

By Viciyoung in 17 Aug 2016 | 19:54
Viciyoung Viciyoung

Viciyoung Viciyoung

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IF YOU WANT TO THREAD THE PATH OF REVENGE, YOU MUST DIG TWO GRAVES - Some wise guy or something, I'm not good with their names I just take their words to mind.
A professional "do it all" consultant. From finding missing persons or object to high profile assassination; I'm the guy to call. Been in the business for a while, so on my worst days I'm am considered an experienced professional and on my best days I am a bleeding expert.
My name is Kunle Smith and as I lie down here in a pool of my own blood waiting for death's cold embrace, I cannot help but ask the question : HOW THE Bleep DID IT COME TO THIS.
To answer my question I thought back to when it all started to go wrong... The very beginning : Apologies in advance for the gritty nature of what I am about to tell you. Some of us had it rough in the origin department...
It's a Cinderella story really, I was the unplanned fifth of five boys left to fend for myself after my mom died giving birth to number six, the only girl, Vera. The only good thing I had, brothers had all gone off and wound up dead or in jail where they wound up dead anyway and my father buries himself deep in liquor ever since my mum died, hardly gives us the time of day. "I'm hungry!" Vera would yell when she couldn't hold it in anymore. My father would throw an empty bottle at her as he growled his usual response "be glad I give you a pilow to sleep and a roof over your head, you want something to eat, work it out for yourself." crying she would beg to go out with me and I would take her. She was special, did all I could to protect her, but really she was the one always taking care of me. Because when she started to put on her lonely lost child act in the center of a town the attention of all the bleeding hearts in the town focuses on her and while they were busy trying to comfort her, I would slowly creep behind them, help myself to all the fancibles and valuables in their pockets and be gone before they realise it. We were happy until one faithful day.... We had a great run, plenty of loose wallets in heaping pile, we were planning on how to go about our spending. "Let's get ice cream" Vera was saying, when they showed up. About six guys none of them was over twenty by the looks of them but they were all bigger than me. 'good idea little Dam' said one of them, "after that we can go to Freddie's and get us each a girl for the night" added the one who struck me as the leader. With anger I stepped in front of them protectively standing over Vera and our money and said "stand back, our hard work, our money" the leader replied "but it's on our turf so that makes it our money you are either going to hand it over or get bloodied, you and your pretty little Dam sister, your choice" he laughed. " Stay away from us" I warned. He came forward eerily looming over, he bent low his face inches from mine and with a suffocating foul breath said "Who's gonna make me" and all of a sudden they descended on me with punches, sticks, and wait was that a hammer? Oh OK it was a big fist, felt like a hammer though. It was hell I have never experienced such physical pain in my life before. With spared glance I saw Vera throwing rocks at them screaming "leave my brother alone" I wanted to scream, tell her to run but my voice wasn't working. Then one of Them walked over to her and tried to grab her but she wouldn't let him. She was squirming under his loose grip I was screaming "vera no, leave her alone!" forcefully Vera managed to break herself free from her attacker. she had used her legs to push as hard as she could against the guy, it's resulting force propelled her forward right into the main road. And then I HEARD: PAAAAAAANM PAAAAAAANM, it was getting dark so no one really saw it coming, no one heard it blew it's trumpet, not until it was too late. VERAAAAAA! I screamed with all my strength. It was a freaking horror show me on my knees unable to move, couldn't stand, couldn't run, Vera was screaming as the truck hit and then ran over her, I was helpless wishing for it all to stop but it didn't, almost immediately after everything was quiet. Our attackers fled, the driver fled too he had been driving Without headlights that's why I had not seen him in time. The truck had crushed her thoroughly scattering Vera's body parts all over the road. With an overwhelming, an immeasurable and an unimaginable grief in my heart, a realisation came to me: this world is a cruel world, only the wicked thrive. And vera was an angel the world was not meant for her let her go back to heaven that's were she belongs with angels like her. "goodbye Vera watch over me, they didn't kill you but they are the reason you are dead and thats the same thing to me, watch as I bring down hell upon those that brought you this gruesome fate".... I vowed.
......After that horrible incident, to become stronger, I joined gangs, pushed drugs, abused drugs, engage in Street fights, gang wars, pimped girls over the years, A bloody waste of time if you ask me. For none of it made me strong the way I wanted to be. It was when I got arrested and was sent to prison, that I found the kind of strength I was looking for. Warmed my way to the hearts of the inmates quickly enough. it was after I told my story and expressed my determination for revenge that one of the prison bosses took me in, thought me everything I need to know. Trained me in combat and gun battle, thought me the best revenge path to take. After serving four years of prison time I was released three years ahead of schedule for good conduct, I wasted no time in plotting my revenge course, using the connection Don piccolo (my prison boss) gave me, finding my first target wasn't hard: The Driver. I traced him to his home town, where he was a mechanic. Immediately I saw him, eight years of anger welled up inside of me. I walked up to him and asked "do you know me". He gave me a once over look and said "no can I help you with anything?" "you don't remember me" I asked again. He stopped what he was doing and looked at me then asked "Who are you". "Do you know vera?" I answered his question with mine. "No and I would like you to leave my property, I am not comfortable with you on it", he replied as he looked up into my eyes and took a step back. Guessing he must have seen it, the murderous intent in my eyes. Before he could speak I asked him "do you remember the little girl you crushed to pieces eight years ago with that truck" pointing to the last truck at the roll of vehicles on the left. His eyes widened as he remembered, he raised his left hand that held a huge metal spanner and tried to hit me with it but I was quick, I stepped back thrusting forward I jabbed him on the jaw, he staggered back. seeing that he couldn't fight me he ran back so fast inside his shop and locked the wooden gates, I could hear his footsteps retreating deeper inside. something shiny caught my eyes. The fool had left the key to the truck he was repairing on the ground I picked it up and climed in, then started it, and drove it straight through the gate, as the gate shattered he came into view, his back against the wall, his chest heaving so high I thought his heart was gonna bust out, his eyes as wide as they could go. With a tinge of satisfaction and a small smile on my lips because I liked the fear that resonated from him, it was the same fear that vera felt before dying, I drove the vehicle straight at him crushing him against the wall behind him, I came out of the truck, went out to pick surrounding flowers. Wasn't really comfortable with it, I didn't want to leave any trail for the police to track, but I believed it was the right thing to do. The Don had said that It's meant to be like a sense of knowing for Vera that her killers hadn't gone unpunished. plus by the time the police caught up, i would have been done with my vengeance mission, dissappeard and started a new life. Placing the flowers on the dead driver I muttered 'for Vera'.
