HIRED BRIDE (season 2)

HIRED BRIDE (season 2)

By chaarls in 1 Nov 2018 | 18:47
chaarls chaarls

chaarls chaarls

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Due to some personal reason we paused our sweet story but We continue the story of kesley and mason.
stay tune

Follow this link if u missed season 1
1 Nov 2018 | 18:47
1 Nov 2018 | 20:54
wow diz story is bck agn
1 Nov 2018 | 21:50
Let the story continue to flow in
2 Nov 2018 | 11:12
Wow have missed it thanks for bringing it back
2 Nov 2018 | 13:39
at alert
2 Nov 2018 | 16:51
A/N: Y'all, what's up?! Just to clear some things up... Nope, this book is NOT finish. If you actually scrolled farther down from the previous chapter, I've actually stated on the author's note that I was just joking, this book is not over yet. So, will there be more updates? Yes, of course! There will be more to come ;) Anyway, Happy Reading :) Mason screamed and swept everything that were resting on his mahogany desk. The impact left a massive shattering sound on the ground. Nina flinched and cowered back from where she was standing as she watched her boss' beast unleashed from his deepest, darkest being. Ricky entered and glanced at the mess with furrowed brows. He then saw Nina at the corner of the room, scooting closer against the wall in fear. Ricky approached her and told her to leave. She quickly obliged and left as soon as she had her chance. She wasn't ready to face the monster yet. Sure, she had seen him angry before, but this was her first time witnessing him so furious to the point that he was turning mad crazy. "Get out!" Mason growled at his friend but Ricky wasn't about to back down and leave him in his worst state. When Ricky read the morning paper, he rapidly made his way to the company. He knew he needed to help his friend out. "Are you just gonna sulk there and let her leave? Are you not even going to call her, find her?" Ricky calmly asked him. Mason sighed and slid down against the wall, tilting his head upwards. Mason arrived from his trip early morning, at around three. After he finished all his business in Alaska, he had managed to jump on the last flight that night. He was excited to go home since he had really missed Kelsey. He wanted to surprise her. But instead, he was surprised when he was greeted with an empty house with no sign of Kelsey around. All her belongings were gone, the only thing that kept him thinking she wasn't just a dream was the engagement ring he bought her that was resting on the nightstand table by their room. He called Georgia and asked her of Kelsey's whereabouts but Georgia only told him that Kelsey was still there when she left. Georgia informed him that she had no idea where Kelsey would be or that she was even going to leave in the first place. Mason got in his car and quickly drove to Kelsey's old apartment. He knocked at the door, even though he knew it was a bit rude to knock so early in the morning that the sun hadn't even risen yet. Kelsey's mother opened the door and was bewildered to find a distraught Mason behind it. She asked him what he was doing there so early in the morning and was worried that something might have happened to her daughter. When Mason informed her that Kelsey left him without even a farewell, Hilda grew worried. She asked him why her daughter would leave but Mason couldn't answer her because he himself couldn't figure out why she left without saying a word. Mason explained to Hilda that he and Kelsey were doing well and that they were actually going to give their relationship a shot. He told Hilda that he went on a business trip and when he came back, she was gone. Hilda said that Kelsey hasn't come back since she moved out. Hilda was worried, scared of where her daughter might be. She knew she shouldn't have let her accept the proposal. She knew she should have tried with all her might to protect her daughter's fragile heart. Mason assured her not to worry and that he would find her daughter. He left and called his private investigator. He ordered him to gather all the information he could get of where Kelsey might be and all her contact information. Mason tried calling Kelsey a hundredth times but her phone was out of reached. He could only assume that she turned it off. He grew furious and agitated of the situation. Ever since last night, he hasn't gone home and the next place he went to was his workplace. When Nina arrived that morning, surprised that he was already back from his trip, she warily handed him the newspaper and knew what was about to come. She knew that he was going to throw a tantrum. After looking at his bloodshot eyes and his tired demeanour, she knew she was about to meet her doom. "Mason..." Ricky worriedly called out as he kneeled down to Mason's level and saw a tear fall from his wide opened eye. Mason wasn't blinking, moving, it was as if someone sucked the life out of him. Ricky grew anxious and was about to shake his friend out of his trance but Mason spoke. "What am I going to do?" He asked without sparing Ricky a glance, looking into space. "What am I suppose to do? You were right, I shouldn't have gotten her involved. I shouldn't have made that stupid contract with her in the first place." He admitted. "It hurts, Ricky." He told his friend and it pained Ricky as he watched Mason's depressed, unmovable face. "I love her." Mason whispered without batting an eyelash. Only his lips were moving as he spoke. It was as if he was stuck in another dimension. For the very first time, Mason had realized what his true feelings for Kelsey were. It wasn't just infatuation, it was love. If there was one thing he realized from his trip to Alaska, it was that he couldn't imagine a life without her. It was Saturday night, he had just arrived at Alaska and he had a very important meeting the next day with a potential client. However, instead of going to bed, Mason found himself sitting on the bench outside at the backyard of the house he was staying at, trying to find signal on his phone. He really missed Kelsey, even though they were just together a few hours ago. But the thought of not sleeping on the same bed with her drove him crazy. He was so used to waking up with her cuddled close to his side. Mason stood on the bench and swung his phone around, trying to find a signal bar. Mr. Grudeso, the owner of the house Mason was currently staying at, leaned against the doorframe and watched Mason in amusement. Mason almost fell off the bench when he heard a chuckle from the door. Mason shot him a sheepish smile and sat back down on the bench as the cool wind blew. The weather wasn't as freezing as it was the last time he came there since it was spring. He only had a light jacket on and a pair of grey sweatpants. "You miss her, don't ya?" Mr. Grudeso asked as he sat on the bench beside him. Mr. Grudeso was a fifty-five year old man who had been working for their company for quite a while now. He was in charged of their company branch in Alaska. He was a loyal man of their company and was a friend of his father. Mason heaved a sigh and nodded his head. "Really badly. I just wanna hear her voice." He lamely admitted as the old man chuckled. "I know what you're feeling. It really is tough when you're in love." He told him. Mason's smile faltered by hearing the 'L' word. He wasn't really sure if what he was feeling was love. Could it be? He hadn't felt what he was feeling for Kelsey with anyone before, not even Claris. Was it really love? Was he capable of such a thing? "How do you know if it is love that one's feeling?" He obliviously asked Mr. Grudeso who smiled in response. "Simple." Mr. Grudeso started as his eyes looked straight ahead, his mind elsewhere. "You wouldn't be able to imagine a life without her." He told him. "No matter what you're doing, why you're doing all the things you're doing, why you're breathing. You're doing it because of her, you're doing it for her. She's the reason why you keep moving forward." Mason wrapped his words of wisdom around his head. Then a question popped in his mind. "How do you keep moving forward then, Mr. Grudeso?" He asked in curiosity. Mr. Grudeso sighed and sadly smiled. "It's tough, if I have to be honest with you. Sometimes, I wake up in the morning trying to find a reason to live. Sometimes, I question myself why I am still here. But whenever I feel hopeless in life, her voice would always play in my head. I remember before she passed away, she told me to live happily, to never give up. She told me that if I ever shed a tear or feel like killing myself, she would flick me on the forehead." They both chuckled and Mason couldn't imagine how painful it must have been for him to lose his loved one, his wife, his life partner. Then Mason's thought was clouded by Kelsey's face, her smile, her laugh, the cute crescent line that would form at the top of the bridge of her nose when she furrowed her brows in confusion, the way her eyes twinkled when she was telling stories about her family. She was incredibly beautiful inside and out. Suddenly, an image of her in all white, a bouquet in hand, walking towards him down the aisle popped in his head. Then an image of her smiling widely at him as she ate her favourite ice cream in delight, a little bump had started forming in her tummy. An image of her chasing after their children, giggling as they caught them in her arms and kissed their cheeks. And the last scene was of them two sitting on the bench located at their backyard, their hands intertwined together. Wrinkles had started forming beneath her eyes and her skin were becoming soggy. Nevertheless, she still looked gorgeous as ever. She has still managed to take his breath away. Mason was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard the soft laughing of Mr. Grudeso. He glanced at him and shot him a questioning look as if asking if he had said anything funny that Mason wasn't aware of because he was too caught up it his own thoughts. "She must be a keeper. It seems that she wouldn't leave you alone, even in your mind, she's still lingering around, isn't she?" He amusement told Mason. Mason was baffled at Mr. Grudeso's wild guess. Maybe the saying was true that older people can really say 'Been there, done that', since Mr. Grudeso seemed to know everything Mason was thinking about. Mason could only grunt in response, earning another chuckle from him. "I'm telling you, boy. Love is not easy. It requires kindness, thoughtfulness, understanding, and a hell lot of patience. But it's worth every single breath that you take. No money can buy you that love that you desire." Mr. Grudeso advised him. Mason found the irony in his advise. Sure, money couldn't buy love. But in his situation, if he hadn't been force to find himself a bride and pay Kelsey to pose as his wife, he wouldn't have found the woman he was willing to spend the rest of his life with. "You should get some sleep. It'll be a long day tomorrow. Don't worry, you'll be seeing her soon. Just bare another day, will ya?" Mr. Grudeso told him before reentering the sliding door. Mason checked his phone for the last time and heaved a sigh as he stared at the empty signal bar. Hopeless with finding some signal, yet well assured of what he was really feeling for Kelsey, Mason retreated back to the room he was staying at. "Mason!" Ricky called out, snapping him out of his thoughts. Mason glanced at his friend for the first time and Ricky could only see the sorrow in his eyes. He looked so beat up and defeated. Ricky couldn't stand seeing like this. "What am I going to do?" Mason directly asked him in desperation. "I love her." He confessed once again. Ricky had never seen him like this. Not even when Claris had left him. He didn't know what to do. Heck, he didn't even know what to say to him. He himself couldn't figure out what love was and he had never fallen in love before. How on earth was he supposed to say to his friend who desperately needed some words of wisdom? So without thinking twice, Ricky stood back up and dialled the first person he could think of. "Hello?" The person spoke from the other line. "Sir Lucas, I need your help." ~ * ~ * ~ "I'm glad we're finally on the same page, Mr. King." Greg Wilson said in satisfaction. "I really think that this marriage will not only strengthen our companies, but it will certainly change our economy." He told him. Edward nodded his head in agreement. "Of course, Mr. Wilson. I do believe so." He responded. "I hope your daughter is all up for this. I don't want anymore hindrances." "I don't think it's my daughter who will be the problem..." He trailed off as a sigh escaped from Edward's lips. "I will handle my son, Mr. Wilson. I will deal with him." He assured him. Greg smiled and nodded his head. "I'm very excited for what's to come. Welcome to the family, Edward." He proclaimed as they shook hands, sealing the fate of their children. ~ * ~ * ~ Delilah sipped some of her tea and placed it back on the saucer. She sighed and smiled. "What's your plan?" She asked her as she studied her tired-looking face. "I don't wanna ruin this for your grandson, ma'am." Kelsey anxiously said as she peered at the intimidating woman under her lashes. "So you're going to listen to my son? You'll leave Mason just like that?" She asked as the waitress came to placed their food on the table. They both muttered a quick thank-you before Kelsey answered. "I've thought about it, a lot." Kelsey sincerely told her. "And throughout my thinking, I've realized that I'm not fit for this. I'm not fit for your grandson. He and I are from two different worlds. Mr. King has a point, Mason would only become the gossip talk once they find out who I really am, what social class I belong to. I don't want his image to be ruined because of me. I know how much he loves the company." She sadly noted. Delilah wrapped her words around her head and sadly smiled. "But I hope you also know that you are important to him. I hope he's told you about what he truly feels for you." She hinted as Kelsey's heart ached from hearing that Mason could possibly return her feelings. By her mind was set, her mother brought her up to be a selfless person and sometimes, it was really a curse because she would rather let go of the things she loved than see others suffer for her sake. Sometimes, she hated herself for being too kind. Kelsey shot her a small smile as she continued to poke the chicken on her plate with a fork. "What do you mean?" She played oblivious as she looked down on her food, trying to avoid Delilah's gaze. Delilah chuckled and pulled something from her purse. She slid it across the table and Kelsey stared at it with widened eyes. She looked up only to find Delilah smiling widely at her. Kelsey was a little bit creeped out as she slowly took the developed pictures with shaky hands. Kelsey stared at the first picture and it was a photo of him and her kissing during the movie premier. The next photo was of Mason staring intently down at her in admiration that same night. Kelsey flipped through the photos, there were pictures of them during the charity ball, her and Mason at La Mille when she spilt a drink on him, the trip that they took, and even their walk by the bay. She glanced up from the photos and shot Delilah an accusing look. "You were spying on us?" She asked in disbelieved. However, Delilah was not fazed about it at all as she nodded her head in admittance with a grin on her face. "Would you look at how happy you make my grandson?" She told her beckoning on the stacks of photos. "I've never seen him like this before. He looks so..." She started as she tried looking for the right words to describe her grandson's appearance. "So...carefree, and happy, and in love. I think you really bring the real Mason out of him. He's himself whenever he's around you. And that's more than enough to make me like you and accept you in our family." She welcomed her. Kelsey stared at her in awe and bewilderment, not really knowing what exactly she was supposed to be feeling. She didn't know whether to be flattered that at least one of the King's actually like her, or if she should be getting angry at herself for thinking for a second that she stood a chance with the great Mason King. Delilah's smile then faded from her lips. "It's a shame that you're leaving him. It really is." She told her and Kelsey could tell that she was being honest with her words. "But before you leave, I would like to ask you for a favour one last time..." _________________ A/N: What do you think should happen next?... Any ideas? Comment them!
