?️?Frozen Love?️

?️?Frozen Love?️

By Thecomely in 28 Jul 2020 | 03:28
Thecomely Thecomely

Thecomely Thecomely

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?️?Frozen Love?️

?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]?


What happens when two sworn enemies are forced to love each other?
A world beyond the mortal realm, the little planet on the celestial coordinate of the comet galaxy bounded with other planet held together by gravity. This planet ? was called Kepler.
Shared on WhatsApp by martino.
In this planet was two Kingdom, The Kingdom of Persia which was ruled by a King and the Kingdom Of Amazon, A Queen.
This two kingdom lived together in peace until a war broke between two royal entities.

The immortal Prince of Persia, Nicklaus and the immortal Princess Morgana of Amazon.
No one was able to unravel the cause of the war as the two immortals clashed which resulted to the death of many mortal warriors.

The King of Persia and The Queen of Amazon involved the Council of the Elders who ensured peace on the Planet,So the unending war could be put to a stop.

But Nicklaus and Morgana weren't ready to embrace the peace treaty which resulted to a judgment from the Council of Elders.

The Prince Of Persia and the Princess of Amazon were banished to a Planet in the Milky way Galaxy, the Planet Earth.
Their Immortality was stripped from them as they must live as mortal being on earth.

There was only one way the two Royal Being could regain their Royal status and the banish sentence canceled. They have to fall in love with each other, that was the only key to return back to Planet Kepler.
Now that they dwell in Korea, will the Prince Of Persia ever fall in Love with Morgana?.
Let's find out in this romance/action series...
28 Jul 2020 | 03:28
Bring it on guy. [hr] [b] LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES [/b] scroll down for episode 1
28 Jul 2020 | 08:30
Hmmm sitted on the first role... @LadyG can I sit beside u... Pls tag me on new episodes o????
28 Jul 2020 | 08:42
Lets Fly
28 Jul 2020 | 11:47
Let the journey continues....
28 Jul 2020 | 12:02
28 Jul 2020 | 17:34
carry on bro
28 Jul 2020 | 18:06
?️?Frozen Love?️ ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest] _____________________ ?️Episode One?️ _____________________ ???Nicklaus POV I was woken up by the sunrise whose rays pierced deeply into my eyes like it life depended on it. I yawned loudly and looked to my side. There laid the half naked lady who was still fast asleep. That was when i remembered what happened last night, i got drunk during a party and i brought the lady to spice up my night. I staggered to my feet and stared once more at her. "Abruzzi!". I screamed out.. The door flung open and my personal guard rushed in and bow. An immortal like me having guards, it's crazy right, well the bitches help me do my dirty job. "My prince ". He Said. "Dispose this Slut". I told him and walked out.. Everyone knew me, every lady, so any slut who decides to spend the night with prince Nicklaus should also be ready to find themselves on the street the next morning. ??Kingdom Of Persia? Persia was one of the Kingdom in Planet Kepler out of numerous other kingdom. The Kingdom was known for it strength in time of war and no Tribe or Kingdom dared wage war against them. The fear of the Immortal King was enough to drive enemies into disarray. But there in the Kingdom was the Son of the King, Nicklaus, The one an only Arrogant and Crazy being in the Royal family. He was also immortal as his father which gave him the guts to do whatever he wanted, take whatever he wants and no one questions him. It have been two Months now since he waged war against Morgana, Princess Of the Amazon. He was waiting patiently for the time she steps out of her kingdom that was the best time to strike. ??Nicklaus POV? Found my way into my room and freshen up. I walked out of the bathroom with a towel around my waist to meet the Maid arranging the room. I licked my lips and close the door behind me. I made to grab her from behind but that was the moment i saw my mom leaning on the door. She always act like a ghost. This was trouble, a big one, she can't do shit to me but whenever she rant at me, i become destabilized. She was the only one with the super power to melt my heart and make me feel guilty. "What wrong Klaus? Go on, do what you wanted?". My mom began. "shit! Not again". I cursed in my heart. "Trying to make out my maid don't you?". She asked and stared at me with disgust.. "If i may ask who was that lady you brought home last night". She asked. "Stop it mom, am no kid, you can't try to meddle with my life". I shouted at her. "You, leave". She told the maid and she hurried away. "Back to you Klaus, Is this how you will rule your father's kingdom when he's gone". She asked. "Damn it mom, this nothing to do with the kingdom". I said angrily. "Well said, maybe you should get a wife soon, instead of being a sexual pervert". She cursed and opened the door. That statement hits me so hard that i boiled in anger, only if this wasn't said by mom i would have killed the individual at that spot.. "Get out mom!". I screamed in fury. "Am leaving". She replied and walked away. I kicked the door closed. "Damn!". I shouted. I opened the cabinet and brought out a pistol which i hide in my behind me. I bounced out of the room and found my way into the multi purpose hall. I needed someone to pour my anger on, that was what i always do. But there was no one in the hall except my sister Elisa, she was only twenty, that makes me her elder bro as my age was twenty nine. I quickly tucked the pistol into my trouser and smiled softly. ????Elisa's POV???? I smiled softly seeing Nicklaus, despite the smile he forced out, his red eyes told me that he was angry again. Aww. Dear mother have stepped on Klaus toes again. I don't blame her you know, she was only concern about her son. Everyone actually saw Nicklaus as an Arrogant Devil but i have a different view. Nicklaus was the only one who cares for me in the family, he does anything to make me happy. My parent seem to hate me for my alliance with him but i don't care. He would do anything to protect me so he was kind of my Bodyguard. No one dares woe me when Klaus is around, he was gonna burn you to the very spot. "Hey Klaus". I whispered as he sat beside me and wrapped his arm around my neck.. "Elisa, you're looking good, today you know". He Said. "I know Klaus, you don't have to tell me". I replied and he nodded. "Heard mom's morning crow, is everything alright?". I asked and he laughed.. "Caught me staring at a maid butt..". He Said And i gasped. "Oh brother not again". I said.. Though Nicklaus was really close to me i dare not tell him to the face that what he did was wrong, he could change his mood, that i wouldn't want to risk. "Umm. You couldn't resist temptation i guess". I whispered and he smiled. Time to actually drop what was in my mind. "When are you getting married Klaus?". I asked and his smile turned to a frown. I was indirectly telling him he should stop going around with various ladies but i prayed silently he didn't know the full interpretation of what i said. "What does that have to do with this?". He asked. I held his cheek and drew it playfully. "Come on why the frown? Just i question". I said and he smiled softly. Oh god, a narrow escape. "There's something bothering you Elisa, tell me". He Said. Shit! This was the thing about Nicklaus, even when I put a happy face, he knows my true mood, deep within. I couldn't afford to lie because he was gonna find out the truth. "My boyfriend...". I stammered. "What happened to your boyfriend?". He Asked... I tried to speak but tears were forming in my eyes already. "He broke up with me". I cried out. ?Nicklaus POV?? That anger that was vanishing returned back with full force.. I hate to see her crying, it hurts me badly. "Your boyfriend, Daniel?". I asked angrily. She nodded in tears. "Cheer up sis, why don't we take a ride?". I whispered into her ear.. Elisa knew what i meant by a ride, i was gonna beat the fucking crap out of Daniel. Found someone i was gonna pour my anger on.. ?KINGDOM OF AMAZON? Amazon was ruled by a queen called, Cecile, she was respected for her courage and strength, she was also part of the trade federation in the galaxy. Her Daughter, Morgana was a ruthless lady, She was immortal just as her mother and everyone feared her all over the kingdom. ??Morgana's POV I stepped out of shower completely naked as i closed the door behind me. "Eric!". I called out. Eric was one of my guards, temporal guard as i employ new guards everyday. The door flung open and he entered without knocking. He stood shocked staring at my naked body. "Sorry ma'am". He Said quickly and made to leave. "You should have knocked you know, you move an inch and i kill you at that spot". I threatened.. I smiled seductively and bit my lower lips.. The poor dude fell into my trap. "You like what you see don't you?". I asked walking toward him. I grabbed him close and placed a kiss on his lips. His body iced up immediately and he dropped to the ground like a sculpture. That was Morgana's rule, no one sees me naked and go scout free. Every in the kingdom knows that rule so if you actually decides to see me naked, you're welcome dear but that's the last thing you were gonna see.. I wield the power of ice.. So whenever I kiss anyone, you freeze. "Damon!". I called out. Damon was my personal guard as he was always careful not to fall into my trap. "Excuse me ma, May i come in". He Asked. "Wait a sec". I said and wrapped a towel around my chest. "Clear". I said and he entered. "Is my ride ready?". I asked. "Yes..". He Replied. "Good. Dispose this thing in the coffin". I said. I got lot of coffins underneath my room, that was were i dispose all frosted bodies. Eighty percent were men and the remaining twenty percent were ladies, mostly my maids. They were not dead yet, it was only gonna take twenty years for the ice to melt off. "What's the count now?". I asked. "two hundred ma'am". he replied dragging the statue away. #TBC
28 Jul 2020 | 18:43
New episode o @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @math @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor... abeg invite other. Thanks
28 Jul 2020 | 18:57
29 Jul 2020 | 07:08
Young lady you are wicked....
