Home Alone!

Home Alone!

By ¤Prince~Jude¤ in 20 Aug 2016 | 05:43
¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

¤Prince~Jude¤ ¤Prince~Jude¤

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Member since: 4 Jul 2015
[b][color =red]The story you are about to read is an exclusive work of the author,
Alabede Jude Oluwabamise.
Any resemblance to real events and/or people is absolutely coincidental.
The story is a fictional work of mine.
No part of this may be reproduced or copied to any website without the prior permision of the writer.[/color][/b]

[b]All rights reserved.
Copyright © Prince Jude 2016
Whatsapp contact: 2348135330151
Email: [email protected]
All suggestions are highly welcome.[/b]


[b]I never knew how it felt, untill i was home alone.
I'm alone in this room.
I'm alone in this lone world.
Just a boy and his mind.
Just a mind and a boy.
There's so many people but still i'm alone.
But for the next one week.
This place is my home but i was haunted.
Once there was a disaster, my parents did allow me again to stay home alone
but i persuaded them, to leave me alone.
I've been longing to be home alone.
Now here i am.
Home alone and enjoying it throughly, before someone/something come's and ruins it.
My supernatural pranks awaken something dangerous, something that should have stayed asleep and undisturbed.

What was it?
Why was i left home alone?
Was it a peaceful adventure?

Find out in this intriguing story![/b]

[b]Whenever humans contemplate,
in hours of wintry rest;
The snow-capped mountains scintillate,
from a far-away distance.
And storms eradicate some sites,
while dismal is the day;
But rising high are rocky peaks,
which toss the clouds away.
A steely sky with amber glow,
paints a chilled and frosty scene;
While watching through the window,
one can almost feel its gleam.
Spirited souls warmed by the hearth,
still wonder if it's all real;
The ticking clock strikes midnight,
as the night stars thus reveal.
Then sleepy eyes are haunted,
by the spectacle they see;
And dozing in their comfy beds,
their thoughts run wild and free.
For solstice nights seem brighter when,
emotions travel from mind to soul;
While snowy days and evening's light,
bring every dream that's left untold.

Warning if these don’t scare you, you are most-likely a zombie, vampire, werewolf or ghost. If you are unaware of being one of the undead, seek medical attention immediately.[/b] :yes:
20 Aug 2016 | 05:43
[hr] [color=blue]Just One Click[/color] [color=green] Scroll Down For Episode One[/color] Episode 2 Episode 3 Episode 4 Episode 5 Episode 6 Episode 7 Episode 8 Episode 9
20 Aug 2016 | 05:45
Yaga...Am right here.
20 Aug 2016 | 05:47
Bring it on.
20 Aug 2016 | 05:48
20 Aug 2016 | 05:52
[b][color =blue]EPISODE ONE[/color][/b] [b]The cool night breeze whistled softly blowing lightly through my hair. The sky was a deep clear blue and the moonlight reflected on people's windows. I could feel the stars smiling down at me. After the stifling heat of the day, i felt relieved. Glad to be free of the hot and stiffy classrooms in school. I was looking forward to going home. Yes home, i was happy going home. I felt ecstatic, knowing fully well that i would be home alone for a whole week. Yet, deep in my gut, i knew something was not right. Something was nagging at me but i choose to ignore it. This was my first mistake. . I was named Ralph by my parents. I was born into a family of four, my dad, my ever loving father, and my mum a rare gem with my younger sister named corey and i the adventurer. My father bought the big mansion we live in many years ago, even before i was born. My father is a sort of a traveller folk, and after many years of wandering away in foreign lands, he settled down here in Boston, New york. Well, my parents alongside with my troublesome kid sister went on a vacation trip to vermont to visit grandmother for just a week leaving me all alone at home. They believed am grown enough to take care of myself. After all, I'd be sixteen soon-way too old for that kind of silly stuff. I'm about six feet tall, my hair is a sort of brownish, blonde and curly and my eyes blue like those of the omegas, which made me the ideal dude of every girls dream. I love adventures, and i was ready to explore, having the whole house to myself was fun mehn!. . . I groped around hopelessly in my bag. Bulging as usual with assignment and magazines for the key, and twisted it in the lock. Once, twice... But the door stubbornly remained firmly shut. The metal felt cold and hard against my skin. Exasperated, i twisted the key a final time and the iron door creaked open gently and i let myself in. I dumped my bag in the hallway. at first, the silence was deafening, that was because i was home alone. so i turned on the TV and tuned it to a music station which blared loudly in the house and that helps later on, the music starts seeming depressing the songs about people mocking me, the songs about love are arrows piercing my skin the songs that got me pissed. so i turned it off then i made my own noise i open and close every door just to hear the sound i drum on pots and pans and whatever's nearby to see what the difference between a refrigerator door and freezer door is then i start talking telling the coffee maker to hurry up and getting mad at the milk jug for spilling on the counter then i started spewing nonsense like do deer have feelings, or are they just sad? a whole conversation with myself about nothing gibberish. After all those child's play and pranks, i was exhausted, and i ran straight upstairs. But nothing was ever going to be as asual again. Flinging myself unto the soft warm bed, i took a deep breath and then it hit me. An acrid smell smacked against my nose with such force that i reeled back in shock. I felt my face contort in disgust. The stench was almost like a physical force. Thick and horrid, lingering in the air. I had already forgotten about it; my attention was now focused on the crooked black figure which stood in the hallway front of me. It was a grotesque outline of a man, if you want to call it that. Acting on impulse, i quickly stood up and turned to run away but my feet were rooted to the spot. I couldn't move. My breadth became short, shallow gasps as my chest heaved up and down heavily. I felt dampness on my palms, and beads of sweat were running down my face. All of a sudden, the figure seemed to be masked in a floggy white cloud and then it was gone. At least that was what i thought. Weary and anxious. I rubbed my eyes convinced i was hallucinating or was simply suffering from lack of sleep. Was there something wrong with me?. Rain smashed against my windows in a fast, rythmic pattern, as i lay in the darkness, trying to get some sleep. Shadows danced around the room taunting me. Suddenely i heard a loud bang which came from the room opposite mine. I was startled, i jumped up, heart racing and pounding like a drum. My breathing became shallow gasps, and i went still with fear; there was someone in the house. A cold shiver slip up my spine and i bit my lip nervously, unsure of what to do next. My sleep was plagued with nightmares and i found little comfort in the darkness of my room,coz the power was out tossing and turning all night did me no good. And in the morning i was exhausted, and struglling to keep my eyes open. After the previous night's event. I felt overwhelmed with worry. I had to tell someone but i couldn't bring myself to do it. The pressure that was building up on me was almost unbreable. I had to get it off my chest, and there was only one person i could trust. Or should i pretend like it never happened?[/b] [b][color =blue]TO BE CONTINUED...[/color][/b]
20 Aug 2016 | 07:35
@eliboy please help with the reg.
