FOLAKE(mission to save)

FOLAKE(mission to save)

By Emmanuel in 17 Oct 2021 | 07:37
Emmanuel Loverboy

Emmanuel Loverboy

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Member since: 15 Oct 2021
Episode 1
Folake fainted immediately she saw her father with the same lady she saw in her dream.She was out for a pretty long time and her friend and parents had a tough time reviving her.her mother even suggested that they rushed her to the hospital before things got out of hand.

''Let us get this girl to the hospital before she dies.I dont understand the meaning of all this.I cannot afford to toy with her life.She is all i have in this world,'' Grace warned tearfully.

''Take it easy mama folake.It is just a case of fainting and she will soon be fine.There is absolutely no need for panicking,'' mr alabi reasurred her wife.

As if to confirm her father's submission,folake suddenly stirred morosely,lazily opening her eyes.She only saw her mother,her father and comfort by her bedside,not noticing the lady staring wide-eyed at her by the corner of the room.She opened her eyes wider and quickly got up,looking vacantly around,surprise and amazement was written all over her face.
17 Oct 2021 | 07:37
''where am i? Eh? where am i?'' she asked nobody in particular. Everybody looked at one another in utter bewilderment. ''folake,calm down and stop shouting.Nothing bad has happened.You just fainted and i am sure you will be okay in no time.You only need rest,okay?'' mr alabi told her in an affectionate but relieved voice. ''Pleas,tell me it was not her i saw.somebody please tell me it was not her and everything will be okay,'' folake said again and again,ignoring her father's pleas. it was then that her mother recalled the dream that folake had just narrated before she passed out.The thought filled her with dread.She lowered he head in deep thought. folake managed to go out to ease herself with comfort closely assisting her.on getting out,folake saw the lady she saw in her dream.She scream loudly that even the lady was starteled.
17 Oct 2021 | 08:00
@celestine1 @fb-wfwurld this is my first story here.Please help me tag your friends. Thanks
17 Oct 2021 | 08:03
@delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-adewaleadenikeomolara @fb-hsdanieljago @fb- elijahadeyemo @stonez @hormortiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladebayo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemicheal @papacee @rhemychrix @danfavourer @istianplus-2 @olamibobo @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor @Andy come and comment o
17 Oct 2021 | 11:41
@celestine1 and @fb-wfwurld thanks i owe you one
17 Oct 2021 | 12:21
So who come be the lady wey Folake dey see for her dream dey shout like that Kwanu ? More pls.
17 Oct 2021 | 17:08
nice start.....
18 Oct 2021 | 01:13
following closely......
18 Oct 2021 | 01:14
waiting for the next episodes......
18 Oct 2021 | 01:15
Episode 2 Her parents ran out and saw folake trembling like a leaf and pointing at lady. She did not talk.She was just screaming and pointing at Asoh as the memories of the dream flashed through her mind. comfort almost lost her senses at the sight of her friend screaming as if the end of the world had come. ''what's the meaning of all this embarrasment,'' comfort asked,not knowing what else to say. fokake mother quietly took her inside while the went to calm the lady down as she was confused and in tears. ''i am sorry for the embarrasement.She just came back from school and i am sure she has alot on her mind,'' alabi tried to pacify Asoh. ''maybe she does not want me to stay with you people.I can find another place.I will hate myself if i should become the cause of trouble in your family,'' Asoh suggested. ''No,it's not that.i have not even told them why you are relax and feel at home.i will soon settle them.he said and went to talk with his wife and child.
18 Oct 2021 | 04:03
Folake told grace and comfort that the lady,Asoh,was thesame person she saw in her dream who had driven mr alabi to chase her mother from home. ''what? are you sure of what you are saying? and come to think of it,who is she and what is she doing here in first place?'' Grace asked,spranging up to go and confront mr alabi and almost colliding with him. ''who is that lady and what is she doing here?''Grace asked in aggressive tone. ''Take it easy.Let folake recover first.''mr alabi said reasonably,trying to calm his wife down. but grace would have none of it.She continue nagging. ''how can she recover when the lady you brought is the cause of folake's problem,she said in the same aggresive tone. Mr alabi was taken aback ''how can she be the cause of folake problem when they are meeting for the first time? This is confusing or do i say mystfying.Anyway,my daughter,''mr alabi said,turning to comfort, ''please excuse us,we have a family discussion. comfort went outside giving them privacy to talk.
18 Oct 2021 | 04:31
I'm afraid this dream will come true. Next pls I'm seated
18 Oct 2021 | 06:24
Grace was already standing with her hands akimbo and her eyes blazing,as if she was ready to fight.So alabi asked her to sit down so he would explain to them who the lady was. he told them that Asoh was a victim of the flood disaster that ravaged her village from neigbouring cameroon.the king had summoned all the elders to take in victims temporaly while the cameroonian government made better arrangements for their rehabilation. ''the lady was assingned to us until the government provides accomodation.'' He explained grace stood up and moved towards mr alabi with her forefinger pointed straight at him. ''over my dead body! did you hear me? i said over my dead body! she's not staying in this house.Why did you not consult me first before accepting the girl or even informing me.She asked angrily.'' Whatever the reason,she is not staying here.She rounded off.
18 Oct 2021 | 10:36
''How can you say a thing like that? what if we were the flood victims? it could happen to anybody.We should show her kindness in a time like this''.Mr alabi pointed out. ''mama,i wish i could stay back to fight with you to ensure that nothing happen between you, daddy and her,but i have to go back to school.I wish it had happened during our school break.I would have helped you sort it out''.Folake told her mother. '' i know,but you have to go back to school and concetrate on your studies.I will handle the situation.Grace assured her. Folake wished her mother well and went back to school,asking god to take care of everything. Grace confided in one of her sister's Bimbo,about the latest developement in the family, '' such a thing has been happening and its now you are saying it?'' Bimbo asked grace. ''i dont know what to do.Grace replied her ''chase her out of your husband house.Bimbo replied her. ''ok o,am coming.She replied. She made up her mind to chase the lady out of the house.
18 Oct 2021 | 11:16
@fb-wfwurld and @celestine1 oya call the register
18 Oct 2021 | 11:18
Episode 3 On getting to the house she started shouting,calling the lady (Asoh) to come outside. ''where is this husband snatcher,come out! come out!,my husband house can not contain me and Ashawo,pack your things and leave this house.''she said to her aggressively. the Asoh was bewildered by grace sudden attitude and started pleading with her. ''ma,please help me,i dont have anywhere to go.I will leave when the flood has subsided,please help me stay for the time been.'' But Grace would have none of that he quickly went inside and pack the lady belongings and throw it at her. ''get out and never step your foot here''.She said to the crying lady. Grace quickly took the door padlock and bolted it,she took the key and kept it with herself and left the house.All pleading and crying of the lady for grace to let her stay felt on deaf ear. --------------- the Asoh stayed in front of the door soobing until mr alabi came back from work and meet her soobing and shivering under the cold weather outside.
18 Oct 2021 | 13:28
''what happened,why are you crying,where is mama folake?''.Mr alabi asked her axiously. ''she said i should leave the house,then she now took the padlock and lock the door and leave here.'' Asoh replied shivering ''what mama folake do this to you''. As they were talking,grace come back and meet them talking.She took a long hiss at them. ''Grace why did you want to chase this poor girl away.''mr alabi asked her wife ''she must leave o!,i cant stay in this house with an ashawo''she replied ''she must not leave,this lady was among the flood victim for godsake,give me the door keys,,mr alabi told her. ''Noo she's not going back inside this room o.She replied angry at mr alabi. Mr alabi was very angry,she snatched the key's from her wife and open the door,she went inside and pack grace belongings and chase her out of the house. ''leave useless wife'' mrs alabi now sensed her daughter dream has come to pass.She went and stay with at her sister house.She vowed never to forgive her husband and the lady.
18 Oct 2021 | 13:46
18 Oct 2021 | 16:58
Hmn, and mrs. grace stupidity make the dream come by acting all selfish and overprotective
18 Oct 2021 | 17:27
18 Oct 2021 | 18:50
Grace acted immature there by that act of quarreling with Asoh.
18 Oct 2021 | 21:38
Folake's dream is about to become a really with Grace's attitude.
18 Oct 2021 | 21:39
What could avert all these premonition(s) now?
18 Oct 2021 | 21:40
The next episode will probably let us know the outcome of all these chaos.
18 Oct 2021 | 21:41
Episode 4 Folake who was gifted with the gift of dream coming to reality.And a gift of vision combined. both were revealed to him by god when she was 4yrs old. At school folake was already having the premonition that all was not well with her family.But many things distracted her from confirming the true situation of things at home. Some of the things that happened in her dream at school ealier were beginning to manifest in reality.Even though they did not happen exactly the way they happened in her dream,these events still bothered her very much. On one of their outing days,folake went into town with benny,another friend of hers.on their way back to school,it suddenly started raining and it was getting too late for them to get back to school.they took shelter at a bus stop and waited for the rain to stop,but it increased instead.they became stranded and unsure of getting back to they were worrying,a young boy drove past them. on seeing them,he reversed his car and signaled them to hop in.
19 Oct 2021 | 02:17
but they were reluctant to enter an unknown person's car. ''come in let me drop you off at your school before it's late,'' he said,popping his head out of the half-open car window.The two girls stared at each other for a while and hopped in because it seems their choices were limited. ''My name is michael,'' he said as he speed into the highway. ''I am benny and my friend here is folake,'' benny introduced. ''Okay,nice to meet you girls.i saw you at the bus stop and felt you might be stranded.I should take you back to school i guess.''he inquired. ''Yes,comprehensive secondary school.''benny replied. ''i know,i have seen your school uniform,'' he replied. He checked the time and it was 5:25pm. ''What time are you supposed to be in school?'' he asked them. ''They will close the gate exactly at 6:00pm.'' folake answered. ''in that case,we still have sometime left.If you wouldnt mind,let me pick something from the supermarket up the road.I promise to make it snappy''.He said,and they nodded
19 Oct 2021 | 02:37
He pulled over and rushed inside the supermarket and later came out with some nylon bags. ''hope i did not stay long.,, he said to them. ''Not at all.,,they chorused. it was still drizzling when he dropped them in front of their school gate.he gave them the nylon bag he got from the supermarket.they refused to take it. ''Common girls,accept them.I mean no harm.or do you still see me as a stranger?. A mysterious alarm bell rang in folake head.Folake remembered what happened in one of her dream.The boy who gave her an iphone 6 made that statement, 'i mean no harm' After remembering the dream she shook her head,refusing the gift and ran inside the school compound. Benny stood stood tranfixed and wonder why folake leave like that. ''You dont have to do this also.I am only trying to show care and nothing else,please take it and rush back before they close the gate.'' michael said softly. Benny looked left and right and decided accept the gift's.He handed her his complementary card.
19 Oct 2021 | 02:59
19 Oct 2021 | 03:19
Eager to know what the dream says this time.
19 Oct 2021 | 03:20
''thats my card,try and give me a call anytime.Okay?, see me as a friend or a brother.'' he told her ''okay,thanks,i will surely do that,'' she said and went inside the school premises. Michael ogled laschivously at her,smiled and drove away,nodding his head. Later that night,what transpired between michael and the girs began to disturb folake because of the dream she had earlier. She was scared it might turn to reality like that again,but just before she could think deep benny came in with the nylon bags. ''Benny,you will not understand,''folake said to her weakly. ''what is there to understand? even if we should not accept them,why would you leave like that.'' benny replied. ''okay, am sorry.,,she apologised. ''whatever,this is for you, she said handling her her own nylon bag Folake open it and saw the contents.She became distraught.That omnious voice rang again like bells in her head saying ''i mean no harm ''i mean no harm ''i mean no harrrm She covered her ears to stop hearing it and and slept
19 Oct 2021 | 03:20
19 Oct 2021 | 08:22
U mean no harm n u r ogling her like DAT? Madam u better listen to ur friend oo,u have no idea what she's seeing n hearing.... Hmmmmm interesting times ahead!!!
