Pineapple is a fruit that contains various essential body nutrient & helps in bones fractures.It is used to make fruit juice,made as pudding,added as pizza toppings etc.
Recipe for (2-3 servings).
Ingredients-: 2 medium sized pineapple,1 cup of water, 2 TBSP of sugar, ice cubes.
Steps involved: Cut the crown of the pineapples away & slice the fruit into parts, peel of the skin neatly & rinse cut them into halves & later into little pieces so as to make it fit your juice extractor or blender.
Now pass it through a juice extractor or blender process it to your satisfaction now pour into a strain & strain properly to make it smooth & to do away with it’s chaff add in the water then the sugar & stir properly with a spoon. Refrigerate & serve with ice cubes when it is chilled.
NOTE:The fruit juice is to be refrigerated to prevent fermentation& to keep its taste fresh & healthy.
HEALTH BENEFITS:It helps with bones fractures & osteoporosisis prevented by the manganese in pineapple, it’s also a good source of Vit. C