20 Aug 2016 | 10:13
20 Aug 2016 | 10:38
Another story........... I dey gallant 4 ma seat
20 Aug 2016 | 12:15
seated ride on prince
20 Aug 2016 | 12:35
[b][color =blue]EPISODE TWO[/color][/b] [b]When everything is back to normal, i'd like to pretend last night did not happen but my thumping and heavy heart, was really making it hard for me. I was rattled, even though i never knew what it was or was all what happened last night was my immagination? No, it can't be, it was all real and i felt it. Definately, i had to tell someone but not my parents. I don't want them panicked or thought i was possesed by some evil champ. Even though, they believed in me but that would be hard to believe. So to be considerate, i ventured telling them was never an option, i can only tell someone. Yes someone, my bestfriend. With that thought in mind, i jumped out of bed, then prepared for school. . he laughed. Thats what he did when i told him!, he laughed. I couldn't believe my best friend thought i was crazy: "you can't possibly be serious Ralph." he managed to gasp, between pearls of laughter. I shivered like ice had replaced my spine. How could my best friend, who i trusted so much, be so ignorant? He must have noticed me looking a bit hurt and had the decency to stop laughing, albeit i could still see him sniggering quietly. Throughout the whole day, i felt detached and sulky, finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on anything. As soon as school was over, i walked home hurriedly, trying as much as i could to avoid ben (as i had been doing all day.) having being best friends for over 5 years, it was almost as if we were strangers. Typical of me though. Wasn't it-making such a big deal out of something that was probably just a one off. Tentatively, i approached the house, a vivid memory of the last night started to unfold like a filmstrip. I cautiously stepped in, shutting the door quietly behind me. It felt weird; creeping about in my father's house. Just in time as i was turning over, A blinding white light flashed and i shielded my eyes. What was going on? It was him again: the figure which i had seen yesterday. Completely trerrified, i stepped back. I didn't know what to do, i wasn't sure what it was, but i could hardly think, my brain seemed to have shut down. I waited for him go, for him to disappear again. But no... He still stood there, almost waiting for me to respond. But what can i do?, Nothing, absolutely nothing. I only kept mute scared to the core. As he lifted his head to look at me, my breath caught in my throat. His beady eyes pierced through me, so dehumanising that it chilled my blood to the core. Trembling ferociously, i opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out, and my throat felt like an empty glass. No one was there to help me, i was all on my own, with him. I refused to look at him in the eye, but i could still see him clearly. Tufts of lank hair sprouted from his diseased scalp. He was standing with a hunched back staring at me through those still red eyes which neighter move nor blinked. He seemed human, but i really couldn't be sure. I could just about make out the sharp tip of a yellow tooth that rested just above the thin black line he had for lips, the tooth ginted with saliva, and i knew that it could probably rip me into shreds and easily snap my small thin bones into powder in a less than a minute. A familiar smell wafted through my nose and i turned away in disgust. Then, i remembered why the smell was so familiar: it was the same awful stench that was in the house before..... At the same time i had first seen him. It was all starting to make sense now. He was getting closer. My legs sprung into action and i bolted out of the door. Darkness seemed to act like a blanket around me, so i couldn't see where i was running; i just knew i had to get away. My breath plumed out in front of me, like an old manchine spewing smoke but it was only my hard breathing reacting with the cold air. I was running but i knew i was far from escape. He would find me, somehow. It felt like those horror films i had once enjoyed except there was no projector and no film. It was real and there was no getting away. I didn't know how long i ran for but i just kept on running-runningfor my life through bush parts going farther into the forest. Not even turning to look back, because i was damn too afraid of what i would see. My breathing was quickening but i was slowing down, gradually, my chest started getting tighter, my legs were becoming tired and i felt trapped, like i was suffocating in the midst of escape. There was no way i could keep on going so i stopped and hid behind a tree. I was struggling to catch my breath, trying to get as much oxygen into me as possible, when i had finally stopped wheezing, i waited. Nothing happened. I couldn't hear anything, so i decided to try and get out of my hiding place. Then i saw it[/b] [b][color =blue]TO BE CONTINUED...[/color][/b]
20 Aug 2016 | 13:17
[b][color =blue]EPISODE TWO[/color][/b] [b]When everything is back to normal, i'd like to pretend last night did not happen but my thumping and heavy heart, was really making it hard for me. I was rattled, even though i never knew what it was or was all what happened last night was my immagination? No, it can't be, it was all real and i felt it. Definately, i had to tell someone but not my parents. I don't want them panicked or thought i was possesed by some evil champ. Even though, they believed in me but that would be hard to believe. So to be considerate, i ventured telling them was never an option, i can only tell someone. Yes someone, my bestfriend. With that thought in mind, i jumped out of bed, then prepared for school. . he laughed. Thats what he did when i told him!, he laughed. I couldn't believe my best friend thought i was crazy: "you can't possibly be serious Ralph." he managed to gasp, between pearls of laughter. I shivered like ice had replaced my spine. How could my best friend, who i trusted so much, be so ignorant? He must have noticed me looking a bit hurt and had the decency to stop laughing, albeit i could still see him sniggering quietly. Throughout the whole day, i felt detached and sulky, finding it extremely difficult to concentrate on anything. As soon as school was over, i walked home hurriedly, trying as much as i could to avoid ben (as i had been doing all day.) having being best friends for over 5 years, it was almost as if we were strangers. Typical of me though. Wasn't it-making such a big deal out of something that was