19 Oct 2021 | 10:11
[b]Episoe 5 Mysterious things were beginning to happen in the school.Some nights,the student would hear some funny noises.When they woke up and looked through the window,they would see some mysterious images and in the morning,they would see some human footprints.It was really scary and strange.No student dare step outside at night because it looked as if spirits held meetings in the school compound.The student were even afraid to discuss it. The truth of the matter was that it was the students of the school who had been initiated into the marine cult that were having those meetings.Before the students knew what was happening,a good number of them had been initiated. Some of them were initiated through eating food that had been bewitched by the cultists,while some were trapped through fruits and sweets. But even at this,some student were strong spiritually to be initiated.Folake was among the strong and stubborn ones that cant be initiated into the marine cult. [/b]
19 Oct 2021 | 10:59
[b]Each time she heard the noises at night,she would wake up and listen attentively to everything that was said. She was thus able to confirm that part of her dream concerning the marine spirits. She had been given the gift of how they operated. the marine spirit girls tormented the students in many ways.For instance,some of the initiated students will be careless with their studies and would not mind wether the fail or not. Almost all of them became habitual liars,bullying others,skipping classes. So when the school authorites discovered that many students were under the influenced of this marine spirits,they decided to invite a man of god to deliver the students. Coincidentally,it was the same man of god that folake had seen in her dream. Fear rippled through folake's body on perceiving this. ''what is happening to me?,why is everything i saw in the dream coming to pass in real life?''.She asked herself fearfully [/b]
19 Oct 2021 | 11:19
[b]''God,please get me out of this,i cant stand this if it continues,mama i hope papa has not driven you out of house,''she thought and shivered. ''No,i must find a way of stopping this dreams from manifesting.god, i need you in my life.she prayed. Folake thus began to behave strangely.In class while the lessons were going on,she would occupy her thoughts with how to conquer what she has been dreaming of. One day a teacher was dictating notes,and while others were busy writing,folake was busy thinking.her close friends comfort and Benny had noticed her recent strange behaviour and decided to ask her ''What has so engrossed you again today that you are not writing?.''Benny asked her. ''You have been acting strange this days,what is happening to you?'' comfort also asked but folake was engrossed in her thought that she did not notice them. [/b]
19 Oct 2021 | 11:43
Please i need son of thunder 7
19 Oct 2021 | 12:06
@henry25 that one is coming soon on 20th of november
19 Oct 2021 | 12:22
@esthy @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @fb-lyon @celestine1 and others come o
19 Oct 2021 | 12:24
@fb-hassanjosiah your V.I.P seat here
19 Oct 2021 | 12:26
@delexzy01 @fb-dannyede @fb-adewaleadenikeomolara @fb-hsdanieljago @fb- elijahadeyemo @stonez @hormortiyor @ladyG @royalgold @akhenabor @eneh @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-mikeladebayo @kwinzuby @jessyjenny @prosperyeboahgmail-com @flames380 @johncmekuto @buloukeme @appleboi @fb-mustaphaadepoju @fb-itzreindy-2 @fb-jamesfelix @senatordaniel @fb-walemicheal @papacee @rhemychrix @danfavourer @istianplus-2 @olamibobo @kingd5757 @danxxyc @fb-abdullahmuhammed @jehliohn @jeri @fb-danieledem @fb-danxxylawrence @fb-kehindeabiola @kelly-kelvin @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-wfwurld @Orry-function @olamibobo @maths @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-lyon @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @Realwit @jessyjenny @paddy2x @ladyg @akhenabor @Andy come and comment o
19 Oct 2021 | 12:29
@celestine1 i appreciate,keep it up
19 Oct 2021 | 13:07
am loving this
19 Oct 2021 | 15:00
Wetin happen for the dream wey you just dey faint anyhow. Next please
19 Oct 2021 | 15:46
Na you use ur hand fulfill the dream. Next please
19 Oct 2021 | 15:56
Folake the dreamer Ride on
19 Oct 2021 | 17:53
Next please
20 Oct 2021 | 00:34
This story go make sense
20 Oct 2021 | 04:12
[b]Episode 6 ''Are you not the one we are talking to?.'' comfort asked her, pushing her to draw her attention. because folake's mind was not there,she jerked and draw the attention of everybody,including the teacher. ''Why are you disturbing the class?'' He moved close to them and discovered that folake had not written anything at all ''You have not been writing.'' he remarked and checked her friends notebooks and saw that they too were way behind other ''birds of thesame feather! so,you people have not been writing what i have been dictating?.Go and kneel down there.'' he instructed and they went and knelt down infront of the class. Comfort and Benny were very angry with folake for bringing the punishment to them. After school that day,they confroted her again concerning her strange behavious,but she still refused to talk. ''i hope you are not into what am thinking. Comfort said,suspencting folake to be one of the marine girls. they got angry and left her, comfort started avoiding her. [/b]
20 Oct 2021 | 05:59
[b]One day,Benny took permission to go out of the school and buy somethings she needed. She told folake she would also go and see Michael. ''you want to go and see someone you barely know,thats not good.'' she warned benny. ''There is nothing wrong in going to see him.He is now a friend and a good friend for that,i promised to visit him the other day.'' benny explain to her. ''Everything is wrong about it.You just met a guy once and you are already going to see him?,,. folake asked her with seriousness. ''The problem with you is that you always claim to know all things.Mrs know all,lets go there joor, either you like it or not,am going there bye.'' she said Folake peered through her eyes and saw a hand adding some substance into a glass cup.It looked like the same hand that druged and defiled her in her dream. She smiled and nodded her head impishly. ''i know what to do,i have to go with her,or else god will hold me renponsible for whatever happens to her there.I must stop the bad dreams [/b]
20 Oct 2021 | 06:19
[b] ''Okay i will go with you since you said theres nothing private you are going there to do.'' folake replied. ''woow,ok get dressed let's go and come on time.'' she said to her excitedly. Folake got her own exit card and they left.They first went to the market and buy what the need before benny put a call to Michael that they were on their way. Michael was very happy that benny is coming with folake. He called his friend to come and join them. ''Lover boy,'' he called his friend on phone. ''Where are? leave what you are doing and rush to my house now. ''Now?. whats happening? why so urgent?.'' Lover boy asked him. ''do you remember those chicks i told you,there are on there way coming here.'' Michael replid happily. ''Yippie!,do you still have that stuff.'' lover boy asked ''no worry,i go arrange am before you come,just hurry.'' he said to him ''You no know me again,na lover be this o,I will be there in a jiffy.'' Michael hanged up and started arranging his room with joy in his heart. [/b]
20 Oct 2021 | 06:38
@fb-wfwurld @celestine1 anoda episode is here o
20 Oct 2021 | 06:46
lover boy make your character no bad for dis tori o nice update
20 Oct 2021 | 07:00
@fb-lyon @esthy @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hassanjosiah @paddy2x @johncmeckutu @hsdanieljiago and others
20 Oct 2021 | 07:03
Next pls, and don't act stupidly to avoid rape
20 Oct 2021 | 11:58
How Folake will change what was revealed in the dream is still a mystery to Unravel.
20 Oct 2021 | 17:34
Benny really want to put Folake into an unforgettable memories ever.
20 Oct 2021 | 17:38
Hmmm Next
20 Oct 2021 | 18:06
Lover boy wey want drug girls, yeye lover boy. Next please
20 Oct 2021 | 23:11
[b]Episode 7 benny and folake reached michael house after leaving the market.He welcome them warmly. ''Welcome to my humble abode,do feel at home.'' he said. ''Thanks.'' they answered in unison ''your house is beautiful,'' benny said to him. ''Really?,i am happy to hear that.Thanks michael said. ''can you get me a glass of water,pleas am thirsty. Benny requested. ''Me too,the sun is so harsh. Folake added ''okay dear,i will be right back.'' Michael said and left,he came back a while later with two glasses of water,they drank gratefully and heaved a sigh of relief. Michael gave his photo album to them to glance through and he went into his kitchen. He called loverboy again to know what was delaying him.Lover boy told him he was on his way. he cut the call and brought of a pack of juice from his fridge.he poured some quantity into two glass cups. He peeped through the door to check on the girls and saw that they were still busy with the photo album. [/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 07:35
@celestine1 @fb-wfwurld tag coolvalers the battle has just begun
21 Oct 2021 | 07:37
[b]Folake looked at one of the pictures and saw michael's hand again pouring a substance into a glass cup of juice.She nodded her head and smiled. ''So,this is actually true.'' she said to herself. ''Okay let me see how it goes.'' she excused herself from benny. ''Where are you going to?.Benny asked her. ''just wait,am coming,, Folake replied and went to michael's kitchen. Benny wondered where folake is going to. michael had already placed the glasses in a tray to serve them.He brought out a powderd substantce to pour inside the juice. The substance was made to make the girls sleep off,so that michael and his friend may sleep with them. So,folake went inside the kitchen and caught michael red-handed trying to pour the substance into the drinks. michael trembled and knock down the tray with the drinks,he started shaking fearfully. Folake smiled and shook her head. [/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 07:53
[b]''So,this is why you invited me and my friend to your house? anyway,we knew whats on your mind.I just want to warn you against this evil plots against innocent girls,i will certainly ruined you.'' She fumed and stormed out to meet her friend Benny could hear folake's voice as she tongue lashed michael,but she did not understand whats happening. When folake returned she threw a question at her. ''what were you discussing with him? benny asked her with straight face. ''i will explain later,,.Folake replied ''what do you mean by that?, i brought you here and you are acting as if you are here before,what are you even up to?,,. benny asked,suspecting something. ''its not what you are thinking,just calm down, i will explain to you later---- She was still talking when michael walk to them and knelt down before them and began to apologize. Benny was as confused as she was suprised.She could not understand the drama that was going on. [/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 08:11
[b]''Pleas forgive me.It is the handiwork of devil.,, he apologized. Benny looked at folake inquiringly,but she looked away. ''Whats happening here?.'' Benny asked,but nobody answered her.instead,michael continued asking for their forgiveness. Lover boy walked in at that point,and on seeing michael knelling infront of folake,he turned back and walked out of the room. Lover boy believed it was a shame for man to kneel down infront of a woman.he was very dissapointed in michael.he enter his car and zoomed out of the place angrily. Benny became perplexed,her eyes blazed with anger and she started walking out of the house.Michael tried to stop her but she pushed him away and walked out also.Folake also followed her and they made their way back to the school. michael felt bad for what had happened. ''how did she know i wanted to drug them?,this is unbelievable,she could be a mysterious girl.'' he knelt down and ask for god forgiveness.He promised to turn a new leaf. [/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 08:33
[b]On getting back to the school,folake explain to benny all that happen between him and michael to benny. Benny was very angry that she took an exit card from the school and went to a phone booth to call michael. ''So,what folake said is true,why did you want to drug us.''she asked in a grieve voice ''i am sorry,its the handwork of devil,pleas forgive me.,, ''only god knows how many innocent girls you have used.But how do my friend find out what you wanted to do?,, ''Honestly,i dont know.I have been thinking about how she got to know it,am suprised,michael said ''i must unravel this mystery.'' she said and cut the call. [/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 08:45
[b]michael was determined to know how folake got to know he want to drug them,but he shoved that aside and called lover boy. ''guy,why have you been rejecting my calls?,and by the way whats the meaning of what you did today.''he asked ''i should be asking you that,what did you expect me to do,you kneeling down infront of those girls,trembling like a leaf,thats a shame mhen.'' lover boy replid ''Ajeh,you wont understand.,, he said scratching his head ''ogbeni,understand what na,he replied ''the pretty one bust me when i wanted to pour that stuff na,,michael said ''impossible!,even if she is a witch,how could she have known.Lover boy asked suprisingly. ''thats what i have been thinking since,but i dont understand it'' michael replied. ''this girl is mysterious o'' Lover boy said axiously. ''you know what,am going back to their school again,to know more about her.Michael stated . ''hmmmn,thats true o,we need to know more about them,, loverboy said. They both agreed and
21 Oct 2021 | 09:03
@fb-wfwurld help me tag coolvallers
21 Oct 2021 | 09:11
Folake God is using you, keep that gift alive.
21 Oct 2021 | 09:33
Okay we are coming
21 Oct 2021 | 11:27
Okay next
21 Oct 2021 | 11:43
Next pls
21 Oct 2021 | 12:24
If many people could posses this gift, it may possibly help in revealing evil deeds
21 Oct 2021 | 13:43
Folake has been able to save her friend, will she be able to do same for her school? By de way,what did she also see abt de man of God invited into de school for de deliverance? Don't tell me he isn't genuine oo!!!
21 Oct 2021 | 13:53
thanks for your comments,it motivate me to update fast [b]MUCH LOVE[/b]
21 Oct 2021 | 14:27
Some boys with their evil self
21 Oct 2021 | 18:27
Thank God for Folake's gift
22 Oct 2021 | 05:43
22 Oct 2021 | 13:49
Episode 8 the date the man of god was to come,pray and deliver the students from the power of the marine spirit was fast approaching.This gave folake sleepless nights. ''what if the man of god ask me to come out and sing? should i accept the request to sing and face the consequences as was shown in my dream?'' she asked herself. peharps,her worst problem was that she had no one to confide in,or rather that she could not confide in anybody without attracting suspicions about herself.People may see her as a witch,or worst yet,they may assume that she was part of marine world.So she just carried the burden alone without any source of refuge in sight. As she was still in deep thought,benny walked up to her.Seeing folake startled her,she tried to act normal but she knew that the cat was already out of the bag.She greeted Folake in a tense voice trying to hide her discomfort.
23 Oct 2021 | 07:02
@delexy01 @fb-adewaleadenikeomolora @stonez @hormotiyor @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @johncmekuto @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @realwit @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @ladyg @orry-function @paddy2x @olamibobo @fb-hassanjosiah @eneh @melissa @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @celestine1 @esthy @fb-lyon @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld
23 Oct 2021 | 07:12
Benny stared at her and shook her head before speaking. ''you must tell me what i want to hear now or you cease to be my friend,,. ''There is no way you will understand what is going on in my life right now.'' folake replied worriedly. ''How would i understand when you have refused to talk to me andtstill claiming i am your best friend.,, Benny said in hurt voice. ''Tell me benny,how do i begin to explain the mystery that i can now see the future?.,, Folake asked her worried friend. ''You now see the future? How?'' Benny asked sharply,wide-eyed Folake took time to explain to her how she suddenly realized that whatever she saw in her dreams always come to reality. ''That was how i saw michael's plan to drug us.Everything appear as if i was watching television.,,she explained. initially,Benny did not believe Folake,but their experience at michael's house argured against her doubts. ''This thing is making me mad.I am very scared.Worst still i dont eve know how to explain it to people.,,she said
23 Oct 2021 | 10:22
''This is really serious! i suggest we meet the school guidance and counselour for his counselling,'' benny suggested. ''No,this is beyond ordinary counselors. Something tells me that i am on a MISSION TO SAVE people, but how i am going to do that is not clear to me.i will pray over it so that God will direct my paths especially on the man of God's visit'' Folake stated. ''the man of god visit? what about it? benny asked with keen interest,and folake narrated that part of her dream to her. ''if he comes and i go out to sing as i did in the dream,all those problems i encountered will now happen in real life.'' Folake explained. As they were discussing,folake saw a juniour student approaching.She observed her very well and saw where she hit her leg on a stone.Folake shook her head and told benny what she saw. ''This girl will injure herself now.'' she told benny. Benny looked back and saw the girl approaching.