2 Nov 2018 | 17:00
well you can tell us
2 Nov 2018 | 18:53
@freshgirl @qeenvick @ denciebabe @victoriouschild @jummybabe @frankkay @ pearl @fridex @jerrie @ john451 @pappyjay @c- roderick @cookey @ isabella1 @sanctus4real @ ryder @temmyluv @jacopet @wizy308 @coolval222-2 @ itzprince @sabinto @ bestabbey @pearlily @ delexzy01 @luvlydamsel @ hormortiyor @fb- mhizlilygold @elisco1453 @ anachrist @fridex @ royalgold and others come o
2 Nov 2018 | 20:20
"Bryan, please!" Kelsey heard a scream from the living room. She sat up from the bed and groaned as she glanced at the electric clock by the nightstand. It read 2:36am. She lazily rubbed her eyes and heard a commotion outside her door. "I don't like this as much as you do, Bryan! But please try to understand!" Margie's desperate voice echoed through the hallway. Ever since the day she left the penthouse, she hasn't got home because she didn't want to burden her mother with her problems. But she knew Hilda would find out soon since she was on the front page of the morning paper and the number one gossip topic on the news. She and her mother had a talk this afternoon and she told her that she would be staying with Margie for a while. Kelsey told her that she would come home soon but she just needed a little bit of time to ponder on her decision. Hilda hesitantly obliged and assured her daughter that she was only a call away if she needed anything. Kelsey was snapped out of her thoughts when another loud thud echoed outside her door. She cautiously stood from the bed and put her indoor sleepers on. She quietly opened the door and peaked through the tiny gap. She saw Margie trying to pull a luggage away from Bryan's hold as he sighed in frustration and pushed her hand away. "Let go, Margaret!" Bryan ordered but Margie didn't listen and only tightened her hold onto the luggage as if her life depended on it. Kelsey's eyebrows furrowed as he heard him say Margie's full name. Bryan would only ever call Margie by her full name if he was really furious. Which in this case, he probably was. Kelsey wondered what might have caused them to get into such a serious argument. Bryan and Margie were a normal couple that would argue once in a while, but it had never came to a point where one left the other. But now, it looked like Bryan was leaving. "Bryan, please! Don't do this! Don't leave!" Margie's desperate voice cried out. She was already on her knees as she held onto his luggage with the strength she had left. Kelsey felt a sense of déjà vu washed over her as a past image flashed before her eyes. She saw her mother crying, begging on the floor, preventing her father from leaving as she held tightly onto him. But her father only pushed her away and kept demanding to let him go. Suddenly, the same devastating feeling came crawling up her chest as she found it hard to breathe. Kelsey clutched her chest and blinked rapidly to erase the image in her mind. "Margaret!" Bryan's frustrating voice yelled out, snapping Kelsey out of her trance. She grew relieved when her past scenario escaped her but she was still trying to catch her staggered breath. Before she knew it, Kelsey found herself in the living room, gasping for air, questioning her friend on his departure. "Where are you going?" She asked in between breaths. She had seen this happening before and she didn't want to see it happen again. She had to do something, just anything, to make him stay. Bryan's eyes diverted from Margie to hers and his face softened as he saw the state she was in. Kelsey hadn't told her friends about her real father, so she wasn't really expecting Bryan to understand her. However, at that moment, she wanted to blurt out everything about her father if it would make Bryan stay."Why are you leaving?" Kelsey questioned him as a tear managed to escaped her eyes. She didn't know why she was crying. She didn't know why she was even there, in the middle of their argument, when she should be minding her own business. But one thing was for sure, Kelsey felt her heart sinking with the thought of Bryan leaving Margie. Margie's sob subsided as her friend's voice calmed her down. She wanted to tell her everything, to explain why her boyfriend was leaving, but as of the moment, her main priority was to keep him from escaping. Bryan shot Kelsey an apologetic look before he snatched his luggage out of Margie's weak hands and rapidly left, shutting the door behind. Margie was caught off guard as she watched the door slammed close on her face. Her sobbed grew loud once again as she tried to scrambled on her feet to follow Bryan and stopped him from leaving. But Margie slipped as her knees buckled before her. She was tired, exasperated, and heartbroken. And her body couldn't keep up with her emotional state that her physical body gave in on her. Margie cried in pain, agony, anger. She wanted the ache she was feeling on her chest to leave, she wanted all the pain to disappear. Kelsey was quick on her feet and pulled Margie into a comfortable embrace. She shushed her and whispered soothing, calming words to her as Kelsey wiped her own tears away. Kelsey had to be strong for her, she had to be strong for her friend. ~ * ~ * ~ Hilda washed the soap off of the plate and set it on the dish rack to let it dry. Once she was finished washing the dishes, she wiped the counter clean and dried her hands. She checked the time flashing on the stove and it was almost seven. She had to pick Ace up from next door. She was really glad that Paulina was always willing to look after Ace whenever she went to work. She was taking her apron off when there was a knock on the door. She figured it was probably Ace. She would usually pick him up around six-thirty, but Hilda ended late at work today since her boss came home later than usual. Hilda placed the apron neatly on the oven rack before making her way towards the door. She heard another knock before she could even open it. Once she had unlocked the door, she pulled it open and was astounded by the sight before her. She couldn't believe her eyes, was it playing tricks on her? She thought as she blinked once, twice, three times. Yet he was still there, standing in front of her. She couldn't be mistaken, it was really him. He looked older, some parts of his hair were starting to turn grey, but it was still neatly tucked and gelled back. His eyes were still as piercing blue as ever, holding her orbs in captive. He still stood tall and built, reassuring her that he was still health conscious. She couldn't believe it, was it really him? Was it really him she was seeing? "Hi." Lucas anxiously muttered as he came face-to-face with the only woman he had ever loved. She was still as beautiful as ever. She had still managed to take his breath away, even at their age. He couldn't believe that she was right there, in front of her. All he wanted to do at that moment was to pull her close into an embrace and showered her in kisses. "What are you doing here?" She asked him. Her cold, accusing tone was like a splash of ice-cold water on the face, snapping him out of his reverie. "May I speak with you?" He politely asked her, hoping she would say yes. The last thing he wanted to happen was to have the door shut closed on his face. He didn't go all the way here just to have her shut him out. He would do everything, everything, to have her listen to him. "Can I come in?" He asked when she didn't reply. Lucas could see the hesitation in her eyes. He was certain that she was going to shut the door closed on his face just like what he had feared. But he was surprised when she opened the door wider, giving him plenty of space to go through. He muttered a quick thank-you and looked around the place. It was a small two-bedroom apartment. He wasn't surprised by how old the walls had started to looked. Looking at the old, ramshackle building from the outside made him want to take Hilda and her children to a newly built house and a safer neighbourhood. His Lamborghini car parked outside the apartment looked so out of place. Lucas sat on the old, brown couch and watched Hilda fidget with her fingers. "Would you like something to drink?" She questioned and Lucas couldn't help but let a small smile creeped on his lips. She was still as hospitable as ever, always accommodating and attending to guests. "Coffee would be nice." He answered, suddenly missing the taste of the coffee she would make him every morning. He really missed her. He wished he could just go back in time and thought his decisions through. Sure, he regretted leaving his family, but he would never regret meeting Chloe. Even though she wasn't his real daughter, she changed his melancholic life. She became his life. As Hilda was busy in the kitchen making his coffee, Lucas stood up and glanced at the photos hanged on the wall. There was a picture of Kelsey when she was still young in her favourite strawberry patterned dress. The memory of Kelsey who was stubbornly arguing with her mother to keep her muddy dress on brought a smile on Lucas' face. She wouldn't take it off no matter what. Lucas literally had to bribed her of going to the amusement park if she removed it and changed into her clean pajamas. Fortunately, Kelsey obliged. He scanned through the photos. Most of the pictures were photos that he had already seen on the file he got from his investigator. But there was one specific photo that he had never seen before. It was a picture of a baby boy wrapped in a cozy, blue blanket. He pulled the picture frame from its hook and stared closely at the image. Lucas had seen a photo like it before. He briefly closed his eyes and remembered his mother showing him a photo of himself when he was still a baby when Chloe was born. His mother pulled an album out and showed him how he looked like when he was a child and how stubborn he was just like Chloe who slept very late at night. He remembered that when Chloe was born, he struggled putting her to bed so he would often call his mother in the middle of the night and asked her for help. Lucas stared at the photo again and he swore it was him. It was a photo of him when he was still small. A tear had escaped his eye but he quickly wiped it with the back of his hand when he heard Hilda placing his cup of coffee on the centre table. Hilda eyed the frame he was holding in his hand and grew anxious. She knew this day would come, she just never had the time to prepare and get ready for it. "I'm sorry, I'm too nosy." He apologized as he placed the frame back on its hook. Hilda released the breath she didn't know she was holding and felt relief washing over her. Lucas sat back down on the couch and took a sip of the coffee. He closed his eyes in pleasure and moaned delight. "You still make the best coffee." He honestly told her and took a longer sip. Hilda shot him a small smile and sat on the couch perpendicular to the one he was sitting on. "Is there a reason why you came here?" She suddenly asked him. Lucas gently placed the coffee back on the table and turned his body to face her. "First of all, I want to apologize." He sincerely started as he stared her straight in the eye. "I know what I did was unforgivable, and I'm not expecting you to forgive me right away...but I hope, you will give me a chance to fix my relationship with my daughter." He told her. Lucas knew that what he was asking was out of the line, considering what he had done to them, but he really wanted to reconcile with his daughter and be her father again. Hilda fidgeted with her fingers again, a habit of hers when she was contemplating about things. "I don't need your answer now. I just wanted to asked for your permission and I wanted you to know that my daughter still matters to me." You still matter to me. He wanted to add but he didn't want to catch her off guard. Hilda shook her head and sighed. Lucas felt his heart sank. What was he expecting anyway? He left them, of course Hilda wouldn't want their child to go through the same pain again. Lucas felt like stabbing himself over and over again. He was the only one to blame. He could get the worse father award. How could he not even realized that his daughter was already right in front of him? How could he not recognized her, his own flesh and blood? He was the worse father indeed. "It's not my decision to make." Hilda gently spoke up as Lucas whipped his head towards her. "Kelsey's old enough to make her own decisions. It's up to her if she wants you back in her life or not." She told him as he stared at her in awe. She was still as amazing as ever. Lucas could feel himself falling in love with her all over again. It was her kind-heart that really made him fall for her. She was beautiful inside and out. "You don't need to ask for my permission if you want to see her." She continued. "Because I can't change the fact that you are her father. No matter what happens, you are still her father. And I'm not going to restrict you or my daughter of your rights." "Thank you." Lucas genuinely told her. "Thank you for giving me another chance to fix my relationship with my daughter. Thank you." "Is that all you wanted to talk about?" Lucas stopped and stared at her for a good minute before he shifted his eyes back on the picture frame that held the picture of a baby boy. "Actually, there's one more favour I wanted to asked you." He admitted. Hilda grew anxious once again and knew what was about to come. "I would like to meet him." He announced, turning his attention back at her. "I would like to meet my son." ____________________ A/N: Of course, always a cliffhanger at the end... ;) Haha! What do you think?... Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!
3 Nov 2018 | 04:19
This story is season 2 and should have a new numbering pls.
3 Nov 2018 | 07:37
Now Now Now Episode 2.
3 Nov 2018 | 07:39
Only you can tell
3 Nov 2018 | 12:22
(Your thougths are taking instead of episode 46 of the hole story is episode 3 of season 2) Mason was dropped off by Ricky at his penthouse, both physically and emotionally drained. He could barely even drive himself home because he wasn't in his right mind. He wished the ground would open up, swallow him, and bring him to another dimension where he could spend the rest of his time with Kelsey. He was whipped, that was for sure. He dragged himself towards the living room and was surprised to find his father situated on the couch. Mason could feel all his blood surged through his body as all he could see was red. He was mad, furious, to the point that he wanted to be disowned by his so- called father. He wished he wasn't related to the beast he called his father at all. Mason knew he was the reason why Kelsey left in the first place, he couldn't think of anyone else who was heartless enough to do such a thing to him. "What are you doing here?" Mason asked in fury as he clenched his fist tightly on his side. It was noon when Ricky decided to drive Mason home so he could rest and get some sleep since he hadn't gotten a wink ever since he arrived from his flight. After Lucas had talked to him and calmed him down, it was best when they all decided that it was better for Mason to go home. Edward took a sip of his coffee and didn't bother turning around to spare his son a glance. "Well, good afternoon to you as well." He told him sarcastically and Mason only scoffed in response. "What do you want?" Mason asked with gritted teeth. "Why don't you take a seat and stop being rude?" Edward ordered him rather than asking. "Why didn't you call before barging in?" He talked back, finally earning a glare from his father. Mason couldn't care less, however. He didn't care what his father thought of him at all. "Sit down, Mason, before I lose my patience." Edward demanded him impatiently and Mason knew better than to push his buttons. He might liked the idea of annoying and getting under his father's nerve, but he knew when Edward was being serious. Mason knew better than to go against his crazy father who could practically do anything he wanted to do, legal or illegally. Mason obliged and sat on the couch opposite from him. With the long centre table in between, it gave him some distance away from the beast. "Where is she?" Mason asked him after a moment of silence. "Where did you send her off to?" Edward took another sip of his coffee before placing it back on the saucer resting on the table. There was amusement clearly plastered on his face and Mason badly wanted to smack that lopsided smirk off of his face. "That's the least of your concern now, Mason. You've got more important things to do rather than playing house with a girl you've randomly picked up who knows where." Mason abruptly stood up in fury and bore holes at his father's head. He had no right to insult Kelsey in any kind of way. He could say bad things about him, but not about Kelsey, that was one thing he couldn't tolerate. "You have no idea what you're talking about. Stop talking nonsense and quit insulting my fiancée!" Mason defended and started walking away. "If you would stop acting like a child, then maybe I wouldn't treat like you were one!" Edward barked at him. "I don't know exactly what kind of spell this girl had casted on you, but for Pete sake, wake up Mason! She's only using you and you know it." Mason clenched his fist tighter and all he wanted to do was pull back and punch his father straight on the nose. "Regardless of the situation, you have no right to just drive her away like that!" Mason yelled, throwing his hands up in frustration. "I am still your father, Mason. And I will always be the one to clean up after your mess!" Edward retorted but stay putted on the couch. "I didn't ask for your help, nor do I need it!" Mason argued back. "Greg Wilson has a daughter I would like you to meet." Edward announced, shifting the topic which only made Mason more furious. "No, erase that. Greg Wilson has a daughter that you are to wed." He corrected and Mason swore that if he didn't stop, he was ready to throw a punch. Mason laughed humourlessly and scoffed at him. "You're delusional if you think I will marry that woman. I will never-" "It's the only way you will inherit the company. After the wedding, I will officially hand the company down to you." Edward promised him, but his confident smile was quickly swept away from his lips when Mason spoke up. "You can shove that company of yours down your throat. I don't need it." Mason bit back fearlessly. If he didn't stand up to his father now, when would he ever? "Please leave while I'm asking nicely." He told him as he started leaving. "I didn't want to do this but you're just way too stubborn." Edward said with threatened voice. He took his recorder out and played it. "Are you saying you fell in love with my son?" His father's voice echoed in the room. "Yes." Kelsey's voice rang in Mason's ears, halting his next step. Mason was certain that she admitted that she was in loved with him. Could she really be? He couldn't believe it. "Yes, I'm in love with your son." She confirmed and Mason felt a rush of excitement washed through him. All he wanted to do was find her and hug her, kiss her, and make her his forever. "I fell in love with the gentle and caring man behind his cold and distant façade. I fell in love with the playful man hiding beneath his serious mask. I fell in love with the man who went through a lot but had still managed to stand back up on his own two feet. I fell in love with the man who loves his family regardless of how they see him as." That was the end of the recording and Mason felt a tear dropped from his eye. He was crying, although he didn't know why. Was it because she returned the feelings he had for her? Was it because he finally heard her voice even though it was only a recording? Or was it because he was afraid that his father knew where she was exactly hiding? "What should I do with her?" Edward warningly asked and Mason felt all his blood drained from his body. He knew too well what his father was capable of. "She is just too foolish to understand her place in this society, isn't she? If only there was a person who could save this vulnerable woman from such a corrupted world..." Mason felt another tear escaped his eye as he tightened his fist, a vein on his neck was already visible, ready to pop if he didn't stop his anger. 'I'm sorry, Kelsey.' Mason cried in his head. 'I'm really sorry...' ~ * ~ * ~ Mason glanced at his watch once again impatiently. The woman she was supposed to meet was already ten minutes late. He bet she was a spoiled brat. If she wasn't there in five minutes, Mason was ready to leave the private booth his father booked for the them. It had been three days since his father threatened him. Mason wasn't a fool to disobey his father. He wasn't going to let anyone hurt his loved ones again. Not after what had happened to his mother. Mason promised himself that he would do anything in his willpower to protect the people he loved. Especially from his devil of a father. A knocked on the door snapped Mason out of his trance and he saw the waiter's head peeked inside. "Mr. King, she's here." "Let her in." Mason ordered as the waiter nodded his head and a woman entered the room. She was beautiful. She stood tall in her three-inch high heels and long, tanned legs. She was wearing a mid-thigh peach dress that had off-shouldered lace sleeves. The dress made her curves show but still made her looked elegant and sophisticated. Her wavy dark hair was resting on the top of her head in a neat bun with some strands flowing softly on her face. She was, indeed, gorgeous. She was what one would classify as Mason's type. But Mason couldn't see her as a potential girlfriend, let alone wife. He had only one woman in his heart, and that was Kelsey Parker. The woman was strolling towards him but halted when she finally looked up and stared at the man she was supposed to marry. She seemed to be frozen in her spot, her feet were stuck on the ground she was standing at. No way, she couldn't believe her eyes. "Mason King?" She asked with widened eyes. _____________________
3 Nov 2018 | 16:52
continue but start the numbering well. I mean that the next episode should be episode 3
3 Nov 2018 | 17:31
I think she wanted her to bid mason farewell b4 she leaves
3 Nov 2018 | 17:49
welcome back
3 Nov 2018 | 18:21
Kelsey folded the letter and placed it back in its envelop. The envelop looked old and brown. She wasn't surprised with its appearance though, it was twenty three years ago since the letter was written. She sighed and leaned on the dining chair she was sitting on. She rested her head on the headrest and briefly closed her eyes. 'I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry, but I need to see him again.' Those two sentences kept flashing before her eyes as she pictured the cursive handwriting in her mind. Kelsey rose from the chair and frustratedly ran a hand through her hair. She eyed the letter on the small dining table at Margie's kitchen before gently picking it up, ensuring that she didn't rip it. She didn't know what to do. She knew she had to give it to him. But she didn't know if she could do it. The letter was not her's, it didn't belong to her and keeping it wouldn't be right. But she was afraid of seeing him again. She didn't know how to face him after all that had happened. She felt kind of bad for what she had said. She sighed once again and placed the letter in the gold and white hatbox her mother had given her for her 18th birthday. Kelsey just hoped that she would gain the courage to return the letter. Just as she was about to placed the lid back on the hatbox, something caught her eyes. It shimmered as it was reflected by the light, blinding her for a second. Kelsey dug through the box and took the bracelet out. Kelsey smiled as the piece of item brought back so many good memories. It was a black braided leather bracelet with an inch and a half of metal connecting it. On the back of the piece of metal, there engraved 'E & K'. She couldn't believe she still had it. She thought she had lost it after they moved houses. She really missed him. She wondered how he was all of a sudden. "Happy birthday, Ems!" Kelsey greeted as she jumped on him like a koala and gave him a big, tight embrace. He was getting taller and taller by the day and Kelsey couldn't even keep up with his height. Meanwhile, she was still short, the top of her head only reached his stomach, almost to his chest. "Thanks, Kace!" The little boy, maybe not so little anymore, gratefully told her and kissed the top of her head. He had just turned ten and double-digits meant that he was getting old. Almost near puberty in fact. "I hope you like the cookies I baked you. My mom helped me make them!" Her eight-year-old said excitedly as she got off of him. "I'm sure they're delicious like always." He toothily grinned at her. "By the way, I have something to give you." He informed her as he took her hand and dragged her towards his room upstairs. Ems released his hold onto her and climbed on his bed to grab something on the shelf above it. He carefully got down and sat on the edge of the bed, patting the space beside him, informing her to take a seat. Kelsey obliged and sat beside him and tried to peek on the item he was hiding in his hand. "What is it? What is it?" She asked him in anticipation, bouncing up and down on the bed. "I want you to close your eyes." He ordered her and she pouted in response. "C'mon, just close your eyes for a sec." He pleaded. She was about to listen to him when she remembered that it was his birthday and not her's. "Hold on!" She said, starling him "What?" He gasped. "Why are you giving me something on your birthday? Shouldn't you be receiving gifts and not me?" She innocently asked, earning a chuckle from him. Ems shook his head and beamed at her. "I know it's my birthday. But I just can't wait to give you this gift. I was going to give it to you for Christmas but that's not in another eight months." He explained. "Oh..." Was all she could say. "Now be a good girl and close your eyes." He repeated. Kelsey finally obeyed him and closed the lids of her eyes. She felt him take her right hand and clasped the item, a bracelet she was guessing, on her wrist. "Okay, open them..." He announced as she slowly opened her eyes and glanced at the bracelet. "Wow!" She gasped in amazement as if it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. "Do you like it?" "I love it!" She assured him. Then a glint on his wrist caught her attention and she gasped. "You've got one too!" She yelled in excitement. Ems laughed wholeheartedly and nodded his head. "Yeah, because it's a best-friend-bracelet, you see?" He said, taking the bracelet off. "And on the back, it has our initials on it." He showed him the back of the metal piece and she squinted her eyes to see it clearly. "Thank you, Ems!" She suddenly yelped and hugged him. He was caught off guard that he stumbled and ended up lying on his bed. "Happy birthday!" She greeted him again and showered him with kisses on the face. "Best friends forever!" She declared as he smiled at her and started a tickle war with her. Kelsey beamed like a mad woman as the memory flashed in her head. She wondered where he was right at the moment and what he was doing now. He was probably married, have a child or two, maybe. She thought and smiled. He would have been an amazing father and she was sure he was one of those 'cool dads'. She hoped she could meet with him again. She hoped she would get another opportunity to bump into him and reminisce the good ol' days they had together. ~ * ~ * ~ "Mason King?...." Margie's eyes bulged as she stared at the man before her. She couldn't be wrong, it was him. It really was him. She had been so familiar with his face since he was always on the front cover of magazines and a hot topic on the newspaper. This man had a reputation, a reputation that might be good or bad depending on the type of person judging him. But to Margie, he was bad news. A total bad news! How was she supposed to marry the man her best friend cried over at night? The thought haunted her mind over and over. She felt like a betrayer, a traitor. A sudden wave of nauseous flooded her stomach that she started staggering. Mason was quick on his feet and caught her before she could meet the cold-tiled floor. He guided her on the chair opposite to his and kneeled in front of her. He was inspecting her, reading her expression, he was trying to determined who she was or if she was a known person. But Mason's mind was blank. She had never seen her, ever. And if ever he had, he was sure that his old self — the self who had not met Kelsey yet — would have noticed the beautiful woman in front of him before. "Are you okay?" He asked her out of politeness. Margie swallowed the lump that was stuck in her throat and nodded her head in response. She was afraid that if she talked, her voice would crack and give her thoughts away. Mason eyed her for a few more seconds, ensuring that she wouldn't fall over the chair. Once he knew she was secured, he sat back down on the dining chair he had been sitting on before she arrived. "So you're Margaret Wilson?" He stated but it sounded more like a question. Margie could only nod her head once again. Mason cleared his throat and watched her looked at him under her long lashes. "Were you expecting this? Do you want to get married?" He bluntly asked, catching her off guard. Margie absentmindedly shook her head as if she had been programmed to do so when the question of marrying anyone who was not Bryan was asked. Mason nodded in understanding and sighed. "Well, I'm glad we're on the same page then." He said in relief. Mason studied her when he didn't hear a reply. He hadn't hear her talk aside from her soft voice pronouncing his name. He watched her with scrutinizing eyes and based on his observations, she was not like those spoiled brats he'd met. She was simple and different. "There's a guy, isn't there?" He asked her and her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't know she was that easy to read. But Mason thought that it was perfect. Her, being in love and in a relationship with another guy made his plan a lot easier to plot out. She released her lip in between her teeth, unaware that she was biting it the entire time, and spoke. "I love him." She boldly told him. It wasn't a lie, she did really love Bryan. He became her world ever since he came into her life. Mason sighed and nodded his head in understanding. "I'm sure you do. I can tell that you're really not into this, whatever this is..." He said gesturing between the two of them. "I'm sorry if my father had set this up. This is far from what I want. I'd never imagined myself married to a man I barely know." She honestly told him, not knowing where all the confidence were coming from. "But it seemed like you knew me a little while back." He pointed out, remembering how his name had escaped her lips the moment she saw him. Margie nervously chuckled before clearing her throat when she looked at his serious expression. "I've seen you before. Not in personal, but in newspapers and magazines. I've seen you on TV as well." She explained. "Ah..." He said in understanding. "So you're quite a fan?" He smugly, yet teasingly asked her, to break the awkwardness between them. "Hardly." She replied with a smile, relieved that the tension was broken. She felt at eased knowing that he didn't want to get married to her either. "But I know a few who would go crazy if they find out that I've met the Mason King in flesh." Mason laughed at this. "Don't mention it then, or else, rumours will start to spread." He warned her jokingly, but it was like a splashed of water on her face. The smile on her lips faded as she, once again, became anxious of their supposed marriage. "Relax." Mason advised her. "I have a plan." He assured her. "I don't want to get married to you as much as you don't wanna marry me. Besides, I'm sure you've heard about my engagement." The sudden mention of his engagement made Margie feel a bit queasy. She didn't know whether she should mention that she was friends with Kelsey or hide the fact that the woman he was engaged to was her best friend. "If I were to wed, I only see myself marrying one woman. But sorry to say that, that woman is not you." He politely told her, however, she wasn't offended at least. "I love her, and this whole setup will not stop me from marrying the woman I love." He determinedly said as he started plotting the whole plan in his mind.