29 Jul 2020 | 13:06
Mr man you just released a lady this morning, why are you after another one again....
29 Jul 2020 | 13:08
Ride on sir...nice
29 Jul 2020 | 19:20
Morgana, u are heartless
29 Jul 2020 | 20:06
?️?Frozen Love?️ ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ ??️Episode Two?️ _______________________ ??Nicklaus POV?? My private Jet lands on the outskirt of the kingdom and the stairs projected out. My sister lead the the way as we bounced out and the stairs closed up like a door. "Your boyfriend lives on this village?". I asked taking off my shades. "It's not a village Klaus, he just choose not to leave inside the kingdom". Elisa replied me. "Really?". I said and turned to my pilot. "Fly around". I shouted. Elisa gave me that cold stare. She was afraid to ask me not to hurt her boyfriend but she knows me too well already. "Let's go". I said and walking forward. "Klaus!" ". She called and i turned back. " Please i just need you beg him ". She said. What did she just say? Did she forget that Prince Nicklaus begs no one? Oh well.... I took off my jacket and threw it off which she caught. " Sure ". I whispered forcing a smile. ????Elisa's POV Right now i was scared to my toes. I only wanted Nicklaus to have a peaceful conversation with my boyfriend Daniel but i actually forgot Klaus settles nothing with anyone. He deals with you until you're ready to yield to whatever he says. I couldn't beg him as that would elevate his anger. I saw the gun tucked inside his belt and i gasped. There was only one reason Klaus would take off his royal Jacket. I raised my head up slowly and there was Klaus already Approaching the bungalow. "Klaus". I shouted running after him. He kicked open the door of the building and entered. Fear grip me as i increase my pace to catch up with him. ?Daniel POV? I was playing chess with my friends as usual. I gamble a lot as i could maneuver my way to win the game. We were interrupted as the door dropped down and there stood the prince of Persia. Fear gripped me at that moment. The prince hardly leaves the Palace except he needed to settle scores with someone. That was when i remembered i had broken up with his sister that day. Elisa was my girlfriend for about two years now and i actually loved her but my parents have a different view. They want me to let go of her saying the royal family were wicked individuals. Had no choice than to let go of her but seems the evil brother was here to take his pound of flesh. "I can see you're celebrating!". He roared and the men in the room shivered. Everyone fears the immortal prince. "My prince". I said quickly but that didn't stop him from grabbing me to the wall. ??Elisa's POV?? I rushed into the room and i saw Nicklaus grabbed Daniel to the wall. If I said I was shocked then am a terrible liar. I expected nothing less, now the worse awaits Daniel. I pitied him but i couldn't lie to Nicklaus, he was gonna find out if i lied and he was not gonna trust me again. I preferred loosing Daniel than my dear brother. "How dare you?". Nicklaus roared and flung Daniel away. ?Daniel POV I crashed roughly to the ground and groaned. "Am sorry my prince it was only a prank". I lied. "You liar!". I heard him scream and he kicked away the table that was an obstacle to him. That was when i saw my friends pointing their guns at Elisa. Oh no, threatening Nicklaus was proportional to digging your grave. "Let go of him". I heard them shout. Elisa's POV I wasn't scared as the men pointed their guns at me. Although am not immortal but they dared not to shoot me. Nicklaus turned back slowly and erupt into laughter. His eyes began to glow red and i knew the worst was about to happened. He roared loudly and a wave of fire from his mouth threw the men outside. They landed on the ground and some died instantly. The rest ran helter skater trying to put off the fire on their bodies. Ops! I actually forgot to tell the power Nicklaus wield. He wield the power of fire so weapons looked like toys to him. He consumed whoever he wanted and no one questions him. "Please! I swear i was only pranking her, i still love her, She's still my girlfriend". I heard Daniel screaming. I didn't know what to believe, maybe he was saying the truth or........ A Young Lady catwalks from one of the Room in the building and Nicklaus retreats from Daniel slowly. She was only on bra and a bum shot, Daniel's sister. This was Klaus weakness, beautiful ladies. "Why don't you let go of my brother and have me?". She said licking her lips seductively. She came to Daniel's rescue and Klaus fell for her body already. "Oh well, you know you don't have to tell me". I heard him whispered. Before i could say ba, he grabbed her and kissed her roughly pushing her into the room. The door banged close and i gasped. Daniel staggered up and his face had bruises. "Am sorry". He Said in tears. I hugged him tightly and rubbed his back. "Am sorry too". I whispered into his ear. ?KINGDOM OF AMAZON? ????Morgana's POV The crowd gave way as i marched into the hall where my mother was passing a speech to the citizens. I was on a black coat whose collar projected up to to my face. My lips was painted red and my ear lashes black not excluding the short skirt i wore which exposed my laps making me look like the daughter of Lucifer. "I love you Morgana". I heard a voice by my left and i paused turning around slowly. There was he, the young man in the crowd. I smiled softly. "How about i blow ? you a kiss?". I asked. Everyone kept quite knowing the repercussion but that dude who seem to be a stranger in the kingdom shouted. "Give it to me princess". Oh well, i turned to where he was and blew a kiss at him, the frost from my mouth iced him up and i walked toward my mom. There was a kind of murmur from the crowd but who cares. Not even my mom has the gut to question whatever i do. "Am off to Persia mom". I whispered into her ear. "Stay safe dear". She said and kissed me on the fore head. I turned back and tranquility ensured immediately. Aha princess Morgana the she demon in disguise. ??KINGDOM OF PERSIA?? Elisa's POV I reconciled with Daniel and he confessed to me that it was the idea of his parent to break up with me, we then resolved to keep our relationship hidden from people, with that his parent ain't gonna know sh*t about us. But where the heck was Nicklaus? I could groans and moans from the room and anger boiled in my System. Well What could i do? I brought my brother to resolve a problem but right now he's making out with a lady, change of plan i guess. "Am going home Klaus". I shouted as the moans died down. "Wait a sec". I heard his voice from the room. He walked out putting on his cloth and i shook my head negatively. He turned to Daniel like he was gonna continue from where he stopped. "We've settled Klaus. Can we go home now? ". I asked. "The next time you break up with my sister, they'll be no mercy". He threatened. "Says who? The one who was got crazy for a woman's beauty". I thought. He Turned slowly to me and i threw his royal jacket. He caught it and put it on. "Sure". He Said and we walked out. His private jet landed and the stairs projected out. His personal guard hurried out followed by five other guards. "She's in the kingdom sir". I heard the personal guard say. "Who?". Klaus asked. "Morgana my Prince, her jet was seen flying into the city". I could see anger and fury on Klaus face as he clenched his fist. "Instruct all fighter jets to assemble in the sky, right away". He shouted. "But sir the king is around, he wouldn't authorize that ". I heard on the guard saying.. Nicklaus turned to him and burned him to ash with the fire from his hand. I gasped and took few steps back. " Stay here ". He Said And i nodded. I watched as he got into his jet and i took off. I stood on that spot wondering why the two immortal were after each other. Morgana was called the daughter of Lucifer and Nicklaus son of the devil. I actually wonder what's the difference between Lucifer and Devil? #TBC