23 Oct 2021 | 10:44
Folake you need guidance like mad cos your journey is still far. Ride on.
23 Oct 2021 | 11:12
Folake need serious prayer
23 Oct 2021 | 11:57
@fb-ezekielbymark thanks for following,god will bless you @grace come o!
23 Oct 2021 | 14:28
All you need is to pray and request for the spirit of guidance
23 Oct 2021 | 15:34
All you need is to pray for courage and request for the spirit of guidance
23 Oct 2021 | 15:36
''How will she injure herself? Benny asked ''just watch and see. I have seen that already.'' Folake replied they watched the student closely as she walked towards them. After a short distance the girl hit her toe on a stone and fell down the girl started crying in pain.Folake and benny raced to her and took her to the school clinic.They made sure she was well taken care of before leaving there. On their way back, benny kept thinking bout the incident and decided to ask folake. ''How did you see it? ''Just the same way i saw michael's own when he wanted to drug us. Folake replied without hesitation. ''Hmmm,this is really serious o.How will you cope with this cus you have to stop the ugly incidents.Benny asked again.
24 Oct 2021 | 10:35
''That is what i have been thinking about epspecially when the man of god comes.Folake replied ''will you stop him from coming if you do not want to carry the burden of what you saw in your dream,,benny asked ''who am i to stop him?,i will just make sure i dont sing that day.''she replied ''what if she called you out to sing that day as your dream said? benny asked ''No,he didnt single me out to sing,i went out on my own.You know its Esther that normally sings for the school,but unfortunately she wasnt in the school that day.But i have seen what caused her absence in school that day.So my job is to ensure that she comes to the school on that day.'' folake explained ''So how do you intend to do that'' benny asked ''i dont know yet,but god will make a way were they seems to be no way.'' she said ''So help you god,'' Benny answered and they chorused 'AMEN' before parting Folake warned her never to tell anyone whats going on. benny promised to keep it a secret,and they left bading each goodbye.
24 Oct 2021 | 10:54
HAPPY SUNDAY GUYS @delexzy01 @stonez @hormotiyor @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @fb-jessicaduru @director @hillariouz @sheegokeys @fb-lifeofguy @coolval222-2 @realwit @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @ladyg @orry-function @paddy2x @olamibobo @eneh @melissa @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @celestine1 @esthy @grace @henry25 @fb-lyon @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @zhizhi @graylaw @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @rainbows Anoda banger
24 Oct 2021 | 10:54
Nxt pls
24 Oct 2021 | 12:23
But I thought de man of God was bringing redemption, how come his coming is rather going to compound de problems in de school sha???
24 Oct 2021 | 13:56
Episode 9 Back at home,Folake mother was still in her sister house racking her brain on how best to return to her husband house as advised by some good friends.Shame and pride would not allow her to simply go back. However,she also did not want folake to know about it so that she could concetrate on her studies. On one of their visiting days,Grace decided to visit Folake at school.When she arrived,Folake came out to welcome her,she peered at her mother's eyes and saw her packing out of their house.She became worried.Folake ran to her,knelt down and held her hands tightly ''Mama,how are you? How is papa? what of the lady he came home with?''. she asked her rapidly and breathlessly. Grace managed with great effort to control herself and to calm folake's nerves. ''Everybody is fine.The lady is still there.'' ''Mama,all is not well. Dont tell me papa has driven you out of the house.'' she inquired axiously and Grace almost lost control again.She However managed to control herself again.
26 Oct 2021 | 10:05
''We are fine,folake.So how are you coping.'' ''As you can see,i'm fine.I am only worried about you people.'' folake replied. ''No,it should be the other way round,we should worry about you instead,Just take care of yourself and make us proud.'' Grace advised Some of folake's friend came and greet @Grace and she gave them some fruits. when it was time to go they saw her to the gate and she went home. Grace went back to her sister house with red eyes.She wept all the way home for lying to Folake.She hardly told lies and she regret lying to her beloved daughter. ''mama folake,whats the problem? why are your eyes red like that.'' her sister Bimbo asked her. ''Folake is fine.Its just that she seems to know about my condition.She kept on asking me disturbing question.'' she replied ''Why wouldnt she know when she has seen everything in her dream? i just hope that you go back to your husband house before folake come home for vacation.'' Bimbo advised.
26 Oct 2021 | 10:26
Mama folake regreted having issues with her husband.She blamed the lady for causing all this,now folake will soon come back from school.She started marking out strategies on how to go back to her husband house. on the other end,mr alabi already battled with his conscience for laying his hands on his wife.He regreted his actions and wished to bring her back,but some men who witnessed what happened encorage him not to make a move. ''Dont even think of going to look for her unless you want to make her the man of the house.,,his friend Timothy advised ''i blame my self for laying my hands on her.What i had never done before.'' mr alabi regretted. the lady(Asoh) was eavesdropping on them and heard everything the said clearly.When timothy left,she came and sat beside mr alabi.
26 Oct 2021 | 10:42
come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @henry25 @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com
26 Oct 2021 | 10:44
@delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon
26 Oct 2021 | 10:45
@fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @mellisah @celestine1 @zhizhi @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001
26 Oct 2021 | 10:47
U doin well
27 Oct 2021 | 04:07
@fb-ezekielbymark buari ba Lol
27 Oct 2021 | 07:33
This lady wan pollute the man's mind.
27 Oct 2021 | 11:06
Satanic power's everywhere.
27 Oct 2021 | 12:33
This Asoh get mind o
27 Oct 2021 | 14:57
May God help you folake
27 Oct 2021 | 15:47
Episode 10 '' i heared all you discussed with your friend and i must confess that you are wrong.Go and look for your wife.If she return and insist that i leave,no problem.Every woman would feel thesame way.Bring her back and let god's will be done.'' she counselled maturely. mr alabi looked at her and nodded in assent to her suggestion. ''Thank you my dear.I pray she accepts you as a member of this family. ''i pray so too''.She said,and mr alabi hugged her innocently Immediately he hugged her,Folake saw it in her dream and woke up from her sleep. ''What have i just seen? No! no!! no!!! This cannot happen.'' Before she knew what was happening,tears had already welled up in her eyes. ''I knew all was not well but mama would not tell me the truth..'' She was still in her thought when a student came in and diverted her attention with school activities. Folake began to lose weight as a result of too much thinking.She was always alone and alway moody.
28 Oct 2021 | 02:03
Everybody avoided her exept benny, her bestie.she continued to disturb folake on what was bothering her until Folake told her. ''it's like my father has finally thrown my mother out,and he is leaving with a lady.'' she confide ''what?,how did you know.'' ''I saw him hugging the girl while i was taking my nap.Though it was not clear.I know something is obviously wrong somewhere.'' Folake replied ''i thought your mum said they are fine.'' Benny inquired. ''Yes she said so but that might be to calm my curiosity.I am confused.The man of god is coming on monday and am yet to decide on the to take to stop this pending troubles on me and anyone else.God,pleas get me out of this'' She cried. Benny did no know what to say or do again.She just kept quiet,shaking her head in pity for what Folake was going through.After a while Folake nodded her head and smiled. ''i think i know what to do.'' she said,smiling ''Really? that sounds good.So what is it?.'' Benny asked again
28 Oct 2021 | 02:23
''Like i told you earlier,in that dream.I went out to sing because Esther was not in school that day.So this time around,i will make sure she is in school to sing.'' Folake answered. ''How do you intend to achieve that? will you go and force her to come to school that day?'' Benny asked ''she wast absent the day the man of god came because she commited an offence,and was giving two weeks suspension and it felt within that period the man of god came.'' folake replied. ''Really?'' Benny asked ''Yes,so i have to stop her from doing that thing that lead to her absence that day.'' ''its true o!, which means you can use physical means to stop any misfortune unless it is in spiritual matter ''Yes though i still need divine wisdom to overcome them. ''yes ofcourse'' benny replied. Just then,folake close her eyes and open it after a while,she stood up ''Esther is about to fight and that would lead to her suspension am going to stop her now.'' Folake ran to go and stop esther. ''wait for me''. benny also run
28 Oct 2021 | 02:46
come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @henry25 @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy
28 Oct 2021 | 02:50
@delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock @nyamforgabriel
28 Oct 2021 | 02:52
@fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001
28 Oct 2021 | 03:02
go and stop her on time o
28 Oct 2021 | 03:32
Nice one
28 Oct 2021 | 04:13
This girl (Folake) is very powerful spiritually o
28 Oct 2021 | 04:15
Hopefully Folake can do the unthinkable.
28 Oct 2021 | 04:16
Esther no do o cos Folake will b needing your services.. Ride on.
28 Oct 2021 | 07:20
Better hurry oo before dis Esther gets herself suspended.... Mr Alabi,pls heed to de advice n go for ur wife before it becomes too late,dont say I didn't warn u!!!
28 Oct 2021 | 10:24
Interesting. Ride on
28 Oct 2021 | 15:25
Interesting Ride on
29 Oct 2021 | 03:40
Episode 11 Esther was known as a very peaceful person in school.As the school leading chorister.She always lived exemplary life and hardly quarreled with anyone. One that fateful day,Esther was in a queue to fetch water. just before her turn, another girl came and put her bucket infront of Esther's own.Ordinarily,as a peace-loving person. Esther would have allowed her to fetch rather than quarrel with her but because she was in haste,She refused to allow her. *COOLVAL.COM* ''i am sorry i cant allow you.i need to get back to the dormitory and finish up my assingment.'' Ester explained to the girl. ''Why must it be me that you wont allow when you have been allowing others to fetch?. Amaka asked ''Are you forcing me to be kind to you? see me see trouble o! Remove that bucket now before i remove it myself,'' Ester told her and everybody on the queue shouted at the girl to behave herself because they had never seen Esther querrel with anyone before.
29 Oct 2021 | 05:22
Just then,Folake and benny arrived at the scene,panting because of the run. Folake already knew that Esther was very angry and so she thought of how to stop her from fighting with amaka. Esther and Amaka were poised for the fight,Folake pretending as if she was attemping to hold back Amaka,gently pushed her aside. Amaka stepped on the leg of one of the student that was already angry with her for her rudeness to Esther,and a serious fight ensued between them.Before they could stop the fight,a student had already called a teacher to the was a serious offence to fight in school, punishable by two weeks of sunspension. So,their own case ain't different. Benny was not happy that Amaka and the girl she fought with went on sunspension.
29 Oct 2021 | 05:45
@fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi@delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001 @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-adewale @fb-itzreindy-2 @davila @fb-terrykoko @queenprecious1 @johncmekuto
29 Oct 2021 | 05:47
@love boy following
29 Oct 2021 | 05:53
''see what you have caused now,this innocent girls will be sunspended for what they knew nothing about'' benny said to her. ''i am sorry,but that's the only way to prevent Esther from fighting and getting sunspended.'' Folake explained ''You should have stop the sunspension entirerly.'' Benny replied ''it wouldn't have been that easy.Those people was sacrificed for this mission to be accomplished.Would you have preferred that Esther went on sunspenction while i faced what i saw in the dream?''. she asked Benny who could not find a suitable answer. Benny kept quiet for a while,and spoke out. ''I am getting scared of this whole drama.'' Folake assured her that nothing would happen to her. -------------------- The next Monday morning was the day the man of god visit the school.Some of the students that were members of the Marine Kingdom refused to go to the Assembly that morning.they stayed back in their dormitory that morning and hide under their beds.So that the demons in them should not be casted out
29 Oct 2021 | 06:06
Guys, the reason Folake do not want to sing is because,some of the marine girls that refused to come to the Assembly for deliverance may come for her. thanks 4 following [b] I LOVE YOU ALL[/b]
29 Oct 2021 | 06:11
@fb-oluwabukolamarvelous and @fb-ezekielbymark THANKS 4 FOLLOWING
29 Oct 2021 | 06:15
e beta make dem come for Esther than Folake,cus Esther im be prayer warrior while Folake only get talent From god. @loverboy i dey understand d tori fire on joor @fb-wfwurld show dey here and u no tell me dey well o
29 Oct 2021 | 06:30
It's not their will to hide but the demon in them was hiding them
29 Oct 2021 | 08:04
Let's see how it goes
29 Oct 2021 | 09:54
Hmmmm folake , Oya nah .
29 Oct 2021 | 10:54
Hmmmm Folake,I hope dis ur plan works oo!!!
29 Oct 2021 | 14:58
Yuppie i don meet up
1 Nov 2021 | 03:50
Folake, after this mission no rest oo
1 Nov 2021 | 03:51
Cuz you must also embark on a mission to save nigeria
1 Nov 2021 | 03:52
And the world at large
1 Nov 2021 | 03:52
Let the parol start oo
1 Nov 2021 | 03:53
@philanderboy dat one na for the season2
1 Nov 2021 | 03:57
Episode 12 So when the man of God climbed onto the podium on the Assembly ground,he saw with spiritual what baffled him.A good number of the students were already initiated into the marine cult and most of them did not even know.He ordered every one to close their eyes for prayers. ''God of children,the hour has come for you to deliver your children from this bondage of evil.Sendfort your spirit and make your presence manifest before your children here,'' he prayed then began to sing.The students joined and they sang songs of worship.Esther did not even know when she took over from the man of god. immediately Benny heared her voice.She opened her eyes,looked at folake and smiled.Folake nodded her head and smiled back. As Esther sang,she was moved by the holy spirit,she started pacing about the podium.The man of god laid his hands on her and her voice became more melodious than ever.As she sang and moved around,anywhere she passed,some students will fell down and the demons will be cast out of them.
