What have I done!! I can’t! Only a day I cannot!!!” he cried sleep took him. ***** By morning, he made the decision to leave the streets back into town, if it means to roll on the floor and beg, he will. He must see Odinaka, he wouldn’t spend another night on the streets, if he has to be a servant in his kitchen, he will. He will!! He will go to his office; they will tell him how to get to his house. **** TO BE CONT.
8 Feb 2018 | 10:16
The wicked evil ambrose is now a begger....EMEKA,STILL ON THE REVENGE MISSION.
8 Feb 2018 | 17:00
What goes around will always comes around, but as for Dee, be contious nhm? Keep going
9 Feb 2018 | 06:01
Bring it on
9 Feb 2018 | 11:28
I didn't feel sorry for Mr Ambross one bit
9 Feb 2018 | 14:40
Wooow interesting, next pls
9 Feb 2018 | 14:50
revenge is sweet
9 Feb 2018 | 15:54
Cant wait
9 Feb 2018 | 16:27
It serves you right Ambross
10 Feb 2018 | 00:06
TWENTY-THREE ***** ”Wake up sunshine, today is your engagement day proper stroke court wedding, wake up” Grace voice was too loud for her ears, she grimaces ”Grace, its 7am” Diana yawns turning, Emeka wasn’t on the bed beside her, she had left her room open hoping he would come as he had been doing every night, hoping she could sleep in his arms as she had done every night, in peace, in love, oh… She couldn’t wait to be his forever, by today they would be legally married by court, the white wedding is just a ceremony, oh she wished her parents were here to share in this joy with her… God rest their souls. ”Doesn’t matter Dee, you are getting officially engaged today, legally married and oh, get up, I am on my way to help you prepare, dropping Jnr off at my mothers” Diana laughs ”okay!!” she cuts the call getting off the bed, leaving the room ”Mama Tito, good morning, has my fiancé woken up?” ”Yes!!” As Diana made her way upstairs she stops her ”But he is already out Miss Diana”‘ ”This early?” Diana frowns ”It is past nine already!!!” Mama Tito says to her ”Nine?” ”Yes” “But.. Oh crap, my watch must have stopped during the night, it was saying seven, I over slept! Okay thank you, but..” she frowns, ”If he isn’t here how am i supposed to go about the arrangements with today? Or let me get mama!!!” ”She isn’t around too, they went out together” ”Really? Without informing me, do you know where they went?” She shakes her head ”Okay, but what do I do?” she pouts ”Mr Odinaka already gave me instructions, he said you should be well assisted for today, look beautiful, that everything would be prepared for you, you shouldn’t worry” she says stiffly Diana looks at her ”I know you don’t like me Mama Tito, and I am sorry for ever speaking cruelly to you please forgive me, please I am so nervous and there is no one here to calm my nerves and I am at a lost of what to do, I wish Mama was here, she would have helped… I have no idea what to expect and-“‘ Diana was rambling ”Please, forgive me, I need to do something, anything to calm my beating heart, I am so… ohhh excited and nervous at the same time” Diana says hugging herself Mama Tito eyes her, not that she cares but Emeka has given her instructions ”Fine, there is a few things I am doing in the kitchen, you can help till when you need to go prepare, it would calm your nerves . They are decorating the house” ”Oh great, yes I better help!!” ***** ”Where are we going to Emeka!!?” Mercy turns to her son ”We are almost there Mama, almost there.” He taps her hands When he reaches, he parks a little distance, ”I need you to trust me okay, I need you to close your eyes really tight, don’t open till I tell you to!!” ”Emeka why don’t you tell me?” ”I will, I just want you to close your eyes mama!” She does so reluctantly, he drives further and enters the compound, helps her out of the car, then he takes a deep breath as they stand infront of the door.. ”You can open them Mama!!” ”Okay!” she does so, her brows knits together she takes in the place.. ”Remember Mama?” ”Where is this?” ”Mama, remember this place?” She steps back, steps way back. Then she looks at the gate, and then back at the house, then again, she steps back, turns around, then looks back at him Emeka is smiling and nodding ”Emeka! Is this what I think it is, is this house that I think it is?” ”Yes mama, it is!” he is laughing She covers her mouth in shock, shaking her head, her eyes pooling ”let’s go, let’s go, we can’t be here! “‘ she pulls him away in fear ”No Mama, no, we can actually, that key in your hands opens this house, I bought it for you Mama, I bought it for you, this house, the good memories we shared here with the Ibekwes I bought it for you Mama, happy birthday!!!” he says pulling her into his arms She is crying, ”Emeka, Emeka!!” she sobs coming to him as he hugs her, she sobs, then she pushes him ”No, no, he used to live here, he used to be here, how come, how come you bought the house Emeka, is your father-” ”He isn’t my father Mama, and … it was in the marker for sale, I bought if off, no Ambross isn’t here. Don’t you love your present?” ”And Ambross, what happened to him?” ”Don’t ruin the surprise Mama, it’s your birthday, come on Mama, open it, I took the pleasure of repainting it just the way it was, got furniture just the way you remember it, I didn’t want to change anything so I just redid it the way it was, the way you remember it, with new furniture’s and fitting Mama, I placed their pictures back where it used to be, I know how much you loved that family” ”How much you loved them too, especially Jessica” ”Yes mama, come, inside, take a tour of your new house, you can do anything you want to it Mama, I bought it for you Mama, I promised you one day, that this house you were kicked out off, you will return to it, not like a woman powerless but one able, happy birthday my mama, do you love it, tell me mama!!” She laughs crying , turning to hug him ”I love it so much!! I love it so much!!” she hugs him kissing his face ”You have made me happy in my sadness my son, you have” He laughs hugging her ”Mama, I am glad you like it. Want to take a tour before we leave?” ”Yes yes please!!” he holds her hands and takes her on a tour of the house.. He knew what was going on in her mind about Ambross, well… he wasn’t going to answer that… yet, let her assume what she wants, that he was dead, gone, whatever! He knew Ambross would come seeking him out, he would tell him who is his, watch him burn in shame. Then he would kick him out… he would never let him hurt his mother again, he would be shamed, he would go on his knees in front of him and his mother and burn in shame… This was the best revenge. Karma wasn’t a bitch, karma was a man. Emeka smiles. ***** ”I said I need to see Odinaka Uchendu!!” he screams at the gate, he has been doing it for a few hours, shouting, begging, throwing himself on the ground. He wasn’t leaving till he does. He wasn’t. He rather die here than on the streets. ”Sir, please can you leave the premises before we call securities, you are disturbing!!” ”I don’t care, let me see Odinaka Uchendu, I need to see him, and I am not leaving here until I do, I will make a scene until he answers me”‘ The more he makes a scene, the more customers stare, he was causing a nuisances… Agnes had been trying to call him but his number wasn’t reachable till now. ”Sir, good morning am sorry to disturb you, but there is a man raging war at the gate sir, he says he wants to see you, he claims he is Mr Ambross Chikurdi and he is causing a lot of trouble for customers, I keep telling the securities to chase him out but he keeps coming back, now he is lying in front there, stopping people from coming in, what do I do?” ”Tell him if he wants to see me, he should come to my house, give him my address”‘ ”Okay sir!!!” ”Emeka cuts the call and turns to his mother, shall we go?” ”Yes we shall, so today, you marry her legally by court?”‘ ”Yes ma’ám!!” Today it ends, it all ends. ”Okay, I pray God bless you” She gives up. ***** ”How do I get there?” Ambross takes the card getting up, ”What if this isn’t his address?” ”It is, he said you should meet him there, he would not be coming in today, it’s weekend”‘ Ambross nods at her, then he pauses, thinking hard before he continued, shame washes over him ”Okay! but, I don’t have any means to, to erm… can you please help me, it is far” he scratches his head, Agnes frowns at his blooded dirty cloths, his broken lip and black eye, he was unkempt. Was this not the same man that came here a few weeks ago looking for a partnership with Mr Odinaka to help his sinking company, wasn’t it the same man Mr Odinaka had helped, what happened to him? ”Erm… I am sorry Sir” ”Please, please!!!” he touches her hand, people are staring, she should get rid of him ”Okay, hold on” she dips her hands into her pocket and hands him a five hundred naira note ”Thank you!!” he says walking away, pulling up his trousers threatening to fall off his waist. She watches him leave, then turns back entering the building. ***** They were parked outside, the same place they have been for the past couple of days, watching him come and leave, tailing him, not too close not to draw attraction and when a security detail appears behind him they had pulled away… Every time, they go back to tell their Boss that they were unable to get him alone to pick him up. And his company wasn’t like Ambross’s, walking in there to ask for a man like Odinaka Uchendu would raise suspicion, they can’t pull that stunt like they pulled at the other company looking for that Tayo Adegunbe, there were too many securities, cameras and God knows what else, it was dicey, risky. So everyday they had waited, hoping that they can be able to get him alone, un-followed. If they could nap him, then he can take them to Ambross who seemed to be nowhere to be found. They can’t go back to Ambross’s company either, he told the securities not to let them enter, they didn’t want to cause a scene to alert the police, their business was illegal, they were better off under the radar. If they knew where he stayed, where his new house was, it would have made their work easier.. They had contacted their friend in the police department, he was a level officer, and they told him to scout Odinaka, since he is a big shot, he should have some police security as well, the man says if he could get any information about him or anything he would let them know. For now, they continue to watch his company and look for an opportunity to nap him. ”Agade, look, see who just left the building” the bigger guy nudges his friend ”Who Don?” ”See the fool Ambross, looking like he was just dragged from the bin like a refugee” ”What the fxxk, what happened to him?” Agede throws the toothpick away from his mouth.. ”Who cares, he eventually came out of hiding, let’s get him”‘ They put the car on drive and follow behind him slowly, waiting for the moment when he crosses the road, walking to the next exit to stop a car. ”Quick Don, quick!!!” Agede says Don manoeuvres the car stopping in front of the taxi which pulled over for him, both of them jump down to the startled Ambross as he darted away, wondering what is happening.. ”Don’t you know how to drive?” the driver winds down and screams from the car, he was ignored as Ambross backs away recognising the men ”Ambross, nice for you to show up, boss wants to see you!!” Don says smiling He shakes his head raising up his hands in surrender ”Please, please, I have nothing , please” ”Yeah!! Tell that to Boss, come, let’s go for a ride!!!” ”No, no I will scream!!” Ambross says in fear Don dips his hand into his lowered shorts as he covers it with his shirt after showing it to Ambross ”I think you might have to think again for that Ambross” The taxi man who had been screaming at them suddenly grows quiet, he winds up, locks his doors, puts his car in reverse and screeches out of the place Ambross turns to him leaving and back at the men, without thinking, he makes a run for it.. Agede catches him with quick strides and hits him at the back of his head with his gun he had pulled out, Ambross hits the floor passing out, looking around to make sure there were no witnesses, both him and Don lifts his body and throws it into the booth of the car. They drive off. ***** Mercy had been in her room, staring at the keys, thinking of the house, the present Emeka had gotten her, she wipes her tears. She had lived in that house for years, before the Ibekwes died, after they died, she shared loving memories with the family, took their child Jessica as her own, Emeka’s bestfriend, his only then. She had shared loving memories with her son, and maybe with her husband, before he became worse, soo much worse that she couldn’t bear yet she couldn’t leave. God has given her hope, life another chance. Her son had given her hope, a new start, a chance to believe that miracles could happen, that same house Emeka had come to love and grow in, his best memory of Jessica and the Ibekwes where there. The Ibekwes had always said that the house brought them together in love and happiness; she had prayed that it would be the same for her family, but… it wasn’t because Ambross wasn’t a good person. He wasn’t, he hurt her, broke her, beat her, beat their son, kicked her out, kicked them out never cared if they lived nor died, shut the gate at her face, divorced her and beat their son almost to a pulp there outside the gate telling her that all he has is his and all she has is nothing. He told them that they meant nothing to him and that they remained on the ground, where they belong and beg him, they were meant to beg and he to not help. Yes!! She had memories in that house, good, bad, bittersweet, but memories nevertheless. After she and Emeka went to the house, she never ever thought she would set her eyes on their house ever again, much less the man.. after that night he beat her up again, even when she was too weak to stop him, he left her out bleeding when Emeka came and found her and wanted to kill him, she had told herself she was done, she would survive for her son, live for him, and she did, and now, that same house he held against her, kicked her out from.. that same house… was bought for her by her son. She wipes the tears from her eyes.. her sad happy tears push out still. Ambross, was he dead? After all this years was he dead? And why was it sold? Or did he move, relocate and sold the house, is he alive, well, lucid..? So many thoughts runs through her mind, for a few years, she had prayed for him, in anger in pains and then just so she can forgive him and then she stopped, because whenever Emeka found her on her knees praying to God about Ambross he was angry, ”Why do you pray for a man who almost killed you, why? Do not soil God’s ears with such slime Mama, don’t! Pray for you, pray for me, pray for the homeless and the have-not, don’t pray for he who have taken the food from our mouth, roof over our head and peace from our hearts, don’t mama, don’t pray for Ambross, pray instead that he is dead, because if he is alive and I ever see him, I will make sure he feels all this he has done and much more Mama, I will, I promise you.” And because she hated seeing that hate in Emeka’s eyes, she stopped… and eventually as the years went by, she lived for she and her son, prayed for them both and forgot all about Ambross, the husband who never loved her, whose fists was his constant touch, and whose smile at her never lasts a second, whose touch to her only when he wants her and whose anger rises immediately he rolls off her body, and eventually, her bed became cold, her smiles faded, her body filled with bruises, her mouth with lies to her son that she fell not beaten and then her soul uneasy.. She had never been truly happy with Ambross, the only light and happiness she got was when she was with her son, with the Ibekwes… at peace. Ten years later, that same house she was thrown out from is hers, hers, and the man who stood like a guard dog is nowhere to be found, she sobs.. Is he okay?’ No, she mustn’t think about him, not now, not ever!!! There was a knock on the door, she wipes her eyes ”Come in”‘ Diana walks in, dressed in a beautiful silver dress with shimmering glitters, she looked beautiful, radiant, happy, even her eyes glowed. ”Mama!! Can I seat?” ”You are already in the room!!” Mercy sniffs ”Where you crying mama?” a worried frown crosses Diana’s face ”What do you want Diana?”‘ Diana watches her face for a few minutes, deciding not to push ”To thank you for allowing me marry your son, I will be honest with you mama, maybe you will understand better, I… I never had good intent for your son Mama, not from the first time we met, not even when we dated, not now!!”‘ Mercy’s eyebrow rises ”No, please listen to me mama, I need to say this. You know, as a girl growing up, all I wanted was the finest things of life, and I got everything I always wanted, everything until my parents had nothing else to give because they died in an accident, my aunt raised me, she passed on five years ago. But, growing up in that home where No was never a word, I couldn’t be able to relate with it outside my home, we weren’t rich, we were okay, but what that life does to you is that you keep wanting things and not having them when you want was a problem. Then I met Emeka, he was great and sweet and amazing and he was rich and all I could think about was all I could get being his girlfriend and when he asked me out I jumped at it. And when I entered, I realized that all that glisters isn’t gold, that his father was just a show off and he didn’t care about him nor you, but you see, I didn’t understand, I did not want to, I didn’t listen to him, the pain and torment in his heart, I knew he was beaten sometimes, I knew he had barely nothing to hold on to and I gave him some certain peace, an escape to his chaos but I didn’t care, all I wanted was to be taken care of, spent on, and when I realized I couldn’t get anything more from him and that he was on a sinking ship especially when his father cut you both off.. I did the needful. I broke up with him, telling him the truth, I had other guys, men who were begging I say to yes to them, and I did, not one, not two, not three. I did date them while I and Emeka dated, and as we broke up I continued in that lifestyle. And for years I became better at pretending to love and care, just to be able to get things I wanted and it gave me all I wanted, the money, the attention, the life, the men, the material things… and I enjoyed them all, all of it, but you see… like smoke it came and like air it went and soon I am back searching scouting . it became my life Mama” ”Why are you telling me this Diana, I already sensed that, I only prayed Emeka sees right through you before marrying you!!” Diana is shaking her head ”You are not listening to me Mama, I used to be this person who didn’t care who I hurt, when I was done achieving what I wanted from them, I moved on, I didn’t care, I was like a butterfly perching and nipping and sucking the nectar from a flower and I was great and happy and I moved from one person to the other and place to place, man to man for years, I thought I was living the life, I was basking in the material things I had but like vapor it fades away and I am left with nothing and I go out searching and I always find, that gullible man who would want me, like me, and like they said… scratch my back and I scratch yours… they wanted me, fine, I wanted what they held in their hands and I took it, no remorse, no regret, no care… and this had been my life for the past ten years mama, and no one, not one loved me the way Emeka loved me then nor love me now, not one stick-ed it out, as soon as they found out about my life they left, or as soon as I was done with them , bored, I left, I was never bothered, never broken. I never loved; I never did, until today!! ”I met Emeka and I was glad and happy after ten years, because he wasn’t the pauper I expected him to remain, he was better, he was rich, every girl’s dreams so I lied again, pretended I care, I wanted to get back into his world, his arms, so yes Mama, you were right, you were right, I wanted his money not the man, but as the days went by… meeting you mama, you pricking my conscience, causing me to feel, to regret, to feel shame, I cried realizing my mistake.. I have done Emeka wrong mama and I intend to correct it. I don’t want to hurt the man, I don’t want to cause him pain, I didn’t want to take and take and ruin… for the first time my heart catches in my chest when I see Emeka, my lips curls up on its own, my nights are warm with him on my bed not as my lover but my protector… and I realized that Emeka didn’t deserve me, he deserves a woman who loved him, loves him so much it hurts to see another woman with him, that was why I hated Olive, but… mama, at a point I didn’t care if she was there in his room because I was so sure I knew Emeka wasn’t like the others, he was better. Mama, I fell in love with your Emeka, I have changed, I have changed from the girl who walked into that door a few weeks ago. I am different, I want to love him and take all his pains away, make amends, I want to let go of self and be all that he wants and if he happens to lose it all today, Mama I will stick it out… today I will marry your son legally before you, before the lawyers, friends and loved ones, before God, and I want to tell you, that I love your son, I am in love with your son and I will never hurt him, not today, not ever, not again. Forget his money, I rather have the man… this man that had swept me off my feet when I couldn’t be swept, treated me like a queen, loved me in my lows, this man is your son Emeka, and he is who he is because of you, so thank you Mama, for the words you spoke, for protecting him, for standing before him, for hating me, because if you hadn’t lashed out… I wouldn’t have changed, realized… known nothing, I wouldn’t have allowed myself to love him. So thank you Mama for changing me, thank you! I pray and hope that, that one day we can be able to be daughter and mother, and you can scold me and treat me like your own… I will wait Mama, I will wait for you, but until then, thank you for letting me marry your son, my love, my king!!” she says going on her knees ”I am sorry Mama, I am truly truly sorry!!” Diana says, the tears came, genuine tears, for the first time Mercy was truly speechless. There was a knock on the door as Mercy stares at her hard and long, trying to understand how and when it happened.. Diana quickly wipes her eyes as Mama Tito walks in ”Mama, there are about to begin, Miss Diana, your friend is looking for you, she said its time “Mama Tito says leaving the room Diana stares at her, she wipes the tears that had fallen again, she smiles getting up ”I am going mama, please, when you come, bless me too!” she leaves Mercy stares at the closed door for long time.. A single tear falls from her eyes, she wipes it, surely there is a God somewhere. She leaves her room. ***** Ambross wakes up with splash of water on his face, his vision is blurred, a sharp pain at back of his head as he touches it.. He sees them; he is in a room, his leg chained to a rail… ”Please!!” he says getting on his knees as his eyes clears ”Please, I have no money, I have no money, I would have paid you if I could, but now… I have no money please!!” he cries They don’t say anything, Agede and Don, they stand over him, the other dropping the bucket on the ground. The door opens to usher in another man, he was taller, grey hair at his temple, a pipe to his mouth, he is wearing all white, a walking stick he held , but he walked perfectly. Don pulls out a chair for him to seat which he does crossing his legs, an ash tray is placed on the table beside him, he unbuttons his suit and then drops his hat on the table, then he stares at Ambross. ”Mr Ambross, the last time you were here, you preached heaven and earth, crying on your knees just like this, begging me to help you.. that you had nothing, you will die if you weren’t helped, and against my better judgement I did help you, I did. That was over 18 months ago, you promised to pay in a year!! But you failed on your promise. How do you plead?” ”Sir please I beg you, I have no money!!” Ambross says crawling to him as far as he could reach which was to his feet as he bends in a prayer mode, The walking stick the man held , he raises it up and with a reflex quick for a man his age he jabs it to Ambross shoulders as he gets to him, the jab pushes him back and he winces in pain, the spot suddenly began to bleed red as he pulls the stick away from his shoulders, the blade goes back in as he pulls a string, Ambross holds on to his shoulders, screaming in pain as the blood makes map on his already bloodied-dirtied shirt. ”Wrong answer Ambross, how do you plead?” he asks again ***** TO BE CONT.
10 Feb 2018 | 01:58
This is not good at all
10 Feb 2018 | 11:49
Abeg next
10 Feb 2018 | 13:11
Ambrose is in big wahala...emeka,his revenge is a huge one.
