[b]GUY CODE : Arguing the law with a cop when you're drunk is a good way to get yourself arrested.
GUY CODE : Looking at your ex's facebook is like sticking your hand in a fire; it burns but you didn't have to do it.
GUY CODE : Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams.
GUY CODE : If she drunk texts you when you're sleeping, don't text her back in the morning. Bro, that ship has sailed!
GUY CODE : If your girl is more interested in watching the world cup than anything else, marry her.
GUY CODE : When your girl starts being more annoying than cute, it's time to let her go.
GUY CODE : Thou shall not forsake thy bro, when he chooses hoes before bros.
GUY CODE : No bro likes to hear about that awesome time you had without them.
just passing by[/b]