1 Nov 2021 | 04:24
The man of God noticed what was happening and made a joyful praise onto the lord.Esther continue to move around like that and almost every student that was possesed by the evil spirit was set free.Some of them made incridible confessions on how they had been operating.It was a very remarkable day in their school. Immediately after the deliverance,the principal declared that day lesson-free for all the students. the man of god pleaded with the school authority o Allow Esther to organise singing lesson for the students so that through that,more souls will be won for god.The school authority did not hesitate to grant the request. So,Esther began to organise choir lesson for the students. Students congratulate her on her success on the miracles God perfomed through her voice. Esther soon became the talk of the students in her school she thus became very popular and her spiritual powers grew.
1 Nov 2021 | 04:45
Hmmmm this is wonderful , Folake your plans are coming to fulfilment.
1 Nov 2021 | 04:47
Folake and Benny were very happy at the turn of things. The two of them celebrate it joyfully, but the celebration did not last long. Folake mood suddenly changed,benny noticed it and wondered why. ''what is it again? why has your mood suddenly changed.'' Benny asked. ''The mission is not yet accomplished, infact, the BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN.'' folake replied. ''Do you know you sound scary at times,'' Benny said frowning. ''what do You mean by that?'' she asked further. ''Esther is in trouble. Those members who were not delivered will come to see that they initiate her into that cult or they will eliminate her.'' Folake replied sadly. ''what?,i thought all of them were delivered Benny said. ''No! not all.Some of them dodged the assembly while some of them were too powerful to be delivered that time.'' Folake answered.
1 Nov 2021 | 05:08
come and comment o! @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi @delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001 @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-adewale @fb-itzreindy-2 @davila @fb-terrykoko @queenprecious1 @johncmekuto @iamtaofeek
1 Nov 2021 | 05:13
@Fb-wfwurld na so we see am o,na dis morning it start to work in my phone. it affect me badly
1 Nov 2021 | 05:45
@coolval222-2 what happen to the site since on friday
1 Nov 2021 | 06:00
Next please
1 Nov 2021 | 06:05
God will sure overpower them.
1 Nov 2021 | 15:47
This Folake is too intelligent a girl. She as she sensed it all out.
1 Nov 2021 | 17:01
What next Folake to help out now?
1 Nov 2021 | 17:02
There's been a lot of modifications to this site now.
1 Nov 2021 | 17:02
God will take control
1 Nov 2021 | 18:04
1 Nov 2021 | 19:00
Chaiii,did u say Esther is in trouble? See me see wahala oo!!!
2 Nov 2021 | 14:20
God is in control
3 Nov 2021 | 01:00
Episode 13 (THE BATTLE LINE HAS JUST BE DRAWN) ''So what do we do now? i suggest you report them to the school Authority so that they will either come out of it or face instant expulsion.'' Benny suggested. '' i dont think that would work because there is no material evidence that they are members of the marine cult.'' folake replied. ''So what will you do? or will you allow Esther to pass through what you experience in your dream?'' Benny asked ''That is why i said THE BATTLE HAS JUST BEGUN.i will have to stop their activities and you have to join me in this fight please.'' She pleaded. Benny did not know when she shouted on top of her voice and attracted attention. ''Whaaat?, join you in what fight? please o! I am not seeing what you are seeing,so do not involve me o!''. Benny shouted. Folake spent time trying to convince Benny to join her on her MISSION TO SAVE the students from the evil torment of the marine cultists. She however assured her that nothing would happen to her.
3 Nov 2021 | 09:34
''You dont have to be scared of anything. It's going to be spiritual thing.All we have to do is distract them physically after i must have seen their game plan.'' Folake explained ''How exactly do you mean? i'm really scared ooo!'' Benny said shaking with fright. ''Just like i did when Esther wanted to fight with Amaka. Dont worry,i will protect you along this journey.'' Folake assured her. Benny relucantly accepted to join folake on her missions but folake had to again reassure her of her safety and also that it would not interfere so much with their studies. ............... The remaining members of the marine kingdom were not happy over what happened in the school and the role Esther played.They met at midnight to discuss their plans. They singled out Esther as being the tool that was used to rob them of their members.They saw her as a threat to their kingdom. hahahahaha,hahaha,hahaha!!! they all Chorused their usual wicked laugh.
3 Nov 2021 | 09:50
''i think the first step is for some of us to join the singing group and cause confusion there before she annointed singers.'' isabel suggested ''i support what isabel suggested.By doing so,we shall scatter their gathering and discourage the members from attending the practices.'' Anita supported. ''How do we intend to achieve that?''. asked maris. ''Simply by causing chaos each time we go for their practice. By the time it happens over and over,everybody would lose interest.And as we do that we will also think of a way to eliminate Esther.'' isabel explained to them and they all laughed wickedly before closing their meeting. Immediately they clapped,Folake opened her eyes and got up from the bed. She heared everything they just discussed even as she was sleeping. She looked around and nodded her head. she then prayed and went back to sleep. THE NEXT DAY ............. to be continue
3 Nov 2021 | 10:06
@fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi @delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001 @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-adewale
3 Nov 2021 | 10:10
This Folake is too powerful spiritually.
3 Nov 2021 | 11:32
Hmmmmm Folake the battle line has been drawn.
3 Nov 2021 | 12:00
God is in control
3 Nov 2021 | 12:45
It's getting serious Next
3 Nov 2021 | 14:19
Evil doers everywhere. Next please
3 Nov 2021 | 16:56
Oh it's gud folake has seen ur plot,u people will never succeed oo!!!
3 Nov 2021 | 17:08
Episode 14 Isabel and Maris joined the singing group the next day. Immediately Folake saw that they had joined,she too joined them to closely monitor and defuse their evil plots.Benny refused to join.She said she want to observe what was happening.Folake did not force her or persuade her further. There came a day they had the singing practice and the agents of the marine world decided to share some bewitched sweets among the singers before they would start singing. The sweets were meant to crack their voices so that they would not sing well. Folake looked at Maris intently in her eyes and saw their plans with the bewitched sweets.She smiled and pretended as if she has seen nothing. So when they gathered for the practice,Maris told them that her parents sent her some edibles from London,that she want to share it with them Most of them knew that her parents lived in London and so they believed her and wanted to accept it. But Folake intervened.
4 Nov 2021 | 12:37
''We dont have to eat it now untill after practice because sweets do crack voice at times.Let me have them.I will share it after the practice session.Nevertheless,thanks alot''.She said and Maris relucantly handed her the sweets she was very angry though she never suspected that Folake had known their plans. Midway into the practice,Folake excused herself and went to the toilet and disposed of all the sweets. After rehearsals,some students accosted her about the sweets but she lied to them that she forgot the sweets inside the toilet when she went to visit the toilet. they believed her and forget about it,they all left sadly. ........... The cultist were disappointed that Maris could not carry out her assingnment very well.They did not even know what actually happened. They decided to attack Esther directly so that she would not organise any further practices.
4 Nov 2021 | 12:55
Esther was also a very intelligent young girl. Students always approached her to put them through some difficult topics in areas they dont understand.So,the marine cultists capitalised on that to get to her.Before the next practice,Maris and Isabel pleaded with Esther to teach them some topics during the night.She took time in teaching them until it was late at night.She became so weak after they had gone that she did not even know when she slept off without eating or praying. So the marine cultists attacked her spiritually while she was asleep and they gave her some food to eat in the dream.She ate it and when she woke up,she discovered that she had lost her voice. She prayed and prayed but it was too late.She could hardly talk. Folake noticed something was wrong with Esther but she could not see it clearly she decided to go and see her at her dormitory to be sure of what she has seen. Esther told her how she ate in her dream and lost her voice. Folake did not know when she shouted. Noooooooo!!!. ...
4 Nov 2021 | 13:12
@fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi @delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001 @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-adewale
4 Nov 2021 | 13:17
come o @fb-elijahdaniel
4 Nov 2021 | 13:18
No cry to God Esther
5 Nov 2021 | 03:31
I wonder what would happen now Next
5 Nov 2021 | 05:03
i fear witches o
5 Nov 2021 | 07:00
Episode 15 (NO RETREAT) ''So they have finally succeded.'' she said and Esther raised her eyebrows. ''Who has finally succedded and how have they succedded? Esther managed to ask in a faint voice. ''Never mind,but you know what,the practices must hold.'' Folake told her firmly ''we must put the devil to shame''. ''i know but with which voice would i sing or am i going to turn to a voiceless choir mistress?'' Esther replied. ''dont worry,i will help you out but please no matter how weak you are after the days work,make sure you pray before sleeping.'' Folake told her and left there. it was then that Esther remembered that she did not pray that night.She was shocked that Folake knew that she didnt pray that night. ''How did she know that i did not pray before sleeping this so mysterious.'' She wondered. *************
5 Nov 2021 | 12:06
Maris and Isabel were the first to go for the practice that day.They wanted to know the magic Esther would perform on her voice and how she would lead the rehearsals. But to their utmost suprise,Folake lead the rehearsals more successfully than Esther had ever done. Though Esther was there,she did not say a word.Folake explained to them that Esther had lost her voice,that she would lead them for that day infact,that day session was something else.It was intresting that other students who were watching them came and joined. Maris and Isabel were uncomfortable throughout the period of the practice.They felt like devouring Folake alive for spoiling their mission. Folake later gave Esther olive oil mixed with mustard seed and honey.They prayed over it and Esther licked it untill her voice was restored ************* The agents of darkeness had an emergency meeting that night to discuss what happened earlier that day.they discovered that most of their plans were spoit by Folake.
5 Nov 2021 | 12:22
''Something is wrong somewhere and it would not be far from that Yoruba girl called Folake.'' Anita said ''Yes,you are right. Why is it that Anytime we plan something.Somewhere somehow,that witch of a girl would surface and scuttle our plans?'' Isabel asked ''first,she seized the sweets and now she came and lead the singing session and even cause more people to join.'' Maris said ''But how does she get to know our plans?'' Anita asked fearfully ''Do you know where she belongs? i suspect that girl seriously but by the time we are through with her,she would regret ever coming to this school.'' Maris said cruelly. they decided to leave Esther for the time been and concetrate more on Folake who had become their bigger threat.But they did not realize that the power they were up against was supreme. immediately they took that decision. The tell-tale signal in Folake's head jangled like the sound of disused telephone and she became alert instantly.
5 Nov 2021 | 12:40
HAPPY FRIDAY GUYS @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @eneh @melissa @celestine1 @zhizhi @delexzy01 @coolval222-2 @stonez @royalgold @akhenabor @ciarajessy @director @hillariouz @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @derock come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @rainbows @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @aluta001 @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-adewale
5 Nov 2021 | 12:52
That's serious. Ride on Folake.
5 Nov 2021 | 13:21
The marine spirits would be in for it this time.
5 Nov 2021 | 16:00
Folake is a hard stone to crack.
5 Nov 2021 | 16:01
this tori dey sweet episode by episode i rate it 7/10
6 Nov 2021 | 07:45
6 Nov 2021 | 16:32
With god sha
6 Nov 2021 | 16:33
7 Nov 2021 | 16:18
Wow nice
8 Nov 2021 | 02:34
These marines don't know DAT dey are going to play with fire..... I pity dem oo,lemme sit back n observe sha???
8 Nov 2021 | 12:42
Episode 16 Though Folake knew that there was trouble in the air,she did not clearly see that they had changed their plans to hurt Esther and she was now their prime target Nevertheles she mapped out her own plan to counter their attacks on Esther,herself or any other innocent student. One evening while Esther was going to the venue of the singing practice. Folake saw Maris and Isabel following Esther She too follow them to know if they were going to harm her so that she would counter them.She did not know that they had a different plan. Meanwhile,Benny was also following Folake to witness the drama. to see for herself the power contest between Folake and the maidens of marine cult. Benny looked and saw Anita and Pinky hiding behind a classroom with their attention concetrated on Folake. she became curious. She stopped to find out what they wanted to do to Folake. They brought out a Catapult and aimed it at Folake.
9 Nov 2021 | 08:39
Benny saw the danger and wanted to call Folake attention but she felt they would turn against her if she openly accosted them.She thought of how to stop them before they would release the stone in the catapult. An idea came into her mind.She picked a big stone and threw it on the roof of the building in which they were hiding. The stone landed with a shattering noise on the zinc,that made the two girls scamper away in terror. The noise also drew Folake attention and when she looked back she saw two girls running away but she did not recognised them. ............... it was late in the night that Benny told Folake what happened. She was jolted. ''could it be that they are now aftetr me or what?'' she asked. ''I think they are because they were seriously aiming the catapult at you,and i wonder what would have happened if they succeeded''. Benny replied.
9 Nov 2021 | 08:56
Folake stood still for a while and saw the two girls as they aimed their catapult at her. ''No weapon fashioned against me shall prosper.thanks for saving me.As you can see,you have indirectly joined me in this mission to save.'' Folake joked. ''Joined you in what? Spare me o!,But how come you did not see that one?.'' Benny asked. ''Which one do you mean?. Folake asked ''the attack on you.'' Benny answered ''They is no way i can see everything,i dont even pray to see beyond what am seeing now.It's only God that sees and knows everything.Do you want mad?.'' Folake said in disgust and Benny shook her head in pity for her. ''i understand how you feel but i believe God knows why he is allows you to pass through all these and am sure he will always protect you.'' Benny assured. ''Amen!, i can hardly even concetrate on my studies.'' they both began to map out their own strategies.
9 Nov 2021 | 09:22
@pisces @fb-elijahdaniel Honourable mention
9 Nov 2021 | 09:53
Evil will never prevail over good. Ride on.