10 Feb 2018 | 16:31
Still following
10 Feb 2018 | 17:34
10 Feb 2018 | 18:32
Following Jejely,
10 Feb 2018 | 22:40
Diana is really in love and that is where the revenge will be sweetest. Emeka deserves better
11 Feb 2018 | 03:02
You guys should free Ambrose because he has another prize to pay
11 Feb 2018 | 04:05
TWENTY-FOUR ***** Emeka is standing outside his house, he smiles when someone drives in and one of his staffs rushes down quickly to go open the door and when the man alights he takes the car and drives it away.. ”Tayo my man!!” Emeka hails as Tayo climbs the stairs two at a time to get to him and they embrace in a guy-hug- shaking. ”For whatever this is, you look sharp!!” Tayo shakes his head ”How is it going, but first, where is my mother? I want to say hi to her, the only amazing woman on this earth, I got her a little present, so tell her sorry in advance if you know what I mean” Emeka laughs , ”Hey, don’t come here to steal my mother from me man, by the way, I hope that present is big enough for two because I would need something to pacify her after all this..” They laugh again ”Oh yes brother, remind me not to stand close to you when it blows over or if it goes south” ”Stop being pessimistic, why would it go south? I got it all planned brother, even the decorations looks great, food for the event, I got the bride, the guests, I got it all worked out brother, you just need to sit back and enjoy the last hurrah, that is what you are here for Tayo”‘ He sighs ”I know I know, hey, where is she?” Emeka looks at him, ”Really?” ”No, I mean her- her, not the other her!!”‘ ”Oh, she is inside, with her best friend Grace, probably snapping pictures and stuff, maybe posting, you know how girls can be now?”‘ ”Ha!! Too bad, you know I only heard you speak about this Diana of a girl for so many years I swear I already know her, I would love to place a face to her though, the duchess of materialism” he laughs, Emeka joins him ”Keep your voice down, you don’t want to spoil it before it is over!!” ”Ssshhhh yes yes!!” Tayo places his hands to his mouth, then he frowns ”So, these people, who are they, I know they aren’t exactly your friends, you wouldn’t want to bring your friends and business associates to your … childish games would you?” ”Hey, be nice Tayo, and yes you are right , of couse I am not stupid to, the whole media would be here if they found out Odinaka, the rich bachelor was getting married, it would be all over the news, but then again I thought about it, it would more damage control , she needs more than one that would remain in her face for ever” he thinks to himself ”But, I also don’t want to have that dent to my name, you see, so these people. Some are paid stand-ins dressed expensively, told them to invite a friend or two… speak and act like dollars, of course I am paying them all well for the evening, so there is you, mama, me, the lawyer… and well you know who!! But I got props for you this evening, you should be proud of my well crafted plan” ”I see, and about the erm… other thing” he looks around, “When does it happen? By the way good job throwing out the pig… I just hope you don’t have sleepless nights though” ”Right after I do it, I need to call him right now!!” Emeka says dialing on his phone; he ignores Tayo’s last words ”Okay!!” Tayo looks around as his parlour is filled up with a dozen people. He nods, he sees Tammy somewhere in the room, he nods at him, Mr Tammy nods back. ”Hello Jide, where are your men, are they in place? Okay then, by the said time, my securities would leave their post for a a few hours, that is when you come in okay? And remember, leave no room for doubt”‘ ”Okay sir, see you soon, we are already in place!!!” ”Great !!”‘ he cuts the call nodding and turning to Tayo ”All set” ”And him?” ”Agnes told me he came looking for me, he actually went looking for me “Emeka laughs “You know, I was tempted to tell him who I was when I saw him on the floor, lost, defeated, but I held my tongue, I wanted to do it when he sees me and mama face to face, I want him to make the connection himself, he should be on his way here, what better celebration than to have the two of them birds of the same feather tossed away the same day and during a love wedding” he laughs again Tayo stares at him ”Why do I have a feeling that you are forcing yourself to enjoy this, like be happy about this”‘ ”I am Tayo, after ten years I get to take away all the things my father loves, his money, his house, his car, his ego and his dignity, humiliating him like he did us, disgracing him the way he did us and more… I am happy, so happy!!” ”And yet, there is sadness in your voice!!” Emeka turns away, sighing, get out of my head Tayo, ”it would soon begin!!” ”Okay, do you man, let me go greet my mother” he says tapping Emeka’s shoulders Emeka turns to the gate, Ambross should be here anytime soon. He looks away, nodding to someone with a briefcase as he heads back into the house, soft music is playing, and the house looked like an expensive mini event about to happen. He had to go all out for this charade. ***** ”Girl!!” Grace says closing the door and entering ”It’s filled with people, oh dear this is really happening right? Engagement stroke court wedding, wow!! Emeka looks dashing by the way, I met him at the entrance welcoming guests, the setting is wow, his mom isn’t seated yet though but I just saw her talking with one dashing hot young man, I wonder who he is, but you look beautiful Diana, too too beautiful!!!” Diana smiles looking at the mirror, her eyes pools again for the tenth time that day ”I am getting married to Emeka, Grace, next week is slated for the white wedding but… I can’t believe it, that this is me, a different me who wants to love a man wholeheartedly, who loves a man for him Grace, for him alone…” she smiles ”Hey no crying Dee, it’s your day. No tears except tears of bliss”‘ she laughs Someone knocks at the door, Grace opens it then smiles, ”Ready?” she listens for a few minutes and then nods ”Okay”‘ Grace closes the door!! ”Who is that?” ”Emeka wants to see you upstairs before the ceremony, let me go make sure everything is ready okay?” ***** Ambross writhes in pain as he screams out .. ”I want my money Ambross, and the earlier you tell me how to get it the better, all I hear you saying is that you have no money, no money no money, how does that give me the NGN50 million back into my accounts do you how I make my money Ambross, I loan people and I get my interests, the bulk of my money comes from the underdogs Mr Ambross, taking care of people for people, things like that you know, and when people come to ask for money, I make them understand that it isn’t for free, I help you to help me, NGN50 million was given to you wasn’t it, wasn’t it?” The man’s walking stick is buried again in Ambross’s left shoulder pressing hard , Ambross is screaming, he holds it with both hands as it pierces deep into his skin, blood sprouting out, pain, excruciating pain as he screams out. ”Please, please..I beg you!!” he chokes ”Believe me, no money, I have no money”‘ ”You know we kept tabs on you Mr Ambross, we see how you spend your money, very stupidly, instead of investing it in the company in which you took the money for, you do the opposite, you spend lavishly, buy cars, travel in and out of the country, women, unnecessary things you hardly pay your staffs, you do nothing worthwhile with the money, and then poof, it’s gone, you come begging again.. every time you got NGN10 million, and when it got to NGN50 million we stopped… you promised the money would be paid , and because we were patient, considerate, we waited, we gave you a year because well we understand the prevailing times, you took eighteen months and when we came calling, realizing that within a month, miraculously your charts are going up, investors are coming, your company is growing, money is coming in, you are buying expensive cars, you are selling your house expensively and obviously moving into a new expensive house… and you are hiding from me, my men, avoiding my calls, ignoring my calls… me Teco-Musa Ghadi, me that when people hear my name they shiver, when they are in need they come to me, I bring smiles to their faces, I grant them their heart desires. Me, the one who helped you and what do you do? You spit on my face, you thought we wouldn’t find you, you thought you can hide from me? I am like God, you cannot hide from me you worthless pig!!!” he spat at him.. ”Please Argghhhh ARRRRHHHHHHH!!!” Ambross jerks in pain as Teco-Musa twists his stick inside his shoulders, more blood stains his shirt. Teco-Musa pulls it out and walks back to his chair.. ”Now! Let us start all over again Mr Ambross, come Don, give the man some water, look at him dying of thirst, come on man, show some love”‘ Teco-Musa beckons to his man Agede takes a bucket of water and splashes over Ambross’s face, blood and water mixes as it reaches his body and soaks his cloths, he chokes, blinking … he tries to seat up, both arms are bleeding … ”I beg you, I am not lying to you… I ..I have no money” he cries literally, ”It’s all gone, all gone, he took it away from me, the house, the car… all the money. He took it from me… I am nothing… look at me… I -I ” he cries ”I slept under the bridge last night, ousted from my company, he tricked me, he took it all..He took it all..i swear, I have no money, if you want your money… you will have to take it from him because he… he has it… I have nothing… nothing !!” he cries as his arms bleeds, both shoulders bleeding Teco-Musa looks at him ”What nonsense is this man rambling Don?” ”Well sir, maybe he is telling the truth! We saw him in the company that that man owns, looking worse for wear”‘ Teco-Musa turns to them ”So if he is telling the truth why the hell do you bring a useless man without money to me, why then?” ”We didn’t know sir, we didn’t!!!” they backed away from him in fear He turns to Ambross ”You don’t have my money, then you give me your house, that is what you promised me” he gets up kicking Ambross who groans in more pain ”I don’t have it, not that house, I sold it.. I did .. I have nothing, nothing, he took it all, my life, my legacy!!!” he wails ”This man, why did you meet him, why did he do this… what did you do to him that he took it all from you, your everything eh, Speak?” he kicks him ”Nothing, nothing, I -” he sniffs grabbing his shoulder but the pain shoots his other shoulder ”I went to ask him for help, like I did you, he offered to help and he did, but… now he turns around and take it all” ”A business man wouldn’t go against his words unless pushed, what did you do fool?” he jabs the stick into his shoulders again, Ambross screams again, he pulls it out Ambross sniffs ”I stole money, NGN30 million from the company account”‘ Silence, then a big laugh ”Oh the thief becomes a thief even in his own company oh Ambross Ambross Ambross, you are like a leach, even to your own self, you steal from yourself and from someone who had helped you, see why I should cut off both your hands … get me the Saw… We would Saw it off this shoulders, that is what they do to thieves yes? Agede, bring it, let it be on… we would cut his arms off and send it to the malams for Suya, suya eh!!” he laughs, the men laugh with him ”Please I beg you, don’t kill me!!” Ambross struggles to his knees in pain ”Kill you? Oh, not yet, where is that NGN30 million if I may ask? Tell me you were stupid enough not to hide it properly, tell me where it is, I will let you go” ”I told you, it’s all gone, he took it all, my accounts are frozen, all gone!!” ”Oh well, then we need to meet this man who is so smart, to outsmart a thief, is it the same man, who you got his name earlier Don?” ”Yes, I believe so” Don turns to Ambross and pulls him by his shirt ”The man, is he the same one who invested in your company?” he shakes him after slapping him ”Yes!! He is the one, Odinaka Uchendu!!” He pushes him back causing his back to make impact with the one, Ambross groans. ”Yes same one sir!!” Don nods to Teco-Musa ”Good, now does anyone know how we get this Odinaka?” Teco –Musa rolls his right index finger Silence ”Don’t let me use your head and scrub the floor now, Don, Agede, anyone?” ”Sir, we told you, he is always with a guard or two, trailing him, we couldn’t go close and we didn’t want to raise any suspicion” Teco-Musa sighs ”that means I don’t have my money, but the pig Ambross and nowhere to get the one who took it all, now, that is making me very very angry, maybe I should begin chopping off your hands Ambross” he walks towards him ”I have… I have his address”‘ ”Oh!!! Now, that is thrilling , what is his address?” he turns to his men “‘You see, now the pig is useful, we would cut only one hand for suya yes?” he laughs ”Give it, where is it?” Don asks him ”My pocket!!” Ambross chokes, Don searches his pocket and takes out the card They hand it to Teco-Musa , he is looking at it when Don’s phone rings , he excuses himself to take it ”Yes Gbenga, what’s up, I am in the middle of something with Boss, call back—” ”Wait, you said to tell you in case I find out something about that rich dude you were tailing right, well I have, and guess what, an operation is going down there today, all under wraps, and another thing, the dogs would be cleared for a tiny window”‘ Gbenga tells him ”How did you find out?” ”I overhead their conversation, the one leading the team? he would be in a team of three to four guys, mask, they are to grab him and make a scene, and leave… beg a ransom, something about some chick taking the bait, it happens within a few hours, dogs would be out of the cage during it and sent to go play” ”I see, interesting, let me tell the boss, thanks man, would tell Boss you came through, he will send you something sweet after it all.” ”I trust you man, later!” He cuts the call and heads to Boss, excusing him and whispering into his ears, Teco-Musa nods to what he says, a smile breaking out in his face ”Well well well, sometimes God works in mysterious ways, interesting!!” he rubs jaw ”So what do you want us to do Sir?” ”What else!” Teco-Musa smiles ”let us pay Mr Odinaka a visit shall we? Don, grab the pig, he will identify the man for us!!!” ***** Emeka is waiting for her when she steps in… He turns when she calls his name, when he lays his eyes on her, he is speechless for a second, he clears his throat ”You are breathtakingly beautiful Diana, has anyone told you that?” She smiles stepping into the room, ”Yes, just now, you!!” he smiles, stretching out his hand ”Now that we want to begin a life together, I want to share all I have with you, all, I know the wedding is set for next week but after today, we are man and wife, the church is just a ceremony, but today, a new chapter begins with you!!! Today is the day you will never forget Dee, i promise you”‘ Today, she will never forget it he was sure. ”I don’t want to forget the day either, it’s so overwhelming already “‘ ”I know, here, come here” he tells her as he faces her to the mirror as she comes close to him, he opens a box and puts a jewel around her neck ”This is for you princess and –” There was a knock on the door, he goes to open it, there was some hush hush words exchanged, he frowns shutting the door and sighing ”What is it, what is the matter Emeka?” ”No Dee, it’s just… I told them to send this to the office, I had a meeting earlier today and some business associates paid in bonds and dollars, I don’t keep money in the house and I wanted them to send it to the office but he said he had a problem with the car and what else, he is scared to hold it because when he got to the office, Agnes had left, he brings it back…Argh!!” He places the briefcase on the table and opens it up ”It’s over a NGN100 million naira in bonds and Dollars here, now I have to keep this amount of money here, and I can’t do anything till Monday” picks up some money and drops it back, Diana is looking at it, she swallows, turning away.. You are not that person anymore Diana, you are not, she opens her eyes and stares again at the briefcase Emeka sees her looking, he fiddles with the cash for a few more seconds.. ”I guess I have to just leave it here till Monday” he repeats and closes the briefcase and then goes to the wall, he drops down a picture, a safe was revealed. ”I will see you downstairs Emeka” Diana made to leave ”Why? We aren’t done Dee, wait, because I want to open this?” he shakes his head ”You will be my wife today and forever Dee, that means you will have the key to my heart and to my affairs, my business and my pocket, here….” he pulls her close, putting her before him, ”punch in 5. 6. 733. Space and 409 space D. ” he tells her ”But Emeka, I don’t need to-” ”Go on Dee”‘ She punches in the numbers, the safe opens, then there is a vault ”Punch in your name Diana and the year we began dating followed with an #” She bends her head to look at him, he smiles ”I told you I never forgot you, go ahead” She blinks back tears as she does so, the vault opens, he hands her the case, she puts the briefcase in and then he closes it.. She sniffs, tears falling ”Hey!” he turns her.. ”No tears remember? None!” He wipes it with his fingers ” I have one more present for you Dee” ”What else can you do for me other than explode my heart Emeka?” ”Oh, just one more” he hands her a document ”What is that?” ”You will own half of everything I own Dee, as my wife, I asked the lawyer to draw this up… sign it”‘ ”I don’t want it Emeka, marrying you is enough!!”‘ ”My wife would be secured, what if something happens to me?” ”No!! Don’t say that, nothing will!!” ”Then be reasonable, sign it, you will always be assured that you will be well protected even if I am not!!” ”Will you feel happy if I did sign it?” ”Yes!! Very!!” ”Okay!!” She takes the file, flipping through and then signs ”What’s this documents?” she asks picking up another, it was documents for a house, a transfer of ownership, it was just bought. ”Oh, that’s for Mama, you on the other hand would get the world” he kisses her forehead, she smiles ”We are ready for you sir!!” someone knocks calling out ”Let’s go my queen, let’s go get married !!” ***** Mercy is seated beside Tayo, Emeka is standing, waiting as Grace ushers in Diana who is all smiles, everyone gets up as she makes her way down to meet Emeka, who is standing facing his lawyer Mr Tammy, Tayo is standing beside him, all eyes are on Diana as she walks to meets him. ”We are here today to witness the court wedding of Mr Odinaka Uchendu and Miss Diana Nkenchior, we would love to state that before we commence, anyone who thinks they shouldn’t be joined legally today and have anything against their union please step forward” Silence.. Diana’s heart beats thud thud in her chest, she closes her eyes, his mother would stand up, she would, and she wouldn’t blame her. ”Anyone?” Silence Diana could hear her heart beating louding. ”Okay, let us commence. Diana and Odinaka, please step forward and saw your legal vows” ”I Odinaka Uchendu, lovingly take Diana Nkenchior to be my lawfully legal wife, before the eyes of my family and before the law and before God, I promise to love and cherish her today and forever to care and protect her, to provide for her , and that all that I have belongs to her, my body, my wealth, all belongs to her as long s we both shall live”‘ ”Diana?” Tammy turn to her She repeats the same thing ” –and my body, heart ..and..all that I am, seeing that I have nothing other than my love, my heart, my everything belongs to you, and I will love you, your body and heart too and not your wealth as long as we both shall live” ”With the power vested in me under the jurisdiction of Nigerian court law embedded in the constitution as a legal binding, I now pronounce you both husband and wife according to the law of marriage and under my office, you may sign your marriage certificate and present yourself to the audience ” They do, it takes a few minutes, ”the rings please?”‘ Tayo jumps up presenting them to him, he give to Emeka and the other, he gives to Diana, his eyes lingering on her for a minute, she looks up at him and smiles, then her eyes darts back to Emeka, her eyes glows, Tayo quickly looks at Emeka.. Oh dear Emeka, what have you done? Can you forgive yourself after you break her? Oh Emeka!!! He steps away, willing Emeka to look at him, to just look at him. They wear their rings, ”Everyone, family and friends, this is their marriage certificate and the documents of wedding vows, and the one signed by both man and wife drawn up specifically for them. I now pronounce you, husband and wife, Mr and Mrs Odinaka Uchendu, you may kiss your bride” Diana is smiling, Grace gives her thumbs up. Look at me Emeka, damnit look at me. Tayo wills Emeka Emeka turns to her, don’t think, don’t feel, just do it, it has to be believable for what’s about to happen. He pulls her close, pulls her in, she is smiling lovingly into his eyes, that smile that weakened him from the very first day he met her, that smile was his undoing. Don’t think, don’t feel. Shut your emotions Emeka, shut it. He tells himself. He leans in, as she closes her eyes, their lips meet, she kisses him, slowly, passionately as he kisses her back, she holds on to him tight as she kisses him. Their kiss deepens. His throat closes, his heart begins to beat fast… he crushes her lips against his as he savours her lips, his chest tightening, he holds her tight, as she held him tight, they kiss as though they are the only ones in the room. ”Hmmhmmm, careful Sir, the adult station should be behind closed doors” Tammy says, it brings him back to his senses. Damnit Emeka!, he chides himself He breaks away from her, Diana giggles.. ”I present to you, the new queen of my empire” Emeka recollects himself and states, there are cheers, claps and whistling, he leaves her and goes to his mother, he hugs heR tight, too tight, as people go to congratulate Diana, . Mercy was going to ask why he is shaking, why his eyes has suddenly turned red. ”Emeka?” she began ”Mama, don’t worry, it would be over soon” he kisses her forehead and breaks away from her When he gets back to Diana he had to peel her away from Grace, ”so, we never had the time to do a proper engagement party so yes, this is it people, my engagement stroke my court wedding reception, so eat, drink, enjoy !!” he laughs ”Well if you will excuse us, your wife would love to change into something more divine then” Grace comes to him and takes Diana away whose smiles spreads all over her face, sparkling her eyes ”Sure!!”‘ he leans in and places a light kiss on her lips as Grace whisks her away, Tayo comes to him ”Dude, I think you should call it off” ”Why?” ”Because that girl is in love with you, for real, look at her eyes see it sparkle. See the way she looks at you”‘ ”That is what I wanted from the start Tayo and no I won’t, and yes, that is the same she looked at my money a few minutes ago”‘ ”Emeka, listen to me, you don have to!!”‘ ”I do!!” Emeka walks away She just has to return for the engagement party to begin, but it wouldn’t be a party for her. ***** They music was playing when they came back..she was dressed elegantly in a red shimmering dress.. The room had been cleared and allowed a space to be in the middle.. She walks in as everyone stares at her, she is smiling as she comes to him, he smiles. His mother was trying to enjoy the party, she is smiling as Tayo is talking with her, Emeka held a class and a spoon and clinks it to get everyone’s attention ”Everyone, please please, I would love to have your attention. please.” he gives the glass away to the waitress who came to collect it ”Today, I would love to introduce someone to you all… she is beautiful, a gorgeous person, she makes my heart stop, she makes everything stop literally” Diana is blushing as she stands in front of him, smiling at him with love and happiness, her husband, her love, her life. Graces is wowing. Emeka takes her hand ”In fact, the day I met her, she was young and beautiful and I told her then that I will give her my heart and the world, she thought I was lying, but look at us now” Laughter, claps, cheering! ”You see, this woman, this woman was the love of my youth, the joy in my dark days” he says turning to her, it’s just two of them in the centre of the room.. ”She… She is everything one would call… what word is best suitable for her, yes, a slime to the earth!!!” he drops her hands, his handsome face contorts into a frown There was a loud gasp. Diana who had been smiling as Emeka walks around with her suddenly stops and stares at her, dropping her hand as what he says registers into her head. ”A slime to the earth he says?” All eyes are on her, including his mother and Grace, and everyone is muttering. Diana’s shock is registered on her face as her mouth drops open. ***** To be continue…
16 Feb 2018 | 09:19
It is finally happening
17 Feb 2018 | 11:19
Hmm, I can smell danger
17 Feb 2018 | 15:43
Emeka was broken by two brokers...but his pieces came together again like perfect...right now the brokers must pay.
17 Feb 2018 | 15:58
He took enough time 4 this revenge...he's very close to the love broker...this is pay back time.
17 Feb 2018 | 16:04
geez I'm now feeling bad for diana
17 Feb 2018 | 16:07
Danger Looming
17 Feb 2018 | 17:46
Watch out 4 teco musa
18 Feb 2018 | 02:02
ride. on
18 Feb 2018 | 10:44
getting more. interested
18 Feb 2018 | 10:44
emeka. u need to careful
18 Feb 2018 | 10:46
continued oh let see wat happen.