To be continued
17 Aug 2016 | 19:54
[hr] FAST LINK TO AVAILABLE EPISODES Scroll down for episodes one and two Episode 4 Episode 5 nd 6 Episode 7 Last Episode
17 Aug 2016 | 20:42
17 Aug 2016 | 20:43
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER EPISODE 2 continues.. After taking down the driver, Tracking down the first guy from the gang of six that attacked Vera and I was easy as pie, his name was Seun. He leads a gang of his own now. He was very loud in carrying out his operations. All i had to do was follow his trail of bloody robberies. Finally I caught up with him at a run down bar, and luckily for me he was sitting in the bar with another member from the group of six that attacked Vera and I; good dead man, saved me the trouble of finding him I thought as I strolled up to their table and sat with them. Every night for the past eight years, I dreamt of that unfortunate incident. So it's impossible to forget their faces, no matter how much time may change them, they will still look the same to me : six boys that must die by my hand. "Find another table" Seun, the one I tracked said to me. "why... this one's got plenty of space" I said. "Don't you know who we are boy, who I am?", he asked. And I replied "I do, it's why am here, I have come to kill you". At my last words recognition dawned on their faces. The other one quickly went straight for his gun but before he could pull it out, I had already brought mine out. I was fast and ready, I shot the guy two times: on his chest and on his jaw. He died before he hit the ground. Seun just recovering from the shock of what he was seeing reached for his own gun, while his hand was still in his pocket I stabbed it through to his thighs pinning it painfully in place. "aaaaargh!" he screamed, pointing my gun at him, I said "you are only still alive because of the information I need from you. Now am going to ask you only once, if you answer me too slowly I will shoot out your two eyes". He pleaded "anything, I will tell you anything please don't kill me". "I want the names and addresses of the rest of your group From that night". He was quick to divulge the information of the remaining members. Except for the leader, whom he swears that he has no information on his whereabouts for years, after I shot his ankles and knees. He told me his name was William and he left them shortly after the incident. Imagine fate I thought to myself, all the the rest was delivered into my hands easily except for the one I really want to kill. . Falling broke I decided to go professional, since I was really good at finding people and killing them... why not make money off it I told myself, to fund my mission and (if I got really lucky) find something that will lead me to the main person i want to kill: William, the guy that led the group that got my sister killed. So in between my personal revenge kills, I would take random jobs Like taking out coperate heads or politicians by finding dirt on them and sometimes (if you paid well) I would kill them. For two years I did this and in those two years, I rounded Up the killing of the remaining members of the gang of six that killed vera. It was frustrating to track down these guys and kill them but what is more frustrating is the fact that I still have nothing on William, no whereabouts, no links not even a mention it was almost like he ceased to exist, no one in the underground network has any information on him... Thought it was funny, fate playing a cruel joke on me. The one guy I want to kill is the one guy I can't find. To be continued
18 Aug 2016 | 04:18
Hmmmm............ Nxt
18 Aug 2016 | 06:42
Don't go find ahm maybe when you're dead
18 Aug 2016 | 17:37
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER EPISODE 3 Continues... "Aaagh please beg you, I know n'ting I swear! William just dissappeard on us few weeks after that business with your sister, no calls, no text, no nothing, it's like the muthaf*** just cut us off, tis all i know I swear... please don't kill me " the last guy on my list of revenge killings cried out after I had cut off his feet and hands. It was the same thing he said when I asked nicely so I believed him. Raising my gun to his head, he begged me not kill him, bewildered I asked "dude, how exactly do you hope to live a fulfilling life with your hands and feet gone". Do not wound who you are not going to kill Don piccolo had warned. There was absolutely no way I was going to let him live, so I shot him, multiple times and he died. I guess that about wraps it up, i thought to myself self... I give up, William whom I've wasted considerable amount of money to search for may already be dead, it's the only logical explanation for my lack of results and if he isn't I hope he dies. One last job, something simple but enough to help get away as far as I can from this place and all its bad memories and start over was all I needed . For a year I laid low moved underground, waiting to get a contract call which be my ticket out of the city which didn't come until summer that year. "hello, is this Smith's do it all consultancy" "yeah, Smith speaking". "got a job for you, how fast can you get to Martinsville" "uuuh two hours" "good, I will be expecting you. I went to Martinsville, met my client. "you want me to what!" I exclaimed a bit annoyed at his job proposition. "I know it's not your Forte but you are the only one I can trust to do this for me, i know my wife cheats on me, hell the whole fuckin' town knows, but I need Hard proof to present to the court" how could she not I thought, you look like a cross between a walrus, a worm and a shark. " look sir" I said out loud, "I know my business card says do it all, but I don't get involved in this kind of jobs, I