9 Nov 2021 | 18:59
Episode 17 While Folake and Benny were busy tackling the marine cultists,they temporaly forget Michael and Loverboy. There were too busy to even remember that they existed. Michael and Loverboy had bee busy trying their eyes on the two super girls again.They hung around the school gate to know if they could meet Folake and Benny for weeks without success.They struck gold luck one evening that Folake and Benny took permission to go to the market. Benny did not take it on them that evening she confronted them on attempting to rape them. ''what do you want from us again,you rapists .'' she asked them. ''we have come to apologize for what happened that day. Please find it in your heart to forgive us.'' Michael pleaded. ''please leave us before a teacher sees us with you people.'' Folajae told them and they walked out on the boys.But the boys were not put off. They drove away further and stopped further away from the school gate and waited for them.
10 Nov 2021 | 01:27
@fb-itisnotbyforcetoputname @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @zhizhi @pisces @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul
10 Nov 2021 | 01:29
The girls ignored them and they kept pestering and begging them until they changed their mind and forgave them They became friends once again.Folake has seen full repentance in them so they were free with them. ''Thanks for forgiving us.Atleast we can now have peace of mind.'' Michael said happily. ''But jokes apart,how did you find out our plans if i may ask?'' Lover boy asked and Michael nodded in support. Folake and benny looked at eachother and smiled. ''Forget what is written on the car and enter it.'' Benny replied and they laugh ''Haha!,what if the car would take you to the kidnappers or ritualists?.'' Lover boy asked and they all laugh again. ''But seriouly,we have been pondering on how you got to know about it.'' Michael said ''Actually,its a long story.So lets leave that for another day'' Folake replied ''Alright then,if you say so.'' they agreed happily. When it was time for the girls to go back to school,they dropped them. That was how michael and Loverboy meet them again.
10 Nov 2021 | 01:46
I don't trust those guys Next
10 Nov 2021 | 03:31
Still following
10 Nov 2021 | 05:15
I hope dis guys are genuine with their apology? But u gals have got to be still careful...
10 Nov 2021 | 09:45
Okay o Folake and Benny , be very careful o.
10 Nov 2021 | 10:04
11 Nov 2021 | 10:51
next episodes.........
11 Nov 2021 | 10:52
Episode 18 Later in the night while everyone was asleep,Folake had her tell-tale signal again. She listened attentively and heared some footsteps and woke up with her spiritual eyes,she saw eight legs walking towards their meeting point and she became worried. ''i must do something to stop this meeting else i would be in trouble.But how do i do this?'' she asked herself. She remembered how she stopped them in her dream by calling the security men. ''i think this is the only way out for now.'' she said and got up from the bead.tiptoed out of the dormitory and went to the security house. The security men were deeply asleep when she arrived there.She tapped them gently and they jumped up,feigning alertness. ''Who is that?'' one of them shouted as he shone torchlight on Folake. ''it's me,a student.'' Folake replied. ''what are you looking for here by this time of the night? you are supposed to be sleeping?'' the second one asked.
11 Nov 2021 | 11:31
''Yes but some people are about to rob the school.'' she lied ''What!? Where!?'' they asked her and she pointed at the place the girls were having the meeting. The security men immediately got their weapons and moved to the place. As soon as the girls saw them,they ran back to their dormitory.The security men got there and saw no one but they saw their footprints and comfirmed that people really gathered there. They looked back to ask Folake where exactly they were,but she was nowhere to be found. They searched round the school till dawn broke with no succes. But smart Folake achieved her objective she has stopped their meeting from holding. The following morning.Folake prepared for school and when she wanted to use the mirror. What she saw of herself in the mirror scared her badly.
11 Nov 2021 | 11:50
@fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @zhizhi @pisces @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul
11 Nov 2021 | 11:53
What did she saw
11 Nov 2021 | 14:58
@georgekanganji we are here o
11 Nov 2021 | 15:01
11 Nov 2021 | 23:01
folake my love.You must overcome anything Empty threats
12 Nov 2021 | 04:25
What did she see?
12 Nov 2021 | 04:45
Episode 19 she saw herself in the midst of the marine girls and before she knew it, they had already pounced on her and beaten her up mercilessly. One of them raised a knife to stab her and the mirror fell of her hands and smashed into pieces. She became afraid. Her hands shook uncontrollably as she trembled in fear.She knew something bad was about to happen to her,but what exactly it was,she dont know. So she did not concetrate in school through that day.Her mind was filled with the thought of how she would stop the dangerous attack on her because it was already obvious to her that those girls were determined to deal with her. ''How do i stop this? God,i really need your help now more than ever.How do i continue to stop their meetings so that they wont be able to plan?.For how long shall i continue like this?.'' she asked herself. She kept thinking untill an idea came into her mind. ''Yes,i must start with this.I will make sure they are not comlete in their meeting again.''.
12 Nov 2021 | 12:34
One day,she spied on the marine girls and overheard them discussing about a party that was in town Normally they would jump the school fence and attend parties and jump back very early in the morning. Others did not want to go for the party but Maris insisted because it was her boyfriend who organised the it. So after listening to their discussion. Folake nodded and went to meet Benny. She told her about the party that Maris was meant to attend and how she would expose her so that Maris would be expeled from the school.This would prevent them from holding their normal meeting. ''How would you expose her.'' Benny asked ''Normally,they jump over the fence at night to leave and do the same when they are coming back.i will arrange for the security men to catch her if she try to jump the fence.''. ''Good thinking!'' Benny exclaimed ''You are simply more than a conqueror'' She concluded.
12 Nov 2021 | 12:49
Friday vibes @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul
12 Nov 2021 | 13:20
Rate the Story from 1 to 10
12 Nov 2021 | 13:21
12 Nov 2021 | 13:23
Nice plan. Next please
12 Nov 2021 | 20:39
Rated 7
13 Nov 2021 | 00:51
This Folake has might o
13 Nov 2021 | 00:52
Folake always foiling all plans of the evil forces.
13 Nov 2021 | 00:54
Folake the smart girl.
13 Nov 2021 | 10:42
well i will rate dis story 8-10 cus i have been following it closely and i love it.
13 Nov 2021 | 13:22
Episode 20 On the night of the party,Folake stayed outside to be sure of the particular side of the fence maris would jump over.Before long, she saw Maris with Isabel walking towards the fence. They got there and Isabel helped Maris jump over. Folake smiled impishly and said, ''get ready for your expulsion.'' From there,she went straight to the security house. The security men shone their torchlight on her as usual. ''You again? what is it this time?'' asked one of them. ''A student just jumped over the fence to attend a party.'' She answered. ''Who? where? How? the other one asked. ''Her name is Maris onuoha.I saw her with her friends who help her jump over the fence.'' she said ''How are we sure you are telling the truth,After all this was how you deceived us the other day and we did not see anybody They said to her.''
14 Nov 2021 | 01:30
''No,i saw them that day.okay,you know what,' just be vigilant around Block E anytime from 5am because thats the time they normally come back from their night outings.'' she said ''oh,do you mean they have been doing it before?.'' they asked again ''Yes,but we did not want to report them because we thought they will repent.'' Folake replied ''Okay,take us to the particular place and god help you if you are playing with us again.'' They said and she took them to the spot. they thanked her for the information and she went back to the dormitory joyfully. The security men did not even wait till 5am before they went there.They spent most of the night there and just as Folake had told them. Immediately it was some minutes past 5am,they heared the sound of a car stopped finally and after a short while. Maris scaled the fenbe and jumped into the school compound.
14 Nov 2021 | 01:46
Yes, she jumped into the waiting hands of the school security men. As soon as she landed the security men barked at her to stop. ''Stop right there and do not move or else we will blow off your brain they commanded and she froze like ice. Maris almost fainted because they cocked their guns as if they want to shoot her. ''please dont shoot. My name is Maris onuoha.I am one of the students...... she explained axiously ''Who asked you those questions you are answering? oya,get on your knees.Luck has run out of you today.'' they told her and she obeyed. They tied her hands and took her to the guard room untill the principal came to the school. The principal commended the security men for the job well done and wished to see the student that implicated Maris. ''We don't know her name but we will recognised her if we see her.'' they told the principal. ''Okay,please do not hesitate to bring her to me.We need more of such students in this school.'' The principal said and turned to Maris.
14 Nov 2021 | 02:03
SUNDAY BLESSINGS HAPPY SUNDAY GUYS @eneh @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul
14 Nov 2021 | 02:08
You don enter trouble maris
14 Nov 2021 | 02:46
Folake i holla at ya
14 Nov 2021 | 02:47
Why now, Principal?
14 Nov 2021 | 03:18
Nice move by the security operatives.
14 Nov 2021 | 03:19
Nice job
14 Nov 2021 | 08:14
Good one, good must surely defeat evil. Next please
14 Nov 2021 | 13:58
Good job Folake Next
14 Nov 2021 | 15:47
That's a very good one Folake.
14 Nov 2021 | 18:26
Folake is a superhero Marine girls are the villians its getting tougher Ride on
15 Nov 2021 | 00:34
Episode 21 ''God has exposed you today.You better mention all your colleague in this because i am sure you are not the only one that does it.'' She urged her Maris did not say anything.She just cried like a baby.The principal paraded her in her party dress at the assembly ground before all students and teachers. ''i will use her as an example to other naughty students in this school who have been succeeding in their evil acts.Many days for the thief,but one day for the owner of the house!.She would be expel from this school permanent the only thing that can reduce her punishment is if she mention her partners in crime.Otherwise she would be expeled.'' the principal said and Maris raised her head in tears.She stared at her friends and they used eye signals to warn her never to attempt exposing them. when the principal saw that Maris was not ready to give away her partners in crime, she asked the security men to take her back to the guard room.
15 Nov 2021 | 10:27
''i wish to commend the student who exposed her.I want her to come out here for proper commendation and appreciation.We need such students as our school functionaries. come out and i assure you that nothing would happen to you. The school will adequately protect you the principal assured her. Benny stepped on folake's toes as a signal for her to reveal herself,but folake refused. When it became obvious that the mysterious student was not ready to come out,the principal urged the students to emulate such behaviour that exposed evil in the school. Maris was later given two months suspension and Benny congratulated Folake for another job well done. ''But why didnt you go out to the assembly ground for the principal to reward you? After all those ogbanje's would still suspect you that you were the one behind it.'' asked benny. ''do you know why.'' Folake said. ''Why.'' Benny asked
15 Nov 2021 | 10:44
''they may suspect but they won't be sure of it.Besides,i dont want to expose myself in this school at all.'' Folake replied. ''Okay,so what is next now?'' Benny asked. ''I dont know! i just have to be careful and even concetrate more on my studies especially now that they will find it difficult to meet.This thing is really affecting my lifestyle and our exam is fast approaching.'' Folake complained and benny nodded. Maris friends swore with their lives to find who set Maris up and as well deal with her. They suspectf Folake but needed to be sure it was her before meting out severe punishment to her. ''i think the only way we can find and confirm this wicked person is through the security meng'' Anita said. ''Yes but how do we go about that? they might even expose us if we meet them for this.'' Isabel said ''Not when we bribe them not to do so.'' Anita assured them.
15 Nov 2021 | 11:01
''How do you mean?'' isabel asked ''You dont need to be told that those men are hungry and need money.They will not hesitate to tell us if we offer them huge sum of money.'' Anita said eargely ''Good thinking! This is surely going to work and god help that girl called Folake if she happened to be the one.'' Pinky threaten ''i dont imagine that now.we shall meet them this evening.i will personally give them ten thousand naira with some gifts that they wont be able to resist.'' Anita promised and they applauded her. Later in the evening while all the students were playing. Anita and her friends went to meet the security men.They approached them with such friendly looks that made the men wonder what the beautiful girls were up to. ''Yes,what can we do for you?'' one of them asked them. ''Actually,we came to appreciate you people for the good jobs you guys have been doing in this school.'' Anita told them.
15 Nov 2021 | 11:18
''Especially this last one you did,' the girl that went to party.'' Isabel added. ''Thanks to you but are you sure you are not like her? fine girls like you no dey stay one place.'' one of them asked and they denied it outright. ''No! we are diffrent o! How can we do such a thing? do you want our parents to kill us?'' Anita replied as she handed them the gift and money. The men gratefully accepted the gifts and when they saw the money,they shouted. ''what? All this for us? thank you very much.'' they appreciated. ''it's our pleasure! we are not happy that the girl who implicate her did not come out at the assembly ground so we could know her and make her our friends.That is the type of friend worth keeping.'' Anita chipped in. ''Okay,maybe the girl doesnt want publicity.She must be a very good girl because she had once inform us of a robbery case last night.'' the men said and the girls looked at each other and remembered that night that their meeting were scatterd
15 Nov 2021 | 11:35
The security men began to describe Folake and of course they knew from the description that she was the one. Coincidentally,Folake walked past as they were still with the security men. Immediately the men saw Folake,they shouted excitedly. ''That's the girl.Hey you,come and meet your want-to-be friends.'' They said and when Folake turned and saw the girls,she knew that the battle line had now been clearly drawn. The girls stared at her with a murderous looks and Folake quietly walked away. As Folake walked away from them,an aura enveloped her and she stopped. She instantly became fearless and bold. ''Since these marine cultists want war.I will give them war. Whatever music they play,i will dance to their satisfaction.It is total war.No retreat,no surrender. I am sure the power of darkness can never prevail over light.Or can it?. No.This is a fight for liberation and i know my God will never forsake me.'' she said and went away eyeing them the way a hawk eyes a chick. !!!!!!!!!!!!! MORE BATTLE TBC
15 Nov 2021 | 11:55
WAR IS COMING @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @individual @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek come and commet o @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @ifestan
15 Nov 2021 | 12:00
Woow de battle line has indeed just been drawn.... So far so good,it's been getting more interesting... I will give it a rate of 7...