probably just a one off. And i wasn't a callous beign. Tentatively, i approached the house, a vivid memory of the last night started to unfold like a filmstrip. I cautiously stepped in, shutting the door quietly behind me. It felt weird; creeping about in my father's house. Just in time as i was turning over, A blinding white light flashed and i shielded my eyes. What was going on? It was him again: the figure which i had seen yesterday. Completely trerrified, i stepped back. I didn't know what to do, i wasn't sure what it was, but i could hardly think, my brain seemed to have shut down. I waited for him go, for him to disappear again. But no... He still stood there, almost waiting for me to respond. But what can i do?, Nothing, absolutely nothing. I only kept mute scared to the core. As he lifted his head to look at me, my breath caught in my throat. His beady eyes pierced through me, so dehumanising that it chilled my blood to the core. Trembling ferociously, i opened my mouth to scream, but nothing came out, and my throat felt like an empty glass. No one was there to help me, i was all on my own, with him. I refused to look at him in the eye, but i could still see him clearly. Tufts of lank hair sprouted from his diseased scalp. He was standing with a hunched back staring at me through those still red eyes which neighter move nor blinked. He seemed human, but i really couldn't be sure. I could just about make out the sharp tip of a yellow tooth that rested just above the thin black line he had for lips, the tooth ginted with saliva, and i knew that it could probably rip me into shreds and easily snap my small thin bones into powder in a less than a minute. A familiar smell wafted through my nose and i turned away in disgust. Then, i remembered why the smell was so familiar: it was the same awful stench that was in the house before..... At the same time i had first seen him. It was all starting to make sense now. He was getting closer. My legs sprung into action and i bolted out of the door. Darkness seemed to act like a blanket around me, so i couldn't see where i was running; i just knew i had to get away. My breath plumed out in front of me, like an old manchine spewing smoke but it was only my hard breathing reacting with the cold air. I was running but i knew i was far from escape. He would find me, somehow. It felt like those horror films i had once enjoyed except there was no projector and no film. It was real and there was no getting away. I didn't know how long i ran for but i just kept on running-runningfor my life through bush parts going farther into the forest. Not even turning to look back, because i was damn too afraid of what i would see. My breathing was quickening but i was slowing down, gradually, my chest started getting tighter, my legs were becoming tired and i felt trapped, like i was suffocating in the midst of escape. There was no way i could keep on going so i stopped and hid behind a tree. I was struggling to catch my breath, trying to get as much oxygen into me as possible, when i had finally stopped wheezing, i waited. Nothing happened. I couldn't hear anything, so i decided to try and get out of my hiding place. Then i saw it[/b] [b][color =blue]TO BE CONTINUED...[/color][/b]
20 Aug 2016 | 13:39
hmm..! i reserve my comment next pls.
20 Aug 2016 | 16:22
20 Aug 2016 | 16:24
abeg continue
20 Aug 2016 | 16:33
20 Aug 2016 | 16:33
Quite on time
20 Aug 2016 | 20:27
Next pls
20 Aug 2016 | 20:28
21 Aug 2016 | 11:09
[b][color =blue]EPISODE THREE[/color][/b] [b]It was a foot, peeping out of a worn grey cloth. I walked closer to it, to have a good look of what it was. Reluctantly, i peeled back the cloth and uncovered a body, bit by bit. I became filled with anxiety and gulped down the lump that was begining to form in my throat. I wanted to run, but i knew i couldn't. what if my movement alerted the killer? What would i do? Heart racing loudly, i hesitated for a second, wondering if he could hear me. I contemplated within myself as i finally uncovered the body. A loud sob burst out, and i covered my mouth, there was no head.... So i stood there, fumbling around looking for it. Then, i saw a blonde hair with a black circle scar that could only belong to one person. Ben. He lay disfigured and faced down in a dark red pool, scrathes all over his face. My bestfriend was lying on the floor, completely motionless, dead. "NO!." i sniffed, strugling to control my tears but a single tear dropped and slid down my cold cheeks. I couldn't believe it, my best friend who i talked with yesterday, is here, barbarously annihilated. The once refreshing breeze was now pinching my cheeks with cold fingers. Time seemed to stand still as i tried to make sense of the horrifying scene which lay before me. It was as if my whole world had been turned upside down. A dark thought flashed through my mind, it had got my bestfriend....... I could be next. Tension built inside me, but it wasn't just seeing my friend dead, it was something else. A strange presence almost as if my thought were interupted by a strong smell that stung my nostrills. He was here, back for me. Surprisingly, adrenaline rushed through my veins triggered by the death of my friend. The awful stench was something else. I couldn't fathom why the smell was so strong, as the smell wafted through my nostrills, i could feel my lungs expanding and exceeding its normal size, i quickly exhaled, and covered my nose. I started walking towards a narrow path, where i saw a flickering light. I was unsure of what the souce of the light was, i just kept walking. Knowing fully well that the creature is lurking around and could lounge an attack on me any moment. I stopped and stood behind a tree, where the spot light took its shades. I looked at the direction of the light. I saw a small cabin not too far from where i stood. I wanted to go and have a clear view of the house, perhaps i might be lucky enough to see someone there that could help me. But i suddenly stopped when i saw a freaking huge black shadow zoomed past me. I immediately went numb, when i saw what it was. He stood uprightly tall, his long blonde hair sprouted over his face, his eyes glowed red. I felt empty as if am not the one standing, my legs were too weak to flee from the disguting creature that stood before me. Something seemed to catch my breadth i saw his left eye pulp out of its socket, unexpectedly its burst, pouring out what appears to be a milky fluid. My hair instantly stood on end, a shiver raced down my spine and a lump came to my throat seeing