i started seen double i called one of d gals and I told her if she will be sleeping at my place DAT so much is her bill ,she said 12k imagine,we tik abt d price she later agree on 5k.
she ask me to bring pay her dere,assuming am not high ni ,I suppose to gve her half of d money dere and wen we get to my place I will just balance her but am so high so I just gve her d money..
dere is dis hotel DT i do go whenever am borning or want to be alone,so I called d manager DAT am coming DAT she should prepare my room for me....
i manage to call my mum DAT I will be sleeping in studio,she said no problem abi wat will she say,male child is not easy to raise especially if he is d only son,dats why my life is like DAT...
on getting to d hotel I was so high so on getting dere ,I change my cloth and we sharply go for d first round which last for like 20min after the sex she ask me DAT did I use something DAT my first round lasted for 20mun DAT if we now start d second round nko...
and truth to be told if we start d second round I know I will surely use more dan 45min,I dont know maybe dats one of d tin DAT scared her.....
she told me DAT she want to go and give her sister key at home DAT she will soon be back I said no problem...dats qo she did not allow me to go for second round.... just becoz she know am high...
come to tink of it alcohol is not good oh coz if to say I no drink anything ni my head go dey owk.....anyway dey don teach Me a lesson