15 Nov 2021 | 12:15
Those security men are fools
15 Nov 2021 | 17:15
Ok let's move on
15 Nov 2021 | 18:17
Folake no dull am
15 Nov 2021 | 18:17
We gonna conquer 'em
15 Nov 2021 | 18:18
Folake the fearless warrior.
16 Nov 2021 | 01:35
Thumbs up
16 Nov 2021 | 07:08
The battle line has been drawn but the Lord is your strength , they will never prevail.
16 Nov 2021 | 10:53
Episode 22 After the security men identified Folake as the brain behind Maris suspension from school. it became obvious to Folake that the war had just begun. But nonetheles she had to find a way of fighting back,else she could meet her waterloo. So,she walked boldly out on them and went to meet Benny in the hostel. Immediately Benny saw her she noticed that something is wrong somewhere.So she questioned her closely. ''Folake,what is the problem? You don't look alright.'' Benny asked ''Benny,the battle line has finally bee drawn.'' she replied ''Between me and these devilish cultists of the marine world.'' She added. ''Folake please do not speak in riddles. What is the problem?. Benny asked again ''They have found out that i set Maris up and you know what that means.'' Folake answered ''What? How?'' Benny asked axiously.
19 Nov 2021 | 08:05
''The security men told them.It's like they psyched the security men and just as they were describing me to them,i walked past and the security called me to come and meet students who want to be my friends. when i saw the reaction on their faces. I knew the game is up But i couldnt careless they can do their worst.'' Benny shouted and put her hands on her head. She told Folake that she must report them to the school authority immediately before they harmed her,but Folake said she would never do such a thing. ''Since everything is now open,i think the only option for me is to fight them back the way they want it.I just wish you could join me in this war,nothing would happen to you. The two of us can defeat them easily because i know god will be with us.'' Folake said and Benny cut her short ''Not me!, i have told you that i can't join you because am not seeing what you are seeing.'' Benny said and when she saw the marine girls coming their way,she promptly left Folake.
19 Nov 2021 | 08:25
Pinky and her friends came and confroted Folake much to their suprise.They thought she would be intimidated but were amazed when she fired back aggressively. ''So,after all you have done,you still went as far as setting us up? You are finished.'' Anita threatened ''i don't feel threatened because you can't do more than what you have done already.'' Folake fired back ''Don't worry! By the time we are through with you,You will regret ever coming to this school.'' Isabel threaten looking at her with undisguised hate. ''He that is in me is greater than Whatever is in you.So, i am not panicking because darkness will never outshine light.I only advise you people to renounce membership of the marine kingdom now that you still have the chance.'' She advised ''Okay,we shall see.'' Isabel said and they left. Even though Folake sounded Bold,she still knew she was in for some horrible time.
19 Nov 2021 | 08:50
Benny came back to find out what they told Folake but she refused to talk. She just ignored her and continued to think of how to counter her now pronounced enemies. Benny went to her hostel confused. She knew that Folake needed her in the fight but she was scared the marine girls might harm her. After all,they hit people where it hurt most. ''if i leave folake to fight this battle alone she might get her head stuck in it but if i join her,we might conquer.The problem is that i am not spiritually strong like Folake.'' Benny told herself. ''God if you want me to be part of this, make me to be spiritually strong like her.Everything is now in your hands Lord.'' She asked God before retiring to bed.
19 Nov 2021 | 09:04
Am back i was just busy with school routines @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @individual @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @fb-horlaebofin @olumlam @flowkray @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu
19 Nov 2021 | 09:09
Seated lover boy thanks for the update.
19 Nov 2021 | 10:07
19 Nov 2021 | 12:37
Wire me more episodes nah
20 Nov 2021 | 17:14
Welcome back
21 Nov 2021 | 17:22
Episode 23 Their examination were fast approaching and neither Folake nor her rivals concetrated on their studies. Folake was losing weight badly.She had long started serious praying and fasting to be able to overpower those possesed girls. Benny pitied her.she tried again and again to persuade Folake to report them to the school authority but Folake once again refused. ''You can't continue like this.Your life is in danger and you don't want the school authority to know about the people after your life.Are you sure you are okay?'' Benny asked not smiling. ''i have told you several times that it's too late for me to back out.Those girls dont know what they are doing,expelling them from school is not what they need. What they need is deliverance and not expulsion.'' Folake told her firmly ''But you cannot deliver them or is it when they kill you that you will realize what you have gotten yourself into?'' Benny asked and Folake smiled.
22 Nov 2021 | 05:40
''They cannot kill me. I am beyond their capacity to kill.I am a conqueror and the God i serve is strong and will never forsake me no matter what.'' Folake maintained and Benny shook her head They discussed on how to concetrate a little more on their studies since their exam were fast approaching. They needed to start night classes together but Benny was scared that the marine spirit girls could attack and hurt them at nights. So,Folake was going for night classes alone. One night while Folake was reading with other students in the classroom,Pinky and her friends waited outside to hurt her on her way back to the hostel. Folake did not see it like she used to. But while she she read she felt unease as if something was wrong somewhere.At some point,her mind was not on what she is reading again. So she packed her books and left the reading hall and started going back to hostel. Meanwhile,Pinky and her cohorts were already waiting to attack her. As they were about to unleash their mayhem.
22 Nov 2021 | 05:59
@fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
22 Nov 2021 | 06:31
#Next please
22 Nov 2021 | 07:19
Folake you are more than a conquer. Benny now you are talking cos with God nothing shall b impossible.
22 Nov 2021 | 09:58
I know dat dis gals will surely not succeed!!!
22 Nov 2021 | 10:06
What happened? Next please
22 Nov 2021 | 23:29
Next pls, God will support your fight
23 Nov 2021 | 01:53
Episode 24 Someone from nowhere suddenly flashed her touch light on them and they all scampered away in search of safety. Folake saw them as they ran away. The person came and took Folake to her hostel.Folake was suprised seeing Esther come to her rescue. She had been monitoring Folake and the marine spirit girls since they made her lose her voice. ''Folake tell me all i need to know about you and those girls.I have been monitoring you and them and i know you have scores to settle with them. Tell me about it because i wonder what would have happened to you if i had not intervened.'' Esther stated Folake took a deep breath and narrated everything to her.She told Esther how they poisoned her in the dream and made her lose her voice. Esther felt sweat soaking all part of her body.She asked Folake how she intended to counter them. Folake told her that she was on a mission to save the students from the torment of the evil ones. Esther also told her to report them to the school authority.
23 Nov 2021 | 07:21
But as usual Folake turned down her request. ''These girls will hurt you if you are not very careful.Could you imagine what would have happened to you if i had not flashed the torch light on them? Those girls wanted to attack you with weapons.'' Esther reminded ''No weapon fashioned agaisnt me shall prosper.God will always protect me unless he wants darkness to outshine light.'' Folake said confidently ''Okay ooo,if you say so but please be careful with those girls.And thanks for saving me the other time.I promise to be there for you anytime you need me.'' Esther promised and Folake smiled at her. Folake was happy that she had finally found someone who was ready to fight with her She was therefore encouraged to fight on The marine spirits met and were angry about what happened. They were confused wether it was the security men that scared them away or whether Folake had read their plans. ---------- DARKNESS CAN NEVER PREVAIL OVER LIGHT. LOVER BOY.
23 Nov 2021 | 07:37
''How can one person be checkmating us like this?'' Pinky asked. ''it's a big shame to us in case you people dont know.'' she fumed ''And if we don't eliminate her now,she might expose us and you know what that means.'' Anita added also furious. ''i think i have an idea let us set her up first before she sets us up like she did to Maris.'' Isabel suggested. ''How do we achieve that? something keep telling me that the girl belongs to somewhere we dont know.'' Anita said They spent time deliberating on how to set Folake up without much stress until an idea came into Isabela's mind. She was Folake's classmate and they stayed close to each other in their class. So she opted to set her up in the examinaion hall. She suggested that they would do that by writing answers on a sheet of paper and dropping it beside her so that the examiner would catch her and ofcourse expel her for examination malpractice. They applauded the idea and decided to leave Folake untill her examination period. -------------- T.B.C
23 Nov 2021 | 07:55
PSALM 91:13 ''THOU SHALT TREAD UPON THE LION AND ADDER:THE YOUNG LION AND THE DRAGON SHALT THOU TRAMPLE UNDER FEET'' @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
23 Nov 2021 | 08:01
You girls are planning in vain.
23 Nov 2021 | 12:49
Failure is their own
23 Nov 2021 | 17:44
24 Nov 2021 | 03:31
Hope it's a futile plan
24 Nov 2021 | 06:38
Or bad idea
24 Nov 2021 | 06:38
Evil people dey try o, but nor matter how hard dey try they will never overcome me
24 Nov 2021 | 08:19
Their plan will fail
24 Nov 2021 | 12:16
Episode 25 They started their examination and it was time for the marine spirit girls to put their plans into action. in one of their exams Isabel wrote answers on a sheet of paper and threw it to where Folake was seated. Meanwhile,the examiner was going round checking the students. Esther was in the same class with Folake and she saw when Isabela threw the paper there. She became apprehensive because Folake did not know what was going on. An idea came into Esther head. She had a chewing gum.She opened it. Put it in her mouth and started chewing it hurriedly. She soon removed it from her mouth and put it under her sandals and asked the examiner for permission to ease herself. The examiner asked her to hurry and come back. On her way,she purposely stepped on the paper and it glued to the chewing gum under her sandals.
24 Nov 2021 | 12:23
[B]Isabel saw it and became very angryg but she did not know that Esther did it intentionally. That was how Esther scuttled their first attempt to put Folake into trouble. After the exam, Isabella reported and they were all very angry. ''Are you sure that Esther is not working with her?" Anita asked "I don't think so.I think it's just a mere coincidence." Isabella answered ''I hope so because we won't take it lightly with her if we discover that she is working against us." Anita added "Anyway,i still try again tommorow and whoever stops us whether intentionally or unintetionally will face our wrath." Isabel assured them before they parted for the day. Esther later went to Folake and told her what happened.Folake shook her head but was not suprised because she already knew they would go any length to get her out of the way. [B/]
24 Nov 2021 | 12:50
''Folake you must be very careful with those people.I dont know why you dont want to report them to the school authority since they since they seem hell bent on dealing with you ruthlessly.'' Esther said Before Folake could answer her, she saw something and closed her eyes. It was the old tell-tale signal. and the plans of the marine spirit girls were revealed to her. She opened her eyes again and smiled. ''What is it? Esther asked a little bit confused. ''They are planning to set me up again in the exam hall tomorrow.'' Folake answered quite unpertubed. ''You see what i am saying.Are you going to wait until they put you into serious trouble before you do what is right.'' Esther asked looking uncomfortable. ''Dont worry.For me. if i report them to the authority as you suggest,i will have to do a lot of explanation on how i got to know about their status as cultists and there is no sufficient guarantee that the authority would believe me.
24 Nov 2021 | 13:16
So the best thing is to fight them until they give the reason to expel them from the school or better still deliver them. Nonetheless,since they want me expelled i have no choice than to cause the expulsion of one of them so that they can see the futility of fighting a child of God.'' Folake said ''How do you mean?'' Esther asked confused ''Dont worry.You will know what i mean after examination tomorrow.When she drops the paper again leave it until the supervisor comes and you will see what will happen.'' Folake replied smiling Esther nodded her head as if she had understood what Folake had in mind to do but was really more confused than ever. Folake thanked her very much for saving her that day and wished her Goodnight. T.B.C ----------------- -------------------- ----------------------- --------------------------- [BENNY IS A COWARD]
24 Nov 2021 | 13:32
HERE WE GO @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray AGAIN!
24 Nov 2021 | 13:46
Folake the battle no be here o More Grace biko.
24 Nov 2021 | 18:48
Victorious will be your own folake
25 Nov 2021 | 09:29
Eiii so dis gals are not ready to give up? I can't wait to see what happens in de examination hall...