18 Feb 2018 | 14:58
Ehn the suspense is killing me, I can't seen to get enough of this story... Hope all turns out fine
19 Feb 2018 | 01:50
padi i hail u
19 Feb 2018 | 09:30
TWENTY-FIVE ***** Jide grabs his black shirt and wears it, he picks up his masks and wears it too, he tells the three other guys to do the same, they carry a gun each.. They are packed outside the gate, waiting for the time they are to go in. ”Be ready, as soon as it hits the hour we move in, check when the guards and the guests leave, it would be our signal” ”Yes sir!!” they replied ”And remember, make it believable!!” ”Yes sir!!” They wait across the road, inside a black truck parked.. Unseen. Listening in on the telecoms waiting for when they hear them leave. Another truck drives by, it is black, they park at a safe distance, four men come down, dressed in black, guns in their hands, they begin to walk towards them. ***** ”What is happening Emeka?” Diana asks Emeka ”What is happening? what Diana, I am not done with my story” he turns to everyone, pointing at her ”You see, over ten years ago, ten long years ago when I was still a young man, I had a life, a home, a good life, yet a bad one, I had a father who didn’t care about me, a mother who loved me and a girlfriend who I could die for…” Mercy blinks ”What is going on here, Tayo, what is happening?” Tayo sighs ”Something I wish he wouldn’t do!!” he shakes his head, don’t do it Emeka, for your sake, your heart, don’t do this. ”Mama, don’t worry, you will understand” he turns to Diana, she is looking at Grace ”Emeka, what is wrong, why did you say that to her, what is this?” Grace asks him, she walks to Grace to hold her ”No Grace not today, please … be patient and listen, no don’t touch her, leave her let her stand alone, she needs to bear this alone” he pulls Grace’s hands away from her and tells her to go seat. He pulls Diana holding her hands, while he twirls her around then stops ”You see, this girl, such a beauty, such a beautiful creation of God, how can something so beautiful and pure be filed with lies and deceit, how can a girl who looks so innocent like this be so wicked to ruin the heart of a young man, a man who loves her. He had nothing, not even his father’s wealth, not even anything and yet he tried to treat her nice and right by her you know, for two and the half years he loved her, in his little and his plenty, and when things got bad at home he still wanted to make her smile, and he did, but she was pretending, she was the devil’s spawn” Diana gasps as she blinks, shaking her head as her eyes pools “Emeka , what are you doing, what are you saying, why are you saying that, bringing it all up, the past, me, the worst part of me, why? Why today, why now? Baby, what are you doing?” Emeka ignores her and continuous talking ”and my father was the devil you see, some other devil. You see I gave her all I could when I was a boy and loved her wholeheartedly, and when things got bad at home, she bolted, I mean, when he got worse, when the devil of a man I called father became worse at home to me and my mother, she Diana was my peace and calmness in my chaos, and when I needed her the most, when I had nothing but my mother and my car as her means of survival when my mother was sick and I had to sell the car to care for her, the woman who bore me, who sacrificed a lot for me, risked everything for me, Diana here didn’t care, she didn’t care about my troubles at home, about the pain I went through, about my mother’s tears or sleepness nights, no, she cared about money, luxury and when I couldn’t afford to give her little things too, she told me to my face, that she never loved me, breaking an already broken boy, shattering him to pieces, and why, why? She wanted his wealth from his father, that is what she wanted, to strive on it, follow and sleep with me for money, that was the girl I fell in love with then, and that was the girl who… who I lost myself to once, once a long time ago” The tears flows ”Emeka, No!!” Diana shakes her head. This, this doesn’t feel right. What was he saying, why was he saying this, why was he saying all these things to her, no, she reaches for him he nudges her hand away, he points to her, his mother is in shock, everyone is muttering, Grace shakes her head. ”You Diana Nkechior left me because I had nothing to my name, you left me because I told you I wanted to sell my care to take my mother to the hospital. You left me because I couldn’t treat you as nice as you expected me to even despite knowing my situation, knowing that my father used to beat my mother on a daily, as a student I had to work three to four jobs just to be able to treat you to that salon and neck pieces and shoes you wanted, knowing that my father stopped giving us a dime as soon as I turned fifteen, I practically entered the streets to hustle to feed myself and my mother and the only reason he allowed us stay in the house was because of people he didn’t want asking questions, and the only reason he bought me that car was because he was trying to show off to his friends that he loved his son but you knew that was a lie because I told you how sometimes we went home hungry, sometimes I came home to find my mother locked outside the gate after he had beaten her, you know the chaos in my home and my heart, yet, despite all this I loved you, when I had little means after fixing cars, washing plates and helping people, I took care of you and my mother because you both where the only two women I would lay my life for, that I loved with everything within me. I was just a boy in love Diana, trying to care for his mother, trying to survive when I had a father, a father who doesn’t deserve nothing, and yet I was the boy who loved you unconditionally, you were my escape, my life and I gave you everything I had even in my little aside my mother, but what do you do? Like my heartless father you ripped my heart out ” Mercy stands up ”Emeka!!”‘ ”No mama, let me talk. Let me, that too would be clarified soon, that man, but wait, this time is for Diana” he faces her She blinks, rooted to the ground, shaking as tears falls out her eyes, smearing her makeup, her lips shaking. ”Diana you left me, that same day you told me to my face you never loved me, you couldn’t possibly love me despite me telling you about my sick mother, you rather her die than for me to sell a useless car you wanted to cruise around school. You left me Diana, you ignored me, and you broke me to tinier pieces. I loved you with every fiber I had in my body Diana, I did, but what you did to me changed me. You said you couldn’t love or date a rat like me, and so you left, not looking back, forgetting the pain I had suffered, I reached out for you, begged, pleaded, apologized for wrongs I didn’t do, I did everything to get you back but like a door you shut yourself to me. You wanted nothing to do with me then, now ten years later you see me and knowing my state of affairs you threw yourself at me, feigning repentance, crying crocodile tears, spewing lies, trying to seduce me, and jumped at the offer of marriage, because you think I don’t know who you are and what you came for? Who are you if not a gold digger, someone who perches only to suck and take all she came for” ”Emeka, I ..I apologized, I did !!” she sobs shaking her head. ”You apologised because of what you didn’t want to lose Diana, that is why. And you quickly grabbed your things and came here thinking of a warm welcome? You are not welcomed here, not in my life and definitely not in my house!. I became the man you left me for Diana, I became the man you chased around for and what do you do as soon as you saw how I had evolved and I have changed into this thing that causes your eyes to glitter, like gold, you came running, like a goat you came bleating, like a hungry dog you came flapping your tongue and what do I do? I threw you a bone soaked in honey and sweet things and you chewed it, you loved it and you fell for it hard. You think these things happened naturally? I made this happen Diana, I made you crumble to your knees, I made your heart to soften , I made you feel this way and then I’ll take it, like an egg and I will crush it!!” She is shaking her head ”What are you saying Emeka?” she grows weak, she staggers, ”I played your game Diana, that game you lure men in, take all that they are, and then leave them hanging, lie to them, tell them you love them for the duration of what you are with them for, I played that game, from the moment I laid eyes on you I already knew what I wanted to do, to get you to this point where I was in ten years ago… and then shatter you, just the way you once shattered me” ”No Emeka, I was wrong, I was wrong then and I admit it, I admit my faults and I apologised to you, I told you I was sorry, I … mama, mama please help him to listen to me!!” Diana turns to Mercy, going to her as tears gushes out, ”Please talk to him, tell him i am sorry, tell him mama!!” she cries Mercy is too shocked to speak, her eyes doesn’t leave her son.. ”Diana, how do you like the tables turned !!!”” Emeka spat ”I love you Emeka, I didn’t love you then, I am sorry but I love you now, I am in love with you now, my heart my all, I don’t need all of this wealth, I don’t, just you” ”No Diana, a leopard never changes its spots, you think you love me, you don’t, you love my money, my wealth and that is what you chased me for now, that love you think you feel for me isn’t real, I made that love you feel, you love no one but yourself and money” ”No that is not true, not anymore. I love you, you love me, you love me I know it, you told me Emeka , please” she rushes to him and touches his face as tears slip done her eyes, she is searching his, her body shaking with tears and pain coming from her heart “You love me, I love you and that is the truth”‘ ”You love no one but yourself, and no I don’t love you Diana, not now, not anymore!” he pulls her hands away from his face putting her away from him ”No that is a lie, I feel it when you kiss me, I ..I…the days we have spent together, the time, the attention you gave me, our marriage, we just got married Emeka, you are my husband, you love me, you love me!!” she is hysterical Then he begins to laugh ”Oh Dee, you make me laugh!! I planned everything that resulted to this day Diana, every dialogue we shared, every scene, even in my house and even though my mother was unaware of this, because in order for me to do what I wanted, certain people must be put in the dark, but my mother showed you who is boss didn’t she? She got you feeling bad and pain and you realizing your stupid mistake. But you see, I am no longer interested in all that Diana, love you? Love is a just a sad sour word when placed next to you, no I don’t love you, haven’t loved you for ten years today Diana, and did you say we are married? we are not married Diana, well, not anymore, like a second ago” he looks at his watch. She gasps as she stammers ”I don’t get!!” ”Let me explain it to you Dee, we got married yes, but that document I gave you to sign upstairs states that your marriage to me gets annulled within the next two hours, citing irreconcilable differences..” ”Emeka!!!” Grace and Mercy exclaims, so did Diana ”Mama, I told you, I told you I will never upset you, that I will never go against you, against your wishes and desires for me, I am so sorry I kept you in the dark. Mercy slowly drops to her seat lips, her eyes tearing up, she is watching Emeka as he turns to continue talking about Diana ”Emeka, it’s a lie, you married me, I am your wife!!” she is shaking, the pain increasing in her chest, something else accompanies it as she cries ”You planned all this… all this?” she disbelieves ”Oh come off it Diana, you really expected me to have forgotten all what you did to me? I hurt for years, for years; my mother was the comfort I needed. You think I will give my heart back to a woman who had crushed it? Never!!” ”So all this things, everything is a lie, a lie? The ring, the court wedding, everything?” she sinks to her knees ”Yes Ma’am, you are no longer married to Mr Emeka Odinaka Uchendu, this marriage was annulled a few seconds ago thanks to your signature, as of now, this documents and marriage certificate is useless” Grace and others gasps, she couldn’t believe this ”You… did all this Emeka?” a fresh load of tears pour ”Yes, I planned this day a long time carefully” ”Why, Why?” she cries, Grace who is also tearing up made to go to her, Emeka stops her again ”Don’t Grace” he points to her and stares back to Diana “Do you have any idea how I hurt, did you have any idea how my heart hurt on a daily thinking about you? No you didn’t, now you want to crawl into my life and ascend the throne of queen like you own it? You must be joking!!” Emeka spat She is crying ”I am sorry, I am so sorry, I ..oh God Emeka, I have changed, Ihave changed. I love you, I love you don’t do this to me please” ”Love yourself Diana, maybe you can be able to be less heartless once you leave here. But you disgust me, you do, I loved you then as much as I hate you now, so much that I couldn’t wait for this day to come… I recoiled when you kissed me, I wanted to scream my frustration when you laughed and told me how nice of a person I am, in fact l dreaded it if you had asked me for more when we curdled at night, because I couldn’t bear the thought of you in my arms because it would have been disgusting to me. You think any of this things are real, this people? Ha,” he points to Everyone ”they are all paid actors, guests, only my mother, my friend Tayo and my lawyer Tammy and maybe your friend Grace who isn’t the fake ones here… the court wedding and engagement is a sham, why? Because I wanted to make it believable. I treated you like the way you have never been treated before, gave you access to all that you would have prayed for, the car, the cloths , the diamond ring, little treasures for your neck, you hands, your heart was gladdened and from nowhere you began to like me, then you began to feel jealous of other woman, you began to love me, but I know you love the money more. You see this pain you are feeling, I did it, I wanted you experience it, and you did, and I know what hurts you more, is actually realizing that you didn’t marry me as you hope, that your dreams came true for only a few seconds, because you signed the annulment upstairs. You are nothing but a heartless gold-digger, and not deserving of anybody much less me. See this Emeka? He had grown up from the boy you used to know, and he stopped taking the pain and channeled it into something more useful, like hitting you where it hurts, hitting you back for all you have done to me.” Diana is sobbing on the floor, the pain was tearing through her entire body, she clutches her chest and cries ”Emeka, I love you, I love you, please stop!!! Please!!!” she begs ”It hurts so much, it hurts I beg you stop.” She wails Yes she had come for the money, wealth, luxury, then she fell for the man and all that didn’t matter anymore, it didn’t. It hurts! Oh it hurts, his words were tearing through her, shattering her into a thousand pieces, like a knife it daggers her chests ad twists and turns and turns and twists… she was in pain, she couldn’t breathe, her throat was closing, her eyes burns from tears and her nose drooled as she cried, ever tear brought an excruciating pain to her heart.. This wasn’t happening, yes, she had hurt him so much and for the past few days she had been the most remorseful and felt ashamed and felt guilty, and then she had told herself that she was going to make up for all her lapses and short comings, she was going to give up that life of pretends and for the first time in her life she had felt free, a weight lifted and her heart that had never known love had fluttered and had loved this man she once didn’t care about, she had fallen madly in love with Emeka that she didn’t understand how it happened, when it happened and why… and maybe it was when his mother showed her herself in a mirror with her words, maybe because for once… she felt the pain she had meted out to others in her pretense, maybe for once, it had just been cupid playing a cruel joke with her but it happened, he shot the arrow and she fell in love with Emeka, that is why she was marrying him, for love, this time for love she was with him not what he had.. And now, and now!!! He tells her it was all a lie, a game, plan, to lure her and pay her back?. And the most sad and painful thing was that she knew she deserved it, she deserved it and she had no anger in her for him but pain. But it hurts, it hurts… because the love she feels is also pain, the one she loves doesn’t love her, the one whom had always loved her as long as she could remember had stopped loving her, hates her, and has done all she had done to his heart to her own heart in a day… She clutches her chests and cries out, dear lord it hurts, she chokes, it hurts so much, I want to die, I want the pain to stop. ”You feel pain? You should, you feeling pain now, well I felt it for months stretched nonstop into years, see all my wealth you desire? You will not be getting an ounce of it, you disgust me, I think you should get up out of my sight!!!” he says pointing to the door “I can’t Emeka..I-I can’t!” she shakes with tears, breaking, she chokes in pain, ”Why? Because you will die of shame? Because you will lose all this? Well guess what, this wasn’t ever yours, me … this…”‘ her spreads his hands ”Never yours and that includes that ring you are wearing ” he reaches for her and pulls the ring from her finger ” you came here with nothing and you will leave with nothing “‘ he takes away the necklace from her neck ”Mama Tito, go to the room she stayed in, find my car keys, yes, the jewels, the cloths, the shoes everything, take it all out, because I rather give it all to those who don’t have than let you have anything that you don’t deserve. These were the things that lured you to me right? The excitement of having all this at your beck and call, well you like shinning things right? The men who could give you all this? You left me because I was like a dirty rag to you yes? Then I lure you with what you love, money and you fell, you came sniffing up me like a dog, like fly to shit you came, like honey to bee you came, Diana you came, and as you did, you were unaware of the consequences, this is the consequences ” he takes the bangle away from her hands. ”No… Please” she doesn’t stop him, she tries to touch his hand, he pulls away ”Nothing Diana, you won’t take home nothing” Grace is crying, I knew it, I knew it was all a game, a ploy, I felt it.. it was a lie, he… he wanted to hurt her, pay her back, oh God Diana, I warned you to stay away, I did… she sobs, making her way to her. ”Don’t Grace, please don’t!! You don’t understand the hurt and pain i went through for her, you don’t understand after shattering me to realise that the reason she was with me in the first place was because she felt i would be able to spend my father’s money on her and when i couldn’t because of that old fart of a father, speaking off…” he turns around facing the staffs ”has anyone come to look for me?” ”No sir!!!” ”Okay… you all can leave now, thank you!! Take food, anything, Mama Tito pack the foods and drinks and give them, and the package I left for them, please take the rest of the day off… all of you go home, go enjoy the love and comfort of your families who loves you while I rid myself of this scum of the earth, go home, every single person should leave the compound. Go!!” They slowly file out throwing glances at the woman whom he had paraded as his wife earlier on, leaving just him, Tammy, Tayo who is gravely quiet, Grace who manages to rush to her friend despite Emeka’s disapprovals and holds her as she cries into her hands and his Mother who is staring at him to Diana and back at him, she looks at him like he was someone she never knew… Diana is sobbing uncontrollably, she is clutching her chest as she holds on tight to Grace ”Tell him Grace, tell him I am sorry, tell him i am sorry” she cries ”Emeka!!”‘ Grace began pleading with her eyes, ”she is sorry, she really is sorry. Emeka, I – I know she is everything you said but, look at her now, you can tell she is different, she has changed.. Emeka, she is really sorry she-” ”Sorry!!! Sorry Grace? You think she is sorry? You think this crocodile tears she is crying means anything? She is sorry? Diana sorry will not cut it, sorry is when you tell someone when you step on their toes, push them by mistake, fall on them, take something that belongs to them without knowing, injure or hurt them by mistake, you tell them sorry, but how do you tell someone sorry, when you sat down and purposed in your heart to lead someone astray, string them along on purposeful intent, you took my heart Diana, you know you couldn’t love it, you knew there was no way you could, but you said yes to me when all I wanted was a friend, you said yes to me when all I wanted was someone to love, you knew I had lost someone important to me, Jessica, you came in the guise of friendship to comfort me, i fell for your fake care and love, I fell for your heart, not for your body or anything else, and when I gave you my heart my everything followed… but guess what, this man doesn’t want you, I played your game well Diana, game over!!”‘ he breaths in anger ”Emeka!!” it was Mercy, she walks to him ”This isn’t you, this heartless uncaring person, this isn’t you, I raised you better!!” her eyes tears up again, she turns to the crying Diana ”I know I was against this because I saw right through her, I did, but now… even I am ashamed of my actions, your actions… because that woman is in pains, her tears are genuine , she lov—” ”She is nothing other than what you called her, a gold digger, and I think it’s time for her to go, she has nothing left to hold on to here Mama” he turns to Grace ”I have nothing against you, nothing, this in no way affects our working relationship, but as of this moment, my ties to Diana has been severed” ”Emeka, brother, please”‘ Tayo speaks up Emeka turns to him ”It is done Tayo, it is done!!” Emeka blinks Tayo walks to him, Mercy leaves her son, waking to Grace and Diana, she is staring down at them, what has she done? She wants to comfort her, her pains pulls at her heart, this woman truly loves her son now, she had done him wrong years ago, she bad intentions seeing him again, but right now, this morning, she is crying from a broken heart, because Emeka wanted to ruin her back, and she helped, unknowingly she helped, what has she done. If only she could hold her and comfort her, she stares down at her. ”It is done!!” Emeka repeats smiling.. ”Emkea, I love you, I love you … I love you!!!” Diana screams repeatedly as her body shakes with tears, Grace is holding her tight ”Do you know what love is? love is a woman who stands by her man, love is a woman who is considerate, understanding, honest and truthful., love is not you Diana, love is Olive!” ”What?” Grace and Diana exclaims, Mercy turns ”Yes!! Love is Olive ,and she is the woman I love, the woman I have been loving all this while, the woman who mended by broken heart, who came to this house and you felt threatened, yes Diana, I have been seeing Olive, she is the woman of my heart, my love, my everything and you had no idea because you were blinded by what was in your damn twisted dark heart. Olive is the woman I rather spend the rest of my life with who isn’t afraid to love a man for him, despite his broken heart, despite his uncertainty, despite his dark hours and his demons, love is Olive, and you will never be half of the woman she is” ”Emeka!!”‘ Diana chokes, it felt like a large knife twisted itself deep into her heart and turned and kept turning, the pain became worse, she is shaking her head “‘No, No , No!!!” Their heads turn as the door opens up and she walks in dressed elegantly, a beauty she was, and a pleasant smile on her face, she walks to him, ignoring the women held together on the floor as she goes to Emeka, turns his face, she leans in and gives him a passionate kiss so intense that the breaking gasp they heard would only come from Diana. ”Hey baby, I missed being away from you, I love you too!!” Tayo watches the scene, he shakes his head, this wasn’t right, this wasn’t right… ”Mama, good evening, I hope you do now see that your son would never go against you!!” Mercy turns back to her son ”For the first time since this whole thing, my sadness isn’t that he didn’t go against me, my sadness is that he is too blinded by his quest for revenge that he has no idea how deep love is seated within, he has no idea the wrong he had done, he has no idea the damage he has done to himself as he metes it out to another, he has no idea that every word spoken by him tonight was burn out of hate yes, pain, yes, but yet… when all is gone, my sadness comes from the fact I thought I raised a better son!!” Mercy says ”And my son has no idea that hate is a powerful emotion such as love and sometimes due to the hurt and pain of one who has done wrong, when the dust has settles, they cannot be able to settle their turbulent heart, I only pray he sees the damage he has done to himself and to others just by this game, yes he may have hurt whom he set out to hurt, but in the process, he has hurt himself. Emeka blinks, his chest is constricts, Olive is kissing his face, Diana is crying , Grace is consoling her and Emeka is staring, yes, finally, finally he did it, he ruined her, he made her feel the pain and anguish. Finally, closure. Closure! Olive goes to Mercy, trying to explain to her, Mercy turns away, she loved the girl, but allowing Emeka to make her do this, it was wrong. And yet, why does his chest hurt, why doesn’t the smile reach his eyes, why does his throat close up.? Tayo comes to him ”Are you happy?” ”Yes, yes I am!!” ”And yet, I see more than what is behind your eyes, it’s too late Emeka” ”Too late for what!!” he sniffs ”You think you won right? You think you won? But you lost yourself the minute you looked away when Diana broke down, you lost when Olive there kisses you with her heart and you gave her only a tiny pinch of affection, all I see is a man who is struggling not to break, your eyes tightly closed and your heart about to burst. You lost that minute Emeka, you lost… and you lost yourself again, don’t ruin it all… end it now, there is still time to scoop the broken pieces and mend it. Because that over there, Diana’s tears of genuine sadness, coming from a place of shame, and regret and hurt, and her tears are not over the loss of material things, but of you. You lost Emeka” Emeka doesn’t answer ”I did it, I broke her, that is all that matters, right now… one more thing remains for me to send her away for good!” he begins to walk away, Tayo holds his hand ”Stop Emeka, please,I beg you!!”‘, he removes Tayo’s hand away from his, shaking his head, he looks at Diana He rubs his chest frowning as he felt it, ”I have to, that’s the only way I will be free from her, to know that… all this isn’t a front, that’s the only way…” he breaths ”She will do it, she will,a leopard never changes its spots!!” Suddenly the door bursts open and four men dressed in black and hooded masks enters with guns. One of them cocks the gun, Mercy screams rushing to her son ”We are going to do this nice and easy, get on the ground everyone, make one funny move and I will blow your mudafxxking heads off!!!”’ ***** TO BE CONT.
20 Feb 2018 | 09:30
hmmm, who are they?
20 Feb 2018 | 15:44
Hmmmm am even feeling sorry for her but, she deserve whatever she received
20 Feb 2018 | 18:03
Is the four men part of the games?
20 Feb 2018 | 18:06
Is the four men part of the games?