this horrific scene, disgusted with the sight, he gave me an evil grin, seeing that i was afraid. My legs immediately took to action. I ran as fast as my legs could. Not turning back. I ran past the dead body of my friend ben, just a glance at it. I couldn't hold back the hot tears treaming down my face. I stopped running when i realized i had ran past our house. Can i still sleep in that house? No! Never. Not with that creature taunting me. I was left with the only option of passing the night in our neighbour's house. I hastenly manouveured my way towards our neighbour's house. I impatiently knocked very loud on his door but no one answered. I knocked again this time, kicking my fist hard against the door, with a thumping heart, the creature might find me. But still, i got no response. I heard footsteps approaching, i turned around, my legs ready to go for another round of race. I stared hard at the open space before me, hardly seeing anything. Darkness had eveloped the earth making it impossible to see anything even if some one was there. I swiftly turned back at the door and twisted the door knob furiously. It immediately creaked open. Oops! Silly me. Have been fumbling knocking all these while. I let myself in. The interior of the house was pitch black, i took every step with caution. "Hello... Bro Charles" i bellowed out, wondering why he left his door opened. It was unusual of him. Albeit he lives alone. No one lives with him ever since i got to know him. I know nothing of him except for his strange attitude. He welcomes no one to his abode. Always indoors. He has this weird aura that is always lingering around him. I stood still in the darkness ruminating deeply about mr charles oddly life. I was about making out a shadow coming from the hallway upstairs. Suddenly, a cold icy fingers lay on my shoulder. [b][color =blue]TO BE CONTINUED...[/color][/b]
21 Aug 2016 | 11:12
feeling it,continue
21 Aug 2016 | 14:28
Maybe charles was even the creature taunting you!
21 Aug 2016 | 16:07
I think Charles is the creature that is tormenting you.... Next
21 Aug 2016 | 16:49
Oga Prince Abeg Add More Spicy Scary To It, So Sum Pple Wil Nat 4get To Pray B4 Going 2 Slip Wen Day Rememba This
21 Aug 2016 | 18:04
What If It Ain't Charles
21 Aug 2016 | 18:06
You are in deep shit
22 Aug 2016 | 09:23
I pray God helps you out of this
22 Aug 2016 | 09:23
Na charles dey taunt u since
22 Aug 2016 | 15:43
[b][color =red]EPISODE FOUR[/color][/b] [b]I stood transfixed, and i shuddered with fear as i realized the cold icy fingers still lay firmly on my shoulder. Fear of the unknown instantly crept in. I went stiff like a statue. What could that be? Unwillingly, i closed my eyes anticipating on what would happen next. The icy hands dug its fingers into my shoulder and i yelped out in pain. It yanked me off my feet, flanking me away like a paper. I fell on the ground with a thud. The excruciating pain that immediately pierced my body was unbearable. I groaned and winced in pains as i lay still with my back on the floor. I still couldn't see what it was, or who it was. I rose up my head, mustered all the strengths left in me, then i stood up, still wincing in pains, groaning loudly. I looked around me, and darkness stared back at me. Everywhere was vague, hardly could i see through but I could see the prying eyeballs of darkness staring back at me with hollow eyes. I was daunted and timorous. And i was enflamed with worry. Merely looking at the faint figure which stood upstairs with a daunting eyes made me had cold feets and i was greatly frightened.. And then, a thought crept into my mind. Could it be bro charles? That was a question i couldn't find an answer to, could he be the one taunting me all these while? It felt weird and horrid thinking of him to be the tyrant creature. The more i think of it, the more goose bumps it gave me. For a moment i wasn't thinking of it again, my mind was mainly focused on the sound i heard. It was a faint shrill cry of someone far away. It stopped. Then footsteps approached. With no second thought, I walked out of his door, quickly and quietly with panic stricken, hardly could i hear the sound of my foot on the ground but my heart made the unwanted sound. It was thumping loud and fast, almost as if it wanted to rip off my chest. I stepped out on the porch and the cool breeze welcomed me. I sighed with a little relief, then walked briskly home. At least, it would be safer there. So i thought. Even though, deep down, i was engulfed with worry, knowing fully well that, it would still come for me. I bolted the door as soon as i was in. Looking right to left as i walked through the hallway. I took every step with caution. The darkness seemed to act like a blanket around me. It was like MTN. Everywhere i go. I opened the door to my room quietly, yet it made a creaking sound. I walked in and sat on my bed petrified. And my eyes radiating anticlockwise in a 360 degree. The two doors of my wardrobe suddenly opened startling me. I jumped off the bed heart racing louldly like a locomotive train. I walked three steps back looking back and forth. What was that again? I asked myself puzzled. Suddenly, the lights were restored as the room brightened with lights. I heaved a sigh of relief, then sat down back on the bed. I closed my eyes for a moment, as my eyes hasn't fully dillated to the lights. I could feel my retina adjusting itself to its present environment. I opened my eyes back to see a doll lying on the bed in front of me. I instantly creeped out, fell off from the bed. I don't play with dolls neither teddy bears, because i aint a kid and dosent like it either. Then what could a doll be doing on my bed? It wasn't there when i came in, though i might have not seen it there due to the light outage then. But how come it here in my room? Then it occured to me, corey my younger sister might have left it on my bed before she left with my parents to vermont. I heaved another sigh of relief, and my mind came to a rest. I sat down uprightly on the bed for the third time. My eyes found its way upwards to the tickling wall clock. The clock had just striked 12. It was midnight, the time to expect the unexpected.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
26 Aug 2016 | 09:38