25 Nov 2021 | 14:15
Let's see how they gonna implicate themselves
25 Nov 2021 | 18:53
Hmm next pls
28 Nov 2021 | 02:11
[b] Episode 26 Folake did not go to night class that day. She stayed back in the hostel to read. By now,Benny was already feeling remorseful for staying away from Folake when she needed her most. Previously during their Examinations she used to always study with Folake. So she decided to look For Folake in the class where they normally had night class. She got there and discorvered that Folake did not come. She saw Pinky and Isabel giving one of the students Chewing gum. She became Alarmed. She knew that chewing gum was one of the eateries they used in initiating students. The girl was feeling sleepy.So they gave it to her and told her that the chewing gum would help drive sleep out of her eyes. As Patricia chewed the gum,Pinky and Isabel smiled to each other that they had finally gotten a new Member. Benny put her hands on the head and ran to inform Folake at the Hostel. Folake refused to talk to her when she came [/b]
28 Nov 2021 | 09:27
[b] ''Folake,please i am sorry for staying away from you but listen to me please.Those girls just got someone initiated.'' she said and Folake opened her eyes wide. ''How do you mean? where and how did they do that?.'' Folake asked wide-eyed ''in the class where we normally do our night studies together she said hysterically Benny then explained to Folake how they use chewing gum to initiate the girl Folake began to regret why she did not go to class that day because somehow,she would have stopped them. But while she was regretting her callous attitude towards a student in her time of need. Patricia staggered into the hostel holding her stomach. Benny pointed at her excitedly. ''Thats the girl they initiated.'' Benny said pointing at her and looking at Folake. ''What? she is in this Hostel.Probably she is holding her stomach as a result of the concotion they might have fed her without her knowing it.''Folake reasoned. [/b]
28 Nov 2021 | 09:45
[b] Folake stood up and went to her and asked her why she was holding her stomach. "my stomach is seriously discomforting me.I dont know what is happening to me.But am feeling terrible inside.I cannot explain how i feel but my stomach is on fire." Patricia replied clutching her stomach Folake nodded her head and took her to a corner. she went to her room and brought an olive oil. She prayed and gave her to drink. Patricia gulped the whole quarter of litre bottle of the olive oil. Not long after that, she began to vomit. She vomited some strange things that she confessed that she never ate. Everyone shouted in awe when she vomited an raw Egg. All the students around gathered and gleefully watched as she vomited one disturbing thing or the other. As this was happenin Pinky came in and was taken aback at what she saw. She looked quizzically around.She had an eye contact with Folake and immediately realized that Folake was at it again. She left angrily to consult with her crews. [/b]
28 Nov 2021 | 10:08
[b] She told them what Folake had done and they were expectedly mad with the development. "Damn! she must have neautralised the efficacy of the bewitched gum we gave her and that is why she is vomiting.'' Anita said. ''Yes,she had vomited everything out.Anyway if she doesnt join us in the meeting early morning tomorrow, then we have failed.'' Isabel said ''I cant wait for that witch to leave this school for us.That yoruba girl has really become a serious torn on our flesh.'' Pinky said. ''Let's see who will stop us tomorrow in the examination hall and we shall transfer our anger to the person.'' Anita threatened before they parted comany,all in anger. More students in Folake's Hostel and even from other Hostels gathered to see what Patricia vomited. While they watched it in utter bewilderment Benny whispered to Folake to tell the students what happened to Patricia. But Folake refused. Benny continued to disturb her until she said something. [/b]
28 Nov 2021 | 10:25
[b] ''We should becareful with what we eat especially the source such thing comes from.'' Folake said and walked out of the place. The students wanted to understand what she was driving at but she did not say anything further and left them wondering. Benny went after her and asked why she refused to tell them what exactly happened ''i have told you i dont want to draw unneccesary attention to myself Or the identity of the marine girls until the matter unfold itself.'' Folake told Benny Benny nagged and nagged but she refused. She wanted to go back to her hostel but fear of marine spirit girls engulfed her and she slept with Folake in her hostel. [/b]
28 Nov 2021 | 10:41
Happy sunday Coolvalers Success is ours this week. #NEW EPIS ARE HERE O DROP UR COMMENTS @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
28 Nov 2021 | 10:46
All their plans must fail
28 Nov 2021 | 15:56
The Lord is your strength Folake
29 Nov 2021 | 05:55
Benny fear fear human being. Folake ahead ahead.
29 Nov 2021 | 06:15
Keep working for God and he continue strengtening you
29 Nov 2021 | 09:37
29 Nov 2021 | 11:10
Keep thwarting their efforts dear,de lord is with u!!!
29 Nov 2021 | 21:14
[b] Episode 27 The following day. Folake and her class mates were writing exam again when Isabel repeated her evil act. She threw a piece of paper accurately under Folake's seat. Folake saw it and smiled and continued writing as if nothing happened. She signaled Esther and both of them smiled knowingly. Shortly before they were to submit their papers. The examiner walked past Folake's seat and saw the paper. He picked it and behold,it contained answers to the exam that they had just finished writing. Mr Tony literally went mad with what he saw He was a no Nonsense teacher that brooked no kind of cheating and he immediately asked Folake to stand up. Before she could offer any kind of explanatio Mr Tony had already taken her answers script from her. ''You are leaving this school as soon as it is fully established that you indulge in examination fraud. i dont expect this from a decent girl like you but laws are no respecter of person. Stand up and follow me.'' Mr Tony said
30 Nov 2021 | 05:35
''Sir,am not the one that used it.Someone used it to set me up.'' Folake explained. Tony gave no ears to her explanation. Instead,he command Folake to follow him to the principal's office for further explanations and actions. Folake realised that if she did not act fast, she would be in for something bad,' so she spoke out. ''Sir,see who do the cheating,'' Folake said pointing at Isabel. ''Crosscheck the handwriting on both the piece of paper you have and her answer scripts as well.You will see the diffrences and then know who the culprit is.'' She argued desprately. Mr Tony stopped and stare with full glare at Isabel who returned his stare eyeball to eyeball. Mr Tony was momentarily confused. Something strange happened. Instead of checking to confirm what Folake had said. Tony was busy smiling at Isabel. She had used the occult power in her eyes to hypnotize the teacher.
30 Nov 2021 | 05:52
New episode is here o DROP YOUR COMMENTS PLEASE I BEG YOU IN THE NAME OF GOD @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
30 Nov 2021 | 05:57
this Isabel eeeh
30 Nov 2021 | 07:56
folake's chance of getting free is now slim
30 Nov 2021 | 07:57
More to come. Next please
30 Nov 2021 | 12:07
Folake don fuccck up big time . Hmmmm you better pray for a miracle o.
1 Dec 2021 | 19:22
Hypnotize ke??? Wahala don come oo😱😱😨😨
1 Dec 2021 | 20:31
Hmm how will she come out of this now next
2 Dec 2021 | 13:19
Episode 28 Tony consequently shunned Folake's arguments and commanded her to go to the principal's office and went further to forcefully drag her as she demurred. Esther noticed that something had gone wrong. She saw Isabel as she dimmed her eyes for Tony. So,she courageously told Mr Tony that she saw when Isabel threw the paper under Folake's seat. Tony was virtually out of his senses. because of the state of his mind. They was chaos in the hall. The din was so high that it attracted the attention of the principal who on hearing the noise decided to investigate the matter. ''Whats happening here?'' The principal asked with seriousnes written all over her. ''Madam,i caught her with this and she is denying it.'' Replied Mr Tony,waving the paper before the principal. He handed the paper over to the principal motioning that Folake was the culprit. ''You dare do examination malpractice in my school? After all my warnings? The principal asked furious at Folake.
3 Dec 2021 | 06:46
''Ma,i did not do it. Isabel did and i can prove it.'' Folake said simply. The teacher harshly told her to shut up, threatening to beat her up should she utter any further word But Esther spoke up. ''Ma,Folake is innocent.I saw when Isabel threw it under Folake's seat.Check the handwrittings you can easily see the similarities and the differences.'' Esther argued. Mr Tony tried to shut her up but the principal restrained him and asked him to allow her handle the case. ''Mr Tony,please allow me to handle this case because it seems like getting complicated.'' The principal told Tony She then ordered Isabel to stand up and bring her answer sheet. By now Isabel was already shaking with fear knowing that things have gone awry She brought her paper and the principal carefully compared the two handwrittings. it did not even take her much time to discover that Isabel was responsible for the mischief. She turned to Mr Tony and addressed him sternly.
3 Dec 2021 | 07:05
''it's obvious that the girl you are holding is innocent.'' She told Mr Tony in utter bewilderment. ''Why then are you holding her responsible for a crime she didnt commit or do you have anything else against her?.'' She asked him ''No! i don't have anything against her. it is now clear to me that i was holding the wrong person but indeed,i am sorry. please forgive me &Coolval stories&.'' He apologized. (Spells Loosed) The principal cautioned him seriously against jumping into conclusion without investigating the matter. She also asked him to apologise to Folake who he had utterly embarrased and wrongly accused. He did.The principal then took Isabel to her office for further investigation and proper disciplinary action. Isabel did not even deny doing the evil act she refused to say why she did it and she was consequently dismissed from the school in accordance with the rules and regulations of the school. ___________ ______________ -________________ UNA NEVA SEE ANYTIN O! T.B.C
3 Dec 2021 | 07:23
please your comments is needed @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-winnerjohn @ollydy @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
3 Dec 2021 | 07:26
Thank God
3 Dec 2021 | 07:50
3 Dec 2021 | 09:20
Good for her
3 Dec 2021 | 13:36
Thank God their plan failed
3 Dec 2021 | 14:39
Our god is a consuming fire!
3 Dec 2021 | 15:14
Before dis gals come to their senses,they wud have all been expelled from de school...
3 Dec 2021 | 19:36
Good is winning against evil. More to come. Next please
4 Dec 2021 | 08:15
her members don use her head to break coconut
4 Dec 2021 | 15:40
Episode 29 Benny heared what happened and was ecstatic.She congratulated Folake for a job well done and realised that Folake had great powers which she could not explain and therefore treated her with added respect. ''it is now that you have done what you were supposed to have done all along.At least the remaining ones will be afraid of you now that you have caused the expulsion of one of them.'' Benny told Folake. ''Hmmm,it was Esther that saved me o!. the supervisor refused to listen to me.He insisted that i was the person that came to the hall with the microchip.I dont know why he insisted but well,God intervened through Esther.'' Folake replied.Esther cut in. ''it was like Isabel cast spell on him. The fire in his eyes made me suspect that and that is why i had to speak up.'' Esther said ''i thought as much.'' Folake said. ''No wonder he did not want to hear anything again.'' She said nodding her head in comprehension.
5 Dec 2021 | 05:04
Folake advised Esther to be carefull because obviously,they would come for her. Esther retorted that she knew they would come for her but with God on her side. The victory would be hers. ''I am ready for them Let them bring it on Darkness must bow to light.'' Esther said with authority and Folake smiled at her. Benny began to scratch her head. Folake looked at her, Hissed and went away Esther put her hand on Benny's shoulder and asked her to join them in the fight against the powers of darkness. Benny shook her head doubtfully and went away. ( Bullshit Benny is such a coward!!!). ........................ As Isabel packed her things. Her friends gnashed their teeth and thought of how to avenge what was done to their comrade in crime.they wished there was a way they could even kill Folake. The one that pained them most was the part that Esther played. ''Promise me that you will avenge me and Maris.'' Isabel asked them in tears as she prepared to leave the school.
5 Dec 2021 | 05:20
They promised her and saw her off to the gate. Students who did not know her very well had pity on her. Some even blamed Folake for causing her expulsion but others countered them by saying that she caused her expulsion. not Folake,that it was the evil she planned for another that caught up with her. ******Coolval stories********** Mama Folake had at last made up her mind to go back to their house. Schools were about to close and so,she was thinking of the best way to go back before Folake returned from school.By then,papa Folake too had made up his mind to bring his wife back to the house. So he first sent one of mama Fokake's friends to go and plead on his behalf. The woman went to Bimbo's house and met only Mama Folake at home. Mama femi took time in explaining to Grace why she should go back to her husband's house. When Grace discover that it was Alabi that sent Mama femi. she began to feel proud as if she did not want to go back.
5 Dec 2021 | 05:36
Happy sunday to all coolvalers Here we go!!! @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-divineemojevwe @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
5 Dec 2021 | 05:44
God pls help folake o chai
5 Dec 2021 | 05:59
Mama folake better go back to ur husband house before it too late.
5 Dec 2021 | 06:01
Grace you better drop that proud and your ministry biko ☝️😂. Fola baby thank God for God o if not your name for b sorry.
5 Dec 2021 | 11:33
U gals will not learn sense,u r still der thinking of revenge,nawa for u people oo!!!
5 Dec 2021 | 18:18
Go back to your husband
6 Dec 2021 | 09:38
Episode 30 ''Mama femi,can you imagine the embarrasement Baba Folake caused me?'' Grace asked feeling her wounded pride. ''imagine throwing me out because of another woman. After many years of our marriage.'' She asked feeling badly hurt. ''He said he is sorry even though he still maintains he never asked you to leave.'' Mama femi reminded her. ''You see what am saying?. that Man has not repented and i am not going back untill that husband snatcher leaves that house.'' She maintained ''I can see that the devil has blocked your sense of reasoning. if you like,go back. If you like,remain here You are still the one that will regret it.'' Mama femi said She left without waiting for Grace to say anything further. Grace wanted to call her back but her pride did not allow her. She began to regret again why she allow her visitor to go in anger,And missing another opportunity to return to her husband house with some dignity.
6 Dec 2021 | 10:20
When Bimbo came and she told her about Mama femi's visit. Bimbo blamed her for not using that opportunity to go back to her house. ''Schools will soon close. and you can't imagine what you will put Folake through if she comes back and discovers you are no longer living with her father.'' Bimbo told her without mincing words. ''I am confused.God! what do i do now?.'' She asked rhetorically ''I think there is still a way i can help redeem your pride. I will go and talk to Baba Folake so that he would be the one to find you.Just pray he swallow his pride,else i dont know what else to do.'' Bimbo said. Grace thanked her immediately and ensure her that it would work. ........... ............. While Bimbo was still planning on how to approach Baba Folake. Something terrible happened to Folake at school. She was coming back from the market when she got hit by a hit and run driver. ??????????? ?????????????? ????????????????G MARINE GIRLS AT WORK AGAIN O! PRAY FOR FOLAKE T.B.C
6 Dec 2021 | 10:35
@fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
6 Dec 2021 | 10:40
Marine girls will win o. Mama Folake leave pride make pride leave u o. Folake you are a strong girl nothing will happen to you okay ? Ride on.
6 Dec 2021 | 12:34
Good is still winning against evil. Next please
6 Dec 2021 | 14:54
Folake spirit of God is with you
6 Dec 2021 | 14:59
There is no way they will win Folake. Next please
6 Dec 2021 | 15:44
Oh no,dis isn't gud,Folake involved in an accident? I hope it's nothing serious.... As for u mama Grace, be der n be forming yeye attitude, u will laugh at de wrong side of ur mouth!!!