I don't think so The game is about to get real
20 Feb 2018 | 18:12
20 Feb 2018 | 18:59
This revenge has gotten to the huge stage
20 Feb 2018 | 19:32
The broken heart,the pain from her heart and the revenge
20 Feb 2018 | 19:34
The broken heart,the pain from her heart and the revenge,it's hurting her
20 Feb 2018 | 19:35
TWENTY-SIX ****** ”OH MY God, oh my God oh my God!!” Mercy cries as the man who cocks the gun is walking towards her and Emeka. ”Emeka, do something, do something, what happened to the securities? What happened to the police, oh God oh God!!” she cries ”Calm down Mama, it is okay, I am sure they came here for something, when they get it they would go, maybe they came in as the staffs left, and I told them to all go home, Damnit!!!” he curses He is looking at the door, something wasn’t right, where the hell was Ambross, he expected him to show up right before he broke Diana, he wanted to clear his system and his life from two of them, he wanted to show his mother how disgusting and how bad her husband was, and that he never changed and that finally, him Emeka had paid him back for all the things he had done to them. He wanted to show his mother that Ambross is now what they were ten years ago, a man without anything… and he prays he dies on the streets, like they never did. But he didn’t show, he didn’t!! Where the hell was Ambross? Well, maybe he changed his mind, maybe, it is better, his mother would never know. And he would be happy that his father was paid ten times over for his sins. ”I said, move!!!!” the hooded man with the gun nudges Tayo and Tammy away to the corner, breaking Ambross out of his thoughts as he watches them. ”Who are you, what do you want?” Emeka speaks, Grace and Diana are holding each other in fear, Olive is by the corner, one of the men is staring down at her, she isn’t scared.. ”Don’t touch me!!!” she warns him as he comes closer to her, he laughs ”Oh baby, soon you would be begging me to” he tries to touch her legs, she slaps his hands away ”Hey!!!”‘ the one with the big gun turns to his colleague, ”calm the cunt down, and don’t distract me!!” They each had a gun, one of them throws down the rope he had over his shoulders. ”Tie them all up!!” he commands ”Anyone struggles, shoot them”‘ Tayo throws a look at Emeka, Emeka shakes his head They started with the shivering Diana, and Grace who are shaking in fear ”Oh God oh God!!!” Diana cries ”please!!” she begged, ”Please, don’t kill us” ”Shut up!!!” the man says as he ties their hands and legs seated, then they get to the men, they make them kneel with their hands and legs tied behind them… Then they get to Emeka and his mother, Mercy is holding onto Emeka tightly, he could feel her body shake in fear, ”Your turn, let go off him woman!!!” ”No please, please!!” she holds Emeka tighter ”I said let go off him woman before you be the first escape goat here!!” ”Mama, don’t worry I am here with you okay, nothing will happen to you I promise, just do as they say!!”‘ She looks at him, just when she was about to leave him one of the men pulls her away from him forcefully which causes her to lose her step and fall hard on the ground, she screams as her back makes contact with the hard ground, she groans in pain. Everyone gasps, Diana Screams. ”Mama!!” Emeka shouts, he grabs the man and punches him hard to his hooded face ”I told you, don’t hurt my mother!!!” The man staggers back, the other three cocks their gun and points at Emeka, ready to shoot. The one who was punched stops them, with his hands, he touches his face, going to his lips, despite the hood as he removes his hand he sees blood, he laughs ”Nice one fella, nice one, and no!!” He straightens up and looks at Emeka ”Oh I am sorry, I didn’t introduce myself, my name is Donald, but my friends call me Don, not you and I don’t take fxxking orders from you!” he grabs Emeka’s face with both hands and nods him Emeka staggers hitting the floor immediacy as the pain soars high in his head, he groans touching his nose, the liquid treks down his face in quick successions, as his eyes clears, and he sees blood. He is shocked, why did Jide do that? This wasn’t part of the plan. He looks up sharply ”You asshole! I want this to end, all of you out, all of you out or I will have your heads” He gets up, blood staining his cloths as his mother began to cry and calling out his name, Olive is suddenly alert, the two girls are crying ”Oh God!! Are we going to die?” Tayo is looking at Emeka. This wasn’t supposed to happen; no, this wasn’t supposed to happen. The man laughs…”Oh, we ruined your party? Sorry, we are party crashers, and you want us out…?” the man laughs turning to Emeka ”Sorry sir, we run this shit now!!” he kicks Emeka so hard he tumbles backwards hitting the table, groaning. Now Tayo and Tammy made to stand up even when tied…”Tsk Tsk Tsk! I will start by slicing your necks with this Suya knife in my belt” one of the four masked men tells them ”Fxxking bow down, bow the fxxk down, lie like a puppy, good boys, good boys” he threatens them, with a sharp knife and beckons that they bend obeying him and lay flat with their tummy, while their hands and legs are tied behind them, they stare back at Emeka who is struggling to get up from the ground. Something is wrong, something is definitely wrong. Tayo mutters under his breath, The man who had kicked Emeka is walking towards him.. ”Hey, don’t destroy his pretty face before he gets here!!” someone stops the guy who was intending on running his fist through Emeka’s face as he grabs him by the collar, his fist is folded ”I just want to humble the fxxker, never to punch a man who has his life in his hands “‘ ”Yeah!! I think he learnt his lessons or better, I think he just realized that this isn’t some game, we are the real deal!!” he laughs as he goes to Emeka, nudges the other man away and pulls him to his knee.. ”Surprise!!!” he laughs in his face ”Get the rope and tie this fxxker down too, tell the boss we are ready for him!!”‘ They tie Emeka up, his mother is crying, he looks around the room… this wasn’t supposed to happen, this wasn’t how it was supposed to happen.. Everyone has fears in their eyes, even Olive too, even Tammy, and Tayo confirms his suspicions… as their eyes meet, Tayo is shaking his head. They are all going to die, who ever this men were, they weren’t who they think they are. Emeka stares at the men, looking at them again. This weren’t Jide and his boys, this were actually real life robbers, and they will kill them,. He had openned his door and has endangered his family, what has he done? ***** The men are going through the house, after like ten minutes they come back dragging a wailing Mama Tito by her hair and flings her to the floor which she lands with a thud. ”Tie that one too, she was in the kitchen, good thing we caught her trying to call the securities” he laughs dangling a phone which he had taken from her, then he dips his hands into his pocket and brings out another phone ”We are the securities old woman, hahaha” he laughs showing her the phones ”tie her down and join her with the others” He steps away as one of them approaches her, she tries to struggle, a hot slap calms her down, Emeka’s jaw clenches. ”What the hell do you want, who the hell are you, what did you do to my men?” The one who stopped his other from hitting Emeka turns to him, he removes his hood and then smiles at Emeka ”Good, you are smart, no need to hide my face because you don’t know who the fxxk I am, my name is Agede, and what I want? Well… is what my boss wants and your men? Hmm, let’s just say they are in a very very good place, I promise they didn’t suffer” he laughs ”You killed them?” Emeka choked ”Collateral damages, they refused to cooperate, Don and I hate when no one tries to cooperate… but hey, don’t blame me” he is turning away ”So I assume you are the owner of this sweet place and those companies in town right? I envy you bro, you are rich, too rich, and I wonder, what a rich bloke like yourself be planning a stupid stunt on his wedding day… really stupid!! You hire make-believe men to act like your guests, and police officers to act like what, kidnappers, why? You are Odinaka Unchendu right?” ”What is he saying Emeka?” Mercy turns to her son Emeka doesn’t answer, this men had overpowered his men, killed them, they could kill his family too, if they are thieves they came for money, he would give them money, so they don’t harm his family. ”You want money right? Money, how much so you and you men can leave me and my family alone”‘ ”Emeka what is he saying, you… you planned this?” Mercy exclaims ”this too, you planned this?” ”No Mama, I… I will explain it later, it wasn’t supposed to be like this Mama” he looks at her “I swear it, you weren’t supposed be here in here like this” The man is laughing ”Oh poor mama, to find out her son planned a mini show for her, no… not for her, when we drilled the fool what was his name, Jide? Yes, He says it was for the madam of the house right… to prove some shit! Oh man, you are one tacky muderfxxker, going all out for a woman… just to prove what? She must have done you a huge one to want to ruin her so. So much pain but that is not of my business, when the boss comes, he will tell us what to do with you… oh you are brilliant, so brilliant!!” he laughs at Emeka. ”’Who is your boss?” Emeka wanted to know as he groans going on his knees They turn to the door as someone opens it and he walks in, wearing white over white, his hat on his head, pipe in his mouth and with the walking stick , he walks fully into the house, looking at everyone .. ”Allow me introduce to you the boss, Teco-Musa Ghadi, underdog, loan shark, mafia, the man who would wish you were sorry!!” Don says stepping away, he returns with a chair he pulls from the dinning and brings for him to seat, Teco-Musa seats, he drops his hat, a cigarette tray is placed on the table for him by Don who brought it out of a bag he carried. Teco-Musa hits the pipe to the tray.. Then he turns to them ”So, forgive my manners, congratulations on your marriage ceremony!” he says to no one in particular ”Now that pleasantries are over, I came to collect my money, so who would be so kind to give it to me….?”‘ ”What money?”‘ Emeka asks, ”You must be Odinaka Uchendu, the one who stole my money, yes?” Gasp ”Stole your money? I don’t have to steal money from no one, if you haven’t noticed, I am rich enough to do what the hell I want, I do not have to steal. Who are you and what do you want? Because if it is money you want, I have a lot of it and I will give it to you so you can take your dogs and leave my family alone, or you will be sorry!!!” Teco-Musa laughs hard, smokes on his pipe and hits this walking stick to the ground “Óh, this is a funny one, funny one” ”Yeah!! For someone who is tied and slightly beaten, he has a sharp mouth, say it boss and I will cut out his tongue “‘ Don says ”Don’t be a spoil sport Don, if you cut out this tongue, how does he tell me where my money is, don’t be a fool!!” Teco-Musa cautions The other men laughs ”Shut up!!”‘ Don shouts at them, ”Don’t mind him Boss, he gave the man a bloodied face already, he isn’t a good guest!!” one of the hooded men says taking off his hood, the rest of them do the same. ”Keep talking Keke, keep talking!!” Don tells him, Keke laughs. ”So back to the crux of the matter at hand, where is my money, that is what we came here for and hmm” he looks around ”Maybe take one of these pretty damsels for ourselves, and we are good to go!!” ”Touch them, and you are dead!!” Emeka threathens ”Oh!! How about we take that wife of yours… the one you wanted to hurt so badly, that is why you hired those men to play pretend right? You see I am Teco-Musa for a reason, the one who is feared and revered, the one who knows everything, so we came, well I told my boys what to do after we got the information about what was about to get down, so they went, and there they were, getting ready, to come into the house, grab you, ask for a ransom. And then go…er something like that, I don’t know how your stupid idea was going to work but you were going to hurt her, so… how about we take her off your hands yes? Who is she.. is it that one?”‘ he points at his mother ”You do not go near her!!” ”Or this one!” he points at Olive who shakes her head in fear ”No no no please” she cries ”Or that one!!” he points at Grace who hides her face Emeka clenches his face ”You will not touch her, you will not touch anyone!!” ”Oh it’s this one!!” Teco-Musa gets up and walks to where Diana was tied up ”It is this one right? it cannot be that old fart on the ground here because I believe you have taste, it’s this beautiful woman here right? Her, it is her you want to hurt right, she… what did she do to you that you hate her so much, what?” he pulls her hair, Diana screams in pain. Emeka is quiet, ”You hate her don’t you, all this was for her to hurt deeply, and then send her away with this pretend kidnap game, get her to fall into her own habits and puff, the final stray to rid her off today from your life, something she can never come to apologize for, let the law handle her, that is what they do to thieves right? Is that not it? but do you know what we do to girls like this in our place? We rape them, and cut off their hands and then feed them to the dogs, women who toil with men’s hearts, take their hard earned wealth and run, those women are heartless, really heartless, in my village, we treat them worse than harlots, so permit me to help you deal with her, yes” he drags Diana as she cries out, Grace and Mercy and even Olive cries out begging him to let her go. ”See, see that man there, he hates you, he isn’t saying anything to save you” he has his lips close to her face as Diana cries struggling ”Ssshhh shhhhh” he looks up at Emeka who is quiet still, his jaw set, his eyes in slits. ”Get me that my favourite suya knife Don, I am good people. I like to see justice be meted out to offenders, I am also called the punisher, I am… so do I pass a verdict on her, yes Odinaka, before we go on to our business because it would be so rude of me to quash your party and stop you from achieving why this was created in the first place yes..?” Don gives him the knife; he loosens Diana’s hands behind her and places them, in front of her. ”Do we start with one finger or all the fingers hmmm?” Tayo and everyone else have their heart in their mouths. ”Emeka, Emeka please, stop him, do something ” Mercy cries out ”Please don’t hurt her, don’t hurt her!!” she begs Teco-Musa. ”No talking Mama, let the man who is hurt say something, I want him to tell me how to ruin the woman he hates, come on son, you wanted to hurt her yes? Well I like hurting people too…so tell me, should we start with the rape, maybe the rape then Ii cut off her fingers. Don, show the woman the reason they call you Don!!!” he pushes Diana to Don who grabs her, his hands quickly goes on her knees, he begins to run his over her thighs as he takes his hands higher, Diana squeezes her legs tighter, she is screaming and begging them, to leave her, he laughs at her. Emeka’s hands clenches behind him.. ”Emeka?” Tayo looks at him Don slaps her twice as she tries to struggle with him pushing him off as he pulls her beneath him, Grace and Olive are crying, Mama Tito is sobbing, Mercy mumbles prayers, Tammy is shaking, Emeka’s eyes are hard, Tayo prays for a miracle. ”Let her go, touch her again I swear I will kill you!!” Emeka says, his fist clenches harder, his eyes red, a tear rolls down. ”No Don, make it rough, make her cry out in pleasure, destroy her womb with your big boy, Don you are called, but they should have called you big boy!!” Teco-Musa laughs as Don tears off her dress from her legs and proceeds to pull down her panties, Diana is screaming, so is everyone else. ”LET HER GO, I SWEAR, I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU, I WILL KILL YOU!!” Emeka made to get up, to rush to them, to rip Don’s head from his shoulders, for daring to touch her, daring to hit her, daring to think to rape her, but the hit to his back causes him to fall forward as he groans in pain ”I will kill you, I swear it!!” he groans as Teco-Musa and the others laugh He nods to Don to stop, Diana is sobbing as she tries to cover her exposed body, she pulls herself to the corner shaking, Grace can’t go near her, she is crying, she is shaking, she is staring at Emeka. He did this to her, he did this to her, Emeka did this to her. She cries. ”For a man who looks tough, for man who seems like his heart is made of stone, it seems to me your heart is soft, maybe paper weight, maybe it’s even a FeatherLight heart you have buried within your chest. You want to hurt someone who hurt you, you hurt them… but I see something different in your eyes, Yes! and I knew that if I let you go right now you will make do what you say, you will kill him. Don, if that is not man who is twisted and still has a soft part for his pain causer, I don’t know what it is!!” he turns away and goes back to seat ”Raise the fool up, we would come to that later, now, where is my money?” Agede drags Emeka to his knees ”I don’t have your money, I do not know what you are talking about, I do not even know you!!!” ”No? Right my apologies, maybe you will know him”‘ ”Him? Who is him?” ”The one whom you took all that belongs to him under a day, out from under this nose, the one who was once a giant but now a cockroach. I swear I envy you, I applaud your brilliance, such brilliance! To take from him unawares, just like that, I mean, when he told us how he lost everything to a young man not even close to his age in half, I was flabbergasted ” Teco-Musa laughs unbuttoning his suit ”I have no money, no money, he cried, he took it all, my house, my cars, my money, even my wife left me… the fool cried ” Teco-Musa laughs again “I knew I wanted to meet you, first to tell you you are brilliant and second to tell you that you collected his money yes, I don’t care about the man, I would have done worse because he is a lying cheating thief who doesn’t make good on his word. I wanted my money from him so since you took his everything, that everything also belongs to me because that old bart is owing me NGN 50 million naira and I want it back… so you see, again you are brilliant but… wow!!!” he claps “he slept on the streets you know, told us how he was beaten , how his little cloths was stolen and who he ran all night away from, men who wanted to take his life, how he had to eat from the bin for food… hahahaha!!” Teco-Musa laughs heartedly ”how did you do it, but most importantly; why?” Emeka is quiet, he is thinking. Ambross didn’t show up, and if what this man is saying is true, then that means, he got to his father, that means.. his father told them he was the one who took everything from him, that was why they were here, to take back what he took from his father because his father was stupid enough, greedy enough to borrow NGN50 million from a Mafian lord and didn’t pay. That means, they must have gotten rid of his father, killed him before coming here. ”What did you do? What did you do to him?” Emeka flares up ”Well, what we do to people who think they are smart!!” ”Emeka, what is he talking about, who did you ruin, tell me, who? Please sir, whatever my son has done, I am sorry, we will reimburse you please, just let him go!!” ”Oh no Mama, he didn’t do anything to me, in fact I applaud what he did to the man, I don’t care shit for him I don’t, I just want all he took from the man because it belongs to me, payment for the loan the man took, in fact… he would be glad to hear that the man has been thoroughly dealt with. See, I said I am a punisher of sins, you can call me God! hehehe” he chuckles shaking his head. ”God doesn’t punish people for their sins” Emeka tells him ”Well, i am a different kind of God and I bring punishments to the sinner, like I will if you don’t give me my money!!!” ”You want NGN50 million? Fine, I will give you that!!” Teco-Musa smiles ”Óh how generous of you, since you are so rich, how about we make it a NGN100 million, maybe, how about a billion?” he winks ”Eh? ”You are no different from the man I took it from ” Teco-Musa throws his head back and laughs ”No, I am a businessman after all, and I love to cash in on opportunities and I have checked you out, your company makes twice that in a month, so you wouldn’t lose a thing, however…I not just want the money, I want the house too, his former house sold to you, yes, I found out who bought it, it was you. See that house is good, situated in a part of town that my kids would love, a central place for my work… See? Besides he promised me that if he can’t pay me back. So give me the money and the house and I , well we will leave you to continue on your whatever… everyone is happy. Yes?” ”I will give you your money owed by that man, and nothing more, the house is mine, I bought and it is sentimentally attached to my family!!” ”Hmm, well money and house, or… I can start being angry and you don’t want that!!” ”What man are you two talking about, Emeka you are ignoring me, what man?” Mercy screams at him ”Mama, please don’t talk , don’t let them hit you!!” Tayo begs her ”Mama, he is not important” Emeka says to her ”Please calm down Mama, please, I will tell you all, please” he looks at Teco-Musa ”NGN200 million and you go?” ”NGN500 million, and the house!” ”I will give you whatever you ask for but not the house, please!!” ”You see Emeka, I am not good at negotiating, it bores me then it pisses me off, that house is mine, know why, because when the fool walked into my office two to three times to borrow the money from me, the last time we told him that if he isn’t able to pay, amongst other things he would give me is his house and i take words to heart and it is my money he spent, all of it stupidly if I may add but that is fine, I don’t care. I just came for the house and the money, that is all, give me the documents and C of O of the house, give me the money and I will go, and you can do with him as you please” Mercy is listening to the talk, the houses, the man, the money. Trying to make sense, to understand it all. Emeka wouldn’t steal money, she is sure about that. He made his money legally, and house?… which house was this man talking about that Emeka took from a man and his company and everything. House, documents and the man? She gasps! The Ibekwe’s house, the one Emeka just bought for her on her birthday. That same house.. this man is talking about. It had to be, that was the only recent property Emeka had acquired and he bought it for her. ”Who is this man, who is he?” Emeka looks at his mother; Teco-Musa turns to his boys. ”Don, bring the pig in, before he bleeds out to death in the tuck of my car” ”Mama!!” Emeka began shaking his head, For some reason, Mercy began to shake, her eyes tearing up, her heart pulling too. Her head is telling her who it is before her eye sees him. ”It cannot be… Emeka tell me it cannot be!” she says as tears fall from her yes ”Mama-” Emeka trails off The door is swung open as Don and another person drags a bleeding man to the room, tied, they kick him as he rolls into the parlour, his face swollen, one of his eyes black, he was bleeding from his both shoulders.. ”Allow me I introduce to you Mr –” Teco-Musa begins as he places his walking stick on top of the man’s head and then under his chin as he raises it up so that everyone sees, Mercy and Diana gasps. ”AMBROSS!!!” Mercy completes Teco-Musa’s statement as he turns to look at her, then she hits the ground fainting. ***** TO BE CONTINUED.
21 Feb 2018 | 05:29
I don like this anymore
21 Feb 2018 | 12:32
This story is becoming somehow now
21 Feb 2018 | 12:33
Emeka, u game backfires
21 Feb 2018 | 15:34
Am not liking this story anymore
21 Feb 2018 | 15:34
Have i missed so much?
21 Feb 2018 | 16:51
This is not how he wants the revenge to be like but his father is the man of pain who brought another pain.
21 Feb 2018 | 17:47
Emeka you hired dumb fellows to carry out your game, now you've put everybody's life at stake
21 Feb 2018 | 18:31
This was one of the reasons I didn't support your game initially
21 Feb 2018 | 18:33
nawo.for Emake
21 Feb 2018 | 19:07
TWENTY-SEVEN ***** ”MAMA, MAMA!! Please, someone should help her, please, water, get water for her, please mama, wake up Mama!!” Emeka cries begging them to assist her, so did everyone else, except the man who is bloodied on the floor. Teco-Musa is shaking his head and laughing ”Interesting!!!”’ he is staring at the man who tries to seat up, his vision is clearing, he is looking at the woman who just fainted. That voice, her voice. No it cannot be. He winces in pain as he struggles to seat up despite being tied, the pain coursing through his shoulders was unbearable, blood still oozed out from his shoulders on both sides, he tries to clear his eyes looking around the house, the faces, unfamiliar. Then he looks again at the woman in the corner, the one whose cloth had been ripped off, she is crying… her face, her face reminds him of someone he knows or have seen so long ago, but who? He looks back to see Teco-Musa laughing, talking, he shakes his head, Ambross is unable to understand what he is saying, he looks before him. There, there was Odinaka, his lip bloodied; he was bleeding from his nose and a cut to his lips. He was the man who ruined him, ruined him, he had no pity on him, but, that means that they are in his house, and all this people must be his family.. And the woman who had fainted.. Why does she, why does she.. reminds him of someone too?. ”Please help her, give her water, help my mother please” Emeka is screaming She was his mother, he was worried about her, Ambross seats up straighter, Teco-Musa was blocking his view ”Let her die, it would give you sense, and why did she faint, how come she fainted seeing him, how come she knows who he is?” he points to Ambross walking back to him. ”Wake the woman up and bring her here” ”Leave my mother alone, leave her the hell alone and I will give you whatever you want!!” Emeka tells Teco-Musa, his eyes darts to Ambross, no wonder he didn’t show up here, they got to him and now they came for him. Agede gets water from the dispenser and throws it over Mercy’s face, and slaps her awake ”hey, wake up, wakeup, you don’t die yet till we send you all on one nice trip to hell, wake up woman” ”Get away from my mother, if you are man untie me now and then we can have this talk again!!” Emeka shouts at him, Agede laughs. ”Soon son, soon” Mercy comes to, she is shaking her head her, vision blurs as she opens her eyes. ”It cannot be. it cannot be. It can’t! The… house, documents, man… Ambross! Tell me that what he is saying is a lie, tell me” Mercy turns to her son ”Tell me that what I am hearing, seeing isn’t true?” Emeka’s eyes releases another tear, he never wanted to hurt her and put her in arms way like this, and because of this stupid quest for vengeance, he has not only put her in danger but everyone else. He has to do something, anything to get them out of this. if Teco-Musa wants more money, he will give him, but the house? He got it for his mother, she shouldn’t lose it twice, it wasn’t fair. ”Mama, please… I didn’t- ” ”Shut up, bring her here, how do you know this man and it looks like your son has it all out for him, care to tell us why?” They drag her to Teco-Musa, placing her in front of Ambross who raises up his face to look at her. His eyes suddenly grows big after a few minutes of staring at her. Mercy is crying shaking her head, wanting to be far away from him ”No please no, it cannot be, it cannot be, oh Lord it can’t be!!” she cries turning away, how could Emeka do this, why? Why did he? Why is Ambross here, why did I have to see him again, the man who broke me to pieces, why Lord. It cannot be. She cries. ”It can’t be what?” Teco-Musa nudges her with his stick. Ambross is suddenly filled with shock. That voice, that face… that broken tears. That… ”Mercy!! Mercy!! MERCYYYY!!” He exclaims… Shock vibrates through his body as his eye nearly pops out of their sockets upon recognizing her. ”Mercy, is this you? Oh God it is you!!’ Mercy is shaking her head, looking at Emeka, Emeka’s heart pulls. The look she gave him, she had never looked at him like that before, in disappointment, as though he betrayed her, like he hurt her. He didn’t want this, he didn’t want to see his mother in pain, this wasn’t how today was going to be, this wasn’t how he planned it to be, she was supposed to be happy, not crying, not in pains, not hurt, not be disappointed and not feel betrayed. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, everything was going wrong, everything! His mother was hurting and in pains and it’s all his fault, his friends are tied down, Mama Tito, Olive, Diana.. His eyes darts to Diana… she has stopped crying and staring into space. This wasn’t how it was supposed to be, what has he done? He should have listened to Tayo, should have listened. Oh God what have I done? ”Can someone tell me what this is all about because it looks as if we are missing something, Mercy and Ambross, anyone care to elaborate what this shocked looked is all about… you both know each other, that is obvious, you both are surprised and shocked to see each other, I see the tears, the very visible pain exhibited by the woman, I do not quite understand the man… is he shocked, is he sad or happy or he is just… shook!! anyone, Ambross?” Teco-Musa kicks his in his stomach, he groans coughing. ”Who is she? How do you know her?” ”She” he groans in pain ”She is … is my wife!!!” ”Ex-wife!!” Emeka thunders Mercy is crying still, her face turned away. ”She is… my… my… my wife”‘ he chokes ”She is not your wife ” Emeka repeats ”You divorced her you maggot!! She is your ex-wife, my mother is your ex-wife you disgusting piece of shit!!” Emeka flares as his anger returns. Ambross looks at Emeka, and at Mercy and at Emeka, he is back at staring at Emeka, and then Mercy, he goes back and forth, shaking his head, his lips shaking, words not coming out, he is staring at them back at forth, trying to understand, to make sense, to realise. No!!! It can’t be.. If this is his wife, if this is his wife, and that is her son… it means… it means, he is.. No!! It can’t be, he wants to speak, his lips are trembling. ”Ohhh lalala! so oh this is wonderful, so I get this, I see it all clearly now, get me my chair Don, oh this is getting better by the second, so let me get this straight , you… this is your mother” he points to Emeka as he seats on the chair crossing his legs “you have a grievance against your mother’s ex-husband” he points to Ambross whose eyes hasn’t left Emeka’s face “so you go after him, ruin him without telling your mother” he points to Emeka, Ambross and to Mercy and then back to Emeka, then he claps slowly, really slowly, ”Clap guys clap, this is wow!!” Don and the others clap, then he silences them, he claps again “wow!! Son you are simply brilliant! So Ambross, what did you do to deserve his hatred eh? No wonder the boy ruined you without thinking, what did you do to your wife or ex-wife and her son? What did you do to the boy’s mother that he hates you so much eh? I mean it had to be something, did you come to marry his mother when he was little and he found out you were a lying cheating asshole, a thief, greedy and all that jazz? I have known you for what almost two years and I already know the kind of person you are, much less a wife, wait, how long were you married to her eh? Eh madam, how long were you married to the fool eh?” He grabs Mercy by the hair and raises her up slightly, she screams unable to stop his hands with her hands tied. Emeka, struggles ”LEAVE MY MOTHER ALONE! I SWEAR TECO-MUSA IF I AM FREE I WILL RUN A DAGGER THROUGH YOUR HEART, I SWEAR IT!!” Emeka shouts, his eyes freely let’s the tears flow again as his fist is fisted behind him. God please… not his mother, not his mother. ”I asked you a question, how long woman?” ”Twenty years!!!”Mercy cries, Teco-Musa drops her to the floor. ”hmm!!” ”So, you hate your husband too, you do? What did he do eh, why does your son hate him?” Mercy cries harder covering her face with her tied hands shaking her head as she bends low ”Oh she is useless, crying like an old fart” He goes to Ambross who is speechless, his lips trembling ”What did you do to the boy, you know him? How come you didn’t know your step son? Well I am assuming he is your step son. How could you be married and don’t know your step-son, I assume that if you knew the boy you would have known who he is and would have been suspicious but you didn’t know who he was or than a business man which is what you told us… so… What did you do?” Ambross is unable to speak. It cannot be, it cannot be! He is shaking his head. ”I will tell you what he did, no need to ask a heartless man” Emeka spat ”why would someone not ruin a man who did nothing but beat his wife on a daily, bring women as young as her son into their bed, made her slave to them, never cared about his family but allowed them to starve for days despite being rich, who didn’t even consider that she was the one that helped to make him who he is, suffered so he can get to where he is, he didn’t care, he beat her, chased her out of their house, beat up his son. Didn’t care for him, didn’t care if they lived or died when he kicked them out to the streets and locked the gates to their faces all those years ago. She was his wife, he was his son, his blood and yet… like the devil he sent them to their deaths and they would have died, a woman who was sick and when she went back he bruised her body and her heart even more. she was almost countless raped, almost. she begged and cooked , she got constantly insulted, she helped a broken son to stand, the one who once attempted to take his life because he was depressed, frustrated, his heart broken by the girl he loved and shattered by the man who was his father. This man… took our life, took our peace, took our source of living, the man who had sworn to protect to love and to hold, who had promised forever to that woman who lays there shaking in tears, a man who had fathered a son but because of money, greed, selfishness, women, material wealth, everything like the size of his ego.. he left his family out on the cold to die but guess what, we didn’t, and I vowed to avenge all the pain you caused us Ambross, I vowed and I toiled day and night, selling water, bread and biscuit, we went days and days hungry, we begged like refuges when we had a big huge house, we slept under the bridge, in cars, in uncompleted building. I got stabbed, I would have died if not for that man over there, Tayo” he beckons to Tayo ”He is much like a brother to me now, because aside my mother, he is the only person who is family. When I finally began to make it, when God decided to bless someone, when it’s their time, he will make it pour, his blessings like rain and I guess that is what he did for me. I made it, without you, without your money, without your fxxking money Ambross, and guess what I did? I made good on my promise when I told you I will make you pay, when I told you I will ruin the ground the very ground you stand tall and mighty like a god above us, that I will take away that thing you love the most, your money, your luxury, your life and I will make you walk the nights like we once did and that all we have suffered for those months and years barely living, that yours would be a thousand folds and I did just that… I did just that and you know the happiest thing, the most satisfying thing Ambross Chikurdi, is that you came to me, begging me for help, me? You came and you begged like a rat for food, and I was happy, because you couldn’t recognise the man from the boy you sent your thugs to beat to a pulp. You couldn’t recognise the boy from the man who stood before you, standing tall on this every earth you kicked him to, you couldn’t recognise the son you tossed away and called nothing, he is the one you called Sir, invited to dinner, took his money, the one who gave you millions and invested in your dying company, the one who bought that same house you kicked me and my mother out from, the one who took away your cars and froze your accounts and took back his money, he is the one Ambross, the son you didn’t want who you thought would never amount to anything . He is me Ambross and I have not only taken away your little wealth, but your legacy, your life and to the streets is where you will roam, and I have given myself the most happiest present, your revenge for me, for my mother, and I do not regret it one bit, not one bit. Yes Ambross, yes… I am your punisher, and karma my weapon, and I pray you burn in whatever guilt you have because I do not forgive you, and I will do it over and over again” when he was done, his eyes had turned red, veins popped out, the tears flows from a place of pain. Ambross chokes. ”Emeka!!!”‘ finally Ambross finds his voice, he is shaking his head , ”E..m..e.k..a, my .. my son, it is you… it is you” he chokes shaking his head. ”You are no father of mine, I have no father, I rather be fatherless than ever call you my father, you are nothing to me Ambross, nothing!” Emeka spat. Now, it makes sense, it makes sense, why he just accepted to help him the way he did, how he was friendly to him. His son has been standing in front of him all this while and he couldn’t even recognise his son, his own blood, Emeka, his son, he couldn’t recognise his own son. It makes sense now, why he did what he did, ousted him out of the company without letting him plead his case, took the house, he was the one who bought the first one, fronting the man that- He looks at the men tied up, those men, and those men looked familiar now. That is Tayo, the one who bought the first house and the other is the lawyer, it makes sense now, he had been planning this, planning this for a long time.. to take him down, and he did.. He wanted to take revenge on him, and he did, and because of his sins against his family, karma visited too. And it makes sense, it- He chokes as his heart constricts in pain, guilt, shame. He deserves it, listening to Emeka talk of their pain and their suffering, what they went through, and yet he came out strong and successful, took care of his mother and took revenge on him his father, and for the life of him, this moment, this very moments all the anger he felt for the man who ruined him dissipates and is suddenly replaced… as guilt and shame washes over him. For ten long years or maybe more, for as long as he could remember, he had done nothing but hurt his wife, Mercy, he didn’t love her so it was easy to treat her as horrible as he did. He was a man, a bad man; he didn’t care about her or about his son. The love for money, his greed, his material things and the love for women didn’t let him care and he wasn’t sorry. Whenever he fisted her down he didn’t care, whenever he hoarded his money from her and his son he didn’t care, whenever his son came to ask for money for food, for school or for his mother’s feeding or her medicine when she became sick, he didn’t care, he didn’t care for the woman, he didn’t care about the boy and he treated them like dirt and for years he wasn’t sorry, because he wasn’t. But today, today? The revelation of this cripples him, he is shaking as the shame washes over him, he closes his eyes and shakes his head… he had been nothing but the devil to them, and he didn’t care, he didn’t even think about them all these years. He couldn’t even recognise his own son, his own blood, his… son, blood of his blood, . What kind of man was he, what kind of man was he? Emeka was right! he was nothing but a heartless pig, he wasn’t even a man, even human. Only those who didn’t have a heart would have done all this to his family and didn’t care. He deserved all that Emeka had done to him, even more, he deserved it all. In fact, he deserved death. This shame , this guilt, all of it was too much for him to bear. He shakes his head ”Kill me, please, I cannot bear it, I cannot bear this shame and guilt, I cannot face my son, I cannot face her, I can’t look into their eyes and not burn in shame. I have hurt them so much. kill me Teco-Musa, kill me!!!” he cries looking up at Teco-Musa , he turns to Emeka ” I..I ..” he looks at Mercy, he looks at everyone else, and his eyes rests on Diana who is staring into space. He finally recognises her.. She was Emeka’s girlfriend, Diana, yes Diana. He looks around, it’s all his fault, if he hadn’t been horrible to his family, if he had loved them instead of hated them, if he had been a good father and husband, if only, today his son wouldn’t hate him, his wife wouldn’t turn her face away. He wouldn’t have been the man he has become, not gotten into trouble with Teco-Musa, his son wouldn’t have ruined him and in the bid to take revenge he wouldn’t have sent them here to the man who ruined him , he wouldn’t have allowed them to come to his son’s house. Now, not only did he destroy his family then, not only did he do so much evil to them and kicked them out to die. Now, he has brought more evil to them, he had brought Teco-Musa whose signature is leaving death at his wake for those who offends him or didn’t give him what he wanted. What has he done, what has he done? He deserves to die, he deserves no forgiveness. He deserves the hottest place in hell. He turns back to Emeka ”I know you won’t forgive me, I know asking for forgiveness from all the pain I have caused you Emeka, you and your mother is like pouring salt to the wound infected for years, but I am sorry, and I deserve it, I deserve it all ” he chokes, his eyes tearing up and tears falling ”I do. And I know you hate me, even you Mercy, even you, but I am sorry” he bends his head, close to where mercy laid tied up ”I am sorry, I am so sorry Mercy for all that I did to you, for hurting you, abandoning you, abusing you emotionally physically and otherwise, I am sorry… I am sorry, for the pain for the agony, for the life, for making my son, our son become this man. Because of me, he is bitter, revengeful, because of me… and I am sorry Emeka, I am so sorry” he cried as he bends ”I am so sorry!!” ”Don’t! Don’t say you are sorry, your sorry means nothing to me, nothing to her, NOTHING!” ”I am sorry, so so sorry, I cannot …” he cries ”I cannot even face you Emeka, I cannot face you Mercy. Kill me Teco-Musa, end me. Let me serve my punishment in hell. I am sorry, I am sorry!!” he cries loudly, wailing like a wounded animal ”I am sorry” Mercy cries softly staring at him, shaking her head. ”You don’t get to say you are sorry, you don’t get to apologise, you get to suffer, for my mama, for me, you get to suffer’ ‘Emeka says, the tears fall from his eyes unbridled as he sniffs in his pain, his heart threatening to burst from the pain ”you don’t get to say sorry, you get to feel every pain, every tiny pain like fire shooting through your veins Ambross, you don’t get to say sorry, you don’t !!” he chokes. Mercy continues to cry, Ambross too. Emeka closes his eyes, ”You don’t get to say sorry” Teco-Musa watches the scene for a few minutes.. ”Wow!!” he wipes his eyes mockingly ”This is better than soap operas, I get to witness a firsthand master-minder at work, who skilfully sets his father up, ruins him for things he had done to them years ago, son pays back father for his constant abuses to him and his mother, wow!! And the he-goat cries like a little girl awwww Ambross! You are lousy old fxxker damnit!!! If you were my father, I would do worse, I would chop your balls with that suya knife, and feed it to you, yes, and I will cut off your body parts and hey wait!! I am the punisher, Mr Odinaka Uchendu, allow me vent your vent out to him for you yes, yes?” he takes a bow ”Don, Agede, pull the man up, let us give him a befitting punishment for ruining a woman who apparently was too good for him and a son, who was even merciful in his judgement, let us send him on a journey that would never allow him hurt anyone again, the earth would be happy to be rid of you, you scum of the earth, oh, I love this, I love this a lot!!” Teco-Musa laughs wickedly. They drag him up, he doesn’t struggle, he doesn’t ”kill me, because I cannot even forgive myself, at least my death would bring peace to my son, and to my wife… though I divorced her but…she was a good woman but I never did see. She-she cared and loved me even in my worst, and she never ever complained, she is a good woman who deserves a good life and you Emeka, you, you don’t need me to make you change into something you are not, I did this, I turned you into a man who hates and is bitter, and I am sorry, I hope with my death you can forgive yourself, maybe forgive me, and live a happy life, because I don’t deserve a second chance at life, I don’t! I will accept it, my fate. I am sorry Mercy, God knows I was horrible and disgusting, I pray one day you forgive me, I pray one day you never have to think about me again, as the man who ruined you… never again, I am sorry. Do it Teco-Musa, do it, end me, let me rot in my hell” Ambross says staring at Teco-Musa. Teco grabs the knife and walks to Ambross. ”Any last prayers?” He looks at Mercy who is crying, Emeka’s tears treking down his face. ”I pray my family will forgive me, that is all. Go ahead!! I accept my fate” ”Okay” he dangles the knife and reaches for Ambross’s shoulders, a second away before he plunges it into Ambross’s chest someone screams. ”DON’T , PLEASE DONT !!!” Mercy screams shaking her head and begging ”Don’t, I beg you, I beg you!!” she cries ”Don’t kill him, please, I beg you… don’t ” ”You want to… you don’t want to see him die? This man that has done all things to you, let me rid you off him ma’am, I will do so gladly” he tests the knife ”it would be a long and painful death” ”Do it!!” Ambross begs him ”I don’t deserve to live. I don’t deserve second chances and I will not be able to right the wrongs I have done, do it Teco-Musa, do not feel sorry for me Mercy, do not… you have your son who would protect you, even from this man he will, as he protected you from me, so don’t worry about me, don’t! Do it Teco-Musa, I accept my fate, my punishment for my sins” ”No!!! You cannot, you don’t have the right to take the life of the man who fathered my son, you don’t have a right, and you don’t own his life, only God owns it. You don’t have a right to kill him, no one does. Leave him please, please ” ”Nah Mummy, this man deserves death, doesn’t he Odinaka, or is it Emeka you prefer?” he turns to Emeka So did everyone else ”Doesn’t he?” he repeats. ”Emeka?” his mother is shaking her head crying ”Don’t, don’t send your father to his death please, he ..he is my husband, he is my husband, that paper didn’t divorces us because in my heart I never stopped caring and loving the man I gave my youth to. He is your father, your father, he has done all the wrongs, he has hurt you, he had hurt me too yes, but … God forgives, he forgives, and we are mere humans we must forgive too” ”How can you forgive a man who did this to you, how mama, how?” Emeka cries, his heart breaking ”How?” ”The same way God forgives us on a daily, if we mete out evil for evil, pain for plan, an eye for an eye is what makes the world go blind. We cannot cause pain and ruin to everyone who hurts us, not those we once loved, not when they have truly seeked forgiveness and they have, and he is”‘ ”They are liars and cheats and horrible people Mama!! Both of them. And he? He is a thief, a cheat, a home wrecker, a wife beater, a son abuser. He is nothing to me Mama, nothing! Just the same way he said we were nothing to him Mama” Emeka cries ”Oh I know! I know. But love is a stronger force than hate, love is. I know you want revenge son, I know it and maybe a little part of me rejoices in how you have meted it out to him, but my heart hurts knowing you had to do this, I trained you better I did, I raised you better than this, I instilled in you good morals, love, forgiveness and a beautiful heart I prayed for you. I told you to never hurt your father not to touch him, you promised me but yet you have done this” she cries painfully. ”I didn’t mama, I didn’t touch him physically, I will never go against you” “But you touched him Emeka, seeing him in pain, it’s because you reached out to cause harm, to ruin, and have hurt me too. Emeka you have hurt me like this, my heart breaks, my head feels like it would shatter, my whole pretty world is in chaos, because you my son are in pains, you my son are in danger, and the man whom have been my husband, my heart… is about to die, what do I do? I always said I don’t know what love is, never understood it but here I am and I am torn to hate the man who did all evil to me and watch him die. I should be thrilled but I am not. I am in pains, I fear, I cannot see it, I can’t bear to see this man in pain and agony, beaten, crying and seeking death as his punishment. My heart won’t allow it, my heart won’t! I want to protect him. And here my son, you are in danger with your family in your own house and I fear for your safety. I do not want him to die, I do not, because he gave me you Emeka, my boy, my son, my love he gave me you, and yes I may not be able to forget all that he has done, but I can forgive and I will not be party to his death, and neither should you, I see your pain I see it, but you don’t see mine Emeka” ”I am, sorry, mama, I am so sorry, I never want to hurt you, never want to see you cry, never wanted to endanger you, to endanger all of you. i am sorry Mama” Emeka sniffs ‘Believe me son, God didn’t lie when he said forgiveness brings peace and makes your enemies troubled. Forgive him my son, forgive. Do not let your father’s blood be in your hands, God forbids it, I forbid it, and you will forbid it for your children’s sakes, because you will not be able to forgive yourself because that darkness you want to run from would pull you in eventually and I refuse to let my son go under, never! I have raised you better, loved you better and instilled good values into you… forgive my son, don’t make me a failure as a mother ” she turns to Ambross ”For all that you have done to me, to me Mercy Uchendu Chikurdi, I forgive you Ambross, I forgive you from the depths of my heart, from the place of pain and anguish buried therefore I forgive you, and I pray God does too” ”WHAT DO YOU SAY EMEKA, DON’T YOU WANT HIM TO DIE, ENOUGH OF THIS SHENANIGANS WOMAN!!” Teco-Musa thunders ”Emeka, be a good boy and give me some green light baby? Go on, I know you want to see him dead, tell me, I won’t judge you! You want to pay him back right? You want him to suffer right? Tell me, you want it don’t you?” he sneers ”I am so so SORRY Mama!!” Emeka tells his mother painfully, then he turns to TECO ”I do!!” he breathes Teco-Musa smiles, everyone gasps, his mother’s was the loudest. Don’t do this Emeka, don’t, I beg you. Don”t sell your soul to the devil for a few minutes of tasteless revenge, don’t do it. Tayo wills him. Emeka continues ”I do want him to suffer for all that he has done, to feel it all, to die because his pain would give me peace and satisfaction. I do want him to die” ”Yes!! see, your son hates you” Teco-Musa laughs excitedly, he loves the ambiance of hatred, the eagerness to spill blood of offenders ”Say goodbye papa!!” ”Then do it” Ambross says as the tears leaves his eyes ”DO IT!!!” He screams at Teco-Musa. ”But, I think death is too merciful” Emeka was still talking as the tears continues to fall, his heart threatening to burst as he struggles within ”Death is too merciful for you Ambross, I pray you live a long life and let the guilt make you stagger and the shame, you wear it like a cloth, I pray you live a long life, and though it’s hard, it’s hard to forget all that you have done… and I cannot… I cannot!” he sniffs crying ”I can’t!!” he bows his head ”I can’t ” he chokes as the tears overpowers him. ”I can’t let go of the pain, I can’t mama, it hurts. It hurts so much, for years, for years.. I can’t !!” he cries struggling with pain, and forgiveness. ”Yes you can. Yes you can, let it go Emeka, let it go”‘ Tayo says ”Just let it all go, all of it” Emeka bends his head further crying, shaking his head, breaking and struggling. ”You will be okay son, you will be okay, let it all go, the pain, let it” Mercy speaks to her son, speaking to his heart, that strong heart he portrays isn’t as strong as he claims it to be, his heart is soft, beautiful, loving, caring, forgiving, not hard like a rock not unmovable, but feather light, his heart was feather light and only where love can and should reside ”Yes, you can my baby, my son, yes you can and I promise you, you will be free, all the pain and weight will be gone, I promise you, forgive… forgive!” Emeka cries out ”I… I forgive you!! I forgive you..I -I forgive you Ambross, I forgive you father!!” he cries as the tears chokes me. Ambross closes his eyes as his heart breaks ‘Thank you, thank you son” ”Argh!! You all are no fun” Teco-Musa is disappointed as he stares at Emeka and everyone else. Then without blinking, ”goodbye Ambross!!”‘ he plungs the knife into Ambross’s stomach. Someone screams as Ambross drops to the floor. ***** TO BE CONT.
22 Feb 2018 | 05:19
Oh my this is not happening
22 Feb 2018 | 07:25
Wow, This Story Is Really Touching, Forgiveness Bring Peace Emeka I Hope Ur Heart Wil B At Peace Now Next Pls
22 Feb 2018 | 13:16
Forgiveness,always better than revenge is hurt and forgiveness is joy & peace
22 Feb 2018 | 17:54
I hate this revenge so much.. Only if you have listened to Tayo from the beginning
22 Feb 2018 | 18:36
How are you going to save them all from the danger you put them to because of your taste for revenge?
22 Feb 2018 | 18:50
TWENTY –EIGHT ***** ”Shut up! Shut up, shut up!!!” Teco-Musa orders as the ladies kept screaming and screaming . ”Shut up!! Guys if no one keeps quiet, shoot them all, I want peace, peace and quiet here” he says going back to seat, he wipes the knife with a handkerchief Don gives to him. He places it on the table. Emeka is speechless staring as his father bleeds, he is jerking, the blood making a small pool around him. His mother is screaming so is everyone else, the ladies. The men are stunned. ”Oh God!!’ Tammy exclaims, Mama Tito must have fainted, she wasn’t moving. Olive is shivering; Grace covers her mouth to stop her screams. ”I can’t be here, I can’t be here, we are going to die. We are all going to die” Olive repeats frantically. ”We are not, We are not, We are not!!” Grace says to her, not believing in the end. Diana is too shaken to speak.. ”You… you… you killed him! You killed my father, you-you..” Emeka can’t breathe, he can’t breathe ”You-you..” he felt dizzy, he felt like throwing up, he felt pain, ” You killed him, you killed him… oh God, no no!!” ”Ambrosssssss!!!” Mercy screams ”Ambrossss heyyyyy ahhhh ahh heyyy!!” she screams, crying shaking her head as he continues to bleed out, choking, dying. ”’What? You should be thanking me; you should all be thanking me, ungrateful fools. Now, joke and party is over, give me my money and my house so I can be on my way, yes?” ”I will kill you with my bare hands Teco-Musa, you will not be able to run away, you bastard!!” Emeka says angrily, angry tears leaving his eyes. ‘Hey, you hated the man, you should be happy” ”He was my father, I had a right to be angry and hate him for what he did to me and my mother” Emeka cries, ”But I never wanted to kill him, never wanted to hurt him with my hands physically, I hated him, I wanted him to suffer, but I never wanted to kill him, I never wanted to kill him and you killed him, you killed him despite seeing my mother begging for his life, despite she forgiving him, despite me letting it go, you… you killed him. You killed my father. Oh God! What have I done? Mama what have I done? Dear God forgive me, father, Papa, forgive me” Emeka laments painfully. ”I give you five minutes, give me the money or I will order them to start shooting , starting with your mother, and your pretend fake wife there, and those two ladies and I will keep killing them all till you give me what I want, is your money or that house more important than your family’s life”. ”No!!” They are more important to me that my wealth. ”Give him what he wants, take the house, take everything… I pray God punishes you Teco-Musa… for killing my husband I pray God punishes you himself ” mercy wails cursing him ”You will meet the same end as you have given my husband, I curse you, as a wife I curse you” ”Okay, now I am bored with you!!” he grabs the gun from Don’s hand and points it to Mercy’s head. ”Kill me! You are a killer and all you have done will come hunting you, kill me, you already killed my husband, but know that the law will catch you up if not today but one day, if not the law, nemesis, if not nemesis, God. I curse you. You will face the same fate” ”Don’t! Go away from my mother, if you want to kill someone else, kill me, I am here, do it. It’s me you want right? You can kill me. Or take the house, take everything else and leave. Money, wealth, houses is not enough to equate my mother’s life, take it all, the documents everything is in my room. Take it and leave, please” ”But I don’t like your mother!!” Teco-Musa pouts ”Well you will have to kill me first!” ”Gladly, you got a sharp mouth, like father like son. I will kill you, I will marry your wife, I will use the other girls like my mistresses, smuggle them to be prostitutes and make money off them. This you house and your company, in fact I will take your entire life and guess what, the law won’t get me, why? I would give you a death such that they would think it an accident and since you stupidly sent all your staffs and guards away for your stupid stunt, no witnesses, see… I will show up at your office and all would be mine, I know people who know people, it would happen,” he cocks the gun ” Where is it, the money? Go show us, no in fact, someone else should, before you try to me smart… tell us where it is or your blood would be splattered all over the place” ”If I tell you where exactly, would you keep your words and let my family go, safe and unharmed?” ”If I feel like” ”It’s in my room, there is a safe. The room is upstairs” ”Well, who would show me the way, or who would go get it?” ”I will!!” Diana speaks up Everyone turns. ”I will!!” she repeats. ”Nice sweetheart, untie her, make sure there is no escaping “‘ “The house is sealed, this is the only way out ” Don says pointing the main door ”We checked it, so she can go and come out only through this way, she can’t escape”. There is a back door, and everyone in the house knows that… it leads to the staff