major in captains of industries, CEOs, Politicians." "I know, your reputation precedes you, that's why you are perfect for this Job. You are very thorough and my wife covers her tracks well". I replied "sorry sir am gonna have decline this contract". sighing deeply he said "look I will pay the exact amount it would cost you to do one of your hits, money is not a problem for me, she wants a divorce and if she gets it on her own terms, the court will give her half my assets and I am as sure as hell not ready to give that woman a single kobo." I did not really want to do it, but there is the irresistable amount of money to consider so finally I replied "fine, I'll do it", how hard can it be to take a few pictures. " I am going to need 80% of my money deposited up front". "Done" he assured. Three days later, pictures of his wife and her lover sleeping together were with me and are on their way to my client. Showing it to him I said "There you go, full proof of your wife's infidelity, now you can divorce her with rest of mind knowing that she won't be getting anything." "I don't want to divorce her" he said, I could sense the cold fury in his voice. "I want you to kill her, and that ruddy lover of hers" . He was hurt by looking at the pictures, "did you know I picked her up from the slums, from nothing I made her the woman she is, sent her siblings out of the country to study, established her father, built a big house for her mother, gave her everything she wanted in this world and this is how she repays my love! " he tore in half the photo he was holding, " I want you to kill her for me " he really loved her, men like him, in his state of mind would kill me if I refused. At the same time would agree to anything to get their wishes carried out. " killing is gonna cost extra. In the next three days you will hear from me, until then, I want you to act normal, go to functions, act as if you are on the best terms with her, buy her gifts, you make sure you look like everything is normal, not too happy, not too sad, just be you till you hear from me three days from now". "Understood" he assured me. Three days later, I followed her to a local hotel, where she met her lover. I followed them up to their room to get their room number, then I went back down to the bar, after about an hour I went back up straight to their room, as I got close I could hear moans of pleasure coming from within. It's the Las of those you will be getting, I thought to myself as I slowly and quietly opened the door. I stalked in, they were both clothed but entangled in romance with each other . Just getting started are we, I thought to myself but aloud I said "sorry to cut your little play Time short but I've got a plane to catch, so am kind of on the clock here." the woman said to me "do you know who I am, my husband will find you, and make you wish you were never born, leave now and and I will forget any of this ever happened." laughing at her weak threats, I replied "sorry to bust your bubble honey but, your loving husband is the one that wants you dead" her Face dawned a look of horror" Don't tell me he- he-", "yeah he knows you are, cheating on him" I helped complete her sentence. "he has asked me to come show you how he feels about it" and with that I shot Her, she dropped dead. Then i turned to the guy she was with, his phone started to ring. " a word of advice" I said to him "in your next life, cut your bloody coat according to your size" BANG! BANG! I shot him too and he crumpled. Called my client, "it's done" i told him. From here I thought to myself, It's straight to the airport to catch my plane and fly to somewhere far far away, where I can forget about this life and the misery it brought me. I had given up on finding William, he has gone to wind... Hope he is dead, I thought. Then the ringing from earlier went into voice-mail and I could not believe what I heard, I was making my way to the door but I was stopped in my tracks : William's voice was coming from the phone.... There is no mistaking it, it was his voice "hello Gbenga, you there, pick up dammit, your sister is worried about you, Gbenga! Gbenga! Are you with that woman again, Gbenga, I warn you, that woman will be the death of you one day, you know her husband is a dangerous man. Call me immediately you get this" I stood there in excilliration, just when I had given up on him the universe delivers him on a platter to me, couldn't thank fate6 enough, I picked up the phone of dead Gbenga, called some people who helped me run a trace on the number that called and within days, I was at William's house. A pretty innocent place for a monster like him, I thought. Peering through the window I saw him, WILLIAM : the source of all my hatred for the better part of eight years was before my eyes and nothing was gonna stop me from killing him.... Or so I thought. To be continued
19 Aug 2016 | 12:26
Me Yaf Land,getting Hot
19 Aug 2016 | 13:40
Ride on bro Nice beginnig
19 Aug 2016 | 14:18
19 Aug 2016 | 16:23
I dey feel dis tin lyk say no 2moro
19 Aug 2016 | 20:28
Way to go. Next pls
19 Aug 2016 | 20:28