30 Jul 2020 | 05:55
Another totori episode is here o.. @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor @olumlam @emmrots @buloukeme @sisangood1 ... abeg invite other. Thanks
30 Jul 2020 | 05:55
Eliza am also wondering with you .... But Morgana and Klaus have d xame problem..them no send anybody
30 Jul 2020 | 08:32
Sir @coolval222-2 my stories are not added to today's updated stories. i dont know the reasons pls do something
30 Jul 2020 | 15:38
31 Jul 2020 | 00:22
?️?Frozen Love?️? ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ ?️Episode Three ?️ _______________________ ??Nicklaus POV?? I was extremely angry to hear that Morgana was in my kingdom, seems she got guts huh. "Where was she seen last?". I asked my personal guard. "The black market sir but she might be taking her leave now". He Replied me. "Where are the fighter jets?". I asked. "They're in position sir, there's no way she'll escape with her crew". He Said. "Good, land the jet, over there". I said pointing out through the window. My pilot drift to the left with the jet and successfully landed. I bounced out as the stairs projected out, i didn't wait for it as i jumped out. I landed on the ground and took off my shades. "Have the men to search all perimeter in the black market". I shouted. My personal guard led the guards out all armed with electric sub machine gun. That was when a pink Jet flew past us. "That's the jet". My guard shouted. I fvcking wait for no jet as i conjured fire from my body. I flew up and dashed after the plane. Ahead was my fighter jet as they fired missiles at Morgana's jet but the pilot seem to be skilled. I charged my System with more fire as i dived and caught the wing of the jet. I climbed to the top and with my bear hands tore upon the roof. A great deal of ice hits me and he landed on the roof. That Was When She jumped out and landed on the roof. ????Morgana's POV?? "Oh my Geez, the Prince Of Persia is here ". I said mockingly. Nicklaus seems to get angry the more as he bounced back to her feet. " You shouldn't have step your feet on this Kingdom you know ". He Said Angrily. " Says who? The idiotic prince? ". I asked with eyes opened. He charged at me with all fury but i flee over and landed behind him, tried kick him but he caught my leg and wanting to throw me off board. Not so easy as i roared frost on him turning him into sculpture. I knew it wasn't gonna last, I walked to kick him but a missile hits my he causing me to lose my stamina. The ice melts from Nicklaus body and he smiled wickedly. Yeah, Morgana's frost or icy kiss are nothing to him. I'll just waste a kiss as he has the ability to melt it off. Trying to regain my stamina, he grabbed me off the jet and we kept exchanging punches in the air until we crashed on the ground. I groaned and staggered back to my feet. Well i don't have time for Klaus right now, i came for something else and i can't risk the goods on the get getting damaged. He was trying to get up when i iced him and flew back to my jet. ??Nicklaus POV?? I shook off the ice and watched as her jet flew out of the kingdom. I was really angry with my self. Spent all my energy having s*x with a woman and now i looked like a puppet in front of Morgana. Had little strength to fight her. Even though she was immortal, that means i couldn't kill her, i had plans to imprison her, somewhere she can't escape. My jet lands in front of me and my guard rushed out. "My prince". He Said. "Keep shut Abruzzi, just an ordinary jet your men couldn't take down". I shouted. "Sir, the pilot seems to be...". "Be a what?.. The next time such mistake is made I'll serve you your fingers on a tray". I said and climbed the stairs. I could see fear in their faces. Just what I wanted. That Was what i always do, i don't accept am the cause of a failure. I found my way into one of the seat and the pilot took off. Getting to the Palace i was i formed that my father wants to see me. Seriously? Dad hates me like a plague so for whatever reason he awaits my presence then it's nothing good. Found my way into his chamber and knelt with my heads bow. "You want to see me father". I said. "No, i want you talk into that empty skull of yours". He shouted and then i knew i was in for trouble. "Father". I said raising to my feet slowly. "You idiot you want to ruin the peace in this land, what were you thinking to wage war against Morgana?". He Asked angrily. "This is the last time am going to warn you son, stop this stupidity, you can't kill her neither can she kill you, i thought you have let go of the grudges but you were waiting for her to step into the kingdom". "How does that affect you father? This is between Morgana and i?". I said angrily. "You dare not speak back at me son, do you how many people dies every time you fight, you know what, you're hereby restricted from Commanding the fighter jets". Father said and i was so shocked And angry that I spoke something i regretted of. "F*ck you father, damn!". I shouted and then i knew i was doom. Father could bear anything i say to his face but not when i use Swear words. My father disappeared and i swallowed hard the saliva in my mouth. He appeared before me and touched me. I guess i forgot to tell that my father had teleportation powers. I appeared in a prison and tried to use my powers but it didn't work. "Am sorry father". I shouted holding on to the iron gate but i knew my screams wouldn't reach where he was.. Do place was called the prison of damnation. Here i can't use my powers, that means no escaping. ????Elisa's POV?? i returned back to the Palace only to discover father had imprisoned Nicklaus. I broke down in tears and couldn't stop crying. My boyfriend was kidnapped by some hooligan at the outskirt of the kingdom and sooner or later they were gonna kill him. Klaus was my hope as i returned confidently to the Palace but my brother was locked up. I dared not beg my father else he'll throw me into prison too. I loved Daniel, i needed to save before they kill him. Why didn't i have powers like everyone else in the family, maybe its because am the last child in the royal family. I walked slowly toward Nicholas's room. Nicholas was the second child and an enemy of Nicklaus. I hope he listens to me, my fears was his pervert attitude, he always want to have s*x every woman he sets his eyes on. Even me, his sister, he didn't care committing Incest, he tried to lure me a certain time but Nicklaus gave him an unforgettable torture. I knocked gently on the door and he Peeped out. "Hey sister, i heard your boyfriend is in prison". He Said. When he said boyfriend, he actually meant Nicklaus not Daniel. "I need your help". I said. "Well you could come in". He whispered. "Don't Worry, am fine here". "Good". He Said staring seductively at me. I pushed him and walked away. Asking for Nicholas help was a bad idea i guess. Now I was left with two choice. I ask for mother's help or Shania, my half sister. No, definitely not Shania, She's jealous because Klaus protect me so.... "Elisa!". I heard my name and turned back slowly. I was shocked to see Shania practicing magic between the two large pillars in the Palace.. "Nicklaus is not here to save you, you know". I heard her say as she catwalks toward me. #TBC
31 Jul 2020 | 03:20