[b][color =red]EPISODE FOUR[/color][/b] [b]I stood transfixed, and i shuddered with fear as i realized the cold icy fingers still lay firmly on my shoulder. Fear of the unknown instantly crept in. I went stiff like a statue. What could that be? Unwillingly, i closed my eyes anticipating on what would happen next. The icy hands dug its fingers into my shoulder and i yelped out in pain. It yanked me off my feet, flanking me away like a paper. I fell on the ground with a thud. The excruciating pain that immediately pierced my body was unbearable. I groaned and winced in pains as i lay still with my back on the floor. I still couldn't see what it was, or who it was. I rose up my head, mustered all the strengths left in me, then i stood up, still wincing in pains, groaning loudly. I looked around me, and darkness stared back at me. Everywhere was vague, hardly could i see through but I could see the prying eyeballs of darkness staring back at me with hollow eyes. I was daunted and timorous. And i was enflamed with worry. Merely looking at the faint figure which stood upstairs with a daunting eyes made me had cold feets and i was greatly frightened.. And then, a thought crept into my mind. Could it be bro charles? That was a question i couldn't find an answer to, could he be the one taunting me all these while? It felt weird and horrid thinking of him to be the tyrant creature. The more i think of it, the more goose bumps it gave me. For a moment i wasn't thinking of it again, my mind was mainly focused on the sound i heard. It was a faint shrill cry of someone far away. It stopped. Then footsteps approached. With no second thought, I walked out of his door, quickly and quietly with panic stricken, hardly could i hear the sound of my foot on the ground but my heart made the unwanted sound. It was thumping loud and fast, almost as if it wanted to rip off my chest. I stepped out on the porch and the cool breeze welcomed me. I sighed with a little relief, then walked briskly home. At least, it would be safer there. So i thought. Even though, deep down, i was engulfed with worry, knowing fully well that, it would still come for me. I bolted the door as soon as i was in. Looking right to left as i walked through the hallway. I took every step with caution. The darkness seemed to act like a blanket around me. It was like MTN. Everywhere i go. I opened the door to my room quietly, yet it made a creaking sound. I walked in and sat on my bed petrified. And my eyes radiating anticlockwise in a 360 degree. The two doors of my wardrobe suddenly opened startling me. I jumped off the bed heart racing louldly like a locomotive train. I walked three steps back looking back and forth. What was that again? I asked myself puzzled. Suddenly, the lights were restored as the room brightened with lights. I heaved a sigh of relief, then sat down back on the bed. I closed my eyes for a moment, as my eyes hasn't fully dillated to the lights. I could feel my retina adjusting itself to its present environment. I opened my eyes back to see a doll lying on the bed in front of me. I instantly creeped out, fell off from the bed. I don't play with dolls neither teddy bears, because i aint a kid and dosent like it either. Then what could a doll be doing on my bed? It wasn't there when i came in, though i might have not seen it there due to the light outage then. But how come it here in my room? Then it occured to me, corey my younger sister might have left it on my bed before she left with my parents to vermont. I heaved another sigh of relief, and my mind came to a rest. I sat down uprightly on the bed for the third time. My eyes found its way upwards to the tickling wall clock. The clock had just striked 12. It was midnight, the time to expect the unexpected.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
27 Aug 2016 | 04:55
27 Aug 2016 | 13:38
hunted house
27 Aug 2016 | 15:38
Hmmm,enjoy The Night,Lol,mehn
27 Aug 2016 | 18:34
U are in for a big one
28 Aug 2016 | 06:00
Following steadily!
28 Aug 2016 | 09:17
Oops!!! what are we gonna expect
28 Aug 2016 | 15:39
[b][color =red]EPISODE FIVE[/color][/b] [b]It was a snowy and wintry night, the breeze was hawkish and it whistled frigidly through the closed louvres. It made me breath into my hands, and it was clammy and cold. My hands cringe and a shudder of chills slid down my spine. The silence was threatening and it caressed my soft skin like in the cool summer breeze. The iron tongue of time has told the surrounding darkness that midnight is upon the earth. I'm in my room alone. Yet, i'm home alone with taunting creatures. I wished my eyes could be partially blind to the reality sense. I wished i had never seen that before. And i wished i would never see it again. But those are just wishes and i had to face the reality. . I stood up from the bed and walked towards the louvres, i shoved the curtain apart, to look or rather peep at nothing in particular. My eyes roamed the outside/exterior of the house, scrutinizing from house to house. I saw nothing peculiar, everything was just normal and that laid my mind to rest. Something caught the left of my eye, Just as i was about closing the curtains, i saw a dark figure which stood in the grove tree in our compound, just adjacent to my window. I looked at it again not sure of what it was. This time, i stared hard at it, to decipher what was standing. But that was my greatest mistake which i shouldn't have made. Looking at it made me shiver, and a shudder of chills slid down my spine. I instantly closed the curtains but i could hear it mocking me. I rested back on the bed holding my chest preventing it as if it would fall off. Suddenly, the lights flickered and went off. Putting me into abject darkness. Power is out again? No this can't be, the power can't be out again, because the light is always steady and immutable. Then howcome the light is off? That was a question i couldn't find an answer to as it troubles my mind. I suddenly, heard a cry, it was childlike, the sound of a baby crying. I was startled not only startled but petrified as well. A baby in the house? Thats weird and totally bizzare. Am not a babysitter, neither do we have a baby in the house. My mind was left to wander as i cogigated about the baby. I could feel, hear and see my chest heaving up and down heavily in a rhythmic pattern. The unknown baby started crying loudly in an inhumane voice. Loud bangs of doors also followed. Every doors and windows opens and closes unnervingly. This time, the baby cries doubled. I heard almost ten voices of different baby crying. Some mimicked thierselves, and laughed. The house became noisy with different voices. The bangs still continues, and then the giggles also started. All at a time. An eerily breeze curled in, sending shivers down my spine. The breeze were pinching me with cold fingers. Suddenly, i