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER EPISODE 4 Continues... It was raining and William was sitting by the fire, staring into it... He seemed lost in thought. I knocked "Who is it?" his voice called from inside. "delivery for William Amadi" I lied, to get him to open the door but to myself I thought, yeah delivery of bullets in your skull, at least two in your head, one in your stomach, three to your chest.... I had already imagined how I was going to kill him. I heard footsteps come towards the door, When he opened the door I saw him clearly for the first time since that night: he looked different, more reformed... He is not the William I pictured. An anger burned inside of me, how can he be at peace and live comfortably with all the things he had done. He recognized me I noticed, there was fear in his eyes but he was strangely calm "come in" he said. "good thing I didn't have to introduce myself, I must say though that you're a hard man to find, I had almost given up on you... But even the universe did not want you to go unpunished for your sins. That's why you were delivered to me. You must know why am here don't you" I asked him and he replied "yes, how could I forget such a night, I have always known you would come for me one day. I heard the vow you made to your sister, Vera." "you know her name" I noted "the others didn't even remember her; not until I had to painfully remind them". "the others, Seun and the rest?" he said as if he had only just realized that he wasn't alone that night. "yes, they are dead all of them. And it's time for you to join them" I said "I understand" he replied. Although there was still fear in his eyes, he looked calm, he wasn't like the others, he was ready for me to kill him, but why is he afraid then I asked myself. "Daddy?" an unexpected voice called from behind me. A child, a little girl, "I heard talking, I couldn't sleep" the child was complaining. William replied "it's okay, sweetie, daddy was just talking with his friend here who came to visit, go back to your room, I promise we will be more quiet". I stood there transfixed, staring at the little girl, my hate for William kept me focused on him. It had not allowed me to take in the details of my surroundings. I did and I noticed the pictures on the wall; William and his family, his wife and this girl, their daughter, then it hit me: the fear in his eyes wasn't for himself, it was for his family. He saw me looking at the pictures and said "I want you to meet my daughter, Vera." "Vera" I repeated, "after her?" "yes, that night I didn't want all that happened to happen, it was the first time that I saw something like that, I've seen people die but to see someone die like that much less a child up close, that was my first and it was something I never want to see again. But when the others fled into different directions, I made myself come back to look very closely at what had happened to show myself that what happened was my fault and mine only and thats when I heard the vow you made to vera." he said. "you got that right" I told him, then continued "the others, when I found them, they had delved deeper lnto crime but you seem, different, what happened?" He sat down, I did too, his daughter vera walked over to him and placed herself around his arms. "He found me" he said pointing to a picture of an old man on the wall. "Pa John, he was a preacher. After that night the group went back to normal, they didn't care, to them people die everyday and vera's death was one of the normalcy of life but to me it was my fault, because of that guilt, I left the group, but the guilt remained and for years it ate at me, I lost a lot of myself, I felt empty, less than alive, and one day I decided to end it all and thats when the preacher Pa John found me, He stopped me and took me in and I told him my story, then he told me something that changed my life for ever, he said 'in life there are about five events that shape the course of a person's fate, four of those five are as a result of the choices we make and the decisions we take. But there comes one ultimate choice, we are given at our weakest and most vulnerable moment that not only shapes your fate but the fate of the world at large. You can choose to let your guilt eat you up from the inside out or you can convert it to a conviction to never let anyone in your circumstances destroy himself or anyone else. You can choose to become an example of man's ability to conquer darkness or you can choose to be the guy that let his darkness engulf and destroy him.' so I made a choice. I chose to be the example he believed I could be. I made my peace with your sister, though I never forgot her and then moved on, we went on missionaries together, he would preach and I would tell them my life story and it helped. When Pa John died, I continued but not as a preacher, I became a motivational speaker, started to speak at gatherings and meetings, I helped a lot of people change their lives for the better. It was on one such meetings that I met my wife and together we got this beautiful girl you see here. The rest as people say is history" he concluded. . ... "where is your wife" I asked. "she's at work, she's a nurse at the city hospital". His story was good, but I have been nursing a hate and anger which have now mixed together to evolve into something else for this man for eight years. Such a feeling doesn't go away with one story, I am still going to kill him I decided. He can't be alive while vera is still dead, no matter how many veras he calls his kids it won't replace my dead sister "send her away" i ordered him "you don't want her to see this". I brought out my gun and began to fix in its silencer. "vera honey, I want you to go up to your room" "what's going on, why does your friend want to kill you.. Daddy?!" little vera asked, "vera go upstairs and lock your room, mommy will be back soon, everything is going to be fine".... William assured his daughter. To be continued
19 Aug 2016 | 21:15
Oh So Sorry
19 Aug 2016 | 21:50
Getting a seat.
20 Aug 2016 | 04:00
Bring it on
20 Aug 2016 | 04:00
Plz giv him a second chance
20 Aug 2016 | 04:22
nice story......kip it goin
20 Aug 2016 | 04:58
Eeyah! I wish u changed ur mind not killing him
20 Aug 2016 | 06:24
Ur past came huntinq You...
20 Aug 2016 | 08:52
Even ur talk wont save you from ur past...