?️?Frozen Love?️? ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ ?Episode Four? _______________________ ??Elisa's POV "What do you want Shania?". I asked moving back. "You sound scared sissy, are you alright?". She asked walking toward me. "Stay back Shania, i want no trouble". I said. She Snapped her finger and a sword appeared. I gasped and she chuckled wickedly. "I was with no sword and you were afraid so what happens when i hold one". She said and threw the sword away. "um. I'll just take my leave". I stammered wanting to walk away. "Not so fast Elisa, you want something don't you". She Asked. I turned back slowly and nodded. "Nicklaus is in jail so you seek a new guard".. She said and i frowned. "I love that face sis. What do you want?". She Asked. "My boyfriend was kidnapped and i....". I was saying and she cuts in sharply. "You want me to rescue him?". I nodded slowly. "Good let's make a deal". "What deal?". I asked. "You get brother Nicklaus to fall in love with me and I will do whatever you want". She said licking her lips. "What did you just say?". I asked. "You heard me right sissy". She said. "Klaus loves everyone in the family, it's you guys who hates him". I shouted. "You should know the love i talk about Elisa, the way he loves you, you know....". She said and stood in front on me. "You know am beginning to suspect you guys do the thing you know". She said winking. "What's Wrong with you Klaus is your brother ". I shouted. " Half you know how long i have my eyes on him.... ". She Whispered into my ear. I pushed her away angrily. " You're such a pervert and a jerk ". I shouted and ran as fast as I could. Shania would kill me if i lingered in her presence. Now i was left with one option, I'll go save him my self. That's stupid i got no powers but maybe i could threaten the kidnappers to let go of Daniel. I thought as i entered into my Lamborghini vehicle, i started the ignition and rode away speedily. ????Morgana's POV I paced around in anger as i discovered that one of the weapons i bought from the black market had fallen of the jet during the attack. Nicklaus must pay for this, yes he must pay for it. "Where's my mother?". I asked Damon my personal guard. "She left for a meeting at the council". He Said. "Good timing". I whispered. "What do you want ma'am?". Damon asked me. "Prepare all fighters we're going to capture that son of a bitch". I shouted. ??Nicklaus POV?? There i was in the prison, alone with rats who were my companion. This was all Morgana's fault and when am out of here, She's gonna pay for it. I was sketching out my plan with a piece of pen on the ground when i heard footsteps. I rose my head and saw Abruzzi coming down the stairs with a pair of key. Aha as i always say, my guards ain't to protect me but to do my dirty jobs. "Where's my father?". I asked as he unlocked the door. "He's off to a meeting at the council".He said and i nodded. I walked out and felt my powers return back to me. "Have you sent someone to pick my sister?". I asked climbing the stairs. "Yes but i don't think she's in the Palace right now". Abruzzi said and i paused. "Where's she?". I asked. "The Last time I saw her she was speaking with your sister". Abruzzi said. I smelt something fishy and i decided to investigate it. When was the last time Elisa spoke with Shania? I walked into Shania's chamber where she practiced magic and there she was playing with a python that have been induced with magic. She was facing the wall so she didn't actually see me. Maybe she heard my footsteps. "Seems you finally choose to take my offer Elisa". She said. "What offer?". I asked and she froze. "Where's my sister?". I shouted in anger. "What do i have to do with Elisa brother? She's your sister not mine". She spat out. "One more word from and I'll cut out that filthy tongue of yours". I said and saw her shook in fear. "Am gonna ask for the last time where is my sister or you know better what i can do?". I threatened. "She said her boyfriend was kidnapped and wanted someone to help him, i guess she went to save him". She replied. "Why didn't you help her?". "K guess you forgot you were same person who instructed me not to get close to your sister, that was evil right?". She said with a wicked smile. I felt like ripping her into two at that very spot. I dashed out of the room with full speed, Elisa must be in danger. ????Elisa's POV I didn't have the guts to ask my mother for help so i went by myself with hopes of threatening the kidnapper. I entered into the place and they all pointed their guns at me. "What are you gonna do? Kill the king's daughter, he's gonna kill all of you, my brother Nicklaus Is on his way here so if you love your lives let go of him now". I threatened even though i knew Klaus wasn't coming. To my out most surprise they burst into laughter. Everyone in the kingdom knows everything about the royal family, your parent care no shit about you and your over protective brother is currently behind bars ". The man who seem to be their leader said. Oh my God, did i just walk into the lion's den all by myself. I turned and made to run but two of them grabbed me by the hand. They were five of them in the room all armed with several weapons. " Why don't we have a taste of the king's daughter?". The leader said and they laughed. Two of them grabbed my hands down to the table and the other two my legs. I struggled had but they were stronger that I. They pulled off my cloths and i was on bra, they tried pulling off my tight trouser when the head of their leader detached from the neck. "That's the last time you'll ever see". A voice echoed in the room and the light went off. In the twinkle of an eye it returned and there laid the men, dead with their heads decapitated. That Was When i saw Nicklaus cleaning his royal sword with the curtain. He slides it into his sheath and turned to me. "You shouldn't have come alone you know". He said. I hugged him tightly pressing my chest against his. "Klaus? ". I whispered. "Nice b**b". He whispered and i punched his hand playfully. That Was Nicklaus, he could say all the dirty thing he wants to say but having sex with his sister was far of him. That's why i trust him, than any other person in the family. I loosed my boyfriend from the chair and kissed him in excitement. Nicklaus handed over a key to Daniel and we wondered what the key was for. "It's dangerous living out here, Dana Street, That's a key to my Bungalow on that street, you could live there". Nicklaus said and walked out. "Where are you off to brother?". I asked, Klaus wouldn't just leave like that. "Morgana was Sighted heading for the kingdom with her army". He Said. "So...?". I asked but he snubbed me. "Tell Me Nicklaus what happened to you guys, you were lovers?". I said and his countenance changed. I could see anger, fury, destruction every negatively all written in his red eyes. "You Don't Need To know". He Said And flew over. Nicklaus and Morgana were lovers since childhood and promised to get married so they could merge the two Kingdom together. He often sneaked out of the kingdom to see Morgana while i covered for him, they grew up with the unbending love not until one day when Nicklaus returned home with fury after going to visit her. Right from that day they've been on constant war, no one could unravel the cause and whenever i Asked Klaus he did what he always do. Red eyes and angry words at me. Morgana was my best friend but she hated me ever since the war between Klaus and her. The last time i checked on her in Amazon, she Threatened to kill me if she ever sets her eyes on me. Two immortals trying to kill themselves, that's the craziest thing on planet Kepler. #TBC
31 Jul 2020 | 12:25
Another totori episode is here o.. @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor @olumlam @coolval222-2 @emmrots @buloukeme @sisangood1 @olamibibo ... abeg invite other. Thanks This story does not get the attention I need maybe I should stop posting it. Because I think no one is ready to read
31 Jul 2020 | 12:27
Hmmmm odikwa risky o, when 2 powers jam d lesser one will bow, Let's see hw it goes. @olamibobo u kn get shaking at all.