4 Nov 2018 | 03:59
Mason will it be as easy as you think it?
4 Nov 2018 | 12:29
Lucas felt a tear escaped his eye as he stared at his son sleeping soundly on the hospital bed. Right at the moment, he couldn't help but feel helpless. If only he could take his son's sickness, he would. He would rather suffer from the pain himself than see his own child struggle. "He usually wakes up late. Around nine-thirty most of the time." Hilda informed him as she quietly placed the fruit basket Lucas had bought on the bedside table. Lucas didn't respond. He didn't trust his voice at the time. If he spoke, he felt like his voice would crack and end up breaking down right there and then. He quickly wiped his tear with the back of his hand and took a deep breath to calm himself down. Hilda eyed him. He was oddly meek and silent. She thought he would asked her a bunch of questions. Like, why didn't she tell him about their son? Why did she keep their son's condition from him? Or why didn't she take good care of their son to keep him from getting the cancer in the first place? But Hilda heard nothing from him. He was just standing by the foot of the bed, staring at their son in sadness and regret. "The doctor said he will get better after he finishes his therapy. He still has three more left." She announced to washed the fear and misery on his face. "He's a tough kid, you know?" She added in assurance. "Never in my life have a seen such a determined and positively- minded child. I've never even seen him cry. Not since he was a little boy." She smiled as the memory of her son crying because he dropped his ice cream when he was only four flashed in her mind. "When is his next therapy?" Lucas asked without removing his gaze on his son. He had a dreadful feeling that once he moved his eyes away from him, he would disappear. "This coming Tuesday." "Is it okay if I come and watch him?" He asked with a hopeful tone, his eyes still fixated on his son. Hilda fidgeted with her fingers in hesitation but nodded in obligation anyway. Lucas gratefully smiled and watched Kyle's eyes slowly opened. Kyle blinked a couple of times before his eyes settled on the man standing by the foot of his bed. His brows furrowed in confusion and Hilda was quick on her feet and stood up next to her son. "Good morning." She warmly greeted and kissed him on the top of his head. Kyle looked up to her and smiled. "Mornin'..." He greeted back and slowly sat up from the bed. Hilda reclined his bed into a sitting position and rearranged his pillows to make him comfortable. His eyes turned back to the man meekly standing there and shot him a small smile. "Good morning, sir." He politely greeted. Lucas' heart melted as his son spoke to him for the very first time. At first, he was afraid that his son would reject him and make him leave, but all his fears were washed away when he shot him that warm smile. It made him happy and relieved at the same time. "Good morning." He beamed at him. "My name is Kyle, sir. What's yours?" Kyle asked him expectantly. Lucas cleared his throat before answering. "Lucas, I'm Lucas Montenegro." He nervously introduced himself. "It's nice to meet you, Mr. Montenegro." Kyle told him and stuck his hand out. Lucas eyed his thin, fragile hand and slowly shook it with gladness. The smile on his face couldn't get any bigger. He always wished he had a son. He always dreamed to play ball with him, watch sports with him, and even teach him all he knew about business. He had always wanted a successor, a mini-Lucas. "The pleasure is all mine." He truthfully told him. "But please, call me Lucas." "Excuse me, I'll just go and grab you guys some breakfast." Hilda announced as she took her purse on the couch and left the two of them. She figured that they needed some alone time together. She could tell the anxiousness and the excitement in Lucas. She just hoped that both of them would understand the decision she had made a long time ago and not blame her with all the lost time she had deprived of them together. When the door was shut behind, Kyle saw the discomfort on the man's face. Lucas looked anxiously at him and Kyle shot him a warm smile to ease his discomfort. "Please sir, have a seat." Kyle invited him as he dragged the light wooden chair near the bedside table and placed it right beside his bed. "Thank you." Lucas sat down and watched his son take an orange in the fruit basket he had brought. "Did you buy this?" Kyle asked him as he took some tissue paper and started peeling the skin of the orange. "Yes." "Thank you for the gift, sir." Kyle gratefully told him and kept peeling. "Please have some yourself." He offered as Lucas stared at him in awe. It seemed like there was a young man trapped inside a ten-year-old boy's body. His son was remarkably smart and mature for his age. The way he conversed with him made him seem like an adult, all grown up. "Don't mind if I do." Lucas replied and took another orange in the basket as well. He started peeling it but was stopped when Kyle shoved the peeled orange towards his way. Lucas looked at his son and eyed the orange he was handing him afterwards. "Take it, sir." Kyle said as he took the orange in Lucas' hand and replaced it with the already peeled one. Kyle continued peeling the skin of the other one, very much aware of Lucas' stare. "So... are you a friend of my mom?" He asked. Lucas was taken off guard by his question, unsure of how to answer it. He didn't really know if Hilda had given him the go-signal to tell his son about his identity. He didn't want to surprise his son either so he decided to tell him what was close to the truth. "Yes, I'm an old friend of hers." He answered. Kyle hummed in response and started eating the orange. "You must be very close then. My mother had never brought a friend here before." He informed him and Lucas started to grow anxious again that he felt his palms sweating. Lucas nervously laughed and replied. "I guess so." He said as he eyed his son's reaction. He was a smart boy, Lucas was sure he would figure out soon why he was there in the first place. He just hoped that he would accept him when he found out. "How are you? I mean, how are you feeling?" Lucas then decided to asked him. "I'm feeling better today. Some days I feel fine, others I feel sick. It all just depends on what my body's feeling." He said nonchalantly as if it was completely normal to be talking about such a topic. When Kyle didn't hear any further question, he looked up from his orange and saw the sadness and surprise on Lucas' eyes as they stared at him. Kyle beamed at him widely. "I'm sorry, does it seem too casual, sir?" He questioned and shrugged his shoulders. "It's just, that question... It's an everyday question to me by most of the nurses and the doctors. I guess I just got used to answering it so casually." He told him. Lucas nodded his head in understanding and patted Kyle's back before he could even stop himself. "You're doing well, kid." He proudly uttered. "You're incredible." He added and Kyle couldn't help but smile gratefully at him. Kyle didn't have many visitors, hearing those words from a man he barely knew made him feel good and amazing. He just really hoped that after his therapies, everything would go back to normal and he could go home. ~ * ~ * ~ "Margie!" Kelsey called out, snapping Margie out of her trance. Ever since she had met Mason, her mind had been distant, far. She didn't know how long she could keep it to herself. She wasn't good at lying, especially to Kelsey. "Sorry, what was that again?" Margie sheepishly asked, nervously rubbing the nape of her neck. Kelsey squinted her eyes at her before asking. "I said, is Chinese take-out okay?" She repeated. Margie nodded and smiled at her. "Yeah, that's great." She answered, avoiding eye contact with her. "Alright, I'm calling." She said as she started dialling. "Okay. I'm just gonna go hit the shower." She announced and made her escaped. Kelsey watched her best friend dashed away with scrutinizing eyes. She knew something was up. She just had to find a way to get it out of her. ~ * ~ * ~ Mason left the elevator heading to his office when he saw his best friend leaving one of the meeting rooms. He looked at his watch and saw that it was only eight o'clock. He wondered why Ricky was at his office so early in the morning. Ricky was usually at his restaurant in the morning. He never attended meetings in the morning, it was his number one rule. So Mason was curious as to why his friend was there right at the moment. "G'morning." Mason greeted, startling his friend. Ricky gasped and held his left chest in surprised. "W-what are you doing here?" Ricky asked in panic. He looked back at the door he just exited and anxiousness was written all over his face. Mason became more curious due to his friend's weird action as he watched him with scrutinizing eyes. "What d'you mean? It's my office, I work here." Mason responded with a raised brow. "The more important question is, what are you doing here? You have a very important meeting or something?" Ricky didn't have to respond when the answer came out of the meeting room Ricky was recently in. Her hair was a bit tousled and her skirt was wrinkled. Her face looked so flushed and red and a bead of sweat was running down her forehead. "Good morning, Nina." Mason smirked at his flustered secretary. Nina abruptly halted her steps and looked up at her boss with a terrified and surprised expression on her face. Her cheeks became more red if it was even possible. "Mr. King, good morning." She sheepishly greeted and bowed her head to hide her embarrassed face from him. Mason chuckled and shot an amuse look at his friend. "So it was a very important meeting, I see..." He told him and Ricky grunted both in annoyance and shame that his friend had caught him red handed. "Can you make us some coffee, Nina? And please, deliver it in my office." He ordered and grabbed Ricky by the shoulder. "Hope you don't mind but I'm just going to borrow lover boy here for a sec, okay?" He teasingly told Nina, causing Ricky to elbow him on the stomach. Mason groaned as he felt the tiny sting on his stomach but had managed to laugh it off. Ricky had always been a sore loser and Mason had always found it amusing. Once the door was closed, Mason laughed again and sat on his chair behind his mahogany desk. "So, when did this..." Mason said gesturing at Ricky and at the door that was the only thing that was blocking them from Nina. "All started?" Mason finished off. Ricky glared at him and threw the pillow that was lying on the couch. Mason chuckled again and caught the pillow before it hit his face. "You didn't have to make her feel more embarrass than she already was, jerk!" He said with gritted teeth. Mason shrugged and smirked at his friend. "So I guess were changed men, huh? Both in love and whipped because of a woman." Mason jokingly announced but Ricky saw the misery in his friend's eyes. "How did the arranged date go anyway? Was she at least pretty?" "She was beautiful if I have to be honest. Very simple and kind too unlike those spoiled brats I've met before. But I just can't see myself having a future with her. Besides, she has a boyfriend anyway and I can tell that she didn't want to marry me as well." Mason informed him. Ricky nodded his head in understanding and sat on one of the chair in front of Mason's desk. "So what are you gonna tell your father? How do plan on getting out of this situation?" "I have something in mind..." ____________________ A/N: What do you think Mason's planning?... Find out and stay tuned! Don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and FOLLOW!