20 Aug 2016 | 08:55
Waooo am enjoying dis to d core
20 Aug 2016 | 09:00
Av landed, keep iy rolling
20 Aug 2016 | 12:06
pull the dam.n trigger and kill that son of a
20 Aug 2016 | 13:20
20 Aug 2016 | 13:27
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER EPISODE 5.. Continues.. She nodded and started for the stairs, the all of a sudden turned and ran to her father, spreading her arms over him, tears rolling out of her eyes she started pleading "please don't kill my dad, I know he did something bad to me in his dream but I have already forgiven him, please forgive him too, he won't hurt dream me again" "dream you?" I asked a bit confused, "for as long as I can remember, daddy would wake up most nights crying and apologising to dream me saying 'I am sorry vera, it's my fault, it's all my fault...' but I didn't tell him I always hear those things because I was afraid he would cry, I hate to see him cry. " she pleaded. "your daddy did a very bad thing, the dreams he has are not about you but my sister Vera. She was about your age and your daddy and his friends killed her." i explained though I knew it was a complete waste of time. "but please don't kill him" she said oblivious to what I just said about her dad. " I don't expect you to understand but your father Is somebody I'm going to kill" and with that I Lost my patience so I grabbed her "hey leave her alone, let her go!" William said as he tried to wrestle her from my grip. Pointing the gun at him I shouted "you stay put... You! Stay! Fuckin! Put! You move a muscle and i will kill you and your family" so I dragged her to the nearest room and locked her in it she was screaming DADDY! DADDY! DADDY! RUN AWAY DON'T LET HIM KILL YOU! As I was securing the locked door from the corner of my eyes I saw William pick up a base bat then came at me with it screaming LEAVE MY DAUGHTER ALONE IT'S ME YOU WANT! He swung with all his might and it caught my right side, breathe escaped my lungs from the pain but I didn't let up, I dodged his second swing and caught the third, with swift reflexive movement I disarmed him and then punched him hard on the stomach. He fell sprawled on the floor. All the while his daughter was crying and screaming so loud I thought the house was gonna explode "vera honey" , he said as I dragged him outside "cover your ears, and close your eyes, everything is going to be okay," I took him out the back yard left him on his knees, cocked the gun then pointed it at his head. His daughter climbed out the window of the room I locked her in, didn't know it faced the back yard she came and knelt down pleading and crying, begging me to not kill her dad. "you don't have to do this, not in front of her" , William said... "shut up, not a word from you, just shut the Bleep up, 8 years William, 4 years in the streets and 4 years in prison, the one thing that kept me going was the thought of killing you, but I see killing you won't be enough to make you feel the pain I felt, you seem to care more for your daughter than yourself, to really cause you to despair killing you won't be enough, you were already prepared to die but if I killed your precious daughter and wife your whole world will come crashing down" I said. "then whose the monster now" William asked "what are you talking about" "you called me a monster for causing the death of your sister, now here you are threatening to kill an innocent little girl just to get back at her father, tell me who is the monster now!" William was right, consumed by my hunger for vengeance I became the very monsters I always thought William and his gang were. "I have to do this, if I don't vera won't rest in peace" I said with tears rolling down my eyes,, "you are the one that's not letting her rest in peace, by holding on to her in the wrong way, you keep her memories in your mind, instead of in your heart. it's good to cherish the memories of our lost loved ones in our heart but it is equally dangerous to hold on to them in our minds." I turned to look at his daughter once more and for a split second I thought I saw my sister in her... This was the exact manner in which vera pleaded for me, why am I making an innocent little girl go through the same pain I asked myself . As she was pleading I saw blood start to trickle down her nose "w-wh-whats wrong with her I didn't touch her" I fretfully asked "she has collapsing liver, the doctor gave her five months, and aside from the fact that we don't have the money for such operation she has refused to let both me and her mother to donate our livers for her, 'my parents shouldn't die because I was born sick' she always said" replied William. Weeping he continued "you think I am not paying for my sins, well look around you and think again... I am ready to die all I ask is that you give me time to be with her all through the little time she has, then you can come back, I am not gonna run. If there is anything I've learned in this life : it's that you can't outrun the past, whatever you did in it, good or evil, will still catch up with you". Lowering my gun I turned to William's daughter and said "I'm sorry I scared you, I'm sorry that I seemed like a monster to you, I am not a monster, I will never be and I promise I would never hurt you in anyway even if that means not killing your evil dad" I smiled, she did too and then she did a most surprising thing: she hugged me strangely It kind of felt like how Vera my sister used to and then she said "Thank you". BAAANG! the little girl jerked, her eyes widened, her Pupils slipped into her skull and then she became very still, warm wetness filled my hands, I pulled it out and it was covered in blood, Vera's blood, she had been shot. I looked up at the direction the sound came from and I saw a black jeep, standing beside the Jeep with a hunting riffle was a huge tall man I recognized instantly as Don Piccolo. "Oops, I missed" he growled "I was aiming at you... kunle". To be continued
20 Aug 2016 | 21:31