31 Jul 2020 | 14:38
Bia Comely no allow me 2 disfigure ur smtin there o, u better behave nd post d smtin o.
31 Jul 2020 | 14:44
Oya try it @ladyg i hav suspend d story biko
31 Jul 2020 | 17:06
Nicklaus is immune to Morgana's frost, they were once lovers and now hate each other hmmmmm
31 Jul 2020 | 17:35
I like this story a lot and wouldn't want it to be suspended especially the Prince of Persia who happens to be named after my favourite fictional vampire 'Klaus Mikaelson'... they are both bad asses Carry on @thecomely
31 Jul 2020 | 17:41
Love this story already
31 Jul 2020 | 19:02
1 Aug 2020 | 03:58
Continue please...
1 Aug 2020 | 12:46
?️?Frozen Love?️? ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ ?Episode Five? ______________________ ??Nicklaus POV?? Aha the bastard had the gods to bring an army against me. She just made the biggest mistake of her life, am gonna make sure she don't escape this time around. I flew out of the moving jet and made a perfect land on the ground. I looked back and saw my army of fighter jets all behind me ready for war.. I climbed a huge stone and stared at Morgana's army which were few meter from me. I saw her stepped out of an armored vehicle, i must admit she was dressed in a seductive apparel that will make any man fall for her but not me, her beauty can never override my hatred for her. She came to seduce my men right? Aww when am done with her, she'll regret ever coming here. "You're no match for me Morgana". I thought drawing out my sword. ????Morgana's POV There he was, the son of the bitch, his time was up, that weapons cost me lot of diamonds and now it's all gone, all because of him. Hmm. He brought an army against me, well i am an army and it's about time..... I caught one of warrior men staring at my exposed bre*st, i didn't think twice before slitting his throat with my icy fingers. "Warning to all of you, the prince is our focus, if i see anyone else stripping me naked with his eyes well...". I said caressing the large sword i held. It's about time i silence Nicklaus for once... Everyone seem to be confused what happened between Klaus and i but it's actually non of your business, it's my cause. I watched as he conjured fire from his body. "Fighter jets in position, take down everything in your path". I shouted transforming my sword into an ice version... Nicklaus and I ran at each other with all fury. Elisa's POV?? I drove Daniel to his new home and bid him good bye with a kiss before jumping back into the car. "Activate jet protocol 050". I said. "Permission to activate jet settings to default". I heard a robotic voice from the car. "Yes. Fvcking activate it". I shouted. "Jet Activation in process... Please wait!". Was displayed on my wind screen. The roof opened and From the sides of the door wings of jet grew out. "Activision Complete". "Thanks".. I stepped on the accelerator and my vehicle pulled off with full speed, just moved a few metre before before it flew into the sky. Even though my parents hate me they still provide classic things for me you know. I struggled hard to control the car in the air as that was my time using the jet part of the car. My plan was to try and settle things between Klaus and Morgana. Although i knew it dangerous trying to ensure peace between the two immortal but i had that faith that they would not kill me. I was shocked as my jet flew into the battlefield, there was smoke everywhere and disintegrated jets. A missile from Morgana's army hits my car so hard. They must have thought me to be one their enemies. Although am a timid person, i have my life to save, no time to be scared Elisa. I wore the parachute bag and flew out just before the car exploded. Mid air and pressed the two buckle by to the bag and the parachute was released. I Landed safely on the ground and took off the bag. I covered my mouth as tears formed in my eyes. There was hundred of lifeless bodies all over the ground. I can't believe that they all died in less than ten minutes. I looked around to know if there was survivors but none, even the fighter jets that that destroyed my vehicle had crashed down too. The only thing that moved in the battlefield was a bosom of fire and ice fighting each other. I needed no one to tell me It was Klaus and Morgana. Only a crazy being would be able to explain the fight because what i see right now was flashes of blue and red colors. They were moving so fast that the only think I could hear was the clanging of swords and....... I paused raising my head up slowly. There was a black jet headed for the battlefield. "You guys need to stop this insanity right now". I shouted but the reply i got was dusts they caused. "Klaus, father is here". I shouted in other to separate the fight but only if I knew father was going to be there. Klaus turned to his human form and took off with an unimaginable speed I've never seen my entire life. So Klaus fears father, that was when i knew that Klaus must have broke out of father's prison. To my utmost surprise father appeared at the scene and he met only Morgana. He touched her and she disappeared. "How did you know i was coming?". He shouted and i swallowed the saliva in my mouth.. "I just guessed". I stammered. "Where's Nicklaus?". He shouted. "I don't know father".. "I said where is he?". Father said walking toward me. "He took of when i shouted you where here...i only wanted to stop the fight father... I swear i didn't know you were going to be here". I said in tears before he rained down his anger. "Get into the jet". He shouted as the black jet landed. ??Morgana's POV?? I appeared in the High Court of the council and i was so shocked to see judges, rulers and Spectators around me like i was a criminal and that that was when I discovered i was on metal cuffs.. I tried using my powers but it didn't work "Prince Nicklaus should be here soon?". I heard my mother's voice. ??Elisa's POV All efforts to find Klaus was all to no avail. My father searched and searched but couldn't find him. Then he came up with a terrible idea which made me hate him from that moment. He sent for Abruzzi, Klaus's personal guard and asked him carry out the plan. The plan was Nicklaus loves me so much and will do anything to protect me so what happens if someone tries to kill me. Father proposed that If they tried to kill me in public Klaus was gonna show up. I couldn't stop crying, i couldn't believe a father could do this to his family. Abruzzi pushed me outside while been followed by royal guards. Outside the Palace Spectators watched in anticipation wondering i have done. There were protesters saying i had done nothing but what could they could. I was tied to a pillar and the firing squad all assembled below me with their guns. My father announced that i was to be killed for helping Klaus escape. I thought this was the plan and they were only gonna pretend they wanted to shot me. Only if I knew father meant it. "All hands on trigger....". I heard Abruzzi say. "Please Abruzzi don't do this". I begged in tears... "Steady.... Steady... Fire!". He shouted. The men fired at me and i thought that was the end of me but from nowhere someone covered me receiving all the bullets to his body.. I perceived the perfume scent from his body, it was Nicklaus. I watched him rushed at the firing squad and decapitated them in seconds. "I trusted you Abruzzi". I heard him say and forced his sword into his stomach. He rushed at me and began to cut off the rope. "It's a trap Nicklaus". I shouted In tears. "I know". He Replied And someone appeared at his back. Even before I could think of screaming father touched Nicklaus and he disappeared. "Why don't we go see your brother's fate?". Father whispered. ??Nicklaus POV?? i appeared in the High Court on cuffs... Seeing the cuffs i didn't even think of using my powers. As