4 Nov 2018 | 16:00
Hilda has already given you space for you to tell him the real truth
4 Nov 2018 | 19:36
Kelsey took a deep breath before entering through the doors. She told the receptionist that she had a reservation under the name of Delilah King and the woman quickly assisted her to her seat. Kelsey didn't think she would ever come back to the garden restaurant she once went to with Delilah. Kelsey was relieved when she saw that the table was vacant, which meant that he hadn't arrived yet. She was grateful that she came first. Well, considering the fact that she left Margie's house fifteen minutes earlier than needed, she really wanted to get there before him so she would have some time to ready herself. She was guided to a private room of the restaurant. It was really isolated, closed-off from everyone else. It had a one-sided mirror where one could see from the inside but not from the outside, hence it was very good for privacy. She was thankful of Delilah for arranging it since she knew that what they were going to talk about today was very personal. "Would you like to order now, ma'am?" The waitress asked as she handed her a menu. Kelsey viewed the menu and ordered two steak Greek salad with cream mushroom soup on the side. She also ordered some green tea and told the waitress to follow up on further orders they might have later on. As the door closed when the waitress left, Kelsey bit her bottom lip in anxiousness and felt her palm sweating. How would she feel when she sees him again? Would she be able to take it? Would she still be able to stay away from him after this? She knew it wasn't a good idea to meet with him again. But she had promised Delilah that she would do this favour for her. And Kelsey was a woman of her words. A promise was a promise and she had to keep it. She was so caught up in her little world, thinking through the conversation she would have with him, that she almost missed his arrival. She could hear his voice as he entered the private room. She had her back facing the door, hence she really couldn't see what he was doing. But because he was speaking so aggressively, she knew he was most likely on the phone. "This is the last time I will allow you to set me up on blind dates like this, Gran! I gotta go." He hissed under his breath but Kelsey heard him anyway. She heard him sigh and he circled the table to get to his seat. Kelsey watched him ran a hand through his hair in frustration and his tousled hair made him looked even hotter in that suit of his. He still hadn't looked up from his phone, trying to show how uninterested he was at the moment. He hated the fact that everyone around him were trying to set him up on dates. When would they realize that he only wanted one woman, and that woman had somehow became someone he was forbidden to have. Mason sat on the chair, still trying to buy some time before he lashed out on the woman he had no interest in having lunch with. "I apologize for this." He insincerely and coldly said as he made sure that his phone wasn't on silent mode so he could make an escape in case someone rang him. He was putting his phone in his pocket as he spoke. "Clearly my grandmother had set this up and I really have no interest in-" Mason was stopped mid-way when he finally peered at his supposed date for the day. He couldn't believe his eyes. Were they playing tricks on him? He blinked once, twice, three times, but she was still there, sitting in front of him in all flesh and bones. "Hi..." Kelsey sheepishly greeted him. Her voice sounded angelic in Mason's ears. He missed her so much that he so badly wanted to push the table that was separating them away and pull her into a bone-crushing hug and kiss her senselessly. If only she knew how she badly affected him. For the longest time, nobody spoke a word. Both were too enchanted with each other's company. They were only staring at each other as if they were memorizing every single outline and detail of their faces. The waitress came in, pushing a rack and placed their orders on the table. That seemed to have snapped Kelsey out of her trance. The waitress poured them some tea before placing the small tea pot on the table. Kelsey uttered a quick thanks before the waitress left with the rack. Kelsey cleared her throat before she spoke. "I hope you don't mind that I've already ordered." Kelsey glanced up at him to see his expression but she quickly turned away, unable to keep eye contact with him due to his intense stare. It was as if he was peeling her up and looking right into her soul. After a moment of silence, Kelsey attempted to glance at him and failed once again when her eyes were met by his powerful gaze. She saw fury dancing in his eyes and she became frightened by it. She didn't know when he would turn into his beastly form. She sure hoped he wouldn't because she didn't know if she could handle his anger at the moment. Mason balled his right hand that was resting on the table into a fist as he tried to calm his body down. He was starting to feel the heat rising and it wasn't because he was angry at her. It was due to the fact that her presence alone was making his body react in such ways that he had never felt before. He was furious at himself for feeling the way he was feeling and if he didn't control himself, he didn't know what he would do to her. It was more than just lust he was feeling, it was love. Mason was interrupted with his thoughts when he felt a tingling sensation on his right hand. He looked at it and saw Kelsey's hand resting on top of his. She was about to pull away but he held her soft hands and held it tightly enough so she wouldn't be able to pull away. "Don't let go." He whispered and Kelsey felt her heart break at how fragile and defeated his voice sounded. "Did you hear what I said?" She asked him as he turned his attention back to her. He shot her a questioning look and she smiled at how adorable he looked with his furrowed brows. She didn't realize how much she had missed him until that very moment. "I said, your grandmother asked me to do her a favour." She repeated herself. Mason was so enticed by her smile that he almost missed what she was saying again. But once her words had registered in his head, he had only understood what she was telling him. "What favour?" He asked in curiosity. Kelsey took a deep breath before she pulled the letter out of her purse and placed it on the table. "What is it?" Mason questioned her with an expecting answer as he eyed the old, rusty paper. "It's a letter." She answered and encouraged him to take it and read it. She was unsure of how he would react once he finds out about the whole truth. She was afraid that it might really break him to the point that she wouldn't even know how she would pick up all the pieces and fix him back up. She was uncertain if she could patch up the wounds that the truth would cost him. Mason stared at the letter in interest. He had a bad feeling about it though. He felt iffy about what the content of the letter might be about. "I know it's a letter." He replied with an obvious tone. "But what's it about?" He asked. Kelsey bit the corner of her bottom lip in anxiousness and she could feel her hands turning cold. "I think it would be better if you read it for yourself." She told him, avoiding his intense stare. Mason watched her with scrutinizing eyes, trying to read her and finding any clues as to what the letter might be about. But she gave nothing away. Her eyes remained low, dodging his own. He sighed and let go of her hand. Kelsey looked up at the sudden coldness feeling of her palm and intertwined it together with her other hand, placing them on her lap under the table. To say that she was disappointed was an understatement, she really missed him. Mason took the letter in his hands and slowly opened it. He could feel Kelsey's gaze watching his every move as if she was readying herself if something happens to him. He looked at her again and she only shot him an encouraging nod. He turned his attention back on the letter he was holding and took it out of the envelop. He slowly unfolded it and started reading. Kelsey was nibbling on her bottom lip the entire time he was reading, waiting in anticipation. Mason's chest dropped at the very sight of his father's penmanship. He knew his father all too well that he even knew his cursive handwriting. Victoria, I really am sorry for what I have done. It's unforgivable, I'm fully aware of that. But I hope that one day, you will learn to forgive me and trust me once again. Please don't take my daughter away from me. I love you, I love our family. I know I lack in many things as your husband and as a father to our daughter. I know I'm not the same man I was before, but I promise to be better. To become a better husband and a better father to our Ysabella. Please don't leave me. Please try to understand my situation. I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry, but I need to see him again. I know you told me that if I see her again, you will leave me. But we have a child. He is my child, Victoria. And I need to protect him. I need to protect my son. I will explain everything to you, I promise. But for now, I need you to understand me. I'm leaving for a couple of weeks to take care of this. I need my son, Victoria. I hope you understand that although how he had come about was a mistake, I don't regret having him. Because he is only an innocent child. Because he will always be a part of me. I need to protect my son, Victoria. Please, I beg of you, to wait for me. When I return, I promise that I will be completely honest with you, that I will explain everything to you. I love you, Victoria. I love you very much. Edward Mason felt a tear escaped his eye and he quickly wiped it with the back of his hand. He folded the letter up and placed it back in its envelop. He didn't know what exactly he should feel. There were so many things that were running through his head. Did his father actually care about him all this time? Did his father truly love him? Did he really leave Victoria and Ella to find him? Who was he trying to protect him against? All of these questions were buzzing in his head and his feelings were crowding him that if he didn't release them sooner or later, he had a feeling he would just blow up. Kelsey watched him carefully and waited for him to do or say something. But he was just sitting there, staring at the letter in his hand. She saw the tear that he had shed and she had a feeling that the letter would bring more confusion and turmoil rather than assurance and comfort. She slowly rise from her seat and stood before him. She placed a hand on his back and patted him soothingly. "Everything will be okay, Mason." She assuringly whispered to him. "Everything will fall into its place." Kelsey was surprised when Mason abruptly stood up and pulled her into a tight embrace. He wrapped his arms around her waist and rested his head in the crook of her neck, breathing her scent. Kelsey missed him, she really did and she couldn't help but enjoy every moment of his hug. She returned it and wrapped her arms around his back, rubbing circles on it to soothe him. She could feel his body shaking as a sob escaped his lips. Kelsey's heart broke at the sound of his grief-stricken cry and she felt so useless at the moment because all she could do was whisper reassuring and encouraging words at him. "I'm here, Mason. I'm here for you." She notified him. As time ticked by, Mason's sob lessened until there were no more tears left in him. Once he had calmed himself down, he pulled away from the hug only far enough so he could see her face. It was valid to say that she had seen him through his worse. And Mason was glad to have spent every memory, even the bad ones, with her. He just couldn't even imagine a life without her. Mason held her cheek with his right palm and affectionately rubbed her cheek with his thumb. "I promise that after this, after I sort this problem out, I'll fix us, Kelsey. After this, I promise that I will keep you with me forever." He informed her, causing a chuckle out of Kelsey. "Promise me that you'll wait for me?" Kelsey grinned at him and rested her forehead against his. "I promise that I'll be right here." She vowed to him. ______________________
5 Nov 2018 | 03:14
"Mr. King, your son's here demanding to see you." Edward's executive assistant whispered to him as the board of directors continually discussed the issue they were having with the company's budget. "Tell him I'm in a middle of a very important meeting." He dismissed him and returned his attention back on the discussion. "But sir-" He was about to explain how his son couldn't take a no for an answer when he was interrupted by Mason, himself, entering the room. The room grew eerily silent as they all stared at Mason. "I sincerely apologize for cutting this meeting short, ladies and gentlemen. But will it be alright if I speak with my father? Just a small family matter." He informed them. Edward felt a bit embarrassed by his son's unprofessional act in front of the board of directors and he was ready to give him an earful. "That's quite alright, Edward. Family first, right?" One of the directors told him and shot him a reassuring smile. Edward forced a smile on his face before speaking. "I am truly sorry, everyone. Let's reschedule another meeting, shall we? But for now, meeting adjourn." He dismissed as they all rise from their seats and took their belongings. They left the room walking pass Mason, greeting him on the way. "Sir, just a reminder that you have a two o'clock appointment with the head of operations." His assistant informed him before leaving the room. "You heard him." Edward told Mason nonchalantly, not sparing him a glance. "You've got exactly thirty minutes to tell me whatever it is that is so important that you had to postpone my meeting." Mason didn't respond to him. Instead, he threw the letter on the table, landing in front of Edward's view. Edward eyed the old- looking paper and recognition settled inside of him. He didn't know whether he should be nervous or ashamed that Mason knew what the content of the letter was about. Edward gulped and kept his eyes on the letter, wishing it would disappear and get swallowed by the table. "Where'd you get this?" He gently spoke without any trace of his cold and intimidating tone he usually had when he spoke with his son. Mason was taken a back by his sudden change of light and he was uncertain of what to think of him. Since he had read the letter, Mason was no longer sure if the father he had grown to hate was the real Edward King or if he had always been in disguised in front of him. "Does it matter where I got it from?" Mason retorted. "I want an explanation. No, I need an explanation." He corrected himself as he studied his father who was still boring his eyes on the letter. "I want to know the truth, Dad. I need to hear the whole truth. That's at least what I deserve." Edward stood from his seat and took the letter in his hand. He leaned on the edge of the table in order to face his son. He didn't know where to begin. He never really thought that there would come a point where he would explain the whole story to his son. He was ready to keep this a secret from him until he reached his grave. But seeing the confusion and turmoil it had brought his son, Edward knew that he had to tell him everything, the whole truth that would certainly change the story Mason had believed in for the last two decades of his life. "Everything on the letter is true." Edward admitted. "I had to leave my family for a while in order to protect you. I had to, you're my son. And no matter what happens, Mason, you will always be my son." He nonchalantly told him. "Was that the reason why you tried sending my mother and I away? So you could 'protect' me?" Mason venomously questioned him, quoting the word protect with his fingers. "Yes." He confessed. "Why? Who were you trying to protect me from?" Mason's bewilderment only grew, bearing more questions in his mind. "From my enemies." Edward answered. "Look Mason, can we not dig into the past? What's done is done-" "Why can't you just tell me the truth?" Mason's voice rise as he lose his composition. "Tell me the truth! Why is it so hard for you to-" "Because the truth will only hurt you, Mason!" Edward retorted, cutting him off. "Why do you think I've hidden it from you all this time?" Mason stared at his father in awe, as if he was seeing him in another light. By the tone of his voice, it sounded as if he really did care for him and love him. But Mason was confused and he didn't know what to believe. He badly needed to know the truth. "Who were your enemies? What did they want from me?" He kept on pressing on the subject. He knew he was being stubborn but he had to get it out of his father so he could fully understand the whole situation. Edward sighed and looked his son in the eye with all seriousness. "Just blame me, Mason. Just blame me for the death of your mother. It's better this way." He sympathetically told him and was about to leave but Mason stopped him with his words. "Why do you always make it so difficult for me to love and respect you? Why do you always push me away and treat me as if I'm a deviant person? All my life, I've been putting up with your temper and coldness. I hate the fact that you're my father and I can't do anything about it. I hate the fact that I was conceived mistakenly. I hate the fact that I was born in the first place. If only I knew my mother would die protecting me, if only I knew I would end up living with a father like you, I would have rather wished she aborted me way back then. Then maybe, maybe she would still be here-" "I did everything I could, Mason!" Edward spun around and Mason saw a tear running down his father's cheek. He had never seen him cry before, heck he had never seen him express any feelings unless it was anger or disappointment. But right at that moment, Mason saw fear, guilt, and shame in his father's eyes. He seemed so broken and crushed. "I warned your mother that there were people who knew about your existence. And they would do anything to see me crumble and defeated, Mason. Even if it meant killing an innocent child like you. I didn't care if they told the public about you or if the public found out you were my illegitimate son. What was important to me was to save you during those times. They knew you were going to be an heir of mine because you're my only son. I told your mother to leave in order to protect you but she wouldn't listen to me. She...she-" Edward hesitated. "She what?" Mason's hoarse voice asked. Edward briefly closed his eyes to think of the next words he had never imagined he would ever mention again. However, he was caught off guard when Mason's fist grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, his breath hitching in his throat. "Tell me!" Mason impatiently screamed as another tear travelled down Edward's cheek. Mason was starting to turn red from anger, beads of sweat rolling down his face, and the veins on his neck were very visible. A few more seconds of delay and he might actually explode. "Tell me-" "She was pregnant!" Edward answered. "Your mother was pregnant." He told him more calmly as Mason stared at him in bewilderment. Mason released his father from his tight grip and slowly backed away from him. Edward saw the confusion and shock on his son's face and he really wished he didn't have to say the truth to him. He would rather endure the pain all by himself than see his son get hurt. "She was having an affair with this man whom she fell in love with. She ended up pregnant and she wanted to have a family with the douchebag. I warned her about the men who were after you. I told her to leave and protect you but she couldn't leave the man who she thought loved her. But in reality, he was only after her money. One day, the man took everything in her bank account and left without a word. And that same day, your mother received a death threat from my enemies. That was when she decided to leave and save you but it was too late." Edward told him as he reminisced the past. "I tried saving her, Mason. I really did but the men I've sent came late. She was already hit by the car when they arrived. And when she was brought to the hospital, she passed away. I looked for you everywhere. Every street, every city. And each day I was losing my mind hearing the news that you were still missing. But after two months, I finally found you." "You found me? You were the one who found me?" Mason asked him in confusion and disbelief. "Yes." Edward admitted. Mason laughed humourlessly and glared at his father. "You knew exactly where I was yet you never showed yourself to me. For two years, two years, I've been kept hidden from the world! All this time, I thought nobody knew I was living with Gran. All along I thought that you never cared or loved me. Why?! Why did you hide the truth from me?! Why did you hide yourself from me?!" Mason panted as tears rolled down his cheeks. It seemed as if all the emotions and feelings he had bottled up for the last twenty years were being released and liberated. "Because I was ashamed, Mason!" Edward retorted. "I was ashamed that I couldn't save your mother and the innocent child inside of her. I was ashamed that I didn't do enough to save you or your mother. I was ashamed for being such a terrible father to you. I didn't know how to face you, not after what happened to your mother." "So your solution was to push me away every time you see me? To make me feel that I'm an outcast in the family? That I was just a mistake you wished you'd never committed? To make me feel so small and insignificant in everything that I do?" Mason asked him in anger, agony, and pain. "Is that your plan? Is your plan to make me miserable for the rest of my life so you wouldn't feel ashamed of yourself?" "My plan was to save you from the pain you would have felt if you knew right then that your mother didn't die alone, but also the child inside of her." Edward calmly stated. "Even if in return, you would hate me for the rest of my life. I would rather have you blame me and punish me for the death of your mother, than have you hate yourself for their deaths." "I want you to remember something important, Mason." Edward continued as he slowly approached his son. "The well- being and the welfare of yours and Ella's will always be my main priority. You and Ella are my life. Until my very last breath, I will make sure that no one and nothing on this earth shall ever harm you or your sister. Because as a father, it is my duty to protect my children. I will put my life on the line if I have to. I will endure the pain, Mason, all the pain in the world, as long as I see you and your sister happy and safe. That's the greatest sacrifice a father would make for their children." Edward grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled him into a warm embrace. Mason couldn't stop the tears from falling. He had never cried so much in his whole existence. It had always been a dream of his to experience a father's love. And being in the arms of his father at the moment made him feel loved and cared for. He had never seen the soft side of his father. He thought that their relationship would remain as it was, full of hatred, anger, and pain. But the truth made Mason realized that his father had always been thinking of him and had always wanted the best for him and Ella. At that moment, all the resentment and hatred Mason had been feeling towards his father seemed to dissipate. "Wait." Mason pulled away once his tears have subsided. "What?" His father asked him in concern. "If you really love me, you would let me choose whom I want to marry." He blurted out, out of the blue. "You said you want me to be happy, right? Well then, I don't wanna marry Mr. Wilson's daughter. I only see myself having a future with one woman and that is Kelsey. I love her, Dad. I love Kelsey and she's the only woman I wanna spend the rest of my life with." He proudly declared to his father. Edward smiled at him and patted him at the back. "Then you have my blessings." Mason's eyebrows furrowed in confusion at his father's sudden changed of heart. Mason didn't know if he should be worried or glad that he was giving him his blessings. "Just like that?" He questioned his father with squinted eyes. "I thought you didn't want us to be together. Isn't that the reason why you made her terminate the contract?" Edward chuckled and watched his son in amusement. "You know Mason, sometimes, you need to learn some lessons in life. Sometimes, the most difficult lessons are learned the hard way." "So are you telling me that you planned everything? That everything was a set up?" He asked him but he only got a smile from Edward. "Dad!" Mason bursted in frustration. "You almost broke us up! You almost made me lose her!" "If you really love her, you would have made a way to get back together with her. Besides, I terminated that contract because it'll only ruin the both of you. I don't want you to start a serious relationship out of a contract, Mason. If you're going to this, do it right. You wanna marry her? Then sincerely ask for her permission. That's the right thing to do." Edward advised him. Mason then realized that his father was right. He did made a plan on getting back together with Kelsey regardless of his father's disapproval. And his father was also correct that if he really wanted to marry Kelsey, he should ask her family for their blessings and properly ask Kelsey for her hand in marriage. Mason wanted to do it right. He wanted to make Kelsey feel special and show her how much he really loved her. Mason beamed at his father and hugged him again. "Thanks, Dad. Thank you." He sincerely told him. Edward patted his son's back and was glad that they have made up. Edward knew right at that moment that a new door was opening for their relationship and everything would change for the better. "I love you, son. Always remember that." He genuinely said and Mason's grin couldn't get any bigger from the bliss he was feeling in his chest. He was glad that he and his father were okay. "Now go and get your girl!" Edward demanded as he released his son from the hug and pushed him towards the door. Mason sent him another smile before he left and ran out of the door. "Go and get Kelsey Montenegro." Edward added as the door swiftly closed behind Mason.
