True friendship is rare
When its found
It can be made memorable
One mistake makes it terrible
Should you find it
Keep it with all your might
But above all,
Let God be at the center
Then He will matter
And things will only get better...
Friendship is valuable
True friendship is rare
Find friends that will help you find your purpose
Not those that act like life is a circus
Those that will wake you at night to pray
Not caring the time of the day
Not because they mean you ill
But rather because they mean you well...
Friendship is valuable
True friendship is rare
Pray for your friends
Let your love for them be boundless
And your care be relentless
Be that pearl of great price
That they would not afford to be careless
Not even with lies
Friendship is valuable
True friendship is rare
Just like a gem
When you find it
Keep it with all diligence....