quarters and to the compound and out the gate and Diana knows about that, Emeka looks at her. She has seen Mama Tito go and come through there without going through the front entrance. They untie her; she makes her way upstairs, while they watch. They don’t follow her, there wasn’t a need to. She only can go up and come down. ”Okay, now I am hungry, Agede? I see food there on the dining table, get me some, while I wait to be rich”. He relaxes and waits. ****** Diana stares at wall, she shakingly pulls out the picture and stares at the safe. ”You planned this, you planned all this so you can get back at a woman who hurt you ten years ago did you not? because she broke your heart, so you planned all this, wooing her, making her fall so you can hurt her, what a brilliant man you are Odinaka, I applaud you sir I do” she could hear Teco’s voice in her ears ”You are nothing but a heartless gold-digger, a materialistic slut, a woman without a heart, you don’t love anyone but yourself Diana, you love no one but money, luxury and yourself and you mean nothing to me, I stopped loving you the day you turned away from me. I stopped loving you when I realized if I didn’t, I would die. I do not love you Diana, all this was just a game, I was playing your game to ruin you and I did, you are nothing to me Diana. What is love? Love isn’t you Diana, so you can take your love and shove it. Love is Olive, love is her and I love Olive because she loves me truly, from her heart and she will never love me any less because she loves me for me, the man not his money. But you are nothing but a disgusting irritable materialistic gold-digger and I hate you” she could hear Emeka’s words in her head. She wipes the tears that flows from her eyes, he doesn’t love her, it was all a lie. A big fat lie. She is what he says, a gold-digger, she was.. She was a fool to think she could love him, she was a fool to think that he would forgive her wholeheartedly. She was a fool. But she was done being a fool. He hates her; he said she was a gold-digger, a heartless person? She accepts it, at least, that is who she is. She stares at the money as she opens the safe ”And here was so much money that would take her away from here, far away, give her a new life, a clean slate, a new identity, a new start , buy her a man too, a new identity will heal her broken life, this was enough money for her pains” she grabs the briefcase and opens it.. The money stares back at her, she nods cleaning her eyes ”this would be enough money to forget about the incidence of tonight. She will take it, because she is one who loves no one but herself and money right? That is what he says? Fxxk love!! Money would be the only thing that would never hurt her like this. She cleans her eyes and carries the briefcase, she sees the documents of the house, she takes it and then she sees it, lying there on the table. She stares at the door, then back at it. She takes it and rushes to the bathroom, after a few minutes she comes out, drops it back on the table, opens the door and closes it, she begins to walk out with the briefcase. They wouldn’t see her if she takes the back door, no one will, and by the time they come up to search for her, she would be long gone. Yes!!! She would be long gone before everyone realises it, that means, they also wouldn’t know when they arrive. They wouldn’t see it coming. ***** ”Boss man, I think that chick is taking too long!!!” Agede says looking up the stairs. ”How long does it take to go get cash from a safe and back here, surely not fifty minutes!” Emeka notices his mother has grown so quiet, not moving, saying anything. He thinks she is in shock. ”Go find her, maybe she is having difficulties opening the safe” Teco-Musa is impatient. Emeka began to laugh, shaking his head as it dawns on him. ”Don’t bother, she is gone, she must have taken the money and left” he says sadly… she left. She stole it and left. Through the back door. He was sure. She was gone. Diana was gone. His heart breaks for the second time that night, for the second time in his life about a woman, He knew she was going to do it, he knew it.. His heart constricts. But it doesn’t matter, he needs to find a way to protect his mother, he looks at his father bleeding out… he had stopped moving. No sign of life. He was probably dead. He must protect his family; no one else has to die. ”What? That bitch stole my money, my money?” he stands up shouting ‘How? How did she get away?” He points to them ”Go check, go find out, once you see her, kill her and bring the money back” ”She is long gone, you won’t find her, but look, I have more money, let me make a call and I will get money transferred to your account, right now?” Emeka tells him, his eyes darts to everyone in the room, he knows they are sacred; he wants to get them out, all of them out safe. He doesn’t care if he clears his account, give up his life for them too if Teco-Musa asks. He just needs to make sure no one else dies. Maybe it’s a good thing Diana left; at least she would be safe, far away. ”You think I am stupid? We give you a phone so you call the police right?” ”I won’t, I will not endanger the lives of my family, you already killed my father, I do not want the same fate to happen to my mother or my family, trust me”‘ ”Boss, should we go check for her still, she wouldn’t have gone far, she might go call the police” ‘Iif she ran away with the money, she wouldn’t be going to the police Don, don’t be stupid, she would be arrested for stealing before they come to get us, she is just a thief as you say Odinaka, you should have let me kill her like your father, I am sure you are regretting I didn’t do it. She took your money and ran, haha, stupid plan, stupid you. Give him a phone Agede, put the call on speaker, if I don’t have my money within a few minutes, I will burn you and your family to the ground … and I will do it” They bring the phone.. ”Make the call, call out the numbers to one of these fools would dial” he motions to one of his boys who held the phone close to Emeka, waiting. ”You don’t need to do that, here is your money!!” Diana says throwing the briefcase to the ground near his feet as everyone turns to find her standing behind them. ”You… you didn’t leave?”‘ Emeka chokes disbelieving ”Why? You had the money, why didn’t you leave?” He is shaking his head in disbelieve. An emotion suddenly swept through him, he didn’t know how he was supposed to feel, didn’t understand why he felt the way he was feeling. Why didn’t she go, she should have gone, that was her person, a thief, a gold-digger, lover of herself and money. She had it, she had millions of naira in that briefcase, why didn’t she leave? Why did she come back… why? He couldn’t believe she was the one standing there. Does it mean, does it mean all she feels for him was so real that the love for money took a back seat? Why did she not run away? He didn’t understand. His chest hurts, it hurts from this realization. ”Because I am all that you say Emeka, I am. I won’t deny it, but that was me before meeting you again, before falling in love with you for real, and you are right, I am a gold- digger, a materialistic slut, I am all you said, a leopard who doesn’t change it’s spot, I love myself and money and the life of luxury and people without caring, yes I am. But that was me before today… and as I stared at that money, I remembered all you said to me a few hours ago, how you were angry and told me how you planned to ruin me and how you have actually succeeded, how I ruined your life and made you go through so many things, how you were happy to pay me back after using a page from my book. I was ashamed, I was sad and I was broken. I was hurt, feeling all those pain, having you toss me, ruin me, make our marriage null and void, I was in pains and I wanted to die and I told myself, this money would sort all my pains, it will. After all that is who I am right? The girl who loves money so much she can sell her soul to the devil. I wanted to hate you for today for this pain, but Emeka I couldn’t. I held the money and all I wanted was to get rid of it, from me. Money cannot replace the love I have for you, not today, not now, not ever. I used to be that girl Emeka, yes; all you said about me was true. But the girl who stands before you today, broken, is different, it’s the girl who wouldn’t run knowing that the man she loves and his family is in danger and the money in that briefcase is only what would save them. I will give it up a thousand times over to make sure you all are okay, I will. I don’t want your wealth Emeka, not as much as I love the man” She says with tears leaving her eyes and staining her cheeks, she sniffs. ”So Teco-Musa, there is money, a lot more than you ever borrowed from Ambross, a lot more than you deserve, even the house documents, it’s all there, now keep to your word, please, leave us alone, you already took a father and a husband, please take no one else. But if you must, start with me, because just like him I deserve to be punished…but no one else. Please” Teco-Musa smiles coming to her ”Wow! I didn’t think I would ever see the day a gold-digger leaves the money for the man, did you hit your head love while you went up the stairs love, did you?” She hits his hands away as he caresses her cheeks ”You have the money, please leave ” Emeka shakes his head, speechless, he speaks ”You should have left, I… I expected you to I- ” ”I told you Emeka, I love you, the man, you. I don’t want this..That is not me anymore. I left once, I am not leaving you again.”‘ Teco-Musa grabs the briefcase, and places it on the table, his smile broadens when he sees the bonds and cash and then the documents ”beautiful!” He swings it to Don who catches it, looking around, ”I should leave but, what if you all report me to the police, what happens?”‘ ”We won’t!!” as though speaking as one everyone chorused. ”Oh, I need to make sure because you have seen my face and can identify me, Just to make sure you would not because now I know who you all are, if you do I will come back for you all… and just to show I am serious” he points the gun at Emeka ”Say hello to your father for me” he presses the trigger. ”No!!!” they screamed. Emeka sees the bullet leaving the barrel of the shotgun, he closes his eyes as he whispers ”I am sorry mama, I love you” he waits for impact. There was a loud thud as everyone screamed again. Emeka felt nothing, no pain, he opens his eyes to see the horror on everyone faces, then he looks down.. Diana had hit the floor as the bullet ripped through her, the red patch appears on her chest, it was spreading, her beautiful dress was ruin, her beautiful face was contorted in pain. ”Oh oh God no… no… no… Diana… Diana… why, why did you do this…why… why?” Emeka crawls to her crying, a loud cry is heard from Grace, Olive is shaking, and Mercy is staring into space. Tayo looks struck. Diana, dear Lord! Tammy began to say his last prayers, Mama Tito was lying down there, barely conscious . ”no no no! Diana Diana!” Emeka wails, he wants to hold her, stop the blood, he can’t. ”Diana no please no!!”‘ he cried. ”Stupid girl! Stupid girl! ” Teco-Musa spat ”you are lucky Emeka, your girl took a bullet for you. Maybe truly she does love you wholeheartedly, too bad your love isn’t meant to be. Oh well, now, you know what would happen if you report this or come for me”. Don, Agede and the two other guys shake their heads ”What a waste” they laugh. ”No Diana, please please… don’t die please, why did you, why did you do this, why?” he cries, he can’t hold her, he can’t touch her because of his tied hands as she bleeds on the floor, he rests his head on her chest ”Please no stay awake, stay awake please don… help someone please help… no… no don’t leave me again, don’t… please” he begs in his tears. Grace is choking, Mercy is staring into space … looking at her husband who had stopped moving and then at Emeka as he cried over Diana… she blinks, she blinks again. More tears fall. But she is quiet. She is staring past them and into space. The tears roll out, but she is there, unable to move, to do anything… the pain courses through her body. ”I… I am sorry Emeka!!” Diana chokes ”I am sorry, forgive me, forgive me”‘ ”I forgive you Diana please, please don’t die please… please…don’t, I am sorry for doing this… I didn’t think oh God!!! Someone help please, please” he cries on her chests as her face is close to his. ”I love you Emeka… I…” she chokes…”I love you!!!” she whispers. Emeka cries as his heart is torn to pieces. ”Oh God! What have I done, what have I done?” he wails as he wishes to hold her, to stop the bleeding, to…to stop her hurting, her pain She can’t die, she can’t. She can’t leave him again, not like his, never like this” ”Wake up Diana, please wake up” he begs as her eyes drifts close, it opens again ”I won’t let you go, don’t sleep please” he sniffs She shakes her head opening her eyes, he could see the pain in her eyes ”you hate me!!” she whispers. ”No no… I did, but I don’t anymore. No, stay awake… Dee stay awake for me, don’t die I beg you, stay awake for me, I am sorry Dee, God I am sorry” he cries As her eyes closes and opens, she tries to smile ”You don’t love me anymore, I feel so tired Emeka, I feel so..” ”Sssshhh Dee, don’t lose strength, just stay awake for me, please, please” ”I am tired Emeka, I feel so sleepy, so sleepy” she closes her eyes and opens it, then she closes it… her breathing labored. ”No Dee, you should have left! You should have left, stay awake for me Dee, please don’t leave me again, please, God!!!’ ‘he cries looking up to the heavens. Teco-Musa and his men stare down at her. Don nudges him ”Gatto go boss!!” ***** They came, after receiving a frantic distress call. ”The caller identified herself as Diana Nkenchior, friend to Mr Odinaka Uchendu, she says they have been taken hostage by five people inside the house and they are all harmed, one member of the family has already been killed. she says there is a back door into the house and she has left it open for us, the gate is open, she said she saw two of their men at the gate to make sure no one goes in, no staff is around and a team of men who were supposed to be here are possibly dead,… when I asked how many harmless are there, aside herself she counted seven and a dead man who was shot, that is why the paramedics are here, so we go in subtly, you two man the gate, get those men down, we can’t go over the fence because it would set off the alarm, she said they are harmed, so be careful, we need to bring Mr Odinaka and his family out alive and take down Teco-Musa and his men, on my count” the officer says to his team of eight men as they are ready to come down from the car.. ”Okay, you two in front, you four cover me, let’s go”‘ They alight from the back , they go close to the all to avoid being seen, away from the gate and made their way to Odinaka’s entrance . Two men who were watching the gate acting like a security stood there watching. One of the police officers drops his gun with his team member, removes his barge and buttons his jacket. He comes out of hiding, walks to the gate. ”Hi, excuse me, I am lost but is this the Odinaka’s residence, I was supposed to attend a wedding here today and I wonder-” ”Get lost, wedding is over!!” the darker one with black shades saying flinging away his cigarette, they come towards him wielding their guns. ”Oh, my apologies” the office who approaches the security on says to them, while they both step out of their post fully coming to him… the two officers come behind them. ”Drop your weapons” the officer grabs one from behind placing his gun to his back, before the other one, would think to shoot, the police man who was talking to them at first punches the other guy, he hits the ground and passes out immediately. They grab their weapons, handcuffs them and drags them to the corner. They make their way using cars and trees to run-walk into the estate, staying away from the view of the windows so one see them coming. When they heard the gun shot, they pause. ”Damnit!!” The team lead speaks into the coms ” Let’s close in guys, go go go go!!!” he waves to backdoor, giving them a go ahead to the direction, ”Go go go go!!” They make their way to the back of the house, guns pointed, ready to impact. ”Ready, go!!” they enter the house through the back entrance passing the staff rooms, going slowly without alert anyone in the house. ”I got visual!” one of them says ”I got visual of harmfuls, I see Teco-Musa with a gun I think two people are down” ”I see four harmfuls aside Teco-Musa”‘ another say ”How do we proceed sir?” ”On my count … 1… 2… ” the third person asks him. ***** ”Boss, let’s go, we got the money!” Don says telling him.. ”we can touch this place up with them in it, be gone before the news releases he is dead” ”True!!” he puts down the gun ”let’s go!!!” They make their way to the door. ***** ”Three!!!” the team lead says. They burst through the door leading into the parlour. ”Drop your weapons, you are surrounded!” the police says pointing their guns to them. Don and the rest turn in shock, they quickly point their guns to them as well,. ”How the hell?” Teco-Musa exclaims, ”Boss!!” his men call him, Emeka and everyone are in shock as the police enters, how did the police know, how did they know… Diana opens her eyes slightly, she drifts in and out of consciousness. She coughs turning to Teco-Musa ”Never trust a gold-digger in a room alone with money and a mobile phone on the table, now the Law got you!” she coughs Emeka stares down at her, as she coughs again, blood sprouts down from her lips. ”You bitch!! You bitch!!” Teco-Musa flares as he directs the gun to Diana, intending to shoot her and kill her off once and for all. No one had being able to catch him, he had evaded the law for years, now this bitch, she, a thief, a gold-digger brings the law to him. Well, he would send her to hell before him. He shoots, the police releases fire on him, it rips through his body as he falls to the ground, his bullet hits the wall missing Diana only by a few breaths spaces as Emeka docks away. Everyone who is still lucid is screaming. Teco-Musa is convulsing on the floor, his men who had been too shocked to shoot stare at the police men in anger and cocks their guns. ”This wouldn’t go down well for you gentlemen, there are a few other dozen officers at the door, you will never make it out alive, your men outside have been pinned down, don’t be a fool, drop your weapons” The police team lead tells them. ”We are taking you in, dead or alive gentlemen” They stare at each other, and then down at Teco-Musa who had stopped moving, his white cloths a map of red, the gun holes on his body was enough to keep a man dead like him forever. They drop their weapons and go down to their knees. The police move in, taking their guns off them, handcuffing them and pulling them up, the other officers go around untie everyone else, Mama Tito who had fainted all this while is revived with water. Grace rushes to Diana, Emeka finally was able to gather her into his arms ”Diana, Dee wake up, it’s over, please wake up” he shakes her gently. ”Get the medics in here” the police officers calls out as the paramedics are told to drive into the estate, they come, dropping down, pulling out stretchers. ”Dee, wake up Dee!!!”’ Grace is crying ”Let them take her to the hospital sir” The officer tells Emeka. Emeka let’s her go as the men in white take her from him and places her on the stretcher and takes her away, Grace follows them. He rushes to his mother, carrying her in his arms, he rushes her into the medical bus, placing her on a stretcher, they place both his mother and Diana side by side, Grace and Mama Tito climbs in beside them. ”Go! I will follow behind you, Go!!” Emeka says jumping down from the car, he watches them drive off blowing it’s siren, there a third car there, the paramedics comes down with a stretcher. He goes back into his house, Tayo is staring down at his body, Tammy is being checked by a paramedic, same with Olive, she is shaking and talking and crying, they take them outside, to the car and make them sit as they attend to them. He looks away ”I killed him Tayo, I killed him!!” Emeka’s throat closes as he speaks. Tayo is silent as a Medic comes to them ”it’s not your fault!!” He finally speaks. ”It is, you warned me not to. If I hadn’t done this, maybe this wouldn’t have happened to him, to mother, to Diana. I killed him Tayo, how can I ever forgive myself ? How can Mama ever forgive me ?” He slowly sinks to the ground, staring at his father’s body ”Papa, I am sorry!” he cries The Medic bends to check Ambross ”He is dead sir” he tells him as he touches his neck, he grabs Ambross’s lifeless hand. Emeka says nothing, grief washes over him. ”I killed him” he repeats”‘ I killed my father with my own two hands Tayo, Mama would never forgive me” ”It’s not your fault Emeka!!” Tayo repeats staring at Ambross. ”I killed him, if I hadn’t been seeking for revenge he would have still being alive. I didn’t plunge the knife but… I put him in harm’s way” Emeka cries. Tayo turns sharply, he grabs Emeka by the shoulder and pulls him up, shaking him hard ”It is not your fault, it is not your fault, stop it!! You messed up, you didn’t listen, yes, but you didn’t kill him, he made his wrong decisions, Teco-Musa killed him. It is not your fault damnit!! You have a mother who needs you, Diana needs you, it is not your bloody fault. If you don’t forgive yourself it would shatter you forever. It is not your fault brother, he is gone, he is gone” he shakes Emeka again, he grabs him and hugs him, as Emeka grabs him too, he holds Tayo tight as he cries. Tayo holds him as he shatters. ”It’s not your fault. It’s not” He repeats. ”Sir! Sir, I feel a pulse, a tiny faded pulse but it is there, we need to get him to the hospitable now “The Medic raises up his head sharply, ”What?” The men let go off each other. ”He is alive, barely.” Emeka pushes away from Tayo ”But how is it possible, how… He bleed out… so much blood, he isn’t moving.” ”We need to get him to the hospital sir, he is barely alive” ”Tayo, help me lift me father, quick!!” Emeka swings into action as they lift him to the stretcher and into the car, Olive and Tammy join them. They drive speedily to the hospital. Emeka didn’t take his eyes off his father, and he had a single prayer in his heart. Lord, let him live, if not for me, but for Mama. ***** TO BE CONT.
23 Feb 2018 | 04:37
This story is becoming so sad for my liking
23 Feb 2018 | 09:57
Oh my I don't like this at all
23 Feb 2018 | 12:31
I pry they all survive... Diana, you have done a wonderful job, at least it shows that you still have a heart
23 Feb 2018 | 14:01
Cant wait 4 next episode
23 Feb 2018 | 14:18
Is like there is a second chance 4 those that did bad & changed
23 Feb 2018 | 16:07
Revenge is something that can happen by itself like karma...Emeka trying to do the revenge by himself and also overdoing it almost took all their lives.
23 Feb 2018 | 16:14
I Pray He Survive
23 Feb 2018 | 16:35
23 Feb 2018 | 16:55
oh God,Dee your the hero here. I pray nothing will happen to you all
24 Feb 2018 | 03:59
TWENTY-NINE ***** Emeka is pacing the length of the hospital. ”Relax Emeka, you doing that won’t make the doctor work any faster, relax!!!” Tayo watches Emeka. But he doesn’t stop. Tayo walks to him ”Emeka, stop, pacing, relax” Olive walks out of the room and comes to them, Grace is by the corner quiet. ”Are you okay?” Emeka turns to Olive as he hugs her she nods wiping her nose. ”Yes!” ”Look Olive, I am sorry, I was stupid, I shouldn’t have put you in harm’s way, put none of you in harm’s way. I am sorry, to you too Tayo for not listening. I shouldn’t have allowed my pain move me to do the unthinkable, I shouldn’t have. You both are important to me and I am sorry, forgive me ” Olive shakes her head ”It’s okay Emeka, at least we weren’t harmed, but your father, Diana?” His heart pulls ”I know I know… I -” he chokes trailing off. Tayo grabs his shoulders ”have a little faith Emeka, a little faith” As Tayo and Olive go to get coffee, Emeka moves to seat next to Grace, she doesn’t turn. ”I know you hate me for what I did to Diana, I hate myself more, I am sorry for putting you in harm’s way and I know –” ”You don’t have to apologise to me Emeka, you don’t, it’s her you need to apologise to, not me”‘ ”What if she doesn’t make it Diana, what if… she doesn’t, what if I lost her this time forever?” She turns to him, staring at him, she really looks at him, searching his eyes, understanding ”Why did you do this if you felt this way still?”‘ ”Because pain, because anger, because ego, because revenge was all I could think about and yet look at what my stupidty caused, my father, her, my mother, the people I love and they were the ones that were hurt , they were all affected, but this, it wasn’t my intent Grace, it wasn’t my intent to even put you, any of you in arms way, I am sorry. If something had happened to you how would I have been able to explain to junior how you died?” ”Thank God Diana called the police before coming back out, thank God she did, she took a bullet for you Emeka, she took a bullet for you! No one would do that for you unless they love you. She loves you Emeka, if that isn’t prove enough I don’t know what is” ”I know Grace, I know, and I felt an overpowering wave of guilt, I wanted to hurt her, but she is the one who is almost at the verge of death, I don’t know how to forgive myself for this, if she dies I don’t know what I would do”. ”Then pray she doesn’t, pray you get to tell her what you already know you feel and isn’t going away” ”What is that?” ”I think you and I know that you cannot hide that emotion behind your eyes from everyone, you can lie to everyone but not yourself Emeka, all this must have been planned and it turned sour, but I think what you didn’t plan to happen was to have that same feelings you had for her still, to resurface, that pain in your eyes isn’t a lie Emeka. I hope you are able to let it all come forth, for your sake, you claimed to have a hardened heart but all I see is a soft heart Emeka, and Teco said it correctly, your heart is featherlight… there is pain and sorrow, there is hurt, but there is also love, and maybe even in your hate for her, for your father, there was a softness for your father, there was a place in your heart for him and it wasn’t all hate, and your mother has another large portion of that heart, but do you know who owns the rest… it was never Olive, it wasn’t other women, it was Diana, it has always been Diana, and I see it in your eyes right now, and if she does ever make it alive, I hope you are able to tell her the truth… for your sake because you wouldn’t be able to live with yourself because this time, this time you were the one who pushed her away.” Grace says getting up and walking away. ”You know she is right Emeka?” Tayo pushes a cup of coffee to his face Emeka doesn’t answer as he stares into the cup, closing his eyes as he lets the tears fall to the floor. ***TWO HOURS LATER **** Tammy walks to them ”Sir! The money has been sent to the office, Agnes would handle it, Mama Tito brought food for everyone to eat so..” he trials off ”Thank you Tammy, I am truly sorry about-” ”You keep apologising Sir, it’s okay” He chuckles ” so, who is hungry?” ‘Me, I am starving ”Tayo says ”you hungry bro, we have been here for hours, eat something” ”Not until I hear something from the doctors, something positive” Emeka breathes. ****TEN HOURS LATER***** ”Your mother is coming to Sir” the doctor says ” she was sedated to put her out of shock but she has come to, you can go see her now”. ”And Diana, Ambross?” ”She is still in surgery, the bullet needs to be removed, it barely missed her heart, and we have to be careful. She is lucky to still be breathing” ”But, it would be successful?” ”Sir, we are doing all we can” He reassures Emeka. ”And Ambross, you not saying anything about him?” ”When he was brought in he was barely alive. I am sorry but he is in a coma, and we cannot do anything much for him unless he comes out from it, he is on life support. But he is being monitored, but you do know that it is a fifty/fifty chance of him surviving this or not. He lost a lot of blood, his heart stopped when he got here, we had to resuscitate him with bolts of shock to the heart, he may not survive this because he slipped into a comma immediately, we only hope for the best, for now, you can see your mother, she is asking for you”‘. Emeka runs his hands over his head as he follows him to his mother’s private room. Tayo goes to Grace as she hugs herself, praying silently ”Are you okay, I am sorry about your friend” he says seating down beside her. She wipes her tears ”She will be fine, I know she will be”‘ ”I pray so, Emeka wouldn’t forgive himself for putting her in harm’s way” ”But you didn’t talk him out of it” ”Believe me, I tried!” ”You know the truth don’t you, about how he really feels?” ”I suspected after it all, I did” Grace sighs ”She will be fine, all will be well I hope” ”Me too!!” ***** Emeka rushes to her as she made to seat up on the bed, he helps her, putting a pillow behind her as he sits on the bed, his head bowed, his hands in hers. ”Emeka–” Mercy began ”I am sorry!” he places his head in her hands, ”I am sorry Mama, I am so sorry !!” he buried his face there and cried. She places her hand on his head and pulls him up to rest on her bosom ”A mother’s heart is hurt, it’s broken, but a mother cannot cast away someone she loves even though he hurt her, we sin every day and have come short of the glory of God and if God was a man he would have cut us off since and left us to perish, but what does he do? he forgives us on a daily, blesses us, and gives us access to his love. And that is the value I instill in you everyday. I know if you could change the hands of time you would wish you could go back before today and make a better decision?” He nods ”Yes mama, I wish I could, I wish I never thought this evil thing in my heart”‘ ”Now you know your wrongs, your errors, and what God wants, is for you to change it, make amends, to forgive, to let go and make amends ” ”But Mama, I don’t know how to, I don’t know how to amend what I have broken. I have broken it to pieces that I am afraid glue won’t fix it , nothing can fix a broken heart Mama, nothing could fix mine, it cannot be fixed Mama, and I don’t know what to do”. She raises up his head understanding what he was saying, for the first time she understood all he used to say, those time he mumbled to himself when he spoke about his pain .. ”My son, it can be mended, time heals all wounds, your wound refused to heal because instead of closing it you drilled it with hate and anger and covered it with revenge. Now, instead of drilling in more hate, why don’t you cover it with something else, that thing that you buried within it, with love Emeka. It’s buried within you, fill it with love, and love fixes it all, bears it all, forgives it all, covers it all, glues all Emeka, it would glue back all the broken pieces of your heart, of her heart and make it one. Only love can mend what is broken, only love Emeka. God is love, God understood the power of love, a man to a woman, a child to his mother, a father to his son, a friend to a friend… love cuts across it all, it’s universal and not separated by race, religion or borders, it is the purpose of which we were created for, to love and be loved Emeka, to love our neighbours as ourselves, to love God, to love our own. Love is the glue you need and you don’t need to search for it because it is there, in your heart” she touches his chest ”and all you were doing was trying to cover it, don’t! I see it, I see it all Emeka, and for the first time, I will tell you Emeka, that Diana Nkenchior isn’t the same woman you met years ago, as you are not the same man she met years ago… love changes all” He kisses his mother’s hands ”I lost her Mama, I have, for the second time and it’s all my fault now”‘ ”You never lost what you never had Emeka, you didn’t have her before, she wasn’t yours. But now, she has given you her heart, but you haven’t accepted her yet, you loved her then, she didn’t love you. She loves you now, you rejected. You don’t lose what you never had, you only let go when you do have her Emeka, and you will not let her go because Emeka, what is in here” she pokes his chest again ” is more powerful than what you have up there” she touches his temple. Emeka rests his head on her bosom; she wipes his tears as it wets her chest ”Mama, father– ” he trails off ”I know, the doctor told me, whatever is God’s will, until then, I pray for his recovery” ”Me too Mama, me too!!”