5 Nov 2018 | 03:23
Wow! Thanks for d updates
5 Nov 2018 | 05:03
The next day, Mason took a leave off at work and made a whole day plan with Kelsey. He was so thrilled to spend some time with Kelsey that he had to cancel his meeting with a potential client. At the very moment, he didn't really care about his career. He just really wanted to spend the day with Kelsey. Besides, being away from each other for awhile got him afflicted and upset. Mason was buttoning up his plain white polo shirt when his phone suddenly rang. He grabbed it from his nightstand table and answered it. "Mason King speaking." He professionally spoke. "Mr. King, I would just like to inform you that everything has been booked and planned as you have ordered." Nina informed him over the phone. Mason smiled at her news and he couldn't help but feel excited. He really wished Kelsey would enjoy what he had planned for the both of them the entire day. "Thanks, Nina." He gratefully told her. Nina was about to hang up the phone, knowing her boss had a dismissive tone, but he suddenly spoke up over the line again. "Oh, and Nina?" "Yes, sir?" She quickly retrieved the phone back to her ears, feeling relieved that she didn't hang up on him. The last thing she needed was another episode of 'Beauty and the Beast'. The beast being her boss every time he was furious. "Take the day off." He calmly commanded as Nina's jaw hanged low at his words. Did she hear him correctly? Was he actually giving her a day off? Never had she ever gotten a day off from work unless she took a sick/vacation leave. "Get some rest and we'll get back to business first thing tomorrow." He lastly said as he hanged up the phone, leaving Nina flabbergasted. Nina stared at the phone for a few seconds in awe before she gently placed it back on the landline. "Day off..." She bewilderedly whispered, still peering at the phone. Suddenly, her cellphone rang in her bag and she fished it out to answer it. "Hello?" She answered without bothering on checking the caller ID. "You wanna hang out? I heard it's your day off." Ricky asked her. And once again, Nina pulled her phone away from her ear and stared at the phone in astonishment. "Nina? Nina, you there?" Ricky called out, snapping her out of her trance. "Um...yeah, yeah, I'm still here." She informed him. "What were you saying?" She sheepishly asked him, rubbing the nape of her neck. "I asked if you wanted to go out. You know, grab something to eat, watch a movie or something? Mason mentioned earlier that he'll be giving you the day off so I figured..." He dragged out. "Well, you know..." "Uhm... Sure." Nina hesitantly responded. Ricky did a fist bump in the air as he heard her answer and he couldn't stop himself from grinning widely. "Great! I'll pick you up in a bit." He said before hanging up, leaving Nina in awe and anxiousness. ~ * ~ * ~ "Will you get that, please?!" Kelsey called out to Margie as she dashed back in the room she was staying in and packed her bag. Margie stared at the door as the doorbell rang again. "Where are you going anyway? Who are you meeting with?" She asked while she was strolling towards the door. "Just get the door!" Kelsey demanded as the doorbell rang once again. "Okay, okay, keep your panties on." Margie kidded and unlocked the door. She opened it only to come face-to-face with the man she least wanted to see. Her eyes widened as she stared into his confused dark orbs and her mouth hanged agape. "Margaret, Margaret Wilson right?" Mason asked in bewilderment. "Did I get the right address?" He questioned himself as he pulled his phone out of his pocket to check if the address Kelsey had sent him last night was correct. "Are you here for Kelsey?" She asked him, halting his action of checking his phone. He looked up from his phone and stared at her in confusion. "Yes..." He answered. "Do you know Kelsey Parker?" He questioned her with a raised brow. "Sorry, sorry. My alarm didn't go off this morning." Kelsey suddenly blurted out, interrupting the two. Kelsey kneeled down to quickly put on her flats and beamed at Mason as she rise up. "By the way, this is my best friend Margie. Margie, this is...well... I'm pretty sure you already know who he is." She introduced the two. "Actually, we already know each other." Mason informed her as Kelsey's brows furrowed in confusion and Margie's eyes widened. "Really? How?" She asked him. Margie sent Mason a warning look and shook her head repeatedly but Mason didn't pay any attention at her as he was too focused on Kelsey. "Funny story, we were set up in an arranged marriage." He announced as Margie groaned inwardly. Kelsey glanced back at Margie and raised a brow and shot her a questioning look. "You were?" She asked Margie accusingly. "I didn't know that." She said, turning her attention back to Mason. Margie felt the guilt eating her up for lying to her best friend. They were more than best friends, they were sisters. And keeping such a big secret to her made Margie feel like she was the biggest douchebag in the world. "Oh really?" Mason nervously laughed as he scratched the nape of his neck and took a quick glance at Margie, who was already glaring at him for exposing her secret. "Anyway, it's not that big of a deal-" "Why didn't you tell me?" Kelsey whipped her head towards Margie's direction and watched her with scrutinizing eyes. "Is this the reason why Bryan left?" She asked and Margie's lips pursed into a thin line. Silence always meant yes and Kelsey sighed. "Did you talk to him?" Margie lowered her eyes and avoided any eye contact. The least she wanted Kelsey to see was the tears that were forming in her eyes. "He's not answering my calls." She managed to utter, her voice cracking at the end. "I'll give you girls some time to talk. I'll wait for you in the car, okay?" Mason told Kelsey as she nodded her head in agreement. Mason kissed the top of her head before leaving and gently shutting the door on his way out. Kelsey grabbed Margie's arm and led her to the couch. They plopped themselves down on the couch and Margie couldn't held her tears any longer as they flooded her cheeks as soon as she sat down. Kelsey pulled her into an embrace and rubbed her back soothingly. "I don't know what to do, Kels. I don't know what to say to him. I don't know if he'll ever talk to me again." Margie gasped in between sobs. "What if he never takes me back? What if he'd moved on and find another woman? I don't know what I'm gonna do if I lose him." Kelsey shushed her and placed Margie's head in between her hands so that she would look at her. "Look at me, Marg. Look." She ordered as Margie glanced at her. "I promise I'll talk to Bryan. I will explain everything to him. He loves you, Marg. He loves you so much I'm sure he's also miserable right now. I'll fix this, okay? Just hang in there." Margie nodded her head and gratefully pulled her into a hug. She was really glad she had a great friend like Kelsey. ~ * ~ * ~ Mason and Kelsey both took off their shoes and walked on the shore of the beach. They had their hand intertwined as they took a stroll around. "Are you sure your friend is okay?" Mason suddenly asked her. "I'm sure she will be." She positively answered as she stared off at a distance. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about the arranged marriage." He apologized. "I didn't know Margaret was your friend." When he didn't hear a reply, Mason continued. "I hope the man she was with is not stupid enough to just leave her completely. He'll be a big fool if he does." Kelsey abruptly halted her steps and finally glanced at Mason. "What do you mean?" She asked him in curiosity. "When I met Margaret, I could already tell there was someone else. That the arranged marriage was the last thing she wanted because she already had someone in her heart. I can see it in her eyes. How much she adores and loves this Bryan guy you were talking about. He'll be the biggest fool on earth if he leaves a woman like her who's head over heels in love with him." Mason explained. Kelsey smiled, satisfied at what she had heard. It was true, Margie was head over heels in love with Bryan and she was certain that Bryan loved Margie as much. They were destined to be together. Suddenly, an idea popped in her head. "Will you do me a favour?" "What is it?" ~ * ~ * ~ The day of Kyle's chemotherapy, Lucas made sure to avail himself and cancelled all his meetings. He went to the hospital early in the morning to eat breakfast with his son and spent some time with him. Hilda came a few hours later and was greeted with Lucas and Kyle's booming laughter. She stared by the doorpost and smiled as she saw how happy her son was around his father. Kyle was still oblivious to the fact that Lucas was his father but Hilda wanted to tell him the truth soon. Ever since Lucas first visited Kyle, he had never missed a day visiting his son. It was his way of spending the lost time they were both deprived of. Around lunch time, Kyle was called for his chemotherapy. It was Lucas' first time to see someone go through a therapy. He was nervous and a bit terrified. It didn't help that it was his son, his own blood and flesh, who had to go through chemotherapy. Right at that moment, Lucas really wished he could just take his son's sickness and endure the pain himself. If only he could. Lucas and Hilda were sitting on the bench outside the chemotherapy room and waited for Kyle's session to be over. Hilda glanced at Lucas and saw how distressed he was. He was shaking his leg and fidgeting with his fingers on his lap. Hilda scooted closer towards him and hesitantly placed a hand over his. He glanced at her hand then turned his head towards her face. Hilda shot him an assuring smile and gave his hand a little squeeze. "He'll be fine. He's always been fine. He's a lot stronger and braver than you think." Lucas sighed and placed his left hand on top of hers that was already resting on his right one. "I'm glad he's as strong and brave as you. Thank you, Hilda. Thank you for being strong for our children. You've been nothing but a wonderful mother to them. I couldn't asked for a better mother for my children." He honestly told her. After Kyle's chemotherapy, Lucas waited until he woke up to asked him how he was doing and to bid him a farewell before he left for the day. But Kyle requested that he stayed and eat dinner with him before he leaves. Seeing that the two wanted to spend more time together, Hilda insisted on buying dinner, leaving the two alone. "Thank you for coming today, sir." Kyle gratefully thanked him. "Don't mention it, kid. If you need anything, anything at all, just tell me, okay?" Lucas said as Kyle nodded his head in understanding. "Tell me honestly, sir. Are you really just a friend of my mother?" Kyle suddenly asked him, catching him off guard. Lucas cleared his throat and sat on the chair right beside his bed. He stared at his son for a few seconds before replying. "Yes, I am just a friend of your mother." He honestly answered. "But you were more in the past, am I right?" Kyle added. Lucas studied his son with scrutinizing eyes. He was sure his son knew more than he should. Kyle was certainly sharp and brilliant for his age. When he didn't answer, Kyle continued. "You were my mother's first husband, right?" He asked but it sounded more like a statement. To say that Lucas was astonished was an understatement. He was more than astonished by his son's knowledge of his true identity. "How do you know? Has your mother ever talked about me?" He questioned him. Kyle shook his head in response. "No." He simply answered. "Then how did you find out?" "I've seen old pictures hidden under my mother's bed." Kyle nonchalantly replied as he simultaneously shrugged his shoulders. "It's you, right? Do you plan on getting back together with her?" Lucas was speechless. He didn't know what to say to his son. He didn't even know if he was allowed to finally tell him about the truth. The truth that he was his father. After a few moment, Kyle finally broke the silence. "Because if you do, then you got my approval. I can see how happy you make my mom. And that's the only important thing to me. That she's happy and there is someone who will take care of her in the future." He told him. Lucas stared at him in awe and smiled. He kissed him on the top of his bald head and hugged him. "Thank you son, thank you." It was the only thing Lucas could say after hearing his son's words. It did not only brought joy in his heart that his son had accepted him to be a part of their family, but it also encouraged him to pursue Hilda and win her over once again.
5 Nov 2018 | 15:10
After their stroll on the beach, Mason brought Kelsey to a street food fair downtown. Together, they tried different types of food - Korean, Moroccan, Indian, Japanese, Mexican, and more - and they were all delicious. For dessert, Mason asked Nina to get them two tickets at the famous all-you-can-eat dessert place in town. They were bloated by the end of the day but they certainly had a blast. Before the day was over, Mason brought her to one of his favourite place to go to as he was growing up. He held her hand and led her to the rooftop of his grandmother's house. "Wow, this is beautiful." Kelsey gasped out as she stared at the rooftop garden. There were all types of colourful flowers and Kelsey was amazed at the view. "Right? I always go here to think. It's my haven, I guess." Mason admitted as he sat on the ledge that was surrounded by a fence to prevent anyone from falling forward. Kelsey carefully touched the blue roses and stared at it in awe. "Where's your grandmother anyway?" She asked him. "She's out of the country for awhile. You know, doing some business transactions. I still haven't thanked her for what she's done." Mason uttered as he looked at the rooftop view. "In a way, we both owe her, don't we? Not only did she fix your relationship with your father, but she also played cupid and fixed us." Kelsey said as she made her way towards him and sat down. Mason smiled and took her hand that was resting on her lap. "I will forever be grateful to her because of this. She's always been my guardian angel. I guess she still is." There was a moment of peaceful silent as they held each other's hands and focused their eyes on the view below them. The sun was starting to set and the horizon was slowly turning orangey-pink. They were both watching the sunset when Mason remembered a topic that he was unsure if he was allowed to discuss again. But out of his curiosity, he asked anyway. "Remember when you told me that when you're ready, you'll tell me about your father? Since we're talking about fathers, I was just curious if you're ready to tell me about yours." Mason carefully asked her, not wanting to ruin the peaceful and comfortable atmosphere they had. Mason saw the hesitation and discomfort in her face and body language. So before he could ruin her day, he gave her hand a little squeezed and shot her a small smile. "It's okay, you don't have to tell me." He assured her. "I hate him." She suddenly blurted out, taking Mason off- guard. "I hate him for leaving me, for leaving my mother when she needed him the most. I hate him for giving up on our family, that he didn't even fought for it. I hate the fact that he has a son who's fighting for his life in the hospital but he doesn't even know he exists. I really hate him." She paused to calm herself down, not wanting to break down in front of Mason. "But you know who I hate even more?" She suddenly asked him as she looked at him dead in the eyes. "I hate myself." She confessed to him and glanced away from him, staring off at a distance again. "I hate myself because despite what my father has done, I still miss him. I still long to be in his arms. I still hope that our family will be fix and whole again." She admitted as she felt the longing in her heart. She felt a tear rolled down her cheek and she quickly wiped it away. If there was one thing she had promised herself, it was to never shed a tear for her father, who she had learned to hate over the time. But lately, after finding out about what truly happened to him and how big his heart still was after all these years, made Kelsey long for her father again. She refrained herself from telling him who she really was because the last thing she wanted was to rely and depend on him again. Mason took her head by his palms and looked at her straight in the eye. "I'm sure your father misses you too." He sincerely told her with an assuring smile on his face. Mason placed a peck on her lips and cuddled her into his warm chest. Right then, Kelsey couldn't ask for anything better. She was always so happy and secure whenever she was in his arms. Kelsey stared at the far end side of the rooftop and an old wooden playhouse had captured her eyes. She was intently looking at it and before she knew it, a scenario flashed before her eyes. "Wow! It looks amazing up here." Her young self blurted in awe, with her mouth slightly agape. She ran to the edge of the rooftop and leaned forward. "Woah!" Ems quickly took her by the shoulders and moved her away from the ledge. "Be careful now, you don't wanna fall, do you?" He sarcastically asked her. She chuckled and shook her head in response. She looked around the plants and touched the blue roses that had caught her attention. She always did love the colour blue. Something about it brought calmness within her, like the sound of the waves of the ocean. She was attentively staring at the roses when she heard some noise coming from the far end side of the roof that was slightly hidden because of the white painted wall that extended from the house. She glanced around and noticed that Ems was gone. Her curiosity got ahead of hers, as usual, and she strolled towards the direction of the noise before she could stop herself. Kelsey moved closer and saw a wooded playhouse that was big enough to fit ten kids in it. She wasn't exaggerating or anything, the playhouse was really huge. She took a few more steps closer to it and ran her palm on the smooth surface of the wall. "You like it?" Ems suddenly asked from behind, causing her to jump from getting startled. She glanced at him for awhile before returning her gaze at the inviting playhouse. "Can we go in?" She eagerly asked him as she stared at him with hopeful and excited eyes. Ems chuckled and nodded his head. He twisted the knob of the door and held it open for her. Kelsey stepped inside and couldn't help but feel even more amazed. It was no ordinary playhouse, that was for sure. The walls were painted sky blue with glow-in-the-dark stars stuck on the ceiling. There were colourful beanbags on the floor and a small centre table that was slightly higher than the beanbags. There was a small bookshelf on the side and it was filled with books. But what really caught her attention was the wooden treasure box on the far left side of the house. She walked towards the treasure box and stared at it interest. She was a curious child full of questions in her mind. Of course she wanted to know what was inside and her hands were starting to grow itchy as she peered at the mysterious box. "What's inside?" She asked without moving her sight from the box. Ems stood beside her and stared at the treasure box as well. "My memories." He nonchalantly answered as he moved away from it. He turned around and plopped himself down on a nearby beanbag. Kelsey, who was unhappy with his answer, snorted in response and glared at him. "What kind of memories?" She kept on going. Ems released a long breath and briefly closed his eyes in relaxation. "Memories that I treasure the most. That's why they're in a treasure box." "Well...can I look inside?" Kelsey questioned him with expectant and pleading eyes. However, Ems was unaffected by it. Even if she begged him to, he wasn't going to allow her to even take a peek. "No." He simply replied and stood up from the bag. "Why not?" She whined. "Because I said so." "But-" "I promise that I'll show it to you when we're older. Okay?" "Promise?" She pouted as she held her pinky finger out. Ems smiled and hooked his pinky finger with hers. "I promise." Kelsey abruptly stood from the ledge, surprising Mason in the progress. "What's wrong?" He worriedly asked her. She couldn't take her eyes off of the playhouse. She was so sure it was the one she and her childhood friend, Ems, would spend time playing at. Unable to hold herself back, she found her feet automatically moving towards the playhouse as if it was sucking her in. The closer she got, the clearer she saw the playhouse and she was certain it was the exact one. It couldn't be a replica, could it? "Kelsey?" Mason called out, pulling on her forearm causing her to spin around to face him. "What's going on?" He asked her in concern as he stared at her bewildered face. Kelsey glanced at the playhouse then looked back at him. "This playhouse, Mason. This whole rooftop..." She said gesturing to the place. "I've been here before, I can't be mistaken." She