heard someone laugh, and it reverberated in the house for awhile. "Ralph" a sweet melodious voice called. I looked around me, walking back and forth. Yet, i saw no one. I was scared to the marrow, teeth gnashing like i was in hell. "Ralph" the voice called again. The voice was of a femmine voice, tiny and thin. I walked three steps backward and stumbled upon a low stool. And i quickly steadied myself not to fall. I could have evade the obstacle but my sight was black, everywhere was pitch dark. Hardly could i see my shadow. Everywhere ceased to be silent. There were no giggles no baby cries and no bangs. Silence seemed to cover the house like a blanket. My eyes roamed about, but nothing was visible to the sight again. I walked back to the bed, then fell on it. I heaved a sigh of great relief thinking it was over. Just then, a shadow appeared before me. It was a grotesque outline of a woman, with a dark and beady phizog. A long oversized ragged white dress was what covered her from her head to toe. The last thing I saw was my alarm clock flashing 12:07 before she pushed her long rotting nails through my chest, her other hand muffling my screams. I sat bolt upright, relieved it was only a dream, but as I saw my alarm clock read 12:06, I heard my closet door creak open.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
30 Aug 2016 | 02:00
Ghen Ghen Ghen,no Unda +17 Shld Kumma Read This,so Ur Parents Wnt Blame Us 4 Lettin U Hav Nightmares By Reading Online Scary Stowi
30 Aug 2016 | 14:36
Then the dream happened in reality!
30 Aug 2016 | 15:22
30 Aug 2016 | 20:35
[b][color =red]EPISODE SIX[/color][/b] [b]The closet door suddenly flung opened and i immediately jumped out of bed with my heart in my hands. I looked around the room uneasily. The back of my neck prickled as if someone was watching but i saw no one. The power isn't restored yet, and the darkness still prevails but i stared into the darkness so hard that my eyes stung. Then, my mind drifted to my horror dream, my alarm clock displaying 12:07. All what happened minutes ago felt real and there's no lying about that. Would what happened minutes ago happen now? Would it replay itself in the reality sense? Still staring hard at the darkness. I could feel someone was there right in my room, but i couldn't see more than a vague shape. "who are you?" i bravely whispered. "who are you?" it whispered back, coming a little closer. "what do you want?" i asked shakily with cold feets petrified. "what do you want?" it mimicked me. "stop copying me!" "stop copying me!" it yelled back in a shaky voice just like mine. "stop copying me!, stop!, stop!" laughter erupted all around me and it reverberated in the house loudly. A hand suddenly pulled my hair so hard i saw strands of hair floating away. I cried out in pain and stumbled backward, holding my cheek, the skin was visibly red from an invisible slap. "you'd better be scared" someone whispered. I ran out of my room, but i couldn't escape the laughter, or the pinches, slaps and yanks at my hair, as i ran to my parents room to find solace. It was like being chased by a swarm of stinging hornets. Only worse when hornet sting you, you know what they are and you can see them. Fear stricken and terrorized, i furiously turned the door knob over but it was locked. The door was locked. It was like my freedom was locked and encaged in a dreaded cave. And i was trapped in the midst of my escape. There was no way i could get into the room without breaking off the door and that seemed almost impossible. I was left with no other option than to go back to where i once was. An eerily silence seemed to cover the earth as everywhere went still with silence. I saw no one no prying eyes looking at me but i could sense someone was there with me I turned back walking quietly to my father's library, looking back and forth. Yet, my heart couldn't stop pounding worse than a drum. Suddenly, the lights came on, shining brightly illuminating the whole house. I felt relieved as i collapsed on a couch in the library, breathing hard and soaked with sweat. The bulb shone brightly in the room and lit the book cases on the opposite wall. Dust motes floated in the columns of light. The air was eerily quiet, undisturbed. The only sound was my hard breathing as i still find it hard to cool it down. In other words, everything felt normal. Ordinary on the surface, at least. The lights suddenly went off again, and the couch i sat on began to shake. Back and forth. Up and down. I tried to get off but i couldn't, it felt like a strong force held me back. But in seconds i was thrown to the floor with a loud, bone jarring thud [/b]
31 Aug 2016 | 06:52
Eyaa..... Next
31 Aug 2016 | 10:19
U Re In 4 Real
31 Aug 2016 | 14:45
31 Aug 2016 | 20:40
Na revelation be that ooo
31 Aug 2016 | 21:14
You are in for it
1 Sep 2016 | 01:13
[b][color =red]EPISODE SEVEN[/color][/b] [b]I fell down with my back aching. Pains purge into me and i cowered while invisible fingers pinched me and pulled my hair. The room was dark, corners rang with laughter. The radio in the sitting room blared from one end of the dial to the other, and the reading lamp, flashed on and off. All doors opened and slammed shut, open and slammed shut. Over and over again. Things thudded and thumped all around me. A book hit me in the head. A picture fell and the glass in the frame broke. "who are you?" i cried in a voice so high and shaky i hardly recognized it as mine. "what do you want?" an outburst of laughter answered me. Somebody yelled a string of cuss words. Suddenly, a cold wind shot into the room, the curtains blew out straight from the windows, and the clothing and torn pages rose from the floor and spun around like tiny tornadoes. A low moan, almost like a sob, rose from the corner. The shadows twisted and turned, now long, now short and raced around the walls as if they were being chased. The lights came on and flickered and went out afterwards. "you are the chosen one, and you'll pay dearly for this!" a harsh voice cried. The moaning changed to high-pitched squeaks and yelps. Invisible hands pushed me out of their way, invisible feets stepped on mine. Elbows poked my sides. The moonlight streaming through the window dimmed as shadowy shapes fled into the night, followed by something bigger and darker and far more terrifying. After a sudden silence, the lights came on again. Torn clothing and shredded paper fell back to the floor. The curtains drooped. Whatever had been with me was gone. I huddled back on the couch to rest my aching back, elated by the weird activites that had been happening from day one of my being home alone. I regretted ever staying home alone now, am haunted with taunting creatures i stood up and prowled around the room, studying the books on the shelves, wishing i could find something to read but knowing i was in no mood to sit quietly. Something was going to happen again. I could sense it in the air like electricity before a thunderstorm. Suddenly, a pamphlet slid off a shelf and fell to the floor at my feet. I gasped for a moment, then picked it up and read the title. 