. ****TWENTY-THREE HOURS LATER**** ”She is out of surgery, she would be sedated for a few hours,” the doctor tells them as they sigh in relief ”Thank you doctor!!” Emeka was relieved; she was out of danger, that was all that matters. ”Go home Emeka, come back later, she is fine, she just needs rest”‘ ”No I am not leaving here” ”Go home, I will stay with her “‘ Grace says ”Doctor, I will wait” ”I think you need to go rest, have a shower, eat! Come, let’s go, you can be back later, you didn’t sleep a wink all yesterday” Olive comes to him ”But I am fine, I just want to-” ”Émeka, go home, she won’t be awake for a few more hours at least” Tayo joins in. Reluctantly he follows Olive as they leave the hospital; Tayo and Tammy leave too, Grace stays back after calling her nanny to make sure her son was alright. Mama Tito is with Mercy, she would be discharge in a few hours. ***** *Another Nine Hour’s Pass* Nine hours later, someone nudges her awake, Grace opens her eyes to see a nurse staring down at her ”she is awake, she is asking for you”‘ Grace thanks her going to Diana’s private room paid for by Emeka, she shuts the door behind her ”Hey Dee, I swear even in a hospital bed, you look amazing, I am envious!!” she seats on the bed. Diana manages a smile removing the mask from her nose, her voice barely a whisper ”For a friend, you suck at lying” she says wincing in pain, she tries to shift further up. ”Hey, Hey relax Dee, don’t be too eager to get up” Grace helps her. ”I just need to stay up”‘ Grace is beside her and helps her again ”you really were stupid to jump in front of a bullet, what were you thinking, you would have died “‘ ”I wasn’t thinking, and what was I supposed to do? Watch him kill Emeka, even if he doesn’t love me, I do love him, I rather die than see him hurt”‘ Grace wipes her eyes as it pools ”Anyways, you only think of man, man and man, what about me? I thought we were best-friends, what about junior? I thought he was your Godson, you just planned to leave us all?” Diana shakes her head slowly ”Do you know the craziest thing? I would do it again in a heart bit” Grace stares at her ”Then I would wake you up and kill you myself for being stupid, no one has done what you did” ”No one has suddenly loved this man like I do, and I don’t care to take a thousand bullets to right all my wrongs, to save the man I love” Grace sighs ”You are always stubborn” she wipes her tears. Diana manages a smile ”You hate me?”‘ ”I hated the other Diana, I love this one, but she is stupid and she shouldn’t play the hero again” ”For him Grace, I will again” Grace sighs ”I thought you actually left with the money and when you got shot, I wished you… you had embraced those qualities and ran with the money, I thought you were going to die and-” she sniffs. ”Hey, it’s okay, I am here, don’t worry you won’t be eating my burial Jellof rice anytime soon, I still got a few good years on you woman, so you are stuck with me”‘ Grace laughs throwing her hands around her and squeezes her. ”Owww!!” Diana exclaims. ”Oh I am sorry!” Grace releases ”I am glad you are Okay” “Ambross, Emeka’s father?” ”In a coma” Diana sighs sadly ”Mama? ” ”She is okay’!’ She nods thankfully ”The lawyer, the friend, Mama Tito?”. Grace smiles ”They are okay”. ”Olive?” ”Really Diana ?” Grace was surpised. ”Yes!!” ”She is shaken, but okay” ”Okay” Diana says, looking at her hands. ”You won’t ask of Emeka?” ”I know he is fine, and I know she would take care of him, she is a good girl” ”You know nothing Diana” ”Know What?” A knock on the door draws their attention away, Mama Tito pushes her head inside and walks to them ”I came to check on you, I hope you are okay?” she says touching Diana’s hand, a woman who could risk her life for a man, maybe she wasn’t so bad after all, she smiles at Diana. ”I am fine Mama Tito, thank you” She nods ”Mama want’s to see you”‘ Grace stands up from the bed ”I will wait outside”‘ Mama Tito and Grace leaves, Mercy is wheeled into the room by a nurse and leaves, Mercy wheels herself to Diana’s side. ”Mama, should you be out of the bed? They said you had partial paralysis because of the shock and- ” ”No I am fine, I am okay, just a shock but it’s gone, they just need me to stress my legs” ”Okay Mama, I am glad you are fine!” ”Yes, me too, that you are okay”. They are quiet. ”I came to apologise for my son Diana, I know I am also at fault here, if I had welcomed you and given you a chance I would have seen all this and maybe helped to avoid it. I am sorry for your pain. The one my son caused you, I am sorry for the ones I caused you, I was a mother protecting her child, I failed to see the pain behind his eyes and the other thing compressed” ”What other thing Mama?” ”He will tell you himself. Diana, we didn’t get off on a good start, yet as my son broke you, you still saved his life.” ”Because I couldn’t bear to see the man I love get hurt” ”I know, thank you for protecting my son, forgive me for those words Diana, forgive me for my attitude, forgive a mother”. Diana shakes her head ”It is i not you who would ask for forgiveness, I brought him pain and made him so angry at everything else. It is me Mama that needs your forgiveness; it’s me who needs to thank you. If you hadn’t spoken to me the way you did, I wouldn’t have realised the errors of my ways and changed it. It’s because of you I was able to see clearly. I am sorry I had such bad thoughts against you, I am sorry for Emeka and everything else,. I am sorry” Silence ”I hope you make a quick recovery, and maybe we can start all over again” Dee smiles through her tears ”Thank you mama, ” then she is sad again ”I am sorry about Ambross” ”There is still hope, he may or may not live, but at least his son has forgiven him, at least he had asked for forgiveness. I pray he lives” she reaches out and touches Diaana’s hands. You are a strong woman Mama, to have survived all this and still be able to keep your head above water?”‘ ”It didn’t start in a day. Get some rest Diana, ” She wheels herself to leave. ”Tell Emeka I am sorry!!” ”He knows that Diana, but he will tell you his own apologises to your face!!” Diana stares at the door, hoping it would open and Emeka walks in. But he didn’t, not the next. Not the next, then she gave up on him ever coming to see her as the days continued to roll by. ***** For the next couple of days she was in the hospital, He came to check on her, but he never enters her room. He couldn’t. He would ask the doctors, ask the nurses about her, even Grace, stand at the door, but he is not able to bring himself to go in. His mother was back home, life went back to normal. His father was still in a coma. His mother comes by everyday too see him. She drops in to see Diana, then she goes to seat by Ambross’s bed, reading the bible, then she would talk to him. That was how Emeka found her every time he came to see his father. He waits till she leaves before he goes in. Then he seats there, watching him, willing his eyes to open. Then he would talk to him as his mother does, doctors says it helps. He talks about random things, just talking. . On his way out he always meets Grace, and she always asks him the same question ”Won’t you at least see her today, don’t you want to see her, won’t you?” ”I can’t!! Not yet!!”‘ he says ”Don’t tell her I check up on her or that you see me, please” then he would walk away. But he makes sure she gets the best room, best treatment, sends her flowers telling her to get well soon… but he couldn’t bring himself to meet her and talk to her. ”You can’t keep avoiding her you know?” Tayo told him one of the days ”I know!!” he replied, but it didn’t stop him from not going, even if it’s to stand behind her closed door and hear her speak with Grace. ***** A couple of days later , Diana is being discharged from the hospital. Grace enters the room ”Ready?” ”Yes!!” she nods ”Let’s go!!” They walk out, to the parking lot where they see her standing there…waiting. She walks to them, ”Hello Grace?” ”Hello Olive, I will be in the car ” Grace tells Diana walking away, she and Olive exchange a cordial smile. Olive turns to her ”I am sorry I didn’t get to come see you” ”I didn’t expect you too” Olive had no reason to come see her, it was okay if she didn’t, she wouldn’t hold it against her. Olive nods ”I just wanted to come by to say I am sorry for the way I treated you, for everything and to thank you for saving Emeka’s life” ”Everyone comes to say the same thing to me, Mama, Tayo, you, not him” ”You want him to come himself? I know I even told hi-” Diana is shaking her head ”No, I am not asking for him to come, it’s just that, I wouldn’t have let him die if there was a way to avert his death, I saw it and I did it, not for him but for me, so everyone should stop telling me thank you, you would have done the same for him if you had the chance to save him, after all you love him and he loves you. Would you not have done the same thing to protect the man you love, you would have right?” ”Yes I would have, and yet, I wasn’t the one who was hurting, being humiliated, broken down. You would have walked away with the money and with the pain you were in, we would have understood” We! Diana smiles sadly ”Well I didn’t, because finally wealth would evaporate like smoke, but love is like burning fire that never quenches” Olive smiles nodding ”Sound like something he would say” ”Who?” Olive shakes her head ”I am glad you are okay Diana, even though we started on the wrong foot, I am, glad you are okay”‘ ”Thank you!!” Olive is walking away ”You will… take care of him will you? You will love and care for him?” Olive turns ”Yes!!!” Diana sniffs ”I am happy he has a good woman by his side, I am happy he has someone who loves him wholeheartedly in ways I couldn’t, and I am glad it’s you, because he wouldn’t profess his feeling to someone unless he means it. Take care of Emeka will you, he is one of the good ones” then she walks away into the car where Grace is waiting for her as they speed off. ”If only you knew Diane that, that man has space for only one in his heart and sadly, it isn’t who you think” she walks away entering into her car and leaving. ***** A few weeks later, Emeka is backing his window when she walks into his office, she drops her bag and goes to him, slipping her hand between his hands and wraps her arms around him as she hugs him. ”So many things to do, more of my shops opening here and there, just finished with the boutique here, all is set and other things await” He looks down at the arms, he rubs it, bringing it to his lips to kiss and then continuous staring out of the window.. ”A penny for your thoughts!!” ”I wish! if I tell you what is making a chaotic mess in my heart you wouldn’t be able to help me” ”Maybe not, but sharing is half solving. I know you have been quiet and distant for this past few weeks, keeping to yourself, working more, doing nothing other than work work work. Mama says you hardly stay home, you busy yourself in the office and hardly eat, because I don’t stay in your house anymore since that day, I can’t keep tabs on you to make sure you are okay, should I whoop you, is that it? Why are you making your mother worry eh? Even Tayo is worried, and me too, every time I call you sound like you are elsewhere in mind and thoughts” Olive turns him ”What is wrong? You know you can tell me, you can tell me anything. I gave you time and space because you asked for it, but… talk to me Emeka, you know you can right?” ”I know Olive, that is what worries me, you are too good a person too good a woman, you deserve better you do”. ”I never complained, I knew what I was getting into”‘. ”But still, you deserve better”’ She sighs ”oh Emeka, your eyes speaks a different language than what your mouth is saying, and though I see it and understand the secrets buried in your eyes, I wish that I can change it to suit me” ”I am sorry Olive, it’s been a few weeks and yet, I can’t stop thinking about it all, wanting to, fighting within myself, I can’ even face myself in the mirror, my father is still in coma, she… she someplace, somewhere, and I can’t face her Olive, and I so want to, I do. And yet, I am torn, you are here, you love me, you stayed for me, you did everything for me even when I was on a mission to tear another down you stood by me, you love me Olive, you are beautiful woman, you have a good heart, and here you are, hoping for something more, my heart! But… I cannot give it out, to you. My heart is broken, shattered twice now Olive, because I have hurt the woman I have ever loved so deeply, and I fear she wouldn’t ever forgive me. Nor accept me” ”You are still in love with her Emeka!!?” He nods closing his eyes ”Ever since I met her again, there have been some part of me who wanted to throw all the pain away and love her as I have loved her before but I couldn’t do it because I wanted to pay her back, but every time she cried I forced myself to be emotionless. The time we kissed, and almost made love I was almost loosing myself, when she got shot… I felt my heart almost ripping out from my chest when I thought she was going to die, it broke me. I realised then that… I was stupid, I was- I was in love with her, I never stopped loving her. Her scent, her essence, her body is imprinted on mine, her heart in mine, she is like the air I breath, she is an addiction that I cannot get rid of. Yes Olive, I am in love with her, I never stopped apparently and I want to go to her and tell her but fear. She may hate me now, she wouldn’t want me close to her. She wouldn’t want to see me” Olive closes and opens her eyes , she tears up but she smiles ”Oh Emeka you are a silly silly boy! I will love you, I will love you always, but the heart wants what it wants, your heart has her name written over it and even though it hurts badly, I can’t force you to love me but I will be content I to know I loved you. God forbid I let you date me because you care for me or because you feel pity, which would be the wrongest thing to do. I too want a love like this and I pray I find it too. And stop thinking stupid things “she cleans her eyes ”stop standing there waiting then, go, go meet her, because there is no point guessing.” ”but Olive there is you and-” ”Pfft! Never love a person based on pity, never marry for one either. Love a person because you do and you love her Emeka, that bittersweet kind of love, so go love her, don’t wait forever thinking she hates you, she loves you madly too.” she wipes her eyes again ”Go, I have a flight to catch!” ”Wait! You are leaving?” he turns staring at her as she walks away ”Yes Emeka, I knew you loved her, I just wanted you to admit it and if you hadn’t today I would have bundled you to her house myself.” She laughs ”One day, we are going to sit down, have a drink and talk about this silly thing called love, until then, go get your girl! And ” She walks back to him ” I love you” she leans in and places a kiss to his lips letting it linger, then she steps away leaving him and walking away. He watches her leave, then he turns away facing the window again. He needs to see her, he needs to tell her. ***** TO BE CONTINUED
24 Feb 2018 | 06:14
Emeka,his broken heart is being mended by love...Olive has got a pure heart loaded with love...Diana,revenge has made her to love & love back.
24 Feb 2018 | 08:31
ride. on..
24 Feb 2018 | 10:03
emeka u need to make things. right
24 Feb 2018 | 10:04
Well, like the bible said; good and bad works together to bring good things to those that love God... If not for the revenge Diana would have still remained her old self
24 Feb 2018 | 17:12
Well, like the bible said; good and bad works together to bring good things to those that love God... If not for the revenge Diana would have still remained her old self!!
24 Feb 2018 | 17:18
Wow olive got a very good heart
24 Feb 2018 | 18:19
Emeka you need to go make things right with Diana
24 Feb 2018 | 18:21
24 Feb 2018 | 18:22
I hope you do what you just said I really hope
25 Feb 2018 | 10:34
THIRTY ***** Tayo walks into the house greeting Mama Tito as he opens the door for him, he sees Mercy in the parlour, he goes to her ”Mama Good Evening” he greets her bending to hug her. ”Hey Tayo my son, how are you?” ”Great Mama, and you, how are you holding up?” ”Good good!!” ”So, where is the grumpy one?” She laughs understanding ”brooding somewhere in the house, this is worse than I thought, tell him to go do the needful and stop brooding all over the place” ”Oh, what to do?” Tayo sighs ”He is stubborn, he is your son!” ”Sadly, he is.” Then she turns to Tayo smiling sheepishly “‘What if we do it for him?” ”Do it for him, really. How do you mean Mama?” ”Well, if the mountain doesn’t want to go to Mohammed, we take Mohammed to the mountain or bring the mountain to Mohammed, however which way works for me” ”What do you suggest we do then?” ”Oh I have a few ideas” Mercy rubs her hands together in excitement. He bends down to listen to her as she tells him. ”Oh I see!”‘ Tayo nods ”That could work. You are a genius Mama!” They laugh. Mama Tito turns to see them whispering, she smiles, she had a feeling she knew what they were up to. ***** ”Hey grumpy! You good? You haven’t gone to work for two days, I know you are the boss but… lead by example!” ”I couldn’t concentrated” “How could you eh? When you are thinking of matters of the heart. So are you going to stop pacing your house and go to her?”. ”I can’t!!” He sinks into the chair. ”Okay fine, then stop thinking about her” ”I can’t either!!” ”Boy, your case is worse than I thought ” Tayo laughs ”Not funny Tayo!” ”You won’t go to her, won’t stop thinking about her, son, you are just… stubborn” ”Something I got from Ambross!!” ”Yeah!! So stop thinking of woman for a bit, I need you to come out with me for a while”‘ ”What, Why, Where?” ”Must I have a reason to take my best friend out? I want to talk about girls and drink beer” ”I don’t want to” he gets up from the chair and plops down on his bed. ”Well, if you don’t get your ass up I would flood your house with g-string prostitutes and video you with them outing their ass and boobs in your face and boost it on social media” “You wouldn’t dare!!” ”Oh I will, dare me!” ”Fine, but I don’t want to talk about girls” ”Don’t worry, we can talk about one whose name starts with capital letter D and her name goes like this ‘Dee’. Come let us go…up man, up!!”. Emeka sighs getting up, grabbing his jacket and they leave the house, driving away in Emeka’s Ferrari. As soon as they leave, Mercy gets up. ”Mama Tito, this is what I want you to do, bring out the candles, some nice plates and make a delicious dinner, have the staffs leave the main house by eight pm. Leave the door unlocked and leave too” She looks at her ”Mama, I don’t understand! Who is going to eat the food? And why are we all going to leave?” ”Because I say so”‘ Mercy is smiling” please do it now okay, ask one of the helps to decorate a little, let this place be beautiful; like I said, leave the door open, and let the securities not stop her when she comes” ”Stop who?” ”Who else Mama Tito, who else?” ”Ohhh!!” Mama Tito nods understanding what she was up to, she smiles ”I will do everything right away Ma” ” Good! I need to make a call!!” Mercy walks away dialing. ***** ”Do you think it would work?” Grace is on the phone ”okay ” she nods smiling ”Indeed, take the mountain to Mohammed” she laughs ”okay, don’t worry, don’t worry mama, I will. Okay, bye”‘ Diana walks into the room ”Who were you taking to in hush hush like that? Junior is asleep, the nanny is here. Look, I know I have overstayed but I would be gone tomorrow” ”Nonsense Dee, you can stay as long as you want, and I wasn’t talking to anyone, I just… erm… crap!!” Grace explains touching her temple. ”What?” Diana turns to her ”I know we were supposed to go out tonight but I can’t anymore” ”Why not, your nanny is already here, she will watch junior” ”It’s not that, they just sent me a report for me to address for work and I have to finish it tonight, I just forgot and I have to send it Asap, I am sorry” she apologises to Diana. ”Argh!! So much for a movie and girl’s time” Diana pouts. ”I will make it up to you, I promise!” Diana’s phone rings ”You better” she says looking at the caller, picking ”Mama, good evening, how are you?” she is about to sit down ”what?” she jumps up ”okay, I am on my way Mama, don’t move please!!” she cuts the call. ”What is it Diana?” ”Erm-” she is catching her head ”Mama said she is finding it hard to breath and no one is around and I don’t know how come. She said she has called the hospital and they are no their way but she wants someone with her, Mama Tito has gone to visit her son, and she can’t get through to Emeka and she is scared and she can’t breathe and -” ”oh dear, you have to go to her, here, take my car, go really fast okay!!” Grace pushes her keys into Diana’s hands. ”Okay, see you soon” Diana rushes out of the house, Grace is smiling. ”oh!! See you soon Diana!!” she laughs, and then she dials the caller back. ”Hey mama, she is driving to you, okay?” She laughs again as Mercy says something ”I know right? Don’t worry, it would work out, have a little faith. See you soon.”‘ ***** ” What mama, are you okay?” he seats up as he answers his call. ”okay, Ma- calm down Mama, I am on my way okay?” he drops the beer and gets up. ”What’s wrong Emeka?” Tayo is worried ”Mama said she can’t move her legs, she can’t even- I have to go. She said no one is there, how can all the staffs not be available, I will fire them, I have to go home Tayo, let’s go”‘ ”óh!! Erm, okay…you go ahead, I will come by immediately, run run!!”‘ ”okay man!!” Emeka rushes to his car, Tayo grabs his phone and dials. ”He is heading your way Mama, you deserve an award Mama for being a good actress” He laughs, gets a taxi and heads to Grace’s house. ***** The securities let her in, she drives into the estate, barely locking the car she jumps out, running up the stairs and rings the bell, no answer, she touches the door, it swings open. It was strange. The house is empty and the lights are off, she finds her way into the house, up the stairs, she goes to Mercy’s room, it’s empty, the whole house is empty in fact. She dials her number, it’s switched off. ”Oh God!!!” she tries it again, it’s off, she dials Emeka’s number, but cuts it immediately, no! Mama has to be around somewhere, but what if something had happened to her ‘Mama, Mama?” She checks again… empty. No one was in the house. She makes her way downstairs slowly, worried. She has to call Emeka. ***** Emeka runs into the house, it was quiet, dark, no lights were working as he tried to put it on ” Mama, Mama?” he calls out rushing to the stairs in the dark, heading up when they meet. They freeze. ”Diana, you?” He breathes. ”Emeka!!” she exclaims Then he shakes his head ”My mother” he rushes past her, rushing to her room, checks it, it’s empty, he checks all the rooms upstairs, its empty, he comes down. ”Did you see my mother? she said she was paralysed and couldn’t move” ”No!! She called me and told me she couldn’t breathe and no one was at home and –” She trails off as it dawns on her, Emeka shakes his head understanding, it was a ploy. ”Tushei’ Mama!!” He mutters under his breath smiling. ”Wow! We actually fell for it!!” Diana shakes her head walking down the stairs. ”Yes! We did, she was pretty convincing ” he rubs his jaw ”hmm, no wonder Tayo didn’t come with me”‘ ”No wonder Grace cancelled our girls night out” ”oh, I am sorry!” ”it’s fine! When Mama is obviously okay, I should go home though” she turns away ”No! Don’t, please” he stops her. ”I have to” she walks away going down to the parlour ”Oh how strange! This wasn’t here ” Someone had obviously gone all out to set out a beautiful candle light dinner, well decorated in the middle of the living room, the room that was dark a few minutes ago is illuminated in a dull glow only in the centre of the room, Emeka comes down to see it, they hear the door close and then lock, they turn. They see his Mother waving from the window and walking away excitedly. Emeka laughs ”You sneaky woman come here” he goes to the window, he sees her entering her car and driving away. ”So your mother lures us in here, sets dinner for us and locks us inside? I think she has been rubbing off on some master minder of recent, I wonder who” Diana taps her jaw. ”Ouch!! I deserved that!!” Emeka rubs his chest ”Wasn’t my intent” she smiles ”It’s okay, so..” Emeka walks to her ”Well, as you can see, we are locked in my house and a beautiful dinner prepared for us, we might as well eat right?” Reluctantly she goes to the middle of the room as he pulls out a seat for her, he takes the opposite one. They eat in silence, he puts the stereo on, and they continue to slowly eat, avoiding each other’s eyes, lost in their own thoughts. It’s been weeks since the gun shot, he hadn’t come. She figured he was dating Olive now since he didn’t come… she was hurt and sad but she had to accept it. Where was Olive anyways? Done, she gets up, she might has well keep her hands busy… she begins to pack the plates, he helps her with it, they take it to the kitchen and wash it, neither speaking. She walks back to the living room leaving him in the kitchen; she sits on the cushion, staring into nothing. He whisked out his phone to shout on Tayo ”I swear I will break your neck Tayo!!” ”Yes, I love you too brother, thank me later, bye bye”‘ line cuts Shaking his head he goes to her, and takes a seat beside her and puts on the Tv, a soap opera comes on. They are watching it, they are quiet. He stares at her for a long time, too long. ”You are staring at me Emeka” ”Sorry”‘ He turns away. Silence ”Infact! I am not sorry!” he exclaims turning to her. ”Not sorry?” she raises an eyebrow looking at him. ”Yes! For looking at you, for looking at how your heart had turned out. I won’t apologise for looking at you Diana because you are a rare sight to behold… and ..” he trails off as his heart beats within his chest. ”What?” ”I know I have been an asshole, I didn’t come to see you, I didn’t come to thank you. All this while I couldn’t bring myself to look at you straight in the eyes, because of my shame and my guilt, I am sorry Diana, for hurting you for all I did to you that day… you saved my life, you risked yourself for my life. I am sorry, so sorry… I never realised how hurting you could affect me so much” ”It’s okay!!” ”No it’s not okay” he shifts closer to her ”I messed up, yes, you were a lot of things years ago, did a lot of things, hurt me, broke me, but this woman now is different, this woman… you, is the one I have already dreamed about and when you got shot I thought you were going to die and I beat myself up over it for weeks and I know you hate me because I did and said hurtful things to you, I am sorry, forgive me. Thank you for saving my life, but next time, don’t go in front of a moving bullet, let me take the fall for you, I don’t want to lose you Dee, not again, not ever” he says staring into her eyes. ”It’s okay Emeka” she sniffs ”No it’s not Dee, I can’t sleep. I can’t think, I can’t function because I keep trying to run away from the only thing that matters right not… you! I love you Dee, from the first day I saw you I fell in love with you, and years later despite my anger I still couldn’t let go of all the pain but seeing you lying there at the very edge of death my whole world felt like it was crumbling down, and I am truly sorry for hurting you when you changed, I am so sorry, forgive me” ”There is nothing to forgive Emeka, but you don’t love me, you love Olive, you said so”‘ He shakes his head ”I don’t love Olive, that was all an act but yes I care for her and what we had was long after you and then later on, but… I didn’t love her, I couldn’t, because I love you, always have, always will and now all my heart does is keep beating fast within my chest just thinking about you” ”What happens to Olive? But she loves you” ”Olive is a great woman, yes she loves me, but she also understands this salient truth, ”The heart wants who it wants, and that is you Dee, I just don’t love you Dee, my love for you runs deep, seated in my bones, my thoughts, my mind, my body, my all. I love you Dee” She blinks back tears, was this for real? He actually… he loves her, he never stopped loving her, Emeka loves her, he loves her. ”I am madly insanely in love with you Diana Nkenchior, and I was stupid to have done all that to you, I am so sorry. I couldn’t face you because of my guilt but I always checked on you, making sure you were okay, taken care of, I made sure you never lacked, I made sure-” ”I didn’t want any of that” She sniffs as her tears trek down her face ”I just want you, just you and you never showed up” ”I am sorry Dee, I am, forgive me. I am here today, that is all that matters” he pulls her into a hug as she cries ”I didn’t think you could ever love me again, my past, the way I was and all, I just wanted you alone and when you said you didn’t want me, it broke me, and and—”she trails off as he holds her tight to him. ”It’s all in the past now. Now, today, tomorrow is all that matters, I don’t care about your past but our present and our future Dee, that is what I want, I love you Dee” he holds her face away from his chest and stares into her eyes ”I LOVE YOU!!!” he exclaims searching her eyes “and if you will have me I will love you the only way I know how”” She laughs in her tears “I never thought you would ever choose me, let alone love me” He laughs “I couldn’t love another woman since you, my heart choose you since day one, my body choose you, my everything choose you. All those years ago I was broken about you and my father, I was bitter, I wanted to hurt and vent it pain for pain. I wanted closure and I wanted revenge and when I saw you again, him again, I felt yes, this was the time for me to do it and I did. if only I had known the mistake I was doing iI wouldn’t have, Tayo goes on with his torturous talks of ‘I told you so, I told you, you will lose yourself’ And he was right, no matter how much I want to fight it I can’t, I can’t!” ”Then why didn’t you come” she searches his eyes ”Why didn’t you come to me?”