determinedly told him as she felt a sense of déjà vu inside of her. "Are you sure?" Mason asked her in confusion. She walked closer to the playhouse wanting to go in and confirm but saw that it was locked. She pleadingly looked at Mason, gesturing at the lock. "Can you unlock it? I really want to see what's inside." She desperately begged him and Mason studied her in both bewilderment and anxiousness. He didn't know what exactly was running through her head. "Please!" She insisted. Mason quizzically glanced at her before pushing a heavy wooden box near the wall of the house. Underneath the ground that was covered by the box was a tiny book. Mason opened the book and the pages were carved out into a shape of a square where the key was hidden. He took the key and unlocked the door. "I gotta warn you, I haven't been here for a while so it might be very dusty and dirty." He informed her before taking the chains out that was looped around the door and pushed it open. He fished his phone out of his pocket and turned on his flashlight since the sun had already settled down and darkness had coated the sky. Kelsey warily entered the playhouse and the air in her lungs seemed to have hitched in her throat as she regarded the place. It still looked the same. The coloured beanbags, the centre table, the bookshelf that was full of old, mouldy books, and the one thing that really confirmed Kelsey's doubt. There sat the wooden treasure box that her childhood playmate wouldn't allow her to take a peek in. She strolled towards the treasure box and ran a finger over it, sweeping some of the dusts that had formed overtime. "This is the playhouse I used to play at, Mason." She told him as she glanced around the place in both amazement and disbelief. "I've been here before." Mason stared at her in puzzlement and unconsciously scratched the tip of his brow as he tried to comprehend the situation. He shook his head in confusion before asking, "Are you sure? Because the only other person who's been here before is my childhood friend..." Mason halted as realization finally sank in. Kelsey and Mason stared at each other in incredulity. Both were thinking how strange their situation was and nobody knew what exactly to say to one another. "You're Kace?" Mason whispered in disbelief as he intently studied his supposed childhood playmate. "And you're Ems?" She asked him. For a second, they were only staring at each other in uncertainty, trying to wrap the situation around their heads. Then, when realization had settled in, they both foolishly grinned at each other in awe. "You mean...we've known each other ever since?" Kelsey asked him in shock. "But-" "I promise that I'll show it to you when we're older. Okay?" "Promise?" She pouted as she held her pinky finger out. Ems smiled and hooked his pinky finger with hers. "I promise." Kelsey abruptly stood from the ledge, surprising Mason in the progress. "What's wrong?" He worriedly asked her. She couldn't take her eyes off of the playhouse. She was so sure it was the one she and her childhood friend, Ems, would spend time playing at. Unable to hold herself back, she found her feet automatically moving towards the playhouse as if it was sucking her in. The closer she got, the clearer she saw the playhouse and she was certain it was the exact one. It couldn't be a replica, could it? "Kelsey?" Mason called out, pulling on her forearm causing her to spin around to face him. "What's going on?" He asked her in concern as he stared at her bewildered face. Kelsey glanced at the playhouse then looked back at him. "This playhouse, Mason. This whole rooftop..." She said gesturing to the place. "I've been here before, I can't be mistaken." She determinedly told him as she felt a sense of déjà vu inside of her. "Are you sure?" Mason asked her in confusion. She walked closer to the playhouse wanting to go in and confirm but saw that it was locked. She pleadingly looked at Mason, gesturing at the lock. "Can you unlock it? I really want to see what's inside." She desperately begged him and Mason studied her in both bewilderment and anxiousness. He didn't know what exactly was running through her head. "Please!" She insisted. Mason quizzically glanced at her before pushing a heavy wooden box near the wall of the house. Underneath the ground that was covered by the box was a tiny book. Mason opened the book and the pages were carved out into a shape of a square where the key was hidden. He took the key and unlocked the door. "I gotta warn you, I haven't been here for a while so it might be very dusty and dirty." He informed her before taking the chains out that was looped around the door and pushed it open. He fished his phone out of his pocket and turned on his flashlight since the sun had already settled down and darkness had coated the sky. Kelsey warily entered the playhouse and the air in her lungs seemed to have hitched in her throat as she regarded the place. It still looked the same. The coloured beanbags, the centre table, the bookshelf that was full of old, mouldy books, and the one thing that really confirmed Kelsey's doubt. There sat the wooden treasure box that her childhood playmate wouldn't allow her to take a peek in. She strolled towards the treasure box and ran a finger over it, sweeping some of the dusts that had formed overtime. "This is the playhouse I used to play at, Mason." She told him as she glanced around the place in both amazement and disbelief. "I've been here before." Mason stared at her in puzzlement and unconsciously scratched the tip of his brow as he tried to comprehend the situation. He shook his head in confusion before asking, "Are you sure? Because the only other person who's been here before is my childhood friend..." Mason halted as realization finally sank in. Kelsey and Mason stared at each other in incredulity. Both were thinking how strange their situation was and nobody knew what exactly to say to one another. "You're Kace?" Mason whispered in disbelief as he intently studied his supposed childhood playmate. "And you're Ems?" She asked him. For a second, they were only staring at each other in uncertainty, trying to wrap the situation around their heads. Then, when realization had settled in, they both foolishly grinned at each other in awe. "You mean...we've known each other ever since?" Kelsey asked him in shock.
6 Nov 2018 | 03:23
how did Edward know dat Kelsey is Lucas's daughter
6 Nov 2018 | 12:16
wow,,,, dia love will double now
6 Nov 2018 | 12:38
Hmmmmm....... Fire on
6 Nov 2018 | 12:50
so Kelsey is Lucas daughter
6 Nov 2018 | 15:52
7 Nov 2018 | 02:25
Hilda arrived at the hospital right after she finished working. She asked Paulina if Ace could stay there for awhile and Paulina, being the kind and loving woman that she was, agreed. It was already seven thirty at night when she arrived. She quickly made a pit stop at a Chinese restaurant near the hospital that sells the best wonton soup, Kyle's favourite. She stopped by and said her greetings to the nurses in the reception before heading to Kyle's room. The door was left slightly ajar and Hilda heard series of laughter from the inside. She took a peek inside and saw that Kyle wasn't alone. Lucas was there again, playing a board game with him. But this time, it wasn't only the two of them. Hilda saw a little girl, probably the same age as Ace, sitting beside her son on the bed. She was excitedly pointing at the board game and both her and Kyle laughed as Lucas groaned in defeat. "We won again!" Kyle exclaimed as he high-five the little girl. "I'm hungry, Daddy." The little girl cooed to Lucas, making her puppy-dog face that no one could resist. Hilda's heart stopped beating for awhile as the realization sank in. The little girl beside his son was Lucas' daughter, Kyle's half-sister, Hilda thought. "How 'bout pizza night? Does that sound like a plan?" Lucas asked the kids. Kyle and Chloe looked at each other, grinned, then gave Lucas two thumbs up. "Okay, I'm gonna make the phone call." He announced as he stood from the chair and went to the far corner of the room to make the call. Hilda then decided to walk in as Lucas was occupied. "Hi Mom!" Kyle excitedly greeted her. She kissed the top of his head and said her greetings. That seemed to catch Lucas' attention as he glanced back at them and shot her a smile. "I bought some of your favourite wonton soup." She told Kyle. "Aw, but I want to eat pizza..." He pouted in dismay. Lucas put the man he was speaking to on hold and glanced back at Hilda. "I hope you don't mind if I buy him pizza. He's okay to eat it right?" Lucas asked, unsure if his son was even allowed to eat junk food because of his health condition. Hilda nodded and shot him a reassuring smile. "It's fine, go ahead and order." She told him. She was about placed the soup on the bedside table when a small, tiny hand gripped her own, halting her actions. Hilda peered at the little girl, holding gently to her hand, and stared at her in wonder. "I want some soup. May I have some?" Her sweet, tiny voice asked in a soft tone. "Of course." Hilda answered with a warm smile. The little girl beamed widely at her and thanked her. Hilda couldn't help but feel her heart melt by the little girl's smile. She sure knew how to charm people with her captivating smile. Even Hilda couldn't let herself get angry at the innocent little girl for being her ex-husband's child from another woman. "But let's let it cool a bit, okay? It's still very hot." She informed her. "Okay." The little girl bobbed her pretty, little head up and down in understanding. "What's your name anyway, sweetie?" Hilda asked her as she sat on the chair Lucas was formerly sitting on. "My name is Chloe!" She told her. "What's your name?" She tilted her head to the side as she waited for Hilda's reply. "I'm Hilda." "Are you Kyle's mommy?" "Yes, I am." "Can I also call you mommy?" Chloe asked her with innocent eyes. The smile on Hilda's face faltered as she looked up from the little girl and made eye contact with Lucas who was already staring at her in surprise. He hurriedly told the man their order and hanged up the phone in panic. Lucas placed his phone in his pocket and rushed to Chloe's side. "Chloe, remember what I told you about your mom?... Besides sweetheart, Hilda here is Kyle's mom, not yours." He started explaining in the best way he could without hurting his daughter's feelings. But he seemed to be failing when the little girl's eyes started swelling in tears. Hilda couldn't watch the poor little girl in tears so she did what she had to do to prevent her from crying. "It's okay, sweetie." She quickly butted in and held the little girl's hand in hers. "You can call me whatever you want." She assured her with a smile. Chloe's face lit up and jumped into Hilda's arms, catching both her and Lucas off guard. Chloe wrapped her short arms around Hilda's neck and embraced her lovingly. Lucas eyed her worriedly but Hilda only shook her head and smiled at him in affirmation. Hilda hugged the little girl back, which brought gladness in Lucas' heart. If he was going to return to his family, Chloe was part of the package. The two of them goes together no matter what. And seeing Hilda accept Chloe made Lucas felt at ease. ~ * ~ * ~ After they had pizza night and played another round of board game, the children were exhausted from the long day. Chloe's nanny came in and took her sleeping form to be brought to the car while Lucas said his farewell to Kyle and kissed his temple before leaving. Hilda decided to usher Lucas to his car in order to thank him for visiting Kyle. "Thank you for visiting Kyle today. Thank you for keeping him company." She gratefully thank him. "It's the least I can do for my son. I guess I just wanna catch up with the ten years time I've lost with him." He said and hearing it aloud made it sound more horrible than it already was. He felt such a bad father to both Kelsey and Kyle. Hilda felt guilt clutching her heart. Even if it was entirely Lucas' fault, she couldn't help but feel that it was also partly her fault for not telling him that she was pregnant and that they had a son. "He seems to be in a very good mood lately." She announced to make him feel less burden. "And it's all thanks to you. He found another reason why he should keep fighting." Lucas smiled, glad that he was at least a source of joy and entertainment to his son in the midst of his suffering. They silently walked side-by-side together in comfort. Until Lucas remembered Chloe's behaviour a while ago. "I'm sorry about Chloe earlier." He sheepishly said as he rubbed the nape of his neck. Hilda shook her head and shot him a reassuring smile as she remembered how the little girl had insisted of calling her mom. "Don't worry about it. She's only a kid anyway. But if you don't mind me asking, where's her mother? I don't think she would be insisting of calling me mom if her own mother is around." She voiced out her thoughts. "She passed away a few days after she gave birth to Chloe." He nonchalantly announced as if he was totally unaffected or fazed by the situation. "I'm sorry to hear that." Hilda still sympathetically apologized for his lost. "It must be hard raising Chloe all by yourself." "It was a challenge, and I guess it still is. All I really wish and dream of is for our kids to be well off in the future and to have a joyful life ahead of them." He honestly told her. "I'm sure you took real great care of her. She's one beautiful and kind little girl. Very relieving that she took after her mother's looks." She joked and pointed out the obvious. "You know, I'm starting to realize that none of the kids look like you." She laughed and stopped mid-way as she stared at his serious face. "It was a joke." She said, trying to uplift the tension that she unknowingly created."Chloe's not my biological daughter." He simply replied. Hilda felt like a douche by commenting such a harsh thing to him. She felt guilty again and all she wanted to do was to repeatedly smack her big mouth. "I'm really sorry if I offended you in any kind of-" "It's okay." Lucas quickly reassured her, shaking his head in understanding. "You had no idea anyway. Besides, it's not really important if she's my biological child or not. What matters is that we're a family. She kept me sane during the times when I was at my lowest in life. She kept me at bay and I will forever be thankful that God gave me a guardian angel." He explained and Hilda's heart melted in sweetness as she listened to his words. "Chloe's mom and I were arranged in a marriage." He started, feeling that Hilda had to hear and know the story. "I resented the idea of marrying another woman, especially when I found out that she was already pregnant to begin with. Apparently her so-called boyfriend ran off after knocking her out. I didn't want to marry her, believe me, but she begged me to. By that time, she found out that she had breast cancer. She didn't want to abort the child. She wanted to give the baby a chance to live, a family who would love and take care of her." Lucas laughed humourlessly and pushed the door open outside of the hospital, holding it open until Hilda had completely got out. "I know I'm not the best representative since I'm not really a responsible man. But she trusted me with her child." He continued on. "I love Chloe. She gave me a sense of hope. She reminded me what it's like to have a family again. And you know what I promised myself to give her?" "What?" Hilda asked in curiosity. "A complete family." He sincerely answered. "And that family is you, Hilda. You and our children." He stated as he held her by her shoulders and stared directly into her eyes in all seriousness. "I came back here for one reason and that is to get my family back. Hilda, please, if you will give me a chance, I want to be with you again. I know I've hurt you, I know what I've done is unforgivable. But please, please, give me another chance. Please give me another chance to be your husband, to be a father to our children. I love you, Hilda." He proclaimed, causing Hilda's breath to hitch in her throat. She felt her stomach doing somersault and tingles all over her toes. She felt like a lovesick teenager all over again, an effect that only Lucas could possess over her body. "I love you." He repeated and stole a kiss on her lips. More than a decade had passed, but nothing had change with the feelings they felt the moment that they kiss. It was still passionate, full of love and assurance that everything will be alright. "And I never stopped loving you, Hilda. Please, give me another chance. What do you say?" He asked, resting his forehead against her own. Hilda panted and took her moment to catch her breath as she let his words sink in her mind. Was she really willing to give their relationship another shot? She knew he was her first loved and it was difficult to get over and forget him easily, but having the fact that they have had two children together made everything simple in her head. She wanted to give him a chance. A chance to prove to her and their children that he was a changed man, a man who would fight for their family and would love them unconditionally. Hilda nodded her head. "Okay." She breathlessly uttered. A grin quickly made its way on Lucas' lips hearing her sweet, sweet answer. He couldn't believe that she was giving him a another shot. "On one condition..." She added, sweeping the smile off of his face. "What is it?" He leaned back, wanting to look at her properly. "We have to get the approval of our children before going through this." She answered him. Lucas thought that he wouldn't have any problem with Chloe. Heck, he wouldn't even have any problem with his son. He was just not sure about Ace, Hilda's adopted child, and of course, his daughter, Kelsey. He knew he was going to go through the hole of a needle in order to get accepted by his daughter again. He just wished that she would also give him a chance. Lucas nodded his head in agreement and smiled. "Absolutely. We'll talk to them as soon as possible." He told her, grasping her hand and placing a sweet kiss on it. ~ * ~ * ~ Margie was about to cook dinner when Kelsey called her and informed her that she wouldn't be eating dinner with her for the night because she was still out with Mason. Margie told her it was fine and that she would be ordering pizza instead. After she made the phone call to order, she quickly changed into her cute strawberry pyjamas. She was about to lay down on the couch to wait for the pizza delivery when there was a knock on the door. A smile rapidly crawled up her lips at the thought of eating a whole box of Hawaiian pizza all by herself. She hopped towards the door and unlocked it. She flung the door opened in excitement but the smile on her face faltered at the sight before her. "Pizza delivery." Bryan announced, raising the box with one arm. Margie only stared at him in awe, unmoving and stagnant. "Margie..." Bryan worriedly called out when all she did was gawk at him. Unexpectedly, she jumped in his arms, causing him to slightly stumble but he quickly regained his balanced. "I miss you." She whispered directly in his ears and hugged him tightly, afraid that he would disappear once she let go. "I miss you too, baby." He told her and kissed the top of her head. He wrapped his unoccupied arm around her and brought the two of them inside the apartment. He shut the door closed with his foot and strolled towards the couch. He placed the box of pizza on the centre table and plopped himself down on the couch, with Margie still intact. He released her arms around his neck and held her face by the cheeks. He studied every feature of her face before kissing her passionately. He had missed her so much that it had hurt him whenever he would see something that reminded him of her, which was almost everything he saw. They pulled away from each other, panting for air once they were both breathless. "You're back. I can't believe you're here." Margie whispered and placed a palm on his cheek. "Mason called me." He informed her. "He did?" She asked worriedly. She didn't really know what Mason would've told Bryan. But since he was here, she thought she probably owe Mason a huge thank-you. "Yeah. He explained to me what really happened. He also told me that he and Kelsey are officially together now. As in, no more faking and pretending." Margie smiled and thought it was really nice that her best friend had finally found someone who will look after her. Margie knew Kelsey was a very independent woman and she would do everything in her capability to provide for her family, but Margie had always wished that one day, someone will look after her friend as well. "So you're not mad anymore?..." She warily asked him. Bryan beamed at her and shook his head in response. "No, the only thing I know is that I'm madly in love with you." He claimed, causing her to chuckle at his lame pun. "I'm so glad you're back." She stated as she pulled him into another tight embrace.