long as the cuffs were on my wrist there's no way i can use magic. I didn't care to pay attention as the judge and lawyers laid several accusation on Morgana and I, i could hear them we were Killers and not less than four thousand men had died during our constant war. I couldn't help but chuckle, thought it had clicked ten thousand. ??Morgana's POV?? The lawyers were just saying shit.. I couldn't believe my mom actually brought me to court. She always acted cool with all i did.. Hmm she had an underground plan for me all this while.. She's such a jerk but what can the court do. They can't kill us, we're immortals and they couldn't put us in prison, we'll find out. We were asked to sign a peace treaty that we'll never wage war against each other but i ain't doing that sh*t, Klaus wasn't ready to do the sh*t also. Everyone knew even though we signed it, we were still gonna go against it. ??Nicklaus POV?? "Since the two of you ain't actually ready to sign the peace treaty.. The council have concluded with this....". I heard the judge say And paused. They couldn't do anything to me, they'll end up letting me go a free man and I'll find a way to avenge my father for trying to kill Elisa, only if I knew what awaits me.. " You're hereby banished from planet Kepler to the milky way galaxy..a planet of mortal.. You shall be hereby stripped of your immortality and supernatural powers.. You live as mortals from now onward.. But there's only one way you could return and regain your royal status... You two fall in love again... True love...You are now charged to see yourselves daily, failure to do so, ten years shall be stripped from your ages.. This Is our judgment. Morgana and i couldn't stop laughing, this was a joke right? "No... You can't do that... Let my brother go!". I heard a crying voice. Turning to the left Elisa's crying profusely. The Guards held her tightly so she wouldn't get to me. "We now implement the sentence". The judge said. "No!". I heard Elisa screamed out so loud. The scream was ultrasonic as it caused everything made of glass in the hall to Shatter. I could believe my eyes, i always wondered why Elisa was the only one in the family without powers. She only needed someone to trigger the power and that was me. It was then i discovered the scream didn't only Shatter glasses but melted everything made of metal in the hall including my cuffs. Morgana whose cuffs were gone too and i ran at each other with full speed but an invisible force hits us away. That Was all i remembered last. ?Galaxy: Milky Way? ?Planet: Earth? ??Location: South Korea?? A portal appeared in the sky and Nicklaus fell out, he staggered to his feet and looked around him. "Where is this place? There's no such place on Kepler". He Said looking around. He Tried using his powers but it didn't work. He took a sharp glass and cut himself, it pain him so deep and it didn't heal. "Am a mortal?". He stammered and remembered what the judge said. " this can't be true... Nooooo". He screamed. ????Meanwhile Morgana fell out of a black hole in the sky and looked around before jumping to her feet. "Where's this?". She said in confusion. She was on a normal dress and not the seductive type she was wearing in the court. She tried to conjure ice but it didn't work. Her powers were gone. She felt something passing through her skin and when she checked it out. Her hand was bleeding, she didn't cut herself how the hell did it happen. "Hello!". She said waving at a group of boys walking down the streets. They looked different, people in Kepler don't dress like this. One of them walked up to her and licked his lips. "Hey babe what's up?". He Asked. "Where's this place?". Morgana asked. "Min Yo street". He Replied. "Min what? Where's that?". She Asked. "Seoul City, South Korea, are you lost?". He Asked. "What the heck is North Korea?". She thought. "Is this planet earth?". She Asked and he chuckled softly. "Go home lady, you're drunk". He Said and walked away. "You can't believe this guys, she Asked if this planet earth". She heard him telling his friends.. "Maybe she's a lost alien". One of them said jokingly and they laughed as they walked away. Only if they knew she was indeed an alien. #TBC
1 Aug 2020 | 18:37
Look at what hatred has caused u guys bt wat could ve caused dis kind of hatred bw dis 2 fools ? Anyway i will find out soon. Comely thank ur chi dat u posted dis story wetin i 4 do u ehnn ur eyes for see ur back.
1 Aug 2020 | 20:07
Time to hustle for true love... [color =blue] Morgana [/color] [color =green] X [/color] [color =red] Klaus [/color]
2 Aug 2020 | 11:33
Next please
3 Aug 2020 | 01:12
?️?Frozen Love❤️ ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ ???Episode Six??? ______________________ Nicklaus pushed open the door of a mansion and entered. He was shocked to see that every single thing in the place was the same with the one back at Kepler. Did the council bring his mansion down here to this place? Ridiculous. Well it was better than leaving him on the street to start a new life. He was actually lamenting on the problem Morgana had cause when he noticed the mansion in front of him. He decided to check it out only to discover it was his private home back at Kepler. "Home sweet home". Nicklaus said walking in. He bounced through the stairs and looked down on the living room. "The Council thought sending me down to earth will make me forgive Morgana so i can return, fvcking idiots, feed yourself with my royal status, care not about it". He said entering into the qkitchen. Then the thoughts of Elisa hits him and he sat on a chair with a solemn face. "I Hope all is well with her, i won't be there to protect her again". He said and covered his mouth. "Stay safe Elisa, i know you can't hear me sister but always remember that i love you and will go everything to protect you but not this time, the only way I can return is to fall in love with Morgana, that i can and will never do, i saw what you did at the court, can't express my happiness, everyone will be scared of you and if anyone tries to do shit always give the shitty scream right to their face ". Nicklaus said and chuckled as tears formed in his eyes. " I'll miss you Elisa ". He whispered cleaning the tears in his eyes. ?Elsewhere?? Morgana noticed the building in front of her and stared at it with keen interest. She opened the gates and walked in. "How was someone able to build a house exactly as the one i had in Amazon". She thought. She pushed open the door and walked through the corridor. Everything in the building it was hers, the council are damn crazy. She kicks open the door of her room and entered. "If the council think sending me down here will change shit then they're wrong , i give no damn about my princess self, I'll just start a new life and...". She said and jumped on her giant bed. "Be the badass girl i was".. She chuckled loudly. ??KINGDOM OF PERSIA?? Elisa could be seen staring at the skies from her window as she sobbed gently. "I know you're someplace in the galaxy, trying to cope with where they have taken you to..It's not up to an hour Nicklaus and am missing you already... I know you too well Nicklaus you won't forgive Morgana and i can't change that...wherever you are, stay safe now that you're immortal..don't get into trouble because i don't want to lose whatever direction this goes.. I know one day I'll get to see that cute face of yours once again ". She said and sniffed. " I know it will be hell now that everyone knows i have hidden powers but you need not to worry me, worry about your self Klaus and always remember when everyone hates you Elisa will always love you ". She said and burst into tears. " Shania loves him too ". Elisa heard a voice and turned back slowly. " What do you want Shania? ". Elisa asked. " Just want to apologize