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER EPISODE 6.. Continues.. About a month ago Don piccolo escaped from prison, he was supposed to have gotten out six months earlier but his brother whom he trusted with the key part of his plan didn't show, had he abandoned him he thought, if he had, he promised himself that when he finally got out he would kill him for fuckin' up his escape plan by bailing out on him. Now that he's out he is going to pay his brother a visit and whether he lives or dies will depend on the reason his brother was going to give him for not showing up. That's why it is good to always have a plan B he thought; plan A 80% of the time always fails. He got to their home town, to their house. The gates was smashed in, everything was in ruins and there was a truck that was driven straight into his brother's workshop. He lived alone on the outskirts of the village and because of the criminal life he led he didn't relate much with the villagers, so it is possible nobody knows that what happened here has happened here. That's why the whole thing has been left the way it is since it happened. Taking in the severity of the destruction that befell the house he was thinking that some rival gang got to him, they are going to pay he thought to himself as he walked to the front of the truck that was driven into the work shop. There he saw the corpse of his dead brother shrunken, decomposed, pinned to the wall almost splitting in half by the truck and on him sticking out of the pocket of the shirt he was wearing were withered rotten flowers. It was then he realized who killed his brother. for he himself was the one that had told him to drop flowers for his sister after each kill,... So my brother Rukewe was the mysterious driver that killed his sister, he thought. if he recalled correctly, he had told him 'the driver was driving Without headlights.' To avoid unwanted police attention when transporting drugs, Rukewe always drove without headlights. It made him almost invisible to police checkpoints. . It's a revenge killing and it's understandable but then again family is family it wouldn't be right to just let Rukewe's killer go free. 'If anything it would encourage my enemies to start targeting my family for they would perceive me to be weak,' he thought. He brought out his phone and dialed a number, "hello, Osaro, you they monitor that guy way I ask you to monitor for me" "yes" "good, where im dey now?" "Martinsville" "send me the exact location of the place wey Im dey" he ended the call and then dialed another number.... "The Don" said a voice from the other end of the line "Onome how far, I want make you gather everybody prepare them for battle then make una meet me for one address wey I go text you for Martinsville" don piccolo ordered. "By your command my Don but forgive me for asking, which group we wan hit" and Don piccolo replied "no be any group we they go after, na just one man...." "just one guy, na just one guy go make us need everybody?" asked the guy at the end of the line. "he killed my brother, I wan make am suffer before e die" Don piccolo said. "abeg na who be the unfortunate guy?" asked the guy on the phone. And the Don replied ".... Kunle Smith" (back to the present to kunle narrating his story... Please Note that the actions within the *** happened in slow motion) . *** Don piccolo just shot William's daughter, I was screaming noooooooooooooo as I held little Vera, William was running over to where we are and four other men with guns were coming out of the car Don piccolo was standing near*** When William came over I handed vera to him, he sobbed "vera, Vera no, no, no, no please baby stay with me stay with me. You are going to be fine" and he grabbed her from me. Thank God she's alive I thought, I hadn't checked but William did. "get her away from here, get her to a hospital, it's about to get shitty and you don't want to be here for that" he nodded and carried her off, then I turned to Don piccolo, with all the rage that surged inside of me I could only manage one word at that moment : "why?" I asked. "Don't make me repeat myself, I told you she was in my way" Don replied. "why are you targeting me" I asked. "You killed my brother kunle," Don piccolo said. "Who the Bleep's your brother?" I replied. "oh you don't know...? Let me give you a hint.... you ran him through with a truck in his own house," poo, I exclaimed in my mind... The driver I knew the fucker looked familiar, but how could he have known it was me I asked my self "I saw the flowers in his pocket, the same flowers were found on the bodies of the the guys you killed in vengeance, I monitored your movements ever since you got out, your work... it was flawless, couldn't be more proud... The people called you entropy it's the term used to describe the end of evolution which is death." "I know" I interrupted, but he ignored me and continued "everyone you hit were all evolving promising people, from the governorship candidate of the NCPP to the ceo of Acrifone Corp. All met their end at your hands... I was gonna recruit you into my organization but you had to go and kill my brother, so now I'm going to have to kill you." okay... that explains how he knew it was me and how he found me, I thought. "you know why I had to kill your brother, he was the driver that ran over my sister " I said to him. "It doesn't matter" he replied, "it's time you died, kill him" he ordered his men. . And his men opened fire, they were using automatics so it was rapidly firing which made it feel like the shots were coming from everywhere, following pure instincts I quickly dove for cover behind a big metal sherd that was near by, I checked my gun magazine, there was only six bullets left. I let out a deep breath closed my eyes and tried to recall what I saw before diving for cover: there are four guys and Don piccolo, 'okay 5 people six bullets gotta make it count' I said to myself. I waited till they had exhausted all the bullets in their guns and was starting to reload before I made my move, as I emerged from under my cover, I shot the first guy in the chest, the second in the head and the third in face and the fourth on his chests too, they all dropped then I turned to Don piccolo and I shot him two times in his stomach and chests and he fell, "it's over" I said as I began to walk over to him, he laughed "he hehe, really...? Have you learned nothing from all I thought you ?" Don piccolo grunted as he got up, he turned to face me, "what is lesson number 2" he asked, "be prepared for anything" I replied. "good" he replied then patted his chest, and said "military grade bullet proof vest , there ain't none of your bullets that's gonna get past this" looking at his dead men I told him "you know, if you really wanted to kill me you should have brought more men" "oh I did, they were simply running late" as he finished talking five more jeeps parked and about six men came out of it all of them with big guns "rule number one kunle never under estimate the enemy, always go at them with all you've got, light him up boys" he ordered his men, about 30 in all opened fire on me! To be continued
20 Aug 2016 | 21:34
Hmmmm na only god go sav u naw oh since uno cary odeshi
21 Aug 2016 | 05:49
Nxt plz
21 Aug 2016 | 09:58
hmmmn following, next plz.
21 Aug 2016 | 10:05
mehn I dey watch American film....
21 Aug 2016 | 10:33
OMG! i believe u will survive
21 Aug 2016 | 10:43
Oh! No! Vera Must Not Die
21 Aug 2016 | 13:08
Ur end is near kunle
21 Aug 2016 | 15:46
Too bad!
21 Aug 2016 | 17:42
About 30 to open fire on'd survive this somehow!!