7 Dec 2021 | 08:09
Guys i will be stop updating for a while. Maybe till next week i need to read some stories on coolval. Please bear.Till monday #LoverboyLoveyouAll
7 Dec 2021 | 10:36
Oh my God, this evil girls are at work again
7 Dec 2021 | 13:42
Hmm nxt
8 Dec 2021 | 11:36
Episode 31 It was the marine spirit girls that conjured it. and this happened a day to their final examination She was rushed to the hospital and the news spread round her school that evening like wide fire. Thank goodness she took permission before going out. She sustained serious injuries and had to miss the final examination. it was after the exam that Benny and Esther went to see and stay with her at the hospital. Neither Benny nor Esther knew Folake's house in the village. It was only Comfort that knew the place and by then,she was avoiding Folake like a leper because of her strange behaviours. Folake sent for Comfort and she grudgingly came to see her in the hospital Her condition touched Comfort and she did not hesitate to go to Folake's village to tell her people about the accident. She went with Benny when they got there only Asoh in the house Asoh immediately recognised Comfort and welcomed them warmly. The look on their faces told her that all was not well.
12 Dec 2021 | 08:26
''Your faces look gloomy.Is anything the matter? How is Folake?.'' she asked them. Suspecting the worst The two girl looked at each other without uttering a word. it was Comfort that later spoke. ''We want to see Folake's parents.'' Comfort told her without equivocation. ''Em....They are not around now and ....'' She was still thinking of how best to put it when Baba Folake came back. ''What is happening here?'' He asked peering from Benny to Comfort. ''Where is Folake?'' He asked with his tension mounting. The girls told her about Folake's accident. They asked of Grace and Alabi lied to them that she had gone to the market and was not yet back. He picked some money and asked them to take him to the hospital where Folake was admitted. On their way,he stopped over at Mama femi's house to inform her about Folake's incident.
12 Dec 2021 | 08:28
'please,go and inform Grace about it so that she would come to the hospital before Folake begins to nurse adverse thoughts.'' He told mama femi. He gave her the address of the hospital where Folake was recieving treatment for onward transmission to Grace ''Her condition would deteriorate if she discover that we are not leaving together.'' He added.Mama femi promised to do as he had said. +++++++++++++ Alabi followed Folake's friends to the hospital and immediately Folake saw him. She raised her head and threw a question at him. ''Where is mama? Dont tell me what i saw is true.'' She cried. ''What did you see and what are you talking about? Your mama is fine.She went to the market and will soon be here'' He lied. ''its a lie.You are lying to me.Tell me the truth.'' She asked him. Alabi began to scratch his head in an effort to dodge the question and to gain time to find an adequate answer.
12 Dec 2021 | 08:30
''Your mama will soon be Stop bothering your head and be fine.'' He said and turned to the nurse standing by ''Hope she did not sustain any serious internal injury.'' He asked ''No.not at all.its just her right leg that was deeply bruised and that might take some time to heal.she will soon be discharged.'' The nurse replied. Alabi took a critical close look at his daughter and thanked her friends for coming to the house to inform them. Not long after,Grace arrived at the hospital panting.Immediately Alabi saw her,he signaled her to pretend as if they never quarrel. Folake asked her the same question she asked her father. She denied it. Folake then felt relived. Alabi later took Grace outside and apologized to her and pleaded with her to come back home before Folake would be discharged and never to let her know what happened because of her health. . . . . WILL MAMA FOLAKE AGREE? T.B.C
12 Dec 2021 | 08:54
Hey guys Thanks for your patience. Emmy is back @coolval222-2 @fb-samsamuel1 @comblesscock @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @fb-bello-idrisadeiza-okevere @fb-horlaebofin @eneh @fb-oluwabukolamarvelous @fb-davidjohn @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-khingmelframe @royalgold @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lifeofguy @realwit @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @iamtaofeek @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @freshood @olumlam @ollydy @fb-winnerjohn @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu @flowkray
12 Dec 2021 | 11:52
So Folake cudnt write her final exams? Dats very unfortunate.... Anyways I wish her speedy recovery!!!
12 Dec 2021 | 19:04
Grace will agree because is her opportunity
13 Dec 2021 | 08:20
Get well soon
13 Dec 2021 | 08:59
Folake relax, you will still write the exams. There is no way evil will win. Next please
13 Dec 2021 | 09:59
A better decision, she had better agree before its too late
13 Dec 2021 | 16:39
Folake God will heal u and u seat for the last exam.
14 Dec 2021 | 00:01
Mama folake u better agree before it too late.
14 Dec 2021 | 00:02
If mama Folake like make she green if she no like make she yellow. Folake nothing dey happen, they are trying in vain.
14 Dec 2021 | 02:44
Episode 32 They agreed to let bygone be bygone. Grace promised to play her part well. Alabi gave her some money to use in taking care of Folake in the hospital. Benny,Esther and Comfort went back to school later in the evening. . . . Pinky and her evil gang were happy about what happened to Folake.Especially for the fact that she missed one of the exams. They celebrated it and felt that since she was away,they would use the opportunity to convert and initiate some new members. ''Now that she is away,we must Maximize this opportunity and get some new members to replace lost ones and strenghten our group. Pinky told Anita. ''Yes and we must also deal with that Esther that joined her in implicating Isabel. That girl must either join us or face what her friend has experienced.'' Anita said and they both vanish.
15 Dec 2021 | 04:07
The students finished their exams two weeks before the official closure of school. So students were not really busy with academic works and had all time to enjoy and while away time. Folake warned Benny and Esther to be very careful with the marine spirit girls. Comfort did not really know what was happening. but Folake did not want to tell because she was feeble-minded and a coward. *********** One evening while some students were playing. Pinky went and joined them and purposely caused one of them to injure herself. They began to fan her and when she became better.' Pinky went and bought her a packet of Locozade boost. Of course,she bewitched it. and when Rita drank it, she felt something strange in her body. That did it all and that was how Rita joined them in the marine world. That same day.Anita too was busy initiating new members. They were able to initiate four students that day. The next mornimg. all the new members were in attendance.
15 Dec 2021 | 04:09
initially,the new members did not reall Understand what they were into but immeiately they finished eating what they were served in the meeting,their mindset changed. they became seriously possesed and were ready to do anything they were asked to. Pinky told them that they needed more members and also told them about Esther and their mission to either initiate or maim her. ******** Fokake saw them having their meeting and sprang up from the hospital bed like someone who had just had a nightmare. The mother rushed to her and discovered that she was shivering and sweating copiously Grace made to call the nurses but Folake asked her not to. ''I am okay.Dont call them.'' She said. ''See how you are sweating and you say you are okay.'' Grace told her. ''I said am fine. leave me please.'' she began to think about how to reach her friends and tell them about the new members of the marine spirit world and their mission to hurt Esther.
15 Dec 2021 | 04:12
Before Benny and her friends went back to school from the hospital. Benny called Loverboy and michael and notified them about Folake accident. she gave them the hospital address and they promised to go and see her. ***** Folake was very happy when they visited her. They got her some provisions and get-well card. Grace welcomed them cheerfully and excused herself so that they could fell free. ''Thank God you are here.How did you know i was admitted here.'' Folake asked them ''Benny called us on their way back to school and and informed us.'' Loverboy replied. ''That was very thoughtful of her.'' Folake said. ''So how did it happen? Did you cross the road without looking or what?.'' Michael asked ''Not at all,Actually, the whole thing was manipulated but you wont understand.'' she replied.and they looked at each other. ''How do you mean the whole thing was manipulated?.'' Loverboy asked curiously . . . . T.B.C LOVERBOY AND MICHAEL GO SOON JOINTHEMISSION
15 Dec 2021 | 04:14
Check the next page for the rest. @fb-davidjohn @fb-samsamuel1 @eneh @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-elijahdaniel @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @ladyg @fb-famous @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu
15 Dec 2021 | 04:19
The main battle is about to start
15 Dec 2021 | 06:19
Hehehe trouble don start o.
15 Dec 2021 | 19:59
Hehehe trouble don start o folake and esther u guys should becareful o.
15 Dec 2021 | 20:01
If dey want to join,den dey should get ready for de consequences!!!
15 Dec 2021 | 21:59
Loverboy make u no dull for the mission o
16 Dec 2021 | 02:06
forgive my ghost reading you're my best writer on coolval i love the way u crack ur brains to write #Andycares
16 Dec 2021 | 02:08
16 Dec 2021 | 04:38
I'm back with a banger
16 Dec 2021 | 04:38
@Andy just pray 4 me na @philanderboy i hail o
16 Dec 2021 | 05:50
Episode 33 ''My friends in school are behind it and like i said,you wont understand,but i really need you people in fighting these agents of darkness.'' Folake spent time narrating the entire episode to them. she told them everything they needed to know about her battle with the marine spirit girls They were suprised that such a thing existed for real in secondary schools. ''i really need you to help me tell Esther my friend that they are coming for her in a big way.'' Folake pleaded ''How do you get to know all these?.'' Loverboy asked looking confused and suprised ''The same way i got to know that you wanted to drug me.'' Folake replied and they jerked back in bewilderment. She then opened up the more. She told them about her mysterious gift of seeing things that would happen in the future. Loverboy and Michael did not doubt her much because they had a taste of her mystery. She pleaded with them to find a way of reaching Benny since they did not know Esther.
16 Dec 2021 | 11:32
''Esther is one of our friends and they have made her their prime target for implicating one of them in exam malpractice.'' She told them. Loverboy and Michael were silent for a while Folake began to tell them some of her experience with the marine spirit girls to convince them to work with her in stopping them.But they were scared to join her. ''What you are telling us to do is not easy o! You know we dont have spiritual powers just like you.'' Loverboy said and Michael nodded in support. Folake closed her eyes and opened it again and all of a sudden began to panic. ''What is it?.'' they asked in unison ''They are about to send accident to Esther. The same thing they did to me.'' she said and they asked her how. She told them that Esther would be going to the market that evening and one of their new members will enter the same keke with her and cause them accident. The boys looked each other again in utter confusion.
16 Dec 2021 | 11:34
@fb-davidjohn @kunleabiodun30gmail-com @maths @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @coolval222-2 @fb-damilareadeniran @orry-function @fb-lyon @fb-itzevysmart @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-wfwurld @olamibobo @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @esthy @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @graylaw @fb-jessicaduru @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu
16 Dec 2021 | 11:36
Folake the best thing to do to prevent this evil is only your pray , pray and pray . But soon their evil will catch up with them.
16 Dec 2021 | 19:43
Let them use their own car to carry Esther
17 Dec 2021 | 13:35
The Lord is with you Folake
17 Dec 2021 | 16:05
Getting more complicated. These marine girls are not willing to step down. Next please
18 Dec 2021 | 09:10
Episode 34 ''How will she cause the accident when she is in the same keke with your friend.'' Michael asked ''All of them will have the accident but somehow,she will not be hurt.its the driver and Esther that will be hurt.'' She replied ''Hmmm,this mission you are sending us is not funny o! How do we stop this when we dont eve know the girl in question.'' They asked her again Folake spent time describing Esther for them. She then gave them a letter to give Esther. in the letter,she told Esther about the new members that the marine girls initiated and also told her about their plan to cause accident for her she asked her to feel free and go to the market with Michael and Loverboy. And also to also follow them to the hospital so that she could tell her more about the girls plan. Loverboy and Michael were really scared and skeptical about the job but after much persuassion from Folake. they reluctantly accepted to do it.
18 Dec 2021 | 10:55
They set out to the school to deliver the message. They kept on complaining to themselves untill they got to the school gate and stopped. ''This girl should come out so that we can deliver our message and leave this place before those possesed students come after us.'' Michael said fearfully Loverboy laughed at him. ''So you are afraid of these little children? i'm no longer afraid of them.Let them come and i will tell them that no matter how possessed they are, they cannot....... He was still talking when a student came to their window side and touched him. He almost jumped out of the car in fright. He thought they had come but it was just a student that came to find out if they were looking for someone. ''You scared us!'' Loverboy said,not smiling. ''Sorry i thought you were looking for someone.So i felt i could help call her for you.'' The girl replied
18 Dec 2021 | 10:56
''is that why you should appear like that as if you are one of.... infact we are not looking for anybody. thank you.'' Loverboy said and the girl left. Michael burst into a hearty laughter. He laughed so much that Loverboy became annoyed with him. ''What's funny?.'' Loverboy asked with straight face. ''i thought you were boasting to be stronger than them.'' He said and a serious argument ensued between them. They were engrossed in their argument that they did not even know when Esther walked past their car. Michael saw her from behind and saw where she stitched her gown like Folake described. ''is that not the Esther we have been waiting for?'' Michael asked Loverboy ''Hope its her o! cus i'm not ready to spend any more time here.'' Loverboy replied. They drove to her and stopped to greet her and she rensponded. They asked her if she was Esther Anike and she nodded. They gave her the letter and after reading it,she shook her head and said..... . . . T.B.C
18 Dec 2021 | 10:58
NEW EPISODES IS HERE @coolval222-2 @fb-davidjohn @paddy2x @afamboniface @celestine1 @georgekanganji @orry-function @ladyg @fb-famous @fb-ezekielbymark @fb-hsdanieljago @grace @prosperyeboahgmail-com @jessyjenny @philanderboy @fb-jessicaduru @olumlam @fb-hassanjosiah @fb-oluwadunsinpaul @fb-peaceegwuatu
18 Dec 2021 | 11:03
This mission is tough o
18 Dec 2021 | 18:18
God knows what to do
19 Dec 2021 | 07:45
N said what? I hope she isn't going to prove stubborn???
19 Dec 2021 | 17:45
This not a small matter o. But the Grace of God will see people through.
20 Dec 2021 | 03:13
Hmmm this marine girls are becoming something else esther and folake is time for u guys to be very prayerful now.
20 Dec 2021 | 08:49
Why is there no updates on this story for some time now?
5 Jan 2022 | 18:18


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