7 Nov 2018 | 03:14
"Hurry up, Mason! Or else we're gonna miss the movie!" Kelsey screamed at the bottom of the stairs to Mason who was in his room changing. "I'll be there soon!" He yelled back, informing her. Kelsey had thought she would never step foot on Mason's penthouse, but there she was at the moment, waiting for him for their movie date that he insisted he wanted to do. It sounded very cheesy, the typical movie date, but Mason wanted to experience it with Kelsey. He had never done it with anyone and he wanted to know what it would be like. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, snapping Kelsey out of her trance. Her brows furrowed in confusion as to who might be at the door. Georgia left about ten minutes ago and Kelsey didn't know who might be by the door. Unless Mason was expecting a visitor she wasn't informed of. She strolled towards the door and opened it, coming face-to-face with Edward King. "Mr. King..." Kelsey trailed off, feeling the awkwardness arising between them. The last time she had seen him wasn't a very pleasant meeting. She had said some inappropriate things and he had uttered some hurtful words. "Please come in." She offered, opening the door wider. Edward entered and sat on the couch by the living room. Kelsey didn't know what exactly she needed to do at the moment. "Mason must be expecting you. I'll just go and get him." She was on her way to the stairs when Edward stopped her. "Actually, I came here for you." He told her, halting her steps. "Is it possible we talk?" He asked her over his shoulder. Kelsey nodded her head and took a seat to the couch parallel to him. For a while, they sat in silence with no one daring to break the awkward quietness. Then Kelsey thought that she needed to at least apologize to him. "I'm sorry-" "We've said some things-" They both said at the same time, causing both to chuckle releasing the tension that had formed between them. "Go ahead, ladies first." Edward urged her. Kelsey cleared her throat and shot him an apologetic smile. "I would just like to say that I'm very sorry sir. I know I might have said some things, things that weren't very pleasant. And I am very sorry. Clearly, I have judged you too quickly." She explained. Edward shook his head and sighed. "I would like to apologize as well, Kelsey. For making you leave my son. For hurting you. But I did what I did to teach my son a lesson. The last thing I want is for you and Mason to enter a relationship that is based on a contract, that's why I had it terminated. I didn't want my son to think that love is something he is deprived of. I didn't want him to find love out of a business transaction." It dawned on Kelsey that Edward wasn't a bad guy. He really did love Mason. He just had a weird way of showing it and teaching Mason a lesson. "If I didn't interfere and made you two separate, you and Mason wouldn't have admitted your feelings for each other." He said and Kelsey thought that he was a hundred percent right. She wouldn't have admitted to herself that she loved him if it weren't for Edward asking her of her intentions. "You really do love Mason." Kelsey commented as Edward smiled. It was a rare moment and Kelsey couldn't help but admire his handsome face as he smiled at her. Right at that moment, she realized how much alike he looked from Mason when smiling. "Of course I do. He's my son after all. I might have made a mistake with his mother, but I will never regret having Mason." He proudly announced. Kelsey smiled feeling at ease. Everything was finally falling into place. She was glad that Mason's problems with his father was fixed and mended. "I should thank you for what you've done to fix my relationship with my son." Kelsey quickly shook her head in disagreement. "No, no, please don't thank me. All I did was give the letter to Mason. It was all because of Delilah." She said, not wanting to take credit for something she didn't do. "I know my mother pretty well. She really likes to meddle in everyone's lives." He joked, causing both of them to chuckle in response. "But you still deserve a thank-you. Even if you were just the messenger, you had the most important job. I'm glad that my son and I are okay now." He said, shooting her an appreciative smile. "I hope you will also fix your relationship with your father." He added a few seconds later, which seemed to have swept the smile off of her face. Her heart suddenly stopped beating, the colour of her face faded, and her palms started sweating at the mention of her own father. "Miss Kelsey Montenegro." Kelsey couldn't do anything but stare at him in incredulity. She swallowed loudly and let out the breath she had been holding. "How-how did you-" "You really think I wouldn't find out?" He asked with a raised brow. Kelsey didn't doubt his words one bit. If he had figured out that she and Mason were only faking it, how could he not have known about other information about her. She was sure Edward did a full background check on her. "I knew from the very beginning that you looked oddly familiar. The way you spoke and acted, it reminded me of the little girl who used to ran away with Mason and snuck into the rooftop." He smiled at the memories in the past. Edward studied Kelsey's face that showed many emotions. Anger, sorrow, regret, anxiousness, but all held discomfort in them. It seemed that she wasn't ready nor did she want to talk about such a sensitive topic. "Give him a chance, Kelsey." He later on advised her. "You have no idea how much your father loves you. In fact, the only reason why he returned here was to find you and your mother. Let him explain everything to you. I'm sure he has his own reason why he left. Everyone has their reason." He told her, referring to himself as him. Mason strolled down the stairs and halted when he saw his father and Kelsey sitting on the couch, in a middle of a conversation. He stared at Kelsey's sorrowful face and wondered if his father had said anything hurtful to her that have caused such an expression on her face. "Dad?" Mason spoke up and cautiously stepped down the last step of the stairs. "What are you doing here?" Edward stood up from the chair and straightened his suit of any wrinkles that had formed with his hands. "I just had a chat with Miss Parker here. But I'll be leaving now. I don't want to disturb the two of you." He announced as Kelsey also stood from the couch. "Thank you, Mr. King." She told him and stuck her hand out for him to shake. "Truce, Ms. Parker. Please consider what I've said." He reminded her and shook her hand gently. Kelsey nodded in response and showed him out. Right after she shut the door closed, she strolled back to the living room and stared into Mason's worried eyes. "I need to talk to my father." She muttered.
8 Nov 2018 | 03:54
what a happy reunion
8 Nov 2018 | 17:46
A/N: Guess what guys? This is the second last chapter before this book ends. I know, I'm very teary too. It has been a very loooong journey for me, especially for y'all who waited in anticipation for my very slow updates. I just wanna take this opportunity to thank you all for the love and support! Stay tune for the last chapter! Happy Reading :) ____________________ Chapter 55 - Making Up "Everything's gonna be alright." Mason reassured her as he took a hold of her hand that was resting on her thigh, while keeping his other hand on the wheel. They decided to cancel their movie date for the meantime and planned to go to the Montenegro's residence before Kelsey change her mind and chicken out. Kelsey shot him a forced smile and released a long breath to calm herself down. They drove to the Montenegro's in peace and quiet. Kelsey felt her heart pounding against her chest as the car entered the silver gates of the residential. Mason pulled over and parked the car in front of the door of the house. They both got out and strolled towards the massive two- door wooden doors hand-in-hand. Mason looked at Kelsey and shot her a look that asked whether she was ready or not. She reluctantly nodded her head and sighed. Mason pressed the doorbell and a maid quickly opened the door for them. "Good evening Mr. King." She greeted them warmly. "Is Sir Lucas home yet?" He asked her. "No sir. Mr. Montenegro is not back yet. He will most likely go home late like usual." She informed them. Mason and Kelsey stared at each other for a second before returning their attention back on the maid. "Did he mention where exactly he is going?" He questioned. The maid shook her head in response and apologized for not knowing. Mason nodded his head in understanding and thanked her anyway. With a heavy heart, Kelsey walked back to the car and was ready to get in when a driver came to Mason's view. "Mr. Lim!" He called out to him, catching the old man's attention. He had been Lucas' driver for a long time. He was even considered a friend and one of Lucas' most trustworthy men. The man smiled and sauntered towards him. "Mason, what can I help you with?" He asked the young man. "I'm looking for Sir Lucas but the maid told me that he's not home yet. Do you have any idea where he might be at?" He hopefully asked him. "He didn't really say where he's going." Mr. Lim replied and disappointment quickly sank in Mason's heart. "But, he's been going to the hospital a lot lately." He informed them, causing both Mason and Kelsey to stare at each other in worry. "Is he okay? Did something happen to him? Is Sir Lucas sick?" Mason bombarded him with questions. Mr. Lim quickly shook his head and furiously gestured his hand in a crossed form. "No, no, no. Nothing's wrong with Lucas. He is completely fine, I can assure you that." Mr. Lim explained. "Then why would he be in the hospital?" Kelsey sounded her voice out. The old man glanced at her and answered. "I'm also not quite sure. But he's been visiting someone in the Children's hospital lately. In fact, he's there every single day." Kelsey's mind boggled in realization. But was it possible that her father knew about Kyle? Did he already know? She was so confused and all she could hear was the loud pounding of her heart against her chest. Mason asked Mr. Lim which hospital it was and thanked him right after. He gently held Kelsey by the elbow, earning her attention. "Let's go?" Kelsey nodded and quickly got in the car with Mason in towed. He pulled the car out of the driveway and made their way to the hospital. ~ * ~ * ~ Kelsey halted by the door as laughters filled her ears both in delight and misery. Her mother's laugh was what really triggered her heart. It was not just a laugh, it was a heartfelt one, one that was sincere and full of happiness. It had been a long time since she had last heard her mother laugh so carelessly. Kelsey felt her eyes brimming in tears. Mason squeezed her hand and stared right into her eyes. "You can do this." He encouraged her. Kelsey held her tears back and nodded in determination. It was now or never. Mason kissed the back of her palm in affirmation, as if telling her that he would be there to support her all the way. Kelsey took a deep breath and faced the man she had been trying to avoid for the last decade. She hesitantly knocked on the ajar door and Hilda was the first one to see her daughter. Hilda's smile quickly faded as her heart hammered in her chest in anxiousness and fear due to the fact that her daughter might end up hating her for lying to her and not telling her that she had been seeing her father. "Kelsey?" She whispered, and Lucas' heart stopped beating for a second. Lucas stared at his daughter standing by the door. All he wanted to do at that moment was to grab her and pull her into a tight hug. His baby girl wasn't so baby anymore. He wanted to cry all of a sudden from a surge of emotion rushing in his system. "Kelsey!" Kyle excitedly yelped and gestured her to come in, unaware of the thick tension in the room. She obliged with Mason in tow and hugged her little brother. "I miss you so much." He told her. Mason stood next to Lucas and gave him a half-hug in greeting. She pulled away from the embrace and beamed at him. "I miss you too." She said, trying to refrain herself from breaking down in front of her little brother. It still hurt her to see her little brother suffer so much. If only she could do something to take his pain and sickness away. "Honey..." Hilda uttered from behind and Kelsey twirled around and saw her mother again after more than a month of being away from her. "Mom." She whispered and quickly pulled her mother into a tight embrace. "I miss you, mom." She told her as a tear failed her and rolled down her cheek. Hilda kissed the side of her head and held her daughter tightly. "I miss you too, sweetheart." They pulled away from each other after and Hilda wiped the tears away from her daughter's face. They beamed at each other and Kelsey turned around to face her father. Lucas swallowed the lump that had formed in his throat as he watched his daughter staring at him with an unreadable expression. "This is Mr. Lucas Montenegro, Kelsey. He's a friend of mom and he's really nice." Kyle blurted out. Kelsey smiled at her little brother and returned her attention back to her father. "Can we talk?" Kelsey asked him and Lucas' breath got hitched in his throat. He promptly nodded his head in agreement and followed after her as she exited the room. Hilda shot him a worried look, but he only smiled at her in reassurance. Kelsey sat on one of the benches near the reception area. It was empty since it was already night time and it wasn't quite busy. Lucas followed suit and sat on the bench across from her in anxiousness. They were both silent for a few minutes, letting the tension gradually dissipate between them. "When did you find out?" Kelsey finally asked, breaking the deafening silence. "Just recently." He honestly told her, being cautious of every single word he uttered. The last thing he wanted was to blow the chance he had to fix his relationship with his daughter again. He watched her every move and he could tell how difficult it was for her to face him. She was avoiding any eye contact with him and she was fiddling with the pendant of her necklace. His eyes zoomed in on the necklace for a moment and realized that it was the necklace he got her for her seventh birthday. It was a heart pendent with rhinestones on the half portion of the heart. He was surprised that she still wore it all throughout these years. "Why exactly are you here, Mr. Montenegro?" She asked him after a few seconds that had passed. Lucas grimaced at her formality. "I'm here to visit my son." He simply answered. Kelsey looked up from the intriguing floor and gazed at her father with scrutinizing eyes. "I meant what are you doing here? Why did you come back?" She sharply said, trying her best to keep herself composed and collected. Lucas' heart sank in his chest as he knew what was about to come up. He was soon to experience the wrath of his daughter. He knew he was unscrewing all the bottled up anger and hatred she had kept all these years. He couldn't blame her though, he was the only one to be blamed for making his own daughter store such feelings towards him. "I came back to find you, my family." He carefully told her. She scoffed in response and shot him a dirty look. She could feel her chest rising and falling heavily as she tried to contain her temper from blowing up. "And you thought you could come back just like that? Did you honestly think you could just crawl back into our lives and we'll accept you with open arms as if nothing had happen?" She summoned him. "No I-" "Of course not!" She spat, cutting him off. "Do you have any idea what you've put us through? You left mom without a single knowledge that she was pregnant. You didn't even care what I would feel. You didn't care about anyone but yourself. You became selfish because of your ambition." She accused of him. Lucas felt tear after tear travelled down his cheeks as he listened to his daughter's resentment towards him. "You traded your own family for money. You turned your back on us." She continued on in disgust. "So you have no right to come back here." Kelsey barked as a tear escaped her eyes. She quickly wiped it away but it didn't go unnoticed by Lucas. He knew she was in pain, and he wanted her to keep going. He wanted her to get mad at him and let everything out of her system. He was sure that it would make her feel better afterwards once she had said everything she has ever wanted to tell him. Lucas remained quiet, which irritated Kelsey more. She wanted him to tell her the reason why he had left. She wanted him to explain his point of view. She was ready to listen but it seemed that he wasn't going to talk anytime soon. "I just really don't understand why you had to go." She said when she was certain that he was not gonna speak. "Why did you leave? Why did you decide to just get up and go? Did mom and I not matter to you? Were we not important in your life?" She questioned him and Lucas couldn't keep himself silent any longer as a husky 'no' escaped his lips. Lucas shook his head and took a deep breath to calm himself down. "You and your mom are my life. You're the only reason why I live." He sincerely told her. "Then why did you go?" She retorted. "Because..." He trailed off. "Because what?!" She frustratedly demanded. "Because I had to protect you. I had to protect you and your mother." He said as Kelsey grew curious and confused. "Protect us from what?" She asked him but he didn't respond. "Protect us from what?!" She repeated with gritted teeth. "From my father. I had to protect you from my father." He announced as she shot him a bewildered look. Could her own grandfather be a threat to her and her mother? Would he have hurt her knowing that his blood was also running down her veins? "Why? What was he planning to do?" She continued on. Lucas stared at her with begging eyes, pleading her to stop asking questions. But Kelsey was determined to know the truth. She needed to know why her father left in the first place. It was the only way to let him back in in their lives. "Tell me!" She ordered. "He was going to take you and send you away to god knows where. And knowing how devastated your mother would be, I had no choice but to leave so he would also leave you and your mother alone. I couldn't sit there and not do anything, Kelsey. I had to protect you and your mother from any harm and if it meant I had to go and be away from you, I will take it any day as long as you're safe." He explained. "Why would he do that to his own grandchild?" Kelsey asked in incredulity. "How could he do such a thing?" "Because of greed, Kelsey. My father wanted nothing but power and money. He had an arranged marriage with your grandmother and the only reason why he married her was for a bigger corporation with the merging of companies. The only reason why he accepted me when I was still in my mother's womb was because he knew I was a boy. And my father knew he needed an heir, someone who will inherit everything he has and someone whom he can sell for marriage to earn more money. Everything was about money for my father. That was why he hated the fact that I rebelled against him and married your mother because of love. I never have regretted my decision of marrying your mom and having you and Kyle. But I want you to understand that I did what I had to do to protect you." "But why now? It's been a decade already. Why are you only coming back now?" She asked him. "Your grandfather passed away two years ago. And right after the funeral, you have no idea how much I wanted to fly back here and find you. But Chloe got ill with asthma and we were coming back and forth in the hospital. Right now is the only opportunity I've ever gotten to finally return and see how you are all doing. To come back to my family." Kelsey stared at her father in astonishment. Even when he was already free to come back to his family, he still thought of the little girl who wasn't even his real daughter. It melted Kelsey's heart how big her father's heart really was. Kelsey didn't know what came up within her, but she found her body moving against her will. Before she knew it, she was sitting beside her father, wrapped up around his warm arms with her head resting on his chest. They cried and held each other tightly, full of love, regret, and sorrow in their hearts. "I'm sorry, dad." She muttered as Lucas let a smile climbed its way up on his lips in bliss. He placed a lingering kiss on the top of her head and held her tightly in his arms. "I love you, Kelsey. You will always be my little princess." "I love you too, dad." She had managed to choke out as she bawled in tears, missing her father's hugs and kisses. She wished that day would never end
9 Nov 2018 | 03:55
wow!!!! @last,,, Chloe got a complete family
9 Nov 2018 | 09:26
Reunion in the air
9 Nov 2018 | 10:47