22 Aug 2016 | 02:26
This is serious
22 Aug 2016 | 09:07
Don piccollo is only being greedy
22 Aug 2016 | 09:08
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER.. EPISODE 7.. Continues.. Like a crazed person I ran for cover but my little shed wasn't going to hold any more. the bullets were too much for it, and they flew everywhere so much so that the air smelled like burning lead and taking deep breaths leave a metallic taste in your mouth, me with no gun and no way to get one even from the dead guys was left with no other option but to make a run for it, live to fight another day ' was what don piccolo also taught me, so i scanned around for means of escape and fortunately for me my car was there the one I used to come here, it was parked across the road, I counted down from three and then made a run for it. I ran like mad... bullets weezed past my ears and over my head and by some kind of miracle I got to my car, I started it immediately and started to drive away from there as fast as I can, but I didn't think I had driven far when heard a sudden BOOOOOM! my car shuddered then reverberated and was sent flying up into the air from the force of what hit me which I believed was a grenade fired from a grenade launcher. I crashed into a building, I crawled out of the car, the back of it had been blown away and I had a shrapnel fastened to my feet it had cut deeply and I was imploding with pain, I heard multiple footsteps the were already at the entrance of the building, I looked around to take in the details of the building to find out what i can use. It was an abandoned manufacturing company and I found a whole rack of propane gas, salt, bags of industrial nails everything I need to make all things bright and beautiful, wasting no Time i began to cook mixing stuff adding stuff then I got buckets about six and filled them with my concoction. After that I emptied a bag of nails on each bucket to cause maximum damage. Then I arranged the buckets around where I want most of Don piccolo's men to be (why do I still call him Don when the man is trying to kill me). with a trip wire I rigged a make shift trigger switch. my leg was exploding with pain all the while but I couldn't let that stop me now can I. Taking a deep breathe I limped back down stairs to where the Don's men are to lure them to my trap, on reaching ground level, I saw that they had already been searching room to room on the ground floor looking for me, i stalked behind the nearest one who was alone and isolated from the rest of them. With swift movement, I locked my arm around his neck and squeezed tight till I broke it, he died without making a sound. I quickly grabbed his gun and fired at the Don's men, I killed some and made the rest angry but my objective was completed, I got their attention, so I moved on to stage two : run like hell, I ran like a one legged mad man running for his life, which if you look closely at it, I actually am. When I got to the trap room I hid myself in the only place in the room that would be protected from the bomb's blast and waited till all of Don piccolo's men were inside the room... It was a big room so it accommodated all of them. "what's this in the buckets?" I heard one of them ask "looks like some kind of chemical" another one replied, guess one of them must have seen the wires because I suddenly heard one yell EVERYONE OUT! IT'S A TRA- too late I thought then, as I pressed the bomb trigger and following that action was a resounding thunderous BOOOOOOOOOM!!! That shook the entire building. I waited for about two minutes then came out of hiding to see over twenty-five dead men in the room, the air had burned out so I rushed out of the place limping to get fresh air cos I couldn't breathe in there. I had hoped Don piccolo was among the dead but I know better than to hope for such, because Don piccolo is the most cautious man I know, he sits back and waits and listens for the perfect time to strike. lesson number 4 know your enemy, he had said to me. If I know Don piccolo, now would be the perfect time for him to strike, I'm weak, wounded(and have lost a lot of blood) , exhausted and out of tricks, he can easily walk in and beat me to death and I won't even be able to raise a finger to defend myself. And right as rain the Don came into view clapping "whoa! Kunle you really are a force of nature" he said "all those men I brought here, you took them all out, You look tired though, hope you still have enough fight in you to face me." with laboured breath I replied "you shot that little girl and for that am going to kill you." "weren't you going to kill her yourself? I was there, I watched, I simply helped you do what you you wanted to do, cause pain to your enemy. " the Don said. "I wasn't gonna kill her I never would, am not a monster like you" I told him and he laughed "haha ha, no you are not a monster, look around you, the dead bodies in your wake... You're what monsters fear" he took off his clothes and bullet proof vest then said "come boy, meet your Doom!" Enraged I charged at him yelling Aaaaaaargh as I threw a punch at him with all the force I could muster behind it. But he caught it with his hands saying "was that how I thought you to punch, like a little girl, am betting your sister packs a good punch than you... Hahaha". "you talk to much" I said as I threw another punch but he deflected it easily. Then he punched me, his fist felt like hammer and again and again he rained blows on me, i felt like I was dying, I tried blocking his attacks but it was no use, tried running away but he caught me and slammed me through a glass window, he picked me up like I weighed nothing and then used my head to shatter a wooden box. Why did I try to fight him I asked myself, this guy is twice my size, stronger in every way, hell he taught me all I know, this is a hardened criminal that spent most of his life in prison, even If I was in good condition, i have no chance of beating him in a one on one confrontation. When he was done beating me to stupor, he brought out a curved knife from his pocket and asked "do you know what this is" I knew what it was, I've seen him use it before on people he wanted to kill slowly and painfully but I couldn't answer cos all my body was in an unimaginable pain "it's my spleen knife" he explained "I use it to cut out people's spleen, a spleen can't be replaced or stitched back together so you just bleed out and die in the most slow and painful way imaginable." After that not so helpful explanation, he lifted me with one hand and with the knife on the other he stabbed me, tracing the knife across my belly till he cut out my spleen... I thought I knew pain, but everything I knew about pain was thrown out the window when he cut out my spleen, I cried out so loud i drowned every other noise, and he dropped me and said "for putting me through all this trouble, the little girl you didn't want to kill will die along with the rest of her family by my hand, go and spend the rest of eternity in hell knowing that you brought this on her and her innocent mother" and that, dear reader, was where he Bleep*d up. Telling me he was gonna kill little vera awakened a new kind of power in me the one I should have sought all those years ago instead of the fake power of hate, offence and anger I searched for instead. The power of love, love enough to forgive the offence of others, the power little vera taught me by forgiving me for trying to kill her and her Father, I felt it when she hugged me as tight as she could when I promised I wouldn't hurt her. That love for her that wanted me to protect her gave me the strength I needed to get up as Don piccolo turned his back on me, pick up a sharp thick iron that was on the floor limped quietly behind him and stabbed him in the chest with all my might aiming for his heart and from the sudden gush of blood on his mouth, I guess I hit home, I twisted to make sure, then said to him "you will not lay one finger on that little girl... go to hell before me, be my Herald and announce to everyone you see there that, tell them : kunle Smith is coming." he died before he hit the ground. I looked around at all the carnage and fell too. I wasn't supposed to end like this I thought ... To be continued...