'The big secret of this house.' I couldnt fathom or understand what it meant until i turned the page over. Cautiously, i began reading out loud. As everyword triggered my curiosity. "this house you are currently living in, was built in 1770, and it was originally the home of jedediah acton." i paused for a moment, that name jedediah was my late grand father's name. How come he owned the house? He never mentioned it to anybody that he owned the house. I returned my gaze back to the book and continued reading. "unfortunately, jedediah acton amassed enormous gambling debts which made it impossible for him to pay his property taxes. After repeated warnings, the county seized the house in 1890 and attempted to sell it at public auction, when no buyer stepped forth, the county put the property to use as a poor farm house in 1895. Mr jaggs was appointed overseer of the poor. He then chose jedediah acton (the owner of the house) to supervise the children that would work on the farm. Then jedediah acton took his revenge.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
1 Sep 2016 | 03:01
Hmmm..... :whistle:
1 Sep 2016 | 06:12
1 Sep 2016 | 06:25
Hmmmmmmm...So scary!!
1 Sep 2016 | 11:03
U are in for a big tin
1 Sep 2016 | 15:24
So u are paying for ur grandfathers deeds?
1 Sep 2016 | 21:25
2 Sep 2016 | 01:56
2 Sep 2016 | 03:06
Still following
2 Sep 2016 | 03:13
Somethin is fishy
2 Sep 2016 | 04:13
[b][color =red]EPISODE EIGHT[/color][/b] [b]'Jedediah took his revenge?' i asked myself puzzled, unable to understand that part. I delve into the pamphlet in my hand asking for more. I turned the page over and went on reading. "Apparently, jedediah acton treated the children harshly, perhaps even cruel, treament of the helpless people in his care eventually caused an outcry from the local populace. After a public hearing in 1905, jedediah acton was dismissed and the poor farm was shut down. Jedediah left the area at once and vanished into the fog of history. Apparently, he settled down on a hill in vermont. The children were buried in the grove of trees not far from the house." i looked outside at the grove, even though there was no breeze, the leaves of the tallest tree stirred and its branches swayed. A bunch of crows rose into the air, cawing and flew away as if something had disturbed them. The page turned all by itself and i returned my gaze back on the pamphlet and went on reading. "the children suffered alot from jedediah and they died a terrible death. After a couple of years that the house was shut down, the house was eventually sold to a young man whose name was steven acton." i paused for a moment, steven acton was my father's name, he was the one that bought the house. And its the same house we're currently living in. Everything is making sense now. "steven acton was told of the bad ill-luck of the house and he exorcised the aggravated ghosts of the house. He put them to rest but not peacefully, they were laid to rest sadly with an unaccomplished mission which was; vengeance! They were punished for what they nothing about and their souls seeks vengeance but unfortunately, jedediah acton died when nemesis was about to unveil itself to him, and judgement would be passed on his bloodline. It would be on whoever that woke them up. And that is you!. Yes, you reading this! You'll be saved, only if you put us back to sleep. You woke us up with your tomfoolery. And our spirits can only find refuge in our home. Jedediah was never a good man, he was a bad man!" i finished reading the words in the pamphlet with a thumping heart. The whisper i'd been expecting now ran around the walls. "bad, bad, bad, he was the bad one. Bad beyond telling, bad beyond belief, badder than the devil himself." the whisper died away, but no one giggled. Sorrow filled the room, it pressed down on me, heavy and dark. And so full of pain. I could hardly breathe. Then i recalled what grandfather told me about on his deathbed. That was ten years ago. I never understand what he said, hitherto. All is making sense now. _____________ FLASH BACK ______________ It was a hot summer afternoon, the rays of sun peered into the room and it illuminated the dimmed room. The room smelt of grievance and sorrow, deep down the two souls in the room was of misery. Just downwards in the room, there lay grandfather on his deathbed. His hair was smoky grey and fossilized, his eyes were milky and watery, scared of death. And his skin was timeworn, parchment and visibly faded, creased like vellum. One could vividly see regrets of past deeds inscribed on those watery eyes of his. My dad stood, eyes pale and sullky but a tear never dropped. I stood also staring at grandfather, but i knew something was going to happen. I was only six years, so i couldnt think much. I was perplexed at the intense silence in the room except for some low sobs which came from mom. She kneeled on the floor beside grandfather sobbing silently. Grandfather summoned me, and i walked closer to him. He toook my hands, rubbing it gently with his. His hand felt cold and lifeless against my skin. He looked me in the eye, and then he spoke up. "Ralph, i committed a terrible crime many years ago and i got away with it." he began, speaking in low tones, hardly could i hear. "My freedom was the result of a spell i performed" he paused, then coughed. Once, twice. Holding his chest to calm himself down. Then he continued, "expect a visit from...." the words hanged in his throat. He gasped out, shaking vigorously on the bed. And then he suddenly went still. No one moved nor talked. Father walked up to him, after a brief silence. He knelt down before him and tears welled up in his eyes. Suddenly, an outburst of a shrill cry was heard and it echoed loudly in the room.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
3 Sep 2016 | 06:38
[b]Hmmmm. . . . Jedidiah..[/b]
4 Sep 2016 | 04:29
finally the cause of ur problem revealed
4 Sep 2016 | 07:22
Aw... Its finally been revealed... . Nice one... Would be following keenly.