Kelsey stared at herself as she gazed at her beautiful gown. The grin on her face has never left her face since the morning had started. She couldn't contain her happiness and she felt the joy overflow in her chest. Kyle knocked on the door and peeked his head inside. "Are you ready? Mom's waiting." He asked and Kelsey smiled and nodded at her little brother. She was so glad when the doctor had announced a year ago that Kyle was officially cancer-free. Her heart swelled in delight, knowing that her family was happy and complete. She took the bouquet of white roses that was neatly placed on the table and exited the room. She then followed Kyle to the other dressing room and entered. She stared at her beautiful mother in her white simple gown that had some detailed-pattern rhinestones on the chest area. "You look beautiful, mom." She commented as her mother gazed at her with filled-tear eyes. "No, no. No tears mom, or you'll ruin your make-up." She quickly advised her as her mother chuckled in response. Soon enough, Ella also entered the room and stared at the gorgeous bride. "Wow, you look exotic, Hilda." She uttered lovingly at her. "Thank you, sweetheart." She barely audibly replied. Kelsey gently approached her and touched her shoulder. "Mom, don't tell me you're having second thoughts. Because if you are, I can call Enrique to get the car and you can make a run for it." She teased her causing her mother to laugh. Hilda shook her head and pulled her daughter into a side hug. "No honey, I'm not having any second thoughts. I'm just really happy. Finally, our family will be complete again." She sighed in contentment. A year and a half had passed since Kelsey and her father had made up. And ever since then, nothing but joy and wellness greeted upon them. After Kyle had finished his chemotherapies and his additional two months of resting and recovering, the doctor had announced that he was finally free of cancer. The whole family was happy for him and nhe finally got to go home. Hilda also told him the truth about Lucas being his biological father and the boy was more than happy to welcome him in their family. Kelsey and Mason decided to postpone their supposed wedding and it was relieving that Delilah didn't go through her threat upon Mason of taking the company away from him. She was, in fact, grateful that Mason had opened up his heart again. When Lucas told Mason and Kelsey that he was going to propose and marry Hilda again, the two were more than happy to let them get married first. They were not getting any younger anyway so Mason Kelsey gave way. When everyone had settled down, Lucas proposed and Hilda, of course, accepted and they moved in to the Montenegro's residence. Kelsey, however, stayed with Mason in his penthouse because the two of them couldn't get enough of each other. Lucas didn't like the idea of his virgin daughter living under the roof of the city's most popular playboy, but caved in anyway when Mason promised him not to touch his precious daughter in any kind of sexual way. A little doubtful, but nonetheless convinced, Lucas finally obliged. After a year of preparation, Kelsey still couldn't believed that her mother and her father were getting married again. She smiled at her teary mother and handed her the bouquet of flowers. "For the beautiful bride." "Thank you, sweetheart." Hilda muttered and kissed the side of her temple. "Mom!" Ace squealed as he ran towards his mother with Chloe in tow. He was holding a red square box while Chloe was holding a triangular one. They both halted before Hilda and reached out the gifts to her. "Do you need some coffee, Mr King? Because you're becoming awfully cheesy lately." She said referring back to the time when they went to their trip to the resort and Mason slept on the floor as she was sleeping on the couch. She still clearly remembered how sore his back was and that morning, he had said some cheesy pick-up lines at her. Mason smiled at the memory and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. "Have I mentioned how much I love you?" He asked with those dreamy eyes staring lovingly at her. She remembered when he first uttered those wonderful words at her. They were at his grandmother's house on the rooftop. It was already night time and the stars and the moon were beautifully shining brightly in the skies. They spent the day cleaning and reorganizing the playhouse. It brought back so many memories for the two of them as they polished and dusted the place. Exhausted from cleaning, they decided to spent the rest of the night star-gazing. "Why exactly did we separate? I can't even remember when it happened?" She asked him as she rested her head against his arm. "You were too young back then." He told her. "But from what I remember, it was the time when Victoria found out about my existence and she insisted that I live with them. We left the country for a bit after that. About two to three years, maybe." He nonchalantly explained. "Why did you leave the country?" "To spend some quality time as a family. We were all hurt by what had happened. Mom was hurt because Dad cheated on her and hid me. Dad was regretful of my mother's death. And I just felt out of place in general. It was awkward during those times to even eat at the same table with them. But Ella made it seem natural." He laughed as the memory played in his head. "She and Mom made everything better for me. Of course, I still resented my father during that time." "I still can't believe that after all these years, we've still managed to find each other." She commented in disbelief. Mason smiled and turned his way sideways to stare at her. "I know, I think fate just wants us to be together." Kelsey glanced at him and laughed. "Mr. King, do you suddenly believe in 'fate' now? What happened to not falling in love because you hate commitments?" She said in banister with a smirk on her face. "You happened. That's what happened." He claimed and pecked her on the lips. Kelsey giggled in response and wrapped an arm around his waist. "I could stay here like this forever." She sighed in contentment. "I love you." He suddenly announced, hitching Kelsey's breath. A little gasp had managed to escaped her lips. She quickly sat up and stared down at him with scrutinizing eyes. "What did you just say?" She asked him in bewilderment. Mason chuckled at her cuteness and sat up to reach her eye level. "What did I say?" He raised a brow in banister. "Did you just say-" "What? Did I say something?" He interrupted her in amusement. Kelsey's brows knitted together in confusion as Mason peered at her turmoil state. "Nothing. I just thought - I think I'm just hearing things." She disappointedly spoke and stood up with her back facing him. Mason became worried and followed after her as she started walking towards the edge of the rooftop. She wrapped her arms around her as the cool breeze lightly hit her skin. She swallowed the disappointment she was feeling and realized how much of a crybaby she was being. Mason wrapped his arms around her from the back and rested his chin on the crook of her shoulder. He chuckled at her cuteness and kissed her on the cheek. "What's so funny?" She asked him in annoyance and side-glared at him. He moved her to face him and docked down to kiss her. Kelsey could feel his smile under her lips and pushed him away. Did he find it amusing to play with her? She thought in irritation. "I love you." He declared, staring into her hypnotizing eyes. Kelsey felt her heart skipped a beat as the man she was in loved with profess his love for her as well. "I love you, Kelsey." He repeated, ensuring that she heard it loud and clear. Her lips unconsciously drawn laterally into a wide smile that brought sparkles in her eyes. Mason stared at her beauty and couldn't help himself but kiss her softly and tenderly on the lips. "I love you too, Mason Emerson King." She claimed in between breaths as she rested her head against his forehead. Mason pecked her on the nose, snapping her out of her thoughts. "A penny for your thought?" Kelsey smiled at him and sighed in contentment as he wrapped his arms around her waist. "I can't wait 'til next year." Kelsey's brow raised in confusion at his statement. "I can't wait to get married to you and spend every single morning beside you. You will cook me some delicious breakfast, make me some coffee, then you'll tie my tie properly before I leave for work. Then when I come back, you will massage me to relieve my stress from work, then I'll drag you to the bedroom. We would most likely skip dinner but I'll make sure that your hunger is completely taken care of." He dirtily yet dreamily shared with her as she laughed at his cuteness. She still couldn't believe he was hers, yet alone think that he was already imagining their future together. "Why do you have such dirty thoughts, Mr. King? And who ever said that I'll marry you?" She smugly asked him. Mason squinted his eyes towards her in challenge and smirked. "I'm just not too sure if you can resist all this." He said gesturing to his body. Kelsey chuckled once again and playfully hit him on the arm. "You should go. The entourage is about to start." She ordered him. Mason was the best man, as per Lucas' request. He couldn't say no to him anyway. Lucas was like a father to him and he had learned many life lessons from him, such as not having any regrets in life. Mason was ecstatic for him, he deserved to be happy again. "Yes ma'am. I'll see you later." He obliged and placed one final kiss on her lips before he dashed in front of the line to his rightful spot. Not long enough, the entourage had started and one-by-one they entered. ~ * ~ * ~ "Marg, we've been going around in circles for twenty minutes now. Just take me home already!" Kelsey groaned in frustration as Margie looked back at the printout map. "I would love to, but as you can see, I have no idea where we are." She told her as she handed her the map. "Here, try and see if you can read that and tell me where to go." Kelsey sighed and grabbed the map from her. She couldn't believe that her phone had died before they could even find their way back home. Margie had invited her to go to the beach uptown, two hours away from home. 'Best friend day', Margie had called it since they had been so busy with work and their own love lives, so they decided to have a girls' day out. They had lots of fun throughout the day and Kelsey really missed her best friend. But right at the moment, she wanted to jump off the car and try to find her way home by herself. She couldn't believed they were lost and she forgot to bring her charger with her "Should I turn right?" Margie asked and turned right before Kelsey could even retaliate. "No!" Kelsey angrily glared at her. "Now we're going around again, Marg. We've been on this road five times already." She told her as they went around the curb that had no other exit but the way they had entered. "Sorry." Margie muttered under her breath. Kelsey felt guilty for yelling at her as she tried to figure the map out. When she found it almost impossible to read, she crumpled it and tossed it at the back of the car. Margie watched her incredulity. Kelsey saw a small diner in the middle of the route and asked Margie to pulled over. "Stop there. Go, go!" She demanded as Margie slowed down and parked her car on the parking lot. "I'll go ask someone for directions. Stay here and watch the car." Kelsey ordered as she got out and headed inside the diner. Margie waited until she was inside before pulling her phone out of her pocket. She quickly dialled Bryan's number and waited in anticipation as it rang. "Hello?" Bryan answered. "Is everything ready? I can't stall her any longer, Bry. She's literally gonna kill me if I spend another minute going in circles." Margie frustratedly complained at him. "How far of a drive are you?" He asked. "About forty-five minutes away." She answered. "Mason, is forty-five minutes enough?" Bryan asked over the phone. Margie panicked as she saw Kelsey strolling towards the door of the diner. "Hurry up, Bryan. Kelsey's coming!" She gritted through the phone. "Okay, but we still need at least an hour and half to prepare everything. Stall her some more, will you? Love you babe, bye!" Bryan said in a rush and hanged up before she could even argue with him. He knew he was gonna get an earful from her. Margie groaned in frustration and quickly turned off her phone and shoved it back in her pocket before Kelsey could notice. "So... did they give you directions?" Margie asked her warily as soon as Kelsey had strapped her seatbelt on. "Yes, let's go before the morning comes." She sarcastically commented as they started driving again. In about an hour that should have been a forty-five minute drive, they were back in the city and Kelsey couldn't feel any better seeing the familiar skyscrapers and the busy streets. "Finally." She sighed in relieved, unaware of her anxious friend. "You don't mind if we stop over at the pharmacy, do you?" Margie nervously asked her, remembering that they still needed thirty minutes to set everything up. Kelsey practically glared at her after their long day together. "I'm tired, Marg. I just wanna go home." She whined. "Please?" Margie begged her. "Can't it wait tomorrow?" "No, I need it tonight. You know...with Bryan..." Margie sheepishly lied, rubbing the back of her neck in embarrassment. Gosh, Mason better give her a house and lot for such a huge favour she was doing him. "Oh god!" Kelsey ran a hand over her face in frustration and awkwardness. "Do you have to do it tonight?" Kelsey shook her head and just pointed towards the pharmacy's direction. "Just go and buy it." After thirty minutes of total awkwardness of choosing the 'best' type of condom out there, with Margie asking Kelsey if Bryan would like any flavour, she finally paid with a box of unflavoured, ordinary condom. The middle-age man who was checking her items out winked at her before she left. Kelsey told her that she was going to the bathroom before they left and Margie took the opportunity to check her phone. A message popped up as soon as she opened it. It was from Bryan giving her the green signal. "At last..." Margie sighed in relieved and placed her phone back in her pocket. Within 5 minutes, Margie was finally pulling in front of the building and Kelsey unbuckled her seatbelt. "Thanks for today, Marg." She gratefully thanked her. "Although we got lost and spent many hours travelling today, I really had fun spending the day with you." "Me too. Until our next trip?" "Until our next trip." They hugged each other goodbye and Kelsey took her bag from the back of the car and entered the building. As she was doing so, Margie took a u-turn and went to the underground parking lot to make her entrance. Kelsey impatiently waited for the elevator to arrived at the top floor. She couldn't wait to get to bed and sleep. When the elevator dinged and opened, she strolled out, punched the code of the penthouse, and finally got in. It was completely dark when she entered and she sighed knowing that Mason had most likely taken an overtime at work. She dropped the bag she was carrying on the floor and felt for the switch on the wall but the lights turned on, surprising her. "Surprise!" Everyone yelled out as she stared at them in pure shock. The first person she saw was Mason standing in the middle of the crowd. Then her eyes scanned the crowd and saw her mother, her father, Kyle, Ace, Chloe, Victoria, Edward, Ella, Lance, Delilah, Georgia, Enrique, Ricky, Nina, Brandon, and Bryan. They were all there except for... "Surprise!" Margie screamed from her back, all by herself, causing everyone to laugh. "I don't understand. You were a part of this?" She asked her best friend in incredulity. Margie sent her an apologetic look and smiled at her. "You have no idea how hard it was to keep it a secret from you and how difficult it was trying to stall to make sure everything goes well." Kelsey chuckled at their long day. Then she figured that nothing was purely coincident, everything was planned that was why they went around the same road ten million times. "But what is all of this? It's not my birthday today, what exactly are we celebrating?" She asked in confusion and curiosity. Mason slowly approached her as she watched his every step. "A very special day." He uttered. "A day that I have been waiting for for the longest time." He said as he kneeled on one knee and popped open a tiny, red box and Kelsey's hands quickly flew to cover her mouth. "Kelsey, I know our relationship started, well, in a very interesting way, but I'm glad it was you. I'm happy that after all these years, we found each other again. You bring the best out of me, you bring out my real character. With you, I don't have to hide anything nor do I have to change myself. I can be just me when I'm with you, and that's what I love most about you. That you love me for who I am. I love you, Kelsey Parker Montenegro. I loved you before, I love you now, and I will love you forever. So please, please say you'll spend the rest of your life with me and marry me?" A tear of joy has escaped her eyes as Kelsey listened to Mason's sweet voice. Her heart melted inside her chest as she was completely filled with gladness. Everything was a bliss. She glanced at everyone behind Mason and it was such a precious moment to have everyone she cared about join her this very special day. She glanced back at Mason and finally nodded her head in reply. "Yes, yes I'll marry you!" She answered as he placed the ring in ring finger. They kissed each other and everyone clapped and cheered for the newly engaged couple. "Let's enjoy the party!" Mason screamed in happiness. They were congratulated by everyone and the joy in their hearts overflowed. Brandon then approached her as she was scooping some fruit punch to drink. "Congratulations." He wholeheartedly told her. "Thank you, I'm glad you came." She said as she poured him some fruit punch as well and handed it to him. "I couldn't say no when Mason said he was finally going to propose." After the incident when Mason punched Brandon on the night of the movie premier, Mason got angry at Brandon. But Brandon told him his intentions. He apologized to Mason and told him how much Kelsey really cared and loved him. From then on, they became friends again. "When did you arrived from Paris?" She asked taking a sip of her drink. When the King's business grew bigger, Brandon was sent to Paris to managed their hotel there. He was now running the branch and was the overseer. "Yesterday, and I'm leaving tomorrow night." "The hotel must've kept you busy." She commented. "How's Adeline by the way?" "She's great, she's amazing, Kelsey. I can't even describe her with words." He dreamily told her. "I can tell that she's really got you wrapped around her finger." She kidded and smiled knowing that he was happy. "Just like how you have Mason wrapped around your finger." Kelsey chuckled and nodded in agreement. "Thanks for being such a good friend, Brandon. I hope to see you on the wedding." "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world. The 'famous playboy' is finally getting tied down, how can I not?" "So you better be present on my wedding day, Kane. I'll be expecting you with your girl." Mason butted in and wrapped an arm around Kelsey's waist. "I'll be there." Brandon promised them. Suddenly, his phone rang and he fished it out of his pocket. "Speaking of my girl..." He grinned showing them the screen of his phone. It was Adeline calling him on FaceTime. "I have to take this. Congrats again, you two!" He said and left them alone. "Were you really surprised, Mrs. King?" He asked her and turned her to face him. Kelsey nodded her head and smiled sweetly at him. "I was, Mr. King. I wasn't expecting this at all. Thank you, for inviting everyone that's important to me. I love you." "You're not correcting me anymore." He said referring to him calling her Mrs. King. Most of the time, she would shrug it off and joke about it, but this time, she was finally letting him call her that. "And anything to make you happy. I love you much much more, Mrs. King." He said and claimed her lips once again. "Maybe we should kick everyone out and start on our honeymoon." He playfully whispered in her ear. "Mason!" She hissed and hit him at his shoulder. He chuckled in response and placed a lingering kiss on her forehead. THE END! ___________________ A/N: That's all folks! If you have made it all the way here, then I wanna thank you for joining this adventure with me! Special thanks to those who were supporting this book right from day 1 and patiently waited for my updates. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! And don't forget to read my other books! Lucky Me (Completed) Happily Ever After (Completed) Nonreciprocal Love — Sequel to this book! (On- going) Love y'all <3 'Til our next adventure!
10 Nov 2018 | 12:45
@poster, you really try!
10 Nov 2018 | 15:04
10 Nov 2018 | 15:46
Nice ending. Kudos writer
11 Nov 2018 | 18:45
job well done
13 Nov 2018 | 02:01
nice lovely endng,
4 Dec 2018 | 00:49
Such a happy ending of course
7 Dec 2018 | 07:17
Nice one, happy ending.
7 Dec 2018 | 07:25
Seems someone is busy hacking people's accounts here
7 Dec 2018 | 07:26
Seems someone is busy hacking people’s accounts here
nobody is doing that. We moved from to
7 Dec 2018 | 11:52


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