‘ ”I was scared, scared you will be angry with me, scared you will reject me, hate me, don’t want to see me again, I was guilty too for hurting you, for putting my family in harm’s way, and I felt shame because no one should hurt someone they love like that, doesn’t matter what the person did, no one should repay pain for pain, so I couldn’t face you, I couldn’t even look at myself in the mirror. I can’t even forgive myself yet for Ambross, I couldn’t face you Diana, right now it doesn’t matter what you did years ago, it broke me, it shattered, it hurt me, that’s the past, the present and future is all that matters, because it’s you. This you loves me unconditionally, this you loves me wholeheartedly, this you is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. I am in love with you Diana Nkenchior, I have been in love with you for as long as I remember and today, today I love you a little bit more, and I want to love you forever and a day more, to infinity and beyond , just you alone just you” he searches her face, her face still held by his hands. She closes her eyes and sniffing ”You have no idea how long since this happened I hoped to hear those words from your mouth, you have no idea how much I beat myself for what I did to you in the past, you have idea that I never hated you even when I landed in the hospital because I know I deserved all that I got from you, I didn’t hate you Emeka, in fact… I accepted my faults and my mistakes and all this past weeks I accepted the fact that you were right, you were right in your actions” ”No I wasn’t” He is shaking his head. ”You were, I don’t know what I would have done if someone had treated me the way I treated you, maybe even worse. But here we are!” ”Yes! Here we are” He agrees. ”I do love you Emeka, and yes I accepted you the day my heart did, the day I began loving you even in my doubt, how it happened I have no idea but it did, maybe I would attribute to your mother setting the foundation for that I don’t know… but I am happy that finally, we are here, and I would be the most stupid not to love you right back, so this time, let me love you Emeka, let me amend the hurts I have curse, let me love you more than you love me because you loved me forever and I just started loving you, let me show you what me loving you can feel like… yes Emeka I accept you, but I will be the one loving you more than you love me,” she says looking into his eyes, she places her hands over his as he held her face still ”I will be loving you today, tomorrow, always… always as long as this heart keeps beating in my chest, as long a I am standing, even when my hair is grey and my teeth have fallen out” He smiles ”I love you still Dee, even when you are feeble and have no teeths” She laughs ”I may not look beautiful” He shakes his head ”beauty isn’t only in the looks Dee, beauty comes from within, your heart, physical beauty fades, it does pane out, but the beauty within transcend from the inside and burns like a torch never dying out, you were beautiful to me then, even now and you will still be to me when you are all grey and you mumble unintelligent words to me, I pray Ii may be strong still to lift you to places you can no longer go”. ”And I too able to love you still when you no longer can” They smile at each other, Emeka places his head to hers, their eyes are close, foreheads touching.. ”Give me a second!!” he jumps up dashing upstairs and then comes back holding a velvet box, he seats down back on the chair facing her, he opens the box and brings out a diamond ring, it was the same one he gave to her earlier, but this time he bends it and shows it to her, she sees it as he takes it to the light. ”Diana Uchendu Chikurdi” she read it, it was inscribed inside the ring ”I had this ring sent back, had that inscription made, but didn’t know how I could give it to you after it all.” He says looking at her. She smiles in her tears. He goes on one knee as he seats ”Diana, today Ii go on my knees again, not as the man you know, not as the man who hurt you, not as the man who is broken, not as a man without bruises and flaws, today I go on my names again, as the man who is imperfect, who has many flaws and who is willing to be imperfectly perfect for you. Diana, I go on my knees again, as one who wants to spend the rest of his life with you, who loves you, who appreciates you, who wouldn’t be able to live another day without you… I go on my knees again, today, because you are my queen and you deserve all the happiness you ever dream Dee. Marry me Dee, marry me!” She goes on her knees with him ”Maybe I should be the one asking’ she smiles staring at him. “I have been the most awful, the most spiteful, the most unrealistic person… I have been uncaring and unloving and I loved myself, money, and allowed myself to be your pain, I am sorry Emeka for years of pain, for everything. Today I kneel here as a changed person, a better person, maybe because God decided to humble me, maybe the harsh words of your mother shook me maybe because I didn’t realise how my leaving affected you, I didn’t know, but today I kneel here a changed and better person, and all I want to do is remain that to you, a good wife, a good woman, a great mother to our children. I want to show them that love forgives all, amends all, supersedes all. I want to be that woman for you who would love you unconditionally, never hurt you, never leave you, Iwant to love the man… the boy who has become this man, and I want to start today to forever, Emeka Odinaka Uchendu Chikurdi, will you marry me, I promise to love you always and forever”‘ she stares at him He laughs shaking his head ”You know I will marry you” ”Then yes, I will marry you” He slips the ring into her finger, he kisses it ”It’s always been you Diana, for me, always being you” ”And you will always be the one for me from here on out..” she smiles back at him He seats pulling her off her knees and pulling her next to him. He pulls her to his chest, she lays her head there, she wipes the tears falling from her eyes. They lay there for a few minutes, listening to each other’s heart beats.. as he caresses her arms, his heart at peace, his heart content, his love for her washes over him. Why the hell didn’t he just go get her since? He chuckles shaking his head. ”What?” ”Just laughing at my silliness that’s all. I shouldn’t have delayed, I feel… elated, happy, at peace now”‘ ”You shouldn’t !!!” ”Why?” he stares down at her. ”Because, when you tell someone you love them, its usually accompanied by a kiss, and… I am here wondering when you are going to do that” she smiles under his chin. He lifts her face up with the tip of his finger ”Yes, I shouldn’t be at peace until I kiss your lips, this lips that only I can understand its effect to me, only I can truly understand how intoxicated i get when i am near you” ”Shut up and kiss me already” she begs looking at him He smiles ”You had no idea I wanted to do that for as along a I realized I couldn’t live without you, hold you in my arms and love you like I can’t breathe” he leans in softly, slowly and captures her lips in his, she kisses him back, he urges her mouth open, running his tongue over her lips he kisses her, blending lips over lips he caresses her lips , and when it felt as though he wasn’t getting enough he lifts her from his side and gathers her in his arms as he places her on top of him. She grabs his neck as she hungrily kisses him, meeting him tongue for tongue; as they savoured and drank form each other. And they kissed for a long time, their hearts beating fast, their bodies responding to that feeling that only both of them would understand.. They kiss which such intensity and passion that threatens to burst from their hearts. They kiss until they could feel the thud thud sounds which their hearts makes, until she is squirming in his arms, allowing him more access to her mouth they kissed, wanting more. He kissed her like he had never before, like he had never kissed another before; every taste, every bite, every caress of her lips sent shivers down his body, he responds to her in ways he has never responded with/to anybody.. They kissed, barely coming up for air, until all that was left is for them to rid their cloths and sink into the warmth their body was independently generating.. ”If we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to stop myself” Emeka confessed between kisses, trying to restrain himself ”Who says I want you to stop” she whispers back into his eyes ”i Idon’t want you to stop!!” She kisses his neck and his cheeks and back to his mouth, running her hand down his chest and back up wrapping her hands around him. ”I don’t want to either but…” he breaks away from her… ”if we would do this, we would only do this right!!” he says pulling her up. ”What do you mean?” Diana is dazed from that hot make out session. ”I am going to wife you and I would make mad love to you afterwards Dee” he says kissing her She laughs ”Well, I am not ashamed to say I am looking forward to it”‘ They hear a car drive in. He holds her hand kissing her forehead. ”Come, I think our master minder is back, let’s go tell her the good news yes?” ”Yes!!” they walk hand in hand to the door as Mercy opens the door and throws her head inside to peep ”Boo!!” Emeka exclaims She laughs sheepishly entering the house ”I erm… just came to check if all is well”‘ ”Well, if this rings is any indication, I think all is awesome” Diana says showing her the ring Mercy clasps her hands together and laughs ”come on in guys, I think our plan worked” she calls over her shoulders, ”Really?” Tayo enters first, followed by Grace who is jumping and dancing . ”Oh Grace you too? Tayo too?” Diana is laughing ”Come here Diana, welcome home daughter-in-law”‘ Diana rushes to her and buries her face in her arms ”Thank you mama” They hug. ”Son, you did the right thing, just know if this day had turned differently. I would kill you myself, so, when is the wedding?” Tayo tells his friend. ”As soon as we can fix one” They laugh Grace is hugging and gushing over the ring, then she comes to hug Emeka ”Glad you stepped up” ”Glad I did”‘ ”I think we can fix a grand wedding for the weekend, yes, don’t worry Emeka, your mother would plan everything, everything, it is going to be the talk of the town” Mercy is planning. ”It doesn’t matter, as long as you all are there, and my husband, that is all that matters, I don’t need a big wedding to marry the man I love” she smiles at Emeka who pulls her to him . ”I don’t either;” he leans kissing her slowly on the mouth ”ohhhhh!!!” everyone says ”Get a room” They roar in happy laughter. ***** They were in the hospital a few days later when they got the call, they rushed down there.. ”You can go see him now, he is stable, it’s a miracle! He is coherent, he would have to go into therapy once he is discharged but other than that, everything is okay. He would have to exercise to get his body functions back to normal, but he is out of danger and you can speak with him” the doctor tells them smiling as they thank him. Emeka and his mother enter, Ambross stares at them.. ”, ” he says as they walk in ”,”‘ he manages ”For..give me!!” he breaths Mercy goes to seat on the bed and takes his hands ”There is nothing more to forgive, we forgave you, we forgive you and that is all that matters, you will be fine, we would all be fine” She stares at Emeka who nods, his father’s eyes reaches his ”…I…sw..ea.r,…hurt you..again, never hurt..your again!!” he tears up, Mercy leans in and cleans his eyes. Emeka comes closer, he places his hand over his father’s in his mother hands ”that’s in the past, today is all that matters father, today, we all are here, that is all that matters, another day to start all over again” Ambross cries again. Mercy hold his hands, Emeka places his hand on his father’s shoulders. Ýes, today henceforth, all would be fine. Emeka thinks to himself. All would be just fine. There is a God somewhere. ***** ”And I pronounce you man and wife, you may kiss the bride” the officiating Pastor ends. ”Come here baby” Emeka pulls her to him, Tayo his best man laughs, Grace who is her chief bride’s maid tells Junior to close his eyes from across the room, everyone laughs. Mercy is seated next to Ambross who is on a wheelchair, the doctors says they need to take it one step at a time. They are smiling at the happy couple. Tammy is cheering them, everyone who was family was there, it was like no one wanted to miss Odinaka Uchendu wedding. Hearty cheers and whistles filled the room as the couple kissed till their heart’s content. They usher the bride and groom outside as they all head to the reception. It was beautiful, it was amazing and he couldn’t keep his eyes off her. ”Congratulations handsome” he turns to see Olive standing there, his face breaks out in a smile. ”I didn’t think you would show” ”I wouldn’t miss it for the world” she says coming to him and kissing his cheeks ”Diana would make you a beautiful wife, but just in case she messes up, I am one call away” she winks He laughs ”Oh Olive!!” he hugs her tight ”You are one funny woman” She laughs. ”’Hey, that’s my man!!” Diana says coming behind, Olive smiles turning after winking at Emeka ”Who told you he is your man?”‘ Diana’s face changes ”Ha!! Got you!!” she points at Diana and laughs, so did Emeka, Diana lets out a breathe ”No games this time, he is my man sister” she dangles her ring finger ”Sadly he is, too bad I couldn’t whisk him away, you should give me the potion you used Diana, there is this new bloke I want to charm” Diana laughs ”Don’t worry, he would be stupid not to see how great of a woman you are” Diana says, Olive Smiles. ”Thank you Olive, for everything” Diana looks at Emeka ”Eh! pfft!!! He isn’t my type anyways ” she winks at Emeka and then smiles at Diana ”You kids run out of here before I change my mind and take him with me” she tells them, she kisses Emeka’s cheeks, touches Diana’s hands and walks away. ”You know, she can be your second wife, I actually kinda like her a bit more today”‘ ”Shut and come here wife!! I do not know how to share my heart woman, kiss me… or i will go kiss someone else” she laughs as he pulls her to him. ”Oh! Don’t you dare husband, that’s my lips, and this is my butt” she grabs his bottom, he laughs raising her face up to kiss her. As they kiss, Mercy wheels Ambross to them, Diana bends smiling down at him as they talk, Emeka hugs and kisses his mother, soon Tayo and Grace joins them as they laugh and talk and hug.. It was a happy family, a happy ending. The beginning of their lives began as they lived in peace, in love, in unity, in family. ***END*** EPILOQUE ”So I remember a certain man telling me he was going to make mad love to me, I wonder if he will keep to his words” Diana climbs the bed to Emeka who was checking some things on his phone, they are in a hotel overlooking the beach, their honeymoon suite outside the country. ”Hmm, yes, I know that man” Emeka touches his jaw She takes the phone away from him ”No working while on honeymoon, Agnes can handle things, Tayo is there, Grace seems to happy with him these days, and your father is better, his divorce is finalised with Belinda, he is making steps to get with your mother, old love, and you and your father bad blood, and yet I am the only one not getting some good loving , and worse on her wedding night, you are not nice” she says pouting He smiles at her ”I am not nice, tell me, how do I make it up to you?” ”By finishing what you started that night you proposed to me, else I am going to rape you!!” He laughs pulling her over him ”you don’t need to do that my love, but if you want, I will gladly offer myself to be raped by you” he laughs kissing her. She pushes him down to his back and straddles him, bending to kiss him. ”In that case let me begin” she nibbles his earlobe. He smiles closing his eyes. He wraps his hands around her caressing her back, touching her thighs and trailing the silky nighty she has on ”hmm, before that I better make do of my promise, you know I am a man of my word” he smiles rolling her over and lying on top of her in one quick move. ”Tonight I would love you the way I have always loved you…my wife, my life, my everything, I love you Dee” ”I love you too Emeka, now don’t keep torturing me with those words, I can’t stand the wait …” she pulls his head down to her lips and begins to kiss him. He kisses her back, while his arms roams over her nighty, from her arms, to her chest, to her tummy and her thighs, he ran his hands beneath her and squeezes her bottom as they kiss. He found pleasures in her bosom as he suckled on one perkiness to another, tracing his tongue over the folds of her bosom over her silky nighty that sends shivers down her body, she is holding him tight. He kisses her, he savours and drinks from her lips, trailing kisses down her neck, her chest, to her tummy, when he got to her thighs he kisses her there, trailing tongue over smoothness and softness, his hands walks their way between her thighs and peels away her panty exposing naked flesh… he kisses her legs as he peels the panty away and drops it on the chair next to the bed… he pushes her nighty upwards, then he goes down staring at her as he kisses her centre, the lips between her thighs, she aches moaning. He wanted to please her like he had never pleasured a woman before, and he did.. Ever caress, every tongue flicking, every finger touching and flicking her labia he hears her moan, she squeezes her toes together, calling his name, squirming in helpless delight. He kissed her lower lips a he would kiss her upper lips, letting his tongue reach pleasures that course sensation to run through her body, she moans louder. He would kiss, flick, replace finger with tongue, watch her explode again and again as he sent her over the top until she couldn’t bear it anymore, she grabs his face as she pulls him towards her, she kisses him, tasting herself from his lips, she holds him tight to her as she could blend herself to him, wanting more, seeking more… can’t wait to get more.. He peels her nightwear off her shoulders, over her head, he takes it away and buries his face between her bosom while his finger continues to stroke between her thighs causing her to ache towards him, she bites her lips . ”Emeka” she moans ”Please, please..” she begs as her fingers are raised, she pushes his briefs down… searching for what she knew would give her an unimaginable explode of pleasure. He kisses her still, taking his time, he didn’t want to rush it, he wanted to imprint the woman Diana in his head and heart and his senses the way he imprinted the girl Diana, and he did. Savouring and kissing and touching and sulking as he trials every contour of her body giving her into pleasures she had never felt until he too couldn’t hold back the throbbing between his legs as it began to glisten, he take his finger away and replaces himself at the entrance of her core, staring into her eyes, kissing her, he whispers sweet nothing’s into her mouth and ears as she moans out his name, telling him he was torturing her holding out.. And when he was finally ready, slowly he parts her flower as he thrusts slowly and deeply within her, entering her core and filling it, she squeezes him tight, pushing him further within her as she spreads her legs and held him there. They kiss, they kiss more as he begins to move in slow – gentle thrust after thrust, body and soul in sync as he made love to her, to the woman he loved. Enjoying the pleasures he gave his wife and enjoying that which she is giving to him. They entwine in a loving embrace drinking and savouring and sinking into each other, satisfying each other till all they could feel is excitement, building up till they reach their top, she holds tight to him as he fills her walls constricting…and her moaning going a pitch higher, he closes his eyes as he gets to her, tipping her over they go over the top, reaching the 7th heaven , tap into bliss and falling, falling until they shatter together, spent, happy, satisfied. They lay in bed, Diana in his arms, falling in love with each other again and again during the night. ”I love you Dee” ”I love you too”‘ she lays on his chest, And for the first time since all this started, he sleeps, not like a troubled man, but a fulfilled man with his wife by his side, his family safe, and all was right in his world. **** Ambross was given back his company, but the house remained in Mercy’s name after he told them the house belongs to Mercy. He became a better man for his son, and an even better man for Mercy as they walk towards renewing their marriage and getting back into the folds of a family. After the wedding, they moved back into the Ibekwe’s residence. Emeka and Diana welcomed their twins a year later, Mercy was able to hold her grandchildren and loved them and Mama Tito dotted on them, Tayo was a happy friend-Uncle, and Ambross was given another chance to show love from the start, he loved Emeka’s boys like his own. Grace and Tayo got engaged, Tayo adopts her son junior after they get married. Olive finally found someone who loved her as much a she loved him. She never stopped loving Emeka, but she had to let herself be loved by someone who made her forget him. And she was happy. They got married soon after Diana and Emeka welcomed their third child. And every christmass, they all came tighter to celebrate life, love, and family! Because in the end, Love forgives all and covers all sins, forgiveness is the best revenge, Love the greatest weapon and family is all that matters. *** THE END****
25 Feb 2018 | 10:39
Happy ending
25 Feb 2018 | 14:27
Nice story
25 Feb 2018 | 14:28
Emeka,his broken heart is being replaced with love is a beautiful thing...Olive has got a heart loaded with love and has gotten married to a man loaded with love and love her...Diana,revenge made her to love him too,her love is 4 real right now.
25 Feb 2018 | 14:36
He has forgiven his father and she has forgiven her husband
25 Feb 2018 | 14:40
Without forgiven them,they may even end up killing themselves...GOD IS LOVE,LOVE IS THE GREATEST...FORGIVENESS IS BETTER THAN REVENGE....the End.
25 Feb 2018 | 14:47
the writer of this story deserve an award... what a happy ending!
25 Feb 2018 | 16:09
it's good to forgive and always remember that vengeance is of God
25 Feb 2018 | 16:20
Lovely ending
25 Feb 2018 | 17:03
wow! what a great piece wealthdone @Chimmy
26 Feb 2018 | 01:58
Wow! A love this story..... What a happy ending
26 Feb 2018 | 02:29
Wow what a happy ending
26 Feb 2018 | 07:24
Kudos to the writter
26 Feb 2018 | 07:25
KUDOS to the writer
26 Feb 2018 | 10:11
nice ending
26 Feb 2018 | 12:55
thumb up to the writer
26 Feb 2018 | 12:55
U teco -musa, u are a very wicked human being too , u want him to die by all means why
28 Feb 2018 | 18:10
Complicated story
28 Feb 2018 | 18:47
This story is like Philippines film, na woow, olive sorry ooo
1 Mar 2018 | 09:05
What a nice story, Weldon Mr ,mrs miss writer
1 Mar 2018 | 09:05
I so much love every bit of this story. I've learnt a lot here. Love, hate, revenge, fate, and most importantly forgiveness. To forgive is not easy, but we all need it in life. If I were to be Emeka, I don't know if I would be able to forgive them (Diana and Ambross) for the pain they cost me. For those of you who judges Emeka in one way or the other, just pray you won't be in his shoes. Forgiveness is very difficult, yet we must forgive because God forgives us on daily basis.
14 Mar 2018 | 15:07
I so much love every bit of this story. I've learnt a lot here. Love, hate, revenge, fate, and most importantly forgiveness. To forgive is not easy, but we all need it in life. If I were to be Emeka, I don't know if I would be able to forgive them (Diana and Ambross) for the pain they cost me. I hated Diana and Ambross so much because of what they did to him, but I later realize that everything happen 4 a reason, and we all have a role to play in people's life. So we should try as mush as possible to let go of some things, although its hard (even 4 me also), but we have to. For those of you who judges Emeka in one way or the other, just pray you won't be in his shoes. Forgiveness is very difficult, yet we must forgive because God forgives us on daily basis.
14 Mar 2018 | 15:09
Dis Emeka guy is confuse bt mayb he knws wat he is really doing, i jst hope so.
21 Mar 2018 | 01:31
Emeka's Life might be in trouble now since sum piple tracking his father wants to get to his father tru him, i pray dey dnt harm his sha.
21 Mar 2018 | 02:51
Love is wicked they say.
21 Mar 2018 | 04:07
funny Ambrose, hw does he gets out of dis?
21 Mar 2018 | 08:42
4 Men are part of d game bt dis are d orijinal 4 men, these are d men dat collected Emeka's home address frm his father hand, d card dey collected frm his father i guess dey might have swapped wit d orijinal guys.
22 Mar 2018 | 11:42
Hmmmn, hw complicated d turn of event has bin.
22 Mar 2018 | 13:32
Hmmmn Emeka, bittersweet feeling abi?
22 Mar 2018 | 17:38
Yeah, Love conquers everythn bcos love is d greatest. nice story keep keeping it up.
22 Mar 2018 | 18:38


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