for what I did earlier today.. I thought Nicklaus was a cruel been but after all he did for you today i know we his haters are the cruel being, am missing his presence in the Palace already ". Shania said and tears formed in her eyes. Elisa drew her close and hugged her tightly. ??SOUTH KOREA?? Nicklaus was woken up but the noise of the electric bell on the door. He rubbed his eyes and opened the door. " Hold on! ". He shouted wondering who could be at his door this morning. He just got here, meaning no one knew him and he could swear with his life that it was not Morgana. If it was her then she catalyze her death wish because he was going to kill her when he set his eyes on her. They weren't mortal again so immortality goodbye. He opened the door and was shocked to see the person standing in front of him. "Abruzzi!". He shouted. "Hello boss". Abruzzi said. Nicklaus pulled him in and grabbed his neck to the wall. "How did you get here?". He Asked. "council implementing the law, the guards of the prince and princess sent down to continue their works". Abruzzi said.. "You idiot i trusted you and i killed you didn't I?". Nicklaus asked releasing him from his grip. "Your sword missed vital organs i guess and the healed me". Abruzzi said. "You made a big mistake coming back here because am gonna kill you right away". Nicklaus said. "I know my prince, i deserve it and i know how you loved your sister sister so much but your father was gonna kill me if i didn't". Abruzzi said. "That's no excuse for trying to kill Elisa". Nicklaus shouted wanting to grab him. "Am sorry my prince but you felt the bullet didn't you, it was fake bullets, i did it for her so if you didn't show up but you did ". Abruzzi said. Nicklaus tapped him on the shoulder and smiled softly. "So good to have you back Abruzzi, how was my sister before you left?". Nicklaus asked climbing the stairs with Abruzzi. "She's now a celebrity you know, news of her powers is traveling round Kepler, she's in safe hands". "Good to know, I hope you'll be loyal now that am mortal". Nicklaus asked. "Am always at your service my prince, always and forever". "Good, i don't have my powers down here doesn't mean that i don't remember all combat techniques father thought me back then i can still kill you with my bare hands". Nicklaus said and they laughed. "So What do you intend to do next prince?". Abruzzi asked lighting a cigar for Klaus. He collected it and took in the smoke. He puffed out the smoke and turned to Abruzzi. "Checked all the treasures and money i kept in the house and they're all a new currency.kindly hi omeano on+233544142683 to be added to Novela and story room, house of stories,fresh stories kingdom, storybaze,, Storyline, unlimited story platform to get more of such stories. Spent my night doing research on this place and discovered the council had converted my treasures and money to South Korean won".Nicklaus said. "What's that?". Abruzzi asked. "That's the currency used here, the council made everything easy for me". Nicklaus said laughing. "i think you'll need a maid boss, you know am not a good cook". Abruzzi said. "Good idea Abruzzi, Just find anyone who wants the job and I'll interview them". Nicklaus said. "You're the Boss my prince". Abruzzi said and left. ?Meanwhile? "Good to have you here Evelyn". Morgana said walking into the kitchen. "The council had to choose between Damon and I, finally chose me". A Young Lady who was doing the dishes replied. "Don't do anything silly down here Evelyn, the fact that I don't have power...". Morgana said and raised her skirt up. Around her lap was a gun in a pink holster. "Notify me when you're done". Morgana said and walked away. She pushed open the door and walked out of the house. She closed her eyes feeling the wind pass through her skin. She opened her eyes as she felt a presence. There's was a young man standing at her front.. "Hey alien babe". He Said and she recognized him immediately. "I only asked for your help last night so if you would, take your leave with immediate effect". Morgana said licking her lips. "You know babe i admire your beauty and....". Morgana pulled out the gun under her skirt and kissed it. "No one sees me naked and leave to tell the story". She Whispered and his eyes opened wide. He took to his heel running as fast as he could. #TBC You guys reaction about this story have tire me....... Till I see changes new episode won't be dropped. Let keep reading common mistakes ladies makes in relationship... Thanks
3 Aug 2020 | 03:41
Another totori episode is here o.. @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor @olumlam @coolval222-2 @emmrots @buloukeme @sisangood1 @olamibobo ... abeg invite other. Thanks
3 Aug 2020 | 03:46
Nice work here....And I love the characters too
3 Aug 2020 | 14:02
How will they fight each other now without their powers? I love the council's decision Fire on @thecomely
4 Aug 2020 | 18:45
Am still trying to visualise how their first encounter would look like...Maybe they would fight publicly in the street or just behave like strangers to theirself
5 Aug 2020 | 09:06
@Thecomely ride on pls
5 Aug 2020 | 09:07
?️?Frozen Love?️? ?[Two Kingdom, One Quest]? ______________________ Episode Seven ______________________ Morgana tucked the gun into her holster and frowned. "Gosh! Korean dudes are fucking annoying, if this was Kepler, they saw it as nothing even if seeing the princess naked was the last thing they do". She thought. She jingled her Keys as he cat walks into the garage. There was a hell lot of flashy cars but she seem not to be impressed, preferred a jet to land transport. She hoped in banged the door close, she reversed the car speedily and plunged her leg on the accelerator. She drove so fast that she snubbed all traffic signal, she drift off her lane and two vehicles collide. She took a sum of money and flung it out of the window. "That for the fvcking damage". She shouted. She stopped by a boutique and bought lot of cloths. "Fvcking outdated cloths, wore something classic at Kepler, i guess I'll have to put on this grand ma cloth". She said. She paid for the dress she but and rolled the trolley away. She paused as she saw a man staring at her exposed lap. "Such an idiot". She spat out. "What did you say?". The man said holding her back. "Just get your hands off me and you'll get to see my as* while i walk out, bitch". She said. "You're a slut, ain't you ". He Asked. Morgana gasped and bite her lips. "Yeah,one you'll which you never met". Morgana said and before anyone could dictate what was happening. She kicked him on the crotch and he screamed dropping to his knees. She collected the bottle of milk he was holding and emptied the content on his hair. "Cute, you look honey". She said wanting to walk away. "Why did you do that to my Dad?". Asked a little girl. "What's your name pretty?". Morgana "Min Ho". She replied. "Just like your name you look mean". Morgana said and pushed the trolley away. She stopped and turned back. "Well Mean Hu or Ho whatever you call you, your dad stared at a forbidden fruit you know". Morgana said and threw one of the dress for the little girl. "Clean him up and get a doctor to replace his balls if i might have broken one". Morgana said and pushed the trolley away. She stopped by her car and transferred the dress into it. She Entered Into her car and made to drive when someone stood at the front of her vehicle. She opened the door and walked out. "Get away before i crush that chicken ? legs of yours". She shouted. "That's her". Morgana heard a voice and turned back. There was the little Min Ho and a cop walking toward her. "Mean Ho did you have problem replacing your father's balls?" ". Morgana asked with a silly smile. " Excuse me ma'am ". The Cop said. " Excuse me super man ". Morgana said. " You