22 Aug 2016 | 10:15
This 1 Na Action O Ghen Ghen
22 Aug 2016 | 14:59
Eya U Tried, Nice.
22 Aug 2016 | 15:42
22 Aug 2016 | 15:55
wow action dis
22 Aug 2016 | 19:36
23 Aug 2016 | 02:21
At least you do good saving the little girl and family
23 Aug 2016 | 07:52
Wao,great job
23 Aug 2016 | 08:30
HOW I CHERISH MY SISTER.. LAST EPISODE 8... Continues.. SO AS I LIE DOWN HERE IN A POOL OF MY OWN BLOOD, WAITING FOR DEATH'S COLD EMBRACE, I COULDN'T HELP BUT ASK THE QUESTION : HOW THE Bleep DID IT COME TO THIS?! (well now you know) I simply should have just killed that pigs wife and lover then leave as I had originally planned to with the money. But when life ends up breathtakingly bleeped you can generally trace it down to one really bad decision that sent you down the road to poo town, for me it was the day I chose vengeance over justice, took matters into my hands, sought the wrong kind of power, followed the wrong people and finally ended up up here. I hear police sirens, I am drifting in and out of contiousness into darkness , I remembered william's words : one choice at our most vulnerable and weakest moment that transcends beyond ourselves to changing others huh? , I saw the light, then I slipped into darkness again, I heard voices "there's nothing we can do for him, he's gonna die anyway", darkness again then I woke up ... saw a woman, "where am I" I asked her. "Martinsville general Hospital, I am Doctor Badmus, Mr Smith, you don't have much time, you have lost a lot of blood and we are not able to stop you from bleeding, now I don't know what happened but your spleen has been cut out, is there any requests you would like to make or any loved one you'd like me to call before... " "yes" I replied "is a Vera Amadi registered Here in this hospital?" "yes, she came in a few hours ago, gun shot wound, but she's okay now, the bullet passed clean through without damaging any vital organs, she has been patched, she's sleeping and her parents are with her in another ward." the doctor told me. "Glad to hear that" I said. "did you shoot her?" she asked. "No no no, but I am the reason she got shot, that's not why am asking about her though ... The thing is she's got a Bleep*d up liver, her father said she's got 5 months tops, and I don't want her to die, I'm a uhh universal donor type so I request that you please give her my liver, transplant it to her so she gets to live a long fulfilled life with her parents, something that was denied me" I told her. Then she asked "Who is this girl to you?" the darkness flashed again, I smiled and said "just somebody that taught me how to love and forgive again.... in the forty minutes that I have known her. " The darkness came again, my eyes was heavy, my whole body was heavy tired, I closed my eyes and then the light came, it expelled the darkness and it was all over. THE END.. It's a short story, there was no need to drag it out for days... Don't forget to share your comments.. If you liked this story... Thanks....
23 Aug 2016 | 10:25
Nyc story bro
23 Aug 2016 | 12:57
[url]Wow..Nice story bro[/url]
23 Aug 2016 | 13:05
wow nice story
23 Aug 2016 | 13:43
Nice story
23 Aug 2016 | 14:53
well, i will try to read it frm d beginning
23 Aug 2016 | 14:55
Nice Story Bt I Cnt Find Like Button,hehehe
23 Aug 2016 | 15:51
Nice bro... Like it
23 Aug 2016 | 16:40
I loved it. Nice masterpiece
23 Aug 2016 | 16:50
9ice story indeed, kunle d hero
24 Aug 2016 | 04:58
Confirm, u no fit die
24 Aug 2016 | 08:46
Nice story dear
24 Aug 2016 | 11:05
Wow, nice story nice ending
24 Aug 2016 | 12:03
Waoooo, its a nice stowie. Weldon.
30 Aug 2016 | 19:41
woooow this is awesome.
31 Aug 2016 | 16:53
woow breath taking and impressive story
8 Sep 2016 | 09:23
Nice story..
10 Sep 2016 | 04:07
Nice story.. Thumbs up to the writer
10 Sep 2016 | 04:07
Nice piece guy
21 Sep 2016 | 19:30
Sounds Like Horror Movie, Its Cool
28 Sep 2016 | 16:55
Awww What A Pity,you Did Good At The End Sha
28 Sep 2016 | 17:20
Best story have read this is love of a SISTER
13 Oct 2016 | 01:57
nice story bro keep it up
26 Oct 2016 | 19:53
Action Packed And Interesting
23 Dec 2016 | 04:43
Really love it
1 Nov 2019 | 05:16


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