4 Sep 2016 | 11:31
Continue Following You Bumber To Bumber
4 Sep 2016 | 12:52
D cause of ur problem has been revealed
4 Sep 2016 | 16:26
so what is the solution now
4 Sep 2016 | 17:27
Hmm,so Thats What Hapin
4 Sep 2016 | 17:30
4 Sep 2016 | 20:06
5 Sep 2016 | 01:17
Suffering for the sins you never committed
5 Sep 2016 | 01:29
Oya fire on
5 Sep 2016 | 02:34
horror indeed
5 Sep 2016 | 05:45
Next pls
5 Sep 2016 | 16:30
[b][color =red]EPISODE NINE[/color][/b] [b]A sudden cry rang aloud in the room reverberating now and then startling me. At first, i thought the shrill cry emitted from dad, not until we heard laughter of different calibre. Then, the cry of an owl followed and it echoed clamorously. Whistling hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo. I covered my ears as the noise was sonorous and incessant, it felt like my ears would split. Everything was revolving around us and my eyes became blurry. Suddenly, a hand pulled me and hauled me away. I knew not what it was or who it was until i heard my father's vvoice. I felt relieved and ecstatic that i was in a safe hand. My dad took me away to somewhere safer but the cries of the owl followed us. Then it abruptly stopped howling, and everywhere became calm, but i could hear the thumping heart of my father. He was extremely petrified. It was weird and bizzare to me, i couldn't tell what actually happened but i knew something was not right. I slept off later after everything was back to normal and i never saw the corpse of grandfather up till this moment. . . _ _ ____ ____ After cogitating about the past, I could now tell why i was being haunted. But a question popped up in my head. would i be the one to suffer for the evil deeds of grandfather? "yes, you would bear his burden" a voice answered. I looked back and forth to see who had said that. But i saw no one. A cold hand touched my face and my legs shook with uneasiness. "don't be afraid" the voice said. I focused on the shadow standing in front of me. Slowly, a boy took shape, maybe ten or eleven years old, his face pale and freckled, and his clothes ragged. He stood as straight and tall as he could and stared into my eyes. "i'm caleb" he said. "thats isaac and isaiah" two boys stepped out of the shadows. Isaac was about the same age as caleb, dark and melancholy. Isaiah was the littlelest of the three, with a tangled head of red curls and two missing front teeth. I guessed he was about seven. "therer's more of us, but we've been chosen to the talking " caleb said. "i'm sorry, we scared you" isaac said, "but i ain't sorry" isaiah added "we got to do the inevitable and live up to our names, we're the bad ones." giggles ran along the shadowy walls like a stream running over pebbles, chuckling to itself. "bad ones, bad ones, bad, bad, bad." i was speechless, and scared, i stared at the boys-the ghosts, that is. The bad ones. And they stared at me. Isaiah made a sudden lunge as if he meant to pinch me and i scooted backward. The giggles got louder. "what do you want?" i whispered. "you woke davea up with your tomfoolery, and he woke us up to unleash our vengeance and that is what we came to do." caleb said, in a harsh voice. "but-but what did i do?" i stuttered and stammered. "i told you it wouldn't do any good to talk to him before we do what we supposed to do" isaac muttered to caleb. "dont question us further" caleb said and a whisper of mutterings swept around the room, from shadow to shadow. "He's crazy, crazy, crazy, crazy." someone chanted. "pinch him, pinch him, pinch him" someone whispered, plucking at my skin. "ouch, that hurts!" i shouted, trying to evade the invisible fingers. I flaied my arms in an attempt to hit the shadows romping around me. Laughter sprewed around me, fulminating. It was caleb and isaiah. "you're a ninny!" isaac shouted, and the giggles followed. A hand pulled me strongly and yanked me away. I flew in the air and crashed down with a thud. I yelped loudly in pain. "leave him!" a shaky voice blared before i blacked out.[/b] [b][color =red]TO BE CONTINUED[/color][/b]
7 Sep 2016 | 08:20
maybe ur dad
7 Sep 2016 | 13:34
7 Sep 2016 | 14:02
Hmm,this 1 Must Nat Apin 4 Real Life,pesin Go Don Die Like 18tyms
7 Sep 2016 | 18:15
maybe ur dad
7 Sep 2016 | 19:19
Maybe your dad
8 Sep 2016 | 00:54
Ur dad i tink
8 Sep 2016 | 02:02
And who is that??
8 Sep 2016 | 08:41
And who is that?? Maybe @olorivicky
8 Sep 2016 | 08:41
D voice belongs to ur dad
8 Sep 2016 | 16:17
Pls Tag Me Whenever This Story Contiunes I Like Am
13 Sep 2016 | 17:09
Maybe or maybe not ur fault but being the one that woke them up and ur grandpa to 've be the cause of their death reason they're after u, the ghost or whatever u call them
2 Oct 2016 | 04:09
What happened next?
13 Oct 2016 | 17:43
@whizjay Where you dey o??
13 Oct 2016 | 18:02
14 Oct 2016 | 17:39


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