may have to.... ". Morgana cuts him sharply. " I may have to pay for balls transfer right?". She Entered Into her car and flung out a bunch of money. "That will do, bye Mean Ho". She said and drove away speedily. Morgana increased the volume of the radio as she hit the road. In Just a minute she arrived home and parked the car in the garage. Evelyn arrived a trolley and they transferred the cloths there. She pushed it away while Morgana followed after her. "Earth is so annoying". Morgana said running her hand though through her hair. "You ran into some troubles ma'am?". Evelyn asked. "probably broke the balls of a jerk and the daughter brought a Rescuer, of whom i paid some amount for balls transfer". Morgana said. "Did you say Rescuer?". Evelyn asked. "Yeah, a random dude on black outfit, white gloves, curvy Cap with a logo". Morgana said and Evelyn paused. "Get moving Evelyn". "Did you say Logo?". "Yeah. Any problem with that". Morgana asked. "That's a serious problem Ma'am, They're called cops and they make sure laws are enforced". Evelyn said. "So those shit called police on planet earth truly existed? Well what the f*UK can they do". "This isn't Kepler ma'am, they'll fine you and you'll pay whatever fine they request or they lock you behind bars". Evelyn said. "Got lot of money Evelyn". Morgana said. "Money can't bail you sometimes ma'am, more reason you should be careful with that gun". Evelyn said as they continued walking. "You didn't come here alone did you?". Morgana asked. "Abruzzi, Klaus' guard was sent down with me ". "And you know they're present location don't you". Morgana asked. "Yes ma'am i....". "You thought what you bitch!". Morgana shouted. "Thought you wanted to start a new life". "Not until I send the bastard to his grave". "For not telling me about it earlier your punishment goes thus, you clean up this and prepare a new meal". Morgana walking said toward the large table made of glass. Only if she knew it wasn't an ordinary glass. She kicked it with the aim to scatter the meal all over the ground but she screamed out holding her foot. "Damn! It hurts, it's painful". Morgana shouted sitting on the foot. She pulled off her heels and massaged her foot. "You idiot go get me some ice". Morgana screamed at Evelyn who was trying hard to conceal her laugher. ??Meanwhile?? Nicklaus walked out of the room in a black suit and a trouser. He screamed out feeling a pain on his foot. "Hey boss are you alright?". Abruzzi asked running up to him. "Yeah, a pain from nowhere hits my foot". Nicklaus said. "Maybe she hits her foot against something". Abruzzi said. "Who? What do you mean?". Nicklaus asked. "Ops! Guess the council didn't tell you, you and Morgana's body are kind of bonded now, she feel whatever pain you feel and she feels whatever pain you feel". Abruzzi said. "That means if i kill her, i die too, f*vk the council, how could try do this?". Nicklaus shouted. "You have to calm down prince the employees are here?". Abruzzi said. Nicklaus gasped and walked down the stairs in anger. He was angry at the council to have bind his body and that of Morgana. Now he couldn't hurt her. He was shocked to see a hell lot of people. " I only want one person Abruzzi ". Nicklaus said. "Boss you can't believe As soon as I rose the notice people began to troop in". Abruzzi said laughing. "You're crazy Abruzzi, how do you expect me to interview this crowd". Nicklaus shouted. "Am sorry boss". "And what are this male forks doing?". Nicklaus said. "They said they were good at making dishes". Abruzzi said. "Now I need all male folks to leave this place before i blow off your heads". Nicklaus said. Abruzzi helped in sending out the males and now it was ladies only. "How many left Abruzzi?". Nicklaus asked. "fifty boss". Abruzzi replied. "If your age is below thirty get the hell outta here". Nicklaus shouted. Some of the women left and Klaus turned to Abruzzi. "Twenty left boss". "If you're not on mini skirts get out". Nicklaus shouted. Abruzzi helped to push out some stubborn ladies that refused to leave. "Easy as hell boss, ten left". "Shut the hell up!". Klaus shouted. Klaus marched toward the lady and scanned her body with his eyes. "What's your name?". He Asked. "Chung Cha". She replied full of smiles. "Chu.. Chun... Oh damn, that sound difficult, get the hell out of my Empire". Nicklaus said. The lady left angrily. "Next?". He Said And the lady walked forward. "You ain't below 30, are you?". He Asked And the lady nods negatively. "No, i just want the job". She said. "Get this bitch out Abruzzi ". Nicklaus said. Abruzzi carried her away and she kept kicking into the air trying to break free from his grip. "There's someone in the you'll like to meet boss". Abruzzi said as he returned Nicklaus walked out and was shocked to see Morgana walking in through the gate. She pulled out the gun under her skirt and pointed it at him. Abruzzi pulled out his gun and pointed it at her toe. "retreat Abruzzi". Klaus said and he obeyed. "We ain't immortal again you know, right now you're at my mercy". Morgana said. "You think so, well the council forget to tell something important". Nicklaus said and took the knife in his suit. He cut himself on the on his palm and Morgana screamed dropping the gun. Her palm was bleeding so as that of Klaus. "Our bodies were bonded to share same pain now, so whatever pain i feel, you got your fvcking share and if i die, you die". Nicklaus said and she groaned angrily. "But nevertheless am gonna make you suffer down here on earth, i don't have to kill you since were bonded you know but i can make earth a hell for you". He spat out and she burst into laughter. "when am done with you Klaus, you'll seek my mercy, something you'll never find". She said and left angrily. Nicklaus returned back to the living room to continue his interview. "Sorry for the interruption, just a crazy kangaroo hoping around, so next?". Nicklaus said and a young beautiful lady walked forward. Nicklaus licked his lips as his eyes scanned through her body. "You got a name, don't you?". He Asked placing his hand on her shoulder. "Myung Hee". She replied. "she's disqualified right? The name sounds like that of a missing ghost". Abruzzi said. "Shut up Abruzzi or I'll serve you your tongue ". " Sorry boss ". " So Tell Me what meal can you cook? ". Nicklaus whispered caressing her neck with his fingers. " Um... Kimchi, Samgyeopsal, Daeji Bulgogi, Haejangguk, Sundubu Jjigae, Hoeddeok". She was saying when Klaus cuts in. "Abruzzi!". "What's she muttering?". Klaus said. "Honestly boss i got no idea".. #TBC
6 Aug 2020 | 10:18
Another totori episode is here o.. @ladyg @fb-danieledem @ele1 @timson7373 @hormortiyor @fb-leemass1 @iphemloid @emmy01 @ciarajessy @henrymary @itzprince @youngben @frankkay @internet @individual @jaylogo @enoch012 @fb-samuelajayi @paddy2x @harzaroboy @fb-ayotundeayodabo @senatordaniel @sheegokeys @royalgold @blinq @lawman-2 @akhenabor @olumlam @coolval222-2 @emmrots @buloukeme @sisangood1 @olamibobo ... abeg invite other. Thanks
6 Aug 2020 | 10:18
Funny story, like seriously, bond bodies? Just like Nigeria to have chance to sell their jobs they would advertise job for people below 25 years with master degree with 10 years post graduates experience
7 Aug 2020 | 12:47
Hmmmmmmmm Bond bodies Oya na start killing each other let's see. Next pls
7 Aug 2020 | 17:52
funny story
7 Aug 2020 | 18:00
8 Aug 2020 | 02:21
Miss Myung Hee,, he asked what food you can cook like beans,rice,fufu etc all those incantations dat u mentioned
9 Aug 2020 | 19:45
Am loving the recent changes in the site @Coolval222-2 ride on sire..
9 Aug 2020 | 19:47
ride on
17 Aug 2020 | 05:31
So funny
19 Sep 2020 | 10:24
What happened with this story? @thecomely
1 Nov 2020 | 05:39


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